===> upalabhya [ upalabhya ]2[ upa-labhya ]1 mfn. obtainable Ragh (1) perceivable, to be understood VP.
===> [ upalabhya ]2[ upa-labhya ]2 ind. p. having obtained (1) having perceived &c.
===> upalakṣayitavya [ upalakSayitavya ]2[ upa-lakSayitavya ] mfn. to be observed or regarded MBh. Suśr.
===> upalakṣaṇa [ upalakSaNa ]2[ upa-lakSaNa ] n. the act of observing Śak. 142, 4 (1) designation KātyŚr. Comm. on Pāṇ. (2) the act of implying something that has not been expressed, implying any analogous object where only one is specified (3) using a term metaphorically or elliptically or in a generic sense (4) synecdoche (of a part for the whole, of an individual for the species, or of a quality for that in which it resides) VPrāt. Comm. on Pāṇ. Sāh. Nyāyak. &c.
---> a mark Vikr. Kathās
===> upalambha [ upalambha ]2[ upa-lambha ] m. obtainment R. Śiś. (1) perceiving, ascertaining, recognition Ragh. Śak. Sarvad. Nyāyak. &c.
===> upalepa [ upalepa ]2[ upa-lepa ] m. the act of besmearing (with cow-dung) BhP. (1) obstruction (by phlegm) Suśr. i, 115, 15 (2) bluntness, dullness Suśr.
===> upalepana [ upalepana ]2[ upa-lepana ] n. the act of besmearing (with cow-dung) Pañcat. PSarv. &c. (1) a means of besmearing, cow-dung Car.
===> upama [ upama ]1[ upam'a ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. uppermost, highest (1) most excellent, eminent, best RV. AV. (2) nearest, next, first RV. Nigh
===> [ upama ]1[ upama ]2 mfn. ifc. for 3. [ upa-mA ], q. v.
===> upameya [ upameya ]2[ upa-meya ] mfn. to be compared, comparable with (with instr. or ifc.) Megh. Kum. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. that which is compared, the subject of comparison (opposed to [ upa-mAna ], the object with which anything is compared) Sāh. Comm. on Pāṇ.
===> upamā [ upamA ]2[ upam'A ]1 (for 2. below, and for 3. col. 3), ind. (Ved. instr. of the above) in the closest proximity or neighbourhood RV. i, 31, 15 ; viii, 69, 13
===> [ upamA ]1[ upa-√ mA ]2 P. Ā. (Impv. 2. sg. [ -mimIhi ], [ -mAhi ], and [ -mAsva ] (1) Subj. 2. sg. [ -mAsi ]) to measure out to, apportion to, assign, allot, grant, give RV. : Ā. [ -mimIte ], to measure one thing by another, compare MBh. Hariv. Caurap. &c. [ 203,3 ]
===> [ upamA ]2[ upa-m'A ]3 f. comparison, resemblance, equality, similarity (1) a resemblance (as a picture, portrait &c.) ŚBr. MBh. Kum. &c. (2) a particular figure in rhetoric, simile, comparison (a full simile must include four things (3) [ pUrN^opama ], [ lupt^opamA ], &c.) Sāh. Kāvyâd. Vām. &c. (4) a particle of comparison Nir (5) a particular metre RPrāt. (6) (mfn. ifc.) equal, similar, resembling, like (e. g. [ amar^opama ], mfn. resembling an immortal) MBh. Ragh. Daś. Hit. &c.
===> upamāna [ upamAna ]2[ upa-mAna ] n. comparison, resemblance, analogy MBh. Suśr. Kathās. &c. (1) simile (2) the object with which anything is compared Pāṇ. Sāh. Kum. &c. (3) a particle of comparison Nir (4) (in log.) recognition of likeness, comparison (the third of the four Pramāṇas or means of correct knowledge) (5) (mfn. ifc.) similar, like Kathās
===> upanahana [ upanahana ]2[ upa-nahana ] n. anything fit for binding up or wrapping (as a cloth) ŚBr. KātyŚr.
===> upanaya [ upanaya ]2[ upa-naya ] m. the bringing near, procuring MBh. (1) attaining, obtaining, obtainment BhP. (2) employment, application R. (3) application (the fourth member in a five fold syllogism) Sarvad. Tarkas. &c. (4) introduction (into any science) VarBṛS. (5) initiation = the next L.
===> upanayana [ upanayana ]2[ upa-nayana ] n. the act of leading to or near, bringing R. BhP. Vikr (1) employment, application Car. (2) introduction (into any science) Prab (3) leading or drawing towards one's self (4) that ceremony in which a Guru draws a boy towards himself and initiates him into one of the three twice-born classes (one of the twelve Saṃskāras or purificatory rites [ prescribed in the Dharma-sūtras and explained in the Gṛhya-sūtras ] in which the boy is invested with the sacred thread [ different for the three castes ] and thus endowed with second or spiritual birth and qualified to learn the Veda by heart (5) a Brāhman is initiated in the eighth year [ or seventh according to Hiranyakeśin (6) or eighth from conception, according to Śāṅkhāyana &c. ], a Kshatriya in the eleventh, a Vaiśya in the twelfth (7) but the term could be delayed) (8) IW. p. 201 RTL. p. 360 seqq. ĀśvGṛ. i, 19-22 ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 1-6 PārGṛ. ii, 2-5 Gobh. ii, 10 HirGṛ. i, 1 seqq. Mn. ii, 36 Yājñ. i, 14
===> upanibaddha [ upanibaddha ]2[ upa-nibaddha ] mfn. adhering to Comm. on Nyāyad (1) written, composed, arranged Bālar. Uttarar. Comm. on Mn., on Pat. &c. (2) spoken of, discussed Comm. on KātyŚr. &c.
===> upanibandhana [ upanibandhana ]2[ upa-nibandhana ] mfn. manifesting, explaining BhP. Sarvad (1) ([ am ]), n. description Sāh
===> upanipāta [ upanipAta ]2[ upa-nipAta ] m. acceding, accession Sarvad (1) taking place, occurring Comm. on Bādar (2) a sudden occurrence or event, breaking forth Mudr. Kād (3) a sudden and unexpected attack Comm. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 106
===> upaniṣad [ upaniSad ]1[ upa-ni-Sad ]1 ([ upa-ni-√ sad ]), P. (pf. [ -n'i-Sedus ]) to sit down near to (1) to approach, set about AV. xix, 41, 1 ŚBr. Kauś
===> [ upaniSad ]2[ upa-niS'ad ]2 [ t ] f. (according to some) the sitting down at the feet of another to listen to his words (and hence, secret knowledge given in this manner (1) but according to native authorities [ upaniSad ] means ` setting at rest ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the supreme spirit ') (2) the mystery which underlies or rests underneath the external system of things (cf. IW. p. 35 seqq.) (3) esoteric doctrine, secret doctrine, mysterious or mystical meaning, words of mystery &c. ŚBr. ChUp. &c. (4) a class of philosophical writings (more than a hundred in number, attached to the Brāhmaṇas [ but Īśopanishad ] (5) their aim is the exposition of the secret meaning of the Veda, and they are regarded as the source of the Vedānta and Sāṃkhya philosophies (6) for the most important of the Upanishads, IW. p. 37 seq.)
===> upanyasta [ upanyasta ]2[ upa-nyasta ] mfn. mentioned, explained, brought forward, hinted at, alluded Yājñ. Śak. 200, 2 Hit.
===> upanyāsa [ upanyAsa ]2[ upa-nyAsa ] m. putting down, placing near to, juxta-position Comm. on Pāṇ. (1) bringing or procuring (requisites) MBh. (2) bringing forward, speaking of, mention (3) statement, suggestion, hint (4) quotation, reference Mn. Mālav. Sāh. Daśar. &c. (5) pretext Amar. 23 (6) proof, reason Sāh (7) a particular kind of treaty or alliance Kām. Hit. (8) (in dram.) propitiation, gratifying Sāh (9) a deposit, pledge, pawn W.
===> upanāha [ upanAha ]2[ upa-nAh'a ] m. a bundle AV. ix, 4, 5 TS. (1) a plaster, unguent (applied to a wound or sore) (2) a cover, poultice Suśr. (3) inflammation of the ciliary glands, stye Suśr. (4) the tie of a lute (the lower part of the tail-piece where the wires are fixed) L. (5) continual enmity L.
===> upanāyika [ upanAyika ]2[ upanAyika ] mfn. fit or belonging to an offering Hariv. 4417 (v. l. [ aupanAyaka ])
===> upanīta [ upanIta ]2[ 'upa-nIta ] mfn. led near, brought near RV. i, 129, 2 MBh. Mṛcch. VarBṛS. &c. (1) led to a man, married (?) RV. x, 109, 4 = AV. v, 17, 6 (2) adduced (3) presented &c. (4) initiated BhP. Mn. ii, 49 Ragh. &c. (5) m. a boy brought near to a Guru and initiated into one of the twice-born classes (by investiture with the sacred thread and other ceremonies)
===> upapanna [ upapanna ]2[ upa-panna ] mfn. one who has approached a teacher (as a pupil) Suśr. Vedāntas (1) one who has approached for protection R. (2) one who has obtained or reached MBh. R. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 13 (3) obtained, reached, gained (4) happened, fallen to one's share, produced, effected, existing, being near at hand MBh. Yājñ. Ragh. &c. (5) endowed with, possessed of, furnished with MBh. Mn. &c. (6) fit, suited for the occasion, adequate, conformable Śak. Vikr. Rājat. &c.
===> upaparīkṣaṇa [ upaparIkSaNa ]2[ upa-par^ikSaNa ] n. inquiring into, investigation, examination L.
===> upapatti [ upapatti ]2[ upa-patti ] f. happening, occurring, becoming visible, appearing, taking place, production, effecting, accomplishing MBh. BhP. Bhag. Ragh. &c. (1) proving right, resulting (2) cause, reason (3) ascertained or demonstrated conclusion, proof, evidence, argument Sarvad. Sāh. Vedāntas. Naish. Rājat. &c. (4) fitness, propriety, possibility KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (instr. [ upa-pattyA ], suitably, in a fit manner) (5) association, connection, possession (6) religious abstraction L.
===> upapradāna [ upapradAna ]2[ upa-pradAna ] n. the act of giving away to (1) presenting, a present VP. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.
===> upapāda [ upapAda ]2[ upa-pAda ] m. happening (1) effecting, accomplishing (2) [ dur-upapAda ] and [ yath^opapAdam ]
===> upapādana [ upapAdana ]2[ upa-pAdana ] mfn. id. (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of causing to appear, effecting, doing MBh. (2) bringing near BhP. (3) giving, delivering, presenting (4) proving or establishing by argument Sarvad (5) explaining, examining L.
===> upapādita [ upapAdita ]2[ upa-pAdita ] mfn. effected, accomplished, performed, done (1) given, delivered, presented (2) proved, demonstrated (3) treated medically, cured. [ 202,1 ]
===> upapāduka [ upapAduka ]2[ upa-pAduka ]1 (for 2. below), mfn. self-produced (1) m. a superhuman being, a god, demon &c. L.
===> [ upapAduka ]1[ upa-pAduka ]2 (for 1. above), mfn. having shoes, shod W.
===> uparacita [ uparacita ]2[ upa-racita ] mfn. constructed, formed, made, prepared BhP. Bhartṛ. Kād
===> uparama [ uparama ]2[ upa-rama ] m. cessation, stopping, expiration MBh. R. (1) leaving off, desisting, giving up Suśr. Sāṃkhyak (2) death Kād
===> uparamatva [ uparamatva ]3[ upa-rama-tva ] n. the state of ceasing from (all worldly desires and actions) Vedāntas
===> uparata [ uparata ]2[ upa-rata ] mfn. ceased, stopped, quiet, indifferent, patient ŚBr. MBh. BhP. &c. (1) dead ŚāṅkhGṛ. R. Pañcat. &c. (2) ceasing to exist, disappeared, nonexisting, PārGr. Mn. BhP. &c. (3) withdrawn or retired from, left off, given up R.
===> uparati [ uparati ]2[ upa-rati ] f. cessation, stopping MārkP. Suśr. (1) death Kād (2) desisting from sensual enjoyment or any worldly action, quietism, Vedāntas
===> upari [ upari ]1[ up'ari ] ind. (as a separable adverb) above, upon, on, upwards, towards the upper side of (opposed to [ adhas ] and, [ nIcA ] e. g. [ upari-√ yA ], to go upwards (1) sometimes written with a following word as if compounded with it, below) (2) besides, in addition to, further ([ sahasraM zatAny upari c^aSTau ], 1000 and 800 in addition) (3) afterwards (e. g. [ upari payaH pibet ], he should drink milk afterwards) (4) [ upary upari ], higher and higher (5) repeatedly, continuously RV. &c. (As a separable preposition, with acc., loc., or gen.) over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper side of, beyond (e. g. [ upari zailaM-√ gam ], to go over the mountain (6) [ upari laGkAyAM samprAptaH saH ], he arrived over Laṅkā (7) [ upary upari sarveSAm atiSThat ], he stood at the very head of all (8) [ AtmAnaM tasya upari kSiptvA ], having thrown himself upon him) (9) in connection with, with reference to, with regard to, towards (with gen., e. g. [ mam^opari vikAritaH ], changed in feeling with regard to me (10) [ putrasy^opari kruddhaH ], enraged towards his son) (11) after (with abl., e. g. [ muhUrtAd upari ], after a minute (12) also [ tad-upari ] &c.) RV. &c. ; [ cf. Zend [ upairi ] ; Goth. [ ufar ] ; Old Germ. [ obar ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Âber ] ; Eng. [ over ] (13) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ super ]. ] [ 205,1 ]
===> [ upari ]2[ upari ] may stand first in a compound, as in the following examples:
===> upariṣṭāt [ upariSTAt ]2[ up'ariSTAt ] ind. (as an adverb) above, from above, on the upper part RV. ix, 91, 4 AV. iv, 40, 7 ; viii, 8, 13 ŚBr. ChUp. &c. (1) behind (opposed to [ purastAt ]) TS. ŚBr. (2) further on, later, below (in a book) Nir. Suśr. (3) afterwards ChUp. Yājñ. (4) (as a preposition) over, upon, down upon (with acc. and gen.) ŚBr. MBh. &c. (5) behind (with gen.) TS. ŚBr. Suśr. (6) with reference to, about (with gen.) Daś
===> uparodha [ uparodha ]2[ upa-rodha ] m. besieging, obstruction, blockading, impediment, check MBh. Suśr. Prab. &c. (1) trouble, disturbance, injure, damage PārGṛ. Mn. Śak (2) disunion, quarrel VarBṛS. (3) regard, respect Kathās
===> uparuddha [ uparuddha ]2[ upa-ruddha ] mfn. locked in, shut up, besieged, blockaded BhP. Kathās. Kām (1) hindered, obstructed, prevented R. (2) molested, troubled R. (3) m. a captive Ragh. xviii, 17
===> upasarga [ upasarga ]1[ upa-sarga ] [ upa-sarjana ], col. 2
===> [ upasarga ]2[ upa-sarga ] m. (g. [ nyaGkv-Adi ] Pāṇ. 7-3, 53) addition AitBr. iv, 4, 1 ; 2 RPrāt. (1) misfortune, trouble, a natural phenomenon (considered as boding evil) R. Prab. Ratnāv. Daś. &c. (2) an eclipse (of a star) Comm. on Mn. iv, 105 (3) (in med.) a fit, paroxysm (supposed to be possession by an evil spirit) Suśr. (4) a disease superinduced on another Suśr. ii, 429, 13 (5) change occasioned by any disease L. (6) indication or symptom of death L. (7) a Nipāta or particle joined to a verb or noun denoting action, a preposition (also [ gati ] and [ karma-pravacanIya ] (8) they are enumerated Pāṇ. 1-4, 58 (9) in the Veda they are separable from the verb) Pāṇ. 1-4, 59 ; vi, 3, 97 ; 122 Kāty. Pat. RPrāt. APrāt. &c.
===> upasarpaṇa [ upasarpaNa ]2[ upa-sarpaNa ] n. the act of approaching softly, advancing towards Suśr. Vikr. [ 210,3 ] Kap (1) going or stepping out softly KātyŚr. Yājñ.
===> upasaṃgraha [ upasaMgraha ]2[ upa-saMgraha ] m. the act of clasping round, embracing, embrace (esp. of the feet of a revered person) Pañcat. Kathās (1) respectful salutation, polite address (performed by touching the feet of the addressed person with one's hands) L. (2) clasping (a woman, [ dAr^opa° ]) (3) bringing together, collecting, joining R. Nir (4) a pillow, cushion MBh. iv, 517
===> upasaṃhita [ upasaMhita ]2[ upa-saMhita ] mfn. connected or furnished with, accompanied or surrounded by, having, possessing MBh. (1) placed before one's self, taken into consideration ib. (2) attached to, devoted Car.
===> upasaṃhāra [ upasaMhAra ]2[ upa-saMhAra ] m. the act of withdrawing, withholding, taking away MBh. (1) drawing towards one's self, bringing near TPrāt. (2) summarizing, summing up, r'esum'e Vedāntas. Nyāyak (3) conclusion, end, epilogue Kathās. Sāh. Sarvad. &c. (4) N. of the concluding chapters in several books (5) suppression, subduing
---> end, death, destruction L.
===> upasaṃhṛta [ upasaMhRta ]2[ upa-saMhRta ] mfn. drawn near, brought into contact TPrāt. (1) withheld, drawn back (2) stopped, interrupted, suppressed BhP. Kathās. Comm. on Mn. (3) absorbed, destroyed NṛsUp. MBh. BhP. Sarvad. &c. (4) dead (5) comprehended (6) excluded L.
===> upasaṃkhyeya [ upasaMkhyeya ]2[ upa-saMkhyeya ] mfn. to be added or enumerated in addition to (loc.) Pat.
===> upasaṃkhyāna [ upasaMkhyAna ]1[ upa-saM-khyAna ] n. ([ khyA ]), the act of adding, annumeration, further enumeration Kāty. Pat. (1) reckoning along with
===> upasaṃkramaṇa [ upasaMkramaNa ]2[ upa-saMkramaNa ] n. the act of going over towards Lalit. (1) g. [ vyuST^adi ] Pāṇ. 5-1, 97
===> upasaṃkrānta [ upasaMkrAnta ]2[ upa-saMkrAnta ] mfn. turned to, changed into (another meaning (1) as a word employed in another meaning) Pat.
===> upasaṃpad [ upasaMpad ]1[ upa-saM-√ pad ] Ā. [ -padyate ], to come to, arrive at, reach, obtain ChUp. MBh. (1) to come up to, be equivalent to TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 10, 16: Caus. P. [ -pAdayati ], to bring near to, lead near to, procure, give MBh. R. (2) to receive into the order of monks, ordain Buddh.
===> upasaṃpadā [ upasaMpadA ]2[ upa-saMpadA ] f. the act of entering into the order of monks Buddh.
===> upasaṃpanna [ upasaMpanna ]2[ upa-saMpanna ] mfn. arrived at, reached, obtained L. (1) one who has reached MBh. Comm. on BṛĀrUp. (2) furnished with R. MBh. Mn. (3) familiar with MBh. xiii (4) staying or dwelling in the same house Gaut. xiv, 22 Mn. v, 81 (5) finished (6) prepared, dressed, cooked L. (7) enough, sufficient L. (8) dead, deceased L. (9) immolated, sacrificed (as a victim) L.
===> upasaṃpādana [ upasaMpAdana ]2[ upa-saMpAdana ] n. the act of causing to come up with, making equivalent Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr.
===> upasevana [ upasevana ]2[ upa-sevana ] n. the act of doing homage (1) courting (e. g. the wife of another) Mn. iv, 134 (2) service, worship, honouring MBh. (3) addiction to, using, enjoying MBh. Suśr. (4) experiencing, suffering R.
===> upaskara [ upaskara ]2[ upa-s-kara ]1 (for 2. below), [ as ] m. (n. MBh. v, 7234) any utensil, implement or instrument (1) any article of household use (as is broom, basket &c.), appurtenance, apparatus MBh. Suśr. Mn. &c. (2) an ingredient, condiment, spice L. (3) N. of a Ṛshi BrahmaP. (4) ornament, decoration T. (5) blame, censure W.
===> [ upaskara ]2[ upa-s-kara ]2 m. the act of hurting, violating T.
===> upaskṛta [ upaskRta ]2[ upa-s-kRta ] mfn. furnished with Suśr. BhP. (1) added, supplied Siddh (2) prepared, arranged, elaborated (3) ornamented, embellished, decorated, adorned MBh. R. Mn. Bhartṛ. &c. (4) deformed, deranged, spoiled Pāṇ. MBh. Mn. (5) assembled Siddh (6) blamed, censured W.
===> upasparśana [ upasparzana ]2[ upa-sparzana ] n. the act of touching KātyŚr. v, vi SaṃhUp. (1) ablution, bath MBh. R. (2) sipping water KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. [ udak^opa° ].)
===> upastambha [ upastambha ]2[ upa-stambha ] m. (less correctly written [ upa-STambha ]) stay, support, strengthening Hit. Comm. on ChUp. (1) encouragement, incitement (2) excitement Comm. on Sāṃkhyak (3) base, basis, ground, occasion (4) support of life (as food, sleep, and government of passions) Car.
===> upastha [ upastha ]2[ up'a-stha ]1 m. ` the part which is under ', lap, middle or inner part of anything, a well-surrounded or sheltered place, secure place RV. AV. VS. AitBr. ŚBr. &c. (1) ([ upasthaM-√ kR ], to make a lap, sit down with the legs bent AitBr. viii, 9, 5 ĀśvGṛ. ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) [ upasthe-√ kR ], to take on one's lap ŚBr. iii) (3) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. the generative organs (esp. of a woman) VS. ix, 22 ŚBr. MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (4) the haunch or hip (5) the anus L.
===> [ upastha ]2[ upa-sth'a ]2 mfn. standing upon AV. xii, 1, 62 (1) standing by the side of, being near at hand, near L.
===> upasthita [ upasthita ]2[ upa-sthita ] mfn. come near, approached, arisen, arrived, appeared ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (1) present, near at hand, ready for R. BhP. Kum. &c. (2) near, impending Mn. iii, 187 MBh. &c. (3) fallen to one's share, received, gained, obtained Śak. Ragh. &c. (4) accomplished, happened (5) lying or being upon Suśr. (6) turned towards R. (7) approached, come near to, visited MBh. Ragh. &c. (8) caused, occasioned (9) felt (10) known (11) clean, cleansed L. (12) (in the Prātiśākhyas) followed by [ iti ] (as a word in the Pada-pāṭha) RPrāt. VPrāt. Pāṇ. (13) m. a door keeper, porter L. (14) ([ A ], [ am ]), fn., N. of several metres
---> ([ am ]), n. (scil. [ pada ]) a word followed by [ iti ] (in the Pada-pāṭha (15) cf. [ sthita ] and [ sthit^opasthita ]) RPrāt. VPrāt.
===> upasthāna [ upasthAna ]3[ upasthAna ] n. proximity, imminence Śaṃk
===> [ upasthAna ]2[ upa-sth'Ana ] n. the act of placing one's self near to, going near, approach, access ([ upa-sth'AnaM-√ kR ], to give access or scope for ŚBr. i) (1) coming into the presence of, going near to (in order to worship), worshipping, waiting on, attendance ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c. (2) standing near, presence, proximity, nearness Yājñ. Hcat (3) staying upon or at, abiding, a place of abiding, abode Nir (4) assembly MBh. R. BhP. (5) any object approached with respect, a sanctuary, abode (of a god) PārGṛ. (6) a particular part of the Saṃdhyā MW.
===> upasthāna-śālā [ upasthAnazAlA ]3[ upa-sth'Ana-zAlA ] f. the assembly-room (of a monastery) Buddh.
===> upasthāpaka [ upasthApaka ]2[ upa-sthApaka ] mfn. causing to turn one's attention (to a past event or one of a former birth), causing to remember T.
===> upasthāpana [ upasthApana ]2[ upa-sthApana ] n. the act of placing near, having ready for, [ an-upa° ] (1) ([ A ]), f. the act of ordaining (a monk) Jain. (2) the causing to remember, calling to mind T.
===> upasthāpayitavya [ upasthApayitavya ]2[ upa-sthApayitavya ] mfn. to be brought near or fetched or procured R.
===> upasthātavya [ upasthAtavya ]2[ upa-sthAtavya ] mfn. to be attended upon with Śak. 4, 4 (1) to be obliged to appear (in person) Bālar. [ 211,2 ]
===> upasunda [ upasunda ]1[ upa-sunda ] m. ` the younger brother of Sunda ', N. of a Daitya MBh. VP. Hit.
===> upasṛṣṭa [ upasRSTa ]2[ upa-sRSTa ] mfn. let loose towards (1) sent or thrown off BhP. i, 12, 1 (2) admitted (as the calf to its mother (3) also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii, 1, 7, 1 KātyŚr. (4) increased (5) furnished with ŚāṅkhŚr. (6) furnished with an Upasarga or preposition (e. g. √ [ dA ] with [ A ] is said to be [ upasRSTa ]) Pāṇ. 1-4, 38 Nir. APrāt. &c. (7) visited, afflicted, burdened with, plagued R. Suśr. BhP. &c. (8) obscured (by Rāhu, as the sun), eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv, 37 (9) possessed (by a god or demon) Yājñ. i, 271 R. (10) ([ am ]), n. coition, sexual intercourse L.
===> upatapta [ upatapta ]2[ upa-tapta ] mfn. heated, hot MBh. iii, 71 R. (1) sick, ill KātyŚr. xxii, 3, 23 (2) distressed, afflicted
===> upatyakā [ upatyakA ]1[ upatyakA ] f. land at the foot of a mountain or hill, low-land Pāṇ. Ragh. Śak. Śiś. &c. (1) a vale, valley L.
===> upatāpa [ upatApa ]2[ upa-tApa ] m. heat, warmth (1) heating Suśr. L. (2) pain, trouble (3) paining Śak. 122, 2 (v. l. for [ anu-tApa ]) Suśr. (4) sickness, disease, hurt ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Suśr. &c. (5) haste, hurry L.
===> upatāpin [ upatApin ]2[ upa-tAp'in ] mfn. heating, inflaming (1) causing pain, paining MBh. Kāvyâd. &c. (2) ([ upatApin ]), suffering heat or pain, sick, ill ŚBr. ChUp. Kauś. Mn.
===> upavana [ upavana ]1[ upa-vana ] n. a small forest or wood, grove, garden MBh. Mn. Megh. &c. (1) a planted forest L.
===> upavarta [ upavarta ]1[ upa-varta ] [ -vartana ], [ upa-√ vRt ]
===> [ upavarta ]2[ upa-varta ] m. a particular high number L.
===> upavartana [ upavartana ]2[ upa-vartana ] n. (fr. the Caus.), the act of bringing near Sarvad (1) a place for exercise (2) a country (inhabited or not) L.
===> upavasatha [ upavasatha ]2[ upa-vasath'a ] m. a fast-day (esp. the day preceding a Soma sacrifice), the period of preparation for the Soma sacrifice AitBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś (1) a place of abiding, village L.
===> upaviṣṭa [ upaviSTa ]2[ upa-viSTa ] mfn. seated, sitting KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (1) come to, arrived, entered (into any state or condition) (2) ifc. having obtained R. Daś. &c. (3) occupied with, engaged in MBh. Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ.
===> upavâsa [ upavAsa ]2[ upa-vAsa ] m. (n. L.) a fast, fasting (as a religious act comprising abstinence from all sensual gratification, from perfumes, flowers, unguents, ornaments, betel, music, dancing &c.) Gaut. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. ii, 183 (1) xi, 195 ; 212 Yājñ. iii, 190 MBh. &c. (2) abstinence from food &c. in general Suśr. R. Pañcat. &c. (3) kindling a sacred fire (4) a fire altar W.
===> upavṛṃhita [ upavRMhita ]2[ upa-vRMhita ] mfn. made strong or powerful, invigorated, supported, promoted (1) (ifc.) increased or supported or aided by, accompanied by MBh. BhP. Kathās. Daś. &c.
===> upayoga [ upayoga ]2[ upa-yoga ] m. employment, use, application MBh. Suśr. Prab (1) ([ upayogaM-√ gam ] or √ [ vraj ], to be employed Kum. Śārṅg.) (2) enjoyment, consuming, taking Suśr. (3) any act tending to a desired object (4) an engagement, compact, agreement Pāṇ. 1-4, 29 (5) use, fitness (6) acquisition (of knowledge) Gaut. vii, 1 (7) good conduct, observing established practices L.
===> upayukta [ upayukta ]2[ upa-yukta ] mfn. enjoyed, eaten, consumed MBh. R. (1) employed, applicable (2) suitable, fit, appropriate, useful Kathās. Rājat. Prab. &c. (3) proper, right (4) serviceable (5) worthy Śak. Hit. Pat. &c.
===> upayāta [ upayAta ]2[ upa-yAta ] mfn. approached, visited, frequented (1) one who has approached or come near (2) one who has obtained (3) approached sexually (as a woman) (4) ([ am ]), n. arrival
===> upaśama [ upazama ]2[ upa-zama ] m. the becoming quiet, assuagement, alleviation, stopping, cessation, relaxation, intermission MāṇḍUp. Prab. Pañcat. &c. (1) tranquillity of mind, calmness, patience MBh. iii Bhartṛ. Śāntiś (2) (in astron.) N. of the twentieth Muhūrta
===> upaśamana [ upazamana ]2[ upa-zamana ] mf ([ I ]) n. calming, appeasing BhP. (1) ([ am ]), n. the becoming extinct, ceasing Nir (2) calming, appeasing, mitigation MBh. BhP. Suśr. Pañcat (3) an anodyne
===> upaśobhita [ upazobhita ]2[ upa-zobhita ] mfn. adorned, ornamented, decorated MBh. MārkP. Suśr. Pañcat. &c.
===> upaśruta [ upazruta ]2[ upa-zruta ] mfn. listened to, heard MBh. Hariv. BhP. (1) promised, agreed L.
===> upaśrutya [ upazrutya ]2[ upa-zr'utya ] ind. p. having listened to (1) listening to, hearing AV. xii, 4, 28 MBh. BhP. &c.
===> upaśānta [ upazAnta ]2[ upa-zAnta ] mfn. calmed, appeased, pacified (1) calm, tranquil BhP. Kathās (2) ceased, extinct, intermitted R. PraśnUp.
===> upaśānti [ upazAnti ]2[ upa-zAnti ] f. cessation, intermission, remission Suśr. Ragh. Hit. &c. (1) tranquillity, calmness
===> upekṣaka [ upekSaka ]2[ up^ekSaka ] mfn. overlooking, disregarding, indifferent BhP. Mn. Sāṃkhyak
===> upekṣaṇa [ upekSaNa ]2[ up^ekSaNa ] n. the act of disregarding, overlooking, disregard, indifference, connivance MBh. Hit. Sarvad. &c. (1) not doing, omission Lāṭy. i, 1, 26 (2) care, circumspection Car.
===> upendra [ upendra ]1[ up^endra ] m. ` younger brother of Indra ', N. of Viṣṇu or Kṛshṇa (born subsequently to Indra, especially as son of Aditi, either as Āditya or in the dwarf Avatāra) MBh. Hariv. R. VP. &c. (1) N. of a Nāga L. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river MBh. VP.
===> upeta [ upeta ]2[ up^eta ] mfn. one who has come near or approached, one who has betaken himself to, approached (for protection), arrived at, abiding in MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (1) one who has obtained or entered into any state or condition, one who has undertaken (e. g. a vow) MBh. Ratnāv. Sāh. &c. (2) come to, fallen to the share of Prab (3) (a pupil) who has approached (a teacher), initiated Yājñ. iii, 2 ĀśvGṛ. i, 22, 21 ; 22 PārGṛ. iii, 10, 10 (4) accompanied by, endowed with, furnished with, having, possessing MBh. R. Bhag. Hit. &c. (5) one who has approached (a woman sexually) T.
===> upottama [ upottama ]1[ up^ottam'a ] mfn. last but one AV. xix, 22, 11 KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. RPrāt. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. (with or without [ akSara ]) the last vowel but one RPrāt. 990 Pāṇ. Kāty. &c.
===> upoṣita [ upoSita ]2[ up^oSita ] mfn. one who has fasted, fasting MBh. Yājñ. Ragh. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. a fast, fasting MārkP. Mn. v, 155, &c.
===> upta [ upta ]1[ upta ] [ upti ], &c. √ 2. [ vap ]
===> [ upta ]2[ upta ]1 mfn. shorn, shaved GṛŚrS.
===> [ upta ]2[ upt'a ]2 mfn. scattered, sown, planted, put in the ground RV. &c. &c. (1) bestrewed or covered with (instr. or comp.) BhP. (2) thrown down, lying AV. (3) presented, offered BhP. (4) n. a sown field Gal.
===> upādhi [ upAdhi ]2[ up^a-dhi ]1 (for 2. s. v.), [ is ] m. that which is put in the place of another thing, a substitute, substitution R. (1) anything which may be taken for or has the mere name or appearance of another thing, appearance, phantom, disguise (said to be applied to certain forms or properties considered as disguises of the spirit W.) Prab. Bhāshāp. Sāh. &c. (2) anything defining more closely, a peculiarity (3) an attribute ([ asty-up^adhi ], having, ` is ' as an attribute) (4) title, discriminative appellation, nickname (5) limitation, qualification (e. g. [ an-up^adhi-rAmaNIya ], beautiful without limitation, i. e. altogether beautiful) (6) (in log.) a qualifying term added to a too general middle term to prevent ativyāpti (7) that which is placed under, supposition, condition, postulate Sarvad. Vedāntas. Tarkas. BhP. &c. (8) deception, deceit MBh. iii, 13017 (9) species
===> [ upAdhi ]1[ up^a-dhi ]2 (for 1. col. 2), m. (√ [ dhyai ]), point of view, aim Car. (1) reflection on duty, virtuous reflection L. (2) a man who is careful to support his family L.
===> upādhyāya [ upAdhyAya ]1[ up^adhy-Aya ] m. (√ [ i ]), a teacher, preceptor (who subsists by teaching a part of the Veda or Vedāṅgas, grammar &c. (1) he is distinguished from the Ācārya, q. v.) Mn. iv, 141, &c. Yājñ. i, 35 MBh. Śak. &c. (2) ([ A ], or [ I ]), f. a female teacher Kāty. on Pāṇ. 3-13, 21 (3) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a teacher Kāty. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 49
===> upādāna [ upAdAna ]2[ up^a-dAna ] n. the act of taking for one's self, appropriating to one's self MBh. Mn. &c. (1) perceiving, noticing, learning, acquiring (knowledge) Hit. Vop (2) accepting, allowing, including (3) employment, use Sāh. Sarvad. Kap (4) saying, speaking, mentioning, enumeration Vedāntas. Kāś. Siddh (5) abstraction, withdrawing (the organs of sense from the outer world) L. (6) (with Buddh.) grasping at or clinging to existence (caused by [ tRSNA ], desire, and causing [ bhava ], new births) (7) (with Rāmānujas) preparation (of perfumes, flowers &c. as one of the five elements of worship) Sarvad (8) cause, motive, material cause (9) material of any kind Sāṃkhyak. Vedāntas. Kap. &c. (10) offering, present L.
===> upādāya [ upAdAya ]2[ up^a-dAya ] ind. p. having received or acquired &c. (1) receiving, acquiring &c. (2) taking with, together with MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c. (3) including, inclusive of BhP. Comm. on RPrāt. &c. (4) by help of, by means of (acc.) MBh.
===> upāgata [ upAgata ]2[ up^a-gata ] mfn. approached, arrived, come to (for protection) (1) entered into any state or condition, subject to, burdened with (2) occurred, happened, fallen to one's share (3) promised, agreed L.
===> upālambha [ upAlambha ]2[ up^a-lambha ] m. reproach, censure, abuse, finding fault with MBh. Hit. Kathās. &c. (1) prohibition, interdict Nyāyad
===> upāli [ upAli ]1[ upAli ] m. N. of one of Buddha's most eminent pupils (mentioned as the first propounder of the Buddhist law and as having been formerly a barber)
===> upānah [ upAnah ]1[ upA-n'ah ] [ t ] f. (fr. √ [ nah ] with [ upa ] [ not [ up^a ] ] Pāṇ. 6-3, 116), a sandal, shoe TS. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (ifc. with affix [ -ka ], [ upAnatka ] (1) cf. [ an-upA° ], [ s^opA° ])
===> upārdha [ upArdha ]1[ up^ardha ] n. the first half Comm. on ŚāṅkhGṛ. vi, 1, 11 (1) the half Lalit.
===> upārjana [ upArjana ]2[ up^arjana ] [ am ], [ A ] n. f. the act of procuring, acquiring, gaining R. Pañcat
===> upāsaka [ upAsaka ]2[ up^asaka ] mfn. serving, a servant Kauś. Kathās (1) worshipping, a worshipper, follower Mṛcch (2) intent on, engaged or occupied with Kap (3) a Buddhist lay worshipper (as distinguished from the Bhikshu, q. v.) Sarvad. Lalit. Prab. &c. (4) a Śūdra L. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a lay female votary of Buddha (as distinguished from a Bhikshuṇī, q. v.)
===> upāsana [ upAsana ]2[ up^asana ]2 [ am ], [ A ] n. f. the act of sitting or being near or at hand (1) serving, waiting upon, service, attendance, respect Āp. Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (2) homage, adoration, worship (with Rāmānujas, consisting of five parts, viz. Abhigamana or approach, Upādāna or preparation of offering, Ijyā or oblation, Svādhyāya or recitation, and Yoga or devotion) Sarvad. Vedāntas. &c. (3) ([ am ]), n. a seat Vait (4) the being intent on or engaged in Mṛcch. R. (5) domestic fire Yājñ. iii, 45
===> upāsita [ upAsita ]2[ up^asita ] mfn. served, honoured, worshipped &c. (1) one who serves or pays worship
===> upāsya [ upAsya ]2[ up^asya ]1 mfn. to be revered or honoured or worshipped MBh. Śāntiś. Sarvad. &c. (1) to be attended on (2) to be performed TUp. (3) to be had recourse to Sāh
===> [ upAsya ]2[ up^asya ]2 ind. p. having served or worshipped
===> upātta [ upAtta ]2[ up^a-tta ] (contracted fr. [ up^a-datta ] (1) cf. [ A-tta ]), mfn. received, accepted, acquired, gained, obtained (2) appropriated (3) taken away (4) seized, gathered (5) shaped (6) felt, perceived, regarded (7) comprised (8) employed, used (9) begun (10) enumerated (11) allowed in argument, granted, conceded (12) m. an elephant out of rut L.
===> upāya [ upAya ]1[ up^aya ] &c. p. 215, col. 2
===> [ upAya ]2[ up^aya ] m. coming near, approach, arrival Bhartṛ (1) that by which one reaches one's aim, a means or expedient (of any kind), way, stratagem, craft, artifice MBh. Mn. Yājñ. Pañcat. &c. (2) (esp.) a means of success against an enemy (four are usually enumerated, sowing dissension, negotiation, bribery, and open assault) (3) joining in or accompanying (in singing) ŚāṅkhŚr.
===> upāya-jña [ upAyajJa ]3[ up^aya-jJa ] mfn. knowing or fertile in expedients, contriving, provident
===> upāśraya [ upAzraya ]2[ up^azraya ] m. leaning against, resting upon Kathās. Kāvyâd (1) any support for leaning against, a pillow, cushion Car. (2) shelter, refuge, recourse MBh. Bhartṛ
===> upāśrita [ upAzrita ]2[ up^a-zrita ] mfn. lying or resting upon, leaning against, clinging to ŚāṅkhGṛ. KaṭhUp. R. (1) having recourse to, relying upon, taking refuge with MBh. Bhag. Kathās. &c. (2) taking one's self to (3) approached, arrived at, abiding in MBh. BhP. VarBṛS. &c. (4) anything against which one leans or upon which one rests Uttarar
===> upāṅga [ upAGga ]1[ up^aGga ]1 (for 2. [ up^aJj ]), n. a minor limb or member of the body MārkP. Sarvad (1) a subdivision (2) a supplementary or additional work, secondary portion of a science MBh. Hariv. &c. (such as the Purāṇas, the Nyāya, Mimāṃsā, and the Dharma-śāstras) (3) N. of a class of sacred writings of the Jainas (eight are enumerated, the last of which includes four subdivisions) (4) a sectarial mark (made with sandal &c.) on the forehead L. (5) (in mus.) a particular drum-like instrument
===> [ upAGga ]2[ up^aGga ]2 (for 1. above), [ as ] m. the act of smearing, anointing Car.
===> ura-ga [ uraga ]1[ ur'a-ga ] m. (fr. [ ura ] = [ uras ] [ Kāty. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 48 ] and [ ga ], ` breast-going '), a serpent, snake (1) a Nāga (semi-divine serpent usually represented with a human face) Suparṇ. viii, 5 Suśr. Ragh. &c. (2) N. of the Nakshatra Āślesha (presided over by the Nāgas) (3) lead L. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a town MBh. (5) ([ I ]), f. a female snake Prab
===> urabhra [ urabhra ]2[ ura-bhra ] m. a ram, sheep Suśr. (cf. [ aurabhra ]) (1) N. of a plant, = [ dadrughna ] L.
===> uraga [ uraga ]1[ ur'a-ga ] m. (fr. [ ura ] = [ uras ] [ Kāty. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 48 ] and [ ga ], ` breast-going '), a serpent, snake (1) a Nāga (semi-divine serpent usually represented with a human face) Suparṇ. viii, 5 Suśr. Ragh. &c. (2) N. of the Nakshatra Āślesha (presided over by the Nāgas) (3) lead L. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a town MBh. (5) ([ I ]), f. a female snake Prab
===> uraga-rāja [ uragarAja ]3[ ur'a-ga-rAja ] m. the king of snakes, N. of Vāsuki (1) a large or excellent snake, ŚiŚ.
===> uraga-sāra-candana [ uragasAracandana ]3[ ur'a-ga-sAra-candana ] n. a kind of sandal-wood Lalit. (1) [ -cUrNa ] n. the powder of the above ib. (2) [ -maya ] mfn. made of sandal-wood ib.
===> uras [ uras ]1[ 'uras ] n. (√ [ R ] Uṇ. iv, 194), the chest, breast, bosom RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. Śak. &c. ([ urasi kRtvA ], or [ urasi-kRtya ] ind. having assented or adopted, but only [ urasi kRtvA ] in the sense of having put upon the breast Pāṇ. 1-4, 75) (1) the best of its kind L. (2) ([ As ]), m. N. of a man, g. [ tik^adi ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 154 (in the Kāś.)
===> uru [ uru ]1[ ur'u ] mf ([ v'I ]) n. (√ 1. [ vR ] (1) √ [ UrNu ] Uṇ. i, 32), wide, broad, spacious, extended, great, large, much, excessive, excellent RV. AV. MBh. Ragh (2) ([ us ]), m. N. of an Āṅgirasa ĀrshBr. (3) of a son of the fourteenth Manu BhP. VP. (4) ([ vI ]), f. the earth (5) [ urv'I ], p. 218, col. 1 (6) ([ u ]), n. wide space, space, room RV. (with √ [ kR ], to grant space or scope, give opportunity RV.) (7) ([ u ]), ind. widely, far, far off RV. (8) ([ uruy'A ] MaitrS. (9) 1. [ urvy'A ] and [ urviy'A ] instr. of the fem.), ind. far, far off, to a distance RV. VS. TS. (10) compar. [ varIyas ], superl. [ variSTha ] ; [ cf. Gk. ?, ?, &c. : Hib. [ ur ], ` very ' (11) [ 217,3 ] [ uras ], ` power, ability. ' ]
===> urubilvā [ urubilvA ]3[ ur'u-bilvA ] f. N. of the place to which the Buddha retired for meditation and where he obtained supreme knowledge (afterwards called Buddha-Gayā) (1) [ -kalpa ] m. N. of a place Lalit. (2) [ -kAzyapa ] m. N. of a descendant of Kaśyapa ib.
===> urvaśī [ urvazI ]1[ urvazI ] f. (fr. [ uru ] and √ 1. [ az ], ` to pervade ', MṂ., Chips, vol. ii, p. 99), ` widely extending ', N. of the dawn (personified as an Apsaras or heavenly nymph who became the wife of Purū-ravas) RV. AV. xviii, 3, 23 VS. ŚBr. Vikr. &c. (1) N. of a river MBh. xii
===> urvī [ urvI ]2[ urv'I ] f. (cf. [ ur'u ]), ` the wide one ', the wide earth, earth, soil RV. i, 46, 2 ; ii, 4, 7 Śak. Mn. &c. (1) ([ v'I ]), f. du. ` the two wide ones ', heaven and earth RV. vi, 10, 4 ; x, 12, 3 ; 88, 14 (2) ([ vy'as ]), f. pl. (with and without [ SaS ]) the six spaces (viz. the four quarters of the sky with the upper and lower spaces) RV. AV. (3) (also applied to heaven, earth, day, night, water, and vegetation) ŚāṅkhŚr. (4) (also to fire, earth, water, wind, day and night) ŚBr. i, 5, 1, 22 (5) rivers Nir
===> utkarṣa [ utkarSa ]1[ ut-karSa ] &c. [ ut-kRS ]
===> [ utkarSa ]2[ ut-karSa ] mfn. superior, eminent (1) much, excessive L. exaggerated, boastful Yājñ. (2) attractive (3) m. pulling upwards, drawing, pulling (4) elevation, increase, rising to something better, prosperity (5) excellence, eminence Mn. R. Pañcat. Hit. Kathās. &c. (6) excess, abundance (7) self-conceit (8) boasting Yājñ. (9) excepting, omitting Comm. on KātyŚr. (10) putting off, delaying Nyāyam
===> utkarṣaṇa [ utkarSaNa ]2[ ut-karSaNa ] n. the act of drawing upwards taking off Suśr. (1) pulling off (a dress) MBh. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of a Śakti
===> utkarṣin [ utkarSin ]2[ utkarSin ] mfn. superior, better (1) more excellent or eminent Kāvyâd (2) ([ iNI ]), f. N. of a Śakti RāmatUp.
===> utkaṇṭhita [ utkaNThita ]2[ utkaNThita ] mfn. lifting up the neck (1) longing for, regretting, sorrowing for R. Daś. Vikr. &c. (2) in love Mālav (3) ([ A ]), f. a woman longing after her absent husband or lover
===> utkaṭa [ utkaTa ]1[ ut-kaTa ] mfn. (fr. 1. [ ud ] with affix [ kaTa ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 29), exceeding the usual measure, immense, gigantic R. Prab. Pañcat. &c. (1) richly endowed with, abounding in MBh. R. Pañcat. &c. (2) drunk, mad, furious MBh. R. (3) excessive, much
---> superior, high, proud, haughty (4) uneven (5) difficult (6) m. fluid dropping from the temples of an elephant in rut L. (7) the plant Saccharum Sara, or a similar kind of grass Suśr. (8) intoxication, pride L. (9) ([ A ]), f. the plant Laurus Cassia L. (10) N. of a town (11) ([ am ]), n. the fragrant bark of Laurus Cassia
===> utkrama [ utkrama ]2[ ut-kram'a ] m. going up or out VS. ŚBr. &c. (1) inverted order Sūryas (2) progressive increase (3) going astray, acting improperly, deviation, transgression L. [ 177,1 ]
===> utkrānta [ utkrAnta ]2[ ut-krAnta ] mfn. gone forth or out (1) gone over or beyond, passed, surpassed (2) trespassing, exceeding
===> utkāsana [ utkAsana ]2[ ut-kAsana ] n. coughing up (1) clearing the throat of mucus, expectorating Suśr.
===> utkūla [ utkUla ]1[ ut-kUla ] mfn. passing beyond the bank (as water), overflowing Kād (1) being on an elevation, going up-hill (2) ([ 'am ]), ind. up-hill AV. xix, 25, 1
===> utkṛṣṭa [ utkRSTa ]2[ ut-kRSTa ] mfn. (opposed to [ apa-kRSTa ] and [ ava-kRSTa ]), drawn up or out (1) attracted (2) extracted (3) taking a high position (4) excellent, eminent (5) superior, best (6) (ifc., e. g. [ jJAn^otkRSTa ] mfn. eminent in knowledge) (7) much, most, excessive Mn. MBh. Pañcat. &c.
===> utkṣepa [ utkSepa ]2[ ut-kSepa ] m. throwing or tossing up, raising, lifting up Megh. Suśr. &c. (1) throwing away (2) sending, despatching (3) bringing up, vomiting (4) expanding (the wings) Suśr. (5) N. of a country (6) also of a man L. (7) ([ au ]), m. du. the region above the temples Suśr. (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 112
===> utkṣepaka [ utkSepaka ]2[ ut-kSepaka ] mfn. throwing up, a thrower (1) who or what elevates or raises (2) one who sends or orders L. (3) m. a stealer of clothes Yājñ. ii, 274. [ 177,2 ]
===> utkṣepaṇa [ utkSepaNa ]3[ ut-kSepaNa ] n. the act of throwing upwards, tossing KātyŚr. Śak. 30 a (1) sending, sending away Suśr. (2) vomiting, taking up (3) a kind of basket or bowl used for cleaning corn L. (4) a fan L. (5) a measure of sixteen paṇas L.
===> utkṣipta [ utkSipta ]2[ ut-kSipta ] mfn. thrown upwards, tossed, raised MBh. Kathās. &c. (1) thrown out, ejected (2) vomited (3) rejected, dismissed (4) m. the thorn apple (Datura Metel and Fastuosa) L.
===> utkṣiptikā [ utkSiptikA ]2[ utkSiptikA ] f. an ornament in the shape of a crescent worn in the upper part of the ear L.
