===> suśobhana [ suzobhana ]3[ su-zobhana ] mf ([ A ]) n. very handsome or beautiful, splendid, excellent MBh. Lalit. Kathās

===> suśobhita [ suzobhita ]3[ su-zobhita ] mfn. shining brightly Nār (1) beautified by (comp.) Pañcar.

===> suśodhita [ suzodhita ]3[ su-zodhita ] mfn. perfectly cleaned, Mahāvy

===> suśruta [ suzruta ]3[ su-zruta ] ([ s'u- ]), mfn. very famous RV. (1) well or correctly heard Naish (2) gladly heard Mn. iii, 254 (3) N. of the author of a system of medicine (reputed son of Viśvā-mitra and descendant of Dhanvantari (4) his work with that of Caraka, another older medical authority, is held in great esteem (5) it consists of six books) (6) of a son of Su-bhāsa VP. (7) of a son of Padm^obhava Daś (8) ([ am ]), n. N. of the above medical work (9) also of the work of Caraka Naish. iv, 116 (10) ` well heard ', an exclamation at a Srāddha (cf. [ zrauSat ]) Mn. iii, 254 (11) [ -pATha-zuddhi ] f. N. of wk. (12) [ -saMhitA ] f. Suśruta's medical work (13) [ -sAra ] m. N. of wk.

===> suśuddha [ suzuddha ]3[ su-zuddha ] mfn. perfectly pure or bright Viṣṇ. Hcat

===> suśukla [ suzukla ]3[ su-zukla ] mfn. very white, Mahāvy

===> suśānta [ suzAnta ]3[ su-zAnta ] mfn. thoroughly allayed or extinguished Kauś (1) very calm or placid (as water) MBh. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of Śaśi-dhvaja Pur.

===> suṣeṇa [ suSeNa ]3[ su-S'eNa ] mfn. having a good missile (said of Kṛshṇa and Indra) MBh. VarBṛS. (1) m. ` having beautiful clusters ', Carissa Carandas L. (2) Calamus Rotang L. (3) m. N. of Viṣṇu MBh. (4) of a Gandharva VS. BhP. (5) of a Yaksha VP. (6) of a serpent-demon MBh. (7) of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās (8) of a monkey-chief (son of Varuṇa or Dhanvantari, father of Tārā, and physician of Su-grīva) MBh. R. &c. (9) of a son of the second Manu BhP. (10) of a son of Kṛshṇa Hariv. (11) of a king of Śūra-sena Ragh (12) of a son of Parīkshit MBh. (13) of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra ib. (14) of a son of Viśva-garbha Hariv. (15) of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. (16) of a son of Śambara Hariv. (17) of a son of Vṛshṭi-mat (or Vṛshṇi-mat) VP. [ 1238,1 ] (18) of a son of Karma-sena Kathās (19) of a physician of Prabhākara-vardhana Vās., Introd. (20) (with [ kavirAjamizra ]) of a grammarian Cat. (21) ([ A ]), f. N. of a princess Kathās (22) ([ I ]), f. Ipomoea or Convolvulus Turpethum L.

===> suṣira [ suSira ]2[ suSira ] mf ([ A ]) n. (prob. fr. [ su ] + [ sirA ], q. v., also written [ zuS° ]) ` having a good tube or channel ', perforated, pierced, hollow RV. &c. &c. (1) having spaces MW. (2) slow in articulation (= [ vilambita ]), id. (3) m. ` having a good flow of fluid or sap ', a reed, bamboo, cane L. (4) fire (also n.) L. (5) a mouse L. (6) ([ A ]), f. a partic. fragrant bark L. (7) a river L. (8) ([ am ]), n. a hollow, hole, cavity Kām. MārkP. (9) a wind instrument Saṃgīt (10) the air, atmosphere L. (11) cloves L.

===> suṣṭhu [ suSThu ]1[ suSTh'u ] ind. (fr. √ [ sthA ] (1) cf. [ duH-SThu ]) aptly, fitly, duly, well, excellently, exceedingly ([ suSThu khalu ], ` most certainly ') RV. &c. &c.

===> suṣṭhutā [ suSThutA ]3[ suSTh'u-tA ] f. welfare, prosperity, Mahāv

===> sva [ sva ]1[ sv'a ]1 mf ([ 'A ]) n. own, one's own, my own, thy own, his own, her own, our own, their own &c. (referring to all three persons accord. to context, often ibc., but generally declinable like the pronominal [ sarva ] e. g. [ svasmai ] dat. [ svasmAt ] abl. [ optionally in abl., loc., sing., nom. pl., e. g. [ taM svAd AsyAd asRjat ], ` he created him from his own mouth ' Mn. i, 94 ] (1) and always like śiva when used substantively [ see below ] (2) sometimes used loosely for ` my ', ` thy ', ` his ', ` our ' [ e. g. [ rAjA bhrAtaraM sva-grIham pr^eSayAm-Asa ], ` the king sent his brother to his (i. e. the brother's) house ' ] (3) in the oblique cases it is used as a reflexive pronoun = [ Atman ], e. g. [ svaM dUSayati ], ` he defiles himself ' (4) [ svaM nindanti ], ` they blame themselves ') RV. &c. &c. (5) m. one's self, the Ego, the human soul W. (6) N. of Viṣṇu MBh. (7) a man of one's own people or tribe, a kinsman, relative, relation, friend ([ svAH ], ` one's own relations ', ` one's own people ') AV. &c. &c. (8) ([ A ]), f. a woman of one's own caste MBh. (9) ([ am ]), n. (ifc. f. [ A ]), one's self, the Ego (e. g. [ svaM ca brahma ca ], ` the Ego and Brahman ') (10) one's own goods, property, wealth, riches (in this sense said to be also m.) RV. &c. &c. (11) the second astrological mansion VarBṛS. (12) (in alg.) plus or the affirmative quantity W. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ se ], [ sovos ], [ sūs ] ; [ 1275,1 ] Goth. [ sik ] ; Germ. [ sich ] &c. ] (N. B. in the following comp. [ oṭ ] own stands for one's own)

===> [ sva ]2[ sva ]2 Nom. P. [ svati ] (pf. [ svAm-Asa ]) = [ sva iv^acarati ], he acts like himself or his kindred Vop. xxi, 7

===> sva-bhāva [ svabhAva ]3[ sv'a-bhAva ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) native place Viṣṇ (1) own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity (2) ([ °vAt ] or [ °vena ] or [ °va-tas ] or ibc.), from natural disposition, by nature, naturally, by one's self, spontaneously) ŚvetUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) [ -kRta ] mfn. done by nature, natural VarBṛS. (4) [ -kRpaNa ] m. ` naturally mean ', N. of a Brāhman Pañcat (5) [ -ja ] mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural R. Sāh. &c. (6) [ -janita ] mfn. id. Kāv

---> [ -tas ] ind., See above (7) [ -tA ] f. (Jātakam.) or [ -tva ] n. (TPrāt. Sch.) the state of innate disposition or nature (8) [ -daurjanya ] n. natural or innate wickedness W. (9) [ -dveSa ] m. natural hatred L. (10) [ -prabhava ] mfn. (= [ -ja ] above) VarBṛS. (11) [ -bhAva ] m. natural disposition Pañcat (12) [ -vAda ] m. the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties MW. [ 1276,2 ] (13) [ -vAdin ] m. one who maintains the above doctrine ib. (14) [ -zUra ] mfn. possessing natural heroes (others, ` valiant by nature ') Hit. (15) [ -siddha ] mfn. established by nature, natural, imiate ĀśvŚr. Bhartṛ (16) self-evident, obvious Kāś (17) [ °v^artha-dIpikA ] f. N. of Comm. (18) [ °v^okta ] mfn. said or declared spontaneously Yājñ. Sch. (19) [ °v^okti ] f. statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) Kāvyâd. Pratāp. &c. (20) spontaneous declaration A. (21) [ °v^onnata-bhAva ] mfn. high-minded by nature ([ -tva ] n.) Hariv.

===> sva-bhūmi [ svabhUmi ]3[ sv'a-bhUmi ] f. = [ -bhU ] f. Hit. (1) one's own land, own estate W. (2) one's own or proper place VarBṛS. (3) m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena VP.

===> sva-bhūta [ svabhUta ]3[ sv'a-bhUta ] mfn. being one's own, belonging to (gen.) Sāy

===> sva-bīja [ svabIja ]3[ sv'a-bIja ] n. one's own seed or cause MW. (1) m. the soul L.

===> sva-cchanda [ svacchanda ]1[ sva-cchanda ] &c. See p. 1275, col. 2

===> sva-deśa [ svadeza ]3[ sv'a-deza ] m. one's own place or country or home Mn. Kathās. Rājat. &c. (1) pl. the inhabitants of one's own country, one's own subjects BhP. (2) [ -ja ] m. ` born in one's own country ', a countryman L. (3) [ -paridhi ] m. circumference of a circle of longitude in any place that has latitude W. (4) [ -bandhu ] m. (= [ -ja ]) A. (5) [ -madhya-paridhi ] m. circumference of the terrestrial equator W. (6) [ -smArin ] mfn. yearning for one's own country, home-sick Rājat

===> sva-dharma [ svadharma ]3[ sv'a-dharma ] m. one's own rights ([ °maM-√ labh ], ` to get justice ') MBh. (1) one's own duty MaitrUp. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (2) peculiar property, peculiarity W. (3) [ -cyuta ] mfn. deprived of one's own rights, fallen from or neglecting one's own duty W. (4) [ -tyAga ] m. dereliction or neglect of one's own duty ib. (5) abandoning one's own religion, apostasy ib. (6) [ -vartin ] mfn. applying one's self to one's duties ([ °ti-tva ], n.) MBh. (7) [ -skhalana ] n. falling from or neglect of one's own duty W. (8) [ -stha ] mfn. abiding in one's own duty ib. (9) [ °m^acaraNa ] n. the practising one's own duties ib. (10) [ °m^adhva-bodha ] m. N. of wk. (11) [ °m^anapaga ] mfn. not swerving from one's duties MW. (12) [ °m^artha-vinizcaya ] m. the knowing or ascertaining one's own duty and interest ib. [ 1276,1 ]

===> [ svadharma ]1[ sva-dharma ] &c. See p. 1275, col. 3

===> sva-dhā [ svadhA ]1[ svadh'A ] f. (for [ sva-dhA ] See p. 1278, col. 1) an axe, knife TS.

===> sva-dāra [ svadAra ]3[ sv'a-dAra ] m. one's own wife (1) [ -gAmin ] mfn. cohabiting with one's own wife ŚāṅkhGṛ. (2) [ -nirata ] mfn. attached to one's own wife, uxorious Mn. iii, 45

===> sva-garbha [ svagarbha ]3[ sv'a-garbha ] m. one's own womb MW. (1) one's own embryo ib.

===> sva-gocara [ svagocara ]3[ sv'a-gocara ] mfn. subject to one's self ([ °raM-√ kR ], ` to subject to one's self ') Kām (1) m. one's own sphere or range Bcar. i, 13 (conj.)

===> sva-guṇa [ svaguNa ]3[ sv'a-guNa ] m. one's own merits Kāv (1) mfn. having one's own merits, appropriate Śiś. (2) [ -tas ] ind. from one's own personal merits MW. (3) [ -prakAzaka ] mfn. proclaiming one's own merits, boastful ib.

===> sva-hasta [ svahasta ]3[ sv'a-hasta ] m. one's own hand ([ °taM-√ dA ], ` to offer one's hand for aid [ loc. ] ') Ratnâv. Hit. &c. (1) own handwriting, autograph Viṣṇ (2) [ -gata ] mfn. fallen into or being in one's own hands L. (3) [ -svastika-stanI ] f. covering (her) breasts with crossed hands Kathās (4) [ °hast^ollikhita ] mfn. drawn or painted by one's own hands, MW. [ 1277,2 ]

===> sva-hita [ svahita ]3[ sv'a-hita ] mfn. beneficial to one's self Kāv (1) well disposed to one's self Pañcat (2) n. one's own welfare Śiś. (3) [ °t^aiSin ] mfn. seeking one's own good or advantage W.

===> sva-jana [ svajana ]3[ sv'a-jana ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a man of one's own people, kinsman (1) one's own people, own kindred KātyŚr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (often confounded with [ su-j° ]) (2) [ -gandhin ] mfn. distantly related to (gen.) Mudr (3) [ -tA ] f. relationship to or with (gen.) Bhartṛ (4) [ °n^avRta ] mfn. surrounded or accompanied by one's own people MW.

===> sva-jāta [ svajAta ]3[ sv'a-jAta ] mfn. self-begotten L. (1) m. a child begotten by one's self Prab

===> sva-jāti [ svajAti ]3[ sv'a-jAti ] f. one's own kind Suśr. (1) one's own family or caste Mn. Pañcat (2) mfn. of one's own kind Pañcat (3) [ -dviS ] m. a dog L.

===> sva-jātīya [ svajAtIya ]3[ sv'a-jAtIya ] (Mn. Hariv. &c.) or (MBh. Pañcat.). mfn. relating or belonging to one's own kind

===> sva-karman [ svakarman ]3[ sv'a-karman ] n. one's own deed Mn. Hit. (1) one's own business or occupation Kathās (2) one's own occupation or duty ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c. (3) [ °ma-kRt ] m. doing one's own business, an independent workman W. (4) [ °maja ] mfn. arising from one's own act R. (5) [ °ma-vaza ] mfn. subject to (the consequences of) one's own acts W. (6) [ °ma-stha ] mfn. minding one's own business or duty Mn. x, 1

===> sva-kula [ svakula ]3[ sv'a-kula ] n. one's own family or race Kathās (1) mfn. of one's own kin Hit. (2) [ -kSaya ] m. ` destroying (its) own family ', a fish L. (3) [ -ja ] mfn. born from one's own kin Rājat

===> sva-kārya [ svakArya ]3[ sv'a-kArya ] n. one's own business or duty or function W. (1) [ -saha ] mfn. able to do one's own duty or effect one's own business MW. [ 1275,2 ]

===> sva-kṛta [ svakRta ]3[ sv'a-kRta ] ([ sv'a- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. done or performed or built or composed or created or fixed by one's self MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (1) spontaneous TS. ŚBr. (2) n. a deed done by one's self MBh. R. (3) [ °t^artha ] mfn. (prob.) w. r. for [ su-kRt° ] Kathās

===> sva-lakṣaṇa [ svalakSaNa ]3[ sv'a-lakSaNa ] n. peculiar characteristic or property MBh. (1) mfn. having its own specific characteristics Sarvad (2) [ -prakAza ] m. N. of wk.

===> [ svalakSaNa ]1[ sva-lakSaNa ] [ sva-likhita ] &c. See p. 1276, col. 3

===> sva-liṅga [ svaliGga ]3[ sv'a-liGga ] mfn. preserving (its) own grammatical gender L.

===> sva-māṃsa [ svamAMsa ]3[ sv'a-mAMsa ] n. own flesh or body Mn. R.

===> sva-naya [ svanaya ]1[ svan'aya ] m. N. of a man (son of Bhāvayavya) RV.

===> sva-nāman [ svanAman ]3[ sv'a-nAman ] n. one's own name Gaut (1) mfn. having a name or reputation through one's self Cāṇ (2) [ °m^aGka ] mfn. marked with or called after one's own name MW.

===> sva-pakṣa [ svapakSa ]3[ sv'a-pakSa ] m. one's own wings Kathās (1) one's own party MBh. Mālav. Pañcat. &c. (2) a man of one's own party, friend (also pl.) MBh. Suśr. BhP. (3) one's own opinion or assertion Kathās. Madhus

===> [ svapakSa ]1[ sva-pakSa ] [ sva-paJcaka ] &c. See p. 1276, col. 1

===> sva-rasa [ svarasa ]1[ sva-rasa ] [ sva-rAj ] &c. See p. 1276, col. 2

===> sva-rūpa [ svarUpa ]3[ sv'a-rUpa ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) one's own form or shape, the from or shape of (gen. or comp. (1) with or without [ zabdasya ] or [ zabda-sva-r° ], ` a word itself or in its own form ' [ opp. to its synonyms or varieties ] (2) with [ nAmnAm ] = ` names themselves ') MBh. Pañcat. BhP. &c. [ 1276,3 ] (3) own condition, peculiarity, character, nature ([ eNa ] or ibc., ` by nature ', ` in reality ' ` by itself ') RPrāt. NṛsUp. Mn. &c. (4) peculiar aim W. (5) kind, sort ib. (6) a partic. relation (in phil., See under [ sambandha ]) MW. (7) occurrence, event Campak. Uttamac. Siṉhâs (8) mfn. having one's own peculiar form or character MW. (9) having a like nature or character, similar, like, Śāṃkhyak. (w. r. for [ sa-r° ]) (10) pleasing, handsome (for [ sa-r° ]) L. (11) wise, learned L. (12) m. N. of a Daitya MBh. (13) of a son of Su-nandā MārkP. (14) of a pupil of Caitanya W. (15) m. or n. N. of a place Cat. (16) ([ A ]), f. N. of a place MW. (17) [ -gata ] mfn. endowed with one's own form or nature, having a like character W. (18) [ -tas ] ind. in one's own form BhP. (19) according to one's own form, analogously, similarly, identically MW. (20) by nature, in reality, by itself MārkP. (21) ([ °to ], [ godAna-prayogaH ], N. of wk.) (22) [ -tA ] f. (or [ -tva ] n.) the state of one's own form or nature ([ °tayA ], ` literally ', ` in reality ') MBh. BhP. Śak. Sch. Sāh (23) the having a natural form, identity of form or nature W. (24) w. r. for [ su-rUpa-tA ] Rājat (25) [ -dhArin ] mfn. having one's own form MBh. (26) [ -nirUpaNa ] n. [ -nirNaya ] m. [ -prakAza ] m. N. of wks. (27) [ -bhAva ] m. (a short word) whose essence is of the same efficacy (as that of the full form) Mn. ii, 124 (28) [ -vat ] mfn. having the form of (comp.) MBh. (29) [ -sambandha-rUpa ] n. [ -sambodhana ] n. [ -sambodhana-paJca-viMzati-vRtti ] f. [ -rUp^akhya-stotra ] n. N. of wks. (30) [ -rUp^acArya ] m. N. of a teacher Cat. (31) [ -rUp^anusaMdhAna ] n. [ -rUp^anusaMdhAna-stotra ] n. N. of wks. (32) [ -rUp^asiddhi ] f. a form of non-proof (where the quality alleged to belong to a subject is not really proved) Tarkas (33) [ -rUp^otpr^ekSA ] f. a kind of simile Sāh. Kuval (34) [ -rUp^opaniSad ] f. N. of an Upanishad [ svarUpa ]1[ sva-rUpa ] &c. See p. 1276, col. 2

===> sva-rūpin [ svarUpin ]3[ sv'a-rUpin ] mfn. having one's own or natural form MBh. (1) appearing in the form of (ifc.) R. Pur. Pañcar. (2) embodied MBh. Inscr. (3) having essential properties MW. (4) identical ib.

===> sva-saṃvedana [ svasaMvedana ]3[ sv'a-saMvedana ] n. knowledge derived from one's self HYog. Buddh.

===> sva-saṃvedya [ svasaMvedya ]3[ sv'a-saMvedya ] mfn. intelligible only to one's self Rājat. Daś. Pañcar.

===> sva-saṃvid [ svasaMvid ]3[ sv'a-saMvid ] f. the knowledge of one's own or the true Essence BhP. (1) mfn. knowing only one's self ib.

===> sva-stha [ svastha ]3[ sv'a-stha ] mf ([ A ]) n. self-abiding, being in one's self (or ` in the self ' Sarvad.), being in one's natural state, being one's self uninjured, unmolested, contented, doing well, sound well, healthy (in body and mind (1) often v. l. for [ su-stha ]), comfortable, at ease (compar. [ -tara ]) MaitrUp. &c. &c. (2) relying upon one's self, confident, resolute, composed W. (3) self-sufficient, independent ib. (4) ([ am ]), ind. composedly MW. (5) [ -citta ] mfn. sound in mind Jātakam (6) [ -tA ] f. well-being, health, ease Pañcat. HYog. (7) [ -vRtta ] n. medical treatment of a healthy person Car. (8) [ °th^ariSTa ] n. a death-token in a healthy person, Aśvav

===> [ svastha ]1[ sva-stha ] &c. See p. 1271, col. 1

===> sva-sthāna [ svasthAna ]3[ sv'a-sthAna ] n. one's own place, own home KātyŚr. Gobh. MBh. &c. (1) mfn. being in one's own place Lāṭy (2) [ -stha ] mfn. standing in or occupying one's own condition MW.

===> sva-tantra [ svatantra ]3[ sv'a-tantra ] n. self-dependence, independence, self-will, freedom Pañcat. Hit. (1) one's own system or school Suśr. (2) one's own army ib. (3) (with Buddh.) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh. (4) N. of wk. (also called [ °tra-tantra ]) (5) mf ([ A ]) n. self-dependent, self-willed, independent, free, uncontrolled (with [ pada ] n. ` an independent word ') Lāṭy. Up. Mn. &c. (6) of age, full grown W. (7) m. N. of a Cakra-vāka Hariv. (8) [ -tantra ] n. See above (9) [ -tA ] f. self-dependence, independence, freedom Mn. MBh. Kathās. MārkP. (10) originality Cat. (11) wilfulness W. (12) [ -mukha mardana ] n. [ -lekhana ] n. N. of wks. (13) [ -vRtti ] f. acting self-reliantly, independent action L. (14) [ -sAra ], N. of wk. [ svatantra ]1[ sva-tantra ] [ sva-tavas ] &c. See p. 1275, col. 3

===> sva-viṣaya [ svaviSaya ]3[ sv'a-viSaya ] m. one's own country, home ([ kasmiMz-cit sva-viSaye ], ` in some part of his kingdom ') MBh. R. Pañcat. &c. (1) one's own sphere or province BṛĀrUp. Sch. [ 1277,1 ]

===> sva-vṛtti [ svavRtti ]3[ sv'a-vRtti ] f. one's own way of life R. (1) one's own subsistence or existence (also pl. (2) [ °ttyA ], ` at the sacrifice of one's own life ') MBh. Kām (3) self-dependence Cāṇ (4) mfn. subsisting by cleansing own exertions MW. (5) [ -vAda ] m. N. of wk.

===> sva-śakti [ svazakti ]3[ sv'a-zakti ] f. own power or strength Mn. ix, 298 (1) own energy (of a god) BhP. (2) ([ yA ]), ind. to the best of one's ability Pañcat. Siṉhâs

===> [ svazakti ]1[ sva-zakti ] &c. See p. 1277, col. 1

===> sva-śarīra [ svazarIra ]3[ sv'a-zarIra ] n. one's own body or person R.

===> svabhāva [ svabhAva ]3[ sv'a-bhAva ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) native place Viṣṇ (1) own condition or state of being, natural state or constitution, innate or inherent disposition, nature, impulse, spontaneity (2) ([ °vAt ] or [ °vena ] or [ °va-tas ] or ibc.), from natural disposition, by nature, naturally, by one's self, spontaneously) ŚvetUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) [ -kRta ] mfn. done by nature, natural VarBṛS. (4) [ -kRpaNa ] m. ` naturally mean ', N. of a Brāhman Pañcat (5) [ -ja ] mfn. produced by natural disposition, innate, natural R. Sāh. &c. (6) [ -janita ] mfn. id. Kāv (7) [ -tas ] ind., See above (8) [ -tA ] f. (Jātakam.) or [ -tva ] n. (TPrāt. Sch.) the state of innate disposition or nature (9) [ -daurjanya ] n. natural or innate wickedness W. (10) [ -dveSa ] m. natural hatred L. (11) [ -prabhava ] mfn. (= [ -ja ] above) VarBṛS. (12) [ -bhAva ] m. natural disposition Pañcat (13) [ -vAda ] m. the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties MW. [ 1276,2 ] (14) [ -vAdin ] m. one who maintains the above doctrine ib. (15) [ -zUra ] mfn. possessing natural heroes (others, ` valiant by nature ') Hit. (16) [ -siddha ] mfn. established by nature, natural, imiate ĀśvŚr. Bhartṛ (17) self-evident, obvious Kāś (18) [ °v^artha-dIpikA ] f. N. of Comm. (19) [ °v^okta ] mfn. said or declared spontaneously Yājñ. Sch. (20) [ °v^okti ] f. statement of the exact nature (of anything), accurate description of the properties (of things) Kāvyâd. Pratāp. &c. (21) spontaneous declaration A. (22) [ °v^onnata-bhAva ] mfn. high-minded by nature ([ -tva ] n.) Hariv.

===> svabhūta [ svabhUta ]3[ sv'a-bhUta ] mfn. being one's own, belonging to (gen.) Sāy

===> svaccha [ svaccha ]1[ sv-accha ] mf ([ A ]) n. very transparent or clear, pellucid, crystalline R. Pañcat. &c. (1) bright-coloured Kathās (2) clear, distinct (as speech) ib. (3) pure (as the mind or heart) ib. (4) healthy, sound, convalescent (in this sense perhaps Prākṛt for [ svastha ]) L. (5) m. rock-crystal L. (6) the jujube tree L. (7) ([ A ]), f. white Dūrvā grass L. (8) ([ am ]), n. a pearl L. (9) an alloy or amalgam of silver and gold L. (10) pure chalk &c. (= [ vimal^oparasa ]) L.

===> svaka [ svaka ]2[ svaka ] mf ([ akA ] or [ ikA ]) n. = 1. [ sva ], one's own, my own &c. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) m. one of one's own people, a relation, kinsman, friend (2) pl. one's own people, friends Mṛcch. BhP. (3) n. one's own goods property, wealth, riches MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> svaka-svaka [ svakasvaka ]2[ svaka-svaka ] mfn. = [ svaka ] Kāraṇḍ

===> svakīya [ svakIya ]2[ svakIya ] mfn. = 1. [ sva ], one's own, own, proper, belonging to one's self or family or people MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. (pl.) one's own people, followers, friends MBh. (2) ([ A ]), f. one's own wife MW.

===> svalpa [ svalpa ]1[ sv-alpa ] mf ([ A ]) n. very small or little, minute, very few, short ([ ena ], ` in a short time ') Mn. MBh. &c. [ 1282,3 ]

===> svalpântara [ svalpAntara ]3[ svalp^antara ] mfn. little different, Bc

===> svana [ svana ]2[ svan'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ U ]) sound, noise (in the older language applied to the roar of wind, thunder, water &c. (1) in later language to the song of birds, speech, and sound of any kind, cf. Naigh. i, 11) RV. &c. &c. (2) a partic. Agni MBh. (3) ([ sv'ana ]), roaring water VS. TBr. (4) mfn. ill-sounding L.

===> svanta [ svanta ]1[ sv-anta ] mfn. having a good end, terminating well MBh. Ragh. Kathās (1) auspicious, fortunate MBh.

===> svapna [ svapna ]2[ sv'apna ] m. (once in R., n. ifc. f. [ A ] (1) for [ sv-apna ] See p. 1281, col. 1) sleep, sleeping RV. &c. &c. (2) sleepiness, drowsiness Caurap (3) sleeping too much, sloth, indolence Mn. ix, 13 ; xii, 33 (4) dreaming, a dream (acc. with √ [ dRz ], ` to See a vision, dream ' RV. &c. &c.

===> [ svapna ]1[ sv-'apna ] mfn. (for [ svapna ] See p. 1280) = next (accord. to some) RV. i, 120, 12 ; viii, 2, 18

===> svapna-darśana [ svapnadarzana ]3[ sv'apna-darzana ] n. dream-vision, vision in a dream Hariv.

===> svapnavat [ svapnavat ]3[ sv'apna-vat ] ind. (risen) as (from) a dreams BhP.

===> svapnâdhyāya [ svapnAdhyAya ]3[ svapn^adhyAya ] m. ` dreams-chapter ', N. of the 68th Pariśishṭa of the Atharva-veda and other wks. (1) [ -vid ] m. an interpreter of dreams Śaṃk

===> svapnântara [ svapnAntara ]3[ svapn^antara ] n. id. (1) [ -gata ] mfn. occurred during sleep, dreamt L.

===> svapnântika [ svapnAntika ]3[ svapn^antika ] n. consciousness in dreams Kaṇ

===> svar [ svar ]1[ svar ]1 (= √ [ sur ]), c1. 10. P. [ svarayati ], to find fault, blame, censure Dhātup. xxxv, 11

===> [ svar ]1[ svar ]2 (prob. = a lost √ [ sur ] (1) cf. √ [ svR ]), cl. 1. P. [ svarati ], Caus. [ svarayati ], to shine

===> [ svar ]2[ sv'ar ]4 (in Yajur-veda also [ s'uvar ]), ind. (used in Veda as nom., acc., loc., or gen., in Naish. vi, 99 also as abl. (1) from the weak base [ s'Ur ] the RV. forms the gen. [ s'Uras ] and the dat. [ sUr'e ] [ iv, 3, 8 ]), the sun, sunshine, light, lustre RV. AV. VS. [ 1281,2 ] (2) bright space or sky, heaven (as distinguished from [ div ], which is regarded as the vault above it (3) often ` heaven ' as a paradise and as the abode of the gods and the Blest, in AV. also of the Asuras (4) [ svaH prayAtaH ], ` gone to heaven ', i. e. ` departed this life ') RV. &c. &c. (5) the space above the sun or between the sun and the polar star, the region of the planets and constellations (regarded as the 3rd of the 7 worlds [ see [ loka ] ] and the 3rd of the three Vyāhṛtis [ i. e. [ bh'ur bh'uvaH sv'aH ] ] (6) [ svar ] is pronounced after [ om ] and before the Gāyatrī by every Brāhman on beginning his daily prayers) Mn. MBh. &c. (7) water Naigh. i, 12 (8) N. of Śiva MBh. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ sol ] ; [ 1281,2 ] Lith. [ s'aule ] ; Goth. [ sauil ] ; Angl. Sax. [ s^ol ]. ]

===> svar-ga [ svarga ]3[ sv'ar-ga ] See below

===> [ svarga ]2[ svarg'a ] (or [ suvarg'a ]), mfn. going or leading to or being in light or heaven, heavenly, celestial (with [ lok'a ] m. or pl. = ` the world of light, heavens ') AV. &c. &c. [ 1281,3 ] (1) m. heaven, the abode of light and of the gods, heavenly bliss, (esp.) Indra's heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortals See transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies (2) this temporary heaven is the only heaven of orthodox Brāhmanism (3) it is supposed to be situated on mount Meru, q. v. (4) acc. with √ [ gA ], [ A-√ sthA ], or [ A-√ pad ], ` to go to heaven ', ` die ') RV. (only x, 95, 18) AV. &c. &c. (5) a partic. Ek^aha ŚāṅkhŚr. (6) N. of a son of the Rudra Bhīma VP.

===> [ svarga ]1[ svarga ] &c. See p. 1281, col. 2

===> svar-gati [ svargati ]3[ sv'ar-gati ] f.

===> svara [ svara ]1[ svara ] [ svaraNa ] &c. See p. 1285

===> [ svara ]2[ sv'ara ] or m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) sound, noise RV. &c. &c.

===> [ svara ]3[ svar'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) sound, noise RV. &c. &c. (1) voice Mn. MBh. &c. (2) tone in recitation &c. (either high or low), accent (of which there are three kinds, [ udAtta ], [ anudAtta ] qq. vv., and [ svarita ], col. 3), a note of the musical scale (of which seven [ rarely six or eight ] are enumerated, 1. [ niSAda ] (3) 2. [ RSabha ] (4) 3. [ gAndhAra ] (5) 4. [ SaDja ] (6) 5. [ madhyama ] (7) 6. [ dhaivata ] (8) 7. [ paJcama ] [ described as resembling respectively the notes of an elephant, bull, goat, peacock, curlew or heron, horse, and Koil [ 1285,2 ] (9) and designated by their initial letters or syllables thus, [ ni ] (10) [ R ] (11) [ ga ] (12) [ Sa ] (13) [ ma ] (14) [ dha ] (15) [ pa ] ], but the order is sometimes changed, [ Sadja ] being placed first, and [ niSAda ] last) Prāt. ŚrS. Saṃgīt. MBh. &c. (16) a symbolical expression for the number ` seven ' VarBṛS. (17) a vowel (either [ dIrgha ], ` long ' (18) or [ hrasva ], ` short ' (19) or [ pluta ], ` prolated ') Prāt. ŚrS. MBh. &c. (20) air breathed through the nostrils ChUp. (21) N. of Viṣṇu Viṣṇ (22) ([ A ]), f. N. of the chief wife of Brahmā L. (23) ([ am ]), n. a musical note Sāy. on RV. x, 146, 2 (24) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.

===> svara-gupti [ svaragupti ]3[ sv'ara-gupti ] f. depth of voice Divyâv

===> svaratā [ svaratA ]3[ sv'ara-tA ] f. the state of (being) voice or a musical sound Cat.

===> svarga [ svarga ]3[ sv'ar-ga ] See below

===> [ svarga ]2[ svarg'a ] (or [ suvarg'a ]), mfn. going or leading to or being in light or heaven, heavenly, celestial (with [ lok'a ] m. or pl. = ` the world of light, heavens ') AV. &c. &c. [ 1281,3 ] (1) m. heaven, the abode of light and of the gods, heavenly bliss, (esp.) Indra's heaven or paradise (to which the souls of virtuous mortals See transferred until the time comes for their re-entering earthly bodies (2) this temporary heaven is the only heaven of orthodox Brāhmanism (3) it is supposed to be situated on mount Meru, q. v. (4) acc. with √ [ gA ], [ A-√ sthA ], or [ A-√ pad ], ` to go to heaven ', ` die ') RV. (only x, 95, 18) AV. &c. &c. (5) a partic. Ek^aha ŚāṅkhŚr. (6) N. of a son of the Rudra Bhīma VP.

===> [ svarga ]1[ svarga ] &c. See p. 1281, col. 2

===> svarga-gata [ svargagata ]3[ svarg'a-gata ] mfn. gone to heaven W.

===> svarga-gati [ svargagati ]3[ svarg'a-gati ] f.

===> svarga-kāma [ svargakAma ]3[ svarg'a-kAma ] mfn. desirous of heaven Br. Up.

===> svarga-loka [ svargaloka ]3[ svarg'a-loka ] m. (also in pl.) the celestial world, Indra's heaven ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c. (1) ([ svarg'a- ]), mfn. belonging to or dwelling in, heaven ŚBr. KaṭhUp. (2) [ °k^eza ] m. ` lord of heaven ', Indra MW. (3) the body (as enjoying felicity in Indra's heaven) L.

===> svarga-mārga [ svargamArga ]3[ svarg'a-mArga ] m. ` the road to heaven MBh. (1) road of heaven, Milky Way R. Śak (2) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. (3) [ -didRkSu ] mfn. wishing to see the road to heaven MW.

===> svarga-patha [ svargapatha ]3[ svarg'a-patha ] m. ` road of heaven ', (prob.) the Milky Way R.

===> svarga-sukha [ svargasukha ]3[ svarg'a-sukha ] n. the bliss of heaven MBh.

===> svargârtham [ svargArtham ]3[ svarg^artham ] ind. for the sake of heaven, Bc

===> svartha [ svartha ]1[ sv-'artha ] mf ([ A ]) n. pursuing or serving worthy ends RV.

===> svarṇa [ svarNa ]1[ svarNa ] m. (contracted from [ su-varNa ]) a partic. Agni Hariv. (1) n. gold (as a weight = one Karsha of gold) Yājñ. Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) a kind of red chalk R. (3) a kind of plant (accord. to L., ` a kind of herb = [ gaura-suvarNa ] ', ` the thorn-apple ', ` a kind of cocoa palm ', and ` the flower of Mesua Roxburghii ') BhP.

===> svastha [ svastha ]1[ sva-stha ] &c. See p. 1271, col. 1

===> svasti [ svasti ]1[ sv-ast'i ] n. f. (nom. [ svast'i ], [ °t'is ] (1) acc. [ svast'i ], [ °t'im ] (2) instr. [ svast'i ], [ °ty'A ] (3) dat. [ svast'aye ] (4) loc. [ svasta'u ] (5) instr. [ svast'ibhis ] (6) also personified as a goddess, and sometimes as Kalā, cf. [ svasti-devI ]), well-being, fortune, luck, success, prosperity RV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. R. BhP. (7) ([ 'i ]), ind. well, happily, successfully (also = ` may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it! ' a term of salutation [ esp. in the beginning of letters ] or of sanction or approbation) RV. &c. &c.

===> svastika [ svastika ]2[ svastika ] m. a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) R. (1) any lucky or auspicious object, (esp.) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction (2) the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol (3) that is, as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar Viṣṇu, consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun (4) accord. to the late Sir A. Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship, but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words [ su ast'i ] [ [ svasti ] ] in the Aśoka characters (5) amongst Jainas it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) Hariv. Kāv. Pur. (6) the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast MBh. Mālatīm. Kathās (7) a bandage in the form of a cross Suśr. (8) a dish of a partic. form MBh. R. Pañcar. (9) a kind of cake ib. (10) a triangular crest-jewel L. (11) the meeting of four roads W. (12) a partic. symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of Durgā, and is said to symbolize the Liṅga) MW. (13) a species of garlic L. (14) a cock L. (15) a libertine L. (16) N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (17) of one of Skanda's attendants ib. (18) of a Dānava Hariv. [ 1283,2 ] (19) of a poet Cat. (20) of another man Buddh. (21) m. n. a mansion or temple of a partic. form VarBṛS. (22) Marsilea Quadrifolia L. (23) a partic. mode of sitting practised by Yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) MārkP. Pañcar.

===> svasty-ayana [ svastyayana ]3[ svasty-ayana ] n. sg. and pl. (ifc. f. [ A ]) auspicious progress, success Jātakam (1) blessing, benediction, congratulation (with Caus. of √ [ vac ], ` to ask for a blessing ') AV. &c. &c. (2) a Mantra recited for good luck or the recitation of such a Mantra W. (3) a means of attaining prosperity Jātakam (4) a vessel full of water borne in front of a procession L. (5) mf ([ I ]) n. bringing or causing good fortune, auspicious ([ °tama ], superl.) TBr. &c. &c. (6) [ -gaNa ] m. a collection of Mantras recited for good luck AV. Pariś

===> svasṛ [ svasR ]1[ sv'asR ] f. (of doubtful derivation) a sister (also applied to closely connected things of the fem. gender, as to the fingers, the waters &c.) RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ soror ] ; Lith. [ ses'u ] ; Goth. [ 1282,3 ] [ swistar ] ; Germ. [ Schwester ] ; Eng. [ sister ].)

===> svatas [ svatas ]3[ sv'a-tas ] ind. = [ svasmAt ] (e. g. [ svato 'MzAt ], ` from one's own share ' (1) [ rakSer apacAraM tvaM svato vA parato 'pi vA ], ` ward off injury from thyself and from others ') Mn. Kathās (2) of one's own self, of one's own accord (applicable to all three persons) MBh. Ragh. Kathās. &c. (3) by nature Kathās (4) out of (their) own estate Mn. viii, 166 (5) ([ ca svataH ] w. r. for [ zAzvataH ] Pañcat. iii, 96) (6) [ °tahpramANa ] mfn. self-proved, self-evident Sarvad (7) [ °taH-siddha ] mfn. self-accomplished MW. (8) self-proved, self-demonstrated ib. (9) [ °tas-tva ] n. the being self-proved Sarvad

===> svayam [ svayam ]2[ svay'am ] ind. (prob. orig. a nom. of 1. [ sva ], formed like [ aham ]) self, one's self (applicable to all persons, e. g. myself, thyself, himself &c.), of or by one's self spontaneously, voluntarily, of one's own accord (also used emphatically with other pronouns [ e. g. [ ahaM svayaM tat kRtavAn ], ` I myself did that ' ] (1) sometimes alone [ e. g. [ svayaM tat kRtavAn ], ` he himself did that ' (2) [ svayaM tat kurvanti ], ` they themselves do that ' ] [ 1278,3 ] (3) connected in sense with a nom. [ either the subject or predicate ] or with instr. [ when the subject ] or with a gen., and sometimes with acc. or loc. (4) often in comp.) RV. &c. &c.

===> svayaṃ [ svayaM ]3[ svayaM ] in comp. for [ svayam ]

===> sveda [ sveda ]2[ sv'eda ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) sweating, perspiring, sweat, perspiration (pl. ` drops of perspiration ') RV. &c. &c. (1) a sudorific Car. Suśr. (2) warmth, heat L. (3) warm vapour, steam (See comp.) (4) mfn. sweating, perspiring, toiling W.

===> [ sveda ]1[ sveda ] &c. See col. 1

===> svâdhiṣṭhāna [ svAdhiSThAna ]3[ sv^adhiSThAna ] n. one's own place VP. Sch. (1) one of the 6 mystical circles of the body (See [ cakra ]) Pañcar. Ānand.

===> svâdhyāya [ svAdhyAya ]3[ sv^adhyAy'a ] m. reciting or repeating or rehearsing to one's self, repetition or recitation of the Veda in a low voice to one's self ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) repeating the Veda aloud (acc. with caus. of √ 1. [ zru ], ` to cause the Veda to be repeated aloud ') Mn. iii, 232 (2) recitation or perusal of any sacred texts W. (3) the Veda L. (4) a day on which sacred recitation is resumed after its suspension MW. (5) N. of wk. (6) mfn. studying the Veda ([ -tama ], perhaps w. r. for [ sv^adhyAyi-t° ]) Divyâv (7) [ -dhRk ] mfn. one who repeats or recites the Veda Āpast (8) [ -brAhmaNa ] n. N. of ch. in the Taittiriy^araṇyaka (9) [ -vat ] mfn. (= [ -dhRk ]) Yājñ. MBh. Hariv. (10) m. a repeater or student of the Veda W. (11) [ °yAy^arthin ] m. one who seeks a maintenance for himself during his studentship Mn. xi, 1. 2

===> [ svAdhyAya ]3[ sv^adhyAya ] Nom. P. [ °yAyati ], to study, recite, read to (acc.) Divyâv. SaddhP.

===> svâdhyāyana [ svAdhyAyana ]3[ sv^adhyAyana ] m. N. of a man (1) pl. his family Cat.

===> svâdhyāyanikā [ svAdhyAyanikA ]3[ sv^adhyAyanikA ] f. a certain portion of a sacred work or sacred texts which have to be repeated or studied Divyâv

===> svâdhyāyinikā [ svAdhyAyinikA ]3[ sv^adhyAyinikA ] f. = [ sv^adhyAyanikA ] Divyâv

===> svâdhīna [ svAdhIna ]1[ sv^adhIna ] [ sv^adhyAya ] &c. See p. 1277, col. 2

===> svâjñā [ svAjJA ]3[ sv^ajJA ] f. one's own command ([ °jJAM-√ grah ], ` to submit to one's command ') Uttamac

===> svârtha [ svArtha ]3[ sv^artha ] m. one's own affair or cause, personal matter or advantage, self-interest, one's own aim or object (also pl.) MaitrUp. MBh. R. &c. (1) one's own property or substance MW. (2) own or original meaning Sāh. Vedântas. TPrāt. Sch. (3) similar meaning (prob. for [ s^artha ]), a pleonasm MW. (4) = [ liGg^artha-vizeSa ] L. (5) mf ([ A ]) n. directed to one's self egoistical ([ -tA ] f.) Kum. Tarkas. &c. (6) adapted to (its) purpose Car. (7) having one's object, expressing (its) own inherent or true meaning, havṭhaving a natural or literal meaning, havṭhaving a similar merits (= [ s^artha ]), pleonastic MW. (8) ([ am ] or [ e ]), ind. on one's own account, for one's self Kāv. Kathās. KapS. &c. (9) [ -paNDita ] mfn. clever in one's own affairs MBh. (10) [ -para ] mfn. intent on one's own advantage, self-interested Śiś. ([ -tA ] f. ` selfishness ' MW.) (11) [ -par^ayaNa ] mfn. id. MW. (12) [ -prayatna ] m. a self-interested project Ratnâv (13) [ -bhAj ] mfn. managing one's own affairs HPariś (14) [ -bhraMzin ] mfn. ruinous to one's own interests Pañcat (15) [ -lipsu ] mfn. wishing to gain one's own object, self-seeking MW. (16) [ -vighAta ] m. frustration of one's object ib. (17) [ -sAdhaka ] mfn. effective of or promoting one's own object Cāṇ. BhP. Nir (18) [ -sAdhana ] n. accomplishment of one's own object or desire Mn. Rājat (19) ([ °na ]) [ -tatpara ] mfn. intent upon it Mn. iv, 196 (20) [ -siddhi ] f. (= [ sAdhana ]) Rājat (21) [ °th^anumAna ] n. ` inference for one's self ', (in log.) a partic. process of induction MW. (22) [ °th^'et ] mfn. attending to one's own affairs TS. (23) [ °th^opapatti ] f. the gaining one's own object Ragh

===> svârthin [ svArthin ]3[ sv^arthin ] mfn. pursuing one's own objects, self-seeking Siṉhâs

===> svâsana [ svAsana ]1[ sv-Asana ] n. a good seat KātyŚr.

===> svâtman [ svAtman ]3[ sv^atman ] m. one's own self, one's self (= reflexive pron.), one's own nature ([ °ma-tA ] f.) NṛsUp. R. Kathās. &c. (1) ([ °ma ]) [ -nirUpaNa ] n. [ -nirUpaNa-prakaraNa ] n. [ -pUjA ] f. [ -prakAzikA ] f. [ -prabodha ] m. [ -prayoga-pradIpikA ] f. [ -yoga-pradIpa ] m. N. of wks. (2) [ -vadha ] m. suicide Kathās (3) [ -saMvitty-upadeza ] m. [ -saMvid-upadeza ] m. [ °m^ananda-prakaraNa ] n. [ °m^ananda-prakAza ] m. [ °m^ananda-vivardhinI ] f. [ °m^ananda-stotra ] n. [ °m^anand^opadeza ] m. [ °m^anubodha ] m. [ °m^anubhava ] m. [ °m^anurUpaNa ] n. N. of wks. (4) [ °m^arAma ] mfn. taking pleasure in or contented with one's self Pañcar. (5) m. (also [ -yogin ] or [ -yog^indra ]) N. of an author Cat. (6) [ °m^avabodha ], [ °m^apadeza ] m. N. of wks.

===> [ svAtman ]1[ sv^atman ] &c. See p. 1277, col. 2

===> svâśraya [ svAzraya ]3[ sv^azraya ] mfn. relating or referring to the thing itself or to the point in question Pāṇ. Sch.

===> svâṅga [ svAGga ]3[ sv^aGga ] n. a limb of one's own body, one's own body, limb or body in the strict (not metaphorical) sense Kāv. Yogas. &c. (1) m. a proper N. MW. (2) [ -bhaGga ] m. injury to one's own body Ml. (3) [ -zIta ] mfn. cooled in all parts Bhpr.

===> svābhāvika [ svAbhAvika ]1[ svAbhAvika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ svabhAva ]) belonging to or arising from one's own nature, natural, native, spontaneous, original, peculiar, inherent ([ -tva ] n.) Up. MBh. &c. (1) m. pl. N. of a Buddhistic school (cf. Buddhac. ix, 48 ; 51)

===> svābhāvya [ svAbhAvya ]2[ svAbhAvya ] mfn. self-existent, existing spontaneously (said of Viṣṇu) MBh. (1) n. own peculiarity, own nature Śaṃk

===> svāda [ svAda ]2[ svAda ] m. taste, flavour, savour Hariv. Kāv. Kathās (1) the beauty or charm (of a poem) Sāh

===> [ svAda ]1[ svAda ] [ svAdu ] &c. See p. 1279, col. 3

===> svādana [ svAdana ]2[ sv'Adana ] mfn. seasoning, making (food) savoury RV. (1) n. the act of tasting Śiś. (2) tasting i. e. enjoying (a poem &c.) Sāh

===> svādanīya [ svAdanIya ]2[ svAdanIya ] mfn. palatable, savoury MBh.

===> svādita [ svAdita ]2[ svAdita ] mfn. tasted, relished W. (1) sweetened MW. (2) pleased ib.

===> svādu [ svAdu ]2[ svAd'u ] mf ([ v'I ]) n. sweet, savoury, palatable, dainty, delicate, pleasant to the taste, agreeable, chirming (also as compar. ` sweeter than &c. ', with abl.) RV. &c. &c. (1) m. sweet flavour, sweetness L. (2) sugar, molasses L. (3) N. of various plants (= [ jIvaka ], [ gandha-dhUma-ja ] &c.) L. (4) ([ us ] or [ vI ]), f. = [ drAkSA ], a grape L. (5) ([ u ]), n. sweet taste, sweetness Megh (6) pleasantness, charm, beauty Subh. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ suavis ] ; Old Sax. [ sw^oti ] ; Angl. [ 1279,3 ] Sax. [ sw^eete ] ; Eng. [ sweet ] ; Germ. [ sū0ss ]. ]

===> svādu-rasa [ svAdurasa ]3[ svAd'u-rasa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a sweet or agreeable taste Suśr. (1) ([ A ]), f. (only L.) spirituous liquor (2) Asparagus Racemosus (3) a grape (4) the root of Spondias Mangifera [ 1280,1 ] (5) = [ kAkolI ]

===> svāgata [ svAgata ]1[ sv-Agata ] mfn. (for [ sv^agata ] See p. 1277, col. 2) well come, welcome R. (1) lawfully-earned (as money) Mn. iv, 226 (2) m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (3) of a king VP. (4) of another man Buddh. (5) ([ A ]), f. a kind of metre, Srutab (6) ([ am ]), n. welcome, greeting, salutation ([ svAgataM te ] with or without [ astu ], ` I wish you welcome ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) welfare, health (See next)

===> svāhā [ svAhA ]1[ sv-'AhA ] ind. (prob. fr. 5. [ su ] and √ [ ah ] (1) cf. [ dur-AhA ]) hail! hail to! may a blessing rest on! (with dat. (2) an exclamation used in making oblations to the gods (3) with √ [ kR ] [ ind. p. [ -k'Aram ], or [ -kRtya ] ] and acc. ` to pronounce the exclamation Svāhā over ') RV. &c. &c. (4) f. an oblation (offered to Agni, Indra &c.) or Oblation personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Agni (5) she is thought to preside over burnt-offerings (6) her body is said to consist of the four Vedas, and her limbs are the six Aṅgas or members of the Veda (7) she is represented also as a wife of the Rudra Paśu-pati) RV. &c. &c.

