===> ālepana [ Alepana ]2[ A-lepana ] n. smearing, plastering, anointing (1) liniment (2) ointment cf. Suśr. cf. BhP.

===> āli [ Ali ]1[ Ali ] m. (cf. [ ali ]), a scorpion (1) Scorpio in the zodiac cf. VarBṛS. (2) a bee cf. L. (3) ([ is ] and [ I ]), f. a woman's female friend cf. Kum. cf. Sāh. cf. Amar. cf. Śiś. &c. (4) a row, range, continuous line, a swarm (cf. [ Avali ]) cf. Amar. cf. Kum. cf. Ragh (5) a ridge or mound of earth crossing ditches or dividing fields &c. cf. L.

---> a dike cf. L. (6) a ditch cf. L. (7) a line, race, family cf. L. (8) (mfn.) useless, idle, unmeaning cf. L. (9) pure, honest, secure cf. L.

===> ālikhita [ Alikhita ]2[ A-likhita ] mfn. delineated by scratches, scratched cf. ŚBr. (1) drawn, written, delineated, painted cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās. cf. Ragh. cf. Śak. &c.

===> āliṅga [ AliGga ]2[ A-liGga ] m. a kind of drum cf. L.

===> āliṅgana [ AliGgana ]2[ A-liGgana ] n. clasping, embracing (1) an embrace cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Megh. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. Naish

===> āliṅgita [ AliGgita ]2[ A-liGgita ] mfn. embraced cf. Rājat. cf. Sāh. &c. (1) occupied [ 154,1 ] (2) ([ am ]), n. an embrace cf. Megh

===> ālocana [ Alocana ]2[ A-locana ] n. seeing, perceiving cf. Pāṇ. (1) ([ A ], [ am ]), f. n. considering, reflecting, reflection cf. R. cf. Sāh

===> āloka [ Aloka ]2[ A-loka ] m. looking, seeing, beholding (1) sight, aspect, vision
cf. Kathās. cf. Megh. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Śak. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) light, lustre, splendour (3) glimmer cf. R. cf. MBh. (4) flattery, praise, complimentary language (5) panegyric cf. Ragh (6) section, chapter (7) N. of wk.

===> āloka-kara [ Alokakara ]3[ A-loka-kara ] mfn. spreading or causing light cf. VarBṛS.

===> ālokanīya [ AlokanIya ]2[ A-lokanIya ] mfn. to be looked at (1) visible (2) to be considered, regarded cf. R.

===> ālokita [ Alokita ]2[ A-lokita ] mfn. seen, beheld

===> ālopa [ Alopa ]2[ A-lopa ] m. a morsel, bit cf. L.

===> ālu [ Alu ]1[ Alu ] m. (√ [ R ] cf. Comm. on cf. Uṇ. i, 5), an owl cf. L. (1) ebony, black ebony cf. L. (2) ([ us ] and [ Us ]), f. a pitcher, a small water-jar cf. L. (3) ([ u ]), n. a raft, a float (4) an esculent root, Arum Campanulatum cf. L. (5) (in modern dialects applied to the yam, potatoe &c.)

===> ālāpa [ AlApa ]2[ A-lApa ] m. speaking to, addressing (1) speech (2) conversation, communication
cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. cf. Kathās. cf. Śak. &c. (3) the singing or twittering of birds cf. Kathās (4) statement of the question in an arithmetical or algebraic sum (5) question (6) a lesson cf. Jain. (7) ([ A ]), f. (in music) a particular Mūrcchanā or melody

===> [ AlApa ]1[ A-lApa ] &c. [ A-√ lap ]

===> ālāpana [ AlApana ]2[ A-lApana ] n. speaking to or with, conversation (1) a benediction cf. R. i, 77, 12

===> ālāpin [ AlApin ]2[ AlApin ] mfn. speaking or conversing with cf. Bhartṛ (1) ([ inI ]), f. a lute made of a gourd (2) (in music) a particular interval

===> ālīna [ AlIna ]2[ A-lIna ] mfn. having come close to cf. Kathās. cf. Hariv. cf. Ragh (1) dwelling or abiding in cf. Kathās (2) crouched, stooped cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> ālīḍha [ AlIDha ]2[ A-lIDha ] mfn. licked, lapped by the tongue (1) licked up, eaten cf. R. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh (2) scraped, polished (3) m. N. of a man, (g. [ zubhr^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 123) (4) ([ am ]), n. a particular attitude in shooting (the right knee advanced, the left leg drawn back) cf. Comm. on cf. Kum. cf. Ragh

===> ām [ Am ]1[ Am ] ind. an interjection of assent or recollection cf. Mṛcch. cf. Śak. cf. Vikr. &c. (1) (a vocative following this particle is anudātta cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 55.)

===> āma [ Ama ]1[ Am'a ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. raw, uncooked (opposed to [ pakva ], q. v.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (1) N. of the cow (considered as the raw material which produces the prepared milk). cf. RV. iii, 30, 14, &c. (2) unbaked, unannealed cf. AV. cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (3) undressed (4) unripe, immature cf. Suśr. &c. (5) undigested cf. Suśr. (6) fine, soft, tender (as a skin) cf. BhP. iii, 31, 27 (7) m. N. of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. VP. (8) of a son of Ghṛta-pṛshṭha cf. BhP. v, 20, 21 [ 146,2 ] (9) m. or ([ am ]), n. constipation, passing hard and unhealthy excretions cf. Suśr. (10) ([ am ]), n. state or condition of being raw cf. Suśr. (11) grain not yet freed from chaff (12) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ amārus ] ; Hib. [ amh ], ` raw, unsodden, [ 146,2 ] crude, unripe ' ; Old Germ. [ ampher ] ; Mod. Germ. ([ Sauer-ampfer ]. ]

===> [ Ama ]1[ Ama ]2 m. (probably identical with 1. [ Ama ]), sickness, disease cf. L.

===> āma-kumbha [ Amakumbha ]3[ Am'a-kumbha ] m. a water-jar of unbaked clay

===> āma-pātra [ AmapAtra ]3[ Am'a-pAtr'a ] n. an unannealed vessel cf. AV. viii, 10, 28 cf. ŚBr.

===> āmalaka [ Amalaka ]1[ Amalaka ] m. and [ I ] f. (g. [ gaur^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 41) Emblic Myrobalan, Emblica Officinalis Gaertn (1) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. ChUp. &c. (2) m. another plant, Gendarussa Vulgaris cf. L.

===> āmantraṇa [ AmantraNa ]2[ A-m'antraNa ] n. addressing, speaking to, calling or calling to cf. ŚBr. cf. Sāh. &c. (1) summoning (2) inviting, invitation cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) deliberation, interrogation cf. AV. viii, 10, 7 cf. KātyŚr. (4) greeting, courtesy, welcome [ 146,3 ] (5) bidding adieu, taking leave cf. L. (6) the vocative case (7) ([ A ]), f. addressing, calling cf. L.

===> āmarśa [ Amarza ]1[ A-marza ] [ A-√ mRz ]

===> [ Amarza ]2[ A-marza ] m. touching cf. L. (1) contact (2) nearness, similarity cf. ĀśvŚr. ii, 2, 13, 32

===> āmarṣa [ AmarSa ]1[ AmarSa ] m. (for [ a-marSa ], q. v. cf. T., with reference to cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 137), impatience, anger, wrath cf. L.

===> āmaya [ Amaya ]2[ Amaya ] m. sickness, disease cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Yājñ. cf. R. &c. (1) indigestion cf. L. (2) ([ am ]), n. the medicinal plant Costus Speciosus cf. Bhpr.

===> āmiṣa [ AmiSa ]1[ AmiSa ] n. (probably connected with 1. [ Ama ] (1) fr. √ 2. [ miS ], ` to wet ' cf. T.), flesh cf. MBh. cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) food, meat, prey (3) an object of enjoyment, a pleasing or beautiful object &c. cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. cf. Kathās. &c.

---> coveting, longing for (4) lust, desire (5) a gift, boon, fee cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant cf. L.

===> āmiṣatva [ AmiSatva ]3[ AmiSa-tva ] n. the state of being a prey or preyed upon cf. Hit. &c.

===> āmla [ Amla ]1[ Amla ] [ as ], [ A ] mf. (fr. [ amla ]), the tamarind tree, Tamarindus Indica cf. L. (1) ([ am ]), n. sourness, acidity cf. L.

===> āmla-vetasa [ Amlavetasa ]3[ Amla-vetasa ] m. the plant Rumex Vesicarius (= [ amla° ])

===> āmnāta [ AmnAta ]2[ A-mnAta ] mfn. mentioned, quoted, committed to memory, handed down in sacred texts (1) taught (2) celebrated cf. KātyŚr. cf. BhP. cf. Kum. &c.

===> āmnāya [ AmnAya ]2[ A-mnAya ] m. sacred tradition, sacred texts handed down by repetition (1) that which is to be remembered or studied or learnt by heart (2) a Veda or the Vedas in the aggregate (3) received doctrine cf. VPrāt. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) traditional usage, family or national customs (5) advice, instruction in past and present usage (6) a Tantra (7) a family, series of families cf. L.

===> āmocana [ Amocana ]2[ A-mocana ] n. putting or tying on cf. R. (1) emitting, shedding, &c. cf. L.

===> [ Amocana ]1[ A-mocana ] under [ A-√ muc ]

===> āmoda [ Amoda ]1[ A-m'oda ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ mud ]), gladdening, cheering up cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (1) m. joy, serenity, pleasure cf. R. (2) fragrancy, a diffusive perfume (3) strong smell, smell
cf. Ragh. cf. Megh. cf. Śiś. cf. Kathās. &c. (4) Asparagus Racemosus cf. L.

===> āmodana [ Amodana ]2[ A-modana ] n. rejoicing, delighting cf. L.

===> āmoṣa [ AmoSa ]1[ A-moSa ] &c. under [ A-√ muS ]

===> āmra [ Amra ]1[ Amra ] m. the mango tree, Mangifera Indica cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Śak. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of the mango tree cf. Suśr. cf. ŚBr. (2) &c. (3) a particular weight

===> āmukha [ Amukha ]1[ A-mukha ] n. commencement cf. L. (1) prelude, prologue cf. Sāh (2) ([ am ]), ind. to the face

===> āmukta [ Amukta ]2[ A-mukta ] mfn. put on (as a garment &c.), dressed, accoutred cf. MBh. cf. Rājat. cf. Śiś. &c. (1) put off, left off, undressed (2) let go, discharged, cast, shot off (3) ([ am ]), n. armour cf. L.

===> āmātya [ AmAtya ]1[ AmAtya ] m. (= [ amAtya ], q. v.), a minister, counsellor cf. L.

===> āna [ Ana ]1[ An'a ] m. (fr. √ [ an ]), face [ cf. NBD. ] (1) mouth (2) nose [ cf. Sāy. ] cf. RV. i, 52, 15 (3) exhaling the breath through the nose cf. T. (4) inhalation, breath inspired, breathing, blowing cf. L.

===> ānana [ Anana ]2[ Anana ] n. the mouth (1) the face cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) entrance, door cf. L.

===> [ Anana ]1[ Anana ] under [ An'a ] above

===> ānanda [ Ananda ]2[ A-nand'a ] m. happiness, joy, enjoyment, sensual pleasure cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) m. and ([ am ]), n. ` pure happiness ', one of the three attributes of Ātman or Brahman in the Vedānta philosophy cf. Vedāntas. &c. (2) m. (in dram.) the thing wished for, the end of the drama [ e. g. the VIth Act in the Veṇis. ] cf. Sāh. 399 (3) a kind of flute (4) the sixteenth Muhūrta (5) N. of Śiva (6) of a Lokeśvara (cf. Buddh.) (7) of a Bala (cf. Jain.) cf. L. (8) of several men (9) of a country (10) m. and ([ am ]), n. N. of the forty-eighth year of the cycle of Jupiter (11) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. N. of two plants cf. L. (12) ([ A ]), f. N. of Gaurī cf. L. (13) ([ am ]), n. a kind of house (14) (often at the beginning and end of proper names.)

===> ānandana [ Anandana ]2[ A-nandana ] n. delighting, making happy cf. Hit. (1) civility, courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or guest at meeting and parting cf. L.

===> ānandin [ Anandin ]2[ A-nandin ] mfn. delightful, blissful, happy, cheerful cf. Kathās (1) gladdening, making happy (2) N. of a man

===> ānandita [ Anandita ]2[ A-nandita ] mf ([ A ]) n. rejoiced, delighted, happy cf. Hariv. &c. (1) N. of a man

===> ānantarya [ Anantarya ]1[ Anantarya ] n. (fr. [ an-antara ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 124), immediate sequence or succession cf. KātyŚr. cf. Āp. cf. Mn. &c. (1) proximity, absence of interval cf. MBh. &c.

===> ānantya [ Anantya ]1[ 'Anantya ] mfn. (fr. [ an-anta ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 23), infinite, eternal cf. MBh. &c. (1) bestowing infinite reward cf. ĀrshBr. (2) ([ am ]), n. infinity, eternity
cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) immortality, future happiness cf. MBh. &c.

===> ānaya [ Anaya ]1[ A-naya ] &c. under [ A-√ nI ]

===> [ Anaya ]2[ A-naya ] m. leading to cf. T. (1) leading to a teacher = [ upanayana ], q. v.) cf. L.

===> ānayitavya [ Anayitavya ]2[ A-nayitavya ] mfn. to be brought or led near cf. MBh. (1) to be calculated cf. Comm. on cf. VarBṛ.

===> āndhya [ Andhya ]1[ Andhya ] n. (fr. [ andha ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 124), blindness cf. Suśr. (1) darkness cf. Vet

===> āntarikṣa [ AntarikSa ]1[ AntarikS'a ] or [ AntarIkSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ antarikSa ]), belonging to the intermediate space between heaven and earth, atmospherical, proceeding from or produced in the atmosphere cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (1) ([ am ]), n. rain-water

===> āntarāyika [ AntarAyika ]1[ AntarAyika ] mfn. (fr. [ antar-Aya ]), returning at intervals, repeated from time to time

===> ānuguṇya [ AnuguNya ]2[ AnuguNya ] n. homogeneousness cf. Sāh

===> ānukūlya [ AnukUlya ]2[ AnukUlya ] n. conformity, suitableness cf. Kathās. cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ. (1) favour, kindness, humouring cf. Rājat (2) agreement of minds, friendliness

===> ānulomika [ Anulomika ]1[ Anulomika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ anu-loma ]), in the direction of the hair, in natural or regular order, in due course (1) conformable, favourable, benevolent cf. L.

===> ānumānika [ AnumAnika ]1[ AnumAnika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ anumAna ]), relating to a conclusion, derived from inference, subject to inference, inferable, inferred cf. Āp. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) making conclusions cf. BhP.

===> ānupūrva [ AnupUrva ]1[ AnupUrva ] n. and [ I ] f. (fr. [ anu-pUrva ]), order, series, succession cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) (in law) direct order of the castes cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (2) (generally only instr. [ -eNa ] and [ -yA ], one after the other, in due order.)

===> ānupūrvya [ AnupUrvya ]2[ AnupUrvya ] n. order, succession cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (1) (generally abl. [ -At ], in due order.)

===> ānurūpya [ AnurUpya ]1[ AnurUpya ] n. (fr. [ anu-rUpa ]), conformity, suitableness cf. Sāh

===> ānuśravika [ Anuzravika ]2[ Anuzravika ] and mfn. id.

===> ānuṣaṅgika [ AnuSaGgika ]2[ AnuSaGgika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ anu-SaGga ]), closely adherent, following, concomitant, inherent, implied cf. BhP. cf. Pañcat (1) consistent (2) lasting, enduring cf. Rājat (3) necessarily following, necessary as a result or consequence, inevitable (4) occasional, unimportant, secondary cf. Sāh (5) (in Gr.) elliptical, including or agreeing with words not comprised in the sentence

===> ānāha [ AnAha ]2[ A-nAha ] m. epistasis, suppression of urine (1) constipation cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. (2) length cf. L.

===> ānīta [ AnIta ]2[ A-nIta ] mfn. taken, brought near, &c.

===> āpa [ Apa ]2[ Apa ]1 m. obtaining (1) (mfn.) ifc. to be obtained (cf. [ dur° ])

===> [ Apa ]1[ Apa ]2 m. N. of one of the eight demigods called Vasus cf. VP. cf. Hariv. cf. MBh. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of a constellation cf. L.

===> [ Apa ]1[ Apa ]3 n. (fr. 2. [ ap ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 37), a quantity of water, Mallinātha on cf. Śiś. iii, 72

===> āpad [ Apad ]1[ A-√ pad ]1 Ā. [ -padyate ] (pf. [ -pede ] aor. [ ^apAdi ], &c.) to come, walk near, approach cf. BhP. (1) to enter, get in, arrive at, go into cf. ŚBr. cf. Lāṭy. cf. R. &c. (2) to fall in or into (3) to be changed into, be reduced to any state (4) to get into trouble, fall into misfortune cf. AV. viii, 8, 18 (5) xi, 1, 30 cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (6) to get, attain, take possession (7) to happen, occur cf. ŚBr. cf. Mālav. &c. : Caus. [ -pAdayati ] (aor. 1. pl. [ ^'a-pIpadAma ] cf. AV. x, 5, 42) to cause to enter, bring on cf. ŚBr. (8) to bring to any state cf. Ragh (9) to bring into trouble or misfortune cf. R. &c. (10) to bring near or towards, fetch, procure, produce, cause, effect cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. &c. (11) to procure for one's self, obtain, take possession cf. BhP. (12) to change, transform

===> [ Apad ]2[ Apad ]2 f. misfortune, calamity, distress cf. Mn. cf. Hit. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) ([ ApadA ] instr.), through mistake or error, unintentionally. [ 143,1 ]

===> āpadā [ ApadA ]2[ A-padA ] f. misfortune, calamity cf. L.

===> āpanna [ Apanna ]2[ 'A-panna ] mfn. entered, got in cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. &c. (1) afflicted, unfortunate cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) gained, obtained, acquired (3) having gained or obtained or acquired

===> āpanna-sattvā [ ApannasattvA ]3[ 'A-panna-sattvA ] f. a pregnant woman cf. Ragh. x, 60 cf. Śak

===> āpas [ Apas ]1[ 'Apas ]1 n. (connected with 1. [ ap ]), a religious ceremony cf. RV.

===> [ Apas ]1[ Apas ]2 n. (fr. 2. [ ap ]), water cf. ChUp.

===> [ Apas ]2[ Apas ]3 Nom. (rarely acc.) pl. of 2. [ ap ], q. v.

===> āpatana [ Apatana ]2[ A-patana ] n. happening, appearing cf. Sāh (1) coming, approaching (2) reaching (3) unexpected appearance (as from fate) cf. L.

===> āpatti [ Apatti ]2[ A-patti ] f. happening, occurring (1) entering into a state or condition, entering into relationship with, changing into cf. KātyŚr. cf. APrāt. &c. (2) incurring, misfortune, calamity cf. Yājñ. (3) fault, transgression cf. L.

===> āpaṇa [ ApaNa ]1[ ApaNa ] m. a market, a shop cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kathās (1) waves cf. MBh. (2) commerce, trade cf. L.

===> āpaṇika [ ApaNika ]2[ A-paNika ] mfn. (cf. Uṇ. ii, 45) mercantile, relating to traffic or to a market &c. (1) m. a merchant, dealer, shop-keeper cf. L. (2) tax on markets or shops (3) assize, market-rate cf. L.

===> āpekṣika [ ApekSika ]1[ ApekSika ] mfn. (fr. [ apekSA ]), relative, having relation or reference to cf. Siddh. (p. 418, l. 10)

===> āplāvita [ AplAvita ]2[ A-plAvita ] mfn. inundated, overflowed cf. Hariv. cf. Rājat. cf. Pañcat

===> āpta [ Apta ]2[ Apt'a ] mfn. reached, overtaken, met cf. ŚBr. (1) received, got, gained, obtained cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Hit. cf. Kathās (2) filled up, taken cf. ŚBr. (3) come to cf. Naish (4) reaching to, extending (5) abundant, full, complete (6) apt, fit, true, exact, clever, trusted, trustworthy, confidential cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (7) respected (8) intimate, related, acquainted cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (9) appointed (10) divided cf. Sūryas (11) connected cf. L. (12) accused, prosecuted cf. L. (13) m. a fit person, a credible or authoritative person, warranter, guarantee (14) a friend (15) an Arhat cf. Jain. (16) N. of a Nāga cf. MBh. (17) ([ A ]), f. = [ jaTA ], q. v. cf. L. (18) ([ am ]), n. a quotient (19) equation of a degree cf. L.

===> [ Apta ]1[ Apta ] &c. under √ [ Ap ]

===> āpta-vacana [ Aptavacana ]3[ Apt'a-vacana ] n. speech or word of an authoritative person cf. Ragh. xi, 42

===> āpta-śruti [ Aptazruti ]3[ Apt'a-zruti ] f. a credible tradition (1) the Veda (2) the Smṛtis, &c. cf. T.

===> āpti [ Apti ]2[ 'Apti ] f. reaching, meeting with cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. BṛĀrUp. (1) obtaining, gain, acquisition cf. ŚBr. cf. R. cf. MBh. &c. (2) abundance, fortune cf. ŚBr. (3) quotient (4) binding, connection cf. L. (5) sexual intercourse cf. L. (6) relation, fitness, aptitude cf. L. (7) ([ ayas ]), f. pl., N. of twelve invocations (cf. VS. ix, 20) the first of which is [ Apaye svAhA ]

===> āptâgama [ AptAgama ]3[ Apt^agama ] = [ Apta-zruti ]

===> āpya [ Apya ]2[ 'Apya ]1 mfn. to be reached, obtainable cf. ŚBr. (1) ([ am ]), n. confederation, alliance, relationship, friendship cf. RV. ii, 29, 3, &c. (2) a friend cf. RV. vii, 15, 1 (3) (for 2. [ Apya ] p. 144, col. 1.)

===> [ Apya ]1[ Apya ]2 mfn. (fr. 2. [ ap ]), belonging or relating to water, watery, liquid cf. Suśr. (1) consisting of water (2) living in water (3) m. N. of several asterisms cf. VarBṛ. (4) N. of a Vasu (5) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a class of deities cf. BhP. cf. Hariv. (6) ([ am ]), n. N. of a constellation (7) (for 1. [ Apya ] under √ [ Ap ].)

===> [ Apya ]1[ Apya ]3 n. N. of a plant, a kind of Costus cf. L. (cf. [ vApya ].)

===> āpyāyana [ ApyAyana ]2[ A-pyAyana ] mfn. causing fulness or stoutness cf. Suśr. (1) increasing welfare, gladdening cf. L. (2) ([ I ]), f. an umbilical vein cf. MārkP. (3) ([ am ]), n. the act of making full or fat cf. Suśr. (4) satiating (5) satisfying, refreshing, pleasing cf. Mn. (6) increasing, causing to thrive cf. MBh. (7) causing to swell (the Soma) cf. ŚBr. &c. (8) satiety, satisfaction (9) advancing (10) anything which causes corpulency or good condition (11) strengthening medicine cf. Suśr. (12) corpulency, growing or being fat or stout (13) gladness cf. L.

===> āpyāyita [ ApyAyita ]2[ A-pyAyita ] mfn. satisfied, increased, improved, pleased, gratified (1) stout, fat (2) grown, spread out (as a disease)

===> āpādana [ ApAdana ]2[ A-pAdana ] n. causing to arrive at (1) bringing any one to any state (2) producing, effecting cf. Siddh

===> āpāta [ ApAta ]1[ A-pAta ] under [ A- ] √ 1. [ pat ]

===> āpūrita [ ApUrita ]2[ A-pUrita ] mfn. filled up, full

===> āpūryamāṇa [ ApUryamANa ]2[ A-pUryamANa ] mfn. becoming full, increasing

===> āra [ Ara ]1[ Ara ]1 n. brass cf. BhP. x, 41, 20 (1) iron cf. L. (2) a sting cf. Comm. on cf. TS. (3) an angle (4) a corner (5) m. cavity cf. Sūryas (6) N. of a tree cf. L. (7) N. of a lake cf. KaushUp. (8) the planet Mars, ? (9) the planet Saturn cf. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. a shoemaker's awl or knife (11) a bore (12) a probe cf. RV. cf. Suśr. &c. (13) an aquatic bird

===> [ Ara ]1[ Ara ]2 n. v. l. for [ ara ], q. v., a spoke cf. MBh. i, 1498 (ed. Bomb. i, 33, 4 reads [ ara ])

===> āra-kūṭa [ ArakUTa ]3[ Ara-kUTa ] m. n. a kind of brass

===> ārabdha [ Arabdha ]2[ A-rabdha ] mfn. begun, commenced, undertaken cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) one who has begun or commenced, beginning, commencing cf. R. cf. BhP. (2) m. N. of a king

===> ārabhya [ Arabhya ]2[ A-rabhya ]1 mfn. ifc. = [ A-rabdhavya ], q. v.

===> [ Arabhya ]2[ A-rabhya ]2 ind. p. having begun (1) beginning with

===> ārag-vadha [ Aragvadha ]1[ Arag-vadha ] m. the tree Cathartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula cf. Bhpr. cf. Suśr. (1) ([ am ]), n. its fruit cf. Suśr.

===> ārakṣa [ ArakSa ]2[ A-rakSa ] mfn. preserved, defended, proper or worthy to be defended cf. L. (1) m. protection, guard, preservation cf. Mn. cf. R. &c. (2) the junction of the frontal sinuses of an elephant cf. L. (3) the part of the forehead below this junction cf. Śiś. v, 5 (4) ([ A ]), f. protection, guard

===> ārakṣaka [ ArakSaka ]2[ A-rakSaka ] or mfn. who or what guards or protects

===> ārakṣita [ ArakSita ]2[ A-rakSita ] mfn. guarded, protected cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> ārakṣya [ ArakSya ]2[ A-rakSya ] mfn. to be preserved or guarded cf. R.

===> ārambaṇa [ ArambaNa ]1[ A-rambaNa ] (for [ A-lambana ]), n. ifc. support cf. ChUp.

===> ārambha [ Arambha ]2[ A-rambh'a ] m. undertaking, beginning cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. cf. Megh. &c. (1) a thing begun (2) beginning, origin, commencement cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Megh. &c. (3) (in dram.) the commencement of the action which awakens an interest in the progress of the principal plot cf. Sāh. 324 and 325 (4) haste, speed (5) effort, exertion (6) pride (7) killing, slaughter (erroneous for [ Alambha ], Zachariae, BeitrÂ"ge, p. 20, l. 9) cf. L.

===> ārambhaka [ Arambhaka ]2[ A-rambhaka ] mfn. causing to begin or commence (1) ifc. commencing, beginning cf. BhP. &c.

===> ārambhin [ Arambhin ]2[ Arambhin ] mfn. enterprising, one who makes many new projects cf. Yājñ.

===> āraṇya [ AraNya ]1[ AraNy'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ araNya ]), being in or relating to a forest, forest-born, wild cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. a wild animal cf. ChUp.

===> āraṇyaka [ AraNyaka ]2[ AraNyaka ] mfn. forest, wild, forest-born, produced in a forest, relating to a forest or a forest animal, (the [ AraNyakam parva ] of the Mahā-bhārata is either the whole third book or only the first section of it) (1) m. a forester, an inhabitant of the woods cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. N. of a class of religious and philosophical writings closely connected with the Brāhmaṇas and called Āraṇyakas because either composed in forests or studied there, (the Upanishads are considered to be attached to them.)

===> ārdra [ Ardra ]1[ Ardr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ ard ] cf. Uṇ. ii, 18) wet, moist, damp
cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. cf. Megh. &c. (1) fresh, not dry, succulent, green (as a plant), living cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) fresh, new cf. Kathās (3) soft, tender, full of feeling, warm (4) loose, flaccid cf. Kathās. cf. Megh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (5) m. N. of a grandson of Pṛthu cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (6) ([ A ]), f. the fourth or sixth Nakshatra or lunar mansion cf. AV. cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS.

---> ([ am ]), n. fresh ginger cf. Viṣṇus (7) dampness, moisture cf. Hariv.

===> ārdraka [ Ardraka ]2[ Ardraka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. wet, moist cf. Bhpr. cf. VarBṛS. (1) born under the constellation Ārdrā cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 28 (2) m. N. of a king cf. VP. (3) ([ am ]), n. [ and [ ikA ] f. cf. L. ] ginger in its undried state cf. Suśr.

===> ārhata [ Arhata ]1[ Arhata ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ arhat ]), belonging to an Arhat or Jaina saint cf. Prab (1) m. a Jaina, a follower of Jaina doctrines cf. Prab. cf. VP. (2) a Buddhist, AgniP. (3) ([ am ]), n. the Jaina doctrine, Jainism

===> ārjava [ Arjava ]1[ Arjava ] mfn. (fr. [ Rju ] g. [ pRthvAdi ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 122), straight (1) honest, sincere cf. Kathās (2) m. N. of a teacher cf. VP. (3) ([ am ]), n. straightness, straight direction cf. Sāh (4) rectitude, propriety of act or observance (5) honesty, frankness, sincerity
cf. ChUp. cf. Āp. cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Mn. &c.

===> ārocaka [ Arocaka ]1[ A-rocaka ] [ A-√ ruc ]

===> ārocana [ Arocana ]2[ A-rocana ] mfn. shining, bright cf. Nir

===> ārogya [ Arogya ]1[ Arogya ] n. (fr. [ a-roga ]), freedom from disease, health cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Mn. cf. Gaut. cf. Āp. (1) a particular ceremony (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of Dākshāyaṇi (3) (mfn.) healthy (4) giving health cf. L.

===> āroha [ Aroha ]3[ A-roha ] m. one who mounts or ascends, a rider (on a horse &c.), one who is seated in a carriage cf. R. (1) ascent, rising, creeping up, mounting cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. cf. R. (2) haughtiness, pride cf. Kathās (3) elevation, elevated place, altitude cf. R. (4) a heap, mountain cf. R. (5) increase cf. Sāh (6) a woman's waist, the swell of the body cf. R. cf. BrahmaP. cf. Śiś. (7) length cf. L. (8) a particular measure cf. L. (9) descending (= [ ava-roha ] ?) cf. L.

===> ārohin [ Arohin ]2[ Arohin ] mfn. ascending, mounting (1) one who mounts, rides cf. Pañcat. cf. VarBṛ. (2) leading to, helping to attain cf. Pañcat

===> āropa [ Aropa ]1[ A-ropa ] [ A-roha ], &c. [ A-√ ruh ]

===> āropaṇa [ AropaNa ]2[ A-ropaNa ] n. causing to mount or ascend cf. Kathās (1) raising up, elevating cf. Kathās (2) the act of placing or fixing in or on cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Kum (3) the stringing of a bow cf. R. (4) assigning, attribution, imposition, substitution cf. Sāh (5) planting cf. L. (6) trusting, delivering cf. L.

===> āropita [ Aropita ]2[ A-ropita ] mfn. raised, elevated cf. Kum (1) fixed, placed cf. Kād (2) made (3) charged with (4) strung (as a bow) (5) deposited, intrusted (6) interposed, supplied (7) accidental, adventitious cf. L.

===> ārta [ Arta ]1[ Arta ] &c. 2. [ Ar ] ([ A-√ R ])

===> ārti [ Arti ]2[ 'Arti ]1 f. painful occurrence, pain, injury, mischief (1) sickness cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. KātyŚr. cf. R. cf. Megh. &c. (2) (for 2. [ Arti ] s. v.)

===> āruka [ Aruka ]1[ 'Aruka ] mfn. hurting, injuring cf. TĀr. i, 5, 2 (1) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of a medicinal plant growing on the Himālaya mountains cf. L.

===> ārya [ Arya ]1[ 'Arya ] m. (fr. [ ary'a ], √ [ R ]), a respectable or honourable or faithful man, an inhabitant of Āryāvarta (1) one who is faithful to the religion of his country (2) N. of the race which immigrated from Central Asia into Āryāvarta (opposed to [ an-Arya ], [ dasyu ], [ dAsa ]) (3) in later times N. of the first three castes (opposed to [ zUdra ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ. cf. Pañcat. &c. (4) a man highly esteemed, a respectable, honourable man cf. Pañcat. cf. Śak. &c. (5) a master, an owner cf. L. (6) a friend cf. L. (7) a Vaiśya cf. L. (8) Buddha (9) (with Buddhists [ Pāli [ ayyo ], or [ ariyo ] ]) a man who has thought on the four chief truths of Buddhism (next col.) and lives accordingly, a Buddhist priest (10) a son of Manu Sāvarṇa cf. Hariv. (11) (mf ([ A ] and [ 'ArI ]) n.) Āryan, favourable to the Āryan people cf. RV. &c. (12) behaving like an Āryan, worthy of one, honourable, respectable, noble cf. R. cf. Mn. cf. Śak. &c. (13) of a good family (14) excellent (15) wise (16) suitable (17) ([ A ]), f. a name of Pārvatī cf. Hariv. (18) a kind of metre of two lines (each line consisting of seven and a half feet (19) each foot containing four instants, except the sixth of the second line, which contains only one, and is therefore a single short syllable (20) hence there are thirty instants in the first line and twenty-seven in the second) ; [ cf. Old Germ. [ ^era ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Ehre ] ; Irish [ Erin ]. ]

===> ārya-bhāva [ AryabhAva ]3[ 'Arya-bhAva ] m. honourable character or behaviour cf. R.

===> ārya-deva [ Aryadeva ]3[ 'Arya-deva ] m. N. of a pupil of Nāgārjuna

===> ārya-gaṇa [ AryagaNa ]3[ 'Arya-gaNa ] m. (Pāli [ ayyagaNo ]) the whole body of (Buddhist) priests

===> ārya-jana [ Aryajana ]3[ 'Arya-jana ] m. Āryans (1) honest people cf. Gaut. cf. Vait

===> ārya-miśra [ Aryamizra ]3[ 'Arya-mizra ] mfn. distinguished, respectable [ 152,3 ] (1) m. an honourable person, a gentleman cf. R. cf. Prab. cf. Mṛcch

===> ārya-mārga [ AryamArga ]3[ 'Arya-mArga ] m. the way of the honourable ones

===> ārya-patha [ Aryapatha ]3[ 'Arya-patha ] m. the path of the honest ones cf. R.

===> ārya-putra [ Aryaputra ]3[ 'Arya-putra ] m. [ Prākṛt [ ajja-utta ] ] son of an Āryan or honourable man, (honourable designation of the son of an elder brother or of any person of rank) (1) designation of a husband by his wife (in dram.) (2) of a king by his subjects

===> ārya-satya [ Aryasatya ]3[ 'Arya-satya ] n. (Pāli [ ariyasaccam ]) sublime truth (1) (with Buddhists the [ cattari ariyasaccAni ] or ` four great truths ' are, 1. life is suffering, 2. desire of life is the cause of suffering, 3. extinction of that desire is the cessation of suffering, 4. the eightfold path (below) leads to that extinction.)

===> ārya-saṃgha [ AryasaMgha ]3[ 'Arya-saMgha ] m. the whole body of (Buddhist) priests (1) N. of a renowned philosopher (founder of the school of the Yogācāras)

===> ārya-śīla [ AryazIla ]3[ 'Arya-zIla ] mfn. having an honest character cf. MBh.

===> āryâṣṭâṅga-mārga [ AryASTAGgamArga ]3[ Ary^aST^aGga-mArga ] m. (Pāli [ ariyo aTThaGgiko maggo ]) ` the holy eightfold path ' pointed out by Buddha for escape from the misery of existence: 1. right views, 2. right thoughts, 3. right words, 4. right actions, 5. right living, 6. right exertion, 7. right recollection, 8. right meditation

===> ārā [ ArA ]1[ ArA ] [ ArA-mukha ], &c. 2. [ Ara ]

===> ārādha [ ArAdha ]2[ A-rAdha ] m. gratification, paying homage

===> ārādhana [ ArAdhana ]2[ A-rAdhana ] mfn. propitiating, rendering favourable to one's self cf. Kum. cf. Kathās (1) ([ am ]), n. gratifying, propitiation, homage, worship, adoration cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. Kum. &c. (2) effecting, accomplishment cf. Śak (3) acquirement, attainment cf. L. (4) cooking cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. worship, adoration, propitiation of the deities cf. L.

===> ārādhanīya [ ArAdhanIya ]2[ A-rAdhanIya ] mfn. to be worshipped or adored (1) to be propitiated or conciliated cf. Ragh. cf. Kād

===> ārādhita [ ArAdhita ]2[ A-rAdhita ] mfn. propitiated, pleased, solicited for a boon (1) worshipped, honoured, revered (2) accomplished, effected

===> ārāma [ ArAma ]2[ A-rAm'a ] m. delight, pleasure cf. ŚBr. cf. TUp. cf. Bhag. cf. Bhartṛ (1) place of pleasure, a garden, grove cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) N. of a particular Daṇḍaka metre (3) [ cf. ? and ?. ]

===> ārāmika [ ArAmika ]2[ ArAmika ] m. a gardener cf. Rājat

===> ārāt [ ArAt ]1[ Ar'At ] ind. (abl. of an ideal base [ Ara ] fr. [ A-√ R ] (1) cf. [ Ar'e ]) from a distant place (2) distant (3) to a distant place (4) far from (with abl.)
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Āp. cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (5) near cf. Gaut. cf. Ragh (6) directly, immediately cf. Prab. cf. Kathās. cf. Śak. 131 a (7) ([ t ]), m. N. of a village cf. L.

===> ārāḍa [ ArADa ]1[ ArADa ] m. N. of a teacher of Śākya-muni cf. Lalit.

===> ārūḍha [ ArUDha ]2[ A-rUDha ] mfn. mounted, ascended, bestridden (as a horse &c.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (1) risen (2) raised up, elevated on high
cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. cf. Kathās. &c. (3) undertaken (4) reached, brought to (often used in compounds, e. g. [ indriy^arUDha ], brought under the cognizance of the senses, perceived) cf. BhP. (5) having reached or attained, come into (a state) cf. BhP. cf. Prab. cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. &c. (6) ([ am ]), n. the mounting, arising

===> ārṣa [ ArSa ]1[ ArSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating or belonging to or derived from Ṛshis (i. e. the poets of the Vedic and other old hymns), archaistic cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. a form of marriage derived from the Ṛshis (the father of the bride receiving one or two pairs of kine from the bridegroom) cf. ĀśvGṛ. i, 6, 4 cf. Mn. iii, 21 cf. Yājñ. i, 58 (cf. [ vivAha ]) (2) ([ I ]), f. a wife married by the above form of marriage cf. Viṣṇus. xxiv, 31 (3) ([ am ]), n. the speech of a Ṛshi, the holy text, the Vedas cf. Nir. cf. RPrāt. cf. Mn. (4) sacred descent cf. Comm. on cf. Lāṭy. cf. Yājñ. (5) the derivation (of a poem) from a Ṛshi author

===> ārṣabha [ ArSabha ]1[ ArSabha ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ RSabha ]), coming from or produced by a bull cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. (1) m. a descendant of Ṛshabha cf. BhP. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of several constellations cf. VP. cf. Comm. on cf. BhP. (3) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Sāman (4) a particular metre

===> āsada [ Asada ]2[ A-sada ] m. approaching, meeting ([ dur-° ])

===> āsakta [ Asakta ]2[ A-sakta ] mfn. fixed or fastened to (1) attached to, lying on or upon
cf. ŚBr. cf. Kum. cf. R. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) attached strongly to, intent on (3) zealously following or pursuing
cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛ. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. &c. (4) wound round, encircled (5) accompanied or furnished with (6) following directly, immediately proceeding from (acc.) cf. MBh.

===> āsakti [ Asakti ]2[ A-sakt'i ] f. the act of adhering or attaching one's self firmly behind (1) placing behind (2) waylaying cf. RV. (3) devotedness, attachment (4) diligence, application (5) ([ i ]), ind. uninterruptedly, wholly, throughout cf. ŚBr.

===> āsana [ Asana ]1[ Asana ] 2. √ [ As ]

===> āsana-stha [ Asanastha ]3[ 'Asana-stha ] mfn. abiding on a seat, sitting cf. Mn. cf. Ratnāv

===> āsanna [ Asanna ]2[ 'A-sanna ] mfn. seated down, set down cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. AitBr. (1) near, proximate
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Megh. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) reached, obtained, occupied cf. BhP. (3) ([ am ]), n. nearness, vicinity, proximity cf. R. cf. Kathās. &c. (4) end, death cf. L.

===> āsannatara [ Asannatara ]3[ 'A-sanna-tara ] mfn. nearer (1) [ -tA ] f. greater nearness cf. Hit.

===> āsaṅga [ AsaGga ]2[ A-saGg'a ] m. the act of clinging to or hooking on, association, connection cf. Śak. cf. Kum. cf. BhP. &c. (1) attachment, devotedness cf. Sāh. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) waylaying cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. (3) N. of a man cf. RV. viii, 1, 32 ; 33 (4) of a son of Śva-phalka cf. BhP. ix, 24, 15 (5) ([ am ]), n. a kind of fragrant earth cf. L. (6) (mfn.) uninterrupted cf. L. (7) ([ am ]), ind. uninterruptedly cf. L.

===> āseka [ Aseka ]2[ A-seka ] m. wetting, sprinkling, watering cf. MBh. cf. Kathās

===> āsevana [ Asevana ]2[ A-sevana ] n. abiding in cf. Rājat (1) assiduous practice or performance of anything cf. Pāṇ.

===> āsevita [ Asevita ]2[ A-sevita ] mfn. frequented (1) practised assiduously

===> āsevā [ AsevA ]2[ A-sevA ] f. id. cf. ib.

===> āsita [ Asita ]2[ Asita ] mfn. seated, being at rest (1) one who has sat down, one who is seated or dwells cf. Kathās. cf. R. &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. sitting, sitting down cf. Sāh. cf. MBh. (3) a seat (4) a place where one has lived, an abode cf. R. (5) way or manner of sitting (cf. [ dur-° ]) (6) N. of several Sāmans

===> āspada [ Aspada ]1[ Aspada ] n. (ifc. mf[ [ A ] ]n. fr. [ pada ] with [ A ] prefixed, [ s ] being inserted), place, seat, abode cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Daś. &c. (1) the tenth lunar mansion cf. VarBṛ. (2) business, affair (3) dignity, authority (4) power cf. L.

===> āsphoṭa [ AsphoTa ]2[ A-sphoTa ] m. (and [ A ] f. cf. L.) moving or flapping to and fro (1) quivering, trembling, shaking (2) the sound of clapping or striking on the arms (as made by combatants, wrestlers, &c.) cf. MBh. (3) a species of plant cf. L.

===> āsphoṭana [ AsphoTana ]2[ A-sphoTana ] n. shaking, moving to and fro cf. R. cf. MBh. (1) slapping or clapping the arms or the noise made by it (2) stretching cf. VarBṛ. cf. Suśr. (3) blowing, expanding cf. L. (4) closing, sealing cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. a gimlet or auger cf. L.

===> āsrava [ Asrava ]2[ A-srava ] m. the foam on boiling rice cf. L. (1) a door opening into water and allowing the stream to descend through it cf. Sarvad (2) (with Jainas) the action of the senses which impels the soul towards external objects (one of the seven Sattvas or substances (3) it is two fold, as good or evil) cf. Sarvad (4) distress, affliction, pain cf. L.

===> āstara [ Astara ]1[ A-stara ] &c. [ A-√ stR ]

===> [ Astara ]2[ A-stara ] m. covering (1) a coverlet, blanket, carpet (2) a bed, cushion, Śāntiś. cf. Kathās (3) N. of a man

===> āstaraṇa [ AstaraNa ]2[ A-st'araNa ] [ am ], [ I ] n. f. the act of spreading (1) a carpet, rug (2) a cushion, quilt, bed-clothes (3) a bed (4) a layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice cf. AV. xv, 3, 7 cf. AitBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (5) an elephant's housings, a painted cloth or blanket worn on his back

===> āsthita [ Asthita ]2[ A-sthita ] mfn. staying or sitting on, dwelling on, abiding cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) come or fallen into

---> one who has undertaken or performed cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Mn. cf. Śiś. &c. (2) being, existing cf. BhP. cf. Hit. (3) acknowledging, believing cf. Sarvad (4) stayed, dwelt, inhabited (5) ascended cf. Ragh. cf. BhP. (6) undertaken, performed cf. MBh. cf. R. [ 161,3 ] (7) brought, carried to cf. BhP.

===> āsthā [ AsthA ]1[ A-√ sthA ]1 P. Ā. [ -tiSThati ], [ -te ], to stand or remain on or by (1) to ascend, mount (2) to stay near, go towards, resort to cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. cf. Kum. &c. (3) to act according to, follow cf. R. cf. BhP. (4) to undertake, perform, do, carry out, practise, use cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. cf. Kathās. &c. (5) to side or take part with, be of the opinion of (6) to maintain, affirm cf. Pat. (7) to acknowledge (8) to take care for, have regard for cf. MBh. cf. Sarvad. &c. : Caus. [ -sthApayati ], to cause to ascend cf. Kauś (9) to cause to stay or stop (10) to arrest, stop cf. RV. cf. Kauś (11) to fix into, put into cf. AitBr. cf. BhP. cf. Kathās (12) to hurt cf. RV. (13) to constipate (14) to strengthen cf. Suśr. (15) to introduce cf. Sāh

===> [ AsthA ]2[ A-sthA ]2 f. consideration, regard, care, care for (with loc., e. g. [ mayy AsthA ], care for me) cf. Hit. cf. Ragh. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) assent, promise cf. L. (2) confidence, hope (3) prop, stay, support cf. L. (4) place or means of abiding cf. L. (5) an assembly cf. L. (6) state, condition cf. L.

===> āsthāna [ AsthAna ]2[ A-sth'Ana ] n. place, site, ground, base cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. (1) an assembly (2) a hall of audience cf. Kathās. cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. an assembly, Ratnāv

===> āsthāna-maṇḍapa [ AsthAnamaNDapa ]3[ A-sth'Ana-maNDapa ] m. and n. a hall of audience cf. Hariv. cf. Kād

===> āstāra [ AstAra ]2[ A-stAra ] m. spreading, strewing, scattering

===> āstāraka [ AstAraka ]2[ A-stAraka ] m. a fire-receptacle, grate cf. Bhpr.

===> āstīrya [ AstIrya ]2[ A-stIrya ] ind. p. having scattered over or strewed (1) covering, spreading
cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Lāṭy. cf. Kauś

===> āstīrṇa [ AstIrNa ]2[ A-stIrNa ] mfn. spread, strewed, scattered cf. KātyŚr. cf. Kathās. cf. Ragh (1) covered cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> āsura [ Asura ]1[ Asur'a ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ asura ]), spiritual, divine cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. (1) belonging or devoted to evil spirits (2) belonging or relating to the Asuras cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Prab. cf. Daś. &c. (3) infernal, demoniacal (4) m. an Asura or demon cf. AV. cf. AitBr. cf. Pāṇ. (5) a form of marriage (in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her father and paternal kinsmen) cf. ĀśvGṛ. i, 6, 6 cf. Mn. iii, 31 (cf. [ vivAha ]) (6) ([ As ]), m. pl. the stars of the southern hemisphere cf. Sūryas. &c. (7) a prince of the warrior-tribe Asura cf. Pāṇ. (8) ([ I ]), f. a female demon (9) a division of medicine (surgery, curing by cutting with instruments, applying the actual cautery) (10) N. of the plant Sinapis Ramosa cf. L. (11) the urethra cf. BhP. (12) ([ am ]), n. blood (13) black salt cf. L.

===> [ Asura ]2[ Asura ]2 mfn. belonging to Āsuri (below)

===> āsuri [ Asuri ]2[ 'Asuri ] m. [ [ I ] f. cf. L. ], (fr. [ asura ]), N. of a teacher cf. ŚBr. cf. BṛĀrUp. &c.

===> āsvāda [ AsvAda ]2[ A-svAda ] m. eating with a relish, tasting, enjoying (also metaphorically) cf. Mn. cf. Kathās. cf. Sāh. cf. Yājñ. &c. (1) flavour, taste cf. R. cf. Pañcat. cf. Megh. &c.

===> āsvādana [ AsvAdana ]2[ A-svAdana ] n. the act of eating, tasting, enjoying cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit.

