===> sargaka [ sargaka ]2[ sargaka ] mfn. producing, effecting Sarvad

===> sarit [ sarit ]2[ sarit ] f. a river, stream ([ saritAM varA ], ` best of rivers ', the Ganges (1) [ °tAM nAtha ], ` lord of rivers ', the ocean (2) [ °tAm pati ] id., an expression for the number ` four ' RV. &c. &c. (3) a metre of 72 syllables Nidānas (4) a thread, string L. (5) N. of Durgā L.

===> sarja-rasa [ sarjarasa ]3[ sarja-rasa ] m. MBh. Suśr. (1) a kind of tree Hariv. (v. l.) (2) a partic. musical instrument L.

===> sarpa [ sarpa ]1[ sarp'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. creeping, crawling stealing along Gaut. (cf. [ pITha- ], [ vRkSa-s° ]) (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a snake, serpent, serpent-demon (cf. [ nAga ] (2) [ sarpANAm ayanam ], ` a partic. annual festival '), tortuous motion RV. &c. &c. (3) a partic. constellation (when only the three unfavourable planets are situated in the three Kendras) VarBṛS. (4) Mesua Roxburghii L. (5) N. of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. of a Rākshasa VP. (6) (pl.) N. of a partic. tribe of Mlecchas (formerly Kshatriyas and described, is wearing beards) Hariv. (7) ([ I ]), f. a female snake MBh. (8) N. of the wife of a Rudra ib. (9) n. = [ sapa-sAman ], q. v. [ Cf. Gk. ? Lat. [ 1184,1 ] [ serpens ] (10) See also under √ [ srip ]. ]

===> [ sarpa ]2[ sarpa ] &c. See p. 1184, col. 1

===> sarpa-śiras [ sarpaziras ]3[ sarp'a-ziras ] m. (scil. [ hasta ]) ` snakeheaded ', N. of a partic. position of the hands Cat.

===> sarpi-maṇḍa [ sarpimaNDa ]3[ sarpi-maNDa ] m. = [ sarpirm° ] Divyâv

===> sarpir-maṇḍa [ sarpirmaNDa ]3[ sarpir-maNDa ] m. the scum of melted butter Suśr.

===> sarpis [ sarpis ]2[ sarp'is ] n. clarified butter (i. e. melted butter with the scum cleared off, commonly called ` ghee ', either fluid or solidified (1) also pl.) RV. &c. &c.

===> sarva [ sarva ]1[ s'arva ] mf ([ A ]) n. (perhaps connected with [ sAra ], q. v. (1) inflected as a pronoun except nom. acc. sg. n. [ sarvam ], and serving as a model for a series of pronominals, cf. [ sarva-nAman ]) whole, entire, all, every (m. sg. ` every one ' (2) pl. ` all ' (3) n. sg. ` everything ' (4) sometimes strengthened by [ vizva ] [ which if alone in RV. appears in the meaning ` all ', every ', ` every one ' ] and [ nikhila ] (5) [ sarve ] ' [ pi ], ` all together ' (6) [ sarvaH ko ] ' [ pi ] ', every one so ever ' (7) [ gavAM sarvam ], ` all that comes from cows ' (8) [ sarva ] with a negation = ` not any ', ` no ', ` none ' or ` not every one ', ` not everything ') RV. &c. &c. (9) of all sorts, manifold, various, different MBh. &c. (10) (with another adjective or in comp. (11) cf. below) altogether, wholly, completely, in all parts, everywhere RV. ChUp. &c. (12) ([ am ]), ind. (with [ sarveNa ]) completely Divyâv (13) m. (declined like a subst.) N. of Śiva MBh. (14) of Kṛshṇa Bhag. (15) of a Muni Cat. (16) pl. N. of a people MārkP. (17) n. water Naigh. i, 12. [ Cf. Gk. ? [ 1184,3 ] for ? Lat. [ salvus ]. ] [ 1185,1 ]

===> sarva-bala [ sarvabala ]3[ s'arva-bala ] n. a partic. high number Lalit.

===> sarva-bhuj [ sarvabhuj ]3[ s'arva-bhuj ] mfn. all-devouring BhP.

===> sarva-bhāva [ sarvabhAva ]3[ s'arva-bhAva ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) whole being or nature MW. (1) the whole heart or soul R. (2) complete satisfaction Bālar (3) pl. all objects MaitrUp. Mn. (4) [ ena ] (Bhag. Hit. BhP.) or [ ais ] (Pañcar.) or ibc. (R.), with all one's thoughts, with one's whole soul (5) [ -kara ] m. ` causer of all being ', N. of Śiva MBh. (6) [ °v^adhiSThAtR ] m. the chief of all beings ([ -tva ] n.) Cat.

===> sarva-bhūmi [ sarvabhUmi ]3[ s'arva-bhUmi ] f. the whole earth Pāṇ. 5-1, 41 (1) g. [ anuzatik^adi ] (2) mfn. owning the whole earth AitBr.

===> sarva-bhūta [ sarvabhUta ]3[ s'arva-bhUt'a ] mfn. being, everywhere Pur. (1) n. pl. (or ibc.) all beings TĀr. ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. &c. (2) [ -kRt ] mfn. framing all beings Mn. i, 18 (3) m. n. the maker or cause of all things or beings W. (4) [ -guhA-zaya ] mfn. being in the heart of all beings ŚvetUp. (5) [ -damana ] ([ s'arva-bh° ]), mfn. subduing all beings TĀr. (6) ([ °nI ] f. a form of Durgā Hcat.) (7) [ -pitAmaha ] m., ` grandfather of all beings ', N. of Brahmā MBh. [ 1186,3 ] (8) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. containing or representing all beings Mn. R. BhP. (9) m. the supreme pervading Spirit W. (10) [ -ruta-grahaNI ] f. ` comprising the sounds of all beings ', a kind of writing (cf. [ sarva-ruta-saMgrahiNi-lipI ]) Lalit. (11) [ -stha ] or [ -sthita ] mfn. present in all elements or beings MBh. (12) [ -hara ] m. N. of Śiva ib. (RTL. 82) (13) [ -hita ] n. the welfare of all created beings ib. (14) mfn. serviceable to all creatures Kāv (15) [ °bhUt^atmaka ] mfn. comprising all beings MārkP. (16) [ °bhUt^atman ] m. the soul of all beings ([ °ma-bhUta ] mfn. being Lhe soul of all beings BhP.) Mn. i, 54 (17) the essence or nature of all creatures ([ ma-medhas ] mfn. ` having a knowledge of the essence of all creatures ') MW. (18) N. of Śiva ib. (19) mfn. having the nature of all beings, containing all beings ib. (20) [ °bhUt^adhipati ] m. the supreme lord of all beings (Vlshṇu) ṢaḍvBr. (21) [ °bhUt^antaka ] mfn. destroying all beings MBh. (22) [ °bhUt^antar-Atman ] m. the soul of all beings RāmatUp. MBh. Śaṃk

---> [ °bhUt^ep ]. [ sita ] mfn. desired by all beings MW.

===> sarva-cakrā [ sarvacakrA ]3[ s'arva-cakrA ] f. (with Buddhists) N. of a Tantra deity Buddh.

===> sarva-da [ sarvada ]3[ s'arva-da ] mf ([ A ]) n. all-bestowing Siṉhâs. Kuval. Pañcar. m. N. of Śiva MW. (1) [ -rAja ]. m. N. of a king Buddh.

===> sarva-deva [ sarvadeva ]3[ s'arva-deva ] m. pl. all the gods Ml. (1) [ -tA-piSp^adi-pUjana ] n. [ tA-pratisthThA-sAra-saMgraha ] m. N. of wks. (2) [ -ta-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. containing all deities BhP. (3) [ -pUjana-prakAra ] m. [ -pUjana-prayoga ] m. [ -pratiSThA ] f. [ -pratiSThA-karman ] n. [ -pratithThA-krama-vidhi ] m. [ -pratiSTA-vidhi ] m. N. of wks. (4) [ maya ] ([ I ]) n. comprising or representing all gods R. Rājat. BhP. &c. (5) m. N. of Śiva MW. (6) [ -mukha ] m. (?) ` mouth of all the gods ', N. of Agni L. [ 1186,1 ] (7) [ -mUrti-pratiSThA-vidhi ] m. [ -sAdhAraNa-nityapUjA-vidhi ] m. [ -s^ukta ] n. N. of wks. (8) [ -sUri ] m. N. of an author Cat. (9) [ -hut^azana ] mfn. eating the sacrifice designed for all gods (10) m. N. of Agni R. (11) [ °v^atmaka ] (Sāy.) or [ °v^atman ] (RāmatUp.), mfn. having the nature of all gods, containing all gods (12) [ °v^eza ] m. lord of all gods (Śiva) MBh. (13) [ sarva-devImayI ] f. containing or representing all goddesses Hcat

===> sarva-ga [ sarvaga ]3[ s'arva-ga ] mfn. allpervading, omnipresent ([ -tva ] n.) Up. MBh. Yājñ. &c. (1) m. the universal soul L. (2) spirit, soul, w (3) N. of Brahman L. (4) of Śiv1 ib. (5) of a son of Bhīma-sena MBh. (6) of a son of Paurṇamāsa VP. (7) of a son of Manu Dharma-sāvarṇika ib. (8) ([ A ]), f. the Priyaṅgu plant L. (9) n. water ib.

===> sarva-gata [ sarvagata ]3[ s'arva-gata ] mfn. = [ -ga ] ([ papracch^anAmayaM tayoH sarva-gatam ], ` he asked whether they were in all respects well MBh. (1) [ yacca kiM cit sarva-gataM bhUmau ], all whatever exists on the earth ' ib.) Up. Yājñ. &c. (2) m. N. of a son of Bhima-sena BhP. (3) [ -tva ] n. universal diffusion, omnipresence, Bhashap

===> sarva-guṇa [ sarvaguNa ]3[ s'arva-guNa ] mfn. valid through all parts, [ guNa ] (1) [ -vizuddhi-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (2) [ -saMcaya-gata ] m. a partic. Samādhi ib. (3) [ sampanna ] mfn. endowed with every excellence, gifted with every good quality MW. (4) [ °N^alaMkAra-vyUha ] m. a partic. Samādhi SaddhP. (5) [ °N^op^eta ] mfn. endowed with every good quality MW.

===> sarva-gāmin [ sarvagAmin ]3[ s'arva-gAmin ] mfn. = [ -ga ] A.

===> sarva-jagat [ sarvajagat ]3[ s'arva-jagat ] f. the whole world, the universe W.

===> sarva-janman [ sarvajanman ]3[ s'arva-janman ] ([ sarv'a- ]), mfn. of all kinds AV.

===> sarva-jña [ sarvajJa ]3[ s'arva-jJa ] mf ([ A ]) n. all-knowing, omniscient (said of gods and men, esp. of ministers and philosophers) Up. Kāv. &c. (1) a Buddha L. (2) an Arhat (with Jainas) ib. (3) N. of Śiva Pañcat. KāśīKh. (4) of various men R. Hit. Buddh. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā, DevīP. (6) of a Yoginī Hcat (7) [ -jJAnin ] mfn. thinking one's self omniscient Divyâv (8) [ -tA ] f. (MBh. Kathās.) or [ -tva ] n. (MBh. R. &c.) omniscience (9) [ -deva ] (Buddh.), [ -nArAyaNa ] (Cat.), m. N. of scholars (10) [ -putra ] m. N. of Siddha-sena Siṉhâs (11) [ -bhaTTa ] m. N. of a man ib. (12) [ -mAnin ] mfn. (= [ -jJAnin ]) Divyâv (13) [ -mitra ] m. N. of various persons Rājat (14) Bundh (15) [ -m-manya ] mfn. ([ -jJAnin ] (16) [ °ya-tA ] f.) Rājat (17) [ -rAm^ezvara-bhaTTAraka ] m. N. of an author Cat.

---> [ -vAsudeva ] m. N. of a poet ib. (18) [ -viSNu ] m. N. of a philosopher Sarvad (19) [ -vyavasthApaka ], N. of wk. (20) [ -zrI-nArAyaNa ] m. N. of an author Cat. (21) [ -sUnu ] m. patr. of Skanda KāśīKh. (22) [ °jJ^atma-giri ] (Col.) or [ °mamuni ] (Cat.), m. N. of an author (23) [ °jJ^ardha-zarIriNI ] f. N. of Umā, Kāśtkh

===> sarva-jñāna [ sarvajJAna ]3[ s'arva-jJAna ] n. ` aknowledge ', N. of a Tantra wk. (1) m. N. of a deity Buddh. (2) [ -tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra wk. (3) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. containing all knowledge Mn. R. (4) . [ vid ] mfn. acquainted with all knowledge MW. (5) [ °n^ottama ], or [ °n^ottama-tantra ] n. [ °n^ottara ] n. [ °n^ottara-vRtti ] f. N. of wks. [ 1185,3 ]

===> sarva-karman [ sarvakarman ]3[ s'arva-karman ] n. pl. all kinds of works or rites or occupations ([ °ma-saha ] mfn. ` equal to all kinds of works ' (1) [ °ma-kArin ] mfn. ` performing all kinds of works '), ŚrŚ. Mn. &c. (2) mfn. containing all works ChUp. (3) m. one who performs all acts MW. (4) N. of Śiva ib. (5) of a son of Kalmāsha-pāda MBh. Hariv.

===> sarva-kāla [ sarvakAla ]3[ s'arva-kAla ] (ibc.), at all times, always BhP. (1) ([ am ]), ind. id. (with [ na ], ` never ') VarBṛS. Kathās. &c. (2) ([ e ]), ind. id. Pañcat (3) ([ °la ]) [ -prasAda ] m. ` propitious at all seasons ', N. of Śiva MBh. (4) [ -mitra ] n. a friend at all times Mṛcch (5) [ -vicArin ] mfn. always irresolute Car.

===> sarva-kāma [ sarvakAma ]3[ s'arva-kAma ] m. pl. all kinds of desires MBh. RāmatUp. &c. (1) ([ sarv'a- ]), mfn. wishing everything ŚāṅkhBr. ŚrS. BhP. (2) fulfilling all wishes Kauś. MBh. (3) possessing everything wished for ŚBr. MBh. (4) m. N. of Śiva MW. (5) of a son of Ṛtu-parṇa Pur. (6) of an Arhat Buddh. (7) [ -gama ] mfn. going or moving wherever one wishes MBh. (8) [ -da ] m. ` grasiting all desires ', N. of Śiva MBh. (9) [ -dugha ] mf ([ A ]) n. yielding everything wished for (like milk) MBh. BhP. (10) [ -duh ] mfn. id. Cat. (11) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. full of wishes MaitrUp. (12) [ -vara ] m. ` best of all objects of desire ', N. of Śiva MBh. (13) [ -samRddha ] mfn. amply stocked with all desired objects, fulfilling every desire ib. (14) m. See [ sArvakAma-s° ]

===> sarva-kāraṇa [ sarvakAraNa ]3[ s'arva-kAraNa ] n. the cause of everything Madhus (1) [ -kAraNa ], u. (incorrectly also m.) the cause of the cause of every Pañcar.

===> sarva-kṛt [ sarvakRt ]3[ s'arva-kRt ] mfn. all-producing Hariv.

===> sarva-laghu [ sarvalaghu ]3[ s'arva-laghu ] mfn. entirely consisting of short syllables Ked

===> sarva-loka [ sarvaloka ]3[ s'arva-lok'a ] m. the whole world VS. Hariv. R. (1) the whole people VarBṛS. (2) every one MBh. R. &c. pl. (or ibc.) all beings VarBṛS. (3) every one R. Pañcar. &c.

---> [ -krit ] m. Universe-maker ', N. of Śiva MBh. (4) [ -guru ] m. N. of Viṣṇu BhP. (5) [ -dhAtu-vyavalokana ] m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (6) [ -dhat^upadra ]. [ v^odvega-pratyuttIrNa ] m. N. of a Buddha Buddh. (7) [ -pitAmaha ] m. progenitor of all creatures ', N. of Brahmā R. (8) [ -prajApati ] m. ` father of the Universe ', N. of Śiva Śivag (9) [ -bhayaM-kara ] mfn. appalling to the whole world R. (10) [ -bhay^astambhita ]. [ tva-viddhvaMsana-kara ] m. N. of a Buddha, Buddh. (11) [ -bhRt ] mfn. supporting the whole world (said of Śiva) Śivag (12) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. containing the whole world R. Hcat (13) [ -maHzvara ] m. N. of Śiva R. (14) of Kṛshna Bhag. (15) [ -vid ] mfn. acquainted with all world MBh. (16) [ °k^antarAtman ] m. the soul of the whole world MBh. (17) [ °k^eza ] m. ` lord of the whole world ', N. of Kṛshṇa, Kṛshṇaj (18) [ °k^ezvara ] m. ` id., ` id. ib. (19) N. of Brahmā R.

===> sarva-malâpagata [ sarvamalApagata ]3[ s'arva-mal^apagata ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.

===> sarva-mitra [ sarvamitra ]3[ s'arva-mitra ] m. a friend of every one MBh. (1) N. of a man Buddh.

===> sarva-mātṛ [ sarvamAtR ]3[ s'arva-mAtR ] f. the mother of all (du. with [ rodasI ]) MBh.

===> sarva-nikṣepā [ sarvanikSepA ]3[ s'arva-nikSepA ] f. a partic. method of counting Lalit. (cf. [ -vikSepatA ])

===> sarva-nivaraṇa-viṣkambhin [ sarvanivaraNaviSkambhin ]3[ s'arva-nivaraNa-viSkambhin ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva Buddh. (w. r. [ -NIv° ] Kāraṇḍ.)

===> sarva-pariphulla [ sarvapariphulla ]3[ s'arva-pariphulla ] mfn. full blown L.

===> sarva-prada [ sarvaprada ]3[ s'arva-prada ] mf ([ A ]) n. all-bestowing Pañcar.

===> sarva-ratna [ sarvaratna ]3[ s'arva-ratna ] m. ` having all gems ', N. of a minister of king Yudhi-shṭhira Rājat (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Śruti Saṃgīt (2) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made up of all (kinds of) jewels Kathās (3) entirely studded with jewels MBh. R. (4) [ -samanvita ] mfn. possessed of all jewels MBh.

===> sarva-rūpa [ sarvarUpa ]3[ s'arva-rUpa ] ([ s'arva- ] or [ sarv'a- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. having or assuming all forms ([ -tA ] f.) Pañcar. Jaim. Sch. (1) having all colours ŚBr. ŚrS. (2) of all kinds AitBr. PārGṛ. MuṇḍUp. (3) [ -bhAj ] mfn. assuming all forms Ragh (4) [ -saMdarzana ] m. a partic. Samātdhi SaddhP.

===> sarva-samatā [ sarvasamatA ]3[ s'arva-samatA ] f. sameness or identity with all things ib. (1) equality or impartiality towards everything Mn. xii, 125

===> sarva-sattva-priya-darśana [ sarvasattvapriyadarzana ]3[ s'arva-sattva-priya-darzana ] m. N. of a Buddha ib. (1) of a Bodhi-sattva ib. (2) of another person ib.

===> sarva-sattva-trātṛ [ sarvasattvatrAtR ]3[ s'arva-sattva-trAtR ] m. N. of a mythical being SaddhP.

===> sarva-saṃgraha [ sarvasaMgraha ]3[ s'arva-saMgraha ] m. a general or universal collection W. (1) N. of various wks. (2) mfn. possessed of everything R.

===> sarva-saṃjñā [ sarvasaMjJA ]3[ s'arva-saMjJA ] f. (with Buddbists) a partic. high number Lalit.

===> sarva-siddhi [ sarvasiddhi ]3[ s'arva-siddhi ] f. accomplishment of every object, universal success W. (1) entire proof, complete result KapS. (2) m. AEgle Marmelos L.

===> sarva-sva [ sarvasva ]3[ s'arva-sva ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the whole of a person's property or possessions GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) (ifc.) entirety, the whole, whole sum of. MBh. Hariv. Kāv. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. entire property Kauś (3) [ -dakSiNa ] mfn. (a sacrifice) at which the whole property is given away Ragh (4) [ -daNDa ] mfn. fined or mulcted of all possessions W. (5) n. confiscation of entire property ib. (6) [ -phalin ] mfn. with all one's possessions and fruits Mṛcch (7) [ -rahasya ] n. N. of wk. (8) [ -haraNa ] n. or [ -hAra ] m. the seizure or confiscation of all one's property W.

===> sarva-sādhu [ sarvasAdhu ]3[ s'arva-sAdhu ] ind. very good, very well (used as an exclamation) Hit. (1) [ -niSevita ] m. ` honoured by all good people ', Śiva MBh.

===> sarva-sūkṣma [ sarvasUkSma ]3[ s'arva-sUkSma ] mfn. finest or most subtle of all MBh.

===> sarva-tanu [ sarvatanu ]3[ s'arva-tanu ] or ([ s'arva- ].), mfn. complete in regard to the body or person AV. ŚBr. TĀr. ĀśvŚr.

===> sarva-tathāgata [ sarvatathAgata ]3[ s'arva-tathAgata ] in comp. (1) [ -dharma-vAN-nithprapaJcajJAna-mudrA ], [ -prajJA-jJAna-m° ], [ -bandhanajJAna-m° ], [ -vajr^abhiSeka-jJAna-m° ], [ -vizvakarma-jJAna-m° ] f. N. of partic. positions of the fingers L. (2) [ -vyavalokana ] m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (3) [ saMtoSaNI ] f. N. of a Tantra deity L. (4) [ -samAj^adhiSThAna-jJAna-mudrA ] f. a partic. position of the fingers L. (5) [ su-rata-sukhA ] f. [ °t^akarSaNI ] f. N. of Tantra deities L. (6) [ °t^anurAgaNa-jJAna-mudrA ] f. a partic. position of the fingers L. (7) [ °t^anurAgaNI ] f. N. of a Tantra deity L. (8) [ °t^azAparipUraNa-jJAna-mudrA ] f. a partic. position of the fingers L.

===> sarva-vaidalya-saṃgraha [ sarvavaidalyasaMgraha ]3[ s'arva-vaidalya-saMgraha ] m. N. of wk.

===> sarva-vettṛ [ sarvavettR ]3[ s'arva-vettR ] mfn. allknower, omniscient ([ -tva ] n.) L.

===> sarva-vid [ sarvavid ]3[ s'arva-vid ] mfn. all-knowing, omniscient AV. MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c. (1) m. the Supreme Being. MW. (2) f. the sacred syllable Om L. (3) ([ -vit ]) [ -tva ] n. omniscience Cat.

===> sarva-viṣaya [ sarvaviSaya ]3[ s'arva-viSaya ] mfn. relating to everything, general Vām

===> sarva-yoṣit [ sarvayoSit ]3[ s'arva-yoSit ] f. pl. all women Ml.

===> sarva-śarīra [ sarvazarIra ]3[ s'arva-zarIra ] n. the body of all things ([ -tA ] f.) Sarvad

===> sarva-śveta [ sarvazveta ]3[ s'arva-zveta ] ([ s'arva- ]), mfn. entirely white Suparṇ (1) whitest of all Pāṇ. 6-2, 93, and h (2) ([ A ]), f. a kind of venomous insect Suśr. (3) a partic. mythical herb Kāraṇḍ

===> sarva-śāstra [ sarvazAstra ]3[ s'arva-zAstra ] mfn. knowing every science MW. (1) [ -pravetR ] m. charioteer of all science ', one well acquainted with all science ib. (2) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. containing all treatises Pañcar. (3) [ -vid ] or [ -vizArada ] mfn. skilled in all science MW. (4) [ °tr^artha-nirNaya ] m. N. of wk.

===> sarvadā [ sarvadA ]3[ s'arva-dA ] See s. v.

===> [ sarvadA ]2[ sarvad'A ] ind. always, at all times (often joined with [ sarvatra ] and [ sarvathA ] (1) with [ na ], ` never ') AV. &c. &c.

===> sarvatas [ sarvatas ]3[ s'arva-tas ] See s. v.

===> [ sarvatas ]2[ sarv'atas ] ind., from all sides, in every direction, everywhere RV. &c. &c.

---> around (acc.) Vop. v, 7 Pāṇ. 2-3, 2 Sch. (1) entirely, completely, thoroughly AV. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) = [ sarvasmAt ] or [ sarvebhyas ], from all, from every one &c., ŚrS. Mn. Yājñ. &c.

===> sarvathā [ sarvathA ]2[ sarv'athA ] ind. in everyway, in every respect, by all means (often joined with [ sarvatra ] and [ sarvadA ] (1) also with [ api ] (2) with na, in no case ', ` not at all ') Mn. &c. &c. (3) in whatever way, however MBh. R. RPrāt. (4) altogether, entirely, in the highest degree, exceedingly MBh. Kāv. Hit. (5) at all times MW.

===> sarvato-mukha [ sarvatomukha ]3[ sarvato-mukha ] ([ sarv4to ].), mf ([ I ]) n. facing in all direction, turned every where VS. TS. ŚBr. &c. (1) complete, unlimited Kāv (2) m. a kind of military array Kām (3) soul, spirit L.

---> N. of BrahmS (` having four faces ') ib. (4) of Śiva ib. (5) a Brāhman L. (6) of Agni MBh. (7) the heaven, Svarga ib. (8) N. of wk. (9) n. water Cat. (10) sky, heaven L. (11) [ -kArikA ] f. pl., [ -paddhati ] f. [ -prakaraNa ] n. [ -prayoga ] m. (12) [ °kh^odgatR-tva ] n. [ °kh^augAlra-prayoga ] m. N. of wks.

===> sarvatra [ sarvatra ]2[ sarv'atra ] ind. everywhere, in every case, always, at all times (of ten strengthened by [ api ], [ sarvadA ] &c. (1) with [ na ], in no case ') ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) = [ sarvasmin ] (with [ na ], ` in no case ', ` not at all ' &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sarvatra-ga [ sarvatraga ]3[ sarv'atra-ga ] mf ([ A ]) n. all-pervading, omnipresent Mn. MBh. &c. (1) m. air, wind W. (2) N. of a son of a Manu Hariv. MārkP. (3) of a son of Bhīnia-sena VP.

===> sarvatra-gāmin [ sarvatragAmin ]3[ sarv'atra-gAmin ] mfn. all-pervading Lalit. (1) m. air, wind L.

===> sarvatva [ sarvatva ]3[ s'arva-tv'a ] n. wholeness, totality, completeness ib. TS.

===> sarvatā [ sarvatA ]3[ s'arva-tA ] f. wholeness, totality Nyāyam

===> sarvaśas [ sarvazas ]3[ s'arva-z'as ] See s. v., P. 1189, col. 2

===> sarvaṃ-dada [ sarvaMdada ]3[ s'arva-M-dada ] m. N. of a man Buddh.

===> sarvâkāra [ sarvAkAra ]3[ sarv^akAra ] (ibc.) or ind. in all forms, in every way Ratnâv. Mcar.

===> sarvâkṣa [ sarvAkSa ]3[ sarv^akSa ] mfn. (prob.) casting one's eyes everywhere Pañcar.

===> sarvârtha [ sarvArtha ]3[ sarv^artha ] m. pl. (or ibc.) all things or objects, all manner of things MaitrUp. Madhus (1) all matters ([ eSu ] ind. ` in all matters, in all the subjects contained in any particular work ') MW. (2) ([ am ]), ind. for the sake of the whole Jaim (3) mfn. suitable for every purpose ([ -tva ] n.) KātyŚr. ib. Sch. (4) regarding or minding everything Pañcar. (5) m. N. of the 29th Muhūrta (in astron.) (6) [ -kartri ] m. the creator of all things Pañcar. (7) [ -kuzala ] mfn. skilful in all matters Nal (8) [ -cintaka ] mfn. thinking about everything (9) m. a general overseer, chief officer Mn. MBh. (10) [ -cintAmani ] m. N. of various wks. (11) [ -tA ] f. the possessing of all objects MW. (12) ` attending to everything ', distraction (opp. to [ ek^agra-tva ]), Cit (13) [ -nAman ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (14) [ -sAdhaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. effecting everything, fit for everything ([ -stotra ] n. N. of wk.) MBh. Kathās. &c. (15) ([ ikA ]), f. N. of Durgā Devīm (16) [ -sAdhana ] mfn. = [ -sAdhaka ] (17) (or) n. a means of accomplishing everything, Pallcat. Kāv (18) [ -sAra-saMgraha ] m. N. of wk. (19) [ -siddha ] mfn. one who has accomplished all aims R. (20) m. N. of Gautama Buddha (so called, according to some, because his parents ' wishes were all fulfilled by his birth) Lalit. (21) of a king W. (22) [ -siddhi ] f. accomplishment of all aims Kathās (23) N. of various wks. (24) m. pl. (with Jainas) a class of deities L. (25) [ °th^anusAdhin ], effecting all things (26) ([ inI ]), f. N. of Durgā L.

===> sarvâsti-vāda [ sarvAstivAda ]3[ sarv^asti-vAda ] m. the doctrine that all things are real (N. of one of the 4 divisions of the Vaibhāshika system of Buddhism, said to have been founded by Rāhula, son of the great Buddha) MWB. 157 (1) = next MW.

===> sarvâsti-vādin [ sarvAstivAdin ]3[ sarv^asti-vAdin ] mfn. or m. an adherent of the above doctrine Buddh.

===> sarvâtmaka [ sarvAtmaka ]3[ sarv^atmaka ] the whole soul ([ ena ] ind. ` with all one's soul ') BhP. (1) mfn. all. containing ([ -tva ] n.) ib. Saṃk (2) contained in everything NṛsUp. R. (3) proceeding from all the Doshas (= [ sarva-doS^atm° ]) Bhpr. (4) m. a partic. form of the Aptor-yāma ĀpŚr. Sch.

===> sarvâtman [ sarvAtman ]3[ sarv^atm'an ] m. the whole person ([ °nA ] ind., with all one's soul ') ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) the universal Soul Up. MBh. R. &c. (2) the whole being or nature ([ °nA ] ind. ` entirely, completely ') Kād. Nyāyam. Sch. (3) a Jina HYog. (4) N. of Śiva MBh. (5) ([ s'arv° ] or [ °v^at° ]), mfn. entire in person or nature AV. Br. ĀśvŚr. (6) [ °ma-tva ] n. the state or condition of the universal Soul LiṅgaP. ([ -darzana ] n. ` the doctrine of the oneness of everything with Spirit ' MW.) (7) [ °madRz ] mfn. seeing one's self everywhere Cat. (8) [ °mabhUti ] f. walfare of the whole self Mn. iii, 91 (9) all beings collectively W.

===> sarvâṅga [ sarvAGga ]3[ sarv^aGga ] n. (ifc. f. [ I ]) the whole body, Vlā. Kathās. &c. (1) pl. all the limbs R. Kathās. Maitr. Up. Sch. (2) all the Ved^aṅgas KenUp. (3) ([ s'arv° ]), mf ([ i ]) n. entire or perfect in limb RV. AV. (4) complete, ([ -bhaGga ] m. ` entire collapse ') Kām. Rājat (5) m. N. of Śiva MBh. (6) ([ am ]), ind. in all respects exactly Kathās (7) [ -nyAsa ] m. [ -yoga-dIpikA ] f. N. of wks. [ rUpa ] m. N. of Śiva MBh. (8) [ -vedanA-sAmanyakarma-prakAza ] m. N. of ch. of wk. (9) [ -sundara ] mfn. beautiful in every member, completely beautiful MW. (10) m. (also [ -rasa ] m. ` whose essence is good for all the limbs ') a partic. drug or medicament L. (11) ([ I ]), f. N. of various Comms

===> sarvāvat [ sarvAvat ]3[ sarv'A-vat ] mfn. containing everything ŚBr. (1) entire, complete Divyâv

===> sarāga [ sarAga ]3[ sa-rAga ] mfn. having colour (sometimes = ` not quite clean ') Kād (1) reddened MBh. Kālid (2) charming, lovely ([ am ] ind.) Bhaṭṭ. (3) enamoured, impassioned, passionate ([ am ] ind.) Kām. Gīt. (4) [ -tA ] f. (Pañcat.), [ -tva ] n. the being coloured or flushed with passion, impassioned, redness, passion, love (5) [ -intra ] mfn. red-eyed MBh.

===> sarājaka [ sarAjaka ]3[ sa-rAjaka ] (MBh. (1) [ ikA ] f. Jātakam.),

===> sarī-sṛpa [ sarIsRpa ]2[ sarIsRp'a ] mfn. crawling, creeping (1) m. or n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a creeping animal, reptile, snake RV. &c, &c. (2) m. N. of Viṣṇu L.

===> sarūpa [ sarUpa ]3[ sa-rUpa ] ([ s'a- ]), mfn. having the same shape or form, uniform, similar, like, resembling (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (1) having the same sound identical in sound, consonant, Kavy^ad (2) having shape or form, embodied VP. (3) shapely formed, beautiful, handsome (prob. also w. r. for [ su-r° ]) PañcavBr. Kāv (4) m. a partic. mythical being Suparṇ (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of Bhūta and mother of innumerible Rudras BhP. (6) ([ °pa ]) [ -kRt ] mfn. producing the same form or colour AV. (7) ([ °paM ]) [ -k'araNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. ib. (8) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. identity of form, likeness, resemblance to (comp.) AitBr. MBh. Kām. &c. (9) assimilation to the deity (one of the four stages in the progress towards final emancipation) RTL. &c. (10) [ -vatsA ] f. a cow with a calf of the same colour GṛŚrS. (11) [ °p^opamA ], v. l. for [ samAna-rUp° ] Kāvyâd

===> sarṣapa [ sarSapa ]1[ sarSapa ] m. mustard, mustardseed ṢaḍvBr. &c. &c. (1) a mustard-seed used as a weight, any minute weight Mn. ŚārṅgS. (2) a kind of poison L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a kind of herb L. (4) a partic. eruption of the body Car. (5) a kind of small bird (said to be a species of wagtail, = [ khaJjanikA ]) L.

===> sasa [ sasa ]2[ sas'a ] mfn. sleeping Naigh. iv, 2 (1) m. N. of an Ātreya (author of RV. v, 21) (2) m. or n. (?) herb, grass, corn (cf. [ sasy'a ]) RV.

===> sasaṅga [ sasaGga ]3[ sa-saGga ] mfn. adhering, attached ([ -tva ] n. ` adhesion, contact ') Kap

===> sasneha [ sasneha ]3[ sa-sneha ] mf ([ A ]) n. oily, greasy Mn. MBh. &c. (1) affectionate ([ am ] ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -bahumAna ] mfn. with affection and esteem Kathās

===> sasya [ sasya ]1[ sasy'a ]1 n. (of unknown derivation (1) also written [ zasya ]

---> ifc. f. [ A ]) corn, grain, fruit, a crop of corn (also pl.) AV. &c. &c.

===> [ sasya ]1[ sasya ]2 m. (perhaps incorrect for [ zasya ]) a sort of precious stone L. (1) n. a weapon L. (2) virtue, merit L.

===> sat [ sat ]1[ s'at ] mf ([ sat'I ]) n. (pr. p. of √ 1. [ as ]) being, existing, occurring, happening, being present ([ sato me ], ` when I was present ' (1) often connected with other participles or with an adverb, e. g. [ nAmni kRte sati ], ` when the name has been given ' (2) [ tathA sati ], ` if it be so ' (3) also ibc., where sometimes = ` possessed of ', cf. [ sat-kalpavRkSa ]) RV. &c. &c. (4) abiding in (loc.) MBh. (5) belonging to (gen.) ŚBr. (6) living MuṇḍUp. (7) lasting, enduring Kāv. RV. &c. &c. (8) real, actual, as any one or anything ought to be, true, good, right ([ tan na sat ], ` that is not right '), beautiful, wise, venerable, honest (often in comp., See below) RV. &c. &c. (9) m. a being, (pl.) beings, creatures RV. &c. (10) a good or wise man, a sage MBh. R. (11) good or honest or wise or respectable people Mn. MBh. &c. (12) ([ 'I ]), f. See [ sat'i ] below (13) ([ sat ]), n. that which really is, entity or existence, essence, the true being or really existent (in the Ved^anta, ` the self-existent or Universal Spirit, Brahma ') RV. &c. &c. (14) that which is good or real or true, good, advantage, reality, truth ib. (15) water Naigh. i, 12 (16) (in gram.) the terminations of the present participle Pāṇ. 3-2, 127 &c. (17) ([ sat ]), ind. (cf. [ sat-√ kR ] &c.) well, right, fitly. [ Cf. Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. [ sens ] in [ 1134,2 ] [ absens ], [ pra-sens ] ; [ sons ], ` guilty ', orig. ` the real doer ' ; Lith. [ sās ], [ 'esas ] ; Slav. [ sy ], [ sas8ta ]. ]

===> sat-kartavya [ satkartavya ]3[ s'at-kartavya ] mfn. one who is to be honoured MBh.

===> sat-kāra [ satkAra ]3[ s'at-kAra ] m. (sg. or pl.) kind treatment, honour, favour, reverence (with [ pazcima ], = [ -karaNa ] Hariv. (1) [ rAja-sat-k° ], ` the favour of a king ' R.) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) hospitable treatment, hospitality ib. (3) feasting (or = ` a meal '), festival, religious observance MW. (4) care, attention, consideration of or regard for a thing Yogas (5) w. r. for [ saMskAra ] Hariv. (6) [ °r^arha ] mfn. worthy of hospitable treatment Nal

===> sat-kārya [ satkArya ]3[ s'at-kArya ] mfn. that which is effected L. (1) deserving of honour or hospitality R. (2) one to whom the last honours (i. e. cremation) are to be paid ib. (3) n. (in Sāṃkhya phil.) the necessary existence of an effect (as inherent in a cause) Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. Kap. Sch. (4) [ -vAda ] m. (or [ -siddh^anta ] m. Kap.) the doctrine of the actual existence of an effect (in its cause) Bādar. Sch. (5) [ -vAdin ] m. an adherent of the above doctrine ib.

===> sat-kāya-dṛṣṭi [ satkAyadRSTi ]3[ s'at-kAya-dRSTi ] f. the (heretical) view (or doctrine) of the existence of a personality or individuality Divyâv. Mahāvy

===> sat-kṛta [ satkRta ]3[ s'at-kRta ] mfn. done well W. (1) adorned with (comp.) MBh. Pur. (2) honoured, treated with respect or hospitality, entertained MBh. R. VarBṛS. &c. (3) worshipped, adored VarBṛS. (4) m. N. of Śiva MW. (5) n. virtue W. (6) respect ib. (7) honourable reception MārkP.

===> sat-kṛtya [ satkRtya ]3[ s'at-kRtya ] ind., p. having treated with respect, having hospitably entertained Yājñ. R. (1) devotedly, piously, zealously, eagerly Jātakam

===> sat-patha [ satpatha ]3[ s'at-patha ] m. a good or right way, correct or virtuous conduct, orthodox doctrine MBh. Hariv. R. &c.

===> sat-puruṣa [ satpuruSa ]3[ s'at-puruSa ] m. a good or wise man Kāv. Kam. &c. (1) [ °S^aSTaka ] n. N. of wk.

===> satata [ satata ]3[ sa-tata ]

===> [ satata ]1[ sa-tata ] mfn. (fr. 7. [ sa ] + [ t° ] (1) accord. to Pāṇ. 6-1, 144 Vārtt. 1 = [ saM-tata ] as [ sa-hita ] = [ saM-h° ]) constant, perpetual, continual, uninterrupted (only in comp. and [ am ] ind. ` constantly, always, ever ' (2) with [ na ], ` never ') Mn. MBh. &c.

===> satata-samitâbhiyukta [ satatasamitAbhiyukta ]3[ sa-tata-samit^abhiyukta ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.

===> satattva [ satattva ]1[ sa-tattva ] &c. See p. 1137, col. 3

===> sati [ sati ]1[ sati ] f. = [ sAti ], [ santi ] Pāṇ. Vop (1) = [ dAna ], [ avasAna ] L.

===> [ sati ]2[ sati ] See p. 1138, col. 2

===> satkartavya [ satkartavya ]3[ s'at-kartavya ] mfn. one who is to be honoured MBh.

===> sattama [ sattama ]3[ s'at-tama ] ([ s'at- ]), mfn. very good or right, the best, first, chief of (gen. or comp.) Br. ŚāṅkhŚr. ChUp. &c. (1) most virtuous W. (2) very venerable or respectable ib. (3) [ -tA ] f. the first rank of all BhP.

===> sattva [ sattva ]3[ s'at-tv'a ] See below

===> [ sattva ]2[ sat-tv'a ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) being, existence, entity, reality ([ Izvara-s° ], ` the existence of a Supreme Being '), TS &c. &c. (1) true essence, nature, disposition of mind, character PañcavBr. MBh. &c. (2) spiritual essence, spirit, mind MuṇḍUp. Yājñ. MBh. BhP. (3) vital breath, life, consciousness, strength of character, strength, firmness, energy, resolution, courage, selfcommand, good sense, wisdom, magnanimity MBh. R. &c. (4) the quality of purity or goodness (regarded in the Sāṃkhya phil. as the highest of the three Guṇas [ q. v. ] or constituents of Prakṛti because it renders a person true, honest, wise &c., and a thing pure, clean &c.) MaitrUp. Mn. Yājñ. &c. MBh. R. (5) material or elementary substance, entity, matter, a thing Nir. Prāt. (6) a substantive, noun W. (7) m. n. a living or sentient being, creature, animal Mn. MBh. &c. (8) embryo, fetus, rudiment of life (See [ -lakSaNA ]) (9) a ghost, demon, goblin, monster R. VarBṛS. Kathās (10) m. N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh.

===> [ sattva ]1[ sat-tv'a ] See p. 1135, col. 2

===> sattva-dhātu [ sattvadhAtu ]3[ sat-tv'a-dhAtu ] m. the animal sphere, animated nature Vajracch.

===> sattva-guṇa [ sattvaguNa ]3[ sat-tv'a-guNa ] m. the quality of purity or goodness (See above) W.

===> sattva-kaṣāya [ sattvakaSAya ]3[ sat-tv'a-kaSAya ] m. decay of energy, one of the 5 signs of decay (See [ kaS° ]) Buddh.

===> sattva-loka [ sattvaloka ]3[ sat-tv'a-loka ] m. a world of living beings MWB. 120

===> sattva-rāśi [ sattvarAzi ]3[ sat-tv'a-rAzi ] m. quintessence of energy or courage Kathās

===> sattva-sāra [ sattvasAra ]3[ sat-tv'a-sAra ] m. essence of strength MW. (1) extraordinary courage Dhanaṃj. Vās (2) a very powerful person MW.

===> sattvâtman [ sattvAtman ]3[ sattv^atman ] mfn. having the nature of the quality of goodness ib.

===> sattā [ sattA ]3[ s'at-tA ] f. existence, being Up. Kaṇ. Tarkas. &c. (1) a partic. Jāti (in phil.) MW. (2) goodness, excellence W. (3) [ -jAti-prAmANya ] n. N. of wk. (4) [ -mAtra ] n. mere entity or existence ([ °tr^atman ] mfn. ` whose nature is entitled only to the predicate being ') VP. (5) [ -vat ] mfn. entitled to the pred. ` being ', endowed with existence Bhāshāp (6) [ -vApya ] ([ °t^av° ]), mfn. included in (the notion of) existence MW.

===> satya [ satya ]2[ saty'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. true, real, actual, genuine, sincere, honest, truthful, faithful, pure, virtuous, good. successful, effectual, valid ([ satyaM-√ kR ], ` to make true, ratify, realise, fulfil ') RV. &c. &c. (1) m. the uppermost of the seven Lokas or worlds (the abode of Brahmā and heaven of truth (2) See [ loka ]) L. (3) N. of the ninth Kalpa (q. v.) Pur. (4) the Aśvattha tree L. (5) N. of Viṣṇu L. (6) of Rāma-candra L. (7) of a supernatural being Gaut. VarBṛS. Hcat (8) of a deity presiding over the Nāndī-mukha Śrāddha L. (9) of one of the Viśve Devāh Cat. (10) of a Vyāsa Cat. (11) of a son of Havir-dhāna BhP. (12) of a son of Vitatya MBh. (13) of one of the 7 Ṛshis in various Manvantaras Hariv. Pur. (14) (with [ AcArya ]) N. of an astronomer (author of the Horā-śāstra) VarBṛS. (15) pl. N. of a class of gods in various Manvantaras Hariv. Pur. (16) ([ A ]), f. speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity W. (17) a partic. Śakti Pañcar. (18) N. of Durgā Cat. (19) of Śitā L. (20) of Satyavatī (mother of Vyāsa) L. (21) = [ satya-bhAmA ] MBh. Hariv. Śiś. (22) of the family deity of the Kutsas and Atharvans Cat. (23) of a daughter of Dharma (and wife of Śaṃ-yu) MBh. (24) of the mother of Satya (= [ tuSita ]) VP. (25) of the wife of Manthu (and mother of Bhauvana) BhP. (26) of a daughter of Nagna-jit (and wife of Kṛshṇa) ib. (27) ([ am ]), n. truth, reality ([ satyena ], ` truly ', ` certainly ', ` really ' (28) [ k'asmAt s'atyAt ], ` for what reason, how is it that? ' [ t'ena saty'ena ], ` for that reason, so truly ' (29) [ yathA-tena ] [ or [ evaM ] ] [ satyena ], ` as-so truly ' (30) with Buddhists truth is of two kinds, viz. [ saMvRti- ] and [ param^artha-satyam ], ` truth by general consent ' and ` self-evident truth ' Dharmas. 95 (31) for the four fundamental truths of Buddhists, See MWB. 43 ; 56) RV. &c. &c. (32) speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity KenUp. Mn. R. &c. (33) a solemn asseveration, vow, promise, oath ([ satyaM cikIrSamANa ], ` wishing to fulfil one's promise or keep one's word ') AV. &c. &c. (34) demonstrated conclusion, dogma W. (35) the quality of goodness or purity or knowledge MW. (36) the first of the four Yugas or ages (= 1. [ -kRt'a ], q. v.) L. (37) a partic. mythical weapon R. (38) the uppermost of the 7 Lokas (See under m.) Vedântas. BhP. (39) one of the 7 Vyāhṛtis L. (40) partic. Satya-formula ĀśvŚr. (41) = [ udaka ], water Naigh. i, 12 (42) (also with [ prajApateH ]) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr. ŚrS. (43) ([ 'am ]), ind. (g. [ c^adi ] and [ svar-Adi ]) truly, indeed, certainly, verily, necessarily, yes, very well ([ satyam-tu ], [ kiM tu ], [ tath^api ], ` it is true - but, yet, however ' (44) [ yat sasyam ], ` indeed, certainly ') RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. accord. to some, Gk. ?. ]

===> [ satya ]1[ satya ] &c. See p. 1135, col. 3

===> satya-darśin [ satyadarzin ]3[ saty'a-darzin ] mfn. truth seeing, truth-discerning ib. (1) m. N. of a Ṛshi in the 13th Manvantara Hariv. (v. l. [ tattva-d° ]) (2) of a man Lalit.

===> satya-dṛś [ satyadRz ]3[ saty'a-dRz ] mfn. = [ -darzin ] BhP.

===> satya-ketu [ satyaketu ]3[ saty'a-ketu ] m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (1) of a son of Dharma-ketu Hariv. Pur. (2) of a son of Su-kumāra Hariv. (3) of a son of Akrūra ib.

===> satya-vacana [ satyavacana ]3[ saty'a-vacana ] n. the speaking of truth ChUp. Gaut. Āpast. MBh.

---> a promise, solemn assurance R. Kathās (1) claiming of merit or reward Divyâv (2) mfn. speaking the truth VarBṛS. (3) [ °n^artham ] ind. for the sake of telling the truth MW.

===> satya-vāc [ satyavAc ]3[ saty'a-v'Ac ] f. true speech Subh (1) assurance RV. (2) mfn. truth-speaking, veracious RV. TS. AV. &c. (3) m. a Ṛshi L. (4) a partic. spell spoken over weapons R. (5) a crow L. (6) N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. (7) of a Ṛshi ib. (8) of a son of Manu Cākshusha Hariv. VP. (9) of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa MārkP.

===> satya-vāda [ satyavAda ]3[ saty'a-vAda ] m. the giving of a promise, a promise R.

===> satya-vādin [ satyavAdin ]3[ saty'a-vAd'in ] mfn. = [ -vAcaka ] AV. Br. Mn. &c. (1) m. N. of Kauśika MBh. (2) ([ inI ]), f. a form of Dākshāyaṇi Cat. (3) N. of a goddess of the Bodhi-tree Lalit. (4) [ °di-tA ] f. (Kām.) or [ °di-tva ] n. (Hit.) veracity, truthfulness

===> satyaka [ satyaka ]2[ satyaka ] mfn. = [ satya ] W. (1) m. N. of a son of Śini MBh. Hariv. Pur. (2) of a son of Manu Raivata MārkP. (3) of a son of Kṛshṇa and Bhadrā BhP. (4) pl. N. of a class of deities under Manu Tamasa BhP.

---> n. ratification of a bargain L.

===> satyatva [ satyatva ]3[ saty'a-tva ] n. reality, truth Kathās. Sarvad. &c. (1) veracity MBh.

===> satyatā [ satyatA ]3[ saty'a-t'A ] f. reality, truth ([ agrya-satyatAM-√ gam ], ` to become fully recognised in one's true character ' Rājat.) ŚBr. Kathās (1) love of truth, veracity MBh. R. &c.

===> satṛṣṇa [ satRSNa ]3[ sa-tRSNa ] mfn. id. (1) ([ am ]), ind. thirstily, yearningly, with longing Kālid

===> saubhāgya [ saubhAgya ]2[ sa'ubhAgya ] n. (fr. [ su-bhaga ]) welfare, good luck, good fortune, success, prosperity, happiness (esp. conjugal felicity) RV. &c. &c. (1) beauty, charm, grace, loveliness MBh. R. &c. (2) affection, favour MW. (3) congratulation, good wishes ib. (4) red lead L. (5) borax L. (6) a kind of plant L. (7) the fourth of the astronomical Yogas. L.

===> [ saubhAgya ]1[ saubhAgya ] &c. See col. 2

===> saugandhika [ saugandhika ]2[ saugandhika ] mfn. sweet-scented, fragrant MBh. R. (1) m. a dealer in perfumes L. (2) a sexually weak man (who is stimulated by the smell of the female organs) Suśr. (3) a kind of worm infesting the bowels Car. (4) (also n.) sulphur L. (5) N. of a mountain Cat. (6) ([ A ]), f. See below (7) ([ am ]), n. a white or blue water-lily Vās. Jātakam (8) a kind of fragrant grass (= [ kat-tRNa ]) L. (9) a kind of Ocimum Suśr. (10) a kind of unguent TāṇḍBr. (11) a ruby VarBṛS. Hcat (12) N. of a mountain BhP.

===> saugata [ saugata ]1[ saugata ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ su-gata ]) Buddhistic Kathās. Sarvad (1) m. a Buddhist (said to be divided into 4 schools MWB. 157) (2) N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh.

===> saukarika [ saukarika ]2[ saukarika ] m. a boar hunter, pig-dealer R. VarBṛS. Buddh. (1) N. of a district Cat.

===> saukarya [ saukarya ]2[ saukarya ]1 n. hoggishness, swinishness Vās

===> [ saukarya ]1[ saukarya ]2 n. (fr. [ su-kara ] (1) w. r. [ saukArya ]) easiness of performance, practicability, facility (dat. ` for greater facility ' (2) instr. ` most easily ') Kāv. Kathās. &c. (3) adroitness MW. (4) easy preparation of food or medicine W.

===> saukhya [ saukhya ]2[ saukhya ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) welfare, comfort, health, happiness, felicity, enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c.

===> saukumārya [ saukumArya ]2[ saukumArya ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) tenderness, delicate MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) mfn. tender, delicate MBh.

===> saukṣmya [ saukSmya ]2[ saukSmya ] n. minuteness, fineness, subtlety MaitrUp. MBh. &c.

===> saumanasya [ saumanasya ]2[ saumanasya ] mfn. causing gladness or cheerfulness of mind BhP. (1) m. N. of a son of Yajñabāhu ib. (2) n. satisfaction of mind, gladness, cheerfulness Suśr. Ragh. Kathās (3) right understanding Śiś. Sch. (4) an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a Śrāddha BhP. (5) N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa (ruled by Saumanasya) BhP.

===> saumukhya [ saumukhya ]1[ saumukhya ] n. (fr. [ su-mukha ]) cheerfulness, delight in (comp.) Bcar. Jātakam

===> saumya [ saumya ]1[ saumya ] &c. See col. 1

===> saumya-darśana [ saumyadarzana ]3[ saumy'a-darzana ] mfn. pleasant to look at Mn. R. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a princess Kathās

===> saumyatva [ saumyatva ]3[ saumy'a-tva ] n. gentleness, mildness Bhag. R. (1) benevolence MW.