===> svājanya [ svAjanya ]1[ svAjanya ] n. (fr. [ sva-jana ]) kinship, relationship HPariś

===> svājīva [ svAjIva ]1[ sv-AjIva ] (R.), [ °vya ] (Mn.), mfn. yielding an easy subsistence. [ 1283,3 ]

===> svākhyāta [ svAkhyAta ]3[ sv^akhyAta ] mfn. self-announced ([ -tA ] f.) HYog.

===> [ svAkhyAta ]1[ sv-AkhyAta ] mfn. well proclaimed (often applied to [ dharma ]) Divyâv

===> svākāra [ svAkAra ]3[ sv^akAra ] m. (for [ sv-Ak° ] See p. 1283) one's own nature, natural disposition Pañcat (1) mfn. having one's own form W. (2) [ -kara ] m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ

===> [ svAkAra ]1[ sv-AkAra ] mfn. (for [ sv^akAra ] See p. 1277, col. 2) of decent or respectable appearance Hcar.

===> svālakṣaṇya [ svAlakSaNya ]1[ svAlakSaNya ] n. (fr. [ sva-lakSaNa ]) specific characteristics, natural disposition Mn. ix, 19

===> svāmi-bhāva [ svAmibhAva ]3[ svAmi-bhAva ] m. ownership, mastership, lordship R.

===> svāmika [ svAmika ]2[ svAmika ] (in comp.) = [ svAmin ] (cf. [ niH- ], [ praNaSTa-sv° ] &c.)

===> svāmin [ svAmin ]3[ svAmin ] (Hit.), m. lion or lord among bird ', N. of Garuḍa. [ 574,2 ]

===> [ svAmin ]2[ svAmin ] See p. 1284, col. 1

===> [ svAmin ]1[ svAmin ] m. (fr. 1. [ sva ] + [ min ]) an owner, proprietor, master, lord or owner of (gen., loc., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) a chief, commander (of an army) Vikr. Subh (2) a husband, lover (du. ` husband and wife ') Āpast. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) a king, prince (in dram. used as a form of address = [ deva ]) (4) a spiritual preceptor, learned Brāhman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names, esp. of natives of the Carnatic) (5) the image or temple of a god (often ifc. (6) See [ zrIdhara- ], [ viSNu-sv° ] &c.) (7) N. of Skanda Yājñ. i, 293 (8) of Viṣṇu L. (9) of Śiva L. (10) of Garuḍa L. (11) of the Muni Vātsyāyana L. (12) of the 11th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. (13) of various authors (also with [ mizra ] and [ zAstrin ] (14) sometimes abridged from names ending in [ svAmin ] e. g. for [ kSIra- ] and [ zabara-svAmin ]) Cat. (15) ([ inI ]), f. See next

===> svāmitva [ svAmitva ]3[ svAmi-tva ] n. (MBh.) ownership, mastership, lordship of (gen. or comp.)

===> svāpateya [ svApateya ]1[ svApateya ] n. (fr. [ sva-pati ]) one's own property, wealth, riches MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> svāsthya [ svAsthya ]1[ svAsthya ] n. (fr. [ sva-stha ]) self-dependence, sound state (of body or soul), health, ease, comfort, contentment, satisfaction MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> svātantrya [ svAtantrya ]1[ svAtantrya ] n. (fr. [ sva-tantra ]) the following one's own will, freedom of the will, independence ([ At ] and [ ena ], ` by one's own will, of one's own free choice, voluntarily, freely ') Lāṭy. MaitrUp. MBh. &c.

===> svāti [ svAti ]1[ svAt'i ] f. (of unknown derivation) N. of the star Arcturus (as forming the 13th and 15th lunar asterism (1) also [ svAt'I ] pl. [ svAtyaH ]) AV. &c. &c. (2) N. of one of the wives of the Sun L. (3) a sword L. (4) m. N. of a son of Uru and Āgneyī (v. l. [ khyAti ]) Hariv. VP. (5) of Megha-svāti VP. (6) mfn. born under the star Arcturus Pāṇ. 4-3, 34

===> svī-karaṇa [ svIkaraNa ]3[ svI-karaNa ] n. making one's own, appropriating, accepting, acquiring Nir. Yājñ. Rājat (1) taking to wife, marrying Kālid. assenting, agreeing, promising Sarvad (2) [ -karman ] mfn. whose function is to appropriate Kull

===> svī-kartavya [ svIkartavya ]3[ svI-kartavya ] mfn. to be accepted VarBṛS. (1) to be assented or agreed to Sarvad

===> svī-kṛta [ svIkRta ]3[ svI-kRta ] mfn. appropriated, accepted, admitted, claimed, agreed, assented to, promised Kāv. Pur. &c.

===> syandana [ syandana ]2[ syandan'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. moving on swiftly, running (as a chariot) Kir (1) dripping, sprinkling (ifc.) Kathās (2) liquefying, dissolving Suśr. (3) a war-chariot, chariot, car (said also to be n.) RV. &c. &c. (4) Dalbergia Ougeinensis Kauś. MBh. &c. (5) a partic. spell recited over weapons R. (6) air, wind L. (7) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. (8) ([ I ]), f. saliva L. (9) the urinary passage L. (10) ([ am ]), n. flowing, rushing, going or moving swiftly Nir. Śaṃk. Bhāshāp (11) circulation, Śāmkhyak. Sch. (12) dropping, oozing, trickling W. (13) water L.

===> syād-vāda [ syAdvAda ]3[ syAd-vAda ] m. ` assertion of possibility or non-possibility ', the sceptical or agnostic doctrine of the Jainas Śatr (1) [ -maJjarI ] f. [ -ratn^akara ] m. N. of wks. (2) [ -vAdin ] m. = next L.

===> syāt [ syAt ]1[ syAt ] ind. (3. sg. Pot. of √ 1. [ as ]) it may be, perhaps, perchance (esp. used in Jaina wks. and occurring in 7 formulas, viz. 1. [ syAd asti ], ` perhaps it is [ under certain circumstances ] ' (1) 2. [ syAn n^asti ], ` perhaps it is not, &c. ' (2) 3. [ syAd asti ca n^asti ca ], ` perhaps it is and is not [ under certain circumstances ] ' (3) 4. [ syAd avaktavyaH ], ` perhaps it is not expressible in words ' (4) 5. [ syAd asti c^avaktavyaH ], ` perhaps it is and is not expressible in words ' (5) 6. [ syAn n^asti c^avaktavyaH ], ` perhaps it is not and is and is not expressible in words ' (6) 7. [ syAd asti ca n^asti c^avaktavyaH ]) Sarvad

===> syūta [ syUta ]2[ syUt'a ] mfn. sewn, stitched, woven RV. &c. &c. (1) sewn on HPariś (2) sewn or woven together, joined, fabricated MW. (3) pierced, penetrated ib. (4) m. a sack, coarse canvas bag L.

===> sârdha [ sArdha ]1[ s^ardha ] mf ([ A ]) n. joined wilh a half, plus one half. increased by one half. having a half over (e. g. [ dve zate s^ardhe ], ` two hundred together with a half ', i. e. 250) Mn. MBh. &c. [ 1210,1 ] (1) ([ 'am ]), ind. jointly, together, along with, with (instr. or comp. (2) with [ A-√ dA ], to take with one ') ŚBr. &c. &c.

===> [ sA ]1[ sA ]1 f. of 4. [ sa ], q. v.

===> [ sA ]1[ s'A ]2 f. of 6. [ sa ], q. v.

===> [ sA ]1[ sA ]3 (weak form of √ [ san ]), giving, bestowing, granting (cf. [ ap- ], [ azva-sA ] &c.)

===> [ sA ]1[ sA ]4 = [ √ so ], q. v.

===> sābhilāṣa [ sAbhilASa ]1[ s^abhilASa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a desire or longing for (loc., acc. with [ prati ], or comp. (1) [ am ] ind.) Śak. Kathās. MārkP.

===> sābhisaṃskāra-parinirvāyin [ sAbhisaMskAraparinirvAyin ]1[ s^abhisaMskAraparinirvAyin ] mfn. (said of a kind of Anāgāmin, q. v.) Buddh.

===> sādara [ sAdara ]1[ s^adara ] mf ([ A ]) n. having or showing respect, respectful, reverential (1) considerate, attentive or devoted to (ifc.), intent upon ([ am ], ind., respectfully ` &c.) Kāv. Kathās. &c.

===> sādayitavya [ sAdayitavya ]2[ sAdayitavya ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be destroyed, destructible R.

===> sādhaka [ sAdhaka ]2[ sAdhaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. effective, efficient, productive of (gen. or comp.), accomplishing, fulfilling, completing, perfecting, finishing MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) energizing (said of the fire supposed to burn within the heart and direct the faculty of volition) Suśr. (2) adapted to any purpose, useful, advantageous MBh. Pur. (3) effecting by magic, magical Pañcat. Rājat (4) demonstrating, conclusive, proving Sarvad (5) m. an assistant Kāv (6) an efficient or skilful person, (esp.) an adept, magician Kathās (7) a worshipper Mālatīm (8) ([ akA ]), f. N. of Durgā L. (9) ([ ikA ]), f. very deep or profound sleep (= [ su-Supti ]) L. (10) a skilful or efficient woman MW. (11) n. (prob.) = [ sAdhana ], proof, argument Kap

===> sādhana [ sAdhana ]2[ s'Adhana ] mf ([ I ] or [ A ]) jn. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering RV. (1) effective, efficient, productive of (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) procuring Kāv (3) conjuring up (a spirit) Kathās (4) denoting, designating, expressive of (comp.) Pāṇ. Sch. (5) m. N. of the author of RV. x, 157 (having the patr. [ bhauvana ]) Anukr. (6) ([ A ]), f. accomplishment, performance (See [ mantra-s° ]) (7) propitiation, worship, adoration L. (8) ([ am ]), n. (ifc. f. [ A ]), the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing Kir. Pañcat (9) subdueing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Kathās (10) subduing a disease, healing, cure Suśr. MBh. &c. (11) enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Daś (12) bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fullilment, completion, perfection Nir. MBh. &c. (13) establishment of a truth, proof. argument, demonstration Yājñ. Sāh. Sarvad (14) reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v, 10 (15) any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c. (16) a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Kālac (17) means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Rājat (18) conflict, battle Śiś. (19) means of correcting or punishing (as ` a stick ', ` rod ' &c.) TBr. Sch. (20) means of enjoyment, goods, commodities &c. R. (21) efficient cause or source (in general) L. (22) organ of generation (male or female), Sah (23) (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to the action itself) Pat. (24) preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison &c.) Kathās. MārkP. (25) obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition Kāv. BhP. (26) finding out by calculation, computation Gaṇit (27) fruit, result Pañcat (28) the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= [ vIharaNa ], q. v.) Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Vārtt. 1 (29) (only L. ` matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine (30) good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude (31) conciliation, propitiation, worship (32) killing, destroying (33) killing metals, depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic properties [ esp. said of mercury ] (34) burning on a funeral pile, obsequies (35) setting out, proceeding, going (36) going quickly (37) going after, following.)

===> sādhanīya [ sAdhanIya ]2[ sAdhanIya ] mfn. to be accomplished or performed MBh. Ragh (1) to be formed (as words) Uṇ. iii, 131 Sch. (2) to be acquired (as knowledge), Kathās (3) to be proved ([ -tva ] n.) Sarvad

===> sādharmya [ sAdharmya ]2[ sAdharmya ] n. community or equality of duty or office or properties, sameness or identity of nature, likeness or homogeneousness with (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) the being of the same religion MW. (2) [ -sama ] m. (in Nyāya) a pretended or sham objection Nyāyas

===> sādhaya [ sAdhaya ]2[ sAdhaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ] (fr. [ sAdhu ] = [ bADha ] (1) cf. [ sAdhiSTha ], [ sAdhIyas ]), to make hard or firm Vop. (also Caus. of √ [ sAdh ])

===> [ sAdhaya ]1[ sAdhaya ] See p. 1201, col. 2, and √ [ sAdh ], p. 1200 col. 3. [ 1202,2 ]

===> sādhika [ sAdhika ]1[ s^adhika ] mf ([ A ]) n. (for [ sAdhikA ] See [ sAdaka ], p. 1201, col. 1) having excess or a surplus, excessive, increased, more than full or complete Gobh. Pur. Divyâv

===> sādhita [ sAdhita ]2[ sAdhita ] mfn. brought about, accomplished, perfected &c. (1) mastered, subdued, MārkP. (2) proved, demonstrated, Pañeat (3) made, appointed BhP. (4) punished by a fine, made to pay (= [ dApita ]) L. (5) awarded (as a punishment or fine) W. (6) recovered (as a debt) ib.

===> sādhu [ sAdhu ]2[ sAdh'u ] mf ([ v'I ]) n. straight, right RV. AV. BhP. (1) leading straight to a goal, hitting the mark, unerring (as an arrow or thunderbolt) RV. ŚBr. (2) straightened, not entangled (as threads) Kauś (3) well-disposed, kind, willing, obedient RV. R. (4) successful, effective, efficient (as a hymn or prayer) RV. Kām (5) ready, prepared (as Soma) RV. AitBr. (6) peaceful, secure RV. (7) powerful, excellent, good for (loc.) or towards (loc., gen., dat., acc., with [ prati ], [ anu ], [ abhi ], [ pari ], or comp.) ŚBr. &c. &c. (8) fit, proper, right VarBṛS. (9) good, virtuous, honourable, righteous ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (10) well-born, noble, of honourable or respectable descent W. (11) correct, pure (12) classical (as language) ib. (13) m. a good or virtuous or honest man ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (14) a holyman, saint, sage, seer Kālid (15) (with Jainas) a Jina or deified saint W. (16) a jeweller Hit. (17) a merchant, money-lender, usurer L. (18) (in gram., accord. to some) a derivative or inflected noun (19) ([ vI ]), f. a chaste or virtuous woman, faithful wife Mn. MBh. &c. (20) a saintly woman W. (21) a kind of root (= [ medA ]) L. (22) n. the good or right or honest, a good &c. thing or act ([ sAdhv asti ] with dat., ` it is well with- ' (23) [ sAdhu-√ man ] with acc., to consider a thing good, approve ') RV. &c. &c. (24) gentleness, kindness, benevolence ŚBr. MBh. &c. (25) ([ 'u ]), ind. straight, aright, regularly RV. AV. (26) well, rightly, skilfully, properly, agreeably (with √ [ vRt ] and loc., ` to behave well towards ' [ once [ s'Adhu ] ', in RV. viii, 32, 10 ] (27) with √ [ kR ], ` to set eight ' (28) with √ [ As ], ` to be well or at ease ') RV. &c. &c. (29) good! well done! bravo! ŚBr. MBh. &c. (30) well, greatly, in a high degree R. Kām. BhP. (31) well, enough of. away with (instr.)! MBh. Pañcat (32) well come on! (with Impv. or 1. pr.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (33) assuredly, indeed R. Kām. [ 1201,3 ]

===> [ sAdhu ]1[ sAdhu ] &c. See p. 1201, col. 2

===> sādhu-kāra [ sAdhukAra ]3[ sAdh'u-kAra ] n. the exclamation s^adhu (i. e. well! well done!), applause ([ °raM-√ dA ] ` to applaud ') R. Kāraṇḍ

===> sādhutara [ sAdhutara ]3[ sAdh'u-tara ] mfn. better than (abl.) Kām

===> sādhya [ sAdhya ]2[ sAdhy'a ] mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won or managed, conquerable, amenable MBh. R. &c. (1) to be summoned or conjured up L. (2) to be set to rights, to be treated or healed or cured Suśr. MBh. Kathās (3) to be formed (grammatically) Vop (4) to be cultivated or perfected Kāv (5) to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained, practicable, feasible, attainable Mn. MBh. &c. (6) being effected or brought about, taking place Kāś (7) to be prepared or cooked Car. (8) to be inferred or concluded Sarvad. Bhāshāp. Kpr. (9) to be proved or demonstrated Ragh. Sāh (10) to be found out by calculation VarBṛS. Gaṇit (11) to be killed or destroyed MW. (12) relating to the Sādhyas (See below) MBh. BhP. (13) m. (pl.) ` they that are to be propitiated ', N. of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the [ gaNa-devatA ], q. v., sometimes mentioned in the Veda [ see RV. x, 90, 16 ] (14) in the ŚBr. their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods (15) according to Yāska [ Nir. xii, 41 ] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the earth and sun (16) in Mn. i, 22, the Sādhyas are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in iii, 195, as children of the Soma-sads, sons of Virāj

---> in the Purāṇas they are sons of Sādhyā, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen (17) in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas, See [ siddha ] (18) and their names are Manas, Mantṛ, Prâṇa, Nara, Pāna, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Daṃsa, Nārāyaṇa, Vṛsha, Prabhu) RV. &c. &c. (19) the god of love L. (20) N. of a Vedic Ṛshi, IndSt (21) of the 21st astronomical Yoga L. (22) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma or Manu (regarded as the mother of the Sādhyas) Hariv. Pur. (23) ([ am ]), n. accomplishment, perfection W. (24) an object to be accomplished, thing to be proved or established, matter in debate ib. (25) (in logic) the major term in a syllogism ib. (26) silver L. (27) N. of a Sāman ArshBr.

===> [ sAdhya ]1[ sAdhya ] &c. See col. 1

===> sādhyatva [ sAdhyatva ]3[ sAdhy'a-tva ] n. curableness Suśr. (1) perfectibility Sarvad

---> practicability Kāv. KapS. Bhāshāp

===> sādhyâbhāva [ sAdhyAbhAva ]3[ sAdhy^abhAva ] m. absence of the thing to be proved ib. (1) impossibility of cure ib.

===> sādhāraṇa [ sAdhAraNa ]2[ s^adhAraNa ] mf ([ I ] or [ A ]) n. ` having or resting on the same support or basis ', belonging or applicable to many or all, general, common to all, universal, common to (gen., dat., instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (1) like, equal or similar to (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Kālid (2) behaving alike Dhūrtas (3) having something of two opposite properties, occupying a middle position, mean (between two extremes, e. g. ` neither too dry nor too wet ', ` neither too cool nor too hot ') Suśr. Kām. VarBṛS. (4) (in logic) belonging to more than the one instance alleged (one of the three divisions of the fallacy called [ anaikAntika ], q. v.) (5) generic W. (6) m. N. of the 44th (or 18th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. (7) ([ I ]), f. a key L. (8) a twig of bamboo (perhaps used as a bolt) MW. (9) m. or n. (?) N. of a Nyāya wk. by Gāda-dhara (10) ([ am ]), n. something in common, a league or alliance with (comp.) Subh (11) a common rule or one generally applicable W. (12) a generic property, a character common to all the individuals of a species or to all the species of a genus &c. ib. (13) ([ am ]), ind. commonly, generally L.

===> sādhāraṇatva [ sAdhAraNatva ]3[ s^adhAraNa-tva ] n. universality Nyāyam. Sch.

---> temperateness Suśr.

===> sādhīyas [ sAdhIyas ]2[ sAdhIyas ] mfn. (compar. of [ sAdhu ]) more right or proper, Kusum (1) more pleasant or agreeable Sāh (2) harder, firmer, very hard or firm Daś. (in these senses regarded as an irreg. compar. of [ bADha ] Pāṇ. 5-3, 63) ind. more eagerly. AitBr. (3) in a higher degree, excessively Āpast. Śiś.

===> sādya [ sAdya ]2[ sAdya ] mfn. (fr. [ sAdin ]) fit for riding (1) m. a ridinghorse ĀśvŚr.

===> [ sAdya ]1[ sAdya ] See p. 1139, col. 1

===> sādṛśa [ sAdRza ]1[ sAdRza ] mfn. = [ sa-dRza ], like, similar ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) proper Divyâv (2) ([ I ]), f.

===> sādṛśya [ sAdRzya ]2[ sAdRzya ] n. likeness, resemblance, similarity to (comp.) Āpast. R. Hariv. &c.

===> sāgara [ sAgara ]1[ sAgara ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) fr. 2. [ sa-gara ]) the ocean (said to have been named so by Bhagiratha after his son Sagara [ see 2. [ sa-gara ], p. 1125 ] (2) another legend asserts that the bed of the ocean was dug by the sons of Sagara ; 3 or 4 or 7 oceans are reckoned, cf. 1, [ sam-udra ] (3) [ sAgarasya phenaH ] = [ samudraph° ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) an ocean (as expressing any vast body or inexhaustible mass (5) often ifc., cf. [ guNa-zoka- ], [ saMsAra-s° ]) (6) a symbolical expression for the number, ` four ' (like other words signifying ` ocean ') Gaṇit (7) a partic. high number (= 10 Padmas) Pur. (8) a sort of deer L. (9) N. of a serpent-demon, K2raṇḍ (10) (with Jainas) of the third Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. (11) of one of the 10 orders of mendicants traced back to disciples of Śaṃkar^acārya Cat. (12) of various persons HPariś (13) of two authors and of a wk. on Dharma Cat. (14) of a place ib. (15) (pl.) the sons of Sagara MBh. R. (16) n. N. of a town Buddh. (17) mf ([ I ]) n. relating to the sea, marine Hariv.

===> sāgara-mati [ sAgaramati ]3[ sAgara-mati ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ (1) of a serpent-king ib. (2) of a man Buddh.

===> sāgara-mudrā [ sAgaramudrA ]3[ sAgara-mudrA ] f. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

===> sāgara-nāga-rāja-paripṛcchā [ sAgaranAgarAjaparipRcchA ]3[ sAgara-nAga-rAja-paripRcchA ] f. N. of wk.

===> sāgraha [ sAgraha ]1[ s^agraha ] mfn. with pertinacity, insisting on anything, persistent ([ am ] ind.) Daś. HPariś

===> sāhacarya [ sAhacarya ]2[ sAhacarya ] n. companionship, fellowship, society, association with (instr. or comp.) Nir. Kāv. &c.

===> sāhasa [ sAhasa ]1[ sAhasa ] mfn. (fr. [ sahas ]) over-hasty, precipitate, rash, inconsiderate, foolhardy Hariv. (1) m. N. of Agni at the Pāka-yajña Gṛhyās (2) m. n. punishment, fine (regarded as of three kinds, the highest being called Uttama (3) half of that, Madhyama (4) and half of that, Adhama) Mn. Yājñ. &c. (5) ([ am ]), n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) boldness, daring, rashness, temerity, any precipitate or reckless act MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) overstraining Car. (7) violence, force, rapine, rape, robbery, felony, aggression, cruelty Gaut. Āpast. Nār (8) adultery Nār (9) hatred, enmity L.

===> sāhasika [ sAhasika ]2[ sAhasika ] mf ([ I ]) n. bold, daring, impetuous, rash, reckless, inconsiderate MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) using great force or violence, perpetrated with violence, cruel, brutal, ferocious, rapacious Mn. MBh. (2) overstraining or overworking one's self Car. (3) punitive, castigatory W. (4) m. a robber, freebooter ib. (5) N. of a cook Kathās

===> sāhasrika [ sAhasrika ]2[ sAhasrika ] mfn. consisting of a thousand Hcat

===> sāhaṃkāra [ sAhaMkAra ]1[ s^ahaMkAra ] mfn. having egotism or self-conceit, proud, arrogant Rājat. Kathās

===> sāhāyya [ sAhAyya ]2[ sAhAyya ] n. help, succour ([ °yyaM-√ kR ] and √ [ sthA ], ` to give assistance ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) friendship, fellowship, alliance W. (2) (in dram.) helping another in danger Sāh

===> sākali [ sAkali ]1[ sAkali ] and [ °likA ] f. N. of a woman Divyâv

===> sākalya [ sAkalya ]2[ sAkalya ] n. totality, completeness, entireness ([ ena ] ind., entirely ', ` completely '), the whole Mn. MBh. &c.

===> sākam [ sAkam ]1[ sAk'am ] ind. (prob. fr. 7. [ sa ] [ aJc ] (1) cf. [ sAci ]) together, jointly, at the same time, simultaneously RV. &c. &c. (2) along with, together with, with (with instr.) ib.

===> sāketa [ sAketa ]1[ sAketa ] n. N. of the city Ayodhyā or Oude (prob. also of other cities) Pat. Kāv. VarBṛS. &c. (1) m. pl. the inhabitants of Sāketa Cat.

===> sākhilya [ sAkhilya ]1[ sAkhilya ] n. (fr. [ sakhila ]) friendship, Mahāv

===> sākāra [ sAkAra ]1[ s^akAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. having form, having any shape or definite figure, Kathals Sarvad (1) having a fair form, beautiful ([ am ], ind.,) Hariv. Pañcat. MārkP.

===> sākṣi-bhūta [ sAkSibhUta ]3[ s^akSi-bhUta ] mfn. (cf. [ s^akSI-√ bhU ]) being a witnesses BhP. Pañcar.

===> sākṣin [ sAkSin ]2[ s^akSin ] mfn. seeing with the eyes, observing, witnessing (1) an eye-witness, witness (in law) of or to (gen., loc., or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) m. (in phil.) the Ego or subject (as opp. to the object or to that which is external to the mind, AṣṭāvS. (3) cf. [ s^akSi-mAtra ]) (4) N. of a man (also pl.) Saṃskārak.

===> sākṣāt [ sAkSAt ]2[ s^akSAt ] ind. (abl. of [ s^akSa ] above) with the eyes, with one's own eyes Kāv. Kathās. Sarvad (1) before one's eyes, evidently, clearly, openly, manifestly AV. &c. &c. [ 1198,1 ] (2) in person, in bodily form, personally, visibly, really, actually MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) immediately, directly Sarvad. Kull

===> [ sAkSAt ]2[ s^akSAt ] in comp. with forms of √ [ kR ]

===> sākṣāt-karaṇa [ sAkSAtkaraNa ]3[ s^akSAt-karaNa ] n. the act of putting before the eyes ib. (1) intuitive perception, actual feeling MW. (2) immediate cause of anything Kap

===> sākṣāt-kartavya [ sAkSAtkartavya ]3[ s^akSAt-kartavya ] mfn. to be made fully perceptible or evident, Mahāv

===> sākṣāt-kriyā [ sAkSAtkriyA ]3[ s^akSAt-kriyA ] (Saddhp.), f. intuitive perception, realization

===> sākṣāt-kārin [ sAkSAtkArin ]3[ s^akSAt-kArin ] mfn. = [ -kara ] Sarvad. Kap. Sch.

===> sākṣāt-kṛta [ sAkSAtkRta ]3[ s^akSAt-kRta ] mfn. clearly placed before the eyes or the mind's eye (1) -dharman, mfn. one who has an intuitive perception of duty MW.

===> sākṣāt-kṛti [ sAkSAtkRti ]3[ s^akSAt-kRti ] (Sarvad.),

===> sāla [ sAla ]1[ sAla ]1 m. (often incorrectly written for 1. [ zAla ]) the Śāl tree (1) a wall, fence &c. (2) for these and other meanings and compounds such as [ salagrAma ] &c., See 1. [ zAla ] (3) ([ A ]), f. See next

===> [ sAla ]1[ sAla ]2 m. N. of a king Rājat

===> sālamba [ sAlamba ]1[ s^alamba ] mfn. having anything a, as support (comp.) Kathās

===> sālambana [ sAlambana ]2[ s^alambana ] mfn. belonging to or connected with a partic. mental exercise (See [ Ar° ])

===> sālohita [ sAlohita ]1[ sAlohita ] m. (= [ sa-l° ]) a person related by blood, kinsman Divyâv

===> sālopa [ sAlopa ]1[ sAlopa ] mfn. (?for [ sa-l° ], or = [ s^al° ]) having a bit or morsel (said of the mouth) Buddh.

===> sālā [ sAlA ]2[ sAlA ] f. (generally written [ zAlA ]) a house ([ niHsAl'a ])

===> [ sAlA ]1[ sAlA ] f. See 1. [ sAla ], col. 2

===> sāma-veda [ sAmaveda ]3[ sAma-ved'a ] m. ` Veda of chants ', N. of one of the three principal Vedas (See [ veda ] (1) it contains a number of verses or stanzas nearly all of which [ except about 78 ] occur in the Ṛg-veda and which, modified in various ways, are chanted, mostly, by the Udgātṛ priests at Soma sacrifices (2) the Saṃhitā of the Sāma-veda consists of two parts (3) the first, called Arcika [ or Purviccika or Chando-grantha ], contains 585 verses disjoined from their proper sequence in the Ṛg-veda and arranged in 59 Daśatis or decades, which again are subdivided into Prapāṭhakas and Ardha-prapāṭhakas (4) the second, called Uttar^arcika or Uttarā-grantha, contains 1225 verses, also chiefly from the Ṛk-saṃhitā, but less disjointed than in the first part, and arranged in nine Prapāhakas with Ardha-prapāṭhakas, mostly, however, grouped in triplets (5) the directions for the formation of Sāmans or chants out of these verses are carefully laid down in the Gānas or manuals for chanting, two of which, viz. the Geya-gāna and Āraṇya-g, are a directory for the Ārcika portion, and two, viz. Ūha-gāna and Ūhya-gāna, for the Uttar^arcikā (6) in Mn. i, 23 the Sāma-veda is described as drawn forth from the sun (7) in iv, 124 it is described as having a special reference to the Pitṛs or deceased ancestors, and its sound is therefore said to possess a kind of impurity, whereas the Ṛg-veda has the gods for his objects and the Yajurveda men (8) the Sāma-veda is said to possess 8 Brāhmaṇas [ see [ brAhmaNa ] ] Br. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c. [ IW. 25 ] (9) [ -cchala ] n. [ -paritiSTa ] n. [ -rahasya ] n. [ -rahasy^opaniSad ] f. N. of wks. (10) [ -rAj ] m. N. of Viṣṇu Pañcar. (11) [ -vid ] mfn. familiar with the ṢaḍvBr-veda (12) [ -zikSA ] f. N. of a Śikṣā (13) [ -sAra ] m. N. of Viṣṇu Pañcar. (14) [ °d^antaga ] mfn. one who has gone through the ṢaḍvBr-veda MBh. (15) [ °d^artha ] m. [ °d^artha-prakAza ] m. N. of wks. (16) [ °dIya-rudrI ] f. [ °dIya-raudra-vidhi ] m. [ °d^opaniSad ] f. N. of wks.

===> sāma-vāda [ sAmavAda ]3[ sAma-vAda ] m. a kind word, conciliatory speech Śiś.

===> sāmagrya [ sAmagrya ]2[ sAmagrya ] n. = [ sAmagrI ] MBh. Hariv. &c.

===> sāmagrī [ sAmagrI ]1[ sAmagrI ] f. (fr. [ sam-agra ]) totality, entirety, completeness, (esp.) a complete collection or assemblage of implements or materials, apparatus, baggage, goods and chattels, furniture, effects Rājat. Kathās. Sarvad (1) ameans for ([ kA te sAmagrI ] ', what means have you at your disposal? ') Hit.

===> sāman [ sAman ]1[ s'Aman ]1 n. (fr. √ 1. [ sA ] = 1. [ san ]) acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance RV. VS.

===> [ sAman ]1[ s'Aman ]2 n. (m. only in TBr. (1) prob. connected with √ [ sAntv ] (2) accord. to some fr. √ 1. [ sA ] (3) cf. 3. [ sAman ]) calming, tranquillizing, (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 Up^ayas or means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being [ dAna ], [ bheda ], and [ daNDa ], qq. vv (4) ibc. or instr. sg. and pl., ` by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily ') TBr. &c. &c.

===> [ sAman ]1[ s'Aman ]3 n. (of doubtful derivation (1) accord. to Uṇ. iv, 152 fr. √ [ so ] = 2. [ sA ], as ` destroying sin ' (2) in Nir. vii, 12 apparently connected with [ sammita ] (3) by others derived fr. √ 1. [ san ], [ sA ], [ sAntv ], and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. [ sAman ]) a metrical hymn or song of praise, (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a Sāman (intended to be chanted, and forming, with [ Rc ], [ yajus ], [ chandas ], one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in RV. x, 90, 9) RV. &c. &c. (4) any song or tune (sacred or profane, also the hum of bees) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) the faculty of uttering sounds (?) TBr. (Sch.)

===> sāmanta [ sAmanta ]1[ sAmanta ] mfn. (fr. [ sam-anta ]) being on all sides KātyŚr. (1) bordering, limiting W. (2) m. a neighbour Kāṭh. Mn. Yājñ. (3) a vassal, feudatory prince, the chief of a district (paying tribute to a lord paramount) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) a minister(?) Cāṇ. (v. l.) (5) a leader, general, captain, champion W. (6) N. of the author of the Tājika-sāra-ṭikā (1620 A. D.) Cat. (7) n. a neighbourhood Mn. Śukas

===> sāmarthya [ sAmarthya ]1[ sAmarthya ] n. (fr. [ sam-artha ]) sameness of aim or object or meaning or signification, belonging or agreeing together (in aim, object &c.), adequacy, accordance, fitness, suitableness Pat. Hariv. Suśr. &c. (1) the being entitled to, justification for (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (2) ability to or capacity for (inf., dat., loc., or comp. (3) acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to do one's utmost ' (4) with √ [ bhaj ], to take pains ', ` exert one's self ') ib. (5) efficacy, power, strength, force ([ At ], or [ -tas ] or [ -yogAt ], ` through the force of circumstances ', ` by reason of. ', in consequence of ', ` on account of. ' ` as a matter of course ') ib. (6) the force or function or sense of a word, Kusum

===> sāmayika [ sAmayika ]2[ sAmayika ] mfn. (ft. [ sam-aya ]) based on agreement, conventional, customary Kaṇ. Yājñ. Nyāyam. Sch. (1) of the same opinion, like-mined Rājat (2) seasonable, timely, precise, exact Mālav. (v. l.) Kir. (in [ a-s° ]) (3) periodical MW. (4) temporary Sāṃkhyapr.

===> sāmiṣa [ sAmiSa ]1[ s^amiSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. possessed of flesh or prey BhP. (1) provided with meat (as a Śrāddha) Mn. iv, 131

===> sāmparāyika [ sAmparAyika ]2[ sAmparAyika ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. (g. [ saMtAp^adi ]) relating to the future or to the passage into another world, future (with [ phala ] n. reward in the nexf world ' (1) [ °kaM-√ kR ], to prepare for death ' or ` to perform funeral ceremonies for [ gen. ] ') Mn. MBh. &c. (2) relating to or prepared for battle, martial, warlike ib. (3) salutary or helpful in time of need MBh. Hariv. R. (4) m. (with or scil. [ ratha ]) a war-chariot L. (5) ([ am ]), n. war, battle L.

===> sāmrājya [ sAmrAjya ]1[ s'AmrAjya ] n. (fr. [ sam-rAj ]) complete or universal sovereignty, empire, dominion over (gen., loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (1) mfn. relating to sovereignty TS. (2) ([ °jy'a ], m.) a universal sovereign RV. viii, 25, 17 (accord. to g. [ kurv-Adi ], ` the son of a universal sovereign. ')

===> sāmudra [ sAmudra ]1[ sAmudra ]1 mfn. (fr. [ sam-udra ]) relating to the sei, oceanic, marine Kauś. Suśr. MBh. &c. Vāgbh (1) declared or related by Samudra MW. (2) m. a mariner, voyager, sailor Yājñ. (3) the son of a Karaṇa and a Vaiśyā (who lives from the produce of the sea) L. [ 1206,3 ] (4) a kind of gnat Suśr. (5) patr. of Citra-sena MBh. (6) (pl.) N. of a people R. (7) ([ I ]), f. N. of the daughter of Samudra and wife of Prācīnabarhis Hariv. Pur. (8) n. sea-salt Car. (9) a cuttle-fish bone L. (10) du. (with [ agneH ]) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. (11) (m. or n. ?) N. of a peculiar kind of rainwater (which falls in the month Āśvayuja or Āśvina) Suśr.

===> [ sAmudra ]1[ sAmudra ]2 n. (fr. [ sa-mudra ]) an impression or mark on the body L.

===> sāmudrika [ sAmudrika ]2[ sAmudrika ]2 mfn. relating to marks on the body ([ °kAguNAH ], ` qualities denoted by marks on the body ') MW. (1) relating to good or bad fortune (as indicated by marks on the body) ib. (2) m. - 2. [ sAmudraka ] Cat. (3) n. palmistry Daś (4) N. of wk. on this subject

===> sāmutkarṣika [ sAmutkarSika ]1[ sAmutkarSika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ sam-utkarSa ]) most excellent Buddh.

===> sāmya [ sAmya ]1[ sAmya ] n. (fr. 2. [ sama ]) equality, evenness, equilibrium, equipoise, equal or normal state (acc. with √ [ nI ], ` to bring to that state ', ` calm ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) likeness, sameness, identity with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or gen., or loc., or comp.) MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c. (2) equality of rank or position Mn. Yājñ. VarBṛS. (3) homogeneousness (of sounds) Vop (4) measure, time MBh. (5) equability towards (loc. or [ prati ]), impartiality, indifference Bhag. Kum. BhP. (6) justice ([ sAmyam-√ kR ], ` to act justly towards [ loc. ] ') MBh. (7) v. l. for [ zalyA ] Kāvyâd. i, 39

===> sāmānya [ sAmAnya ]2[ sAmAnya ] mf ([ A ]) n. equal, alike, similar MBh. Śak (1) shared by others, joint, common to (instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c. (2) whole, entire, universal, general, generic, not specific (opp. to [ vaizeSika ]) Suśr. VarBṛS. (3) common, common-place, vulgar, ordinary, insignificant, low MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) ([ am ]), n. equality, similarity, identity MBh. Suśr. &c. (5) equilibrium, normal state or condition Nīlak (6) universality, totality, generality, general or fundamental notion, common or generic property (ibc., instr., or abl., ` in general ', as opp. to [ vizeSa-tas ], ` in particular ') Kaṇ. Jaim. Sarvad (7) public affairs or business W. (8) (in rhet.) the connection of different objects by common properties Kpr. Kuval (9) ([ A ]), f. a common female, prostitute L. (10) ([ am ]), ind. after the same manner as, like (comp.) Kālid (11) jointly, in general, in common Mn. vii, 56

===> sāmānya-lakṣaṇa [ sAmAnyalakSaNa ]3[ sAmAnya-lakSaNa ] n. a generic definition or sign, a definition comprising many individuals, a specific characteristic W. (1) N. of various wks. (2) ([ A ]), f. (in Nyāya) one of the three A-laukika or transcendental perceptions or Saṃnikarshas MW. (3) N. of various wks. (4) ([ I ]), f. N. of wk. (5) [ (Na)-karya-kAraNa-bhAva ] m. [ -vyabhicAra ], m. (6) ([ °NA ]) [ -grantha ] m. [ TippaNI ] f. [ -diddhiti-TippaNI ] f. [ didhiti-TIkA ] f. [ -pUrva-pakSa-prakAza ] m. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -rahasya ] n. [ -vicAra ] m. [ -vivecana ] n. [ -vyabhicAra ] m. N. of wks.

===> sāmānya-padārtha [ sAmAnyapadArtha ]3[ sAmAnya-pad^artha ] m. the category of Generality ib.

===> sāmānyatas [ sAmAnyatas ]3[ sAmAnya-tas ] ind. equally, similarly, according to analogy BhP. KapS. Sāṃkhyak (1) in general, generally Kaṇ. Suśr. BhP. Sch. (2) ([ -to) -dRSTa ] ', n. (scil. [ anumAna ] (3) in log.) a partic. kind of induction or inference (e. g. generalizing from every day occurrences (4) accord. to the Sāṃkhya and Nyāya it furnishes evidence of what transcends the senses such as the paths of the heavenly bodies, the existence of air ether, soul, space, time &c.), generalization from particulars Nyāyad

===> sāmānādhikaraṇya [ sAmAnAdhikaraNya ]3[ sAmAnAdhikaraNya ] n. (fr. [ samAn^adhikaraNa ]) common office or function Hit. (1) the condition of relating to the same object or residing in the same subject Sarvad (2) grammatical agreement, identity of case. relation, correlation (opp. to [ vaiyAdh° ]) Pāṇ. Sch.

===> sāmāsika [ sAmAsika ]1[ sAmAsika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ sam-Asa ]) comprehensive, concise, succinct, brief Mn. BhP. (1) relating or belonging to a Samāsa or compound word Pat. (2) m. or n. a compound word Bhag.

===> sāmīcī [ sAmIcI ]1[ sAmIcI ] f. (fr. [ samyaJc ]) praise, panegyric (= [ vandanA ]) L. (1) decency, politeness, civility, Mahāvy

===> sāmīcī-karaṇīya [ sAmIcIkaraNIya ]3[ sAmIcI-karaNIya ] mfn. to be civilly saluted ib.

===> sāmīpya [ sAmIpya ]1[ sAmIpya ] mfn. (fr. [ samIpa ]) neighbouring, a neighbour MBh. (1) n. neighbourhood, nearness, proximity (in space and time) Sāṃkhyak. Sāh. BhP. (2) nearness to the deity (as one of the four states of beatitude (3) cf. [ sAlokya ]) MW.

===> sānta [ sAnta ]1[ sAnta ] n. (perhaps w. r. for [ zAnta ]) joy L.

===> sāntara [ sAntara ]1[ s^antara ] mf ([ A ]) n. having an interval or interstices MBh. (1) different (opp. to [ eka-rUpa ]) VarBṛS. (2) having an intervening clause or appendix MBh. (3) not close or compact, open in texture L. (4) mixed or mingled with others L.

===> sāntarāya [ sAntarAya ]1[ s^antarAya ] mfn. separated by an interval of time from (abl.) Sāh. ([ tA ] f. ib.)

===> sāntva [ sAntva ]2[ sAntva ] n. (sg. and pl.) consolation, conciliation, mild or gentle language or words MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) mfn. mild, gentle R. (2) sweet (as sound) L. (3) ([ ayA ]), ind. with mild or kind words, in a gentle manner BhP.

===> sānu [ sAnu ]3[ sAnu ] v. l. for [ °zAni ]

===> sānubandha [ sAnubandha ]1[ s^anubandha ] mf ([ A ]) n. possessing connection or continuity, uninterrupted, continuous Ragh. Suśr. (1) having results or consequences R.

---> together with one's (or its) belongings R. Suśr.

===> sānucara [ sAnucara ]1[ s^anucara ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. Kauś. Car. [ 1203,1 ]

===> sānuga [ sAnuga ]1[ s^anuga ] mfn. having attendants, with followers Mn. iii, 87

===> sānukrośa [ sAnukroza ]1[ s^anukroza ] mf ([ A ]) n. full of compassion, compassionate, merciful, kind ([ am ] ind. (1) [ -tA ] f.) MBh. R. &c.

===> sānuśaya [ sAnuzaya ]1[ s^anuzaya ] mfn. filled with remorse Rājat (1) irritable, angry ([ am ] ind., ` remosefully ') Bālar (2) affected by the remainder of the consequences of action which brings the soul back to the earth Śaṃk

===> sānāthya [ sAnAthya ]1[ sAnAthya ] n. (fr. [ sa-nAtha ]) assistance, aid, help Kathās

===> sāparādha [ sAparAdha ]1[ s^aparAdha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having faults, criminal, guilty Kathās. Rājat (1) faulty, false, erroneous VarBṛS. Sch.

===> sāpekṣa [ sApekSa ]1[ s^ap^ekSa ] mfn. having regard or respect to (loc. or acc. with [ prati ]) MBh. R. (1) requiring or presupposing anything, dependent on (comp.) Kathās. Sāh. Sarvad

===> sāpekṣatā [ sApekSatA ]3[ s^ap^ekSa-tA ] f.

===> sāphalya [ sAphalya ]1[ sAphalya ] n. (fr. [ sa-phala ]) fruitfulness, profitableness, advantage, result, success Mn. MBh. &c.

===> sāra [ sAra ]1[ sAra ]1 (fr. √ [ sR ]) m. course, motion (See [ pUrva-s° ]) (1) stretching out, extension Kālac (2) mfn. driving away, destroying Bālar. ii, 60/61

===> [ sAra ]1[ s'Ara ]2 m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) perhaps to be connected with 1. [ sAra ] above (2) prob. fr. a lost root meaning. ` to be strong ') the core or pith or solid interior of anything RV. &c. &c. (3) firmness, strength power, energy AV. &c. &c. (4) the substance or essence or marrow or cream or heart or essential part of anything, best part, quintessence (ifc. = ` chiefly consisting of or depending on &c. ' [ cf. [ para ] ], e. g. [ dharma-sAraM jagat ], ` the world chiefly depends on justice ' (5) [ tUSNIM-sAra ] mfn. ` chiefly silent ' (6) [ sArat sAram ], ` the very best ') AitBr. &c. &c. (7) the real meaning, main point MW. (8) a compendium, summary, epitome (often ifc. in titles of books) (9) a chiefingredient or constituent part of the body (causing the peculiarities of temperament (10) reckoned to be 7, viz. [ sattva ], [ zukra ], [ majjan ], [ asthi ], [ medas ], [ mAMsa ], [ rakta ]) Suśr. VarBṛS. (11) any ingredient Suśr. (12) nectar R. BhP. (13) cream, curds L. (14) worth, value ([ eNa ], ` in consideration of. ', according to ') Mn. Yājñ. &c. (15) wealth, property, goods, riches Kāv. Pur. Rājat (16) (in rhet.) a kind of climax ([ uttar^ottaram utkarSaH ]) Sāh. Kpr. (17) resin used as a perfume Suśr. SārṅgS. (18) water Vās (19) dung Kṛshis (20) the matter formed in a boil or ulcer, pus MW. (21) impure carbonate of soda ib. (22) a confederate prince, ally VarBṛS. (23) (= 1. [ zAra ]) a piece at chess or backgammon &c. (24) ([ A ]), f. a kind of plant(= [ kriSNa-trivRtA ]) L. (25) Kuśa grass L. (26) ([ I ]), f. See under [ sAri ] and [ sArI ] (next p.) (27) mf ([ A ]) n. hard, firm solid strong MBh. Rāv. &c. (28) precious, valuable Daś (29) good, sound, best, excellent BhP. Pañcar. (30) sound (as an argument, thoroughly proved) W. (31) full of (instr.) VarBṛS. (32) motley, speckled (= [ zAra ]) Suśr. Kād

===> [ sAra ]1[ s^ara ]3 mfn. having spokes, Śulbas

===> sāra-gandha [ sAragandha ]3[ s'Ara-gandha ] m. ` having perfection of scent ', sandal-wood L.

===> sāraka [ sAraka ]2[ sAraka ]1 mfn. ` causing to go or flow ', cathartic, laxative Bhpr. (1) m. Croton Jamalgota L.

===> [ sAraka ]2[ sAraka ]2 mfn. (ifc.) full of. Kathās (1) m. N. of a man Divyâv

===> sārambha [ sArambha ]1[ s^arambha ] m. angry talk, Divy^aV.

===> sārasa [ sArasa ]2[ sArasa ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ saras ]) relating or belonging to or coming from a pond or lake Kāv. VarBṛS. Suśr. (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the Indian or Siberian crane, Aedea Sibirica Mn. MBh. &c. (2) a swan = [ haMsa ] Śiś. xii, 44 (Sch.) (3) a bird in general (cf. [ rAja-s° ]) (4) the moon L. (5) (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt (6) N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh. (7) of a son of Yadu Hariv. (8) of a hunchback (B. [ °saka ]) Mālav (9) ([ I ]), f. a female Indian crane MBh. Mṛcch (10) ([ am ]), n. a lotus Caurap (11) a woman's zone or girdle (= [ sArasana ]) L.

===> [ sArasa ]1[ s^arasa ] mfn. crying, calling Nalôd

===> sārathi [ sArathi ]1[ s'Arathi ] m. (fr. [ sa-ratha ]) a charioteer, driver of a car, coachman (forming a mixed caste, commonly called Sārthī, and supposed to have sprung from a Kshatriya father and Brāhman mother) RV. &c. &c. (1) any leader or guide (See [ nau- ], [ vAkya-s° ]) (2) a helper, assistant (See [ karma-s° ]) (3) the son of a Saratha (q. v.) MW. (4) the ocean ib. (5) N. of a town Lalit.

===> sāratva [ sAratva ]3[ s'Ara-tva ] n. hardness, firmness, solidity ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. (1) the being the man point or principal matter Sāh

===> sāratā [ sAratA ]3[ s'Ara-tA ] f. firmness, solidity R. (1) strong confidence in (loc.) ib. (2) worth, value Hit. ŚārṅgP. (3) highest degree R. Rājat (4) the being a chief ingredient (in the body (5) See [ sAra ]) Car.

===> sāravat [ sAravat ]3[ s'Ara-vat ] mfn. hard, solid, firm, strong, steadfast MBh. R. &c. (1) substantial, nourishing (as food), C2ar (2) valuable, precious MBh. Kām (3) having pith or sap, containing resin Suśr. (4) ([ I ]), f. a kind of metre Col. (5) a partic. Samtidhi Buddh. (6) [ -tA ] f. hardness (of an arrow) Ragh (7) force, strength, steadfastness Kām. Śiś. Sch.