===> utpala [ utpala ]1[ ut-pala ]1 n. (and m. L.), (√ [ pal ] ` to move ' T. (1) fr. [ pal ] = √ [ paT ], ` to burst open ' BRD.), the blossom of the blue lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) MBh. R. Suśr. Ragh. Megh. &c. (2) a seed of the Nymphaea Suśr. (3) the plant Costus Speciosus Bhpr. VarBṛS. (4) any water-lily (5) any flower L. (6) a particular hell (Buddh.) (7) m. N. of a Nāga (8) of an astronomer (9) of a lexicographer (10) of several other men (11) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river Hariv. 9511 ([ I ]), f. a kind of cake made of unwinnowed corn L.
===> [ utpala ]1[ ut-pala ]2 (fr. [ pala ], ` flesh ', with 1. [ ud ] in the sense of ` apart '), fleshless, emaciated L. (1) ([ am ]), n. N. of a hell L.
===> utpanna [ utpanna ]2[ ut-panna ] mfn. risen, gone up (1) arisen, born, produced R. Mn. Kathās. &c. (2) come forth, appeared (3) ready Yājñ. (4) mentioned, quoted (esp. fr. the Veda) Jaim
===> utpatana [ utpatana ]2[ ut-patana ] mf ([ I ]) n. flying upwards, ([ utpatanI vidyA ], a spell by means of which one is able to fly upwards or to rise Kathās. lxxxvi, 158) (1) ([ am ]), n. flying or jumping up, rising, ascending, going up R. Pañcat. Kathās (2) birth, production L.
===> utpatha [ utpatha ]1[ ut-patha ] m. wrong road, bad way Kāś (1) error, evil R. MBh. Pañcat. Prab (2) (mfn.) one who is come off from the right way, lost, stray BhP.
===> utpatti [ utpatti ]2[ ut-patti ] f. arising, birth, production, origin Suśr. MBh. Yājñ. &c. (1) resurrection Mn. (2) production in general, profit, productiveness, Rājat (3) producing as an effect or result, giving rise to, generating as a consequence (4) occurrence, the being mentioned or quoted (as a Vedic passage) Jaim
===> utpatti-krama [ utpattikrama ]3[ ut-patti-krama ] m. the successive stages of creation (e. g. in TUp., ` from Brahman arose ether, from ether wind, from wind fire, from fire water, from water earth, from earth plants, from plants food, from food seed, from seed man ')
===> utphulla [ utphulla ]2[ ut-phulla ] mfn. (Kāty. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 55) blown (as a flower) Kir. Kathās. Siś (1) wide open (as the eyes) R. Pañcat. Hit. &c. (2) swollen, increased in bulk, bloated, puffed up Kathās. Bālar. Śārṅg (3) sleeping supinely L. (4) looking at with insolence, insolent, impudent Pat. (5) ([ am ]), n. a kind of coitus L.
===> utpitsu [ utpitsu ]2[ ut-pitsu ] mfn. (fr. Desid.), desirous of rising or ascending Śiś. (1) being about to come forth or to arise
===> [ utpitsu ]1[ ut-pitsu ] p. 180, col. 2
===> utpāda [ utpAda ]2[ ut-pAda ]1 (for 2. s. v.), [ as ] m. coming forth, birth, production Yājñ. Prab. &c.
===> [ utpAda ]1[ ut-pAda ]2 (for 1. p. 180, col. 3), mfn. having the legs stretched out, standing on the legs
===> utpādaka [ utpAdaka ]2[ utpAdaka ]2 (for 1. p. 180, col. 3), [ as ] m. the fabulous animal called Śarabha L. (cf. [ UrdhvapAda ].)
===> utpādana [ utpAdana ]2[ ut-pAdana ] mfn. bringing forth, producing, productive MBh. Kathās (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of producing or causing, generating, begetting ChUp. MBh. Suśr. Hit. &c.
===> utpādin [ utpAdin ]2[ utpAdin ] mfn. produced, born Hit. (1) (ifc.) bringing forth, producing Yājñ.
===> utpādya [ utpAdya ]2[ ut-pAdya ]1 mfn. to be produced or brought forth Nyāyam (1) produced, brought forth, invented (by a poet) BhP. Sāh. Sarvad. &c.
===> [ utpAdya ]2[ ut-pAdya ]2 ind. p. having produced, having begotten &c.
===> utpāta [ utpAta ]2[ ut-p'Ata ] m. flying up, jumping up (1) a spring, jump MBh. Car. (2) rising, arising Hit. (3) a sudden event, unexpected appearance (4) an unusual or startling event boding calamity (5) a portent, prodigy, phenomenon (6) any public calamity (as an earthquake, meteor &c.) AV. xix, 9, 7 MBh. GopBr. Gaut. Ragh. Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (7) a disease of the external ear (erroneously for [ ut-pATa ] above BRD.)
===> utpāṭana [ utpATana ]2[ ut-pATana ] mfn. tearing out (1) destroying, banishing L. (2) ([ am ]), n. the act of tearing out or up (3) pulling up by roots, eradicating (4) driving away, banishing (5) dethronement Suśr. R. Kathās. &c.
===> utpāṭita [ utpATita ]2[ ut-pATita ] mfn. pulled up by the roots, eradicated, torn out (1) driven away (2) banished, dethroned
===> utpīḍa [ utpIDa ]2[ ut-pIDa ] m. pressing against, squeezing, pressure Prab. Kād (1) bursting out (as a stream or tears) R. Hariv. Megh. Uttarar. Kād (2) a wound MBh. iii, 825. [ 181,2 ]
===> utpīḍana [ utpIDana ]2[ ut-pIDana ] n. the act of pressing against or out VarBṛS. Ṛitus (1) rooting out Car.
===> utsa [ utsa ]1[ 'utsa ] m. (√ [ ud ] Uṇ. iii. 68), a spring, fountain (metaphorically applied to the clouds) RV. AV. VS. TBr. Suśr. Daś
===> utsanna [ utsanna ]2[ ut-sanna ] mfn. raised, elevated (opposed to [ ava-sanna ]) Suśr. (1) vanished, abolished, decayed, destroyed (2) in ruins (3) disused, fallen into disuse ŚBr. TBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Hariv. BhP. &c.
===> utsarga [ utsarga ]2[ ut-sarg'a ] m. pouring out, pouring forth, emission, dejection, excretion, voiding by stool &c. R. Mn. Megh. Suśr. &c. (1) Excretion (personified as a son of Mitra and Revatī) BhP. vi, 18, 5 (2) laying aside, throwing or casting away Gaut. Kum (3) loosening, setting free, delivering (N. of the verses VS. xiii, 47-51) ŚBr. KātyŚr. PārGṛ. MBh. &c. (4) abandoning, resigning, quitting, retiring from, leaving off (5) suspending (6) end, close KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. and Gṛ. MBh. Mn. &c. (7) handing over, delivering (8) granting, gift, donation MBh. (9) oblation, libation (10) presentation (of anything promised to a god or Brāhman with suitable ceremonies) (11) a particular ceremony on suspending repetition of the Veda Mn. iv, 97 ; 119 Yājñ. &c. (12) causation, causing Jaim. iii, 7, 19 (13) (in Gr.) any general rule or precept (opposed to [ apa-vAda ], q. v.) Kum. Kāś. Siddh. &c.
===> utsarjana [ utsarjana ]2[ ut-sarjana ] mfn. expelling (the feces, said of one of the muscles of the anus) Bhpr. (1) ([ am ]), n. letting loose, abandoning, leaving KātyŚr. (2) suspending (a Vedic lecture) Lāṭy. ĀśvGṛ. Kauś (3) (with [ chandasAm ]) a ceremony connected with it Mn. iv, 96 (4) gift, donation, oblation L.
===> utsava [ utsava ]1[ ut-sav'a ] &c. [ ut-sU ], col. 2
===> [ utsava ]2[ ut-sav'a ] m. enterprise, beginning RV. i, 100, 8 ; 102, 1 (1) a festival, jubilee (2) joy, gladness, merriment MBh. Ragh. Kathās. Amar. &c. (3) opening, blossoming BhP. (4) height, elevation (5) insolence L. (6) passion, wrath L. (7) wish, rising of a wish L.
===> utsaṅga [ utsaGga ]1[ ut-saGga ] (√ [ sanj ]), m. the haunch or part above the hip, lap MBh. R. Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (1) any horizontal area or level (as a roof of a house &c.) Ragh. Megh. Bhartṛ. &c. (2) the bottom or deep part of an ulcer Suśr. (3) embrace, association, union L. (4) a particular position of the hands PSarv. Hastar (5) ([ am ]), n. a high number (= 100 Vivāhas) Lalit.
===> utsraṣṭavya [ utsraSTavya ]2[ ut-sraSTavya ] mfn. to be excreted Tattvas (1) to be dismissed Kād
===> utsuka [ utsuka ]1[ utsuka ] mfn. (fr. [ su ], ` well ', with 1. [ ud ] in the sense of ` apart ', and affix [ ka ]), restless, uneasy, unquiet, anxious R. MBh. &c. (1) anxiously desirous, zealously active, striving or making exertions for any object (cf. [ jay^otsuka ]) R. Pañcat. Śak. Megh. &c. (2) eager for, fond of, attached to (3) regretting, repining, missing, sorrowing for Ragh. Vikr. Śak. &c. (4) ([ am ]), n. sorrow (5) longing for, desire ([ nirutsuka ])
===> utsādana [ utsAdana ]2[ ut-sAdana ] n. putting away or aside (1) suspending, interrupting, omitting ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. (2) destroying, overturning MBh. R. Bhag. (3) rubbing, chafing, anointing Mn. Suśr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (4) causing a sore to fill up, healing it Suśr. (5) a means of healing a sore Car. (6) going up, ascending, rising L. (7) raising, elevating L. (8) ploughing a field twice or thoroughly L.
===> utsāha [ utsAha ]2[ ut-sAha ] m. power, strength (1) strength of will, resolution (2) effort, perseverance, strenuous and continuous exertion, energy (3) fimness, fortitude R. Mn. Suśr. Śak. Hit. &c. (4) joy, happiness Vet (5) a thread L.
===> utsāhin [ utsAhin ]2[ utsAhin ] mfn. powerful, mighty Pañcat (1) firm, steady (2) active, energetic Sāh
===> utsūtra [ utsUtra ]1[ ut-sUtra ] mfn. (fr. [ sUtra ] with 1. [ ud ] in the sense of ` apart '), unstrung (1) out of rule, deviating from or disregarding rules (of policy and grammar) Śiś. ii, 112 (2) anything not contained in a rule Pat. (3) loose, detached L.
===> utsṛṣṭa [ utsRSTa ]2[ ut-sRSTa ] mfn. let loose, set free (1) poured forth, cast into (2) left, abandoned (3) given, presented &c.
===> utsṛṣṭavat [ utsRSTavat ]3[ ut-sRSTa-vat ] mfn. one who has let fall, who has shed (a tear &c.)
===> uttama [ uttama ]1[ ut-tam'a ] mfn. (superlative fr. 1. [ ud ] (1) opposed to [ avama ], [ adhama ], &c. (2) cf. [ an-uttama ]), uppermost, highest, chief (3) most elevated, principal (4) best, excellent RV. AV. AitBr. Mn. Pañcat. &c. (often ifc., e. g. [ dvij^ottama ], best of the twice-born, i. e. a Brāhman Mn.) (5) first, greatest (6) the highest (tone) ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. (7) the most removed or last in place or order or time RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (8) ([ 'am ]), ind. most, in the highest degree R. (9) at last, lastly ŚBr. iii, 2, 1, 21 (10) m. the last person (= in European grammars the first person) Pāṇ. Kāty. Kāś. &c. (11) N. of a brother of Dhruva (son of Uttāna-pāda and nephew of Priya-vrata) VP. (12) of a son of Priya-vrata and third Manu (13) of the twenty-first Vyāsa VP. (14) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of people VP. MBh. (15) ([ A ]), f. a kind of Piḍakā or pustule Suśr. (16) the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) Suśr. (17) an excellent woman (one who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate) L.
===> uttama-puruṣa [ uttamapuruSa ]3[ ut-tam'a-puruSa ] m. the last person in verbal conjugation, i. e. ` I, we two, we ' (= in European grammars the first person, our third person being regarded in Hindū grammars as the [ prathama-puruSa ], q. v. (1) cf. also [ madhyama-puruSa ]) Nir. Kāś. &c. (2) the Supreme Spirit ChUp. Gaut. &c.
===> uttamâṅga [ uttamAGga ]3[ uttam^aGga ] n. the highest or chief part of the body, the head Mn. MBh. Bhag. Suśr. Mṛcch. &c.
===> uttapta [ uttapta ]2[ ut-tapta ] mfn. burnt (1) heated, red hot, glowing, Śārṅg (2) pained, tormented, pressed hard Rājat (3) bathed, washed L. (4) anxious, excited W. (5) ([ am ]), n. dried flesh L. (6) great heat T.
===> uttara [ uttara ]2[ 'uttara ]1 mfn. (compar. fr. 1. [ ud ] (1) opposed to [ adhara ] (2) declined Gram. 238. [ a ]), upper, higher, superior (e. g. [ uttare dantAs ], the upper teeth) RV. AV. TS. ChUp. Ragh. &c. (3) northern (because the northern part of India is high) AV. Mn. Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (4) left (opposed to [ dakSiNa ] or right, because in praying the face being turned to the east the north would be on the left hand) AV. KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (5) later, following, subsequent, latter, concluding, posterior, future RV. AV. KātyŚr. MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c. (opposed to [ pUrva ], &c., e. g. [ uttaraH kAlaH ], future time (6) [ uttaraM vAkyam ], a following speech, answer, reply (7) [ phalam uttaram ], subsequent result, future consequence (8) [ varS^ottareSu ], in future years) (9) followed by (e. g. [ sm^ottara ] mfn. followed by ` [ sma ] ' Pāṇ. 3-3, 176) (10) superior, chief, excellent, dominant, predominant, more powerful RV. AV. (11) gaining a cause (in law) (12) better, more excellent RV. (13) m. N. of a son of Virāṭa MBh. (14) of a king of the Nāgas L. (15) N. of a mountain Kathās (16) of several men (17) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a school (18) ([ A ]), of. (scil. [ diz ]) the northern quarter, the north Kathās. &c. (19) N. of each of the Nakshatras that contain the word ` [ uttara ] ' (cf. [ uttara-phalgunI ], &c.) (20) N. of a daughter of Virāṭa and daughter-in-law of Arjuna MBh. (21) of a female servant Lalit. (22) ([ e ]), f. du. the second and third verse of a Tṛca (or a stanza consisting of three verses) (23) ([ As ]), f. pl. the second part of the Sāma-saṃhitā (24) ([ am ]), n. upper surface or cover MBh. Ragh. Daś. &c. (25) the north R. Dhūrtas (26) the following member, the last part of a compound (27) answer, reply Ragh. R. Prab. &c. (28) (in law) a defence, rejoinder, a defensive measure (29) contradiction Car. (30) (in the Mimāṃsā philosophy) the answer (the fourth member of an adhikaraṇa or case) (31) superiority, excellence, competency R. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (32) result, the chief or prevalent result or characteristic, what remains or is left, conclusion, remainder, excess, over and above, (often ifc., e. g. [ bhay^ottara ], attended with danger, having danger as the result (33) [ dharm^ottara ], chiefly characterized by virtue (34) [ SaSTy-uttaraM sahasram ], one thousand with an excess of sixty, i. e. 1060 (35) [ sapt^ottaraM zatam ], 107) (36) remainder, difference (in arithmetic) (37) N. of a song Yājñ. (38) N. of each of the Nakshatras that contain the word ` [ uttara ] ' (39) a particular figure in rhetoric (40) N. of the last book of the Rāmāyaṇa (41) ([ am ]), ind. at the conclusion, at the end, e. g. [ bhavad-uttaram ], having the word ` [ bhavat ] ' at the end (42) [ asr^ottaram IkSitA ], looked at with tears at the close, i. e. with a glance ending in tears (43) afterwards, thereafter (44) behind MBh. &c. (45) in the following part (of a book) (46) [ cf. Gk. ?. ]
===> [ uttara ]1[ 'uttara ]1 &c., p. 178, col. 1 (1) for 2. [ ut-tRR ], col. 2
===> [ uttara ]2[ 'ut-tara ]2 mfn. (for 1. p. 178, col. 1), crossing over (1) to be crossed (cf. [ dur-uttara ])
===> uttara-bhadra-padā [ uttarabhadrapadA ]3[ 'uttara-bhadrapadA ] or f. N. of a lunar mansion (cf. [ bhAdrapadA ].)
===> uttara-kuru [ uttarakuru ]3[ 'uttara-kuru ] m. n. one of the nine divisions of the world (the country of the northern Kurus, situated in the north of India, and described as the country of eternal beatitude)
===> uttara-kāla [ uttarakAla ]3[ 'uttara-kAla ] m. future time (1) time reckoned from full moon to full moon (2) ([ am ]) or ([ atas ]), ind. afterwards, after (3) (mfn.) future MBh.
===> uttara-pakṣa [ uttarapakSa ]3[ 'uttara-pakSa ] m. the northern or left wing (side) KātyŚr. (1) second or following part of an argument, the reply, refutation (2) the answer to the first or objectionable argument (cf. [ pUrva-pakSa ]) (3) the right argument, demonstrated truth, or conclusion (4) the minor proposition in a syllogism (5) [ -tA ] f. or [ -tva ] n. conclusion, demonstration, reply
===> uttara-patha [ uttarapatha ]3[ 'uttara-patha ] m. the northern way, the way leading to the north (1) the northern country Pāṇ. 5-1, 27, &c.
===> uttara-paścima [ uttarapazcima ]3[ 'uttara-pazcima ] mfn. north-western ĀśvGṛ. (1) ([ A ]) f. (scil. [ diz ]) the north-west
===> uttara-phalgunī [ uttaraphalgunI ]3[ 'uttara-phalgunI ] or f. N. of lunar mansions (cf. [ proSThapadA ], [ phalgunI ].)
===> uttara-phālgunī [ uttaraphAlgunI ]3[ 'uttara-phAlgunI ] f. N. of lunar mansions (cf. [ proSThapadA ], [ phalgunI ].)
===> uttara-pūrva [ uttarapUrva ]3[ 'uttara-pUrva ] mfn. north-eastward KātyŚr. (1) one who takes the north for the east Siddh (2) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ diz ]) the north-east
===> uttara-sādhaka [ uttarasAdhaka ]3[ 'uttara-sAdhaka ] mfn. effective of a result, assisting at a ceremony, befriending (1) an assistant, helper, friend (2) establishing a reply Vet
===> uttara-tantra [ uttaratantra ]3[ 'uttara-tantra ] n. ` concluding doctrine ', N. of a supplementary section in the medical manual of Suśruta
---> also of supplementary portions of several other works
===> uttaratara [ uttaratara ]3[ 'uttara-tara ] mfn. (compar. ft. [ uttara ]), still further removed, still more distant, still higher ŚvetUp.
===> uttaratra [ uttaratra ]3[ 'uttara-tra ] ind. in what follows, after, subsequently, later, further on, beyond, below (in a work) Pāṇ. (1) northward, ([ pUrvatra ], in the first case or place (2) [ uttaratra ], in the second) Sāh
===> uttaraṇa [ uttaraNa ]2[ ut-t'araNa ] mfn. coming out of, crossing over VS. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. coming forth or out of (especially out of water) VarBṛS. (2) landing, disembarking (3) crossing rivers &c. Pañcat
===> uttarâdhara [ uttarAdhara ]3[ uttar^adhar'a ] mfn. superior and inferior, higher and lower ŚBr. (1) ([ am ]), n. upper and under lip Kum (2) the lips ([ adhar^ottara ]) (3) [ -vivara ] n. the mouth Daś. 73, 11
===> uttarâṣāḍhā [ uttarASADhA ]3[ uttar^aSADhA ] f. N. of a lunar mansion (cf. [ aSADhA ]) L. [ 179,1 ]
===> uttarā [ uttarA ]2[ uttarA ] ind. north, northerly (1) northward (with gen. or abl.) Pāṇ. Vop (2) ([ uttarA-patha ], &c., p. 178, col. 3.)
===> uttarā-patha [ uttarApatha ]3[ uttarA-patha ] m. the northern road or direction, the northern country, north Pañcat. Hit. Kathās. &c.
===> uttarīya [ uttarIya ]2[ uttar'Iya ] n. an upper or outer garment KātyŚr. PārGṛ. HirGṛ. MBh. Pañcat. &c. (1) a blanket Car.
===> uttha [ uttha ]2[ ut-tha ] mfn. (generally ifc.) standing up, rising, arising MBh. Ragh. Caurap. &c. (1) coming forth, originating, derived from Bhag. Kathās. Rājat. Pañcat. &c. (2) m. arising, coming forth L. ; [ cf. Zd. [ usta ]. ]
===> utthita [ utthita ]2[ ut-thita ] mfn. risen or rising (from a seat &c.) MBh. Hariv. BhP. Kathās. &c. (1) risen (from a sickness) Hariv. (2) elevated, high VarBṛS. Ragh. &c. (3) come forth, arisen (4) born, produced, originated RV. Mn. MBh. BhP. &c. (5) come in (as revenue) Hit. (6) endeavouring, striving, exerting one's self, active MBh. R. Kām. &c. (7) happened, occuring (8) advancing, increasing (9) extended (10) high, lofty, eminent (said of a Pragātha consisting of ten Pādas) RPrāt. (11) ([ am ]), n. ([ 'ut-thitam ]) rising, arising AV. iii, 15, 4
===> utthāna [ utthAna ]2[ ut-th'Ana ] n. the act of standing up or rising ŚBr. Suśr. Gaut. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) rising (of the moon &c.) BhP. Ragh. &c. (2) resurrection MBh. Pañcat (3) rising up to depart (4) leaving off ŚBr. TS. KātyŚr. &c. : starting on a warlike expedition Mn. MBh. R. &c. [ 180,1 ] (5) coming forth, appearing Kap (6) bursting open Jaim (7) tumult, sedition Rājat (8) rise, origin Suśr. (9) effort, exertion (10) manly exertion, manhood MBh. Rājat. Āp. &c. (11) evacuating (by stool &c.) Suśr. Kauś (12) an army L. (13) joy, pleasure L. (14) a book L. (15) a court-yard L. (16) a shed where sacrifices are offered L. (17) a term, limit L. (18) business of a family or realm, the care of subjects or dependants L. (19) reflection L. (20) proximate cause of disease L. (21) (mfn.) causing to arise or originate MBh.
===> utthāpaka [ utthApaka ]2[ ut-thApaka ] mfn. lifting up, causing to get up, who or what raises &c. (1) exciting, animating (2) m. a waiting-man Car. (3) a particular composition Sāh
===> utthāpana [ utthApana ]2[ ut-thApana ] n. causing to rise or get up (1) raising, elevating KātyŚr. (2) causing to leave (a house &c., with acc. of the person made to leave) Vet (3) causing to come forth, bringing forth Suśr. (4) exciting, instigating, bringing about, causing to cease, finishing (5) (in math.) the finding of the quantity sought, answer to the question, substitution of a value, Bījag (6) ([ I ]), f. (scil. [ Rc ]) a concluding verse Kauś
===> utthāpita [ utthApita ]2[ ut-thApita ] mfn. caused to stand up (1) raised, lifted up, elevated (2) made to get up or out (3) aroused, instigated, &c.
===> utthātavya [ utthAtavya ]2[ ut-thAtavya ] mfn. (impers.) to be stood up Kād (1) to be set out BhP. (2) to be active MBh.
===> utthāya [ utthAya ]2[ ut-thAya ] ind. p. having risen (from a seat &c.), having risen (in rank &c.), standing up &c.
===> utthāyin [ utthAyin ]2[ ut-thAyin ] mfn. rising (from one's bed) MBh. (1) coming forth, becoming visible MBh. (2) exerting one's self, active Kām
===> uttuṅga [ uttuGga ]1[ ut-tuGga ] mfn. lofty, high, tall (1) swollen (as a stream) MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. Prab. &c.
===> uttāna [ uttAna ]2[ ut-tAn'a ] mfn. stretched out, spread out, lying on the back, sleeping supinely or with the face upwards RV. AV. VS. (1) upright ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c. (2) turned so that the mouth or opening is uppermost (as a vessel), concave TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. BhP. &c. (3) spreading out over the surface Suśr. (4) shallow (5) open Śak (6) m. N. of an Āṅgirasa TBr. Kāṭh. [ -kUrmaka ] n. a particular posture in sitting
===> [ uttAna ]1[ ut-tAn'a ] [ ut-tan ]
===> uttāna-śaya [ uttAnazaya ]3[ ut-tAn'a-zaya ] mfn. lying on the back, sleeping with the face upwards (1) m. a little child L.
===> uttāra [ uttAra ]1[ ut-tAra ]1 (fr. [ tArA ] with 1. [ ud ] in the sense of ` apart '), mfn. (an eye) from which the pupil is taken out BhP. vi, 14, 46 (1) (for 2. [ ut-tAra ] &c. [ ut-tRR ].)
===> [ uttAra ]2[ ut-tAra ]2 (for 1. s. v. above), [ as ]³2 m. transporting over Prab (1) landing (2) delivering, rescuing MBh. [ 179,3 ] (3) ejecting, getting rid of (4) vomiting (5) passing away, instability (6) (mfn.) surpassing others, excellent, pre-eminent L.
===> uttāraṇa [ uttAraNa ]2[ ut-tAraNa ] mfn. transporting over MBh. (1) bringing over, rescuing (2) ([ am ]), n. the act of landing, delivering (3) rescuing, helping to cross over or escape (4) transportation R. &c.
===> uttīrṇa [ uttIrNa ]2[ ut-tIrNa ] mfn. landed, crossed, traversed (1) rescued, liberated, escaped (2) released from obligation (3) thrown off (4) one who has completed his studies, experienced, clever
===> uśīra [ uzIra ]2[ uzIra ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (Uṇ. iv, 31), the fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Muricatus Suśr. Śak. Hcat. &c. [ 220,1 ] (1) ([ I ]), f. a species of grass L.
===> uṣita [ uSita ]2[ uSita ]1 (for 2. s. v.), mfn. burnt (1) quick, expeditious L.
===> [ uSita ]1[ uSita ]2 (for 1. col. 1), mfn. p. of √ 5. [ vas ], q. v.
===> [ uSita ]3[ uSita ] See under √ 1. [ uS ]
===> [ uSita ]2[ uSita ] (ep. also [ uSTa ]), mfn. (for 1. See p. 220) past, spent (as time (1) n. impers. ` time has been spent ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) retired or resorted to (as a place) Kāv (3) one who has halted or stayed (esp. ` overnight ') or has been absent or lived or remained or waited in any place (loc. or comp.) or for any time (acc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) one who has had sexual intercourse with ([ saha ]) BrahmaP. (5) what has stood or lain (esp. ` overnight ' said of things) VarBṛS. Suśr. (6) one who has fasted VarBṛS.
===> uṣman [ uSman ]2[ uSman ] [ A ] m. heat, ardour, steam Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c. (in many cases, where the initial [ u ] is combined with a preceding [ a ], not to be distinguished from [ USm'an ], q. v.) (1) the hot season L. (2) anger, wrath L.
===> uṣṇa [ uSNa ]2[ uSN'a ] mf ([ A ], rarely [ I ]) n. (Uṇ. iii, 2) hot, warm (1) ardent, passionate, impetuous RV. x, 4, 2 AV. vi, 68, 1 ; viii, 9, 17 ŚBr. ChUp. Suśr. Mn. &c. (2) pungent, acrid (3) sharp, active L. (4) m. onion L. [ 220,2 ] (5) N. of a man VP. (6) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. heat, warmth, the hot season (June, July) Mn. xi, 113 Śak. Daś. &c. (7) any hot object MBh. (8) N. of certain positions in the retrograde motion of the planet Mars VarBṛS. (9) N. of a Varsha VP. (10) ([ A ]), f. heat L. (11) consumption L. (12) bile L. (13) N. of a plant Nigh (14) ([ am ]), ind. hotly, ardently R. (15) ([ uSNaM kRtvA ] or [ uSNaM-kRtya ] ind. p. having made hot or heated Pāṇ. 1-4, 74.)
===> uṣṇīṣa [ uSNISa ]2[ uSN'ISa ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. ([ uSNam ISate hinasti ], [ zakandhv-Adi ] [ Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 ] [ para-rUpam ] T.) anything wound round the head, turban, fillet AV. xv, 2, 1-4 ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (1) a diadem, crown L. (2) a kind of excrescence on the head of Buddha
===> uṣṭra [ uSTra ]2[ 'uSTra ] m. (√ [ uS ] Uṇ. iv, 161 (1) but probably connected with the above), a buffalo RV. AV. xx, 127, 2 ; 132, 13 VS. ŚBr. AitBr. (2) a camel MBh. Mn. Pañcat. &c. (3) a cart, waggon L. (4) N. of an Asura Hariv. (5) ([ I ]), f. a she-camel Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (6) an earthen vessel in the shape of a camel L. (7) N. of a plant Nigh
===> uṣṭrikā [ uSTrikA ]2[ uSTrikA ] f. a she-camel Pañcat (1) an earthen vessel shaped like a camel L. (2) N. of a plant L.
===> va [ va ]1[ va ]1 the 3rd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels [ u ] and [ U ], and having the sound of the English [ v ], except when forming the last member of a conjunct consonant, in which case it is pronounced like [ w ] (1) it is often confounded and interchanged with the labial consonant [ b ])
===> [ va ]1[ va ]2 (only L.) m. air, wind (1) the arm (2) N. of Varuṇa (3) the ocean, water (4) addressing (5) reverence (6) conciliation (7) auspiciousness (8) a dwelling (9) a tiger (10) cloth (11) the esculent root of the water-lily (12) ([ A ]), f. going (13) hurting (14) an arrow (15) weaving (16) a weaver (?). n. a sort of incantation or Mantra (of which the object is the deity Varuṇa) (17) = [ pra-catas ] (18) mfn. strong, powerful
===> [ va ]1[ va ]3 ind. = [ iva ], like, as MBh. Kāv. &c. (in some more or less doubtful cases)
===> va-kāra [ vakAra ]3[ va-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ va ] TPrāt. (1) [ -bheda ] m. N. of a treatise on the proper spelling of words beginning with [ v ] or [ b ]
===> vacana [ vacana ]2[ vacan'a ] mfn. speaking, a speaker, eloquent RV. (1) (ifc.) mentioning, indicating, expressing, meaning Pāṇ. KātyŚr. Sarvad. ([ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n.) (2) being pronounced, RPrat. ([ -tva ] n.) (3) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the act of speaking, utterance, Saṃkhyak (4) pronunciation Pāṇ. Prāt. (5) statement, declaration, express mention AitBr. ŚrS. Pāṇ. &c. (6) speech, sentence, word Mn. MBh. &c. (7) (in gram.) the injunction of a teacher, rule Kāś (8) advice, instruction, direction, order, command MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ °naM-√ kR ] or [ °ne-√ sthA ] with gen. = to do the bidding of any one, follow a person's advice, obey (9) [ °nena ] or [ °nAt ], with gen. = in the name of) (10) sound, voice, APrāt. Megh. Hit. (11) (in gram.) number Pāṇ. Vop. (cf. [ eka- ], [ dvi- ], [ bahu-v° ]) (12) rumour L. (13) dry ginger L.
===> vacanīya [ vacanIya ]2[ vacanIya ] mfn. to be spoken or uttered, mentionable Mn. R. (1) to be called or named Nir
---> to be spoken about or against, censurable, liable to reproach Hariv. (2) n. reproach, censure, blame Kālid. Uttarar
===> vacas [ vacas ]2[ v'acas ]1 n. (for 2. See p. 914, col. 2) speech, voice, word RV. &c. &c. ([ °casAmpatiH ], N. of Bṛhaspati Laghuj.) (1) singing, song (of birds) Ṛitus (2) advice, direction, command, order MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ vacah-√ kR ], with gen., ` to follow the advice of ' (3) [ vacasA mama ], ` on my advice ') (4) an oracular utterance (declarative of some future fate or destiny) VarBṛS. (5) a sentence L. (6) (in gram.) number (See [ dvi-v° ])
===> [ vacas ]2[ vacas ]2 mfn. (for 1. See p. 912, col. 3) in [ adh'ovacas ], q. v.
===> vada [ vada ]2[ vada ] mfn. speaking, a speaker (only ifc. (1) See [ ku-v° ], [ priyaM. v° ]) (2) speaking well or sensibly L. (3) m. N. of the first Veda (with the Magians) Cat.
===> vadana [ vadana ]2[ v'adana ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the act of speaking, talking, sounding ŚBr. ŚrS. (1) the mouth, face, countenance MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ °naM ] √ [ kR ], to make a face or grimace, [ °nI-√ bhU ], to become a face) (2) the front, point R. Suśr. (3) (in alg.) the first term, initial quantity or term of a progression Col. (4) (in geom.) the side opposite to the base, the summit or apex of a triangle Āryabh
===> vadha [ vadha ]2[ vadha ] m. one who kills, a slayer, vanquisher, destroyer RV. VS. TS. ŚBr. (1) a deadly weapon (esp. Indra's thunderbolt) RV. AitBr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (2) the act of striking or killing, slaughter, murder, death, destruction RV. &c. &c. (3) (in law) capital or (more commonly) corporal punishment Mn. Yājñ. &c. = [ vadha-bhUmi ], place of execution Caurap., Introd. (4) stroke, hurt, injury Nir (5) paralysis Suśr. (6) annihilation, disappearance (of inanimate things) MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) frustration, prevention Gaut (8) a defect, imperfection (28 are enumerated) VP. (9) multiplication Gaṇit (10) a product Bijag (11) N. of a Rākshasa VP. (12) ([ A ]), f. a kind of pot-herb, Convolvulus Repens L.
===> vadhaka [ vadhaka ]2[ v'adhaka ] mfn. killing, destructive, U9. ii, 36 (1) intending to strike or kill Jātakam (2) m. a murderer, assassin MBh. VarBṛS. Rājat (3) an executioner, hangman Kathās (4) a partic. sort of reed or rush AV. ŚBr.
===> vadhū [ vadhU ]1[ vadh'U ] f. (fr. √ [ vadh ] = [ vah ] (1) cf. [ UDhA ]) a bride or newly-married woman, young wife spouse any wife or woman RV. &c. &c. (2) a daughter-in-law HPariś (3) any younger female relation MBh. R. &c. (4) the female of any animal, (esp.) a cow or mare RV. v, 47, 6 (5) viii 19, 36 (cf. [ vadh'U-mat ]) (6) N. of various plants (Trigonella Corniculata (7) Echites Frutescens (8) Curcuma Zerumbet) L.
===> vadhū-jana [ vadhUjana ]3[ vadh'U-jana ] m. a woman or wife (also collectively, ` women ') Ratnâv
===> vaha [ vaha ]2[ v'aha ] mf ([ A ]) n. (ifc.) carrying, bearing, conveying, bringing, causing, producing, effecting (cf. [ gandha- ], [ dAru- ], [ puNya-v° ] &c.) (1) flowing through or into or towards (cf. [ para-loka-v° ], [ sarva-loka-v° ] &c.) (2) bearing along (said of rivers) Hcat (3) bearing (a name) Kull. on Mn. iv, 203 (in a quotation) (4) exposing one's self to (heat &c.) MBh. (5) m. the act of bearing or conveying (cf. [ dur- ], [ sukha-v° ]) (6) the shoulder of an ox or any draught animal AV. VS. Br. MBh. (7) the shoulder-piece of a yoke AV. ŚBr. (8) a horse L. (9) a male river L. (10) a road, way L. (11) wind L. (12) the breathing of a cow L. (13) a weight or measure of four Droṇas L. (14) ([ A ]), f. a river, stream in general L.
===> vahana [ vahana ]2[ vahana ] mfn. bearing, carrying, conveying ([ rAja-v° ]) (1) n. the act of bearing, carrying, conveying, bringing MBh. Kāv. VarBṛS. (2) the flowing (of water) Nir. vi, 2 (3) a ship, vessel, boat Kathās (4) the undermost part of a column, VārBṛS. (5) a square chariot with a pole L.
===> vahni [ vahni ]2[ v'ahni ] m. any animal that draws or bears along, a draught animal, horse, team RV. AV. VS. TBr. (1) any one who conveys or is borne along (applied to a charioteer or rider, or to various gods, esp. to Agni, Indra, Savitṛ, the Maruts &c.) RV. AV. (2) N. of Soma (as ` the flowing or streaming one ') RV. ix, 9, 6 &c. (3) the conveyer or bearer of oblations to the gods (esp. said of Agni, ` fire ', or of the three sacrificial fires, See [ agni ]) RV. (4) partic. fire Gṛhyās (5) fire (in general or ` the god of fire ') Mn. MBh. &c. ([ vahninA saM-√ skR ], to hallow by fire, burn solemnly) (6) the fire of digestion VarBṛS. (7) N. of the number ` three ' (fr. the three sacred fires) L. (8) N. of various plants (accord. to L. Plumbago Ceylanica (9) Semecarpus Anacardium (10) Poa Cynosuroides (11) and the citron tree) Suśr. (12) a mystical N. of the letter [ r ] Up. [ 934,1 ] (13) N. of the 8th Kalpa (q. v.) Cat. (14) of a Daitya MBh. (15) of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. (16) of a son of Turvasu ib. (17) of a son of Kukura ib.
===> [ vahni ]1[ vahni ] &c. See p. 933, col. 3
===> vai [ vai ]1[ vai ]1 (orig. identical with √ 2. [ vA ]), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 24) [ v'Ayati ], to become languid or weary or exhausted RV. ([ zoSaNe ] Dhātup.) (1) to be deprived of (gen.) RV. viii. 47, 6 (2) P. and (ep. also Ā.), to blow Āpast. MBh.
===> [ vai ]1[ va'i ]2 ind. a particle of emphasis and affirmation, generally placed [ after ] a word and laying stress on it (it is usually translatable by ` indeed ', ` truly ', ` certainly ', ` verily ', ` just ' &c. (1) it is very rare in the RV. (2) more frequent in the AV., and very common in the Brāhmaṇas and in works that imitate their style (3) in the Sūtras it is less frequent and almost restricted to the combination [ yady u vai ] (4) in Manu MBh. and the Kāvyas it mostly appears at the end of a line, and as a mere expletive. In RV. it is frequently followed by [ u ] in the combination [ v'A u ] [ both particles are separated, v, 18, 3 ] [ 1020,1 ] (5) it is also preceded by [ u ] and various other particles, e. g. by [ 'id ], [ 'aha ], [ ut'a ] (6) in the Brāhmaṇas it often follows [ ha ], [ ha sma ], [ eva ] (7) in later language [ api ] and [ tu ]. Accord. to some it is also a vocative particle)
===> vaibhrāja [ vaibhrAja ]1[ vaibhrAja ] m. (fr. [ vi-bhrAj ], or [ vibhrAja ]) patr. of Vishvak-sena Hariv. (1) N. of a world (also pl.) ib. (2) of a mountain Pur. (3) m. N. of a celestial grove Hariv. Pur. (4) of a lake in that grove Hariv. (5) of a forest MW.
===> vaibhāṣika [ vaibhASika ]1[ vaibhASika ] mfn. (fr. [ vi-bhASA ]) optional TPrāt. (1) m. a follower of the Vibhāshā, N. of a partic. Buddhist school MWB. 157 &c.
===> vaibhūtika [ vaibhUtika ]1[ vaibhUtika ] mfn. (fr. [ vi-bhUti ]) generally current or prevalent (?), Mahāvy
===> vaicakṣaṇya [ vaicakSaNya ]1[ vaicakSaNya ] n. (fr. [ vi-cakSaNa ]) experience, proficiency, skill in (loc.) Bhar. Daś. Bālar. [ 1021,1 ]
===> vaicitrya [ vaicitrya ]2[ vaicitrya ] n. variety, manifoldness, diversity Kap. Hit. VarBṛS. &c. (1) = [ vaicitrI ] above Kāv. Sāh. &c. (2) w. r. for [ vaicittya ] Mālatīm (3) sorrow, despair MW.
===> vaidehaka [ vaidehaka ]2[ vaidehaka ] mfn. relating or belonging to the Videhas MBh. (1) m. a man of the Vaideha caste (said to be the offspring of a Śūdra father and Brāhman mother) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) a merchant Hcar. (3) N. of a mountain Buddh. (4) pl. = [ videha ] (the people called so) VarBṛS. MārkP.
===> vaidehī [ vaidehI ]2[ vaideh'I ] f. a cow from the country of the Videhas Kāṭh. MaitrS. (1) a princess of the Videhas, (esp.) N. of Sītā MBh. Kāv. Buddh. (2) a woman of the Vaideha caste Mn. x, 37 (3) a sort of pigment (= [ rocanA ]) L. (4) long pepper L. (cf. [ °hI-maya ]) [ 1022,3 ] (5) a cow MW.
===> vaidharmya [ vaidharmya ]2[ vaidharmya ] n. unlawfulness, injustice MBh. R. (1) difference of duty or obligation W. (2) difference, heterogeneity Suśr. Kaṇ. &c.
===> vaidhurya [ vaidhurya ]2[ vaidhurya ] n. desolation Kathās (1) bereavement, deprivation, absence ([ °yaM vi-√ dhA ], ` to deprive of ', ` remove ') Bālar. Sāh (2) misery, wretchedness, desperate plight Kathās. Rājat (3) agitation, tremulousness MW.
===> vaidika [ vaidika ]1[ vaidika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ veda ]) relating to the Veda, derived from or conformable to the Veda, prescribed in the Veda, Vedic, knowing the Veda Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) m. a Brāhman versed in the Veda W. (2) n. a Vedic passage Mn. xi, 96 (3) a Vedic precept MBh. Kaṇ (4) ([ °keSu ]), ind. = [ vede ], in the Veda Pat.
===> vaidya [ vaidya ]1[ vaidya ] mfn. (fr. [ vidyA ], and in some meanings fr. [ veda ]) versed in science, learned ĀśvGṛ. Kāty. Mn. &c. (1) relating or belonging to the Vedas, conformable to the Vedas, Vedic W. (2) medical, medicinal, practising or relating to medicine W. (3) w. r. for [ vedya ] MBh. (4) m. a learned man, Pandit W. (5) follower of the Vedas or one well versed in them ib. (6) an expert (versed in his own profession, esp. in medical science), skilled in the art of healing, a physician (accounted a mixed caste) MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) Gendarussa Vulgaris L. (8) N. of a Ṛshi MBh. (w. r. for [ raibhya ]) (9) ([ A ]), f. a kind of medicinal plant L. (10) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a physician Pāṇ. 6-4, 150 Sch.
===> vaidya-rāja [ vaidyarAja ]3[ vaidya-rAja ] m. ` id. ', N. of Dhanvantari R. (1) of the father of Śārṅga-dhara Cat. (2) of an author ib. (3) [ -tantra ] n. N. of wk.
===> vaidyaka [ vaidyaka ]2[ vaidyaka ] mfn. medical MW. (1) m. a physician, Śṛṅgār (2) n. the science of medicine Suśr.
===> vaidūrya [ vaidUrya ]1[ vaidUrya ]1 mf ([ I ] or [ rI ]) n. (fr. [ vi-dUra ]) brought from Vidūra Pāṇ. 4-3, 84
===> [ vaidUrya ]2[ vaidUrya ]2 w. r. for [ vaiDUrya ]
===> vaiguṇya [ vaiguNya ]1[ vaiguNya ] n. (fr. [ vi-guNa ]) absence of or freedom from qualities, absence of attributes W. (1) difference of qualities, contrariety of properties, diversity W. (2) imperfection, defectiveness (with [ janmanaH ], ` inferiority of birth ') ŚrS. Mn. &c. (3) faultiness, badness, unskilfulness Mn. MBh. c.
===> vaihāyasa [ vaihAyasa ]1[ vaihAyasa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. 2. [ vi-hAyas ]) being or moving in the air, suspended in the air, aerial GṛS. MBh. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. in the open air Āpast (2) m. pl. ` sky-dwellers ', the gods &c. BhP. (3) N. of partic. Ṛshis (personified luminous phenomena) VarBṛS. (4) m. N. of a lake MW. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river BhP. (6) n. the air, atmosphere MBh. (7) flying in the air BhP. ([ -gata ] n. id. R.) (8) a partic. attitude in shooting L.
===> vaijayanta [ vaijayanta ]1[ vaijayanta ] m. (fr. [ vi-jayat ], or [ °yanta ]) the banner of Indra MBh. (1) a banner, flag R. (2) the palace of Indra Buddh. (3) a house A. (4) N. of Skanda L. (5) of a mountain MBh. Hariv. (6) pl. (with Jainas) N. of a class of deities L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a flag, banner MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) an ensign W. (9) a kind of garland prognosticating victory MBh. Pur. (10) the necklace of Viṣṇu MW. (11) N. of the 8th night of the civil month Sūryapr. (12) Premna Spinosa Suśr. (13) Sesbania Aegyptiaca L. (14) N. of a lexicon by Yādavaprakāśa (15) of a Comm. to Viṣṇu's Dharmaśāstra (IW. 304, 305) (16) of various other wks. (17) of a town or a river AV. Pariś (18) n. N. of a gate in Ayodhyā R. (19) of a town (= [ vana-vAsI ]) R. Inscr.
===> vaikalpa [ vaikalpa ]1[ vaikalpa ] n. (fr. [ vi-kalpa ]) dubiousness, ambiguity, indecision MW. (1) optionality A. (2) w. r. for [ vaikalya ] Mn. MBh. Rājat
===> vaikalya [ vaikalya ]1[ vaikalya ] n. (fr. [ vi-kala ]) imperfection, weakness, defectiveness, defect, frailty (also [ -tA ] f. R. (1) w. r. [ vaikalpa-tA ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) incompetency, insufficiency W. (3) despondency MBh. MārkP. &c. (4) confusion, flurry MBh. (v. l. [ vaiklavya ])
===> vaikṛta [ vaikRta ]1[ vaikRta ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vi-kRti ]) modified, derivative, secondary ([ -tva ] n. Lāṭy.) RPrāt. TPrāt. Sch. &c. (1) undergoing change, subject to modification Sāṃkhyak. KapS. (2) disfigured, deformed MBh.
---> not natural, perpetuated by adoption (as a family) Cat. (3) m. N. of the Ahaṃ-kāra or I-making faculty MBh. (4) of a demon causing a partic. disease Hariv. (5) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) change, modification, alteration, disfigurement, abnormal condition, changed state MBh. R. Suśr. &c. (6) an unnatural phenomenon, portent Ragh. VarBṛS. Rājat (7) mental change, agitation MBh. R. &c. (8) aversion, hatred, enmity, hostility MBh. Hariv. Kathās. Rājat
===> vaikṛtya [ vaikRtya ]2[ vaikRtya ] mfn. changed (in form or mind) W. (1) n. change, alteration R. (2) change for the worse, deterioration, degeneration Hariv. (3) ugliness, repulsiveness Sadukt (4) an unnatural phenomenon, portent MBh. VarBṛS. (5) a version, disgust W. (6) hostility R. (7) woeful state, miserable plight A.
===> vailakṣaṇya [ vailakSaNya ]1[ vailakSaNya ] n. (fr. [ vi-lakSaNa ]) difference, disparity, diverseness (often ifc. (1) [ pUrv^okta-vailakSaNyena ], in opposition to what was before stated) Rājat. BhP. Sāh. &c. (2) indeterminableness, indescribableness Kāvyâd. Sch. (3) strangeness A.
===> vaimalya [ vaimalya ]1[ vaimalya ] n. (fr. [ vi-mala ]) spotlessness, cleanness, clearness, pureness (also fig.) Suśr. Car. MārkP. &c.
===> vaimanasya [ vaimanasya ]1[ vaimanasy'a ] n. (fr. [ vi-manas ]) dejection, depression, melancholy (also pl.) AV. MBh. &c. (1) sickness MW.
===> vaimukhya [ vaimukhya ]1[ vaimukhya ] n. (fr. [ vi-mukha ]) the act of averting the face, avertedness, flight W. (1) aversion, repugnance to (loc. or comp.) Hariv. Rājat. Kuval
===> vaimānika [ vaimAnika ]1[ vaimAnika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vi-mAna ]) borne in a heavenly car Mn. MBh. Ragh. &c. (1) relating to the gods (with [ sarga ] m. the divine creation) LiṅgaP. (2) m. a partic. celestial being or deity ([ -tva ] n. Bālar (3) Jainas reckon two classes: Kalpa-bhavas and Kalp^at^itas) Mcar. Kathās. BhP. &c. (4) an aeronaut A. (5) (prob.) n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh.
===> vainayika [ vainayika ]1[ vainayika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vi-naya ]) relating to moral conduct or discipline or good behaviour ([ vainayikInAM ] [ w. r. [ °kAnAM ] ] [ vidyAnAM jJAnam ] ` knowledge of the sciences relating to such subjects ', reckoned among the 64 arts) MBh. R. BhP. Sch. (1) enforcing proper behaviour W. (2) performed by the officers of criminal justice, magisterial MW. (3) used in military exercises (as a chariot) L. (4) m. n. (and [ I ] f.) a chariot used in military exercises, a war-chariot L.
===> vaineya [ vaineya ]1[ vaineya ] mfn. (fr. [ vineya ]) to be taught, to be converted to the true religion m. a catechumen Kāraṇḍ (1) m. pl. N. of a school of the White Yajur-veda Caraṇ
===> vaināśika [ vainAzika ]2[ vainAzika ] mfn. perishable L. (1) believing in complete annihilation L. (2) causing destruction or ruin L. (3) dependent L. (4) m. a Buddhist BṛĀrUp. Sch. Bādar. Sch. (5) the doctrines of the BṛĀrUp A. (6) a dependent, subject W. (7) a spider L. (8) an astrologer (?) W. (9) n. the 23rd Nakshatra from that under which any one is born VarYogay
===> vaiphalya [ vaiphalya ]1[ vaiphalya ] n. (fr. [ vi-phala ]) fruitlessness, uselessness Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) inability to help MBh.
