===> puras-kṛta [ puraskRta ]3[ pur'as-kRta ] mfn. placed in front &c. (1) honoured, esteemed, attended, accompanied by, possessed of, occupied with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. [ 634,3 ] (2) attacked, assailed, accused &c. L. (3) ([ am ]), ind. among, amidst, with (comp.) MBh. (4) [ -madhyama-krama ] mfn. taking or adopting a middle course MW.
===> purastāt [ purastAt ]2[ pur'astAt ] ind. before, forward, in or from the front, in the first place, in the beginning RV. &c. &c. (1) in or from the east, eastward ib. (2) in the preceding part (of a book), above RPrāt. (3) (but also) further on i. e. below Suśr.
---> (as prep.) before (of place or time), in front or in presence or before the eyes of (gen., abl., acc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c (4) in comparison with (gen.) Vcar.
===> puraś-caraṇa [ purazcaraNa ]3[ puraz-caraNa ] mfn. making preparations, preparatory to (comp. (1) [ -tA ] f.) MBh. (2) n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation ŚBr. (3) [ -karman ] n. id. ib.
---> [ -kaumudI ] f. [ -kaustubha ] m. or n. (4) [ -candrikA ] f. [ -dIpikA ] f. [ -paddhati ] (and [ °ti-mAlA ]), f. [ -prapaJca ] m. [ -ras^ollAsa ] m. [ -vidhi ] m. [ -viveka ], ns. N. of wks.
===> puraḥ-sara [ puraHsara ]3[ puraH-sar'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. going before or in advance (1) m. a forerunner, precursor, harbinger, attendant AV. &c. &c (2) ifc. (f. [ A ]) attended or preceded by, connected with MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) ([ am ]), ind. along with, among, after, by means of (comp.) Kathās. Pañc. Pur.
===> puraṃ-dara [ puraMdara ]3[ puraM-dar'a ] m. ` destroyer of strongholds ', N. of Indra RV. &c. &c. (also of the Indra of the 7th Manv-antara Pur.) [ 636,1 ] (1) of Agni RV. (2) of Śiva Śivag (3) a thief, house-breaker L. (4) of a man Siṉhâs (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of Gaṅgā or another river L. (6) n. Piper Chaba L. (7) [ -cApa ] m. Indra's bow, the rainbow Var (8) [ -pura ] n. Indra's city ([ °r^atithi ] m. ` guest of Indra's city ' i. e. dead) Daś (9) N. of another city L. (10) ([ I ]), f. N. of a town in Mālava Vcar. (11) [ -harit ] f. Indra's quarter of the sky, the east Prasannar
===> puro-gata [ purogata ]3[ puro-gata ] mfn. standing or being in front or before a person's eyes Ragh (1) preceded, gone before W.
===> puro-java [ purojava ]3[ puro-java ] mfn. excelling in speed, swifter than(comp.) BhP. (1) m. one who goes before, a servant, attendant (ifc. accompanied by, furnished with), Divy^atv (2) N. of a son of Medh^atithi and the Varsha ruled by hini BhP. (3) of Pr'aṇa ib.
===> purohita [ purohita ]3[ puro-hita ] ([ puro- ].), mfn. placed foremost or in front, charged, commissioned, appointed (1) m. one holding a charge or commission, an agent (2) (esp.) a family priest, a domestic chaplain RV. &c. &c. (RTL. 352 &c.) (3) [ -karman ] n. N. of 3rd Pariś. of AV. (4) [ -tva ] n. the rank of a Purohita MBh.
===> puruṣa [ puruSa ]1[ p'uruSa ] m. (m. c. also [ p'Ur° ] (1) prob. fr. √ [ pRR ] and connected with [ puru ], [ pUru ] ifc. f. [ A ], rarely [ I ] (2) cf. Pāṇ. 4-i, 24) a man, male, human being (pl. people, mankind) RV. &c. &c. (3) a person, ([ pumAn puruSaH ], a male person ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. (4) [ daNDaHp° ], punishment personified Mn. (5) esp. grammatical pers. (6) with [ prathama ], [ madhyama ], [ uttama ] = the 3rd, 2nd, 1st pers. Nir. Pāṇ.), an officer, functionary, attendant, servant Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. [ tat-p° ]) (7) a friend L. (8) a follower of the Sāṃkhya Philosophy (?) L. (9) a member or representative of a race or generation TS. Br. Mn. &c. (10) the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 Aṅgulas) ŚBr. Śulbas. Var (11) the pupil of the eye ŚBr. (12) (also with [ nArAyaNa ]) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the Purusba-s^ukta, q. v.) RV. ŚBr. &c. (13) the personal and animating principle in men and other beings, the soul or spirit AV. &c. &c. (14) the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with [ para ], [ parama ], or [ uttama ] (15) also identified with Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva and Durgā) VS. ŚBr. &c. &c. (16) (in Sāṃkbya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakṛti or creative force IW. 82 &c. (17) the, ` spirit ' or fragrant exhalation of plants RV. x, 51, 8 (18) (with [ sapta ]) N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed Mn. i, 19 (19) N. of a Pāda in the Mahsnāmnī verses Lāṭy (20) of the Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac Jyot
---> of a son of Manu Cākshusha BhP. (21) of one of the 18 attendants of the sun L. (22) pl. men, people (cf. above) (23) N. of the Brāhmans of Krauñca-dvipa BhP. (24) (with [ paJca ]) N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations, Var (25) Rottleria Tinctoria L. (26) Clerodendrum Phlomoides L. (27) ([ I ]), f. a woman, female RV. &c. &c. (28) m. or n. = [ puruSaka ] m. n. Śiś. v, 56 Sch. (29) n. (!) N. of mount Meru L.
===> puruṣa-damya-sārathi [ puruSadamyasArathi ]3[ p'uruSa-damyasArathi ] m. a driver or guide of men (compared with young draught-oxen) Divyâv
===> puruṣa-kāra [ puruSakAra ]3[ p'uruSa-kAra ] m. human effort (opp. to [ daiva ], fate) Mn. Yājñ. (1) manly act, virility, heroism MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) haughtiness, pride Pat. (3) N. of a grammarian Cat. (4) [ -phala ] n. the fruit or result of human effort L. (5) [ -mImAMsA ] f. N. of wk.
===> puruṣa-medha [ puruSamedha ]3[ p'uruSa-medh'a ] m. the sacrifice of a man Br. MBh. &c. (1) N. of the supposed author of VS. xx, 30 (perhaps w. r. for [ puru-medha ], q. v.),
===> puruṣa-pura [ puruSapura ]3[ p'uruSa-pura ] n. N. of the capital of Gāndhāra, the modern Peshāwar (? L.
===> puruṣa-puṇḍarīka [ puruSapuNDarIka ]3[ p'uruSa-puNDarIka ] m. ` man-lotus ', = prec. ib., (with Jainas) N. of the 6th black Vāsudeva
===> puruṣa-siṃha [ puruSasiMha ]3[ p'uruSa-siMha ] m. ` man-lion ', an eminent man or hero Kāv (1) (with Jainas) N. of the 5th of the black Vāsudevas L.
===> puruṣa-vara [ puruSavara ]3[ p'uruSa-vara ] m. the best of men VP. (1) N. of Viṣṇu MBh. (2) of a prince VP.
===> puruṣântara [ puruSAntara ]3[ puruS^antara ] n. another man or person, a mediator, interposer R. ([ am ] ind. by a mediator, indirectly Vikr. ii, 16) (1) another or a succeeding generation MārkP. (2) ([ -vedin ] mfn. knowing the heart of mankind MW. (3) [ °r^atman ] m. ` man's inner self. ' the soul L.) (4) m. (sc. [ saMdhi ]) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties Kām. Hit.
===> puruṣârtha [ puruSArtha ]3[ puruS^artha ] m. any object of human pursuit (1) any one of the four objects or aims of existence (viz. [ kAma ], the gratification of desire (2) [ artha ], acquirement of wealth (3) [ dharma ], discharge of duty (4) [ mokSa ], final emancipation) Mn. Prab. Kap. ([ -tva ] n.) Sāṃkhyak. &c. (5) human effort or exertion MBh. R. &c. (6) ([ am ]), ind. for the sake of the soul Kap (7) for or on account of man W. (8) [ -kAra ] m. [ -kaumudI ] f. [ -cintAmaNi ] m. N. of wks. (9) [ -trayImaya ] mf ([ I ]) n. intent only upon the 3 objects of man ([ kAma ], [ artha ] and [ dharma ]) Siṉhâs (10) [ -prabodha ] m. [ -prabodhiNI ] f. [ -ratn^akara ] m. [ -siddhy-up'aya ] m. [ -sudhA-nidhi ] m. [ -sUtra-vRtti ] f. [ °rth^anuzAsana ] n. N. of wks.
===> puruṣāya [ puruSAya ]2[ puruSAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to behave or act like a man, play the man Hariv.
===> purā [ purA ]2[ pur'A ] ind. (cf. [ pra ], [ puras ], [ pUrva ]) before, formerly, of old (with [ na ], never ') RV. &c. &c. (1) in a previous existence VarYogay (2) (with pres. = pf.) from of old, hitherto, up to the present time (also with [ sma ], cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 122 (3) with [ na ], never yet) RV. &c. &c. (4) at first, in the beginning Bhartṛ. (opp. to [ pazcA ], [ pazcAt ] Pāṇ. 5-3, 33 Kāś.) (5) soon, shortly (with pres. = fut.), Kālid. Naish (6) (as prep., mostly in earlier language, with abl., rarely with dat. or gen.) before (7) securely from (8) except, beside (9) (with pres. = fut. [ cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 4 ], once with Pot.) ere, before (sometimes with [ na ] or [ na ] and [ yAvat ] [ followed by [ tAvat ] ], with [ mA ] or [ yadi ] MBh. Kāv. &c.)
===> [ purA ]1[ purA ] See p. 634, col. 3
===> purā-kalpa [ purAkalpa ]3[ pur'A-kalpa ] m. a former creation, former age (loc. sg. or pl. in the olden time) Up. MBh. &c. (1) = prec. MBh. (2) the performance of sacrificial acts in former times AitBr. (pref.) (3) [ -vid ] mfn. knowing former times, familiar with the past MBh.
===> purā-vṛtta [ purAvRtta ]3[ pur'A-vRtta ] mf ([ A ]) n. that which has occurred or one who has lived in former times, long past, ancient MBh. Pur. (1) n. former mode of action, any event or account or history of the past ib. (2) [ -kathA ] f. an old story or legend Hit. (also [ °tt^akhyAna ] n. W. [ 635,1 ] (3) [ °na-kathana ] n. telling old stories MW.) (4) [ -s'ah ] or [ -s'Ah ] mfn. (nom. [ -StAT ] (5) cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 56) superior from ancient times RV. (Sāy. ` conqueror of cities ')
===> purīṣa [ purISa ]1[ p'urISa ] n. (√ [ pRR ]) earth, land RV. (1) (esp.) crumbling or loose earth, rubbish (perhaps ` that which fills up ', as opp. to that which flows off, ` the solid ' opp. to the fluid), rubble, anything used to fill up interstices in a wall VS. TS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. (2) feces, excrement, ordure ŚBr. &c. &c. (ifc. f. [ I ] BhP.) (3) a disk, orb (e. g. [ sUryasya ] i. e. ` fulness of the sun ' ?) RV. x, 27, 21 (4) (with [ AtharvaNa ]) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of a partic. religious observance BhP. (= [ cayana ] Sch.)
===> pusta [ pusta ]1[ pusta ] m. n. (g. [ ardharcAdi ]) working in clay, modelling, Kathā (1) (also [ A ] f.) a manuscript, book Var. (cf. below) Hcat (2) mfn. covered, filled W.
===> pustaka [ pustaka ]2[ pustaka ] m. or n. a protuberant ornament, boss (below) (1) mf ([ ikA ]) n. a manuscript, book, booklet Hariv. Kāv. Var. &c.
===> putra [ putra ]1[ putr'a ] m. (etym. doubtful, perhaps fr. √ 2. [ puS ] (1) traditionally said to be a comp. [ put-tra ], ` preserving from the hell called Put ' Mn. ix, 138) a son, child RV. &c. &c. (also the young of an animal (2) cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 15 Sch. (3) ifc. it forms diminutives, cf. [ dRSat-p° ] and [ zilA-p° ] (4) voc. sg. du. pl. often used to address young persons, my son, my children &c. ' (5) du. ` two sons ' or, a son and a daughter ' (6) cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 68) (7) a species of small venomous animal (= [ putraka ]) Cat. (8) (in astrol.) N. of the fifth house Var (9) N. of a son of Brahmishṭha Ragh (10) of a son of Priya-vrata VP. &c. &c. (11) ([ I ]), f. a daughter MBh. Hariv. &c. (12) a doll or puppet (See [ dAru-putrI ]) (13) ifc. used to form diminutives (See [ asi-putrI ]) (14) a species of plant L. ; N. of Pārvati L. [ Cf. Zd. [ puthra ] ; Gk. ? and Lat. [ puer ] (?). ] [ 632,3 ]
===> putra-kāma [ putrakAma ]3[ putr'a-kAma ] ([ putr'a- ]), mfn. desirous of sons or children (1) [ -kRthNa-paJcamI-vrata ] n. N. of a partic. observance Cat. (2) [ °m'eSTi ] f. an: oblation made by one desirous of offspring ĀśvŚr.
===> putra-pautra [ putrapautra ]3[ putr'a-pautra ] n. sg. and m. pl. sons and grandsons Mn. MBh. &c. (1) [ °traka ] n. sg. id. Subh (2) [ °trin ] mfn. having sons and grandsons MBh. (3) [ °trINa ] mfn. transmitted to sons and grandsons, hereditary Pāṇ. 5-2, 10 ([ °Na-tA ] f. Bhaṭṭ.)
===> putraka [ putraka ]2[ putrak'a ] m. a little son, boy, child (often used as a term of endearment (1) ifc. f. [ ikA ]) RV. &c. &c. (2) a puppet, doll, figure of stone or wood or lac &c. (cf. [ kRtrima- ], [ jatu- ], [ zilA- ] (3) g. [ yAv^adi ]) (4) a rogue, cheat L. (5) a species of small venomous animal (enumerated among the Mūshikas) Suśr. (6) a grasshopper L. (7) a fabulous animal with 8 legs (= [ zarabha ]) W. (8) hair L. (9) a species of tree L. (10) a grinding-stone Gobh. Sch. (11) N. of the supposed founder of Pāṭaliputra Kathās (12) of a mountain L. (13) ([ akA ]), f. = next Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 10 Pat.
===> puṃ-gava [ puMgava ]3[ puM-gava ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a bull Lāṭy. Hariv. (1) a hero, eminent person, chief of ifc. cf. [ kuru-p° ], [ gaja-p° ] &c.) (2) a kind of drug L. (3) [ -ketu ] m. ` marked by a bull ', N. of Śiva Kum
===> puṃ-nāga [ puMnAga ]3[ puM-nAga ] m. ` elephant among men ', any distinguished man L. (1) a white elephant L. (2) N. of a plant (Rottleria Tinctoria or Calophyllum Inophyllum) L. (3) a white lotus L. (4) a nutmeg L.
===> puṃstva [ puMstva ]3[ p'uMs-tva ] n. the being a man (opp. to [ strI-bhAva ]) Pur. (1) manhood, virility Yājñ. Suśr. (2) semen virile Hariv. (3) (in gram.) masculineness, the masculine gender L. Pāṇ. Sch. (4) [ -doSa ] m. ` want of manhood ', impotence Gal. (5) [ -vigraha ] m. Andropngon Schoenanthus L.
===> puṇya [ puNya ]1[ p'uNya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (perhaps fr. √ 2. [ pusk ], according to Uṇ. v, 15 from √ [ pU ] (1), See also √ [ puN ]) auspicious, propitious, fair, pleasant, good, right, virtuous, meritorious, pure, holy, sacred RV. &c. &c. (2) ni. N. of a poet Cat. (3) of another man Buddh. (4) m. or n. N. of a lake MBh. (5) ([ A ]), f. holy basil L. (6) Physalis Flexuosa L. (7) N. of a daughter of Kratu and Saṃnati VP. (8) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the good or right, virtue, purity, good work, meritorious act, moral or religious merit MBh. Kāv. &c. (9) a religious ceremony (esp. one performed by a wife in order to retain her husband's affections and to obtain a son (10) also [ -ka ]) MBh. Hariv. (11) a brick trough for watering cattle W.
===> puṇya-bala [ puNyabala ]3[ p'uNya-bala ] m. N. of a king of Puṇya-vati, Avadānas (1) N. of one of the 10 forces of a Bodhi-sattva, Dharmas:
===> puṇya-karman [ puNyakarman ]3[ p'uNya-karman ] (ib. R. &c.), mfn. acting right, virtuous, pious
===> puṇya-kṛt [ puNyakRt ]3[ p'uNya-k'Rt ] mfn. = [ -kartR ] ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of one of the Viśve Devā MBh.
===> puṇya-kṣetra [ puNyakSetra ]3[ p'uNya-kSetra ] n. a holy place, a place of pilgrimage VarBṛS. Sch. (1) N. of Buddha Divyāv
===> puṇya-phala [ puNyaphala ]3[ p'uNya-phala ] n. the fruit or reward of good works Mn. iii, 95 &c. (1) mfn. having or receiving good fruit R. (2) m. N. of the garden of Lakshmi L.
===> puṇya-prasava [ puNyaprasava ]3[ p'uNya-prasava ] m. pl. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form Dharmas. [ 632,2 ]
===> puṇya-tīrtha [ puNyatIrtha ]3[ p'uNya-tIrtha ] n. a sacred shrine or place of pilgrimage Hit. (1) N. of a Tirtha W. (2) mf ([ A ]) n. abounding with Tirthas R.
===> puṇya-vardhana [ puNyavardhana ]3[ p'uNya-vardhana ] mfn. ` increasing merit ' Hariv. (1) n. N. of a city Vet. (cf. [ puNDra-v° ])
===> puṇyatara [ puNyatara ]3[ p'uNya-tara ] mfn. purer, holier, [ °rI- ] √ [ kR ], to make purer or holier Ragh
===> puṇyavat [ puNyavat ]3[ p'uNya-vat ] mfn. righteous, virtuous, honest MBh. (1) auspicious, happy Kathās. Hit. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of a country Avadānaś
===> puṇḍarīka [ puNDarIka ]1[ puND'arIka ] n. (√ [ puN ] [ ? ] (1) cf. Uṇ. iv, 20 Sch.) a lotus-flower (esp. a white lotus
---> ifc. expressive of beauty, cf. g. [ vyAghr^adi ]) RV. &c. &c. (it is sacred to Śikhin, one of the Buddhas MWB. 515) (2) a white umbrella L. (3) a kind of drug L. (4) (m. or n. ?) a mark on the forehead Śatr (5) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. (6) m. a kind of sacrifice MBh. (7) a species of rice Suśr. (8) a kind of fragrant mango L. (9) Artemisia Indica L. (10) a variety of the sugar-cane L. (11) a tiger L. (12) a kind of bird L. (13) a kind of serpent L. (14) a kind of leprosy L. (15) fever in an elephant L. (16) white (the colour) L. (17) N. of a Nāga MBh. (18) of the elephant of the south-east quarter Ragh (19) of an ancient king MBh. (20) of a son of Nabha or Nabhas Hariv. (21) of a Brāhman renowned for filial piety, and afterwards worshipped as the god Viṭhobl RTL. 263 (22) (with Jainas) of a Gaṇa-dhara Śatr (23) of a hermit (son of Sveta-ketu and Lakshmi) Kād (24) of a poet Cat. (25) of a mountain Śatr (26) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. (27) of a daughter of Vasishṭha (wife of Prâṇa or Pāṇḍu) VP.
---> of a river in Krau3ñca-dvipa ib.
===> puṇḍra-vardhana [ puNDravardhana ]3[ puNDra-vardhana ] n. N. of a town in Gauḍa Pañc. (w. r. [ puNDa-v° ])
===> puṇḍraka [ puNDraka ]2[ puNDraka ] m. (pl.) the Puṇras (s. v.) Mn. x, 44(v. l. [ pauND° ]) MBh. (1) (sg.) a prince of the Puṇras MBh. (2) N. of sev. plants (= [ puNDra ]) L. (3) a frontal sectarian mark (See [ Urdhva-p° ]. [ tri-p° ]) (4) a man who lives by breeding silk-worms Col. (5) N. of a poet (also [ puNDroka ]) Cat.
===> puṣkala [ puSkala ]2[ puSkal'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. [ puSka ]) much, many, numerous, copious, abundant MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) rich, magnificent, full, complete, strong, powerful, excellent, best AV. &c. &c. (2) loud, resonant, resounding MBh. Hariv. Pur. (3) purified L. (4) m. (v. l. [ °kara ]) a kind of drum MBh. (5) (in music) a Partic. stringed instrument (6) N. of Śiva Śivag (7) of a son of Varuṇa L. (8) of an Asura Hariv. (9) of a Ṛshi Cat. (10) of a son of Bharata R. (11) of a Buddha Lalit. (12) of a Tirtha (rather n.) L. (13) pl. N. of, people MārkP. (14) of the military caste in Kuśadvipa VP. (15) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ] (16) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the bowl of a spoon Gṛhyās. (v. l. [ °kara ]) (17) a partic. measure of capacity (= 8 Kuñcis = 64 handfuls) ĀpŚr. Sch. (18) a partic. weight of gold KātyŚr. Sch. (19) alms to the exient of 4 mouthfuls of food W (rather m.) N. of mount Meru L.
===> puṣkarāvatī [ puSkarAvatI ]3[ puSkarA-vatI ] f. ` abounding in lotuses ', N. of a town (= the ? ? of the ancients and the Pousekielofati of Hiouen-Thsang) R. Kathās. Pur. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 119 Sch.) (1) a form of Dākshāyaṇi MatsyaP.
===> puṣpa [ puSpa ]2[ p'uSpa ] n. (for [ puSka ]?) a flower, blossom (ifc. f. [ A ], in names of plants oftener [ I ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 1) AV. &c. &c. (2) the menstrual flux Suśr. (3) a partic. disease of the eye, albugo Suśr. (4) a spot on the nails and teeth Car. (5) (in dram.) gallantry, politeness, declaration of love Daśar. Sāh. Pratāp (6) N. of a Sāman TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy (7) of a book, Divy^aiv (8) a kind of perfume L. (9) the vehicle of Kubera L. (10) blooming, expanding L. (11) m. a topaz R. (12) N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (13) of a son of Ślisṭi Hariv. (14) of a son of Śaṅkha ib. (C. [ puSya ]) (15) of a Bodhi-sattva(?) Lalit. (16) of a mountain, MārkP. (17) of a book (prob. = [ puSpa-sUtra ]), Divy'av (18) ([ A ]), f. N. of the town Campā L.
===> puṣpa-druma [ puSpadruma ]3[ p'uSpa-druma ] m. a tree which bears flower (1) [ -kusumita-mukuTa ] m. ` having a flowery diadem like a tree in bloom ', N. of a Gandharvarāja L.
===> puṣpa-ketu [ puSpaketu ]3[ p'uSpa-ketu ] m. id. MBh. (1) vitriol used as a collyrium Caurap (2) calx of brass W. (3) N. of a Buddha L. (4) of a prince of Pushpa-bhidra HPariś
===> puṣpa-lipi [ puSpalipi ]3[ p'uSpa-lipi ] f. ` flower-writing. ' N. of a partic. style of writing Lalit.
===> puṣpa-phala [ puSpaphala ]3[ p'uSpa-phala ] m. Feronia Elephantum L. (1) Benincasa Cerifera L. -2
===> [ puSpaphala ]3[ p'uSpa-phala ] n. flower and fruits MBh. (1) [ -druma ] m. pl. trees bearing flower and fruits Ragh (2) [ -vat ] mfn. bearing flower and fruits Suśr.
===> puṣpa-puṭa [ puSpapuTa ]3[ p'uSpa-puTa ] m. a cup or bag filled with flower L. (1) the hands arranged in the shape of the calyx of a flower Cat. (2) (in music) a partic. position in dancing
===> puṣpaka [ puSpaka ]2[ puSpaka ] m. a kind of serpent Suśr. (1) N. of a mountain MārkP. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. the tartar of the teeth L. (3) the mucus of the tongue. Gal. (4) the mucus of the glans penis or urethra L. (5) the last words of a chapter (which state the subject treated therein) L. (6) n. (rarely m.) N. of the self-moving aerial car of Kubera (also [ -vimAna ], n. (7) it was carried off by the demon Rāvaṇa and constantly used by him till he was slain by Rāma-candra, who then employed the car to transport himself and Sītā back to Ayodhyā) MBh. R. &c. (8) N. of a forest Hariv. (9) calx of brass or green vitriol used as a collyrium L. (10) a bracelet (esp. one of jewels) L. (11) a small earthen fire-place or furnace on wheels L. (12) a cup or vessel of iron L. (13) a partic. disease of the eyes (albugo) L.
===> puṣpita [ puSpita ]2[ puSpita ] mf ([ A ]) n. flowered, bearing flowers, blooming, in bloom MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) having marks like flowers, variegated, spotted, (said of bad teeth) Car. (2) exhaling an odour indicative of approaching death ib. (3) completely manifested, fully developed Kathās (4) florid, flowery (as speech) Bhag. (5) m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (6) ([ A ]), f. a menstruous woman L.
===> puṣpâkara [ puSpAkara ]3[ puSp^akara ] mfn. rich in flower, flowery (1) m. (with [ mAsa ]) the flowery month, spring Vikr (2) [ -deva ] m. N. of a poet Cat.
===> puṣpâvakīrṇa [ puSpAvakIrNa ]3[ puSp^avakIrNa ] m. ` strewed with flower ', N. of a prince of the Kiṃnaras Kāraṇḍ
===> puṣya [ puSya ]2[ p'uSya ] n. nourishment (pl.) Car. (1) the blossom or flower i. e. the uppermost or best of anything (cf. Gk. [ 640,2 ] ? ; Lat. [ flos ]) RV. (2) ([ puSyA ]), m. N. of the 6th (or 8th, but See [ nakSatra ]) lunar asterism (also called Sidhya and Tishya) AV. &c. &c. (3) (= [ -yoga ]), the conjunction of the moon with Pushya Mn. MBh. &c. (4) N. of the month Pausha VP. (5) of the Kali-yuga or fourth age W. (6) of one of the 24 mythical Buddhas MWB. 136, n. 1 (7) of various princes VP. (8) n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr. (9) ([ puSy'A ]), f. a species of plant AV. (10) the asterism Pushya L.
===> puṣya-mitra [ puSyamitra ]3[ p'uSya-mitra ] m. N. of a prince VP. (1) pl. his dynasty ib. (cf. [ puSpa-m° ])
===> puṣṭa [ puSTa ]2[ puST'a ] mfn. nourished, cherished, well-fed, thriving, strong, fat, full, complete, perfect, abundant, rich, great, ample Mn. MBh. &c. (1) rich in, blessed with (instr.) Daś (2) full-sounding, loud Hariv. (3) burnt W. (w. r. for [ pluSTa ]?) (4) incubated, brooded over MW. (5) n. growth, increase, gain, acquisition, wealth, property (esp. of children or cattle) RV. VS. AV.
===> puṣṭatva [ puSTatva ]3[ puST'a-tva ] n. the being well-fed, a prosperous or thriving condition MW.
===> puṣṭi [ puSTi ]2[ p'uSTi ] (or [ puSTi ], esp. RV.), f. well-nourished condition, fatness, plumpness, growth, increase, thriving, prosperity, wealth, opulence, comfort RV. &c. &c. (1) breeding, rearing (esp. of cattle (2) also with [ pazoH ]) RV. TS. ŚBr. (3) development, fulness, completeness Sāh (4) N. of a partic. ceremony performed for the attainment of welfare or prosperity Cat. (5) N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma MBh. Hariv. Pur. [ 639,2 ] (6) of the mother of Lobha, MārkP. (7) of a daughter of Dhruva VP. (8) of a daughter of Paurṇamāsa ib. (9) of a Śakti Hcat (10) one of the 16 Mātṛkās or divine mothers L. (11) of a Kalā of the moon BrahmaP. (12) of a Kalā of Prakṛti and wife of Gaṇ^eśa BrahmaP. (13) of a form of Dakshāyanī MatsyaP.
---> of a form of Sarasvatī W. (14) Physalis Flexuosa L.
===> puṣṭika [ puSTika ]2[ puSTika ] m. N. of a poet Cat. (1) ([ A ]), f. a bivalve shell, an oyster (prob. w. r. for [ puTikA ])
===> puṭa [ puTa ]2[ puTa ] m. n. a fold, pocket, hollow space, slit, concavity (ifc. f. [ A ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (also [ I ] f. Śāntiśs.) (1) a cloth worn to cover the privities (also [ I ] f.) W. (2) a horse's hoof. L. (3) an eyelid (cf. [ -bheda ]) (4) m. a cup or basket or vessel made of leaves ŚBr. (cf. [ USa- ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (5) a casket (= [ sampuTa ]) L. (6) the enveloping or wrapping of any substance (esp. for baking or heating it (7) cf. [ puTa-pAka ]) Bhpr. (8) any cake or pastry filled with seasoning or stuffing of any kind ib. (9) N. of a metre (= [ zkI-puTa ]) L. (10) of a man, g. [ azv^adi ] (11) n. a nutmeg L. (12) two vessels joined together (for the sublimation of medicinal substances) W.
===> puṭaka [ puTaka ]2[ puTaka ] m. a fold, pocket, slit, cavity Kāv. Pur. (1) a partic. position of the hands Cat. (2) a bag or vessel made of a leaf doubled over in a funnelshape Rājat (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a bag or vessel (cf. m.) Pañc (4) a bi-valved shell L. (5) cardamoms L. (6) n. a nutmeg L. (7) a water-lily L.
===> pâta [ pAta ]2[ pAta ]1 mfn. (for 2. See p. 616, col. 3) watched, protected, preserved L.
===> [ pAta ]2[ pAta ]2 m. (for 1. See under √ 3. [ pA ]) flying, mode of flying, flight MBh. (1) throwing one's self or falling into (loc.) or from (abl.), fall, downfall (also ifc. after what would be a gen. or abl. &c., e. g., [ gRha- ], fall of a house (2) [ parvata- ], fall from a mountain (3) [ bhU- ], fall on the earth) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) alighting, descending or causing to descend, casting or throwing upon, cast, fall (of a thunderbolt), throw, shot MBh. R. Pañcat (5) a stroke (of a sword &c.) Kathās (6) application (of ointment, of a knife &c.) Kāvyâd (7) casting or directing (a look or glance of the eyes) Ragh (8) decay of the body ([ deha-pAta ]), death Kathās. Bādar (9) (with [ garbhasya ]) fall of the fetus, miscarriage Suśr. (10) an attack, incursion Var (11) a cass, possibility, ŚaṅkhBr. (12) happening, occurrence, appearance Prab. Kathās. Daśar (13) a fault, error, mistake Sūryas (14) the node in a planet's orbit ib. (cf. IW. 179) (15) a malignant aspect ib. (16) N. of Rāhu L. (17) pl. N. of a school of the Yajur-veda ib.
===> pācaka [ pAcaka ]2[ pAcaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. cooking, roasting, baking MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) causing digestion, digestive Suśr. (2) bringing to maturity Tattvas (3) m. a cook Gṛhyās., ([ ikA ] f. a female cook (4) See below) (5) fire L. (6) [ -tva ] n. Vop (7) [ -strI ] f. a female cook Vop (8) [ °cikAbhArya ] f. having a cook for a wife Pāṇ. 6-3, 37 Sch.
===> [ pAcaka ]1[ pAcaka ] [ °cana ] &c. See col. 1
===> pācana [ pAcana ]2[ pAcana ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing to cook or boil, softening, digestive Suśr. (1) sour L.
---> suppurative W. (2) m. fire L. (3) red ricinus L. (4) acidity, sourness W. (5) ([ I ]), f. Terminalia Chebula L. (6) n. the act of cooking or baking &c. (7) causing a wound to close, a stypic for closing wounds Suśr. (8) extracting extraneous substances from a wound &c. by means of cataplasms, a cataplasm ib. (9) a dissolvent, digestive ib. Car. (10) any medicinal preparation or decoction W. (11) a sort of drink ib. (12) penance, expiation L. [ 614,2 ]
===> pāda [ pAda ]2[ pAda ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ], rarely [ I ]) the foot (of men and animals) RV. &c. &c. (the pl. sometimes added to proper names or titles in token of respect, e. g. [ deva-pAdAH ], ` the king's majesty ' Pañc. [ 617,2 ] (1) [ nArAyaNap° ], ` the venerable Nārāyaṇa ' Sāh (2) [ pAdaiH ] ind. on foot [ said of several persons ]. R. (3) [ °dayoH ] and [ °de-√ pat ], to fall at a person's [ gen. ] feet Kāv. Hit) (4) the foot or leg of an inanimate object, column, pillar AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (5) a wheel Śiś. xii, 21 (6) a foot as a measure (= 12 Aṅgulas) ŚBr. ŚrS. MārkP. (7) the foot or root of a tree Var (8) the foot or a hill at the foot of a mountain MBh. Kāv. &c. (9) the bottom ([ dRteh pAdAt ], ` from the bottom of a bag ', v. l. [ pAtrAt ]) MBh. v, 1047 (10) a ray or beam of light (considered as the foot of a heavenly body) ib. (11) a quarter, a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (pl. the 4 parts i. e. all things required for [ gen. ] Suśr.) (12) the quadrant (of a circle) Āryabh. Sch. (13) a verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular stanza) Br. ŚrS. Prāt. &c. (14) the caesura of a verse AgP., the chapter of a book (orig. only of a book or section of a book consisting of 4 parts, as the Adhyāyas of Pāṇini's grammar)
===> pāda-dhāvana [ pAdadhAvana ]3[ pAda-dhAvana ] n. Washing the foot MBh. R. (1) [ °nikA ] f. sand used for rubbing the foot L.
===> pāda-mūla [ pAdamUla ]3[ pAda-mUla ] n. ` foot-root ', the sole or heel (also as a polite designation of a person) Kāv. Pur. ([ °le ni-√ pat ], to fall at a person's feet R.) (1) the foot of a mountain Kathās
===> pāda-pa [ pAdapa ]2[ pAda-pa ] (√ 1. [ pA ]), m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) ` drinking at foot or root ', a tree, plant MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ -ka ] id. ifc. Kathās.)
===> [ pAdapa ]2[ pAda-pa ]2 (√ 3. [ pA ]), m. a foot-stool or cushion for the feet L. (1) ([ A ]), f. a shoe, slipper L.
===> pāda-tala [ pAdatala ]3[ pAda-tala ] n. sole of the foot MBh. Suśr. (1) ([ e ]), ind. (to fall) at a person's foot Amar. (2) [ °l^ahati ] f. a kick Kuval
===> pādaka [ pAdaka ]2[ pAdak'a ] m. a small foot RV. viii, 33, 19 (1) ([ ikA- ]), f. a sandal, shoe L. (2) ifc. (f. [ ikA ]) = foot R. Kathās (3) mf ([ ikA ]) n. making a quarter of anything Var
===> pādukā [ pAdukA ]2[ pAdukA ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. going on foot or with feet W. (1) ([ A ]), f. See next
===> [ pAdukA ]2[ pAdukA ] f. a shoe or slipper MBh. (1) [ kAv ]. &c. (also [ °ka ] m. c. and in [ °ka-vat ] mfn. having shoes Hcat.) (2) impression of the feet of a god or a holy person MWB. 508 (3) (?) N. of Durgā or another deity (cf. comp. below)
===> pādya [ pAdya ]3[ p'Adya ] mf ([ A ]) n. relating or belonging to the foot Br. ŚrS. (n. with or sc. [ udaka ], water used for washing the feet ib. &c.) (1) amounting to a quarter of anything, Śulbas
===> pādâṅguṣṭha [ pAdAGguSTha ]3[ p'Ad^aGguSTha ] m. foot-thumb ', the great toe MBh. (1) [ -zrit^avani ] mfn. touching the ground with the toes, on tip-toe MW. (2) [ °ThikA ] f. a ring worn on the great toe W.
===> pāka [ pAka ]1[ p'Aka ]1 mfn. (either fr. √ 1. [ pA+ka ], ` drinking, sucking, or fr. √ 2. [ pac ], ` ripening, growing ') very young GṛS. (1) simple, ignorant, inartificial, honest AV. TS. ĀśvŚr. (2) m. the young of an animal (See [ uluka- ], [ kapata- ]) (3) a child, infant L. (4) N. of a Daitya slain by Indra MBh. Pur. [ -tr'A ] ind. in simplicity, in a simple or honest way RV.
===> [ pAka ]1[ pAka ]2 m. (√ 2. [ pac ] (1) ifc. f. [ I ]) cooking, baking, roasting, boiling (trans ' and intrans.) ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. [ 614,1 ] (2) burning (of bricks, earthenware &c.) ib. (3) any cooked or dressed food BhP. (4) digestion, assimilation of food Suśr. (5) ripening, ripeness (of fruit or of a boil) KātyŚr. Mn. Var. Suśr. (6) inflammation, suppuration Suśr. (7) an abscess, ulcer ib. (8) ripening of the hair i. e. greyness, old age L. (9) maturity, full development (as of the mind &c.), completion, perfection, excellence Hariv. Kāv. &c. (10) development of consequences, result (esp. of an act done in a former life) Var. Pañc. MārkP. (11) any act having consequences. BhP. (12) the domestic fire L. (13) a cooking utensil L. (14) general panic or revolution in a country W. (in comp. 2. [ pAka ] is not always separable from 1. [ pAka ])
===> pāka-ja [ pAkaja ]3[ pAka-ja ] mfn. produced by cooking or roasting Tarkas (1) n. ` obtaiued by boiling ', black salt L. (2) flatulence L. (3) [ -tva ] n. production by warmth, capability of being affected by contact with fire Bhāshāp (4) [ -prakriyA ] f. [ -vicara ] m. N. of wks.
===> pākya [ pAkya ]2[ pAkya ] mfn. fit to cook, eatable KātyŚr. ChUp. (cf. [ bahu- ].) (1) obtained by cooking or evaporation, Śuśr. (2) ripening (See [ kRSTa ].) (3) n. (sc. [ lavaNa ]) a kind of salt Suśr. (4) m. saltpetre L.
===> pākṣika [ pAkSika ]2[ pAkSika ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ pakSa ]) favouring a party or faction Pur. Gaṇit (1) subject to an alternative, that which may or may not take place, possible but not necessary, optional Śaṃk. Pāṇ. Sch. Kull (2) m. an alternative W.
===> [ pAkSika ]2[ pAkSika ]2 m. (fr. [ pakSin ]) a fowler, birdcatcher L.
===> pāla [ pAla ]2[ pAla ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a guard, protector, keeper R. Hariv. (1) a herdsman Mn. Gaut. Yājñ. MBh. (2) protector of the earth, king. prince BhP. (3) (also n.) a spitting spittoon (as ` recipient ' ?) L. (4) N. of a serpent-demon of the race of Vāsuki MBh. (5) of a prince Cat. (6) (with [ bhatTa ]) N. of an author ib. (7) ([ I ]), f. a herdsman's wife MBh. v, 3608 (8) an oblong pond (as ` receptacle ' of water?) Var. (cf. [ pAli ])
===> pālaka [ pAlaka ]2[ pAlaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. guarding, protecting, nourishing W. (1) m. a guardian, protector MBh. ([ ikA ] f.) (2) a foster-father Rājat (3) a prince, ruler, sovereign ib. BhP. [ 623,1 ] (4) a world-protector (= [ loka-p° ]) Kām (5) a horse-keeper, groom L. (6) a maintainer, observer MārkP. (7) a species of plant with a poisonous bulb Suśr. (8) Plumbago Zeylanica L. (9) a horse L. (10) N. of sev. princes Mṛcch. Kathās. Pur. (11) n. a spittoon Gal. (cf. [ pAla ] above)
===> pālana [ pAlana ]2[ pAlana ] mf ([ I ]) n. guarding, nourishing ([ °nI jananI ] f. a foster-mother) MārkP. (1) n. the act of guarding, protecting, nourishing, defending Mn. MBh. &c. (2) maintaining, keeping, observing MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) the milk of a cow that has recently calved L. ([ -karman ] n. superintendence Śak (4) [ -vRtti ] f. a partic. manner of subsistence Baudh.)
===> pālanīya [ pAlanIya ]3[ pAlanIya ] mfn. to be guarded or protected or maintained or observed MBh. [ °layitR ] mfn. protecting, cherishing (1) a protector or guardian Kauś. MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> pālita [ pAlita ]3[ pAlita ] mfn. guarded, protected, cherished, nourished MBh. R. &c. (1) m. Trophis Aspera L.
---> N. of a prince (son of Parā-jit or Parā-vṛt) Hariv. Pur. (v. l. [ palita ]) (2) of a poet Cat. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda MBh.
===> [ pAlita ]1[ pAlita ] See under √ [ pAl ]
===> pālitya [ pAlitya ]1[ p'Alitya ] n. (fr. [ palita ]) greyness (of age), hoariness AV. (1) mfn. g. [ saMkAz^adi ]
===> pāman [ pAman ]1[ pAm'an ] in. (√ [ pai ]?) a kind of skindisease, cutaneous eruption, scab AV. ChUp.
===> pāna [ pAna ]2[ p'Ana ]1 n. drinking (esp. drinking spirituous liquors), draught RV. (only ifc.) AV. &c. &c. (1) drinking the saliva i. e. kissing, Kāv ' (cf. [ adhara- ]) (2) a drink, beverage ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) a drinking-vessel, cup L. (4) a canal L. (5) m. a distiller or vender of spirituous liquors ' an inn-keeper L.
===> [ pAna ]2[ pAna ]2 mfn. observing, keeping (See [ tanU- ]) (1) n. protection, defence (See ib. and [ vAta- ])
===> [ pAna ]1[ pAna ]1. 2. See p. 613, cols. 1 and 2
===> [ pAna ]1[ pAna ]3 m. = [ ap^ana ], breathing out, expiration L.
===> pānaka [ pAnaka ]2[ pAnaka ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a draught, drink, beverage, potion MBh. Kathās. Suśr.
===> pānīya [ pAnIya ]2[ pAnIya ] mfn. to be drunk, drinkable Suśr. (1) n. a beverage, drink ib. Pañc (2) water Mn. MBh. &c. (cfṆir. i, 16)
===> [ pAnIya ]2[ pAnIya ]2 mfn. to be cherished or protected or preserved W.
===> pānīya-vārika [ pAnIyavArika ]3[ pAnIya-vArika ] m. the attendant of a convent who has the care of drinking-water Buddh.
===> pāpa [ pApa ]1[ pAp'a ] (ŚBr. xiv, also [ p'Apa ]), mf ([ I ] older than [ A ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 30)n. bad, vicious, wicked, evil, wretched, vile, low RV. &c. &c. (2) (in astrol.) boding evil, inauspicious Var (3) m. a wicked man, wretch, villain RV. &c, &c. (4) N. of the profligate in a drama Cat. (5) of a hell VP. (6) ([ A ]), f. a beast of prey or a witch, Hcat (7) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) evil, misfortune, ill-luck, trouble, mischief. harm AV. &c. &c. often [ zAntam pApam ], ` heaven forefend that evil ' R. Mṛcch. Kālid. &c.) (8) sin, vice, crime, guilt Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (9) ([ 'am ]), ind. badly, miserably, wrongly AV. (10) ([ 'ayA ]), ind. id. RV. AV. (11) [ -pap'ay^amuy'A ], so badly, so vilely ib.
===> pāpa-karman [ pApakarman ]3[ pAp'a-karman ] mfn. id. (1) m. an ill-doer, criminal, sinner Mn. MBh. &c. (2) n. a wicked deed, [ °ma-kRt ] mfn. wicked, an ill-doer R.
