===> mahad-gata [ mahadgata ]3[ mahad-gata ] mfn. great cf. Divyâv. (cf. Pāli [ mahaggato ])

===> mahalla [ mahalla ]1[ mahalla ] m. (fr. Arabic mahall) a eunuch in a king's palace or in a harem cf. L.

===> mahat [ mahat ]2[ mah'at ] mfn. (orig. pr. p. of √ 1. [ mah ] (1) strong form, [ mahAnt ] f. [ mahat'I ] (2) in ep. often [ mahat ] for [ mahAntam ] (3) ibc. mostly [ mahA ], q. v.) great (in space, time, quantity or degree), i. e. large, big, huge, ample, extensive, long, abundant, numerous, considerable, important, high, eminent cf. RV. &c. &c. (also ind. in [ mahad-√ bhU ], to become great or full [ said of the moon ] cf. Śiś.) (4) abounding on rich in (instr.) cf. ChUp. (5) (ifc.) distinguished by cf. Śak (6) early (morning) cf. ib. (7) advanced (afternoon) cf. MBh. (8) violent (pain or emotion) cf. ib. (9) thick (as darkness), gross cf. ib. (10) loud (as noise) cf. Lāṭy (11) many (people, with [ jana ] sg.) cf. MBh. (with [ uktha ] n. a partic. Uktha of 720 verses (12) with [ aukthya ] n. N. of a Sāman cf. MBh. (13) [ mahAnti bhUtAni ], the gross elements cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (14) cf. [ mahAbhUta ]) (15) m. a great or noble man (opp. to [ nIca ], [ alpa ] or [ dIna ]) cf. Kāv. cf. Kām. cf. Pañcat (16) the leader of a sect or superior of a monastery cf. RTL. 87, n. 1 (17) a camel cf. L. (18) N. of Rudra or of a partic. Rudra cf. BhP. (19) of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (20) (scil. [ gaNa ]), a partic. class of deceased progenitors cf. MārkP. (21) of two princes cf. VP. (22) m. (rarely n. scil. [ tattva ]), ` the great principle ', N. of Buddhi, ` Intellect ', or the intellectual principle (according to the Sāṃkhya philosophy the second of the 23 principles produced from Prakṛti and so called as the [ great ] source of Ahaṃkāra, ` self-consciousness ', and Manas, ` the mind ' (23) cf. cf. IW. 83, 91 &c.)
cf. MaitrUp. cf. Mn. cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. MBh. &c. (24) ([ atI ]), f. the egg-plant cf. Bhpr. (25) the (7 or 100-stringed) lute of Nārada cf. Śiś. (26) (with [ dvAdazI ]), the 12th day in the light half of the month Bhādrapada cf. Pur. cf. Suśr. (27) n. anything great or important cf. ChUp. (28) greatness, power, might cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. (29) dominion cf. L. (30) a great thing, important matter, the greater part cf. ĀśvGṛ. (31) advanced state or time ([ mahat'i rAtriyai ] or [ rAtryai ], in the middle of the night cf. TS. cf. Br.) (32) sacred knowledge cf. MBh.

===> [ mahat ]1[ mah'at ] [ mah'an ] &c. p. 794, cols. 2, 3

===> mahattama [ mahattama ]3[ mah'at-tama ] mfn. greatest or very great (1) [ -pada ] mfn. holding a great or high position (said of a saint) cf. Divyâv

===> mahattara [ mahattara ]3[ mah'at-tara ] mfn. greater or very great or mighty or strong cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kathās (1) m. the oldest, most respectable, chief, principal cf. R. ([ A ] f. cf. Mṛcch.) (2) the head or oldest man of a village cf. L. (3) a Śūdra (?) cf. W. (4) a courtier, chamberlain cf. Kathās (5) N. of a son of Kaśyapa (or of Kāśyapa) cf. MBh. (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of a form of the goddess Tārā cf. Buddh. (7) [ °raka ] m. a courtier, chamberlain cf. Kathās. [ 794,3 ] (8) ([ ikA ]), f. a lady of the bedchamber cf. Kād

===> mahattva [ mahattva ]3[ mah'at-tva ] n. id. cf. Kāv. cf. Var (1) great size or extent, magnitude cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) violence, intensity cf. Suśr. (3) moral greatness cf. Kathās (4) [ -rahita ] mfn. deprived of majesty or greatness cf. MW.

===> mahattā [ mahattA ]3[ mah'at-tA ] f. greatness, high rank or position cf. Kathās

===> mahaugha [ mahaugha ]3[ mah^augha ] mf ([ A ]) n. having a strong current cf. Kathās (1) m. N. of a son of Tvashṭṛ cf. ib.

===> [ mahaugha ]1[ mah^augha ] [ mahajas ] &c. p. 802, col. 3

===> mahaujas [ mahaujas ]3[ mah^aujas ] n. great might or power cf. W. (1) mfn. very vigorous or powerful or mighty cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) m. a hero, champion cf. W. (3) N. of a king cf. MBh. (4) of Su-brahmaṇya cf. L. (5) pl. of a people cf. MBh. (6) [ °jasa ] n. the discus of Viṣṇu cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a species of plant cf. L. (8) [ °jaska ] mfn. = [ mah^aujas ] cf. L.

===> mahikā [ mahikA ]1[ mahikA ] f. mist, frost (for [ mihikA ], q. v.) cf. L.

===> mahiman [ mahiman ]1[ mahiman ] &c. col. 1

===> mahita [ mahita ]2[ mahita ] mfn. honoured, celebrated &c. cf. Inscr. cf. Kāv (1) proper, right cf. W. (2) m. (scil. [ gaNa ]) a class of deceased ancestors cf. MārkP. (3) N. of a Deva-putra cf. Lalit. (4) of Kailāsa cf. L. (5) of a man, g. [ garg^adi ] (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh. (cf. VP. [ ahitA ]) (7) n. the trident of Śiva cf. L.

===> [ mahita ]1[ mahita ] [ mahin ] &c. col. 1

===> mahiṣa [ mahiSa ]1[ mahiSa ] &c. p. 803, col. 1

===> mahiṣī [ mahiSI ]2[ m'ahiSI ] f. a female buffalo, buffalo-cow cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) any woman of high rank, (esp.) the first or consecrated wife of a king (also pl.) or any queen cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) the female of a bird cf. BhP. (3) (with [ samudrasya ]), N. of the Gaṅgā cf. Hariv. (4) an unchaste woman or money gained by a wife's prostitution cf. L. (5) a species of plant cf. L. (6) N. of the 15th day of the light half of the month Taisha cf. L. [ 803,2 ]

===> mahiṣī-pāla [ mahiSIpAla ]3[ m'ahiSI-pAla ] m. a keeper of buffalo-cows cf. L.

===> mahiṣṭha [ mahiSTha ]2[ mahiSTha ] mfn. greatest, largest cf. BhP.

===> mahâbhijñā-jñānâbhibhū [ mahAbhijJAjJAnAbhibhU ]3[ mah'A-bhijJA-jJAn^abhibhU ] ([ °h^abh° ]), m. N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahâbhiṣeka [ mahAbhiSeka ]3[ mah'A-bhiSeka ] ([ °h^abh° ]), m. solemn sprinkling or unction cf. AitBr. (1) N. of cf. Kathās. xv (2) [ -prayoga ] m. [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wks.

===> mahâcārya [ mahAcArya ]3[ mah'A-cArya ] ([ °h^ac° ]), m. ` the great teacher ', N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (1) (?) N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> mahâdbhuta [ mahAdbhuta ]3[ mah'A-dbhuta ] ([ °h^ad° ]), mfn. very wonderful cf. MBh. (1) n. a great marvel cf. AV. Pariś (2) N. of the 72nd Pariśishṭa of the cf. AV.

===> mahâdhipati [ mahAdhipati ]3[ mah'A-dhipati ] ([ °h^adh° ]), f. N. of a Tantra deity cf. Buddh.

===> mahâgni [ mahAgni ]3[ mah'A-gni ] ([ °h^ag° ]), m.

===> mahâkāśa [ mahAkAza ]3[ mah'A-kAza ] m. N. of a Varsha cf. MBh.

===> mahâkṣobhya [ mahAkSobhya ]3[ mah'A-kSobhya ] ([ °h^ak° ]), m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahâmātya [ mahAmAtya ]3[ mah'A-mAtya ] ([ °h^am° ]), m. the prime minister of a king cf. Kām. cf. Rājat

===> mahânasa [ mahAnasa ]3[ mah'A-nasa ] ([ °h^an° ]), n. a heavy waggon or cart, cf. ŚrS. (1) a kitchen (also m.) cf. Gobh. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) cooking utensils (?) cf. KātyŚr. (3) m. N. of a mountain cf. BhP. (4) ([ I ]), f. a cook, kitchen-maid cf. MBh. (5) [ °s^adhyakSa ] m. a chief kitchen-superintendent cf. BhP.

===> mahândhakāra [ mahAndhakAra ]3[ mah'A-ndha-kAra ] ([ °h^an° ]), m. thick darkness, gross spiritual darkness cf. MaitrUp.

===> mahânubhāva [ mahAnubhAva ]3[ mah'A-nubhAva ] ([ °h^an° ]), mf ([ A ]) n. of great might, mighty cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) high-minded, noble-mighty, generous cf. Ratnâv. cf. Kād (2) [ -tA ] f. (cf. Kād. cf. Mṛcch. [ in Prākṛt ]) or [ -tva ] n. (cf. Kathās.) magnanimity, generosity

===> mahârambha [ mahArambha ]3[ mah'A-rambha ] ([ °h^ar° ]), m. a great undertaking cf. Subh (1) mfn. performing great undertaking, enterprising, industrious cf. Kām (2) n. a kind of salt cf. L.

===> mahârcis [ mahArcis ]3[ mah'A-rcis ] ([ °h^ar° ]), mfn. having great flames, flaming high cf. MBh.

===> mahârgha [ mahArgha ]3[ mah'A-rgha ] ([ °h^ar° ]), mfn. high-priced, very precious or valuable cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. (also [ °ghya ], Bharat.) [ 800,1 ] (1) costly, expensive cf. Bālar (2) m. Perdix Chinensis cf. L. (3) [ -tA ] f. great costliness, preciousness, high value cf. Var. cf. Śiś. cf. ŚārṅgP. (also [ °ghya-tA ] cf. Rājat.) (4) [ -rUpa ] mf ([ A ]) n. of splendid form cf. Kathās

===> mahârha [ mahArha ]3[ mah'A-rha ] ([ °h^ar° ]), mfn. very worthy or deserving, very valuable or precious, splendid cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) n. white sandal-wood cf. L.

===> mahârtha [ mahArtha ]3[ mah'A-rtha ] ([ °h^ar° ]), m. a great thing, a gr matter, cf. DevīP. (1) weighty or important meaning cf. MW. (2) mf ([ A ]) n. having large substance, rich cf. VarBṛS. (3) great, dignified cf. W. (4) having great meaning, significant, important, weighty cf. MBh. cf. R.

---> m. N. of a Dānava cf. Kathās (5) n. = [ mahA-bhASya ] (q. v.) cf. Cat. (6) [ -tA ] f. fullness of meaning or significancy cf. L. (7) [ -prakAza ] m. [ -maJjarI ] f. N. of wks. (8) [ -vat ] mfn. having great meaning, very significant cf. MBh. (9) of great consequence, very dignified cf. MW. (10) [ °thaka ] mfn. valuable cf. L. (11) rich (12) having great meaning, very important &c. cf. MW.

===> mahârṇava [ mahArNava ]3[ mah'A-rNava ] ([ °h^ar° ]), m. ` mighty sea ', the ocean cf. MaitrUp. cf. R. &c. (1) N. of Śiva cf. L. (2) of sev. wks. (3) pl. ` dwelling by the ocean ', N. of a people cf. MārkP. (4) [ -karma-vipAka ] m. N. of wk. (5) [ -nipAnavid ] m. N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (6) [ -prakAza ] m. [ -vrat^arka ] m. N. of wks.

===> mahâtman [ mahAtman ]3[ mah'A-tman ] ([ °h^at° ]), mfn. ` high-souled ', magnanimous, having a great or noble nature, high-minded, noble cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) highly gifted, exceedingly wise cf. Pañcat (2) eminent, mighty, powerful, distinguished cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. cf. Suśr. (3) m. the Supreme Spirit, great soul of the universe cf. MaitrUp. cf. Mn. (4) the great principle i. e. Intellect cf. BhP. (5) (scil. [ gaNa ]), N. of a class of deceased ancestors cf. MārkP. (6) of a son of Dhī-mat cf. VP. (7) [ °ma-vat ] mfn. ` high-souled ', highly gifted, very wise cf. Kām (8) [ °tmya ] mfn. magnanimous cf. MW. (9) n. w. r. for [ mAhAtmya ] (q. v.) cf. PadmaP. cf. Daś

===> mahâyudha [ mahAyudha ]3[ mah'A-yudha ] ([ °h^ay° ]), mfn. having great weapons (said of Śiva) cf. MBh.

===> mahâyuta [ mahAyuta ]3[ mah'A-yuta ] ([ °h^ay° ]), m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahâśva [ mahAzva ]3[ mah'A-zva ] ([ °h^az° ]), m. N. of a man cf. MBh. (1) [ -zAlA ] f. the principal royal stables or office of superintending them cf. Rājat

===> mahā- [ mahA ]1[ mahA ] [ mahA-kaGkara ] &c. p. 794, col. 3

===> mahā-bala [ mahAbala ]3[ mah'A-bala ] mf ([ A ]) n. exceedingly strong, very powerful or mighty, very efficacious cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) m. wind cf. L. (2) borax cf. L. (3) a Buddha cf. L. (4) (scil. [ gaNa ]), a partic. class of deceased ancestors cf. MārkP. (5) N. of one of Śiva's attendants (?) cf. Hariv. (6) of Indra in the 4th Manv-antara cf. MārkP. (7) of a Nāga cf. Buddh. (8) of one of the 10 gods of anger cf. Dharmas. 11 (9) of a king and various other persons cf. Hit. cf. VP. &c. (10) ([ A ]), f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia cf. L. (11) N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh. (12) n. lead cf. L. (13) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

---> N. of a Liṅga cf. Cat. (14) [ -kavi ] m. N. of an author cf. L. (15) [ -parAkrama ] mfn. of great power and strength (Viṣṇu) cf. Viṣṇ (16) [ -rAsa ] m. N. of wk. (17) [ -zAkya ] m. N. of a king cf. Buddh. (18) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk. (19) [ °l^akSa ], a partic. high number cf. Buddh. (20) [ °l^ezvara ] m. N. of Śiva cf. MW. (21) n. N. of a Liṅga temple (22) of a well-known Sanitarium called ` Mahābleshwar ' in a range of hills near Poona in the Bombay Presidency cf. RTL. 348 cf. Cat.

===> mahā-bali [ mahAbali ]3[ mah'A-bali ] m. N. of the giant Bali cf. MW.

===> mahā-bhadra [ mahAbhadra ]3[ mah'A-bhadra ] m. N. of a mountain cf. MārkP. (1) ([ A ]), f. Gmelina, Arborea cf. L. (2) N. of the Gaṅgā cf. L. cf. Buddh. (3) n. N. of a lake cf. Pur.

===> mahā-bhauma [ mahAbhauma ]3[ mah'A-bhauma ] m. N. of a king cf. MBh.

===> mahā-bhaya [ mahAbhaya ]3[ mah'A-bhaya ] n. great danger or peril cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. Great Danger personified as a son of Adharma by Nirṛti cf. MBh. (cf. [ bhaya ]) (2) mf ([ A ]) n. accompanied with great danger or peril, very dangerous or formidable cf. MBh.

===> mahā-bherī-hāraka-parivarta [ mahAbherIhArakaparivarta ]3[ mah'A-bherI-hAraka-parivarta ] m. N. of certain Buddhist Sūtra wks.

===> mahā-bhoga [ mahAbhoga ]3[ mah'A-bhoga ] m. (fr. 1. [ bhoga ]) a great curve or coil, great hood (of a snake), great winding cf. MW. (1) mfn. (a snake) having great windings or coils, having a great hood cf. MBh. (2) m. a great serpent, AṣṭāvS. (3) [ -vat ] mfn. having great windings &c. cf. BhP. - 2

===> [ mahAbhoga ]3[ mah'A-bhoga ] ([ °h^abh° ]), mfn. having a wide girth, having a large compass cf. Kathās. - 3

===> [ mahAbhoga ]3[ mah'A-bhoga ] m. (fr. 2. [ bhoga ]) great enjoyment cf. Kathās (1) mf ([ A ]) n. causing great enjoyment (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā cf. Pur. (3) [ -vat ] mfn. having great enjoyment cf. MW.

===> mahā-bhāga [ mahAbhAga ]3[ mah'A-bhAga ] mf ([ A ]) n. one to whom a great portion or lot has fallen, highly fortunate, eminent in the highest degree, illustrious, highly distinguished (mostly of persons and frequently in address) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) virtuous in a high degree, pure, holy cf. W. (2) m. great luck, prosperity cf. MW. (3) N. of a king cf. VP. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Mah^alaya cf. Cat. (5) [ -tA ] f. (cf. W.) or [ -tva ] n. (cf. MW.) high excellence, great good fortune, exalted station or merit (6) the possessing of the 8 cardinal virtues

===> mahā-bhāgin [ mahAbhAgin ]3[ mah'A-bhAgin ] mfn. exceedingly fortunate cf. Kathās

===> mahā-bhīma [ mahAbhIma ]3[ mah'A-bhIma ] m. N. of Śāṃtanu cf. L. (1) of one of Śiva's attendants cf. L.

===> mahā-bhūmi [ mahAbhUmi ]3[ mah'A-bhUmi ] f. a great country cf. KaṭhUp. (1) the whole territory (of a king) cf. Nyāyam

===> mahā-bhūmika [ mahAbhUmika ]3[ mah'A-bhUmika ] mfn. (?) cf. L.

===> mahā-bhūta [ mahAbhUta ]3[ mah'A-bhUta ] mfn. being great, great cf. MBh. (1) m. a great creature or being cf. ib. (2) n. a great element, gross element (of which 5 are reckoned, viz. ether, air, fire, water, earth cf. Up. cf. Nir. cf. Mn. &c. [ cf. cf. IW. 83, 221 ], as distinguished from the subtle element or Tanmātra, q. v.) cf. IW. 221 (3) [ -ghaTa ] m. a jar with a figurative representation of the 5 element cf. Hcat. (w. r. [ -dhaTa ]) (4) [ °Ta-dAna ] n. a kind of religious gift cf. Cat.

===> mahā-bimbara [ mahAbimbara ]3[ mah'A-bimbara ] m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-bodhi [ mahAbodhi ]3[ mah'A-bodhi ] m. or f. the great intelligence of a Buddha cf. Buddh. (1) m. a Buddha cf. L. (2) a partic. incarnation of Buddha cf. Jātakam (3) [ -saMgh^arAma ] m. N. of a Buddhist monastery cf. Buddh. (4) [ °dhy-aGgavatI ] f. N. of a Tantra deity. cf. ib.

===> mahā-brahma [ mahAbrahma ]3[ mah'A-brahma ] or m. the great Brahman, the Supreme Spirit cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-brahman [ mahAbrahman ]3[ mah'A-brahman ] m. the great Brahman, the Supreme Spirit cf. Buddh. (1) pl. (with Buddhists) one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form cf. Dharmas. 128 (cf. cf. MWB. 210 &c.)

===> mahā-buddha [ mahAbuddha ]3[ mah'A-buddha ] m. the great Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-buddhi [ mahAbuddhi ]3[ mah'A-buddhi ] f. the intellect cf. VP. (1) mfn. having great understanding, extremely clever cf. R. cf. Pañcat. ([ -buddhe ] w. r. for [ -yuddhe ] cf. MBh.) (2) m. N. of an Asura cf. Kathās (3) of a man cf. ib.

===> mahā-cakra [ mahAcakra ]3[ mah'A-cakra ] n. a great wheel, a great discus cf. RāmatUp. cf. MBh. (1) the mystic circle or assembly in the Śākta ceremonial cf. RTL. 196 (2) m. ` having a great wheel or discus ', N. of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ -vaktra ]) (3) [ -pravezajJAna-mudrA ] f. N. of a Mudrā (q. v.) cf. Buddh. (4) [ -vartin ] m. a great emperor or universal monarch ([ °ti-tA ] f. the rank of a great emperor) cf. Kathās (5) [ -vADa ] or [ -vAla ] m. N. of a mythical mountain cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-candra [ mahAcandra ]3[ mah'A-candra ] m. N. of a man cf. Divyâv

===> mahā-citra-pāṭala [ mahAcitrapATala ]3[ mah'A-citra-pATala ] a species of plant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-citta [ mahAcitta ]3[ mah'A-citta ] g. [ sutaMgam^adi ] (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras cf. L.