===> vaipulya [ vaipulya ]1[ vaipulya ] n. (fr. [ vi-pula ]) largeness, spaciousness, breadth, thickness VarBṛS. Rājat. Kāraṇḍ. &c. (1) a Sūtra of great extension Buddh. (also [ -sUtra ], n. (2) cf. [ mahA-vaipulya-s° ]) (3) m. N. of a mountain ib.
===> vaira [ vaira ]1[ va'ira ] mfn. (fr. [ vIra ]) hostile, inimical, revengeful AV. (1) n. (exceptionally, m. [ ? ], ifc. f. [ A ]) enmity, hostility, animosity, grudge, quarrel or feud with (instr. with or without [ saha ], or [ s^ardham ], or comp. (2) often pl.) AV. PañcavBr. MBh. &c. (3) heroism, prowess W. (4) a hostile host Śiś. (5) money paid as a fine for manslaughter TāṇḍyaBr.
===> vairin [ vairin ]2[ vairin ] mfn. hostile, inimical (1) m. an enemy Mn. MBh. &c. (2) a hero W. (3) ([ iNI ]), a female enemy Cāṇ. Kathās
===> vairocana [ vairocana ]1[ vairocana ] mfn. (fr. [ vi-rocana ]) coming from or belonging to the sun, solar Kir (1) descended from Virocana &c. MW. (2) m. a son of the Sun L. (3) a son of Viṣṇu L. (4) a son of Agni L. (5) ` son of the Asura Virocana ', patr. of Bali MBh. R. BhP. (6) a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (7) N. of a king AitBr. (8) of a Dhyāni-Buddha MWB. 202 (9) of a son of the class of gods called Nīla-kāyikas Lalit. (10) of a class of Siddhas L. (11) of a world of the Buddhists W.
===> vairânubandha [ vairAnubandha ]3[ vair^anubandha ] m. lasting enmity BhP. (1) beginning of hostilities MW. (2) mfn. continuing in enimity BhP.
===> vairāgya [ vairAgya ]2[ vairAgya ] n. change or loss of colour, growing pale Suśr. Kām (1) disgust, aversion, distaste for or loathing of (loc., abl., or comp.) Bhag. Ragh. &c. (2) freedom from all worldly desires, indifference to worldly objects and to life, asceticism Up. MBh. &c.
===> vairāja [ vairAja ]1[ vairAj'a ] mfn. (fr. 2. [ vi-rAj ]) belonging to or derived from Virāj MBh. Hariv. BṛĀrUp. Sch. (1) belonging or analogous to the metre Virāj, consisting of ten, decasyllabic Br. ŚrS. RPrāt. (2) relating to or containing the Sāman Vairāja VS. TS. ŚāṅkhŚr. (3) belonging to Brahmā Uttarar (4) m. patr. of Purusha Hariv. BhP. (5) of Manu or of the Manus VP. (6) of the Vedic Ṛshi Ṛshabha MW. (7) N. of the 27th Kalpa or period of time VP. (8) of the father of Ajita BhP. (9) pl. N. of a partic. class of deities MW. (10) of a class of Pitṛs MBh. Hariv. VP. (11) of partic. worlds Uttarar (12) n. N. of the Virāj metre MW. (13) of various Sāmans AV. VS. Br. &c.
===> vairūpya [ vairUpya ]2[ vairUpya ] n. multiplicity of form, diversity, difference MBh. MārkP. BṛĀrUp. Sch. (1) deformity, ugliness MBh. Hariv. Yājñ. &c.
===> vaisarpa [ vaisarpa ]1[ vaisarpa ] mfn. suffering from (the disease called) Vi-sarpa, g. [ jyotsn^adi ] on Pāṇ. 5-2, 103 Vārtt. 2 (1) = [ vi-sarpa ] L.
===> vaitaraṇī [ vaitaraNI ]2[ vaitaraNI ] f. N. of the Hindū Styx i. e. the river that flows between earth and the lower regions or abode of departed spirits presided over by Yama (it is described as rushing with great impetuosity, hot, fetid, and filled with blood, hair and bones, RTL. 290, 570) MBh. Pur. &c. (1) a cow (given to Brāhmans) that transports a dead man over that river Hcat (2) N. of a sacred river in Kaliṅga or Orissa (usually called Baitaraṇī) MBh. Hariv. R. Pur. (3) of a division of the lower regions MW. (4) of the mother of the Rākshasas L.
===> vaivarṇika [ vaivarNika ]1[ vaivarNika ] m. (fr. [ vi-varNa ]) one who has lost or been expelled from his caste, an outcaste Divyâv
===> vaivarṇya [ vaivarNya ]2[ vaivarNya ] n. change of colour (also [ varNavaiv° ]) MBh. Hariv. Yājñ. &c. (1) secession or expulsion from tribe or caste &c. W. (2) heterogeneousness, diversity W.
===> vaivasvata [ vaivasvata ]1[ vaivasvat'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vivasvat ]) coming from or belonging to the sun R. (1) relating or belonging to Yama Vaivasvata Kauś. MBh. Kāv (2) relating to Manu Vaivasvata MBh. Hariv. Pur. (3) m. patr. of Yama RV. &c. &c. (4) of a Maṅu AV. ŚBr. &c. (5) of the planet Saturn L. (6) N. of one of the Rudras VP. (7) ([ I ]), f. a daughter of Sūrya MBh. (8) patr. of Yamī MW. (9) the south L. (10) N. of Yamunā A. (11) n. (scil. [ antara ]) N. of the 7th or present Manv-antara (as presided over by Manu Vaivasvata) MW.
===> vaiyarthya [ vaiyarthya ]1[ vaiyarthya ] n. (fr. [ vy-artha ]) uselessness Vikr. TPrāt. Sch. &c.
===> vaiyākaraṇa [ vaiyAkaraNa ]1[ vaiyAkaraNa ] mfn. (fr. [ vy-AkaraNa ]) relating to grammar, grammatical W. (1) m. a grammarian MBh. Sāh. &c. (2) ([ I ]), f. a female grammarian MW.
===> vaiyāpṛtya-kara [ vaiyApRtyakara ]1[ vaiyApRtya-kara ] mfn. (fr. [ vyApRta ]) = [ bhogin ] L. (cf. [ vaiyAvRtti-kara ] and [ vaiyAvRttya-k° ])
===> vaiyāvṛtya [ vaiyAvRtya ]1[ vaiyAvRtya ] [ °tya-kara ] w. r. for [ vaiyAvRttya ], [ °ttya-kara ] Buddh.
===> vaiśeṣika [ vaizeSika ]1[ vaizeSika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vi-zeSa ], p. 990) special, peculiar, specific, characteristic Āpast. Suśr. Bhāshāp. Hcat (1) distinguished, excellent, pre-eminent MBh. (2) relating or belonging to or based on or dealing with the Vaiśeshika doctrine Bhāshāp. Madhus
---> m. a follower of the Vaiśeshika doctrine Kap. Kusum. Buddh. (3) n. peculiarity, distinction Kaṇ (4) N. of the later of the two great divisions of the Nyāya school of philosophy (it was founded by Kaṇ^ada, and differs from the, ` Nyāya proper ' founded by Gautama, in propounding only seven categories or topics instead of sixteen (5) and more especially in its doctrine of [ vizeSa ], or eternally distinct nature of the nine substances, air, fire, water, earth, mind, ether, time, space, and soul, of which the first five, including mind, are held to be atomic) IW. 65 &c. [ 1026,3 ]
===> vaiśeṣya [ vaizeSya ]2[ vaizeSya ] n. peculiarity, specific or generic distinction TPrāt. Suśr. Vedântas (1) difference, superiority, pre-eminence Mn. ix, 296 &c.
===> vaiśika [ vaizika ]1[ vaizika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. 1. [ veza ]) relating to or treating of prostitution Mṛcch (1) associating with courtezans, versed in the arts of courtezans L. (2) n. harlotry, the arts of harlots R. VarBṛS. Gaut. Buddh.
===> vaiśravaṇa [ vaizravaNa ]1[ vaizravaN'a ] m. (fr. [ vi-zravaNa ] (1) cf. g. [ ziv^adi ]) a patr. (esp. of Kubera and Rāvaṇa) AV. &c. &c. (2) (in astron.) N. of the 14th Muhūrta (3) mf ([ I ]) n. relating or belonging to Kubera MBh.
===> vaiśravaṇâlaya [ vaizravaNAlaya ]3[ vaizravaN^alaya ] m. ` Kubera's abode ', the Indian fig-tree L. (1) N. of a place Cat.
===> vaiśvarūpya [ vaizvarUpya ]3[ vaizvarUpya ] mfn. = prec. Hariv. (1) n. manifoldness, multiplicity, diversity Sāṃkhyak. ([ eNa ], in various manners Hariv.)
===> vaiśvā-nara [ vaizvAnara ]2[ vaizvAnar'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vizvA-nara ]) relating or belonging to all men, omnipresent, known or worshipped, everywhere, universal, general, common RV. &c. &c.
---> consisting of all men, full in number, complete RV. AV. ŚrS. (1) relating or belonging to the gods collectively Lāṭy (2) all-commanding AV. (3) relating or sacred to Agni Vaiśvānara TS. ŚBr. ŚrS. (4) composed by Viśvānara or Vaiśvānara Cat. (5) m. N. of Agni or Fire RV. &c. &c. (Agni Vaiśvānara is regarded as the author of x, 79, 80) (6) a partic. Agni ĀrshBr. (7) the fire of digestion MW. (8) the sun, sunlight AV. ŚāṅkhBr. (9) (in the Ved^anta) N. of the Svpreme Spirit or Intellect when located in a supposed collective aggregate of gross bodies (= Vir^aj, Prajā-pati, Purusha), Ved^entas. RTL. 35 (10) N. of a Daitya Hariv. Pur. (11) of various men Kathās (12) (pl.) of a family of Ṛshis MBh. (13) ([ I ]), f. N. of a partic. division of the moon's path (comprising both Bhadrapadā and Revatī (14) cf. [ -patha ] and [ -mArga ]) VP. (15) a partic. sacrifice performed at the beginning of every year W. (16) n. men collectively, mankind TBr. (17) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (18) [ -kSAra ] m. a partic. mixture L. (19) [ -jyeSTha ] [ °r'a- ]), mfn. having Ved^entas for the first AV. (20) [ -jyotiz ] ([ °r'a ]), mfn. having Ved^entas's light VS. (21) [ -datta ] m. N. of a Brāhman Cat. (22) [ -patha ] m. N. of a partic. division of the moon's path (cf. above) R. Hariv. (23) [ -pathi-kRta-pUrvaka-darza-sthAlIpAka-prayoga ] m. and [ -pathi-kRza-sthAlI-pAkaprayoga ] m. N. of wks. (24) [ -mukha ] mfn. having Ved^entas for a mouth (said of Śiva) MBh. (25) [ -vat ] ([ °r'a- ]), mfn. attended or connected with fire TBr. (26) [ -vidyA ] f. N. of an Upanishad
===> vaiśvāsika [ vaizvAsika ]1[ vaizvAsika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ vi-zvAsa ]) deserving or inspiring confidence, trustworthy Daś
===> vaiśya [ vaizya ]1[ vaizya ] m. (fr. 2. [ viz ]) ` a man who settles on the soil ', a peasant, or ` working man ', agriculturist, man of the third class or caste (whose business was trade as well as agriculture) RV. &c. &c. (1) pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (2) ([ A ]), f. See below (3) n. vassalage, dependance TS. (4) mfn. belonging to a man of the third caste MBh.
===> vaiśākha [ vaizAkha ]1[ vaizAkh'a ] m. (fr. [ vi-zAkhA ]) one of the 12 months constituting the Hindū lunar year (answering to April-May and in some places, with Caitra, reckoned as beginning the year) ŚBr. Lāṭy. MBh. &c. (1) a churning-stick Śiś. xi, 8 (2) the seventh year in the 12 years ' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a lioness Cat. (4) ([ I ]), f. (with or scil. [ paurNamAsI ]) the day of full moon in the month Vaiśākha GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (5) a kind of red-flowering Punarnavā L. (6) N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Hariv. VP. (7) n. a partic. attitude in shooting Hariv. (8) N. of a town (also [ -pura ]) Kathās (9) mf ([ I ]) n. relating to the month Vaiśākha ŚāṅkhGṛ.
===> vaiśāradya [ vaizAradya ]2[ vaizAradya ] n. experience, skill in (loc.), expertness, wisdom MBh. Bālar. Sāh (1) clearness of intellect, infallibility Yogas. BṛĀrUp. Sch. (2) Buddha's confidence in himself (of four kinds) Divyâv. (cf. Dharmas. 77)
===> vaiḍūrya [ vaiDUrya ]1[ vaiDUrya ] n. (rarely m. (1) cf. [ vidUra-ja ]) a cat's-eye gem (ifc. ` a jewel ', = ` anything excellent of its kind ') AdbhBr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) m. N. of a mountain (also [ -parvata ]) MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (3) mf ([ A ]) n. made of cat's-eye gems MBh. R. &c.
===> vaiḍūryamaya [ vaiDUryamaya ]3[ vaiDUrya-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting or made of or resembling cat's-eyes MBh. R. &c.
===> vaiṣamya [ vaiSamya ]2[ vaiSamya ] n. unevenness (of ground) MBh. (1) inequality, oddness (opp. to ` evenness '), diversity, disproportion ŚrS. MBh. &c. (2) difficulty, trouble, distress, calamity MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) injustice, unkindness, harshness R. Kathās. Sarvad (4) impropriety, incorrectness, wrongness Sarvad (5) an error, mistake in or about (loc. or comp.) BhP. (6) solitariness, singleness W.
===> vajra [ vajra ]2[ v'ajra ] m. n. ` the hard or mighty one ', a thunderbolt (esp. that of Indra, said to have been formed out of the bones of the Ṛshi Dadhīca or Dadhīci [ q. v. ], and shaped like a circular discus, or in later times regarded as having the form of two transverse bolts crossing each other thus x (1) sometimes also applied to similar weapons used by various gods or superhuman beings, or to any mythical weapon destructive of spells or charms, also to [ manyu ], ` wrath ' RV. or [ with [ apAm ] ] to a jet of water AV. &c. &c. (2) also applied to a thunderbolt in general or to the lightning evolved from the centrifugal energy of the circular thunderbolt of Indra when launched at a foe (3) in Northern Buddhist countries it is shaped like a dumb-bell and called Dorje (4) See MWB. 201 ; 322 &c.) RV. &c. &c. (5) a diamond (thought to be as hard as the thunderbolt or of the same substance with it), ṢaḍvBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (6) a kind of talc L. (7) a kind of penance (feeding for a month on only barley prepared with cow's urine) L. (8) sour gruel W. (9) m. a form of military array, Mii. MBh. &c. (cf. [ -vyUha ]) (10) a kind of column or pillar VarBṛS. (11) a partic. form of the moon ib. (12) a partic. Ekāha, Vtit (13) a kind of hard mortar or cement ([ kalka ]) VarBṛS. (cf. [ -lepa ]) (14) N. of the 15th of the 27 Yogas or astronomical divisions of time ib. (15) a partic. Soma ceremony ṢaḍvBr. (16) Euphorbia Antiquorum and another species L. (17) Astera L. (18) N. of a mountain R. (19) of an Asura Virac (20) of a son of Aniruddha MBh. Hariv. Pur. (21) of a son of Vilvamitra MBh. (22) of a son of Manu Slvarṇa Hariv. (23) (with Jainas) of one of the 10 Dala-pūrvins L. (24) of a Ṛshi VarBṛS. (v. l. for vātsya) (25) of a minister of Narendrāditya Rājat (26) of a son of Bhūti ib. (27) of a heretical king Buddh. (28) ([ A ]), f. Cocculus Cordifolius L. (29) Euphorbia Antiquorum or Tirucalli L. N. of Durgā, DeviP. (30) of a daughter of Vaisvanara VP. (31) ([ I ]), f. a kind of Euphorbia L. (32) n. denunciation in strong language (compared to thunder) R. Sāh. Pratāp. (cf. [ vAkya- ] and [ vAg-v° ]) (33) a kind of hard iron or steel L. (34) a partic. posture in sitting Cat. (cf. [ vajr^asana ]) (35) N. of a partic. configurations of the planets and stars (in which favourable planets are situated in the 1st and 7th houses and unfavourable in the 4th and 10th) VarBṛS. (36) myrobolan L. (37) the blossom of the sesamum or of any plant called Vajra L. (38) Andropogon Muricatus L. (39) = [ bAlaka ], a child, pupil L. (40) mfn. adamantine, hard, impenetrable W. (41) shaped like a kind of cross (cf. above), forked, zigzag ib. [ Cf. Zd. [ vazra ], ` a club. ' ] [ 913,2 ]
===> vajra-bhūmi [ vajrabhUmi ]3[ v'ajra-bhUmi ] f. N. of a place (1) [ -rajas ] n. a partic. precious stone L.
===> vajra-bāhu [ vajrabAhu ]3[ v'ajra-bAhu ] ([ v'ajra- ]), mfn. ` thunderbolt-armed ', wielder of a thunderbolt (said of Indra, Agni and Rudra) RV. (1) m. N. of a king of Orissa and of another person Cat.
===> vajra-daṃṣṭra [ vajradaMSTra ]3[ v'ajra-daMSTra ] mfn. having teeth as hard as adamant BhP. (1) m. N. of a Rākshasa R. (2) of an Asuri BhP. (3) of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās (4) of a lion Pañcat (5) = [ -kITa ] Cat.
===> vajra-daṇḍa [ vajradaNDa ]3[ v'ajra-daNDa ] mfn. having a handle or staff studded with diamonds BhP.
===> vajra-deha [ vajradeha ]3[ v'ajra-deha ] mfn. having an adamantine frame or a very hardy body MW. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a goddess Kālac
===> vajra-dhara [ vajradhara ]3[ v'ajra-dhara ] mfn. holding a thunderbolt (1) m. N. of Indra MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) of a Bodhi-sattva (= [ vajra-pANi ]) MWB. 195 ; 201 (3) of a king Rājat (4) [ -prabhAva ] m. having the power of Indra, Ragh
===> vajra-dhātv-īśvarī [ vajradhAtvIzvarI ]3[ v'ajra-dhAtv^izvarI ] f. N. of Vairocana's wife and of a Tantra deity L.
===> vajra-druma-kesara-dhvaja [ vajradrumakesaradhvaja ]3[ v'ajra-druma-kesara-dhvaja ] m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Buddh.
===> vajra-dṛḍha-netra [ vajradRDhanetra ]3[ v'ajra-dRDhanetra ] m. N. of a king of the Yakshas Buddh.
===> vajra-hasta [ vajrahasta ]3[ v'ajra-hasta ] ([ v'ajra- ]), mfn. ` thunderbolt-handed ', wielding a thunderbolt (said of Indra, Agni, the Maruts) RV. (1) m. N. of Śiva Śivag (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the nine Samidhs Gṛhyās (3) of a Buddhist goddess W.
===> vajra-jvālā [ vajrajvAlA ]3[ v'ajra-jvAlA ] f. id. ' L. (1) N. of a granddaughter of Vairocana R.
===> vajra-kavaca [ vajrakavaca ]3[ v'ajra-kavaca ] m. or n. adamantine mail Kāraṇḍ (1) m. a partic. Samādī ib.
===> vajra-ketu [ vajraketu ]3[ v'ajra-ketu ] m. ` having a Vajra for ensign ', N. of the demon Naraka Pur.
===> vajra-muṣṭi [ vajramuSTi ]3[ v'ajra-muSTi ] m. ` grasping a thunderbolt ', or, one whose clenched fist is like adamant ', N. of Indra R. (1) of a Rākshasa ib. (2) of a Kshatriya or warrior, Kath1s (3) ni. or f. an adamantine clenched fist or a kind of weapon Hariv. (4) N. of a Gaṇa of Siva ib. (5) f. a partic. position of the hand in shooting an arrow, Śārṅgp
===> vajra-mālā [ vajramAlA ]3[ v'ajra-mAlA ] f. a partic. Samādhi, Kāraṇd (1) N. of a Gandharva maiden ib.
===> vajra-sattva [ vajrasattva ]3[ v'ajra-sattva ] m. ` having a soul or heart of adamant ', N. of a Dhyānibuddha Dharmas. 3 (1) [ °ttv^atmikA ] f. N. of Vajra. sattva's wife W.
===> vajra-sena [ vajrasena ]3[ v'ajra-sena ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ (1) of a king of Srāvastī, Satr (2) of a preceptor Cat.
===> vajra-sāra [ vajrasAra ]3[ v'ajra-sAra ] mfn. having the essence or nature of a diamond R. Pañcat (1) adamantine MBh. (2) m. or n. a diamond ib. Mālatīm (3) m. N. of various men Kathās. Rājat (4) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. hard as a diamond, adamantine ([ -tva ] n.) MBh. Kāv. Kathās (5) [ °rI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to make as hard as adamant Śak
===> vajra-sūcī [ vajrasUcI ]3[ v'ajra-sUcI ] f. a diamond-pointed needle MBh. Hcar. (1) N. of an Upanishad ascribed to Śamkar^acārya (also [ °cikA ] or [ °cy-upaniSad ]) (2) of a wk. by Aśva-ghosha
===> vajra-vega [ vajravega ]3[ v'ajra-vega ] m. ` having the swiftness of a thunderbolt or of lightning ', N. of a Rākshasa MBh. (1) of a Vidyl. dhari Kathās
===> vajramaya [ vajramaya ]3[ v'ajra-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of diamond, hard as diamond, adamantine Kāv. Kathās (1) hard-hearted W.
===> vajrin [ vajrin ]2[ vajr'in ] mf ([ iNI ]) n. holding or wielding a thunderbolt (said of various gods) RV. MBh. [ 914,2 ] (1) containing the word vajra PañcavBr. (2) m. ` thunderer ', N. of Indra ib. MBh. &c. (3) a Buddha or Jaina deified saint L. (4) one of the Viśve Devā MBh. (5) (7728068NI ]), f. N. of partic. Ishṭakās TS.
===> vajrâbha [ vajrAbha ]3[ vajr^abha ] m. ` diamond-like ', a kind of spar or precious stone, (perhaps) opal L. (cf. [ vajr^akhya ])
===> vajrâsana [ vajrAsana ]3[ vajr^asana ] n. a diamond seat Buddh. (1) a partic. posture in sitting (the hands being placed in the hollow between the body and the crossed feet) HYog. (2) m. N. of Buddha Inscr.
===> vajrâyudha [ vajrAyudha ]3[ vajr^ayudha ] m. ` thunderbolt-armed ', N. of Indra Hariv. BhP. (1) of a poet Cat. (2) of another man Kathās
===> vajrâśani [ vajrAzani ]3[ vajr^azani ] mfn. Indra's thunderbolt L. (1) [ -nipAta ] m. the fall of Indra's thunderbolt R. (2) [ -vibhUSita ] mfn. adorned with Indra's thunderbolt ib. (3) [ -sama-svana ] mfn. sounding like Indra's thunderbolt ib.
===> vajrâṅga [ vajrAGga ]3[ vajr^aGga ] m. (prob. for [ vakr^aGga ]) a snake L. (1) (f.), f. Coix Barbata L. (2) Heliotropium Indicum L.
===> vajrī-karaṇa [ vajrIkaraNa ]3[ vajrI-karaNa ] n. the making into a Vajea or into the form of a thunderbolt Cat.
===> vaktavya [ vaktavya ]2[ vaktavy'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. to be (or being) spoken or said or uttered or declared, fit to be said or spoken &c. ŚBr. &c. &c. (n. impers. ` it should be said ' &c.) [ 912,2 ] (1) to be named or called VarBṛS. (2) to be spoken to or addressed, to be told (with acc. of thing) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) to be spoken about or against, objection. able, reprehensible, vile, low, bad Mn. MBh. &c. (4) liable to be called to account, accountable or answerable or responsible or subject to, dependent on (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. (5) n. speaking, speech Pañcat (6) blame, censure Mṛcch (7) a rule, dictum, aphorism W.
===> vaktra [ vaktra ]2[ vaktra ] n. ` organ of speech ', the mouth, face, muzzle, snout, proboscis, jaws, beak &c. Mn. MBh. &c. ([ vaktraM ] √ [ kR ], to open the mouth, gape) (1) the point (of an arrow) MBh. (2) the spout (of a jug or vessel, See [ a-vaktra ]) (3) beginning, commencement Gaṇit (4) (in alg.) the initial quantity or first term of a progression Col. (5) a metre containing 4 x 8 syllables, Kāvyad (6) a sort of garment L. (7) the root of Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. (8) m. N. of a king of the Karūshas MW. (v. l. [ vakra ])
===> vaktṛ [ vaktR ]2[ vakt'R ] mfn. one who speaks, a speaker, proclaimer of (Ved. gen. (1) Class. ' gen., acc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (2) croaking (said of frogs) Subh (3) speaking sensibly, eloquent L. (4) learned, wise W. (5) honest, sincere ib. ' (6) loquacious, talkative ib. (7) m. a speaker, orator MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) an expounder, teacher Sarvad
===> vakṣas [ vakSas ]2[ v'akSas ] n. sg. and pl. (cf. [ vakSaNa ] and [ pakSas ]) the breast, bosom, chest RV. &c. &c. (1) m. an ox, bullock L.
===> valaka [ valaka ]2[ valaka ] (cf. [ balaka ]), m. or n. (?) a beam, pole KātyŚr. Sch. (1) n. a procession Kathās (2) m. N. of one of the seven sages under Manu Tāmasa MārkP.
===> valaya [ valaya ]2[ valaya ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a bracelet, armlet, ring (worn by men and women on the wrist) MBh. Kāv. &c. (also applied to waves as compared to bracelets) (1) a zone, girdle (of a married woman) MW. (2) a line (of bees) Śiś. (3) a circle, circumference, round enclosure (ifc. often= ` encircled by ') Gol. Kāv. Kathās (4) m. a sore throat, inflammation of the larynx Suśr. (5) a kind of circular military array Kām (6) a branch MW. (7) pl. N. of a people AV. Pariś (8) n. N. of certain round bones Bhpr. (9) multitude, swarm Kād
===> valgu [ valgu ]2[ valg'u ] mfn. (Uṇ. i, 20) handsome, beautiful, lovely, attractive ([ 'u ] ind. beautifully) RV. &c. &c. (1) m. a goat L. (2) N. of one of the four tutelary deities of the Bodhi tree Lalit. (3) (prob.) N. of a place, g. [ varaN^adi ] (4) n. an eyelash L. ja, m. or
===> vali [ vali ]2[ vali ] (cf. [ bali ] and [ valI ]), f. (once m.) a fold of the skin, wrinkle MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ tri-v° ]) (1) a line or stroke made with fragrant unguents on the person L. (2) the edge of a roof. VP. (3) sulphur L. (4) a partic. musical instrument L.
===> valita [ valita ]2[ valita ] mfn. bent round, turned (n. impers.) Kāv (1) turned back again Uttamac (2) broken forth, appeared Gīt. (3) (ifc.) surrounded or accompanied by, connected with Ṛitus. Pañcar. (4) wrinkled MW. (5) m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat. (6) n. black pepper L.
===> valka [ valka ]2[ valka ]1 m. (for 2. See below) = [ vakTri ], a speaker Saṃk. on BṛĀṛUp. (in explaining [ yajJavalka ])
===> [ valka ]1[ valka ]2 m. n. (prob. connected with √ [ v'a ] ` to cover ' (1) for 1. See above) ` covering ', the bark of a tree TS. &c. &c. (2) n. the scales of a fish L.
===> valkala [ valkala ]2[ valkala ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the bark of a tree, a garment made of bark (worn by ascetics &c.) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) m. = [ valka-rodhra ] L. (2) N. of a Daitya BhP. (prob. w. r. for [ balvala ]) (3) pl. N. of a school of the Bahv-ṛcas (cf. [ bASkala ]) Divyâv. [ 928,2 ] (4) ([ A ]), f. = [ zilAvalka ], a medicinal substance said to be of cooling and lithonthryptic properties Suśr. (5) n. the bark of Cassia L.
===> [ valkala ]1[ valkala ] &c. See col. 1
===> valla [ valla ]2[ valla ] m. a kind of wheat VarBṛS. Śaṃk (1) a partic. weight (3 or 2 or 1 1/2 Guñjas) ŚārṅgS. Līl (2) covering W. (3) winnowing corn ib. (4) prohibiting ib.
===> vallabha [ vallabha ]2[ vallabha ] mf ([ A ]) n. (Uṇ. iii, 125) beloved above all, desired, dear to (gen., loc., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) dearer than (abl.) Pañcat. iv, 28 (2) supreme, superintending L. (3) a favourite, friend, lover, husband Kāv. Kathās. &c. (4) a cowherd L. (prob. w. r. for [ ballava ]) (5) a horse (esp. one with good marks or a favourite horse) L. (6) a kind of Agallochum Gal. (7) N. of a son of Balāk^aśva MBh. (8) of the founder of a Vaishṇava sect = [ vallabh^acArya ], q. v.) (9) of a grammarian and various other writers and teachers (also with [ gaNaka ] and [ nyAy^acArya ]) Cat. (10) ([ A ]), f. a beloved female, wife, mistress R. Kālid (11) N. of two plants (= [ ativiSa ] and [ priyaGgu ]) L. (12) ([ I ]), f. N. of a city in Gujarāt (the capital of a line of kings)
===> vallakī [ vallakI ]2[ vallakI ] f. a kind of lute (often mentioned with the Vīṇā) MBh. Kāv. &c. (also [ °ki ]) (1) N. of a partic. configuration of the stars caused by the position of the planets in seven houses VarBṛS. (2) Boswellia Thurifera L.
===> vallari [ vallari ]2[ vallari ] or f. a creeper, any climbing or creeping plant (also fig. applied to curled hair) Kāv. VarBṛS. &c.
===> vallarī [ vallarI ]3[ vallarI ] f. a creeper, any climbing or creeping plant (also fig. applied to curled hair) Kāv. VarBṛS. &c. (1) a branching foot-stalk, compound pedicle L. (2) Trigonella Foenum Graecum Bhpr. (3) a kind of metre Col. (4) (only [ °rI ]) a partic. musical instrument Divyâv
===> valli [ valli ]2[ valli ] f. the earth L. (mostly m. c. and in comp. for [ vallI ]) . [ 929,1 ]
===> vallī [ vallI ]2[ vallI ] (or [ valli ], q. v.), f. a creeper, creeping plant (often fig. applied to arms, eyebrows, lightning &c.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) a class cf. medicinal plants (= [ vidArI ], [ sArivA ], [ rajanI ], and [ guDucI ]) Suśr. (2) N. of various other plants (esp. = [ aja-modA ], [ kaivartikA ], and [ cavya ]) L. (3) (only [ I ]) N. of the sections of partic. Upanishads(e. g. of the Kaṭha) (4) = [ phala-vallI ] (q. v.) Āryabh. Sch.
===> vallūra [ vallUra ]2[ vallUra ] n. (L. also m. and [ A ] f.) dried flesh Mn. Yājñ. Suśr. (1) hog's flesh L. (2) m. (only L.) an uncultivated field (3) a desert (4) a thicket (5) = [ nakSatra ], white water
===> vamana [ vamana ]2[ vamana ] m. hemp L. (1) pl. N. of a people MārkP. (2) ([ I ]), f. a leech L. (3) the cotton shrub L. (4) N. of a Yoginī Hcat (5) n. the act of vomiting or ejecting from the mouth Suśr. (6) emitting, emission Kālid (7) ` causing vomiting ', an emetic Kathās. Suśr. &c. (8) offering oblations to fire L. (9) pain, paining L.
===> vana [ vana ]2[ v'ana ]1 n. (once m. R. v, 50, 2 (1) for 2. See p. 919, col. 1) a forest, wood, grove, thicket, quantity of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster (but in older language also applied to a single tree) RV. &c. &c. (2) plenty, abundance R. Kathās (3) a foreign or distant land RV. vii, 1, 19 (cf. [ araNya ]) (4) wood, timber RV. (5) a wooden vessel or barrel (for the Soma juice) RV. (?) (6) a cloud (as the vessel in the sky) ib. (7) (prob.) the body of a carriage RV. viii, 34, 18 (8) water Naigh. i, 12 (9) a fountain, spring L. (10) abode Nalôd (11) Cyperus Rotundus VarBṛS. (12) = [ razrmi ], a ray of light Naigh. i, 4 (13) (prob.) longing, earnest desire KenUp. (14) m. N. of a son of Uśīnara BhP. (15) of one of the 10 orders of mendicants founded by Śamkar^acārya (the members of which affix [ vana ] to their names, cf. [ rArm^endra-v° ]) W. (16) ([ A ]), f. the piece of wood used for kindling fire by attrition (= [ araNi ], q. v. (17) sometimes personified) RV. iii, 13 (18) ([ I ]), f. a wood, forest Sāh
===> [ vana ]1[ vana ]2 ind., g. [ c^adi ]
===> vana-khaṇḍa [ vanakhaNDa ]3[ v'ana-khaNDa ] n. ` group of trees ', copse, wood MBh. (also written. [ SaNDa ])
===> vana-prastha [ vanaprastha ]3[ v'ana-prastha ] m. or n. (?) a forest situated on elevated or table land MBh. (1) N. of a place Rājat (2) mfn. retiring into a forest, living the life of an anchorite MW.
===> vana-vāsa [ vanavAsa ]3[ v'ana-vAsa ] m. dwelling or residence in a forest, wandering habits R. Kām. MārkP. (1) N. of a country Cat. (2) mfn. residing in a forest, wood-dweller Śak (3) [ °saka ] m. pl. N. of a people MBh. (B. [ °sika ])
===> vana-vāsin [ vanavAsin ]3[ v'ana-vAsin ] mfn. living in a forest (1) m. a forestdweller, hermit, anchorite Mn. MBh. &c. (2) N. of various plants or roots (= [ RSabha ], [ muSkaka ], [ varAhI-kanda ] &c.) L. (3) a crow L. (4) N. of a country in the Dekhan (also [ °simaNDala ]) Inscr. (5) [ °sI ] f. N. of the chief town of that country ib.
===> vanas-pati [ vanaspati ]3[ v'ana-s-p'ati ] ([ vanas- ]), m. (vanas prob. a form of the gen. (1) cf. 2. [ van ] and [ r'aithas-p'ati ]), king of the wood ', foresttree (esp. a large tree bearing fruit apparently without blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack tree &c., but also applied to any tree) RV. &c. &c. [ 918,2 ] (2) a stem, trunk, beam, timber, post (esp. the sacrificial post) RV. VS. Br. (3) ` lord of plants ', the Soma plant ib. GṛS. BhP. (4) the Indian fig-tree L. (5) Bignonia Suaveolens L. (6) an offering made to the sacrificial post ŚBr. ŚrS. (7) anything made of wood (esp. partic. parts of a car or carriage, a wooden drum, a wooden amulet, a block on which criminals are executed, a coffin &c.) RV. AV. VS. (8) an ascetic W. (9) N. of Viṣṇu Viṣṇ (10) of a son of Ghṛtaprishṭha BhP. (11) du. pestle and mortar RV. i, 28, 6 (12) f. N. of a Gandharvī Kāraṇḍ (13) n. N. of the Varsha ruled by Vanas-pati BhP. (14) [ -kAya ] m. the whole body or world of plants L. (15) [ -y^aga ] m. and [ -sava ] m. N. of partic. sacrificial rites Vait
===> [ vanaspati ]2[ v'anas-p'ati ] See col. 1
===> vandana [ vandana ]2[ v'andana ] m. N. of a Ṛshi (who was cast into a well, along with Rebha, by the Asuras, and rescued by the Aśvins) RV. (1) ([ A ]), f. praise, worship, adoration L. (2) (with Buddhists) one of the 7 kinds of Anuttara-pūjā or higbest worship (the other 6 being [ pUjanA ], [ pApa-dezanA ], [ anumodanA ], [ adhyeSaNA ], [ badhi-citt^atp^ada ] and [ pariNamanA ]) Dharmas. 1 4 (3) a mark or symbol impressed on the body (with ashes &c.) Vas. [ 919,2 ] (4) ([ I ]), f. (only L.) reverence (5) a drug for resuscitating the dead (= [ jIvAtu ]) (6) begging or thieving ([ yAcana ]. or [ mAcala-karman ]) (7) the hip or a species of tree ([ kaTI ] or [ vaTI ]) (8) = [ go-rocana ] (9) n. the act of praising, praise RV. (10) reverence (esp. obeisance to a Brahman or superior by touching the feet &c.), worship, adoration Mn. MBh. &c. (11) a parasitical plant AV. Bhpr. (12) a disease attacking the limbs or joints, cutaneous emption, scrofula (also personified as a demon) RV. (13) = [ vadana ] L.
===> vandanīya [ vandanIya ]2[ vandanIya ] mfn. to be respectfully greeted Vajracch. (1) m. a Verbesina with yellow flowers L. (2) ([ A ]), f. a yellow pigment (= [ go-rocanA ])
===> vandhya [ vandhya ]1[ vandhya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (also written [ bandhya ], q. v., and perhaps to be connected with √ [ bandh ]) barren, unfruitful, unproductive (said of women, female animals and plants) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) fruitless, useless, defective, deprived or destitute of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. See below
===> vandhyā [ vandhyA ]2[ vandhyA ] f. a barren or childless woman Mn. Yājñ. &c. (1) a barren cow L. (2) a partic. fragrant substance L.
===> vandhyā-duhitṛ [ vandhyAduhitR ]3[ vandhyA-duhitR ] f. the daughter of a barren woman, a mere chimera or anything merely imaginary L.
===> vandhyā-putra [ vandhyAputra ]3[ vandhyA-putra ] m. the son of a barren woman, i. e. anything merely imaginary, an impossibility Śaṃk. [ 919,3 ]
===> vanditavya [ vanditavya ]2[ vanditavya ] mfn. to be praised Nir (1) to be respectfully greeted R.
===> vandya [ vandya ]2[ v'andya ] mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy RV. &c. &c. (1) to be saluted reverentially, adorable, very venerable Kāv. Kathās (2) to be regarded or respected L. (3) m. N. of a man Cat. (4) ([ A ]), f. a parasitical plant L. (5) [ -go-rocanA ] L. (6) N. of a Yakshī Kathās
===> vanânta [ vanAnta ]3[ van^anta ] m. ` forest-region ', a wood MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) mfn. bounded by a forest Hariv. (2) [ -bhU ] f. neighbourhood of a forest Kir (3) [ -vAsin ] mfn. dwelling in a forest Rājat (4) [ -stha ] mfn. standing or situate in a forest (as a town) Kathās (5) [ sthalI ] f. a forest-region Bhartṛ
===> vanīyaka [ vanIyaka ]2[ vanIyaka ] m. a mendicant, beggar R. (B.) Dhūrtan. Siṉhâs. (v. l. [ vanIpaka ])
===> vapra [ vapra ]2[ vapra ] m. n. a rampart, earthwork, mound, hillock, mud wall, earth or bank raised as a wall or buttress or as the foundation of a building MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a high river-bank (also [ nadI-v° ]), any shore or bank MBh. R. Kir (2) the slope or declivity of a hill, table-land on a mountain Kir. Śiś. (3) a ditch VarBṛS. (4) the gate of a fortified city W. (5) the circumference of a sphere or globe Gol. (6) a sown field, any field Dharmaś (7) dust L.
---> = [ niSkuTa ], [ vanaja ] n. [ vAjikA ] (?) and [ pATIra ] L. (8) the butting of an elephant or of a bull (See [ -kriyA ] and [ -krIDA ]) (9) m. a father L. (cf. 2. [ vaptri ]) (10) = [ prajA-pati ] L. (11) N. of a Vyāsa VP. (12) of a son of the 14th Manu Hariv. (13) ([ A ]), f. a flat bank of earth, garden-bed ([ vaprA-vat ] ind. as in a level bank, i. e. as in levelling or arranging a place for the fire, Mahtdh.) (14) Rubia Munjista L. (15) N. of the mother of the Arhat Nimi L. (16) ([ I ]), f. a hillock, ant-hill (cf. [ vamrI ]) MW. (17) n. lead L. (cf. [ var'ahra ])
===> vapus [ vapus ]2[ v'apus ] mfn. having form or a beautiful form, embodied, handsome, wonderful RV. (1) n. form, figure, (esp.) a beautiful form or figure, wonderful appearance, beauty ([ v'apuSe ] ind. for beauty (2) [ v'apur dRz'aye ], a wonder to see) RV. &c. &c. (3) nature, essence Mn. v, 96 ; x, 9 &c. (4) (ifc. f. [ uSI ]) the body Mn. MBh. &c. (5) f. Beauty personified as a daughter of Daksha and Dharma VP. MārkP. (6) N. of an Apsaras VP.
===> vapuṣmat [ vapuSmat ]3[ vapuS-mat ] mfn. having a body, embodied, corporeal Kir (1) having a beautiful form, handsome Mn. MBh. &c. (2) containing the word [ vapus ] AitBr. (3) m. N. of a deity enumerated among the Viśve Devah Hariv. (4) of a son of Priya-vrata Pur. (5) of a Ṛshi in the 11th Manv-antara VP. (6) of a king of Kuṇḍina ib. ([ atI ]) f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending upon Skanda MBh. (7) [ -tA ] f. beauty Divyāv
===> vara [ vara ]1[ v'ara ]1 m. (fr. √ 1. [ vR ]), ` environing ', ` enclosing ', circumference, space, room RV. AV. TS. ([ v'ara 'A pRthivy'AH ], on the wide earth) (1) stopping, checking RV. i, 143, 5
===> [ vara ]1[ var'a ]2 inf. ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ 2. [ vR ]) choosing ([ patiM-varA ], [ svayaM-varA ]) (1) m. ` chooser ', one who solicits a girl in marriage, suitor, lover, bridegroom, husband (rarely ` son-in-law ') RV. &c. &c. (2) a bridegroom's friend MW. (3) a dissolute man (= [ vita ] or [ SiDga ]) L. (4) ([ v'ara ]), mf ([ A ]) n. ` select ', choicest, valuable, precious, best, most excellent or eminent among (gen., loc., abl., or comp.) or for (gen.) ŚrS. MBh. &c. (5) (ifc.) royal, princely Jātakam (6) better, preferable, better than (abl., rarely gen.) or among (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c. (7) eldest W.
---> ([ am ]), ind. (g. [ svar-Adi ]) preferably, rather, better (also = preferable, sometimes with abl. which in Veda is often followed by [ A ] e. g. [ agn'ibhyo v'aram ], ` better than fires ' RV. (8) [ s'akkibhya 'A v'aram ], ` better than companions ' ib. (9) exceptionally with acc., e. g. [ ziSyaiH zata-hutAn homAn ], [ ekaH putra-kut varam ], ` better one sacrifice offered by a son than a hundred offered by disciples ' ṢaḍvBr.) RV. &c. &c. (10) it is better that, it would be best if (with pres. e. g. [ varaM gacchAmi ], ` it is better that I go ' (11) or with Impv., e. g. [ varaM naye sthApyatAm ], ` it would be better if he were initiated into our plan ' Kathās (12) or without any verb, e. g. [ varaM siMhAt ], ` better [ death caused ] by a lion ' Pañcat (13) sometimes with Pot., e. [ varaM tat kuryAt ], ` better that he should do that Kām.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (14) it is better than, rather than (in these senses [ varam ] is followed by, [ na ], [ na ca ] [ na tu ], [ na punaH ] [ tad api na ] or [ tath^api na ], with nom., e. g. [ varaM mRzyur nac^akIrtiH ], ` better death than [ lit. ` and not ' ] infamy ' (15) exeptionally with instr., e. g. [ varam eko guNI putro ta ca mUrkha-zatair api ], ` better one virtuous son than hundreds of fools ' Hit. (16) [ na hi-varam ], ` by no mean - but rather ') Mn. MBh. &c. (17) m. (rarely n. (18) ifc. f. [ A ]) ` act or object of choosing, election, wish, request (19) boon, gift, reward, benefit, blessing, favour ([ v'arAya ], [ v'aram 'A ], [ pr'ati v'aram ] or [ v'araM varam ], ` according to wish, to one's heart's content ' (20) [ mad-varAt ], in consequence of the boon granted by me ' (21) [ v'araM-√ vR ], to choose a boon ' (22) [ varaM-√ yAc ] or [ A-√ kAGkS ] or √ [ brU ] or Caus. of [ pra-√ arth ], ` to prefer a request ' (23) [ v'araMroot dA ], ` to grant a boon or blessing ' (24) [ varam pra-√ dA ] or [ pra-√ yam ] id. (25) [ varaM-√ labh ], to receive a boon or reward ') RV. &c. &c. (26) a benefit, advantage, privilege Daś (27) charity, alms VarBṛS. (28) a dowry Pañcat (29) m. a kind of grain (= [ varata ]) KātyŚr. Sch. (30) bdellium L. (31) a sparrow L.
---> N. of a son of Śvaphalka VP. (32) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants and vegetable products (accord. to L. ` the three kinds of myrobolan ' (33) Clypea Hemandifolia (34) Asparagus Racemosus (35) Cocculus Cordifolius (36) turmeric (37) Embelia Ribes (38) a root similar to ginger (39) = [ brAhrnI ] and [ reNukA ]) Suśr. (40) N. of Pārvatī L. (41) N. of a river BhP. (42) ([ I ]), f. Asparagus Racemosus L. (43) N. of Chāya (the wife of Sūrya) L. (44) n. saffron BhP. (In comp. not always separable from 1. [ vara ].)
===> [ vara ]2[ vara ]1
===> [ vara ]2[ vara ]2
===> vara-da [ varada ]3[ var'a-d'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. granting wishes, conferring a boon, ready to fulfil requests or answer prayers (said of gods and men) AV. ŚvetUp. TĀr. &c. (1) m. a benefactor W. (2) N. of Agni in Śāntika Gṛhyās (3) fire for burnt offerings of a propitiatory character W. (4) N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (5) of a partic. class of deceased ancestors MārkP. (6) of a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (7) of one of the 7 Rishis in the 4th Manv-antara VP. (8) of a Dhyāni-buddha W. (9) (mostly with [ AcArya ], [ kavi ], [ dezika ], [ bhaTTAraka ] or [ dezika Ac° ]) N. of various authors and other men Cat. (10) pl. N. of a people R. (11) ([ A ]), f. a young woman, girl, maiden L. (12) N. of a guardian goddess in the family of Vara-tantu Cat. (13) of a Yoginī Hcat. (cf. [ vara-pradA ]) (14) of various plants, Physalis Flexuosa Bhpr. Npr. (15) Polanisia Icosandra L. (16) Helianthus Npr. (17) Linum Usitatissimum Bhpr. (18) the root of yam ib. (19) = [ tri-parNI ] Npr. (20) N. of a river MBh. Kāv (21) [ gaNapati-stotra ], [ -gaN^e?za-stotra ] n. N. of Stotras (22) [ -caturthI ] f. N. of the 4th day in the light half of the month Māgha Cat. (prob. w. r. for [ varadA-caturthI ]) (23) [ -nAtha ], [ °th^acArya-sUnu ], [ -nAyaka-sUri ] (Cat.), [ -bhaTTa ] (V. P.,), [ -mUrti ] (Cat.), m. N. of authors (24) [ -rAja ] m. (also with [ AcArya ], [ colapaNDita ], [ bhaTTa ], [ bhaTTAraka ]) N. of various authors and other persons Cat. ([ °ja-campU ] f. [ -daNDaka ], [ -paJcAzat ] f. [ -maGgala ], [ -mahiSI-stotra ] n. [ -mUla ] n. [ -zataka ] n. [ -su-prabhAta ], [ -stava ] m. [ -stotra ], n. (25) [ °j^aSTaka ] n. [ °j^aST^ottara-zata ] n. N. of wks. (26) [ °jIya ] mfn. coming from or relating to or composed by Varada-rāja (27) n. N. of wk.) (28) [ -viSNu-sUri ] m. N. of a Commentator Cat. (29) [ -hasta ] m. the beneficent hand (of a deity or benefactor of any kind) MW. (30) [ °das-caturthI ], See [ varada-c° ] above L. (31) [ °dA-tantra ] n. N. of wk. (32) [ od^adhiza-yajvan ] m. N. of an author Cat. (33) [ °d^arka ] m. [ °d^opaniSad-dIpikA ] f. N. of wks.
===> vara-dharma [ varadharma ]3[ var'a-dharma ] m. a noble act of justice, excellent work &c. (1) [ °mIroot kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to do a noble act towards any one (acc.) R.
===> vara-labdha [ varalabdha ]3[ var'a-labdha ] mfn. one who has obtained a boon (= [ labdha-vara ]) R. (1) received as a boon L. (2) m. Michelia Champaka L. (3) Bauhinia Variegata Npr.
===> vara-prabha [ varaprabha ]3[ var'a-prabha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having excellent brightness (1) m. N. of a Bodhisattva Buddh.