===> pāpa-karmin [ pApakarmin ]3[ pAp'a-karmin ] mfn. ` wrong-doing ', wicked, a villain or sinner MārkP.
===> pāpa-mitra [ pApamitra ]3[ pAp'a-mitra ] n. a friend of sin [ -tva ] n. friendship with the wicked L.
===> pāpaka [ pApaka ]2[ p'Apaka ] mf ([ ikA ], once [ akI ]) n. bad, evil ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) m. a villain, rascal MBh. (2) an evil or malignant planet Var (3) n. evil, wrong, sin MBh.
===> pāpīyas [ pApIyas ]2[ p'ApIyas ] mfn. worse, worse off, lower, poorer, more or most wicked or miserable TS. &c. &c. (1) m. a villain, rascal Mn. R. &c. (2) (with Buddhists) [ mAraH pApIyAn ], the evil spirit, the devil Lalit.
===> pāra [ pAra ]1[ pAr'a ]1 mfn. (fr. √ [ pR ] (1) in some meanings also fr. √ [ pRR ]) bringing across RV. v, 31, 8 (2) n. (rarely m.) the further bank or shore or boundary, any bank or shore, the opposite side, the end or limit of anything, the utmost reach or fullest extent RV. &c. &c. ([ dUr'e pAr'e ], at the farthest ends RV. (3) [ pAraM-√ gam ] &c. with gen. or loc., to reach the end, go through, fulfil, carry out [ as a promise ], study or learn thoroughly [ as a science ] MBh. R. &c. (4) [ paraM-√ nI ], to bring to a close, Yaljñ.) (5) a kind of Tushṭi (s. v.), Sāṃkhyas. Sch. (6) m. crossing (See [ duS- ] and [ su- ]) (7) quicksilver L.
---> a partic. personification SāmavBr. Gaut (8) N. of a sage MārkP. (9) of a son of Pṛthu-shena (Rucir^aśva) and father of Nīpa Hariv. (10) of a son of Samara and father of Pṛthu ib. (11) of a son of Aṅga, and father of Divi-ratha VP. (12) (pl.) of a class of deities under the 9th Manu BhP. (13) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river (said to flow from the Pāriyātra mountains or the central and western portion of the Vindhya chain) MBh. Pur. (14) ([ I ]), f. a milk-pail Śiś. (15) any cup or drinking vessel Vcar. Rājat (16) pollen L. (17) a rope for tying an elephant's feet L. (18) a quantity of water or a town ([ pUra ] or [ pura ]) L. (19) a small piece or quantity of anything Nalac
===> [ pAra ]1[ pAra ]2 (for 1. See p. 619), Vṛddhi form of [ para ] in comp.
===> [ pAra ]1[ pAra ]3 m. = [ pAla ], a guardian, keeper ([ brahma-dvAra-p° ])
===> pāra-ga [ pAraga ]3[ pAr'a-ga ] mf ([ A ]) n. going to the opposite shore, crossing over MBh. R. (1) one who has gone through or accomplished or mastered, knowing thoroughly, fully conversant or familiar with (gen., loc. or comp.), profoundly learned Mn. MBh. &c. (2) n. keeping, fulfilling (of a promise) Hariv. 11565 (w. r. for [ pAraNa ]?)
===> pāra-gamana [ pAragamana ]3[ pAr'a-gamana ] n. reaching the opposite shore, crossing, going to the end of (comp.) R.
===> pāra-gata [ pAragata ]3[ pAr'a-gata ] mfn. one who has reached the opposite shore of (gen.), passed over in safety Bhartṛ (1) pure, holy W. (2) m. (with Jainas) an Arhat or deified saint or teacher
===> pāra-gāmin [ pAragAmin ]3[ pAr'a-gAmin ] mfn. passing over, crossing, landing Kāraṇḍ (1) n. = [ para-loka-hitaM karma ] MBh. xiii, 2127 (Nīlak.)
===> pārada [ pArada ]1[ pArada ]2 m. (cf. [ pArata ]), quicksilver Var. Suśr. ([ -tva ], n. Sarvad.) (1) m. N. of a partic. personification SāmavBr. (2) pl. N. of a people or of a degraded tribe Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 229, n. 1)
===> pāradārika [ pAradArika ]3[ pAra-dArika ] mf ([ I ]) n. ([ -dAra ]) relating to another's wife Cat. (1) m. [ -jAyika ] Yājñ. MBh. Kathās
===> pārajanmika [ pArajanmika ]3[ pAra-janmika ] mf ([ i ]) n. ([ -janman ]) relating to a future birth Buddh.
===> pāramārthika [ pAramArthika ]3[ pAramArthika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ param^artha ]) relating to a high or spiritual object or to supreme truth, real, essential, true Śaṃk. BhP. Kull. (cf. IW. 108) (1) one who cares for truth Pañc (2) excellent, best W. (3) [ °thya ] n. the real full truth BhP.
===> pārasī [ pArasI ]3[ pArasI ] f. (with or sc. [ bhASA ]) the Persian language (1) [ -jAtaka ] n. N. of wk. (2) [ -nAma-mAkA ] f. a Sanskṛt-Persian vocabulary (3) [ -prakAza ], or [ koza ] m. Persian words explain in Sanskṛt (4) [ -vinoda ] m. Persian and Arab terms of astron. and astrol. explained in Sanskṛt
===> pārasīka [ pArasIka ]3[ pArasIka ] mfn. Persian (cf. below), m. (pl.) the Persians Ragh. Kathās. &c. (1) a Persian horse L. (2) (prob. n.) Persia Bhpr. (3) [ -taila ] n. ` Persian oil ', Naphtha Vcar. (4) [ -yamAnI ] f. Hyoscyamus Niger L.
===> pārata [ pArata ]1[ pArata ] m. (cf. 2. [ pArada ]) quicksilver Kathās. xxxvii, 232 (1) pl. N. of a people Var. (also [ °taka ], v. l. in VP.)
===> pāratrika [ pAratrika ]3[ pAra-trika ] mf ([ I ]) n. ([ -tra ]) relating to or advantageous in another world MBh.
===> [ pAratrika ]1[ pAratrika ] [ °trya ], See under 2. [ pAra ]
===> pāribhogika [ pAribhogika ]3[ pAri-bhogika ] m. or n. objects possessed or used by Buddha MWB. 495
===> pārihārika [ pArihArika ]3[ pAri-hArika ] mf ([ I ]) n. ([ -hAra ]) having immunity, privileged Subh (1) taking away, seizing W. (2) surrounding ib. (3) m. a maker of garlands L. (4) ([ I ]), f. a kind of riddle, Cat.
===> pārijāta [ pArijAta ]3[ pAri-jAta ] m. the coral tree, Erythrina Indica (losing its leaves in June and then covered with large crimson flowers) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c. (1) the wood of this tree R. (2) N. of one of the 5 trees of paradise produced at the churning of the ocean and taken possession of by Indra from whom it was afterwards taken by Kṛshṇa) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. IW. 519) (3) fragrance Var (4) N. of sev. wks. (esp. ifc. (5) cf. [ dAna- ]) (6) of a Nāga MBh. (7) of a Ṛshi ib. (8) of an author of Mantras (with Śiktas). Cat. (9) [ -ka ] m. the coral tree or its wood, Śutr. Pur. (10) N. of a Ṛshi MBh. (11) of other men Hcar. ([ -ratn^akara ] m. N. of wk.) (12) m. or n. N. of a drama (= [ °ta-karaNa ]) [ 621,1 ] (13) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of flowers of the celestial Pāṇ. Kathās (14) [ -ratn^akara ] m. N. of wk. (prob. = °taka-ratn°) (15) [ -vat ] mfn. possessing the celestial Pāri Hariv. (16) [ -vRtta-kkaNDa ] n. [ -vyAkaraNa ] n. N. of wks. (17) [ -sarasvatI-mantra ] m. pl. N. of Partic. magical formulas Cat. (18) [ -haraNa ] n. ` robbing the Pāri tree ', N. of chs. of Hariv. and VP., also of a comedy by Gopālaḍasa (19) ([ Na-campU ]), f. N. of a poem) (20) [ °t^acala-mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wk.
===> pāripanthika [ pAripanthika ]3[ pAri-panthika ] m. (fr. [ pari-pantham ]) a highwayman, robber, thief. L. (Pāṇ. 4-4, 36)
===> pāriyātra [ pAriyAtra ]3[ pAri-yAtra ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) N. of the western Vindhya range MBh. Var. Suśr. &c. (also [ -ka ] L.) (1) N. of a man (son of Ahīna-gu) Ragh. Pur. [ °trika ] m. an inhabitant of the Pāri range Var
===> pāriṇāmika [ pAriNAmika ]3[ pAri-NAmika ] mf ([ i ]) n. ([ -NAma ]) digestible Subh (w. r. [ pari-N° ]) (1) subject to development or evolution (2) (with [ bhAva ] m.) natural disposition Śaṃk. Sarvad
===> pārthiva [ pArthiva ]2[ p'Arthiva ] mf ([ I ] or [ A ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 85, Varit. 2) u. (fr. [ pRthivI ] f. of [ pRthu ]) earthen, earthy, earthly, being in or relating to or coming from the earth, terrestrial RV. &c. &c. (2) (from m. below) fit for kings or princes, royal, princely MBh. Hariv. (3) m. an inhabitant of the earth RV. AV. (4) a lord of the earth, king, prince, warrior Mn. MBh. &c. (5) an earthen vessel L. (6) a partic. Agni Gṛhyās (7) the 19th (or 53rd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Var (8) (pl.) N. of a family belonging to the Kauślikas Hariv. (9) ([ I ]), f. ` earth-born ', N. of Sītā Ragh (10) of Lakshmī L. (11) (with [ zAnti ]) N. of wk. (12) n. (pl.) the regions of the earth RV. (13) an earthy substance Hariv. (v. l. [ °thavi ]) Suśr. (14) Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.
===> pāruṣya [ pAruSya ]2[ p'AruSya ] n. (fr. [ paruSa ]) roughness Suśr. (cf. [ tvak-p° ]) (1) shagginess, dishevelled state (of the hair) Subh (2) harshness (esp. of language), reproach, insult (also pl.) AV. &c. &c. (3) violence (in word or deed (4) cf. [ daNDa-p° ], [ vAk-p° ]) (5) squalor MW. (6) the grove of Indra L. (also [ -ka ] Divyâv.) (7) aloe wood L. (8) m. N. of Bṛhas-pati, the planet Jupiter L.
===> pārâyaṇa [ pArAyaNa ]3[ pAr^ayaNa ] n. going over, reading through, perusing, studying, RPrāt Āpast (1) (esp.) reading a Purāṇa or causing it to be read W. (2) the whole, totality MBh. xiii, 2701 Pāṇ. 3-2, 130 Sch. (3) (esp.) complete text, causing collection of (cf. [ dkAtu-perusing nAma-p° ]) (4) N. of a gram. wk. (abridged fr. [ dhAtu-p° ]) (5) ([ I ]), f. (L.) action (6) meditation (7) light (8) N. of the goddess Sarasvatī (9) [ °Na-krama ] m. [ °Na-mAhAtmya ] n. [ °Navidhi ] m. N. of wk. (10) [ °Nika ] mfn. one who goes through or studies Pāṇ. 5-i, 72 (11) m. a lecturer, reader of the Purāṇas W. (12) a pupil, scholar W. (13) Pl, N. of a partic. school of grammarians Cat. (14) [ °NIya ] n. N. of a grammar
===> pārārthya [ pArArthya ]3[ pArArthya ] n. (2. [ par^artha ]) dependence on or devotedness to another, altruism, disinterestedness Kathās (1) [ -nirNaya ] m. or [ -vivecana ] n. N. of wk.
===> pārāvata [ pArAvata ]1[ p'ArAvata ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ parA-vat ]) remote, distant, coming from a distance, foreign RV. (instr. pl. ` from distant quarters ' AV.) (1) m. N. of a tribe on the Yamunā RV. TāṇḍBr. (2) (ifc. f. [ A ]) a turtle-dove, pigeon MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) a kind of snake Suśr. (4) N. of a Nāga of the race of Airāvata, M Bh. (5) a monkey L. (6) Diospyros Embryopteris MBh. Hariv. Suśr. (7) a mountain L. (8) pl. N. of a class of deities under Manu Svārocisha Pur. (9) ([ I ]), f. the fruit of the Averrhoa Acida L. (10) a form of song peculiar to cowherds L. (11) N. of a river L. (12) n. the fruit of Diospyros Embryopteris Hariv. Suśr.
===> pārśva [ pArzva ]2[ pArzv'a ] n. (rarely m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ] fr. 1. [ parzu ]) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs), side, flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) RV. &c. &c. (2) the side = nearness, proximity (with gen. or ifc. (3) [ ayaH ], on both sides (4) [ am ], aside, towards (5) [ e ], at the side, near [ opp. to [ dura-tas ] ] (6) [ At ], away, from (7) by means of, through) MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) a curved knife ŚBr. (9) a side of any square figure W. (10) the curve or circumference of a wheel ib. (11) (only n.) a multitude of ribs, the thorax W. [ 622,2 ] (12) the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached L. (13) a fraudulent or crooked expedient L. (14) m. the side horse on a chariot MBh. (15) N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher (16) (with Jainas) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī and of his servant (17) (du.) heaven and earth L. (18) mfn. near, proximate (cf. comp. below)
===> [ pArzva ]1[ pArzva ] See col. 1
===> pārśva-śaya [ pArzvazaya ]3[ pArzv'a-zaya ] mfn. lying of sleeping on the side Pāṇ. 3-2, 15 Vārtt. 1
===> pārśvaka [ pArzvaka ]2[ pArzvaka ] m. a rib Yājñ. (1) n. a by-way, dishonest means Hcat (2) mfn. one who seeks wealth or other objects by indirect or side means Pāṇ. 5-2, 75
===> pārśvatas [ pArzvatas ]3[ pArzv'a-t'as ] ind. by or from the side, at the side, near, sideways, aside (with gen. or ifc.),VS. Br. &c.
===> pārśvika [ pArzvika ]2[ pArzvika ] mfn. lateral, belonging to the side W. = [ °zvaka ], mfn. L. (1) m. a sidesman, associate W. (2) a juggler ib. (3) N. of an ancient teacher Buddh. (4) ii. = [ °zvaka ] n. Viṣṇ. Nār
===> pārṣada [ pArSada ]2[ pArSada ] m. (fr. [ parSad ]) an associate, companion, attendant (esp. of a god), RamatUp. MBh. Suśr. (pl. attendance, retinue Hariv. BhP. Lalit.) (1) a member of an assembly, spectator Prasannar (2) n. a text-book received by any partic. grammatical school (a N. given to the Prātiśākhyas) Nir. i, 17 (3) N. of wk.
===> pārṣadya [ pArSadya ]3[ pArSadya ] m. = [ pArtSadya ], a member of an assembly, assessor (1) m. pl. = [ pArSada ] pl. L.
===> pārṣṇi [ pArSNi ]1[ p'ArSNi ] f. (L. also m. (1) rarely [ pArSNI ], f. (2) fr. √ [ pRS ] ? cf. Uṇ. iv, 52 Sch.) the heel RV. &c. &c. (3) the extremity of the fore-axle to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached (the two inner horses being harnessed to the [ dhur ], or chariot-pole) MBh. (4) the rear of an army ([ °Nim ] √ [ grah ] with gen., to attack in the rear) MBh. Hariv. Kāv (5) the back W. (6) a kick ib. (7) enquiry, asking ib. (8) a foolish or licentious woman L. (9) N. of a plant (= [ kuntI ] or [ kumbhI ]) L.
===> pātakin [ pAtakin ]2[ pAtakin ] mfn. guilty of a crime, wicked, sinful, a sinner ([ °ki-tva ] n.) Hariv. Kāv. Pur. &c.
===> pātana [ pAtana ]2[ pAtana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. Caus.) causing to fall, felling, laying low, striking off or down (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. Hariv. MārkP. (1) n. the act of causing to fall &c. (2) lowering, humbling W. (3) the act of casting (as dice or a glance of the eyes) Kathās. (cf. [ akSa- ]) (4) (with [ daNDasya ]) causing the rod to fall, chastising, punishing Mn. (5) (with [ garbhasya ]) causing the fall of the fetus or abortion Yājñ. (6) (with [ jalaukasAm ]) application of leeches Suśr. (7) removing, bringing away ib. (8) causing to fall asunder, dividing Śaṃk (9) N. of a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected Sarvad
===> pātavya [ pAtavya ]2[ pAtavya ]1 mfn. to be drunk, drinkable Mn. MBh. &c.
===> [ pAtavya ]2[ pAtavya ]2 mfn. to be guarded or protected Hariv.
===> pātheya [ pAtheya ]2[ pAtheya ] n. (fr. [ pathin ]) provender or provisions &c. for a journey, viaticum MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) = [ pAthona ] Jyot
===> pātita [ pAtita ]2[ pAtita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to fall, felled, struck down, lowered, depressed, overthrown R. Kālid. &c.
===> pātra-bhūta [ pAtrabhUta ]3[ p'Atra-bhUta ] mfn. ` become a recipient ', worthy of receiving from (gen.) MBh. (1) one who receives respectful treatment from (gen.) Hariv.
===> pātra-dhāraṇa [ pAtradhAraNa ]3[ p'Atra-dhAraNa ] n. keeping a superfluous almsbowl longer than is permitted, Buddh '
===> pātra-parīṣṭi [ pAtraparISTi ]3[ p'Atra-par^iSTi ] f. untimely effort to obtain a new alms-bowl Buddh.
===> pātra-pāṇi [ pAtrapANi ]3[ p'Atra-pANi ] m. cuphanded ', N. of a demon inimical to children PārGṛ.
===> pātrârtha [ pAtrArtha ]3[ pAtr^artha ] m. any object serving as a vessel (1) [ pANibhyAm ŚrthaM-√ kri ], to use the hands as a vessel SāmavBr.
===> pātrī [ pAtrI ]2[ pAtrI ]1 f. (of [ pAtra ]) a vessel, plate, dish, pot Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (1) a small or portable furnace W. (2) N. of Durgā MBh.
===> [ pAtrI ]2[ pAtrI ]2 ind. in comp. for [ tra-√ kR ], to make anything a recipient or object of (gin.) Megh. ' Bālar (1) to dignify, promote to honour (p. p. [ -krita ]), Kalid
===> pātāla [ pAtAla ]2[ pAtAla ] n. (rarely m. (1) ifc. f. [ A ] (2) perhaps fr. 2. [ pAta ] as [ antarAla ] fr. [ antar ] (3) cf. Uṇ. i, 116) one of the 7 regions under the earth and the abode of the Nāgas or serpents and demons (cf. RTL. 102, n. 1 &c. (4) sometimes used as a general N. for the lower regions or hells (5) in MBh. also N. of a town in the serpent-world), AruṇUp. MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) an excavation, hole in the earth MBh. (7) she submarine fire L. (8) (in astrol.) the fourth house Var (9) N. of a Tirtha Cat. (10) m. = [ yantra ] blow L. (11) (in astron.) N. of Jupiter's year of 361 days (12) (in music) a kind of measure (13) N. of the attendant of the 14th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī
===> pāvaka [ pAvaka ]2[ pAvak'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. pure, clear, bright, shining RV. VS. AV. (said of Agni, Sūrya and other gods, of water, day and night &c. (1) according to native Comms. it is mostly = [ sodhaka ] ', cleansing, purifying ') (2) m. N. of a partic. Agni (in the Purāṇas said to be a son of Agni Abhimānin and Svāhā or of Autardhāna and Śikhaṇḍinī) TS. TBr. KātyŚr. Pur. (3) (ifc. f. [ A ]) fire or the god of fire Up. MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) N. of the number 3 (like all words for ` fire ', because fire is of three kinds, See [ agni ]) Sūryas (5) a kind of Rishi, a saint, a person purified by religious abstraction or one who purified from sin MBh. (6) Prenina Spinosa L. (7) Plumbago Zeylanica or some other species L. (8) Semecarpus Anacardium L. (9) Carthamus Tinctoria L. (10) Embelia Ribes L. (11) ([ ikA ]), f. (in music) = [ pAva ] (12) ([ I ]), f. the wife of Agni L.
===> pāyasa [ pAyasa ]1[ pAyasa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ payas ]) prepared with or made of milk GṛŚrS. (1) m. n. food prepared with made, (esp.) rice boiled in made or an oblation of made and rice and sugar ib. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) the resin of Pinus Longifolia L.
===> pāyu [ pAyu ]1[ pAy'u ]2 m. (√ 3. [ pA ] (1) for 1. [ pAyu ] See col. s) a guard, protector RV. (esp. instr. pl. ` with protecting powers or actions, helpfully ') AV. (2) N. of a man RV. vi, 47, 24 (with [ bhAradvAja ], author of vi, 75 ; x, 87)
===> pāśa [ pAza ]1[ p'Aza ] m. (once n. ifc. f. [ A ] (1) fr. √ 3. [ paz ]) a snare, trap, noose, tie, bond, cord, chain, fetter (lit. and, fig.) RV. &c. &c. (2) (esp.) the noose as attribute of Siva or Yama RTL. 81 ; 290 (3) (with Jainas) anything that binds or fetters the soul, i. e. the outer world, nature Sarvad. (cf. also RTL. 89) (4) selvage, edge, border (of anything woven), ŚrGṛS. (5) a die, dice MBh. (6) (in astrol.) a partic. constellation (7) (ifc. it expresses either contempt e. g. [ chattra-p° ], a shabby umbrella ', or 0admiration e. g. [ karNa-p° ], ` a beautiful ear ' (8) after a word signifying, hair ' abundance, quantity e. g. [ keza-p° ], ` a mass of hair ') (9) ([ I ]), f. a rope, fetter Siś. xviii, 57 (cf. also 2. [ pAzI ])
===> pāśaka [ pAzaka ]2[ pAzaka ] m. a snare, trap, noose (ifc. (1) cf. [ kaNTha- ], [ daNDa- ]) (2) a die HPariś (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a strap of leather on a plough Kṛshis
===> pāścāttya [ pAzcAttya ]1[ pAzcAttya ] or [ pAzcAtya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ pazcAt ] or [ pazcA ]) hinder, western, posterior, last MBh. R. Pañc
===> pāśupata [ pAzupata ]2[ pAzupata ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating or sacred to or coming from Śiva Paśu-pati MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. a follower or worshipper of Śiva Paśu-pati Kathās. Rājat. (cf. RTL. 59) [ 624,1 ] (2) Agati Grandiflora L. (3) Getonia Floribunda L. (4) n. = [ -jJAna ] MBh. N. of a celebrated weapon given by Siva to Arjuna MBh. iii, 1650 &c. (5) of a place sacred to Śiva Paśu-pati Cat.
===> pāṃsu [ pAMsu ]2[ pAMs'u ] m. crumbling soil, dust, sand (mostly pl.) AV. &c. &c. (1) dung, manure L. (2) the pollen of a flower MW. (3) (prob.) the menses Car. (cf. [ rajas ]) (4) a species of plant Bhpr. (5) a kind of camphor L. (6) landed property L.
===> pāṃsu-kūla [ pAMsukUla ]3[ pAMs'u-kUla ] n. a dust-heap, (esp.) a collections of rags out of a dust-hṭheap used by Buddhist monks for their clothing Divyâv (1) a legal document not made out in any partic. person's name L. (2) [ -sIvana ] n. ` the sewing together of rags f-om a dust-hṭheap ', N. of the place where Gautama Buddha assumed his ascetic's dress Lalit. (C. [ pANDu-s° ]) (3) [ °lika ] mfn. one who wears clothes made of rags from a dust-hṭheap Buddh.
===> pāṇi [ pANi ]2[ pANi ]1 m. a place of sale, shop, market W.
===> [ pANi ]1[ pAN'i ]2 m. (said to be fr. √ [ paN ]) the hand RV. &c. &c. (often ifc. = holding in the hand, e. g. [ asi-p° ], holding a sword in the, sword in hand (1) [ pANiM-√ grah ] or [ °Nau-√ kR ], to take the hand of a bride, marry (2) [ °niMroot dA ], to give the hand in marriage) (3) a hoof. RV. ii, 31, 2 (4) N. of Sch. on the Daśa-rupaka Cat. [ Orig [ palni ] ; cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ palma ] ; Angl. Sax. [ 615,2 ] [ folm ] ; Germ. [ fū0hlen ] ; Eng. [ feel ]. ]
===> pāṇi-pāda [ pANipAda ]3[ pAN'i-pAda ] n. sg. (Āpast.), m. pl. (Suśr.) the hand and feet (1) [ capala ] mfn. fidgeting with the hand's and feet Mn. iv, 177
===> pāṇi-tala [ pANitala ]3[ pAN'i-tala ] n. the palm of the hand, AśvSr. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) a partic. weight (= 2 Tolakas) L.
===> [ pANitala ]3[ pAN'i-tala ] m. (in music) a partic. measure MBh.
===> pāṇini [ pANini ]2[ pANini ] m. (according to Pāṇ. 4-1, 95 patr. fr. [ pANina ]) N. of the most eminent of all native Sanskṛt grammarians (he was the author of the [ aSt^adhyAyI ] and supposed author of sev. other works, viz. the Dhātu-pāṭha, Gaṇa-pātha, Liṅg^anuśāsana and Śikṣā (1) he was a Gāndhāra and a native of Salātura, situated in the North-West near Attok and Peshawar [ see iv, 3, 94 and Śālāturīya ] (2) he lived after Gautama Buddha but B. C. and is regarded as an inspired Muni (3) his grandfather's name was Devala and his mother's Dākshi [ see s. v. and Daksheya ]) (4) of a poet (by some identified with the grammarian)
===> pāṇḍara [ pANDara ]1[ pANDara ] [ pANDava ], See under [ pANDu ]
===> [ pANDara ]2[ pANDara ] mf ([ A ]) n. whitish-yellow, pale, white ŚBr. (cf. [ -vAsas ]) &c. &c. (1) m. a species of plant L. (2) N. of a mountain MārkP. (3) of a Naga (also [ °raka ]) MBh. (4) of a sect (also [ °raka ]) L. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Buddhist Śakti or female energy MWB. 216 (cf. [ p^aNDurA ]) (6) n. a jasmine blossom L. (7) red chalk L.
===> pāṇḍara-bhikṣu [ pANDarabhikSu ]3[ pANDara-bhikSu ] m. ` a white-robed mendicant ', N. of a partic. sect L.
===> pāṇḍava [ pANDava ]2[ pANDava ] m. a son or descendant of Pāṇḍu or a partisan of the Pāṇḍavas (1) (pl.) the 5 reputed sons of Pāṇḍu (Yudhi-shṭhira, Bhīma, Arjuna, Nakula and Saha-deva (2) cf. Kuntī and Mādrī) or their adherents MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) N. of a mountain Lalit. (4) of a country Cat. (5) mf ([ I ]) n. belonging to or connected with the Pāṇḍavas MBh.
===> pāṇḍitya [ pANDitya ]1[ p'ANDitya ] n. (fr. [ paNDita ]) n. scholarship, erudition, learning, cleverness, skill, ŚPr. MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> pāṇḍu [ pANDu ]1[ pAND'u ] mfn. (√ [ paND ]?) yellowish white, white, pale ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) jaundiced Car. (2) m. jaundice Car. (3) pale or yellowish white colour W. (4) a white elephant L. (5) Trichosanthes Dioeca L. (6) a species of shrub L. (7) N. of a son of Vyāsa by the wife of Vicitra-vīrya and brother of Dhṛta-rāshṭra and Vidura (he was father of the five Pāṇḍavas) AV. Pariś. MBh. Hariv. &c. (8) of a son of Janam-ejaya and brother of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. i, 3745 (9) of a son of Dhātri by Āyatī VP. (v. l. [ pr^aNa ]) (10) of an attendant of Śiva L. (11) of a Nāgarāja L. (12) pl. of a people in Madhya-deśa VarBṛS. (v. l. [ pANDya ] and [ °Dva ]) (13) f. Glycine Debilis L.
===> pāṇḍu-kambala [ pANDukambala ]3[ pAND'u-kambala ] m. a white woollen covering or blanket, a warm upper garment R. (1) the housings of a royal elephant W. (2) a kind of stone L. (3) [ -zilA ] f. N. of a part of the heavenly Paradise Divyāv (4) [ -saMvrita ] (R.) (5) [ °lin ] (Pāṇ. 4-2, 11), mfn. covered or lined with a white woollen blanket
===> pāṇḍu-roga [ pANDuroga ]3[ pAND'u-roga ] m. ` yellow disease ', jaundice Var. Suśr. (1) [ -ghna ] and [ -nAzana ] mfn. destroying jaundice. Suśr. (2) [ °gin ] mfn. jaundiced ib.
===> pāṇḍuka [ pANDuka ]2[ pANDuka ] mfn. = [ pANDu ] L. (1) m. a pale or yellowish-white colour W. (2) jaundice L. (3) a species of rice Suśr. (cf. [ °DUka ]) (4) (with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 treasures (5) N. of a son of Janam-ejaya and brother of Dhṛta-rāshṭra L. (6) n. N. of a forest Śatr
===> pāṇḍura [ pANDura ]2[ pANDura ] mf ([ A ]) n. whitish, white, pale, yellow R. Var. Suśr. &c. (1) m. a form of jaundice L. (2) Anogeissus Latifolia L. (3) an Andropogon with white flowers L. (4) N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh. (5) ([ A ]), f. Glycine Debilis L. (6) of a Buddhist deity Dharmas. iv (cf. [ pANDarA ]) (7) n. the white leprosy, vitiligo L.
===> pāṣaṇḍa [ pASaNDa ]1[ pASaNDa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (wrongly spelt [ pAkhaNDa ]) heretical, impious MBh. Pur. (1) m. a heretic, hypocrite, impostor, any one who falsely assumes the characteristics of an orthodox Hindū, a Jaina, Buddhist ib. &c. (2) m. or n. false doctrine, heresy Mn. BhP.
===> pāṣi [ pASi ]2[ pASi ] f. = [ silA ], a stone or = [ zakti ], a spear Sāy. on RV. i, 56, 6 (cf. 2. [ pAzI ])
===> pāṣāṇa [ pASANa ]1[ pASANa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]
---> according to Uṇ. ii, 90 Sch. fr. √ [ paS ] (1) cf. [ pAzI ]) a stone Br. MBh. &c. (2) ([ I ]), f. a small stone used as a weight L. (3) a spear A.
===> pāṭa [ pATa ]1[ pATa ] m. (√ [ paT ]) breadth, expanse, extension L. (1) (in geom.) the intersection of a prolonged side and perpendicular or the figure formed by such an intersection Col. (2) = [ vAdya-tUr^atkara ] Vikr. iv, 13/14 Sch. (3) ([ 'A ]), f. a species of plant AV. Kauś. (cf. [ pAThA ]) (4) regular order, series, succession W. (5) ([ I ]), f. See [ pATI ]
===> pāṭala [ pATala ]1[ pATala ] mf ([ A ]) n. pale red, pink, pallid Kauś. Var. Kāv (1) (f. [ I ]) made of the Pāṭalī or forming a part of it, g. [ bilv^adi ] (2) m. a pale red hue, rose colour Rājat (3) Bignonia Suaveolens (the tree bearing the trumpet-flower) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) a species of rice ripening in the rains Suśr. (5) Rottleria Tinctoria L. (6) N. of a man Rājat (7) ([ A ]), f. Bignonia Suaveolens Kāv (8) red Lodhra L. (9) a kind of fresh water fish Suśr. (10) a form of Durgā Tantras (11) of Dālkshāyaṇī MatsyaP. (12) n. the trumpet-flower (also [ A ] f.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (13) saffron L.
===> pāṭali-putra [ pATaliputra ]3[ pATali-putra ] n. N. of the capital of Magadha near the confluence of the Śoṇa and the Ganges (supposed to be the ancient Palibothra and the modern Patnā) Pat. Kap. Kathās. (esp. iii, 78) &c. (1) m. pl. the inhabitants of this city Pāṇ. 2-3, 42 Kāś (2) [ -nAmadheya ] n. (sc. [ nagara ]) a city called Pāṭaliputra MW.
===> pāṭana [ pATana ]2[ pATana ] n. splitting, dividing, tearing up, cutting to pieces, destroying MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. a cut, incision Naish
===> pāṭava [ pATava ]1[ pATava ] m. (fr. [ paTu ]) a son or deseendant or pupil of Paṭu ŚBr. Pravar. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 119 Sch.) (1) mfn. clever, sharp, dexterous W. (2) n. sharpness, intensity Suśr. Tattvas (3) skill, cleverness in (loc.) Kāv. Rājat. Hit. (4) quickness, precipitation in (comp.) Kathās (5) health L.
===> pāṭha [ pATha ]1[ pATha ] m. (√ [ paTh ]) recitation, recital Kāv (1) reading, perusal, study (esp. of sacred texts) Śikṣ. &c. (2) a partic. method of reciting the text of the Veda (of which there are 5, viz. Saṃhitā, Pada, Krama, Jaṭā and Ghana RTL. 409) (3) the text of a book, SrS. MBh. (4) the reading (of a text) Naish. Sch. (5) = [ dhAtu-p^aTha ] Vop (6) ([ A ]), f. Clypea Hernandifolia L.
===> pāṭhaka [ pAThaka ]2[ pAThaka ] m. a reciter, reader ([ ikA ] f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 4 Sch.) (1) a student, pupil Cat. (2) a scholar, lecturer, preceptor, teacher (cf. [ dharma- ], [ nakSatra- ], [ smRti- ]) Mn. MBh. Pañc (3) a public reciter of the Purāṇas or other sacred works W. (4) a Paṇḍit who declares what is the law or custom according to the scriptures ib.
===> pīlu [ pIlu ]2[ pIlu ] m. (cf. Uṇ. i, 38 Sch.) a species of tree (Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica L.) MBh. R. &c. (1) a group of palm trees or the stem of the palm L. (2) a flower L. (3) the blossoms of Saccharum Sara L. (4) a piece of bone ([ asthi-khanda ]) L. (5) an arrow L. (6) a worm L. (7) an atom Sarvad (8) an elephant (cf. Aribic ?, Persian ?) L. (9) ([ 'u ]), n. the fruit of the Pilu tree AV.
===> pīna [ pIna ]1[ pIna ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 2. [ pI ]) swelling, swollen, full, round, thick, large, fat, fleshy, corpulent muscular MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) (with [ sveda ]), m. profuse perspiration Suśr.
===> pīta [ pIta ]1[ pIt'a ]1 mfn. (√ 1. [ pA ]) drunk, sucked, sipped, quaffed, imbibed RV. &c. &c. (1) ifc. having drunk, soaked, steeped, saturated, filled with (also with instr.) Mn. MBh. (cf. g. [ Ahit^agny-Adi ]) (2) n. drinking L.
===> [ pIta ]1[ pIta ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (possibly fr. √ 2. [ pi ] or √ [ pyai ], the colour of butter ind. oil being yellowish) yellow (the colour of the Vaiśyas, white being that of the Brāhmans, red that of the Kshatriyas, and black that of the Śūdras) GṛS. Up. MBh. &c. (1) m. yellow colour W. (2) a yellow gem, topaz L. (3) a yellow pigment prepared from the urine of kine L. (4) N. of sev. plants (Alangium Hexapetalum, Carthamus Tinctorius, Trophis Aspera) L. (5) of the Vaiśyas in Śālmala-dvipa VP. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of sev. plants (Curcuma Longa and Aromatica, a species of Dalbergia Sissoo, a species of Musa, Aconitum Ferox, Panicuni Italicum, = [ mahA-jyotihmatI ]) L.
---> a kind of yellow pigment (= [ go-rocanA ]) L. (7) a mystical N. of the letter [ S ] Up. (8) n. a yellow substance ChUp. (9) gold L. (10) yellow orpiment L.
===> pītâruṇa [ pItAruNa ]3[ pIt^aruNa ] mfn. yellowish-red (1) m. N. applied to mid-dawn L. (cf. [ nIl^aruNa ])
===> pīvara [ pIvara ]2[ pIvara ] mfn. fat, stout, large, plump, thick, dense, full of or abounding with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. a tortoise L. (2) N. of one of the Saptarshis under Manu Tāmasa MārkP. (3) of a son of Dyuti-mat VP. (4) ([ A ]), f. Physalis Flexuosus L. (5) Asparagus Racemosus Bhpr. (6) N. of a daughter of the Gandharva Huhu Kathās (7) n. N. of a Varsha in Krauñica-dvipa VP.
===> pīḍana [ pIDana ]2[ pIDana ] mfn. pressing, afflicting, molesting, paining (cf. [ cakSu-p° ]) (1) n. the act of pressing or squeezing R. Kathās. Gīt. (2) an instrument for pressing, press (= [ pIDana-dravya ]) Suśr. (3) the act of oppressing or suppressing, Paining, harassing, afflicting R. Kām. Rājat (4) devastation, laying a country waste W. (5) misfortune, calamity Mn. ix, 299 (6) obscuration, eclipse (of a planet, cf. [ graha-p° ]) Suśr. (7) suppression (of sounds, a fault in prounciation) RPrāt.
===> pīḍita [ pIDita ]2[ pIDita ] mfn. squeezed, pressed Mn. MBh. &c. (1) hurt, injured, afflicted, distressed, troubled, badly off ib. (2) covered, eclipsed, obscured Var (3) laid waste W. (4) bound, tied ib. (5) suppressed (6) badly pronounced, APrāt. (7) ([ am ]), ind. closely R. (8) n. damage Gaut (9) harassment, annoyance MBh. (v. l. [ pIDana ]) (10) a kind of coitus L.
===> pīḍā [ pIDA ]2[ pIDA ] f. pain, suffering, annoyance, harm, injury, violation, damage ([ ayA ] ind. with pain, i. e. unwillingly) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) devastation (cf. [ pIDana ]) W. (2) restriction, limitation KātyŚr. Sch. (3) obscuration, eclipse (of a planet, cf. [ graha-p° ]) Var (4) pity, compassion L. (5) a chaplet or garland for the head L. (cf. [ ApIDa ]) (6) Pinus Longifolia L. (7) a basket L. (8) w. r. for [ pITha ]
===> pīṭha [ pITha ]1[ pITha ] n. (rarely ii, f. (1) possibly corrupted fr. [ pi-sad ], to sit upon) a stool, seat, chair, bench, GṛŚ. MBh. &c. (2) a religious student's seat (made properly of Kuśa grass) W. (3) case, pedestal (esp. of an idol) Rājat. Var. Sch. (4) royal seat, throne RāmatUp. (5) place, office (cf. [ pITh^adhikAra ]) (6) N. of various temples (erected on the 5 1 spots where the limbs of Pārvatī fell after she had been cut to pieces by the discus of Viṣṇu) L. (7) a district, province Pañc (8) a partic. posture in sitting Cat. (9) (in geom.) the complement of a segment Col. (10) m. a kind of fish L. (11) the sun Gal. (12) N. of an Asura MBh. (13) of a minister of Kaṃsa Hariv.
===> pīṭhaka [ pIThaka ]2[ pIThaka ] m. or n. a stool, chair, bench BhP. (1) a kind of palanquin, Kāraṇḍ (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a stool, bench R. Malav. Kathās (3) a base, pedestal (esp. of an idol Kathās.) Kāraṇḍ. Var. Sch. (cf. [ pUrvapIThikA ]) . [ 629,2 ]
===> pūga [ pUga ]1[ pUga ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) cf. [ puJja ]) any assemblage or combination or body of persons, a multitude, number, mass, quantity (in one place n.) ŚāṅkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) country court or an assembly of townsmen IW. 296, n. 1 (3) disposition, property, nature W. (4) the Areca Catechu, called betel-nut tree (n. its nut) Var. Kāv. Suśr. (5) = [ kaNTaki-vRkSa ] L. (6) = [ chanda ], or [ chandas ] L. = [ bhAva ] L.
===> pūga-phala [ pUgaphala ]3[ pUga-phala ] n. ` fruit of the Areca tree ', commonly called ` betel-nut ' Var. Suśr.
===> pūjaka [ pUjaka ]2[ pUjaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. honouring, respecting, worshipping, a worshipper (with gen. or ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c.
===> pūjana [ pUjana ]3[ pUjana ] n. reverencing, honouring, worship, respect, attention, hospitable reception ib. ([ mAlikA ] f. N. of wk.) (1) an object of reverence Pāṇ. 8-1, 67
---> ([ I ]), f. = [ °janIyA ] f. MBh. Hariv. (2) a hen-sparrow L.
===> pūjanīya [ pUjanIya ]3[ pUjanIya ] mfn. to be revered or worshipped, venerable, honourable, (compar. [ -tara ] (1) superl. [ -tama ]) MBh. R. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a female bird (a friend of king Brahnia-datta) Hariv.
===> pūjayitavya [ pUjayitavya ]3[ pUjayitavya ] mfn. = [ °janIya ] Nir. Hit. Pūjsyitṛ, mfn. honouring, worshipping, a worshipper. MBh.
===> pūjita [ pUjita ]2[ pUjita ] mfn. honoured, received or treated respectfully, worshipped, adored Mn. MBh. &c. (1) honoured by (gen. or comp. Pāṇ. 2-2, 12) or on account of (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) acknowledged, recommended MBh. Suśr. (3) frequented, inhabited MBh. (4) consecrated Kathās (5) supplied with (comp.) MBh. R. (6) m. a god L. (7) n. N. of a place Divyāv
===> pūjya [ pUjya ]2[ pUjya ] mfn. = [ °janIya ] (superl. [ -tama ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) m. an honourable man Car. (2) a father-in-law L.
===> pūjyatva [ pUjyatva ]3[ pUjya-tva ] n. (MārkP.) venerableness, honourableness, the being entitled to honour
===> pūjârha [ pUjArha ]3[ pUjA-rha ] ([ °j^arha ]), mfn. worthy of reverence or honour, venerable, respectable Kathās
===> pūjā [ pUjA ]2[ pUjA ] f. honour, worship, respect, reverence, veneration, homage to superiors or adoration of the gods GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c.
===> pūjā-karman [ pUjAkarman ]3[ pUjA-karman ] mfn. denoting the action of honouring, meaning ` to honour ' Nir. [ 641,2 ]
===> pūpalikā [ pUpalikA ]3[ pUpalikA ] (Car.), or (L.), f. a kind of sweet cake fried with ghee or oil L.
===> pūra [ pUra ]1[ pUra ] mfn. (√ [ pRR ], Caus.) filling, making full (cf. [ pANi- ]) (1) fulfilling, satisfying (cf. [ kAma- ]) (2) m. the act of filling, fulfilling &c. Kāv. Pur. (3) the swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, a large quantity of water, flood, stream (also met. = abundance, high degree, esp. ifc.) Kāv. Suśr. &c. [ 642,1 ] (4) a cake R. (cf. [ ghRta- ]) (5) a kind of breath-exercise = [ pUraka ] below BhP. (6) the cleansing of a wound L. (cf. [ pUraNa ]) (7) the citron tree (= [ bIja-pUra ]) L. (8) ([ I ]), f. N. of a woman Cat. (9) n. a kind of incense L. (10) bdellium L. (11) mf ([ A ]) n. a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil W. (cf. [ pUrikA ] below)
===> pūraka [ pUraka ]2[ pUraka ] mfn. filling, completing, fulfilling, satisfying (ifc. or with gen. (1) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 Kāś.) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) m. flood, stream, effusion BhP. (3) (in arithm.) the multiplier (4) a ball of meal offered at the conclusion of the oblations to the Pitṛs L. (also piṇḍa, m. Kull. on Mn. v, 85) (5) closing the right nostril with the forefinger and then drawing up air through the left and then closing the left nostril and drawing up air through the right (as a religious exercise) RTL. 402 (6) the citron tree L. (7) ([ ikA ]), f. a sort of cake MBh. Yājñ. ([ °k^apUpa ]) Bhpr. &c.