===> āsvādita [ AsvAdita ]2[ A-svAdita ] mfn. tasted, enjoyed, eaten

===> āsvādya [ AsvAdya ]2[ A-svAdya ] mfn. to be eaten (1) to be tasted or enjoyed cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (2) having a good taste, palatable delicious

===> āsya [ Asya ]2[ Asy'a ] n. [ ifc. mf ([ A ]) n. ] mouth, jaws cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. MBh. &c. (1) face cf. Yājñ. (2) (mfn.) belonging to the mouth or face, belonging to that part of the mouth or face, belonging to that part of the mouth which is the organ of uttering sounds or letters cf. Pāṇ. cf. Siddh. cf. Kāś. &c. [ 160,1 ]

===> [ Asya ]1[ Asy'a ] &c. 4. [ As ]

===> āsādana [ AsAdana ]2[ A-sAdana ] n. putting or laying down cf. KātyŚr. (1) reaching, getting possession of cf. MBh. cf. Ratnāv

===> āsādita [ AsAdita ]2[ A-sAdita ] mfn. put down (1) reached &c.

===> āsādya [ AsAdya ]2[ A-sAdya ]1 mfn. = [ A-sAdayitavya ] above

===> [ AsAdya ]2[ A-sAdya ]2 ind. p. having put down (1) reaching

===> āsītakī [ AsItakI ]1[ AsItakI ] f. a kind of plant cf. Lalit.

===> ātapa [ Atapa ]2[ A-tap'a ] mfn. causing pain or affliction cf. RV. i, 55, 1 (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. R. cf. Śak.) heat (especially of the sun), sunshine cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Mn. &c.

===> ātapatra [ Atapatra ]3[ A-tap'a-tra ] n. ` heatprotector ' (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Megh. cf. Kathās.), a large umbrella (of silk or leaves) cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ AtapatrAyita ] mfn. forming an umbrella (as the branches of a tree) cf. BhP.

===> ātapta [ Atapta ]2[ A-tapta ] mfn. refined by heat (as gold) cf. Hariv. 15769

===> ātma-bhāva [ AtmabhAva ]3[ Atma-bhAva ] m. existence of the soul cf. ŚvetUp. (1) the self, proper or peculiar nature cf. Buddh. (2) the body cf. ib.

===> ātma-bhūta [ AtmabhUta ]3[ Atma-bhUta ] mfn. ` become another's self ', attached to, faithful cf. Mn. vii, 217 cf. R. vii, 83, 5

===> ātma-buddhi [ Atmabuddhi ]3[ Atma-buddhi ] f. self-knowledge cf. L.

===> ātma-darśana [ Atmadarzana ]3[ Atma-darzana ] n. seeing the soul of or in (in comp.) cf. Yājñ. iii, 157 (cf. cf. Mn. xii, 91.)

===> ātma-hita [ Atmahita ]3[ Atma-hita ] mfn. beneficial to one's self (1) ([ am ]), n. one's own profit cf. L.

===> ātma-ja [ Atmaja ]3[ Atma-ja ] mfn. self-originated cf. MBh. xii, 12449 (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. R.) ` born from or begotten by one's self ', a son cf. Nir. cf. Mn. &c. (2) N. of the fifth lunar mansion cf. VarYogay (3) ([ A ]), f. a daughter cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (4) ` originating from intellect ', the reasoning faculty cf. L.

===> ātma-jña [ AtmajJa ]3[ Atma-jJa ] mfn. knowing one's self cf. MBh. xii, 12440 (1) knowing the supreme spirit cf. Vedāntas

===> ātma-kāma [ AtmakAma ]3[ Atma-kAma ] ([ Atm'a- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. loving one's self, possessed of self-conceit cf. R. ii, 70, 10 (1) loving the supreme spirit cf. ŚBr. xiv (cf. BṛĀrUp.)

===> ātma-kārya [ AtmakArya ]3[ Atma-kArya ] n. one's own business, private affairs. [ 135,2 ]

===> ātma-kṛta [ AtmakRta ]3[ Atma-kRta ] ([ Atm'a- ]), mfn. done or committed against one's self cf. VS. viii, 13 (1) done of one's self, self-executed cf. R. ii, 46, 23

===> ātma-lābha [ AtmalAbha ]3[ Atma-lAbha ] m. one's own profit cf. Kāvyâd (1) acquisition (of the knowledge) of the supreme spirit cf. Āp. (2) coming into existence cf. Comm. on cf. Nyāyad (3) birth cf. Kād

===> ātma-māna [ AtmamAna ]3[ Atma-mAna ] n. the regarding one's self as (e. g. learned &c.) cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 83

===> ātma-parityāga [ AtmaparityAga ]3[ Atma-parityAga ] m. self-sacrifice cf. Hit.

===> ātma-rati [ Atmarati ]3[ Atma-rati ] mfn. rejoicing in the supreme spirit cf. NṛsUp.

===> ātma-saṃstha [ AtmasaMstha ]3[ Atma-saMstha ] mf ([ A ]) n. based on or connected with the person cf. Mālav

===> ātma-sukha [ Atmasukha ]3[ Atma-sukha ] m. N. of a man

===> ātma-vadha [ Atmavadha ]3[ Atma-vadha ] m. suicide cf. MBh. i, 6228

===> ātma-śuddhi [ Atmazuddhi ]3[ Atma-zuddhi ] f. self-purification cf. Mn. xi, 164 cf. Bhag. v, 11

===> ātmaka [ Atmaka ]2[ Atmaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. belonging to or forming the nature of (gen.) cf. MBh. xv, 926 (1) having or consisting of the nature or character of (in comp.) cf. ChUp. [ cf. [ saMkalp^atmaka ] ] (2) consisting or composed of
cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ paJc^atmaka ] &c.)

===> ātman [ Atman ]1[ Atm'an ] [ A ] m. (variously derived fr. [ an ], to breathe (1) [ at ], to move (2) [ vA ], to blow (3) cf. [ tm'an ]) the breath cf. RV. (4) the soul, principle of life and sensation cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (5) the individual soul, self, abstract individual [ e. g. [ Atm'an ] ] (Ved. loc.) [ dhatte ], or [ karoti ], ` he places in himself ', makes his own cf. TS. v cf. ŚBr. (6) [ AtmanA akarot ], ` he did it himself ' cf. Kād (7) [ AtmanA vi-√ yuj ], ` to lose one's life ' cf. Mn. vii, 46 (8) [ Atman ] in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders, e. g. [ AtmAnaM sA hanti ], ` she strikes herself ' (9) [ putram AtmanaH spRSTvA nipetatuH ], ` they two having touched their son fell down ' cf. R. ii, 64, 28 (10) [ see also below s. v. [ AtmanA ] ] (11) essence, nature, character, peculiarity (often ifc., e. g. [ karm^atman ], &c.) cf. RV. x, 97, 11, &c. (12) the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. (13) the body cf. Ragh. i, 14 cf. RāmatUp. (14) (ifc.) ` the understanding, intellect, mind ', [ naST^atman ], [ mand^a° ] (15) the highest personal principle of life, Brahma (cf. [ param^atman ]) cf. AV. x, 8, 44 cf. VS. xxxii, 11 cf. ŚBr. xiv, &c. (16) effort cf. L. (17) (= [ dhRti ]) firmness cf. L. (18) the sun cf. L. (19) fire cf. L. (20) a son cf. L. ; [ Old Germ. [ ātum ] ; Angl. Sax. [ oedhm ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Athem ], [ Odem ] (21) Gk. ?, ? (?). ] [ 135,1 ]

===> ātmanā [ AtmanA ]2[ AtmanA ] instr. of [ Atman ], in comp. [ but not in a Bahuvrīhi ] with ordinals cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 6 (cf. the Bahuvrīhi compounds [ Atma-caturtha ], and [ -paJcama ].)

===> ātmanīna [ AtmanIna ]2[ AtmanIna ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 9 and vi, 169) appropriate or good or fit for one's self cf. Prab. cf. Bhaṭṭ. (1) (= [ Atm^adhIna ], q. v.) sentient cf. L. (2) m. a son cf. L. (3) a wife's brother cf. L. (4) the jester in a play cf. L.

===> ātmanīya [ AtmanIya ]2[ AtmanIya ] mf ([ A ]) n. one's own cf. Lalit.

===> ātmatva [ Atmatva ]3[ Atma-tva ] n. essence, nature cf. Sāh

===> ātmavat [ Atmavat ]3[ Atma-vat ] mfn. having a soul cf. NṛsUp. (1) self-possessed, composed, prudent cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) ind. like one's self cf. Hit. (3) ([ Atmavat ]) [ -tA ] f. self-possession, self-regard, prudence cf. Mn. xi, 86 cf. Ragh. viii, 83 (4) self-resemblance, proportion, analogy cf. L.

===> ātmâparādha [ AtmAparAdha ]3[ Atm^aparAdha ] m. one's own offence, personal transgression cf. R. v, 79, 5 cf. Hit.

===> ātmârtham [ AtmArtham ]3[ Atm^artham ] ind. for the sake of one's self cf. Kathās

===> ātmīya [ AtmIya ]2[ AtmIya ] mf ([ A ]) n. one's own cf. Yājñ. ii, 85 cf. R. &c.

===> ātreya [ Atreya ]2[ Atrey'a ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 122 cf. Comm.) a descendant of Atri cf. ŚBr. xiv, &c. (1) N. of a physician cf. Bhpr. (2) a priest who is closely related to the Sadasya (perhaps because this office was generally held by a descendant of Atri) cf. ŚBr. iv cf. AitBr. (3) N. of Śiva cf. L. (4) chyle cf. L. (5) ([ 'I ]), f. a female descendant of Atri cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 65 (6) (with [ zAkhA ]) the Śākhā of the Ātreyas (7) a woman who has bathed after her courses cf. ŚBr. i cf. Mn. xi, 87 cf. Yājñ. iii, 251 (8) N. of a river in the north of Bengal (otherwise called Tistā) cf. MBh. ii, 374 (9) ([ am ]), n. N. of two Sāmans cf. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (10) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a tribe cf. MBh. vi, 376 (11) (for [ atrayas ] m. pl. of [ atri ], q. v.) the descendants of Atri cf. MBh. iii, 971

===> ātta [ Atta ]2[ A-tta ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 47) taken, obtained cf. ChUp. cf. Kathās (1) taken away or off, withdrawn from cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (2) seized, grasped cf. ChUp. cf. Lāṭy. &c. (3) perceived, felt cf. Mālav (4) undertaken, begun cf. MBh. xiii, 3567

===> ātta-manas [ Attamanas ]3[ A-tta-manas ] or mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy) cf. Buddh.

===> ātta-manaska [ Attamanaska ]3[ A-tta-manas-ka ] mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy) cf. Buddh.

===> ātura [ Atura ]1[ 'A-tura ] mf ([ A ]) n. suffering, sick (in body or mind) cf. RV. viii cf. AV. xi, 101, 2, &c. (1) diseased or pained by (in comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) desirous of (Inf.) (cf. [ an-Atur'a ].)

===> ātyantika [ Atyantika ]1[ Atyantika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ aty-anta ]), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless cf. Mn. ii, 242 seq. cf. Bhag. &c. (1) entire, universal (as the world's destruction &c.) cf. BhP. cf. Sarvad

===> ātyayika [ Atyayika ]1[ Atyayika ] mfn. (fr. [ aty-aya ] (1) g. [ vinay^adi ], q. v.), ` having a rapid course ', not suffering delay, urgent cf. Mn. vii, 165 cf. MBh. &c. [ 136,2 ] (2) requiring immediate help (as a disease) cf. Suśr.

===> ātāmra [ AtAmra ]1[ A-tAmra ] mf ([ A ]) n. reddish, slightly copper-coloured, cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Ratnāv

===> ātāpin [ AtApin ]2[ AtApin ] mfn. zealous cf. Lalit. (1) ([ I ]), m. N. of a Daitya cf. Kathās (2) v. l. for [ A-tAyin ], q. v.

===> [ AtApin ]1[ AtApin ] [ A-√ tap ]

===> āva [ Ava ]1[ Av'a ] the base of the dual cases of the pronoun of the 1st person (1) Nom. Acc. [ AvAm ] (Ved. [ Av'am ]) (2) Inst. Dat. Abl. [ AvAbhyAm ] (Ved. Abl. also [ Av'at ]) (3) Gen. Loc. [ Av'ayos ]

===> āvaha [ Avaha ]2[ A-vaha ] mf ([ A ]) n. bringing, bringing to pass, producing (1) what bears or conveys cf. Mn. cf. Bhag. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. &c. (2) m. N. of one of the seven winds or bands of air (that which is usually assigned to the [ bhuvar-loka ] or atmospheric region between the [ bhUr-loka ] and [ svar-loka ]) cf. Hariv. (3) one of the seven tongues of fire. [ 155,2 ]

===> āvali [ Avali ]1[ Avali ] [ is ] and [ I ] f. (√ [ val ] cf. T.), a row, range (1) a continuous line (2) a series (3) dynasty, lineage cf. Vikr. cf. BhP. cf. Prab. cf. Hit. &c.

===> āvantaka [ Avantaka ]2[ Avantaka ] mfn. belonging to or coming from Avanti (1) ([ As ]), m. pl. the inhabitants of Avanti cf. VarBṛS.

===> āvantika [ Avantika ]2[ Avantika ] mfn. belonging to or coming from Avanti cf. VarBṛS. (1) ([ As ]), m. N. of a Buddhist school (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Kathās

===> āvaraṇa [ AvaraNa ]2[ A-varaNa ] mfn. covering, hiding, concealing cf. Ragh (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of covering, concealing, hiding cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh (2) shutting, enclosing (3) an obstruction, interruption cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh (4) a covering, garment, cloth
cf. MBh. cf. Kir. cf. Śak. cf. Ragh (5) anything that protects, an outer bar or fence (6) a wall (7) a shield (8) a bolt, lock cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (9) (in phil.) mental blindness cf. Jain.

===> āvaraṇīya [ AvaraNIya ]2[ AvaraNIya ] mfn. belonging to Āvaraṇa or mental blindness cf. Jain.

===> āvarjaka [ Avarjaka ]2[ A-varjaka ] mfn. attracting, propitiating cf. Rājat

===> āvarjana [ Avarjana ]2[ A-varjana ] n. attracting, propitiating cf. Sāh (1) overcoming, victory (2) bending or bringing down cf. Lalit.

===> āvarjita [ Avarjita ]2[ A-varjita ] mfn. inclined, bent down, prone cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) poured out, made to flow downwards cf. Kum (2) overcome, humbled cf. Kathās. &c. (3) ([ am ]), n. a particular position of the moon cf. VarBṛS.

===> āvarjya [ Avarjya ]2[ A-varjya ] ind. p. bending, turning down, &c.

===> āvarta [ Avarta ]2[ A-varta ] m. turning, winding, turning round, revolving cf. R. cf. Sāh. cf. Suśr. (1) whirl, gulf, whirlpool
cf. ŚBr. cf. Megh. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) deliberation, revolving (in the mind) cf. L. (3) a lock of hair that curls backwards (especially on a horse considered lucky), a curl cf. R. cf. Śiś. &c. [ 156,2 ] (4) the two depressions of the forehead above the eyebrows cf. Suśr. (5) a crowded place where many men live close together (6) a kind of jewel cf. L. (7) N. of a form of cloud personified (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. L. (9) ([ am ]), n. a mineral substance, pyrites, marcasite cf. L.

===> āvartaka [ Avartaka ]2[ A-vartaka ] m. a kind of venomous insect cf. Suśr. (1) N. of a form of cloud personified cf. Kum. cf. Ragh (2) a depression above the frontal ridge or over the eyebrows (3) whirlpool (4) revolution (5) excitement of the mind from the influence of the senses (6) a curl of hair (7) ([ I ]), f. N. of a creeping plant cf. L.

===> āvartana [ Avartana ]2[ A-v'artana ] mfn. turning round or towards (1) revolving cf. TS. (2) ([ am ]), n. turning, turning round, returning cf. RV. x, 19, 4 ; 5 (3) circular motion, gyration, churning, stirring anything in fusion (4) melting metals together, alligation cf. L. (5) the time when the sun begins to cast shadows towards the east or when shadows are cast in an opposite direction, noon (6) year cf. MBh. (7) repeating, doing over again (8) study, practising cf. L. (9) m. N. of an Upa-dvīpa in Jambu-dvīpa cf. BhP. (10) ([ I ]), f. a crucible cf. L. (11) a magic art cf. R.

===> āvartita [ Avartita ]2[ A-vartita ] mfn. turned round, stirred round cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. &c.

===> āvasatha [ Avasatha ]2[ A-vasath'a ] m. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 114) dwelling-place, abode, habitation, night's lodging cf. AV. ix, 6, 7 cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Hit. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) a dwelling for pupils and ascetics (2) a village (3) a particular religious observance cf. L. (4) a treatise on Āryā metres cf. T.

===> āvasthika [ Avasthika ]1[ Avasthika ] mfn. (fr. 2. [ ava-sthA ]), being in accordance with or adapted to the circumstances (1) suitable cf. Suśr.

===> āvedha [ Avedha ]1[ A-vedha ] &c. [ A-√ vyadh ]

===> [ Avedha ]2[ A-vedha ] m. swinging, shaking cf. MBh.

===> āveśa [ Aveza ]2[ A-veza ] m. joining one's self cf. KātyŚr. (1) entering, entrance, taking possession of cf. MBh. cf. Śak. cf. Prab. &c. (2) absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea, intentness, devotedness to an object cf. BhP. (3) demoniacal frenzy, possession, anger, wrath cf. Bālar. cf. Kād (4) pride, arrogance cf. L. (5) indistinctness of idea, apoplectic or epileptic giddiness cf. L.

===> [ Aveza ]1[ A-veza ] &c. [ A-√ viz ]

===> āveśika [ Avezika ]2[ A-vezika ] mfn. own, peculiar (1) inherent (2) m. a guest, a visitor (3) ([ am ]), n. entering into (4) hospitable reception, hospitality cf. L.

===> āveṇika [ AveNika ]1[ AveNika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ a-veNi ]), not connected with anything else, independent cf. Buddh.

===> āviddha [ Aviddha ]2[ 'A-viddha ] mfn. cast, thrown, sent cf. Mn. (1) pierced, wounded cf. TS. cf. Ragh (2) swung, whirled cf. Suśr. (3) disappointed cf. L. (4) crooked (5) false, fallacious cf. L. (6) stupid, foolish cf. L. (7) ([ am ]), n. swinging (8) a particular manner of fencing cf. Hariv.

===> āvila [ Avila ]1[ Avila ] mfn. (also written [ A-bila ], q. v.) turbid (as a fluid), foul, not clear cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. cf. Kum. cf. MBh. &c. (1) confused (2) (ifc.) polluted by or mixed with

===> āvir-bhāva [ AvirbhAva ]3[ Av'ir-bhAva ] m. manifestation, becoming visible, presence cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. Sāh

===> āvis [ Avis ]1[ Av'is ] ind. (said to be connected with [ vahis ] and [ ava ] (1) or fr. [ A-vid ] cf. BRD. (2) cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ ex ] ?), [ 155,3 ] before the eyes, openly, manifestly, evidently cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS.

===> āviṣ-karaṇa [ AviSkaraNa ]3[ Av'iS-karaNa ] n. and making visible, manifestation cf. Sāh

===> āviṣ-kṛta [ AviSkRta ]3[ Av'iS-kRta ] mfn. made visible, revealed (1) uncovered (2) evident, manifest (3) known cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. cf. Kum. &c.

===> āviṣṭa [ AviSTa ]2[ A-viSTa ] mfn. entered cf. BhP. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) being on or in cf. BhP. cf. R. (2) intent on cf. L. (3) possessed (by a demon &c.) (4) subject to, burdened with (5) possessed, engrossed (6) filled (by any sentiment or feeling) cf. MBh. cf. AitBr. cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> āvāha [ AvAha ]2[ A-vAha ] m. inviting, invitation cf. MBh. (1) marrying cf. L. (2) N. of a son of Śvaphalka cf. Hariv.

===> āvāhana [ AvAhana ]2[ A-vAhana ] n. sending for, inviting, calling cf. Yājñ. cf. VP. cf. VarBṛS. (1) invocation, invitation (2) ([ I ]), f. a particular position of the hands (the palms being placed together, and the thumbs turned towards the root of the ring-finger) cf. L.

===> āvāra [ AvAra ]1[ A-vAra ] &c. 1. [ A-√ vR ]

===> [ AvAra ]2[ A-vAra ] m. shelter, defence (1) ifc. enclosing, keeping out

===> āvāsa [ AvAsa ]2[ A-vAsa ] m. abode, residence, dwelling, house cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> [ AvAsa ]1[ A-vAsa ] [ A- ] √ 5. [ vas ], col. 1

===> āvṛta [ AvRta ]2[ 'A-vRta ] mfn. covered, concealed, hid (1) screened
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Kathās. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. &c. (2) enclosed, encompassed, surrounded (by a ditch, wall, &c.) cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Rājat. cf. Pañcat. &c. (3) invested, involved (4) spread, overspread, overcast (5) filled with, abounding with (6) m. a man of mixed origin (the son of a Brāhman by a woman of the Ugra caste) cf. Mn. x, 15

===> āvṛti [ AvRti ]2[ A-vRti ] f. covering, closing, hiding

===> āvṛtti [ AvRtti ]2[ 'A-vRtti ] f. turning towards, entering, turning back or from, reversion, retreat, flight (1) recurrence to the same point
cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Bhag. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) repetition cf. KātyŚr. (3) repetition (as a figure of rhetoric) cf. Kāvyâd (4) turn of a way, course, direction (5) occurrence (6) revolving, going round cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. &c. (7) worldly existence, the revolution of births cf. Kap (8) use, employment, application

===> āya [ Aya ]2[ Aya ] &c. p. 147, col. 3

===> āya-dvāra [ AyadvAra ]3[ Ay'a-dvAra ] n. the place where revenues are collected

===> āya-vyaya [ Ayavyaya ]3[ Ay'a-vyaya ] ([ am ]), n. or ([ au ]), m. du. receipt and disbursement, income and expenditure

===> āyasa [ Ayasa ]1[ Ayas'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ ayas ]), of iron, made of iron or metal, metallic
cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ. &c. [ 148,3 ] (1) iron-coloured cf. MBh. v, 1709 (2) armed with an iron weapon cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. armour for the body, a breastplate, coat of mail cf. L. (4) ([ am ]), n. iron (5) anything made of iron cf. Ragh. cf. Kum. &c. (6) a wind-instrument cf. KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 7

===> āyata [ Ayata ]2[ A-yata ] mfn. stretched, lengthened, put on (as an arrow) (1) stretching, extending, extended, spread over (2) directed towards, aiming at (3) extended, long, future
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. cf. Śiś. cf. Kir. &c. (4) m. an oblong figure (in geometry) (5) ([ A ]), f. a particular interval (in music) (6) ([ am ]), and ([ ayA ]), ind. without delay, on the spot, quickly cf. ŚBr.

===> āyatana [ Ayatana ]2[ A-y'atana ] n. resting-place, support, seat, place, home, house, abode
cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. AitBr. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Kum. &c. (1) the place of the sacred fire (= [ agny-Ayatana ]) cf. KātyŚr. cf. ĀśvŚr. and Gṛ. (2) an altar (3) a shed for sacrifices (4) a sanctuary cf. ChUp. cf. R. cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. &c. (5) a plot of ground, the site of a house (6) a barn cf. Yājñ. ii, 154 (7) the cause of a disease cf. Suśr. (8) (with Buddhists) the five senses and Manas (considered as the inner seats or Āyatanas) and the qualities perceived by the above (the outer Āyatanas)

===> āyatanatva [ Ayatanatva ]3[ A-y'atana-tva ] n. the state of being the site of, &c. cf. Vedāntas. &c.

===> āyati [ Ayati ]2[ 'A-yati ] f. stretching, extending cf. RV. i, 139, 9 (1) extension, length cf. Kād (2) following or future time (3) the future, ` the long run '
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. &c. (4) posterity, lineage (5) descendant, son cf. Daś (6) expectation, hope cf. Kathās. cf. Kād

---> majesty, dignity cf. L. (7) restraint of mind cf. L. (8) N. of a daughter of Meru cf. VP.

===> āyatta [ Ayatta ]2[ A-yatta ] mfn. adhering, resting on, depending on (1) being at the disposition of
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Megh. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) exerting one's self, making efforts cf. BhP. (3) cautious, circumspect cf. R. (4) being ready or prepared cf. R.

===> āyudha [ Ayudha ]2[ 'A-yudha ] n. a weapon
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. R. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) implement cf. AV. x, 10, 18 cf. AitBr. cf. Kauś (2) gold used for ornaments cf. L. (3) ([ Ani ]), n. pl. water cf. L.

===> āyudha-jīvin [ AyudhajIvin ]3[ 'A-yudha-jIvin ] mfn. living by one's weapons (1) ([ I ]), m. a warrior cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 81

===> āyukta [ Ayukta ]2[ A-yukta ] mfn. joined with, united, applied to (1) appointed, charged with cf. L. (2) burdened with, slightly joined cf. L. (3) m. a minister, an agent or deputy

===> āyur-dravya [ Ayurdravya ]3[ Ayur-dravya ] n. a medicament cf. L.

===> āyur-veda [ Ayurveda ]3[ Ayur-veda ] m. the science of health or medicine (it is classed among sacred sciences, and considered as a supplement of the Atharva-veda (1) it contains eight departments: 1. Śalya or (removal of) any substance which has entered the body (as extraction of darts, of splinters, &c.) (2) 2. Śālākya or cure of diseases of the eye or ear &c. by Śalākās or sharp instruments (3) 3. Kāya-cikitsā or cure of diseases affecting the whole body (4) 4. Bhūtavidyā or treatment of mental diseases supposed to be produced by demoniacal influence (5) 5. Kaumāra-bhṛtya or treatment of children [ 149,1 ] (6) 6. Agada-tantra or doctrine of antidotes (7) 7. Rāsāyana-tantra or doctrine of elixirs (8) 8. Vājīkaraṇa-tantra or doctrine of aphrodisiacs cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c.) (9) [ -driz ] m. a physician

---> [ -maya ] mfn. acquainted with medical sciences cf. R. (10) [ -ras^ayana ] n. [ -sarvasva ] n. [ -saukhya ] n. N. of wks.

===> āyus [ Ayus ]1[ 'Ayus ] col. 1

===> āyus-tejas [ Ayustejas ]3[ 'Ayus-tejas ] m. N. of a Buddha

===> āyuṣka [ AyuSka ]2[ AyuSka ] n. the being fond of or depending on life cf. Jain.

===> āyuṣmat [ AyuSmat ]3[ AyuS-mat ] ([ 'AyuS- ]), mfn. possessed of vital power, healthy, long-lived (1) alive, living cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Śak. &c. (2) lasting cf. AV. vi, 98, 2 (3) old, aged cf. ĀśvGṛ. (4) ([ An ]), m. ` life-possessing ', often applied as a kind of honorific title (especially to royal personages and Buddhist monks) (5) the third of the twenty-seven Yogas or divisions of the ecliptic (6) the Yoga star in the third lunar mansion (7) N. of a son of Uttānapāda (8) of Saṃhrāda cf. VP. (9) [ -puruSaka ] mfn. giving long life to men cf. Pat.

===> āyuṣya [ AyuSya ]2[ AyuSy'a ] mfn. giving long life, vital, preservative of life, for the sake of life, relating or belonging to it cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) ([ 'am ]), n. vital power, abundance of life, longevity cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. &c. (2) a medicament cf. L. (3) ` vivifying ', N. of a ceremony performed after a child's birth cf. PārGṛ.

===> āyācita [ AyAcita ]2[ A-yAcita ] mfn. urgently requested or desired (1) ([ am ]), n. prayer cf. R.

===> āyāma [ AyAma ]2[ A-yAma ] m. stretching, extending cf. RPrāt. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) restraining, restrained, stopping cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Bhag. &c. (2) expansion, length (either in space or time), breadth (in mensuration) cf. Suśr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. R. cf. Megh. &c.

===> āyāsa [ AyAsa ]2[ A-yAsa ] m. effort, exertion (of bodily or mental power), trouble, labour
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) fatigue, weariness cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Daś

===> āyāta [ AyAta ]2[ A-yAta ] mfn. come, arrived, attained cf. MBh. cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. abundance, superabundance, Kirāt

===> āśa [ Aza ]2[ Aza ]1 m. (√ 1. [ az ]), reaching, obtaining (cf. [ dur° ].)

===> [ Aza ]1[ Aza ]2 m. (√ 2. [ az ]), food (1) eating cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. &c. (cf. [ prAtar-Aza ], [ sAyam-Aza ], &c. (2) [ hut^aza ], [ Azray^aza ], &c.)

===> āśaya [ Azaya ]1[ Azaya ] &c. 3. [ A-√ zI ]

===> [ Azaya ]2[ A-zaya ] m. resting-place, bed (1) seat, place (2) an asylum, abode or retreat
cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Bhag. &c. (3) a receptacle (4) any recipient (5) any vessel of the body (e. g. [ rakt^azaya ], ` the receptacle of blood ', i. e. the heart (6) [ Am^azaya ], the stomach &c.) cf. Suśr. (7) the stomach (8) the abdomen cf. Suśr. (9) the seat of feelings and thoughts, the mind, heart, soul cf. Yājñ. cf. R. cf. Kathās. &c. (10) thought, meaning, intention
cf. Prab. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat (11) disposition of mind, mode of thinking (12) (in Yoga phil.) ` stock ' or ` the balance of the fruits of previous works, which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit, until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank, years, and enjoyment (Cowell's translation of cf. Sarvad. 168, 16 ff.) (13) the will (14) pleasure (15) virtue (16) vice (17) fate (18) fortune (19) property (20) a miser, niggard cf. L. (21) N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia cf. L.

===> āścarya [ Azcarya ]1[ Azcarya ]1 mfn. (said to be fr. √ [ car ] with [ A ] and a sibilant inserted cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 147), appearing rarely, curious, marvellous, astonishing, wonderful, extraordinary cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Prab. cf. Śak. cf. Ragh (1) ([ am ]), ind. rarely, wonderfully cf. Nir (2) ([ am ]), n. strange appearance (3) a wonder, miracle, marvel, prodigy (4) wonder, surprise, astonishment cf. R. cf. Bhag. cf. Śak. &c.

===> [ Azcarya ]2[ Azcarya ]2 Nom. P. [ Azcaryati ], to be marvellous or strange cf. L.

===> āścarya-bhūta [ AzcaryabhUta ]3[ Azcarya-bhUta ] mfn. having a marvellous appearance, wonderful cf. R.

===> āśin [ Azin ]2[ Azin ] mfn. ifc. eating, consuming

===> āśis [ Azis ]2[ Az'is ]1 [ Is ] f. asking for, prayer, wish cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. &c. (1) blessing, benediction (2) wishing for any other cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Kum. cf. Śak. &c. (3) a particular medicament (4) (for 2. [ Azis ] s. v.)

===> [ Azis ]1[ Azis ]2 f. a serpent's fang (1) (for 1. [ Az'is ] [ A-√ zAs ].)

===> āśliṣṭa [ AzliSTa ]2[ A-zliSTa ] mfn. adhering, clung to cf. ŚBr. cf. Kathās (1) embracing cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Śiś. (2) embraced, surrounded (3) twisted round cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> āśrama [ Azrama ]1[ A-zrama ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ zram ]), a hermitage, the abode of ascetics, the cell of a hermit or of retired saints or sages cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Daś. cf. Ragh. cf. Megh. &c. (1) a stage in the life of a Brāhman (of which there are four corresponding to four different periods or conditions, viz. 1st, Brahmacārin, ` student of the Veda ' ; 2nd, Gṛha-stha, ` householder ' ; 3rd, Vānaprastha, ` anchorite ' (2) and 4th, Saṃnyāsin, ` abandoner of all worldly concerns ', or sometimes Bhikshu, ` religious beggar ' (3) in some places the law-givers mention only three such periods of religious life, the first being then omitted) cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. &c. (4) a hut built on festal occasions cf. VarBṛS. (5) a college, school (6) a wood or thicket cf. L. (7) m. N. of a pupil of Pṛthvī-dhara

===> āśrama-pada [ Azramapada ]3[ A-zrama-pada ] n. a hermitage (1) a period in the life of a Brāhman cf. R. cf. Śak. cf. Vikr

===> āśramin [ Azramin ]3[ Azramin ] mfn. belonging to one of the four periods of religious life (1) belonging to a hermitage, a hermit, anchorite, &c. cf. Mn. cf. Kathās

===> āśrava [ Azrava ]1[ A-zrava ] [ A-√ zru ]

===> [ Azrava ]2[ A-zrava ]1 mfn. listening to, obedient, compliant cf. Ragh. cf. Daś. cf. L. (1) m. promise, engagement cf. L.

===> āśraya [ Azraya ]1[ Azraya ] &c. [ A-√ zri ]

===> [ Azraya ]2[ A-zraya ] m. that to which anything is annexed or with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests cf. Pāṇ. cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Suśr. (1) a recipient, the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received (2) seat, resting-place cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. &c. (3) dwelling, asylum, place of refuge, shelter cf. R. cf. Śiś. &c. (4) depending on, having recourse to (5) help, assistance, protection cf. Pañcat. cf. Ragh. &c. (6) authority, sanction, warrant (7) a plea, excuse cf. L. (8) the being inclined or addicted to, following, practising (9) attaching to, choosing, taking (10) joining, union, attachment (11) dependance, contiguity, vicinity cf. RPrāt. cf. Yājñ. cf. Mn. &c. (12) relation (13) connection (14) appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent (15) (in Gr.) the subject, that to which the predicate is annexed (16) (with Buddhists) the five organs of sense with [ manas ] or mind (the six together being the recipients of the [ Azrita ] or objects which enter them by way of their [ Alambana ] or qualities) (17) source, origin (18) ifc. depending on, resting on, endowed or furnished with (e. g. [ aSTa-guN^azraya ], under [ aSTa ])

===> āśraya-bhūta [ AzrayabhUta ]3[ A-zraya-bhUta ] mfn. one who is the refuge or support of another person, protecting, supporting cf. Hit. cf. Nyāyam. &c.

===> āśrayatas [ Azrayatas ]3[ A-zraya-tas ] ind. in consequence of the proximity

===> āśrayatva [ Azrayatva ]3[ A-zraya-tva ] n. the state of [ A-zraya ] above cf. Suśr. cf. Comm. on cf. Nyāyam

===> āśrayaṇīya [ AzrayaNIya ]2[ AzrayaNIya ] mfn. to be applied or resorted to cf. Hit. (1) to be followed or practised cf. Sarvad

===> [ AzrayaNIya ]3[ AzrayaNIya ] mfn. to be had recourse to or taken refuge with Pañcat (1) m. to be taken service with ', a master (as opp. to [ sam-Azrita ], ` a servant ') Rājat.,

===> āśrayin [ Azrayin ]3[ Azrayin ] mfn. assuming, occupying. (a place), taking possession of (comp.) Rājat

===> āśrayâsiddha [ AzrayAsiddha ]3[ Azray^asiddha ] mfn. (an argument) in which the existence of the subject is not established cf. Tarkas

===> āśrita [ Azrita ]2[ A-zrita ] mfn. attaching one's self to, joining (1) having recourse to, resorting to as a retreat or asylum, seeking refuge or shelter from (2) subject to, depending on
cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. cf. Kum. &c. (3) relating or belonging to, concerning cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. cf. MārkP. &c. (4) inhabiting, dwelling in, resting on, being anywhere, taking one's station at cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Yājñ. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (5) following, practising, observing (6) using, employing (7) receiving anything as an inherent or integral part cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. cf. Kum. cf. Pañcat. &c. (8) regarding, respecting cf. Bhag. cf. R. (9) taken or sought as a refuge or shelter cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. cf. Rājat (10) inhabited, occupied
cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. cf. Ragh. cf. BhP. (11) chosen, preferred, taken as rule cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (12) m. a dependant, subject, servant, follower cf. Kum. cf. Hit. cf. Yājñ. &c. (13) ([ am ]), n. (with Buddhists) an object perceived by the senses and [ manas ] or mind

===> āśritatva [ Azritatva ]3[ A-zrita-tva ] n. dependance

===> āśritya [ Azritya ]2[ A-zritya ] ind. p. having sought or obtained an asylum (1) having recourse to, employing, practising, &c.

===> āśruti [ Azruti ]2[ 'A-zruti ] f. hearing, range of hearing cf. VS. (1) promising cf. L.

===> āśu [ Azu ]1[ Az'u ] mfn. (√ 1. [ az ] cf. Uṇ. i, 1), fast, quick, going quickly cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (1) ([ us ]), m. Ved. the quick one, a horse cf. RV. cf. AV. (2) ([ us ], or [ u ]), m. n. rice ripening quickly in the rainy season cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. L. (3) ([ u ]), n. N. of a Sāman (4) ([ u ]), ind. quickly, quick, immediately, directly cf. Suśr. cf. Megh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (cf. Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. [ acu ] in [ acupedius ], [ 157,3 ] [ ^ocissimus ]: of the same origin may be the Lat. [ aquila ] and [ accipiter ].)

===> āśva-yuja [ Azvayuja ]2[ Azvayuja ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. id.), born under the constellation Aśvayuj cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 36 (1) belonging to or occurring in the month Āśvina cf. VarBṛS. (2) m. the month Āśvina cf. Suśr. cf. Mn. (3) ([ I ]), f. (sc. [ paurNa-mAsI ]) day of full moon in that month cf. ĀśvGṛ. (4) Pāryajña or ` small sacrifice ' [ see Indian Wisdom, p. 197, note ] to be performed on the day called Āśvayujī cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. Gaut

===> āśvalāyana [ AzvalAyana ]1[ AzvalAyana ] m. (fr. [ azvala ] g. [ naD^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 99), N. of a pupil of Śaunaka's, author of Sūtra or ritual works (relating to the Ṛg-veda) and founder of a Vedic school (1) (mf ([ I ]) n.) relating or belonging to Āsvalāyana (2) ([ As ]), m. the school of Āśvalāyana

===> āśvina [ Azvina ]2[ 'Azvina ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. like riders or horsemen cf. RV. ix, 86, 4 (1) ([ am ]), n. a day's journey for a horseman cf. AV. vi, 131, 3

===> [ Azvina ]2[ Azvin'a ]2 mfn. (fr. [ azvin ]), belonging or devoted to the Aśvins cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. ĀśvŚr. (1) m. N. of a month in the rainy season (during which the moon is near to the constellation Aśvinī) (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of a kind of brick ([ iSTakA ]) cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (3) ([ am ]), n. the Nakshatra Aśvinī cf. VarBṛS.

===> āśvāsaka [ AzvAsaka ]2[ A-zvAsaka ] mfn. causing to take breath or courage, consolatory, comforting cf. L.

===> āśvāsana [ AzvAsana ]2[ A-zvAsana ] n. causing to revive, refreshing, reviving (1) consoling, encouraging, cheering up cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās (2) refreshment, recreation, consolation, comfort cf. Bālar. cf. Veṇis. &c.

===> āśvāsita [ AzvAsita ]2[ A-zvAsita ] mfn. encouraged, animated, comforted, consoled cf. Daś. cf. BhP. cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> [ AzvAsita ]3[ AzvAsita ] mfn. reanimated, revived, refreshed &c. MBh. R.

===> āśvāsya [ AzvAsya ]2[ A-zvAsya ] mfn. to be acquiesced in cf. Megh

===> āśā [ AzA ]2[ A-z'A ]1 f. wish, desire, hope, expectation, prospect cf. AV.
cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. R. cf. Śak. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) Hope personified as the wife of a Vasu cf. Hariv. (2) as the daughter-in-law of Manas cf. Prab (3) (for 2. [ 'AzA ] s. v.)

===> [ AzA ]1[ 'AzA ]2 f. (√ 1. [ az ] (1) for 1. [ Az'A ] [ A-√ zaMs ]), space, region, quarter of the heavens cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. R. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> āśāvat [ AzAvat ]3[ A-z'A-vat ] mfn. hoping, having hope, trusting cf. Hit. cf. Mn. cf. Suśr.

===> āśī-viṣa [ AzIviSa ]3[ AzI-viSa ] m. a kind of venomous snake cf. BhP.

===> āśīr-vāda [ AzIrvAda ]3[ AzIr-vAda ] [ [ AzirvAda ] cf. Nir. ], m. benediction cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) [ AzIrvAd^abhidhAna-vat ] mfn. containing a word which expresses benediction (as a name) cf. Mn. ii, 33. [ 157,3 ]

===> āśṛta [ AzRta ]1[ A-zRta ] mfn. (√ [ zrA ]), slightly cooked cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. iv, 3, 7

===> āḍhaka [ ADhaka ]1[ ADhaka ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ], q. v. (1) ifc. f. [ I ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 22 and v, 1, 54 cf. Comm.) a measure of grain (= 1/4 droṇa = 4 prasthas = 16 kudavas = 64 palas = 256 karshas = 4096 māshas (2) = nearly 7 lbs. 11 ounzes avoirdupois (3) in Bengal = two mans or 164 lbs. avds.) (4) ([ I ]), f. the pulse Cajanus Indicus Spreng. cf. Suśr. (5) a kind of fragrant earth cf. Bhpr.

===> āḍhya [ ADhya ]1[ ADhy'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (? fr. [ Ardhya ], √ [ Rdh ] (1) or fr. [ Arthya ] cf. NBD.), opulent, wealthy, rich cf. ŚBr. ix (2) xiv cf. Mn. &c. (3) rich or abounding in, richly endowed or filled or mixed with (instr. or in comp.) cf. R. cf. Pañcat. &c. (4) (in arithm.) augmented by (instr.)

===> āṅgirasa [ AGgirasa ]1[ AGgiras'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. descended from or belonging or referring to the Aṅgirases or to Aṅgiras cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (1) ([ 'as ]), m. a descendant of Aṅgiras (as Bṛhatsāman [ cf. AV. ], Cyavana [ cf. ŚBr. iv ], Ayāsya [ cf. ŚBr. xiv ], &c.) cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (2) especially N. of Bṛhaspati cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. [ 131,2 ] (3) the planet Bṛhaspati, i. e. Jupiter (4) ([ I ]), f. a female descendant of Aṅgiras cf. MBh. i, 6908 ; iii, 14128

===> āṣāḍha [ ASADha ]1[ ASADha ] m. (fr. [ a-SADhA ]), N. of a month (corresponding to part of June and July) in which the full moon is near the constellation Ashāḍhā
cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Megh. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) a staff of the wood of the Palāśa (carried by an ascetic during certain religious observances in the month Āshāḍha) cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 110 cf. Kum. &c. (2) N. of a prince cf. MBh. (3) the Malaya mountain cf. L. (4) a festival (of Indra) cf. Āp. i, 11, 20 (5) ([ A ]), f. (for [ a-SADhA ], q. v.) the twenty-first and twenty-second lunar mansions (commonly compounded with [ pUrva ] and [ uttara ]) cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. the day of full moon in the month Āshāḍha cf. KātyŚr. cf. Vait (7) (mfn.) belonging to the month Āshāḍha cf. VarBṛS.

===> āṭavika [ ATavika ]3[ ATavika ] m. a woodman, forester

===> [ ATavika ]1[ ATavika ] m. (fr. [ aTavI ]), the inhabitant of a forest cf. Mn. ix, 257 cf. MBh. &c. (1) a forester cf. Sāh (2) (mfn.) consisting of inhabitants of the forest (as an army) cf. Kām

===> āṭavī [ ATavI ]2[ ATavI ] f. N. of a town cf. MBh. ii, 1175

===> āṭopa [ ATopa ]1[ ATopa ] m. puffing, swelling cf. MBh. iii, 11587 cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) a multitude, redundancy cf. BhP. (2) flatulence, borborygmi cf. Suśr. (3) pride, self-conceit cf. Mṛcch. &c. (cf. [ s^atopam ].)

===> ī [ I ]1[ I ]1 the fourth letter of the alphabet, corresponding to [ i ] long, and having the sound of [ ee ] in [ feel ]

===> [ I ]1[ I ]2 [ Is ] m. N. of Kandarpa, the god of love cf. L. (1) ([ I ] or [ Is ]), f. N. of Lakshmī cf. L. [ also in cf. MBh. xiii, 1220 according to cf. Nīlak. (who reads [ puNyacaJcur I ]) ]

===> [ I ]1[ I ]3 ind. an interjection of pain or anger (1) a particle implying consciousness or perception, consideration, compassion

===> [ I ]1[ I ]4 for √ [ i ]. 5. [ i ]

===> ī-kāra [ IkAra ]3[ I-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ I ]

===> īdṛś [ IdRz ]2[ I-d'Rz ] [ k ] (Ved. [ G ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 83), mfn. endowed with such qualities, such cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Śak. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) ([ k ]), f. such a condition, such occasion cf. RV. cf. AV.

===> īdṛśa [ IdRza ]2[ Id'Rza ] mf ([ I ]) n. or endowed with such qualities, such cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Bhag. : cf. Śak. &c.

===> īdṛśaka [ IdRzaka ]3[ IdRzaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. endowed with such qualities, such cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Bhag. : cf. Śak. &c. (1) [ with the final syllables [ dRz ] and [ dRza ] of these words cf. the Gk. ? in [ 170,2 ] ?, ? in ? &c. ; Goth. [ leika ] in [ hv^eleiks ], ` which one ', [ svaleik-s ], ` such ' ; Mod. Germ. [ welcher ], [ solcher ] ; Slav. [ liko ] nom. [ lik ] e. g. [ tolik ], ` such ' ; Lat. [ li ] in [ t^alis ], [ qu^alis ]. ]

===> īkṣaṇa [ IkSaNa ]2[ IkSaNa ] n. a look, view, aspect sight cf. KātyŚr. cf. Lāṭy. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. cf. Ratnāv. &c. (1) regarding, looking after, caring for cf. Mn. (2) eye cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Śak. &c.

===> īkṣita [ IkSita ]2[ IkSita ] mfn. seen, beheld, regarded (1) ([ am ]), n. a look cf. Śak. 45 a cf. Prab

===> īpsita [ Ipsita ]2[ Ipsita ] mfn. wished, desired (1) ([ am ]), n. desire, wish cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Kathās

===> īpsu [ Ipsu ]2[ Ipsu ] mfn. striving to obtain (1) wishing to get or obtain, desirous of (with acc.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. cf. R. &c.

===> īraṇa [ IraNa ]2[ IraNa ] mfn. agitating, driving cf. L. (1) m. the wind cf. Suśr. (2) ([ am ]), n. uttering, pronouncing cf. BhP. (3) painful and laborious evacuation of the bowels cf. Bhpr.

===> īrita [ Irita ]2[ Irita ] mfn. sent, despatched (1) said, uttered

===> īryā [ IryA ]2[ IryA ] f. wandering about as a religious mendicant (i. e. without hurting any creature)

===> īryā-patha [ IryApatha ]3[ IryA-patha ] m. the observances of a religious mendicant (1) the four positions of the body (viz. going, standing upright.) sitting and lying down) cf. Buddh. and cf. Jain. (cf. [ airyApathikI ].)

===> īrṣya [ IrSya ]2[ IrSya ] mfn. envious, envying cf. L. (1) ([ 'A ]), f. envy or impatience of another's success (2) spite, malice (3) jealousy cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. &c.

===> īrṣyaka [ IrSyaka ]2[ IrSyaka ] mfn. envious, envying (1) m. a particular kind of semi-impotent man whose power is stimulated through jealous feelings caused by seeing others in the act of sexual union cf. Suśr.

===> īti [ Iti ]1[ Iti ]1 f. (fr. 4. [ I ]?), plague, distress, any calamity of the season (as drought, excessive rain, swarm of rats, foreign invasion, &c.) (1) infectious disease cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) an affray cf. L. (3) travelling in foreign countries, sojourning cf. L.

===> [ Iti ]1[ Iti ]2 ind. = [ iti ] cf. R. vii, 32, 65

===> īśa [ Iza ]2[ Iz'a ] mfn. owning, possessing, sharing (1) one who is completely master of anything (2) capable of (with gen.) (3) powerful, supreme (4) a ruler, master, lord cf. Mn. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kum. &c. (5) m. a husband cf. L. (6) a Rudra (7) the number ` eleven ' (as there are eleven Rudras) (8) N. of Śiva as regent of the north-east quarter cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Śak. &c. (9) N. of Śiva (10) of Kuvera (11) ([ 'A ]), f. faculty, power, dominion cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr.

===> īśana [ Izana ]2[ Izana ] n. commanding, reigning cf. ŚvetUp.

===> īśitva [ Izitva ]3[ Izi-tva ] n. superiority, supremacy, one of the eight attributes of Śiva cf. MBh. cf. BhP.

