DDB and CJKV-E Monthly New Entries June 2024

Significantly Revised

餘緣 [other objects] (Griffith Foulk)

應度 [must be saved] (Erez Joskovich)

六宗 [six schools] (Dieter Schwaller)

New Entries: 78 (DDB Total: 78,303)

影堅王 [Bimbisāra] {Billy Brewster}

數滅無爲 [unconditioned dharma of cessation through the practice of analytical meditation] {Billy Brewster}

牒前生後 [wrapping up the previous section so as to lead into the next section] {Charles Jones}

結前生後 [wrapping up the previous section so as to lead into the next section] {Charles Jones}

現半身 [to reveal half of his body] {Dieter Schwaller}

鐵船 [iron ship] {Dieter Schwaller}

劫盡燒時 [kalpa-ending conflagration] {Erez Joskovich}

斷取 [to eradicate grasping] {Erez Joskovich}

黿鼉 [soft-shelled turtle] {Erez Joskovich}

龍象蹴踏非驢所堪 [donkeys can’t bear the trampling of dragons or elephants] {Erez Joskovich}

一溪宗統 [Ikkei Sōtō] {Stefan Grace}

上昭 [Jōshō] {Stefan Grace}

九峰主拙 [Kyūhō Shusetsu] {Stefan Grace}

乾才 [Kensai] {Stefan Grace}

了然永超 [Ryōnen Eichō] {Stefan Grace}

仁岫宗壽 [Jinshū Sōju] {Stefan Grace}

介石智朋 [Jieshi Zhipeng] {Stefan Grace}

介石禪師語錄 [Jieshi chanshi yulu] {Stefan Grace}

卓洲胡僊 [Takujū Kosen] {Stefan Grace}

南泉寺 [Nansenji] {Stefan Grace}

博山元來 [Boshan Yuanlai] {Stefan Grace}

古范 [Kohan] {Stefan Grace}

太元孜元 [Taigan Shigen] {Stefan Grace}

始祖 [first patriarch] {Stefan Grace}

孜元 [Shigen] {Stefan Grace}

孤岫宗峻 [Koshū Sōshun] {Stefan Grace}

宗叔 [Sōshuku] {Stefan Grace}

宗壽 [Sōju] {Stefan Grace}

宗峻 [Sōshun] {Stefan Grace}

宗晙 [Sōshun] {Stefan Grace}

寂庵上昭 [Jakuan Jōshō] {Stefan Grace}

寰海宗晙 [Kankai Sōshun] {Stefan Grace}

寰海宗壽 [Kankai Sōju] {Stefan Grace}

德見 [Tokken] {Stefan Grace}

快川紹喜 [Kaisen Jōki] {Stefan Grace}

惟三宗叔 [Isan Sōshuku] {Stefan Grace}

提洲禪恕 [Daishū Zenjo] {Stefan Grace}

智朋 [Zhipeng] {Stefan Grace}

曹溪宗壽 [Sōkei Sōju] {Stefan Grace}

曹源寺 [Sōgenji] {Stefan Grace}

月菴宗光 [Getsuan Shūkō] {Stefan Grace}

棠林宗壽 [Dōrin Sōju] {Stefan Grace}

椿叟宗壽 [Chinsō Sōju] {Stefan Grace}

汾陽寺 [Fun'yōji] {Stefan Grace}

法泉寺 [Faquansi] {Stefan Grace}

海明 [Kaimei] {Stefan Grace}

滿願寺 [Manganji] {Stefan Grace}

潭州龍山 [Tanzhou Longshan] {Stefan Grace}

無量宗壽 [Wuliang Zongshou] {Stefan Grace}

獨秀乾才 [Dokushū Kensai] {Stefan Grace}

玄嶂 [Genshō] {Stefan Grace}

玄節 [Gensetsu] {Stefan Grace}

破山海明 [Poshan Haiming] {Stefan Grace}

禪恕 [Zenjo] {Stefan Grace}

禪昌寺 [Zenshōji] {Stefan Grace}

紹喜 [Jōki] {Stefan Grace}

胡僊 [Kosen] {Stefan Grace}

臥龍山 [Wolongshan] {Stefan Grace}

行應玄節 [Gyōō Gensetsu] {Stefan Grace}

闡提無佛性 [icchantika without buddha nature] {Stefan Grace}

闡提毒語 [Sendai dokugo] {Stefan Grace}

闢邪集 [Pixieji] {Stefan Grace}

陝府灌鐵牛 [to pour over the iron bull of Shan prefecture] {Stefan Grace}

陝府 [Shan prefecture] {Stefan Grace}

陞堂 [to ascend to the hall] {Stefan Grace}

陷虎之機 [able to capture a tiger] {Stefan Grace}

隱山下 [Inzan lineage] {Stefan Grace}

隱山 [Yinshan] {Stefan Grace}

雲外玄嶂 [Ungai Genshō] {Stefan Grace}

顧鑑古范 [Kokan Kohan] {Stefan Grace}

龍山 [Longshan] {Stefan Grace}

龍山德見 [Ryūzan Tokken] {Stefan Grace}

龍潭寺 [Longtansi] {Stefan Grace}

龍福寺 [Ryūfukuji] {Stefan Grace}

遼寧 [Liaoning] {Charles Muller}

New CJKV-E entries: 6 (CJKV-E Total: 68,321)

下口 [(to) eat] (Dieter Schwaller)

回互 [meandering] (Dieter Schwaller)

幸然 [fortunate] (Dieter Schwaller)

迢迢 [remote] (Dieter Schwaller)

那個 [that one] (Dieter Schwaller)

面面 [each direction] (Dieter Schwaller)

Total new DDB and CJKV-E entries this month: 84