===> pūraṇa [ pUraNa ]2[ pUraNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. filling, completing, satisfying causing, effecting KātyŚr. Śaṃk. Hariv. (1) drawing (a bow) MW. (2) m. ` completer ', N. of the masculine ordinal numbers from [ dvitIya ] upwards Pāṇ. 2-2, 11 &c. (3) a dam, bridge L. (4) the sea L. (5) a medicinal oil or embrocation L. (6) N. of a man ĀśvŚr. (7) (with the patr. [ vaizvAmitra ]), N. of the author of RV. x, 160 (8) ([ I ]), f. an ordinal number in the feminine gender Pāṇ. v, 4, 116 &c. (9) Bonibax Heptaphyllum L. (10) (du.) the cross threads in weaving cloth, warp Rājat (11) N. of Durgā MW. (12) of one of the two wives of the popular deity Ayenār RTL. 219 ([ p'Ur° ]), n. the act or filling or filling up, puffing or swelling up AV. &c. &c. (13) fulfilling, satisfying Mālav (14) furnishing, equipping Var
---> (with [ dhanuSaH ]) drawing or bending a bow to the full MBh. R. (15) (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food (16) (in astron.) the revolution of a heavenly body through its orbit Sūryas (17) (in arithm.) multiplication (18) rain L. (19) a sort of cake Bhpr. (20) Cyperus Rotundus L. (21) the cross threads in weiving cloth, warp L.
===> pūrita [ pUrita ]2[ pUrita ] mfn. filled, completed &c. (1) made full or strong, intensified (as a sound) MBh. (2) filled with wind, blown (as a conch) BhP. (3) multiplied, overspread W.
===> pūrva [ pUrva ]1[ p'Urva ] mf ([ A ]) n. (connected with [ purA ], [ puras ], [ pra ], and declined like a pron. when implying relative position whether in place or time, but not necessarily in abl. loc. sg. m. n. and nom. pl. m. (1) See Pāṇ. 1-1, 27 ; 34 ; vii, 1, 16) being before or in front fore, first RV. &c. &c. (2) eastern, to the east of (abl.) ib. (3) former, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than (abl. or comp.) ib. ([ gaja-pUrva ], preceding the number ` eight ', i. e. seven, the seventh Śrutab (4) [ mAsena p° ], or [ mAsa-p° ], earlier by a month Pāṇ. 2-1, 31 (5) ifc. often = formerly or before, e. g. [ strI-p° ], formerly a wife (6) [ ADhya-p° ], formerly wealthy (7) esp. after a p. p., e. g. [ kRta-p° ], done before, [ dRSTa-p° ], seen before (8) ifc. also preceded or accompanied by, attended with, e. g. [ smita-pUrvA-vAk ], speech accompanied by smiles (9) sometimes not translatable, e. g. [ mRdu-pUrvA vAk ], kind speech) (10) ancient, old, customary, traditional RV. &c. &c. (11) first (in a series), initial, lowest (opp. to [ uttara ] (12) with [ dama ] or [ sAhasa ] ` the lowest fine ') Mn. viii, 120 &c. (13) (with [ vayas ]) ` first age ', youth MBh. (14) foregoing, aforesaid, mentioned before (abl.) Mn. MBh. Pāṇ. (15) m. an ancestor, forefather (pl. the ancients, ancestors) RV. &c. &c. (16) an elder brother R. (17) N. of a prince BhP. (18) ([ A ]), f. (with or sc. [ diz ]) the east MBh. R. (19) N. of a country to the east of Madhya-deśa L. (20) of the Nakshatras Pūrva-phalgunt, Pūrv^ashāḍhā and Pūrvabhadrapadā collectively Var (21) n. the fore part Śak. ii, 4 (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 1) (22) a partic. high number (applied to a period of years) Buddh. (23) N. of the most ancient of Jaina writings (of which 14 are enumerated) L. (24) N. of a Tantra Cat. (25) an ancient tradition W. (26) ([ am ]), ind. before (also as a prep. with abl.), formerly, hitherto, previously (sometimes with pres.) RV. &c. &c. (often ibc., e. g. [ pUrva-kArin ], active before, [ pUrv^okta ], said before (27) also ifc. in the sense of ` with ', e. g. [ prIti-pUrvam ], with love (28) [ mati-pUrvam ] with intention, intentionally (29) [ mRdu-pUrva-√ bhAS ], to speak kindly (30) cf. above (31) also with an ind. p., e. g. [ pUrva-bhojam ], or [ -bhuktvA ], having eaten before Pāṇ. 3-4, 24 (32) [ adya-p° ], until now, hitherto (33) previously [ -tataH ], first-then (34) [ pUrva-pazcAt ], previously-afterwards (35) [ pUrva-upari ], previously-subsequently (36) [ pUrva-adhUnA ] or [ adya ], formerly-now) (37) ([ eNa ]), ind. in front, before (38) eastward, to the east of (opp. to [ apareNa ], with gen. or acc. (39) cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 35 Sch.) ŚBr. &c. &c. (40) (with [ tataH ]) ` to the east of that ' MBh.
===> pūrva-deha [ pUrvadeha ]3[ p'Urva-deha ] m. a former body (1) ([ e ]), ind. in a formerly birth or existence Hariv.
===> pūrva-deśa [ pUrvadeza ]3[ p'Urva-deza ] m. the eastern direction (1) ([ e ], to the east of [ abl. ] Pāṇ. Sch.) (2) the eastern country MBh.
===> pūrva-ga [ pUrvaga ]3[ p'Urva-ga ] mfn. going before preceding MBh. Rājat (1) belonging to what precedes Hemac
===> pūrva-janman [ pUrvajanman ]3[ p'Urva-janman ] n. a former birth, formerly state of existence or life Ragh. Hit. Kathās (1) m. an elder brother Ragh (2) [ °ma-kRta ] mfn. done in a former birth or previous state of existence Hit. (3) [ °m^arjita ] mfn. acquired in some former state of existence (as merit &c.) MW.
===> pūrva-karman [ pUrvakarman ]3[ p'Urva-karman ] n. a former work or action Śaṃk. Kathās (1) preparation Suśr. (2) [ °ma-kRta-vAdin ] m. one who asserts that only preceding actions determine the following Jātakam
===> pūrva-koṭi [ pUrvakoTi ]3[ p'Urva-koTi ] f. anticipation L. (1) the starting point of a discussion, the first statement = [ pUrva-pakSa ] (q. v.) A.
===> pūrva-kṛta [ pUrvakRta ]3[ p'Urva-kRta ] mfn. done formerly or in a prior existence, previous (1) n. (with or sc. [ karman ]) an action done in former times or in a former birth Mn. MBh.
===> pūrva-nivāsa [ pUrvanivAsa ]3[ p'Urva-nivAsa ] m. ` former habitation ', a former existence Divyâv (1) [ -jJAna ] n. (with Buddhists) knowledge of the past lives of all beings MW. (2) [ °s^anusmRti ] f. ` recollection of former habitations ', reminiscence of formerly existence (one of the 10 powers of a Buddha) Dharmas. 20 ; 76
===> pūrva-pada [ pUrvapada ]3[ p'Urva-pada ] n. the first member of a comp. Prāt. Pāṇ. &c. : [ -prakRti-svara ] mfn. having the original accent of the first member of a comp. (1) [ -tva ] n. Pāṇ. 2-1, 4 Vārtt. 2
===> pūrva-pakṣa [ pUrvapakSa ]3[ p'Urva-pakS'a ] m. the fore part or side TBr. (1) the first half of a lunar month, the fortnight of the waxing moon TS. Br. Lāṭy. &c. ([ °kS^aha ], a day in the first half &c. ĀpGṛ.) (2) the first half of a year KātyŚr. (3) an action at law, the first statement of the plaintiff, first step in a law-suit Yājñ. Viṣṇ. Nār (4) the first objection to an assertion in any discussion, the prima facie view or argument in any question Śaṃk. Suśr. MārkP. (cf. IW. 99) (5) [ -grantha ] m. [ °tha-TIkA ] f. [ °tha-prakAza ] m. [ °tha-rahasya ] n. [ °th^anu-gama ] m. [ -nirukti ] f. N. of wks. (6) [ -pAda ] m. the first step of a legal process or law-suit, the plaint of the plaintiff W. (7) [ -rahasya ] n. [ -lakSaNa ] n. [ -vyApti ] f. [ °ti-kroDa ] m. [ °ti-lakSaNa ] n. [ -vyutpatti-lakSaNa ] n. [ -vyutpatti-vAda ] m. [ °kS^avalI ] f. N. of wks.
===> pūrva-paścima [ pUrvapazcima ]3[ p'Urva-pazcima ] mf ([ A ]) n. directed from the east to the west Sūryas (1) [ -tas ] adv. from the east to the, vest Hcat
===> pūrva-phalgunī [ pUrvaphalgunI ]3[ p'Urva-phalgunI ] f. ` the first Phalguni ', N. of the 11th Nakshatra (cf. [ uttara-phalgunI ]) VP. Uṇ. Sch. (1) [ -bhava ] m. N. of Bṛhas-pati or the planet Jupiter L.
===> pūrva-preta [ pUrvapreta ]3[ p'Urva-pr^eta ] mfn. gone or flown away before TāṇḍyaBr. (1) deceased, dead Divyâv (2) m. pl. the Pitṛs (3) [ -pUjaka ] mfn. worshipping the Pitṛs, Lalit.
===> pūrva-pūrva [ pUrvapUrva ]3[ p'Urva-pUrva ] mf ([ A ]) n. each previous or preceding one, each one mentioned previously (also [ -tama ]) MBh. (1) m. pl. forefathers, ancestors MBh. (2) [ °v^anugaNDikA ] f. N. of a range of hills (cf. [ apara-gaNDikA ]) MBh. (3) [ °v^okta ] mfn. each one mentioned previously Vedântas
===> pūrva-rātra [ pUrvarAtra ]3[ p'Urva-rAtr'a ] m. the first part of the night, the time from dusk to midnight AitBr. Kauś. KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (1) [ -krita ] mfn. done during the formerly previously of the night (= [ tre kR° ] Pāṇ. 2-1, 45 Sch.)
===> pūrva-rūpa [ pUrvarUpa ]3[ p'Urva-rUp'a ] n. indication of something approaching, an omen AV. (1) something prior or antecedent to, (esp.) the symptom of occurring disease Car. Suśr. (2) the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants ([ -tA ] f.) TUp. Prāt. &c. (3) (in rhet.) a figure of speech which describes the unexpected return of anything to its former state Kuval (4) mf ([ A ]) n. having the previous form or shape, being as before Dhūrtas
===> pūrva-videha [ pUrvavideha ]3[ p'Urva-videha ] m. the country of the eastern Videhas (with Buddhists ` one of the 4 continents ' Dharmas. 120) (1) [ -lipi ] f. a partic. mode of writing L.
===> pūrva-śaila [ pUrvazaila ]3[ p'Urva-zaila ] m. = [ -parvata ] L. (1) pl. N. of a Buddhist school (2) [ -saMgh^arAma ] m. N. of a Buddhist monastery
===> pūrvaka [ pUrvaka ]2[ pUrvaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. earlier, former, previous, prior, first MBh. Kāv. &c. ([ strI-p° ], ` one who was formerly a woman ', [ bhUta-p° ], ` having been before ' (1) ifc. also= preceded or accompanied by, connected with, consisting in (2) [ am ] ind. = after, with, amid, according to) (3) m. a forefather, ancestor Hariv. R. MārkP.
===> pūrvatara [ pUrvatara ]3[ p'Urva-tara ] ([ p'Urva- ]), mfn. earlier, previous, prior, anterior RV. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. before, first, previously Bhag. R.
===> pūrvavat [ pUrvavat ]3[ p'Urva-vat ] mfn. having (or relating to) something preceding or antecedent VPrāt. (1) (an argument) in which a conclusion is drawn from a previous cause to in effect Nyāyad
---> f. one who has been previously married Āp. (2) [ °vat-tara ] mfn. antecedent, former R. -2
===> [ pUrvavat ]3[ p'Urva-v'at ] ind. as before, as hitherto, as heretofore, as aforesaid (1) according to something previous (applied in the Nyāya to a kind of inference such as inferring from the previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall) RV. &c. &c.
===> pūrvaṃ-gama [ pUrvaMgama ]3[ p'Urva-M-gama ] mfn. id. L. (1) serving zealously, obedient Divyâv (2) ifc. attended by, furnished with L.
===> pūrvika [ pUrvika ]3[ pUrvika ] mfn. former, ancient Kāraṇḍ (1) formerly invited L. (2) w. r. for [ pUrvaka ] MBh.
===> pūrvin [ pUrvin ]3[ pUrvin ] mfn. id. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 133, and See [ a- ], [ daza- ], [ strI-p° ])
===> pūrvâbhyāsa [ pUrvAbhyAsa ]3[ pUrv^abhyAsa ] m. the repetition of what precedes (1) ([ ena ]), ind. afresh, anew ŚārṅgP.
===> pūrvâhṇa [ pUrvAhNa ]3[ pUrv^ahN'a ] m. the earlier part of the day, forenoon (mostly loc. (1) sometimes incorrectly [ pUrv^ahna ]) RV. &c. &c. (2) ([ °hNa-kAle ] or °hNe-k°, [ °hNa-tare ] or °hNe-t°, [ °hNa-tame ] or °hNe-t° [ Pāṇ. 6-3, 17 Sch. ], [ °hNe-tarAm ] or [ -tamAm ] [ v, 4, 11 Sch. ], ind. in the forenoon (3) [ -hNa-kRta ] mfn. = °hNe-kR° [ ii, 1, 45 Sch. ], to be done in the formerly (4) [ °hN^apar^ahNayoH ] ind. in the formerly and afternoon Lāṭy. Gobh (5) [ °hNe-geya ] mfn. [ ii, 1, 43 Sch. ] to be sung in the formerly) (6) [ °hNaka ] m. ` born in the forenoon ', N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-3, 28 (7) [ °hNatana ] or [ °hNe-tana ] (vi, 3, 17 Sch.), mfn. belonging or relating to the forenoon (8) [ °hNika ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. MBh. (9) n. a matutinal ceremony or sacrifice = [ pŚ-kriyA ] (or [ -vidhi ]) MBh.
===> pūrvânta [ pUrvAnta ]3[ pUrv^anta ] m. (in gram.) the end of a preceding word (1) anticipation (= [ pUrvakoti ]) L. (2) [ -tas ] ind. in advance Lalit.
===> pūrvâpara [ pUrvApara ]3[ pUrv^apara ] mfn. being before and behind (1) directed forward and backward, eastern and western KātyŚr. Kālid. &c. ([ -tva ] n. Śaṃk.) (2) prior and subsequent, first and last (3) preceding and following, following one another, connected with one another KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (4) ([ 'am ]), ind. one after another RV. ĀpŚr. Sch. (5) n. that which is before and behind, east and west Sūryas (6) connection Mn. viii, 56 (7) the proof and thing to be proved W. (8) [ -grantha ] m. N. of wk. [ 644,3 ] (9) [ -dakSiNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. eastern, western and southern MBh. (10) [ -dina ] n. forenoon and afternoon Cat. (11) [ -rAtri ] f. the former and latter half of the night, ŚāṅkhGr (12) [ -prayoga ] m. N. of wk. (13) [ -virodha ] m. opposition of prior and subsequent, inconsistency, incongruity MW. (14) [ -smArta-prayoga ] m. N. of wk. (15) [ °par^ayata ] mf ([ A ]) n. running from east to west KātyŚr. Sch. (16) [ °parI-bhAva ] m. the following one another, succession Sarvad (17) [ °parI-√ bhU ], to follow one another, be connected with one another Nir. Sāh (18) [ °parya ] n. = [ paurvAparya ] (19) ([ eNa ]), ind. one after another KātyŚr. Sch. VarBṛ. Sch.
===> pūrvârdha [ pUrvArdha ]3[ pUrv^ardh'a ] m. (later n.) the front or upper part (1) eastern side (opp. to [ jaghan^ardha ], [ uttar^ardha ] &c.) TS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c. (2) the fore or first half (of a hemistich) Śrutab (3) (with [ dinasya ]) forenoon Bhartṛ. &c. (4) [ -kAya ] m. the front or upper part of the body MBh. (5) [ -bhAga ] m. the upper part, top Ragh (6) [ -lambin ] mfn. having the foremost half inclined, leaning forward MW.
===> pūrvâṣāḍhā [ pUrvASADhA ]3[ pUrv^aSADhA ] f. the first of two constellations called Ashāḍhā (the 18th or 20th Nakshatra or lunar asterism) Var. Pur. (1) [ °Dha-janana-zAnti ] f. N. of wk.
===> pūrṇa [ pUrNa ]2[ pUrNa ] mfn. filled with tears
===> [ pUrNa ]2[ pUrN'a ] mfn. filled, full, filled with or full of (instr. or gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
---> abundant, rich Kāv (1) fulfilled, finished, accomplished, ended, past ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. R. &c. (2) concluded (as a treaty), Rajat (3) complete, all, entire SāṅkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) satisfied, contented R. (5) (ifc.) perfectly familiar with Hcat (6) drawn, bent to the full (as a bow) MBh. Hariv. (7) (in augury) fullsounding, sonorous and auspicious (said of the cry of birds and beasts, opp. to [ dIpta ], q. v.) (8) uttering this cry VarBṛS. (9) strong, capable, able L. (10) selfish, self-indulgent W. (11) m. a partic. form of the sun Cat. (12) a kind of tree R. (13) (in music) a partic. measure (14) N. of a Nāga MBh. (15) of a Deva-gandharva ib. (16) of a Buddhist ascetic Lalit. (17) ([ A ]), f. N. of the 15th Kalā of the month BrahmaP. (18) of the 5th, 10th and : 15th Tithis Var (19) N. of a woman Vet (20) (with Śiktas) of an authoress of Mantras Cat. (21) of 2 rivers VP. (22) ii. fulness, plenty, abundance AV. TS. (23) water Naigh. i, 12 (24) the cipher or figure o Gaṇit
===> pūrṇa-bhadra [ pUrNabhadra ]3[ pUrN'a-bhadra ] m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (1) of the father of the Yaksha Hari-keśa, Skandap (2) of several men Hariv. Daś (3) of a scholar (who revised the Pañcasantra in 1514) Cat.
===> pūrṇa-candra [ pUrNacandra ]3[ pUrN'a-candra ] m. the full moon MBh. R. (1) N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (2) of an author Cat. (3) [ -nibh^anana ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a face like the full moon Nal (4) [ -pr^ayazcitta ]. [ prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk. (5) [ -prabhA ] f. the lustre of the full moon MW.
===> pūrṇa-kumbha [ pUrNakumbha ]3[ pUrN'a-kumbha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a full cup or jar, (esp.) a cup full of water (also with [ apAm ]) Mn. Ragh. [ 642,2 ] (1) a cup filled with holy water and used at the consecration of a king W. (2) a partic. mode of fighting MBh. (3) N. of a Dānava Hariv. (v. l. [ kumbha-karNa ]) (4) m. or n. a hole (in a wall) of the shape of a waterjar Mṛcch (5) mf ([ A ]) n. having a full pitcher ŚāṅkhŚr.
===> pūrṇa-maitrāyaṇī-putra [ pUrNamaitrAyaNIputra ]3[ pUrN'a-maitrAyaNI-putra ] m. N. of a man Buddh.
===> pūrṇa-māsa [ pUrNamAsa ]3[ pUrN'a-mAsa ] ([ pUrN'a- ]), m. full moon (1) a ceremony on the day of full moon TS. Br. MBh. &c. (2) full moon personified as son of Dhātṛ and Anumati BhP. (3) N. of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. (4) ([ I ]), f. = [ pUrNa-mA ] ĀpŚr. Comm.
===> pūrṇaka [ pUrNaka ]2[ pUrNaka ] m. a species of tree R. (1) the blue jay (= [ svarNa-cUDa ]) MBh. (Nīlak.) (2) a cock MW. (3) a partic. vessel or utensil (used by the Magas) VP. (4) = [ dhAnya-jvara ] Gal. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a species of bird described as having a double or cleft beak (also called [ nAsA-chinnI ]) Malatīm
===> pūta [ pUta ]2[ pUt'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. See √ [ pUy ], p. 641) cleaned, purified, pure, clear, bright RV. &c. &c. (1) m. (L.) a conch-shell (2) white Kuśa grass (3) Flacourtia Sapida (4) du. the buttocks (cf. [ puta ]) (5) ([ A ]), f. a species of Dūrvā grass L. ; N. of Durgā L. [ Cf. Lat. [ p^utus ], [ pUrus ]. ]
===> [ pUta ]2[ pUta ]2 mfn. (for 1. See √ [ pU ], p. 640) putrid, foul-smelling, stinking L.
===> pūtana [ pUtana ]1[ pUtana ] m. a partic. class of demons or spirits (also = [ vetAla ]), Mālatīm. Bālar. SaddhP. (1) ([ A ]), f. See next
===> pūtanā [ pUtanA ]2[ pUtanA ] f. N. of a female demon (said to cause a partic. disease in children, and to have offered her poisoned breast to the infant Kṛshṇa who seized it and sucked away her life (1) regarded also as one of the Mātṛs attending upon Skanda, and as a Yogini) MBh. Hariv. Kāv. Pur. (2) a kind of disease in a child (ascribed to the demon Pūtanā) W. (3) Terminalia Chebula L. (4) a species of Valeriana L. (5) w. r. for [ pRtanA ]
===> pūti [ pUti ]2[ p'Uti ]2 mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) putrid, foul-smelling, stinking, fetid, ill-smelling AV. &c. &c. (after a finite verb expressive of blame or censure, e. g. [ pacati ] [ pUti ] or [ pUtiH ], PIṇ. viii, 1, 69 Pat.) (1) m. purulent matter, pus MBh. ix, 2259 (2) Guilandina Bonduc Bhpr. (3) civet L. (4) f. a stench, stink W. (5) n. a species of grass L.
===> pūti-gandhika [ pUtigandhika ]3[ p'Uti-gandhika ] mfn. id. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. Serratula Anthelminthica L.
===> pūtika [ pUtika ]2[ pUtika ] mfn. foul, stinking, putrid MBh. (1) m. = [ pUtIka ] ĀśvŚr. MBh. Suśr. (2) Guilandina Bonduc Bhpr. (3) ([ A ]), f. Basella Cordifolia L. (4) a white ant (w. r. for [ puttikA ]) MBh. Pañc (5) n. ordure, excrement W.
===> pūya [ pUya ]2[ p^uya ] m. n. purulent matter, pus, suppuration, discharge from an ulcer or wound ŚBr. &c. &c.
===> pṛcchaka [ pRcchaka ]1[ pRcchaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. (√ [ prach ]) one who asks or inquires about (gen.) Yājñ. Śak. Pañc (1) inquiring into the future VarBṛS. (2) m. an inquirer, inquisitive person W.
===> pṛthag-bhāva [ pRthagbhAva ]3[ pRthag-bhAva ] m. separate state or condition, difference, distinctness, individuality KaṭhUp. MBh. &c.
===> pṛthag-jana [ pRthagjana ]3[ pRthag-jana ] m. a man of lower caste or character or profession Mn. MBh. &c. ([ -vat ] ind. Ragh. viii, 89) (1) an ordinary professing Buddhist MWB. 132 (2) a fool, blockhead Śiś. (3) villain L. (4) pl. common people, the multitude (also sg.) Mn. MBh. &c. (5) = [ pRthak-kSetra ] W. (6) [ -kalyANaka ] m. a man wishing for conversion Divyâv
===> pṛthag-lakṣaṇa [ pRthaglakSaNa ]3[ pRthag-lakSaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having distinct characteristics KātyŚr.
===> pṛthag-vidha [ pRthagvidha ]3[ pRthag-vidha ] mfn. of distinct kinds, manifold, various Mn. MBh. &c. (1) distinct from (abl.) BhP.
===> pṛthak [ pRthak ]2[ p'Rthak ] ind. (√ [ pRth ] or [ prath ] + [ aJc ]) widely apart, separately, differently, singly, severally, one by one (often repeated) RV. &c. &c. (1) (as a prep. with gen. or instr. (2) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 32) apart or separately or differently from L. (3) (with abl.) without Prab (4) except, save Bhaṭṭ.
===> pṛthaktva [ pRthaktva ]3[ p'Rthak-tva ]
n. id. ŚāṅkhŚr. Nir. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 68)
(1) ([ ena ]), ind. singly, one by one MBh.
(2) [ -tas ] (ŚāṅkhŚr.) and [ -zas ] (Nyāyam. Sch.), separately, singly
===> pṛthivī [ pRthivI ]2[ pRthiv'I ] f. (= [ pRthvI ] f. of [ pRthu ]) the earth or wide world (` the broad and extended One ', personified as [ devI ] and often invoked together with the sky [ cf. 3. [ div ] and [ dyAvA-pRthivI ] RTL. 182 ] (1) according to VP. daughter of [ pRthu ] (2) the Veda makes 3 earths, one called [ bhUmi ], inhabited by men, and a under it (3) there is also an earth between the world of men and the circumambient ocean [ ŚBr. ] and one extending through the 3 worlds [ Naigh. ]) RV. &c. &c. (4) land, ground, soil ib. (5) earth regarded as one of the elements Prab. Suśr. [ 646,2 ] (6) = [ antarikSa ] Naigh. i, 3 (7) [ °vyA vrata ] and [ saMsarpa ] n. N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr.
===> pṛthivī-kṛtsna [ pRthivIkRtsna ]3[ pRthiv'I-kRtsna ] n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kṛtsna L.
===> pṛthivī-maṇḍala [ pRthivImaNDala ]3[ pRthiv'I-maNDala ] m. or n. the circuit of the exercises MW.
===> pṛthivī-tala [ pRthivItala ]3[ pRthiv'I-tala ] n. ` exercises-surface ', ground, the terrestrial or infernal regions MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> pṛthu [ pRthu ]2[ pRth'u ] mf ([ v'I ] or [ u ]) n. broad, wide, expansive, extensive, spacious, large (1) great, important (2) ample, abundant (3) copious, numerous, manifold RV. &c. &c. ([ u ] ind.) (4) prolix, detailed Var (5) smart, clever, dexterous L. (6) m. a partic. measure of length (= [ pRtha ]) L. (7) fire L. (8) N. of Śiva MBh. (9) of one of the Viśve Devās VP. (10) of a Dānava Hariv. (11) of a son of An-enas MBh. Hariv. (12) of a Vṛshṇi and son of Citraka ib. (13) of a son of Citra-ratha BhP. (14) of a descendant of Ikshvāku (son of An-araṇya and father of Tri-śaṅku) R. (15) of a son of Para Hariv. (16) of a son of Prastāra VP. (17) of a son of Rucaka BhP. (18) of a son of one of the Manus Hariv. (19) of one of the Saptarshis ib. (20) of a son of Vaṭ^eśvara (father of Viśākha-datta) Cat. (21) of a son of Veṇa MWB. 423 (22) of a monkey R. (23) ([ u ]), f. Nigella Indica L. (24) = [ hiGgu-pattrI ] L. (25) opium L. (26) ([ vI ]), f. See below. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Germ. [ platt ] ; Eng. [ plate ]. ]
===> pṛthu-lalāṭatā [ pRthulalATatA ]3[ pRth'u-lalATatA ] f. having a wide forehead (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. lxxxiv, 72
===> pṛṣṭa [ pRSTa ]1[ pRST'a ] mfn. (√ [ prach ]) asked, inquired, questioned, interrogated, demanded, wished for, desired, welcome RV. &c. &c. (1) n. a question, inquiry ĀpGṛ. Pāṇ.
===> pṛṣṭha [ pRSTha ]1[ pRSTh'a ] n. (prob. fr. [ pra-stha ], ` standing forth prominently ' (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) the back (as the prominent part of an animal), the hinder part or rear of anything RV. &c. &c. ([ pRSThena-√ yA ], with gen., to ride on (2) [ °Thena-√ vah ], to carry on the back (3) [ °ThaM-√ dA ], to give the back, make a low obeisance (4) [ °The ] ind. behind or from behind) (5) the upper side, surface, top, height ib. (with [ div'aH ], or [ n'Akasya ], the surface of the sky, vault of heaven (6) cf. [ ghRta-p° ]) (7) the flat roof of a house (cf. [ gRha-p° ], [ harmya-p° ]) (8) a page of a book MW. (9) N. of partic. arrangement of Sāmans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the Rathaṃtara, Bṛhat, Vairūpa, Vairāja, Śākvara, and Raivata Śalkvara) TS. Br. ŚrS. (10) N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr.
===> pṛṣṭha-māṃsa [ pRSThamAMsa ]3[ pRSTh'a-mAMsa ] n. the flesh on the back ([ °saM-√ khAd ] or [ bhakS ], ` to eat the flesh of a person's back ', backbite) MBh. Kāv (1) [ °s^ada ] or [ °s^adana ] mfn. a backbiter, slanderer L. (2) backbiting, slandering A.
===> pṛṣṭhatas [ pRSThatas ]3[ pRSTh'a-t'as ] ind. from or on or behind the back, behind (with gen. or ifc.) (1) to the back, backwards (2) secretly, covertly ŚBr. &c. &c. (with √ [ kR ], to place on the back R. (3) to neglect, abandon, forsake, give up, renounce MBh. R. &c. (4) with √ [ gam ], to go behind, follow, pursue Pañc (5) with √ [ bhU ], to be behind, be disregarded or of no account MBh.) (6) [ -to-bhAvam ] ind. Pāṇ. 3-4, 61 Sch. (7) [ -to-mukha ] mfn. with back turned Divyâv
===> ra [ ra ]1[ ra ]1 the 2nd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels [ R ] and [ RR ], and having the sound of [ r ] in [ ring ])
===> [ ra ]1[ ra ]2 (in prosody) a cretic (- ? -) cf. Piṅg
===> [ ra ]1[ ra ]3 mfn. (√ [ rA ]) acquiring, possessing cf. Naish (1) giving, effecting cf. Śiś. (2) m. (only cf. L.) fire, heat (3) love, desire (4) speed (5) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) amorous play (= [ vibhrama ]) [ 859,3 ] (6) giving (7) gold (8) ([ I ]), f. going, motion cf. L. (9) n. brightness, splendour (used in explaining an etymology) cf. L.
===> ra-kāra [ rakAra ]3[ ra-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ ra ] cf. R. (1) [ °r^adi-rAma-sahasra-nAman ] n. N. of a collection of the thousand names of Rāma (from the Brahmayāmala)
===> racana [ racana ]2[ racana ] n. the act of making, forming, arranging, preparing, composing cf. Kāv (1) mostly ([ A ]), f. arrangement, disposition, management, accomplishment, performance, preparation, production, fabrication cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ 861,1 ] (2) a literary production, work, composition cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sāh (3) style cf. Sāh (4) putting on, wearing (of a garment) cf. Mṛcch (5) arrangement (of troops), array cf. Pañcat (6) contrivance, invention cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (7) a creation of the mind, artificial image cf. Jaim (8) fixing the feathers on an arrow cf. L. (9) dressing the hair (cf. [ keza-r° ]) cf. L. (10) stringing flowers or garlands cf. W. (often ifc. with concrete meaning, e. g. [ nivAsa-recanA ], a building cf. Mṛcch (11) [ gIti-racanA ], a song cf. Rājat (12) [ kUTa-racanA ], an artifice, trick cf. Kathās (13) accord. to cf. L. also = [ pari-spanda ] or [ pari-syanda ], [ prati-yatna ], [ granthana ], [ gumpha ], [ vyUha ], [ niveza ], [ sthiti ] (14) also = [ pAza ], [ bhAra ] &c., abundance, quantity, ifc. after a word meaning ` hair ' (15) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 44 cf. Sch.) (16) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of Tvashṭṛ cf. BhP.
===> racita [ racita ]2[ racita ] mfn. produced, fashioned, constructed, performed, arranged, prepared, made of (instr. or comp.). cf. Kāv. cf. Var. cf. BhP. (1) made or chosen for (nom.) cf. Bhaṭṭ. (2) placed, inserted, inlaid, fixed on or in (loc.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (3) set out, displayed in (loc. or comp.) cf. Kālid (4) directed towards (loc.) cf. BhP. (5) furnished, provided, set or studded with (instr. or comp.) cf. Hariv. cf. Kālid. cf. Suśr. (6) (ifc.) occupied with, engaged in cf. Bālar (7) (with [ mRSA ]) invented cf. Kathās (8) m. N. of a man, g. [ bid^adi ]
===> rahas [ rahas ]2[ rahas ] n. (for 1. p. 859, col. 3) a lonely or deserted place, loneliness, solitude, privacy, secrecy, retirement ([ rahas ], [ °si ] and [ °ssu ] ind. privately, in secret) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a secret, mystery, mystical truth cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (2) sexual intercourse, copulation cf. L.
===> rahasya [ rahasya ]2[ rahasya ] mfn. secret, private, clandestine, concealed, mysterious cf. Vas. cf. MBh. &c. ([ °syAni romANi ], hair on the private parts cf. Mn. iv, 144) (1) ([ A ]), f. = [ rAsnA ] or [ pAThA ] cf. L. (2) N. of a river cf. MBh. (3) n. a secret, any secret doctrine or mystery, any subtle or recondite point, mystical or esoteric teaching cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) an Upanishad ([ sa-r° ]) (5) full or abridged N. of various wks. (6) ([ am ]), ind. in secret, secretly, privately cf. MBh.
===> rahita [ rahita ]2[ rahita ] mfn. left, quitted, forsaken, deserted, lonely, solitary cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ e ] or [ eSu ] ind. in secret, secretly, privately) (1) deserted by, separated or free from, deprived or void or destitute of (instr. or comp.) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (ibc.) wanting, absent (cf. below)
===> raho-gata [ rahogata ]3[ raho-gata ] mfn. being in a lonely place, alone, secret, concealed, private cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.
===> raja [ raja ]2[ raja ]
===> [ raja ]2[ raja ]1 m. (g. [ pac^adi ]) = [ rajas ], dust (cf. [ nI- ], [ vi-r° ]) (1) the pollen of flowers, Prasaṅg^abh (2) the menstrual excretion (also n.) cf. L. (3) emotion, affeetion cf. L. : the quality of passion cf. Uṇ. iv, 216 cf. Sch. (4) N. of one of Skanda's attendants cf. MBh. (5) of a king (son of Viraja) cf. VP.
===> [ raja ]2[ raja ]2 in comp. for [ rajas ]
===> rajaka [ rajaka ]2[ rajaka ] m. a washerman (so called from his cleaning or whitening clothes (1) regarded as a degraded caste (2) accord. to cf. L. either ` the son of a Pāra-dhenuka and a Brāhṃanī ' or ` the son of a Nishṭhya and an Ugrī) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) a parrot or a garment ([ zuka ] or [ aMzuka ]) cf. L. (4) N. of a king cf. VP. (prob. w. r. for [ rAjaka ]) (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a washerwoman cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 145 cf. Pat. (6) ([ akI ]), f. id. or the wife of a washerman cf. ib. (7) N. of a woman on the third day of her impurity cf. Bhpr.
===> rajanī [ rajanI ]2[ rajanI ] f. ` the coloured or dark one ', night cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) Curcuma Longa (du. = [ -dvaya ]) cf. Suśr. (2) the indigo plant cf. L. (3) a grape or lac ([ drAkSA ] or [ lAkSA ]) cf. L. (4) N. of Durgā cf. Hariv. (5) of a partic. personification cf. MānGṛ. (6) (in music) of a partic. Mūrchanā cf. Saṃgīt (7) of an Apsaras cf. Bālar (8) of a river cf. BhP.
===> rajas [ rajas ]2[ r'ajas ] n. ` coloured or dim space ', the sphere of vapour or mist, region of clouds, atmosphere, air, firmament (in Veda one of the divisions of the world and distinguished from [ div ] or [ svar ], ` the sphere of light ', and [ rocanA divaH ], ` the ethereal spaces ', which are beyond the [ rajas ], as ether is beyond the air (1) often [ rajas ], = the whole expanse of heaven or sky ', divided into a lower and upper stratum, the [ rajas uparam ] or [ pArthivam ] and the [ rajas uttamam ] or [ paramam ] or [ divyam ] (2) hence du. [ rajasI ], ` the lower and higher atmospheres ' (3) sometimes also three and cf. RV. i, 164, 6 even six such spheres are enumerated, hence pl. [ rajAMsi ], ` the skies ') cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. VS. cf. Br. (4) vapour, mist, clouds, gloom, dimness, darkness cf. RV. cf. AV. (5) impurity, dirt, dust, any small particle of matter cf. RV. &c. &c. (cf. [ go-r° ]) (6) the dust or pollen of flowers cf. Kālid. cf. BhP. (7) cultivated or ploughed land (as ` dusty ' or ` dirty '), arable land, fields cf. RV. (8) the impurity, i. e. the menstrual discharge of a woman cf. GṛS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (9) the ` darkening ' quality, passion, emotion, affection cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (10) (in phil.) the second of the three Guṇas or qualities (the other two being [ sattva ], goodness, and [ tamas ], darkness (11) cf. cf. IW. 85 (12) [ rajas ] is sometimes identified with [ tejas ], q. v. (13) it is said to predominate in air, and to be active, urgent, and variable) cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. &c. (14) ` light ' or ` day ' or ` world ' or ` water ' cf. Nir. iv, 19 (15) a kind of plant (= [ parpaTa ]) cf. Bhpr. (16) tin cf. L. (17) autumn cf. L. (18) sperm cf. L. (19) safflower cf. L. (20) m. N. of a Ṛshi (son of Vasishṭha) cf. VP. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Goth. [ riqis ]. ] [ 863,2 ]
===> rajata [ rajata ]2[ rajat'a ] mfn. (cf. 2. [ Rjra ]) whitish, silver-coloured, silvery ([ °t'aM h'iraNyam ], ` whitish gold ', i. e. silver) cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. VS. (1) silver, made of silver cf. Br. cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. ChUp. (2) n. (m., g. [ ardharc^odi ]) silver cf. AV. &c. &c. (3) (only cf. L.) gold (4) a pearl ornament (5) ivory (6) blood (7) an asterism (8) N. of a mountain and of a lake
===> rajju [ rajju ]1[ r'ajju ] f. (ifc. sometimes m. (1) in earlier language also [ rajjU ], f. (2) Ved. acc. [ rajjvam ]
---> gen. [ rajjvAs ] cf. Mn. xi, 168 (3) probably fr. an unused √ [ rasj ], or [ rajj ] (4) cf. [ rasanA ] = [ razanA ]) a rope, cord, string, line cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ rajjum A-√ sthA ], to have recourse to the rope, to hang one's self cf. MBh.) (5) N. of partic. sinews or tendons proceeding from the vertebral column cf. Suśr. (6) a lock of braided hair, braid (= [ veNI ]) cf. L. (7) N. of a partic. constellation cf. VarBṛS. (8) Caryota Urens cf. L. ; a measure of 8 Hastas or 192 inches cf. L. [ Cf. Lith. [ rezg'u ], ` I plait. ' ]
===> rakta [ rakta ]2[ rakta ] mf ([ A ]) n. coloured, dyed, painted cf. Br. cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. &c. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 1)
(1) reddened, red, crimson
cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (said of 5 or 7 parts of the body which ought to be red cf. MBh. iv, 253 cf. VarBṛS. lxviii, 84)
(2) ` coloured or modified by nasalization ', nasalized (said of a vowel) cf. RPrāt. (cf. [ raGga ])
(3) excited, affected with passion or love, impassioned, enamoured, charmed with (instr.), attached or devoted to, fond of (loc., gen. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.
(4) beloved, dear, lovely, pleasant, sweet cf. Kāv
(5) fond of play, engaging in pastime, sporting cf. L.
(6) m. red colour cf. L.
(7) safflower cf. L.
(8) Barringtonia Acutangula cf. L.
(9) N. of Śiva cf. MBh.
(10) of the planet Mars cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch.
(11) ([ A ]), f. lac (= [ lAkSA ]) cf. Suśr.
(12) Abrus Precatorius (or its seeds as a measure or weight, = [ raktikA ]) cf. Car.
(13) Rubia Munjista cf. L.
(14) Echinops Echinatus cf. L.
(15) N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire cf. L.
(16) (in music) N. of a Śruti cf. Saṃgīt
(17) n. blood cf. Mn. cf. Hariv. &c.
(18) a partic. disease of the eyes, Hcat
(19) the menstrual fluid cf. L.
(20) copper cf. L.
(21) vermilion cf. L.
(22) cinnabar cf. L.
(23) saffron cf. L.
(24) the fruit of Flacourtia Cataphracta cf. L.
(25) = [ padmaka ] cf. L.
===> rakta-candana [ raktacandana ]3[ rakta-candana ] n. red sandal cf. Bhpr. (1) Caesalpina Sappan cf. ib. (2) saffron cf. L. [ 861,3 ]
===> rakta-puṣpa [ raktapuSpa ]3[ rakta-puSpa ] n. a red flower cf. Vet (1) mfn. red-flowered, bearing red flowers cf. VarBṛS. (2) m. (only cf. L.) Bauhinia Variegata Purpurescens (3) Nerium Odorum (4) the pomegranate tree (5) Rottleria Tinctoria (6) Pentapetes Phoenicea (7) Andersonia Rohitaka (8) = [ baka ] (9) ([ A ]), f. Bombax Heptaphyllus cf. L. (10) ([ I ]), f. (only cf. L.) Grislea Tomentosa (11) Bignonia Suaveolens (12) Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis (13) the senna plant (14) Artemisia Vulgaris or Alpinia Nutans (15) Echinops Echinatus (16) = [ karuNI ]
===> rakti [ rakti ]2[ rakti ] f. (only cf. L.) pleasingness, loveliness (1) affection, attachment, devotion (2) Abrus Precatorius (cf. [ raktikA ])
===> raktâkṣa [ raktAkSa ]3[ rakt^akSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. red-eyed, having red or blood-shot eyes cf. R. cf. BhP. ([ -tA ] f. cf. Dharmaś.) (1) fearful, dreadful cf. L. (2) m. a buffalo cf. L. (3) Perdix Rufa cf. L. (4) a pigeon cf. L. (5) the Indian crane cf. L. (6) N. of a sorcerer cf. Buddh. (7) N. of the minister of an owl-king cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat (8) n. N. of the fifty-eighth year in a Jupiter's cycle of sixty years cf. VarBṛS. (also [ °kSi ] or [ °kSin ] m. cf. Cat.) (9) ([ I ]), f. N. of a Yoginī cf. Hcat
===> rakṣa [ rakSa ]2[ rakS'a ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. ([ A ] f. p. 860) guarding, watching, protecting, serving (1) a watcher, keeper cf. Suparṇ. cf. MBh. &c. (mostly ifc. (2) cf. [ kSetra- ], [ go- ], [ cakra-r° ] &c.)
===> [ rakSa ]2[ rakSa ]2 in comp. for [ rakSas ]
===> rakṣaka [ rakSaka ]2[ rakSaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. = 1. [ rakSa ] cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. (cf. [ aGga- ], [ go- ], [ dhana-r° ] &c.) (1) ([ ikA ]), f. an amulet, charm, anything worn as a preservative cf. L.
===> rakṣaṇa [ rakSaNa ]2[ rakSaNa ] m. ` protector ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (1) ([ A ]), f. guarding, protection cf. Śak. (v. l.) cf. Pañcar. (2) ([ I ]), f. a rein, bridle cf. L. (3) Ficus Heterophylla cf. L. (4) ([ r'a° ]), n. the act of guarding, watching, protecting, tending (of cattle), preservation (` of ', gen., loc. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) a ceremony performed for protection or preservation cf. MārkP. [ 860,1 ]
===> rakṣin [ rakSin ]2[ rakSin ] mfn. id. (often ifc. (1) [ °Si-tva ] n.) cf. ŚrS. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (ifc.) guarding against, avoiding, keeping off, preventing cf. R.
===> rakṣita [ rakSita ]2[ rakSit'a ] mfn. guarded, protected, saved, preserved, maintained, kept cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) m. N. of a teacher of medicine cf. Suśr. (2) of a grammarian cf. Siddh (3) of various other men cf. HPariś (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh.