===> sārdhaṃ-vihārin [ sArdhaMvihArin ]3[ s^ardha-M-vihArin ] mfn. dwelling together with a teacher Divyâv

===> sārdra [ sArdra ]1[ s^ardra ] m. fn. wet, moist, damp MBh. Naish

===> sārika [ sArika ]2[ sArika ] m. (= [ zArika ]) the bird Turdus Salica MBh. (1) N. of a Muni ib. (2) ([ A ]), f. See next

===> sārikā [ sArikA ]2[ sArikA ] f. (= [ zArikA ]) Turdus Salica Mn. MBh. &c. (1) a confidante Vās (2) the bridge of a stringed instrument, Saṃg (3) the Viṇā of the Caṇslas L. (4) N. of a Rākshasī Cat.

===> sārtha [ sArtha ]1[ s^artha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having an object or business, SāṅkhBr. (1) anything that has attained its object, successful (as a request) Śak. Sch. (2) having property, opulent, wealthy Rājat (3) having meaning or purport, significant, important, Kusum (4) of like meaning or Purport W. (5) serving a purpose, useful, serviceable MW. (6) m. a travelling company of traders or pilgrims, caravan MBh. R. &c. (7) a troop, collection of men MBh. (8) a multitude of similar animals, herd, flock &c. Pañcat (9) any company ([ ena ], with gen. = ` in the company of. ' Campak.), collection, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c. (10) a member of any company W. (11) a wealthy man W.

===> sārtha-vāha [ sArthavAha ]3[ s^artha-vAha ] m. the leader or conductor of a caravan, a merchant, trader MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) the son of Māra (= [ mAra-putra ]) Buddh. (2) a Bodhi-sattva ib. (3) [ -vacas ] n. the proclamation of the captain of a and MBh.

===> sārthaka [ sArthaka ]2[ s^arthaka ] mfn. having meaning, significant, important RPrāt. Sāh (1) serviceable, useful, advantageous BhP. Pañcar.

===> sārthakatva [ sArthakatva ]3[ s^arthaka-tva ] n. (Sāh.) significance, importance (1) the being adapted to any purpose, serviceableness MW.

===> sārthika [ sArthika ]2[ s^arthika ] mfn. travelling with a caravan (1) m. a companion on a journey, merchant, trader MBh. BhP.

===> sārvakālika [ sArvakAlika ]3[ sArva-kAlika ] mfn. (fr. id.) belonging to all times, suited to all seasons, everlasting Āpast. MBh. &c.

===> [ sArvakAlika ]3[ sArva-kAlika ] n. (fr. id.) occurrence at all times Gaṇar

===> sārāyaṇīya [ sArAyaNIya ]1[ sArAyaNIya ] m. pl. N. of a school AV. Pariś

===> sārūpya [ sArUpya ]2[ sArUpya ] n. (fr. [ sa-rUpa ]) sameness or similarity of form, identity of appearance, resemblance, likeness, conformity with (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) assimilation to or conformity with the deity (one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude, = [ sarUpa-tA ], [ sAlokya ]) BhP. (2) (in dram.) a mistake caused by the mutual resemblance of two persons (as in Veṇis. vs Yudhi-shṭhira takes Bhīma for Duryodhana and injures him) Bhar. Sāh (3) mf ([ A ]) n. seasonable, fit, proper, suitable Lalit.

===> sāsnā [ sAsnA ]1[ sAsnA ] f. the dewlap of an ox MaitrS. Śiś.

===> sāsrava [ sAsrava ]1[ s^asrava ] mfn. (with Jainas) connected with the act called [ Asrava ] (q. v.) L.

===> sāta [ sAta ]2[ sAt'a ]1 mfn. gained, obtained RV. Br. (1) granted, given, bestowed RV. (2) n. a gift, wealth, riches ib.

===> [ sAta ]2[ sAta ]2 mfn. (for 3. See p. 1200, col. s) ended, destroyed W.

===> [ sAta ]2[ sAta ]3 n. (for 1. and 2. See p. 1196, col. 3) pleasure, delight L.

===> sātatya [ sAtatya ]1[ sAtatya ] n. (fr. [ sa-tata ]) continuity, constancy, uninterruptedness ([ ena ], ` continually, permanently ') MBh. Suśr. &c.

===> sātireka [ sAtireka ]2[ s^atireka ] mfn. id. ib.

===> sātisāra [ sAtisAra ]1[ s^atisAra ] mfn. suffering from diarrhoea L. (1) sinful, guilty Divyâv

===> sātmya [ sAtmya ]2[ s^atmya ] mfn. agreeable to nature or natural constitution, wholesome Suśr. Car. (1) m. suitableness, wholesomeness ib. (2) habit, habituation, diet ([ °tas ] ind., from habit ' (3) ifc. = ` used to ') ib. (4) community of essence or nature with (instr. or gen.) BhP.

===> sāttvika [ sAttvika ]2[ sAttvika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ sat-tva ]) spirited, vigorous, energetic Mn. MBh. &c. (1) relating to or endowed with the quality Sattva (i. e. ` purity ' or ` goodness), pure, true, genuine, honest, good, virtuous (also applied to partic. Purāṇas which exalt Viṣṇu IW. 513) MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c. internal, caused by internal feeling or sentiment Mālatīm (2) natural, not artificial, unaffected (as style) Sāh (3) m. a state of body caused by some natural emotion (constituting a class of 8 Bhāvas holding a middle place between the Sthāyi- and Vyabhicāri-bhavas, viz. [ stambha ], [ sveda ], [ rom^aJca ], [ svara-vikAra ], [ vepathu ], [ varNavik^ara ], [ azru ], [ pralaya ], qq. vv.) ib. (4) N. of Brahmā L. (5) of the eighth creation by Prajā-pati MW. (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā L. [ 1200,2 ] (7) a partic. kind of Pūjā practised by the worshippers of Durgā MW. (8) (scil. [ tuSTi ]) N. of one of the five kinds of external acquiescence (in Sāṃkhya) ib. (9) an autumn night L. (10) n. an offering or oblation (without pouring water) L.

===> sāvadya [ sAvadya ]1[ s'Avadya ] mfn. liable to blame or censure, objectionable MBh. (1) n. anything blamable or objectionable HPariś (2) (scil. [ aizvarya ]) one of the three kinds of power attainable by an ascetic (the other two being [ nir-avadya ] and [ sUkSma ]) Cat.

===> sāvagraha [ sAvagraha ]1[ s'Avagraha ] mfn. having an obstacle, having restraint, restrained, limited Śaṃk (1) (in gram.) having the mark of separation or elision called Avagraha (q. v.), being separated into its component parts or analyzed (as a word in the Pada-pāṭha q. v.) VPrāt. (2) withholding (its water, as a cloud) Subh

===> sāvakāśa [ sAvakAza ]1[ s'AvakAza ] mf ([ A ]) n. having an opportunity, applicable ([ -tva ], n.) Pat. Śaṃk. Āp. Sch. (1) ([ am ]), ind. leisurely MW.

===> sāvaraṇa [ sAvaraNa ]1[ s'AvaraNa ] mfn. barred, bolted, locked up Ragh (1) concealed, secret, clandestine ib.

===> sāvayava [ sAvayava ]1[ s'Avayava ] mfn. having parts, composed of parts (in the Vaiśeshika phil. said of all things except the eternal substances)

===> sāvayavatva [ sAvayavatva ]3[ s'Avayava-tva ] n. the being composed of parts, Saṃk. Sarvad

===> sāvaśeṣa [ sAvazeSa ]1[ s'AvazeSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a remainder, incomplete, unfinished MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) left, remaining (See comp.) (2) n. a remainder, residue MārkP.

===> sāvitrī [ sAvitrI ]2[ sAvitr'I ] f. a verse or prayer addressed to Savitṛ or the Sun (esp. the celebrated verse RV. iii, 62, 10 (1) also called [ gAyatrI ], q. v.) AitBr. &c. &c. (2) initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (cf. under [ sAvitr'a ], and [ upa-nayana ]) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) a partic. form of the Gāyatrī metre Ked (4) N. of Sūryā or a daughter of Savitṛ AV. Br. MBh. &c. (5) N. of the wife of Brahmā (sometimes regarded as the above verse deified or as the mystical mother of the three twice-born classes, or as the daughter of Savitṛ by his wife Pṛśni) MBh. Kathās. &c. (6) of a wife of Śiva L. (7) of a manifestation of Prakṛti Cat. (8) of the wife of Satya-vat (king of Śālva (9) she was daughter of Aśva-pati, king of Madra, and is regarded as a type of conjugal love (10) her story is the subject of a fine episode of the Mahā-bhārata (11) See [ sAvitryup^akhyAna ]) MBh. R. BhP. (12) of the wife of Dharma (daughter of Daksha) VP. (13) of the wife of Kaśyapa Cat. (14) of the wife of Bhoja (king of Dhārā) ib. [ 1211,3 ] (15) of a daughter of Ashṭāvakra Kathās (16) of the Yamunā river Bālar (17) of the Sarasvatī R. (18) of another river BhP. (19) a ray of light, solar ray W. (20) the ring-finger L.

===> sāya [ sAya ]2[ sAya ]

===> sāyam [ sAyam ]2[ sAyam ] ind. in comp.

===> sāyam-āśa [ sAyamAza ]3[ sAyam-Aza ] m. id. Kauś (1) [ -prAtarAza ] (only loc. [ e ]), the evening and morning meal Gobh

===> sāyâhna [ sAyAhna ]3[ sAy^aḍhna ] m. eventide TBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) ([ °hna) -samaye ] ind. at eventide R.

===> sāśru [ sAzru ]2[ s^azru ] mfn. accompanied by tears, tearful, shedding tears ([ u ], ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sāṃdhivigrahika [ sAMdhivigrahika ]1[ sAMdhivigrahika ] m. (fr. [ saMdhi-vigraha ]) a minister who decides upon peace and war Kāv. Rājat

===> sāṃdṛṣṭika [ sAMdRSTika ]1[ sAMdRSTika ] mfn. (fr. [ saMdRSTi ]) visible or perceptible at the same time, relating to present perception, appearing at once or immediately L. (1) evident, undeniable VarBṛS. (2) n. (scil. [ phala ]) present perception of a result, immediate consequence L.

===> sāṃghika [ sAMghika ]1[ sAMghika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ saM-gha ]) relating to the brotherhood of monks Kāraṇḍ. [ 1199,3 ]

===> sāṃkarya [ sAMkarya ]2[ sAMkarya ] n. mixing or blending together confusedly, confusion, mixture Sāh. BhP. Sch.

===> sāṃkathya [ sAMkathya ]2[ sAMkathya ] n. (fr. id.) talk, conversation (cf. [ dharma-s° ]) Car. Kāraṇḍ

===> sāṃketika [ sAMketika ]1[ sAMketika ] mfn. (fr. [ saM-keta ]) consisting of signs, based on agreement, indicatory, conventional Sāh

===> sāṃkhya [ sAMkhya ]1[ sAMkhya ] mfn. (fr. [ saM-khyA ]) numeral, relating to number W. (1) relating to number (in gram as expressed by the case-terminations &c.) Pat. (2) rational, or discriminative W. (3) m. one who calculates or discriminates well, (esp.) an adherent of the Sāṃkhya doctrine CūlUp. MBh. &c. (4) N. of a man Car. (5) patr. of the Vedic Ṛshi Atri Anukr. (6) N. of Śiva MBh. (7) n. (accord. to some also m.) N. of one of the three great divisions of Hindū philosophy (ascribed to the sage Kapila [ q. v. ], and so called either from, discriminating ', in general, or, more probably, from ` reckoning up ' or ` enumerating ' twenty-five Tattvas [ see [ tattva ] ] or true entities [ twenty-three of which are evolved out of Prakṛti ` the primordial Essence ' or ` first-Producer ', viz. Buddhi, Ahaṃkāra, the five Tan-mātras, the five Mahā-bhūtas and Manas (8) the twenty-fifth being Purusha or Spirit [ sometimes called Soul ] which is neither a Producer nor Production [ see [ vikAra ] ], but wholly distinct from the twenty-four other Tattvas. and is multitudinous, each separate Purusha by its union with Prakṛti causing a separate creation out of Prakṛti, the object of the philosophy being to effect the final liberation of the Purusha or Spirit from the fetters caused by that creation (9) the Yoga [ q. v. ] branch of the Saqikhya recognizes a Supreme Spirit dominating each separate Purusha (10) the Tantras identify Prakṛti with the wives of the gods, esp. with the wife of Śiva (11) the oldest systematic exposition of the Sāṃkhya seems to have been by an author called Pañca-śikha [ the germ, however, being found in the Shashṭi-tantra, of which only scanty fragments are extant ] (12) the original Sūtras were superseded by the Sāṃkhya-kārikā of Īśvara-kṛshṇa, the oldest manual on the Sāṃkhya system that has come down to us and probably written in the 5th century A. D., while the Sāṃkhya-sūtras or SṭŚiva-pravacana and Tattva-samāsa, ascribed to the sage Kapila, are now thought to belong to as late a date as the 14th or 15th century or perhaps a little later) ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. IW. 73 &c. RTL.

===> sāṃkāśya [ sAMkAzya ]2[ sAMkAzya ] m. (fr. [ saM-kAza ]) N. of a man MBh. (1) n. and ([ A ]), f. N. of the town of Kuśa-dhvaja (brother of Janaka) R.

===> sāṃnidhya [ sAMnidhya ]1[ sAMnidhya ] n. (fr. [ saM-nidhi ]) the being near, nearness, vicinity, presence, attendance (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to make one's appearance, be or become present ' (1) with Caus. of √ [ kR ], to cause to be near, call near ' (2) with √ [ yA ], or √ [ vraj ] ` to come near, approach ' (3) [ -pakSe-√ jan ] with gen., ` to take the place of ') Mn. MBh. &c.

===> sāṃnipātika [ sAMnipAtika ]1[ sAMnipAtika ] mfn. (fr. [ saMnipAta ]) coming into close contact or conjunction, coalescing GṛŚrS. (1) complicated (esp. applied to a dangerous illness produced by a combined derangement of the three humours) Suśr.

===> sāṃsiddhika [ sAMsiddhika ]1[ sAMsiddhika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ saMesiddhi ]) effected naturally, belonging to nature, natural, native, innate MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) self-existent, existing by its own nature or essence, existing absolutely, absolute Śaṃk (2) effected by supernatural means (as spells &c.) MW.

===> sāṃsārika [ sAMsArika ]1[ sAMsArika ] mfn. (fr. [ saM-sAra ]) connected with or dependent on mundane existence, worldly Kāv. Saṃk. BhP. (1) being still subject to mundane existence Kāraṇḍ

===> sāṃtānika [ sAMtAnika ]2[ sAMtAnika ] mf ([ I ]) n. stretching, extending W. (1) desirous of offspring Hcat (2) = prec. Kir (3) m. a Brāhman intending to marry for the sake of issue W. (4) (pl.) N. of partic. worlds MBh.

===> sāṃvyavahārika [ sAMvyavahArika ]1[ sAMvyavahArika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ saM-vyavahAra ]) current in every-day life, generally intelligible Lāṭy. Sch.

===> sāṃyamanika [ sAMyamanika ]2[ sAMyaman'ika ] mfn. = [ saMyamana ], Mahāvy

===> sāṃyogika [ sAMyogika ]2[ sAMyogika ] mfn. = [ saMyogAya prabhavati ] g. [ saMtAp^adi ]

===> sāṅga [ sAGga ]1[ s^aGg'a ] or [ saGga ] mfn. having limbs or a body Kathās (1) together with the limbs AV. ŚBr. (2) with all its Aṅgas or supplements KātyŚr. (3) complete, entire MBh. (4) concluded, finished Uttarar

===> sīman [ sIman ]1[ sIm'an ] m. (See 2. [ sI ] and [ sItA ]) a separation or parting of the hair so as to leave a line AV. Br. AitUp. (1) a suture of the skull L. (2) f. or n. a boundary, border, bounds, limit, margin, frontier (lit. and fig.) Yājñ. Kāv. Pur.

---> f. a ridge serving to mark the boundary of a field or village Āpast. VarBṛS. (3) a bank, shore L. (4) the horizon L. (5) the utmost limit of anything, furthest extent, summit, acme, ne plus ultra Kāv. Inscr. (6) the scrotum Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 36 (7) a partic. high number Buddh. (8) the nape of the neck L.

===> sīmântara [ sImAntara ]3[ sImA-ntara ] ([ °m^an° ]), n. the boundary of a village MBh. Ṛitus

===> sīmā [ sImA ]1[ sImA ]2 f. pl. = [ simA ] ŚBr. Sch.

===> sīmā-bandha [ sImAbandha ]3[ sImA-bandha ] m. a depository of rules of morality Divyâv

===> sīmā-saṃdhi [ sImAsaMdhi ]3[ sImA-saMdhi ] m. the meeting of two boundaries Mn. viii, 248 ; 261

===> sīsa [ sIsa ]1[ sIsa ] n. (of doubtful derivation) lead (also used as money) VS. &c. &c. (1) the leaden weight used by weavers VS. (2) mf ([ A ]) n. leaden, of lead VS. LāṭyŚr.

===> sīsaka [ sIsaka ]2[ sIsaka ] m. n. lead L. (1) m. = [ zUla ] L.

===> sītā [ sItA ]2[ sItA ] f. (less correctly written [ zItA ] (1) cf. [ sIm'an ], [ sIra ]) a furrow, the track or line of a ploughshare (also personified, and apparently once worshipped as a kind of goddess resembling Pomona (2) in RV. iv, 57, 6, Sitā is invoked as presiding over agriculture or the fruits of the earth (3) in VS. xii, 69-72, Sitā, the Furrow ' is again personified and addressed, four furrows being required to be drawn at the ceremony when the above stanzas are recited (4) in TBr. she is called [ sAvitrI ], and in PārGṛ. [ indra-patnI ], ` the wife of Indra ' (5) in epic poetry Sitā is the wife of Rāmacandra and daughter of Janaka, king of Mithilā, capital of Videha, who was otherwise called Sīradhvaja (6) she was named Sitā because fabled to have sprung from a furrow made by Janaka while ploughing the ground to prepare it for a sacrifice instituted by him to obtain progeny, whence her epithet Ayoni-jā, ` not womb-born ' (7) her other common names, Maithilī and Vaidehī, are from the place of her birth (8) according to one legend she was Vedavatī, q. v., in the Kṛta age (9) accord. to others she was an incarnation of Lakshmi and of Umā (10) the story of Rāma's bending the bow, which was to be the condition of the gift of Sitā, is told in R. i, 67 (11) Sītā's younger sister Urmilā was at the same time given to Lakshmaṇa, and two nieces of Janaka, daughters of his brother king Kusa-dhvaja, to Bharata and Śatrughna) RV. &c. &c. IW. 335, n. 1 ; 337 &c. (12) N. of a form of Dākshāyaṇī Cat. (13) of a poetess Cat. (14) of a river MBh. R. &c. (15) of the eastern branch of the four mythical branches of the heavenly Ganges (into which it is supposed to divide after falling on mount Meru (16) this branch is fabled to flow into the Varsha or Dvīpa called Bhadr^ava) L. (17) of an Upanishad Cat. (18) spirituous liquor W.

===> sītā-haraṇa [ sItAharaNa ]3[ sItA-haraNa ] n. ` the carrying off of Sītā ', N. of a ch. of R.

===> sīvana [ sIvana ]2[ sIvana ] n. sewing, stitching Suśr. (1) a seam, suture MW. (2) ([ I ]), f. a needle ib. (3) the frenum of the prepuce L. (4) the part of the body of a horse below the anus L.

===> sūcaka [ sUcaka ]2[ sUcaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. pointing out, indicating, showing, designating MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) pointing to (acc.) Hariv. (2) informing, betraying, treacherous Car. (3) m. a denouncer, informer Mn. MBh. &c. (4) (the following only in L.) the manager or chief actor of a company (5) a narrator, teacher (6) the son of an Āyogava and a Kshatriyā (7) a Buddha (8) a Siddha (9) demon, imp (10) villain, dog (11) jackal (12) cat (13) crow (14) needle (15) balustrade, parapet (16) kind of rice

===> sūcana [ sUcana ]2[ sUcana ] mf ([ I ]) n. pointing out, indicating ([ zubha-sUcanI ]) (1) ([ A ]), f. (= [ sUcA ]) pointing out, indication, communication Suśr. Sāh (2) piercing &c. L.

---> ([ I ]), f. a short index or table of contents L. (3) ([ am ]), n. indication Jātakam (4) bodily exertion Car.

===> sūcayitavya [ sUcayitavya ]2[ sUcayitavya ] mfn. to be found out Vikr

===> sūci [ sUci ]2[ sUci ] or f. (prob. to be connected with [ sUtra ], [ syUta ] &c. fr. √ [ siv ], ` to sew ', cf. [ sUkSma ]

===> sūci-gṛhaka [ sUcigRhaka ]3[ sUci-gRhaka ] n. a needle-case L.

===> sūci-roman [ sUciroman ]3[ sUci-roman ] m. ` having needle-like bristles ', a hog L.

===> sūcika [ sUcika ]2[ sUcika ] m. one who lives by his needle, a tailor &c. (cf. [ saucika ]) VarBṛS. (1) ([ A ]), f. See next

===> sūcikā [ sUcikA ]2[ sUcikA ] f. a needle L. (1) an elephant's trunk or proboscis L. (2) Pandanus Odoratissimus L. (3) N. of an Apsaras (cf. [ zUcikA ]) L.

===> sūcita [ sUcita ]2[ sUcita ]1 mfn. (for 2. [ s^ucita ] See below) pointed out, indicated, hinted, communicated, shown, betrayed, made known by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) pierced, perforated MW.

===> [ sUcita ]1[ s^ucita ]2 mfn. (5. [ su ] + [ ucita ] (1) for 1. [ sUcita ] See above) very fit. or suitable Nalôd

===> sūcī [ sUcI ]3[ sUc'I ] f. (prob. to be connected with [ sUtra ], [ syUta ] &c. fr. √ [ siv ], ` to sew ', cf. [ sUkSma ] (1) in R. once [ sUcinA ] instr.), a needle or any sharppointed instrument (e. g. ` a needle used in surgery ', ` a magnet ' &c.) RV. &c. &c. (2) the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Kāv. Car. BhP. (3) a rail or balustrade Divyâv (4) a small doorbolt L. (5) ` sharp file or column ', a kind of military array (accord. to Kull. on Mn. vii, 187, ` placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front ') Mn. MBh. Kām (6) an index, table of contents (in books printed in India (7) cf. [ -pattra ] below) (8) a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Col. (9) a cone, pyramid ib. (10) (in astron.) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or ` the corrected diameter of the earth ') Sūryas (11) gesticulation, dramatic action L. (12) a kind of coitus L. (13) sight, seeing (= [ dRSTi ]) L. (14) m. (only [ sUci ]) the son of Nishāda and a Vaiśyā L. (15) a maker of winnowing baskets &c. (cf. [ sUnA ]) L.

===> [ sUcI ]2[ sUcI ] f. (= [ sUcI ]), in comp.

===> sūcī-karman [ sUcIkarman ]3[ sUcI-karman ] n. needle-work (one of the 64 Kalās) BhP. Sch.

===> sūdana [ sUdana ]2[ sUdana ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. putting in order, guiding aright RV. AV. Paipp (1) (generally ifc.) killing, destroying MBh. R. &c. (2) n. the act of killing or slaying, destruction Hariv. (3) the act of assenting or promising (= [ aGgI-karaNa ]) L. (4) the act of ejecting or throwing away (= [ nikSepaNa ]) L.

===> sūdayā [ sUdayA ]1[ sUdayA ] f. (= [ s^ud° ] ?) a herb Divyâv

===> sūkara [ sUkara ]1[ sU-kar'a ] m. (prob. fr. [ sU ] + [ kara ], making the sound [ sU ] (1) cf. [ zU-kara ] &c. ; accord. to others fr. 3. [ sU ] and connected with Lat. [ sū-culus ], [ sU-cula ]) a boar, hog, pig, swine (ifc. f. [ A ] (2) [ daMSTrA sUkarasya ], prob. ` a partic. plant ' Suśr.) RV. &c. &c. (3) a kind of deer (the hog-deer) L. (4) a partic. fish L. (5) white rice L. (6) a potter L. (7) N. of a partic. hell VP. (8) ([ I ]), f. a sow Yājñ. R. &c. (9) a kind of bird VarBṛS. (10) a small pillar above a wooden beam L. (11) Batatas Edulis L. (12) Mimosa Pudica L. (13) Lycopodium Imbricatum L. (14) N. of a goddess Kālac

===> sūkta [ sUkta ]1[ s^ukt'a ] mfn. (5. [ su ] + [ ukta ]) well or properly said or recited RV. &c. &c. (1) speaking well, eloquent MatsyaP. (2) ([ A ]), f. a kind of bird, the Sārikā L. (3) ([ 'am ]), n. good recitation or speech, wise saying, song of praise RV. &c. &c. (4) a Vedic hymn (as distinguished from a Ṛc or single verse of a hymn) Br. ŚrS Mn. BhP.

===> sūkṣma [ sUkSma ]1[ sUkSma ] mf ([ A ]) n. (prob. connected with [ sUci ], p. 1241, col. 1) minute, small, fine, thin, narrow, short, feeble, trifling, insignificant, unimportant (with [ artha ] m. ` a trifling matter ') Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) acute, subtle, keen (understanding or mental operation (2) [ am ] ind.) KaṭhUp. R. &c. (3) nice, exact, precise Col. (4) subtle, atomic, intangible Up. Sāṃkhyak. MBh. &c. (5) m. a partic. figure of rhetoric (` the subtle expression of an intended act ') Cat. (6) (with Śaivas) one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation Hcat (7) a mystical N. of the sound [ I ] Up. (8) N. of Śiva MBh. (9) of a Dānava ib. Hariv. (10) m. or n. an atom, intangible matter Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad. MBh. &c. (11) the subtle all-pervading spirit, Supreme Soul L. (12) the Kataka or clearing-nut plant L. (13) = [ kRtaka ], or [ kaitava ] L. (14) ([ A ]), f. sand L. (15) small cardamoms L. (16) N. of two plants (= [ yUthikA ] or [ karuNI ]) L. (17) of one of the 9 Śaktis of Viṣṇu L. (18) ([ am ]), n. the cavity or socket of a tooth Viṣṇ (19) woven silk L. (20) marrow L. (21) the Ved^anta philosophy L.

===> sūkṣma-mati [ sUkSmamati ]3[ sUkSma-mati ] or mfn. acute-minded Kāv

===> sūkṣma-māna [ sUkSmamAna ]3[ sUkSma-mAna ] n. minute or exact measurement, precise computation MW.

===> sūkṣma-phala [ sUkSmaphala ]3[ sUkSma-phala ] m. ` having small fruit ', Cordia Myxa L. (1) ([ A ]), f. Flacourtia Cataphracta L.

===> sūkṣma-śarīra [ sUkSmazarIra ]3[ sUkSma-zarIra ] n. (in phil.) the subtle body (= [ lingaz° ], q. v., opp. to [ sthUla-z° ], q. v.) (1) n. pl. the six subtle principles from which the grosser elements are evolved (viz. Ahaṃ-kāra and the 5 Tan-mātras, See Mn. i, 17 (2) accord. to other systems ` the 17 subtle principles of the 5 organs of sense, 5 organs of action, 5 elements, Buddhi and Manas ') IW. 53, n. 2 ; 198, n. 3

===> sūkṣmailā [ sUkSmailA ]3[ sUkSm^ailA ] f. small cardamoms L.

===> sūkṣmatā [ sUkSmatA ]3[ sUkSma-tA ] f. minuteness, subtlety, fineness Mn. vi, 65

===> sūnā [ sUnA ]1[ sUn'A ] f. (prob. fr. √ [ siv ], ` to sew ', and connected with [ sUci ] and [ sUtra ] (1) cf. [ sUna ], p. 1240, col. 1) a woven wicker-work basket or vessel of anykind RV. AV. GṛŚrS. (2) a place for slaughtering animals, slaughter-house, butchery (wrongly [ zUnA ] (3) cf. [ sUdanA ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) the sale of flesh or meat MW. (5) any place or utensil in a house where animals are liable to be accidentally destroyed (See [ paJca-sUnA ]) (6) a stick fixed to an elephant's hook L. (7) killing, hurting, injuring, Bhp (8) imminent death, danger of life ([ sUnAyAm api ], ` even in the last extremity ') ib. (9) the uvula or soft palate (in this and the next sense perhaps connected with [ zUna ]) L. (10) inflammation of the glands of the neck (commonly called ` mumps ') W. (accord. to some also, ` a zone, girdle ' (11) ` a ray ' (12) ` a river ')

===> sūpa [ sUpa ]1[ sUpa ] m. (of doubtful derivation, cf. [ sUda ] (1) in Uṇ. iii, 26 said to be fr. √ 3. [ su ], ` to distil ') sauce, soup, broth (esp. prepared from split or ground pease &c. with roots and salt) MBh. R. Suśr. &c. (2) a cook L. ([ I ] f. g. [ gaur^adi ]) (3) a vessel, pot, pan L. (4) an arrow L.

===> sūpa-kāra [ sUpakAra ]3[ sUpa-kAra ] (MBh.),

===> sūpatīrtha [ sUpatIrtha ]1[ s^upatIrtha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having good steps for bathing MBh.

===> sūpika [ sUpika ]2[ sUpika ] m. or n. (?) = [ sUpa ], sauce, soup &c. L.

===> sūra [ sUra ]2[ s'Ura ]1 m. the sun RV. AV. (1) Calotropis Gigantea (= [ arka ]) MW. (2) a wise or learned man, teacher (= [ sUri ]) L. (3) N. of the father of Kunthu (the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) L. (4) of various authors (also with [ bhaTTa ] and [ mizra ]) Cat. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of Kuntī (as married to the Sun before her marriage with Pāṇḍu) Pāṇ. 4-1, 48 Vārtt. 9 Pat.

===> [ sUra ]1[ s'Ura ]2 m. (fr. √ 1. [ sU ]) an inciter, propeller RV. i, 121, 7 (Sāy.)

===> [ sUra ]1[ s'Ura ]3 m. (fr. √ 3. [ su ]) the Soma-juice flowing from the Soma press RV. AV.

===> sūrata [ sUrata ]1[ sU-rata ] mfn. (for [ su-r° ]) well disposed towards, compassionate, tender Uṇ. v, 14 (1) tranquil, calm ib. (2) ([ A ]), f. a tractable cow L.

===> sūri [ sUri ]1[ sUr'i ] m. (fr. √ [ sR ] (1) cf. [ sUrta ]) a course, path (= [ saraNi ]) RV. i, 141, 8 (Sāy.)

===> sūrpa [ sUrpa ]1[ sUrpa ] [ °paka ], [ °pAraka ], See [ zUrp° ]

===> sūrya [ sUrya ]1[ sUrya ] &c. See p. 1243, col., 1

===> sūrya-candra [ sUryacandra ]3[ s'Urya-candra ] m. N. of a man Kathās (1) du. the sun and moon A. (2) [ -grahaNa ] n. [ -vrata ] n. [ -vrata-kalpa ] m. [ -stotra ] n. [ °candr^oparAga-zAnti ] f. N. of wks.

===> sūrya-garbha [ sUryagarbha ]3[ s'Urya-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ (1) of a man Buddh. (2) of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> sūrya-ketu [ sUryaketu ]3[ s'Urya-ketu ] ([ s'Urya- ]), mfn. having the sun for a flag (or ` bright as the sun ') AV. (1) m. N. of a king Buddh.

===> sūrya-kānta [ sUryakAnta ]3[ s'Urya-kAnta ] m. ` sun-loved ', the sun-stone, sun-crystal (a kind of crystal supposed to possess fabulous properties as giving out heat when exposed to the sun (1) there is a corresponding moonstone, See [ candra-k° ] (2) also [ °ta-maNi ]) MBh. Kāv. VarYogay (3) crystal W. (4) a kind of flower (= [ AdityaparNI ]) Car. (5) Hibiscus Phoeniceus W. (6) N. of a mountain MārkP.

===> sūrya-maṇḍala [ sUryamaNDala ]3[ s'Urya-maNDala ] m. N. of a Gandharva R. (1) n. the orb or disc of the sun TĀr. MaitrUp. &c.

===> sūrya-prabha [ sUryaprabha ]3[ s'Urya-prabha ] mfn. bright as the sun (1) m. a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (2) N. of the palace of Lakshmaṇā (wife of Kṛshṇa) Hariv. (3) of a serpent-demon Buddh. (4) of a Bodhi-sattva ib. (5) of various kings Kathās. Cat. (6) of the king after whom the 8th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara is called ([ -tA ] f.) Kathās (7) [ °bhAtejas ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

===> sūrya-pradīpa [ sUryapradIpa ]3[ s'Urya-pradIpa ] m. a kind of Samādhi Buddh.

===> sūrya-raśmi [ sUryarazmi ]3[ s'Urya-razmi ] m. a sunbeam Mn. v, 133 (1) ([ s'Urya- ]), mfn. having the rays of the sun RV. VS. (2) m. N. of Savitṛ MW.

===> sūrya-vaṃśa [ sUryavaMza ]3[ s'Urya-vaMza ] m. the solar race of kings (i. e. the royal dynasty of Rāma-candra, king of Ayodhyā, hero of the Rām^ayaṇa, who was descended from Ikshvāku son of Vaivasvata Manu, son of the Sun [ 1244,1 ] (1) many Rājput tribes still claim to belong to this race (2) it is one of the two great lines of kings, the other being called ` lunar ', See [ candra-v° ]) Kṣitîś. Buddh.

===> sūryânana [ sUryAnana ]3[ sUry^anana ] m. ` sun-faced ', N. of a man Lalit.

===> sūryâvarta [ sUryAvarta ]3[ sUry^avarta ] m. N. of two plants Suśr. ŚārṅgS. (1) Scindapsus Officinalis L. (2) a kind of sunflower, Helianthus Indicus ib. (3) Cleome Pentaphylla ib. (4) Cleome Viscosa W. (5) head-ache which increases or diminishes according to the course of the sun Suśr. (6) a kind of Samādhi Buddh. (7) N. of a water-basin Śatr (8) ([ A ]), f. Polanisia Icosandra L. (9) [ -rasa ] m. a partic. preparation of copper L.

===> sūryâṃśu [ sUryAMzu ]3[ sUry^aMzu ] m. a sunbeam Vām. Bhpr.

===> sūryā [ sUryA ]2[ sUryA ] f. See [ s'Urya ] above

===> sūta [ sUta ]2[ sUta ]1 mfn. urged, impelled &c. (cf. 3. [ sUta ], p. 1241, col. 2, 1. [ suta ], and [ nR-SUta ])

===> [ sUta ]2[ sUta ]2 mfn. (for 3. See p. 1241, col. 2) born, engendered (See [ su-SUta ]) (1) one that has, brought forth (young) Mn. VarBṛS. (2) m. quicksilver ŚārṅgS. Sarvad (3) the sun W. (4) ([ A ]), f. a woman who has given birth to a child MW. (5) a young quadruped L. (6) w. r. for [ sutA ] Pañcat. iii, 192/193

===> [ sUta ]1[ sUt'a ]3 m. (of doubtful derivation, prob. to be connected with √ 1. [ sU ] (1) for 1. 2. [ sUta ] See pp. 1239 and 1240) a charioteer, driver, groom, equerry, master of the horse (esp. an attendant on a king who in earlier literature is often mentioned together with the [ grAma-N'I ] (2) in the epics also a royal herald or bard, whose business was to proclaim the heroic actions of the king and his ancestors, while he drove his chariot to battle, or on state occasions, and who had therefore to know by heart portions of the epic poems and ancient ballads (3) he is the son of a Kshatriya by a Brāhmaṇī or of a Brāhman [ accord. to Śāśvata also of a Śūdra ] and a Kshatriyā (4) the most celebrated Śūta was Loma-harshaṇa who was a pupil of Vyāsa) AV. &c. &c. (IW. 510, n.) (5) a carpenter or wheelwright L. (6) N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. (7) ([ yA ]), f. g. [ krauDy-Adi ] (8) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a Sūta MW. (9) a female bard ib.

===> sūtra [ sUtra ]2[ s'Utra ] n. (accord. to g. [ ardhac^adi ] also m. (1) fr. √ [ siv ], ` to sew ', and connected with [ sUci ] and [ sUnA ]) a thread, yarn, string, line, cord, wire AV. &c. &c. (2) a measuring line (cf. [ -pAta ]) Hariv. VarBṛS. &c. (3) the sacred thread or cord worn by the first three classes (cf. [ yajJ^opavIta ]) BhP. (4) a girdle ib. (5) a fibre Kālid (6) a line, stroke MBh. VarBṛS. Gol. (7) a sketch, plan Rājat (8) that which like a thread runs through or holds together everything, rule, direction BhP. (9) a short sentence or aphoristic rule, and any work or manual consisting of strings of such rules hanging together like threads (these Sūtra works form manuals of teaching in ritual, philosophy, grammar &c. : e. g. in ritual there are first the Śrauta-s^utras, and among them the Kalpa-s^utras, founded directly on Śruti, q. v. ; they form a kind of rubric to Vedic ceremonial, giving concise rules for the performance of every kind of sacrifice [ IW. 146 &c. ] ; other kinds of Śruti works are the Gṛhya-sūtras and Sāmayācārika or Dharma-sūtras, i. e. ` rules for domestic ceremonies and conventional customs ', sometimes called collectively Smārta-sūtras [ as founded on [ smRti ] or ` tradition ', [ smArta ] ] ; these led to the later Dharmaśāstras or ` law-books ' [ IW. 145 ] ; in philosophy each system has its regular text-book of aphorisms written in Sūtras by its supposed founder [ IW. 60 &c. ] ; in Vyākaraṇa or grammar there are the celebrated Sūtras of Pāṇini in eight books, which are the groundwork of a vast grammatical literature ; with Buddhists, Pāśupatas &c. the term Sūtra is applied to original text books as opp. to explanatory works ; with Jainas they form part of the Dṛshṭivāda) IW. 162 &c. (10) a kind of tree Divyâv

===> sūtra-dhara [ sUtradhara ]3[ s'Utra-dhara ] mfn. wearing a string of (comp.) MBh. (1) m. one versed in the Sūtras L. = next L.

===> sūtra-dhāra [ sUtradhAra ]3[ s'Utra-dhAra ] m. ` rule or thread-holder ', an architect, carpenter MBh. VarBṛS. (1) a stage-manager (or principal actor who superintends the whole performance (2) accord. to some he was originally so called from holding the strings of puppets (3) his assistants are the [ pAripArzvika ] and [ sthApaka ], qq. vv.) Bhar. Sāh. &c. (4) N. of Indra L. (5) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a stagemanager (also called [ gRhiNI ]) Mṛcch. Mudr (6) mf ([ I ]) n. being the chief or leading person at any performance (comp.) Bālar (7) [ -maNDana ] m. (also simply called Maṇḍana) N. of an author (son of Śrīkshetra and client of Kumbha-karṇa, king of Medapāṭa) Cat.

===> sūtra-kartṛ [ sUtrakartR ]3[ s'Utra-kartR ] m. the author of a Sūtra manual MBh.

===> sūtra-piṭaka [ sUtrapiTaka ]3[ s'Utra-piTaka ] m. n. the basket or collection of Buddhist Sūtras (cf. [ tri-piTaka ])

===> sūtra-rāja [ sUtrarAja ]3[ s'Utra-rAja ] m. ` Sūtra-king ', a Sūtra of the first order Kāraṇḍ

===> sūtra-samuccaya [ sUtrasamuccaya ]3[ s'Utra-samuccaya ] m. N. of wk.

===> sūtraka [ sUtraka ]2[ sUtraka ] n. = [ sUtra ], a thread, string &c. Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 8 Pat. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of macaroni or vermicelli (shaped like thread) Pañcat. v, 34/35 (2) a necklace (See [ uraH-sUtrikA ])

===> sūtraṇa [ sUtraNa ]2[ sUtraNa ] n. the act of stringing together &c. (1) arranging in aphorisms Suśr. [ 1242,2 ]

===> sūtrita [ sUtrita ]2[ sUtrita ] mfn. strung, arranged &c. (1) directed or declared in a Sūtra, prescribed or delivered in aphorisms or axioms MBh. Śaṃk

===> sūtrâlaṃkāra [ sUtrAlaMkAra ]3[ sUtr^alaMkAra ] m. N. of wk. (1) [ -TIkA ] f. [ -bhASya ] n. N. of Commentaries

===> sūtrânta [ sUtrAnta ]3[ sUtr^anta ] m. (formed like [ ved^anta ], [ siddh^anta ] &c.) a Buddhist Sūtra or the doctrines contained in it SaddhP. Divyâv

===> sūtrârtha [ sUtrArtha ]3[ sUtr^artha ] m. N. of a gram. and of a Ved^anta wk. (1) [ -candrikA ] f. [ -darpaNa ] m. N. of wks.

===> sṛgāla [ sRgAla ]1[ sRgAl'a ] m. (also written [ zRgAla ] (1) of doubtful derivation), a jackal ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) a partic. tree MBh. (Nīlak.) (3) N. of a Vāsudeva (ruler of Karavira-pura Hariv. (4) of a Daitya L. (5) a rogue, cheat W. (6) a coward, poltroon ib. (7) an ill-natured or harsh-speaking man ib. (8) ([ I ]), f. a female jackal Pañcat. Kathās

---> a fox W. (9) flight, retreat L. (10) tumult, uproar (= [ Damara ]) L. (11) Asteracantha Longifolia L. (12) (prob.) Batatas Paniculata (cf. [ sRgAlikA ]) L.

===> sṛjana [ sRjana ]2[ sRjana ] w. r. for [ sarjana ] (q. v.) Cat.

===> sṛṣṭa [ sRSTa ]2[ sRST'a ] mfn. let go, discharged, thrown &c. (1) given up, abandoned (in [ a-sR° ]) Daś (2) brought forth produced, created AV. &c. &c. (3) provided or filled or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R. (4) engrossed by, intent upon (instr.) MBh. (5) firmly reasolved upon (loc. or dat.) Gaut (6) ornamented, adorned L. (7) abundant, much, many L. (8) ascertained W. (9) ([ A ]), f. a kind of medicinal plant L. (10) a musical instrument like a stick which produces a soft sound L.

===> [ sRSTa ]1[ sRSTa ] &c. See col. 2

===> ta [ ta ]1[ ta ]1 the 1st dental consonant

===> [ ta ]1[ t'a ]2 pronom. base, [ t'ad ],

===> [ ta ]1[ ta ]3 m. a tail (esp. of a jackal), any tail except that of Bos gaurus L. (1), the breast L. (2) the womb L. (3) the hip W. (4) a warrior L. (5) a thief. L. (6) a wicked man L. (7) a Mleccha L. (8) a Buddha L. (9) a jewel L. (10) nectar L. (11) n. crossing L. (12) virtue L. (13) ([ A ]), f. Lakshmī L.

===> ta-kāra [ takAra ]3[ ta-kAra ] m. the letter t (1) [ -vipulA ] f. N. of a metre

===> tad [ tad ]2[ t'ad ] (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. [ t'a ] from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. [ s'as ] or [ s'a ] & f. [ s'A ] (1) instr. pl. [ ta'is ] AV. &c. (2) Ved. [ t'ebhis ] RV. AV. &c.) m. he, f. she, n. it, that, this (often correlative of [ y'a ] generally standing in the preceding clause, e. g. [ yasya buddhiH sa balavAn ], ` of whom there is intellect he is strong ' (3) sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives, e. g. [ so 'ham ], ` I that very person, I myself ' [ [ tasya ] = [ mama ] Nal. xv, 10 ] (4) [ tAv imau ], ` those very two ' (5) [ tad etad AkhyAnam ], ` that very tale ' AitBr. vii, 18 (6) [ yat tat kAraNam ], ` that very reason which ' Mn. i, 11 (7) [ yA sA zrI ], ` that very fortune which ' MBh. vii, 427) RV. &c. (8) ([ tad ]), n. this world (cf. [ idam ]) R. vi, 102, 25 (9) = Brahma, [ tat-tva ] (10) ([ t'ad ]), ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of [ y'atra ] or [ y'atas ]) AV. AitBr. ii, 11 ŚBr. i, x, xiv ChUp. (11) then, at that time, in that case (correlative of [ yad'A ], [ y'ad ] AV. (12) of [ y'atra ] ŚBr. xiv (13) of [ yadi ] Nal. Bhag. &c. (14) of [ c^ed ] Śak. &c.) RV. iv, 28, 1 AV. &c. (15) thus, in this manner, with regard to that, ix, xiii ŚBr. AitBr. (16) ([ tad etau zlokau bhavataH ], ` with reference to that there are these two verses ') PraśnUp. (17) on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of [ yatas ], [ yad ], [ yena ], ` because ' Daś. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.) Mn. ix, 41 MBh. &c. (18) now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv ŚBr. AitBr. (19) so also, equally, and AV. xi, xv

===> [ tad ]3[ tad ] (ind.)

===> [ tad ]3[ tad ] (ind.)

===> tad- [ tad ]2[ t'ad ] (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. [ t'a ] from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. [ s'as ] or [ s'a ] & f. [ s'A ] (1) instr. pl. [ ta'is ] AV. &c. (2) Ved. [ t'ebhis ] RV. AV. &c.) m. he, f. she, n. it, that, this (often correlative of [ y'a ] generally standing in the preceding clause, e. g. [ yasya buddhiH sa balavAn ], ` of whom there is intellect he is strong ' (3) sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives, e. g. [ so 'ham ], ` I that very person, I myself ' [ [ tasya ] = [ mama ] Nal. xv, 10 ] (4) [ tAv imau ], ` those very two ' (5) [ tad etad AkhyAnam ], ` that very tale ' AitBr. vii, 18 (6) [ yat tat kAraNam ], ` that very reason which ' Mn. i, 11 (7) [ yA sA zrI ], ` that very fortune which ' MBh. vii, 427) RV. &c. (8) ([ tad ]), n. this world (cf. [ idam ]) R. vi, 102, 25 (9) = Brahma, [ tat-tva ] (10) ([ t'ad ]), ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of [ y'atra ] or [ y'atas ]) AV. AitBr. ii, 11 ŚBr. i, x, xiv ChUp. (11) then, at that time, in that case (correlative of [ yad'A ], [ y'ad ] AV. (12) of [ y'atra ] ŚBr. xiv (13) of [ yadi ] Nal. Bhag. &c. (14) of [ c^ed ] Śak. &c.) RV. iv, 28, 1 AV. &c. (15) thus, in this manner, with regard to that, ix, xiii ŚBr. AitBr. (16) ([ tad etau zlokau bhavataH ], ` with reference to that there are these two verses ') PraśnUp. (17) on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of [ yatas ], [ yad ], [ yena ], ` because ' Daś. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.) Mn. ix, 41 MBh. &c. (18) now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv ŚBr. AitBr. (19) so also, equally, and AV. xi, xv

===> [ tad ]3[ tad ] (ind.)

===> [ tad ]3[ tad ] (ind.)

===> tad-anta [ tadanta ]3[ t'ad-anta ] ([ t'ad- ]), mfn. coming to an end by that TBr. i, 5, 9, 3 Hit.

===> tad-anu [ tadanu ]3[ t'ad-anu ] ind: after that, afterwards Megh. Ratnâv. Amar. Śrut. Subh

===> tad-anvaya [ tadanvaya ]3[ t'ad-anvaya ] mfn. descended from him VP. iv, 2, 2

===> tad-anya [ tadanya ]3[ t'ad-anya ] mfn. other than that L.

===> tad-avastha [ tadavastha ]3[ t'ad-avastha ] mfn. so situated, thus circumstanced, in that condition MBh. iii, 69, 31 Ratnâv (1) being in the same condition (as before), undamaged, iv, 19

===> tad-rūpa [ tadrUpa ]3[ t'ad-rUpa ] mf ([ A ]) n. thus shaped, so formed, looking thus KapS. v, 19 and Jaim. vi, 5, 3 ([ -tva ] n. abstr.) Pañcat. Pāṇ. 7-3, 86 Sch. (1) of the same quality Sarvad. xv, 354 Vām. iv, 3, 9 ([ a- ] neg. ` of different quality ') (2) [ a- ], ` reverse ' Bādar. iii, 4, 40

===> tad-vikāra [ tadvikAra ]3[ t'ad-vikAra ] m. [ a- ] neg. no variety of that Jaim. vi, 5, 47

===> tad-ādi [ tadAdi ]3[ t'ad-Adi ] ind. from that time forward Śiś. i, 45 Dharmaśarm

===> tad-ākāra [ tadAkAra ]3[ t'ad-AkAra ] mfn. having that appearance W. (1) [ -parijJAna ] n. N. of an art Gal.

===> tadvat [ tadvat ]3[ t'ad-vat ] mfn. having or containing that VPrāt. Pāṇ. 4-4, 125 KapS. i, v Tarkas. &c. (1) ind. like that, thus, so (correlative of [ yad-vat ] Mn. x, 13 Bhag. Pañcat (2) of [ yathA ], ` as ' ŚvetUp. ii, 14 [ v. l. for [ tad-vA ] ] MBh. i, vii &c.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 9, 3 &c. [ 434,3 ] (3) in like manner, likewise, also, Śrut. Kathās. vi, xxvi (4) [ -tA ] f. conformity Vedântas. Bhāshāp

===> tadā [ tadA ]2[ tad'A ] ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 15 and 19 ff.) at that time, then, in that case (often used redundantly, esp. after [ tatas ] or [ purA ] or before [ atha ] MBh. &c. (1) correlative of [ y'ad ] [ AV. xi, 4, 4 ], [ yatra ] [ ChUp. vi, 8, 1 ], [ yadA ] [ Mn. MBh. &c. ], [ yadi ] [ Gīt. Vet. Hit. ], [ yarhi ] [ BhP. i, 18, 6 ], [ yatas ], ` since ', [ MBh. xiii, 2231 ], [ c^ed ] [ Śak. v (v. l.) Kathās. xi Śrut. ])

===> tadānīm [ tadAnIm ]2[ tad'AnIm ] ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 19) at that time, then (cf. [ id° ]) RV. x, 129, 1 AV. MBh. &c., (correlative of [ yadA ] VarBṛS. liv (1) of [ yatra ] or [ yadi ], Śrut.)