===> īśvara [ Izvara ]2[ Izvar'a ] mfn. able to do, capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf., or with common inf.), liable, exposed to cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. cf. Kum. cf. Hit. &c. (1) ([ as ], [ I ]), mf. master, lord, prince, king, mistress, queen cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Ragh. cf. Mn. &c. (2) m. a husband cf. MBh. (3) God (4) the Supreme Being cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. cf. Yājñ. &c. (5) the supreme soul ([ Atman ]) (6) Śiva (7) one of the Rudras (8) the god of love (9) N. of a prince (10) the number ` eleven ' (11) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. N. of Durgā (12) of Lakshmī (13) of any other of the Śaktis or female energies of the deities (14) N. of several plants cf. L.

===> īśvara-kṛṣṇa [ IzvarakRSNa ]3[ Izvar'a-kRSNa ] m. N. of the author of the Sāṃkhya-kārikā

===> īśvaratva [ Izvaratva ]3[ Izvar'a-tva ] n. superiority, supremacy cf. Prab. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Mṛcch

===> īśāna [ IzAna ]2[ IzAna ] (and

===> [ IzAna ]3[ IzAn'a ]) mfn. owning, possessing, wealthy (1) reigning cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) m. a ruler, master, one of the older names of Śiva-Rudra cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kum. &c. (3) one of the Rudras (4) the sun as a form of Śiva (5) a Sādhya (6) N. of Viṣṇu (7) N. of a man (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā (9) ([ I ]), f. the silk-cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum cf. L. (10) ([ am ]), n. light, splendour cf. L.

===> īṣat [ ISat ]2[ ISat ]1 mfn. (pres. p.) attacking, hurting

===> [ ISat ]1[ IS'at ]2 ind. (gana [ svar-Adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 37 (1) for the use of [ ISat ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 126, &c.) little, a little, slightly cf. ŚBr. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> īṣaṇa [ ISaNa ]2[ ISaNa ] mfn. hastening (1) ([ A ]), f. haste cf. L.

===> īṣā [ ISA ]1[ IS'A ] f. (said to be fr. 1. [ IS ]), the pole or shafts of a carriage or plough (1) ([ e ]), f. du. the double or fork-shaped pole cf. RV. iii, 53, 17 ; viii, 5, 29 cf. AV. viii, 8, 23 (2) xi, 3, 9 cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a plank, board cf. VarBṛS. (4) a particular measure, Śulbas

===> īṣā-dhāra [ ISAdhAra ]3[ IS^adhAra ] m. N. of a Nāga

===> śa [ za ]1[ za ]1 the first of the three sibilants (it belongs to the palatal class, but in sound as well as euphonic treatment often corresponds to [ S ], though in some words pronounced more like [ s ]) . -1

===> [ za ]1[ za ]2 (ifc.) = [ zaya ] ([ giri- ], [ vAri- ], [ vRkSa-za ])

===> [ za ]1[ za ]3 m. = [ zastra ] cf. L. (1) = [ ziva ] cf. L. (2) n. 2. [ zam ]

===> śa-kāra [ zakAra ]3[ za-kAra ] m. (for 2. p. 1045) the letter or sound [ za ] cf. Prāt. (1) [ -bheda ] m. = next

===> [ zakAra ]2[ zakAra ]2 m. (for 1. under 1. [ za ]) a descendant of the Śakas, a Śaka cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-i, 130 (1) a king's brother-in-law through one of his inferior wives (esp. in the drama represented as a foolish, frivolous, proud, low, and cruel man, such as is Saṃsthānaka in the Mṛcchakaṭikā, he speaks the dialect of the Śikas i. e. Śākārī, which employs the sibilant ś, exclusively [ 1046,1 ] (2) hence Śakāra, accord. to some, is for, ` Śa-kāra ', one who uses the letter Śa) cf. Bhar. cf. Daś. cf. Sāh. &c.

===> [ zakAra ]1[ zakAra ] 1. 2. under 1. [ za ] and 3. [ zaka ]

===> śabala [ zabala ]1[ zab'ala ] mf ([ A ], or [ I ]) n. (also written [ zavala ] (1) cf. [ zabara ] above) variegated, brindled, dappled, spotted (in cf. RV. x, 14, 10 applied to the two four-eyed watch-dogs of Yama) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) variegated by, i. e. mixed or provided or filled with (instr. or comp.) cf. Kāv. cf. Sarvad (3) disfigured, disturbed cf. BhP. (comp.) (4) m. a variegated colour cf. W. (5) N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (6) of a man (v. l. for [ zabara ]) cf. Cat. (7) ([ A ]) or ([ I ]), f. below (8) n. water (cf. [ zabara ]) cf. W. (9) a partic. religious observance of the Buddhists cf. ib.

===> śabara [ zabara ]1[ zabara ] mfn. - (also written [ zavara ] (1) cf. [ zabala ] below) variegated, brindled cf. L. (2) relating or belonging to a Śabara (prob. for [ zAbara ]) cf. MBh. (3) m. N. of a wild mountaineer tribe in the Deccan (in later language applied to any savage or barbarian = [ kirAta ], [ pulinda ], [ bhilla ] (4) accord. to cf. L. ` the son of a Śūdra and a Bhillī ') cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. &c. (5) a kind of Lodhra or Lodh tree cf. L. (cf. comp.) (6) N. of Śiva cf. L. (7) (with [ kASivata ]) N. of the author of cf. RV. x, 169 cf. Anukr. (8) of a poet cf. Cat. (9) of a Buddhist cf. ib. (10) = [ zabara-svAmin ] (in [ zabara-bhASya ], q. v.) (11) = [ hasta ] and [ zAstra-vizeSa ] cf. L. (12) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yoginī cf. Hcat (13) ([ I ]), f. a Śabara woman cf. R. cf. Kathās. &c. (14) n. water cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ zambara ])

===> śabda [ zabda ]2[ z'abda ] m. (in cf. DhyānabUp. also n. ifc. f. [ A ] perhaps connected with √ 3. [ zap ], cf. also 2. [ zap ]) sound, noise, voice, tone, note ([ zabdaM ] √ [ kR ], to utter a sound, raise the voice, cry aloud (1) sound is supposed to be sevenfold [ cf. MBh. xii, 6858 ] or eight. fold [ cf. Dharmas. 35 ] or tenfold [ cf. MBh. xiv, 1418 ] [ 1052,3 ] (2) in the Mīmāṃsā it is taught to be eternal) (3) a word ([ zabdena ], by word, explicitly, expressly) cf. ib. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 19 (4) speech, language cf. BhP. (5) the right word, correct expression (opp. to [ apa-zabda ]) cf. Pat. (6) the sacred syllable Om, AmṛtUp. (7) (in gram.) a declinable word or a word-termination, affix cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch. (8) a name, appellation, title cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ tacchabdAt ] ', because it is socalled ' cf. KātyŚr.) (9) a technical term cf. TPrāt. (10) verbal communication or testimony, oral tradition, verbal authority or evidence (as one of the Pramāṇas, q. v.) cf. Nyāyas. cf. Sarvad

===> śabda-brahman [ zabdabrahman ]3[ z'abda-brahman ] n. word-brahman ', the Veda considered as a revealed sound or word and identified with the Supreme cf. MaitrUp. cf. Pur. (1) [ °ma-maya ] mf ([ t ]) n. consisting in the Veda identified with Brahman cf. Pañcar.

===> śabda-tanmātra [ zabdatanmAtra ]3[ z'abda-tanmAtra ] n. the subtle element of sounds cf. MW.

===> śabda-vedha [ zabdavedha ]3[ z'abda-vedha ] mfn. = [ vedhin ] (applied to an arrow) cf. Pañcad (1) m. the act of shooting at or hitting an invisible object the sound of which is only heard cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Divyâv

===> śabda-vidyā [ zabdavidyA ]3[ z'abda-vidyA ] f. ` science of sounds or words ', grammar, philology cf. Daś. cf. Śiś. (1) [ -zAstra ] n. id. cf. Buddh. (2) [ °dy^op^adhyAya ] m. a teacher of grammar cf. Rājat

===> śabda-śāstra [ zabdazAstra ]3[ z'abda-zAstra ] n. = [ -zAsana ] cf. Vcar. (also N. of a partic. grammar)

===> śabdaka [ zabdaka ]2[ zabdaka ] m. = [ zabda ], a sound cf. AgP.

===> śabdatva [ zabdatva ]3[ z'abda-tva ] n. the condition or nature of sounds cf. Tarkas (1) [ -jAti-pramANa ] n. N. of wk.

===> śabdârtha [ zabdArtha ]3[ zabd^artha ] m. (du.) sound (or word) and sense cf. Sāh. (cf. [ artha-zabdau ] g. [ rAja-dant^adi ]) (1) the nature or meaning of sounds cf. VPrāt. (2) the meaning of a word ([ zabdazabd^artha-maJjUSA ]) (3) sense or meaning of oral tradition (as a source of knowledge (4) cf. comp.) (5) [ -kalpataru ] m. N. of a lexicon (6) [ -garbha-vat ] mfn. containing (virtually) sound and meaning cf. RāmatUp. (7) [ -candrikA ] f. ([ °k^oddhAra ], m.), [ -cintAmaNi ] m. [ -tark^amRta ] n. [ -nirvocana ] n. ([ °na-khaNDaNa ] n.), [ -maJjarI ] f. [ -ratna ] n. [ -ratn^akara ] m. [ -ratn^avalI ] f. [ -rahasya ] n. [ -sam'aIpikA ] f. [ -sAra-maJjarI ] f. N. of wks. (8) [ °th^arambhaNa ] mfn. beginning with the meaning or force of oral tradition cf. Āpast (9) N. of a ch. of the Tattva-cintāmaṇy-āloka. [ 1053,3 ]

===> śacī [ zacI ]2[ z'acI ] f. the rendering of powerful or mighty help, assistance, aid (esp. said of the deeds of Indra and the Aśvins, instr. [ z'acyA ] and [ z'acIbhis ], often = ` mightily ' or, helpfully ') cf. RV. (1) kindness, favour, grace cf. ib. cf. AV. cf. AitBr. [ 1048,2 ] (2) skill, dexterity cf. RV. cf. VS. (3) speech, power of speech, eloquence cf. Naigh (4) N. of the wife of Indra (derived fr. [ zacI-pati ], q. v.) cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. MBh. &c. (5) of the authoress of cf. RV. x, 159 (having the patr. Paulomi) cf. Anukr. (6) Asparagus Racemosus cf. L. (7) a kind of coitus cf. L.

===> śacī-pati [ zacIpati ]3[ z'acI-p'ati ] ([ z'acI- ]), m. lord of might or help (applied to Indra and the Aśvins) cf. RV. cf. AV. (1) N. of Indra cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ kSiti-z° ])

===> śaikṣa [ zaikSa ]1[ zaikSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zikSA ]) in accordance with right teaching or with rule, correct cf. MBh. (1) m. a young Brāhman pupil studying with his preceptor, one who has recently begun to repeat the Veda cf. L.

===> śaikṣya [ zaikSya ]2[ zaikSya ] mfn. (v. l. for [ zaikSa ]) conformable to right teaching or to rule, correct cf. MBh. (1) n. learning, skill cf. MW.

===> śaila [ zaila ]1[ zaila ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zilA ]) made of stone, stony, rocky cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) stone-like, rigid (with [ Asana ] n. a partic. manner of sitting) cf. Cat. (2) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a rock, crag, hill, mountain (there are seven [ or, accord., to some, eight ] mythical mountain ranges separating the divisions of the earth, viz. [ niSadha ], [ hema-kUTa ], [ nIla ], [ zveta ], [ zRn4gin ], [ mAlyavat ], [ gandha-mAdana ] cf. VP.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) N. of the number ` seven ' cf. Gaṇit (4) a dike cf. MW. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a nun cf. Divyâv (6) ([ I ]), f. below (7) n. (only cf. L.) benzoin or storax (8) bitumen (9) a sort of collyrium

===> śaila-bhitti [ zailabhitti ]3[ zaila-bhitti ] f. an instrument for breaking or cutting stones cf. L.

===> śaila-bāhu [ zailabAhu ]3[ zaila-bAhu ] m. N. of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh.

===> śaila-rāja [ zailarAja ]3[ zaila-rAja ] m. id. cf. Kāv (1) N. of Indra-kīla cf. MW. (2) [ -duhitR ] f. patr. of Pārvatī cf. Cat. (3) [ -sUtA ] f. id. cf. R. (4) patr. of Gaṅgā cf. ib.

===> śaileya [ zaileya ]2[ zaileya ] mfn. rocky, stony, mountain-like, hard cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 102 (1) produced in mountains or rocks cf. W. (2) m. n. bitumen (of virious kinds)
cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (3) benzoin cf. L. (4) a kind of lichen cf. L. (5) m. a bee cf. L. (6) alion cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. patr. of Pārvatī cf. L. (8) n. Anethum Graveolens cf. L. (9) rock-salt cf. L.

===> śairīṣa [ zairISa ]1[ zairISa ] m. (fr. [ zirISa ]) coming from the Acacia Sirissa cf. Suśr. (1) having the colour of Acacia Sirissa cf. VarBṛS. (2) n. N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> śairīṣaka [ zairISaka ]2[ zairISaka ] mfn. g. [ arIhaN^adi ] (1) (prob.) n. N. of a place cf. Divyâv

===> śaithilika [ zaithilika ]1[ zaithilika ] mfn. (fr. [ zithila ]) loose, lax, slack, idle cf. Lalit.

===> śaitya [ zaitya ]1[ zaitya ] n. (fr. [ zIta ]) coldness, frigidity, cold cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c.

===> śaiva [ zaiva ]1[ zaiva ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ ziva ]) relating or belonging or sacred to the god Śiva, coming or derived from Śiva cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. &c. (1) m. patr. fr. [ ziva ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 112 (2) ` a worshipper or follower of Śiva ', N. of one of the three great divisions of modern Hindūism (the other two being the Vaishṇavas and Śāktas, qq. vv (3) the Śaivas identify Śiva-rather than Brahmā and Viṣṇu-with the Supreme Being and are exclusively devoted to his worship, regarding him as the source and essence of the universe as well as its disintegrator and destroyer (4) the temples dedicated to him in his reproducing and vivifying character [ as denoted by the Liṅga, q. v. ] are scattered all over India (5) the various sects of Śaivas are described in cf. RTL. 86 &c.) (6) a particular religious rite in honour of Durgā (consisting of devout meditation and prostration of the body) cf. MW. (7) the thorn-apple cf. L. (8) a kind of plant (= [ vasuka ]) cf. L. (9) (with Jainas), N. of the fifth black Vāsudeva cf. L. (10) ([ I ]), f. N. of the goddess Mānasā cf. Cat. (11) n. auspiciousness, welfare, prosperity cf. BhP. (12) N. of a Śāstra and of a Tantra and of a Purāṇa (below)

===> [ zaiva ]2[ zaiva ]2 Vṛddhi form of [ ziva ] in comp.

===> [ zaiva ]1[ zaiva ]3 n. a kind of aquatic plant, Blyxa Octandra cf. L.

===> [ zaiva ]1[ zaiva ]4 w. r. for [ zaiba ]

===> śaivala [ zaivala ]2[ zaivala ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. [ zevala ]), Blyxa Octandra (a kind of duck-weed or green moss-like plant growing in pools and often alluded to in poetry)
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a mountain cf. R. (2) of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh. (3) (pl.) of a people cf. MBh. (C. [ zaibAla ]) (4) n. the (fragrant) wood of Cerasus Puddum (used in medicine) cf. L.

===> śakandhu [ zakandhu ]2[ zakandhu ] n. (perhaps for [ zakan-andhu ]) a dung-well (?) cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 cf. Vārtt. 4

===> śakaṭa [ zakaTa ]1[ zakaTa ] n. (rarely m. of doubtful derivation) a cart, waggon, car, carriage cf. Nir. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c. (1) (with [ prAjApatyam ], or [ rohiNyAH ], cf. [ rohiNI-z° ]) the five stars forming the asterism Rohiṇī compared to a cart cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (2) (only) n. a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when all the planets are in the Ist and 7th house) cf. VarBṛS. (3) m. n. a form of military array resembling a wedge cf. Mn. vii, 187 (4) m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis cf. L. (5) Arum Colacasia cf. L. (6) an implement for preparing grain cf. MW. (7) w. r. for [ zAkaTa ], q. v. (8) N. of a man, g., [ naD^adi ] (9) of a demon slain by the child Kṛshṇa cf. Śiś. (10) m. or n. (?) N. of a place cf. Cat. (11) ([ I ]), f. below

===> śakra [ zakra ]2[ zakr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. strong, powerful, mighty (applied to various gods, but esp. to Indra)
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TBr. cf. Lāṭy (1) m. N. of Indra cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) of an Āditya cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (3) of the number, fourteen ' cf. Gaṇit (4) Wrightia Antidysenterica cf. L. (5) Terminalia Arjuna cf. L.

===> śakra-rūpa [ zakrarUpa ]3[ zakr'a-rUpa ] mfn. having the form of lowering cf. MW.

===> śakratva [ zakratva ]3[ zakr'a-tva ] n. Indra's power or dignity cf. MBh.

===> śakrâbhilagna-ratna [ zakrAbhilagnaratna ]3[ zakr^abhilagnaratna ] n. a partic. gem cf. L.

===> śakta [ zakta ]1[ zakta ] [ zakti ] &c. p. 1044, col. 2

===> śakti [ zakti ]2[ z'akti ] or f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability ([ zaktyA ] or [ Atma-z° ] or [ sva-z° ], ` according to ability '

===> [ zakti ]3[ zakt'i ] f. power, ability, strength, might, effort, energy, capability ([ zaktyA ] or [ Atma-z° ] or [ sva-z° ], ` according to ability ' (1) [ paraM zaktyA ], with all one's might ' (2) [ vitta-zaktyA ], ` according to the capability of one's property ' (3) [ zaktim a-hApayitvA ], ` not relaxing one's efforts, exerting all one's strength '), faculty, skill, capacity for, power over (gen., loc., dat., or inf.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) cf. ŚārṅgS. (5) regal power (consisting of three parts, [ prabhutva ], personal pre-eminence (6) [ mantra ], good counsel, and [ utsAha ], energy) cf. Kām. (cf. cf. Ragh. iii, 13)

---> the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the Śākta (q. v.) sect of Hindūs under various names (sometimes only three, sometimes eight Śakti goddesses are enumerated, as follow, Indrāṇi, Vaishṇavī, Śāntā, Brahmāṇī, Kaumāri, Nārasiṃhī, Vārāhī, and Māheśvarī, but some substitute Cāmuṇḍā and Cāṇdikā for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine, viz. Vaishṇavī, Brahmāṇi, Raudri, Māheśvarī, Nārasiṃhī, Vārāhī, Indraṇī, Kārttikī, and Pradhānā: others reckon fifty different forms of the Śakti of Viṣṇu besides Lakshmī, some of these are Kīrtti, Kānti, Tushṭi, Pushṭā, Dhṛti. Śānti, Kriyā, Dayā, Medhā &c. (7) and fifty forms of the Śakti of Śiva or Rudra besides Durgā ' or Gaurī, some of whom are Guṇ^odarī, Virajā, Sālmali, Lol^akshi, Vartul^akshī, Dīrgha-ghoṇā, Sudirgha-mukhī, Go-mukhī, Dirgha-jihvā, Kuṇḍ^odarī, Ardha-keśī, Vikṛta-mukhī, Jvālā-mukhi, Ulkāmukhi &c. (8) Sarasvati is also named as a Śakti, both of Viṣṇu and Rudra: according to the Vāyu-Purāṇa the female nature of Rudra became twofold, one half [ asita ] or white, and the other [ sita ] or black, each of these again becoming manifold, those of the white or mild nature included Lakshmī, Sarasvati, Gaurī, Umā &c. (9) those of the dark and fierce nature, Durgā, Kāli &c.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. (cf. cf. RTL. 181 &c. cf. MWB. 216) (10) the female organ (as worshipped by the Śākta sect either actually or symbolically) cf. RTL. 140 (11) the power or signification of a word (defined in the Nyāya as [ padasya pad^arthe ] [ sambandhaH ] i. e. ` the relation of a word to the thing designated ') cf. Bhāshāp. cf. Sāh (12) (in Gram.) case-power, the idea conveyed by a case (= [ kAraka ]) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 7 cf. Sch. (13) the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula cf. Up. cf. Pañcar. (14) the creative power or imagination (of a poet) cf. Kāvyâd (15) help, aid, assistance, gift, bestowal cf. RV. (16) a spear, lance, pike, dart cf. RV. &c. (also [ zaktI ] g. [ bahv-Adi ]) (17) a sword cf. MW. (18) (prob.) a flag-staff ([ ratha-z° ]) [ 1044,3 ] (19) a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th astrological house), VirBṛS. (20) m. N. of a Muni or sage (the eldest of Vasishṭha's hundred sons (21) accord. to cf. VP. he was father of Parāśara, and was devoured by king Kalmāsha-pāda, when changed to a man-eating Rākshasa, in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage (22) he is represented as having overcome Viśvāmitra at the sacrifice of king Saudāsa (23) he is regarded as the author of cf. RV. vii, 32, 26 ; ix, 97, 19-21 ; 108, 3 ; 14-16 (24) Śakti is also identified with one of the Vylāsas, and with Avalokit^eśvara, and has elsewhere the patr. Jātukarna and Sāṃkṛti) cf. Pravar. cf. MBh. &c.

===> śakti-bheda [ zaktibheda ]3[ z'akti-bheda ] m. difference of power cf. MW. (1) a special capacity cf. ib.

===> śaktitas [ zaktitas ]3[ z'akti-tas ] ind. in consequence or by reason of power or strength cf. Kap. cf. Sāṃkhyak (1) according to power, to the best of one's ability cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> śaktu [ zaktu ]1[ zaktu ] [ zaktuka ], incorrect for [ saktu ], [ saktuka ], q. v.

===> śakuna [ zakuna ]1[ zakun'a ] m. (said to be fr. √ [ zak ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 49) a bird (esp. a large bird or one of good or bad omen) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a partic. kind of bird (either = [ gridhra ], a vulture, or = [ cilla ], a common kite or Pondicherry eagle) cf. L. (2) a kind of Brāhman ([ vipra-bheda ]) cf. MW. (3) a sort of hymn or song (sung at festivals to secure good fortune) cf. W. (4) (with [ vasiSThasya ]) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. (5) N. of an Asura cf. BhP. (6) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. cf. Buddh. (7) ([ I ]), f. col. 3 (8) n. any auspicious object or lucky omen, an omen or prognostic (in general (9) rarely ` an inauspicious omen ')
cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat (10) mfn. indicating good luck, auspicious cf. MW.

===> śakunaka [ zakunaka ]2[ zakunaka ] m. a bird cf. MBh. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a female bird cf. ib. (2) N. of one of the Mātṛs attendant of Skanda cf. ib. (3) of various women cf. Vās

===> śakuni [ zakuni ]2[ zak'uni ] m. a bird (esp. a large bird cf. L. = [ gridhra ] or [ cilla ], accord. to some ` a cock ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) (in astronomy) N. of the first fixed [ karaNa ] (q. v.) cf. VarBṛS. (2) N. of a Naga cf. MBh. (3) of an evil demon (son of Du-saha) cf. MārkP. (4) of an Asura (son of Hiraṇy^aksha and father of Vṛka) cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (5) of the brother of queen Gandhārī (and therefore the brother-in-law of Dhṛta-rāshṭra and the Mātula or maternal uncle of the Kuru princes (6) as son of Subala, king of Gāndhāra, he is called Saubala (7) he often acted as counsellor of Duryodhana, and hence his name is sometimes applied to an old officious relative whose counsels ten to misfortune) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (cf. cf. IW. 380) (8) of a son of Vikukshi and grandson of Ikshvāku) cf. Hariv. (9) of a son of Daśa-ratha cf. ib. cf. BhP. (10) of the great-grandfather of Aśoka cf. Rājat (11) du. N. of the Āśvins cf. MW. (12) ([ i ] or [ I ]), f. below

===> śakuni-graha [ zakunigraha ]3[ zak'uni-graha ] m. N. of a demon causing children's diseases cf. MBh.

===> śakunta [ zakunta ]2[ z'ak'unta ] m. a bird cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a partic. bird of prey cf. BhP. (2) a blue jay cf. L. (3) a sort of insect cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Viśvāmitra cf. MBh.

===> śakya [ zakya ]2[ zakya ] mf ([ A ]) n. able, possible, practicable, capable of being (with inf. in pass. sense, e. g. [ na sA zakyA netum balAt ], she cannot be conducted by force ' (1) [ tan mayA zakyam pratzpattum ], that is able to be acquired by me ' (2) the form [ zakyam ] may also be used with a nom. case which is in a different gender or number, e. g. [ zakyaM zva-mAMs^adibhir api kSut pratihantum ], ` hunger can be appeased even by dog's flesh &c. ' (3) cf. cf. Vām. v, 2, 25) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) to be conquered or subdued, liable to be compelled to (inf.) cf. MBh. (5) explicit, direct, literal (as the meaning of a word or sentence, opp. to [ lakSya ] and [ vyaGgya ]) cf. Alaṃkāraś

===> śakya-rūpa [ zakyarUpa ]3[ zakya-rUpa ] mfn. possible to be (inf. in pass. sense) cf. MBh. xii, 2613

===> śakṛt [ zakRt ]1[ z'akRt ] n. (the weak cases are optionally formed fr. a base [ zak'an ], cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 (1) [ zakRt ] nom. acc. sg. and ibc. (2) gen. sg. [ zakn'as ] cf. AV. (3) instr. [ zakn'A ] cf. VS., or [ zakRtA ] cf. KātyŚr., instr. pl. [ z'akabhis ] cf. TS. (4) acc. pl. [ zakRtas ] cf. VarBṛS.), excrement, ordure, feces, dung (esp. cow-dung) cf. RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ?, ; accord. to some, [ 1046,3 ] ?, and Lat. [ cacare ]. ]

===> śala [ zala ]2[ zal'a ] mfn. (connection with above very doubtful) = [ dravaNa-samartha ] cf. Nir. cf. Sch. (1) m. a staff cf. TBr. (2) a dart, spear cf. L. (3) a kind of animal cf. Pañcar. (accord. to cf. L. ` a camel ' or ` an ass ') (4) = [ kSetrabhid ] cf. L. (5) = [ vidhi ] cf. L. (6) N. of Bhṛṅgi (one of Śiva's attendants) cf. L. (7) of Brahmā cf. W. (8) of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (9) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. ib. (10) of a son of Soma-datta cf. ib. (11) of a son of Parīkshit cf. ib. (12) of a son of Śuna-hotra cf. Hariv. (13) m. or n. the quill of a porcupine cf. L. (14) a partic. measure of length (cf. ?-, [ paJcaz° ]. &c.) (15) ([ I ]), f. below

===> śala-bha [ zalabha ]1[ zalabha ] m. (cf. [ zarabha ]) a grass-hopper, locust (fabled to be the children of Pulastya or of Tārkshya and Yāminī), a kind of moth (such as is attracted by a lighted candle?) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of a Deva-gandharva cf. MBh. (2) of an Asura cf. ib. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attendant on Skanda cf. ib.

===> śalmali [ zalmali ]1[ zalmal'i ] m. (cf. [ zAlmali ]) the silk-cotton tree, Salmalia Malabarica cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. Gobh

===> śalmalī [ zalmalI ]2[ zalmalI ] f. id. cf. VarBṛS. (v. l.) cf. L.

===> śalya [ zalya ]1[ zalya ] &c. col. 1

===> śalāka [ zalAka ]2[ zalAka ] m. (rare) = [ zalAkA ] cf. Kāṭh. cf. Nār. cf. MBh.

===> śalākâvṛtti [ zalAkAvRtti ]3[ zalAkA-vRtti ] n. famine of a partic. kind cf. Divyâv

===> śalākā [ zalAkA ]2[ zalAkA ] f. any small stake or stick, rod (for stirring &c.), twig (smeared with lime for catching birds), rib (of an umbrella), bar (of a cage or window), chip, splinter, splint, pencil (for painting or applying collyrium) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) a piece of bamboo (borne as a kind of credential by mendicants and marked with their name) cf. Buddh. (2) the quill of a porcupine cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (3) an oblong quadrangular piece of ivory or bone (used in playing a partic. game). cf. ib. (4) a peg, pin, arrow-head, needle, a probe (used in surgery and sometimes taken as the N. of this branch of, surgery cf. Suśr.), any pointed instrument cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. ŚārṅgS. (5) a sprout, sprig, shoot of any kind ([ ratna-z° ]) (6) a ruler cf. W. (7) a toothpick or tooth-brush cf. L. (8) a match or thin piece of wood (used for ignition by friction) cf. W. (9) a bone cf. L. (10) a finger, toe cf. Viṣṇ. cf. Yājñ. (11) a porcupine cf. L. (12) a partic. thorny shrub, Vanguieria Spinosa cf. L. (13) the Sārikā bird, Turdus Salica cf. L. (14) N. of a town cf. R. (15) of a woman, g. [ zubhr^adi ]

===> śalākā-vṛtti [ zalAkAvRtti ]3[ zalAkA-vRtti ] n. famine of a partic. kind cf. Divyâv

===> śalākāvat [ zalAkAvat ]3[ zalAkA-vat ] mfn. g. [ madhv-Adi ]

===> śama [ zama ]2[ zama ] m. tranquillity, calmness, rest, equanimity, quietude or quietism, absence of passion, abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation ([ zamaM ] √ [ kR ], ` to calm one's self ', be tranquil ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) peace, peace with ([ s^ardham ]) cf. MBh. (2) Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of Dharma and husband of Pr^apti) cf. MBh. (3) tranquillization, pacification, allayment, alleviation, cessation, extinction cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) absence of sexual passion or excitement, impotence cf. TāṇḍBr. (5) alleviation or cure of disease, convalescence cf. W. (6) final happiness, emancipation from all the illusions of existence cf. L. (7) indifference, apathy cf. Rājat (8) the hand (cf. [ zaya ]) cf. L. (9) imprecation, malediction (w. r. for [ zapa ]) cf. L. (10) N. of a king of the Nandi-vegas cf. MBh. (11) of a son of Andhaka cf. Hariv. (12) of a son of Dharma-sūtra cf. BhP. (13) ([ A ]), f. N. of a divine female, PārGṭ (14) ([ z'ama ]), mfn. tame, domestic cf. RV. i, 32, 15 ; 33, 15

===> śamana [ zamana ]2[ zamana ] mf ([ i ]) n. calming, tranquillizing, soothing, allaying, extinguishing, destroying cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. ` settler, destroyer, N. of Yama cf. Daś (2) a kind of antelope cf. L. (3) a kind of pea cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. below (5) n. the act of calming, appeasing, allaying, tranquillization, pacification, extinction, destruction cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. killing, slaying, immolation cf. Kauś (6) chewing, swallowing cf. L. (7) a mode of sipping water (prob. for [ camana ]) cf. MW. (8) malediction, reviling (w. r. for [ zapana ]) cf. W.

===> śamanīya [ zamanIya ]2[ zamanIya ] mfn. to be tranquillized, consolable cf. MW. (1) serving for tranquillization, soothing cf. Suśr. (2) n. a sedative cf. ib. cf. Sāh

===> śamatha [ zamatha ]2[ zamatha ] m. quiet, tranquillity, absence of passion cf. Lalit. (1) a counsellor, minister cf. L.

===> śamatha-vipaśyanā-vihārin [ zamathavipazyanAvihArin ]3[ zamatha-vipazyanA-vihArin ] m. ` enjoying quietude and right knowledge ', N. of Buddha cf. Divyâv

===> śambara [ zambara ]2[ z'ambara ] m. N. of a demon (in cf. RV. often mentioned with Sushṇa, Arbuda, Pipru &c. (1) he is the chief enemy of Divo-dāsa Atithigva, for whose deliverance he was thrown down a mountain and slain by Indra (2) in epic and later poetry he is also a foe of the god of love) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) a cloud cf. Naigh. i, 10 (4) a weapon cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 112, 14 (5) war, fight cf. L. (6) a kind of deer cf. Vās. cf. Bhpr. (7) a fish or a kind of fish cf. L. (8) Terminalia Arunja cf. L. (9) Symplocos Racemosa cf. L. (10) a mountain in general or a partic. mountain cf. L. (11) best, excellent cf. L. (12) = [ citraka ] cf. L. (13) N. of of a Jina cf. L. (14) of a king cf. Vās. (v. l. for [ zambaraNa ] and [ saM-varaNa ]) (15) of a juggler (also called [ zambarasiddhi ]) cf. Ratnâv (16) ([ I ]), f. Salvinia Cucullata cf. L. Croton Polyandrum cf. L. (17) = [ mAyA ], sorcery, magic (prob. w. r. for [ zAmbarI ]) cf. L. (18) n. water cf. Naigh. i, 12 (but cf. Sāh. censures the use of [ zambara ] in this sense) (19) power, might cf. Naigh. ii, 9 (20) sorcery, magic cf. Kathās. (printed [ saM-vara ]) (21) any vow or a partic. vow (with Buddhists) cf. L. (22) wealth cf. L.

---> = [ citra ] cf. L. (23) (pl.) the fastnesses of Śambara cf. RV.

===> śambhu [ zambhu ]1[ zambhu ] for [ zam-bh'u ], [ zam-bh'U ] &c. cols. 1, 2

===> śambhu-nātha [ zambhunAtha ]3[ zambh'u-nAtha ] m. N. of a temple of Siva in Nepāl. cf. W. [ 1055,2 ] (1) (also with [ AcArya ] and [ siddh^antav'agIza ]) N. of various authors &c. cf. Cat. (2) [ -rasa ] m. a partic. mixture cf. L. (3) [ °th^arcana ] n. N. of a Tāntric wk.

===> śamita [ zamita ]3[ zamita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) tranquillized, relieved, quelled, quenched, allayed MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) atoned for, expiated Uttarar (2) [ -ripu ] mfn. one who has all enemies pacified Mṛcch (3) [ °t^ari ] mfn. id. Ragh (4) [ °t^apadrava ] mfn. one who has all calamities quelled MW.

===> [ zamita ]2[ zamit'a ] mfn. (cf. [ zAnta ]) prepared, ready (as an oblation) cf. VS. (1) (fr. Caus.) appeased, allayed &c. (2) kept in order, cut (as nails) cf. Megh. 89 (v. l.) (3) destroyed, killed cf. Ragh (4) relieved, cured cf. W. (5) relaxed, intermitted cf. ib. (6) m. N. of a Sthavira of the Jainas cf. HPariś (7) ([ A ]), f. rice-powder cf. L.

===> śamitṛ [ zamitR ]2[ z'amitR ] mfn. one who keeps his mind calm, Raj (1) ([ °t'R ]), m. a killer, slaughterer, cutter up (of a slaughtered victim), preparer, dresser cf. RV. cf. Br. cf. MBh.

===> śamyā [ zamyA ]2[ z'amyA ] f. a stick, staff, (esp.) a wooden pin or peg, wedge &c. cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. GṛŚrS. (1) the pin of a yoke ([ yuga-z° ]) (2) a partic. instrument used in the treatment of hemorrhoids cf. Vāgbh (3) a sacrificial vessel cf. W. (4) a kind of cymbal or other musical instrument (= [ tAla-vizeSa ]) cf. MW. (5) a partic. measure of length = 36 Aṅgulas cf. VarBṛ. (or = 32 Aṅgulas cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (6) cf. [ -kSepa ], [ -nip^ata ] &c. below) (7) du. ([ dhuroH zamye ]) N. of two Śāmans cf. ĀrshBr.

===> śamī [ zamI ]2[ z'amI ] f. (cf. [ z'ami ]) effort, labour, toil cf. RV. cf. VS. (1) ([ zam'I ]) the Śamī tree, Prosopis Spicigera or (accord. to others) Mimosa Suma (possessing a very tough hard wood supposed to contain fire, cf. cf. Mn. viii, 247 cf. Ragh. iii, 9 (2) it was employed to kindle the sacred fire, and a legend relates that Purū-ravas generated primeval fire by the friction of two branches of the Samī and Aśvattha trees) cf. AV. &c. [ 1054,2 ] (3) a legume, pod (cf. [ -jAti ]) (4) a partic. measure ([ catuh-z° ]) = [ valgulI ] or [ vAgnji ] cf. L.

===> śanais [ zanais ]2[ zanais ] (cf. RV.) or (cf. ŚBr.), ind. (originally instr. pl. of [ zana ], q. v.

===> [ zanais ]3[ zana'is ] (cf. ŚBr.), ind. (originally instr. pl. of [ zana ], q. v. (1) cf. [ uccais ], [ nIcais ]) quietly, softly, gently, gradually, alternately cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> śanaiś-cara [ zanaizcara ]3[ zanaiz-cara ] mfn. walking or moving slowly cf. Bhartṛ (1) m. the planet Saturn or its regent (cf. [ zani ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (in cf. MBh. also applied to other planets and even the sun) (2) Saturday cf. Viṣṇ (3) [ -kavaca ] m. n. [ -pUjA ] f. N. of wks. (4) [ -vAra ] m. Saturday cf. Subh (5) [ -vidhAna ] n. [ -vrata ] n. N. of wks. (6) [ -saMvatsara ] m. the year of Saturn (during which this planet completes his course through the 28 Nakshatras (7) in modern astron. = 30 of our years) cf. MW.

===> śanta [ zanta ]1[ zanta ] [ zanti ] &c. p. 1055, col. r

===> [ zanta ]2[ zanta ]

===> śapatha [ zapatha ]2[ zapatha ] m. (and n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] ifc. f. [ A ]) a curse, imprecation, anathema cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) an oath, vow cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) an ordeal cf. Nār (3) scolding, reviling cf. L.

===> śapha [ zapha ]1[ zaph'a ] m. (cf. L. also n. (1) ifc. f. [ A ] (2) of doubtful derivation) a hoof (esp. the hoof of a horse) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) an eighth (because of the divided hoofs of the cow (4) cf. [ pAda ], a fourth) cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. (5) a claw cf. VS. xii, 4 (6) a wooden implement formed like a claw or hook (for lifting an iron pot or pan from the fire) cf. Br. cf. Lāṭy (7) Unguis Odoratus cf. L. (8) (du., with [ vasiSThasya ]) N. of two Sāmans cf. KātyŚr. ; n. the root of a tree cf. L. [ Cf., accord. to some, Germ. [ huof ], [ Huf ] ; Angl. Sax. [ h^of ] ; Eng. [ hoof ] ]

===> śara [ zara ]1[ zar'a ] m. (fr. √ [ zrI ] ` to rend ' or ` destroy ') a sort of reed or grass, Saccharum Sara (used for arrows) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) an arrow, shaft cf. MuṇḍUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) N. of the number ` five ' (from the 5 arrows of the god of love) cf. VarBṛS. (3) (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc (accord. to cf. Āryabh. also ` the whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine ') (4) a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are in the 4tb, 5th, 6th, and 7th houses) cf. VarBṛS. (5) the upper part of cream or slightly curdled milk (v. l. [ sara ]), ApSr. cf. Car.

---> mischief, injury, hurt, a wound cf. W. (6) N. of a son of Ricatka cf. RV. (7) of an Asura cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ zuka ]) (8) ([ I ]), f. Typha Angustifolia cf. L. (9) n. water ([ zara-varSa ] and [ °Sin ])

===> śara-bha [ zarabha ]1[ zarabh'a ] m. a kind of deer or (in later times) a fabulous animal (supposed to have eight legs and to inhabit the snowy mountains (1) it is represented as stronger than the lion and the elephant (2) cf. [ aSTa-pad ] and [ mahA-skandhin ]) cf. AV. &c. &c. (3) a young elephant cf. L. (4) a camel cf. L. (5) a grasshopper (= [ zalabha ]) cf. W. (6) a locust cf. ib. (7) a kind of metre cf. Col. (8) N. of Viṣṇu cf. MW. (9) of an Upanishad (cf. [ zarabh^opaniSad ]) (10) of an Asura cf. MBh. (11) of two serpent-demons cf. ib. (12) of various men cf. RV. cf. MBh. &c. (13) of a son of Śiśu-pāla cf. MBh. (14) of brother of Śakuni cf. ib. (15) of a prince of the Aśmakas cf. Hcar. (16) of a monkey in Rāma's army cf. R.

---> (pl.) N. of a people cf. MBh. (B. [ zabara ]) (17) ([ A ]), f. a girl with withered limbs and therefore unfit for marriage cf. GṛS. (18) (prob.) a kind of wooden machine. [ Cf., accord. to some, Gk., ?, ?. ] [ 1057,2 ]

===> śarad [ zarad ]1[ zar'ad ] f. (prob. fr. √ [ zrA ], [ zRR ]) autumn (as the time of ripening '), the autumnal season (the sultry season of two months succeeding the rains (1) in some parts of India comprising the months Bhādra and Āśvina, in other places Āśvina and Kārttika, fluctuating thus from August to November) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a year (or pl. poetically for ` years ', cf. [ varSa ]) cf. ib.

===> śarad-ambudhara [ zaradambudhara ]3[ zar'ad-ambu-dhara ] m. an autumnal cloud cf. Subh

===> śarada [ zarada ]2[ zarada ] (ifc.) = [ zarad ], autumn cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 107 (1) ([ A ]), f. autumn cf. L. (2) a year cf. L. (3) N. of a woman cf. Rājat

===> śarat-kāla [ zaratkAla ]3[ zarat-kAla ] m. the time or season of autumn cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) [ °lina ] mfn. autumnal cf. W.

===> śarat-padma [ zaratpadma ]3[ zarat-padma ] n. an autumnal lotus (others, a white lotus ') cf. BhP.

===> śarat-samaya [ zaratsamaya ]3[ zarat-samaya ] m. = [ -kAla ] cf. Vās

===> śaraṇa [ zaraNa ]2[ zaraNa ]1 m. (for 2. p. 1057, col. 1) one of the arrows of Kāma-dev cf. Cat. (1) n. falling asunder, bursting, falling in cf. Vop (2) killing, slaying cf. L. (3) what slays or injures cf. MW.

===> [ zaraNa ]1[ zaraN'a ]2 mfn. (fr. √ [ zR ] for [ zri ] (1) for 1. p. 1056) protecting, guarding, defending cf. RV. cf. AV. (2) m. N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (3) of a poet cf. Gīt. (cf. [ -deva ]) (4) of a king cf. Buddh. (5) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. N. of various plants &c. (prob. w. r. for [ saraNA ], [ °NI ], q. v.) (6) n. (Ifc f. [ A ]), shelter, place of shelter or refuge or rest, hut, house, habitation, abode, lair (of an animal), home, asylum cf. RV. &c. &c. (7) refuge, protection, refuge with ([ zaraNaM ] √ [ gam ] or [ yA ] or [ i ] &c., ` to go to any one for protection, seek refuge with ' [ acc. or gen. ] ; often ifc.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (8) water cf. L. (9) (with [ indrasya ]) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. 2

===> śaraṇya [ zaraNya ]2[ zaraNya ]1 n. (for 2. cf. ib.) injury, hurt cf. W.

===> śaraṇâgata [ zaraNAgata ]3[ zaraN^agata ] mfn. come for protection, one who comes for refuge or protection, a refugee. fugitive cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -ghAtaka ] (cf. Vcar.) or [ -gAtin ] (cf. Pañcar.), m. the slayer of a suppliant for protection (2) [ -tA ] f. the state of a suppliant for protection cf. Kathās (3) [ -hantR ] m. (= [ -ghAtaka ]) cf. Mn. xi, 191

===> śarkara [ zarkara ]1[ zarkara ] mf ([ A ]) n. consisting of gravel or grit, gritty. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (1) m. a pebble, small stone cf. Kauś (2) (m. c.) = [ zarkarA ] (comp.) (3) a kind of drum cf. Saṃgīt (4) N. of a fabulous aquatic being cf. PañcavBr. [ 1058,2 ] (5) (pl.) N. of a people cf. MārkP. (6) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. below

===> śarkarā [ zarkarA ]2[ z'arkarA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) gravel, grit. pebbles, shingle, gravelly mould or soil (mostly pl.) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) gravel (as a disease) cf. Suśr. (2) hardening of the flesh cf. ib. (3) hardening of the ear-wax cf. ib. (4) ground or candied sugar cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (5) a fragment or piece of broken earthenware, potsherd cf. Naish

===> śarman [ zarman ]1[ z'arman ] n. (prob. fr. √ [ zri ] and connected with 1. [ zaraNa ], [ zarIra ]) shelter, protection, refuge, safety cf. RV. &c. (1) &c. (2) a house cf. Naigh. iii, 4 (3) Joy, bliss, comfort, delight, happiness (often at the end of names of Brāhmans, just as [ varman ] is added to the names of Kshatriyas, and [ gupta ] to those of Vaiśyas) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) N. of partic. formulas cf. VarYogay. [ 1058,3 ] (5) identified with [ zarva ] (cf. Kauś.) and with [ vAc ] (cf. AitBr.) (6) mfn. happy, prosperous cf. W.

===> śarva [ zarva ]1[ zarva ] [ zarvaka ] &c. p. 1057, col. 1

===> śarāva [ zarAva ]1[ zarAva ] m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a shallow cup, dish, plate, platter, earthenware vessel (also the flat cover or lid of any such vessel) cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a measure equal to two Prasthas or one Kuḍava cf. TS. cf. Bṛ. cf. ŚrS.

===> śarāvaka [ zarAvaka ]2[ zarAvaka ] m. (ifc. f. [ ikA ]) a kind of vessel or the cover of a vessel (= [ zarAva ]) cf. Suśr. cf. Kathās (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a partic. abscess cf. Suśr.

===> śarāvatī [ zarAvatI ]3[ zarA-vatI ] f. (for [ zara-v° ]), full of reeds ', N. of a river cf. MBh. cf. VP. (1) of a town cf. Ragh

===> śarīra [ zarIra ]1[ z'arIra ] n. (once in cf. R. m. (1) ifc. f. [ A ] (2) either fr. √ [ zri ] and orig. = ` suport or supporter ', cf. 2. [ zaraNa ] and cf. Mn. i, 7 (3) or accord. to others, fr. √ [ zRR ], and orig. = ` that which is easily destroyed or dissolved ') the body, bodily frame, solid parts of the body (pl. the bones) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) any solid body (opp. to [ udaka ] &c.) cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañcat (5) one's body i. e. one's own person cf. Mn. xi, 229 (6) bodily strength cf. MW. (7) a dead body cf. ib.

===> śarīra-bheda [ zarIrabheda ]3[ z'arIra-bheda ] m. dissolution of the body, death cf. AitUp. cf. Gaut. &c.

===> śarīra-dhātu [ zarIradhAtu ]3[ z'arIra-dhAtu ] m. a chief constituent of the body (flesh, blood &c.) cf. MBh. (1) a relic of Buddha's body (such as a bone, tooth, a hair, or nail) cf. MWB. 495

===> śarīra-rakṣaka [ zarIrarakSaka ]3[ z'arIra-rakSaka ] m. a body-guard cf. L.

===> śarīratā [ zarIratA ]3[ z'arIra-tA ] f. the state or condition of a body cf. Sarvad

===> śarīravat [ zarIravat ]3[ z'arIra-vat ] mfn. provided with a body cf. Sarvad (1) substantial cf. TBr. (2) m. an embodied being cf. MBh. (3) [ -tva ] n. the being provided with a body cf. Sarvad

===> śarīrin [ zarIrin ]2[ zarIrin ] mfn. having a body, embodied, corporeal cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) (ifc.) having anything as a body cf. Mn. iv, 243 (cf. [ kha-s° ]) (2) covered with bodies cf. MBh. (3) (ifc.) exercising one's own bodies cf. BhP. (4) living cf. MW. (5) m. an embodied being, creature, (esp.) a man cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (6) the soul cf. Bhag. cf. Ragh. &c. (n. cf. W.) (7) an embodied spirit cf. MW.

===> śarīrâvayava [ zarIrAvayava ]3[ zarIr^avayava ] m. a part of the body, member, limb cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 6

===> śasana [ zasana ]2[ z'asana ] n. slaughtering, killing cf. RV.

===> śastra [ zastra ]2[ z'astra ]2 m. (for 1. p. 1044, col. 1) a sword cf. L. (1) ([ I ]), f. below (2) n. an instrument for cutting or wounding, knife, sword, dagger, any weapon (even applied to an arrow cf. Bhaṭṭ. (3) weapons are said to be of four kinds, [ pANi-mukta ], [ yantra-mukta ], [ mukt^amukta ], and [ amukta ]) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (4) any instrument or tool (comp.)

---> iron, steel cf. L. (5) a razor cf. L.

===> śastra-jāla [ zastrajAla ]3[ z'astra-jAla ] n. a quantity of weapons cf. W.