===> mahā-cunda [ mahAcunda ]3[ mah'A-cunda ] m. N. of a Buddhist mendicant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-deva [ mahAdeva ]3[ mah'A-dev'a ] m. ` the great deity ', N. of Rudra or Śiva or one of his attendant deities cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) of one of the 8 forms of Rudra or Śiva cf. Pur. (2) of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. RāmatUp. (3) of various authors &c. cf. Cat. (also [ dIkSita-m° ], [ dvi-vedi-m° ] (4) cf. below) (5) of a mountain cf. Vās., Introd. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Devaka cf. VP. (w. r. for [ saha-devA ]) (7) ([ I ]), f. N. of Śiva's wife Pārvatī cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (cf. RTL. 186) (8) of Lakshmī cf. MBh. cf. R. (9) of Dākshāyaṇī in the Śālagrāma cf. Cat. (10) the chief wife of a king cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. &c. ([ °vI-tva ] n. the rank of chief wife cf. Kathās.) (11) a kind of colocynth cf. L. (12) N. of various women cf. Vet. cf. Cat. (13) of sev. wks. (14) n. N. of a Tantra cf. Cat. cf. Āryav. (cf. [ ziva-tantra ]) (15) [ kav^iz^acArya-sarasvatI ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (16) [ -kRtyA ] f. a wrong act committed against Śiva cf. MBh. (17) [ -giri ] m. N. of a mountain cf. Kathās (18) [ g'Rha ] n. a temple of Śiva cf. Cat. (19) [ -josI ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (20) [ -tantra ] n. the Mahā-deva Tantra cf. Cat. (above) (21) [ -tIrtha ] m. N. of a teacher cf. Cat. (22) [ -tva ] n. the state or dignity of ` the great deity ' cf. Up. (23) [ -dIkSita ] m. [ -daiva-jJa ] m. [ -dvi-vedin ] m. [ -paNDita ], m. [ -puNya-stambha-kara ] or [ -puNatAma-kara ] (?), m. N. of authors cf. Cat. (24) [ -pura ] n. N. of a city cf. Buddh. (25) [ -bhaTTa ] and [ -bhaTTa-dina-kara ] m. N. of learned men cf. Cat. (26) [ -maNi ] m. a species of medicinal plant cf. L. (27) [ -vAjapeyin ] m. [ -vAd^indra ] m. [ -vid ] m. [ -vidyA-vAg-Iza ], m. [ -ved^anta-vAg-Iza ] m. [ -ved^antin ] m. [ -zarman ] m. [ -zAstrin ] m. [ -sarasvatI ] m. (and [ °tI-ved^antin ], m.), [ -sarva-jJavAd^indra ] m. N. of learned men cf. Cat. (28) [ -sahasranAman ] n. N. of wk. (29) [ -sahasra-nAma-stotra ] and [ -stotra ] n. N. of Stotras (30) [ -hata ] mfn. slain by Rudra cf. ĀpŚr. (31) [ -hArivaMza ] m. [ °v^ananda ] m. [ °v^azrama ] m. N. of authors cf. Cat., [ °v^aST^ottara-zata-nAman ] n. N. of wk. (32) [ °v^ahata ] mfn. hit by Mahā-deva cf. MaitrS. (33) [ °v^endra-sarasvatI ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> mahā-dhana [ mahAdhana ]3[ mah'A-dhan'a ] n. great spoil or booty (taken in battle) cf. RV. (1) a great contest, great battle cf. ib. cf. Naigh (2) great wealth or riches cf. Var. cf. Kathās (3) agriculture cf. L. (4) mf ([ A ]) n. costing much money, very costly or precious or valuable cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Cāṇ (5) having much money, rich, wealthy cf. R. cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. &c. (6) m. N. of a merchant cf. Kathās. cf. Vet (7) n. anything costly or precious cf. W. (8) gold cf. L. (9) incense cf. L. (10) costly raiment cf. L. (11) [ -pati ] m. a very rich man cf. Kathās

===> mahā-dharma [ mahAdharma ]3[ mah'A-dharma ] m. N. of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-druma [ mahAdruma ]3[ mah'A-druma ] m. a great tree cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) Ficus Religiosa cf. L. (2) N. of a son of Bhavya cf. Pur. (3) n. N. of the Varsha ruled by him cf. VP.

===> mahā-duḥkha [ mahAduHkha ]3[ mah'A-duHkha ] n. a great pain or evil cf. Subh

===> mahā-dyotā [ mahAdyotA ]3[ mah'A-dyotA ] f. N. of a Tantra goddess cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-dyuti [ mahAdyuti ]3[ mah'A-dyuti ] mfn. of great splendour, very bright or glorious cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. [ 796,3 ] (1) [ -kar'a ] m. N. of the sun cf. TĀr.

===> mahā-dāna [ mahAdAna ]3[ mah'A-dAna ] n. ` great gift ', N. of certain valuable gifts (16 are enumerated) cf. Pañcar. cf. Cat. (1) mfn. accompanied by valuable gifts (said of a sacrifice) cf. Hariv. (2) [ -nirNaya ] m. N. of wk. (3) [ -pati ] m. a very liberal man cf. Lalit. (4) [ -paddhati ] f. [ -prayoga-paddhati ] f. [ -vAky^avalI ] f. [ °n^anukramaNikA ] f. N. of wks.

===> mahā-gaja [ mahAgaja ]3[ mah'A-gaja ] m. a great elephant cf. BhP. (1) one of the elephant that support the earth (cf. [ dik-karin ]) cf. R. (2) [ -lakSaNa ] n. N. of wk.

===> mahā-gati [ mahAgati ]3[ mah'A-gati ] (prob.) f. a partic. high number cf. Buddh. - 1

===> mahā-ghora [ mahAghora ]3[ mah'A-ghora ] mfn. very terrible or formidable cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kathās (1) m. N. of a hell cf. L.

===> mahā-ghoṣa [ mahAghoSa ]3[ mah'A-ghoSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. loud-sounding cf. MBh. (1) m. a loud noise cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. Boswellia Thurifera cf. L. (3) = [ karkaTa-zRGgI ] (or a kind of gall-nut) cf. L. (4) = [ zRGgI ] cf. L. (5) n. a market cf. L. (6) [ -svara-rAja ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (7) [ °S^anugA ] f. N. of a Tantra deity cf. ib. (8) [ °S^ezvara ] m. N. of a king of the Yakshas cf. ib.

===> mahā-graha [ mahAgraha ]3[ mah'A-graha ] m. ` the great planet ', N. of Rāhu cf. Hariv. (1) of the planet Saturn cf. L.

===> mahā-guṇa [ mahAguNa ]3[ mah'A-guNa ] m. a chief quality, cardinal virtue cf. Kām (1) mfn. possessing great excellencies, distinguished, very meritorious cf. MBh. cf. Prab (2) very efficacious cf. Suśr. (3) m. N. of a teacher cf. Buddh. (4) [ -tva ] n. the possession of great properties or virtues cf. Suśr.

===> mahā-hasta [ mahAhasta ]3[ mah'A-hasta ] mfn. having large hands (N. of Śiva) cf. MBh.

===> mahā-hetu [ mahAhetu ]3[ mah'A-hetu ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-hāsa [ mahAhAsa ]3[ mah'A-hAsa ] m. loud laughter cf. L. (1) mfn. laughing loudly cf. R.

===> mahā-jana [ mahAjana ]3[ mah'A-jana ] m. (sg (1) rarely pl.) a great multitude of men, the populace ([ °ne ] ind. in the presence of a great number of men, in public) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) a great or eminent man, great persons cf. Pañcat (3) the chief or head of a trade or caste cf. MW. (4) a merchant (?) cf. Pañcat (5) mfn. (a house) occupied by a great number of men cf. MBh.

===> mahā-jaya [ mahAjaya ]3[ mah'A-jaya ] mfn. very victorious cf. MW. (1) m. N. of a Nāga cf. MBh. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā cf. L.

===> mahā-jvāla [ mahAjvAla ]3[ mah'A-jvAla ] mfn. blazing greatly (said of Śiva) cf. MBh. (1) m. a sacrificial fire cf. L. (2) N. of a hell cf. VP. (3) ([ A ]), f. a large flame cf. L.

===> mahā-jñāna-gītā [ mahAjJAnagItA ]3[ mah'A-jJAna-gItA ] f. N. of a Tantra deity cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-kalpa [ mahAkalpa ]3[ mah'A-kalpa ] m. a great cycle of time cf. MBh. cf. Pur. cf. Buddh. (1) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (= [ divya-bhUSaNa ] cf. Sch.)

===> mahā-karabha [ mahAkarabha ]3[ mah'A-karabha ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-karman [ mahAkarman ]3[ mah'A-karman ] n. a great work cf. AitBr. (1) mfn. accomplishing great works (said of Śiva) cf. MBh.

===> mahā-kauṣṭhila [ mahAkauSThila ]3[ mah'A-kauSThila ] or m. N. of a disciple of Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-kauṣṭhilya [ mahAkauSThilya ]3[ mah'A-kauSThilya ] m. N. of a disciple of Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-krodha [ mahAkrodha ]3[ mah'A-krodha ] mfn. very inclined to wrath cf. MBh. (1) N. of Śiva cf. RTL. 106, n. 1

===> mahā-kula [ mahAkula ]3[ mah'A-kula ] n. a great or noble family cf. MBh. cf. Hit. &c. (1) ([ -kul'a ]), mfn. being of a great or noble family, high-born cf. RV. cf. Kām. &c. (2) [ °l^otpanna ] (cf. Sāy. cf. Kathās.) or [ °l^odbhava ] (cf. MW.), mfn. sprung from a great or noble family

===> mahā-kulīna [ mahAkulIna ]3[ mah'A-kulIna ] mf ([ A ]) n. = prec. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. [ 795,2 ] (1) [ -tA ] f. noble birth cf. Pratāp

===> mahā-kuśa [ mahAkuza ]3[ mah'A-kuza ] m. N. of a Cakra-vartin cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-kāla [ mahAkAla ]3[ mah'A-kAla ] m. a form of Śiva in his character of destroyer (being then represented black and of terrific aspect) or a place sacred to that form of Śiva cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of one of Śiva's attendants
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. &c. ([ -tva ], n. cf. Hariv.) (2) of Viṣṇu cf. DhyānabUp. (3) = [ viSNu-rUp^akhaNDa-daNDAyamAna-samaya ] (?) cf. L. (4) N. of a teacher cf. Cat. (5) of a species of cucumber, Trichosanthes Palmata cf. Kāv (6) the mango tree (?) cf. W. (7) (with Jainas) one of the 9 treasures cf. L. (8) N. of a mythical mountain cf. Kāraṇḍ (9) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā in her terrific form cf. MBh. cf. Buddh. (10) of one of Durgā's attendants cf. W. (11) (with Jainas) of one of the 16 Vidyā-devīs cf. Hemac (12) of a goddess who executed the commands of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. ib. (13) n. N. of a Liṅga in Ujjayinī cf. Kathās (14) [ -kavaca ] n. [ -khaNDa ] m. n. (?), [ -tantra ] n. N. of wks. (15) [ -pura ] n. ` Mahā-kāla's city ', Ujjayinī cf. Inscr. (16) [ -bhairava-tantre zarabha-kavaca ] n. [ -mata ] n. [ -yoga-zAstre khecarI-vidyA ] f. [ -rudr^odita-stotra ] n. [ -saMhitA ] f. (and [ °tA-kUTa ] m. or n.), [ -sahasranAman ] n. [ -stotra ], n. (17) [ °lI-tantra ] n. [ °lI-mata ] n. N. of wks. (18) [ °lI-yantra ] n. N. of a partic. magical diagram cf. MW. (19) [ °lI-s^ukta ] n. N. of wk. (20) [ °l^ezvara ] n. N. of a Liṅga at Ujjayinī cf. Cat.

===> mahā-kāruṇika [ mahAkAruNika ]3[ mah'A-kAruNika ] mfn. exceedingly compassionate cf. Lalit.

===> mahā-kātyāyana [ mahAkAtyAyana ]3[ mah'A-kAtyAyana ] m. N. of a disciple of Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-kāya [ mahAkAya ]3[ mah'A-kAya ] mfn. large-bodied, of great stature, tall, bulky cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. &c. ([ -tva ] n.) (1) m. an elephant cf. L. (2) N. of Viṣṇu cf. DhyānabUp. (3) of Śiva cf. MBh. (4) of a being attending on Śiva cf. MBh. (5) of a king of the Garuḍas cf. Buddh. (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh. (7) [ -ziro-dhara ] mfn. having a large body and strong neck cf. R.

===> mahā-kāśyapa [ mahAkAzyapa ]3[ mah'A-kAzyapa ] m. N. of a disciple of Buddha cf. MWB. 193 ; 510

===> mahā-maha [ mahAmaha ]3[ mah'A-maha ] m. a great festive procession cf. Siṉhâs. - 2

===> [ mahAmaha ]3[ mah'A-mah'a ] mfn. (prob. an old intens. form) very mighty cf. RV. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a constellation cf. SkandaP. (2) a species of plant (w. r. for [ -sahA ]) cf. Car. (cf. the similar forms [ ghanAghana ], [ patApata ], [ vadAvada ].)

===> mahā-mandārava [ mahAmandArava ]3[ mah'A-mandArava ] m. N. of a partic. celestial plant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-mantra [ mahAmantra ]3[ mah'A-mantra ] m. any very sacred or efficacious text (of the Veda &c.) cf. MW. (1) a great spell, very efficacious charm (used esp. against a serpent's venom) cf. Kād. cf. Gīt. (2) [ °tr^adi-sevA-prakAra ] m. N. of wk. (3) [ °tr^anusAriNI ] f. N. of a Buddhist goddess cf. Buddh. cf. W.

===> mahā-mati [ mahAmati ]3[ mah'A-mati ] mfn. great-minded, having a great understanding, clever cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. the planet Jupiter cf. L. (2) N. of a king of the Yakshas cf. Buddh. (3) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib. (4) of a son of Su-mati cf. Kathās (5) f. N. of a woman cf. Cat. (6) ([ I ]), f. a partic. lunar day personified as a daughter of Aṅgiras cf. MBh.

===> mahā-maudgalyāyana [ mahAmaudgalyAyana ]3[ mah'A-maudgalyAyana ] m. N. of a disciple of Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-maṇi [ mahAmaNi ]3[ mah'A-maNi ] m. a costly gem, precious jewel cf. MBh. cf. Śak. cf. BhP. (1) N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (2) of a king cf. VP. (3) [ -cUDa ] m. N. of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh. (4) [ -dhara ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Kāraṇḍ (5) [ -ratna ] m. N. of a fabulous mountain cf. ib.

===> mahā-maṇḍala [ mahAmaNDala ]3[ mah'A-maNDala ] m. N. of a king cf. Buddh. (1) [ °l^ezvara ] m. a great chief of a province cf. L.

===> mahā-maṇḍalika [ mahAmaNDalika ]3[ mah'A-maNDalika ] m. N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-megha [ mahAmegha ]3[ mah'A-megha ] m. a great or dense cloud cf. AitĀr. cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (2) of a man cf. MBh. (v. l. [ megha-vega ]) (3) [ -giri ] m. N. of a mountain cf. Hariv. (4) [ -nibha-svana ] mfn. = [ -svana ] below cf. MW. (5) [ -nivAsin ] m. ` dwelling in thick clouds ', N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (6) [ -svana ] mfn. sounding like immense thunder-clouds cf. MBh. (7) [ °gh^augha-nirghoSa ] mfn. sounding like a multitude of large thunder-clouds cf. MW.

===> mahā-meru [ mahAmeru ]3[ mah'A-meru ] ([ mah'A- ]), m. the great mountain Meru cf. TĀr. cf. VP. (1) N. of a Varsha cf. MBh. (2) [ -dhara ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> mahā-moha [ mahAmoha ]3[ mah'A-moha ] m. great confusion or infatuation of mind cf. Pur. cf. Rājat. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā cf. MārkP. (2) [ -mantra ] m. a very efficacious charm ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Kathās (3) [ -svar^ottara-tantra ] n. N. of wk.

===> mahā-mucilinda [ mahAmucilinda ]3[ mah'A-mucilinda ] a species of plant cf. Buddh. (1) m. N. of a mythical mountain cf. Kāraṇḍ (2) [ -parvata ] m. id. cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-mudrā [ mahAmudrA ]3[ mah'A-mudrA ] f. a partic. posture or position of the hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga, q. v.) cf. Cat. (1) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-muni [ mahAmuni ]3[ mah'A-muni ] m. a great Muni or sage, (esp.) N. of a Buddha or Jina cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. &c. (1) Zanthoxylon Hastile cf. L. (2) N. of Vyāsa cf. W. (3) of Agastya cf. L. (4) of a Ṛshi in the 5th Manv-antara cf. VP. (5) n. the seed of Zanthoxylon Hastile cf. L. (6) Elaeocarpus Ganitrus cf. L. (7) any medicinal herb cf. L. (8) [ -sv^adhyAya ] m. N. of wk.

===> mahā-mātra [ mahAmAtra ]3[ mah'A-mAtra ] mfn. great in measure, great, the greatest, best, most excellent of (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) m. a man of high rank, high official, prime minister cf. ib. &c. (2) an elephant-driver or keeper cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (3) a superintendent of elephants cf. W. (4) ([ I ]), f. a spiritual teacher's wife cf. L. (5) the wife of a prime minister or high official, great lady cf. W.

===> mahā-mātṛ [ mahAmAtR ]3[ mah'A-mAtR ] f. pl. ` the great mothers ', N. of a class of personifications of the Śakti or female energy of Śiva cf. RTL. 186 (1) [ -gaN^ezvara ] m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. Pañcar.

===> mahā-mūla [ mahAmUla ]3[ mah'A-mUla ] n. a large or full-grown radish cf. Buddh. (1) a species of onion cf. L.

===> mahā-mṛtyu [ mahAmRtyu ]3[ mah'A-mRtyu ] m. the great death cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (1) N. of Śiva cf. L. (2) [ °yuM-jaya ] (with [ lauha ]), m. or n. (?) ` conquering great death ', a partic. drug cf. L. (3) m. N. of a sacred text addressed to Śiva (also [ °ya-mantra ] m.) cf. Cat. (4) [ °yuM-jaya-kalpa ] m. [ yuM-jaya-vidhi ] m. [ °yuM-jaya-homa ] m. [ °yuhara-stotra ] n. N. of wks.

===> mahā-nagara [ mahAnagara ]3[ mah'A-nagara ] n. a great city or N. of a city cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 89

===> mahā-nagna [ mahAnagna ]3[ mah'A-nagn'a ] m. ` quite naked ', a paramour cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) an athlete cf. Buddh. cf. Lalit. (2) ([ A ] f. cf. ĀpŚr. (3) or [ 'I ] cf. AV. &c.), a kind of harlot (= [ mahatI ca nagnI ca ] cf. Sāy. on cf. AitBr. (4) w. r. [ mahA-NagnI ] and [ -naghnI ])

===> mahā-naraka [ mahAnaraka ]3[ mah'A-naraka ] m. N. of a hell cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ.

===> mahā-nidhi [ mahAnidhi ]3[ mah'A-nidhi ] m.

===> mahā-niraya [ mahAniraya ]3[ mah'A-niraya ] m. N. of a hell cf. Yājñ.

===> mahā-niyuta [ mahAniyuta ]3[ mah'A-niyuta ] n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-nāda [ mahAnAda ]3[ mah'A-nAda ] m. a loud sound, last cry, roaring, bellowing cf. MBh. cf. MārkP. (1) mf ([ A ]) n. last-sounding, roaring or bellowing loudly, making a loud noise cf. MBh. cf. R. [ 797,1 ] (2) m. a great drum cf. L. (3) a muscle, shell cf. L. (4) raincloud cf. L. (5) an elephant cf. L. (6) a lion cf. L. (7) a camel cf. L. (8) the ear cf. L. (9) = [ zayAnaka ] ([ bhayAnaka ] ?) cf. L. (10) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (11) of a Rākshasa cf. R. (12) n. a musical instrument cf. W.

===> mahā-nāga [ mahAnAga ]3[ mah'A-nAg'a ] m. a great serpent cf. ŚBr. cf. Suparṇ (1) a great elephant cf. Hariv. (2) one of the elephants that support the earth cf. R. (3) N. of Vātsyāyana cf. Gal. (4) [ -hana ] (?), m. N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (5) of a Śrāvaka cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-nāman [ mahAnAman ]3[ mah'A-nAman ] m. N. of a relation of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh. (1) ([ mah'A-nAmnI ]), f. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the Sāma-veda cf. Cat. (2) pl. (scil. [ Rcas ]), N. of 9 verses of the Sāma-veda beginning with the words [ vidA maghavan ] cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. Br. &c. (3) [ °mNI-vrata ] n. a religious observance in which the Mahā-nāmnī verses are recited cf. Saṃskārak.

===> mahā-nāyaka [ mahAnAyaka ]3[ mah'A-nAyaka ] m. a great head or chief cf. Inscr. cf. Vās (1) a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls cf. Vās

===> mahā-nīla [ mahAnIla ]3[ mah'A-nIla ] mfn. dark blue, deep black cf. MBh. cf. Bhartṛ (1) m. a sapphire cf. Kāv. cf. Var. &c. (2) a kind of bdellium cf. Bhpr. (3) Verbesina Scandens cf. L. (4) N. of a Nāga cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (5) of a mountain cf. MārkP. (6) ([ A ]), f. a species of plant cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a blue variety of Clitoria Ternatea cf. L.

---> = [ bRhan-nIlI ] cf. L. (8) n. a lotion or ointment for the eyes cf. Car. (9) [ -tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra (10) [ -maya ] mfn. consisting or made of sapphire cf. Kathās (11) [ °l^abhra-jAlIya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to resemble a dense mass of black clouds cf. Vās., Introd. (12) [ °l^opala ] m. ` dark-blue stone ', a sapphire cf. R.

===> mahā-padma [ mahApadma ]3[ mah'A-padma ] m. (cf. L.) or n. a partic. high number cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Līl (1) m. N. of one of the 9 treasures of Kubera cf. Cat. cf. L. (2) (with Jainas) N. of a partic. treasure inhabited by a Nāga cf. L. (3) of one of the 8 treasure connected with the Padmini magical art cf. MārkP. (4) of a hell cf. Divyâv. (one of the 8 cold hells cf. Dharmas. 122) (5) a kind of serpent cf. Suśr. (6) N. of a Nāga dwelling in the Mahā-padma treasure mentioned above cf. Hariv. cf. VP. &c. (7) of the southernmost of the elephants that support the earth cf. MBh. cf. R. (cf. IW. 432) (8) of Nanda cf. Pur. (9) of a son of Nanda cf. Buddh. (10) of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (11) a Kiṃ-nara or attendant on Kubera cf. MW. (12) a species of esculent root cf. L. (13) n. a white lotus flower cf. L. (14) the figure of a white lotus flower cf. Kathās. cf. MārkP. cf. RāmatUp. (15) a partic. compound of oil cf. Car. (16) N. of a city on the right bank of the Ganges cf. MBh. (17) m. or n. (?) N. of a Kāvya (18) [ -pati ] m. ` proprietor of millions ', N. of Nanda cf. BhP. (19) [ -saras ] or [ -salila ] n. N. of a lake cf. Rājat

===> mahā-pakṣa [ mahApakSa ]3[ mah'A-pakSa ] mfn. having a great party or numerous adherents cf. Mn. cf. Kām (1) having a great family cf. MW. (2) m. ` great-winged ', a kind of duck cf. L. (3) N. of Garuḍa cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. an owl cf. L.

===> mahā-panthaka [ mahApanthaka ]3[ mah'A-panthaka ] m. N. of a disciple of Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-parinirvāṇa [ mahAparinirvANa ]3[ mah'A-parinirvANa ] or n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> mahā-parinirvāṇa-sūtra [ mahAparinirvANasUtra ]3[ mah'A-parinirvANa-sUtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> mahā-parvata [ mahAparvata ]3[ mah'A-parvata ] m. a high mountain cf. R.