===> vara-prada [ varaprada ]3[ var'a-prada ] mfn. granting wishes Kathās (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of Lopanindra L. (2) of a Yoginī Hcat (3) [ -stava ] m. N. of a hymn
===> vara-ruci [ vararuci ]3[ var'a-ruci ] mfn. taking pleasure in boons (N. of Śiva) Śivag (1) m. N. of a grammarian (also a poet, lexicographer, and writer on medicine, sometimes identified with Kātyāyana, the reputed author of the Vārttikas or supplementary rules of the Pāṇini ; he is placed by some among the nine gems of the court of Vikram^aditya, and by others among the ornaments of the court of Bhoja ; he was the author of the Prākrit grammar called Prākṛta-prakāśa, and is said to be the first grammarian who reduced the various dialects of Prākṛt to a system) Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (2) [ -kArikA ] f. [ -koza ] m. [ prAkRza-sUtra ] n. [ liGga-kArikA ], f. [ -vAkya ] n. N. of wks.
===> vara-rūpa [ vararUpa ]3[ var'a-rUpa ] mfn. having an excellent form L. (1) m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.
===> varada [ varada ]3[ var'a-d'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. granting wishes, conferring a boon, ready to fulfil requests or answer prayers (said of gods and men) AV. ŚvetUp. TĀr. &c. (1) m. a benefactor W. (2) N. of Agni in Śāntika Gṛhyās (3) fire for burnt offerings of a propitiatory character W. (4) N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (5) of a partic. class of deceased ancestors MārkP. (6) of a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (7) of one of the 7 Rishis in the 4th Manv-antara VP. (8) of a Dhyāni-buddha W. (9) (mostly with [ AcArya ], [ kavi ], [ dezika ], [ bhaTTAraka ] or [ dezika Ac° ]) N. of various authors and other men Cat. (10) pl. N. of a people R. (11) ([ A ]), f. a young woman, girl, maiden L. (12) N. of a guardian goddess in the family of Vara-tantu Cat. (13) of a Yoginī Hcat. (cf. [ vara-pradA ]) (14) of various plants, Physalis Flexuosa Bhpr. Npr. (15) Polanisia Icosandra L. (16) Helianthus Npr. (17) Linum Usitatissimum Bhpr. (18) the root of yam ib. (19) = [ tri-parNI ] Npr. (20) N. of a river MBh. Kāv (21) [ gaNapati-stotra ], [ -gaN^e?za-stotra ] n. N. of Stotras (22) [ -caturthI ] f. N. of the 4th day in the light half of the month Māgha Cat. (prob. w. r. for [ varadA-caturthI ]) (23) [ -nAtha ], [ °th^acArya-sUnu ], [ -nAyaka-sUri ] (Cat.), [ -bhaTTa ] (V. P.,), [ -mUrti ] (Cat.), m. N. of authors (24) [ -rAja ] m. (also with [ AcArya ], [ colapaNDita ], [ bhaTTa ], [ bhaTTAraka ]) N. of various authors and other persons Cat. ([ °ja-campU ] f. [ -daNDaka ], [ -paJcAzat ] f. [ -maGgala ], [ -mahiSI-stotra ] n. [ -mUla ] n. [ -zataka ] n. [ -su-prabhAta ], [ -stava ] m. [ -stotra ], n. (25) [ °j^aSTaka ] n. [ °j^aST^ottara-zata ] n. N. of wks. (26) [ °jIya ] mfn. coming from or relating to or composed by Varada-rāja (27) n. N. of wk.) (28) [ -viSNu-sUri ] m. N. of a Commentator Cat. (29) [ -hasta ] m. the beneficent hand (of a deity or benefactor of any kind) MW. (30) [ °das-caturthI ], See [ varada-c° ] above L. (31) [ °dA-tantra ] n. N. of wk. (32) [ od^adhiza-yajvan ] m. N. of an author Cat. (33) [ °d^arka ] m. [ °d^opaniSad-dIpikA ] f. N. of wks.
===> varatrā [ varatrA ]2[ varatr'A ] f. a strap, thong, strip of leather RV. &c. &c. (once in BhP. [ °tra ], prob. n.) (1) an elephant's or horse's girth L.
===> varcas [ varcas ]2[ v'arcas ] n. (√ [ ruc ]) vital power, vigour, energy, activity, (esp.) the illuminating power of fire or the sun, i. e. brilliance, lustre, light RV. &c. &c. (1) colour R. BhP. [ 924,2 ] (2) splendour, glory Kāv. Pur. (3) form, figure, shape L. (4) excrement, ordure, feces Rājat. Suśr. (5) m. N. of a son of Soma MBh. (6) of a son of Su-tejas or Su-ketas ib. (7) of Rākshava BhP. (Sch.)
===> vardhaka [ vardhaka ]2[ vardhaka ] mfn. cutting, dividing, cutting off, shearing (See [ mASa- ] and [ zmazru-v° ]) (1) m. a carpenter R.
===> vardhamāna [ vardhamAna ]2[ vardhamAna ] mfn. increasing, growing, thriving, prosperous RV. &c. &c. (1) m. Ricinus Communis (so called sweet citron L. (also [ A ] f.) (2) a partic. way of joining the hands Cat. (3) a partic. attitude in dancing Saṃgīt (4) a kind of riddle or charade L. [ 926,2 ] (5) N. of Viṣṇu L. (6) of a mountain and district (also of its town, now called Bardwān or Burdwān) VarBṛS. Pur. (7) of a Grāma Rājat (8) of various authors and other men Cat. (9) of the last of the 24 Arhats or Jinas Jain. (10) of the elephant who supports the eastern quarter L. (11) (pl.) of a people MārkP. (12) m. or n. a kind of mystical figure or diagram VarBṛS. Lalit. (13) a dish or platter of a partic. shape (sometimes used as a lid or cover for water-jars &c.) MBh. Suśr. (14) a house having no entrance on the south side VarBṛS. MatsyaP. (15) ([ A ]), f. a species of Gāyatrī metre RPrāt. (16) N. of the town of Bardwaln Vet (17) ([ I ]), f. N. of a Comm. written by Vardhamāna (18) n. = [ vardhamAnapura ] Kathās. Pañcat (19) a kind of metre Col.
===> vardhamānaka [ vardhamAnaka ]2[ vardhamAnaka ] m. a dish or saucer of a partic. shape, lid or cover MBh. (1) a partic. way of joining the hands Cat. (2) N. of a class of persons following a partic. trade MBh. (Nīlak.) (3) of a district or of a people AV. Pariś (4) of a serpent-demon Buddh. (5) of various men Mṛcch. Pañcat
===> vardhita [ vardhita ]2[ vardhita ]1 mfn. cut off L. (1) carved or fashioned (as timber for a building) (2) fabricated, built Vāstuv (3) filled, full L.
===> [ vardhita ]2[ vardhita ]2 mfn. increased, grown, expanded, augmented, strengthened, promoted, gladdened MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) n. a kind of dish (?) Mn. iii, 224
===> varga [ varga ]1[ v'arga ] (accented only in Nigh.), m. (fr. √ [ vRj ]) one who excludes or removes or averts KaushUp. (1) (ifc. f. [ A ]) a separate division, class, set, multitude of similar things (animate or inanimate), group, company, family, party, side (mostly ifc., e. g. [ catur- ], [ tri-v° ], q. v. (2) often pl. for sg.) KātyŚr. Prāt. &c. (3) (esp.) any series or group of words classified together (as [ manuSya-vanas-pati-v° ] &c.), or a class or series of consonants in the alphabet (seven such classes being given, viz. [ ka-varga ], ` the class of Guttural letters [ ca-kAra-v° ], or [ ca-v° ], ` the Palatals ' [ 924,1 ] (4) [ Ta-v° ] ` the Cerebrals ' (5) [ ta-v° ] ` the Dentals ' (6) [ pa-v° ] ` the Labials ' (7) [ ya-v° ] ` the Semivowels ' (8) [ za-v° ] ` the Sibilants ', and the aspirate h, cf. [ varga-dvitIya ] and [ -prathama ]) Prāt. VarBṛS. Vop (9) everything comprehended under any department or head, everything included under a category, province or sphere of. VarBṛS. (10) = [ tri-varga ] (q. v.) BhP. (11) a section, chapter, division of a book, (esp.) a subdivision of an Adhyāya in the Ṛg-veda (which, accord. to the mere mechanical division, contains 8 Ashtakas or 64 Adhyīyas or 2006 Vargas (12) cf. [ maNDala ]) and a similar subdivision in the Bṛhad-devatā (13) (in alg.) the square of a number Col. (e. g. [ paJca-v° ], square of five, cf. [ bhinna-v° ]) (14) = [ bala ], strength Naigh. ii, 9 (15) N. of a country Buddh. (16) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
===> vargī-kṛta [ vargIkRta ]2[ vargI-kRta ] mfn. made into classes, classified, arranged MW. (1) (in alg.) raised to a square, squared
===> vargīya [ vargIya ]2[ vargIya ] mfn. (ifc.) id. ib. (e. g. [ ka-vargIya ], a guttural, [ pa-vargIya ], a palatal Sch. (1) cf. [ artha- ], [ mad-v° ] &c.)
===> varja [ varja ]2[ varja ] mf ([ A ]) n. (ifc.) free from, devoid of excluding, with the exception of. MBh. BhP. (1) m. leaving, leaving out, excepting W. (2) ([ am ]), See below
===> [ varja ]1[ varja ] &c. See col. 1
===> [ varja ]2[ varja ]
===> varjana [ varjana ]3[ varjana ] n. excluding avoiding, leaving, abandoning Mn. MBh. &c. (1) neglect Pañcar. (2) omission ĀśvŚr. (3) exception Pāṇ. 1-4, 88 &c. (4) hurting, injury L.
===> varjanīya [ varjanIya ]3[ varjanIya ] mfn. to be excluded or shunned or avoided, improper, censurable Mn. MBh. &c.
===> varjita [ varjita ]2[ varjita ] mfn. excluded, abandoned, avoided MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) (with instr. or ifc.) deprived of. wanting, without, with the exception of. Mn. MBh. &c.
===> [ varjita ]3[ varjita ] &c. See p. 924, col. 1
===> varjya [ varjya ]3[ varjya ] mfn. to be excluded or shunned or avoided or given up Mn. MBh. &c. (1) (ifc.) with the exception of, exclusive of. without MBh. MārkP. (2) n. a stage in each lunar mansion during which no business should be begun W.
===> varman [ varman ]1[ varman ] n. (or m. Siddh (1) fr. √ 1. [ vR ]) ` envelope ', defensive armour, a coat of mail RV. &c. &c. (2) a bulwark, shelter, defence, protection ib. (often at the end of the names of Kshatriyas) (3) bark, rind VarBṛS. (4) N. of partic. preservative formulas and prayers (esp. of the mystic syllable [ hum ]) BhP.
===> vartamāna [ vartamAna ]2[ vartamAna ] mfn. turning, moving, existing, living, abiding &c. (1) present KātyŚr. (2) ([ A ]), f. the terminations of the present tense Kāt (3) n. presence, the present time Kāv. BhP. (4) (in gram.) the present tense
===> vartana [ vartana ]2[ vartana ] mfn. (also fr. Caus.) abiding, staying &c. (= [ vartiSNu ]) L. (1) setting in motion, quickening, causing to live or be (also applied to Viṣṇu) Hariv. BhP. (2) m. a dwarf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. See under n. (4) ([ I ]), f. staying, abiding, living, life L. (5) a way, road, path (= [ vartan'i ]) HPariś (6) ` grinding ' or ` despatching ' (= [ peSaNa ] or [ pr'eSaNa ]) L. (7) a spindle or distaff, Lali (8) n. the act of turning or rolling or rolling on or moving forward or about (trans. and intrans.) Nir. KātyŚr. BhP. Car. &c. (also [ A ], f. Harav.) (9) twisting (a rope) L. (10) staying, abiding in (loc.) Uttarar (11) living on (instr.), livelihood, subsistence, occupation, earnings, wages Kāv. Rājat. Kathās. Hit. (12) commerce, intercourse with ([ saha ]) Kām (13) proceeding, conduct, behaviour Sāh (14) (ifc.) application of. Kir (15) a distaff or spindle L. (16) a globe or ball L. (17) an often told word L. (18) a place where a horse rolls L. (19) decoction L.
===> vartani [ vartani ]2[ vartan'i ] f. the circumference or felloe of a wheel RV. Br. (1) the track of a wheel, rut, path, way, course ib. AV. ChUp. (2) the course of rivers RV. TS. (3) the eyelashes ŚBr. (cf. [ vartman ]) (4) the eastern country L. (5) = [ stotra ] g. [ uJch^adi ]
===> vartikā [ vartikA ]2[ vartikA ] f. (fr. 1. [ varti ] (1) cf. under [ vartaka ]) a stalk MBh. (2) the wick of a lamp KālP. (cf. [ yoga-v° ]) (3) a paint-brush Śak. (cf. [ citra-v° ]) (4) colour, paint ib. (prob. w. r. for [ varNikA ]) (5) Odina Pinnata L.
===> vartin [ vartin ]2[ vartin ] mfn. abiding, staying, resting, living or situated in (mostly comp.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) (ifc.) being in any position or condition, engaged in, practising, performing MBh. R. &c. (2) obeying, executing (an order (3) cf. [ nideza-v° ]) (4) conducting one's self, behaving, acting Mn. MBh. &c. (5) (ifc.) behaving properly towards ib. (cf. [ guru-v° ] (6) [ guru-vat ] = [ gurAv iva ]) (7) turning, moving, going MW. (8) m. the meaning of an affix (= [ pratyay^artha ]) Pat.
===> vartita [ vartita ]2[ vartita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned, rounded ([ su-v° ]) (1) turned about, rolled (as a wheel) BhP. (2) caused to be or exist, brought about, accomplished, prepared MBh. Pañcat (3) spent, passed (as time or life) MBh. BhP.
===> vartitavya [ vartitavya ]2[ vartitavya ] mfn. to be dwelt or stayed in BhP. (1) to be carried out or practised or observed R. (2) to be treated or dealt with MBh.
---> n. (impers.) it should be abided or remained in (loc. (3) with [ asmad-vaze ], ` in obedience to us ' - ` we ought to be obeyed ') BhP. Kathās. Pañcat (4) it should be applied (by any one) to (loc.) MBh. R. (5) it should be lived or existed Pañcat (6) (with an adv. or instr.) it should be proceeded or behaved towards or dealt in any way with any one (loc., gen., or instr. with [ saha ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ mAtR-vat ] = [ mAtar4va ], ` as with a mother ')
===> vartman [ vartman ]2[ v'artman ] n. the track or rut of a wheel, path, road, way, course (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (instr. or loc., ifc. = by way of. along, through, by) (1) an edge, border, rim Suśr. (2) an eyelid (as encircling the eye) AV. ChUp. Suśr. (3) basis, foundation, RPrat. (cf. [ dyUta-v° ])
===> vartula [ vartula ]2[ vartula ] mf ([ A ]) n. round, circular, globular BhP. Vet. Hcat (1) m. a kind of pea Madanav (2) a ball L. (3) N. of one of Śiva's attendants L. (4) ([ A ]), f. a ball at the end of a spindle to assist its rotation, L, (5) ([ I ]), f. Scindapsus Officinalis L. (6) n. a circle Cat. (7) the bulb of a kind of onion L.
===> vartī [ vartI ]3[ vartI ]) f. anything rolled or wrapped round, a pad, a kind of bandage bound round a wound Suśr. (1) any cosmetic prepared from various substances (used as a remedy in the form of a paste or pill) ib. [ 925,3 ] (2) ointment, unguent, collyrium Uttarar. Kathās (3) a suppository ib. (4) the wick of a lamp MBh. VarBṛS. Kathās (5) a magical wick Pañcat
---> a limp L. (6) the projecting threads or unwoven ends of woven cloth, a kind of fringe L. (7) a projecting rim or protuberance round a vessel KātyŚr. (8) a swelling or poly. pus in the throat Suśr. (9) a swelling or protuberance formed by internal rupture ib. (cf. [ mUtra-v° ]) (10) a surgical instrument, bougie L. (11) a streak, line (See [ dhUma-v° ]
===> [ vartI ]2[ vartI ] = 1. [ varti ], q. v.
===> varuṇa [ varuNa ]2[ v'aruNa ] m. (once in the TĀr. [ varuN'a ]) ` Allenveloping Sky ', N. of an Āditya (in the Veda commonly the night as Mitra over the day, but often celebrated separately, whereas Mitra is rarely invoked alone (1) Varuṇa is one of the oldest of the Vedic gods, and is commonly thought to correspond to the ? of the Greeks, although of a more spiritual conception (2) he is often regarded as the supreme deity, being then styled ` king of the gods ' or ` king of both gods and men ' or ` king of the universe ' (3) no other deity has such grand attributes and functions assigned to him (4) he is described as fashioning and upholding heaven and earth, as possessing extraordinary power and wisdom called [ mAyA ], assending his spies or messengers throughout both worlds, as numbering the very winkings of men's eyes, as hating falsehood, as seizing transgressors with his [ pAza ] or noose, as inflicting diseases, especially dropsy, as pardoning sin, as the guardian of immortality (5) he is also invoked in the Veda together with Indra, and in later Vedic literature together with Agni, with Yama, and with Viṣṇu (6) in RV. iv, 1, 2, he is even called the brother of Agni (7) though not generally regarded in the Veda as a god of the ocean, yet he is often connected with the waters, especially the waters of the atmosphere or firmament, and in one place [ RV. vii, 64, 2 ] is called with Mitra, [ sindhu-pati ], ` lord of the sea or of rivers ' (8) hence in the later mythology he became a kind of Neptune, and is there best known in his character of god of the ocean (9) in the MBh. Varuṇa is said to be a son of Kardama and father of Pushkara, and is also variously represented as one of the Deva-gandharvas, as a Nāga, as a king of the Nagas, and as an Asura (10) he is the regent of the western quarter [ cf. [ loka-pAla ] ] and of the Nakshatra Śatabhishaj [ VarBṛS. ] (11) the Jainas consider Varuṇa as a servant of the twentieth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 10 ; 12 &c.) (12) the ocean VarBṛS. (13) water Kathās (14) the sun L. (15) awarder off or dispeller Sāy. on RV. v, 48, 5 (16) N. of a partic. magical formula recited over weapons R. (v. l. [ varaNa ]) (17) the tree Crataeva Roxburghii L. (cf. [ varaNa ]) (18) pl. (prob.) the gods generally AV. iii, 4, 6 (19) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river MBh.
===> [ varuNa ]1[ v'aruNa ] &c. See p. 921, col. 2
===> varuṇa-deva [ varuNadeva ]3[ v'aruNa-deva ] n. ` having Varuṇa as deity ', the Nakshatra Śata-bhishaj VarBṛS.
===> varya [ varya ]1[ v'arya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ 2. [ vR ]) to be chosen, eligible, to be asked or obtained in marriage Pāṇ. 3-i, 101 Sch. (1) excellent, eminent, chief, principal, best of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) m. the god of love L. (3) ([ A ]), f. a girl who chooses her husband L.
===> varârha [ varArha ]3[ var^arha ] mf ([ A ]) n. worthy of a boon MW. (1) exceedingly worthy, being in high esteem R. [ 923,1 ] (2) very costly R. Hariv.
===> varâṅga [ varAGga ]3[ var^aGga ] n. ` best member of the body ', the head R. VarBṛ. (1) the female pudenda Kathās (2) the principal piece or part VarBṛS. (3) an elegant form or body MW. (4) mfn. having an excellent form, excellent or beautiful in all parts L. (5) m. an elephant Divyâv (6) (in astron.) a Nakshatra year consisting of 324 days (7) N. of Viṣṇu L. (8) of a king VP. (9) ([ I ]), f. turmeric L. (10) N. of a daughter of Dṛshadvat MBh. (11) n. Cassia bark, green cinnamon Bhpr. (12) sorrel L. (13) [ -rUpin ] m. a great hero L. (14) [ -rUp^op^ota ] mfn. handsome and well shaped (15) (accord. to others, ` shaped like an elephant ') L.
===> varāha [ varAha ]1[ varAha ] m. (derivation doubtful) a boar, hog, pig, wild boar RV. &c. &c. (ifc. it denotes, ` superiority, pre-eminence ' (1) See g. [ vyAghr^adi ]) (2) a cloud Naigh. i, 10 (3) a bull Col. (4) a ram L. (5) Delphinus Gangeticus L. (6) N. of Viṣṇu in his third or boar-incarnation (cf. [ varAh^avatAra ]) TĀr. MBh. &c. (7) an array of troops in the form of a boar Mn. vii, 187 (8) a partic. measure L. (9) Cyperus Rotundus L. (10) yam, manioc-√ L. (11) = [ varAha-purANa ] and [ °h^opaniSad ] (q. v.) (12) N. of a Daitya MBh. (13) of a Muni ib. (14) of various authors (also with [ paNDita ] and [ zarman ]) Cat. (15) abridged fr. [ varAha-mihira ] ib. Uṇ. Sch. (16) of the son of a guardian of a temple Rājat (17) of a mountain MBh. R. (18) of one of the 18 Dvīpas L. (19) ([ I ]), f. a species of Cyperus L. (20) Batatas Edulis L.
===> varāhaka [ varAhaka ]2[ varAhaka ] m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. Physalis Flexuosa L. (2) n. N. of an Uparnishad
===> varāka [ varAka ]2[ varAka ] mf ([ I ]) n. wretched, low, miserable, pitiable (mostly said of persons) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) vile, impure (as money) Kathās (2) m. (only L.) N. of Śiva (3) battle, war (4) a kind of plant
===> varṇa [ varNa ]2[ v'arNa ] m. (or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ], prob. fr. √ 1. [ vR ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) a covering, cloak, mantle L. (2) a cover, lid Yājñ. iii, 99 (3) outward appearance, exterior, form, figure, shape, colour RV. &c. &c. (4) colour of the face, (esp.) good colour or complexion, lustre, beauty Mn. MBh. &c. (5) colour, tint, dye, pigment (for painting or writing) MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) colour = race, species, kind, sort, character, nature, quality, property (applied to persons and things) RV. &c. &c. (7) class of men, tribe, order, caste (prob. from contrast of colour between the dark aboriginal tribes and their fair conquerors ; in RV. esp. applied to the Āryas and the Dāsas ; but more properly applicable to the four principal classes described in Manu's code, viz. Brāhmans, Kshatriyas, Vaiśyas, and Sūdras ; the more modern word for ` caste ' being jāti ; cf. IW. 210, n. 1) ib. (8) a letter, sound, vowel, syllable, word Br. Prāt. &c. (9) a musical sound or note (also applied to the voice of animals) MBh. R. Pañcat (10) the order or arrangement of a song or poem W. (11) praise, commendation, renown, glory Mṛcch. Kum. Rājat (12) (in alg.) an unknown magnitude or quantity (13) (in arithm.) the figure, ` one ' (14) (accord. to some) a co-efficient (15) a kind of measure L. (cf. [ -tAla ]) (16) gold L. (17) a religious observance L. (18) one who wards off, expeller Sāy. on RV. i, 104, 2 (19) ([ A ]), f. Cajanus Indicus L. ; n. saffron L. [ Cf., accord. to some, Slav. [ vran˘u ], ` black ', ` a crow ' ; Lith. [ v^arnas ], ` a crow. ' ]
===> varṇaka [ varNaka ]2[ varNaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. painting, picturing, representing Rājat (1) m. a strolling player or singer L. (2) a species of plant Suśr. (3) fragrant ointment L. (4) N. of a man (pl. his descendants), g. [ upak^adi ] (5) m. or n. a model or specimen Kathās (6) m. n. and ([ ikA ]), f. colour for painting, paint, pigment, unguent, anything for smearing on the body AitĀr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c. (ifc. f. [ akA ]) (7) sandal L. (8) ([ akA ]), f. woven cloth L. (9) ([ ikA ]), f. a mask, dress of an actor &c. ([ -parigraha ] m. the assumption of a mask or part) Mālatīm (10) a pencil or brush for painting or writing L. (11) kind, description HPariś (12) a woman's fragrant ointment L. (13) ([ akA ] or [ ikA ]), f. fine gold, purity of gold L. (14) n. a chapter, section of a book Nyāyam. Sch. (15) a circle, orb HPariś (16) orpiment L. (17) the red colouring or paint with which bride and bridegroom are marked at weddings, the painting of the bride by the bridegroom and of the bridegroom by the bride L. (18) (ifc.) a letter or syllable Śrutab
===> varṇavat [ varNavat ]3[ v'arNa-vat ] mfn. having colour &c. MW. (1) ([ -vatI ]), f. turmeric L.
===> varṇita [ varNita ]2[ varNita ] mfn. painted, delineated, described, explained MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) praised, eulogized, extolled W. (2) spread MBh.
===> varṣa [ varSa ]1[ varS'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ [ vRS ]) raining (ifc., e. g. [ kAma-v° ], raining according to one's wish) BhP. (1) m. and (older) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) rain, raining, a shower (either ` of rain ', or fig. ` of flowers, arrows, dust &c. ' (2) also applied to seminal effusion) RV. &c. &c. (3) (pl.) the rains AV. (cf. [ varSA ] f.) (4) a cloud L. (5) a year (commonly applied to age) Br. &c. &c. ([ A varSAt ], for a whole year (6) [ varSAt ], after a year (7) [ varSeNa ] within a year (8) [ varSe ] every year) (9) a day (?) R. vii, 73, 5 (Sch.) (10) a division of the earth as separated off by certain mountain ranges (9 such divisions are enumerated, viz. Kuru, Hiraṇmaya, Ramyaka, Il^avṛta, Hari (11) Ketu-mālā, Bhadr^aśiva. Kimnara, and Bhārata ' (12) sometimes the number given is 7) MBh. Pur. (cf. IW. 420) (13) India (= [ bhAratavarSa ] and [ jambu-dvIpa ]) L. (14) m. N. of a grammarian Kathās (15) ([ 'A ]), f. See p. 92 7, col. 2
===> [ varSa ]2[ varSa ]
===> varṣa-sahasra [ varSasahasra ]3[ varS'a-sahasr'a ] n. 1000 years ŚBr. R. (1) [ °raka ] n. id. Hariv. (2) mfn. living or lasting 1000 years MBh. Pañcar. (3) [ °raya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to appear like 1000 years Kād (4) [ °rika ] mf ([ A ]) n. lasting: 1000 years MBh. (5) [ °rin ] mfn. 1000 years old, becoming 1000 years old MBh. (6) [ °rIya ] mfn. id. MBh.
===> varṣa-śata [ varSazata ]3[ varS'a-zata ] n. a century ChUp. Mn. &c. (1) [ °t^adhika ] mfn. more than a century Vet (2) [ °tin ] mfn. 100 years old Hariv.
===> varṣaka [ varSaka ]2[ varSaka ] mfn. raining, falling like rain Pāṇ. Siddh (1) m. or n. (?) a summer-house Buddh. (2) (ifc.) = [ varSa ], a year (e. g. [ paJca-v° ], 5 years old) MBh.
===> varṣaṇa [ varSaNa ]2[ varSaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (mostly ifc.) raining (with [ astram ], a missile causing rain) Hariv. R. BhP. Inscr. (1) n. raining, causing to rain, pouring out, shedding out gifts upon (comp.) Hariv. VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c. (2) sprinkling MW. [ 927,2 ]
===> [ varSaNa ]3[ varSaNa ]
===> varṣika [ varSika ]2[ varSika ] mfn. raining, rainy, relating or belonging to the rains W. (1) shedding, showering, pouring down ib. (2) (ifc.) = [ varSa ], a year (e. g. [ dvAdaza-v° ], 12 years old) ĀśvŚr. (3) n. Agallochum MW.
===> varṣin [ varSin ]2[ varSin ] mfn. raining, discharging like rain, pouring out, showering down, distributing (anything good or evil (1) mostly ifc.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c. &c. ([ °SitA ] f.) (2) shedding profuse tears Kāv (3) (ifc.) attended with a rain of (See [ s^azma-v° ]) (4) (ifc.) having (so many) years (e. g. [ SaSTi-v° ], 60 years old) MBh.
===> varṣā [ varSA ]2[ varS'A ] f. rain ŚāṅkhGṛ. VarBṛS. (1) pl. (exceptionally sg.) the rains, rainy season, monsoon (lastyear into six seasons [ see [ Rtu ] ], the rains falling in some places during Śrāvaṇa and Bhādra, and in others during Bhādra and Āśvina (2) and in others for a longer period) TS. &c. &c. (3) Medicago Esculenta L. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ` rain-drops. ' ]
===> vasana [ vasana ]2[ v'asana ]1 n. (for 2. See col. 3) cloth, clothes, dress, garment, apparel, attire (du. an upper and lower garment) RV. &c. &c. (ifc., f. [ A ] = clothed in, surrounded by, engrossed by i. e. wholly devoted or attached to, e. g. to a doctrine Kāv. Pur.) (1) investment, siege L. (2) a leaf of the cinnamon tree L. (3) (also [ A ] f.) an ornament woris by women round the loins L.
===> [ vasana ]2[ vasana ]2 n. (for 1. See col. 1) dwelling, abiding, sojourn, residence in (comp.) MBh.
===> [ vasana ]1[ vasana ]1. 2 See p. 932, cols. 1 and 3
===> vasika [ vasika ]1[ vasika ] mfn. empty L. (cf. [ vazika ], [ vazin ]) (1) one who sits in the Padm^asana posture L.
===> vasita [ vasita ]2[ vasita ]1 mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) worn, put on MBh. (1) n. cloth L.
===> [ vasita ]2[ vasita ]2 mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) = 2. [ uSita ], inhabiting &c. (1) stored (as grain) W. (2) n. abiding, abode, residence ib.
===> vasti [ vasti ]1[ vast'i ]3 mf. (also written [ basti ] (1) perh. connected with 2. [ vasti ], See p. 932, col. 3) the bladder AV. &c. &c. (2) the lower belly, abdomen VarBṛS. KāśīKh. (3) the pelvis MW. (4) an injection-syringe made of bladder or the injection itself Kathās. Suśr. &c. [ Cf. Lat. [ venter ], [ vesica ] ; Germ. [ wanast ], [ Wanst ]. ]
===> vasti-karman [ vastikarman ]3[ vast'i-karman ] n. the application of an enema or injection Cat.
===> vastra [ vastra ]2[ vastra ] n. (or m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) cloth, clothes, garment, raiment, dress, cover RV. &c. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river VP. (3) n. a leaf of the cinnamon tree L.
===> vastra-pūta [ vastrapUta ]3[ vastra-pUta ] mfn. purified with a clothes, strained through a clothes Mn. vi, 46
===> vastu [ vastu ]2[ vastu ]2 n. (for 1. See p. 931, col. 3) the seat or place of (See [ kapila- ], [ vraNa-v° ]) (1) any really existing or abiding substance or essence, thing, object, article Kāv. VarBṛS. Kathās. &c. (also applied to living beings, e. g. Śak. ii, 7/8) (2) (in phil.) the real (opp. to [ a-v° ], ` that which does not really exist, the unreal ' (3) [ a-dvitIya-v° ], ` the one real substance or essence which has no second ') IW. 53, n. 1 ; 103 &c. (4) the right thing, a valuable or worthy object, object of or for (comp.) Kāv (5) goods, wealth, property (cf. [ -vinimaya ] and [ -hAni ]) (6) the thing in question matter, affair, circumstance MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) subject, subject-matter, contents, theme (of a speech &c.), plot (of a drama or poem) Kāv. Daśar. Sāh. &c. (8) (in music) a kind of composition Saṃgīt (9) natural disposition, essential property W. (10) the pith or substance of anything W.
===> [ vastu ]1[ vastu ]1. 2 See pp. 931 and 932
===> vastuka [ vastuka ]2[ vastuka ] (ifc.) = 2. [ vastu ], substance, essence (in [ an-Una-v° ], ` of perfect substance or nature ' Mālav. i, 6/7) (1) n. Chenopodium Album W.
===> vastutas [ vastutas ]3[ vastu-tas ] ind. owing to the nature of things BhP. (1) in fact, in reality, actually, verily, essentially ib. Rājat. Sarvad
===> vasu-bandhu [ vasubandhu ]3[ v'asu-bandhu ] m. N. of a celebrated Buddhist scholar Hcar. Buddh. (w. r. [ -bandha ])
===> vasu-dhā [ vasudhA ]3[ v'asu-dh'A ] mfn. producing wealth, liberal ([ -tama ], [ -tara ], mfn. more or most liberal) AV. VS. TS. (1) ([ A ]), f. the earth (2) a country, kingdom Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) the ground, soil VarBṛS. (4) earth (as a material) R. (5) N. of Lakshmī Viṣṇ (6) an anapaest Piṅg (7) [ -kharjUrikA ] f. a kind of date L. (8) [ -gama ] ([ -dh^ag° ]), m. the products of the soil VarBṛS. (9) [ -tala ] n. the surface of the earth the earth Kāv. Kathās (10) the ground, soil VP. (11) [ -dhara ] mfn. bearing or supporting the [ e° ], (said of Viṣṇu) MBh. (12) m. a mountain ib. Kāv (13) a prince, king Siṉhâs (14) [ -dhava ] m. a king, prince ib. (15) [ -dhAtri ] m. id. Hariv. (16) [ -dhipa ] ([ -dh^adhipa ] MBh. Kāv. &c.) or [ °pati ] (R. Rājat. Inscr.), m. lord of the earth, a king [ 931,2 ] (17) [ -dhipatya ] ([ -dh^adhip° ]), n. kingdom, royalty Sāntiś. Inscr. (18) [ -nagara ] n. the capital of Varuṇa in the western ocean MW. (19) [ -nAyaka ] m. ` earth-leader ', a king Kautukas (20) [ -pati ] m. id. Hariv. Kālid (21) [ -paripAlaka ] m. earth-guardian (N. of Kṛshṇa) Pañcar. (22) [ -reNu ] m. earth-dust MBh. Megh (23) [ -vilAsin ] m. a king, prince Śrīkaṇṭh (24) [ -suta ] m. the planet Mars VarBṛS.
===> vasu-mati [ vasumati ]3[ v'asu-mati ] m. N. of a Brāhman Kathās
===> [ vasumati ]3[ v'asu-mati ] f. (of [ -mat ]) the earth (1) a country, kingdom, region MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) the ground Kāv (3) N. of two kinds of metre Ked. Col. (4) N. of various women Śak. Kathās (5) [ -citra-senA-vilAsa ] m. [ -citra-senIya ] n. [ -citr^asana ] n. N. of wks. (6) [ -pati ] m. a prince, king Rājat (7) [ -pariNaya ] m. N. of wk. (8) [ -pRSTha ] n. the surface of the (spherical) earth Gol. (9) [ -sUnu ] m. metron. of Naraka Bālar
===> vasuṃ-dharā [ vasuMdharA ]3[ v'asu-M-dharA ] f. the earth (1) a country, kingdom NṛsUp. MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) the soil, the ground (also [ °rA-pRSTha ] n.) MBh. R. &c. (3) N. of a minute portion of Prakṛti Cat. (4) (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess W. (5) of a daughter of Śva-phalka Hariv. (6) of a princess Daś (7) of another woman Ratnâv (8) du. N. of the two Kumārīs (set up with Indra's banner, [ kumAri ]) VarBṛS. (9) [ -dhara ] m. a mountain MBh. Bālar (10) [ -dhava ] m. a king, prince Rājat (11) [ -bhRt ] m. a mountain Vcar. (12) [ -zunAsIra ], a prince, king Prasannar. (w. r. [ -sunA-s° ])
===> vasā [ vasA ]2[ v'asA ] or (sometimes written [ vazA ]), f. ` shining ', ` white ', the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance VS. &c. &c.
===> [ vasA ]3[ vas'A ] (sometimes written [ vazA ]), f. ` shining ', ` white ', the serum or marrow of the flesh (considered by some as distinct from that of the bones by others as the same), marrow, fat, grease, lard, suet, melted fat, any fatty or oily substance VS. &c. &c. (1) brain Kathās (2) a partic. root similar to ginger L. (3) N. of a river MBh.
===> [ vasA ]1[ vasA ] [ vasAti ] &c. See p. 930, col. 2
===> vata [ vata ]1[ vata ] See 1. [ bata ]
===> [ vata ]2[ vata ] mfn. uttered, sounded, spoken W. (1) asked, begged ib. (2) killed, hurt MW. (3) (ind.), See [ bata ]
===> vatsa [ vatsa ]1[ vats'a ] m. (prob. originally, ` yearling ', fr. a lost word [ vatas ]) a calf, the young of any animal, offspring, child (voc. [ vatsa ] often used as a term of endearment = my dear child, my darling) RV. &c. &c. (1) a son, boy (See [ bAla-v° ]) (2) a year (See [ tri-v° ]) (3) N. of a descendant of Kaṇva RV. PañcavBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (4) of an Āgneya (author of RV. x, 187) Anukr. (5) of a Kāsyapa Kathās (6) of the step-brother of Maitreya (who passed through fire to prove the falseness of Maitreya's allegation that he was the child of a Śūdra) Mn. viii, 116 (Sch.) of a son of Pratardana MBh. Hariv. (7) of a son of Sena-jit Hariv. (8) of a son of Aksha-mālā Cat. (9) of a son of Uru-kshepa VP. (10) of a son of Soma-śarman Kathās (11) of the author of a law-book Cat. (12) (with [ carak^adhvaryu-sUtra-kRt ]) of another author ib. (13) of a serpent-demon VP. (14) N. of a country (whose chief town is Kauśāmbī) Kathās (15) Nerium Aistidysentericum L. (16) the Kutaja tree L. (17) pl. the descendants of Vatsa ĀśvŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 64 Sch.) (18) the inhabitants of the country called Vatsa MBh. Kathās (19) ([ A ]), f. a female calf, little daughter (voc. [ vatse ] = my dear child) Kālid. Uttarar. Prab. ; m. n. the breast, chest L. [ Cf. [ vatsara ] and ? for ? ; Lat. vetus, [ vetus-tus ], [ vitulus ] ; Germ. [ widar ], [ Widder ] ; Eng. [ wether ]. ]
===> vatsala [ vatsala ]2[ vatsala ] mf ([ A ]) n. child-loving, affectionate towards offspring ([ A ] f. with or scil. [ go ] or [ dhenu ], a cow longing for her calf) MBh. R. BhP.
---> kind, loving, tender, fond of or devoted to (loc., gen., acc. with [ prati ], or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. (with [ rasa ]) the tender sentiment in a poem Sāh (2) a fire fed with grass (i. e. quickly burning away) L. (3) N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (4) n. = next W.
===> vatsalatva [ vatsalatva ]3[ vatsala-tva ] n. affectionateness, tenderness towards or delight in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> vayas [ vayas ]2[ v'ayas ]1 n. a web (?) RV. ii, 31, 5
===> [ vayas ]1[ v'ayas ]2 n. (cf. 2. [ v'i ]) a bird, any winged animal, the winged tribe (esp. applied to smaller birds) RV. &c. &c.
===> [ vayas ]1[ v'ayas ]3 n. (√ [ vI ]) enjoyment, food, meal, oblation RV. AV. (cf. [ vIti ]) [ 920,3 ] (1) energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, might RV. AV. VS. (often with [ bRh'at ] (2) with √ [ dhA ] and dat. or loc. of pers. ` to bestow vigour or might on ') (3) vigorous age, youth, prime of life, any period of life, age RV. &c. &c. ([ sarvANi vayAMsi ], animals of any age (4) [ vayas^anvita ] or [ vayas^at^ita ], aged. old) (5) degree, kind (in [ vayAMsi pra-brUhi ]) ŚBr.
===> vayasya [ vayasya ]2[ vayasya ] mfn. being of an age or of the same age, contemporary MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. a contemporary, associate, companion, friend (often used in familiar address) ib. (2) ([ 'A ]), f. a female friend, a woman's confidante Mṛcch. Kathās (3) (scil. [ iSTakA ]) N. of 19 bricks used for building the sacrificial altar (so called from the word [ vayas ] in the formula of consecration) TS. Kāṭh. Br.
===> vayasyaka [ vayasyaka ]2[ vayasyaka ] m. a contemporary, friend Kathās (1) ([ ikA ]), f. female friend, faithful female servant Mālav
===> vaśa [ vaza ]2[ v'aza ]1 m. will, wish, desire RV. &c. &c. (also pl. [ v'azAn 'anu ] or [ 'anu v'aza ], ` according to wish or will, at pleasure ') (1) authority, power, control, dominion (in AV. personified) ib. (acc. with verbs of going, e. g. with √ [ i ], [ anu-√ i ], √ [ gam ], [ A-√ gam ], √ [ ya ], [ A-√ pad ], [ A-√ sthA ] &c., ` to fall into a person's [ gen. ] power, become subject or give way to ' (2) acc. with √ [ nI ], [ A-√ nI ] and [ pra-√ yuj ], or loc. with √ [ kR ], √ [ labh ] or Caus. of √ [ sthA ] or [ saM-√ sthA ], ` to reduce to subjection, subdue ' (3) loc. with √ [ bhU ], √ [ vRt ], √ [ sthA ] and [ saM-√ sthA ], ` to be in a person's [ gen. ] power ' (4) [ vazena ], [ °zAt ], and [ °za-taH ], with gen. or ifc., ` by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to ') (5) birth, origin L. (6) a brothel L. (cf. [ veza ]) (7) Carissa Carandas L. (8) the son of a Vaiśya and a Karaṇī L. (9) N. of a Ṛshi preserved by the Aśvins RV. (10) (with [ azvya ]) of the supposed author of RV. viii, 46 (in ŚBr. &c. also of this hymn itself) (11) = [ vAlmIki ] Gal. (12) pl. N. of a people AitBr. MBh. (13) ([ A ]), f. See below (14) mf ([ A ]) n. willing, submissive, obedient, subject to or dependent on (gen.) Kathās. BhP. Pañcat (15) docile L. (16) free, licentious L.
===> [ vaza ]1[ vaza ]2 n. (cf. [ vasA ]) liquid fat, grease AV. AitBr. Kāṭh
===> vaśa-ga [ vazaga ]3[ v'aza-ga ] mf ([ A ]) n. being in the power of. subject, obedient, dependent on (gen. or comp.) MBh. &c. &c. (1) (ifc.) subjugating Pañcar. (2) ([ A ]), f. an obedient wife MW. (3) [ -tva ] n. (ifc.) dependence on BhP.
===> vaśa-gata [ vazagata ]3[ v'aza-gata ] mfn. subject to the will (of an. other), being in the power of. obedient (ifc.) Pañcat. VarBṛS. BhP.
===> vaśa-vartin [ vazavartin ]3[ v'aza-vartin ] mfn. being under the control of. acting obediently to the will of, obsequious, subject (with gen. or comp.). MBh. R. &c. (1) (ifc.) having power over, ruling Lalit. (2) having power over all, too powerful ib. (3) m. N. of Viṣṇu Viṣṇ (4) of a Brāhmin or Mahā-Brāhmin Lalit. (5) sg. (scil. [ gaNa ]) or pl. a partic. class of gods in the third Manv-antara VP.
===> vaśatas [ vazatas ]3[ v'aza-tas ] ind. (ifc.) in consequence of, on accūnt of, through the influence of Bhartṛ. Gol.
===> vaśika [ vazika ]2[ vazika ] mfn. void, empty Hcar. (written also [ vasika ] (1) cf. [ vaz'in ],) (2) ([ A ]), f. aloe wood MW.
===> vaśin [ vazin ]2[ vaz'in ] mfn. having will or power, having authority, a ruler, lord (` over ', gen.) RV. AV. Br. &c. (1) compliant, obedient VS. TS. Vet (2) master of one's self having the mastery of one's passions MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) void, empty (properly ` at disposal ') KātyŚr. (4) m. a ruler, See above (5) a sage with subdued passions W. (6) N. of a son of Kṛti BhP. (7) ([ 'inI ]), f. a mistress RV. (8) a parasite plant L. (9) Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma L.
===> vaśitva [ vazitva ]3[ vazi-tva ] n. freedom of will, the being one's own master MBh. Hariv. [ 929,3 ] (1) power or dominion over (loc.) Sarvad (2) the supernatural power of subduing to one's own will MārkP. Pañcar. &c. (3) mastery of one's self, self-command Kum. MārkP. (4) subduing by magical means, fascinating, bewitching MW.
===> vaśitā [ vazitA ]3[ vazi-tA ] f. subjugation, dominion W. (1) the supernatural power of subduing all to one's own will, unbounded power of (comp. (2) a Bodhi-sattva is said to have 10 Vaśitās, viz. [ Ayur- ], [ citta- ], [ pariSkAra- ], [ dharma- ], [ Rddhi- ], [ janma- ], [ adhimukti- ], [ praNidhAna- ], [ karma- ], and [ jAna-v° ] Dharmas. 74) BhP. Buddh. (3) subduing by the use of magical means, fascinating, bewitching W.
===> vaśya [ vazya ]2[ vazya ] mfn. to be subjected &c. (1) subdued, tamed, humbled (2) being under control, obedient to another's will, dutiful, docile, tame, humble, at the disposal of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) m. a dependent, slave MW. (4) N. of a son of Āgnīdhra MārkP. (5) ([ A ]), f. a docile and obedient wife W. (6) ([ A ]), f. (Cat.) or n. (ib. Prab.) the supernatural power of subjecting to one's own will, any act (such as the repetition of spells) performed with that object VarBṛS. Gṛhyās (7) cloves W.
===> vaśya-kara [ vazyakara ]3[ vazya-kara ] mfn. giving power over others Cat.
===> [ vazyakara ]3[ vazya-kara ] L.
===> vaśyatā [ vazyatA ]3[ vazya-tA ] f. (MBh. Hariv. R. &c.) or (MBh. R.) the being under the control of (gen. or comp.), fitness for subjection, obedience, humility
===> vaśânuga [ vazAnuga ]3[ vaz^anuga ] mf ([ A ]) n. following one's own will CūlUp. (1) obedient or subject to the will of, submissive to (with gen. or ifc.) Mn. MBh. R. Pur. (2) = [ -vaz^agata ] above (in [ mArga-vaz^anuga ]) (3) m. ([ A ]), f. a male or female servant MW.
===> vaśā [ vazA ]1[ vaz'A ] f. (rather fr. √ [ vAz ], as ` the lowing animal ', than fr. √ [ vaz ]) a cow (esp. barren) RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS. (1) (with [ 'avI ]) a ewe TS. TBr. (2) a female elephant Vikr. Kathās (3) a barren woman Mn. viii, 28 (4) any woman or wife L. (5) a daughter L. (6) Premna Spinosa and Longifolia L. [ Cf., accord. to some, Lat. [ vacca ]. ]
===> vaśī [ vazI ]2[ vazI ]1 f. in [ urv'asI ], q. v.
===> [ vazI ]2[ vaz'I ]2 in comp. for i. [ vaza ]
===> vaśī-karaṇa [ vazIkaraNa ]3[ vaz'I-karaNa ] n. the act of making subject, subjugating, bewitching (by means of spells &c.), overcoming by charms and incantations &c. (with gen. or ifc.) PārGṛ. R. Pañcat. &c.
===> vaśī-kṛta [ vazIkRta ]3[ vaz'I-kRta ] mfn. brought into subjection, subdued MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. (1) bewitched, enchanted, fascinated W.
===> vaḍabā [ vaDabA ]2[ v'aDabA ] f. (also written [ v'adavA ], [ b'aDavA ], [ b'aDabA ]) a female horse, mare TS. &c. &c. (1) the nymph Aśvinī (who, in the form of a mare as wife of Vivasvat or the Sun, became the mother of the two Aśvins (2) cf. [ azvinI ]) Pur. Daś (3) a partic. constellation represented by a horse's head W. (4) a female slave L. (5) a harlot, prostitute L. (6) = [ dvija-strI ] L. (7) N. of a woman (having the patr. Prātitheyī) GṛS. (8) of a wife of Vasu-deva (called [ paricArikA ]) Hariv. (9) of a river MBh. (10) of a place of pilgrimage Viṣṇ
===> vaṃśa [ vaMza ]1[ vaMz'a ] m. (derivation doubtful) the bamboo cane or any cane (accord. to L. also ` sugarcane ' and ` Shorea Robusta ') RV. &c. &c. (1) the upper timbers or beams of a house, the rafters or laths fastened to the beams (of a roof (2) cf. [ prAcIna-v° ]) AV. &c. &c. (3) a cross-beam, joist, joint VarBṛS. (4) a reed-pipe, flute, fife Kāv. Rājat (5) the back-bone, spine VarBṛS. BhP. (6) a hollow or tubular bone BhP. (B.) Sch. (7) the upper nasal bone L. (8) the central projecting part of a scimitar or sabre VarBṛS. (9) the line of a pedigree or genealogy (from its resemblance to the succession of joints in a bamboo), lineage race, family, stock ŚBr. &c. &c. (esp. a noble race, a dynasty of kings, a list of teachers &c. (10) cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 19 Sch.) (11) offspring, a son BhP. (12) (ifc.) a succession or collection of similar things, assemblage multitude, host (as of chariots, stars &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (13) a partic. measure of length (= 10 Hastas) Līl (14) a partic. musical note Śiś. (15) pride, arrogance Vās (16) bamboo-manna L. (17) N. of Viṣṇu L. ([ A ]) f. N. of an Apsaras (daughter of Prādhā) MBh. (18) ([ I ]), f. See s. v.
===> vaṃśa-rocanā [ vaMzarocanA ]3[ vaMz'a-rocanA ] or f. an earthy concretion of a milk white colour formed in the hollow of a bamboo and called bamboo-manna L. (also [ -locana ] Car.)
===> vaṃśya [ vaMzya ]2[ vaMzya ] mfn. = prec., peculiar to a family, geneological, lineal Mn. MBh. &c. (1) belonging or attached to a main beam BhP. (2) connected with the back-hone or spine (as subst. ` a bone in the arm or leg ') BhP. (3) preceding any one (gen.) in a science (loc.), being a person's teacher in anything Āpast (4) m. any member of a family, a son, lineal descendant (5) an ancestor, forefather (6) a kinsman from seven generations above and seven below Mn. MBh. &c. (7) a pupil, scholar W. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 19) (8) pl. the members of a family, ancestors or descendants Mn. MBh. &c. (9) a cross-beam, joist BhP. (10) ([ A ]), f. coriander L.