===> śastra-karman [ zastrakarman ]3[ z'astra-karman ] n. ` knife-operation ', any surgical operation cf. Suśr. [ 1061,1 ] (1) [ °ma-kRt ] m. ` performing a surgical operation ', a surgeon cf. ib. (2) [ °ma-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

===> śastra-pāṇi [ zastrapANi ]3[ z'astra-pANi ] mfn. (m. c. also [ °Nin ]) ` weapon-handed ', armed (1) m. an armed warrior cf. Hit. cf. Vet

===> śastraka [ zastraka ]2[ zastraka ]2 n. (for 1. p. 1044, col. 1) a knife cf. L. (1) iron cf. L. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a dagger, knife cf. Daś

===> śastramaya [ zastramaya ]3[ z'astra-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. (rain) consisting in or formed by weapons cf. R.

===> śastrâyudha [ zastrAyudha ]3[ zastr^ayudha ] mfn. having the sword for a weapon (and not the Veda, as a Brāhman should have) cf. Vet

===> śasya [ zasya ]2[ zasya ]2 mfn. to be cut down or slaughtered or killed cf. Vop (1) n. corn, grain (more correctly [ sasya ], q. v.)

===> śata [ zata ]1[ zat'a ] n. (rarely m. (1) ifc. f. [ I ]) a hundred (used with other numerals thus, [ ek^adhikaM zatam ], or [ eka-z° ], a hundred + one, 101 [ viMzaty-adhikaM zatam ] or [ viMzaM z° ], a hundred + twenty, 120 (2) [ zate ] or [ dve zate ] or [ dvi-zatam ] or [ zata-dvayam ], 200 (3) [ trINi ] [ zatAni ] or [ tri-zatAni ] or [ zata-trayam ], 300 (4) [ SaT-zatam ], 600 (5) or the comp. becomes an ordinal, e. g. [ dvi-zata ], the 200th (6) [ dvikaM ], [ trikaM zatam ] = 2, 3 per cent (7) [ zatAtpara ], ` beyonda hundred, exceeding 100 ' (8) the counted object is added either in the gen., or in the same case as [ zata ], or ibc., e. g. [ zatam pitaraH ] or, [ zatam pitRRNAm ] or [ pitR-zatam ] a hundred ancestors ' (9) sometimes also ifc., comp. below (10) rarely [ zatam ] is used as an indecl. with an instr., e. g. [ zat'aM r'athebhiH ], ` with a hundred chariots ' cf. RV. i, 48, 7 (11) rarely occurs a masc. form in pl., e. g. [ paJca-zatA ], [ rathAn ] cf. MBh. iv, 1057 (12) and [ zata ] n. rarely in comp. of the following kind, [ catur-varSa-zatam ] or [ °tAni ], ` 400 years ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (13) any very large number (in comp. as [ zata-pattra ] &c. below). [ Cf. Gk. ? ` one ' hundred ; [ 1048,3 ] Lat. [ centum ] ; Lith. [ szmtas ] (14) Got. (twa) [ hunda ] ; Germ. [ hund-ert ] ; Eng. [ hund-ed ]. ]

===> śata-bhiṣaj [ zatabhiSaj ]3[ zat'a-bhiSaj ] ([ zata ].), mf. ` requiring a hundred physicians ', N. of the 22nd or 24th Nakshatra (containing 100 stars, one of which is ? Aquarī (1) its name is said to denote that Dhanvantari himself cannot cure a person affected with disease whilst the moon is in this asterism) cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. TBr. (2) m. N. of a man cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 36 (3) [ °Sak-sena ] m. N. of a man cf. ib. viii, 3, 100 cf. Sch.

===> śata-bhiṣā [ zatabhiSA ]3[ zat'a-bhiSA ] f. = [ zat'abhiSaj ], N. of a Nakshatra cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> śata-bāhu [ zatabAhu ]3[ zat'a-bAh'u ] (?), mfn. having a hundred arms (a boar) cf. TĀr. (1) m. a partic. small animal of a noxious kind cf. Suśr. (2) N. of an Asura cf. BhP. (3) of an evil demon ([ mAra-putra ]) cf. Lalit. (4) ([ u ]), f. N. of a goddess cf. Cat. (5) of a Nāga female cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> śata-guṇa [ zataguNa ]3[ zat'a-guNa ] mfn. a hundred-fold, a hundred-fold more valuable &c. (1) a hundred times ([ am ] ind. a hundred times, a hundred time more than [ abl. ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcar. (2) a hundred cf. Pañcar. (3) [ °n^acArya ] m. N. of a man cf. Cat. (4) [ °N^adhikam ] ind. more than a hundred times cf. MBh.

===> śata-kiraṇa [ zatakiraNa ]3[ zat'a-kiraNa ] m. a kind of Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> śata-kratu [ zatakratu ]3[ zat'a-kratu ] ([ zat'a- ].), mfn. having hundred-fold insight or power or a hundred counsels &c. cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (1) containing a hundred sacrificial rites ([ ek^ona-zata-kr° ], one who has made 99 sacrifices) cf. ŚBr. cf. BhP. [ 1049,1 ] (2) m. N. of Indra (a hundred Aśva-medhas elevating the sacrificer to the rank of Indra (3) cf. Gk. ?) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ 1049,1 ] [ kSiti-zatakr° ]) (4) [ -prastha ] n. N. of the residence of the Yādavas cf. MBh. (cf. [ indra-pr° ]) (5) [ -smRti ] f. N. of wk.

===> śata-pad [ zatapad ]3[ zat'a-pad ] or (strong form)

===> śata-pada [ zatapada ]3[ zat'a-pada ] n. (with [ cakra ]) an astronomical circle with a hundred divisions for exhibiting the various divisions of the Nakshatras cf. L. (1) [ -cakra ] n. id. cf. Gobh. cf. Sch.

===> śata-pattra [ zatapattra ]3[ zat'a-pattra ] n. (ibc.) a hundred leaves cf. DhyānabUp.

---> a hundred vehicles cf. Śiś. (1) ([ zat'a- ]), mfn. having a hundred (i. e. numberless) feathers or leaves cf. RV. (2) having a hundred wings, borne by numerous conveyances (said of Bṛhas-pati) cf. MW. (3) m. a wood pecker cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (4) a peacock cf. MBh. cf. Vās (5) the Indian crane cf. Jātakam. (?) cf. L. (6) a kind of parrot cf. L.

---> a kind of tree cf. VarBṛS. (7) ([ A ]), f. a woman cf. W. (8) ([ I ]), f. a kind of rose cf. Dhanv (9) n. a lotus which opens by day cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (10) [ -nivAsa ] mfn. abiding in a lotus cf. MW. (11) m. N. of Brahmā cf. Kavik (12) [ -yoni ] m. ` lotus-born ', N. of Brahmā cf. Kum (13) [ °ttr^ayat^ekSaNa ] mfn. having long lotus-like eyes cf. MBh.

===> śata-sahasra [ zatasahasra ]3[ zat'a-sahasra ] n. sg. or pl. a hundred thousand (the counted object may be in gen. or in apposition or comp.) cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (1) [ -dhA ] ind. into a hundred hundred pieces cf. R. (2) [ -pattra ] n. kind of flower cf. L. (3) [ -yAna ] n. a hundred hundred roads cf. MW. (4) [ -zas ] ind. by hundred of hundred (in connexion with a nom., acc., or instr.) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. (5) [ °r^aMzu ] mfn. having a hundred hundred rays (said of the moon) cf. MBh. (6) [ °r^anta ] mfn. spreading in a hundred hundred directions (said of the moon) cf. MBh. (v. l.)

===> śata-sāhasrika [ zatasAhasrika ]3[ zat'a-sAhasrika ] mfn. consisting of a hundred hundred cf. Hariv.

===> śatadhā [ zatadhA ]3[ zat'a-dhA ] f. Dūrvā grass cf. L. -2

===> [ zatadhA ]3[ zat'a-dh'A ] ind. in a hundred ways. cf. W. (1) a hundred-fold, into a hundred parts or pieces (with √ [ bhU ], to be divided into a hundred parts) cf. ŚBr. cf. Up. &c.

===> śataka [ zataka ]2[ zataka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. consisting of a hundred, comprising or amounting to a hundred cf. Hariv. cf. MārkP. (1) the hundredth cf. R. (2) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (3) ([ ikA ]), f. an amount of a hundred or of several hundreds (according to the numeral prefixed in comp., e. g. [ dvi-zatikAM dadAti ]. he gives an amount or a sum of 200) cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 1 cf. Sch. (4) ([ akam ]), n. a hundred, a century (construed like [ zata ]) cf. MBh. &c. (esp. in titles of wks. ` a cento ' or ` a collection of 100 stanzas ' (5) cf. [ amaru- ], [ nIti-z° ] &c.)

===> śatana [ zatana ]1[ zatana ] n. (for [ zAtana ], root 2, [ zad ]) cutting down, belling cf. Divyâv

===> śatatama [ zatatama ]3[ zat'a-tam'a ] mf ([ 'A ] or [ I ]) n. the hundredth cf. RV. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> śataśas [ zatazas ]3[ zat'a-z'as ] ind. by or in hundred, a hundred times (in connexion with a nom., acc. ' or instr. (1) [ catur-daza varSANi yAsyanti zatazaH ] ', 14 years will pass away like a hundred ') cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> śatru [ zatru ]1[ z'atru ] m. (said to be for [ zat-tru ], fr. √ 2. [ zad ]), ` overthrower ', an enemy, foe, rival, a hostile king (esp. a neighbouring king as a natural enemy) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) the 6th astrological mansion, Var Yogay (2) Asparagus Racemosus cf. L. (3) N. of an Asura cf. MBh. i, 2543 (perhaps [ krodha-zatru ] as one word). [ Cf. Gk., ?, ? ; [ 1051,1 ] Germ. [ Hader ], [ Hass ], [ hassen ] ; Eng. [ hate ]. ]

===> śatru-pakṣa [ zatrupakSa ]3[ z'atru-pakSa ] m. the side or part of an enemies cf. MBh. (1) mfn. taking the side of an enemies, an antagonist, opponent cf. VarBṛS.

===> śauca [ zauca ]1[ zauc'a ] m. (fr. [ zuci ]) N. of a man (also called Āhneya) cf. TĀr. (1) n. cleanness, purity, purification (esp. from defilement caused by the death of a relation) cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) purity of mind, integrity, honesty (esp. in money-matters) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) (with Buddhists) self-purification (both external and internal) cf. MWB. 240 (4) evacuation of excrement cf. MW.

===> śauceya [ zauceya ]2[ zauceya ] m. a washerman cf. L. (1) ([ °y'a ]), m. a patr. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr.

===> śaucâcāra [ zaucAcAra ]3[ zauc^acAra ] m. purificatory rite, mode of cleansing the person by ablution &c. (after voiding excrement or contracting any defilement) cf. W. (1) [ -paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

===> śauddhodani [ zauddhodani ]1[ zauddhodani ] m. (fr. [ zuddh^odana ]) patr. of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> śaulbika [ zaulbika ]2[ zaulbika ] m. a coppersmith cf. L.

===> śaulkika [ zaulkika ]2[ zaulkika ] mfn. relating to taxes or tolls cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 104 cf. Vārtt. 13 (1) eating fish and flesh cf. L. (2) m. a superintendent of tolls or customs cf. Yājñ.

===> śaura [ zaura ]1[ zaura ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zUra ] (1) also as Vṛddhi form in comp.) relating to a hero, heroic cf. MW.

===> śauri [ zauri ]2[ zauri ] m. patr. of Vasu-deva cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa (also among the names of the sun) cf. ib. (2) of Prajāti cf. MārkP. (3) of Bala-deva cf. MW. (4) Terminalia Tomentosa cf. L. (v. l. [ sauri ]) (5) the planet Saturn (w. r. for [ sauri ])

===> śaurya [ zaurya ]2[ za'urya ] n. heroism, valour, prowess, might cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) the heroic branch of dramatic art (= [ ArabhaTI ]) cf. W. (2) N. of a village cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 7 cf. Vārtt. 2

===> śauṇḍika [ zauNDika ]2[ zauNDika ] m. a distiller and vendor of spirituous liquors (considered as a mixed caste (1) accord. to some ` the son of a Kaivarta and a Gāndhika woman ' (2) accord. to others ` the son of a Nishṭhya and a Śūdra woman ') cf. Yājñ. cf. R. cf. VarBṛS. (3) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (C. [ zauNDIka ]) (4) ([ I ]), f. a female keeper of a liquor-shop (regarded as one of the eight Akulas, accord. to the Śāktas) cf. MW.

===> śauṭīra [ zauTIra ]2[ zauTIra ] mfn. haughty, arrogant, proud of (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) liberal, munificent cf. L. (2) m. a hero cf. L. (3) an ascetic (who has given up worldly pursuits) cf. Uṇ. iv, 30 cf. Sch. (4) n. pride, manliness cf. R. (perhaps w. r. for [ zauTIrya ])

===> śava [ zava ]1[ zava ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) prob. fr. √ 1. [ zU ], or [ zvi ] and orig. = ` swollen ') a corpse, dead body cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) n. water cf. L.

===> śava-bhūta [ zavabhUta ]3[ zava-bhUta ] mfn. become a corpses or like a corpses cf. ib.

===> śava-śayana [ zavazayana ]3[ zava-zayana ] n. place (prepared) for (the cremation of) corpses cf. BhP. (accord. to cf. Sch. also ` a lotusflower ')

===> śavara [ zavara ]1[ zavara ] [ zavala ], [ zab° ]

===> śaya [ zaya ]1[ zaya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ 1. [ zI ]) lying, sleeping, resting, abiding (ifc. after adv. or subst. in loc. case or sense (1) [ adhaH-z° ], [ kuze-z ], [ giri-z° ] &c.) (2) m. sleep, sleeping cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 60 (cf. [ divA-z° ]) (3) a bed, couch ([ vIra-z° ]) (4) a snake (accord. to some, the boa constrictor) cf. L. (5) a lizard, chameleon cf. L. (6) the hand (= [ hasta ], also as a measure of length) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Naish. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (7) = [ paNa ] cf. L. (8) abuse, imprecation cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ zapa ]) (9) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (10) ([ 'A ]), f. a place of rest or repose (cf. [ zayyA ]) cf. RV. [ Cf. Gk. ?-?. ] [ 1055,3 ]

===> śayana [ zayana ]2[ z'ayana ] mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping cf. Pañcar. (1) n. the act of lying down or sleeping, rest, repose, sleep cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) (ifc., f. [ A ]) a bed, couch, sleeping-place (acc. with √ [ bhaj ], [ A- ] √ [ ruh ], [ saM-√ viz ] &c., to go to bed or to rest ' (3) with Caus. of [ A-√ ruh ], ` to take to bed, have sexual intercourse with ' [ acc. ] (4) [ zayanaM ] [ zRta ] or [ °ne sthita ] mfn. gone to bed, being in bed) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c [ 1056,1 ] (5) copulation, sexual intercourse cf. L. (6) N. of a Sāman cf. L.

===> [ zayana ]2[ zayana ]

===> śayanâsana [ zayanAsana ]3[ zayan^asana ] n. sleeping and sitting (comp.) (1) ` sleeping or resting place ', a dwelling, cell cf. Buddh. (2) [ -vArika ] m. a partic. official in a convent cf. ib. (3) [ -sevana ] n. the enjoyment of sleeping and sitting cf. VarBṛS.

===> śayita [ zayita ]2[ zayita ] mfn. reposed, lying, sleeping, asleep cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. the plant Cordia Myxa cf. W. (2) n. the place where any one has lain or slept cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 68

===> śayitavya [ zayitavya ]2[ zayitavya ] mfn. to be lain or slept cf. Pañcar. cf. Kathās. (n. impers. (1) [ mayA-hutavahe-zayitavyam ], ` it must be lain down by me in the fire ' cf. Vās.)

===> śayyâsana [ zayyAsana ]3[ zayyA-sana ] ([ °sayy^as° ]) and a seat cf. Mn. ii, 119 ([ -stha ] mfn. occupying a couch or seat cf. ib.) [ 1056,2 ] (1) lying and sitting ([ -bhoga ] m. enjoyment of ying and sitting cf. Nal (2) cf. [ zayan^asana-sevana ])

===> śayyā [ zayyA ]2[ zayyA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a bed, couch, sofa (acc. with [ saM-√ viz ] or [ adhi-SThA ] [ √ [ sthA ] ], ` to go to bed or to rest ' (1) with Caus. of [ A-√ ruh ], ` to take [ a woman ] to bed, have sexual intercourse with ' [ acc. ] (2) [ zayyAyAm ] [ A-rUDha ] mfn. ` gone to bed, lying in bed ') cf. ṢaḍvBr. &c. &c. (3) lying, reposing, sleeping cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) resort, refuge (comp.) (5) stringing together (esp. of words, = [ gumphana ] or [ zabdagumpha ]), rhetorical composition or a partic. rhetor. figure cf. L. (` couch ' and ` rhetor. composition ' cf. Kād., Introd., v. 8)

===> śayāna [ zayAna ]2[ zayAna ] mfn. lying down, resting, sleeping cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. a lizard, chameleon cf. L.

===> śaśa [ zaza ]2[ zaz'a ] m. a hare, rabbit, or antelope (the markings on the moon are supposed to resemble a hare or rabbit) cf. RV. &c. &c. (for [ zazasya vrata ] under [ karSU ], p. 260) (1) a kind of meteor cf. AV. v, 17, 4 (2) N. of a man born under a partic. constellation cf. VarBṛS. (3) a man of mild character and easily led (one of the four classes into which men are divided by erotic writers, the other three being [ azva ], [ mRga ] and [ vRSan ]) cf. L. (4) the Lodhra tree, Symplocos Racemosa cf. Kād (5) gum-myrrh cf. L. (6) N. of a part of Jambu-dvīpa cf. MW. (7) ([ I ]), f. N. of an Apsaras cf. Kāraṇḍ. [ Cf. accord. to some, Gk. ? (8) [ 1060,1 ] accord. to others, [ zaza ] is for [ zasa ] and is connected with Germ. [ haso ], [ Hase ] ; Eng. [ hare ]. ]

===> śaśa-rajas [ zazarajas ]3[ zaz'a-rajas ] n. ` dirt on a hare ', a partic. measure of length or capacity cf. L.

===> śaśa-viṣāṇa [ zazaviSANa ]3[ zaz'a-viSANa ] n. a hare's horn (a term for an impossibility) cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Kathās. &c.

===> śaśa-śṛṅga [ zazazRGga ]3[ zaz'a-zRGga ] n. = [ -viSANa ] cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. viii, 53 (1) m. N. of a man cf. Viddh. (in Prākṛt)

===> śaśaka [ zazaka ]2[ zazaka ] m. a (little) hare cf. AdbhBr. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) a man of a partic. character (= [ zaza ], q. v.) cf. A. (2) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh.

===> śaśi-mukha [ zazimukha ]3[ zazi-mukha ] mfn. moon-faced (1) ([ I ]), f. a moon-faced woman cf. Kāv

===> śaśin [ zazin ]2[ zazin ] m. ` containing a hare ', the moon cf. ŚvetUp. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of the number one cf. VarBṛS. (2) camphor cf. Hcat (3) a kind of metre cf. Col. (4) N. of a man cf. Kathās (5) the emblem of a partic. Arhat or Jina cf. W. (6) ([ inI ]), f. N. of the 8th Kalā of the moon cf. Cat.

===> śaśvat [ zazvat ]1[ z'azvat ] mf ([ z'azvatI ], or [ °t'I ]) n. (accord. to some for [ sasvat ] and corresponding to Gk. ?) [ 1060,3 ] perpetual, continual, endless, incessant, frequent, numerous, many (esp. applied to the ever-recurring dawns) cf. RV. (1) all, every cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TBr. (2) ([ at ]), ind. perpetually, continually, repeatedly, always, ever ([ z'azvat pur'A ], from immemorial time (3) [ zazvac-chazvat ], again and again, constantly) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) at once, forthwith, directly (generally preceded or followed by [ ha ] (5) [ z'azvat-z'azvat ], no sooner-than forthwith) cf. ŚBr. cf. BhP. (6) it is true, certainly, indeed cf. Br.

===> śaṃ [ zaM ]2[ zaM ] in comp. for 2. [ zam ]

===> śaṃkara [ zaMkara ]3[ zaM-kar'a ] below

===> [ zaMkara ]2[ zaMkar'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing prosperity, auspicious, beneficent cf. Nir. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) m. N. of Rudra or Śiva cf. VS. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) of a son of Kaśyapa and Danu cf. VP. (3) of Skanda cf. AV. Pariś (4) of a serpentdemon cf. L. (5) of a Cakra-vartin cf. L. (6) N. of various authors and commentators, (esp.) of Śaṃkar^acārya (next page, col. 1 (7) also with [ bhaTTa ], [ paNDita ], [ zarman ], [ rAj^anaka ], &c.) (8) ([ A ]), f. (cf. [ zaM-garA ] under [ zaM ] above) = [ zakunikA ], PIṇ. iii, 2, 14 cf. Vārtt. i cf. Pat. (9) N. of a female cf. ib. (10) a partic. Rāga or musical mode cf. MW. (11) ([ I ]), f. p. 1055

===> śaṃkara-svāmin [ zaMkarasvAmin ]3[ zaMkar'a-svAmin ] m. N. of a Brāhman cf. Kathās

===> śaṇa [ zaNa ]1[ zaN'a ] m. (cf. L. also n.) a kind of hemp, Cannabis Sativa or Crotolaria Juncea cf. AV. &c. &c., an arrow cf. L.

===> śaṭha [ zaTha ]2[ zaTha ] mf ([ A ]) n. false, deceitful, frauduIent, malignant, wicked cf. Āpast. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. a cheat, rogue (esp. a false husband or lover, who pretends affection for one female while his heart is fixed on another (2) one of the four classes into which husbands are divided) cf. W. (3) a, fool, blockhead cf. ib. (4) an idler cf. ib. (5) a mediator, umpire cf. L. (6) the thorn-apple cf. L. (7) white mustard seed cf. L. (8) N. of an Asura cf. MBh. (9) of a son of Vasu-deva cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ gada ] and [ suta ]) (10) ([ I ]), f. w. r. for [ zaTI ] cf. Car. (11) n. saffron cf. L. (12) Tabernaemontana Coronaria cf. L. (13) steel cf. L. (14) tin cf. L.

===> ścota [ zcota ]2[ zcota ] m. oozing, sprinkling, aspersion cf. L.

===> śekhara [ zekhara ]1[ zekhara ] m. (fr. or connected with [ zikhara ]) the top or crown of the head cf. Kathās (1) a chaplet or wreath of flowers worn on the top of the head, crown, diadem, crest cf. Hariv. cf. Kām. cf. Pur. &c. (2) a peak, summit, crest (of a mountain) cf. ib. cf. Rājat (3) (mostly ifc.) the highest part, chief or head or best or most beautiful of ([ -tA ] f.), Ṛt. cf. Caurap. cf. Dhūrtas (4) (in music) a partic. Dhruva or introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of refrain) (5) N. of an author (with [ bhaTTa ]) cf. Cat. (6) of a grammatical work cf. ib. (7) ([ I ]), f. Vanda Roxburghii cf. L. (8) n. cloves cf. L. (9) the root of Moringa Pterygosperma cf. L.

===> śevāla [ zevAla ]2[ zevAla ] m. n. Blyxa Octandra cf. Dharmaśarm

===> śeṣa [ zeSa ]1[ zeSa ] m. n. (fr. √ 2. [ ziS ]) remainder, that which remains or is left, leavings, residue (pl. ` all the others '), surplus, balance, the rest ([ zeSe ] loc. ` for the rest ', ` in all other cases ' (1) [ zeSe rAtrau ], ` during the rest of the night ' (2) [ mama zeSam asti ], ` there remains something to happen to me ') (3) that which has to be supplied (e. g. any word or words which have been omitted in a sentence (4) [ iti zeSaH ], ` so it was left to be supplied ', a phrase commonly used by cf. Comm. in supplying any words necessary to elucidate the text) (5) that which is saved or spared or allowed to escape (nom. with √ [ as ], or √ [ bhU ], ` to be spared ' (6) [ zeSaM-√ kR ] ', to spare ', ` allow to escape ' (7) [ zeSam av^ap ] ` to escape ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (8) remaining (used as an adj. at the end of adj. comp. [ f. [ A ] ], cf. [ kathA-z° ], [ kRtya-z° ]) cf. AitBr. &c. &c. (9) remaining out of or from, left from (with abl. or loc., e. g. [ prayAtebhyo ye zeSAH ], ` the persons left out of those who had departed ' (10) but mostly ifc. after a p. p. in comp., e. g. [ bhukta-zeSa ], ` remaining from a meal ', ` remnant of food ' (11) [ hata-zeSAH ], ` those left out of the slain ', ` the survivors ' &c.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (12) end, issue, conclusion, finish, result cf. RV. 77, 15 (13) last, last-mentioned cf. Rājat (14) a supplement, appendix cf. Nir. iii, 13 (15) a keepsake, token of remembrance cf. Daś (16) secondary matter, accident cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (17) death, destruction cf. W. (18) m. N. of a celebrated mythological thousand-headed serpent regarded as the emblem of eternity (whence he is also called An-anta ', the infinite ' ; in the Viṣṇu-Purāṇa he and the serpents Vāsuki and Takshaka are described as sons of Kadru, but in one place Śesha alone is called king of the Nāgas or snakes inhabiting Pātāla, while elsewhere Vāsuki also is described as king of the Nagas and Takshaka of the serpents ; the thousand headed Śesha is sometimes represented as forming the couch and canopy of Viṣṇu whilst sleeping during the intervals of creation, sometimes as supporting the seven Pātālas with the seven regions above them and therefore the entire world [ 1089,1 ] ; he is said to have taught astronomy to Garga ; according to some legends he became incarnate in Bala-rāma, q. v.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c. (cf. RTL. 105 ; 112 ; 232, n. r) (19) N. of one of the Prajā-patis cf. R. cf. VP. (20) of a Muni cf. MW. (21) (also with [ AcArya ], [ dIkSita ], [ zAstrin ] &c.) of various authors (cf. below) (22) of one of the mythical elephants that support the earth cf. L. (23) a kind of metre cf. L. (24) ([ A ]), f. pl. the remains of flowers or other offerings made to an idol and afterwards distributed amongst the worshippers and attendants (sg. ` a garden made of the remains of flowers ') cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (25) ([ I ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Cat. (26) n. above

===> śeṣa-bhūta [ zeSabhUta ]3[ zeSa-bhUta ] mfn. being left, remaining cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) being secondary or accidental cf. Jaim. cf. Sch. (2) (m. c. for [ zeSA-bh° ]) being (i. e. ` as if being, as it were ') a garland of flowers (cf. [ zeSA ] f.) cf. Mṛcch. x, 44

===> śibi [ zibi ]1[ zibi ] m. (also written [ zivi ]) N. of a Ṛshi (having the patr. Auśīnara and supposed author of cf. RV. x, 179) cf. Anukr.

---> of a king (renowned for his liberality and unselfishness, and said to have saved Agni transformed into a dove from Indra transformed into a hawk by offering an equal quantity of his own flesh weighed in a balance) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (1) (pl.) a people descended from Śibi cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. VarBṛS. (2) N. of a son of Indra cf. MBh. (3) of Indra in the fourth Manv-antara (v. l. [ zikhin ]) cf. VP. (4) of a son of Manu Cākshusha cf. BhP. (5) of a Daitya (son of Saṃhrāda) cf. MBh. (6) a king of the Śibis cf. VarBṛS. (7) a beast of prey cf. L. (8) the birch tree (= [ bhUrja ]) cf. L. (9) Typha Angustifolia cf. L.

===> śikhara [ zikhara ]1[ zikhara ] &c. col. 3

===> [ zikhara ]2[ zikhara ] mfn. pointed, spiked, crested cf. Megh. cf. Kathās (1) m. n. a point, peak (of a mountain), top or summit (of a tree), edge or point (of a sword), end, pinnacle, turret, spire cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) erection of the hair of the body cf. L. (3) the arm-pit cf. L. (4) a ruby-like gem (of a bright red colour said to resemble ripe pomegranate seed) cf. L. (5) (?) the bud of the Arabian jasmine (cf. [ -dazanA ]) (6) N. of a mythical weapon ([ astra ]) cf. R. (7) m. a partic. position of the fingers of the hand cf. Cat. (8) N. of a man cf. Kathās (9) ([ A ]), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana (a plant from the fibres of which bow-strings are made) cf. L. (10) N. of a partic. mythical club ([ gadA ]) cf. R. (11) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. R. (B.) (12) = [ karkaTa-zRGgI ] cf. L. (13) n. cloves cf. L.

===> śikhaṇḍin [ zikhaNDin ]2[ zikhaND'in ] mfn. wearing a tuft or lock of hair, tufted, crested (applied to various gods) cf. AV. cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) m. a peacock cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. cf. Kathās (2) a peacock's tail cf. L. (3) a cock cf. L. (4) an arrow cf. L. (5) one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation cf. Hcat (6) N. of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. (7) of a Ṛshi or Muni (one of the seven stars of the Great Bear (8) cf. [ citra-z° ]) cf. W. (9) of a son of Drupada (born as a female [ see [ zikhaNDinI ] ], but changed into a male by a Yaksha (10) in the great war between Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas he became instrumental in the killing of Bhīshma who declined to fight with a woman, but he was afterwards killed himself by Aśvatthāman (11) in the cf. ŚāṅkhBr. he has the patr. Yājñasena) cf. MBh. (12) of a Brāhman cf. Lalit. (13) of a mountain cf. Cat. (14) ([ inI ]), f. a pea-hen cf. MBh. (15) the shrub Abrus Precatorius cf. L. (16) N. of a daughter of Drupada (afterwards changed to a male (17) above) cf. MBh. (18) of the wite of Antardhāna cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (19) of two Apsaras (daughters of Kaśyapa and regarded as the authoresses of cf. RV. ix, 104) cf. Anukr.

===> śikhin [ zikhin ]2[ zikhin ] mfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. &c. (1) one who has reached the summit of knowledge cf. BrahmUp. (2) proud cf. MW. (3) m. a peacock cf. RPrāt. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (4) a cock cf. L. (5) Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane) cf. L. (6) a bull cf. L. (7) a horse cf. L. (8) ` having flame ', fire or the firegod cf. Gṛhyās. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (9) the number ` three ' (from the three sacred fires) cf. VarBṛS. (10) a lamp cf. L. (11) a comet cf. VarBṛS. (12) N. of Ketu (the personified descending node) cf. VP. (13) a mountain cf. L. (14) a tree cf. L. (15) Carpopogon Pruriens cf. L. (16) Trigonella Foenum Graecum cf. L. (17) a kind of potherb (= [ sit^avara ]) cf. L. (18) an arrow cf. L. (19) a Brāhman cf. L. (20) a religious mendicant cf. W. (21) N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (22) of Indra under Manu Tāmasa cf. Pur. (23) of the second Buddhi cf. Lalit. cf. Kāraṇḍ. (cf. cf. MWB. 136, n. 1 ; 516) (24) of a Brahmā (with Buddhists) cf. Lalit.

---> ([ inI ]), f. a pea-hen cf. R. (25) cock's comb, Celosia Cristata cf. L.

===> śikhā [ zikhA ]1[ z'ikhA ] f. (of doubtful derivation (1) prob. connected with √ 1. [ zi ], ` to sharpen ') a tuft or lock of hair on the crown of the head, a crest, topknot, plume cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) a peacock's crest or comb cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (3) a pointed flame, any flame cf. ib. (4) a ray of light cf. Kum. cf. Kathās (5) a sharp end, point, spike, peak, summit, pinnacle, projection, end or point (in general)
cf. MaitrUp. cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. (6) the end or point or border of a garment cf. Śak (7) the point or tip of the foot cf. L. (8) the nipple cf. L. (9) a branch which takes root, any branch cf. L. (10) a fibrous root, any root cf. L. (11) the plant Jussiaea Repens cf. L. (12) the head or chief or best of a class cf. L. (13) the fever or excitement of love cf. L. (14) a partic. part of a verse or formula (the crest of the verse compared to a king) cf. RāmatUp. [ 1070,3 ] (15) = [ zikha-vRddhi ] cf. Gaut (16) N. of various metres cf. Col. (17) of a river (prob. w. r. for [ zikhI ]) cf. VP.

===> śikhā-bandha [ zikhAbandha ]3[ z'ikhA-bandha ] m. a tuft of hair cf. L.

===> śikya [ zikya ]1[ ziky'a ] n. (cf. L. also [ A ] f.) a kind of loop or swing made of rope and suspended from either end of a pole or yoke to receive a load, carrying swing (also applied to the load so carried) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) the string of a balance cf. W. (2) = [ vajra-vikAra ] (?) cf. Vop

===> śikṣa [ zikSa ]2[ zikSa ] m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas cf. R. (1) ([ A ]), f. below

===> śikṣaṇa [ zikSaNa ]2[ zikSaNa ] n. the act of learning, acquiring knowledge cf. W. (1) teaching, instruction in (loc. or comp.) cf. Kām. cf. BhP.

===> śikṣita [ zikSita ]2[ zikSita ] mfn. learnt, studied, practised cf. Baudh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) taught, instructed or trained or exercised in (acc., loc., or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) docile cf. W. (3) skilful, clever, conversant cf. ib. (4) modest, diffident cf. ib. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman ([ zaikSita ]) (6) n. teaching, instruction cf. BhP.

===> śikṣitavya [ zikSitavya ]2[ zikSitavya ] mfn. to be learnt from (abl.) cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. Sch. (1) to be instructed or taught cf. W.

===> śikṣitu-kāma [ zikSitukAma ]2[ zikSitu-kAma ] mfn. ([ zikSitu ] for inf. [ °tum ]) one who is willing to learn, a beginner in his art cf. Mṛcch

===> śikṣā [ zikSA ]2[ zikSA ] f. desire of being able to effect anything, wish to accomplish cf. Kir. xv, 37 (1) learning study knowledge, art, skill in (loc. or comp. (2) [ zikSayA ] or [ °kSAbhis ], ` skilfully, artistically, correctly ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) teaching, training (held by Buddhists to be of three kinds, viz. [ adhicitta-zikSA ], training in the higher thought (4) [ adhizIla-z° ], training in the higher morality (5) [ adhiprajJA-z° ], training in the higher learning cf. Dharmas. 140), instruction, lesson, precept cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. TUp. &c. (6) chastisement, punishment cf. Nyāyam. cf. Sch. (7) the science which teaches proper articulation and pronunciation of Vedic texts (one of the six Ved^aṅgas, q. v.) cf. Prāt. cf. MuṇḍUp. &c. (8) modesty, humility, diffidence cf. W. (9) (?) helping, bestowing, imparting ([ zikSA-nar'a ]) (10) the plant Bignonia Indica cf. L.

===> śikṣā-pada [ zikSApada ]3[ zikSA-pada ] n. moral precept cf. Buddh. (1) [ -prajJapti ] f. N. of a part of the Vinaya (q. v.) cf. ib.

===> śikṣā-samuccaya [ zikSAsamuccaya ]3[ zikSA-samuccaya ] m.

===> śikṣā-saṃvara [ zikSAsaMvara ]3[ zikSA-saMvara ] m. the moral life of a monk cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> śilpa [ zilpa ]1[ z'ilpa ] n. (of doubtful derivation) the art of variegating, variegated or diversified appearance, decoration, ornament, artistic work
cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (1) any manual art or craft, any handicraft or mechanical or fine art (64 such arts or crafts, sometimes called [ bAhya-kalA ], ` external or practical arts ', are enumerated, e. g. carpentering, architecture, jewellery, farriery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry &c. [ cf. cf. IW. 185 ] (2) and 64 [ abhyantara-kalA ], ` secret arts ', e. g. kissing, embracing, and various other arts of coquetry) cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) skill in any art or craft or work of art, ingenuity, contrivance cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) any act or work (also m.) cf. BhP. (5) ceremonial act, ceremony, rite (also m.) cf. MW. (6) form, shape cf. Naigh. iii, 7 (cf. [ su-zilpa ]) (7) a partic. kind of Śastra or hymn (of a highly artificial character, recited on the 6th day of the Pṛshṭhya Shaḍ-aha, at the Viśvajit &c.) cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. (8) a kind of sacrificial ladle (?) cf. L. (9) (du. with [ jamad-agneH ]) N. of two Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr. (10) m. N. of a teacher cf. ŚBr. (11) ([ A ]), f. a barber's shop cf. L. (12) ([ I ]), f. a female artisan or mechanic cf. Cat. (13) ([ zilp'a ]), mfn. variegated cf. VS. cf. TS.

===> śilpa-karman [ zilpakarman ]3[ z'ilpa-karman ] n. manual labour, handicraft cf. W.

===> śilpa-sthāna [ zilpasthAna ]3[ z'ilpa-sthAna ] n. skill in art, mechanical or manual skill cf. Divyâv

===> śilpa-vidyā [ zilpavidyA ]3[ z'ilpa-vidyA ] f. the science of arts or mechanics cf. Pañcar.

===> śilpin [ zilpin ]2[ zilpin ] mfn. belonging to or skilled in art (1) m. an artificer, artisan, craftsman, artist cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (ifc.) fashioner of cf. Naish (3) ([ inI ]), f. a female artisan or artist cf. Daś (4) a kind of herb or grass (commonly called Lahānasipī, used medicinally: otherwise described as a perfume = [ kola-dala ]) cf. L.

===> śilā [ zilA ]1[ zil'A ] f. (perhaps connected with √ 1. [ zi ]) a stone, rock, crag cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) red arsenic cf. Suśr. (2) camphor cf. L. (3) the lower mill-stone cf. L. (4) the lower timber of a door cf. L. (5) the top of the pillar supporting a house cf. L. (6) a vein, tendon (for [ zira ], q. v.) cf. L. [ 1073,2 ] (7) N. of a river cf. R. (8) of a woman cf. Cat.

===> śilā-cakra [ zilAcakra ]3[ zil'A-cakra ] n. a diagram on a stone cf. Pañcar.

===> śilā-jatu [ zilAjatu ]3[ zil'A-jatu ] n. ` rock-exudation ', bitumen cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) red chalk cf. W. (2) [ -kalpa ] m. N. of wk.

===> śilā-kuṭṭa [ zilAkuTTa ]3[ zil'A-kuTTa ] or m. a stone-cutter's chisel or hatchet cf. L.

===> śilā-putra [ zilAputra ]3[ zil'A-putra ] m. ` a little rock ', a grindstone cf. L. (1) a torso cf. KapS.

===> śilā-putraka [ zilAputraka ]3[ zil'A-putraka ] m. a grindstone cf. MW. (1) a torso cf. BṛĀrUp. cf. Sch.

===> śilā-tala [ zilAtala ]3[ zil'A-tala ] n. a slab of rock cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the surface of a rock cf. W.

===> śira [ zira ]2[ zira ]1 m. = [ ziras ], the head cf. MBh. cf. Pañcar. &c. (1) the root of Piper Longum cf. L. (v. l. [ sira ]) (2) Betula Bhojpatra cf. L. (3) a Boa cf. L. (4) a bed, couch cf. L.

===> [ zira ]2[ zira ]2 in comp. for [ ziras ]

===> śiras [ ziras ]1[ z'iras ] n. (prob. originally [ zaras ] = [ karas ] (1) and connected with [ karaGka ], q. v.) the head, skull (acc. with √ [ dA ], ` to give up one's head i. e. life ' (2) with √ [ dhR ], or √ [ vah ], ` to hold up one's head, be proud ' (3) with Caus. of √ [ vRt ] or with [ upa-√ sthA ], ` to hold out the head ', ` acknowledge one's self guilty ', [ zir^opasthAyin ] (4) instr. with √ [ grah ], √ [ dhA ], √ [ dhR ], [ vi-√ dhR ], √ [ bhR ], √ [ vah ], or √ [ kR ], ` to hold or carry or place on the head, receive deferentially ' (5) instr. with √ [ gam ], [ abhi-√ gam ], [ pra-√ grah ], √ [ yA ], [ pra-Nam ] [ √ [ nam ] ], [ ni-√ pat ], [ pra-Ni-√ pat ], ` to touch with the head, bow or fall down before ' (6) loc. with √ [ kR ] or [ ni-√ dhA ], ` to place on one's head ' (7) loc. with √ [ sthA ], ` to be on or stand over a person's head, stand far above [ gen. ]) ' cf. RV. &c. &c. (8) the upper end or highest part of anything, top, peak, summit, pinnacle, acme cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (9) the forepart or van (of an army) cf. Śiś. (10) the beginning (of a verse) cf. VarBṛS. (11) (ifc.) the head, leader, chief, foremost, first (of a class) cf. BhP. (12) N. of the verse [ Apo jyotir Apo 'mRtam ] cf. Baudh. cf. Viṣṇ. &c. (13) of a Sāman (also with [ indrasya ]) cf. ĀrshBr. cf. Lāṭy (14) of a mountain cf. Buddh. [ Cf. [ zIrSan ] (15) Gk. ? &c. ; Lat. [ cerebrum ] for [ 1072,2 ] [ ceresrum ], [ cornu ] ; Germ. [ hirni ], [ Hirn ] ; Eng. [ horn ]. ]

===> śirasi [ zirasi ]2[ zirasi ] loc. of [ ziras ], in comp.

===> śiraś-cheda [ zirazcheda ]3[ ziraz-cheda ] m. (cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. &c.) or (cf. Cat.) cutting off the head, decapitation

===> śiraḥ-kapāla [ ziraHkapAla ]3[ ziraH-kapAla ] n. ` head-bowl ', the skull cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. [ 1072,3 ]

===> śiraḥ-snāta [ ziraHsnAta ]3[ ziraH-snAta ] mfn. one who has bathed or perfumed his head cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> śiri [ ziri ]1[ ziri ] m. (only cf. L. (1) cf. cf. Uṇ. iv, 142) a murderer, killer (2) a sword (3) an arrow (4) a locust

===> śiro-ruha [ ziroruha ]3[ ziro-ruha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) id. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a horn cf. VarBṛS. (2) ([ A ]), f. Leea Hirta cf. L.

===> śiro-veṣṭana [ ziroveSTana ]3[ ziro-veSTana ] n. a head-dress, turban cf. L.

===> śirā [ zirA ]1[ zirA ] [ zirAla ], [ sirA ], [ sirAla ]

===> śirīṣa [ zirISa ]1[ zirISa ] m. Acacia Sirissa (n. its flower) cf. ṢaḍvBr. &c. &c. (1) m. pl. N. of a village cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 51

===> śirīṣa-vana [ zirISavana ]3[ zirISa-vana ] n. a wood of ṢaḍvBr trees cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 6 cf. Sch.

===> śita [ zita ]2[ zit'a ]4 mfn. (for 1. &c. p. 1069, col. 3) whetted, sharp cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) thin, slender, weak, feeble cf. L.

===> śithila [ zithila ]2[ zithil'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (collateral form of prec.) loose, slack, lax, relaxed, untied, flaccid, not rigid or compact cf. TS. &c. &c. (1) soft, pliant, supple cf. Pañcat (2) unsteady, tremulous cf. MBh. (3) languid, inert, unenergetic, weak, feeble cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) careless in (loc.) cf. R. (5) indistinct (as sound) cf. L. (6) not rigidly observed cf. W. (7) loosely retained or possessed, abandoned, shaken off cf. ib. (8) ([ am ]), ind. loosely, not firmly cf. Ragh (9) ([ I ]), f. a kind of tawny-coloured ant (said to be a variety of the white ant) cf. L. (10) ([ am ]), n. a loose fastening, looseness, laxity, slowness cf. MW. (11) a partic. separation of the terms or members of a logical series cf. ib.

===> śiva [ ziva ]1[ ziv'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (according to cf. Uṇ. i, 153, fr. √ 1. [ zI ], ` in whom all things lie ' (1) perhaps connected with √ [ zvi ], cf. [ zavas ], [ zizvi ]) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear ([ 'am ] ind. kindly, tenderly) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) happy, fortunate cf. BhP. (3) m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.) cf. R. v, 56, 36 (4) liberation, final emancipation cf. L. (5) ` The Auspicious one ', N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindū Trimūrti or Triad, the other two being Brahmā ` the creator ' and Viṣṇu ` the preserver ' (6) in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity wss Rudra ` the terrible god ', but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. Śiva ` the auspicious ' [ just as the Furies were called ? ` the gracious ones ' ], and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution (7) in fact the preferential worship of Śiva as developed in the Purāṇas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [ called Śaivas ] (8) in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Kāla ` black ', and is then also identified with Time ', although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Kālī, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices (9) as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction Śiva's symbol is the Liṅga [ q. v. ] or Phallus, under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day (10) again one of his representations is as Ardha-nārī, ` half-female ', the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [ cf. RTL. 85 ] (11) he has three eyes, one of which is in his forehead, and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time, past, present, and future, while a moon's crescent, above the central eye, marks the measure of time by months, a serpent round his neck the measure by years, and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person, the perpetual revolution of ages, and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together, and gathered above his forehead into a coil (12) on the top of it he bears the Ganges, the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream (13) his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality (14) he holds a [ tri-zUla ], or three-pronged trident [ also called Pināka ] in his hand to denote, as some think, his combination of the three attributes of Creator, Destroyer, and Regenerator (15) he also carries a kind of drum, shaped like an hour-glass, called Ḍamaru: his attendants or servants are called Pramatha [ qq. vv. ] (16) they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds, and form various hosts or troops called Gaṇas (17) his wife Durgā [ otherwise called Kālī, Pārvatī, Umā, Gaurī, Bhavāṇī &c. ] is the chief object of worship with the Śāktas and Tāntrikas, and in this connection he is fond of dancing [ see [ tANDava ] ] and wine-drinking [ 1074,2 ] (18) he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (Kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye, that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance (19) in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods, including Brahmā and Viṣṇu, by a similar scorching glance, and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body, whence the use of ashes in his worship, while the use of the Rudr^aksha berries originated, it is said, from the legend that Śiva, on his way to destroy the three cities, called Tri-pura, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is Kailāsa, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Him^alaya (20) he has strictly no incarnations like those of Viṣṇu, though Vīra-bhadra and the eight Bhairavas and Khaṇḍo-bā &c. [ cf. RTL. 266 ] are sometimes regarded as forms of him (21) he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than Viṣṇu, one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the Śiva-Purāṇa and in the 17th chapter of the Anuśāsana-parvan of the Maha-bhārata, some of the most common being Mahā-deva, Śambhu, Śaṃkara, Īśa, Īśvara, Mah^eśvara, Hara (22) his sons are Gaṇ^eśa and Kārttikeya) cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. cf. RTL. 73 (23) a kind of second Siva (with Śaivas), a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation cf. MBh. cf. Sarvad (24) [ ziva-liGga ] cf. L. (25) any god cf. L. (26) a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally [ zivA ] f. q. v.) (27) sacred writings cf. L. (28) (in astron.) N. of the sixth month (29) a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) cf. L. (30) bdellium cf. L. (31) the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum cf. L. (32) Marsilia Dentata cf. L. (33) a kind of thorn-apple or = [ puNDarIka ] (the tree) cf. L. (34) quicksilver cf. L. (cf. [ ziva-bIja ]) (35) a partic. auspicious constellation cf. L. (36) a demon who inflicts diseases cf. Hariv. (37) = [ zukra ] m. [ kAla ] m. [ vasu ] m. cf. L. (38) the swift antelope cf. L. (39) rum, spirit distilled from molasses cf. L. (40) buttermilk cf. L. (41) a ruby cf. L. (42) a peg cf. L. (43) time cf. L. (44) N. of a son of Medh^atithi cf. MārkP. (45) of a son of Idhma-jihva cf. BhP. (46) of a prince and various authors (also with [ dIkSita ], [ bhaTTa ], [ paNDita ], [ yajvan ], [ sUri ] &c.) cf. Cat. (47) of a fraudulent person cf. Kathās (48) (du.) the god Śiva and his wife cf. Kir. v, 40 cf. Pracaṇḍ. i, 20 (cf. cf. Vām. v, 2, 1) (49) pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara cf. Pur. (50) of a class of Brāhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of Śiva cf. MBh. (51) ([ A ]), f. Śiva's wife (also [ zivI ]), [ zivA ] below (52) ([ am ]), n. welfare, prosperity, bliss ([ Aya ], [ 'ena ] or [ 'ebhis ], ` auspiciously, fortunately, happily, luckily ' (53) [ zivAya gamyatAm ], ` a prosperous journey to you! ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (54) final emancipation cf. L. (55) water cf. L. (56) rock-salt cf. L. (57) sea-salt cf. L. (58) a kind of borax cf. L. (59) iron cf. L. (60) myrobolan cf. L. (61) Tabernaemontana Coronaria cf. L. (62) sandal cf. L. (63) N. of a Purāṇa (= [ ziva-purANa ] or [ zaiva ]) cf. Cat. (64) of the house in which the Pāṇḍavas were to be burnt cf. MārkP. (65) of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa and in Jambu-dvīpa cf. Pur.