===> mahā-patha [ mahApatha ]3[ mah'A-patha ] m. a principal road, high street (in a city), high road, highway (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. AitBr. cf. Gaut. cf. Āpast. &c. (1) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (2) the long journey, the passage into the next world ([ °thaMroot yA ], to die) cf. Kathās (3) the great pilgrimage (to the shrine of Śiva on mount Kedāra, or the same pilgrimage performed in spirit i. e. by deep absorption into Śiva) cf. Cat. [ 797,2 ] (4) the knowledge of the essence of Śiva acquired in this pilgrimage cf. Cat. (5) the mountain-precipices from which devotees throw themselves to obtain a speedier entrance into Śiva's heaven cf. ib. (6) N. of the book which treats of the above subjects (7) of a hell cf. Yājñ. (8) n. = [ brahma-randhra ] (q. v.) cf. Cat. (9) mf ([ A ]) n. having a great path or way cf. PārGṛ. (10) [ -gama ] m. (cf. L.) or [ -gamana ] n. (cf. MW.) ` the act of going the great journey ', dying (11) [ -giri ] m. N. of a mountain cf. Kathās

===> mahā-paṇḍita [ mahApaNDita ]3[ mah'A-paNDita ] mfn. extremely learned (1) m. a great scholar cf. Cat.

===> mahā-phala [ mahAphala ]3[ mah'A-phala ] n. a great fruit cf. Bhartṛ (1) a testicle cf. Viṣṇ (2) great reward cf. Mn. (3) mf ([ A ]) n. having great fruits, bearing much fruit cf. L. (4) bringing a rich reward cf. Mn. (5) m. Aegle Marmelos cf. L. (6) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) a kind of colocynth [ 798,1 ] (7) the big jujube (8) a species of Jambū (9) a citron tree (10) a kind of spear

===> mahā-phaṇaka [ mahAphaNaka ]3[ mah'A-phaNaka ] m. N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-prabha [ mahAprabha ]3[ mah'A-prabha ] mfn. shining brightly, exceedingly brilliant or splendid cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) m. the light of a lamp cf. W. (2) ([ A ]), f. great brightness cf. L. (3) N. of cf. Comm. (4) [ °bhA-maNDala-vyUhajJAna-mudrA ] f. N. of a partic. Mudrā (q. v.) cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-prabhāva [ mahAprabhAva ]3[ mah'A-prabhAva ] mf ([ A ]) n. exceedingly mighty or powerful cf. MBh. cf. Prab

===> mahā-pradīpa [ mahApradIpa ]3[ mah'A-pradIpa ] m. N. of a man cf. Lalit.

===> mahā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra [ mahAprajJApAramitAsUtra ]3[ mah'A-prajJA-pAramitA-sUtra ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra wk.

===> mahā-prajāpati [ mahAprajApati ]3[ mah'A-prajApati ] m. ` great lord of creatures ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. cf. Viṣṇ (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of Gautama Buddha's aunt and foster-mother (the first woman who embraced the Buddha's doctrines) cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-prasuta [ mahAprasuta ]3[ mah'A-prasuta ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-pratibhāna [ mahApratibhAna ]3[ mah'A-pratibhAna ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-praṇāda [ mahApraNAda ]3[ mah'A-praNAda ] m. N. of a Cakra-vartin cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-prīti-harṣā [ mahAprItiharSA ]3[ mah'A-prIti-harSA ] f. N. of a Tantra deity cf. ib.

===> mahā-puruṣa [ mahApuruSa ]3[ mah'A-puruSa ] m. a great or eminent man ([ -tA ] f. the state of being one) cf. Hit. cf. Mcar. cf. Buddh. &c. (1) a great saint or sage or ascetic cf. MW. (2) the great Soul, the Supreme Spirit (identified with the year cf. AitĀr. (3) also as N. of Viṣṇu) cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. [ 797,3 ] (4) N. of Gautama Buddha cf. MWB. 23 (5) [ -dantA ] (cf. Car.) or [ -dantikA ] (cf. L.), f. Asparagus Racemosus (6) [ -pAvanakavacc ] n. a partic. magical formula cf. Cat. (7) [ -lakSaNa ] n. N. of wk. (8) [ -vidyA ] f. a partic. magical formula cf. BhP. (9) [ °yAyAM viSNu-rahasye kSetra-kANDe jagan-nAtha-mAhAtmya ] n. [ -stava ] m. [ -stotra ] n. N. of wks.

===> mahā-puṇya [ mahApuNya ]3[ mah'A-puNya ] mf ([ A ]) n. extremely favourable or auspicious (as a day) cf. Hcat (1) very good or beautiful (2) greatly purifying, very holy cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. Cat.

===> mahā-pāla [ mahApAla ]3[ mah'A-pAla ] m. N. of a king cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-pāpa [ mahApApa ]3[ mah'A-pApa ] n. a great crime cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ. &c.

===> mahā-pāruṣaka [ mahApAruSaka ]3[ mah'A-pAruSaka ] m. or n. (?) a species of plant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-pāśa [ mahApAza ]3[ mah'A-pAza ] m. N. of an officer of Yama cf. Pur. (1) of a Nāga cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-pāṭala [ mahApATala ]3[ mah'A-pATala ] m. or n. (?) a species of plant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-pūjā [ mahApUjA ]3[ mah'A-pUjA ] f. ` great honour ', a partic. religious ceremony cf. Hcat (1) [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

===> mahā-pūrṇa [ mahApUrNa ]3[ mah'A-pUrNa ] m. N. of a king of the Garuḍas cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-pṛthivī [ mahApRthivI ]3[ mah'A-pRthivI ] f. the great earth ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Sāṃkhyapr.

===> mahā-ratha [ mahAratha ]3[ mah'A-rath'a ] m. a great chariot cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) a great warrior (not a Bahu-vrīhi comp., as shown by the accent (2) cf. [ ratha ], ` a warrior ') cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. MBh. &c. (3) N. of a Rākshasa cf. R. (4) of a son of Viśvā-mitra cf. R. (5) of a king cf. MārkP. cf. Buddh. (6) of a minister cf. Rājat (7) desire, longing cf. L. (cf. [ mano-ratha ]) (8) mfn. possessing great chariots cf. Hariv. (9) [ -tva ] n. the being a great warrior cf. MBh. (10) [ -maJjarI ] f. N. of wk.

===> mahā-ratna [ mahAratna ]3[ mah'A-ratna ] n. a precious jewel, most precious of all jewel cf. Kathās. cf. SaddhP. cf. Prasaṅg (1) [ -pratimaNDita ] m. N. of a Kalpa or cycle cf. Buddh. (2) [ -maya ] mfn. consisting of precious jewel cf. Kathās (3) [ -vat ] mfn. adorned with precious jewel cf. MBh.

---> [ -varSA ] f. N. of a Tantra deity cf. Buddh. (4) [ °n^abhiSeka-rAma-dhyAna ] n. N. of wk.

===> mahā-raudra [ mahAraudra ]3[ mah'A-raudra ] mf ([ A ]) n. very terrible cf. MBh. cf. MārkP. ([ ati-m° ]) (1) ([ I ]), f. a form of Durgā cf. Cat. (cf. [ -rudrI ])

===> mahā-raurava [ mahAraurava ]3[ mah'A-raurava ] m. N. of a hell cf. AitUp. cf. Śaṃk. cf. Pur. &c. (one of the 8 hot hells cf. Dharmas. 121) (1) n. N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> mahā-roca [ mahAroca ]3[ mah'A-roca ] m. or n. (?) a species of plant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-rāja [ mahArAja ]3[ mah'A-rAj'a ] m. a great king, reigning prince, supreme sovereign cf. Br. &c. &c. (1) N. of the moon cf. MaitrS. (2) of a partic. deity cf. MānGṛ. ([ -rAjan ]!) cf. Āpast (3) of Kubera cf. TĀr. (4) of Viṣṇu cf. BhP. (5) pl. (with Buddhists) a partic. class of divine beings (the guardians of the earth and heavens against the demons) cf. MWB. 206 (6) a Jina cf. Gal. (7) N. of Mañjuśrī cf. L. (8) of the successors of Vallabh^acārya (founder of a sect) cf. RTL. 135 &c. (9) a finger-nail cf. L. (10) [ -kulIna ] mfn. belonging to a race of great kings cf. R. (11) [ -cUta ] m. a kind of mango cf. L. (12) [ -druma ] m. Cathartocarpus Fistula cf. L. (13) [ -nighaNTu ] m. N. of wk. (14) [ -phala ] m. a kind of mango cf. L. (15) [ -mizra ] m. N. of a man cf. Cat. (16) [ °j^aGgaNa ] (or [ °gana ]), n. the courtyard in the palace of a reigning prince cf. R. (17) [ °j^adhirAja ] m. a paramount sovereign, emperor cf. Kād

===> mahā-rājika [ mahArAjika ]3[ mah'A-rAjika ] m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (1) [ -deva ] pl. (with Buddhists) N. of a class of gods (the inhabitants of the lowest heaven) cf. MWB. 206

===> mahā-rājya [ mahArAjya ]3[ mah'A-rAjya ] n. the rank or title of a reigning sovereign cf. MBh.

===> mahā-rūpa [ mahArUpa ]3[ mah'A-rUpa ] mfn. mighty in form (said of Śiva) cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of a Kalpa or cycle cf. Buddh. (2) resin cf. W. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of Durgā's attendants cf. W.

===> mahā-sabhā [ mahAsabhA ]3[ mah'A-sabhA ] f. a large (dining) hall cf. Kathās

===> mahā-sahasra-pramardana [ mahAsahasrapramardana ]3[ mah'A-sahasra-pramardana ] n. N. of a Sūtra cf. Buddh. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of one of the 5 great tutelary goddesses cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-samaya [ mahAsamaya ]3[ mah'A-samaya ] m. or n. (?) N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> mahā-samudra [ mahAsamudra ]3[ mah'A-samudra ] m. ` great sea ', the ocean cf. Var

===> mahā-samāpta [ mahAsamApta ]3[ mah'A-samApta ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-sattva [ mahAsattva ]3[ mah'A-sat-tva ] m. a great creature, large animal cf. MBh. (1) n. = [ -sat-tA ] above cf. Up. (2) mfn. steady, constant ([ -tA ] below) (3) having a great or noble essence, noble, good (of persons (4) with Buddhists, N. of a Bodhi-sattva) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (5) extremely courageous cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (6) containing large animals ([ -tA ] below) (7) m. a Buddha cf. L. (8) N. of Kubera cf. L. (9) of Gautama Buddha as heir to the throne cf. Buddh. (10) [ -tA ] f. ` constancy of character ' and ` the containing large animals ' cf. Kāv (11) [ -vadha ] m. the killing of a great creature or large animal cf. R.

===> mahā-sattā [ mahAsattA ]3[ mah'A-sat-tA ] f. absolute being, absolute existence cf. RāmatUp.

===> mahā-satya [ mahAsatya ]3[ mah'A-satya ] m. N. of Yama cf. L.

===> mahā-saukhya [ mahAsaukhya ]3[ mah'A-saukhya ] mfn. feeling intense delight, cf. Sūryapr. [ 802,1 ]

===> mahā-saṃghika [ mahAsaMghika ]3[ mah'A-saMghika ] w. r. for [ -sAMghika ], q. v.

===> mahā-saṃjñā [ mahAsaMjJA ]3[ mah'A-saMjJA ] f. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-siddhi [ mahAsiddhi ]3[ mah'A-siddhi ] f. ` great perfection ', a partic. form of magical power cf. Prab. cf. Śāntiś. &c.

===> mahā-smṛti [ mahAsmRti ]3[ mah'A-smRti ] f. great tradition cf. MBh. (1) N. of Durgā cf. MārkP. (2) [ -maya ] mf ([ A ] m. c.)n. containing great traditions cf. Hariv. (3) [ °ty-upasthAna ] n. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra

===> mahā-srotas [ mahAsrotas ]3[ mah'A-srotas ] n. ` great stream ', the bowels cf. Car.

===> mahā-sthāla [ mahAsthAla ]3[ mah'A-sthAla ] m. or n. (?) a species of plant cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-sthāma-prāpta [ mahAsthAmaprApta ]3[ mah'A-sthAma-pr^apta ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (1) of Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> mahā-sudarśana [ mahAsudarzana ]3[ mah'A-su-darzana ] m. N. of a Cakravartin cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-sukha [ mahAsukha ]3[ mah'A-sukha ] m. ` having great joy ', a Buddha cf. L. (1) n. ` great pleasure ', copulation cf. L.

===> mahā-sāmānya [ mahAsAmAnya ]3[ mah'A-sAmAnya ] n. the widest universality, generality in the broadest sense cf. Sarvad

===> mahā-sāṃghika [ mahAsAMghika ]3[ mah'A-sAMghika ] m. pl. N. of a Buddhist school cf. Buddh. (w. r. [ -saMghika ]

---> cf. cf. MWB. 157)

===> mahā-tamas [ mahAtamas ]3[ mah'A-tamas ] n. ` gross (spiritual) darkness ', N. of one of the 5 degrees of A-vidyā cf. BhP. (1) [ °maH-prabhA ] f. ` having thick darkness for light ', N. of the lowermost of the 21 hells cf. L.

===> mahā-tantra [ mahAtantra ]3[ mah'A-tantra ] n. N. of a Śaiva wk. (1) [ -rAja ] m. [ brahmajJAna-m° ]

===> mahā-tattva [ mahAtattva ]3[ mah'A-tattva ] n. ` the great principle ', Intellect (second of the Sāṃkhya Tattvas (1) [ mahat ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of Durgā's attendants cf. W.

===> mahā-teja [ mahAteja ]3[ mah'A-teja ] mfn. (m. c.) = next, mfn. cf. BhP.

===> mahā-tejas [ mahAtejas ]3[ mah'A-tejas ] mfn. of great splendour, full of fire, of great majesty (said of gods and men) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) m. a hero, demigod cf. W. (2) fire cf. L. (3) N. of Skanda cf. L. (4) of Su-brahmaṇya cf. L. (5) of a warrior cf. Cat. (6) of a king of the Garuḍas cf. Buddh. (7) n. quicksilver cf. L. (8) [ °jo-garbha ] m. a kind of meditation cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-tiṭibha [ mahAtiTibha ]3[ mah'A-tiTibha ] m. or n. (?) N. of a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-tuṣṭi-jñāna-mudrā [ mahAtuSTijJAnamudrA ]3[ mah'A-tuSTi-jJAnamudrA ] f. N. of a Mudrā (q. v.) cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-tyāgin [ mahAtyAgin ]3[ mah'A-tyAgin ] mfn. extremely liberal or generous (said of Śiva) cf. Śivag

===> mahā-vaktra [ mahAvaktra ]3[ mah'A-vaktra ] mfn. large-mouthed cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of a Dānava cf. Hariv.

===> mahā-vana [ mahAvana ]3[ mah'A-vana ] n. a great forest cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) N. of a forest cf. L. (2) of a Buddhist monastery in a forest in Udyāna cf. Buddh. (3) mfn. having a great forest cf. Vop (4) [ -saMgh^arAma ] m. N. of a Buddhist monastery cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vibhūta [ mahAvibhUta ]3[ mah'A-vibhUta ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vidyut-prabha [ mahAvidyutprabha ]3[ mah'A-vidyut-prabha ] m. N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vidyā [ mahAvidyA ]3[ mah'A-vidyA ] f. a great or exalted science cf. MW. (1) N. of Lakshmī cf. VP. (= [ vizva-rUp^op^asanA ] cf. Comm.) (2) of Durgā cf. MārkP. (3) of a Mantra cf. Cat. (4) pl. of a class of personifications of the Śakti or female energy of Śiva (10 in number) cf. RTL. 187 (5) [ -dIpa-kalpa ] m. [ -prakaraNa ] n. [ -prayoga ] m. [ -sAra-candr^odaya ] m. [ -stava ] m. [ -stotra ] n. N. of wks. (6) [ °y^ezvarI ] f. N. (perhaps a form of Durgā) cf. Cat.

===> mahā-vihāra [ mahAvihAra ]3[ mah'A-vihAra ] m. a great Buddhist monastery cf. Buddh. (1) N. of a Buddhist monastery in Ceylon cf. ib. (2) [ -vAsin ] m. pl. N. of a Buddhist sect cf. ib.

===> mahā-vikrama [ mahAvikrama ]3[ mah'A-vikrama ] mfn. very valorous or courageous cf. L. (1) m. N. of a lion cf. Hit. (2) of a Nāga cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vivāha [ mahAvivAha ]3[ mah'A-vivAha ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vrata [ mahAvrata ]3[ mah'A-vrat'a ] n. a great duty, fundamental duty (5 in number, accord. to the Jaina system) cf. HYog. cf. Yogas (1) a great vow cf. Sāh (2) a great religious observance cf. R. cf. Pur. (3) N. of a Sāman or Stotra appointed to be sung on the last day but one of the Gavām-ayana (applied also to the day itself or its ceremonies or, accord. to cf. Comm. to the Śastra following the Stotra) cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. TS. &c. (4) the religious usages of the Pāśupatas cf. Prab. cf. Sch. cf. W. (5) mf ([ A ]) n. one who has undertaken solemn religious duties or vows, performing a great vow cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (6) observing the rule of the Pāśupatas (7) also used to explain [ m'ahi-vrata ] (q. v.) cf. Nir. cf. Sāy (8) m. a Pāśupata cf. Kathās (9) N. of a poet cf. Cat. (10) [ -dhara ] mfn. one who has undertaken great religious duties or vows cf. BhP. (11) [ -paddhati ] f. [ -prayoga ] m. (and [ °g^anukrama ], m.), [ -bhASya ] n. N. of wks. (12) [ -vat ] ([ -vrat'a- ]), mfn. connected with the Mahā-vrata Sāman &c. cf. TS. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (13) [ -veSa-bhRt ] mfn. wearing the dress of a Pāśupata cf. Kathās (14) [ -hautra ] n. N. of wk.

===> mahā-vratin [ mahAvratin ]3[ mah'A-vratin ] mfn. practising the five fundamental duties of Jainas, observing the rule of the Pāśupatas cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. cf. Daś (1) m. a Pāśupatas cf. ib. (2) N. of Śiva cf. L. (3) a devotee, ascetic (= [ joTiGga ]) cf. L. (4) = [ uraskaTa ] (?) cf. L.

===> mahā-vyādhi [ mahAvyAdhi ]3[ mah'A-vyAdhi ] m. a great or severe disease cf. Suśr. (1) the black leprosy cf. MW.

===> mahā-vyūha [ mahAvyUha ]3[ mah'A-vyUha ] m. N. of a Samādhi cf. Buddh. (1) of a Deva-putra cf. Lalit.

===> mahā-vādin [ mahAvAdin ]3[ mah'A-vAdin ] m. a great controversialist cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vāhana [ mahAvAhana ]3[ mah'A-vAhana ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-vāyu [ mahAvAyu ]3[ mah'A-vAyu ] m. a tempestuous wind, gale cf. Bhāshāp (1) air (as one of the five elements) cf. MW.

===> mahā-vīra [ mahAvIra ]3[ mah'A-vIr'a ] m. a great hero cf. RV. cf. Kathās. cf. Tantras (1) N. of Viṣṇu cf. DhyānabUp. (2) an archer, bowman cf. L. (3) a lion cf. L. (4) N. of Garuḍa (the bird and vehicle of Viṣṇu) cf. L. [ 800,3 ] (5) of Hanumat cf. A. (6) of Gautama Buddha cf. MWB. 23 (7) sacrificial fire cf. BhP. (8) a sacrificial vessel cf. ŚBr. (9) thunderbolt cf. L. (10) a white horse cf. L. (11) the Indian cuckoo cf. L. (12) a kind of hawk cf. W. (13) Helminthostachys Laciniata cf. L. (14) = [ jarATaka ] cf. L. (15) N. of sev. kings cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur. (16) of the last Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (the last and most celebrated Jaina teacher of the present age, supposed to have flourished in Behar in the 6th century B. C.) cf. MWB. 529 (17) ([ A ]), f. a species of bulbous plant cf. L. (18) [ -carita ] n. ` the exploits of the great hero (Rāma) ', N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti cf. IW. 502 (19) [ -caritra ] n. = prec. (20) N. of another wk. (21) [ °r^ananda ] m. or n. (?) N. of a drama

===> mahā-vīrya [ mahAvIrya ]3[ mah'A-vIrya ] ([ mah'A- ]), mfn. of great strength or energy, very powerful, very potent, very efficacious cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. yam cf. L. (2) N. of Brahmā cf. W. (3) of Indra in the 4th Manv-antara cf. MārkP. (4) of a Buddha cf. L. (5) of a Jina cf. MW. (6) of sev. kings cf. R. cf. Pur. (7) of a Bhikshu cf. Buddh. (8) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) the wild cottonshrub (9) = [ mahA-zatAvarI ] cf. L. (10) N. of Saṃjñā (the wife of Sūrya) (11) [ -parAkrama ] mfn. of great power and heroism cf. MBh.

===> mahā-vṛkṣa [ mahAvRkSa ]3[ mah'A-vRkS'a ] m. a great tree cf. AV. cf. TāṇḍyaBr. c. (1) a species of Euphorbia cf. Suśr. cf. Car. (2) = [ -pIlu ] (q. v.) cf. L. (3) [ -kSIra ] m. n. the milky juice of the above tree cf. Suśr. (4) [ -gala-skandha ] mfn. one whose neck and shoulders resemble corresponding parts of a great tree cf. MBh.

===> mahā-yajña [ mahAyajJa ]3[ mah'A-yajJ'a ] m. a great sacrifice or offering, a principal act of devotion (of these there are 5 accord. to cf. Mn. iii, 69-71, viz. [ brahma- ], [ deva- ], [ pitR- ], [ manuSya- ], and [ bhUta-yajJa ] (1) cf. cf. IW. 194 &c. cf. RTL. 411) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (3) pl. (with [ paJca ]) N. of wk. (4) [ -kratu ] m. = [ mahAyajJ'a ] above cf. Cat. (5) [ -bhAga-hara ] m. ` receiviṇg a share of the great sacrifice ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh.

===> mahā-yakṣa [ mahAyakSa ]3[ mah'A-yakSa ] m. a great Yaksha, a chief of the Yaksha cf. R. (cf. [ yakSa-pati ]) [ 799,2 ] (1) N. of the servant of the second Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. L. (2) pl. a class of Buddhist deities cf. MW. (3) ([ I ]), f. a great female Yaksha cf. R. (4) [ -senA-pati ] m. a general of the great Yaksha (5) N. of a Tantra deity cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-yaśas [ mahAyazas ]3[ mah'A-yazas ] mfn. very glorious or renowned or celebrated cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (1) m. N. of the fourth Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī cf. L. (2) of a learned man cf. Cat. (3) f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh.

===> mahā-yogin [ mahAyogin ]3[ mah'A-yogin ] m. a great Yogin (N. of Viṣṇu or of Śiva, esp. when worshipped by Buddhists cf. MWB. 215) cf. MBh. (1) a cock cf. L.

