===> nigaḍa [ nigaDa ]1[ ni-gaDa ] m. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) and n. (fr. √ [ gaD ] = [ gal ]?) an iron chain for the feet, (csp.) the heel chains for an elephant or a noose for catching the feet and throwing an animal down, any fetter or shackle cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of a teacher ([ -kSveDana ] n. N. of wk.) (2) mfn. bound or fettered on the feet cf. Mn. iv. 210

===> nigha [ nigha ]1[ ni-gha ] mfn. (√ [ han ]) as high as broad (= [ viSvak-sama ]) cf. L. (1) (?) equally distant (as trees) cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 87 cf. Kāś (2) m. anything whose height and circumference are equal (as a circle a ball &c.) cf. W. (3) sin (cf. [ a-gha ]) cf. L.

===> nighaṇṭa [ nighaNTa ]1[ ni-ghaNTa ] m. (√ [ ghaNT ], to speak? (1) cf. [ ghaNTA ], a bell) a collection of words, vocabulary cf. Cat. (2) N. of a Dānava cf. Kathās

===> nigraha [ nigraha ]3[ ni-graha ] m. keeping down or back, restraining, binding, coercion, suppression, subjugation cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) defeat, overthrow, destruction cf. Kāv (2) seizing, catching, arresting, holding fast cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) suppression of an illness i. e. healing, cure cf. Suśr. (4) confinement, imprisonment, any punishment or chastisement cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañc. &c. ([ vadhanigt° ], pain of death cf. Kathās.) (5) reprimand, blame cf. L. (6) aversion, ill-will, dislike, disgust cf. L. (7) anything for catching hold of. a handle (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. Suśr. (8) a place or occasion for being caught hold of, (esp. in Nyāya phil.) an occasion for refutation, a weak point in an argument or fault in a syllogism (cf. [ -sthAna ]) [ 546,2 ] (9) a boundary, limit cf. L. (10) N. of Śiva and ViṣṇuKṛshṇa cf. MBh. (11) [ -sAdhana ] and [ -stotra ] n. N. of wks. (12) [ -sthAna ] n. (in phil.) the position of being unfit to carry on an argument from impossibility of agreeing about first principles (13) [ -sthAna-sUtra-TIkA ] f. [ °h^aSTaka ] n. N. of wks.

===> nigrahaṇa [ nigrahaNa ]3[ ni-grahaNa ] mfn. holding down, suppressing (ifc.) cf. Suśr. (1) n. subduing, suppression cf. ib. (2) capture, imprisonment, punishment cf. MBh. (3) war, fight cf. Dhanaṃj

===> nigrahītavya [ nigrahItavya ]3[ ni-grahItavya ] mfn. to be punished cf. Hit.

===> nigrahītṛ [ nigrahItR ]3[ ni-grahItR ] m. one who seizes or lays hold of. cf. Daś (1) one who keeps back or prevents cf. BhP.

===> nigīrṇa [ nigIrNa ]3[ ni-gIrNa ] mfn. swallowed, devoured &c. (1) left out, not expressed (cf. [ a-nig° ]) (2) [ -tva ] n. cf. Sāh (3) [ -vat ] mfn. cf. Kathās

===> nigūḍha [ nigUDha ]3[ ni-gUDha ] mfn. concealed, hidden, secret, obscure (lit. and fig.) cf. RV. ([ n'i-gULha ]) &c. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. privately, secretly cf. Kathās (2) [ -kArya ] mfn. secret in operation cf. MW. (3) [ -cArin ] mfn. walking concealed or in disguise cf. Mn. ix, 260 (4) [ -tara ] mfn. well concealed or hidden cf. Pañc (5) [ -nizcaya ] mfn. whose design is concealed cf. MBh. (6) [ -roman ] mfn. having concealed hair cf. Suśr. (7) [ °Dh^artha ] mfn. having a hidden or mysterious sense, abstruse, occult (8) [ °Dh^artha-dI ], [ pikA ] and [ °Dh^artha-maJjUSikA ] f. N. of wks.

===> nigṛhya [ nigRhya ]3[ ni-gRhya ] mfn. to be held back &c. (1) deserving reproof or correction cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 94. 2

===> [ nigRhya ]3[ ni-gRhya ] ind. p. having held back or taken or arrested or confined cf. R. &c. (1) having restrained or coerced, by coercion cf. MW.

===> nigṛhīta [ nigRhIta ]1[ ni-gRhIta ] [ °ti ], [ ni-grah ] below

===> [ nigRhIta ]3[ ni-gRhIta ] mfn. held down or back, seized, caught, checked cf. MBh. &c. (1) harassed, assailed, attacked cf. W. (2) n. (in music) a partic. method of beating a drum

===> nihata [ nihata ]3[ ni-hata ] ([ n'i- ]), mfn. hurled, thrown cf. RV. (1) hit, touched (lit. and fig.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (2) struck down, smitten, slain, killed, destroyed, lost, gone cf. ib. &c. (3) having the unaccented tone or Anudātta ([ -tva ] n.) cf. TPrāt. (4) [ -bhUyiSTha ] mfn. having the greater number killed cf. R. (5) [ -sena ] mfn. having (their) armies smitten or destroyed cf. MW. (6) [ °t^artha ] mfn. (word) whose meaning is out of use or obsolete ([ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n.) cf. Sāh (7) [ °t^aSTra ] mfn. having the camels killed, whose camels have been slain cf. MW.

===> nihita [ nihita ]1[ n'i-hita ] mfn. (√ 1. [ dhA ]) laid, placed, deposited, fixed or kept in (loc.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) delivered, given, bestowed, intrusted cf. ib. (2) laid down or aside, removed (below), laid (as dust by rain) cf. Ghaṭ (3) encamped (as an army) cf. Bhaṭṭ. (4) uttered in a deep tone cf. VPrāt. (cf. [ ni-hata ])

===> nihnuta [ nihnuta ]3[ ni-hnuta ] mfn. denied, disowned, concealed, hidden, secreted, given out for something else cf. Ratnâv. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat

===> nihīna [ nihIna ]3[ ni-hIna ] mfn. low, vile, mean cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (1) [ -tara ] mfn. lower, worse cf. Āpast (2) [ -varNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. of low caste or origin cf. MBh.

===> [ nihIna ]1[ ni-hIna ] [ ni-√ hA ]

===> nija [ nija ]1[ ni-j'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ jan ]) innate, native, of one's own party or country (with [ ripu ] m. an enemy in one's own country cf. Hit. (1) m. pl. one's own people cf. Rājat.) (2) constant, continual cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (in later Sanskṛt used as a reflex. possess. pron. = [ sva ], my own, his own, our own &c.)

===> nikaṭa [ nikaTa ]1[ ni-kaTa ] mf ([ A ]) n., being at the side, near (1) m. or n. nearness, proximity ([ °Tam ] ind. near to, towards, with gen. or comp. (2) [ °Te ] id., near, at hand (3) [ °TAt ], away from) cf. R. cf. Pañc. cf. Kathās. &c.

===> niketa [ niketa ]1[ ni-keta ] m. rarely n. (√ 4. [ cit ]) a mark, sign cf. MBh. iii, 12541 ([ tap^atyaya-n° ], ` mark of departure of heat ', said of a cloud) (1) a house, habitation cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) seat of one of the constituent elements of the body cf. Car. (3) a bee-hive (j) cf. MBh. xi, 140 (4) a stage in the religious life of a Brāhman, iii, 13411 (5) state of being cf. Divyâv

===> niketana [ niketana ]3[ ni-ketana ] n. a house, mansion, habitation, temple, cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. an onion cf. L.

===> nikharva [ nikharva ]1[ ni-kharva ] mfn. dwarfish, a dwarf cf. L. (1) n. a billion cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> nikhila [ nikhila ]1[ ni-khila ] mf ([ A ]) n. complete, all, whole, entire cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. [ 545,3 ] (1) ([ ena ]), ind. completely, totally cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (cf. [ a-kh° ])

===> nikāya [ nikAya ]1[ ni-kAy'a ] (√ 1. [ ci ]) a heap, an assemblage, a group, class, association (esp. of persons who perform the same duties) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) congregation, school cf. Buddh. (2) collection (of cf. Buddh. Sūtras, there are 5 cf. MWB. 62, 63) (3) habitation, dwelling, hiding-place cf. R. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 41) (4) the body cf. ŚvetUp. (5) the air, wind cf. VS. xv, 5 (Mahidh.) (6) aim, mark cf. L. (7) the Supreme Being cf. L.

===> nikāyântarīya [ nikAyAntarIya ]3[ ni-kAy^antarIya ] mfn. belonging to another school cf. Buddh.

===> nikāśa [ nikAza ]1[ ni-kAza ] m. (√ [ kAz ]) horizon, range of sight, proximity ([ °zaM me ], before my eyes, to me) cf. BhP. (1) ifc. having the appearance of. similar, like cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ nI-k° ], [ pra-k° ] &c.)

===> nikūla [ nikUla ]1[ ni-kUla ] mfn. going down hill (in [ utkUla-n° ], q. v.)

===> nikṛtta [ nikRtta ]3[ ni-kRtta ] mfn. cut off, cut up cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) [ -mUla ] mfn. cut up by the roots cf. Suśr.

===> nikṛṣṭa [ nikRSTa ]3[ ni-kRSTa ] mfn. debased, vile, low, despised, outcast cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) near, n. nearness cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. (2) [ -bhUta ] mfn. appearing low or small in comparison with (gen.) cf. MBh. (3) [ °T^azaya ] mfn. base-minded ([ °ya-tA ] f.) cf. Daś (4) [ °TI- ] √ [ kR ], to surpass, excel cf. Kāv. ii, 37 cf. Sch. (5) [ °Tp^adhi ] mfn. having something inferior as a condition ([ °dhitA ] f.) cf. Vedântas

===> nikṣepa [ nikSepa ]3[ ni-kSepa ] m. putting down cf. HYog. (esp. of the feet cf. Kālid.) (1) throwing or casting on (loc. or comp.) cf. Megh. cf. Sāh (2) a deposit, pledge, trust, anything pawned cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) abandoning, throwing or sending away cf. W. (4) wiping, drying cf. ib. (5) [ -cintAmaNi ], [ -dIpa ] m. [ -rakSA ] f. N. of wks. (6) [ -lipi ] f. a partic. mode of writing cf. Lalit.

===> nikṣepaṇa [ nikSepaNa ]3[ ni-kSepaNa ] n. putting down (the feet) cf. Kum (1) a means by which or a place in which anything is kept cf. Suśr.

===> nikṣipta [ nikSipta ]3[ ni-kSipta ] mfn. thrown down or upon &c. (1) deposited, pawned, pledged (2) rejected, abandoned, given away, sent off cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) appointed, installed cf. R. (4) inclining towards (comp.) cf. Sarvad (5) [ -bhAra ] mfn. having put the load upon (comp.), Pañc, i, 167/166 (6) [ -vAda ] mfn. one who has ceased talking or left off boasting cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.

===> nilaya [ nilaya ]1[ ni-laya ] &c. [ ni-lI ]

===> [ nilaya ]3[ ni-laya ] m. rest, resting-place (cf. [ a-nil° ]) (1) hiding- or dwelling-place, den, lair, nest (2) house, residence, abode (often ifc. [ f. [ A ] ] = living in, inhabiting, inhabited by) cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) [ -sundara ] m. N. of a man cf. Cat. 2

===> nimagna [ nimagna ]3[ ni-magna ] mfn. sunk, fallen into (water &c.) (1) submerged, plunged, or immersed in, penetrated or fixed into (loc. or comp.) cf. Br. cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (2) gone down, set (as the sun) cf. Ragh. cf. Gīt. (3) (with [ para-lokAya ]) entered into the other world cf. MBh. (4) sunk in, depressed, not prominent, deep cf. Suśr. (cf. below) (5) overwhelmed, covered cf. MW. (6) [ -nAbhi ], or [ -madhyA ] f. (a woman) having a depressed navel or a slender waist cf. Vikr

===> nimajjana [ nimajjana ]3[ ni-majjana ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing a person (gen.) to enter or plunge into (water &c.) cf. MBh. (1) n. bathing, diving, sinking, immersion cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nimantraṇa [ nimantraNa ]3[ ni-mantraNa ] n. invitation, calling, a summons cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> nimantrita [ nimantrita ]3[ ni-mantrita ] mfn. invited (esp. to a feast, with instr., e. g. [ vivAhena ] cf. Pañcar. (1) cf. cf. Pañc. iii, 139) (2) summoned, called, convoked cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. [ 551,1 ]

===> nimba [ nimba ]1[ nimba ] m. the Nimb or Neemb tree, Azadirachta Indica (its fruit is bitter and its leaves are chewed at funeral ceremonies) cf. Gobh. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. (also [ -ka ])

===> nimba-bīja [ nimbabIja ]3[ nimba-bIja ] m. Mimusops Hexandra cf. L.

===> nimba-rajas [ nimbarajas ]3[ nimba-rajas ] n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> nimeṣa [ nimeSa ]3[ ni-meS'a ] m. shutting the eye, twinkling, winking cf. TS. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (also as a measure of time i. e. a moment (1) [ °SAd iva ], in a moment cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

---> [ °SaM nimeSam ], every moment cf. ŚBr. (2) as a disease cf. Suśr.) (3) N. of a Yaksha cf. MBh. (4) [ -kRt ] f. ` twinkler ', lightning cf. L. (5) [ -t'as ] ind. with regard to the shutting of the eyes cf. VS. (6) [ -dyut ], or [ -ruc ] m. a fire-fly cf. L. (7) [ -mAtra ] n. merely an instant (8) ([ eNa ]), ind. in barely a moment cf. MBh. (9) [ °S^antara ] n. = [ nimiS° ] (cf. under [ cArin ]) (10) [ °S^ardhAt ] ind. in half a twinkling of the eyes, in less than an instant cf. Ragh

===> [ nimeSa ]1[ ni-meSa ] under 1. [ ni-miS ]

===> nimitta [ nimitta ]1[ nimitta ] n. (possibly connected with [ ni-√ mA ] above) a butt, mark, target cf. MBh. (1) sign, omen cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ dur-n° ]) (2) cause, motive, ground, reason
cf. Up. cf. Kap. cf. Var. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (in all oblique cases = because of, on account of, cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 23 cf. Pat. (3) mfn. ifc. caused or occasioned by (4) [ °ttaMroot yA ], to be the cause of anything cf. Kād.) (5) (in phil.) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to [ up^adAna ], the operative or material cause) cf. Vedântas. cf. Bhāshāp (6) = [ Agantu ] (7) [ deha ] (8) [ Adeza ] (9) [ parvan ] cf. L.

===> nimitta-bhūta [ nimittabhUta ]3[ nimitta-bhUta ] mfn. become or being a cause or reason or means cf. MW.

===> nimitta-mātra [ nimittamAtra ]3[ nimitta-mAtra ] n. the mere efficient cause or instrument cf. Bhag. cf. Veṇis

===> nimittatva [ nimittatva ]3[ nimitta-tva ] n. (in phil.) the state of being a cause, causality, instrumentality

===> nimiṃdhara [ nimiMdhara ]3[ nimi-M-dhara ] m. N. of a prince cf. Lalit.

===> nimiṣa [ nimiSa ]3[ ni-miSa ] m. twinkling, shutting the eye (also considered as a measure of time, a moment cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) as a disease cf. Suśr.) (2) N. of a son of Garuḍa cf. MBh. (3) of Viṣṇu cf. L. (4) [ -kSetra ] n. N. of a district cf. Cat. (5) [ °S^antara ] n. the interval of a moment (6) ([ eNa ]), in a moment cf. MBh. cf. Kāv

===> nimna [ nimna ]1[ nimn'a ] n. (fr. [ ni ], or √ [ nam ] ?) depth, low ground, cavity, depression cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ a'is ] ind. downwards, x, 78, 5 ; 148, 5) (1) mf ([ A ]) n. deep (lit. and fig.), low, depressed, sunk cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) (ifc.) inclined towards cf. L. (3) m. N. of a prince cf. BhP.

===> nimnatva [ nimnatva ]3[ nimn'a-tva ] n. depth, lowness, profundity cf. W.

===> nimnatā [ nimnatA ]3[ nimn'a-tA ] f.

===> nimīlana [ nimIlana ]3[ ni-mIlana ] n. shutting the eyes cf. Kāv. (met. = death cf. L.) (1) closing (of a flower) cf. Sāh. (cf. [ padma- ]) (2) (in astron.) complete obscuration, a total eclipse cf. Sūryas

===> nimīlita [ nimIlita ]3[ ni-mIlita ] mfn. having closed the eyes cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (1) closed (as eyes, flowers ; n. also impers., e. g. [ °tam puNDarIkaiH ]), twinkled, blinked cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. (2) disappeared (cf. below) (3) (fr. Caus.) caused to shut the eyes i. e. killed cf. Pañc. iii, 269 (4) [ -dRz ] mfn. having the eyes closed cf. Ragh. (C.) xix, 28 (5) [ -nakSatra ] mfn. having the stars obscured (as the sky) cf. Hariv. 2660 (6) [ -mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. (cf. Ragh. xix, 28, C. [ -dRz ], cf. above) and [ °t^akSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (cf. Suśr.) = [ -dRz ]

===> nindaka [ nindaka ]2[ nindaka ] mfn. blaming, abusive, censorious (1) (mostly ifc.) a blamer or scorner (cf. [ brAhmaNa- ], [ veda- ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> nindana [ nindana ]3[ nindana ] n. reproach, censure, blame cf. Pāṇ.

===> nindita [ nindita ]2[ nindit'a ] mfn. blamed, censured, abused, defamed, low, despicable, prohibited, forbidden cf. RV. cf. Br. &c.

===> nindā [ nindA ]2[ nind'A ] f. blame, censure, reproach, reviling, defamation, controversy, injury,
outrage. cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (with cf. Buddh.) one of the eight worldly conditions cf. Dharmas. lxi (2) [ -stuti ] f. ironical praise, irony cf. L. (3) [ °d^opamA ] f. a comparison which involves reproof cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 30

===> nināda [ ninAda ]3[ ni-nAda ] m. sound, noise, crying, humming cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> ninādin [ ninAdin ]3[ ni-nAdin ] mfn. sounding, resounding, crying, resonant with (instr. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) ifc. causing to sound, playing (a musical instrument) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.

===> ninādita [ ninAdita ]3[ ni-nAdita ] mfn. filled with noise, resonant with (instr.) cf. ib. (1) n. = prec. cf. ib.

===> nipaka [ nipaka ]3[ ni-paka ] mfn. intelligent, wise (cf. Pāli) cf. L. (1) m. chief cf. Divyâv. 2

===> nipatana [ nipatana ]3[ ni-patana ] n. falling down, falling, descending cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) ([ garbhiNyAgarbhasya ]) the lying-in of a pregnant woman cf. VarBṛS. li, 35 (2) flying cf. MBh.

===> nipatita [ nipatita ]3[ ni-patita ] mfn. flown or fallen down, descended ([ nabho-n° ], from heaven), fallen upon or into (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) decayed, sunk, withered cf. Dhūrtas

===> nipuṇa [ nipuNa ]1[ nipuNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (said to be from a √ [ puN ]), clever, adroit, skilful, sharp, acute cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) skilled in, conversant with, capable of (mostly comp. [ cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 31 and g. [ zauND^adi ] ] (2) but also infin. [ cf. Kāv. ], loc. [ cf. Var. ], gen. [ cf. Vop. v, 29 ] or instr. [ cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 31 ]) (3) kind or friendly towards (loc. or [ prati ] cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 43) (4) delicate, tender cf. Jātakam (5) perfect, complete, absolute (as purity, devotion &c.) cf. Mn. cf. BhP. (6) ([ am ]), ind. in a clever or delicate manner cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (7) completely, perfectly, absolutely, exactly, precisely cf. R. (also [ nipuNa ] ibc. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 24, and [ °Nena ] cf. MBh. cf. BhP.)

===> nipāta [ nipAta ]3[ ni-pAta ] m. falling down, descending, alighting (lit. and fig.), falling from (abl.) into or upon (comp.), rushing upon, attacking (comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) decay, destruction, ruin, death cf. ib. (2) (from the Caus.) casting, hurling, discharging cf. Kum. iii, 15 (3) accidental occurrence or mention cf. Nir. cf. ĀśvŚr. (4) (in gram.) irregular form, irregularity, exception (cf. [ para- ], [ pUrva- ]) (5) a particle (all adverbs including conjunctions and interjections) cf. Nir. cf. Prāt. cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 56 (6) [ -tva ] n. the state of being a particle cf. MW. (7) [ -pratIkAra ] m. the repelling of assaults cf. ib. (8) [ °t^avyay^opasarga ] m. pl. N. of wk.

===> [ nipAta ]1[ ni-pAta ] under [ ni-pat ]

===> nipātana [ nipAtana ]3[ ni-pAtana ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) throwing down, killing, destroying, knocking out (an eye) cf. MBh. [ 549,3 ] (1) n. causing to descend or fall, throwing down, letting drop or sink cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. R. (cf. [ daNDa-n° ])

---> putting on, applying (as a knife), touching with (comp.) cf. Suśr. (2) overthrowing, destroying, killing cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (3) (in gram.) accidental mention or use of a word, putting down as an irregularity (4) an irregular form or exception
cf. Prāt. cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch. cf. Vop (5) = [ ni-patana ], falling down (of a fire-brand) cf. Yājñ. i, 145 (6) alighting (said of a bird) cf. Pañc. ii. 57

===> nipātin [ nipAtin ]3[ ni-pAtin ] mfn. falling or flying down cf. MBh. (1) falling or alighting on (comp. cf. Ragh. ix, 40 (2) [ upari ] cf. Vikr. v, 15) (3) striking down, destroying cf. MBh. cf. Ragh

===> nipīḍana [ nipIDana ]3[ ni-pIDana ] n. squeezing, pressing, hurting, giving pain cf. L. (1) ([ A ]) f. oppression cf. Sāh

===> nipīḍita [ nipIDita ]3[ ni-pIDita ] mfn. squeezed, pressed, embraced (1) pained, hurt cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) [ °Dit^alaktaka-vat ] ind. like pressed lac cf. MW.

===> nirabhimāna [ nirabhimAna ]3[ nir-abhimAna ] mfn. free from pride cf. BhP.

===> niradhiṣṭhāna [ niradhiSThAna ]3[ nir-adhiSThAna ] mfn. having no resting-place or basis, supportless, untenable cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) independent cf. Śaṃk

===> niragnika [ niragnika ]3[ nir-agnika ] mfn. having no (consecrated) fire cf. MBh.

===> nirahaṃkāra [ nirahaMkAra ]3[ nir-ahaMkAra ] mfn. free from egotism, unselfish, humble cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) m. a partic. heaven cf. Hcat (2) [ °kArin ] mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism cf. BhP. (3) [ °kRta ] mfn. having no self-conscioumess or personality cf. BhP. (4) = next cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (5) [ °kRti ] mfn. free from egotism or pride, humble, Bhanṛ. cf. BhP. (6) [ °kriya ] mfn. having no personality or individuality cf. BhP. (7) ([ A ]), f. absence of egotism or selfishness cf. ib.,

===> nirakṣara [ nirakSara ]3[ nir-akSara ] mfn. not knowing the letters cf. HPariś

===> nirantara [ nirantara ]3[ nir-antara ] mf ([ A ]) n. having no interval (in space or time), close, compact, dense, uninterrupted, perpetual, constant ([ -tA ] f.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) faithful true cf. Pañc (2) abounding in, full of (comp.) cf. R. cf. Sāh (3) not other or different, identical cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (4) not hidden from view cf. W. (5) ([ am ]), ind. closely, tightly, firmly, Ṛt. cf. Suśr. (6) constantly, continually cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) immediately, at once cf. Kām. cf. Vet (8) [ -grihavAsin ] mfn. living in the next house cf. Kull (9) [ -payodharA ] f. having closely contiguous breasts (clouds) cf. Mṛcch. v, 15 [ -vizeSa ] mfn. (pl.) being without difference in regard to (loc.), being treated alike cf. MBh. (10) [ -zarIra ] mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows) cf. R. (11) [ °r^abhyAsa ] m. constant repetition or study, diligent exercise or practice cf. Prab (12) [ °r^atkaNThA ] f. continual longing for cf. Ratn (13) [ °r^odbhinna ] mfn. densely sprouted cf. ib.

===> niranubandha [ niranubandha ]3[ nir-anubandha ] mfn. showing no secondary or symptomatic affection cf. Car. (1) [ °dhaka ] mfn. having no indicatory letter cf. Pat.

===> niranuśaya [ niranuzaya ]3[ nir-anuzaya ] mfn. without the consequences or results of acts, cf. Śaṃk

===> nirapekṣa [ nirapekSa ]3[ nir-ap^ekSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. regardless of. indifferent to, independent of (loc. or comp.) (1) desireless, careless, indifferent, disinterested cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (also [ -ka ] cf. BhP.) (2) ([ am ]), ind. regardlessly, accidentally cf. MBh. cf. Daś (3) ([ A ]), f. (cf. R.) [ -tA ] f. (cf. Kathās.), [ -tva ] n. (cf. RāmatUp.) disregard, indifference, independence (4) [ °kSita ] mfn. regardless cf. Prab (5) disregarded cf. Daś (6) [ °kSin ] mfn. indifferent, independent cf. MBh. (7) [ °kSya ] mfn. not to be regarded cf. Bhartṛ

===> nirarbuda [ nirarbuda ]3[ nir-arbuda ] m. or n. N. of a hell in which the wicked are punished by excessive cold cf. Buddh.

===> nirartha [ nirartha ]3[ nir-artha ] mf ([ A ]) n. void of wealth, poor cf. Mṛcch (1) useless, vain ([ -kalaha ], a useless quarrel cf. MBh.) (2) meaningless ([ -tA ], cf. MārkP.) (3) (a consonant) having no following vowel cf. VPrāt. cf. Sch. (4) m. ([ °th'a ]) loss, detriment cf. TĀr. (5) pl. nonsense cf. R.

===> nirarthaka [ nirarthaka ]3[ nir-arthaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. useless, vain, unsuccessful cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ am ] ind. cf. R. cf. Bhartṛ (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. Mṛcch.) (2) unmeaning, nonsensical cf. MBh. (3) (said of a consonant) = [ -artha ] cf. VPrāt. cf. Sch. (4) n. (in phil.) a nonsensical objection (5) (in rhet.) an expletive

===> nirasta [ nirasta ]3[ nir-asta ] (cf. R. also [ °asita ]), mfn. cast out or off, expelled, banished, rejected, removed, refuted, destroyed cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) shot off (as an arrow) cf. L. (2) spit out, vomited cf. L. (3) pronounced hurriedly or dropped in pronouncing ([ a-n° ] cf. ChUp. ii, 22, 3) [ 553,2 ] (4) n. dropping or leaving out (considered a fault in pronunciation) cf. Pat. (5) [ -bheda ] mfn. having all difference removed, identical cf. MW. (6) [ -rAga ] mfn. one who has abandoned worldly desires or has devoted himself to religious penance cf. ib. (7) [ -saMkhya ] mfn. innumerable (lit. refusing calculation) cf. Dhanaṃj (8) [ -sukh^odaya ] mf ([ A ]) n. hopelessly unfortunate (lit. whose fortune has given up rising) cf. Amar.

===> nirata [ nirata ]1[ ni-rata ] [ °ti ], [ ni-ram ]. [ 553,1 ]

===> [ nirata ]3[ ni-rata ] mfn. pleased, satisfied, delighting in, attached or devoted to, quite intent upon, deeply engaged in or occupied with (loc., instr. or comp.)
cf. Mn. cf. Var. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> niratyaya [ niratyaya ]3[ nir-atyaya ] mf ([ A ]) n. free from danger, secure, infallible ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Kāv. &c. (1) unblamable, faultless cf. Kir (2) causing no pain cf. Suśr.

===> niravadya [ niravadya ]3[ nir-avadya ] mf ([ A ]) n. unblamable, unobjectionable cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. ([ -tva ] n. cf. BhP.) (1) n. blamelessness, excellence ([ vat ] mfn. cf. MBh.) (2) n. or m. a partic. high number cf. Lalit.

===> [ niravadya ]1[ nir-avadya ] [ -avayava ] &c. [ nir ], p. 539, col. 3

===> niravagraha [ niravagraha ]3[ nir-avagraha ] mfn. unrestrained, independent, free cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °he ] ind. where there is room to move freely cf. MBh.) (1) self-willed, headstrong cf. W.

===> niravayava [ niravayava ]3[ nir-avayava ] mfn. having no limbs or members (1) not consisting of parts, indivisible ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Śaṃk. cf. Sarvad. &c.

===> niravaśeṣa [ niravazeSa ]3[ nir-avazeSa ] mfn. without a residue, complete, whole cf. R. &c. (1) ([ °SeNa ] and [ °Sa-tas ]), ind. completely, totally, fully cf. Hariv.

===> niraya [ niraya ]1[ nir-aya ] m. (either fr. [ nis ] + √ [ i ] = egression, sc. from earthly life, or fr. [ nir ] + [ aya ] ` without happiness ') Niraya or Hell (personified as a child of fear and death cf. BhP.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nirbandha [ nirbandha ]3[ nir-bandha ] m. objection cf. Gaut (1) insisting upon (loc. or comp.), pertinacity, obstinacy, perseverance cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (ibc., [ °dhAt ], [ °dhena ], [ °dhatas ], ind. perseveringly, with or by perseverance (2) [ °dhaM-√ kR ], to urge [ gen. ] cf. Kathās. i, 25 (3) to show obstinacy against [ instr. ] cf. MBh. xiii, 5034) (4) the attributing anything to, accusing of (comp.) cf. Mn. xi, 56 (5) [ -para ] mf ([ A ]) n. intent upon, desirous of (comp.) cf. Kum. v, 66 (6) [ -pRSTa ] mfn. urgently asked, importuned cf. Ragh. xiv, 32

===> nirbandhin [ nirbandhin ]3[ nir-bandhin ] mfn. insisting upon (loc. or comp.) cf. MBh. (1) [ °dhi-tA ] f. cf. Jātakam

===> nirbhartsana [ nirbhartsana ]3[ nir-bhartsana ] n. threatening, reproach, blame cf. MBh. cf. Rājat. (also [ A ] f.) (1) red paint, lac cf. L. (2) [ -daNDa-mohita ] mfn. bewildered by the threat of punishment cf. MBh.

===> nirbhartsita [ nirbhartsita ]3[ nir-bhartsita ] mfn. threatened, menaced, reviled, abused cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. (1) [ -vat ] mfn. cf. Pañc

===> nirbhaya [ nirbhaya ]3[ nir-bhaya ] n. fearlessness, security cf. Hcat (1) mf ([ A ]) n. fearless, not afraid of (comp.) (2) free from danger, secure, tranquil ([ am ] ind. fearlessly &c.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) m. N. of a son of the 13th Manu cf. Hariv. (4) [ -bhIma ], N. of a play (5) [ -rAmabhaTTa ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> nirbheda [ nirbheda ]3[ nir-bheda ] mf ([ A ]) n. uninterrupted cf. Hariv.

===> [ nirbheda ]3[ nir-bheda ] m. breaking asunder, splitting, bursting (trans. and intrans.) cf. R. cf. Suśr. (1) split, rent, channel (of a river) cf. Hariv. (2) betraying, revealing cf. Mālav. iv, 1/2

===> nirbhāsa [ nirbhAsa ]3[ nir-bhAsa ] m. appearance cf. Sarvad. (ifc. f. [ A ] = [ nibha ], similar, like cf. Kāraṇḍ., printed [ °bhASa ])

===> nirbhāsana [ nirbhAsana ]3[ nir-bhAsana ] n. illuminating, illustrating, making manifest cf. Sarvad

===> nirbhī [ nirbhI ]3[ nir-bhI ] mfn. fearless, not afraid

===> nirbhīta [ nirbhIta ]3[ nir-bhIta ] mfn. id. cf. R. cf. BhP.

===> nirdagdha [ nirdagdha ]3[ nir-dagdha ] mfn. burnt, burnt up cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> nirdahana [ nirdahana ]3[ nir-dahana ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. burning up, consuming cf. AV. (1) m. Semecarpus Anacardium cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana cf. Suśr. (3) n. burning cf. ib.

===> nirdainya [ nirdainya ]3[ nir-dainya ] mfn. free from misery, comfortable, at ease cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat

===> nirdaya [ nirdaya ]3[ nir-daya ] mf ([ A ]) n. pitiless, unkind, cruel, hard, violent, excessive cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) unpitied by any cf. Mn. ix, 239 (2) ([ am ]), ind. unmercifully, passionately, violently, greatly cf. Kāv. ([ °ya-taram ] cf. Bhartṛ. i, 64) (3) [ -tva ] n. unmercifulness, cruelty, Ksv (4) [ °ya-danta-daMza ] m. unmerciful or passionate biting (with the teeth) cf. Gīt. (5) [ °ya-rati-zram^atasa ] mf ([ A ]) n. tired by passionate amorous sports cf. Ragh. xix, 32 (6) [ °y^asleSa ] m. a passionate embrace cf. Megh. 105. -1

===> nirdeśa [ nirdeza ]3[ nir-deza ] m. pointing out, indicating, directing, order, command, instruction (often ifc.) cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) description, specification, special mention, details or particulars cf. GṛŚrS. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) vicinity, proximity cf. L. (3) certainty, ascertainment cf. W. (4) a partic. number cf. Buddh. (5) [ -kArin ] mfn. executing orders, obedient cf. BhP. (6) [ -pAlana ] n. obeying a command cf. R.

===> nirdeśya [ nirdezya ]3[ nir-dezya ] (cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.), mfn. to be pointed out or determined or described or proclaimed or foretold

===> nirdhārita [ nirdhArita ]3[ nir-dhArita ] mfn. determined, ascertained, settled, accurately stated or told cf. ib.

===> nirdiṣṭa [ nirdiSTa ]3[ nir-diSTa ] mfn. pointed out, shown, indicated, declared, announced, foretold, enjoined cf. TS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ordered, meant or determined for, appointed to (dat.) cf. Var (2) learned, wise (= [ paNDita ]) cf. Gal.

===> nirdoṣa [ nirdoSa ]3[ nir-doSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. faultless, defectless, guiltless, innocent cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) infallible cf. Sarvad (2) [ -kula-sAr^avali ] f. N. of wk. (3) [ -tA ] f. faultlessness cf. Sch. (4) [ °SI-karaNa ] n. rendering innocuous, paralyzing cf. Bhpr. (5) [ °SI-kRta ] mfn. cleared from guilt cf. MW.

===> nirduḥkha [ nirduHkha ]3[ nir-duHkha ] mfn. painless, not feeling or causing pain cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (1) [ -tva ] n. painlessness cf. Bhāshāp

===> nirdvaṃdva [ nirdvaMdva ]3[ nir-dvaMdva ] mfn. indifferent to the alternatives or opposite pairs (of feelings, as pleasure and pain), neither glad nor sorry &c. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (1) not standing in mutual relation, independent (as [ brahman ]) cf. MBh. i, 3315 ; xii, 489= xiv, 314 (2) free from envy or jealousy cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (3) not contested, indisputed cf. MBh. (4) not double cf. W. (5) not acknowledging two principles cf. ib.

===> nirdārita [ nirdArita ]1[ nir-dArita ] [ nir-√ dRR ]

===> [ nirdArita ]3[ nir-dArita ] mfn. torn asunder, split open cf. Hariv.

===> nirgama [ nirgama ]3[ nir-gama ] m. going forth, setting out, departure cf. Var. cf. R. &c. (1) escaping from (abl.) cf. Vedântas (2) disappearing, vanishing, cessation, end cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. &c. (3) exit, issue, outlet cf. R. cf. Pañc (4) a door cf. L. (5) export-place (of goods) cf. Mn. viii, 401 (opp. [ A-gama ])

===> nirgata [ nirgata ]3[ nir-gata ] mfn. gone out, come forth (with abl. or ifc. (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 37 cf. Pat.), appeared, become visible cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) disappeared, extinct cf. Rājat. cf. Vedântas (3) freed from (abl.) cf. L. (4) [ -nikhila-kalmaSa-tA ] f. the state of being entirely freed from sin cf. Vedântas (5) [ -vizaGka ] mfn. freed from fear, fearless cf. Pañc. [ 554,3 ]

===> nirghaṇṭa [ nirghaNTa ]1[ nir-ghaNTa ] [ °NTu ], [ °NTuka ] = (and prob. w. r. for) [ ni-ghaNTa ] &c., collection of words, vocabulary

===> nirghoṣa [ nirghoSa ]2[ nir-ghoSa ] (for 1. p. 541, col. 1), m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) sound, noise, rattling, tramping cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ °S^akSara-vimukta ] m. N. of a Samādhi cf. L.

===> nirghāta [ nirghAta ]3[ nirghAta ] (fr. Caus.), s. v.

===> nirghātana [ nirghAtana ]3[ nir-ghAtana ] n. forcing out, bringing out cf. Suśr.

===> nirghṛṇa [ nirghRNa ]3[ nir-ghRNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. unmerciful, cruel cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) shameless, immodest cf. W. (2) ([ am ]), ind. cruelly cf. MBh. (3) ([ A ]), f. (in [ sa-nir-ghRNa ]), [ -tA ] f. (cf. Bhartṛ.), [ -tva ], n. (cf. MarkP.) pitilessness, cruelty. -1

===> nirgrantha [ nirgrantha ]1[ nir-grantha ] &c. p. 541, col. 1

===> nirguṇa [ nirguNa ]3[ nir-guNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. having no cord or string, Kiv (1) having no good qualities or virtues, bad, worthless, vicious cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) devoid of all qualities or properties cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (3) having no epithet, KatyŚr. cf. Sch. (4) (said of the Supreme Being) cf. W. (5) [ -ka ] mfn. having no qualities cf. RāmatUp. (6) [ -tattva ] n. N. of wk. (7) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. absence of qualities or properties (8) want of good qualities, wickedness, viciousness cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (9) [ °N^amasa ] mfn. of bad or vicious mind cf. Kāv (10) [ °N^atmaka ] mfn. having no qualities cf. MBh.

===> [ nirguNa ]1[ nir-guNa ] &c. p. 541, col. 1

===> nirhetu [ nirhetu ]3[ nir-hetu ] mfn. causeless, reasonless cf. MBh. (1) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. want of a cause or reason cf. Sāh

===> nirhāra [ nirhAra ]3[ nir-hAra ] m. = [ °haraNa ] cf. BhP. (1) setting aside or accumulation of a private store, a hoard cf. Mn. ix, 199 (2) evacuation or voiding of excrement (opp. to [ A-hAra ]) cf. MBh. xiii, 1796 (3) deduction, cf. Śulbas (4) completion cf. L. (5) diffusive fragrance cf. W. (cf. [ °hArin ])

===> nirhāraka [ nirhAraka ]3[ nir-hAraka ] mfn. carrying out (as a dead body (1) cf. [ pr^eta-nirh° ]) (2) purifying cf. L.

===> nirhṛta [ nirhRta ]3[ nir-hRta ] mfn. taken or carried forth or out, extracted, removed
&c. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Rājat. cf. BhP. [ 558,3 ]

===> nirhṛti [ nirhRti ]3[ nir-hRti ] f. taking away, removal cf. Kām. 1

===> nirjara [ nirjara ]3[ nir-jara ] mfn. (in some cases [ °ras ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 101) not becoming old, young, fresh cf. BhP. (1) imperishable, immortal cf. W. (2) m. a god cf. Rsjat (3) ([ A ]), f. Cocculus Cordifolius or Anethum Graveolens cf. L. (4) n. ambrosia or nectar cf. L. (5) [ -paNya-yoSit ] f. immortal courtezan ', an Apsaras cf. Vcar. (6) [ -sarSapa ] m. a species of mustard cf. L.

===> [ nirjara ]3[ nir-jara ] (for 1. p. 541), mfn. completely wearing down or destroying cf. Col. (1) m. (with Jainas) the gradual destruction of all actions (also [ A ], f. and [ °raNa ] n.) cf. HYog. cf. Sarvad. [ 555,1 ] (2) [ -prakaraN^adi ], N. of wk.

===> nirjita [ nirjita ]3[ nir-jita ] mfn. conquered, subdued, gained, won cf. ib. (1) claimed i. e. due (as interest on money) cf. Mn. viii, 154 (2) [ -varman ] m. N. of a man cf. Rājat (3) [ °t^ari-gaNa ] mfn. one who has conquered hosts of enemies cf. MW. (4) [ °t^endriya ] and [ °driya-grAma ] mfn. one who has subdued (the whole assemblage of) his passions or feelings (the latter also m. ` a Muni, a saint ') cf. W.

===> nirjvara [ nirjvara ]3[ nir-jvara ] mfn. feverless, healthy cf. L.

===> nirjāta [ nirjAta ]1[ nir-jAta ] mfn. (√ [ jan ]) come forth, appeared, visible (ifc. in inverted order) cf. Lalit.

===> nirjīva [ nirjIva ]3[ nir-jIva ] mf ([ A ]) n. lifeless, dead cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -karaNa ] n. killing, striking dead (with gen.) cf. Kathās. xvii, 15 (w. r. [ -kAr° ]) (2) [ °vita ] mfn. = [ -jIva ] (3) [ °ta-tva ] n. cf. Vajracch.

===> nirlepa [ nirlepa ]3[ nir-lepa ] mfn. unsmeared, free from fatty substances cf. Mn. v, 112 (1) stainless, sinless cf. L. (2) not attached to anything cf. L. (3) ([ am ]), ind. completely (so as to leave nothing that clings or sticks) cf. Śaṃk (4) m. N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (5) a sage cf. W.

===> nirliṅga [ nirliGga ]3[ nir-liGga ] mfn. having no characteristic marks, indefinable (as [ Atman ], [ brahman ]) cf. MBh.

===> nirmada [ nirmada ]3[ nir-mada ] mfn. unintoxicated, sober, quiet, humble, modest cf. MBh. cf. Rājat. cf. Kathās (1) (elephant) not in rut cf. Var

===> nirmala [ nirmala ]3[ nir-mala ] mf ([ A ]) n. spotless, unsullied, clean, pure, shining, resplendent, bright cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) sinless, virtuous cf. Mn. viii, 318 (2) m. N. of Skanda cf. AV. Pariś (3) pl. N. of a sect cf. W. (4) n. talc cf. L. (5) = [ nir-mAlya ] n. cf. L. (6) [ °la-gada ] mfn. having a bright mace cf. MBh. (7) [ °la-tA ], f. (cf. Hariv.), [ °la-tva ] n. (cf. Bhag. cf. Var.) stainlessness, cleanness, purity (8) [ °la-tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha cf. W. (9) [ °la-prakAza ] m. N. of wk. (10) [ °la-bhaTT ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (11) [ °l^aJjana ] n. N. of ch. of the Prakaraṇa-pañcikā (12) [ °l^atma-vat ] mfn. having a pure mind cf. Hcat (13) [ °lI-karaNa ] n. cleansing, purification cf. Pat. (14) [ °lI-kRta ] mfn. freed from impurity, cleansed, cleared, Vās (15) [ °l^opala ] m. crystal cf. L.

===> nirmama [ nirmama ]3[ nir-mama ] mf ([ A ]) n. unselfish, disinterested, (esp.) free from all worldly connections cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) regardless of, indifferent to (loc.) cf. ib. (2) m. (with Jainas) N. of 15th Arhat of the future Ut-sarpiṇī (3) N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (4) [ -tA ] f. (Ksv.), 1. [ -tva ] n. (cf. Pur.) complete unselfishness or indifference ([ n'is ]) (5) 2. [ -tva ] mfn. free from selfishness, indifferent cf. Kull

===> nirmita [ nirmita ]3[ nir-mita ] ([ n'ir- ]), mfn. constructed, built, fashioned, formed, created, made by (instr. or comp.) out of (abl., instr. or comp.) cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (law) fixed, settled cf. Mn. ix, 46 (2) (ceremony) performed, celebrated cf. R. (B.) i, 14, 42 (3) (sacrificial animal) put apart, separated, isolated (= [ nir-UDha ]) cf. ĀśvŚr. (4) m. pl. (with Buddhists) a class of deities cf. Lalit.