===> śivaka [ zivaka ]2[ zivaka ] m. an idol or image of Śiva cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 99 cf. Sch. (1) a pillar or post to which cows are tied (to be milked or for rubbing against) cf. L.

===> śivatva [ zivatva ]3[ ziv'a-tva ] n. the condition or nature of Śiva cf. Sarvad (1) = [ -tA ] cf. ib.

===> śivaṃ-kara [ zivaMkara ]3[ ziv'a-M-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. = [ ziva-kara ] cf. L. (in cf. MBh. xii, 4430 applied to Punishment personified) (1) m. a sword cf. L. (2) N. of a demon causing illness cf. Hariv. (3) of one of Śiva's attendants cf. L.

===> śivi [ zivi ]1[ zivi ] [ zivikA ] &c. [ zibi ], p. 1072

===> śivā [ zivA ]2[ zivA ] f. the energy of Śiva personified as his wife (known as Durgā, Pārvatī &c.)
cf. Inscr. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. (1) final emancipation (= [ mukti ]) cf. Pur. (2) a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally regarded as an animal of bad omen) cf. GṛS. cf. Baudh. cf. MBh. &c. [ 1076,1 ] (3) N. of various plants (accord. to cf. L. ` Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma (4) Terminalia Chebula or Citrina, Emblica Offcinalis (5) Jasminum Auriculatum

---> turmeric (6) Dūrvā grass &c. ') (7) the root of Piper longum cf. L. (8) a kind of yellow pigment (= [ °go-rocanA ]) cf. L. (9) a kind of metre cf. L. (10) (in music) a partic. Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (11) N. of the wife of Anila cf. MBh. (12) of the wife of Aṅgiras cf. ib. (13) of a Brāhman woman cf. ib. (14) of the mother of Nemi (the 22nd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi) cf. L. (15) of the mother of Rudra-bhaṭṭa cf. Cat. (16) of a river cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (In the following comp. not always, distinguishable from [ ziva ] m. or n.)

===> śivā-ruta [ zivAruta ]3[ zivA-ruta ] n. the howling of a jackal cf. L.

===> śiśira [ zizira ]1[ zizira ] mf ([ A ]) n. (prob. connected with √ [ zyai ], [ zIta ] &c.) cool, chilly, cold, frigid, freezing cf. R. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (1) m. n. cold, coolness, hoarfrost, dew cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) the cool or dewy season (comprising two months, Māgha and Phālguna, or from about the middle of January to that of March (3) cf. [ Rtu ]) cf. AV. &c. &c. (4) m. N. of the seventh month of the year (accord. to one reckoning) (5) of a mountain cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (6) of a son of Dhara and Manoharā cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (7) of a son of Medh^atithi cf. MārkP. (8) of a teacher (a pupil or descendant of Śākalya Vedamitra) cf. Cat. (9) ([ A ]), f. a partic. drug (= [ reNukA ]) cf. L. (10) a kind of Cyperus cf. L. (11) n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L. (12) a partic. mythical weapon cf. R. cf. Hariv. (13) N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa cf. MārkP.

===> śiśu [ zizu ]1[ z'izu ] m. (fr. √ 1. [ zU ] = [ zvi ]) a child, infant, the young of any animal (as a calf, puppy &c. (1) also applied to young plants, and to the recently risen sun

---> often ifc.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a boy under eight years of age cf. W. (3) a lad under sixteen cf. ib. (4) a pupil, scholar cf. ib. (5) N. of Skanda cf. MBh. cf. R. (cf. [ kumAra ]) (6) of a descendant of Aṅgiras (author of cf. RV. ix, 112). cf. Anukr. (7) of a son of Sāraṇa cf. VP. (8) of a king cf. Buddh. (9) mfn. young, infantine cf. L.

===> śiśu-māra [ zizumAra ]3[ z'izu-m'Ara ] m. ` child-killer ', the Gangetic porpoise or dolphin, Delphinus Gangeticus cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) an alligator cf. Suśr. (2) a collection of stars supposed to resemble a dolphin (and held to be a form of Viṣṇu (3) also personified as a son of Dosha and Śarvari, or as father of Bhrami, wife of Dhruva) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (4) ([ I ]), f. a female porpoise cf. PañcavBr. (5) a kind of plant cf. VarBṛS. (6) [ °ra-mukhI ] f. ` dolphin-faced ', N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. L. (7) [ °ra-rSi ] m. a Ṛshi having the form of a dolphin cf. TāṇḍyaBr. (8) [ °ra-vasA ] f. the marrow or fat of the Delphinus Gangeticus cf. Suśr. (9) [ °ra-ziras ] n. ` the dolphin's head ', a part of the heavens having stars of that shape, the north-east point cf. MBh. (10) [ °r^akRti ] mfn. dolphin-shaped cf. VP.

===> śiśutva [ zizutva ]3[ z'izu-tva ] n. childhood, childishness cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañcat (1) pupilage, the period before sixteen cf. W. (2) the period up to eight years of age cf. ib.

===> śiṃśapā [ ziMzapA ]1[ ziMz'apA ] f. (rarely and m. c. [ ziMzapa ], m.) the tree Dalbergia Sissoo cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) the Aśoka tree cf. W.

===> śiṅghāṇa [ ziGghANa ]2[ ziGghANa ] m. (also written [ ziMhANa ] or [ ziMhAna ]) Os Sepiae cf. L. (1) swollen testicles cf. L. (2) (also n. and [ A ] f.) the mucus of the nose cf. L. (3) n. rust of iron cf. L. (4) any glass vessel cf. L. (5) a beard cf. L.

===> śiṅghāṇaka [ ziGghANaka ]2[ ziGghANaka ] m. n. the mucus of the nose, phlegm cf. L. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. (also written [ siGgh° ]) id. (cf. [ zRGkhaNikA ])

===> śiṣya [ ziSya ]2[ ziSya ] mfn. to be taught ([ a-z° ] (1) [ a-niSpanne ] [ niSpanna-zabdaH ziSyaH ], ` it must be taught that the word [ niSpanna ] has the meaning of [ a-niSpanna ] ' cf. Vārtt. on cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 132) (2) to be instructed ([ a-z° ]) (3) m. a pupil, scholar, disciple ([ A ] f. a female pupil) cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. MBh. &c. (4) passion, anger cf. W. (5) violence cf. ib.

===> śiṣyatva [ ziSyatva ]3[ ziSya-tva ] n. the state or character of a pupil, pupilage, instruction cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP.

===> śiṣṭa [ ziSTa ]2[ ziSTa ]

===> [ ziSTa ]2[ ziST'a ]1 mfn. left, remaining, escaped, residual (often ifc., e. g. [ nala-z° ] ', having only the stem left ' (1) [ hata-z° ], ` escaped from slaughter or destruction ') cf. AV. &c. &c. (2) n. anything that remains or is left, remains, remnant cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. 1

===> [ ziSTa ]2[ ziST'a ]2 mfn. taught, directed, ordered, commaned (applied to persons and things) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) disciplined, cultured, educated, learned, wise (m. a learned or well-educated or wise man) cf. ŚBr. (2) eminent, superior cf. Mālav. i, 15 (v. l. for [ zliSTa ]) (3) m. (cf. above) a chief. cf. W. (4) a courtier, counsellor cf. ib. (5) n. precept, rule cf. RPrāt. (6) instruction ([ ziST^artham ])

===> ślakṣṇa [ zlakSNa ]1[ zlakSN'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (in cf. Uṇ. iii, 19 said to be fr. √ [ zliS ]) slippery, smooth, polished, even, soft, tender, gentle, bland cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) small, minute, thin, slim, fine (cf. comp.) cf. L. (2) honest, sincere cf. W. (3) ([ am ]), ind. softly, gently cf. MBh. cf. R. (4) m. N. of a mountain, Dīvy^av (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. ib.

===> ślakṣṇa-vāc [ zlakSNavAc ]3[ zlakSN'a-vAc ] f. kindly speaking cf. L.

===> ślatha [ zlatha ]2[ zlatha ] mfn. loose, relaxed, flaccid, weak, feeble, languid cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) untied, unfastened cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (2) dishevelled (as hair) cf. W.

===> śleṣa [ zleSa ]3[ zleSa ]1 m. burning cf. MW.

===> [ zleSa ]2[ zleSa ]2 m. adhering or clinging to (loc.) cf. R. (1) connection, junction, union (also applied to sexual union) cf. MBh. (2) embracing, an embrace cf. Kāv. cf. Sāh (3) (in rhet.) ` connection ', ` combination ' (one of the ten Guṇas or merits of composition, consisting either in a pleasing combination of words or of contrasted ideas, or of words having a double meaning) double meaning, equivoque, ambiguity, paranomasia, pun, hidden meaning cf. Vām. cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Sāh. &c. (4) a grammatical augment cf. Nyāyas (5) ([ A ]), f. an embrace cf. BhP.

===> śleṣma-kaṭāhaka [ zleSmakaTAhaka ]3[ zleSma-kaTAhaka ] m. or n. (?) a spitting-box, spittoon cf. L.

===> śleṣmaka [ zleSmaka ]2[ zleSmaka ] n. phlegm, the phlegmatic humour cf. L.

===> śleṣman [ zleSman ]2[ zleSm'an ] m. phlegm, mucus, rheum, the phlegmatic humour (one of the three humours of the body = [ kapha ] (1) [ dhAtu ]) cf. ŚBr. cf. Yājñ. cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) n. a band, cord, string cf. AitBr. cf. Kāṭh (3) lime, glue &c. cf. Āpast (4) the fruit of Cordia Latifolia cf. Viṣṇ. (cf. Sch.)

===> śloka [ zloka ]2[ zl'oka ] m. (prob. connected with √ 1. [ zru ] cf. R. i, 2, 33 gives a fanciful derivation fr. [ zoka ], ` sorrow ', the first [ zloka ] having been composed by Vālmīki grieved at seeing a bird killed) sound, noise (as of the wheels of a carriage or the grinding of stones &c.) cf. RV. (1) a call or voice (of the gods) cf. ib. (2) fame renown, glory, praise, hymn of praise cf. ib. cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. BhP. (3) a proverb, maxim cf. MW. (4) a stanza, (esp.) a partic. kind of common epic metre (also called Anu-shṭubh, q. v. (5) consisting of 4 Pādas or quarter verses of 8 syllables each, or 2 lines of 16 syllables each, each line allowing great liberty except in the 5th, 13th, 14th and 15th syllables which should be unchangeable as in the following scheme, 8. 1. . 8-8., the dots denoting either long or short (6) but the 6th and 7th syllables should be long (7) or if the 6th is short the 7th should be short also) cf. ŚBr. cf. KaushUp. cf. MBh. &c. (8) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> ślī-pada [ zlIpada ]1[ zlI-pada ] n. (thought by some to be fr. √ [ zliS ] + [ pada ] (1) others suppose [ zlI ] to have the meaning ` elephant ') morbid enlargement of the leg, swelled leg, elephantiasis cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. &c.

===> ślīpadin [ zlIpadin ]2[ zlIpadin ] mfn. having a swelled leg, suffering from elephantiasis [ 1104,3 ] (1) m. a club-footed man cf. Mn. iii, 165

===> śmaśru [ zmazru ]1[ zm'azru ] n. (of unknown derivation, but cf. [ zman ]) (1) the beard, (esp.) moustache, the hairs of the beard (pl.) cf. RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Lith. [ smakr'a ] ; accord. to some also Lat. [ maxilla ]. ]

===> śmaśāna [ zmazAna ]2[ zmazAna ] n. (accord. to cf. Kir. iii, 5 for [ zmazayana ] above (1) but prob. for [ azma-zayana ]) an elevated place for burning dead bodies, crematorium, cemetery or burial-place for the bones of cremated corpses cf. AV. &c. &c. (2) an oblation to deceased ancestors (= [ pitR-medha ], above) cf. PārGṛ. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (3) = [ brahma-randhra ]

===> śmaśānika [ zmazAnika ]2[ zmazAnika ] mfn. (prob. w. r. for [ zmAz° ]) abiding in burning-grounds (as a bird) cf. Car.

===> śmāśānika [ zmAzAnika ]2[ zmAzAnika ] mfn. frequenting burning-grounds cf. Buddh. (1) = [ zmazAne 'dh^ite ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 71 cf. Sch.

===> śobha [ zobha ]2[ zobha ] &c. p. 1092, col. 1

===> [ zobha ]1[ zobha ] mfn. (fr. √ [ zubh ]) bright, brilliant, handsome cf. W. (1) m. N. of a man cf. Rājat (2) (pl.) of a class of gods cf. L. (3) of a class of heretics cf. L. (4) lustre (in comp. for [ zobhA ], q. v.)

===> śobhana [ zobhana ]2[ zobhan'a ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. brilliant, splendid, beautiful (at end of comp. = ` beautiful by reason of ') cf. ŚBr. cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (1) excellent, glorious, magnificent, distinguished in or by (instr. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) (ifc.) superior to, better than cf. BhP. propitious, auspicious cf. VarBṛS. cf. Rājat (3) virtuous, moral (comp.) (4) correct, right cf. Sarvad (5) m. N. of Agni at the Śuṅgā-karman cf. Gṛhyās (6) of Śiva cf. MBh. (7) a burnt offering for auspicious results cf. W. (8) the fifth of the astron. cf. Yogas. cf. L. (9) a planet cf. L. (10) the eleventh year of Jupiter's cycle cf. MW. (11) ([ A ]), f. a beautiful woman (often in voc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (12) turmeric cf. L. (13) the yellow pigment Go-rocanā cf. L. (14) N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh. (15) ([ am ]), n. the act of adorning, causing to look beautiful cf. MW. (16) an ornament ([ karNa-z° ]) (17) anything propitious or auspicious, welfare, prosperity cf. R. cf. Pur. (18) moral good, virtue cf. ib. brilliance cf. MW. (19) a lotus cf. L. (20) tin cf. L. (21) (with [ kazyapasya ]) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> śobhanaka [ zobhanaka ]2[ zobhanaka ] m. Moringa Pterygosperma cf. L.

===> śobhita [ zobhita ]2[ zobhita ] mfn. (mostly ifc.) splendid, beautiful, adorned or embellished by cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> śobhā [ zobhA ]2[ zobh'A ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) splendour, brilliance, lustre, beauty, grace, loveliness ([ kA zobhA ] with loc., ` what beauty is there [ in that ] ', i. e. ` it has no beauty ' (1) [ zobhAM na-√ kR ], ` to look bad or ugly ' (2) ifc. often = ` splendid ', ` excellent ', e. g. [ zaurya-zobhA ], ` splendid heroism ' (3) [ karma-zobhA ], ` a masterpiece ') cf. TS. &c. &c. (4) distinguished merit cf. W. (5) colour, hue cf. VarBṛS. cf. Mudr (6) wish, desire cf. L. (7) a kind of metre cf. Col. (8) turmeric cf. L. (9) the yellow pigment Go-rocanā cf. L.

===> śocana [ zocana ]2[ zocana ] mfn. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 150 (1) n. (cf. L.) and ([ A ]), f. (cf. Hāsy.) grief, sorrow

===> śodha [ zodha ]2[ zodha ] m. purification, cleansing cf. Vop (1) correction, setting right cf. MW. (2) payment cf. ib. (3) retaliation cf. ib.

===> śodhaka [ zodhaka ]2[ zodhaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. purificatory, m. a purifier cf. R. (1) corrective cf. MW. (2) (in arithm. or alg.) ` corrector ', the subtrahend, the quantity to be subtracted from a number (to render it capable of yielding an exact square root) cf. Col. (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a red variety of Panicum Italicum cf. L. (4) n. a partic. kind of earth (= [ kaGkuSTha ]) cf. L.

===> śodhana [ zodhana ]2[ zodhana ] mfn. cleaning, purifying, cleansing, refining, purgative cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (1) m. the citron tree cf. L. (2) Alangium Hexapetalum cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. below (4) ([ am ]), n. the act of cleaning, purifying, correcting, improving cf. Nir. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (5) refining (as of metals for chemical or medicinal purposes) cf. W. (6) a means of purification cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. (7) clearing up, sifting, investigation, examination, correction cf. Kām. cf. Hit. cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch. (8) payment, acquittance cf. W. (9) justifying, exculpating cf. R. (10) expiation cf. MW. (11) retaliation, punishment cf. ib. (12) removal, eradication cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (13) (in arithm.) subtraction, Bījag (14) excrement, ordure cf. ib. (15) green vitriol cf. ib.

===> śodhanīya [ zodhanIya ]2[ zodhanIya ] mfn. to be cleansed or purified cf. Kull (1) to be discharged or paid cf. Kathās (2) serving for purification cf. Suśr. [ 1092,1 ] (3) to be corrected cf. W. (4) to be subtracted cf. ib. (5) n. a means of cleansing or purifying cf. Suśr.

===> śodhita [ zodhita ]2[ zodhita ] mfn. (fr. id.) cleansed, purified refined corrected &c. (1) removed cf. Kām (2) justified, exculpated cf. Mn. viii, 202 (3) discharged, liquidated (as a debt) cf. W.

===> śoka [ zoka ]1[ zok'a ] mfn. (√ [ zuc ]) burning, hot cf. AV. (1) ([ z'oka ]), m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) flame, glow, heat cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. (2) sorrow, affliction, anguish, pain, trouble, grief for (gen. or comp.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) Sorrow personified (as a son of Death or of Droṇa and Abhimati) cf. Pur. (4) ([ I ]), f. below

===> śokâbhibhūta [ zokAbhibhUta ]3[ zok^abhibhUta ] mfn. afflicted with sorrow cf. A.

===> śokâgni [ zokAgni ]3[ zok^agni ] m. the fire of sorrow, violent grief cf. Kāv. cf. Hit. (1) [ -saMtapta ] mfn. consumed by the fire of sorrow or grief cf. W.

===> śokârta [ zokArta ]3[ zok^arta ] mfn. afflicted with sorrow cf. Hit.

===> śotha [ zotha ]1[ zotha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) fr. √ [ zU ] = [ zvi ]) a swelling, tumour, morbid intumescence, dropsy cf. Suśr.

===> śoṇita [ zoNita ]2[ zoNita ] mfn. red cf. W. (1) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) blood (also pl.) cf. GṛŚrS. &c. &c. [ 1091,3 ] (2) the sap of trees, resin cf. Suśr. (3) saffron cf. Bhpr.

===> śoṣa [ zoSa ]1[ zoSa ]1 mfn. (fr. √ 1. [ zuS ]) drying up, desiccating (also fig. = ` removing, destroying ') cf. BhP. (1) m. the act of drying up, desiccation, dryness cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (2) pulmonary consumption (also personified as an evil demon) cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hcat (3) (also w. r. for [ zotha ] or [ zopha ].)

===> [ zoSa ]1[ z'oSa ]2 m. (fr. √ [ zU ] = [ zvi ] (1) cf. [ zUSa ]) breath, vital energy cf. VS. (cf. Mahīdh.)

===> śoṣaṇa [ zoSaNa ]2[ zoSaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. drying up, draining, parching, withering cf. Nir. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (1) (ifc.) removing, destroying cf. BhP. (2) m. N. of an Agni, Hiriv (3) of one of the arrows of Kāma-deva (god of love) cf. Vet. cf. Gīt. cf. Sch. (4) Bignonia Indica cf. L. (5) n. drying up (intr.), desiccation cf. MaitrUp. cf. VarBṛS. (6) making dry, draining, suction cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Suśr. (7) dry ginger cf. L.

===> śoṣita [ zoSita ]2[ zoSita ] mfn. dried or sucked up, drained, desiccated, absorbed, exhausted, emptied cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> śraddadhāna [ zraddadhAna ]2[ zrad-d'adhAna ] mfn. having faith, trustful, believing cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> śraddadhānatā [ zraddadhAnatA ]3[ zrad-d'adhAna-tA ] f. belief, faith cf. Mn. vii, 86

===> śraddheya [ zraddheya ]2[ zraddh'eya ] mfn. to be trusted, trustworthy, faithful cf. AV. &c. &c. ([ tadA-tva-mAtra-zr° ], one who believes only in the present time cf. Hariv. 11, 180, v. l. °tre zr°)

===> śraddhita [ zraddhita ]2[ zr'addhita ] mfn. believed, trusted in or relied on (n. impers., with dat.) cf. RV. i, 104, 6 (1) consented to, approved cf. BhP. (2) gladly accepted, welcomed cf. ib. (3) trustful, believing, confident cf. ib.

===> śraddhânusārin [ zraddhAnusArin ]3[ zraddh'A-nusArin ] ([ zraddh^an° ]), m. ` a follower or observer of faith ', one who acts faithfully, a Śrāvaka at a partic. stage of his religious life cf. Divyâv

===> śraddhā [ zraddhA ]1[ zraddhA ] [ zrad-dadhAna ] &c. P. 1095, col. 3

===> śraddhā-deya [ zraddhAdeya ]3[ zraddh'A-deya ] n. trust, confidence cf. Divyâv (1) also w. r. for next

===> śrama [ zrama ]2[ zr'ama ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort either bodily or mental, hard work of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity (2) [ zramaM-√ kR ], ` to work hard at one's studies '), pains or trouble bestowed on (loc. or comp.) cf. AV. &c. &c. (3) military exercise, drill cf. W. [ 1096,2 ] (4) N. of a son of Āpa cf. Hariv. (5) of a son of Vasu-deva cf. BhP.

===> śrama-khinna [ zramakhinna ]3[ zr'ama-khinna ] mfn. distressed by fatigue cf. R.

===> śramaṇa [ zramaNa ]2[ zramaN'a ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. making effort or exertion, toiling, labouring, (esp.) following a toilsome or menial business cf. W. (1) base, vile, bad cf. ib. (2) naked cf. L. (3) m. one who performs acts of mortification or austerity, an ascetic, monk, devotee, religious mendicant cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (4) a Buddhist monk or mendicant (also applied to Buddha himself, cf. cf. MWB. 23 &c. (5) also applied to a Jain ascetic now commonly called Yati) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (6) N. of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh. (7) ([ A ] or [ I ]), a female mendicant or nun cf. L. (8) a hard-working woman cf. L. (9) ([ A ]), f. a handsome woman cf. L. (10) = [ zabarI-bhid ], [ mAMsI ], [ muNDIrI ] cf. L. (11) n. toil, labour, exertion cf. ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> śrava [ zrava ]1[ zrav'a ]1 mfn. (√ 1. [ zru ]) sounding cf. VS. (1) m. hearing ([ At ], ` from hearsay ', [ e ], with gen., ` within hearing of ') cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (2) the ear cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās (3) the hypotenuse of a triangle cf. Sūryas

===> [ zrava ]2[ zrava ]2 in comp. for 1. [ zravas ]

===> [ zrava ]1[ zrava ]3 [ zravaka ] &c. [ srava ] &c.

===> [ zrava ]2[ zrava ]

===> śravaṇa [ zravaNa ]3[ zravaNa ] &c. 1. [ zrava ], p. 1096, col. 3

===> [ zravaNa ]2[ zr'avaNa ]2 &c. p. 1097, col. 2

===> śravaṇa-patha [ zravaNapatha ]3[ zr'avaNa-patha ] m. the region of the ears (comp.) (1) the ear-passage, auditory passage, ear cf. Śiś. (2) range of hearing (comp.) (3) [ -gata ] mfn. reaching to the ear-passage or ears cf. Bhartṛ (4) [ -paryanta-gamana ] n. reaching to the limit of hearing cf. Gīt. (5) [ °t^atithi ] m. coming to (lit. ` being a guest of ') the ears of any one ([ °thi-tvamroot i ], with gen., ` to come to the ears of ', ` be heard by ') cf. Ratnâv

===> śravaṇā [ zravaNA ]2[ zravaNA ] f. N. of a Nakshatra (= 2. [ zravaNa ]) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pur. (1) the night of full-moon in the month Śrāvaṇa cf. GṛŚrS. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 5) (2) N. of a daughter of Citraka or Rāj^adhideva (cf. [ zraviSThA ]) cf. Hariv.

===> śravaṇīya [ zravaNIya ]2[ zravaNIya ] mfn. to be heard, worth hearing cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) to be celebrated, praise worthy cf. MW.

===> śreyas [ zreyas ]1[ zr'eyas ] mfn. (either compar. of [ zrI ], or rather accord. to native authorities of [ zrI-mat ] or [ prazasya ] (1) cf. Gk. ?) more splendid or beautiful, [ 1102,2 ] more excellent or distinguished, superior, preferable, better, better than (with abl. or with [ na ], below) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) most excellent, best cf. MBh. iii, 1256 (3) propitious, well disposed to (gen.) cf. ib. i, 3020 (4) auspicious, fortunate, conducive to welfare or prosperity cf. Kāv. cf. Hit. cf. MārkP. (5) m. (in astron.) N. of the second Muhūrta (6) of the third month (accord. to a partic. reckoning) (7) (with Jainas) N. of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. L. (8) ([ zreyasI ]), f. N. of various plants (accord. to cf. L. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina (9) Clypea Hernandifolia (10) Scindapsus Officinalis (11) = [ rAsnA ], [ ambaSThA ] and [ priyaGgu ]) cf. Car. cf. Bhpr. &c. (12) N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree cf. Lalit. (13) ([ as ]), n. the better state, the better fortune or condition (sometimes used when the subject of a sentence would seem to require the masc. form) cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. Kauś (14) good (as opp. to ` evil '), welfare, bliss, fortune, happiness cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. (15) the bliss of final emancipation, felicity ([ zreyaH-parizrAma ], col. 3) (16) ind. better, rather, rather than (used like [ varam ] [ q. v. ] with [ na ] (17) e. g. [ zreyo mRtaM na jIvitam ], ` better is death and not life ' or ` rather than life ', or ` death is better than life ') cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (18) = [ dharma ] cf. L. (19) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> śreṇika [ zreNika ]2[ zreNika ] m. a front-tooth cf. Gal. (1) N. of a king (= [ bimbisAra ]) cf. HPariś (2) ([ A ]), f. next

===> śreṇya [ zreNya ]2[ zreNya ] m. N. of a king (= [ zreNika ]) cf. Buddh.

===> śreṇī [ zreNI ]2[ zreNI ] f. a line, row &c. (= [ zreNi ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> śreṣṭha [ zreSTha ]2[ zr'eSTha ] mf ([ A ]) n. most splendid or beautiful, most beautiful of or among (with gen.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. R. (1) most excellent, best, first, chief (n. ` the best or chief thing '), best of or among or in respect of or in (with gen., loc., or comp.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) better, more, distinguished, superior, better than (abl. or gen.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) most auspicious or salutary cf. VarBṛS. (4) oldest, senior cf. W. (5) m. a king cf. L. (6) a Brāhman cf. L. (7) N. of Viṣṇu or Kubera cf. L. (8) N. of a king cf. Buddh. (9) ([ A ]), f. an excellent woman cf. MW. (10) Hibiscus Mutabilis cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ lakSmI-zr° ]) (11) a kind of root resembling ginger cf. L. (12) n. cow's milk cf. L. (13) copper cf. L.

===> śreṣṭhatva [ zreSThatva ]3[ zr'eSTha-tva ] n. (cf. Suśr.) betterness, eminence, excellence, superiority

===> śreṣṭhatā [ zreSThatA ]3[ zr'eSTha-tA ] f. (cf. AitBr. cf. Mn. &c.),

===> śreṣṭhika [ zreSThika ]3[ zreSThika ] [ bhUri-zr° ]

===> śreṣṭhin [ zreSThin ]2[ zreSThin ] mfn. having the best, best, chief cf. W. (1) m. a distinguished man, a person of rank or authority cf. AitBr. cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. KaushUp. (2) a warrior of high rank cf. Jātakam (3) an eminent artisan, the head or chief of an association following the same trade or industry, the president or foreman of a guild (also [ inI ] f. a female artisan &c.) cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. &c.

===> śrota [ zrota ]1[ zrota ] [ srota ]

===> śrotas [ zrotas ]2[ zrotas ]2 n. (fr. √ 1. [ zru ]) the ear cf. L. (also w. r. for [ srotas ])

===> śrotavya [ zrotavya ]2[ zrotavya ] &c. p. 1103, col. 1

===> [ zrotavya ]1[ zrotavya ] mfn. (fut. p. of √ 1. [ zru ]) to be heard or listened to, audible, worth hearing cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) n. the moment for hearing (impers. ` it must be heard ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> śrotra [ zrotra ]2[ zr'otra ] n. the organ of hearing, ear, auricle cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) the act of hearing or listening to cf. AV. &c. &c. (2) conversancy with the Veda or sacred knowledge itself cf. MW.

===> śrotriya [ zrotriya ]2[ zr'otriya ] mfn. learned in the Veda, conversant with sacred knowledge cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) docile, modest, well-behaved cf. W. [ 1103,2 ] (2) m. a Brāhman versed in the Veda, theologian, divine cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a Brāhman of the third degree (standing between the Brāhmaṇa and Anūcāna) cf. Hcat

===> śrotṛ [ zrotR ]3[ zrotR ] mfn. one who promises or assents MW.

===> [ zrotR ]2[ zr'otR ] (with acc.) or (with gen.), mfn. one who hears, hearing, a hearer cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> śroṇa-koṭi-viṃśa [ zroNakoTiviMza ]3[ zroN'a-koTi-viMza ] m. N. of two men cf. Buddh.

===> śroṇi [ zroNi ]2[ zr'oNi ] f. (cf. L. also m. (1) mostly du. (2) ifc. f. [ I ] for [ zroNI- ], below) the hip and loins, buttocks cf. RV. &c. &c. [ 1103,1 ] (3) the thighs or sides of the Vedi or of any square cf. Baudh. cf. Śulbas. ; a road, way cf. L. [ Cf. Lat. [ clunis ] ; Lith. [ szlaun'is ]. ]

===> śru [ zru ]1[ zru ]1 cl. 5. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 44) [ zRN'oti ] (Ved. and ep. also Ā. [ zRNute ], and in cf. RV. 3. sg. [ zRNv'e ], 2. sg. [ °viS'e ], 3. pl. [ °vir'e ] [ cf. below ] (1) Impv. [ zRNu ], [ °Nudh˘'I ] and [ °Nuh˘'I ] pl. [ zRNut˘'A ], [ °Nota ] and [ °Notana ] cf. RV. (2) pf. [ zuzr'Ava ] [ once in cf. R. with pass. sense ], [ zuzruve ] [ 2. sg. [ zuzrotha ], 1. pl. [ zuzruma ], in cf. Up. also [ °mas ] (3) [ zuzravat ], [ zuzrUy'As ] cf. RV., p. [ zuzruv'as ], q. v. ] (4) aor. Ved. [ 'azravam ], [ 'azrot ], 2. sg. [ zr'oSi ] (5) Subj. [ zr'avat ], [ °vathaH ] (6) [ ? ] [ zruvam ] cf. TĀr. (7) Impv. [ zrudh˘'I ], [ zr'otu ] cf. RV. (8) [ azrauSIt ] cf. Br. &c. (9) Subj. [ zroSan ] Impv. [ zroSantu ] cf. RV. [ cf. [ zr'oSamANa ] ] (10) Prec. [ zrUy'Asam ] cf. AV. &c. (11) fut. [ zrotA ] cf. MBh. (12) [ zroSyati ], [ °te ] cf. Br. &c. (13) inf. [ zrotum ] cf. MBh. &c. (14) ind. p. [ zrutv'A ] cf. RV. &c. (15) [ -zr'utya ] cf. AV. &c. (16) [ zrAvam ] cf. GṛŚrS. &c.), to hear, listen or attend to anything (acc.), give ear to any one (acc. or gen.), hear or learn anything about (acc.) or from (abl., gen., instr., [ mukhAt ] or [ zakAzAt ]), or that anything is (two acc.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (17) to hear (from a teacher), study, learn cf. ŚrS. cf. MBh. &c. (18) to be attentive, be obedient, obey cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. : Pass. [ zrUy'ate ] (ep. also [ °ti ] (19) and in cf. RV. [ zRNve ] &c. [ cf. above ] with pass. meaning (20) aor. [ azrAvi ], [ zrAvi ]), to be heard or perceived or learnt about (acc.) or from (gen., abl. or [ mukhAt ] (21) in later language often 3. sg. [ zrUyate ] impers. ` it is heard ', ` one hears or learns or reads in a book ', = ` it is said ', ` it is written in (with loc.) ' (22) Impv. [ zrUyatAm ], ` let it be heard ' = ` listen! ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (23) to be celebrated or renowned, be known as, pass for, be called (nom.) cf. RV. [ 1101,1 ] (24) to be heard or learnt (from a teacher) cf. Pañcat (25) to be taught or stated (in a book) cf. Sarvad (26) to be heard i. e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word) cf. TPrāt. cf. Sch. : Caus. [ zrAv'ayati ] (ep. also [ °te ], in cf. RV. also [ zrav'ayati ] (27) aor. [ azuzravi ], [ °vuH ] cf. RV. (28) [ azuzruvat ] cf. Br. (29) [ azizravat ] Gr. (30) Pass. [ zrAvyate ], below), to cause to be heard or learnt, announce, proclaim, declare cf. RV. &c. &c. (31) to cause to hear, inform, instruct, communicate, relate, tell (with acc. of thing, and acc., gen., or dat. of pers., or with instr. in sense of ` through ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. : Pass. of Caus. [ zrAvyate ], to be informed of (acc.) cf. MBh. &c. : Desid. [ z'uzrUSate ] (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 57 (32) ep. or m. c. also [ °ti ] (33) Pass. [ zuzrUSyate ]), to wish or like to hear (acc.), desire to attend or listen to (dat.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (34) to attend upon, serve, obey (acc., rarely gen.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. : Caus. of Desid. [ zuzrUSayati ], to wait upon, be at the service of (acc.) cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. ii, 243: Desid. of Caus. [ zizrAvayiSati ] or [ zuzrAvayiSati ] Gr. : Intens. [ zozrUyate ], [ zozravIti ], [ zozroti ], Gr. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ? = [ zrudh'i ], ? = [ zrut'a ] &c. ; Lat. [ 1101,1 ] [ cluo ], [ in-clutus ] ; Slav. [ sluti ] ; Germ. [ laut ] ; Eng. [ loud ]. ]

===> [ zru ]1[ zru ]2 (only in [ zr'uvat ] (1) generally an incorrect form of √ [ sru ]), to dissolve into parts, burst asunder cf. RV. i, 127, 3

===> śruta [ zruta ]2[ zrut'a ] mfn. heard, listened to, heard about or of, taught, mentioned, orally transmitted or communicated from age to age cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. &c. (1) known, famous, celebrated cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. MBh. (2) known as, called (nom. with [ iti ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) m. N. of a son of Bhagīratha cf. Hariv. (4) of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. BhP. (5) of a son of Su-bhāshaṇa cf. ib. (6) of a son of Upagu cf. VP. (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Dīrghadaṃshṭra cf. Kathās (8) ([ am ]), n. anything heard, that which has been heard (esp. from the beginning), knowledge as heard by holy men and transmitted from generation to generation, oral tradition or revelation, sacred knowledge (in the cf. Pur. personified as a child of Dharma and Medhā), the Veda cf. AV. &c. &c. (9) the act of hearing cf. MuṇḍUp. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (10) learning or teaching, instruction ([ zrutaM-√ kR ], ` to learn ') cf. Āpast (11) memory, remembrance cf. AV. i, 1, 2

===> śruta-dhara [ zrutadhara ]3[ zrut'a-dhara ] mfn. retaining what has been heard, having a good memory cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (1) m. the ear cf. BhP. (2) N. of a king cf. Kathās (3) of a poet cf. Gīt., Introd. (4) pl. N. of the Brāhmans in Śālmaladvīpa cf. BhP.

===> śruta-mātra [ zrutamAtra ]3[ zrut'a-mAtra ] n. mere hearing or hearsay cf. Śrutab

===> śruta-pūrva [ zrutapUrva ]3[ zrut'a-pUrva ] mf ([ A ]) n. heard or learnt before, known by hearsay cf. R. cf. Kālid

===> śrutamaya [ zrutamaya ]3[ zrut'a-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of knowledge cf. Buddh.

===> śrutavat [ zrutavat ]3[ zrut'a-vat ] mfn. one who has heard &c. cf. Kāv. cf. Hit. (1) possessing (sacred) knowledge, learned, pious cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) connected with or founded on knowledge cf. BhP. (3) m. N. of a son of Som^api cf. BhP.

===> śruti [ zruti ]2[ zr'uti ]1 f. hearing, listening ([ zrutim abhinIya ], ` feigning to hear ' (1) [ zrutiM vaco 'nugAM-√ kR ], ` to listen to a speech ') cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) the ear, organ or power of hearing cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās (3) the diagonal of a tetragon or hypothenuse of a triangle cf. Gol. [ 1101,3 ] (4) that which is heard or perceived with the ear, sound, noise &c. cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Prāt. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (5) an aggregate of sounds (whether forming a word or any part of a word) cf. TPrāt. (6) rumour, report, news, intelligence, hearsay ([ zrutau-√ sthA ], ` to be known by hearsay ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) a saying, saw, word cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. (8) that which has been heard or communicated from the beginning, sacred knowledge orally transmitted by the Brāhmans from generation to generation, the Veda (i. e. sacred eternal sounds or words as eternally heard by certain holy sages called Ṛshis, and so differing from [ sm'Rti ] or what is only remembered and handed down in writing by human authors, cf. Mn. ii, 10 (9) it is properly only applied to the Mantra and Brāhmaṇa portion of the Vedas, although afterwards extended to the Upanishads and other Vedic works including the Darśanas (10) [ iti zruteH ], ` because it is so taught in the Veda, according to a [ zruti ] or Vedic text ' (11) pl. ` sacred texts, the Vedas ', also ` rites prescribed by the Vedas ') cf. AitBr. cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. cf. IW. 144 (12) (in music) a particular division of the octave, a quarter tone or interval (twenty-two of these are enumerated, four constituting a major tone, three a minor, and two a semitone (13) they are said to be personified as nymphs) cf. Yājñ. cf. Śiś. cf. Pañcar. (14) a name, title cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 331 (15) learning, scholarship cf. Śak. cf. VarBṛS. (prob. w. r. for [ zruta ]) (16) = [ buddhi ] cf. L. (17) N. of a daughter of Atri and wife of Kardama cf. VP.

===> [ zruti ]2[ zr'uti ]2 f. (cf. [ sruti ]) course, path (?) cf. RV. ii, 2, 7 ; x, 111, 3 (1) the constellation, Śravaṇā cf. L.

===> śrutkā [ zrutkA ]3[ zr'utkA ] f. an echo, reverberation VS. ChUp.

===> śrutâyudha [ zrutAyudha ]3[ zrut^ayudha ] m. N. of a man cf. MBh.

===> śrāddha [ zrAddha ]1[ zrAddha ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zrad-dhA ]) faithful, true, loyal, believing cf. HPariś. cf. SaddhP. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 101) (1) relating to a Śrāddha ceremony cf. Cat. (2) n. a ceremony in honour and for the benefit of dead relatives observed with great strictness at various fixed periods and on occasions of rejoicing as well as mourning by the surviving relatives (these ceremonies are performed by the daily offering of water and on stated occasions by the offering of Piṇḍas or balls of rice and meal [ see [ piNDa ] ] to three paternal and three maternal forefathers, i. e. to father, grandfather, and great grandfather (3) it should be borne in mind that a Śrāddha is not a funeral ceremouy [ [ anty^eSTi ] ] but a supplement to such a ceremony (4) it is an act of reverential homage to a deceased person performed by relatives, and is moreover supposed to supply the dead with strengthening nutriment after the performance of the previous funeral ceremonies has endowed them with ethereal bodies (5) indeed until those [ anty^eSTi ], or ` funeral rites ' have been performed, and until the succeeding first Śrāddha has been celebrated the deceased relative is a [ pr^eta ] or restless, wandering ghost, and has no real body [ only a [ liGga-zarIra ], q. v. ] (6) it is not until the first Śrāddha has taken place that he attains a position among the Pitṛs or Divine Fathers in their blissful abode called Pitṛ-loka, and the ŚrṭŚrāddha is most desirable and efficacious when performed by a son (7) for a full description of the Śrāddha ceremonies, cf. RTL. 276, 304 &c.) cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (8) gifts or offerings at a Śrāddha cf. MW.

===> śrāmaṇaka [ zrAmaNaka ]2[ zrAmaNaka ] m. or n. (fr. id.) N. of a partic. contrivance for kindling fire
cf. Gaut. cf. Baudh. cf. Vas. (v. l. [ zrAvaNaka ])

===> śrāmaṇera [ zrAmaNera ]2[ zrAmaNera ] m. (among Buddhists) a pupil or disciple admitted to the first degree of monkhood, a novice cf. Buddh. cf. MWB. 77

===> śrāmaṇeraka [ zrAmaNeraka ]2[ zrAmaNeraka ] m. id. cf. Divyâv

===> śrāmaṇya [ zrAmaNya ]2[ zrAmaNya ] n. religious austerity or mendicancy cf. HPariś

===> śrānta [ zrAnta ]1[ zrAnta ] &c. under √ 1. [ zram ], p. 1096, col. 2

===> śrāvaka [ zrAvaka ]3[ zrAvaka ] &c. p. 1097, col. 1

===> śrāvaka-yāna [ zrAvakayAna ]3[ zrAvaka-yAna ] n. the vehicle of the ŚrṭŚrāvaka (cf. under [ yAna ]) cf. Dharmas. 3

===> śrāvakatva [ zrAvakatva ]3[ zrAvaka-tva ] n. the state or condition of a Śrāvaka cf. HYog.

===> śrāvaṇa [ zrAvaNa ]2[ zrAvaNa ]1 mfn. relating to or perceived by the ear, audible cf. MārkP. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 92 cf. Sch.) (1) taught or enjoined in the Veda (cf. [ zrauta ]) cf. MBh. iii, 100, 75 (2) m. a heretic cf. L. (3) N. of a Muni cf. Cat. (4) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. N. of various plants cf. Suśr. (5) n. causing to be heard, announcing, proclaiming cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat (6) knowledge derived from hearing cf. MW.

===> [ zrAvaNa ]2[ zrAvaNa ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. relating to or produced under the Nakshatra Śravaṇa (1) m. (with or scil. [ mAs ] or [ mAsa ]) N. of one of the twelve Hindū months (generally rainy and corresponding to July-August) cf. Suśr. cf. GṛS. cf. Yājñ. &c. (2) ([ I ]), f. below (3) n. = next cf. GṛS.

===> śrāvaṇatva [ zrAvaNatva ]3[ zrAvaNa-tva ] n. audibleness cf. Tarkas

===> śrāvikā [ zrAvikA ]2[ zrAvikA ] f. a female Śrāvaka (above (1) two female disciples of the Buddha were called [ agrazrAvikA ], ` chief female disciples ') cf. Śatr. cf. MWB. 48

===> śrī [ zrI ]1[ zrI ]1 (cf. √ [ zrA ]), cl. 9. P. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxxi, 3) [ zrIN'ati ], [ zrINIt'e ] (Gr. also pf. [ zizrAya ], [ zizrIye ] (1) aor. [ azraiSIt ], [ azreSTa ] &c. (2) for [ azizrayuH ] 2. [ abhi-√ zrI ]), to mix, mingle, cook (cf. [ abhi- ] and [ A-√ zrI ]) cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. VS. cf. Br. (3) (= √ 1. [ zri ]), to burn, flame, diffuse light cf. RV. i, 68, 1

===> [ zrI ]2[ zrI ]2 mfn. (ifc.) mixing, mingling, mixed with (1) f. mixing, cooking

===> [ zrI ]1[ zrI ]3 f. (prob. to be connected with √ 1. [ zri ] and also with √ 1. [ zrI ] in the sense of ` diffusing light or radiance ' [ 1098,3 ] (1) nom. [ zr'Is ] accord. to some also [ zrI ]) light, lustre, radiance, splendour, glory, beauty, grace, loveliness ([ zriy'e ] and [ zriya'i ], ` for splendour or beauty ', ` beauteously ', gloriously ', cf. [ zriy'ase ] (2) du. [ zriyau ], ` beauty and prosperity ' (3) [ zriya AtmajAH ], ` sons of beauty ', i. e. horses [ cf. [ zrI-putra ] ] (4) [ zriyaH putrAH ] ', goats with auspicious marks ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) prosperity, welfare, good fortune, success, auspiciousness, wealth, treasure, riches ([ zriyA ], ` according to fortune or wealth '), high rank, power, might, majesty, royal dignity (or ` Royal dignity ' personified (6) [ zriyo bhAjaH ], ` possessors of dignity ', ` people of high rank ') cf. AV. &c. &c. (7) symbol or insignia of royalty cf. Vikr. iv, 13 (8) N. of Lakshmī (as goddess of prosperity or beauty and wife of Viṣṇu, produced at the churning of the ocean, also as daughter of Bhṛgu and as mother of Darpa) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (9) N. of Sarasvatī ([ -paJcamI ]) (10) of a daughter of king Su-śarman cf. Kathās (11) of various metres cf. Col. (12) (the following only in cf. L. ` a lotus-flower (13) intellect, understanding (14) speech (15) cloves (16) Pinus Longifolia (17) Aegle Marmelos (18) a kind of drug, = [ vRddhi ] (19) N. of a Buddhist goddess and of the mother of the 17th Arhat ') (20) m. N. of the fifth musical Rāga ([ rAga ]) cf. Saṃgīt (21) mfn. diffusing light or radiance, splendid, radiant, beautifying, adorning (ifc. (22) [ agni- ], [ adhvara- ], [ kSatra- ], [ gaNa- ], [ jana-zrI ] &c.) cf. RV. iv, 41, 8. [ The word [ zrI ] is frequently used as an honorific prefix (= ` sacred ', ` holy ') to the names of deities (e. g. Śri-Durgā, Śrī-Rāma), and may be repeated two, three, or even four times to express excessive veneration. (e. g. Śrī-śrī-Durgā &c.) (23) it is also used as a respectful title (like ` Reverend ') to the names of eminent persons as well as of celebrated works and sacred objects (e. g. Śrī-Jayadeva. ŚrīBhāgavata), and is often placed at the beginning or back of letters, manuscripts, important documents &c. (24) also before the words [ caraNa ] and [ pAda ] ` feet ', and even the end of personal names. ]

===> śrī-bhadra [ zrIbhadra ]3[ zrI-bhadra ] m. Cyperus Rotundus (generally [ A ] f.) cf. L. (1) m. N. of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh. (2) of an author cf. Col. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a goddess cf. Kālac (4) of the second wife of Bimbisāra cf. Buddh.

===> śrī-garbha [ zrIgarbha ]3[ zrI-garbha ] mfn. having welfare for its inner nature (applied to the sword and punishment) cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. Hariv. (2) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (3) of a merchant cf. Kathās (4) of a contemporary of Maṅkha cf. Cat. (5) (with [ kav^indra ]) of a poet cf. ib. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Rādhā cf. Pañcar. (7) [ -ratna ] n. a kind of gem cf. L.

===> śrī-ghana [ zrIghana ]3[ zrI-ghana ] n. coagulated milk, sour curds cf. L. (1) m. a Buddha or N. of a Buddha cf. Pañcar.

===> śrī-gupta [ zrIgupta ]3[ zrI-gupta ] m. N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> śrī-mahiman [ zrImahiman ]3[ zrI-mahiman ] m. the majesty of Śiva (1) [ °mnaH stava ] m. N. of a Stotra

===> śrī-mitra [ zrImitra ]3[ zrI-mitra ] m. N. of a poet cf. Cat.

===> śrī-tejas [ zrItejas ]3[ zrI-tejas ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit. (1) of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh.

===> śrī-vatsa [ zrIvatsa ]3[ zrI-vatsa ] m. ` favourite of Śrī, N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (1) a partic. mark or curl of hair on the breast of Viṣṇu or Kṛshṇa (and of other divine beings (2) said to be white and represented in pictures by a symbol resembling a cruciform flower) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) the emblem of the tenth Jina (or Viṣṇu's mark so used) cf. L. (4) a hole of a partic. form made through a wall by a housebreaker cf. L. (5) (in astron.) one of the lunar asterisms cf. Col. (6) N. of the eighth Yoga cf. MW. (7) N. of various authors (also with [ AcArya ] and [ zarman ]) cf. Cat. (8) [ -dhArin ] or [ -bhRt ] m. ` wearing the Śrī-vatsa mark ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (9) [ -piNyAka ] m. the resin of Pinus Longifolia cf. L. (10) [ -muktikanandy-Avarta-lakSita-pANi-pAda-tala-tA ] f. having the palms of the hands and soles of the feet marked with Śrī-vatsa and Muktika (for [ muktikA ] ?) and Nandy-āvarta (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) cf. Dharmas. 84 (11) [ -lakSman ] m. ` marked with the Śrī-vatsa ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. MW. (12) [ -tAJchana ] m. id. cf. L. (13) N. of Mah^eśvara cf. Vās., Introd. (14) of an author cf. Cat. (15) [ °ts^aGka ] mfn. having the Śrī-vatsa as a mark cf. VarBṛS.