===> tadātva [ tadAtva ]3[ tad'A-tva ] n. (opposed to [ A-yati ]) ` state of then ', the present time Mn. vii MBh. ii f. v, vii R. v, 76, 16 and 90, 1

===> tagara [ tagara ]2[ tagara ] n. (m. L.) = [ °raka ] Kauś. 16 MBh. xiii, 5042 Buddh. Suśr. VarBṛS. lxxvii, 5 ff (1) n. = [ -pura ] Romakas (2) ([ I ]), f. = [ takar'I ], q. v.

===> taijasa [ taijasa ]3[ taijas'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. originating from or consisting of light ([ t'ejas ]), bright, brilliant ŚBr. xiv MāṇḍUp. MBh. &c. (1) consisting of any shining substance (as metal), metallic ĀśvGṛ. Gaut. Mn. KātyŚr. Sch.

---> said of the gastric juice as coloured by digested food Suśr. i, 14 (2) passionate Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. Vedântas. Suśr. BhP. (3) n. metal L. (4) vigour W. (5) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 7035 ; ix, 2723 (6) ([ I ]), f. Scindapsus officinalis Npr. (7) long pepper Gal. (8) [ °s^avartanI ], [ °tinI ] f. a crucible L.

===> taikṣṇya [ taikSNya ]3[ taikSNya ] n. sharpness (of a knife) Suśr. i, 5 (1) pungency (of drugs), i, iii f. R. (2) fierceness, severity Mn. iv, 163 MBh. R. Sāh (3) pain, Priyad. i, 4/5

===> taila [ taila ]1[ tail'a ] n. (fr. [ t'ila ]) sesamum oil, oil AV. i, 7, 2(?) Kauś. Gobh. Mn. &c. (ifc. Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 Vārtt. 4 Pat. (1) ifc. f. [ A ] Kum. vii, 9) (2) olibanum VarBṛS. lxxvii, 4 and 6

===> taila-pradīpa [ tailapradIpa ]3[ tail'a-pradIpa ] m. an oil-lamp Kathās. ic, 4

===> taila-pātra [ tailapAtra ]3[ tail'a-pAtra ] n. an oil-vessel Gobh. iii, 5, 8

===> tailaka [ tailaka ]2[ tailaka ] n. a small quantity of oil W.

===> tailika [ tailika ]3[ tailika ] m. an oilmiller Mn. MBh. VarBṛS. Vīrac (1) cf. [ mUrdha- ] (2) ([ I ]), f. an oil-man's wife Parāś. Paddh (3) [ -cakra ] n. = °la-yantra-c° Divyâv. iv

===> taimira [ taimira ]1[ taimira ] mfn. fr. [ timita ], with [ roga ], = [ °rya ] Suśr. iv, 13

===> taimirika [ taimirika ]3[ taimirika ] mfn. = [ timira nayana ] Kād. iii

===> taj-ja [ tajja ]2[ taj-ja ]

===> [ tajja ]3[ taj-ja ] mfn. sprung from (that, i. e. from) Sanskṛt (as Prākṛt or other words) Vāgbh. ii, 2 (1) [ -l^an ] mfn. produced, absorbed and breathing in that ChUp. iii, 14, 1

===> taj-jātīya [ tajjAtIya ]3[ taj-jAtIya ]

===> takṣaka [ takSaka ]2[ takSak'a ] m. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 29 Kāś.) ` a cutter ', [ kASTha- ], [ vRkSa- ] (1) a carpenter L. (2) Viśvakarman L. (3) the Sūtra-dhāra or speaker in the prelude of a drama L. Sch. (4) N. of a tree L. (5) of a Nāga prince (cf. [ °kSa ]) AV. viii, 10, 29 TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15 ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 18, 1 Kauś. MBh. &c. (6) of a son of Prasena-jit BhP. ix, 12, 8 (7) also [ °kSa ]

===> tal-lakṣaṇa [ tallakSaNa ]2[ tal-lakSaNa ] n. his or her or its or their mark W. (1) a particular high number Lalit. xii, 165

===> [ tallakSaNa ]1[ tal-lakSaNa ] p. 435, col. 1

===> tala [ tala ]1[ tala ] (m. L.) n. (√ [ stR ]) surface, level, flat roof(of a house) MBh. &c. (chiefly ifc. [ f. [ A ] R. v, 13 ], cf. [ nabhas- ], [ mahI- ] &c.) (1) the part underneath, lower part, base, bottom Mn. ii, 59 VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c. (cf. [ adhas- ], [ taru- ] &c.) [ 440,3 ] (2) (m. n.) the palm (of the hand, [ kara- ], [ pANi- ]) R. ii, 104, 17 Śak. Ragh. vi, 18 (3) the sole (of the foot, [ aGghri- ], [ pAda- ]) MBh. i VarBṛS. (4) (without [ kara- ] &c.) the palm of the hand ([ anyo 'nyasya ], or [ parasparaM talaM ] or [ °lAn-√ dA ], to slap each other with the palms of the hands) MBh. Hariv. R. Suśr. (5) (n. L. (6) m.) the sole of the foot R. v, 13, 47 (7) (m.) the fore-arm L. (8) = [ tAla ] (a span L. (9) the handle of a sword L. (10) the palmyra tree Viddh. ii, 13) (11) pressing the strings of a lute with the left hand MBh. viii (12) m. N. of a hell ĀruṇUp. ŚivaP. (cf. [ tal^atala ]) (13) Śiva MBh. xiii, 17, 130 (14) N. of a teacher, g. [ zaunak^adi ] (15) n. = [ -hRdaya ] L. (16) = [ talka ] L. (17) = [ talaka ] (q. v.) L. (18) = [ talla ] (q. v.) L. (19) the root or seed of events L.

---> = [ -tra ] ĀśvGṛ. iii, 12, 11 ([ tala ]) MBh. R. (20) ([ A ]), f. id. L. (21) N. of a daughter of Raudr^aśva VāyuP. ii, 37, 122 (22) cf. [ a- ], [ jihvA- ], [ ni- ], [ nis- ], [ pra- ], [ mahA- ], [ rasA- ], [ vi- ], [ su- ]

===> talaka [ talaka ]2[ talaka ] m. a small cart with burning coals Hcar. vii (1) a pot of clay HPariś. ii, 473 (2) N. of a prince BhP. xii, 1 (3) n. = [ taDaga ], a pond (also [ tala ] and [ talla ]) L. (4) a kind of salt Gal. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. = [ °la-sAraka ] L.

===> talācī [ talAcI ]3[ tal^acI ] f. ` spread on the ground ', a mat L.

===> tama [ tama ]2[ tama ]1 m. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 34, Kāś.) = [ tamas ] (` the ascending node ' VarBṛ. [ ? ] Jyot.) L. Sch. (1) (= [ °mAla ]) Xanthochymus pictorius L. (2) = [ °makA ] L. (3) n. (= [ °mas ]) darkness L. (4) the point of the foot L. (5) ([ A ]), f. night L. (6) Xanthochymus pictorius L. (7) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ gaur^adi ] Gaṇar. 47) night Śiś. ix, 23 BhP. x, 13, 45 Gol. vii, 10 Naish. vii, 45

===> [ tama ]1[ tama ]2 an affix forming the superl. degree of adjectives and rarely of substantives ([ k'aNva- ], &c.) Suśr. i, 20, 11 (1) mfn. most desired Kir., ii, 14 (2) ([ Am ]), added (in older language) to adverbs and (in later language) to verbs, intensifying their meaning (3) ind. in a high degree, much Naish. viii

===> tamas [ tamas ]1[ t'amas ] [ °s'a ], &c. col. 1

===> tamasā-vana [ tamasAvana ]2[ tamasA-vana ] n. N. of a grove Divyâv. xxvii

===> tamisra [ tamisra ]2[ t'amisra ] m. = [ -pakSa ] W. (1) n. darkness, dark night (also pl.) MBh. iv, 710 BhP. v, 13, 9 Gīt. xi, 12 (2) a dark hell, hell (in general) BhP. iv, 6, 45 (3) anger L. (4) ([ A ]), f. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 114) a dark night RV. ii, 27, 14 TBr. ii, 2, 9, 6 MBh. iii Rāgh. &c. (5) cf. [ su- ] (6) [ tAmisra ]

===> tamo-bhūta [ tamobhUta ]3[ tamo-bhUta ] mfn. ` become darkness ', covered with darkness Mn. i, 5 Bhartṛ. i, 14 (1) ignorant Mn. xii, 115

===> tamo-nuda [ tamonuda ]3[ tamo-nuda ] mf ([ A ]) n. dispersing darkness Mn. i, 6 & 77 MBh. ([ sarva- ], iii, 17114) &c. (1) m. the sun, 11892 (2) (acc. [ °dam ]) 17099 and vi, 5765 (3) the moon Ragh. iii, 33 (acc. [ °dam ])

===> tamo-vṛta [ tamovRta ]3[ tamo-vRta ] mfn. obscured W. (1) overcome with any effect of the Guṇa [ tamas ], as rage, fear, &c. W.

===> tamâla-pattra [ tamAlapattra ]3[ tamAla-pattra ] n. the leaf of Xanthochymus pictorius Mṛcch. Ragh. vi, 64 (1) the leaf of Laurus Cassia L. (2) Xanthochymus pictorius L. (3) ` a sectarial mark on the forehead ', [ zrIkhaNDa- ]

---> [ -candana-gandha ] m. ` smelling like Tamāla leaves and sandal wood ', N. of a Buddha

===> tamāla [ tamAla ]2[ tamAla ] &c.,

===> tan-mātra [ tanmAtra ]3[ tan-mAtra ] mfn. = [ °traka ] MBh. ix, 1806 Pañcat (1) = [ °trika ] BhP. iii, 10, 15 (2) n. merely that, only a trifle Kathās. v, 15 (3) lxiii, 60 Rājat. vi, 1 (4) a rudimentary or subtle element (5 in number, viz. [ zabda- ], [ sparza- ], [ rUpa- ], [ rasa- ], [ gandha- ], from which the 5 Mahā-bhūtas or grosser elements are produced, cf. RTL. p. 31 and 33) Yājñ. iii, 179 MBh. i, xiii Sāṃkhyak. KapS. &c. (5) [ -tA ] f. the state of a Tan-mātra MārkP. vl, 46 (6) [ -tva ] n. id. BhP. iii, 26, 33 ff (7) [ -sarga ] m. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) creation of the subtle elements, rudimentary creation

===> tanaya [ tanaya ]2[ t'anaya ] mfn. propagating a family, belonging to one's own family (often said of [ tok'a ]) RV. AitBr. ii, 7 (1) m. a son Mn. iii, 16 ; viii, 275 MBh. (du. ` son and daughter ', iii, 2565) Śak. Ragh. ii, 64 (2) = [ -bhavana ] VarBṛS. (3) N. of a Vāsishṭha Hariv. 477 (v. l. [ anagha ]) (4) pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 371 (5) n. posterity, family, race, offspring, child (` grandchild ', opposed to [ tok'a ], ` child ' Nir. x, 7 ; xii, 6) RV. VarBṛS. (ifc. f. [ A ], ciii, 1 f.) (6) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ priy^adi ]) a daughter Mn. xi, 172 (v. l.) Nal. R. &c. (7) the plant [ cakra-tulyA ] L.

===> tandrā [ tandrA ]2[ tandrA ] f. lassitude, exhaustion, laziness Yājñ. iii, 158 MBh. iii, 3008 ; xiv, 874 R. Suśr. &c.

===> tandrī [ tandrI ]2[ tandr'I ] [ 'Is ] [ AV. MBh. iii, xii ], [ I ] [ iii, xiii ], f. = [ °drA ] AV. viii, 8, 9 (1) xi, 8, 19 MBh. (ifc. nom. [ °drIs ], i, 4474 (2) iii ; v, 1358 C. (3) xii) R. (ifc. nom. f. [ °drI ] ; v, 28, 18) BhP. (4) cf. [ sambAdha-tandr'I ]

===> tanmaya [ tanmaya ]3[ tan-maya ] mfn. made up of, that, absorbed in or identical with that MuṇḍUp. ŚvetUp. PārGṛ. MBh. &c. (1) [ -tA ] f. the being absorbed in or identical with that Kād. BhP. Rājat. iii, 498 (2) [ -tva ] n. id. MBh. v, 1622 &c. (3) [ °yI-bhAva ], m. id. Sāh

===> tantra [ tantra ]2[ t'antra ] n. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 9 Kāś.) a loom, v, 2, 70 (1) the warp RV. x, 71, 9 AV. x, 7, 42 TBr. ii TāṇḍyaBr. x, 5 ŚBr. xiv Kauś. MBh. i, 806 and 809 (2) the leading or principal or essential part, main point, characteristic feature, model, type, system, framework ŚBr. xii TāṇḍyaBr. xxiii, 19, 1 Lāṭy. KātyŚr. &c. (e. g. [ kulasya t° ], ` the principal action in keeping up a family, i. e. propagation ' MBh. xiii, 48, 6 (3) ifc. ` depending on ', cf. [ Atma- ], [ sva- ], [ para- ], &c.) (4) doctrine, rule, theory, scientific work, chapter of such a work (esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. VarBṛS. i, 9 (5) Parāśara's work on astron., ii, 3 ; vii, 8) MBh. &c. (cf. [ SaSTi- ] &c.) (6) a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between Śiva and Durgā and said to treat of 5 subjects, 1. the creation, 2. the destruction of the world, 3. the worship of the gods, 4. the attainment of all objects, esp. of 6 superhuman faculties, 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation [ 436,2 ] (7) cf. RTL. pp. 63, 85, 184, 189, 205ff.) VarBṛS. xvi, 19 Pañcat. Daś. Kathās. xxiii, 63 Sarvad (8) a spell HYog. i, 5 Vcar. (9) oath or ordeal L. (10) N. of a Sāman (also called ` that of Virūpa ') ĀrshBr. (11) an army (cf. [ °trin ]) BhP. x, 54, 15 (12) ifc. a row, number, series, troop Bālar. ii f. vi (13) = [ rAjya-t° ], government Daś. xiii Śiś. ii, 88 (14) ([ para t° ], ` the highest authority ') Subh (15) a means which leads to two or more results, contrivance Hariv. ii, 1, 31 (16) a drug (esp. one of specific faculties), chief remedy, cf. [ °tr^avApa ] (17) = [ paricchada ] L. (18) = [ anta ] L. (19) wealth L. (20) a house L. (21) happiness W. (22) ([ eNa ]), instr. ind. so as to be typical or hold good KātyŚr. xvi, xx (23) ([ A ]), f. for [ °ndrA ] Suśr. (24) ([ Is ], cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 159 Kāś (25) [ I ] L.) f. = [ °ntI ] Gobh. iii, 6, 7 and BhP. iii, 15, 8 (v. l. for [ °ntI ] (26) also [ vatsatantrI ]) (27) the wire or string of a lute ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii Lāṭy. iv, 1, 2 Kauś. &c. ([ °tri ] R. vi, 28, 26) (28) (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v. l.) (29) any tubular vessel of the body, sinew, vein Pāṇ. 5-4, 159 (30) the plant [ °trikA ] L. (31) a girl with peculiar qualities L. (32) N. of a river L. (33) cf. [ ku-tantrI ]

===> [ tantra ]2[ t'antra ]

===> tantra-vāya [ tantravAya ]3[ t'antra-vAya ] m. (= °ntu-v°) a weaver R. (G) ii, 90, 15 (1) a spider L. (2) m. n. weaving L.

===> tantrī [ tantrI ]2[ tantrI ] f. of [ °tra ], q. v.

===> tantu [ tantu ]2[ t'antu ] m. a thread, cord, string, line, wire, warp (of a web), filament, fibre RV. &c. (1) a cobweb W. (2) a succession of sacrificial performances BhP. (3) any one propagating his family in regular succession KātyŚr. iii Āp. TUp. MBh. (cf. [ kula- ]) &c. (4) a line of descendants AitBr. vii, 17 (5) any continuity (as of thirst or hope) MBh. xii, 7877 Mālatīm (6) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (7) = [ -nAga ] L. (8) (g. [ garg^adi ]) N. of a man Pravar. iv, 1 (9) cf. [ kASTha- ], [ vara- ], [ sapt'a- ]

===> tantu-karaṇa [ tantukaraNa ]3[ t'antu-karaNa ] n. spinning, Sud. on ĀpGṛ. viii, 12

===> tantu-vāya [ tantuvAya ]3[ t'antu-vAya ] m. (Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 2 and vi, 2, 76) a weaver Mn. viii, 397 VarBṛS. VarBṛ. (cf. [ rajaka- ]) (1) a spider Pāṇ. 6-2, 77 Kāś (2) weaving L. (3) [ -daNDa ] m. a loom Uṇ. iv, 149 Sch. (v. l.) (4) [ -zAlA ] f. a weaver's workshop Gal.

===> tanu [ tanu ]2[ tan'u ] mf ([ us ], [ 'Us ], [ vI ]) n. thin, slender, attenuated, emaciated, small, little, minute, delicate, fine (texture Ṛitus. i, 7) ŚBr. iii, 5, 4, 21 KātyŚr. viii, 5 MBh. &c. (in comp., g. [ kaDAr^adi ] (1) also = [ -dagdha ] Sarvad. xv, 189) (2) (said of a speech or hymn) accomplished (in metre) RV. viii, 1, 18 and (acc. f. [ °nv'am ]) 76, 12 (3) m. (g. 2. [ lohit^adi ], not in Kāś.) N. of a Ṛshi with a very emaciated body MBh. xii, 4665 (4) ([ us ]), f. (once m. Bhām. ii, 79) = [ °n'U ] (s. v.), the body, person, self (cf. [ duS-Tanu ], [ priy'a- ]) AitBr. viii, 24, 4 (ifc.) Mn. ([ svakA t° ], ` one's own person, iv, 184) MBh. Hariv. (acc. pl. irr. [ °navas ], 3813) &c. ([ iyaM tanur mama ], ` this my self. i. e. I myself here ' Ratnâv. iv, 4 (5) [ °nuM-√ tyaj ] or [ hA ], ` to give up one's life ' Mn. vi, 32 BhP. iii Kathās.) (6) form or manifestation Śak. i, 1 (7) the skin L. (8) = [ -gRha ] VarBṛ. Laghuj (9) ([ vI ]), f. a slender or delicate woman Śak. Mālav. v Bhartṛ. &c. (10) Desmodium gangeticum L. (11) Balanites Roxburghii (vv. ll. [ tannI ], [ °nni ], ` Hemionitis cordifolia ' (12) [ tajvi ]) L. (13) a metre of 4 + 24 syllables (14) N. of a wife of Kṛshṇa (?) Hariv. 6703 (15) [ cf. ? ; Lat. [ tenuis ] &c. ]

===> tanu-bhūmi [ tanubhUmi ]3[ tan'u-bhUmi ] f. ` stage of personality ', N. of a period in a Śrāvaka's life Buddh. L. [ 435,3 ]

===> tanuka [ tanuka ]2[ tanuka ] mfn. (g. [ yAv^adi ]) thin Car. vi, 2 and (said of a liquid) viii, 6 (1) small Suśr. (2) m. Grislea tomentosa Npr. (3) Terminalia bellerica ib. (4) the cinnamon tree ib. (5) ([ A ]), f. Diospyros embryopteris ib.

===> tanutara [ tanutara ]3[ tan'u-tara ] mfn. = [ t'anIyas ] Amar.

===> tanutva [ tanutva ]3[ tan'u-tva ] n. = [ -tA ] MBh. xiii, 541 VarBṛS. iii, 16 Sarvad

===> tanv-aṅga [ tanvaGga ]3[ tanv-aGga ] m. ` slenderlimbed ', N. of a man Rājat. vii, 260 f. ; 635 and 641 (1) ([ I ]), f. a delicate-limbed woman MBh. Śukas

===> tanū [ tanU ]2[ tanU ]1 in comp. for [ °n'u ]

===> [ tanU ]2[ tan'U ]2 f. (of [ °n'u ], q. v. (1) acc. [ °nv'am ] RV. &c. BhP. iii (2) [ °nuvam ] [ Pāṇ. 6-4, 77 Vārtt. ] BhP. vii, 9, 37 (3) instr., [ °nuvA ], iii f. (4) gen. abl. [ °nv'as ] RV. &c. (5) loc. [ °nv'i ] & [ °nv'I ] RV. (6) [ °nv'Am ] AV. &c. (7) du. [ °n'U ] [ RV. x, 183, 2 AV. iv, 25, 5 ], [ °nv'A ] [ RV. ], [ °n'uvau ] [ TBr. i, 1, 7, 3 ], [ °nvau ] [ see [ gharma- ] ] (8) pl. nom. & acc. [ °nv'as ] RV. &c. BhP. i (9) nom. [ °n'uvas ] TBr. i, 1, 7, 3) the body, person, self (often used like a reflexive noon (10) cf. [ Atm'an ]) RV. &c. (11) form or manifestation RV. &c. ([ tan'U manyos ], ` a sign of wrath ' PārGṛ. iii, 13, 5)

===> tanū-bhūta [ tanUbhUta ]3[ tanU-bhUta ] mfn. become small, diminished Kathās

===> tanū-ja [ tanUja ]3[ tan'U-j'a ] mfn. produced or born on or from the body AV. i, 23, 4 (1) belonging to the person, vi, 41, 3 (cf. AitBr. ii, 27) (2) m. a son MBh. v, viii Hariv. &c. (3) N. of a Sādhya, 11536 (4) n. the plumage, wing MBh. v, 113, 4 (5) ([ A ]), f. a daughter Hariv. 15774 Kum. i, 59

===> tapa [ tapa ]2[ tapa ] mfn. ifc. ` consuming by heat ', [ lalATam- ] (1) ` causing pain or trouble, distressing ', [ janaM- ] and [ paraM- ] (2) tormented by Hariv. i, 45, 37 (3) m. heat, warmth (cf. [ A- ]) Pañcat. ii, 3, 5/6 (4) the hot season Śiś. i, 66 (5) the sun W. (6) = [ °pas ], religious austerity Car. Cāṇ. (cf. [ mahA- ] and [ su- ]) (7) a peculiar form of fire (which generated the seven mothers of Skanda) MBh. iii, 14392 (8) Indra Gal. (9) N. of an attendant of Śiva L. Sch. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the 8 deities of the Bodhi-vṛksha Lalit. xxi, 404 (11) cf. [ a- ]

===> tapana [ tapana ]2[ t'apana ] mfn. warming, burning, shining (the sun) MBh. i, v R. vi, 79, 57 (1) causing pain or distress RV. ii, 23, 4 ; x, 34, 6 AV. iv, xix (2) m. (g. [ nandy-Adi ]) the sun MBh. i, vi, xiii R. i, 16, 11 Ragh. &c. (3) heat L. (4) the hot season L. (5) N. of a hell (cf. [ mahA- ]) Mn. iv, 89 Buddh. (6) N. of an Agni Hariv. 10465 (7) Agastya (cf. [ Agneya ]) L. (8) Semecarpus Anacardium Npr. (9) = [ -cchada ] (or ` a white kind of it ' Npr.) L. (10) Premna spinosa L. (11) Cassia Senna Npr. (12) the civet cat Gal. (13) = [ -maNi ] L. (14) N. of a Yaksha MBh. i, 32, 18 (15) of a Rakshas R. vi (16) n. ([ °n'a ]) the being hot, burning, heat TBr. ii, 2, 9, 1 f. (17) pining, grieving, mental distress Kāṭh. xxviii, 4 Sāh. iii (18) ([ 'I ]), f. heat RV. ii, 23, 14 (19) the root of Bignonia suaveolens Npr. (20) = [ °panti ] Divyâv. xxx, 317 and 409 (21) a cooking vessel Baudh. (TS. Sch.) (22) cf. [ gopAla- ], [ trip'ura ], [ rAma- ]

===> tapas [ tapas ]2[ t'apas ] n. warmth, heat ([ paJca tapAMsi ], the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season, viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above Mn. vi, 23 R. BhP. iv BrahmaP. (1) cf. Ragh. xiii, 41) RV. AV. VS. ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) pain, suffering RV. vii, 82, 7 (3) religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special observance (e. g. ` sacred learning ' with Brāhmans, ` protection of subjects ' with Kshatriyas, ` giving alms to Brāhmans ' with Vaiśyas, ` service ' with Śūdras, and ` feeding upon herbs and roots ' with Ṛshis Mn. xi, 236) RV. ix, 113, 2 (4) x (personified, 83, 2 f. & 101, 1, ` father of Manyu ' RAnukr.) AV. &c. (5) (m. L.) N. of a month intervening between winter and spring VS. TS. i ŚBr. iv Suśr. Pāṇ. 4-4, 128 Vārtt. 2 Pat. Śiś. vi, 63 (6) the hot season L. Sch. (7) = [ °po-loka ] Vedântas. 120 (8) the 9th lunar mansion ([ dharma ]) VarBṛ. i, 19 ; ix, 1 and 4 (9) N. of a Kalpa period, VāvuP. i, 21, 27

===> tapasvin [ tapasvin ]3[ t'apas-v'in ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 102) distressed, wretched, poor, miserable TS. v, 3, 3, 4 (compar. [ -v'i-tara ]) R. ii f. Śak. Mālav. BhP. Sāh (1) practising austerities, (m.) an ascetic AV. xiii, 2, 25 Kāṭh. xx (compar.), xxiii (superl. [ -vi-tama ]) ŚBr. (compar. ii) &c. (2) m. a pauper W. (3) = [ °paHkara ] L. (4) a kind of Karañja tree L. (5) Nārada L. (6) N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha Hariv. 71 (7) of a Ṛshi of the 12th Manv-antara, 482 BhP. viii, 13, 29 VP. (8) ([ inI ]), f. a female devotee, poor wretched woman Nal. R. iii, 2, 7 Śak. Daś (9) Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī L. (10) Helleborus niger L. (11) = [ mahAzrAvaNikA ] Bhpr. (12) [ °svi-kanyakA ] or [ °nyA ] f. the daughter of an ascetic Śak. i, 15/16 and 24 (13) [ -tA ] f. devout austerity MBh. xiii, 2896 Śatr (14) [ -pattra ] m. Artemisia L. (15) [ °sv^iSTA ] f. Prosopis spicigera Gal.

===> tapo-dhana [ tapodhana ]3[ tapo-dhana ] mf ([ A ]) n. rich in religious austerities, (m.) a great ascetic Mn. xi, 242 MBh. Hariv. ii, 69, 62 &c. (1) m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa, i, 7, 23 (2) of a Ṛshi of the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 34 (3) of a Muni Kathās. cxvii, 125 (4) = [ °pasvipattra ] L. (5) ([ A ]), f. Sphaeranthus mollis L.

===> tapo-vana [ tapovana ]3[ tapo-vana ] n. a grove in which religious austerities are performed Nal. xii, 62 R. i Śak. Ragh (1) (ifc. f. [ A ]) Kathās. xxii

===> tapta [ tapta ]2[ tapt'a ] mfn. heated, inflamed, hot, made redhot, refined (gold &c.), fused, melted, molten RV. AV. &c. (1) distressed, afflicted, worn R. iii, 55, 15 Megh. Śak (2) (in astrol.) opposed by VarYogay. ix, 16 (3) practised (as austerities) MBh. v, 7147 R. i, 57, 8 (4) one who has practised austerities ŚBr. ChUp. (5) ` inflamed with anger, incensed W. (6) n. hot water ŚBr. xiv, 1, 1, 29 (7) ([ 'am ]), ind. in a hot manner, xi, 2, 7, 32

===> tarakṣa [ tarakSa ]1[ tarakSa ] m. = [ °kSu ] VarBṛS. xii, 6 (1) a wolf Npr.

===> tarakṣu [ tarakSu ]2[ tar'akSu ] m. a hyena VS. xxiv, 40 MaitrS. iii, 14, 21 GopBr. i, 2, 8 MBh. Hariv. 9373 R. Suśr.

===> taraṇa [ taraNa ]1[ taraNa ] [ °r'aNi ], &c. p. 438, col. 3

===> taraṇi [ taraNi ]2[ tar'aNi ] mfn. moving forwards (as the sun &c.), quick, untired, energetic RV. AV. xiii, 2, 4 and 36 (1) carrying over, saving, helping, benevolent RV. TBr. ii, 7, 13, 2 (2) m. the sun KapS. iii, 13 BhP. v, viii, x Rājat. ŚārṅgP. (3) Calotropis gigantea L. (4) a ray of light L. (5) f. = [ °NI ], a boat Prab. Vop. Śatr (6) Aloe perfoliata L. (also [ °NI ] Sch.) (7) cf. [ go- ], [ saMsAra- ]

===> tarhi [ tarhi ]1[ t'arhi ] ind. (fr. [ t'ad-h'i ] (1) [ tarvan ] Pāṇ. 5-3, 20 f.) at that time, then, at that moment, in that case (correlative of [ y'ad ] [ TBr. ii, 1, 10, 1 ], [ yad'A ] [ AV. iii, 13, 6 BhP. ], [ y'arhi ] [ TS. i AitBr. i, 27 ], [ y'atra ] [ ŚBr. ii BhP. v ], [ yadi ] [ Śak. v. l. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. ], [ ced ] [ Prab. Sāh. ] (2) often connected with an Impv. [ Śak. Pañcat. &c. ] or interrogative pron. [ Pat. Kāś. Siddh. Sāh. ]) RV. x, 129, 2 AV. &c. (not in MBh. &R.) (3) cf. [ et'ar° ], [ k'ar° ]

===> tarjana [ tarjana ]2[ tarjana ] n. threatening, scolding R. iii, v Ragh. xix, 17 Kum. vi, 45 &c. (1) (ifc.) frightening MBh. iii, 12569 (2) derision W. (3) putting to shame, surpassing W. (4) anger W. (5) ([ A ]), f. scolding Sāh (6) ([ I ]), f. ` threatening finger ', the fore-finger Kathās. xvii, 88 KātyŚr. Sch. (7) = [ °nikA ] Hcat. ii, 1

===> tarjanīya [ tarjanIya ]2[ tarjanIya ] mfn. to be threatened or scolded

===> tarjita [ tarjita ]2[ tarjita ] mfn. threatened R. vi Ragh. xi, 78 (1) scolded, reviled Bhaṭṭ. Rājat. iii, 34: Sāh (2) frightened Hariv. 3911 Suśr. Rājat. v, 398 (3) n. threat R. [ 440,2 ]

===> tarka [ tarka ]2[ tarka ] m. conjecture MBh. &c. (1) reasoning, speculation, inquiry KaṭhUp. ii, 9 PārGṛ. ii, 6, 5 Gaut. Mn. xii, 106 MBh. &c. (2) doubt W. (3) system or doctrine founded on speculation or reasoning, philosophical system (esp. the Nyāya system, but applicable also to any of the six Darśana, q. v.) BhP. ii, vii f. Prab. Vop. Caraṇ. Madhus (4) the number 6 Sūryas. xii, 87 (5) logic, confutation (esp. that kind of argument which consists in reduction to absurdity) Tarkas. Sarvad. Madhus (6) wish, desire L. (7) supplying an ellipsis L. (8) cause, motive L. (9) n. a philosophical system Hcat. i, 7 (10) ([ A ]), f. reasoning, inquiry (` = [ kAGkSA ] ' Sch.) MBh. iv, 892 (11) cf. [ a- ], [ ku- ], [ dus- ], [ rUpa- ]

===> tarka-sādhya [ tarkasAdhya ]3[ tarka-sAdhya ] n. N. of a Kalā (cf. [ °rku-karman ]) Gal.

===> tarka-śāstra [ tarkazAstra ]3[ tarka-zAstra ] n. id. MBh. xii, 9678 f. Hariv. 1506 Prab

===> tarpaka [ tarpaka ]1[ tarpaka ] mfn. ifc. satiating, satisfying BhP. vii, 15, 10 Sch.

===> tarpaṇa [ tarpaNa ]2[ t'arpaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. Suśr. (cf. [ ghrANa- ]) (1) (m. or n.) N. of a plant, iv, 5, 13 and 18 ; 16, 3 (2) n. satiety MBh. xiv, 673 (3) satiating, refreshing (esp. of gods and deceased persons [ cf. [ RSi- ], [ pitR- ] ] by presenting to them libations of water (4) a particular ceremony performed with a magical Mantra Sarvad (5) cf. RTL. p. 394 and 409) PārGṛ. iii, 3, 11 Mn. iii, 70 Yājñ. i, 46 MBh. xiii &c. (6) gladdening (ifc.) BhP. iii, 1, 27 (7) refreshment, food AV. ix, 6, 6 MBh. xviii, 269 and 275 Car. Pāṇ. 2-3, 14 Kāś. Hcat. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (8) fuel L. (9) (satiating, i. e.) filling the eyes (with oil &c.) Suśr. (10) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant L.

===> tarpita [ tarpita ]2[ tarpita ] mfn. satisfied MBh. v R. i, 53 ([ su- ])

===> taru [ taru ]2[ t'aru ]1 mfn. ` quick ' or subst. ` speediness ', (pl.) RV. v, 44, 5 (cf. ii, 39, 3)

===> [ taru ]1[ taru ]2 m. (g. [ vyAghr^adi ] [ not in Kāś. ], cf. [ nabhas- ]) a tree Nal. xii, 75 R. vi, 82, 115 Suśr. Ragh. &c. (1) N. of a son of Manu Cākshusha MatsyaP.

===> taruṇa [ taruNa ]1[ t'aruNa ] mf ([ I ] [ Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Vārtt. 6 Pat. ] RV.)n. (√ [ tRR ] (1) g. [ kapilak^adi ] Gaṇar. 447) ` progressive ', young, tender, juvenile RV. AV. &c. (2) new, fresh, just risen (the sun, cf. [ bAl^aditya ]), just begun (heat or a disease) MBh. R. Kum. iii, 54 Suśr. (3) tender (a feeling) Bhartṛ (4) m. a youth MBh. &c. (cf. [ tarNa ]) (5) Ricinus communis L. (6) large cumin seed L. (7) N. of a particular section in a Tantra work treating of various stages in a Tāntrika's life Kulârṇ. viii (8) of a mythical being MBh. ii, 7, 22 (9) of a Ṛshi in the 11th Manv-antara Hariv. 477 (10) m. n. the blossom of Trapa bispinosa L. ' (11) n. = [ °N^asthi ] Suśr. (12) a sprout (ifc., [ kuza- ]) KātyŚr. PārGṛ. ii, 1, 10 (13) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ gaur^adi ]) a young woman, girl R. Suśr. &c. (14) a kind of pot-herb, i, 46, 4, 39 (15) Aloe perfoliata L. (16) Rosa glandulifera or alba Npr. (17) Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L. (18) [ cf. vip, ?. ]

===> taruṇaka [ taruNaka ]2[ taruNaka ] m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2160 (1) n. a sprout, ([ °r'UN° ]) AV. x, 4, 2 (2) [ darbha- ] (3) cf. [ tarN° ]

===> tarṣa [ tarSa ]1[ tarSa ]2 m. (√ [ triS ]) thirst ', wish, desire for (in comp.) MBh. xii R. ii, 100, 3 BhP. v, 8, 12 ([ ati- ], ` excessive desire ') (1) Desire (son of Arka [ the sun ] and Vāsanā), vi, 6, 13 (2) ([ A ]), f. thirst, desire, xi, 9, 27

===> tasarikā [ tasarikA ]2[ tasarikA ] f. weaving Divyâv. vii, 64

===> taskara [ taskara ]1[ t'askara ] m. (for [ tat-k° ] Nir. iii, 14 VPrāt. iii, 51) a thief, robber RV. AV. VS. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] Hariv. 5180 Kām. iv, 53 (1) cf. [ a-taskar'a ] (2) ifc. used as a term of contempt [ Kathās. ci, 140 ] Gaṇar. 114) (3) Trigonella corniculata Suśr. iv, 37, 15 (4) Vanguiera spinosa L. (5) Ardisia humilis (?) L. (6) the ear (derived fr. Ragh. i, 27) W. (7) pl. N. of particular Ketus VarBṛS. xi, 20 (8) ([ I ]), f. a passionate woman L. (9) a kind of Mimosa Npr.

===> tasmāt [ tasmAt ]1[ t'asmAt ] ind. (abl. of 2. [ t'a ]) from that, on that account, therefore (correlative of [ y'ad ], [ yasmAt ]) AV. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. Nal. &c.

===> tat-kāla [ tatkAla ]3[ tat-kAla ] mfn. happening (at that same time, i. e.) immediately KātyŚr. i, xxv (1) of that duration BrahmaP. (2) m. that time (opposed to [ etat-k° ], this time ') Vedântas (3) the time referred to KātyŚr. i VarBṛ. Laghuj (4) ([ am ]), ind. at that time, at the same time, during that time Gobh. iii, 3, 28 PārGṛ. ii, 11, 5 f. VarBṛ. Kathās. &c. (5) immediately Pañcat. Kathās. (cf. [ tAtkAlika ]) (6) [ -dhI ] mfn. having presence of mind L. (7) [ -lavaNa ] n. a kind of salt Npr. (8) [ °l^epanna-dhI ] mfn. = [ °la-dhI ] L.

===> tat-kṣaṇa [ tatkSaNa ]3[ tat-kSaNa ] m. the same moment L. (1) ([ am ]), ind. at the same moment, directly, immediately Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (incomp. [ °Na- ] Ragh. i, 51 VarBṛS. Kathās. vi Hit.) (2) ([ At ]), abl. ind. id. Yājñ. ii, 14 R. &c. (3) ([ e ]), loc. ind., id. W.

===> tat-para [ tatpara ]3[ tat-para ] mf ([ A ]) n. following that or thereupon Megh (1) having that as one's highest object or aim, totally devoted or addicted to, attending closely to, eagerly engaged in (loc. [ Pāṇ. 6-2, 66 Kāś. Pārśvan. ] or generally in comp.) ŚvetUp. i, 7 Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (2) m. 1/30 of an eye's twinkle W. (3) ([ A ]), f. 1/60 of a second of a circle Āryabh. iii, 2 Sch. (4) [ -tA ] f. scope, design, intention W. (5) entire devotion or addiction to (loc.) Hit. (6) [ -tva ] n. id. W. (7) aiming at, tending to Daśar. iv, 38 ([ a- ] neg.) (8) ` the state of following behind ', inferiority KātyŚr. i, 4, 16 and 5, 5

===> tat-prakāra [ tatprakAra ]3[ tat-prakAra ] mfn. of that kind W.

===> tat-puruṣa [ tatpuruSa ]3[ tat-puruSa ] m. the original or supreme spirit (one of the 5 forms of Īśvara [ also [ °Sa-vaktra ] ] Sarvad. vii) Kāṭh. xvii, 1 TĀr., x, 1, 5 f. LiṅgaP. i, 13 [ 433,2 ] (1) the servant of him KātyŚr. vii, 1, 8 (2) N. of a Kalpa period MatsyaP. liii, 41 (3) a class of compounds (formed like the word [ tat-puruSa ], ` his servant ') in which the last member is qualified by the first without losing (as the last member of Bahu-vrīhi compounds) its grammatical independence (whether as noun or adj. or p.) (4) two subdivisions of these compounds are called Karma-dhāraya and Dvi-gu (qq. vv.) (5) [ -vaktra ] m. before

===> tatas [ tatas ]3[ t'a-tas ] ([ t'a- ]), s. v.

===> [ tatas ]2[ t'atas ] ind. ([ t^a-tas ], correlative of [ y'a-tas ]) used for the abl. (sg., du. and pl.) of [ t'ad ] (q. v. Pāṇ. 5-3, 7f. ' ; vi, 3, 35) RV. AV. ĪśUp. Mn. &c. (1) from that place, thence RV. AV. &c, (2) in that place, there MBh. &c. (3) thither Mn. vii, 188 R. i, 44, 34 Kathās (4) thereupon, then, after that, afterwards (sometimes corresponding to preceding particles like [ 'agre ], [ puras ], [ purvam ], [ prathamam ], [ prAk ] ŚBr. xiv Mn. ii, 60 Śak. Pañcat. &c. (5) corresponding to [ pratham'a ] RV. i, 83, 5 (6) also correlative of [ y'ad ] [ x, 85, 5 and 121, 7 AV. xii, 4,7 ff. ], [ y'atra ] [ ŚBr. i ], [ yadA ] [ Nal. xx R. ], [ yadi ] [ ChUp. Nal. &c. ], [ c^ed ] [ TUp. ii, 6 Śak. v, 28/29 v. l. ] [ 432,3 ] (7) often superfluous after an ind. p. or after [ tadA ] or [ atha ] Mn. &c.) (8) from that, in consequence of that, for that reason, consequently AV. MBh. xii, 13626 R. vi Hit.

===> tathaiva [ tathaiva ]3[ t'athaiva ] exactly so, in like manner Mn. &c. (1) (with [ ca ] or [ api ] following) likewise Mn. &c.

===> tathya [ tathya ]2[ tathya ] mfn. ` being really so ', true MBh. R. Pañcat (1) n. truth Śak. Bhartṛ (2) ([ ena ]), ind. according to truth Mn. viii, 274

===> tathâpi [ tathApi ]3[ t'ath^api ] even thus, even so, nevertheless, yet, still, notwithstanding (correlative of [ yady api ] [ R. iii, 3, 3 Dhūrtas. &c. ], [ api ] [ Amar. ], [ api yadi ] [ Prab. ], [ kAmam ] [ Śak. ], [ varam ]) MBh. &c. (1) [ tath^api tu ] id. Śak

===> tathā [ tathA ]2[ t'athA ] ind. ([ t^a-thA ], correlative of [ y'a-thA ] Pāṇ. 5-3, 26 (1) g. [ c^adi ] Kāś. and Gaṇar.) in that manner, so, thus (the correlative standing in the preceding or in the subsequent clause, e. g. [ yathA priyaM ], [ tath^astu ], ` as is agreeable, so let it be ' (2) [ tathA prayatnam AtiSThed yath^atmAnaM na pIDayet ], ` he should so make effort as that he may not injure himself. ' Mn. vii, 68

---> [ tathA tathA-yathA ], so much that VP. iv (3) also correlative of [ iva ] Mn. iii, 181 R. i, 4, 12 (4) of [ yena ] Kathās. iii, 18 (5) of [ yAdRza ] Mn. i, 42 (6) used in forms of adjuration, e. g. [ yath^aham anyaM na cintaye tath^ayam patatAM kSudraH par^asuH ], ` as surely as I do not think on any other man, so surely let this wretch fall dead ' Nal. xi, 36) RV. &c. (7) yes, so be it, so it shall be (particle of assent, agreement, or promise (8) generally followed by [ iti ]) AV. iii, 4, 5 ŚBr. AitBr. &c. ([ tath^ety uktvA ], having said ` so be it ' or ` yes ' Nal. &c.) (9) so also, in like manner (e. g. [ sukhaM seved duHkhaM tathA ], ` let him make use of prosperity and also adversity ') Mn. MBh. &c. (10) = [ tathA hi ] Nal. xix, 25

===> tathā-bhāva [ tathAbhAva ]3[ t'athA-bhAva ] m. the being so TPrāt. Sch. (1) the being of such a nature, true nature, accomplishment Jain. Siṉhâs

===> tathā-bhūta [ tathAbhUta ]3[ t'athA-bhUta ] mfn. of such qualities or kind or nature R. i f. Amar. Kathās. Sāh

===> tathā-rūpa [ tathArUpa ]3[ t'athA-rUpa ] mf ([ A ]) n. so formed, thus shaped, looking thus, Lāty, ix, 12 MBh. &c.

===> tathā-vidha [ tathAvidha ]3[ t'athA-vidha ] ([ t'ath° ]), mf ([ A ]) n. of such a sort or kind, being in such a condition or state, of such qualities TBr. ii, 1, 10, 1 Mn. i, viii f. (correlative of [ yAdRza ], ix, 9) MBh. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. in this manner Nal. vii, 15 (2) likewise Bhāshāp. 94

===> tathā-vādin [ tathAvAdin ]3[ t'athA-vAdin ] mfn. telling the exact truth Viṣṇ. v, 27 Vajracch. 14 (1) professing to be so W.

===> tathāgata [ tathAgata ]3[ t'athA-gata ] mfn. being in such a state or condition, of such a quality or nature RPrāt. iii, 5 MBh. Mālav. v, 9/10 (1) ` he who comes and goes in the same way [ as the Buddhas who preceded him ] ', Gautama Buddha Buddh. Sarvad (2) a Buddhist SŚaṃkar. i, 70 (3) x (4) [ -koza-paripAlitA ] f. N. of a Kiṃnara virgin Kāraṇḍ. i, 83 (5) [ -garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. L. (6) [ -guNa-jJAn^acintya-viSajy^avatAranirdeza ] m. ` direction how to attain to the inconceivable subject of the Tathā-gata's qualities and knowledge ', N. of a Buddh. Sūtra (7) [ -gukyaka ] n. ` Tathāgata-mystery ', N. of a Buddh. work (highly revered in Nepāl) (8) [ -bhadra ] m. N. of a pupil of Nāg^arjuna

===> tathā hi [ tathA hi ]3[ t'athA hi ] (g. [ svar-Adi ]) for so, for thus (it has been said), for instance Ragh. Śak. &c.

===> tathātva [ tathAtva ]3[ t'athA-tva ] n. the being so, such a state of things, such a condition Bhāshāp. Sāh. vii, 8/9 Sarvad (1) = [ -tA ] Mn. x, 57 Sch. Sāṃkhyak. Sch.

===> tathātā [ tathAtA ]3[ t'athA-tA ] f. true state of things, true nature Vajracch. 17

===> tatra [ tatra ]2[ t'atra ] (also [ °trA ] RV.), ind. ([ t'a-tra ], correlative of [ y'a-tra ] (1) g. [ c^adi ], not in Kāś.) used for the loc. (sg., du. and pl.) of [ t'ad ] (q. v. Pāṇ. 5-3, 10 ; vi, 3, 35) RV. AV. Mn. &c. (2) in that place, there (in comp. Pāṇ. 2-1, 46) RV. &c. (3) thither, to that place ib. (4) in that, therein, in that case, on that occasion, under those circumstances, then, therefore, (also correlative of [ y'ad ] [ vi, 57, 4 AV. xii, 1, 34 Nal. &c. ], [ yadA ] [ Pañcat. i, 19, 8 ], [ yadi ] [ Mn. viii f. Cāṇ. Hit. ], or [ ced ] [ Mn. viii, 295 ; ix, 205 ] (5) [ tatra mAsa ], ` that month ', i. e. the month that has been spoken of Kathās. xviii, 208)

===> tatra-stha [ tatrastha ]3[ t'atra-stha ] mfn. dwelling there, situated there, belonging to that place MBh. iii, 2683 R. ii, iv Kathās. vii, xxvi

===> tatra tatra [ tatra tatra ]3[ t'atra tatra ] used for double loc. of [ t'ad ] Nal. v, 8 (1) in that and that place, here and there, everywhere Mn. vii, 87 MBh. BhP. (2) to every place MBh.

===> tatratya [ tatratya ]3[ t'atra-tya ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Pat.) of that place, being there BhP. Kathās. Rājat. i, 117 Hit.