===> [ nirmita ]3[ nir-mita ] 1. [ nir-mA ]

===> nirmocana [ nirmocana ]3[ nir-mocana ] n. deliverance cf. MBh.

===> nirmokṣa [ nirmokSa ]3[ nir-mokSa ] m. liberation, deliverance from (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. [ 556,3 ]

===> nirmukta [ nirmukta ]3[ nir-mukta ] mfn. loosed, separated, sundered, liberated or saved or escaped or free from, deprived of (instr., abl. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) given up, lost, disappeared, vanished (esp. ibc. (2) cf. below) (3) flung, hurled cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (4) (a serpent) that has lately cast its skin cf. MBh. (5) free from every attachment (= [ niH-saGga ]) cf. L. (6) deprived of all, possessing nothing (= [ niS-parigraha ]) cf. ib. (7) [ -kalmaSa ] mfn. freed from sin cf. MBh. (8) [ -deha ] mfn. one who is freed from his body (or bodily desires) cf. ib. (9) [ -saGga ] mfn. one who has given up all (worldly) attachments cf. BhP.

===> nirmukti [ nirmukti ]3[ nir-mukti ] ([ n'ir- ]), f. liberation, deliverance from (abl. or comp.), Av. cf. Kathās. or [ dAna ] cf. Sch. on cf. BhP. x, 17, 18

===> nirmālya [ nirmAlya ]3[ nir-mAlya ] mfn. cast out or left from a garland, useless, unfit cf. Gṛhyās. cf. Vajracch. ([ -tA ] f.) (1) worn the day before cf. Daś (2) = [ nir-mala ] cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. Trigonella Cornicuiiata cf. L. (4) n. the remains of an offering to a deity, flowers left at a sacrificial ceremony cf. MBh. (5) the remains i. e. a feeble reflex of (gen.), Balar. i, 40 (6) stainlessness, purity cf. W. (7) [ -dAman ] n. a garland made of flowers left at a sacrifice cf. Ṛitus. iv, 15

===> nirmāna [ nirmAna ]3[ nir-mAna ] mfn. without self-confidence, free from pride cf. MBh. cf. Kāv

===> nirmārjana [ nirmArjana ]3[ nir-mArjana ] n. wiping off, sweeping, cleaning cf. MBh.

===> nirmātṛ [ nirmAtR ]3[ nir-mAtR ] m. ([ trI ] f.) maker, builder, creator, author cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. creatorship &c. cf. Śaṃk

===> nirmāya [ nirmAya ]3[ nir-mAya ] ([ n'ir- ]), mfn. powerless, weak cf. TS. -1

===> nirmāṇa [ nirmANa ]3[ nir-mANa ] n. measuring, measure, reach, extent (often, mfn. ifc.) cf. Hariv. cf. R. (1) forming, making, creating, creation, building, composition, work (ifc. ` made of ' cf. Suśr.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) (with cf. Buddh.) transformation (3) pith, the best of anything (= [ sAra ]) cf. L. (4) = [ asamaJjasa ] cf. L. (5) [ -kAya ] m. the body of transformations cf. Buddh. cf. MWB. 247 (6) [ -kAraka ] m. creator cf. Viṣṇ (7) [ -rata ] m. pl. ` finding pleasure in creating ', N. of a class of gods cf. MBh. (8) [ -rati-deva ] m. pl. ` id. ' or ` enjoying pleasures provided by themselves ', a class of beings inhabiting the fifth heaven cf. VP. cf. Lalit. cf. MWB. 208

===> nirnimitta [ nirnimitta ]3[ nir-nimitta ] mfn. without reason or motive, causeless cf. Nyāyas., Sch., ([ -tva ] n. cf. Śaṃk.) (1) having no egoistic motive, disinterested cf. Kād (2) ([ am ]), ind. without cause cf. Var (3) [ °ta-kRta ] mfn. produced without a visible cause cf. ib.

===> nirodha [ nirodha ]3[ ni-rodha ] m. confinement, locking up, imprisonment ([ -tas ] cf. Mn. viii, 375) (1) investment, siege cf. Cat. (2) enclosing, covering up cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) restraint, check, control, suppression, destruction cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) (in dram.) disappointment, frustration of hope cf. Daśar (5) (with cf. Buddh.) suppression or annihilation of pain (one of the 4 principles) cf. Lalit. cf. MWB. 43, 56, 137 &c. (6) a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected cf. Cat. (7) hurting, injuring (= [ ni-graha ]) cf. L. (8) aversion, disfavour, dislike cf. W. (9) N. of a man cf. Lalit. (10) [ -jJAna ] n. (with cf. Buddh.) one of the 10 kinds of knowledge cf. Dharmas. 93 (11) [ -lakSaNa ] ([ Na-vivaraNa ]), [ -varNana ] n. [ -vivRti ] f. N. of wks.

===> nirodhana [ nirodhana ]3[ ni-r'odhana ] mfn. id. cf. Suśr. (1) n. confining, imprisonment cf. Mn. viii, 310 (2) keeping back, restraining, subduing, suppressing cf. MBh. &c. (3) denying, refusing cf. AV. (4) (in dram.) = [ °rodha ] cf. Daśar

===> nirucchvāsa [ nirucchvAsa ]3[ nir-ucchvAsa ] mf ([ A ]) n. not breathing, breathless cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. [ 540,3 ] (1) narrow, contracted, crowded cf. W. (2) m. breathlessness ([ -nipIDita ] mfn. afflicted by breathlessness) (3) m. or n. N. of a partic. hell where the wicked cannot breathe cf. L.

===> nirudaka [ nirudaka ]3[ nir-udaka ] mfn. waterless cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 184 cf. BhP. cf. Hcat. (w. r. [ -Ud° ])

===> niruddha [ niruddha ]3[ ni-ruddha ] mfn. held back, withheld, held fast, stopped, shut, closed, confined, restrained, checked, kept off, removed, suppressed cf. RV. ([ n'i-ruddha ], i, 32, 11 (1) [ ni-ruddh'a ], x, 28, 10) &c. &c. (2) rejected (= [ apa-ruddha ]) cf. TāṇḍBr. cf. Kāṭh (3) covered, veiled cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (4) filled with, full of (instr. or comp.) cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (5) m. N. of a prince (v. l. [ a-nir° ], q. v.) (6) [ -kaNTha ] mfn. having the breath obstructed, suffocated cf. MW. (7) [ -guda ] m. contraction or obstruction of the rectum cf. Suśr. (8) [ -prakaza ] m. stricture of the urethra cf. ib. (9) [ -vat ] mfn. having (= he has) invested or besieged cf. Rājat. cf. BhP. (10) [ -zama-vRtti ] mfn. ` whose state of repose is interrupted ', wearied, tired cf. W.

===> nirudhyamāna [ nirudhyamAna ]3[ ni-rudhyamAna ] being checked or reined in cf. MW.

===> niruja [ niruja ]1[ ni-ruja ] mfn. healthy, wholesome cf. MBh. cf. Hcat (1) [ jI-√ kR ], to make healthy cf. Hcat. (cf. [ nI-r° ])

===> nirukta [ nirukta ]1[ nir-ukta ] mfn. (√ [ vac ]) uttered, pronounced, expressed, explained, defined cf. Br. cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (1) declared for (nom.) cf. MBh. (2) explicitly mentioned or enjoined cf. ĀśvGṛ. (3) containing the name of a god (as a verse) cf. ŚāṅkhBr. (4) distinct, loud (opp. to [ up^aMzu ]) cf. ŚBr. (5) interpreted i. e. become manifest, fulfilled, accomplished (as a word) cf. MBh. ix, 1316 (6) n. explanation or etymological interpretation of a word cf. ChUp. viii, 3, 3 cf. MBh. i, 266 &c. (7) N. of sev. wks., esp. of a cf. Comm. on the Nighaṇṭus by Yāska

===> nirukti [ nirukti ]2[ nir-ukti ] f. etymological interpretation of a word cf. MBh. cf. BhP.

---> (in rhet.) an artificial explanation or derivation of a word cf. Kuval (1) (in dram.) communication of an event that has taken place cf. Sāh (2) N. of Yāska's cf. Comm. on the Nighaṇṭus (3) of a cf. Comm. on the Tarka-saṃgraha &c.

===> nirupabhoga [ nirupabhoga ]3[ nir-upabhoga ] mfn. not enjoying cf. Sāṃkhyak

===> nirupadrava [ nirupadrava ]3[ nir-upadrava ] mfn. free from affliction or danger, neither inflicting nor incurring adversity, harmless, peaceful, secure, happy cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) (also [ -upadruta ]) not inauspicious (as stars) cf. Var (2) [ -tA ] f. absence of danger, security cf. Kull

===> nirupahata [ nirupahata ]3[ nir-upahata ] mfn. unhurt, uninjured (1) harmless, auspicious cf. Var

===> nirupalepa [ nirupalepa ]3[ nir-upalepa ] mfn. unsmeared cf. L.

===> nirupama [ nirupama ]3[ nir-upama ] mf ([ A ]) n. peerless, unequalled, incomparable cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a man cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Sur^aṅganā cf. Siṉhâs

===> nirupasthāyaka [ nirupasthAyaka ]3[ nir-upasthAyaka ] mfn. unattended cf. Divyāv

===> nirupādāna [ nirupAdAna ]3[ nir-up^adAna ] mfn. free from desire or clinging to life, Divy and v. (cf. cf. MWB. 44 ; 102 &c.)

===> nirutsuka [ nirutsuka ]3[ nir-utsuka ] mfn. careless, indifferent, tranquil cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (1) m. N. of a son of Manu Raivata cf. Hariv. (2) of one of the Saptarshis under the 13th Manu cf. ib.

===> niruttara [ niruttara ]3[ nir-uttara ] mfn. having no superior cf. L. (1) answerless, silenced cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) n. = [ -tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra (3) [ °rI- ] √ [ kR ], to make unable to answer, silence cf. Kathās

===> nirvacana [ nirvacana ]3[ nir-vacana ] mfn. not speaking, silent cf. Śukas (1) unobjectionable, blameless cf. MBh. ([ am ]), ind. silently cf. Kum. vii, 19

===> [ nirvacana ]3[ nir-vacana ] n. speaking out, pronouncing cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) a saying or proverb cf. MBh. (2) interpretation, explanation, etymology cf. MBh.

===> nirvana [ nirvana ]3[ nir-vana ] mfn. having no wood, being out of a wood or in the open country cf. MBh. v, 863 (cf. [ -vaNa ])

===> nirvartaka [ nirvartaka ]1[ nir-vartaka ] [ nir-vartana ], &c. under [ nir-vRt ]

===> [ nirvartaka ]3[ nir-vartaka ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) bringing about, accomplishing, performing, finishing cf. Saṃk. cf. Pat. (1) v. l. for [ niv° ]

===> nirvartana [ nirvartana ]3[ nir-vartana ] n. completion, execution cf. Saṃk (1) v. l. for [ niv° ]

===> nirvartya [ nirvartya ]3[ nir-vartya ] mfn. to be brought about or accomplished or effected ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Daśar. cf. Rājat. cf. Saṃk (1) to be uttered or pronounced cf. VPrāt. cf. Sch.

===> nirvaṇa [ nirvaNa ]3[ nir-vaNa ] m. or n. a country without forests cf. L. (1) mfn. = [ -vana ] (2) ([ °Ne ]), ind. in the open country cf. Pāṇ. vi, 2, 178 ; viii, 4, 5, Kā3

===> nirveda [ nirveda ]3[ nir-veda ] mfn. not having the Vedas, infidel, unscriptural cf. W.

===> [ nirveda ]3[ nir-ved'a ] (for 1. p. 542, col. 3), m. id., complete indifference, disregard of worldly objects cf. ŚBr. cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (1) loathing, disgust for (loc., gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) [ -duH-saham ] ind. in a despairingly insupportable manner cf. Mālatīm (3) [ -vat ] mfn. despondent, resigned, indifferent cf. Pañc

===> [ nirveda ]1[ nir-veda ]1. and 2 p. 542, col. 2, and [ nir-vid ]

===> nirvedha [ nirvedha ]1[ nir-vedha ] [ °dhima ], [ nir-vyadh ]

===> [ nirvedha ]3[ nir-vedha ] m. penetration, insight cf. Divyâv (1) [ -bhAgIya ] mfn. relating to it cf. L.

===> nirvicikitsa [ nirvicikitsa ]3[ nir-vicikitsa ] mf ([ A ]) n. without reflecting much ([ am ] ind.) cf. Kull (1) indubitable cf. Sarvad

===> nirvid [ nirvid ]1[ nir-vid ] √ 3. P. [ -vindati ], (Ā. [ -vide ] ind. p. [ -vidya ]), to find out cf. RV. x, 129, 4 (Ā.) to get rid of, do away with (gen. or acc.) cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. : Pass. [ -vidyate ], to be despondent or depressed, be disgusted with (abl. or instr., rarely acc.) cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. MBh. &c. : Caus. [ -vedayati ], to cause despair cf. MBh. xii, 2658

===> [ nirvid ]3[ nir-vid ] f. despondency, despair cf. Kathās. 2

===> nirviddha [ nirviddha ]1[ nir-viddha ] [ nir-vyadh ]

===> [ nirviddha ]3[ nir-viddha ] mfn. wounded, killed cf. R. (1) separated from each other, isolated cf. MBh.

===> nirvikalpa [ nirvikalpa ]3[ nir-vikalpa ] mfn. (or [ °pana ] cf. L.) not admitting an alternative, free from change or differences, Tejob. cf. Up. cf. Vedântas (1) admitting no doubt, not wavering cf. Bhartṛ. ([ am ]), ind. without hesitation or reflection cf. Pañc (2) [ -vAda ] and [ -vicAra ] m. N. of wks.

===> nirvikalpaka [ nirvikalpaka ]3[ nir-vikalpaka ] mfn. = [ -vikalpa ] cf. BhP. cf. Bhāshāp. cf. Vedântas (1) n. knowledg not depending upon or derived from the senses cf. W.

===> nirvikāra [ nirvikAra ]3[ nir-vikAra ] mfn. unchanged, unchangeable, uniform, normal cf. MBh. (also [ -vat ]) cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. (1) [ -tA ] f. cf. MBh.

===> nirvimarśa [ nirvimarza ]3[ nir-vimarza ] mfn. (also written [ °Sa ]) unreflecting, inconsiderate cf. Kathās (1) not having the Saṃdhi called Vimarśa cf. Sāh

===> nirviśeṣa [ nirvizeSa ]3[ nir-vizeSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. showing or making no difference, undiscriminating, without distinction cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) not different from, same, like (comp.) cf. Kālid (2) (with [ vizeSa ] m. not the least difference cf. Bhartṛ. iii, 54) (3) unqualified, absolute cf. Sarvad (4) ([ am ] and [ eNa ]), ind. equally, alike, the same as (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) n. absence of difference, indiscriminateness, likeness cf. MBh. vi, 5519 (6) [ °SaNa ] mfn. having no attributes cf. BhP. (7) [ °Sa-tA ] f. (cf. Bhām.), [ °Sa-tva ] n. (cf. MBh.) = [ °Sa ], n. (8) [ °Sa-vat ] mfn. not different, indiscriminate, xii, 7516 (9) [ °S^akRti ] mfn. whose forms are precisely alike cf. MW.

===> nirviṇṇa [ nirviNNa ]3[ nir-viNNa ] mfn. (wrongly [ -vinna ] (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 cf. Vārtt. 1 cf. Pat.) despondent, depressed, sorrowful, afraid, loathing, disgusted with (abl., instr., gen., loc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (2) pur. &c. (3) abused, degraded, humble cf. W. (4) known, certain cf. ib. (5) [ -cetas ] mfn. depressed in mind, meek, resigned cf. Bhag.

===> nirvoḍhṛ [ nirvoDhR ]1[ nir-voDhR ] mfn. ([ nir-√ vah ]) accomplishing, performing cf. Hcar. (also as fut. p. of [ nirroot vah ], q. v.)

===> nirvraṇa [ nirvraNa ]3[ nir-vraNa ] mfn. unwounded, unhurt cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) undamaged, without notches or rents cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. AgP.

===> nirvyapekṣa [ nirvyapekSa ]3[ nir-vyap^ekSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. disregarding, indifferent to (loc. or comp.) cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat

===> nirvyatha [ nirvyatha ]3[ nir-vyatha ] nifn, free from pain, quiet, calm cf. MBh. cf. Rājat

===> nirvyāpāra [ nirvyApAra ]3[ nir-vyApAra ] mfn. free from occupation ', not busy, at leisure, passive cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. (cf. Śaṃk.) = [ -sthiti ] f. (cf. L.) want of occupation, leisure

===> nirvāpaka [ nirvApaka ]3[ nir-vApaka ] mfn. putting out, extinguishing (ifc.) cf. Car. cf. Viṣṇ. 2

===> nirvāpayitṛ [ nirvApayitR ]3[ nir-vApayitR ] m. extinguisher, quencher, refresher cf. Śak. 2

===> nirvāpaṇa [ nirvApaNa ]3[ nir-vApaNa ] n. (fr. Caus.) scattering sowing, throwing in or down cf. Pañc. cf. Suśr. offering, presenting funeral oblations, giving cf. L. 1

===> [ nirvApaNa ]3[ nir-vApaNa ] mfn. cooling, refrigerant cf. Car. (1) n. the act of cooling or refreshing or quenching or delighting cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. (2) extinguishing, extinction, annihilation cf. Mṛcch. cf. Rājat (3) killing, slaughter cf. L.

===> nirvāpita [ nirvApita ]3[ nir-vApita ] mfn. extinguished, quenched, allayed, cooled cf. Ragh. cf. Mālatīm. cf. Kathās (1) killed cf. W. 3

===> nirvāsita [ nirvAsita ]3[ nir-vAsita ] mfn. expelled banished, dismissed, spent (as time) cf. Rājat. cf. BhP. &c.

===> nirvāta [ nirvAta ]3[ nir-vAta ] under [ nir ], p. 542, col. 3. 2

===> nirvāṇa [ nirvANa ]3[ nir-vANa ] mfn. blown or put out, extinguished (as a lamp or fire), set (as the sun), calmed, quieted, tamed (cf. [ a-nirv° ]), dead, deceased (lit. having the fire of life extinguished), lost, disappeared cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) immersed, plunged cf. L. (2) immovable cf. L. (3) [ -bhUyiSTha ] mfn. nearly extinguished), or vanished cf. Kum. ii, 53 (4) n. blowing out, extinction, cessation, setting, vanishing, disappearance ([ °NaM-√ kR ], to make away with anything i. e. not to keep one's promise) (5) extinction of the flame of life, dissolution, death or final emancipation from matter and re-union with the Supreme Spirit cf. MBh. &c. &c. (6) (with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation (= [ zUnya ] cf. L.) of individual existence or of all desires and passions cf. MWB. 137139 &c. (7) perfect calm or repose or happiness, highest bliss or beatitude cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (8) N. of an Upanishad (9) instructing in sciences cf. L. (10) bathing of an elephant cf. L. (11) the post to which an elephant is tied cf. Gal. (12) offering oblations (for 1. [ nir-vApaNa ] ?) cf. L. (13) [ -kara ] m. ` causing extinction of all sense of individuality ', a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ (14) [ -kANDa ] m. or n. N. of wk. (15) [ -tantra ], [ bRhan-nirvANat° ] and [ mahA-n° ] (16) [ -da ] mfn. bestowing final beatitude cf. MBh. (17) [ -dazaka ] n. N. of wk. (18) [ -dIkSita ] m. N. of a grammarian cf. Cat. (19) [ -dhAtu ] m. the region of Nirvāṇa cf. Vajracch. cf. Kāraṇḍ (20) [ -purANa ] n. offering oblations to the dead cf. Rājat (21) [ -prakaraNa ] n. N. of wk. (22) [ -priyA ] f. N. of a Gandharvī cf. Kāraṇḍ (23) [ -maNDapa ] m. N. of a temple, Skandap (24) [ -mantra ] n. N. of a mystical formula cf. Cat. (25) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. full of bliss cf. VP. (26) [ -mastaka ] m. liberation, deliverance cf. W. (27) [ -yoga-paTala-stotra ] and [ -yog^ottara ] n. N. of wks. (28) [ -ruci ] m. pl. ` delighting in final beatitude ', N. of a class of deities under the 11th Manu cf. BhP. (cf. [ nirmANa-rati ]) (29) [ -lakSaNa ] mfn. having complete bliss as its characteristic mark cf. MW. (30) [ -SaTka ] n. N. of a Stotra (31) [ -saMcodana ] m. a partic. Samādhi, Kāraṇd (32) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of partic. cf. Buddh. Sūtras (33) [ °N^opaniSad ] f. N. of an Upanishad

===> nirvṛta [ nirvRta ]3[ nir-vRta ] mfn. satisfied, happy, tranquil, at ease, at rest cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) extinguished, terminated, ceased, Veṇ. vi, 1 cf. MārkP. (2) emancipated cf. W. (3) n. a house cf. W.

===> nirvṛti [ nirvRti ]3[ nir-vRti ] f. complete satisfaction or happiness, bliss, pleasure, delight cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) emancipation, final beatitude (= [ nir-vANa ]) cf. Bhām. (cf. cf. MWB. 137) (2) attainment of rest cf. Suśr. (3) extinction (of a lamp) cf. Kād (4) destruction, death cf. L. (5) w. r. for 1. [ nir-vRtti ] cf. Hit. iv, 6/7 (6) m. N. of a man cf. Hariv. (7) of a son of Vṛshṇi cf. Pur. (8) [ -cakSus ] m. N. of a Ṛshi cf. MārkP. (9) [ -mat ] mfn. quite satisfied, happy cf. Mālatīm (10) [ -zatru ] w. r. for [ ni-vRtta-z° ] cf. Hariv. (11) [ -sthAna ] n. place of eternal bliss cf. Śak. vii, 11/12 (w. r. [ nir-vRtti ])

===> nirvṛtta [ nirvRtta ]3[ nir-vRtta ] mfn. sprung forth, originated, developed, grown out (fruit), accomplished, finished, done, ready cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -cUDaka ] mfn. one on whom tonsure has been performed cf. Mn. v, 67 (2) [ -mAtra ] mfn. just finished (day) cf. R. (3) [ -zatru ] w. r. for [ nivRtta-z° ]. 2

===> nirvṛtti [ nirvRtti ]3[ nir-vRtti ] f. originating, development, growth, completion, termination cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (often w. r. for [ nivRtti ], or [ nirvRti ])

===> niryatna [ niryatna ]3[ nir-yatna ] mfn. inactive, immovable, lazy cf. Hariv. (1) [ -tA ] f. inactivity cf. ib.

===> niryāta [ niryAta ]3[ nir-yAta ] mfn. gone out or forth, issued, &c. (1) laid aside (as money) cf. MBh. (2) completely familiar or conversant with (loc. or comp.) cf. Lalit. (v. l. [ nir-jAta ])

===> niryātana [ niryAtana ]3[ nir-yAtana ] n. giving back, returning, restoring, delivery of a deposit, replacing anything lost, payment of a debt (with gen. or comp. (1) cf. [ vaira- ]) cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (2) gift, donation cf. L. (3) revenge, killing, slaughter cf. L.

===> niryāti [ niryAti ]3[ nir-yAti ] f. departure, dying, final emancipation cf. Buddh.

===> niryātita [ niryAtita ]3[ nir-yAtita ] mfn. restored, returned, requited cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) past, spent (as years) cf. R. 1

===> niryāṇa [ niryANa ]3[ nir-yANa ] n. going forth or out, exit, issue (1) setting out, decamping (of an army), going out (of cattle to the pasture ground) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) departure, vanishing, disappearance cf. Rājat. cf. Sāh (3) departure from life, death cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Var (4) final emancipation (w. r. for [ nir-vANa ] ?) cf. L. (5) a road leading out of a town cf. L. (6) the outer corner of an elephant's eye cf. Daś. cf. Śiś. (cf. [ nir-NAyana ]) (7) a rope for tying cattle, a foot-rope

---> [ -hasta ] mfn. having a foot-rope in the hand cf. Śiś. xii, 41

===> niryūha [ niryUha ]1[ nir-yUha ] n. (m. cf. L. (1) often v. l. and prob. only w. r. for [ nir-vyUha ]) prominence, projection (2) a kind of pinnacle or turret
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (3) a helmet, crest or any similar headornament cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (= [ ApIDa ] cf. L.) (4) a peg or bracket cf. L. (5) wood placed in a wall for doves to build upon cf. W. (6) a door, gate cf. Hariv. (7) m. extract, juice, decoction cf. R. cf. Suśr. (cf. [ nir-yAsa ], [ nir-yUSa ])

===> nirābhāsa [ nirAbhAsa ]3[ nir-AbhAsa ] mfn. without fallacious appearance, HaṉsUp.

===> nirādāna [ nirAdAna ]3[ nir-AdAna ] mfn. taking or receiving nothing cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of Buddha cf. L.

===> nirāhāra [ nirAhAra ]3[ nir-AhAra ] m. want of food, fasting cf. Yājñ. (1) mf ([ A ]) n. having no food or abstaining from it cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (2) [ -tA ] f. foodlessness, fasting cf. MBh. cf. Kathās

===> nirākaraṇa [ nirAkaraNa ]3[ nir-A-karaNa ] n. separating (in [ a-nirAk° ]) cf. Sarvad (1) driving away, turning out, expelling, removing, repudiating (of a woman), opposing, contradicting, denying cf. Kālid. cf. Sarvad. &c. (2) forgetting (in [ a-nirAk° ]) cf. TĀr. cf. PārGṛ. (3) neglecting the chief sacrificial or religious duties cf. W.

===> nirākranda [ nirAkranda ]3[ nir-Akranda ] mf ([ A ]) n. having no friend or protector cf. Hariv. (1) finding no help from (loc.) cf. Jātakam (2) affording no shelter or protection cf. Kathās (3) m. or n. a place that affords no place cf. MBh.

===> nirākula [ nirAkula ]3[ nir-Akula ] mfn. not too much beset, little frequented cf. Kathās (1) not disarranged cf. Gīt. (2) unconfused, clear, calm, steady ([ am ] ind.) cf. Var. cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc (3) n. perspicuity, clearness, calmness cf. Var (4) [ -dvAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. (city) whose gates are not too much crowded cf. Kathās (5) [ °l^artham ] ind. for the sake of clearness cf. Var

===> nirākāra [ nirAkAra ]3[ nir-A-kAra ] (for 1. p. 540, col. 1), m. rebuke, reproach, censure cf. L.

===> nirākṛta [ nirAkRta ]3[ nir-A-kRta ] mfn. pushed or driven away, repudiated, expelled, banished, rejected, removed (1) frustrated, destroyed (2) omitted, forgot (3) refuted (4) despised, made light of cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) deprived of (comp.) cf. Bhaṭṭ. (6) [ -nimeSa ] mfn. (eye) forgetting to wink cf. Śak. (Pi.) ii, 11 (41) (7) [ °t^any^ottara ] mfn. excluding every answer, irrefutable ([ -tva ], n.) cf. L. 2

===> nirākṛti [ nirAkRti ]3[ nir-A-kRti ] (for 1. p. 540, col. 1), obstruction, impediment, interruption cf. Sāh (1) repudiation, rejection, contradiction, refutation cf. L. (2) forgetting ([ sarva-n° ]) cf. BhP. (3) mfn. impeding, obstructing cf. L. (4) m. N. of a son of the first Manu Sāvarṇi cf. Hariv. 2

===> nirālamba [ nirAlamba ]3[ nir-Alamba ] mfn. = [ -aval° ] (1) self-supported, independent

---> friendless, alone cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ am ] ind. cf. R. (2) [ -tva ] n. cf. Hcar.) (3) m. N. of a philosopher (worshipping the empty air as deity) cf. Cat. (4) ([ A ]), f. spikenard cf. L. (5) [ -b^apaniSad ] f. N. of wk.

===> nirālambana [ nirAlambana ]3[ nir-Alambana ] mfn. supportless or self-supported, not resting on another, free cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> nirāmaya [ nirAmaya ]3[ nir-Amaya ] m. freedom from illness, health, welfare cf. MBh. (1) ([ am ] ind. in [ °mayaM devadattAya ], or [ °ttasya ] good health or hail to Durga! cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 73 cf. Kāś.) (2) mfn. free from illness, healthy, well cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (3) causing health, wholesome cf. MBh. xii, 6569 (4) complete, entire cf. Hariv. (5) infallible, secure cf. MBh. cf. R. (6) untainted, pure cf. L. (7) m. 1 wild goat cf. L. (8) a hog, a boar cf. L. (9) N. of a king cf. MBh.

===> nirāmiṣa [ nirAmiSa ]3[ nir-AmiSa ] mfn. fleshless cf. Bhartṛ (1) receiving no booty or wages cf. MBh. (2) free from sensual desires or covetousness cf. Mn. vi, 49 (3) not striving after any reward cf. Lalit. (4) [ °S^azin ] mfn. eating no flesh cf. Hit.

===> nirāsa [ nirAsa ]3[ nir-Asa ] m. seatless, shelterless cf. MBh.

===> [ nirAsa ]3[ nir-Asa ] (for 1. p. 540, col. 2), m. casting or throwing out, expulsion, exclusion, removal, refusal, rejection, contradiction, refutation cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) spitting out, vomiting (cf. below) (2) dropping, leaving out (of a sound) cf. RPrāt. (3) [ -guTikA ] f. a pill to produce vomiting cf. Cat.

===> [ nirAsa ]1[ nir-Asa ]1. 2 under [ nir ] and [ nir-as ]

===> nirāsaṅga [ nirAsaGga ]3[ nir-AsaGga ] mfn. unhindered (in the use of one's forces) cf. Car.

===> nirāsrava [ nirAsrava ]3[ nir-Asrava ] mfn. sinless cf. Divyāv. (printed [ °zrava ])

===> nirāsvāda [ nirAsvAda ]3[ nir-AsvAda ] mfn. tasteless, insipid, unsavoury cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) [ -rasa ] mfn. (herbs) not tasting of anything cf. MBh.

===> nirātmaka [ nirAtmaka ]3[ nir-Atmaka ] mfn. having no separate soul or no individual existence cf. BhP. (1) [ °tman ] or [ °tma-vat ] mfn. id. cf. MBh. (2) [ °tma-tva ] n. cf. Vajracch.

===> nirāvaraṇa [ nirAvaraNa ]3[ nir-AvaraNa ] mfn. unveiled, manifest, evident, Veṇis

===> nirāyāsa [ nirAyAsa ]3[ nir-AyAsa ] mfn. not causing trouble or fatigue, easy cf. MBh. (1) kind cf. Divyāv

===> nirāśa [ nirAza ]3[ nir-Aza ] mf ([ A ]) n. without any hope or wish or desire, indifferent cf. Kap. cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat. &c. ([ AzAm nir-AzAM ] √ [ kR ], to make hope hopeless i. e. giving up all hope cf. MBh. xii, 6647 (1) cf. 6520) (2) despairing or despondent of (with loc., dat., acc. and [ prati ], abl., or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. hopelessness, despair cf. Subh. cf. Hcar. (4) [ -ka ] mfn. despairing of (abl.) cf. MBh. viii, 3761 (5) [ -kara ] mfn. taking away all hope, making impossible (in comp.), Git xii, 20 (6) [ -guTikA ] w. r. for °sa-g° (under 2. [ nir-Asa ], p. 553) (7) [ -tA ], f. (cf. Bhām.), [ -tva ] n. (cf. Pañc. B.) hopelessness, despair (8) [ °z^asanna ] mfn. nearly driven to despair cf. Hcar. (9) [ °zin ] mfn. hopeless, despairing cf. MBh. ([ °zi-tva ] n. hopelessness cf. Kām (10) v. l. for [ °za-tva ] cf. Pañc.) (11) [ °zI-bhAva ], m. despair cf. L. (12) [ -zI-bhUta ] mfn. become hopeless, despairing cf. MW.

===> nirāśraya [ nirAzraya ]3[ nir-Azraya ] mfn. shelterless cf. R. (1) supportless, having or offering no prop or stay, destitute, alone cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) not deep (v. l. [ °zaya ]), lying open cf. Suśr. -1

===> nirīha [ nirIha ]3[ nir-Iha ] mfn. motionless, inactive, desireless, indifferent, unanxious cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. (cf. BhP.) = [ tA ] f. (cf. MBh.), [ -tva ] n. (cf. MW.), [ °h^avasthA ] f. (cf. Sāh.) absence of effort or desire, indifference

===> nirīkṣaka [ nirIkSaka ]3[ nir-IkSaka ] mfn. looking at, seeing, viewing cf. BhP. (1) seeing = visiting ([ a-n° ]) cf. Rājat

===> nirīkṣaṇa [ nirIkSaNa ]3[ nir-IkSaNa ] mfn. looking at, regarding (ifc.) cf. BhP. (1) n. look, looking at, observing (2) sight, view (ifc. f. [ A ] (3) cf. [ dur-n° ]) (4) the aspect of the planets cf. Var. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> nirīkṣya [ nirIkSya ]3[ nir-IkSya ] mfn. to be looked at or regarded or considered cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. 2

===> [ nirIkSya ]3[ nir-IkSya ] ind. having looked at or viewed cf. R. cf. Kathās

===> nirūpaṇa [ nirUpaNa ]3[ ni-rUpaNa ] mfn. stating, determining, defining (ifc.), ch. of cf. Sāh (1) ([ A ]), f. the act of stating &c. cf. Śaṃk (2) n. id. cf. Pur. cf. Śaṃk. cf. Kull (3) looking into, searching, investigation, examination cf. Sarvad (4) sight, appearance, form, shape cf. MBh.

===> nirūpita [ nirUpita ]3[ ni-√ rUpita ] mfn. seen, observed, considered, weighed, discovered, ascertained, determined, defined cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (1) appointed, elected, chosen cf. BhP. cf. Pañc (2) pointed against, shot off cf. BhP. (3) n. the state of having been discussed or ascertained cf. Hcat

===> nirūḍha [ nirUDha ]3[ nir-UDha ] mfn. drawn out, put aside, separate cf. Gaut (1) purged cf. Car. cf. Suśr. (2) eviscerated (cf. comp.) (3) [ -pazupaddhati ] f. N. of wk. (4) [ -pazu-bandha ] m. ` the offering of an eviscerated animal ' or ` separate offering of an animal ', N. of one of the regular Havir-yajñas cf. Gaut. &c. ([ °dha-prayoga ], [ °dha-maitrAvaruNa-prayoga ], [ °dha-hautra-prayoga ] m. N. of wks.) (5) [ -ziras ] ([ n'ir- ]), mfn. with the head laid apart cf. ŚBr.

===> nirṇaya [ nirNaya ]1[ nirNaya ] &c. [ nir-NI ]

===> [ nirNaya ]3[ nir-Naya ] m. taking off, removing cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) complete ascertainment, decision, determination, settlement cf. ib. (2) (in logic) deduction, inference, conclusion, demonstration (3) application of a conclusive argument (4) (in law) sentence, verdict (cf. [ -pAda ] below) (5) (in rhet.) narration of events cf. Sāh (6) discussion, consideration (= [ vicAra ]) cf. L. (7) [ -kamal^akara ] m. [ -kaumudI ] f. [ -kaustubha ] m. or n. [ -candrikA ] f. [ -tattva ] n. [ -taraNi ] m. or f. [ -darpaNa ], m. [ -dIpa ] and [ °paka ] m. [ °pikA ] f. N. of wks. (8) [ -pAda ] m. the fourth (and last) part of a lawsuit, sentence, decree, verdict cf. L. (9) [ -bindu ] m. [ -bhAskara ] m. [ -maJjarI ] f. [ -ratna ] n. [ -ratna-dIpikA ] f. [ -ratn^akara ] m. [ -vivaraNa ] n. [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -samudAya ] m. [ -sAra ] m. [ -siddh^anta ] m. [ -sindhu ] m. [ y^amRta ] n. [ °y^arNava ] m. [ °y^artha-pradIpa ], m. [ °y^oddhAra ] m. N. of wks. (10) [ °y^opamA ] f. a comparison based upon an inference cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 27

===> nis- [ nis ]2[ n'is ] ind. out, forth, away &c. (rarely used as an independent word [ e. g. cf. AV. vi, 18, 3 ; vii, 115, 3 ; xvi, 2, 1 ], but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives [ cf. [ niH- ] √ [ kSi ] &c. below ], or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs, in which case it has the sense, out of ', away from ' [ cf. [ nirvana ], [ niS-kauzAmbi ] &c. ] or that of a privative or negative adverb= 3. [ a ], without ', destitute of ', ` free from ', un- ' [ cf. [ nir-artha ], [ nir-mala ] &c. ], or that of a strengthening particle ` thoroughly ', entirely ', ` very ' [ cf. [ nih-zUnya ], [ niS-kevala ], [ nir-muNDa ] ] (1) it is liable to be changed to [ niH ], [ niz ], [ niS ], and [ niS ] and [ nI ] (2) cf. above and below). [ 543,3 ]

===> nisarga [ nisarga ]1[ ni-sarga ] m. (√ [ sRj ]) evacuation, voiding excrement cf. MBh. (1) giving away, granting, bestowing, a favour or grant cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) relinquishing, abandoning cf. W. (3) creation cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (4) natural state or condition or form or character, nature ([ nisarga ] ibc., [ °geNa ], [ °gAt ], or [ °ga-tas ] ind. by nature, naturally, spontaneously) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nisevitavya [ nisevitavya ]1[ ni-sevitavya ] w. r. for [ ni-S° ]

===> nistaraṇa [ nistaraNa ]1[ nis-taraNa ] [ nis-tAra ] &c. [ nis-tRR ]

===> [ nistaraNa ]3[ nis-taraNa ] n. passing over, going forth, coming out (of danger), rescue, deliverance cf. Kull (1) a means of success or rescue cf. L.

===> nistāra [ nistAra ]3[ nis-tAra ] m. crossing, passing over, rescue, deliverance cf. Bhartṛ (1) acquittance, requital, payment, discharge of a debt cf. Hit. (2) means, expedient cf. W. (3) final liberation cf. ib. (4) [ -bIja ] n. a means of crossing (the ocean of life), a cause of final liberation cf. BrahmaP.

===> nistāraṇa [ nistAraNa ]3[ nis-tAraNa ] n. (fr. Caus.) crossing, passing over, overcoming cf. BhP. (1) rescuing, liberating cf. MW.

===> nistīrṇa [ nistIrNa ]3[ nis-tIrNa ] mfn. crossed, passed over, spent, gone through, fulfilled, accomplished (1) escaped, rescued, delivered, saved cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nistṛṣṇa [ nistRSNa ]3[ n'is-tRSNa ] mfn. free from desire, Divy^a-v

===> nisumbha [ nisumbha ]1[ ni-sumbha ] [ ni-s° ]

===> nisṛṣṭa [ nisRSTa ]1[ ni-sRSTa ] above

===> nitamba [ nitamba ]1[ nitamba ] m. the buttocks or hinder parts (esp. of a woman (1) mostly du. (2) ifc. f. [ A ] (3) [ -tA ] f.) (4) (fig.) the ridge or side or swell of a mountain, the sloping bank or shore of a river cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) the shoulder cf. L. [ 547,2 ] (6) the sounding-board of the Vīṇā cf. Kāv (7) a partic. position of the hands in dancing cf. Cat. (8) ([ A ]), f. a form of Durgā cf. Cat. (9) [ -prabhava ] mfn. (river) coming from the slope of a mountain cf. BhP.

===> nitya [ nitya ]1[ n'itya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ ni ] (1) cf. [ ni-ja ]) innate, native cf. MBh. iii, 13941 (2) one's own (opp. to [ araNa ]) cf. RV. (3) continual, perpetual, eternal cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) ifc. constantly dwelling or engaged in, intent upon, devoted or used to (cf. [ tapo-n° ], [ dharma-n° ], [ dhyAna-n° ], [ zastra-n° ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) ordinary, usual, invariable, fixed, necessary, obligatory (opp. to [ kAmya ], [ naimittika ] &c.)
cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. &c. (with [ samAsa ] m. a compound the meaning of which is not expressed by its members when not compounded cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 3 cf. Sch. (6) with [ svarita ] m. = [ jAtya ], the independent Svarita cf. TPrāt. ii, 8) (7) m. the sea, ocean cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. a plough-share cf. Gal. (9) N. of Durgā cf. BrahmaP. (10) of a Śakti cf. Tantras (11) of the goddess Manasā cf. L. (12) n. constant and indispensable rite or act cf. W. (13) ([ am ]), ind. always, constantly, regularly, by all means cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ na nityam ], never (14) [ nityam an-AdAta ], never a receiver cf. Mn. vi, 8)

===> nitya-jvara [ nityajvara ]3[ n'itya-jvara ] m. uninterrupted fever cf. L.

===> nitya-kālam [ nityakAlam ]3[ n'itya-kAlam ] ind. always, at all times cf. Mn. ii, 58 ; 73

===> nitya-pramudita [ nityapramudita ]3[ n'itya-pramudita ] mfn. always delighted or satisfied cf. MBh.

===> nitya-stha [ nityastha ]3[ n'itya-stha ] mfn. always abiding in (loc.) cf. MBh.

===> nityatva [ nityatva ]3[ n'itya-tva ]
n. id. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Bhag. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> nityânitya [ nityAnitya ]3[ nity^anitya ] mfn. eternal and perishable, permanent and temporary cf. W.

===> nityânubaddha [ nityAnubaddha ]3[ nity^anubaddha ] mfn. always approached or resorted to (1) ([ A ]), f. (with [ devatA ]) tutelary deity cf. Divyâv

===> nitīraṇa [ nitIraNa ]3[ ni-tIraNa ] n. decision cf. L.

===> nivaha [ nivaha ]3[ ni-vaha ] mf ([ A ]) n. bringing, causing cf. BhP. (cf. [ duHkha- ], [ puNya- ]) (1) m. multitude, quantity, heap (also pl.) cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) killing, slaughter cf. Gal. (3) N. of one of the 7 winds and of one of the 7 tongues of fire (?) cf. L.

===> nivaraṇa [ nivaraNa ]3[ ni-varaNa ] n. hindrance, disturbance, trouble cf. SaddhP. (cf. [ sarva-niv-viSkambhin ])

===> nivarta [ nivarta ]3[ ni-varta ] mfn. causing to turn back cf. RV.

===> nivartaka [ nivartaka ]3[ ni-vartaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. turning back, flying ([ a-niv° ]) cf. Hariv. (1) causing to cease, abolishing, removing cf. MBh. cf. Saṃk. ([ -tva ] n.) (2) desisting from, stopping, ceasing cf. MW.

===> nivartana [ nivartana ]3[ ni-v'artana ] mfn. causing to turn back cf. RV. (1) n. turning back, returning, turning the back i. e. retreating, fleeing cf. AV. cf. MBh. &c. ([ mRtyuM kRtvA nivartanam ], making retreat equivalent to death i. e. desisting from fighting only in death cf. MBh. vi, vii (2) w. r. [ kRtvA mRtyu-niv° ]) (3) ceasing, not happening or occurring, being prevented cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (4) desisting or abstaining from (abl.) cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (5) desisting from work, inactivity (opp. to [ pra-vartana ]) cf. Kām (6) causing to return, bringing back (esp. the shooting off and bringing back of weapons) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (7) turning back (the hair) cf. KātyŚr. (8) a means of returning cf. RV. cf. AV. (9) averting or keeping back from (abl.) cf. Vedântas (10) reforming, repenting cf. W. (11) a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40,000 Hastas square) cf. Hcat (12) [ -stUpa ] m. N. of a Stūpa erected at the spot where the charioteer of Buddha returned

===> nivartita [ nivartita ]3[ ni-vartita ] mfn. turned or brought back, averted, prevented, given up, abandoned, suppressed, removed cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) [ -pUrva ] mfn. one who has turned away before cf. MW. (2) [ °t^akhil^ahAra ] mfn. one who has abstained from all food cf. BhP.