===> mahā-śabda [ mahAzabda ]3[ mah'A-zabda ] m. a great noise, loud sound, loud cry cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (1) the word [ mahA ] cf. MBh. cf. Tithyād (2) any official title beginning with the word [ mahA ] (5 such titles are enumerated) cf. Inscr. cf. Rājat (3) mf ([ A ]) n. very noisy or loud cf. Kathās

===> mahā-śakuni [ mahAzakuni ]3[ mah'A-zakuni ] m. N. of a Cakra-vartin cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-śayana [ mahAzayana ]3[ mah'A-zayana ] n. a great or lofty bed or couch cf. Buddh.

===> mahā-śmaśāna [ mahAzmazAna ]3[ mah'A-zmazAna ] n. a great cemetery or place for burning the dead cf. Kathās (1) N. of the city of Benares (whither Hindūs are in the habit of going to die) cf. KāśīKh.

===> mahā-śramaṇa [ mahAzramaNa ]3[ mah'A-zramaNa ] m. ` great religious mendicant ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. L. (1) a Jina cf. Gal.

===> mahā-śrāvaka [ mahAzrAvaka ]3[ mah'A-zrAvaka ] m. a great Śrāvaka or disciple (of Gautama Buddha or of a Jina) cf. Lalit. cf. HYog.

===> mahā-śākya [ mahAzAkya ]3[ mah'A-zAkya ] m. a great or noble Śākya cf. Lalit. cf. Rājat

===> mahā-śāla [ mahAzAla ]3[ mah'A-zAla ] m. a great Vatica Robusta cf. R. ([ su-m° ]) (1) ([ mah'A- ]), the possessor of a large house, a great householder cf. ŚBr. cf. Up. &c. (2) N. of a son of Janam-ejaya cf. Hariv. (cf. [ -zIla ])

===> mahāyāna [ mahAyAna ]3[ mah'A-yAna ] n. ` great vehicle ' (opp. to [ hIna-y° ]), N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching said to have been first promulgated by Nāg^arjuna and treated of in the Mahā-yāna-sūtras cf. MWB. 66 ; 158-160 &c. (1) m. ` having a great chariot ', N. of a king of the Vidyādharas cf. Kathās (2) [ -deva ] m. an honorary N. of Hiouen-thsang cf. Buddh. (3) [ -parigrahaka ] m. a follower of the Mahā-yāna doctrines cf. ib. (4) [ -prabhAsa ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib. (5) [ -yoga-zAstra ] n. [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -samparigraha-zAstra ] n. N. of wks. (6) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of the Sūtras of the later Buddhist system cf. MW. (7) ([ °tra-ratna-rAja ] m. N. of a highly esteemed Mahā-yāna-sūtra cf. Kāraṇḍ.) (8) [ °n^abhidharma-saMgIti-zAstra ] n. N. of wk.

===> mahī [ mahI ]2[ mah'I ]1 f. (cf. 2. [ m'ah ]), the great world ', the earth (cf. [ urvI ], [ pRthivI ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (in later language also = ground, soil, land, country) (1) earth (as a substance) cf. Mn. vii, 70 (2) the base of a triangle or other plane figure cf. Col. (3) space cf. RV. iii, 56, 2 ; v, 44, 6 &c. (4) a host, army cf. ib. iii, 1, 12 ; vii, 93, 5 &c. (5) a cow cf. RV. cf. VS. (cf. Naigh. ii, 11) (6) du. heaven and earth cf. RV. i, 80, 11 ; 159, 1 &c. (cf. Naigh. iii, 30) (7) pl. waters, streams cf. RV. ii. 11, 2 ; v, 45, 3 &c. (8) Hingtsha Repens cf. L. (9) a kind of metre cf. Col. (10) N. of a divine being (associated with Iḍā and Sarasvatī cf. RV. i, 13, 9 cf. Sāy (11) cf. cf. Naigh. i, 11) (12) of a river cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (13) of the number ` one ' cf. Gaṇit

===> [ mahI ]2[ mahI ]2 in comp. for [ maha ]

===> [ mahI ]1[ mahI ] [ mahI-kampa ] &c. p. 803, col. 2

===> mahī-dhara [ mahIdhara ]3[ mah'I-dhara ] mfn. ` earth bearing ', supporting the earth cf. Hariv. (1) m. a mountain cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) N. of Viṣṇu cf. VP. (3) of a Deva-putra cf. Lalit. (4) of various men and authors (esp. of a cf. Sch. on cf. VS.) (5) [ -datta ] m. N. of a man cf. Vās., Introd.

===> mahī-kampa [ mahIkampa ]3[ mah'I-kampa ] m. ` earth-tremor ', an earthquake cf. VarBṛS.

===> mahī-maṇḍala [ mahImaNDala ]3[ mah'I-maNDala ] n. the circumference of the earth, the whole earth cf. Kād. cf. Sūryas

===> mahī-pati [ mahIpati ]3[ mah'I-pati ] m. ` earth-lord ', a king, sovereign ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a kind of big lime cf. L.

===> mahī-sāsaka [ mahIsAsaka ]3[ mah'I-sAsaka ] m. pl. N. of a school cf. Buddh.

===> mahī-tala [ mahItala ]3[ mah'I-tala ] n. the surface of the earth, ground, soil cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -visarpin ] m. ` earth-walker ', an inhabitant of the earth cf. Hariv.

===> mahīyas [ mahIyas ]2[ mahIyas ] mfn. greater, mightier, stronger (or, very great, very mighty &c. ')
cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (with [ hAsa ] m. very loud laughter (1) with [ kula ] n. a very noble family)

===> maineya [ maineya ]1[ maineya ] m. pl. N. of a people cf. Lalit.

===> maireya [ maireya ]1[ maireya ] m. n. a kind of intoxicating drink (accord. to cf. Suśr. cf. Sch. a combination of [ surA ] and [ Asava ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> maithuna [ maithuna ]1[ maithun'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ mithuna ]) paired, coupled, forming a pair or one of each sex cf. BhP. (1) connected by marriage cf. PārGṛ. (2) relating or belonging to copulation cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (with [ bhogu ] m. carnal enjoyment (3) with [ dharma ] m. ` sexual law ', copulation (4) with [ vAsas ] n. a garment worn during copulation) (5) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) copulation, sexual intercourse or union, marriage cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (acc. with √ [ As ], [ i ], [ gam ], [ car ] (6) dat. with [ upa-√ gam ], or [ uparoot kram ], to have sexual intercourse) (7) union, connection cf. L.

===> maithunâbhāṣaṇa [ maithunAbhASaNa ]3[ maithun^abhASaNa ] n. a conversation in which allusions are made to sexual intercourse, Mahāvy

===> maitra [ maitra ]1[ maitr'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ mitra ], of, which it is also the Vṛddhi form in comp.) coming from or given by or belonging to a friend, friendly, amicable, benevolent, affectionate, kind cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) belonging or relating to Mitra cf. VS. &c. &c. (2) m. ` friend of all creatues ', a Brāhman who has arrived at the highest state of human perfection cf. L. (3) a particṃixed caste or degraded tribe (the offspring of an out-caste Vaiśya (4) cf. [ maitreyaka ]) cf. Mn. x, 23 (5) (scil. [ saMdhi ]) an alliance based on good-will cf. Kām (6) a friend (= [ mitra ]) cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 cf. Vārtt. 4 cf. Pat. (7) N. of the 12th astrol. Yoga cf. Col. (8) the anus cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. xii, 72 (9) a man's N. much used as the N. of an imaginary person in giving examples in gram. and philos. (cf. [ caitra ] and Lat. [ Caius ]) (10) N. of an Āditya (= [ mitra ]) cf. VP. (11) of a preceptor cf. Cat. (12) ([ I ]), f. below (13) n. (ifc. [ A ]) friendship cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (14) a multitude of friends cf. MBh. (cf. Nīlak.) (15) = [ -nakSatra ] cf. Sūryas (16) an early morning prayer addressed to Mitra cf. BhP. (17) evacuation of excrement (presided over by Mitra (18) [ maitraM ] √ 1. [ kR ], to void excrement) cf. Mn. iv, 152 (19) = [ -sUtra ]

===> maitra-citta [ maitracitta ]3[ maitr'a-citta ] n benevolence cf. Kāraṇḍ (1) mfn. benevolent, kind cf. Lalit.

===> maitraka [ maitraka ]2[ maitraka ] m. a person who worships in a Buddhist temple cf. L. (1) n. friendship cf. Uttarar

===> maitratā [ maitratA ]3[ maitr'a-tA ] f. friendship, benevolence cf. L.

===> maitreya [ maitreya ]2[ maitreya ] mfn. (fr. [ maitri ]) friendly, benevolent cf. MBh. (1) m. (fr. [ mitrayu ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 174) patr. of Kaushārava cf. AitBr. (2) of Glāva cf. ChUp. (accord. to cf. Sch. metron. fr. [ mitrA ]) (3) of various other men cf. MBh. cf. Pur.

---> N. of a Bodhi-sattva and future Buddha (the 5th of the present age) cf. Lalit. (cf. MWB. 181 &c.) (4) of the Vidūshaka in the Mṛc-chakaṭikā (5) of a grammarian (= [ -rakSita ]) cf. Cat. (6) of a partic. mixed caste (= [ maitreyaka ]) cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. x, 33 (7) ([ I ]), f. below

===> maitri [ maitri ]2[ maitri ] m. a metron. of a teacher cf. MaitrUp.

===> maitrya [ maitrya ]2[ maitrya ] n. friendship cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat

===> maitrâyaṇa [ maitrAyaNa ]3[ maitr^ayaNa ] n. (for 2. below), kind or friendly way ', benevolence cf. MBh.

===> [ maitrAyaNa ]2[ maitrAyaNa ]2 m. (for 1. under [ maitra ]) patr. fr. [ mitra ] g. [ naD^adi ] (1) pl. N. of a school (called after Maitri) cf. MaitrUp., Introd. (2) ([ I ]), f. below

===> maitrâyaṇī [ maitrAyaNI ]2[ maitrAyaNI ] f. of 2. [ maitrAyaNa ], q. v. (1) N. of the mother of Pūrṇa cf. Buddh. (2) of a female teacher cf. Col.

===> maitrī [ maitrI ]2[ maitrI ] f. friendship, friendliness, benevolence, good will (one of the 4 perfect states with Buddhists cf. Dharmas. 16 (1) cf. cf. MWB. 128) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) Benevolence personified (as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) cf. BhP. (3) close contact or union cf. Megh. cf. Vcar. (4) (ifc.) equality, similarity cf. Prasannar (5) N. of the Nakshatra Anurādhā cf. L. (6) N. of an Upanishad (cf. under [ maitri ])

===> maitrī-bala [ maitrIbala ]3[ maitrI-bala ] m. ', whose strength is benevolence ', a Buddha cf. L. (1) N. of a king (regarded as an incarnation of Gautama Buddha) cf. Buddh. (2) v. l. for [ maitra-b° ] cf. Divyâv

===> majja [ majja ]2[ majja ]1 mfn. sinking, diving (in [ uda-majja ] (1) [ audamajji ])

===> [ majja ]2[ majja ]2 in comp. for [ majjan ]

===> majjan [ majjan ]2[ majj'an ] m. (lit., ` sunk or seated within) the marrow of bones (also applied to the pith of plants) cf. RV. &c. &c. (according to cf. ŚBr. &c. one of the 5 elements or essential ingredients of the body [ 773,3 ] ; in the later medical system that element which is produced from the bones and itself produces semen cf. Suśr.) ; scurf. cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. v, 135. [ Cf. Zd. [ mazga ] ; Slav. [ mozgū ] ; Germ. [ marg ], [ marag ], [ Mark ] ; Angl. Sax. [ mearg ] ; Eng. [ marrow ]. ]

===> majjā [ majjA ]2[ majj'A ]
f. id. cf. ŚBr. cf. MaitrUp. cf. Hariv. (cf. [ nirmajja ])

===> makara [ makara ]1[ m'akara ] m. a kind of sea-monster (sometimes confounded with the crocodile, shark, dolphin &c. (1) regarded as the emblem of Kāma-deva [ cf. [ mokara-ketana ] &c. below ] or as a symbol of the 9th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī (2) represented as an ornament on gates or on head-dresses) cf. VS. &c. &c. (3) a partic. species of insect or other small animal cf. Suśr. (4) N. of the 10th sign of the zodiac (Capricornus) cf. Sūryas. cf. Var. &c.

---> the 10th arc of 30 degrees in any circle cf. L. (5) an army of troops in the form of a M'akara cf. Mn. vii, 187 (6) an ear-ring shaped like a M'akara cf. BhP. (cf. [ makara-kuNDala ])

---> the hands folded in the form of a M'akara cf. Cat. (7) one of the 9 treasures of Kubera cf. L. (8) one of the 8 magical treasures called Padminī cf. MārkP. (9) a partic. magical spell recited over weapons cf. R. (10) N. of a mountain cf. BhP. (11) ([ I ]), f. the female of the sea-monster M'akara cf. Pañcat (12) N. of a river cf. MBh.

===> makarâlaya [ makarAlaya ]3[ makar^alaya ] m. ` M'akara-abode ', the sea cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) N. of the number, ` four ' (cf. under [ samudra ])

===> makha-kriyā [ makhakriyA ]3[ makh'a-kriyA ] f. a sacrificial rite cf. L.

===> makkola [ makkola ]2[ makkola ] m. chalk cf. L. (= [ sudhA ] cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch.)

===> makula [ makula ]2[ makula ] m. Mimusops Elengi cf. L. (1) a bud cf. L. (cf. [ mukula ])

===> makuṣṭa [ makuSTa ]1[ makuSTa ] or [ °Taka ] m. Phaseolus Aconitifolius cf. L.

===> makuṭa [ makuTa ]1[ makuTa ] n. a crest (= [ mukuTa ]) cf. Divyâv

===> makṣikā [ makSikA ]2[ m'akSikA ] f. (m. c. also [ °ka ], m.) a fly, bee cf. RV. &c. &c. [ 772,1 ]

===> makṣā [ makSA ]2[ m'akSA ] f. id. cf. RV. x, 40, 6 cf. AV. ix, 1, 17 [ cf. Lat. [ musca ] ]

===> mala [ mala ]1[ m'ala ] n. (in later language also m. (1) prob. fr. √ [ mlai ]) dirt, filth, dust, impurity (physical and moral) cf. AV. &c. &c. (2) (in med.) any bodily excretion or secretion (esp. those of the Dhātus, q. v., described as phlegm from chyle, bile from the blood, nose mucus and ear wax from the flesh, perspiration from the fat, nails and hair from the bones, rheum of the eye from the brain (3) cf. also the 12 impurities of the body enumerated in cf. Mn. v, 135) cf. Suśr. cf. Vāgbh. &c. (4) (with Śaivas), original sin, natural impurity cf. Sarvad (5) camphor cf. L. (6) Os Sepiae cf. L. (7) m. the son of a Śūdra and a Mālukī cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. Flacourtia Cataphracta cf. L. (9) n. tanned leather, a leathern or dirty garment (?) cf. RV. x, 136, 2 (10) a kind of brass or bell-metal cf. L. (11) the tip of a scorpion's tail cf. L. (v. l. [ ala ]) (12) mfn. dirty, niggardly cf. L. (13) unbelieving, godless cf. L. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; [ 792,1 ] Lat. [ m˘alus ] ; Lith. [ m'olis ], [ m'elynas ]. ]

===> mala-dhātrī [ maladhAtrI ]3[ m'ala-dhAtrI ] f. a nurse who attends to a child's bodily necessities cf. Buddh.

===> malara [ malara ]1[ malara ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> malaya [ malaya ]1[ malaya ] m. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 99) N. of a mountain range on the west of Malabar, the western Ghāts (abounding in sandal trees) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) of the country Malabar and (pl.) its inhabitants cf. ib. (2) of another country (= [ zail^aMza-dezaH ], or [ zail^aGgo d° ]) cf. L. (3) of an Upa-dvīpa cf. L. (4) of a son of Garuḍa cf. MBh. (B. [ mAlaya ]) (5) of a son of Ṛshabha cf. BhP. (6) of a poet cf. Cat. (7) a celestial grove (= [ nandana-vana ]) cf. L. (8) a garden cf. L. (9) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (10) ([ A ]), f. Ipomoea Turpethum cf. L. (11) N. of a woman cf. Vās., Introd.

===> malina [ malina ]1[ malina ] &c. col. 2

===> malinatva [ malinatva ]3[ malina-tva ] n. blackness cf. Cāṇ (1) moral blackness, wickedness cf. Vās

===> malinatā [ malinatA ]3[ malina-tA ] f. dirtiness, impurity cf. Sāh (1) moral impurity, blackness, moral blackness cf. MW.

===> malla [ malla ]1[ malla ] m. a wrestler or boxer by profession (the offspring of an out-caste Kshatriya by a Kshatriya female who was previously the wife of another out-caste cf. Mn. x, 22 ; xii, 45), an athlete, a very strong man cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Var. &c. (1) N. of a king called Nārāyaṇa cf. Cat. (2) of the 21st Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī. cf. L. (3) of an Asura ([ mall^asura ]) (4) of various men cf. Rājat (5) a vessel, boiler cf. Divyâv. (also [ I ] f. cf. L.) (6) the remnant of an oblation cf. L. (7) a kind of fish (= [ kapAlin ]) cf. L. (8) the cheek and temples cf. L. (9) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (10) ([ A ]), f. a woman cf. L. (11) N. of two women cf. Rājat (12) ornamenting the person with coloured unguents (= [ pattra-vallI ]) cf. L.

---> Arabian jasmine (cf. [ mallikA ]) cf. L. (13) mfn. strong, robust cf. L. (14) good, excellent cf. L.

===> mallaka [ mallaka ]2[ mallaka ] m. a tooth cf. L. (1) a lamp-stand cf. L. (2) a lamp cf. L. (3) a vessel made out of a cocoa-nut shell cf. L. (4) any vessel, Divy'av (5) a cup or leaf in which anything is wrapped cf. MW. (6) N. of a Brāhman cf. Rājat (7) pl. N. of a people cf. MārkP. (8) ([ ikA ]), f. Jasminum Zambac (both the plant and the flower (9) ifc. f. [ ikA ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. &c. (10) an earthenware vessel of a peculiar form cf. Mṛcch (11) a lamp-stand cf. L. (12) a lamp cf. L. (13) any vessel made out of a cocoa-nut shell cf. L. (14) a species of fish cf. L. (15) N. of two metres cf. Col.

===> mallikā [ mallikA ]2[ mallikA ] f. of [ mallaka ], in comp.

===> maluda [ maluda ]1[ maluda ] and [ maluma ] m. or n. (?) partic. high numbers cf. Buddh.

===> mama [ mama ]1[ m'ama ] gen. sg. of 1st pers. pron. in comp.

===> mama-kāra [ mamakAra ]3[ m'ama-kAra ] m. interesting one's self about anything cf. Rājat

===> mana-āpa [ manaApa ]3[ mana-Apa ] mfn. gaining the heart, attracting, beautiful cf. L. (cf. Pāli [ manApa ])

===> manana [ manana ]2[ man'ana ] mfn. thoughtful, careful cf. RV. (1) n. thinking, reflection, meditation, thought, intelligence, understanding (esp. intrinsic knowledge or science, as one of the faculties connected with the senses cf. Nir. viii, 6 = [ manman ]) cf. Hariv. cf. Śaṃk. cf. Sarvad. ([ °n'A ] ind. thoughtfully, deliberately cf. RV.) (2) homage, reverence cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 165, 4

===> manas [ manas ]2[ m'anas ] n. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will cf. RV. &c. &c. (in phil. the internal organ or [ antaH-karaNa ] of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul cf. IW. 53 (1) in this sense [ manas ] is always is always regarded as distinct from [ Atman ] and [ puruSa ], ` spirit or soul ' and belonging only to the body, like which it is - except in the Nyāya - considered perishable (2) as to its position in the various systems for Nyāya and Vaiśeshika cf. IW. 63 ; 67 ; 76, for Sāṃkhya and Ved^anta cf. ib. 84 ; 109 ; 117 (3) in cf. RV. it is sometimes joined with [ hRd ] or [ hRdaya ], the heart cf. Mn. vii, 6 with [ cakSus ], the eye) (4) the spirit or spiritual principle, the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called [ asu ] in animals (5) cf. above) cf. ib. (6) thought, imagination, excogitation, invention, reflection, opinion, intention, inclination, affection, desire, mood, temper, spirit cf. ib. (ifc. after a verbal noun or an inf. stem in [ °tu ] = having a mind or wishing to (7) cf. [ draSTu-m° ] &c. (8) [ manaH ] √ [ kR ], to make up one's mind (9) with gen., to feel inclination for [ 784,1 ] (10) [ manaH ] √ [ kR ], [ pra-√ kR ], √ [ dhA ], vi-√ [ dhA ], √ [ dhR ], √ [ bandh ] and Caus. of [ ni-√ viz ] with loc., dat., acc. with [ prati ], or inf., to direct the mind or thoughts towards, think of or upon (11) [ manaH ] with [ sam-A-√ dhA ], to recover the senses, collect one's self (12) with √ [ han ], [ mano-hatya ] (13) [ m'anasA ] ind. in the mind (14) in thought or imagination (15) with all the heart, willingly (16) with gen., by the leave of (17) with [ iva ] = [ °s^eva ], as with a thought, in a moment (18) with √ [ man ], to think in one's mind, be willing or inclined (19) with [ saM-√ gam ], to become unanimous, agree (20) [ manasi ] with √ [ kR ], to bear or ponder in the mind, meditate on, remember (21) with [ ni-√ dhA ], to impress on the mind, consider (22) with √ [ vRt ], to be passing in one's mind) (23) N. of the 26th Kalpa (s. v.) cf. Cat. (24) of the lake Mānasa cf. BhP. (25) [ manaso dohaH ], N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 784,1 ] [ miner-va ]. ]

===> manas-kāra [ manaskAra ]3[ m'anas-kAra ] m. consciousness (esp. of pleasure or pain) cf. L. (1) attention of the mind cf. Lalit. (2) devotion (next) (3) [ -vidhi ] m. performance of devotion cf. Jātakam

===> manasi-kāra [ manasikAra ]3[ manasi-kAra ] m. taking to heart cf. Lalit.

===> manasvin [ manasvin ]3[ m'anas-vin ] mfn. full of mind or sense, intelligent, clever, wise cf. TBr. &c. &c. (1) in high spirits, cheerful, glad ([ a-man° ]) cf. R. (2) fixing the mind attentive cf. W. (3) m. the fabulous animal called Śarabha cf. L. (4) N. of a Nāga cf. Lalit. (5) of a son of Devala cf. VP. (6) ([ inI ]), f. a virtuous wife cf. W. (7) Momordica Mixta cf. L. (8) N. of the mother of the moon cf. MBh. (cf. [ manasija ]) (9) of Durga cf. L. (10) of the wife of Mṛkaṇḍu cf. Pur.