===> vaṇij [ vaNij ]1[ vaN'ij ] m. (also written [ baN'ij ]) a merchant, trader RV. &c. &c. (1) the zodiacal sign Libra VarBṛS. (2) N. of a partic. Karaṇa (q. v.) ib. (3) trade, traffic, commerce Gaut. Mn.
===> vaṇija [ vaNija ]2[ vaNija ] m. = [ vaNij ], a merchant, trader L. (1) N. of Śiva MBh. (2) the zodiacal sign Libra Laghuj (3) N. of a Karaṇa (q. v.), VarBIS. (4) ([ A ]), f. traffic, commerce L.
===> vaṣaṭ [ vaSaT ]1[ v'aSaT ] ind. (accord. to some fr. √ 1. [ vah ] (1) cf. 2. [ vaT ] and [ vauSaT ]) an exclamation uttered by the Hotṛ priest at the end of the sacrificial verse (on hearing which the Adhvaryu priest casts the oblation offered to the deity into the fire (2) it is joined with a dat., e. g. [ pUSNe vaSaT ] (3) with √ [ kR ], to utter the exclamation [ vaSaT ] ') RV. VS. Br. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. Pur.
===> vaṭa [ vaTa ]2[ vaTa ] m. (perhaps Prākṛt for [ vRta ], ` surrounded, covered ' (1) cf. [ nyag-rodha ]) the Banyan or Indian fig. tree (Ficus Indica) MBh. Kāv. &c. RTL. 337 (also said to be n.) (2) a sort of bird BhP. (3) a small shell, the Cypraea Moneta or cowry L. (4) a pawn (in chess) L. (5) sulphur L. (6) = [ sAmya ] L. (7) N. of a Tīrtha Viṣṇ (8) of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (9) the son of a Vaiśya and a Venukī L. (also n. and [ I ] f.) (10) a string, rope, tie L. (only [ vaTa ] ibc., and [ paJca-v° ], q. v.) (11) a small lump, globule &c. = [ vaTaka ] ŚārṅgS. (12) ([ I ]), f. a kind of tree, Rajan (13) (with [ gA-DhA ]) a partic. position in the game of Catur-aṅga or chess L. (14) a little round ball L.
===> veda [ veda ]1[ veda ]1 m. (fr. √ 1. [ vid ], q. v.) knowledge, true or sacred knowledge or lore, knowledge of ritual RV. AitBr. (1) N. of certain celebrated works which constitute the basis of the first period of the Hindū religion (these works were primarily three, viz. 1. the Ṛg-veda, 2. the Yajur-veda [ of which there are, however, two divisions, See [ taittirIya-saMhitA ], [ vAjasaneyi-saMhitA ] ], 3. the Sāma-veda [ 1015,2 ] (2) these three works are sometimes called collectively [ trayI ], ` the triple Vidyā ' or ` threefold knowledge ', but the Ṛg-veda is really the only original work of the three, and much the most ancient [ the oldest of its hymns being assigned by some who rely on certain astronomical calculations to a period between 4000 and 2500 B. C., before the settlement of the Āryans in India (3) and by others who adopt a different reckoning to a period between 1400 and 1000 B3. C., when the Āryans had settled down in the Panjāb ] (4) subsequently a fourth Veda was added, called the Atharva-veda, which was probably not completely accepted till after Manu, as his law-book often speaks of the three Vedas-calling them [ trayam brahma sanAtanam ], ` the triple eternal Veda ', but only once [ xi, 33 ] mentions the revelation made to Atharvan and Aṅgiras, without, however, calling it by the later name of Atharva-veda (5) each of the four Vedas has two distinct parts, viz. 1. Mantra, i. e. words of prayer and adoration often addressed either to fire or to some form of the sun or to some form of the air, sky, wind &c., and praying for health, wealth, long life, cattle, offspring, victory, and even forgiveness of sins, and 2. Brāhmaṇa, consisting of Vidhi and Artha-vāda, i. e. directions for the detail of the ceremonies at which the Mantras were to be used and explanations of the legends &c. connected with the Mantras [ see [ brAhmaNa ], [ vidhi ] ], both these portions being termed [ zruti ], revelation orally communicated by the Deity, and heard but not composed or written down by men [ cf. I. W. 24 &c. ], although it is certain that both Mantras and Brāhmaṇas were compositions spread over a considerable period, much of the latter being comparatively modern (6) as the Vedas are properly three, so the Mantras are properly of three forms, 1. Ṛc, which are verses of praise in metre, and intended for loud recitation (7) 2. Yajus, which are in prose, and intended for recitation in a lower tone at sacrifices (8) 3. Sāman, which are in metre, and intended for chanting at the Soma or Moon-plant ceremonies, the Mantras of the fourth or Atharva-veda having no special name (9) but it must be borne in mind that the Yajur and Sāma-veda hymns, especially the latter, besides their own Mantras, borrow largely from the Ṛg-veda (10) the Yajur-veda and Sāma-veda being in fact not so much collections of prayers and hymns as special prayer- and hymn-books intended as manuals for the Adhvaryu and Udgātṛ priests respectively [ see [ yajur-veda ], [ sAma-veda ] ] (11) the Atharva-veda, on the other hand, is, like the Ṛg-veda, a real collection of original hymns mixed up with incantations, borrowing little from the Ṛg and having no direct relation to sacrifices, but supposed by mere recitation to produce long life, to cure diseases, to effect the ruin of enemies &c. (12) each of the four Vedas seems to have passed through numerous Śākhās or schools, giving rise to various recensions of the text, though the Ṛg-veda is only preserved in the Śākala recension, while a second recension, that of the Bhāshkalas, is only known by name (13) a tradition makes Vyāsa the compiler and arranger of the Vedas in their present form: they each have an Index or Anukramaṇī [ q. v. ], the principal work of this kind being the general Index or Sarv^anukramaṇī [ q. v. ] (14) out of the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda grew two other departments of Vedic literature, sometimes included under the general name Veda, viz. the strings of aphoristic rules, called Sūtras [ q. v. ], and the mystical treatises on the nature of God and the relation of soul and matter, called Upanishad [ q. v. ], which were appended to the Āraṇyakas [ q. v. ], and became the real Veda of thinking Hindūs, leading to the Darśanas or systems of philosophy (15) in the later literature the name of ` fifth Veda ' is accorded to the Itihāsas or legendary epic poems and to the Purāṇas, and certain secondary Vedas or Upa-vedas [ q. v. ] are enumerated (16) the Ved^aṅgas or works serving as limbs [ for preserving the integrity ] of the Veda are explained under [ ved^aGga ] below: the only other works included under the head of Veda being the Pariśishṭas, which supply rules for the ritual omitted in the Sūtras (17) in the Bṛhad-āraṇyaka Upanishad the Vedas are represented as the breathings of Brahmā, while in some of the Purāṇas the four Vedas are said to have issued out of the four mouths of the four-faced Brahmā and in the Viṣṇu-Purāṇa the Veda and Viṣṇu are identified) RTL. 7 &c. IW. 5 ; 24 &c. (18) N. of the number ` four ' VarBṛS. [ 1015,3 ] Srutabh (19) feeling, perception ŚBr. (20) = [ vRtta ] (v. l. [ vitta ]) L. (cf. 2. [ veda ])
===> [ veda ]1[ veda ]2 m. (fr. √ 3. [ vid ]) finding, obtaining, acquisition (See [ su-v° ]) (1) property, goods ĀśvGṛ.
===> [ veda ]1[ ved'a ]3 m. (perhaps connected with √ 1. [ ve ], to weave or bind together) a tuft or bunch of strong grass (Kuśa or Muñja) made into a broom (and used for sweeping, making up the sacrificial fire &c., in rites) AV. MS. Br. ŚrS. Mn.
===> [ veda ]1[ veda ]4 m. N. of a pupil of Āyoda MBh. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river VP.
===> vedaka [ vedaka ]2[ vedaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. making known, announcing, proclaiming Rājat (1) restoring to consciousness Sarvad
---> ([ ikA ]), f. See s. v. (2) ([ akA ]), f. N. of an Apsaras VP.
===> vedana [ vedana ]2[ vedana ]1 mfn. (for 2. See p. 1017, col. 2) announcing, proclaiming (See [ bhaga-v° ]) (1) n. perception, knowledge Nir. MBh. Kāv. &c. (rarely [ A ] f.) (2) making known, proclaiming Rājat (3) ([ A ]), f. pain, torture, agony (also personified as a daughter of Anṛta) MBh. R. &c. (exceptionally n.) (4) feeling, sensation Yājñ. Śiś. (with Buddhists one of the 5 Skandhas MWB. 109) (5) ([ I ]), f. the true skin or cutis L.
===> [ vedana ]2[ v'edana ]2 mfn. finding, procuring (See [ naSTa ] and [ pati-v° ]) (1) n. the act of finding, falling in with (gen.) MBh. (2) the act of marrying (said of both sexes, esp. the marriage of a Śūdra woman with a man of a higher caste (3) cf. Mn. iii, 44, and [ utkRSTa-v° ]) Mn. Yājñ. (4) the ceremony of holding the ends of a mantle (observed by a Śūdra female on her marriage with a man of a higher caste) W. (5) property, goods RV. AV. [ 1017,3 ]
===> vedanīya [ vedanIya ]2[ vedanIya ] mfn. to be denoted or expressed or meant by (ifc. (1) [ -tA ] f.) Sarvad (2) to be (or being) felt by or as (ifc. (3) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n.) ib. (4) to be known or to be made known W.
===> vedha [ vedha ]1[ v'edha ]1 mfn. (√ [ vidh ]) = [ vedhas ], pious, faithful AV. (v. l.)
===> [ vedha ]1[ vedha ]2 m. (√ [ vyadh ]) penetration, piercing, breaking through, breach, opening, perforation VarBṛS. Rājat. Sarvad (1) hitting (a mark) MBh. (2) puncturing, wounding, a wound Suśr. (3) a partic. disease of horses L. (4) hole, excavation VarBṛS. (5) the depth of an excavation, depth Car. (also in measurement Col.) (6) intrusion, disturbance Vāstuv (7) fixing the position of the sun or of the stars VarBṛS. (8) mixture of fluids L. (9) a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad (10) a partic. measure or division of time (= 100 Truṭis = 1/3 Lava) Pur. (11) N. of a son of Ananta VahniP. (12) ([ A ]), f. a mystical N. of the letter [ m ] Up.
===> [ vedha ]2[ vedha ]
===> vedhana [ vedhana ]2[ vedhana ] n. piercing, hitting (with an arrow) MBh. (1) penetration, excavation MW. (2) affecting with (instr.) Śaṃk (3) depth (cf. 2. [ vedha ]) MBh. (4) puncturing, pricking, wounding MW. (5) ([ I ]), f. an auger, gimlet, any piercing instrument (esp. for piercing an elephant's ears) L. (6) Trigonella Foenum Graecum L.
===> vedhita [ vedhita ]2[ vedhita ] mfn. = [ -viddha ], pierced, perforated, penetrated L. (1) shaken, trembling (applied to the earth) Divyâv
===> vedhya [ vedhya ]2[ vedhya ] mfn. to be pierced or perforated VarBṛS. Kathās. &c. (1) to be cut open or punctured (as a vein (2) [ -tA ] f.) Car. (3) to be fixed or observed (cf. 2. [ vedha ]) Gaṇit (4) ([ A ]), f. a kind of musical instrument L. (5) n. a mark for shooting at, butt, target MārkP.
===> vedin [ vedin ]2[ vedin ]1 mfn. (for 2. 3. See col. 3) knowing, acquainted with or versed in (ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. [ sarva-v° ]) (1) feeling, perceiving MBh. Pur. (2) announcing, proclaiming MBh. R. (3) m. N. of Brahmā L. (4) ([ inI ]), f. N. of a river R.
===> [ vedin ]2[ vedin ]2 mfn. marrying (See [ zUdrA-v° ])
===> [ vedin ]2[ vedin ]3 n. a species of plant (= [ ambaSTha ]) L. (cf. 2. [ vedi ])
===> veditavya [ veditavya ]2[ veditavy'a ] mfn. to be learnt or known or understood ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) to be known or recognized as, to be taken for, to be meant Kāś
===> veditṛ [ veditR ]2[ v'editR ] or mf ([ trI ]) n. knowing, a knower (with acc. or gen.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (cf. [ sarva-v° ])
===> [ veditR ]3[ vedit'R ] mf ([ trI ]) n. knowing, a knower (with acc. or gen.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (cf. [ sarva-v° ])
===> vedya [ vedya ]2[ v'edya ]1 mfn. notorious, famous, celebrated RV. AV. (1) to be learnt or known or understood, that which is learnt ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. (2) to be recognized or regarded as MBh. Hariv. BhP. (3) relating to the Veda MBh. (cf. g. [ gav-Adi ])
===> [ vedya ]2[ v'edya ]2 mfn. to be (or being) acquired TS. VS. (1) to be married (See [ a-v° ])
===> vega [ vega ]1[ v'ega ] m. (fr. √ [ vij ]) violent agitation, shock, jerk AV. R. (1) a stream, flood, current (of water, tears &c.) AV. ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. (2) rush, dash, impetus, momentum, onset MBh. BhP. (3) impetuosity, vehemence, haste, speed, rapidity, quickness, velocity ([ vegAd vegaM-√ gam ], to go from speed to speed, increase one's speed) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) the flight (of an arrow) Kir (5) outbreak, outburst (of passion), excitement, agitation, emotion ib. (6) attack, paroxysm (of a disease) Suśr. (7) circulation, working, effect (of poison (8) in Suśr. seven stages or symptoms are mentioned) Yājñ. Kāv. &c. (9) expulsion of the feces Suśr. (10) semen virile L. (11) impetus Kaṇ. Sarvad (12) the fruit of Trichosanthes Palmata L. (13) N. of a class of evil demons Hariv.
===> vega-sara [ vegasara ]3[ v'ega-sara ] m. (cf. [ vesara ]) a mule L. (1) ([ I ]), f. a female mule Kathās
===> vegavat [ vegavat ]3[ v'ega-vat ] mfn. agitated (as the ocean) R. (1) impetuous, rapid, hasty, swift, violent MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) m. a leopard L. (3) N. of an Asura MBh. (4) of a Vidyādhara Kathās (5) of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. (6) of a king (son of Bandhu-mat) ib. (7) of a monkey R. (8) ([ vatI ]), f. N. of a river R. (9) a partic. drug Suśr. (10) a kind of metre Piṅg (11) N. of a Vidyādharī Kathās (12) (pl.) N. of a class of Apsarases or celestial nymphs VP. (13) [ -tama ] mfn. speediest, quickest, very quick or swift MW. (14) [ -tara ] mfn. more speedy, quicker, very quick ib. (15) [ -tA ] f. swiftness, velocity ib. (16) [ -stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra
===> vela [ vela ]2[ vela ] n. a garden, grove L. (cf. [ vipina ] fr. √ 1. [ vip ]) (1) a partic. high number Buddh. (2) m. the mango tree L.
===> velā [ velA ]2[ v'elA ] f. limit, boundary, end ŚBr. Kāvyâd (1) distance ŚBr. KātyŚr. (2) boundary of sea and land (personified as the daughter of Meru and Dhāriṇī, and the wife of Samudra), coast, shore ([ velAyAm ], on the sea-shore, coast-wise) MBh. Kāv. &c. [ 1018,3 ] (3) limit of time, period, season, time of day, hour (with [ pazcimA ], the evening hour (4) [ kA velA ], ` what time of the day is it? ' [ kA velA pr^aptAyAH ], ` how long has she been here? ' [ -velam ] ifc. after a numeral = times) ŚBr. &c. &c. (5) opportunity, occasion, interval, leisure ([ velAm pra-√ kR ], to watch for an opportunity (6) [ velAyAm ], at the right moment or season (7) [ artha-velAyAm ], at the moment when the meaning is under consideration) MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) meal-time, meal (as of a god = [ Izvarasya bhojanam ], Śiva's meal) L. (9) the last hour, hour of death BhP. (10) easy or painless death L. (11) tide, flow (opp. to ` ebb '), stream, current MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (12) ` sickness ' or ` passion ' ([ rAga ] or [ roga ]) L. (13) the gums L. (14) speech L. (15) N. of the wife of Buddha L. (16) of a princess found on the seashore (after whom the 11th Lambaka of the Kathāsarit-sāgara is called)
===> vesara [ vesara ]1[ vesara ] m. (cf. [ vega-sara ] (1) also written [ vezara ]) a mule VarBṛS. Śiś. (2) ([ I ]), f. a female mule Divyâv (3) n. (used to explain [ vAsara ]) Nir. iv, 7 ; 11
===> vetasa [ vetasa ]1[ vetas'a ] m. (cf. [ veta ] and [ vetra ]) the ratan (Calamus Rotang) or a similar kind of cane, a reed, rod, stick RV. &c. &c. (1) the citron (Citrus Medica) MW. (2) N. of Agni ib. (3) ([ I ]), f. the ratan, cane, reed Kathās. ([ °sI-taru ] Sāh.) (4) n. a lancet shaped like a pointed leaf of the ratan Vāgbh (5) N. of a city Kathās. [ Cf., accord. to some, Gk. ? ; Lat. [ vitis ] ; [ 1014,3 ] Germ. [ w^ida ], [ Weide ] ; Eng. [ withy ]. ]
===> vetra [ vetra ]1[ vetra ] m. n. (accord. to Uṇ. iv, 166, fr. √ 1. [ vI ] (1) prob. connected with √ 1. [ ve ], cf. [ veNu ]) a kind of large reed (used for making sticks, prob. Calamus Rotang or Fasciculatus) Kauś. MBh. &c. (2) n. a cane, staff VarBṛS. BhP. MaitrUp. Sch. (3) the rod or mace of an officer, staff of a door-keeper (See comp.) (4) the tube of a flute Saṃgīt
===> vettṛ [ vettR ]1[ vettR ]1 mfn. (fr. √ 1. [ vid ]) ono who knows or feels or witnesses or experiences, a knower, experiencer, witness ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. (1) m. a sage, one who knows the nature of the soul and God W.
===> [ vettR ]1[ vettR ]2 m. (fr. √ 3. [ vid ]) one who obtains in marriage, an espouser, husband Āpast
===> vetāla [ vetAla ]1[ vetAla ] m. (of doubtful derivation) a kind of demon, ghost, spirit, goblin, vampire (esp. one occupying a dead body) Hariv. Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) N. of one of Śiva's attendants, KālikāP. (2) of a teacher BhP. (3) of a poet Cat. (4) a door-keeper (?) L. (5) ([ A ]), f. a form of Durgā Vās (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā Hariv.
===> veśa [ veza ]1[ vez'a ] m. (√ 1. [ viz ]) ` a settler ', small farmer, tenant, neighbour, dependent, vassal RV. Kāṭh. (once in VS. [ v'eza ]) (1) entrance, ingress W. (2) a tent (See [ vastra-v° ]) (3) a house, dwelling (cf. [ vezavATa ]) L. (4) prostitution or a house of ill fame, brothel Mn. Daś. Kathās (5) the behaviour of a courtezan Kathās (6) trade, business (to explain [ vaizya ]) L. (7) the son of a Vaiśya and an Ugrī L. (8) often w. r. for [ veSa ]. [ For cognate words See under √ 1. [ viz ]. ]
===> veśman [ vezman ]2[ v'ezman ] n. a house, dwelling, mansion, abode, apartment RV. &c. &c. (1) a palace Āpast (2) an astrological house VarBṛS. (3) N. of the 4th astrological house ib.
===> veśya [ vezya ]2[ vezya ] mfn. to be entered (ifc., g. [ vargy^adi ]) (1) ([ A ]), f. See below (2) ([ vezy'a ]) n. neighbourhood, dependence, vassalage RV. (3) an adjacent or dependent territory ib. (4) a house of prostitutes, house of ill fame L. (5) prostitution ([ vezyam ] with Caus. of √ [ vah ], to be a prostitute) Divyâv
===> veśya-strī [ vezyastrI ]3[ vezya-strI ] (MBh.), f. a prostitute, harlot (= [ vezyA ], See next)
===> veśyā [ vezyA ]2[ vezyA ] f. ` intranda ', a harlot, courtezan, prostitute Mn. MBh. &c. (in comp. also [ vezya ]
---> See prec.) (1) Clypea Hernandifolia L. (2) a kind of metre Col.
===> veṇi [ veNi ]1[ veNi ] f. (fr. √ 1. [ ve ]) weaving, braiding L. (1) braided hair or a braid of hair, hair twisted into a single unornamented braid and allowed to fall on the back (so worn by widows and women who mourn for absent husbands, cf. [ eka-veNi ] (2) the water of a river is often compared to such a braid, but in these meanings the form [ veNI ] is more common, See below) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) the confluence or meeting of two or more rivers or streams in a common point of union (as at Prayāga or Allāhābād, cf. [ triv° ]) W. (4) property re-united after it has been before divided Vas (5) a cascade L.
===> veṇu [ veNu ]1[ veN'u ] or [ v'eNu ] m. (prob. connected with √ 1. [ ve ]) a bamboo, reed, cane RV. &c. &c. (1) a flute, fife, pipe MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree Lalit. (3) of a king of the Yādavas MBh. (4) of a son of Śata-jit VP. (5) of a mountain MārkP. (6) of a river L. (7) (pl.) the descendants of Veṇu ĀśvŚr. ([ veNor vizAle ], N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr.)
===> veṣa [ veSa ]1[ v'eSa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ], or [ I ], cf. [ bhUta-veSI ] (1) fr. √ [ viS ]) work, activity, management VS. Kauś. KātyŚr. (2) dress, apparel, ornament, artificial exterior, assumed appearance (often also = look, exterior, appearance in general) Mn. MBh. &c. (acc. with √ [ kR ] or [ A-√ sthA ], ` to assume a dress ', with √ [ gam ] or [ vi-√ dhA ], ` to assume an appearance ' (3) with [ A-cchAdya ], ` concealing one's appearance ', ` disguising one's self ' (4) [ pracchanna-veSeNa ] id.) (5) often w. r. for [ veza ] (6) ([ veS'a ]), mfn. working, active, busy VS. (cf. [ prAtar-v° ])
===> veṣṭaka [ veSTaka ]2[ veSTaka ] m. See [ aGguli-v° ] (1) a wall, fence W. (2) (in gram.) putting a word before and after [ iti ] VPrāt. (3) Beninkasa Cerifera L. (4) m. or n. turpentine L. [ 1019,3 ] (5) n. a head-band, turban L.
---> resin, gum L. (6) mfn. who or what encompasses or surrounds W.
===> veṣṭana [ veSTana ]2[ veSTana ] n. the act of surrounding or encompassing or enclosing or encircling ([ kRta-veSTana ], ` surrounded ', ` beset ' (1) cf. also [ aGguli-v° ]) GṛŚrS. Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) anything that surrounds or wraps &c., a bandage, band, girdle ([ °naM-√ kR ], ` to bandage ') MBh. Pañcat (3) a head-band, tiara, diadem MBh. Ragh. Kathās (4) an enclosure, wall, fence Megh (5) a covering, case MW. (6) a span MārkP. (7) the outer ear (i. e. the meatus auditorius and concha) L. (8) a kind of weapon L. (9) a partic. attitude in dancing (either a disposition of the hands or crossing of the feet) W. (10) a rope round the sacrificial post L. (11) Pongamia Glabra L. (12) bdellium L. (13) = [ gati ] (?) L.
===> veṣṭita [ veSTita ]2[ veSTit'a ] mfn. enveloped, bound round, wrapped up, enclosed, surrounded, invested, beset ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) covered with, veiled in (instr.) Mn. i, 49 (2) accompanied or attended by (instr.) MBh. (3) twisted (as a rope) Kathās (4) stopped, secured from access W. (5) n. encompassing, encircling W. (6) one of the gestures or attitudes of dancing (= [ veSTana ]) ib. (7) a kind of coitus L. (8) a turban (See [ veSTitin ])
===> vi- [ vi ]1[ v'i ]1 m. (nom. [ v'is ] or [ v'es ] acc. [ v'im ] gen. abl. [ v'es ] (1) pl. nom. acc. [ v'ayas ] [ acc. [ vIn ] Bhaṭṭ. ] (2) [ v'ibhis ], [ v'ibhyas ], [ vIn'Am ]) a bird (also applied to horses, arrows, and the Maruts) RV. VS. PañcavBr, (also occurring in later language). [ Cf. 1. [ v'ayas ] (3) Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. [ a-vis ] ; accord. to [ 949,3 ] some Germ. [ Ei ] ; Angl. Sax. [ a'eg ] ; Eng. [ egg. ] ] - 1
===> [ vi ]1[ vi ]2 n. an artificial word said to be = [ anna ] ŚBr.
===> [ vi ]1[ v'i ]3 ind. (prob. for an original [ dvi ], meaning ` in two parts ' (1) and opp. to [ sam ], q. v.) apart, asunder, in different directions, to and fro, about, away, away from, off, without RV. &c. &c. In RV. it appears also as a prep. with acc. denoting ` through ' or ` between ' (with ellipse of the verb, e. g. i, 181, 5 ; x, 86, 20 &c.) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns and other parts of speech derived from verbs, to express ` division ', ` distinction ', ` distribution ', ` arrangement ', ` order ', ` opposition ', or ` deliberation ' (cf. [ vi-√ bhid ], [ -ziS ], [ -dhA ], [ -rudh ], [ -car ], with their nominal derivatives) (2) sometimes it gives a meaning opposite to the idea contained in the simple root (e. g. √ [ krI ], ` to buy ' (3) [ vi-√ krI ], ` to sell '), or it intensifies that idea (e. g. √ [ hiMs ], ` to injure ' (4) [ vi-√ hiMs ], ` to injure severely '). The above 3. [ v'i ] may also be used in forming compounds not immediately referable to verbs, in which cases it may express ` difference ' (cf. 1. [ vi-lakSaNa ]), ` change ' or ` variety ' (cf. [ vi-citra ]), ` intensity ' (cf. [ vi-karAla ]), ` manifoldness ' (cf. [ vi-vidha ]), ` contrariety ' (cf. [ vi-loma ]), ` deviation from right ' (cf. [ vi-zIla ]), ` negation ' or ` privatlon ' (cf. [ vi-kaccha ], being often used like 3. [ a ], [ nir ], and [ nis ] [ qq. vv. ], and like the Latin [ dis ], [ se ], and the English [ a ], [ dis ], [ in ], [ un ] &c.) (5) in some cases it does not seem to modify the meaning of the simple word at all (cf. [ vi-jAmi ], [ vi-jAmAtR ]) (6) it is also used to form proper names out of other proper names (e. g. [ vi-koka ], [ vi-pRthu ], [ vi-viMza ]) . To save space such words are here mostly collected under one article (7) but words having several subordinate compounds will be found s. v.
===> vibandha [ vibandha ]2[ vi-bandha ] m. encircling, encompassing MBh. vii, 5923 (1) = [ Akalana ] L. (2) a circular bandage Suśr. (3) obstruction, constipation ib. (4) a remedy for promoting obstruction Car. (5) [ -hRt ] mfn. destroying or curing obstruction Vāgbh
===> vibandhana [ vibandhana ]3[ vi-bandhana ] mfn. obstructing, constipating Suśr. (1) n. the act of fastening or binding on both sides ([ paraspara-v° ], mfn. mutually bound, depending on each other) MW.
===> vibhagna [ vibhagna ]2[ vi-bhagna ] mgn. broken asunder, shattered, crushed PañcavBr. SaṃhitUp. &c.
===> vibhakta [ vibhakta ]2[ v'i-bhakta ] mfn. divided, distributed among (instr.). AV. &c. &c. ([ e ] ind. after a partition, Yājn. ii, 126) (1) one who has received his share Mn. ix, 210 ; 215 (2) one who has caused a partition to be made BhP. (Sch.) (3) parted, separated by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) separated from, i. e. without (instr.) Yājñ. iii, 103 (5) isolated, secluded R. (6) distinct, different, various, manifold MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) divided into regular parts, harmonious, symmetrical ib. (8) ornamented, decorated Hariv. Kathās (9) divided (arithmetically) Sūryas (10) m. N. of Skanda MBh. (11) n. isolation, seclusion, solitude Pāṇ. 2-3, 42 (12) [ -gAtra ] mfn. one whose limbs are embellished with (comp.) Hariv. (13) [ -ja ] m. a son born after the partition of the family property between his parents and brothers Gaut (14) [ -tva ] n. manifoldness, variety Vām. iv, 1, 7 (quot.) (15) [ °t^atman ] mfn. divided (in his essence) Ragh. x, 66 (16) [ °t^avibhakta-nirNaya ] m. N. of wk.
===> vibhakti [ vibhakti ]2[ v'i-bhakti ] f. separation, partition, division, distinction, modification Br. Mn. MBh. (1) part, portion, share of inheritance &c. W. (2) (in gram.) inflection of nouns, declension, an affix of declension, case (accord. to Pāṇ. a termination or inflection either of a case or of the persons of a tense ' (3) certain Taddhita affixes which are used like case terminations have also the name Vi-bhakti (4) in the Yājyā formulas esp. the cases of [ agni ] are so called) TS. Br. &c. (5) a partic. division of a Sāman (= [ bhakti ]) ŚāṅkhBr. Sch. (6) a partic. high number Buddh. (7) [ -tattva ] n. [ -vivaraNa ], n. (8) [ °ty-artha-kAraka-prakriyA ] f. [ °ty-artha-nirNaya ] m. [ °ty-artha-vicAra ] m. N. of wks.
===> vibhava [ vibhava ]1[ vi-bhava ] &c. See under [ vi-√ bhU ]
===> [ vibhava ]2[ vi-bhava ] mfn. powerful, rich MBh. xiii, 802 (1) m. being everywhere, omnipresence Kaṇ (2) development, evolution (with Vaishṇavas ` the evolution of the Supreme Being into secondary forms ') Sarvad (3) power, might, greatness, exalted position, rank, dignity, majesty, dominion R. Kālid. VarBṛS. &c. (ifc. with loc., ` one whose power consists in ' Gīt.) (4) influence upon (loc.) ŚāṅkhŚr. (5) (also pl.) wealth, money, property, fortune MBh. Kāv. &c. : luxury, anything sumptuary or superfluous Hcar. (6) magnanimity, lofty-mindedness W. (7) emancipation from existence Inscr. BhP. (8) N. of the 2nd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. (9) destruction (of the world) Buddh. (10) (in music) a kind of measure (11) [ -kSaya ] m. loss of fortune or property Cāṇ (12) [ -tas ] ind. according to rank or fortune or dignity Kālid. Prab (13) [ -mati ] f. N. of a princess Rājat (14) [ -mada ] m. the pride of power MW. (15) [ -vat ] mfn. possessed of power ', wealthy Mṛcch. [ 978,3 ]
===> vibhaṅga [ vibhaGga ]2[ vi-bhaGga ] m. bending, contraction (esp. of the eyebrows) Ragh. Vās (1) a furrow, wrinkle MBh. Vās. Gīt. (2) interruption, stoppage, frustration, disturbance Kāv. Pur. (3) fraud, deception Vās (4) a wave Vās (5) breaking, fracture W. (6) division ib. (7) N. of a class of Buddhist wks. MWB. 64, n. 1
===> vibheda [ vibheda ]2[ vi-bheda ] m. breaking asunder, splitting, piercing, division, separation MBh. R. &c. (1) knitting, contraction (of the brows) Sāh (2) interruption, disturbance Bālar (3) change, alteration Car. (4) diverging (in opinion), dissension, disagreeing with ([ samam ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) distinction, variety VarBṛS. Kathās. BhP.
===> vibhedaka [ vibhedaka ]2[ vi-bhedaka ] mfn. distinguishing anything (gen.) from (abl.) Cat. (1) m. = [ vibhIdaka ] L.
===> vibhinna [ vibhinna ]2[ vi-bhinna ] mfn. split or broken in two &c. (1) passed across or through (as by a heavenly body) VarBṛS. (2) opened blown Ragh (3) cleft (said of the temples of an elephant which exude during rut) Bhartṛ (4) broken, destroyed BhP. (5) altered, changed (also in one's feelings) Kāv. Kathās (6) alienated, estranged, become faithless Rājat (7) separated, divided Kathās (8) disunited, living at variance R. (9) (a place) filled with dissensions Kathās (10) disappointed (See [ AzA-v° ]) (11) contradictory Subh (12) various, manifold Kathās. MārkP. (13) mingled with (instr.) Kir (14) m. N. of Śiva MBh. (15) [ -tamisra ] mfn. having darkness expelled or destroyed MW. (16) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. the state of being broken or split asunder or scattered &c. ib. (17) [ -darzin ] mfn. seeing different things, discerning differences, discerning well MārkP. (18) [ -dhairya ] mfn. having firmness or constancy shaken BhP. (19) [ -veSa ] mfn. dressed in various garments Pañcar. (20) [ °nn^aGga ] mfn. one who has his body pierced or transfixed R.
===> vibhrama [ vibhrama ]2[ vi-bhrama ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) moving to and fro, rolling or whirling about, restlessness, unsteadiness Kāv. VarBṛS. Rājat (1) violence, excess, intensity, high degree (also pl.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) hurry, rapture, agitation, disturbance, perturbation, confusion, flurry MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) doubt, error, mistake, blunder (with [ daNDasya ], ` erroneous application of punishment ') Mn. MBh. &c. (4) illusion, illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Kāv. Kathās. &c. (cf. [ -bhASita ]) (5) beauty, grace Kālid. Mālatīm (6) feminine coquetry, amorous gestures or action of any kind (esp. play of the eyes), perturbation, flurry (as when a woman in her confusion puts her ornaments in the wrong places) Bhar. Daśar. Sāh (7) caprice, whim MW. (8) ([ A ]), f. old age L. (9) [ -tantra ] n. (= [ -sUtra ]) (10) [ -bhASita ], n. pl. language in appearance Subh (11) [ -vatI ] f. a girl Harav (12) N. of a female servant Prab (13) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of a treatise on grammar (attributed to Hema-candra) (14) [ °m^arka ] m. N. of a man Rājat
===> vibhraṣṭa [ vibhraSTa ]2[ vi-bhraSTa ] mfn. fallen, sunk MBh. (1) disappeared, vanished, gone, lost R. MārkP. (2) useless, vain PañcavBr. (3) (ifc.) strayed from Kathās (4) deprived of. MBh. R. (5) unsuccessful in TS. (6) [ -timira ] mfn. freed from darkness (as the sky) R. (7) [ -harSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. deprived of joy ib. (8) [ °T^eST-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
===> vibhrānta [ vibhrAnta ]2[ vi-bhrAnta ] mfn. wandered or wandering about &c. (n. impers. ` it has been roamed ' Nalôd.) (1) rolling or ogling (as the eyes (2) See below) (3) spread abroad (as fame) Prab (4) confused, bewildered MBh. (5) [ -nayana ] mfn. one who rolls the eyes or casts side glances R. (6) [ -manas ] mfn. bewildered or confused in mind MBh. (7) [ -zIla ] mfn. confused in mind or disposition, intoxicated or insane W. (8) m. a monkey ib. (9) the disc of the sun or moon ib.
===> vibhu [ vibhu ]1[ vi-bhu ] &c. See col. 3
===> [ vibhu ]2[ vi-bh'u ] or (Ved.)
===> [ vibhu ]3[ vi-bhu ] (1) [ -d'Avan ] mfn. bestowing richly, liberal TS. (2) [ -m'at ] mfn. joined with the Vibhus or Ribhus MaitrS. (3) [ -vasu ] ([ vibh'U ].), mfn. possessing mighty treasures or wealth RV.
===> vibhâvita [ vibhAvita ]3[ vi-bhAvita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to arise or appear &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. the state of being perceived or judged W.
===> vibhāga [ vibhAga ]2[ vi-bhAg'a ] m. distribution, apportionment RV. AitBr. (1) partition of patrimony, law of inheritance (one of the 18 titles or branches of law) Mn. Yājñ. &c. (cf. IW. 261) (2) a share, portion, section, constituent part of anything Yājñ. MBh. &c. (3) division, separation, distinction, difference Nir. GṛŚrS. &c. ([ ena ], separately, singly, in detail (4) cf. also [ yoga-v° ]) (5) disjunction (opp. to [ saM-yoga ] and regarded in Nyāya as one of the 24 Guṇas) IW. 68 (6) (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction Col. (7) N. of Śiva R. (8) [ -kalpanA ] f. apportioning or allotment of shares or portions W. (9) [ -jJa ] mfn. (ifc.) knowing the difference between ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. [ -tas ] ind. according to a part or share, proportionately Sarvad. W. (10) [ -tattva-vicAra ] m. N. of wk. (11) [ -tva ] n. state of separation or distinction Sarvad (12) [ -dharma ] m. the law of division, rule of inheritance Mn. i, 115 (13) [ -pattrikA ] f. a deed of partition MW. (14) [ -bhAj ] mfn. one who shares in a portion of property already distributed (applied esp. to a son by a father and mother of the same tribe, born subsequently to a distribution of property amongst his parents and brethren, in which case he inherits the portion allotted or reserved to the parents) Yājñ. Pañcat (15) [ -bhinna ] n. = [ takra ], buttermilk mixed with water L. (16) [ -rekhA ] f. partition-line, boundary between (gen.) Bālar (17) [ -vat ] mfn. divided, separated, distinguished ([ -tA ] f.) Sarvad (18) [ -zas ] ind. according to a part or share, separately, proportionately Mn. MBh. &c. (19) (ifc.) according to BhP. [ 977,3 ] (20) [ -sAra ] m. N. of wk. (21) [ °g^ecchu ] mfn. wishing for a partition or distribution MW.
===> vibhāva [ vibhAva ]3[ vi-bhAva ] (for 2. See p. 978, col. 3) and mf ([ arI ], See next)n. (voc. [ vi-bhAvas ]), id. ib.
===> [ vibhAva ]1[ vi-bhAva ]1. and 2 See above and p. 978, col. 3
===> [ vibhAva ]2[ vi-bhAva ]2 m. (for 1. See under [ vi-√ bhA ]) any condition which excites or develops a partic. state of mind or body, any cause of emotion (e. g. the persons and circumstances represented in a drama, as opp. to the [ anu-bhAva ] or external signs or effects of emotion) Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. ([ -tva ] n.) (1) a friend, acquaintance L. (2) N. of Śiva Pañcar.
===> vibhāvaka [ vibhAvaka ]3[ vi-bhAvaka ] mfn. causing to appear, procuring or intending to procure (ifc.) MBh. iii, 1347 (Nilak.) (1) discussing W.
===> vibhāvana [ vibhAvana ]3[ vi-bhAvana ] mfn. causing to appear, developing, manifesting Hariv. (1) ([ A ]), f. (in rhet.) description of effects the causes of which are left to be conjectured (or, accord. to some, ` description by negatives, bringing out the qualities of any object more clearly than by positive description ') Vām. Kāvyâd. &c. (2) n. causing to appear or become visible, development, creation BhP. (Sch. = [ pAlana ]) (3) showing, manifesting Kull. on Mn. ix, 76 (4) clear perception, examination, judgment, clear ascertainment Mn. Vikr (5) (ifc.) reflection on Kathās (6) the act of producing a partic. emotion by a work of art Sāh (7) [ °n^alaMkAra ] m. the rhetorical figure described above MW.
===> vibhāvin [ vibhAvin ]3[ vi-bhAvin ] mfn. mighty, powerful Śiś. (1) (ifc.)causingto appear ([ varNa-v° ] m. N. of Śiva). MBh. xiii, 1219 (2) arousing a partic. emotion (esp. of love) Nalôd
===> vibhāṣā [ vibhASA ]3[ v'i-bhASA ] f. (for 2. See [ vi-√ bhAS ]) a class of Prākṛt languages Cat. (1) (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt (2) (with Buddhists) a great Commentary
===> [ vibhASA ]2[ vi-bhASA ]2 f. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) an alternative, option, optionality ([ vi-bhASayA ], optionally), one of two ways (cf. [ vi-kalpa ]) APrāt. (1) (in gram.) the allowing a rule to be optional (of two kinds, viz. [ pr^apta-v° ] or [ pr^apte v° ], an option allowed in a partic. operation which another rule makes necessary (2) [ apr^apta-v° ] or [ apr^apte v° ], an option allowed in a partic. operation which another rule makes impossible) Pāṇ. 1-1, 44 &c. (3) [ -vRtti ] f. N. of wk.
===> vibhītaka [ vibhItaka ]2[ vibh'Itaka ] m. (or [ I ] f.) the tree Terminalia Bellerica (1) n. its berry (used as a die) ŚBr. MBh. &c.
===> vibhīṣaṇa [ vibhISaNa ]2[ vi-bh'ISaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. terrifying, fearful, horrible RV. &c. &c. (1) bullying or blustering (as language) MW. (2) m. miscarriage, abortion MBh. (3) Amphidonax Karka L. (4) N. of a brother of Rāvaṇa (his other brothers were Kubera [ by a different mother ] and Kumbha-karṇa (5) both Rāvaṇa and Vibhishaṇa are said to have propitiated Brahmā by their penances, so that the god granted them both boons, and the boon chosen by Vibhishaṇa was that he should never, even in the greatest calamity, stoop to any mean action (6) hence he is represented in the Rāmāyaṇa as endeavouring to counteract the malice of his brother Rāvaṇa, in consequence of which he was so ill-treated by him that, leaving Laṅkā, he joined Rāma, by whom, after the death of Rāvaṇa, Vibhishaṇa was placed on the throne of Laṅkā) MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (7) of two kings of Kaśmira (the sons of Go-narda and Rāvaṇa) Rājat. i, 192 &c. (in later times Vibhishaṇa appears to have been used as a general N. of the kings of Laṅkā) (8) N. of an author Cat. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda MBh. (10) n. the act or a means of terrifying, terror, intimidation MBh. (11) N. of the 11th Muhūrta Cat. (12) [ °N^abhiSeka ] m. ` Vibhishaṇa's inauguration ', N. of R. v, 91 (accord. to one recension)
===> vibhū [ vibhU ]1[ vi-√ bhU ] P. [ -bhavati ], to arise, be developed or manifested, expand, appear RV. TS. MuṇḍUp. (1) to suffice, be adequate or equal to or a match for (dat. or acc.) ŚBr. (2) to pervade, fill PañcavBr. (3) to be able to or capable of (inf.), Bhp (4) to exist (in [ a-vibhavat ], ` not existing ') KātyŚr. : Caus. [ -bhAvayati ], to cause to arise or appear, develop, manifest, reveal, show forth, display ŚāṅkhBr. MBh. &c. (5) to pretend, feign Kull. on Mn. viii, 362 (6) to divide, separate BhP. (7) to perceive distinctly, find out, discover, ascertain, know, acknowledge, recognise as (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) to regard or consider as, take for (two acc.) Kuval (9) to suppose, fancy, imagine BhP. Pañcar. (10) to think, reflect Kathās. Pañcat (11) to suppose anything of or about (loc.) BhP. (12) to make clear, establish, prove, decide Mn. Yājñ. (13) to convict, convince Yājñ. Daś. : Pass. of Caus. [ -bhAvyate ], to be considered or regarded as, appear, seem (nom.) MBh. Kāv. &c. : Desid., See [ -bubhUSA ]: Intens., [ -bobhuvat ]
===> [ vibhU ]3[ vi-bh'U ] mf ([ 'U ] or [ v'I ]) n. being everywhere, far-extending, all-pervading, omnipresent, eternal RV. VS. Up. MBh. &c. (1) abundant, plentiful RV. VS. Br. (2) mighty, powerful, excellent, great, strong, effective, able to or capable of (inf.) RV. &c. &c. (3) firm, solid, hard L. (4) m. a lord, ruler, sovereign, king (also applied to Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) (ifc.) chief of or among VarBṛS. (6) a servant L. (7) the sun L. (8) the moon L. (9) N. of Kubera L. (W. also ` ether (10) space (11) time (12) the soul ') (13) N. of a god (son of Veda-śiras and Tushitā) BhP. (14) of a class of gods under Manu Sāvarṇi MārkP. (15) of Indra under Manu Raivata and under the 7th Manu ib. BhP. (16) of a son of Viṣṇu and Dakshiṇā BhP. (17) of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi ib. (18) of Buddha L. (19) of a brother of Śakuni MBh. (20) of a son of Śambara Hariv. (21) of a son of Satya-ketu and father of Su-vibhu VP. (22) of a son of Dharma-ketu and father of Su-kumāra ib. (23) of a son of Varsha-ketu or Satya-ketu and father of Ānarta Hariv. (24) of a son of Prastāva and Niyutsā BhP. (25) of a son of Bhṛgu MW. (26) pl. N. of the Ṛbhus RV. (27) [ -kr'atu ] mfn. strong. heroic RV. (28) [ -tA ] f. power, supremacy W. (29) [ -tva ] n. being everywhere, omnipresence ŚvetUp. Sarvad (30) omnipotence, sovereignty PraśnUp. Śak. Bālar (31) [ -tva-samarthana ] n. N. of wk. (32) [ -pramita ] n. the hall of Brahmā KaushUp. (33) [ -m'at ] mfn. extending everywhere RV. (34) joined with the Vibhus or Ṛbhus VS. AitBr. ŚrS. (35) [ -varman ] m. N. of a man Inscr.
===> [ vibhU ]2[ vi-bhU ] in comp. for
===> vibhūta [ vibhUta ]2[ v'i-bhUta ] mfn. arisen, produced &c. (1) great, mighty (See comp.) (2) m. = next Buddh. (3) [ -M-gamA ] f. a partic. high number Buddh. (4) [ -dyumna ] ([ v'i° ]), mfn. abounding in splendour or glory RV. (5) [ -manas ] mfn. (used to explain [ vi-manas ]) Nir. x, 26 (6) [ -rAti ] ([ vi° ]), mfn. bestowing rich gifts
===> vibhūti [ vibhUti ]2[ v'i-bhUti ] mfn. penetrating, pervading Nir (1) abundant, plentiful RV. (2) mighty, powerful ib. (3) presiding over (gen.) ib. viii, 50, 6 (4) m. N. of a Sādhya Hariv. (5) of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. (6) of a king VP. (7) f. development, multiplication, expansion, plenty, abundance Kāv. Kathās. &c. (8) manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to Śiva, but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. [ aNiman ], the power of becoming as minute as an atom (9) [ laghiman ], extreme lightness (10) [ pr^apti ], attaining or reaching anything [ e. g. the moon with the tip of the finger ] [ 979,1 ] (11) [ prAkAmya ], irresistible will (12) [ mahiman ], illimitable bulk (13) [ IzitA ], supreme dominion (14) [ vazitA ], subjugating by magic (15) and [ kAm^avasAyitA ], the suppressing all desires) ib. (16) a partic. Śakti Hcat (17) the might of a king or great lord, sovereign power, greatness Kālid. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (18) successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R. (19) splendour, glory, magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBṛS. (20) fortune, welfare, prosperity PraśnUp. MBh. &c. (21) (also pl.) riches, wealth, opulence Kām. Kāv. Kathās (22) N. of Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune and welfare) BhP. (23) the ashes of cow-dung &c. (with which Śiva is said to smear his body, and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pañcar. Sāh (24) (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt (25) [ -grahaNa ] n. taking up ashes (at the Vaiśvadeva ceremony) RTL. 420 (26) [ -candra ] m. N. of an author, Cat. (27) [ -dvAdazI ] f. a Vrata or religious observance on a partic. twelfth day (in honour of Viṣṇu) ib. (28) [ -dhAraNa-vidhi ] m. N. of wk. (29) [ -bala ] m. N. of a poet Cat. (30) [ -mat ] mfn. mighty, powerful, superhuman Bhag. BhP. (31) smeared with ashes W. (32) [ -mAdhava ] m. N. of a poet Cat. (33) [ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP. (34) [ -yoga ] m. N. of the 6th canto of the Śiva-gītā
===> vibhūṣaṇa [ vibhUSaNa ]2[ vi-bhUSaNa ] mfn. adoming R. (1) m. N. of Mañju-śrī L. (2) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) decoration, ornament MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) splendour, beauty Daśar (4) [ -kalA ] f. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (5) [ -vat ] mfn. adorned, decorated Mṛcch (6) [ °n^odbhAsin ] mfn. glittering with ornaments Kum
===> vibhūṣita [ vibhUSita ]3[ vi-bhUSita ] mfn. adorned, decorated MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) n. an ornament, decoration R. (2) [ °t^aGga ] mfn. decorated about the body MW. (3) [ °t^alaMkArA ] f. N. of a Gandharvī and of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
===> vibodha [ vibodha ]3[ v'i-bodha ] m. (for 2. See ib.) inattention, absence of mind L.
===> [ vibodha ]2[ vi-bodha ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) awaking MaitrUp. Kāv. &c. (1) perception, intelligence BhP. (2) (in dram.) the unfolding of the faculties in carrying out an object Bhar. Daśar. &c. (3) N. of a bird (a son of Droṇa) MārkP.
===> vibodhana [ vibodhana ]3[ vi-b'odhana ] m. an arouser, promoter of (gen.) RV. viii, 3, 22 (1) n. awaking, awakening (trans. and intrans.) MBh. MārkP.
===> vibuddha [ vibuddha ]3[ v'i-buddha ] mfn. (for 2. See [ vi-√ budh ]) without consciousness W.