===> nivartya [ nivartya ]3[ ni-vartya ] mfn. to be turned back ([ dur-niv° ]) (1) annulled, declared to be invalid cf. Pat.

===> nivasana [ nivasana ]3[ ni-vasana ] n. putting on (a garment) cf. R. (1) cloth, garment (cf. [ kaTI-niv° ]) cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) an under garment cf. L.

===> [ nivasana ]3[ ni-vasana ] n. dwelling, habitation cf. L.

===> nivasita [ nivasita ]3[ ni-vasita ] mfn. dwelled, lived (n. impers.) cf. L.

===> nivedita [ nivedita ]3[ ni-vedita ] mfn. made known, announced, told, represented, entrusted, presented, given cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kathās. &c.

===> nivedya [ nivedya ]3[ ni-vedya ] mfn. to be communicated or related or presented or delivered cf. MBh. cf. Rājat. cf. Hcat (1) n. an offering of food for an idol (for [ naivedya ]) cf. Rājat

===> niveśa [ niveza ]3[ ni-vez'a ] m. (the initial [ n ] not subject to cerebralisation, g. [ kSubhn^adi ]) entering, settling in a place, encamping, halting cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a dwelling-place, habitation of any kind (as a house, camp, palace &c.) cf. RV. ix, 69, 7 cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °zam-√ kR ], to take up one's residence, settle, encamp) (2) founding a household, matrimony cf. Āpast. cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. (3) founding a town cf. R. (4) (with [ sthAne ]) putting in order, arrangement cf. Vcar. (5) pressing against cf. Mālatīm. vii, 1/2 (6) impression, mark (of fingers) cf. Śak. (Pi.) vi, 14 (7) depositing, delivering cf. L. (8) military array cf. L. (9) ornament, decoration cf. L. (10) [ -deza ] m. a dwelling-place cf. L. (11) [ -vat ] mfn. lying in or on, resting on (ifc.) cf. Kum

===> [ niveza ]1[ ni-veza ] [ °zana ] &c. [ ni-viz ]

===> niveśana [ nivezana ]3[ ni-v'ezana ] mf ([ I ]) n. entering (ifc.) cf. Hariv. (1) (fr. Caus.) bringing to rest, providing with a resting-place cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. AV. (2) m. N. of a Vṛshṇi cf. Hariv. (3) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) entering, entrance into (comp.) cf. RV. cf. Kauś (4) going or bringing to rest
cf. ib. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. ([ °naM-√ kR ], to settle, encamp (5) [ [ sainya- ] ] encampment of an army) (6) putting down (the feet) cf. Śatr (7) introducing, employing cf. Sāh (8) fixing, impressing cf. Sarvad (9) cultivating, populating (of a land, a desert &c.) cf. R. cf. Kām (10) founding a household, marrying, marriage cf. BhP. (11) hiding or dwelling-place of any kind, nest, lair, camp, house, home cf. RV. &c. &c. (12) town cf. R.

===> niveśin [ nivezin ]3[ ni-vezin ] mfn. resting in, lying in or on or near cf. Kāv. cf. Śaṃk (1) based upon cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch.

===> niveśita [ nivezita ]3[ ni-vezita ] mfn. made to enter, placed in or upon, turned to, fixed or intent upon, engaged in &c. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> niveśya [ nivezya ]3[ ni-vezya ] mfn. to be founded (as a town) cf. Hariv. (1) to be married (as a man) cf. MBh. (2) w. r. for [ nirv° ] ([ nir-viz ])

===> niviṣṭa [ niviSTa ]3[ ni-viSTa ] ([ n'i- ]), mfn. settled down, come to rest cf. VS. cf. AV. (1) drawn up, encamped (army) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (2) placed, located, appointed (guardians) cf. R. (3) entered, penetrated into (also with [ antar ]), lying or resting or sticking or staying in (loc. or comp.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) seated or sitting upon or in (loc. or comp.) cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat. cf. Pañc. (cf. Ragh. xii, 68, v. l. [ nirv° ]) (5) situated (town) cf. Hariv. cf. R. (6) married ([ aniv° ]) cf. MBh. i, 7241 (cf. [ nir-viSTa ] under [ nir-viz ]) (7) turned to, intent upon (loc. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (8) begun cf. AitBr. (9) founded (as a town, tank &c.) cf. Mn. cf. Hariv. (10) occupied, settled, cultivated (country) cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Ragh (11) endowed with (instr.) cf. R. (12) [ -cakra ] mf ([ A ]) n. one who has entered anybody's domain cf. ĀśvGṛ.

===> nivāpa [ nivApa ]3[ ni-vApa ] m. seed (pl. grains of corn) or a sown field cf. MBh. (1) an oblation or offering (esp. to deceased relatives or at the Śrāddha) cf. ib. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) throwing down, killing, slaughter cf. Gal. (3) [ -datti ] f. sacrificial gift cf. Ragh (4) [ -mAlya ] n. funeral wreath ([ °lya-tA ] f.) cf. ib. (5) [ °p^aJjali ] m. two handfuls of water as a libation to deceased ancestors cf. ib. cf. Mudr (6) ([ °li-dAna ] n. cf. Rājat.) (7) [ °p^anna ] n. sacrificial food cf. MBh. (8) [ °p^odaka ] n. a libation of water offered to deceased progenitors cf. Mṛcch. x, 17 (read [ °ka-bhojana ])

===> [ nivApa ]1[ ni-vApa ] &c. [ ni-vap ]

===> nivāra [ nivAra ]1[ ni-vAra ] &c. [ ni-vR ]

===> [ nivAra ]3[ ni-vAra ] m. keeping off, hindering, impediment (cf. [ dur-niv° ])

---> ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh. cf. VP. (v. l. [ nIv° ])

===> nivāraka [ nivAraka ]3[ ni-vAraka ] mfn. keeping off, defending (ifc.) cf. Daś. cf. Rājat (1) m. a defender cf. MBh.

===> nivāraṇa [ nivAraNa ]3[ ni-vAraNa ] mfn. =
prec. mfn. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. (1) n. keeping back, preventing, hindering, opposing, refuting cf. ib. cf. Pañc. cf. BhP.

===> nivāraṇīya [ nivAraNIya ]3[ ni-vAraNIya ] mfn. to be kept off or defended or prevented &c. cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch.

===> nivārita [ nivArita ]3[ ni-vArita ] mfn. kept off, hindered, forbidden, prevented cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nivāsa [ nivAsa ]3[ ni-vAsa ] m. clothing, dress (ifc. = prec.) cf. Hariv.

===> [ nivAsa ]3[ ni-vAsa ] m. living, dwelling, residing, passing the night (1) dwelling-place, abode, house, habitation, night-quarters cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) [ -bhavana ] n. sleeping-room cf. Kathās (3) [ -bhUmi ] f. place of residence cf. ŚārṅgP. (4) [ -bhUya ] n. habitation or inhabiting cf. W. (5) [ -racanA ] f. an edifice cf. Mṛcch. iii, 23 (6) [ -rAjan ] m. the king of the country in which one dwells cf. Yājñ. iii, 25 (7) [ -vRkSa ] m. ` dwelling tree ', a tree on which a bird has its nest cf. Vikr. v, 4/5

===> nivāsana [ nivAsana ]3[ ni-vAsana ] n. (fr. Caus.) living, residing, sojourn, abode cf. Cāṇ. cf. R. (1) passing or spending time cf. R.

===> nivāsin [ nivAsin ]3[ ni-vAsin ] mfn. dwelling or living or being or sticking in (comp.) (1) m. an inhabitant cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nivāta [ nivAta ]1[ ni-vAt'a ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 2. [ vA ]) sheltered from the wind, calm cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) n. a place sheltered from the wind, absence of wind, calm, stillness cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚrGṛS. cf. MBh. &c. (often ifc. after the word expressing the sheltering object cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 8)

===> [ nivAta ]1[ ni-vAt'a ]2 mfn. (√ [ van ] (1) cf. 3. [ 'avAta ]) unhurt, uninjured, safe, secure (n. security) cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) dense, compact cf. L. (3) m. asylum, refuge cf. L. (4) an impenetrable coat of mail cf. ib. (5) [ -kavaca ] m. one whose armour is impenetrable, N. of the grandson of Hiraṇya-kaśipu (6) pl. of a class of Dānavas or Daityas cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur.

===> nivṛta [ nivRta ]3[ ni-vRta ] ([ n'i- ]), mfn. held back, withheld cf. RV. [ 560,1 ] (1) surrounded, enclosed cf. L. (2) m. or f. or n. (= [ ni-vIta ]) a veil, mantle, wrapper cf. L. (3) n. = next cf. L.

===> nivṛtta [ nivRtta ]3[ ni-vRtta ] mfn. (often w. r. for [ nir-vRtta ], [ vi-vRtta ], [ ni-vRta ]) turned back, returned to (acc.) cf. MBh. (1) rebounded from (abl.) cf. R. (2) retreated, fled (in battle) cf. MBh. (3) set (as the sun) cf. R. (4) averted from, indifferent to, having renounced or given up (abl. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) abstracted from this world, quiet cf. BhP. cf. Hcat (6) rid or deprived of (abl.) cf. MBh. cf. R. (7) passed away, gone, ceased, disappeared, vanished cf. ib. (8) (with [ karman ] n. an action) causing a cessation (of mundane existence) cf. Mn. xii, 88 (opp. to [ pravRtta ]) (9) ceased to be valid or binding (as a rule) cf. Pat. cf. Kāś (10) omitted, left out (cf. comp. below) (11) finished, completed cf. W. (12) desisting from or repenting of any improper conduct cf. ib. (13) n. return ([ durniv° ]) (14) [ -kAraNa ] mfn. without further cause or motive (15) m. a virtuous man, one uninfluenced by worldly desires cf. W. [ 560,2 ] (16) [ -kRSi-gorakSa ] mfn. ceasing from agriculture and the tending of cattle cf. MBh. (17) [ -dakSiN'A ] f. a gift renounced or despised by another cf. ŚBr. (18) [ -deva-kArya ] mfn. ceasing from sacrificial rites cf. MW. (19) [ -mAMsa ] mfn. one who abstains from eating meat cf. Uttarar (20) [ -yajJa-sv^adhyAya ] mfn. ceasing from sacrifices and the repetition of prayers cf. MBh. (21) [ -yauvana ] mfn. whose youth has returned, restored to yṭyouth cf. Ragh (22) [ -rAga ] mfn. of subdued appetites or passions cf. W. (23) [ -laulya ] mfn. whose desire is averted from, not desirous of (comp.) cf. Ragh (24) [ -vRtti ] mfn. ceasing from any practice or occupation cf. W. (25) [ -zatru ] m. ` having one's foes kept off ', N. of a king cf. Hariv. (26) [ -saMtApa ] mfn. one whose heat or pain has ceased cf. Suśr. (27) [ -hRdaya ] mfn. with relenting heart cf. MBh. (28) one whose heart is averted from or indifferent to ([ prati ]) cf. Mālav. ii, 14 (29) [ °tt^atman ] m. ` one whose spirit is abstracted ', a sage cf. W. (30) N. of Viṣṇu cf. ib.

---> [ °tt^endriya ] mfn. one whose senses or desires are averted from (comp.) cf. Ragh

===> nivṛtti [ nivRtti ]3[ ni-vRtti ] f. (often w. r. for [ nir-v° ]) returning, return, MlBh. cf. Ragh (1) ceasing, cessation, disappearance cf. ŚrS. cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (2) leaving off, abstaining or desisting from (abl.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Bhartṛ. &c. (3) escaping from (abl.) cf. Pañc. ii, 87 (w. r. [ °ttaH ]) (4) ceasing from worldly acts, inactivity, rest, repose (opp. to [ pra-vRtti ]) cf. Bhag. cf. Prab (5) (in dram.) citation of an example cf. Sāh (6) suspension, ceasing to be valid (as of a rule) cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch. (7) destruction, perdition cf. RāmatUp. (8) denial, refusal cf. W. (9) abolition, prevention cf. ib.

===> niyama [ niyama ]3[ ni-yama ] m. restraining, checking, holding back, preventing, controlling cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) keeping down, lowering (as the voice) cf. RPrāt. (2) limitation, restriction ([ ena ] ind. with restrictions i. e. under certain conditions cf. Car.) (3) reduction or restriction to (with loc. or [ prati ]), determination, definition
cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Prāt. cf. MBh. cf. Rājat (4) any fixed rule or law, necessity, obligation ([ ena ] and [ At ] ind. as a rule, necessarily, invariably, surely) cf. Var. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (5) agreement, contract, promise, vow cf. R. cf. Kathās (6) any act of voluntary penance or meritorious piety (esp. a lesser vow or minor observance dependent on external conditions and not so obligatory as [ yama ], q. v.) cf. TĀr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) a partic. process applied to minerals (esp. to quicksilver, w. r. [ °yAma ]) cf. Cat. (8) (in rhet.) a common-place, any conventional expression or usual comparison (9) (in Mīm. phil.) a rule or precept (laying down or specifying something otherwise optional) (10) restraint of the mind (the 2nd of the 8 steps of meditation in Yoga) (11) performing five positive duties cf. MWB. 239 (12) N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (13) Necessity or Law personified as a son of Dharma and Dhṛti cf. Pur. (14) [ -dharma ] m. a law prescribing restraints cf. Mn. ii, 3 (15) [ -niSThA ] f. rigid observance of prescribed rites cf. MW. (16) [ -pattra ] n. a written agreement or stipulation cf. ib. [ 552,2 ] (17) [ -para ] mfn. observing fixed rules (18) relating to or corroborative of a rule cf. W. (19) [ -pAla ] m. ` observer of vows ', N. of a sage (from whom the Nepalese derive the N. Nepāl) (20) [ -bhaGga ] m. breach of a stipulation or contract cf. MW. (21) [ -laGghana ] n. trangression of a fixed rule or obligation, Kāp (22) [ -vat ] mfn. practising religious observances cf. MBh. (23) ([ I ]), f. a woman in her monthly courses cf. Suśr. (24) [ -sthiti ] f. state of selfrestraint, ascetism cf. L. (25) [ -hetu ] m. a regulating cause cf. Sarvad (26) [ °yam^ananda ] m. another N. of Nimb^arka cf. Cat. (27) [ °yam^opamA ] f. a simile which expressly states that something can be compared only with something else cf. Kāv. ii, 19

===> niyamana [ niyamana ]3[ ni-yamana ] mfn. subduing, taming, overpowering cf. Hariv. (1) n. the act of subduing &c. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) restriction, limitation, definition cf. Rājat. cf. Kpr. cf. Sāh (3) precept, fixed practice or rule cf. W. (4) coercion, humiliation cf. MW.

===> niyamya [ niyamya ]3[ ni-yamya ] ind. having restrained or checked or bound &c. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. 2

===> [ niyamya ]3[ ni-yamya ] mfn. to be restrained &c. cf. ib. (1) to be (or being) limited or restricted or defined cf. Śaṃk

===> niyantṛ [ niyantR ]3[ ni-yant'R ] m. who or what holds in or restrains or governs or tames, &c. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ -tva ] n. cf. Vedântas.) (1) m. a restrainer, governor, tamer (esp. of horses), charioteer cf. MBh. cf. Ragh

===> niyata [ niyata ]1[ ni-yata ] [ °ti ], &c. under [ ni-yam ]

===> [ niyata ]3[ ni-yata ] ([ n'i- ]), mfn. held back or in, fastened, tied to (loc.) cf. RV. (1) put together (hands) cf. R. (2) restrained, checked, curbed, suppressed, restricted, controlled cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) limited in number cf. Ratnâv. iii, 3 (4) connected with, dependent on (loc.) cf. Mn. iv, 256 (5) contained or joined in (loc.) cf. R. iii, 70, 5 (6) disciplined, self-governed, abstemious, temperate (7) constant, steady, quite concentrated upon or devoted to (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (8) fixed, established, settled, sure, regular, invariable, positive, definite cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (9) customary, usual (cf. [ a-n° ] cf. MBh. iii, 15416) (10) (in gram.) pronounced with the Anudātta cf. RPrāt. (11) m. N. of the Saṃdhi of [ As ] before sonants cf. ib. (12) ([ am ]), ind. always, constantly, decidedly, inevitably, surely (13) n. pl. (in Sāṃkhya) the organs of sense (14) [ -kAla ] mfn. limited in time, temporary cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 44 (15) [ -bhojana ] mfn. abstemious in food, temperate cf. R. (16) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. of subdued mind or spirit cf. W. (17) [ -maithuna ] mfn. abstaining from cohabitation cf. R. (18) [ -vAc ] mfn. limited as to the use of words cf. Nir. i, 15 (19) [ -vibhaktika ] mfn. limited as to case, standing always in the same case cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 44 cf. Sch. (20) [ -viSayavartin ] mfn. steadily abiding in one's own sphere cf. MW. (21) [ -vrata ] mfn. constant in the observance of vows, regular in observances, pious, religious cf. MBh. (22) [ °yat^aJjali ] mfn. putting the joined hands to the forehead cf. R. (23) [ °yat^atman ] mfn. self-controlled, selfrestrained cf. Mn. cf. R. (24) [ °yat^anupUrvya ] mfn. limited as to the order of words cf. Nir. i, 15 (25) [ °yat^apti ] f. (in dram.) sure expectation of attaining an object by overcoming a partic. obstacle cf. Sāh (26) [ °yat^azin ] mfn. = [ -ta-bhojana ] cf. Yājñ. (27) [ °yat^ahAra ] mfn. id. cf. Mn. ([ zva-mAMsa-n° ], eating only dog's flesh cf. R.) (28) [ °yat^endriya ] mfn. having the passions subdued or restrained cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> niyati [ niyati ]3[ ni-yati ] f. the fixed order of things, necessity, destiny, fate cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. ŚvetUp. cf. MBh. &c. (sometimes personified as a goddess, Niyati and Āyati being regarded as daughters of Meru and wives of Dhātṛ and Vidhātṛ cf. BhP. cf. VP.) (1) restraint, restriction (2) religious duty or obligation (3) self-command, self-restraint cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā, cf. DevīP.

===> niyojana [ niyojana ]3[ ni-y'ojana ] n. the act of tying or fastening (as to the sacrificial post) cf. ŚBr. (1) that with which anything is tied or fastened cf. AV. (2) enjoining, urging, impelling, commanding, directing, appointing to (loc.) cf. MBh. &c. (3) ([ I ]), f. a halter cf. KātyŚr.

===> niyojita [ niyojita ]3[ ni-yojita ] mfn. put, placed, laid, (jewel) set in (comp.) (1) connected with, attached to, fixed on (comp.) (2) appointed, authorized (3) enjoined, directed, commanded (4) urged, impelled cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> niyojya [ niyojya ]3[ ni-yojya ] mfn. to be fastened or attached to cf. Pañc (1) to be endowed or furnished with (instr.) cf. Cāṇ (2) to be enjoined ([ a-n° ]) cf. MBh. i, 3267 (3) to be committed or intrusted cf. Hcat (4) to be appointed or employed or directed or commanded cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) m. a functionary, official, servant cf. Śak. cf. BhP. (6) [ °jy^anvaya-nirUpaNa ] n. N. of wk.

===> niyukta [ niyukta ]3[ ni-yukta ] mfn. bound on, bound, chained, fettered cf. AitBr. (1) tied or fastened or attached or directed to, put or placed or fixed on (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) appointed, directed, ordered, commissioned, charged, intrusted (loc. (3) dat. (4) [ artham ] ifc. (5) inf. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) used or employed for (loc.) cf. Mn. v, 16 (7) prescribed, fixed, settled (8) ([ am ]), ind. by all means, necessarily cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 66 (9) m. a functionary, official cf. Hit.

===> niyuktaka [ niyuktaka ]3[ ni-yuktaka ] mfn. appointed, elected, placed in authority cf. L.

===> niyuta [ niyuta ]1[ ni-yuta ] under [ ni-yu ], col. 2

===> niyāma [ niyAma ]3[ ni-yAma ] m. = [ niyama ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 63 (1) a sailor, boatman (cf. next and [ nir-yAma ])

===> niścala [ nizcala ]3[ niz-cala ] mf ([ A ]) n. motionless, immovable, fixed, steady, invariable, unchangeable cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. the earth cf. L. (2) Desmodiuni Gangeticum cf. L. (3) [ °la-kara ] and, [ °la-dAsa-svAmin ] m. N. of authors (4) [ °l^aGga ] m. ` firm-limbed, firm, Ardea Nivea cf. L. (5) a rock, mountain cf. L.

===> niścaya [ nizcaya ]1[ niz-caya ] &c. [ niz-ci ]

===> [ nizcaya ]3[ niz-caya ] m. inquiry, ascertainment, fixed opinion, conviction, certainty, positiveness ([ iti nizcayaH ], ` this is a fixed opinion ' (1) [ °yaM-√ jJA ], ` to ascertain the certainty about anything ' (2) [ °yena ], or [ °yAt ], ind. certainly) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) resolution, resolve fixed intention, design, purpose, aim ([ °yaM-√ kR ], to resolve upon, determine to [ dat., loc. or inf. ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) (in rhet.) N. of a partic. figure cf. Sāh (5) [ -kRt ] mfn. giving a certain meaning cf. Sarasv (6) [ -datta ] m. N. of a merchant cf. Kathās (7) [ -rUpa ] mfn. ` having the form of certainty ', being certain cf. MW.

===> niścetana [ nizcetana ]3[ niz-cetana ] mfn. unconscious, unreasonable cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (1) [ -tA ] f. cf. Kād

===> niśceṣṭa [ nizceSTa ]3[ niz-ceSTa ] mfn. incapable of motion, motionless, powerless, helpless cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. without motion cf. MBh. (2) ([ A ]), f. motionless (3) [ °TA-karaNa ] mfn. causing it (N. of one of the arrows of the god of love) cf. L. (4) [ °TI- ] √ [ bhU ], become motionless cf. Kathās

===> niśchidra [ nizchidra ]3[ niz-chidra ] mfn. having no rents or holes, without weak points or defects, unhurt, uninterrupted cf. Var. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur.

===> niśchāya [ nizchAya ]3[ niz-chAya ] mfn. shadeless, Deśin

===> niścinta [ nizcinta ]3[ niz-cinta ] mfn. not thinking, thoughtless, careless, unconcerned cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> niścita [ nizcita ]3[ niz-cita ] mfn. one who has come to a conclusion or formed a certain opinion, determined to, resolute upon (dat., loc., [ artham ] ifc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) ascertained, determined, settled, decided cf. Up. cf. MBh. (superl. [ -tama ]) cf. R. &c. (2) ([ am ]), ind. decidedly, positively cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañc (3) n. certainty, decision, resolution, design cf. R. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh. cf. VP. (5) [ °t^artha ] mfn. one who has formed a certain opinion about (loc.), judging rightly (compar. [ -tara ]) cf. R. (B.)

===> niścitta [ nizcitta ]3[ niz-citta ] m. N. of a Samādhi cf. L.

===> niścitya [ nizcitya ]3[ niz-citya ] ind. having ascertained or decided, feeling assured or convinced or resolute cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> niścāraka [ nizcAraka ]3[ niz-cAraka ] m. (only cf. L.) voiding excrement (1) air, wind (2) obstinacy, wilfulness

===> niśita [ nizita ]3[ ni-zita ] ([ n'i- ]), mfn. sharpened, sharp (lit. and fig.) cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. (1) stimulated, excited, eager for (loc.) (2) strengthened (3) prepared, presented cf. RV. (4) n. iron, steel cf. L. (5) [ -nipAta ] mfn. sharp-falling (arrow) cf. Śak (6) [ °t^aGkuza ] m. or n. a sharp or pointed hook cf. Bhartṛ

===> niśraya [ nizraya ]1[ ni-zraya ] &c. [ ni-zri ]

===> [ nizraya ]3[ ni-zraya ] m. refuge, resource (= [ Azraya ]) cf. L. (the 4 resources of a Buddhist, cf. MWB. 80)

===> niśrayaṇī [ nizrayaNI ]3[ ni-zrayaN'I ] f. a ladder, staircase cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (also written [ niH-zrayaNI ], or [ °yiNI ])

===> niśritya [ nizritya ]3[ ni-zritya ] ind. going to cf. Divyâv

===> niśumbha [ nizumbha ]3[ ni-zumbha ] m. killing, slaughter cf. Mālatīm (1) N. of a Dānava (brother of Śumbha) cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (also [ -ka ] cf. R.) (2) [ -mathanI ] and [ -mardinI ] f. ` destroyer of Ni-śumbha ', N. of Durgā cf. L.

===> niśâtyaya [ nizAtyaya ]3[ nizA-tyaya ] ([ °z^at° ]), m. ` numeral-close, daybreak cf. L.

===> niśā [ nizA ]2[ nizA ] f. night cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a vision, dream cf. MBh. (2) turmeric, Curcuma (of 2 species, prob. Curcuma Zedoaria and C. Longa) cf. Suśr. (3) = [ -bala ] cf. Jyot

===> niśā-kara [ nizAkara ]3[ nizA-kara ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) ` night-maker ', the moon (with [ divA-kara ] among the sons of Garuḍa) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. [ 560,3 ] (1) N. of a Ṛshi cf. R. (2) of the numeral 1 cf. Sūryas (3) a cock cf. L. (4) [ -kalA-mauli ] m. ` bearing a crescent as diadem ', N. of Śiva cf. Kathās

===> niśā-kāla [ nizAkAla ]3[ nizA-kAla ] m. time of numeral cf. MW.

===> niśādā-putra [ nizAdAputra ]3[ ni-zAdA-putra ] (?), m. a pestle cf. L.

===> niśādā-śilā [ nizAdAzilA ]3[ ni-zAdAzilA ] f. a mortar cf. L.

===> niśāmayitavya [ nizAmayitavya ]3[ ni-zAmayitavya ] mfn. to be perceived, perceivable cf. ib. cf. Sch.

===> niśānta [ nizAnta ]3[ nizA-nta ] ([ °z^anta ]), m. or n. ` numeral-close ', daybreak cf. Mn. iv, 99

===> [ nizAnta ]3[ ni-zAnta ] mfn. allayed, tranquil, calm cf. L.

---> customary, traditional cf. ĀśvŚr. (cf. [ yathA-n° ]) (1) n. a house, dwelling, habitation cf. Kāv (2) a harem, seraglio cf. Dharmaś (3) [ -nArI ] f. a woman living in the inner apartments cf. W. [ -vRkSa ], m. a tree near a house (?), g. [ utkar^adi ] (v. l. °ntAvR° and [ °nta ], [ vR° ]) (4) [ °ntIya ] mfn. cf. ib. (5) [ °nt^odyAna ] n. a garden near a house cf. Daś

===> niśītha [ nizItha ]1[ ni-zItha ] m. rarely n. (√ [ zI ]) midnight, night cf. MBh. (1) [ -dIpa ] m. night-lamp cf. Ragh (2) [ -paryAya ] m. N. of wk.

===> niḥsara [ niHsara ]3[ niH-sara ] mfn. issuing out (1) [ -tva ] n. = [ pitta-roga ] cf. L.

===> niḥsaraṇa [ niHsaraNa ]3[ niH-saraNa ] n. going forth or out cf. MBh. cf. Pañc (1) issue, egress, gate cf. L. (2) means, expedient, remedy to get rid of (comp.) cf. MBh.

---> departure, death final beatitude cf. L. (3) [ -vat ] ([ niH-s'ar° ]), mfn. flowing out, liquid cf. ŚBr.

===> niḥsattva [ niHsattva ]3[ niH-sattva ] mfn. without existence, unsubstantial ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Vajracch. (1) unenergetic, weak, impotent, wretched, miserable ([ -tA ] f.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) deprived of living beings cf. Pañc (3) insignificant, mean, low cf. W. (4) n. want of power or energy, insignificance (5) non-existence cf. W.

===> niḥsaṃśaya [ niHsaMzaya ]3[ niH-saMzaya ] mfn. undoubted, certain cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (also [ °yita ] cf. Kād.) (1) not doubtful, not doubting or suspecting cf. MBh. cf. Ragh (2) ([ am ]), ind. undoubtedly, surely cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> niḥsaṅga [ niHsaGga ]3[ niH-saGga ] m. absence of attachment, entire concentration cf. BhP. (1) mfn. unobstructed, moving freely cf. MBh. (2) unconnected, separated, detached cf. Kap (3) not attached or devoted, indifferent to (loc.) cf. Prab. cf. Ved^ant (4) free from worldly attachment, unselfish, disinterested cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (5) ([ am ] or [ ena ]), ind. without interest, without reflection, at random cf. R. ii, 21, 12 (for [ zaGkam ]?) cf. BhP. iv, 8, 31 (6) m. N. of a man cf. Cat. (7) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. absence of attachment, unselfishness, indifference cf. Pur. &c.

===> niḥsneha [ niHsneha ]3[ niH-sneha ] mf ([ A ]) n. not unctuous or greasy cf. Mn. cf. Pañc (1) not wet, dry cf. R. (2) insensible, cold, unfeeling (with [ prati ]) cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc. ([ -tva ], n.) (3) not longing for, indifferent cf. MBh. (4) not loved, uncared for, hated, disagreeable, Kathss. cf. Pañc (5) m. ungreasing cf. Dhātup (6) ([ A ]), f. Linum Usitatissimum cf. L. (7) [ -phalA ] f. Solanum Diffusum cf. L.

===> niḥspṛha [ niHspRha ]3[ niH-spRha ] mf ([ A ]) n. free from desire, not longing for (loc. or comp.), abstaining from (abl.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ -tA ] f. cf. Yājñ.) (1) ([ am ]), ind. cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 100 cf. Kāś

===> niḥsvabhāva [ niHsvabhAva ]3[ niH-svabhAva ] m. want of property, poverty, Śantiś (1) mfn. ` unpropertied ', void of peculiarities cf. Sarvad

===> niḥsāmarthya [ niHsAmarthya ]3[ niH-sAmarthya ] mfn. unfit, unsuitable cf. MBh.

===> niḥsāra [ niHsAra ]3[ niH-sAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. sapless, pithless, worthless, vain, unsubstantial ([ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n.) cf. Hariv. cf. Var. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) m. Trophis Aspera or a kind of Śyo. nāka cf. L. (2) (in music) a kind of time (also [ sAru ] and [ °ruka ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. Musa Sapientum cf. L. (4) [ °raka ] n. a kind of diarrhoea cf. Bhpr. =

===> [ niHsAra ]3[ niH-sAra ] m. going forth or out cf. MBh.

===> niḥsṛta [ niHsRta ]3[ niH-sRta ] mfn. gone out or forth (with abl. or comp.), depaned cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. Hit. (1) prominent (eyes) cf. Hariv. (2) prolapsus (yoni) cf. Kāv (3) v. l. for [ niH-stRta ], q. v. (4) n. a kind of sworddance (in which a sword is drawn out of a person's hands) cf. Hariv. [ 544,2 ]

===> niḥśaraṇa [ niHzaraNa ]3[ niH-zaraNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. defenceless, unprotected cf. Rājat

===> niḥśeṣa [ niHzeSa ]3[ niH-zeSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. without remainder, (either =) finished, passed away ([ kalpa ]) cf. Hariv. ([ °SaM ] √ [ kR ] to destroy completely cf. MBh.) (1) (or =) complete, whole, entire, all cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) at beg. of comp. (= [ am ], or [ eNa ] ind.) totally, completely (3) [ -kRt ] mfn. eating one's meals without any remainder cf. Viṣṇ (4) [ -tas ] ind. wholly, entirely cf. Rājat. cf. Suśr. . [ -tA ] f. complete destruction cf. MBh. cf. Pañc (5) [ -bhagna ] mfn. totally broken cf. Hariv. (6) [ -muSita ] mfn. totally robbed out cf. Kathās (7) [ °SaNa ] mf ([ A ]) u. = [ niH-zeSa ] cf. MW. (8) [ °Saya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to destroy totally cf. Prab. ii, 33 (9) [ °Sita ] mfn. having nothing left, totally consumed or finished or destroy. ed. cf. R. cf. Pañc. cf. Rājat

===> niḥśoka [ niHzoka ]3[ niH-zoka ] mfn. free from sorrow or care cf. Hariv. cf. Rājat

===> niḥśreyasa [ niHzreyasa ]3[ niH-zreyasa ] mf ([ I ]) n. ` having no better ', best, most excellent cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. N. of Siva cf. L. (2) n. the best i. e. ultimate bliss, final beatitude, or knowledge that brings it cf. KaushUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) belief, faith cf. L. (4) apprehension, conception cf. L. [ -kara ] mfn. conferring final happiness or emancipation cf. W. [ 539,1 ]

===> niḥśreṇi [ niHzreNi ]3[ niH-zreN˘i ] f. = [ ni-zreNI ] cf. L. (1) the wild date tree cf. L. (2) [ °NikA ] f. a ladder cf. Dharmaśarm (3) a kind of grass cf. L. (4) [ °Ni-puSpaka ] m. a species of thorn-apple cf. L.

===> niḥśvāsa [ niHzvAsa ]3[ niH-zvAsa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) = [ °zvasita ] n. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (often v. l. or w. r. [ ni-zv° ]) (1) [ -parama ] mf ([ A ]) n. quite addicted to sighing, melancholy cf. Nal (2) [ -saMhitA ] f. N. of a code of laws supposed to have been revealed by Rudra-Śiva cf. Pur.

===> niṣadana [ niSadana ]3[ ni-S'adana ] n. sitting down, dwelling, residing cf. RV. &c. (cf. [ uSTra-niS° ], [ krauJca-niS° ])

===> niṣadyā [ niSadyA ]3[ ni-SadyA ] f. a small bed or couch cf. L. (1) the hall of a merchant cf. L. (2) a market-place cf. Śiś. xviii, 15

===> niṣaṇṇa [ niSaNNa ]3[ ni-SaNN'a ] mfn. sitting. seated, sitting or lying or resting or leaning upon (loc. or comp.) cf. ŚBr. cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (1) performed by sitting (as a Sattra) cf. TS. (2) sat upon (as a seat) cf. R. (3) sunk down, afflicted, distressed cf. MW.

===> niṣaṇṇaka [ niSaNNaka ]3[ ni-SaNNaka ] mfn. sitting, seated cf. W. (1) n. a seat cf. L. (2) a kind of pot-herb cf. L.

===> niṣeddhṛ [ niSeddhR ]3[ ni-SeddhR ] mfn. who or what keeps back or restrains or prevents cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.

===> niṣedhana [ niSedhana ]3[ ni-Sedhana ] n. the act of warding off or defending, prevention cf. Suśr.

===> niṣeka [ niSeka ]3[ ni-Seka ] m. sprinkling, infusion, aspersion, dripping, distilling cf. Kāv (1) seminal infusion, impregnation and the ceremony connected with it cf. Mn. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (2) water for washing, dirty water, wash (impurities caused by seminal effusion ?) cf. Mn. iv, 151 (3) [ -prakAra ] and [ -vicAra ] m. [ -svarA ] f. N. of wks.

===> niṣeva [ niSeva ]3[ ni-Seva ] mfn. practising, exercising, observing (ifc.) cf. MBh. (1) ([ A ]), f. exercising, practice, service cf. BhP. (2) use, employment cf. ib. (3) worship, adoration cf. ib.

===> niṣevaṇa [ niSevaNa ]3[ ni-SevaNa ] n. visiting, frequenting, living in, practice, performance, use, employment, adherence or devotion to, honour, worship (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> niṣevaṇīya [ niSevaNIya ]3[ ni-SevaNIya ] mfn. to be served or followed or obeyed cf. W.

===> niṣevin [ niSevin ]3[ ni-Sevin ] mfn. practising, observing, enjoying (ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> niṣevita [ niSevita ]3[ ni-Sevita ] mfn. visited, frequented, occupied, held, practised, observed, approached resorted to, attended, served, honoured, obeyed cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> niṣevitavya [ niSevitavya ]3[ ni-Sevitavya ] mfn. to be practised or observed or used or enjoyed cf. MBh. cf. Śak. cf. Var

===> niṣevya [ niSevya ]3[ ni-Sevya ] mfn. to be frequented or enjoyed cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) to be used or applied cf. Car. (2) to be honoured cf. BhP.

===> niṣiddha [ niSiddha ]3[ ni-Siddha ] mfn. warded off, kept back, restrained, checked, prevented from, forbidden to (inf.) cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -vat ] mfn. having warded off cf. Kathās

===> niṣikta [ niSikta ]3[ ni-Sikta ] ([ n'i- ]), mfn. sprinkled, infused, irrigated cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) [ -p'A ] mfn. protecting the infused (semen) cf. RV. vii, 36, 9

===> niṣka [ niSka ]2[ niSk'a ] m. rarely n. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 45, g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a golden ornament for the neck or breast (also used as money) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) later a partic. coin varying in value at different times (= 1 Dīnāra of 32 small or 16 large Rettis, = 1 Karsha or Suvarṇa of 16 Māshas, = 1 Pala of 4 or 5 Su-varṇas, = 1 larger Pala or Dīnāra variously reckoned at 108 or 150 Su-varṇas, = 4 Māshas, = 16 Drammas (2) also a weight of silver of 4 Su-varṇas) (3) a golden vessel cf. L. (4) gold cf. L. (5) m. a Cāṇḍāla cf. L. (6) ([ A ]), f. a measure of length cf. MārkP.

===> niṣkaivalya [ niSkaivalya ]3[ niS-kaivalya ] mfn. mere, pure, absolute cf. MBh. (1) (a fight) singular in its kind cf. ib. (cf. Nīlak.)

===> niṣkampa [ niSkampa ]3[ niS-kampa ] mfn. not shaking or tremulous, motionless, immovable cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (1) [ -tA ] f. cf. Ragh

===> niṣkaruṇa [ niSkaruNa ]3[ niS-karuNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. pitiless, unmerciful, cruel ([ -tA ] f.) cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ °NI- ] √ [ kR ], to make pitiless or cruel cf. Kathās

===> niṣkarṣaṇa [ niSkarSaNa ]3[ niS-karSaNa ] n. drawing out, extracting, taking off cf. Ragh

===> niṣkaṣāya [ niSkaSAya ]3[ niS-kaSAya ] mfn. free from dirt or impure passions cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of 13th Arhat of future Ut-sarpiṇī cf. L.

===> niṣkevala [ niSkevala ]3[ niS-kevala ] mf ([ A ]) n. belonging exclusively cf. MBh. (1) [ °lya ] ([ nIS- ]), mfn. id. cf. VS. cf. Br. (2) (with or scil. [ zastra ] and [ uktha ]), n. N. of a partic. recitation connected with the midday oblation and belonging to Indra exclusively cf. ib.,

===> niṣkiṃcana [ niSkiMcana ]3[ niS-kiMcana ] mf ([ A ]) n. having nothing, poor cf. Rājat. cf. BhP. (1) [ tva ] n. poverty cf. MBh.

===> niṣkleśa [ niSkleza ]3[ niS-kleza ] mfn. free from pain or moral faults cf. MWB. 124, 133 (1) [ -leza ] mfn. not suffering the least pain, quite happy cf. Bhartṛ

===> niṣkośa [ niSkoza ]3[ niS-koza ] mfn. unsheathed cf. Mcar.

===> niṣkrama [ niSkrama ]3[ niS-krama ] m. going out, coming forth, an exit, departing from (abl.) cf. R. cf. Kathās (1) the first carrying out (of a child (2) cf. next) cf. Yājñ. (3) degradation, loss of caste, inferiority of tribe cf. L. (4) intellectual faculty cf. L.

===> niṣkramaṇa [ niSkramaNa ]3[ niS-kramaNa ] n. going forth or out, departing cf. KātyŚr. cf. R. cf. Pañc (1) taking a child for the first time out of the house in the fourth month after birth to see the sun cf. Mn. ii, 34 cf. RTL. 253 ; 258 (2) (also [ °NikA ] f. cf. PārGṛ.) ceasing, disappearing cf. Cat. [ 563,1 ] (3) [ -prayoga ] m. N. of wk.

===> niṣkriya [ niSkriya ]3[ niS-kriya ] mfn. = [ -karnan ] cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. ` the actionless One ', the Supreme Spirit cf. W. (2) [ -tA ] f. inactivity, neglect of (comp.) cf. MBh. (3) [ °y^atman ] mfn. lazy, inactive (4) [ °tma-tA ] f. inactivity, non-performance of religious acs or prescribed duties cf. Mn. cf. MBh.

===> niṣkrānta [ niSkrAnta ]3[ niS-krAnta ] mfn. gone out, departed, come forth cf. MBh. &c. (1) (dram.) exit, exeunt

===> niṣkāraṇa [ niSkAraNa ]3[ niS-kAraNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. causeless, unnecessary cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) disinterested (as a friend) cf. Hit. (2) groundless, not proceeding from any cause cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. &c. (3) ([ am ] and [ At ]), ind. causelessly, without a reason or any special motive cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> [ niSkAraNa ]3[ niS-kAraNa ] n. taking off, killing cf. L.

===> niṣkāsana [ niSkAsana ]3[ niS-kAsana ] n. driving away cf. L.

===> niṣkāsita [ niSkAsita ]3[ niS-kAsita ] mfn. expelled, turned out cf. Vet. (also written [ °zita ] cf. Divyāv. [ °kasita ]) (1) placed, deposited cf. L. (2) placed over, appointed cf. L. (3) opened out, blown, expanded (for [ °zita ] ?) cf. W.

===> niṣkāśita [ niSkAzita ]3[ niS-kAzita ] mfn. [ danta-niSk° ] (1) v. l. for [ °kAsita ] ([ niS-kas ])

===> niṣkṛti [ niSkRti ]3[ niS-kRti ] ([ n'iS- ]), f. complete development ([ garbha-niSkRti ]) (1) restoration, cure cf. RV. (2) acquittance, requital, atonement, expiation cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) removal, doing away, escaping, avoiding, neglecting cf. L. (4) w. r. for [ ni-kRti ] cf. BhP. (5) m. a form of Agni cf. MBh.

===> niṣkṛṣṭa [ niSkRSTa ]3[ niS-kRSTa ] mfn. drawn or pulled out, extracted cf. Suśr.

===> niṣpanna [ niSpanna ]3[ niS-panna ] mfn. gone forth or sprung up, arisen, descended from (abl., rarely instr.) cf. R. cf. Var (1) (in gram.) derived from (abl.) cf. Sarvad (2) brought about, effected, succeeded, completed, finished, ready cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. cf. Hit. &c.

===> niṣparidāha [ niSparidAha ]3[ niS-paridAha ] mfn. incombustible cf. L.

===> niṣparigraha [ niSparigraha ]3[ niS-parigraha ] mfn. having no property cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) m. an ascetic without family or dependants cf. W.

===> niṣparyāya [ niSparyAya ]3[ niS-paryAya° ] out of order cf. Bālar

===> niṣpatti [ niSpatti ]3[ niS-patti ] f. going forth or out, being brought about or effected, completion, consummation cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Var (1) coming or being derived from ([ dhAtoH ]) cf. Sarvad (2) a partic. state of ecstasy cf. Cat.

===> niṣpeṣaṇa [ niSpeSaNa ]3[ niS-peSaNa ] n. id. cf. MBh.