===> manasā [ manasA ]2[ manasA ]1 f. N. of a partic. goddess (described as consisting of a particle of Prakṛti and as daughter of Kaśyapa. sister of the serpent-king Ananta, wife of the Muni Jarat-kāru, mother of the Muni Āstīka and protectress of men from the venom of serpents (1) cf. [ viSa-harI ]) cf. Pañcar. (2) of a Kiṃ-narī cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> [ manasA ]2[ manasA ]2 instr. of [ manas ], in comp.

===> manaḥ-saṃcetanâhāra [ manaHsaMcetanAhAra ]3[ manaH-saMcetan^ahAra ] m. one of the 4 kinds of food (in a material and spiritual sense) cf. Buddh.

===> manaḥ-saṃvara [ manaHsaMvara ]3[ manaH-saMvara ] m. coercion of the mind cf. Lalit.

===> manaḥ-sukha [ manaHsukha ]3[ manaH-sukha ] mfn. agreeable to the mind, of pleasant taste cf. Suśr. (1) n. joy of the heart cf. BhP.

===> manaḥ-śilā [ manaHzilA ]3[ manaH-zilA ] f. (c. also [ °la ] m. (1) cf. comp.) realgar, red arsenic cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -giri ] v. l. for [ °l^occaya ] cf. R. (3) [ -guhA ] f. a cave of red arsenic cf. MBh. ([ °la-guhA ] cf. Mṛcch. i, 12) (4) [ -candana-'dhAvana ] n. a fluid prepared from red arsenic and sandal cf. MW. (5) [ -vicchurita ] mfn. inlaid with red arsenic cf. Kum (6) [ °l^occaya ] m. a quantity of red arsenic cf. R.

===> manda [ manda ]2[ manda ] mf ([ A ]) n. slow, tardy, moving slowly or softly, loitering, idle, lazy, sluggish in (loc. or comp.), apathetic, phlegmatic, indifferent to (dat.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) weak, slight, slack (as a bow), dull, faint (as light), low (as a voice), gentle (as rain or wind), feeble (as the digestive faculty) cf. ib. (2) weak i. e. tolerant, indulgent to (loc.) cf. MBh. (3) dull-witted, silly, stupid, foolish cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. (4) unhappy, miserable (cf. L. = [ kRpaNa ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (5) languid, ill, sick cf. Mālav (6) bad, wicked cf. MārkP. (7) drunken, addicted to intoxication cf. L. (8) = [ -mandra ] cf. L. (9) m. the planet Saturn cf. Var (10) the (upper) apsis of a planet's course or (according to some) its anomalistic motion cf. Sūryas (11) N. of Yama cf. L. (12) a stupid or slow elephant cf. L. (cf. [ mandra ], [ bhadra-manda ], [ mRga-manda ]) (13) the end of the world (= [ pralaya ]) cf. L. (14) ([ A ]), f. a pot, vessel, inkstand cf. L. (15) N. of Dākshāyaṇī cf. Cat. (16) (scil. [ saMkrAnti ]) a partic. astron. conjunction cf. L. (17) (in music) N. of a Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (18) n. the second change which takes place in warm milk when mixed with Takra cf. L. (19) ([ am ]), ind. slowly, tardily, gradually, slightly, faintly, softly (also [ manda ] ibc., and [ mandam mandam ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> manda-bhāgin [ mandabhAgin ]3[ manda-bhAgin ] mfn. unfortunate, ill-fated, unhappy cf. Kāv

===> manda-bhāgya [ mandabhAgya ]3[ manda-bhAgya ] mfn. id. cf. ib. &c. (1) n. (cf. MBh.) = [ -tA ] f. (cf. Pañcat.) misfortune, ill-luck

===> manda-buddhi [ mandabuddhi ]3[ manda-buddhi ] mfn. = [ -dhI ] cf. Kathās

===> manda-gāmin [ mandagAmin ]3[ manda-gAmin ] mfn. = [ -gati ] cf. Sūryas

===> manda-mandam [ mandamandam ]3[ manda-mandam ] ind. slowly, softly, in a low tone cf. Ṛitus

===> manda-medhas [ mandamedhas ]3[ manda-medhas ] mfn. = [ -dhI ] cf. Mālav

===> manda-prajña [ mandaprajJa ]3[ manda-prajJa ] mfn. = [ -dhI ] cf. MBh.

===> manda-puṇya [ mandapuNya ]3[ manda-puNya ] mfn. unfortunate, illfated cf. Hcar.

===> mandara [ mandara ]2[ mandara ] mfn. slow, tardy, sluggish (= [ manda ]) cf. L. (1) large, thick, firm (= [ bahala ]) cf. L. (2) m. a pearl chain consisting of 8 or 16 strings cf. L. (3) N. of a sacred mountain (the residence of various deities (4) it served the gods and Asuras for a churning-stick at the churning of the ocean for the recovery of the Amṛta and thirteen other precious things lost during the deluge) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) heaven (= [ svarga ] (6) cf. [ meru ]) cf. L. (7) a mirror cf. L. (8) a kind of metre cf. Col. (9) N. of a Brāhman cf. Cat. (10) of a Vidyā-dhara cf. Kathās (11) of a son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu (B. [ mandAra ]) (12) of a tree of paradise or one of the 5 trees in Indra's heaven (= [ mandAra ]) cf. L.

===> [ mandara ]1[ mandara ] col. 2

===> mandatva [ mandatva ]3[ manda-tva ] n. = prec. cf. Kāv (1) (with [ agneH ]) weakness of the digestive faculty cf. Suśr.

===> mandatā [ mandatA ]3[ manda-tA ] f. slowness, indolence cf. Suśr. (1) weakness, feebleness, littleness, insignificance cf. Sūryas. cf. Sāh (2) dulness, stupidity ([ a-mand° ]) cf. Mālav

===> manduraka [ manduraka ]2[ manduraka ] n. a kind of mat cf. Divyâv

===> mandânila [ mandAnila ]3[ mand^anila ] m. a gentle breeze, zephyr cf. Kāv

===> mandākinī [ mandAkinI ]2[ mandAkinI ] f. (fr. [ manda ] + 2. [ aJc ]) ` going or streaming slowly ', N. of an arm of the Ganges (flowing down through the valley of Kedāra-nātha in the Him^alayas) and of other rivers cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (1) (esp.) the heavenly Ganges cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) another river in heaven cf. BhP. (3) N. of a metre cf. Chandom (4) (in astron.) N. of a partic. conjunction

===> mandāra [ mandAra ]2[ mandAra ] m. (in some meanings also written [ mandara ]) the coral tree, Erythrina Indica (also regarded as one of the 5 trees of paradise or Svarga) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a white variety of Calotropis Gigantea cf. L. (2) the thorn-apple cf. L. (3) heaven cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu cf. MBh. (C. [ mandara ]) (5) of a Vidyā-dhara cf. MārkP. (6) of a hermitage and desert spot on the right bank of the Ganges where there are said to be 11 sacred pools cf. Cat. (7) of a mountain (v. l. [ mandara ]) cf. R. (8) ([ I ]), f. a kind of plant cf. Suśr. (9) n. = [ -puSpa ] cf. Kālid

===> mandāra-puṣpa [ mandArapuSpa ]3[ mandAra-puSpa ] n. a flower of the Mandāra tree cf. MW.

===> mandārava [ mandArava ]2[ mandArava ] (cf. Lalit.),

===> mandī-bhāva [ mandIbhAva ]3[ mandI-bhAva ] m. slowness, tardiness, stupidity cf. MW.

===> mano-bhava [ manobhava ]3[ mano-bhava ] mfn. ` mind-born ', arising or being in the mind, imaginary cf. BhP. (1) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) love (opp. to [ krodha ]) cf. MBh. (2) sexual love or the god of love cf. ib. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) [ -druma ] m. love compared to a tree, Kav (4) [ -zAsana ] m. ` chastiser of the god of love ', N. of Śiva cf. Bhām. (5) [ °v^agAra ] n. ` abode of love ', pudendum muliebre cf. Bhpr.

===> mano-daṇḍa [ manodaNDa ]3[ mano-daNDa ] m. complete control over the thoughts cf. Mn. xii, 10

===> mano-dhātu [ manodhAtu ]3[ mano-dhAtu ] m. the sphere of the mind or intellect (with cf. Buddh. one of the 18 elementary spheres) cf. Dharmas. 25

===> mano-gata [ manogata ]1[ mano-gata ] &c. p. 785, col. 1

===> mano-gati [ manogati ]3[ mano-gati ] f. ` heatt's course ', wish, desire cf. MBh. (1) mfn. going where one will cf. R.

===> mano-hara [ manohara ]3[ mano-hara ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. ` heart-stealing ', taking the fancy, fascinating, attractive, charming, beautiful cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) Jasminum Multiflorum or Pubescens cf. L. (2) the third day of the civil month ([ karma-mAsa ]) cf. Sūryapr. (3) N. of a poet cf. Cat. (4) of a wk. cf. ib. (5) ([ A ]), f. yellow jasmine or Jasminum Grandiflorum cf. L. (6) N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. (7) of a Kiṃ-narī cf. Kāraṇḍ (8) of the wife of Varcasvin and mother of Śiśira cf. MBh. (9) of the wife of Dhara and mother of Śiśira cf. Hariv. (10) of a cf. Comm. on the Rāmāyaṇa by Loka-nātha (11) ([ I ]), f. Piper Longum cf. L. (12) n. gold cf. L. (13) [ -kAvya ] n. N. of a poem (14) [ -kRSNa ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (15) [ -tara ] mfn. more or most fascinating or beautiful cf. MBh. ([ °ratva ] n. cf. Malatīm.) (16) [ -dAsa ] m. N. of a king (patron of Sadā-śiva) cf. Cat. (17) [ -vIr^ezvara ] m. N. of a teacher cf. ib. (18) [ -zarman ] m. N. of an author cf. ib. (19) [ -siMha ] m. N. of a king cf. Inscr. (20) [ °r^akAra ] mfn. beautiful in form cf. Kāv. [ -hartR ] m. a heart-stealer cf. BhP.

===> mano-jalpa [ manojalpa ]3[ mano-jalpa ] m. ` mind-talk ', imagination cf. L.

===> mano-java [ manojava ]3[ mano-jav'a ] m. the speed or swiftness of thought cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. (1) ([ m'ano- ]), mfn. swift as thought cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ am ] ind. (2) [ -tA ] f.) (3) quick in thought or apprehension cf. W. (4) resembling a father, fatherly, parental cf. L. (5) m. N. of a son of Anila or the Wind cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (6) of a son of Rudra Īśāna cf. Pur. (7) of Indre in the 6th Manv-antara cf. ib. (8) of a son of Medhātithi cf. BhP. (9) of a fabulous horse cf. Vās., Introd. (10) a person whose parents are a Brāhman and a Nishādi cf. L. (11) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the 7 tongues of Agni cf. MuṇḍUp. (12) Methonica Superba cf. L. (13) N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh. (14) of a river in Krauñca-dvīpa cf. VP. (15) m. or n. a kind of magic cf. Divyâv (16) n. N. of a Tirtha cf. MBh. (17) of the Varsha ruled by Medh^atithi cf. BhP.

===> mano-jña [ manojJa ]3[ mano-jJa ] mf ([ A ]) n. agreeable to the mind, pleasing, lovely, beautiful, charming cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. a pleasant spot cf. Viṣṇ (2) Pinus Longifolia cf. L. (3) N. of a Gandharva cf. SaddhP. (4) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) the senna plant (5) a kind of cumin (6) Jasminum Grandiflorum (7) = [ vandhyA-karkoTakI ] (8) an intoxicating drink (9) red arsenic (10) a princess (11) n. the wood of Pinus Longifolia cf. L. (12) [ -ghoSa ] m. N. of a man cf. Buddh. (13) [ -tA ] f. loveliness, beauty cf. Cāṇ (14) [ zabd^abhigarjita ] m. N. of a Kalpa cf. Buddh. (15) [ -svara ] (16) m. N. of a Gandharva cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> mano-rama [ manorama ]3[ mano-rama ] mf ([ A ]) n. gratifying the mind, attractive, pleasant, charming, beautiful cf. MaitrUp. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a Nāga cf. L. (2) of a mountain cf. ib. (3) ([ A ]), f. next (4) n. a kind of house cf. L. (5) N. of a pleasure-garden cf. HPariś

===> mano-ramā [ manoramA ]3[ mano-ramA ] f. a beautiful woman cf. L. (1) a kind of pigment (= [ gorocanA ]) cf. L. (2) a kind of metre cf. Col. (3) N. of ān Apsaras cf. MBh. (4) of a goddess cf. Buddh. (5) of a Gandharvī cf. Kāraṇḍ (6) of a daughter of the Vidyā-dhara Indivara (wife of Sva-rocis-and mother of Vijaya) cf. MārkP. (7) of various other women cf. Cat. (8) of a river cf. MBh. (9) of various wks. cf. Cat. (10) [ -kuca-mardinI ] f. [ -khaNDa ] m. or n. [ -pariNayana-carita ], n. [ -vyAkhyA ] f. N. of wks.

===> mano-ratha [ manoratha ]3[ mano-ratha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) ` heart's joy ' (2. [ ratha ]), a wish, desire (also = desired object) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) fancy, illusion cf. Śaṃk (2) (in dram.) a wish expressed in an indirect manner, hint cf. Sāh (3) the heart compared to a car (1. [ ratha ]) cf. R. (4) N. of a teacher cf. Buddh. (5) of a poet cf. Cat. (6) of various men cf. Rājat (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman(= [ -prabhA ]) cf. Kathās (8) [ -kusuma ] n. wish or desire compared to a flower cf. MW. (9) [ -kRza ] mfn. chosen or taken at will (as a husband) cf. Hariv. (10) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha cf. Cat. (11) [ -tRtIyA ] f. the 3rd day in the light half of the month Caitra ([ -vrata ] n. N. of wk.) cf. Cat. (12) [ -dAyaka ] m. ` fulfilling wishes ', N. of a Kalpa-vṛksha, Kathls (13) [ -druma ] w. r. for [ mano-bhava-dr° ] cf. Mālav. iii, 11 (14) [ -dvAdazI ] f. the 12th day in a partic. half month cf. Cat. (15) [ -prabhA ] f. N. of a woman cf. Kathās (16) [ -bandha ] m. the cherishing or entertaining of desires ([ °dhabandhu ] m. the friend of [ i. e. one who satisfies ] wishes, Māatim. i, 34) (17) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of wishes, having many wishes cf. Bhām. (18) being the object of a wishes cf. Naish (19) [ -siddha ] w. r. for [ -siddhi ] cf. Kathās (20) [ -siddhi ] f. the fulfilment of a wishes cf. Kathās (21) m. (also [ °dhika ]) N. of a man cf. ib. (22) [ -sRSTi ] f. creation of the fancy, phantasm of the imagination cf. MW.

---> [ °th^antara ] m. ` innermost desire ', beloved object or person cf. Mṛcch

===> manomaya [ manomaya ]3[ mano-m'aya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of spirit or mind, spiritual, mental cf. ŚBr. cf. Up. &c. (1) [ -koza ] m. the mental sheath (the 2nd of the subtle sheaths in which the soul is encased) cf. Vedântas

===> mantha [ mantha ]2[ mantha ] m. stirring round, churning cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (1) shaking about, agitating cf. Ragh. cf. Uttarar (2) killing, slaying cf. Bālar (3) a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring, mixed beverage (usually parched barley-meal stirred round in milk (4) but also applied to a partic. medicinal preparation) cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) a spoon for stirring cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Kauś (6) a churning-stick cf. MBh. cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 (7) a kind of antelope cf. ṢaḍvBr. (8) the sun or a sun-ray cf. L. (9) a partic. disease of the eye, excretion of rheum cf. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. below (11) n. an instrument for kindling fire, by friction cf. MBh.

===> manthā [ manthA ]2[ m'anthA ]1 form from which comes nom. m. [ m'anthAs ] acc. [ °thAm ] (1) [ math'in ], p. 777, col. 1

===> [ manthA ]2[ m'anthA ]2 f. a churning-stick, B. (1) a mixed beverage cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) Trigonella Foenum Graecum cf. L.

===> manthāna [ manthAna ]2[ manthAna ] m. ` shaker (of the universe) ', N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (1) a partic. instrument for stirring or rubbing (esp. for kindling fire) cf. Car. (2) a churning-stick cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. (3) Cassia Fistula cf. L. (4) a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> mantra [ mantra ]2[ m'antra ] m. (rarely n. (1) ifc. f. [ A ]), ` instrument of thought ', speech, sacred text or speech, a prayer or song of praise cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. (2) a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula, that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called [ Rc ] or [ yajus ] or [ sAman ] (q. v.) as opp. to the Brāhmana and Upanishad portion (cf. IW. 5 &c.) cf. Br. cf. GṛŚrS. &c. [ 786,1 ] (3) a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e. g. [ om ] [ zivAya ] [ namaH ]) cf. RTL. 61 (4) a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified), incantation, charm, spell (esp. in modern times employed by the Śāktas to acquire superhuman powers (5) the primary Mantras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable cf. RTL. 197-202) cf. RV. (i, 147, 4) cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. Mn. cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. (6) cousultation, resolution, counsel, advice, plan, design, secret cf. RV. &c. &c. (7) N. of Viṣṇu cf. Viṣṇ (8) of Śiva cf. MBh.

---> (in astrol.) the fifth mansion cf. VarYogay

===> [ mantra ]2[ mantra ] p. 785, col. 3

===> mantra-bala [ mantrabala ]3[ m'antra-bala ] n. the superiority or precedence of a sacred text cf. KātyŚr. (1) magical power cf. Kathās

===> mantra-dhara [ mantradhara ]3[ m'antra-dhara ] (cf. Hariv.),

===> mantra-pada [ mantrapada ]3[ m'antra-pada ] n. a sacred or magical word cf. Kir

===> mantra-vidhi [ mantravidhi ]3[ m'antra-vidhi ] m.

===> mantra-vidyā [ mantravidyA ]3[ m'antra-vidyA ] f. the science of Mantras, magic art cf. Kathās

===> mantra-vādin [ mantravAdin ]3[ m'antra-vAdin ] m. a reciter of sacred text or spells, enchanter cf. Vet. cf. Pañcat

===> mantrin [ mantrin ]3[ mantr'in ] p. 786

===> mantrita [ mantrita ]2[ mantrita ] mfn. discussed, deliberated, determined cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) advised, counselled (said of Persons and things) cf. ib. (2) consecrated with sacred texts, enchanted, charmed cf. MBh. cf. R. (3) n. counsel, deliberation, plan cf. ib.

===> [ mantrita ]3[ mantrita ]

===> mantṛ [ mantR ]2[ mant'R ] m. a thinker, adviser, counsellor cf. ŚBr. cf. KaushUp. cf. MBh. (1) one who consents or agrees cf. Āpast. [ Cf. Gk. ?. ] [ 785,3 ]

===> manu [ manu ]1[ m'anu ] &c. p. 784, col. 2

===> manu-ja [ manuja ]3[ m'anu-ja ] m. ` Manu-born ', a man cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. a woman cf. ib. (2) [ -nAtha ] (cf. Daś.), [ -pati ] (cf. R. &c.), m. ` lord of men ', a prince, king (3) [ -loka ] m. ` world of men ', the earth cf. MBh. (4) [ -vyAghra ] m. ` man-tiger ', any eminent or illustrious man cf. R. (5) [ -j^atmaja ] m. ` son of man ', a man ' cf. L. (6) ([ A ]), f. a woman cf. MBh. (7) [ -j^adhipa ] and [ °pati ] m. ` sovereign of men ', a prince, king cf. MBh. (8) [ °jI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to change into a man cf. Kathās (9) [ -j^endra ] m. ` lord of men, a prince, king cf. MBh. ([ °dra-putra ], n. [ °trI ] f. a prince, princess cf. Kathās.) (10) [ °j^ezvara ] m. = [ -j'ondra ] cf. VarBṛS. (11) [ -j^ottana ] m. best of men cf. MBh.

===> manuṣya [ manuSya ]1[ manuSy'a ] &c. p. 784, col. 3

===> manuṣya-rāja [ manuSyarAja ]3[ manuSy'a-rAj'a ] m. a human king cf. VS.

===> manuṣyatva [ manuSyatva ]3[ manuSy'a-tv'a ] n. = [ -tA ] f. (acc. with √ [ yA ], to become a man) cf. TBr. cf. Mn. &c.

===> manyu [ manyu ]2[ many'u ] m. (cf. L. also f.) spirit, mind, mood, mettle (as of horses) cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. Br. (1) high spirit or temper, ardour, zeal, passion cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) rage, fury, wrath, anger, indignation cf. ib. (also personified, esp. as Agni or Kāma or as a Rudra (3) [ manyuM ] √ [ kR ], with loc. or acc. with [ prati ], ` to vent one's anger on, be angry with ') (4) grief, sorrow, distress, affliction cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) sacrifice cf. Nalac (6) N. of a king (son of Vitatha) cf. BhP. (7) (with [ tApasa ]), N. of the author of cf. RV. x, 83 ; 84 (8) (with [ vAsiSTha ]), N. of the author of cf. RV. ix, 97, 10-12. [ -t'as ], ind. from anger, in a rage cf. AV.

===> [ manyu ]1[ many'u ] &c. p. 786, col. 3

===> manâpa [ manApa ]3[ man^apa ] mfn. = [ mana-Apa ] cf. Lalit.

===> manīṣin [ manISin ]2[ manISin ] mfn. thoughtful, intelligent, wise, sage, prudent. cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) devout, offering prayers or praises cf. RV. (2) m. a learned Brāhman, teacher, Paṇḍit cf. W. (3) N. of a king cf. VP.

===> mara [ mara ]1[ mara ] m. (√ [ mR ]) dying, death ([ pari-mara ]) (1) the world of death, i. e. the earth cf. AitUp. (2) mfn. killing ([ nR-mara ]) (3) m. pl. the inhabitants of hell cf. Āryabh (4) w. r. for [ narAH ] cf. Hariv. 8464

===> marakata [ marakata ]1[ marakata ] n. an emerald cf. R. cf. Var. cf. Pañcat. &c. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ smaragdus ]. ]

===> maraṇa [ maraNa ]2[ maraNa ] n. the act of dying, death, (ifc. dying by (1) [ °NaM ] √ 1. [ kR ] Ā. [ kurute ], to die) cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) passing away, cessation (as of lightning or rain) cf. AitBr. (3) (in astrol.) the 8th mansion cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (4) a kind of poison cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ mAraNa ]) (5) a refuge, asylum cf. BhP. (prob. w. r. for [ zaraNa ])

===> maraṇa-bhaya [ maraNabhaya ]3[ maraNa-bhaya ] n. the fear of death (with cf. Buddh. one of the 5 kinds of fear) cf. Dharmas. 52

===> maraṇa-dharman [ maraNadharman ]3[ maraNa-dharman ] mfn. subject to the law of death, mortal cf. Kathās

===> maraṇânta [ maraNAnta ]3[ maraN^anta ] and mfn. ending in death cf. MBh.