---> beauty ib.

===> saumyatā [ saumyatA ]3[ saumy'a-tA ] f. the state of being cool and moist MBh. (1) gentleness, placidity ib. R. MārkP. (2) benevolence MW. (3) beauty ib.

===> saundarya [ saundarya ]1[ saundarya ] n. (fr. [ sundara ]) beauty, loveliness, gracefulness, elegance Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) noble conduct, generosity R.

===> saura [ saura ]1[ saura ]1 mfn. (fr. [ surA ]) consisting of spirituous liquor, ŚrS.

===> [ saura ]1[ saura ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. 1. [ sUra ] and [ sUrya ] (1) in some meanings perhaps fr. [ sura ]) relating or belonging or sacred to or coming from &c. the sun or the god Sūrya, solar MaitrUp. MBh. &c. [ 1254,3 ] (2) celestial, divine W. (3) m. a worshipper of the sun MBh. Prab. (RTL. 342) (4) ` son of the Sun ', N. of the planet Saturn VarBṛS. (5) N. of the 20th Kalpa (q. v.) (6) a solar day (while the sun is in one degree of the ecliptic) W. a solar month (consisting of 30 risings and setting of the sun or the period during which the sun is in one sign of the zodiac) W. (7) a representation of a solar zodiacal sign used at marriage ceremonies MW. (8) coriander L. (9) Zanthoxylon Alatum L. (10) N. of a Guru MW. (11) ([ I ]), f. the wife of the Sun W. (12) patr. of Tapatī (the mother of Kuru (13) also called [ vaivasvatI ]) MBh. (14) a cow Hcat (15) Polanisia Icosandra L. (16) ([ am ]), n. a collection of hymns addressed to Sūrya (extracted from the Ṛg-veda) Cat. (17) the right eye Gal. (18) N. of a Sāman (= [ bRhat-saura ]) ĀrshBr. (19) N. of wk. (prob. = [ saura-purANa ]) Kap. Sch.

===> saurabhya [ saurabhya ]2[ saurabhya ] n. fragrance, sweet-scentedness, odour (met. = ` universal diffusion ') Kāv. Suśr. BhP. (1) pleasingness, beauty L. (2) good character, fame L. (3) w. r. for [ sauratya ] (4) m. N. of Kubera L.

===> sauratya [ sauratya ]2[ sauratya ] n. delight in (comp.) Jātakam

===> sauri [ sauri ]2[ sauri ] m. N. of the planet Saturn (as son of the Sun) VarBṛS. (1) a patr. Saṃskārak. (2) Terminalia Tomentosa L. (v. l. [ zauri ]) (3) Polanisia Icosandra ib. (more correctly [ saurI ]) (4) N. of a locality Buddh. (5) pl. N. of a people in the Deccan VarBṛS.

===> saurya [ saurya ]2[ sa'urya ] mf ([ saur'I ] or [ sauryA ]) n. (fr. [ sUrya ], of which it is also the Vṛddhi form in comp.) relating or belonging to the sun, solar Br. GṛŚrS. &c. (1) (fr. [ sUra ]), g. [ saMkAz^adi ] (2) m. a son of the sun PraśnUp. Sch. (3) patr. of several Vedic Ṛshis RAnukr. (4) a year L. (5) n. N. of two summits of the Him^alaya Pat. (6) of a town, Kaiy

===> saurāṣṭra [ saurASTra ]1[ saurASTra ] mf ([ A ], or [ I ]) n. (fr. [ surASTra ]) belonging to or coming from the country of Surāt VarBṛS. (1) m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera L. (2) pl. the inhabitants of Surāt AV. Pariś. VarBṛS. Rājat (3) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. a sort of fragrant earth found in Suśr. Suśr. L. (4) ([ am ]), n. a kind of amalgam of zinc or copper, bell-metal, brass L. (5) a kind of metre Col.

===> sautrāntika [ sautrAntika ]2[ sautrAntika ] m. a follower of the Sūtr^anta (q. v.) (1) pl. N. of one of the four great schools of Buddhism (said to admit the authority of the Buddhist Sūtras, but not of the Abhi-dharma) Sarvad. MWB. 157

===> sauvarcala [ sauvarcala ]1[ sauvarcala ] mfn. (fr. [ su-varcala ], or [ °lA ]) belonging to or coming from Su-varcala MW. (1) n. (or m.) sochal salt (prepared by boiling down soda with emblic myrobolan) Kauś. Suśr. &c. (2) natron. alkali L. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of Rudra's wife Hcat

===> sauvarṇa [ sauvarNa ]1[ sauvarNa ] mf ([ I ], or [ A ]) n. (fr. [ su-varNa ], of which it is also the Vṛddhi form in comp.) made or consisting of gold, golden ŚrS. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) weighing a Su-varṇa W. (2) containing the word [ suvarNa ] g. [ vimukt^adi ] (3) m. a Karsha of gold MBh. (4) a gold ear-ring L. (5) n. gold MBh.

===> sauvarṇika [ sauvarNika ]2[ sauvarNika ] mfn. weighing or worth a Su-varṇa (ifc. after a numeral = ` worth a partic. number of Su-varṇa ') Hcat (1) m. a worker in gold, goldsmith Campak (2) ([ A ]), f. a partic. venomous insect Suśr.

===> sauvastika [ sauvastika ]1[ sauvastika ] mfn. (fr. [ sv-asti ]) benedictive, salutatory W. (1) m. a family Brāhman or priest L. (2) n. = [ svasty-ayana ] L.

===> sauśīlya [ sauzIlya ]1[ sauzIlya ] n. (fr. [ su-zIla ]) excellence of disposition, good morals R. BhP.

===> sauṣirya [ sauSirya ]2[ sauSirya ] n. hollowness, porosity Vāgbh

===> sauṣṭhava [ sauSThava ]1[ sauSThava ] n. (fr. [ su-SThu ]) excellence, superior goodness or beauty, extreme skilfulness, cleverness MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a partic. position of the body (also in dancing (2) often with [ lAghava ]) ib. Saṃgīt (3) self-confidence L. (4) a partic. division of dramatic composition W. [ 1256,1 ]

===> savara [ savara ]1[ savara ] n. (cf. [ zabara ]) = [ ziva ], or [ salila ] L.

===> savicāra [ savicAra ]3[ sa-vicAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. that to which consideration is given Lalit.

===> savikalpa [ savikalpa ]3[ sa-vikalpa ] mfn. possessing variety or admitting of distinctions, differentiated Vedântas. (also [ °paka ] ib. &c.) (1) admitting of an alternative or option or doubt, optional, doubtful MW. (2) together with the intermediate Kalpas. BhP.

===> saviśeṣa [ savizeSa ]3[ sa-vizeSa ] mfn. possessing specific or characteristic qualities Sarvad (1) peculiar, singular, extraordinary Kum. Kathās (2) having discrimination, discriminating Hit. (3) ([ am ]), ind. with all particulars, in detail Mcar. Pañcat (4) particularly, especially, exceedingly ([ kAnta ] mfn. excessively beloved Ragh (5) [ -kautUhalam ] ind. in a particularly festive or solemn manner Mālav (6) [ -taram ] ind. more particularly, particularly) MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) n. the number indicating the proportion of the diagonal of a square to its side, Śulbas

===> savya [ savya ]1[ savy'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (accord. to Uṇ. iv, 109 fr. √ [ sU ] (1) perhaps for [ skavya ], cf. Gk., col. 3) left, [ 1191,2 ] left hand ([ am ], [ 'ena ], [ 'A ] [ e ], and ibc., ` on the left ') RV. &c. &c. (2) opposite to left, right, right hand ([ am ], [ ena ], and ibc., ` on the sight ') (3) south, southern ([ am ] &c., ` to the south '),Sūryas. VarBṛS. (4) reverse, contrary, backward L. (5) m. the left arm or hand RV. Br. KātyŚr. Yājñ. (6) the left foot, KatyŚr. Gobh (7) one of the ten ways in which an eclipse takes place VarBṛS. (8) a fire lighted at a person's death L. (9) N. of Viṣṇu L. (10) ([ s'avya ]) N. of a man befriended by the Aśvins RV. (11) of an Aṅgirasa and author of RV. i, 51-57 Anukr. (12) n. (scil. [ yajJ^opavIta ]) the sacred thread worn over the left shoulder (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to put the sacred thread over the left shoulder ') KātyŚr. Sch. [ accord. to some for [ skavya ], cf. Gk. ? [ 1191,3 ] ; Lat. [ scaevus ] (13) [ 1191,3 ] accord. to others for [ syavya ], cf. Slav. [ s8uj^i ] ]

===> savyâpasavya [ savyApasavya ]3[ savy^apasavya ] mfn. left and right, reverse and direct, wrong and right MW.

===> savyāpāra [ savyApAra ]3[ sa-vyApAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. having an employment, occupied, busily engaged Megh

===> sayana [ sayana ]2[ sayana ] n. binding Nir (1) in. N. of a son of Viśvāmitra MBh. (B. [ seyana ])

===> saśabda [ sazabda ]3[ sa-zabda ] mf ([ A ]) n. having sound or noise, full of cries, sounding Kāv. Kathās. Rājat (1) proclaimed MW. (2) ([ am ]), ind. with noise, noisily Gobh. MBh. &c.

===> saśalya [ sazalya ]3[ sa-zalya ] mf ([ A ]) n. pierced by an arrow or dart, stung, wounded (also fig. = ` pained, afflicted ') R. Kālid. Kathās (1) thorny, connected with pain or sorrow, troublesome, difficult HPariś (2) m. a bear L.

===> saśraddha [ sazraddha ]3[ sa-zraddha ] mf ([ A ]) n. trustful, frank, confident Kathās

===> saṃ [ saM ]1[ saM ] (in comp.) = 2. [ sam ], q. v.

===> saṃcara [ saMcara ]2[ saM-car'a ] mfn. going about, moving (See [ divA-s° ]) (1) going or belonging together, simultaneous VS. ĀpŚr. (2) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) passage, a way, road, path, place for walking (esp. the space assigned to each person who takes part in a rite) TS. ŚBr. ŚrS. Kālid. Kathās (3) a difficult passage, defile, bridge over a torrent &c. W. (4) (in Sāṃkhya) evolution, development, emanation Tattvas (5) the body L. (6) killing W. (7) [ -bhAgin ] mfn. obtaining a share with difficulty (?) Vas

===> saṃcaritra [ saMcaritra ]3[ saM-caritra ] n. coupling, procuring L.

===> saṃcaya [ saMcaya ]2[ saM-caya ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) collection, gathering, accumulation, heap, hoard, store, multitude, quantity (dat., ` in order to have more ') Nir. MBh. &c. (1) collecting the bones of a burnt body (in [ asthi-s° ]) RTL. 284 ; 300 (2) [ -vat ] mfn. possessed of wealth, rich, opulent MBh.

===> saṃcayana [ saMcayana ]3[ saM-cayana ] n. the act of piling or heaping together, heaping up, gathering, collecting (esp. the ashes or bones of a body lately burnt, See [ asthi-s° ]) GṛŚrS. Mn. &c.

===> saṃchanna [ saMchanna ]2[ saM-channa ] mfn. entirely covered or enveloped or clothed MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) concealed, hidden, obscure, unknown MBh.

===> saṃchinna [ saMchinna ]2[ saM-chinna ] mfn. cut to pieces, cut off &c. MBh.

===> saṃcintya [ saMcintya ]2[ saM-cintya ]1 ind. intentionally Divyâv

===> [ saMcintya ]2[ saM-cintya ]2 mfn. to be thought over or considered Yājñ. MBh. (1) to be regarded as ([ vat ] ifc.) R. (cf. [ duH-saMc° ])

===> saṃcita [ saMcita ]2[ s'aM-cita ] mfn. piled together, heaped up, gathered, collected, accumulated ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) dense, thick (as a wood) R. (2) fitted or provided with, full of (comp.) MBh. (3) impeded, obstructed VarBṛS. (4) frequently practised or exhibited MBh. (5) [ -karman ] n. the rites to be performed after arranging the sacrificial fire ŚrS.

===> saṃcodaka [ saMcodaka ]2[ saM-codaka ] m. ` impeller ', N. of a Devaputra Lalit.

===> saṃcodana [ saMcodana ]3[ saM-codana ] m. (or [ A ] f.) urging, exciting, inflaming, arousing MBh. Jātakam (1) ([ A ]), f. a stimulant MBh.

===> saṃcodita [ saMcodita ]3[ saM-codita ] mfn. (fr. id.) impelled, ordered, commanded BhP.

===> saṃcāra [ saMcAra ]2[ saM-cAra ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) walking about, wandering, roaming, driving or riding, any motion MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) transit, passage ib. (2) the passage or entrance of the sun into a new sign MW. (3) passing over, transition, transference to (comp.) Yājñ. (4) transmission (of disease), contagion W. (5) course, path, way (also fig. = ` mode, manner ') MBh. Hariv. (6) track (of wild animals) Śak. Sch. (7) course of life, career Sāh (8) a partic. class of spies L. (9) difficult progress, difficulty, distress W. (10) leading, guiding ib. (11) inciting, impelling ib. (12) a gem supposed to be in the head of a serpent ib. (13) = [ huM-kAra ] ChUp. (14) [ w. r. for [ saM-cara ], [ saM-sAra ], and [ sac-cAra ] ] (15) [ -jIvin ] m. (prob.) a tramp, vagabond L. (16) [ -patha ] m. a walk, walking-place Hariv. (17) (in dram.) a female attendant on a king (= [ yavanI ]) Bhar. (18) [ -pUta ] mfn. purified by the course or passage (of anything) MW. (19) [ -vyAdhi ] m. a partic. (prob. infectious) disease L.

===> saṃcāraka [ saMcAraka ]3[ saM-cAraka ] m. a leader, guide Hit. (1) N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a procuress, go-between L. (3) a female servant to whom is entrusted the principal care (of money matters &c.) L. (4) the nose L.

===> saṃdarśa [ saMdarza ]1[ saM-darza ] [ °zana ] &c. See [ saMroot dRz ], p. 1144, col. 1

===> [ saMdarza ]2[ saM-darza ] m. sight, appearance MBh. BhP.

===> saṃdarśana [ saMdarzana ]2[ saM-darzana ] n. the act of looking steadfastly gazing, viewing, beholding, seeing, sight, vision ([ svapne ŚnaM-√ gam ], ` to be seen by or appear to [ gen. ] in a dream ' (1) [ °nampra-√ yam ], ` to show one's self to [ gen. ] ' (2) [ °ne ] ', in view or in the presence of [ gen. or comp. ] ') Nir. KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (3) a gaze, look R. Sāh (4) surveying, inspection, consideration MBh. Vikr. Hit. (5) appearance, manifestation Kāv. Sāh (6) the rising of a with the sun VarBṛS. (7) meeting or falling in with (instr. with or without [ saha ]) Kathās. Pañcat. (fr. Caus.) the act of causing to see, showing, displaying, exhibition of or to (comp.) MBh. R. Pur. (8) ([ I ]), f. (scil. [ vRtti ]) a partic. manner of subsistence Baudh.

===> saṃdarśayitṛ [ saMdarzayitR ]2[ saM-darzayitR ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to see, showing, pointing out Nir

===> saṃdarśita [ saMdarzita ]3[ saM-darzita ] mfn. shown, displayed, manifested Mālav (1) represented Gīt.

===> saṃdeha [ saMdeha ]1[ saM-deha ] See [ saM-√ dih ]

===> saṃdeśa [ saMdeza ]2[ saM-deza ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) communication of intelligence, message, information, errand, direction, command, order to (gen. or loc. (1) [ -tas ] with gen., ` by order of ') Kauś. MBh. &c. (2) a present, gift L. (3) a partic. kind of sweetmeat L. (4) [ -gir ] f. news, tidings L.

---> [ -pada ] n. pl. the words of a message Ragh (5) [ -vAc ] f. (= [ -gir ]) L. (6) [ -hara ] m. a newsbringer, messenger, envoy, ambassador Kāv (7) ([ A ]), f. a female messenger Gal. (8) [ -hAra ] mfn. bringing news or tidings Sāh (9) [ -hAraka ] (Sāh.), [ -hArin ] (Śak.), m. (= [ -hara ]) (10) [ °z^artha ] m. the contents of a message Megh (11) [ °z^okti ] f. (= [ -gir ]) L.

===> [ saMdeza ]1[ saM-deza ] See [ saM-√ dis ]

===> saṃdhi [ saMdhi ]2[ saM-dh'i ] mfn. containing a conjunction or transition from one to the other &c. TBr. (1) m. (exceptionally f. ; once in MBh. loc. pl. [ saMdhISu ]) junction, connection, combination, union with (instr.) KaṭhUp. Subh (2) association, intercourse with (instr.) MBh. (3) comprehension, totality, the whole essence or scope of (comp.) Pañcat (4) agreement, compact TBr. (5) alliance, league, reconciliation, peace between (gen.) or with (instr. with or without [ saha ]), making a treaty of peace, negotiating alliances (one of a king's six courses of action, [ guNa ] (6) many kinds are specified, e. g. [ adRSTa-puruSa ], [ ucchinna ], [ kAJcana ], [ kapAla ], [ saMtAna ], qq. vv.) Mn. Yājñ. Hit. &c. (7) euphonic junction of final and initial letters in grammar (every sentence in Sanskṛt being regarded as a euphonic chain, a break in which occurs at the end of a sentence and is denoted by a Virāma or Avasāna, ` stop ' (8) this euphonic coalition causing modifications of the final and initial letters of the separate words of a sentence and in the final letters of roots and stems when combined with terminations to form such words) Prāt. Kathās. Sāh (9) contrivance, management Ragh. Daś (10) place or point of connection or contact, juncture, hinge, boundary, boundary line TS. Āpast. MBh. &c. (11) critical juncture, crisis, opportune moment MW. (12) a joint, articulation (of the body (13) esp. applied to the five junctures of the parts of the eye) RV. &c. &c. (14) interstice, crevice, interval MBh. (15) the space between heaven and earth, horizon ŚBr. GṛŚrS. (16) the interval between day and night, twilight (= [ saM-dhyA ]) VS. &c. &c. (17) a seam Amar. (18) a fold Pañcat (19) a wall or the hole or cavity or breach in a wall made by a housebreaker (acc. with √ [ chid ] or [ bhid ] or Caus. of [ ut-√ pad ], ` to make a breach in a wall ') Mn. Mṛcch. Daś (20) the vagina or vulva L. (21) a juncture or division of a drama (reckoned to be five, viz. [ mukha ], [ pratinukha ], [ garbha ], [ vimarza ], and [ nirvahaNa ], qq. vv (22) or one of the 14 kinds of [ nirvahaNa ] or catastrophe) Bhar. Daśar. &c. (23) a period at the expiration of each Yuga or age (equivalent to one sixth of its duration and intervening before the commencement of the next (24) occurring also at the end of each Manv-antara and Kalpa) W. (25) a pause or rest ib. (26) a part, portion, piece of anything AitBr. Hariv. Naish. Sch. (27) a partic. Stotra Br. (28) (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular ib. (29) the common side of a double triangle, Śulbas (30) = [ s^avakAza ] L. (31) N. of a son of Prasuśruta BhP. (32) f. N. of a goddess presiding over junction or union VS.

===> saṃdhi-cchedaka [ saMdhicchedaka ]3[ saM-dh'i-cchedaka ] m. = [ -caura ] L.

===> saṃdhi-nirmocana [ saMdhinirmocana ]3[ saM-dh'i-nirmocana ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> saṃdhita [ saMdhita ]2[ saMdhita ] mfn. joined or fastened together MBh. Hariv. Rājat. &c. (1) put to or on, fixed (as an arrow) MBh. BhP. (2) joined or united with ([ mRtyu-s° ] ', united with or destined to death ') ib. (3) allied, one who has concluded an alliance MBh. Pañcat. &c. (4) concluded (as an alliance), See [ samasaMdh° ] (5) prepared, mixed together Bhpr. (6) pickled W. (7) w. r. for [ saMdita ] Mn. viii, 342 (8) m. binding the parted hair L. (9) n. pickles W. (10) spirituous liquor L.

===> saṃdhukṣaṇa [ saMdhukSaNa ]2[ saM-dhukSaNa ] mfn. inflaming, exciting (comp.) Uttarar (1) n. the act, of kindling, inflammation MBh. Suśr. Daś

===> saṃdhukṣita [ saMdhukSita ]3[ saM-dhukSita ] mfn. kindled, inflamed Kāv. Śuśr.

===> saṃdhya [ saMdhya ]2[ saM-dhya ]2 mfn. (for 1. See col. 2) thinking about, reflecting Vās. Sch.

===> saṃdhyâbhra [ saMdhyAbhra ]3[ saM-dhy'A-bhra ] ([ °dhy^abh° ]), n. = [ -payoda ] Kāv. BhP. Pañcat (1) a sort of red chalk L.

===> saṃdhyā [ saMdhyA ]2[ saMdhyA ]2 f. thinking about, reflection, meditation L.

===> saṃdhyā-bhāṣya [ saMdhyAbhASya ]3[ saM-dhy'A-bhASya ] n. N. of various wks.

===> saṃdhyā-kāla [ saMdhyAkAla ]3[ saM-dhy'A-kAla ] m. twilight-time, evening-time R. VarBṛS. Hit. Cāṇ (1) the interval of a Yuga W.

===> saṃdhāna [ saMdhAna ]2[ saM-dh'Ana ] mfn. joining, uniting, healing Suśr. (1) m. a partic. spell recited over weapons R. (2) N. of a minister Kathās (3) ([ I ]), f. mixing, distilling, the manufacture of fermented or spirituous liquors L. (4) a foundery or place where metals are wrought or stored L. (5) the small egg-plant L. (6) ([ am ]), n. the act of placing or joining together or uniting, junction, union Vait. MBh. &c. (7) assembling or meeting of men ([ °nam A-√ yA ], ` to receive admission ') Hariv. Kām. &c. [ 1144,3 ] (8) a joint, point of contact, boundary TS. Lāṭy. Suśr. (9) a means of union TUp. (10) growing together, re-uniting, healing (as a wound) Suśr. (11) fixing on (as an arrow on a bow-string), aiming at MBh. R. BhP. (12) perceiving, perception Nalac (13) combination of words (also, ` euphonic combination ' = [ saM-dhi ], q. v.) Prāt. ŚāṅkhŚr. (14) bringing together, alliance, league, association, friendship, making peace with (instr. with or without [ saha ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (15) compounding, mixing, preparation (of a beverage &c. (16) cf. [ nIla-saMdhAna-bhANDa ]) ŚārṅgS. Bhpr. (17) sour rice-gruel L. (18) a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst L. (19) spirituous liquor L. (20) mixed or bell-metal (= [ saurASTra ]) MW. (21) [ -karaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing union or combination, who or what re-unites or heals or reconciles W. (22) n. the act of uniting or healing ib. (23) allying, making peace ib. (24) [ -kartR ] mfn. uniting, connecting, healing ib. (25) [ -kalpa-vallI ] f. N. of wk. (26) [ -kArin ] (MBh. Vāgbh.), [ -kRt ] (Suśr.), mfn. (= [ -kartR ]) (27) [ -tAla ] or [ -bhAva ] m. a kind of measure Pañcar. (28) [ °n^asana ] n. = [ saM-dhAy^asana ] MBh.

===> saṃdhāraṇa [ saMdhAraNa ]1[ saM-dhAraNa ] &c. See [ saM-√ dhR ]

===> [ saMdhAraNa ]2[ saM-dhAraNa ] mfn. holding together, supporting (life) MBh. (1) ([ A ]), f. attitude, posture, position (e. g. [ mukha-s° ] ', position of the mouth ') VPrāt. Sch. (2) direction (of thoughts) BhP. (3) ([ am ]), n. the act of holding together, supporting, maintaining MBh. Kād (4) bearing ([ kukSi-s° ], ` bearing in. the womb ') MBh. (5) holding in or back, checking, restraining RPrāt. Suśr. Car. Hcat (6) refusal (of a request) Car.

===> saṃdhāya [ saMdhAya ]2[ saM-dhAya ] ind. having placed together &c. (1) having formed an alliance or settled terms of peace with reference to Buddh. (2) [ -gamana ] n. a march after peace has been made Kām (3) [ -sambhASA ] f. a learned conversation among friends Car. (4) [ °y^asana ] n. a halt after terms of peace have been agreed upon (cf. [ saM-dhAn^asana ]) ib.

===> saṃdigdha [ saMdigdha ]2[ saM-digdha ] mfn. smeared over, besmeared or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) confused, confounded with, mistaken for (instr. or comp.) Nir. Kum (2) questioned, questionable MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) precarious, doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsettled, doubtful about, despairing of (comp.) ib. (4) riskful, dangerous, unsafe (as a ship) Gaut (5) ([ am ]) n. an ambiguous suggestion or expression Kpr. Pratāp (6) [ -tA ] f. (MW.), [ -tva ] n. (Sāh.) uncertainty, hesitation, indistinctness (7) [ -nizcaya ] mfn. one who hesitates to hold a firm opinion R. (8) [ -punarukta-tva ] n. uncertainty and tautology Sāh (9) [ -phala ] mfn. having arrows with poisoned tips (accord. to others ' of uncertain result or efficacy '), Daś (10) [ -buddhi ] (Śak.), [ -mati ] (Yājñ.), mfn. having a doubtful mind, sceptical (11) [ -lekhya ] n. a writing or document of doubtful meaning or authority W. (12) [ °dh^akSara ] mfn. having indistinct utterance MW. (13) [ °dh^artha ] mfn. having doubtful meaning, dubious in sense ib. (14) m. a doubtful or disputed matter Yājñ. ii, 12 (15) [ °dhI-kRta ] mfn. made to present a doubtful resemblance Bālar. vi, 31

===> saṃdita [ saMdita ]2[ saM-dita ]1 mfn. cut off, cut MW.

===> [ saMdita ]2[ saM-dita ]2 mfn. bound or fastened together, detained, caught R. Hariv.

===> saṃduṣṭa [ saMduSTa ]2[ saM-duSTa ] mfn. corrupted, defiled &c. (1) depraved, wicked, bad R. (2) ill-disposed, ill-affected towards (gen.) ib.

===> saṃdīpta [ saMdIpta ]3[ saM-dIpta ] mfn. inflamed, flaming, burning, being on fire ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) [ -locana ] mfn. one who has inflamed or flashing eyes Hariv.

===> saṃdṛṣṭa [ saMdRSTa ]2[ saM-dRSTa ] mfn. completely seen or beheld ([ pApa-s° ], ` having an evil aspect ') VarBṛS. (1) foreseen, ordained, prescribed (in sacred books) R.

===> saṃdṛṣṭika [ saMdRSTika ]3[ saM-dRSTika ] w. r. for [ sAMd° ] Divyâv

===> saṃgama [ saMgama ]2[ saM-gam'a ] m. (or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) coming together, meeting (in a friendly or hostile manner), union, intercourse or association with (instr. with and without [ saha ] gen., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (2) connection or contact with (instr. or comp. (3) with [ anarthena ], ` coming to harm ', ` injury ') R. Kām (4) sexual union L. (5) confluence (of two rivers as of the Ganges and the Jumnā, or of a river, at its mouth, with the ocean (6) such confluences are always held sacred RTL. 347) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (7) conjunction (of planets) VarBṛS. (8) harmony, adaptation W. (9) point of intersection Gol. (10) an uninterrupted series of (comp.) RPrāt. (11) acquirement of (gen.) Pañcat (12) [ -jJAna ] m. N. of a scholar (cf. [ -zrI-jJ° ]) Buddh. (13) [ -tantra-rAja ], N. of wk. (14) [ -datta ] m. N. of a man Kathās (15) [ -maNi ] m. a jewel effecting union (of lovers) Vikr (16) [ -zrI-jJAna ] m. N. of a scholar (cf. [ saMgama-jJ° ]) Buddh. (17) [ -sAdhvasa ] n. perturbation in regard to sexual union Mālav (18) [ -svAmin ] m. N. of a man Kathās (19) [ °m^aditya ] m. N. of a man Cat. (20) [ °m^eza ] n. N. of a Liṅga KāśīKh. (21) [ °m^ezvara ] m. a surname of Viśva-nātha (the author of the Vrata-rāja) Cat. (22) N. of a Liṅga KāśīKh. (23) ([ °ra-mAhAtmya ] n. [ -stotra ] n. N. of wks. (24) [ -svAmin ] m. N. of a man ib.)

===> saṃgamana [ saMgamana ]3[ saM-g'amana ] mf ([ I ]) n. gathering together, a gatherer RV. AV. (1) m. N. of Yama (q. v.) MW. (2) n. coming together, coming into contact with, meeting with (comp.) AV. TBr. (3) partaking of (instr.) MBh.

===> saṃgati [ saMgati ]2[ s'aM-gati ] f. coming together, meeting with (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (1) going or resorting to (loc.) Cāṇ. Hit. (2) association, intercourse, society, company (with instr. with and without [ saha ] or [ samam ] (3) loc., gen., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) a league, alliance Cāṇ (5) sexual union L. (6) meeting or coming to pass accidentally, chance, accident ([ °tyA ], ind. ` by chance, haply ') MBh. R. &c. (7) adaptation, fitness, appropriateness, applicability Kathās. Sarvad (8) connection with, relation to (instr. or comp.) Kāvyâd (9) becoming acquainted, knowledge L. (10) questioning for further information W. (11) (in the Pūrva-mīmāṃsā) one of the 5 members (Avayavas) of an Adhikaraṇa Sarvad (12) [ -prakAza ] m. [ -mAlA ] f. [ -lakSaNa ] n. [ -vAda ] m. [ -vicAra ], m. (13) ([ °ty ]) [ -anumiti ] f. [ -anumiti-vAda ] m. N. of wks. [ 1128,3 ]

===> saṃgaṇikā [ saMgaNikA ]2[ saM-gaNikA ] f. society, the world Divyâv

===> saṃgha [ saMgha ]1[ saM-gha ] m. (fr. [ sam ] + √ [ han ]) ` close contact or combination ', any collection or assemblage, heap, multitude, quantity, crowd, host, number (generally with gen. pl. or ifc., e. g. [ muni-s° ], ` a multitude of sages ' BhP. (1) [ zatru-s° ], a host of enemies Rājat.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) any number of people living together for a certain purpose, a society, association, company, community (3) a clerical community, congregation, church Mn. Sāh. &c. (4) (esp.) the whole community or collective body or brotherhood of monks (with Buddhists (5) also applied to a monkish fraternity or sect among Jainas) Buddh. Sarvad. MWB. 176

===> saṃgha-bhadra [ saMghabhadra ]3[ saM-gha-bhadra ] m. N. of a man Buddh.

===> saṃgha-bheda [ saMghabheda ]3[ saM-gha-bheda ] mfn. causing division among the brotherhood (one of the 5 unpardonable sins) Dharmas. 60

===> saṃgha-rakṣita [ saMgharakSita ]3[ saM-gha-rakSita ] and m. N. of men Buddh.

===> saṃghaṭita [ saMghaTita ]2[ saM-ghaTita ] mfn. assembled together, met &c. (1) struck (as a musical instrument) R.

===> saṃghaṭṭa [ saMghaTTa ]2[ saM-ghaTTa ] m. rubbing or clashing together, friction, collision, conflict, rivalry MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a stroke (in [ hRdaya-s° ], q. v.) (2) junction or union with (instr.) Naish (3) embracing W. (4) ([ A ]), f. a large creeper (= [ latA ]) L. (5) [ -cakra ] n. a partic. astrological diagram (for determining the proper season for war) Cat. (6) [ -paNita ] n. a wager Hcar.

===> saṃghaṭṭita [ saMghaTTita ]2[ saM-ghaTTita ] mfn. rubbed or struck together or against &c. (1) kneaded Pañcat. iii, 236 (v. l.) (2) collected, assembled MBh. (3) m. du. (with [ pANI ]) the joined hands of bride and husband Prasannar. (perhaps w. r. for [ sam-ghaTita ])

===> saṃghârāma [ saMghArAma ]3[ saMgh^arAma ] m. ` resting-place for a company (of monks) ', a Buddhist convent or monastery (= [ vihAra ]) MWB. 428

===> saṃghâvaśeṣa [ saMghAvazeSa ]3[ saMgh^avazeSa ] m. N. of those sins which are punished with temporary excommunication Buddh.

===> saṃghāta [ saMghAta ]2[ saM-ghAt'a ] m. (rarely n. (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) striking or dashing together, killing, crushing MBh. Suśr. (2) closing (of a door &c.) VS. TBr. (3) combat, war, bittle VS. Kāṭh. MBh. (4) compressing, condensation, compactness, hardening Yājñ. Hariv. Suśr. VarBṛS. (5) close union or combination, collection, cluster, heap, mass, multitude TS. MBh. &c. (6) a company of fellow-travellers, caravan VP. (7) a collection of mucus, phlegm (cf. [ saMghANaka ]) L. (8) a bone L. (9) any aggregate of matter, body Bhag. Pur. (10) intensity R. Suśr. (11) a poem composed in one and the same metre Kāvyâd (12) (in gram.) a compound as a compact whole (opp. to its single parts) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 56 (13) a vowel with its consonant (opp. to [ varNa ], ` a letter '), Kāṭy (14) (in dram.) a partic. gait or mode of walking W. (15) N. of a division of the infernal regions (cf. [ saMhAta ]) Yājñ. Buddh. (16) [ -kaThina ] mfn. hard or firm or solid from compactness Kum (17) [ -cArin ] mfn. living in herds, gregarious Suśr. (18) [ -ja ] mfn. produced by a complicated derangement of the three humours (= [ saMnipAtika ]) Bhpr. (19) [ -pattrikA ] f. Anethum Sowa L. (20) [ -parvata ] m. N. of two mountains in hell (which open and then close) Jātakam (21) [ -vat ] mfn. having close union, closely compacted, dense Kām (22) [ -vihArin ] (?), m. N. of Buddha Divyâv (23) [ -zUla-vat ] mfn. suffering pain from bodily oppression Suśr.

===> [ saMghAta ]1[ saM-ghAta ] &c. See col. 1

===> saṃghāṭi [ saMghATi ]3[ saM-ghATi ] or f. a kind of garment, a monk's robe (cf. [ bhikSu-s° ]) Suśr. Divyâv.,

===> saṃghāṭī [ saMghATI ]3[ saM-ghATI ] f. a kind of garment, a monk's robe (cf. [ bhikSu-s° ]) Suśr. Divyâv.,

===> saṃgraha [ saMgraha ]2[ saM-graha ] m. holding together, seizing, grasping, taking, reception, obtainment MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) taking (in the sense of eating or drinking food, medicine &c.) Ragh. Bhartṛ (2) the fetching back of discharged weapons by magical means MBh. Hariv. (3) bringing together, assembling (of men) R. Ragh. Siṉhâs (4) collecting, gathering, conglomeration, accumulation (as of stores) Mn. MBh. &c. (5) (in phil.) agglomeration (= [ saMyoga ], q. v.) MW. (6) a place where anything is kept, a store-room, receptacle BhP. (7) complete enumeration or collection, sum, amount, totality ([ eNa ], ` completely ', ` entirely ') Yājñ. MBh. &c. (8) drawing together, making narrower, narrowing, tightening, making thin or slender, the thin part of anything Car. Vāgbh. KātyŚr. Sch. (9) a compendium, summary, catalogue, list, epitome, abridgment, short statement ([ eNa ] or [ At ], ` shortly ', ` summarily ', ` in few words ') KaṭhUp. MBh. &c. (10) inclusion, comprehension, Kusum. Kull (11) check, restraint, control ib. Vet (12) keeping, guarding, protection Mn. MBh. &c. (13) a guardian, ruler, manager, arranger R. BhP. (14) obstruction, constipation (See [ -grahanI ]) (15) attracting, winning, favouring, kind treatment, propitiation, entertaining, entertainment Mn. MBh. &c. (16) taking to wife, marriage (See [ dAra-s° ]) (17) perception, notion Kap. BhP. (18) mention, mentioning L. (19) elevation, loftiness L. (20) velocity L. (21) N. of Śiva MBh. (22) of various wks. (esp. of a gram. wk. in 100,000 Ślokas by Vyāḍi (23) also often in comp.) (24) [ -kAra ] m. the composer or author of the Saṃgraha (25) [ -grantha ] m. N. of wk. (26) [ -grahaNI ] f. a partic. form of diarrhoea (alternating with constipation) Bhpr. (27) [ -cUDAmaNi ] m. [ -parvan ] n. (IW. 370, n. 1), [ -prakAzikA ], f. [ -ratnamAlA ] f. [ -rAm^ayaNa ] n. N. of wks. (28) [ -vat ] mfn. provided with a short summary of a subject Cat. (29) [ -vastu ] n. an element of popularity Divyâv (30) [ -vivaraNa ] n. [ -vaidyanAthIya ] n. N. of wks. (31) [ -zloka ] m. a verse recapitulating what has been explained before (in prose intermixed with Sūtras)

===> saṃgrahaṇa [ saMgrahaNa ]2[ saM-gr'ahaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. grasping, seizing, taking AV. Gobh (1) ([ I ]), f. = [ saMgraha-grahaNI ] Bhpr. (2) n. the act of grasping or taking (See [ pANi-s° ]) (3) receiving, obtaining, acquisition R. (4) gathering, compiling, accumulating Kāv. Kathās (5) encasing, inlaying (of a jewel) Pañcat (6) complete enumeration L. (7) stopping, restraining, suppressing Suśr. Vāgbh (8) attraction, winning over, propitiation TS. MBh. (9) sexual intercourse with (comp.), adultery Mn. Yājñ. VarBṛS. (10) ([ °NI ]) [ -ratna ] n. N. of wk.

===> saṃgrahītavya [ saMgrahItavya ]3[ saM-grahItavya ] mfn. to be retained Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 94 Vārtt. 6

===> saṃgrasana [ saMgrasana ]2[ saM-grasana ] n. eating up, devouring BhP.

===> saṃgrāha [ saMgrAha ]2[ saM-grAha ] m. grasping, laying hold of. forcible seizure W. (1) the fist or clenching the fist L. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 36 Sch.) (2) the handle of a shield L.

===> saṃgrāhaka [ saMgrAhaka ]3[ saM-grAhaka ] mf ([ I ]) n. putting together, summing up Sarvad (1) astringent, obstructing, constipating Suśr. (2) drawing or attracting to one's self, Mahāvy (3) m. a charioteer Jātakam (4) a gatherer, collector, compiler MW.

===> saṃgrāma [ saMgrAma ]2[ saM-grAm'a ] m. (and n. Siddh (1) cf., [ grAma ]) an assembly of people, host, troop, army AV. (2) battle, war, fight, combat, conflict, hostile encounter with (instr. with and without [ samam ], [ saka ], [ s^ardham ], or comp.) ib. &c. &c. (3) N. of various men Rājat. Cat.

===> saṃgīti [ saMgIti ]2[ saM-gIti ] f. singing together, concert, symphony, the art of singing combined with music and dancing W. (1) conversation L. (2) a species of the Āryā metre Col. (3) [ -paryAya ] m. N. of a Buddhist wk. (4) [ -prAsAda ] m. a concert-hall and a council-hall Buddh.

===> saṃgṛhīta [ saMgRhIta ]2[ saM-gRhIta ] mfn. grasped, seized, caught, taken, received, collected, gathered MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) made narrower, contracted, abridged ŚBr. (2) held in, restrained, ruled, governed MBh. (3) received kindly, welcomed BhP. (4) [ -rASTra ] mfn. (a king) who has a well-governed kingdom Mn. vii, 113

===> saṃhanana [ saMhanana ]2[ saM-hanana ] mfn. compact, solid, firm MBh. BhP. (1) making compact or solid Suśr. (2) striking together MW. (3) killing, destroying, a destroyer ib. (4) m. N. of a son of Manasyu MBh. (5) n. the act of striking together Suśr. (6) hardening ib. (7) solidity, compactness, robustness, strength, muscularity MBh. R. &c. (8) firmness, steadfastness, Śīl (9) junction, connection (in [ a-s° ]) Nīlak

---> agreement, harmony MBh. (10) the body (as having the limbs well compacted) L. (11) a mail-coat (?) L. (12) rubbing the limbs W. (13) [ -bal^op^eta ] mfn. endowed with firmness and strength BhP. (14) [ -vat ] mfn. strongly built, muscular, robust Jātakam (15) [ °n^op^eta ] mfn. endowed with strength or muscularity MBh.

===> saṃhara [ saMhara ]1[ saM-hara ] [ °raNa ], See [ saM-√ hR ]

===> [ saMhara ]2[ saM-hara ] m. drawing together, contracting MW. (1) destroying ib. (2) N. of an Asura Hariv. (3) [ °r^akhya ] m. N. of Agni Pavamāna MatsyaP.

===> saṃharaṇa [ saMharaNa ]2[ saM-haraNa ] n. drawing or bringing together, collecting, gathering MBh. (1) binding together, arranging (accord. to others ` cutting ', of hair) Āpast (2) taking hold of, seizure MBh. (3) fetching back (arrows &c. discharged by magical arts) Uttarar (4) destroying, destruction (opp. to ` creation ') MBh. Hariv. Kathās

===> saṃhartavya [ saMhartavya ]2[ saM-hartavya ] mfn. to be drawn together or collected Hariv. (1) to be re-arranged or restored Sāh (2) to be destroyed Nīlak

===> saṃharṣaṇa [ saMharSaNa ]3[ saM-harSaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing (the hair of the body) to stand erect (See [ loma-h° ]) (1) gladdening, delighting (with gen.) MBh. (2) n. emulation, rivalry Kām

===> saṃharṣita [ saMharSita ]3[ saM-harSita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) bristling, standing erect (as the hair of the body) SaddhP.

===> saṃhata [ saMhata ]2[ saM-hata ] mfn. struck together, closely joined or united with (instr.), keeping together, contiguous, coherent, combined, compacted, forming one mass or body ĀśvŚr. Mn. MBh. &c. [ 1122,3 ] (1) accompanied or attended by (instr.) Mn. vii, 165 (2) become solid, compact, firm, hard MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) strong-limbed, athletic MBh. (4) strong, intensive VarBṛS. (5) (prob.) complex, composite, compound (said of a partic. tone and odour) MBh. (6) struck, hurt, wounded, killed W. (7) n. a partic. position in dancing, Saṃigīt (8) [ -kulIna ] mfn. belonging to a family closely allied or related ĀpŚr. Sch. (9) [ -jAnu ] or [ -jAnuka ] mfn. knock-kneed L. (10) [ -tala ] m. the two hands joined with the open palms brought together W. (11) [ -tA ] f. close contact or union Śiś. (12) [ -tva ] n. id. Pañcat. (v. l.) (13) complexity. compactness, close combination W. (14) [ -pucchi ] ind. with contracted tail, g. [ dvidaNDy-Adi ] (15) [ -bhrU ] mfn. knitting the brows MBh. (16) [ -bhrUkuTi-mukha ] mfn. one on whose face the brows are contracted ib. (17) [ -mUrti ] mfn. of compact form or shape, strong, intensive VarBṛS. (18) [ vAk-kala ] mfn. (du.) ` joining the tones of the voice ', singing a duet MārkP. (19) [ -vRtt^oru ] mfn. one who has round and firm thighs R. (20) [ -starnI ] f. a woman whose breasts are very close to each other MW. (21) [ -hasta ] mfn. seizing or holding each other by the hand ([ -tva ], n.) Gobh. Sch. (22) [ °t^aGga ] mfn. strong-limbed, well-knit Suśr. (23) in close contiguity (as hills) MBh. (24) [ °t^aJjoli ] mfn. (25) joining the hollowed han ds (as a mark of supplication) Hariv. (26) [ °t^azva ] m. N. of a king (son of Nikumbha) Hariv. (27) [ °t^oru ] mfn. firm-thighed MBh.

===> saṃhita [ saMhita ]1[ s'aM-hita ] mfn. (√ 1. [ dhA ]) put together, joined, attached RV. &c. &c. (1) fixed, settled AitBr. (2) composed of (comp.) ib. (3) placed together ([ pArzva-s° ], ` placed side by side ') Lāṭy (4) uninterrupted (as a series of words) RPrāt. (5) joined or connected or endowed or furnished with, abounding in, possessed of, accompanied by (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (6) agreeing with, conformable to ([ dharma-s° ], ` in accordance with justice ') R. (7) relating to, concerning (comp.) ib. (8) connected with, proceeding from (comp.) MBh. (9) being on friendly terms with (instr.) ib. (10) ([ °t'a ]), mfn. mixed in colour, variegated VS. TS. (11) ([ A ]), f. See next (12) n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr.

===> [ saMhita ]2[ saM-hita ] See p. 1123, col. 1

===> saṃhāra [ saMhAra ]1[ saM-hAra ] [ -raka ] &c. See [ saM-√ hR ]

===> [ saMhAra ]2[ saM-hAra ] m. bringing together, collection, accumulation MBh. (1) contraction (of the organs of speech, opp. to [ vi-hAra ], q. v.) RPrāt. (2) drawing in (of an elephant's trunk) Ragh (3) binding together (of hair (4) cf. [ veNI-s° ]) MBh. (5) fetching back (an arrow after its discharge by magical means) MBh. R. Pur. (cf. IW. 402, n. 1) (6) abridgment, comprehensive description, a compendium, manual Lāṭy (7) destruction (esp. the periodical destruction of the universe at end of a Kalpa) Mn. MBh. &c. (8) a destroyer (= [ saMhartR ]) MBh. xiv, 1577 (9) end, conclusion (of a drama or of an act of a drama) Bhar. Sāh. &c. (10) a division of the infernal regions L. (11) N. of an Asura (v. l. [ saM-hrAda ]) Hariv. (12) practice, skill W. (13) [ -kArin ] mfn. causing universal destruction Pañcat (14) [ -kAla ] m. the time of the destruction of the world MBh. (15) [ -kAlAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to appear like the time of the destruction of the world Śukas

---> [ -buddhi-mat ] mfn. intending to destroy the world Hariv. (16) [ -bhairava ] m. Bhairava as world-destroyer (one of the 8 forms of Bhairava, q. v.) Cat. (17) [ -mudrA ] f. N. of a partic. posture in the Tantra worship (= [ visarjana-mudrA ]) MW. (18) [ -varman ] m. N. of a man Daś (19) [ -vega-vat ] mfn. ardently wishing to destroy the world MBh.

===> saṃhārya [ saMhArya ]2[ saM-hArya ] mfn. to be brought or drawn together or collected (from various places) ŚāṅkhBr. ŚrS. (1) to be transported, transportable PañcavBr. ŚrS. (2) to be avoided TĀr. (3) to be removed or checked or restrained (in [ a-s° ]) MBh. R. (4) to be led astray or corrupted (in [ a-s° ]) ib. (5) to be made to partake of, one who has a claim on (abl.) MBh.

===> saṃhāta [ saMhAta ]2[ saM-hAta ] m. (for [ saM-ghAta ], which is often v. l.) conciseness (in, [ akSara-s° ]) Sāh (1) N. of a partic. hell Mn. iv, 89 (2) of one of Śiva's attendants L.

===> saṃhṛṣṭa [ saMhRSTa ]2[ saM-hRSTa ] mfn. bristling, shuddering MBh. (1) one whose hair stands erect (with joy) R. (2) thrilled, delighted, glad MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) flaming briskly (as fire) R. (4) [ -manas ] mfn. delighted in mind Pañcat (5) [ -roman ] or [ -rom^aGga ] mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling (with joy), thrilled, delighted MBh. (6) [ -vat ] mfn. joyfully, gladly R. (7) [ -vadana ] mfn. one whose face is beaming with joy ib.

===> saṃjalpa [ saMjalpa ]2[ saM-jalpa ] m. talking together, conversation, chattering, uproar, confusion MBh. Hariv.

===> saṃjanana [ saMjanana ]3[ saM-janana ] mf ([ I ]) n. producing, causing, effecting (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) n. production, creation, growth, development ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c.

===> saṃjaya [ saMjaya ]1[ saM-jaya ] &c. See [ saM-√ ji ]

===> [ saMjaya ]2[ saM-jay'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. completely victorious, triumphant RV. AV. AitBr. (1) m. conquest, victory (with [ vizvAmitrasya ], N. of a Catur-aha) PañcavBr. (2) a kind of military array Kām (3) N. of a chief of the Yakshas Buddh. (4) of a Sūta (the son of Gavalgaṇa and follower of Dhṛta-rāshṭra) MBh. (5) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra ib. (6) of a son of Su-pārśva VP. (7) of a son of Prati or Pratikshatra BhP. (8) of a son of Bharmy^aśva ib. (9) of a son of Raṇaṃ-jaya ib. (10) of a Vyāsa Cat. (11) of a preceptor Buddh. (12) n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr. (13) [ -kavi-zekhara ] m. N. of a poet Cat.

===> saṃjña [ saMjJa ]1[ saM-jJa ]1 mfn. (fr. [ saM ] + 1. [ jJa ] = [ jJu ] (1) cf. 1. [ pra-jJa ]) knock-kneed L.

===> [ saMjJa ]2[ saM-jJa ]2 mfn. (ifc. for [ saM-jJA ] e. g. [ labdha-saMjJa ], ` one who has recovered consciousness ' MBh. (1) [ -tA ] f. ` recovery of consciousness ' Veṇis.) (2) ([ A ]), f. See below (3) n. a yellow fragrant wood, yellow sanders L.

===> saṃjñaka [ saMjJaka ]3[ saM-jJaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. (ifc.) = 2. [ saMjJa ] (e. g. [ pr^aNa-saMjJako jIvaH ], ` life has the name breath ' MaitrUp. (1) cf. [ naTa- ], [ ravi-s° ])

===> saṃjñapta [ saMjJapta ]3[ saM-jJapta ] mfn. informed, apprised MW. (1) killed, suffocated, sacrificed Hariv. (2) [ -homa ] m. an oblation performed after killing a sacrificial animal ĀpŚr.

===> saṃjñeya [ saMjJeya ]2[ saM-jJeya ] m. N. of a king VP.

===> saṃjñin [ saMjJin ]3[ saM-jJin ] mfn. having consciousness, conscious of (comp.) Vajracch. SaddhP. Sarvad (1) having a name, named, termed, that which receives a name or has a term given to it in grammar ([ °jJitva ] n.) Pat. Kāś. Kap. Sarvad

===> saṃjñita [ saMjJita ]3[ saM-jJita ] mfn. made known, communicated R. (1) apprised by a sign or gesture Rājat (2) called, named, termed (generally ifc.) MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c.

===> saṃjñā [ saMjJA ]1[ saM-√ jJA ] P. Ā. [ -jAnAti ], [ -jAnIte ], (Ā.) to agree together, be of the same opinion, be in harmony with (loc. (1) accord. to Pāṇ. 2-3, 22, also instr. or acc.) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. (2) (A.) to obey (dat.) AitBr. (3) (Ā.) to appoint, assign, intend (for any purpose), destine ib. (4) (only ind. p. [ -jJAya ]) to direct, order, command Hariv. (5) to acknowledge, recognize, own Pāṇ. 1-3, 46 Sch. (6) (P.) to acknowledge or claim as one's own, take possession of SaddhP. (7) (P.) to think of. recollect sorrowfully (with acc. or gen.) Pāṇ. Vop (8) Ā. to know well, understand R. (9) to watch for Bhaṭṭ. : Caus. [ -jJ˘Apayati ], [ °te ], to cause to be of the same opinion or agree together AV. AitBr. (10) to cause to acquiesce or agree in (euphemistically said of a sacrificial victim, which ought not to be led forcibly to its death but made to resign itself) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. BhP. (11) to appease, satisfy MBh. Kālid (12) to make to be understood or known, cause to understand ŚBr. (13) to make signs to (acc.), communicate or make anything known by signs Mṛcch. Hcar. (14) to command, enjoin, instruct Hariv. [ 1133,3 ]

===> [ saMjJA ]2[ saM-jJ'A ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) agreement, mutual understanding, harmony TBr. ŚBr. Kathās (1) consciousness, clear knowledge or understanding or notion or conception ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) a sign, token, signal, gesture (with the hand, eyes &c. (3) [ saMjJAm-√ kR ] or [ dA ], ` to give a signal ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) direction (in [ a-kRtas° ], ` one who has received no direction ') MBh. (5) a track, footstep BhP. (6) a name, appellation, title, technical term (ifc. = ` called, named ') Nir. Mn. MBh. &c. (7) (in gram.) the name of anything thought of as standing by itself, any noun having a special meaning ([ saMjJAyAm ] therefore denotes ` [ used ] in some peculiar sense rather than in its strictly etymological meaning ', e. g. as a proper name) Pāṇ. 1-1, 34 ; 2, 53 &c. (8) a technical expression in grammar (See [ -sUtra ]) (9) (with Buddhists) perception (one of the 5 Skandhas, q. v.) Dharmas. 22 MWB. 109 (10) N. of the Gāyatrī (q. v.) L. (11) of a partic. high number Buddh. (12) N. of a daughter of Tvashṭṛ or Viśva-karman (the wife of the Sun and mother of Manu, Yama and Yamī) Hariv. Pur.