---> m. a wolf cf. L. (16) N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (17) of an author cf. Cat.

===> śrī-veṣṭaka [ zrIveSTaka ]3[ zrI-veSTaka ] m. the resin of the Pinus Longifolia cf. L.

===> śrīmat [ zrImat ]3[ zrI-mat ] mfn. 1100, col. 2

===> [ zrImat ]2[ zrI-mat ] mfn. beautiful, charming, lovely, pleasant, splendid, glorious cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) possessed of fortune, fortunate, auspicious, wealthy, prosperous, eminent, illustrious, venerable (used, like [ zrI ], as a prefix before the names of eminent persons and celebrated works and sometimes corrupted into [ zrImant ]), of high rank or dignity (m. ` a great or venerable person ') cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) decorated with the insignia of royalty (as a king) cf. VarBṛS. (3) abounding in gold (as Meru) cf. Bhartṛ (4) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (5) of Kubera cf. L. (6) of Śākya-mitra cf. Buddh. (7) of a son of Nimi cf. MBh. (8) of a poet cf. Cat. (9) Ficus Religiosa cf. L. (10) another tree (= [ tilaka ]) cf. L. (11) a parrot cf. L. (12) a bull kept for breeding cf. L. (13) ([ atI ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attendant on Skanda cf. MBh. (14) of various women (esp. of the mother of Mādhav^acārya) cf. Buddh. cf. Cat. (15) [ -kumbha ] n. gold cf. L. (16) [ -tama ] mfn. (superl.) most prosperous or eminent or illustrious cf. KaushUp. (17) [ -tA ] f. prosperity, thriving condition, beauty, splendour cf. Kāv. [ 1100,3 ]

===> śrīmālā-devī-siṃha-nāda-sūtra [ zrImAlAdevIsiMhanAdasUtra ]3[ zrI-mAlA-devI-siMha-nAda-sUtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> śubha [ zubha ]2[ zubha ] mf ([ A ]) n. splendid, bright, beautiful, handsome (often f. voc., [ zubhe ] ', fair one! ' in addressing a beautiful woman) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) pleasant, agreeable, suitable, fit, capable, useful, good (applied to persons and things) cf. ib. (2) auspicious, fortunate, prosperous cf. ib. (3) good (in moral sense), righteous, virtuous, honest cf. ŚvetUp. cf. Mn. &c. (4) pure (as an action) cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch. (5) eminent, distinguished cf. W. (6) learned, versed in the Vedas cf. ib. (7) m. water cf. L. (8) the Phenila tree (Sapindus Detergens) cf. L. (9) a hegoat cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ stubha ]) (10) the 23rd of the astrol. cf. Yogas. cf. L. (11) N. of a man (cf. g. [ tik^adi ]) cf. Kathās (12) of a son of Dharma cf. BhP. (13) of an author cf. Cat. (14) (also [ A ] f.) a city floating in the sky (cf. [ zaubha ] = [ vyomacAri-pura ]) cf. MW. (15) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty (16) desire (17) Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma (18) white Dūrva grass (19) = [ priyaGgu ] (20) bamboo manna (21) a cow (22) the yellow pigment Gorocanā (23) an assembly of the gods (24) a kind of metre (25) N. of a female friend and companion of the goddess Umā (26) ([ am ]), n. anything bright or beautiful &c. (27) beauty, charm, good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness, bliss, welfare, prosperity cf. Kauś. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (28) benefit, service, good or virtuous action cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās (29) the wood of Cerasus Puddum cf. L.

===> śubha-bhāvanā [ zubhabhAvanA ]3[ zubha-bhAvanA ] f. the forming of good thoughts or opinions cf. Subh

===> śubha-kara [ zubhakara ]3[ zubha-kara ] mfn. causing welfare, auspicious, fortunate cf. VarBṛS. (1) ([ I ]), f. Prosopis Spicigera cf. L.

===> śubha-karman [ zubhakarman ]3[ zubha-karman ] n. a good or virtuous act, auspicious action cf. Rājat. ([ °manirNaya ] m. N. of wk.) (1) mfn. acting nobly cf. MBh. (2) m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants cf. ib.

===> śubha-kṛtsna [ zubhakRtsna ]3[ zubha-kRtsna ] m. pl. (with Buddhists) N. of a class of gods cf. Dharmas. 128 cf. MWB. 212

===> śubha-lakṣaṇa [ zubhalakSaNa ]3[ zubha-lakSaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having auspicious marks, characterized by auspiciousness cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās

===> śubha-locana [ zubhalocana ]3[ zubha-locana ] mfn. fair-eyed cf. R.

===> śubha-vyūha [ zubhavyUha ]3[ zubha-vyUha ] m. N. of a king cf. Buddh.

===> śubhaka [ zubhaka ]2[ zubhaka ] m. mustard seed, Sinapis Dichotoma cf. L.

===> śubhra [ zubhra ]2[ zubhr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. radiant, shining, beautiful, splendid cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) clear, spotless (as fame) cf. Pañcat (2) bright-coloured, white cf. Mn. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (3) m. white (the colour) cf. L. (4) sandal cf. L. (5) heaven cf. L. (6) N. of a man, g. [ kurv-Adi ] (7) of the husband of Vikuṇṭhā and father of Vaikuṇṭha cf. BhP. (8) of a poet cf. Cat. (9) plṆ. of a people cf. MārkP. (10) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) crystal (11) bamboo-manna (12) alum (13) N. of the Ganges (14) n. (only cf. L.) silver (15) talc (16) green vitriol (17) rock or fossil salt (18) the root of Andropogon Muricatus

===> śubhâśubha [ zubhAzubha ]3[ zubh^azubha ] mf ([ A ]) n. pleasant and unpleasant, agreeable and disagreeable, prosperous and unfortunate, good and evil cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. weal and woe, good and evil
cf. MaitrUp. cf. Bhag. cf. VarBṛS. (2) [ -prakaraNa-TIkA ] f. N. of wk. (3) [ -phala ] mfn. producing good or evil results cf. Mn. xii, 3 (4) [ -yoga ] m. an auspicious or inauspicious Yoga cf. Cat. (5) [ -lakSaNa ] n. a mark or sign of good and bad fortune, good. or evil omen cf. MW.

===> śubhâṅga [ zubhAGga ]3[ zubh^aGga ] mfn. handsome-limbed (applied to Śiva) cf. Śivag (1) m. N. of a Tushita-kāyika Deva-putra cf. Lalit. (2) of a lexicographer (v. l. [ zubh^aGka ],) cf. Cat. (3) ([ I ]) f. a handsome woman cf. W. (4) N. of a Daś^arhī (and wife of Kuru) cf. MBh. (5) of a Vaidarbhi (the daughter of Rukmin and wife of Pradyumna) cf. Hariv. (6) of Rati (wife of Kāma-deva). cf. A. (7) of the wife of Kubera (god of wealth) cf. L.

===> śuci [ zuci ]2[ z'uci ] mfn. (f. nom. pl. [ zucyas ] cf. Mn. viii, 77) shining, glowing, gleaming, radiant, bright cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) brilliantly white, white cf. Bhartṛ (2) clear, clean, pure (lit. and fig.), holy, unsullied, undefiled, innocent, honest, virtuous cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) pure (in a ceremonial sense) cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. Bhag. &c. (4) (ifc.) one who has acquitted himself of or discharged (a duty, [ rahaH-z° ]) (5) m. purification, purity, honesty, virtue cf. Kāv (6) fire cf. L. (7) N. of a partic. fire (a son of Agni Abhimānin and Svāhā or a son of Antardhāna and Sikhaṇḍinī and brother of the fires Pavamāna and Pavaka) cf. Pur. (8) oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant cf. W. (9) a partic. hot month (accord. to some = Āshāḍha or Jyeshṭha, accord. to others ` the hot season in general ') cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. [ 1081,2 ] (10) the sun cf. MaitrUp. (cf. Sch.) (11) the moon cf. L. (12) the planet Venus or its regent (cf. [ zukra ]) cf. L. (13) a ray of light cf. L. (14) wind cf. L. (15) sexual love (= [ zRGgAra ]) cf. L. (16) a Brāhman cf. L. (17) a faithful minister, true friend cf. L. (18) the condition of a religious student cf. L. (19) a fever that attacks pigs cf. L. (20) judicial acquittal cf. W. (21) white (the colour) cf. ib. (22) a partic. plant (= [ citraka ]) cf. MW. (23) N. of Śiva cf. L. (24) of a son of Bhṛgu cf. MBh. (25) of a son of Gada cf. Hariv. (26) of a son of the third Manu cf. ib. (27) of Indra in the 14th Manv-antara cf. Pur. (28) of one of the 7 sages in the 14th Manv-antara cf. ib. (29) of a S^arthavāha cf. MBh. (30) of a son of Śata-dyumna cf. Pur. (31) of a son of Śuddha (the son of Anenas) cf. ib. (32) of a son of Andhaka cf. ib. (33) of a son of Vipra cf. ib. (34) of a son of Artha-pati cf. Vās., Introd. (35) (also [ I ]), f. N. of a daughter of Tāmrā and wife of Kaśyapa, (regarded as the parent of water-fowl) cf. Hariv. cf. VP.

===> śuci-kāma [ zucikAma ]3[ z'uci-kAma ] mfn. loving purity cf. Baudh.

===> śuci-mukhī [ zucimukhI ]3[ z'uci-mukhI ] f. N. of a female flamingo cf. Hariv. (1) the plant Sanseviera Zeylanica cf. MW.

===> śuci-samācāra [ zucisamAcAra ]3[ z'uci-samAcAra ] mfn. maintaining pure practices cf. R.

===> śucin [ zucin ]2[ zucin ] mfn. = [ zuci ], clear, pure cf. MārkP.

===> śuddha [ zuddha ]2[ zuddh'a ] mfn. cleansed, cleared, clean, pure, clear, free from (with instr.), bright, white cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) cleared, acquitted, free from error, faultless, blameless, right, correct, accurate, exact, according to rule cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (2) upright (comp.) (3) pure, i. e. simple, mere, genuine, true, unmixed (opp. to [ mizra ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) pure, i. e. unmodified (as a vowel not nasalized) cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. Prāt. (5) complete, entire cf. Rājat (6) unqualified, unmitigated (as capital punishment) cf. Mn. ix, 279 (7) (in phil.) veritable, unequalled (= [ dvitIya-rahita ]) cf. MW. (8) tried, examined cf. Kām (9) authorised, admitted cf. W. (10) whetted, sharp (as an arrow) cf. ib. (11) m. the bright fortnight (in which the moon increases) cf. Inscr. (12) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (13) of one of the seven sages under the 14th Manu cf. BhP. (14) of a son of Anenas cf. ib. (15) (with [ bhikSu ]) of an author cf. Cat. (16) of a bird cf. Hariv. (17) (pl.) of a partic. class of gods cf. MBh. (18) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Siṃhahanu cf. Buddh. (19) ([ am ]), n. anything pure &c. (20) pure spirit cf. W. (21) rock-salt cf. L. (22) black pepper cf. L.

===> śuddha-bhikṣu [ zuddhabhikSu ]3[ zuddh'a-bhikSu ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> śuddha-mati [ zuddhamati ]3[ zuddh'a-mati ] mfn. = [ -dhI ] cf. Kāv (1) m. N. of the 21st Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī cf. L.

===> śuddha-pratibhāsa [ zuddhapratibhAsa ]3[ zuddh'a-pratibhAsa ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Buddh.

===> śuddha-sattva [ zuddhasattva ]3[ zuddh'a-sattva ] mf ([ A ]) n. = [ -zIla ] cf. R.

===> śuddha-sāra [ zuddhasAra ]3[ zuddh'a-sAra ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Buddh.

===> śuddhatā [ zuddhatA ]3[ zuddh'a-tA ] f. purity, correctness, faultlessness cf. Pañcat (1) [ -koza ] m. ` treasure of correctness ', N. of a grammar by Bhava-deva

===> śuddhi [ zuddhi ]2[ z'uddhi ] f. cleansing, purification, purity (lit. and fig.), holiness, freedom from defilement, purificatory rite (esp. a partic. Śrāddha performed at the cost of a person who needs purification) cf. TBr. &c. &c. (1) setting free or securing (from any danger), rendering secure cf. Kām. cf. VarBṛS. (2) justification, exculpation, innocence (established by ordeal or trial), acquittal cf. Yājñ. (3) quittance, clearing off or paying off, discharge (of a debt &c.) cf. MW. (4) retaliation cf. ib. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (5) verification, correction, making true, correctness, accuracy, genuineness, truth cf. Yājñ. cf. Mālatīm (6) clearness, certainty, accurate knowledge regarding (gen. or comp. (7) [ zuddhiM-√ kR ] ', to ascertain for certain ' (8) [ zŚ-√ labh ] ', to receive certain intelligence ') cf. Mn. cf. Kathās. cf. Vet. [ 1082,3 ] (9) (in arithm.) leaving no remainder ([ zuddhim-√ i ] ', to leave no remainder '), Bījag (10) subtraction of a quantity or a quantity to be subtracted, Lil (11) N. of Durgā cf. Cat. (12) of one of the Śaktis of Viṣṇu cf. MW. (13) of Dākshāyaṇī as worshipped at Kapāla-mocana cf. ib.

===> śuddhodana [ zuddhodana ]3[ zuddh'odana ] m. ` having pure rice or food ', N. of a king of Kapila-vastu (of the tribe of the Śākyas and father of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh. cf. MWB. 21 &c.) (1) [ -suta ] m. ` son of Śuddh'odana ', Gautama Buddha (2) [ °dani ] w. r. for [ zauddhodani ]

===> śuddhâtman [ zuddhAtman ]3[ zuddh^atman ] mfn. pure-minded cf. VP. (1) m. ` pure soul or spirit ', N. of Śiva cf. MBh.

===> śuddhâvāsa [ zuddhAvAsa ]3[ zuddh^avAsa ] m. ` pure abode ', a partic. region of the sky cf. Lalit. (1) [ -deva ] m. = next cf. ib. (2) [ -kAyika ] m. (with [ deva ]) a god belonging to the class who dwell in that region cf. ib. (3) [ -devaputra ] m. a Deva-putra belonging to the above class cf. ib. cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> śuddhâśaya [ zuddhAzaya ]3[ zuddh^azaya ] mfn. pure-minded, having a pure heart or conscience cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcar.

===> śuka [ zuka ]1[ z'uka ] m. (prob. fr. √ 1. [ zuc ], and orig. ` the bright one ') a parrot cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a poet (?) cf. Rājat. v, 31 (2) Acacia Sirissa cf. L. (3) Zizyphus Scandens cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Vyāsa (narrator of the Bhāgavata-Purāṇa to king Parikshit) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (5) of a warrior cf. MBh. (6) of an Asura cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ zara ]) (7) of a king of the Gandharvas cf. R. (8) of a minister of Rāvaṇa cf. ib. (9) of a Brāhman ascetic cf. Buddh. (10) ([ I ]), f. a female parrot (also the mythical mother of parrots, fabled as daughter or, accord. to some, wife of Kaśyapa) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. [ 1079,3 ] (11) N. of the wife of Saptarshi (loved by Agni) cf. BhP. (12) n. N. of various plants (Acacia Sirissa, Bignonia Indica &c.) cf. L. (13) a partic. drug and perfume (= [ granthi-parNa ], commonly called Gaṇṭhīāla) cf. L. (14) the hem of a garment cf. L. (15) cloth, clothes cf. L. (16) a helmet or turban cf. L. (17) N. of a mythical weapon cf. MBh.

===> śuka-nāśā [ zukanAzA ]3[ z'uka-nAzA ] (cf. Suśr.), w. r. for [ -nAsa ], [ °sA ]

===> śuka-sūtra [ zukasUtra ]3[ z'uka-sUtra ] n. N. of wks.

===> śukla [ zukla ]2[ zukl'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (later form of [ zukra ], for which it is sometimes w. r.) bright, light (with [ pakSa ] = [ zukla-p° ], q. v.) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) white, whitish cf. AitBr. &c. &c. (2) pure, spotless, unsullied cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) m. the bright half of a lunar month or any day in it cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) the month Vaiśākha cf. BhP. (cf. Sch.) (5) white (the colour) cf. L. (6) mucus, saliva ([ zukl'aM-√ kR ], to spit at) cf. AV. (7) ricinus or white cf. L. (8) Mimusops Hexandra cf. L. (9) the 37th (or 3rd) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years cf. VarBṛS. (10) the 24th of the astronomical cf. Yogas. cf. L. (11) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (12) of Viṣṇu cf. BhP. (13) of a son of Havir-dhāna (cf. [ zukra ]) cf. Hariv. (14) of a Muni cf. Cat. (15) of a king cf. Buddh. (16) of a mountain cf. BhP. (17) ([ A ]), f. a white cow cf. KātyŚr. (18) white or candied sugar cf. L. (19) Euphorbia Antiquorum cf. L. (20) = [ kAkOlI ] and [ vidArI ] cf. L. (21) N. of Sarasvatī cf. L. (22) of a daughter of Siṃha-hanu cf. Buddh. (23) of a river cf. BhP. (24) n. brightness, light cf. MaitrUp. (25) a white spot, white substance, anything white cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. (26) the white of the eye cf. ŚBr. cf. R. cf. Suśr. (27) a disease of the cornea or white part of the eye (opacity, albugo (28) cf. [ zukra ]) cf. L. (29) silver cf. L. (30) fresh butter cf. L.

===> śukla-dat [ zukladat ]3[ zukl'a-dat ] mfn. white-toothed cf. AitBr. cf. BhP.

===> śukla-pakṣa [ zuklapakSa ]3[ zukl'a-pakSa ] m. the light half, of a month, the 15 days of the moon's increase
cf. KātyŚr. cf. Kauś. cf. Mn. &c. (1) the rightful side of two contending parties cf. Divyâv

===> śukla-vidarśanā [ zuklavidarzanA ]3[ zukl'a-vidarzanA ] f. a partic. stage in the life of a Śrāvaka, Mahāvy. =

===> śuklatā [ zuklatA ]3[ zukl'a-tA ] f.

===> śuklodana [ zuklodana ]3[ zukl'odana ] (fr. [ zukla ] + [ od° ]), m. N. of a brother of Śuddhodana cf. Buddh.

===> śuklâbhijātīya [ zuklAbhijAtIya ]3[ zukl^abhijAtIya ] mf ([ A ]) n. of a pure race cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> śukra [ zukra ]1[ zukr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (fr. √ 1. [ zuc ], cf. [ zukla ]) bright, resplendent cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. MBh. (1) clear, pure cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. (2) light-coloured, white cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhBr. (3) pure, spotless cf. RV. cf. Br. (4) m. N. of Agni or fire cf. R. (5) of a month (Jyeshṭha = May-June, personified as the guardian of Kubera's treasure) cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (6) the planet Venus or its regent (regarded as the son of Bhṛgu and preceptor of the Daityas) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (7) clear or pure Soma cf. RV. (8) (with or scil., [ graha ]) a partic. Graha or receptacle for Soma cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. (9) a partic. astrol. Yoga cf. L. (10) a N. of the Vyāhṛtis ([ bhUr ], [ bhuvaH ], [ svar ]) cf. MW. (11) a kind of plant (= [ citraka ]) cf. ib. (12) N. of a Marutvat cf. Hariv. (13) of a son of Vasishṭha cf. VP. (14) of the third Manu cf. Hariv. (15) of one of the seven sages under Manu Bhautya cf. MārkP. (16) of a son of Bhava cf. VP. (17) of a son of Havir-dhāna (cf. [ zukla ]) cf. VP. (18) (with Jainas) of a partic. Kalpa (q. v.) (19) n. brightness, clearness, light cf. RV. cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. R. (20) (also pl.)any clear liquid (as water, Soma &c.) cf. RV. cf. VS. (21) juice, the essence of anything cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. (also pl.) (22) semen virile, seed of animals (male and female), sperm cf. RV. &c. &c. (23) a morbid affection of the iris (change of colour &c. accompanied by imperfect vision (24) cf. [ zukla ]) cf. Suśr. cf. ŚārṅgS. (25) a good action cf. L. (26) gold, wealth cf. L. (27) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. (28) of a Vedic metre cf. RPrāt.

===> śukra-visṛṣṭi [ zukravisRSTi ]3[ zukr'a-visRSTi ] f. emission of semen cf. L.

===> śukta [ zukta ]1[ zukt'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (perhaps fr. √ 1. [ zuc ] and orig. ` fermented ') become acid or sour cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) astringent and sour cf. L. (2) putrid, stinking cf. L. (3) harsh, rough (as words) cf. Gaut. cf. Baudh. &c. (4) void of men, lonely, deserted cf. L. (5) united, joined (= [ zliSTa ]) cf. L. (6) pure, clean (prob. w. r. for [ zukra ], or [ zukla ]) cf. L. (7) m. sourness cf. L. (8) N. of a son of Vasishṭha cf. MārkP. (cf. [ zukra ]) (9) ([ A ]), f. Rumex Vesicarius cf. L. (10) n. anything fermented or become sour, any sour liquor or gruel (esp. a kind of acid beverage prepared from roots and fruits) cf. Gaut. cf. Suśr. (11) flesh cf. L. (12) hard or harsh speech (?) cf. Yājñ. i, 33

===> śukti [ zukti ]2[ zukti ] f. (prob. fr. √ 1. [ zuc ] and orig. ` shining, bright ') a pearl-oyster or oyster shell (eight sources of pearls are enumerated by cf. Sch. on cf. Kir. xii, 40, viz. clouds, elephants, fish, serpents, bamboos, conchshells, boars, and oyster shells) cf. Kauś. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a small shell or cockle cf. L. (2) a portion of a skull (used as a cup &c.) cf. W. (3) a bone cf. BhP. (4) Tamarindus Indica cf. L. (5) Unguis Odoratus cf. L. (6) any perfume or fragrant substance cf. R. (7) a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast cf. Śiś. (8) a measure of weight (= 1/2 Pala or 4 Karshas) cf. ŚārṅgS. (9) a partic. disease of the cornea cf. Suśr. (10) hemorrhoids cf. L. (11) m. N. of an Āṅgirasa cf. PañcavBr. (12) of a mountain cf. MārkP. (w. r. [ sukti ]) (13) pl. N. of a people cf. VarBṛS.

===> śulka [ zulka ]2[ zulk'a ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) price, value, purchase-money cf. RV. (1) the prize of a contest cf. MBh. (2) toil, tax, duty, customs (esp. money levied at ferries, passes, and roads) cf. Gaut. cf. Āpast. cf. Mn. &c. (3) nuptial gift (orig. a price given to parents for the purchase of a bride, but in later times bestowed on the wife as her own property together with the profits of household labour, domestic utensils, ornaments &c.), dower, dowry, marriage settlement cf. Gaut. cf. Viṣṇ. cf. Mn. &c. (cf. cf. IW. 267) (4) wages of prostitution cf. Kathās. cf. MārkP. (5) w. r. for [ zukra ] and [ zukla ] cf. MBh.

===> śulka-śālā [ zulkazAlA ]3[ zulk'a-zAlA ] f. a custom-house cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 75, Sch., (cf. [ zaulkazAlika ])

===> śumbha [ zumbha ]2[ zumbha ] m. N. of an Asura or demon (slain by Durgā (1) he was the son of Gaveshṭhin and grandson of Prahlāda) cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Pur.

===> śunī [ zunI ]2[ zunI ] under [ zvan ]

===> śuśrūṣaka [ zuzrUSaka ]2[ zuzrUSaka ] mfn. desirous of hearing, attentive, obedient, attending or waiting on (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. an attendant, servant (comprehending five descriptions of persons, viz. a pupil, a religious pupil, a hired servant, an officer, and a slave) cf. W.

===> [ zuzrUSaka ]3[ zuzrUSaka ] &c. p. 1084, col. 3

===> śuśrūṣaṇa [ zuzrUSaNa ]3[ zuzrUSaNa ] n. desire of hearing cf. BhP. (1) obedience, service, dutiful homage to (gen., dat., loc., or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) (ifc.) attention to, maintenance of (fire) cf. MBh.

===> śuśrūṣā [ zuzrUSA ]2[ zuzrUSA ] f. desire or wish to hear cf. Kām (1) obsequiousness, reverence, obedience, service (said to be of five kinds ([ zuzrUSaka ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) saying, speaking, telling cf. L. (3) [ -para ] mfn. diligent or attentive in service cf. Kathās

===> śuṇḍa [ zuNDa ]2[ zuNDa ] m. the juice exuding from the temples of an elephant in rut cf. L. (1) an elephant's trunk cf. MW. (2) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. below

===> śuṇḍā [ zuNDA ]2[ zuNDA ] f. an elephant's trunk cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Kathās (1) spirituous liquor cf. L. (2) a tavern cf. L. (3) a partic. kind of animal (prob. a female hippopotamus) cf. L. (4) a harlot, prostitute, bawd cf. L. (5) Nelumbium Speciosum cf. L.

===> śuṇṭhī [ zuNThI ]3[ zuNThI ] f. dry ginger
cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> śuṣira [ zuSira ]2[ zuSira ] [ suSira ]

===> śuṣka [ zuSka ]2[ z'uSka ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. dried, dried up, dry, arid, parched, shrivelled, emaciated, shrunk, withered, sere cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) useless, fruitless, groundless, vain, unprofitable, empty cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

---> mere, simple ([ -gAna ]) (2) m. N. of a man (a relative of Sukha-varman (3) cf. [ zuSkaTa-varman ]) cf. Rājat (4) n. (and m. g. [ ardharc^adi ]) anything dry (e. g. dry wood, dry cow-dung &c.) cf. RV. cf. Viṣṇ

===> [ zuSka ]2[ zuSka ]2 Nom. (only mf. [ zuSkitum ]) to become dry cf. Divyâv

===> śuṣka-gomaya [ zuSkagomaya ]3[ z'uSka-gomaya ] m. dry cowdung cf. L.

===> śuṣka-phala [ zuSkaphala ]3[ z'uSka-phala ] n. dry fruit cf. MW.

===> śva-mukha [ zvamukha ]3[ zva-mukha ] m. pl. N. of a people cf. VarBṛS.

===> śva-pāka [ zvapAka ]3[ zva-pAka ] m. one who cooks dogs, a man of an outcaste tribe (= [ -paca ] above) cf. Baudh. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ I ]), f. a woman of the above outcaste tribe cf. Rājat

===> śva-śīrṣa [ zvazIrSa ]3[ zva-zIrSa ] mfn. having a dog's head cf. L.

===> śvabhra [ zvabhra ]2[ zv'abhra ] m. n. (of doubtful derivation) a chasm, gap, hole, pit, den cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) m. hell or a partic. hell cf. Kāv. cf. MārkP. cf. Sarvad (2) N. of a son of Vasudeva cf. Hariv. (3) of a king of Kampanā cf. Rājat. [ 1105,3 ]

===> śvan [ zvan ]1[ zv'an ]1 m. (nom. sg. du. pl. [ zvA ], [ zvAnau ], [ zvAnas ] (1) weakest base [ zun ], cf. 2. [ zuna ] &c., p. 1082 (2) in some comp. [ zvA ] for [ zva ], cf. below), a dog, hound, cur cf. RV. &c. &c. ; ([ zun'I ]), f. a female dog. [ Cf. Zd. [ spā ] (3) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ canis ] ; Lit. [ sz'u ] ; Goth. [ hunds ] ; Eng. [ hound ] ; Germ. [ Hund ]. ]

===> [ zvan ]1[ zvan ]2 (prob. fr. √ [ zvi ]) in [ Rj'i- ], [ durg'Rbhi- ], and [ mAtar'i-zvan ], qq. vv

===> śvas [ zvas ]1[ zvas ]1 (cf. √ 3 [ -zuS ]), cl. 2. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 61) [ zvasiti ] (Ved. and ep. also [ zv'asati ], [ °te ] (1) Impv. [ zvasih'i ] cf. AV., [ zvasa ] cf. MBh. (2) impf. [ or aor. ] [ azvasIt ], ep. also [ azvasat ] (3) Pot. or Prec. [ zvasyAt ], ep. also [ zvaset ] (4) pr. p. [ zvasat ], ep. also [ zvasamAna ] [ for [ zvasamAna ], below ] (5) pf. [ zazvAsa ] cf. MBh. (6) fut. [ zvasitA ] Gr. (7) [ zvasiSyati ] cf. MBh. (8) inf. [ zvasitum ] cf. ib. (9) ind. p. [ -zvasya ] cf. ib.), to blow, hiss, pant, snort cf. RV. &c. &c. (10) to breathe, respire, draw breath (also = live) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (11) to sigh, groan cf. ib. (12) to strike, kill cf. Naigh. ii, 19: Caus. [ zvAsayati ] (aor. [ azizvasat ]), to cause to blow or breathe &c. (13) to cause heavy breathing cf. Suśr. : Desid. [ zizvasiSati ] Gr. : Intens. [ zAzvasyate ], [ zAzvasti ] cf. ib. (only p. [ zAzvasat ], snorting cf. MaitrS.)

===> [ zvas ]1[ zv'as ]2 ind. to-morrow, on the following day ([ zv'aH zvaH ], ` day by day ' (1) [ zv'o bhUt'e ], ` on the morrow ', ` next day ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) in the future (sec comp.) (3) a particle implying auspiciousness cf. W.

===> śvaśrū [ zvazrU ]2[ zvazr'U ] f. (of [ zvazura ]) a mother-in-law (either the wife's or the husband's mother) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) pl. the mother-in-law and the other wives of the father-in-law cf. RV. [ Cf. Lat. [ socrus ] ; Slav. [ svekry ] ; Angl. Sax. [ swe10ger ] ; Germ. [ swigar ], [ swiger ], [ Schwieger ]. ]

===> śvaśrū-śvaśura [ zvazrUzvazura ]3[ zvazr'U-zvazura ] m. du. (cf. L.) or pl. (cf. Kathās.) mother and father-in-law, parents-in-law

===> śvaśura [ zvazura ]1[ zv'azura ] m. (prob. for orig. [ svazura ] (1) cf. below) a father-in-law, husband's or wife's father (in the oldest language commonly the former, in the Sūtras the latter, in Class. language both meanings (2) also applied to a maternal uncle and to any venerable person) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) du. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 72) a father and mother-in-law cf. Yājñ. cf. Kathās. (also pl., e. g. cf. RV. x, 95, 12 cf. AV. xiv, 2, 27 &c.) (4) (prob. [ I ]), f. = [ brAhmI ] cf. L. (5) for [ zvazr'U ] below. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; [ 1105,3 ] Lat. [ socer ] ; Lith. [ sz'eszuras ] ; Slav. [ svekr˘u ] ; Goth. [ swaihra ] ; Angl. Sax. [ swe'or ] ; Germ. [ swe10her ], [ Schwā0her ]. ]

===> śveta [ zveta ]2[ zvet'a ] mf ([ 'A ] or [ zvenI ]) n. white, dressed, in white, bright (with [ p'arvata ] m. ` snow-mountain ' cf. ŚBr. (1) with [ kaT^akSa ] m. ` a bright side-glance ' cf. Saṃgīt.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) m. white (the colour) cf. L. (3) a white horse cf. ŚBr. (4) a small white shell, cowry cf. L. (5) a silver coin cf. L. (6) a white cloud cf. L. (7) the planet Venus or its regent Śukra cf. L. (8) a partic. comet (cf. [ -ketu ]) cf. VarBṛS. (9) a partic. plant (= [ jIvaka ]) cf. L. (10) cumin seed cf. W. (11) N. of a serpent-demon (with [ vaidArva ] or [ vaidArvya ] or [ vaidarvya ] (12) others give [ zvaita-vaidArava ] as signifying ` a partic. deity connected with the sun ') cf. GṛS. cf. Pur. [ 1106,3 ] (13) N. of one of Skanda's attendants cf. MBh. (14) of a Daitya (son of Vipra-citti) cf. Hariv. (15) of a Muni cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (16) of a partic. Avatāra of Śiva cf. Cat. (17) of a pupil of Śiva cf. IW. 122, n. 3 (18) of a manifestation of Viṣṇu in his Varāha incarnation (worshipped in a partic. part of India) cf. MW. (19) of a Rājarshi cf. MBh. (20) of a son of the king Sudeva cf. R. (21) of a general cf. MBh. (22) of a son of Vapushmat cf. MārkP. (23) of a preceptor cf. Cat. (24) of a mythical elephant cf. MBh. (25) of the sixth range of mountains dividing the known continent (the white or ` snowy ' mountains separating the Varshas of Hiraṇmaya and Ramyaka) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (cf. IW. 420, n. 1) (26) of one of the minor Dvīpas or divisions of the world (cf. [ -dvIpa ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. (27) ([ A ]), f. one of the seven tongues of Fire cf. Gṛhyās (28) a small white shell, cowry cf. L. (29) N. of various plants (accord. to cf. L. the birch tree, a white bignonia, Boerhavia P3rocumbens, Achyranthes Atropurpurea &c.) cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (30) crystal cf. L. (31) alum cf. L. (32) white or candied sugar cf. L. (33) bamboo-manna cf. L. (34) a mystical term for the letter [ s ] cf. Up. (35) N. of one of the M3ātṛs attendant on Skanda cf. MBh. (36) of the mother of the elephant Śveta (or Śaṅkha) cf. MBh. cf. R. (37) of a princess cf. Rājat (38) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river cf. MW. (39) n. the white of the eye cf. Suśr. (40) the growing white (of the hair) cf. ChUp. (41) silver cf. L. (42) butter-milk and water mixed half and half cf. L.

===> śveta-candana [ zvetacandana ]3[ zvet'a-candana ] n. white sandal cf. Pañcar.

===> śveta-ketu [ zvetaketu ]3[ zvet'a-ketu ] ([ zvet'a- ]), m. N. of a comet (also called Uddālakaśvṭśvet'a) cf. VarBṛS. (1) a Jaina saint cf. L. (2) N. of Auddālaki cf. ŚBr. (3) of Āruṇeya cf. ib. &c. (4) of a son of Sena-jit cf. Hariv. (5) of Gautama Buddha as a Bodhi-sattva cf. Lalit.

===> śvetaka [ zvetaka ]2[ zvetaka ] mfn. whitish, white cf. VarBṛS. (applied to the 7th unknown quantity cf. Col.) (1) m. a cowry cf. L. (2) N. of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh. (3) n. silver cf. L.

===> śvetâsthi [ zvetAsthi ]3[ zvet^asthi ] n. a partic. kind of famine cf. Divyâv

===> śvitra [ zvitra ]2[ zvitr'a ] mfn. whitish, white cf. AV. cf. TS. (1) having white leprosy cf. PañcavBr. (2) m. a partic. white domestic animal or any white animal cf. VS. (3) m. n. morbid whiteness of the skin, white leprosy, vitiligo cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. (4) = [ antarikSa ] cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. v, 19, 3 (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 13, 14

===> śvā-pada [ zvApada ]3[ zvA-pada ] ([ zv'A- ]), m. n. a beast of prey, wild beast cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a tiger cf. L. (2) pl. N. of a people cf. MārkP. (w. r. [ svAp° ]) (3) mfn. relating or belonging to a wild beast (= [ zauvApada ]) cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 9 (4) [ -rAjan ] m. a king of the beasts cf. Ml. (5) [ -sevita ] mfn. frequented or infested by wild beast cf. MW. (6) [ °d^acarita ] mfn. overrun or infested by wild beast cf. MBh. (7) [ °d^anusaraNa ] n. the chase after wild beast cf. MW.

===> [ zvApada ]1[ zvA-pada ] [ zvA-vidh ] &c. p. 1105, col. 2

===> śvāna [ zvAna ]2[ zvAna ] m. a dog cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat (1) the wind (?) cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 161, 13 (2) ([ I ]), f. a female dog, bitch (= [ zunI ]) cf. Hcar.

===> [ zvAna ]1[ zvAna ] &c. p. 1105, col. 2

===> śvāsa [ zvAsa ]2[ zvAsa ] m. hissing, snorting, panting cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (1) respiration, breath (also as a measure of time = [ pr^aNa ], [ asu ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) breathing or aspiration (in the pronunciation of consonants) cf. RPrāt., Introd. (3) inspiration cf. Sarvad (4) sighing, a sigh cf. Śak. cf. Sāh (5) affection of the breath, hard breathing, asthma (of which there are five kinds, viz. [ kSudra ], [ tamaka ], [ chinna ], [ mahat ], and [ Urdhva ]) cf. Suśr. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of the mother of Śvasana (the god of wind) cf. MBh. (7) Convolvulus Turpethum cf. L. (8) [ -karma-prakAza ] m. N. of wk.

===> śyena [ zyena ]2[ zyen'a ] m. a hawk, falcon, eagle, any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down Soma to man) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) firewood laid in the shape of an eagle, cf. Śulbas (2) a kind of array (in battle) cf. MBh. cf. Kām (3) a partic. part of the sacrificial victim cf. Kauś (4) a partic. Ek^aha cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. KātyŚr. (5) a horse cf. L. (6) N. of a Ṛshi (having the patr. Āgneya and author of cf. RV. x, 188) cf. Anukr. (7) (with or without [ indrazya ]) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. cf. Lāṭy (8) ([ A ]), f. a female hawk cf. L. (9) ([ I ]), f. a female hawk cf. L. (10) N. of a daughter of Kaśyapa (regarded as the mother of hawks) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (11) a kind of metre cf. Piṅg (12) mfn. eaglelike cf. AitBr.

---> coming from an eagle (as ` eagle's flesh '), Kṛshṇaj. (prob. w. r. for [ zyaina ])

===> śyāla [ zyAla ]1[ zyAla ] [ syAla ]

===> śyāma [ zyAma ]1[ zyAm'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (said to be connected with √ [ zyai ]) black, dark-coloured, dark blue or brown or grey or green, sable, having a dark or swarthy complexion (considered a mark of beauty) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) m. black or blue or green (the colour) cf. L. (2) a cloud cf. L. (3) the Kokila or Indian cuckoo cf. L. (4) a black bull cf. TS. cf. ĀśvŚr. (5) N. of various plants (fragrant grass (6) thorn-apple (7) Artemisia Indica (8) Careya Arborea &c.) cf. L. (9) (in music) a partic. Rāga cf. Saṃgīt (10) N. of a son of Śūra and brother of Vasudeva cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (11) of a modern prince cf. Cat. (12) of a mountain cf. MBh. (13) of a sacred fig-tree at Prayāga or Allahābād cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Uttarar (14) pl. N. of a Vedic school (a subdivision of the Maitrāyaṇīyas) (15) ([ A ]), f. a woman with peculiar marks or characteristics (accord. to some ` a girl who has the marks of puberty ' (16) accord. to others ` a woman who has not borne children ' (17) also described as ` a female of slender shape ' &c.) cf. Śiś. cf. Siṉhâs. [ 1094,3 ] (18) a N. or form of Durgā (worshipped by the Tāntrikas) cf. W. (19) N. of Yamunā cf. L. (20) of a daughter of Meru (an incarnation of Gaṅgā) cf. BhP. (21) of a princess, Vāś., Introd. (22) of another woman cf. MBh. (23) of a goddess who executes the commands of the 6th Arhat or of the mother of the 13th Arhat (with Jainas) (24) a kind of bird (either ` the female of the Indian cuckoo ' or ` a hen-sparrow ') cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañcat (25) N. of various plants (= [ gundrA ], [ priyaGgu ], [ sArivA ] &c.) cf. R. cf. Suśr. (26) night ([ zyAmA-cara ]) (27) the earth cf. Gal. (28) N. of a river cf. MārkP. (29) n. black pepper cf. L. (30) sea-salt cf. L.

===> śyāma-śabala [ zyAmazabala ]3[ zyAm'a-zabal'a ] m. du. ` black and spotted ', Yama's two watch-dogs (regarded as sons of Saramā, cf. cf. RV. x, 14, 10-12) cf. TS. (cf. RTL. 283, 289, 329, 422)

===> śyāmaka [ zyAmaka ]2[ zyAmaka ] mfn. dark-coloured, dark cf. VarBṛS. (1) m. Panicum Frumentaceum (a kind of cultivated millet) cf. L. (2) a gramineous plant cf. MW. (3) N. of a man, g. [ bid^adi ] (4) of a brother of Vasu-deva cf. BhP. (5) a patr., g. [ bid^adi ] (pl., g. [ gopa-van^adi ]) (6) pl. N. of a People cf. MārkP. (7) ([ ikA ]), f. blackness cf. Kum. cf. Kād. cf. Hcar. (8) impurity cf. Ragh. cf. Kād. cf. Hcar. (9) a white-spotted blackish deer cf. L. (10) n. a kind of grass cf. L.

===> śyāmala [ zyAmala ]2[ zyAmala ] mf ([ A ]) n. dark-coloured cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. black (the colour) cf. W. (2) a kind of bee cf. L. (3) Terminalia Arjuna cf. PañcavBr. cf. Sch. (4) a species of plant serving as a substitute for the Soma plant (= [ pUtIka ]) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (5) the sacred fig-tree cf. L. (6) black pepper cf. W. (7) N. of a poet cf. Sadukt. cf. Kshem (8) of another man, Vāś., Introd. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (Physalis Flexuosa (10) = [ kaTa-ohI ] (11) = [ kastUrI ] (12) = [ jambU ]) cf. L. (13) a form of Durgā cf. L. (14) N. of a woman cf. Buddh.

===> śyāmatā [ zyAmatA ]3[ zyAm'a-tA ] f. (cf. MBh. cf. MārkP. cf. Kād.) or (cf. MBh. cf. R.) blackness, dark colour

===> śyāmā [ zyAmA ]2[ zyAmA ] f. (of [ zyAma ]) in comp.

===> śyāmāka [ zyAmAka ]2[ zyAm'Aka ] m. a kind of cultivated millet (Panicum Frumentaceum (1) pl. grains of it) cf. VS. &c. &c. (2) N. of a man cf. Divyâv (3) pl. N. of a people cf. VarBṛS. (4) ([ °mAk'a ]), mf ([ I ]) n. made of Panicum Frumentaceum cf. TS. cf. ŚrS. cf. MBh. (5) m. a patr., g. [ vid^adi ] (6) [ gopa-van^adi ] (pl.)

===> śyāmāvatī [ zyAmAvatI ]3[ zyAmA-vatI ] f. N. of a woman cf. Divyâv

===> śābdika [ zAbdika ]2[ zAbdika ] mfn. sonorous, uttering a sound cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 34

---> relating to sounds or words, verbal cf. W. (1) m. ` conversant with words ', a grammarian, lexicographer ' cf. Siṉhâs. cf. Āpast. Śr. cf. Sch.

===> śād-vala [ zAdvala ]2[ zAdvala ] mfn. (often written [ zADvala ] (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 88) abounding in fresh or green grass, grassy, verdant, green (2) n. sg. and pl. (cf. L. also m. (3) ifc. f. [ A ]) a place abounding in young grass, grassy spot, turf cf. GṛS. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (4) m. a bull cf. L. (written [ zADvala ])

===> śāka [ zAka ]1[ z'Aka ]1 m. (fr. √ [ zak ]) power, might, help, aid cf. RV. (1) ([ zAk'a ]), m. helpful, a helper, friend cf. ib.

===> [ zAka ]1[ zAka ]2 n. (or m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) of doubtful derivation, and scarcely to be connected with 1. [ zAka ]) a potherb, vegetable, greens
cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) any vegetable food cf. Gaut (3) m. the Teak tree, Tectona Grandis cf. GṛŚrS. cf. MBh. &c. (4) Acacia Sirissa cf. L. (5) N. of a Dvīpa (the sixth of the seven Dvīpas, called after the Teak tree growing there, surrounded by the sea of milk or white sea, and inhabited by the Ṛta-vratas, Satya-vratas, Dāna-vratas, and Anu-vratas) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (6) ([ A ]), f. Terminalia Chebula cf. L. (7) m. or n. (?) N. of a place cf. Col.

===> [ zAka ]1[ zAka ]3 m. N. of a man, g. [ kuJj^adi ]

===> [ zAka ]1[ zAka ]4 mfn. (fr. [ zaka ]) relating to the Śakas or Indoscythians (1) m. n. (scil. [ saMvatsara ], [ abda ] &c.) the Śaka era (also [ zAka-kAla ] (2) [ zakak° ]) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (3) (also) a general N. for any era (4) (pl.) N. of a people (w. r. for [ zaka ]) cf. Buddh.

===> śāka-pattra [ zAkapattra ]3[ zAka-pattra ] n. a leaf of the Teak tree cf. Suśr. (1) (prob.) = [ pattra-zAka ], vegetables consisting of leaves cf. MārkP. (2) m. Moringa Pterygosperma cf. L.

===> śāka-rasa [ zAkarasa ]3[ zAka-rasa ] m. edible vegetable juice cf. MBh. (1) [ °sI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to turn into vegetable juice cf. Kathās

===> śāka-vāṭikā [ zAkavATikA ]3[ zAka-vATikA ] f. a vegetable garden cf. Kathās

===> śākala [ zAkala ]1[ z'Akala ] mfn. (fr. [ zakala ]) dyed with the substance called Śakala cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 (1) relating to a piece or portion cf. MW. (2) derived from or belonging or relating to the Śākalas cf. Mn. ix, 200 (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 128) (3) m. or n. a chip, piece, fragment, splinter cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚrS.

---> m. (scil. [ maNi ]) an amulet made of chips of wood cf. Kauś (4) N. of an ancient teacher cf. Cat. (5) a kind of serpent cf. AitBr. (6) (pl.) the Śākalas (i. e.) followers of Śākalya cf. RPrāt. (g. [ kaNv^adi ]) (7) the inhabitants of the town Śākala cf. MBh. (8) n. the text or ritual of Śākalya cf. AitBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Pat. (9) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. (10) of a town of the Madras cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (11) of a village of the Bāhīkas cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 cf. Vārtt. 4

===> śākha [ zAkha ]2[ zAkha ] m. N. of a manifestation of Skanda or of his son cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (1) Pongamia Glabra cf. L. (2) m. or n. N. of a place cf. Cat. (3) ([ A ]), f. next

===> śākhā [ zAkhA ]2[ z'AkhA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ] or [ I ]) a branch (lit. and fig.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a limb of the body, arm or leg cf. Suśr. (2) a finger cf. Naigh. ii, 5 (3) the surface of the body cf. Car. (4) a door-post cf. VarBṛS. (cf. [ dvAra-z° ]) (5) the wing of a building cf. MārkP. (6) a division, subdivision cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (7) the third part of an astrological Saṃhitā (also [ °khA-skandha ], m.) cf. VarBṛS. (8) a branch or school of the Veda (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation (9) in the Caraṇa-vyūha, a work by Śaunaka treating of these various schools, five Śākhās are enumerated of the Ṛg-veda, viz. those of the Śākalas, Bāshkalas, Āśvalāyanas, Śāṅkhāyanas, and Māṇḍukāyanas (10) forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the Yajur-veda, fifteen of which belong to the Vājasaneyins, including those of the Kāṇvas and Mādhyaṃdinas (11) twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the Sāma-veda and nine of the Atharva-veda (12) of all these, however, the Ṛg-veda is said to be now extant in one only, viz. the Śākala-śākhā, the Yajur-veda in five and partially in six, the Sāma-veda in one or perhaps two, and the Atharva-veda in one: although the words [ caraNa ] and [ zAkhA ] are sometimes used synonymously, yet [ caraNa ] properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school, and [ zAkhA ] to the traditional text followed, as in the phrase [ zAkhAm adhIte ], he recites a particular version of the Veda) cf. Prāt. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (13) a branch of any science cf. Car. (14) a year cf. Śrīkaṇṭh (15) = [ pakS^antara ] cf. L. (16) = [ antika ] cf. L.

===> śākunika [ zAkunika ]2[ zAkunika ] mfn. relating to birds or omens, ominous cf. W. (1) m. a fowler, bird-catcher cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) a fisherman cf. MaitrUp.

===> śākya [ zAkya ]1[ zAkya ] mfn. derived or descended from the Śakas (= [ zakA abhijano 'sya ]), g. [ zaNDik^adi ] (1) m. N. of a tribe of landowners and Kshatriyas in Kapila-vastu (from whom Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was descended) cf. Buddh. cf. MWB. 21, 22 (2) N. of Gautama Buddha himself cf. Nyāyam (3) of his father Śuddhodana (son of Saṃjaya) cf. Pur. (4) a Buddhist mendicant cf. VarBṛS. (5) patr. fr. [ zaka ] g. [ garg^adi ] (6) patr. fr. [ zAka ], or [ zAkin ] g. [ kurv-Adi ]

===> śākya-kīrti [ zAkyakIrti ]3[ zAkya-kIrti ] m. ` glory of the Śākyas ', N. of a teacher cf. Buddh.