===> rakṣitavya [ rakSitavya ]2[ rakSitavya ] mfn. to be guarded or protected or taken care of or kept cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) to be guarded against or kept off cf. Nir. iv, 18. [ 860,2 ]
===> rakṣā [ rakSA ]2[ rakSA ] f. the act of protecting or guarding, protection, care, preservation, security cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a guard, watch, sentinel cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kām (2) any preservative, (esp.) a sort of bracelet or amulet, any mysterious token used as a charm cf. BhP. cf. Suśr. (3) a tutelary divinity (cf. [ mahA-r° ]) (4) ashes (used as a preservative) cf. L. (5) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. a piece of thread or silk bound round the wrist on partic. occasions (esp. on the full moon of Śrāvaṇa, either as an amulet and preservative against misfortune, or as a symbol of mutual dependence, or as a mark of respect) cf. MW.
===> rama [ rama ]2[ rama ] mfn. pleasing, delighting, rejoicing (only ifc. (1) cf. [ mano-r° ]) (2) dear, beloved cf. W. (3) m. (only cf. L.) joy (4) a lover, husband, spouse (5) Kāma-deva, the god of love (6) the red-flowering Aśoka (7) ([ A ]), f. s. v.
===> ramaṇīya [ ramaNIya ]2[ ramaNIya ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. to be enjoyed, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, charming cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a singer cf. Mālav (2) of a town cf. HPariś
===> [ ramaNIya ]2[ ramaNIya ]2 Nom. (fr. [ ramaNI ]) Ā. [ °yate ], to represent a wife, be the mistress of (gen.) cf. Sāh
===> ramita [ ramita ]2[ ramita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) gladdened, delighted, rendered happy cf. Gīt. (1) n. (prob.) pleasure, delight (next)
===> ramya [ ramya ]2[ ramy'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. to be enjoyed, enjoyable, pleasing, delightful, beautiful cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) = [ bala-kara ] cf. L. (2) m. Michelia Champaka cf. L. (3) another kind of plant (= [ baka ]) cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Āgnidhra cf. VP. (5) m. or n. (?) a pleasant abode cf. Viṣṇ (6) ([ A ]), f. night cf. Hariv. (7) Hibiscus Mutabilis cf. L. (8) = [ mah^endra-vAruNI ] cf. L. (9) (in music) a kind of Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (10) N. of a daughter of Meru (wife of Ramya) cf. BhP. (11) of a river cf. W. (12) n. the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca cf. L. (13) semen virile cf. L.
===> [ ramya ]1[ ramya ] [ ramra ], above
===> randhra [ randhra ]1[ r'andhra ] n. rarely m. (prob. fr. √ [ rad ]) a slit, split, opening, aperture, hole, chasm, fissure, cavity cf. RV. &c. &c. (nine openings are reckoned in the human body, cf. under [ kha ]
(1) and sometimes a tenth in the skull, as in the fontanel of an infant)
(2) the vulva cf. BhP.
(3) a partic. part of a horse's head
cf. VarBṛS. cf. Śiś. (cf. [ upa-r° ])
(4) a defect, fault, flaw, imperfection, weak part cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ chidra ])
(5) N. of the 8th astrological mansion cf. VarBṛS.
(6) of the number ` nine ' (cf. above) cf. MW.
(7) m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya cf. VP. (v. l. [ bradhna ])
(8) the off spring of a Brāhman and a Maitrii cf. L.
===> rasa [ rasa ]2[ r'asa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the sap or juice of plants, Juice of fruit, any liquid or fluid, the best or finest or prime part of anything, essence, marrow cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) water, liquor, drink cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) juice of the sugar-cane, syrup cf. Suśr. (3) any mixture, draught, elixir, potion cf. R. cf. BhP. (4) melted butter cf. L. (5) (with or scil. [ gavAm ]) milk cf. MBh. (6) (with or scil. [ viSasya ]) poison cf. Daś. cf. Rājat. [ 869,3 ] (7) nectar cf. L. (8) soup, broth cf. L. (9) a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body, serum, (esp.) the primary juice called chyle (formed from the food and changed by the bile into blood) cf. ib. (10) mercury, quicksilver (sometimes regarded as a kind of quintessence of the human body, else where as the seminal fluid of Śiva) cf. Sarvad (11) semen virile cf. RV. i, 105, 2 (12) myrrh cf. L. (13) any mineral or metallic salt cf. Cat. (14) a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. [ upa- ], [ mahA-r° ]) (15) gold cf. L. (16) Vanguieria Spinosa cf. L. (17) a species of amaranth cf. L. (18) green onion cf. L. (19) resin cf. L. (20) = [ amRta ] cf. L. (21) taste, flavour (as the principal quality of fluids, of which there are 6 original kinds, viz. [ madhura ], sweet (22) [ amla ], sour (23) [ lavaNa ], salt (24) [ kaTuka ], pungent (25) [ tikta ], bitter (26) and [ kaSAya ], astringent (27) sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished, viz. beside the 6 original ones, 15 mixtures of 2, 20 of 3, 15 of 4, 6 of 5, and 1 of 6 flavours) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (28) N. of the number ` six ' cf. VarBṛS. cf. Śrutab (29) any object of taste, condiment, sauce, spice, seasoning cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (30) the tongue (as the organ of taste) cf. BhP. (31) taste or inclination or fondness for (loc. with or scil. [ upari ], or comp.), love, affection, desire cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (32) charm pleasure, delight cf. ib. (33) (in rhet.) the taste or character of a work, the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 Rasas are generally enumerated, viz. [ zRGgAra ], love (34) [ vIra ], heroism (35) [ bIbhatsa ], disgust (36) [ raudra ], anger or fury (37) [ hAsya ], mirth (38) [ bhayAnaka ], terror (39) [ karuNa ], pity (40) [ adbhuta ], wonder (41) [ zAnta ], tranquillity or contentment (42) [ vAtsalya ], paternal fondness (43) the last or last two are sometimes omitted (44) cf. under [ bhAva ]) cf. Bhar. cf. Daśar. cf. Kāvyâd. &c. (45) the prevailing sentiment in human character cf. Uttarar. cf. Rājat (46) (with Vaishṇavas) disposition of the heart or mind, religious sentiment (there are 5 Rasas or Ratis forming the 5 degrees of [ bhakti ], q. v., viz. [ zAnti ], [ dAsya ], [ sAkhya ], [ vAtsalya ], and [ mAdhurya ]) cf. W. (47) a kind of metre cf. Piṅg (48) N. of the sacred syllable, ` Om, ` cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (49) the son of a Nishāda and a Śanakī cf. L. (50) ([ A ]), f. s. v.
===> rasa-tanmātra [ rasatanmAtra ]3[ r'asa-tanmAtra ] n. the subtle element or rudiment of taste cf. Tattvas
===> rasana [ rasana ]2[ rasana ]2 m. (for 1. p. 869, col. 2) phlegm or saliva (regarded as the cause to taste to the tongue) cf. ŚārṅgS. (1) ([ A ]), f. below (2) n. tasting, taste, flavour, savour cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) the tongue as organ of taste cf. Tarkas (4) the being sensible of (anything), perception, apprehension, sense cf. Sāh
===> rasanā [ rasanA ]2[ rasanA ] f. the tongue as organ of taste cf. MaitrUp. cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of two plants (= [ gandha-bhadrA ] and [ rAsnA ]) cf. Bhpr.
===> rasika [ rasika ]2[ rasika ] mf ([ A ]) n. tasteful, elegant cf. Bhartṛ (1) having a discriminating taste, aesthetic cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (2) having a taste for or a sense of, fond of, devoted to, delighting in (loc. or comp.) cf. ib. cf. Rājat. cf. Sāh (3) sentimental cf. W. (4) fanciful cf. MW. (5) lustful cf. ib. (6) m. a man full of taste or feeling (cf. [ a-r° ]) (7) a libertine cf. W. (8) Ardea Sibirica cf. L. (9) a horse cf. L. (10) an elephant cf. L. (11) unboiled juice of sugar-cane cf. L. (12) ([ A ]), f. below
===> rasâyana [ rasAyana ]3[ ras^ayana ] m. a partic. drug used as a vermifuge (Embelia Ribes) cf. L. (1) an alchemist cf. L. (2) N. of Garuḍa cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a canal or channel for the fluids (of the body) cf. Car. cf. Suśr. (4) N. of various plants (Solanum Indicum (5) Cocculus Cordifolius (6) a species of Karañja [ 870,3 ] (7) = [ gorakSa-dugdhA ] (8) = [ mAMsa-cchadA ] &c.) cf. L. (9) n. (sometimes following the gender of the word to which it refers) a medicine supposed to prevent old age and prolong life, an elixir, elixir vitae (also applied to the first fructifying rains) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (10) buttermilk cf. L. (11) poison cf. L. (12) long pepper (?) cf. L. (13) the employment of mercury as a remedy or for magical purposes cf. W. (14) [ -kara ] mfn. forming an elixir cf. L. (15) [ -tantra ] n. [ -taraMgiNI ] f. [ -nidhAna ] n. N. of wks. (16) [ -phalA ] f. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina cf. L. (17) [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wk. (18) [ -zreSTha ] m. ` best of elixirs ', mercury cf. L. (19) [ °n^amRta-lauha ] m. a partic. medicinal preparation cf. L. (20) [ °nin ] mfn. employing elixirs cf. L.
===> rata [ rata ]1[ rata ] [ rati ] &c. under √ [ ram ], p. 867, cols. 2, 3
===> [ rata ]2[ rat'a ] mfn. pleased, amused, gratified cf. BhP. (1) delighting in, intent upon, fond or enamoured of, devoted or attached or addicted or disposed to (loc., instr. or comp.) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) (ifc.) having sexual intercourse with cf. BhP. (3) loved, beloved cf. MW. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of the mother of Day cf. MBh. (5) n. pleasure, enjoyment, (esp.) enjoyment of love, sexual union, copulation cf. Kāv. cf. Var. &c. (6) the private parts cf. L.
===> ratha [ ratha ]1[ r'atha ]1 m. (√ 4. [ R ]) ` goer ', a chariot, car, esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the [ anas ], q. v.), any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods), waggon, cart cf. RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) a warrior, hero, champion cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (2) the body cf. L. (3) a limb, member, part cf. L. (4) Calamus Rotang cf. L. (5) Dalbergia Ougeinensis cf. L. (6) = [ pauruSa ] cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a small carriage or waggon, cart cf. Śiś.
===> [ ratha ]1[ ratha ]2 m. (√ [ ram ]) pleasure, joy, delight (cf. [ mano-ratha ]) (1) affection, love (cf. next). - 2
===> ratha-cakra [ rathacakra ]3[ r'atha-cakr'a ] n. (m., w. r. cf. MBh.) a chariots-wheel cf. Br. cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of wk. (2) [ -c'it ] mfn. arranged in the form of a chariots-wheel cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. &c. (3) [ °r^akRti ] mfn. having the form of a chariots-wheel cf. KātyŚr., Paddh
===> ratha-kāra [ rathakAra ]3[ r'atha-kAr'a ] m. a chariots-maker, carriage-builder, wheelwright, carpenter (regarded as the son of a Māhishya by a Karaṇī) cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. Br. &c. (cf. cf. IW. 149, n. 2) (1) [ -kul'a ] n. the caste of carriage-builders cf. ŚBr. (2) [ -tva ] n. the trade or business of a carriage-business cf. Pañcat
===> ratha-kāya [ rathakAya ]3[ r'atha-kAya ] m. the whole body or collection of chariots (constituting one division of an army) cf. Buddh.
===> rathyā [ rathyA ]2[ rathyA ] f. a carriage-road, highway, street cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a number of carriages or chariots, Śiś: xviii, 3
===> rathâśva [ rathAzva ]3[ rath^azva ] m. a chariots-horse cf. Kathās (1) n. a chariots and horse cf. Mn. vii, 96
===> rathâṅga [ rathAGga ]3[ rath^aGg'a ] n. any part of a chariots cf. GṛS. cf. MBh. (1) a chariots-wheel cf. MaitrS. cf. Kāv. cf. Sāh (2) a discus (esp. that of Kṛshṇa or Viṣṇu) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (3) a potter's wheel cf. MBh. (4) m. the Anas Casarca or ruddy goose (= [ cakra-vAka ], q. v.) cf. Vikr. cf. Rājat (5) N. of a poet cf. Sadukt (6) ([ A ]), f. [ rath^ahvA ] (7) ([ I ]), f. a species of medicinal plant cf. L. (8) [ -tuly^ahvayana ] m. ` having the same name as a chariots-wheel ', the above bird cf. Hariv. (9) [ -dhvani ] m. the rattling of chariots-wheels cf. Ragh (10) [ -nAmaka ] (cf. L.) or [ -nAman ] (cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās.), m. = [ °ga-tuly^ahvayana ] above
---> [ -nemi ] f. the circumference or felly of a chariots-wheel cf. Śak (11) [ -pANi ] m. ` having a discus in his hand ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. &c. (12) [ -bhartR ] m. ` discus-bearer ' cf. ib. cf. MW. (13) [ -zroNi-bimbA ] f. having circular or rounded buttocks cf. MW. (14) [ -saMjJa ] (cf. R.) or [ -s^ahva ] (cf. MBh.), or [ °g^ahva ] (cf. R.) or [ °g^ahvaya ] (cf. L.), m. = [ °ga-tuly^ahvayana ] above (15) [ °g^ahvayana ] mfn. having the name ` wheel ' (16) (with [ dvija ]), m. the ruddy goose cf. R. (17) [ °gin ] m. ` one who possesses a discus ', N. of Viṣṇu, Pracaṇḍ
===> rati [ rati ]2[ rati ] f. rest, repose cf. VS. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (1) pleasure, enjoyment, delight in, fondness for (loc. or comp. (2) [ ratim ] with √ [ Ap ], [ labh ], [ upa-labh ], [ adhi-gam ], [ vidkR ] or [ bandh ] and loc., ` to find pleasure in ') cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) the pleasure of love, sexual passion or union, amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of Kāma-deva, together with Prīti, q. v.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) the pudenda cf. L. (5) = [ rati-gRha ], pleasure-house cf. VarBṛS. (6) N. of the sixth Kala of the Moon cf. Cat. (7) of an Apsaras cf. MBh. (8) of the wife of Vibhu (mother of Priṭhu-sheṇa) cf. BhP. (9) of a magical incantation recited over weapons cf. R. (10) of the letter [ n ] cf. Up. (11) of a metre cf. Col.
===> rati-caraṇa-samanta-svara [ raticaraNasamantasvara ]3[ rati-caraNa-samanta-svara ] m. N. of a Gandharva cf. L.
===> rati-kara [ ratikara ]3[ rati-kara ] mf ([ i ]) n. causing pleasure or joy cf. R. cf. BhP. (1) being in love, enamoured (= [ kAmin ]) cf. VarBṛS. (2) m. a partic. Samādhi cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras cf. Kāraṇḍ
===> ratna [ ratna ]1[ r'atna ] n. (√ 1. [ rA ]) a gift, present, goods, wealth, riches cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. (1) a jewel, gem, treasure, precious stone (the nine jewel are pearl, ruby, topaz, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli, coral, sapphire, Gomeda (2) hence [ ratna ] is a N. for the number 9 (3) but accord. to some 14) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) anything valuable or best of its kind (e. g. [ putra-r° ], an excellent son) (5) a magnet, loadstone cf. Kap. cf. Sch. (cf. [ maNi ]) (6) water cf. L. (7) = [ ratna-havis ] cf. ŚBr. (8) m. (with [ bhaTTa ]) N. of a man cf. Cat.
===> ratna-candra [ ratnacandra ]3[ r'atna-candra ] m. N. of a god (said to be guardian of a jewel-mine) cf. Śatr (1) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (2) of a son of Bimbi-sāra cf. ib. (3) [ °rAmati ] m. N. of a Bhikshu cf. Kathās. [ 864,3 ]
===> ratna-cchattra [ ratnacchattra ]3[ r'atna-cchattra ] n. an umbrella (adorned) with jewels cf. Pañcar. (1) [ -kUTa-saMdarzana ] m. v. l. for [ ratna-kSetra kUTa-s° ], q. v. cf. Lalit. (2) [ °r^abhyudgat^avabhAsa ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. ib.
===> ratna-cūḍa [ ratnacUDa ]3[ r'atna-cUDa ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (1) of a mythical king cf. W. (2) [ -muni ] m. N. of a man cf. W. (3) [ °DA-paripRcchA ] f. [ °D^op^akhyAna ] n. N. of wks.
===> ratna-druma [ ratnadruma ]3[ r'atna-druma ] m. (prob.) coral (1) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. (prob.) made or composed of coral cf. MBh.
===> ratna-dvīpa [ ratnadvIpa ]3[ r'atna-dvIpa ] m. ` jewels-island ', N. of an island cf. Hariv. cf. Rājat. cf. Tantras
===> ratna-garbha [ ratnagarbha ]3[ r'atna-garbha ] mfn. filled with precious stones, containing jewels, set with jewels cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) m. the sea cf. L. (2) N. of Kubera cf. L. (3) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Lalit. cf. W. (4) of a commentator cf. Cat. cf. W. (5) (with [ sArvabhauma ]) of another author cf. Cat. (6) ([ A ]), f. the earth cf. Prasannar. cf. Siṉhâs
===> ratna-giri [ ratnagiri ]3[ r'atna-giri ] m. N. of a mountain cf. Buddh. (1) [ -rasa ] m. a partic. medicament cf. Rasêndrac
===> ratna-ketu [ ratnaketu ]3[ r'atna-ketu ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh. (1) of a Bodhisattva cf. ib. (2) a N. common to 2000 future Buddhas (also [ °tu-rAja ]) cf. ib. (3) [ °t^udaya ] m. N. of a drama
===> ratna-kośa [ ratnakoza ]3[ r'atna-koza ] m. N. of a lexicon and various wks. (1) [ -kAra-mata-vAda ] m. (and [ -kAra-vAd^artha ], m.), [ -kArikA-vicAra ] m. [ -pariSkAra ] m. [ -mata-rahasya ] n. [ -vAda ], or [ -vicAra ] m. [ -vAda-rahasya ] n. and [ -vAd^artha ], m. N. of wks.
===> ratna-kūṭa [ ratnakUTa ]3[ r'atna-kUTa ] m. N. of a mountain cf. L. (1) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (2) n. N. of an island cf. Kathās (3) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk.
===> ratna-mati [ ratnamati ]3[ r'atna-mati ] m. N. of a grammarian cf. Gaṇar (1) of another man cf. Buddh.
===> ratna-mudrā [ ratnamudrA ]3[ r'atna-mudrA ] f. N. of a Samādhi cf. Buddh. (1) [ -hasta ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib.
===> ratna-nidhi [ ratnanidhi ]3[ r'atna-nidhi ] m. ` receptacle of pearls ', the sea cf. MBh. (1) N. of Meru cf. ib. (2) of Viṣṇu cf. Pañcar. (3) a wagtail (w. r. for [ ratan° ]) cf. L.
===> ratna-parvata [ ratnaparvata ]3[ r'atna-parvata ] m. a mountain containing jewels cf. R. (1) N. of Meru cf. Hariv.
===> ratna-prabha [ ratnaprabha ]3[ r'atna-prabha ] m. N. of a class of deities cf. Buddh. (1) of a king cf. Kathās (2) ([ A ]), f. the earth cf. Sūryapr. (3) (with Jainas) N. of a hell cf. L. (4) of various women cf. Hit. cf. Rājat. cf. Kathās (5) of a Nāgī cf. Kathās (6) of an Apsaras cf. Bālar (7) of the 7th Lambaka of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara
===> ratna-pāṇi [ ratnapANi ]3[ r'atna-pANi ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. MWB. 203 (1) of various authors cf. Cat.
===> ratna-rāśi [ ratnarAzi ]3[ r'atna-rAzi ] m. a heap of precious stones, collection of pearls cf. MBh. cf. Śak. &c. [ 865,1 ] (1) the sea cf. L.
===> ratna-traya [ ratnatraya ]3[ r'atna-traya ] n. ` jewels-triad ', the three jewels or excellent things (with Buddhists, viz. [ buddha ], [ dharma ] and [ saMgha ] (1) or with Jainas, viz. [ samyag-darzana ], [ saMgha-jJAna ] and [ samyak-cAritra ] (2) [ -jaya-mAlA ] (prob. w. r. for [ -japam° ]), f. N. of a Jaina wk. (3) [ -par^ikSA ] f. N. of a Ved^anta wk. (4) [ -vidhAna-kathA ], f. (5) [ °y^odyApana ] n. N. of Jaina wks. (6) [ °y^oddyota ] m. N. of a Śaiva wk.
===> ratna-viśuddha [ ratnavizuddha ]3[ r'atna-vizuddha ] m. (with Buddhists) N. of a world cf. Buddh.
===> ratna-vṛkṣa [ ratnavRkSa ]3[ r'atna-vRkSa ] m. = [ vidruma ] (in another sense than ` coral ') cf. L.
===> ratnamaya [ ratnamaya ]3[ r'atna-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made or consisting of jewels, studded with precious stones cf. R. cf. Bhartṛ. &c.
===> ratnâkara [ ratnAkara ]3[ ratn^akara ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a jewel-mine ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Pañcar. cf. BhP. &c. (1) the sea, ocean cf. Kāv. &c. (2) N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh. (3) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib. (4) of various other persons cf. Rājat. cf. Cat. &c. (5) of a mythical horse cf. Kathās (6) of various wks. (7) of a town (in this sense perhaps n.) cf. Kathās (8) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (9) [ -nighaNTa ] m. [ -paddhati ] f. N. of wks. (10) [ -mekhalA ] f. ` sea-girded ', the earth cf. Daś (11) [ -sa-pAda-zataka ] n. N. of wk. (12) [ °rAyita ] mfn. resembling a jewel-mine, (or) resembling the sea cf. Hcat
===> ratnâvalī [ ratnAvalI ]3[ ratn^avalI ] f. a string of pearls cf. Mṛcch. cf. Hit. cf. Kathās (1) a partic. rhetorical figure cf. Kuval (2) N. of various women cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. &c. (3) of a drama by king Harsha-deva (or rather by the poet Bāṇa (4) cf. cf. IW. 505, n. 1) (5) of other wks. (also [ °vali ]) (6) [ -nibandha ] m. [ -paddhati ] f. N. of wks.
===> raudra [ raudra ]1[ ra'udra ] or [ raudr'a ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. (fr. [ rudra ]) relating or belonging to or coming from Rudra or the Rudras, Rudra-like, violent, impetuous, fierce, wild ([ am ] ind.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) bringing or betokening misfortune, inauspicious cf. R. cf. Var (2) m. a descendant of Rudra cf. MBh. (3) a worshipper of Rudra cf. W. (4) (pl., or sg. with [ gaNa ]) a class of evil spirits cf. Hariv. (5) (scil. [ rasa ]) the sentiment of wrath or fury cf. Sāh. cf. Pratāp (6) N. of Yama cf. L. (7) the cold season of the year, winter cf. L. (8) a partic. Ketu cf. VarBṛS. (9) N. of the 54th year of the Jupiter cycle of 60 years cf. ib. (10) (pl.) N. of a people cf. MBh. (11) (also n.) heat, warmth, sunshine cf. L. (12) (also n. and [ I ] f.) N. of the Nakshatra Ārdrā when under Rudra cf. VarBṛS. (13) ([ I ]), f. N. of Gaurī cf. L. (14) one of the 9 Samidhs cf. Gṛhyās (15) a partic. Śakti cf. Hcat (16) (in music.) a partic. Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (17) a partic. Mūrchanā cf. ib. (18) a species of creeper cf. L. (19) N. of the Comms. on the Tattva-cintāmaṇi-dīdhiti and the Nyāya-siddh^anta-mukt^avalī by Rudra Bhaṭṭ^acārya (20) (with [ megha-mAlA ] and [ zAnti ]) of two older wks. (21) n. savageness, fierceness, formidableness cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. (22) N. of a Liṅga cf. Cat. (23) of various Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr.
===> raudra-karman [ raudrakarman ]3[ ra'udra-karman ] n. a terrible magic rite or one performed for some dreadful purpose cf. Cat. (1) mfn. doing terrible acts cf. MBh.
---> m. (also [ °min ]) N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. ib.
===> raudrâkṣa [ raudrAkSa ]2[ raudrAkSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ rudr^akSa ]) made from Elaeocarpus Ganitrus cf. Anarghar.
===> raukṣya [ raukSya ]2[ raukSya ] n. (fr. [ rUkSa ]) roughness, hardness, dryness, aridity cf. Yājñ. cf. Suśr. (1) harshness, cruelty, uncouthness cf. MBh. cf. Ragh
===> raupya [ raupya ]1[ raupya ] mfn. (fr. [ rUpya ]) made of silver or resembling silver, silvery, silver cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a place cf. MBh. (2) n. silver cf. GāruḍaP.
===> raurava [ raurava ]1[ raurava ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ ruru ]) coming from or made of the skin of the deer called Ruru cf. GṛŚrS. cf. MBh. &c. (1) fearful cf. L. (2) unsteady, dishonest cf. L. (3) m. N. of one of the hells cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (personified as husband of Vedanā and father of Dukha cf. MārkP. (4) with Buddhists, one of the 8 hot hells cf. Dharmas. 121) (5) N. of the fifth Kalpa (q. v.) (6) a savage, monster cf. W. (7) n. the fruit of the Ruru tree, g. [ plakS^adi ] (8) N. of various Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr.
===> rava [ rava ]1[ r'ava ] m. (√ 1. [ ru ]) a roar, yell, cry, howl (of animals, wild beasts &c.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) song, singing (of birds) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) hum, humming (of bees) cf. Ragh. cf. Kathās
---> clamour, outcry cf. Kathās (3) thunder cf. RV. cf. MBh. (4) talk cf. MW. (5) any noise or sound (e. g. the whizz of a bow, the ringing of a bell &c.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) ([ A ]), f. s. v.
===> ravi [ ravi ]1[ ravi ] m. (accord. to cf. Uṇ. iv, 138 cf. Sch. fr. √ 1. [ ru ]) a partic. form of the sun (sometimes regarded as one of the 12 Ādityas (1) hence [ ravi ] is also a N. of the number ` twelve ') cf. Var. cf. Hariv. &c. (2) the sun (in general) or the sun-god, Mṇ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) = [ ravidina ], Sunday cf. Inscr. (4) Calotropis Gigantea cf. L. (5) a mountain cf. L. (6) N. of a Sauvīraka cf. MBh. (7) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. ib. (8) of the author of a cf. Comm. on the Kāvya-prakāśa cf. Cat. (9) of the author of the Horāprakāśa cf. ib. (10) the right canal for the passage of the vital air (?) cf. W.
===> rayi [ rayi ]1[ ray'i ] m. or (rarely) f. (fr. √ [ rA ]
(1) the following forms occur in the Veda, [ rayis ], [ °y'im ], [ °yibhis ], [ °yINAm ]
(2) [ rayy'A ], [ °yya'I ], [ °yy'Am ]
(3) cf. 2. [ rai ]), property, goods, possessions, treasure, wealth (often personified)
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. cf. ChUp.
(4) stuff, materials cf. PraśnUp.
(5) v. l. for [ raji ], q. v.
(6) (?) mfn. rich cf. RV. viii, 31, 11 ; ix, 101, 7
===> raśanā [ razanA ]1[ razan'A ] f. (prob. connected with [ razmi ] and [ rAzi ] and derived from a lost √ [ raz ]) a rope, cord, strap [ 869,2 ] (1) rein, bridle (2) girth, girdle, zone (esp. of woman) cf. RV. &c. &c. (also fig. applied to the fingers (3) cf. cf. Naigh. ii, 5) (4) a ray of light, beam cf. ŚāṅkhBr. (5) the tongue (w. r. for [ rasanA ]) cf. L. (6) (ifc.) girt by, dependent on cf. Hariv. cf. BhP.
===> raśmi [ razmi ]1[ razm'i ] m. (exceptionally f. (1) cf. [ razanA ] and cf. Uṇ. iv, 46) a string, rope, cord, trace, rein, bridle, leash, goad, whip (also fig. applied to the fingers) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a measuring cord cf. RV. viii, 25, 18 (3) a ray of light, beam, splendour cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) = [ anna ], food cf. VS. xv, 16 (5) = [ pakSa ], or [ pakSman ] cf. L.
===> raśmi-mālin [ razmimAlin ]3[ razm'i-mAlin ] mfn. encircled or garlanded with rays cf. R. (1) the sun cf. L.
===> raṅga [ raGga ]1[ raGga ] [ raGgita ], [ raGgin ], p. 862
===> [ raGga ]2[ raGga ] m. colour, paint, dye, hue cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Lalit. (1) the nasal modification of a vowel cf. Śikṣ (2) a place for public amusement or for dramatic exhibition, theatre, play-house, stage, arena, any place of assembly cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) the members of an assembly, audience cf. Śak. cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Daśar (4) a dancing-place cf. L. (5) a field of battle cf. L. (6) diversion, mirth cf. L. (7) love cf. L. (8) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (9) borax cf. L. (10) an extract obtained from Acacia Catechu cf. L. (11) N. of a man cf. Rājat (12) of various authors (also with [ bhaTTa ] and [ jyotir-vid ]) cf. Cat. (13) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. Divyâv (14) n. (m.) tin (= [ vaGga ]) cf. L.
===> raṇa [ raNa ]2[ r'aNa ]1 m. delight, pleasure, gladness, joy cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. (1) (also n.) battle (as an object of delight), war, combat, fight, conflict cf. RV. &c. &c.
===> [ raNa ]2[ raNa ]2 m. (for 1. p. 863, col. 3) sound, noise cf. L. (1) the quill or bow of a lute (= [ koNa ]) cf. L. - 2
===> [ raNa ]2[ raNa ]3 m. going, motion cf. L.
===> raṇita [ raNita ]2[ raNita ] mfn. sounded, sounding, ringing &c. cf. Kāv (1) n. any ringing or rattling sound cf. ib. cf. Rājat. cf. BhP. (2) humming (of bees) cf. Gīt.
===> raṭ [ raT ]1[ raT ] cI. 1. P. (cf. Dhātup. ix, 10) [ raTati ] (pf. [ rarATa ]
(1) fut. [ raTitA ] &c., Gr.), to howl, shout, roar, yell, cry cf. Kāv. cf. Var. cf. Kathās
(2) to crash (as an axe) cf. Prab
(3) to ring (as a bell) cf. Mālatīm
(4) to lament, wail cf. HPariś
(5) to proclaim aloud, Kṛshṇaj. : Caus. [ raTayati ] (aor. [ arIraTat ]), to howl, shout &c. cf. Daś. : Intens. [ rAraTIti ], to scream aloud, roar, yell, caw
&c. cf. R. cf. KāśīKh. cf. Bhojapr.
===> re [ re ]1[ re ] ind. a vocative particle (generally used contemptuously or to express disrespect (1) often doubled) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. &c.
===> recaka [ recaka ]2[ recaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. emptying, purging, aperient, cathartic cf. L. (1) emptying the lungs, emitting the breath cf. L. (2) m. the act of breathing out, exhalation cf. VarBṛS. (3) (esp.) expelling the breath out of one of the nostrils (one of the three Prâṇ^ayāmas [ q. v. ] or breath-exercises performed during Saṃdhyā), AmṛtUp. cf. BhP. &c. cf. RTL. 402 (4) a syringe cf. BhP. (5) a partic. movement of the feet cf. VP. (6) saltpetre cf. L. (7) Croton Jamalgota cf. L. (8) Clerodendrum Phlomoides cf. L. (9) N. of a forester cf. Vikr. (v. l. [ redhaka ]) (10) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (B. [ Arocaka ]) (11) n. a kind of soil or earth cf. L. (12) the fruit of the yellow myrobolan cf. L. (13) a purge, cathartic cf. W. (14) m. or n. (?) = [ bhramaNa ] cf. Harav. (cf. next)
===> rekhā [ rekhA ]2[ rekhA ] f. a scratch, streak, stripe, line cf. Gṛhyās. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a continuous line, row, range, series cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) the first or prime meridian (considered to be a line drawn from Laṅkā to Meru, i. e. from Ceylon [ supposed to lie on the equator ] to the north pole) cf. Sūryas (3) a right or straight position of all the limbs in dancing cf. Saṃgīt (4) delineation, outline, drawing, sketch cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (5) appearance ([ rekhayA ] ifc. under the appearance of cf. Bālar (6) [ rekhAM na-√ labh ], not to attain even to the appearance of, not to be at all equal to cf. Vcar.) (7) deceit, fraud (= [ chadman ]) cf. L. (8) fulness, satisfaction (= [ Abhoga ]) cf. L. (9) a small quantity, little portion cf. L. (cf. [ -mAtram ])
===> revata [ revata ]1[ revata ] m. a species of plant (the citron tree or Cathartocarpus Fistula cf. L.) cf. Suśr. (1) N. of various persons cf. Buddh. (cf. [ revataka ]) (2) of a son of Andhaka cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ raivata ]) (3) of a son of Ānarta cf. BhP. (cf. [ reva ]) (4) of the father of Revatī and father-in-law of Bala-rāma cf. MBh. [ 888,1 ] (5) of a Varsha (?) cf. ib. (6) ([ i ] and [ I ]), f. under [ rev'at ] below
===> revatī [ revatI ]2[ rev'atI ] f. of [ rev'at ] above (1) (also pl.) N. of the fifth Nakshatra cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a woman born under the Nakshatra Revatī cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 34 cf. Vārtt. 1 cf. Pat. (3) (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī cf. Saṃgīt (4) N. of a female demon presiding over a partic. disease or of a Yoginī (sometimes identified with Durgā or with Aditi) cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. &c. (5) of the wife of Mitra cf. BhP. (6) of a daughter of the personified light ([ kAnti ]) of the Nakshatra Revatī and mother of Manu Raivata cf. MārkP. (7) of the wife of Bala-rāma (daughter of Kakudmin) cf. Hariv. cf. Megh. cf. Pur. (8) of a wife of Amṛtodana cf. Buddh. (9) of various other women cf. HPariś. [ 888,2 ] (10) Tiaridium Indicum cf. L. (11) Jasminum Grandiflorum cf. L. (12) pl. ` the wealthy ones ' or ` the shining one's ' (applied to cows and the waters) cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. GṛŚrS. (13) N. of the verse cf. RV. i, 30, 13 (beginning with [ revatI ]) cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. Br. &c. (14) of the Sāman formed from this verse cf. ĀrshBr. cf. ChUp. ii, 18, 1 ; 2 (15) of the divine mothers cf. L.
===> revatī-graha [ revatIgraha ]3[ rev'atI-graha ] m. N. of a demon presiding over diseases cf. Buddh.
===> reṇu [ reNu ]1[ reN'u ] m. (or f. cf. Siddh (1) or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (2) fr. √ [ ri ], [ rI ]) dust, a grain or atom of dust, sand &c. cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) the pollen of flowers cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) powder of anything cf. Śiś. (5) a partic. measure cf. Lalit. (= 8 [ trasa-reNus ] cf. L.) (6) m. N. of a partic. drug, Piper Aurantiacum cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (cf. [ reNukA ]) (7) Oldenlandia Herbacea cf. L. (8) N. of the author of cf. RV. ix, 70 and x, 81 (with the patr. [ vaizvAmitra ]) cf. AitBr. cf. ŚrS. (9) of a descendant of Ikshvāku cf. Hariv. (10) of a son of Vikukshi cf. R. (11) f. N. of a wife of Viśvāmitra cf. Hariv.
===> reṇukā [ reNukA ]2[ reNukA ] f. a partic. drug or medicinal substance (said to be fragrant, but bitter and slightly pungent in taste, and of greyish colour (1) cf. [ reNu ]) cf. L. (2) N. of a Kārikā (composed by Hari-hara (3) cf. [ reNu-kArikA ]) cf. Cat. (4) of the wife of Jamad-agni and mother of Paraśu-rāma (she was the daughter of Reṇu and of king Prasena-jit) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur.
---> of a river cf. VP.
===> rikta [ rikta ]1[ rikt'a ] [ rikth'a ] &c. col. 2
===> [ rikta ]2[ rikt'a ] mfn. (accord. to cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 208, also [ r'ikta ]) emptied, empty, void cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) bared (as an arm) cf. Megh (2) hollow, hollowed (as the hands) cf. Cat. (3) poor, indigent cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (4) idle, worthless cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 8 cf. Sch. (5) (ifc.) devoid or destitute of, free from, without cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) m. (in augury) N. of one of the four wagtails which serve for omens cf. VarBṛS. (7) of a man cf. Pat. (8) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ tithi ]) N. of the 4th, 9th, or 14th day of the lunar fortnight cf. VarBṛS. (cf. [ rikt^arka ]) (9) n. an empty place, desert, wilderness, wood cf. L.
===> riktaka [ riktaka ]2[ riktaka ] mfn. empty, void cf. L. (1) unladen, unburdened cf. Mn. viii, 404
===> ripu [ ripu ]2[ rip'u ] mfn. deceitful, treacherous, false cf. RV. (1) m. a deceiver, cheat, rogue cf. ib. (2) an enemy, adversary, foe cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) (in astrol.) a hostile planet cf. VarBṛS. (4) N. of the 6th astrological house cf. ib. (5) a gall-nut cf. L. (6) N. of a son of Ślishṭi cf. Hariv. (7) of a son of Yadu and Babhru cf. Pur.
===> riraṃsā [ riraMsA ]1[ riraMsA ] f. (fr. Desid. of √ [ ram ]) desire of pleasure or of sexual enjoyment, lasciviousness, lustfulness cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur.
===> roca [ roca ]2[ roc'a ] mfn. shining, radiant cf. AV. (1) one who lightens or makes bright cf. MW. (2) m. N. of a king cf. Buddh. (3) ([ I ]), f. Hingtsha Repens cf. L.
===> rocana [ rocana ]2[ rocan'a ] mf ([ I ] or [ A ]) n. bright, shining, radiant cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. GṛS. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) giving pleasure or satisfaction, pleasant, charming, lovely cf. Bhaṭṭ. cf. BhP. (2) sharpening or stimulating the appetite, stomachic cf. Suśr. [ 889,1 ] (3) m. N. of various plants (Andersonia Rohitika (4) Alangium Hexapetalum (5) the pomegranate tree &c.) cf. L. (6) apartic. yellow pigment (v. l. for [ rocanA ]) cf. MBh. (C.) (7) a stomachic cf. W. (8) N. of a demon presiding over a partic. disease cf. Hariv. (9) of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love (` exciter ') cf. Cat. (10) of a son of Viṣṇu by Dakshiṇā cf. BhP. (11) of Indra under Manu Svārocisha cf. ib. (12) of one of the Viśve Devā cf. VP. (13) of a mountain cf. MārkP. (14) ([ 'A ]) and ([ I ]), f. below (15) n. light, brightness, (esp.) the bright sky, firmament, luminous sphere (of which there are said to be three (16) cf. under [ rajas ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. (in this sense sometimes [ A ], f.) (17) pl. lights, stars cf. AV. (18) (ifc.) the causing a desire for cf. BhP. (19) ([ ruci-ruce r° ]) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.
===> rocanā [ rocanA ]2[ rocan'A ]1 f. the bright sky or luminous sphere (= [ rocana ], m.) cf. AV. cf. TBr. (1) a partic. yellow pigment (commonly called [ go-rocanA ]) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr.
---> a handsome woman cf. L. (2) a red lotusflower cf. L. (3) bamboo manna or Tabāshīr cf. L. (4) dark Śālmali cf. L. (5) N. of a wife of Vasu-deva cf. BhP. (6) of a Sur^aṅganā cf. Siṉhâs
===> [ rocanA ]2[ rocanA ]2 ind. (in [ rocanA-√ kR ] ind. p. [ -kRtvA ] or [ -kRtya ]), g. [ sAkSAd-Adi ]
===> rodana [ rodana ]2[ rodana ] n. id. cf. Āpast. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (in cf. ŚārṅgS. reckoned among the diseases of children) (1) a tear, tears cf. L. (2) ([ I ]), f. Alhagi Maurorum cf. L.
===> rodha [ rodha ]2[ rodha ] (ifc.) sprouting, growing &c. (cf. 2. [ ava-rodha ] and [ nyag-r° ]) (1) m. growing, ascending, moving upwards (cf. next)
===> [ rodha ]2[ rodha ]2 m. (for 1. above, col. 1) the act of stopping, checking, obstructing, impeding (1) suppressing, preventing, confining, surrounding, investing, besieging, blockading cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) obstruction of the bowels, costiveness cf. Car. (3) attacking, making war upon (gen.) cf. R. (4) a dam, bank, shore cf. Rājat. cf. Suśr. (cf. [ rodhas ]) (5) an arrow cf. L. (6) a partic. hell cf. VP. (7) N. of a man, g. [ ziv^adi ]
===> [ rodha ]1[ rodha ]1 [ rodhana ]. p. 884, col. 1
===> [ rodha ]1[ rodha ]2 [ rodhaka ] &c. p. 884, col. 2
===> rodhana [ rodhana ]2[ rodhana ]1 2. [ ava- ] [ ud- ], [ -pra-r° ]
===> [ rodhana ]2[ rodhana ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. (for 1. above, col. 1) obstructing, impeding, being an obstacle or hindrance cf. W. (1) m. the planet Mercury cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. a dam, bank, wall (= [ rodhas ]) cf. RV. ii, 13, 10 (3) ([ r'o° ]), n. shutting up, confinement cf. RV. cf. BhP. (4) stopping, restraining, checking, preventing, impeding cf. Kāv. cf. Pur.
===> roga [ roga ]1[ r'oga ] m. (√ 1. [ ruj ]) ` breaking up of strength ', disease, infirmity, sickness (also personified as an evil demon) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) a diseased spot cf. Suśr. (2) Costus Speciosus or Arabicus cf. L.
===> rohita [ rohita ]2[ r'ohita ] mf ([ A ] or [ iNI ], q. v.)n. (cf. [ lohita ]) red, reddish cf. RV. &c. &c.
(1) m. a red or chestnut horse cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. Br. (applied to the Sun cf. AV. xiii, 1 &c., and therefore in pl. N. of these hymns)
(2) a kind of deer cf. VarBṛS. cf. Uttarar. cf. Suśr.
(3) a kind of fish, Cyprinus Rohitaka cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.
(4) a kind of tree, Andersonia Rohitaka cf. Suśr.
(5) a sort of ornament made of precious stones cf. L.
(6) a partic. form of rainbow (cf. n.) cf. VarBṛS.
(7) N. of a son of Hari-ścandra cf. AitBr. cf. BhP.
(8) of a Manu cf. Hariv.
(9) of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. ib. (v. l. [ rauhita ])
(10) of a son of Vapush-mat (king of Śālmala) cf. MārkP.
(11) of a river cf. Buddh.
(12) pl. N. of a class of Gandharvas cf. R.
(13) of a class of gods under the 12th Manu cf. MārkP.
(14) n. a kind of metre cf. AitBr.
(15) a kind of rainbow appearing in a straight form, Indra's bow unbent and invisible to mortals
cf. VarBṛS. cf. L. (cf. [ rohit^endra-dhanus ])
(16) blood cf. L.
(17) saffron cf. L.
(18) N. of the Varsha ruled by Rohita (son of Vapush-mat) cf. VP.