===> saṃjñā-karaṇa [ saMjJAkaraNa ]3[ saM-jJ'A-karaNa ] n. giving a name Nir. i, 2 (1) [ -parisiSTa ] n. N. of wk.

===> saṃjñāna [ saMjJAna ]2[ saM-jJ'Ana ] mf ([ I ]) n. producing harmony AitBr. (1) ([ I ]), f. a ceremony for producing unanimity TS. ĀśvŚr. (2) n. unanimity, harmony with (loc. or instr.) RV. AV. VS. TS. (3) consciousness ŚBr. AitUp. BhP. (4) right conception Pratijñās (5) perception (= [ saM-jJA ]) Buddh.

===> saṃjāta [ saMjAta ]2[ saM-jAta ] mfn. born, produced, grown, arisen, become, appeared (often in comp. = ` becoming, grown ' (1) cf. below) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) passed, elapsed (as time) Pañcat (3) m. pl. N. of a people VP. (4) [ -kopa ] mfn. growing angry, becoming enraged R. (5) [ -kautuka ] mfn. having curiosity roused, becoming curious MW. (6) [ -nidrA-pralaya ] mfn. one whose sleep has come to an end L. (7) [ -nirveda ] mfn. grown despondent Kathās (8) [ -pAza ] mfn. one who has become fettered by (comp.) Śak (9) [ -lajja ] mfn. one who has become ashamed or embarrassed Ratnâv (10) [ -vizrambha ] mfn. having confidence excited, becoming confident R. (11) [ -vepathu ] mfn. trembling BhP. (12) [ °t^erSya ] mfn. becoming envious MW.

===> saṃjīva [ saMjIva ]2[ saM-jIv'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. living together, living MW. (1) making alive, vivifying AV. ĀśvŚr. (2) m. the act of reviving, revival (See comp.) (3) a particular hell Divyâv (4) [ -karaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. bringing to life, animating R. (5) [ °v^arma ] n. Pāṇ. 6-2, 91

===> saṃjīvana [ saMjIvana ]3[ saM-jIvana ] mf ([ I ]) n. making alive, animating MBh. Kāv. &c. (v. l. often [ °jIvinI ]) (1) m. a kind of antidote Suśr. (2) a partic. hell Mn. Yājñ. (3) ([ I ]), f. a kind of plant (= [ rudantI ]) L. (v. l. [ °jIvinI ]) (4) making alive, causing life MW. (5) a kind of elixir ib. (6) N. of a lexicon and of Mallinātha's Commentaries on the Kumāra-sambhava, Megha-dūta, and Raghu-vaṃśa (7) ([ am ]), n. the act of living or reviving MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) animating, bringing to life W. (9) a cluster of four houses (= [ saM-javana ]) L.

===> saṃkakṣikā [ saMkakSikA ]2[ saM-kakSikA ] f. a kind of garment Buddh.

===> saṃkala [ saMkala ]2[ saM-kala ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 75) collection, accumulation, quantity W. (1) addition ib.

===> saṃkalana [ saMkalana ]3[ saM-kalana ] n. (or [ A ] f.) joining or adding or holding together Kād (1) addition, Bījag (2) the act of heaping together W.

===> saṃkalpa [ saMkalpa ]1[ saM-kalpa ] &c. See [ saM-√ klRp ]

===> [ saMkalpa ]2[ saM-kalp'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) conception or idea or notion formed in the mind or heart, (esp.) will, volition, desire, purpose, definite intention or determination or decision or wish for (with loc., dat., or ifc.), sentiment, conviction, persuasion (1) (ibc. often = ` intentionally ', ` purposely ', ` on purpose ', ` according to will ', &c. (2) acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to form a resolution, make up one's mind ') AV. &c. &c. (3) idea or expectation of any advantage W. (4) a solemn vow or determination to perform any ritual observance, declaration of purpose (e. g. a declaration by a widow of her intention to burn herself with her deceased husband) W. (5) the Will personified (as a son of Saṃ-kalpā and Brahmā) Hariv. MārkP. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (the wife of Dharma and mother of Saṃkalpa) Hariv. (7) of Manu's wife Hariv.

===> saṃkalpa-prabhava [ saMkalpaprabhava ]3[ saM-kalp'a-prabhava ] mfn. born from desire MBh.

===> saṃkalpaka [ saMkalpaka ]2[ saM-kalpaka ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) determining, deciding, purposing, wishing, AmṛtUp. (1) well discriminating Nīlak (2) reflecting, pondering MW.

===> saṃkalā [ saMkalA ]2[ saM-kalA ] ind. killing, slaughter (?) W.

===> saṃkara [ saMkara ]2[ saM-kara ] m. mixing together, commingling, intermixture confusion (esp. of castes or races, proceeding from the intermarriage of a man with a woman of a higher caste or from the promiscuous intercourse of the four tribes, and again from the indiscriminate cohabitation of their descendants (1) cf. [ yoni-s° ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) the offspring of a mixed marriage R. (3) any action similar to the intermixture of castes (sometimes n.) MBh. (4) (in rhet.) the confusion or blending together of metaphors which ought to be kept distinct (opp. to [ saM-sRSTi ], q. v.) Sāh. Kpr. (5) anything that may be defiled by the touch of any unclean thing MBh. (6) dung Car. (7) dust, sweepings L. (8) the crackling of flame L. (9) N. of a man Buddh. (10) [ -ja ] mfn. born from a mixed caste Cat. (11) [ -jAta ] mfn. id. Mn. v, 89 (12) [ -jAti ] mfn. id. BhP. (13) [ -jAtIya ] mfn. id. MW. (14) [ -tA ] f. (See [ varNa-s° ]) (15) [ -mImAMsA ] f. N. of wk. (16) [ -saMkara ] m. the mixed offspring of mixed offspring Viṣṇ (17) [ -sveda ] m. a partic. sudorific treatment (18) [ °r^apAtra-kRtyA ] f. an action which degrades a man to a mixed caste or makes him unworthy to receive gifts Mn. xi, 126 (19) [ °rAzva ] m. ` mongrel horse ', a mule L.

===> saṃkarṣaṇa [ saMkarSaNa ]3[ saM-karSaNa ] n. drawing out, extraction Hariv. BhP. (1) a means of joining or uniting BhP. (2) drawing together, contracting W. (3) making rows, ploughing ib. [ 1126,2 ] (4) m. N. of Bala-deva or Bala-rāma (also called Hal^ayudha [ q. v. ], the elder brother of Kṛshṇa (5) he was drawn from the womb of Devakī and transferred to that of Rohiṇī (6) among Vaishṇavas he is considered as the second of the four forms of Puruṣôttama) MBh. Hariv. Pur. Sarvad (7) N. of the father of Nīl^asura Cat. (8) (also with [ sUri ]) of various authors ib. (9) [ -kANDa ] (or [ saM-karSa-k° ]), m. N. of an appendix to the Mīmāṃsā-sūtra (10) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. representing Bala-deva AgP. (11) [ -vidyA ] f. the art of drawing a child from the womb of one woman and transferring it to that of another (applied to Baladeva, cf. above) Prab (12) [ -zaraNa ] m. N. of an author, Cat. (13) [ -sUtra-vicAra ] m. N. of wk. (14) [ °N^ezvara-tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

===> saṃkathā [ saMkathA ]3[ saM-kathA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) talk or conversation with (instr. with or without [ saha ]) or about (comp.) MBh. R. &c. (1) accordance, agreement Cat.

===> saṃkaṭa [ saMkaTa ]1[ saM-kaTa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (prob. Prākṛt for [ saM-kRta ] (1) cf. 2. [ vi-kaTa ] &c.) ` brought together ', contracted, closed, narrow, strait MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) crowded together, dense, impervious, impassable MBh. MārkP. (3) dangerous, critical MBh. (4) (ifc.) crowded with, full of Kād (5) m. N. of a partic. personification (a son of Kakubh) BhP. (6) of a man Rājat (7) of a gander or flamingo Kathās. Pañcat. Hit. (8) ([ A ]), f. See below (9) ([ am ]), n. a narrow passage, strait, defile, pass MBh. Kāv. &c., a strait, difficulty, critical condition, danger to or from (comp. (10) cf. [ pr^aNa-s° ]) ib.

===> saṃketa [ saMketa ]1[ saM-keta ] m. (fr. [ saM-√ cit ]) agreement, compact, stipulation, assignation with (gen., esp. with a lover), engagement, appointment (acc. with √ [ kR ], or [ grah ] or [ dA ] or Caus. of √ [ klRp ], ` to make an agreement or appointment ' or ` appoint a place of meeting with any person ' [ gen. or instr. or instr. with [ saha ], [ samam ], [ mithaH ] ] (1) ibc. ` according to agreement ', ` by appointment ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) convention, consent MBh. (3) intimation, hint, allusion, preconcerted sign or signal or gesture (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to give a signal ') Kathās. Gīt. (4) a short explanation of a grammatical rule (= 2. [ zailI ], q. v.) MW. (5) condition, provision ib. (6) N. of a Comm. on the Kāvya-prakāśa and on the Harsha-carita (7) pl. N. of a people (cf. [ sAketa ]) MārkP.

===> saṃkhya [ saMkhya ]2[ saM-khya ] mfn. counting up or over, reckoning or summing up Pāṇ. 3-2, 7 Sch. (ifc. (1) cf. [ go-s° ]) (2) m. N. of a man Cat. (3) ([ A ]), f. See below (4) n. conflict, battle, war (only in loc. (5) cf. Naigh. ii, 17) MBh. Kāv. Rājat (6) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. numerableness, numeration MW.

===> saṃkhyeya [ saMkhyeya ]2[ saM-khyeya ] mfn. to be numbered or enumerated, definite in number, calculable, not numerous Pāṇ. MBh. (cf. [ a-s° ]) (1) to be considered (See [ saMkhyAta-s° ])

===> saṃkhyā [ saMkhyA ]1[ saM-√ khyA ] P. [ -khyAti ], to reckon or count, up, sum up, enumerate, calculate ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) to estimate by (instr.) MBh. (2) Ā. (only aor. [ saM-akhyata ]) to appear along with, be connected with, belong to (instr.) RV. VS. : Caus. [ -khyApayati ], to cause to be looked at or observed by (instr.) TS. ŚBr.

===> [ saMkhyA ]2[ saM-khyA ] f. reckoning or summing up, numeration, calculation (ifc. = ` numbered or reckoned among ') R. Ragh. Rājat (1) a number, sum, total (ifc. ` amounting to ') ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) a numeral Prāt. Pāṇ. &c. (3) (in gram.) number (as expressed by case terminations or personal terminations) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 1 (4) deliberation, reasoning, reflection, reason, intellect MBh. Kāv (5) name, appellation (= [ AkhyA ]) R. (6) a partic. high number Buddh. (7) manner MW. (8) (in geom.) a gnomon (for ascertaining the points of the compass), RāmRās

===> saṃkhyā-lipi [ saMkhyAlipi ]3[ saM-khyA-lipi ] f. a partic. mode of writing Lalit. -1

===> saṃkhyāta [ saMkhyAta ]2[ s'aM-khyAta ] mfn. reckoned up, enumerated, numbered, counted, measured AV. &c. &c. [ 1128,2 ] (1) estimated by R. (2) considered (See comp.) (3) m. pl. N. of a people VarBṛS. (4) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ prahelikA ]) a kind of riddle based on counting Kāv. iii, 101 (5) n. number, multitude BhP. (6) [ -saMkhyeya ] mfn. one who has considered what is to be considered Car. (7) [ °t^anudeza ] m. a subsequent enumeration the members of which correspond successively to those of a previous one Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 7

===> saṃkleśa [ saMkleza ]2[ saM-kleza ] m. pain, suffering, affliction MBh. R. &c. (1) [ -nirvANa ] n. cessation of afflictions MW.

===> saṃklinna [ saMklinna ]1[ saM-√ klinna ] mfn. (√ [ klid ]) thoroughly wet or moistened Gṛhyās. Mṛcch

===> saṃkliṣṭa [ saMkliSTa ]2[ saM-kliSTa ] mfn. pressed together &c. (1) contused or bruised (as the flesh without injury to the skin) Suśr. (2) covered with mould or mildew, tarnished (as a mirror) Car. (3) beset with difficulties (See next) (4) [ -karman ] mfn. one who does everything with trouble or difficulty MBh.

===> saṃkoca [ saMkoca ]2[ saM-koca ] m. contraction, shrinking together, compression MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) shutting up, closing (of the eyes) Sāh (2) crouching down, cowering, humbling one's self, shyness, fear (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to become shy or modest ') Hariv. (3) abridgment, diminution, limitation, restriction Śaṃk. Sarvad (4) drying up (of a lake) Kāv (5) binding, tying L. (6) a sort of skate fish L. (7) N. of an Asura MBh. (8) n. saffron L. (9) [ -kArin ] mfn. making contraction, crouching down, humble, modest Rājat (10) [ -pattraka ] mfn. causing the withering of leaves (said of a partic. disease affecting trees Hariv. (11) [ -pizuna ] n. saffron L. (12) [ -rekhA ] f. ` line of contraction ', a wrinkle, fold L.

===> [ saMkoca ]1[ saM-koca ] &c. See [ saM-√ kuc ]

===> saṃkocana [ saMkocana ]3[ saM-kocana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (See [ gAtra-saMkocanI ]) id. (1) astringent MW. (2) m. N. of a mountain R. (3) ([ I ]), f. the sensitive plant (Mimosa Pudica) L. (4) n. the act of contracting or closing or astringing MBh. Suśr. Sāh

===> saṃkrama [ saMkrama ]2[ saM-kram'a ] m. going or coming together VS. (1) progress, course, (esp.) transition, passage or transference to (loc.), Kusum (2) the passage of the sun or a planet through the zodiacal signs Yājñ. VarBṛS. &c. (3) the falling or shooting of stars Mṛcch (4) the meeting of two words in the Krama text (caused by omitting those between) VPrāt. (5) a bridge or steps leading down to water Mn. MBh. &c. (6) N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (7) of a king of the Vidyā-dharas (the son of Vasu) Kathās (8) m. or n. (?) a particular high number Buddh. (9) m. n. difficult passage or progress (as over rocks or torrents or inaccessible passes) L. (10) a means or vehicle for effecting a difficult passage or of obtaining any object Daś (11) n. du. (with [ indrasya ] or [ vasiSThasya ]) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. (12) [ -dvAdaz^aha ] m. a partic. form of the Dvādaś^aha (q. v.) KātyŚr. (13) [ -yajJa ] m. a kind of sacrifice Vait

===> saṃkramaṇa [ saMkramaNa ]3[ saM-kr'amaNa ] n. going or meeting together, union with, entrance into, transference to (loc., dat., or comp.) ĀśvŚr. Hariv. &c. (1) entrance appearance, commencement (esp. of old age) Hariv. (2) the sun's passage from one sign of the zodiac to another (also [ ravi ] or [ sUrya-s° ]) Jyot (3) the day on which the sun's progress north of the equator begins MW. (4) passage into another world, decease death MBh. R. (5) a means of crossing ŚBr. (6) (in alg.) concurrence (said to be a general designation of a partic. class of problems) Col.

===> saṃkramaṇakā [ saMkramaNakA ]3[ saM-kramaNakA ] f. a gallery Divyâv

===> saṃkruddha [ saMkruddha ]2[ saM-kruddha ] mfn. greatly enraged, incensed, wrathful, violent MBh. R. &c.

===> saṃkrāmita [ saMkrAmita ]3[ saM-krAmita ] mfn. (fr. id.) transferred, handed over, delivered, communicated MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃkrānta [ saMkrAnta ]2[ saM-krAnta ] mfn. gone or come together, met &c. (1) passed or transferred from (abl.) to (loc.) Kāv (2) transferred to a picture, imaged, reflected W. (3) (in astron.) having a Saṃkrānti (as a mouth, cf. [ a-s° ]) MW. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a ch. of the Maitrāyaṇī-saṃhitā

===> saṃkrānti [ saMkrAnti ]2[ saM-krAnti ] f. going from one place to another, course or passage or entry into, transference to (loc. or comp.) Kāv. MārkP. (1) (in astron.) passage of the sun or a planet from one sign or position in the heavens into another (e. g. [ uttar^ayaNa-s° ], ` passage of the sun to its northern course ' [ cf. [ kUTa-s° ] ] (2) a day on which a principal Saṃkrānti occurs is kept as a festival, See RTL. 428) Sūryas (3) transference of an art (from a teacher to a pupil) Mālav. i, 15, 18 (4) transferring to a picture, image, reflection W. (5) = [ -vAdin ] Buddh. (6) [ -kaumudI ] f. N. of an astron. wk. (7) [ -cakra ] n. an astrological diagram marked with the Nakshatras and used for foretelling good or bad fortune MW. (8) [ -nirNaya ] m. [ -paTala ] m. n. [ -prakaraNa ] n. [ -phala ] n. [ -lakSaNa ] n. N. of wks. (9) [ -vAdin ] m. pl. a partic. Buddhist school (10) [ -viveka ] m. [ -vyavasthA-nirNaya ] m. [ -zAnti ], f.

---> ([ °nty ]) [ -udyApana ] n. N. of wks.

===> saṃkucita [ saMkucita ]2[ saM-kucita ] mfn. contracted, shrunk, shrivelled, narrowed, closed, shut R. Bhartṛ. Suśr. (1) crouching, cowering MW. (2) N. of a place, g. [ takSazil^adi ]. [ 1126,1 ]

===> saṃkula [ saMkula ]1[ saM-kula ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. [ A-kula ]) crowded together, filled or thronged or mixed or mingled or affected with, abounding in, possessed of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) thick, dense (as smoke) R. (2) violent, intense ([ -kaluSa ] mfn. ` intensely turbid ') VarBṛS. (3) disordered, disturbed, confused, perplexed MBh. (4) impeded, hindered by (instr.) VarBṛS. Hit. (5) m. N. of a poet Cat. (6) ([ am ]), n. a crowd, throng, mob Mālatīm (7) a confused fight, battle, war MBh. Hariv. &c. (8) trouble, distress BhP. MārkP. (9) inconsistent or contradicatory speech MW.

===> saṃkusumita [ saMkusumita ]1[ saM-kusumita ] mfn. flowering Lalit. (1) fully blown or budded, fully expanded or manifested (occurring in the names of various Buddhas)

===> saṃkāra [ saMkAra ]2[ saM-kAra ] m. dust, sweepings ([ -kUTa ] n. a heap of rubbish) Divyâv (1) the crackling of flame L. (2) ([ I ]), f. a girl recently deflowered, new bride L.

===> saṃkāśa [ saMkAza ]2[ s'aM-kAza ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) look, appearance (often ifc. = ` having the appearance of ', ` looking like ', ` resembling ') AV. &c. &c. (1) vicinity, neighbourhood (w. r. for [ sa-k° ]) L.

===> saṃkāśya [ saMkAzya ]3[ s'aM-kAzya ] w. r. for [ sAM-kAzya ]

===> saṃkīrtana [ saMkIrtana ]2[ saM-kIrtana ] n. the act of mentioning fully &c. (1) praise, celebration, glorification MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃkīrṇa [ saMkIrNa ]2[ saM-kIrNa ] mfn. poured together, mixed, commingled &c. (1) crowded with, full of (comp.) MBh. (2) joined or combined with (comp.) Yājñ. Sch. (3) mingled, confused, disordered, adulterated, polluted, impure Mn. MBh. &c. (4) born of a mixed marriage MBh. (5) mixed, miscellaneous, of various kinds, manifold Bhar. Daśar (6) sprinkled (esp. with fluid-exudation, as a rutting elephant (7) but cf. [ -nAga ]) L. (8) contracted, narrow W. (9) scattered, strewed, spread, diffused ib. (10) m. a man of mixed caste Bhar. (11) (in music) a mixed note or mode (12) = [ -nAga ] L. (13) N. of an ancient sage (v. l. [ saM-kIla ]) L. (14) ([ A ]), f. a kind of riddle (of a mixed character) Kāvyâd. iii, 105 (15) ([ am ]), n. confusion (in [ vAkya-s° ], q. v.) (16) [ -cArin ] mfn. wandering about confusedly, going to various places Suśr. (17) [ -jAti ] mfn. (= [ yoni ]) Cat. (18) [ -tA ] f. confusion, confused order (of words in a sentence) Sāh (19) [ -nAga ] m. an elephant with mixed characteristics VarBṛS. (20) [ -neri ] m. a kind of dance, Saṃgīt (21) [ -yuddha ] n. a fight with various weapons MBh. (22) [ -yoni ] mfn. of mixed birth or caste, impure through illegal intermarriage Mn. x, 25 (23) [ -rAg^adhyAya ] m. N. of wk. on music (24) [ -viSkambhaka ] m. (in dram.) a mixed interlude Bhar. (25) [ °N^ana ] (?), m. N. of a serpent-demon VP. (26) [ °NI-karaNa ] n. = [ saMkarI-k° ] L.

===> saṃkṣaya [ saMkSaya ]2[ saM-kSaya ] m. complete destruction or consumption, wasting, waning, decay, disappearance MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) the dissolution of all things, destruction of the world MBh. (2) N. of a Marutvat Hariv.

===> saṃkṣepa [ saMkSepa ]2[ saM-kSepa ] m. throwing together, destruction MBh. (1) compression, comprehension, condensation, abridgment, conciseness, brief exposition, compendium, epitome, essence or quintessence (ibc., [ At ], [ eNa ], [ am ] or [ °pa-tas ], ` briefly ', ` concisely ', ` in short ') MBh. R. &c. (2) the whole thrown together, total, aggregate ([ eNa ] and [ °pa-tas ], ` in the aggregate ') Mn. vii, 167 Kull. on i, 68 &c. Cat. (3) a means of compressing Suśr. (4) (pl.) straits, poverty MBh. (5) (in dram.) a brief declaration (of willingness to be at the service of another) Sāh (6) throwing W. (7) taking away ib. (8) [ -gAyatrI-nyAsa ] m. N. of wk. (9) [ -tas ], See above (10) [ -tithi-nirNaya-sAra ] m. [ -purazcaraNa-vidhi ] m. [ -pUjA-vidhi ], m. [ -bhAgavat^amRta ] n. [ -bhArata ] (cf. [ saMkSipta-bh° ]), N. of wks. (11) [ -mAtra ] n. only an abridgment MW. (12) [ -yoga-vAsiSTha ] n. [ -rAm^ayaNa ] n. (or [ rŚ-s° ], m.) N. of wks. (13) [ -lakSaNa ] mfn. characterized by brevity, described briefly MW. (14) [ -vimarz^adhiroha ] m. [ -zaMkara-jaya ] (= [ zŚ-dig-vijaya ], q. v.), m. N. of wks. (15) [ -zArIraka ], a summary in verse of Saṃkar^acārya's Brahma-sūtra-bhāshya by Sarvajñ^atman Mahāmuni ([ -TIkA ] f. [ -phala-lakSaNa ] n. [ -bhASya ] n. [ -vyAkhyAna ] n. [ -sambandh^okti ] f. N. of wks. connected with prec.) (16) [ -siddhi-vyavasthA ] f. N. of wk. on Dharma (17) [ °p^adhy^atma-sAra ] m. [ °p^amRta ] n. [ °p^arcana-vidhi ] m. [ °p^ahnika-candrikA ] f. N. of wks. [ 1128,1 ]

===> saṃkṣipta [ saMkSipta ]2[ saM-kSipta ] mfn. thrown or dashed or heaped together &c. (1) abbreviated, contracted, condensed MBh. Sāṃkhyak. ([ ena ] ind. ` concisely ' Divyâv.) (2) narrow, short, small Nir. Mālav. Suśr. (3) taken from or away, seized W. (4) ([ A ]), f. = [ -gati ] VarBṛS. (5) [ -kAdambarI ] f. N. of a poem (6) [ -gati ] f. one of the 7 parts in the circle of the Nakshatras (accord. to Parāśara's system) VarBṛS. (7) [ -cal^arcA-vidhi ] m. N. of a ch. of the Rāja-dharma-kaustubha by Anantadeva (8) [ -tva ] n. a state of contraction or narrowness, condensation Suśr. (9) [ -dairghya ] mfn. having the length diminished MW. (10) [ -nirNaya-sindhu ] m. [ -bhArata ] (cf. [ saM-kSepa-bh° ]), [ -bhASya ] n. [ -rAg^anugA pUjA-paddhati ] f. [ -rAm^ayaNa-pATha-prayoga ] m. [ -ved^anta ] m. [ -ved^anta-zAstra-prakriyA ] (or [ ved^anta-zAstra-saMkSipta-pr° ]), f. [ -zAstr^artha-paddhati ] f. [ -zyAmA-pUjA-paddhati ] f. N. of wks. (11) [ -sAra ] m. N. of a grammar (in 8 chapters, by Kramadīśvara, with his own Comm.) (12) [ -sAra-saMgraha ] m. N. of a grammar (by Pit^ambara-śarman) (13) [ -homa-prakAra ] m. N. of wk. on Dharma (by Rāmabhaṭṭa)

===> saṃkṣobha [ saMkSobha ]2[ saM-kSobha ] m. a violent shock or jolt, jerk, overturning, upsetting MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) commotion, disturbance, agitation, excitement ib. (2) pride, arrogance W.

===> saṃkṣobhita [ saMkSobhita ]3[ saM-kSobhita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) shaken or tossed about MW.

===> saṃkṣubdha [ saMkSubdha ]2[ saM-kSubdha ] (R.),

===> saṃkṣubhita [ saMkSubhita ]3[ saMkSubhita ] (MBh.), mfn. tossed together, violently shaken or agitated

===> saṃlapana [ saMlapana ]2[ saM-lapana ] n. the act of talking or chattering together (1) [ °n^oSNatA ] f. desire of talking much Suśr.

===> saṃlaptaka [ saMlaptaka ]2[ saM-laptaka ] mfn. affable, gentle, civil Buddh.

===> saṃlekha [ saMlekha ]2[ saM-lekha ] m. strict abstinence Buddh.

===> saṃlikhita [ saMlikhita ]3[ saM-likhita ] mfn. scritched &c. (used in AV. vii, 50, 5 to express some act in gambling)

===> saṃlulita [ saMlulita ]1[ saM-lulita ] mfn. (√ [ lul ]) agitated, disordered, confused R. (1) come into contact with (comp.) Caurap. (` smeared with ' Sch.)

===> saṃlāpa [ saMlApa ]2[ saM-lApa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) talking together, familiar or friendly conversation, discourse with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or gen.) or about (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) (in dram.) a kind of dialogue (passionless, but full of manly sentiments, e. g. Mcar. ii, 34), Bhas

===> saṃlīna [ saMlIna ]2[ saM-lIna ] mfn. clinging or joined together, adhering or clinging to (loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) entered into (loc.) MBh. (2) hidden, concealed, cowered, cowering down, Iurking in (loc.) MBh. R. (3) contracted Suśr. (4) [ -karNa ] mfn. one whose ears are depressed or hang down Pañcat (5) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. drooping or depressed in mind Hariv.

===> saṃnaddha [ saMnaddha ]1[ saM-naddha ] See [ saM-√ nah ]

===> [ saMnaddha ]2[ s'aM-naddha ] mfn. bound or fastened or tied together, girt, bound RV. &c. &c. (1) armed, mailed, equipped, accoutred RV. &c. &c. [ 1146,2 ] (2) harnessed AitBr. (3) prepared, ready Rājat (4) ready to discharge water (said of a cloud) Megh. Vikr (5) ready to blossom (as a bud) Śak (6) wearing amulets, provided with charms W. (7) sticking or clinging or adhering to, pervading (loc.) Kālid (8) adjoining, bordering, near R.

---> [ -kavaca ] mfn. one who has girded on his armour, clad in mail or accoutred Kāṭh

===> saṃnaddhavya [ saMnaddhavya ]2[ saM-naddhavya ] n. (impers.) it is to be girded or fastened or made ready MBh.

===> saṃnahana [ saMnahana ]2[ saM-n'ahana ] n. tying or stringing together Nir. AśvGṛ. (1) preparing, making one's self ready Hariv. (2) a band, cord, rope TBr. ŚrS. MBh. (3) equipment, armour, mail MBh. R.

===> saṃnata [ saMnata ]1[ saM-nata ] &c. See [ saM-√ nam ]

===> [ saMnata ]2[ saM-nata ] mfn. bent together, curved, stooping or bowing to (gen.) MBh. R. &c. (1) bowed, before, revered BhP. (2) deepened, sunk in, depressed, Śulbas. MBh. &c. (3) bent down through sorrow, dispirited, downcast R. (4) ([ s'aM- ]), du. conforming to or harmonizing with each other VS. (5) m. N. of a monkey R. (6) [ -tara ] mfn. more deepened, deeper KātyŚr. Sch. (7) [ -bhru ] mfn. bending or contracting the brow, frowning MBh. (8) [ °t^aGga ] mf ([ I ]) n. having the body bent, having rounded limbs Kum. i, 34

===> saṃnati [ saMnati ]2[ s'aM-nati ] f. bending down, depression, lowness Śiś. (1) inclination, leaning towards, favour, complaisance towards (gen.) ib. (2) N. of verses expressing favour or respect (e. g. AV. iv, 39, 1) Kauś (3) subjection or submission to, humility towards (loc.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (4) Humility personified (as a daughter of Devala and wife of Brahma-datta or as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kratu) Hariv. Pur. (5) diminishing, lightening (of a burden) Hariv. (6) sound, noise L. (7) m. N. of a son of Su-mati Hariv. (8) of a son of Alarka ib. (9) [ -mat ] mfn. humble, modest towards (gen.) Hariv. (10) m. N. of a son of Su-mati Pur. (11) [ -hom'a ] m. N. of partic. oblations (cf. [ saMtati-h° ]) TBr.

===> saṃnibha [ saMnibha ]1[ saM-nibha ] mfn. like, similar, resembling (ifc. (1) often pleonastically with names of colours, e. g. [ pIt^aruNa-s° ] = [ pIt^aruNa ]) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃnicaya [ saMnicaya ]1[ saM-ni-caya ] m. (√ 1. [ ci ]) piling or heaping together, gathering, collecting MBh. (1) store, provision (See [ alpa-s° ])

===> saṃnidhi [ saMnidhi ]2[ saM-nidhi ] m. depositing together or near KātyŚr. Sāh (1) juxtaposition, nearness, vicinity, presence ([ au ], with gen. or ifc., ` in the presence of, near ' (2) [ im ], ` near to, towards ' (3) id., with √ [ kR ], [ vi-√ dhA ] or √ [ bandh ] and, loc., ` to take one's seat or place or abode in ') ĀśvŚr. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) visibility, existence (cf. [ a-s° ]), Kusum (5) receiving, taking charge of W. (6) [ -kAra ] m. laying aside (food for one's self) Buddh. (7) [ -vartin ] mfn. being near, neighbouring MW. (8) [ -viyoga ] m. separation (of vicinity) Mālav

===> saṃnihita [ saMnihita ]2[ saM-nihita ] mfn. deposited together or near, contiguous, proximate, present, close, near, at hand MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c. (1) deposited, fixed, laid up (See [ hRdaya-s° ]) (2) prepared to, ready for (dat.) Śak (3) staying, being W. (4) m. a partic. Agni MBh. (5) [ -taratva ] n. greater nearness Gobh. Sch. (6) [ °t^ap^aya ] mfn. having loss or destruction near at hand, transient, transitory, fleeting Hit.

===> saṃnikarṣa [ saMnikarSa ]2[ saM-nikarSa ] m. drawing near or together, approximation, close contact, nearness, neighbourhood, proximity, vicinity ([ e ] ', in the vicinity of, near ', with gen. or comp. (1) [ at ] ', from the neighbourhood or proximity of ') Nir. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. ([ -tA ] f. Kusum.) (2) connection with, relation to, (in phil.) the connection of an Indriya or organ of sense with its Vishaya or object (this, accord. to the Nyāya, is the source of [ jJAna ], and is of two kinds, 1. [ laukika ], which is sixfold, 2. [ a-laukika ], which is threefold MW.) Śaṃk. Sarvad (3) a receptacle, repository BhP. (4) mfn. near, at hand Hariv. (5) [ -tattva-viveka ] m. [ -tA-vAda ] m. [ -vAda ] m. [ -vAd^artha ], m. [ -vicAra ] m. N. of wks.

===> saṃnikṛṣṭa [ saMnikRSTa ]2[ saM-nikRSTa ] mfn. drawn together or near, contiguous, proximate, near, imminent MBh. R. &c. (1) one who takes up the same or a similar position Kathās (2) n. nearness, vicinity ([ e ] ind. ` in the neighbourhood of ', with gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃnipatita [ saMnipatita ]2[ saM-nipatita ] mfn. flown or fallen down, descended &c. (1) met together, assembled Kāraṇḍ (2) appeared, arrived MBh.

===> saṃnipāta [ saMnipAta ]2[ saM-nipAta ] m. falling in or down together, collapse, meeting, encounter, contact or collision with (instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) conjunction, aggregation, combination, mixture Prāt. ŚrS. MBh. &c. (2) (also with [ maithune ]) sexual intercourse with (loc.) Āpast. MBh. (3) a complicated derangement of the three humours or an illness produced by it Suśr. (4) a partic. manner of wrestling VP. (5) falling down, descent (See [ lakSaNa-s° ]) (6) utter collapse, death, destruction MBh. (7) (in astron). a partic. conjunction of planets VarBṛS. (8) (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt

---> [ -kalikA ] f. [ -kalikA-TIkA ] f. [ -candrikA ] f. [ -cikitsA ], f. N. of wks. (9) [ -jvara ] m. a dangerous fever resulting from morbid condition of the three humours (one of the 8 kinds of fever) Suśr. (10) [ -nADIlakSaNa ] n. N. of wk. (11) [ -nidrA ] f. a swoon, trance Kād. [ 1147,1 ] (12) [ -nud ] m. ` removing the above fever ', a species of Nimba tree Suśr. (13) [ -paTa ] m. or n. (?), [ -maJjarI ] f. N. of wks.

===> saṃnipātana [ saMnipAtana ]3[ saM-nipAtana ] n. (fr. Caus.) causing to fall together ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> saṃnipātita [ saMnipAtita ]3[ saM-nipAtita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) thrown or shot down, discharged R. (1) brought or called together, assembled MBh.

===> saṃnirodha [ saMnirodha ]3[ saM-nirodha ] m. restraint, obstruction, suppression Suśr. MBh. BhP. (1) confinement, imprisonment BhP. (2) narrowness, a narrow pass (in [ parvata-s° ]) MBh.

===> saṃniruddha [ saMniruddha ]2[ saM-niruddha ] mfn. kept back, held fast, restrained, suppressed MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) raked together (as fire) R. (2) crowded, filled, covered over MBh. Hariv. (3) [ -guda ] m. obstruction of the lower intestine Suśr.

===> saṃniveśa [ saMniveza ]2[ saM-niveza ] m. entering or sitting down together, entrance into, settlement (acc. with √ [ kR ] or [ vi-√ dhA ], ` to take up a position, settle down ') Kāv. Suśr. (1) seat, position, situation (ifc. ` situated in or on ') Suśr. Kālid. Vās (2) station, encampment, abode, place Kāv. Kathās (3) vicinity W. (4) an open place or play-ground in or near a town (where people assemble for recreation) L. (5) assembling together, assembly, crowd Prasannar (6) causing to enter, putting down together W. (7) insertion, inclusion Hcat (8) attachment to any pursuit MW. (9) impression (of a mark (10) See [ lakSaNa-s° ]) (11) foundation (of a town) Cat. (12) putting together, fabrication, construction, composition, arrangement Kāv. Pur. Sāh (13) Construction personified (as son of Tvashṭṛ and Racanā) BhP. (14) form, figure, appearance Ragh. Uttarar. BhP. (15) form of an asterism W.

===> saṃniveśana [ saMnivezana ]3[ saM-nivezana ] n. (fr. Caus.) settlement, dwelling place, abode MBh. R. Kām (1) erection (of a statue) VarBṛS. (2) insertion, arrangement Sāh

===> saṃniveśya [ saMnivezya ]3[ saM-nivezya ] mfn. to be put in (loc.) VarBṛS. (1) to be put on or drawn (with colours) Hcat. [ 1147,3 ]

===> saṃniviṣṭa [ saMniviSTa ]2[ saM-niviSTa ] mfn. seated down together, encamped, assembled MBh. R. Kathās (1) fixed in or on, sticking or resting or contained in (loc. or comp.) Up. MBh. &c. (2) being on (a road or path, loc.) MBh. R. (3) dependent on (loc.) R. (4) entered deeply into, absorbed or engrossed in MW. (5) contiguous, neighbouring, present, at hand W.

===> saṃnivāsa [ saMnivAsa ]2[ saM-nivAsa ] m. (for [ san-n° ] See p. 1137, col. 3) dwelling or living together BhP. (1) common habitation, a nest MBh.

===> saṃniyacchana [ saMniyacchana ]2[ saM-niyacchana ] n. (fr. pres. stem) checking, restraining, guiding (of horses) MBh. viii, 1654

===> saṃniyoga [ saMniyoga ]2[ saM-niyoga ] m. connection with, attachment, application (to any pursuit &c.) W. (1) appointment, commission Hariv. R. (2) injunction, precept Pāṇ. 7-3, 118 (3) 119 Vārtt. 3 Pat.

===> saṃniśraya [ saMnizraya ]1[ saM-ni-zraya ] m. (√ [ zri ]) support ([ kim-s° ])

===> saṃniśrita [ saMnizrita ]2[ saM-nizrita ] mfn. connected with, devoted to Divyâv

===> saṃniṣaṇṇa [ saMniSaNNa ]2[ saM-niSaNNa ] mfn. settled down, seated R. (1) halted, stationary W.

===> saṃnyasta [ saMnyasta ]2[ saM-nyasta ] mfn. thrown down, laid aside, relinquished, abandoned, deserted MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) encamped R. (2) deposited, intrusted, consigned ib. (3) [ -deha ] mfn. one who has given up his body MW. (4) [ -zastra ] mfn. one who has laid aside his weapons Ragh

===> saṃnyāsa [ saMnyAsa ]2[ saM-nyAsa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) putting or throwing down, laying aside, resignation, abandonment of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. Sarvad (1) renunciation of the world, profession of asceticism Mn. MBh. &c. (2) abstinence from food L. (3) giving up the body, sudden death W. (4) complete exhaustion Suśr. (5) deposit, trust R. Mṛcch (6) compact, agreement Kathās (7) stake, wager MBh. (8) Indian spikenard L. (9) [ -karma-kArikA ] f. N. of wk. (10) [ -grahaNa ] n. assuming or practising asceticism Pañcar. (11) [ -grahaNa-paddhati ] f. [ -grahaNa-ratnamAlA ] f. [ -grAhyapaddhati ] f. [ -dIpikA ] f. [ -dharma-saMgraha ] m. [ -nirNaya ] m. [ -pada-maJjarI ] f. [ -paddhati ] f. N. of wks. (12) [ -pallI ], F. (for °si-p°?) an ascetic's hut L. (13) [ -bheda-nirNaya ] m. [ -rIti ] f. N. of wks. (14) [ -vat ] mfn. connected with asceticism L. (15) [ -vidhi ], m. (16) [ °s^azrama-vicAra ] m. [ °s^ahnika ] n. [ °s^opaniSad ] f. N. of wks.

===> saṃnāha [ saMnAha ]2[ saM-nAha ] ying up, girding on (esp. armour), arming for battle MBh. R. VarBṛS. (1) making one's self ready, preparation Daś (2) equipment, harness ib. Kathās (3) accoutrements, armous, mail, a coat of mail (made of iron or quilted cotton) AitBr. &c. &c. (4) a cord, string MBh.

===> saṃrakṣaṇa [ saMrakSaNa ]3[ saM-rakSaNa ] n. the act of guarding or watching, custody, preservation, protection of (gen. or comp.) or from (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) prevention Suśr. (2) [ -vat ] mfn. taking care of. having regard for (comp.) Car.

===> saṃrakṣita [ saMrakSita ]3[ saM-rakSita ] mfn. protected, preserved, taken care of. Mn. MBh. &c.

===> saṃrakṣya [ saMrakSya ]3[ saM-rakSya ] mfn. to be guarded or protected from (abl.) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) to be guarded against or prevented Car. Kathās

===> saṃrambha [ saMrambha ]2[ saM-rambha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the act of grasping or taking hold of. MBh. iv, 1056 (C.) (1) vehemence, impetuosity, agitation, flurry MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) excitement, zeal, eagerness, enthusiasm, ardent desire for or to (inf., or comp.) Kāv. Rājat (3) anger, fury, wrath against (loc. or [ upari ] with gen.) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) angriness (i. e.) inflammation or irritation of a sore or wound Suśr. (5) pride, arrogance W. (6) intensity, high degree (ibc. = ` intensely ') Kāv. Kathās (7) the brunt (of battle) Rājat (8) beginning (= [ A-rambha ]) MW. (9) [ -tAmra ] mf. red with fury ib. (10) [ -dRz ] mfn. having inflamed or angry eyes, Bhp (11) [ -paruSa ] mfn. harsh from rage, intensely or exceedingly harsh or rough W. (12) [ -rasa ] mfn. having angry or impetuous feelings ib. (13) [ -rUkSa ] mfn. exceedingly harsh or cruel Vikr. iii, 20 (14) [ -vat ] mfn. wrathful, angry Harav (15) [ -vega ] m. the vilence or impetuosity. of wrath MW.

===> saṃrodha [ saMrodha ]2[ saM-rodha ] m. complete obstruction or opposition, restraint, hindrance, stop, prevention Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) limitation, restriction Lāṭy (2) shutting up, confinement R. Megh (3) investment, siege, blockade BhP. Sāh (4) injury, offence, harm MBh. Kām (5) suppression, destruction BhP. (6) throwing, sending (= [ kSepa ]) L.

===> saṃrāga [ saMrAga ]2[ saM-rAga ] m. redness R. (1) passion, vehemence ib. (2) attachment to (loc.), Prâyaśc

===> saṃsakta [ saMsakta ]2[ saM-sakta ] mfn. adhered or stuck together, met, encountered (also as enemies) MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) sticking fast, faltering (speech) Hariv. (2) closely connected, united Pañcar. VāyuP. (3) fixed on or directed towards, occupied with, devoted to, intent upon, fond of (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) given to the world or mundane pleasures BhP. (5) enamoured, MātrkP. (6) endowed or furnished with (comp.) Hariv. HPariś (7) close, near, adjoining, contiguous MBh. Kāv. VarBṛS. (8) compact, dense, uninterrupted, continuous R. Kālid. Kathās (9) dependent, conditional R. (10) [ -citta ] mfn. (pl., with [ itar^etaram ]) having their hearts (mutually) joined, heartily devoted to each other Rājat. [ 1119,1 ] (11) [ -cetas ] mfn. (= [ -manas ]) Cat. (12) [ -jala ] mf ([ A ]) n. joining or mingling its waters with (comp.) Ragh (13) [ -tA ] f. close adherence Daś (14) [ -manas ] mfn. having the mind attached or fixed MBh. (15) [ -yuga ] mfn. attached to a yoke, harnessed, yoked MW. (16) [ vadan^azvAsa ] mfn. having the breath adhering to the mouth, with suppressed breath MBh. (17) [ -hasta ] mfn. having the hands joined with (comp.) Ṛitus

===> saṃsaraṇa [ saMsaraNa ]1[ saM-saraNa ] See [ saM-√ sR ], col. 2

===> [ saMsaraNa ]2[ saM-saraNa ] n. going about, walking or wandering through MBh. (1) passing through a succession of states, birth and rebirth of living beings, the world BhP. Sarvad (2) the unobstructed march of an army L. (3) the commencement of war or battle L. (4) a highway, principal road L. (5) a resting-place for passengers near the gates of a city W.

===> saṃsarga [ saMsarga ]2[ saM-sarga ] mfn. commingling, combining (intr.) KātyŚr. (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) mixture or union together, commixture, blending, conjunction, connection, contact, association, society, sexual union, intercourse with (gen., instr. with and without [ saha ] loc., or comp.) ŚrS. Prāt. MBh. &c. [ 1120,1 ] (2) confusion, MānGrHariv (3) indulging in, partaking of (comy.) R. Daś. BhP. (4) sensual attachment Mn. vi, 72 (5) a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies AV. Pariś (6) a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases (cf. [ saM-nipAta ]) Suśr. (7) community of goods Dayabh (8) duration MBh. iii, 11, 238 (9) point of intersection, Śulbas (10) acquaintance, familiarity W. (11) co-existence (= [ samav^aya ]) ib. (12) ([ I ]), f. See below [ -ja ] mfn. produced by union or contact Suśr. (13) [ -tas ] ind. through union or connection, in consequence of intercourse or familiarity MW. (14) [ -doSa ] m. the fault or evil consequences of association (with bad people) ib. (15) [ -vat ] mfn. being in contact, connected with (comp. (16) also [ -tva ] n.) Kālid (17) [ vidtA ] f. the art of intercourse with men, social science MBh. (18) [ °g^abhAva ] m. (in Nyāya) a partic. form of the category of non-existence (said to be of three kinds, prior, incidental, and final, or absence of birth, destruction of present being, and necessary cessation of existence) (19) [ -prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk.

===> saṃsevana [ saMsevana ]2[ saM-sevana ] n. waiting on, serving, doing homage MārkP. (1) (only ifc.) using, employing MBh. (2) exposing one's self to Kathās. association or intercourse with (gen.) Jātakam

===> saṃsevin [ saMsevin ]3[ saM-sevin ] mfn. (ifc.) serving, worshipping Cat.

===> saṃsevita [ saMsevita ]3[ saM-sevita ] mfn. frequented, served &c. (cf. g. [ kRt^adi ])

===> saṃsevā [ saMsevA ]3[ saM-sevA ] f. visiting, frequenting BhP. (1) use, employment ib. (2) attendance, reverence, worship ib. (3) (ifc.) inclination to, predilection for Rājat

===> saṃsiddha [ saMsiddha ]2[ saM-siddha ] mfn. fully or thoroughly performed or accomplished R. (1) attained, won, Var Yogay. Pur. (2) dressed, prepared (as food) R. Hariv. (3) made, done Hariv. Kathās (4) healed, cured, restored MBh. Kathās (5) ready for (dat.) R. (6) firmly resolved ib. satisfied, contented ib. (7) clever, skilled in (loc.) MBh. (8) one who has attained beatitude MBh. R. Pur. (9) [ -rasa ] mfn. = [ rasa-siddha ] (q. v.), Caṇd [ -rUpa ] mfn. one who has his form restored MBh. (10) [ °dd^artha ] mfn. one who has attained his goal, successful R.

===> saṃsiddhi [ saMsiddhi ]3[ saM-siddhi ] f. complete accomplishment or fulfilment, perfection, success Gobh. MBh. &c. (1) perfect state, beatitude, final emancipation Mn. MBh. Pur. (2) the Iast consequence or result BhP. (3) fixed or settled opinion, the last or decisive word R. (L. also= ` nature ' (4) ` natural state or quality ' (5) ` a passionate or intoxicated woman ')

===> saṃskaraṇa [ saMskaraNa ]2[ saM-skaraNa ] n. the act of putting together, preparing Gobh (1) cremating (a corpse) MBh.

===> saṃskāra [ saMskAra ]2[ saM-skAra ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) putting together, forming well, making perfect, accomplishment, embellishment adornment, purification, cleansing, making ready, preparation, dressing (of food), refining (of metals), polishing (of gems), rearing (of animals or plants) GṛŚrS. MBh. Kāv., &c. (1) cleansing the body, toilet, attire Hariv. (2) forming the mind, training, education R. Ragh (3) correction (also in an astronomical sense Sūryas.), correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad (4) correctness, purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c. (5) making sacred, hallowing, consecration Mn. MBh. &c. (6) a sacred or sanctifying ceremony, one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the, womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii, 27, viz. 1. [ garbh^adhAna ], 2. [ puM-savana ], 3. [ sImant^onnayana ], 4. [ jAta-karman ], 5. [ nAmakarman ], 6. [ niSkramaNa ], 7. [ anna-pr^azana ], 8. [ cUDA-karman ], 9. [ upanayana ], 10. [ kez^anta ], 11. [ samAvartana ], 12. [ vivAha ], qq. vv (7) accord. to Gaut. viii, 8 &c. there are 40 Saṃskāras) GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 188 ; 192 &c. RTL. 353) [ 1120,3 ] (8) the ceremony performed on a dead body (i. e. cremation) R. (9) any purificatory ceremony W. (10) the faculty of memory, mental impression or recollection, impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vaiśeshikas, including [ bhAvanA ], the faculty of reproductive imagination ') Kaṇ. Sarvad. (IW. 69) (11) (pl., with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existent, and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 ; 42 (12) a polishing stone MW.

===> saṃskṛta [ saMskRta ]2[ saM-skRt'a ] (or [ s'aM-skRta ]), mfn. put together, constructed, well or completely formed, perfected Lalit. (1) made ready, prepared, completed, finished RV. &c. &c. : dressed, cooked (as food) MBh. R. BhP. (2) purified, consecrated, sanctified, hallowed, initiated ŚBr. &c. &c. (3) refined, adorned, ornamented, polished, highly elaborated (esp. applied to highly wrought speech, such as the Sanskṛt language as opp., to the vernaculars) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) m. a man of one of the three classes who has been sanctified by the purificatory rites W. (5) a Iearned man MW. (6) a word formed according to accurate rules, a regular derivation ib. (7) ([ 'am ]), n. making ready, preparation or a prepared place, sacrifice RV. TS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. (8) a sacred usage or custom MW. (9) the Sanskṛt language (cf. above) Śikṣ. Bhar. Daśar. &c. (10) [ -tva ] n. the being prepared or made ready &c. Jaim (11) [ -maJjarI ] f. N. of wk. (12) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) u. consisting of Sanskṛt, Kāśikh (13) [ -mAlA ] f. [ -ratna-mAlA ] f. [ -vAkya-ratn^avalI ] f. N. of wks. (14) [ -vat ] mfn. one who has perfected or elaborated or finished MW. (15) [ °t^atman ] m. one who has received the purificatory rites Mn. x, 110 (16) a sage W. (17) [ °t^okti ] f. refined or polished language, a Sanskṛt word or expression Hit. [ 1121,1 ]

===> saṃsparśa [ saMsparza ]2[ saM-sparz'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) close or mutual contact, touch, conjunction, mixture AV. &c. &c. (1) perception, sense W. (2) ([ A ]), f. a kind of fragrant plant or perfume (= [ janI ]) L. (3) ([ °za ]) [ -ja ] mfn. produced by contact or sensible perception BhP.

===> saṃsparśana [ saMsparzana ]3[ saM-sparzana ] mfn. touching MBh. (1) n. contact, mixture with (instr., gen., or comp.) ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c.

===> saṃspṛṣṭa [ saMspRSTa ]2[ s'aM-spRSTa ] mfn. touched, brought into contact, closely united with (instr. or comp.), mutually joined, mixed, combined, contiguous, adjacent TS. &c. &c. (1) reached, attained (in [ a-s° ]) Kathās (2) visited, affected or afflicted by (instr.) Kāv. VarBṛS.

---> (ifc.) defiled by (in [ a-s° ]) Sarvad (3) [ -maithunA ] f. a seduced girl (unfit for marriage) L.

===> saṃsraṣṭṛ [ saMsraSTR ]1[ saM-sraSTR ] See [ saM-√ sRj ]

===> saṃstabdha [ saMstabdha ]2[ saM-stabdha ] mfn. supported, confirmed &c. MBh. (1) firm, rigid Hariv.

===> saṃstara [ saMstara ]1[ saM-stara ] [ °raNa ], See [ saM-√ stR ]

===> [ saMstara ]2[ saM-stara ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a layer (of grass or leaves), bed, couch MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a scattered mass (of flowers &c.) MBh. R. (2) a covering, cover, Kāvyâd4 (3) scattering, strewing (v. l. for [ -staraNa ]) Śak (4) spreading, extension, propagation (of laws or customs) Hariv. (5) a sacrifice or the ritual arrangements for a sacrifice (generally ifc., as in [ yajJa-s° ]) MBh. R.