===> maraṇântika [ maraNAntika ]3[ maraN^antika ] mfn. ending in death cf. MBh.

===> maraṇīya [ maraNIya ]2[ maraNIya ] mfn. ` to be died ', doomed to death, liable to die cf. MW.

===> marda [ marda ]1[ marda ] mfn. (√ [ mRd ]) crushing, grinding, rubbing, bruising, destroying (ifc. (1) cf. [ ari- ], [ cakra-m° ] &c.) (2) m. grinding, pounding, violent pressure or friction cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. (cf. [ graha-m° ]) (3) acute pain (cf. [ aGga-m° ]) (4) dispassion cf. L.

===> mardana [ mardana ]2[ mardana ] mf ([ I ]) n. crushing, grinding, rubbing, bruising, paining, tormenting, ruining, destroying cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ candr^arka- ], [ samara- ] and [ samiti-m° ]) (1) N. of a king of the Vidyā-dharas (2) ([ I ]), f. a cover for the feet cf. L. (3) n. the act of crushing or grinding or destroying cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (4) rubbing, anointing cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat. &c. ([ -zAlA ] f. cf. Siṉhâs.), cleaning or combing (the hair (5) [ keza-m° ]) (6) friction i. e. opposition (of planets (7) [ graha-m° ])

===> marica [ marica ]1[ marica ] m. the pepper shrub cf. R. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (1) a kind of Ocimum cf. L. (2) Strychnos Potatorum cf. L. (v. l. [ marIca ]) (3) N. of a man cf. Rājat (4) n. black pepper cf. Suśr. (5) a partic. fragrant substance (= [ kakkolaka ]) cf. L.

===> markaṭa [ markaTa ]2[ mark'aTa ] m. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 81) a monkey, ape cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) a kind of bird cf. ṢaḍvBr. (the adjutant or Indian crane cf. L.) (2) a spider cf. L. (3) a sort of poison or venom cf. L. (4) a mode of coitus cf. L. (5) N. of a man cf. Pravar (6) ([ I ]), f. 1. [ markaTI ] (7) n. an iron monkey-shaped bolt cf. L.

===> markaṭa-danta [ markaTadanta ]3[ mark'aTa-danta ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. monkey-toothed cf. L.

===> markaṭa-joḍa [ markaTajoDa ]3[ mark'aTa-joDa ] mfn. monkey-chinned cf. L.

===> markaṭa-karṇa [ markaTakarNa ]3[ mark'aTa-karNa ] mfn. monkey-eared cf. L.

===> markaṭa-nāsa [ markaTanAsa ]3[ mark'aTa-nAsa ] mfn. monkey-nosed cf. L.

===> marma-ccheda [ marmaccheda ]3[ marma-ccheda ] m. the act of cutting through the vitals or to the quick, causing intense suffering or pain cf. Prab

===> marman [ marman ]1[ m'arman ] n. (√ [ mR ]) mortal spot, vulnerable point, any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body (in cf. Nir. reckoned to be 107) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) the joint of a limb, any joint or articulation cf. ib. (2) the core of anything, the quick cf. ib. (3) any vital member or organ (cf. [ antar-m° ]) (4) anything which requires to be kept concealed, secret quality, hidden meaning, any secret or mystery cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> martya [ martya ]2[ m'artya ] mfn. who or what must die, mortal cf. Br. cf. Kauś (1) m. a mortal, man, person cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) the world of mortals, the earth cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. dying, death ([ putra-martyA ]) (4) n. that which is mortal, the body cf. BhP.

===> maru [ maru ]1[ mar'u ] m. (prob. fr. √ [ mR ]) a wilderness, sandy waste, desert (often pl.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a mountain, rock cf. MBh. cf. MārkP. (2) ` the desertlike penance ', i. e. abstinence from drinking cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (3) a species of plant cf. Bhpr. (4) a deer, antelope cf. L. (5) N. of a Daitya (usually associated with Naraka) cf. MBh. (6) of a Vasu cf. Hariv. (7) of a prince (the son of Śīghra) cf. ib. cf. R. cf. Pur. (8) of a king belonging to the Ikshvāku family cf. BhP. (9) of a son of Hary-aśva cf. R. cf. Pur. (10) pl. N. of a country (Marwar) and its inhabitants cf. TĀr. cf. R. cf. Var. &c. [ Cf. Lat. [ mare ] (?) ; Angl. Sax. [ m^or ] ; Germ. and Eng. [ moor ]. ]

===> maru-marīcikā [ marumarIcikA ]3[ mar'u-marIcikA ] (sg.) f. a mirage, illusory appearance of water in a desert cf. Kathās

===> marud-gaṇa [ marudgaNa ]3[ marud-gaNa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the host or troop of the Maruts, the host of the gods
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. Bhartṛ (1) ([ mar'ud- ]), mfn. being with or attended by the troop of the Maruts cf. RV. (2) m. or n. (?) N. of a Tīrtha cf. MBh.

===> marut [ marut ]1[ mar'ut ] m. pl. (prob. the ` flashing or shining ones ' (1) cf. [ marIci ] and Gk. ?) the storm-gods (Indra's [ 790,2 ] companions and sometimes, e. g. cf. Ragh. xii, 101 = [ devAH ], the gods or deities in general (2) said in the Veda to be the sons of Rudra and Pṛśni, q. v., or the children of heaven or of ocean (3) and described as armed with golden weapons i. e. lightnings and thunderbolts, as having iron teeth and roaring like lions, as residing in the north, as riding in golden cars drawn by ruddy horses sometimes called Pṛshatī, q. v. (4) they are reckoned in cf. Naigh. v, 5 among the gods of the middle sphere, and in cf. RV. viii, 96, 8 are held to be three times sixty in number (5) in the later literature they are the children of Diti, either seven or seven times seven in number, and are sometimes said to be led by Mātariśvan) cf. RV. &c. &c. (6) the god of the wind (father of Hanumat and regent of the north-west quarter of the sky) cf. Kir. cf. Rājat. (cf. comp.) (7) wind, air, breath (also applied to the five winds in the body) cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (8) a species of plant cf. Bhpr. (9) = [ Rtvij ] cf. Naigh. iii, 18 (10) gold cf. ib. i, 2 (11) beauty cf. ib. iii, 7 (12) N. of a Sādhya cf. Hariv. (13) of the prince Bṛhad-ratha cf. MaitrUp. (14) f. Trigonella Corniculata cf. L. (15) n. a kind of fragrant substance (= [ granthi-parNa ]) cf. L.

===> maruta [ maruta ]2[ maruta ] m. wind cf. Śak (1) a god cf. L. (2) Bignonia Suaveolens cf. L. (3) N. of various men cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (4) [ °t^opaniSad ] f. N. of an Upanishad

===> maryādā [ maryAdA ]2[ maryAdA ] f. (doubtful whether fr. [ maryA ] + [ dA ] or [ maryA ] + [ Ada ] [ fr. [ A ] + √ [ dA ] ] (1) fancifully said to be fr. [ marya ] + [ ada ], ` devouring young men ' who are killed in defending boundaries) ` giving or containing clear marks or signs ', a frontier, limit, boundary, border, bank, shore, mark, end, extreme point, goal (in space and time) cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ SaN-mAsmaryAdayA ], within six months cf. VarBṛS.) (2) the bounds or limits of morality and propriety, rule or custom, distinct law or definition cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a covenant, agreement, bond, contract cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) continuance in the right way, propriety of conduct cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat (5) N. of a kind of ring used as an amulet cf. AV. vi, 81, 2 (6) N. of the wife of Avācīna (daughter of a king of Vidarbha) cf. MBh. (7) of the wife of Dev^atithi (daughter of a king of Videha) cf. ib.

===> marīci [ marIci ]1[ m'arIci ] mf. (m. only in cf. TĀr. (1) prob. connected with [ mar'ut ], q. v.) a particle of light, shining mote or speck in the air cf. RV. cf. AV. (2) ray of light (of the sun or moon) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) (also [ °cI ] (4) f. with [ somasya ] = moonlight cf. Hariv.) (5) a mirage (= [ marIcikA ]) cf. Kathās. (cf. [ marIci-toya ]) (6) m. N. of a Prajā-pati or ` lord of created beings ' (variously regarded as a son of Svayam-bhū, as a son of Brahmā, as a son of Manu Hairaṇyagarbha, as one of the 7 sages and father of Kaśyapa, or, accord. to cf. Mn. i, 35 as the first of the ten Prajā-patis [ q. v. ] engendered by Manu Svāyambhuva) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (7) of the star ? in the great Bear cf. VarBṛS. (8) of Kṛshṇa (as a Marut) cf. Bhag. x, 21 (9) of a Daitya cf. Hariv. (10) of a Maharshi cf. Daś (11) of the father of Paurṇamāsa cf. Pur. (12) of a king (son of Samrāj and father of Bindu-mat) cf. ib. (13) of a son of Tīrthaṃ-kara Ṛshabha cf. W. (14) of a son of Śaṃkar^acārya and various other teachers and authors cf. Cat. (15) a miser, niggard (= [ kRpaNa ]) cf. L. (16) f. N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. (17) of a cf. Comm. on cf. Siddhântaś

===> marīcika [ marIcika ]2[ marIcika ] m. (with Buddhists) N. of a world (1) ([ A ]), f. a mirage, illusory appearance of water in a desert cf. Prab. cf. Kathās (2) N. of a cf. Comm. on the Brahmasūtra

===> marṣa [ marSa ]1[ marSa ] m. (√ [ mRS ]) patience, endurance cf. L. (cf. [ a- ] and [ dur-marSa ])

===> marṣaṇa [ marSaNa ]3[ marSaNa ] mfn. (ifc.) enduring, forgiving cf. BhP. (1) n. = prec. cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> marṣaṇīya [ marSaNIya ]3[ marSaNIya ] mfn. to be forgiven or pardoned cf. ib. (1) deserving indulgence cf. MBh.

===> marṣita [ marSita ]3[ marSita ] mfn. borne, endured, forgiven, Bh. ([ -vat ] mfn. one who has borne or forgiven, patient, enduring) cf. W. (1) patient, content cf. W. (cf. [ a-marSita ]) (2) m. patience cf. W.

===> masa [ masa ]2[ masa ] m. measure, weight cf. W.

===> masi [ masi ]1[ masi ] and [ masI ], incorrectly for [ maSi ] and [ maSI ], q. v. ([ masI-√ bhU ], to become black cf. Śiś. xx, 63 (1) cf. [ maSI-bhAvuka ]) (2) ([ I ]), f. the stalk of the Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis cf. L.

===> masta [ masta ]1[ masta ] and [ °taka ], [ masti ] &c. p. 793

===> mastaka [ mastaka ]2[ mastaka ] m. n. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 148 cf. Sch.) the head, skull cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) the upper part of anything, top, summit (esp. of mountains or trees) cf. ib. ([ °kam ] ind. = on the top of, upon, e. g. [ cullI-mastakam ], upon the hearth cf. Pañcat.) (2) the tuft of leaves which grows at the top of various species of palm trees cf. Suśr. (3) N. of a partic. form of Siva cf. Sarvad

===> mastaka-luṅga [ mastakaluGga ]3[ mastaka-luGga ] m. or n. (?) the membrane of the brain cf. L. (cf. [ mastuluGga ])

===> mastu [ mastu ]2[ m'astu ] n. sour cream cf. TS. &c. &c. (1) the watery part of curds, whey cf. Suśr.

===> masura [ masura ]1[ masura ] m. a sort of lentil or pulse cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. below

===> masūra [ masUra ]2[ mas'Ura ] m. = [ masura ] cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) a pillow cf. L. (2) ([ A ] and [ ˘I ]), f. below

===> mata [ mata ]1[ mata ] [ mataM-ga ] &c. under √ [ man ], p. 783, col. 1

===> [ mata ]2[ mat'a ] mfn. thought, believed, imagined, supposed, understood cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) regarded or considered as, taken or passing for (nom. or adv.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) thought fit or right, approved cf. Yājñ. cf. Kāv. cf. Kām (3) honoured, esteemed, respected, liked (with gen. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 188) cf. Ragh. cf. Kām (4) desired, intended cf. R. (5) m. N. of a son of Śambara cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ mana ]) (6) n. a thought, idea, opinion, sentiment, view, belief. doctrine cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) intention, design, purpose, wish cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (8) commendation, approbation, sanction cf. L. (9) knowledge cf. W. (10) agallochum cf. L.

===> mathana [ mathana ]2[ mathana ] mf ([ I ], once [ A ]) n. rubbing, stirring, shaking, harassing, destroying (with gen. or ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. Premna Spinosa (the wood of which is used to produce fire by attrition) cf. L. (2) n. the act of rubbing, friction cf. BhP. (3) stirring or whirling round, churning or producing by churning cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur. (4) hurting, annoying, injury, destruction cf. R. cf. Ratnâv

===> mathita [ mathita ]2[ mathita ] mfn. stirred round, churned or produced by churning cf. RV. (1) shaken, agitated, afflicted, hurt, destroyed cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. (2) dislocated, disjointed cf. Suśr. (3) ni. N. of a descendant of Yama (and supposed author of cf. RV. x, 19) cf. RAnukr. (4) n. buttermilk churned without water cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c.

===> mathurā [ mathurA ]2[ mathurA ] f. N. of various towns (esp. of an ancient town now called Muttra and held in great honour as the birthplace of Kṛshṇa (1) situated in the province of Agra on the right bank of the Yamunā or Jumns (2) described in cf. VP. xii, 1 as having been founded by Śatru-ghna (3) accord. to cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. ii, 19 it forms part of a district called Brahmarshi, belonging to Śūra-sena) cf. AV. Pariś. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c.

===> mati [ mati ]2[ mat'i ] (in cf. ŚBr. also [ m'ati ]), f. devotion, prayer, worship, hymn, sacred utterance cf. RV. cf. VS. (1) thought, design, intention, resolution, determination, inclination, wish, desire (with loc., dat. or inf.) cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ matyA ] ind. wittingly, knowingly, purposely (2) [ matiM ] √ [ kR ] or [ dhA ] or [ dhR ] or [ A-√ dhA ] or [ samA-√ dhA ] or [ A-√ sthA ] or [ sam-A-√ sthA ], with loc., dat., acc. with [ prati ], or [ artham ] ifc., to set the heart on, make up one's mind, resolve, determine (3) [ matim ] with Caus. of [ ni-√ vRt ] and abl. of a verbal noun, to give up the idea of (4) [ Ahita-mati ] ifc. -having resolved upon (5) [ vinivRtta-mati ] with abl. = having desisted from) (6) opinion, notion, idea, belief, conviction, view, creed cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ matyA ] ind. at will (7) ifc., ` under the idea of ', e. g. [ vyAghra-m° ], ` under the idea of its being a tiger ') (8) the mind, perception, understanding, intelligence, sense, judgment cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (in cf. RV. also ` that which is sensible ', intelligent, mindful, applied to Aditi, Indra and Agni) (9) esteem, respect, regard cf. Kir (10) memory, remembrance cf. L. (11) Opinion personified (and identified with Subal^atmajā as one of the mothers of the five sons of Pāṇdu, or regarded as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Soma, or as the wife of Viveka) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Prab (12) a kind of vegetable or pot-herb cf. L. ; m. N. of a king cf. Buddh. [ Cf. Lat. [ mens ] ; Angl. Sax. [ ge-mynd ] ; Eng. [ mind ]. ]

===> mati-bhrama [ matibhrama ]3[ mat'i-bhrama ] m. (cf. Śak.),

===> mati-dvaidha [ matidvaidha ]3[ mat'i-dvaidha ] n. difference of opinion cf. MBh.

===> matimat [ matimat ]3[ mat'i-mat ] mfn. clever, intelligent, wise cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a son of Janam-ejaya cf. Hariv.

===> matkuṇa [ matkuNa ]2[ matkuNa ] m. a bug
cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. cf. Suśr. ([ tva ] n. Siś.) (1) a beardless man cf. L. (2) an elephant without tusks or of small stature cf. L. (3) a buffalo cf. L. (4) a cocoa-nut cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. pudendum (of a young girl = [ ajAta-loma-bhaga ]) cf. L. (6) N. of a river cf. VP. (7) n. armour for the thighs or legs, greaves cf. L.

===> matsa [ matsa ]1[ matsa ] m. (fr. √ 2. [ mad ], ` the gay one ') a fish (= [ matsya ] (1) cf. [ maccha ]) cf. L. ([ I ] f. a female fish cf. Kāv.) (2) the king of the cf. Matsyas. cf. MBh. iv, 145 (B. [ matsya ])

===> matsara [ matsara ]2[ matsar'a ] (prob. fr. √ 2. [ mad ] (1) cf. Uṇ iii, 73), exhilarating, intoxicating cf. RV. (2) cheerful, joyous, gay cf. ib. (3) selfish, greedy, envious, jealous, hostile, wicked cf. Kāv (4) m. the exhilarater, gladdener (Soma) cf. RV. (5) selfishness, envy, jealousy, hostility cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) wrath, anger cf. ib. (7) passion for (loc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (8) N. of a Sādhya cf. Hariv. (9) (also [ A ] f.) a fly, mosquito cf. L. (10) ([ I ]), f. (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā cf. Saṃgīt

===> [ matsara ]1[ matsara ] [ °rin ], p. 176, col., 2

===> matsarin [ matsarin ]2[ matsar'in ] mfn. exhilarating, intoxicating cf. RV. (superl. [ °rIn-tama ]) (1) jealous, envious, wicked, bad cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) addicted to, fond of (loc.) cf. R. (cf. [ a-m° ]) (3) m. an enemy cf. Harav. [ 776,3 ]

===> matsya [ matsya ]2[ m'atsya ] m. (cf. [ matsa ] and [ maccha ]) a fish cf. RV. &c. &c. (personified as a prince with the patr. [ sAmmada ] cf. ŚBr.) (1) a partic. species of fish cf. L. (2) (in astron.) the figure of a figure (= [ timi ]) cf. Sūryas (3) a partic. luminous appearance cf. VarBṛS. (4) (du.) the 12th sign of the zodiac (Pisces) cf. Jyot (5) a partic. figure (= [ svastikamadhy^akRti ]) cf. Hcat (6) (pl.) N. of a people and country (which accord. to cf. Mn. ii, 19 forms part of Brahmarshi) cf. RV. &c. &c (7) a king of the Matsyas (cf. [ matsa ]) (8) N. of Virāṭa (as having been found by fishermen, along with his sister Matsyā or Satya-vatī, in the body of the Apsaras Adrikā, metamorphosed into a fish) cf. MBh. (9) N. of a pupil of Deva-mitra Śskalya cf. Cat. (10) ([ A ]), f. a female fish cf. Uṇ. iv, 104 cf. Sch. (11) N. of the sister of king Virāṭa (cf. above) cf. MBh. (12) ([ I ]) f. [ matsa ] and g. [ gaur^adi ]

===> [ matsya ]1[ matsya ] &c. p. 776, col. 3

===> matsya-māṃsa [ matsyamAMsa ]3[ m'atsya-mAMsa ] n. fish-flesh cf. Mn. iii, 268

===> matsyaṇḍikā [ matsyaNDikA ]1[ matsyaNDikA ] f. inspissated juice of the sugar-cane cf. Mālav. cf. Car. cf. Suśr.

===> matta [ matta ]2[ matt'a ] mfn. excited with joy, overjoyed, delighted, drunk, intoxicated (lit. and fig.) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) excited by sexual passion or desire, in rut, ruttish (as an elephant) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) furious, mad, insane cf. ib. (3) m. a buffalo cf. L. (4) the Indian cuckoo cf. L. (5) a drunkard cf. L. (6) a ruttish or furious elephant cf. L. (7) a madman cf. L. (8) a thorn-apple cf. L. (9) N. of a Rākshasa cf. R. (10) ([ A ]), f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous or vinous liquor cf. L. ; N. of a metre cf. Col. [ cf. Lat. [ mattus ], drunk ]

===> matta-hastin [ mattahastin ]3[ matt'a-hastin ] m. = [ -dantin ] cf. Mālav

===> mattaka [ mattaka ]2[ mattaka ] mfn. somewhat drunk or intoxicated cf. MW. (1) somewhat proud or overbearing cf. Hariv. (2) m. N. of a Brāhman cf. Rājat. vi, 339 (perhaps [ sumanom° ] in one word)

===> maudgalyāyana [ maudgalyAyana ]2[ maudgalyAyana ] m. (patr. fr. Prec.) N. of a pupil of Gautama Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> maudrika [ maudrika ]1[ maudrika ] m. (fr. [ mudrA ]) a maker of seal rings(?) cf. L.

===> maula [ maula ]1[ maula ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ mUla ]) derived from roots (as poison) cf. Hcar. (1) handed down from antiquity, ancient (as acustom) cf. MBh. (2) holding office from previous generations, hereditary (as a minister or warrior) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) aboriginal, indigenous cf. Mn. viii, 62 ; 259 (4) m. an hereditary minister (holding his office from father and grandfather) cf. Ragh. cf. Daś (5) pl. aboriginal inhabitants who have emigrated cf. L. (6) (with [ pArthivAH ]) = [ mUlaprakR-tayaH ] cf. Kām

===> mauli [ mauli ]2[ mauli ] m. the head, the top of anything cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. Hit. &c. ([ maulau ni-√ dhA ], to place on the head, receive respectfully) (1) chief, foremost, best cf. Bhām. (2) Jonesia Asoka cf. L. (3) patr. cf. Pravar (4) pl. N. of a people cf. MārkP. (5) mf. a diadem, crown, crest cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) a tuft or lock of hair left on the crown of the head after tonsure, a top-knot (= [ cUDA ]) cf. Kum. (v. l.) (7) hair ornamented and braided round the head (= [ dhammilla ]) cf. Veṇis (8) (also [ I ]), f. the earth cf. L.

===> maulika [ maulika ]3[ maulika ] mfn. (fr. [ mUla ]) producing roots &c., g. [ vaMz^adi ] (1) derived from a root, original cf. Sāṃkhyapr., Introd. (2) inferior, of low origin (opp. to [ kulIna ]) cf. Col. (3) m. a digger or vendor of roots cf. VarBṛS. (4) pl. N. of a people cf. MārkP. (5) n. = [ garbh^adhAna ] cf. L.