===> rohita-vastu [ rohitavastu ]3[ r'ohita-vastu ] N. of a place cf. Lalit. (also read [ -vastra ])
===> rohiṇī [ rohiNI ]2[ r'ohiNI ] f. (f. of [ rohita ], ` red ', below (1) also f. of [ rohin ] above) a red cow or [ later ] any cow (represented as a daughter of Surabhi and mother of cattle, esp. of Kāma-dhenu, ` cow of plenty ' (2) in the Veda, Rohiṇī may perhaps also mean ` a red mare ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) N. of the ninth Nakshatra or lunar asterism and of the lunar day belonging to it (in this sense it may optionally have the accent on the last syllable (4) it is personified as a daughter of Daksha, and as the favourite wife of the Moon, called ` the Red one ' from the colour of the star Aldebaran or principal star in the constellation which contains 5 stars, prob. ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Tauri, and is figured by a wheeled vehicle or sometimes by a temple or fish (5) it is exceptionally pl., and in cf. TS. and cf. TBr. there are 2 Nakshatras of this name (6) it may also be used as an adj. and mean ` born under the Nakshatra Rohiṇī ' cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 34 cf. Vārtt. 1) (7) lightning cf. L. (8) a young girl (in whom menstruation has just commenced (9) others ` a girl nine years of age ') cf. Gṛhyās. cf. Pañcat (10) N. of various plants cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. (= Helleborus Niger (11) Acacia Arabica (12) Gmelina Arborea &c. cf. L.) (13) inflammation of the throat (of various kinds) cf. Suśr. (14) (in music) a partic. Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (15) a partic. Mūrchanā cf. ib. (16) a kind of steel cf. L. (17) N. of two wives of Vasudeva and the mother of Bala-rāma cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (18) of a wife of Kṛshṇa cf. Hariv. (19) of the wife of Mahā-deva cf. Pur. (20) of a daughter of Hiraṇya-kaśipu cf. MBh. (21) of one of the 16 Vidyā-devīs cf. L. (22) of a river cf. VP.
===> roma [ roma ]1[ roma ]1 m. (of uncertain derivation, but cf. 1. [ ropa ]) a hole, cavity cf. L. (1) n. water cf. L.
===> [ roma ]1[ roma ]2 m. the city Rome cf. Cat. (cf. [ bRhad-roma ] and next) (1) pl. N. of a people cf. VP.
===> [ roma ]1[ roma ]3. 4 under 1. [ roman ]
===> [ roma ]2[ roma ]3 in comp. for [ roman ]
===> [ roma ]2[ roma ]4 (ifc.) = [ roman ] (cf. [ a- ] [ dIrgha- ], [ sa-r° ])
===> roma-harṣa [ romaharSa ]3[ roma-harSa ] m. the bristling of the hairs of the body, thrill (caused by joy, fear, cold &c.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.
===> roma-harṣaṇa [ romaharSaNa ]3[ roma-harSaNa ] mfn. causing the hairs to bristle or stand erect (through excessive joy or terror) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. Terminalia Bellerica (the nuts of which are used as dice) cf. L. (2) N. of Sūta (the pupil of Vyāsa and supposed narrator of the Purāṇas) cf. Pur. (3) of the father of Sūta cf. BhP. (4) n. = [ -harSa ] above cf. L. (5) [ °Naka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. w. r. for [ raumah° ], q. v. cf. VP. (6) [ °SaNi ] or [ °SiNi ] m. w. r. for [ raumaharSaNi ], q. v. cf. Cat.
===> roma-kūpa [ romakUpa ]3[ roma-kUpa ] m. n. ` hair-hole ', a pore of the skin ([ bhavatAM roma-kUpANi prahRSTAny upalakSaye ], ` I observe that the hairs on your bodies bristle ')
cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (cf. [ -randhra ])
===> roma-vivara [ romavivara ]3[ roma-vivara ] n. = [ -kUpa ] above cf. BhP. (1) m. n. N. of partic. mythical regions cf. Kāraṇḍ
===> ropaṇa [ ropaNa ]3[ ropaNa ] &c. p. 889, col. 2
===> [ ropaNa ]2[ ropaN'a ]1 mfn. causing bodily pain cf. AV. (1) n. = [ vimohana ] or [ upadrava ] cf. TBr. cf. Sch.
===> [ ropaNa ]2[ ropaNa ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. causing to grow, causing to grow over or cicatrize, healing cf. Suśr. (1) putting on cf. Kathās (2) m. an arrow cf. L. (3) n. the act of setting up or erecting, raising cf. Kṛshis (4) the act of planting, setting, sowing, transplanting cf. Pañcat. cf. Kṛshis (5) healing or a healing application (used for sores) cf. Suśr.
===> ropita [ ropita ]2[ ropita ] mfn. caused to grow, raised, elevated &c. (1) fixed, directed, aimed (as an arrow) cf. Ragh. cf. Sāh (2) set (as a jewel) cf. Hit. (3) committed, entrusted cf. Ragh (4) set, planted cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. i, 46
===> roṣa [ roSa ]2[ roSa ] m. anger, rage, wrath, passion, fury cf. Āpast. cf. MBh. &c. ([ roSaM-√ kR ] with [ prati ], ` to be angry with ')
===> roṣaṇa [ roSaNa ]2[ roSaNa ] mfn. angry, wrathful, passionate, enraged at or against (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. MārkP. ([ -tA ] f. cf. Śak.) (1) m. (only cf. L.) a touchstone (2) quicksilver (3) an arid or desert son containing salt (4) Grewia Asiatica
===> roṣita [ roSita ]2[ roSita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) enraged, exasperated, irritated cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> ru [ ru ]1[ ru ]1 cl. 2. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 24 (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 15) [ rauti ] or [ ravIti ] (Ved. also [ ruv'ati ] and [ ravoti ], [ °te ] (2) p. [ r'uvat ], [ ravat ], [ ravamANa ], [ ravANa ] (3) pf. [ rurAva ] cf. MBh. (4) [ ruruvire ] cf. Br. (5) aor. [ 'arAvIt ] cf. RV. (6) Prec. [ rUyAt ] Gr. (7) fut. [ ravitA ] or [ rotA ] cf. ib. (8) [ raviSyati ] cf. ib. (9) inf. [ ravitum ] cf. ib., [ rotum ] cf. Kāv.), to roar, bellow, howl, yelp, cry aloud cf. RV. &c. &c. (10) to make any noise or sound, sing (as birds), hum (as bees) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (11) ([ rauti ]) to praise cf. Naigh. iii, 14: Caus. [ rAvayati ] (aor. [ arUruvat ] with the sense of the Intens. cf. BhP. (12) or [ arIravat ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 80 cf. Sch.), to cause to bellow or roar, cause an uproar cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. MBh. &c. : Desid. of Caus. [ rirAvayiSati ], Gr. : Desid. [ rurUSati ] cf. ib. : Intens. (Ved.) [ r'oravIti ] (p. [ r'oruvat ] and [ r'oruvANa ]) or (ep.) [ rorUyate ], [ °ti ] or (Gr.) [ roroti ]. to bellow or roar &c. loudly, scream aloud, vociferate. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ raucus ] ; [ 881,3 ] Angl. Sax. ' [ ry7n ]. ]
===> [ ru ]2[ ru ]2 m. (only cf. L.) sound, noise (1) fear, alarm (2) war, battle
===> [ ru ]1[ ru ]3 cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 63) [ ravate ] (only [ rAviSam ] cf. RV. x, 86, 5 (1) [ ruruviSe ], [ araviSTa ] [ aroSTa ] cf. Vop.) to break or dash to pieces cf. RV. (cf. Dhātup. also ` to go (2) to kill (3) to be angry (4) to speak '): Intens. (only p. [ r'oruvat ]) to break, shatter cf. RV. i, 54, 1 (5) 5
===> [ ru ]2[ ru ]4 m. cutting, dividing cf. L.
===> rucaka [ rucaka ]2[ rucaka ] mfn. very large cf. L. (cf. W. also ` agreeable, pleasing (1) sharp, acid (2) tonic, stomachic ') (3) m. n. a tooth cf. Suśr. (4) a kind of golden ornament or necklace cf. Daś (5) a ring cf. L. (6) any object or substance supposed to bring good luck cf. Suśr. (7) a citron cf. L. (8) m. a dove, pigeon cf. L. (9) Ricinus Communis cf. L. (10) N. of one of the five remarkable personages born under partic. constellations cf. VarBṛS. (11) a kind of four-sided column cf. ib. (12) N. of a son of Uśanas cf. BhP. (13) of a king cf. VP. (v. l. [ ruruka ]) (14) of an author cf. Pratāp. cf. Sch. (15) of a mountain cf. Pur. cf. Śatr (16) n. a horse-ornament cf. L. (17) a garland cf. L. (18) Embelia Ribes cf. L. (19) sochal salt cf. L. (20) natron cf. L. (21) sweet juice cf. L. (22) a bright yellow pigment = [ go-rocanA ], q. v. cf. L. (23) a kind of tonic (above) (24) a sort of building or temple having terraces on three sides and closed only on the north side cf. VarBṛS.
===> ruci [ ruci ]2[ r'uci ] f. ([ ruc'i ] cf. MaitrS.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) colour cf. Kāv (2) liking, taste, relish, pleasure, appetite, zest cf. AV. &c. &c. (ifc. taking pleasure in, desirous of. longing for (3) with loc., [ prati ] inf. or comp. (4) [ ruciM-√ dA ] or [ rucaye-√ bhU ], to please (5) [ rucim A-√ vah ], with dat., to excite a desire for (6) [ rucyA ] or [ sva-rucyA ], at pleasure, at will) (7) a kind of coitus cf. L. (8) a kind of pigment (= [ rocanA ]) cf. L. (9) N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. (10) of the wife of Devaśarman cf. ib. (11) m. N. of a Prajā-pati (the husband of Ākūti and father of Yajña or Su-yajña and of Manu Raucya) cf. Pur. (12) of a son of Viśvāmitra cf. MBh. (13) of a king cf. VP. (14) mfn. pleasant, agreeable (= [ rucira ]) cf. R.
===> rucira [ rucira ]2[ rucira ] mf ([ A ]) n. bright, brilliant, radiant, splendid, beautiful cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) pleasant, charming, agreeable to, liked by (gen. or comp.) cf. ib. (2) sweet, dainty, nice cf. L. (3) stomachic, cordial, ŚsrṅgS. (4) m. N. of a son of Sena-jit cf. Hariv. (5) ([ A ]), f. a. kind of pigment (= [ go-rocanA ]) cf. L. (6) N. of a woman (col. 3) (7) of two metres cf. Col. (8) of a river cf. R. (9) n. (only.) saffron (prob. w. r. for [ rudhira ]), a radish (10) cloves (prob. w. r. for [ suSira ])
===> rucita [ rucita ]2[ rucit'a ] mfn. shone upon (by the sun &c.), bright, brilliant, glittering ' cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚrS. (1) pleasant, agreeable, ŚaṅkhGṛ. cf. MBh. (2) sweet, delicate, dainty cf. Uṇ. iv, 185 cf. Sch. (3) sharpened (as appetite) cf. W. (4) digested cf. ib. (5) ([ A ]), f. a kind of metre cf. W. (prob. w. r. for [ rucirA ]) (6) n. an exclamation used at a Śraddha cf. Mn. iii, 254
===> ruddha [ ruddha ]1[ ruddha ] &c. col. 2
===> [ ruddha ]2[ ruddh'a ] mfn. obstructed, checked, stopped, suppressed, kept back, withheld cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) shut, closed, covered cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) invested, besieged, blockaded cf. R. cf. Pañcat (3) secured, held, taken possession of cf. Kāv. cf. BhP. (4) obstructed in its effect, ineffectual (as a spell) cf. Sarvad (5) ([ A ]), f. a siege cf. W. (6) (prob.) n. N. of a town cf. Cat.
===> rudhira [ rudhira ]2[ rudhir'a ] mfn. (prob. fr. the above lost √ [ rudh ], ` to be red ' (1) cf. [ rohita ] and also under [ rudra ]) red, blood-red, bloody cf. AV. v, 29, 10 [ 884,3 ] (2) m. the bloodred planet or Mars cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañcat (3) a kind of precious stone (cf. [ rudhir^akhya ]) (4) ([ r'u° ]), n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) blood cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (5) saffron cf. Car. (6) N. of a city cf. Hariv. (cf. [ zonita-pura ]) . [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 884,3 ] [ ruber ], [ rubeo ], [ rufus ] ; Lith. [ r'udas ], [ ra'udas ], [ raud'onas ] ; Slav. [ r˘udr˘u ], [ r˘ud˘eti ] ; Goth. [ rauths ] ; Angl. Sax. [ re'ad ] ; Eng. [ red ] ; Germ. [ r^ot ], [ rot ]. ]
===> rudita [ rudita ]2[ rudita ] mfn. wept, lamented cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. weeping, crying, lamenting cf. ib. (1) wet with tears cf. MBh. (2) n. weeping, crying, lamentation cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās. &c.
===> rudra [ rudra ]2[ rudr'a ] mfn. (prob.) crying, howling, roaring, dreadful, terrific, terrible, horrible (applied to the Aśvins, Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, and the [ sp'azaH ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. (accord. to others ` red, shining, glittering ', fr. a √ [ rud ] or [ rudh ] connected with [ rudhira ] (1) others ` strong, having or bestowing strength or power ', fr. a √ [ rud ] = [ vRd ], [ vRdh ] (2) native authorities give also the following meanings, ` driving away evil ' (3) ` running about and roaring ', fr. [ ru ] + [ dra ] = 2. [ dru ] (4) ` praiseworthy, to be praised ' (5) ` a praiser, worshipper ' = [ stotR ] cf. Naigh. iii, 16) (6) m. ` Roarer or Howler ', N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the Rudras and Maruts (in the Veda he is closely connected with Indra and still more with Agni, the god of fire, which, as a destroying agent, rages and crackles like the roaring storm, and also with Kāla or Time the all-consumer, with whom he is afterwards identified (7) though generally represented as a destroying deity, whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle, he has also the epithet [ ziva ], ` benevolent ' or ` auspicious ', and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere (8) in the later mythology the word [ ziva ], which does not occur as a [ name ] in the Veda, was employed, first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for Rudra, who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle (9) while a new class of beings, described as eleven [ or thirty-three ] in number, though still called Rudras, took the place of the original Rudras or Maruts: in cf. VP. i, 7, Rudra is said to have sprung from Brahmā's forehead, and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female, the former portion separating again into the 11 Rudras, hence these later Rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of Śiva, and most of their names, which are variously given in the different Purāṇas, are also names of Śiva [ 883,2 ] (10) those of the cf. VāyuP. are Aj^aikapad, Ahir-budhnya, Hara, Nirṛta, Īśvara, Bhuvana, Aṅgāraka, Ardha-ketu, Mṛtyu, Sarpa, Kapālin (11) accord. to others the Rudras are represented as children of Kaśyapa and Surabhi or of Brahmā and Surabhi or of Bhūta and Su-rūpā (12) accord. to cf. VP. i, 8, Rudra is one of the 8 forms of Śiva (13) elsewhere he is reckoned among the Dik-pālas as regent of the north-east quarter) cf. RV. &c. &c. (cf. cf. RTL. 75 &c.) (14) N. of the number ` eleven ' (from the 11 Rudras) cf. VarBṛS. (15) the eleventh cf. Cat. (16) (in astrol.) N. of the first Muhūrta (17) (in music) of a kind of stringed instrument (cf. [ rudrI ] and [ rudra-vINA ]) (18) of the letter [ e ] cf. Up. (19) of various men cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (20) of various teachers and authors (also with [ AcArya ], [ kavi ], [ bhaTTa ], [ zarman ], [ sUri ] &c.) cf. Cat. (21) of a king cf. Buddh. (22) du. (incorrect acc. to cf. Vām. v, 2, 1) Rudra and Rudrāṇi (cf. also [ bhavA-r° ] and [ somA-rudra ]) (23) pl. the Rudras or sons of Rudra (sometimes identified with or distinguished from the Maruts who are 11 or 33 in number) cf. RV. &c. &c. (24) an abbreviated N. for the texts or hymns addressed to Rudra cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Gaut. cf. Vas. (cf. [ rudra-japa ]) (25) of a people (v. l. [ puNDra ]) cf. VP. (26) ([ A ]), f. a species of creeping plant cf. L. (27) N. of a wife of Vasu-deva cf. VāyuP. (28) of a daughter of Raudrāśva (v. l. [ bhadrA ]) cf. VP. (29) pl. a hundred heatmaking suns ' rays cf. L. (30) ([ I ]), f. a kind of lute or guitar cf. L. (cf. m. and [ rudra-vINA ])
===> [ rudra ]1[ rudra ] &c. p. 883, col. 1
===> ruj [ ruj ]1[ ruj ]1 cl. 6. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxviii, 123) [ ruj'ati ] (ep. also [ °te ] (1) pf. [ rur'oja ] cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) aor. 2. sg. [ rok ] cf. VS. (3) [ ruk ] cf. MaitrS. (4) [ araukSIt ] Gr. (5) fut. [ roktA ], [ rokSyati ] cf. ib. (6) inf. [ -r'uje ] cf. RV. (7) ind. p. [ ruktv'A ], [ -r'ujya ] cf. Br.), to break, break open, dash to pieces, shatter, destroy cf. RV. &c. &c. (8) to cause pain, afflict, injure (with acc. or gen. (9) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 54) cf. VS. &c. &c. : Caus. [ rojayati ] (aor. [ arUrujat ]), to cause to break &c. (10) to strike upon (loc.) cf. BhP. (11) (cl. 10 cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 129) to hurt, injure, kill: Desid. [ rurukSati ] Gr. ([ rurukS'aNi ]) : Intens. [ rorujyate ], [ rorokti ], Gr. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ lugeo ]. ] [ 882,3 ]
===> [ ruj ]2[ ruj ]2 (ifc.), breaking, crushing, shattering cf. MBh. (1) pain, illness, disease cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) fracture cf. MW. (3) toil, trouble cf. ib. (4) Costus Speciosus cf. Bhpr.
===> rukma [ rukma ]1[ rukma ] [ rukmin ], next page
===> [ rukma ]2[ rukm'a ] m. ` what is bright or radiant ', an ornament of gold, golden chain or disc cf. RV. cf. AV. (here n.) cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. (1) Mesua Roxburghii cf. L. (2) the thorn-apple cf. L. (3) N. of a son of Rucaka cf. BhP. (4) n. gold cf. L. (5) iron cf. L. (6) a kind of collyrium cf. L.
===> rukmiṇī [ rukmiNI ]2[ rukmiNI ] f. (of [ rukmin ]) a species of plant (= [ svarNa-kSIrI ]) cf. L. (1) N. of a daughter of Bhīshmaka and sister of Rukmin (betrothed by her father to Śiśu-pala but a secret lover of Kṛshṇi, who, assisted by Bala-rāma, carried her off after defeating her brother in battle (2) she is represented as mother of Pradyumna, and in later mythology is identified with Lakshmī) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (3) N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Dvāravatī cf. Cat. (4) of various other women cf. HPariś
===> rukṣa [ rukSa ]1[ rukS'a ]1 m. (prob.) a tree (cf. [ vRkSa ]) cf. RV. vi, 3, 7
===> [ rukSa ]1[ rukSa ]2 w. r. for [ rUkSa ], q. v.
===> ruru [ ruru ]1[ r'uru ] m. (cf. √ 1. [ ru ] cf. Uṇ. iv, 103) a species of antelope (picta) cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) a kind of savage animal cf. BhP. (cf. [ raurava ]) (2) a dog cf. L. (3) a species of fruit tree, g. [ plakS^adi ] (4) a form of Bhairava cf. Cat. (5) N. of a son of the Ṛshi Pramati by the Apsaras Ghṛtācī cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (6) of a son of Ahīna-gu cf. VP. (7) of one of the Viśve Devā cf. Hariv. (8) of one of the 7 Ṛshis under Manu Sāvarṇi (with the patr. Kāśyapa) cf. ib. (9) of a Danava or Daitya (said to have been slain by Durgā) cf. Kathās
===> ruta [ ruta ]2[ rut'a ]1 mfn. sounded, made to resound, filled with cries (of animals) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) n. (often pl.) any cry or noise, roar, yell, neigh (of horses), song, note (of birds), hum (of bees) cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> [ ruta ]2[ rut'a ]2 mfn. broken to pieces, shattered, divided cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS.
===> [ ruta ]1[ ruta ]1. 2 &c. p. 881, col. 3
===> rādha [ rAdha ]2[ rAdha ] m. or n. = [ r'Adhas ], a gift, favour (only in [ rAdhAnAm patiH ], N. of Indra) cf. RV. (1) m. (fr. [ rAdhA ]) N. of the month Vaiśākha (= April-May) cf. Rājat (2) of a man cf. Buddh. (3) (with [ gautama ]) N. of two teachers cf. Cat. (4) ([ A ]), f. below
===> rādha-gupta [ rAdhagupta ]3[ rAdha-gupta ] m. (for [ rAdhA-g° ] (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 63) N. of a minister of Aśoka cf. Buddh.
===> rāga [ rAga ]1[ rAga ] m. (fr. √ [ raJj ] (1) ifc. [ A ], or [ I ]) the act of colouring or dyeing (cf. [ mUrdhaja-r° ]) (2) colour, hue, tint, dye, (esp.) red colour, redness cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) inflammation cf. Car. (4) any feeling or passion, (esp.) love, affection or sympathy for, vehement desire of, interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) loveliness, beauty (esp. of voice or song) cf. Śak. cf. Pañcat (6) a musical note, harmony, melody (in the later system a partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula (7) Bharata enumerates 6, viz. [ bhairava ], [ kauzika ], [ hindola ], [ dIpaka ], [ zrI-rAga ], and [ megha ], each mode exciting some affection (8) other writers give other names (9) sometimes 7 or 26 Rāgas are mentioned (10) they are personified, and each of the 6 chief Rāgas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called Rāgiṇīs (11) their union gives rise to many other musical modes) cf. Bhar. cf. Saṃgīt. cf. Rājat. cf. Pañcat. &c. (12) nasalization, Rprāt (13) a partic. process in the preparation of quicksilver cf. Sarvad (14) seasoning, condiment cf. Car. (15) a prince, king cf. L. (16) the sun cf. L. (17) the moon cf. L. (18) ([ A ]), f. Eleusine Coracana (a sort of grain, commonly called Rāggy, and much cultivated in the south of India) cf. L. (19) N. of the second daughter of Aṅgiras cf. MBh. (20) ([ I ]), f. Eleusine Coracana cf. L.
===> rāga-dveṣa [ rAgadveSa ]3[ rAga-dveSa ] m. du. love and hatred cf. Mn. xii, 26 (1) [ -prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk. (2) [ -mohaparimokSaNa ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ
===> rāghava [ rAghava ]1[ rAghava ] m. (fr. [ raghu ]) a descendant of Raghu, patr. of Aja, of Daśa-ratha, and (esp.) of Rāma-candra (du. [ rAghavau ] = Rāma and Lakshmaṇa) cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) N. of various authors and others (also with [ AcArya ], [ bhaTTa ], [ paJc^anana-bhaTT^acArya ], [ cakravartin ], [ rAya ] &c.) cf. Cat. (2) of a serpent-demon cf. L. (3) the ses, ocean cf. L. (4) a species of large fish cf. L.
===> rāgin [ rAgin ]2[ rAgin ] mf ([ iNI ]) n. (fr. √ [ raJj ], and [ rAga ]) coloured, having a partic. colour (applied to a kind of Amaurosis or blindness when it affects the second membrane of the eye, as opp. to [ a-rAgin ], which affects the first) cf. Suśr. (1) colouring, dyeing cf. L. (2) red, of a red colour cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās (3) impassioned, affectionate, enamoured, passionately fond of or attached to or hankering after (loc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) gladdening, delighting cf. Mālatīm (5) m. a painter cf. L. (6) a lover, libertine cf. ib. (7) a sort of grain cf. L. (8) ([ iNI ]), f. a modification of the musical mode called Rāga (q. v. ; 35 or 36 Rāgiṇīs are enumerated) cf. Saṃgīt. cf. Pañcar. cf. Śukas (9) a wanton and intriguing woman cf. W. (10) N. of the eldest daughter of Menakā cf. Pur. (11) of a form of Lakshmī cf. ib.
===> rāhu [ rAhu ]1[ rAh'u ] m. (fr. √ [ rabh ] (1) cf. [ graha ] and √ [ grah ]) ` the Seizer ', N. of a Daitya or demon who is supposed to seize the sun and moon and thus cause eclipses (he is fabled as a son of Vipra-citti and Siṃhikā and as having a dragon's tail (2) when the gods had churned the ocean for the Amṛta or nectar of immortality, he disguised himself like one of them and drank a portion (3) but the Sun and Moon revealed the fraud to Viṣṇu, who cut off Rāhu's head, which thereupon became fixed in the stellar sphere, and having become immortal through drinking the Amṛta, has ever since wreaked its vengeance on the Sun and Moon by occasionally swallowing them (4) while at the same time the tail of the demon became Ketu [ q. v. ] and gave birth to a numerous progeny of comets and fiery meteors (5) in astron. Rāhu is variously regarded as a dragon's head, as the ascending node of the moon [ or point where the moon intersects the ecliptic in passing northwards ], as one of the planets [ cf. [ graha ] ], and as the regent of the south-west quarter [ cf. Laghuj. ] [ 880,1 ] (6) among Buddhists many demons are called Rāhu) cf. AV. &c. &c. (7) an eclipse or (rather) the moment of the beginning of an occultation or obscuration cf. VarBṛS.
===> rāhu-grasta [ rAhugrasta ]3[ rAh'u-grasta ] mfn. ` swallowed by Rāhu ', eclipsed (1) [ -nizA-kara ] mfn. (a night) whose moon has been swallowed by Rāhu cf. MBh.
===> rāhula [ rAhula ]2[ rAhula ] m. N. of a man cf. Pravar (1) of a son of Gautama Buddha cf. MWB. 25 ; 193 (2) of a son of Suddhodana cf. VP. (v. l. for [ rAtula ]) (3) of a minister cf. Buddh.
===> rāja-dharma [ rAjadharma ]3[ rAja-dharma ] m. a kings's duty (1) pl. rules or laws relating to kings cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) = [ °m^anuzAsana ] cf. Cat. (3) [ -kANDa ] m. or n. [ -kaustubha ] m. [ -prakaraNa ] n. N. of wks. (4) [ -bhRt ] mfn. maintaining or fulfilling a kings's duties cf. MBh. (5) [ -lakSaNa ] n. N. of wk. (6) [ -vid ] mfn. knowing a king's duties, M Bh. (7) [ -sAra-saMgraha ] m. N. of wk. (8) [ °m^anuzAsana ] n. ` instruction in a kings's duties ', N. of cf. MBh. xii, 1
===> rāja-dhānī [ rAjadhAnI ]3[ rAja-dhAnI ] f. id. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -tas ] ind. from the kings's residence cf. Kathās
===> rāja-gṛha [ rAjagRha ]3[ rAja-gRha ] n. a king's house, palace cf. Kathās (1) (once [ I ] f.) N. of the chief city in Magadha cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) mfn. belonging to the city Rāja-gṛha cf. VāyuP. (3) [ -nirmANa ] n. [ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wks. (4) [ °haka ] mfn. belonging or relating to a kings's palace, g. [ dhUm^adi ],
===> rāja-kula [ rAjakula ]3[ rAja-kula ] n. a king's race, royal family (pl. = kings, princes) cf. Kāv. cf. BhP. (1) a royal palace or court (where also law is administered) cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) a main road or street cf. R. (B.) (3) [ prajAta ] mfn. born from a race of kings cf. R. (4) [ -bhaTTa ] m. N. of a poet cf. Cat. (5) [ -vivAda ] m. a contest among kings cf. ṢaḍvBr. (6) [ °l^anumantavya ] mfn. to be approved by kings cf. Inscr. (7) [ °lya ] mfn. of royal race or descent cf. MW.
===> rāja-kumāra [ rAjakumAra ]3[ rAja-kumAra ] m. a king's son, prince cf. Vet. cf. Sāh (1) [ °rikA ] f. princess cf. Kathās
===> rāja-kārya [ rAjakArya ]3[ rAja-kArya ] n. a king's duty or business, state affairs cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) royal command cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch.
===> rāja-kṛta [ rAjakRta ]3[ rAja-kRta ] ([ r'Aja- ]), mfn. made or performed by a kings cf. AV. (1) [ -pratijJa ] mfn. one who has fulfilled the kings's conditions cf. MW.
===> rāja-kṛtya [ rAjakRtya ]3[ rAja-kRtya ] n. a kings's duty or business, state affairs cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat
===> rājaka [ rAjaka ]2[ rAjaka ] mfn. illuminating, irradiating, splendid cf. W. (1) ([ °k'a ]), m. a little king, petty prince cf. RV. cf. Hariv. (2) a king, prince (= [ rAjan ], esp. ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) N. of various men cf. Rājat. cf. Lalit. (4) n. a number of kings cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 39)
===> rājan [ rAjan ]2[ rAjan ]1 m. (ifc. mostly [ -rAja ], esp. in Tat-purushas (1) f. [ -rAjan ], [ °jA ] or [ °jJI ]
---> cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 28 cf. Sch.) a king, sovereign, prince, chief (often applied to gods, e. g. to Varuṇa and the other Ādityas, to Indra, Yama &c., but esp. to Soma [ also the plant and juice ] and the Moon) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a man of the royal tribe or the military caste, a Kshatriya cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. &c. (cf. [ rAjanya ]) (3) a Yaksha cf. L. (4) N. of one of the 18 attendants on Sūrya (identified with a form of Guha) cf. L. (5) of Yudhi-shṭhira cf. MBh. ([ rAjJAm indra-mah^otsavaH ] and [ -rAjJAm ] [ pratibodhaH ], N. of wks.) [ 875,1 ] ; ([ r'AjJI ]), f. s. v. [ Cf. Lat. [ rex ] ; Kelt. [ r^ig ], fr. which Old Germ. [ r^ik ] ; Goth. [ reiks ] ; Angl. Sax. [ r^ice ] ; Eng. [ rich ]. ]
===> [ rAjan ]2[ rAj'an ]2 (only in loc. [ rAj'ani ]) government, guidance cf. RV. x, 49, 4
===> rājanya [ rAjanya ]2[ rAjany'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. kingly, princely, royal cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) m. a royal personage, man of the regal or military tribe (ancient N. of the second or Kshatriya caste) cf. ib. (cf. cf. IW. 228) (2) N. of Agni or Fire cf. Uṇ. 100 cf. Sch. (3) a kind of date tree (= [ kSIrikA ]) cf. L. (4) pl. N. of a partic. family of warriors cf. VarBṛS. (5) ([ A ]), f. a lady of royal rank cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.
===> rājasa [ rAjasa ]1[ rAjasa ] mfn. belonging or relating to the quality [ rajas ] (q. v.), endowed with or influenced by the quality of passion, passionate ([ -tva ] n.) cf. MaitrUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.
---> m. pl. N. of a class of gods in the 5th Manv-antara cf. VP. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā cf. L.
===> rājata [ rAjata ]1[ rAjata ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ rajata ]) silvery, made of silver, silver cf. ŚrS. cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. silver cf. Mn. cf. R. &c.
===> rājikā [ rAjikA ]2[ rAjikA ] f. (for [ rAjika ] col. 1) a stripe, streak, line cf. L. (1) a field cf. L. (2) Sinapis Ramosa (a grain of it = 1/3 Sarshapa) cf. Suśr. cf. ŚārṅgS. (3) a partic. eruption (enumerated among the Kshudra-rogas), cf. ŚārṅgS.
===> rājya [ rAjya ]2[ rAjy'a ] mfn. kingly, princely, royal cf. TBr. (1) n. (also [ r'Ajya ] or [ rAjyA ]) royalty, kingship, sovereignty, empire (` over ', loc. or comp. (2) ` of ', gen. or comp. (3) acc. with √ [ kR ] or Caus. of √ [ kR ] or with [ upa-√ As ] or [ vi-√ dhA ], to exercise government, rule, govern) cf. AV. &c. &c. (4) kingdom, country, realm (= [ rASTra ]) cf. ib. 1
===> rājya-kara [ rAjyakara ]3[ rAjy'a-kara ] mfn. exercising government, ruling cf. MBh. 2
===> [ rAjyakara ]3[ rAjy'a-kara ] m. the tribute paid by tributary princes cf. Kṣitîś
===> rājyâbhiṣeka [ rAjyAbhiSeka ]3[ rAjy^abhiSeka ] m. inauguration to a kingdom, coronation cf. Pañcat (1) [ -dIdhiti ] f. [ -paddhati ] f. [ -prakaraNa-TIkA ] f. [ -mantra ], m. [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wks.
===> rājânujīvin [ rAjAnujIvin ]3[ rAj^anujIvin ] m. the dependent of a king, a king's servant cf. MatsyaP.
===> rājānaka [ rAjAnaka ]3[ rAj^anaka ] m. an inferior kind, petty prince cf. ib. (1) N. of Mammaṭa cf. Cat. (2) [ -mahim^acArya ] m. N. of an author cf. ib.
===> rājāya [ rAjAya ]2[ rAjAya ] (fr. id.), Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to act or behave like a king, consider one's self a king cf. MBh.
===> rākṣasa [ rAkSasa ]1[ rAkSasa ] mf ([ i ]) n. (fr. [ rakSas ]) belonging to or like a Rakshas, demoniacal, infested by demons cf. AitBr. &c. &c. (with [ vivAha ], or [ dharma ] or [ vidhi ] m. ` one of the 8 forms of marriage ', the violent seizure or rape of a girl after the defeat or destruction of her relatives, cf. Mn. iii, 33) (1) m. a Rakshas or demon in general, an evil or malignant demon (the Rākshasas are sometimes regarded as produced from Brahmā's foot, sometimes with Rāvaṇa as descendants of Pulastya, elsewhere they are styled children of Khasā or Su-rasa (2) according to some they are distinguishable into 3 classes, one being of a semi-divine benevolent nature and ranking with Yakshas &c. (3) another corresponding to Titans or relentless enemies of the gods (4) and a third answering more to nocturnal demons, imps, fiends, goblins, going about at night, haunting cemeteries, disturbing sacrifices and even devouring human beings (5) this last class is the one most commonly mentioned (6) their chief place of abode was Laṅkā in Ceylon (7) in cf. R. v, 10, 17 &c. they are fully described (8) cf. also cf. IW. 310 cf. RTL. 237) cf. Kauś. cf. Up. &c. (9) a king of the Rakshas, g. [ parzv-Adi ] (10) (with Jainas) one of the 8 classes of Vyantaras cf. L. (11) N. of the 30th Muhūrta cf. L. (12) of one of the astronomical cf. Yogas. cf. Col. (13) of a minister of Nanda cf. Mudr (14) of a poet cf. Cat. (cf. below) (15) m. n. the 49th year in the Jupiter cycle of 6o years cf. VarBṛS. (16) ([ I ]), f. a Rākshasī or female demon cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (17) the island of the Rākshasas, i. e. Laṅkā or Ceylon cf. Buddh. (18) N. of a malignant spirit supposed to haunt the four corners of a house cf. VarBṛS. (19) of a Yoginī cf. Hcat (20) night cf. L. (21) a kind of plant (= [ caNDA ]) cf. L. (22) a large tooth, tusk cf. L.
===> rāma [ rAma ]1[ rAma ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (prob. ` causing rest ', and in most meanings fr. √ [ ram ]) dark, dark-coloured, black (cf. [ rAtri ]) cf. AV. cf. TĀr. ([ rAmaH zakuniH ]. a black bird, crow cf. KāṭhGṛ. cf. Viṣṇ.) (1) white (?) cf. L. (2) pleasing, pleasant, charming, lovely, beautiful cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) m. a kind of deer cf. Car. (4) a horse cf. L. (5) a lover cf. VarBṛS. (6) pleasure, joy, delight cf. BhP. (7) N. of Varuṇa. cf. L. (8) N. of various mythical personages (in Veda two Rāmas are mentioned with the patr. Mārgaveya and Aupatasvini (9) another Rāmas with the patr. Jāmadagnya [ cf. below ] is the supposed author of cf. RV. x, 110 (10) in later times three Rāmas are celebrated, viz. 1. Paraśu-rāma [ q. v. ], who forms the 6th Avatāra of Viṣṇu and is sometimes called Jāmadagnya, as son of the sage Jamad-agni by Reṇukā, and sometimes Bhārgava, as descended from Bhṛgu (11) 2. Rāma-candra [ see below ] (12) 3. Bala-rāma [ q. v. ], ` the strong Rāma ', also called Hal^ayudha and regarded as elder brother of Kṛshṇa [ cf. RTL. 112 ] accord. to Jainas a Rāma is enumerated among the 9 white Balas (13) and in cf. VP. a Rāmas is mentioned among the 7 Ṛshis of the 8th Manv-antara) cf. RV. &c &c. N. of a king of Malla-pura cf. Cat. (14) of a king of Śṛṅga-vera and patron of Nāg^eśa cf. ib. (15) of various authors and teachers (also with [ AcArya ], [ up^adhyAya ], [ kavi ], [ cakra-vartin ], [ jyotir-vid ], [ jyau- ] [ tiSaka ], [ tarka-vAg-Iza ], [ dIkSita ], [ daiva-jJa ], [ paNDita ], [ bhaTTa ], [ bhaTT^acArya ], [ vAjapeyin ], [ zarman ], [ zAstrin ], [ saMyamin ], [ sUri ] &c.) cf. Cat. (16) N. of the number ` three ' (on account of the 3 Rāmas) cf. Hcat. ([ rAmasya iSuH ], a kind of cane = [ rAmakaNDa ] cf. L.) (17) pl. N. of a people cf. VP. (18) ([ 'A ]), f. a beautiful woman, any young and charming woman, mistress, wife, any woman cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. (for comp. p. 878) (19) a dark woman i. e. a woman of low origin cf. TS. cf. TĀr. (20) N. of various plants (Jonesia Asoka (21) Aloe Perfoliata (22) Asa Foetida &c.) cf. L. vermilion cf. L. (23) red earth cf. L. (24) a kind of pigment (= [ gorocanA ]) cf. L. (25) a river cf. L. (26) a kind of metre cf. L. (27) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (28) N. of an Apsaras cf. L. cf. Sch. (29) of a daughter of Kumbh^aṇḍa cf. Hariv. (30) of the mother of the ninth Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī cf. L. (31) ([ 'I ]), f. darkness, night cf. RV. (32) n. id. cf. ib. (33) the leaf of Laurus Cassia cf. L. (34) Chenopodium Album cf. L. (35) = [ kuSTha ] cf. L.
===> rāmaṇīyaka [ rAmaNIyaka ]2[ rAmaNIyaka ] n. (fr. [ ramaNIya ]) loveliness, charm, beauty cf. Kāv (1) m. or n. N. of a Dvīpa cf. MBh. (2) mfn. = [ ramaNIya ], lovely, beautiful, pleasing cf. L.
===> rātra [ rAtra ]1[ rAtra ] [ rAtraka ], below
===> [ rAtra ]2[ rAtra ] m. n. (ifc.) = [ rAtri ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 29 (cf. [ ati- ], [ tri- ], [ divA-r° ] &c. (1) also used alone in [ trINi rAtrANi ] cf. MBh. xiii, 6230)
===> rātri [ rAtri ]1[ r'Atri ] or (older) [ r'AtrI ] f. (prob. ` bestower ', fr. √ [ rA ] (1) or ` season of rest ', fr. √ [ ram ]) night, the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ rAtrau ] or [ °tryAm ] ind. at night, by night (2) [ rAtrau zayanam ], a festival on the 11th day of the first half of the month Āshāḍha, regarded as the night of the gods, beginning with the summer solstice, when Viṣṇu reposes for four months on the serpent Śesha) (3) = [ ati-rAtra ] cf. ŚBr. (4) = [ rAtri-paryAya ] cf. ib. (5) = [ rAtri-sAman ] cf. Lāṭy (6) (only [ rAtri ]) one of the 4 bodies of Brahmā cf. VP. (7) = [ haridrA ], turmeric cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (8) (with the patr. [ bhAradvAjI ]) N. of the authoress of cf. RV. x, 127 cf. Anukr.
===> rātri-caryā [ rAtricaryA ]3[ r'Atri-caryA ] f. = [ -cAra ] cf. MBh. (1) a night ceremony cf. Kathās
===> rātriṃ-diva [ rAtriMdiva ]3[ r'Atri-M-diva ] n. night and day cf. Kālid (1) ([ am ] or [ A ]), ind. by night and day cf. Kāv. cf. Kām
===> rāvaṇa [ rAvaNa ]2[ rAvaNa ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to cry (with gen. or ifc. (1) only in this sense to explain the name of the famous Rākshasa) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) m. N. of the ruler of Laṅkā or Ceylon and the famous chief of the Rākshasas or demons whose destruction by Rāmacandra forms the subject of the Rāmāyaṇa (as son of Viśravas he was younger brother of Kubera, but by a different mother, Ilavila being the mother of Kubera, and Keśinī of the three other brothers Rāvaṇa Vibhīshaṇa, and Kumbha-karṇa (3) he is one of the worst of the many impersonations of evil common in Hindū mythology (4) he has ten heads and twenty arms, symbolizing strength (5) this power was, as usual, acquired by self-inflicted austerities, which had obtained from Brahmā a boon, in virtue of which Rāvaṇa was invulnerable by gods and divine beings of all kinds, though not by men or a god in human form (6) as Viṣṇu became incarnate in Rāma-candra to destroy Rāvaṇa, so the other gods produced innumerable monkeys, bears, and various semi-divine animals to do battle with the legions of demons, his subjects, under Khara, Dūshaṇa, and his other generals) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 353) (7) patr. fr. [ ravaNa ] g. [ ziv^adi ] (8) N. of a prince of Kaśmīra cf. Rājat (9) of various authors cf. Cat. (10) ([ I ]), f. (with [ cikitsA ]) N. of a medical wk. (11) n. the act of screaming &c. cf. MW. (12) N. of a Muhūrta cf. Cat.
===> rāśi [ rAzi ]1[ rAz'i ] m. (cf. L. also f. (1) once m. c. in cf. R. [ I ], f. (2) derivation doubtful, but cf. cf. Uṇ. iv, 32) a heap, mass, pile, group, multitude, quantity, number cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) (in arithm.) a sum or the figure or figures put down for an operation (such as multiplying, dividing &c.) cf. Col. (4) a measure of quantity (= [ droNa ]) cf. ŚārṅgS. (5) a sign of the zodiac (as being a certain sum or quantity of degrees), one-twelfth part of the ecliptic, an astrological house cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (cf. cf. IW. 178) (6) a heap of corn cf. L. (7) N. of an Ek^aha cf. ŚrS.
===> rāṣṭra [ rASTra ]1[ rASTr'a ] m. n. (fr. √ [ rAj ] (1) g. [ ardharc^adi ] (2) m. only cf. MBh. xiii, 3050) a kingdom (cf. Mn. vii, 157 one of the 5 Prakṛtis of the state), realm, empire, dominion, district, country cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) a people, nation, subjects cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) any public calamity (as famine, plague &c.), affliction cf. L. (5) m. N. of a king (son of Kāśi) cf. BhP.
===> rāṣṭra-pāla [ rASTrapAla ]3[ rASTr'a-pAla ] m. ` protector of a kingdom ', a sovereign, Bhp (1) N. of a son of Ugra-sena cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (2) of another man cf. Buddh. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of a daughter of Ugra-sena cf. Hariv. cf. Pur.
---> [ °la-paripR7cchA ] f. N. of wk.
===> rīti [ rIti ]2[ rIt'i ] f. going, motion, course cf. RV. (1) a stream, current cf. ib. (2) a streak, line, row cf. PārGṛ. cf. Hariv. cf. Naish (3) limit, boundary (= [ sIman ]) cf. L. (4) general course or way, usage, custom, practice, method, manner cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Sarvad (5) natural propensity or disposition cf. L. (6) style of speaking or writing, diction (three are usually enumerated, viz. [ vaidarbhI ], [ gauDI ], [ paJcAlI ], to which a fourth is sometimes added, viz. [ lATikA ], and even a fifth and sixth, viz. [ AvantikA ] or [ yAvantikA ] and [ mAgadhI ]) cf. Vām. cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Sāh. &c. (7) yellow or pale brass, bell-metal cf. Rājat. cf. Kathās (8) rust of iron cf. L. (9) scoria or oxide formed on metals by exposure to heat and air cf. L.