===> saṃstava [ saMstava ]2[ saM-stava ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) common or simultaneous praise Nir. ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) praise, commendation (also pl.) Vīrac (2) mention KātyŚr. Sch. (3) intimacy familiarity, acquaintance with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp.) Kāv. Rājat. Kathās. (cf. [ asaMsi° ]) (4) [ -prIti ], f. love proceeding from acquaintance Kathās (5) [ -sthira ] mfn. firm through acquaintance MW.

===> saṃstha [ saMstha ]2[ saM-stha ] mf ([ A ]) n. standing together, standing or staying or resting or being in or on, contained in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) being in or with, belonging to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) based or resting or dependent on (loc.) MBh. (3) partaking or possessed of (comp.) MBh. Pañcat (4) existing, lasting for a time (comp.) Vet (5) ended, perished, dead L. (6) ([ saM-sth'a ]), m. presence (only loc. ` in the presence or midst of. ' with [ cid ], ` by one's mere presence ') RV. (7) a spy, secret emissary (cf. [ saMsthA ] below) L. (8) a dweller, resident, inhabitant W. (9) a fellow-countryman, neighbour ib. (10) ([ 'A ]), f. See next

===> saṃsthita [ saMsthita ]2[ s'aM-sthita ] mfn. standing (as opp. to ` lying ' or ` sitting ') Yājñ. (1) one who has stood or held out (in fight) MārkP. (2) placed, resting, lying, sitting, being in or on ([ upari ] loc., or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. &c.

---> abiding, remaining, left standing (for a long time, as food (3) with [ tath^aiva ], remaining in the same condition ') Yājñ. VarBṛS. Ragh (4) lasting, enduring MBh. (5) imminent, future Hariv. (6) shaped, formed (cf. [ duH- ] and [ su-s° ]), appearing in a partic. shape or form, formed like, resembling (often ifc. (7) with [ navadhA ], ` ninefold ' (8) with [ masI-rUpeNa ], ` appearing in the form of black ink ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (9) being in a partic. state or condition, addicted or given to, intent upon (loc. or comp.) Hariv. Kāv. VarBṛS. (10) founded or based upon (loc.) MBh. (11) directed to wards, fixed upon (comp.) BhP. (12) relating to, concerning (loc. or comp.) Kām. MārkP. (13) skilled in, acquainted or familiar with (loc.) MBh. R. (14) started, set out for (dat. or [ abhimukham ]) R. (15) frequented (as a place) Mn. viii, 371 (16) finished, concluded, completed, ready Br. ŚrS. (17) perished, died (n. impers.) Mn. MBh. BhP. (18) near or contiguous to W. (19) heaped, collected ib. (20) n. conduct Cat. (21) form, shape MBh. (22) [ -yaj'us ] n. the final sacrificial formula and the oblation connected with it Br. (23) [ -vat ] mfn. (pl., = 3. pl. pf. (24) pl. [ with [ sukhena ] ] ` they lived happily together ') Pañcat (25) [ -homa ] m. a final sacrifice, ŚrS.

===> saṃsthiti [ saMsthiti ]2[ s'aM-sthiti ] f. staying together, living in or with or near, union with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. [ 1122,1 ] (1) standing or sitting on (loc.) Yājñ. i, 139 (2) duration, continuance in the same state or condition Hariv. Kām (3) constancy, perseverance Hariv. BhP. (4) being bent upon, attaching importance to (loc.) Mn. ix, 14 (5) existence, possibility of (gen. or comp.) MārkP. (6) form, shape ib. (7) established order Kām. VāyuP. (8) nature, condition, quality, property Yājñ. MBh. Pur. (9) conclusion, completion (of a sacrifice) TS. TBr. Vait (10) end, death Pur. (11) obstruction of the bowels, constipation Suśr. (12) heap, accumulation W. (13) restraint ib.

===> saṃsthāna [ saMsthAna ]2[ saM-sth'Ana ] mfn. standing together MW. (1) like, resembling W. (2) applied to Viṣṇu MBh. (3) m. (pl.) N. of a people ib. (4) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) staying or abiding in (comp.) Hit. (cf. [ dUra-s° ]) (5) standing still or firm (in a battle) Gaut (6) being, existence, life MBh. Śaṃk. BhP. (7) abiding by, strict adherence or obedience to (comp.) Kām (8) abode, dwelling-place, habitation Nir. KaushUp. MBh. &c. (9) a public place (in a town) Mn. MBh. &c. (10) shape, form, appearance (often with [ rUpa ]) MBh. R. &c. (11) beauty, splendour MBh. (12) the symptom of a disease Suśr. (13) nature, state, condition BhP. (14) an aggregate, whole, totality BhP. (15) termination, conclusion MaitrS. (16) end, death L. (17) formation L. (18) vicinty, neighbourhood L. (19) [ -cArin ] w. r. for [ sa-sthAsnu-c° ] (20) [ -bhukti ] f. (with [ kAlasya ]) the passage through various periods of time BhP. (21) [ -vat ] mfn. being, existing R. (22) having various forms Kām

===> saṃsthāpana [ saMsthApana ]3[ saM-sthApana ] n. fixing, setting up, raising, erecting MBh. VarBṛS. Suśr. (1) establishment, regulation (cf. [ argha-s° ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. comforting, encouraging Mṛcch

===> saṃsthāpita [ saMsthApita ]3[ saM-sthApita ] mfn. placed, fixed, deposited W. (1) stopped, restrained, controlled ib. (2) made to stand together, heaped up, accumulated MW. 1

===> saṃstuta [ saMstuta ]2[ s'aM-stuta ] mfn. praised or hymned together TS. TBr. Nir (1) praised, celebrated, extolled Hariv. R. Pur. (2) counted together (as one Stotra), reckoned together TS. Br. KātyŚr. (3) equal to, passing for (instr. or comp.) Āpast. Kathās. BhP. (4) acquainted familiar, intimate Kāv. VarBṛS. Rājat (5) [ -tva ] n. the being praised together ChUp. (6) [ -pr^aya ] mfn. for the most part lauded or hymned together, associated in hymns MW.

===> saṃstutaka [ saMstutaka ]3[ s'aM-stutaka ] mfn. affable, condescending, civil Buddh.

===> saṃstuti [ saMstuti ]3[ s'aM-stuti ] f. praise, eulogy MBh. BhP. (1) figuritive mode of expression Āpast. [ 1121,2 ]

===> saṃstīrṇa [ saMstIrNa ]2[ saM-stIrNa ] mfn. strewn, scattered Kauś. Śak (1) -next MBh. R.

===> saṃstūpa [ saMstUpa ]1[ saM-stUpa ] m. a heap of sweepings Gobh. (Sch.)

===> saṃstṛta [ saMstRta ]1[ saM-stRta ] mfn. bestrewn, covered over MBh.

===> saṃsveda [ saMsveda ]2[ saM-sveda ] m. sweat, perspiration MBh. (1) [ -ja ] mfn. produced from moist heat (as vermin) ib.

===> saṃsādhana [ saMsAdhana ]3[ saM-sAdhana ] n. performance, accomplishment, fulfilment MBh. (1) preparation Kull. on Mn. xi, 95

===> saṃsāra [ saMsAra ]1[ saM-sAra ] &c. See [ saM-√ sR ] below

===> [ saMsAra ]2[ saM-sAra ] m. going or wandering through, undergoing transmigration MaitrUp. (1) course, passage, passing through a succession of states, circuit of mundane existence, transmigration, metempsychosis, the world, secular life, worldly illusion ([ A saMsArAt ], ` from the beginning of the world ') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. [ 1119,3 ] (2) w. r. for [ saM-cAra ] Bhartṛ

===> saṃsāra-bīja [ saMsArabIja ]3[ saM-sAra-bIja ] n. the seed or origin of the world Sarvad

===> saṃsāra-cakra [ saMsAracakra ]3[ saM-sAra-cakra ] n. the world compared to a wheel MaitrUp.

===> saṃsāra-duḥkha [ saMsAraduHkha ]3[ saM-sAra-duHkha ] n. the pain or sorrows of the world ib.

===> saṃsāra-sāgara [ saMsArasAgara ]3[ saM-sAra-sAgara ] m. = [ -samudra ], Kṛshṇaj

===> saṃsārin [ saMsArin ]2[ saM-sArin ] mfn. moving far and wide, extensive, comprehensive (as intellect) MBh. (1) transmigratory, attached to mundance existence ([ °ri-tva ] n.) BhP. Vedântas. Sarvad (2) worldly, mundane, mixing with society W. (3) m. a living or sentient being, animal, creature, man (with [ sva ], a relative ') Śāntis. Mālatīm. HPariś (4) ([ °ry-Atman ] m. [ perhaps rather two separate words ] the transmigratory soul, the soul passing through various mundane states [ opp. to [ param^asman ] ] MW.)

===> saṃsṛti [ saMsRti ]2[ saM-sRti ] f. course, revolution, (esp.) passage through successive states of existence, course of mundane existence, transmigration, the world ([ -cakra ] n. and [ -cakra-vAla ], n. ' the wheel or circle of mundane existence), AshṭivS. BhP.

===> saṃsṛṣṭa [ saMsRSTa ]2[ saM-sRSTa ] mfn. gathered together, collected RV. x, 84, 7 (1) brought forth or born together (as a litter of animals) VS. (2) associated or connected together (as partners or brothers who combine their property after division), Ma. Yājñ. (3) united, combined, mingled or mixed with, involved in (instr.) VS. ŚBr. R. &c. (4) nearly related or acquainted friendly, familiar MBh. R. Hariv. (5) affected with (comp.) Suśr. (6) connected with, belonging to (comp.) Hariv. (7) mixed, of various kinds, both good and bad in quality &c. ŚBr. Car. (8) accomplished, performed (cf. [ -maithuna ]) (9) cleared through vomiting &c. L. (10) cleanly dressed W. (11) created MW. (12) m. N. of a fabulous mountain Kāraṇḍ (13) ([ am ]), n. near relationship, friendship, intimacy ([ °taM ] √ [ car ], with loc., ` to enter on intimate relations with ') AitBr. MBh. (14) [ -karman ] mfn. denoting mixed or various actions Nir (15) [ -j'it ] mfn. victorious in contest RV. (16) [ tva ] n. commixture, union, association Saṃk (17) (in law) voluntary reunion or co-residence of kinsmen (as of father and son or of brothers with each other, after partition of the family property) Dāyabh (18) [ -dhay'a ] mfn. sucking (as a calf) and left with (the cow) TBr. (19) [ -bhAva ] m. near relationship, friendship R. (20) [ -maithuna ] mf ([ A ]) n. one who has performed sexual intercourse Yājñ. (21) [ -rUpa ] mfn. mixed in form or kind, adulterated W. (22) [ -homa ] m. a common oblation (to Agni and Sūrya) TBr.

===> saṃtapta [ saMtapta ]2[ saM-tapta ] mfn. greatly heated or inflamed, burnt up &c. (1) red-hot, molten, melted (See comp.) (2) oppressed, pained, tormented, distressed, wearied fatigued MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) n. pain, grief, sorrow Mṛcch (4) [ -cAmIkara ] n. glowing or molten gold MW. (5) [ -rajata ] n. molten silver ib. (6) [ -vakSas ] mfn. oppressed in the chest or breathing, short-breathed Suśr. (7) [ -hRdaya ] mfn. feeling great anguish of heart R. (8) [ °t^ayas ] n. heated or red-hot iron Bhartṛ

===> saṃtarpaṇa [ saMtarpaNa ]3[ saM-tarpaNa ] mfn. id. Kāv. Suśr. (1) n. the act of satiating or refreshing, refreshment R. (2) a means of strengthening, restorative Suśr. (3) a partic. luscious dish (consisting of a mixture of grapes, pomegranates dates, plantains, sugar, flour, and ghee) L.

===> saṃtarpita [ saMtarpita ]3[ saM-tarpita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) satiated, satisfied Dhūrtas

===> saṃtati [ saMtati ]2[ s'aM-tati ] f. stretching or extending along, expanse, continuity, uninterruptedness TS. &c. &c. (1) causal connection (of things) MBh. i, 291 (Nīlak.) [ 1142,1 ] (2) a continuous line or series or flow, heap, mass, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) density, intensity (of darkness) Rājat (4) uninterrupted succession, lineage, race, progeny, offspring Mn. MBh. &c. (5) continued meditation (= [ dhI-s° ]) Prab (6) disposition, feeling Divyâv (7) = [ -homa ] ŚBr. (8) N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kratu (cf. [ saM-nati ]) MārkP. (9) m. N. of a son of Alarka BhP. (10) [ -mat ] mfn. possessing offspring MārkP. (11) [ -hom'a ] m. N. of partic. sacrificial texts TBr.

===> saṃtoṣa [ saMtoSa ]2[ saM-toSa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) satisfaction, contentedness with (instr. or loc. (1) [ °SaM-√ kR ], ` to be satisfied or contented ') MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (2) Content (personified as a son of Dharma and Tushṭi and reckoned among the Tushitas, q. v.) Prab. Pur. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of the mother of Gaṅgā-dāsa Cat. (4) [ -vat ] mfn. satisfied, contented (in [ a-s° ]) Pañcat (5) [ °S^ananda ] m. N. of an author Cat.

===> saṃtoṣaṇa [ saMtoSaNa ]3[ saM-toSaNa ] n. the act of satisfying, propitiating, comforting MBh.

===> saṃtoṣaṇīya [ saMtoSaNIya ]3[ saM-toSaNIya ] mfn. to be gratified or pro. pitiated ([ -rUpa ], mfn. ` one who has the semblance of being gratified or propitiated ') MBh. [ 1142,3 ]

===> saṃtoṣita [ saMtoSita ]3[ saM-toSita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) satisfied, pleased, comforted Bhartṛ. Rājat

===> saṃtrasta [ saMtrasta ]2[ saM-trasta ] mfn. trembling with fear, frightened, alarmed MBh. (1) [ -gocara ] mfn. one who is looked at with terror Car.

===> saṃtrāsa [ saMtrAsa ]2[ saM-trAsa ] mfn. great trembling, terror, fear of (abl., [ -tas ], or comp.) MBh. R. &c.

===> saṃtrāsana [ saMtrAsana ]3[ saM-trAsana ] n. (fr. Caus.) the act of terrifying, alarming Chandom. [ 1143,1 ]

===> saṃtuṣita [ saMtuSita ]2[ saM-tuSita ] or m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.

===> saṃtuṣṭa [ saMtuSTa ]2[ saM-tuSTa ] mfn. quite satisfied or contented, well pleased or delighted with (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -tarNaka-vatI ] f. (a cow) having an easily satisfied calf. Hcat

===> saṃtuṣṭi [ saMtuSTi ]3[ saM-tuSTi ] f. complete satisfaction, contentment with (instr.) MBh. BhP.

===> saṃtāna [ saMtAna ]2[ saM-tAn'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) continued succession, continuance, continuity. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) an uninterrupted series, continuous flow Kālid (2) ramification Suśr. (3) a sinew or ligature (of an animal) TS. (4) coherence, connection, transition (in recitation &c.) ŚrS. TUp. (5) a continuous train of thought Sarvad (6) = [ saMdhi ] Kām (7) one of the five trees of Indra's heaven, the Kalpa tree or its flower Hariv. (8) N. of a son of Rudra MārkP. (9) of a place Cat. (10) (pl.) N. of a partic. class of worlds R. (11) m. n. continuous succession, lineage, race, family, offspring, son or daughter Nir. Mn. MBh. &c. (12) n. a partic. mythical weapon R. (13) [ -karman ] n. the act of producing offspring Nir (14) [ -kartR ] m. a producer of offspring ib. (15) [ -gaNa-pati ] m. a form of Gaṇ^eśa (worshipped to obtain progeny) W. (16) [ -go-pAla ] m. a form of Kṛshṇa (worshipped to obtain progeny, also N. of a Kāvya) Cat. (17) ([ °la-vidhi ]. m. N. of wk.)

---> [ -ja ] mfn. sprung from the race of (gen. (18) with [ suta ] m. = ` the son of ') Hariv. (19) [ -dIpikA ] f. [ -prada-sUrya-stotra ] n. [ -rAma-stotra ] n. N. of wks. (20) [ -vat ] mfn. possessing offspring MBh. (21) [ vardhana ] mfn. propagating a family Yājñ. (22) [ -vivek^avali ] f. [ -saMhitA ] f. N. of wks. (23) [ -saMdhi ] m. a peace cemented by family alliance (by giving a daughter in marriage &c.) Kām. Hit. (24) [ °n^artham ] ind. for the sake of (begetting) progeny Mn. iii, 96

===> saṃtāpa [ saMtApa ]2[ saM-tAp'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) becoming very hot, great or burning heat, glow, fire ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) affliction, pain, sorrow, anguish, distress (acc. with √ [ kR ], to be distressed about [ gen. ] ', or to cause pain ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) self-mortification, remorse, repentance, penance MBh. Kir (3) [ -kara ] (Suśr.), [ -kArin ] (Kathās.), mfn. causing pain or affliction (4) [ -vat ] mfn. afflicted with pain, sorrowful Kathās (5) [ -hara ] (Daś.), [ -hAraka ] (Śak.), mfn. removing heat, cooling, comforting

===> saṃtāpana [ saMtApana ]3[ saM-tApana ] mfn. burning, paining, afflicting (comp.) BhP. (1) m. N. of one of the arrows of Kāma-deva L. (2) of a demon possessing children Hariv. (3) of one of Śiva's attendants L. (4) n. the act of burning, paining, afflicting, exciting passion W. (5) N. of a partic. mythical weapon R.

===> saṃtāpita [ saMtApita ]3[ saM-tApita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) made very hot, burnt, scorched, tormented, pained, afflicted, wearied MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃtāraka [ saMtAraka ]3[ saM-tAraka ] mfn. conveying or helping over (1) [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

===> saṃtīrṇa [ saMtIrNa ]2[ saM-tIrNa ] mfn. crossed or passed over &c. (1) saved or escaped from (abl.) MBh.

===> saṃvala [ saMvala ]1[ saM-vala ] See [ zambala ]

===> saṃvara [ saMvara ]2[ saM-vara ]1 mfn. keeping back, stopping (in [ kAla-s° ], applied to Viṣṇu) Pañcar. (1) m. (often written and confounded with [ zambara ] dam, mound, bridge Bhaṭṭ. (2) provisions Divyâv (3) shutting out the external world (with Jainas one of the 7 or 9 Tattvas) Sarvad (4) N. of two Arhats L. (5) n. (with Buddhists) restraint, forbearance (or ` a partic. religious observance ') Kāraṇḍ (6) [ -viMzaka ] n. [ -vyAkhyA ] f. [ °r^odaya-tantra ] n. N. of wks. 1

===> [ saMvara ]2[ saM-vara ]2 m. choosing, election, choice (of v. l. for [ svayaM-vara ]) MBh. vii, 6033. 2

===> saṃvaraṇa [ saMvaraNa ]3[ saM-varaNa ] n. id. (1) [ -nAtaka ] n. N. of a drama (2) [ -sraj ] f. the garland given by a woman to her chosen husband Ragh. Naish

===> saṃvardhaka [ saMvardhaka ]2[ saM-vardhaka ] mfn. augmenting, increasing W.

===> saṃvardhana [ saMvardhana ]3[ saM-vardhana ] mfn. id. Subh (1) m. N. of a man Rājat (2) n. growing up, complete growth Kathās (3) rearing up, festering R. (4) a means for causing growth (as of the hair), ŚāṅgS. (5) prospering, thriving MBh. Vikr (6) causing to thrive, furthering, promoting Kām. Daś

===> saṃvardhita [ saMvardhita ]3[ saM-vardhita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) brought to complete growth, brought up, reared, raised, cherished MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃvarta [ saMvarta ]1[ saM-varta ] [ °taka ] &c. See under [ saM-√ vRt ]

===> [ saMvarta ]2[ saM-vart'a ] m. meeting, encountering (an enemy) MBh. (1) rolling up, destruction, (esp.) the periodical destruction or dissolution of the world MBh. R. BhP. (2) a partic. cosmic period or Kalpa (q. v.) Cat. (3) anything rolled or kneaded, a lump or ball (of cake) Kauś. [ 1116,3 ] (4) a young rolled-up leaf ĀpGṛ. (5) a dense mass (of people) Mālatīm (6) a rain-cloud R. Hariv. (7) a partic. kind of cloud (abounding in water and so distinct from the Ā-varta which has no water (8) cf. [ droNa ], [ puSkal^ovartaka ]) L. (9) N. of one of the 7 clouds at the dissolution of the universe (cf. [ bhImanAda ]) Cat. (10) a year L. (11) a partic. mythical weapon Hariv. R. (12) a partic. comet VarBṛS. (13) a partic. conjunction of planets ib. (14) Terminalia Bellerica L. (15) Cicer Arietinum L. (16) N. of a Muni and legislator (cf. [ -smRRti ] and [ bRhat-saMv° ]) Yājñ. (17) of an Aṅgirasa (and author of RV. x, 172) AitBr. &c. (18) n. du. (with [ indracya ]) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. (perhaps w. r. for [ sAM-v° ], q. v.) (19) [ -kalpa ] m. a partic. period of universal destruction, Buddb (20) [ -maruttIya ] mfn. relating to the Munis Saṃvarta and Marutta MBh. (21) [ -smRti ] f. Saṃvarta's law-book IW. 203 (22) [ °t^agni ] m. the fire at the destruction of the world MBh. (23) [ °t^ambhas ] n. the water at the destruction of the world BhP. (24) [ °t^arka ] m. the sun at the destruction of the world ib.

===> saṃvartaka [ saMvartaka ]3[ saM-vartaka ] mfn. (cf. [ sAM-v° ]) rolling up, destroying (all things at the end of the world) NṛsUp. MBh. &c. (1) m. the world-destroying fire (pl. ` the fires of hell '), Gṛhyās. BhP. (2) submarine fire (= [ bADava ]) L. (3) (scil. [ gaNa ]) a group or class of world-destroying clouds VP. (4) the end or dissolution of the universe R. Hariv. (5) Terminalia Bellerica L. (6) N. of Baladeva (q. v.) L. (7) of a serpent-demon MBh.

---> of an ancient sage (= [ saM-varta ]) VarBṛS. (8) of a mountain Col. (9) ([ ikA ]), f. a young lotus-leaf (still rolled up) Bhpr. Kād (10) n. Bala-deva's ploughshare Hariv.

---> [ °k^agni ] m. the world-destroying fire MW. (11) [ °k^abhra ] n. pl. the clouds at the destruction of the world, Nāg^an (12) [ °kin ] m. N. of Bala-deva (cf. above) L.

===> saṃvartanīya [ saMvartanIya ]3[ saM-vartanIya ] mfn. (ifc. leading or conducive to), Saddhp

===> saṃvartita [ saMvartita ]3[ saM-vartita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) rolled up, wrapped up, enveloped MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> saṃvarṇana [ saMvarNana ]2[ saM-varNana ] n. narrating, describing Cat. (1) praise, commendation Jātakam

===> saṃvarṇita [ saMvarNita ]3[ saM-varNita ] mfn. communicated, narrated &c. (1) approved, sanctioned Lalit. (2) resolute ib. (3) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. one who has made up his mind, resolute ib.

===> saṃvasana [ saMvasana ]3[ saM-v'asana ] n. a dwelling place, house RV.

===> saṃvatsara [ saMvatsara ]2[ saM-vatsar'a ] m. (rarely n. (1) cf. [ pari-v° ]) a full year, a year (having 12 [ TS. ] or 13 [ VS. ] months or 360 days [ ŚBr. AitBr. Suśr. ] (2) [ am ], ` for a year (3) [ eNa ] ` after or in course of a year ' (4) [ e ] or [ asya ], after or within a year ') RV. &c. &c. (5) a year of the Vikrama era (See above (6) [ varSa ] is used for the [ zaka ]) the first in a cycle of five or six years TS. PārGṛ. VarBṛS. BhP. (7) the Year personified (having the new and full moon for eyes and presiding over the seasons) TS. Pur. (8) N. of Śiva MBh.

===> saṃvedana [ saMvedana ]3[ saM-vedana ] n. the act of perceiving or feeling, perception, sensation MBh. Kāv. Sarvad

---> making known, communication, announcement, information Kathās. ŚārṅgS.

===> saṃvedya [ saMvedya ]2[ saM-vedya ]1 mfn. to be known or understood or learnt &c. (1) intelligible Daś. Sāh. Rājat (2) to be communicated to (loc.) MBh. (3) m. and n. See 2, [ saM-vedya ] (4) [ -tA ] f. intelligibility Sāh (5) [ -tva ] n. id. ib. (6) sensation Nyāyas. Sch.

===> [ saMvedya ]2[ saM-vedya ]2 m. the junction of two rivers L. (1) n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh.

===> saṃvega [ saMvega ]1[ saM-vega ] [ saM-vejana ], See [ saM-√ vij ]

===> saṃvejana [ saMvejana ]2[ saM-vejana ] See [ netra- ] and [ roma-s° ]

===> saṃvejanīya [ saMvejanIya ]2[ saM-vejanIya ] mfn. to be agitated, tending to agitate the mind violently Jātakam

===> saṃveṣṭa [ saMveSTa ]2[ saM-veSTa ] n. the being enveloped in or covered with (comp.) MBh. (1) a covering, cover (ifc. ` covered with ') Hariv.

===> saṃvibhajana [ saMvibhajana ]2[ saM-vibhajana ] n. the act of sharing with another Bālar

===> saṃvibhāga [ saMvibhAga ]2[ saM-vibhAga ] m. dividing together, sharing with others, partition, distribution, bestowal of (comp.) or upon (dat. or loc.), causing to partake in (comp.) Āpast. Gaut. MBh. &c. (1) giving ([ AjJAs° ], ` giving orders ') Kād (2) participation, share (acc. with Ā. of √ [ kR ] and instr., ` to partake in ') MBh. (3) [ -manas ] mfn. disposed to share with others MBh. (4) [ -ruci ] mfn. liking to share with others ([ °ci-tA ] f.) Suśr. (5) [ -zIla ] (Daś.) or [ -zIla-vat ] (VarBṛS.), mfn. accustomed to share with others

===> saṃvid [ saMvid ]1[ saM-vid ] √ 1. cl. 2. P. Ā. [ -vetti ], [ -vitte ], (3. pl. [ -vidate ], or [ -vidrate ] Pāṇ. 7-1, 7), to know together, know thoroughly, know, recognize RV. &c. &c. (1) to perceive, feel, taste Suśr. (2) to come to an understanding, agree with, approve (acc.) MBh. R. : Caus. [ -vedayati ], to cause to know or perceive PraśnUp. [ 1115,2 ] (3) to make known, declare MBh. (4) to know, perceive Bhaṭṭ. : Caus., See [ saM-vedita ]

===> [ saMvid ]2[ saM-v'id ]1 f. consciousness, intellect, knowledge, understanding (in phil. = [ mahat ]) VS. &c. &c. (1) perception, feeling, sense of (gen. or comp.) Rājat. BhP. Sarvad (2) a partic. stage of Yoga to be attained by retention of the breath MārkP. (3) a mutual understanding, agreement, contract, covenant (acc. with √ [ kR ] or Caus. of √ [ sthA ] or [ vi-√ dhA ], to make an agreement with ', instr. [ with and without [ saha ], or gen. ] or ` to ' [ inf. or dat. ] (4) with Caus. of √ [ laGgh ] or [ vyati-√ kram ] ', to break an agreement ') TUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (5) an appointment, rendezvous BhP. (6) a plan, scheme, device Rājat (7) conversation, talk about (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) news, tidings MBh. (9) prescribed custom, established usage Śiś. xii, 35 (10) a name, appellation ib. (11) satisfying (= [ toSaNa ]) Śiś. xvi, 47 (Sch.) (12) hemp L. (13) war, battle L. (14) a watch-word, war-cry W. (15) a sign, signal ib. (16) ([ °vit ]) [ -prakAza ] m. [ -siddhi ] m. N. of wks. (17) ([ °vid ]) [ -vyatikrama ] m. breach of promise, violation of contract Cat. (cf. Mn. viii, 5 and IW. 261) (18) ([ °vin ]) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) u. consisting of intellect NṛsUp.

===> [ saMvid ]2[ saM-v'id ]2 f. acquisition, property MaitrS.

===> saṃvida [ saMvida ]2[ saM-vida ] mfn. having consciousness, conscious (in [ a-s° ]) ŚBr. (1) n. (?) stipulation, agreement MBh. viii, 4512

===> saṃvidhā [ saMvidhA ]1[ saM-vi-dhA ] √ P. Ā. [ -dadhAti ], [ -dhatte ], to dispose, arrange, settle, fix, determine, prescribe MBh. R. Suśr. (1) to direct, order Hariv. (2) to carry on, conduct, manage, attend to, mind Mn. MBh. &c. (3) to use, employ R. (4) to make use of. act or proceed with (instr.) Pañcat (5) (with [ mAnasam ]) to keep the mind fixed or composed, be in good spirits Bhartṛ (6) to make, render (two acc.) Naish (7) to set, put, lay, place MBh. : Pass. [ -dhIyate ], to be disposed or arranged &c. MBh. : Caus. [ -dhApayati ], to cause to dispose or manage Kād

===> [ saMvidhA ]2[ saM-vidhA ] f. id. R. Ragh (1) mode of life Ragh

===> saṃvidhāna [ saMvidhAna ]3[ saM-vidhAna ] n. arrangement, disposition, management, contrivance MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) mode, rite W. (2) [ -vat ] mfn. acting in the right way, Siśr

===> saṃvidita [ saMvidita ]3[ saM-vidita ] mfn. known, recognized, understood MBh. VarBṛS. Inscr. (1) searched, explored Hariv. (2) assented to, agreed upon, approved ([ am ] ind. ` with the approval of ') MBh. R. Mālav (3) admonished, advised BhP.

===> saṃvigna [ saMvigna ]2[ saM-vigna ] mfn. agitated, flurried, terrified, shy MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) moving to and fro BhP. (2) (ifc.) fallen into ib. (3) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. agitated or distracted in mind MBh.

===> saṃvitti [ saMvitti ]2[ saM-vitti ] f. knowledge, intellect, understanding ib. Kir (1) perception, feeling, sense of (comp.) Kir. Sarvad (2) mutual agreement, harmony L. (3) recognition, recollection W.

===> saṃvāsa [ saMvAsa ]2[ saM-vAsa ] m. dwelling together, living or associating with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) cohabitation, sexual connexion with (comp.) Car. (2) a common abode Kām (3) a settlement, dwelling, house MBh. R. &c. (4) an open place for meeting or recreation L. (5) association, company, society W.

===> saṃvāsin [ saMvAsin ]2[ saM-vAsin ]2 mfn. dwelling together, a fellow-dweller Kām. Rājat (1) (ifc.) dwelling in, inhabiting MBh. R.

===> saṃvīta [ saMvIta ]1[ saM-vIta ] [ °tin ], See [ saM-√ vye ]

===> [ saMvIta ]2[ saM-vIta ] mfn. covered over, clothed, mailed, armoured MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) covered or surrounded or furnished with, concealed or obscured by (instr. or comp.) ib. (2) hidden, invisible, disappeared Hariv. (3) wrapped round Bālar (4) unseen i. e. connived at, permitted by (comp.) Vām. ii, 1, 19 (5) n. clothing Śāntiś (6) [ -rAga ] mfn. one whose passions have disappeared Hariv. (7) [ °t^aGga ] mfn. one who has the body covered, properly clothed Mn. iv, 49

===> saṃvṛddha [ saMvRddha ]2[ saM-vRddha ] mfn. full grown, grown up, increased, augmented, thriving, prospering MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) large, big (in [ ati-s° ])

===> saṃvṛt [ saMvRt ]2[ saM-vRt ]1 mfn. covering TS.

===> [ saMvRt ]1[ saM-√ vRt ] Ā. [ -vartate ] (pf. p. [ -vavRtv'as ], q. v. (1) Ved. inf. [ -v'Rtas ] (2) ind. [ -vartam ]), to turn or go towards, approach near to, arrive at RV. AV. R. (3) to go against, attack (acc.) MBh. (4) to meet, encounter (as foes) RV. iv, 24, 4 (5) to come together, be rolled together, be conglomerated PañcavBr. Kauś (6) (also with [ mithas ]) to have sexual intercourse together ŚBr. Āpast (7) to take shape, come into being, be produced, arise from (abl.) RV. &c. &c. (8) to come round or about, come to pass, happen, occur, take place, be fulfilled (as time) MBh. Kāv (9) &c. (10) to begin, commence R. (11) to be, exist ChUp. MBh. &c. (12) to become, grow, get (with nom.) R. Ragh (13) to be conducive to, serve for (dat.) Lalit. : Caus. [ vartayati ], to cause to turn or revolve, roll (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (14) to turn towards or hither RV. (15) to clench (the fist) Hariv. (16) to wrap up, envelop MBh. (17) to crumple up, crush, destroy MBh. R. (18) to bring about, accomplish, perform, execute Hariv. R. BhP. (19) to fulfil, satisfy (a wish) R. (20) to think of. find out (a remedy) Car. : Desid. [ -v'ivRtsati ], to wish to have sexual intercourse with (acc.) AV.

===> saṃvṛta [ saMvRta ]2[ s'aM-vRta ] mfn. covered, shut up, enclosed or enveloped in (loc.), surrounded or accompanied or protected by (instr. with or without [ saha ], or comp.), well furnished or provided or occupied or filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) AV. &c. &c. (1) concealed, laid aside, kept, secured MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) restrained, suppressed, retired, withdrawn Hariv. Śak. ii, 12 (v. l. for [ saM-hRta ]) (3) well covered or guarded (See [ su-s° ]) (4) contracted, compressed, closed (as the throat), articulated with the vocal chords contracted Prāt. (5) subdued (as a tone) ib. Pat. (6) (in rhet.) hidden, ambiguous (but not offensive, See Vām. ii, 1, 14) (7) m. N. of Varuṇa L. (8) n. a secret place KaushUp. (9) close articulation (cf. above) Prāt. (10) [ -tA ] f. (Tprāt. Sch.), [ -tva ] n. (Veṇis.) closed condition (11) [ -mantra ] mfn. one who keeps his counsels or plans secret ([ -tA ], f.) Kām (12) [ -saMvArya ] mfn. one who conceals what ought to be concealed Mn. vii, 102 (13) [ °t^akAra ] mfn. one who conceals all signs of feeling MW.

===> saṃvṛti [ saMvRti ]2[ saM-vRti ] f. closure Suśr. ŚārṅgP. (1) covering, concealing, keeping secret Śiś. Sarvad (2) dissimulation, hypocrisy Amar. (3) obstruction HYog. (4) [ -mat ] mfn. able to dissimulate Śiś. Subh

===> saṃvṛtta [ saMvRtta ]2[ saM-vRtta ] mfn. approached near to, arrived Gaut (1) happened, occurred, passed Kāv. Pañcat (2) fulfilled (as a wish) R. (3) become, grown (with nom.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) often w. r. for [ saM-vRta ] (5) m. N. of Varuṇa L. (6) of a serpent-demon MBh.

===> saṃvṛtti [ saMvRtti ]3[ saM-vRtti ] f. common occupation Āpast (1) the right effect Car. (2) Fulfilment (personified) MBh. (3) being, existing, becoming, happening MW. (4) often w. r. for [ saM-vRti ]

===> saṃyama [ saMyama ]2[ saM-yama ] m. holding together, restraint, control, (esp.) control of the senses, self-control Mn. MBh. &c. (1) tying up (the hair) Sāh (2) binding, fettering VarBṛS. (3) closing (of the eyes) MārkP. (4) concentration of mind (comprising the performance of Dhāraṇā, Dhyāna, and Samādhi, or the last three stages in Yoga) Yogas. Sarvad (5) effort, exertion ([ 'A ], with great difficulty ') MBh. (6) suppression, i. e. destruction (of the world) Pur. (7) N. of a son of Dhūmr^aksha (and father of Kṛś^aśva) BhP. (8) [ -dhana ] mfn. rich in self-restraint MBh. (9) [ -puNya-tIrtha ] mfn. having restraint for a holy place of pilgrimage MBh. (10) [ -vat ] mfn. self-controlled, parsimonious, economical Kathās (11) [ °mAgni ] m. the fire of abstinence Bhag. (12) [ °m^ambhas ] n. the flood of water at the end of the world BhP.

===> saṃyamaka [ saMyamaka ]3[ saM-yamaka ] mfn. checking, restraining VahniP.

===> saṃyamana [ saMyamana ]3[ saM-yamana ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. MBh. Pur. (1) bringing to rest RV. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of the city or residence of Yama (fabled to be situated on Mount Meru) MBh. BhP. (3) n. the act of curbing or checking or restraining VP. (4) self-control KaushUp. (5) binding together, tying up Vikr. Sāh (6) drawing tight, tightening (reins &c.) Śak (7) confinement, fetter Mṛcch (8) Yama's residence (cf. above) Bādar

===> saṃyata [ saMyata ]2[ s'aM-yata ] mfn. held together, held in, held fast &c. (1) self-contained, self-controlled with regard to (loc., instr., or comp.) Gaut. MBh. &c. (2) tied together, bound up, fettered, confined, imprisoned, captive Mn. MBh. &c. (3) shut up, closed (opp. to [ vy-Atta ]) AV. (4) kept in order (See comp.) (5) suppressed, subdued MBh. (6) = [ udyata ], prepared, ready to (inf.) Hariv. (7) m. ` one who controls himself ', N. of Śiva MBh. (8) [ -cetas ] mfn. controlled in mind MW. (9) [ -pr^aNa ] mfn. having the breath suppressed or having the organs restrained ib. (10) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. (= [ -cetas ]) ib. (11) [ -mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. (= [ -vAc ]) Mṛcch (12) [ -maithuna ] mfn. one who abstains from sexual intercourse MBh. (13) [ -vat ] mfn. self-controlled, self-possessed Hariv. (14) [ -vastra ] mfn. having the dress or clothes fastened or tied together Bhartṛ (15) [ -vAc ] mfn. restrained in speech, taciturn, silent MW. (16) [ °t^akSa ] mfn. having the eyes closed BhP. (17) [ °t^aJjali ] mfn. having the hands joined together in entreaty (= [ baddh^oJjali ]) MW. (18) [ °t^atman ] mfn. (= [ °ta-cetas ]) Mn. xi, 236 (19) [ °t^ahAra ] mfn. temperate in eating MBh. (20) [ °t^endriya ] mfn. having the senses or passions controlled ib. [ 1112,1 ] (21) [ °t^opaskara ] mfn. having the household utensils kept in order Yājñ.

===> saṃyoga [ saMyoga ]2[ saM-yoga ] m. conjunction, combination, connection ([ °ge ] or [ °geSu ] ifc. ` in connection with, with regard to, concerning '), union or absorption with or in (gen., or instr. with and without [ saha ], or loc., or ifc.) Āpast. MBh. &c. (1) contact (esp. in phil. ` direct material contact ', as of sesamum seed with rice-grains [ in contradistinction to contact by the fusion of particles, as of water with milk ], enumerated among the 24 Guṇas of the Nyāya, cf. under [ sam-bandha ]) Yogas. Kaṇ. Bhāshāp (2) carnal contact, sexual union MBh. &c. (3) matrimonial connection or relationship by marriage with or between (gen., [ saha ] with instr., or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object Kām. Hit. (5) agreement of opinion, consensus (opposed to [ bheda ]) R. (6) applying one's self closely to, being engaged in, undertaking ([ °gaM ] √ [ kR ], ` to undertake, set about, begin ' (7) [ agnihotra-saMyogam ] √ [ kR ], ` to undertake the maintenance of a sacred fire ') Āpast. Mn. R. (8) (in gram.) a conjunct consonant, combination of two or more consonants Prāt. Pāṇ. &c. (9) dependence of one case upon another, syntax Vop (10) (in astron.) conjunction of two or more heavenly bodies MW. (11) total amount, sum VarBṛS. (12) N. of Śiva MBh.

---> [ -pRthak-tva ] n. (in phil.) separateness with conjunction (a term applied to express the separateness of what is optional from what is a necessary constituent of anything) MW. [ 1112,3 ] (13) [ -mantra ] m. a nuptial text or formula Gaut (14) [ -viruddha ] n. food which causes disease through being mixed MW.

===> saṃyogin [ saMyogin ]3[ saM-yogin ] mfn. being in contact or connection, closely connected with (instr. or comp.) Kaṇ. Śaṃk. MārkP. (1) united (with a loved object (2) opp. to [ virahin ]) Kāvyâd. Sch. (3) married W. (4) conjunct, one of the consonants in a combination of consonants Pāṇ. 1-2, 27 Sch. (5) ([ °gi ]) [ -tva ] n. close connection Sarvad

===> saṃyojana [ saMyojana ]3[ saM-y'ojana ] n. the act of joining or uniting with (instr. or loc.) ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) all that binds to the world, cause of re-birth, Divy^a-v (2) copulation, sexual union L. (3) (with [ mitrA-varuNayoH ], [ azvinoH ], and [ prahitoH ] N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.,

===> saṃyukta [ saMyukta ]2[ s'aM-yukta ] mfn. conjoined, joined together, combined, united (pl., ` all together ') TS. &c. &c. (1) conjunct (as consonants) Pāṇ. 6-3, 59 Sch. (2) connected, related (= [ sambandhin ]) PārGṛ. (3) married to (instr.) Mn. ix, 23 (4) placed, put, fixed in (loc.) MBh. (5) accompanied or attended by, endowed or furnished with, full of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (6) (ifc.) connected with, relating to, concerning KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (7) ([ am ]), ind. jointly, together, at the same time ŚvetUp. (8) ([ A ] f. a kind of metre Col.) (9) [ -saMcaya-piTaka ] m. N. of wk. (10) [ -saMyoga ] m. connection with the connected (e. g. the connection of a trace with a horse) Kaṇ (11) [ -samav^aya ] m. inherence in the connected (one of the six kinds of perception in Nyāya) Tarkas (12) [ -samav^eta-samav^aya ] m. inherence in that which inheres in the connected ib. (13) [ °t^agama ] m. N. of a Buddh. Āgama (14) [ °t^abhidharma-z^astra ] n. N. of a Buddh. wk.

===> saṃyuta [ saMyuta ]2[ s'aM-yuta ] mfn. joined or bound together, tied, fettered R. Ragh (1) put together, joined or connected with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp.) AV. &c. &c. (2) increased hy, added to (instr. or comp.) VarBṛS. Rājat (3) (ifc.) being in conjunction with VarBṛS. (4) consisting of. containing (instr. or comp.) R. (5) (ifc.) relating to, implying ([ pra^iSya-s° ], ` implying service ') Mn. ii, 32 (6) accumulated (v. l. for [ sam-bhRta ]) Śak. iv, 120/121

===> saṃśamana [ saMzamana ]3[ saM-zamana ] mf ([ I ]) n. allaying, tranquillizing Suśr. (1) removing, destroying (See [ pApa-s° ]) (2) n. pacification Kām (3) a sedative Suśr.

===> saṃśaya [ saMzaya ]1[ saM-zaya ] &c. See [ saM-√ zI ]

===> [ saMzaya ]2[ saM-zaya ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) lying down to rest or sleep L. (1) uncertainty, irresolution, hesitation, doubt in or of (loc., acc. with [ prati ], or comp. (2) [ saMzayaH ], with Pot., ` there is doubt whether ' (3) [ na ] [ s° ], [ n^asti s° ], [ n^atra s° ], [ na hi s° ], [ n^asty atra-s° ] &c., ` there is no doubt ', ` without doubt ') ĀśvŚr. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) a doubtful matter Car. (5) (in Nyāya) doubt about the point to be discussed (one of the 16 categories) IW. 64 (6) difficulty, danger, risk of or in or to (gen., loc., or comp.) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c. (7) [ -kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing doubt or risk, dangerous to (comp.) Śiś. (8) [ -kAraN^arth^apatti-pUrva-pakSa-rahasya ] n. [ -kAraN^arth^apatti-rahasya ] n. N. of Nyāya wks. (9) [ -gata ] mfn. fallen into danger Śak (10) [ -ccheda ] m. the solution of doubt ([ °dya ] mfn. relating to it) Ragh (11) [ -cchedin ] mfn. clearing all doubt, decisive Śak (12) [ -tattva-nirUpaNa ] n. [ -pakSatA-rahasya ] n. [ -pakSatA-vAda ], m. [ -par^ikSA ] f. [ -vAda ] m. [ -vAd^artha ] m. N. of wks. (13) [ -sama ] m. (in Nyāya) one of the 24 Jātis or self-confuting replies Nyāyas. Sarvad. (cf. IW. 64) (14) [ -sama-prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk. (15) [ -stha ] mfn. being in uncertainty, doubtful W. (16) [ °y^akSepa ] m. ` removal of doubt ', a partic. figure of speech Kāvyâd. ii, 163 ; 164 (17) [ °y^atmaka ] mfn. consisting of doubt, dubious, uncertain Pañcat (18) [ °y^atman ] mfn. having a doubtful mind, a sceptic Bhag. Sarvad (19) [ °y^anumiti ] f. [ °y^anumiti-rahasya ] n. N. of wks. (20) [ °y^apanna ] mfn. beset with doubt, dubious ([ -mAnasa ] mfn. irresolute in mind) W. (21) [ °y^avaha ] mfn. causing danger, dangerous to (gen. or comp.) MBh. (22) [ °y^occhedin ] mfn. resolving doubts Hit., Introd. (23) [ °y^opamA ] f. a comparison expressed in the form of a doubt Kāvyâd. ii, 26

---> [ y^op^eta ] mfn. possessed of uncertainty, doubtful, uncertain MW.

===> saṃśayita [ saMzayita ]3[ saM-zayita ] mfn. irresolute, doubtful about (comp.) KātyŚr. R. (1) subject to doubt, uncertain, dubious, questionable MBh. Kām (2) n. doubt, uncertainty MBh.

===> saṃśleṣa [ saMzleSa ]2[ saM-zleSa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) junction, union, connection, close contact with (instr. or comp. (1) [ °SaM ] √ [ labh ], to attain, participate in ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) embracing an embrace Kālid (3) a joint SāmavBr. (4) a bond, thong MBh.

===> saṃśliṣṭa [ saMzliSTa ]2[ s'aM-zliSTa ] mfn. clasped or pressed together, contiguous, coherent, closely connected with (instr. with and without [ saha ], acc., or comp.) ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) coalescent, blended together Prāt. (2) confused, indeterminate (as an action which is neither good nor bad) MBh. (3) endowed with, possessed of (instr. (4) [ kiMcij jIvit^azayA ], ` having a slight hope of life ') Pañcat (5) m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv (6) n. a heap, mass, multitude R. (7) [ -karman ] mfn. not distinguishing between good and evil actions MBh. xii, 4220 (v. l. [ saM-kliSTa-k° ]) (8) [ -zarIra-kArin ] mfn. (pl.) putting their bodies together, i. e. dwelling or living together MBh.

===> saṃśobhita [ saMzobhita ]2[ saM-zobhita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) adorned or shining with (instr.) Ṛitus

===> saṃśodhana [ saMzodhana ]2[ saM-zodhana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. Caus.) completely purifying, destroying impurity (of the bodily humours) Suśr. (1) n. purification or a means of purification Suśr. refining, clearing W. (2) paying off, correcting ib. (3) [ -zamanIya ] mfn. treating of purifying and calming remedies Suśr.

===> saṃśrava [ saMzrava ]2[ saM-zrava ] m. hearing, listening (loc., ` within hearing ') MBh. Mālatīm (1) assent, promise, agreement L. (2) mfn. audible (See [ vidUra-saMzrava ])

===> saṃśraya [ saMzraya ]2[ saM-zraya ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) conjunction, combination, connection, association (ifc. ` joined or connected with '), relationship or reference to (ifc. ` relating to ', ` referring to ' (1) [ At ] ind., in consequeuce of ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) going or resorting or betaking one's self to any person or place (loc. or comp.), going for refuge or protection, having recourse to (cf. [ kali-s° ]) MBh. Pañcat. &c. (3) league, alliance, leaguing together for mutual protection (one of the 6 Guṇas of a king) Mn. vii, 160 Yājñ. &c. (4) a refuge, asylum, shelter, resting or dwelling-place, residence, home (ifc. ` residing with ', ` living or dwelling or resting in or on ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) devotion to, attachment to (ifc., devoted or attached to ' (6) [ At ] ind. ` by means or help of ') MBh. R. &c. (7) an aim, object MW. (8) a piece or portion belonging to anything MBh. (9) N. of a Prajā-pati R. (10) [ -kArita ] mfn. caused by alliance Mn. vii, 176

===> saṃśrayaṇa [ saMzrayaNa ]3[ saM-zrayaNa ] n. (ifc.) clinging to, attachment MBh.

===> saṃśrita [ saMzrita ]2[ s'aM-zrita ] mfn. joined or united with (instr. or comp.) AV. &c. &c. (1) leaning against, clinging to (acc.) MBh. R. (2) clung to, embraced Kum (3) one who has gone or fled to any one for protection, one who has entered the service of (acc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) one who has betaken himself to a place, living or dwelling or staying or situated or being in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) resorted to, sought for refuge or protection MBh. (6) one who is addicted to, indulging in (acc.) Bhag. Pañcat (7) one who has laid hold of or embraced or chosen MBh. (8) inherent in, peculiar to (acc. or comp.) MBh. R. (9) relating to, concerning (loc. or comp.) ib. BhP. (10) suitable, fit, proper MBh. xii, 4102 (11) m. a servant, adherent, dependant Mn. MBh. &c. (12) [ -vat ] mfn. one who has joined or united himself with (instr.) Śak (13) [ °t^anurAga ] m. the affection of dependants MW.

===> saṃśuddha [ saMzuddha ]2[ saM-zuddha ] mfn. completely purified or cleansed, pure, clean Yājñ. BhP. (1) removed, destroyed, expiated (See comp.) (2) cleared off, defrayed, paid Kathās (3) searched, tried, examined Mn. vii, 219 (4) acquitted (of a crime) W. (5) [ -kilbiSa ] mfn. one whose offences are expiated, purified from sin Bhag.

===> saṃśuddhi [ saMzuddhi ]3[ saM-zuddhi ] f. perfect purification or purity (also in a ritual sense) Bhag. Kām. [ 1118,1 ] (1) cleaning (the body) W. (2) acquittal, acquittance ib. (3) correction, rectification ib.

===> saṃśuṣka [ saMzuSka ]2[ saM-zuSka ] mf ([ A ]) n. completely dried up or withered MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -mAMsa-tvak-snAyu ] mfn. one whose flesh and skin and sinews are completely dried up or withered MBh. (2) [ °k^asya ] mfn. having a withered face ib.

===> saṃśānta [ saMzAnta ]2[ saM-zAnta ] mfn. thoroughly pacified or allayed MBh. (1) extinguished, destroyed, dead MBh. R. &c.

===> saṅga [ saGga ]2[ saGga ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] or [ I ]) sticking, clinging to, touch, contact with (loc. or comp.) TS. &c. &c. (1) relation to, association or intercourse with (gen., instr. with and without [ saha ] loc., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) addiction or devotion to, propensity for, (esp.) worldly or selfish attachment or affection, desire, wish, cupidity Mn. MBh. &c. (3) (with [ atreH ]) N. of a Sāman Br.

===> secana [ secana ]2[ secana ] mfn. sprinkling, pouring out, emitting ([ viSa-s° ]) (1) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ] (2) ([ am ]), n. emission, effusion Śaṃk (3) sprinkling or watering with (comp.) MBh. Mṛcch. Suśr. (4) a shower-bath Suśr. (5) casting (of metals) Cat. (6) a bucket, balingvessel L.

===> seka [ seka ]2[ seka ] &c. See s. v.

===> [ seka ]1[ s'eka ] m. (fr. √ [ sic ]) pouring out, emission, effusion (as of the seminal fluid (1) also ` the fluid itself ') RV. Mn. xi, 120 (2) sprinkling, besprinkling, moistening or watering with (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (3) a shower-bath Suśr. ŚārṅgS. (4) a libation, offering MW. (5) a drop of anything ib. (6) pl. N. of a people ib.

===> sela [ sela ]1[ sela ] m. or n. (prob. Prākṛt for [ zaila ]) a kind of weapon Kād. (B.) (1) a partic. high number (cf. [ selu ]) Buddh.

===> selu [ selu ]1[ selu ] m. = [ zelu ], Cordia Myxa Suśr. (1) a partic. high number (cf. [ sela ]) Buddh.

===> sena [ sena ]1[ s^ena ]1 mfn. (7. [ sa ] + [ ina ]) having a master or lord, dependent on another Vās

===> [ sena ]1[ sena ]2 (?), n. the body L.