===> niṣphala [ niSphala ]3[ niS-phala ] mf ([ A ]) n. bearing no fruit, fruitless, barren, resultless, successless, useless, vain cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) seedless, impotent cf. W. (2) ([ A ]), f. a woman past childbearing or menstruation (also [ I ], v. l. [ niS-kalA ]) cf. L. (3) a species of Momordica cf. L. (4) [ -tva ] n. unfruitfulness, uselessness cf. Mṛcch. iv, 9 (5) [ °laya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to render fruitless cf. Kull (6) [ °lI ] √ [ kR ], to make fruitless, neglect cf. Mṛcch (7) v. l. for [ niS-kulI- ] √ [ kR ] cf. VarBṛS. Iv, 29

===> niṣpiṣṭa [ niSpiSTa ]3[ niS-piSTa ] mfn. stamped, ground, pounded, crushed, beaten, oppressed cf. MBh. &c.

===> niṣpoṣa [ niSpoSa ]3[ niS-poSa ] mfn. not being nourished cf. Vajracch.

===> niṣprabha [ niSprabha ]3[ niS-prabha ] mf ([ A ]) n. deprived of light or radiance, lustreless, gloomy, dark ([ -tA ] f. cf. R. (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. Suśr.) (2) m. N. of a Dānava cf. Hariv.

===> niṣpratibhāna [ niSpratibhAna ]3[ niS-pratibhAna ] mfn. not bold, cowardly cf. L.

===> niṣpratipakṣa [ niSpratipakSa ]3[ niS-pratipakSa ] mfn. without an adversary or opponent (1) [ -ta ] f. cf. Kull

===> niṣprayatna [ niSprayatna ]3[ niS-prayatna ] mfn. abstaining from exertion, inactive cf. Hariv.

===> niṣprayojana [ niSprayojana ]3[ niS-prayojana ] mfn. having no motive, impartial, indifferent cf. MBh. cf. Kād (1) harmless cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch. (2) groundless, needless, unnecessary ([ am ], ind. ;[ -tA ], f. ;[ -tva ] n.) cf. Hariv. cf. Daś. cf. Hit. &c.

===> niṣprītika [ niSprItika ]3[ niS-prItika ] mfn. not connected with joy or delight cf. Lalit.

===> niṣpudgala [ niSpudgala ]3[ niS-pudgala ] mfn. without soul or personality (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. Vajracch. [ 543,2 ]

===> niṣpādana [ niSpAdana ]3[ niS-pAdana ] n. effecting, causing, producing cf. L.

===> niṣpādita [ niSpAdita ]3[ niS-pAdita ] mfn. done, effected, prepared, achieved, Pūr. cf. Vet. [ 563,3 ]

===> niṣpādya [ niSpAdya ]3[ niS-pAdya ] mfn. id. cf. Sāh (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. TPrāt. cf. Comm.

===> niṣāda [ niSAda ]3[ ni-SAd'a ] m. N. of a wild non-Āryan tribe in India (described as hunters, fishermen, robbers &c.) cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. (1) = [ bhilla ], ` the Bheels ' cf. Kathās. cf. Mahīdh (2) a man of any degraded tribe, an out-caste (esp. the son of a Brāhman by a Śūdra woman) cf. Mn. x, 8 (3) the progenitor of the Ni-shad (said to have sprung from the thigh of Vena) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (4) (in music) N. of the first (more properly the last or 7th) note of the gamut cf. MBh. xiv, 1419 (5) N. of a Kalpa cf. VāyuP. (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of a female of the Ni-shad tribe ([ -tva ] n.) cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (7) [ -karSu ] (or [ U ] ?), N. of a region cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 119 cf. Sch. (8) [ -grAma ] m. a village of the Ni-shad cf. Lāṭy. cf. KātyŚr. (9) [ -tva ] n. state or condition of a Ni-shad cf. R. (10) [ -rASTra ] n. the country of the Ni-shad (to the south-east of Madhya-deśa) cf. Var (11) [ -vat ] m. = [ niSAda ] (in music) cf. MBh. xii, 6859 (12) [ -saGgha ] m. multitude or tribe of the Ni-shad cf. Var (13) [ -sthapati ] m. chief of the Ni-shad (14) [ -strI ] f. a Ni-shad woman cf. Mn. x, 39

===> [ niSAda ]1[ ni-SAda ] &c. [ ni-Sad ]

===> niṣūdana [ niSUdana ]3[ ni-SUdana ] m. id. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh (1) removing, destroying cf. Suśr. (2) n. killing, slaughter cf. W.

===> niṣṇāta [ niSNAta ]3[ ni-SNAta ] mfn. deeply versed in, skilful, clever, learned (with loc. or ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) agreed upon cf. Yājñ. cf. Mālatīm (2) [ -tva ] n. skill in, familiarity with ([ prati ]) cf. Kull. x, 85

===> niṣṭha [ niSTha ]3[ ni-STha ] mfn. (in some senses = or w. r. for [ niH ] + [ stha ]) being in or on, situated on, grounded or resting on, depending on, relating or referring to (usually ifc.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) intent on, devoted to cf. ib. (cf. [ dharma- ], [ satya- ]) (2) conducive to, effecting (dat.) cf. Bālar. v, 51 (3) [ -loka ] m. pl. dependent people i. e. servants cf. Rājat. vii, 114. 1

===> niṣṭhita [ niSThita ]3[ ni-SThita ] ([ n'i- ], sometimes for [ n'iH- ]), mfn. being in or on (loc.) cf. R. cf. BhP. (1) fallen from the hand, HPar (2) grown forth cf. RV. (3) complete, perfect, consummate cf. ŚBr. (4) attached or devoted to, conversant with, skilled in (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (5) firm, fixed (6) certain, ascertained cf. W. (7) [ -cIvara ] (?), mfn. cf. Divyâv

===> [ niSThita ]3[ ni-SThita ] (!), mfn. spit upon cf. BhP.

===> niṣṭhura [ niSThura ]1[ ni-SThura ] mfn. (√ [ sthA ]?) hard, rough, harsh, severe, cruel (said of persons and things, esp. words) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -tA ] f. (cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. &c.), [ -tva ] n. (cf. Caurap.) harshness of speech, coarseness (2) [ -bhASin ] mfn. speaking harshly cf. Cāṇ (3) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. cruel-minded cf. MārkP.

===> niṣṭhyūta [ niSThyUta ]1[ ni-SThyUta ] [ °ti ], [ ni-SThiv ]

===> niṣṭhā [ niSThA ]1[ ni-SThA ] (√ [ sthA ] (1) aor. [ ny-aSThAt ] pf. [ ni-tasthau ] cf. Vop.): Caus. (aor. [ ny-atiSThipat ]) to fix in (loc.) cf. ŚBr. (2) to give forth, emit, yield cf. HPariś

===> [ niSThA ]3[ ni-SThA ] f. (ifc. f. [ A ]) state, condition, position cf. Bhag. (1) firmness, steadiness, attachment, devotion, application, skill in, familiarity with, certain knowledge of (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (2) decision about (gen.) cf. Rājat (3) decisive sentence, judgment cf. Gaut. cf. Āp. (4) completion, perfection, culminating or extreme point cf. Mn. cf. Āp. cf. MBh. &c. [ 563,2 ] (5) conclusion, end, termination, death (ifc. ` ending with ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) asking, begging cf. L. (7) trouble, distress cf. L. (8) (in gram.) N. of the p. p. affixes [ ta ] and [ tavat ] (9) (in dram.) the end or catastrophe cf. W. (10) [ -gata ] mfn. gone to or attaining perfection (11) m. pl. a class of cf. Buddh. deities cf. Lalit. (12) [ -nta ] ([ °Th^anta ]), m. end, conclusion cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (v. l. [ diST^anta ]) (13) [ -va ] mfn. concluding, deciding cf. AitBr. (14) [ -vat ] mfn. perfect, complete, consummate cf. R. (15) [ -zUnya ] mfn. devoid of firmness, unsteady, irresolute, Mālatīm. 2

===> [ niSThA ]3[ ni-STh'A ] (cf. Padap. [ niH-SThA ]), mfn. excelling, eminent cf. RV.

===> niṣṭhīvana [ niSThIvana ]3[ ni-SThIvana ] n. spitting, saliva cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (1) [ -zarAva ] m. spitting-box, spittoon cf. Bhartṛ

===> no [ no ]1[ n^'o ] ind. (fr. 2. [ n'a ] + [ u ]) and not cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (in later language also = [ na ], ` not ', for which it is generally used to suit the verse (1) [ n^o c^ed ], under [ c^ed ] (2) [ n^o vA ] ` or not ')

===> nodana [ nodana ]2[ nodana ] mfn. driving away, removing cf. Kāvyâd (1) n. = [ noda ] cf. BhP. (2) impelling, impulse cf. ib.

===> nodita [ nodita ]2[ nodita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) incited, impelled cf. ib.

===> nu [ nu ]1[ n'u ]1 (in cf. RV. also [ n'U ] (1) esp. at the beginning of a verse, where often = [ n'u ] + [ u ]), ind. now, still, just, at once (2) so now, now then cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. Up. (3) indeed, certainly, surely cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 121 cf. Sch. (often connected with other particles, esp. with negatives, e. g. [ nah'i n'u ], ` by no means ', [ n'akir n'u ], no one or nothing at all ', [ m'A n'u ], ` in order that surely not ' [ 567,2 ] (5) often also [ gha nu ], [ ha nu ], [ in nu ], [ nu kam ] &c. [ [ n'U cit ], either ` for ever, evermore (6) at once, forthwith ' or, never, never more (7) so also [ nU ] alone cf. RV. vii, 100, 1 ] (8) with relat. = -cunque or -soever (9) sometimes it lays stress upon a preceding word, esp. an interr. pronoun or particle, and is then often connected with [ khalu ] cf. RV. &c. &c. (10) it is also employed in questions, esp. in sentences of two or more clauses [ cf. cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 98 cf. Kāś. ] where [ nu ] is either always repeated [ cf. Śak. vi, 9 ] or omitted in the first place [ ib. i, 8 ] or in the second place and further replaced by [ svid ], [ yadi vA ] &c., and strengthened by [ vA ], [ atha vA ] &c.) [ Cf. 1. [ n'ava ], [ n'Utana ], [ nUn'am ] ; Zd. [ nū ] (11) Gk. [ 567,2 ] ? ; Lat. [ nun-c ] ; Germ. [ nu ], [ nun ] ; Angl. Sax. [ nu ], [ nū ] ; Eng. [ now ]. ]

===> [ nu ]1[ nu ]2 m. a weapon cf. L. (1) time cf. L.

===> [ nu ]1[ nu ]3 cl. 1. Ā. [ navate ] ([ nauti ] with [ apa ]), to go cf. Naigh. ii, 14: Caus. [ nAvayati ], to move from the place, remove cf. ṢaḍvBr.

===> [ nu ]1[ nu ]4 or [ nU ], cl. 2. 6. P. (Dhāt. xxiv, 26 ; xxviii, 104) [ nauti ], [ nuvati ], (pres. also [ n'avate ], [ °ti ] cf. RV. &c. (1) p. P. [ nuv'at ], [ n'avat ] Ā. [ n'avamAna ] cf. RV. (2) pf. [ nunAva ] cf. Kāv

---> aor. [ 'anUnot ], [ 'anUSi ], [ °Sata ], [ anaviSTa ] cf. RV. (3) [ anauSit ], [ anAvit ], [ anuvIt ] Gr. (4) fut. [ naviSyati ], [ nuv° ] (5) [ navitA ], [ nuv° ] cf. ib. (6) ind. p. [ -nutya ], [ -nAvam ] cf. Br. (7) inf. [ lavitum ], v. l. [ nuv° ] cf. Bhaṭṭ.), to sound, shout, exult (8) praise, commend cf. RV. &c. &c. : Pass. [ nUyate ] cf. MBh. &c. : Caus. [ nAvayati ] aor. [ anUnavat ] Gr. : Desid. [ nunUSati ] cf. ib. (9) Desid. of Caus. [ nunAvayiSati ] cf. ib. : Intens. [ n'onavIti ], [ nonumas ] (impf. [ anonavur ] Subj. [ n'avInot ] (10) pf. [ n'onAva ], [ nonuvur ] cf. RV. (11) [ nonUyate ], [ nonoti ] Gr.), to sound loudly, roar, thunder cf. RV.

===> [ nu ]2[ nu ]5 m. praise, eulogium cf. L.

===> [ nu ]1[ nu ]6 Caus. [ nAvayati ], to cause to be drawn into the nose cf. Car. (cf. 3 [ nava ])

===> [ nu ]1[ nu ]7 (ifc.) = [ nau ], a ship cf. BhP.

===> nuda [ nuda ]3[ nuda ] mfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (ifc. or with acc.)

===> nyagrodha [ nyagrodha ]3[ nyag-rodha ] m. (√ [ rudh ] = [ ruh ]), growing downwards ' the Banyan or Indian fig-tree, Ficus Indica (it belongs to the [ kSIra-vRkSas ], q. v. (1) fibres descend from its branches to the earth and there take root and form new stems) cf. AV. &c. &c. (2) Prosopis Spicigera or Mimosa Suma cf. L. (3) a fathom (measured by the arms extended) cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. BhP. (5) of a son of Ugra-sena (also [ °dhaka ]) cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (6) of a Brāhman, a monastery and a village cf. Lalit. (7) ([ A ]), f. Salvinia Cucullata or some other plant cf. Car. (8) ([ i ] or [ °dhikA ]), f. id. cf. L. (9) [ -kSIra ] n. the milky juice of the Indian fig-tree cf. Suśr. (10) [ -parimaNDala ] mfn. being a fathom in circumference cf. MatsyaP. (11) [ °la-tA ] f. the having a waist like a fig-tree, (with cf. Buddh. one of the 32 signs of perfection cf. Dharmas. 83) (12) ([ A ]), f. an elegant woman cf. L. (13) [ -pAda ] m. N. of a man (14) [ °dhaka ] mfn. g. [ Rzy^adi ] (cf. also above) (15) [ °dhika ], and [ °dhin ] mfn. g. [ kumud^adi ] and [ pr^ekS^adi ]

===> nyarbuda [ nyarbuda ]1[ ny-'arbuda ] n. one hundred millions cf. AV. &c.

===> nyasana [ nyasana ]3[ ny-asana ] n. putting down, depositing, placing, arranging cf. Sāh (1) bringing forward, mentioning cf. Kāvyâd

===> nyasta [ nyasta ]3[ ny-asta ] mfn. thrown or cast or laid down, put, placed, fixed, inserted, applied, deposited, committed (1) given up, resigned cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (2) stretched out, lying cf. R. (3) exposed ([ krayAya ], for sale) cf. L. (4) mystically touched, Mālatīm. v, 2 (5) put on, donned cf. ib. 22 (6) having the low tone (as a vowel) cf. RPrāt. (7) short cf. Śrutab (8) [ -cihna ] mf ([ A ]) n. one who has relinquished one's marks or characteristics, destitute of external signs cf. Ragh. ii, 7 (9) [ -daNDa ] mfn. ` one who has laid down the rod ', meek, harmless cf. R. (10) [ -deha ] mfn. ` one who has laid down the body ', dead cf. ib. (11) [ -zastra ] mfn. ` one who has laid down the weapons, averse from strife, peaceful cf. Mn. iii, 192 (12) m. the Pitṛs or deified progenitors cf. L. (13) [ -vAda ] mfn. one who has ceased to speak, ceasing to speak about ([ prati ]) cf. Hariv. (14) [ °t^artvijya ] mfn. where the Ṛtvij have laid down their office cf. ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> nyāma [ nyAma ]1[ nyAma ] m. = [ ni-yAma ], [ ni-yama ] cf. L.

===> nyāsa [ nyAsa ]1[ ny-Asa ] &c. under [ ny-as ]

===> nyāya [ nyAya ]1[ ny-Ay'a ] m. (fr. 4. [ ni ]) that into which a thing goes back i. e. an original type, standard, method, rule, (esp.) a general or universal rule, model, axiom, system, plan, manner, right or fit manner or way, fitness, propriety cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ nyAyena ] and [ °yAt ], ind. either ` in the right manner, regularly, duly ', or ifc. ` after the manner of, by way of ') (1) a lawsuit, legal proceeding, judicial sentence, judgment cf. Mṛcch. cf. Pañc (2) a logical or syllogistic argument or inference (consisting of a combination of enthymeme and syllogism, and so having, according to the Naiyāyikas 5 members, viz. [ pratijJA ], [ hetu ], [ udAharaNa ], [ upanaya ], [ nigamana ], or according to the Vedāntins 3 members) (3) a system of philosophy delivered by Gotama or Gautama (it is one of the six [ darzanas ], q. v., and is perhaps so called, because it ` goes into ' all subjects physical and metaphysical according to the above syllogistic method treated of in one division of the system (4) its branch is called Vaiśeshika) (5) likeness, analogy, a popular maxim or apposite illustration (cf. [ kAk^akSi- ], [ ghuN^akSara- ], [ daND^apUpa ]. &c.) (6) ([ am ]), ind. after a finite verb expresses either censure or repetition cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 27

===> nyāya-praveśa [ nyAyapraveza ]3[ ny-Ay'a-praveza ] m. ([ -tAraka-zAstra ] n.) N. of wks.

===> nyāyatas [ nyAyatas ]3[ ny-Ay'a-tas ] ind. in a fitting manner, as is fit or proper, according to right or justice cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. R.

===> nyāyya [ nyAyya ]2[ nyAyya ] mf ([ A ]) n. regular, customary, usual, correct, right, fit, proper (often with an infin. which then has a pass. sense) cf. Lāṭy. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) also w. r. for [ nyAya ]. [ -tva ] n. fitness, propriety, Kaiy

===> nyūna [ nyUna ]1[ ny-'Una ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ ni ] with [ Una ]) less, diminished, defective, deficient (opp. to [ ati-rikta ], [ adhika ], [ pUrNa ]), destitute or deprived of (instr. or comp.), inferior to (abl.) cf. Br. cf. GṛŚrS. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) (with [ pAdaiH ]) having a defect in the feet cf. BhP. (2) low, vile, base, mean cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Pur. (3) ([ am ]) ind. less cf. Hariv. cf. Var (4) n. euphem. = vulva cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. (5) want or omission of one of the 5 members in a Nyāya argument cf. Nyāyas

===> nyūnatara [ nyUnatara ]3[ ny-'Una-tara ] mfn. falling below a standard cf. Divyâv (1) ([ am ]), ind. still less cf. Var (2) lower or deeper cf. MārkP.

===> nyūnatva [ nyUnatva ]3[ ny-'Una-tva ] n. (cf. Madhus.) inferiority to (abl.) (1) want, deficiency, incompleteness

===> nyūnatā [ nyUnatA ]3[ ny-'Una-tA ] f. (cf. MBh. &c.),

===> nânyatra [ nAnyatra ]3[ n^anyatra ] ind. except (with acc. or abl.) cf. Divyâv

===> nâsti [ nAsti ]3[ n^asti ] ind. ([ na ] + [ asti ]) it is, not, there is not (1) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. non-existence cf. Śaṃk (2) [ -mUrti ] mfn. incorporeal, Naish (3) [ -vAda ] m. assertion of non-existence, atheism cf. Hariv.

===> nâstika [ nAstika ]3[ n^astika ] mf ([ I ]) n. atheistical, infidel (1) m. an atheist or unbeliever (opp. to [ ^astika ], q. v.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) [ -tA ] f. (cf. MW.), [ -tva ] n. (cf. W.) disbelief, atheism (3) [ °kya ] n. id. (with [ karmaNAm ], denying the consequence of works) cf. Mn. iii, 65 (4) [ -mata ] n. an atheistical opinion cf. MW. (5) [ -vRtti ] mfn. leading the life of an atheist or receiving sustenance from an atheist cf. Viṣṇ

===> [ nAstika ]1[ n^astika ] &c. under 2. [ n'a ]

===> nābhi [ nAbhi ]2[ n'Abhi ] f. (prob. fr. √ 1. [ nabh ], ` to burst asunder or into a hole ' (1) ifc. f. [ i ] or [ I ] cf. Vām. v, 49) the navel (also navel-string, cf. [ -kRntana ]), a navel-like cavity cf. RV. &c. &c. (in later language also m. and [ °bhI ] f.) (2) the nave of a wheel cf. ib. (also m. cf. L., and [ °bhI ] f.) (3) centre, central point, point of junction or of departure, home, origin, esp. common origin, affinity, relationship (4) a near relation or friend cf. ib. (m. cf. L.) (5) musk: (= [ mRra-n° ]) cf. L. (6) m. or f. musk-deer cf. Megh. 53 (?) cf. BhP. (7) m. a chief (= central point) of (gen.) cf. Ragh. xviii, 19 (cf. [ maNDala-nAbhi-tA ]) (8) a sovereign or lord paramount (= [ mukhya-rAj ]) cf. L. (9) a Kshatriya cf. L. (10) N. of a grandson of Priya-vrata (son of Agnidhra and father of Ṛshabha) cf. Pur. (11) of the father of Ṛshabha (first Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi) cf. L. [ Cf. Angl. Sax. [ nafu ], [ nafela ] ; Germ. [ naba ], [ Nabe ], [ nabolo ], [ Nabel ] ; Eng. [ nave ], [ navel ]. ]

===> nāda [ nAda ]1[ nAd'a ] m. (√ [ nad ]) a loud sound, roaring, bellowing, crying cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) any sound or tone cf. Prāt. cf. R. &c. (= [ zabda ] cf. L.) (2) (in the Yoga) the nasal sound repressented by a semicircle and used as an abbreviation in mystical words cf. BhP. (3) a praiser (= [ stotR ]) cf. Naigh. iii, 16

===> nādika [ nAdika ]1[ nAdika ] m. N. of a country cf. Buddh.

===> nādita [ nAdita ]2[ nAdita ] mfn. made to resound (1) ifc. sounding with, reverberant cf. MBh. &c. (2) n. sound, noise cf. ib.

===> nāga [ nAga ]1[ nAg'a ] m. (prob. neither fr. [ na-ga ] nor fr. [ nagna ]) a snake, (esp.) Coluber Naga cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (f. [ 'I ] cf. Suparṇ.) a Nāga or serpent-demon (the race of Kadru or Su-rasā inhabiting the waters or the city Bhoga-vatī under the earth (2) they are supposed to have a human face with serpent-like lower extremities [ see esp. Nag. v, 17 cf. RTL. 233 &c. ] (3) their kings are Śesha, Vāsuki, and Takshaka cf. ib. 323 ; 7 or 8 of the Nāgas are particularly mentioned cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) with Buddhists they are also represented as ordinary men cf. MWB. 220) [ 533,1 ] (5) N. of the numbers 7 (cf. Sūryas.) or 8 (cf. Hcat.) (6) a cruel man cf. L. (7) one of the 5 airs of the human body (which is expelled by eructation) cf. Vedântas (8) (sg. also collect.) an elephant (f. [ I ] ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. Kāv. cf. BhP. etc (9) the best or most excellent of any kind (ifc.) cf. L. (cf. [ RSabha ], [ vyAghra ] &c.) (10) shark cf. L. (11) cloud cf. L. (12) N. of sev. plants (Mesua Roxburghī, Rottlera Tinctoria &c.) cf. L. (13) N. of a serpent-demon cf. VP. (14) of a Sādhya cf. Hariv. (15) of a teacher cf. Buddh. (16) of a dynasty of 9 or 10 princes cf. VP. (17) of sev. authors (also [ -zarman ] and [ -bhaTTa ]) cf. Col. (18) of sev. other men cf. Rājat (19) of a mountain cf. Pur. (20) of a district cf. L. (21) = [ -danta ] (below) cf. L. (22) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. N. of sev. women cf. Rājat (23) ([ I ]), f. N. of a metre cf. Col. (cf. above) (24) n. (m. cf. L.) tin, lead cf. Bhpr. (25) a kind of talc cf. ib. (26) a kind of coitus cf. L. (27) N. of the 3rd invariable Karaṇa (s. v.) cf. Sūryas. cf. Var (28) of the effects of that period on anything happening during it cf. W. (29) of a district of Bhārata-varsha cf. Gol. (30) mf ([ A ], or [ I ]) n. formed of snakes, relating to serpents or serpents-demons, snaky, serpentine, serpent-like cf. MBh. &c. (with [ Asana ] n. a partic. attitude in sitting cf. Cat. (31) [ A ] f. [ scil. [ vIthI ] ] = [ nAga-v° ], below cf. Var.) (32) belonging to an elephant, elephantine (as urine) cf. Suśr.

===> nāga-bala [ nAgabala ]3[ nAg'a-bala ] m. ` having the strength of an elephant, N. of Bhima cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. Uraria Lagopodioides cf. Suśr. (2) Sida Spinosa cf. L. (3) n. a partic. high number cf. Lalit.

===> nāga-bandha [ nAgabandha ]3[ nAg'a-bandha ] m. a snake as a chain or fetter cf. Kathās (1) N. of a metre resembling the coilings of a snake cf. Pratāp. (cf. [ -pAza ])

===> nāga-bandhaka [ nAgabandhaka ]3[ nAg'a-bandhaka ] m. elephant-catcher cf. L.

===> nāga-dantaka [ nAgadantaka ]3[ nAg'a-dantaka ] m. = [ -danta ] m. cf. Var. cf. Hit. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. Tragia Involucrata cf. L.

===> nāga-hrada [ nAgahrada ]3[ nAg'a-hrada ] m. a lake inhabited by snakes or serpentdemons cf. R.

===> nāga-kanyā [ nAgakanyA ]3[ nAg'a-kanyA ] (cf. Kāraṇḍ.), f. a serpent-virgin (cf. cf. MWB. 220 cf. RTL. 233)

===> nāga-keśa [ nAgakeza ]3[ nAg'a-keza ] m. N. of a minister of king Nāg^eśa cf. Buddh.

===> nāga-kumāra [ nAgakumAra ]3[ nAg'a-kumAra ] m. prince of the serpent-demons cf. Divyâv (1) pl. N. of a class of deities among the Bhavan^adh7iśas guarding the treasures of Kubera cf. L. (2) ([ I ]), f. Rubia Munjista cf. L. (3) (also [ °rikA ]) Cocculus Cordifolius cf. L.

===> nāga-maṇḍalika [ nAgamaNDalika ]3[ nAg'a-maNDalika ] m. a keeper or catcher of snakes cf. L.

===> nāga-pāla [ nAgapAla ]3[ nAg'a-pAla ] m. N. of a man cf. Rājat (1) of a prince of Sāśikya cf. Daś

===> nāga-raṅga [ nAgaraGga ]3[ nAg'a-raGga ] and m. an orange-tree, Śrikaṇṭh. cf. L.

===> nāga-rāja [ nAgarAja ]3[ nAg'a-rAja ] m. id. cf. ib. (also [ °jan ]) (1) a large or noble elephant cf. ib. (2) N. of an author (also [ -kezava ]) (3) [ -nATka ] n. [ -paddhati ] f. [ -zataka ] n. N. of wks. (4) [ jAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to become a serpent-king cf. Vās

===> nāga-sena [ nAgasena ]3[ nAg'a-sena ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. Sthavira cf. MWB. 141 ; 192, n. lx (1) of a king of Āryā-varta and contemporary of Samudra-gupta cf. Inscr.

===> nāga-vṛkṣa [ nAgavRkSa ]3[ nAg'a-vRkSa ] m. a kind of tree cf. R. (cf. [ -ruka ])

===> nāgaraka [ nAgaraka ]2[ nAgaraka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. living in a town (opp. to [ AraNyaka ]) cf. L. (1) clever, cunning cf. L. (2) m. a citizen cf. L. (3) chief of a town, police-officer, Sak. (v. l. for [ °rika ]) applied to planets opposed to each other cf. Var. (cf. [ nAgara-nRpati ] and [ -yAyi-graha ]) (4) an artist cf. W. (5) a thief. cf. W. (6) ([ ikA ]) f. N. of a female slave cf. Mālav (7) n. dry ginger cf. Suśr. (8) a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> nāgâdhipati [ nAgAdhipati ]3[ nAg^adhipati ] m. ` id. ', N. of Virūḍhaka cf. L.

===> nāgâhvaya [ nAgAhvaya ]3[ nAg^ahvaya ] (with [ pura ]), n. = prec. n. (cf. [ nAga-s^av° ]) cf. MBh. (1) m. a kind of plant cf. R. (2) N. of Tathāgata-bhadra cf. L.

===> nāgârjuna [ nAgArjuna ]3[ nAg^arjuna ] m. N. of an ancient cf. Buddh. teacher of the rank of a Bodhi-sattvi cf. MWB. 192 (1) ([ -carita ], [ -jAtaka ], [ -tAntra ], [ °nIya ] and [ °nIya-dharma-zAstra ] n. N. of wks.) (2) ([ I ]), f. of a rock-cavern cf. Inscr.

===> nāgâvalokita [ nAgAvalokita ]3[ nAg^avalokita ] n. elephant look (turning the whole body, as a mark of Buddha) cf. Divyâv

===> nāgī [ nAgI ]2[ nAgI ]1 f. of [ nAga ]

===> [ nAgI ]2[ nAgI ]2 in comp. for [ nAga ]. root

===> nāla [ nAla ]1[ nAla ] mfn. (fr. [ nala ], cf. [ nADa ]) consisting or made of reeds cf. BhP. (1) m. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]), f. ([ A ], or [ I ] cf. L.) and n. a hollow stalk, (esp.) of the lotus cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) any tube or tubular vessel or vein &c. of the body cf. ib. (3) m. or n. the navel-string cf. Gobh. cf. Sch. (4) m. N. of a poet cf. Cat. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh. cf. VP. (v. l. [ nIlA ]) (6) ([ I ]), f. an instrument for perforating an elephant's ear cf. L. (7) the stalk of a pot-herb cf. L. (8) a piece of metal on which the hours are struck = [ ghaTI ] cf. W. (9) a lotus-flower, L: (cf. [ nAlIka ]) (10) n. the urethra cf. Suśr. (11) a handle (only mf[ [ A ] ]n. ifc.) cf. MBh. vii, 75 (12) a partic. ornament on a chariot cf. R. vi, 75, 28 (13) yellow orpiment cf. L.

===> nālanda [ nAlanda ]1[ nAlanda ] m. N. of a village near Rāja-gṛha containing a celebrated cf. Buddh. monastery cf. MWB. 169 &c.

===> nāma [ nAma ]1[ n'Ama ]1 ind. (acc. of [ n'Aman ]) by name i. e. named, called cf. RV. &c. &c. (also with [ nAmatas ] and [ nAmnA ]) (1) indeed, certainly, really, of course cf. ib. (2) quasi, only in appearance cf. Jātakam (3) however, nevertheless cf. ib. (4) after an interr. = then, pray, e. g. [ kiM n° ], [ kathaM n° ], [ kadA ] nevertheless, what then? pray, what? &c. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) after an Impv. = may it be so, no matter, e. g. cf. Śak. v, 8 (6) [ api n° ] at the beginning of a sentence = perhaps, I dare say, e. g. [ apy eSa nAma phalam icchati ], this man wants perhaps a reward cf. Mṛcch. viii, 25 (7) with Pot. often = would that, e. g. [ api nAma^ivaM syAt ], would that it were so cf. Vikr. v, 19/20 (8) opp. to [ mA n° ] with Pot. would that not, I should think not, e. g. [ mA nAma akAsyaM kuryAt ], I hope he will not do something wrong cf. Mṛcch. iii, 26

===> [ nAma ]2[ nAma ]2 in comp. for [ nAman ], q. v. (sometimes ifc. as in [ satya- ], q. v.)

===> nāma-dheya [ nAmadheya ]3[ nAma-dh'eya ] n. a name, title, appellation (often ifc. (1) cf. [ kiM-n° ], [ puM-n° ] &c.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) the ceremony of giving a name to a child cf. Mn. ii, 123 (also [ -karaNa ] n. cf. Gobh.) (3) [ -tas ] ind. by name cf. MW. (4) [ -pAda-kaustubha ] m. or n. N. of wk.

===> nāma-grahaṇa [ nAmagrahaNa ]3[ nAma-grahaNa ] n. (ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. &c.),

===> nāma-mātra [ nAmamAtra ]3[ nAma-mAtra ] mfn. = having only the name of (nom.) cf. Pañc. i, 87 (1) n. the mere name cf. Śak. cf. Pañc (2) ([ eNa ]) ind. nominally, merely cf. MW. (3) [ tr^avazeSita ] mfn. having only the name left i. e. dead cf. R.

===> nāma-pada [ nAmapada ]3[ nAma-pada ] n. name cf. BhP.

===> nāma-rūpa [ nAmarUpa ]3[ nAma-rUp'a ] ii. du. name and form cf. Br. cf. Up. &c. ([ °p^atmaka ] mfn.) (1) -individual being cf. MWB. 102

===> nāmaka [ nAmaka ]2[ nAmaka ]1 mf ([ ikA ]) n. ifc. = [ nAman ], name cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ aGghri ]., [ kRta- ] &c.)

===> nāman [ nAman ]2[ n'Aman ] n. (prob. neither fr. √ [ jJA ] nor fr. √ [ mnA ] [ cf. Uṛt. iv, 150 ] (1) ifc. f. either = m. or [ °mnI ]) a characteristic mark or sign, form, nature, kind, manner cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. (2) name, appellation cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) personal name (as opp. to [ gotre ], family name (4) cf. [ nama-gotra ] above) cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 23 (often ifc. = named, called, e. g. [ viSNu-zarma-nAmA paNDitah ], a sage named Viṣṇu) (5) merely the name (as opp. to reality (6) cf. [ nAma-dhAraka ], [ -mAtra ], [ -zeSa ] &c.), a noun (as opp. to a verb) cf. Nir. cf. Prāt. (7) substance, essence (in the Mimiṃsā phil. opp. to [ guNa ], accidental quality) (8) a good or great name, renown, fame (only ifc. (9) cf. [ zva- ], [ sum'antu- ]) (10) water cf. Naigh. i, 11 (11) [ n'AmnA ] ind. by name (also joined with 1. [ nAma ]) (12) with √ [ kR ] (Kav.) or [ vi-dhA ] (cf. Kathās.) to call by a name (13) [ nAma ] (q. v.) with √ [ grabh ] ([ grah ]) to mention or address by name cf. RV. &c. &c. (14) with √ [ bhR ], to bear or have a name cf. ib. (15) with √ [ kR ] (cf. Br. cf. Mn. &c.), √ [ dA ] or [ dhA ] (GṛS), to give a name call. [ Cf. Zd. [ nāman ] (16) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ no1men ] ; Goth. [ namo1 ] ; [ 536,2 ] Germ. [ namo ] &c. (17) Eng. name. ]

===> nāmatas [ nAmatas ]2[ nAmatas ] ind. = abl. of [ nAman ] cf. BhP. v, 12, 8 (1) by name, namely (often with 1. [ nAma ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) with √ [ kR ], to give a person (acc.) a name, call by the name of (acc.) cf. MBh. (3) with √ [ prach ], to inquire after the name of (acc.) cf. Śak. vii, 20/21

===> nāmatika [ nAmatika ]1[ nAmatika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. 2. [ namata ]) dressed in woollen cloth cf. L.

===> nānâkāra [ nAnAkAra ]3[ n'AnA-kAra ] ([ °n^ak° ]), mfn. manifold, various cf. Var. cf. Rājat

===> nānârtha [ nAnArtha ]3[ n'AnA-rtha ] ([ °n^ar° ]), mfn. having a different aim or object cf. KaṭhUp. (1) containing some other sense (as a new sentence) cf. VPrāt. (2) having different meanings (as a word of different meanings), Gr. cf. L. (3) [ -koza ] m. [ -dhvani-maJjarI ] f. [ -maJjarI ] f. [ -ratna-tilaka ] m. or n. [ -ratna-mAlA ] f. [ -zabda-koza ] m. [ -zabdaratna ] n. [ -zabd^anuzAsana ] n. [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of dictionaries (4) [ -saMdigdh^artha-vicAra ] m. N. of a Nyāya wk.

===> nānā [ nAnA ]1[ n'AnA ]1 ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 27 (1) g. [ svarAdi ]) differently, variously, distinctly, separately, (often used as an adj. = various, different, distinct from [ with instr., e. g. [ vizvaM na ] [ nAnA ] [ zambhunA ], ` the Universe is not distinct from Śambhunā ' cf. Vop (2) rarely mfn. e. g. [ nArISu nAnAsu ] cf. Pañcar. ] esp. in comp. (3) cf. below) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) [ -vinA ], without (with instr., abl. or acc.) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 32

===> nānā-bhāva [ nAnAbhAva ]3[ n'AnA-bhAva ] mf ([ A ]) n. various, manifold cf. Vajracch.

===> nānā-deśa [ nAnAdeza ]3[ n'AnA-deza ] m. sg. different regions or countries cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) [ °zIya ] (cf. Hcar.) or [ °zya ] (cf. MBh.), mfn. coming from different countries (as princes)

===> nānā-dhātu [ nAnAdhAtu ]3[ n'AnA-dhAtu ] (in comp.), various minerals or gramm. roots (1) [ -prckriyA ] f. N. of a gramm. wk. (2) [ -zata ] n. a hundred various minerals cf. MW. (3) [ -samAkIrna ] mfn. filled with various minerals cf. ib.

===> nānā-karaṇa [ nAnAkaraNa ]3[ n'AnA-karaNa ] n. variation cf. Divyâv

===> nānā-prakāra [ nAnAprakAra ]3[ n'AnA-prakAra ] mfn. various, manifold cf. R. cf. Suśr.

===> nānā-saṃvāsika [ nAnAsaMvAsika ]3[ n'AnA-saMvAsika ] mfn. living in different places, belonging to different communities cf. Buddh.

===> nānā-vidha [ nAnAvidha ]3[ n'AnA-v'idha ] mfn. of various sorts, multiform, manifold cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -zAnti ] f. N. of wk.

===> nānātva [ nAnAtva ]3[ n'AnA-tva ] n. difference, variety, manifoldness cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -vAda-tattva ] n. N. of wk.

===> nāpita [ nApita ]1[ nApit'a ] m. (cf. Uṇ. ili, 87 [ n'Ap° ] √ [ snA ]?) a barber, shaver cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚrGṛS. cf. Mn. &c. cf. RTL. 374, 459 (1) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a barber. (Cf. [ vaptR ].)

===> nāpita-bhāṇḍa [ nApitabhANDa ]3[ nApit'a-bhANDa ] n. shaving tackle cf. L.

===> nāra [ nAra ]1[ nAr'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ nara ]) relating to or proceeding from men, human, mortal cf. Mn. cf. Kāv (1) spiritual (?) cf. W. (2) m. a man cf. TĀr. (v. l.) (3) (pl.) water (also sg. n. and [ A ] f. cf. L.) cf. Mn. i, 10 (prob. invented to explain [ nArAyaNa ]) (4) = [ nArAyaNa ] cf. L. (5) a calf cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. [ nArI ] (7) n. a multitude of men cf. L. (8) dry ginger cf. L.

===> [ nAra ]1[ n'Ara ] ka, mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ naraka ]) relating to hell, hellish, infernal (1) (with [ lok'a ]), m. hell cf. AV. (also [ nArak'a ] m. cf. VS.) (2) m. inhabitant of hell cf. Pur.

===> nārada [ nArada ]1[ n'Arada ] or [ nArad'a ] m. N. of a Rishi (a Kāṇva or Kāśyapa, author of cf. RV. viii, 13 ; ix, 104 ; 105 cf. Anukr. (1) as a Devarshi often associated with Parvata and supposed to be a messenger between gods and men cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) among the 10 Prajā-patis as a son of Brahmā cf. Mn. i, 35 (3) in later mythology he is a friend of Kṛshṇa and is regarded as inventor of the Viṇā or lute (4) in ep. poetry he is called a Deva-gandharva or a Gandharva-rāja or simply Gandharva) (5) of a son of Viśvā-mitra cf. MBh. (6) of one of the 24 mythic. Buddhas cf. MWB. 136 (7) of sev. men cf. Lalit. cf. HPariś (8) of sev. authors cf. Cat. (cf. below) (9) of a mountain cf. BhP. (10) ([ A ]), f. the root of sugar-cane cf. L. (11) mf ([ I ]) n. relating to Nārada, composed by him cf. Cat.

===> nārāca [ nArAca ]1[ nArAca ] m. (fr. ?) an iron arrow, any arrow cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ ardha- ]) (1) water-elephant (= [ jal^ebha ]) cf. L. (2) a bad or cloudy day (?) cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a goldsmith's scales (4) n. a kind of metre cf. Col. (cf. [ nar° ]) (5) a partic. medicament cf. Car.

===> nārāyaṇa [ nArAyaNa ]1[ nArAyaNa ] above

===> nārāyaṇāya [ nArAyaNAya ]2[ nArAyaNAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to be or act like Nārāyaṇa cf. Pañc

===> nārī [ nArI ]2[ n'ArI ] f. (of [ °r'a ], q. v.) a woman, a wife (in older language also [ n'Ari ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a female or any object regarded as feminine cf. VS. cf. TĀr. (2) sacrifice cf. Naigh (3) N. of a daughter of Meru cf. BhP. (4) of 2 kinds of metre cf. Col.

===> [ nArI ]1[ n'ArI ] f. above

===> nāsikâgra [ nAsikAgra ]3[ n'AsikA-gra ] ([ °k^ag° ]), n. the point of the nose cf. Bhag. ([ -tas ], ind.)

===> nāsikā [ nAsikA ]2[ n'AsikA ] f. a nostril (1) (older du.) the nose cf. RV. &c, &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] or [ I ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 55) (2) the proboscis of an elephant cf. BhP. (3) = [ nAsA-dAru ] cf. L. (4) N. of Aśvinī (mother of the two Aśvins) cf. L.

===> nāsira [ nAsira ]1[ nAsira ] or [ nAsIra ] n. the van of an army cf. Kād. cf. Hcar. (1) m. a champion who advances before the line cf. L.

===> nāsā [ nAsA ]2[ n'AsA ] f. the nose (either du., e. g. cf. AV. v, 23, 3, or sg. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ifc. f. [ A ] cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.) (2) proboscis (cf. [ gaja-n° ]) (3) = [ -dAru ] (below) cf. L. (4) Gendarussa Vulgaris cf. L. (cf. 3. [ nas ] and [ nAsikA ])

===> nāsā-puṭa [ nAsApuTa ]3[ n'AsA-puTa ] m. wing of the nose, nostril cf. ib. cf. Var. cf. Hcat. [ maryAdA ] f. septum of the nose cf. Suśr.

===> nātha [ nAtha ]2[ nAtha ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> nāthavat [ nAthavat ]3[ nAtha-vat ] ind. like a king cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. (1) as towards a king cf. R. 2

===> [ nAthavat ]3[ nAtha-vat ] mfn. having a kind, possessing kind cf. MBh. ([ vati ], ind. in the presence of kind cf. Āpast.) (1) having a bad kind cf. L. (2) m. N. of a son of Dyutimat cf. VP. (3) ([ vatI ]), f. N. of the wife of the Gandharva Devaprabha cf. Kathās

===> nāva [ nAva ]1[ nAv'a ]1 m. (√ -4. [ nu ]) a shout of joy or triumph cf. RV.

===> [ nAva ]1[ nAva ]2 = [ nau ], a boat, a ship (in comp., f. [ ardha-n° ], [ dvi-n° ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 99, 100) ; ([ 'A ]), f. id. cf. RV. i, 97, 8

===> nāvika [ nAvika ]2[ nAvika ] mf ([ I ]) n. belonging to a ship or boat cf. W. (1) m. a helmsman, pilot, sailor (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) n. N. of a Sāman

===> nāyaka [ nAyaka ]2[ nAyaka ] m. a guide, leader, chief, lord, principal cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (with or scil. [ sainyasya ], a general, commander (1) ifc. f. [ akA ], cf. a. [ nAyaka ]) (2) a husband cf. BhP. (3) (in dram.) the lover or hero (4) the central gem of a necklace (implying also ` a general ', cf. [ nAyakAya ] and [ mahA-nAyaka ]) (5) a paradigm or example (in gram.) (6) N. of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh. (7) of a Brāhman cf. Rājat (8) of an author (also [ bhaTTa-n° ]) cf. Cat. (9) m. or n. a kind of musk cf. L. (cf. [ nAyikA-cUrNa ]) (10) ([ ikA ]), f. [ nAyikA ] (11) [ -tva ] n. leadership cf. R.