===> rūkṣa [ rUkSa ]2[ rUkS'a ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (prob. fr. √ [ rUS ] (1) cf. 2. [ rukSa ]) rough, dry, arid, dreary cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) emaciated, thin cf. Suśr. (3) rough to the taste, astringent cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (4) not greasy or oily (as food or medicine) cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. (5) hard, harsh, unkind, cruel (as a person or speech) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) unpleasant, disagreeable, not soft (to the sight, smell &c.) cf. ib. (7) dismal (as a house) cf. Pañcat (8) soiled, smeared, dirtied cf. R. cf. Mudr (9) having the smell of an elephant in rut cf. L. (10) m. hardness, harshness cf. L. (11) the smell of the rut of an elephant cf. L. (12) a kind of grass (= [ varaka ]) cf. L. (13) ([ A ]), f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium cf. L. (14) n. a good kind of iron cf. L. (15) the thick part of curds cf. L.
===> [ rUkSa ]1[ rUkSa ]2 m. (prob. for Prākṛt [ rukkha ] = [ vRkSa ]) a tree cf. L.
===> rūpa [ rUpa ]2[ rUp'a ] n. (perhaps connected with [ varpa ], [ varpas ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ], rarely [ I ]) any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour (often pl.), form, shape, figure cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ rUpeNa ] ifc. in the form of [ 886,1 ] (2) [ rUpam-√ kR ] or √ [ bhU ], to assume a form (3) often ifc. = ` having the form or appearance or colour of ', ` formed or composed of ', ` consisting of ', ` like to ' (4) sometimes used after an adj. or p. p. to emphasize its meaning or almost redundantly, cf. [ ghora-r° ] (5) or connected with a verb, e. g. [ pacati-rUpam ], he cooks very well, cf. cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 57) (6) dreamy or phantom shapes (pl.) cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. (7) handsome form, loveliness, grace, beauty, splendour cf. RV. &c. &c. (8) nature, character, peculiarity, feature, mark, sign, symptom cf. VS. &c. &c. (9) likeness, image, reflection cf. Mn. cf. Kathās (10) circumstances (opp. to ` time ' and ` place ') cf. Mn. viii, 45 (11) sort, kind cf. R. cf. Suśr. (12) mode, manner, way cf. Kap (13) (ifc.) trace of. cf. R. (14) a single specimen or exemplar (and therefore a term for the number ` one ') cf. VarBṛS. cf. Gaṇit (15) a partic. coin (prob. a rupee) cf. VarBṛS. (16) a show, play, drama cf. Daśar (17) (in alg.) the arithmetical unit (18) (pl.) integer number (19) known or absolute number, a known quantity as having specific form (and expressed by [ rU ] i. e. first syllable of [ rUpa ]) cf. IW. 182 (20) (in gram.) any form of a noun or verb (as inflected by declension or conjugation) cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 &c. (21) (in phil.) the quality of colour (one of the 17 or 24 Guṇas of the Vaiśeshikas) cf. IW. 68 (22) (with Buddhists) material form i. e. the organized body (as one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas) cf. Dharmas. 22 cf. MWB. 109 (23) (in dram.) a reflection or remark made under partic. circumstances when the action is at its height ([ garbhe ]) cf. Bhar. cf. Daśar. &c. (24) (only cf. L.) cattle (25) a beast (26) a sound, word (27) rereading a book (= [ granth^avRtti ]) (28) m. a word of unknown meaning cf. AV. xviii, 3, 40 (29) (pl.) N. of a people cf. MBh. (30) m. or n. N. of a place (v. l. [ rUma ]) cf. Cat. (31) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. VP.
===> rūpa-dhātu [ rUpadhAtu ]3[ rUp'a-dhAtu ] m. the element of form, original seat or region of form (with Buddhists (1) the other two element being [ kAma-dh° ], q. v., and [ arUpa-dh° ], ` the element of formlessness ') cf. Buddh.
===> rūpa-rāga [ rUparAga ]3[ rUp'a-rAga ] m. (with cf. Buddh.) craving for life in a material form (either on earth or in heaven (1) one of the 10 fetters or Saṃyojanas) cf. MWB. 127
===> rūpa-skandha [ rUpaskandha ]3[ rUp'a-skandha ] m. (with Buddhists) a physical element (of which there are 11) cf. Dharmas. 26
===> rūpaka [ rUpaka ]2[ rUpaka ] mfn. having form, figurative, metaphorical, illustrating by figurative language cf. Sāh
(1) m. a partic. coin (prob. a rupee) cf. Var. cf. Pañcat. &c.
(2) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt. (cf. [ -tAla ])
(3) ([ r'UpakA ]), f. a female fox or jackal cf. AV. xi, 9, 15 [ cf. Zd. [ urupi ] ]
(4) ([ ikA ]), f. swallow-wort, Asclepias Lactifera
(5) n. form, figure, shape, appearance (mostly ifc., with f. [ A ], = having the form of, composed or consisting of, similar to) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
(6) image, likeness cf. AitBr. cf. Kathās
(7) feature, sign, symptom cf. W.
(8) kind, species cf. MaitrUp.
(9) (in rhet.) a figure of speech, metapbor, comparison, simile (esp. one in which [ iva ], [ vat ] &c. are omitted, e. g. [ bAhu-latA ], ` a creeper- like arm ', [ paNi-padma ], ` a lotus-like hand ' [ 886,3 ]
(10) there are 3 or 4 varieties of Rūpaka, e. g. the [ ardha-r° ], ` partial metaphor ', [ khaNDa-r° ], ` imperfect metaphor ', and [ lalAma-r° ], ` flowery metaphor ')
cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Sāh. &c. (cf. cf. IW. 458)
(11) a drama, play, theatrical performance (esp. of the principal class, as opp. to the [ upa-rUpakas ] or inferior dramas
(12) of the former there are 10 species including the Nāṭaka or higher order of play and the Prahasana or farce) cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh. &c. (cf. IW. 471)
(13) a partic. weight (= 3 Guñjās) cf. L.
(14) = [ mUrta ] or [ dhUrta ] cf. L.
===> rūpatā [ rUpatA ]3[ rUp'a-tA ] f. (ifc.) the state of being formed or composed of (e. g. [ duHkha-r° ], ` the consisting of pain ') cf. Nīlak
===> rūpavat [ rUpavat ]3[ rUp'a-vat ] mfn. having form or colour, formed, embodied, corporeal cf. R. cf. BhP. cf. Kathās
(1) having a beautiful form or colour, handsomely formed, handsome, beautiful (superl. [ -tama ])
cf. PārGṛ. cf. MBh. cf. Nir. &c.
(2) having the form or appearance of (ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. MārkP.
(3) ([ atI ]), f. a handsome woman (N. of various women) cf. Buddh. cf. Kathās
(4) of a river cf. BhP.
===> rūpaṇa [ rUpaNa ]2[ rUpaNa ] n. figurative illustration, metaphorical description cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Sāh (1) examination, investigation, proof cf. Sāh
===> rūpin [ rUpin ]2[ rUpin ] mf ([ iNI ]) n. having or assuming a partic. form or figure, embodied, corporeal cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) having a beautiful form or figure, well-shaped, handsome, beautiful cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) (ifc.) having the form or nature or character of, characterised by, appearing as cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> rūpya [ rUpya ]2[ rUpya ] mfn. well-shaped, beautiful cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 120 (1) stamped, impressed cf. ib. (2) to be denoted (or capable of being denoted) figuratively or metaphorically cf. Sāh (3) (ifc.) formerly in the possession of or possessed by cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 54 (4) proceeding from er originating with (= [ tasmAd AgataH ]) cf. ib. iv, 3, 82 (5) m. N. of a man, g. [ tik^adi ] (6) of a mountain cf. Śatr (7) ([ A ]), f. a partic. fragrant substance cf. Gal. (8) n. silver cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (9) wrought silver or gold, stamped coin, rupee cf. L. (10) collyrium cf. L.
===> rūpyamaya [ rUpyamaya ]3[ rUpya-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made or consisting of silver, containing silver cf. Pañcat
===> rūpâvacara [ rUpAvacara ]3[ rUp^avacara ] m. pl. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form cf. Dharmas. 128 (cf. [ kAm^av° ])
===> rūpâyatana [ rUpAyatana ]3[ rUp^ayatana ] n. (with Buddhists) form as one of the 12 Āyatanas (or organs and objects of sense) cf. Dharmas. 24
===> rūḍha [ rUDha ]2[ rUDh'a ] mfn. mounted, risen, ascended cf. AV. &c. &c.
(1) lifted up, imposed on, laden ([ -paricchada ])
(2) grown together, healed cf. R. cf. Suśr.
(3) sprung up, grown, increased, developed, produced from (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
(4) budded, blown cf. W.
(5) large, great cf. MW.
(6) high, noble ([ -vaMza ])
(7) diffused, spread about, widely known, current, notorious, famous cf. Kāv. cf. Sāh
(8) traditional, conventional, popular (opp. to [ yaugika ] and said of words which have a meaning not directly connected with their etymology
(9) esp. in pl. applied to names of warrior tribes, which also denote the country inhabited by them)
cf. Śiś. cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch. &c.
(10) acquainted or conversant with (loc.) cf. Gaṇit
(11) certain, ascertained cf. W.
(12) obscure cf. MW.
(13) m. a scar (also n. and [ A ] f.)
(14) barley cf. L.
===> [ rUDha ]1[ rUDha ] [ rUDhi ], col. 2 and above
===> sa [ sa ]1[ sa ]1 the last of the three sibilants (it belongs to the dental class and in sound corresponds to [ s ] in [ sin ]) . -1
===> [ sa ]1[ sa ]2 (in prosody) an anapest (?-). -2
===> [ sa ]1[ sa ]3 (in music) an abbreviated term for [ SaD-ja ] (p. 1109, col. 2)
===> [ sa ]1[ sa ]4 (only L.), m. a snake (1) air, wind (2) a bird (3) N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of Lakshmi or Gaurī (5) n. knowledge (6) meditation (7) a carriage road (8) a fence
===> [ sa ]1[ sa ]5 mfn. (fr. √ [ san ]) procuring, bestowing (only ifc. (1) cf. [ palu-S'a ] and [ priya-s'a ])
===> [ sa ]1[ s'a ]6 the actual base for the nom. case of the 3rd pers. pron. [ t'ad ], q. v. (occurring only in the nom. sg. mf. [ [ s'a ] or [ s'as ], [ sA ] ], and in the Ved. loc. [ [ s'asmin ] RV. i, 152, 6 ; i, 174, 4 ; x, 95, 11 ] (1) the final [ s ] of the nom. m. is dropped before all consonants [ except before [ p ] in RV. v, 2, 4, and before [ t ] in RV. viii, 33, 16 ] and appears only at the end of a sentence in the form of Visarga (2) [ sa ] occasionally blends with another vowel [ as in [ sa^iSaH ] ] (3) and it is often for emphasis connected with another pron. as with [ aham ], [ tvam ], [ eSa ], [ ayam ] &c. [ e. g. [ so 'ham ] [ sa tvam ], ` I (or thou) that very person ' (4) cf. under [ t'ad ], p. 434 ], the verb then following in the 1st and 2nd pers. even if [ aham ] or [ tvam ] be omitted [ e. g. [ sa ] [ tvA pRcchAmi ] ` I that very person ask you ' BṛĀrUp. (5) [ sa ] [ vai no brUhi ] ` do thou tell us ' ŚBr. ] (6) similarly, to denote emphasis, with [ bhavAn ] [ e. g. [ sa bhavAn vijayAya pratiSThatAm ], ` let your Highness set out for victory ' Śak. ] (7) it sometimes [ and frequently in the Brāhmaṇas ] stands as the first word of a sentence preceding a rel. pronoun or adv. such as [ ya ], [ yad ], [ yadi ], [ yathA ], [ c^ed ] (8) in this position [ sa ] may be used pleonastically or as a kind of ind., even where another gender or number is required [ e. g. [ sa yadi ] [ sthAvarA Apo bhananti ], ` if those waters are stagnant ' ŚBr. ] (9) in the Sāṃkhya [ sa ], like [ eSa ], [ ka ], and [ ya ], is used to denote Purusha, ` the Universal Soul ') RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Zd. [ hā ], [ hA ] (10) Gk. ?, ?. ] [ 1111,2 ]
===> [ sa ]1[ sa ]7 ind. (connected with [ saha ], [ sam ], [ sama ], and occasionally in BhP. standing for [ saha ] with instr.) an inseparable prefix expressing ` junction ', ` conjunction ', ` possession ' (as opp. to [ a ] priv.), ` similarity ', ` equality ' (1) and when compounded with nouns to form adjectives and adverbs it may be translated by ` with ', ` together or along with ', ` accompanied by ', ` added to ', ` having ', ` possessing ', ` containing ', ` having the same ' [ cf. [ sa-kopa ], [ s^agni ], [ sa-bhAya ], [ sa-droNa ], [ sa-dharman ], [ sa-varNa ] ] (2) or it may = ` ly ', as in [ sa-kopam ], ` angrily ', [ s^opadhi ], ` fraudulently ') RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Gk. [ 'a ] in ? ; Lat. [ sim ] in [ simplex ] ; [ 1111,2 ] [ sem ] in [ semel ], [ semper ] Eng. [ same ]. ]
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] See 5. [ sa ], p. 1111, col. 2
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prifixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following)
===> [ sa ]2[ sa ] (to be similarly prefixed to the following):
===> sabala [ sabala ]3[ sa-bala ] ([ s'a- ]), mfn. powerful, strong RV. &c. &c. (1) together with strength or power L. (2) accompanied by a force or army. MBh. R. (3) together with Bala (Kṛshṇa's eldest brother) BhP. (4) m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya Hariv. (5) of a son of Vasishṭha (and one of the 7 Ṛshis) MārkP. (6) of one of the 7 Ṛshis under Manu Śāvarṇa ib. (7) [ -tA ] f. (ŚāṅkhBr.), [ -tva ] n. (Śiś.) power, strength (8) [ -vAhana ] mfn. with an army and followers Yājñ. Sch. (9) [ -siMha ] m. N. of a king Inscr. (10) [ °lAt-kAram ] ind. with force, forcibly Śak (11) [ °l^anuga ] mfn. followed by an army MBh. R. (12) = [ sa-balavAhana ] MW.
===> sabhaya [ sabhaya ]3[ sa-bhaya ] mf ([ A ]) n. fearful, apprehensive ([ am ] ind.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) riskful, dangerous Lalit.
===> sabhya [ sabhya ]2[ s'abhya ] mfn. being in an assembly-hall or meeting-room, belonging to or fit for an assembly or court, suitable to good society, courteous, polite, refined, civilized, not vulgar, decorous (as speech) AV. &c. &c. (1) being at the court of (gen.) Vās., Introd. (2) m. an assistant at an assembly or council, (esp.) an assessor, judge Mn. MBh. &c. (3) the keeper of a gambling. house W. (4) a person of honourable parentage ib. (5) N. of one of the five sacred fires (See [ paJc^agni ]) KātyŚr. Mn. iii, 100, 185 Kull
===> sabhā [ sabhA ]1[ sabh'A ] f. (of unknown derivation, but probably to be connected with 7. [ sa ] (1) ifc. also [ sabha ], n. (2) cf. Pāṇ. 2-4. 23 &c., and [ eka-sabh'a ]) an assembly, congregation, meeting, council, public audience RV. &c. &c. (3) social party, society, good society (See comp.) (4) Society (personified as a daughter of Prajāpati) AV. (5) a place for public meetings, large assembly-room or hall, palace, court of a king or of justice, council-chamber, gambling-house &c. ib. (6) a house for lodging and accommodating travellers Mn. MBh. &c. ; an eating-house (See [ mahA-s° ]) . [ Cf. Goth. [ sibja ] ; Germ. [ sippa ], [ Sippe ] ; Angl. Sax. [ sibb ] ; Eng. [ god-sib ], [ gossip ]. ]
===> sabhāga [ sabhAga ]3[ sabh'A-g'a ] mfn. (for [ sa-bhAga ] See above) going into an assembly or council ŚBr. ChUp.
===> sabrahmacārin [ sabrahmacArin ]3[ sa-brahmacArin ] m. (prob.) = next Yājñ. ii, 85
===> [ sabrahmacArin ]3[ sa-brahmacArin ] m. a fellow-student, one who studies the same Śākhā of the Veda ([ iNI ] f.) GṛS. Mn. Yājñ. Kathās (1) (ifc.) a fellow, companion (in [ duHkha-s° ]) Kād (2) mfn. rivalling, vying with ib.
===> sabrahmaka [ sabrahmaka ]3[ sa-brahmaka ] mfn. together with (the priest called) Brahman AśvŚr. (1) together with (the god) Brahmā MBh. (2) together with the world of Brahmā Buddh.
===> sacetana [ sacetana ]3[ sa-cetana ] mfn. having reason or consciousness or feeling, sentient, sensible, animate, rational PārGṛ. R. Kathās. &c.
===> sacitta [ sacitta ]3[ sa-citta ] ([ s'a- ]), mfn. of the same mind AV. [ 1131,1 ] (1) endowed with reason Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 25 Vārtt. 1 (quot.)
===> saciva [ saciva ]2[ saciva ] m. an associate, companion, friend, ([ I ] f.) (1) esp. a king's friend or attendant, counsellor, minister (ifc. = ` assisted by ', ` provided with ') Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) the dark thorn-apple L.
===> sad-artha [ sadartha ]3[ sad-artha ] m. a matter in question Kām. Hit. (1) mfn. wealthy MārkP. (2) being L. (3) [ -sAra-maJjarI ] f. N. of wk.
===> [ sadartha ]1[ sad-artha ] [ sad-azva ] &c. See p. 1137, col. 1
===> sad-asat [ sadasat ]3[ sad-asat ] mfn. being and not being, real and unreal BhP. (1) true and false (See n.) (2) good and bad VarBṛS. (3) m. pl. the good and the bad Rājat (4) n. what is existent and non-existence (also du.) BhP. (5) the true and the false Kāv (6) good and evil Ragh (7) du. existence and nonexistence, truth and falsehood MW. (8) [ -khyAti-vicAra ] m. N. of wk. (9) [ -tva ] n. existence and non-existence BhP. (10) [ -pati ] m. a lord of what is existent and non-existence Pañcar. (11) [ -phala ], (ibc.) good and evil consequences, [ °la-maya ], mf[ [ I ] ]n. consisting of good and evil consequences MaitrUp. VarBṛS.
===> sad-bhāva [ sadbhAva ]3[ sad-bhAva ] m. real being, existence Bhag. R. MārkP. &c. (1) the being true, truth, real state of things ([ zAstra-bh° ], ` the true purport of a work ') MBh. VarBṛS. BrahmaP. &c. (2) the quality of goodness W. (3) uprightness GāruḍaP. (4) goodness, kindness, affection for ([ prati ]), faithfulness MBh. Kāv. Kathās. &c. (5) [ -zrI ] f. N. of a goddess Rājat
===> sad-bhūta [ sadbhUta ]3[ sad-bhUta ] mfn. who or what is really good or true ([ °t^otpAdaka ], mfn. ` producing what is true ') MBh. Hariv.
===> sad-dharma [ saddharma ]3[ sad-dharma ] m. the good law, true justice R. Pur. (1) (with Buddhists and Jainas) designation of the Buddhist or Jaina doctrines Buddh. Inscr. (2) [ -candr^odaya ] m. [ -cintAmaNi ] m. [ -tattv^akhy^ahnika ], [ -puNDarIka ] n. (MWB. 69), [ -laGk^avatAra ] m. [ -samparigraha ], m. N. of wks.
===> sad-gati [ sadgati ]3[ sad-gati ] f. good or happy state or fortune MBh. R. BhP. &c. (1) the way of good men Kāv [ sadgati ]1[ sad-gati ] &c. See p. 1137, col. 2
===> sad-vastu [ sadvastu ]3[ sad-vastu ] n. an excellent work MW. (1) a good thing A. (2) a good plot or story Vikr
===> sadman [ sadman ]2[ sadm'an ] m. a sitter, assessor, spectator R. (1) ([ s'a° ]), n. a seat, abode, dwelling, house, place (esp. of sacrifice), temple RV. &c. &c. (2) a stand, stable RV. v, 11, 5 ; 67, 7 (3) (?) an astrological house Cat. (4) water Naigh. i, 12 (5) war, battle (= [ saM-grAma ]) ib. ii, 17 (6) (du.) heaven and earth ib. iii, 30 (7) mfn. dwelling in, inhabiting (ifc.) L.
===> [ sadman ]1[ sadman ] &c. See p. 1139, col. 1
===> sadoṣa [ sadoSa ]3[ sa-doSa ] mfn. together with the night Kāvyâd. -2
===> [ sadoSa ]3[ sa-doSa ] mfn. having faults, defective, wrong, objectionable Kāvyâd. Hcat (1) [ -vat ] mfn. containing anything defective MW. (2) [ -vikAza ] m. a defective exhibition ib.
===> saduḥkha [ saduHkha ]3[ sa-duHkha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having pain, distressed, afflicted, sad Kathās. Rājat
===> sadyas [ sadyas ]3[ sa-dyas ] &c., See s. v.
===> [ sadyas ]1[ sa-dy'as ] ind. (fr. 7. [ sa+dyu ] (1) cf. [ sad'ivas ]) on the same day, in the very moment (either ` at once ', ` immediately ' or ` just ', ` recently ') RV. &c. &c. (2) daily, every day RV. AV. AitBr. MBh.
===> sadā [ sadA ]2[ s'adA ] ind. always, ever, every time, continually, perpetually (with [ na ] ', never ') RV. &c. &c.
===> sadā-mada [ sadAmada ]3[ s'adA-mada ] mfn. always excited with joy Hariv. R. (1) always drunk MārkP. (2) ever-furious MW. (3) always proud Śiś. (4) always in rut (said of an elephant) Pañcat (5) m. N. of Gaṇ^eśa L.
===> sadā-matta [ sadAmatta ]3[ s'adA-matta ] mfn. always excited with joy R. (1) always in rut (as an elephant) Pañcat. Kathās (2) m. N. of a man (pl. of his family), g. [ yask^adi ] (3) pl. N. of a class of divine beings Divyâv
===> sadṛśa [ sadRza ]2[ sadRza ] mf ([ I ], once in R. [ A ]) n. like, resembling, similar to (gen., instr., loc. ', or comp.) or in (instr., loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (accord. to Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 11 Vārtt. 2 also compounded with a gen., e. g. [ dAsyAH-s° ], [ vRSalyAH-s° ]) (1) conformable, suitable, fit, proper, right, worthy MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) ([ am ]), ind. suitably, well Uttarar
===> sagara [ sagara ]3[ sa-gara ] ([ s'a- ]) . mfn. (for 2. &c. See below) accompanied by praise (fr. [ gara ], √ 1. [ gRR ] (1) said of the fires) VS. (Sch. (2) accord. to others, ` swallowing ', ` devouring ', fr. [ gara ], √ 2. [ gRR ])
===> [ sagara ]1[ sa-gara ]2 mfn. (fr. 7. [ sa ] + [ gara ], ` poison ', √ 2. [ gRR ] (1) for 1. [ sa-gara ] See above) containing poison, poisonous (n. ` poisonous food ') R. BhP. m. ` provided with moisture ', the atmosphere, air RV. TS. Kāṭh. (cf. Naigh. i, 3) (2) N. of a king of the solar race, sovereign of Ayodhyā (son of Bāhu (3) he is said to have been called Sa-gara, as born together with a poison given to his mother by the other wife of his father (4) he was father of Asamañja by Keśinī and of sixty thousand sons by Su-mati (5) the latter were turned into a heap of ashes by the sage Kapila [ see [ bhagIratha ] ], and their funeral ceremonies could only be performed by the waters of Gaṅgā to be brought from heaven for the purpose of purifying their remains [ 1125,2 ] (6) this was finally accomplished by the devotion of Bhagīratha, who having led the river to the sea, called it Sāgara in honour of his ancestor: Sagara is described as having subdued the Śakas, Yavanas, and other barbarous tribes (7) pl. ` the sons of Sagara ') MBh. R. &c. (IW. 361) (8) N. of a partic. Arhat MW.
===> [ sagara ]1[ s'agara ] m. and ([ A ]) f. (for 1. 2. [ sa-g° ] See col. 1) night (?) TS. : ŚBr. (in a formula)
===> sagotra [ sagotra ]3[ sa-gotra ] mfn. being of the same family or kin, related to (gen. or comp.) Br. Gaut. &c. (1) m. a kinsman of the same family (one sprung from a common ancestor or one connected by funeral oblations of food and water) Āp. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) a distant kinsman L. (3) n. a family, race or lineage W.
===> saha [ saha ]2[ sah'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. powerful, mighty RV. (1) (ifc.) overcoming, vanquishing MBh. (2) bearing, enduring, withstanding, defying, equal to, a match for (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) causing, effecting, stimulating, exerting Śiś. (4) able to, capable of (inf. cr comp.) Kālid. Śiś. Kathās (5) m. the month Mārgaśīrsha (See [ sahas ]) VS. ŚBr. Car. (6) a partic. Agni MBh. (7) a species of plant AV. (8) N. of a son of Manu Hariv. (9) of a son of Prâṇa and Ūsjasvatī BhP. (10) of a son of Dhṛtarāsh^ira MBh. (11) cf. a son of Kṛshṇa and Mādrī BhP. (12) ([ A ]), f. the earth L. (13) (with Buddhists) N. of a division of the world (with [ loka-dhAtu ], ` the world inhabited by men ') Kāraṇḍ (14) N. of various plants (accord. to L. = Aloe Perfoliata, [ daND^opatA ], [ rAsnA ] &c.) VarBṛS. Suśr. (15) Unguis Odoratus L. (16) n. = [ bala ] L. (17) kind of salt L. 1
===> [ saha ]1[ sah'a ]2 ind. (prob. fr. 7. [ sa+dhA ], which in Veda may become [ dha ] (1) cf. 1. [ sadha ]) together with, along with, with (with √ [ grah ] and [ A-√ dA ], ` to take with one ' (2) with √ [ dA ], to give to take away with one ' (3) with [ kRtvA ] and acc., ` taking with one, ` in the company of ' (4) often as a prep. governing instr. case, but generally placed after the governed word, e. g. [ tena saha ], ` along with him ' [ 1193,3 ] (5) exceptionally with abl., e. g. [ aizvaryAt saha ], ` with sovereignty ' Cāṇ. 104) (6) in common, in company, jointly, conjointly, in concert (often used as a prefix in comp., expressing ` community of action ', e. g. [ sah^adhyayana ], q. v. (7) or forming adjectives expressing ` the companion of an action ', e. g. [ saha-cara ], q. v.) (8) at the same time or simultaneously with (prefixed to adverbs of time, e. g. [ saha-pUrv^ahNam ], q. v. (9) rarely ifc., e. g. [ vainateya-s° ], ` with Vainateya ' Hariv.) RV. &c. &c. (10) m. a companion L. (11) ([ A ]), f. a female companion BhP.
===> saha-bhojana [ sahabhojana ]3[ sah'a-bhojana ] n. eating together, commensality with (comp.) Gaut (1) common enjoyment or possession of (gen.) MBh.
===> saha-bhāva [ sahabhAva ]3[ sah'a-bhAva ] m. the being together, companionship, community Kuval (1) connection together, concomitance, inseparability Śaṃk. Sarvad
===> saha-cara [ sahacara ]3[ sah'a-cara ] mfn. going with, accompanying, associating with Kālid. Prab. &c. (1) belonging together AitBr. (2) similar, like Subh (3) m. a companion, friend, follower Kālid. Śiś. BhP. (4) a surety W. (5) Barleria Prionitis and Cristata Car. (6) = [ pratibandhaka ] L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a female companion or friend, mistress, wife Kālid. Kathās (8) Barleria Prionitis or Cristata L. (9) [ °ra-bhinna ] m. (in rhet.) separation of what belongs together, joining discordant things or ideas(also [ °nna-tA ] f. [ -tva ] n.) Kpr. Sāh (10) ([ °rI)-dharma ] m. ` the wife's duty, sexual intercourse Hariv.
===> saha-deva [ sahadeva ]3[ sah'a-deva ] ([ sah'a- ]), mfn. with the gods MBh. BhP. (1) m. N. of a Ṛshi (with the patr. [ vArSAgira ]) RV. i, 107 (2) of a man (with the patr. [ zAJjaya ]) ŚBr. (3) of the youngest of the five Pāṇḍava princes (son of Mādrī and reputed son of Pāṇḍu, best really son of the Aśvins, and twin-brother of Nakula (4) See [ mAdrI ] MBh. (5) of a son of Haryaśvata Hariv. (6) of a son of Harsha-vardhana VP. (7) of a son of Haryavana BhP. (8) of a son of Soma-latta Hariv. (9) of a son of Jārā-saṃdha ib. (10) of a son of Divā-kara VP. (11) of a son of Devāpi ib. (12) of a son of Div^arka BhP. (13) of a son of Su-dāsa VP. (14) of a son of Su-prabuddha and uncle of Gautama Buddha Buddh. (15) of a Rājaputra (mentioned together with Yudhi-shthira) Rājat (16) of an author (also with [ bhaTTa ]) . Cat. (17) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. Sida Cordifolia Echites Fnitescens, = [ daND^otpalA ] &c.) Suśr. VarBṛS. (v. l.) (18) of a daughter of Devaka and wife of Vasudeva Hariv. Pur. (19) ([ I ]), f. N. of various plants (accord. to L. ` Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, = [ sarp^akSI ] &c. ') VarBṛS. Pañcat (20) ([ °va)-ja ] mfn. together with Deva-ja (or m. ` N. of Kṛś^aśva ') BhP. (21) [ -zAstra ] n. N. of wk. (22) ([ °vI) -gaNa ] m. a collection of herbs ured in certain ablutions at the consecration of an idol &c.) MW.
===> saha-dharma [ sahadharma ]3[ sah'a-dharma ] m. community of duty or law, common usage or characteristic MBh. (1) [ -cara ] mfn. one following the same law or duties MBh. R. (2) ([ I ]), f. a wife who helps in the fulfilment of duties ib. (3) [ -caraNa ] n. the fulfilment of duties (in common with a husband) Śak (4) [ -cArin ] mfn. sharing the duties of(gen) Śak (5) ([ iNI ]), f. a wife who helps a husband in fulfilling duties, a helpmate, lawful or legitimate wife R. Ragh. Uttarar
===> saha-jāta [ sahajAta ]3[ sah'a-jAta ] mfn. born together or at the same time, equal in age Kathās (1) innate, natural ib. (2) both from the same mother, twin-born L.
===> saha-kārin [ sahakArin ]3[ sah'a-kArin ] mfn. acting together, co-operating, concurrent (1) m. a concurrent agent, expedient, assistant Sāh. Bhashāp. Sarvad (2) ([ °ri)-tA ] f. (Sāh.), [ -tva ] n. (TS.), [ -bhAva ] m. (Nīlak.) concurrence, co-operation, assistance
===> saha-māna [ sahamAna ]3[ sah'a-mAna ] mfn. (for [ saham° ] See p. 1193, col. 1) possessing pride, full of arrogance MW.
===> sahabhū [ sahabhU ]3[ sah'a-bhU ] mfn. being together (used in explaining [ sacA-bhU ]) Nir. v, 5 (1) appearing together with (comp.) ĀpŚr. Sch. (2) innate, natural Ratnâv. Kād (3) counterpart: of (gen.) Kād
===> sahaja [ sahaja ]3[ sah'a-j'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. born or produced together or at the same time as (gen.) TS. Mn. Kathās (1) congenital, innate, hereditary, original, natural (ibc., by birth, ` by nature ', ` naturally ' (2) with [ deza ] m. ` birthplace ', ` home ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) always the same as from the beginning Hariv. 4238 (4) m. natural state or disposition (said to be also n.) L. (5) a brother of whole blood L. (6) N. of various kings and other men MBh. Rājat. &c. (7) of a Tāntric teacher Cat. (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of various women Rājat. Buddh. (9) ([ am ]), n. N. of the third astrol. mansion (said to be also m.) VarBṛS. (10) emancipation during life Cat. (11) [ -kIrti ] m. N. of a Jaina author Cat. [ 1194,1 ] (12) [ -dhArmika ] mfn. innately honest Hit. (13) [ -pAla ] m. N. of various men Rājat (14) [ -malina ] mfn. naturally dirty, spotty by nature Kuval (15) [ -lalita ] m. N. of a man Buddh. (16) [ -mitra ] m. a natural friend (as a sister's son, cousin &c.) W. (17) [ -vatsala ] mf ([ A ]) n. fond or tender by nature Hit. (18) [ -vilAsa ] m. N. of a man Buddh. (19) [ -zatru ] m. ([ -j^ari ]) MW. [ -siddhi ] f. N. of wk. (20) [ -suhRd ] m. a natural friend Prab (21) [ °j^adh'inAtha ] m. N. of a king Cat. (22) [ °j^ananda ] m. N. of the founder of a Vaishṇava sect (also called Svāmi-nārāyaṇa, born about 1780 A. D.) RTL. 148 ; 149 (23) of an author (also [ daŚ-tIrtha ] and [ -nAtha ]) Cat. (24) [ °j^andha-dRz ] mfn. blind by nature or from birth Śiś. (25) [ °j^ari ] m. a natural enemy, one hostile by birth (as the son of the same father by another mother, the son of a paternal uncle &c.) W. (26) [ °j^aSTaka ], u. N. of wk. by Saṃpkar^acārya (27) [ °j^etara ] mfn. other than natural, not innate or inherent or congenital, accidental W. (28) [ °j^endra ] m. N. of a man Cat. (29) [ °j^odAsIna ] m. one who is born neutral or who is naturally neither an enemy nor a friend, a common acquaintance, friend, unconnected by birth W.
===> sahana [ sahana ]2[ sahana ] mf ([ A ]) n. powerful, strong (in explanation of the etymology of [ siMha ]) Nir. viii, 15 (1) patient, enduring (See [ a-s° ]) (2) m. ([ saMjJAyAm ]), g. [ nandyAdi ] (3) n. patient endurance, forbearance MārkP. Sāh
===> saharṣa [ saharSa ]3[ sa-harSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. joyful, glad ([ am ] ind.) Kāv. Kathās. (also w. r. for [ saM-harSa ]) (1) [ -mRgayu ]. [ grAma-ninAda-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. resounding with the shouts of the joyful troop of hunters Kathās (2) [ -vairAgyam ] ind. joyfully and (yet) with disgust Dhūrtas. [ -sAdhvasam ] ind. with joy and (yet) trepidation Mālatīm (3) [ °S^akUtam ] n. ind. with joy and eagerness ib. [ 1195,2 ]
===> sahasra [ sahasra ]1[ sah'asra ] n. (rarely) m. (perhaps fr. 7, [ sa ] + [ hasra ] = Gk. ? for ? ; cf. Pers. [ hazār ]) a thousand [ 1195,2 ] (with the counted object in the same case sg. or pl., e. g. [ sahasreNa bAhunA ], ` with a thousand arms ' Hariv. (1) [ sahasraM bhiSajaH ], ` a thousand drugs ' RV. (2) or in the gen., e. g. [ dv-sahAsre suvarNasya ] ', two thousand pieces of gold ' Rājat (3) [ catvAri ] [ sahasrAN varSANam ] ', four thousand years ' Mn. (4) sometimes in comp., either ibc., e. g. [ yuga-sahAsram ], ` a thousand ages ' Mn., or ifc., e. g. [ sahAsr^azvena ], ` with a thousand horses ' (5) [ sahasram ] may also be used as an ind., e. g. [ sahasram riSibhiH ], ` with a thousand Ṛshis ' RV. (6) with other numerals it is used thus, [ ek^adhikaM sahasram ], or [ eka-sahasram ] ', a thousand + one ', 1001 (7) [ dvyadhikaM s° ], ` a the + two ', 1002 (8) [ ekAdat^adhikam ] ' sahasram or [ ekAdazaM s° ] or [ ekAdaza-s° ], ` a thousand + eleven or ` a thousand having eleven ', 1011 (9) [ viMzaty-adhikaM s° ] or [ vimaM s° ], ` a thousand + twenty ', 1020 (10) [ dve sahasre ] or [ dvi-sahacram ], ` two thousand (11) [ trINi sahacrANi ] or [ tri-sahasram ], ` three thousand ' &c.) RV. &c. &c. (12) a thousand cows or gifts (= [ sahasraM gavyam ] &c., used to express wealth (13) [ sahasraM zat^azvam ], ` a thousand cows and a hundred horses ' ŚāṅkhŚr.) RV. VS. ŚBr. (in later language often= ` 1000 Paṇas, e. g. Mn. viii, 120 ; 336 &c.) (14) any very large number (in Naigh. iii, 1 among the [ bahu-nAmAni ] (15) cf. [ sahasra-kiraNa ] &c. below) (16) mf ([ I ]) n. a thousandth or the thousandth (= [ sahasra-tama ] which is the better form (17) cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 57)
===> sahasra-kiraṇa [ sahasrakiraNa ]3[ sah'asra-kiraNa ] m. = [ -kara ] Śak. VarBṛS. Pañcat (1) N. of a man Cat. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of wk.
---> [ °n^avali ] f. N. of wk.,
===> sahasra-pattra [ sahasrapattra ]3[ sah'asra-pattra ] m. N. of a mountain Śatr (1) m. having a thousand petals ', a lotus MBh. Hariv. Ragh (2) [ °r^abharaNa ] mfn. adomed with lotuses MW.
===> sahasra-yajña [ sahasrayajJa ]3[ sah'asra-yajJ'a ] m. a sacrifice of a thousand MaitrS. (1) N. of a man Lalit. (2) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.
===> sahasrâra [ sahasrAra ]3[ sahasr^ara ] mfn. thousand-spoked BhP. (1) m. n. a kind of cavity said to be found in the top of the head and to resemble a lotus reversed (fabled as the seat of the soul) L. (2) [ -ja ] m. pl. N. of a class of gods (with Jainas) L.
===> sahasā [ sahasA ]2[ sahasA ] (instr. of [ sahas ]), forcibly, vehemently, suddenly, quickly, precipitately, immediately, at once, unexpectedly, at random, fortuitously, in an unpremeditated manner, inconsiderately (with instr. ` together with ')
===> sahitatva [ sahitatva ]3[ sahita-tva ] n. the being joined together, junction with (comp.) TPrāt.
===> sahiṣṇu [ sahiSNu ]2[ sahiSNu ] mfn. patient, forbearing (1) bearing, enduring, putting up with (acc., gen., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) m. N. of a Ṛshi Hariv. (3) of one of the 7 Ṛshis under the 6th Manu ib. MārkP. (4) of a son of Pulaha Pur. (5) of Viṣṇu RTL. 106, n. 1
===> sahâya [ sahAya ]3[ sah^aya ] mfn. along with clarified butter KātyŚr.
===> [ sahAya ]3[ sah^aya ] &c., See p. 1195
===> [ sahAya ]2[ sah^aya ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] prob. fr. [ saha ] + [ aya ], cf. [ sah^ayana ] (1) but, accord. to some, a Prākṛt form of [ sakhAya ], [ sakhi ], p. 1130), one who goes along with (another) ', a companion, follower, adherent, ally, assistant, helper in or to (loc. or comp. (2) ifc. ` having as a companion or assistant, accompanied or supported by ') Mn. MBh. &c. (3) (ibc.) companionship, assistance (See comp.) (4) N. of Śiva MBh. (5) the ruddy goose L. (6) a kind of drug or perfume L.
===> [ sahAya ]1[ sah^aya ] &c. See p. 1195, col. 1
===> sahâyatva [ sahAyatva ]3[ sah^aya-tva ] n. companionship, association, friendship, assistance, help R. Pañcat. Kathās
===> sahâyin [ sahAyin ]2[ sah^ayin ] mfn. going together, a companion, follower (mostly [ inI ] f. ` a female companion ') R. Pañcat
===> saindhava [ saindhava ]1[ saindhav'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ sindhu ]) relating to the sea, oceanic, marine, aquatic Buddh. (1) belonging to or produced in or coming from the Indus or Sindh TS. &c. &c. (2) m. a king of Sindh MBh. Mudr. BhP. (3) a horse (partic. one bred in Sindh) L. (4) N. of a teacher Cat. (5) (pl.) the inhabitants of Sindh AV. Pariś. MBh. &c. (6) N. of a partic. school founded by Saindhavāyana VP. (7) m. n. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh), any salt ŚBr. VarBṛS. Suśr. (8) ([ I ]), f. a partic. Rāgiṇī Saṃgīt (9) ([ am ]), n. (in dram.) a song in Prākṛt (accompanied with music expressive of a lover's disgust on being deserted by a loved woman) Sāh
===> sainya [ sainya ]2[ sainya ] mfn. belonging to or proceeding from an army MBh. Hariv. (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a soldier (pl. ` troops ') R. (2) an army MBh. Rājat (3) a sentinel, guard L. (4) n. a body of troops, army MBh. R. &c. (5) a camp VarBṛS.
===> saj-jana [ sajjana ]2[ sajjana ] mfn. (for [ saj-jana ] See p. 1135, col. 1) hanging round (e. g. [ kaNTha-s° ], ` hanging round the neck ') Mn. ii, 63 (1) n. a flight of steps or Ghāt leading down to the water, ferry L. (2) equipment, preparation &c. L. (3) caparisoning an elephant (also [ A ] f.) (4) a guard, sentry L.
===> [ sajjana ]1[ saj-jana ] See under [ sat ], p. 1135, col. 1
===> [ sajjana ]3[ saj-jana ] mfn. (for [ sajjana ] See p. 1131, col. 2) well-born, respectable, virtuous Hariv. (1) m. a good or virtuous or wise man Mn. &c. &c. (2) N. of various men Rājat. Buddh. Cat. (3) [ -garhita ] mfn. despised by the virtuous Mn. x, 38 (4) [ -citta-vallabha ], [ -maNDana ] n. [ -manoratha ] m. [ -raJjinI ], f. [ -vallabha ] m. or n. [ °bhA ] f. N. of wks. (5) [ °n'eSTa ] mfn. desired or chosen by the good MW. (6) [ °n^aikavasati ] mfn. residing only in the good ib.
===> sajja [ sajja ]2[ sajja ] mf ([ A ]) n. fixed, prepared, equipped, ready for (dat., loc., inf., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) fit for everything (said of hands and feet) Pañcad (2) dressed in armour, armed, fortified L. (3) having a bowstring, strung, placed on a bow-string (in these senses often a mere v. l. for [ sa-jya ], q. v.) MBh. R. (4) ([ A ]), f. equipment, armour, mail L. (5) dress, decoration L.
===> sajāti [ sajAti ]2[ sa-jAti ] mfn. belonging to the same tribe or caste or class or kind, similar, like Mn. Yājñ. (1) m. the son of a man and woman of the same caste W.
===> sakala [ sakala ]3[ sa-kala ] mfn. (for 2. See s. v.) having a soft or low sound MW.
===> [ sakala ]1[ sa-kala ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. 7. [ sa ] + [ kalA ] (1) for 1. [ sa-kala ] See p. 1123, col. 3) consisting of parts, divisible, material (opp. to [ a- ] and [ niS-k° ]) MaitrUp. MBh. (2) possessing all its component parts, complete, entire, whole, all ([ pratijJAM sakalAM-√ kR ], ` to fulfil one's promise ' (3) m. [ sometimes with [ api ] ] ` everybody ' (4) n. ` everything ' or ` one's whole property ') KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c. (5) whole = wholesome, sound (opp. to [ vi-kala ]) Nīlak (6) affected by the elements of the material world (with Śaivas applied to a soul which has not advanced beyond the lowest stage of progress) Sarvad (7) paying interest Naish
===> sakaṇṭaka [ sakaNTaka ]3[ sa-kaNTaka ] mf ([ A ]) n. having thorns, thorny, prickly, Cān (1) troublesome, perilous W. (2) having the hairs of the body erected, thrilled with joy or desire Kathās (3) having pointed splinters MBh. (v. l.) (4) accompanied with bones (said of fish) Pat. (5) m. Guilandina Bonduc L. (6) Blyxa Octandra L.