===> [ sena ]2[ sena ]3 (for 1. 2. See col. 2), in comp. for [ senA ]

===> sendriya [ sendriya ]1[ s^endriya ] mfn. possessed of manly vigour or potency ([ -tv'a ], n.) MaitrS. (1) together with the organs of sense Mn. i, 50

===> senâdhipati [ senAdhipati ]3[ s'enA-dhipati ] (Jātakam.),

===> senā [ senA ]1[ s'enA ] f. (fr. √ 2. [ si ]) a missile, dart, spear RV. AV. (1) N. of Indra's wife (or his thunderbolt so personified) TS. AitBr. Vait (2) an army, armament, battle-array, armed force (also personified as wife of Kārttikeya (3) ifc. also [ sena ] n.) RV. &c. &c. (4) a small army (consisting of 3 elephants, 3 chariots, 9 horse, and 15 foot) L. (5) any drilled troop or band or body of men Bālar (6) a kind of title or addition to the names of persons (also names of courtezans) Sāh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 152 &c.) (7) N. of a courtezan (abridged fr. [ kubera-senA ]) HPariś (8) of the mother of Śambhava (the third Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L.

===> senā-nī [ senAnI ]3[ s'enA-n'I ] m. (nom. [ °n'Is ] (1) dat. abl. pl. [ °n'ibhyas ] (2) Gr. also acc. sg. [ °nyam ] (3) loc. [ °nyAm ] &c.) the leader of an army, commander, general, chief RV. &c. &c. (4) N. of Kārttikeya (god of war) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) of one of the Rudras Hariv. (6) of a son of Śambara ib. (7) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. (8) of a die (the head of a host of dice) MW. [ 1246,3 ] (9) [ (-ni)-bhogIna ] mfn. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 9 Vārtt. 3 (10) [ (-ni)-grAmaN'I ] du. the leader of an army and the chief of a village VS.

===> senā-pati [ senApati ]3[ s'enA-pati ] m. the general of an army AitBr. &c. &c. (1) N. of Kārttikeya L. (2) of Śiva MBh. (3) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra ib. (4) [ -tva ] n. generalship ib. (5) [ -pati ] m. the chief commander of an army ib.

===> senā-vyūha [ senAvyUha ]3[ s'enA-vyUha ] m. battlearray L.

===> senā-vāsa [ senAvAsa ]3[ s'enA-vAsa ] m. a camp VarBṛS.

===> setu [ setu ]1[ s'etu ] mfn. (fr. √ 1. [ si ]) binding, who or what binds or fetters RV. (1) m. a bond, fetter ib. (2) a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) RV. &c. &c. (3) Rāma's bridge (See [ setubandha ]) BhP. (4) a landmark, boundary, limit (also fig. = ` barrier, bounds ') Mn. MBh. &c. (5) a help to the understanding of a text, an explanatory commentary (also N. of various commentaries) Cat. (6) an established institution, fixed rule MW. (7) the Praṇava or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be [ mantrANAM setuH ]) KālP. (8) Crataeva Roxburghii or Tapia Crataeva (= [ varaNa ], [ varuNa ]) L. (9) N. of a son of Druhyu and brother of Babhru Hariv. (10) of a son of Babhru Pur. (11) of a place MW.

===> setu-bandha [ setubandha ]3[ s'etu-bandha ] m. the forming of a causeway or bridge, a dam or bridge (esp. the ridge of rocks extending from Rām^eśvara on the Southeastern coast of India to Ceylon, and supposed to have been formed by Hinumat as a bridge for the passage of Rāma's army) MBh. R. &c. (1) N. of various wks. (esp. of the 13th ch. of the Bhaṭṭi-kāvya and of a Prākṛt poem on the history of Rāma, also called [ rAma-setu ], or [ rAvaNa-vaha ], attributed to Pravarasena and sometimes to Kālidāsa)

===> sevaka [ sevaka ]2[ sevaka ]1 mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) dwelling in, inhabiting (comp.) MBh. (1) practising, using, employing (comp.) Kāv. Kathās (2) revering, worshipping (mostly comp.) Yājñ. BhP. (3) m. a servant, attendant, follower R. VarBṛS. Rājat (4) a votary, worshipper Hariv. Pañcar.

===> [ sevaka ]1[ sevaka ]2 m. (fr. √ [ siv ] (1) for 1. [ sevaka ] See col. 1) one that sews, a sewer L. (2) a sack L.

===> sevana [ sevana ]2[ sevana ]2 n. (for 1. See col. 1) the act of sewing, darning, stitching Suśr. Vop. ĀpŚr. Sch. (1) a sack L. (2) ([ I ]), f. a needle L. (3) a seam L. (4) a suture or peculiar, seam-like union of parts of the body (seven in number, viz. five of the cranium, one of the tongue, and one of the glans penis) Br. Suśr. (5) ([ I ]), f. a kind of small jasmine L.

===> sevanīya [ sevanIya ]2[ sevanIya ]1 mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) to be sewn or stitched together MW.

===> sevin [ sevin ]2[ sevin ] mfn. (only ifc.) going or resorting to, frequenting, inhabiting MBh. R. &c. (1) attending on, serving, a servant Kālid. Kir. VarBṛS. (2) honouring, revering, deferential to Mn. MBh. &c. (3) having sexual intercourse with Subh (4) addicted to, fond of, enjoying, practising, employing MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sevita [ sevita ]2[ sevita ] mfn. dwelt in, visited, frequented, followed, served &c. (See √ [ sev ]) (1) furnished or endowed with, abounding in (comp.) R. (2) n. = 1. [ sevi ] L.

===> sevitavya [ sevitavya ]2[ sevitavya ]1 mfn. (for 2. See below) to be frequented or inhabited Hariv. (1) to be followed or practised TUp. Mn. &c. (2) to be tended or taken care of Cāṇ. Mṛcch

===> [ sevitavya ]2[ sevitavya ]2 mfn. (for 1. See above) to be sewn Nir

===> sevya [ sevya ]2[ sevya ] mfn. to be resorted to or frequented or inhabited by (gen.) Hariv. Pañcat. Kathās (1) to be followed (as a path) Rājat (2) to be approached Cāṇ (3) to be waited upon or served or obeyed, a master (as opp. to ` a servant ') R. Kālid. &c. (4) to be honoured, honourable Yājñ. MBh. &c. (5) to be enjoyed carnally Subh (6) to be practised or used or employed MBh. R. &c. (7) to be studied Cat. (8) to be kept or hoarded Hit. (9) to be taken care of or guarded W. (10) m. the Aśvattha tree, Ficus Religiosa L. (11) Barringtonia Acutangula L. (12) a sparrow L. (13) an intoxicating drink made from the blossoms of the Bassia Latifolia L. (14) ([ A ]), f. the parasitical plant Vandā L. (15) Emblic Myrobolam L. (16) a kind of wild grain or rice L. (17) ([ am ]), n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus Suśr. (18) red sandal-wood L. (19) sea-salt L. (20) the thick middle part of curds L. (21) water L.

===> sevā [ sevA ]2[ sevA ] f. going or resorting to, visiting, frequenting Cāṇ. Subh (1) service, attendance on (loc., gen., or comp. (2) [ sevAM-√ kR ], with gen., ` to be in the service of ') Mn. MBh. &c. (3) worship, homage, reverence, devotion to (gen. or comp.) ib. (4) sexual intercourse with (comp.) Hit. Subh (5) addiction to, indulgence in, practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c.

===> siddha [ siddha ]2[ siddha ]1 mfn. driven off, scared away PañcavBr.

===> [ siddha ]2[ siddha ]2 mfn. accomplished, fulfilled, effected, gained, acquired MBh. Ragh (1) one who has attained his object, successful BhP. (2) one who has attained the highest object, thoroughly skilled or versed in (dat. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (3) perfected, become perfect, beatified, endowed with supernatural faculties (See 2. [ siddhi ]) ib. (4) sacred, holy, divine, illustrious W. (5) hit (as a mark) Kathās (6) prepared, cooked, dressed (as food) Mn. MBh. &c. (7) healed, cured Pañcat (8) valid (as a rule in grammar, See [ as° ]) (9) admitted to be true or right, established, settled, proved Pat. Mn. Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad (10) resulting from W. (11) adjudicated, decided, terminated (as a lawsuit) W. (12) paid, liquidated, settled (as a debt) ib. (13) ready for payment(as money) Hit. (14) well-known, notorious, celebrated (= [ prasiddha ]) ĀśvŚr. R. &c. (15) effective, powerful, miraculous, supernatural Cāṇ. Rājat (16) Vet (17) subdued, brought into subjection (by magical powers), subject or obedient to (gen.) Pañcat. Kathās (18) peculiar, singular Mālatīm (19) invariable, unalterable Pat. (20) m. a Siddha or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (See 2. [ siddhi ] (21) accord. to some, the Siddhas inhabit, together with the Munis &c., the Bhuvar-loka or atmosphere between the earth and heaven (22) accord. to VP. eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven Ṛshis (23) they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a Kalpa [ q. v. ] (24) in the later mythology the are some times confused with the (25) Sādhyas [ q. v. ] or take their place) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c. (26) any inspired sage or prophet or seer (e. g. Vyāsa, Kapila &c.) ib. (27) any holy personage or great saint (esp. one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude, cf. [ sAlokya ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (28) any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers ib. [ 1215,2 ] (29) (with Jainas) a Jina or Arhat (30) N. of the number 24 (ci. [ jina ] (31) the 21st of the astron. Yogas. L. (32) a lawsuit, judicial trial (= [ vyavahAra ]) L. (33) N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. (34) of a Rājarshi ib. (35) of a king Rājat (36) of a brother of Jajja ib. (37) of a Brāhman Buddh. (38) of an author Cat. (39) a kind of thorn-apple L. (40) another plant or a sort of hard sugar (= [ guDa ]) L. (41) (pl.) N. of a people MBh. VP. (42) ([ A ]), f. a Siddhā or semi-divine female R. (cf. comp.) (43) N. of one of the Yoginis (q. v.) L. (accord. to Sāh. [ siddhA ] is also used at the end of names of courtezans) (44) a kind of medicinal plant or root (= [ Rddhi ]) L. (45) ([ am ]), n. magic, supernatural power Pañcar. (46) sea-salt L.

===> siddhi [ siddhi ]2[ siddhi ]2 f. (for 1. See p. 1215, col. 1) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) the hitting of a mark (loc.) Kām (2) healing (of a disease), cure by (comp.) Yājñ. (3) coming into force, validity ib. (4) settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt) Mn. viii, 47 (5) establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof. indisputable conclusion, result, issue RPrāt. Up. Sarvad (6) decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit) W. (7) solution of a problem ib. (8) preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity ib. (9) readiness W. (10) prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage Mn. MBh. &c. (11) supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance &c.), final emancipation, perfection L. (12) vanishing, making one's self invisible W. (13) a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) ib. (14) the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following Śloka, [ aNimA ] [ laghimA pr^aptiH prAkAmyam mahimA tathA IzitvaM ca vazitvaM ca tathA kAm^avasAyitA ] [ 1216,3 ] (15) sometimes 26 are added, e. g. [ dUra-zravaNa ], [ sarvajJa-tva ], [ agni-stambha ] &c.) Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. Sarvad (16) any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in comp.) Pañcat. Kathās (17) skill in general, dexterity, art Car. (18) efficacy, efficiency Kāv. Pañcat (19) understanding, intellect W. (20) becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words) BhP. (21) (in rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united) Sāh (22) (prob.) a work of art Rājat. iii, 381 (23) a kind of medicinal root (= [ Rddhi ] or [ vRddhi ]) L. (24) (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt (25) a partic. Yoga (either the 16th or 19th) Col. (26) Success or Perfection personified MBh. VarBṛS. (27) N. of Durgā Kathās (28) of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma Pur. (29) of the wife of Bhaga and mother of Mahiman BhP. (30) of a friend of Danu Kathās (31) of one of the wives of Gaṇ^eśa RTL. 215, 2 (32) N. of Śiva (in this sense m.) MBh.

===> siddhi-da [ siddhida ]3[ siddhi-da ] mf ([ A ]) n. conferring felicity or beatitude VarYogay. Mālatīm. BhP. (1) N. of a form of Bhairava or Śiva Śivag (2) Putranjiva Roxburghii L.

===> siddhi-kāraṇa [ siddhikAraNa ]3[ siddhi-kAraNa ] n. a cause of beatitude, means of obtaining felicity MW.

===> siddhy-artham [ siddhyartham ]3[ siddhy-artham ] ind. for the sake of accomplishing or obtaining Yājñ.

===> siddhânta [ siddhAnta ]3[ siddh^anta ] &c., See s. v.

===> [ siddhAnta ]2[ siddh^anta ] m. established end, final end or aim or purpose (cf. [ sama-s° ]), (cf. [ rAddh^anta ]), demonstrated conclusion of an argument (or the 4th member of a syllogism following on the refutation of the [ pUrva-pakSa ], q. v.), settled opinion or doctrine, dogma, axiom, received or admitted truth (of four kinds, See [ sarva-tantra-s° ]?, [ prati-tantra-s° ], [ adhikaraNa-s° ], [ abhyupagama-s° ]) MBh. Kap. Sarvad. (cf. IW. 64) (1) any fixed or established or canonical text-book or received scientific treatise on any subject (esp. on astronomy and mathematics (2) often ifc., as the following 9, Brahma-subject, Sūrya-subject, Soma-subject, Bṛhaspati-subject, Garga-subject, Nārada-subject, Parāśara-subject, Pulastya-subject, Vasishṭha-subject (3) or the following 5, Sid, dh^antas, Pauliśa-subject, Romaka-subject, Vāsishṭha-subject, Śaura-subject, and Paitāmaha-subject) VarBṛS. Sarvad. IW. 175 (4) a partic. class of Buddhist and Jaina wks.

===> siddhârtha [ siddhArtha ]3[ siddh^artha ] mf ([ A ]) n. one who has accomplished an aim or object, successful, prosperous MBh. Kāv. &c. [ 1216,1 ] (1) leading to the goal, efficient, efficacious Hariv. R. (2) one whose aim or intention is known L. (3) m. ` he who has fulfilled the object (of his coming) ', N. of the great Buddha (Gautama or Śākya-muni, founder of Buddhism) MWB. 43 (4) of a Māra-putra Lalit. (5) of a Dānava Kathās (6) of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (7) of a king ib. (8) of a councillor of Daśa-ratha R. (9) of the father of Mahā-vīra (the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) Kathās (10) of a poet Subh (11) ([ A ]), f. N. of the mother of the 4th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. (12) white mustard Suśr. VarBṛS. &c.

---> the Indian fig-tree L. (13) the 53rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBṛS. (14) n. (scil. [ vAstu ]) a building with two halls (one to the west, and one to the south) VarBṛS. (15) [ -kArin ] m. N. of Śiva MBh. (16) [ -carita ] n. N. of a poem (17) [ -pRcchA ] f. N. of wk. on symbols belonging to deities Hcat (18) [ -mati ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva Lalit. (19) [ -mAnin ] mfn. one who thinks he has attained his object Kathās (20) [ -saMhitA ] f. N. of wk. Hcat

===> sidhma [ sidhma ]2[ sidhm'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. See p. 1217, col. 1) going straight to a goal or object aimed at RV. i, 33, 13

===> [ sidhma ]1[ sidhm'a ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (of doubtful derivation) white-spotted (accord. to others ` leprous ') TS. (1) ([ A ]), f. a blotch, leprous spot MW. (2) leprosy ib. (3) m. n. one of the 18 forms of leprosy (= [ mahAkuSTha ]) Car. Bhpr. (4) n. a blotch, scab W.

===> [ sidhma ]2[ sidhma ]3 in comp. for [ sidhman ]

===> sikatā [ sikatA ]2[ s'ikatA ] f. (said to be fr. the above, but prob. fr. √ [ sic ], p. 1214) sand, gravel (mostly pl., sg. also ` a grain of sand ') VS. &c. &c. [ 1214,1 ] (1) sandy soil Pāṇ. 5-2, 105 (2) gravel or stone (as a disease) Suśr. (3) pl. N. of a race of Ṛshis MBh. (part of RV. ix, 86 is attributed to [ sikatA nivAvarI ])

===> sikta [ sikta ]1[ sikta ] [ sikti ], [ siktha ], See below

===> [ sikta ]2[ sikt'a ] mfn. poured out, sprinkled, wetted, impregnated RV. &c. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. = [ sikatA ] L.

===> sikthaka [ sikthaka ]2[ sikthaka ] (ifc., f. [ akA ] or [ ikA ]), m. n. = prec. Hcat (1) n. beeswax L.

===> sina [ sina ]1[ s'ina ]2 n. (accord. to some fr. a √ [ sA ] = ? in ? (1) fr. which also [ sinva ], [ sinvat ] in [ a-s° ] (2) for 1. [ sina ] See p. 1213, col. 1) provision, store (accord. to Naigh. = [ anna ], ` food ' (3) accord. to others ` reward, pay ') RV. (4) m. (only L.) the body (5) a garment (6) Careya Arborea (7) ([ I ]), f. = [ sinIvAlI ] KāśīKh. (8) mt ([ I ]) n. white (= 3. [ sita ]) L. (9) blind, one eyed (= [ kANa ]) L.

===> sindhu [ sindhu ]1[ s'indhu ] m. and f. (prob. fr. √ 1 . [ sidh ] ', to go ') a river, stream (esp. the Indus, and in this sense said to be the only river regarded as m. See [ -nada ], col. 2) RV. &c. &c. (1) m. flood, waters (also in the sky) RV. AV. (2) ocean, sea RV. &c. &c. (3) a symbolical term for the number 4 (cf. 1. [ samudra ]) Gaṇit (4) N. of Varuṇa (as god of the ocean) MW. (5) the moisture of the lips Kum (6) water ejected from an elephant's trunk (= [ vamathu ]) L. (7) the exudation from an elephant's temples L. (8) the country around the Indus (commonly called Sindh (9) pl. ` the inhabitants of Sindh ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (10) a king of Sindh (?) Cat. (11) N. of Viṣṇu RV. MBh. (12) white or refined borax (= [ zveta-TaGkaNa ]) L. (13) = [ sindhuka ] L. (14) (in music) a partic. Rāga, Saṃgītas (15) N. of a king of the Gandharvas R. [ 1217,2 ] (16) of a serpent-demon Buddh. (17) of various men Rājat

===> sindūra [ sindUra ]1[ sindUra ] m. (accord. to Uṇ. i, 69, fr. √ [ syand ]) a sort of tree L. (1) a proper N. Cat. (2) ([ I ]), f. red cloth or clothes L. (3) Grislea Tomentosa L. (4) another plant (= [ -puSpI ]) L. (5) = [ rocanI ] L. (6) n. red lead, minium, vermilion Kāv. Kathās. &c. (7) (= [ rakta-zAsana ], [ rAja-lekha ], and [ rAja-lekhitadakSiNa ] L.)

===> sirā [ sirA ]1[ sirA ] f. (fr. √ [ sR ]) a stream, water RV. i, 121 (cf. Naigh. i, 12 (1) often written [ zirA ]) (2) any tubular vessel of the body, a nerve, vein, artery, tendon &c. Suśr. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (3) a vein-like channel or narrow stream of river water VarBṛS. (4) lines which cross each other like veins ib. (5) a bucket, baling-vessel L.

===> sirī [ sirI ]1[ sir'I ] m. or f. (prob.) a shuttle (others, ` a weaver ') RV. x, 71, 9

===> sita [ sita ]3[ sita ]

===> sita-puṣpika [ sitapuSpika ]3[ sita-puSpika ] a kind of leprosy L.

===> sitâtapatra [ sitAtapatra ]3[ sit^atapatra ] n. a white umbrella (emblem of royalty) Siṉhâs

===> siṃha [ siMha ]3[ siMha ] m. N. of a man cf. Cat.

===> [ siMha ]1[ siMh'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) prob. fr. √ [ sah ]) ` the powerful one ', a lion (also identified with [ Atman ]) RV. &c. &c. (2) the zodiacal sign Leo or its Lagna VarBṛS. MārkP. (3) a hero or eminent person (ifc. = ` chief or lord of ', to express excellence of any kind (4) cf. [ puruSa-s° ], [ rAja-s° ], and the similar use of [ RSabha ], [ vyAghra ] &c. (5) sometimes also = ` prince, king ', e. g. [ nAga-pura-s° ], the king of Nāga-pura (6) cf. [ siMhadvAr ] and [ siMh^asana ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) a partic. form of temple VarBṛS. (8) a partic. place prepared for the building of a house Jyot (9) a Moringa with red flowers (= [ rakta-zigru ]) L. (10) (in music) a kind of tune Saṃgīt (11) the symbol or emblem of the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī MW. (12) N. of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. (13) of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās (14) of a king (the father of Sāhi-deva) Cat. (15) of the Veṅkata mountain L. (16) (with [ AcArya ]) of an astronomer VarBṛS. Sch. (17) of various other persons Buddh. Rājat (18) a partic. mythical bird R. (19) ([ A ]), f. a partic. grass or plant (= [ nADI ]) L. (20) ([ I ]), f. See below

===> siṃha-dhvaja [ siMhadhvaja ]3[ siMh'a-dhvaja ] m. N. of a Buddha ib.

===> siṃha-ghoṣa [ siMhaghoSa ]3[ siMh'a-ghoSa ] m. N. of a Buddha Buddh. (1) of various other men Daś

===> siṃha-hanu [ siMhahanu ]3[ siMh'a-hanu ] mfn. having the jaws of a lion Buddh. ([ -tA ] f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Dharmas. 83) [ 1213,3 ] (1) m. N. of the grandfather of Gautama Buddha ib.

===> siṃha-kalpā [ siMhakalpA ]3[ siMh'a-kalpA ] f. N. of a (prob. imaginary) town Divyâv

===> siṃha-karṇa [ siMhakarNa ]3[ siMh'a-karNa ] (prob. m.) N. of a place, g. [ takSazil^adi ] (1) ([ I ]), f. a partic. position of the right hand in shooting an arrow ŚārṅgP.

===> siṃha-ketu [ siMhaketu ]3[ siMh'a-ketu ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lalit. (1) of another man ib.

===> siṃha-mati [ siMhamati ]3[ siMh'a-mati ] m. N. of a Māra-putra Lalit.

===> siṃha-mukha [ siMhamukha ]3[ siMh'a-mukha ] mfn. lion-faced (1) m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Hariv. (2) of a scholar Buddh. (3) ([ I ]), f. Glycine Debilis L. (4) Gendarussa Vulgaris ib.

===> siṃha-nāda [ siMhanAda ]3[ siMh'a-nAda ] m. a lion's roar R. Hariv. Kathās. &c. (1) a war-cry MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) a confident assertion Pañcat (3) recital of the Buddhist doctrine Buddh. (4) a kind of bird VarBṛS. (5) a kind of metre Col. (6) (in music), a kind of time Saṃgīt (7) N. of Śiva MBh. (8) of an Asura Kathās (9) of a son of Rāvaṇa Bālar (10) of a Śākya Buddh. (11) of a king of Malaya Mudr (12) of the general of an army Vās., Introd. (13) of a Buddhist saint, Bnddh (14) [ -guggulu ] m. a partic. mixture Bhpr. [ -nAdin ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. [ 1213,2 ] (15) [ -sAdhana ] n. N. of wk.

===> siṃha-nādin [ siMhanAdin ]3[ siMh'a-nAdin ] m. N. of a Māra-putra Lalit.

===> siṃha-paripṛcchā [ siMhaparipRcchA ]3[ siMh'a-paripRcchA ] f. N. of wk.

===> siṃha-pūrvârdha-kāyatā [ siMhapUrvArdhakAyatA ]3[ siMh'a-pUrv^ardha-kAya-tA ] f. having the forepart of the body like a lion (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83

===> siṃha-rāja [ siMharAja ]3[ siMh'a-rAja ] m. N. of a king Rājat (1) of a grammarian MS.

===> siṃha-vatsa [ siMhavatsa ]3[ siMh'a-vatsa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon ib.

===> siṃha-vijṛmbhita [ siMhavijRmbhita ]3[ siMh'a-vijRmbhita ] m. (with Buddhists) a kind of Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. (cf. [ -viSkambhita ])

===> siṃha-vikrama [ siMhavikrama ]3[ siMh'a-vikrama ] m. a horse L. (1) (in music) a kind of time Saṃgīt (2) N. of Candra-gupta Inscr. (3) of a king of the Vidyā-dharas Kathās (4) of a thief ib. (5) = [ vikrama-siMha ] MW.

===> siṃhala [ siMhala ]2[ siMhala ] m. the island of Ceylon (perhaps so called as once abounding in lions) BhP. Rājat. &c. (1) N. of a man Buddh. (2) pl. the people of Ceylon AV. Pariś. MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. the island of Ceylon (See [ sthAna ]) (4) n. id. W. (5) tin L. (6) brass (more correctly [ siMhalaka ]) L. (7) bark, rind MW. (8) Cassia bark (more correctly [ saiMhala ]) L.

===> siṃhala-dvīpa [ siMhaladvIpa ]3[ siMhala-dvIpa ] m. the island of Ceylon Buddh. Kathās. &c.

===> siṃhâsana [ siMhAsana ]3[ siMh^asana ] n. ` lion's-seat ', king's seat ', ` a throne ' MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a partic. sedent posture Cat. (2) m. a kind of sexual union L. (3) [ -cakra ] n. N. of three astrological diagrams shaped like a man and marked with the 27 Nakshatras MW. (4) [ -traya ] n. N. of an astrological diagram L. (5) [ -dvAtriMzat ] or [ °zati ] or [ °zatikA ] or [ °zat-kathA ] or [ °zat-puttalikA-vArttA ] or [ °zat-putrikA-vArttA ] or [ °zikA ] f. N. of a wk. consisting of 32 stories in praise of Vikram^aditya (= [ vikrama-carita ]) (6) [ -bhraSTa ] mfn. fallen from a throne, dethroned MW. (7) [ -raNa ] m. n. a strife or struggle for the throne R. (8) [ -stha ] mfn. sitting on a throne MBh.

===> siṃhāṇaka [ siMhANaka ]2[ siMhANaka ] m. the mucus of the nose Divyâv. (printed [ siMhAnaka ])

===> siṃhī [ siMhI ]2[ siMh'I ]1 f. a lioness RV. VS. TS. &c. (1) N. of the Uttara-vedi (nom. [ siMh'Ih ]) TS. (2) of various plants (Solanum Jacquini (3) Solanum Melongena (4) Gendarussa Vulgaris (5) Hemionitis Cordifolia (6) Phaseolus Trilobus) PārGṛ. Suśr. (7) a vein L. (8) N. of the mother of Rāhu (= [ siMhikA ]) L.

===> [ siMhI ]2[ siMhI ]2 incomp. for [ siMha ]

===> siṅghāṇaka [ siGghANaka ]2[ siGghANaka ] m. the mucus of the nose ib. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. id. Āpast

===> skanda [ skanda ]2[ skand'a ] m. anything which jumps or hops (in [ tRNa-skand'a ], ` grasshopper ', N. of a man) RV. (1) spurting, effusing, effusion, spilling, shedding (cf. [ 'a ] and [ ghraNa-sk° ]) (2) perishing, destruction Gīt. (3) quick-silver L. (4) ` Attacker ', N. of Kārttikeya (q. v., son of Śiva or of Agni (5) he is called god of war as leader of Śiva's hosts against the enemies of the gods [ 1256,2 ] (6) he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children [ cf. [ -graha ] ], also god of burglars and thieves (7) cf. [ -putra ] and IW. 427, n. 1) MaitrS. MBh. &c. (8) N. of Śiva MBh. (9) a king prince L. (10) a clever or learned man (cf. [ skandha ]) L. (11) the body L. (12) the [ j^adi ] (pl. Saṃskārak.)

===> skandha [ skandha ]1[ skandh'a ] m. (accord. to Uṇ. iv, 206, from √ [ skand ] in the sense of ` rising ' ?) the shoulder, upper part of the back or region from the neck to the shoulder-joint (in men and animals) AV. &c. &c. [ 1256,3 ] (1) the stem or trunk of a tree (esp. that part of the stem where the branches begin) ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. &c. (2) a large branch or bough L. (3) a troop, multitude, quantity, aggregate (cf. [ kari- ], [ nara-sk° ]) MBh. BhP. (4) a part, division (esp. a division of an army or a form of military array) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) a chapter, section (of a book, system &c.) VarBṛS. Car. (6) a tract, path, region (esp. of the winds, said to be seven) MBh. Hariv. (7) (in phil.) the five objects of sense (See [ viSaya ]) W. (8) (with Buddhists) the five constituent elements of being (viz. [ rUpa ], ` bodily form ' (9) [ vedanA ], ` sensation ' (10) [ saMjJA ], ` perception ' (11) [ saMskAra ], ` aggregate of formations ' (12) [ vijJAna ], ` consciousness or thought-faculty ') MWB. 109 (13) (with Jainas) the body (in the widest sense, = [ piNDa ]) Sarvad (14) a partic. form of the Āryā metre Col. (15) a king, prince L. (16) any article used at the coronation of a king (as a jar filled with consecrated water, an umbrella &c.) W. (17) a sage, teacher ib. (18) war, battle ib. (19) an engagement, agreement ib. (20) a heron ib. (21) equality of height in the humps of a pair of draught oxen ib. (22) = [ sampar^aya ] and [ bhadr^adi ] L. (23) N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (24) of a poet Cat. (25) often w. r. for [ skanda ] (26) ([ A ]), f. a branch L. (27) a creeper L.

===> skandha-māra [ skandhamAra ]3[ skandh'a-mAra ] m. (with Buddhists) one of the four Māras Dharmas. 50

===> skandhaka [ skandhaka ]2[ skandhaka ] n. a kind of Āryā metre VarBṛS. Kāvyâd

===> skandhavat [ skandhavat ]3[ skandh'a-vat ] mfn. having a stem or a thick stem or many stems MBh. Hariv. R. MārkP.

===> skandhila [ skandhila ]2[ skandhila ] m. N. of a man Buddh.

===> skandhâkṣa [ skandhAkSa ]3[ skandh^akSa ] m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.

===> skandhâvāra [ skandhAvAra ]3[ skandh^avAra ] m. the king's camp or headquarters, royal residence MBh. R. Kām. &c. (1) an army L.

===> skhalita [ skhalita ]2[ skhalita ] mfn. stumbling, tripping, unsteady (as a gait) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) dropping falling, dripping, trickling down Mālatīm (2) intoxicated, drunk W. (3) stammering, faltering (speech) Kāv. Kathās (4) stopped, checked, obstructed, impeded, interrupted, frustrated, baffled Kāv. Pañcat. BhP. (5) confounded, perplexed by (instr.) Śiś. (6) incomplete, deficient (opp. to [ ulbaNa ]) ŚāṅkhBr. (7) erring, failing, blundering in (loc.) Śak (8) awkward about (loc.) VarBṛS. (9) ([ am ]), n. the act of tripping, stumbling, staggering MBh. R. &c. (10) mistake, error, failure, blunder, blundering in (loc. or comp.) ib. (11) loss, deprivation Ratnâv (12) circumvention, stratagem (in war) L.

===> sma [ sma ]1[ sma ] [ smA ], (or [ Sma ], [ SmA ]), ind. a particle perhaps originally equivalent to ` ever ', ` always ' (1) and later to ` indeed ', ` certainly ', ` verily ', ` surely ' (it is often used pleonastically, and in earlier language generally follows a similar particle [ esp. [ ha ], [ na ] ], or relative, or prep. or verb, while in later language it frequently follows [ iti ], [ na ] and [ n'A ] [ cf. 1. [ m'A ] ] (2) it is also joined with a pres. tense or pres. participle to give them a past sense [ e. g. [ pravizanti sma ], ` they entered ' ] (3) this use of [ sma ] is also found in the Brāhmaṇas and is extended to [ veda ] and [ Aha ], cf. Vām. v, 2, 46) RV. &c. &c.

===> smara [ smara ]1[ smara ] &c. See p. 1272, col., 1

===> [ smara ]2[ smara ] mf ([ A ]) n. remembering, recollecting ([ jAti-smara ]) (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) memory, remembrance, recollection ChUp. Uttarar (2) loving recollection love, (esp.) sexual love AV. &c. &c. (3) Kāma-deva (god of love) Kālid. Kathās. &c. (4) an interpreter or explainer of the Veda (and ` the god of love ') Naish (5) the 7th astrol. mansion VarBṛS.

===> smara-śatru [ smarazatru ]3[ smara-zatru ] m. ` enemy of Kāma ', N. of Śiva (cf. [ an-aGga ]) L.

===> smaratā [ smaratA ]3[ smara-tA ] f. state of recollection (See [ jAti-sm° ])

===> smaraṇa [ smaraNa ]2[ smaraNa ] n. the act of remembering or calling to mind, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (1) memory BhP. (2) a kind of rhet. figure (cf. [ smRti ]) Kpr. (3) handing down by memory, tradition, traditional teaching or record or precept ([ iti smaraNAt ], ` from its being so mentioned in the Smṛti ', q. v.) Kull. : Yājñ. Sch. [ 1272,2 ] (4) mental recitation (of the name of a deity), calling upon the name of a god MW. (5) ([ I ]), f. a rosary of beads (held in the hand, not worn as a necklace) ib.

===> smaraṇīya [ smaraNIya ]2[ smaraNIya ] mfn. to be remembered, memorable ([ °yaM smaraM-√ kR ], ` to remind of Kāma ' (1) [ °yAM gatiM-√ nI ], ` to lead to the path of (mere) memory ', i. e. ` put to death ') Daś. BhP. Śatr

===> smartavya [ smartavya ]2[ smartavya ] mfn. to be remembered, memorable MBh. R. &c. (1) living only in the memory (of men) Jātakam

===> smita [ smita ]2[ smita ] mfn. smiled, smiling MBh. R. &c. (1) expanded, blown, blossomed Śiś. Pañcat (2) n. a smile, gentle laugh ([ °taM-√ kR ], ` to smile ') MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> smita-mukha [ smitamukha ]3[ smita-mukha ] mfn. having a smiling face R.

===> smāraka [ smAraka ]2[ smAraka ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) recalling, reminding of (comp. (1) [ -tva ] n.) KātyŚr. Sch.

===> smāraṇa [ smAraNa ]2[ smAraNa ] n. the act of causing to remember, reminding, calling to mind Śaṃk. Sāh (1) (also [ A ] f.) counting or numbering again, calculating an account, checking MBh. (2) ([ I ]), f. a kind of plant L.

===> smārita [ smArita ]2[ smArita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) reminded, called to mind, recalled to recollection W.

===> smārya [ smArya ]2[ smArya ] mfn. to be remembered, memorable Vop

===> smṛta [ smRta ]2[ smRta ] mfn. remembered, recollected, called to mind, thought of NṛsUp. R. Kathās (1) mentioned KātyŚr. Sch. (2) handed down, taught, prescribed, (esp.) enjoined by Smṛti or traditional law, declared or propounded in the law-books ([ na smRtam ] = ` not allowed ', ` forbidden ') ĀśvŚr. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (3) declared as, passing for (nom., loc., or dat.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) termed, styled, named (nom. with or without [ iti ]) MaitrUp. Mn. &c. (5) m. N. of a Prajā-pati VP. (6) ([ am ]), n. remembrance, recollection ĀśvGṛ.

===> smṛti [ smRti ]2[ sm'Rti ] f. remembrance, reminiscence, thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.), calling to mind ([ smRtim api te na yAnti ], ` they are not even thought of '), memory TĀr. ChUp. MBh. &c. [ 1272,3 ] (1) memory as one of the Vyabhicāri-bhāvas (q. v.) Daśar (2) Memory (personified either as the daughter of Dsksha and wife of Aṅgiras or as the daughter of Dharma and Medhā) Hariv. Pur. (3) the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to [ zruti ] or what is directly heard or revealed to the Ṛshis (4) in its widest acceptation this use of the term Smṛti includes the 6 Ved^aṅgas, the Sūtras both [ zrauta ] and [ gRhya ], the law-books of Manu &c. [ see next ]

---> the Itihāsas [ e. g. the Mahābhārata and Rām^ayaṇa ], the Purāṇas and the Nītiśāstras (5) [ iti smRteH ], ` accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text ') IW. 144, 145 (6) the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the codes of Manu Yājñavalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers, viz. Atri, Viṣṇu, Hārīta, Uśanas or Śukra, Aṅgiras, Yama, Āpastamba, Saṃvarta, Kātyāyana, Bṛhas-pati, Parāśara, Vyāsa, Śaṅkha, Likh^ita, Daksha and Gautama (7) all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the Veda (8) cf. IW. 203) GṛŚrS. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (9) symbolical N. for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above) (10) a kind of metre L. (11) N. of the letter [ g ] Up. (12) desire, wish Pañcat. iii, 258 (v. l. for [ spRhA ])

===> smṛti-hetu [ smRtihetu ]3[ sm'Rti-hetu ] m. a cause of recollection, impression on the mind, association of ideas, recollection W.

===> smṛti-lopa [ smRtilopa ]3[ sm'Rti-lopa ] m. id. VarBṛS.

===> smṛti-vinaya [ smRtivinaya ]3[ sm'Rti-vinaya ] m. a reprimand given to a person by reminding him of his duty, Mahāvy

===> smṛtimat [ smRtimat ]3[ sm'Rti-mat ] mfn. having recollection or full consciousness MBh. Śak. &c. (1) having a good memory Mn. MBh. &c. (2) remembering a former life Hariv. (3) prudent, discreet Car. Jātakam (4) versed in tradition or law Yājñ. (5) anything which causes recollection BhāgP.

===> smṛty-upasthāna [ smRtyupasthAna ]3[ smRty-upasthAna ] n. earnest thought Divyâv

===> snapana [ snapana ]2[ sn'apana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. Caus.) causing to bathe &c. (1) used for bathing (as water) AV. (2) n. the act of causing to bathe, bathing, ablution ŚBr. &c. &c.

===> sneha [ sneha ]2[ sneha ] m. (or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) oiliness, unctuousness, fattiness, greasiness, lubricity, viscidity (also as one of the 24 Guṇas of the Vaiśeshika branch of the Nyāya phil.) Suśr. Yājñ. Tarkas. Sarvad. (IW. 69) (2) oil, grease, fat, any oleaginous substance, an unguent ŚāṅkhBr. &c. &c. (3) smoothness, glossiness VarBṛS. (4) blandness, tenderness, love, attachment to, fondness or affection for (loc., gen., or comp.), friendship with ([ saha ]) MaitrUp. MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) moisture MW. (6) a fluid of the body ib. (7) (pl.) N. of the Vaiśyas in Kuśa-dvīpa VP.

===> [ sneha ]1[ sneha ] &c. See p. 1267, col. 2

===> sneha-varti [ snehavarti ]3[ sneha-varti ] f. a partic. disease of horses L.

===> snigdha [ snigdha ]1[ snigdha ] &c. See col. 2

===> [ snigdha ]2[ snigdha ] mfn. sticky, viscous or viscid, glutinous, unctuous, slippery, smooth MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c. (1) glossy, resplendent Kālid (2) oily, greasy, fat Suśr. Subh (3) treated or cured with oily substances Car. (4) adhesive, attached, affectionate, tender, friendly, attached to or fond of (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (5) soft, mild, bland, gentle ([ am ] ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) lovely, agreeable, charming Kālid. Uttarar (7) thick, dense (as shade) Megh (8) m. a friend L. (9) Pinus Longifolia L. (10) the red castor-oil plant L. (11) (scil. [ gaNDUSa ]) a partic. mode of rinsing the mouth MW. (12) ([ A ]), f. marrow (= [ medA ]) L. (13) a partic. root similar to ginger L. (14) ([ am ]), n. viscidity, thickness, coarseness W. (15) bees'-wax L. (16) civet L. (17) light, lustre W.

===> snigdha-jana [ snigdhajana ]3[ snigdha-jana ] m. an affectionate person, friend MW.

===> snigdha-varṇa [ snigdhavarNa ]3[ snigdha-varNa ] mfn. having a glossy or bright colour MW. (1) having a soft or agreeable complexion ib.

===> snuṣā [ snuSA ]1[ snuS'A ] f. (accord. to some connected with [ sUnu ]) the son's wife, a daughter-in-law AV. &c. &c. (1) the spurge plant (= [ snuhI ]) L. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 1268,1 ] [ nurus ] ; Slav. [ sn˘ucha ] ; Angl. Sax. [ snoru ] ; Germ. [ snura ], [ snur ], [ Schnur ]. ]

===> snāna [ snAna ]2[ snAna ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) bathing, washing, ablution, religious or ceremonial lustration (as of an idol &c.), bathing in sacred waters (considered as one of the six daily duties [ cf. [ SaT-karman ] ] or as an essential part of some ceremonial, esp. the ablutions performed by a Brahma-cārin on becoming a householder, cf. [ snAtaka ]) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 242 RTL. 394, n. 1 &c.) (1) washing off, removal by washing, cleansing BhP. (2) anything used in ablution (e. g. water, perfumed powder &c.) Kāv. VarBṛS. Vet. BhP.

===> snāna-gṛha [ snAnagRha ]3[ snAna-gRha ] n. a bathing-house, bath-room MBh. Hariv.

===> snāna-śālā [ snAnazAlA ]3[ snAna-zAlA ] f. = [ -gRha ] MBh.

===> snāpaka [ snApaka ]2[ snApaka ] m. (fr. Caus.) ` bather ', a servant who bathes his master R. Car.

===> snāpana [ snApana ]2[ snApana ] n. the act of causing to bathe, attending a person while bathing Mn. R. Hariv.

===> snāpita [ snApita ]2[ snApita ] mfn. caused to bathe, attended on while bathed, immersed MW.

===> snāta [ snAta ]2[ snAt'a ] mfn. bathed, washed, cleansed or purified from (abl. or comp.) AV. &c. &c. (n. also impers.) (1) immersed or versed in (loc. or comp.) Gaut. R. BhP. (2) m. one who has finished his religion, an initiated householder GṛŚrS.

===> snātaka [ snAtaka ]2[ snAtaka ] m. one who has bathed or performed ablutions (i. e. a Brāhman who, after performing the ceremonial lustrations required on his finishing his studentship as a Brahma-cārin under a religious teacher, returns home and begins the second period of his life as a Gṛha-stha, See [ samAvartana ] (1) three kinds of Snātakas are named, 1. a [ vidyA-sn° ], q. v., 2. a [ vrata-sn° ] [ who has completed the vows, such as fasting, continence &c., without the Vedas ], 3. a [ vidyA-vrata-sn° ] or [ ubhaya-sn° ] [ who has completed both Vedas and vows ], the last is the highest (2) in a wider sense there may be 9 Snātakas, See Mn. xi, 1) ŚBr. GṛS. Gaut. Mn. iii, 4 &c. (IW. 296)

===> snātra [ snAtra ]2[ snAtra ] n. a bath, ablution, bathing Pārśvan

===> snātvā [ snAtvA ]2[ snAtv'A ] ind. having bathed &c. (See root)

===> snāyu [ snAyu ]1[ sn'Ayu ] fn. (accord. to some fr. a √ [ snA ] contracted from [ sinA ] pres. base of √ [ si ], ` to bind ' (1) cf. also √ [ snai ]) any sinew or ligament in the human and animal body, tendon, muscle, nerve, vein TBr. Suśr. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) the string of a bow Pañcat (3) m. an eruption on the skin of she extremities Bhpr. [ ?Cf. Germ. [ se10nawa ], [ Sehne ] ; Eng. [ sinew ]. ]

===> soma [ soma ]1[ s'oma ]1 m. (fr. √ 3. [ su ]) juice, extract, (esp.) the juice of the Soma plant, (also) the Soma plant itself (said to be the climbing plant Sarcostema Viminalis or Asclepias Acida, the stalks [ [ aMzu ] ] of which were pressed between stones [ [ adri ] ] by the priests, then sprinkled with water, and purified in a strainer [ [ pavitra ] ] ; whence the acid juice trinkled into jars [ [ kalaza ] ] or larger vessels [ [ droNa ] ] ; after which it was mixed with clarified butter, flour &c., made to ferment, and then offered in libations to the gods [ in this respect corresponding with the ritual of the Iranian Avesta ] or was drunk by the Brāhmans, by both of whom its exhilarating effect was supposed to be prized ; it was collected by moonlight on certain mountains [ in RV. x, 34, 1, the mountain Mūja-vat is mentioned ] ; it is sometimes described as having been brought from the sky by a falcon [ [ zyena ] ] and guarded by the Gandharvas ; it is personified as one of the most important of Vedic gods, to whose praise all the 114 hymns of the 9th book of the RV. besides 6 in other books and the whole SV. are dedicated ; in post-Vedic mythology and even in a few of the latest hymns of the RV. [ although not in the whole of the 9th book ] as well as sometimes in the AV. and in the Br., Soma is identified with the moon [ as the receptacle of the other beverage of the gods called Amṛta, or as the lord of plants, cf. [ indu ], [ oSadi-pati ] ] and with the god of the moon, as well as with Viṣṇu, Śiva, Yama, and Kubera ; he is called [ rAjan ], and appears among the 8 Vasus and the 8 Loka-pālas [ Mn. v, 96 ], and is the reputed author of RV. x, 124, 1, 5-9, of a lawbook &c. (1) cf. below) RV. &c. &c. (2) the moon or moon-god (See above) (3) a Soma sacrifice AitĀr. (4) a day destined for extracting the Soma-juice ĀśvŚr. (5) Monday (= [ soma-vAra ]) Inscr. (6) nectar L. (7) camphor L. (8) air, wind L. (9) water L. (10) a drug of supposed magical properties W. (11) a partic. mountain or mountainous range (accord. to some the mountains of the moon) ib. (12) a partic. class of Pitṛs (prob. for [ soma-pA ]) ib. (13) N. of various authors (also with [ paNDita ], [ bhaTTa ], [ zarman ] &c. (14) cf. above) Cat. (15) = [ somacandra ], or [ som^endu ] HPariś (16) N. of a monkey-chief L. (17) ([ A ]), f. the Soma plant L. (18) N. of an Apsaras MBh. (19) of a river MārkP. (20) of a queen Inscr. (21) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ] (22) ([ am ]), n. rice-water, rice-gruel L. (23) heaven, sky, ether L. (24) mfn. relating to Soma (prob. w. r. for [ sauma ]) Kāṭh

===> [ soma ]1[ s^oma ]2 mfn. (prob.) together with Umā, IndSt

===> soma-darśana [ somadarzana ]3[ s'oma-darzana ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.

===> soma-vaṃśa [ somavaMza ]3[ s'oma-vaMza ] m. the lunar race or dynasty ([ candra-v° ]) Hariv. Śatr. (cf. IW. 375 ; 411, n. 1) (1) mfn. = [ -vaMzIya ] (2) m. N. of Yudhi-shṭhira L.

===> sopadhi [ sopadhi ]2[ s^opadhi ] mfn. fraudulent ([ i ] ind.) Kir

===> sopadrava [ sopadrava ]1[ s^opadrava ] mf ([ A ]) n. visited with great calamities or afflictions, dangerous, Śārṅgp (1) wealthy, opulent, rich, Bṛhasp

===> sopādāna [ sopAdAna ]1[ s^op^adAna ] mfn. furnished with materials (as a carpenter who builds a house with wood) Nīlak

===> sopāna [ sopAna ]1[ sopAna ] n. (perhaps contracted fr. [ sa ] + [ up^ayana ]) stairs, steps, a staircase, ladder to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sopānatka [ sopAnatka ]2[ sopAnatka ] mfn. id. Gobh. Mn. Car.

===> sormika [ sormika ]2[ s^ormika ] mfn. (printed [ sau° ]), id. L.

===> sottara [ sottara ]1[ s^ottara ] mfn. with or connected with a wager or bet Nār

===> soḍhavya [ soDhavya ]2[ soDhavya ] mfn. to be borne or endured Pāṇ. 6-3, 111 Sch. (1) to be put up with or excused (n. impers.) Hariv. BhP. [ 1248,3 ]

===> soḍhṛ [ soDhR ]2[ soDhR ] mfn. bearing patiently Bālar (1) capable of resisting, a match for (gen.) MBh. R. Bhaṭṭ. (2) able, powerful (= [ zakta ]) L.

===> soṣa [ soSa ]1[ s^oSa ] mfn. mixed with salt earth (See [ 'USa ]) Yājñ.

===> spandana [ spandana ]2[ spandan'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. making a sudden movement, kicking (as a cow) AV. (1) m. a kind of tree (the wood of which is made into bedsteads, chairs &c.) VarBṛS. (2) n. throbbing, pulsation, palpitation, quivering, twitching (twitchings and quiverings of the body are supposed to prognosticate good or bad luck, and are therefore minutely described in certain wks. (3) See above), trembling, agitation ĀśvGṛ. Mṛcch. &c. (4) throbbing with life, quickening (of a child in the womb) Yājñ. Suśr. [ 1268,2 ] (5) quick movement, motion Kathās (6) w. r. for [ syand° ] RV. iii, 53, 19

===> spandita [ spandita ]2[ spandita ] mfn. quivering, trembling Sāh (1) (fr. Caus.) set in motion, produced Prab (2) n. a pulsation, throb, trembling Vikr (3) movement or activity (of the mind) Prab

===> spardhā [ spardhA ]2[ spardhA ] f. emulation, rivalry, envy, competition for or with (instr. with and without [ saha ] gen., loc., or comp. (1) [ °dhayA ], ` in rivalry or emulation ') MBh. R. &c. (2) desire for (comp.) Bhartṛ. (v. l.)

===> spariśa [ spariza ]2[ spariza ] m. touch (= [ sparza ]) L.

===> sparśa [ sparza ]2[ sparz'a ] mfn. touching (in [ a-bhUtala-sp° ], [ manaH-sp° ], q. v.) (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) touch, sense of touch ([ -tas ] ind. e. g. [ sparza-taH sukhaM tat ], ` that is pleasant to the touch '), contact (fig. applied to the beginning of an eclipse or to any astron. contact) Mn. MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (2) (in gram.) collective N. of the twenty-five consonants constituting the five classes from [ k ] to [ m ] (so-called because formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance (3) cf. [ sthAna ] and [ spRSTa ]) Prāt. ChUp. BhP. (4) (in phil.) the quality of tangibility (which constitutes the skin's [ viSaya ], q. v.) IW. 68 (5) any quality which is perceptible by touching any object (e. g. heat, cold, smoothness, softness &c.) MBh. &c. (6) feeling, sensation (e. g. [ siraH-zUla-sp° ], ` sensation of headache ') ŚBr. &c. &c. (7) pleasant feeling MBh. v, 1366 (8) unpleasant or morbid sensation, illness Pāṇ. 3-3, 16 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (9) air, wind L. (10) (accord. to some) temperature Nyāyad (11) a kind of sexual union L. (12) a gift, offering (See [ kAka-sp° ] and [ spŚ-yajJa ] below) (13) w. r. for [ spaza ], a spy MBh. Śiś. (14) ([ A ]), f. an unchaste woman L. (15) (a word of unknown meaning) Hariv. 10243

===> sparśa-tanmātra [ sparzatanmAtra ]3[ sparz'a-tanmAtra ] n. the subtle element of tangibility (or of air) Sāṃkhyak

===> sparśa-vihāra [ sparzavihAra ]3[ sparz'a-vihAra ] m. a comfortable existence, Mahāvy

===> sparśana [ sparzana ]2[ sparzana ] mf ([ I ]) n. touching, handling MW. (1) affecting, acting upon, afflicting ib. (2) m. air, wind L. (3) n. the act of touching, touch, contact ŚvetUp. Yājñ. &c. (4) sensation, sense of touch, organ of sensation or feeling, sensitive nerve Mn. MBh. Sarvad (5) gift, donation L.

===> sparśanīya [ sparzanIya ]2[ sparzanIya ] mfn. to be touched Pañcat (1) to be perceived or felt MBh.

===> sparśavat [ sparzavat ]3[ sparz'a-vat ] mfn. having tangibility, palpable ([ -tva ] n.) Tarkas. Bhāshāp. &c. (1) pleasant to the touches, smooth, soft MBh. Kum

===> sparṣṭavya [ sparSTavya ]2[ sparSTavya ] mfn. = [ spraSTavya ] MW.

===> spaṣṭa [ spaSTa ]2[ spaST'a ]1 mfn. clearly perceived or discerned, distinctly visible, distinct, clear, evident, plain, intelligible TS. &c. &c. (1) straight (opp. to ` crooked ') VarBṛS. Kathās (2) real, true, correct Gaṇit. Gol. (3) one who sees clearly MW. (4) ([ am ]), ind. clearly, distinctly Kāv. Rājat (5) straight out, openly, boldly Amar. Śukas

===> [ spaSTa ]2[ spaSTa ]2 mfn. (for 1. See col. 2) bound, fettered &c. Pāṇ. 7-2, 27

===> sphara [ sphara ]2[ sphara ] or m. a shield L. (accord. to some fr. Persian ?). [ 1270,1 ]

===> spharaṇa [ spharaNa ]2[ spharaNa ] n. = [ sphuraNa ], trembling, quivering, throbbing, vibration L. (1) penetration, Mahāvy

===> sphaṭika [ sphaTika ]2[ sphaTika ] m. crystal, quartz ŚvetUp. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. alum (accord. to some also [ °kI ]) L. (2) camphor L.