===> maulin [ maulin ]2[ maul'in ] mfn. (fr. [ mauli ]) having anything uppermost or turned upwards ([ cakra-m° ]) (1) being at the head, chief cf. Kāv (2) having a diadem or crown, diademed, crested (also applied to Śiva) cf. MBh. cf. Hcat

===> mauna [ mauna ]1[ maun'a ] m. (fr. [ muni ]) a patr. cf. ĀśvŚr. (1) pl. N. of a dynasty cf. VP. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of the 15th day in the dark half of the month Phālguna (when a partic. form of ablution is performed in silence) cf. Col. (3) n. the office or position of a Muni or holy sage cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. [ 837,1 ] (4) silence, taciturnity cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ maunaM ] with √ [ kR ], or [ vi-√ dhA ] or [ sam-A-√ car ], to observe silence, hold one's tongue)

===> mauneya [ mauneya ]2[ mauneya ] m. metron. of a class of Gandharvas and Apsaras cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (1) pl. N. of a school cf. L. (2) ([ ma'un° ]), n. the position or office of a Muni cf. RV. x, 136, 3

===> maunin [ maunin ]2[ maunin ] mfn. observing silence, silent, taciturn cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. = [ muni ] (sometimes ifc. in proper names, e. g. [ gopInAtha-m° ])

===> maurkhya [ maurkhya ]1[ maurkhya ] n. (fr. [ mUrkha ]) stupidity, folly, fatuity cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr.

===> maurya [ maurya ]1[ maurya ] m. patr. fr. [ mura ] and metron. fr. [ murA ] cf. VP. cf. HPariś. (cf. g. [ kaNv^adi ]) (1) pl. N. of a dynasty beginning with Candra-gupta cf. Pur.

===> mauṇḍya [ mauNDya ]2[ mauNDya ] n. shaving the head, tonsure, baldness cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> mauṣṭika [ mauSTika ]2[ mauSTika ] m. a cheat, rogue, sharper cf. Buddh. (1) a goldsmith cf. L.

===> mavara [ mavara ]1[ mavara ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> maya [ maya ]3[ maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting or made of orpiment cf. Kum

===> [ maya ]1[ maya ]1 m. (√ 3. [ mA ]) N. of an Asura (the artificer or architect of the Daityas, also versed in magic, astronomy and military science) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of various teachers and authors (esp. of an astronomer and a poet) cf. Cat. (2) ([ A ]), f. medical treatment cf. L.

===> [ maya ]1[ m'aya ]2 m. (prob. fr. √ 2. [ mA ]) a horse cf. VS. (1) a camel cf. L. (2) a mule cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a mare cf. Lāṭy. cf. Sch. [ 789,2 ]

===> [ maya ]1[ maya ]3 m. (√ 1. [ mI ]) hurting, injuring cf. W.

===> mayūkha [ mayUkha ]1[ may'Ukha ] m. (prob. fr. √ 1. [ mi ]) a kind of peg (esp. for hanging woven cloth or skins upon) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. (1) the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial (= [ kIla ]) cf. L. (2) a ray of light, flame, brightness, lustre cf. Up. cf. Kāv. cf. Var. &c. (also [ A ] f. cf. L. (3) once n. in cf. KaushUp.) (4) a partic. Agni cf. GṛS.

---> N. of wk. (by Śaṃkara-miśra)

===> mayūra [ mayUra ]1[ mayUra ] m. (prob. fr. √ 2. [ mA ]) a peacock cf. VS. cf. Lāṭy. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a cock cf. L. (2) a species of plant cf. Suśr. (Celosia Cristata or Achyranthes Aspera cf. L.) (3) a kind of instrument for measuring time cf. Sūryas (4) a kind of gait cf. Saṃgīt (5) N. of an Asura cf. MBh. (6) of a poet cf. Prasannar (7) (also with [ bhaTTa ]), of various other writers cf. Cat.

---> of the father of Śaṅkuka cf. ib. (8) of a mountain cf. MārkP. (9) ([ I ]), f. a peahen cf. RV. &c. &c. (10) a species of pot-herb cf. L. (11) n. a partic. posture in sitting cf. Cat. (12) N. of a town cf. Buddh.

===> maśaka [ mazaka ]2[ maz'aka ] m. a mosquito, gnat, any fly that bites or stings cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) a partic. skin disease (causing dark bean-like pustules or eruptions) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (2) a leather water-bag cf. KātyŚr. (3) N. of a preceptor with the patr. Gārgya (the composer of a Kalpa-sūtra) cf. Lāṭy. (cf. IW. 176) (4) N. of the district in Śāka-dvīpa inhabited by Kshatriyas cf. MBh.

===> maṅgala [ maGgala ]1[ maGgala ] n. (accord. to cf. Uṇ. v, 70 fr. √ [ maGg ]) happiness, felicity, welfare, bliss (also pl. (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (e. g. a good omen, a prayer, benediction, auspicious ornament or amulet, a festival or any solemn ceremony on important occasions &c. (3) cf. mfn. below) cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) a good old custom cf. PārGṛ. cf. Mn. (5) a good work cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (6) (in music) a partic. composition cf. Saṃgīt (7) N. of the capital of Udyāna cf. Buddh. (8) m. N. of Agni cf. Gṛhyās (9) of the planet Mars cf. L. (10) of a king belonging to the race of Manu cf. Cat. (11) of a Buddha cf. Lalit. (12) of a poet cf. Cat. (13) of a chief of the Cālukyas cf. ib. (14) the smell of jasmine cf. L. (15) ([ A ]), f. the white- and blue-flowering Dūrvā grass cf. L. (16) a sort of Karañja cf. L. (17) turmeric cf. L. (18) a faithful wife cf. L. (19) N. of Umā cf. Hcat (20) of Dakshsyaṇi (as worshipped in Gayā) cf. Cat. (21) of the mother of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī. cf. L. (22) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ] (23) mf ([ A ]) n. auspicious, lucky cf. Hcat (24) having the scent of jasmine cf. L.

===> maṅgalya [ maGgalya ]2[ maGgalya ] mf ([ A ]) n. auspicious, lucky, conferring happiness cf. Kauś. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) beautiful, pleasing, agreeable cf. MW. (2) pious, pure, holy, Uttarar m. Cicer Lens cf. Suśr. (3) Aegle Marmelos cf. Sāh (4) Ficus Religiosa cf. L. (5) Ficus Heterophylla cf. L. (correctly [ maGg'al^arhA ]) (6) the cocoa-nut tree, I (7) Feronia Elephantum cf. L. (8) a species of Karañja cf. L. (9) = [ jIvaka ] cf. L. (10) N. of a serpent demon cf. Buddh. (11) ([ A ]), f. (only cf. L.) a species of fragrant sandal (12) Anethum Sowa (13) Mimosa Suma (14) Terminalia Chebula (15) Andropogon Acicuilatus (16) Curcuma Longa (17) a partic. bulb ([ Rddhi ]) (18) Dūrvā grass (19) = [ adhaH-puSpI ] (20) = [ jIvantI ] (21) = [ priyaGgu ] (22) = [ mAtha-parNI ] (23) Acorus Calamus (24) N. of a paric. yellow pigment (= [ go-rocanA ]) cf. Bhpr. (25) a partic. resin cf. L. (26) N. of Durgā, cf. DevīP. (27) n. an auspicious prayer cf. MārkP. (28) any auspicious thing cf. Gaut. cf. Suśr. (29) Var, (sg. collectively cf. Hcat.) (30) bathing with the juice of all medicinal plants cf. L. (31) water brought from various sacred places for the consecration of a king &c. cf. MW. [ 773,2 ] (32) sour curds cf. L. (33) sandal wood cf. L. (34) a kind of Agallochum cf. L. (35) gold cf. L. (36) red lead cf. L.

===> maṅgalya-vastu [ maGgalyavastu ]3[ maGgalya-vastu ] n. any auspicious object cf. Pañcat

===> maṅgalâṣṭaka [ maGgalASTaka ]3[ maGgal^aSTaka ] m. (l) a term for 8 auspicious things cf. Hcat (1) m. or n. (?) 8 lines of benediction pronounced for good luck by a Brāhman on a newly-wedded pair while a piece of cloth is held between them cf. MW. (2) n. N. of wks.

===> maṅgalā [ maGgalA ]2[ maGgalA ] f. of [ maGgala ] in comp.

===> maṅgu [ maGgu ]1[ maGgu ] m. N. of a prince cf. VP.

===> maṇi [ maNi ]1[ maN'i ] m. ([ i ] f. only cf. L. (1) [ I ] f. cf. Siṉhâs (2) [ maN^iva ] = [ maNI ] [ du. ] [ iva ] cf. Naish.) a jewel, gem, pearl (also fig.), any ornament or amulet, globsile, crystal cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) a magnet, loadstone cf. Kap (4) glans penis cf. Suśr. (5) N. of the jewel-lotus prayer cf. MWB. 37 2 (6) clitoris cf. L. (7) the hump (of a camel) cf. MBh. (8) the dependent fleshy excrescences on a goat's neck cf. VarBṛS. (9) thyroid cartilage cf. L. (cf. [ kaNTha-m° ]) (10) the wrist (= [ maN'i-bandha ]) cf. L. (11) a large water-jar cf. L. (12) N. of a Nāga cf. MBh. (13) of a companion of Skanda (associated with Su-maṇi) cf. ib. (14) of a sage cf. ib. (15) of a son of Yuyudhāna cf. ib. (in cf. Hariv. v. l. [ tUNi ]) (16) of a king of the Kim-ṇaras, Kāraṇd

---> of various wks. and a collection of magical formulas (also abridged for Tattva-cintāmaṇi and Siddh^anta-śiromaṇi). [ Cf. Gk. [ 774,3 ] ?, ? ; Lat. [ monile ] ; Germ. [ mane ], [ Māhne ] ; Eng. [ mane ]. ]

===> maṇi-bandha [ maNibandha ]3[ maN'i-bandha ] in. the fastening or putting on of jewel cf. Ragh (1) the wrist (as the place on which jewel are fastened) cf. Suśr. (2) GtruḍaP. (3) a kind of metre Col N. of a mixed race cf. ib.

===> maṇi-cūḍa [ maNicUDa ]3[ maN'i-cUDa ] m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara cf. Śatr (1) of a Nāga cf. Buddh. (2) of a king of Sāketa-nagara (= [ ratna-cUDa ]) cf. W. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Kiṃ-nari cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> maṇi-gaṇa [ maNigaNa ]3[ maN'i-gaNa ] m. pl. pearls cf. BrahmUp.

===> maṇi-kaṇṭha [ maNikaNTha ]3[ maN'i-kaNTha ] m. the blue jay cf. L. (1) N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh. (2) of an author cf. Cat.

===> maṇi-kāra [ maNikAra ]3[ maN'i-kAr'a ] m. a lapidary, jeweller cf. VS. cf. R. ([ I ] f. cf. Kālac.)

---> the adulterous off spring of Vaiśya parents whose mother's husband is still alive cf. L. (1) N. of various authors cf. Cat.

===> maṇi-prabhā [ maNiprabhA ]3[ maN'i-prabhA ] f. ` jewel-splendour ', N. of a metre cf. Inscr. (1) of an Apsaras cf. Kāraṇḍ. (w. r. [ -prastha ]) (2) of a lake cf. Cat. (3) of a wk.

===> maṇi-ratna [ maNiratna ]3[ maN'i-ratna ] n. a jewel, gem cf. Hariv. cf. R. (with Buddhists ` one of a sovereign's 7 treasures, Dharniaś. 85) (1) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. formed or consisting of j's, crystalline cf. MBh. (2) [ -mAla ] f. ` garland of jewel s, N. of 2 wks. (3) [ -vat ] mfn. containing jewels cf. MBh. (4) [ -suvarNin ] mfn. containing precious stones and gold cf. R. (5) [ °n^akara ] m. N. of wk. (also called [ nAma-r° ]) . [ 775,2 ]

===> maṇi-rāja [ maNirAja ]3[ maN'i-rAja ] m. jewel-king ', (prob.) a diamond (cf. [ maN^indra ]) cf. Pañcar. (1) N. of a king cf. Vīrac

===> maṇi-sūtra [ maNisUtra ]3[ maN'i-sUtra ] n. a string of pearls cf. L.

===> maṇi-varman [ maNivarman ]3[ maN'i-varman ] m. N. of a merchant cf. Kathās (1) n. a talisman consisting of jewels cf. Divyâv

===> maṇḍa [ maNDa ]2[ maNDa ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the scum of boiled rice (or any grain) cf. Nir. cf. Uttarar. cf. Suśr. (1) the thick part of milk, cream,
ŚveUp. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ dadhi-m° ]) (2) the spirituous part of wine &c. cf. Hariv. cf. R. (cf. W. also ` foam or froth (3) pith, essence (4) the head ') (5) m. (only cf. L.) Ricinus Communis (6) a species of potherb (7) a frog (cf. [ maNDUka ]) (8) ornament, decoration (9) a measure of weight (= 5 Māshas) (10) ([ A ]), f. the emblic myrobalan tree cf. L. (11) spirituous or vinous liquor, brandy cf. L. (12) n. [ nau-maND'a ]

===> maṇḍa-pa [ maNDapa ]3[ maNDa-pa ] mfn. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 145 cf. Sch.) drinking the scum of boiled rice or of any liquor cf. Pañcar. (1) m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ] cf. L. also [ I ], f. (2) cf. [ maNTapI ]) an open hall or temporary shed (erected on festive occasions), pavilion, tent, temple (3) (ifc. with names of plants) arbour, bower cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) m. N. of a man cf. Cat. (5) ([ A ]), f. a sort of leguminous plant (= [ niSpAvI ]) cf. L. (6) [ -pakSetra ] n. N. of a sacred district cf. Kathās (7) [ -pa-druma ] m. [ -pa-nirNaya ] m. [ -pa-pUjA-vidhi ] m. N. of, vks (8) [ -pa-pratiSThA ] f. the consecration of a temple cf. MW. (9) [ -p^aroha ] m. a species of plant cf. L. (10) [ °pikA ] f. a small pavilion, an open hall or shed cf. Kād. cf. Bālar

===> [ maNDapa ]1[ maNDa-pa ] under [ maNDa ] above

===> maṇḍa-pūla [ maNDapUla ]3[ maNDa-pUla ] m. or n. (?) a top-boot cf. L.

===> maṇḍa-vāṭa [ maNDavATa ]3[ maNDa-vATa ] m. a garden (?), Divy^as. (cf. [ maNDala-v° ])

===> maṇḍala [ maNDala ]1[ m'aNDala ] mf ([ A ]) n. circular, round cf. VarBṛS. (1) n. (rarely m. g. [ ardharc^adi ], and f. [ I ] g. [ ganr^adi ]) a disk (esp. of the sun or moon) (2) anything round (but in cf. Hcat. also applied to anything triangular (3) cf. [ maNDalaka ]) (4) a circle (instr. ` in a circle ' (5) also ` the charmed circle of a conjuror '), globe, orb, ring, circumference, ball, wheel cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (6) the path or orbit of a heavenly body cf. Sūryas (7) a halo round the sun or moon cf. VarBṛS. (8) a ball for playing cf. MBh. (9) a circular bandage (in surgery) cf. Suśr. (10) (also n. pl.) a sort of cutaneous eruption or leprosy with circular spot cf. ib. (11) a round mole or mark (caused by a finger-nail &c.) on the body cf. Lāṭy. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (12) a circular array of troops cf. MBh. cf. Kām (13) a partic. attitude in shooting cf. L. (14) a district, arrondissement, territory, province, country (often at the end of modern names, e. g. Coro-mandal coast) cf. Inscr. cf. AV. Pariś. cf. MBh. &c. (15) a surrounding district or neighbouring state, the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (with whom he must maintain political and diplomatic relations ; 4 or 6 or 10 or even 12 such neighbouring princes are enumerated) cf. Mn. (esp. vii, 154 &c.) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (16) a multitude, group, band, collection, whole body, society, company cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (17) a division or book of the Ṛg-veda (of which there are 10, according to the authorship of the hymns (18) these are divided into 85 Anuvākas or lessons, and these agan into 1017, or with the 11 additional hymns into 1028 S^uktas or hymns (19) the other more mechanical division, is into Ashṭakas, Adhyāyas and Vargas, q. v.) cf. RPrāt. cf. Bṛh. &c. (20) m. a dog cf. L. (21) a kind of snake cf. L. (22) ([ I ]), f. Panicum Dactylon cf. L. (23) Cocculus Cordifolius cf. Bhpr. (24) n. Unguis Odoratus cf. L. (25) a partic. oblation or sacrifice cf. L.

===> maṇḍala-vāṭa [ maNDalavATa ]3[ m'aNDala-vATa ] m. a garden cf. Divyâv. (cf. [ maNDa-v° ])

===> maṇḍalaka [ maNDalaka ]2[ maNDalaka ] n. a disk, circle, orb &c. (= [ maNDala ]) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. (also applied to a square cf. Hcat.) (1) a sacred circle, Divyñv (2) a cutaneous disease with round spots cf. L. (3) a circular array of troops cf. L. (4) a mirror cf. L. (5) a group, collection, mass, heap cf. MBh.

---> ([ ikA ]), f. a group, troop, band, crowd cf. Śiś. (6) m. a dog cf. L. (7) N. of a prince cf. VP.

===> maṇḍalika [ maNDalika ]2[ maNDalika ] w. r. for [ mANDalika ], q. v.

===> maṇḍalin [ maNDalin ]2[ maNDalin ] mfn. forming a circle or ring, surrounding, enclosing (ifc.) cf. Kathās (1) (with [ vAta ] m.) a whirlwind cf. R. (2) marked with round spots (as a snake) cf. L. (3) possessing or ruling a country cf. Lalit. (4) m. the ruler of a province (with Śaivas, a partic. order or degree) cf. Sarvad (5) the sun cf. L. (6) a snake or a partic. species of snake (cf. above) cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (7) a chameleon cf. L. (8) a cat cf. L. (9) a polecat cf. L. (10) a dog cf. L. (11) the Indian fig-tree cf. L. (12) ([ inI ]), f. Cocculus Cordifolius cf. L.

===> maṇḍalâdhipa [ maNDalAdhipa ]3[ maNDal^adhipa ] (cf. Kām.),

===> maṇḍana [ maNDana ]2[ maNDana ] mfn. adorning, being an ornament to (gen.) cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) m. N. of various authors and other men (also with [ kavi ], [ bhaTTa ], [ mizra ] &c.) cf. Cat. (2) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) adorning, ornament, decoration cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> maṇḍita [ maNDita ]2[ maNDita ] mfn. adorned, decorated cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 11 Gaṇsdhipas cf. L.

===> maṇḍūka [ maNDUka ]1[ maND'Uka ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a frog cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) N. of a partic. breed of horses cf. MBh. (2) Calosanthes Indica cf. L. (3) a machine like a frog cf. L. (4) the sole of a horse's hoof. cf. L. (5) N. of a Ṛshi cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 119 (6) of a Nāga cf. L. (7) ([ 'I ]), f. a female frog, KV. (8) N. of various plants (Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Clerodendrum Siphonantus, Ruta Graveolens &c.) cf. L. (9) a wauton woman cf. L. (10) the sole of a horse's hoof cf. L. (11) n. a kind of coitus cf. L.

===> maṣi [ maSi ]2[ maSi ] m. or f. (or [ °SI ], f. (1) cf. below) powder, (esp.) a black powder used to paint the eyes, soot, lampblack, ink cf. Kāv. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> maṣī [ maSI ]2[ maSI ] (= [ maSi ]), in comp.

===> me [ me ]1[ me ]1 cl. 1. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxii, 65) [ mayate ] (ep. also P. [ mayati ] (1) pf. [ manme ] Gr. (2) aor. [ amAsta ] cf. ib. (3) fut. [ mAtA ], [ mAsyate ] cf. ib. (4) ind. p. [ -mitya ] or [ -mAya ] cf. ib.). to exchange, barter (cf. [ apa- ]. and [ ni-√ me ]) : Caus. [ mApayati ] cf. ib. : Desid. [ mitsate ] cf. ib. : intens. [ memIyatc ], [ mAmeti ], [ mAmAti ] cf. ib.

===> [ me ]1[ me ]2 (onomat.) imitative of the sound of a bleating goat ([ me-me-√ kR ], to bleat) cf. Kāv

===> mecaka [ mecaka ]1[ mecaka ] mf ([ A ]) n. dark-blue, black cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (in alg. applied to the 15th unknown quantity cf. Col.) (1) m. dark-blue colour, blackness cf. L. (2) the eye of a peacock's tail, Mālat1m (3) a kind of gem cf. L. (4) smoke cf. L. (5) a cloud cf. L. (6) Moringa Pterygosperma cf. L. (7) (also n.) a teat, nipple cf. L. (8) n. darkness cf. L. (9) sulphuret of antimony, L:

===> meda [ meda ]2[ meda ]1 m. fat (= [ medas ]) cf. R. cf. Kām (1) a species of plant (= [ alambuSA ]) cf. L. (2) a partic. mixed caste (the son of a Vaideha and a Kār^avara or a Nishāda female, accord. to some ` any person who lives by degrading occupations ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (4) ([ A ]), f. a root resembling ginger (said to be one of the 8 principal medicines) cf. Suśr. (5) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ]

===> [ meda ]2[ meda ]2 in comp. for [ medas ]

===> medas [ medas ]2[ m'edas ] n. fat, marrow, lymph (as one of the 7 Dhātus, q. v. (1) its proper seat is said to be the abdomen) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) excessive fatness, corpulence cf. ŚārṅgS. (3) a mystical term for the letter [ v ] cf. Up.

===> medasvin [ medasvin ]3[ m'edas-vin ] mfn. ` having Medas ', fat, corpulent, robust, strong cf. Śiś. cf. Suśr.

===> medha [ medha ]2[ m'edha ] m. the juice of meat, broth, nourishing or strengthening drink cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (1) marrow (esp. of the sacrificial victim), sap, pith, essence cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. Br. (2) a sacrificial animal, victim cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. (3) an animal-sacrifice, offering, oblation, any sacrifice (esp. ifc.) cf. ib. cf. MBh. &c. (4) N. of the reputed author of cf. VS. xxxiii, 92 cf. Anukr. (5) of a son of Priya-vrata (v. l. [ medhas ]) cf. VP. [ 833,1 ] (6) ([ A ]), f. below (7) mfn. g. [ pac^adi ]

===> medhas [ medhas ]2[ m'edhas ] n. = [ medha ], a sacrifice cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhSr (1) m. N. of a son of Manu Svāyambhuva cf. Hariv. (2) of son of Priya-vrata (v. l. [ medha ]) cf. VP. (3) (ifc.) = [ medhA ], intelligence, knowledge, understanding

===> medhya [ medhya ]2[ m'edhya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ medha ]) full of sap, vigorous, fresh, mighty, strong cf. AV. (1) fit for a sacrifice or oblation, free from blemish (as a victim), clean, pure, not defiling (by contact or by being eaten) cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (fr. [ medhA ]) . wise, intelligent cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (3) = [ medhAm arhati ] g. [ daND^adi ] (4) m. a goat cf. L. (5) Acacia Catechu cf. L. (6) Saccharum Munja cf. L. (7) barley cf. L. (8) N. of the author of cf. RV. viii, 53 ; 57 ; 58 cf. Anukr. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of various plants (thought to be sacrificially pure) cf. L. (10) the gall-stone of a cow (= [ recanA ]) cf. L. (11) a partic. vein cf. Pañcar. (12) N. of a river cf. MBh.