===> nāśa [ nAza ]1[ nAza ]1 m. (√ 1[ naz ]) attainment ([ dUN° ])

===> [ nAza ]1[ nAza ]2 m. (√ 2. [ naz ]) the being lost, loss, disappearance, destruction, annihilation, ruin, death cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. destroying, annihilating, cf. [ karma-nAzA ], [ graha-nAta ], [ duH-svapnaṇ° ]) (1) flight, desertion cf. W. (2) (arithm.) elimination cf. ib. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river near Benares cf. L.

===> nāśaka [ nAzaka ]2[ nAzaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. destroying, annihilating, removing (with gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ ku-n° ], [ kRta-n° ]) (1) wasting, prodigal of (cf. [ artha-n° ])

===> nāśana [ nAzana ]2[ nAzana ] mf ([ I ]) n. destroying &c. = prec. (with gen. or ifc.) cf. VS. cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. destruction, removal (2) causing to be lost or perish, Apast. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) forgetting ([ adh^itasya ]) cf. Yājñ. iii, 228

===> nāśanīya [ nAzanIya ]3[ nAzanIya ] n. (scil. [ karman ]) expulsion from the order cf. Buddh.

===> nāśita [ nAzita ]2[ nAzita ] mfn. destroyed, ruined, lost cf. Yājñ. (1) banished, expulsed, an outcast (next)

===> nāśita-saṃgraha [ nAzitasaMgraha ]3[ nAzita-saMgraha ] m. intercourse with an outcast cf. Buddh.

===> nāḍa [ nADa ]1[ nADa ] n. (fr. [ naDa ]) = [ nAla ], a hollow stalk cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a partic. verse cf. Vait

===> nāḍi [ nADi ]2[ nADi ]1 m. the son of Naḍa cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 99 cf. Kāś

===> [ nADi ]2[ nADi ]2 f. any tube or pipe, (esp.) a tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) cf. BhP. (cf. [ nADI ])

===> nāḍī [ nADI ]2[ nAD'I ] f. (fr. [ nADa ] nom. [ °D'Is ] cf. RV. x, 135, 7) the tubular stalk of any plant or any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) (1) any pipe or tube cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a flute cf. RV. cf. Kāṭh (3) the box of a wheel cf. TS. cf. Kāṭh (4) a fistulous sore cf. Suśr. (5) the pulse cf. W. (6) any hole or crevice cf. Kathās (7) a sort of bent grass (= [ gaNDa-dUrvA ]) cf. L. (8) a strap of leather, thong cf. L. (9) a measure of time = 1/2 Muhūrta cf. Var (10) a juggling trick, deception cf. L.

===> nāḍī-vraṇa [ nADIvraNa ]3[ nAD'I-vraNa ] m. an ulcer, fistula cf. L.

===> nāṭaka [ nATaka ]2[ nATaka ] mf ([ I ]) n. acting, dancing cf. W. (1) m. an actor, dancer, mime cf. R. (2) N. of a mountain, KāIP. (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of Upa-rūpaka or drama of the second order cf. Sāh. &c. (4) any show or representation cf. Bālar. vii, 76 (5) (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī (6) ([ akI ]), f. the court of Indra cf. L. (7) n. any play or drama cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (personified as m. cf. MBh. ii, 453) (8) a kind of play, the first of the Rūpakas or dramas of the first order cf. Sāh. &c.

===> nāṭita [ nATita ]2[ nATita ] n. mimic representation, a gesture (in comp. also [ °taka ]) cf. Kālid. cf. Ratnâv. cf. Bālar. &c.

===> nāṭya [ nATya ]2[ nATya ] n. dancing, mimic representation, dramatic art cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. ([ °Tyena ] ind. with a gesture cf. Kālid. &c.) (1) the costume of an actor cf. BhP. (cf. below)

===> nīca [ nIca ]1[ nIca ] mf ([ A ]) n. ([ ni ] +2. [ aJc ]) low, not high, short, dwarfish cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) deep, depressed (navel) cf. Pañc (2) short (hair, nails) cf. Suśr. (3) deep, lowered (voice) cf. Prāt. (4) low, vile, inferior (socially or morally), base, mean (as a man or action or thought) cf. Var. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) m. a kind of perfume (= [ coraka ]) cf. L. (6) n. (in astrol.) the lowest point of a planet (= ?), the 7th house from the culminating point cf. Var. (cf. 2. [ ny-aJc ])

===> nīca-kula [ nIcakula ]3[ nIca-kula ] n. a low family (1) [ °l^adgata ] (cf. Mṛcch.) and [ °l^odbhava ] (cf. Var.), descended from a low family

===> nīcais [ nIcais ]2[ nIca'is ] ind. low, below, down, downwards, underneath cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) also used adjectively, e. g. [ nIcair adRzyata ], he appeared lower or shorter cf. Ragh (2) cf. [ uccais ] ([ nIcair nIcais-tarAm ], deeper and deeper cf. Kām.) (3) humbly, modestly cf. Kāv (4) softly, gently cf. ib. (5) in a low or deep tone cf. VPrāt. cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 30 (6) N. of a mountain (called also [ vAmana-giri ] or [ kharva ]) cf. Megh

===> nīcatva [ nIcatva ]3[ nIca-tva ] n. lowness, social inferiority cf. Var (1) lowering of tone cf. VPrāt.

===> nīhāra [ nIhAra ]3[ nI-hAr'a ] m. (once n.) mist, fog, hoar-frost, heavy dew cf. RV. &c. &c. (cf. [ ni-hAra ] under [ ni-hR ]) (1) evacuation (cf. [ nir-h° ]) (2) [ -kara ] m. ` dew-maker or ` cold-rayed ', the moon cf. Daś (3) [ -cakSus ] mfn. one whose eyes are veiled by mist cf. BhP. (4) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of mist cf. Kād (5) [ °rAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to become or make mist cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat. √ [ °rI-kR ], to convert into mist cf. Mcar.

===> nīla [ nIla ]2[ n'Ila ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ] (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 42 cf. Vārtt. cf. Vām. v, 2, 48)n. of a dark colour, (esp.) dark-blue or dark-green or black cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) dyed with indigo cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat. (3) m. the sapphire cf. L. (with [ maNi ] cf. R. iii, 58, 26) (4) the Indian fig-tree (= [ vaTa ]) cf. L. (5) = [ nIla-vRkSa ] cf. L. (6) a species of bird the blue or hill Maina cf. L. (7) an ox or bull of a dark colour cf. L. (8) one of the 9 Nidhis or divine treasures of Kubera cf. L. (9) N. of a man, g. [ tik^adi ] (10) of the prince of Māhishmatī cf. MBh. (11) of a son of Yadu cf. Hariv. (12) of a son of Aja-mīḍha cf. BhP. (13) of a son of Bhuvana-rāja cf. Rājat (14) of an historian of Kaśmīra cf. ib. (15) of sev. authors (also [ -bhaTTa ]) cf. Cat. (16) N. of Mañjuśrī cf. L. (17) of a Nāga cf. MBh. cf. Rājat (18) of one of the monkey-chiefs attending on Rāma (said to be a son of Agni) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (19) the mountain Nīla or the blue mountain (immediately north of Il^avṛta or the central division (20) cf. [ nIl^adri ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (21) ([ A ]), f. the indigo plant (Indigofera Tinctoria) cf. L. (cf. [ nIlI ]) (22) a species of Boerhavia with blue blossoms cf. L. (23) black cumin cf. L. (24) a species of blue fly cf. L. (25) (du.) the two arteries in front of the neck cf. L. (26) a black and blue mark on the skin cf. L. (27) N. of a goddess cf. W. (28) (in music) of a Rāgiṇi (personified as wife of Mallāra) (29) of a river cf. MBh. (v. l. [ nAlA ]) (30) ([ I ]), f. the indigo plant or dye cf. Mn. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. &c. Blyxa Octandra. cf. L. (31) a species of blue fly cf. L. (32) a kind of disease cf. L. (33) N. of the wife of Aja-mīḍha
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ nalinI ] and [ nIlinI ]) (34) n. dark (the colour), darkness cf. TS. cf. KaushUp. (35) any dark substance cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. (36) = [ tAlI-pattra ] and [ tAl^iza ] cf. L. (37) indigo cf. Yājñ. iii. 38 (38) black salt cf. L. (39) blue vitriol cf. L. (40) antimony cf. L. (41) poison cf. L. (42) a partic. position in dancing cf. L. (43) a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> nīla-kaṇṭha [ nIlakaNTha ]3[ n'Ila-kaNTha ] mfn. blue-necked cf. MBh. (1) m. a peacock cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. a species of gallinule or water-hen (= [ dAtyUha ]) cf. L. (2) a wagtail cf. L. [ 566,2 ] (3) a sparrow cf. L. (4) the blue-necked jay cf. L. (5) Ardea Sibirica cf. L. (6) a species of plant (= [ pIta-sAra ]) cf. L. (7) N. of Śiva (as having a black throat from swallowing the poison produced at the churning of the ocean) cf. R. cf. Hit. &c. (8) N. of the celebrated cf. Sch. on cf. MBh. and of other authors (also [ -dIkSita ], [ -nAga-nAtha ], [ -bhaTTa ], [ -bhAratI ], [ -mizra ], [ -zarman ], [ -zAstrin ], [ -ziv^acArya ], [ -sUnu ], [ -sUri ], [ °Th^acArya ]) cf. Cat. (9) ([ I ]), f. a peahen cf. R. v, 11, 23 (10) N. of sev. Comms. composed by a Nīla-kaṇṭha cf. Cat. (11) n. a radish cf. L. (12) N. of a Tīrtha cf. Cat. (13) [ -koza ] m. [ -campU ] (or [ -vijaya-campU ]), f. [ -jAtaka ] n. [ -tantra ] n. [ -dIkSitIya ] n. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -prakAzikA ] f. [ -bhASya ] n. [ -mAlA ] f. [ -stava ] m. [ -stotra ] n. [ -sthAna-mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wks. (14) [ °Th^akSa ] n. the berry or seed of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus cf. L. (15) [ °ThIya ] n. [ °Th^odAharaNa ] n. N. of wks.

===> nīla-kṛtsna [ nIlakRtsna ]3[ n'Ila-kRtsna ] n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kṛtsna cf. Divyâv

===> nīla-makṣikā [ nIlamakSikA ]3[ n'Ila-makSikA ] (cf. Suśr.), f. a kind of blue fly or bee

===> nīla-varṇa [ nIlavarNa ]3[ n'Ila-varNa ] mfn. blue-coloured, blue cf. Hit. (1) m. or n. a radish cf. L. (2) m. Grewia Asiatica cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. the indigo plant cf. L.

===> nīlī [ nIlI ]2[ nIlI ] f. of [ nIla ], q. v.

===> nīruja [ nIruja ]3[ nI-ruja ] mf ([ A ]) n. id. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) n. a species of Costus cf. L.

===> nīta [ nIta ]2[ nIt'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. 4. [ n^i ]) led, guided, brought &c. cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) gained, obtained cf. W. (2) well-behaved, correct, modest cf. ib. (3) n. wealth, corn, grain cf. L. (4) = [ nava-nIta ] cf. ĀpŚr.

===> [ nIta ]3[ n^it'a ] mfn. entered, gone or come to ([ mRtyorantikam ]) cf. RV. cf. AV.

===> [ nIta ]1[ nIta ] [ nIti ] &c. √ [ nI ]

===> nītha [ nItha ]2[ nItha ] m. leading or a leader cf. L. (1) N. of a man cf. MBh. (2) ([ n'IthA ]), f. way, trick, art, stratagem cf. RV. (3) also= ([ nIth'a ]), n. a mode in music, musical mode or air, song, hymn cf. ib. (4) water cf. L.

===> nīti [ nIti ]2[ nIti ] f. leading or bringing, guidance, management cf. L. (1) conduct, (esp.) right or wise or moral conduct or behaviour, prudence, policy (also personified), political wisdom or science, moral philosophy or precept (also pl.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) relation to, dependence on ([ itar7tarayoH ]) cf. MBh. (3) presenting, offering(?) cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 77 (4) acquirement, acquisition cf. W.

===> nītimat [ nItimat ]3[ nIti-mat ] mfn. of moral or prudent behaviour, eminent for political wisdom (compar. [ -mat-tara ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. [ 565,2 ] (1) describing political wisdom cf. Kathās

===> nītârtha [ nItArtha ]3[ nIt^artha ] mfn. of plain or clear meaning cf. Nyāyas. cf. Sch.

===> nūnam [ nUnam ]2[ nUn'am ] ind. now, at present, just, immediately, at once (1) for the future (2) now then, therefore (3) (esp. in later lang.) certainly, assuredly, indeed (also in questions, e. g. [ kadA n° ], when indeed? [ kva n° ], where indeed?) cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> nūpura [ nUpura ]1[ nUpura ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) an ornament for the toes or ankles or feet, an anklet cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a descendant of Ikshvāku cf. L.

===> nṛ [ nR ]1[ n'R ] m. (acc. [ n'aram ] dat. [ n'are ] gen. abl. [ n'aras ], loc. [ n'ari ] (1) du. [ n'arA ], [ n'arau ] (2) pl. nom. voc. [ n'aras ] acc. [ nR'Rn ] [ may also stand for other cases (3) for the final, [ n ] before [ p ] cf. cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 10 ], instr. [ n'Rbhis ], or [ nRbh'is ] (4) dat. abl. ' [ n'Rbhya ] or [ nRbhy'as ] loc. [ n'RSu ] or [ nRS'u ] [ vi, 1, 184, gen. [ nar'Am ]. [ nRNAm ] or [ nRRNAm ] [ vi, 4, 6 ]) a man, hero (used also of gods), person (5) mankind, people (mostly pl.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (6) (in gram.) a masculine word (nom. [ nA ]) cf. L. (7) the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial cf. Col. (8) a piece at chess cf. W. [ Cf. [ nara ] ; Zd. [ nar ] ; Gk. ?, stem [ -vep ] ; Old Lat. [ 567,3 ] [ nero ], st. [ nero1n ], Lat. [ Nero ]. ]

===> nṛ-ga [ nRga ]3[ n'R-ga ] m. N. of an ancient king cf. MBh. (1) of a grandson of Ogha-vat cf. ib. (2) of a son of Uśīnara by Nṛ-gā (ancesor of the Yaudheyas) cf. Hariv. (3) of a son of Manu cf. VP. (4) of the father of Su-mati cf. BhP. (5) of a king (the patron of the philosopher Vācaspati-miśra) (6) ([ °gasya sAma ] n. N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.) (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of Uśinara and mother of Nṛ-ga cf. Hariv. (8) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tirtha cf. Cat. (9) [ -nRpati-pASANa-yajJa-yUpa-prazasti ] f. [ -mokSa-prakaraNa ] n. [ -zApa ] m. [ -zvabhra-praveza ] m. [ °g^akhyAna ] and [ °g^opAkhyAna ] n. N. of wks. and chs. of wks.

===> nṛ-loka [ nRloka ]3[ n'R-loka ] m. the world of men, the earth cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) [ -pAla ] m. earth-protector cf. BhP. 1

===> nṛ-pati [ nRpati ]3[ n'R-p'ati ] m. ` lord of men ', king, prince, sovereign cf. RV. (where also with [ nRNAm ]) &c. &c. (1) N. of Kubera cf. L. (2) [ -kanyakA ] f. a princess cf. Kathās (3) [ -dvAra ] n. ` king's door ', the entrance of a palace cf. VarYogay (4) [ -nIti-garbhita-vRtta ] n. N. of a modern wk. (5) [ -patha ] m. ` king's road ', chief street cf. Daś

===> nṛpa [ nRpa ]3[ n'R-pa ] p. 568. col. 2

===> [ nRpa ]2[ nR-pa ] m. (√ 3. [ pA ]) protector of men, prince, king, sovereign cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (in music) a kind of measure (2) N. of the numeral 16 cf. Gaṇit

===> nṛpatva [ nRpatva ]3[ nR-pa-tva ] n. royalty, dominion cf. Hariv. (1) [ -tvaM-√ kR ], to reign cf. Var

===> nṛpâsana [ nRpAsana ]3[ nRp^asana ] n. royal seat, a throne cf. MBh. &c.

===> nṛpâtmaja [ nRpAtmaja ]3[ nRp^atmaja ] mfn. of royal birth (1) m. a king's son, a prince cf. R. (2) a species of mango cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. a princess cf. Naish (4) a bitter gourd cf. L.

===> nṛtta [ nRtta ]2[ nRtt'a ] n. dancing, acting, gesticulation cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. &c.

===> nṛtya [ nRtya ]2[ nRtya ] n. dancing, acting, gesticulation, pantomime cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> nṛtya-gīta [ nRtyagIta ]3[ nRtya-gIta ] n. du. dancing, and singing cf. KaṭhUp. (1) [ -vAdya ] n. pl. dancing, singing, and instrumental music cf. MW.

===> o [ o ]1[ o ]1 the thirteenth vowel of the alphabet (corresponding to English [ o ])

===> [ o ]1[ o ]2 ind. an interjection cf. L. (1) a particle of addressing (2) calling (3) reminiscence (4) of compassion cf. L.

===> [ o ]1[ o ]3 [ os ] m. N. of Brahmā cf. L.

===> [ o ]1[ ^o ]4 ([ A-√ u ])

===> o-kāra [ okAra ]3[ o-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ o ] cf. Lāṭy. cf. APrāt.

===> odana [ odana ]2[ odan'a ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ ud ] cf. Uṇ. ii, 76), grain mashed and cooked with milk, porridge, boiled rice, any pap or pulpy substance cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. cloud cf. Nigh (2) ([ I ]), f. Sida Cordifolia cf. L.

===> ogha [ ogha ]1[ ogha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) (√ [ vah ]) flood, stream, rapid flow of water cf. MBh. cf. Megh. cf. Śak. &c. (2) heap or quantity, flock, multitude, abundance cf. MBh. cf. BhP. cf. Kathās. &c. (3) quick time (in music) cf. L. (4) uninterrupted tradition cf. L. (5) instruction cf. L. (cf. [ augha ].)

===> oja [ oja ]1[ oja ] mfn. odd (as the first, third, fifth, &c. in a series) cf. RPrāt. cf. Sūryas. cf. VarBṛS. (1) m. N. of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. BhP. (2) = [ 'ojas ] cf. L.

===> ojas [ ojas ]1[ 'ojas ] [ as ] n. (√ [ vaj ], or [ uj ] (1) cf. [ ugra ]), bodily strength, vigour, energy, ability, power cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body) cf. Suśr. &c. (3) (in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds) (4) vigorous or emphatic expression cf. Sāh. cf. Vām (5) water cf. L. (6) light, splendour, lustre cf. L. (7) manifestation, appearance cf. L. (8) support cf. L. (9) ([ As ]), m. N. of a Yaksha cf. BhP. ; [ cf. Zd. [ avjaṅh ], ` power ' (10) Gk. ?, ?, ? ; Lat. [ vige1re ], [ augere ], [ augur ], [ 235,2 ] [ augus-tus ], [ auxilium ] ; Goth. [ aukan ], Eng. [ eke ]. ]

===> om [ om ]1[ 'om ] ind. (√ [ av ] cf. Uṇ. i, 141 (1) originally [ oM ] = [ AM ], which may be derived from [ A ] cf. BRD.), a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent, sometimes translated by ` yes, verily, so be it ' (and in this sense compared with Amen (2) it is placed at the commencement of most Hindū works, and as a sacred exclamation may be uttered [ but not so as to be heard by ears profane ] at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or previously to any prayer (3) it is also regarded as a particle of auspicious salutation [ Hail! ] (4) [ om ] appears first in the Upanishads as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds [ a ], [ u ], [ m ], of which it consists (5) in later times [ om ] is the mystic name for the Hindū triad, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. a (Viṣṇu), [ u ] (Śiva), [ m ] (Brahmā) (6) it may also be typical of the three Vedas (7) [ om ] is usually called [ praNava ], more rarely [ akSara ], or [ ekAkSara ], and only in later times [ oMkAra ]) cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. &c. (8) (Buddhists place [ om ] at the beginning of their [ vidyA SaDakSarI ] or mystical formulary in six syllables [ viz. [ om maNi padme hUM ] ] (9) according to cf. T. [ om ] may be used in the following senses: [ praNave ], [ Arambhe ], [ svIkAre ], [ anumatau ], [ ap^akRtau ], [ asvIkAre ], [ maGgale ], [ zubhe ], [ jJeye ], [ brahmaNi ]

---> with preceding [ a ] or [ A ], the [ o ] of [ om ] does not form Vṛddhi ([ au ]), but Guṇa ([ o ]) cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 95.)

===> oṣadhi [ oSadhi ]1[ 'oSa-dhi ] f. (etym. doubtful (1) probably fr. [ oSa ] above, ` light-containing ', cf. ŚBr. ii, 2, 4, 5 cf. Nir. ix, 27) a herb, plant, simple, esp. any medicinal herb cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) an annual plant or herb (which dies after becoming ripe) cf. Mn. i, 46, &c. cf. Suśr. i, 4, 16 ; 18 cf. Yājñ. &c. (3) a remedy in general cf. Suśr. i, 4, 15

===> oṣadhī [ oSadhI ]2[ 'oSadhI ] f. (only Ved. and not in nom. c. cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 132 (1) but occasional exceptions are found) = [ 'oSa-dhi ] above

===> oṣṭha [ oSTha ]1[ 'oSTha ] m. (etym. doubtful (1) √ [ uS ] cf. Uṇ. ii, 4) the lip (generally du.) cf. RV. ii, 39, 6 cf. AV. x, 9, 14 ; xx, 127, 4 cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. &c. (2) the forepart of an Agnikuṇḍa, q. v. cf. Hcat (3) ([ I ]), f. the plant Coccinia Grandis (to whose red fruits lips are commonly compared) cf. L. (4) (in a compound the [ o ] of [ oSTha ] forms with a preceding [ a ] either Vṛddhi [ au ], or Guṇa [ o ] cf. Kāty. on cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 94) [ 236,2 ] ; [ cf. Zd. [ aoshtra ] ; O. Pruss. [ austa ], ` mouth ' ; O. Slav. [ usta ], ` mouth. ' ]

===> pa [ pa ]1[ pa ]1 the first labial consonant

===> [ pa ]1[ pa ]2 mf ([ pA ] and [ pI ]) n. (√ 1. [ pA ]) drinking (cf. [ aMhri- ], [ aneka- ] &c. (1) also [ paka ] in [ taila-paka ]) (2) m. or ([ pA ]) f. the act of drinking L.

===> [ pa ]1[ pa ]3 mfn. (√ 3. [ pA ]) guarding, protecting, ruling (ifc. (1) cf. [ aja- ], [ kula- ] &c. (2) also [ paka ] in [ hasti-paka ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. guarding, protecting L.

===> [ pa ]1[ pa ]4 m. (in music for [ paJcama ]) the fifth note of the gamut

===> [ pa ]1[ pa ]5 m. (only L.) wind (1) a leaf (2) = [ pUta ] (3) ([ A ]), f. = [ pUta ] and [ pUritaka ]

===> pa-kāra [ pakAra ]3[ pa-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ pa ]

===> paca [ paca ]2[ paca ]1 mfn. id. (cf. [ alpam- ], [ iSTi- ], [ kim- ] &c.) (1) m. and ([ a ]), f. the act of cooking &c. L.

===> [ paca ]2[ paca ]2 2. sg. Impv. of √ [ pac ]

===> pacana [ pacana ]2[ pacana ] mfn. cooking, maturing (cf. [ anvAhArya- ], [ eNI- ]) (1) m. fire L. (2) ([ A ]), f. becoming ripe, ripening L. (3) ([ I ]), f. the wild citron tree L. (v. l. [ pavanI ]) (4) n. ([ p'ac° ]) a means or instrument for cooking. RV. ŚBr. (5) cooking, roasting, maturing, becoming cooked or ripe MBh. Suśr. BhP.

===> pad [ pad ]1[ pad ]1 cl. 1. P. [ padati ] v. l. for [ bad ], to stand fast or fixed Dhātup. iii, 1, 4 Vop

===> [ pad ]1[ pad ]2 cl. 4. Ā. (Dhātup. xxvi, 60) [ padyate ] ([ °ti ] AitBr. MBh.

---> Pot. [ padyAm ] R. (1) Impv. [ patsva ] MBh. (2) pf. [ papAda ] RV. (3) [ pede ] Br. (4) aor. [ apadmahi ], [ °dran ] RV. [ Subj. [ padAti ] ib. ] (5) [ apatsi ], [ patthAs ] AV. (6) Prec. [ padIST'a ] RV. AV. (7) fut. [ patsyati ] Br. (8) [ °te ] Up. (9) [ pattA ] Gr. (10) inf. [ p'attave ] RV. (11) [ °tos ], [ °tum ] Br. (12) [ -p'adas ] RV. (13) ind. p. [ -p'adya ] ib. (14) [ -p'Adam ] Br.), to fall, fall down or out, perish RV. AV. VS. Br. (15) to go, resort or apply to, participate in (acc.), keep, observe MBh. : Caus. [ pAd'ayati ], [ °te ], to cause to fall AV. AitBr. (Pass. [ pAdyate ] Br. (16) Desid. [ pipAdayiSati ] Br. &c.) (17) [ padayate ], to go Dhātup. xxxv, 44: Desid. [ pitsate ] Pāṇ. 7-4, 54: Intens. [ panIpadyate ] Kāv (18) [ panIpadIti ] Pāṇ. 7-4, 84

===> [ pad ]2[ p'ad ]3 m. (in strong cases [ p'Ad ] (1) ifc. f. [ pad ] or [ padI ]) a foot ([ padA ], [ padbhyAm ] and [ °bhis ], also ` on foot ' RV. &c. &c. (2) ifc. also ` sticking to the feet of ' (3) cf. [ zrI-viSNu-padI ]) (4) a step R. (5) a fourth part, a quarter AV. ŚBr. [ Cf. pada (6) Gk. ? ; [ 583,1 ] Lat. [ pes ], [ ped-is ] ; Goth. [ f^otus ] ; Angl. Sax. [ f^ot ] ; Eng. [ foot ] ; Germ. [ Fuss ]. ]

===> pad-dhati [ paddhati ]3[ p'ad-dhati ] (for [ -hati ]), f. ` foot-stroke ', a way, path, course, line Hariv. Kāv. &c. (also [ °tI ] g. [ bahv-Adi ]) (1) sign, token Jātakam (2) N. of a class of writings (described as guide-books or manuals for partic. rites and ceremonies and the texts relating to them) and of sev. wks. (3) a family N. or title (or rather the characteristic word denoting caste or occupation in comps. serving as proper names, e. g. [ -gupta ], [ -dAsa ] at the end of Vaiśya and Śūdra names). L. (4) [ -candrikA ] f. [ -cintAmaNi ] m. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -prakAzikA ], f. [ -bhUSaNa ] n. [ -ratna ] n. [ -sAra ] m. N. of wks.

===> pad-ga [ padga ]3[ p'ad-ga ] mfn. going on foot, pedestrian (1) m. a foot-soldier L.

===> pada [ pada ]2[ pad'a ] n. (rarely m.) a step, pace, stride (1) a footstep, trace, vestige, mark, the foot itself. RV. &c. &c. ([ padena ], on foot (2) [ pade pade ], at every step, everywhere, on every occasion (3) [ trINi padAni viSNoH ], the three steps or footprints of Viṣṇu [ i. e. the earth, the air, and the sky (4) cf. RV. i, 154, 5 Vikr. i, 19 ], also N. of a constellation or according to some ` the space between the eyebrows ' (5) sg. [ viSNoH padam ], N. of a locality (6) [ padaM-√ dA ], [ padAt padaM-√ gam ] or √ [ cal ], to make a step move on (7) [ padaM-√ kR ], with loc. to set foot in or on, to enter (8) with [ mUrdhni ], to set the foot upon the head of [ gen. ] i. e. overcome (9) with [ citte ] or [ hRdaye ], to take possession of any one's heart or mind (10) with loc. or [ prati ], to have dealings with [ padaM ni-√ dhA ] with loc., to set foot in = to make impression upon (11) with [ padavyAm ], to set the foot on a person's [ gen. or ibc. ] track, to emulate or equal (12) [ padam ni-√ bandh ] with loc., to enter or engage in) (13) a sign, token, characteristic MBh. Kathās. Pur. (14) a footing, standpoint (15) position rank station, site, abode, home RV. &c. &c. ([ padam A-√ tan ], to spread or extend one's position (16) [ padAt padam bhrAmayitvA ], having caused to wander from place to place) (17) a business affair, matter, object or cause of (gen. or comp.) Kāv. Pañc. &c. (18) a pretext L. (19) a part, portion, division (cf. [ dvi- ], [ tri- ]) (20) a square on a chess-board R. (21) a plot of ground Inscr. (22) the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers ' breadth, or 1/2 or 1/3 or 3/7 of a Prakrama) KātyŚr. (23) a ray of light (m. L.) (24) a portion of a verse, quarter or line of a stanza RV. &c. &c. (25) a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some Taddhitas Pāṇ. 1-4, 14 &c. [ 583,2 ] (26) = [ pada-pATha ] Prāt. (27) common N. of the P. and Ā. Cat. (28) any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required (29) a period in an arithmetical progression Col. (30) a square root Sūryas (31) a quadrant ib. (32) protection L. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; [ 583,2 ] Lat. [ peda ] ; [ op-pidum ] for [ op-pedum ]. ]

===> pada-bandha [ padabandha ]3[ pad'a-bandha ] m. a footstep, pace L.

===> pada-sthita [ padasthita ]3[ pad'a-sthita ] mfn. being in a station or office Kathās

===> pada-sthāna [ padasthAna ]3[ pad'a-sthAna ] n. footprint, footmark Hariv.

===> pada-śabda [ padazabda ]3[ pad'a-zabda ] m. the noise of footsteps Mālatīm

===> padatva [ padatva ]3[ pad'a-tva ] n. the state of (being) a word, APrāt. Pāṇ. 1-2, 45 Sch.

===> padavī [ padavI ]3[ pad'a-v'I ] m. (nom. [ s ]) a leader, guide, forerunner RV. AV. (cf. [ -vAya ]) [ 583,3 ] (1) f. (nom. [ vI ]) a road, path, way, track, reach, range (2) acc. with √ [ gam ], [ yA ] &c., to go the way of (cf. under [ artha-padavI ], [ ghana- ], [ pavana- ], [ mokSa- ], [ yauvana- ], [ sAdhu- ], [ smaraNa- ], [ hAsya- ] (3) [ padam-√ dhA ] or [ ni-√ dhA padavyAm ] [ comp. or gen. ], to tread in the footsteps of a person i. e. imitate or rival him) MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) station, situation, place, site R. Pañc (5) [ -v'Iya ] n. footsteps, track RV. x, 71, 3 (if not acc. for [ vy'am ])

===> padaśas [ padazas ]3[ pad'a-zas ] ind. step by step, gradually R. (1) word by word, APrāt. Sch.

===> padeka [ padeka ]2[ padeka ] m. a hawk, falcon L.

===> padi [ padi ]2[ p'adi ] m. (prob.) a kind of animal RV. i, 125, 2 (a bird Mahīdh (1) = [ gantu ] Nir. v, 18)

===> padma [ padma ]1[ padma ] m. n. (2. or 3. [ pad ]?) a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening (1) often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphaea Alba) MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (2) the form or figure of a lotus R. MārkP. (a N. given by the Tāntrikas to the 6 divisions of the upper part of the body called Cakras, q. v.) (3) a partic. mark or mole on the human body R. (4) red or coloured marks on the face or trunk of an elephant L. (5) a partic. part of a column or pillar Var (6) a kind of temple ib. (7) an army arrayed in the form of a lotus Mn. MBh. (8) a partic. posture of the body in religious meditation, Ved^ant. (cf. [ padm^asana ]) (9) a kind of coitus L. (10) one of the 9 treasures of Kubera (also personified) R. (11) one of the 8 treasures connected with the magical art called Padminī MBh. Hariv. &c. (12) a partic. high number (1000 millions or billions) MBh. R. &c. (13) a partic. constellation Var (14) N. of a partic. cold hell Buddh. (15) a partic. fragrant substance MBh. (v. l. [ °maka ]) (16) the root of Nelumbium Speciosum L. (17) a species of bdellium L. (18) lead L. (19) m. a species of plant L. (20) an elephant L. (21) a species of serpent Suśr. (22) N. of Rāma (son of Daśa-ratha) Śatr (23) of two serpent-demons MBh. R. &c. (24) of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh. (25) of a mythical Buddha MWB. 136, n. 1 (26) (with Jainas) N. of the 9th Cakra-vartin in Bhārata and of one of the 9 white Balas (27) N. of a king MBh. (28) of a prince of Kaśmīra (founder of Padma-pura and of a temple (29) See [ padma-svAmin ]) Rājat (30) of another man ib. (31) of a Brāhman Lalit. (32) of a mythical elephant R. (cf. [ mahA-padma ]) (33) of a monkey R. (34) of a mountain Var (35) ([ A ]), f. ` the lotus-hued one ', N. of Śrī Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. [ padma-zrI ]) (36) a species of plant Suśr. (Clerodendrum Siphorantus or Hibiscus Mutabilis L.) (37) cloves L. (38) the flower of Carthamus Tinctoria L. (39) N. of the mother of Muni-suvrata (the 20th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) L. (40) of a female serpent-demon (= the goddess Manasā, wife of the sage Jarat-kāru (41) cf. [ padma-priyA ]) L. (42) of a daughter of king Bṛhadratha and wife of Kalki Pur. (43) mfn. lotus-hued, being of the colour of a lotus ṢaḍvBr.

===> padma-cāriṇī [ padmacAriNI ]3[ padma-cAriNI ] f. Hibiscus Mutabilis Bhpr. (1) a partic. personification MānGṛ.

===> padma-dhara [ padmadhara ]3[ padma-dhara ] m. ` lotus-bearer ', N. of a prince Bhadrab

===> padma-garbha [ padmagarbha ]3[ padma-garbha ] m. the interior or calyx of a lotus Kāvyâd. ii, 41 (1) ` sprung from a lotus or containing lotuses ', N. of Brahmā RPrāt. (Introd.) (2) of Viṣṇu Hariv. (3) of Śiva Śivag (4) of the sun L. (5) of a lake Hit. (6) of a Buddha Lalit. (7) of a Bodhisattva L. (8) of a Brāhman who was changed into a swan Hariv.

===> padma-hasta [ padmahasta ]3[ padma-hasta ] m. a partic. measure of length AgP.

===> padma-netra [ padmanetra ]3[ padma-netra ] m. ` lotus-eyed ', a species of bird Gal. (1) N. of a future Buddha L.

===> padma-prabha [ padmaprabha ]3[ padma-prabha ] m. N. of a future Buddha (1) of a Deva-putra Lalit. (2) of 6th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī L. (3) (with [ sUri ]) of an author Cat. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Mahā-daṃshṭra Kathās

===> padma-puṣpa [ padmapuSpa ]3[ padma-puSpa ] m. Pterospermum Acerifolium L. (1) a species of bird L. (2) [ °Sp^aJjali-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra

===> padma-rāga [ padmarAga ]3[ padma-rAga ] m. ` lotus-hued ', a ruby L. (also [ -ka ] Hcat (1) [ °ga-maya ] mf[ [ I ] ]n. made or consisting of rubies, Kāraṇḍ) (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of one of the tongues of Agni Gṛhyās

===> padma-saṃkāśa [ padmasaMkAza ]3[ padma-saMkAza ] mfn. resembling a lotus MW.

===> padma-vyūha [ padmavyUha ]3[ padma-vyUha ] m. N. of a Samādhi L.

===> padma-śrī [ padmazrI ]3[ padma-zrI ] ` beautiful as a lotus flower ', N. of Avalokit^eśvara Kāraṇḍ (1) of a Bodhi-sattva (2) f. N. of sev. women Rājat. HPariś (3) of a lady who wrote on Kāma-śāstra Cat. (4) [ -garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva

===> padmaka [ padmaka ]2[ padmaka ] m. or n. red spots on the skin of an elephant L. (1) the wood of Cerasus Puddum MBh. &c. (2) m. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus-flower MBh. (3) a species of tree R. (B.) (4) N. of a partic. constellation Hcat (5) of sev. men Rājat (6) n. a partic. posture in sitting Vedântas (7) Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.

===> padminī [ padminI ]2[ padminI ] f. (of prec.) Nelumbium Speciosum, a lotus (the whole plant, ifc. [ °nIka ] mfn. (1) cf. [ abjinI ], [ nalinI ] &c.) (2) a multitude of lotuses or a lotus-pond MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. g. [ puSkar^adi ]) (3) a lotus-stalk L. (4) a female elephant L. (5) a partic. magical art MārkP. (6) an excellent woman, a woman belonging to the first of the 4 classes into which the sex is divided RTL. 389 (7) N. of sev. women Siṉhâs

===> padmâcārya [ padmAcArya ]3[ padm^acArya ] m. N. of a teacher Cat.

===> padmâkāra [ padmAkAra ]3[ padm^akAra ] mfn. lotus-shaped MW.

===> padmâsana [ padmAsana ]3[ padm^asana ] n. a lotus as seat (esp. of an idol) Hariv. Kum (1) a partic. posture in religious meditation Bhartṛ. (cf. MWB. 240) (2) a kind of coitus L. (3) mf ([ A ]) n. sitting in a lotus or in the position called Padm^asaṇa ([ -tA ] f. Cat.) (4) m. N. of Brahmā VP. (5) of Śiva Śivag (6) the sun L. (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of the goddess Manasā L.

===> padmāvatī [ padmAvatI ]3[ padmA-vatI ] f. (cf. °dma-v° and Pāṇ. 6-3, 119 &c.) Hibiscus Mutabilis L. (1) a kind of Prākṛt metre Col. (2) N. of Lakshmī Gīt. (3) of the goddess Manasā L. (4) of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda MBh. (5) of a Sur^aṅganā Siṉhâs (6) of a Jaina deity L. (7) of a wife of king Śṛgāla Hariv. (8) of a wife of Yudhi-shṭhira (king of Kaśmīra) Rājat (9) of the wife of Jaya-deva Gīt. (10) of a wife of king Vīra-bāhu Vet (11) of a wife of king Naya-pāla ib. (12) of a poetess Cat. (13) of the city of Ujjayinī in the Kṛta-yuga Kathās (14) of another city. VP. (15) of a river L. (16) of Kathās. xvii (17) [ -kalpa ] m. [ -paJc^aGga ] n. [ -stotra ] n. N. of wks. (18) [ -priya ] m. ` husband of Padmavatī (= Manasā) ', N. of Jarat-kāru L.

===> paduma [ paduma ]3[ paduma ] m. pl. N. of a people VP.

===> padya [ padya ]2[ p'adya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. 3. [ pad ] and [ pada ]) relating or belonging to a foot RV. Kāṭh (1) hurting or coming in contact with the feet Pāṇ. 4-4, 83 ; vi, 3, 53. Sch. (2) marked with footsteps ib. iv, 4, 87 Sch. (3) measuring a Pada in length or breadth KātyŚr. (also in comp. with numerals (4) cf. [ ardha- ], [ daza- ]) (5) consisting of Padas or parts of verses Br. ĀśvGṛ. RPrāt. (6) consisting of one Pada KātyŚr. Sch. (7) forming the end, final, APrāt. (8) m. a Śūdra L. (cf. [ paj-ja ]) (9) a part of a word, verbal element RPrāt. (10) ([ p'adyA ]), f. footsteps, paces (pl.) RV. (11) a way, path, road L. (12) a foot as a measure of length KātyŚr. (13) n. a verse, metre, poetry (opp. to [ gadya ], prose) Vām. Kāvyâd. Sāh. &c. (14) N. of sev. hymns

===> padâkrānta [ padAkrAnta ]3[ pad^akrAnta ] mfn. following at one's heels Śak

===> padânusāra [ padAnusAra ]3[ pad^anusAra ] m. following at one's heels (1) [ °reNa upa-√ labh ], to overtake Mālatīm

===> padârtha [ padArtha ]3[ pad^artha ] m. the meaning of a word VPrāt. Prab. BhP. &c. (ifc. also [ -ka ] Pat.) (1) that which corresponds to the meaning of a word, a thing, material object, man, person Var. Kāv. Pur. (2) a head, subject (16 with Naiyāyikas) (3) a category, predicament (7 with Vaiśeshikas, 25 with Sāṃkhyas, 7 with Ved^antins) (4) a principle ([ -tritaya ] n. a triad of principles RTL. 119) (5) [ -kaumudI ] f. ([ °dI-koza ] and [ -sAra-koza ], m.), [ -khaNDana ], n. ([ °na-TippaNa-vyAkhyA ] f.), [ -guNa-cintAmaNi ] m. [ -candrikA ], f. [ -tattva ] n. ([ °tva-nirUpaNa ] n. [ -nirNaya ] m. [ -vivecana ] n.), [ -dipikA ] f. [ -dIpinI ] f. [ -dharmasaMgraha ], m. [ -nirUpaNa ] n. [ -pArijAta ] m. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -prakAzikA ], f. [ -pradeza ] m. [ -bodha ] m. [ -bhAskara ] m. [ -maNimAlA ] or [ -mAlA ] f. [ -mAlAvRtti ] f. [ -ratna-maJjUSA ] f. [ -ratnamAlA ], f. [ -vidyA-sAra ] m. [ -viveka ] m. [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -sarasI ], f. [ °th^adarza ] m. N. of wks. [ 584,1 ] (6) [ °th^anusamaya ] m. the performance of one ritual act for all objects in orderly succession before performing another act for all objects in the same order ĀśvGṛ. Sch. &c. (cf. [ kAND^anus° ]) (7) [ °th^iya-divya-cakSus ] n. [ °th^oddeza ] m. N. of wks.

===> padâti [ padAti ]2[ padAti ] mfn. (fr. [ pada ] + [ Ati ]? Pāṇ. 6-3, 52) going or being on foot (1) m. a pedestrian, footman, foot-soldier MBh. R. &c. (2) a peon (in chess) Pañcad (3) N. of a son of Janam-ejaya MBh.

===> padâṅguṣṭha [ padAGguSTha ]3[ pad^aGguSTha ] m. the great toe MBh. (v. l. [ pAd° ])

===> padā-vihāra [ padAvihAra ]3[ padAvihAra ] m. paying honour by walking round Divyâv

===> paitā-maha [ paitAmaha ]3[ paitA-maha ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating to or derived from a grandfather AitBr. MBh. (1) relating to or derived from or presided over by Brahmā MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) m. Brahmā's son (patr. of Manu) MBh. (3) (pl.) forefathers, ancestors MW. (4) n. the lunar mansion called Rohiṇī Var (5) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP. (6) [ -siddh^anta ] m. [ °hI-bhASya ] n. N. of wks.

===> paitṛka [ paitRka ]2[ paitRka ] mf ([ I ]) n. belonging to a father, paternal, ancestral Mn. MBh. &c. (1) relating or sacred to the Pitṛs Rājat (2) n. a sacred rite or Śrāddha in honour of deceased ancestors MBh.

===> paiśunika [ paizunika ]2[ paizunika ] mfn. slanderous Divyâv

===> paiśunya [ paizunya ]2[ paizunya ] n. = [ paizuna ] n. Mn. MBh. &c. ([ -vAdin ] mfn. slanderous Daś.) (1) = [ bhikS^azitva ] L. (prob. w. r. for [ paiNDinya ])

===> paiśācika [ paizAcika ]2[ paizAcika ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating to the Piśācas, demoniacal (cf. [ cUlikA-p° ])

===> paiṇḍapātika [ paiNDapAtika ]1[ paiNDapAtika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ piNDapAta ]) living on alms Buddh.