===> sphaṭika-maṇi [ sphaTikamaNi ]3[ sphaTika-maNi ] m. crystal Prab (1) [ -gRha ] n. a house of crystal MW. (2) [ -vat ] ind. like crystal Prab (3) [ -zilA ] f. crystal ib.

===> sphaṭikamaya [ sphaTikamaya ]3[ sphaTika-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting or made of crystal Kād. Kathās

===> sphic [ sphic ]1[ sphic ] or [ sphij ] f. (nom. [ sphik ] (1) of doubtful derivation) a buttock, hip ([ °cau ] or [ °jau ] du. ` the buttocks ') ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c. [ Cf. Gk. ?, or [ 1270,1 ] accord. to some ?. ]

===> sphoṭa [ sphoTa ]2[ sphoTa ] m. bursting, opening, expansion, disclosure (cf. [ narma-sph° ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) extension (See [ kara-sph° ]) (2) a swelling, boil, tumour Car. Suśr. (3) a little bit or fragment, chip L. (4) crackling, crash, roar MBh. VarBṛS. (5) (in phil.) sound (conceived as eternal, indivisible, and creative) Sarvad (6) the eternal and imperceptible element of sounds and words and the real vehicle of the idea which bursts or flashes on the mind when a sound is uttered Pat. (7) ([ A ]), f. shaking or waving the arms MārkP. (8) the expanded hood of a snake (= or w. r. for [ sphaTA ]) L.

===> [ sphoTa ]1[ sphoTa ] [ °Taka ] &c. See p. 1270, col. 3

===> sphoṭaka [ sphoTaka ]2[ sphoTaka ] m. a boil, tumour Pat. Car. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. id. Suśr. (2) a kind of bird L.

===> sphoṭana [ sphoTana ]2[ sphoTana ] mfn. breaking or splitting asunder, crushing, destroying, removing Hariv. MārkP. (1) m. ` Crusher ', N. of Śiva MBh. (2) (in gram.) ` divider ', a kind of vocal sound audible between partic. conjunct consonants APrāt. (3) ([ I ]), f. an instrument for splitting or cleaving, a gimlet, auger L. (4) ([ am ]), n. the act of breaking or tearing asunder &c. Āpast. Suśr. Pañcat (5) winnowing grain &c. L. (6) shaking or waving (the arms) Sāh (7) cracking (the fingers) Āpast (8) (in gram.) the separation of certain conjunct consonants by the insertion of an audible vocal sound (cf. above) VPrāt.

===> sphoṭita [ sphoTita ]2[ sphoTita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to burst or open, rent or torn asunder, cileft, split, disclosed MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) n. crackling VarBṛS.

===> sphuliṅga [ sphuliGga ]2[ sphuliGga ] m. (accord. to L. also n. and [ A ], f. (1) perhaps for [ sphulaM-ga ]) a spark of fire MBh. R. &c. (2) a fire-brand ĀpŚr. Sch.

===> sphuraṇa [ sphuraNa ]2[ sphuraNa ] mfn. glittering, sparkling VarBṛS. (1) n. the act of trembling, throbbing, vibration, pulsation (also [ A ], f.) Dhātup. L. (2) quivering or throbbing of parts of the body (as indicating good or bad luck) MW. (3) springing or breaking forth, starting into view, expansion, manifestation Sāh. BhP. Sarvad (4) flashing, coruscation, twinkling, glittering Megh. Mālatīm

===> sphuṭa [ sphuTa ]2[ sphuTa ] mfn. open, opened Suśr. BhP. (1) expanded, blossomed, blown MBh. Uttarar (2) plain, distinct, manifest, evident, clear MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (3) (in astron.) apparent, real, true, correct Sūryas (4) spread, diffused, extensive, wide, broad Kum. Bhartṛ. Śiś. (5) extraordinary, strange Kpr. (6) full of, filled with, possessed by (instr. or comp.) Divyâv. Lalit. (7) white L. (8) m. the expanded hood of a serpent L. (also [ A ] f. Pañcat.) (9) N. of a man, g. [ azv^adi ] (10) ([ am ]), ind. distinctly, evidently, certainly Kāv. Kathās

===> sphuṭatara [ sphuTatara ]3[ sphuTa-tara ] mfn. more (or most) distinct or clear ([ am ] ind.) Śiś. (1) [ °r^akSara ] mfn. having very clear words, perfectly clear or intelligible (cf. [ sphuT^akS° ]) ib.

===> sphuṭita [ sphuTita ]2[ sphuTita ] mfn. burst, budded, blown &c. (1) laughed at (= [ pari-hasita ] (2) cf. √ [ sphuNT ]) MW.

===> sphāla [ sphAla ]2[ sphAla ] m. quivering (= [ spholana ]) Vop

===> [ sphAla ]1[ sphAla ] [ °lana ], See above

===> sphāṭika [ sphATika ]2[ sphATika ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. made of crystal, crystal-line MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) n. crystal MBh. R. (2) a kind of sandal ĀśvGṛ. Pariś

===> sphīta [ sphIta ]2[ sphIta ] mfn. swollen, enlarged Bhpr. (1) thriving, flourishing, successful, prosperous, rich, well off, abounding in, full of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) heavy (with rain, as a cloud) Mṛcch (3) dense (as smoke) Mālatīm (4) much, abundant, many, numerous MBh. R. &c. (5) cold L. (6) affected by hereditary disease W.

===> [ sphIta ]1[ sphIta ] [ sphIti ], See col. 1

===> sphītī [ sphItI ]2[ sphItI ] in comp. for [ sphIta ]

===> spraṣṭavya [ spraSTavya ]2[ spraSTavya ] mfn. to be touched or handled Mn. R. Hit. (1) tangible, palpable, sensible Vajracch. (2) n. touch, feeling, Mahāvy

===> [ spraSTavya ]1[ spraSTavya ] [ spraSTR ], See col. 2

===> spraṣṭṛ [ spraSTR ]2[ spraST'R ] mfn. who or what touches or feels ŚBr. Up. MBh. (1) m. any affection causing bodily pain, sickness, disease, morbid heat &c. L.

===> spṛhaṇa [ spRhaNa ]2[ spRhaNa ] n. (ifc.) longing for, coveting, striving after MBh.

===> spṛhaṇīya [ spRhaNIya ]2[ spRhaNIya ] mfn. to be wished or longed for, desirable, attractive to (gen. or instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) enviable, to be envied by (gen.) R. Kathās

===> spṛhaṇīyatva [ spRhaNIyatva ]3[ spRhaNIya-tva ] n. desirableness, enviableness Kāv. Rājat

===> spṛhā [ spRhA ]2[ spRhA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) eager desire, desire, covetousness, envy, longing for, pleasure or delight in (dat., gen., loc., or comp. (1) acc. with √ [ kR ] or [ bandh ], ` to long for, be desirous of [ loc. or comp. ] ' (2) with √ [ kR ], ` to envy any one [ loc. ] ') MBh. R. &c. (3) a kind of plant (v. l. [ spRzA ]) L.

===> spṛhāvat [ spRhAvat ]3[ spRhA-vat ] mfn. desirous of, longing for, delighting in (loc.) Ragh. MārkP.

===> spṛśya [ spRzya ]2[ spRzya ] mfn. to be touched or felt, tangible, sensible MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) to be taken in possession or appropriated Rājat (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the Samidhs (q. v.) KātyŚr. Sch.

===> spṛṣṭa [ spRSTa ]2[ spRSTa ] mfn. touched, felt with the hand handled AV. &c. &c. (1) affected or afflicted or possessed by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) defiled (cf. comp.) (3) (in gram.) formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance (applied to all consonants except semivowels [ called [ ISat-spRSTa ], ` formed by slight contact ' ] and except sibilants and [ h ], which are called [ ardha-spRSTa ], ` formed by half-contact ') Prāt. Siksh

===> spṛṣṭi [ spRSTi ]2[ sp'RSTi ] f. touch, touching, contact ŚBr.

===> srag-dāman [ sragdAman ]3[ srag-dAman ] n. the fillet or tie of a garland MBh. (1) a garland, wreath Ratnâv

===> sraj [ sraj ]1[ sr'aj ] mfn. (fr. √ 1. [ sRj ]) turning, twisting, winding (ifc. nom. [ -sraT ] (1) cf. [ rajju-sarja ]) Pāṇ. 8-2, 36 Sch. (2) f. (nom. [ srak ]) a wreath of flowers, garland, chaplet worn on the head, any wreath or garland, circle, series, chain ([ audakI srak ], ` a watery garland ', i. e. ` one woven with water-flowers ' (3) [ loka-sraji ], ` in the circle of the worlds ') RV. &c. &c. (4) a kind of tree Kauś (5) a kind of metre Piṅg (6) N. of a partic. constellation (when the Kendras are occupied by three auspicious planets except the moon) VarBṛS.

===> srasta-skandha [ srastaskandha ]3[ srasta-skandha ] mfn. having drooping shoulders (also = ` ashamed ', ` embarrassed ') Divyâv

===> sravaṇa [ sravaNa ]2[ sravaNa ] n. streaming, flowing, flowing off (also pl. (1) cf. [ azva-sr° ]) R. (2) premature abortion VarBṛS. (3) sweat, perspiration L. (4) urine L.

===> sraṃsa [ sraMsa ]2[ sraMsa ] See [ asthi- ] and [ paruH-sr° ]

===> sraṃsana [ sraMsana ]2[ sraMsana ] mfn. laxative, purging, cathartic Bhpr. (1) n. the act of falling or causing to fall, loosening Naish. Sch. (2) premature abortion Gaut (3) a laxative, cathartic Suśr.

===> sraṣṭṛ [ sraSTR ]2[ sraSTR ] m. one who emits or discharges (water &c.) MBh. (1) a maker, author Nir. Rājat (2) a creator, the creator of the universe (applied to Brahmā, Śiva &c.) ŚvetUp. R. &c.

===> srota-āpanna [ srotaApanna ]3[ srota-Apanna ] mfn. one who has entered the above river ib. (MWB. 132)

===> srota-āpatti [ srotaApatti ]3[ srota-Apatti ] f. entrance into the river (leading to Nirvāṇa) Buddh.

===> srotas [ srotas ]2[ sr'otas ] n. the current or bed of a river, a river, stream, torrent RV. &c. &c. (1) water Naigh. i, 12 (2) rush, violent motion or onset of (comp.) Kāv. Pur. Sarvad (3) the course or current of nutriment in the body, channel or course for conveying food (See [ Urdhva- ] and [ tiryak-sr° ]) (4) an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women ') Suśr. (5) the spout of a jar Suśr. (6) an organ of sense ŚvetUp. R. &c. (7) lineage, pedigree (?) MBh.

===> srotâpatti [ srotApatti ]3[ srot^apatti ] f. = [ srota-Apatti ] below

===> sru [ sru ]1[ sru ] (incorrectly written [ zru ] (1) cf. √ 2. [ zru ]), cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 42) [ sr'avati ] (ep. and m. c. also [ °te ] (2) pf. [ susrAva ], [ susruvuH ] AV. &c. (3) [ susruve ] MBh. &c. (4) aor. [ 'asusrot ] AV. Br. (5) [ asrAvIt ] JaimBr. (6) [ asrauSIt ] [ ? ] ŚBr. (7) fut. [ srotA ] Gr. (8) [ sroSyati ] ib. (9) [ sraviSyati ] MBh. (10) inf. [ srotum ] Gr. (11) [ sr'avitave ], [ sr'avitava'i ] RV.), to flow, stream, gush forth, issue from (abl., rarely instr.) RV. &c. &c. (12) to flow with, shed, emit, drop, distil (acc.) ChUp. MBh. &c. (13) to leak, trickle RV. Br. GṛŚrS. Kathās (14) to fail, not turn out well TS. Br. (15) to waste away, perish, disappear MBh. Kāv. &c. (16) to slip or issue out before the right time (said of a fetus) TBr. MBh. BhP. (17) (with [ garbham ]) to bring forth prematurely, miscarry ĀpŚr. (18) to issue, arise or come from (abl.) (19) to come in, accrue (as interest) Nār. : Caus. [ srAvayati ] (in later language also [ sravayati ] (20) aor. [ asusravat ], or [ asisravat ]), to cause to flow, shed, spill AV. Mn. Suśr. (21) to set in motion, stir up, arouse Kāṭh. : Desid. of Caus. [ susrAvayiSati ] or [ sisrAvayiSati ] Gr. : Desid. [ susrUSati ] ib. : Intens. [ sosrUyate ], [ sosroti ] ib. [ Cf. Gk. ? (for ?), ? &c. ; Lith. [ srav'eti ] ; Germ. [ 1274,2 ] [ stroum ], [ Strom ] ; Angl. Sax. [ stre'am ] ; Eng. [ stream ]. ]

===> srāvaṇa [ srAvaNa ]2[ srAvaNa ] mfn. causing to flow, shedding ([ rudhira-srAvaNaM-√ kR ], ` to shed any one's blood ') KātyŚr. Suśr. Kull

===> srāvin [ srAvin ]2[ srAvin ] mfn. streaming, flowing (compar. [ °v'itara ]) ŚBr. VarBṛS. (1) flowing with, dripping, distilling (cf. [ garbha-sr° ]) MBh. Hariv. &c.

===> stabdha [ stabdha ]1[ stabdha ] &c. See p. 1258, col. 1

===> [ stabdha ]2[ stabdha ] mfn. firmly fixed, supported, propped &c. (1) reaching up to (loe.) ŚvetUp. MBh. (2) stiff, rigid, immovable, paralyzed, senseless, dull ([ am ] ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) solidified (as water) Hariv. (4) puffed up, proud, arrogant ChUp. Bhag. &c. (5) tardy, slack, slow (?) VarBṛS. (6) obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted MW. (7) coarse ib.

===> stabdhatā [ stabdhatA ]3[ stabdha-tA ] f. fixedness, rigidity, stiffness (of the membrum virile) Car. (1) pretentiousness, arrogance MBh. Kām

===> staimitya [ staimitya ]2[ staimitya ] n. (fr. [ stimita ]) fixedness, rigidity, immobility, numbness Kāv. Suśr.

===> [ staimitya ]1[ staimitya ] See p. 1259, col. 1

===> stainya [ stainya ]2[ stainya ] n. (fr. [ stena ]) theft, robbery MBh. (1) m. a thief L.

===> stamba [ stamba ]1[ stamb'a ] m. (prob. phonetic variation of [ stambha ]) a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster AV. &c. &c. (1) a sheaf of corn L. a bush, thicket L. [ 1258,1 ] (2) a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the Jhiṇṭī or Barleria) L. (3) the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from [ stambe-rama ], q. v.) L. (4) a mountain L. (5) N. of various men Hariv. Pur. (6) n. (in these senses prob. w. r. for [ stambha ], m.) a post, pillar in general W. (7) stupidity, insensibility W.

===> stambaka [ stambaka ]2[ stambaka ] m. a clump, bunch, tuft MBh.

===> stambha [ stambha ]2[ stambha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a post, pillar, column, stem (as of a tree (1) also improperly applied to an arm) Kāṭh. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (2) support, propping, strengthening Bhartṛ (3) inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance MBh. R. &c. (4) fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) becoming hard or solid Rājat (6) stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also the magical arresting of any feeling or force, as of hunger, thirst, or of the forces of water, fire &c. as taught in the Tantras) Kāv. Suśr. Pañcar. (7) filling up, stuffing R. (8) N. of a partic. Adhyāya Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 60 Vārtt. 1 (9) of a Ṛshi &c. VP. (cf. g. [ kuJj^adi ] and [ zaunak^adi ])

===> stambhaka [ stambhaka ]2[ stambhaka ] mfn. stopping, arresting R. (1) styptic, astringent SārṅgS. (2) m. (prob.) a post, pillar, Mahāvy (3) N. of one of Śiva's attendants Kathās (4) ([ akI ]), f. N. of a goddess Kālac (5) ([ ikA ]), f. the leg of a chair Nalac

===> stambhana [ stambhana ]2[ stambhana ] mf ([ I ]) n. stiffening, making rigid or immovable, paralyzing Kāv. HPariś (1) stopping, arresting, checking, restraining MBh. R. (2) styptic, astringent Suśr. (3) m. ` paralyzer ', N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma-deva Cat. (4) ([ I ]), f. a kind of magic Divyâv (5) n. the act of turning into a pillar (See [ rambhA-st° ]) (6) strengthening, supporting Kāv. Pañcar. (7) becoming stiff or rigid Suśr. (8) making stiff or rigid, paralysing Vās. Bālar (9) a means of making stiff or rigid Hcat (10) stopping, arresting (also by magical means) MBh. VP. (11) stopping flow of blood &c. (12) a styptic or astringent Car. (13) a partic. magical art or faculty (See under [ stambha ] and cf. [ jala-stambhana ])

===> stambhin [ stambhin ]2[ stambhin ] mfn. provided with pillars or columns, Pracaṇḍ (1) supporting MW. (2) puffed up, arrogant MBh. [ 1258,3 ] (3) stopping, restraining MW. (4) m. the sea L. (5) ([ inI ]), f. N. of one of the five Dhāraṇās or elements (= the earth (6) cf. [ bhramaNI ]) Cat.

===> stambhita [ stambhita ]2[ stambhita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) fixed, established, supported Hariv. (1) stiffened, benumbed, paralyzed Kathās (2) stopped, brought to a standstill, suppressed, restrained MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) (ifc.) stuffed or filled with Lalit.

===> stana [ stana ]2[ st'ana ] m. (or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] ifc. [ A ] or [ I ] (1) derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with √ [ stan ], from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal), teat, dug, udder RV. &c. &e (2) the nipple (of the female or the male breast) Suśr. (3) a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat ŚBr.

===> stanita [ stanita ]2[ stanita ] mfn. thundering, sounding MBh. (1) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) thunder Kauś. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) loud groaning Hariv. (3) the sound of a vibrating bowstring BhP. (4) the noise of clapping the hands L.

===> stanya [ stanya ]2[ stanya ] mfn. contained in the female breast RV. Sch. (1) n. (once m.) milk MBh. Suśr. Kāv. &c.

===> stanya-tyāga [ stanyatyAga ]3[ stanya-tyAga ] m. ceasing to drink a mother's milk, the being weaned Kāv (1) [ -mAtraka ] (with [ vayas ]), n. the period immediately after weaning Uttarar

===> stanâvaraṇa [ stanAvaraNa ]3[ stan^avaraNa ] n. a breast-cloth ([ -tA ] f.) Kāv

===> staupika [ staupika ]2[ staupika ] n. = [ buddha-dravya ], the relics deposited in a Stūpa or dagoba L. (1) a kind of small broom carried by a Buddhist or Jaina ascetic W.

===> [ staupika ]1[ staupika ] See col. 1

===> stava [ stava ]1[ stava ]1 m. or n. a partic. substance Divyâv

===> [ stava ]1[ stava ]2 [ stavaka ] &c. See p. 1259, col. 1

===> [ stava ]2[ st'ava ]2 m. (for 1. See p. 1258, col. 3) praise, eulogy, song of praise, hymn, panegyric RV. &c. &c.

===> stavârha [ stavArha ]3[ stav^arha ] m. ` worthy of praise ', N. of a Pratyeka-buddhi Divyâv

===> stena [ stena ]2[ sten'a ] m. (prob. fr. √ [ stA ]) a thief, robber RV. &c. &c. (1) a kind of perfume VarBṛS. Sch. (2) thieving, stealing MW.

===> steya [ steya ]2[ st'eya ] n. theft, robbery, larceny RV. &c. &c. (1) anything stolen or liable to be stolen BhP. (2) anything clandestine or private MW.

===> steya-saṃvāsika [ steyasaMvAsika ]3[ st'eya-saMvAsika ] mfn. one who has stolen into any dwelling in the fictitious character of a monk Buddh.

===> stha-pati [ sthapati ]1[ stha-pati ] See p. 1262, col. 3

===> [ sthapati ]3[ stha-p'ati ] m. (accord. to some [ sthapati ], fr. caus. of √ 1. [ sthA ]) ` place-lord ', a king, chief, governor, head official (accord. to KātyŚr., ` a Vaiśya or even a person of lower caste, who has celebrated the Go-sava sacrifice after being chosen king ' (1) accord. to others, ` an Āyogava who is a town official ' (2) cf. [ niSAda-sth° ]) AV. VS. Br. ŚrS. R. Śiś. (3) an architect, master builder, carpenter, wheelwright MBh. R. &c. (IW. 185) (4) one who sacrifices to Bṛhas-patī L. (5) a guard or attendant on the women's apartments, chamberlain L. (6) a charioteer W. (7) N. of Bṛhas-pati L. (8) of Kubera L. (9) mfn. chief, best, principal L.

===> [ sthapati ]2[ sthapati ] See [ stha-pati ] above

===> sthairya [ sthairya ]2[ sthairya ] n. firmness, hardness, solidity Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) fixedness, stability, immobility Prab. BhP. Sarvad (2) calmness, tranquillity Pañcad (3) continuance, permanence Kāv. Kathās (4) steadfastness, constancy, perseverance, patience MBh. R. &c. (5) firm attachment to, constant delight in (loc.) Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.

===> sthala [ sthala ]2[ sthala ] m. a chapter, section (of a book) Cat. (1) N. of a son of Bala BhP. (2) ([ sth'alA ]), a heap of artificially raised earth, mound TS. (3) ([ I ]), f. an eminence, tableland (also applied to prominent parts of the body) Lāṭy. MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) soil, ground Kālid. BhP. (5) place, spot Ragh. Prab (6) ([ am ]), n. = [ sthalI ] above (7) dry land (opp. to damp low-land, firm earth (opp. to water) TS. &c. &c. (8) ground, soil, place, spot Mn. MBh. R. &c. [ 1262,1 ] (9) a flat surface, roof (of a palace) Megh (10) situation, circumstance, case ([ tathAvidha-sthale ], ` in such a case ') Sāh. Sarvad (11) a topic, subject W. (12) a text ib.

===> sthala-gata [ sthalagata ]3[ sthala-gata ] mfn. gone or left on dry land MW.

===> sthala-ja [ sthalaja ]3[ sthala-ja ] mfn. growing or living on dry land Mn. R. Suśr. &c. (1) accruing from land-transport (said of certain taxes or duties) Yājñ. (2) ([ A ]), f. licorice-√ L.

===> sthala-stha [ sthalastha ]3[ sthala-stha ] mfn. standing on dry ground MBh. R. BhP.

===> sthalī [ sthalI ]2[ sthalI ]1 f. See under [ sthala ] above

===> [ sthalI ]2[ sthalI ]2 in comp. for [ sthala ]

===> sthaulya [ sthaulya ]2[ sthaulya ] n. (fr. id.) stoutness, bigness, largeness, thickness, grossness, denseness (opp. to [ saukSmya ]) Suśr. BhP. Sarvad (1) excessive size or length BhP. (2) doltishness, density of intellect MW.

===> sthavira [ sthavira ]1[ sthavira ] [ °viSTha ], See p. 1265

===> [ sthavira ]3[ sthavira ] See p. 1265, col. 2

===> [ sthavira ]2[ sth'avira ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. (cf. [ sthAvara ], p. 1264) broad, thick, compact, solid, strong, powerful RV. AV. Br. MBh. Hariv. (1) old, ancient, venerable ([ °re kAle ] or [ bhAve ], ` in old age ') Br. &c. &c. [ 1265,3 ] (2) m. an old man W. (3) (with Buddhists) an ` Elder ' (N. of the oldest and most venerable Bhikshus) MWB. 184 ; 255 &c. (4) N. of Brahmā L. (5) (pl.) N. of a school (also [ Arya-sth° ]) Buddh. (6) ([ A ]), f. an old woman MW. (7) a kind of plant L. (8) ([ am ]), n. benzoin L.

===> sthavira-gāthā [ sthaviragAthA ]3[ sth'avira-gAthA ] f. a partic. section of Buddhist writings Divyâv

===> sthaṇḍila [ sthaNDila ]1[ sthaNDila ] n. (of unknown derivation (1) accord., to some connected with √ [ sthal ]) an open unoccupied piece of ground, bare ground (also with [ kevala ]), an open field MBh. &c. (2) a piece of open ground (levelled, squared, and prepared for a sacrifice), ŚaṅkhBr. ŚrS. (3) a boundary, limit, landmark W. (4) a heap of clods MW. (5) m. N. of a Ṛshi Cat.

===> sthaṇḍila-śāyikā [ sthaNDilazAyikA ]3[ sthaNDila-zAyikA ] f. id. Divyâv

===> sthira [ sthira ]2[ sthir'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. firm, hard, solid, compact, strong RV. &c. &c. (1) fixed, immovable, motionless, still, calm ŚBr. MBh. &c. (2) firm, not wavering or tottering, steady R. VarBṛS. (3) unfluctuating, durable, lasting, permanent, changeless RV. &c. &c. (4) stern, relentless, hard-hearted Kum (5) constant, steadfast, resolute, persevering ([ manas ] or [ hRdayaM sthiraM-√ kR ], ` to steel one's heart, take courage ' R. Kathās.) (6) kept secret Vet (7) faithful, trustworthy Yājñ. MBh. &c. (8) firmly resolved to (inf.) MBh. (9) settled, ascertained, undoubted, sure, certain Mn. MBh. &c. (10) m. a partic. spell recited over weapons R. (11) a kind of metre VarBṛS. (12) N. of Śiva MBh. (13) of one of Skanda's attendants ib. (14) N. of a partic. astrol. Yoga MW. (15) of certain zodiacal signs (viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius (16) so called because any work done under these signs is supposed to be lasting) ib. (L. also ` a tree (17) Grislea Tomentosa (18) a mountain (19) a bull (20) a god (21) the planet Saturn (22) final emancipation ') (23) ([ A ]), f. a strong-minded woman MW. (24) the earth L. (25) Desmodium Gangeticiim L. (26) Salmalia Malabarica L. (27) = [ -kAkolI ] L. (28) N. of the sound [ j ] Up. (29) ([ am ]), n. steadfastness, stubbornness, resistance (acc. with [ ava-√ tan ] P. ` to loosen the resistance of [ gen. ] ' (30) Ā. ` to relax one's own resistance, yield ' (31) with [ A-√ tan ] Ā. ` to offer resistance ') RV.

===> [ sthira ]1[ sthira ] &c. See p. 1264, col. 3

===> sthira-karman [ sthirakarman ]3[ sthir'a-karman ] mfn. persevering in action Ragh

===> sthira-mati [ sthiramati ]3[ sthir'a-mati ] f. a firm mind, steadfastness L. (1) mfn. firm-minded, steady Bhag. (2) m. N. of a Bhikshu Buddh.

===> sthiratā [ sthiratA ]3[ sthir'a-tA ] f. hardness Suśr. (1) stability, steadfastness, permanence Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) moral firmness, constancy, tranquillity ([ °tAm upa-√ i ], ` to recover composure of mind ') MBh. Śak. &c.

===> sthirī-karaṇa [ sthirIkaraNa ]3[ sthirI-karaNa ] mfn. id. Car. (1) n. hardening Cat. (2) making firm or fixed Sarvad (3) making durable, corroboration Sāh (4) confirmation Kull. on Mn. viii, 55

===> sthita [ sthita ]1[ sthita ] [ sthiti ] &c. See p. 1264

===> sthiti [ sthiti ]2[ sth'iti ] f. standing upright or firmly, not falling Kāvyâd (1) standing, staying, remaining, abiding, stay, residence, sojourn in or on or at (loc. or comp. (2) [ sthitiM-√ kR ] or [ vi- ] √ 1. [ dhA ] or √ [ grah ] or √ [ bhaj ], ` to make a stay ', ` take up one's abode ') Kāv. Kathās. &c. (3) staying or remaining or being in any state or condition ([ rAjya-sth° ]) (4) continuance in being, maintenance of life, continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things, the 1st being [ utpatti ], ` coming into existence ', and the 3rd [ laya ], ` dissolution '), permanence, duration
ŚvetUp. R. Kālid. BhP. Sarvad (5) duration of life MārkP. (6) (in astron.) duration of an eclipse Sūryas (7) continued existence in any place MBh. Sāh (8) that which continually exists, the world, earth BhP. (9) any situation or state or position or abode Kāv. Pañcat. Kathās (10) station, high position, rank Mn. Yājñ. Bhag. &c. (11) maintenance, sustenance Mālatīm (12) settled rule, fixed decision, ordinance, decree, axiom, maxim ŚBr. &c. &c. (13) maintenance of discipline, establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh (14) continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty, virtuous conduct, steadiness, rectitude, propriety MBh. R. Ragh (15) constancy, perseverance Bhag. Sarvad (16) devotion or addiction to, intentness on (loc.) MBh. R. (17) firm persuasion or opinion, conviction Yājñ. Kām (18) settled practice, institution, custom, usage Kathās. Rājat (19) settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality, e. g. [ sthitim-√ bhid ], ` to transgress the bounds of morality '), term, limit R. Kālid. Bhaṭṭ. (20) standing still, stopping, halting ([ sthitim A-√ car ], ` to remain standing ') Ragh. Rājat. Suśr. (21) standing-place, halting-place, stand or place or fixed abode ŚBr. Mn. Rājat (22) resistance to motion, inertia (in phil.) (23) fixedness, immobility, stability Ragh. BhP. (24) depositing, laying down Rājat. Kathās (25) form, shape MārkP. (26) manner of acting, procedure, behaviour, conduct Mn. Śiś. Hit. (27) occurrence MBh. (28) regard or consideration for (loc.) Pañcat. v. l. (29) (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (i. e. without the particle [ iti ] (30) See [ sthita ])

===> sthititā [ sthititA ]3[ sth'iti-tA ] ([ sthit'i- ]), f. fixity, stability, firm position ŚBr.

===> sthorā [ sthorA ]2[ sthorA ] f. the lading or cargo of a ship Divyâv

===> sthā [ sthA ]1[ sthA ]1 cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 30) [ t'iSThati ], [ °te ] (pf. [ tastha'u ], [ tasthe ] RV. &c. &c. (1) aor. [ 'asthAt ], [ 'asthita ] ib. (2) 3. pl. [ asthiran ] RV. AV. Br. (3) [ Asthat ] [ ? ] AV. (4) [ asthiSi ], [ °Sata ] Br. &c. (5) Subj. [ sthAti ], [ sth'AthaH ] RV. (6) Prec. [ stheyAt ] ib. (7) [ stheSam ], [ °SuH ] [ ? ] AV. (8) [ sthAsISTa ] Gr. (9) fut. [ sthAtA ] MBh. &c. (10) [ sthAsyati ], [ °te ] Br. &c (11) inf. [ sth'Atum ] ib. (12) [ °tos ] Br. GṛŚrS. (13) [ -sthitum ] R. (14) ind. p. [ sthitvA ] MBh. &c. (15) [ -sth'Aya ] RV. &c. &c. (16) [ -sthAyam ] Bhaṭṭ.), to stand, stand firmly, station one's self stand upon, get upon, take up a position on (with [ pAdAbhyAm ], ` to stand on the feet ' (17) with [ jAnubhyAm ], ` to kneel ' (18) with [ agre ] or [ agratas ] and gen., ` to stand or present one's self before ' (19) with [ puras ] and with or without gen., ` to stand up against an enemy &c. ') RV. &c. &c. (20) to stay, remain, continue in any condition or action (e. g. with [ kanyA ], ` to remain a girl or unmarried ' (21) with [ tUSNIm ] or with [ maunena ] instr. ` to remain silent ' (22) with [ sukham ], ` to continue or feel well ') AV. &c. &c. (23) to remain occupied or engaged in, be intent upon, make a practice of, keep on, persevere in any act (with loc. (24) e. g. with [ rAjye ], ` to continue governing ' (25) with [ zAsane ], ` to practise obedience ' (26) with [ bale ], ` to exercise power ' (27) with [ sva-dharme ], ` to do one's duty ' (28) with [ sva-karmaNi ], ` to keep to one's own business ' (29) with [ saMzaye ], ` to persist in doubting ' (30) also with ind. p., e. g. [ dharmam Azritya ], ` to practise virtue ') AV. Mn. MBh. &c. (31) to continue to be or exist (as opp. to ` perish '), endure, last TS. Mn. MBh. &c. (32) to be, exist, be present, be obtainable or at hand AV. &c. &c. (33) to be with or at the disposal of, belong to (dat., gen., or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (34) (Ā., m. c. also P., cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 23 ; iv, 34) to stand by, abide by, be near to, be on the side of, adhere or submit to, acquiesce in, serve, obey (loc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c. (35) to stand still, stay quiet, remain stationary, stop, halt, wait, tarry, linger, hesitate (See under [ sthitvA ] below) RV. &c. &c. (36) to behave or conduct one's self (with [ samam ], ` to behave equally towards any one ', loc.) (37) to be directed to or fixed on (loc.) Hariv. Kathās (38) to be founded or rest or depend on, be contained in (loc.) RV. AV. MBh. (39) to rely on, confide in (loc., e. g. [ mayi sthitvA ], ` confiding in me ') Bhaṭṭ. (40) to stay at, resort to (acc.) R. (41) to arise from (abl. or gen.) RV. ChUp. (42) to desist or cease from (abl.) Kathās (43) to remain unnoticed (as of no importance), be left alone (only Impv. and Pot.) Kāv. Pañcat. : Pass. [ sthIyate ] (aor. [ asthAyi ]), to be stood &c. (frequently used impers., e. g. [ mayA sthIyatAm ], ` let it be abided by me ', i. e. ` I must abide ') Br. &c. &c. : Caus. [ sthApayati ], [ °te ] (aor. [ 'atiSThipat ] (44) ind. p. [ sthApayitvA ] [ q. v. ] and [ -sth'Apam ]: Pass. [ sthApyate ]), to cause to stand, place, locate, set, lay, fix, station, establish, found, institute AV. &c. &c. (45) to set up, erect, raise, build MBh. R. (46) to cause to continue, make durable, strengthen, confirm MBh. R. Suśr. &c. (47) to prop up, support, maintain MBh. Hcat (48) to affirm, assent Sāh. Nyāyas. Sch. (49) to appoint (to any office, loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (50) to cause to be, constitute, make, appoint or employ as (two acc. (51) with [ dhAtrIm ], ` to employ any one as a nurse ' (52) with [ rakS^artham ], ` to appoint any one as guardian ' (53) with [ sajjam ], ` to make anything ready ' [ 1262,3 ] (54) with [ su-rakSitam ], ` to keep anything well guarded ' (55) with [ svIkRtya ], ` to make anything one's own ' (56) with [ parizeSam ], ` to leave anything over or remaining ') ŚvetUp. MBh. Kāv. &c. (57) to fix, settle, determine, resolve Mn. MBh. &c. (58) to fix in or on, lead or being into, direct or turn towards (loc., rarely acc. (59) with [ hRdi ], ` to impress on the heart ' (60) with [ manas ], ` to fix the mind on ') AV. &c. &c. (61) to introduce or initiate into, instruct in (loc., e. g. with [ naye ], ` to instruct in a plan or system ') MBh. Kathās (62) to make over or deliver up to (loc. or [ haste ] with gen., ` into the hands of ') Yājñ. Ratnâv. Kathās (63) to give in marriage MBh. (64) to cause to stand still, stop, arrest, check, hold, keep in, restrain (with [ baddhvA ], ` to keep bound or imprisoned ') ŚBr. &c. &c. (65) to place aside, keep, save, preserve MBh. Hariv. : Desid. of Caus. [ -sthApayiSati ] (See [ saM-√ sthA ]) : Desid. [ t'iSThAsati ], to wish to stand &c. ŚBr. : Intens. [ teSThIyate ] (66) [ tAstheti ], [ tAsthAti ] Gr. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ stare ] ; Lith. [ st'oti ] ; Slav. [ stati ] ; [ 1262,3 ] Germ. [ st^an ], [ stehen ] ; Eng. [ stand ]. ]

===> [ sthA ]2[ sth'A ] (or [ STh'A ]), mfn. (nom. m. n. [ sth'As ]) standing, stationary (often ifc. = ` standing, being, existing in or on or among ', cf. [ agni-SThA ], [ RtasthA ] &c.) RV. PañcavBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> sthāla [ sthAla ]2[ sthAla ] &c. See p. 1262, col. 1

===> [ sthAla ]1[ sthAla ] &c. See p. 1262, col. 1

===> sthālaka [ sthAlaka ]2[ sthAlaka ] m. or n. (pl.) N. of partic. bones on the back Viṣṇ. Car.

===> sthālī [ sthAlI ]3[ sthAl'I ] f. an earthen dish or pan, cooking-vessel, caldron AV. Br. ŚrS. (1) a partic. vessel used in preparing Soma MW. (2) the substitution of a cooked offering of rice &c. for a meat offering at the Māṃs^ashṭaki (q. v.) ib. (3) Bignonia Suaveolens L.

===> sthāman [ sthAman ]2[ sth'Aman ] n. station, seat, place AV. (1) strength, power Bālar. Lalit. SaddhP. (2) the neighing of a horse MBh. i, 5116

===> sthāmavat [ sthAmavat ]3[ sthAma-vat ] mfn. powerful, strong Lalit. (1) (ifc.) having the strength of ib. [ 1264,1 ]

===> sthāna [ sthAna ]1[ sthAna ] [ sthAnin ], [ sthApaka ], [ °pana ] &c p. 1263

===> sthāna-yoga [ sthAnayoga ]3[ sth'Ana-yoga ] m. assignment of suitable places or application of the best modes for preserving articles Mn. ix, 332

===> sthānatva [ sthAnatva ]3[ sth'Ana-tva ] (in [ eka-sthAnatva ], ` the being pronounced with the same organ '), n. TPrāt. Sch.

===> sthānin [ sthAnin ]2[ sthAnin ] mfn. having a place, occupying a (high) position Cat. (1) having fixedness, abiding, permanent W. (2) being in the right place, appropriate ĀśvŚr. (3) (in gram.) that which should be in the place or is to be supplied Pāṇ. 1-4, 105 (4) m. the original form or primitive element (for which anything is substituted, as opp. to [ Adeza ], ` the substitute ') Pāṇ. Sch. [ 1263,3 ]

===> sthānântara [ sthAnAntara ]3[ sthAn^antara ] n. another place (1) [ -gata ] mfn. gone to another place, gone away MW. (2) [ °r^abhimukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. facing another place, turned away Mālav

===> sthānâsthāna-jñāna-bala [ sthAnAsthAnajJAnabala ]3[ sthAn^asthAna-jJAna-bala ] n. the power of the knowledge if what is proper and what is improper Buddh.

===> sthānīya [ sthAnIya ]2[ sthAnIya ] mfn. having its place in, being in (comp. (1) [ kaNTha-sth° ], ` having its place in the throat ') Vedântas (2) belonging to or prevailing in any place, local W. (3) occupying the place of, representing (comp.) Āpast (4) n. a town or a large village L.

===> sthāpanīya [ sthApanIya ]2[ sthApanIya ] mfn. to be fixed or established in a place Kathās (1) to be kept (as a cat &c.) ib. (2) to be treated with tonics or strengthening remedies Suśr.

===> sthāpayitavya [ sthApayitavya ]2[ sthApayitavya ] mfn. to be kept in a place MBh. (1) to be kept in order or restrained ib.

===> sthāpayitvā [ sthApayitvA ]2[ sthApayitvA ] ind. having placed or fixed &c. (1) having put aside = ` with the exception of ' (acc.) Divyâv

===> sthāpita [ sthApita ]2[ sthApita ] mfn. caused or made to stand, fixed, established, founded &c. (1) handed over, deposited Yājñ. MBh. &c. (2) lodged Kathās (3) put aside, kept, stored ib. (4) wedded Mālatīm (5) ordered, regulated, enjoyed, ordained, enacted W. (6) settled, ascertained, certain ib. (7) firm, steady ib.

===> sthāpya [ sthApya ]2[ sthApya ] mfn. to be set up or erected (as an image) VarBṛS. (1) to be placed in or on (loc.) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (2) to be installed in or appointed to (an office) R. (3) to be shut up or confined in (loc.) Kathās (4) to be kept ([ vezmani ], ` in the house ', i. e. ` as a domestic animal ') VarBṛS. (5) to be kept to (one's duty, loc.), MārkP. (6) to be plunged in (grief &c., acc.) Kathās (7) to be kept in order or curbed or checked or restrained MBh. (8) m. (prob.) the image of a god Pañcar. (9) m. or n. a deposit, pledge (= [ nikSepa ]) L.

===> sthātavya [ sthAtavya ]2[ sthAtavya ] mfn. (n. impers.) to be stood or stayed or remained or continued in or abided by (loc., rarely instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sthātṛ [ sthAtR ]2[ sth'AtR ] m. a guider, driver (of horses &c.) RV. (1) a guide, authority MBh. iii, 12691 (2) ([ °t'R ]), mfn. (nom. n. [ °t'ur ]) what stands or stays stationary, immovable (as opp. to [ jagat ] or [ caratha ]) RV. i, 58, 8

===> sthāvara [ sthAvara ]2[ sthAvar'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. standing still, not moving, fixed, stationary, stable, immovable (opp. to [ jaGgama ], q. v.) TS. &c. &c. (1) firm, constant, permanent, invariable Āpast. R. Hariv. (2) regular, established W. (3) vegetable, belonging to the vegetable world Suśr. (4) relating to immovable property Yājñ. Sch. (5) m. a mountain (cf. [ -rAja ]) Bhag. Kum (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Lalit. (7) ([ am ]), n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant, mineral &c. (8) these form the seventh creation of Brahmā, See under [ sarga ]) Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (9) stability, permanence (v. l. [ sthira-tva ]) Subh (10) immovable property, real estate (such as land or houses) Yājñ. (11) a heir-loom, family-possession (such as jewels &c., which have been long preserved in a family and ought not to be sold) W. (12) a bow-string L.

===> [ sthAvara ]1[ sthAvara ] &c. See p. 1264, col. 1

===> sthāvira [ sthAvira ]1[ sthAvira ] &c. See col. 3

===> [ sthAvira ]2[ sthAvira ] n. (fr. [ sthavira ]) old age (described as commencing at seventy in men and fifty in women, and ending at ninety, after which period a man is called [ varSIyas ]) Lāṭy. MBh. &c. (1) mfn. (v. l. for [ sthavira ]) old, senile MBh. Hit.

===> sthāyin [ sthAyin ]2[ sthAyin ] mfn. standing, staying, being or situated in or on (comp.) Nir. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) being in a partic. place, resident, present Kāv. Kathās (2) being in a partic. state or condition Kāv. MārkP. (3) permanent, constant, enduring, lasting (as a feeling or state (4) cf. [ sthAyi-bhAva ] above) ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c. (5) persevering, steadfast Śiś. (6) faithful, trustworthy Bhar. (7) having the form of (comp.) VarBṛS.

===> sthāṇu [ sthANu ]2[ sthAN'u ] mfn. (accord. to some for [ sthalnu ]) standing firmly, stationary, firm, fixed, immovable, motionless Mn. MBh. &c. (1) m. (or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a stump, stem, trunk, stake, post, pile, pillar (also as symbol of motionlessness) RV. &c. &c. (2) a kind of spear or dart L. (3) m. a partic. part of a plough Kṛshis (4) the gnomon of a dial MW. (5) a partic. perfume (= [ jIvaka ]) L. (6) a nest of white ants W. (7) N. of Śiva (who is supposed to remain as motionless as the trunk of a tree during his austerities) MBh. Kāv. &c. (RTL. 63) (8) of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. Hariv. (9) of a Prajā-pati R. (10) of a serpentdemon RāmatUp. (11) of a Rākshasa TāṇḍBr. (12) n. anything stationary or fixed MBh. &c. (13) a partic. posture in sitting Cat.

===> sthūla [ sthUla ]2[ sthUl'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (fr. √ [ sthU ] = [ sthA ] and originally identical with [ sthUra ]) large, thick, stout, massive, bulky, big, huge AV. &c. &c. (1) coarse, gross, rough (also fig. = ` not detailed or precisely defined ' (2) cf. [ yathA-sth° ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (3) dense, dull, stolid, doltish, stupid, ignorant (cf. comp.) MBh. Pañcat (4) (in phil.) gross, tangible, material (opp. to [ sUkSma ], ` subtle ' (5) cf. [ sthUla-zarIra ]) (6) m. Artocarpus Integrifolia L. (7) N. of one of Śiva's attendants L. (8) m. n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (9) ([ A ]), f. Scindapsus Officinalis L. (10) Cucumis Utilissimus L. (11) large cardamoms L. (12) n. ` the gross body ' (= [ sthUla-z° ]) Up. MBh. &c. (13) sour milk, curds L. (14) = [ kUTa ] L. (15) a heap, quantity W. (16) a tent (prob. for 1. [ sthula ]) ib.

===> sthūla-śarīra [ sthUlazarIra ]3[ sthUl'a-zarIra ] n. the gross or material and perishable body with which a soul clad in its subtle body is invested (opp. to [ sUkSma- ] and [ liGga-s° ], qq. vv.) Vedântas. RTL. 35 (1) mfn. large-bodied W.

===> sthūlatā [ sthUlatA ]3[ sthUl'a-tA ] f. largeness, bigness, bulkiness ib. (1) stupidity, clumsiness ib.

===> sthūra [ sthUra ]2[ sthUr'a ] mfn. (cf. [ sthUla ] below) thick, dense, heavy, big, bulky, stout, broad, strong, solid RV. (1) m. du. the ankles or she buttocks (2) sg. the lower part of the thigh L. (3) a child of Sthūrā. Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 103 Vārtt. 1 (4) a man L. (5) a bull L. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman, g. [ garg^adi ]

===> sthūṇa [ sthUNa ]1[ sthUNa ] [ sth'UNA ] &c. See p. 1265, col. 3

===> sthūṇā [ sthUNA ]2[ sth'UNA ] f. the post or pillar or beam cf. a house, any post or stake or pillar or column RV. &c. &c. (1) the trunk or stump of a tree Kām (2) an iron statue L. (3) an anvil, = [ zUrmi ] or [ sUrmi ] L. (4) (prob.) = [ rajju ], a rope, cord Hcat (5) a kind of disease L. [ Cf. Gk. ? ] [ 1265,3 ]

===> stimita [ stimita ]2[ stimita ] mfn. wet, moist Naish. Caurap (1) fixed, motionless (cf. [ stambhita ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) still, calm, tranquil, soft, gentle ([ am ] ind.) ib. (3) pleased MW. (4) n. moisture ib. (5) stillness, motionless MBh.

===> stobha [ stobha ]2[ stobha ] m. a chanted interjection in a Sāman (such as [ hum ], [ ho ], [ oha ] &c.), hum, hurrah, hymn Br. ŚrS. MBh. BhP. (1) a partic. division of the Sāma-veda (q. v.) (2) torpor, paralysis = [ ceSTA-vighAta ] Nalac (3) disrespect, contumely (= [ helana ]) L.

===> stobhana [ stobhana ]2[ stobhana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (prob.) forming a Stobha Nir. vii, 12 (in quot.)

===> stoka [ stoka ]1[ stoka ] &c. See p. 1259, col. 3

===> stotavya [ stotavya ]1[ stotavya ] [ stotra ] &c. See p. 1259, col. 2

===> stotra [ stotra ]2[ stotr'a ] n. praise, eulogium, a hymn of praise, ode RV. &c. &c. (1) (in ritual) N. of the texts or verses which are sung (in contradistinction to the Śastras [ q. v. ] which are recited) TS. Br. ŚrS.

===> stotra-rāja [ stotrarAja ]3[ stotr'a-rAja ] m. N. of a Śaiva (author or wk. (1) cf. [ stava-rAja ])

===> straiṇa [ straiNa ]2[ stra'iNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. female, feminine RV. &c. &c. (1) relating or belonging to women, subject to or ruled by women, being among women Kāv. BhP. (2) worthy of a woman L. (3) n. womankind, the female sex AV. &c. &c. (4) the nature of women Uttarar. BhP.

===> strī [ strI ]1[ str'I ] f. (perhaps for [ sUtrI ], or [ sotrI ], ` bearer of children ', fr. √ 2. [ sU ] ; accord. to some connected with Lat. [ sator ] (1) nom. [ str'I ] (2) acc. in later language also [ strIm ] and [ strIs ] pl.) a woman, female, wife RV. &c. &c. (3) the female of any animal (e. g. [ zAkhA-mRga-strI ], ` a female monkey ') ŚBr. MBh. (4) a white ant L. (5) the Priyaṅgu plant L. (6) (in gram.) the feminine gender Nir. ŚBr. &c. (7) a kind of metre Col.

===> strī-bhaga [ strIbhaga ]3[ str'I-bhaga ] n. the female organ Nir. iii, 16

===> strī-bhava [ strIbhava ]3[ str'I-bhava ] m. state of a women, womanhood Subh

===> strī-bhāva [ strIbhAva ]3[ str'I-bhAva ] m. the becoming a wife (acc. with √ [ nI ] or Caus. of √ [ labh ], ` to deprive of virginity ') Hariv.

===> strī-ghātaka [ strIghAtaka ]3[ str'I-ghAtaka ] mfn. murdering a women or wife, Vet

===> strī-jana [ strIjana ]3[ str'I-jana ] m. woman-kind Kāv. Rājat (1) (in gram.) a feminine R. vii, 87, 13

===> strī-liṅga [ strIliGga ]3[ str'I-liGga ] n. the female organ MBh. (1) (in gram.) the feminine gender Vop. ([ -vartin ] mfn. ` being in the feminine gender, being a feminine ') MW. (2) mfn. having the characteristics of a women ŚrS. MBh. &c. (3) (in gram.) feminine ([ -tva ] n.), IndSt

===> strī-puruṣa [ strIpuruSa ]3[ str'I-puruSa ] n. sg. man and wife Hcat

===> strī-puṃ-napuṃsaka [ strIpuMnapuMsaka ]3[ str'I-puMnapuMsaka ] (in gram.) feminine (and) masculine (and) neuter

===> strī-ratna [ strIratna ]3[ str'I-ratna ] n. ` jewel of a woman ', an excellent woman Kāv. VarBṛS. &c. (with Buddhists, ` one of the seven treasures of monarchs ' Dharmas. 85) (1) N. of Lakshmī Śak (2) [ -kUTA ] f. N. of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv.

===> strī-rūpa [ strIrUpa ]3[ str'I-rUpa ] ([ str'I- ]), mfn. having a women's form or shape MaitrS.

===> strī-saṅga [ strIsaGga ]3[ str'I-saGga ] m. intercourse with women Subh

===> strītva [ strItva ]3[ str'I-tva ] n. womanhood, wifehood MBh. R. &c. (1) (in gram.) feminineness Cat.

===> stuta [ stuta ]2[ stut'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) praised, eulogized, hymned, glorified, celebrated RV. &c. &c. (1) recited with praise (as a hymn) ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) m. N. of Śiva MBh. (3) n. praise, eulogy RV. Br. ChUp. (4) (in ritual) = [ stotra ] TS.

===> [ stuta ]2[ stuta ]2 mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) dripping, oozing (v. l. [ sruta ]) L.

===> stutavat [ stutavat ]3[ stut'a-vat ] mfn. having received praise, praised, celebrated Hariv.

===> stuti [ stuti ]2[ stut'i ] f. (instr. once in Hariv. [ stutinA ], with v. l. [ stutibhiH ]) praise, eulogy, panegyric, commendation, adulation RV. &c. &c. (1) N. of Durgā, DevīP. (2) of Viṣṇu MBh. [ 1259,2 ] (3) of the wife of Pratihartṛ BhP.

===> styāna [ styAna ]2[ styAna ] mfn. grown dense, coagulated Suśr. Sāh (1) stiffened, become rigid Car. (2) soft, bland, unctuous, smooth (= [ snigdha ]) L. (3) thick, bulky, gross W. (4) sounding MW. (5) n. (only L.) density, thickness, grossness, massiveness (6) unctuousness (7) nectar (8) idleness, sloth, apathy (9) echo, sound

===> styāyana [ styAyana ]2[ styAyana ] n. collecting into a mass, aggregation, crowding together Nir

===> stīrṇa [ stIrNa ]1[ stIrNa ] &c. See p. 1260, col. 2

===> [ stIrNa ]2[ stIrN'a ] mfn. spread, strewn, scattered RV. AV. &c. (1) m. N. of a demon attendant on Śiva ŚivaP.