===> sakha [ sakha ]2[ sakha ] m. (ifc. for [ s'akhi ], cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 91) a friend, companion R. Kālid. &c. (1) attended or accompanied by (comp.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (2) the tree Mimosa Catechu MW.
===> sakhi [ sakhi ]2[ s'akhi ] m. (strong cases, nom. [ s'akhA ] pl. [ s'akhAyaH ] (1) acc. sg. [ s'akhAyam ] (2) gen. abl. [ s'akhyus ] (3) other cases regularly from [ sakhi ]) a friend, assistant, companion RV. &c. &c. (4) the husband of the wife's sister, brother-in-law Gal. ; ([ I ]), f. See below. [ Cf. Lat. [ socius ]. ]
===> sakta [ sakta ]2[ sakt'a ] mfn. clinging or adhering to, sticking in (loc. or comp. (1) [ saktaH ] or [ bhitti-s° ] with √ [ sthA ], ` to stand as if nailed or as if rooted to the spot ') AV. &c. &c. (2) belonging to (gen.) Pañcad (3) committed or intrusted to (comp.) Kām (4) fixed or intent upon, directed towards, addicted or devoted to, fond of, engaged in, occupied with (loc., acc. with [ prati ], or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) hindered, impeded (See [ a-s° ]) (6) impending, near at hand MW.
===> sakthi [ sakthi ]1[ s'akthi ] n. (derivation doubtful (1) the base [ sakth'an ] [ fr. which acc. pl. [ sakthAni ] RV. v, 61, 3 ] appears in later language only in the weakest cases, e. g. sg. instr. [ sakthn'A ] gen. abl. [ sakthn'as ] loc. [ sakth'ani ], or [ sakthn'i ], cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 75 (2) there occurs also nom. acc. du. [ sakthya'u ] [ RV. x, 86, 16 AV. vi, 9, 1 ] formed fr. a fem. base [ sakth'I ]), the thigh, thigh-bone (3) the pole or shafts of a cart (du. euphemistically ` the female organ ') RV. &c. &c.
===> sakti [ sakti ]2[ sakti ] f. connexion, entwinement (of creepers) Kir (1) clinging or adhering to (loc. or comp.), attachment, addiction (esp. to worldly objects) Śiś. Rājat. Sarvad
===> saktu [ saktu ]2[ s'aktu ] m. (or n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) also written [ zaktu ]) coarsely ground meal, grit, groats (esp. of barley-meal) RV. &c. &c.
===> sakāśa [ sakAza ]3[ sa-kAza ] m. See s. v.
===> [ sakAza ]1[ sa-kAza ] mfn. having appearance or visibility, visible, present, near L. (1) m. presence, propinquity, vicinity, nearness (used in the sense of a preposition, esp. after verbs of motion, such as ` to go, come ', &c., with a gen. [ or rarely abl. ] of a person, or ifc. [ 1124,3 ] (2) e. g. [ sakAzam ], ` to, towards, near ' (3) [ sakAze ], ` in the presence of, before ' (4) [ sakAzAt ], or [ °zatas ], ` from the presence of, from ' (5) [ A sakAzAt ], ` as far as, up to ' [ the fire ]) ŚrS. Up. MBh. &c.
===> sakṛd-āgāmin [ sakRdAgAmin ]3[ sakRd-AgAmin ] m. ` returning only once again i. e. being re-born ', N. of the second of the four orders of Buddhist Aryas MWB. 132 (1) ([ °mi ]) [ -tva ] n. Vajracch. (2) ([ °mi ]) [ -phala ] and [ -phala-pratipannaka ] Dharmaś. 102 ; 103
===> sakṛpa [ sakRpa ]3[ sa-kRpa ] mfn. compassionate ([ am ] ind.), Śāntiś (1) accompanied by Kṛpa MW.
===> sakṛt [ sakRt ]1[ sa-k'Rt ]1 mfn. (fr. 7. [ sa ] + 1. [ kRt ]) acting at once or simultaneously AV. xi, 1, 10 (1) ind. at once, suddenly, forthwith, immediately RV. Br. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. (2) once (= semel, with [ 'ahnaH ], ` once a day ' (3) repeated = ` in each case only once ') RV. &c. &c. (4) once, formerly, ever (with [ mA ] = ` never ' Kāv. VarYogay (5) once for all, for ever ChUp. Kāv. MārkP. (6) at once, together W. [ For cognate words See under 7. [ sa ]. ]
===> [ sakRt ]1[ sakRt ]2 w. r. for [ zakRt ], q. v.
===> salajja [ salajja ]3[ sa-lajja ] mfn. feeling shame or modesty, bashful, embarrassed ([ am ] ind.) Kāv. Kathās. &c. (1) m. Artemisia Indica and Austriaca L. [ 1190,1 ] (2) [ -tva ] n. shame, bashfulness Campak
===> salakṣaṇa [ salakSaNa ]3[ sa-lakSaNa ] mfn. having the same marks or characteristics, homogeneous, similar Daśar. Kāvyâd
===> salīla [ salIla ]3[ sa-lIla ] mf ([ A ]) n. playing, sporting (not in earnest) MBh. R. (1) mocking, sneering R. (2) sportive, coquettish Śak. Kathās (3) ([ am ]), ind. playfully, with ease (also with [ iva ]) R. BhP. (4) sportively, coquettishly Mṛcch. Kālid. Kir (5) [ -gaja-gAmin ] m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (6) [ -parihAsa ] mfn. smiling coquettishly Mālatīm (7) [ -haMsa-gamanA ] f. having the wanton gait of a Haṃsa Kathās
===> sam- [ sam ]1[ sam ]1 or [ stam ], cl. 1. P. [ samati ] or [ stamati ], to be disturbed (accord. to some ` to be undisturbed ' (1) cf. √ [ zam ]) Dhātup. xix, 82 (2) cl. 10. P. [ samayati ] or [ stamayati ], to be agitated or disturbed Vop
===> [ sam ]1[ s'am ]2 ind. (connected with 7. [ sa ] and 2. [ sama ], and opp. to 3. [ vi ], q. v.) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Gk. ?, [ 1152,1 ] Lat. [ con ], and expressing ` conjunction ', ` union ', ` thoroughness ', ` intensity ', ` completeness ', e. g. [ saMroot yuj ], ` to join together ' (1) [ saM-√ dhA ], ` to place together ' (2) [ saM-dhi ], ` placing together ' (3) [ saM-√ tap ], ` to consume utterly by burning ' (4) [ sam-uccheda ], ` destroying altogether, complete destruction ' (5) in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, e. g. [ 'Apo agn'im yaz'asaH s'aM h'i pUrv'Īh ], ` for many glorious waters surrounded Agni ' (6) it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. [ sama ], ` same ' (7) cf. [ samartha ]) RV. &c. &c.
===> sama [ sama ]1[ sama ]1 mfn. (connected with 7. [ sa ] and with 2. [ sam'a ] and [ samAna ] (1) cf. [ samaha ], used as pron. : declined like [ sarva ] e. g. [ samasmai ] RV. vi, 51, 6) any, every RV. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ? ; Goth. [ suma ] ; Angl. Sax. [ 1152,1 ] [ sum ] ; Eng. [ some ]. ]
===> [ sama ]1[ sam'a ]2 mf ([ 'A ]) n. (prob. originally identical with prec. (1) cf. [ samAna ]) even, smooth, flat, plain, level, parallel ([ karNa-s° ] ', on a level with the ear ' (2) [ bhUmi- ] or [ bhUmeH samaM-√ kR ] ', to make level with the earth ') RV. &c. &c. (3) same, equal, similar, like, equivalent, like to or identical or homogeneous with (instr., e. g. [ mayA sama ] ', like to me (4) or gen., rarely abl.), like in or with regard to anything (instr., gen., loc., or [ -tas ], or comp. (5) [ samaM-√ kR ], ` to make equal, balance ') ib. (6) always the same, constant, unchanged, fair, impartial towards (loc. or gen.) ib. (7) even (not ` odd '), a pair VarBṛS. (8) having the right measure, regular, normal, right, straight ([ samaM-√ kR ] ', to put right or in order ') AitBr. &c. &c (9) equable, neutral, indifferent VarBṛS. (10) equally distant from extremes, ordinary, common, middling Mn. MBh. &c. (11) just, upright, good, straight, honest ib. (12) easy, convenient Pañcat (13) full, complete, whole, entire L. (14) m. peace (perhaps w. r. for [ zama ]) R. Kām (15) the point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line Gol. (16) N. of partic. zodiacal signs (esp. Vṛsha, Karkaṭa, Kanyā, Vṛścika, Makara, and Mina) MW. (17) a kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root ib. (18) (in music) a kind of time Saṃgīt (19) a grass-conflagration L. (20) a Jina Gal. (21) N. of a son of Dharma VP. (22) of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra MBh. (23) of a king of the Nandi-vegas (v. l. [ zama ]) ib. (24) ([ A ]), f. a year, See [ samA ] p. 1153 (25) ([ am ]), n. level ground, a plain ([ sam'e bh'UmyAH ], ` on level ground ') AV. ŚBr. Mn. MBh. R. (26) equability, equanimity, imperturbability MBh. (27) likeness, similarity, equality ([ ena ] ', equally, in the same manner '), Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 18 (28) right measure or proportion ([ ena ], ` exactly, precisely ') ŚBr. (29) settlement, compensation Mn. viii, 177 (30) good circumstances Mṛcch (31) (in rhet.) a partic. figure, sameness of objects compared to one another Pratāp Kuval (32) (in geom.) a mean proportional segment (described as a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment, and used for solving problems in a trapezium) Col. (33) = [ samA ] f. a year (See [ pApa-s° ], [ puNya-s° ], and [ su-Sama ]) (34) ([ sam'am ]), ind. in like manner, alike, equally, similarly RV. &c. &c. (35) together with or at the same time with or in accordance with (instr. or comp.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (36) just, exactly, precisely Mn. VarBṛS. BhP. (37) honestly, fairly R. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ?, ? ; [ 1152,1 ] Lat. [ similis ] ; Germ. [ same ], [ -sam ] ; Eng. [ same ]. ]
===> [ sama ]1[ sa-ma ]3 mfn. (fr. 7. [ sa+mA ]) ` together with Lakshmi ', happy, prosperous Nalôd
===> sama-bhāga [ samabhAga ]3[ sam'a-bhAga ] m. an equal share MW. (1) mfn. (prob.) receiving an equal share Pāṇ. 6-2, 1 Sch.
===> sama-citta [ samacitta ]3[ sam'a-citta ] mfn. even-minded, possessing equanimity, equable Kāv. BhP. (1) indifferent W. (2) having the thoughts directed to the same subject MW. (3) [ -tA ] f. (L.) or [ -tva ] n. (Bhag.) equanimity towards (loc.)
===> sama-danta [ samadanta ]3[ sam'a-danta ] mfn. having even teeth (1) [ -tA ] f. one of the 32 signs of perfection (of a Buddha) Dharmas. 83
===> sama-darśin [ samadarzin ]3[ sam'a-darzin ] mfn. looking impartially on (loc.), regarding all things impartially MBh. R. &c.
===> sama-dharma [ samadharma ]3[ sam'a-dharma ] mf ([ A ]) n. (ifc.) of equal nature or character, resembling BhP.
===> sama-gandha [ samagandha ]3[ sam'a-gandha ] m. constant odour (one of the 4 kinds of odours) Dharmas. 37 (1) mfn. having the same odour L.
===> sama-jñā [ samajJA ]3[ sam'a-jJA ] f. fame L. (v. l. for [ samAjJA ])
===> [ samajJA ]1[ samajJA ] w. r. for [ sam-AjJA ]
===> sama-karṇa [ samakarNa ]3[ sam'a-karNa ] m. ` having equal ears ', N. of Śiva MBh. (1) of Buddha ([ -tA ] f. one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84 Buddh. (2) m. n. ` having two equal diagonals ', an equi-diagonal tetragon Col.
===> sama-krama [ samakrama ]3[ sam'a-krama ] mfn. keeping pace with Śiś. (1) [ -tA ] f. having the steps equal (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
===> sama-kāla [ samakAla ]3[ sam'a-kAla ] m. the same time or moment W. (1) (ibc. or [ am ], once also [ e ] [ v. l. ]), ind. simultaneously Yājñ. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -bhava ] m. a contemporary of (comp.) Rājat
===> sama-sthāna [ samasthAna ]3[ sam'a-sthAna ] n. a partic. posture in Yoga (in which the legs are closely contracted) L.
===> sama-varṇa [ samavarNa ]3[ sam'a-varNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. of the same colour L. (1) being of equal caste Mn. viii, 269 ; ix, 156 (2) m. community of caste &c. W.
===> sama-viṣama [ samaviSama ]3[ sam'a-viSama ] n. pl. level and uneven ground Pañcat. Śiś. (1) [ -k^ara ] mfn. producing what is smooth and rough (as time) Śukas
===> samabhidruta [ samabhidruta ]2[ sam-abhidruta ] mfn. running towards or against, rushing upon MBh. (1) rushed upon, attacked, infested ib. (2) ([ am ]), ind. hurriedly, quickly ib.
===> samagra [ samagra ]1[ s'am-agra ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (See 2. [ sam ]) all, entire, whole, complete, each, every (ibc. = ` fully ', ` entirely ' (1) n. ` all, everything ') AV. &c. &c. (2) fully provided with (instr. or comp.) Mālav. Kāvyâd (3) one who has everything or wants nothing MBh. R.
===> samakṣa [ samakSa ]1[ sam-akSa ] mfn. being within sight or before the eyes, present, visible Śak. BhP. (1) ([ 'am ], [ At ], [ e ], and [ a-tas ]), ind. before the eyes, visibly, manifestly, in the sight or presence of (dat., gen., or comp.) RV. &c. &c. [ 1153,3 ]
===> samala [ samala ]1[ sa-mala ] mfn. having stains or spots, dirty, foul, impure Vās. Bhpr. (1) sinful Uṇ. i, 109 Sch. (2) m. N. of an Asura (v. l. [ sRmara ]) Hariv. (3) n. (cf. [ zamala ]) excrement, feculent matter, ordure L.
===> samam [ samam ]1[ samam ]1 &c. See 2. [ sama ], p. 1152
===> [ samam ]1[ sam-√ am ]2 Ā. [ -amate ], to ask eagerly, solicit, win over RV. (1) to fix or settle firmly ib. (2) to ally or connect one's self with AV.
===> samanantara [ samanantara ]1[ sam-anantara ] mf ([ A ]) n. immediately contiguous to or following (abl. or gen. (1) [ yacc^atra sam-anantaram ], and what is immediately connected with it ') R. BhP. Sarvad (2) ([ am ]), ind. immediately behind or after (gen. or abl. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
===> samanta [ samanta ]1[ s'am-anta ] mf ([ A ]) n. ` having the ends together ', contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent RV. AV. PañcavBr. (1) ` being on every side ', universal, whole, entire, all ([ s'amantam ], ind., in contiguity or conjunction with ', ` together with ' (2) [ samant'am ], or [ °tAt ] or [ °ta-tas ] ind. on all sides, around ', or, wholly, completely ' (3) [ °tena ] ind. ` all round ' (4) with [ na ] = ` nowhere ') AV. &c. &c. (5) ([ A ]), f. (pl.) neighbour. hood ŚBr. (6) N. of a grammar Col. (7) n. (also with [ agneH ], [ varuNasya ], or [ vasiSThasya ]) N. of various Samans Br. (8) n. or m. (?) N. of a country Buddh.
===> samanta-bhadra [ samantabhadra ]3[ s'am-anta-bhadra ] mfn. wholly auspicious Harav (1) m. a Buddha or a Jina L. (2) N. of a Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ. (cf. Dharmas. 12) (3) of a poet &c. Cat. (4) n. N. of a grammar
===> samanta-cāritra-mati [ samantacAritramati ]3[ s'am-anta-cAritra-mati ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh.
===> samanta-gandha [ samantagandha ]3[ s'am-anta-gandha ] m. a kind of flower L. (1) N. of a Deva-putra SaddhP.
===> samanta-prabha [ samantaprabha ]3[ s'am-anta-prabha ] m. a kind of flower L. (1) N. of a Bodhisattva Buddh.
===> samanta-prāsādika [ samantaprAsAdika ]3[ s'am-anta-prAsAdika ] mfn. affording help or assistance on all sides (also v. l. for prec.) ib. (1) [ -tA ] f. complete readiness to offer help (one of the 8 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
===> samanta-vilokitā [ samantavilokitA ]3[ s'am-anta-vilokitA ] f. N. of a partic. Buddhist world Lalit.
===> samanujñā [ samanujJA ]1[ sam-anu-√ jJA ] P. Ā. [ -jAnAti ], [ -janIte ], to fully permit or allow or consent to, wholly acquiesce in or approve of (acc.) MBh. Hariv. (1) to authorize, empower ib. (2) to indulge, pardon, forgive, excuse (gen. of pers.) R. (3) to grant leave of absence, allow to go away, dismiss MBh. (4) to favour ib. : Caus. [ -jJApayati ], to beg or request any favour from (abl.) MBh. (5) to ask leave, beg permission from (abl.) ib. R. (6) to take leave of, bid adieu (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (7) to greet, salute MBh.
===> [ samanujJA ]2[ sam-anujJA ] f. leave, permission L.
===> samanuprāpta [ samanuprApta ]2[ sam-anupr^apta ] mfn. come, arrived at R. (1) one who has attained to (acc.) MBh. [ 1155,1 ] (2) obtained, assumed MW. (3) entirely covered or overspread ib.
===> samanvaya [ samanvaya ]1[ sam-anvaya ] &c. See [ sam-anv-√ i ]
===> [ samanvaya ]2[ sam-anvaya ] m. regular succession or order, connected sequence or consequence, conjunction, mutual or immediate connection ([ At ] ind., in consequence of ') Kap. Bādar. MBh. &c. (1) [ -pradIpa ] m. [ -pradipa-saMketa ] m. [ sUtra-vivRti ] f. N. of wks.
===> samanvaṅgī-bhūta [ samanvaGgIbhUta ]1[ sam-anvaGgI-bhUta ] mfn. possessed by, provided with (instr.) Divyâv
===> samanvita [ samanvita ]2[ sam-anvita ] mfn. connected or associated with, completely possessed of, fully endowed with, possessing, full of (instr. or comp.) ŚvetUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) corresponding or answering to (comp.) R.
===> samanvāgata [ samanvAgata ]1[ sam-anv-A-gata ] mfn. (√ [ gam ]) attended by, furnished or provided with (comp.) Buddh.
===> samartha [ samartha ]2[ sam-artha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a similar or suitable aim or object, having proper aim or force, very forcible or adequate, well answering or corresponding to, suitable or fit for (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) very strong or powerful, competent, capable of. able to, a match for (gen., dat., loc., inf., or comp. (2) rarely acc., abl., or pr. p. (3) with [ var^aGganAsu ] = ` sexually potent ') Mn. MBh. &c. (4) having the same sense or meaning (= [ tuly^artha ], [ ek^artha ]) Pāṇ. 1-3, 42 &c. (5) connected in sense, having the same grammatical construction (= [ sambaddh^artha ]) Pāṇ. APrāt. &c. (6) m. a word which has force or meaning, significant word MW. [ 1157,1 ] (7) the construction or coherence of words in a significant sentence ib. (8) n. ability, competence (See [ -yukta ]) (9) conception, intelligibility (See [ duh-s° ]) (10) [ -tara ] mfn. more (or most) competent, capable &c. Pañcat (11) [ -tA ] f. (Saivad.), [ -tva ] n. (Rājat.) ability, capability, competence ([ -tayA ], with gen., ` by virtue of ') (12) sameness of meaning, force or signification (of words) MW. (13) [ -pada-vidhi ] m. N. of a gram. wk. (14) [ -yukta ] mfn. adequate to or qualified for (loc.) R.
===> samarthana [ samarthana ]2[ sam-arthana ] n. (or [ A ] f.) reflection, deliberation, contemplation ([ °naM-√ kR ], ` to reflect, consider ') MBh. Kathās (1) reconciling differences, reconciliation W. (2) objecting, objection ib. (3) ([ A ]), f. persuasion, invitation MBh. (4) insisting on what is impossible Vop (5) ([ am ]), n. establishing, maintaining, corroboration, vindication, justification Pratāp. Kuval (6) energy, force, ability, competence ([ At ], with gen., ` by virtue of ') MBh.
===> samasta [ samasta ]2[ sam-asta ] mfn. thrown or put together, combined, united, whole, all ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) (in gram.) compounded, compound (2) (in phil.) inherent in or pervading the whole of anything (3) abridged, contracted W. (4) m. a whole, the aggregate of all the parts ib. (5) [ -kAla-nirNay^adhikAra ] m. [ -devatApUjA-vidhi ] m. N. of wks. (6) [ -dhAtR ] m. the bearer or supporter of all (applied to Viṣṇn) VP. (7) [ -bala ] R. a whole army, entire force MW. (8) [ -mantra-devatA-prakAzikA ] f. N. of wk. (9) [ -loka ] m. the whole world MW. (10) [ vastu-viSaya ] mfn. relating to the whole matter Kpr. (11) [ -viskayika ] mfn. inhabiting the whole country Inscr. [ 1158,2 ] (12) [ -vyasta-rUpaka ] n. a kind of Rūpaka (q. v.) Kāvyâd (13) [ -s^akSi ] m. witness of all, KaivUp. (14) [ °t^agni-prayoga ] m. N. of wk.
===> samatikrama [ samatikrama ]2[ sam-atikrama ] m. going entirely over or beyond ([ duH-s° ]) (1) deviating from, transgressing, omission Mn. xi, 203
===> samatva [ samatva ]3[ sam'a-tva ] n. equality with (instr. or gen.) KātyŚr. VS. Prāt. VarBṛ. &c. (1) equanimity HYog. (2) uniform conduct towards (loc. or comp.) Bhag. BhP. (3) equableness, normal condition Suśr.
===> samatā [ samatA ]3[ sam'a-tA ] ([ sam'a- ]), f. sameness of level VarBṛS. (1) equality, sameness, identity with (instr., gen., or comp.) ŚBr. MBh. Hariv. &c. (2) fairness, impartiality towards (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) equableness, normal condition ([ °tAM-√ nI ], ` to decide or settle equitably ') Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c. (4) equanimity. MW. (5) mediocrity Hit. (6) benevolence Pañcar. (7) [ -jJAna ] n. (with Buddhists) one of the 5 kinds of knowledge Dharmas. 94
===> samavadhāna [ samavadhAna ]2[ sam-avadhAna ] n. the being brought together, meeting, Kusum. Sarvad. Buddh. (1) great attention MW. (2) preparation ib.
===> samavahita [ samavahita ]2[ sam-avahita ] See [ 'a-sam-avahitam ]
===> [ samavahita ]1[ sam-avahita ] See col. 2
===> samavasaraṇa [ samavasaraNa ]2[ sam-avasaraNa ] n. meeting, assembling, an assembly Buddh. (1) descent (of a Jina from heaven to earth) or place of descent HPariś (2) aim, goal Buddh.
===> samavāya [ samavAya ]2[ sam-av^aya ] m. coming or meeting together, contact, concourse, congress, assemblage, collection, crowd, aggregate ([ ena ] or [ At ], ` in combination ' (1) [ °yaM-√ kR ], ` to meet, combine, flock together ') GṛS. Gaut. Mn. &c. (2) conjunction (of heavenly bodies) MBh. VarBṛS. (3) collision ŚrS. Gaut. Sarvad (4) (in phil.) perpetual co-inherence, inner or intimate relation, constant and intimate union, inseparable concomitance (= [ nitya-sambandha ], the sixth Pad^artha or category of the Vaiśeshikas, expressing relation which exists between a substance and its qualities, between a whole and its parts [ e. g. between cloth and the yarn composing it ], between a genus and its individuals &c.) Kap. Jaim. IW. 66 ; 69 [ 1158,1 ] (5) course, duration ([ e ], with gen., ` during ') MBh. i, 556 (6) [ -khaNDana ] n. N. of wk. (7) [ -tas ] ind. in consequence of constant and intimate connection or relation MW. (8) [ -tva ] n. the state of (being) intimate relation, Kusum (9) [ -pramANa-vAd^artha ] m. [ vAda ] m. N. of wks. (10) [ -sambandha ] m. intimate and constant connection, inseparable relation (as described above), connection by inseparable inherence W.
===> samavāyi-kāraṇa [ samavAyikAraNa ]3[ samav^ayi-kAraNa ] n. inseparable or inherent connection, material or substantial cause (in the Ved^anta [ up^adAn-k° ] is more commonly used (1) also [ -tva ] n.) Sarvad
===> samaya [ samaya ]2[ sam-ay'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) coming together, meeting or a place of meeting AV. ŚBr. (1) intercourse with (instr.) Mn. x, 53 (2) coming to a mutual understanding, agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, contract, arrangement, engagement, stipulation, conditions of agreement, terms ([ ena ] or [ At ] or [ -tas ], according to agreement, conditionally ' (3) [ tena samayena ], ` in consequence of this agreement ' (4) [ samayaM ] acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to make an agreement or engagement ', ` agree with any one [ instr. with or without [ saha ] ] ', ` settle ', stipulate ' (5) with [ samroot vad ] id. (6) with √ [ dA ], to propose an agreement, offer terms ' (7) with √ [ brU ] or √ [ vac ] or [ abhi-√ dhA ], to state the terms of an agreement, ` make a promise (8) with √ [ grah ] or [ prati-√ pad ], ` to enter into an agreement ', ` make or accept conditions of an agreement ' (9) with √ [ pAl ], or √ [ rakS ] or [ pari-√ rahS ] &c., ` to keep an agreement ', ` keep one's word ' (10) with √ [ tyaj ] or √ [ bhid ] or [ vy-abhi-√ car ] &c., ` to break an agreement ' (11) abl. with √ [ bhraMz ] id. (12) loc. with √ [ sthA ], ` to keep an engagement, ` keep one's word ' (13) acc. with Caus. of √ [ sthA ] or of [ ni-√ viz ] ` to fix or settle terms ', ` impose conditions ') TS. &c. &c. (14) convention, conventional rule or usage, established custom, law, rule, practice, observance MBh. R. BhP. (15) order, direction, precept, doctrine Nir. MBh. Śaṃk. Sarvad (16) (in rhet.) the conventional meaning or scope of a word, Kusum (17) appointed or proper time, right moment for doing anything (gen. or Pot. Pāṇ. 3-3, 68), opportunity, occasion, time, season (ifc. or ibe. or [ e ] ind., ` at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for ', or ` at the time of ', ` when there is ' (18) [ tena samayena ], ` at that time ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (19) juncture, circumstances, case ([ iha samaye ], under these circumstances ', ` in this case ') Pañcat. Hit. (20) an ordeal Viṣṇ (21) sign, hint, indication W. (22) demonstrated conclusion ib. (23) limit, boundary ib. (24) solemn address, harangue, speech, declaration Viṣṇ (25) (in gram.) a Vedic passage which is the repetition of another one RPrāt. (26) (in dram.) end of trouble or distress Bhar. Daśar. Sāh (27) N. of a son of Dharma VP. (28) (with Śāktas) N. of the author of a Mantra Cat.
===> samaṅgin [ samaGgin ]2[ sam-aGgin ] mfn. complete in all parts, furnished with all requisites KātyŚr. (1) ([ inI ]), f. N. of a Bodivṛksha-devatā Lalit.
===> samidh [ samidh ]2[ sam'idh ] mfn. igniting, flaming, burning RV. (1) f. firewood, fuel, a log of wood, faggot, grass &c. employed as fuel (7 Samidhs, or sometimes 3 X 7 are mentioned, as well as 7 Yonis, 7 flames &c.) RV. &c. &c. (2) kindling, flaming RV. VS. ŚBr. (3) [ -samid-AdhAna ] ŚrS.
===> samidha [ samidha ]3[ samidha ] (ifc.) = [ samidh ], fuel, wood R. (1) m. fire L. (2) ([ A ]), f. an oblation to fuel or firewood Gṛhyās
===> samita [ samita ]2[ s'am-ita ] mfn. (for [ sa-mita ] See below) come together, assembled, joined or united or combined with instr. or comp.) RV. MBh. (1) promised, agreed, assented to MW. (2) finished, completed ib.
===> [ samita ]1[ sa-mita ] mfn. (fr. 7. [ sa ] + 2. [ mita ]) measured, meted out (opp. to [ a-mita ]) Kpr. (1) (= [ sam-mita ]) commensurate, equal to (comp.) MBh. Suśr. (2) ([ am ]), ind. continually, always Kāraṇḍ (3) ([ A ]), f. wheat-flour Bhpr. Divyâv
===> samiti [ samiti ]1[ sam-iti ]2 ind. (for 1. See above) a sacred verse beginning with [ sam ] MW.
===> samoha [ samoha ]2[ sam-oh'a ] m. hostile encounter, conflict, war RV.
===> [ samoha ]1[ sam-oha ] [ °ham ], See [ sam- ] √ 1. [ Uh ]
===> samopeta [ samopeta ]1[ sam-^opeta ] mfn. (for [ sam-A-up° ], √ 5. [ i ]) furnished or endowed with, possessed of (comp.) MBh. Pañcat
===> samuccaya [ samuccaya ]2[ sam-uccaya ] m. aggregation, accumulation, collection, assemblage, multitude Kāv (1) totality, aggreseutences (as by the particle [ ca ], and '), conjunctive sense (opp. to the disjunctive [ vA ], ` or ') Nir. GṛS. Suśr. &c. (2) (in rhet.) a figure of speech (the joining together of two or more independent things associated in idea with some common action) Sāh. Kpr. (3) [ °y^alaMkAra ] m. the above rhetorical figure (4) [ °y^opamA ] f. a simile containing the above Kāvyâd. ii, 21
===> samucchinna [ samucchinna ]2[ sam-ucchinna ] mfn. torn up, uprooted, eradicated, utterly destroyed, lost Sūryas (1) [ -vAsana ] mfn. one whose dress is torn off (or ` one whose delusion is completely removed ') Prab
===> samucchitti [ samucchitti ]2[ sam-ucchitti ] f. cutting off completely, utter destruction Divyâv
===> samucchraya [ samucchraya ]2[ sam-ucchraya ] mfn. who or what rises or grows up ([ sarvam Śrayam ] = ` all living beings ') R. (1) m. raising aloft, erection, elevation MBh. SaddhP. (2) height, length Hariv. Ragh. VarBṛS. (3) an eminence, hill, mountain MBh. (4) rising, rise, exaltation, high position MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) increase, growth, high degree Hariv. Suśr. (6) stimulation Suśr. (7) accumulation, multitude Kāraṇḍ (8) (with Buddh.) birth (according to others, ` body ') Divyâv (9) opposition, enmity L.
===> samucchrita [ samucchrita ]2[ sam-ucchrita ] mfn. well raised or elevated MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) surging, high ib. (2) exalted, powerful Suśr. (3) [ -dhvaja-vat ] mfn. having flags hoisted (in it, said of a town) R. (4) [ -bhuja ] mf ([ A ]) n. having arms well raised ib.
===> samucchrāya [ samucchrAya ]3[ sam-ucchrAya ] m. rising, increase, growth, height, high degree Suśr. Dhātup
===> samuccita [ samuccita ]2[ sam-uccita ] mfn. accumulated, collected together, regularly arranged Kār. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 ([ °tI-kRta ] mfn. id. Naish.)
===> samudaya [ samudaya ]2[ sam-udaya ] m. (rarely n.) coming together, union, junction, combination, collection, assemblage, multitude, aggregation, aggregate (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to collect or assemble ') MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (1) (with Buddhists) the aggregate of the constituent elements or factors of any being or existence (in later times equivalent to ` existence ' itself) Buddh. Sarvad (2) a producing cause (e. g. [ duHkhas° ] ` the cause of suffering ') Dharmas. 22 (3) income, revenue Mn. MBh. (4) success, prosperity Mṛcch (5) war, battle L. (6) a day L. (7) = [ udgama ] or [ samudgama ] L. [ 1167,3 ] (8) rising (of the sun &c.) W. (9) n. an auspicious moment (= [ lagna ]) L.
===> samudbhava [ samudbhava ]2[ sam-udbhava ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) existence, production, origin (ifc. either ` arisen or produced from ' or ` being the source of ') Mn. MBh. &c. (1) coming to life again, revival MBh. (2) N. of Agni at the Vrat^adeśa Gṛhyās
===> samudbhūta [ samudbhUta ]2[ sam-udbhUta ] mfn. sprung up, arisen, born, produced, derived MBh. R. Pur. (1) existing Pratāp (2) v. l. or w. r. for [ sam-uddhUta ] or [ sam-uddhata ] MBh.
===> samuddharaṇa [ samuddharaNa ]2[ sam-uddharaNa ] n. the act of drawing well out or up, extricating, raising, lifting MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) taking off or away, removal Cat. (2) eradication, extirpation W. (3) taking out from (as a part or share), deduction ib. (4) food thrown up (from the stomach), vomit L.
===> samuddhṛta [ samuddhRta ]2[ sam-uddhRta ] mfn. well raised or drawn up or uplifted &c. &c. (1) taken out from (as a share), deducted ([ °t^oddhAre ], loc. ` if a deduction be made ') Mn. ix, 116. [ 1168,2 ]
===> samudga [ samudga ]1[ samudga ] m. (of doubtful derivation (1) for [ sam-udga ] See below) the point of a bud (in [ arka-s° ], q. v.) (2) a round box or casket (said to be also n. (3) ifc. f. [ A ]) Yājñ. VarBṛS. Kathās (4) a round form of a temple VarBṛS. (5) (in rhet.) a kind of paronomasia (in which a verse or part of a verse identical in sound but different in meaning is repeated) Kāvyâd. iii, 54-56 (6) [ -yamaka ] n. id. Bhaṭṭ. Sch.
===> [ samudga ]2[ sam-udga ] mfn. (for [ samudga ] See above) going up or rising together W.
===> samudgaka [ samudgaka ]2[ samudgaka ] m. n. a round box or casket Daś. Ratnâv. &c. (1) (in rhet.) = prec. L.
===> samudgata [ samudgata ]3[ sam-udgata ] mfn. risen up, come forth, appeared, begun Ṛitus. Lalit.
===> samudghāṭa [ samudghATa ]2[ sam-udghATa ] m. taking away, removal (perhaps w. r. for [ °ghAta ]) Lalit.
===> samudita [ samudita ]2[ sam-udita ]1 mfn. (for 2. See under [ sam-ud- ] √ [ i ]) spoken to or with, addressed, accosted BhP. (1) agreed upon (See [ yathA-samuditam ]) (2) consented, settled, customary Kathās
===> [ samudita ]2[ sam-udita ]2 mfn. (for 1. See [ saM-√ vad ], p. 1114, col. 2) gone up, risen, elevated, lofty R. Kir (1) collected, gathered together, united, assembled R. Daś. Siddh (2) possessed of, furnished with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R. (3) furnished with everything, well supplied, wanting nothing ib.
===> samudra [ samudra ]1[ sa-mudra ] mf ([ A ]) n. (for [ sam-udra ] See p. 1166, col. 3) having a stamp or seal, stamped, sealed, marked Mn. Yājñ. Mudr
===> samudra-gamana [ samudragamana ]3[ sam-udr'a-gamana ] n. going or voyaging by sea, sea-roving MW.
===> samudra-paryanta [ samudraparyanta ]3[ sam-udr'a-paryanta ] mf ([ A ]) n. sea-bound (as the earth) AitBr. Pañcat
===> samudvega [ samudvega ]3[ sam-udvega ] m. great agitation or perturbation, terror, alarm, fear MBh.
===> samudācāra [ samudAcAra ]2[ sam-udAcAra ] m. preset station, offering, entertainment (of a guest &c.) MBh. Hariv. (1) proper or right practice or usage or conduct or behaviour MBh. R. &c. (2) intercourse with (instr.) MBh. (3) address Hariv. Kāv. &c. (4) salutation Divyâv (5) intention, purpose, design, motive L. (6) mfn. = next BhP. (7) [ -vat ] mfn. one who conducts himself well MBh.
===> samudāgata [ samudAgata ]2[ sam-udAgata ] mfn. one who has attained full knowledge, excelling in (comp.) Lalit.
===> samudāhṛta [ samudAhRta ]2[ sam-udAhRta ] mfn. talked to, addressed Hariv. (1) talked about, mentioned as, named, called ĀśvŚr. Mn. R. &c. (2) stated, declared Yājñ. (3) illustrated W.
===> samudānaya [ samudAnaya ]1[ sam-ud-A-naya ]1 m. (√ [ nI ]) bringing together, assembly MBh. (1) bringing about, accomplishment, perfection Lalit. (2) [ -tA ] f. id. Divyâv
===> [ samudAnaya ]2[ sam-udAnaya ]2 Nom. P. [ °yati ], to collect Divyâv (1) to bring about, attain ib.
===> samudānayitavya [ samudAnayitavya ]3[ sam-udAnayitavya ] mfn. to be mastered thoroughly SaddhP.
===> samudāya [ samudAya ]2[ sam-udAya ] m. combination, collection, multitude, mass, totality, a whole Prāt. Kāv. Pañcat (1) (with Buddhists) = [ sam-udaya ] Sarvad (2) a partic. Nakshatra VarYogay (3) war, battle L. (4) the rear or reserve of an army L. (5) [ -prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk.
===> samudīraṇa [ samudIraNa ]2[ sam-udIraNa ] n. setting in motion or getting into motion MārkP. (1) raising the voice, uttering pronouncing, reciting W.
===> samudīrita [ samudIrita ]3[ sam-udIrita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) set in motion, raised, uttered, pronounced MBh.
===> samupasthita [ samupasthita ]2[ sam-upasthita ] mf ([ A ]) n. approximated, approached, come to ([ teSAm agrato nadI samupasthitA ] = ` they came upon a river ') MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (1) sitting or lying on (loc.) R. (2) arisen Hariv. (3) appeared, begun, imminent MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (4) seasonable, opportune MBh. (5) come upon, fallen to, fallen to one's share (with acc. or gen.) Kāv. Bhag. &c. (6) ready for (dat. or loc.) MBh. BhP. (7) undertaken, resolved R. (8) attained, acquired W.
===> samupekṣaka [ samupekSaka ]2[ sam-up^ekSaka ] mfn. overlooking, not heeding, disregarding. neglecting (gen.) BhP.
===> samupeta [ samupeta ]2[ sam-up^eta ] mfn. come together &c. &c. (1) come, arrived MBh. (2) furnished or supplied with, abounding in (instr. or comp.) ib.
===> samupārjita [ samupArjita ]3[ sam-up^arjita ] mfn. brought together, prepared MW. (1) acquired, gained ib. (2) stored up ib.
===> samutkarṣa [ samutkarSa ]2[ sam-utkarSa ] m. self-elevation, setting one's self up (as belonging to a higher rank than one's own tribe) Mn. xi, 55 (1) pre-eminence, excellence MBh. Bhar. (2) laying aside (a gridle) MBh.
===> samutkaṇṭhā [ samutkaNThA ]2[ sam-utkaNThA ] f. wish or longing for (comp.) Vās
===> [ samutkaNThA ]2[ sam-utkaNThA ] mfn. trembling vehemently Jātakam
===> samutpanna [ samutpanna ]2[ sam-utpanna ] mfn. sprung up together, arisen, produced, begotten by (abl.) or on (loc.), occurred, happened, taking place Mn. MBh. &c.
===> samutsarga [ samutsarga ]2[ sam-utsarga ] m. pouring out or shedding forth together (of urine) Mn. iv, 5o (1) emission (of semen (2) [ °gaM-√ kR ] with loc., ` to have sexual intercourse with ') Kull
===> samutsṛṣṭa [ samutsRSTa ]2[ sam-utsRSTa ] mfn. altogether poured or shed forth, given away, wholly given up or abandoned MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> samuttejita [ samuttejita ]3[ sam-uttejita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) greatly excited or inflamed or irritated W.
===> samuttha [ samuttha ]2[ sam-uttha ] mf ([ A ]) n. rising up, risen, appearing, occurring in, occasioned by, sprung or Produced or derived from (comp., rarely abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> samutthita [ samutthita ]2[ sam-utthita ] mfn. risen up together, risen, raised (as dust), towering above (as a peak), surging (as waves), gathered (as clouds) MBh. . Kāv. &c. appeared, grown, sprung or obtained or derived from (abl. or comp. (1) [ dhanaM daNa-samutthitam ], ` money derived from fines ') ŚvetUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) ready, prepared for (loc.) MBh. R. BhP. (3) one who withstands all (opponents) R. (4) cured, healed W. (5) swollen up MW.
===> samutthāna [ samutthAna ]2[ sam-utthAna ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the act of rising up together, getting up R. (1) hoisting (of a flag) Tithyād (2) recovering from sickness or injury MBh. (3) healing, cure Mn. Yājñ. (4) swelling (of the abdomen) R. (5) augmentation, increase, growth (of property), Yājh5 (6) rise, origin (ifc. = ` rising or springing from ') Suśr. Hariv. Kāv (7) performance of work, active operation, effort, industry ([ ekI-s° ] or [ sambhUya-s° ] ` common enterprise ', ` co-operation ', ` partnership ' Mn. viii, 4) Mn. Kām. MBh. R. [ 1166,2 ] (8) indication or symptom of disease L. (9) [ -vyaya ] m. the expense of recovery or cure Mn. viii, 287
===> samutthāpaka [ samutthApaka ]3[ sam-utthApaka ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) rousing up, awakening, stirring Buddh.
===> samuttīrṇa [ samuttIrNa ]2[ sam-uttIrNa ] mfn. come forth from, escaped from, passed through, crossed, landed Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) broken through MBh. vii, 5219
===> samyag-avabodha [ samyagavabodha ]3[ samyag-avabodha ] m. right understanding Pāṇ. 1-3, 47 Sch.
===> samyag-dṛṣṭi [ samyagdRSTi ]3[ samyag-dRSTi ] f. right insight or belief (with Buddh.) Lalit. (1) mfn. possessed of right belief. orthodox ([ -tva ] n.) HPariś. Divyâv
===> samyag-jñāna [ samyagjJAna ]3[ samyag-jJAna ] n. right knowledge ([ ratna-traya ]) (1) [ -tva ] n. Śamk,
===> samyak-karmânta [ samyakkarmAnta ]3[ samyak-karm^anta ] m. (with Buddhists) right action or occupation (one division of the [ Ary^aST^aGga-mArga ], ` holy eightfold path ' (1) the other 7 are given below) Lalit. Dharmas. 50 MWB. 44 &c.
===> samyak-prahāṇa [ samyakprahANa ]3[ samyak-prahANa ] n. (= Pali [ sammappadhAna ]) right abandonment, right effort, right exetion (with Buddhists of four kinds, 1 -to prevent demerit from arising, 2. get rid of it when arisen, 3. produce merit, 4. increase it) Divyâv (1) Dharnsas. 45 MWB. 50
===> samyak-prayoga [ samyakprayoga ]3[ samyak-prayoga ] m. right use or employment, due practice ([ eNa ], ` by the use of proper means ') MBh. Kum. Car.
===> samyak-praṇidhāna [ samyakpraNidhAna ]3[ samyak-praNidhAna ] n. true or profound meditation (as leading to Arhatship) Divyâv
===> samyaktva [ samyaktva ]3[ samyak-tva ] n. id. MBh. (1) completeness, perfection Śatr. ([ kSAyika-s° ], ` that perfection in which material existence is destroyed ' W. (2) [ -kaumudI ] f. [ -prakAza ] m. (3) [ °tv^adhyayana ] or [ °dhyApana ] n. N. of wks. (4) [ -mithyA ]. [ tva-sarva-saMgrasana ] m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.