===> [ vibuddha ]2[ vi-buddha ]2 mfn. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) awakened, wide awake MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) expanded, blown ib. (2) clever, experienced, skilful in (loc.) MBh. xiv, 1015 (3) [ -kamala ] mfn. having expanded lotuses MBh. (4) [ -cUta ] m. a mango-tree in blossom Mālav
===> vibudha [ vibudha ]2[ vi-budha ]2 mfn. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3) very wise or learned Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat. &c. (1) m. a wise or learned man, teacher, Paṇḍit ib. (2) a god MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) the moon L. (4) N. of a prince (son of Deva-miḍha) R. (5) of Kṛta VP. (6) of the author of the Janma-pradipa (7) [ -guru ] m. ` teacher of the gods ', Bṛhas-pati or the planet Jupiter VarBṛS. (8) [ -taTinI ] f. ` river of the gods ', the Gaṅgā Prasaṅg (9) [ -tva ] n. wisdom, learning Cat. (10) [ -nadI ] f. = [ -taTinI ] Viddh (11) [ -pati ] m. ` king of the gods ', N. of Indra Car. (12) [ -priyA ] f. ` favourite of the gods ', N. of a metre Piṅg (13) -mati, mfn. of wise understanding Kām (14) [ -raJjanI ] f. N. of wk. (15) [ -rAja ], m. = [ -pati ] R. (16) [ -ripu ] m. an enemy of the gods Prab (17) [ -rSabha ] (for [ -RS° ]), m. chief of the gods BhP. (18) [ -vijaya ] m. a victory won by the gods MW. (19) [ -vidviS ] (MBh.) or [ -zatru ] (Vikr.), m. ` foe of the gods ', a demon (20) [ -sakha ] m. a friend of the gods Bhaṭṭ. (21) [ -sadman ] n. ` abode of the gods ', heaven or the sky Kād (22) [ -strI ] f. ` divine female ', an Apsaras Śak (23) [ °dh^acArya ] m. ` teacher of the gods ', N. of Bṛhas-pati Daś (24) [ °dh^adhipa ] (MBh.), [ °dh^adhipati ] (VarBṛS.), m. sovereign of the gods ([ °tya ] n. sovereignty of the gods BhP.) (25) [ °dh^anucara ] m. a god's attendant Mn. xii, 47 (26) [ °dh^avAsa ] m. ` god's abode ', a temple Rājat (27) [ °dh^etara ] m. ` other than a god ', an Asura BhP. (28) [ °dh^endra ] m. ` best of the wise ', (with [ AcArya ] or [ Azrama ]) N. of a teacher Cat. (29) [ °dh^ezvara ] m. lord of the gods MBh. (30) [ °dh^opadeza ] m. N. of a vocabulary
===> vicakṣaṇa [ vicakSaNa ]3[ vi-cakSaN'a ] mfn. conspicuous, visible, bright, radiant, splendid RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS. (1) distinct, perceptible PārGṛ. (2) clear-sighted (lit. and fig.), sagacious, clever, wise, experienced or versed in, familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (3) m. N. of a preceptor (with the patr. Tāṇḍya) VBr. (4) ([ A ]), f. Tiaridium Indicum L. (5) N. of Brahmā's throne KaushUp. (6) N. of a female servant Viddh (7) ([ am ]), ind., g. [ gotr^adi ] (8) [ -canasita-vat ] mfn. accompanied by the word [ vicakSaNa ], or [ canasita ] KātyŚr. (9) [ -tva ] n. sagaciousness, cleverness, discernment, judgment, wisdom MBh. (10) [ -m-manya ] mfn. considering one's self clever or wise Sarvad (11) [ -vat ] mfn. connected with the word [ vicakSaNa ] AitBr. (cf. [ °N^anta ] Lāṭy., [ °N^ottara ] Vait.)
===> vicarcikā [ vicarcikA ]1[ vi-carcikA ] f. (√ [ carc ]) ` coating, cover ', a form of cutaneous eruption, itch, scab Suśr.
===> vicarita [ vicarita ]3[ vi-carita ] mfn. moved in different directions &c. (1) n. wandering, roaming about MBh.
===> vicaya [ vicaya ]2[ vi-caya ]1 m. gathering or putting together, arrangement, enumeration Nidānas
===> [ vicaya ]2[ vi-caya ]2 m. search, investigation, examination Ragh. Uttarar. Car.
===> viccheda [ viccheda ]2[ vi-ccheda ] m. cutting asunder, cleaving, piercing, breaking, division, separation Kāv. Śāh (1) interruption, discontinuance, cessation, end MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) removal, destruction Rājat. Kathās (3) (ifc.) injury to Kām (4) distinction, difference (ifc. also ` variety ', i. e. different kinds of) MBh. Śaṃk. Sarvad (5) division of a book, section, chapter W. (6) space, interval ib. (7) caesura, pause in a verse Piṅg. Sch.
===> vicchinna [ vicchinna ]2[ v'i-cchinna ] mfn. cut or torn or split or cleft or broken asunder &c. AV. Hariv. BhP. (1) interrupted, disconnected ([ -tA ] f. disconnectedness), incoherent GṛS. Kāv. VarBṛS. (2) ended, ceased, no longer existing, Rājat (3) crooked L. (4) anointed L. (5) [ -dhUma-prasara ] mfn. having the free course of the smoke interrupted Ragh (6) [ -prasara ] ([ vicchinnaprasara ]), mfn. having its progress interrupted (said of science) Rājat (7) [ -bali-karman ] mfn. having sacrificial rites interrupted ib. (8) [ -madya ] mfn. one who has long abstained from spirituous liquor [ 959,3 ]
---> [ -zara-pAtatva ] n. ` distance of an arrow's flight ', i. e. excessive nearness of combatants to each other MBh.
===> vicetas [ vicetas ]3[ v'i-cetas ] ([ v'i- ]), mfn. (for 2. See [ vi-√ cit ]) absent-minded, confounded, perplexed Hariv. R. BhP. (1) ignorant, stupid MBh.
===> [ vicetas ]3[ vi-cetas ] ([ v'i- ]) mfn. visible, clearly seen RV. (1) discerning, wise ib.
===> viceṣṭana [ viceSTana ]3[ vi-ceSTana ] n. moving the limbs MBh. (1) kicking or rolling (said of horses) Ragh
===> vicikitsana [ vicikitsana ]3[ vi-cikitsana ] n. (fr. Desid.) the being uncertain, doubtfulness Śaṃk
===> vicikitsā [ vicikitsA ]3[ vi-cikits'A ] f. doubt, uncertainty, question, inquiry TBr. ChUp. BhP. (1) error, mistake W. (2) [ °s^arthIya ] mfn. expressing doubt or uncertainty Nir
===> vicitra [ vicitra ]3[ v'i-citra ] See s. v.
===> [ vicitra ]1[ vi-citra ] mf ([ A ]) n. variegated, many-coloured, motley, brilliant MBh. R. &c. (1) manifold, various, diverse Mn. MBh. &c. (2) strange, wonderful, surprising MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) charming, lovely, beautiful R. Ṛitus (4) amusing, entertaining (as a story) Kathās (5) painted, coloured W. (6) ([ am ]), ind. manifoldly, variously BhP. (7) charmingly R. (8) m. the Aśoka tree L. (9) N. of a king MBh. (10) of a son of Manu Raucya or Deva-sāvarṇi Hariv. Pur. (11) of a heron Hit. (12) ([ A ]), f. a white deer MW. (13) colocynth L. (14) (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt (15) N. of a river VP. (16) n. variegated colour, party-colour W. (17) wonder, surprise Gīt. (18) a figure of speech (implying apparently the reverse of the meaning intended) Kuval. Pratāp (19) [ -katha ] m. ` one whose stories are amusing ', N. of a man Kathās (20) [ -caritra ] mfn. behaving in a wonderful manner MW. (21) [ -cIn^aMzuka ] n. variegated China cloth, shot or watered China silk W. (22) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. variegation, variety, wonderfulness Kāv. Sāh (23) [ -deha ] mfn. having a painted body W. (24) elegantly formed ib. (25) m. a cloud L. (26) [ -pazu ] m. N. of a poet Cat. (27) [ -bhUSaNa ] m. N. of a Kiṃ-nara Buddh. (28) [ -mAly^abharaNa ] mfn. having variegated garlands and ornaments Nal (29) [ -maulizrI-cUDa ] m. N. of a prince Buddh. (30) [ -rUpa ] mfn. having various forms, various, diverse MBh. (31) [ -varSin ] mfn. raining here and there (not everywhere) VarBṛS. (32) [ -vAkya-paTutA ] f. great eloquence Prasaṅg (33) [ -vAgur^occhrAya-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. filled with various outspread nets Kathās (34) [ -vIrya ] m. ` of marvellous heroism ', N. of a celebrated king of the lunar race (the son of Śāṃtanu by his wife Satya-vatī, and so half-brother of Bhīshma (35) when he died childless, his mother requested Vyāsa, whom she had borne before her marriage to the sage Parāśara, to raise up issue to Vicitra-vīrya (36) so Vyāsa married the two widows of his half-brother, Ambikā and Ambālikā, and by them became the father of Dhṛta-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu (37) cf. IW. 375 ; 376) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (38) ([ -sU ] f. ` mother of Vicitra-vīrya ', N. of Satya-vatī L.) (39) [ -siMha ] m. N. of a man Rājat (40) [ °tr^aGga ] m. ` having variegated limbs or a spotted body ', a peacock L. (41) a tiger L. (42) [ °tr^apIDa ] m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās (43) [ °tr^alaMkAra-svara ] m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh.
===> vicitta [ vicitta ]3[ v'i-citta ] mfn. (for 2. See under [ vi-√ cit ]) unconscious Suśr. (1) not knowing what to do, helpless Hcar. (2) [ -tA ] f. unconsciousness Sāh
===> [ vicitta ]3[ vi-citta ] ([ v'i- ]), mfn. (for 1. See p. 950, col. 2) perceived, observed, perceivable, manifest AV. TBr.
===> vicāraka [ vicAraka ]3[ vi-cAraka ] m. a leader, guide R.
---> a spy ib. (1) (ifc.) one who deliberates or considers Sarvad (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a female servant who looks after the garden and the various divisions of the house L. (3) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. investigation, deliberation, discussion W.
===> vicāraṇa [ vicAraNa ]3[ vi-cAraNa ] n. (also [ A ] f.) consideration, reflexion, discussion, doubt, hesitation MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) changing a place (only n.) Suśr. (2) ([ A ]), f. distinction, kind Car. (3) N. of the Mīmāṃsā system of philosophy W.
===> vicārin [ vicArin ]3[ vi-cArin ] mfn. having wide paths (as the earth) RV. v, 84, 2 (1) moving about, wandering, traversing MBh. R. &c. (2) proceeding, acting MBh. (3) changing, mutable ĀśvŚr. (4) wanton, dissolute, lascivious Cāṇ. (v. l.) (5) (ifc.) deliberating, judging, discussing MBh. Mṛcch (6) m. N. of a son of Kavandha GopBr.
===> vicārita [ vicArita ]3[ vi-cArita ] mfn. deliberated, considered, discussed, judged Mn. MBh. &c. (1) anything which is under discussion, dubious, doubtful, uncertain ib. (2) anything which has been discussed or decided, ascertained, settled Mn. xi, 28 (3) n. (also pl.) deliberation, doubt, hesitation MBh. Mṛcch. Pañcat
===> vicārya [ vicArya ]3[ vi-cArya ] mfn. to be deliberated or discussed (n. impers.), dubious, doubtful, questionable MBh. Kathās. &c.
===> vid [ vid ]1[ vid ]1 cl. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxiv, 56) [ vetti ] ([ vidmahe ] Br. (1) [ vedati ], [ °te ] Up. MBh. (2) [ vid'ati ], [ °te ] AV. &c. (3) [ vindati ], [ °te ] MBh. &c. (4) Impv. [ vidAM-karotu ] Pañcat. [ cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 41 ] (5) 1. sg. impf. [ avedam ], 2. sg. [ avet ] or [ aves ] [ Pāṇ. 8-2, 75 ] RV. &c. &c. (6) 3. pl. [ avidus ] Br. [ cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 109 ] (7) [ avidan ] MBh. &c. (8) pf. [ v'eda ] [ often substituted for pr. [ vetti ], cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 83 ], 3. pl. [ vid'us ] or [ vidre ] RV. (9) [ viveda ] MBh. &c. (10) [ vidAMcak'Ara ] Br. &c. [ cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 38 (11) accord. to Vop. also [ vidAm-babhUva ] ] (12) aor. [ avedIt ] ib. (13) [ vidAm-akran ] TBr. (14) fut. [ vedit'A ] ŚBr. (15) [ vettA ] MBh. fut. [ vediSyati ], [ °te ] Br. Up. (16) [ vetsyati ], [ °te ] MBh. &c. (17) inf. [ v'editum ], [ °tos ] Br. (18) [ vettum ] MBh. &c. (19) ind. p. [ viditv'A ] Br. &c.), to know, understand, perceive, learn, become or be acquainted with, be conscious of, have a correct notion of (with acc., in older, language also with gen. (20) with inf. = to know how to) RV. &c. &c. ([ viddhi yathA ], ` know that ' (21) [ vidyAt ], ` one should know ', ` it should be understood ' (22) [ ya evam veda ] [ in Br. ], ` who knows thus ', who has this knowledge ') (23) to know or regard or consider as, take for, declare to be, call (esp. in 3. pl. [ vidus ], with two acc. or with acc. and nom. with [ iti ], e. g. [ taM sthaviraM viduH ], ` they consider or call him aged ' (24) [ rAjarSir iti mAM viduH ], ` they consider me a Rājarshi ') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (25) to mind, notice, observe, remember (with gen. or acc.) RV. AV. Br. (26) to experience, feel (acc. or gen.) RV. &c. &c. (27) to wish to know, inquire about (acc.) ŚBr. MBh. : Caus. [ ved'ayate ] (rarely [ °ti ] (28) aor. [ avIvidat ] (29) Pass. [ vedyate ]), to make known, announce, report, tell ŚBr. &c. &c.
---> to teach, explain ŚāṅkhŚr. Nir (30) to recognize or regard as, take for (two acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (31) to feel, experience ŚBr. Mn. &c. : Desid. of Caus. in [ vivedayiSu ], q. v. : Desid. [ vividiSati ] or [ vivitsati ], to wish to know or learn, inquire about (acc.) ŚBr. &c. &c. : Intens. [ vevidyate ], [ vevetti ] Gr. [ Cf. Gk. ? for ?, ? for ? = [ veda ] ; Lat. [ videre ] ; [ 963,2 ] Slav. [ v˘ed˘eti ] ; Goth. [ witan ], [ wait ] ; Germ. [ wizzan ], [ wissen ] ; Angl. Sax. [ w^at ] (32) Eng. wot. ]
===> [ vid ]2[ v'id ]2 mfn. knowing, understanding, a knower (mostly ifc. (1) superl. [ vit-tama ]) KaṭhUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) m. the planet Mercury VarBṛS. (cf. 2. [ jJa ]) (3) f. knowledge understanding RV. KaushUp. (4) (pl.) Bhām.
===> [ vid ]1[ vid ]3 (originally identical with √ 1. [ vid ]), cl. 6. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxviii, 138) [ vind'ati ], [ °te ] (Ved. also [ vitt'e ], [ vid'e ] (1) p. [ vidAn'a ] or [ vidAna ] [ q. v. ] (2) ep. 3. pl. [ vindate ] Pot. [ vindyAt ], often = [ vidyAt ] (3) pf. [ viv'eda ] [ 3. pl. [ vividus ] Subj. [ vividat ] ], [ vividv'as ], 3. pl. [ vividre ], [ vidr'e ] RV. &c. &c. (4) p. [ vividv'as ] RV. (5) [ vividivas ] Pāṇ. 7-2, 68 (6) aor. [ 'avidat ], [ °data ] ib. [ Ved. Subj. [ vid'Asi ], [ °d'At ] (7) Pot. [ vid'et ], [ deta ] VS. AV. Br. (8) 3. sg. [ videSTa ] AV. ii, 36, 3 ] (9) Ā. 1. sg. [ avitsi ] RV. Br. (10) fut. [ vettA ], [ vediSyati ] Gr. (11) [ vetsyati ], [ °te ] Br. &c. (12) inf. [ vid'e ] RV. (13) [ vettum ] MBh. &c. (14) [ v'ettave ] AV. (15) [ °ttavai ] [ ? ] and [ °tos ] Br. (16) ind. p. [ vittv'A ] AV. Br. (17) [ -vidya ] Br. &c.), to find, discover, meet or fall in with, obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess RV. &c. &c. (with [ dizas ], to find out the quarters of she sky MBh.) [ 965,1 ] (18) to get or procure for (dat.) RV. ChUp. (19) to seek out, look for, attend to RV. &c. &c. (20) to feel, experience Cāṇ (21) to consider as, take for (two acc.) Kāv (22) to come upon, befall, seize, visit RV. AV. Br. (23) to contrive, accomplish, perform, effect, produce RV. ŚBr. (24) (Ā., m. c. also P.) to take to wife, marry (with or scil. [ bhAryAm ]) RV. Mn. MBh. &c. (25) to find (a husband), marry (said of a woman) AV. Mn. MBh. (26) to obtain (a son, with or scil. [ sutam ]) BhP. : Pass. or Ā. [ vidy'ate ] (ep. also [ °ti ] (27) p. [ vidyamAna ] [ q. v. ] (28) aor. [ avedi ]), to be found, exist, be RV. &c. &c. (29) (esp. in later language) [ vidyate ], ` there is, there exists ', often with [ na ], ` there is not ' (30) with [ bhoktum ], ` there is something to eat ' (31) followed by a fut., ` is it possible that? ' Pāṇ. 3-3, 146 Sch. (32) [ yathA-vid'e ], ` as it happens ', i. e. ` as usual ', ` as well as possible ' RV. i, 127, 4 &c. : Caus. [ vedayati ], to cause to find &c. MBh. : Desid. [ vividiSati ] or [ vivitsati ], [ °te ] Gr. (cf. [ vivitsita ]) : Intens. [ vevidyate ], [ vevetti ] ib. (for p. [ v'evidat ] and [ °dAna ] See [ vi- ] and [ saMroot vid ])
===> [ vid ]2[ vid ]4 (ifc.) finding, acquiring, procuring (See [ anna- ], [ azva- ], [ ahar-vid ] &c.)
===> [ vid ]1[ vid ]5 cl. 7. Ā. (Dhātup. xxix, 13) [ vintte ], to consider as, take for (two acc.) Bhaṭṭ.
===> vidagdha [ vidagdha ]1[ v'i-dagdha ] See [ vi-√ dah ] below
===> [ vidagdha ]2[ v'i-dagdha ] mfn. burnt up, consumed ŚBr. Kauś. [ 965,3 ] (1) inflamed Suśr. (2) cooked by internal heat as by the fire of digestion, digested ib. (3) decomposed, corrupted, spoiled, turned sour ib. (4) mature (as a tumour) Bhpr. (5) tawny or reddish brown (like impure blood) L. (6) clever, shrewd, knowing, sharp, crafty, sly, artful, intriguing MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) m. tawny (the colour) L. (8) a clever man, scholar, Paṇḍit W. (9) a libertine, intriguer ib. (10) N. of a teacher of the Vājasaneyins ŚBr. (11) ([ A ]), f. a sharp or knowing woman W. (12) [ -cuDAmaNi ] m. N. of an enchanted parrot Kathās. Vet (13) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. cleverness, sharpness, skill in (loc.) Kāv (14) [ -toSiNI ] f. N. of an astron. wk. (15) [ -parivRddhatA ] f. the turning acid and swelling (of food in the stomach) Suśr. (16) [ -pariSad ] f. an assembly or company of clever people Bhartṛ (17) [ -bodha ] m. N. of a grammar (by Rāma-candra Miśra) (18) [ -mAdhava ] n. N. of a Nāṭaka or drama (by Rūpa Go-svāmin, in 7 acts, written A. D. 1549 (19) it is a dramatic version of the Gīta-govinda on the loves of Kṛshṇa and Rādhā) (20) [ -mukha-maNDana ] n. N. of wk. on enigmas (by the Buddhist Dharmadāsa) (21) [ -vacana ] mfn. clever or skilful in speech Pañcat (22) [ -vaidya ] m. N. of a medical writer (23) [ °dh^ajIrna ] n. a partic. form of indigestion Bhpr. (24) [ °dh^alApa ] mfn. clever in language, elegant, witty Bhartṛ
===> viddha [ viddha ]1[ viddh'a ] mfn. (p. p. of √ [ vyadh ]) pierced, perforated, penetrated, stabbed, struck, wounded, beaten, torn, hurt, injured AV. &c. &c. (1) cleft, split, burst asunder MBh. (2) (with [ zUlAyAm ]) impaled Kathās (3) opposed, impeded L. (4) thrown, sent L. (5) stung, incited, set in motion BhP. (6) filled or affected or provided or joined or mixed with (instr. or comp.) Hariv. VarBṛS. BhP. (7) like, resembling Śrutab (8) m. Echites Scholaris L. (9) n. a wound MW.
===> [ viddha ]2[ viddh'a ] &c. See p. 966, col. 2
===> videha [ videha ]3[ v'i-deha ] See s. v.
===> [ videha ]1[ vi-deha ] mfn. bodiless, incorporeal (1) deceased, dead (also [ videha-pr^apta ]) MBh. R. BhP. &c. (2) ([ 'a ]), m. (cf. [ vi-degh'a ]) N. of a country (= the modern Tirhut) ŚBr. &c. &c. (3) a king of Vi-deha (esp. applied to Janaka) Up. BhP. Rājat (4) N. of a medical author (also called [ -pati ], or [ °h^adhipa ]) Cat. (5) ([ A ]), f. the capital city of Vi-deha, i. e. Mithilā L. (6) ([ As ]), m. pl. the people of Vi-deha (7) [ -kaivalya-pr^apti ] f. the attainment of emancipation after death Madhus (8) [ -jA ] f. ` daughter of Janaka ', N. of Śītā R. (9) [ -tva ] n. bodilessness (acc. with [ gataH ] = deceased, dead) R. (10) [ -nagara ] n. (Cat.), [ °rI ] f. (Ragh.) the city of Mithilā (11) [ -pati ], lord of Mithilā (12) [ -mukti ] f. deliverance through release from the body RāmatUp. ([ °ti-kathana ] and [ °ty-Adi-kathana ] n. N. of two treatises) (13) [ -rAja ] m. a king of Vi-deha R. (14) [ °h^adhipa ], See [ viheha ] (15) [ °h^adhipati ] m. = [ °ha-rAja ] Hariv.
===> vidha [ vidha ]2[ vidha ]1 m. piercing, perforating L. (for other meanings See 2. [ vidha ], col. 3)
===> [ vidha ]2[ vidha ] (for 1. See col. 2), m. n. of [ vidhA ] (ifc.) (1) m. measure, form, kind L. (2) food for an elephant L. (cf. [ vi-dhAna ]) (3) = [ Rddhi ] L. (cf. next)
===> vidhamana [ vidhamana ]3[ vi-dhamana ] mfn. blowing out, extinguishing Suśr. (1) blowing away, destroying ([ -tA ] f.) Car. (2) n. the act of blowing away or asunder Nir
===> vidhana [ vidhana ]3[ v'i-dhana ] mfn. devoid of wealth, poor VarBṛS. (1) [ -tA ] f. poverty Mṛcch. Hit. (2) [ °nI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to impoverish Kathās
===> [ vidhana ]1[ vi-dhana ] [ vi-dhanuSka ] &c. See p. 951, col. 1
===> vidhavā [ vidhavA ]2[ vidhavA ] f. (accord. to some fr. [ vi ] + [ dhava ], 2. [ dhav'a ], p. 513) a husbandless woman, widow (also with [ nArI ], [ yoSit ], [ strI ] &c.) RV. &c. &c. (1) bereft of a king (a country) R. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 967,2 ] [ vidua ] ; Goth. [ widuw^o ] ; Germ. [ wituwa ], [ witewe ], [ Witwe ] ; Angl. Sax. [ wuduwe ], [ widewe ] ; Eng. [ widow ]. ]
===> vidheya [ vidheya ]2[ vi-dheya ] mfn. to be bestowed or procured BhP. (1) to be used or employed ([ a-vidh° ]) MBh. (2) to be (or being) enjoined (as a rule) PārGṛ. (3) to be stated or settled or established VarBṛS. Kām (4) to be performed or practised or done MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) to be drawn (as a line) Gol. (6) to be kindled (as fire) MBh. (7) to be exhibited or displayed or shown or betrayed Kāv. Rājat. Hit. (8) docile, compliant, submissive, liable to be ruled or governed or influenced by, subject or obedient to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (9) (ifc.) subdued or overcome by Ragh. Prab. Rājat (10) n. what is to be done, duty, necessity Rājat (11) [ -jJa ] mfn. knowing what ought to be done Pañcat (12) [ -tA ] f. fitness to be (or ` state of being ') prescribed or enjoined, Prāyaśc. (opp. to [ niSiddha-tA ]) (13) docility, submission Car. (14) [ -tva ] n. applicability, usefulness MBh. (15) dependency, submission Rājat (16) necessity of being established or stated Sāh (17) [ -pada ] n. an object to be accomplished W. (18) [ -mArga ] m. the seeking to do a necessary act ib. (19) [ -vartin ] mfn. submissive to another's will, obedient Śiś. (20) [ °y^atman ] mfn. having the soul (well) subdued or controlled Bhag.
===> [ vidheya ]1[ vi-dheya ] &c. See p. 968, col. 2
===> vidhi [ vidhi ]2[ vidhi ]1 m. (for 2. See p. 968, col. 1) a worshipper, one who does homage AitBr.
===> [ vidhi ]2[ vidhi ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 967, col. 2) a rule, formula, injunction, ordinance, statute, precept, law, direction (esp. for the performance of a rite as given in the Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda, which accord. to Sāy. consists of two parts, 1. Vidhi, ` precepts or commandments ', e. g. [ yajeta ], ` he ought to sacrifice ', [ kuryAt ], ` he ought to perform ' (1) 2. Artha-vāda, ` explanatory statements ' as to the origin of rites and use of the Mantras, mixed up with legends and illustrations) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 24) (2) a grammatical rule or precept Pāṇ. 1-1, 57 ; 72 (3) any prescribed act or rite or ceremony Mn. Kālid. Pañcat (4) use, employment, application Car. (5) method, manner or way of acting, mode of life, conduct, behaviour Mn. MBh. &c. (6) a means, expedient for (dat., loc., or comp. (7) [ adhvavidhinA ], by means of i. e. along the road) Hariv. Kāv. Pur. Hit. (8) any act or action, performance, accomplishment, contrivance, work, business (ifc. often pleonastically, e. g. [ mathana-vidhi ], the [ act of ] disturbing) Yājñ. Śak. &c. (9) creation (also pl.) Kum. Kir (10) fate, destiny MBh. Kāv. &c. (11) the creator Pañcar. (12) N. of Brahmā Śak. Naish (13) of Viṣṇu L. (14) of Agni at the Prâyaścitta Gṛhyās (15) a physician L. time L. (16) fodder, food for elephants or horses L. (17) f. N. of a goddess Cat.
===> vidhi-jña [ vidhijJa ]3[ vidhi-jJa ] mfn. ` rule-knowing ', one who knows the prescribed mode or form ib. (1) learned in ritual ib. (2) m. a Brāhman who knows the ritual ib.
===> vidhi-yoga [ vidhiyoga ]3[ vidhi-yoga ] m. the observance of a rule Mn. viii, 211 (1) dispensation of fate (= [ At ] or [ -tas ] ind. according to the ruling of fate) Hit. Kathās (2) combining for any act or rite W.
===> vidhuta [ vidhuta ]3[ vi-dhuta ] mfn. shaken about or off, dispersed, removed, abandoned, relinquished Inscr. VarBṛS. BhP. (1) [ -triliGga ] mfn. liberated from the three qualities BhP. (2) [ -pakSa ] mfn. shaking one's wings VarBṛS. (3) [ -bandhana ] mfn. released from bonds Rājat (4) [ -mArtya ] mfn. one who has shaken off what is human or corporeal BhP.
===> vidhvasta [ vidhvasta ]2[ vi-dhvasta ] mfn. fallen asunder, fallen to pieces, dispersed, ruined, destroyed MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) whirled up (as dust) R. (2) (in astron.) darkened obscured, eclipsed Sūryas (3) [ -kavaca ] mfn. one whose armour is destroyed R. (4) [ -tA ] f. ruin, destruction Kathās (5) [ -nagar^azrama ] mfn. containing ruined cities and hermitages MBh. (6) [ -para-guNa ] mfn. one who detracts from the merits of another Vās (7) [ -vipaN^apaNa ] mfn. (a town) whose market and trade are ruined R.
===> vidhvaṃsana [ vidhvaMsana ]3[ vi-dhvaMsana ] mfn. causing to fall, ruining, destroying, removing MBh. R. (1) n. the act of causing to fall &c. ib. (2) insulting, violating (a woman) Kathās
===> vidhvaṃsita [ vidhvaMsita ]3[ vi-dhvaMsita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) dashed or broken to pieces, destroyed R. BhP.
===> vidhā [ vidhA ]1[ vi-√ dhA ] P. Ā. [ -dadhAti ], [ -dhatte ], to distribute, apportion, grant, bestow RV. &c. &c. (with [ kAmam ], to fulfil a wish) (1) to furnish, supply, procure (with [ AtmanaH ], ` for one's self ') MBh. (2) to spread, diffuse RV. AV. (3) to put in order, arrange, dispose, prepare, make ready RV. AV. Br. Up. (4) to divide, parcel out Śukas (5) to ordain, direct, enjoin, settle, appoint GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (6) to form, create, build, establish, found ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. (7) to perform, effect, produce, cause, occasion, make, do Mn. MBh. &c. (like √ [ kR ] to be translated variously in connection with various nouns, e. g. with [ siMhatvam ], to change into a lion (8) with [ saciva-tAm ], to assume the office of a minister (9) with [ veSam ], to put on a garment (10) with [ vRttim ], to secure a maintenance (11) with [ up^ayam ], to devise a means (12) with [ mantram ], to hold a consultation (13) with [ rAjyam ], to carry on government, rule (14) with [ saMdhim ], to conclude peace (15) with [ kalaham ], to pick up a quarrel [ 967,3 ] (16) with [ vairam ], to declare war (17) with [ lajjAm ], to display bashfulness (18) with [ kolAhalam ], to raise a clamour (19) with [ cumbanaM ], to give a kiss) (20) to make, render (with two acc.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (21) to contrive or manage that ([ yathA ]) MBh. R. (22) to put or lay on or in, direct towards (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (with [ hRdaye ], to take to heart (23) with [ agrataH ], or [ adhaH ], to place before or below) (24) to send out, despatch (spies) Mn. vii, 184 (25) to take trouble with (dat.) Kir. i, 3 (26) to treat, deal with (acc.) R. ii, 38, 17: Pass. [ -dhIyate ], to be distributed &c. (27) to be allotted or intended for (gen.) Mn. ix, 119 (28) to be accounted, pass for (nom.) ib. iii, 118: Caus. [ -dhApayati ], to cause to put, cause to be laid R. (29) cause to put in order or arrange or fix MW. : Desid. [ -dhitsati ], [ °te ], to wish to distribute or bestow BhP. (30) to wish to decide or determine or fix or establish Śaṃk (31) to wish to find out or devise (a means) BhP. (32) to wish to procure or acquire MBh. (33) to wish to perform or accomplish anything, intend, purpose MBh. Hariv. BhP. (34) to wish to make or render (two acc.) BhP.
===> [ vidhA ]2[ vi-dh'A ] f. division, part, portion ŚBr. Śulbas. (often ifc. = ` fold ' (1) cf. [ eka- ], [ bahu-vidha ] &c. (2) also adv. in [ tri- ] and [ dvi-vidhA ], q. v.) (3) form, manner, kind, sort TS. &c. &c. ([ yayA kayA-cid vidhayA ], in whatsoever way, anyhow (4) often ifc. (5) cf. [ asmad- ] [ evaM- ], [ nAnA-vidha ] &c.) (6) fodder Pat. (7) increase (= [ Rddhi ]) L. (8) wages, hire L. (9) pronunciation L. (10) = [ vedhana ] L. (cf. 1. [ vidha ])
===> vidhāna [ vidhAna ]2[ vi-dh'Ana ] mf ([ I ]) n. disposing, arranging, regulating Vait (1) acting, performing, possessing, having MW. (2) m. N. of a Sādhya Hariv. (3) n. order, measure, disposition, arrangement, regulation, rule, precept, method, manner RV. &c. &c. (instr. sg. and pl., and [ -tas ], ind. according to rule or precept (4) [ saMkhyA-vidhAnAt ], according to mathematical method, mathematically (5) [ deza-kAla-vidhAnena ], in the right place and at the right time) (6) medical prescription or regulation, diet Suśr. (7) fate, destiny MBh. Kāv (8) taking measures, contriving, managing Mn. MBh. &c. (9) a means, expedient Pañcat (10) setting up (machines) Yājñ. (11) creating, creation Kum. Ragh (12) performance (esp. of prescribed acts or rites), execution, making, doing, accomplishing Mn. MBh. &c. (13) enumeration, statement of particulars Suśr. (14) (in dram.) conflict of different feelings, occasion for joy and sorrow Sāh. Pratāp (15) (in gram.) affixing, prefixing, taking as an affix &c. W. (16) an elephant's fodder &c. Śiś. v, 51 (only L. worship (17) wealth (18) wages (19) sending (20) act of hostility &c.) (21) [ -kalpa ] m. [ -khaNDa ] m. or n. (?) N. of wks. (22) [ -ga ] m. ` rulegoer ', a Paṇḍit, teacher L. (23) [ -gumpha ] m. N. of wk. (24) [ -jJa ] mfn. one who knows rules or precepts MBh. Suśr. (25) m. a teacher, Paṇḍit W. (26) [ -tilaka ] n. [ -pArijAta ] m. [ -mAlA ] f. N. of wks. (27) [ -yukta ] mfn. agreeable to rule or precept MBh. (28) [ -ratna ] n. [ -ratnamAlA ] f. [ -rahasya ] n. N. of wks. (29) [ -saptamI ] f. N. of the 7th day in the light half of Māgha W. (30) [ -sArasaMgraha ] m. N. of wk. (31) [ °n^okta ] mfn. proclaimed or enjoined according to rule or (sacred) precept Bhag.
===> vidhāraṇa [ vidhAraNa ]3[ v'i-dhAraNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. dividing, separating Vas. BhP. (1) n. stopping, detaining (a carriage) Kathās (2) checking, restraining, retention, suppression, APrāt. MBh. &c. (3) bearing, carrying MBh. Hariv. &c. (4) maintaining, supporting MBh. [ 969,1 ]
===> vidhāyaka [ vidhAyaka ]3[ vi-dhAyaka ] mfn. enjoining, containing an injunction Śaṃk. KātyŚr. Sch. (1) performing, exhibiting Rājat (2) consigning, delivering, one who entrusts or deposits anything ([ -tva ] n.) W. (3) m. a founder, builder, establisher Pañcar. Rājat
===> vidhūta [ vidhUta ]2[ vi-dhUta ] mfn. shaken or tossed about &c. (1) shaken off, dispelled, removed, discarded, abandoned, relinquished MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) trembling, tremulous W. (3) unsteady ib. (4) n. the repelling of affection, repugnance Bhar. Daśar (5) [ -kalmaSa ] mfn. having sin dispelled or removed, delivered from sin MW. (6) [ -keza ] mfn. having hair tossed about or dishevelled Kir (7) [ -nidra ] mfn. roused from sleep, awakened Ragh. (v. l. [ vinIta-n° ]) (8) [ -papman ] mfn. delivered from evil or sin MBh. (9) [ -veza ] mfn. shaking one's garment R.
===> vidita [ vidita ]2[ vidit'a ] mfn. known, understood, learnt, perceived, known as (nom.) AV. &c. &c. ([ viditam astu vaH ] or [ astu vo viditam ], ` let it be understood by you ', ` know that ') (1) promised, agreed L. (2) represented W. (3) apprised, informed ib. (4) m. a learned man, sage W. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Jaina goddess L. (6) n. information, representation W.
===> vidiśā [ vidizA ]3[ v'i-dizA ] f. an intermediate quarter or region MBh. Hariv. (1) N. of a river and the town situated on it (the capital of the district of Das^arṇā now called Bilsa) MBh. Kālid. &c. (2) of a town situated on the Vetravatī Kād
===> vidoṣa [ vidoSa ]2[ vi-doSa ] m. a fault, sin, offence Lāṭy. Sch.
===> [ vidoSa ]1[ vi-doSa ] See col. 1
===> vidrāvaṇa [ vidrAvaNa ]3[ vi-drAvaNa ] mfn. putting to flight Kāv (1) agitating, perplexing Dhūrtan (2) m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. (3) n. the act of putting to flight Chandom (4) fleeing, flight MBh.
===> vidu [ vidu ]2[ vidu ] mfn. intelligent, wise Gal. (1) m. the hollow between the frontal globes of an elephant L. (2) N. of a man Buddh.
---> m. or f. N. of a deity of the Bodhi tree ib.
===> [ vidu ]1[ vi-√ du ] (or [ dU ]), P. [ -dunoti ], to consume or destroy by burning AV. (1) Ā. [ -dunute ], [ -dUyate ] (ep. also [ °ti ]), to be agitated or afflicted or distressed MBh. BhP.
===> [ vidu ]1[ vidu ] [ vidura ], [ vidula ], See under √ 1. [ vid ], p. 963, col. 3
===> vidura [ vidura ]2[ vidura ] mfn. knowing, wise, intelligent, skilled in (comp.) Uttamac (1) m. a learned or clever man W. (2) an intriguer ib. (3) N. of the younger brother of Dhṛta-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu (they were all three sons of Vyāsa, but only the latter two by the two widows of Vicitra-vīrya (4) when Vyāsa wanted a third son, the elder widow sent him one of her slave-girls, dressed in her own clothes, and this girl became the mother of Vidura, who is sometimes called Kshattṛ, as if he were the son of a Kshatriya man and Śūdra woman Vidura is described as [ sarva-buddhimatAM varaH ] and is one of the wisest characters in the Mahā-bhārata, always ready with good advice both for his nephews, the Pāṇḍavas, and for his brother Dhṛta-rāshṭra) MBh. Hariv. Pur. (cf. IW. 376 ; 385 &c.)
===> vidvas [ vidvas ]2[ vidv'as ] mf ([ 'uSI ]) n. one who knows, knowing, understanding, learned, intelligent, wise, mindful of, familiar with, skilled in (acc., loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (cf. [ vidvat-tara ], [ vidvat-tama ], [ viduSTara ], [ viduS˘I-tara ]) (1) m. a wise man, sage, seer W. (2) N. of a Brāhman Hariv.
===> vidveṣa [ vidveSa ]2[ vi-dveSa ] m. hatred, dislike, contempt, aversion to (loc. or gen.) AV. &c. &c. ([ °SaM-√ gam ], to make one's self odious (1) [ °SaM-√ kR ], with loc., to show hostility towards
---> [ °SaM-√ grah ], with loc., to conceive hatred against) (2) a magical act or formula used for exciting hatred or enmity (also [ -karman ] n.) Cat. (3) proud indifference (even for desired objects) Bhar. (4) a class of evil demons Hariv. (5) [ -vIra ] m. N. of a chief of the Śaivas Cat.
===> vidveṣaṇa [ vidveSaNa ]3[ vi-dv'eSaNa ] mfn. causing to hate, rendering hostile RV. (1) m. one who hates, a hater MW. (2) ([ I ]), f. a woman of resentful disposition ib. (3) N. of a female demon (daughter of Du-saha) MārkP. (v. l. for [ °SiNI ]) (4) n. hating, disliking, having an aversion to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Hariv. [ 967,2 ] (5) the being hated or disliked, a means for making one's self hateful MBh. VarBṛS. (6) exciting hatred or enmity Gaut (7) a magical act performed to excite hatred Cat.
===> vidyamāna [ vidyamAna ]2[ vidyamAna ] mfn. (Pass. pr. p.) ` being found ', existent, existing, present, real Pat. Kāv. Pur. (cf. [ a-vid° ])
===> vidyul-latā [ vidyullatA ]3[ vidyul-latA ] f. ` lightning-creeper ', forked lightning Kathās (1) N. of Comm.
===> vidyun-mālin [ vidyunmAlin ]3[ vidyun-mAlin ] mfn. wreathed with lightning R. (1) m. N. of an Asura MBh. (2) of a Rākshasa R. (3) of a god HPariś (4) of a Vidyā-dhara ib.
===> vidyut [ vidyut ]1[ vi-√ dyut ]1 Ā. [ -dyotate ] (Ved. also P.), to flash forth, lighten, shine forth (as the rising sun) RV. &c. &c. ([ v'i-dyotate ], ` it lightens ' (1) [ vi-dy'otamAne ], ` when it lightens ') (2) to hurl away by a stroke of lightning RV. (3) to illuminate MBh. : Caus. [ -dyotayati ], to illuminate, irradiate, enlighten, make brilliant MBh. R. &c. : Intens. (only. [ vi-d'avidyutat ] to shine brightly RV.
===> [ vidyut ]2[ vidy'ut ]2 mfn. flashing, shining, glittering RV. VS. ĀśvGṛ. (1) m. a partic. Samādhi, Kāraṇḍ (2) N. of an Asura Cat. (3) of a Rākshasa VP. (4) f. lightning (rarely n.), a flashing thunderbolt (as the weapon of the Maruts) RV. &c. &c. (5) the dawn L. (6) pl. N. of the four daughters of Prajā-pati Bahuputra Hariv. (7) a species of the Ati-jagatī metre Col.
===> vidyut-prabha [ vidyutprabha ]3[ vidy'ut-prabha ] mfn. flashing like lightning L. (1) m. N. of a Ṛshi MBh. (2) of a king of the Daityas Kathās (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a granddaughter of the Daitya Bali ib. (4) of the daughter of a king of the Rākshasas ib. (5) of the daughter of a king of the Yakshas ib. (6) of a Sur^aṅganā Siṉhâs (7) of a serpent-maiden Kāraṇḍ (8) pl. N. of a class of Apsarases MBh.
===> vidyā [ vidyA ]2[ vidy'A ] f. knowledge (cf. [ kAla-jAta-v° ]), science, learning, scholarship, philosophy RV. &c. &c. (according to some there are four Vidyās or sciences, 1. [ trayI ], the triple Veda (1) 2. [ AnvIkSikI ], logic and metaphysics (2) 3. [ daNDa-nIti ], the science of government (3) 4. [ vArttA ], practical arts, such as agriculture, commerce, medicine &c. (4) and Manu vii, 43 adds a fifth, viz. [ Atma-vidyA ], knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth (5) according to others, Vidyā has fourteen divisions, viz. the four Vedas, the six Vedāṅgas, the Purāṇas, the Mīmāṃsā. Nyāya, and Dharma or law [ 964,1 ] (6) or with the four Upa-vedas, eighteen divisions (7) others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [ = [ kalAs ] or arts ] (8) Knowledge is also personified and identified with Durgā (9) she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas) (10) any knowledge whether true or false (with Pāśupatas) Sarvad (11) a spell, incantation MBh. Ragh. Kathās (12) magical skill MW. (13) a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W.
---> Premna Spinosa L. (14) a mystical N. of the letter [ i ] Up. (15) a small bell L. (cf. [ vidyAmaNi ]) . 1
===> vidyā-dhara [ vidyAdhara ]3[ vidy'A-dhara ] mfn. possessed of science or spells. L. (1) m. a kind of supernatural being (dwelling in the Him^alaya, attending upon Śiva, and possessed of magical power), fairy ([ -tva ], n.) Hariv. Kāv. &c. (2) (also [ -kavi ], [ °r^acArya ]) N. of various scholars Kir. Sch. Vās., Introd. Cat. (3) a kind of metre Col. (4) (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt (5) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. N. of a Sur^aṅganā Siṉhâs (6) ([ I ]), f. a female of the above class of supernatural beings, fairy, sylph MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) N. of a daughter of Śūra-sena Kathās (8) [ -cakravartin ] m. a supreme lord of the Vidyā-dharas Vās (9) [ -tAla ] m. (in music) a kind of measure (= [ vidyA-dhara ]) Cat. (10) [ -piTaka ] (?), N. of wk. (11) [ -mahA-cakravartin ] m. the paramount lord of all fairy-like beings ([ °ti-tA ] f.) Kathās (12) [ -yantra ] n. an apparatus for sublimating quicksilver Bhpr. (13) [ -rasa ] m. a partic. mixture Cat. (14) [ °r^adh^iza ], m. = [ °ra-cakra-vartin ] ([ -tA ] f.) Kathās (15) [ °r^abhra ] m. a partic. mixture L. (16) [ °rI-parijana ] mfn. attended by Vidyā-dharīs MW. (17) [ °rI-√ bhU ], to become a Vidyā-dhara Kathās (18) [ °rI-vilAsa ] m. N. of wk. (19) [ °r^endra ] m. a prince of the Vidyā-dharas ([ -tA ] f. [ -tva ], n.) Rājat. Kathās (20) N. of Jāmbavat MBh.
===> vidyā-rāja [ vidyArAja ]3[ vidy'A-rAja ] m. a king of knowledge, lord of spells Buddh. (1) N. of Viṣṇu Pañcar. (2) of a saint Buddh.
===> vidāraṇa [ vidAraNa ]3[ vi-dAraNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. tearing or rending asunder, breaking, splitting, cleaving, piercing, crushing, lacerating MBh. R. &c. (1) m. Pterospermum Acerifolium L. (2) a tree or rock in the middle of a stream to which a boat is fastened MW. (3) n. the act of tearing asunder &c. MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) hewing down, wasting (of a forest) Inscr. (5) opening wide (the mouth) Śaṃk (6) repelling, rejecting Kathās (7) killing L. (8) = [ viDamba ] or [ °bana ] L. (9) (also [ A ]), f. war, battle L.
===> vidūra [ vidUra ]3[ v'i-dUra ] See s. v.
===> [ vidUra ]1[ vi-dUra ] mf ([ A ]) n. very remote or distant ŚāṅkhŚr. Kāv. &c. (acc. with √ [ kR ], to remove (1) [ vi-dUram ] ind. far distant, far away TBr. (2) [ vi-dUrAt ], or [ °ra-tas ], from afar, far away (3) [ °re ], far distant (4) [ °ra ] ibc. far, from afar) (5) far removed from, not attainable by (gen.) BhP. (6) (ifc.) not caring for ib. (7) m. N. of a son of Kuru MBh. (B.) (8) of a mountain or town or any locality Śiś. Sch. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 84) (9) [ -kramaNa-kSama ] mfn. able to run far away Kām (10) [ -ga ] mfn. going far away Cat. (11) far-spreading (as scent) L. (12) [ -gamana ] n. the going far away Kathās (13) [ ja ] n. cat's eye (a sort of jewel) Harav (14) [ -jAta ] mfn. grown a long way off MBh. (15) [ -tA ] f. = next Mṛcch (16) [ -tva ] n. a great distance (abl. ` from afar ') Hariv. (17) [ -bhUmi ] f. N. of a locality (= [ vidUra ]) Kum (18) [ -ratna ] n. = [ -ja ] L. (19) [ -vigata ] mfn. ` come from afar ', of lowest origin BhP. (20) [ -saMzrava ] mfn. audible a long way off R. (21) [ °r^adri ] m. N. of a mountain W. (22) [ °rI-√ bhU ] P. [ -bhavati ], to become far distant Ragh (23) [ °rodbhAvita ] n. = [ °ra-ja ] L.
===> vidūṣaṇa [ vidUSaNa ]3[ vi-dUSaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. defiling, detracting, corrupting R. (1) n. censuring, reviling, abuse, satire W.
===> vigama [ vigama ]2[ vi-gama ] m. going away, departure, cessation, end, absence Kāv. Var. &c. (1) (ifc.) abstention from, avoidance Yājñ. (2) [ -candra ] m. N. of a prince Buddh.
===> vigarhaṇa [ vigarhaNa ]3[ vi-garhaNa ] n. and ([ A ]), f. the act of blaming, censure, reproach ([ °naM-√ kR ], to blame) MBh. R.
===> vigarhita [ vigarhita ]3[ vi-garhita ] mfn. blamed, reprehensible, prohibited, forbidden by (instr., gen., or comp.) or on account of (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) [ °t^acAra ] mfn. of reprehensible conduct Mn. iii, 167
===> vigata [ vigata ]3[ v'i-gata ] n. (for 2. See under [ vi-√ gam ]) the flight of birds MW. - 1
===> [ vigata ]2[ vi-gata ]2 mfn. (for 1. See under 1. [ v'i ]) gone asunder, dispersed MBh. (1) gone away, departed, disappeared, ceased, gone (often ibc.) AV. &c. &c. (2) dead, deceased Mn. v, 75 (3) (ifc.) abstaining or desisting from R. (4) come from (cf. [ vidUra-vigata ]), destitute of light, obscured, gloomy, dark L. (5) ([ A ]), f. a girl in love with another or unfit for marriage L. (6) [ -kalmaSa ] mfn. free from stain or soil or sin, sinless, pure, righteous R. [ 957,1 ] (7) [ -klama ] mfn. one whose fatigues have ceased, relieved from fatigue Mn. vii, 151 (8) [ -jJAna ] mfn. one who has lost his wits MW.