===> stūpa [ stUpa ]2[ stUpa ] &c. See p. 1260, col. 1

===> [ stUpa ]2[ st'Upa ] m. (accord. to Sāy. fr. √ [ styai ] accord. to Uṇ. fr. √ 3. [ stu ] (1) prob. connected with [ stup'a ], under √ 3. [ stu ]) a knot or tuft of hair, the upper part of the head, crest, top, summit [ cf. Gk. ? ] RV. TS. (2) [ 1260,1 ] PañcavBr. (3) a heap or pile of earth or bricks &c., (esp.) a Buddhist monument, dagoba (generally of a pyramidal or dome-like form and erected over sacred relics of the great Buddha or on spots consecrated as the scenes of his acts) MWB. 504 (4) any relic-shrine or relic-casket (made of various materials, such as terra cotta, clay, elaborately formed brick or carved stone (5) often very small and portable, and enclosing a fragment of bone or a hair &c. of some saint or deceased relative, or inscribed with a sacred formula (6) these are carried long distances and deposited in hallowed spots such as Buddha-Gayā) MWB. 397, 504 (7) any heap, pile, mound, tope Hcat (8) the main beam (of a house) ĀpGṛ. (9) (L. also, ` wind (10) fight (11) = [ kUla ]

---> = [ bala ] (12) = [ niSprayojana ])

===> stūpa-bhedana [ stUpabhedana ]3[ st'Upa-bhedana ] n. destruction of a tope Buddh.

===> su [ su ]1[ su ]1 cl. 1. P. Ā. [ savati ], [ °te ], to go, move Dhātup. xxii, 42 (Vop. [ sru ])

===> [ su ]1[ su ]2 (= √ 1. [ sU ]), cl. 1. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 43 and xxiv, 32 (1) [ savati ], [ sauti ], only in 3. sg. pr. [ sauti ] and 2. sg. Impv. [ suhi ]) to urge, impel, incite ŚBr. KātyŚr. (2) to possess supremacy Dhātup

===> [ su ]1[ su ]3 cl. 5. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 1) [ sun'oti ], [ sunute ] (in RV. 3. pl. [ sunv'anti ], [ sunvir'e ] [ with pass. sense ] and [ suSvati ] (1) p. [ sunv'at ] or [ sunvAn'a ] [ the latter with act. and pass. sense ] ib. (2) pf. [ suSAva ], [ suSuma ] &c. ib. MBh. (3) p. in Veda [ suSuv'as ] and [ suSvAN'a ] [ the later generally with pass. sense (4) accord. to Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 106, also [ suSuvANa ] with act. sense ] (5) aor. accord. to Gr. [ asAvIt ] or [ asauSIt ], [ asoSTa ] or [ asaviSTa ] (6) in RV. also Impv. [ s'otu ], [ sut'am ], and p. [ mostly pass. ] [ suvAn'a ] [ but the spoken form is [ svAn'a ] and so written in SV., [ suv° ] in RV. ] (7) and 3. pl. [ asuSavuH ] AitBr. (8) fut. [ sotA ] ib. (9) [ soSyati ] KātyŚr. (10) [ saviSyati ] ŚBr. (11) inf. [ s'otave ], [ s'otos ] RV. : Br. (12) [ sotum ] Gr.

---> ind. p. [ -s'utya ] Br. (13) [ -sUya ] MBh.), to press out, extract (esp. the juice from the Soma plant for libations) RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Up. MBh. (14) to distil, prepare (wine, spirits &c.) Sch. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 132: Pass. [ sUy'ate ] (in RV. also Ā. 3. sg. [ sunve ] and 3. pl. [ sunvir'e ] with pass. sense (15) aor. [ 'asAvi ] ib.): Caus. [ -sAvayati ] or [ -SAvayati ] ([ abhi-Su ] and [ pra-√ su ]

---> aor. [ asUSavat ] accord. to some [ asISavat ]), Gr. : Desid. of Caus. [ suSAvayiSati ] ib. : Desid. [ susUSati ], [ °te ] ib. : Iutens. [ soSUyate ], [ soSavIti ], [ soSoti ] ib.

===> [ su ]1[ su ]4 (= √ 2. [ sU ]), (only in 3. sg. [ sauti ], [ pra-√ sU ]) to beget, bring forth

===> [ su ]1[ s'u ]5 ind. (opp. to [ dus ] and corresponding in sense to Gk. ? (1) perhaps connected with 1. [ v'asu ], and, [ 1219,3 ] accord. to some, with pron. base [ sa ], as [ ku ] with [ ka ] (2) in Veda also [ s'U ] and liable to become [ Su ] or [ SU ] and to lengthen a preceding vowel, while a following [ na ] may become [ Na ] (3) it may be used as an adj. or adv.), good, excellent, right, virtuous, beautiful, easy, well, rightly, much, greatly, very, any, easily, willingly, quickly (in older language often with other particles (4) esp. with [ u ], = ` forthwith, immediately ' (5) with [ m^o ] i. e. [ mA u ], = ` never, by no means ' [ 1220,1 ] (6) [ s'u kam ] often emphatically with an Impv., e. g. [ t'iSThA s'u kam maghavan m'A parA gAH ], ` do tarry O Maghavan, go not past ' RV. iii, 53, 2 (7) [ su ] always qualifies the meaning of a verb and is never used independently at the beginning of a verse (8) in later language it is rarely a separate word, but is mostly prefixed to substantives, adjectives, adverbs and participles, exceptionally also to an ind. p., e. g. [ su-baddhvA ], ` having well bound ' Mṛcch. x, 50 (9) or even to a finite verb, e. g. [ su-nirvavau ] Śiś. vi, 58) RV. &c. &c.

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following, in which the initial [ S ] stands for an orig. [ s ]) :

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

===> su- [ su ]1[ su ]1 cl. 1. P. Ā. [ savati ], [ °te ], to go, move Dhātup. xxii, 42 (Vop. [ sru ])

===> [ su ]1[ su ]2 (= √ 1. [ sU ]), cl. 1. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 43 and xxiv, 32 (1) [ savati ], [ sauti ], only in 3. sg. pr. [ sauti ] and 2. sg. Impv. [ suhi ]) to urge, impel, incite ŚBr. KātyŚr. (2) to possess supremacy Dhātup

===> [ su ]1[ su ]3 cl. 5. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvii, 1) [ sun'oti ], [ sunute ] (in RV. 3. pl. [ sunv'anti ], [ sunvir'e ] [ with pass. sense ] and [ suSvati ] (1) p. [ sunv'at ] or [ sunvAn'a ] [ the latter with act. and pass. sense ] ib. (2) pf. [ suSAva ], [ suSuma ] &c. ib. MBh. (3) p. in Veda [ suSuv'as ] and [ suSvAN'a ] [ the later generally with pass. sense (4) accord. to Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 106, also [ suSuvANa ] with act. sense ] (5) aor. accord. to Gr. [ asAvIt ] or [ asauSIt ], [ asoSTa ] or [ asaviSTa ] (6) in RV. also Impv. [ s'otu ], [ sut'am ], and p. [ mostly pass. ] [ suvAn'a ] [ but the spoken form is [ svAn'a ] and so written in SV., [ suv° ] in RV. ] (7) and 3. pl. [ asuSavuH ] AitBr. (8) fut. [ sotA ] ib. (9) [ soSyati ] KātyŚr. (10) [ saviSyati ] ŚBr. (11) inf. [ s'otave ], [ s'otos ] RV. : Br. (12) [ sotum ] Gr. (13) ind. p. [ -s'utya ] Br. (14) [ -sUya ] MBh.), to press out, extract (esp. the juice from the Soma plant for libations) RV. AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Up. MBh. (15) to distil, prepare (wine, spirits &c.) Sch. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 132: Pass. [ sUy'ate ] (in RV. also Ā. 3. sg. [ sunve ] and 3. pl. [ sunvir'e ] with pass. sense (16) aor. [ 'asAvi ] ib.): Caus. [ -sAvayati ] or [ -SAvayati ] ([ abhi-Su ] and [ pra-√ su ] (17) aor. [ asUSavat ] accord. to some [ asISavat ]), Gr. : Desid. of Caus. [ suSAvayiSati ] ib. : Desid. [ susUSati ], [ °te ] ib. : Iutens. [ soSUyate ], [ soSavIti ], [ soSoti ] ib.

===> [ su ]1[ su ]4 (= √ 2. [ sU ]), (only in 3. sg. [ sauti ], [ pra-√ sU ]) to beget, bring forth

===> [ su ]1[ s'u ]5 ind. (opp. to [ dus ] and corresponding in sense to Gk. ? (1) perhaps connected with 1. [ v'asu ], and, [ 1219,3 ] accord. to some, with pron. base [ sa ], as [ ku ] with [ ka ] (2) in Veda also [ s'U ] and liable to become [ Su ] or [ SU ] and to lengthen a preceding vowel, while a following [ na ] may become [ Na ] (3) it may be used as an adj. or adv.), good, excellent, right, virtuous, beautiful, easy, well, rightly, much, greatly, very, any, easily, willingly, quickly (in older language often with other particles (4) esp. with [ u ], = ` forthwith, immediately ' (5) with [ m^o ] i. e. [ mA u ], = ` never, by no means ' [ 1220,1 ] (6) [ s'u kam ] often emphatically with an Impv., e. g. [ t'iSThA s'u kam maghavan m'A parA gAH ], ` do tarry O Maghavan, go not past ' RV. iii, 53, 2 (7) [ su ] always qualifies the meaning of a verb and is never used independently at the beginning of a verse (8) in later language it is rarely a separate word, but is mostly prefixed to substantives, adjectives, adverbs and participles, exceptionally also to an ind. p., e. g. [ su-baddhvA ], ` having well bound ' Mṛcch. x, 50 (9) or even to a finite verb, e. g. [ su-nirvavau ] Śiś. vi, 58) RV. &c. &c.

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following, in which the initial [ S ] stands for an orig. [ s ]) :

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):

===> [ su ]2[ su ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)

===> su-sārtha-vāha [ susArthavAha ]3[ su-s^artha-vAha ] m. N. of a man Buddh.

===> subahu [ subahu ]3[ su-bahu ] mf ([ vI ]) n. very much, very many, very numerous Mn. MBh. &c. (1) ([ u ]), ind. much, very much, greatly BhP. (2) [ -dhA ] ind. very much, often, frequently Hcat (3) [ -zas ] ind. id. MBh. MārkP. (4) [ -zruta ] mfn. deeply versed in the Veda &c. R.

===> subha [ subha ]3[ su-bha ] n. (for [ subha ] See s. v.) an auspicious constellation Bhadrab (1) [ -bodh^arthamAlA-paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

===> [ subha ]1[ subha ] mfn. (for [ su-bha ] See p. 1229, col. 2), often w. r. for [ zubha ]

===> subhadra [ subhadra ]3[ su-bhadra ] ([ s'u- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. very glorious or splendid or auspicious or fortunate RV. MBh. BhP. (1) m. Azadirachta Indica L. (2) N. of Viṣṇu L. (3) (prob.) of Sanat-kumāra Pañcar. (4) of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. (5) of a son of Kṛshṇa ib. (6) of a son of Idhmajihva ib. (7) of the last man converted by Gautama Buddha SaddhP. (8) of a scholar, Jain. (9) of a mountain Pañcar. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of various well-known plants (e. g. Ichnocarpus Frutescens (11) Curcuma Zedoaria (12) Prosopis Spicigera &c.) L. (13) (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt (14) a form of Durgā Hcat (15) N. of a younger sister of Kṛshṇa and wife of Arjuna (she was forcibly carried off by Arjuna from Dvārakā wish Kṛshṇa's permission, as described in MBh. i, ch. 219 ; 220 (16) her image is borne in procession with those of Jagannātha and Bala-rāma) MBh. Hariv. &c. (17) of a wife of Durgama MārkP. (18) of a daughter of Balin and wife of Av^ikshita ib. (19) of a grand daughter of Rukmin and wife of Aniruddha VP. (20) of a daughter of the Asura Su-māya Kathās (21) of a mythical cow MBh. (22) of a poetess Cat. (23) n. fortune, welfare BhP. (24) N. of a Catvara (q. v.) MBh. (25) of a Varsha in Plakshadvipa ruled by Su-bhadra BhP. (26) ([ °drA ]) [ -dhanaMjaya ] and [ -pariNaya ], N. of two Nāṭakas (27) [ -pUrvaja ] m. ` elder brother of Subhadrā ', N. of Kṛshṇa Pañcar. (28) [ -vijaya ], N. of a Nāṭaka (29) [ -haraNa ] n. ` the carrying off of Subhadrā ', N. of a section in the MBh. (cf. above) and of other poems (30) [ °dr^eza ] m. ` lord of Subhadrā ', N. of Arjuna L.

===> subhadraka [ subhadraka ]3[ su-bhadraka ] m. the car or vehicle of a god for carrying his image in procession L. (1) the plant AEgle Marmelos L. (2) ([ s'ubhadrikA ]), f. a courtezan VS. (3) a kind of metre Ked (4) of a younger sister of Kṛshṇa (See next) Pañcar. (5) ([ am ]), n. a kind of metre Col.

===> subhaga [ subhaga ]1[ su-bhaga ] [ -bhaGga ] &c. See p. 1229, cols. 2, 3

===> subhairava [ subhairava ]3[ su-bhairava ] mf ([ I ]) n. very fearful W.

===> subhakti [ subhakti ]1[ su-bhakti ] [ -bhakSya ], See p. 1229, col. 2

===> subhara [ subhara ]3[ su-bh'ara ] mf ([ A ]) n. well compacted, solid RV. (1) dense, abundant ib. (2) easily carried or handled ŚBr. (3) well practised, Mahāvy (4) = [ su-poSa ] ([ -tA ] f.) ib.

===> subhikṣa [ subhikSa ]3[ su-bhikSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having good food or an abundant supply of provisions ChUp. MBh. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. Lythrun Fructicosum or Grislea Tomentosa L. (2) ([ am ]) . n. abundance of food (esp. that given as alms), abundant supply of provisions, plenty (opp. to [ dur-bh° ]) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) [ -kara ], [ -kArin ], [ -kRt ] (4) [ °kS^avaha ] mfn. causing abundance of food or good times VarBṛS.

===> subhojana [ subhojana ]3[ su-bhojana ] n. good food ib.

===> subhāvita [ subhAvita ]3[ su-bhAvita ] mfn. well soaked Suśr.

===> subhāṣita [ subhASita ]3[ su-bhASita ] mf ([ A ]) n. spoken well or eloquently MBh. (1) speaking or discoursing well, eloquent ib. (2) m. a partic. Buddha L. (3) ([ am ]), n. good or eloquent speech, witty saying, good counsel MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) [ -kAvya ] n. [ -kaustubha ] m. N. of wks. (5) [ -gaveSin ] m. N. of a king Buddh. (6) [ -candrikA ] f. [ -nIvI ] f. [ -prabandha ] m. [ -maJjarI ] f. N. of wks. (7) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of good sayings Pañcat (8) [ -mukt^avali ] f. [ -ratna-koza ] m. [ -ratna-saMdoha ] m. [ -ratn^akara ], m. N. of wks. (9) [ -ras^asvAda-jAta-rom^aJca-kaJcuka ] mfn. having (as it were) armour consisting of bristling (or thrilling) hairs produced by tasting the flavour of delightful words MW. [ 1230,1 ] (10) [ -zloka ] m. pl., [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -samuccaya ] m. [ -sudhA ], f. [ -sudh^ananda-laharI ] f. [ -sura-druma ] m. [ -hAr^avali ], f. (11) [ °t^arNava ] m. [ °t^avali ] f. N. of wks.

===> subhūmi [ subhUmi ]3[ su-bhUmi ] f. a good place Gobh (1) m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena (cf. next) VP. (2) [ -pa ] m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena (v. l. [ su-bhUSaNa ]) Hariv.

===> subhūti [ subhUti ]3[ su-bhUti ] ([ s'u- ]), f. well-being, welfare (1) m. N. of a lexicographer (also called [ -candra ] (2) he wrote a Comm. on the Amara-kośa) (3) of a Brāhman (son of Vasu-bhūti) Kathās (4) of a teacher Buddh. (5) [ pAla ] m. N. of a man ib.

===> subuddhi [ subuddhi ]3[ su-buddhi ] f. good understanding Pañcat (1) mfn. of good understanding, wise, clever, intelligent Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) m. N. of a son of Māra-putra Lalit. (3) of two kings Kṣitîś (4) of a crow Hit. (5) [ -candra ] m. N. of a man Buddh. (6) [ -mat ] mfn. very intelligent or wise Kathās (7) [ -mizra ] and [ -mizramah^ezvara ] m. N. of authors Cat.

===> subāhu [ subAhu ]3[ su-bAh'u ] mfn. having strong or handsome arms RV. VS. (1) m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (2) of one of Skanda's attendants ib. (3) of a Dānava Hariv. (4) of a Rākshasa ib. R. (cf. [ -zatru ]) (5) of a Yaksha VP. (6) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra and king of Cedi MBh. (7) of a king of Videhā Buddh. (8) of a son of Mati-nāra Hariv. (9) of a son of Citraka ib. (10) of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. (11) of a son of Śatru-ghna R. (12) of a son of Pratibāhu BhP. (13) of a son of Kuvalay^aśva MārkP. (14) of a brother of Alarka ib. (15) of a Bodhi-sattva and a Bhikshu Buddh. (16) of a monkey R. (17) ([ 'us ]), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. (18) [ -paripRcchA ] f. N. of wk.

---> [ -yukta ] m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Kāraṇḍ (19) [ -zatru ] m. N. of Rāma Uttarar

===> sucandra [ sucandra ]3[ su-candra ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh. (1) N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. (2) of a son of Siṃhikā ib. (3) of a son of Hema-candra and father of Dhūmr^aśva R. VP. (4) of various kings R. Kālac (5) of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (6) of a Ficus Indica R.

===> sucarita [ sucarita ]3[ su-carita ] mfn. well performed (See comp.) (1) n. ([ s'u- ] (2) sg. and pl.) good conduct or behaviour, virtuous actions VS. &c. &c (3) [ -carita ] mfn. one who leads a virtuous life Mṛcch (4) [ -vrata ] mfn. well performing religious observances Mn. xi, 116 (5) [ °t^artha-pada ] mfn. (speech) containing well selected sense and words Kum. -2

===> [ sucarita ]3[ su-carita ] mf ([ A ]) n. well-conducted, moral, virtuous Mn. ix, 261 (1) m. (with [ mizra ]), N. of an author Cat. (2) ([ A ]), f. a virtuous or faithful wife L.

===> suceṣṭa-rūpa [ suceSTarUpa ]3[ su-ceSTa-rUpa ] m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.

===> sucira [ sucira ]3[ su-cira ] mfn. very long (ibc., [ am ], [ Aya ], and [ ena ], ` for a very long time, a good while ' (1) [ at ], ` after a very long time ') MBh. R. &c. (2) [ -zrama ] m. fatigue or exertion for a very long time BhP. (3) [ °r^ayus ] mfn. ` having a very long life ', a god, divinity L. (4) [ °r^arpita ] mfn. fixed or directed for a long time Amar. (5) [ °r^otsuka ] mfn. anxious or desirous for a long time Kathās (6) [ °r^oSita ] mfn. one who has dwelt or stayed for a long time R.

===> sucitra [ sucitra ]3[ su-citr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. very distinguished AV. (1) very manifold Hariv. (2) very variegated MW. (3) m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh. (4) of a king ib. (5) ([ A ]), f. a kind of gourd L. (6) ([ °tra ]) [ -bIjA ] f. Embelia Ribes L.

===> sucâru [ sucAru ]3[ su-cAru ] mfn. very lovely or beautiful, pleasing, delightful MBh. Kāv. &c. [ 1223,2 ] (1) m. N. of a son of Kṛshṇa and Rukmiṇi MBh. Hariv. Pur. (2) of a son of Vishvaksena (adopted by Gaṇḍūsha) Hariv. (3) of a son of Pratiratha ib. (4) of a son of Bāhu VP. (5) [ -tA ] f. loveliness, beauty VarBṛ. Sch. (6) [ -dazanA ] f. (a woman) having beautiful teeth, KāP. (7) [ -rUpa ] mfn. of beautiful form MBh. (8) [ -svana ] mfn. having a beautiful or melodious sound W. (9) [ °rv-aGgI ] f. (a woman) having beautiful limbs MārkP.

===> sucīrṇa-dhvaja [ sucIrNadhvaja ]3[ su-cIrNa-dhvaja ] m. N. of a king of the Kumbh^aṇḍas Buddh.

===> sudarśaka [ sudarzaka ]3[ su-darzaka ] m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ

===> sudarśana [ sudarzana ]3[ su-darzan'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. easily seen by (instr.) Vop (1) good-looking, beautiful, handsome, lovely MBh. R. &c. (2) m. ` keen-sighted ', a vulture L. (3) a fish Bhpr. (4) (in music) a kind of composition Saṃgīt (5) N. of Śiva MBh. (6) of a son of Agni and Sudarśanā ib. (7) of a Vidyā-dhara BhP. (8) of a Muni ib. (9) of a Buddha Lalit. (10) of a patriarch Buddh. (11) of a serpent-demon ib. (12) of a Cakravartin ib. (13) of one of the 9 Jaina Śukla-balas or Bala-devas L. (14) of the father of the 18th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. (15) of a king of Mālava MBh. (16) of a king of Ujjayinī Cat. (17) of a king of Pāṭali-putra Hit. (18) of a son of Śaṅkhana R. (19) of a son of Artha-siddhi Hariv. (20) of a son of Dhruva-saṃdhi Ragh (21) of a son of Dadhici Cat. (22) of a son of Aja-miḍha Hariv. (23) of a son of Bharata BhP. (24) of a son-in-law of Pratika ib. (25) of a gambler Kathās (26) of various authors &c. (also with [ AcArya ], [ kavi ], [ bhaTTa ], [ sUri ] &c.) Cat. (27) of a Jambū tree MBh. (28) of a mountain TĀr. MBh. Kāraṇḍ (29) of a Dvipa MBh. (30) m. n. N. of the [ cakra ] or circular weapon of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa (or ` the disc of the sun ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (31) of a mystical staff (carried by Saṃnyāsins as a defence against evil spirits, and consisting of a bamboo with six knots) RTL. xxi (32) ([ 'A ]), f. a handsome woman, a woman W. (33) a night in the light half of a month TBr. (34) an order, command L. (35) Coculus Tomentosus L. (36) a sort of spirituous liquor L. (37) N. of a daughter of Duryodhana and Narmadā MBh. (38) of a princess Pañcat (39) of a Gandharva maiden Kāraṇḍ (40) of a lotus pond R. (41) of a Jambū tree MBh. (42) of Indra's city Amarāvatī Cat. (43) of a Comm. on the Tantra-rāja (44) ([ I ]), f. N. of Indra's city (also [ °nI-nagara ]) Divyâv (45) ([ am ]), n. (cf. m.) a partic. powder composed of various substances Bhpr. (46) N. of Indra's city (47) of a Tirtha BhP. (48) [ -kavaca ] n. [ -kAla-prabhA ] f. N. of wks. (49) [ -cakra ] n. Vishnu's discus Cat. (50) [ -cUrNa ] n. ` beautiful powder ', a medicinal compound used in fevers ŚārṅgS. (51) [ -jvAla-mantra ] m. N. of a Mantra (52) [ -dvIpa ] n. Jambu-dvīpa MW. (53) [ -nRsiMh^arAdhana ] n. [ -paJjar^opaniSad ] f. [ -pAJcajanya-pratiSThA ] f. N. of wks. (54) [ prIti-kara ] m. N. of a Kiṃ-nara prince Buddh. (55) [ -bhASya ] n. [ -mantra ] m. [ -mahA-mantra ] m. [ -mAhAtmya ] n. [ -mImAMsA ] f. [ -vijaya ] m. [ -zataka ] n. [ -SaD-akSara ] n. [ -saMhitA ] f. [ -sampAta ] m. [ -sahasra-nAman ] n. [ -sukarNaka-carita ] f. [ -stava ] m. [ -stotra ], n. (56) [ °n^adi-yantra-vidhi ] m. [ °n^arAdhana ] n. [ °n^arAdhana-krama ], m. [ °n^aSTaka ] m. N. of wks. (57) [ °n^opaniSad ] f. N. of an Upani. shad. [ 1224,3 ]

===> sudarśanīya [ sudarzanIya ]3[ su-darzanIya ] mfn. easy to be seen MBh.

===> sudatta [ sudatta ]3[ su-datta ] mfn. well or properly given (cf. [ sUtta ]), Kār. on Pāṇ. 7-4, 47 (1) m. N. of a son of Śata-dhanvan (v. l. [ su-dAnta ]) Hariv. (2) of the rich householder Anātha-piṇḍa-da Lalit. MWB. 407 (3) of a village (also [ -grAma ]) Uttamac (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a wife of Kṛshṇa Hariv.

===> sudaṃṣṭra [ sudaMSTra ]1[ su-daMSTra ] [ su-daMsas ] and e. See p. 1224, col. a

===> sudhana [ sudhana ]3[ su-dh'ana ] mfn. very rich RV. (1) N. of various men Buddh. Śukas

===> sudharma [ sudharma ]3[ su-dharma ] m. good law, justice, duty R. BhP. (1) ` maintaining law or justice ', N. of a man Cat. (2) of a Mahā-brahman (q. v.) SaddhP. (3) one of the 10 disciples of the celebrated Jaina teacher and Arhat Mahā-vīra W. (4) of a king of the Kiṃ-naras SaddhP. (5) of a palace Caurap (6) pl. N. of a class of deities MW. (7) ([ A ]), f. the assembly hall of the gods (also [ I ]) MBh. Kāv. Buddh. (8) N. of the wife of Mātali MBh.

===> sudharman [ sudharman ]3[ su-dh'arman ] mfn. well supporting or maintaining VS. (1) practising justice, attending well to duty Hariv. (2) m. the maintainer of a family (= [ kuTumbin ]) L. (3) the assembly hall of the gods Daś (4) N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā Hariv.

---> of a king of the Daś^arṇas MBh. (5) of a son of Dṛḍha-nemi Hariv. (6) of a son of Citraka ib. (7) (with Jainas) of a Gaṇ^adhipa (also [ °ma-svAmin ]) HPariś (8) (pl.) N. of various classes of gods under various Manus Pur.

===> sudhauta [ sudhauta ]3[ su-dhauta ] mfn. well cleaned or polished MBh.

===> [ sudhauta ]1[ su-dhauta ] See p. 1225, col. 3

===> sudhâ [ sudhA ]3[ su-dhA ] f. (√ 1. [ dhA ] (1) for 2. [ su-dhA ] &c., See s. v.) welfare, ease, comfort AV. AitBr.

===> [ sudhA ]1[ su-dhA ]2 f. (fr. 5. [ su+root dhe ] (1) for 1. [ su-dhA ], ` welfare ', See col. 2) ` good drink ', the beverage of the gods, nectar (cf. 2. [ dhAtu ], p. 514) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) the nectar or honey of flowers L. (3) juice, water L. (4) milk (also pl.) VarBṛS. Pañcar. (5) white wash, plaster, mortar, cement MBh. R. &c. (6) a brick L. (7) lightning L. (8) the earth Gal. (9) Euphorbia Antiquorum or another species Car. (10) Sanseviera Roxburghiana L. (11) Glycine Debilis L. (12) Emblica or yellow Myrobalan L. (13) a kind of metre Ked (14) N. of the, wife of a Rudra BhP. (15) of the Ganges L. (16) of various wks.

===> sudivasa [ sudivasa ]3[ su-divasa ] m. (Bhartṛ.) a bright or fine day

===> sudurbala [ sudurbala ]3[ su-durbala ] mfn. very weak or faint MBh.

===> sudurdṛśa [ sudurdRza ]3[ su-durdRza ] mfn. id. R. MārkP.

===> sudurjaya [ sudurjaya ]3[ su-durjaya ] mfn. very difficult to be overcome or conquered MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) very difficult to be won or obtained BhP. (2) m. a kind of military array Kām (3) N. of a son of Suvira MBh. (4) of a Brāhman Buddh. (5) ([ A ]), f. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 10 stages of perfection Dharmas. 64

===> sudurlabha [ sudurlabha ]3[ su-durlabha ] mfn. very difficult to be attained, very scarce or rare MBh. R. &c. (1) very difficult to or to be (inf.) MBh.

===> suduḥkha [ suduHkha ]3[ su-duHkha ] n. great pain or sorrow MBh. (1) mf ([ A ]) n. very painful or troublesome, very difficult to (inf.) MBh. R. &c. (2) ([ am ]), ind. very painfully, most uneasily ib. (3) [ °kh^arohaNa ] mfn. very difficult of ascent R.

===> suduḥkhita [ suduHkhita ]3[ su-duHkhita ] mfn. much grieved, greatly afflicted MBh. Pur. [ 1225,1 ]

===> suduṣkara [ suduSkara ]3[ su-duSkara ] mfn. very difficult to be done, most arduous MBh. Bcar. BhP.

===> suduṣṭa [ suduSTa ]3[ su-duSTa ] mfn. very bad or wicked R.

===> sudāna [ sudAna ]3[ su-dAna ] n. a rich or bounteous gift Subh

===> sudānta [ sudAnta ]3[ su-dAnta ] mfn. welltamed, well restrained (as horses) MBh. (1) m. ` very self-controlled ', a Pratyeka-buddha (q. v.) L. (2) a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. (printed [ su-danta ]) (3) N. of a son of Śata-dhanvan Hariv. (4) [ -sena ] m. N. of a medical writer Cat.

===> sudāruṇa [ sudAruNa ]3[ su-dAruNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. very cruel or dreadful or terrible (n. ` something terrible ' or ` a partic. mythical weapon ') MBh. R. &c.

===> sudūra [ sudUra ]3[ su-dUra ] mfn. very remote or distant ([ -dUrAt ], ` from afar ' (1) [ -dUrAt sudUre ], ` very far away ') MuṇḍUp. (2) ([ am ]), ind. very far away Ratnâv (3) in a very high degree Daś

===> sudṛḍha [ sudRDha ]3[ su-dRDha ] ([ s'u- ]), mfn. very firm or hard or strong AV. (1) very tenacious (as memory) Kām (2) well secured or locked, Kṛshṇaj (3) ([ am ]), ind. very intensely MBh. (4) [ -tA ] f. firmness Prab (5) [ -tvacA ] f. Gmelina Arborea L. (6) [ -vrata ] mfn. very rigid or strict in vows MW. (7) [ -harmya-vat ] mfn. having very strong fortresses Hcat

===> sudṛṣṭa [ sudRSTa ]3[ su-dRSTa ] mf ([ A ]) n. well seen (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to look at well or earnestly ') MBh. R. (1) easy to be seen (compar. [ -tara ]) Jātakam (2) m. pl. N. of a people (v. l. [ sudeSTa ]) MBh.

===> sudṛṣṭi [ sudRSTi ]3[ su-dRSTi ] mfn. keen-sighted Bālar (1) m. a vulture L.

===> sugandha [ sugandha ]3[ su-gandha ] m. a fragrant smell, fragrance R. (1) a perfume Yājñ. VarBṛ. &c. (2) mf ([ A ]) n. fragrant MBh. &c. &c. (3) m. sulphur L. (4) the chick-pea ib. (5) Andropogon Schoenanthus ib. (6) marjoram ib. (7) a red-blossomed Moringa ib. (8) = [ tumburu ] ib. (9) a fragrant ointment (made of various substances) L. (10) N. of a mountain Gol. (11) a trader, dealer MW. (12) ([ A ]), f. the ichneumon plant L. (13) Curcuma Zedoaria ib. (14) a fragrant grass MW. (15) a sort of lime ib. (16) sacred basil Suśr. Car. (17) N. of various other plants and trees (= [ vandhyA ], [ karkoTakI ], [ rudra-jaTA ] &c.) L. (18) a form of Dākshāyaṇi Cat. (19) N. of ais Apsaras MBh. Hariv. (20) of a Tirtha Viṣṇ. MBh. (21) of a woman Rājat (22) ([ I ]), f. the small Banana L. (23) N. of a female servant of Vasu-deva VP. (24) n. small cumin seed L. (25) the blue lotus ib. (26) sandal ib. (27) the Granthi-parṇa plant ib. (28) = [ kat-tRNa ] ib. (29) = [ pattr^aGga ] ib. (30) = [ gandha-tRNa ] ib. (31) civet ib. (32) N. of a Tirtha MBh. (33) [ -tA ] f. fragrance, perfume MW. (34) [ -taila-niryAsa ] n. (?) civet L. (35) a partic. perfume made from roses &c. MW. (36) [ -pattrA ] f. a kind of plant (= [ jaTA ]) L. (37) = [ rudra-jaTA ] ib. (38) [ -bhUtRNa ] n. a kind of fragrant grass ib. (39) [ -mukha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva, Kāraṇd (40) [ -mUlA ] f. Averrhoa Acida L. (41) Hibiscus Mutabilis ib. (42) = [ rAsnA ] ib. (43) [ -yukti ] f. preparation of perfumes (one of the 64 arts) BhP. Sch. (44) [ -vat ] mfn. fragrant MBh. (45) [ -vanamAhAtmya ] n. N. of wk. (46) [ °dh^aDhya ] mfn. rich in fragrance R. (47) ([ A ]), f. Jasminum Sambac L. (48) [ °dh^aditya ] m. N. of a man Rājat (49) [ °dh^amalaka ] m. a kind of mixture of various herbs L. (50) [ °dh^eza ] m. N. of a temple erected by Su-gandhā Rājat (51) an image of the tutelary deity of Su-gandhā MW.

===> sugandhi [ sugandhi ]3[ su-g'andhi ] (or [ -gandhi ]), mfn. sweet-smelling, fragrant RV. MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) virtuous, pious MW. (2) m. a perfume, fragrance MW. (3) the supreme Being (= [ param^atman ]) ib. (4) a lion L. (5) a sort of Mango L. (6) a sort of Cyperus L. (7) Ocimum Pilosum L. (8) the root of Scirpus Kysoor L. (9) n. sandal L. (10) N. of various perfumes or fragrant plants (accord. to L. = [ elavAluka ] (11) = [ kazeru ] (12) = [ gandha-tRNa ] &c.) Bhpr. (13) [ -kusuma ] n. a fragrant flower MW. (14) m. yellow oleander L. (15) [ -kusumA ] f. Trigonella Corniculata ib. [ 1222,3 ] (16) [ -tA ] f. fragrance VarBṛS. Śiś. (17) [ -tejana ] m. or n. a kind of fragrant grass TS. Kāṭh. Br. &c. (18) [ -triphalA ] f. nutmeg, areca nut, and cloves L. (19) [ mustaka ] n. a sort of Cyperus Bhpr. (20) [ -mUtra-patana ] m. a civet cat L. (21) [ -mUla ] n. a radish L. (22) the root of Uśīra MW. (23) [ -mUlA ] f. Curcuma Zedoaria L. (24) = [ rAsnA ] ib. (25) [ -mUSikA ] f. the musk rat ib. (26) [ -sIha ] m. N. of a man Rājat

===> sugata [ sugata ]3[ su-gata ] mfn. going well VarBṛS. (1) one who has fared well Hit. (2) well-bestowed MW. (3) m. a Buddha ([ -tva ] n.) Kathās. Jātakam., Introd. (4) a Buddhist, Buddhist teacher Hcat (5) [ -cetanA ] f. N. of a Buddhist nun Buddh. (6) [ -mitra ] m. N. of a man ib. (7) [ -zAsana ] n. the Buddhist doctrine Kathās (8) [ °t^ayatana ] n. a Buddhist temple or monastery ib. (9) [ °t^alaya ] m. id. L. (10) [ °t^avadAna ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk.

===> sugati [ sugati ]3[ su-gati ] f. a good or happy condition, welfare, happiness, bliss MBh. Hariv. MārkP. &c. (1) a secure refuge Chandom (2) mfn. having a good or auspicious position (as a planet) VarBṛS. (3) m. N. of a son of Gaya BhP. (4) of an Arhat (prob. w. r. for [ su-mati ]) L. (5) [ -sopAna ] n. N. of wk.

===> sughora [ sughora ]3[ su-ghora ] mf ([ A ]) n. very fearful or terrible MBh. (1) m. N. of a man VP. (2) n. anything very dreadful or hideous MBh.

===> sughoṣa [ sughoSa ]3[ su-ghoSa ] mfn. making a loud noise, very noisy MBh. (1) having a pleasant sound R. (2) m. a pleasant sound or cry W. (3) N. of the conch of Nakula Bhag. (4) of a Buddha Lalit. (5) of an Agra-hāra (q. v.) Kathās (6) a partic. form of a temple Hcat (7) [ -grAma ] m. N. of a village Cat. (8) [ -ghoSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. sounding loud MBh. (9) [ -vat ] mfn. sounding pleasantly ib.

===> sughoṣaka [ sughoSaka ]3[ su-ghoSaka ] m. or n. (?), a partic. musical instrument Divyâv

===> sugrīva [ sugrIva ]3[ su-grIva ] mfn. handsome-necked, having a beautiful neck (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) N. of a monkey-king (who, with his army of monkeys headed by Hanumat, assisted Rāmacandra in conquering Rāvaṇa (2) he was believed to be the son of the Sun, and was re-established by Rāma in the throne of Kishkindha [ q. v. ], usurped by his brother Vālin) MBh. R. &c. (3) of one of the four horses of Kṛshṇa or Viṣṇu (the other three being Balāhaka, Megha-pushpa, and Śaivya) MBh. Hariv. BhP. (4) of a divine being VarBṛS.

---> of the father of the ninth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. (5) a kind of pavilion Vāstuv (6) (only L.) a conch (7) N. of Śiva or Indra (8) a goose (9) a hero (10) a piece of water (11) N. of a mountain (12) a sort of weapon (13) the countenance of a friend (14) a serpent of Pātāla W. (15) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv. (16) ([ I ]), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa (regarded as the mother of horses, camels, and asses) Hariv. Pur. (17) [ °v^agraja ] m. ` elder brother of Su-griva ', N. of Vālin L. (18) [ °v^eza ] m. ` lord of Su-griva ', N. of Rāma L.

===> sugupta [ sugupta ]3[ su-gupta ] ([ s'u- ]), mfn. well guarded ŚBr. R. (1) well hidden or concealed, kept very secret Kāv. Pañcat (2) ([ A ]), f. Mucuna Pruritus L. (3) ([ am ]), ind. very secretly or privately Pañcat (4) very carefully MBh. (5) [ -tara ] mfn. well hidden Pañcat (6) [ -bhANDa ] mf ([ A ]) n. looking well after the household utensils ([ -tA ] f.) Viṣṇ (7) [ -lekha ] m. a very private letter or one written in cipher MW.

===> sugīta [ sugIta ]3[ su-gIta ] n. good singing BhP.

===> sugṛhīta [ sugRhIta ]3[ su-gRhIta ] mfn. held fast or firmly, seized, grasped, clung or adhered to Śiś. (1) well apprehended or learnt ib. (2) mentioned auspiciously (cf. next) (3) [ -nAman ] (or [ °ma-dheya ]), mfn. one whose name is invoked auspiciously (also said of Yudhi-shṭhira and others who are invoked early in the morning to secure good luck) Kād. Mudr. &c. (4) [ °t^abhidha ] mfn. having an auspicious name Rājat

===> suhuta [ suhuta ]3[ su-huta ] ([ s'u- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. well offered or sacrificed RV. AV. KātyŚr. R. (1) well worshipped with sacrifices BhP. Pañcat (2) ([ am ]), n. good or right sacrifice ŚBr. GṛŚrS. (3) [ -kRt ] or [ -hut ] mfn. offering a right sacrifice GṛŚrS. (4) [ °t^ad ] mfn. eating a right sacrifice RV.

===> suhṛd [ suhRd ]3[ su-hRd ] &c., See s. v.

===> [ suhRd ]1[ su-hRd ] m. ` good-hearted ', kindhearted ', ` well-disposed ', a friend, ally (also said of planets (1) [ suhRdo janAH ], ` friends ') ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) N. of the fourth astrol. mansion VarBṛS. (3) f. a female friend Gobh. Kauś (4) mfn. (only ifc.) fond of, liking or devoted to Bālar (5) very similar to, closely resembling ib.

===> suhṛt-prāpti [ suhRtprApti ]3[ suhRt-pr^apti ] f. the acquisition of a friend Sāṃkhyak

===> suhṛttva [ suhRttva ]3[ suhRt-tva ] n. friendship, friendliness, affection MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sujaya [ sujaya ]3[ su-jaya ] m. a great victory or triumph BhP. (1) N. of a man, Bnddh (2) easy to be conquered by (instr.) MBh.

===> sujuṣṭa [ sujuSTa ]3[ su-juSTa ] ([ s'u- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. well liked, welcome RV.

===> sujāta [ sujAta ]3[ su-jAt'a ] (or [ s'u- ]), mfn. well born or produced or made, of an excellent kind or nature, fine, beautiful RV. &c. &c. (1) well grown, tall MW. (2) nobly born, noble RV. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (3) genuine, sincere (as piety) BhP. (4) really born (i. e. not born in vain) Bhartṛ. (v. l. [ sajAtaH ]) (5) m. N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshtṛa MBh. (6) of a son of Bharata VP. (7) of a bull Lalit. (8) (pl.) of a people Hariv. (9) ([ A ]), f. aluminous slate L. (10) a kind of plant (= [ tuvarI ]) MW. [ 1223,3 ] (11) N. of various women (esp. of a daughter of Uddālaka and wife of Kahoḍa) MBh. Pur. Lalit. (12) ([ am ]), n. good birth, birth under an auspicious constellation MBh. (13) [ -tA ] ([ sujAt'a- ]), f. the being well born, nobility (also of mind) RV. (14) [ -vaktra ] m. N. of a preceptor ĀśvGṛ. (15) [ °t^aGga ] mf ([ I ]) n. having wellformed limbs MW.

===> sujīvita [ sujIvita ]3[ su-jIvita ] n. a happy life R. (1) it is easily lived by any one (instr.) Jātakam (2) mfn. living happily, enjoying life Kād

===> suka [ suka ]1[ s'uka ] (for [ z'uka ]), a parrot AV. i, 22, 4

===> sukara [ sukara ]3[ s'u-k'ara ] mf ([ A ]) n. easy to be done, easy for (gen.) or to (inf.) RV. Mn. &c. (1) easy to be managed, tractable (as a horse or cow) L. (2) easily achieving Vop (3) m. a good-natured horse L. (4) ([ A ]), f. a tractable cow W. (5) ([ am ]), n. doing good, charity, benevolence ib. (6) [ -taraka ] mfn. very easy to be done Pat. (7) [ -tva ] n. easiness, feasibleness Sarvad. Nīlak (8) [ -saMdhi ] mfn. easily joined or united Pañcat. (v. l.)

===> sukarman [ sukarman ]3[ s'u-karman ] n. a good work Pañcar. (1) mfn. ([ -k'ar° ]) performing good works, virtuous Rājat (2) active, diligent W. (3) m. a good or expert artificer or artist or architect RV. VS. Nir (4) N. of Viśva-karman (the architect of the gods) L. (5) the 7th of the 27 astronomical Yogas. ib. (6) N. of a king MBh. BhP. (7) of a teacher of the Sāma-veda Pur. (8) pl. N. of a class of deities ib.

===> sukha [ sukha ]3[ s'u-kh'a ] &c., See [ sukh'a ] s. v.

===> [ sukha ]2[ sukh'a ] mfn. (said to be fr. 5. [ su ] + 3. [ kha ], and to mean originally ` having a good axle-hole (1) possibly a Prākṛt form of [ su-stha ], q. v. (2) cf. [ duHkha ]) running swiftly or easily (only applied to cars or chariots, superl. [ sukh'a-tama ]), easy RV. (3) pleasant (rarely with this meaning in Veda), agreeable, gentle, mild (comp. [ -tar'a ]) VS. &c. &c. (4) comfortable, happy, prosperous (= [ sukhin ]) R. (5) virtuous, pious MW. (6) m. N. of a man, g. [ ziv^adi ] (7) (scil. [ daNDa ]) a kind of military array Kām. [ 1221,1 ] (8) ([ A ]), f. (in phil.) the effort to win future beatitude, piety, virtue Tattvas (9) (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt (10) N. of the city of Varuṇa VP. (11) of one of the 9 Śaktis of Śiva L. (12) ([ am ]), n. ease, easiness, comfort, prosperity, pleasure, happiness (in m. personified as a child of Dharma and Siddhi MārkP.), joy, delight in (loc. (13) [ sukham-√ kR ] ` to give pleasure ' (14) [ mahatA sukhena ], ` with great pleasure '), the sky, heaven, atmosphere (cf. 3. [ kha ]) L. (15) water Naigh. i, 12 (16) N. of the fourth astrol. house VarBṛS. (17) the drug or medicinal root called Vṛddhi MW. (18) ([ 'am ]), ind. (also [ ena ], [ At ]) easily, comfortably, pleasantly, joyfully, willingly (with inf. = ` easy to ', e. g. [ sa bhaviSyati sukhaM hantum ], ` he will be easy to kill ' (19) [ sukham-na punar ] ', rather - than ', e. g. [ sukham asUn api saMtyajanti na punaH pratijJAm ], ` they rather renounce life than a promise ' (20) [ kadalI-sukham ], ` as easily as a Kadali ') VS. &c. &c.

===> sukha-buddhi [ sukhabuddhi ]3[ sukh'a-buddhi ] f. easy understanding or knowledge Cat.

===> sukha-citta [ sukhacitta ]3[ sukh'a-citta ] n. mental ease (1) [ -bhAj ] mfn. enjoying mental ease Car.

===> sukha-da [ sukhada ]3[ sukh'a-da ] mf ([ A ]) n. giving pleasure or delight Kāv. VarBṛS. (1) m. N. of Viṣṇu MBh. (2) a partic. class of deceased ancestors MārkP. (3) (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt (4) ([ A ]), f. Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma L. (5) an Apsaras L. (6) the river Ganges MW. (7) ([ am ]), n. the abode of Viṣṇu L. (8) N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa VP.

===> sukha-duḥkha [ sukhaduHkha ]3[ sukh'a-duHkha ] n. du. pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow KaushUp. (1) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of pleasure and pain Kathās (2) = next ib. (3) [ -samanvita ] mfn. feeling pleasure and pain Mn. i, 49 (4) [ -suhRd ] m. a friend in joy and sorrow Mṛcch (5) [ °kh^atmaka ] mfn. consisting of pleasure and pain MW. (6) [ °kh^adi ] mfn. (pl.) pleasure and pain and the other (opposites (7) See [ dvaMdva ]) Mn. i, 26 (8) [ °khin ] mfn. feeling pleasure and pain BhP.

===> sukha-kara [ sukhakara ]3[ sukh'a-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing pleasure or happiness Nir (1) easy to be done or performed by (gen.) R. (2) m. N. of Rāma L. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of a Sur^aṅganā Siṉhâs

===> sukha-saṃjñā [ sukhasaMjJA ]3[ sukh'a-saMjJA ] f. the term, ` ease ' MW.

===> sukha-saṃsparśa [ sukhasaMsparza ]3[ sukh'a-saMsparza ] mf ([ A ]) n. agreeable to the touch, pleasant to the feelings, gratifying MBh. R. &c.

===> sukha-sparśa [ sukhasparza ]3[ sukh'a-sparza ] mf ([ A ]) n. = [ -saMsparza ] MBh. R. &c. (1) [ -vihAratA ] (Divyâv.) or [ -vihAritA ] (Kāraṇḍ.), an easy life or state of existence

===> sukha-vihāra [ sukhavihAra ]3[ sukh'a-vihAra ] m. an easy or comfortable life SaddhP. (1) mfn. living easily Car.

===> sukha-śayita [ sukhazayita ]3[ sukh'a-zayita ] mfn. lying or sleeping comfortably upon (comp.) Vās (1) n. (= [ -sayana ]) (2) [ -pracchaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. inquiring whether any one has slept well Śak

===> sukhaidhita [ sukhaidhita ]3[ sukh^aidhita ] mfn. one who has grown up or lived in easy circumstances MBh.

===> sukhallikā [ sukhallikA ]3[ s'u-khallikA ] f. (perhaps) luxurious life Lalit.

===> sukhatas [ sukhatas ]3[ sukh'a-tas ] ind. easily, comfortably, pleasantly, happily R.

===> sukhatva [ sukhatva ]3[ sukh'a-tva ] n. ease, comfort, delight, happiness, prosperity R. Kathās. Sarvad

===> sukhin [ sukhin ]2[ sukhin ] mfn. possessing or causing happiness or pleasure, happy, joyful, pleasant, comfortable, easy MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. a religious ascetic W.

===> sukhita [ sukhita ]2[ sukhita ] mfn. pleased, delighted, comforted ([ am ] ind.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) n. happiness MW.

===> sukhâdi [ sukhAdi ]3[ s'u-khAdi ] mfn. (for [ sukh^adi ] See p. 1221, col. 3) wearing beautiful bracelets or rings (said of the Maruts) RV.

===> [ sukhAdi ]3[ sukh^adi ] mfn. (for [ sukhAdi ] See p. 1220, col. 3) beginning with pleasure, pleasure &c. (See [ sukha-duHkh^adi ])

===> sukhânubhava [ sukhAnubhava ]3[ sukh^anubhava ] m. perception or consciousness of pleasure W.

===> sukhâvaha [ sukhAvaha ]3[ sukh^avaha ] mfn. bringing or conferring pleasure, delightful R.

===> sukhâśaya [ sukhAzaya ]3[ sukh^azaya ] w. r. for [ sukh^azraya ]

===> sukumāra [ sukumAra ]3[ s'u-kumAra ] mf ([ I ]) n. very tender or delicate MBh. R. &c. (1) m. a delicate youth ib. (2) tenderness L. (3) sugar-cane and various other plants (Jonesia Asoka (4) the wild Campaka (5) Panicum Frumentaceum &c.) L. (6) N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (7) of a Daitya L. (8) of various kings MBh. Hariv. Pur. (9) of a poet Cat. (10) of a Varsha MBh. MārkP. (11) ([ A ]), f. Jasminum Sambac or Grandiflorum L. (12) Musa Sapientum L. (13) Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L. (14) Trigonella Corniculata L. (15) N. of a river MW. (16) ([ I ]), f. Jasminum Sambac or Grandiflorum ib. (17) N. of a river MBh. VP. (18) [ -tanu-tvac ] mfn. having very soft and delicate skin MW. (19) [ -tara ] mfn. more delicate Sāṃkhyak. Vās (20) [ -tA ] f. (Kāvyâd. &c.) or [ -tva ] n. (Kathās.) delicacy, tenderness (21) [ -nakha-tvac ] mfn. having very delicate nails and skin MW. (22) [ -vana ] n. N. of a forest BhP. (23) [ °r^aGga ] mf ([ I ]) n. having very delicate limbs MW.

===> sukṛta [ sukRta ]3[ s'u-kRt'a ] n. a good or righteous deed, meritorious act, virtue, moral merit ([ -tas ] ind.) RV. &c. &c. (1) a benefit, bounty, friendly aid, favour R. Pañcat. &c. (2) the world of virtue, heaven AV. TS. TBr. (3) fortune, auspiciousness W. (4) reward, recompense ib. (5) ([ s'ukRta ]), mfn. well done or made or formed or executed RV. (6) well arranged, adorned, made good (with [ mati ] f. ` a well-taken resolution ' (7) with [ anartha ] m. ` an evil turned to good ' (8) [ kim atra sukRtam bhavet ], ` what would be best done here? ') RV. &c. &c. (9) treated with kindness, befriended MW. (10) well-conducted, virtuous, fortunate ib. (11) (said to be) = [ svak° ] TUp. (12) m. N. of a Prajā-pati VP. (13) of a son of Pṛthu Hariv. (14) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river VP. (15) [ -karman ] n. a good or meritorious act ([ °ma-kArin ] mfn. ` performing good acts ') Kām. Kāv. &c. (16) mfn. doing good deeds, virtuous MBh. R. (17) [ -kRt ] mfn. id. Mn. iii, 37 (18) [ -dvAdazI ] f. N. of a partic. 12th day ([ -vrata ] n. N. of a relig. observance) Cat. (19) [ -bhAj ] mfn. connected with merit, meritorious Vās (20) [ -rasa ] m. the essence of merits or good deeds, JaimtBr. (21) [ -vrata ] n. N. of a religious observance Cat. (22) [ °t^atman ] mfn. one who has a well cultivated or refined mind R. (23) [ °t^artha ] mfn. one who has fully attained his object Kathās. (v. l. [ sva-k° ]) (24) [ °t^avAsa ] mfn. having a well-made or well-arranged residence MW. (25) [ °t^azA ] f. the hope of a reward for good acts Āpast (26) [ °t^occhraya ] mfn. made very high, very lofty MBh. (27) [ °t^odIraNa ] n. the proclaiming or blazoning abroad of good actions MW.