===> paktavya [ paktavya ]1[ paktavya ] [ pakti ], [ paktha ], [ pakva ] &c. See under √ 2. [ pac ], p. 575

===> [ paktavya ]2[ paktavya ] mfn. to be cooked or baked MBh. (1) to be matured or digested W.

===> pakti [ pakti ]2[ pakt'i ] (VS. [ p'akti ]), f. cooking, preparing food Mn. ix, 11 ([ anna-p° ]) (1) food or any dish of cooked food RV. VS. (2) digesting, digestion Mn. Yājñ. Suśr. (3) place of digestion (= [ -sthAna ]) Suśr. (4) ripening, development (cf. [ loka- ]), having results or consequences Var. Kāv (5) purification MBh. xii, 9745 (Nilak.)

---> respectability, dignity, fame Suśr.

===> paktṛ [ paktR ]2[ pakt'R ] mfn. who or what cooks or roasts or bakes (with gen.) AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) digestive, promoting digestion Suśr. (2) m. or n. the digestive fire, force of digestion Car.

===> pakva [ pakva ]2[ pakv'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (considered as p. p. of √ 2. [ pac ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 52) cooked, roasted, baked, boiled, prepared on a fire (opp. to [ Ama ]) RV. &c. &c. (also applied to the milk in an udder) (2) warmed (cf. [ dviS- ]) Gobh. Mn. &c. (3) baked or burnt (as bricks or earthenware pots) ŚBr. Var. &c. (4) ripe, mature (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (also applied to a tree with ripe fruits) (5) grey, hoary (as the hair) Dhūrtas (6) accomplished, perfect, fully developed (as the understanding, character &c.) MBh. BhP. (7) ripe for decay, near to death, decrepit, perishing,decaying ib. (8) digested W. (9) n. cooked food, dish RV. AV. ŚBr. (10) ripe corn AV. (11) the ashes of a burnt corpse ib.

===> pakva-rasa [ pakvarasa ]3[ pakv'a-rasa ] m. wine or any intoxicating liquor made of the juice of the sugar cane Bhpr.

===> pakvânna [ pakvAnna ]3[ pakv^anna ] n. cooked or dressed food Mn. Var. &c.

===> pakvâśaya [ pakvAzaya ]3[ pakv^azaya ] m. = [ °v^adhAna ] MBh. Suśr. (cf. [ Am^az° ])

===> pakṣa [ pakSa ]2[ pakS'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] or [ I ]) a wing, pinion (in one passage, n.) RV. &c. &c. (1) a symbol. N. of the number two Var. Hcat (2) a feather, the feathers on both sides of an arrow (cf. [ gArdhra-p° ]) (3) the fin of a fish (cf. [ nis-tvak-p° ]) (4) the shoulder (5) the flank or side or the half of anything RV. &c. &c. (6) the side or wing of a building AV. [ 573,3 ] (7) the wing or flank of an army MBh. Hariv. (8) the half of a lunar month (the first half from new moon to full moon was called [ pUrva ] or [ apUryamANa ], later [ zukla ] or [ zuddha ] (9) the other half [ apara ] or [ apa-kSIyamANa ], later [ kRSNa ] or [ tAmisra ] (10) each fortnight consists of 15 Tithis or lunar days called [ prathamA ], [ dvitIyA ] &c.) Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. Var. &c. (11) a side, party, faction (12) multitude, number, troop, set, class of beings (13) partisan, adherent, follower, friend ([ zatru- ] ` the enemy's side ' or ` a partisan of the enemy ' (14) [ mahA- ], ` one who has many adherents ') MBh. Kāv. &c. (15) side, i. e. position, place, stead ([ °kSe ] ifc. instead of or by way of) ib. (16) quantity (See [ keza- ]) (17) one of two cases or one side of an argument, an alternative ([ °kSe ], ` on the other hand ', with [ atra ], ` in this case ', [ pakS^antare ], ` in the other case ') Pāṇ. Sch. (18) a point or matter under discussion, a thesis, a particular theory, a position advanced or an argument to be maintained (cf. [ pUrva- ], [ uttara- ]) (19) an action or lawsuit Yājñ. Sch. (20) (in logic) the proposition to be proved in a syllogism Tarkas. Bhāshāp (21) any supposition or view, motion, idea, opinion ([ mukhyaH pakSaH ], ` an excellent idea ' Śak. Sch.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (22) the sun Sāy. on RV. iii, 53, 16 (23) N. of sev. men VP. (24) (in alg.) a primary division or the side of an equation in a primary division (25) the wall of a house or any wall L. (26) an army L. (27) favour L. (28) contradiction, rejoinder L. (29) the ash-pit of a fire-place L. (30) a royal elephant L. (31) a limb or member of the body L. (32) the feathers of the tail of a peacock, a tail L. (33) proximity, neighbourhood L. (34) a bracelet L. (35) purity, perfection L. (36) mfn. = [ pAcaka ], [ bAdhaka ] Sāy. on RV. vi, 47, 19. [ Cf. OGerm. [ fahs ] ; Angl. Sax. [ feax ]. ]

===> pakṣa-dvaya [ pakSadvaya ]3[ pakS'a-dvaya ] n. both sides of an argument W. (1) a month (lit. 2 half months) ib.

===> pakṣa-grahaṇa [ pakSagrahaNa ]3[ pakS'a-grahaNa ] n. taking the side of (gen.) Kām

===> pakṣa-gupta [ pakSagupta ]3[ pakS'a-gupta ] m. ` wing-protected ', a species of bird L.

===> pakṣa-hata [ pakSahata ]3[ pakS'a-hat'a ] mfn. paralysed on one side ŚBr.

===> pakṣa-pāta [ pakSapAta ]3[ pakS'a-pAta ] m. ` falling of the feathers, the moulting of birds L. (1) flying, soaring Ratnâv. ii, 7 (2) adopting a side or argument, siding with, partiality or inclination for (loc., gen., acc. with [ prati ], or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (also Ratnâv. ii, 7) (3) a partisan, adherent W. (4) [ -kRta-sneha ] mfn. manifesting party attachment, sympathizing MW.

===> pakṣaka [ pakSaka ]2[ pakSaka ] m. a wing (ifc. (1) cf. [ sa- ]) (2) N. of the number two Hcat (3) a fan Gal. (4) a side door L. (5) a side Śiś. (6) a partisan L.

===> pakṣas [ pakSas ]2[ p'akSas ] n. a wing Uṇ. iv, 219 Sch. (1) a side RV. vi, 47, 19 (2) the side part of a carriage AV. ŚāṅkhBr. Gobh (3) the leaf or side-post of a door VS. TBr. Kāṭh (4) the wing of an army, ŚāṅkhBr a half or any division ŚrS. (5) a half month TāṇḍBr. (6) the side or shore of a river ib. ŚāṅkhŚr.

===> pakṣi-rāja [ pakSirAja ]3[ pakSi-rAja ] m. ` king of bird ', N. of Garuḍa or of Jaṭayu R. Kathās

===> pakṣin [ pakSin ]2[ pakS'in ] mfn. winged (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c (1) (ifc.) taking the side of. siding with Hariv. (2) m. a bird or any winged animal RV. &c. &c. (3) the bird Garuḍa as one of the 18 attendants of the Sun L. (4) N. of Śiva MBh. (5) a day with the 2 nights enclosing it L. (6) an arrow L. (7) a partic. sacrificial act TāṇḍBr. (8) ([ iNI ]), f. a female bird Hariv. (9) (with or sc. [ rAtri ]) a night with the 2 days enclosing it Gobh. Gaut (10) the day of full moon L. (11) N. of a Śākini L.

===> pakṣman [ pakSman ]2[ p'akSman ] n. (sg. and pl.) the eyelashes ([ °NonipAtena ] ', in the twinkling of an eye, in an instant ' MBh. (1) cf. [ pakSma-pAta ] &c. : above) TS. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) the hair (of a decr) Śiś. i, 8 (3) the filament of a flower ib. v, 85 (4) a thin thread L. (5) the leaf of a flower Kād (6) a wing L. (7) a whisker MW.

===> pakṣmâkṣa [ pakSmAkSa ]3[ pakSm^akSa ] mfn. suffering from Entropium (cf. above) L.

===> pakṣu [ pakSu ]2[ pakSu ] m. N. of a serpent-demon L. (w. r. for [ vakSu ]?)

===> pakṣya [ pakSya ]2[ pakSy'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. being in or belonging to the wings (cf. below) (1) changing every half month RV. iii, 53, 16 (Sāy. ` descended from Paksha i. e. the sun ') (2) produced or occurring in a fortnight W. (3) (ifc.) siding or taking part with Kathās

===> pakṣâbhāsa [ pakSAbhAsa ]3[ pakS^abhAsa ] m. a seeming or fallacious argument, a fallacy, a false plaint Yājñ. Sch.

===> pakṣâdhyāya [ pakSAdhyAya ]3[ pakS^adhyAya ] m. casuistry, logic Divyâv

===> pala [ pala ]1[ pala ] m. (scarcely to be connected with prec.) straw L. (1) = [ pAla ] g. [ jval^adi ] (2) n. a partic. weight = 4 Karshas = 1/100 Tulā (rarely m. (3) ifc. f. [ A ]) Mn. Yājñ. Suśr. &c. (4) a partic. fluid measure Nir. xiv, 7 KātyŚr. Sch. (5) a partic. measure of time (= 1/60 Ghaṭī) Gaṇit. ; flesh, meat Yājñ. Suśr. [ Cf. Lat. [ palea ] ; Fr. [ paille ], Lith. [ pelai ]. ]

===> pala-gaṇḍa [ palagaNDa ]3[ pala-gaNDa ] m. a mason (as using straw ?) L.

===> palita [ palita ]1[ palit'a ] mf ([ A ], or [ p'aliknI ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 39 Vārtt. 1. 2 Pat.) n. grey, hoary, old, aged RV. &c. &c. (1) = [ pAlayitR ] Nir. iv, 26 (2) m. N. of a mouse MBh. (3) of a prince Hariv. VP. (v. l. [ pAl° ]) (4) ([ paliknI ]), f. a cow for the first time with calf L. (5) n. grey hair (also pl.) AV. &c. &c. (6) a tuft of hair Daś (7) mud, mire L. (8) heat, burning L. (9) benzoin L. (10) pepper L. [ Cf (11) Gk. ?, ? &c. ; Lat. [ palleo ], [ 610,1 ] [ pallidus ], [ pallus ] ; Lith. [ p'alvas ] ; Slav. [ plav˘u ] ; HGerm. [ falo ], [ val ], [ fahl ] ; Angl. Sax. [ fealo ] ; Eng. [ fallow ]. ] [ 610,2 ]

===> pallava [ pallava ]1[ pallava ]1 m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a sprout, shoot, twig, spray, bud, blossom (met. used for the fingers, toes, lips &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a strip of cloth, scarf, lappet Kād. Bālar. Rājat (2) spreading, expansion L. (cf. below) (3) strength L. (= [ bala ] (4) v. l. = [ vana ], a wood) (5) red lac ([ alakta ]) L. (6) a bracelet L. (7) sexual love L. (8) unsteadiness L. (9) m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat. (10) a libertine, catamine L. (11) a species of fish L. (12) pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur. (v. l. for [ pahlava ]) (13) of a race of princes Inscr.

===> [ pallava ]2[ pallava ]2 Nom. P. [ °vati ], to put forth young shoots Śatr

===> palvala [ palvala ]1[ palvala ] n. (m. Siddh.) a pool, small tank, pond. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ palus ] ; Lith. [ p'urvas ] (?). ] [ 610,3 ]

===> palāla [ palAla ]2[ palAla ] m. n. a stalk, straw Mn. MBh. &c. (1) the stalk of the Sorghum, Indian millet Suśr. (2) m. N. of a demon inimical to children ([ anu-p° ]) AV. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs of Skanda MBh. (4) ([ 'I ]), f. a stalk, straw AV. (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 100)

===> palāśa [ palAza ]1[ palAz'a ]2 n. (for 1. See under [ pala ]) a leaf, petal, foliage (ifc. f. [ I ]) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (1) the blade of a sharp instrument (cf. [ parazu-p° ]) (2) the blossom of the tree Butea Frondosa Pañc (3) = [ zmazAna ] L. (4) = [ paribhASaNa ] L. (5) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the tree Butea Frondosa (its older name is [ parNa ], q. v.) Br. MBh. &c. (6) Curcuma Zedoaria L. (7) N. of Magadha L. (8) (ifc. it denotes beauty, g. [ vyAghr^adi ]) (9) ([ I ]), f. a species of climbing plant L. (10) cochineal L. (11) red lac L. (12) mfn. green L. (w. r. for [ pAlAza ])

===> palāśa-pattra [ palAzapattra ]3[ palAz'a-pattra ] n. a single leaf (esp. of the Butea Frondosa) Hariv. Pañc (1) m. N. of a Nāga L.

===> palāṇḍu [ palANDu ]1[ palANDu ] m. (rarely n.) an onion Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c. (cf. Uṇ. i, 38 Sch.)

===> panasa [ panasa ]1[ panasa ] m. (√ [ pan ]?) the bread-fruit or Jaka tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia MBh. R. &c. (1) a thorn L. (2) a species of serpent Suśr. (3) N. of a monkey MBh. R. (4) ([ I ]), f. = [ panasikA ] Suśr. (5) n. the bread-fruit ib.

===> panna-ga [ pannaga ]3[ panna-g'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) ` creeping low ', a serpent or serpent-demon Suparṇ. MBh. &c.

---> Cerasus Puddum L. (1) ([ I ]), f. See below (2) [ -kesara ] m. Mesua Roxburghī L. (3) [ -nAzana ] m. ` serpent-killer ', N. of Garuḍa Hariv. (4) [ -purI ] f. the city of the serpent-demons L. (5) [ -bhojana ] m. ` serpent-eater ', N. of Garuḍa MBh. (6) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. formed or consisting of serpent Hariv. (7) [ -rAja ] m. serpent-king MBh. (8) [ -g^ari ] m. ` serpent-foe ', N. of Garuḍa Hariv. (9) of a teacher (v. l. [ -gAni ]) VP. (10) [ -g^azana ] m. = [ -gabhojana ] L. (11) [ -g^endra ] and [ -gezvara ] m. ` serpent king ' MBh.

===> panthaka [ panthaka ]2[ panthaka ] mfn. produced in or on the way Pāṇ. 4-3, 29 (1) m. N. of a Brāhman L.

===> panthalikā [ panthalikA ]3[ panthalikA ] f. a narrow way or path Kāraṇḍ. Divyâv

===> para [ para ]1[ p'ara ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 1. [ pR ] (1) abl. sg. m. n. [ p'arasmAt ], [ °rAt ] (2) loc. [ p'arasmin ], [ °re ] (3) nom. pl. m. [ p'are ], [ °rAs ], [ °rAsas ] (4) cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 34 ; vii, 1, 16 ; 50) far, distant, remote (in space), opposite, ulterior, farther than, beyond, on the other or farther side of, extreme (5) previous (in time), former (6) ancient, past (7) later, future, next (8) following, succeeding, subsequent (9) final, last (10) exceeding (in number or degree), more than (11) better or worse than, superior or inferior to, best or worst, highest, supreme, chief (in the compar. meanings [ where also [ -tara ] ], with abl., rarely gen. or ifc. (12) exceptionally [ paraM zatam ], more than a hundred, lit. ` an excessive hundred, a hundred with a surplus ' R. [ 586,2 ] (13) [ parAH koTayaH ] Prab. Hcat.) RV. &c. &c. (14) strange, foreign, alien, adverse, hostile ib. (15) other than, different from (abl.) Prab (16) left, remaining Kathās (17) concerned or anxious for (loc.) R. (18) m. another (different from one's self), a foreigner, enemy, foe, adversary RV. &c. &c. (19) a following letter or sound (only ifc. mfn. e. g. [ ta-para ], having [ t ] as the following letter, followed by [ t ]) RPrāt. Pāṇ. (20) (scil. [ graha ]) a subsidiary Soma-graha TS. (21) N. of a king of Kosala with the patr. Āṭṇāra Br. (22) of another king MBh. (23) of a son of Samara Hariv. (24) (sc. [ prAsAda ]) of the palace of Mitravindā ib. (25) m. or n. the Supreme or Absolute Being, the Universal Soul Up. R. Pur. (26) ([ A ]), f. a foreign country, abroad (?) Kathās (27) a species of plant L. (28) N. of a sound in the first of its 4 stages L. (29) a partic. measure of time Sāy

---> N. of a river MBh. VP. (v. l. [ pArA ], [ veNA ], [ veNNA ]) (30) of a goddess (cf. s. v.), n. remotest distance MBh. (31) highest point or degree ib. (32) final beatitude L. (also [ -taram ] and [ parAt para-taram ]) (33) the number 10,000,000,000 (as the full age of Brahmā) VP. (34) N. of partic. Sāmans Kāṭh (35) any chief matter or paramount object (ifc. [ f. [ A ] ] having as the chief object, given up to, occupied with, engrossed in, intent upon, resting on, consisting of, serving for, synonymous with &c. MBh. Kāv. &c.) (36) the wider or mare extended or remoter meaning of a word Jaim. Kull (37) (in logic) genus (38) existence (regarded as the common property of all things) W. (39) ([ am ]), ind. afterwards, later (40) (with abl.) beyond, after (e. g. [ paraM vijJAnAt ], beyond human knowledge (41) [ astam-ayAt p° ], after sunset (42) [ mattaH p° ], after me (43) [ ataH p° ] or [ param ataH ], after this, farther on, hereafter, next (44) [ itaH p° ], henceforward, from now (45) [ tataH p° ] or [ tataz ca p° ], after that, thereupon (46) [ n^asmAt p° ] [ for [ m^asmŚp° ] ], no more of this, enough) MBh. Kāv. &c. (47) in a high degree, excessively, greatly, completely ib. (48) rather, most willingly, by all means ib. (49) I will, so be it Divyâv (50) at the most, at the utmost, merely, no more than, nothing but ib. (51) but, however, otherwise ([ paraM tu ] or [ paraM kiM tu ] id. (52) [ yadi p° ], if at all, perhaps, at any rate (53) [ na-p° ], not-but (54) [ na paraM-api ], not only-but also (55) [ paraM na-api na ], not only not-but not even (56) [ na paraM-yAvat ], not only-but even) ib. (57) ([ p'areNa ]), ind. farther, beyond, past (with acc.) RV. &c. &c. (58) thereupon, afterwards, later than, after (with abl. or gen.). Mn. MBh. &c. (59) ([ par'e ]), ind. later, farther, in future, afterwards RV. MBh. Kāv. [ Cf. Zd. [ para ] (60) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ peren-die ] ; Goth. [ 586,2 ] [ fa'irra ] ; Germ. [ fern ] ; Eng. [ far ] and [ fore ]. ]

===> [ para ]2[ para ]2 in comp. for [ °ras ]

===> para-bala [ parabala ]3[ p'ara-bala ] n. the foe's army Mn. vii, 174

===> para-bhedana [ parabhedana ]3[ p'ara-bhedana ] (Śiś.), mfn. destroying enemies

===> para-bhāga [ parabhAga ]3[ p'ara-bhAga ] m. superior power or merit, excellence, supremacy Kālid. ([ -tA ] f.) Pañc. Kathās (1) good fortune, prosperity L. (2) the last part, remainder W.

===> para-bhāva [ parabhAva ]3[ p'ara-bhAva ] mf ([ A ]) n. loving another MBh. -2

===> [ parabhAva ]3[ p'ara-bhAva ] m. the being subsequent or second member in a compound Pat. (cf. [ -bhUta ])

===> para-cakra [ paracakra ]3[ p'ara-cakra ] n. the army of a foe MBh. Var. (Sch. ` a hostile prince ') (1) [ -sUdana ] m. destroyer of it BhP.

===> para-citta-jñāna [ paracittajJAna ]3[ p'ara-citta-jJAna ] n. knowing the thoughts of another L.

===> para-dhana [ paradhana ]3[ p'ara-dhana ] n. another's wealth VP. (1) [ °n^asvAdana-sukha ] n. feeding luxuriously at another's expense Hit.

===> para-dharma [ paradharma ]3[ p'ara-dharma ] m. another's duty or business, the duties of another caste Mn. BhP. (1) another's peculiarity ([ -tva ] n.) Kap

===> para-dravya [ paradravya ]3[ p'ara-dravya ] n. pl. another's property Hit. (1) [ °vy^apahAraka ] mfn. robbing another's property Mn.

===> para-duḥkha [ paraduHkha ]3[ p'ara-duHkha ] n. another's pain or sorrow W.

===> para-dāra [ paradAra ]3[ p'ara-dAra ] m. sg. or pl. another's wife or wives Mn. MBh. &c. (1) adultery Gaut. xxii, 29 (2) [ -gamana ] n. [ °r^abhigamana ] n. [ °r^abhimarza ] m. [ °r^opasevana ] n. ([ °vA ] f.) approaching or touching or courting another's wife or wives, adultery W. (3) [ -parigraha ] (R.), [ -bhuj ] (MārkP.), [ -dArin ]: (R.), m. one who takes or approaches or enjoys another's wife or wives, an adulterer R.

===> para-gata [ paragata ]3[ p'ara-gata ] mfn. being with or relating to another MBh.

===> para-guṇa [ paraguNa ]3[ p'ara-guNa ] (ibc.) the virtues of another ([ -gr^ahin ] mfn. assuming them) Kāv (1) mfn. beneficial to another or to a foe R.

===> para-hita [ parahita ]3[ p'ara-hita ] mfn. friendly, benevolent W. (1) n. another's welfare Bhartṛ (2) [ -grantha ] m. N. of wk. (3) [ -rakSita ] m. N. of an author (4) [ -saMhitA ] f. N. of wk.

===> para-jana [ parajana ]3[ p'ara-jana ] m. another person, a stranger (1) (coll.) strangers (opp. to [ sva-j° ]) Mn. xi, 9

===> para-kalatra [ parakalatra ]3[ p'ara-kalatra ] n. another's wife (1) [ °r^abhigamana ] n. approaching another's wife, adultery W.

===> para-kārya [ parakArya ]3[ p'ara-kArya ] n. another's business or affair Pañc

===> para-kṛtya [ parakRtya ]3[ p'ara-kRtya ] n. another's business or affair Kāv (1) mfn. busy for another, hostile Mudr (2) [ -pakSa ] m. the hostile party ib.

===> para-loka [ paraloka ]3[ p'ara-loka ] m. the other or future world ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (1) [ -ga ], [ -gata ] mfn. going or gone to the future world, dying, dead MBh. Kāv (2) [ -gama ] m. [ -gamana ] n. dying, death L. (3) [ -bAdha ], m. loss of the future world MW. (4) [ -yAna ] n. = [ -gama ] ib. (5) [ -vaha ] mf ([ A ]) n. (a river) flowing in or toward the other world MBh. (6) [ -vidhi ] m. rites for the other world, funeral rites Kum (7) [ -sthAna ] n. the state of (being in) the other world ŚBr. (8) [ -hasta ] mfn. holding in hand (i. e. quite certain of) the other world Mṛcch. viii, 46/0. -1

===> para-mantra [ paramantra ]3[ p'ara-mantra ] v. l. for [ mAtra ]

===> para-mātra [ paramAtra ]3[ p'ara-mAtra ] m. or n. (with Buddhists) a partic. high number (v. l. [ -mantra ])

===> para-nirmita-vaśa-vartin [ paranirmitavazavartin ]3[ p'ara-nirmita-vaza-vartin ] m. ` constantly enjoying pleasures provided by others ', N. of a class of Buddh. deities Lalit. (cf. MWB. 208)

===> para-pakṣa [ parapakSa ]3[ p'ara-pakSa ] m. the other side, hostile party, enemy Hit. (1) N. of a son of Anu VP. (v. l. [ param^ekSu ])

===> para-paribhava [ paraparibhava ]3[ p'ara-paribhava ] m. humiliation or injury suffered from others Mṛcch

===> para-pravādin [ parapravAdin ]3[ p'ara-pravAdin ] m. a false teacher Divyâv

===> para-puruṣa [ parapuruSa ]3[ p'ara-puruSa ] m. the husband of another woman Kālid (1) ` the Supreme Spirit ', N. of Viṣṇu L.

===> para-rāṣṭra [ pararASTra ]3[ p'ara-rASTra ] n. the country of an enemy Kull. on Mn. vii, 153

===> para-sthāna [ parasthAna ]3[ p'ara-sthAna ] n. another place, strange place Hit.

===> para-strī [ parastrI ]3[ p'ara-strI ] f. the wife of another or an unmarried woman depending on another Sāh

===> para-sva [ parasva ]3[ p'ara-sva ] n. sg. or pl. another's property Mn. MBh. &c. (1) mfn. = [ sarvasva-bhUta ] MantraBr. Sch. (2) [ -graha ] m. seizing another's property Prab (3) [ -tva ] n. another's right W. ([ -tv^ap^adAna ] n. conferring a right upon another as by gift &c. ib.) (4) [ -haraNa ] n. = [ -graha ] L. (5) [ -hRt ] (Var.), [ -sv^adAyin ] (Mn.), mfn. taking or seizing another's property (6) [ -sv^ehA ] f. desire of another's property (7) [ -sv^opajIvika ] (W.), [ °jIvin ] (R.), mfn. living upon another's property, dependent

===> para-vaśya [ paravazya ]3[ p'ara-vazya ] mfn. = [ -vaza ] (1) [ -tA ] f. R.

===> para-vāda [ paravAda ]3[ p'ara-vAda ] m. the talk of others, popular rumour or report, slander Pañc. ŚārṅgP. (1) objection, controversy Sāṃkhyak (2) [ °din ] m. an opponent, controversialist Śatr

===> para-śvas [ parazvas ]3[ p'ara-zvas ] ind. the day after to-morrow MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. [ paraH-zvas ] under [ paras ])

===> parakīya [ parakIya ]2[ parakIya ] mf ([ A ]) n. belonging to another or a stranger, strange, hostile ([ -tA ] f.) Mn. ([ nipAna ] n. a tank belonging to another, iv, 201) Śak. Kām (1) ([ A ]), f. another's wife or a woman dependent on others ([ -tva ] n.) Sāh

===> parama [ parama ]2[ param'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (superl. of [ p'ara ]) most distant, remotest, extreme, last RV. &c. &c. (1) chief, highest, primary, most prominent or conspicuous (2) best, most excellent, worst ([ °meNa cetasA ], with all the heart (3) [ °ma-kaNThena ], ` with all the throat ', roaring, speaking aloud) ib. (4) (with abl.) superior or inferior to, better or worse than MBh. R. (5) m. N. of 2 authors Cat. (6) n. highest point, extreme limit ([ catur-viMzati-p° ], at the utmost 24) MBh. &c. (7) chief part or matter or object (ifc., f. [ A ] = consisting chiefly of, completely occupied with or devoted to or intent upon) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (8) ([ am ]), ind. yes, very well (9) (also [ parama- ] in comp. (10) See below) very much, excessively, excellently, in the highest degree MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parama-duḥkhita [ paramaduHkhita ]3[ param'a-duHkhita ] mfn. deeply afflicted Nal

===> parama-rṣi [ paramarSi ]3[ param'a-rSi ] m. ([ °ma-RSi ]) a great or divine sage MBh. Pur. &c.

===> paramaiśvarya [ paramaizvarya ]3[ param^aizvarya ] n. supremacy Sāy

===> paramatas [ paramatas ]3[ param'a-tas ] ind. in the highest degree, excessively (1) worst of all MW.

===> paramatā [ paramatA ]3[ param'a-tA ] ([ °m'a- ]), f. highest position or rank (1) highest end or aim ŚBr.

===> paramâkṣara [ paramAkSara ]3[ param^akSara ] n. the sacred syllable ` Om ' or Brahmā VP. Sch.

===> paramânanda [ paramAnanda ]3[ param^ananda ] m. supreme felicity (1) the Supreme Spirit, soul of the universe MBh. Bhartṛ. &c. (2) N. of sev. authors (also [ -cakravartin ], [ -dAsa ], [ -deva ], [ -nAtha ], [ -pAThaka ], [ -bhaTT^acArya ], [ -yog^indra ], [ -sarasvatI ], [ °d^azrama ]) Cat. (3) [ -tantra ] n. [ -mAdhava-stava ] m. [ -laharI-stotra ] n. N. of wks.

===> paramârtha [ paramArtha ]3[ param^artha ] m. the highest or whole truth, spiritual knowledge MBh. Kāv. Vedântas. &c. (ibc. (1) [ °ena ], [ At ], in reality) (2) any excellent or important object W. (3) the best sense ib. (4) the best kind of wealth ib. (5) [ -tas ] ind. in reality, really, in the true sense of the word R. Kālid. &c. (6) [ -tA ] f. the highest truth, reality Kap. Sch. (7) [ -daridra ] mfn. really poor Mṛcch (8) [ -darzana ] m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (9) [ -nirNaya ] m. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -pradIpikA ] f. [ -prapA ] f. [ -bodha ] m. N. of wks. (10) [ -bhAj ] mfn. partaking of the highest truth Mcar. (11) [ -matsya ] m. a real fish Ragh (12) [ -vid ] m. one who knows the highest truth, a philosopher W. (13) [ -vinda ] mfn. acquiring knowledge of truth, obtaining the best kind of wealth &c. ib. (14) [ -viveka ] m. [ -saMvRti-satya-nirdeza ] m. [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of wks. (15) [ -satya ] n. the real or entire truth L. (16) [ -saMdarbha ] m. N. of wk. (17) [ -sarit ] f. really a river Vikr (18) [ -sAra ] m. ([ °ra-saMkSepa-vivRti ] f. [ °ra-saMgraha ], m.) N. of wks. (19) [ -supta ] mfn. really asleep Mṛcch (20) [ -stuti ] f. N. of wk.

===> paramâtmaka [ paramAtmaka ]3[ param^atmaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. the highest, greatest MBh.

===> paramâtman [ paramAtman ]3[ param^atman ] m. all the heart (only instr. = [ parameNa cetasA ], col. 1) MBh. (1) the Supreme Spirit Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 37). [ 588,3 ]

===> paramâṇu [ paramANu ]3[ param^aNu ] m. an infinitesimal particle or atom (30 are said to form a mote in a sun-beam) Yājñ. Yogas. MBh. &c. (cf. [ bhRtya-p° ]) (1) the passing of a sun-beam past an atom of matter Pur. (2) n. 1/8 of a Mātrā VPrāt. (3) [ -kAraNa-vAda ] m. the atomistic system of the Vaiśeshikas, Saṃk (4) [ -tA ] f. infinite minuteness, the state of an atom Ragh. BhP. (5) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting merely of atoms BhP. (6) [ °Nv-aGgaka ] m. ` subtle-bodied ', N. of Viṣṇu L. 1

===> parasmai [ parasmai ]2[ parasmai ] dat., of [ para ] in comp. (cf. [ Atmane ] and Pāṇ. 6-3, 8)

===> paraspara [ paraspara ]2[ paras-para ] (fr. nom. sg. m. of [ para ] + [ para ] (1) cf. [ anyo'nya ]), mf ([ A ]) n. mutual, each other's Bhaṭṭ. (2) pl. like one another MBh. xii, 2420 (3) (mostly in the oblique cases of m. sg. [ °am ], [ eNa ], [ At ], [ asya ]), ind. one another, each other, with or from one another, one another's, mutually, reciprocally Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) so also ibc. (cf. below) (5) rarely ifc., e. g. [ avijJAta-parasparaiH ], ` not knowing each other ' Ragh. xvii, 51

===> paraspara-viruddha [ parasparaviruddha ]3[ paras-para-viruddha ] mfn. opposed to one another Mn.

===> paratantra [ paratantra ]3[ p'ara-tantra ] n. a rule or formula for another rite KātyŚr. (1) mf ([ A ]) n. dependent on or subject to another, obedient (opp. to [ sva-t° ]) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c. (2) n. (ibc.) and [ -tA ] f. (Sāh.) dependence on another's will Sāh (3) [ -dRSTi ] mfn. one who asserts the dependence of the will Jātakam (4) [ -haMs^opaniSad ] f. N. of an Up. (5) [ °trI-kRta ] mfn. made dependent, brought into another's power Kull (6) ceded, sold Kathās

===> paratas [ paratas ]3[ p'ara-tas ] ind. = abl. of [ para ] Kāv. Pur. (1) farther, far off, afterwards, behind ([ itas-paratas ], here-there (2) [ sapta puruSAn itaz ca paraz ca ], seven ancestors and seven descendants Gaut (3) [ sani parataH ], sc. [ sati ], when [ san ] follows Pāṇ. 2-4, 48 Sch.) RPrāt. Hariv. R. &c. (4) high above (in rank) Rājat (5) (with prec. abl.) after (in time) MBh. Yājñ. &c. (6) beyond, above (in rank) Bhag. Kām (7) otherwise, differently W. (8) [ °taH-poSa ] mfn. receiving food from another BhP. (9) [ -tas-tva ] n. (the state of) being from elsewhere or without Sarvad

===> paratra [ paratra ]3[ p'ara-tra ] ind. elsewhere, in another place, in a future state or world, hereafter Mn. MBh. &c. (1) below i. e. in the sequel (of a book) Vop. Sch. (2) [ -bhIru ] m. ` one who stands in awe of futurity ', a pious or religious man W.

===> paratva [ paratva ]3[ p'ara-tv'a ] n. distance, remoteness, consequence, posteriority, difference, strangeness, superiority to (gen.) Āpast. MBh. Pur. &c. (1) = [ -tA ] Kap (2) [ -ratn^akara ] m. N. of wk.

===> paraśu [ parazu ]1[ paraz'u ] m. a hatchet, axe, the axe of a woodcutter (1) (Naigh. ii, 20) a thunderbolt RV. &c. &c. (2) N. of a king MBh. (3) w. r. for [ parzu ], q. v. [ Cf. Gk. ?, [ 589,2 ] &c. ]

===> paraṃ-tapa [ paraMtapa ]3[ p'ara-M-tapa ] mfn. destroying foes (said of heroes) MBh. R. &c. (1) m. N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa Hariv. (2) of a prince of Magadha Ragh

===> pareṇa [ pareNa ]1[ pareNa ] See under 1. [ p'ara ], p. 586, col. 2

===> pari- [ pari ]1[ p'ari ] ind. round, around, about, round about (1) fully, abundantly, richly (esp. ibc. [ where also [ parI ] ] to express fulness or high degree) RV. &c. &c. (2) as a prep. (with acc.) about (in space and time) RV. AV. (3) against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 90 (4) also at the beginning of a comp. mfn. (5) cf. ib. ii, 2, 18 Vārtt. 4 Pat. and [ pary-adhyayana ]) (6) beyond, more than AV. (7) to the share of (with √ [ as ], or [ bhU ], to fall to a person's lot) Pāṇ. 1-4, 90 (8) successively, severally (e. g. [ vRkSam pari siJcati ], he waters tree after tree) ib. (9) (with abl.) from, away from, out of RV. AV. ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 93) (10) outside of, except Pāṇ. 1-4, 88 Kāś. (often repeated ib. viii, 1, 5 (11) also at the beginning or the end of an ind. comp. ib. ii, 1, 12) (12) after the lapse of Mn. iii, 119 MBh. xiii, 4672 (some read [ parisaMvatsarAt ]) (13) in consequence or on account or for the sake of RV. AV. (14) according to (esp. [ dh'armaNas p'ari ], according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) RV. [ Cf. Zd. [ pairi ] (15) Gk. ?. ] [ 591,2 ]

===> paribaddha [ paribaddha ]3[ pari-baddha ] mfn. bound, stopped, obstructed R.

===> paribhava [ paribhava ]1[ pari-bhava ] [ °vana ] &c. See [ pari-bhU ]

===> [ paribhava ]3[ pari-bhava ] m. insult, injury, humiliation, contempt, disgrace MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -pada ] n. an object or occasion of contempt Kālid. Hit. (2) [ -vidhi ] m. humiliation, Śṛṅgār (3) [ °v^azpada ] n. = [ °va-pada ] Vikr. MārkP.

===> paribhavana [ paribhavana ]3[ pari-bhavana ] n. humiliation, degradation Mālav

===> paribheda [ paribheda ]1[ pari-bheda ] [ °dhaka ], See [ pari-bhid ]

===> paribhoga [ paribhoga ]1[ pari-bhoga ] &c. See [ pari- ] √ 3. [ bhuj ]

===> paribhogya [ paribhogya ]3[ pari-bhogya ] (!), n. use Divyâv

===> paribhraṃśa [ paribhraMza ]3[ pari-bhraMza ] m. escape Hariv.

===> paribhraṣṭa [ paribhraSTa ]3[ pari-bhraSTa ] mfn. fallen or dropped off (1) fallen from (often = omitting, neglecting) (2) deprived of (abl. or comp., rarely instr.) Mn. MBh. &c. (3) fallen, lost, ruined (4) sunk, degraded MBh. Kāv. &c. (5) escaped, vanished MBh. Kathās (6) [ -satkarman ] mfn. one whose virtuous acts are lost or in vain BhP. (7) [ -sukha ] mfn. fallen from happiness MBh.

===> paribhukta [ paribhukta ]3[ pari-bhukta ] mfn. eaten before another, anticipated in eating MBh. (1) eaten, enjoyed, possessed Kāv (2) worn (as a garment) Divyâv

===> paribhāva [ paribhAva ]3[ pari-bhAva ] (also [ pari-bh° ]), m. contempt Pañc. i, 258/259 (B. [ °bhava ])

===> paribhāvana [ paribhAvana ]3[ pari-bhAvana ] n. cohesion, union MBh. (1) ([ A ]), f. thought, contemplation Uttarar (2) (in dram.) words exciting curiosity Sāh

===> paribhāvita [ paribhAvita ]3[ pari-bhAvita ] mfn. enclosed, contained BhP. (1) ([ -tva ] n. RPrāt. Sch., w. r. for [ °bhASita-tva ]) (2) penetrated, pervaded ib. (3) conceived, imagined ib.

===> paribhāṣaka [ paribhASaka ]3[ pari-bhASaka ] mfn. abusive Divyâv

===> paribhāṣaṇa [ paribhASaNa ]3[ pari-bhASaNa ] mfn. speaking much ([ a-paribh° ]) R. (1) n. speaking, talking, discourse Subh (2) admonition, reprimand, reproof Mn. MBh. Lalit. (3) rule, precept W. (4) agreement (?) ib.

===> paribhāṣita [ paribhASita ]3[ pari-bhASita ] mfn. explained, said, stated as (nom.), taught, established as a rule, formed or used technically Hariv. Bālar. Bījag (1) [ -tva ] n. RPrāt. Sch.

===> paribhāṣā [ paribhASA ]3[ pari-bhASA ] f. speech, discourse, words MBh. BhP. (1) blame, censure, reproof (only pl.) Pat. Bālar (2) any explanatory rule or general definition, (in gram.) a rule or maxim which teaches the proper interpretation or application of other rules Pāṇ. (3) (in medic.) prognosis (4) a table or list of abbreviations or signs used in any work (5) (also pl.) N. of sev. wks. (6) [ -kroDa-pattra ] n. [ -Gka-sUtra ] ([ °S^aGk° ]), n. [ -chando-maJjarI ] f. [ -TIkA ] f. [ -prakaraNa ] n. [ -prakAza ], m. [ -prakAzikA ] f. [ -pradIpa ] m. [ -pradIp^arcis ] n. [ -bhASya-sUtra ] n. [ -bhAskara ] m. [ -maJjarI ] f. [ -rahasya ], n. [ -rtha-maJjarI ] ([ °S^arth° ]), f. [ -rtha-saMgraha ] ([ °S^arth° ]), m. [ -viveka ] m. [ -vizeSa ] m. [ -vRtti ] f. [ -ziromaNi ] m. [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -sAra ] m. [ -sAra-saMgraha ] m. [ -sUtra ] n. [ °S^endu-bhAskara ] m. [ °S^endu-zekhara ] m. [ °S^endu-zekharasaMgraha ] m. [ °S^opaskAra ] m. N. of wks. [ 598,2 ]

===> paribhūta [ paribhUta ]3[ pari-bhUta ] mfn. overpowered, conquered, slighted, disregarded, despised Kāv. Pur. (1) m. (with [ bhaTTa ]) N. of a poet Cat. (2) [ -gati-traya ] mfn. surpassing three times the age of man BhP. (3) [ -tA ] f. humiliation, degradation Vajracch.

===> paricaya [ paricaya ]1[ pari-caya ] &c. See under [ pari- ] √ 1. 2. [ ci ]

===> [ paricaya ]3[ pari-caya ] m. heaping up, accumulation Kauś (1) [ -vat ] mfn. being at its height, complete, finished Mālav. iii, 20. 1

===> [ paricaya ]3[ pari-caya ] m. acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity with, knowledge of (gen., loc., instr. with or sc. [ samam ], or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) trial, practice, frequent repetition Kāv. (cf. [ rati-p° ]) (2) meeting with a friend W. (3) [ °y^avasthA ] f. (with Yogins) a partic. state of ecstasy Cat. 2

===> pariccheda [ pariccheda ]3[ pari-ccheda ] m. cutting, severing, division, separation Śaṃk. Suśr. (1) accurate definition, exact discrimination (as between false and true), right and wrong &c.), decision, judgment Kāv. Śaṃk. Kull (2) resolution, determination Kād (3) a section or chapter of a book Cat. (4) limit, boundary. W. (5) obviating, remedying ib. (6) [ -kara ] m. N. of a Samādhi L. (7) [ -vyakti ] f. distinctness of perception Mālatīm (8) [ °d^akula ] mfn. perplexed (through inability) to decide Śak (9) [ °d^at^ita ] mfn. surpassing all definition Mālatīm

===> paricchinna [ paricchinna ]3[ pari-cchinna ] mfn. cut off, divided, detached, confined, limited, circumscribed ([ -tva ] n.) R. BhP. &c. (1) determined, ascertained Kum (2) obviated, remedied W.

===> paricita [ paricita ]3[ pari-cita ] mfn. heaped up, accumulated, gathered Megh. Rājat. BhP. (1) (with instr.) filled with, containing, Bhp. 1

===> [ paricita ]3[ pari-cita ] mfn. known, familiar ([ °taM-√ kR ], to make a person's acquaintance) Hariv. Kāv (1) [ -bhU ] mfn. having (its) place well known MW. (2) [ -vivikta ] mfn. familiarised to seclusion Śak. v, 10

===> paricumbana [ paricumbana ]3[ pari-cumbana ] n. the act of kissing heartily &c. Bālar. Caurap

===> paricāra [ paricAra ]3[ pari-cAra ] m. attendance, service, homage MBh. (1) a place for walking ib. (2) an assistant or servant ib.

===> paricāraka [ paricAraka ]3[ pari-cAraka ] m. an assistant or attendant Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) executor (of an order &c.) Hariv. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a female attendant, a waiting maid MBh. R. &c.

===> paricārika [ paricArika ]3[ pari-cArika ] m. a servant, assistant MBh. (1) pl. fried grain L.

===> paricārita [ paricArita ]3[ pari-cArita ] n. amusement, sport Divyâv

===> paridagdha [ paridagdha ]3[ pari-dagdha ] mfn. burnt, scorched MBh. Hariv. &c.

===> parideva [ parideva ]3[ pari-deva ] m. lamentation MBh. Lalit.

===> paridevaka [ paridevaka ]3[ pari-devaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. who or what laments or complains Bhaṭṭ. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 147)

===> paridevana [ paridevana ]3[ pari-devana ] (w. r. [ -vedana ]), n. lamentation, bewailing, complaint MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. Yājñ. MBh. Hit.