===> tattva [ tattva ]3[ tat-tva ] n. true or real state, truth, reality ŚvetUp. Mn. Bhag. &c. (1) (in phil.) a true principle (in Sāṃkhya phil. 25 in number, viz. [ a-vyakta ], [ buddhi ], [ ahaM-kAra ], the 5 Tan-mātras, the 5 Mahā-bhūtas, the 11 organs including [ manas ], and, lastly, [ puruSa ], qq. vv.) MBh. xii, 11840 ; xiv, 984 R. iii, 53, 42 Tattvas. ; 24 in number MBh. xii, 11242 Hariv. 14840 (m.) ; 23 in number BhP. iii, 6, 2 ff (2) for other numbers cf. xi, 22, 1 ff. RāmatUp. (3) with Māheśvaras and Lok^ayatikas only 5 [ viz. the 5 elements ] are admitted Prab. ii, 18/19 (4) with Buddh. 4, with Jainas 2 or 5 or 7 or 9 Sarvad. ii f. (5) in Ved^anta phil. [ tattva ] is regarded as made up of [ tad ] and [ tvam ], ` that [ art ] thou ', and called [ mahA-vAkya ], the great word by which the identity of the whole world with the one eternal Brahma [ [ tad ] ] is expressed) (6) the, number 25 Sūryas. ii (7) the number 24 DevibhP. ŚBr. vii, 3, 1, 43 Sāy (8) an element or elementary property W. (9) the essence or substance of anything W. [ 433,1 ] (10) the being that Jaim. i, 3, 24 Sch. (11) = [ tata-tva ] L. (12) N. of a musical instrument L. (13) ([ ena ]), instr. ind. according to the true state or nature of anything, in truth, truly, really, accurately Mn. vii, 68 MBh. R. (14) [ -kaumudI ] f. ` Tattva-moonlight ', N. of a Comm. on Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad. xiv, 20 (15) [ -candra ] m. ` truthmoon ', N. of a Comm. on Prakriyā-kaumudī (16) ` Tattva-moon ', N. of a Comm. on [ -kaumudI ] (17) [ -cintAmaNi ] m. N. of a philos. work by Gaṅg^eśa (18) of another work Nirṇayas. iii (19) [ -jJa ] mfn. ifc. knowing the truth, knowing the true nature of, knowing thoroughly Mn. xii, 102 MBh. ([ a- ] neg., xii, 6623) R. &c. (20) m. a Brāhman Npr. (21) [ -jJAna ] n. knowledge of truth, thorough knowledge, insight into the true principles of phil. Sarvad (22) [ -jJAnin ] mfn. = [ -jJa ] W. (23) [ -taraMgiNI ] f. ` truth-river ', N. of wk. by Dharmasāgara (24) [ -tas ] ind. = [ °ttvena ] MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 13 Mn. MBh. &c. (25) [ -tA ] f. truth, reality W. (26) [ -tyaj ] mfn. mistaking the true state Viddh. iii, 19 (27) [ -trayamaya ] mfn. consisting of the 3 realities Hcat. i, 11, 893 (28) [ -darza ] m. (= [ -dRz ]) N. of a Ṛshi under Manu Deva-sāvarṇi BhP. viii, 13, 32 (29) [ -darzin ] mfn. = [ -dRz ] MBh. iii, 1149 Rāmag (30) m. N. of one of Manu Raivata's sons Hariv. 433 (31) of a Brāhman, 1265 (32) [ -dIpana ] n. ` Tattva-light ', N. of wk. (33) [ -dRz ] mfn. perceiving truth Vedântas (34) [ -nikaSa-grAvan ] m. the touchstone of truth Hit. i, 9, 12 (35) [ -nizcaya ] m. ` ascertainment of truth ', right knowledge Sarvad. vi, 91 and 94 (36) [ -niSThatA ] f. veracity Hemac (37) [ -nyAsa ] m. ` application of true principles ', N. of a ceremony in honour of Viṣṇu (application of mystical letters &c. to parts of the body while prayers are recited), Tantr (38) [ -prakAza ] m. ` light of true principles ', N. of a Comm. Sarvad. vii (39) [ -prabodha-prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk. by Haribhadra II (A. D. 1200) (40) [ -bindu ] m. ` truthdrop ', N. of a philos. treatise (41) [ -bodha ] m. knowledge or understanding of truth, xii, 46 (42) N. of wk. Tantras. ii (43) [ -bodhinI ] f. ` teaching true principles ', N. of a Comm. on Saṃkshepa-śārīraka (44) of a Comm. on Siddh. by Jñān^endra-sarasvatī (45) truth-teaching, cf. RTL. p. 492 and 509 (46) [ -bhava ] m. true being or nature KaṭhUp. vi ŚvetUp. i (47) [ -bhUta ] mfn. true MBh. xii, 5290 (48) [ -mukt^avali ] f. ` necklace of truth ', N. of wk. Sarvad. iv, 110 (49) cf. RTL. p. 123 (50) [ -vat ] mfn. possessing the truth or reality of things MBh. xii, 11480 (51) [ -vAda-rahasya ] n. N. of wk. Sarvad. v, 110

---> [ -vid ] mfn. knowing the true nature of(gen.) Bhag. iii, 28 (52) [ -vivitsA ] f. desire of knowing the truth W. (53) [ -viveka ] m. the sifting of established truth (54) N. of wk. on astron. (also [ siddh^anta-t° ]) (55) of another work Sarvad. v, 6 (56) [ °ka-dIpana ] n. ` light of truth-investigation ', N. of a philos. work (57) [ -zambara ] n. N. of a Tantra Ānand. 31 Sch. (58) ([ °raka ], Āryav.) (59) [ -zuddhi ] f. ascertainment or right knowledge of truth Kathās. lxxv, 194 (60) [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of wk. Sarvad. vii, 88 (61) [ -satya-zAstra ] n. N. of a Buddh. work by Guṇaprabha (62) [ -samAsa ] m. ` Tattva-compendium ', N. of Kapila's Sāṃkhya-sūtras Tattvas (63) [ -sAgara ] m. ` truth-ocean ', N. of wk. Smṛtit. xi Nirṇayas. i, 318 (64) [ -sAra ] m. ` truth-essence ', N. of wk. Śāktân. ii (65) [ °v^akhyAn^opamA ] f. a simile expressing or stating any truth Kāvyâd. ii, 36 (66) [ °v^adhigata ] mfn. learnt thoroughly Suśr. (67) [ °v^apahnava-rUpaka ] n. a metaphor denying a truth (as that two eyes are not eyes but bees) Kāvyâd. ii, 95 (68) [ °v^abhiyoga ] m. a positive charge or declaration Yājñ. ii, 5/6, 4 ff (69) [ °v^artha ] m. the truth Sarvad. iii (70) [ °tha-kaumudI ] f. ` truth-light ', N. of a Comm. on Prāyaśc. by (Govind^ananda (71) [ °tha-vid ] mfn. knowing the exact truth or meaning of (in comp.) Mn. i, 3 (72) ([ veda- ]) (73) [ °tha-sUtra ] n. N. of a Jaina work by Umā-svāti Sarvad. iii, 103 (74) [ °v^avabodha ] m. perception of truth W.

===> tavara [ tavara ]1[ tavara ] a particular high number L.

===> taḍāga [ taDAga ]2[ taDAga ] n. (m., g. [ ardharc^adi ]) = [ °DAka ] ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 2 Mn. iv, vii ff. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) a trap L.

===> taṇḍula [ taNDula ]1[ taNDul'a ] m. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) grain (after threshing and winnowing), esp. rice AV. x ff. ŚBr. AitBr. &c. (1) rice used as a weight Car. vii, 12 VarBṛS. (2) = [ °lIka ] L. (3) m. = [ °lu ] L. (4) ([ A ]), f. id. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. a kind of gourd L. (6) = [ °lIka ] L. (7) the plant [ yava-tiktA ] L.

===> taṇḍula-kaṇa [ taNDulakaNa ]3[ taNDul'a-kaNa ] m. a rice-grain Hit.

===> taṭa [ taTa ]1[ taTa ] m. (exceptionally n. Daśar. ii. 18/19) a slope, declivity, any part of the body which has (as it were) sloping, sides (cf. [ zroNi- ], [ stana- ], &c.), a shore MBh. (said of Siva, xii, 10381) Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. ii Bhartṛ.) (1) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ gaur^adi ] Gaṇar. 49) id. Gīt. Prab. Sāh (2) cf. [ a- ], [ ut- ] (3) [ pura-taTI ]

===> teja [ teja ]1[ teja ] m. (√ [ tij ]) sharpness Vop. viii, 132

---> m. N. of a man Rājat. viii, 1226 (1) ([ A ]), f. the 13th night of the Karma-māsa Sūryapr.

===> tejas [ tejas ]2[ t'ejas ] n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c.), point or top of a flame or ray, glow, glare, splendour, brilliance, light, fire RV. &c. (1) clearness of the eyes VS. xxi AitBr. &c. (2) the bright appearance of the human body (in health), beauty Nal. Suśr. i, 15 [ 454,3 ] (3) the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile, 14 and 26 (4) the bile L. (5) fiery energy, ardour, vital power, spirit, efficacy, essence AV. &c. (6) semen virile MBh. R. Ragh. Śak (7) marrow L. (8) the brain W. (9) gold L. (10) (opposed to [ kSamA ]) impatience, fierceness, energetic opposition MBh. iii VarBṛ. Sāh. iii, 50 and 54 Daśar. ii, 3 (11) (in Sāṃkhya phil.) = [ rajas ] (passion) (12) spiritual or moral or magical power or influence, majesty, dignity, glory, authority AV. VS. &c. (13) a venerable or dignified person, person of consequence MBh. v, xiii Śak. vii, 15 (14) fresh butter L. (15) a mystical N. of the letter ? RāmatUp. i, 23 (16) ([ ase ]), dat. inf. √ [ tij ], q. v. (17) cf. [ a- ], [ agni- ], [ ugra- ] &c.

===> tejasvin [ tejasvin ]3[ t'ejas-v'in ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Kāś.) sharp (the eye) Bhartṛ (1) brilliant, splendid, bright, powerful, energetic TS. ii f. TBr. &c. (2) violent VarBṛS. ci, 2 (3) inspiring respect, dignified, noble Mn. &c. (4) = [ -kara ] TUp. ii, 1 (5) m. N. of a son of Indra MBh. i, 7304 (6) ([ inI ]), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. (7) [ mahA-jyotiSmatI ] L. (8) [ °svi-tA ] f. energy MBh. iii (9) majesty, dignity Hcar. v, 435 (10) [ °svi-tva ] n. brilliancy MBh. v, 181, 7 Pratāpar (11) [ °svini-tamA ] or [ °sv'inI-t° ], Superl. of f. of [ °sv'in ] Kāṭh. xxiii, 10 TS. vi (12) [ °svi-prazaMsA ] f. N. of ŚārṅgP. xvii

===> tejita [ tejita ]3[ tejita ] mfn. sharpened, whetted (arrows) MBh. v f. (1) excited, stimulated Hariv. 5208 ; 9644

===> tejo-rāśi [ tejorAzi ]3[ tejo-rAzi ] m. ` mass of splendour ', all splendour (mount Meru) MBh. i (1) (°jaso ?° iii, 9900) (2) Śiva

===> tejovat [ tejovat ]3[ tejo-vat ] mfn. sharp, pungent W. (1) bright VarBṛS. lxxxi, 6 (2) energetic W. (3) ([ tI ]), f. Scindapsus officinalis (°ja-v° Bhpr. v, 1, 170) Suśr. iv, 2 ; 8 ; 15 (4) vi (5) Piper Chaba L. (6) [ mahA-jyotiSmatI ] L. (7) N. of a root (also [ °jinI ]) Npr. (8) of a princess Kathās. xvii, 34

===> tela [ tela ]1[ tela ] m. N. of a high number Buddh. L.

===> telu [ telu ]1[ telu ] g. [ rAjany^adi ]

===> temana [ temana ]2[ temana ] n. moisture L. (1) moistening L. (2) a sauce L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a sort of fire-place L.

===> tena [ tena ]1[ tena ]1 m. a note or cadence introductory to a song

===> [ tena ]1[ t'ena ]2 ind. (instr. of 2. [ t'a ]) in that direction, there (correl. to [ yena ], ` in which direction, where ') SaddhP. iv Pāṇ. 2-1, 14 Kāś (1) in that manner, thus (correl. to [ yena ], ` in what manner '), PārGṛ. ii, 2 Mn. iv, 178 Vop. v, 7 [ 455,1 ] (2) on that account, for that reason, therefore (correl. to [ yena ] [ Mn. MBh. ], [ y'ad ] [ ŚBr. iv, 1, 5, 7 Mn. i, iii R. ii ], [ yasmAt ] [ MBh. R. ], [ yatas ] [ Sāh. i, 2 Hit. ]) (3) [ tena hi ], therefore, now then Śak. Vikr. i, 3/4

===> tha [ tha ]1[ tha ]1 aspirate of the preceding letter

===> [ tha ]2[ tha ]2 m. a mountain cf. L. (1) a protector cf. L. (2) a sign of danger cf. L. (3) N. of a disease cf. L. (4) eating cf. L. (5) n. preservation cf. L. (6) fear cf. L. (7) an auspicious prayer cf. L.

===> tha-kāra [ thakAra ]3[ tha-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ th ]

===> thutthu-kāraka [ thutthukAraka ]2[ thutthu-kAraka ] mfn. one who smacks his lips in eating (not admitted into the cf. Buddh. brotherhood) cf. L.

===> tikta [ tikta ]1[ tikta ] [ °ktaka ], below

===> [ tikta ]2[ tikta ] mfn. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste, [ rasa ]), pungent MBh. xii, xiv Suśr. &c. (1) fragrant Megh. Śiś. v, 33 (2) m. a bitter taste, pungency W. (3) fragrance W. (4) Wrightia antidysenterica L. (5) Capparis trifoliata L. (6) Agathotes Chirayta Npr. (7) = [ pari- ] ib. (8) Terminalia Catappa ib. (9) a sort of cucumber ib. (cf. [ anArya- ], [ kirAta- ], [ cira- ], [ mahA- ]) (10) n. N. of a medicinal plant L. (11) a kind of salt Npr. (12) ([ A ]), f. N. of a plant (= [ -rohiNI ] L. (13) Clypea hernandifolia L. (14) a water-melon L. (15) Artemisia sternutatoria Bhpr. (16) = [ yava- ] L. (17) cf. [ kAka- ]) Suśr. iv, 5, 12

===> tikta-phala [ tiktaphala ]3[ tikta-phala ] m. ` bitter-fruited ', = [ -marica ] L. (1) ([ A ]), f. a water-melon L. (2) = [ yavatiktA ] L. (3) = [ vArtAkI ] L.

===> tila [ tila ]2[ t'ila ] m. Sesamum indicum (its blossom is compared to the nose Gīt. x, 14 Siṉhâs (1) cf. [ -puSpa ]), sesamum seed (much used in cookery (2) supposed to have originated from Viṣṇu's sweat-drops Hcat. i, 6, 137 & 142) AV. ([ °l'a ], xviii, 4, 32) VS. ŚBr. &c. (3) a mole Kālid (4) a small particle MBh. &c. (5) the right lung ŚārṅgS. v, 42 (6) pl. N. of a ch. of PSarv. (cf. [ kRSNa- ], [ carma- ], [ SaNDha- ])

===> tila-kaṇa [ tilakaNa ]3[ t'ila-kaNa ] m. a sesamum seed Bhartṛ. (v. l. [ -khali ])

===> tila-kālaka [ tilakAlaka ]3[ t'ila-kAlaka ] m. a mole Suśr. i f. iv Pāṇ. 3-2, 52 Pat. ; 53 Kāś (1) N. of a disease of the penis Suśr. ii, 14, 16 ; iv, 21, 16 (2) mfn. having a mole L. Sch.

===> tila-puṣpa [ tilapuSpa ]3[ t'ila-puSpa ] n. ` sesamum-flower ', the nose Kuval. 224

===> tila-pīḍa [ tilapIDa ]3[ t'ila-pIDa ] m. = [ -M-tuda ] MBh. xii (1) cf. [ tail° ],

===> tilaka [ tilaka ]2[ tilaka ] m. (g. [ sthUl^adi ]) Clerodendrum phlomoides (Symplocos racemosa L.) MBh. &c. (1) a freckle (compared to a sesamum-seed) VarBṛS. l, 9 (2) lii, 10 Kathās (3) a kind of skin-eruption L. (4) (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka (5) a kind of horse L. (6) N. of a prince of Kampanā Rājat. viii, 577 ff (7) m. (n. Pañcad. ii, 57) a mark on the forehead (made with coloured earths, sandal-wood, or unguents, either as an ornament or a sectarial distinction) Yājñ. i, 293 MBh. iii, 11591 R. (ifc. f. [ A ], iii) &c. (8) the ornament of anything (in comp.) Pañcat. i, 1, 92 Kathās. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] Rājat. iii, 375) (9) n. id. L. (10) the right lung L. (11) black sochal salt L. (12) alliteration Rājat (13) a metre of 4 x 6 syllables (14) = [ tri-zlokI ] L. (15) a kind of observance Kālanirṇ. Introd. 12 (16) ([ A ]), f. a kind of necklace L. (17) cf. [ eNa- ], [ kha- ], [ vasanta- ] (18) [ Urdhva-tilakin ]

===> tilaśas [ tilazas ]3[ t'ila-zas ] ind. in pieces as small as sesamum-seeds, Mbh. &c.

===> timi [ timi ]2[ timi ] m. a kind of whale or fabulous fish of an enormous size MBh. Hariv. 4915 R. VarBṛS. &c. (1) a fish Kathās. v, lx (2) the sign Pisces VarBṛ. Sch. (3) the figure of a fish produced by drawing two lines (one intersecting the other at right angles) Sūryas. iii, 3 f. (4) the ocean L. (5) N. of a son of Dūrva (father of Bṛhad-ratha) BhP. ix, 22, 41 (6) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the seamonsters), vi, 6, 25 f.

===> timira [ timira ]1[ timira ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ tamar ] [ Old Germ. [ demar ] ] = [ t'amas ]) dark, gloomy MBh. vi, 2379 R. vi, 16, 104 (1) = [ -nayana ] VarBṛ. xx, 1 Sch. (2) m. a sort of aquatic plant (cf. [ -vana ]) VarBṛS. lv, 11 (3) n. darkness (also pl.) Yājñ. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] R. v, 10, 2 Kathās. xviii) (4) darkness of the eyes, partial blindness (a class of morbid affections of the coats [ [ paTala ] ] of the eye) Suśr. i, iii, v f. Aṣṭâṅg. vi, 13 Rājat. iv, 314 (5) iron-rust Npr. (6) N. of a town R. iv, 40, 26 (7) ([ A ]), f. another town Kathās. xvii, 33 (8) cf. [ vi- ], [ sa- ]

===> timirâpagata [ timirApagata ]3[ timir^apagata ] m. N. of a Samādhi Buddh. L.

===> tinduka [ tinduka ]2[ tinduka ] m. Diospyros embryopteris, (n.) its fruit (yielding a kind of resin used as pitch for caulking vessels &c.) MBh. R. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c. (1) m. = [ °du ], q. v. (2) n. a kind of weight (= [ karSa ] (3) = [ suvarNa ] Car. vii, 12) ŚārṅgS. i, 21 Aṣṭâṅg (4) ([ I ]), f. = [ °ki ] Suśr. iv, 2, 42 and 21, 8 VarBṛS. lxxix Kāś. [ 447,1 ]

===> tiras [ tiras ]2[ tir'as ] ind. (g. [ svar-Adi ] (1) √ [ tRR ]) through (acc.) RV. AV. xiii, 1, 36 (2) across, beyond, over (acc.) RV. AV. vii, 38, 5 (3) so as to pass by, apart from, without, against (acc.) RV. ([ °r'as citt'ani ], ` without the knowledge ', vii, 59, 8 (4) [ °r'o v'azam ], ` against the will ', x, 171, 4) (5) apart or secretly from (abl.) AV. xii, 3, 39 ŚBr. i, iii (6) obliquely, transversely MārkP. xvii, 3 (7) apart, secretly TS. ii, 5, 10, 6 AitBr. ii ŚBr. ; [ cf. Zd. [ taro1 ] ; Lat. [ trans ] ; Goth. [ thairh ] ; Germ. [ durch ] ; Hib. [ tar ], [ tair ]. ]

===> tiras-kuḍya [ tiraskuDya ]3[ tir'as-kuDya ] mfn. reaching through a wall Buddh. L.

===> tiras-kṛta [ tiraskRta ]3[ tir'as-kRta ] mfn. concealed R. ii Amar. Bhaṭṭ. (1) eclipsed W. (2) excelled Pañcat (3) censured, reviled, despised ib. ([ a- ] neg.) (4) [ -prAtivezya ] m. = [ tiraH-pr° ], q. v. (5) [ -sambhASa ] mfn. [ a- ] neg. speaking together without abusing each other MBh. iii, 233, 27

===> tiraḥ-prātiveśya [ tiraHprAtivezya ]3[ tiraH-prAtivezya ] m. a near neighbour Divyâv. xviii, 117 (1) (also [ tiraskRta-pr° ], 134)

===> tiro-bhāva [ tirobhAva ]3[ tiro-bhAva ] m. disappearance ChUp. vii, 26, 1 Sāṃkhyak. and KapS. Sch. Sāh

===> tiryag-gamana [ tiryaggamana ]3[ tiryag-gamana ] n. motion sideways VPrāt. i Sch.

===> [ tiryaggamana ]3[ tiryag-gamana ] n. sexual intercourse with an animal, Prāyaśc (1) [ °nyanvaya ] m. the animal race W. (2) mfn. of the animal race W.

===> tiryag-gata [ tiryaggata ]3[ tiryag-gata ] mfn. going horizontally (an animal), ii, 35, 17 (1) n. an animal, vii, 110, 19

===> tiryag-yoni [ tiryagyoni ]3[ tiryag-yoni ] f. the womb of an animal, animal creation, organic nature (including plants) Mn. iv, 200 MBh. xiii R. vii, &c. (1) mfn. born of or as an animal W.

===> tiryak [ tiryak ]2[ tiry'ak ] ind., [ °y'aJc ] (1) in comp. also for [ °y'aJc ]

===> [ tiryak ]1[ tiry'ak ] [ °ry'aJc ], p. 447, col. 3

===> tisṛ [ tisR ]1[ tisR ] f. pl. of [ tr'i ], q. v. (1) ifc. [ priya- ]

===> tithi [ tithi ]1[ tithi ] mf. (Siddhṣtry. 25) a lunar day (30th part of a whole lunation of rather more than 27 solar days (1) 15 Tithis, during the moon's increase, constitute the light half of the month and the other 15 the dark half (2) the auspicious Tithis are Nandā, Bhadrā, Vijayā, Pūrṇā VarBṛS. ic, 2) Gobh. i f. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. &c. (3) the number 15 VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Laghuj. Sūryas (4) cf. [ janma- ], [ dus- ], [ mahA- ]

===> tittiri [ tittiri ]2[ titt'iri ] m. a partridge VS. xxiv TS. ii ([ °ttir'i ]) Kāṭh. xii, 10 ŚBr. Nir. Mn. &c. (1) a kind of step (in dancing) (2) the school of the Taittirīyas Uṇ. k (3) N. of a pupil of Yāska (first teacher of the Taittiriya school of the black YV.) ĀtrAnukr. Pāṇ. 4-3, 102 MBh. ii, 107 (4) of a Nāga, i, 1560 ; v, 3629 (5) f. a female partridge Pāṇ. 4-1, 65 Kāś (6) [ cf. [ ku- ] (7) ?. ]

===> titīla [ titIla ]1[ titIla ] m. a bat Buddh. L.

===> tiṣya [ tiSya ]1[ tiSy'a ] m. N. of a heavenly archer (like Kṛśānu) and of the 6th Nakshatra of the old or 8th of the new order RV. v, 54, 13 ; x, 64, 8 TS. ([ °Sy'a ]) &c. (1) the month Pausha L. (2) Terminalia tomentosa L. (3) = [ °SyA ] L. (4) (Pāṇ. 4-3, 34 (5) i, 2, 63 Kāś.) ` born under the asterism Terminalia ', a common N. of men Buddh. (cf. [ upa- ]) (6) n. (m. L.) the 4th or present age MBh. vi Hariv. 3019 (7) mfn. auspicious, fortunate W. (8) ([ A ]), f. Emblic Myrobalan L.

===> tiṣya-rakṣitā [ tiSyarakSitA ]3[ tiSy'a-rakSitA ] f. N. of Aśoka's 2nd wife Buddh. (Divyâv. xxvii)

===> tiṭibha [ tiTibha ]1[ tiTibha ] a particular high number Buddh. L.

===> tolaka [ tolaka ]3[ tolaka ] (m. n. L.) a weight of gold or silver (in books = 16 Māshas, in practise only = 12 Māshas) Rājat. iv, 201 (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a wall round a watch-tower BhP. x, 76, 10

===> tomara [ tomara ]1[ tomara ] m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a lance, javelin MBh. &c. (1) m. pl. N. of a people, vi, 377 (2) sg. N. of the ancestor of a commentator on Devīm (3) n. a metre of 4 X 9 syllables

===> tomara-graha [ tomaragraha ]3[ tomara-graha ] m. a lancebearer Pāṇ. 3-2, 9 Vārtt. 1 (1) lance-throwing Divyâv. iii, 59 (2) viii

===> toraṇa [ toraNa ]1[ toraNa ] n. (g. [ ardharcadi ]) an arch, arched doorway, portal, festooned decorations over doorways (with boughs of trees, garlands, &c.) MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) a mound near a bathing-place W. (2) a triangle supporting a large balance (3) m. Śiva, xiii, 1232 (4) n. the neck L. (5) cf. [ ut- ], [ kapATa- ], [ kautuka- ]

===> toya [ toya ]1[ t'oya ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) water Naigh. i, 12 Mn. v, viii f. MBh. &c. ([ °yaM-√ kR ] with gen., ` to make offerings of water to the dead ', xviii, 32 (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river in Śālmala-dvīpa VP. ii, 4, 28 (2) of another in India)

===> toya-da [ toyada ]3[ t'oya-da ] m. ` water-giver ', a rain-cloud R. Ragh. &c. (1) Cyperus rotundus L. (2) ghee L. (3) [ °d^atyaya ] m. ` cloud-departure ', the autumn R. ii VarBṛS. xliv, 23

===> toyikā [ toyikA ]2[ toyikA ] f. N. of a place (known by a festival [ [ maha ] ] called after it) Divyâv. vi, 101 (1) xxxi, 146

===> toṣa [ toSa ]1[ toSa ] m. (√ [ tuS ]) satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, joy (with loc., gen., or ifc.) MBh. &c. (1) Contentment as a son of Bhaga-vat and one of the 12 Tushitas BhP. iv, 1, 7

===> toṣaṇa [ toSaNa ]3[ toSaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. satisfying, gratifying, appeasing, pleasing MBh. BhP. (1) n. the act of satisfying or appeasing or delighting, i, 2, 13 (ifc.) [ 456,2 ]

---> ([ I ]), f. Durgā Hariv. 10238 (2) cf. [ su- ]

===> toṣita [ toSita ]3[ toSita ] mfn. satisfied, gratified, pleased MBh. R. BhP. Śak. vii, 1 Kathās

===> toṣya [ toSya ]3[ toSya ] mfn. = [ °Sayitavya ] MBh.

===> toṭaka [ toTaka ]1[ toTaka ] (= [ troT° ]), mfn. quarrelsome Chandas. vi, 31, Halāy (1) m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr. v, 3 (2) of a pupil of Śaṃkar^acārya SŚaṃkar (3) n. angry speech Daśar. i, 40 Pratāpar (4) a metre of 4 X 12 syllables (5) also [ troT° ]

===> trai [ trai ]1[ trai ] cl. 1. Ā. [ tr'Ayate ] (Impv. [ °yatAm ], 2. sg. [ °yasva ] and [ tr'Asva ] pl. [ °yadhvam ] and [ tr'Adhvam ] RV. (1) ep. [ trAti ], [ trAtu ], [ trAhi ] (2) aor. Subj. [ trAsate ], 2. du. [ tr'AsAthe ] Prec. [ tr'AsIthAm ] RV. (3) inf. [ trAtum ] MBh. &c. (4) ind. p. [ trAtvA ] BhP. ii, 7, 9) to protect, preserve, cherish, defend, rescue from (gen. or abl.) (5) cf. [ pari- ], [ saM- ]

===> traicīvarika [ traicIvarika ]2[ traicIvarika ] mfn. possessing the [ tri-cIvara ] L.

===> traidha [ traidha ]2[ traidha ] mfn. (fr. [ tr'i-dhA ] or [ tredh'A ]) triple Pāṇ. 5-3, 45 Vārtt. Sch. (1) ([ am ]), ind. (v, 3, 45) = [ tredh'A ] KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. Kauś. MBh.

===> traidhātuka [ traidhAtuka ]2[ traidhAtuka ] n. the 3 worlds SaddhP. iv

===> traiguṇya [ traiguNya ]3[ traiguNya ] n. the state of consisting of 3 threads, tripleness Mn. ii, 42 Kull. ; 3 qualities ([ zaitya ], [ saugandhya ], [ mAndya ]), Śivarātrivr (1) the 3 Guṇas MBh. Sāṃkhyak. 14 ; 18 Tattvas. Mālav. i, 4 MārkP. l, 3 (2) mfn. having the 3 Guṇas BhP. xi, 25, 30 (3) [ -vat ] mfn. id. Sarvad. xiv, 63

===> trailokya [ trailokya ]2[ trailokya ] n. (g. [ caturvarN^adi ]) the 3 Lokas or worlds Mn. xi, 237 MBh. &c. (1) a mystic N. of some part of the body (2) m. N. of a man Rājat. vii f.

===> trailāṭa [ trailATa ]2[ trailATa ] a sort of horse-fly Buddh. L.

===> traimāsya [ traimAsya ]3[ traimAsya ] n. id. KātyŚr. xx, 3, 6

===> trairūpya [ trairUpya ]2[ trairUpya ] n. tripleness of ([ rUpa ]) form, threefold change of form Pāṇ. 7-3, 49 Sch. (not in Kāś.)

===> traividhya [ traividhya ]2[ traividhya ] n. triplicity Bādar. i, 31 Suśr. v KapS. i, 70 Bhāshāp. &c. (1) mfn. triple BhP. vi, 3, 4

===> traividya [ traividya ]2[ traividya ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Pat.) familiar with [ tri-vidyA ] Lāṭy. viii, 6, 29 Mn. Yājñ. MBh. (1) n. = [ tri-vidyA ] Āp. Gaut. Gṛhyās. Mn. &c. (2) an assembly of Brāhmans familiar with [ tri-vidyA ] Yājñ. Hariv. 9578 MārkP. xxiii, 35

===> trapu [ trapu ]1[ tr'apu ] n. (1, 177 Kāś.) tin AV. xi, 3, 8 VS. xviii Kapishṭh. ChUp. Mn. &c.

===> trapu-karṇin [ trapukarNin ]3[ tr'apu-karNin ] m. ` having tin ear-ornaments ', Bhava-nandin Avadānaś

===> trapusa [ trapusa ]3[ trapusa ] n. id. L. (1) the fruit of [ °sI ] (also [ °puSa ] L.) Kauś. Suśr. (2) ([ I ]), f. coloquintida (and other cucumbers L.), vi, 47

===> trapuṣa [ trapuSa ]3[ trapuSa ] m. N. of a merchant Lalit. xxiv (1) n. tin L. Sch. (2) [ °pusa ]

===> trapā [ trapA ]2[ trapA ] f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 104) perplexity, bashfulness, shame MBh. ii BhP. Ratnâv. &c. : (ifc. f. [ A ] Sāh.) (1) an unchaste woman L. (2) family L. (3) fame L.

===> trasana [ trasana ]2[ trasana ] n. a quivering ornament (?) Kauś. 14

===> trasta [ trasta ]3[ trasta ] mfn. quivering, trembling, frighted MBh. &c. (1) (in music) quick ; [ Lat. [ tristis ]. ]

===> traya [ traya ]1[ tray'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (fr. [ tr'i ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 43) triple, threefold, consisting of 3, of 3 kinds RV. x, 45, 2 AV. iv, 11, 2 VS. &c. ([ °y'I vidy'A ]), ` the triple sacred science ', reciting hymns, performing sacrifices, and chanting [ RV., YV., and SV. ] ŚBr. AitBr. &c. [ 457,2 ] (1) n. a triad (chiefly ifc.) ChUp. KaṭhUp. Mn. &c. (2) ([ I ]), f. id., [ zata- ] (3) = [ °y'I vidy'A ] Gaut. Mn. &c. (4) the Buddh. triad (Buddha, Dharma, and Saṃgha) Hcar. viii (5) summit Bālar. i, 28 (6) a woman whose husband and children are living L. (7) Venonia anthelminthica L. (8) [ su-mati ] L.

===> trayas-triṃśa [ trayastriMza ]3[ tr'ayas-triMz'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. the 33rd ŚBr. (du. ` the 32nd and 33rd ', iv, xi) (1) (chs. of MBh. and R.) (2) + 33 ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 12 f. (3) consisting of 33 parts ([ st'oma ], sometimes to be supplied) VS. AV. TBr. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. MaitrUp. (4) numbering 33 (the gods) VS. xx AV. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. iv (5) celebrated with the [ °z'a ] Stoma VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhSr (6) [ °sa-pati ] m. ` lord of the gods ', Indra L. (7) [ °z'a-vartani ] mfn. forming the path for the [ °z'a ] Stoma TS. iv (8) [ °z'a-stoma ] mfn. containing the [ °z'a ] Stoma ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr. x

===> trayo-daśa [ trayodaza ]3[ trayo-daza ] ([ tr'ay° ]), mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 35 and 3, 48) 13 VS. xiv, 29 (instr. [ °z'abhis ]) ŚBr. Mn. ix (1) [ °z'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 13th VS. AV. ŚBr. R. VarBṛS. (2) ([ zata ], 100) + 13 ŚāṅkhŚr. (3) consisting of 13 parts ([ st'oma ]) VS. Lāṭy (4) ([ I ]), f. the 13th day of a half-moon Mn. &c. (5) N. of a kind of gesture PSarv. (6) [ -dvIpa-vatI ] mfn. consisting of 13 islands (the earth) MBh. iii, 3, 52 and 134, 20 (7) [ -dh'A ] ind. into 13 parts ŚBr. x Rājat. v (8) [ -mAsika ] mfn. consisting of 13 months Kāraṇḍ. xix, 96 (9) [ -rAtra ] n. an observance lasting 13 days KātyŚr. xii Sch. (10) [ -rc'a ] mfn. containing 13 Ṛc verses (a hymn) AV. xix, 23, 10 (11) [ -varjya-saptamI ] f. N. of a 7th day BhavP. ii, 41 (12) [ -vArSika ] mfn. 13 years old MBh. vii, 197, 7 (13) [ -vidha ] mfn. of 13 kinds Car. vi, 3 Sāṃkhyak (14) [ tr'ayodaz^akSara ] mfn. having 13 syllables VS. ix (15) [ tr'ayodaz^aratni ] mfn. 13 yards long ŚBr. iii, xiii (16) [ °z^aha ] m. = [ °za-rAtra ] R. (G) ii, 86, 4

===> trayo-viṃśati [ trayoviMzati ]3[ trayo-viMzati ] ([ tr'ay° ]), f. Pāṇ.) id. VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. BhP. x (instr. [ °tibhis ]) (1) [ -tattva ] n. pl. 23 Tattvas. iii (2) [ -tama ] mfn. the 23rd (ch. of R. iii f.) (3) [ -dAru ] mfn. consisting of 23 pieces of wood ĀpŚr. vii, 7, 7 (4) [ -dh'A ] ind. into 23 parts ŚBr. x, 4 (5) [ -rAtra ] n. an observance lasting 23 days KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> tredhā [ tredhA ]2[ tredh'A ] ind. = [ tr'i-dhA ] RV. VS. &c.

===> tretā [ tretA ]1[ tr'etA ] f. (fr. [ tray'a ]) and triad, triplet MBh. xiv, 2759 (1) the 3 sacred fires (= [ agni- ]), v, 1559 Hariv. 1410 (2) trey (throw at dice or the side of a die marked with 3 spots) VS. xxx, 18 TS. iv Mṛcch. ii, 9 (3) ` age of triads ', the 2nd Yuga (or silver age) AitBr. MuṇḍUp. ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c.

===> tretā-yuga [ tretAyuga ]3[ tr'etA-yuga ] n. the Tr'etā age MBh. &c.

===> tri [ tri ]1[ tr'i ] m. [ tr'ayas ] f. nom. acc. [ tisr'as ] n. [ tr'INi ] [ [ tr'I ] RV. ŚBr. xi ], 3 RV. &c. ([ tribh'is ] & [ tis'Rbhis ], &c. RV. (1) only once [ tr'ibhis ] [ viii, 59, 5 ] with the later accentuation, cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 177 and 180 f. (2) gen. [ trIN'Am ] [ RV. x, 185, 1 (3) cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 53 Kāś. ] and [ tisRRN'Am ] [ RV. viii, 19, 37 and 101, 6 ], later on [ fr. [ °y'a ] ] [ trayANAm ] [ AitBr. Mn. ] and [ tisRN'Am ] [ RV. v, 69, 2 against metre (4) cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 4 f. ] (5) ifc., vii, 2, 99 f. Kāś.) [ 458,1 ] ; [ cf. ?, Lat. [ tres ] ; Goth. [ threis ] (6) &c. ]

===> tri-bhava [ tribhava ]3[ tr'i-bhava ] mfn. said of a kind of fever Bhpr. vii, 8, 70

===> tri-bhuvana [ tribhuvana ]3[ tr'i-bhuvana ] n. (Pāṇ. 2-4, 30 Vārtt. 3 Sch.) = [ -jagat ] Bhartṛ. BhP. &c. (1) N. of a town Kathās. lvi (2) m. N. of a prince ib. Rājat. vi f. (3) [ -guru ] m. ` the 3 worlds ' master ', Śiva Megh (4) [ -pati ] m. Viṣṇu Dhūrtas. i, 13 (5) [ -pAla-deva ] m. N. of a prince, Dūtâṅg. i, 2/3 (6) [ -prabhA ] f. N. of the daughter of a Dānava Kathās. cxviii (7) [ -malla-deva ] m. the hero of Vcar. (8) [ -mANikya-carita ] n. N. of wk. Gaṇar (9) [ °n^abhoga ] m. the extension of the 3 worlds Prasannar. i, 8/9 (10) [ °n^ezvara ] m. = [ °na-guru ] ŚivaP. ii, 28 (11) Indra BrahmaP. (12) [ °n^ezvara-liGga ] n. N. of a Liṅga KapSaṃh.

===> tri-bhāga [ tribhAga ]3[ tr'i-bhAga ] m. the 3rd part Hariv. VarBṛS. Rājat. KātyŚr. Sch. (1) the 3rd part (of the eye sending a particular side-glance) Kād. Hcar. vii Bālar. iii, 49 (2) the 3rd part of a zodiacal sign VarBṛ. (3) threefourths Pañcar. i, 14, 50

===> tri-cīvara [ tricIvara ]3[ tr'i-cIvara ] n. the 3 vestments of a Buddh. monk MWB. 83

===> tri-damatha-vastu-kuśala [ tridamathavastukuzala ]3[ tr'i-damatha-vastu-kuzala ] m. ` skilled in the threefold self-control (cf. [ -daNDa ]) ', Buddha Divyâv. ix, 13 ; xix, 50

===> tri-daśa [ tridaza ]3[ tr'i-daza ] mf ([ A ]) n. 3 X 10 (= 30) MBh. i, 4445 (1) m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 25 ; v, 4, 73 ; vi, 3, 48 Kāś. and [ dvi-d° ]) the 3 X 10 (in round number for 3 X 11) deities (12 Ādityas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 2 Aśvins (2) cf. RV. ix, 92, 24) MBh. &c. (3) du. the Aśvins, iii, 10345 (4) mfn. divine R. iii, 41, 21 (5) n. heaven MBh. xiii, 3327 ([ tri-diva ], B) (6) [ -guru ] m. ` thirty-god-preceptor ', Bṛhaspati (regent of Jupiter) VarBṛS. VarBṛ. (7) [ -gopa ] m. = [ indra-g° ], a fire-fly Ragh. xi, 42 (8) [ -gopaka ] m. id. Npr. (9) [ -tA ] f. divine nature Bālar (10) [ -tva ] n. id. Ragh. xviii, 30 (11) [ -dIrghikA ] f. ` heavenly lake ', Gaṅgā L. (12) [ -nadI ] f. ` heavenly river ', Gaṅgā W. (13) [ -pati ] m. ` lord of the gods ', Indra Mṛcch. Ratnâv. iv, 11 VP. v, 18 (14) [ -puMgava ] m. ` god-chief ', Viṣṇu R. i, 14, 42 (15) [ -pratipakSa ] m. = [ °z^ari ] (16) [ -maJjarI ] f. ` heavenly plant ', the Tulasī L. (17) [ -vadhU ] f. ` wife of the gods ', an Apsaras W. (18) [ -vanitA ] f. id. Megh

---> [ -zaila ] m. ` heavenly mountain ', the Kailāsa Kathās. cxiv (19) [ -zreSTha ] mfn. best of gods (Brahmā, Agni) R. vi, 102 f. (20) [ -sarSapa ] m. = [ deva-s° ] Npr. (21) [ °z^aGkuza ] m. ` divine goad ', a thunderbolt L. (22) [ °z^aGganA ] f. = [ °za-vadhU ] Bhakt^am. 15 (23) [ °z^acArya ] m. = [ °za-guru ] L. (24) [ °z^adhipa ] m. a lord of the gods, 28 (25) [ °z^adhipati ] m. Śiva (26) [ °z^ayana ] mfn. ` resort of the gods ', Nārāyaṇa Hariv. (27) [ °z^ayudha ] n. ` divine weapon ', the rainbow Ragh. ix, 54 (28) the thunderbolt L. (29) [ °z^ari ] m. an enemy of the gods, Asura R. vi, 36, 78 (30) [ °z^alaya ] m. ` abode of the gods ', heaven MBh. iii R. i Vet (31) the mountain Su-meru L. (32) a heaven-dweller, god MBh. iii, 1725 (33) [ °z^avAsa ] m. = [ °z^alaya ], heaven L. (34) [ °z^ahAra ] m. ` divine food ', nectar L. (35) [ °zI-bhUta ] mfn. become divine Ragh. xv, 102 (36) [ °z^edra ] m. ` god-chief ', Indra Pañcat. i (37) [ °z^endra-zatru ] m. ` Indra's foe ', Rāvaṇa R. vi, 36, 6 (38) [ °z^eza ] m. = [ °z^endra ] MBh. iii (39) [ °z^ezadviS ] m. = [ °z^ari ] MBh. (40) [ °z^ezvara ] m. = [ °z^endra ] MBh. R. ii (41) Śiva MBh. (42) pl. Indra, Agni, Varuṇa, and Yama Nal. iv, 31 (43) ([ I ]), f. Durgā, DevīP. (44) N. of a female attendant of Durgā W. (45) [ °z^ezvara-dviS ] m. = [ °z^endra-zatru ] R. i, 14, 47

===> tri-daṇḍa [ tridaNDa ]3[ tr'i-daNDa ] n. = [ °NDaka ] Mn. &c. (1) triple control (i. e. of thoughts, words, and acts), xii, 11

===> tri-daṇḍin [ tridaNDin ]3[ tr'i-daNDin ] m. ` carrying the 3 staves tied together ', a Parivrājaka Yājñ. iii, 58 MBh. &c. (1) a triple commander (i. e. controlling his own thoughts, words and deeds) Mn. xii, 10 MārkP. xli

===> tri-dhātu [ tridhAtu ]3[ tr'i-dh'Atu ] mfn. consisting of 3 parts, triple, threefold (used like Lat. [ triplex ] to denote excessive) RV. ŚBr. v, 5, 5, 6 (1) m. (scil. [ puroD'Aza ]) N. of an oblation TS. ii, 3, 6. 1 ([ -tv'a ] n. abstr.) (2) Gaṇ^eśa L. (3) N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 3, 12 Sch. [ 459,1 ] (4) n. the triple world RV. (5) the aggregate of the 3 minerals or of the 3 humours W. (6) [ tridh'Atu-zRGga ] mfn. having a tripartite horn (Agni), v, 43, 13

===> tri-dhātuka [ tridhAtuka ]3[ tr'i-dhAtuka ] mfn. consisting of 3 humours BhP. x (1) m. Gaṇesa L.

===> tri-diva [ tridiva ]3[ tr'i-div'a ] n. (m. L.) the 3rd or most sacred heaven, heaven (in general) RV. ix, 113, 9 & AV. (with gen. [ div'as ]) GopBr. PraśnUp. Mn. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. cardamoms Npr. (2) N. of a river in India MBh. vi, 324 ; xiii, 7654 (3) of a river in the Plaksha-dvīpa VP. ii, 4, 11 (4) ([ °vI ]) BrahmâṇḍaP. [ Hcat. i, 5, 1070 ] (5) [ -gata ] mfn. ` heaven-departed ', dead Vcar. vi, 62 (6) [ °v^adh^iza ], [ °v^eza ] m. ` lord of heaven ', a god L. (7) [ °v^ezAna ] m. id. Gal. (8) [ °v^ezvara ] m. ` lord of heaven ', Indra R. i (9) [ °v^odbhavA ] f. large cardamoms L. (10) [ °v^aukas ] m. ` heaven-residing ', a god Vcar. xv, 72

===> tri-doṣa [ tridoSa ]3[ tr'i-doSa ] in comp., disorder of the 3 humours of the body (1) mfn. causing the TayāḍyaBr Suśr. i. 45, 10, 11 and 46, 4, 28 (2) [ -kRt ] mfn. id., 45, 8, 10 (3) [ -ghna ] mfn. removing the TayāḍyaBr, 45, 1, 16 (4) [ -ja ] mfn. resulting from the TayāḍyaBr L. (5) [ -zamana ] mfn. = [ -ghna ], 46, 4, 32 (6) [ -hArin ] mfn. id. (a kind of mixture) Rasêndrac (7) [ °S^apaha ] m. ` keeping-off 3 kinds of sins (cf. [ -daNDa ]) ', Buddha Buddh. L.

===> tri-guṇa [ triguNa ]3[ tr'i-guNa ] n. sg. the 3 Guṇas ([ sattva ], [ rajas ], and [ tamas ]) BhP. iv (1) m. pl. id. Tattvas (2) mf ([ A ]) n. containing them ŚvetUp. Mn. i, 15 Sāṃkhyak. Kap (3) consisting of 3 threads or strings ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. Kum. v, 10 (4) threefold, thrice as great or as much, triple KātyŚr. Mn. (5) ([ sapta tri-guNAni dinAni ], 3 x 7 days) Ragh. ii, 25 (6) ([ am ]), ind. in 3 ways Caraṇ (7) [ -parivAra ] n. the trident Kir. xviii, 45 (8) [ °NA-karNa ] mfn. whose ear-lobes are slit into 3 divisions (as a mark of distinction) Pāṇ. 6-3, 115 Kāś (9) [ °NA-kRta ] mfn. = [ tRtIyA-k° ] L. (10) [ °N^akhya ] mfn. said of different mixtures and of a kind of oil Rasêndrac. Rasar (11) [ °N^atmaka ] mfn. possessing the 3 Guṇas Vedântas. 37 (12) [ °NI-kRtya ] ind. p. making threefold AgP. xxxiii, 5

===> tri-karman [ trikarman ]3[ tr'i-karman ] mfn. performing (a Brāhman's) 3 chief duties (viz. performing ceremonies, repeating the Veda, and gifts) MBh. xiii (1) [ °ma-kRt ] mfn. id. KaṭhUp.

===> tri-koṇa [ trikoNa ]3[ tr'i-koNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. ?) triangular MBh. xiv VarBṛS. Phetk (1) forming a triangle VarBṛS. (2) n. a triangle RāmatUp. i, 29 (3) = [ °Na-bhavana ] VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Laghuj (4) ([ A ]), f. Trapa bispinosa Npr. (5) [ -phala ] n. id. L. (6) [ -bhavana ] n. the 5th and 9th mansion VarBṛS.

===> tri-kāla [ trikAla ]3[ tr'i-kAla ] n. the 3 times or tenses (pf., pr., fut.) ŚvetUp. BhP. v RāmatUp. (1) mfn. relating to them Sāṃkhyak. 33 (2) m. a Buddha W. (3) ([ am ]), ind. 3 times, thrice BhP. v (4) in the morning, at noon, and in the evening MBh. xiii (5) ([ °la- ]) Kām (6) [ -jJa ] mfn. knowing the 3 times, omniscient R. i VarBṛS. (7) m. a Buddha L. (8) [ -darzin ] mfn. omniscient R. i VarBṛS. (9) a sage L. (10) [ -nAtha ] m. N. of a Yogin Siṉhâs. xx, 0/1 (11) [ -rUpa ] mfn. three-shaped at the 3 times (of day, i. e. the sun) VP. iii, 5, 19 (12) [ -vid ] mfn. omniscient R. v (13) a Buddha L. (14) an Arhat of the Jainas L.

===> tri-kāya [ trikAya ]3[ tr'i-kAya ] m. ` having 3 bodies ', a Buddha MWB. 246

===> tri-kāṇḍa [ trikANDa ]3[ tr'i-kANDa ] ([ tr'i- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. consisting of three parts or divisions (an arrow or asterism) AitBr. iii, 33 ŚBr. ii ; 3 Kāṇḍas in measure (48 cubits long W.) Vop. vi, 55 (1) n. N. of wk. KātyŚr. iii, 2, 1 Sch. (2) of Amarasiṃha's dictionary (commented on by [ °Da-cintAmaNi ] and [ -viveka ] and supplemented by [ -zeSa ]) (3) [ -maNDana ] n. N. of wk.

===> tri-loka [ triloka ]3[ tr'i-loka ] n. sg. [ MBh. xiii Hariv. 11303 ], m. pl. [ R. iii ] the 3 worlds (= [ -patha ]) (1) m. sg. the inhabitants of the 3 worlds BhP. iii, 2, 13 (2) ([ I ]), f. the 3 worlds, i-iii Rājat. Prab (3) [ -nAtha ] m. ` Telinga-lord ', Indra Ragh. iii, 45 (4) Śiva Kum. v, 77 (5) [ -rakSin ] mfn. protecting the 3 worlds Vikr. i, 5 (6) [ -vazaM-kara ] m. N. of a Lok^eśvara (7) [ -vIra ] m. N. of a Buddh. deity (8) [ -sAra ] m. N. of wk. (9) [ °k^atman ] m. ` Telinga-soul ', Śiva (10) [ °k^eza ] m. ` Telinga-lord ', Viṣṇu Siṉhâs (11) Siva MBh. xiv (12) the sun L.

===> tri-mala [ trimala ]3[ tr'i-mala ] mfn. affected by 3 kinds of uncleanness GarbhUp. 1

===> tri-mukha [ trimukha ]3[ tr'i-mukha ] m. ` three-faced ', the 3rd Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. (1) ([ A ]), f. Śākya-muni's mother L.

===> tri-nayana [ trinayana ]3[ tr'i-nayana ] m. = [ -dRz ] MBh. xiv R. PāṇŚ. Megh. &c. (1) n. N. of a town, Kṛshṇakrīḍ (2) ([ A ]), f. Durgā, DevīP.

===> tri-parivarta [ triparivarta ]3[ tr'i-parivarta ] mfn. (the wheel of the law) turning thrice Lalit. xiii, 14 Divyâv. xxvii, 189 (1) xxxv, 218

===> tri-phala [ triphala ]3[ tr'i-phala ] mfn. having 3 fruits Kām. viii, 42 (1) ([ A ]), f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 3) the 3 Myrobalans (fruits of Tertminalia Chebula, Tantras Bellerica, and Phyllanthus Emblica (2) also [ tRph° ] L.) Suśr. VarBṛS. xvi Kathās. lxx KātyŚr. Sch. (3) the 3 sweet fruits (grape, pomegranate, and date) Npr. (4) the 3 fragrant fruits (nutmeg, areca-nut, and cloves) ib. (5) ([ I ]), f. id. L.

