善慧 [Śākyamuni] (Jennifer Eichman)
虛堂和尙語錄 [Recorded Sayings of Master Xutang] (Alexander Zubkov)
現住 [current abbot] {Dieter Schwaller}
莫是 [wasn't (he) ...?] {Dieter Schwaller}
見住 [current] {Dieter Schwaller}
遺日 [vaipulya] {Jan Nattier}
遺曰 [vaipulya] {Jan Nattier}
仲山義閑 [Chūzan Gikan] {Stefan Grace}
伎藝天 [Gigeiten] {Stefan Grace}
傳外宗左 [Denge Sōsa] {Stefan Grace}
勘破 [to expose the truth] {Stefan Grace}
喫吉羅 [staff] {Stefan Grace}
大雲義休 [Daiun Gikyū] {Stefan Grace}
完璧 [Wanbi] {Stefan Grace}
宗左 [Sōsa] {Stefan Grace}
寄庫錢 [money for the treasury] {Stefan Grace}
希奇事 [an extraordinary event] {Stefan Grace}
弄鬼眼睛 [to make ghost eyes] {Stefan Grace}
徹翁義亨 [Tettō Gikō] {Stefan Grace}
徹通義介 [Tettsū Gikai] {Stefan Grace}
徽號 [honorary title] {Stefan Grace}
忌諱 [taboos and inhibitions] {Stefan Grace}
感應使者 [Kanō Shisha] {Stefan Grace}
撥轉機關 [to turn the mechanism] {Stefan Grace}
撼不動 [perfectly calm and collected] {Stefan Grace}
擬寒山詩 [Imitations of Hanshan’s Poetry] {Stefan Grace}
擬著 [to apply a standard] {Stefan Grace}
擬議量 [to speculate] {Stefan Grace}
機境 [mental and physical functions] {Stefan Grace}
機嫌戒 [precepts for avoiding criticism] {Stefan Grace}
機梭 [weaver's shuttle] {Stefan Grace}
機栝 [mechanism and precision] {Stefan Grace}
機機相副 [mind and mind align] {Stefan Grace}
機機相應 [mind and mind align] {Stefan Grace}
機機 [mind and mind] {Stefan Grace}
機機投合 [mind and mind align] {Stefan Grace}
機權 [mechanism and expediency] {Stefan Grace}
機權語路 [words of strategy] {Stefan Grace}
機緣純熟 [perfect ripening of conditions] {Stefan Grace}
機關公案 [the mechanism kōan] {Stefan Grace}
欷歔一聲 [to let out a single sigh] {Stefan Grace}
歸元直指集 [Guīyuán zhízhǐ jí] {Stefan Grace}
歸元寺 [Guiyuansi] {Stefan Grace}
歸去來 [come, let us return] {Stefan Grace}
歸去 [returned back] {Stefan Grace}
歸源了性 [to return to the source and realize one's nature] {Stefan Grace}
氣毬 [an inflated ball] {Stefan Grace}
灌佛偈 [buddha-image bathing verse] {Stefan Grace}
甎鏡完璧 [Zhuanjing Wanbi] {Stefan Grace}
疑殺 [profound doubt] {Stefan Grace}
看不透 [cannot see through] {Stefan Grace}
眞龕 [true coffin] {Stefan Grace}
眼橫鼻直 [eyes are horizontal, nose is vertical] {Stefan Grace}
眼腦 [sight and thought] {Stefan Grace}
祇圓 [Gien] {Stefan Grace}
祇園宗 [Gion school] {Stefan Grace}
祇園正儀 [Qiyuan zhengyi] {Stefan Grace}
祇園禪師語錄 [Qiyuan Chanshi yulu] {Stefan Grace}
禪溪祇圓 [Zenkei Gien] {Stefan Grace}
紀綱 [rules and regulations] {Stefan Grace}
綾河義完 [Ryōka Gikan] {Stefan Grace}
義亨 [Gikō] {Stefan Grace}
義休 [Gikyū] {Stefan Grace}
義公 [Yigong] {Stefan Grace}
義完 [Gikan] {Stefan Grace}
義海 [ocean of meaning] {Stefan Grace}
義演 [Gien] {Stefan Grace}
義虎 [tiger of the principles] {Stefan Grace}
義解禪和子 [practitioner of superficial understanding] {Stefan Grace}
義解 [interpretation] {Stefan Grace}
義解詮註 [to annotate the teachings] {Stefan Grace}
義閑 [Gikan] {Stefan Grace}
菊池大仙 [Kikuchi Daisen] {Stefan Grace}
規矩大乘 [precepts Daijō] {Stefan Grace}
觀念寺 [Kannenji] {Stefan Grace}
觀音聰明咒 [Avalokitêśvara wisdom mantra] {Stefan Grace}
觀音經折衷 [Kannonkyō secchū] {Stefan Grace}
觀音懺摩法 [Avalokitêśvara repentance method] {Stefan Grace}
觀音降誕 [Avalokitêśvara's birth] {Stefan Grace}
觀音十大願文 [the ten great vows made to Avalokitêśvara] {Stefan Grace}
記號 [sign] {Stefan Grace}
說規矩 [to preach the precepts] {Stefan Grace}
諱却 [to distance oneself] {Stefan Grace}
議擧住持 [abbot selection] {Stefan Grace}
起骨佛事 [bone-raising ceremony] {Stefan Grace}
起龕佛事 [coffin-lifting ceremony] {Stefan Grace}
起龕 [raising the coffin] {Stefan Grace}
跪香懺悔 [kneeling repentance] {Stefan Grace}
閑不徹 [thoroughly silent] {Stefan Grace}
閒不徹 [thoroughly silent] {Stefan Grace}
雲居道齊 [Yunju Daoqi] {Stefan Grace}
騎牛歸家 [riding the ox home] {Stefan Grace}
鬼家活計 [to make a living in the demonic abode] {Stefan Grace}
鬼家 [demonic abode] {Stefan Grace}
鬼戒 [demonic precepts] {Stefan Grace}
鬼解 [a ghostly understanding] {Stefan Grace}
龜哥 [brother turtle] {Stefan Grace}
龜鏡文聞解 [Kikyōmon monge] {Stefan Grace}
龜鏡文求寂參 [Kikyōmon gujakusan] {Stefan Grace}
龜鑑讀誦 [reading and reciting exemplars] {Stefan Grace}
化跡 [traces of the teachings] {Adipudi Harshavardhan}
占波 [Campā] {Adipudi Harshavardhan}
幻寄 [hallucination] {Adipudi Harshavardhan}
揭伽池 [Gaggarā pond] {Adipudi Harshavardhan}
焦芽 [burnt sprout] {Adipudi Harshavardhan}
四靈 [four spirits] {Charles Muller}
半坐 [(to) sit for a while] {Dieter Schwaller}
受禮 [(to) accept a gift] {Dieter Schwaller}
總是 [always] {Dieter Schwaller}
說開 [(to) explain] {Dieter Schwaller}
道謝 [(to) express one's thanks] {Dieter Schwaller}
Total new DDB and CJKV-E entries this month: 111