---> [ -jvara ] mfn. cured of fever, freed from feverishness or morbid feeling, freed from trouble or distress of mind Nal (9) exempt from decay W. (10) [ -tva ] n. the having disappeared, disappearance TPrāt. Sch. (11) [ -dvaMdva ] m. ` free from pairs of opposites ', a Buddha (cf. [ dvaMdva ]) L. (12) [ -nayana ] mfn. eyeless, blind Pañcat (13) [ -nAsika ] mf ([ I ]) n. noseless L. (14) [ -puMska ] mfn. castrated ĀpŚr. Sch. (15) [ -bhaya ] m. ` free from fear ', N. of a Brāhman Kathās (16) [ -bhI ] mfn. fearless MW. (17) [ -manyu ] mfn. free from resentment ib. (18) [ -rAga ] mfn. devoid of passion or affection MW. ([ -dhvaja ] m. N. of a preceptor Buddh.) (19) [ -lakSaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. ` devoid of good or lucky marks ', unfortunate Kathās (20) [ -zrIka ] mfn. destitute of fortune or splendour, unfortunate Yājñ. MBh. (21) [ -saMkalpa ] mfn. devoid of purpose or design, without resolution Nal (22) [ -saMtrAsa ] mfn. free from terror, intrepid MBh. (23) [ -sneha ] mfn. void of affection ([ -sauhRda ] mfn. one who has relinquished love and friendship) MBh. (24) [ -spRha ] mfn. devoid of wish or desire, indifferent W. (25) [ °t^artavA ] f. a woman in whom the menstrual excretion has ceased L. (26) [ °t^azoka ] m. N. of a younger brother or a grandson of Aśoka Buddh. (27) [ °t^asu ] mfn. lifeless, dead MBh. (28) [ °t^oddhava ] m. ` free from levity ', N. of Buddha Divyâv
===> vighana [ vighana ]1[ vi-ghan'a ]2 mfn. (√ [ han ] (1) for 1. See p. 950, col. 2) injuring, hurting MantraBr. (2) m. an implement for striking, mallet, hammer TS. ĀpŚr. (3) N. of two Ek^ahas Br. ŚrS. ([ -tv'a ] n. TBr.) (4) N. of Indra Kāṭh
===> vighasa [ vighasa ]1[ vi-ghas'a ] m. or n. (√ [ ghas ]) food AV. (1) the residue of an oblation of food (offered to the gods, to deceased ancestors, to a guest, or to a spiritual preceptor) Mn. MBh. &c. ([ °sam bahu-√ kR ], to make an ample meal)
===> vighuṣṭa [ vighuSTa ]3[ vi-ghuSTa ] mfn. proclaimed loudly, cried MBh. (1) made to resound, resounding, resonant, vocal R. VarBṛS. BhP.
===> vighāta [ vighAta ]2[ vi-ghAta ] m. a stroke, blow with (comp.) VarBṛS. (1) breaking off or in pieces ib. (2) driving back, warding off MBh. R. (3) destruction, ruin Kāv. Var. Pañcat (4) removal, prohibition, prevention, interruption, impediment, obstacle MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) failure, want of success Jātakam
===> vighātin [ vighAtin ]3[ vi-ghAtin ] mfn. fighting, slaying MBh. Hariv. (1) hurting, injuring Vet (2) opposing, impeding, preventing, interrupting R. Kathās
===> vigraha [ vigraha ]3[ v'i-graha ] mfn. (for 2. See [ vi-√ grah ]) freed from ` the Seizer ' i. e. Rāhu (said of the moon) R.
===> [ vigraha ]2[ vi-graha ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 950. col. 2) keeping apart or asunder, isolation Nir. BhP. (1) division, Bh. (2) distribution (esp. of fluids, cf. [ vi-√ grah ]) KātyŚr. (3) (in gram.) independence (of a word, as opp. to composition) APrāt. (4) separation, resolution, analysis, resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts, the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are Kṛdantas, Taddhitas, all Samāsas or compound words, Ekaśeshas, and all derivative verbs like desideratives &c. (5) the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb, the singular of the noun, and a few indeclinables not derived from roots (6) all compounds being called [ nitya ] or ` fixed ', when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts (7) cf. [ jamad-agni ]) Pāṇ. Sch. Śaṃk. &c. (8) discord, quarrel, contest, strife, war with (instr. with or without [ saha ], [ s^ardham ] or [ sAkam ] loc., gen. with [ upari ], or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (9) (one of the 6 Guṇas or measures of policy Mn. vii, 160 [ cf. under [ guNa ] ], also applied to the conflict of hostile planets, in this sense also n. Sūryas. R. (10) acc. with √ [ kR ], to make or wage war) (11) separate i. e. individual form or shape, form, figure, the body Up. MBh. &c. (also applied to the shape of a rainbow (12) acc. with √ [ grah ], [ pari-√ grah ], √ [ kR ], [ up^a-√ dA ], to assume a form) (13) an ornament, decoration MBh. R. (14) (in Sāṃkhya) an element (15) N. of Śiva MBh. [ 957,3 ] (16) of one of Skanda's attendants ib. (17) [ -grahaNa ] n. the assumption of a form Sarvad (18) [ -dhyAna ] n. N. of a Stotra (19) [ -para ] mfn. intent on war, engaged in fighting MW. (20) [ -parigraha ] m. = [ -grahaNa ] Sarvad (21) [ -pAla-deva ] m. N. of a king Col. (22) [ -rAja ] m. N. of various kings Rājat (23) of a poet Cat. (24) [ -vat ] mfn. having form or figure, embodied, incarnate MBh. R. &c. (25) having a handsome form or shape, fine, beautiful MW. (26) [ -vyAvartanI ] f. N. of wk. (27) [ °h^avara ] n. ` hinder part of the body ', the back L. (28) [ °h^ecchu ] mfn. eager for combat Mcar.
===> viguṇa [ viguNa ]3[ v'i-guNa ] mfn. without a string (See below) (1) deficient, imperfect, destitute of (comp.) KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (2) unsuccessful, ineffective Rājat (3) adverse (as fortune) Pañcat. (v. l.) (4) void of qualities BhP. (5) destitute of merits, wicked, bad MBh. R. &c. (6) disordered, corrupted (as the humours of the body) Suśr. (7) [ -tA ] f. disordered condition, corruption ib. (8) [ °NI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to detach the string of a bow Mudr. - 1
===> [ viguNa ]1[ vi-guNa ] &c. See p. 950, col. 2
===> viha-ga [ vihaga ]1[ viha-ga ] [ vihaM-ga ] &c. See under [ vi- ] √ 1. [ hA ] below
===> [ vihaga ]3[ viha-ga ] m. ` sky-goer ', a bird MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) an arrow MBh. vii, 9021 (2) the sun L. (3) the moon L. (4) a planet L. (5) a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are situated in the 4th and 10th houses) VarBṛS. (6) [ -pati ] m. ` king of birds ', N. of Garuḍa Kāv (7) [ -vega ] m. ` having the swiftness of a bird ', N. of a Vidyā-dhara Bālar (8) [ -g^adhipa ] m. (= [ -pati ]) L. (9) [ -g^alaya ] m. ` abode of birds. ' the air, sky R. (10) [ -g^endra ] ([ vih'a- ]), m. (= [ -pati ]), Supraṇ (11) ([ °dra-saMhitA ] f. [ -sampAta ] m. N. of Tāntric wks.) (12) [ -g^opaghuSTa ] mfn. resonant with birds MW.
===> viharaṇa [ viharaNa ]3[ vi-haraNa ] n. the act of taking away or removing or changing or transposing Lāṭy. MārkP. (1) opening, expanding Pāṇ. 1-3, 20 (2) stepping out ib. i, 3, 41 (3) going about for pleasure or exercise, roaming, strolling Kāv. Pur. Suśr. (4) taking out for a walk or for airing Gobh (5) moving to and fro, brandishing MBh.
===> vihasita [ vihasita ]3[ vi-hasita ] mfn. laughing, smiling Hariv. Caurap (1) laughed, smiled at Kathās (2) n. laughter, laughing, smiling Kāv. Sāh
===> vihata [ vihata ]2[ v'i-hata ] mfn. torn up, furrowed TBr. ŚBr. (1) struck or beaten away or dashed out (of a person's hand) BhP. (2) struck or touched or visited by (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Pur. (3) warded off, repelled MBh. R. (4) rejected, repulsed BhP. (5) disturbed, impeded Kāv. Pur.
===> vihaṃ-ga [ vihaMga ]3[ viha-M-ga ] mfn. sky-going, flying W. (1) m. = [ vihaga ], a bird Mn. R. &c. (2) an arrow MBh. viii, 3343 (3) a cloud L. (4) the sun L. (5) the moon L. (6) N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (7) [ -rAja ] m. (= [ vihaga-pati ]) L. (8) [ -han ] m. a bird-killer, bird-catcher MBh. (9) [ °g^arAti ] m. ` bird-enemy ', a falcon or hawk
===> vihita [ vihita ]1[ v'i-hita ]2 mfn. (fr., [ vi- ] √ 1. [ dhA ], p. 967 (1) for 1. [ vi-hita ], See p. 953, col. 2) distributed, divided, apportioned, bestowed, supplied &c. (2) put in order, arranged, determined, fixed, ordained, ordered RV. &c. &c. (3) prescribed, decreed, enjoined GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) destined or meant for (nom.) MBh. (5) contrived, performed, made, accomplished, done Mn. MBh. &c. (6) supplied, endowed, furnished with or possessed of (instr.) MBh. R. (cf. [ su-vihita ]) (7) n. an order, command, decree Pañcat (8) [ -kSaNa ] mfn. eager for the right moment, intent upon ([ artham ]) Vcar. (cf. [ kRta-kS° ]) (9) [ -tva ] n. the being enjoined or prescribed, prescription, direction Hcat. [ -durga-racana ] mfn. one who has enjoined the building of a fortress MW. (10) [ -pratiSiddha ] mfn. enjoined and prohibited ([ -tva ] n.) KātyŚr. Sch. (11) [ -yajJa ] mfn. performing sacrifices Śak. (v. l. for [ vitata-y° ]) (12) [ -vat ] mfn. one who has performed or undertaken W. (13) [ -vRtti ] mfn. one who is maintained or nourished by (instr.) Rājat (14) [ -sena ] m. N. of a prince Kathās (15) [ °t^agas ] mfn. one who has committed a fault, faulty, wicked W. (16) [ °t^aJjali ] mfn. making a respectful obeisance Śiś. (17) [ °t^endriya ] mfn. possessed of one's senses Bhaṭṭ.
===> vihvala [ vihvala ]2[ vi-hvala ] mf ([ A ]) n. agitated, perturbed, distressed, afflicted, annoyed ([ am ] ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. myrrh L. (2) [ -cetana ] (MBh.), [ -cetas ] (Kathās.), mfn. distressed in mind, low-spirited (3) [ -tanu ] mfn. one whose body is exhausted by (comp.) Pañcat (4) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. agitation, perturbation, consternation, anxiety MBh. [ 1004,1 ] (5) [ -locana ] mfn. one who has unsteady or rolling eyes MBh. BhP. (6) [ -s^alas^aGga ] mf ([ I ]) n. one whose body is exhausted and languid Caurap (7) [ -hRdaya ] mfn. (= [ -cetana ]) BhP. (8) [ °l^akSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (= [ °la-locana ]) ib. (9) [ °l^aGga ] mfn. (= [ °la-tanu ]) MārkP. Pañcat (10) [ °l^atman ] mfn. (= [ °la-cetana ]) BhP.
===> vihāra [ vihAra ]2[ vi-hAra ] m. (once in BhP., n.) distribution, transposition (of words) AitBr. Lāṭy (1) arrangement or disposition (of the 3 sacred fires (2) also applied to the fires themselves or the space between them), ŚrS. (3) too great expansion of the organs of speech (consisting in too great lengthening or drawling in pronunciation, opp. to [ saM-hAra ], q. v.) RPrāt.
---> walking for pleasure or amusement, wandering, roaming MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) sport, play, pastime, diversion, enjoyment, pleasure (` in ' or ` with ', comp. (5) ifc. also = taking delight in) Yājñ. MBh. R. &c. (6) a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) (with Buddhists or Jainas) a monastery or temple (originally a hall where the monks met or walked about (8) afterwards these halls were used as temples) Lalit. Mṛcch. Kathās. &c. (cf. MWB. 68 ; 81 &c.) (9) consecration for a sacrifice Āpast (10) N. of the country of Magadha (called Bihār or Behār from the number of Buddhist monasteries, See MWB. 68) Cat. (11) the shoulder L. (12) a partic. bird (= [ bindurekaka ]) L. (13) = [ vaijayanta ] L. (14) [ -kArikA ] f. pl. N. of wk. (15) [ -krIDA-mRga ] m. a toy-antelope to play with BhP. (16) [ -gRha ] n. a pleasure-house, play-house, theatre MW. (17) [ -dAsI ] f. a female attendant of a convent or temple Mālatīm (18) [ -deza ] m. a place of recreation, pleasure-ground MBh. R. MārkP. (19) [ -bhadra ] m. N. of a man Daś (20) [ -bhUmi ] f. = [ -deza ] Hariv. (21) a grazing-ground, pasturage Kir (22) [ -yAtrA ] f. a pleasure-walk MBh. (23) [ -vat ] mfn. possessing a place of recreation Mn. MBh. (24) (ifc.) delighting in Mn. x, 9 (25) [ -vana ] n. a pleasure-grove Daś (26) [ -vApI ] f. ` pleasure-pond ', N. of wk. (27) [ -vAri ] n. water for sporting or playing about in Ragh (28) [ -zayana ] n. a pleasure-couch R. (29) [ -zaila ] m. a pleasure-mountain R. (30) [ -sthalI ] f. (Vās.), [ -sthAna ] n. (BhP.) (31) [ °r^ajira ] n. (= [ °radeza ]) (32) [ °r^avasatha ] m. (= [ °ra-gRha ]) MBh.
===> vihārin [ vihArin ]3[ vi-hArin ] mfn. wandering about for pleasure, roaming, strolling MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) going as far as, extending to (comp.) R. Rājat (2) dependent on (comp.) MBh. (3) enjoying one's self with, delighting in, given or addicted to, fond of (comp.) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (4) charming, beautiful Bhartṛ. (v. l.) (5) ([ iNI ]), f. a girl too fond of gadding about (unfit for marriage) L. (6) [ °ri-siMha ] m. N. of a king Inscr.
===> vihāya [ vihAya ]3[ vi-hAya ] ind. leaving behind, i. e. at a distance from (acc.) VarBṛS. (1) disregarding, overlooking, setting aside = more than (acc.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) in spite of, notwithstanding (acc.) Pañcat (3) excepting, with the exception of (acc.) Hariv. VarBṛS.
===> vihāyas [ vihAyas ]3[ v'i-hAyas ] ([ v'i- ]), mfn. (for 2., from which perhaps it is scarcely separable, See [ vi-√ hA ]) vigorous, active, mighty RV. AV. TĀr. (accord. to Sch. = [ mahat ], [ vaJcanavat ], [ vyAptR ], [ vividha-gamana-yukta ])
===> [ vihAyas ]2[ vi-hAyas ]2 m. n. (for 1. See p. 953, col. 2) the open space (cf. [ vi-yat ]), air, sky, atmosphere Mn. MBh. &c. (also [ °saH-sthalI ] f. or [ °sas-tala ], n. (1) instr. [ °sA ], ` through the sky ')
---> m. a bird Kautukas (2) [ °sA-gAmin ] mfn. able to move through the sky L.
===> vihīna [ vihIna ]2[ vi-hIna ] mfn. entirely abandoned or left &c. (1) low, vulgar MBh. (2) (ibc.) wanting, missing, absent R. VarBṛS. (3) destitute or deprived of, free from (instr., abl., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) [ -tA ] f. abandonment MW. (5) (ifc.) absence or want of Hariv. Pañcat (6) [ -tilaka ] mf ([ A ]) n. having no coloured sectarian mark ([ tilaka ]) on the forehead R. (7) [ -yoni ] mfn. of low origin MBh. (8) [ -varNa ] mfn. of low caste Gaut
===> [ vihIna ]1[ vi-hIna ] &c. See above
===> vihṛta [ vihRta ]2[ vi-hRta ] mfn. set or put asunder, distributed, disposed &c. (1) transposed, varied (as words or Pādas) ŚrS. (2) n. a walk R. (3) hesitation, reluctance, bashful silence (one of the 10 Hāvas or feminine modes of indicating love) Daśar. Sāh (4) [ -SoDazI ] f. N. of wk.
===> vijana [ vijana ]3[ v'i-jana ] mfn. free from people, destitute of men, deserted, solitary, lonely Mn. MBh. &c. (1) n. a deserted or solitary place, absence of witnesses ([ e ], rarely [ eSu ] ind. in private, in a lonely spot where there are no witnesses (2) [ °naM-√ kR ], to remove all witnesses) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) [ -tA ] f. solitude Sāh (4) [ °nI-√ kR ], to remove all witnesses R. Ratnâv. Kathās (5) [ °nI-kRta ] mfn. separated from a (loved) person R.
===> [ vijana ]1[ vi-jana ] [ vi-janman ] &c. See p. 950, col. 2
===> vijarjara [ vijarjara ]3[ v'i-jarjara ] ([ v'i- ]), mfn. decrepit, infirm MBh. (1) rotten (as wood) Car. (2) [ °rI-√ kR ], to weaken, make old or infirm MBh.
===> vijaya [ vijaya ]2[ vi-jay'a ] m. contest for victory, victory, conquest, triumph, superiority RV. &c. &c. (fig. applied to ` the sword ' and to ` punishment ' MBh. xii, 6204 ; 4428) (1) the prize of victory, booty KātyŚr. (2) N. of a partic. hour of the day (esp. the 17th, and the hour of Kṛshṇa's birth, accord. to some the 11th Muhūrta) MBh. Hariv. &c. (3) the third month L. (4) the 27th (or first) year of Jupiter's cycle VarBṛS. (5) a kind of military array Kām (6) a province, district HPariś (7) (in music) a kind of flute Saṃgīt (8) a kind of measure ib. (9) a kind of composition ib. (10) a divine car, chariot of the gods (?) L. (11) N. of Yama L. (12) of a son of Jayanta (son of Indra) Hariv. (13) of a son of Vasu-deva ib. (14) of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. (15) of an attendant of Viṣṇu ib. (16) of an attendant of Padmapāṇi W. (17) of a son of Sva-rocis MārkP. (18) of a Muni Hariv. (19) of a prince MBh. (20) of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra (?) ib. (21) of a warrior on the side of the Pāṇḍavas ib. (22) of one of the eight councillors of Daśaratha R. (23) of Arjuna MBh. BhP. (24) of a son of Jaya Hariv. Pur. (25) of a son of Cañcu or Cuñcu ib. (26) of a son of Saṃjaya VP. (27) of a son of Su-deva BhP. (28) of a son of Purūravas ib. (29) of a son (or grandson) of Bṛhan-manas Hariv. Pur. (30) of a son of Yajña-śrī Pur. (31) of the founder of Buddhist civilisation in Ceylon MW. (32) (with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 white Balas and of one of the 5 Anuttaras (33) of the 20th Arhat of the future and of the father of the 21st Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (34) of the attendant of the 8th Arhat of the same (35) of a son of Kalki KalkiP. (36) of a son of Kalpa KālP. (37) of a hare Kathās (38) of the lance of Rudra (personified) MBh. (39) (pl.) of a people MBh. (40) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. Terminalia Chebula
---> Sesbania Aegyptiaca (41) Vitex Negundo (42) Rubia Munjista (43) Premna Spinosa (44) a kind of hemp (45) a kind of [ zamI ] (46) = [ vacA ]) VarBṛS. Suśr. &c. (47) of a partic. Tithi or lunar day (the 12th day in the light half of Śrāvaṇa, i. e. Kṛshṇa's birthday, the 10th in that of Āśvina, being a festival in honour of Durgā, and the 7th in that of Bhādrapada, if it falls on a Sunday (48) also the 7th night in the Karma-māsa) VarBṛS. BhP. &c. (49) of a partic. magical formula Bhaṭṭ. (50) N. of Durgā MBh. Hariv. (51) of a female friend of Durgā Mudr (52) of the wife of Yama L. (53) of another goddess Cat. (54) of a Yoginī Hcat (55) of a Sur^aṅganā Siṉhâs (56) of the mother of the 2nd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. (57) of a daughter of Daksha R. (58) of the mother of various Su-hotras MBh. (59) of Kṛshṇa's garland MBh. (60) of a Kumārī (i. e. small flag-staff) on Indra's banner VarBṛS. (61) of a partic. spear R. (62) n. the poisonous root of the plant Vijayā Suśr. (63) a royal tent Vāstuv (64) a kind of pavilion ib. (65) N. of a sacred district in Kaśmīra Kathās. (cf. [ -kSetra ]) (66) mfn. leading to victory, proclaiming victory MBh. (67) victorious, triumphant L.
===> vijayin [ vijayin ]2[ vi-jayin ] mfn. victorious, triumphant Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) m. (ifc.) a conqueror, subduer Kāv. Pur. : [ °yi-kSetra ] n. N. of a sacred district in Orissa Inscr. (2) [ °y^indra ] m. (with [ yat^indra ] or [ bhikSu ]), m. N. of an author (also [ -svAmin ]) Cat.
===> vijetṛ [ vijetR ]3[ vi-jetR ] m. a vanquisher, conqueror (also in argument) MBh. Hariv. &c. (with [ purAm ], ` conqueror of towns ', N. of Śiva Kir.)
===> vijita [ vijita ]2[ vijita ]1 mfn. (for 2. See under [ vi-√ ji ]) to be apprehended or feared W.
===> [ vijita ]2[ v'i-jita ]2 mfn. (for 1. See under √ [ vij ]) conquered, subdued, defeated, won, gained ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) m. or n. a conquered country ŚBr. (2) any country or district Lalit. (3) conquest, victory ŚBr. Lāṭy. Gaut (4) [ -rUpa ] ([ v'ij° ]), mfn. appearing as if conquered or won ŚBr. (5) [ -vat ] mfn. one who has conquered, victorious W. (6) [ °t^atman ] m. ` self-subdued ', N. of Siva Śivag (7) [ °t^amitra ] mfn. one who has overcome his enemies R. (8) [ °t^ari ] m. ` id. ', N. of a Rākshasa ib. (9) [ °t^azva ] m. N. of a son of Pṛthu BhP. (10) [ °t^asana ] mfn. one who has won a seat and is indifferent about sitting on it BhP. (11) [ °t^asu ] m. N. of a Muni Kathās (12) [ t^endriya ] mfn. one who has the organs of sense or passions subdued Mn. Yājñ. R.
===> vijña [ vijJa ]2[ vi-jJa ] mfn. knowing, intelligent, wise, clever (1) m. a wise man, sage MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. wisdom, skill, cleverness W. (3) [ -buddhi ] f. Indian spikenard ib. (4) [ -rAja ] m. a king or chief among sages Kāraṇḍ (5) [ °jJ^abhimAnin ] mfn. thinking one's self clever or wise BhP.
===> vijñapta [ vijJapta ]2[ vi-jJapta ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) made known, reported, informed Kathās. Hit.
===> vijñapti [ vijJapti ]3[ vi-jJapti ] f. information, report, address (to a superior), request, entreaty of (gen.) Naish. Kathās. Rājat. ([ °tiM-√ kR ], ` to announce anything, scil. to a superior ' (1) with gen., ` to address a request to ') (2) imparting, giving L.
===> vijñeya [ vijJeya ]2[ vi-jJ'eya ] mfn. to be perceived or known, knowable, cognizable ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) to be understood or heard or learned Mn. R. VarBṛS. (2) to be recognized or considered or regarded as ([ -tva ] n.) TPrāt. Up. MBh. &c.
===> vijñā [ vijJA ]1[ vi-√ jJA ] P. Ā. [ -jAnAti ], [ -jAnIte ], to distinguish, discern, observe, investigate, recognize, ascertain, know, understand RV. &c. &c. (with [ na ] and inf. ` to know not how to ') (1) to have right knowledge, KāṭhUp. (2) to become wise or learned Mn. iv, 20 (3) to hear or learn from (gen.) ChUp. MBh. (4) to recognize in (loc.) Pañcat (5) to look upon or regard or consider as (two acc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (6) to learn or understand that (two acc. or [ yat ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) to explain, declare BhP. : Pass. [ -jJAyate ], to be distinguished or discerned &c. (8) (esp. 3. sg., ` it is known or understood ' ŚBr. (9) ` it is recognized or prescribed ', scil. by authorities GṛŚrS. (10) and in gram. [ mA vi-jJAyi ] with preceding nom., ` let this not be considered as '): Caus. [ -jJapayati ], or [ -jJApayati ] (rarely [ °te ] (11) aor. [ vy-AjijJapat ]), to make known, declare, report, communicate ŚBr. &c. &c. (12) to ask or request anything Hariv. (13) to declare or tell that (two acc.) R. (14) to apprise, teach, instruct, ask, beg (with acc. of pers. (15) and dat. of thing, or with [ artham ] ifc., or [ prati ] and acc.) ŚBr. &c. &c. (16) to inform of or about (two acc.) Rājat. : Pass. (only Cond. [ vy-ajJApayiSyata ], with v. l. [ °Syat ]), to become manifest, appear ChUp. vii, 2, 1: Desid. of Caus., See [ vi-jijJApayiSA ] below (cf. also [ vi-jJIpsu ]) : Desid. [ -jijJAsati ], [ °te ], to wish to understand or know &c. TS. ChUp.
===> vijñāna [ vijJAna ]2[ vi-jJ'Ana ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the act of distinguishing or discerning, understanding, comprehending, recognizing, intelligence, knowledge AV. &c. &c. (1) skill, proficiency, art Uttamac (2) science, doctrine Suśr. (3) worldly or profane knowledge (opp. to [ jJAna ], ` knowledge of the true nature of God ') Mn. MBh. &c. (4) the faculty of discernment or of right judgment MBh. R. &c. (5) the organ of knowledge (= [ manas ]) BhP. (6) (ifc.) the understanding of (a particular meaning), regarding as Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 17 ; 66 &c. (7) (with Buddhists) consciousness or thought-faculty (one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas, also considered as one of the 6 elements or Dhātus, and as one of the 12 links of the chain of causation) Dharmas. 22 ; 42 ; 58 (cf. MWB. 102 ; 109) (8) [ -kanda ] m. N. of a man Cat. (9) [ -kAya ] m. N. of a Buddhist wk. (10) [ -kRtsna ] n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kṛtsnas Buddh. (11) [ -kevala ] mfn. (with Śaivas) an individual soul to which only [ mala ] adheres Sarvad (12) [ -kaumudI ] f. N. of a female Buddhist Cat. (13) [ -ghan'a ] m. pure knowledge, nothing but intelligence ŚBr. Sarvad (14) [ -taraMgiNI ] f. N. of wk. (15) [ -tA ] f. knowledge of (loc.) Cāṇ (16) [ -tAr^avalI ] f. N. of wk. (17) [ -tailagarbha ] m. Alangium Decapetalum L. (18) [ -dezana ] m. a Buddha L. (19) [ -naukA ] f. N. of sev. wks. (20) [ -pati ] m. a lord of intelligence TUp. (21) N. of one who has attained to a partic. degree of emancipation Bādar. Sch. (22) [ -pAda ] m. N. of Vyāsa L. (23) [ -bhaTTAraka ] m. [ -bhArata ] m. [ -bhikSu ] m. N. of scholars Cat. (24) [ -bhairava ], [ °v^oddyota-saMgraha ] m. N. of wks. (25) [ -m'aya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of knowledge or intelligence, all knowledge, full of intelligence ŚBr. Up. &c. (26) [ °ya-koSa ] m. the sheath consisting of intelligence, the intelligent sheath (of the soul, accord. to the Ved^anta) or the sheath caused by the understanding being associated with the organs of perception MW. (27) [ -mAtRka ] m. ` whose mother is knowledge ', a Buddha L. (28) [ -yati ] m. = [ -bhikSu ] Cat. (29) [ -yogin ] m. = [ vijJAn^ezvara ] Col. (30) [ -latikA ] f. [ -lalita ] or [ °ta-tantra ] n. N. of wks. (31) [ -vat ] mfn. endowed with intelligence Up. ChUp. Sch. Kathās (32) [ -vAda ] m. the doctrine (of the Yog^acāras) that only intelligence has reality (not the objects exterior to us) Bādar. Sch. (33) [ -vAdin ] mfn. one who affirms that only intelligence has reality (34) m. a Yog^acāra Sarvad. Buddh. (35) [ -vinodinI-TIkA ] f. [ -vilAsa ] m. [ -zAstra ] n. [ -zikSA ] f. [ saMjJA-prakaraNa ] n. N. of wks. (36) [ °n^akala ] mfn. = [ °na-kevala ] above Sarvad (37) [ °n^acArya ] m. N. of a teacher Cat. (38) [ °n^atman ] m. N. of an author ib. (39) [ °n^anty^ayatana ] n. (with Buddhists) N. of a world Buddh. (40) [ °n^amRta ] n. N. of Comm. (41) [ °n^azrama ] m. = [ °n^atman ] Cat. (42) [ °n^astitva-mAtra-vAdin ] mfn. = [ °na-vAdin ] Bādar. Sch. (43) [ °n^ahAra ] m. spiritual food as nourishment L. (44) [ °n^ezvara ] m. N. of an author Cat. ([ -tantra ] n. [ -vArttika ], n. N. of wks.) (45) [ °n^ezvarIya ] n. a wk. of Vijñān^eśvara Cat. (46) [ °n^aika-skandha-vAda ] m. = [ °na-vAda ] above Bādar. Sch.
===> vijñānanā [ vijJAnanA ]3[ vi-jJAnanA ] f. (perhaps for [ °jAnanA ] or [ °jAnatA ]) perceiving, understanding L.
===> vijñāpaka [ vijJApaka ]2[ vi-jJApaka ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) who or what makes known W. (1) m. an informant, instructor ib.
===> vijñāpana [ vijJApana ]3[ vi-jJApana ] n. (or [ A ] f.) information, communication, address (esp. to a superior), request, entreaty Kālid. Mudr. Kathās
===> vijñāpanīya [ vijJApanIya ]3[ vi-jJApanIya ] mfn. to be made known, to be communicated BhP. (1) to be (respectfully) informed or apprised Daś (2) fit to be taught or instructed L.
===> vijñāta [ vijJAta ]2[ v'i-jJAta ] mfn. discerned, understood, known &c. (1) celebrated, famous W. (2) [ -vIrya ] ([ v'i- ]), mfn. of known strength TBr. (3) [ -sthAl'I ] f. (prob.) a vessel prepared in the known or usual manner, MaitrŚ. (4) [ °t^atman ] m. N. of a poet Cat. (5) [ °t^artha ] mfn. one who is acquainted with any matter on the true state of a case MW.
===> vijñātavya [ vijJAtavya ]3[ v'i-jJAtavya ] mfn. to be recognized or known or understood KaushUp. (1) to be found out MBh. (2) to be regarded or considered as VarBṛS. (3) to be inferred or conjectured with certainty ib.
===> vijñātṛ [ vijJAtR ]3[ v'i-jJAt'R ] mfn. one who knows, a knower, understander ŚBr. MBh. &c. [ 961,2 ]
===> vijānat [ vijAnat ]3[ vi-jAnat ] mfn. understanding, knowing &c. (1) m. a wise man, sage Mn. MBh. &c.
===> vijṛmbha [ vijRmbha ]3[ vi-jRmbha ] m. bending or knitting (the brows) BhP. (1) ([ A ]), f. yawning L.
===> vijṛmbhaṇa [ vijRmbhaNa ]3[ vi-jRmbhaNa ] n. yawning Suśr. (1) opening, expanding, blossoming, budding Ragh (2) spreading, extension Mālatīm (3) bending, knitting (the brows) BhP.
===> vijṛmbhita [ vijRmbhita ]3[ vi-jRmbhita ] mfn. yawned, gaped, opened, expanded, blown &c. (n. impers.) (1) drawn, bent (said of a bow) MBh. R. (2) sported, wantoned W. (3) n. yawning Gaut (4) coming out, appearance, manifestation, consequences Kāv. Kathās. Sarvad (5) exploit Mālav. [ 961,1 ]
===> vikaca [ vikaca ]3[ v'i-kaca ] mfn. (for 2. See p. 953, col. 2) hairless, bald MBh. (1) m. a Buddhist mendicant L. (2) a species of comet (65 enumerated) MBh. VarBṛS. (3) N. of a Dānava Hariv. (4) ([ A ]), f. a kind of shrub L. (5) [ °ca-zrI ] mfn. having the beauty of the hair gone Kāv
===> [ vikaca ]1[ vi-kaca ]2 mfn. (√ [ kac ] (1) for 1. See p. 949, col. 3) opened, blown Hariv. Kāv. &c. (2) shining, resplendent, brilliant, radiant with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) [ -zrI ] mfn. having radiant beauty Kāv (4) [ °c^anana ] mf ([ A ]) n. with a radiant face Kathās (5) [ °c^alambA ] f. N. of Durgā L.
===> vikala [ vikala ]1[ vi-kala ] mf ([ A ], or [ I ]) n. deprived of a part or a limb or a member, mutilated, maimed, crippled, impaired, imperfect, deficient in or destitute of (instr. or comp. (1) cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 31 Sch.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) confused, agitated, exhausted, unwell, depressed, sorrowful MBh. Kāv. Kathās (3) m. N. of a son of Śambara Hariv. (4) of a son of Lamb^odara BhP. (5) of a son of Jīmūta VP. (6) of another man Cat. (7) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. a woman in whom menstruation has begun L. (8) ([ A ]), f. the 60th part of a Kalā, the second of a degree Sūryas (9) a partic. stage in the revolution of the planet Mercury VarBṛS. (10) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. deficiency, infirmity, imperfection MBh. Kāv. &c. (11) [ -pANika ] m. one who has a mutilated or withered hand, a cripple L. (12) [ -vadha ], ` death of Vikala ', N. of a ch. in GaṇP. (13) [ °l^aGga ] mf ([ I ]) n. having mutilated or imperfect limbs, deformed, crippled, lamed MBh. VarBṛS. (14) [ °l^endriya ] mfn. having impaired or defective organs of sense Mn. viii, 66
===> vikalpa [ vikalpa ]1[ vi-kalpa ] &c. See under [ vi-√ klRp ]
===> [ vikalpa ]2[ vi-kalpa ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 950, col. 1) alternation, alternative, option ŚrS. Mn. VarBṛS. &c. ([ ena ] ind. ` optionally ') (1) variation, combination, variety, diversity, manifoldness KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (2) contrivance, art Ragh (3) difference of perception, distinction Nyāyas. BhP. (4) indecision, irresolution, doubt, hesitation MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) admission, statement BhP. (6) false notion, fancy, imagination Yogas. Gīt. (7) calculation VarBṛS. (8) mental occupation, thinking L. (9) = [ kalpa-sthAna ] Car. (10) a god BhP. (Sch.) (11) (in rhet.) antithesis of opposites Pratāp (12) (in gram.) admission of an option or alternative, the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure ([ v^eti vikalpaH ] Pāṇ. 1-1, 44 Sch.) (13) a collateral form VarBṛS. (14) pl. N. of a people MBh. (C. [ vikalya ]) (15) mfn. different BhP. (16) [ -jAla ] ', n. a number of possible cases, dilemma Sarvad. TPrāt. Sch. (17) [ -tva ] n. manifoldness, variety Suśr. (18) [ -vat ] mfn. undecided, doubtful Vedântas (19) [ -sama ] m. a partic. sophistical objection Sarvad (20) [ °p^anupapatti ] f. untenableness owing to a dilemma Sarvad (21) [ °p^asaha ] mfn. not standing (the test of) a dilemma ([ -tva ] n.) ib. (22) [ °p^opahAra ] m. an optional offering. MW.
===> vikalpaka [ vikalpaka ]3[ vi-kalpaka ] m. a distributer, apportioner MBh. (1) a contriver, composer Cat. (2) a transformer, changer Car. (3) = 2. [ vi-kalpa ] TejobUp.
===> vikalpana [ vikalpana ]3[ vi-kalpana ] m. a contriver, composer Cat. (1) n. and ([ A ]), f. allowing an option or alternative Pañcar. Kār. on Pāṇ. (2) the use of a collateral form VarBṛS. Sch. (3) distinction (pl. = different opinions) Sarvad (4) false notion or assumption, fancy, imagination BhP. (5) indecision MW. (6) inconsideration ib.
===> vikalpita [ vikalpita ]3[ vi-kalpita ] mfn. prepared, arranged &c. (1) divided, manifold (with [ caturdaza-dhA ] = fourteen fold) BhP. (2) doubtful, undecided ib. Sarvad. (cf. [ a-vikalpa ]) (3) optional ([ -tva ] n.) Nyāyam. Sāy
===> vikalpya [ vikalpya ]3[ vi-kalpya ] mfn. to be distributed VarBṛS. (1) to be calculated or ascertained ib. (2) to be chosen according to circumstances Car.
===> vikaraṇa [ vikaraNa ]3[ v'i-karaNa ] mfn. (for 2. See ib.) deprived of organs of sense ([ -tva ] n.) Bādar. Sch.
===> [ vikaraNa ]2[ vi-karaNa ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 950, col. 1) ` producing a change. ' (in gram.) a term for the affix or conjugational characteristic which is placed between the root and terminations, the inserted conjugational affix (according to Pāṇini these affixes are [ zap ], [ zapo luk ], [ zlu ], [ zyan ], [ znu ], [ za ], [ znam ], [ u ], [ znA ], [ yak ], and [ cli ] [ with its substitutes ], [ tAsi ], [ sya ], [ sip ], the first nine of which are added in the Pres., Impf., Imperative, and Potential, and before a Kṛt which contains a mute palatal [ z ], in the case of Active verbs (1) [ yak ] is added in the case of the Karman or Bhāva, i. e. Passives or Neuters (2) [ cli ] is added in the Aorist, [ tAsi ] in the 1st Future, [ sya ] in the 2nd Future and Conditional, and [ sip ] before Leṭ (3) [ lug-vikaraNa ], ` having [ luk ] for its Vikaraṇa ' [ said of roots of cl. 2 ] (4) [ AkhyAta-pada-vikaraNAH ], ` words which modify the finite verb ', i. e. make it accented) (5) ([ I ]), f. a partic. Śakti Hcat (6) n. change) modification Nir (7) a disturbing influence Sarvad
===> vikartana [ vikartana ]3[ vi-kartana ] mfn. cutting asunder, dividing Nir (1) m. the sun (prob. as the ` divider of clouds ') Uttarar. Rājat (2) a son who has usurped his father's kingdom L. (3) n. the act of cutting asunder or dividing L.
===> vikasita [ vikasita ]3[ vi-kasita ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 54) opened, open, expanded, budded, blown MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -kumud^endIvar^alokin ] mfn. looking like the expanded white and blue lotus MW. (2) [ -nayana-vadana-kamala ] mfn. opening (her) lotus-like eyes and mouth Pañcat (3) [ -vadana ] mfn. with opened mouth BhP.
===> vikaṭa [ vikaTa ]3[ v'i-kaTa ] mfn. (for 2. See s. v.) having no mat, without a mat MW.
===> [ vikaTa ]1[ v'i-kaTa ]2 mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. (prob. Prākṛt for [ vi-kRta ], cf. [ ut- ], [ pra-k° ] &c. (1) for 1. [ vi-kaTa ] See p. 949, col. 3) having an unusual size or aspect, horrible, dreadful, monstrous, huge, large, great RV. &c. &c. ([ am ], ind. terribly) (2) unusually handsome R. Chandom (3) large-toothed L. (4) knitted (as brows), frowning Prab (5) obscure, obsolete W. (6) m. a kind of plant or fruit L. (7) N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. (8) of one of the attendants of Skanda ib. (9) of a Rākshasa L. (10) of a mythical person Kathās (11) of a goose ib. Pañcat (12) ([ A ]), f. a bandy-legged girl (unfit for marriage) ĀpGṛ. (13) N. of the mother of Gautama Buddha L. (14) of a female divinity peculiar to Buddhists W. (15) of a Rākshasī R. (16) n. (only L.) white arsenic (17) sandal (18) a peculiar attitude in sitting, a boil, tumour (19) [ -grAma ] m. N. of a village Cat. (20) [ -tva ] n. (in rhet.) a sound of words reminding of a dance Sāh (21) [ -nitambA ] f. N. of a poetess, Cat. (22) [ -mUrti ] mfn. having a hideous or distorted shape, deformed, ugly MW. (23) [ -vadana ] m. ` hideous-faced ', N. of an attendant of Durgā Kathās (24) [ -varman ] m. N. of a king Daś (25) [ -viSANa ] or [ -zRGga ] m. ` largehorned ', a stag L. (26) [ °T^akRti ] mfn. of dreadful appearance Kathās (27) [ °T^akSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. having dreadful eyes Pañcar. (28) m. N. of an Asura Kathās (29) [ °T^anana ] mfn. ugly-faced Kathās (30) m. N. of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra MBh. (31) [ °T^abha ] m. ` of terrible appearance ', N. of an Asura Hariv.
===> vikhyāpana [ vikhyApana ]3[ vi-khyApana ] n. making known, anouncing, publishing Gaut (1) explanation, exposition W. (2) avowing, acknowledging, confessing MW.
===> vikhyāta [ vikhyAta ]3[ vi-khyAta ] mfn. generally known, notorious, famous, celebrated Yājñ. R. &c. (1) known as, called, named MBh. R. Hit. (2) avowed, confessed W.
===> vikhāditaka [ vikhAditaka ]3[ vi-khAditaka ] n. a dead body which has been devoured by animals Buddh.
===> vikira [ vikira ]1[ vi-kira ] [ vi-kiraNa ], [ vi-kIrNa ] &c., See under [ vi-√ kRR ]
===> [ vikira ]2[ vi-kira ] m. scattering or anything scattered L. (1) a scattered portion of rice (offered to conciliate beings hostile to sacrifice) Mn. iii, 245 (2) ` scatterer ', a kind of gallinaceous bird Āpast (3) a partic. Agni ib. (4) water trickled through Suśr. ([ cikira ] Bhpr.)
===> vikiraṇa [ vikiraNa ]3[ vi-kiraNa ] n. scattering, strewing Kull. on Mn. iii, 245 (1) m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (v. l. [ vikiriNa ])
===> viklava [ viklava ]3[ vi-klava ] mf ([ A ]) n. overcome with fear or agitation, confused, perplexed, bewildered, alarmed, distressed MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) timid, shy Megh. Siś (2) (ifc.) disgusted with, averse from Śak (3) faltering (as speech) R. (4) unsteady (as gait) Śak (5) impaired (as senses) KāśīKh. (6) exhausted Kathās (7) n. agitation, bewilderment R. BhP. (8) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. agitation, confusion, alarm, fear, timidity, irresolution MBh. Kāv. &c. (9) [ °v^anana ] mfn. one whose face is troubled or sorrowful R.
===> viklinna [ viklinna ]2[ vi-klinna ] mfn. softened (by cooking) L. (1) dissolved, decayed MBh. (2) [ -hRdaya ] mfn. soft-hearted, one whose heart is easily moved with pity MW.
===> vikośa [ vikoza ]3[ v'i-koza ] mf ([ A ]) n. uncovered, denuded, unsheathed, drawn (as a sword) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) having no prepuce Suśr. (2) containing no passage from a dictionary Cat.
===> [ vikoza ]1[ vi-koza ] [ vi-kautuka ] &c. See ib.
===> vikrama [ vikrama ]2[ vi-kram'a ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 950, col. 1) a step, stride, pace ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) going, proceeding, walking, motion, gait MBh. Kāś. &c. (2) course, way, manner ([ anukrama-vikrameNa ] = [ anukrameNa ], in regular order) MBh. (3) valour, courage, heroism, power, strength ib. Kāv. &c. ([ °maM-√ kR ], to display prowess, use one's strength) (4) force, forcible means ib. ([ °mAt ] ind. by force (5) [ n^asti vikrameNa ], it cannot be done by force) (6) intensity, high degree VarBṛS. (7) stability, duration (opp. to ` cessation ') BhP. (8) a kind of grave accent TPrāt. (9) non-change of the Visarga into an Ūshman RPrāt. (10) the 14th year in the 60 years cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS. (11) the 3rd astrological house ib. (12) a foot L. (13) N. of Viṣṇu MBh. (14) of the son of Vasu Kathās (15) of a son of Vatsa-prī MārkP. (16) of a son of Kanaka Cat. (17) of various authors (also with [ bhaTTa ]) Cat. (18) = [ candragupta ] ib. (19) = [ vikram^aditya ] Pañcad (20) N. of a town Cat. (21) [ -karman ] n. an act of prowess, feat of valour MW. (22) [ -kesarin ] m. N. of a king of Pāṭali-putra Kathās. [ 955,3 ] (23) of a minister of Mṛg^aṅka-datta ib. (24) [ -caNDa ] m. N. of a king of Vārāṇasī ib. (25) [ -candrikA ] f. N. of a drama (26) [ -carita ] or [ -caritra ] n. N. of 32 stories describing the acts of Vikram^aditya (also called [ siMh^asana-dvAtriMzat ], q. v.) (27) [ -tuGga ] m. N. of a prince of Pāṭali-putra Kathās (28) of a prince of Vikrama-pura ib. (29) [ -deva ] m. N. of Candra-gupta Inscr. (30) [ -nar^ezvara ] m. = [ vikram^aditya ] Siṉhâs (31) [ -nava-ratna ] n. ` the 9 jewels (on the court) of Vikram^aditya ', N. of wk. (32) [ -nidhi ] m. N. of a warrior Kathās (33) [ -paTTana ] n. ` Vikram^aditya's town ', N. of Ujjayinī Cat. (34) [ -pati ] m. = [ vikram^aditya ] Cāṇ (35) [ -pura ] n. (Kathās.), [ -purI ] f. (Buddh.) N. of a town (prob. = [ -paTTana ]) (36) [ -prabandha ] m. N. of wk. (37) [ -bAhu ] m. N. of various princes Ratnâv. Cat. (38) [ -bhArata ], a modern collection of legends about Vikram^aditya and of Pauranic stories (39) [ -rAja ] m. N. of a king Rājat (40) [ -rAjan ] m. = [ vikram^aditya ] Vcar. (41) [ -rddhi ] (for [ Rddhi ]), m. (with [ kavi ]) N. of a poet Cat. (42) [ -lAJchana ] m. id. ib. (43) [ -zakti ] m. N. of various men of the warrior-caste Kathās (44) [ -zIla ] m. N. of a king MārkP. (45) of a monastery Buddh. (46) [ -sabhA ] f. Vikram^aditya's court Siṉhâs (47) [ -siMha ] m. N. of a king of Ujjayinī MārkP. (48) of a king of Ujjayinī ib. (49) [ -sena ] m. N. of a king of pratishṭhāna Kathās. ([ °na-campU ] f. N. of a poem) (50) [ -sthAna ] n. a walking-place, promenade, Kṛshṇaj (51) [ °m^aGka ] (or [ -deva ]), m. N. of a king of Kalyāṇa (also called Tribhuvana-malla (52) of the 11th century A. D. and was celebrated by Bilhaṇa in the Vikram^aṅka-deva-carita) (53) [ °m^aditya ] m. See below (54) [ °m^arka ] m. = [ vikram^aditya ] ([ -carita ], [ -caritra ] n. = [ vikrama-c ]) (55) [ °m^arjita ] mfn. acquired by valour W. (56) [ °m^eza ] m. N. of a Buddhist saint W. (57) [ °mezvara ] m. (with Buddh.) N. of one of the 8 V^ita-rāgas W. (58) of a temple built by Vikram^aditya Rājat (59) [ °m^odaya ] n. N. of wk. (60) [ °m^op^akhyAna ] n. = [ vikrama-carita ] (61) [ °m^orvazI ] f. ` valour-(won) Urvaśī ', N. of a celebrated drama by Kālidāsa
===> vikramin [ vikramin ]3[ vi-kramin ] mfn. striding (said of Viṣṇu) MBh. (1) displaying valour, courageous, gallant MBh. Hariv. (2) m. a lion L.
===> vikramâditya [ vikramAditya ]2[ vikram^aditya ] m. ` valour-sun ', N. of a celebrated Hindū king (of Ujjayinī and supposed founder of the [ Mālava- ] Vikrama era [ cf. [ saMvat ] ], which begins 58 B. C. [ but subtract 57-56 from an [ expired ] year of the Vikrama era to convert it into A. D. ] (1) he is said to have driven out the Śakas and to have reigned over almost the whole of Northern India (2) he is represented as a great patron of literature (3) nine celebrated men are said to have flourished at his court [ see [ nava-ratna ] ], and innumerable legends are related of him all teeming with exaggerations (4) according to some he fell in a battle with his rival Śāli-vāhana, king of the south country or Deccan, and the legendary date given for his death is Kali-yuga 3044 [ which really is the epoch-year of the Vikrama era ] (5) there are, however, other kings called Vikram^aditya, and the name has been applied to king Bhoja and even to Śāli-vāhana) Inscr. Kathās. Vet. &c. (6) of a poet Cat. ([ -koza ] m. N. of a dictionary (7) [ -caritra ] n. N. of a poem = [ vikrama-c° ] (8) [ -rAja ] m. N. of a king)
===> vikraya [ vikraya ]1[ vi-kraya ] &c. See below
===> [ vikraya ]2[ vi-kray'a ] m. sale, selling, vending AV. &c. &c. (1) [ -pattra ] n. a bill of sale Rājat (2) [ °y^anuzaya ] m. rescission of sale Mn. viii, 5 (3) [ °y^artham ] ind. for sale MW.