===> tri-piṣṭapa [ tripiSTapa ]3[ tr'i-piSTapa ] n. (m. Uṇ. Sch.) = [ -div'a ], Indra's heaven MBh. i, 7580 and 7657 R. i, vi MārkP. xviii, 27 (1) the sky L. (2) cf. [ -viST° ] (3) [ -sad ] m. ` heavendweller ', a god L.

===> tri-piṭa [ tripiTa ]3[ tr'i-piTa ] mfn. knowing [ °Taka ] Divyâv. xvii (1) xxxv

===> tri-piṭaka [ tripiTaka ]3[ tr'i-piTaka ] n. the 3 baskets or collections of sacred writings (Sūtra-, Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-piṭaka) Buddh. (1) mfn. = [ °Ta ] Divyâv. ii, 575

===> tri-ratna [ triratna ]3[ tr'i-ratna ] n. the 3 gems: Buddha, the law, and the monkish brotherhood Buddh.

===> tri-rātra [ trirAtra ]3[ tr'i-rAtr'a ] n. sg. 3 (nights or) days ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś (1) (pl. MBh. iii, 82, 18) (2) mfn. lasting (3 nights or) days ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr. (3) m. a sacrificial performance of 3 days TāṇḍyaBr. (4) cf. [ azva- ], [ garga- ], [ baida- ] (5) ([ am ]), ind. for 3 days, during 3 days KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. &c. (6) ([ At ], [ eNa ]), ind. after 3 days, v (7) [ °trais tribhiH ], after 3 X 3 days, 64 (8) [ °tr^avaram ] ind. at least 3 days KātyŚr. iv, 11, 3 Gaut

===> tri-rūpa [ trirUpa ]3[ tr'i-rUpa ] ([ tr'i- ]), mfn. three-formed NṛsUp. ii, 9, 6 (1) three-coloured ŚBr. iv, xiii KātyŚr. (2) having 3 syllabic instants TPrāt. Sch.

===> tri-sapta [ trisapta ]3[ tr'i-sapt'a ] mfn. pl. 3 X 7 RV. i, 133, 6 and TS. v (instr. [ °pta'is ]) MBh. ix (instr. [ °ptabhis ]) (1) (in comp.) Hcat. i, 6, 331 (2) [ triH-s° ]

===> tri-saptati [ trisaptati ]3[ tr'i-saptati ] f. (Pāṇ. 6) 73 KātyŚr. Sch. (1) [ -tama ] mfn. = [ °ptata ] (chs. of MBh. ii and R.)

===> tri-saṃdhi [ trisaMdhi ]3[ tr'i-saMdhi ] mfn. [ -SaMdhi ] (1) f. = [ °dhya-kusumA ] L.

===> tri-skandhaka [ triskandhaka ]3[ tr'i-skandhaka ] N. of a Buddh. Sūtra Buddh. L.

===> tri-sāhasra [ trisAhasra ]3[ tr'i-sAhasra ] n. 3000, x, 58, 50 (1) mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of 3000 KātyŚr (2) [ -mahA-sAhasra ] m. (with or without [ loka-dhAtu ]) N. of a world Lalit. xix, xxi (3) [ -makAsAhasrika ] mfn. governing that world, xix

===> tri-vidha [ trividha ]3[ tr'i-vidha ] ([ tr'i- ]), mfn. of 3 kinds, triple, threefold ŚBr. xii ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c. (1) [ -damatha-vastu-kuzala ] m. = [ tri-dam° ] Divyâv. viii, 79

===> tri-vidya [ trividya ]3[ tr'i-vidya ] mfn. containing the 3 Vedas (Śiva (1) cf. [ trayI-tanu ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. threefold knowledge (cf. [ tray'Ividy'A ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 88 Pat.

===> tri-y-adhvan [ triyadhvan ]3[ triy-adhvan ] n. the 3 times (pf., p., fut.) Buddh. L.

===> tri-yāna [ triyAna ]3[ tr'i-yAna ] n. the 3 Vehicles (leading to Nirvāṇa) Buddh.

===> tri-śaraṇa [ trizaraNa ]3[ tr'i-zaraNa ] n. ` threefold refuge ', = [ -ratna ] Buddh. (1) the three-refuge formula of Buddhists MWB. 78

===> tri-śūla [ trizUla ]3[ tr'i-zUla ] n. a trident MBh. &c. (Śiva's weapon, iii, 5009 Hariv. MatsyaP. xi, 29) (1) m. N. of a mountain (2) [ -khAta ] n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii (3) [ -gaGgA ] f. N. of a river (4) [ -purI ] f. N. of a town (5) [ -vara-pANin ] and [ -hasta ] mfn. bearing the trident in his hand (Śiva), xii, xiv (6) [ °l^aGka ] m. ` trident-marked ', Śiva Shaguruś (7) [ °lAya ] Nom. Ā. to resemble Śiva's trident Veṇis. i, 8/9

===> tridhā [ tridhA ]3[ tr'i-dhA ] ([ tr'i- ]), ind. (VPrāt. ii, 44) in 3 ways, in 3 parts, in 3 places, triply RV. i f. iv ChUp. MBh. &c. (1) [ -√ kR ], to treble, xiii, 6467 (2) [ -tva ] n. tripartition ChUp. vi, 3, 3 Śaṃk (3) ([ e ]), loc. ind. in 3 cases, APrāt. Sch. (4) [ -mUrti ] f. a girl 3 years of age representing Durgā at her festivals

===> trika [ trika ]2[ trik'a ] mfn. triple, threefold, forming a triad RV. x, 59, 9. Lāṭy. (Stoma (1) cf. [ eka- ]) Śulbas. i Suśr. &c. (2) happening the 3rd time Pāṇ. 5-2, 77 (3) (with or without [ zata ]) 3 per cent. Mn. viii, 152 Kull (4) m. (n. L.) a place where 3 roads meet Hariv. Jain. (5) m. = [ tri-kaTa ] Npr. (6) Trapa bispinosa ib. (7) n. a triad (cf. [ kaTu- ], [ taurya- ], [ tri- ], [ paJca- ]) Mn. ii, vii Pat. and Kāś. VarBṛS. (8) the loins, regio sacra, hips Hariv. Pañcat. Suśr. (also ` the part between the shoulder-blades ') &c. (9) the triple Vyāhṛti W. (10) ([ A ]), f. a triangular frame across the mouth of a well L.

===> trimaṇḍala-pariśuddha [ trimaNDalaparizuddha ]3[ tr'i-maNDala-parizuddha ] mfn. ? Buddh. L.

===> tris [ tris ]2[ tr'is ] ind. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 18) thrice, 3 times RV. ([ sapt'a ], 3 X 7, i, iv, vii ff (1) [ 'ahnas ] or [ 'ahan ], ` thrice a day ', i, iii f. ix f. (2) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 64) ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. ([ abdasya ], ` thrice a year ', iii, xi) &c. (3) before gutturals and palatals [ cf. RV. viii, 91, 7 ] [ H ] may be substituted by [ S ] Pāṇ. 8-3, 43

===> triṃśat [ triMzat ]2[ triMz'at ] f. (Pāṇ. 5-1, 59) 30 RV. &c. (pl. MBh. vi, xiii (1) with the objects in the same case, once [ Rājat. i, 286 ] in the gen. (2) acc. [ °zat ] Hcat. i, 8)

===> triṇa [ triNa ]1[ triNa ] n. for [ tRNa ], grass VarP.

===> try-ambaka [ tryambaka ]3[ try-'ambaka ] m. ` three-eyed ' (originally probably ` three-mothered ' fr. the threefold expression [ 'ambe 'ambik'e ] ' [ mbAlike ] VS. &c. (1) cf. [ tri-mAt'R ] and [ traimAtura ]) Rudra or (later on) Śiva RV. vii, 59, 12 VS. &c. ([ triy- ] Kapishṭh. viii, 10 R. vii Kum. iii, 44 (2) cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 77 Vārtt. Pat.) (3) N. of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. iii Hariv. VP. i, 15, 123 NarasP. v, 9 (4) pl. (= [ traiy° ]) the cakes sacred to Rudra Try-ambaka TS. iii TBr. i Kāṭh. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. (5) sg. the ceremony in which those cakes, are offered ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 10, 21 (6) n. N. of a L2iṅga ŚivaP. i, 38, 19 (7) mfn. knowing the 3 Vedas or pervading the 3 worlds TejobUp. 6 (8) ([ A ]), f. Pārvatī, DevīP. (9) [ -parvata ] m. N. of a mountain, Vaidyaj (10) [ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of part of PadmaP. iv (11) [ -vRSabha ] m. Śiva's bull Kād (12) [ -sakha ] m. ` Śiva's friend ', Kubera L. (13) [ k^ezvarapurI ] f. = [ zaiva-nagara ]

===> try-ambuka [ tryambuka ]3[ try-ambuka ] a kind of fly Buddh. L.

===> try-aṅgula [ tryaGgula ]3[ try-aGgul'a ] n. 3 fingers ' breadth ŚBr. iii, 3, 2, 4 and 7, 1, 25 (1) xiv KātyŚr. vii (2) [ -'aGg° ] mfn. 3 fingers broad ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 9 KātyŚr. ii, vi

===> trāsa [ trAsa ]1[ trAsa ] m. fear, terror, anxiety MBh. &c. (1) a flaw in a jewel L.

===> trāsana [ trAsana ]2[ trAsana ] mf ([ I ]) n. terrifying, alarming, frightening (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. (` Śiva ', xiii, 1207) Hariv. R. (1) n. frightening, alarming MBh. iv Daś. vii Kathās (2) cause of alarm or fright Hariv. BhP.

===> trāta [ trAta ]2[ trAta ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 56) ` protected ', [ bhava ] (1) m. (vi, 1, 205 Kāś.) N. of a man VBr. i, 3 (2) n. protection W. (3) [ °tra ]

===> trātavya [ trAtavya ]3[ trAtavya ] mfn. to be protected or guarded MBh. iii, vii

===> trātṛ [ trAtR ]3[ trAt'R ] m. a protector, defender, one who saves from (abl. or gen.) RV. (with [ dev'a ] applied to Bhaga or Savitṛ) VS. AV. TS. (Indra) MBh. &c.

===> trāṇa [ trANa ]2[ trANa ] mfn. protected Pāṇ. 8-2, 56 (1) n. protecting, preserving, protection, defence, shelter, help (often ifc.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) protection for the body, armour, helmet &c., iii, 12092 (3) = [ trAyamAN'A ] L. (4) ([ A ]), f. id. L. (5) cf. [ aGguli- ], [ udara- ], [ uras- ] &c.

===> tu [ tu ]1[ tu ]1 cl. 2. ([ tauti ] Dhātup (1) fut. 2nd [ totA ] or [ tavitA ] Vop.) to have authority, be strong RV. i, 94, 2 (pf. [ tUtAva ], cf. Naigh. iv, 1 Pāṇ. 6-1, 7 Kāś.) (2) to go Dhātup (3) to injure ib. : Caus. (aor. [ tUtot ], 2. sg. [ °tos ]) to make strong or efficient RV. ii, 20, 5 ; vi, 26, 4 (4) cf. [ ut- ], [ saM- ] (5) [ tav'as ], &c., [ tIvr'a ] ; [ Zd. [ tav ], ` to be able ' ; Lat. [ tumor ], [ tueri ], [ totus ]. ]

===> [ tu ]1[ t'u ]2 (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse (1) metrically also [ t'U ] RV. ; cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 133) pray! I beg, do, now, then, Lat. [ dum ] used (esp. with the Imper.) RV. (2) but (also with [ ev'a ] or [ va'i ] following) AV. iv, 18, 6 TS. ŚBr. &c.

---> and Mn. ii, 22 (3) or, i, 68 (4) xi, 202 (5) often incorrectly written for [ nu ] MBh. (i, 6151 B. and C) (6) sometimes used as a mere expletive

===> tuccha [ tuccha ]1[ tuccha ] mfn. empty, vain, small, little, trifling BhP. NṛsUp. Prab (1) n. anything trifling ŚārṅgP. xxxi, 15 (2) chaff Uṇ. k (3) ([ A ]), f. the 14th lunar day Sūryapr.

===> tucchaka [ tucchaka ]2[ tucchaka ] mfn. empty, vain L.

===> tukhāra [ tukhAra ]1[ tukhAra ] (often spelt [ tuSAra ], also [ tuHkh° ] and [ tukkh° ]), m. pl. N. of a people (northwest of Madhya-deśa) AV. Pariś. li MBh. R. &c.

===> tula [ tula ]3[ tula ] m. (for [ °lA ]) the sign Libra, Utp. (on VarBṛ. xi, xvi, xxiii and VarYogay. iv, 55)

===> tula-kuci [ tulakuci ]1[ tulakuci ] m. N. of a prince (son of Sahalin) Divyâv. xxvi, 391

===> tulaka [ tulaka ]2[ tulaka ] m. ` ponderer ', a king's counsellor Divyâv. xvii

===> tulana [ tulana ]3[ tulana ] n. lifting Mṛcch. ix, 20 (1) weighing, rating, iii, 20 (2) N. of a high number Buddh. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. rating ib. (4) equalness with (instr. or in comp.) Prasannar. ii, 16

===> tulita [ tulita ]3[ tulita ] mfn. lifted up Ragh. weighed VarBṛS. (1) equalled, compared, lxxx, 12

===> tulya [ tulya ]2[ tulya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (in comp. accent Pāṇ. 6-2, 2) equal to, of the same kind or class or number or value, similar, comparable, like (with instr. or gen. [ cf. ii., 3, 72 ] or ifc. (1) e. g. [ tena ] [ Mn. iv, 86 ] or [ etasya ] [ KaṭhUp. i, 22 ] or [ etat- ] [ 24 ], ` equal to him ') KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Pāṇ. &c. (2) fit for (instr.) Sūryas. xiv, 6 (3) even VarBṛ. iv, 21 (4) n. N. of a dance (5) ([ am ]), ind. equally, in like manner Pāṇ. MBh. R. Hariv. (6) contemporaneously Dharmaśarm. xvii, 14

===> tulya-jātīya [ tulyajAtIya ]3[ tulya-jAtIya ] mfn. similar Pāṇ. 1 and 6, 1, 68 Vārtt. 1 Pat. ; iii, 3, 35 Kāś

===> tulya-kāla [ tulyakAla ]3[ tulya-kAla ] mfn. contemporary with (instr.) ĀśvGṛ. i, 3, 9 MBh. iii, 134, 24 (1) [ -tva ] n. contemporariness Pāṇ. 4-3, 105 Vārtt. 1

===> tulyatā [ tulyatA ]3[ tulya-tA ] f. = [ -tva ] MBh. R. (1) equality of place ', conjunction (in astr.) Sūryas

===> tulyâtulya [ tulyAtulya ]3[ tuly^atulya ] mfn. like and unlike

===> tulā [ tulA ]2[ tul'A ] f. a balance, weight VS. xxx ŚBr. xi Mn. &c. ([ °layA dhR ] or [ °lAM ] with Caus. of [ adhiruh ], ` to hold in or put on a balance, weigh, compare ' (1) [ °lAM ] with Caus. of [ adhi-ruh ], ` to risk ' Pañcat. i, 16, 9 (2) [ °lAm adhi- ] or [ A- ] or [ sam-A-ruh ], ` to be in a balance ', be equal with [ instr. ] (3) the balance as an ordeal Yājñ. ii Mṛcch. ix, 43) (4) equal measure, equality, resemblance Ragh. &c. ([ °lAm i ] or [ gam ] or [ A-yA ] or [ A-lamb ] or [ dhA ], ` to resemble any one or anything ' [ instr. or in comp. ] (5) [ °lAM na bhR ], ` to have no equal ' Prasannar. i, 37 (6) [ °lAM ] with Pass. of [ nI ], ` to become equal to ' [ gen. ]) (7) = [ °la ] Pañcat. i, 14, 14 VarBṛ. &c. (8) N. of a measure (= 100 Palas) MBh. iii, xiv VarBṛS. Suśr. Aṣṭâṅg. ŚārṅgS. i, 31 (9) a kind of beam in the roof of a house VarBṛS. liii, 30

===> tumbaka [ tumbaka ]3[ tumbaka ] m.

===> tumburu [ tumburu ]2[ tumburu ] m. N. of a pupil of Kalāpin Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś. (Kār.) (1) of a Gandharva MBh. &c. (` attendant of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī ' Jain.) (2) n. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also [ °rI ] and [ tubarI ] L.) Suśr. iv ; vi, 42, 67 and (metrically [ °rU ]) 118 Pāṇ. 6-1, 143 Kāś

===> tumula [ tumula ]2[ tumula ] mf ([ A ]) n. tumultuous, noisy Lāṭy. ii, 3, 3 MBh. &c. (1) n. (Lat.) [ tumultus ], tumult, clatter, confusion MBh. (once m. vii, 154, 21) &c. (2) m. Terminalia Bellerica L.

===> tundila [ tundila ]2[ tundila ] mfn. (117) id. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 19, 3 (v. l. [ tuND° ]) MānGṛ. ii, 10 Hcar. (also [ a- ] neg.) (1) = [ tuNDibha ] L. (2) m. Gaṇ^eśa Gal. (3) [ -phalA ] f. Cucumis utilissimus L.

===> tura-ga [ turaga ]3[ tur'a-ga ] m. ` going quickly ', a horse MBh. i Pañcat. Śak. &c. (1) (hence) the number 7 Chandas. vii, 1 Sch. (2) the mind, thought L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a mare Śatr. xiv (4) = [ °ga-gandhA ] L. (5) [ -kAntA ] f. ` horse-loved ', a mare, [ °tA-mukha ] m. ` mare's mouth ', submarine fire ([ vaDabA-mukha ]) Śiś. iii, 33 (6) [ -kriyA-vat ] mfn. occupied with horses Dhūrtas. i, 12 (7) [ -gandhA ] f. Physalis flexuosa L. (8) [ -dAnava ] or [ -daitya ], ` horsetitan ', Keśin Hariv. 4281 ff (9) [ -nIla-tAla ] m. N. of a gesture PSarv. (10) [ -paricAraka ] m. = [ -rahSa ] Kād. v, 804 (11) [ -priya ] m. ` liked by horses ', barley L. (12) [ -brahmacaryaka ] n. ` sexual restraint of horses, compulsory celibacy L. (13) [ -mukha ] m. ` horse-faced ', a Kiṃnara, iii, 1474 (14) [ -medha ] m. a horse-sacrifice R. vi BhP. ix (15) [ -rakSa ] m. ` horse-guardian ', a groom VarBṛS. xv (16) [ -ratha ] m. a cart drawn by horses Hcat. i, 5, 836 (17) [ -lIlaka ] m. N. of a time (in music) (18) [ -vAhyAlI ] f. a riding-school Kād. iii, 499 (v. l. °raMg°) (19) [ °g^anana ] m. pl. ` horse-faced ', N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 25 (20) [ °g^aroha ] m. a horseman, xv, 26 (21) _ [ °g^opacAraka ] m. = [ °ga-rakSa ], x, 3. [ 451,1 ]

===> turaṃ-ga [ turaMga ]3[ tur'a-M-ga ] m. ` going quickly ', a horse Suśr. Pañcat. Śak. &c. (1) (hence) the number 7 Sūryas. Śrut (2) the mind, thought L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a mare W. (4) N. of a shrub L. (5) = [ °raga-gandhA ] L. (6) [ -gandhA ] f. id. Suśr. vi, 41 and 48 (7) [ -dveSaNI ] f. a she-buffalo L. (8) [ -nAtha ] m. N. of the head of a sect Śaṃkar. xliii (9) [ -priya ] m. = °rag° L. (10) [ -mukha ] m. = °rag° Kād. iii, 1635 (11) [ -medha ] m. = °rag° Ragh. xiii, 61 (12) [ -yAyin ] mfn. going on horseback (13) [ -lIla ] m. = °ag° (14) [ -vaktra ], [ -vadana ] m. = [ -mukha ] L. (15) [ -sAdin ] m. a horseman Ragh. vii, 34 (16) [ -skandha ] m. a troop of horses Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś (17) [ -sthAna ] n. a horsestable Suśr. iv, 1, 5 (18) [ °g^ari ] m. ` horse-enemy ', a buffalo W. (19) Nerium odorum L. (20) [ °g^ahvA ] f. the jujube Gal. (21) [ °gI-bhUya ] ind. p. having become a horse Kād. vi, 1539

===> turuṣka [ turuSka ]1[ turuSka ] m. pl. (= [ °raSka ]) the Turks Kathās. Rājat. Prab. &c. (1) sg. a Turk Kathās. xxxvii (2) a Turkish prince W. (3) Turkestan W. (4) (m. n. L.) olibanum Jain. Suśr. VarBṛS.

===> tutthaka [ tutthaka ]2[ tutthaka ] n. blue vitriol Suśr. i, 38, 34 (1) vi

===> tuṅga [ tuGga ]1[ tuGga ] mf ([ A ]) n. prominent, erect, lofty, high MBh. &c. (1) chief. W. (2) strong W. (3) m. an elevation, height, mountain R. iv, 44, 20 (cf. [ bhRgu- ]) Hit. ii (v. l.) (4) top, peak W. (5) (fig.) a throne BhP. iii, 3, 1 (6) a planet's apsis VarBṛ. i, vii, x f. ; xxi, 1 Laghuj. ix, 20 (7) Rottleria tinctoria MBh. R. Suśr. (8) the cocoa-nut L. (9) = [ -mukha ] L. (10) Mercury L. (11) N. of a man Rājat. vi f. (12) n. the lotus stamina L. (13) ([ A ]), f. Mimosa Suma L. (14) Tabāshīr L. (15) a metre of 4 x 8 syllables (16) N. of a river in Mysore (17) ([ I ]), f. a kind of Ocimum L. (18) turmeric L. (19) night L. (20) Gaurī Gal.

===> tuṅga-nāsa [ tuGganAsa ]3[ tuGga-nAsa ] m. long-nosed Pāṇ. 1-3, 2 Pat. [ 450,1 ]

===> tuṇḍa [ tuNDa ]1[ tuNDa ] n. a beak, snout (of a hog &c.), trunk (of an elephant) TĀr. x MBh. &c. (1) the mouth (used contemptuously) Bādar. ii, 2, 28 Śaṃk (2) the point (of an arrow &c.), [ ayas- ], [ dhUs- ] (3) the chief, leader Dhūrtan. i, 4 (4) m. Cucumis utilissimus L. (5) Beninkasa cerifera L. (6) Śiva Hariv. 14882 (7) N. of a Rakshas MBh. iii, 16372 (8) ([ I ]), f. a kind of gourd Cāṇ (9) cf. [ asthi- ], [ kaGka- ], [ kAka- ], [ kRSNa- ], [ vAyasa- ], [ sUkSma- ] (10) [ kaTu- ] and [ tikta-tuNDI ]

===> tuṇḍi-cela [ tuNDicela ]3[ tuNDi-cela ] n. a kind of costly garment Divyâv. xvii, 400

===> tuṣa [ tuSa ]1[ t'uSa ] m. the chaff of grain or corn or rice &c. AV. ŚBr. AitBr. &c. (1) Terminalia Bellerica L. (2) cf. [ a- ], [ ut- ], [ nis- ]

===> tuṣita [ tuSita ]1[ tuSita ] m. pl. a class of celestial beings MBh. xiii, 1371 Buddh. &c. (12 in number Hariv. VP. BhP. iv, 1, 8 VāyuP. ii, 6 ; 36 in number L.) (1) sg. Viṣṇu in the 3rd Manv-antara Viṣṇ. iic, 47 VP. iii, 1, 38 (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of Veda-śiras and mother of the Tushitas, 37 BhP. viii, 1, 21

===> tuṣya [ tuSya ]2[ tuSya ] mfn. = [ °STi-mat ] (Śiva) Hariv. 14882

===> tuṣâgni [ tuSAgni ]3[ tuS^agni ] m. chaff fire MBh.

===> tuṣāra [ tuSAra ]1[ tuSAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. cold, frigid Ragh. Naish (1) m. sg. and pl. frost, cold, snow, mist, dew, thin rain MBh. &c. (2) = [ -kaNa ] Śiś. vi, 24 (3) camphor Bhpr. (4) pl. for [ tukh° ]

===> tuṣṭa [ tuSTa ]1[ tuSTa ] [ °STi ], [ °Sya ], √ [ tuS ]

===> tuṣṭi [ tuSTi ]2[ tuSTi ] f. satisfaction, contentment Mn. MBh. &c. (9 kinds are reckoned in Sāṃkhyaphil. Kap. iii, 39 Sāṃkhyak. 47 and 50 Tattvas

---> ` Satisfaction ' personified [ Hariv. 9498 ] as daughter of Daksha and mother of Saṃtosha or Muda VP. i, 7 BhP. iv, 1, 49 f. MārkP. l (1) or as daughter of Paurṇamāsa VāyuP. i, 28, 8 LiṅgaP. (2) as a deity sprung from the Kalās of Prakṛti ' BrahmaP. ii, 1 (3) as a Mātṛkā, Bhavadev (4) as a Śakti Hcat. i, 5, 197) (5) N. of a Kalā of the moon BrahmaP. ii, 15 (6) the plant [ vRddhi ] L.

===> tuṣṭi-da [ tuSTida ]3[ tuSTi-da ] mfn. id.

===> tvac [ tvac ]1[ tvac ]1 cl. 6. [ °cati ], to cover Dhātup

===> [ tvac ]2[ tv'ac ]2 f. skin (of men, serpents &c.), hide (of goats, cows &c.) RV. &c. ([ kRSN'A ]), the black man ', i, 130, 8) (1) a cow's hide (used in pressing out the Soma), i, iii, ix VS. xix, 82 (2) a leather bag RV. v, 33, 7 (3) (fig. ` a cloud ') i & ix (4) bark, rind, peel RV. &c. (5) Cassia bark VarBṛS. lxxvii, 6 ; 12 ; 24 ; 32 (6) cinnamon, cinnamon tree L. (7) a cover (of a horse) RV. viii, 1, 32 (8) surface (of the earth), i, 145, 5 ; x, 68, 4 AV. vi, 21, 1 TBr. i, 5, 5, 4 (9) with [ kRSN'A ] or [ 'asiknI ], ` the black cover ', darkness RV. ix, 41, 1 and 73, 5 (10) a mystical N. of the letter [ ya ] RāmatUp. i, 77

===> tvaca [ tvaca ]2[ tvaca ] n. skin (ifc. [ mukta- ], [ mRdu- ]) Uṇ. ii, 63 Sch. (1) cinnamon, cinnamon tree R. iii, 39, 22 Suśr. (2) Cassia bark L. (3) ([ A ]), f. skin L. (4) cf. [ guDa- ] (5) [ tanu- ] and [ pRthak-tvacA ]

===> tvad- [ tvad ]2[ tvad ] = [ tvat ]

===> tvag-doṣa [ tvagdoSa ]3[ tvag-doSa ] m. skin-disease, leprosy MBh. v, 5064 Suśr. i, 45 Sāy. Hcat (1) [ °S^apahA ] f. ` leprosy-curer ', Vernonia anthelminthica L. (2) [ °S^ari ] m. ` leprosy-enemy ', N. of a bulb L.

===> tvarita [ tvarita ]3[ tvarita ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 187) hasty, quick, swift, expeditious MBh. &c. (1) n. impers. hurried W. (2) n. haste ([ sa-tvaritam ]) L. (3) ([ am ]), ind. quickly, swiftly MBh. R. Śak. iii, 1/2 Kāraṇḍ (4) ([ A ]), f. Durgā and a magical formula called after her Tantras. iv Śārad. x (5) [ -gati ] f. ` swift motion ', a metre (6) [ ram ] ind. more quickly Prab. vi, 1/2 (7) [ -vikrama ], of 4 x 10 syllables Chandas. vi, 10 ff. Sch. (8) [ -ta ] mfn. stepping quickly Hariv. 3182 ; 4507 R. i, vii (9) [ °t^odita ] mfn. = [ tUrN^od° ] L. (10) cf. [ tUrt'a ], [ °rNa ]

===> tvat [ tvat ]2[ tvat ] in comp. for 2. [ tv'a ]

===> [ tvat ]1[ tv'at ] (or [ tv'ad ]) &c. col. 2

===> tvaṃ [ tvaM ]2[ tvaM ] for [ tvam ]

===> tviṣi [ tviSi ]2[ tv'iSi ] f. vehemence, impetuosity, energy RV. v, 8, 5 AV. VS. TS. (1) splendour, light, brilliancy, beauty RV. i, ix f. AV. VS. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. (2) N. of an Ek^aha Vait

===> tyajana [ tyajana ]3[ tyajana ] n. leaving, abandoning W. (1) giving W. (2) excepting, exclusion W. (3) expelling AV. Paipp. xix, 12, 4

===> tyakta [ tyakta ]2[ tyakta ] mfn. left, abandoned

===> tyāga [ tyAga ]2[ tyAg'a ] m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 216) leaving, abandoning, forsaking Mn. &c. (1) quitting (a place, [ deza- ]) Pañcat (2) discharging, secretion MBh. xiv, 630 VarBṛS. giving up, resigning, gift, donation, distribution KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (3) sacrificing one's life RV. iv, 24, 3 (4) liberality Mn. ii, 97 R. &c. (5) a sage L. (6) cf. [ Atma- ], [ tanu- ], [ deha- ], [ pr^aNa- ], [ zarIra- ]

===> tyāga-śīla [ tyAgazIla ]3[ tyAg'a-zIla ] mfn. id. (1) [ -tA ] f. liberality Hit.

===> tyājya [ tyAjya ]3[ tyAjya ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 66 Vārtt.) to be left or abandoned or quitted or shunned or expelled or removed Mn. ix, 83 MBh. &c. (1) to be given up Bhag. &c. (2) to be sacrificed Daś. vii, 211 (3) to be excepted W. (4) n. part of an asterism or its duration considered as unlucky W.

===> tādātmya [ tAdAtmya ]2[ tAdAtmya ] n. sameness or identity of nature or character with (instr., loc., or in comp.) BhP. Sāh

===> tādṛś [ tAdRz ]2[ tAd'Rz ] mfn. (for [ tad-d° ] Pāṇ. 3-2, 60 ; vi, 3, 91 (1) nom. m. and f. [ °d'RG ] [ ŚBr. (2) cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 83 ] or [ °d'Rk ]) such like, such a one RV. v, 44, 6 (nom. n. [ °d'Rk ]) &c. (3) ([ °dRk ]), ind. in such a manner Amar.

===> tādṛśa [ tAdRza ]2[ tAd'Rza ] mf ([ I ]) n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 60 ; vi, 3, 91) = [ °d'Rz ] ŚBr. xi, 7, 3 Mn. &c. (1) [ yAdRza t° ] [ Pañcat.) or [ za-t° ] [ MBh. xiii, 5847 ], anybody whosoever

===> tāla [ tAla ]1[ tAla ] m. (Siddhnapuṃs. 25 Sch.) the palmyra tree or fan-palm (Borassus flabelliformis, producing a sort of spirituous liquor (1) considered as a measure of height R. iv ; vi, 2, 6 Lalit. iii, xxii (2) forming a banner MBh. iv, vi, xvi Hariv. (3) to pierce seven fan-palms with one shot is held to be a great feat R. i, 1, 64 AgP. viii, 2) Mn. viii, 246 MBh. &c. (4) (fr. [ tADa ]) slapping the hands together or against one's arm, xiii, 1397 R. &c. (5) the flapping of an elephant's ears Ragh. ix, 71 Kathās. xii ; xxi, 1 Prab. i, v (6) musical time or measure MBh. &c. (cf. [ -jJa ] & [ -zIla ]) (7) a dance Sāh. vi, 277 (8) a cymbal Pañcat. BhP. viii, 15, 21 (9) (in prosody) a trochee (10) a span measured by the thumb and middle finger Hcat. i, 3, 855 and 6, 171 [ 445,1 ]

---> (= [ tala ]) the palm (of the hand) L. (11) a lock, bolt W. (12) (= [ tala ]) the hilt of a sword L. (13) a goldsmith Gal. (14) Śiva MBh. xiii, 1243 (15) pl. N. of a people (cf. [ -vana ] and [ apara- ]) VarBṛS. xiv, 22 (16) m. n. orpiment L. (17) N. of a hell VP. ii, 6, 2 and 10 ŚivaP. (18) n. the nut of the fan-palm MBh. iii, 8718 Hariv. 3711 (cf. [ kAkatAlIya ]) (19) the throne of Durgā (cf. [ manas- ]) L. (v. l.) (20) mf ([ I ] Pāṇ. 4-3, 152) n. made of palmyra wood Mn. xi, 96/97 (21) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ kuND^adi ]), [ mAsa- ] (22) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ kuND^adI ]) N. of a tree (Corypha Taliera, Corypha umbraculifera, Flacourtia cataphracta, Curculigo orchioides L.) Hariv. 6407 R. Suśr. &c. (23) toddy W. (24) a fragrant earth L. (25) = [ tallikA ] L. (26) a metre of 4 x 3 long syllables (27) cf. [ ucca- ], [ ut- ], [ eka- ], [ kara- ], [ kAMsya- ], [ kAma- ], [ kroza- ]

===> tāla-dhvaja [ tAladhvaja ]3[ tAla-dhvaja ] m. ` = [ -ketu ] ', Bala-Rāma MBh. ix (1) N. of a mountain Śatr. i (2) ([ A ]), f. of a town PadmaP. vi (3) ([ I ]), f. of a river Śatr. i, 54

===> tāla-pattra [ tAlapattra ]3[ tAla-pattra ] n. ` a palm-leaf ', and ` a kind of ear-ornament ' Kād. ii, 28 (1) Trigonella foenum graecum Npr. (2) ([ I ]), f. another plant (Salvinia cucullata L. (3) Anethum graveolens Npr. (4) = [ °la-mUlI ] ib.) Suśr. i, 11, 3 and 36, 29

===> tāla-phala [ tAlaphala ]3[ tAla-phala ] n. the fruit of the fan-palm Suśr. i (1) iv Gīt. ix, 3

===> tālaka [ tAlaka ]2[ tAlaka ] (Siddh. puṃl. 29) m. N. of a venomous insect Suśr. v, 8, 13 (1) N. of a teacher VāyuP. i, 61, 45 (v. l. [ °lika ]) (2) n. orpiment Bhpr. v, 26, 48 and 221 (3) a fragrant earth L. (4) a lock, bolt L. (5) a kind of ornament Buddh. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. = [ °la-garbha ] L. (7) ([ ikA ]), f. the palm of the hand Hariv. 9920 (8) = [ °la-vAdya ] Pañcat. ii, 5, 6 (9) a sign with the hand (?) Bālar. iii, 75 (10) Curculigo orchioides L. (11) = [ tAmra-vallI ] L.

===> tālu [ tAlu ]1[ t'Alu ] n. rarely m. [ MBh. xiv, 568 Hariv. 14273 BhP. ii ] the palate VS. xxv, 1 Kauś. RPrāt. Suśr. &c.

===> tāluka [ tAluka ]2[ tAluka ] n. (g. [ yAv^adi ]) = [ °lu ] Hcat. i, 9, 414 (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) a disease of the palate Npr.

---> ([ A ]), f. = [ °lu ] W. (2) ([ e ]), f. du. the two arteries of the palate TUp. i, 6, 1

===> tālīśa [ tAlIza ]3[ tAl^iza ] m. Flacourtia cataphracta (the leaves of which are used in med.) R. iv, 44, 55 Suśr. i, iv ff (1) n. = [ -pattra ] L.

===> [ tAlIza ]1[ tAl^iza ] 1. [ °lI ]

===> tāmasa [ tAmasa ]2[ tAmasa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ t'amas ]) dark L. (1) appertaining to or affected by the quality [ tamas ] (q. v.), ignorant, various Mn. xii Bhag. &c. ([ °sI tanU ], the form assumed by the deity for the destruction of the world ' [ 443,1 ] (2) [ °sI zakti ], ` the faculty of [ tamas ] ') (3) relating to Manu Tāmasa BhP. viii, 1, 28 (4) m. a malignant person L. (5) a snake L. (6) an owl L. (7) N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9562 (8) of the 4th Manu Mn. i, 62 Hariv. BhP. v, viii (9) of an attendant of Śiva L. Sch. (10) of a man Pravar. i, 1 (J) (11) n. ` darkness ', [ andha- ] (12) ([ I ]), f. night L. (13) sleep L. (14) Durgā L. (15) N. of a river MBh. vi, 339

===> tāmbūla [ tAmbUla ]1[ tAmbUla ] (= Prākṛt [ °b^ola ] fr. [ tAmragula ]) m. = [ °bala ] W. (1) n. betel, (esp.) its pungent and aromatic leaf (chewed with the areca-nut and catechu and sometimes caustic lime and spices as a carminative and antacid tonic) Hariv. 8454 and 8457 Suśr. VarBṛS. &c. (2) the areca-nut L. (3) ([ I ]), f. Piper Betel Ragh. iv, 42 Kād. &c.

===> tāmisra [ tAmisra ]2[ tAmisra ] (fr. [ tam° ] and [ t'amisrA ] g. [ jyotsn^adi ]) mfn. (with [ pakSa ]) or m. the dark half of the month Lāṭy. ix Gobh. iii f. MBh. iii, 11813 (1) m. ` nightwalker ', a Rākshasa Ragh. xv, 2 (2) (in Sāṃkhya phil.) indignation, anger (one of the 5 forms of A-vidyā) MBh. xiv, 1019 Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. BhP. iii (also n.) MārkP. iii l (3) N. of a hell Mn. iv, xii Yājñ. iii, 222 BhP. iii, v MārkP. (4) cf. [ andha- ]

===> tāmra [ tAmra ]1[ tAmr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ tam ] Uṇ.) of a coppery red colour VS. xvi (Naigh. iii, 7) MBh. &c. ([ tAmrA tvac ], the 4th of the 7 membranes with which an embryo is covered Suśr. iii, 4, 2) (1) mf ([ I ]) n. made of copper R. iii, 21, 17 Suśr. Mn. vi, 53/54 BhavP. (2) m. a kind of leprosy with large red spots, Karmavip

---> N. of a son of Naraka Bhauma BhP. x, 59, 12 (3) = [ -dvIpa ] MBh. ii, 1172 Romakas (4) n. = [ -tA ] L. (5) copper Kauś. Mn. &c. (6) a coppery receptacle MBh. ii, 61, 29 (7) = [ -dru ] W. (cf. R. ii, 83, 17) (8) ([ A ]), f. Rubia Munjista Npr. (9) a red kind of Abrus ib. (10) a kind of pepper L. (11) N. of a daughter of Daksha (one of the wives of Kaśyapa and mother of various birds) MBh. i, 2620 Hariv. R. iii BhP. vi, 6, 25 ff. VP. (12) N. of a river MBh. iii, 12909 ; vi, 335 (13) ([ I ]), f. a kind of clepsydra (cf. [ °mra-pAtra ]) L.

===> tāmra-dvīpa [ tAmradvIpa ]3[ tAmr'a-dvIpa ] m. ` copper-island ', Ceylon Divyâv. xxxvi

===> tāmra-parṇīya [ tAmraparNIya ]3[ tAmr'a-parNIya ] m. an inhabitant of Ceylon, esp. a Buddhist

===> tāmra-pātra [ tAmrapAtra ]3[ tAmr'a-pAtra ] n. = [ -kuNDa ] MBh. xiii, 6026 f. Suśr. vi, 12, 38 (1) (used as a kind of clepsydra) Sūryas. xiii, 23 (2) [ -maya ] mfn. formed with copper vessels Hcat. i, 7, 133

===> tāmra-śāṭīya [ tAmrazATIya ]3[ tAmr'a-zATIya ] m. pl. ` red-clothed ', N. of a Buddh. school

===> tāmraka [ tAmraka ]2[ tAmraka ] m. N. of a Gandharva Gal. (1) n. copper Yājñ. i, 296 VarBṛS. civ, 15 (2) ([ ikA ]), f. (= [ °mrI ]) a kind of clepsydra L. (3) Abrus precatorius L.

===> tāmramaya [ tAmramaya ]3[ tAmr'a-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. coppery. Suśr. iv, 29 VarBṛS. lx, 5 Pañcat. BhP. MārkP.

===> tāmrika [ tAmrika ]3[ tAmrika ] mfn. coppery Mn. viii, 136 Yājñ. i, 364 (1) = [ °mra-kAra ] L. (2) ([ A ]), [ °mraka ]

===> tāmrâruṇa [ tAmrAruNa ]3[ tAmr^aruNa ] m. a coppery red dawn Buddh. L. (1) n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 8132 (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river, xiii, 7647

===> tāpa [ tApa ]1[ tApa ] m. (√ 2. [ tap ] (1) g. [ uJch^adi ]) heat, glow Mn. xii, 76 Śak. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] Kum. vii, 84) (2) heating Nyāyam. x, 1, 22 (3) testing (gold) by heat MBh. xii, 12357 Subh. ([ °pana ], GarP.) (4) pain (mental or physical), sorrow, affliction MBh. &c. (5) fever W. (6) ([ I ]), f. the Taptī river (` also the Yamunā river ' L.) Hariv. ii, 109, 30 BhP. v, 19, 18 ; x, 79, 20 (7) cf. [ pazcAt- ]

===> tāpana [ tApana ]2[ tApana ] mf ([ I ]) n. ifc. illuminating BhP. ii, 9, 8 (1) burning, causing pain, distressing MBh. Hariv. 9427 R. (cf. [ indra- ], [ candra- ]) (2) m. the sun MBh. v, 1739 (3) the hot season Npr. (4) the sun-stone L. (5) one of Kāma's arrows L. (6) n. burning Suśr. i, 41, 3 (7) pain, torment MBh. xiii, 1098 (8) (in dram.) helplessness, perplexity Sāh. v, 91 (9) N. of a hell Yājñ. iii, 224 (10) gold Npr. (11) ([ A ]), f. austerity HPariś. i, 68 (12) ([ I ]), f. N. of several Upanishads (13) of a river L.

===> tāpasa [ tApasa ]2[ tApas'a ] mfn. (g. [ chattr^adi ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 103) a practiser of religious, austerities ([ t'apas ]) ŚBr. xiv Mn. vi, 27 &c. (1) relating to religious austerity or to an ascetic R. (G) ii, 52, 5 (2) m. an ascetic Mn. Nal. &c. (3) the moon Gal. (4) Ardea nivea L. (5) = [ °s^ekSu ] Suśr. i, 45, 9, 2 and 6 (6) = [ -pattra ] L. (7) patr. of Agni, Gharma, and Manyu RAnukr. (8) of a Hotṛ TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15 (9) n. = [ -ja ] L. (10) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ gaur^adi ] Gaṇar. 49) a female ascetic MBh. i, 3006 Śak. iv, 4/5 Vikr. Dhūrtas (11) Curcuma Zedoaria Npr. (12) Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī ib.

===> tāra [ tAra ]1[ tAr'a ] mfn. (√ [ tRR ]) carrying across, a saviour, protector (Rudra) VS. xvi, 40 ŚiraUp. (1) (Viṣṇu) MBh. xiii, 6986 (2) high (a note), loud, shrill, (m. n.) a high tone, loud or shrill note TāṇḍyaBr. vii, 1, 7 (compar. [ -tara ] and superl. [ -tama ]) TPrāt. (3) Śikṣā MBh. vii Mṛcch. &c. (4) mfn. (ft. [ st'R ]?) shining, radiant Megh. Amar. Kathās. lxxiii Sāh (5) clean, clear L. (6) good, excellent, well flavoured L. Sch. (7) m. ` crossing ', [ dus- ], [ su- ] (8) ` saving ', a mystical monosyllable (as [ om ]) RāmatUp. ŚikhUp. Sarvad. Tantr (9) Andropogon bicolor L. (10) N. of Maṇi-rāma (author of a Comm. on Bhām.) (11) of a Daitya (slain by Viṣṇu) Hariv. (12) of one of Rāma's monkey generals (son of Bṛhas-pati, husband of Tārā) MBh. iii, 16372 R. i, iv, vi (13) pl. a class of gods in the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 33 (14) m. [ n. and ([ A ]), f. L. ] the clearness or transparency of a pearl, clear pearl Suśr. v, 3, 19 Gīt. xi, 25 (15) (m. n. L.) = [ °r^abhra ] L. (16) m. n. a star L. (17) the pupil of the eye L. (18) n. descent to a river, bank (cf. [ tIra ], [ tIrth'a ]) AV. iv, 37, 3 Pāṇ. 6-3, 109 Vārtt. 1 (19) silver BhP. iv, 6, 27 Bhpr. v, 26, 43 (20) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ bhid^adi ]) a fixed star, asterism (cf. [ st'R ]) Yājñ. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] Mṛcch. iii, 10) (21) the pupil of the eye (chiefly ifc.) VarBṛS. lviii, 11 &c. (22) a kind of meteor, vli, 86 and 94 (23) (in Sāṃkhya phil.) one of the 8 Siddhis Tattvas (24) (in music) N. of a Rāga of six notes (25) a kind of perfume L. (26) a form of Dākshāyaṇi (worshipped on the mountain Kishkindha MatsyaP. xiii, 46 (27) protectress of the Gṛtsa-madas BrahmaP. ii, 18, 8 (28) cf. RTL. p. 187) (29) N. of a Buddh. goddess, Vāsav, 433 (30) of Bṛhaspati's wife (carried off by Soma) MBh. v, 3972 Hariv. 1340 ff. BhP. &c. (31) of the wife of Buddha Amoghasiddha Buddh. (32) of a Śakti Jain. (33) of a Yoginī Hcat. ii, 1, 710 (34) of a female monkey (daughter of Susheṇa, wife of Bālin and mother of Aṅgada) MBh. iii, 16110 ff. R. i, iv, vi

===> tāraka [ tAraka ]2[ tAraka ] mf ([ ikA ] [ Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 6 ] R. ii)n. causing or enabling to pass or go over, carrying over, rescuing, liberating, saving MBh. xii (Śiva) JābālUp. ŚivaP. &c. (a particular prayer, [ brahman ]) (1) belonging to the stars VS. xxiv, 10 ([ °k'a ]) (2) m. a helmsman L. (3) N. of a Daitya (conquered by Indra with the assistance of Skanda) MBh. vi ff. (pl. the children of that Daitya, viii, 1553), xiii Hariv. Kum. &c. (4) of an enemy of Viṣṇu L. (5) of a friend of Sīmanta BrahmôttKh. xxx (6) m. n. a float, raft L. (7) n. a star MBh. v, 5390 Gīt. vii, 24 (8) the pupil of the eye L. (9) the eye L. (10) a metre of 4 X 13 syllables (11) ([ t'ArakA ]), f. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 6) a star AV. TBr. i, 5, 2, 5 Yājñ. i MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (12) a meteor, falling star AV. v, 17, 4 (13) the pupil of the eye MBh. i, 2932 R. iii Mṛcch. &c. (14) the eye L. (15) coloquintida L. (16) = [ laghu-vRndAvana ] Npr. (17) (= [ °rA ]) N. of Bṛhas-pati's wife VP. iv, 6, 9 (18) ([ ikA ]), f. the juice of palms Kulârṇ

===> tārakā [ tArakA ]2[ tArakA ] f. of [ °ka ], q. v.

===> tārayitṛ [ tArayitR ]3[ tAraḍyitR ] mfn. a promoter Nir. x, 28

===> tāraṇa [ tAraNa ]3[ tAraNa ] n. (fr. Caus.) ferrying over, carrying across, SāriṅgP. (1) passing over, crossing (m. c. for [ °taraNa ]) R. Rājat (2) deceiving, cheating (also [ A ] f.) ŚārṅgP. L.

===> [ tAraNa ]2[ tAraNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing or enabling to cross, helping over a difficulty, liberating, saving MBh. xiii, 1232 (Siva) and 6986 (Viṣṇn) Hariv. 7022 and 7941 Kathās. lxvii, 1 (1) m. a float, raft L. (2) n. crossing, safe passage (3) conquering (difficulties) MBh. iv, xiv R. &c. (4) carrying across, liberating, saving MBh. i, iii, ix (5) N. of a Sāman (6) the 3rd year of the 4th Jupiter cycle VarBṛS. viii, 3 Sūryas. Jyot (7) pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 3, 6

===> tārita [ tArita ]2[ tArita ] mfn. conveyed across MBh. v, 3921

===> tārkika [ tArkika ]1[ tArkika ] mfn. (fr. [ tarka ]) related or belonging to logic W. (1) m. a dialectician, logician, philosopher Gāthāsaṃgr. Vedântas. &c.

===> tāruṇya [ tAruNya ]2[ tAruNya ] n. youth, youthfulness MBh. xii &c.

===> tārâdhipa [ tArAdhipa ]3[ tArA-dhipa ] ([ °r^adh° ]), m. = [ °rakA-rAja ] MBh. i, iii, xiii R. Kum. Bhartṛ. [ 444,2 ]

===> tārâdhipati [ tArAdhipati ]3[ tArA-dhipati ] ([ °r^adh° ]), m. id. W.

===> tārā [ tArA ]2[ tArA ] f. of [ °ra ], q. v.

===> tārā-rūpa [ tArArUpa ]3[ tArA-rUpa ] mfn. star-shaped W.