===> samâpādana [ samApAdana ]2[ sam-ApAdana ] n. (fr. Caus.) the act of bringing about, accomplishing &c. MW. (1) restoration ib.
===> samâsama [ samAsama ]3[ sam^asama ] mfn. du. equal and unequal, of equal and unequal rank Gaut. Sarvad
===> samâśraya [ samAzraya ]2[ sam-Azraya ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) going together to any one (esp. for support or shelter), connection with, dependence on, relation to (ifc. = ` relating to, concerning ' (1) [ At ], ` in consequence of. owing to ') MBh. R. VarBṛS. &c. (2) support, shelter, place of refuge, asylum. Kāv. Pur. Kathās (3) dwelling-place, habitation, home (ifc. = ` living or dwelling or situated or being in ' R. Pañcat. Kathās
===> samācaraṇa [ samAcaraNa ]3[ sam-AcaraNa ] n. practising, performing, observing, be having, performance ib.
===> samācāra [ samAcAra ]2[ sam-AcAra ] m. (for [ sam^ac° ] See p. 1153, col. 1) procedure, practice, conduct, behaviour in (comp.) MBh. R. &c. (1) custom, usage, usual way or method ' Pañcat. KātyŚr. Sch. (2) (ifc.) the customary presentation of. Kathās (3) ` doings ', news, report, information, tradition W.
===> samādeśa [ samAdeza ]2[ sam-Adeza ] m. direction, advice, instruction, order, command Āpast. R. &c.
===> samādhi [ samAdhi ]2[ sam-Adhi ] m. putting together, joining or combining with (instr.) Lāṭy (1) a joint or a partic. position of the neck Kir (2) union, a whole, aggregate, set R. Hariv. Ragh (3) completion, accomplishment, conclusion Kum (4) setting to rights, adjustment, settlement MBh. (5) justification of a statement, proof Sarvad (6) bringing into harmony, agreement, assent W. RPrāt. (7) intense application or fixing the mind on, intentness, attention ([ °dhiM-√ kR ], ` to attend ') MBh. R. &c. (8) concentration of the thoughts, profound or abstract meditation, intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon (9) this is the eighth and last stage of Yoga [ lW. 93 ] (10) with Buddhists Samādhi is the fourth and last stage of Dhyāna or intense abstract meditation [ MWB. 209 ] (11) in the Kāraṇḍa-vyūha several Samādhi are enumerated) Up. Buddh. MBh. &c. (12) intense absorption or a kind of trance MBh. Kāv. &c (13) a sanctuary or tomb of a saint W. RTL. 261 (14) (in rhet.) N. of various figures of speech (defined as [ Aroh^avarohakrama ], [ artha-dRSTi ], [ anya-dharmANAm anyatr^adhirohaNa ] &c), Kāvyâd Vām. Kpr. &c. (15) N. of the 17th Kalpa (q. v.), of the 17th Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L. (16) of a Vaiśya Cat. (accord. to L. also ` silence (17) a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction (18) support, upholding (19) continuance (20) perseverance in difficulties (21) attempting impossibilities (22) collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth ') (23) [ -garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. (24) [ -tva ] n. the state of profound meditation or devotion Sarvad (25) [ -niSTha ] mfn. devoted to meditation Pañcat (26) [ -parihANi ] f. diminution of meditation Dharmas. 59 (27) [ -prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk. (28) [ -bala ] n. the force of meditation Dharmas. 75 (29) [ -bhaGga ] m. the disturbing or interruption of meditation Pañcat (30) [ -bhRt ] mfn. absorbed in meditation Śiś. (31) [ -bheda ] m. (= [ -bhaGga ]) Kum (32) [ -bhedin ] mfn. one who interrupts meditation Ragh (33) [ -mat ] mfn. absorbed in meditation Kum (34) attentive R. (35) making a promise or assent or permission W. (36) [ -matikA ] f. N. of a woman Mālav. (v. l. for [ samAhitikA ] in B.) (37) [ -yoga ] m. employment of meditation, the efficacy of contemplation MW. [ 1160,1 ] (38) [ -yoga-rddhi-tapo-vidyAvirakti-mat ] mfn. possessing or accompanied with meditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference BhP. (39) [ -rAja ] m. N. of wk. (40) [ -vigraha ] m. embodiment of meditation (41) [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wk. (42) [ -samAnatA ] f. N. of a Samādhi Buddh. (43) [ -stha ] mfn. absorbed in meditation Pañcat (44) [ -sthala ] n. N. of a place in Brahmā's world Kathās
===> samādhāna [ samAdhAna ]2[ sam-AdhAna ] n. putting together, laying, adding (esp. fuel to fire) Gobh (1) composing, adjusting, settling, and (2) reconciliation MBh. (3) intentness, attention (acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to attend '), eagerness Śaṃk. Pañcar. (4) fixing the mind in abstract contemplation (as on the true nature of spirit), religious meditation, profound absorption or contemplation MBh. Kāv. Vedântas (5) justification of a statement, proof(cf. [ -rUpaka ]) Sarvad (6) (in logic) replying to the Pūrva-paksha MW. (7) (in dram.) fixing the germ or leading incident (which gives rise to the whole plot, e. g. Śak. i, 27) (8) [ -mAtra ] n. mere contemplation or meditation MW. (9) [ rUpaka ] n. a kind of metaphor (used for the justification of a bold assertion) Kāvyâd
===> samādāna [ samAdAna ]2[ sam-AdAna ] n. taking fully or entirely, taking upon one's self. contracting, incurring MBh. (1) beginning, undertaking Lalit. (2) resolve, determination ib. (L. also ` receiving suitable donations ' (3), the daily observances of the Jaina sect ' (4) the middle part of the sacrificial post ')
===> samāgama [ samAgama ]2[ sam-Agama ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) coming together (either in a hostile or friendly manner), union (also sexual), junction, encounter or meeting with (instr. with or without [ saha ] gen., [ rarely ] loc., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) association, assembly of (comp.) MBh. R. Kathās (2) conjunction (of planets) VarBṛS. (3) approach, arrival W. (4) [ -kArin ] mfn. causing union MW. (5) [ -kSaNa ] m. the moment of union Rājat (6) [ -pr^arthanA ] f. the desire of association MW. (7) [ -manoratha ] m. the desire of union Vikr (8) [ °m^op^aya ] m. means of union MW.
===> samāgata [ samAgata ]2[ sam-Agata ] mfn. come together, met, encountered, joined, assembled Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) being in conjunction with (instr.) VarBṛS. (2) come to, approached, arrived, returned R. Mṛcch. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. a kind of riddle or enigma (the meaning of which is hidden by the Saṃdhi, q. v.) Kāvyâd
===> samāhita [ samAhita ]2[ sam-'Ahita ] mfn. put or held together joined assembled, combined, united (pl. ` all taken together ') ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) joined or furnished or provided with (instr. or comp.) ib. (2) put to, added (as fuel to fire) AV. (3) put or placed in or upon, directed, applied, fixed, imposed, deposited, entrusted, delivered over ib. &c. &c. (4) composed, collected, concentrated (as the thoughts upon, with loc.) (5) one who has collected his thoughts or is fixed in abstract meditation, quite devoted to or intent upon (with loc.), devout, steadfast, firm Up. MBh. &c. (6) put in order, set right, adjusted R. (7) suppressed, repressed, lowered (as speech) L. (8) made, rendered Hariv. (9) completed, finished, ended MBh. (10) concluded, inferred, demonstrated, established L. (11) granted, admitted, recognised, approved Āpast. Hariv. (12) corresponding or equal to, like, resembling (comp.) R. Hariv. (13) harmonious, sounding faultlessly L. (14) m. a pure or holy man MW. (15) n. great attention or intentness MW. (16) (in rhet.) a partic. kind of comparison Vām. iv, 3, 29 (17) [ -dhI ] mfn. one who has concentrated his thoughts in devotion, Bhp (18) [ -mati ] mfn. one who has an attentive mind Yājñ. Sch. (19) [ -manas ] mfn. having the mind absorbed in (anything) MW. (20) [ -mano-buddhi ] mfn. having the mind or thoughts collected or composed R. (21) [ °t^atman ] ([ saM'Ah° ]), mfn. one whose spirit is united with (instr.) ŚBr.
===> [ samAhita ]1[ sam-'Ahita ] See p. 1160, col. 1
===> samāhvāna [ samAhvAna ]2[ sam-AhvAna ] n. calling upon or together R. Pañcat (1) summons, challenge (to fight or to grumble) MBh. R. (2) betting on the battles of animals Suśr. [ 1164,1 ]
===> samāhāra [ samAhAra ]2[ sam-AhAra ] m. seizing, taking hold of. Gṛhyās (1) aggregation, summing up, sum, totality, collection, assemblage, multitude MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) (in gram.) conjunction or connecting of words or sentences (as by the particle [ ca ]) Saṃk. Prāt. Sch. Pāṇ. Sch. (3) compounding of words, a compound (esp. applied to a Dvamdva whose last member is in the neuter gender [ e. g. [ ahi-nakulam ], ` a snake and an ichneumon ' ], or to a Dvigu, when it expresses an aggregate (4) See [ trilokI ]) . Pāṇ. (5) = [ pratyAhAra ] Vop (cf. IW. 169, n. 1) (6) withdrawal (of the senses from the wor1d) Kām (7) contraction, abridgment L. (8) -varma, m. N. of the diphthongs [ ai ] and [ au ] Pat,
===> samāja [ samAja ]2[ sam-Aja ] m. meeting with, falling in with (gen. or comp.) VarBṛS. BhP. (1) a meeting, assembly, congregation, congress, conclave, society, company (cf. [ dyUta-s° ]), association, collection (accord. to L. not applied to animals) Āpast. Mn. MBh. &c. (2) a convivial meeting, party, club W. (3) a quantity, plenty, abundance (in [ sukha-s° ]) Gīt. xi, 21 (4) a partic. conjunction of planets VarBṛS. (5) an elephant (prob. w. r. for [ sAmaja ]) L. (6) [ -saMnivezana ] n. a building or place suitable for an assembly, assembly-room, meeting-house MW.
===> [ samAja ]1[ sam-Aja ] &c. See [ sam-√ aj ], p. 1153
===> samāklinna [ samAklinna ]1[ sam-A-klinna ] mfn. (√ [ klid ]) well moistened, wet (with [ vasu ], n. prob. = ` food and drink ') MBh. iii, 13472
===> samākrānta [ samAkrAnta ]3[ sam-AkrAnta ] mfn. trod or stepped upon MBh. MārkP. (1) pressed or borne down R. (2) overrun, attacked, assailed, seized upon Ragh. Pañcat. Kathās (3) kept (as a promise) R.
===> samākula [ samAkula ]1[ sam-Akula ] mf ([ A ]) n. crowded together, crowded or filled with, full of, abounding in (instr. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (1) greatly agitated or confounded, troubled, confused, flurried, bewildered by (comp.) ib.
===> samākīrṇa [ samAkIrNa ]2[ sam-AkIrNa ] mfn. strewn over, bestrewed, completely covered, overspread ib.
===> samāna [ samAna ]1[ samAn'a ] mf ([ 'I ], or [ A ]) n. (connected with 1. and 2. [ sama ] (1) in RV. v, 87, 4 abl. sg. [ samAn'asmAs ] for [ samAn'At ], See 1. [ sama ] (2) for [ sam-ana ] See [ sam-√ an ], for [ sa-mAna ] See col. 3) same, identical uniform, one (= [ eka ] L.) RV. &c. &c. (3) alike, similar, equal (in size, age, rank, sense or meaning &c.), equal or like to (with instr., gen., or comp.) VS. &c. &c. (4) having the same place or organ of utterance, honogeneous (as a sound or letter) Vop (5) holding the middle between two extremes, middling moderate BhP. (6) common, general, universal all RV. Br. ŚrS. BhP. (7) whole (as a number opp. to ` a fraction ') Pāṇ. 5-2, 47 Vārtt. 4 (8) being (= [ sat ], after an adj.) Divyāv (9) virtuous, good L. (10) [ -varNa-bhid ] L. (11) ([ am ]), ind. like, equally with (instr.) Kir (12) m. an equal. friend TBr. Cāṇ. BhP. (13) ([ I ]), f. a kind of metre Piṅg (14) (prob.) n. N. of wk. (cf. [ zAkhA-s° ])
===> [ samAna ]1[ sa-mAna ]1 mfn. (for [ samAna ] See col. 1 (1) for [ sam-Ana ] See p. 1154, col. 2)possessing honour or esteem, honoured by (gen.) Vet (2) with anger BhP.
===> [ samAna ]1[ sa-mAna ]2 mfn. (for 1. See above) having the same measure L.
===> samāna-jātīya [ samAnajAtIya ]3[ samAn'a-jAtIya ] mf ([ A ]) n. of the same kind with (comp. (1) [ -tva ] n.) ŚāṅkhŚr. Sarvad. &c.
===> samāna-kāla [ samAnakAla ]3[ samAn'a-kAla ] mfn. simultaneous ([ am ] ind.) RPrāt. (1) of equal length or quantity (as a vowel) TPrāt.
===> samānatā [ samAnatA ]3[ samAn'a-tA ] ([ °n'a- ]), f. equality with (gen. or comp.) ŚBr. RPrāt. Śiś. &c. (1) community of kind or quality W.
===> samānâdhikaraṇa [ samAnAdhikaraNa ]3[ samAn^adhikaraNa ] n. grammatical agreement in case with (comp.) Pāṇ. 3-2, 124 (1) common or same government or case-relation MW. (2) same predicament or category, common substratum W. (3) mfn. being in the same case-relation with (instr. or comp.), relating to the same subject ([ -tA ] f. (4) [ -iva ] n.) Tarkas. Sarvad. &c. (5) being in the same category or predicament or government MW. (6) having a common substratum (in the Vaiśeshika phil.) ib.
===> samāpana [ samApana ]3[ sam-Apana ] mfn. (in some meanings fr. Caus.) accomplishing, completing, concluding Kauś. MBh. (1) ([ A ]), f. highest degree, perfection MBh. (2) n. the act of causing to complete or completing, completion, conclusion Br. GṛŚrS. Mn. &c. (3) coming to an end, dissolution, destruction (of the body) MBh. (4) section, chapter, division (of a book) MārkP. (5) profound meditation (= [ samAdhAna ]) L.
===> samāpanna [ samApanna ]2[ sam-Apanna ] mfn. fallen into (acc.) MBh. (1) meeting with (?) Divyâv (2) having ib. (3) one who has undertaken (instr.) Kāraṇḍ (4) arrived, come, happened, occurred Hit. (v. l. [ sam-Asanna ]) (5) furnished or endowed with (comp.) MBh. R. &c. (6) perfect, proficient (in any science) W. (7) accomplished, concluded, done L. (8) distressed, afflicted ib. (9) killed ib.
---> n. death L.
===> samāpatti [ samApatti ]2[ sam-Apatti ] f. coming together, meeting, encountering Kālid (1) accident, chance (See comp.) (2) falling into any state or condition, getting, becoming (comp.) Yogas (3) assuming an original form, APrāt. (4) completion, conclusion Āpast. (v. l. [ sam-Apti ]) (5) yielding, giving way (in [ a-s° ]) ib. [ 1161,2 ] (6) (with Buddhists) a subdivision of the fourth stage of abstract meditation (there are eight Samāpattis) MWB. 233 (7) [ -dRSTa ] mfn. seen by chance Daś
===> samāpta [ samApta ]2[ sam-Apta ] mfn. completely obtained or attained or reached, concluded, completed, finished, ended KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) perfect, clever MBh. xiv, 2561 (2) [ -cinta ] (?), m. N. of a man Buddh. (3) [ -punar-Atta ] or [ °ttaka ] mfn. concluded and again resumed (4) n. a partic. kind of pleonasm (also [ °tta-tva ] n.) Kpr. Sāh. Pratāp (5) [ -prayoga ] m. N. of wk. (6) [ -pr^aya ] mfn. nearly finished MW. (7) [ bhUyiSTha ] mfn. nearly completed or ended ib. (8) [ -lambha ] m. a partic. high number Buddh. (9) [ -zikSa ] mfn. one who has completed his studies MW.
===> samāpti [ samApti ]2[ s'am-Apti ] f. complete acquisition (as of knowledge or learning) Āpast., (1) accomplishment, completion, prefection, conclusion, solution (of the body) Mn. ii, 244 (2) reconciling differences, putting an end to disputes L.
---> [ -vAda ] m. N. of a Nyāya wk. (3) [ -sAdhana ] n. means of accomplishment or completion MW. (4) [ °ty-arthA ], v. l. for [ samacy^arthA ] (q. v.)
===> samārabdha [ samArabdha ]2[ sam-Arabdha ] mfn. taken in hand, undertaken, begun (also, begun to be built ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) one who has begun or commenced MBh. (2) happened, occurred R. (3) [ -tara ] mfn. more frequent Nidānas
===> samārambha [ samArambha ]2[ sam-Arambha ] m. undertaking, enterprise MBh. R. &c. (1) spirit of enterprise MBh. v, 990 (2) beginning, commencement, Śāntiś (3) w. r. for [ samArambhaNa ], an unguent Śak. Sch.
===> samāropa [ samAropa ]2[ sam-Aropa ] m. (fr. Caus.) placing in or upon (loc.) KātyŚr. Sch. (1) stringing (a bow) Bālar (2) transference to (loc.), attribution Daśar. Sāh. Pratāp. āropaka, mf ([ ikA ]) n. making to grow or thrive Divyâv
===> samāropaṇa [ samAropaNa ]3[ sam-AropaNa ] n. transference, transposition, change of position (esp. of the sacred fire) ĀśvŚr. Sch. (1) stringing (a bow) Bālar
===> samāropita [ samAropita ]2[ sam-Aropita ] mfn. caused to mount or ascend &c. (1) placed in or on (acc.) Veṇis (2) put forth, displayed R. (3) [ -kArmuka ] mfn. one who has strung a bow ib. (4) [ -bhAra ] mfn. one on whom a burden has been placed ib. (5) [ -vikrama ] mfn. one who has displayed valour ib.
===> samārūḍha [ samArUDha ]2[ sam-ArUDha ] mfn. mounted or ridden by (instr.) MBh. R. Kathās (1) one who has mounted or ascended, riding upon (acc., loc., or [ upari ]), fallen upon, entered on or in (acc.) ib. (2) one who has agreed upon (acc.) Mn. viii, 156 (3) grown, increased Ratnâv (4) grown over, healed Hariv.
===> samāsa [ samAsa ]2[ sam-Asa ]2 (for 1. See under [ sam-√ as ]), m. abiding together, connection MW.
===> samāsanna [ samAsanna ]2[ sam-Asanna ] mfn. reached, approached, attained &c. (1) near, proximate, close to (comp.) Yājñ. Ragh. Kathās
===> samāsatas [ samAsatas ]3[ sam-Asa-tas ] ind. in a summary manner, succinctly, concisely Mn. R. VarBṛS. &c.
===> samāsârtha [ samAsArtha ]3[ samAs^artha ] m. the sense of a compound MW. (1) ([ A ]), f. the part of a stanza given for completion (= [ sam-asyA ]) L. (2) ([ °tha ]) . [ prakAzikA ] f. N. of wk.
===> samāvarjana [ samAvarjana ]1[ sam-Avarjana ] See [ sam-A-√ vRj ]
===> [ samAvarjana ]2[ sam-Avarjana ] n. attracting, winning Daśar
===> samāvarjita [ samAvarjita ]3[ sam-Avarjita ] mfn. bent down, inclined, lowered (1) [ -ketu ] mfn. one who has lowered his standard Kum (2) [ -netra-zobha ] mfn. one who has the (lustre of) his eyes bent down Ragh
===> samāvartana [ samAvartana ]2[ sam-Avartana ] n. returning, (esp.) the return home of a Brāhman student as above (also ` the Saṃskāra ceremony performed on the above occasion ' (1) cf. [ saMskAra ]) Mn. Saṃk. BhP. Sarvad. (RTL. 353 &c.) (2) [ -karman ] n. [ -prayoga ] m. [ -vidhi ], m. (3) [ °n^adi-prayoga ] m. N. of wks.
===> samāyoga [ samAyoga ]2[ sam-Ayoga ] m. conjunction, union, connection, contact with (instr. with and without [ saha ], or comp. (1) [ At ] with gen. or ifc. = ` in consequence of ' or ` by means of ') Mn. MBh. &c. (2) making ready, preparation, Ksd. Hcar. (3) fitting (an arrow to a bow), aiming MW. (4) heap, multitude W. (5) cause, origin ', motive, object ib.
===> samāyukta [ samAyukta ]2[ sam-Ayukta ] mfn. joined, prepared, ready R. (1) entrusted, committed MBh. (2) met together, encountered, brought into contact MBh. R. (3) furnished or supplied or provided with (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (4) intent upon, devoted to MW.
===> samāyuta [ samAyuta ]2[ sam-Ayuta ] mfn. joined or brought together, gathered, collected Nir (1) made or consisting of (comp.) MBh.
---> united or connected with, possessed of (comp.) ib. Suśr.
===> samāśrita [ samAzrita ]2[ sam-Azrita ] mfn. come together, assembled Nir (1) going or resorting to, living or dwelling in, fixed or staying or standing in or on, flowing into (acc., loc., or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) (also [ -vat ], one who has attained ', with acc.) Hariv. Pañcat (3) following or practising, leaning on, taking refuge with (acc.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. R. (4) resting or dependent on (loc.) KaṭhUp. (5) relating to, concerning (comp.) R. MBh. Rājat (6) stating, asserting Sarvad (7) (with pass. sense) leaned on (for support), resorted to Rājat (8) had recourse to, chosen Kār. on Pāṇ. 7-1, 1 (9) endowed or provided or furnished with (instr.) Kathās (10) visited or afflicted by (comp.) MBh. (11) m. a dependant, servant (cf. [ °AzrayaNIya ]), Raljat (12) [ -tva ] n. resort to, seeking refuge with (comp.) Pañcat
===> samāśvasta [ samAzvasta ]2[ sam-Azvasta ] mfn. recovered, revived, reanimated, comforted, consoled R. Kathās (1) trusting, confiding, full of confidence Mn. vii, 59
===> samāśvāsa [ samAzvAsa ]2[ sam-AzvAsa ] m. recovering breath, relief. comfort R. (1) trust, belief. confidence MBh. Kathās
===> samāśvāsana [ samAzvAsana ]2[ sam-AzvAsana ] n. (fr. Caus.) the act of causing to take breath, encouraging, cheering, comforting, consolation R. Vikr. Pañcat
===> samīhita [ samIhita ]3[ sam-Ihita ] mfn. longed or wished for, desired, striven after, undertaken R. Bhartṛ. Pañcat (1) n. great effort to obtain anything, desire, longing, wish Kāv. Kathās. Hit.
===> samīkṣaṇa [ samIkSaNa ]3[ sam-IkSaNa ] n. looking at or looking about thoroughly, ŚrS. (1) search, close investigation W. (2) mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to look at or perceive BhP.
===> samīpa [ samIpa ]1[ samIpa ] mfn. (prob. fr. [ sam ] + [ 'ap ] and formed analogously to [ pratIpa ], [ dvIpa ], [ anUpa ] (1) accord. to some fr. [ sam ] + [ √ Ap ] and =, ` easy to attain ') near (in place or time), contiguous, proximate, adjacent, close by, at hand, approching, imminent Kāv. VarBṛS. &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. nearness, proximity, vicinity, presence, imminence (with gen. or ifc., [ am ], ` to, towards ' (3) [ At ], from ' (4) e, ` in the vicinity, near, close at hand, beside, in the presence of. at the time of. before, at, towards ' (5) cf. [ saMdhivelA-s° ]) KātyŚr. MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> samīraṇa [ samIraNa ]2[ sam-IraNa ] mfn. setting in motion, causing activity, stimulating, promoting MBh. R. Carm. (ifc. f. [ A ]) breeze, wind, air, breath (also ` the god of wind ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) wind of the body (of which there are five, See [ vAyu ]) Suśr. (2) N. of the number ` five ' VarBṛS. (3) a traveller L. (4) marjoram or a similar plant L. (5) ([ am ]), n. setting in motion TPrāt. [ 1165,2 ] (6) hurling, throwing MBh. (7) [ -sahAya ] mfn. accompanied or fanned by the wind (as a forest fire) MW. [ °Irita ] mfn. stirred, moved, tossed, thrown MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) sent forth, uttered (as a sound) R.
===> samūha [ samUha ]2[ sam-Uh'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a collection, assemblage, aggregate, heap, number, multitude AV. &c. &c. (1) an association, corporation, community Mn. Yājñ. &c. (2) sum, totality, essence MBh. (3) N. of a divine being(?) MBh. xiii, 4355 (4) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ vRtti ]) a partic. mode of subsistence Baudh. (5) ([ °ha) -kArya ] n. the business or affairs of a community MW. (6) [ -kSAraka ] m. civet L. (7) [ -gandha ] m. civet L.
===> samūla [ samUla ]1[ s'a-mUla ] mfn. having roots, overgrown, grassy, green, verdant ŚBr. Kauś. R. (1) together with the root, root and branch, entire or entirely (also ibc. and [ am ] ind.) Br. &c. &c. (2) based upon, founded Gobh. Sch.
===> samṛddha [ samRddha ]2[ s'am-Rddha ] mfn. accomplished, succeeded, fulfilled, perfect, very successful or prosperous or flourishing, fortunate AV. Br. ChUp. MBh. R. (1) full-grown (as trees) MBh. (2) complete, whole, entire ib. (3) fully furnished or abundantly endowed with (instr., abl., or comp.) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c.
---> rich, wealthy ib. Kathās (4) plenteous, abundant, much Ratnâv (5) m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. (6) [ -tejas ] mfn. endowed with splendour or strength R. (7) [ -yazas ] mfn. rich in fame, renowned, celebrated MW. (8) [ -vega ] mfn. increasing in speed, excessively swift Bhag. (9) [ °ddh^artha ] mfn. having increased substance or wealth, increasing in resources R. [ 1171,2 ]
===> samṛddhi [ samRddhi ]2[ s'am-Rddhi ] f. great prosperity or success, growth, increase, thriving, welfare, fortune, perfection, excellence (ifc. = ` increased by ') AV. ŚBr. Up. MBh. &c. (1) abundance, plenty of (comp.) Kāv (2) wealth, riches (also pl.) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (3) N. of a partic. Vedic hymn (causing prosperity) VarBṛS. (4) [ -karaNa ] n. means of procuring prosperty PārGṛ. (5) [ -kAma ] ([ s'am° ]), mfn. desirous of prosperty ŚBr. (6) [ -mat ] mfn. perfectly succeeding or successful or fortunate MBh. Naish. MārkP. (7) richly furnished with (comp.) Kāvyâd (8) [ -vat ] mfn. (prob. w. r.), id. Śaṃk (9) [ -vRddhi-lAbha ] m. acquisition of increase of prosperity MBh. (10) [ -samaya ] m. a season of great prosperity MW.
===> san-mārga [ sanmArga ]3[ san-mArga ] m. the right path (fig.) Mālav. Kathās. &c. (1) [ -maNi-darpaNa ] m. N. of wk. (2) [ -yodhin ] mfn. fighting honourably, Righ (3) [ -stha ] mfn. walking in the right path, Amir (4) [ °g^alokana ] n. the seeing or following of good paths (of morality &c.) MW.
===> sanat-kumāra [ sanatkumAra ]3[ sanat-kumAra ] m. ` always a youth ' or ` son of Brahmā ', N. of one of the four or seven sons of Brahmā (cf. [ sanaka ] (1) he is said to be the oldest of the progenitors of mankind [ = [ vaidhAtra ], q. v. ], and sometimes identified with Skanda and Pradyumna, he is also the supposed author of an Upa-purāṇa and other wks. (2) with Jainas he is one of the 12 Sārvabhaumas or Cakravartins [ emperors of India ] (3) the N. of Sanat-kumāra is sometimes given to any great saint who retains youthful purity) ChUp. MBh. Hariv. &c. (4) [ -kalpa ] m. N. of wk. (5) [ -ja ] m. pl. (with Jainas) a partic. class of gods L. (6) [ -tantra ] n. [ -pulastya-saMvAda ] m. [ -saMhitA ] f. [ -stava ], m. (7) [ °rIya ] n. [ °r^opapurANa ], n. N. of wks.
===> saniyama [ saniyama ]3[ sa-niyama ] mf ([ A ]) n. restricted, limited ([ -tva ] n.) Kap (1) one who has undertaken a religious observance Vikr. Kir
===> sanātana [ sanAtana ]2[ sanAt'ana ] mf ([ I ], m. c. also [ A ]) n. eternal, perpetual, permanent, everlasting, primeval, ancient ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) m. N. of Brahmā L. (2) of Viṣṇu Bhaṭṭ. (3) of Śiva L. (4) a guest of deceased ancestors, one who must always be fed whenever he attends Śrāddhas L. (5) N. of a Ṛshi (in MBh. and later ` a mind-born son of Brahmā ') TS. &c. &c. (6) of a king Buddh. (7) (with [ zarman ] and [ go-svAmin ]) of two authors Cat. (8) pl. N. of partic. worlds Hariv. (9) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā Cat. [ 1141,2 ] (10) of Lakshmī or Sarasvatī L.
===> sanātha [ sanAtha ]3[ sa-nAtha ] mfn. having a master or protector, protected by (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Pur. (1) having a lord or husband ([ A ] f. ` a woman whose husband is living ') L. (2) filled with persons, crowded (as an assembly), Śāntiś. Sch. (3) occupied by, possessed of. possessing, furnished or endowed with (instr. or comp.) Kāv. Pur. Pañcat. &c. (4) [ -tA ] f. the state of having a protector or husband (acc. with √ [ i ], ` to take refuge with ') Vcar. Pañcat (5) [ °thI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to cause to possess a master, afford shelter, protect Śak. Kathās. Hit. (6) to occupy (a place) VarBṛS.
===> sapakṣa [ sapakSa ]1[ sa-pakSa ] mfn. (7. [ sa+p° ]) having wings, winged MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) feathered (as an arrow) Śiś. (2) having partisans or friends ib. (3) containing the major term or subject MW. (4) m. ` taking the same side ', an adherent, friend ([ -tA ] f. [ -tva ], n.) Kāv. Kathās (5) partaker, one being in like or similar circumstances Naish (6) (in logic) an instance on the same side (e. g. the common illustration of ` the culinary hearth '), a similar instance or one in which the major term is found MW. [ 1148,2 ]
===> sapatnī [ sapatnI ]2[ sa-p'atnI ]1 f. (once in R. [ °tni ]) a woman who has the same husband with another woman (Pāṇ. 4-1, 35) or whose husband has other wives, a fellow-wife or mistress, female rival RV. &c. &c.
===> [ sapatnI ]2[ sa-patnI ]2 mfn. = next R.
===> saphala [ saphala ]1[ sa-phala ] mf ([ A ]) n. together with fruits, having or bearing fruit or seed, fruitful (as a tree) PārGṛ. MBh. Kathās (1) ` having seed ', i. e. possessing testicles, not emasculated R. (2) having good results, productive, profitable, successful (with √ [ kR ], ` to fulfil ', ` keep a promise ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) together with the result VarBṛS. (4) [ -tva ] n. profitableness, successfulness Śiś. Kathās. Sāh (5) [ -pr^arthana ] mfn. one whose desire is fulfilled Vikr (6) [ °l^odaya ] m. ` one whose appearance brings good results ', N. of Śiva MBh. (7) [ °l^odarka ] mfn. bearing fruit in the future, promising success Mālatīm
===> saprabha [ saprabha ]3[ sa-prabha ] mfn. having the same lustre or appearance ([ -tva ] n.) MBh. VarBṛS. (1) possessing splendour, brilliant MW.
===> sapramāṇa [ sapramANa ]3[ sa-pramANa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having proof or evidence, authentic MW. (1) having the law on one's side, having a right or title, entitled R.
===> sapratyaya [ sapratyaya ]3[ sa-pratyaya ] mf ([ A ]) n. having trust or confidence, trusting in (loc.) Kāv. Kathās (1) certain, secure, sure (with [ vRtti ] f. ` sure means of subsistence ') MBh. (2) = next MW.
===> sapta [ sapta ]2[ sapta ] ifc. (cf. [ tri-Sapt'a ], [ tri-sapt'a ]) and in comp. for [ sapt'an ], seven (1) mfn. = [ °tam'a ] L. (2) m. N. of Viṣṇu Viṣṇ. iii, 44 (where [ sapta mahA-bhAga ] may be two words
---> cf. [ sapta-mahA-bh° ])
===> sapta-bhūmi [ saptabhUmi ]3[ sapta-bhUmi ] f. = [ rasA-tala ] R. (Sch.) (1) [ -maya ] mf ([ i ]) n. = [ -bhUma ] Siṉhâs
===> sapta-bhūmika [ saptabhUmika ]3[ sapta-bhUmika ] mfn. id. Pañcat. ([ °kA-prA ]. [ sAda ] w. r.) [ 1150,1 ] (1) [ °kA-vicAra ] m. N. of wk.
===> sapta-bodhyaṅga-kusumâḍhya [ saptabodhyaGgakusumADhya ]3[ sapta-bodhy-aGga-kusum^aDhya ] m. N. of Buddha Divyâv
===> sapta-kṛt [ saptakRt ]3[ sapta-kRt ] m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devāh MBh. (1) ([ -kRd ]) [ bhava-parama ] m. a Śrāvaka in a partic. stage of progress L.
===> sapta-parṇa [ saptaparNa ]3[ sapta-parNa ] mfn. 7-leaved W. (1) m. Alstonia Scholaris MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (2) ([ I ]), f. Mimosa Pudica Suśr. (3) n. the flower of Alstonia Scholaris ŚārṅgP. (4) a sort of sweetmeat L.
===> sapta-ratna [ saptaratna ]3[ sapta-ratna ] n. N. of various wks. (1) [ -padma-vikArin ] m. N. of a Buddha Buddh. (v. l. [ -padma-vikrAntagAmin ]) (2) [ -maya ] mf ([ i ]) n. consisting of 7 gems Kāraṇḍ
===> sapta-rātra [ saptarAtra ]3[ sapta-rAtra ] n. a period of 7 nights (or days), a week Mn. MBh. R. &c. (1) ([ °tr'a ]), m. a partic. Ahina AV. ŚrS. Maś (2) n. pl. N. of various Vaishṇava sacred books
===> sapta-sapti [ saptasapti ]3[ sapta-sapti ] mfn. having 7 horses (1) m. N. of the Sun (cf. [ sapt^azva ]) MBh. Kāv. &c.
===> sapta-triṃśat [ saptatriMzat ]3[ sapta-triMzat ] f. 37 (with a noun in apposition) MBh. Rājat. Pañcar. (1) ([ °zad ]) [ -rAtra ] n. a partic. ceremony ŚrS.
===> sapta-vidha [ saptavidha ]3[ sapta-vidha ] ([ °t'a- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. 7-fold, of 7 kinds ŚBr. MaitrUp. Śulbas. &c. ([ °dh'atA ] f. ŚBr.)
===> saptama [ saptama ]2[ saptam'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. the 7th VS. TS. ŚBr. &c. ; ([ I ]), f. See below. [ Cf. Zd. [ haptatha ] (1) Gk. ? (2) Lat. [ 1150,3 ] [ septimus ] ; Lith. [ s'ekma-s ] ; Slav. [ sedm˘u ] &c. ]
===> saptamī [ saptamI ]2[ saptamI ] f. (of [ saptam'a ] above) the 7th Tithi or lunar day of the fortnight (on which day in the light fortnight there is a festival in honour of the 7th digit, of the moon (1) often ifc., See [ gaGgA-s° ], [ jayantIs° ]) ŚrS. MBh. VarBṛS. &c. (2) the 7th case, i. e. the locative or its terminations Nir. VPrāt. &c. (3) the potential or its terminations Kāt (4) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt
===> saptika [ saptika ]2[ saptika ] mfn. having the length of 7, Śulbas
===> [ saptika ]3[ sḍaptika ] mfn. one who has finished or completed (esp. a course of Vedic study) Mn. iii, 145 (1) final, finite Kathās
===> saptâha [ saptAha ]3[ sapt^ah'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) 7 days
---> a sacrificial performance lasting 7 days Br. KātyŚr. Mn. &c.
===> sara [ sara ]1[ sar'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ [ sR ]) fluid, liquid VS. (1) cathartic, purgative, laxative Suśr. Vāgbh (2) (ifc. f. [ I ] Pāṇ. 3-2, 18) going, moving &c. (cf. [ anu- ], [ abhi- ], [ puraH-s° ]) (3) m. going, motion L. (4) a cord, string (cf. [ prati- ], [ maNi- ], [ muktA-maNi- ], and [ mauktika-s° ]) (5) a short vowel (in prosody) Col. (6) salt L. (7) N. of Vāyu or the wind L. (8) a waterfall L. (9) often v. l. or w. r. for [ zara ] (also in comp. [ sara-ja ] &c. for [ zara ja ] &c.) (10) ([ 'A ]), f. moving or wandering about Gal. (11) a brook AV. TS. (12) a cascade, waterfall L. (13) Paederia Foetida L. (14) ([ I ]), f. a cascade (cf. [ sari ]) L. (15) n. a lake, pool (also irregularly in comp. for [ saras ]) Uṇ. iv, 188 Sch. (16) milk L.
===> [ sara ]2[ sara ]
===> sarahasya [ sarahasya ]3[ sa-rahasya ] mfn. along with the secret or mystical doctrine (i. e. with the Upanishads Mn. ii, 140, 165) (1) possessing anything secret or mystical MW.
===> sarajas [ sarajas ]3[ sa-rajas ] mfn. having dust or pollen Pāṇ. 5-4, 77 Sch. (1) f. a woman in her monthly period L.
===> saraka [ saraka ]2[ saraka ] mfn. going, moving, proceeding L. (1) m. or n. a drinking vessel, goblet (esp. for spirituous liquors) R. Suśr. (2) spirituous liquor (esp. that distilled from sugar), rum Kathās (3) drinking spirituous liquor Śiś. xv, 114 (4) distribution of spirituous liquor L. (5) a caravan L. (6) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of plant (= [ hiGgu-pattrI ]) L. (7) a string of pearls L. (8) n. a pearl, jewel L. (9) a pond, lake L. (10) ` going ' or ` the sky ' ([ gamana ] or [ gagana ]) L. (11) N. of a Tirtha MBh.
===> saras [ saras ]2[ s'aras ] n. ` anything flowing or fluid ', a lake, large sheet of water, pond, pool, tank RV. &c. &c. (1) . a trough, pail RV. (2) water Naigh. i, 2 (3) speech (a meaning given to account for [ saras-vatI ]) ib. i, 11
===> sarasvatī [ sarasvatI ]2[ s'arasvatI ] f. (of [ s'arasvat ], q. v. under [ s'aras ]) a region abounding in pools and lakes MBh. i, 7745 (1) N. of a river (celebrated in RV. and held to be a goddess whose identity is much disputed (2) most authorities hold that the name S'arasvatī is identical with the Avestan Haraquaiti river in Afghanistan, but that it usually means the Indus in the RV., and only occasionally the small sacred rivers in Madhya-deśa [ see below ] (3) the river-goddess has seven sisters and is herself sevenfold, she is called the mother of streams, the best of mothers, of rivers, and of goddesses (4) the Ṛshis always recognize the connection of the goddess with the river, and invoke her to descend from the sky, to bestow vitality, renown, and riches (5) elsewhere she is described as moving along a golden path and as destroying Vṛtra &c. (6) as a goddess she is often connected with other deities, e. g. with Pūshan, Indra, the Maruts and the Aśvins [ 1182,3 ] (7) in the Āpri hymns she forms a triad with the sacrificial goddesses Iḍā and Bhātrati (8) accord. to a myth told in the VS. xix, 12, S'arasvatī through speech [ [ vAcA ] ] communicated vigour to Indra (9) in the BrShmaṇas she is identified with [ vAc ], ` Speech ', and in later times becomes goddess of eloquence, See below) RV. &c. &c. (10) N. of a well-known small river (held very sacred by the Hindūs (11) identified with the modern Sursooty, at, d formerly marking with the Dṛshadvatī one of the boundaries of the region Ārya-deśa and of the sacred district called Brahm^avarta [ see Mn. ii, 17 ] in RV. vii, 95, 2, this river is represented as flowing into the sea, although later legends make it disappear underground and join the Ganges and Jumnā at Allahibād (12) See [ tri-veNI ], [ prayAga ]) ib. (13) N. of various rivers (esp. of rivers which in sacredness are equal to S'arasvatī and which are three accord. to AV. vi, 101, and seven accord. to MBh. ix, 2188) (14) any river Naigh. i, 13 (15) N. of the goddess of eloquence and learning (cf. above (16) she is opposed to Śri or Lakshmī [ cf. Vikr. v, 24 ], and sometimes considered as the daughter and also wife of Beahmā, the proper wife of that god being rather Sāvitri or Gāyatri (17) she is also identified with Durgā, or even with the wife of Viṣṇu and of Manu, and held to be the daughter of Daksha) Mn. MBh. &c. (18) speech or the power of speech, eloquence, learning wisdom MBh. Kāv. &c. (19) a celestial or oracular voice Kālid. Kathās. Rājat (20) a cow VS. viii, 43 (21) an excellent woman (= [ strI-ratna ]) L. (22) N. of various plants (Cardiospermum Halicacabum, Egle Marmelos, Ruta Graveolens &c.) L. (23) N. of a twoyear-old girl representing Durgā at her festival L. (24) of a poetess Cat. (25) of various other women (esp. of the wives of Dadhica, Śaṃkar^acārya, Maṇḍaṇamiśra &c.) ib. (26) of one of the ten mendicant orders traced back to Śarnkaracārya (whose members add the word [ sarasvatI ] to their names)
===> [ sarasvatI ]1[ sarasvatI ] &c. See p. 1182, col. 2
===> saraṇa [ saraNa ]3[ sa-raNa ] mfn. (for [ saraNa ] See p. 1182, col. 1) connected with war or conflict Lalit.
===> [ saraNa ]1[ saraNa ] [ °Ni ] &c. See p. 1182, col. 1, [ 1183,3 ]
===> [ saraNa ]3[ saraNa ] &c. See p. 1182, col. 1
===> sarga [ sarga ]1[ s'arga ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) fr. √ [ sRj ]) letting go, discharging, voiding (as excrement) MBh. R. (2) starting (a race-horse), racing RV. (3) a herd let loose from a stable, any troop or host or swarm or multitude ib. Rājat (4) a draught of air, gust of wind RV. (5) a stream, gush, rush, downpour (of any fluid (6) acc. with √ [ kR ], ` to cast or strike down ' RV.) [ 1184,1 ] (7) a dart, shot ib. (8) emission or creation of matter, primary creation (as opp. to [ pratisarga ] ` secondary creation '), creation of the world (as opp. to its [ pralaya ] ` dissolution ', and [ sthiti ], ` maintenance in existence ' ; 9 different creations are enumerated in BhP. iii, 10, 13 (9) [ A sargAt ], ` from the creation or beginning of the world ' (10) [ sarge ] ` in the created world ') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (11) a created being, creature (with [ daiva ] ` a divine creation ', ` a god ') Ragh (12) begetting, procreation MBh. (13) origin BhP. (14) offspring, a child ib. (15) nature, natural property, disposition, tendency Bhag. v, 19 (16) effort, exertion, resolution, eesolve, will Ragh. Śiś. (17) a section, chapter, book, canto (esp. in an epic poem) (18) assent, agreement L. (19) fainting (= [ moha ]) L. (20) implement of war MBh. xi, 2165 (Nīlak.) (21) = [ visarga ], the aspiration at the end of a word Cat. (22) N. of Śiva MBh. (23) of a son of Rudra Pur.
===> [ sarga ]2[ sarga ]