===> śākya-muni [ zAkyamuni ]3[ zAkya-muni ] m. ` Śākya sage ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. ib. cf. Kād. cf. Hcar. &c. (also [ -buddha ])

===> śākya-putrīya [ zAkyaputrIya ]3[ zAkya-putrIya ] m. a Buddhist monk cf. Hcar.

===> śākya-puṃgava [ zAkyapuMgava ]3[ zAkya-puMgava ] m. ` Śākyas bull ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> śākya-siṃha [ zAkyasiMha ]3[ zAkya-siMha ] m. ` Śakya lion ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. ib. cf. Rājat

===> śākya-vardha [ zAkyavardha ]3[ zAkya-vardha ] m. = (or w. r. for) [ -vardhana ] (1) n. N. of a temple cf. Divyâv

===> śākya-vaṃśa [ zAkyavaMza ]3[ zAkya-vaMza ] m. the Śākyas family cf. Buddh. (1) [ °z^avatIrNa ] m. ` incarnate in the Śākyas family ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. ib.

===> śāla [ zAla ]1[ zAl'a ]1 mfn. (fr. [ zR ] for [ zri ]) being in a house &c. cf. ŚBr. ([ 'am ] ind. ` at home ' cf. ib.) (1) m. (also written [ sAla ]), an enclosure, court, fence, rampart, wall cf. Inscr. cf. Kāv (2) the Śāl tree, Vatica Robusta (a valuable timber tree) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) Artocarpus Locucha cf. L. (4) any tree cf. L. (5) a kind of fish, Ophiocephalus Wrahl cf. Vās (6) N. of a son of Vṛka cf. BhP. (7) of king Śāli-vāhana cf. L. (8) of a river cf. W. (9) ([ A ]), f. below (10) n. (ifc.) = [ zAlA ] (col. 2)

===> [ zAla ]1[ zAla ]2 m. (for 1. col. 1) = [ zala ] g. [ jval-Adi ] (1) m. n. (also written [ sAla ]), g. [ ardharc^adi ]

===> śāla-puṣpa [ zAlapuSpa ]3[ zAl'a-puSpa ] n. the flower of the Śāl tree cf. MBh.

---> Hibiscus Mutabilis cf. L. (1) [ -nibha ] mfn. resembling the flowers of the Śāl tree (i. e. reddish-yellow) cf. MBh. (2) [ -bhaJjikA ] f. a partic. game cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 74 cf. Sch. (3) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of the flowers of the Śāl tree cf. MBh.

===> śāla-vana [ zAlavana ]3[ zAl'a-vana ] [ bhadra-zAla-vana ]

===> śāleya [ zAleya ]2[ zAleya ] mf ([ I ]) n. sown with rice cf. Bālar (1) m. or ([ A ]), f. Anethum Panmori or Sowa (n. its grain) cf. Car. (2) m. a kind of radish cf. L. (3) N. of a mountain cf. Vīrac

===> śāli [ zAli ]2[ zAli ] (for 2. p. 1068, col. 1), in comp. for [ zAlin ]. -1

===> [ zAli ]1[ zAli ]2 m. (accord. to some also f. (1) for 1. p. 1067, col. 2) rice (often varieties), any grain of a similar character to rice cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) the civet-cat, pole-cat cf. Hcar. (?) cf. L. (3) N. of a Yaksha (who was transformed into a lion (4) cf. [ zAli-vAhana ] below) (5) pl. grains of rice, rice cf. R.

===> śālmalī [ zAlmalI ]2[ zAlmalI ] f. = [ zAlmali ] (above) (1) N. of a river in the infernal regions cf. Mn. iv, 90 (2) of another river cf. R. (3) of one of the Śaktis of Viṣṇu cf. MW.

===> śālva [ zAlva ]1[ zAlva ] m. pl. (also written [ sAlva ] (1) cf. [ zalva ]) N. of a people cf. GopBr. cf. MBh. &c. (mfn. ` relating to the Śalvas ', g. [ kacch^adi ]) (2) sg. a king of the Śālvas (mentioned among the enemies of Viṣṇu (3) cf. [ zAlv^ari ] below) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (4) ([ A ]), f. (prob.) N. of a river, g. [ nady-Adi ] (5) n. the fruit of the Śālva plant cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 166 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat. (v. l.)

===> śāly-odana [ zAlyodana ]3[ zAly-odana ] m. n. boiled rice cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr.

===> śālā [ zAlA ]2[ z'AlA ] f. (ifc. also [ zAla ] n.) a house, mansion, building, hall, large room, apartment, shed, workshop, stable cf. AV. &c. &c. [ cf. Germ. [ sāl ] ; Eng. [ hall ] ] (1) a large branch (cf. [ zAkhA ]) cf. L. (2) a kind of metre (cf. [ zAlinI ])

===> śālī [ zAlI ]2[ zAlI ] f. a kind of plant (= [ kRSNa-jIraka ]) cf. W.

===> [ zAlI ]1[ zAlI ]1 f. Nigella Indica cf. L.

===> [ zAlI ]1[ zAlI ]2 f. (prob. Prākṛt for [ zyAlI ] (1) cf. [ zyAla ]) a wife's sister (comp.)

===> śāmya [ zAmya ]2[ zAmya ] mfn. relating to peace, peaceful cf. MBh. (1) n. peace, reconciliation cf. ib.

===> [ zAmya ]1[ zAmya ] above

===> śāmya-prāśa [ zAmyaprAza ]3[ zAmya-pr^aza ] m. a kind of sacrifice cf. Divyâv

===> śānta [ zAnta ]2[ zAnta ]1 mfn. (perhaps always w. r. for 1. [ zAta ], q. v.) = [ zAnita ] cf. L. (1) thin, slender cf. Hariv. cf. R. (cf. Sch.)

===> [ zAnta ]1[ zAnt'a ]2 mfn. (fr. √ 1. [ zam ]) appeased, pacified, tranquil, calm, free from passions, undisturbed cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (1) soft, pliant cf. Hariv. (2) gentle, mild, friendly, kind, auspicious (in augury (3) opp. to [ dIpta ]) cf. AV. &c. &c. (4) abated, subsided, ceased, stopped, extinguished, averted ([ zAntam ] or [ dhik zAntam ] or [ zAntam pApam ], may evil or sin be averted! may God forfend! Heaven forbid! not so!) cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) rendered ineffective, innoxious, harmless (said of weapons) cf. MBh. cf. R. (6) come to an end, gone to rest, deceased, departed, dead, died out cf. ib. cf. Ragh. cf. Rājat (7) purified, cleansed cf. W. (8) m. an ascetic whose passions are subdued cf. W. (9) tranquillity, contentment (as one of the Rasas, q. v.) (10) N. of a son of Day cf. MBh. (11) of a son of Manu Tāmasa cf. MārkP. (12) of a son of Śambara cf. Hariv. (13) of a son of Idhma-jihva cf. BhP. (14) of a son of Āpa cf. VP. (15) of a Devaputra cf. Lalit. (16) ([ A ]), f. (in music) a partic. Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (17) Emblica Officinalis cf. L. (18) Prosopis Spicigera and another species cf. L. (19) a kind of Dūrvā grass cf. L. (20) a partic. drug (= [ reNukA ]) cf. L. (21) N. of a daughter of Daśa-ratha (adopted daughter of Loma-pāda or Roma-pāda and wife of Ṛshya-śṛṅga) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. (22) (with Jainas) of a goddess who executes the orders of the 7th Arhat cf. L. (23) of a Śakti cf. MW. (24) n. tranquillity, peace of mind cf. BhP. (25) N. of a Varsha in Jambu-dvīpa cf. ib. (26) N. of a Tīrtha cf. W.

===> śānta-mati [ zAntamati ]3[ zAnt'a-mati ] m. ` composed in mind ', N. of a Deva-putra cf. Lalit.

===> śānta-pura [ zAntapura ]3[ zAnt'a-pura ] n. (cf. W.) or (cf. Buddh.) N. of a town

===> śāntatva [ zAntatva ]3[ zAnt'a-tva ] n. = [ -tA ] cf. MaitrUp. cf. BhP.

===> śāntatā [ zAntatA ]3[ zAnt'a-tA ] f. quietness, calmness, freedom from passion cf. Kathās

===> śānti [ zAnti ]2[ z'Anti ] f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, peace or calmness of mind, absence of passion, averting of pain ([ zAnti ]! [ zAnti ]! [ zAnti ]! may the three kinds of pain be averted!), indifference to objects of pleasure or pain cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. (1) alleviation (of evil or pain), cessation, abatement, extinction (of fire &c.) cf. AV. &c. &c. (2) a pause, breach, interruption cf. Hcat (3) any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity cf. Br. &c. (cf. cf. RTL. 346) (4) peace, welfare, prosperity, good fortune, ease, comfort, happiness, bliss cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (5) destruction, end, eternal rest, death cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (6) = [ zAnti-kalpa ] cf. BhP. (7) Tranquillity &c. personified (as a daughter of Śraddhā, as the wife of Atharvan, as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) cf. Hariv. cf. Prab. cf. Pur. (8) m. N. of a son of Indra cf. MBh. (9) of Indra in the tenth Manv-antara cf. Pur. (10) of a Tushita (son of Viṣṇu and Dakshiṇā) cf. ib. (11) of a son of Kṛshṇa and Kālindī cf. ib. (12) of a Ṛshi cf. MBh. (13) of a son of Aṅgiras cf. ib. (14) of a disciple of Bhūti cf. MārkP. (15) of a son of Nīla and father of Su-śānti cf. VP. (16) (with Jainas) of an Arhat and Cakra-vartin cf. L. (17) of a teacher (also called [ ratn^akara-z° ]) cf. Buddh.

===> śāntika [ zAntika ]2[ zAntika ] mfn. propitiatory, expiatory, averting evil cf. Hcat (1) producing or relating to ease or quiet cf. MW. (2) m. pl. N. of a people cf. VarBṛS. cf. MārkP. (3) n. a propitiatory rite for averting evil cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c.

===> śāra [ zAra ]1[ zAr'a ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (in most meanings also written [ sAra ] (1) of doubtful derivation) variegated in colour, of different colours (as dark hair mixed with grey), motley, spotted, speckled cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 21 cf. Vārtt. 2 (2) yellow cf. W. (3) m. variegating or a variegated colour, (esp.) a mixture of blue and yellow, green cf. ib. (4) (also [ zAraka ]) a kind of die or a piece used at chess or at backgammon cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Daś (5) air, wind cf. L. (6) hurting, injuring (fr. √ [ zRR ]) cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a chessman &c. (m.) cf. Naish (8) a kind of bird (= [ zAri ]) cf. ib. (9) Kuśa grass cf. L. (10) n. a variegated colour cf. MW.

===> [ zAra ]1[ zAra ]2 Vṛddhi form of [ zara ], in comp.

===> śārada [ zArada ]1[ zArad'a ] mf ([ 'I ], or [ z'AradI ]) n. (fr. [ zarad ]) produced or growing in autumn, autumnal, mature cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) (prob.) that which offers a shelter in autumn (against the overflowings of rivers (2) applied to [ puras ] or ` castles ' (3) others ` rich in years ', ` old ') cf. RV. i, 131, 4 ; 174, 2 ; vi, 20, 10 (4) new, recent cf. L. (perhaps cf. Bhartṛ. i, 47 in [ salilaM zAradam ] (5) cf. also [ rajju-zArada ] and [ dRSac-chArada ]) (6) modest, shy, diffident cf. L. (7) m. a year cf. L. ' (8) a cloud cf. L. (9) N. of various plants (a yellow kind of Phaseolus Mungo (10) Mimusops Elengi &c.) cf. L. [ 1066,2 ] (11) autumnal sickness cf. W. (12) autumnal sunshine cf. ib. (13) N. of a teacher of Yoga (v. l. [ zAbara ]) cf. Cat. (14) ([ A ]), f. below (15) ([ I ]), f. (only cf. L.) the day of full moon in the month Kārttika (or Āśvina) (16) Jussiaea Repens (17) Alstonia Scholaris (18) n. corn, grain, fruit (as ripening in autumn) cf. VarBṛS. (19) the white lotus cf. L.

===> śāradvatī-putra [ zAradvatIputra ]3[ zAradvatI-putra ] m. = [ zAri-putra ] cf. Buddh.

===> śāradya [ zAradya ]2[ zAradya ] n. autumnal corn or grain cf. VarBṛS.

===> śārdūla [ zArdUla ]1[ zArdUl'a ] m. (of unknown derivation) a tiger cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) a lion cf. L. (2) a panther, leopard cf. L. (3) the fabulous animal Śarabha cf. L. (4) a kind of bird cf. L. (5) any eminent person, best, excellent, pre-eminent (ifc. (6) cf. [ vyAghra ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) Plumbago Zeylanica cf. L. (8) N. of two metres (cf. below) cf. Col. (9) of a Rākshasa cf. R. (10) pl. N. of a Śākhā or school of the Yajur-veda (11) ([ I ]), f. a tigress (also the mythical mother of tigers and other beasts of prey) cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> śārdūla-karṇa [ zArdUlakarNa ]3[ zArdUl'a-karNa ] m. N. of a son of Tri-śaṅku cf. Buddh.

===> śāri [ zAri ]2[ z'Ari ] f. (cf. L. also written [ zArI ] or [ sAri ]) a partic. bird (= [ zArikA ] below) cf. TS. cf. VS. (1) an arrow cf. RV. (2) an elephant's housings or armour cf. Śiś. (3) = [ vyavahAr^antara ] and [ kapaTa ] cf. L. (4) N. of a daughter of Māṭhara (wife of Tishya and mother of the first disciple of Gautama Buddha (5) cf. [ zAri-putra ]) cf. Buddh. (6) m. a chessman, piece at chess (or at a kind of draughts) cf. Kād. (written [ sAri ]) (7) a little round ball (= [ guTikA ]) cf. MW. (8) a kind of die or small cube used in games with dice cf. ib.

===> śāri-putra [ zAriputra ]3[ z'Ari-putra ] m. N. of one of the two chief disciples (Agra-śrāvaka), of Gautama Buddha (the other being Maudgalyāyana) cf. MWB. 47

===> śāri-suta [ zArisuta ]3[ z'Ari-suta ] m. = [ -putra ] cf. Buddh.

===> śārika [ zArika ]2[ zArika ] m. (prob.) a kind of bird (= next) cf. Vas. xiv, 18 (1) ([ A ]), f. next

===> śārikā [ zArikA ]2[ zArikA ] f. a kind of bird (commonly called Maina, either the Gracula Religiosa or the Turdus Salica, also written [ sArikA ], q. v.) (1) playing at chess or draughts cf. Uṇ. iv, 127 cf. Sch. (2) a bow or stick used for playing the Vīṇā or any stringed instrument cf. L. (3) a form of Durgā cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (4) N. of a woman (= [ zAri ]) cf. Buddh.

===> śārkara [ zArkara ]2[ zArkara ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zarkarA ]) gravelly, stony cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 105 (1) made of sugar, sugary cf. Suśr. (2) m. a stony or gravelly place cf. MW. (3) the froth or skim of milk cf. L. (4) n. N. of two Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr. (also w. r. for [ zAkvara ])

===> śārī [ zArI ]2[ zArI ] 1. [ zAra ]

===> śārīrika [ zArIrika ]2[ zArIrika ] mfn. relating to the body, corporeal, personal, material, contained in the body, incorporate, psychological cf. ib.

===> śāsana [ zAsana ]2[ z'Asana ] mf ([ I ]) n. punishing, a punisher, chastiser ([ pAka- ], [ pura- ], [ rukmi- ], [ smara-z° ]) [ 1069,1 ] (1) teaching, instructing, an instructor cf. BhP. (2) ([ I ]), f. an instructress cf. RV. i, 31, 11 (3) ([ am ]), n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) punishment, chastisement, correction ([ zAsanaM-√ kR ], to inflict punishment) cf. Baudh. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) government, dominion, rule over (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) an order, command, edict, enactment, decree, direction ([ zAsanaM-√ kR ] [ [ kAGkS ] cf. Baudh. ] or [ zAsane-√ vRt ] or [ sthA ], ` to obey orders ' (6) [ zAsanAt ] with gen., ` by command of ' (7) [ zAsanA ] f. cf. Sch. on cf. Śiś. xiv, 36) cf. RV. &c. &c. (8) a royal edict, grant, charter (usually a grant of land or of partic. privileges, and often inscribed on stone or copper) cf. Yājñ. cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat. &c. (9) a writing, deed, written contract or agreement cf. W. (10) any written book or work of authority, scripture (= [ zAstra ]) cf. ib. (11) teaching, instruction, discipline, doctrine (also= ` faith ', ` religion ') cf. MBh. cf. Kām. cf. Kathās (12) a message (comp.) (13) self-control cf. W.

===> śāsana-dūṣaka [ zAsanadUSaka ]3[ z'Asana-dUSaka ] mfn. disobeying a (royal) command cf. Mṛcch

===> śāsti [ zAsti ]2[ zAsti ]1 f. correction, punishment cf. MārkP. (1) direction, order, command cf. Prab. cf. Sch. (2) governing, ruling cf. W. (3) a sceptre cf. ib.

===> [ zAsti ]2[ zAsti ]2 m. N. of the √ [ zAs ] cf. Śiś. xiv, 66

===> śāstra [ zAstra ]2[ zAstr'a ] n. an order, command, precept, rule cf. RV. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) teaching, instruction, direction, advice, good counsel cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) any instrument of teaching, any manual or compendium of rules, any bock or treatise, (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise, any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the Veda, and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [ see under [ vidyA ] ] (3) the word [ zAstra ] is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book, or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge, e. g. [ ved^anta-z° ], a work on the Ved^anta philosophy or the whole body of teaching on that subject (4) [ dharma-z° ], a law-book or whole body of written laws (5) [ kAvya-z° ], a poetical work or poetry in general (6) [ zilpi-z° ], works on the mechanical arts (7) [ kAma-z° ], erotic compositions (8) [ alaMkAra z° ], rhetoric, &c.)
cf. Nir. cf. Prāt. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (9) a body of teaching (in general), scripture, science cf. Kāv. cf. Pur.

===> śāstra-jña [ zAstrajJa ]3[ zAstr'a-jJa ] mfn. (or m.) acquainted with the Śāstra's, learned, a specialist ([ kevala-z° ], ` a mere theorist ') cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) a mere theorist cf. MW. (2) [ -tA ] f. or [ -tva ] n. acquaintance with the Śāstra cf. W.

===> śāstra-kāra [ zAstrakAra ]3[ zAstr'a-kAra ] m. the author of a Śāstra cf. VarBṛS.

===> śāstra-kṛt [ zAstrakRt ]3[ zAstr'a-kRt ] m. id. cf. BhP. cf. Vedântas (1) a writer or author (in general) cf. W. : a Ṛshi (as the author of sacred works) cf. ib.

===> śāstra-virodha [ zAstravirodha ]3[ zAstr'a-virodha ] m. opposition to sacred precept cf. ib. (1) mutual contradiction of books, incompatibility of different works cf. ib.

===> śāstratas [ zAstratas ]3[ zAstr'a-tas ] ind. accord. to the Śāstra or accord. to prescribed rules cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr.

===> śāstrârtha [ zAstrArtha ]3[ zAstr^artha ] m. the object or purport of a book, a precept of the Śāstra or of any partic. Śāstra cf. MW.

===> śāstrīya [ zAstrIya ]2[ zAstrIya ] mfn. taught in or agreeable to the Śāstras, belonging to the Śāstras, conformable to sacred precepts, legal cf. Sāh. cf. Śaṃk. &c.

===> śāstṛ [ zAstR ]2[ zAstR ] m. a chastiser, punisher cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a ruler, commander cf. TS. &c. &c. (2) a teacher, instructor cf. Āpast. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (also applied to Punishment and to the Sword personified) (3) N. of Buddha cf. Rājat. (accord. to cf. L. also ` a Jina or the deified teacher of either of these sects ') (4) a father cf. MW.

===> śāta [ zAta ]2[ zAta ] mfn. 1. [ zAta ], p. 1063, col. 3

===> śātana [ zAtana ]2[ zAtana ]1 n. the act of sharpening or wetting cf. MW. (1) sharpness, thinness cf. ib.

===> [ zAtana ]2[ zAtana ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. causing to fall or decay, felling, destroying, hewing or cutting off cf. Nir. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (1) n. the act of causing to fall &c. (2) cutting or plucking off cf. L. (3) destroying, ruining cf. MārkP. (4) polishing, planing cf. MārkP. (5) a means of removing or destroying cf. Suśr. cf. ŚārṅgS. (cf. [ garbha-z° ]) . [ 1064,1 ]

===> śāvaka [ zAvaka ]2[ zAvaka ] m. the young of any animal cf. Kāv. (rarely applied to human beings, e. g. in [ muni-z° ], a young Brāhman) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hit. &c.

===> śāyin [ zAyin ]2[ zAyin ] mfn. lying down, reclining, resting, abiding cf. Br. &c. &c. (mostly ifc. (1) cf. [ adhaH- ], [ eka-z° ] &c.)

===> śāśvata [ zAzvata ]1[ zAzvat'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zazvat ]) eternal, constant, perpetual, all ([ z'AzvatIbhyaH s'amAbhyaH ], [ zAzvatIH samAH ], or [ zAzvatam ], for evermore, incessantly, eternally) cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) about to happen, future cf. MW. (2) m. N. of Śiva cf. L. (3) of Vyāsa cf. L. (4) of a son of Śruta (and father of Su-dhanvan) cf. VP. (5) of a poet and various other writers (esp. of a lexicographer, author of the Anek^artha-samuccaya) (6) ([ I ]), f. the earth cf. L. (7) n. continuity, eternity cf. MBh. (8) heaven, ether cf. W.

===> śāśvatatva [ zAzvatatva ]3[ zAzvat'a-tva ] n. constancy, eternity cf. MBh.

===> śāśvatika [ zAzvatika ]2[ zAzvatika ] mfn. = [ zAzvaTa ], eternal, constant, permanent cf. Nir. cf. Āpast. cf. Kād

===> śāṇa [ zANa ]1[ zANa ]1 m. (or [ A ], f. (1) fr. √ [ zo ], cf. [ zAna ]) a whetstone, grindstone, touchstone cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat (2) a saw cf. L.

===> [ zANa ]1[ zANa ]2 m. (or [ A ] f.) a weight of four Māshas cf. Hariv. cf. Bhpr.

===> [ zANa ]1[ zAN'a ]3 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ zaNa ]) made of hemp or Bengal flax, hempen, flaxen cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) m. or n. a hempen garment cf. Gaut (2) ([ I ]), f. below

===> śāṇaka-vāsa [ zANakavAsa ]3[ zANaka-vAsa ] m. = [ zANa-vAsa ] cf. Buddh.

===> śāṭa [ zATa ]1[ zATa ] m. (fr. √ [ zaT ]?) a strip of cloth, a kind of skirt or petticoat, a partic. sort of garment or gown cf. Vas. cf. Cāṇ (1) ([ I ]), f. below

===> śāṭaka [ zATaka ]2[ zATaka ] m. n. = [ zATa ] cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. id. cf. Divyâv

===> śāṭha [ zATha ]1[ zATha ] m. (prob. patr. fr. [ zaTha ]), [ kaTha-z° ]

===> śāṭhya [ zAThya ]2[ zAThya ] n. wickedness, deceit, guile, roguery, dishonesty cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> śāṭī [ zATI ]2[ zATI ] f. id. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> śīdhu [ zIdhu ]1[ zIdhu ] &c. [ sIdhu ]

===> śīghra [ zIghra ]1[ zIghra ] mf ([ A ]) n. (of doubtful derivation) quick, speedy, swift, rapid ([ 'am ] and [ eNa ] ind. quickly, rapidly, fast) cf. VS. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a son of Agni-varṇa cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (2) N. of Vāyu, the wind cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium cf. L. (4) N. of a river cf. MBh. (5) n. (in astron.) conjunction (accord. to other ` parallax ') (6) the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L. (7) = [ cakr^aGga ] cf. L.

===> śīghra-gāmin [ zIghragAmin ]3[ zIghra-gAmin ] (cf. R. cf. Pañcar.), mfn. id.

===> śīghra-srotas [ zIghrasrotas ]3[ zIghra-srotas ] mfn. having a rapid current cf. R.

===> śīghratara [ zIghratara ]3[ zIghra-tara ] mfn. more quick, very swift (1) ([ am ] ind. as swiftly as possible) cf. Pañcat (2) [ -gati ] mfn. moving more swiftly cf. VarYogay

===> śīghratā [ zIghratA ]3[ zIghra-tA ] f. (cf. MBh. cf. Śiś.) or (cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. MārkP.) quickness, speed, rapidity

===> śīla [ zIla ]2[ z'Ila ] n. (and m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) habit, custom, usage, natural or acquired way of living or acting, practice, conduct, disposition, tendency, character, nature (often ifc. = ` habituated ' or ` accustomed ' or ` disposed ' or ` addicted to ', ` practising ' (2) cf. [ guNa- ], [ dAna- ], [ puNya-z° ] &c.) cf. VS. &c. &c. good disposition or character, moral conduct, integrity, morality, piety, virtue cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) cf. cf. IW. 208 (4) (with Buddhists [ zIla ] ', moral conduct ', is one of the 6 or 10 perfections or Pāramitās [ q. v. ] and is threefold, viz. [ sambhAra ], [ kuzala-saMgrAha ], [ sattv^artha-kriyA ] cf. Dharmas. 106) (5) a moral precept (with cf. Buddh. there are 5 fundamental precepts or rules of moral conduct, cf. [ paJca-zIla ]) cf. MWB. 126 (6) form, shape, beauty cf. W. (7) m. a large snake in this sense prob. fr. √ 1. [ zI ]) cf. L. (8) N. of a man cf. Buddh. (9) of a king cf. Rājat (10) ([ A ]), f. below

===> śīla-bhadra [ zIlabhadra ]3[ z'Ila-bhadra ] m. ` eminent in virtue ', N. of a teacher (also called Dharma-kośa) cf. Buddh.

===> śīla-bhraṃśa [ zIlabhraMza ]3[ z'Ila-bhraMza ] m. loss of virtue or integrity cf. Kathās

===> śīla-pāramitā [ zIlapAramitA ]3[ z'Ila-pAramitA ] f. (with Buddhists) the perfection (called) [ zIla ] (one of the 6 transcendental perfections, cf. under [ zIla ]) cf. SaddhP. cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> śīla-samādāna [ zIlasamAdAna ]3[ z'Ila-samAdAna ] mfn. observance of virtue or morality cf. Divyâv

===> śīla-vrata [ zIlavrata ]3[ z'Ila-vrata ] n. (with cf. Buddh.) ceremonial practices (one of the ten fetters) cf. MWB. 127

===> śīlamaya [ zIlamaya ]3[ z'Ila-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting in moral character or good conduct cf. Buddh.

===> śīlatva [ zIlatva ]3[ z'Ila-tva ] n. disposition, inclination, customary practice (1) morality, virtuousness cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr.

===> śīlatā [ zIlatA ]3[ z'Ila-tA ] f.

===> śīlavat [ zIlavat ]3[ z'Ila-vat ] mfn. possessed of a good disposition or character, wellconducted, moral cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (ifc.) having the custom or practice of cf. VarBṛS. (2) ([ atI ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Kathās

===> śīlin [ zIlin ]2[ zIlin ] mfn. virtuous, moral, honest cf. MBh. (1) (ifc.) having the custom of, habituated or used to, practising cf. ib. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> śīlâṅga [ zIlAGga ]3[ zIl^aGga ] m. N. of an author cf. ib.,

===> śīrṇa [ zIrNa ]2[ zIrN'a ]

===> śīrṣa [ zIrSa ]1[ zIrS'a ] n. (connected with [ ziras ]: collateral of [ zIrS'an ] below, from which it is not separable in comp. (1) m. only in [ vasti-z° ], q. v. (2) ifc. f. [ A ], or [ I ]), the head, skull (acc. with Caus. of √ [ vRtziras ] with id.) cf. AV. &c. (3) the upper part, tip, top (of anything, as of a letter &c.) cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv (4) the fore-part, front (in [ raNa-z° ], q. v.) cf. R. (5) black Agallochum or aloe wood cf. L. (6) m. a kind of grass cf. Pat. (7) N. of a mountain cf. W. (8) ([ A ]), f. a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> śīrṣaka [ zIrSaka ]2[ zIrSaka ] mfn. familiar with the text called [ ziras ] cf. Baudh. (1) m. N. of a Rāhu (the personified ascending node (2) cf. [ zIrS^avazeSI-kRta ]) cf. L. (3) n. the head, skull cf. BhP. cf. Pañcar. (4) the top of anything cf. L. (5) a cap or helmet cf. L. (6) a garland worn on the head cf. Gal. (7) judgment, verdict, sentence, result of judicial investigation (cf. next)

===> śīta [ zIta ]2[ zIta ] p. 1077, col. 3

===> śīta-jvara [ zItajvara ]3[ zIt'a-jvara ] m. a fever with cold fits cf. Kathās. cf. Bhpr.

===> śīta-la [ zItala ]2[ zItala ] mf ([ A ]) n. cold, cool, cooling cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) shivering, frosty cf. Cat. (2) cold i. e. free from passion, calm, gentle, Ashṭāv. cf. Prasannar (3) not exciting emotion, not causing painful feelings cf. Vikr. iv, 37 (4) m. (only cf. L.) the wind (5) the moon (6) Cordia Myxa (7) Michelia Champaka (8) = [ asana-parNI ] (9) a kind of camphor (10) the resin of Shorea Robusta (11) green sulphate of iron (also m.) (12) bitumen (also m.) (13) a religious ceremony observed on the sun's entering Aries (14) (with Jainas) N. of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (15) ([ A ]), f. below (16) ([ I ]), f. Pistia Stratiotes cf. L. (17) small-pox cf. W. (18) ([ am ]), n. cold, coldness, cold weather cf. Subh (19) sandal cf. L. (20) a lotus cf. L. (21) Costus Speciosus or Arabicus cf. L. (22) the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L. (23) a pearl cf. L.

===> śīta-pāṇi [ zItapANi ]3[ zIt'a-pANi ] mfn. ` cold-handed ', cold-rayed (as the moon) cf. ṢaḍvBr.

===> śīta-vana [ zItavana ]3[ zIt'a-vana ] n. N. of a place of pilgrimage cf. MBh. (v. l. [ sIta-v° ]) (1) of a place (for receiving) corpses in Magadha cf. Buddh.

===> śītala [ zItala ]2[ zItala ] mf ([ A ]) n. cold, cool, cooling cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) shivering, frosty cf. Cat. (2) cold i. e. free from passion, calm, gentle, Ashṭāv. cf. Prasannar (3) not exciting emotion, not causing painful feelings cf. Vikr. iv, 37 (4) m. (only cf. L.) the wind (5) the moon (6) Cordia Myxa (7) Michelia Champaka (8) = [ asana-parNI ] (9) a kind of camphor (10) the resin of Shorea Robusta (11) green sulphate of iron (also m.) (12) bitumen (also m.) (13) a religious ceremony observed on the sun's entering Aries (14) (with Jainas) N. of the 10th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (15) ([ A ]), f. below (16) ([ I ]), f. Pistia Stratiotes cf. L. (17) small-pox cf. W. (18) ([ am ]), n. cold, coldness, cold weather cf. Subh (19) sandal cf. L. (20) a lotus cf. L. (21) Costus Speciosus or Arabicus cf. L. (22) the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L. (23) a pearl cf. L.

===> śītala-jala [ zItalajala ]3[ zItala-jala ] n. cold water cf. MW. (1) a lotus flower cf. L. [ 1078,2 ]

===> śītī-bhāva [ zItIbhAva ]3[ zItI-bhAva ] m. the becoming cool cf. Nir. cf. Car. cf. Kāraṇḍ (1) cold state, coldness cf. MW. (2) the growing cold or passionless, perfect tranquillity of mind cf. Lalit. (3) final emancipation cf. MW.

===> śītī-bhūta [ zItIbhUta ]3[ zItI-bhUta ] mfn. become cold cf. Suśr. (1) tranquillized, emancipated, Śīl

===> śūdra [ zUdra ]1[ zUdr'a ] m. (of doubtful derivation) a Śūdra, a man of the fourth or lowest of the four original classes or castes (whose only business, accord. to cf. Mn. i, 91, was to serve the three higher classes (1) in cf. RV. ix, 20, 12, the Śūdra is said to have been born from the feet of Purusha, q. v. (2) in cf. Mn. i, 87 he is fabled to have sprung from the same part of the body of Brahmā, and he is regarded as of higher rank than the present low and mixed castes so numerous throughout India (3) [ kevala-z° ], a pure Śūdra) cf. RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 212 &c.) (4) a man of mixed origin cf. L. (5) N. of a Brāhman cf. Buddh. (6) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (7) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. below

===> śūka [ zUka ]1[ zUka ] m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) derivation doubtful) the awn of grain cf. R. cf. Sarvad. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (2) a bristle, spicule, spike (esp. the bristle or sharp hair of insects &c.) cf. W. (3) the sheath or calyx of a bud cf. L. (4) pity, compassion (in [ niH-zUka ]) cf. L. (5) m. a species of grain (cf. [ dIrgha-z° ]) cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. (6) sorrow, grief. cf. L. (7) = [ abhi-Sava ] cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. scruple, doubt cf. L. [ 1085,3 ] (9) Mucuna Pruritus cf. L. (10) the sting of an insect (cf. above), anything that stings or causes pain cf. Suśr. cf. Car. (11) a partic. insect (produced in water and applied externally as an aphrodisiac) cf. ib. cf. Bhpr. (12) a kind of grass cf. L.

===> śūkara [ zUkara ]1[ zU-kara ] 3. [ zU ], col. 2

===> śūkṣma [ zUkSma ]1[ zUkSma ] incorrect for [ sUkSma ], q. v.

===> śūla [ zUla ]2[ z'Ula ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a sharp iron pin or stake, spike, spit (on which meat is roasted) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) any sharp instrument or pointed dart, lance, pike, spear (esp. the trident of Śiva) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) a stake for impaling criminals ([ zUlam A-√ ruh ], ` to be fixed on a stake, suffer impalement ' (3) with Caus. of [ A-√ ruh ], ` to fix on a stake, have any one [ acc. ] impaled ', cf. [ zUl^adhiropita ] &c.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) any sharp or acute pain (esp. that of colic or gout) cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (5) pain, grief, sorrow cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (6) death cf. L. (7) a flag, banner cf. L. (8) = [ -yoga ] (q. v.) cf. VarBṛS. (9) ([ A ]), f. a stake (= [ zUla ]) cf. L. (10) a harlot, prostitute cf. Vās (11) Kriṭṭanim (12) ([ I ]), f. a kind of grass cf. L.

===> śūnya [ zUnya ]2[ zUny'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. empty, void (with [ vAjin ] = ` a riderless horse ' (1) with [ rAjya ] = ` a kingless kingdom '), hollow, barren, desolate, deserted cf. Br. &c. &c. [ 1085,2 ] (2) empty, i. e. vacant (as a look or stare), absent, absentminded, having no certain object or aim, distracted cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) empty i. e. possessing nothing, wholly destitute cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (4) wholly alone or solitary, having no friends or companions cf. R. cf. BhP. (5) void of, free from, destitute of (instr. or comp.), wanting, lacking cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. cf. Sarvad. non-existent, absent, missing cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat (6) vain, idle, unreal, nonsensical cf. R. cf. Rājat. cf. Sarvad (7) void of results, ineffectual ([ a-zUnyaM-√ kR ], ` to effect ', accomplish ') cf. Śak. cf. Ratnâv (8) free from sensitiveness or sensation (said of the skin), insensible cf. Bhpr. (9) bare, naked cf. MW. (10) guileless, innocent cf. ib. (11) indifferent cf. ib. (12) ([ A ]), f. a hollow reed cf. L. (13) a barren woman cf. L. (14) Cactus Indicus = [ malI ] (for [ nalI ]?) cf. L. (15) n. a void, vacūm, empty or deserted place, desert ([ zUnye ], in a lonely place) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (16) (in phil.)vacuity, nonentity, absolute non-existence (esp. with Buddhists) cf. IW. 83, n. 3 ; 105, n. 4 cf. MWB. 7, n. 1 ; 142 (17) N. of Brahma cf. MW. (18) (in arithm.) nought, a cypher
cf. VarBṛS. cf. Gaṇit. (cf. cf. IW. 183) (19) space, heaven, atmosphere cf. L. (20) a partic. phenomenon in the sky. cf. L. (21) an earring (next). [ Cf. Gk. ?, ? (22) ?. [ 1085,2 ] ?. ]

===> [ zUnya ]1[ zUnya ] &c. p. 1085, col. 1

===> śūnyaka [ zUnyaka ]2[ zUnyaka ] mfn. (= [ zUnya ]) empty, void, g. [ yAv^adi ] (1) n. absence, lack of (gen.) cf. MBh.

===> śūnyatva [ zUnyatva ]3[ zUny'a-tva ] n. = [ -tA ] cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat. cf. Sarvad

===> śūnyatā [ zUnyatA ]3[ zUny'a-tA ] f. emptiness, loneliness, desolateness cf. R. cf. VarBṛ. &c. (cf. [ a-zUnyatA ]) (1) absence of mind, distraction cf. Suśr. cf. Sarvad (2) vacancy (of gaze) cf. Dhūrtas (3) (ifc.) absence or want of cf. Cāṇ. cf. Kum (4) nothingness, non-existence, non-reality, illusory nature (of all worldly phenomena) cf. Śiś. cf. Sarvad. [ -samApti ] f. N. of wk.

===> śūra [ zUra ]2[ z'Ura ] mfn. (prob. fr. √ 1 . [ zU ] = [ zvi ] and connected with [ zavas ], [ zuna ], [ zUna ]) strong, powerful, valiant, heroic, brave (cf. [ -tama ] and [ -tara ]) cf. RV. cf. MBh. (1) m. a strong or mighty or valiant man, warrior, champion, hero, one who acts heroically towards, any one (loc.) or with regard to anything (loc., instr., or comp. (2) ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) heroism (?, = or w. r. for [ zaurya ]) cf. Kāv (4) a lion cf. L. (5) a tiger or panther cf. L. (6) a boar cf. L. (7) a dog cf. L. (8) a cock cf. L. (9) white rice cf. L. (10) lentil cf. L. (11) Arthocarpus Locucha cf. L. (12) Vatica Robusta cf. L. (13) N. of a Yādava, the father of Vasu-deva and grandfather of Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. (14) of a Sauviraka cf. ib. (15) of a son of Ilina cf. ib. (16) of a son of Kārtavīrya cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (17) of a son of Vidūratha cf. ib. (18) of a son of Deva-miḍhusha cf. ib. (19) of a son of Bhajamāna cf. Hariv. (20) of a son of Vasu-deva cf. BhP. (21) of a son of Vatsa-prī cf. MārkP. (22) of a poet cf. Cat. (23) of various other men cf. Buddh. cf. Rājat (24) w. r. for [ sUra ] cf. L. (25) (pl.) N. of a people cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. [ Cf. Gk. ? in ?. ] [ 1086,1 ]

===> śūra-bala [ zUrabala ]3[ z'Ura-bala ] m. ` having heroic strength ', N. of a Deva-putra cf. Lalit.

===> śūra-sena [ zUrasena ]3[ z'Ura-sena ] m. N. of the country about Mathurā cf. Pañcar. (1) a king of Mathurā (and ruler of the Yadus, applied to Viṣṇu and Ugra-sena) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (2) N. of a son of Kārtavīrya cf. Hariv. (3) of a son of Śatru-ghna cf. VP. (4) of various other men cf. Kathās (5) pl. N. of the people inhabiting the above country (also [ °naka ] and [ °na-ja ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of the city of Mathurā cf. R. (7) ([ I ]), f. a princess of the Śūra-senas cf. MBh. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 177)

===> śūratā [ zUratA ]3[ z'Ura-tA ] f.

===> śūraṃ-gama [ zUraMgama ]3[ z'Ura-M-gama ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Buddh. (1) N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib. (2) [ -samAdhi-nirdeza ] m. N. of wk.

===> śūrpa [ zUrpa ]2[ z'Urpa ] n. (and m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) also written [ sUrpa ]) a winnowing basket or fan (i. e. a kind of wicker receptacle which, when shaken about, serves as a fan for winnowing corn (2) also personified as a Gandharva) cf. VS. &c. &c. (3) a measure of 2 Droṇas cf. ŚārṅgS. (4) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ gaur^adi ]) a small winnowing basket or fan (used as a child's toy) cf. L. (5) = [ zUrpaNakhA ] (q. v.) cf. L.

===> śṛgāla [ zRgAla ]1[ zRgAla ] (also written [ zRkAla ]), m. a jackal &c. [ sRgAla ]

===> śṛṅga [ zRGga ]1[ zRGga ] n. (perhaps connected with [ ziras ], [ zIrSan ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ], or [ I ]) the horn of an animal, a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking, for blowing, drawing blood from the skin &c.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) the tusk of an elephant cf. R. cf. Kām (3) the top or summit of a mountain, a peak, crag cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) the summit of a building, pinnacle, turret cf. ib. [ 1087,2 ] (5) any peak or projection or lofty object, elevation, point, end, extremity cf. AV. cf. Kum. cf. Gīt. (6) a cusp or horn of the moon cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. VarBṛS. (7) highest point, acme, height or perfection of anything cf. Hariv. 6424 (8) the horn as a symbol of self reliance or strength or haughtiness cf. Ragh (9) the rising of desire, excess of love or passion (cf. [ zRGgAra ]) cf. Sāh (10) a partic. military array in the form of a horn or crescent cf. MBh. vi, 2413 (11) a syringe, water-engine cf. Ragh. cf. Śiś. (12) the female breast cf. BhP. (13) a lotus cf. L. (14) agallochum cf. L. (15) a mark, token, sign cf. L. (16) = [ zazazRGga ] ', hare's horn ', anything impossible or extra ordinary, Kusum (17) m. a kind of medicinal or poisonous plant cf. L. (18) N. of a Muni (of whom, in some parts of India, on occasions of drought, earthen images are said to be made and worshipped for rain) cf. MW. ([ I ]), f. s. v. [ Cf. Lat. [ cornu ] ; Goth. [ h'aurn ] ; Germ., Eng. [ horn ]. ]

===> śṛṅga-vera [ zRGgavera ]3[ zRGga-vera ] m. N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (1) ginger (undried or dry) cf. Suśr. (also [ °raka ] cf. L.) (2) N. of a town ([ -pura ]) (3) [ -kalka ] m. sediment of ginger cf. Suśr. (4) [ -cUrNa ] n. ginger-powder cf. ib. (5) [ -pura ] n. N. of a town (situated on the Ganges) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of a ch. of the cf. SkandaP.) [ °r^abha-mUlaka ] m. ` having a root like that of ginger ', Typha Angustifolia cf. L.

===> śṛṅgamaya [ zRGgamaya ]3[ zRGga-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. (in. [ kanaka-zRGga-maya ]) furnished with (golden) horns cf. MBh.

===> śṛṅgāra [ zRGgAra ]2[ zRGgAra ] m. (prob. connected with [ zRGga ] as [ vRndAra ] with [ vRnda ]) love (as ` the horned ' or ` the strong one'?), sexual passion or desire or enjoyment cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat. &c. (1) (in rhet.) the erotic sentiment (one of the 8 or 10 Rasas, q. v. (2) it has Viṣṇu for its tutelary deity and black for its colour (3) accord. to most authorities it is of two kinds, viz. [ sambhoga ] ', mutual enjoyment ', and [ vipralambha ], ` deception, disappointment ', to which by some is added as third [ a-yoga ], ` separation ') cf. Bhar. cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh. &c. (4) a dress suitable for amorous purposes, elegant dress, line garments, finery cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās. &c. (5) the ornaments on an elephant (esp. red marks on its head and trunk) cf. L. (cf. [ -dhArin ]) (6) any mark cf. MW. (7) (also with [ bhaTTa ]) N. of various persons (esp. of a poet) cf. Rājat. cf. Cat. (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Inscr. (9) ([ am ]), n. (only cf. L.) gold (10) red-lead (11) fragrant powder for the dress or person (12) cloves (13) undried ginger (14) black aloe-wood (15) mfn. handsome, pretty, dainty, fine cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> śṛṅgāṭaka [ zRGgATaka ]2[ zRGgATaka ] m. N. of various plants (Trapa Bispinosa &c. = [ zRGgATa ]) cf. MBh. cf. ŚārṅgS. cf. Bhpr. (1) a mountain having three peaks cf. W. [ 1087,3 ] (2) N. of a mountain (= [ zRGgATa ]) cf. KālP. (3) m. n. (ifc. f. [ akA ] and [ ikA ]) a place where four (or several) roads meet, crossway cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (4) (in anat.) = [ zRGgATa ] cf. Suśr. (5) (in astron.) a partic. configuration of the planets (when all of them are in the 1st, 5th, and 9th asterisms) cf. VarBṛS. (6) n. a kind of pastry or minced meat &c. (called Samūsā in Hindi) cf. Bhpr. (7) a door cf. W.

===> ū [ U ]1[ U ]1 the sixth letter of the alphabet (corresponding to [ u ] long, and having the sound of that letter in the word [ rule ])

===> [ U ]1[ U ]2 ind. an interjection of calling to (1) of compassion (2) a particle implying promise to protect cf. L. (3) a particle used at the beginning of a sentence

===> [ U ]1[ U ]3 mfn. (√ [ av ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 20), helping, protecting cf. L. (1) ([ Us ]), m. the moon cf. L. (2) N. of Śiva cf. L.

===> [ U ]1[ U ]4 mfn. (√ [ ve ] cf. Vop. xxvi, 73), weaving, sewing

===> ū-kāra [ UkAra ]3[ U-kAra ]

===> ūha [ Uha ]2[ Uha ]1 m. removing, derangement, transposition, change, modification cf. Lāṭy. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Pat. &c. (1) adding, addition cf. Car.

===> [ Uha ]2[ Uha ]2 m. the act of comprehending, conceiving (1) consideration, deliberation, examination (2) supposition, conclusion, inference cf. MBh. cf. BhP. cf. Mn. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. L.

===> ūhana [ Uhana ]2[ Uhana ]2 n. deliberation, reasoning

===> ūna [ Una ]1[ Un'a ] mfn. (√ [ av ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 2 (1) ? cf. Zd. [ Una ]), wanting, deficient, defective, short of the right quantity, less than the right number, not sufficient (2) less (in number, size, or degree), minus, fewer, smaller, inferior cf. AV. x, 8, 15 ; 44 ; xii, 1, 61 cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. &c. (3) less than (with abl., e. g. [ lakSAd Una ], less than a Laksha cf. Kathās. liii, 10 (4) or ifc., e. g. [ tad-Una ], inferior to that one cf. Mn. ix, 123), less by (with instr., e. g. [ dvAbhyAm Una ], less by two cf. ŚBr. xi (5) or ifc., e. g. [ alp^ona ], less by a little, a little less cf. Mn. (6) [ paJc^ona ], less by five &c.) (7) less by one (prefixed to decimals from twenty up to one hundred, e. g. [ Una-viMza ] = [ ek^ona-viMza ], the twentieth minus one, the nineteenth)

===> ūna-rātra [ UnarAtra ]3[ Un'a-rAtra ] m.