===> paridevita [ paridevita ]3[ pari-devita ] (w. r. [ -vedita ]), mfn. lamented, bewailed MBh. R. &c. (1) plaintive, miserable ([ am ] ind.) ib. (2) n. wailing, lamentation ib. (3) impers. with instr., e. g. [ °taM-RAmeNa ], ` wailing was made by R. '

===> paridhāna [ paridhAna ]3[ pari-dh'Ana ] (and [ °dhAn'a ]), n. putting or laying round (esp., wood), wrapping round, putting on, dressing, clothing KātyŚr. R. Pañc (1) a garment, (esp.) an under garment (ifc. f. [ A ]) AV. ŚBr. &c. (also [ parI-dh° ]) (2) closing or concluding (a recitation) ŚāṅkhBr. (3) [ -vastra ] n. an upper garment Pañc. iv, 63/64 (4) [ °nIroot kR ], to make into an upper garment Śiś. Sch. (5) [ °nIya ] n. an under garment (6) ([ A ]), f. (sc. [ Rc ]) a concluding or final verse Br.

===> paridhāvana [ paridhAvana ]3[ pari-dhAvana ] n. the running away from, escaping MBh.

===> paridāha [ paridAha ]3[ pari-dAha ] m. burning hot Suśr. (1) mental anguish, pain, sorrow MBh.

===> parigata [ parigata ]3[ pari-gata ] mfn. gone round or through, surrounded, encompassed MBh. R. &c. (1) filled, possessed of, visited by, afflicted with (instr. or comp.) ib. (2) diffused, spread Kāv (3) deceased, dead Bhartṛ. iii, 49 (4) experienced, known, learnt from (abl.) Kāv (5) forgotten L. (6) obtained L. (7) = [ ceSTita ] L. (8) [ °t^arTha ] mfn. acquainted or familiar with anything Kālid

===> parigaṇa [ parigaNa ]1[ parigaNa ] m. or n. (?), a house L.

===> parigha [ parigha ]1[ pari-gha ] m. (√ [ han ]) an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate (= [ argala ]) ChUp. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) (fig.) a bar, obstacle, hindrance Ragh. Kathās (2) (once n.) an iron bludgeon or club studded with iron MBh. R. &c. (3) a child which presents a peculiar cross position in birth Suśr. (4) a line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset Var. MBh. &c. (5) (du.) two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen) Var (6) the gate of a palace, any gate R. (7) a house L. (8) (in astrol.) N. of the 19th Yoga L. (9) a pitcher, water-jar L. (10) a glass pitcher L. (11) killing, striking, a blow L. (12) N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh. (13) of a Cāṇḍāla ib. (14) of a virtuous man Cat.

===> parigraha [ parigraha ]3[ pari-grah'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) laying hold of on all sides, surrounding, enclosing, fencing round (esp. the Vedi or sacrificial altar by means of three lines or furrows) ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c. (1) wrapping round, putting on (a dress &c.), assuming (a form &c.) Kāv (2) comprehending, summing up, sum, totality, SāṅkhBr. Mn. (3) taking, accepting, receiving or anything received, 2 gift or present MBh. Kāv. &c. (4) getting, attaining, acquisition, possession, property (ifc. ` being possessed of or furnished with ') ib. (5) household, family, attendants, retinue, the seraglio of a prince ib. (6) a house, abode Hariv. (7) root, origin, foundation MBh. (8) admittance (into one's house), hospitable reception Mn. MBh. R. Kāraṇḍ (9) taking (a wife), marrying, marriage Mn. MBh. &c. (10) a wife (also collect.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (11) choice, selection ib. (12) understanding, conception Pāṇ. Sch. (13) undertaking, beginning, commission or performance of, occupation with Mn. R. Hariv. (14) homage, reverence, grace, favour, help, assistance MBh. Kāv. &c. (15) dominion, control (ifc. ` dependent on, subject to ') R. Var. MārkP. (16) force, constraint, punishment (opp. to [ anu-graha ]) R. (17) claim on, relation to, concern with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (18) (in Ved. gram.) the double mention of a word both before and after [ iti ] (19) the form which precedes [ iti ] RPrāt. (20) a curse, imprecation, oath L. (21) an eclipse of the sun L. (22) the rear or reserve of an army L. (v. l. [ prati-gr° ]) (23) [ -tva ] n. state of a wife, marriage Daś (24) [ -dvitIya ] mfn. āc4companied by one's wife or family MW. (25) [ -bahu-tva ] n. multitude of wives Śak (26) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of a family Prab (27) [ -vat ], or [ °hin ] mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property MBh. [ 593,2 ] (28) [ °h^arthIya ] mfn. having the sense of comprehension i. e. generalization Nir. i, 7

===> parigrahaṇa [ parigrahaNa ]3[ pari-grahaNa ] n. wrapping round, putting on Prab

===> parigrahītavya [ parigrahItavya ]3[ pari-grahItavya ] mfn. to be admitted or supposed, Saṃk (1) to be ruled or controlled Pat. (2) to be taken hold of or got into possession Vajracch.

===> parigredha [ parigredha ]3[ pari-gredha ] (!), m. excessive greediness L.

===> parigrāhaka [ parigrAhaka ]3[ pari-grAhaka ] mfn. favouring, befriending Bālar

===> parigṛddha [ parigRddha ]1[ pari-gRddha ] mfn. very greedy Divyâv

===> parigṛhya [ parigRhya ]3[ pari-gRhya ] ind. having taken or seized, in company or along with (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) considering regarding W. (2) [ -vat ] ([ °gr'ihya- ]), mfn. containing the word [ parigRhya ] TS. 2

===> [ parigRhya ]3[ pari-gRhya ] mfn. to be taken or accepted or regarded W. (1) ([ A ]), f. designation of a partic. kind of Vedi or sacrificial mound Kauś (2) a married woman L.

===> parigṛhīta [ parigRhIta ]3[ pari-gRhIta ] mfn. taken hold of on both sides AV. (1) surrounded, embraced, enclosed, enveloped, fenced TS. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (2) seized, grasped, taken, received, obtained, accepted, adopted, admitted, followed, obeyed Br. MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) opposed, checked W. (4) m. g. [ Acit^adi ]

===> parigṛhīti [ parigRhIti ]3[ pari-gRhIti ] ([ p'ari- ]), f. grasping, comprehension TS. Br.

===> pariharaṇa [ pariharaNa ]3[ pari-haraNa ] n. moving or taking round ŚrS. (1) avoiding, shunning VP. (2) leaving W. (3) seizing ib. (4) refuting ib.

===> parihartavya [ parihartavya ]3[ pari-hartavya ] mfn. to be handed over or forwarded, Nyāyam. Sch. [ 605,1 ] (1) to be shunned or avoided or abstained from Nir. Kāv. Pañc (2) to be kept secret or concealed Mṛcch (3) to be confuted Śaṃk (4) to be repeated (before and after [ iti ], cf. next) APrāt.

===> parihâra [ parihAra ]3[ pari-hAra ] ([ p'ari- ]), m. leading round KātyŚr. (1) delivering or handing over Nyāyam. Sch. (2) shunning, avoiding, excluding, abandoning, giving up, resigning ŚBr. &c. &c. (3) seizing, surrounding W. (4) concealment, reserve MBh. Śak (5) leaving out, omission Sāh (6) taking away, removing, (esp.) removing by arguments, confutation Śaṃk (7) caution Car. (8) contempt disrespect L. (9) objection L. (10) any objectionable thing or person W. (11) (in gram.) the repetition of a word (before and after [ iti ], cf. [ pari-graha ]) APrāt. (12) (in dram.) remedying or atoning for any improper action Sāh (13) an extraordinary grant, exemption from taxes, immunity Mn. R. MārkP. Rājat (14) = [ -sthAna ] (below) Mn. viii, 237 (15) bounty, largess W. (cf. [ parI-h° ]) (16) 1. [ -vat ] mfn. avoidable MBh. ([ a-parih° ]) (17) 2. [ -vat ] ind. (ifc.) like the omission of Sāh (18) [ -vizuddhi ] f. (with Jainas) purification by such mortification and penance as are enjoined by the example of ancient saints or sages W. (19) [ -sU ] f. (a cow) bearing a calf only after a long time (of barrenness) TS. Sch. (20) [ -sthAna ] n. a space of common land extending round a village or town Kull. on Mn. viii, 238

===> parihāra [ parihAra ]1[ pari-hAra ] &c. See [ pari-√ hR ]

===> parihāraka [ parihAraka ]3[ pari-hAraka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. repelling, refuting MW. (1) m. or n. an armlet L. (cf. [ °haraka ] and [ parihATaka ])

===> parihārya [ parihArya ]3[ pari-hArya ] mfn. to be shunned or avoided or omitted or escaped from MBh. R. &c. (1) to be severed or separated Kathās (2) to be taken off or away W. (3) to be endowed with a privilege Yājñ. Sch. (4) to be repeated (cf. [ °hartavya ]), APrāt. (5) m. a bracelet L. (cf. [ pArihArya ])

===> parihāsa [ parihAsa ]3[ pari-hAsa ] m. jesting, joking, laughing at, ridiculing, deriding (1) a jest, joke, mirth, merriment MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ parI-h° ]) (2) [ -kathA ] f. an amusing story Ragh (3) [ -pura ] n. N. of a town Rājat (4) [ -pUrvam ] ind. jokingly, in jest Ragh (5) [ -vastu ] n. an object of jest ([ °stu-tA ] f.) Pañc (6) [ -vijalpita ] mfn. uttered in jest Śak (7) [ -vedin ] m. a jester, a witty person W. (8) [ -zIla ] mfn. of a gay or joyous disposition, fond of jesting Var. Kāv (9) [ °la-tA ] f. Ratnâv (10) [ -hari ] m. N. of a temple of Viṣṇu Rājat

===> parihāṇa [ parihANa ]3[ pari-hANa ] n. being deprived of anything, suffering a loss (only [ a-parih° ]) ŚāṅkhBr.

===> parihāṇi [ parihANi ]3[ pari-hANi ] or f. decrease, loss, deficiency Ragh. Var. Suśr. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 51 Sch.)

===> parihāṭaka [ parihATaka ]1[ pari-hATaka ] mfn. consisting or made of pure gold MBh. (1) a ring worn round the arm or leg, an armlet, anklet L.

===> parihīṇa [ parihINa ]3[ pari-hINa ] (also written [ hIna ]), mfn. omitted, lost, disappeared, wanting MBh. Kāv. BhP. (1) abstaining from, deficient in, deprived or destitute of (abl. or [ -tas ] instr., or comp.) ib.

===> parihṛta [ parihRta ]3[ pari-hRta ] mfn. shunned, avoided Kāv (1) abandoned, quitted W. (2) taken, seized ib. (3) n. what has been wrapped round or put on BhP.

===> parijana [ parijana ]1[ pari-jana ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a surrounding company of people, entourage, attendants, servants, followers, suite, train, retinue (esp. of females) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a single servant Kālid. Kathās. Pañc

===> parijñeya [ parijJeya ]3[ pari-jJeya ] mfn. to be recognised or ascertained, comprehensible MBh. Var. &c.

===> parijñā [ parijJA ]1[ pari-√ jJA ] P. Ā. [ -jAnAti ], [ °nIte ] (inf. [ -jJAtum ] ind. p. [ -jJAya ]), to notice, observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, ascertain, know or recognise as (2 acc.) RV. &c. &c.

===> [ parijJA ]3[ pari-jJA ] f. knowledge L.

===> parijñāna [ parijJAna ]3[ pari-jJAna ] n. perception, thorough knowledge, ascertainment, experience, discrimination MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (1) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting in knowledge BhP. (2) [ °nin ] mfn. having much knowledge, wise Kathās

===> parijñāta [ parijJAta ]3[ pari-jJAta ] mfn. thoroughly known, recognised, ascertained, learned MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parijñātṛ [ parijJAtR ]3[ pari-jJAtR ] mfn. one who knows or perceives, an observer, knower Bhag. (1) wise, intelligent W.

===> parijīrṇa [ parijIrNa ]3[ pari-jIrNa ] mfn. worn out, old, withered, faded, decayed MBh.

===> parikalpa [ parikalpa ]1[ pari-kalpa ] [ °pana ] &c. See [ pari-klRp ], p. 592, col. 1

===> [ parikalpa ]3[ pari-kalpa ] m. iillusion Buddh. (1) w. r. for [ °kampa ]

===> parikalpana [ parikalpana ]3[ pari-kalpana ] n. fixing, settling, contriving, making, inventing, providing, dividing, distributing (1) ([ A ]), f. making, forming, assuming (See [ rUpa-parik° ]) (2) reckoning, calculation Var

===> parikalpita [ parikalpita ]3[ pari-kalpita ] mfn. settled, decided (1) fixed upon, chosen, wished for, expected, made, created, imagined, invented, contrived, arranged, distributed, divided (with [ khaNDa-zaH ], cut or broken in pieces) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parikara [ parikara ]1[ pari-kara ] [ pari-karman ] &c. See [ pari-kR ], col. 3

===> [ parikara ]3[ pari-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. who or what helps or assists W. (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) attendants, followers, entourage, retinue, train (sg. and pl.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) multitude, abundance Bhartṛ. Bālar (3) a girth, zone, waist-band, (esp.) a girdle to keep up a garment ([ °ram-√ b'Andh ], or [ °raM-√ kR ], (` to gird up one's loins, make preparations ', and so [ pari-kara ] = [ Arambha ] L.) Hariv. Kāv. Rājat. &c. (4) (in dram.) covert or indirect intimation of coming events in a plot, the germ of the Bīja Daśar (5) (in rhet.) a partic. figure in which many significant epithets or adjectives are employed one after the other to give force to a statement Kpr. Sāh. &c. (6) [ -zloka ] Alaṃkārav. (7) discrimination, judgement L. (8) [ -bandha ] m. the binding on of a girdle in order to begin any work MW. (9) [ -bhUta ] mfn. being instrumental Āryabh. Sch. (10) [ -vijaya ] m. N. of wk. (11) [ -zloka ] m. versus auxiliaris Alaṃkārav.

===> parikarman [ parikarman ]3[ pari-karman ] m. a servant, assistant L. (1) n. attendance, worship, adoration BhP. (2) dressing, painting or perfuming the body (esp. after bathing) MBh. Kālid (3) cleansing, purification Śiś. (4) preparation Kathās. (cf. [ °kara ]) (5) arithmetical computation or operation W. (6) [ °makathA ] f. prayer (?) Divyâv (7) [ °m^aSTaka ] n. the 8 fundamental rules of arithmetic (viz. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the square, extracting the square root, finding the cube, extracting the cube root) Col.

===> parikarmin [ parikarmin ]3[ pari-karmin ] mfn. adorning, decorating W. (1) m. an assistant, servant, slave ŚrS. Suśr.

===> parikarṣaṇa [ parikarSaNa ]3[ pari-karSaNa ] n. id. ib. (1) a circle, Śulbas

===> parikarṣita [ parikarSita ]3[ pari-karSita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) dragged about, harassed, tortured R. BhP.

===> parikathā [ parikathA ]3[ pari-kathA ] f. a religious tale or narrative Divyâv

===> parikheda [ parikheda ]3[ pari-kheda ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) lassitude, weariness, exhaustion MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parikhedita [ parikhedita ]3[ pari-khedita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) afflicted, exhausted, ruined, destroyed Kāv. BhP.

===> parikhinna [ parikhinna ]3[ pari-khinna ] mfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted MBh. R. &c.

===> parikhā [ parikhA ]3[ pari-khA ] f. (once ibc. [ °kha ] BhP.) a moat, ditch, trench or fosse round a town or fort (also applied to the sea surrounding the earth) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of a village in the North country, g. [ palady-Adi ] (iv, 2, 110) (2) [ -sthita ] mfn. impregnable, secure MBh. xii, 6250 (3) [ °khI-kRta ] mfn. made into a moat or ditch Ragh. i, 30

===> parikleśa [ parikleza ]3[ pari-kleza ] m. hardship, pain, trouble, fatigue MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parikliṣṭa [ parikliSTa ]3[ pari-kliSTa ] mfn. much vexed or troubled, pained, harassed, afflicted, exhausted MBh. R. &c. (1) n. = [ °kleza ] L. (2) ([ am ]), ind. with uneasiness or reluctance, unwillingly

===> parikopa [ parikopa ]3[ pari-kopa ] m. violent anger, wrath Pañc

===> parikrama [ parikrama ]3[ pari-krama ] m. roaming about, circumambulating, walking through, pervading MBh. Pur. (1) transition RPrāt. (v. l. [ parA-kr° ]) (2) following the course of a river down from its source to its mouth and then on the other bank up to its source again RTL. 348 (3) succession, series, order Lāṭy. Kauś. Mn. iii, 214 (read [ AvRt-parikramam ]) (4) a remedy, medicine Car. (5) [ -saha ] m. ` one who bears running about ', a goat L.

===> parikramaṇa [ parikramaNa ]3[ pari-kramaNa ] n. walking or roaming about ŚāṅkhBr.

===> parikīrtana [ parikIrtana ]3[ pari-kIrtana ] n. proclaiming, announcing, talking of, boasting, naming, calling Mn. MBh. &c.

===> parikīrtita [ parikIrtita ]3[ pari-kIrtita ] mfn. proclaimed, announced, boasted of, said, called ib.

===> parikūṭa [ parikUTa ]1[ pari-kUTa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon L. (1) a barrier or trench before the gate of a town L.

===> parikṛṣṭa [ parikRSTa ]3[ pari-kRSTa ] m. N. of a teacher VāyuP.

===> parikṣaya [ parikSaya ]1[ pari-kSaya ] See [ pari- ] √ 4. [ kSi ]

===> [ parikSaya ]3[ pari-kSaya ] m. disappearing, ceasing, dissolution, decay, destruction, loss, ruin, end Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parikṣepa [ parikSepa ]3[ pari-kSepa ] m. throwing about, moving to and fro Hariv. (1) surrounding, encircling, being (or that by which anything is) surrounded MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) circumference, extent Car. (3) abandoning, leaving W.

===> parikṣipta [ parikSipta ]3[ pari-kSipta ] mfn. thrown, thrown about, scattered, surrounded, overspread MBh. R. &c. (1) left, abandoned W.

===> parikṣīṇa [ parikSINa ]3[ pari-kSINa ] mfn. vanished, disappeared, wasted, exhausted, diminished, ruined, lost, destroyed (1) (in law) insolvent Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c.

===> parimardana [ parimardana ]3[ pari-mardana ] n. id. L. (1) rubbing in Car. (2) a remedy for rubbing in ib.

===> parimaṇḍala [ parimaNDala ]1[ pari-maNDala ] mf ([ A ]) n. round, circular, globular ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) of the measure of an atom A. (2) m. (sc., [ mazaka ]) a species of venomous gnat Suśr. (3) n. a globe, sphere, orbit, circumference MBh. BhP. Hcat (4) [ -kuSTha ] n. a kind of leprosy Car. (5) [ -tA ] f. whirling about Kir (6) roundness, rotundity, circularity Kād. Suśr. (also [ -tva ] n. MW.)

===> parimita [ parimita ]3[ pari-mita ] ([ p'ari- ]), mfn. measured, meted, limited, regulated RV. &c. &c. (1) moderate, sparing MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -katha ] mf ([ A ]) n. of measured discourse, speaking little Megh (3) [ -tva ] n. moderation, limited condition Kap. Sch. (4) [ -bhuj ] mfn. eating sparingly, abstemious W. (5) [ -bhojana ] n. moderation in eating, abstemiousness MW. (6) [ °t^abharaNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. moderately adorned Mālav. Pañc (7) [ °t^ayus ] mfn. shortlived R. (8) [ °t^ahAra ] mfn. = [ °ta-bhuj ] MBh. (9) [ °t^ecchatA ] f. moderation in desire MW.

===> parimocita [ parimocita ]3[ pari-mocita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) liberated, emancipated Vajracch.

===> parimoṣaka [ parimoSaka ]3[ pari-moSaka ] mfn. stealing MBh.

===> parimukta [ parimukta ]3[ pari-mukta ] mfn. released, liberated from (comp.) (1) [ -bandhana ] mfn. released from bonds, unfettered Śak

===> parimārgaṇa [ parimArgaNa ]3[ pari-mArgaNa ] n. tracing, searching, looking for (gen.) MBh. R.

===> parimārjana [ parimArjana ]3[ pari-mArjana ] n. wiping off, cleaning, washing KātyŚr. Gaut (1) wiping away, removing Hcat (2) a dish of honey and oil L.

===> parimārjita [ parimArjita ]3[ pari-mArjita ] mfn. cleaned, polished MBh.

===> parimāṇa [ parimANa ]3[ pari-m'ANa ] n. measuring, meting out KātyŚr. Var (1) (also [ -ka ] n. Bhāshāp.) measure of any kind, e. g. circumference, length, size, weight, number, value, duration (ifc. ` amounting to ' RV. &c. &c. cf. [ parIm° ]) (2) [ -tas ] ind. by measure, in weight Mn. viii, 133 (3) [ -vat ] (L. (4) [ °t-tva ] n.) (5) [ °Nin ] Pāṇ.). mfn. having measure, measured, measurable

===> parimṛṣṭa [ parimRSTa ]3[ pari-mRSTa ] mfn. (for 2. See [ pari-mRz ]) wiped off, rubbed, stroked, smoothed, polished Āpast. R. (1) wiped or washed away, removed BhP. (2) [ paricchada ] mfn. trim, neat, spruce ib.

===> [ parimRSTa ]3[ pari-mRSTa ] mfn. (for 1. See [ pari-mRj ]) touched Bhaṭṭ. (1) seized, caught, found out Mālav (2) considered (See [ duH-parim° ]) Suśr. (3) spread, pervaded, filled with (instr.) Kir

===> parinirvṛta [ parinirvRta ]1[ pari-nirvRta ] mfn. (√ 1. [ vR ]) completely extinguished, finally liberated Divyâv

===> parinirvṛti [ parinirvRti ]3[ pari-nirvRti ] f. final liberation, complete emancipation Rājat

===> pariniṣpanna [ pariniSpanna ]3[ pari-niSpanna ] mfn. developed, perfect, real, existing Saṃk. Buddh. (1) [ -tva ] n. real being, reality Saṃk

===> pariniṣpatti [ pariniSpatti ]3[ pari-niSpatti ] f. perfection Vajracch.

===> pariniṣpādita [ pariniSpAdita ]3[ pari-niSpAdita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) developed, manifested Kāraṇḍ

===> pariniṣṭhita [ pariniSThita ]3[ pari-niSThita ] mfn. quite perfect, accomplished Śaṃk (1) being in (loc.) Hariv. Pur. (2) completely skilled in or acquainted with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> paripacana [ paripacana ]3[ pari-pacana ] n. = [ tailapAcanikA ] Car. Sch.

===> paripakva [ paripakva ]3[ pari-pakva ] mfn. completely cooked or dressed W. (1) completely burnt (as bricks) Var (2) quite ripe, mature, accomplished, perfect MBh. Kāv. Suśr. (3) highly cultivated, very sharp or shrewd SaddhP. (4) near death or decay, about to pass away MBh. Suśr. (5) fully digested W. (6) [ -kaSAya ] mfn. = [ jit^endriya ] Kull. on Mn. vi, 1 (7) [ -tA ] f. being dressed or cooked, maturity (8) digestion (9) perfection (10) shrewdness W. (11) [ -zAli ] m. ripe rice, Ṛt,

===> paripanthaka [ paripanthaka ]1[ pari-panthaka ] m. (√ [ panth ]) one who obstructs the way, an antagonist, adversary, enemy Rājat

===> paripanthin [ paripanthin ]3[ pari-panth'in ] mfn. standing in the way, hindering (1) m. = prec. RV. &c. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 89) (2) [ °thi-tva ] n. Sāh. Sarvad

===> pariphulla [ pariphulla ]1[ pari-phulla ] mfn. widely opened (as eyes) Śiś. (1) covered with erected hairs ib.

===> pariplava [ pariplava ]3[ pari-plav'a ] mfn. swimming VS. Kāṭh (1) swaying or moving to and fro ŚāṅkhBr. (2) running about, unsteady, restless Śiś. (3) m. trembling, restlessness Bhpr. (4) bathing, inundation W. (5) oppression, tyranny ib. (6) a ship, boat R. (v. l. [ pAripl° ]) (7) N. of a prince (son of Sukhī-bala or Sukhī-vala or Sukhī-nala) Pur. (8) ([ A ]), f. a sort of spoon used at sacrifices KātyŚr.

===> paripraśna [ pariprazna ]3[ pari-prazna ] m. question, interrogation Bhag. (1) inquiry about (comp.). Pāṇ. 2-1, 63 &c.

===> [ pariprazna ]1[ pari-prazna ] See [ pari-prach ]

===> pariprāpti [ pariprApti ]3[ pari-pr^apti ] f. obtaining, acquisition R.

===> paripuṣṭa [ paripuSTa ]3[ pari-puSTa ] mfn. nourished, cherished ([ -tA ] f. Yājñ.) (1) amply provided with, abounding in (comp.) Kull (2) augmented ], increased Sāh

===> paripācana [ paripAcana ]3[ pari-pAcana ] mfn. cooking, ripening Suśr. (1) (fig.) bringing to maturity Lalit. (2) n. and [ -tA ] f. the act of bringing to maturity Lalit.

===> paripācita [ paripAcita ]3[ pari-pAcita ] mfn. cooked, roasted Suśr.

===> paripāka [ paripAka ]1[ pari-pAka ] [ °kin ] &c. See [ pari-pac ]

===> paripālaka [ paripAlaka ]3[ pari-pAlaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. (cf. √ [ pAl ]) guarding, keeping, maintaining Pur. (1) taking care of one's property SaddhP.

===> paripālana [ paripAlana ]3[ pari-pAlana ] n. the act of guarding &c. Viṣṇ. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) fostering, nourishing Pañc (2) ([ A ]), f. protection, care, nurture Bālar

===> paripālya [ paripAlya ]3[ pari-pAlya ] mfn. = [ °pAlanIya ] MBh. R. &c.

===> paripāṭi [ paripATi ]1[ pari-pATi ] [ °TI ] f. succession, order, method, arrangement Var. Caṇḍ. Bhām. Sāh (1) arithmetic Col.

===> paripīḍana [ paripIDana ]3[ pari-pIDana ] n. squeezing or pressing out Suśr. (1) injuring, prejudicing Kām

===> paripīḍita [ paripIDita ]3[ pari-pIDita ] mfn. pressed (1) embraced (2) tormented Kāv. [ 597,2 ]

===> paripīḍā [ paripIDA ]3[ pari-pIDA ] f. pressing, tormenting R.

===> paripūraka [ paripUraka ]3[ pari-pUraka ] mfn. filling, fulfilling Bhartṛ (1) causing fulness or prosperity Kull

===> paripūraṇa [ paripUraNa ]3[ pari-pUraNa ] n. the act of filling Kāv (1) accomplishing, perfecting, rendering complete Śaṃk. Kāraṇḍ

===> paripūrin [ paripUrin ]3[ pari-pUrin ] mfn. granting or bestowing richly Śiś.

===> paripūrita [ paripUrita ]3[ pari-pUrita ] mfn. filled or occupied by, furnished with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) accomplished, finished, gone through, experienced Gīt.

===> paripūrti [ paripUrti ]3[ pari-pUrti ] f. fulness, completion RPrāt. Sch.

===> paripūrṇa [ paripUrNa ]3[ pari-pUrNa ] mfn. quite full Kauś (1) completely filled or covered with, occupied by (comp.) MBh. R. &c. (2) accomplished, perfect, whole, complete ib. (3) fully satisfied, content R. (4) [ -candra-vimala-prabha ] m. N. of a Samādhi L. (5) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. completion, fulness, satiety, satisfaction L. (6) [ -bhASin ] mfn. speaking perfectly i. e. very wisely R. (7) [ -mAnasa ] mfn. satisfied in mind R. (8) [ -mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. having the face entirely covered or smeared or painted with (comp.) Caurap (9) [ -sahasra-candra-vatI ] f. ` possessing a thousand full moons ', N. of Indra's wife L. (10) [ -vyaJjanatA ] f. having the sexual organs complete (one of the 80 secondary marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. lxxxiv, 24 (11) [ °N^artha ] mfn. having attained one's aim R. (12) full of meaning, wise (as a speech) MBh. R. (13) [ °N^endu ] m. the full moon Mṛcch

===> paripṛcchaka [ paripRcchaka ]3[ pari-pRcchaka ] m. an interrogator, inquirer GopBr.

===> paripṛcchā [ paripRcchA ]3[ pari-pRcchA ] f. question, inquiry L. [ 597,3 ]

===> parirakṣaṇa [ parirakSaNa ]3[ pari-rakSaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. guarding, protecting, a protector Hariv. (1) n. the act of guarding, defending, preserving, keeping, maintaining (2) protection, rescue, deliverance Mn. MBh. &c. (3) care, caution Suśr.

===> parirakṣita [ parirakSita ]3[ pari-rakSita ] mfn. well guarded or preserved or kept MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parisamanta [ parisamanta ]1[ pari-samanta ] m. (ifc. [ °taka ]) circumference, circuit L.

===> parisamāpta [ parisamApta ]3[ pari-sam-Apta ] mfn. finished, complete Śak (1) centred, comprehended Śiś.

===> parisamāpti [ parisamApti ]3[ pari-sam-Apti ] f. entire completion, end, conclusion Śaṃk. Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch. (1) relating or belonging to (loc. or [ prati ]) Pat.

===> parisarpaṇa [ parisarpaNa ]3[ pari-sarpaNa ] n. crawling upon (comp.) Mṛcch (1) running to and fro, going or flying about, constantly changing one's place ĀśvŚr. R. Mṛcch. BhP. (2) a kind of disease (= [ °sarpaNa ]) Suśr.

===> parisaṃkhyā [ parisaMkhyA ]1[ pari-saM-√ khyA ] P. [ -khyAti ] (inf. [ khyAtum ]), to count, enumerate ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. MBh. (1) to limit to a certain number KātyŚr. Sch. (2) to reckon up, calculate, add together MBh. R. Suśr. (3) to make good, restore Car. Jaim. Sch.

===> parisaṃsthita [ parisaMsthita ]1[ pari-saM-sthita ] mfn. (√ [ sthA ]) standing together on every side MBh. (1) standing i. e. stopping, remaining (in [ a-paris° ]) R. [ 603,3 ]

===> parispanda [ parispanda ]3[ pari-spanda ] m. throbbing, stirring, starting, arising, movement MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) keeping, maintaining (a sacred fire) MBh. (v. l. [ °Syanda ]) (2) train, retinue L. (3) decoration of the hair L. (4) pressure, crash MW.

===> parisphuṭa [ parisphuTa ]2[ pari-sphuTa ] mfn. very clear or manifest BhP. (1) fully developed L. (2) ([ am ]), ind. very clearly or distinctly Kād

===> parisrava [ parisrava ]3[ pari-srava ] m. flowing, streaming, a stream MBh. R. &c. (1) gliding down ([ garbha-p° ], the birth of a child) R. (2) Rottleria Tinctoria L.

===> parisrāva [ parisrAva ]3[ pari-srAva ] m. flowing, efflux, effluxion Suśr. (1) N. of a morbid state ascribed to the overflowing of the moistures of the body ib. (2) [ -kalpa ] m. a kind of straining or filtering vessel L.

===> parisrāvaṇa [ parisrAvaNa ]3[ pari-srAvaNa ] n. a straining or filtering vessel L.

===> parisyanda [ parisyanda ]1[ pari-syanda ] [ °dana ] &c. See [ pariSyanda ], p. 603, col. 2

===> paritapta [ paritapta ]3[ pari-tapta ] ([ p'ari- ]), mfn. surrounded with heat, heated, burnt, tormented, afflicted RV. &c. &c.

===> [ paritapta ]3[ pari-tapta ] mfn. scorched, singed ib.

===> paritoṣa [ paritoSa ]3[ pari-toSa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) = [ °tuSTi ] (1) (with loc. or gen.) delight in Mn. MBh. &c. (2) N. of a man Cat. (3) [ -vat ] mfn. satisfied, delighted Kathās

===> paritrāsa [ paritrAsa ]3[ pari-trAsa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) terror, fright, fear MBh. Kāv

===> paritrātavya [ paritrAtavya ]3[ pari-trAtavya ] mfn. to be protected or defended or saved from (abl.) Vikr. Bālar

===> paritrātṛ [ paritrAtR ]3[ pari-trAtR ] mfn. protecting, a protector or defender (with gen. or acc.) MBh. R. Pañc

===> paritrāṇa [ paritrANa ]3[ pari-trANa ] n. rescue, preservation, deliverance from (abl.), protection or means of protection, refuge, retreat Mn. MBh. &c. (1) self-defence L. (2) the hair of the body L. (3) moustaches Gal.

===> parituṣṭa [ parituSTa ]3[ pari-tuSTa ] mfn. completely satisfied, delighted, very glad Mn. MBh. &c. (1) [ °T^atman ] mfn. contented in mind MW. (2) [ °T^artha ] mfn. completely satisfied Kathās

===> parityakta [ parityakta ]3[ pari-tyakta ] mfn. left, quitted &c. (1) let go, let fly (as an arrow) W. (2) deprived of, wanting (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (3) n. anything to spare Divyâv (4) ([ am ]), ind. without (comp.) Pañc

===> parityāga [ parityAga ]3[ pari-tyAga ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the act of leaving, abandoning, deserting, quitting, giving up, neglecting, renouncing Mn. MBh. &c. (1) separation from ([ sakAzAt ]) R. (2) (pl.) liberality, a sacrifice Hit. (3) N. of wk.

===> parityāgin [ parityAgin ]3[ pari-tyAgin ] mfn. leaving, quitting, forsaking, renouncing (mostly ifc.) MBh. R.

===> parityājya [ parityAjya ]3[ pari-tyAjya ] mfn. to be left or abandoned or deserted &c. MBh. (1) to be given up or renounced ib. (2) to be omitted Sāh

===> paritāpa [ paritApa ]3[ pari-tApa ] m. glow, scorching, heat Kālid. MārkP. (1) pain, agony, grief, sorrow R. Kathās. BhP. &c. (2) repentance MBh. Pañc (3) N. of a partic. hell L.

===> paritṛpta [ paritRpta ]3[ pari-tRpta ] mfn. completely satisfied or contented Śaṃk

===> parivarjaka [ parivarjaka ]3[ pari-varjaka ] mfn. (ifc.) shunning, avoiding, giving up MBh.

===> parivarjana [ parivarjana ]3[ pari-varjana ] n. the act of avoiding, giving up, escaping, abstaining from (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) killing, slaughter L.

===> parivarjanīya [ parivarjanIya ]3[ pari-varjanIya ] mfn. avoidable, to be avoided Var. Rājat

===> parivarjita [ parivarjita ]3[ pari-varjita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) shunned, avoided Kathās (1) abandoned or left by, deprived or devoid of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (with [ saMkhyayA ], countless, innumerable Pañc (2) with [ aSTabhis ], less by 8, minus 8 Rājat.) (3) wound round, girt R.

===> parivarta [ parivarta ]3[ pari-varta ] m. revolving, revolution (of a planet &c.) Sūryas (1) a period or lapse or expiration of time (esp. of a Yuga, q. v.) MBh. R. &c. (2) (with [ lokAnAm ]) the end of the world R. (3) a year L. (4) moving to and fro, stirring Prasannar (5) turning back, flight L. (6) change, exchange, barter (also [ parI-v° ]) Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c. (7) requital, return W. (8) an abode, spot, place Hariv. (9) a chapter, section, book &c. Lalit. (10) N. of a son of Do-saha (son of Mṛtyu) MārkP. [ 601,3 ] (11) of the Kūrma or 2nd incarnation of Viṣṇu (also [ parI-v° ]) L.

===> parivartaka [ parivartaka ]3[ pari-vartaka ] mfn. causing to turn round or flow back Kathās. MārkP. (1) bringing to an end, concluding (gen. or comp.) MBh. (2) m. (in rhet.) the artificial separation of vowels and consonants to get another meaning of a word Vām. iv, 1, 6 (3) (in dram.) change of occupation Bhar. Daśar. Sāh. exchange, barter Vas (4) N. of a son of Du-saha (son of Mṛtyu) MārkP. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. contraction of the prepuce, phimosis Suśr.

===> parivartana [ parivartana ]3[ pari-v'artana ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing to turn round (1) ([ I ]), f. (with [ vidyA ]) N. of a partic. magical art Kathās (2) n. turning or whirling round, moving to and fro (trans. and intrans.) Kāv. Suśr. Pañc. BhP. (3) rolling about or wallowing on (comp.) Kālid (4) revolution, end of a period of time MBh. Hariv. (5) barter, exchange Kathās. Pañc. Mṛcch (6) cutting or clipping the hair ŚBr. (7) protecting, defending Nalac (8) = [ pr^eraNa ] TBr. Sch. (9) inverting, taking or putting anything in a wrong direction W. (10) requital, return ib.

===> parivartin [ parivartin ]3[ pari-vartin ] mfn. moving round, revolving, ever-recurring MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) (ifc.) changing, passing into Kathās (2) being or remaining or staying in or near or about (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c. (3) flying, retreating W. (4) exchanging, requiting, recompensing ib. (5) ([ I ]), f. (sc. [ vi-STuti ]) a hymn arranged according to the recurring form [ abc ], [ abc ] TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy

===> parivartita [ parivartita ]3[ pari-vartita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) turned round, revolved &c. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) exchanged, bartered Hariv. Var. Kathās (2) put aside, removed, destroyed Mṛcch. MārkP. (3) searched thoroughly R. (4) taken or put on in a wrong direction W. (5) n. the action of turning or wallowing BhP. (6) the place where anybody has wallowed on the earth R.

===> pariveśa [ pariveza ]3[ pari-veza ] See [ °veSa ] under [ pari-viS ]

===> pariveṣa [ pariveSa ]3[ pari-veS'a ] m. (also spelt [ °veza ]) winding round or that with which anything is wound round Hcar. (1) dressing or offering of food AV. (2) a circle, circumference, the disc of the sun and moon or a halo round them MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ parI-v° ]) (3) a wreath or crown (of rays) Viddh. Rājat (4) anything surrounding or protecting (e. g. [ kRt^aGgarakSA-p° ], surrounded by a bodyguard MW.) (5) putting on, clothing, dressing L. (6) [ °Sa-vat ], or [ °Sin ] mfn. surrounded by a halo MBh.

===> pariveṣaka [ pariveSaka ]3[ pari-veSaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. (also [ °vezaka ]) one who serves up meals, a waiter, servant MBh.

===> pariveṣaṇa [ pariveSaNa ]3[ pari-v'eSaNa ] n. (cf. [ °vezana ] under [ pari-viz ]) attendance, waiting, serving up meals, distributing food Br. Gobh. KātyŚr. (1) a circle, circumference MBh. (2) a halo round the sun or moon ib. (3) surrounding, enclosing W.

===> pariveṣṭana [ pariveSTana ]3[ pari-veSTana ] n. a cover, covering MBh. (1) a ligature, bandage Mṛcch. iii, 16 (2) surrounding, encompassing W. (3) circumference ib. (4) ([ A ]), f. tying round or up Sāh

===> pariveṣṭita [ pariveSTita ]3[ pari-veSTita ] mfn. surrounded, beset, covered, veiled, swathed Hariv. R. &c. ([ -vat ] mfn. as pf. Kathās.)

===> parividdha [ parividdha ]3[ pari-viddha ] m. N. of Kubera L. (cf. [ parA-v° ])

===> parivitarka [ parivitarka ]1[ pari-vitarka ] m. thought or anything thought of Buddh. (1) examination Divyâv

===> pariviṣṭa [ pariviSTa ]3[ pari-viSTa ] ([ p'ari- ]), mfn. surrounded, beset, besieged RV. i, 116, 20 (fr. [ pari-viz ] ?) (1) surrounded by a halo (sun or moon) MBh. Var (2) dressed, offered, presented (as food) KātyŚr.

===> parivrājaka [ parivrAjaka ]3[ pari-vrAjaka ] m. ([ ikA ], f. (1) ifc. f. [ akA ]) a wandering religious mendicant Mālav. Pañc. Hit.

===> parivyakta [ parivyakta ]1[ pari-vyakta ] mfn. very clear or distinct (1) ([ am ]), ind. very clearly or distinctly MW.

===> parivyaya [ parivyaya ]1[ pari-vyaya ] m. ([ pari-vi-√ i ]) condiment, spices Mn. vii, 127 (1) expense, cost Jātakam

===> parivāda [ parivAda ]3[ pari-vAd'a ] m. blame, censure, reproach, charge, accusation AV. &c. &c. (cf. [ parI-v° ]) (1) an instrument with which the Indian lute is played L. (2) [ -kathA ] f. abusive language, censure, reproof MBh. (3) [ -kara ] m. a slanderer, calumniator Mālav (4) [ -gir ] f. (pl.) = [ -kathA ] Prab

===> parivāra [ parivAra ]1[ pari-vAra ] [ °raNa ] &c. See [ pari-vri ]

===> [ parivAra ]3[ pari-vAra ] m. (also [ parI-v° ]) a cover, covering MBh. (also [ -ka ] KātyŚr. Sch.) (1) surroundings, train, suite, dependants, followers (ifc. [ f. [ A ] ] surrounded by) MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) a sheath, scabbard Śiś. (3) a hedge round a village Gal. (cf. [ parI-v° ]) (4) [ -tA ] f. subjection, dependance Śiś. ii, 90 (5) [ -pATha ] m. N. of a Buddh. work MWB. 62 (6) [ -vat ] mfn. having a great retinue MBh. (7) [ -zobhin ] mfn. beautified by a retinue, R1gh (8) [ °rI-√ kR ], to use as a retinue, surround one's self with (acc.) Kathās

===> parivāraṇa [ parivAraNa ]3[ pari-vAraNa ] n. a cover, covering (ifc. ` covered with ' i. e. ` only consisting of ') MBh. (1) a train, retinue ib. (2) keeping or warding off ib.

===> parivārita [ parivArita ]3[ pari-vArita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) surrounded by, covered with, veiled in (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> parivāsa [ parivAsa ]3[ pari-vAsa ] m. (2. See s. v.) abode, stay, sojourn KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. (1) the expulsion of a guilty member Buddh.

===> [ parivAsa ]1[ pari-vAsa ]2 m. (√ [ vAs ]) fragrance, odour Mālatīm. (for 1. See [ pari- ] √ 5. [ vas ])

===> parivāsita [ parivAsita ]3[ pari-vAsita ] mfn. respectfully attentive to superiors (?) W.

===> parivṛta [ parivRta ]3[ pari-vRta ] ([ p'ari- ]), mfn. id. Br. &c. &c. (1) n. a covered place or shed enclosed with walls used as a place of sacrifice ŚBr. KātyŚr. Gobh (2) ([ p'arI ].), mfn. = prec. mfn. RV. AV. AitBr. (3) surrounding RV. (4) filled by, full of (comp.) Cat.