===> tārāyaṇa [ tArAyaNa ]2[ tArAyaNa ] m. Ficus religiosa Lalit. xxiv, 165 and 226 ; xxv, 1 and 71 (1) pl. N. of a family Pravar. vi, 2 (v. l. [ tar° ])

===> tāskarya [ tAskarya ]1[ tAskarya ] n. = [ taskara-tA ] Mn. ix

===> tāta [ tAta ]1[ tAta ] m. (cf. 1. [ tat'a ]) a father MBh. i R. Vikr. Śak. iv, 4/5 (in comp.) &c. (1) ([ t'Ata ]), voc. a term of affection addressed to a junior [ ŚBr. xiv AitBr. vii ChUp. MBh. &c. ] or senior [ i, 6796 Ragh. &c. ], addressed to several persons MBh. i, 6825 ; v, 5435 (C.) [ 442,1 ] (2) in the latter use also ([ As ]), voc. pl. ib. (B.) ; i, 6820 f. ; iv, 133 (3) [ cf. ? ; Lat. [ tata ] &c. ]

===> tāvan-mātra [ tAvanmAtra ]3[ tAvan-mAtr'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 37 Vārtt. 1) so much, so many ŚBr. v Hariv. 1204 BhP. iv (1) ([ e ]), loc. ind. in that distance, v, 24, 4

===> tāvat [ tAvat ]2[ t'Avat ] mf ([ atI ]) n. (fr. 2. [ ta ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 39 ; vi, 3, 91) so great, so large, so much, so far, so long, so many (correlative of [ y'Avat ] (1) rarely of [ ya ] or [ yath^okta ] Nal. &c.) RV. &c. ([ yAvatA kSaNena tAvatA ], ` after so long time, in that time ', as soon as Rājat. v, 110) (2) just a little Kir. ii, 48 (3) (in alg.) an unknown quantity (also with [ yAvat ]) (4) ind. (correlative of [ y'Avat ]) so much, so greatly, to such an extent, in such a number, so far RV. AV. &c. ([ t'Avat-tAvat ] ŚBr. i, 8, 1, 6) (5) so long, in that time RV. x, 88, 19 ŚBr. i Mn. &c. (6) meanwhile, in the mean time (the correlative [ yAvat ] being often connected with a neg., e. g. [ tAvac chobhate mUrkho yAvat kiM-cin na bhASate ], ` so long a fool shines as long as he says nothing ' Hit. (7) [ zocayiSyAmy AtmAnaM tAvad yAvan me pr^aptam brAhmaNyam ], ` so long I will emaciate myself, as long as [ i. e. until ] I have obtained the state of a Brāhman ' R. i, 64, 19) ŚBr. xiv, 4, 2, 30 ChUp. vi, 14, 2 Mn. MBh. &c. (also correlative of [ purA ] [ R. i, 28, 21 ], of [ yAvatA na ], of [ yAvat ] preceded by [ purA ] [ MBh. xiii, 4556 ], or without any correlative [ 2727 Kathās. Hit. ]) (8) at once, now, just, first (followed by [ anantaram ] [ Hit. ], [ aparam ] [ Pañcat. ], [ api ] [ ib. ], [ idAnIm ] [ Hit. ], [ uta ] [ Śak. ], [ ca ] [ Daś. Prab. ], [ tatas ] [ Mn. iv, 174 Ragh. vii, 4f. ], [ tad-anu ] [ Megh. ], [ tu ] [ Daś. vii Vedântas. ], [ pazcAt ] [ R. ii ], [ punar ] [ Pañcat. ], [ vA ] (9) very often connected with an Impv., rarely [ MBh. iv, 888 R. ii, 56, 13 ] with a Pot., often with the 1st person of pr. or fut. MBh. &c. (10) the Impv. is sometimes to be supplied [ [ itas tAvat ], ` just come hither ' (11) [ mA tAvat ], ` by no means, God forbid! ' ] Śak. Mālav. Vikr. Prab (12) sometimes [ arhasi ] with the inf. is used instead R. i f.) (13) (with [ na ] or [ a- ]) not yet MBh. &c. (followed by [ yAvat ], ` while ' Kathās. xxvi, 23 (14) [ tAvan na-ap4i na ], ` not only not-but also not ' Kād.) (15) very well, all right Hcar. (16) indeed, truly (e. g. [ dRDhas tAvad bandhaH ], ` the knot is tight I must admit ' Hit. (17) [ gatA tAvat ], ` she is indeed gone ' Kathās. xviii, 241) R. &c. (18) already (opposed to ` how much more ' or ` how much less ') R. iv f. Śak (19) really (= [ eva ], sometimes connected with this particle, e. g. [ vikrayas tAvad eva saH ], ` it is really a sale ') Mn. iii, 53 Hariv. 7110 R. &c. (20) ([ tA ]), instr. ind. to that extent RPrāt. xiii, 13 BhP. v, viii (21) in that time, in the mean time, meanwhile Daś. Kathās. x, 24 Bharaṭ. (22) ([ ti ]), loc., ind. so far ŚBr. viii, 6, 2, 8 (23) so long, in that time TS. ii, 4 ; [ cf. Lat. [ tantus ]. ]

===> tāvat-kālam [ tAvatkAlam ]3[ t'Avat-kAlam ] ind. for so long Kauś. 141 MBh. iii Hit.

===> tāyana [ tAyana ]2[ tAyana ] n. proceeding well, successful progress Pāṇ. 1-3, 38

===> tāyin [ tAyin ]2[ tAyin ] m. (for [ trAy° ]) a protector (said of Mahāvīra Jain. (1) of Buddha Buddh.)

===> tāḍa [ tADa ]1[ t'ADa ] mfn. (√ [ taD ]) ` beating ', [ ghaNTA- ] (1) m. a blow AV. xix, 32, 2 (2) whipping W. (3) sound, noise L. (4) a handful of grass &c. L. (5) a mountain L. (6) Lipeocercis serrata W. (7) ([ I ]), f. a kind of ornament L. (8) = [ °Di ] Rājat. iii, 326 (9) ([ am ]), ind. [ udara- ], so as to beat the stomach or breast Prab. v, 28

===> tāḍaka [ tADaka ]2[ tADaka ] m. a murderer Vcar. xviii, 57 (1) a kind of key Divyâv. xxxvii (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yakshiṇī (changed into a Rākshasī by Agastya for having disturbed his devotions, afterwards killed by Rāma) R. i, 26, 26ff. (G 27, 25 ff.) Hariv. 218 Ragh. xi, 14ff. VāyuP. ii, 6, 72 f. (wife of Mārīca) (3) the large dark-green pumpkin Npr. (4) ([ ikA ]), f. the middle part of the handle of a sword Gal.

===> tāḍana [ tADana ]2[ tADana ] mfn. beating, striking, hitting, hurting R. (G) i, 30, 17 BhP. viii, 11, 9 (1) n. striking, beating, thumping, whipping, chastising, hammering (of gold &c.) Yājñ. i, 155 MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the instrument, once [ Pañcat. ] with the object) (2) (in astron.) touching, partial eclipse VarBṛS. xxiv, 34 (3) a kind of solemn act (performed with Kuṇḍas, Sārad, v, 3 (4) or with Mantras Sarvad.) (5) ([ I ]), f. a whip L.

===> tāḍita [ tADita ]2[ tADita ] mfn. struck, beaten, chastised R. v, 26, 12 VarBṛS. Kum. v, 24 Śak. ii, 6 Ragh. &c.

===> tāḍâvacara [ tADAvacara ]3[ tAD^avacara ] n. a kind of musical instrument Lalit. vii, 73 and 298 ; viii, 12 (1) xiii

===> tāṇḍava [ tANDava ]2[ tANDava ] (m. n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) fr. [ taNDu ]?) dancing (esp. with violent gesticulation), frantic dance (of Śiva and his votaries) Mālatīm. Kathās. BhP. x MatsyaP. Rājat. &c. (cf. RTL. p. 84) (2) (in prosody) a tribrach (3) Saccharum procerum L.

===> tīkṣṇa [ tIkSNa ]1[ tIkSN'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (√ [ tij ]) sharp, hot, pungent, fiery, acid RV. x, 87, 9 AV. &c. (1) harsh, rough, rude Mn. vii, 140 MBh. R. VarBṛS. (2) sharp, keen Śiś. ii, 109 Pāṇ. 5-2, 76 Kāś (3) zealous, vehement L. (4) self-abandoning L. (5) (with [ gati ], ` a planet's course ', or [ nakSatra ] ` asterism ') inauspicious VarBṛS. vii, 8 and 10 (6) iic, 7 (asterisms Mūla, Ārdrā, Jyeshṭhā, Ā-śleshā) (7) m. nitre L. (8) = [ -taNDulA ] Npr. (9) black pepper ib. (10) black mustard ib. (11) = [ -gandhaka ] ib. (12) = [ -sArA ] ib. (13) majoram ib. (14) white Kuśa or Darbha grass ib. (15) the resin of Boswellia thurifera ib. (16) an ascetic L. (17) (g. [ azv^adi ]) N. of a man Rājat. viii, 1742 f. (18) of a Nāga Buddh. L. (19) n. pl. sharp language R. ii, 35, 33 MārkP. xxxiv, 46 (20) sg. steel (cf. [ -varman ]) Npr. (21) iron L. (22) any weapon L. Sch. (23) sea-salt L. (24) nitre L. (25) Galmei Npr. (26) poison L. (27) Bignonia suaveolens L. (28) Piper Chaba L. (29) Asa foetida Npr. (30) battle L. (31) pestilence L. (32) death L. Sch. (33) heat, pungency W. (34) haste W. (35) ([ A ]), f. N. of several plants (Mucuna pruritus, Cardiospermum Halicacabum, black mustard, [ atyamla-parNI ], [ mahA-jyotiSmatI ], [ vacA ], [ sarpakaGkAlikA ]) Npr. (36) a mystical N. of the letter [ p ], Rāmat. i, 77 (37) cf. [ a- ], [ su- ]

===> tīkṣṇa-daṃṣṭra [ tIkSNadaMSTra ]3[ tIkSN'a-daMSTr'a ] mfn. having sharp teeth or tusks TĀr. x, 1, 6 MBh. (1) ([ sa- ]) VarBṛS. (2) m. a tiger L. (3) N. of a man Kathās. cix, 55

===> tīkṣṇatara [ tIkSNatara ]3[ tIkSN'a-tara ] ([ °N'a- ]), mfn. Compar. sharper AV. iii, 19, 4 (1) (speech) Mālav. iii, 2 (2) more hot (rays) Ṛitus. i, 18

===> tīkṣṇatā [ tIkSNatA ]3[ tIkSN'a-tA ] f. sharpness R. iii, 19, 7 BhP. vi, 5

===> tīra [ tIra ]1[ tIra ]1 m. tin (cf. [ tIvra ]) L. (1) n. a kind of arrow (cf. Pers. ?) Pañcad. ii, 76 (2) ([ I ]), f. id. L.

===> [ tIra ]1[ tIra ]2 n. (√ [ tRR ] Siddh. puṃl. 56) a shore, bank AitBr. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] MBh. R. Ragh (1) ifc., for derivatives cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 106 and 104 Vārtt. 2 (2) ifc. ind., for accent cf. vi, 2, 121) (3) the brim of a vessel ŚBr. vi, xiv

===> tīraṇa [ tIraNa ]2[ tIraNa ] m. Pongamia glabra Npr.

===> tīrtha [ tIrtha ]2[ tIrth'a ] n. (rarely m. MBh.) a passage, way, road, ford, stairs for landing or for descent into a river, bathing-place, place of pilgrimage on the banks of sacred streams, piece of water RV. &c. (1) the path to the altar between the, Cātvāla and Utkara ṢaḍvBr. iii, 1 ĀśvŚr. iv, ix ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. KātyŚr. (2) a channel, iv, 8, Paddh (3) the usual or right way or manner TS. ŚBr. xiv, ([ 'a- ], xi) KātyŚr. MBh. iv, 1411 (4) the right place or moment ChUp. viii Anup. &c.

---> advice, instruction, counsel, adviser, preceptor MBh. v Mālav. i, 12/13 Kir. ii, 3 (5) certain lines or parts of the hand sacred to the deities Mn. ii Yājñ. &c. (6) an object of veneration, sacred object BhP. (7) a worthy person Āp. Mn. iii, 130 MBh. &c. (8) a person worthy of receiving anything (gen.) MānGṛ. i, 7 (9) N. of certain counsellors of a king (enumerated in Pañcat. iii, 67/68) MBh. ii, 171 Ragh. xvii Śiś. xiv [ 449,2 ] (10) one of the ten orders of ascetics founded by Śaṃkar^acārya (its members add the word [ tIrtha ] to their names) (11) a brāhman Uṇ. vṛ. (12) = [ darzana ] L. (13) = [ yoga ] L. (14) the vulva L. (15) a woman's courses L. (16) fire Uṇ. vṛ. (17) = [ nidAna ] ib.

===> tīrtha-bhūta [ tIrthabhUta ]3[ tIrth'a-bhUta ] mfn. sanctified MBh. xiii BhP. i, 13

===> tīrtha-kara [ tIrthakara ]3[ tIrth'a-kara ] mfn. creating a passage (through life) MBh. xiii, 7023 (Viṣṇu) (1) m. Śiva (2) a head of a sect Sarvad. iv, vi, ix (3) = [ -kRt ] Jain.

===> tīrthaka [ tIrthaka ]2[ tIrthaka ] mfn. = [ °tha-bhUta ] BhP. i, 19, 32 (1) m. = [ °thika ] Buddh. (2) N. of a Nāga ib. (3) n. (ifc.) a Tīrtha Hariv.

===> tīrthika [ tIrthika ]3[ tIrthika ] m. an adherent or head of any other than one's own creed Buddh. Jain.

===> tīrthya [ tIrthya ]2[ t'Irthya ] mfn. relating to a sacred Tīrtha VS. xvi, 42 (1) m. = [ °thika ] Buddh. (2) cf. [ sa- ] (3) [ tairthya ]

===> tīrṇa [ tIrNa ]3[ tIrNa ] ([ pr'a- ]), mfn. having put to sea ŚBr. (1) having spread over (acc.) Ragh

===> [ tIrNa ]2[ tIrNa ] mfn. one who has crossed MBh. R. (with acc., v, 15, 23) (1) one who has gone over (acc.) Ragh. xiv, 6 Megh. 19 (2) one who has got through (grammar, [ vyAkaraNaM ]) Bādar. iii, 2, 32 Sch. (3) one who has escaped (with abl.) Hariv. 4066 (4) crossed R. vi Śak. vii, 33 Prab. v &c. ([ 'a ] neg., ` endless ' RV. viii, 79, 6) (5) spread W. (6) surpassed W. (7) fulfilled (a promise) R.

---> ([ A ]), f. a metre of 4 x 4 long syllables

===> tīvra [ tIvra ]1[ tIvr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ tiv-ra ], √ [ tu ]) strong, severe, violent, intense, hot, pervading, excessive, ardent, sharp, acute, pungent, horrible RV. &c. (1) m. sharpness, pungency Pāṇ. 2-2, 8 Vārtt. 3. Pat. (2) for [ °vara ] (?), g. [ rAjany^adi ] (3) Śiva (4) n. pungency W. (5) a shore (for 2. [ tIra ] ?) Uṇ. k (6) tin (cf. 1. [ tIra ]) ib. (7) steel L. (8) iron L. (9) ([ am ]), ind. violently, impetuously, sharply, excessively W. (10) ([ A ]), f. Helleborus niger L. (11) black mustard L. (12) basil L. (13) [ gaNDa-dUrvA ] L. (14) [ taradI ] L. (15) [ mahA-jyotiSmatI ] L. (16) (in music) N. of a Śruti (17) of a Mūrchanā (18) of the river Padmavatī (in the east of Bengal) L.

===> tūla [ tUla ]1[ t'Ula ] n. a tuft of grass or reeds, panicle of a flower or plant AV. xix, 32, 3 Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr. ChUp. ([ ISIkA- ]) Kauś. Āp. Pāṇ. 6-2, 121 (ifc. ind.) (1) a pencil Divyâv. v. xxxvi (2) = [ tUta ] L. (3) air L. (4) m. the thorn-apple Npr. (5) n. (m. L.) cotton MBh. R. &c. (6) ([ A ]), f. id. L. (7) a lamp wick L. (8) ([ I ]), f. id. L. (9) cotton Sāṃkhyak. 17, Gauḍap (10) = [ °li ] Uṇ. Sch. (11) = [ -paTI ] Subh. RāmatUp. i, 86 Sch. (12) the Indigo plant L. (13) cf. [ 'apa- ], [ indra- ], [ udak- ], [ prAk- ], [ bhasma- ], [ zaNa- ], [ sa- ], [ haMsa- ],

===> tūla-paṭikā [ tUlapaTikA ]3[ t'Ula-paTikA ] f. = [ °TI ] Buddh. L.

===> tūla-picu [ tUlapicu ]3[ t'Ula-picu ] m. cotton Divyâv. xvii, xxvii

===> tūli [ tUli ]3[ tUli ] f. a painter's brush (cf. [ turI ]) Uṇ. Sch. (1) [ -phalA ] f. the cotton tree (also [ tul° ]) L.

===> tūrya [ tUrya ]3[ tUrya ] [ ap- ], [ mitra- ] &c.

===> [ tUrya ]2[ tUrya ]2 n. (m. L.) a musical instrument Pāṇ. Mn. vii MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] KaṭhUp. Hariv.) (1) cf. [ sa- ]

===> [ tUrya ]1[ tUrya ]3 mfn. = [ tur° ], 4th Rājat. ii, 91 (1) m. N. of a family W.

===> tūṣṇīka [ tUSNIka ]2[ tUSNIka ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Vārtt. 2 Pat.) silent R. (G) ii, 117, 3 Kathās. iic, 60 Mālatīm. i, 19 Sch. (1) ([ am ]), ind. silently MānŚr. i, 7, 5 MBh. v R. v (2) ([ Am ]), ind. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) id., Bhāgav. (Uṇ. iv, 35 Sch.)

===> tūṣṇīm [ tUSNIm ]3[ tUSN'Im ] ind. (g. [ svar-Adi ]) silently, quietly RV. ii, 43, 3 TS. &c. (for [ °NIM babhUva ], ` became silent ' Divyâv.)

===> tūṣṇīṃ-bhāva [ tUSNIMbhAva ]3[ tUSNIM-bhAva ] m. the being silent, silence MBh. xii, 3840 Sāh

===> tūṣṇīṃ-bhūta [ tUSNIMbhUta ]3[ tUSNIM-bhUta ] mfn. become silent MBh. i, 7951 R. i, 70, 18

===> tūṣṇīṃ-viprakramaṇa [ tUSNIMviprakramaNa ]3[ tUSNIM-viprakramaNa ] n. slipping away silently (without having voted) Buddh. L.

===> tṛ-vṛt [ tRvRt ]1[ tRvRt ] [ tri-v° ]

===> tṛpta [ tRpta ]2[ tRpt'a ] mfn. satiated, satisfied with (gen., instr., or in comp.) AV. ŚBr. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. so as to exhibit satiety AitBr. i, 25, 15 (2) n. N. of a metre RPrāt. xvii, 5

===> tṛpti [ tRpti ]2[ t'Rpti ] f. satisfaction, contentment RV. viii, 82, 6 ([ °pt'i ]) and ix, 113, 10 AV. &c. (1) disgust Suśr. i, 24, 2 (2) m. N. of a Gandharva Gal.

===> tṛpti-kara [ tRptikara ]3[ t'Rpti-kara ] mfn. giving satisfaction, 46, 9, 7

===> tṛtīya [ tRtIya ]2[ tRt'Iya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ tr'i ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 55 (1) also vii, 3, 115 ; i, 1, 36 Vārtt.) the 3rd RV. &c. (2) m. the 3rd consonant of a Varga ([ g ], [ j ], [ D ], [ d ], [ b ]) RPrāt. VPrāt. APrāt. Pāṇ. Vārtt. and Kāś (3) (in music) N. of a measure (4) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ tithi ]) = [ °yikA ] Jyot. &c. (5) (scil. [ vibhakti ]) the terminations of the 3rd case, the 3rd case (instrumental) Pāṇ. APrāt. iii, 19 (6) ([ am ]), ind. for the 3rd time, thirdly RV. x, 45, i ŚBr. ix, xi TāṇḍyaBr. &c. (7) ([ ena ]), instr. ind. at the 3rd time PārGṛ. ii, 3, 5 (8) ([ t'RtIya ]) mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 48) forming the 3rd part, (n.) a 3rd part TS. TBr. ŚBr. iii f. KātyŚr. Mn. vi, 33 MBh. ; [ cf. Zend [ thritya ], Lat. [ tertius ] ; Goth. [ thridja ]. ]

===> tṛtīyâṃśa [ tRtIyAMza ]3[ tRtIy^aMza ] m. a 3rd part VarBṛS. (1) mfn. receiving a 3rd as one's share ([ °yin ] Sch. on KātyŚr. x, 2, 25 and Nyāyam. iii) Mn. viii, 210

===> tṛtīyā [ tRtIyA ]2[ tRtIyA ] f. and ind.

===> tṛṇa [ tRNa ]1[ t'RNa ] n. (m., g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) grass, herb, any gramineous plant, blade of grass, straw (often symbol of minuteness and worthlessness) RV. &c. (ifc. accent, g. [ ghoS^adi ]) (2) m. N. of a man, g. [ ziv^adi ] and [ naD^adi ] ; [ cf. Goth. [ thaurnus ]. ]

===> tṛṇa-jalāyukā [ tRNajalAyukA ]3[ t'RNa-jalAyuk'A ] f. a caterpillar ŚBr. xiv

===> tṛṇa-kuṭī [ tRNakuTI ]3[ t'RNa-kuTI ] f. id. L.

===> tṛṇa-stāraka [ tRNastAraka ]3[ t'RNa-stAraka ] m. ` covering with grass ', leaving unremembered Buddh. L.

===> tṛṇamaya [ tRNamaya ]3[ t'RNa-maya ] mfn. made of grass ŚārṅgP. (Siṉhâs.)

===> tṛṣ [ tRS ]1[ tRS ]1 cl. 4. [ °Syati ] (p. [ t'RSyat ] Ā. [ °SAN'a ] pf. [ tAtRSAN'a ] RV. [ [ tat° ], vi, 15, 5 ] (1) 3. pl. [ tAtRS'ur ], x, 15, 9 (2) aor. Subj. [ tRSat ] AV. ii, 29, 4 (3) ind. p. [ °STv'A ], xix, 34, 6 (4) [ °SitvA ] and [ tarSitvA ] Pāṇ. 1-2, 25) to be thirsty, thirst, thirst for RV. &c. : Caus. (aor. 1. pl. [ atItRSAma ]) to cause to thirst, iv, 34, 11 ; [ cf. Goth. [ thars ], [ thaursus ] (5) ? ] 2

===> [ tRS ]3[ tRS ] mfn. ` longing for ', [ artha- ] (1) f. (Siddhṣtry. 23) thirst MBh. xiv Suśr. VarBṛ. &c. (2) strong desire L. (3) Desire as daughter of Love L.

===> tṛṣita [ tRSita ]2[ tRSit'a ] mfn. (fr. 2. [ tRS ] g. [ tArak^adi ]) thirsty, thirsting, desirous RV. i, 16, 5 MBh. &c. (with inf. Hariv. 5033) (1) n. thirst W. (2) cf. [ 'a- ]

===> tṛṣā [ tRSA ]2[ tRSA ] f. thirst Nal. ix, 27 Suśr. Vet. &c. (1) strong desire Hit. i, 6, 34 (2) Desire as daughter of Love L. (3) Methonica superba L.

===> tṛṣṇā [ tRSNA ]2[ t'RSNA ] f. thirst, i, vii, ix AV. ŚBr. &c. (1) desire, avidity (chiefly ifc.) R. Ragh. BhP. &c. (2) Avidity as mother of Dambha (Prab. ii, 11/12), daughter of Death (Mṛtyu VP. i, 7, 31 (3) or Māra Lalit. xxiv, 20), generated by Vedanā and generating Up^adāna (Buddh.) (4) cf. [ ati- ]

===> tṛṣṇā-kṣaya [ tRSNAkSaya ]3[ t'RSNA-kSaya ] m. cessation of desire, tranquillity of mind L.

===> u [ u ]1[ u ]1 the fifth letter and third short vowel of the alphabet, pronounced as the [ u ] in [ full ]

===> [ u ]1[ u ]2 ind. an interjection of compassion, anger L. (1) a particle implying assent, calling, command L.

===> [ u ]1[ u ]3 ind. an enclitic copula used frequently in the Vedas (1) (as a particle implying restriction and antithesis, generally after pronominals, prepositions, particles, and before [ nu ] and [ su ], equivalent to) and, also, further (2) on the other hand (especially in connexion with a relative, e. g. [ ya u ], he on the contrary who &c.) This particle may serve to give emphasis, like [ id ] and [ eva ], especially after prepositions or demonstrative pronouns, in conjunction with [ nu ], [ vai ], [ hi ], [ cid ], &c. (e. g. [ ay'am u vAm purut'amo ]. . [ johavIti ] [ RV. iii, 62, 2 ], this very person [ your worshipper ] invokes you &c.) It is especially used in the figure of speech called Anaphora, and particularly when the pronouns are repeated (e. g. [ t'am u stuSa 'indram t'am gRNISe ] [ RV. ii, 20, 4 ], him I praise, Indra, him I sing). It may be used in drawing a conclusion, like the English ` now ' (e. g. [ t'ad u t'athA n'a kuryAt ] [ ŚBr. v, 2, 2, 3 ], that now he should not do in such a manner), and is frequently found in interrogative sentences (e. g. [ k'a u t'ac ciketa ] [ RV. i, 164, 48 ], who, I ask, should know that?) Pāṇini calls this particle [ uJ ] to distinguish it from the interrogative [ u ]. In the Pada-pāṭha it is written [ Um ]. In the classical language [ u ] occurs only after [ atha ], [ na ], and [ kim ], with a slight modification of the sense, and often only as an expletive ([ kim ]) (3) [ u ] - [ u ] or [ u ] - [ uta ], on the one hand - on the other hand (4) partly - partly (5) as, well - as

===> [ u ]1[ u ]4 cl. 5. P. [ unoti ] ([ vy-u ] RV. v, 31, 1): cl. 2. Ā. (1. sg. [ uv'e ] RV. x, 86, 7): cl. 1. Ā. [ avate ] Dhātup (1) to call to, hail (2) to roar, bellow (also [ ^ota ] = [ A-uta ])

===> [ u ]1[ u ]5 m. N. of Śiva (1) also of Brahman L.

===> u-kāra [ ukAra ]3[ u-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ u ]

===> ubha [ ubha ]1[ ubh'a ] [ au ], (Ved. [ A ]), [ e ], [ e ] mfn. du. (g. [ sarv^adi ] Pāṇ. 1-1, 27) both RV. AV. ŚBr. Mn. &c. ; [ cf. Zd. [ uba ] ; Gk. ? ; Lat. [ ambo ] ; Goth. [ bai ] ; [ 216,2 ] Old High Germ. [ beide ] ; Slav. [ oba ] ; Lith. [ abh'u ]. ]

===> ubhaya [ ubhaya ]2[ ubh'aya ] mf ([ I ]) n. (only sg. and pl. ; according to Hara-datta also du., Siddh. vol. i, p. 98) both, of both kinds, in both ways, in both manners RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. AitĀr. Mn. &c. (1) ([ I ]), f. a kind of bricks Śulbas

===> ubhaya-bhāga [ ubhayabhAga ]3[ ubh'aya-bhAga ] mfn. having part in both (night and day) (1) [ -hara ] mfn. taking two shares or parts (2) applicable to two purposes (3) ([ am ]), n. a medicine that acts in two ways (as an emetic and a purge)

===> ubhayatas [ ubhayatas ]2[ ubhay'atas ] ind. from or on both sides, to both sides (with gen. or acc.) (1) in both cases RV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c.

===> ubhayathā [ ubhayathA ]2[ ubhay'athA ] ind. in both ways, in both cases ŚBr. Pāṇ. Vikr. &c.

===> ubhayatra [ ubhayatra ]2[ ubhay'atra ] ind. in both places, on both sides (1) in both cases or times RV. iii, 53, 5 ŚBr. MBh. Mn. &c.

===> ubhayâtmaka [ ubhayAtmaka ]3[ ubhay^atmaka ] mfn. of both natures or kinds Mn. Sāṃkhyak. Viddh

===> ucca [ ucca ]1[ ucca ] mfn. (said to be fr. [ ca ] fr. √ [ aJc ] with 1. [ ud ]), high, lofty, elevated (1) tall MBh. Kum. Śiś. Kathās. &c. (2) deep Caurap (3) high-sounding, loud Bhartṛ. VarBṛS. (4) pronounced with the Udātta accent RPrāt. VPrāt. &c. (5) intense, violent R. (6) m. height MBh. (7) the apex of the orbit of a planet, Kālas. R. &c. (8) compar. [ ucca-tara ], superl. [ ucca-tama ] ; [ cf. Hib. [ uchdan ], ` a hillock ' ; Cambro-Brit. [ uched ], ` cleve. '

===> ucca-dhvaja [ uccadhvaja ]3[ ucca-dhvaja ] m. N. of Śākya-muni (as teacher of the gods among the Tushitas, q. v.)

===> uccais [ uccais ]2[ ucca'is ] ind. (sometimes used adjectively) aloft, high, above, upwards, from above (1) loud, accentuated (2) intensely, much, powerfully RV. AV. iv, 1, 3 ŚBr. Kum. Pañcat. &c.

===> uccaistva [ uccaistva ]3[ ucca'is-tva ] n. height, loudness, &c.

===> uccaiḥ-kula [ uccaiHkula ]3[ uccaiH-kula ] n. exalted family, high family Śak. 97 a (1) (mfn.) of high family

===> uccalita [ uccalita ]2[ uc-calita ] mfn. gone up or out, setting out Ragh. Kathās. &c. (1) springing or jumping up L.

===> uccaraṇa [ uccaraNa ]2[ uc-caraNa ] n. going up or out (1) uttering, articulating

===> uccarita [ uccarita ]2[ uc-carita ] mfn. gone up or out, risen (1) uttered, articulated (2) ([ am ]), n. excrement, dung BhP. Suśr. Mn. Hit.

===> uccatva [ uccatva ]3[ ucca-tva ] n. height, superiority MBh. (1) the apex of the orbit of a planet Sūryapr.

===> uccaya [ uccaya ]1[ uc-caya ] [ uc-ci ]

===> [ uccaya ]2[ uc-caya ] m. gathering, picking up from the ground Śak. 139, 5 (1) adding to, annumeration KātyŚr. (2) collection, heap, plenty, multitude MBh. R. Daś. Śak. Sāh. &c. (3) the knot of the string or cloth which fastens the lower garments round the loins tied in front L. (4) the opposite side of a triangle L.

===> ucchalita [ ucchalita ]2[ uc-chalita ] mfn. jerked up, moved, waved, waved above Pañcat. Vikr. Kathās. &c.

===> uccheda [ uccheda ]2[ uc-cheda ] m. cutting off or out (1) extirpation, destruction (2) cutting short, putting an end to (3) excision MBh. Pañcat. Hit. Prab. &c.

===> ucchedana [ ucchedana ]2[ uc-chedana ] n. cutting off (1) extirpating, destroying, destruction MBh. Pañcat. R.

===> uccheṣa [ uccheSa ]2[ uc-cheSa ] mfn. left remaining Kathās (1) remainder, leavings BhP. MBh.

===> ucchinna [ ucchinna ]2[ uc-chinna ] mfn. cut out or off (1) destroyed, lost (2) abject, vile Mṛcch (3) m. (scil. [ saMdhi ]) peace obtained by ceding valuable lands Hit. &c.

===> ucchitti [ ucchitti ]2[ 'uc-chitti ] f. extirpation, destroying, destruction ŚBr. Kathās. Suśr. Ratnāv (1) decaying, drying up VarBṛS.

===> ucchiṣṭa [ ucchiSTa ]2[ 'uc-chiSTa ] mfn. left, rejected, stale (1) spit out of the mouth (as remnants of food) TS. ChUp. ŚBr. MBh. Yājñ. &c. (2) one who has still the remains of food in the mouth or hands, one who has not washed his hands and mouth and therefore is considered impure, impure Gaut. Mn. (3) ([ am ]), n. that which is spit out (4) leavings, fragments, remainder (especially of a sacrifice or of food) AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. ĀśvGṛ. &c. [ 174,1 ]

===> ucchraya [ ucchraya ]2[ uc-chraya ] m. rising, mounting, elevation (1) rising of a planet &c. (2) elevation of a tree, mountain, &c. (3) height MBh. R. Yājñ. Mṛcch (4) growth, increase, intensity Suśr. (5) the upright side of a triangle

===> ucchrayaṇa [ ucchrayaNa ]2[ uc-chrayaNa ] n. raising erecting KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. VarBṛS.

===> ucchreya [ ucchreya ]2[ uc-chreya ] mfn. high, lofty W.

===> ucchrita [ ucchrita ]2[ uc-chrita ] mfn. raised, lifted up, erected ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. R. Ragh. Kathās. &c. (1) rising, arising, mounting MBh. Hariv. MārkP. VarBṛS. &c. (2) high, tall R. BhP. Kir. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c. (3) advancing, arisen, grown powerful or mighty MBh. Kathās. Mn. Hit. &c. [ 174,2 ] (4) wanton, luxuriant Hariv. R. &c. (5) excited Suśr. (6) increased, grown, enlarged, large, huge Prab. Ragh (7) born, produced L. (8) m. Pinus Longifolia L.

===> ucchrāya [ ucchrAya ]2[ uc-chrAya ] m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 49) rising upwards, elevation, height MBh. Yājñ. Suśr. Pañcat (1) growth, increase, intensity Kir. Suśr. (2) ([ 'I ]), f. an upraised piece of wood, plank KātyŚr. ŚBr.

===> ucchuṣka [ ucchuSka ]2[ uc-chuSka ] mfn. dry, dried up, withered Mṛcch. Kathās. Rājat

===> ucchuṣma [ ucchuSma ]1[ uc-chuSma ] ([ ud-zuSma ] [ √ 2. [ zuS ] ]), mfn. one whose crackling becomes manifest (said of Agni) TS. AV. Par (1) N. of a deity Buddh.

===> ucchvāsa [ ucchvAsa ]2[ uc-chvAs'a ] m. breathing out (1) breath, deep inspiration KātyŚr. Suśr. Śak. Prab. &c. (2) expiration, death KātyŚr. (3) sigh MBh. Megh. Amar. (4) froth, yeast, foam RV. ix, 86, 43 (5) swelling up, rising, increasing (6) consolation, encouragement W. (7) pause in a narration, division of a book (e. g. of the Daśakumāra-carita) (8) an air-hole L.

===> uccāra [ uccAra ]2[ uc-cAr'a ] mfn. rising TS. ii, 3, 12, 2 (1) m. feces, excrement (2) discharge Suśr. Mn. Gaut. Hit. &c. (3) pronunciation, utterance

===> uccāraṇa [ uccAraNa ]2[ uc-cAraNa ] n. pronunciation, articulation, enunciation (1) making audible MBh.

===> uccāṭana [ uccATana ]2[ uc-cATana ] mf ([ I ]) n. ruining (an adversary) (1) m. N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma Vet (2) ([ am ]), n. eradicating (a plant) (3) overthrow, upsetting BhP. (4) causing (a person) to quit (his occupation by means of magical incantations) Prab. &c.

===> ucita [ ucita ]2[ ucita ] mfn. delightful, pleasurable, agreeable (1) customary, usual (2) proper, suitable, convenient (3) acceptable, fit or right to be taken R. Pañcat. Hit. Suśr. &c. (4) known, understood Śiś. (5) intrusted, deposited (6) measured, adjusted, accurate (7) delighting in (8) used to MBh. Suśr. Ragh. &c.

===> ud- [ ud ]1[ ud ]1 a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place, rank, station, or power) up, upwards (1) upon, on (2) over, above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out, out of, from, off, away from, apart. (According to native authorities [ ud ] may also imply publicity, pride, indisposition, weakness, helplessness, binding, loosing, existence, acquisition.) [ ud ] is not used as a separable adverb or preposition (3) in those rare cases, in which it appears in the Veda uncompounded with a verb, the latter has to be supplied from the context (e. g. [ 'ud 'utsam zat'adhAram ] AV. iii, 24, 4, out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams). [ ud ] is sometimes repeated in the Veda to fill out the verse Pāṇ. 8-1, 6 ([ kiM na ud ud u harSase dAtavA u ] Kāś. on Pāṇ.) [ Cf. Zd. [ uz ] ; Hib. [ uas ] and in composition [ os ], [ ois ] e. g. [ os-car ], ` a leap, bound ', &c. also [ uttam'a ], 1. [ 'uttara ], &c. ]

===> [ ud ]1[ ud ]2 or [ und ], cl. 7. P. [ un'atti ] (RV. v, 85, 4): cl. 6. P. [ undati ] (p. [ und'at ] RV. ii, 3, 2: Impv. 3. pl. [ undantu ] AV. vi, 68, 1 ; 2), Ā. [ und'ate ] (AV. v, 19, 4 (1) [ undAM cakAra ], [ undiSyati ] &c. Dhātup. xxix, 20) to flow or issue out, spring (as water) (2) to wet, bathe RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. PārGṛ. &c. : Caus. (aor. [ aundidat ] Vop. xviii, 1): Desid. [ undidiSati ] Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 (3) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ unda ] ; Goth. [ vat-o ] ; Old High Germ. [ 183,1 ] [ waz-ar ] ; Mod. Eng. [ wat-er ] ; Lith. [ wand-ū4 ]. ]

===> uda [ uda ]2[ uda ] n. (only at the beginning or end of a compound) water

===> uda-bindu [ udabindu ]3[ uda-bindu ] m. a drop of water Kum

===> uda-pāna [ udapAna ]3[ uda-pAna ] m. n. a well ChUp. MBh. Mn. Bhag. &c. (1) [ -maNDUka ] m. ` frog in a well ', a narrow-minded man who knows only his own neighbourhood Pāṇ.

===> udadhi [ udadhi ]3[ uda-dh'i ] mfn. holding water AV. i, 3, 6 VS. (1) ([ is ]), m. ` water-receptacle ', a cloud (2) river, sea (3) the ocean RV. AV. VS. TS. R. Śak. Mn. &c. (in classical Sanskṛt only the ocean) (4) [ -kumAra ], [ As ] m. pl. a class of deities (belonging to the Bhavan^adhīśas Jain.) L. (5) [ -krA ] m. (√ [ kram ]), a navigator, mariner Vop (6) [ -jala-maya ] mfn. made or formed out of sea-water Kād (7) [ -mala ] m. cuttle-fish bone L. (8) [ -mekhalA ] f. ` ocean-girdled ', the earth BhP. (9) [ -rAja ] m. the ocean-king, ocean-god R. (10) [ -vastrA ] f. ` ocean-clothed ', the earth L. (11) [ -saMbhava ] n. ` ocean-born ', sea-salt L. (12) [ -sutA ] f. ` daughter of the ocean ', N. of Lakshmī (13) of Dvārakā (Kṛshṇa's capital) W. (14) [ -sutA-nAyaka ] m. ` husband of the ocean's daughter ', N. of Kṛshṇa Prasannar

===> [ udadhi ]1[ uda-dh'i ] &c. [ uda ]

===> udagra [ udagra ]1[ ud-agra ] mfn. having the top elevated or upwards, over-topping, towering or pointing upwards, projecting (1) high, tall, long R. Kathās. Ragh. &c. (2) increased, large, vast, fierce, intense Ragh. Vikr. Śak. &c. (3) haughty Prasannar (4) advanced (in age) Suśr. (5) excited, enraptured R. Ragh. &c. (6) loud R.

===> udaka [ udaka ]2[ udak'a ] n. water RV. AV. KātyŚr. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) the ceremony of offering water to a dead person Gaut (2) ([ udakaM ] √ [ dA ] or [ pra-√ dA ] or √ 1. [ kR ], to offer water to the dead [ with gen. or dat. ] Yājñ. Mn. R. &c. (3) cf. [ upa- ] √ [ spRz ]) (4) ablution (as a ceremony, [ udak^artha ]) (5) a particular metre RPrāt.

===> udaka-bindu [ udakabindu ]3[ udak'a-bindu ] m. a drop of water Pāṇ. 6-3, 60

===> udaka-candra [ udakacandra ]3[ udak'a-candra ] m. (?), a kind of magic (Buddh.) L.

===> udaka-dhārā [ udakadhArA ]3[ udak'a-dhArA ] f. a gush or flow of water

===> udakârthin [ udakArthin ]3[ udak^arthin ] mfn. desirous of water, thirsty

===> udapāna [ udapAna ]3[ uda-pAna ] m. n. a well ChUp. MBh. Mn. Bhag. &c. (1) [ -maNDUka ] m. ` frog in a well ', a narrow-minded man who knows only his own neighbourhood Pāṇ.

===> udara [ udara ]1[ ud'ara ] n. (√ [ dRR ] Uṇ. v, 19 (1) √ [ R ] BRD. and T.), the belly, abdomen, stomach, bowels RV. AV. ŚBr. Suśr. MBh. Kathās. &c. (2) the womb MBh. VP. Car. (3) a cavity, hollow (4) the interior or inside of anything ([ udare ], inside, in the interior) Pañcat. Śak. Ragh. Mṛcch. &c. (5) enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence), any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver, spleen &c. (6) eight kinds are enumerated) Suśr. (7) the thick part of anything (e. g. of the thumb) Suśr. Comm. on Yājñ. (8) slaughter Naish

===> udara-stha [ udarastha ]3[ ud'ara-stha ] m. ` being in the stomach ', the fire of digestion MaitrUp.

===> udaya [ udaya ]2[ ud-ay'a ] m. going up, rising (1) swelling up R. (2) rising, rise (of the sun &c.), coming up (of a cloud) ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. Śak. &c. (3) the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c. (4) going out R. (5) coming forth, becoming visible, appearance, development (6) production, creation RV. viii, 41, 2 R. Ragh. Yājñ. Śak. Kum. &c. (7) conclusion, result, consequence MBh. Ragh. Mn. (8) that which follows (9) a following word, subsequent sound Pāṇ. 8-4, 67 RPrāt. APrāt. &c. (10) rising, reaching one's aim, elevation (11) success, prosperity, good fortune Kathās. Ragh. &c. (12) profit, advantage, income (13) revenue, interest R. Yājñ. Mn. &c. (14) the first lunar mansion (15) the orient sine (i. e. the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon) Sūryas (16) N. of several men

===> udayana [ udayana ]2[ ud-'ayana ] n. rise, rising (of the sun &c.) RV. i, 48, 7 ŚBr. R. &c. (1) way out, outlet AV. v, 30, 7 (2) exit (3) outcome, result, conclusion, end TS. ŚBr. TāṇḍyaBr. (4) means of redemption Car. (5) m. N. of several kings and authors

===> udayi-bhadra [ udayibhadra ]3[ udayi-bhadra ] m. id.

===> udayin [ udayin ]2[ udayin ] mfn. rising, ascending (1) prosperous, flourishing L. (2) ([ I ]), m. N. of a grandson of Ajātaśatru (= Uday^aśva)

===> udbandhana [ udbandhana ]2[ udbandhana ] mf ([ I ]) n. serving for hanging up (as a string) R. ii, 12, 80 (1) ([ am ]), n. hanging, hanging one's self MBh. Kathās. Gaut

===> udbhava [ udbhava ]1[ ud-bhava ] [ ud-√ bhU ]

===> [ udbhava ]2[ ud-bhava ] m. existence, generation, origin, production, birth (1) springing from, growing (2) becoming visible Yājñ. Mn. Kathās. Pañcat. &c. (3) birth-place ŚvetUp. Kāvyâd (4) N. of a son of Nahusha VP. (5) a sort of salt L., (ifc.) mfn. produced or coming from MBh. Mn. &c.

===> udbheda [ udbheda ]2[ ud-bheda ] m. the act of breaking through or out, becoming manifest or visible, appearing, sprouting Śak. 85 d Kum. Bhartṛ. Sāh. &c. (1) (in dram.) the first manifestation of the germ ([ bIja ]) of the plot Sāh. Daśar. Pratāpar (2) a sprout or shoot of a plant L. (3) a spring, fountain R. MBh. (4) treachery Kathās (5) mentioning Prasannar

===> udbhida [ udbhida ]2[ ud-bhida ] mfn. sprouting, germinating MBh. (1) m. N. of a son of Jyotishmat (2) of the Varsha ruled over by him VP. (3) ([ am ]), n. a fountain, spring L. (4) a kind of salt L. (5) N. of a Sāman

===> udbhinna [ udbhinna ]2[ 'ud-bhinna ] mfn. burst forth, opened, burst (1) having broken through, come forth, appeared (2) made to appear, brought to light Kull (3) appearing above AV. x, 5, 36 ; xvi, 8, 1 seqq. Mālav. Pañcat. &c. (4) discovered, betrayed Sāh (5) provided or abounding with BhP. Pañcat

===> udbhrānta [ udbhrAnta ]2[ ud-bhrAnta ] mfn. risen, ascended, gone or jumped up, turned upwards MBh. R. Ragh. Pañcat. &c. (1) come forth or out of (the earth) Kathās (2) run away, disappeared Rājat (3) wandering about, roaming MBh. (4) agitated, excited, bewildered, distressed MBh. R. VarBṛS. &c. (5) whirled, flourished (6) waved (as a sword) (7) ([ am ]), n. the act of waving (a sword) MBh. (8) the rising (of the wind) Hariv. (9) excitement, agitation Sāh

===> udbhāvana [ udbhAvana ]2[ ud-bhAvana ] n. the act of raising up, elevation MBh. xiii, 2913 Lalit. (1) passing over, inattention, neglect, disregard MBh. (2) announcement, communication Naish (3) making visible, manifestation Kāraṇḍ

===> udbhāvita [ udbhAvita ]2[ ud-bhAvita ] mfn. caused to exist, created, produced Sāh

===> udbhūta [ udbhUta ]2[ ud-bhUta ] mfn. come forth, produced, born (1) grown MaitrUp. MBh. R. Kathās. &c. (2) raised, elevated, increased R. Ṛitus (3) visible, perceptible, distinct, positive Bhāshāp

===> udbhūti [ udbhUti ]2[ ud-bhUti ] f. coming forth, existence, appearance Kap (1) elevation, increase Kum. Vikr

===> udbodhana [ udbodhana ]2[ ud-bodhana ] n. awaking, arousing (1) recalling, reminding W.

===> uddalana [ uddalana ]2[ ud-dalana ] mfn. tearing out Kād (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of splitting, causing to burst Jain.

===> uddarśana [ uddarzana ]2[ ud-darzana ] m. N. of a king of the Nāgas L.

===> uddeśa [ uddeza ]2[ ud-deza ] m. the act of pointing to or at, direction (1) ascertainment (2) brief statement (3) exemplification, illustration, explanation (4) mentioning a thing by name MBh. Bhag. Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (5) assignment, prescription (6) stipulation, bargain MBh. R. (7) quarter, spot, region, place (8) an object, a motive (9) upper region, high situation MBh. Pañcat. Śak. &c. (10) (in Nyāya phil.) enunciation of a topic (that is to be further discussed and elucidated) Nyāyak (11) ([ ena ] and [ At ]), ind. (ifc.) relative to, aiming at, Kathās. Suśr. &c. [ 188,2 ]

===> uddeśaka [ uddezaka ]2[ ud-dezaka ] mfn. illustrative, explanatory L. (1) m. an illustration, example (2) an illustrator, guide L. (3) (in math.) a question, problem Comm. on Āryabh

===> uddharaṇa [ uddharaNa ]2[ ud-dharaNa ] n. (in some meanings perhaps from 1. [ ud-√ dhR ], q. v.), the act of taking up, raising, lifting up MBh. Śārṅg (1) the act of drawing out, taking out, tearing out Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c. (2) means of drawing out Vet (3) taking off (clothes) Suśr. (4) taking away, removing Vām (5) putting or placing before, presenting, treatment KātyŚr. iv, 1, 10 (6) extricating, delivering, rescuing Hit. Ragh. &c. (7) taking away (a brand from the Gārhapatya-fire to supply other sacred fires) KātyŚr. (8) eradication (9) extermination (10) the act of destroying (11) vomiting, bringing up (12) vomited food (13) final emancipation L. (14) m. N. of the father of king Śantanu (the author of a commentary on a portion of the Mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa)

===> uddharṣa [ uddharSa ]2[ ud-dharSa ]2 mfn. (for 1. s. v.) glad, pleased, happy BhP. (1) m. the flaring upwards (of the fire) Sāy. on AitBr. iii, 4, 5 (2) great joy (3) a festival (especially a religious one) L.

===> uddhata [ uddhata ]2[ ud-dhata ] mfn. raised (as dust), turned up R. Śak. 8 c Kathās (1) lifted up, raised, elevated, high ŚBr. TBr. KātyŚr. Suśr. &c. (2) struck (as a lute) KātyŚr. xxi, 3, 7 (3) enhanced (4) violent, intense BhP. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (5) puffed up, haughty, vain, arrogant (6) rude, ill-behaved R. BhP. Sāh. &c. (7) exceeding, excessive (8) abounding in, full of MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (9) stirred up, excited, agitated MBh. Ragh. &c. (10) m. a king's wrestler L. (11) N. of a certain donkey Pañcat

===> uddhava [ uddhava ]1[ ud-dhava ] m. (√ [ hu ]), sacrificial fire L. [ 189,1 ] (1) a festival, holiday L. (2) joy, pleasure L. (3) N. of a Yādava (Kṛshṇa's friend and counsellor) MBh. Hariv. VP. BhP.

===> uddhura [ uddhura ]1[ ud-dhura ] mfn. (fr. [ dhur ] with [ ud ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 74), freed from a yoke or burden, unrestrained, wild, lively, cheerful Śiś. v, 64 Ragh. Kathās. &c. (2) heavy, thick, gross, firm Śiś. Daś. &c. (3) high L.