===> ūnatva [ Unatva ]3[ Un'a-tva ] n. deficiency, inferiority cf. Hcat

===> ūrdhva [ Urdhva ]1[ Urdhv'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ vRdh ] cf. BRD. (1) perhaps fr. √ [ R ]), rising or tending upwards, raised, elevated, erected, erect, upright, high, above cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (in class. Sanskṛt occurring generally in compounds) (2) ([ am ]), n. height, elevation cf. L. (3) anything placed above or higher (with abl.) cf. L. (4) ([ am ]), ind. upwards, towards the upper part, aloft, above, in the upper regions, higher (with abl.) cf. AV. xi, 1, 9 cf. ŚBr. xii cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (5) ([ UrdhvaM-√ gam ], to go upwards or into heaven, die) (6) in the sequel, in the later part (e. g. of a book or cf. MS. (7) because in Sanskṛt cf. MSS. the later leaves stand above), subsequent, after (with abl.)
cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Suśr. cf. Mn. &c. (8) ([ ata Urdhvam ], or [ ita Urdhvam ], hence forward, from that time forward, after that passage, hereafter cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Yājñ. &c. (9) [ UrdhvaM saMvatsarAt ], after a year cf. Mn. ix, 77 (10) [ UrdhvaM dehAt ], after life, after death cf. MBh. i, 3606) (11) after, after the death of (with abl., e. g. [ UrdhvaM pituH ], after the father's death cf. Mn. ix, 104) (12) in a high tone, aloud cf. BhP. (13) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 222,1 ] [ ardūs ] ; Gae10l. [ ard ]. ]

===> ūrdhva- [ Urdhva ]1[ Urdhv'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ vRdh ] cf. BRD. (1) perhaps fr. √ [ R ]), rising or tending upwards, raised, elevated, erected, erect, upright, high, above cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (in class. Sanskṛt occurring generally in compounds) (2) ([ am ]), n. height, elevation cf. L. (3) anything placed above or higher (with abl.) cf. L. (4) ([ am ]), ind. upwards, towards the upper part, aloft, above, in the upper regions, higher (with abl.) cf. AV. xi, 1, 9 cf. ŚBr. xii cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (5) ([ UrdhvaM-√ gam ], to go upwards or into heaven, die) (6) in the sequel, in the later part (e. g. of a book or cf. MS. (7) because in Sanskṛt cf. MSS. the later leaves stand above), subsequent, after (with abl.)
cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Suśr. cf. Mn. &c. (8) ([ ata Urdhvam ], or [ ita Urdhvam ], hence forward, from that time forward, after that passage, hereafter cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Yājñ. &c. (9) [ UrdhvaM saMvatsarAt ], after a year cf. Mn. ix, 77 (10) [ UrdhvaM dehAt ], after life, after death cf. MBh. i, 3606) (11) after, after the death of (with abl., e. g. [ UrdhvaM pituH ], after the father's death cf. Mn. ix, 104) (12) in a high tone, aloud cf. BhP. (13) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 222,1 ] [ ardūs ] ; Gae10l. [ ard ]. ]

===> ūrdhva-bhāga [ UrdhvabhAga ]3[ Urdhv'a-bhAga ] m. upper part, higher part, subsequent part cf. Hcat (1) Comm. on cf. Pāṇ. (2) (mfn.) effective towards the upper part, emetic cf. Car.

===> ūrdhva-bhūmi [ UrdhvabhUmi ]3[ Urdhv'a-bhUmi ] f. upper floor or story cf. Pañcad

===> ūrdhva-bāhu [ UrdhvabAhu ]3[ Urdhv'a-bAhu ] mfn. having the arms lifted up cf. TS. v cf. ŚBr. v cf. KātyŚr. cf. BhP. &c. (1) a kind of ascetic or devotee (2) N. of several Ṛshis

===> ūrdhva-deha [ Urdhvadeha ]3[ Urdhv'a-deha ] m. a body gone above or into heaven, a deceased one cf. R. (cf. [ aurdhvadehika ].)

===> ūrdhva-ga [ Urdhvaga ]3[ Urdhv'a-ga ] mfn. going upwards, ascending, hovering cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) being above, high (2) m. N. of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. BhP. (3) [ -pura ] n. the city of Hariścandra (who with his subjects is supposed to be suspended in the atmosphere) cf. W. (4) [ °^atman ] m. ` one whose soul tends upwards ', N. of Śiva cf. MBh.

===> ūrdhva-gamana [ Urdhvagamana ]3[ Urdhv'a-gamana ] n. the act of going or tending upwards or to the heaven cf. Naish (1) rising (of a star) cf. Vop (2) rising (of the voice) cf. VPrāt. (3) rising, promotion cf. Tattvas (4) [ -vat ] mfn. moving or tending upwards cf. Vedāntas

===> ūrdhva-gāmin [ UrdhvagAmin ]3[ Urdhv'a-gAmin ] mfn. going or tending upwards cf. Suśr.

===> ūrdhva-ja [ Urdhvaja ]3[ Urdhv'a-ja ] mfn. being higher, upper cf. Suśr. i, 82, 8

===> ūrdhva-keśa [ Urdhvakeza ]3[ Urdhv'a-keza ] mfn. having the hair erect (1) m. N. of a man (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of a goddess

===> ūrdhva-kāya [ UrdhvakAya ]3[ Urdhv'a-kAya ] m. the upper part of the body cf. Naish

===> ūrdhva-mukha [ Urdhvamukha ]3[ Urdhv'a-mukha ] mfn. having the mouth or opening turned upwards, turned upwards cf. Kum. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> ūrdhva-pāda [ UrdhvapAda ]3[ Urdhv'a-pAda ] m. the top of the foot cf. Hcat (1) (mfn.) having the feet upward cf. R. (2) m. the fabulous animal Śarabha ([ -caraNa ] above)

===> ūrdhva-srotas [ Urdhvasrotas ]3[ Urdhv'a-srotas ] n. ` having the current upwards ', N. of a particular creation cf. MārkP. (1) ([ asas ]), m. pl., N. of particular animals whose stream of life or nutriment tends upwards cf. MBh. cf. BhP. cf. VP. &c. (2) ([ As ]), m. (= [ Urdhva-retas ]), N. of Śiva cf. L. (3) a kind of Yogin cf. T.

===> ūrmi [ Urmi ]1[ Urm'i ] [ is ] mf. (√ [ R ] cf. Uṇ. iv, 44), a wave, billow cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) (figuratively) wave of pain or passion or grief &c. cf. R. cf. Prab. &c. (2) ` the waves of existence ' (six are enumerated, viz. cold and heat [ of the body ], greediness and illusion [ of the mind ], and hunger and thirst [ of life ] cf. Subh (3) or according to others, hunger, thirst, decay, death, grief, illusion cf. Comm. on cf. VP. cf. W.) (4) speed, velocity cf. TBr. ii, 5, 7, r cf. Śiś. v, 4 (5) symbolical expression for the number six cf. RāmatUp. (6) a fold or plait in a garment cf. L. (7) line, row cf. L. (8) missing, regretting, desire cf. L. (9) appearance, becoming manifest cf. L. ; [ cf. Lith. [ vil-ni-s ] ; Old High Germ. [ wella ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Welle ] ; Eng. [ well ]. ]

===> ūru [ Uru ]1[ Ur'u ] m. [ the f. may be [ U ] at the end of compounds in comparison cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 69 ], (fr. √ [ UrNu ] cf. Uṇ. i, 31) the thigh, shank
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (1) N. of an Āṅgirasa and author of a Vedic hymn (2) N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha

===> ūrṇa [ UrNa ]2[ UrNa ] n. (in some compounds = [ 'UrNA ] below) wool (1) m. N. of a Yaksha cf. BhP.

===> ūrṇā [ UrNA ]2[ 'UrNA ] (less correctly spelt [ urNA ]), f. (cf. Uṇ. v, 47) wool, a woollen thread, thread cf. RV. iv, 22, 2 ; v, 52, 9 cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c.

---> cobweb cf. BhP. (1) a circle of hair between the eyebrows cf. Kād. cf. Lalit. (2) N. of several women (3) [ cf. [ 'uraNa ], [ 'urA ], [ ura-bhra ] (4) also Gk. ? ; Lat. [ vell-us ], [ vill-us ] ; Lith. [ viilna ] ; [ 221,3 ] Goth. [ vulla ] (for [ vulna ]) ; Russ. [ vo1lna ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Wolle ] ; Eng. [ wool ]. ]

===> ūḍha [ UDha ]2[ UDha ]2 mfn. (for 1. s. v. and √ [ vah ]) pushed, thrust, moved (1) changed, modified

===> [ UDha ]2[ UDha ]3 mfn. concluded, inferred (cf. [ abhyUDha ].)

===> [ UDha ]2[ UDh'a ] mfn. (cf. √ 1. 2. [ Uh ], p. 223) carried, conveyed, borne off or along RV. &c. &c. (1) stolen, robbed Mn. ix, 270 (2) washed away (by water) ib. viii, 189 (3) borne or carried on (instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c. [ 933,3 ] (4) led home, taken in marriage, married ib. (5) advanced (See comp.) (6) exhibited, betrayed BhP. (7) ([ A ]), f. a married woman, wife L.

===> ūḍhi [ UDhi ]2[ UDhi ] f. bearing, carrying, bringing Rājat

===> ūṣara [ USara ]2[ USar'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. impregnated with salt, containing salt (1) ([ am ]), n. saline soil
cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c.

===> ūṣman [ USman ]1[ USm'an ] [ A ] m. (√ [ uS ], cf. [ uSman ]), heat, glow, ardour, hot vapour, steam, vapour cf. AV. vi, 18, 3 cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. BhP. (also figuratively said of passion or of money &c.) (1) the hot season cf. L. (2) (in Gr.) N. applied to certain sounds (viz. the three sibilants, [ h ], Visarga, Jihvāmūlīya, Upadhmānīya, and Anusvāra) cf. RPrāt. 11, &c. cf. APrāt. cf. VPrāt. cf. Kāś. &c. (the cf. TPrāt. omits Visarga and Anusvāra)

===> ūṣmā [ USmA ]2[ USmA ] f. vapour, steam cf. MBh. xiii

===> ḍa [ Da ]1[ Da ]1 the 3rd cerebral consonant (pronounced like [ d ] in [ drum ] by slightly turning the tip of the tongue upwards [ 430,2 ] (1) and often in Bengal like a hard [ r ])

===> [ Da ]1[ Da ]2 m. a sound cf. L. (1) a kind of drum cf. W. (2) fear cf. L. (3) submarine fire cf. L. (4) Siva cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. a Ḍākinī cf. L. (6) a basket &c. carried by a sling cf. L.

===> ḍa-kāra [ DakAra ]3[ Da-kAra ] m. the letter [ D ] cf. TPrāt. iv, 38 cf. Sch.

===> ḍamara [ Damara ]1[ Damara ] m. (n. cf. L.) a riot, tumult cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās. c cf. Pārśvan. iv, 186 (1) cf., [ DAm° ]

===> ḍamaru [ Damaru ]2[ Damaru ] (m. cf. L.) id. cf. Rājat. ii, 99 cf. Prab. iii, 14 (1) surprise cf. L.

===> ḍamaruka [ Damaruka ]2[ Damaruka ] m. (n. cf. L.), [ °kA ], [ I ]. = [ °rin ] cf. Vātsyāy. &c.

===> ḍha [ Dha ]1[ Dha ]1 the aspirate of the preceding letter,

===> [ Dha ]1[ Dha ]2 mfn. = [ nir-guNa ] cf. L. (1) m. an imitative sound cf. L. (2) a large drum cf. L. (3) a dog cf. L. (4) a dog's tail cf. L. (5) a serpent cf. W.

===> ḍha-kāra [ DhakAra ]3[ Dha-kAra ] m- the letter [ Dh ]

===> ḍomba [ Domba ]2[ Domba ] m. id. cf. VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 33 (v. l. [ Dumba ]) cf. Kathās. xiii, 96ff. cf. Rājat. vf (1) N. of a man, vii, 1070 and 1136 (2) ([ I ]), f. a kind of drama cf. Daśar. i, 8 cf. Sch.

===> ḍāginī [ DAginI ]2[ DAginI ] Prākṛt form for [ dAkinI ] (q. v.) cf. Kathās

===> ḍāka [ DAka ]1[ DAka ] m. an imp attending Kālī cf. Kālac. v, 38

===> ḍākinī [ DAkinI ]2[ DAkinI ] f. (of [ °ka ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 cf. Pat.) a female imp attending Kālī (feeding on human flesh) cf. BhP. x cf. BrahmaP. cf. MārkP. cf. Kathās. ([ DAginI ], cii, cviii f.) (cf. [ zAk° ]) (1) N. of a locality cf. ŚivaP. i, 38, 18

===> ṅa-kāra [ NakAra ]3[ Na-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ N ], vii, 1 ; xiii, 6

===> ṇa [ Na ]1[ Na ]1 the cerebral nasal cf. TPrāt. xxi, 14

===> [ Na ]1[ Na ]2 m. knowledge cf. L. (1) certainty, ascertainment cf. L. (2) ornament cf. L. (3) a water-house cf. L. (4) = [ nirvRti ] (invented for the etymology of [ kriSNa ],) cf. MBh. v, 70, 5 cf. Sch. (5) a bad man cf. L. (6) N. of Śiva or of a cf. Buddh. deity cf. L. (7) the sound of negation cf. L. (8) gift cf. L.

===> [ R ]1[ R ]1 the seventh vowel of the Sanskṛt alphabet and peculiar to it (resembling the sound of [ ri ] in [ merrily ])

===> [ R ]1[ R ]2 ind. an interjection expressing laughter cf. L. (1) a particle implying abuse cf. L. (2) a sound inarticulate or reiterated as in stammering cf. W.

===> [ R ]1[ R ]3 m. heaven cf. L. (1) f. N. of Aditi cf. L.

===> [ R ]1[ R ]4 cl. 1. 3. 5. P. [ Rcchati ], [ iyarti ], [ RNoti ], and [ RNvati ] (only Ved.) (1) [ Ara ], [ ariSyati ], [ Arat ], and [ ArSIt ], to go, move, rise, tend upwards cf. RV. cf. Nir. &c. (2) to go towards, meet with, fall upon or into, reach, obtain cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. &c. (3) to fall to one's share, occur, befall (with acc.) cf. RV. cf. AitBr. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. &c. (4) to advance towards a foe, attack, invade cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. (5) to hurt, offend cf. ŚBr. vii (6) to move, excite, erect, raise, ([ 'iyarti v'Acam ], he raises his voice cf. RV. ii, 42, 2 (7) [ st'omAn iyarmi ], I sing hymns cf. RV. i, 116, 1) cf. RV. cf. AV. vi, 22, 3: Caus. [ arpayati ], to cause to move, throw, cast cf. AV. x, 9, 1 cf. Ragh. &c. (8) to cast through, pierce cf. AV. (9) to put in or upon, place, insert, fix into or upon, fasten cf. RV. cf. Śāk. cf. Kum. cf. Bhag. &c. (10) to place on, apply cf. Kathās. cf. Ratnāv. cf. Ragh. &c. (11) to direct or turn towards cf. R. cf. Bhag. &c. (12) to deliver up, surrender, offer, reach over, present, give cf. Yājñ. cf. Pañcat. cf. Vikr. &c. (13) to give back, restore cf. Mn. viii, 191 cf. Yājñ. cf. Śak. &c. : Ved. Intens. [ alarti ] cf. RV. viii, 48, 8 (14) (2. sg. [ alarSi ] cf. RV. viii, 1, 7 cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 65) (15) to move or go towards with speed or zeal: Class. Intens. Ā. [ arAryate ] (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 30), to wander about, haste towards cf. Bhaṭṭ. cf. Pat. cf. Kāś. ; [ cf. Gk. ?, ?, ?, &c. : Zend √ [ ir ]: Lat. [ or-ior ], [ 223,2 ] [ re-mus ], [ aro ]: Goth. [ argan ]: Angl. Sax. [ ār ]: Old High Germ. [ ruo-dar ], [ ar-an ]: Lith. [ ir-ti ], ` to row ' ; [ ar-ti ], ` to plough. ' ]

===> ṛcchā [ RcchA ]1[ RcchA ] f. See [ yad-RcchA ]

===> ṛddha [ Rddha ]2[ Rddha ] mfn. increased, thriving, prosperous, abundant, wealthy cf. Kum. cf. Ragh. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) filled with (voices), made to resound (2) ([ am ]), n. stored grain cf. L. (3) a demonstrated conclusion, distinct result cf. L. [ 226,2 ]

===> ṛddhi [ Rddhi ]2[ Rddhi ] f. increase, growth, prosperity, success, good fortune, wealth, abundance
cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (personified as Kuvera's wife cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.) (1) accomplishment, perfection, supernatural power cf. BhP. cf. Lalit. &c. (2) magic (3) a kind of medicinal plant cf. Bhpr. cf. Car. (4) N. of Pārvatī cf. L. (5) of Lakshmī cf. L.

===> ṛddhi-pāda [ RddhipAda ]3[ Rddhi-pAda ] m. one of the four constituent part of supernatural power cf. Lalit.

===> ṛddhimat [ Rddhimat ]3[ Rddhi-mat ] mfn. being in a prosperous state, prosperous, wealthy cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) bringing or bestowing prosperity or wealth cf. Suśr.

===> ṛg-veda [ Rgveda ]3[ Rg-ved'a ] m. Hymn-Veda ' or ` Veda of praise ', the Ṛg-veda, or most ancient sacred book of the Hindūs (that is, the collective body of sacred verses called Ṛcas [ see below ], consisting of 1017 hymns [ or with the Vālakhilyas 1028 ] arranged in eight Ashṭakas or in ten Maṇḍalas (1) Maṇḍalas 2-8 contain groups of hymns, each group ascribed to one author or to the members of one family (2) the ninth book contains the hymns sung at the Soma ceremonies (3) the first and tenth contain hymns of a different character, some comparatively modern, composed by a greater variety of individual authors (4) in its wider sense the term Ṛg-veda comprehends the Brāhmaṇas and the Sūtra works on the ritual connected with the hymns) cf. AitBr. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. &c. (5) [ -prAtizAkhya ] n. the Prātiśākhya of the Ṛg-veda (6) [ -bhASya ] n. N. of treatises and commentaries on the Ṛg-veda (7) [ -vid ] mfn. knowing the Ṛg-veda (8) [ -saMhitA ] f. the continuous text of the Ṛg-veda arranged according to the Saṃhitā-pāṭha, q. v. (9) [ °d^anukramaNikA ] f. the Anukramaṇikā or index of the Ṛg-veda

===> ṛju [ Rju ]1[ Rj'u ] mf ([ jv'I ]) n. (√ [ arj ] cf. Uṇ. i, 28 (1) probably fr. √ 2. [ RJj ], col. 3 cf. BRD.), tending in a straight direction, straight (lit. and fig (2) opp. to [ vRjin'a ]), upright, honest, right, sincere cf. RV. cf. AV. xiv, 1, 34 cf. TS. &c. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) ([ 'u ]), ind. in the right manner, correctly cf. RV. ii, 3, 7 ; v, 46, 1 ; x, 67, 2 cf. AitBr. iii, 3, 10 (4) in a straight line, straight on cf. Suśr. &c. (5) compar. [ 'RjIyas ] cf. RV. vii, 104, 12 cf. AV. v, 14, 12 ; viii, 4, 12, and [ rajIyas ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 162 (6) superl. [ RjiSTha ] cf. Pāṇ., and [ r'ajiSTha ] cf. RV. (7) [ observe that the metaphorical meaning of this word is more common in Vedic, and the literal meaning in classical literature ] (8) ([ us ]), m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva cf. BhP. (9) ([ jvI ]), f. (scil. [ gati ]) the straight stage or duration in the course of a planet cf. VarBṛS. ; [ cf. Zd. [ ˘er˘ezu ] (10) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ rectus ] ; Goth. [ 225,2 ] [ raihts ] ; Eng. [ right ]. ]

===> ṛju-kāya [ RjukAya ]3[ Rj'u-kAya ] mfn. having a straight body cf. BhP. (1) N. of Kaśyapa cf. L.

===> ṛjutva [ Rjutva ]3[ Rj'u-tva ] n. straight direction, straightness cf. Kum. iv, 23 (1) uprightness, sincerity, honesty cf. Amar. cf. HYog.

===> ṛkṣa [ RkSa ]1[ RkS'a ]1 mfn. (etym. doubtful) bald, bare cf. TS. cf. MaitrS.

===> [ RkSa ]1[ 'RkSa ]2 mfn. (√ 2. [ RS ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 66 ; 67 (1) probably fr. √ [ Rz ]), hurting, pernicious cf. RV. viii, 24, 27 (2) m. a bear (as a ravenous beast) cf. RV. v, 56, 3 cf. VS. xxiv, 36 cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. &c. (3) a species of ape cf. Kathās (4) Bignonia Indica cf. L. (5) N. of several men cf. RV. viii, 68, 15 cf. MBh. &c. (6) of a mountain cf. VP. cf. MBh. (7) (ifc.) the best or most excellent cf. L. (8) ([ As ]), m. pl. the seven stars, the Pleiades, the seven Ṛshis cf. RV. i, 24, 10 cf. ŚBr. ii cf. TĀr. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of a wife of Ajamīḍha cf. MBh. i (10) of a woman in the retinue of Skanda cf. MBh. ix (11) ([ I ]), f. a female bear cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kathās (12) m. and ([ am ]), n. a star, constellation, lunar mansion cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (13) ([ am ]), n. the twelfth part of the ecliptic (14) the particular star under which a person happens to be born cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sūryas. &c. (15) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ ursus ] ; Lith. [ loky-s ] for [ 224,3 ] [ olkys ]. ]

===> [ RkSa ]1[ RkSa ]3 mfn. cut, pierced cf. L.

===> ṛta [ Rta ]1[ Rta ] [ Rti ], [ Rtu ], See p. 223, col. 2 - p. 224, col. 1

===> ṛte [ Rte ]2[ Rt'e ] ind. See √ [ Rt ]

===> [ Rte ]2[ Rt'e ] ind. (according to cf. BRD. loc. case of the p. p. of √ [ R ]) under pain of, with the exclusion of, excepting, besides, without, unless (with abl. or acc. or a sentence beginning with [ yatas ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> ṛtu [ Rtu ]2[ Rt'u ] m. (cf. Uṇ. i, 72) any settled point of time, fixed time, time appointed for any action (esp. for sacrifices and other regular worship), right or fit time cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (1) an epoch, period (esp. a division or part of the year), season (the number of the divisions of the year is in ancient times, three, five, six, seven, twelve, thirteen, and twenty-four (2) in later time six seasons are enumerated, viz. Vasanta, ` spring ' (3) Grīshma, ` the hot season ' (4) Varshās (f. nom. pl.), ` the rainy season ' cf. Śarad, ` autumn ' (5) Hemanta, ` winter ' (6) and Śiśira, ` the cool season ' (7) the seasons are not unfrequently personified, addressed in Mantras, and worshipped by libations)
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (8) symbolical expression for the number six cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sūryas. &c. (9) the menstrual discharge (in women), the time after the courses (favourable for procreation (10) according to cf. Bhpr. sixteen days after their appearance) cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (11) sexual union at the above time cf. Mn. ix, 93 cf. MBh. (12) fixed order, order, rule [ cf. BRD. ] cf. RV. i, 162, 19 (13) light, splendour cf. L. (14) a particular mineral cf. L. (15) N. of a Ṛshi (16) of the twelfth Manu

===> ṛtumat [ Rtumat ]3[ Rt'u-m'at ] mfn. coming at regular or proper times cf. VS. xix, 61 cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xiv (1) enjoying the seasons cf. ChUp. (2) ([ tI ]), f. ` having courses ', a girl at the age of puberty, marriageable girl cf. Mn. ix, 89 ff. cf. Pañcat. &c. (3) a woman during her courses or just after them (during the period favourable for procreation) cf. Gobh. ii, 5, 6 cf. MBh. &c. (4) ([ at ]), n. N. of Varuṇa's grove cf. BhP.

===> ṛṇa [ RNa ]2[ RN'a ] mfn. going, flying, fugitive (as a thief) cf. RV. vi, 12, 5 ; having gone against or transgressed, guilty [ cf. Lat. [ reus ] ] (1) ([ am ]), n. anything wanted or missed (2) anything due, obligation, duty, debt (a Brāhman owes three debts or obligations, viz. 1 . Brahmacarya or ` study of the Vedas ', to the Ṛshis (3) 2. sacrifice and worship, to the gods (4) 3. procreation of a son, to the Manes cf. TS. vi, 3, 10, 5 cf. Mn. vi, 35, &c. (5) in later times also, 4. benevolence to mankind and 5. hospitality to guests are added cf. MBh. &c.) cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (6) a debt of money, money owed cf. MBh. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (7) ([ RNaM ] √ [ kR ], to get into debt cf. Yājñ. ii, 45 (8) [ °m-√ pr^ap ], to become indebted cf. Mn. viii, 107 (9) [ °M-√ dA ] or √ [ nI ] or [ pra-√ yam ], to pay a debt cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (10) [ °M-√ yAc ], to ask for a loan cf. Kathās (11) [ °m par^ips ], to call in a debt cf. Mn. viii, 161) (12) guilt (13) a negative quantity, minus (in math.) (14) water cf. L. (15) a fort, stronghold cf. L. ; [ cf. Zd. [ arena ]. ]

===> ṛṇavat [ RNavat ]3[ RN'a-vat ] mfn. one who is in debt, indebted cf. Hit. cf. VarBṛS. ; [ cf. Zd. [ erenava ]. ]

===> ṛṣabha [ RSabha ]2[ RSabh'a ] m. (fr. √ 2. [ RS ] cf. Uṇ. ii, 123), a bull (as impregnating the flock (1) cf. [ vRSabha ] and [ ukSan ])
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ChUp. cf. BhP. &c. (2) any male animal in general cf. ŚBr. (3) the best or most excellent of any kind or race (cf. [ puruSarSabha ], &c.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (4) the second of the seven notes of the Hindū gamut (abbreviated into Ṛ) (5) a kind of medicinal plant cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. (6) a particular antidote cf. Suśr. ii, 276, 7 (7) a particular Ek^aha (q. v.) cf. KātyŚr. (8) the fifteenth Kalpa (9) N. of several men (10) of an ape (11) of a Nāga (12) of a mountain (13) of a Tīrtha (14) ([ As ]), m. pl. the inhabitants of Krauñca-dvīpa cf. BhP. v, 20, 22 (15) N. of a people cf. VarBṛS. (16) ([ I ]), f. a woman with masculine peculiarities (as with a beard &c.) cf. L. (17) a widow cf. L. (18) Carpopogon Pruriens cf. Car. (19) another plant cf. L. ; [ cf. Zd. [ arSan ] (20) Gk. ?. ]

===> ṛṣi [ RSi ]1[ 'RSi ] m. (√ 2. [ RS ] cf. Comm. on cf. Uṇ. iv, 119 (1) [ RSati jJAnena saMsAra-pAram ] cf. T. (2) perhaps fr. an obsolete √ [ RS ] for √ [ dRz ], ` to See ? ' cf. [ RSi-kRt ]), a singer of sacred hymns, an inspired poet or sage, any person who alone or with others invokes the deities in rhythmical speech or song of a sacred character (e. g. the ancient hymn-singers Kutsa, Atri, Rebha, Agastya, Kuśika, Vasishṭha, Vy-aśva) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (3) the Ṛshis were regarded by later generations as patriarchal sages or saints, occupying the same position in India history as the heroes and patriarchs of other countries, and constitute a peculiar class of beings in the early mythical system, as distinct from gods, men, Asuras, &c. cf. AV. x, 10, 26
cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (4) they are the authors or rather seers of the Vedic hymns, i. e. according to orthodox Hindū ideas they are the inspired personages to whom these hymns were revealed, and such an expression as ` the Ṛshi says ' is equivalent to ` so it stands in the sacred text ' [ 227,1 ] (5) seven Ṛshis, [ sapta RSayaH ], or [ saptaRSayaH ] or [ saptarSayaH ], are often mentioned in the Brāhmaṇas and later works as typical representatives of the character and spirit of the pre-historic or mythical period (6) in cf. ŚBr. xiv, 5, 2, 6 their names are given as follows, Gotama, Bharadvāja, Viśvā-mitra, Jamadagni, Vasishṭha, Kaśyapa, and Atri (7) in cf. MBh. xii, Marīci, Atri, Aṅgiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, Vasishṭha are given as the names of the Ṛshis of the first Manvantara, and they are also called Prajāpatis or patriarchs (8) the names of the Ṛshis of the subsequent Manv-antaras are enumerated in cf. Hariv. 417 ff (9) afterwards three other names are added, viz. Pracetas or Daksha, Bhṛgu, and Nārada, these ten being created by Manu Svāyambhuva for the production of all other beings including gods and men cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. MBh. cf. VP. &c. (10) in astron. the seven Ṛshis form the constellation of ` the Great Bear cf. RV. x, 82, 2 cf. AV. vi, 40, 1 cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. &c. (11) (metaphorically the seven Ṛshis may stand for the seven senses or the seven vital airs of the body cf. VS. xxxiv cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. KātyŚr.) (12) a saint or sanctified sage in general, an ascetic, anchorite (this is a later sense (13) sometimes three orders of these are enumerated, viz. Devarshis, Brahmarshis, and Rājarshis (14) sometimes seven, four others being added, viz. Maharshis, Paramarshis, Śrutarshis, and Kāṇdarshis) cf. Mn. iv, 94 (15) xi, 236 cf. Śak. cf. Ragh. &c. (16) the seventh of the eight degrees of Brāhmans cf. Hcat (17) a hymn or Mantra composed by a Ṛshi (18) the Veda cf. Comm. on cf. MBh. and cf. Pat. (19) a symbolical expression for the number seven (20) the moon (21) an imaginary circle (22) a ray of light cf. L. (23) the fish Cyprinus Rishi cf. L. ; [ cf. Hib. [ arsan ], ` a sage, a man old in wisdom ' (24) [ arrach ], ` old, ancient, aged. ' ],

===> ṛṣi-deva [ RSideva ]3[ 'RSi-deva ] m. N. of a Buddha

===> ṛṣi-gupta [ RSigupta ]3[ 'RSi-gupta ] mfn. N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> ṛṣi-patana [ RSipatana ]3[ 'RSi-patana ] m. N. of a forest near Benares cf. Lalit.

===> ṣa [ Sa ]1[ Sa ]1 the second of the three sibilants (it belongs to the cerebral class, and is sometimes substituted for [ s ], and more rarely for [ z ], and occasionally interchangeable with [ kh ] (1) in sound it corresponds to [ S ] on the English word [ Sun ] (2) many roots which begin with [ s ] are written in the Dhātu-pāṭha with [ S ], prob. to show that their initial [ s ] is liable to be cerebralized after certain prepositions)

===> [ Sa ]1[ Sa ]2 mfn. (only cf. L. (1) for 3. [ Sa ] below) best, excellent (2) wise, learned (3) m. loss, destruction (4) loss of knowledge (5) end, term (6) rest, remainder (7) eternal happiness, final emancipation (8) heaven, paradise (9) sleep (10) a learned man, teacher (11) a nipple (12) = [ kaca ] (13) = [ mAnava ] (14) = [ sarva ] (15) = [ garbhavimocana ] (16) n. the embryo (17) (accord. to some) patience, endurance

===> [ Sa ]2[ Sa ]3 mfn. = [ SaS ] ifc. (in [ paJca-Sa ], q. v.)

===> ṣa-kāra [ SakAra ]3[ Sa-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ Sa ] cf. Prāt.

===> ṣaḍ-abhijña [ SaDabhijJa ]3[ SaD-abhijJa ] m. possessed of the six Abhijñās ', a Buddha cf. L. (1) a Buddhist cf. Śaṃkar

===> ṣaḍ-aṅga [ SaDaGga ]3[ SaD-aGga ] n. sg. the six principal parts of the body (viz. the two arms, two legs, head, and waist) cf. L. (1) six auspicious things, i. e. the six things obtained from a cow ([ go-mUtraM ] [ go-mayaM ] [ kSIram ], [ sarpir dadhi ] [ ca rocanA ]), cf. A. (2) pl. the six limbs or works auxiliary to the Veda, six Ved^aṅgas cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. &c. (3) any set of six articles cf. MW.

---> = [ -rudra ] (q. v.) (4) ([ I ]), f. the six Ved^aṅgas cf. L. (5) mfn. six-limbed, having six parts cf. Br. cf. AmṛtabUp. cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (6) having six Ved^aṅgas cf. PārGṛ. cf. Āpast. cf. R. (7) m. a kind of Asteracantha cf. L. (8) [ -guggulu ] m. a partic. mixture cf. L. (9) [ -jit ] mfn. subduing the six members cf. MW. (10) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (11) [ -pAnIya ] n. an infusion or decoction of six drugs cf. W. (12) [ -rudra ], N. of partic. verses taken from the cf. VS. and used at the bathing of an image of Śiva (13) [ -vid ] mfn. knowing the six Ved^aṅgas cf. Mn. iii, 185 (14) [ -samanvAgata ] m. provided with the six chief requisites ', N. of Buddha cf. Divyâv

===> ṣaḍ-aṅguli [ SaDaGguli ]3[ SaD-aGguli ] (cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 18 cf. Vārtt. 1) or (id. on cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 84 cf. Vārtt. 4), N. of a man

===> ṣaḍ-bhuja [ SaDbhuja ]3[ SaD-bhuja ] mf ([ A ]) n. six-armed cf. Pañcar. (1) six-sided (2) m. or n. (?) a hexagon cf. Col. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā cf. L. (4) a water-melon cf. L.

===> ṣaḍ-guṇa [ SaDguNa ]3[ SaD-guNa ] m. pl. the qualities perceived by the five senses and Manas cf. GarbhUp. cf. BhP. (1) the six excellencies or advantages cf. Hariv. (2) the six acts or measures to be practised by a king in warfare (viz. [ saMdhi ], ` peace ', [ vigraha ], war ', [ yAna ], ` marching ', [ Asana ], sitting encamped ', [ dvaidhI-bhAva ] ', ` dividing his forces ', [ saMzraya ], seeking the protection of a more powerful king ') cf. ib. cf. Daś (3) n. an assemblage of six qualities or properties cf. MW. (4) mfn. sixfold, six times cf. Hit. cf. Kathās (5) having six excellencies or advantages cf. Sarvad (6) [ °NI-√ kR ], to make sixfold cf. Jyot

===> ṣaḍ-ja [ SaDja ]3[ SaD-ja ] m. ` six-born ', N. of the first or (accord. to some) of the fourth of the 7 Svaras or primary notes of music (so called because it is supposed to be produced by six organs, viz. tongue, teeth, palate, nose, throat, and chest (1) the other six Svaras are Ṛshabha, Gāndhāra, Madhyama, Pañcama, Dhaivata, and Nishāda, of which Nishāda and Gāndhāra are referred to the Udātta, Ṛshabha and Dhaivata to the An-udātta, while Shaḍ-ja and the other two are referred to the Svarita accent (2) the sound of the Shaḍ-ja is said to resemble the note of peacocks) cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (3) N. of the 16th Kalpa or day of Brahmā cf. Cat. (4) [ -grAma ] m. (in music) a partic. scale cf. Saṃgīt (5) [ madhyA ] f. a partic. Mūrchanā cf. ib. (6) [ -j^amar^ezvara ] m. N. of wk.

===> ṣaḍ-rātra [ SaDrAtra ]3[ SaD-rAtr'a ] m. ` six nights ', a period of six days or festival lasting six days cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. GṛŚrS, &c.

===> ṣaḍ-vargika [ SaDvargika ]3[ SaD-vargika ] or mfn. belonging to a class of six cf. Divyâv

===> ṣaḍ-vargīya [ SaDvargIya ]3[ SaD-vargIya ] mfn. belonging to a class of six cf. Divyâv

===> ṣaḍ-vidha [ SaDvidha ]3[ SaD-vidha ] ([ S'aD- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. sixfold, of six sorts, Hr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (1) [ -yega-phala ] n. [ -sAMkhya ] n. N. of wks.

===> ṣaḍ-vikāram [ SaDvikAram ]3[ SaD-vikAram ] ind. in six uncommon ways cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> ṣaḍ-viṃśati [ SaDviMzati ]3[ SaD-viMzati ] ([ S'aD- ]), f. 26 ([ -rAtra ] n. cf. KātyŚr.) cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. cf. VarBṛS. cf. BhP. (1) [ -tama ] mfn. the 26th cf. R. cf. MBh. (2) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of wk.

===> ṣaḍ-vārgika [ SaDvArgika ]3[ SaD-vArgika ] (prob.) w. r. for [ -vargika ] cf. L.

===> ṣaḍ-āyatana [ SaDAyatana ]3[ SaD-Ayatana ] n. the seats of the six organs (or senses) cf. MW. (1) mfn. consisting of the six Āyatanas (viz. [ vijJAna ], earth, air, fire, and water, and [ rUpa ]) cf. Bādar. cf. Sch. (2) [ -bhedaka ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Divyâv

===> ṣaḍ-ṛtu [ SaDRtu ]3[ SaD-Rtu ] m. pl. the six seasons cf. W. (1) [ -varNana ] n. [ -vinoda ] m. [ -s^ukta ] n. N. of wks.

===> ṣaṇ-mukha [ SaNmukha ]3[ SaN-mukha ] mfn. having six mouths or faces (Śiva) cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of Skanda or Kārttikeya cf. TĀr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (3) of a king and of various other persons cf. ib. cf. Rājat (4) ([ A ]), f. a watermelon cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. = [ kumArI ] cf. Kālac (6) (with [ dhAraNI ]) N. of a Sūtra cf. Buddh. (7) (prob.)n. = [ SaDazIti-mukha ] cf. Hcat (8) N. of a Sūtra cf. Buddh. (9) [ -kumAra ] m. N. of a man cf. Buddh. (10) [ -lakSaNa ] n. [ -vRtti-nighaNTu ] m. N. of wks. (11) [ °kh^agra-ja ] m. N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. L.

===> ṣaṇ-māsa [ SaNmAsa ]3[ SaN-mAsa ] m. a period of six months, half a year ([ At ] ind. after six months) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Rājat (1) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. Campak (2) [ °sa-nicaya ] mfn. one who has a store (of food sufficient) for six months cf. Mn. vi, 18 (3) [ °s^abhyaItare ] ind. with in the space of six months cf. Hit.

===> ṣaṇ-ṇavati [ SaNNavati ]3[ SaN-Navati ] ([ S'aN ].), f. 96 cf. TS. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (1) [ -tanma ] mfn. the 96th (ch. of cf. R.) (2) [ -zrAddhanirNaya ] m. [ °dha-prayoga ] m. N. of wks.

===> ṣaṇḍa [ SaNDa ]1[ SaNDa ] m. n. (often written [ khaNDa ], also v. l. or w. r. for [ zaNDa ], [ SaNDha ], and [ saNDa ]) a group of trees or plants, wood, thicket (always ifc. [ 1108,1 ] (1) cf. [ vana ] and [ vRkSa-S° ]) (2) any group or multitude, heap, quantity, collection cf. BhP. (3) m. a bull set at liberty ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Uṇ. i, 101 ; 113 cf. Sch. (cf. [ nIlaS° ]) (4) a breeding bull cf. L. (5) N. of a serpent-demon cf. TāṇdyaBr. cf. Lāṭy (6) n. = [ liGga ] (used in explaining [ pASaNDa ]) cf. BhP.

===> ṣaṇḍaka [ SaNDaka ]2[ SaNDaka ]

===> ṣaṇḍha [ SaNDha ]1[ SaNDha ] m. (often wrongly written [ SaNDa ], [ zaNDa ], [ saNDha ]) a eunuch, hermaphrodite (14 or even 20 classes are enumerated by some writers) cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ I ]), f. (with [ yoni ]) the vulva of a woman that has no menstrual periods and no breasts cf. Suśr. (2) m. or n. (in gram.) the neuter gender cf. L. (3) m. N. of Siva cf. L. (4) of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra cf. MBh.

===> ṣaṇḍhatā [ SaNDhatA ]3[ SaNDha-tA ] f.

===> ṣaṣ [ SaS ]1[ S'aS ] mfn. pl. (prob. for orig. [ SakS ] (1) nom. acc. [ S'aT ] instr. [ SaDbh'is ] dat. abl. [ SaDbhy'as ], gen. [ SaNN'Am ] loc. [ SaTs'u ] (2) in comp. [ SaS ] becomes [ SaT ] before hard letters, [ SaD ] before soft, [ So ] before [ d ], which is changed into [ D ], and [ N ] before nasals) six (with the counted object in apposition or exceptionally in gen. or ifc., e. g. [ SaD Rtavah ], or [ SaD RtunAm ], ` the six seasons ', [ SaTsu ] [ Satsu mAseSu ], ` at periods of six months ' cf. Mn. viii 403 at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound it is declined like other words ending in [ S ], e. g. [ priya-SaSas ] nom. pl. cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 22 schol (3) among the words used as expressions for the number six (esp. in giving dates) are [ aGga ], [ darzana ], [ tarka ], [ rasa ], [ Rtu ] [ vajrakoNa ] [ kArttikeya-mukha ]) cf. RV. &c. &c (4) (in gram) a tech. N. for numerals ending in [ S ] and [ n ] and words like [ kati ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 24, 25 (5) ([ SaT ]), ind. six times cf. ŚBr. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ sex ] ; Goth. [ saiihs ] ; Germ. [ 1108,1 ] [ se10hs ], [ sechs ] ; Eng. [ six ]. ]

===> ṣaṣṭha [ SaSTha ]2[ SaSTh'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. sixth, the sixth (with [ bhAga ] or [ aMza ], m. ` a sixth part ' (1) with or scil. [ kAla ] m. ` the sixth hour of the day, the sixth meal eaten at the end of a fast of three days ' (2) [ SaSThaM ] √ [ kR ], ` to eat such a meal ') cf. AV. &c. &c. (3) m. (scil. [ akSara ]) the sixth letter i. e. the vowel [ I ] cf. RPrāt. (4) N. of a man, = [ -candra ] cf. Rājat (5) ([ I ]), f. below (6) n. a sixth part cf. Gaut

===> ṣaṣṭhī [ SaSThI ]2[ SaSThI ] f. the sixth day of a lunar fortnight cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) a partic. Tithi when homage is offered to the sixth lunar digit cf. MW. (2) the sixth or genitive case, ŚrS cf. Nir. &c. (3) N. of a partic. brick the length of which equals the 6th part of a man, cf. Śulbas (4) the personification of a portion of Prakriti cf. Cat. (5) N. of a personification of the sixth day after the birth of a child (when the chief danger for mother and child is over) (6) N. of a divine mother or goddess often regarded as a form of Durgā (supposed to protect children and worshipped on the sixth day after delivery) cf. NṛsUp. cf. Saṃskārak. (7) = [ indra-senA ] cf. NṛsUp. cf. RTL. 229

===> ṣaṣṭi [ SaSTi ]2[ SaST'i ] f. sixty (m. c. also [ °TI ] (1) with the counted object in apposition, or in gen. pl. or comp. (2) [ °Ti-tas ] = abl. cf. VarBṛS.) cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> ṣaṭ [ SaT ]1[ SaT ] [ SaD ] . (in comp. for [ SaS ]), below

===> [ SaT ]2[ SaT ] in comp. for [ SaS ]

===> ṣaṭ-kṛtvas [ SaTkRtvas ]3[ SaT-kRtvas ] ind. six times cf. Kauś. cf. Lāṭy

===> ṣaṭ-pāramitā-paripūrṇa [ SaTpAramitAparipUrNa ]3[ SaT-pAramitA-paripUrNa ] m. ` endowed with the six transcendental virtues ', N. of Buddha cf. Divyâv

===> ṣaṭ-sahasra [ SaTsahasra ]3[ SaT-sahasr'a ] mfn. pl. numbering 6000 cf. AV. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of wk. ([ °ra-kara ] m. cf. Pratāp. cf. Sch.) (2) [ -zata ], (ibc.) 600,000 cf. MBh.

===> ṣaṭ-triṃśat [ SaTtriMzat ]3[ SaT-triMzat ] ([ S'aT- ]), f. sg. 36 (with pl. of the counted object in the same case or in gen.) cf. TS. cf. Br. &c. (1) N. of wk. (2) [ -tattva ] n. [ -padaka-jJAna ] n. N. of wks. (3) [ -saMvatsara ] mfn. 36 years old cf. Maś. cf. KātyŚr. (4) [ -sahasra ] mf ([ A ]) n. consisting of 36 thousands cf. ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> ṣaṭ-ṣaṣṭi [ SaTSaSTi ]3[ SaT-SaSTi ] f. (sg. or pl.) 66 cf. MBh. cf. Śatr (1) [ -tama ] mfn. the 66th (ch. of cf. R.)

===> ṣaṭka [ SaTka ]2[ SaTka ] mfn. consisting of six cf. Lāṭy. cf. RPrāt. cf. Śuśr. &c. ([ dvi-SaTka ] = 12 cf. MBh.) (1) bought for six &c. cf. Pāṇ. v, 1, 22 (2) occurring for the sixth time, doing anything for the sixth time cf. ib. v, 2, 77 cf. Vārtt (3) m. six cf. Gaṇit (4) n. a hexade or aggregate of six (ifc. after another numeral, e. g. [ nava-SaTka ] ', consisting of nine hexades ') cf. Nir. cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (5) the six passions collectively (viz. [ kAma ], [ mada ], [ mAna ], [ lobha ], [ harSa ], and [ ruSA ]) cf. L.

===> ṣo-ḍaśa [ SoDaza ]3[ So-Daz'a ] &c., below

===> [ SoDaza ]2[ So-Daz'a ]1 mf ([ 'I ]) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the sixteenth, (with [ aMza ] or [ bhAga ] m. a 16th part cf. Mn. cf. MārkP. (1) [ RSabha-SoDazAH ] [ cf. Gaut. ] or [ vRSabha-S° ] [ cf. Mn. ix, 124 ] ', 15 cows and one bull ') cf. Br. cf. GṛŚrS. &c. (2) + 16 cf. ChUp. (3) consisting of 16 cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. PañcavBr. &c. (4) Pl. incorrectly for [ So-Dazan ], 16 cf. RāmatUp. (5) ([ I ]), f. having the length of the 16th of a man (said of a brick), cf. Śulbas (6) N. of one of the ten Mahā-vidyās (also pl.) cf. Pañcar. cf. Cat. (7) one of the 12 forms of Durgā called Mahā-vidyā cf. MW. (8) n. 1/16 cf. AV. cf. VarBṛS.

===> [ SoDaza ]2[ SoDaza ]2 in comp. for [ S'o-Dazan ] below

===> ṣo-ḍaśaka [ SoDazaka ]2[ SoDazaka ] mfn. consisting of 16 ([ °kaH kacchapuTaH ] a box with 16 compartments ') cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. [ 1110,3 ] (1) m. 16 ([ °kAs trayaH ] = 48) cf. Car. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a partic. weight (= 16 Māshas = 1 Karsha, cf. ŚārṅgS. (3) or = 64 Māshas cf. Car.) (4) n. an aggregate of 16 cf. VarBṛS.

===> ṣoḍaśa-bhuja [ SoDazabhuja ]3[ SoDaza-bhuja ] mfn. 16-armed (1) ([ A ]), f. a form of Durgā, KāIP. (2) ([ °ja ]) [ -rAma-dhyAna ] n. N. of wk.

===> ṣoḍaśa-dala [ SoDazadala ]3[ SoDaza-dala ] mfn. having 16 petals cf. RāmatUp.

===> ṣoḍhā [ SoDhA ]2[ SoDh'A ] ind. in six ways, sixfold cf. RV. cf. MaitrS. cf. Yājñ.

===> ṭa [ Ta ]1[ Ta ]1 the 1st cerebral consonant (pronounced like [ t ] in [ true ], but properly by keeping back the tip of the tongue and slightly turning it upwards)

===> [ Ta ]1[ Ta ]2 m. sound cf. L. (1) a dwarf cf. L. (2) a quarter, 4th cf. L. (3) n. = [ karaGka ] cf. L. (4) ([ A ]), f. the earth cf. L. (5) an oath, confirming an assertion by ordeal &c. cf. L.

===> ṭa-kāra [ TakAra ]3[ Ta-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ T ]

===> ṭaṅga [ TaGga ]1[ TaGga ] m. n. (= [ °Gka ]) a spade cf. L. (1) a sword, kind of sword cf. L. (2) a leg cf. L. (3) m. borax cf. L. (4) a weight of 4 Māshas cf. L.

===> ṭerâkṣa [ TerAkSa ]3[ Ter^akSa ] mfn. squint-eyed cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> ṭha [ Tha ]1[ Tha ]1 the aspirate of the preceding consonant

===> [ Tha ]1[ Tha ]2 m. a loud noise ([ ThaThaM ThaThaM ThaM ThaThaThaM ThaThaM ThaH ], an imitative sound as of a golden pitcher rolling down steps cf. Mahān. 2 iii, 5) cf. L. (1) the moon's disk cf. L. (2) a disk cf. L. (3) a cypher cf. L. (4) a place frequented by all cf. L. (5) Śiva cf. L.

===> ṭha-kāra [ ThakAra ]3[ Tha-kAra ] m. the letter [ Th ] cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 41 cf. Kāś (1) [ °raya ] Nom. (Desid. [ TiTh° °yiSatI ]), 54 cf. Kāś

===> ṭiṭila [ TiTila ]1[ TiTila ] n. a large number (= 100 Nāga-balas) cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> ṭīkā [ TIkA ]2[ TIkA ] f. a commentary (esp. on another cf. Comm., e. g. Ānanda-giri's [ TIkA ] on Saṃkara's [ bhASya ])