===> sukṣetra [ sukSetra ]3[ s'u-kS'etra ] n. an excellent field RV. Mn. R. &c. (1) mf ([ A ]) n. affording a good field or dwelling-place RV. Hariv. (2) having good fields R. (3) sprung from a good womb Suśr. (4) m. N. of a son of the 10th Manu MārkP. (5) n. a house with three halls (towards the south, the west and the north) VarBṛS. (6) ([ °tr'a ]) [ -tA ] f. the possession of a good field AV.

===> sukṣma [ sukSma ]3[ s'u-kSm'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. consisting of good earth VS. (Sch.)

===> sulabha [ sulabha ]3[ su-labha ] mf ([ A ]) n. easy to be obtained or effected, easily accessible or attainable, feasible, easy, common, trivial MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) fit or suitable for, answering to (mostly comp.), useful, advantageous Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) w. r. for [ su-bhaga ] Vikr. ii, 6 (3) m. the fire at a domestic sacrifice L. (4) N. of a man Buddh. (5) ([ A ]), f. sacred basil L. (6) Glycine Debilis L. (7) Jasminum Sambac L. (8) = [ dhUmra-pattrA ] L. (9) N. of a female teacher GṛS. (10) of a female mendicant MBh. (11) ([ °bha ]) [ -kopa ] mfn. easily irascible Śak (12) [ -tva ] n. the state of being easily attained &c., frequency, triviality, cheapness VarBṛS. Mālav. (in [ a-sul° ]) (13) [ °bh^avakAza ] mfn. easily gaining room or admission Śak (14) [ °bhI-bhAva ] m. = [ °bhatva ] (acc. with √ [ bhaj ], ` to be common or trivial ') Kāv (15) [ °bh^etara ] mfn. other than easy to be attained &c., difficult, rare, dear Mālav

===> sulagna [ sulagna ]3[ su-lagna ] mfn. firmly clinging to (loc.) Jātakam (1) firmly adhering Hcar. (2) m. or n. an auspicious moment (See [ lagna ]) Kathās

===> sulakṣita [ sulakSita ]3[ su-lakSita ] mfn. well examined, well determined or ascertained Mn. viii, 403

===> sulekha [ sulekha ]3[ su-lekha ] mfn. having or forming auspicious lines VarBṛS.

===> [ sulekha ]1[ su-lekha ] [ su-locana ] &c. See p. 1232, col. 3

===> sulocana [ sulocana ]3[ su-locana ] mf ([ A ]) n. fine-eyed, having beautiful eyes MBh. Rājat (1) m. a deer L. (2) N. of a Daitya Hariv. (3) of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra (accord. to some of Dur-yodhana) MBh. (4) of a Buddha Lalit. (5) of the father of Rukmiṇī Cat. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv. (7) of a Yakshiṇī Kathās (8) of the wife of king Mādhava PadmaP. (9) of various other women Daś. Kathās

===> sulābha [ sulAbha ]3[ su-lAbha ] mfn. = [ -labha ] Pāṇ. 7-1, 68

===> sumahat [ sumahat ]3[ su-mahat ] ([ s'u- ]), mfn. very great, huge, vast, abundant (1) ([ at ] ind.) numerous Nir. MBh. &c. (2) = next RV. vii, 8, 2

===> sumahā- [ sumahA ]3[ su-mahA ] (for [ mahat ]) in comp. (1) [ -kakSa ] mfn. very highwalled MBh. (2) [ -kapi ] m. N. of a demon Hariv. (3) [ -tapas ] mfn. performing very severe penance or austerities, extremely austere MBh. (4) [ -tejas ] mfn. very splendid or glorious ib. (5) [ -tman ] ([ °h^at° ]), mfn. very magnanimous ib. (6) [ -tyaya ] ([ °h^at° ]), mfn. causing very great evil or destruction, very pernicious MBh. (7) [ -pr^aNa ] mfn. possessing excessive bodily strength or vigour BhP. (8) [ -bala ] mf ([ A ]) n. vigour strong or powerful MBh. Hariv. (9) [ -bAhu ] mfn. having vigour strong arms, very strong MBh. (10) [ -bhAga ] mfn. most excellent or glorious MBh. (11) [ -manas ] mfn. vigour high-minded ib. (12) [ -ratha ] m. a very great or noble hero ib. (13) [ -rha ] ([ °h^ar° ]), mfn. vigour splendid Kathās (14) [ -vega ] mf ([ A ]) n. very quick in motion R. (15) [ -vrata ] mfn. one who has undertaken vigour solemn duties or vows MBh. (16) [ -sattva ] mfn. of vigour noble nature or character Hariv. (17) [ -svana ] m. ` very loud-sounding ', N. of Śiva MBh. (18) [ °h^aujas ] mfn. very strong or powerful R. (19) [ °h^auSadha ] n. a herb of very strong efficacy Pañcat

===> sumana [ sumana ]3[ su-mana ] mfn. (prob. for [ -manas ]) very charming, beautiful, handsome L. (1) m. wheat L. (2) the thornapple L. (3) N. of a mythical being MBh. (4) of one of the 4 Bodhi-vṛksha-devatās Lalit. (5) of a serpentdemon Buddh. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. ` great flowering jasmine, Rosa Glandulifera, or Chrysanthemum Indicum ') Suśr. Mṛcch (7) a spotted cow L. (8) N. of a Kaikeyī MBh. (9) of a wife of Dama MārkP.

===> sumanas [ sumanas ]3[ su-m'anas ] mfn. good-minded, well-disposed, benevolent, gracious, favourable, pleasant, agreeable RV. AV. Gobh. KaṭhUp. (1) well pleased, satisfied, cheerful, easy, comfortable RV. &c. &c. (2) wise, intelligent Kāv. Kathās. m. a god Śiś. ŚārṅgP. (cf. [ -manokasa ] below) (3) a good or wise man L. (4) N. of various plants (accord. to L. ` wheat, a kind of Karañja, Azadirachta Indica, Guilandina Bonduc ') Suśr. (5) N. of a Dānava Hariv. (6) of a son of Uru and Āgneyī ib. (7) of a son of Ulmuka BhP. (8) of a son of Hary-aśva VP. (9) of various other men MBh. Hariv. Kathās (10) (pl.) N. of a partic. class of gods under the 12th Manu Pur. (11) f. (pl. or in comp.) flowers Mn. MBh. &c. (12) great-flowering jasmine L. (13) N. of the wife of Madhu and mother of Vira-vrata BhP. (14) of various other women Kathās (15) n. a flower Śatr

===> sumanaska [ sumanaska ]3[ su-manaska ] mfn. in good spirits, cheerful, happy Hcar. (1) (prob.) n. N. of a pleasure-grove Divyâv

===> sumanorama [ sumanorama ]3[ su-manorama ] mfn. very charming or lovely R. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of two wks.

===> sumati [ sumati ]3[ su-mat'i ] f. good mind or disposition, benevolence, kindness, favour (acc. with √ [ kR ] ', to make any one the object of one's favour ') RV. AV. (1) devotion, prayer ib. (2) the right taste for, pleasure or delight in (loc.) R. (3) mfn. very wise or intelligent Kāv. Pañcat (4) well versed in (gen.) Kathās (5) m. N. of a Daitya MBh. Hariv. (6) of a Ṛshi under Manu Sāvarṇa ib. (7) of a Bhārgava MārkP. (8) of an Ātreya Cat. (9) of a son or disciple of Sūta and teacher of the Purāṇas VP. (10) of a son of Bharata BhP. (11) of a son of Soma-datta ib. (12) of son of Su-pārśva Hariv. [ 1230,3 ] (13) of a son of Janamejaya, Vp (14) of a son of Dṛḍha-sena BhP. (15) of a son of Nṛga ib. (16) of a son of Ṛteyu ib. (17) of a son of Vidūratha MārkP. (18) of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi or the 13th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. (19) of various other men Kāv. Kathās (20) (also [ I ]), f. N. of the wife of Sagara (mother of 60,000 sons) R. Pur. (21) of a daughter of Kratu VP. (22) of the wife of Viṣṇu-yaśas and mother of Kalkin KalkiP. (23) [ -bodha ] m. N. of wk. on music (24) [ -bhadra ] m. N. of a man, Tantr (25) [ -meru-gaNi ]. m. [ -ratn^arya ] m. N. of two preceptors Cat. (26) [ -reNu ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh. (27) [ -vijaya ] m. N. of an author Cat. (28) [ -zIla ] m. N. of a preceptor Buddh. (29) [ -svAmin ] m. N. of a man Inscr. (30) [ -harSa ] m. N. of an author Cat. (31) [ °t'indrajaya-ghoSaNa ] n. N. of a poem (32) [ °t^indra-yati ] m. N. of an author Cat. (33) [ °tI-v'Rdh ] mfn. delighting in prayer or devotion VS.

===> sumbha [ sumbha ]1[ sumbha ] m. pl. N. of a people R. (1) sg. N. of a country (cf. [ zumbha-deza ]) L.

===> sumedhas [ sumedhas ]3[ su-medh'as ] mfn. (acc. sg. [ 'asam ] or [ 'Am ]) having a good understanding, sensible, intelligent, wise RV. &c. &c. (1) m. N. of a Ṛshi under Manu Cākshusha Cat. (2) of a son of Veda-mitra ib. (3) pl. a partic. class of gods under the fifth Manu Pur. (4) a partic. class of deceased ancestors VP. (5) f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.

===> sumeru [ sumeru ]3[ su-meru ] m. N. of a mountain (= [ meru ], q. v.) R. Kālid. Buddh. (cf. MWB. 120) (1) N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās (2) of Śiva W. (3) mfn. very exalted, excellent ib. [ 1231,3 ] (4) [ -jA ] f. ` sprung from Sumeru ', N. of a river MārkP. (5) [ -vatsa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.

===> sumitra [ sumitra ]1[ su-mitra ] [ su-mukha ], [ su-medhas ], See cols. 1, 2

===> sumukha [ sumukha ]3[ su-mukha ] n. a good or beautiful mouth Pañcat (1) a bright face (instr. = ` cheerfully ') Kām (2) mf ([ I ] or [ A ]) n. having a good or beautiful mouth, fair-faced, handsome Kāv. Kathās (3) bright-faced, cheerful, glad MBh. R. &c.

---> inclined or disposed to (comp. (4) [ -tA ] f.) Hariv. Kāv. Par (5) gracious, favourable, kind to (gen.) R. Car. (6) well pointed (as an arrow) MBh. Hariv. (7) having a good entrance (in this and other fig. senses the fem. is only [ A ]) Siddh. Vop (8) m. a learned man or teacher W. (9) N. of various plants (accord. to L. ` a kind of herb, Ocimum Basilicum Pilosum and another species ' &c.) Suśr. Car. (10) a partic. gregarious bird (v. l. [ sumukhA ]) Car. (11) N. of Śiva MBh. (12) of Gaṇ^eśa L. (13) of a son of Garuḍa (a mythical bird) MBh. (14) of a son of Droṇa MārkP. (15) of a serpent-demon MBh. (16) of an Asura Hariv. (17) of a king of the Kiṃ-naras Kāraṇḍ (18) of a Ṛshi MBh. (19) of a king (who perished through want of humility) Mn. vii, 41 (20) of a monkey R. (21) of a Haṃsa Jātakam (22) pl. N. of a class of gods Buddh. (23) ([ A ]), f. See m. above (24) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. a handsome woman W. (25) ([ I ]), f. a mirror L. (26) a kind of metre Ked (27) (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt (28) Clitoria Ternatea L. (29) Evolvulus Asinioides L. (30) N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv. (31) ([ am ]), n. the mark or scratch of a finger-nail L. (32) a kind of building Gal. (33) [ -sU ] m. ` father of Su-mukha ', N. of Garuḍa L. (34) ([ °khI ]) [ -paJc^aGga ] n. N. of a Tantra wk.

===> sumuṣita [ sumuSita ]3[ su-muSita ] mfn. well cheated or deceived Divyâv

===> sumuṣṭi [ sumuSTi ]3[ su-muSTi ] m.

===> sunakṣatra [ sunakSatra ]1[ su-n'akSatra ] n. (i. e. 5. [ su ] + [ n° ]) a good or auspicious Nakshatra AV. (1) m. ` born under an auspicious Nakshatra ', N. of a king (son of Maru-deva) BhP. (2) of a son of Niramitra ib. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of the second night of the civil month ([ karma-mAsa ]) MW. (4) of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda MBh.

===> sunanda [ sunanda ]3[ su-nanda ] mfn. pleasing well, delighting W. (1) m. a palace of a partic. form (v. l. [ sundara ]) L. (2) N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. (3) of a Sātvata attending on Kṛshṇa BhP. (4) of a Buddhist Śrāvaka SaddhP. (5) ([ A ]), f. a partic. Tithi VarBṛS. Sch. (6) Aristolochia Indica L. (7) a white cow L. (8) a partic. yellow pigment (= [ go-rocanA ]) L. (9) a woman L. (10) N. of Umā or a friend of Umā ([ °dA-sahita ], ` attended by SaddhP ') L. (11) of a wife of Kṛshṇa (v. l. [ su-vArttA ]) Hariv. (12) of the mother of Bāhu and Vālin L. (13) of Mudāvati (q. v.) L. (14) of a sister of Su-bāhu (king of the Cedis) MBh. (15) of the wife of Sārvabhauma (also called Kaikeyi) ib. (16) of the wife of Bharata (also called Kāśeyī Sārvasenī) ib. (17) of the wife of Pratīpa (also called Śaibyā) ib. (18) of a female door-keeper Ragh (19) of a river BhP. (20) n. N. of a club made by Tvashṭṛ MārkP.

===> [ sunanda ]1[ su-nanda ] [ su-nandana ], See col. 2

===> sunda [ sunda ]2[ sunda ] m. N. of Viṣṇu MBh. (1) of a Daitya (son of Ni-sunda and brother of Upa-sunda (2) the two brothers killed each other while quarrelling for a beautiful Apsaras named Til^ottamā) MBh. R. &c. (3) N. of a monkey R.

===> sundara [ sundara ]2[ sundara ] mf ([ I ]) n. (perhaps for [ su-nara ] = [ sUnara ] (1) [ d ] being inserted as in Gk. ? fr. ?) [ 1227,1 ] beautiful, handsome, lovely, charming, agreeable MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) noble Subh (3) ([ am ]), ind. well, right Pañcat (4) m. Clerodendron Phlomoides L. (5) a palace of a partic. form L. (6) N. of Kāma-deva L. (7) of a serpent-demon Buddh. (8) of a son of Pravilasena VP. (9) of various authors (also with [ AcArya ], [ kavi ], [ bhaTTa ] &c.) Cat. (10) ([ I ]), f. See below (11) ([ am ]), n. = [ -kANDa ] below

===> sundara-nanda [ sundarananda ]3[ sundara-nanda ] m. (cf. [ sundar^an° ]), N. of a man Buddh.

===> sundaraka [ sundaraka ]2[ sundaraka ] m. N. of a man Daś. Kathās (1) ([ ikA ]), f. See next

===> sundarī [ sundarI ]2[ sundarI ] f. a beautiful woman, any woman (also applied to female animals) Kāv. VarBṛS. &c. (1) a kind of tree Vās (2) turmeric L. (3) a partic. metre Col. (4) N. of a deity (= [ tripura-sundarI ]) L. (5) of a Yogini L. (6) of an Apsaras Bālar (7) of a daughter of Śva-phalka Hariv. (8) of a daughter of Vaiśvānara VP. (9) of the wife of Mālyavat R. (10) of various other women Kathās

===> sunetra [ sunetra ]3[ su-netra ] m. ` fair-eyed ' or ` having a good leader ', N. of a Māra-putra Lalit. (1) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. (2) of a son of Vainateya ib. (3) of a son of the 13th Manu Hariv. (4) of a son of Suvrata VP. (5) of a Cakra-vāka Hariv. (6) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ tuSTi ] (7) in Sāṃkhya) one of the 9 kinds of acquiescence (cf. [ su-pAra ]) Tattvas (8) [ °tr^adhipati ] m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.

===> sunikhāta [ sunikhAta ]3[ su-nikhAta ] mfn. dug very deep L.

===> sunirmala [ sunirmala ]3[ su-nirmala ] mf ([ A ]) n. perfectly clear or pure Mṛcch

===> sunirmita [ sunirmita ]3[ su-nirmita ] m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.

===> sunirvṛta [ sunirvRta ]3[ su-nirvRta ] mf ([ A ]) n. quite at ease or happy in mind (w. r. [ -nirvRtta ]) MBh.

===> suniyukta [ suniyukta ]3[ su-niyukta ] mfn. well constructed or built (cf. [ su-niry° ]) R.

===> suniścita [ sunizcita ]3[ su-nizcita ] mfn. firmly resolved R. (1) well ascertained or determined or fixed or settled ([ am ] ind. ` most assuredly ') Kāv. Hit. (2) m. a Buddha L. (3) [ -pura ] n. N. of a town Rājat

===> suniṣṭhita [ suniSThita ]3[ su-niSThita ] mfn. (cf. [ -niHSTh° ]) well versed in or acquainted with (loc.) ib.

===> sunīta [ sunIta ]3[ su-nIta ] mfn. well led or guided MBh. (1) well managed or executed ib. (2) well prepared (as a path) ib. (3) well-conducted MBh. (4) m. N. of a king (son of Su-bala) VP. (5) n. good or wise conduct, wisdom, prudence MBh. R. &c.

===> suparibhūta [ suparibhUta ]3[ su-paribhUta ] mfn. greatly humiliated Vajracch.

===> suparipūrṇa [ suparipUrNa ]3[ su-paripUrNa ] mfn. very full ib. (1) very complete Hcat (2) [ °N^ottam^aGga-tA ] f. having the head well developed (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84

===> supariśuddha [ suparizuddha ]3[ su-parizuddha ] mfn. very pure L.

===> supariṇata [ supariNata ]3[ su-pariNata ] mfn. well developed or formed L.

===> suparīkṣita [ suparIkSita ]3[ su-par^ikSita ] mfn. well examined Mn. Kām

===> suparṇin [ suparNin ]3[ su-parNin ] m. Garuḍa Buddh.

===> supeśala [ supezala ]3[ su-pezala ] mf ([ A ]) n. very beautiful or handsome ib.

===> supoṣa [ supoSa ]3[ su-p'oSa ] mfn. prosperous VS. TBr. (1) easy to be maintained, not requiring much support ([ -tA ] f.) L.

===> suprabha [ suprabha ]3[ su-prabha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a good appearance, beautiful MBh. Hariv. R. (1) very bright or splendid, glorious W. (2) m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. (3) of a Devaputra Kathās (4) of one of the 9 Balas of the Jainas L. (5) of various kings VP. Cat. (6) ([ A ]), f. Vernonia Anthelminthica L. (7) one of the 7 tongues of Fire Tantras (8) N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda MBh. (9) of a Sur^aṅganā, Siṃh^ā (10) of various women MBh. Pur. &c. (11) of one of the 7 Sarasvatis MBh. (12) n. N. of a Varsha ruled by Su-prabha VP. (13) [ -deva ] m. N. of a man Cat. (14) [ -pura ] n. N. of a town ib.

===> suprabuddha [ suprabuddha ]3[ su-prabuddha ] mfn. completely enlightened (as a Buddha) Buddh. (1) m. N. of a king of the Śākyas ib.

===> suprakṣālita [ suprakSAlita ]3[ su-prakSAlita ] mfn. well washed MBh. Car. Viṣṇ

===> suprasanna [ suprasanna ]3[ su-prasanna ] mf ([ A ]) n. very clear (as water) ib. R. (1) very bright or serene (as the face or mind) Pañcat. Hit. &c. (2) very gracious or favourable MārkP. [ 1229,1 ] (3) m. N. of Kubera L.

===> suprasārita [ suprasArita ]3[ su-prasArita ] mf ([ A ]) n. widely extended R.

===> supraticchanna [ supraticchanna ]3[ su-praticchanna ] mfn. completely covered or enveloped (as with a garment) L. (1) ([ am ]), ind. in a very secret manner MBh.

===> supratipanna [ supratipanna ]3[ su-pratipanna ] mfn. leading a virtuous course of life, well-conducted L.

===> supratividdha [ supratividdha ]3[ su-pratividdha ] mfn. well hit or pierced (with [ dRStyA ] ', well looked through ') L.

===> supratiṣṭhita [ supratiSThita ]3[ su-pratiSThita ] ([ s'u- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. standing firm AV. MBh. Pañcat (1) properly set up or established Hit. (2) thoroughly implanted in (loc.) ib. (3) well consecrated W. (4) celebrated ib. (5) faring well R. (6) ` well supported ', having beautiful legs MBh. R. (7) m. Ficus Glomerata L. (8) a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (9) N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras VP. (11) n. N. of a town in Pratishṭhāna Kathās (12) [ -caraNa ] m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (13) [ -cAritra ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (14) [ -pANipAda-tala-tA ] f. the having the palms of the hands and soles of the feet well (and equally) placed (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83 (15) [ -yazas ] mfn. one whose renown is well established Ratnâv. [ 1228,3 ] (16) [ °t^asana ] m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ

===> supravedita [ supravedita ]3[ su-pravedita ] mfn. well made known Buddh.

===> supraveśa [ supraveza ]3[ su-praveza ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a beautiful entrance MBh.

===> supravrajita [ supravrajita ]3[ su-pravrajita ] mfn. wandering well about (as a mendicant), i. e. a good or proper monk Buddh.

===> supta [ supta ]1[ supt'a ] mfn. (fr. √ [ svap ] (1) for [ su-pta ] See p. 1228, col. 2) fallen asleep, slept, sleeping, asleep VS. &c. &c. (2) lain down to sleep (but not fallen asleep) R. v, 34, 10 (3) paralysed, numbed, insensible (See comp.) (4) closed (as a flower) Kālid (5) resting, inactive, dull, latent BhP. (6) ([ am ]), n. sleep, deep or sound sleep Kāv. Kathās

===> [ supta ]2[ supta ]

===> supti [ supti ]3[ supti ] See p. 1230, cols. 1, 2

===> suputra [ suputra ]3[ su-putra ] m. an excellent son Kāv (1) ([ °tr'a ]), mf ([ 'A ]) n. having excellent or many children RV. AV. TBr. &c. (2) n. the fruit of the Flacourtia Cataphracta L.

===> supuṇya [ supuNya ]3[ su-puNya ] mfn. very excellent MBh. (1) n. great religious or moral merit Kāv (2) [ -gandha ] mfn. having an excellent smell, very fragrant. MBh. (3) [ -da ] mfn. giving great merit, very meritorious Pañcar.

===> supuṣpita [ supuSpita ]3[ su-puSpita ] mfn. having beautiful flowers, abounding with flowers ([ e ] ind. ` on a place abounding with flowers ') MBh. R. (1) having the hair bristling (with delight) MW.

===> supuṣṭa [ supuSTa ]3[ su-puSTa ] mfn. well fed Pañcat

===> sura [ sura ]2[ sura ] m. (prob. fr. [ asura ] as if fr. [ a-sura ] and as [ sita ] fr. [ a-sita ] (1) thought by some to be connected with 2. [ svar ]) a god, divinity, deity ([ surANAM hantR ] m. ` slayer of the gods ', N. of a partic. form of fire, son of Tapas) MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (2) the image of a god, an idol Viṣṇ (3) a symbolical N. for the number ` thirty-three ' (from the 33 gods (4) See [ deva ]) Gaṇit (5) a sage, learned man L. (6) the sun L. (7) (said to be) = [ kSura ] MBh. (8) w. r. for [ svara ] ib. (9) ([ A ]), f. See s. v. (10) ([ I ]), f. a goddess Naish. HPariś (11) ([ am ]), n. See [ surA ]

===> sura-garbha [ suragarbha ]3[ sura-garbha ] m. the child of a gods MBh. (1) [ °bh^abha ] mfn. like the sons of the gods ib.

===> sura-rṣi [ surarSi ]3[ sura-rSi ] ([ °ra ] + [ RSi ]), m. a divine Ṛshi, a Ṛshi dwelling among the gods MBh. R. BhP. (1) pl. the gods and Ṛshis BhP.

===> sura-vadhū [ suravadhU ]3[ sura-vadhU ] f. id. Ragh. Kathās

===> surabhi [ surabhi ]1[ su-rabh'i ] mf ([ is ], or [ I ]) n. (prob. fr. 5. [ su ] + √ [ rabh ], = ` affecting pleasantly ') sweet-smelling, fragrant RV. &c. &c. (1) charming, pleasing, lovely RV. AV. AitBr. (2) famous, celebrated Kāvyâd. ii, 176 (3) best, excellent L. (4) good, virtuous L. (5) friendly, a friend W. (6) m. fragrance, perfume, any sweet-smelling substance L. (7) N. of various fragrant plants and substances (accord. to L. ` Michelia Champaka (8) Nauclea Cadamba (9) a kind of jasmine

---> nutmeg ' &c. &c.) Suśr. (10) the season of spring Kāv (11) the month Caitra L. (12) a fire lighted at the fixing of the sacrificial post L. (13) (also [ I ]), f. N. of various plants (Boswellia, Thurifera (14) Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma &c.) L. (15) spirituous liquor (cf. [ surA ] (16) v. l. [ murA ]) L. (17) N. of a fabulous cow (daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa, mother of cattle and of the Rudras, sometimes considered as one of the Mātṛs or as the cow of plenty (18) [ surabheH sutAH ], ` the children of Surabhi ', i. e. ` cattle ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (IW. 519) (19) any cow (accord. to L. ` a brown cow ') Vās (20) the earth L. (21) ([ i ]), n. a fragrant smell or substance, perfume ŚBr. GṛŚrS. ChUp. R. (22) sulphur L. (23) gold L.

===> surabhi-gandha [ surabhigandha ]3[ su-rabh'i-gandha ] m. a fragrant smell BhP. (1) mfn. fragrant (2) ([ A ]), f. Jasminum Grandiflorum L. (3) n. the leaf of the Laurus Cassia ib.

===> surakta [ surakta ]3[ su-rakta ] mf ([ A ]) n. well coloured, deeply dyed W. (1) strongly affected or impassioned ib. (2) deep red, crimson Kāv (3) very lovely or charming R.

===> surakṣita [ surakSita ]3[ su-rakSita ] mfn. well protected, carefully guarded PārGṛ. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of a man Kathās

===> surakṣya [ surakSya ]3[ su-rakSya ] mfn. easy to be preserved MW.

===> surasa [ surasa ]3[ su-rasa ] mf ([ A ]) n. rich in water Bhām. (1) well-flavoured, juicy, sapid, savoury R. VarBṛS. Vās (2) sweet, lovely, charming Kathās. Bhām. (3) elegant (as composition) W. (4) m. Vitex Negundo L. (5) Andropogon Schonanthus L. (6) the resin of Gossampinus Rumphī L. (7) N. of a serpentdemon MBh. (8) of a mountain MārkP. (9) m. n. and ([ A ]), f. holy basil Hcar. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (Anethum Panmori (11) Vitex Negundo (12) a kind of jasmine (13) = [ rAsnA ] &c.) L. (14) a kind of metre Col. (15) (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt (16) N. of Durgā L. (17) of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the Nāgas) MBh. R. &c. (18) of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv. (19) of a daughter of Raudrāśva Hariv. (20) of a river Pur. (21) ([ I ]), f. a partic. plant Vāgbh (22) n. (only L.) resin (23) fragrant grass (24) gum-myrrh (25) Cassia bark (26) [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of wk. (27) [ °s^agraja ] n. (prob.) = next Suśr. (28) [ °s^agraNI ] m. white basil L. (29) [ °s^acchada ] m. (prob.) the leaf of the white basil Suśr. (30) [ °s^aSTa ] n. a collective N. of 8 plants (viz. Nirguṇṭī, Tulasī, Brāhmī &c.) L.

===> [ surasa ]1[ su-rasa ] &c. See p. 1232, col. 2

===> surata [ surata ]3[ su-rata ] (1) mfn. sporting, playful Uṇ. v, 14 Sch. (2) compassionate, tender L. (3) m. N. of a mendicant Buddh. (4) ([ A ]), f. a wife Hariv. (Sch.) (5) N. of an Apsaras MBh. (6) ([ am ]), n. great joy or delight ib. (7) (ifc. f. [ A ]) amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse, coition Kāv. Kathās. &c. (8) [ -keli ] f. amorous sport or dalliance Cat. (9) [ -krIDA ] f. id. Kathās (10) [ -gahvarA ] f. N. of a Sur^aṅganā Siṉhâs (11) [ -glAni ] f. exhaustion from sexual intercourse Megh (12) [ -janita ] mfn. produced by sexual intercourse ib.

---> [ -tAlI ] f. a female messenger, go-between L. (13) a chaplet, garland for the head L. (14) [ -nivRtti ] f. cessation of sexual intercourse Cat. (15) [ -pradIpa ] m. a lamp burning during sexual intercourse Kum (16) [ -prabhA ] f. N. of a woman Kathās (17) [ -prasaGga ] m. addiction to sexual intercourse MW. (18) [ -prasaGgin ] mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse Ṛitus (19) [ -priya ] mfn. id. VarBṛS. (20) N. of a woman Dhūrtas (21) [ -bandha ] m. a kind of coition L. (22) [ -bheda ] m. a kind of coition Cat. (23) [ -maJjarI ] f. N. of a daughter of the Vidyā-dhara Mataṃga-deva and of the 16th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara (called after her) (24) [ -mRdita ] mfn. worn out by sexual intercourse Bhartṛ (25) [ -raGgin ] mfn. (for [ sura-t° ] See p. 1234, col. 2), delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse Subh (26) [ -varNana ] n. description of sexual intercourse Cat. (27) [ -vArarAtri ] f. a night fit for sexual intercourse Ragh (28) [ -vidhi ] m. performance or rule or mode of sex intercourse VarBṛS. (29) [ -vizeSa ] m. a partic. kind of sexual intercourse Kir (30) [ -vyApArajAta-zrama ] mfn. wearied by addiction to sexual intercourse Subh (31) [ -sambhoga ] m. enjoyment of sexual intercourse Vet (32) [ -saukhya ] n. the pleasure of sexual intercourse ib. (33) [ -stha ] mfn. engaged in sexual intercourse Kathās (34) [ °t^otsava ] m. the joy of sexual intercourse Subh (35) [ °t^otsuka ] mfn. desirous of sexual intercourse VarBṛS. (36) [ °t^opacAra-kuzala ] mfn. skilled in sexual intercourse ib.

===> [ surata ]1[ su-rata ] &c. See p. 1232, col. 1

===> surati [ surati ]3[ su-rati ] f. great enjoyment or delight MW. [ 1232,2 ] (1) [ -mizra ] m. N. of the author of the Alaṃkāra-mālā

===> suratna [ suratna ]3[ su-r'atna ] mf ([ A ]) n. possessing rich jewels or treasures RV.

===> sureṇu [ sureNu ]3[ su-reNu ] m. a sort of atom (= [ trasareNu ]) Uṇ. iii, 38 Sch. (1) N. of an ancient king Buddh. (2) f. N. of a daughter of Tvashṭṛ (wife of Vivasvat) Hariv. (3) of a river (sometimes regarded as one of the seven Sarasvatīs) MBh. (4) [ -puSpa-dhvaja ] m. N. of a king of the Kiṃ-naras Buddh.

===> surucira [ surucira ]3[ su-rucira ] mf ([ A ]) n. shining brightly, radiant, splendid, beautiful MBh. R. &c.

===> surâlaya [ surAlaya ]3[ sur^alaya ] m. (for 2. [ sur^al° ] See p. 1236, col. 1) abode of the gods, heaven Hariv. Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) Meru or Su-meru L. (2) a god's abode, temple Yājñ. Car. VarBṛS. &c. (3) wind (?) L.

===> [ surAlaya ]3[ s'urA-laya ] ([ °r^al° ] (1) for 1. [ sur^al° ] See p. 1235, col. 1), m. a tavern Vās

===> surā [ surA ]1[ s'urA ] f. (ifc. also [ sura ], n. (1) prob. fr. √ 3 [ su ], ` to distil ', and not connected with [ sura ], ` a god ') spirituous liquor, wine (in ancient times ` a kind of beer ') (2) spirituous liquor (personified as a daughter of Varuṇa produced at the churning of the ocean) RV. &c. &c. (3) water Naigh. i, 12 (4) a drinking vessel L. (5) a snake L.

===> surādhas [ surAdhas ]3[ su-r'Adhas ] mfn. granting good gifts, liberal, bountiful RV. (1) receiving rich gifts, wealthy ib. (2) m. N. of a Ṛshi (having the patr. Vārshāgira and author of RV. i, 100) Anukr. (3) of a man ĀrshBr.

===> surūpa [ surUpa ]3[ su-rUp'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. well-formed, handsome, beautiful RV. &c. &c. (1) wise, learned L. (2) m. N. of Śiva MBh. (3) of an Asura Hariv. (4) (pl.) a class of deities under Manu Tāmasa Pur. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (Glycine Debilis (6) Jasminum Sambac &c.) L. (7) of an Apsaras Hariv. (8) of the daughter of a serpentdemon Kathās (9) of a mythical cow MBh. (10) ([ am ]), n. the mulberry tree L. (11) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. (12) [ -kRtn'u ] mfn. forming beautiful things RV. (13) [ -tA ] f. beauty, splendour Hariv. Kāv. Pur. (14) [ -varSa-varNa ] mfn. beautifully coloured like a rainbow TS.

===> susamāhita [ susamAhita ]3[ su-samAhita ] ([ s'u- ]), mfn. well laden (as a waggon) ŚBr. (1) well arrayed or repaired, beautifully adorned R. (2) very intent or attentive, having the mind intently fixed or absorbed on a subject or object MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) perfectly fit or suitable Mālatīm

===> susamāpta [ susamApta ]3[ su-samApta ] mfn. well finished or done, Mahāvy

===> susamārabdha [ susamArabdha ]3[ su-samArabdha ] mfn. (prob.) very energetic in enterprise ib.

===> susatkṛta [ susatkRta ]3[ su-satkRta ] mfn. well arranged, beautifully adorned or decorated MBh. (1) received or treated with great hospitality, highly honoured R. (2) one to whom the supreme honours have been duly rendered R.

===> susattva [ susattva ]3[ su-sattva ] mfn. very resolute or courageous ib.

===> susaṃkruddha [ susaMkruddha ]3[ su-saMkruddha ] mfn. greatly enraged MBh. R.

===> susaṃsthita [ susaMsthita ]3[ su-saMsthita ] mfn. id. R. (1) well situated W. (2) standing firmly, doing well ib. (3) well brought together, circumscribed ib. (4) m. N. of a man, Saddh

===> susaṃvṛta [ susaMvRta ]3[ su-saMvRta ] mfn. well covered or veiled or dressed, wrapped up or concealed in (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) well girt with (instr.) R. (2) well surrounded or accompanied by (instr.) BhP. (3) well hidden, kept very secret MBh. R. (4) carefully guarding one's self MārkP.

===> susaṃvṛti [ susaMvRti ]3[ su-saMvRti ] mfn. well concealed Śiś. xvi, 23

===> susaṃvṛtta [ susaMvRtta ]3[ su-saMvRtta ] mfn. appearing in good or proper order, rightly sprung from (abl.) Hariv. (1) duly occurred BhP. (2) well-rounded, Mahāv (3) [ -skandhatA ] f. having the shoulders well rounded (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83

===> susevita [ susevita ]3[ su-sevita ] mfn. well served (as a king) Hit.

===> susiddha [ susiddha ]3[ su-siddha ] mfn. well cooked Suśr. (1) very efficacious, possessing great magical power MBh. (2) [ °ddh^artha ] mfn. one whose object is completely effected ib.

===> susikta [ susikta ]3[ su-sikta ] mfn. (cf. [ suS° ]) well sprinkled, Mahāv

===> susnigdha [ susnigdha ]3[ su-snigdha ] mf ([ A ]) n. very smooth or soft or gentle VarBṛS. Pañcar. (1) very loving or tender Kāv (2) ([ A ]), f. a kind of creeper L. (3) ([ °dha ]) [ -gambhIra ] mfn. very soft and deep-toned MW.

===> susthita [ susthita ]3[ su-sthita ] mf ([ A ]) n. well established MBh. R. (1) firm, unshaken (as a heart) R. (B.) (2) being on the right path, innocent Hariv. (3) being in good condition or well off, easy, comfortable, healthy, prosperous, fortunate MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) artless, simple ([ e ] voc. f. in addressing a woman) R. (5) m. N. of various Jaina teachers HPariś (6) ([ am ]), n. a house with a gallery on all sides VarBṛS. (7) [ -tva ] n. ease, comfort, welfare, happiness Śiś. (8) [ -manas ] mfn. being in a happy frame of mind, contented MW. (9) [ -m-manya ] mfn. fancying one's self prosperous or well off Hit.

===> susukha [ susukha ]3[ su-sukha ] mf ([ A ]) n. very pleasant or easy or comfortable ([ am ], ind.) R. Hariv. (1) feeling very comfortable or happy R. (2) [ -dRzya ] mfn. very pleasant to see Pañcar. (3) [ °kh^odaya ] mfn. causing great comfort or pleasure R.

===> susvara [ susvara ]3[ su-svara ] m. the right tone or accent Śikṣ (1) mf ([ A ]) n. having a beautiful voice MBh. (2) well-sounding, harmonious, melodious ([ am ] ind.) Kāv. Kathās. [ 1239,2 ] (3) loud ([ am ] ind.) MBh. R. &c. (4) m. a conch L. (5) N. of a son of Garuḍa MBh.

===> susādhya [ susAdhya ]3[ su-sAdhya ] mf ([ A ]) n. easy to be kept in order, obedient, amenable Pañcar.

===> susāra [ susAra ]3[ su-sAra ] m. good essence or sap or substance MW. (1) competence ib. (2) mfn. having good essence or sap ib. (3) m. the red-flowering Khadira, Mimosa Catechu L. (4) [ -vat ] mfn. having good essence or subsubstance MW. (5) n. crystal L.

===> susārthavāha [ susArthavAha ]3[ su-s^artha-vAha ] m. N. of a man Buddh.

===> susīma [ susIma ]3[ su-sIma ] mf ([ A ]) n. having the hair well parted GṛŚrS. KaushUp. (1) having good boundaries R. (2) m. N. of a son of Bindu-sāra Divyâv (3) ([ A ]), f. a good boundary MW. (4) N. of the mother of the sixth Arhat L. [ 1239,1 ] (5) of a town Divyâv

===> susūkṣma [ susUkSma ]3[ su-sUkSma ] mf ([ A ]) n. very minute or small or delicate MBh. R. &c. (1) very subtle or keen (as understanding) MBh. (2) very difficult to be fathomed or understood MuṇḍUp. R. (3) m. or n. (?) an atom Viṣṇ. Sch. (4) [ -pattrA ] f. a species of Valeriana L. (5) [ °m^eza ] m. ` lord of atoms ', N. of Viṣṇu Viṣṇ

===> suta [ suta ]2[ sut'a ]1 mfn. impelled, urged ŚBr. (1) allowed, authorized ib.

===> [ suta ]2[ sut'a ]2 mfn. pressed out, extracted (1) m. (sg. and pl., once n. in ChUp. √ 12, 1) the expressed Soma. Juice, a Soma libation RV. AV. ŚBr. ChUp. BhP.

===> [ suta ]2[ suta ]3 mfn. begotten, brought forth (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a son, child, offspring ([ sutau ] du. = ` son and daughter ') Mn. MBh. &c. (2) a king L. (3) N. of the 5th astrological house VarBṛS. (4) N. of a son of the 10th Manu Hariv. (5) ([ A ]), f. See below

===> suta-soma [ sutasoma ]3[ sut'a-soma ] ([ sut'a- ]), mfn. one who has extracted the Soma, offerer of a Soma libation RV. (1) (a sacrifice) at which the Soma is prepared ib. (2) m. N. of a son of Bhīma-sena MBh. VP. (3) of a prince Jātakam (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a wife of Kṛshṇa (v. l. [ zruta-s° ]) Hariv. (5) [ -jAtaka ] n. N. of a Buddhist legend (6) [ -vat ] ([ sut'a-s° ]), mfn. (pl.) joined with those who have prepared the Soma-juice RV. (7) [ °m^avadAna ] n. = [ °ma-jAtaka ]

===> sutanu [ sutanu ]3[ su-tanu ] mfn. very thin or slender ([ -tA ] f.) Dhūrtas. (v. l.) (1) having a beautiful body Kāv (2) m. N. of a Gandharva R. (3) of a son of Ugra-sena Hariv. (4) of a monkey R. (5) ([ u ] or [ U ]), f. a fair woman (voc. [ sutanu ], cf. Vam. v, 2, 49) Śak. Śiś. (6) N. of a daughter of Ahuka (wife of Akrūra) MBh. (7) of a concubine of Vasu-deva Hariv. (8) of a daughter of Ugra-sena ib. VP.

===> sutarām [ sutarAm ]3[ su-tarAm ] See s. v.

===> [ sutarAm ]1[ su-tarAm ] ind. (fr. 5. [ su ] + [ tarAm ] = [ taram ]) still more, in a higher degree, excessively ([ still na ], ` still less ' (1) [ na s° ], ` very badly ' (2) [ mA s° ], ` in no way ', ` by no means ') MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> sutejas [ sutejas ]3[ su-t'ejas ] mfn. very sharp or sharp-edged AV. (1) very bright, splendid ChUp. (2) m. N. of a son of the Gṛtsamada MBh. (3) of the 10th Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī (with Jainas) L.

===> sutā [ sutA ]2[ sutA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a daughter Mn. MBh. &c. (1) the plant Alhagi Maurorum L.

===> sutīkṣṇa [ sutIkSNa ]3[ su-tIkSNa ] mfn. very sharp or pungent, acutely painful ([ am ] ind. ` excessively ') MBh. R. &c. (1) m. Moringa Pterygosperma L. (2) N. of a Muni (brother of Agastya) R. Bhaṭṭ. (3) [ -dazana ] m. very sharp-toothed ', N. of Śiva MBh. (4) [ °N^agra ] mfn. very sharp-pointed MBh.

===> suvacana [ suvacana ]3[ su-vacana ] n. good speech, eloquence Subh (1) mfn. speaking well, eloquent L. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of a goddess L.

===> suvacas [ suvacas ]3[ su-vacas ] mfn. = prec. L.

===> suvarṇa [ suvarNa ]3[ su-varNa ] &c., See s. v.

===> [ suvarNa ]1[ su-v'arNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. of a good or beautiful colour, brilliant in hue, bright, golden, yellow RV. &c. &c. (1) gold, made of gold TBr. ChUp. R. (2) of a good tribe or caste MBh. xiii, 2607 (3) m. a good colour MW. (4) a good tribe or class ib. (5) a kind of bdellium L. (6) the thorn-apple L. (7) a kind of metre VarBṛS. Sch. (8) m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. (9) of an ascetic ib. (10) of a minister of Daśa-ratha R. (11) of a son of Antarīksha, Vp (12) of a king of Kāśmīra Rājat (13) of a poet Cat. (14) m. (rarely n.) a partic. weight of gold (= 1 Karsha, = 16 Māshas, = 80 Raktikās, = about 175 grains troy) Mn. MBh. &c. (15) a gold coin Mṛcch (16) a kind of bulbous plant (= [ suvarN^alu ]) L. (17) a kind of aloe L. (18) a kind of sacrifice L. (19) ([ A ]), f. turmeric L. (20) Sida Rhomboidea or Cordifolia L. (21) another plant (= [ svarNakSIrI ]) L. (22) a bitter gourd, colocynth W. (23) N. of one of the seven tongues of fire MW. (24) of a daughter of Ikshvāku (the wife of Su-hotra) MBh. (25) ([ I ]), f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata (perhaps w. r. for [ sukarNI ]) . L. (26) ([ am ]), n. gold (of which 57 synonyms are given) AV. &c. &c. (27) money, wealth, property, riches L. (28) a sort of yellow sandal-wood L. (29) the flower of Mesua Roxburghii (30) a kind of vegetable (= [ gaura-suvarNa ]) L. (31) red ochre (= [ suvarNagairika ]) L. (32) the right pronunciation of sounds ŚBr. (33) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. (34) of a partic. world ib.

===> suvarṇa-bhāṇḍa [ suvarNabhANDa ]3[ su-v'arNa-bhANDa ] or n. a jewel-box Mṛcch

===> suvarṇa-bhūmi [ suvarNabhUmi ]3[ su-v'arNa-bhUmi ] f. = [ -dvIpa ] Kathās. Jātakam

===> suvarṇa-garbha [ suvarNagarbha ]3[ su-v'arNa-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.

===> suvarṇa-gotra [ suvarNagotra ]3[ su-v'arNa-gotra ] n. N. of a kingdom Buddh.

===> suvarṇa-keśa [ suvarNakeza ]3[ su-v'arNa-keza ] m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh.

===> suvarṇa-kāra [ suvarNakAra ]3[ su-v'arNa-kAra ] m. id. Mn. R. Var. Vās (1) [ °r^anna ] n. food given by a goldsmith Mn. iv, 218 (2) [ °r^ezvaravarman ] m. N. of a poet Subh

===> suvarṇa-padma [ suvarNapadma ]3[ su-v'arNa-padma ] n. a gold-coloured lotus flower Suśr. (1) a golden lotus flower Cat. (2) [ -dAna ] n. N. of wk.

===> suvarṇa-prabhāsa [ suvarNaprabhAsa ]3[ su-v'arNa-prabhAsa ] m. N. of a Yaksha Buddh. [ 1236,3 ] (1) of a Buddhist Sūtra wk. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of the serpent-demon Kālika Lalit.

===> suvarṇa-puṣpa [ suvarNapuSpa ]3[ su-v'arNa-puSpa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having gold for flowers MBh. Pañcat. Kuval (1) m. the globe-amaranth L. (2) n. its flower VarBṛS. (3) ([ A ], or [ I ]), f. a kind of plant ib.

===> suvarṇa-sūtra [ suvarNasUtra ]3[ su-v'arNa-sUtra ] n. a string of gold Hariv. Kum (1) N. of Comm.

===> suvarṇa-varṇa [ suvarNavarNa ]3[ su-v'arNa-varNa ] mfn. golden coloured (1) m. N. of Viṣṇu L. (2) ([ A ]), f. turmeric ib. (3) ([ °Na ]) [ -tA ] f. the having a golden colour (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83

===> suvarṇamaya [ suvarNamaya ]3[ su-v'arNa-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made or consisting of gold Pañcat

===> suvarṇâbha [ suvarNAbha ]3[ suvarN^abha ] m. Lapis Lazuli Npr. (1) N. of a son of Śaṅkhapada MBh.

===> suvarṣa [ suvarSa ]1[ su-varSa ] &c. See p. 1233, col. 1

===> suvasantaka [ suvasantaka ]3[ su-vasantaka ] m. a partic. festival (= prec.) L. (1) Gaertnera Racemosa L.

===> suvega [ suvega ]3[ su-vega ] mfn. moving very fast, fleet, rapid Kām. Hcat (1) ([ A ]), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum R. (2) N. of a female vulture Bālar

===> suvibhakta [ suvibhakta ]3[ su-vibhakta ] mfn. well separated or distributed Hariv. Suśr. BhP.

---> well proportioned, symmetrical MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -gAtra ] mfn. having well separated or symmetrical limbs MW. (2) [ -tA ] f. good proportion, symmetry Suśr. (3) [ °kt^aGga-pratyaGgatA ] f. having every limb and member well proportioned (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84 (4) [ °kt^anavady^angI ] f. (a woman) having symmetrical and faultless limbs MBh.

===> suvicārita [ suvicArita ]3[ su-vicArita ] mfn. well weighed, deliberately considered ŚārṅgP.

===> suvidita [ suvidita ]3[ su-vidita ] ([ s'u- ]), mfn. well known or understood ŚBr. Mn. MBh.

===> suvihita [ suvihita ]3[ su-vihita ] mfn. well done or performed or arranged or carried out MBh. R. &c. [ 1234,1 ] (1) well supplied, richly provided with (instr.) ib. well placed or deposited MW. (2) [ -prayogatA ] f. skilful arrangement or performance Śak., Introd.

===> suvijñāpaka [ suvijJApaka ]3[ su-vijJApaka ] mfn. easy to be taught or instructed Lalit.

===> suvikrānta [ suvikrAnta ]3[ su-vikrAnta ] mfn. very valiant or heroic, bold, chivalrous ŚārṅgP. (1) m. a hero W. (2) n. valour, heroism MBh. (3) [ -vikramaNa-paripRcchA ] f. N. of a Buddhist wk. (4) [ -vikramin ] or [ -vikrAmin ] m. N. of a man Buddh.

===> suvimala [ suvimala ]3[ su-vimala ] mf ([ A ]) n. perfectly clear or pure Suśr. Śṛṅgār

===> suvineya [ suvineya ]3[ su-vineya ] mfn. easy to be trained or educated Lalit.

===> suviniścita [ suvinizcita ]3[ su-vinizcita ] mfn. thoroughly convinced SaddhP.

===> suvinīta [ suvinIta ]3[ su-vinIta ] mf ([ A ]) n. well trained (as horses) Kām (1) properly behaved, very modest Pañcar. (2) well executed MBh. (3) ([ A ]), f. a tractable cow L.

===> suvipula [ suvipula ]3[ su-vipula ] mf ([ A ]) n. very great or spacious or numerous &c. MBh. R. (1) very loud MW.

===> suviśuddha [ suvizuddha ]3[ su-vizuddha ] mfn. perfectly pure MBh. Subh (1) (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. world SaddhP.

===> suvrata [ suvrata ]3[ su-vrat'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. ruling well RV. VS. (1) strict in observing religious vows, very religious or virtuous (often in voc.) MBh. R. &c. (2) tractable (as a horse or cow) MBh. (3) m. a religious student W. (4) N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. (5) of a Prajā-pati R. (6) of a son of Manu Raucya MārkP. [ 1234,2 ] (7) of a son of Nābhāga R. (8) of a son of Uśīnara Hariv. (9) of a son of Kshemya VP. (10) of a son of Priya-vrata W. (11) of a scholar Col. (12) of a historian Rājat (13) of a poet Cat. (14) (with Jainas) of the 20th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (also called Munisuvrata) and of the 11th Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L. (15) ([ A ]), f. a partic. fragrant plant Bhpr. (16) a cow that is easily milked L. (17) a virtuous wife W. (18) N. of an Apsaras L. (19) of a daughter of Daksha VP. (20) of the mother of the 15th Arhat of the present age L. (21) of a princess Dharmaś (22) ([ °ta ]) [ -datta ] m. N. of a poet Cat. (23) [ -svara ] m. N. of an Asura Buddh.

===> suvyakta [ suvyakta ]3[ su-vyakta ] mfn. very clear or bright R. (1) very plain or distinct or manifest ([ am ] ind.) MBh. R. &c.

===> suvyavasthita [ suvyavasthita ]3[ su-vyavasthita ] mfn. standing quite firmly R.

===> suvyākhyāta [ suvyAkhyAta ]3[ su-vyAkhyAta ] mfn. well explained Buddh.

===> suvṛtta [ suvRtta ]3[ su-vRtta ] mf ([ A ]) n. well rounded, beautifully globular or round MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (1) well-conducted, virtuous, good (esp. applied to women) MBh. R. &c. (2) composed in a beautiful metre Kāv (3) well done (n. impers.) Mālatīm (4) m. a kind of round bulb L. (5) ([ A ]), f. a sort of grape L. (6) N. of a plant (= [ zata-pattrI ]) L. (7) a kind of metre Ked (8) N. of an Apsaras Hariv. (9) of a woman Daś (10) ([ am ]), n. welfare, Bhp (11) good conduct or behaviour R. Kathās (12) [ -tA ] f. ` round shape ' and ` good conduct ' ŚārṅgP. (13) [ -tilaka ] m. or n. N. of wk. on metres

===> suvṛṣṭi [ suvRSTi ]3[ su-vRSTi ] f. id. ChUp. VarBṛS. &c.

===> suyantrita [ suyantrita ]3[ su-yantrita ] mfn. fast bound ([ -tva ] n.) Pañcat (1) well restrained or governed or self-controlled Mn. MBh. &c.

===> suyoga [ suyoga ]3[ su-yoga ] m. a favourable juncture, good opportunity MW.

===> suyukta [ suyukta ]3[ su-yukta ] mfn. well joined, harmoniously combined MW. (1) well composed, attentive MaitrUp. (2) very fit R. (3) very auspicious R.

===> suyāma [ suyAma ]3[ su-yAm'a ] mfn. binding or restraining well (as reins) RV. (1) m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. (2) pl. a partic. class of gods MBh.

===> suśikṣita [ suzikSita ]3[ su-zikSita ] mfn. well instructed Mālav (1) well trained or taught or disciplined MBh.