===> uddhāra [ uddhAra ]2[ ud-dhAr'a ] m. (in some senses perhaps from 1. [ ud-√ dhR ]), the act of raising, elevating, lifting up (1) drawing out, pulling out Gaut. MBh. Comm. on BṛĀrUp. (2) removing, extinction, payment (of a debt) (3) taking away, deduction (4) omission Mn. Comm. on Yājñ. (5) selection, a part to be set aside, selected part (6) exception TS. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. &c. (7) selecting (a passage), selection, extract (of a book) Comm. on Kir. x, 10 (8) extraction, deliverance, redemption, extrication MBh. Prab. &c. (9) a portion, share (10) a surplus (given by the Hindū law to the eldest son beyond the shares of the younger ones) W. (11) the first part of a patrimony W. (12) the sixth part of booty taken in war (which belongs to the prince) W. (13) a debt (esp. one not bearing interest), KātyDh (14) obligation Daś (15) recovering property (16) refutation Car. Comm. on Nyāyad (17) ([ A ]), f. the plant Cocculus Cordifolius L. (18) ([ am ]), n. a fire-place L.

===> uddhūta [ uddhUta ]2[ ud-dhUta ] (sometimes [ ud-dhuta ]), mfn. shaken up, raised, caused to rise MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c. (1) thrown upwards, tossed up, scattered above MBh. R. Prab (2) kindled (as fire) Ragh. vii, 45 Kathās (3) excited, agitated Hariv. R. Kathās (4) shaken off, fallen from or off, thrown off or away Hariv. BhP. (5) exalted (6) high, loud MBh. Hariv. (7) ([ am ]), n. ([ uddhUta ]) stamping Hariv. (8) turning up, digging Hariv. (9) roaring (of the ocean) MBh.

===> uddhṛta [ uddhRta ]2[ 'ud-dhRta ] mfn. drawn up or out (as water from a well &c.) (1) extracted, pulled up or out, eradicated, broken off MBh. R. Suśr. &c. (2) drawn up or out, ladled out, skimmed AV. xii, 5, 34 ; xv, 12, 1 ŚBr. &c. (3) raised, elevated, lifted up, thrown up or upwards MBh. Rājat. &c. (4) separated, set apart, taken away, removed BhP. Mn. &c. (5) chosen, selected, taken from or out of Mn. &c. (6) raised, made strong or famous Hit. (7) recovered (8) uncovered (9) dispersed, scattered (10) holding, containing (11) vomited L.

===> uddhṛtya [ uddhRtya ]2[ ud-dhRtya ] ind. p. having raised up or drawn &c. (1) having excepted, excepting (2) with the exception of ŚBr. Lāṭy. ĀśvŚr. &c.

===> uddiśya [ uddizya ]2[ ud-dizya ] ind. p. having shown or explained (1) stipulating for, demanding (2) (used as a preposition) aiming at, in the direction of (3) with reference to (4) towards (5) with regard to, for, for the sake of, in the name of &c. (with acc.) MBh. BhP. Śak. &c.

===> uddiṣṭa [ uddiSTa ]2[ ud-diSTa ] mfn. mentioned, particularized (1) described (2) promised (3) ([ am ]), n. a kind of time (in music)

===> uddāna [ uddAna ]2[ ud-dAna ] n. the act of binding on, fastening together, stringing MBh. (1) taming, subduing L. (2) the middle, waist L. (3) a fire-place L. (4) submarine fire L. (5) entrance of the sun into the sign of the zodiac L. (6) contents L. (7) tax, duty L. (8) m. N. of a man Rājat

===> udgata [ udgata ]2[ ud-gata ] mfn. gone up, risen, ascended Ṛitus. MBh. &c.

---> come or proceeded forth, appeared, Ratnāv. Ragh. &c. (1) gone, departed (2) extended, large Ragh (3) vomited, cast up L. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a metre (consisting of four lines, with ten syllables in the first three, and thirteen in the last [ 187,1 ] (5) occurring e. g. in Śiś. xv)

===> udghaṭita [ udghaTita ]2[ ud-ghaTita ] mfn. unlocked Kum. vii, 53

===> udghaṭṭaka [ udghaTTaka ]2[ ud-ghaTTaka ] m. a kind of time (in music) L.

===> udghoṣaka [ udghoSaka ]2[ udghoSaka ] m. one who makes a proclamation, a town-crier Kathās

===> udghāṭana [ udghATana ]2[ ud-ghATana ] mfn. opening, unlocking Hit. (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of opening, unlocking (2) revealing, manifesting MārkP. Sāy (3) the act of unveiling, exposing, uncovering Sarvad (4) a leather bucket used for drawing up water L. (5) hoisting, raising, lifting up L.

===> udghāṭita [ udghATita ]2[ ud-ghATita ] mfn. opened, manifested (1) undertaken, commenced (2) raised, hoisted, lifted up (3) done with effort, exerted (4) stroked, tickled Suśr.

===> udgrahaṇa [ udgrahaNa ]2[ ud-gr'ahaNa ] n. the act of taking out ŚBr. (1) recovering (a debt, cf. [ RN^odgr° ]) (2) taking up, lifting up: describing

===> udgāra [ udgAra ]1[ ud-gAra ] &c. [ ud-√ gRR ] below

===> [ udgAra ]2[ ud-gAra ] m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 29) the act of discharging, spitting out, ejecting (from the mouth), vomiting, belching, eructation R. Suśr. Ragh. Megh. &c. (1) relating repeatedly Hit. (2) spittle, saliva MBh. Suśr. Gaut (3) flood, high water R. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-3, 29 (4) roaring, hissing, a loud sound MBh. Śāntiś. &c.

===> udgūrṇa [ udgUrNa ]2[ ud-gUrNa ] mfn. raised, lifted, held up Veṇis. Pañcat. &c. (1) erected, excited W. (2) ([ am ]), n. the act of raising (a weapon), threatening Yājñ. ii, 215

===> udgṛhya [ udgRhya ]2[ ud-gRhya ] ind. p. having lifted up (1) having taken out ŚBr.

===> udgṛhīta [ udgRhIta ]2[ ud-gRhIta ] mfn. lifted up, taken up, turned up, upraised Megh. &c.

===> udita [ udita ]2[ udita ] See 2. [ udita ], p. 186

===> udra [ udra ]1[ udr'a ] m. (√ [ ud ] Uṇ. ii, 13), a kind of aquatic animal (a crab Comm. on VS. (1) an otter Uṇ. and L.) VS. xxiv, 37 (2) ([ am ]), n. water (3) [ anudr'a ] and [ udr'in ]

===> udraka [ udraka ]2[ udraka ] m. N. of a Ṛshi

===> udreka [ udreka ]2[ ud-reka ] m. abundance, overplus, excess, preponderance, superiority, predominance MBh. Suśr. VarBṛS. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. the plant Melia Sempervirens L.

===> udrikta [ udrikta ]2[ ud-rikta ] mfn. prominent, standing out R. (1) increased, augmented, abundant, abounding, excessive (2) superfluous, left, remaining TS. vii ĀśvŚr. MBh. Mn. &c.

===> udumbala [ udumbala ]2[ udumb'ala ]1 m. = [ udumb'ara ] [ T. ? ] AV. viii, 6, 17

===> [ udumbala ]1[ udumbal'a ]2 mfn. of widely-reaching power (for [ uru-bala ] Sāy (1) said of the two dogs, the messengers of Yama) RV. x, 14, 12 AV. xviii, 2, 13, [ copper-coloured BRD. ]

===> udumbara [ udumbara ]1[ udumb'ara ] Ved. for [ uDumbara ], q. v., the tree Ficus Glomerata

===> udvahana [ udvahana ]2[ ud-vahana ] n. the act of lifting or bringing up Suśr. Ragh (1) carrying, drawing, driving (2) being carried on, riding (inst.) Pañcat. Ragh. Kum. Mn. &c. (3) leading home (a bride), wedding, marriage PārGṛ. BhP. (4) possessing, showing Rājat (5) the lowest part of a pillar, pediment Comm. on VarBṛS.

===> udvartana [ udvartana ]2[ ud-vartana ] mfn. causing to burst Hariv. 9563 (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of rising, going up, ascending, jumping up Megh. Kathās. VarBṛS. (2) the springing up of plants or grain &c. (3) swelling up, overflowing Car. (4) drawing out metal, laminating W. (5) grinding, pounding (6) rubbing or kneading the body, rubbing and cleansing it with fragrant unguents (7) the unguents used for that purpose (or to relieve pains in the limbs &c.) Yājñ. Mn. Suśr. Kathās. &c. (8) bad behaviour, bad conduct L.

===> udvega [ udvega ]1[ ud-vega ] [ ud-vejaka ], &c. cols. 1 & 2

===> udvejana [ udvejana ]2[ ud-vejana ] mfn. id. Kathās. Kām (1) ([ am ]), n. shudder, shuddering Suśr. (2) agitation, fear (3) the act of terrifying, causing to shudder Daśar. Sāh

===> udvejana-kara [ udvejanakara ]3[ ud-vejana-kara ] mfn. causing to shake with horror, causing excitement or pain Mn.

===> udvejanīya [ udvejanIya ]2[ ud-vejanIya ] mfn. to be feared (1) to be shrunk from MBh. R. Pañcat. Suśr.

===> udviddha [ udviddha ]1[ ud-viddha ] mfn. [ ud-√ vyadh ]

===> [ udviddha ]2[ ud-viddha ] mfn. tossed upwards, high, elevated MBh. R.

===> udvoḍhṛ [ udvoDhR ]2[ ud-voDhR ] [ DhA ] m. a husband T. (quoted from the Mahā-nirṇaya-tantra)

===> [ udvoDhR ]1[ ud-voDhR ] col. 1

===> udvāha [ udvAha ]2[ ud-vAha ] m. the act of leading home (a bride), marriage, wedding MBh. Kathās. VarBṛS. &c.

===> udvānta [ udvAnta ]2[ ud-vAnta ] mfn. id. (1) m. an elephant out of rut L.

===> udvīkṣita [ udvIkSita ]2[ ud-v^ikSita ] mfn. looked at (1) perceived MBh. Ragh

===> udvṛtta [ udvRtta ]2[ ud-vRtta ] mfn. swollen up, swelling (1) prominent Suśr. MBh. Hariv. Bhartṛ (2) excited, agitated, waving MBh. Ragh. BhP. Suśr. &c. (3) extravagant, ill-behaved, ill-mannered, proud, arrogant MBh. R. Rājat. &c. (4) turned up (5) opened, opened wide (as eyes) MBh. vii, 5405 ; ix, 432 MārkP. xiv, 62 (erroneous for [ ud-vRta ] BRD.) [ 192,3 ] (6) m. a particular position of the hands in dancing (7) ([ am ]), n. (in astron.) the east and west hour circle or six o'clock line (cf. [ un-maNDala ])

===> udyama [ udyama ]2[ ud-yama ] m. the act of raising or lifting up, elevation R. Yājñ. Pañcat. &c. (1) undertaking, beginning (2) the act of striving after, exerting one's self, exertion, strenuous and continued effort, perseverance, diligence, zeal R. Kum. Pañcat. VarBṛS. &c.

===> udyata [ udyata ]2[ 'ud-yata ] mfn. raised, held up, elevated, high MBh. R. BhP. Ragh. Kathās. &c. (1) hold out, offered, presented RV. AV. MBh. R. BhP. &c. (2) undertaken, commenced, begun R. (3) undertaking, commencing (4) ready or eager for (5) prepared, intent on (6) trained, exercised, disciplined (7) active, persevering, labouring diligently and incessantly (with dat. or loc. or inf. or without any object) MBh. R. Kathās. Ragh. Yājñ. MārkP. Rājat. &c. (8) m. a kind of time (in music) L. (9) a section, division of a book, chapter

===> udyoga [ udyoga ]2[ ud-yoga ] m. the act of undertaking anything, exertion, perseverance, strenuous and continuous endeavour (1) active preparation Yājñ. Kathās. Hit. &c.

===> udyojita [ udyojita ]2[ ud-yojita ] mfn. excited, raised, gathered (as clouds) Prab

===> udyukta [ udyukta ]2[ ud-yukta ] mfn. undergoing, undertaking (1) prepared or ready for, zealously active, labouring for some desired end MBh. R. Kathās. &c.

===> udyāna [ udyAna ]2[ ud-y'Ana ] n. the act of going out AV. viii, 1, 6 (1) walking out (2) a park, garden, royal garden Yājñ. R. Megh. Śak. Pañcat. &c. (3) purpose, motive L. (4) N. of a country in the north of India

===> udyāna-pāla [ udyAnapAla ]3[ ud-y'Ana-pAla ]

===> udāharaṇa [ udAharaNa ]2[ ud-AharaNa ] n. the act of relating, saying, declaring, declaration Gaut. Kum. Vikr (1) referring a general rule to a special case, an example, illustration Sāh. Kāś. &c. (2) (in log.) the example, instance (constituting the third member in a fivefold syllogism) Tarkas. 41 Nyāyad. Nyāyak (3) exaggeration Sāh

===> udāhāra [ udAhAra ]2[ ud-AhAra ] m. an example or illustration L. (1) the beginning of a speech L.

===> udāhārya [ udAhArya ]2[ ud-AhArya ] mfn. = [ ud-AharaNIya ] above

===> udāhṛta [ udAhRta ]2[ ud-AhRta ] mfn. said, declared, illustrated (1) called, named, entitled MBh. BhP. VarBṛS. &c.

===> udāhṛti [ udAhRti ]2[ ud-AhRti ] f. an example, illustration (1) exaggeration, Pratāpar

===> udāna [ udAna ]2[ ud-Ana ] m. breathing upwards (1) one of the five vital airs of the human body (that which is in the throat and rises upwards) Vedāntas. 97 AV. xi, 8, 4 VS. ChUp. ŚBr. MBh. Suśr. &c. (2) the navel L. (3) an eyelash L. (4) a kind of snake L. (5) joy, heart's joy (Buddh.)

===> [ udAna ]1[ ud-Ana ] 2. [ ud-√ an ]

===> udāra [ udAra ]1[ ud-Ar'a ] mf ([ A ] and [ I ] [ gaṇa [ bahv-Adi ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 45 ]) n. (√ [ R ]), high, lofty, exalted (1) great, best (2) noble, illustrious, generous (3) upright, honest MBh. Śak. Śiś. &c. (4) liberal, gentle, munificent (5) sincere, proper, right (6) eloquent (7) unperplexed L. (8) exciting, effecting RV. x, 45, 5 (9) active, energetic Sarvad (10) m. rising fog or vapour (in some cases personified as spirits or deities) AV. AitBr. (11) a sort of grain with long stalks L. (12) a figure in rhetoric (attributing nobleness to an inanimate object)

===> udāra-mati [ udAramati ]3[ ud-Ar'a-mati ] mfn. noble-minded, highly intelligent, wise Ragh

===> udāra-sattva [ udArasattva ]3[ ud-Ar'a-sattva ] mfn. of noble character, generous-minded R. (1) [ °v^abhijana ], of noble character and descent R. iv, 47, 19

===> udāratā [ udAratA ]3[ ud-Ar'a-tA ] f. or nobleness, generousness, liberality

===> udāsīna [ udAsIna ]2[ ud-AsIna ] mfn. (pres. p.) sitting apart, indifferent, free from affection (1) inert, inactive (2) (in law) not involved in a lawsuit MBh. Yājñ. Bhag. &c. (3) m. a stranger, neutral (4) one who is neither friend nor foe (5) a stoic, philosopher, ascetic

===> udāsīnatā [ udAsInatA ]3[ ud-AsIna-tA ] f. indifference, apathy Pañcat

===> udāyin [ udAyin ]1[ ud-Ayin ] [ I ] m. N. of Vasu-deva (v. l. [ ud-Api ], q. v.) VP. (1) of Kūṇika VP.

===> udīraṇa [ udIraNa ]2[ ud-IraNa ] n. the act of throwing, casting, discharging (a missile) MBh. (1) throwing out (2) exciting, stirring up Car. (3) saying, speaking, communicating Kum. Kathās. Sāh

===> udīrita [ udIrita ]2[ ud-Irita ] mfn. excited, stirred up (1) animated, agitated (2) increased, augmented (3) said, uttered, enunciated

===> udīrṇa [ udIrNa ]2[ ud-IrNa ] mfn. issued out, excited, increased, elevated MBh. R. Suśr. Kum. &c. (1) self-conceited, proud MBh.

===> udūkhala [ udUkhala ]1[ udUkhala ] n. a wooden mortar (used for pounding rice and separating the husk) (1) any mortar Suśr. (2) bdellium L.

===> ugra [ ugra ]1[ ugr'a ] mfn. (said to be fr. √ [ uc ] [ Uṇ. ii, 29 ], but probably fr. a √ [ uj ], or √ [ vaj ], fr. which also [ ojas ], [ vAja ], [ vajra ] may be derived (1) compar. [ ugratara ] and [ 'ojIyas ] (2) superl. [ ugratama ] and [ 'ojiSTha ]), powerful, violent, mighty, impetuous, strong, huge, formidable, terrible (3) high, noble (4) cruel, fierce, ferocious, savage (5) angry, passionate, wrathful (6) hot, sharp, pungent, acrid RV. AV. TS. R. Śak. Ragh. &c. (7) m. N. of Rudra or Śiva MBh. VP. (8) of a particular Rudra BhP. (9) N. of a mixed tribe (from a Kshatriya father and Śūdra mother (10) the Ugra, according to Manu x, 9, is of cruel or rude [ [ krUra ] ] conduct [ [ AcAra ] ] and employment [ [ vihAra ] ], as killing or catching snakes &c. (11) but according to the Tantras he is an encomiast or bard) Mn. Yājñ. &c. (12) a twice-born man who perpetrates dreadful deeds Comm. on Āp. i, 7, 20 Āp. Gaut (13) the tree Hyperanthera Moringa L. (14) N. of a Dānava Hariv. (15) a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. (16) the Guru of Narendrāditya (who built a temple called Ugreśa) (17) a group of asterisms (viz. [ pUrva-phAlgunI ], [ pUrv^aSADhA ], [ pUrva-bhAdrapadA ], [ maghA ], [ bharaNI ]) (18) N. of the Malabar country (19) ([ A ]), f. N. of different plants, Artemisia Sternutatoria, Coriandrum Sativum, &c. (20) ([ 'I ]), f. a being belonging to the class of demons AV. iv, 24, 2 (21) ([ am ]), n. a particular poison, the root of Aconitum Ferox (22) wrath, anger ; [ cf. Zd. [ ughra ]: Gk. ?, ?, Lat. [ 172,2 ] [ augeo ] &c. : Goth. [ auka ], ` I increase ' ; Lith. [ ug-is ], ` growth, increase ' ; [ aug-u ], ` I grow ', &c. ]

===> ugra-tejas [ ugratejas ]3[ ugr'a-tejas ] mfn. endowed with great or terrible energy R. (1) ([ As ]), m. N. of a Nāga MBh. (2) of a Buddha (3) of another divine being Lalit.

===> ugra-vega [ ugravega ]3[ ugr'a-vega ] mfn. of terrible velocity MBh.

===> uhyamāna [ uhyamAna ]2[ uhyamAna ] √ [ vah ]

===> ujjayinī [ ujjayinI ]2[ uj-jayinI ] f. the city Oujein (the Gk. ?, a city so [ 174,3 ] called in Avanti or Mālava, formerly the capital of Vikramāditya

---> it is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindūs, and the first meridian of their geographers, from which they calculate longitude (1) the modern Oujein is about a mile south of the ancient city) Hit. Megh. Rājat. &c.

===> ujjhita [ ujjhita ]2[ ujjhita ] mfn. left, abandoned (1) free from MBh. R. Śak. &c. (2) left off, discontinued (3) emitted, discharged (as water) Kir. v, 6

===> ujjvala [ ujjvala ]2[ uj-jvala ] mfn. blazing up, luminous, splendid, light (1) burning (2) clean, clear (3) lovely, beautiful Suśr. MBh. Kathās. Sāh. &c. (4) glorious (5) full-blown L. (6) expanded (7) m. love, passion L. (8) ([ am ]), n. gold L. (9) ([ A ]), f. splendour, clearness, brightness (10) a form of the Jagatī metre

===> ujjvalatva [ ujjvalatva ]3[ uj-jvala-tva ] n. splendour, radiance (1) beauty

===> ujjvālana [ ujjvAlana ]2[ uj-jvAlana ] n. lighting up Car.

===> ukta [ ukta ]1[ ukta ] mfn. (p. p. of √ [ vac ], q. v.), uttered, said, spoken (1) m. N. of a divine being (v. l. for [ uktha ], q. v.) Hariv. (2) ([ am ]), n. word, sentence Śiś. &c. (3) ([ am ], [ A ]), n. f. a stanza of four lines (with one syllabic instant or one long or two short syllables in each) ; [ cf. Zd. [ ukhta ]. ]

===> uktatva [ uktatva ]3[ ukta-tva ] n. the being spoken or uttered Sāh

===> uktavat [ uktavat ]3[ ukta-vat ] mfn. one who has spoken (√ [ vac ])

===> ukti [ ukti ]2[ ukti ] f. sentence, proclamation, speech, expression, word Mn. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (1) a worthy speech or word BhP.

===> uktvā [ uktvA ]2[ uktvA ] ind. p. having spoken or said (√ [ vac ])

===> ulkā [ ulkA ]1[ ulk'A ] f. (√ [ uS ] Uṇ. iii, 42), a fiery phenomenon in the sky, a meteor, fire falling from heaven RV. iv, 4, 2 ; x, 68, 4 AV. xix, 9, 9 MBh. Yājñ. Suśr. &c. (1) a firebrand, dry grass &c. set on fire, a torch ŚBr. v R. Kathās. &c. (2) (in astrol.) one of the eight principal Daśās or aspect of planets indicating the fate of men, Jyotisha (T.) (3) N. of a grammar

===> ullāpana [ ullApana ]2[ ul-lApana ] n. the act of coaxing, flattering MārkP. (1) (mfn.) transitory, perishable Lalit.

===> ullāpin [ ullApin ]2[ ullApin ] mfn. calling out in a coaxing or complimentary manner Amar.

===> ulūka [ ulUka ]1[ 'ulUka ] m. (√ [ val ] Uṇ. iv, 41), an owl RV. x, 165, 4 AV. vi, 29, 1 VS. TS. MBh. Mn. &c. (1) N. of Indra Vām (2) of a Muni (in the VāyuP. enumerated together with Kaṇāda, but perhaps identical with him, as the Vaiśeshika system is called Aulūkya-darśana in the Sarvad.) (3) of a Nāga Suparṇ (4) of a king of the Ulūkas (5) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. Hariv. (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of the primeval owl Hariv. 222 VP. ; ([ am ]), n. a kind of grass (= [ ulapa ]) L. (cf. Lat. [ ulula ] (7) Gk. ? ; Old [ 218,3 ] High Germ. [ ūla ] ; Angl. Sax. [ ūle ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Eule ] ; Eng. [ owl ] ; Fr. [ hulotte ].)

===> umā [ umA ]1[ 'umA ] f. (perhaps fr. √ [ ve ] BRD.) flax (Linum Usitatissimum) ŚBr. vi Kauś. Pāṇ. (1) turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Car. (2) N. of the daughter of Himavat (wife of the god Śiva (3) also called Pārvatī and Durgā (4) the name is said to be derived from [ u mA ], ` O [ child ], do not [ practise austerities ] ' the exclamation addressed to Pārvatī by her mother) Hariv. 946 ŚivaP. Kum. i, 26 R. Ragh. &c. (5) N. of several women (6) splendour, light L. (7) fame, reputation L. (8) quiet, tranquillity L. (9) night L.

===> umā-pati [ umApati ]3[ 'umA-pati ] m. id. TĀr. MBh. Kathās. &c. (1) N. of a grammarian (2) [ -datta ] m. N. of a man (3) [ -dhara ] m. N. of a poet (4) [ -sevin ] mfn. worshipping Śiva

===> unmada [ unmada ]2[ un-mada ] mfn. mad, furious (1) extravagant (2) drunk, intoxicated Pañcat. Kathās. Ragh. Prab. &c. (3) causing madness, intoxicating Śiś. vi, 20 (4) m. insanity, intoxication W.

===> unmajjana [ unmajjana ]2[ un-majjana ] n. the act of emerging, emergence MBh. (1) m. N. of a demon causing fever Hariv.

===> unmatta [ unmatta ]1[ 'un-matta ] &c. [ un-mad ]

===> [ unmatta ]2[ 'un-matta ] mfn. disordered in intellect, distracted, insane, frantic, mad AV. vi, 111, 3 AitBr. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) drunk, intoxicated, furious MaitrUp. MBh. Śak. &c. (2) m. the thorn-apple, Datura Metel and Fastuosa Suśr. (3) Pterospermum Acerifolium L. (4) N. of a Rakshas R. (5) of one of the eight forms of Bhairava

===> unmattaka [ unmattaka ]2[ unmattaka ] mfn. insane, mad (1) drunk MBh. Yājñ. Kād (2) m. the thorn-apple L.

===> unmiṣita [ unmiSita ]3[ un-miSita ] mfn. opened (as an eye) Kum. iv, 2 (1) blown, expanded (as a flower) L. (2) open (as the face, i. e.) smiling Hariv. (3) ([ am ]), n. the opening (of the eyes) Ragh. v, 68 Kum. v, 25

===> unmukta [ unmukta ]2[ un-mukta ] mfn. taken off, laid aside Kathās (1) thrown out, uttered R. (2) (ifc.) free from (3) deprived of, wanting VarBṛS.

===> unmāda [ unmAda ]2[ un-mAda ] mfn. mad, insane, extravagant BhP. (1) m. insanity, madness (2) mania (as illness) (3) intoxication MBh. Suśr. Sāh. &c.

===> unmārga [ unmArga ]1[ un-mArga ] ([ ud-mA° ]), mfn. taking a wrong way, going wrong or astray BhP. (1) overflowing Hariv. (2) m. deviation from the right way, wrong way (lit. and fig.) Pañcat. MBh. Hit. &c.

===> unmīlita [ unmIlita ]2[ un-mIlita ] mfn. opened (as an eye or a flower), caused to come forth, made visible (1) ([ am ]), n. (in rhet.) unconcealed or open reference or allusion to Kuval

===> unmūla [ unmUla ]1[ un-mUla ]1 ([ ud-mU° ]), mfn. eradicated, pulled up by the root AitBr. R. Prab

===> [ unmUla ]2[ unmUla ]2 Nom. P. [ unmUlati ], to be eradicated ṢaḍvBr. : Caus. P. [ unmUlayati ], to eradicate, pull up by the roots (1) to destroy, extirpate MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. Prab. &c.

===> unmūlana [ unmUlana ]2[ unmUlana ] mfn. eradicating, destroying Kathās. lxvii, 14 (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of pulling up or out Ragh. Pañcat (2) destroying, extirpation Prab. Rājat

===> unmūlita [ unmUlita ]2[ unmUlita ] mfn. eradicated, pulled up by the roots (1) destroyed R. Vikr

===> unnamana [ unnamana ]2[ un-namana ] n. the act of bending upwards (1) raising, lifting up Suśr. (2) increase, prosperity Prasannar

===> unnata [ unnata ]2[ un-nat'a ] mfn. bent or turned upwards, elevated, lifted up, raised, high, tall, prominent, projecting, lofty MBh. Śak. Hit. &c. (1) (figuratively) high, eminent, sublime, great, noble Kathās. Bhartṛ. Sāh. &c. (2) having a large hump, humpbacked (as a bull) VS. TS. Lāṭy (3) m. a boa ([ aja-gara ]) L., N. of a Buddha Lalit. (4) of one of the seven Ṛshis under Manu Cākshusha VP. (5) of a mountain VP. (6) ([ am ]), n. elevation, ascension (7) elevated part TS. (8) means of measuring the day, SiddhŚir. Sūryas

===> unnati [ unnati ]2[ un-nati ] f. rising, ascending, swelling up (1) elevation, height (2) increase, advancement, prosperity Pañcat. Bhartṛ. Kathās. &c. (3) N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma BhP. (4) of the wife of Garuḍa L.

===> unnāha [ unnAha ]2[ un-nAha ] m. excess, abundance BhP. xi, 19, 43 (1) impudence, haughtiness BhP. (2) sour gruel (made from the fermentation of rice) L.

===> unnāma [ unnAma ]2[ un-nAma ] m. the act of bending one's self upwards, raising one's self, rising Pañcat

===> unnāmita [ unnAmita ]2[ un-nAmita ] mfn. = [ un-namita ] above

===> upa- [ upa ]1[ 'upa ] ind. (a preposition or prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) towards, near to (opposed to [ apa ], away), by the side of, with, together with, under, down (e. g. [ upa-√ gam ], to go near, undergo (1) [ upa-gamana ], approaching (2) in the Veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied from the context, and sometimes [ upa ] is placed after the verb to which it belongs, e. g. [ Ayayur upa ] = [ up^ayayuH ], they approached). (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns [ upa ] expresses) direction towards, nearness, contiguity in space, time, number, degree, resemblance, and relationship, but with the idea of subordination and inferiority (e. g. [ upa-kaniSThikA ], the finger next to the little finger (3) [ upa-purANam ], a secondary or subordinate Purāṇa (4) [ upa-daza ], nearly ten) (5) sometimes forming with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound adverbs (e. g. [ upa-mUlam ], at the root (6) [ upa-pUrva-rAtram ], towards the beginning of night (7) [ upa-kUpe ], near a well) which lose their adverbial terminations if they are again compounded with nouns (e. g. [ upakUpa-jal^azaya ], a reservoir in the neighbourhood of a well) (8) prefixed to proper names [ upa ] may express in classical literature ` a younger brother ' (e. g. [ up^endra ], ` the younger brother of Indra '), and in Buddhist literature ` a son. ' (As a separable adverb [ upa ] rarely expresses) thereto, further, moreover (e. g. [ tatr^opa brahma yo veda ], who further knows the Brahman) RV. AV. ŚBr. PārGṛ. (As a separable preposition) near to, towards, in the direction of, under, below (with acc., e. g. [ upa AzAH ], towards the regions) (9) near to, at, on, upon (10) at the time of, upon, up to, in, above (with loc., e. g. [ upa sAnuSu ], on the tops of the mountains) [ 195,1 ] (11) with, together with, at the same time with, according to (with inst., e. g. [ upa dharmabhiH ], according to the rules of duty) RV. AV. ŚBr. [ upa ], besides the meanings given above, is said by native authorities to imply disease, extinction (12) ornament (13) command (14) reproof (15) undertaking (16) giving (17) killing (18) diffusing (19) wish (20) power (21) effort (22) resemblance, &c. ; [ cf. Zd. [ upa ] (23) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ sub ] ; Goth. [ uf ] ; Old [ 195,1 ] Germ. [ oba ] ; Mod. Germ. [ ob ] in [ Obdach ], [ obliegen ], &c. ]

===> upa-naya [ upanaya ]1[ upa-naya ] [ upa-nayana ], p. 201, col. 2

===> [ upanaya ]2[ upa-naya ] m. the bringing near, procuring MBh. (1) attaining, obtaining, obtainment BhP. (2) employment, application R. (3) application (the fourth member in a five fold syllogism) Sarvad. Tarkas. &c. (4) introduction (into any science) VarBṛS. (5) initiation = the next L.

===> upabhoga [ upabhoga ]2[ upa-bhoga ] m. enjoyment, eating, consuming (1) using, usufruct MBh. Mn. Śak. &c. (2) pleasure, enjoyment (3) enjoying (a woman or a lover) VP. Ragh. &c. (4) (with Jain.) enjoying, repeatedly

===> upabhogin [ upabhogin ]2[ upabhogin ] mfn. ifc. enjoying, making use of

===> upabhogya [ upabhogya ]2[ upa-bhogya ] mfn. to be enjoyed or used (1) anything enjoyed or used BhP. Kum. Pañcat. &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. object of enjoyment MBh. Mṛcch

===> upabhoktṛ [ upabhoktR ]2[ upa-bhoktR ] mfn. one who enjoys or makes use of, an enjoyer, possessor ŚvetUp. VarBṛS.

===> upabṛṃhaṇa [ upabRMhaNa ]2[ upa-bRMhaNa ]

===> upacarita [ upacarita ]2[ upa-carita ] mfn. approached, attended (1) applied &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. a particular rule of Sandhi (cf. [ upa-cAra ]) VPrāt.

===> upacaya [ upacaya ]2[ upa-caya ] m. accumulation, quantity, heap (1) elevation, excess (2) increase, growth, prosperity MBh. Suśr. Hit. &c. (3) ([ upacayaM ] √ 1. [ kR ], to promote or advance the prosperity of, help, assist Kām.) (4) addition KātyŚr. (5) the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh of the zodiacal signs VarBṛS. &c.

===> upacayâpacaya [ upacayApacaya ]3[ upacay^apacaya ] [ au ] m. du. prosperity and decay, rise and fall Suśr.

===> upacchandana [ upacchandana ]2[ upa-cchandana ] n. persuasion, conciliation by coaxing, enticing Daś. Bālar. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 47

===> upacita [ upacita ]2[ upa-cita ] mfn. heaped up, increased (1) thriving, increasing, prospering, succeeding MBh. BhP. Megh. Ragh. &c. (2) big, fat, thick Suśr. Car. (3) covered over, furnished abundantly, possessing plentifully MBh. Hariv. Pañcat. &c. (4) plastered, smeared (5) burnt L.

===> upacāra [ upacAra ]2[ upa-cAr'a ] m. approach, service, attendance Hcat. i, 111, 2 seqq (1) act of civility, obliging or polite behaviour, reverence ŚBr. MBh. Śak. &c. (64 Upacāras are enumerated in the Tantra-sāra, quoted by T.) (2) proceeding, practice (3) behaviour, conduct (4) mode of proceeding towards (gen.), treatment ŚBr. MBh. Āp. Mn. &c. (5) attendance on a patient, medical practice, physicking Suśr. Pañcat. Vikr (6) a ceremony Kum. vii, 86 (7) present, offering, bribe (8) solicitation, request L. (9) ornament, decoration Kum. Ragh. vii, 4 (10) a favourable circumstance Sāh. 300 (11) usage, custom or manner of speech Nyāyad (12) a figurative or metaphorical expression ([ upacArAt ] ind. metaphorically), metaphor, figurative application Sāh. Sarvad. Comm. on Śiś. &c. (13) pretence, pretext L. (14) a kind of Sandhi (substitution of [ s ] and [ S ] in place of Visarga) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 48 (15) N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda

===> upacāraka [ upacAraka ]2[ upacAraka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. ifc. for [ upa-cAra ] Kathās (1) m. courteousness, politeness Hcat

===> upacārika [ upacArika ]2[ upacArika ] mfn. ifc. serving for, belonging to MBh. iv, 1621

===> upacāru [ upacAru ]1[ upa-cAru ] m. N. of a Cakravartin

===> upadarśana [ upadarzana ]2[ upa-darzana ] n. the act of exhibiting, representing Sāh (1) a commentary L.

===> upadarśita [ upadarzita ]2[ upa-darzita ] mfn. caused to appear, shown (1) perceived, distinguished (2) explained

===> upadeśa [ upadeza ]1[ upa-deza ] &c. [ upa-√ diz ]

===> upadeśana [ upadezana ]2[ upa-d'ezana ] n. the act of advising (1) instruction, information, doctrine TBr. Sāh (2) ([ A ]), f. id. Pañcat

===> upadeśya [ upadezya ]2[ upa-dezy'a ] mfn. to be taught (1) taught AV. xi, 8, 23 Kap

===> upadhi [ upadhi ]2[ upa-dh'i ] m. the act of putting to, adding, addition Lāṭy (1) the part of the wheel between the nave and the circumference RV. ii, 39, 4 AV. vi, 70, 3 Kāṭh (2) fraud, circumvention MBh. R. Yājñ. Kir. &c. (3) condition (4) peculiarity, attribute (Buddh. (5) [ up^a-dhi ]) (6) support MW.

===> [ upadhi ]1[ upa-dh'i ] p. 199, col. 3

===> upadhāna [ upadhAna ]2[ upa-dh'Ana ] mfn. placing upon, employed or used in placing upon (as a Mantra in the setting up of the sacrificial bricks) Pāṇ. 4-4, 125 (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of placing or resting upon KātyŚr. Kauś (2) that on which one rests, a pillow, cushion AV. xiv, 2, 65 ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh. Suśr. &c. (3) cover, lid Car. Hcat (4) peculiarity, singularity, excellence (cf. [ prem^opa° ]) Bālar. Siddh (5) affection, kindness (6) religious observance (7) poison L. (8) ([ I ]), f. a pillow, cushion (9) footstool ([ pAd^opa° ]) MBh.

===> upadhārya [ upadhArya ]2[ upa-dhArya ]1 mfn. to be comprehended Car.

===> [ upadhArya ]2[ upa-dhArya ]2 ind. p. having taken or held up &c.

===> upadiṣṭa [ upadiSTa ]2[ upa-diSTa ] mfn. specified, particularized (1) taught, instructed (2) mentioned (3) prescribed, commanded &c. (4) initiated W. (5) ([ am ]), n. counsel, advice, (in dram.) a persuasive speech in conformity with the prescribed rules Sāh. 449 &c.

===> upadrava [ upadrava ]2[ upa-drava ] m. that which attacks or occurs suddenly, any grievous accident, misfortune, calamity, mischief, national distress (such as famine, plague, oppression, eclipse, &c.) (1) national commotion, rebellion (2) violence, outrage MBh. R. Śak. VarBṛS. &c. [ 199,3 ] (3) a supervenient disease or one brought on whilst a person labours under another Suśr. (4) the fourth of the five parts of a Sāman stanza ṢaḍvBr. Comm. on TĀr. &c.

===> upadruta [ upadruta ]2[ upa-druta ] mfn. run after, persecuted, attacked, oppressed, visited (by calamities), tyrannized over Hariv. R. Kathās. Hit. Suśr. &c. (1) (in astrol.) eclipsed = boding evil, inauspicious VarBṛS. (2) ([ am ]), n. a kind of Sandhi ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> upadṛś [ upadRz ]1[ upa-√ dRz ]1 P. (aor. Subj. 2. du. [ -darzathas ] RV.) to descry, perceive RV. viii, 26, 4 (1) to look at or regard (with indifference) MBh. : Pass. [ -dRzyate ] (aor. [ -adarzi ] (2) 3. pl. [ -adRzran ] RV.) to be perceived, be or become visible, appear RV. i, 124, 4 ; vii, 67, 2 TāṇḍyaBr. BhP. : Caus. [ -darzayati ], to cause to see, show, exhibit MBh. Ragh. Kathās. Prab. &c. (3) to cause to appear, present a false show, deceive, illude Kathās. xix, 75 Rājat (4) to explain, illustrate Yājñ. ii, 8

===> [ upadRz ]2[ upa-d'Rz ]2 [ k ] f. aspect, look, appearance RV. viii, 102, 15 ; ix, 54, 2

===> upaga [ upaga ]2[ upa-ga ] mfn. ifc. approaching, going towards Āp. (1) being or staying in or on BhP. VarBṛS. Śiś. (2) following, belonging to (3) fit for, conducive to MBh. Car. (4) approached (5) furnished with MBh. R. Mn. (6) covered (as a female) L.

===> upagama [ upagama ]2[ upa-gama ] m. approach, coming to, approximation R. Megh. Ragh. Sarvad. &c. (1) entering (into any state or condition), obtaining, acquiring, having Śak. 14 c [ 196,3 ] (2) approaching respectfully, veneration BhP. (3) coming near to, perceiving Comm. on Daśar (4) acquaintance, society (5) intercourse (as of the sexes) L. (6) undergoing, suffering, feeling L. (7) agreement, promise L. (8) a particular number (Buddh.)

===> upagamana [ upagamana ]2[ upa-gamana ] n. the act of going towards, approaching, attaining MBh. R. (1) the act of coming near, perceiving Daśar. Sāh (2) undertaking, addicting one's self to

===> upagamya [ upagamya ]2[ upa-gamya ]1 mfn. to be approached, approachable, obtainable Mṛcch

===> [ upagamya ]2[ upa-gamya ]2 ind. p. having approached, approaching &c.

===> upagata [ upagata ]2[ upa-gata ] mfn. gone to, met, approached (esp. for protection or refuge Kām.) MBh. Śak. &c. (1) attained, obtained (2) arrived, occurred, happened (3) undergone, experienced MBh. Śiś. Pañcat. &c. furnished with MBh. (4) agreed, allowed Mn. MBh. (5) promised L. (6) near at hand (7) approximate Vop. L. (8) passed away, dead L. (9) ([ am ]), n. receipt, acquittance Yājñ. ii, 93

===> upagati [ upagati ]2[ upa-gati ] f. approach, going near Śiś. ix, 75 (1) undergoing L.

===> upagaṇa [ upagaNa ]1[ upa-gaNa ] mfn. constituting a small class or number less than a troop Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 73 (1) m. N. of a man (Buddh.)

===> upaghāta [ upaghAta ]1[ upa-ghAta ] m. (fr. [ upa-√ han ], q. v.), a stroke, hurt, violation (1) injury, damage, offence, wrong MBh. R. Mn. Śak. &c. (2) weakness, sickness, disease, morbid affection (cf. [ puMstv^opa° ], [ svar^opa° ]) Suśr. (3) a kind of oblation or sacrifice Gṛhyās. ii, 7

===> [ upaghAta ]2[ upa-ghAta ] &c. p. 197, col. 1

===> upaghātaka [ upaghAtaka ]2[ upa-ghAtaka ] mfn. striking, hurting (1) injuring, damaging offending MBh. Car. (2) m. injury, offence, damage MBh. xiii, 3610

===> upaghātin [ upaghAtin ]2[ upa-ghAtin ] mfn. one who does damage, hurting, injuring Suśr. MBh.

===> upagraha [ upagraha ]2[ upa-graha ]1 m. (for 2. s. v.) seizure, confinement L. (1) a prisoner L. (2) a handful (of Kuśa grass) Kāty (3) adding, addition (of a sound) Comm. on Pāṇ. (4) an [ e ] used as Nidhana (q. v.) at the end of a Sāman Lāṭy. vii, 8, 11 (5) alteration, change SaṃhUp. ii, 3 (6) propitiation, conciliation, coaxing Daśar (7) a kind of Sandhi or peace (purchased by the cession of everything) Kām. Hit. (8) the Pada or voice of a verb Comm. on Pāṇ. (9) a kind of demon causing diseases (supposed to preside over the planets) Hariv. 9562

===> [ upagraha ]1[ upa-graha ]2 m. (fr. [ graha ] with [ upa ] implying inferiority), a minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind, a comet, meteor, falling star &c. MBh. &c.

===> upagupta [ upagupta ]2[ upa-gupta ] mfn. hidden, concealed (1) m. N. of a king

===> upagūḍha [ upagUDha ]2[ upa-gUDha ] mfn. hidden, concealed, covered VarBṛS. BhP. (1) clasped round, embraced R. BhP. Ragh. Śiś. &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. the act of embracing, pressing to the bosom, an embrace Megh. Bhartṛ. Veṇis. &c.

===> upagṛhīta [ upagRhIta ]2[ upa-gRhIta ] mfn. held from below, supported ĀśvGṛ. iv, 7, 10 (1) subdued, mastered Prab

===> upahata [ upahata ]2[ 'upa-hata ] mfn. hit, hurt, damaged, injured, visited, afflicted, pained, infected ŚBr. MBh. R. Śak. &c. (1) affected, transported (with passion) BhP. (2) seduced, misled Sāntiś (3) distressed, weakened, dis -couraged MBh. R. Hit. Kathās (4) killed Uttarar (5) scattered over, covered Comm. on Mn. iii, 208

===> upahati [ upahati ]2[ upa-hati ] f. hurt, damage, injure, oppression Kap. Naish. [ 212,1 ] (1) (= [ ava-kara ]) a dust-heap Sāy. on TāṇḍyaBr. i, 6, 5

===> upahāra [ upahAra ]2[ upa-hAra ] m. offering, oblation (to a deity) (1) complimentary gift, present (to a king or superior) MBh. Megh. Kathās. &c. (2) ([ upahAraM vi-√ dhA ], to offer an oblation to a god [ acc. ], sacrifice to any one Kathās.) (3) a particular kind of alliance (purchased through a gift) Kām. Hit. &c. (4) food (dis- tributed to guests &c.) [ 212,2 ] (5) (with the Pāśupatas) a kind of religious service (consisting of laughter, song, dance, muttering [ huDuk ], adoration and pious ejaculation) Sarvad. 77, 22

===> upahṛ [ upahR ]1[ upa-√ hR ] P. [ -harati ], to bring near, reach forth, proffer, offer, place before, give to taste (esp. food) AV. TBr. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. and Gṛ. KātyŚr. MBh. Suśr. &c. (1) to put together, gather, collect MBh. BhP. (2) to apply (medicine) Suśr. (3) to take away (4) to destroy MBh. ii: Ā. [ -harate ], to accept, receive TS. v: Caus. [ -hArayati ], to place before, proffer, offer MBh. R. Suśr. : Desid. [ jihIrSati ], to wish to offer MBh. ii, 862

===> upajīvya [ upajIvya ]2[ upa-jIvya ]1 mfn. that by which one lives, affording or serving for a livelihood MBh. Yājñ. &c. (1) that on which one depends or rests Daś. Sāh

===> [ upajIvya ]2[ upa-jIvya ]2 ind. p. having lived upon (1) depending on, because of (with acc.)

===> upakaraṇa [ upakaraNa ]1[ upa-karaNa ] &c. [ upa- ] √ 1. [ kR ]

===> [ upakaraNa ]2[ upa-karaNa ] n. the act of doing anything for another, doing a service or favour, helping, assisting, benefiting Pañcat. Sāh. Subh. &c. (1) instrument, implement, machine, engine, apparatus, paraphernalia (as the vessels at a sacrifice &c.) KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. Yājñ. Mn. &c. (2) anything added over and above, contribution, expedient (3) means of subsistence, anything supporting life (4) any object of art or science (5) anything fabricated Mn. Suśr. Kathās. Car. &c. (6) the insignia of royalty W. (7) the attendants of a king L.

===> upakarṣaṇa [ upakarSaNa ]2[ upa-karSaNa ] n. the act of drawing or dragging near Pat.

===> upakleśa [ upakleza ]1[ upa-kleza ] m. (with Buddh.) a lesser Kleśa (q. v.) or cause of misery (as conceit, pride &c.) Sarvad

===> upakrama [ upakrama ]2[ upa-krama ] m. the act of going or coming near, approach MBh. R. (1) setting about, undertaking, commencement, beginning Lāṭy. KātyŚr. BhP. Sāh. Sarvad. &c. (2) enterprise, planning, original conception, plan Ragh. Rājat. Pañcat. &c. (3) anything leading to a result (4) a means, expedient, stratagem, exploit MBh. Yājñ. Mālav. &c. (5) remedy, medicine Suśr. (6) attendance (on a patient), treatment, practice or application of medicine, physicking Suśr. &c. (7) the rim of a wheel Hcat (8) a particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas W. (9) trying the fidelity &c. of a counsellor or friend ib. (10) heroism, courage L.

===> upakrānta [ upakrAnta ]2[ upa-krAnta ] mfn. approached MBh. (1) undertaken, commenced, begun MBh. Mālav. &c. (2) treated, attended on, cured Daś. Suśr. &c. (3) previously mentioned MW.

===> upakuśa [ upakuza ]1[ upa-kuza ] m. a gum-boil Suśr. Car. (1) N. of a son of Kuśa L.

===> upakāra [ upakAra ]2[ upa-kAra ] m. help, assistance, benefit, service, favour (1) use, advantage MBh. Yājñ. Hit. Vikr. &c. (2) ([ upakAre-√ vRt ], to be of service to another R.) (3) preparation, ornament, decoration, embellishment (as garlands suspended at gateways on festivals, flowers &c.) Suśr. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. a royal tent (5) a palace (6) a caravansery L.

===> upakāraka [ upakAraka ]2[ upa-kAraka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. doing a service or favour, assisting, helping, benefiting (1) suitable, requisite Hit. Kathās. Sarvad. &c. (2) subsidiary, subservient (3) accessory Sarvad (4) ([ ikA ]), f. a protectress L. (5) a female assistant L. (6) a palace, a caravansery L. (7) a kind of cake L.

===> upakārakatva [ upakArakatva ]3[ upa-kAraka-tva ] n. the state of being helpful or assisting Sarvad

===> upakārin [ upakArin ]2[ upa-kArin ] mfn. helping, assisting, doing a favour (1) a benefactor (2) subsidiary, subservient, requisite MBh. Pañcat. Śak. Vedāntas. &c.

===> upakāritva [ upakAritva ]3[ upakAri-tva ] n. aid, succour, protection Bhartṛ

===> upakūjita [ upakUjita ]2[ upa-kUjita ] mfn. made to resound with cooing MBh. BhP. [ 195,2 ]

===> upakṛta [ upakRta ]2[ upa-kRta ] mfn. helped, assisted, benefited (1) rendered as assistance, done kindly or beneficently &c. (2) ifc. g. [ kRt^adi ] Pāṇ. 2-1, 59 (3) ([ am ]), n. help, favour, benefit Śak. 165 a Sāh

===> upala [ upala ]1[ upala ] m. a rock, stone MBh. Suśr. Śak. &c. (1) a precious stone, jewel Yājñ. iii, 36 Śiś. iii, 48 Kir (2) a cloud L. (3) ([ A ]), f. ([ 'upalA ]) the upper and smaller mill-stone (which rests on the [ dRSad ]) ŚBr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. (4) = [ zarkarA ] L. (5) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ apalus ]? ] [ 205,3 ]

===> upalabdha [ upalabdha ]2[ upa-labdha ] mfn. obtained, received (1) conceived (2) perceived, heard, understood, learnt, known, guessed

===> upalabdhi [ upalabdhi ]2[ upa-labdhi ] f. obtainment, acquisition, gain MBh. Vikr. Ragh (1) (with [ garbhasya ]) conception R. (2) observation, perceiving, perception, becoming aware, understanding, mind, knowledge MBh. Suśr. Tarkas. Sarvad. &c. (3) perceptibility, appearance TPrāt. (4) [ cf. Gk. ?. ]