===> vikreya [ vikreya ]3[ vi-kreya ] mfn. to be sold, vendible Mn. MBh. &c. (1) (prob.) n. selling price Yājñ. ii, 246
===> vikriyā [ vikriyA ]2[ vi-kriyA ] f. transformation, change, modification, altered or unnatural condition Kāv. Pur. Suśr. (1) change for the worse, deterioration, disfigurement, deformity R. (2) ailment, indisposition, affection R. Daś. Suśr. [ 955,1 ] (3) perturbation, agitation, perplexity MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) hostile feeling, rebellion, defection, alienation Hariv. Kāv. Kathās (5) injury, harm, failure, misadventure (acc. with √ [ yA ], to suffer injury, undergo failure) ib. (6) extinction (of a lamp) Kathās (7) a strange or unwonted phenomenon ib. (8) any product or preparation Mn. Yājñ. MārkP. (9) contraction, knitting (of the brows (10) See [ bhrU-v° ]) (11) bristling (of the hair (12) See [ roma-v° ]) (13) [ °y^opamA ] f. a kind of simile (in which the object of comparison is represented as produced from that to which it is compared, e. g. ` thy face, O fair one, seems to be cut out from the disc of the moon ') Kāvyâd. ii, 41
===> [ vikriyA ]1[ vi-kriyA ] &c. See p. 954, col. 3
===> vikrānta [ vikrAnta ]2[ v'i-krAnta ] mfn. stepped beyond, taking wide strides &c. (1) courageous, bold, strong, mighty, victorious (with [ dhanuSi ], skilled in archery) MBh. (2) m. a warrior L. (3) a lion L. (4) ` passed over ', N. of a kind of Saṃdhi which leaves Visarga unchanged RPrāt. (5) N. of a Prajā-pati VP. (6) of a son of Kuvalay^aśva and Mad^alasā MārkP. (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (Cocculus Cordifolius, Clitoria Ternatea, Cissus Pedata &c.) L. (8) n. a step, stride VS. TBr. (9) manner of walking, gait MBh. R. (10) bold advance, courage, might ib. (11) a sham diamond L. (12) a kind of intoxicating drink L. (13) [ -gati ] m. a man with a portly gait MW. (14) [ -bhIma ], N. of a drama (15) [ -yodhin ] m. an excellent warrior MBh. (16) [ -zUdraka ], N. of a drama Sarasv
===> [ vikrAnta ]1[ vi-krAnta ] &c. See p. 955, col. 3
===> vikrīta [ vikrIta ]3[ vi-krIta ] mfn. sold Mn. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of a Prajā-pati R. (v. l. [ vi-kRta ] and [ vi-krAnta ]) (2) n. sale Mn. viii, 165
===> vikrīḍita [ vikrIDita ]3[ vi-krIDita ] mfn. played, played with, made a plaything of BhP. (1) n. play, sport SaddhP. (2) a child's play (i. e. ` easy work ') Lalit.
===> vikurvaṇa [ vikurvaNa ]1[ vi-kurvaNa ] [ °vANa ], See col. 3
===> [ vikurvaNa ]2[ vi-kurvaNa ] m. (prob. for [ vi-kurvANa ]) N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1244 (1) n. and ([ A ]), f. the ability to assume various shapes Buddh.
===> vikurvāṇa [ vikurvANa ]3[ vi-kurvANa ] mfn. undergoing a change, modifying one's self Mn. i, 77 (1) rejoicing, being glad L.
===> vikāla [ vikAla ]3[ v'i-kAla ] m. twilight, evening, afternoon ([ am ] ind. in the evening late) ĀpŚr. MBh. &c. (1) [ °laka ] m. id. (2) [ °likA ] f. a sort of clepsydra or water-clock L. 1
===> [ vikAla ]1[ vi-kAla ] &c. See p. 950, col. 1
===> vikāra [ vikAra ]2[ vi-kAra ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 950, col. 1) change of form or nature, alteration or deviation from any natural state, transformation, modification, change (esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental condition, disease, sickness, hurt, injury, (or) perturbation, emotion, agitation, passion ŚrS. MBh. &c. [ 954,3 ] (1) an apparition, spectre Kathās (2) extravagance ib. (3) a product Gaut (4) (in Sāṃkhya) a production or derivative from Prakṛti (there are 7 Vikāras, viz. [ buddhi ], ` intellect ', [ ahaM-kAra ], ` the sense of individuality ', and the 5 [ tan-mAtras ], q. v. (5) these are also producers, inasmuch as from them come the 16 Vikāras which are only productions, viz. the 5 [ mahA-bhUtAni ], q. v., and the 11 organs, viz. the 5 [ buddh^indriyANi ] or organs of sense, the 5 [ karm^endriyANi ] or organs of action, and [ manas ], ` the mind ') IW. 82 &c. (6) the derivative of a word Nir (7) contortion of the face, grimace Kathās (8) change of sentiment, hostility, defection MBh. Rājat (9) [ -tas ] ind. from or through change MW. (10) [ -tva ] n. the state of change, transformation Vedântas (11) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of derivatives (from Prakṛti) Up. (12) [ -vat ] mfn. undergoing changes Kām (13) [ -hetu ] m. ` cause of perturbation ', temptation, seduction Kum
===> vikāsa [ vikAsa ]2[ vi-kAsa ] m. expanding, budding, blowing (of flowers) Kum. Śiś. (1) opening (of the mouth or eyes) VarBṛS. Pañcat (2) opening (of the heart), cheerfulness, serenity Daś. Śiś. (3) expansion, development, growth Śiś. Pur. Sarvad (4) [ -bhAj ] or [ -bhRt ] mfn. expanded, blown Kāv
===> [ vikAsa ]1[ vi-kAsa ] &c. See above
===> vikāsin [ vikAsin ]3[ vi-kAsin ] mfn. blossoming, blooming Śiś. (1) opened, open (as the eyes or nose) Daśar. Sāh (2) open = candid, sincere L. (3) expanding, developing Śiś. (4) extensive, great Kāv. Kām (5) (ifc.) rich or abounding in Rājat (6) dissolving, relaxing, paralysing Suśr. (7) [ °si-tA ] f. expansion, development Saṃk (8) [ -si-nIl^otpala ] Nom. P. [ °lati ], to resemble a blossoming blue lotus-flower Sāh
===> vikīrṇa [ vikIrNa ]2[ vi-kIrNa ] mfn. scattered, thrown about, dispersed &c. (1) dishevelled (as hair) Kum. (cf. comp.) (2) filled with, full of (comp.) MBh. (3) celebrated, famous W. (4) n. a partic. fault in the pronunciation of vowels Pat. (5) [ -keza ] or [ -mUrdhaja ], having dishevelled hair MW. (cf. above) (6) [ -roman ] or [ -saMjJa ] n. a kind of fragrant plant L.
===> vikṛta [ vikRta ]2[ v'i-kRta ] mfn. transformed, altered, changed &c. (1) (esp.) deformed, disfigured, mutilated, maimed, unnatural, strange, extraordinary Mn. MBh. &c. (2) unaccomplished, incomplete RV. ii, 33, 6 (3) ugly (as a face) MBh. (4) estranged, rebellious, disloyal, hostile ib. (5) decorated, embellished, set with (comp.) ib. (6) (with [ vadha ] m.) capital punishment with mutilation Mn. ix, 291 (7) sick, diseased. L. (8) m. the 24th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. (9) N. of a Prajā-pati R. (v. l. [ vi-krIta ] and [ vi-krAnta ]) (10) of a demon (the son of Pari-varta) MārkP. (11) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat (12) n. change, alteration Vop (13) disgust, aversion W. (14) misshaped offspring, abortion Mn. ix, 247 (15) untimely silence caused by embarrassment Sāh. (v. l. [ vi-hRta ]) (16) [ -janana-zAnti-vidhAna ] n. N. of a ch. of the Padma-purāṇa (17) [ -tva ] n. the state of being changed, transformation Śaṃk (18) [ -daMSTra ] m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās (19) [ -darzana ] mfn. changed in appearance MBh. R. (20) [ -buddhi ] mfn. changed in mind, estranged, made unfriendly or ill-disposed MW. (21) [ -rakta ] mfn. dyed red, red-stained (as a garment) Bhpr. (22) [ -locana ] mfn. having troubled eyes MW. (23) [ -vadana ] mfn. having a distorted face, ugly-faced W. (24) [ -veSin ] mfn. having an unusual dress BhP. (25) [ °t^akAra ] mfn. changed in form or appearance, misshaped, distorted in form MBh. (26) [ °t^akRti ] mfn. having a deformed shape or aspect Mn. xi, 52 (27) [ °t^akSa ] mfn. blind Pāṇ. 6-3, 3 Vārtt. 2 Pat. (28) [ °t^aGga ] mfn. changed in form, having misshaped limbs, deformed W. (29) [ °t^anana ] mfn. = [ °ta-vadana ] above MBh.
---> [ -mUrdhaja ] mfn. having a disturbed face and dishevelled hair ib. (30) [ °t^odara ] m. N. of a Rākshasa R.
===> vikṛti [ vikRti ]2[ v'i-kRti ] f. change, alteration, modification, variation, changed condition (of body or mind (1) acc. with √ [ gam ], [ yA ], [ vraj ], or [ pra-√ pad ], to undergo a change, be changed) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) sickness, disease L. (3) perturbation, agitation, emotion MBh. Kathās. &c. (4) alienation, hostility, defection Kām. Pañcat (5) a verse changed in a partic. manner ŚBr. KātyŚr. (6) an apparition, phantom, spectre Kathās (7) any production (ifc. anything made of) MBh. Suśr. (8) (in Sāṃkhya) = 2. [ vi-kAra ] (9) (in gram.) a derivative Nir (10) formation, growth, development AitBr. (11) abortion Suśr. (v. l. [ vaikRta ]) (12) = [ Dimba ] L. (13) = [ pralApa ] Harav. Sch. (14) N. of a class of metres Piṅg (15) m. N. of a son of Jīmūta VP. (16) [ -kaumudI ] f. [ -pradIpikA ] f. N. of wks. (17) [ -mat ] mfn. liable to change Śak (18) indisposed, ill Nalôd (19) [ -hautra ] n. N. of wk.
===> vikṣata [ vikSata ]1[ vi-kSata ] mfn. (√ [ kSan ], or [ kSaN ]) hurt severely, wounded MBh. (1) n. a wound ib.
===> vikṣepa [ vikSepa ]2[ vi-kSepa ] m. the act of throwing asunder or away or about, scattering, dispersion MārkP. Dhātup (1) casting, throwing, discharging Ragh. VP. (2) moving about or to and fro, waving, shaking, tossing MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) drawing (a bow-string) Hariv. (4) letting loose, indulging (opp. to [ saMyama ]) BhP. (5) letting slip, neglecting (time) L. (6) inattention, distraction, confusion, perplexity MaitrUp. Yogas. Mālatīm (7) extension, projection Vedântas. (See [ -zakti ]) (8) abusing, reviling Bhar. (9) compassion, pity Daśar (10) celestial or polar latitude Sūryas (11) a kind of weapon MBh. (Nīlak.) (12) a camp, cantonment (?) Buddh. (13) a kind of disease Cat. (14) sending, dispatching W. (15) refuting an argument ib. (16) [ -dhruva ] m. (in astron.) the greatest inclination of a planet's orbit W. (17) [ -lipi ] m. a kind of writing Lalit. (18) [ -vRtta ] n. = [ kSepa-v° ] Gol. (19) [ -zakti ] f. (in phil.) the projecting power (of Māyā or A-vidyā, i. e. that power of projection which raises upon the soul enveloped by it the appearance of an external world) Vedântas. ([ °ti-mat ] mfn. endowed with the above power ib.) (20) [ °p^adhipati ] m. the chief of a camp or cantonment (?) Buddh.
===> vikṣipta [ vikSipta ]2[ vi-kSipta ] mfn. thrown asunder or away or about, scattered &c. (1) distorted, contracted (See comp.) (2) agitated, bewildered, distraught Sarvad (3) frustrated (See [ a-v° ]) (4) sent, dispatched W. (5) refuted, falsified ib. (6) projected MW. (See [ vi-kSepa ]) (7) n. the being dispersed in different places RPrāt. Sch. (8) [ -citta ] mfn. distraught in mind Madhus (9) [ -bhrU ] mfn. having contracted eyebrows BhP. (10) [ °tendriya-dhI ] mfn. bewildered in senses and mind BhP.
===> vikṣiptaka [ vikSiptaka ]3[ vi-kSiptaka ] n. a dead body which has been torn asunder or lacerated Buddh.
===> vikṣobha [ vikSobha ]2[ vi-kSobha ] m. shaking, agitation, motion Hariv. Ragh (1) mental agitation, perturbation, distraction, alarm MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ 'a-v° ]) (2) tearing open or asunder Śiś. (3) the side of an elephant's breast L.
===> vikṣobhaṇa [ vikSobhaNa ]3[ vi-kSobhaNa ] m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. (1) n. tossing about, violent motion Buddh.
===> vilagna [ vilagna ]3[ vi-lagna ] mfn. clung or fastened or attached to, resting or hanging on, connected with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ tIravilagna ] come ashore, landed Kathās.) pendulous, flaccid (as breasts) R. (1) hanging in a cage, caged (as a bird) ib. (2) gone by, passed away Pañcat (3) thin, slender MBh. Kum (4) m. or n. the waist, middle (as connecting the upper and lower parts of the body) L. (5) n. the rising of constellations, a horoscope &c. (= [ lagna ]) Var
---> [ -madhyA ] f. a woman with a slender waist
===> vilakṣa [ vilakSa ]3[ v'i-lakSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having no fixed aim Vāgbh. Amar. (v. l.) (1) missing its mark (as an arrow) Śiś. (2) having no characteristic mark or property W. (3) having a different mark or a character different to what is usual or natural, strange, extraordinary ib. (4) embarrassed, abashed, ashamed, astonished, surprised ([ -tA ] f.) Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (5) [ -tva ] n. absence of mark or aim, absence of distinguishing property W. (6) the missing of the mark (of an arrow) Śiś. (7) confusion, shame ib. (8) [ °kSI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to cause to miss the mark, disappoint HPariś (9) to disconcert, abash Kathās (10) [ °kSI-kRta ] mfn. disconcerted, abashed ib. (11) scoffed at, insulted MW. - 1
===> vilakṣaṇa [ vilakSaNa ]3[ v'i-lakSaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (for 2. See [ vi-√ lakS ]) having different marks, varying in character, different, differing from (abl. or comp. (1) [ -tA ], f. (2) [ -tva ] n.) NṛsUp. Suśr. Sāh. &c. (3) various, manifold BhP. (4) not admitting of exact definition BhP. Kāvyâd. Sch. (5) n. any state or condition which is without distinctive mark or for which no cause can be assigned, vain or causeless state L. (6) [ -catur-dazaka ] n. [ -janmaprakAzikA ] f. [ -mokS^adhikAra ] m. N. of wks. - 1. [ 952,2 ]
===> [ vilakSaNa ]3[ vi-lakSaNa ] n. (for 1. See p. 952, col. 1) the act of distinguishing, perceiving, seeing, observing W. 2
===> vilamba [ vilamba ]2[ vi-lamba ] mfn. hanging down, pendulous (as arms) R. (1) m. hanging or falling down, pendulousness W. (2) -hanging for support Śiś. iv, 25 (3) slowness, tardiness, delay, procrastination ([ At ], ` with delay ', ` late ' (4) [ ena ] id., ` too late ' (5) ibc. ` slowly ') Kāv. Rājat. &c. (6) N. of the 32nd year in the 60 years ' cycle of Jupiter, Cat. (7) [ -sauparNa ] n. N. of various Sāmans PañcavBr.
===> vilambana [ vilambana ]3[ vi-lambana ] n. hanging down or from, depending W. (1) (also [ A ] f.) slowness, delay, procrastination MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> vilambita [ vilambita ]3[ vi-lambita ] mfn. hanging down, pendulous Hariv. Kāv (1) (ifc.) dependent on, closely connected with BhP. (2) delayed, retarded, loitering, tardy, slow, measured (in music opp. to [ druta ], q. v.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) ([ am ]), ind. slowly, tardily ib. (4) m. a partic. class of heavy animals L. (5) n. slowness, delay, procrastination (also impers. ` it has been delayed ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) [ -gati ] f. ` slow or tardy in motion ', N. of a metre VarBṛS. (7) [ -phala ] mfn. having the fruit or fulfilment delayed MW.
===> vilaya [ vilaya ]1[ vi-laya ] &c. See [ vi-√ lI ], col. 3
===> [ vilaya ]2[ vi-laya ] m. dissolution, liquefaction, disappearance, death, destruction (esp. destruction of the world) MBh. Kāv. &c. (acc. with √ [ gam ], [ yA ], [ vraj ] &c. to be dissolved, end (1) with Caus. of √ [ gam ], to dissolve, destroy)
===> vilaṅghana [ vilaGghana ]3[ vi-laGghana ] n. leaping over, crossing MBh. (1) striking against Kir (2) offence, injury ib. Kathās (3) (also pl.) fasting, abstention from food Suśr. (4) ([ A ]), f. passing beyond, overcoming, surmounting Rājat
===> vilekha [ vilekha ]2[ vi-lekha ] m. scratching, tearing up, wounding Śiś. KātyŚr. Sch. (1) ([ A ]), f. a scratch, furrow, mark MBh. Suśr. (2) a written contract Nār
===> vilepana [ vilepana ]3[ vi-lepana ] n. smearing, anointing (esp. with fragrant oils &c.) VarBṛS. Kathās. Suśr. [ 985,3 ] (1) (ifc. f. [ A ]), unguent, ointment, perfume for the person (as saffron, camphor &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) a partic. mythical weapon R. (3) ([ I ]), f. a woman scented with perfumes &c. L. (4) rice-gruel L. (5) [ °nin ] mfn. smeared, anointed (in [ a-vil° ]) R.
===> vilokana [ vilokana ]3[ vi-lokana ] n. the act of looking or seeing Kāv. Pur. Suśr. (1) looking at, regarding, observing, contemplating Kāv. Kathās (2) looking for, finding out ŚārṅgP. Campak (3) (ifc.) perceiving, noticing, becoming aware of Kāv. Kathās. Pañcar. (4) paying attention to, studying (also pl., with gen.) Subh
===> vilokita [ vilokita ]3[ vi-lokita ] mfn. looked at, seen, beheld &c. (1) m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt (2) n. a look, glance Śak (3) observation, examination Lalit.
===> viloma [ viloma ]1[ vi-loma ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. 3. [ vi ] + [ loman ]) against the hair or grain, turned the wrong way, inverted, contrary to the usual or proper course, opposed ([ pavana-vil° ], ` turned against the wind ' (1) [ am ] ind., ` backwards ') GopBr. Var. Rājat
---> produced in reverse order MW. (2) refractory VarBṛS. (3) hairless (See [ tA ] below) (4) m. reverse order, opposite course, reverse W. (5) a snake L. (6) a dog L. (7) N. of Varuṇa L. (8) ([ I ]), f. Emblic Myrobalan L. (9) n. a water-wheel or machine for raising water from a well L. (10) [ -kAvya ] n. = [ °vilom^akSara-k° ] below (11) [ -kriyA ] f. reverse action, doing anything in reverse order or backwards W. (12) (in arithm.) rule of inversion ib. (13) [ ja ] (VP.) or [ jAta ] (BhP.), mfn. born in reverse order ', born of a mother belonging to a higher caste than the father (14) [ -jihva ] m. an elephant L. (15) [ -tA ] f. the being hairless, (and) perverseness Dharmaś (16) [ trairAzika ] n. rule of three inverse Col. (17) [ -pATha ] m. recitation in reverse order (i. e. from the end to the beginning) Cat. (18) [ -rasana ] m. an elephant L. (19) [ -varNa ] mfn. = [ viloma-ja ] above L. (20) m. a man of mixed or inferior birth W. (21) [ -vidhi ] m. an inverted rite, reversed ceremony ib. (22) (in arithm.) rule of inversion ib. (23) [ °m^akSara-kAvya ] n. N. of a poem which may be read syllable by syllable either backwards or forwards, = [ rAma-kRSNa-kAvya ], q. v. (24) [ °m^otpanna ] mfn. [ viloma-ja ] above MW.
===> vilopa [ vilopa ]2[ vi-lopa ] m. carrying off, taking away Hariv. (1) a break, interruption, disturbance, injury MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ a-vil° ] (2) ruin, loss R.
===> [ vilopa ]1[ vi-lopa ] &c. See [ vi-√ lup ], col. 1
===> vilupta [ vilupta ]3[ vi-lupta ] mfn. torn or broken off, carried away &c. (1) impaired, destroyed, ruined, lost MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -pUrva ] mfn. torn off or carried away before Mṛcch (3) [ -vitta ] mfn. one whose goods are robbed or plundered VarBṛS. (4) [ -sAvitrIka ] mfn. deprived of the Sāvitrī (cf. [ patita-s° ]) ĀpŚr. Sch.
===> vilīna [ vilIna ]2[ vi-lIna ] mfn. clinging or sticking or attached to, fixed on, immersed in (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Pañcar. (1) (ifc.) alighted or perched on (said of birds) Kathās (2) sticking (See comp.) (3) hidden, disappeared, perished, absorbed in (loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (4) dissolved, melted, liquefied ChUp. Kathās. Suśr. (5) contiguous to, united or blended with W.
---> infused into the mind, imagined ib. (6) [ -SaTpada ] mfn. having bees clinging or attached MW. (7) [ °n^akSaram ] ind. so that the sound sticks (in the throat) Bhartṛ
===> vimada [ vimada ]3[ v'i-mada ] mfn. free from intoxication, grown sober R. Pañcat (1) free from rut Kāv (2) free from pride or arrogance MBh. Hariv. &c. (3) joyless MW. (4) ([ 'a ]), m. N. of a man protected by Indra (he gained his wife with the assistance of the Aśvins) RV. (5) (with Aindra or Prājāpatya) of the author of RV. x, 20-26 Anukr. (6) [ °dI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to free an elephant from rut MBh.
===> [ vimada ]2[ vi-mada ] &c. See p. 951, col. 3
===> vimala [ vimala ]3[ v'i-mala ] See s. v.
===> [ vimala ]1[ vi-mala ] mf ([ A ]) n. stainless, spotless, clean, bright, pure (lit. and fig.) MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ e ] ind. at daybreak MBh. v, 7247) (1) clear, transparent Sarvad (2) white (See [ °l^ebha ]) (3) m. a magical formula recited over weapons R. (4) a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (5) a partic. world ib. (6) a lunar year L. (7) N. of an Asura Kathās (8) of a Deva-putra and Bodhimaṇḍa-pratipāla Lalit. (9) of a Bhikshu ib. (10) of a brother of Yaśas Buddh. (11) (with Jainas) N. of the 5th Arhat in the past Utsarpiṇi and of the 13th in the present Avasarpiṇī L. (12) of a son of Su-dyumna BhP. (13) of the father of Padma-pāda Cat. (14) of various authors (also with [ saracvatI ]) ib. (15) ([ A ]), f. a species of Opuntia L. (16) a partic. Śakti Hcat (17) N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Puruṣôttama Cat. (18) of a Yogini Hcat (19) of a daughter of Gandharvī MBh. (20) (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 10 Bhūmis or stages of perfection Dharmas. 64 (21) n. silver gilt L. (22) N. of a town (See [ -pura ]) (23) of a Tantra (24) [ -kirITa-hAra-vat ] mfn. having a bright crest and pearl-necklace R. (25) [ -kIrti ] m. ` of spotless fame ', N. of a Buddhist scholar (26) [ -nirdeza ] m. N. of a Mahāyāna-sūtra (27) [ -garbha ] m. a partic. Samādhi, Buddb (28) of a Bodhi-sattva and a prince ib. (29) [ -candra ] m. N. of a king Buddh. (30) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. stainlessness, cleanliness, brightness, clearness, purity MBh. Kāv. &c. (31) [ -datta ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (32) N. of a prince ib. (33) ([ A ]), f. N. of a princess ib. (34) [ -dAna ] n. a gift or offering to a deity MW. (35) [ -nAtha-purANa ] n. N. of a Jaina wk. (36) [ -nirbhAsa ] m. a partic. Samādhi SaddhP. (37) [ -netra ] m. N. of a Buddha ib. (38) of a prince ib. (39) [ -piNDaka ] m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
---> [ -pura ] n. N. of a city Kathās. [ 980,1 ] (40) [ -pradIpa ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. [ -prabha ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (also [ A ] f. Dharmas. 136) (41) N. of a Buddha ib. (42) of a Devaputra ib. (v. l. [ a-vimala-p° ]) (43) ([ A ]), f. N. of a princess Rājat (44) [ -prabhAsa-zrI-tejo-rAja-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (45) [ -prazn^ottara-mAlA ] f. N. of wk. (46) [ -buddhi ] m. N. of a man Kathās (47) [ -bodha ] m. N. of a Commentator Cat. (48) [ -brahma-varya ] m. N. of an author ib. (49) [ -bhadra ] m. N. of a man Buddh. (50) [ -bhAsa ] m. a partic. Samādhi ib. (51) [ -bhUdhara ] m. N. of a Commentator Cat. (52) [ -maNi ] m. crystal L. (53) ([ °Ni-kara ] m. N. of a Buddhist deity, Klac.) (54) [ -mati ] mfn. pure-minded, pure in heart VP. (55) [ -mitra ] m. N. of a scholar Buddh. (56) [ -vAhana ] m. N. of two princes Śatr (57) [ -vega-zrI ] m. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas Buddh. (58) [ -vyUha ] m. N. of a garden ib. (59) [ -zrI-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva ib. (60) [ -svambhAva ] m. N. of a mountain ib. (61) [ °-svabhAva ] m. N. of a mountain ib. (62) [ °l^akara ] m. N. of a prince Kathās (63) [ °l^agra-netra ] m. N. of a future Buddha SaddhP. (64) [ °l^atmaka ] mfn. pureminded, clean, pure L. (65) [ °l^atman ], 1, mfn. id. R. (66) [ °l^aditya ] m. a partic. form of the sun Cat. (67) [ °l^adri ] m. N. of the mountain Vimala or Girnar in Gujarāt (celebrated for its inscriptions (68) it is also called Śatruṃjaya) L. (69) [ °l^anana ] mfn. bright-faced Kāv (70) [ °l^ananda ] (with [ yog^indra ]), m. N. of a teacher Cat. ([ °da-natha ] m. N. of an author (71) [ °da-bhASya ] n. N. of wk.) (72) [ °l^apa ] mfn. having pure water Laghuk (73) [ °l^arthaka ] mfn. (said to be) = [ vimal^atmaka ] L. (74) [ °l^azoka ] m. or n. (?) N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. (75) [ °l^azvA ] f. N. of a village Rājat (76) [ °l^ezvaratIrtha ] n. and [ °l^ezvara-puSkariNI-saMgama-tIrtha ] n. N. of two Tīrthas Cat. (77) [ °l^odakA ], or [ °l^odA ] f. N. of a river MBh. (78) [ °l^orja ] or [ °logya ] (?), n. N. of a Tantra
===> vimanas [ vimanas ]3[ v'i-manas ] ([ v'i- ]), mfn. having a keen or penetrating mind or understanding, sagacious RV. x, 82, 2. - 2
===> [ vimanas ]3[ v'i-manas ] mfn. destitute of mind, foolish, silly RV. viii, 86, 2 (1) out of one's mind or senses, discomposed, perplexed, dejected, downcast, heart-broken Yājñ. MBh. &c. (2) changed in mind or feeling, averse, hostile R. (3) m. N. of the author of a hymn (v. l. for [ vizva-manas ], q. v.)
===> [ vimanas ]1[ vi-manas ]1. 2 [ vi-manthara ], [ vimanyu ] &c. See p. 951, col. 3
===> vimanaska [ vimanaska ]3[ v'i-manaska ] mfn. perplexed in mind, distressed, disconsolate MBh. R. &c.
===> vimarda [ vimarda ]1[ vi-marda ] [ vi-marza ], See under [ viroot mRd ] and [ vi-√ mRz ], p. 981, col. 1
===> [ vimarda ]2[ vi-marda ] m. crushing, bruising, grinding, pounding, rubbing, friction MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) trampling Ratnâv (2) hostile encounter, conflict, scuffle, fight, war, tumult MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) laying waste, devastation, destruction ib. (4) interruption, disturbance Mṛcch. Hit. (5) touch, contact Sāṃkhyak (6) refusal, rejection R. (7) complete obscuration, total eclipse Sūryas. VarBṛS. (8) weariness, tediousness MW. (9) the trituration of perfumes W. (10) Cassia Sophora L. (11) N. of a prince MārkP. (12) [ -kSama ] mfn. patient of being trampled on (in wars or tumults, said of the earth) Uttarar (13) [ °d^ardha ] n. the time from the apparent conjunction to the end of an eclipse W. (14) [ °d^ottha ] m. fragrance arising from the trituration of perfumes ib.
===> vimarśa [ vimarza ]2[ vi-marza ] m. consideration, deliberation, trial, critical test, examination PañcavBr. MBh. &c. (1) reasoning. discussion Prab (2) knowledge, intelligence Sarvad (3) N. of Śiva MBh. (4) (in dram.) critical juncture or crisis (one of the 5 Saṃdhis or jonctures of the plot, intervening between the [ garbha ] or germ and the [ nirvahana ] or catastrophe, e. g. in the Śakuntalā the removal of her veil in the 5th act) Bhar. Daśar. &c. (5) [ -vat ] mfn. reflecting, meditative, doubtful Jātakam (6) [ -vAdin ] mfn. uttering discussions, one who reasons, a reasoner Prab (7) [ °z^aGga ] n. a division of the dramatic Vimarśa (of which there are said to be 13) Bhar.
===> vimati [ vimati ]3[ v'i-mati ] mfn. (for 2. See [ viroot man ]) of different opinion ([ -man ], m. difference of opinion, disagreement), g. [ dRDh^adi ] (1) stupid, silly ([ -tA ] f. stupidity, silliness) Bhartṛ
===> [ vimati ]1[ vi-mati ]1 (or [ matsara ] &c. See p. 951, col. 3. For 2. [ vi-mati ], See col. 3
===> [ vimati ]3[ vi-mati ] mfn. of different opinion, g. [ dRDh^adi ] (1) f. difference of opinion. dissent, disagreement about (loc.) Pāṇ. Naish. Sāh (2) dislike, aversion R. (3) doubt, uncertainty, error Lalit. Saddh (4) [ -tA ], t (MW.), [ -man ] m. (g. [ dRDh^adi ]), difference of opinion (5) [ -vikIraNa ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (6) [ -samudghAtin ] m. N. of a prince ib.
===> vimiśrita [ vimizrita ]3[ vi-mizrita ] mfn. mixed, mingled (with [ lipi ] f. a partic. mode of writing) Lalit.
===> vimocaka [ vimocaka ]2[ vi-mocaka ] mfn. releasing, delivering from (ifc.) Cat.
===> [ vimocaka ]1[ vi-mocaka ] [ °cana ] &c. See p. 980
===> vimocana [ vimocana ]3[ vi-m'ocana ] mf ([ I ]) n. unyoking, loosening RV. (1) &c. &c. (2) m. N. of Śiva MBh. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river VP. (4) n. unharnessing, alighting, stopping for rest, relief. RV. TS. ŚBr. (5) deliverance, liberation (esp. from sin) MBh. MārkP. (6) giving up, abandoning MBh. (7) N. of a place of pilgrimage ib.
===> vimohita [ vimohita ]3[ vi-mohita ] mfn. confused, infatuated, bewitched, beguiled R. Kathās. &c.
===> vimokṣa [ vimokSa ]3[ vi-mokS'a ] m. the being loosened or undone PārGṛ. [ 981,2 ] (1) release, deliverance from (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (2) liberation of the soul, i. e. final emancipation (sometimes 8, sometimes 3 kinds are enumerated, cf. Dharmas. 59 and 73) ŚBr. Bhag. &c. (3) letting loose, setting at liberty (a thief) Mn. viii, 3, 16 (4) giving up, abandoning VPrāt. MBh. (5) letting flow, shedding (of tears) MBh. (6) gift, bestowal (of wealth) R. (7) discharge (of arrows) MBh. (8) [ -karA ] f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
===> vimokṣaṇa [ vimokSaNa ]3[ vi-mokSaNa ] mfn. liberating from (ifc.) BhP. (1) n. untying, loosening VarBṛS. (2) liberation, deliverance from (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (also, from an embryo ' MBh. i, 2369 (3) [ aND'a'a-v° ] ', laying eggs ' Pañcat (4) [ asRg-v° ], letting blood ' Suśr.) (5) taking off, casting away, Sṛṅgār (6) giving up (the ghost) MBh. (7) discharging (arrows) R.
===> vimukha [ vimukha ]3[ v'i-mukha ] See s. v.
===> [ vimukha ]1[ vi-mukha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having the face averted, turned backwards (acc. with √ [ kR ] ', to cause to fly ', ` putto flight ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) turning away from (gen.), disappointed, downcast Kāv. Kathās. Pur. (2) averse or opposed to, abstaining or desisting from (loc., abl., gen. with [ upari ], or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) (ifc.) indifferent to Vcar. (4) adverse, hostile (as fate), Veṇls (5) (ifc.) wanting, lacking, Śāntiś
---> ([ vi ] priv.) without the mouth or opening ŚārṅgS. (6) deprived of the face or head Hariv. (7) m. N. of a text (VS. xvii, 86 (8) xxxix, 7) KātyŚr. (9) of a Muni (v. l. [ vimuca ]) R. (10) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. aversion, disinclination to (loc., acc. with [ prati ], or comp.) Kāv. Sāh
===> vimukta [ vimukta ]2[ vi-mukta ] mfn. unloosed, unharnessed &c. (1) set free, liberated (esp. from mundane existence), freed or delivered or escaped from (abl., instr., or ifc. (2) rarely ibc. (3) cf. [ -zApa ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) deprived of(instr.) MBh. (5) launched (as a ship) R. (6) given up, abandoned, relinquished, deserted ib. BhP. (7) hurled, thrown MBh. (8) emitted or discharged by, flowing from (comp.) Ratnâv
---> shed or bestowed on (loc.) Rājat (9) (a snake) which has recently cast its skin MBh. viii, 740 (10) dispassionate R. iv, 32, 18 (11) [ -kaNTha ] mfn. having the throat or voice unloosed, raising a loud cry ([ am ] ind. aloud, at the top of one's voice) Amar. (12) [ -keza ] mfn. having flowing or dishevelled hair BhP. (13) [ -tA ] f. loss of (gen.) Kām (14) [ -pagraha ] mfn. with slackened reins Bhaṭṭ. (15) [ -maunam ] ind. breaking silence Kathās. [ 980,3 ] (16) [ -zApa ] mfn. released from the (consequences) of a curse VP. (17) [ -sena ] m. N. of a teacher Buddh. (18) [ °t^acArya ] m. N. of an author Cat.
===> vimukti [ vimukti ]3[ vi-mukti ] f. disjunction (opp. to [ yukti ]) AitBr. (1) (ifc.) giving up Kum (2) release, deliverance, liberation Kāv. Kathās. Pur. (3) release from the bonds of existence, final emancipation Kap. VP. (4) [ -candra ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (5) [ -patha ] m. the way of final emancipation MW. (6) [ -mahiman ] m. N. of wk.
===> vimāna [ vimAna ]3[ v'i-mAna ] mfn. (for 2. See [ vi-√ man ]) devoid of honour, disgraced BhP.
===> [ vimAna ]2[ vi-mAna ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3 (1) for 3. under [ vi-√ mA ]) disrespect, dishonour (See [ a-vi mana ])
===> [ vimAna ]2[ v'i-mAna ]3 mf ([ I ]) n. (for 1. See p. 951, col. 3 (1) for 2, under [ vi-√ man ]) measuring out, traversing RV. AV. MBh. (2) m. n. a car or chariot of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air (3) other descriptions make the Vimāna more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high (4) that of Rāvaṇa was called [ puSpaka ], q. v. (5) the [ nau-v° ] [ Ragh. xvi, 68 ] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Rājat. vii, 446 (7) the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBṛS. (9) a kind of tower (?) R. v, 52, 8 (10) a grove Jātakam (11) a ship, boat L. (12) a horse L. (13) n. measure RV. (14) extension ib. (15) (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e. g. of the right relation between the humours of the body, of medicines and remedies &c.) Car. (16) [ -gamana ] n. ` going in a car ', N. of a ch. of the GaṇP. (17) [ cArin ] mfn. travelling in a celestial car MW. (18) [ -cyuta ] mfn. fallen from a celestial car Rājat (19) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. the state or condition of a celestial car Kāv. Kathās (20) [ -nirvyUha ] m. a partic. Samidhi Kāraṇḍ (21) [ -pAla ] m. the guardian of a celestial car MBh. (22) [ -pratima ] mfn. resembling a celestial car MBh. (23) [ -prabhu-tA ] f. the ownership of a celestial car MW. (24) [ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of a ch. of the VP. (25) [ -yAna ] mf ([ A ]) n. going or driving in a celestial car BhP. (26) [ -rAja ] m. the driver of a celestial car MW. (27) [ -lakSaNa ] n. N. of wk. on architecture (28) [ -vat ] ind. like a self-moving car Kir (29) [ -vidyA ] f. [ -suddhi-pUjA ] f. N. of wks. (30) [ -stha ] mfn. standing on a celestial car MW. (31) [ -sthAna ] n. N. of awk. on medicine
===> vimānita [ vimAnita ]3[ vi-mAnita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) dishonoured, slighted, treated with disrespect MBh. R., &c.
===> vimūrchita [ vimUrchita ]1[ vi-mUrchita ] mfn. (√ [ murch ]) thickened, coagulated, become solid Yājñ. Vāgbh (1) (ifc.) full of, mixed with, Bh. Car. (2) resounding with BhP. (3) n. ` becoming stiff ', fainting, a swoon Divyâv
===> vimūḍha [ vimUDha ]3[ v'i-mUDha ] mfn. (for 2. See [ vi-√ muh ]) not foolish
---> m. a kind of divine being MW.
===> [ vimUDha ]2[ vi-mUDha ] id. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) (ifc.) perplexed as to, uncertain about Kathās (2) foolish, stupid Prab (3) [ -cetas ] (R.), [ -dhI ] (MārkP), mfn. foolish-minded, simple (4) [ -bhAva ] m. bewildered state, confusion MW. (5) [ -saMjJa ] mfn. bewildered in mind, senseless, unconscious W. (6) [ °Dh^atman ] mfn. foolish-minded, perplexed in mind, senseless Bhag.
===> vinaya [ vinaya ]1[ vi-naya ]1 (said to be artificially formed fr. [ vi ]+ [ nR ] (1) for 2. See under [ vi-√ nI ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] (with prefix 3. [ vi ] (2) ind. p. [ vi-vinayya ]) Pāṇ. 1-4, 1 Vārtt. 7 Pat.
===> [ vinaya ]2[ vi-nay'a ]2 mfn. (for 1. See p. 969) leading away or asunder, separating RV. ii, 24, 9 (1) cast, thrown L. (2) secret L. (3) m. taking away, removal, withdrawal Śiś. x, 42 (4) leading, guidance, training (esp. moral training), education, discipline, control MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks MWB. 55 &c. (6) good breeding, propriety of conduct, decency, modesty, mildness ib. (in the Purāṇas sometimes personified as son of Kriyā or of Lajjā) (7) an office, business Śiś. xi, 36 (8) N. of a son of Sudyumna MārkP. (9) a man of subdued senses L. (10) a merchant, trader L. (11) ([ A ]), f. Sida Cordifolia L. (12) [ -karman ] n. instruction Ragh (13) [ -kSudraka ] or [ °ka-vastu ] n. N. of a Buddhist wk. (14) [ -grAhin ] mfn. conforming to rules of discipline, compliant, tractable L. (15) m. an elephant which obeys orders L. (16) [ -jyotis ] (?), m. N. of a Muni Kathās (17) [ -tA ] f. good behaviour (18) modesty Cāṇ (19) [ -datta ] m. N. of a man Mṛcch (20) [ -deva ] m. N. of a teacher Buddh. (21) of a poet Sadukt (22) [ -nandin ] m. N. of the leader of a Jaina sect Inscr. (23) [ -M-dhara ] m. N. of a chamberlain Veṇis (24) [ -pattra ] n. = [ -sUtra ] (below) Buddh. (25) [ -piTaka ], ` basket of discipline ', (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline (cf: above) (26) [ -pradhAna ] mfn. having humility pre-eminent, of which modesty is chief. MW. (27) [ -pramAthin ] mfn. violating propriety, behaving ill or improperly W. (28) [ -bhAj ] mfn. possessing propriety or modesty ib. (29) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of propriety Kād (30) [ -yogin ] mfn. possessing humility MW. (31) [ -rAma ] m. = [ -sundara ] Cat. (32) [ -vat ] mfn. well-behaved (in [ a-vin° ]) Vet (33) ([ atI ]), f. N. of a woman Kathās. Daś. Pañcat (34) [ -vallI ] f. N. of wk. (35) [ -vastu ] n. (with Buddhists) N. of a section of the works which treat of Vinaya (q. v.) [ 972,1 ] (36) [ -vAc ] mfn. speaking modestly W. (37) f. modest speech ib. (38) [ -vijaya ] m. N. of an author Cat. (39) [ -vibhaGga ] m. N. of wk. (40) [ -vibhASA-zAstra ] n. N. of a Buddhist wk. (41) [ -zrI ] f. N. of a woman HPariś (42) [ -sAgara ], [ -sundara ] m. N. of authors Cat. (43) [ -sUtra ] n. (with Buddhists) the Sūtra treating of discipline (cf. above) (44) [ -stha ] mfn. conforming to discipline, compliant, tractable L. (45) [ -svAminI ] f. N. of a woman Kathās (46) [ °y^aditya ] m. N. of Jay^apiḍa, Rajat (47) of a king of the race of the Cālukyas Inscr. (48) ([ -pura ] n. N. of a town built by Jay^apiḍa Rājat.) (49) [ °y^adidhara ] (i. e. [ vinaya-dh° ]), m. N. of a man Kāv (50) [ °y^anvita ] mfn. endowed with modesty, humble L. (51) [ °y^avanata ] mfn. bending down modestly, bowing low with modesty MBh. Kathās (52) [ °y^okti ] f. pl. modest speech Bālar
===> vinayana [ vinayana ]3[ vi-nayana ] mfn. taking away, removing MBh. Megh (1) n. the act of taming or training, education, instruction Daś
===> vinaṣṭa [ vinaSTa ]2[ vi-naSTa ] mfn. utterly lost or ruined, destroyed, perished, disappeared MBh. Kāv. &c.
---> spoilt, corrupted Mn. Yājñ. (1) (prob.) n. a dead carcass, carrion (See below) (2) [ -cakSus ] mfn. one who has lost his eyes MBh. (3) [ -tejas ] ([ v'i-n° ]), mfn. one whose energy is lost, weak, feeble AV. (4) [ -dRSTi ] mfn. one who has lost his sight, Bhp. [ -dharma ] mfn. (a country) whose laws are corrupted Rājat (5) [ °t^apajIvin ] mfn. living on dead carcasses or carrion GopBr. [ 969,3 ]
===> vindhya [ vindhya ]1[ vindhya ] m. (of doubtful derivation) N. of a low range of hills connecting the Northern extremities of the Western and Eastern Ghauts, and separating Hindūstān proper from the Dekhan (the Vindhya range is reckoned among the seven principal ranges of Bhārata-varsha [ see [ kulagiri ], p. 294, col. 3 ], and according to Manu ii, 21, forms the Southern limit of Madhya-deśa or the middle region (1) according to a legend related in MBh. iii, 8782 &c., the personified Vindhya, jealous of Him^alaya, demanded that the sun should revolve round him in the same way as about Meru, which the sun declining to do, the Vindhya then began to elevate himself that he might bar the progress of both sun and moon (2) the gods alarmed, asked the aid of the saint Agastya, who approached the Vindhya and requested that by bending down he would afford him an easy passage to the South country, begging at the same time that he would retain a low position till his return (3) this he promised to do, but Agastya never returned, and the Vindhya range consequently never attained the elevation of the Him^alaya) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) N. of a prince HPariś (5) a hunter L. (6) ([ A ]), f. Averrhoa Acida L. (7) small cardamoms L.
===> vinetṛ [ vinetR ]2[ vi-netR ] m. a leader, guide, instructor, teacher MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a chastiser, punisher Ragh. Mcar. (2) a tamer, trainer Kull. on Mn. iii, 162 (3) a prince, king L.
===> vineya [ vineya ]2[ vi-neya ] mfn. to be taken away or removed Hariv. (1) to be trained or educated or instructed Sāh. Sarvad (2) to be chastised L. (3) m. a pupil, disciple L.
===> vinibandha [ vinibandha ]1[ vi-ni-bandha ] m. (√ [ bandh ]) the being attached or attachment to anything Buddh.
===> vinigraha [ vinigraha ]3[ vi-nigraha ] m. separation, division Nir (1) restraining, checking, stopping, subduing, controlling MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) restriction, limitation L. (3) disjunction, mutual opposition, an antithesis which implies that when two propositions are antithetically stated peculiar stress is laid on one of them MW. (4) [ °h^artha ] m. the sense of the above antithesis ib. (5) [ °h^arthIya ] mfn. standing in the sense of the above antithesis ib.
===> vinihita [ vinihita ]2[ vi-nihita ] mfn. put or laid down, placed or fixed upon, directed towards (loc. or comp.) Bhartṛ. Gīt. (1) appointed to (loc.). Hariv. (2) separated, turned off (See [ °t^atman ]) (3) [ -dRSTi ] mfn. one who has the eyes fixed upon, eagerly looking at Mṛcch (4) [ -manas ] mfn. one who has the mind fixed upon, intent upon, devoted to Gīt. (5) [ °t^atman ] mfn. disagreeing (in mind), not assenting Āpast
===> vinipāta [ vinipAta ]3[ vi-nipAta ] m. falling down, falling L. (1) a great fall, ruin, loss, calamity Mn. MBh. &c. (2) death Hcar. (3) frustration Subh (4) failure (See [ a-vin° ]) (5) [ -gata ] mfn. fallen into misfortune R. (6) [ -pratikriyA ] f. (Kathās.), [ -pratIkAra ] m. (Pañcat.) a remedy against misfortune (7) [ -zaMsin ] mfn. announcing misfortune or destruction, portentous W.
===> vinirbhoga [ vinirbhoga ]1[ vi-nir-bhoga ] m. (prob. fr. √ 3. [ bhuj ]) N. of a partic. cosmic period Buddh.
===> vinirgata [ vinirgata ]2[ vi-nirgata ] mfn. gone out, come forth, issued R. VarBṛS. &c. (1) liberated or freed from (abl.) Mn. viii, 65
===> vinirmita [ vinirmita ]2[ vi-nirmita ] mfn. formed, created, constructed, built, prepared, made from or fashioned out of (abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (1) laid out (as a garden) Kathās (2) fixed, appointed, destined to be (nom.) Hariv. Kāv (3) kept, celebrated, observed (as a feast) R.
===> vinirmukta [ vinirmukta ]3[ vi-nirmukta ] mfn. liberated, escaped, free or exempt from (instr. or comp.) MBh. VarBṛS. Suśr. &c. (1) discharged, shot off, hurled R.
===> vinirṇaya [ vinirNaya ]2[ vi-nirNaya ] m. complete settlement or decision, certainty, a settled rule Mn. MBh. &c.
===> vinivartana [ vinivartana ]2[ vi-nivartana ] n. turning back, return MBh. R. &c. (1) coming to an end, cessation Daśar. Sch.
===> vinivartita [ vinivartita ]2[ vi-nivartita ] mfn. caused to turn back or to desist from anything MBh. (1) turned away, averted Mālav
===> viniveśa [ viniveza ]2[ vi-niveza ] m. putting down, placing upon Śiś. Gīt. (1) an impression (as of the fingers &c.) Śak (2) putting down (in a book), i. e. mentioning Sarvad (3) suitable apportionment or disposition ŚrS. Sch. (4) entrance, settling down MW.
===> vinivṛtta [ vinivRtta ]3[ vi-nivRtta ] mfn. turned back, returned, retired, withdrawn Yājñ. R. (1) turned away or averted or adverse from, (abl. or comp.) R. MārkP. (2) (ifc.) freed from MBh. (3) desisting from (abl.), having abandoned or given up R., disappeared, ended, ceased to be Hariv. Kāv. Kathās (4) [ -kAma ] mfn. one whose desires have ceased, foiled in one's wishes Bhag. (5) [ -zApa ] mfn. freed from (the evil effects of) a curse Kathās
===> vinivṛtti [ vinivRtti ]3[ vi-nivRtti ] f. cessation, coming to an end Mn. Hariv. &c. (1) omission, discontinuance PārGṛ. Car.
===> viniyata [ viniyata ]2[ vi-niyata ] mfn. restrained, checked, regulated Bhag. (1) retrenched, limited R. (See comp.) (2) [ -cetas ] mfn. one who has a controlled or regulated mind MārkP. (3) [ °t^ahAra ] mfn. moderate in food or diet, abstemious R.
===> viniyoga [ viniyoga ]2[ vi-niyoga ] m. apportionment, distribution, division Nir (1) appointment to (loc.), commission, charge, duty, task, occupation MBh. R. &c. [ 970,3 ] (2) employment, use, application (esp. of a verse in ritual) TĀr. Hariv. &c. (3) relation, correlation VPrāt. Pāṇ. 8-1, 61 &c. (4) = [ adhikAra ], ` governing rule ' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 11 (5) separation, abandonment W. (6) impediment ib. (7) [ -mAlA ] f. [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -satkriyA ] f. N. of wks.
===> viniyoktavya [ viniyoktavya ]2[ vi-niyoktavya ] mfn. to be appointed to or employed in W. (1) to be enjoined or commanded MW.
===> viniścaya [ vinizcaya ]2[ vi-nizcaya ] m. deciding, settling, ascertainment, settled opinion, decision, firm resolve regarding (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. ([ aGga-v° ], the fixing or settling of a horoscope MW.) (1) [ -jJa ] mfn. knowing the certainty of anything MBh.