===> parivṛtta [ parivRtta ]3[ pari-vRtta ] mfn. (also [ -ka ] g. [ Rzy^adi ]) turned, turned round, revolved, rolling, moving to and fro MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) lasting, remaining Śak. vii, 34 (v. l.) (2) passed, elapsed, finished, ended Hariv. (3) = [ pari-vRta ], covered, surrounded L. (4) retreated, returned W. (5) exchanged ib. (6) n. rolling, wallowing MBh. (v. l. [ °tti ]) Mālatīm (7) an embrace MW. (8) [ -tejas ] mfn. spreading brilliance all around BhP. (9) [ -nctra ] mfn. rolling the eyes R. (10) [ -phalA ] f. N. of a plant Gal. (11) [ -bhAgya ] mfn. whose fortune has changed or is gone Mālatīm (12) [ °tt^ardha-mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. having the face half turned round Vikr

===> parivṛtti [ parivRtti ]3[ pari-vRtti ] f. turning, rolling, revolution MBh. Śiś. (1) return (into this world) Āpast (2) exchange, barter ([ °ttyA ] ind. alternately) BhP. (3) moving to and fro or staying or dwelling in a place MBh. (4) end, termination Kir (5) surrounding, encompassing ib. (6) (in rhet.) a kind of figure in which one thing is represented as exchanged with another (e. g. Mālav. iii, 16 (7) cf. Vām. iv, 3, 16) (8) substitution of one word for another without affecting the sense (e. g. [ vRSa-lAJchana ] for [ vRSadhvaja ]) Kpr. (9) contraction of the prepuce, phimosis (= [ °vartikA ]) Suśr. (10) m. w. r. for [ pari-vitti ] (11) ([ I ]), f. ([ p'ari-v° ]), prob. w. r. for [ pari-vRktI ]

===> pariśeṣa [ parizeSa ]3[ pari-zeSa ] mfn. left over, remaining ŚāṅkhŚr. Var (1) m. n. remnant, remains, rest MBh. Var (2) supplement, sequel MBh. (3) termination, conclusion L. (4) ([ eNa ]), ind. completely, in full (5) ([ At ]), ind. consequently, therefore Śaṃk (6) [ -khaNDa ] m. or n. N. of wk. (7) [ -vat ] mfn. having a supplement or appendix Cat. (8) [ -zAstra ] n. a supplementary work L.

===> pariśiṣṭa [ pariziSTa ]3[ pari-ziSTa ] ([ p'ari- ]), mfn. left, remaining TS. &c. &c. (1) n. a supplement, appendix (N. of a class of wks. supplementary to Sūtras) (2) [ -kadamba ] m. or n. [ -paryAya ] m. pl., [ -parvan ] n. [ -prakAza ] m. (and [ °zasya-sAra-maJjarI ] f.), [ -prabodha ] m. [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -siddh^anta-ratn^akara ] m. [ -sUtra-pattra ] n. N. of wks.

===> pariśodhana [ parizodhana ]3[ pari-zodhana ] n. cleaning, purification Uttarar (1) discharging, paying off Kull

===> pariśrama [ parizrama ]3[ pari-zrama ] m. fatigue, exertion, labour, fatiguing occupation, trouble, pain MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) [ m^apaha ] mfn. relieving weariness MW.

===> pariśrānta [ parizrAnta ]3[ pari-zrAnta ] mfn. thoroughly fatigued or worn out, (ifc.) tired of, disgusted with Mn. MBh. &c.

===> pariśuddha [ parizuddha ]3[ pari-zuddha ] mfn. cleaned, purified, pure (1) cleared off, paid (2) acquitted, discharged MBh. Kāv. Pur. (3) (ifc.) diminished by, that from which a part has been taken away MBh.

===> pariśuddhi [ parizuddhi ]3[ pari-zuddhi ] f. complete purification or justification, acquittal ([ °dhiM-√ kR ], to prove one's innocence) Ragh. Bālar. Kathās (1) rightness, correctness Kāraṇḍ

===> pariśuṣka [ parizuSka ]3[ pari-zuSka ] mfn. thoroughly dried or parched up, withered, shrivelled, shrunk (as a vein), hollow (as the cheeks) &c. MBh. Kāv. Var. Suśr. (1) (with [ mAMsa ]), n. meat fried in ghee dried and spiced L. (2) [ -tAlu ] mfn. having the palate dried up, Ṛt (3) [ -palAza ] mfn. having withered foliage R.

===> pariṇamana [ pariNamana ]3[ pari-Namana ] n. change, transformation, changing into (instr.) Kap. Sch. (1) ([ A ]), f. (with Buddh.) a kind of worship Dharmas. xiv

===> pariṇamayitṛ [ pariNamayitR ]3[ pari-NamayitR ] mfn. causing to bend or to ripen Megh. Viddh

===> pariṇata [ pariNata ]3[ pari-Nata ] mfn. bent down (is an elephant stooping to strike with its tusks) Megh (1) bent down or inclined by (comp.) Bhartṛ (2) changed or transformed into (instr. or comp.) Kālid. Kād. Sāh (3) developed, ripened, mature, full-grown, perfect (4) full (as the moon) [ 594,3 ] (5) set (as the sun) MBh. Kāv. &c. (6) advanced ([ vayasA ], in age R. (7) also impers. [ °taM vayasA ], ` life is advanced, old age has come ' Kathās.) (8) digested (as food) Suśr. (9) elapsed (as time) BhP. (10) n. capital, wealth accumulated for the sake of profit(?) W. (11) [ -dik-karika ] mfn. containing mythical elephants (See [ dik-karin ]) stooping to strike with their tusks Śiś. (12) [ -dvirada ] m. an elephant stooping &c. Kir (13) [ -prajJa ] mfn. of mature understanding MBh. (14) [ -pratyaya ] mfn. (an action) whose results are matured Divyâv (15) [ -vayas ] mfn. advanced in age Veṇis. Suśr. (16) [ -zarvad ] f. the latter part of the autumn Megh (17) [ °t^aruNa ] m. the setting sun Śak

===> pariṇati [ pariNati ]3[ pari-Nati ] f. bending, bowing W. (1) change, transformation, natural development Sāh. Pañc. Sarvad (2) ripeness, maturity Megh. Mcar. (3) mature or old age Vikr. Śiś. (4) result, consequence, issue, end, termination (ibc. finally, at last (5) [ zravaNa-pariNatiM-√ gam ], to come at last to a person's ears (6) [ pariNatiM-√ yA ], to attain one's final aim) Kāv (7) fulfilment (of a promise), Śāntiś (8) digestion L.

===> pariṇaya [ pariNaya ]1[ pari-Naya ] [ °yana ] &c. See under [ pari-NI ]

===> [ pariNaya ]3[ pari-Naya ] m. leading round, (esp.) leading the bride round the fire, marriage Gṛhyās. (cf. [ nava-pariNayA ]) (1) ([ ena ]), ind. round about ĀpŚr. (2) [ -vidhi ] m. marriage-ceremony Vcar.

===> pariṇāha [ pariNAha ]3[ pari-NAha ] m. compass, circumference, extent, width, breadth, circumference of a circle, periphery MBh. Kāv. Sūryas. Suśr. (1) N. of Śiva L. (cf. [ parI-NAha ]) (2) [ -vat ] mfn. = expensive, large Vikr (3) [ °hin ] mfn. id. Hariv. Kum (4) (ifc.) having the extent of, as large as Pañc

===> pariṇāma [ pariNAma ]3[ pari-NAma ] m. change, alteration, transformation into (instr.), development, evolution Sāṃkhyak. Yogas. Pur. Suśr. (1) ripeness, maturity Kir. Uttarar. Mālatīm (2) alteration of food, digestion Suśr. Tarkas (3) withering, fading ŚārṅgP. (4) lapse (of time) MBh. R. (5) decline (of age), growing old ib. Suśr. (6) result, consequence, issue, end (ibc. and [ °me ] ind. finally, at last, in the end) Kāv (7) (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval (8) N. of a holy man RTL. 269 (9) [ -darzin ] mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event), prudent, fore-sighted MBh. (10) [ -dRSTi ] f. foresight, providence MW. (11) [ -nirodha ] m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth, growth, death &c.) W. (12) [ -pathya ] mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib. (13) [ -mukha ] mfn. tending or verging towards the end, about to terminate Śak (14) [ -ramaNIya ] mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib. (15) [ -vat ] mfn. having a natural development ([ °ttva ] n.) Śaṃk (16) [ -vAda ] m. the ` doctrine of evolution ', the Sāṃkhya doctrine Sarvad (17) [ -zUla ] n. violent and painful indigestion Cat.

===> pariṇāmaka [ pariNAmaka ]3[ pari-NAmaka ] mfn. effecting vicissitudes (as time) Hariv.

===> pariṇāmana [ pariNAmana ]3[ pari-NAmana ] n. bringing to full development Jātakam (1) the turning of things destined for the community to one's own use (Buddh.) L.

===> pariṇāmika [ pariNAmika ]3[ pari-NAmika ] mfn. resulting from change L. (1) easily digestible Subh. (w. r. for [ pAriN° ]?)

===> pariṇāmin [ pariNAmin ]3[ pari-NAmin ] mfn. changing, altering, subject to transformation, developing VP. Śaṃk. ([ °mi-tva ] n. ib.) (1) ripening, bearing fruits or consequences BhP. (2) [ °mi-tva ] n. ib. (3) [ °mi-nitya ] mfn. eternal but continually changing Sāṃkhyak. Sch.

===> pariṇāyaka [ pariNAyaka ]3[ pari-NAyaka ] m. a leader, guide (in [ a-parIN° ], being without a guide) R. (1) a husband Śiś. (2) = [ -ratna ] Divyâv

===> pariṇīta [ pariNIta ]3[ pari-NIta ] mfn. led round, married MBh. (1) completed, finished, executed ib. (2) n. marriage Uttarar (3) [ -pUrvA ] f. a woman married before Śak (4) [ -bhartR ] m. (prob.) a husband who has married (but not yet led home) his wife Vet (5) [ -ratna ] n. (with Buddh.) one of the 7 treasures of a Cakra-vartin Dharmas. lxxxv

===> pariṣad [ pariSad ]1[ pari-Sad ] (√ [ sad ]), P. [ -Sadati ] RV. (1) [ -SIdati ] AV. MBh. (C. also [ -sIdati ]) (2) to sit round, besiege, beset RV. AV. Kauś (3) to suffer damage, be impaired MBh.

===> [ pariSad ]3[ pari-S'ad ] mfn. surrounding, besetting RV. (1) f. an assembly, meeting, group, circle, audience, council ŚBr. Kauś. Mn. ([ °Sat-tva ] n. xii, 114) MBh. &c. (2) N. of a village in the north, g. [ palady-Adi ] (3) [ -vala ] mfn. surrounded by a council (as a king) Pāṇ. 5-2, 112 Sch. (4) forming or containing assemblies Bhaṭṭ. (5) m. a member of an assembly, assessor, spectator L.

===> pariṣaṇḍa [ pariSaNDa ]1[ pari-SaNDa ] m. or n. a partic. part of a house L. (1) ([ A ]), f. a valley (?) Divyâv, (v. l. [ °khaNDa ])

===> pariṣaṇḍa-vārika [ pariSaNDavArika ]3[ pari-SaNDa-vArika ] m. a servant ib.

===> pariṣeka [ pariSeka ]3[ pari-Seka ] m. sprinkling over, moistening Suśr. (1) a bath, bathing apparatus ib. MBh. Var. (cf. [ parI-S° ])

===> pariṣikta [ pariSikta ]3[ pari-Sikta ] ([ p'ari- ]), mfn. poured out, sprinkled about, diffused RV. Lāṭy. Śiś.

===> pariṣkāra [ pariSkAra ]3[ pari-S-kAra ] m. = prec. (ifc. f. [ A ]) MBh. &c. (1) cooking, dressing W. (2) domestic utensils, furniture SaddhP. (3) purification, initiation ib. (4) self-discipline Lalit. (one of the ten powers of a Bodhi-sattva Dharmas. lxxiv) (5) [ -cIvara ] n. a kind of garment L.

===> pariṣvajana [ pariSvajana ]3[ pari-Svajana ] n. embracing, an embrace Nir. ii, 27

===> pariṣvajya [ pariSvajya ]3[ pari-Svajya ] mfn. to be embraced MBh.

===> pariṣvakta [ pariSvakta ]3[ pari-Svakta ] mfn. embraced, encircled, surrounded MBh. Kāv. &c.

===> pariṣvaṅga [ pariSvaGga ]3[ pari-SvaGga ] m. embracing, an embrace MBh. R. &c. (1) touch, contact with (comp.) Kām. Hit. (2) N. of a son of Devakī BhP.

===> pariṣyanda [ pariSyanda ]1[ pari-Syand'a ] or [ -syanda ] m. (√ [ syand ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 72) a river, stream (fig. of words) Bhartṛ (2) moisture L. (3) (with [ S ]) a sandbank, island ŚBr. KātyŚr. (4) keeping or entertaining (a sacred fire) MBh. (v. l. [ -spanda ]) (5) decoration of the hair L. (v. l. [ -spanda ])

===> pariṣyandin [ pariSyandin ]3[ pari-Syandin ] or mfn. flowing, streaming L.

===> parpaṭaka [ parpaTaka ]2[ parpaTaka ] m. a species of medicinal plant (= [ °paTa ]) Suśr. Car. Bhpr. (1) ([ I ]), f. the same or some other med. plant Car.

===> paruṣa [ paruSa ]2[ paruS'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (older, f. [ p'aruSNI ]) knotty (as reed) AV. (1) spotted, variegated, dirty-coloured RV. &c. &c. (2) hard, stiff, rugged, rough, uneven, shaggy MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) intertwined with creepers (as a tree) Kathās. [ 606,1 ] (4) piercing, keen, sharp, violent, harsh, severe, unkind ib. ([ am ], ind.) (5) m. a reed AV. (6) an arrow ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy (7) Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum L. (8) ([ par'uSa ]), m. N. of a demon Suparṇ (9) ([ A ]), f. a kind of riddle MW. (10) ([ °SNI ]), f. N. of one of the rivers of the Panjāb now called Rāvī RV. (11) n. harsh and contumelious speech, abuse MBh. Kāv. &c. (12) the fruit of Grewia Asiatica or Xylocarpus Granatum L. (13) a species of Barleria with blue flowers L.

===> [ paruSa ]1[ paruSa ] See under [ paru ]

===> paruṣa-vacana [ paruSavacana ]3[ paruS'a-vacana ] mfn. speaking harshly or unkindly Bhartṛ (1) n. harsh or contumelious speech W.

===> paruṣa-vāc [ paruSavAc ]3[ paruS'a-vAc ] mfn. harsh-spoken, f. = prec. n. W.

===> parvan [ parvan ]2[ p'arvan ] n. a knot, joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [ cf. [ parus ] ], but also of the body), limb, member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. (1) a break, pause, division, section (esp. of a book) ŚBr. MBh. &c. (2) the step of a staircase Ragh (3) a member of a compound Prāt. Nir (4) a period or fixed time RV. VS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. (5) (esp.) the Cāturmāsya festival, SrS. (6) the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i. e. the full and change of the moon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (7) a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon R. (8) the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction Var. Sūryas. MBh. &c. (9) the moment of the sun's entering a new sign W. (10) any partic. period of the year (as the equinox, solstice &c.) ib. (11) a division of time, e. g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh. (12) a day (360) BhP. (13) a festival, holiday W. (14) opportunity, occasion ib. (15) a moment, instant ib.

===> parvata [ parvata ]2[ p'arvata ] mfn. (fr. [ parvan ], cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 122 Vārtt. 10 Pat.) knotty, rugged (said of mountains) RV. AV. (according to ĀpŚr. Sch. = [ parutka ], [ parva-vat ]) (1) m. a mountain, mountain-range, height, hill, rock (often personified (2) ifc. f. [ A ]) RV. &c. &c. (3) an artificial mound or heap (of grain, salt, silver, gold &c. presented to Brāhmans, cf. [ -dAna ]) (4) the number 7 (from the 7 principal mountain-ranges) Sūryas (5) a fragment of rock, a stone ([ adrayaH parvatAH ], the stones for pressing Soma) RV. (6) a (mountain-like) cloud ib. (cf. Naigh. i, 10) (7) a tree L. (8) a species of pot-herb L. (9) a species of fish (Silurus Pabda) L. (10) N. of a Vasu Hariv. (11) of a Ṛshi (associated with Nārada and messenger of the gods, supposed author of RV. viii, 12 ; ix, 104, 105, where he has the patr. Kāṇva and Kāśyapa) MBh. Kathās (12) of a son of Paurṇamāsa (son of Marīci and Sambhūti) MārkP. (13) of a minister of king Purū-ravas Vikr (14) of a monkey R. (15) of one of the 10 religious orders founded by Saṃkar^acārya's pupils (whose members add the word [ parvata ] to their names) W. (16) ([ 'I ]), f. a rock, stone VS.

===> parvata-kandara [ parvatakandara ]3[ p'arvata-kandara ] n. mountain-cave Hit.

===> parvata-rāja [ parvatarAja ]3[ p'arvata-rAja ] m. id. (1) [ -kanyA ] (MW.), [ -putrI ] (Kum.), f. N. of Pārvatī or Durgā (daughter of Him^alaya)

===> parvatâgra [ parvatAgra ]3[ parvat^agra ] n. mountains-top R.

===> paryanta [ paryanta ]1[ pary-ant'a ] m. circuit, circumference, edge, limit, border (1) side, flank, extremity, end TBr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. ` bounded by ', ` extending as far as ' [ f. [ A ] ] (2) or ibc. ` adjoining, neighbouring ') (3) ([ am ]), ind. entirely, altogether, Śukas

---> (ifc.) to the end of, as far as Kap (4) [ paryantAt paryantam ], from one end to the other Var (5) ([ e ]), ind. at the end Kathās (6) mf ([ A ]) n. coming to an end with, being a match for Lalit. (7) extending in all directions Hariv. (v. l. [ pary-asta ])

===> paryanuyoga [ paryanuyoga ]3[ pary-anu-yoga ] m. asking, inquiring, questioning ĀpŚr. Sch. (1) an inquiry with the object of refuting a statement L. (2) censure, reproach Yājñ. Sch.

===> paryanuyojya [ paryanuyojya ]3[ pary-anu-yojya ] mfn. to be blamed or censured ([ jy^op^ekSaNa ] n. omitting to blame what ought to be blamed) Nyāyas. Sarvad

===> paryasta [ paryasta ]3[ pary-asta ] mfn. thrown or cast about, spread, diffused MBh. Kum. Amar. (1) surrounded, encompassed, ensnared R. Bhartṛ (2) strung, filed on (comp.) Daś (3) overturned, upset, inverted, changed Bhartṛ (4) struck, killed L. (5) dismissed, laid aside ib. (6) [ -vat ] mfn. containing the notion expressed by the word [ pary-asta ] AitBr. (7) [ -vilocana ] (Kum.), [ -ast^akS'a ] (AV.), mfn. having the eyes cast or directed round, rolling the eyes

===> paryastikā [ paryastikA ]3[ pary-astikA ] f. id. Suśr. (1) a bed W. (2) [ -k^akRti ] mfn. one who has sprained both his shoulders L.

===> paryavadāna [ paryavadAna ]3[ pary-ava-dAna ] n. complete destruction or disappearance Lalit.

===> paryavadāpayitṛ [ paryavadApayitR ]3[ pary-ava-dApayitR ] m. (fr. Caus.) a distributor Divyâv

===> paryavadāta [ paryavadAta ]1[ pary-ava-dAta ] mfn. (√ [ dai ]) perfectly clean or pure Kād (1) very accomplished Divyâv (2) well acquainted or conversant with (loc.) Car. ([ -tva ] n.) (3) well known, very familiar ib.

===> paryavanaddha [ paryavanaddha ]1[ pary-ava-naddha ] mfn. (√ [ nah ]) overgrown Divyâv

===> paryavarodha [ paryavarodha ]1[ pary-ava-rodha ] m. (√ [ rudh ]) obstruction, hindrance L.

===> paryavasita [ paryavasita ]3[ pary-ava-sita ] ([ pary-'ava- ]), mfn. living farther off (= not quite near) ŚBr. Sch. (1) (with [ lok^antaram ]) departed to Uttarar (2) finished, concluded, ended MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) amounting to (loc.) Śaṃk (4) resolved, settled, definitive Sāh

---> [ -mati ] mfn. thoroughly acquainted or familiar with (loc.) BhP.

===> paryavasthita [ paryavasthita ]3[ pary-ava-sthita ] mfn. standing, stationed (1) (with loc.) contained in, devoted or attached to, intent upon, occupied with MBh. R. Hariv. (2) merry, content, comfortable, of good cheer ib.

===> paryavasthāna [ paryavasthAna ]3[ pary-ava-sthAna ] n. opposition, contradiction L.

===> paryavasāna [ paryavasAna ]3[ pary-ava-sAna ] n. end, termination, conclusion, issue ([ At ] ind. in consequence of) Gobh. Nāg. Hit. (1) comprehending, including, amounting to (loc.) Sarvad

===> paryeṣaṇa [ paryeSaNa ]1[ pary-eSaNa ] &c. See [ par^iS ]

===> paryeṣṭavya [ paryeSTavya ]3[ pary-eSTavya ] mfn. to be sought MBh. (1) to be striven after Car.

===> paryeṣṭi [ paryeSTi ]3[ pary-eSTi ] f. searching for, inquiry SaddhP. (1) striving after worldly objects Jātakam

===> paryudasta [ paryudasta ]3[ pary-ud-asta ] mfn. rejected, excluded Kull. on Mn. iii, 280 (1) [ -tva ] n. ĀpŚr. Sch. Sāy

===> paryudāsa [ paryudAsa ]2[ pary-ud-Asa ] m. a prohibitive rule, exception Pāṇ. Sch. Kull

===> paryupasthita [ paryupasthita ]3[ pary-upa-sthita ] mfn. standing round, surrounding (acc.) MBh. R. (1) drawing nigh, imminent, impending, it (2) slipped, escaped (as a word) R. (3) intent upon, devoted to (loc.) ib.

===> paryupasthāna [ paryupasthAna ]3[ pary-upa-sthAna ] n. waiting upon, serving R. (1) rising, elevation L.

===> paryupāsana [ paryupAsana ]3[ pary-up^asana ] n. sitting round Śak. i, 25/26 (in Prākr.) (1) encamping round MBh. (2) friendliness, courtesy Pratāp (3) pardon, excuse Sāh (4) honour, service, worship Kāraṇḍ. (also [ A ] f. Divyâv.) (5) joining in or concurrence with any act of reverence W.

===> paryupāsita [ paryupAsita ]3[ pary-up^asita ] mfn. shared in, witnessed MBh. (1) worshipped, reverenced (2) [ -pUrva-tva ] n. the having reverenced in a former birth Divyâv

===> paryutthāna [ paryutthAna ]3[ pary-utthAna ] n. standing up, rising L.

===> paryādāna [ paryAdAna ]1[ pary-A-dAna ] n. (√ [ do ] ?) end, exhaustion Divyâv

===> paryāpti [ paryApti ]3[ pary-Apti ] ([ p'ary- ]), f. end, conclusion ŚBr. (1) entireness, fulness, sufficiency MBh. Kathās. Rājat. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 66) (2) adequacy, competency, fitness for (comp.) Kathās. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 16 (3) obtaining, acquisition L. (4) self-defence, warding off a blow L. (5) (in phil.) distinction of objects according to their natural properties W.

===> paryāya [ paryAya ]1[ pary-Aya ] &c. See under 2. [ par^i ]. [ 608,2 ]

===> parâhṛta [ parAhRta ]1[ parA-hRta ] mfn. (√ [ hR ]) carried off, removed ĀpŚr. BhP.

===> parânta [ parAnta ]3[ par^anta ] m. ` the last end ', death ([ -kAla ] m. time of death) MuṇḍUp. (1) ` living at the remotest distance ', N. of a people MBh.

===> parâpara [ parApara ]3[ par^apara ] mfn. remote and proximate, prior and posterior (as cause and effect), earlier and later, higher and lower, better and worse MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) m. = [ -guru ] below (2) n. (in logic) a community of properties in a small class under the larger or generic, a species or class between the genus and individual W. (3) Grewia Asiatica Bhpr. (4) [ -guru ] m. a Guru of an intermediate class (5) N. of the goddess Durgā W. (cf. [ parAt-parag° ]) (6) [ -jJa ], knowing what is remote and proximate &c. MBh. (7) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. higher and lower degree, absolute and relative state, priority and posteriority (8) the state of being both a genus and a species Bhāshāp (9) [ -dRST^artha ] mfn. knowing the real nature of the remote and proximate &c. Hariv. (10) [ °r^eza ] m. ` lord of the remote and property, &c. ', N. of Viṣṇu VP. (11) [ °r^aitR ] ([ p'ar^ap° ]), mfn. going after another, going in a line (to the next world) AV. 1

===> parârdha [ parArdha ]3[ par^ardh'a ] m. the more remote or opposite side or half. Br. KaṭhUp. MBh. (1) mn. the highest number (100,000 billions) VS. TS. MBh. &c. (2) the number of mortal days corresponding to 50 years of Brahmā's life Pur. (3) (as mfn. w. r. for [ °dhya ].)

===> parârtha [ parArtha ]1[ par^artha ] [ par^ardha ] &c. See under [ para ], p. 587, col. 3

===> parâtman [ parAtman ]3[ par^atman ] m. the Supreme Spirit BhP. (1) mfn. one who considers the body as the soul MBh. BhP.

===> parâvajñā [ parAvajJA ]3[ par^avajJA ] f. insulting another MW.

===> parâyatta [ parAyatta ]1[ par^ayatta ] &c. See p. 587, col. 3

===> parâyaṇa [ parAyaNa ]3[ par^'ayaNa ] n. (for 2. See p. 590, col. 3) final end or aim, last resort or refuge, principal object, chief matter, essence, summary ([ °NaM-√ kR ], to do one's utmost) ŚBr. Up. MBh. &c. (1) (in medic.) a universal medicine, panacea Car. (2) a religious order or division W. (3) (ifc. (4) f. [ A ]) making anything one's chief object, wholly devoted or destined to, engaged in, intent upon, filled or occupied with, affected or possessed by ([ -tA ] f. Daś.) Mn. MBh. &c. (5) mf ([ A ]) n. violent, strong (as pain) MBh. i, 8367 (Nīlak.) (6) principal, being the chief object or final aim ib. (7) dependent on (gen.) R. (8) leading or conducive to (gen.) MBh. (9) m. N. of a pupil of Yājñavalkya VāyuP. (10) [ -vat ] mfn. occupying the principal point, most elevated MBh.

===> [ parAyaNa ]1[ par^ayaNa ]2 n. ([ parA ] +root [ i ]) going away, departure or way of departure, final end, last resort RV. AV. ŚBr. (cf. 1. [ par^ayaNa ], p. 587)

===> parâśraya [ parAzraya ]1[ par^azraya ] [ par^azrita ], See under [ para ], p. 588, col. 1

===> parā-ga [ parAga ]1[ parAga ] m. (prob. for [ apa-r° ]), the pollen of a flower Kāv. Pur. &c. (1) dust Ragh. iv, 30 (2) fragrant powder used after bathing L. (3) sandal L. (4) an eclipse of the sun or moon L. (5) fame, celebrity L. (6) independence L. (7) N. of a mountain L.

===> parābhava [ parAbhava ]3[ parA-bhav'a ] m. vanishing, disappearance, dissolution, separation R. (1) overthrow, defeat, humiliation, mortification, contempt, injury, destruction, ruin ŚBr. MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) N. of the 40th (or 14th) year in Jupiter's cycle of 6o years Var. (cf. [ parAvasu ]) (3) [ -pada ] n. an object of contempt MW.

===> parābhāva [ parAbhAva ]3[ parA-bhAva ] m. defeat, overthrow MBh. (1) humiliation, contempt L.

===> parāhata [ parAhata ]3[ parA-hata ] ([ p'arA- ]), mfn. turned over, tilled (the earth) RV. v, 56, 3 (1) struck down or back, repelled, averted, rejected MBh. Kāv (2) refuted, contradicted Nyāyam

===> parākrama [ parAkrama ]3[ parA-krama ] m. (sg. and pl. (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) bold advance, attack, heroism, courage, power, strength, energy, exertion, enterprise MBh. Kāv. &c. (2) going out or away L. (3) N. of Viṣṇu L. (4) of a warrior on the side of the Kurus MBh. (5) of a chief of the Vidyā-dharas (associated with Ā-krama, Vi-krama and Saṃkrama) Kathās (6) [ -kesarin ] m. N. of a prince (son of Vikrama-kesarin) Vet (7) [ -jJa ] mfn. knowing the strength (of an enemy) W. (8) [ -vat ] (MārkP.), [ °min ] (MBh. Hariv.), mfn. showing courage or strength, exerting power

===> parākrānta [ parAkrAnta ]3[ parA-krAnta ] ([ p'arA- ]), mfn. advanced, valorous, strong, bold, active, energetic AV. &c. &c. (1) eagerly intent upon (with loc., e. g. [ palAyane ], on fleeing) MBh. (2) n. displaying power or energy Jātakam

===> parāmarśa [ parAmarza ]3[ parA-marza ] m. seizing, pulling ([ keza- ], by the hair) MBh. (1) bending or drawing (of a bow) R. (2) violation, injury, assault, attack MBh. R. Kād (3) affection (by disease &c.) MārkP. (4) remembrance, recollection Vedântas (5) referring or pointing touched Sāh (6) reflection, consideration, judgment MBh. Bhāshāp (7) (in logic) inference, conclusion, drawing conclusions from analogy or experience, knowledge of the minor premiss in its connection with the major (8) N. of wk. (9) [ -kAraNapakSatA-vAda ] m. [ -karya-kAraNa-bhAva-vicAra ] m. [ -grantha ] m. [ -grantha-rahasya ] n. [ -TippanI ] f. [ -pUrva-pakSa-grantka-TIkA ] f. ([ °thakroDa ] m. [ °tha-dIdhiti-TIkA ] f. [ °tha-prakAza ] m. [ °tha-vivecana ] n. [ °th^anugama ] m.), [ -pUrvapakSa-rahasya ] n. [ -rahasya ] n. [ -vAda ] m. [ -vAd^artha ] m. [ -vicAra ] m. [ -siddh^anta-grantha-TIkA ] f. ([ °tha-kroDa ] m. [ °tha-prakAza ], m. [ °tha-vivecana ] n. [ °th^aloka ], m.), [ -siddh^anta-rahasya ] n. [ -hetutA-vicAra ] m. N. of wks. [ 590,3 ]

===> parāmarśana [ parAmarzana ]3[ parA-marzana ] n. taking hold of, touching, seizing Kauś. Sch. (1) recollection, consideration L.

===> parāmṛṣṭa [ parAmRSTa ]3[ parA-mRSTa ] ([ p'arA- ]), mfn. seized or laid hold of, grasped, handled, touched, felt, roughly treated, violated, afflicted (by disease &c.) AV. MBh. &c. (1) recollected, considered, referred to RPrāt. (2) borne, endured W.

===> parāvṛtta [ parAvRtta ]3[ parA-vRtta ] mfn. turned (also to flight) returned, averted from (abl.) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) passed away, disappeared R. BhP. HPariś (2) wallowing, rolling (n. as a subst.) L. (3) exchanged W. (4) reversed (as a judgment) ib. (5) given back, restored ib.

===> parāvṛtti [ parAvRtti ]3[ parA-vRtti ] f. turning back or round, returning, revolving Hariv. (cf. [ a-parAv° ]) (1) change, interchange, exchange, barter Kāv (2) reversion of a sentence or judgment W. (3) restoration of property ib. (4) recoiling, rebounding, not taking effect Cat.

===> parāśara [ parAzara ]1[ parA-zara ] See [ parA-zRR ] below

===> [ parAzara ]3[ parA-zar'a ] m. a crusher, destroyer RV. AV. (1) a partic. wild animal Bhagavatīg. (w. r. [ °sara ]) (2) N. of a Nāga MBh. (3) N. of a son of Vasishṭha or of a son of Śakti and grandson of Vasishṭha (according to MBh. the father of Vyāsa (4) said to be the author of RV. i, 65-73 and part of ix, 97) (5) of a son of Kuṭhumi VP. (6) of the author of a well-known code of laws RTL. 51 &c. (7) of sev. writers on medicine and astrology &c. (with [ bhaTTa ], N. of a poet) Cat. (8) [ -kSetra-mAhAtmya ] n. [ -tantra ] n. [ -dharma ] m. [ -purANa ], n. [ -mAdhavIya ] n. [ -vaMza-varNana ] n. [ -vijaya ] m. [ -saMhitA ] f. [ -sampAta ] m. [ -siddh^anta ] m. [ -sUtra-vRtti ], f. [ -smRti ] f. [ -smRti-saMgraha ] m. [ °r^opapurANa ] n. N. of wks. (9) [ °rin ] m. = [ pArAzarin ] L. (10) [ °r^ezvara ] m. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP. (11) [ °vara-tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP.

===> parīhāra [ parIhAra ]3[ parI-hAra ] m. avoiding, shunning, caution Suśr. (1) disrespect L. (2) (in gram. and dram.) = [ pari-h° ]

===> parīkṣaka [ parIkSaka ]3[ par^ikSaka ] mfn. trying, examining W. (1) m. a prover, examiner, judge Rājat. Pañc

===> parīkṣita [ parIkSita ]3[ par^ikSita ] mfn. carefully inspected, tried, examined Mn. MBh. &c.

===> parīkṣya [ parIkSya ]3[ par^ikSya ] mfn. = [ °kSitavya ] MBh. Var

===> parīkṣā [ parIkSA ]3[ par^ikSA ] f. inspection, investigation, examination, test, trial by ordeal of various kinds (See 2. [ divya ]) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) N. of wk. (2) [ -kSama ] mfn. standing the test Sarvad (3) [ -tattva ] n. [ -paddhati ] f. N. of wks. (4) [ °kS^artha ] mfn. wishing to try or test Āpast

===> parīndita [ parIndita ]3[ parIndita ] mfn. gratified, presented ib.

===> parīta [ parIta ]3[ par^ita ] mfn. standing or moving round, surrounding MBh. (1) past, elapsed, expired R. (2) surrounded, encompassed, filled, taken possession of, seized (with instr. or in comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (3) = [ vipar^ita ], inverted MBh. (4) w. r. for [ parItta ] ib. (5) m. pl. N. of a people VP. (6) [ °ta-tA ] f. the being surrounded or filled L. (7) [ °tin ] mfn. (ifc.) filled with, seized by Suśr.

===> [ parIta ]1[ par^ita ] See 2. [ par^i ], col. 2

===> parītta [ parItta ]1[ parI-tta ]1. 2 See under [ pari-dA ] and 1. [ parI ]

===> parīvāra [ parIvAra ]3[ parI-vAra ] m. train, retinue MBh. Kāv. &c. (1) a sheath, scabbard L. (cf. [ pari-v° ] under [ pari- ] √ 1. [ vR ])

===> parīṣṭi [ parISTi ]3[ par^iSTi ] f. investigation, research, inquiry Jaim. Pat. (1) service, attendance, homage L. (2) freedom of will L.

===> parṇa [ parNa ]2[ parN'a ] n. a pinion, feather (also of an arrow), wing RV. &c. Br. MBh. (1) a leaf (regarded as the plumage of a tree) RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ], but in N. of plants [ I ] (2) cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 64) (3) the Pān or betel leaf L. (4) m. Butea Frondosa (a large-leaved sacred tree whose wood is used for making sacred vessels, later generally called [ palAza ]) RV. AV. Br. Yājñ. ([ -tv'a ] n. MaitrS.) (5) N. of a teacher VāyuP. (cf. g. [ ziv^adi ]) (6) (pl.) of a people VP. (7) of a place, iv, 2, 145 (8) ([ I ]), f. a collect. N. of 4 plants ending with [ parNI ] Car. (9) Pistia Stratiotes L. (10) the leaf of Asa Foetida (?) L. [ According to Uṇ. iv, 6 fr. √ [ pRR ]. but more probably fr. a √ [ pR ], orig. [ spR ] ; cf. Lith. [ sparna ] ; HGerm. [ varn ], [ Farn ] ; Angl. Sax. [ fearn ] ; Eng. [ fern ]. ]

===> parṇa-kuṭikā [ parNakuTikA ]3[ parN'a-kuTikA ] or f. a hut made of leaves L.

===> parṇa-kuṭī [ parNakuTI ]3[ parN'a-kuTI ] f. a hut made of leaves L.

===> parṇa-saṃstara [ parNasaMstara ]3[ parN'a-saMstara ] m. having leaves for a bed, sleeping on leaves MW.

===> parṇamaya [ parNamaya ]3[ parN'a-m'aya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of the wood of the Butea Frondosa TS. TBr. Kāṭh (1) [ °yI-tva ] n. Nyāyam. Comm.

===> parṣad [ parSad ]1[ parSad ] f. = [ pari-Sad ], an assembly, audience, company, society GṛS. Yājñ. &c. (4 kinds of society Divyâv. 299, 14)

===> patana [ patana ]2[ patana ] mfn. who or what flies or falls Pāṇ. 3-2, 150 (1) m. N. of a Rākshasa MBh. (2) ([ p'at° ]), n. the act of flying or coming down, alighting, descending, throwing one's self down at or into (loc. or comp.) RV. &c. &c. (3) setting (as the sun) MBh. (4) going down (to hell) Mn. vi, 61 (5) hanging down, becoming flaccid (said of the breasts) Bhartṛ (6) fall, decline, ruin, death MBh. Kāv (7) loss of caste, apostacy Pur. (8) (with [ garbhasya ]) miscarriage Var (9) (in arithm.) subtraction Col. (10) (in astron.) the latitude of a planet W.

===> patanīya [ patanIya ]2[ patanIya ] mfn. (fr. [ patana ]) leading to, a fall, causing the loss of caste (1) n. a degrading crime or sin MBh. Yājñ.

===> patat [ patat ]2[ patat ] mf ([ ntI ]) n. flying, falling, descending &c. (1) m. a bird Āpast. Kāv

===> pataṃ-ga [ pataMga ]3[ pataM-g'a ] mfn. flying RV. i, 118, 4 (1) any flying insect, a grasshopper, a bee, a butterfly or moth ŚBr. ([ °t'aMga ]) Up. Mn. &c. ([ -tA ] f. Prasannar.) (2) a horse Naigh. i, 14 (3) the sun (cf. [ pata-ga ]) RV. AV. Var. &c. (4) N. of one of the 7 suns TĀr. VP. (5) a ball for playing with BhP. (6) a spark (Sāy (7) ` a Piśāca ' Mahīdh.) RV. iv, 4, 2 (8) a species of rice Car. (9) of tree L. (10) ` the Flier ', N. of Kṛshṇa MBh. xii, 1510 (= [ garuDa ] Nīlak.) BhP. (11) N. of the author of RV. x, 17 and of this hymn itself ŚāṅkhBr. (12) of a mountain BhP. (13) = [ -grAma ] Rājat (14) (pl.) N. of a caste in Plakshadvīpa BhP. (15) ([ A ]), f. N. of a mythical river Divyâv (16) ([ I ]), f. N. of one of the wives of Tārksha and mother of the flying animals BhP. (17) m. or n. quicksilver L. (18) n. a species of sandal wood Bhpr. (19) [ -kAnta ] m. the sun-stone (cf. [ sUrya-k° ]) Śiś. iv, 16 (20) [ -grAma ] m. N. of a village Rājat (21) [ -rAja ] m. = [ pataga-r° ] Pañc (22) [ -vat ], ind., like a moth Kum (23) [ -vRtti ] f. the manner of the moth (attracted by a light) i. e. rashness, temerity Ratnâv (24) mfn. behaving like a moth (i. e. very inconsiderately) Pañc (25) [ °g^azman ] m. the sun-stone (cf. above) Śrīkaṇṭh

===> path [ path ]1[ path ] (cf. √ [ panth ]), cl. 1. P. [ p'athati ], to go, move (1) to fly Suparṇ. Dhātup. xx, 17: Caus. [ pAthayati ], to throw, send (xxxii, 20, v. l. for [ pRth ] and [ prath ])

===> patha [ patha ]2[ patha ] m. a way, path, road, course, reach MBh. Kāv. &c. (generally ifc. for [ pathin ] (1) cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 74)

===> pathy-aśana [ pathyazana ]3[ pathy-azana ] n.

===> pathy-odana [ pathyodana ]3[ pathy-odana ] m. provender for a journey, viaticum Kāv

===> pathya [ pathya ]2[ pathya ] mfn. ` belonging to the way ', suitable, fit, proper, wholesome, salutary (lit. and fig (1) esp. said of diet in a medical sense) Yājñ. MBh. Suśr. &c. (2) containing elements or leading forms, regular, normal Lāṭy. Nid (3) m. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L. (4) N. of a teacher of AV. (5) ([ 'A ]), f. a path, way, road (with [ rev'atI ], ` the auspicious path, personified as a deity of happiness and welfare) RV. TS. Br. (6) Terminalia Chebula or Citrina and other plants L. (7) N. of sev. metres Nid. Col. (8) N. of a woman Kathās (9) n. a species of salt L.

===> pati [ pati ]1[ p'ati ]1 m. (cf. √ 1. [ vat ] (1) when uncompounded and meaning ` husband ', instr. [ p'atya ] (2) dat. [ p'atye ] (3) gen. abl. [ p'atyur ] (4) loc. [ p'atyau ] (5) but when meaning ` lord, master ', and ifc. regularly inflected with exceptions (6) cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 8 ; 9) a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign RV. &c. &c. (7) a husband ib. (in comp. either with the stem or with the gen., e. g. [ duhitR-p° ] or °tuH-p° Pāṇ. 6-3, 24 (8) when mfn. f. = m. e. g. [ -jIvat-patyA tvayA ] R. ii, 24, 8, or [ patikA ] e. g. [ pramIta-patikA ] Mn. ix, 68) (9) one of the 2 entities (with [ pAzupat'as ]) RTL. 89 (10) a root L. (11) f. a female possessor, mistress Pāṇ. 4-1, 33 Sch. (12) a wife ([ vRddha-p° ] = [ -patnI ], the wife of an old man ib. 34 Sch.) [ Cf. Gk. ?, ` husband ' ; [ 582,1 ] Lat. [ potis ], [ pos-sum ] for [ potis-sum ] ; Lith. [ patis ], ` husband ' ; Goth. ([ bruth- ]) [ faths ], ` bridegroom ' ]

===> pati-vratā [ pativratA ]3[ p'ati-vratA ] f. a devoted and virtuous wife Mn. MBh. &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. devotion or loyalty to a husband MBh. R. Kathās (2) [ -dhyAya ] ([ °t^adh° ]), m. N. of ch. of Skandap (3) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting in a faithful wife Mcar. Bālar (4) [ -mAhAtmya ] and [ °t^op^akhyAna ] n. N. of wks.

===> patita [ patita ]2[ patit'a ] mfn. fallen, dropped, descended, alighted AV. &c. &c. (1) (ifc.) fallen upon or from (Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 and 38 Sch.) (2) (with [ pAdayos ] or [ pAda- ]) having thrown one's self at a person's feet Kāv (3) fallen (morally), wicked, degraded, out-caste ([ -tva ] n.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (4) fallen into, being in (loc. or comp.) Kathās (5) happened, occurred Pañc. Śukas (6) n. flying MBh.

===> patnī [ patnI ]2[ p'atnI ] f. (rarely [ patni ]) a female possessor, mistress RV. &c. &c. (1) a wife (RV. i, 140, 6 ; iv, 24, 8, even applied to cows) ib. (cf. [ pati ] f.) (2) (in astrol.) N. of the 7th mansion Var. [ Cf. Gk. ?. ] [ 582,2 ]

===> pattana [ pattana ]1[ pattana ] m. pl. N. of a people VP. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a wife of Vikrama L. (2) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a town, city MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ dharma- ] and [ paTTaNa ])

===> pattaṅga [ pattaGga ]1[ pattaGga ] m. (n. L. (1) fr. [ pattr^aGga ]) red sandal Suśr. (2) n. Caesalpina Sappan L.

===> patti [ patti ]2[ patti ]1 f. (fr. √ 2. [ pad ]) going, moving, walking L.

===> [ patti ]2[ patt'i ]2 m. (prob. fr. 3. [ pad ]) a pedestrian, footman, foot-soldier, infantry VS. &c. &c. (m. c. also [ °tI ], R [ B. ]) (1) a hero L. (2) (pl.) N. of a people MBh. (v. l. [ pazu ]) (3) f. the smallest division of an army (1 chariot, 1 elephant, 3 horsemen and 5 foot-soldiers (4) according to others = 55 foot-soldiers) MBh.