===> medhā [ medhA ]2[ medh'A ] f. mental vigour or power, intelligence, prudence, wisdom (pl. products of intelligence, thoughts, opinions) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) Intelligence personifled (esp. as the wife of Dharma and daughter of Daksha) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (2) a form of Dākshsyaṇī in Kaśmīra cf. Cat. (3) a form of Sarasvatī cf. W. (4) a symbolical N. of the letter [ dh ] cf. Up. (5) = [ dhana ] cf. Naigh. ii, 10

===> medhāvin [ medhAvin ]3[ medh'A-v'in ] mfn. = [ -vat ] cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) m. a learned man, teacher, Pandit cf. L. (2) a parrot cf. L. (3) an intoxicating beverage cf. L. (4) N. of Vyāḍi cf. L. (5) of a Brāhman cf. MBh. (6) of a king son of Su-naya (Su-tapas) and father of Nṛpaṃ-jaya (Puraṃ-jaya) cf. VP. (7) of a son of Bhavya and (n.) of a Varsha named after him cf. MārkP.

---> ([ inI ]), f. N. of the wife of Brahmā cf. L. (8) Turdus Salica cf. L. (9) a species of Jyotish-matī cf. L. (10) [ -vi-ka ] n. N. or a Tirtha cf. MBh. (11) [ -vi-tA ] f. cleverness, judiciousness cf. Var (12) [ -vi-rudra ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> medinī [ medinI ]2[ medinI ] f. ` having fatness or fertility ', the earth, land, soil, ground cf. TĀr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a place, spot, Hiriv (2) a kind of musical composition cf. Saṃgīt (3) Gmelina Arborea cf. L. (4) = [ medA ] cf. L. (5) N. of a lexicon (also [ -koza ] or [ medini-k° ])

===> megha [ megha ]1[ megha ] m. (fr. √ [ migh ] = [ mih ], cf. [ meghamAna ]) ` sprinkler ', a cloud cf. RV. &c. &c. (aho cloudy weather) (1) a mass, multitude ([ gRha-m° ]) Cyperus Rotundus cf. L. (2) (in music) a partic. Rāga cf. Col. [ 831,3 ] (3) a Rākshasa(?) cf. L. (4) N. of a king (pl. of a dynasty) cf. VP. (5) of an author (= [ -bhagIratha ]) cf. Cat. (6) of a poet cf. ib. (v. l. [ meca ]) (7) of the father of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. L. (8) of a mountain (cf. [ -giri ] and [ -parvata ]) (9) n. talc cf. L.

===> megha-dundubhi [ meghadundubhi ]3[ megha-dundubhi ] m. N. of an Asura cf. BhP. (1) [ -nirghoSa ] (cf. MBh.) or [ -rAvin ] (cf. R.), mfn. roaring as a cloud or a kettle-drum (2) [ -svara-rAja ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> megha-rava [ megharava ]3[ megha-rava ] m. ` cloud-noise ', thunder cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. [ 832,1 ] (1) ([ A ]), f. ` thundering like a cloud ', N. of a Mātṛ attending on Skanda cf. MBh.

===> megha-rāja [ megharAja ]3[ megha-rAja ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> megha-stanita [ meghastanita ]3[ megha-stanita ] n. ` cloud-rumbling ', thunder cf. MBh. (1) [ °t^adbhava ] m. Asteracantha Longifolia cf. L.

===> megha-svara [ meghasvara ]3[ megha-svara ]

===> meghavat [ meghavat ]3[ megha-vat ] mfn. enveloped in cloud, overcast with cloud cf. Lalit. (1) m. N. of a mountain cf. VarBṛS. -2

===> mekhala [ mekhala ]1[ mekhala ] m. or n. a girdle, belt cf. R. (1) m. pl. N. of a people cf. VarBṛS. (prob. w. r. for [ mekala ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. below

===> mekhalā [ mekhalA ]2[ m'ekhalA ] f. a girdle, belt, zone (as worm by men or women, but esp. that worn by the men of the first three classes (1) accord. to cf. Mn. ii, 42 that of a Brāhman ought to be of [ muJja ] [ accord. to ii, 169 = [ yajJ^opavIta ], q. v. ] (2) that of a Kshatriya, of [ mUrvA ] (3) that of a Vaiśya, of [ zaNa ] or hemp, I. W. p. 240) cf. AV. &c. (4) &c. (5) the girth of a horse cf. Kathās (6) a band or fillet cf. L. (7) (ifc., f. [ A ]) anything girding or surrounding (cf. [ sAgara-m° ]) (8) investiture with the girdle and the ceremony connected with it cf. VarBṛS. (9) a sword-belt, baldric cf. L. (10) a sword-knot or string fastened to the hilt cf. L. (11) the cords or lines drawn round an altar (on the four sides of the hole or receptacle in which the sacrificial fire is deposited) cf. BhP. (12) the hips (as the place of the girdle) cf. L. (13) the slope of a mountain (cf. [ netamba ]) cf. Kālid (14) a partic. part of the fire-receptacle cf. Hcat (15) Hemionitis Cordifolia cf. L. (16) N. of the river Narma-dā (prob. w. r. for [ mekalA ]) cf. L. (17) of a place (?) cf. Vās., Introd. (18) of various women cf. Viddh. cf. Kathās

===> mela [ mela ]1[ mela ] m. (√ [ mil ]) meeting, union, intercourse cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (1) ([ A ]), f. below

===> melu [ melu ]1[ melu ] or [ meluda ], N. of two high numbers cf. Buddh.

===> meraka [ meraka ]1[ meraka ] m. or n. a seat covered with bark cf. Divyâv (1) N. of an enemy of Viṣṇu cf. L.

===> meru [ meru ]1[ meru ] m. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 101) N. of a fabulous mountain (regarded as the Olympus of Hindū mythology and said to form the central point of Jambu-dvīpa (1) all the planets revolve round it and it is compared to the cup or seed-vessel of a lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different Dvipas, q. v. (2) the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams (3) the regents of the four quarters of the compass occupy the corresponding faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems (4) its summit is the residence of Brahmā, and a place of meeting for the gods, Rishis, Gandharvas &c., when not regarded as a fabulous mountain, it appears to mean the highland of Tartary north of the Him^alaya) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) a partic. kind of temple cf. VarBṛS. (6) the central or most prominent bead in a rosary cf. L. (7) the most prominent finger-joint in partic. positions of the fingers cf. L. (8) N. of the palace of Gāndhāri (one of the wives of Kṛshṇa) cf. Hariv. (9) of a Cakra-vartin cf. L. (10) (with [ zAstrin ]) of a modern teacher cf. Cat. (11) of another man cf. Rājat (12) f. N. of the wife of Nābhi and mother of Ṛshabha cf. VP. (cf. [ -devI ])

===> meru-bala-pramardin [ merubalapramardin ]3[ meru-bala-pramardin ] m. N. of a king of the Yakshas cf. Buddh.

===> meru-dhvaja [ merudhvaja ]3[ meru-dhvaja ] m. N. of a king cf. Kathās

===> meru-kalpa [ merukalpa ]3[ meru-kalpa ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> meru-śrī [ meruzrI ]3[ meru-zrI ] f. N. of a serpent-maiden cf. Kāraṇḍ (1) [ -garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh.

===> meṇḍhaka [ meNDhaka ]3[ meNDhaka ] m. id. cf. L. (1) N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> meṣa [ meSa ]1[ meS'a ] m. (√ 2. [ miS ]) a ram, sheep (in the older language applied also to a fleece or anything woollen) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) the sign of the zodiac Aries or the first arc of 30 degrees in a circle cf. Sūryas. cf. Var. cf. BhP. (2) a species of plant cf. Suśr. (3) N. of a partic. demon cf. L. (cf. [ nejam° ]) (4) ([ A ]), f. small cardamoms cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. (cf. [ m'ezI ]) a ewe cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Kauś (6) Nardostachys Jatamansi cf. L. (7) Dalbergia Ougeinensis cf. L.

===> middha [ middha ]1[ middha ] n. sloth, indolence cf. Lalit. cf. Divyâv. (one of the 24 minor evil passions cf. Dharmas. 69)

===> milinda [ milinda ]1[ milinda ] m. a l)ee cf. Bhām. (1) N. of a king (= Menander) cf. Buddh.

===> mirapha [ mirapha ]1[ mirapha ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mita [ mita ]2[ mit'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. below) fixed, set up, founded, established cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (1) firm, strong (comp.) (2) cast, thrown, scattered cf. W.

===> [ mita ]1[ mita ]2 mfn. (√ 3. [ mA ] (1) for 1. [ mita ] √ 1. [ mi ]) measured, meted out, measured or limited by, i. e. equal to (instr. or comp.) cf. Sūryas. cf. VarBṛS. cf. BhP. (2) containing a partic. measure, i. e. measuring, consisting of (acc.) cf. RPrāt. (3) Bharṭr. (v. l.) (4) measured, moderate, scanty, frugal, little, short, brief. cf. Inscr. cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) measured i. e. investigated, known (see. [ loka ]) (6) m. N. of a divine being (associated with Sammita) cf. Yājñ. (7) of a Ṛshi in the third Manv-antara cf. VP.

===> mithas [ mithas ]2[ mith'as ] ind., together, together with (instr.), mutually, reciprocally, alternately, to or from or with each other cf. RV. &c, &c. (1) privately, in secret cf. Mn. cf. Kālid. cf. Daś (2) by contest or dispute cf. BhP.

===> mithu [ mithu ]2[ m'ithu ] ind. (cf. [ mithU ]) alternately, pervertedly, falsely, wrongly cf. RV. (cf. Padap. and cf. Prāt.) cf. TBr. cf. Kāṭh

===> mithuna [ mithuna ]2[ mithun'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. paired, forming a pair (1) m. a pair (male and female (2) but also ` any couple or pair ' cf. RV. &c. &c., usually du., in later language mostly n. (3) ifc. f. [ A ]) (4) n. pairing, copulation cf. TS. &c. &c. (5) a pair or couple (= m. (6) but also ` twins ') cf. MBh. (7) (also m.) the sign of the zodiac Gemini or the third arc of 30 degrees in a circle cf. Sūryas. cf. Var. cf. Pur. (8) the other part, complement or companion of anything cf. MBh. (also applied to a kind of small statue at the entrance of a temple cf. VarBṛS.) (9) honey and ghee cf. L. (10) (in gram.) root compounded with a Preposition cf. Siddh

===> [ mithuna ]1[ mithuna ] &c. p. 816, col. 3

===> mithyâbhimāna [ mithyAbhimAna ]3[ mithy'A-bhimAna ] ([ mithy^abh° ]) = [ -pratratyaya ], Sāṃkhyas. cf. Sch.

===> mithyâcāra [ mithyAcAra ]3[ mithy'A-cAra ] ([ mithy^ac° ]), m. improper conduct, wrong treatment (in medicine) cf. Suśr. (1) mfn. acting falsely or hypocritically cf. Bhag. (2) m. a rogue, hypocrite (3) [ -prahasana ] n. N. of a comedy

===> mithyā [ mithyA ]1[ mithy'A ] &c. col. l

===> mithyā-dṛṣṭi [ mithyAdRSTi ]3[ mithy'A-dRSTi ] f. false doctrine, heresy, atheism cf. Lalit. (one of the 10 sins cf. Dharmas. 56)

===> mithyā-jñāna [ mithyAjJAna ]3[ mithy'A-jJAna ] n. a false conception, error, mistake cf. Yogas. cf. Pañcat. (cf. cf. IW. 104) (1) [ -khaNDana ] n. N. of a drama

===> mithyā-kṛta [ mithyAkRta ]3[ mithy'A-kRta ] ([ mithy'A- ]), mfn. wrongly done cf. ib.

===> mithyā-māna [ mithyAmAna ]3[ mithy'A-mAna ] m. false pride cf. L.

===> mithyā-prayukta [ mithyAprayukta ]3[ mithy'A-prayukta ] mfn. employed in vain cf. Śikṣ

===> mithyā-praṇidhāna [ mithyApraNidhAna ]3[ mithy'A-praNidhAna ] n. (prob.) false exertion cf. Divyâv

===> mithyā-vikalpa [ mithyAvikalpa ]3[ mithy'A-vikalpa ] m. false suspicion cf. Jātakam

===> mithyā-vāc [ mithyAvAc ]3[ mithy'A-vAc ] mfn. speaking falsely, lying, Sah

===> mithyā-vāda [ mithyAvAda ]3[ mithy'A-vAda ] m. = [ vAkya ] cf. MBh. (1) mfn. = [ -vAc ] cf. Pañcat. (also [ -vAdin ] cf. Mn. cf. R. &c.)

===> mithyātva [ mithyAtva ]3[ mithy'A-tva ] n. falsity, unreality cf. Kap. cf. Sch. (1) (with Jainas) perversion (as one of the 18 faults) or illusion (as the lowest of the 14 steps which lead to final emancipation) cf. Sarvad (2) [ -nirukti ] f. or [ -nirvacana ] n. [ -vAda-rahasya ], n. (3) [ °-tv^anumAna-khaNDana ] n. N. of wks. (4) [ -tvin ] mfn. being in a state of illusion Śatr

===> mitra [ mitra ]1[ mitr'a ]1 m. (orig. [ mit-tra ], fr. √ [ mith ] or [ mid ] (1) cf., [ medin ]) a friend, companion, associate cf. RV. cf. AV. (in later language mostly n.) (2) N. of an Āditya (generally invoked together with Varuṇa, cf. [ mitrA-v° ], and often associated with Aryaman, q. v. (3) Mitra is extolled alone in cf. RV. iii, 59, and there described as calling men to activity, sustaining earth and sky and beholding all creatures with unwinking eye (4) in later times he is considered as the deity of the constellation Anurādhā, and father of Utsarga) cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) the sun cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. comp.) (6) N. of a Marut cf. Hariv. (7) of a son of Vasishṭha and various other men cf. Pur. (8) of the third Muhūrta cf. L. (9) du. = [ mitr'a-varuNa ] cf. RV. (10) ([ A ]),f. N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. (B. [ citrA ]) (11) of the mother of Maitreya and Maitreyī cf. Śaṃk. on cf. ChUp. cf. BhP. (12) of the mother of Śatru-ghna (= [ su-mitrA ]) cf. L. (cf. W. [ I ]) (13) n. friendship cf. RV. (14) a friend, companion (cf. m. above) cf. TS. &c, &c. (15) (with [ aurasa ]) a friend connected by blood-relationship cf. Hit. (16) an ally (a prince whose territory adjoins that of an immediate neighbour who is called [ ari ], enemy. cf. Mn. vii, 158 &c., in this meaning also applied to planets cf. VarBṛS.) (17) a companion to = resemblance of (gen. (18) ifc. = resembling, like) cf. Bālar. cf. Vcar. (19) N. of the god Mitra (enumerated among the 10 fires) cf. MBh. (20) a partic. mode of fighting cf. Hariv. (v. l. for [ bhinna ])

===> [ mitra ]2[ mitra ]2 Nom. P. [ mitrati ], to act in a friendly manner cf. Śatr

===> mitra-bheda [ mitrabheda ]3[ mitr'a-bheda ] m. separation of friend, breach of friendship cf. MBh. cf. Kām. &c. (1) N. of the first book of the Pañca-tantra

===> mitratva [ mitratva ]3[ mitr'a-tva ] n. friendship cf. TS. cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> mitratā [ mitratA ]3[ mitr'a-tA ] f. friendship ([ °tam sampr^aptaH ], one whd has become a friend) cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) equalness, likeness with (comp.) cf. Vcar.

===> mitravat [ mitravat ]3[ mitr'a-vat ] mfn. having friends cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat (1) m. N. of a demon (said to steal oblations) cf. MBh. (2) of a son of the 12th Manu cf. Hariv. cf. MārkP. (3) of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. Hariv. (4) ([ atI ]), f. N. of a daughter of Kṛshṇa cf. ib. -2

===> [ mitravat ]3[ mitr'a-vat ] ind. like a friend (acc.) cf. Kāv

===> mitrâmitra [ mitrAmitra ]3[ mitr^amitra ] n. sg. friend and foe cf. Mn. xii, 79

===> mitrāya [ mitrAya ]2[ mitrAya ] Nom. Ā. [ mitrAyate ], (prob.) to desire or wish for friend (cf. next)

===> miśra [ mizra ]2[ mizr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (prob. fr. a Iost √ [ miz ] cf. under [ mikS ]) mixed, mingled, blended, combined cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ vacAMsi mizrA ] √ 1. [ kR ] cf. A. [ -kRNute ], to mingle words, talk together cf. RV. x, 93, 1) [ 818,1 ] (1) manifold, diverse, various cf. TS. &c. &c. (2) mixed or connected or furnished with, accompanied by (instr. with or without [ samam ] gen. or comp. (3) rarely [ mizra ] ibc., cf. [ mizra-vAta ]) cf. VS. &c. &c. (4) pl. (ifc. after honorific epithets = &c. (5) e. g. [ Arya-mizrAH ], respectable or honourable people &c. (6) often also in sg. ifc. and rarely ibc. with proper names by way of respect, cf. [ kRSNa- ], [ madhu-m ] and comp. below) (7) mixing, adulterating: (cf. [ dhAnyam° ]) (8) m. a kind of elephant cf. L. (9) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (10) N. of various authors and other men (also abbreviation for some names ending in [ mizra ] e. g. for Madana-, Mitra-, Vācaspati-miśra) cf. Cat. (11) n. principal and interest cf. Lalit. (cf. [ -dhana ]) (12) a species of radish cf. L.

===> miśra-varṇa [ mizravarNa ]3[ mizr'a-varNa ] mfn. being of a mixed colour cf. L. (1) m. a species of sugar-cane cf. L. (2) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (3) n. a kind of black aloe-wood cf. L. (4) [ -phalA ] f. Solanum-Melongena cf. L.

===> miśraka [ mizraka ]2[ mizr'aka ] mfn. mixed (either ` not pure ' or ` various, manifold ') cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (with [ guNa-sthAna ] n. N. of the third degree on the way to final emancipation cf. Jain.) (1) singing out of tune cf. Saṃgīt (2) m. a mixer or adulterator (of grain &c.) cf. Mn. xi, 50 (3) salt produced from salt soil cf. L. (4) a pigment produced from clarified butter cf. L. (5) N. of a Tirtha cf. MBh. (6) of a grove or garden of paradise cf. L.

===> miśraṇa [ mizraNa ]2[ mizraNa ] n. mixing, mixture cf. KātyŚr. (cf. [ vAG-m° ]) (1) addition cf. Col.

===> miśrita [ mizrita ]2[ mizrita ] mfn. mixed, blended with (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) promiscuous, miscellaneous (as taste) cf. VarBṛS. (2) added cf. W. (3) respectable cf. ib. [ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wk.

===> miśrī-bhāva [ mizrIbhAva ]3[ mizrI-bhAva ] m. mixing, mingling, mixture cf. Hit. (also [ -karman ], n.) (1) mingling carnally, sexual intercourse cf. Car.

===> miṣṭa [ miSTa ]1[ miSTa ] mfn. (prob. fr. [ mRSTa ]) dainty, delicate, sweet (lit. and fig.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) n. a sweetmeat, dainty or savoury dish cf. ib.

===> mleccha [ mleccha ]2[ mlecch'a ] m. a foreigner, barbarian, non-Aryan, man of an outcast race, any person who does not speak Sanskṛt and does not conform to the usual Hindū institutions cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. ([ I ] f.) (1) a person who lives by agriculture or by making weapons cf. L. (2) a wicked or bad man, sinner cf. L. (3) ignorance of Sanskṛt, barbarism cf. Nyāyam. cf. Sch. (4) n. copper cf. L. (5) vermilion cf. L.

===> mlāna [ mlAna ]2[ mlAna ] mfn. faded, withered, exhausted, languid, weak, feeble cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) relaxed, shrunk, shrivelled cf. Car. (2) dejected, sad, melancholy cf. Daś (3) vanished, gone cf. Naish (4) black, dark-coloured cf. Prab (5) foul, dirty cf. L. (6) m. a house frog cf. L. (7) n. withered or faded condition, absence of brightness or lustre cf. VarBṛS.

===> mo [ mo ]1[ mo8 ] = [ m'A ] + [ u ] (under 3. [ m'A ])

===> mocaka [ mocaka ]2[ mocaka ] mfn. liberating, emancipating cf. Pañcar. (1) one who has abandoned all worldly passions and desires, an ascetic, devotee cf. L. (2) m. (only cf. L.) Moringa Pterygosperma cf. L. (3) Musa Sapientum cf. L. (4) Schrebera Swietenioides cf. L. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a species of plant cf. L. (6) a species of fish cf. Bhpr. (7) n. a kind of shoe cf. L.

===> mocana [ mocana ]2[ mocana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (ifc.) releasing from cf. BhP. (1) casting, darting cf. Gīt. (2) ([ I ]), f. a species of plant (= [ kaNTa-kAri ]) cf. L. (3) n. release, liberation, freeing or delivering from (abl. or comp.) cf. Daś. cf. Śukas. (cf. [ RNa-m° ]) (4) unyoking (a car) cf. MBh. (5) (ifc.) discharging, emitting cf. Gobh

===> mocana-paṭṭaka [ mocanapaTTaka ]3[ mocana-paTTaka ] m. or n. ` a clearing cloth ', filter cf. L.

===> mocika [ mocika ]2[ mocika ] m. a tanner or shoemaker (cf. Hind. [ mochI ]) cf. L.

===> mocita [ mocita ]2[ mocita ] mfn. caused to be released, set free cf. Hit.

===> moda [ moda ]1[ m'oda ] m. (√ 2. [ mud ]) joy, delight, gladness, pleasure cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) fragrance, perfume cf. BhP. (cf. [ Amoda ]) (2) N. of a partic. formula cf. ĀpŚr. (3) of a Muni cf. Cat. (4) ([ A ]), f. a species of plant (= [ aja-modA ]) cf. L. (5) a kind of Andropogon cf. L.

===> modaka [ modaka ]2[ modaka ] mfn. (ifc.) gladdening, exhilarating cf. MBh. (1) m. n. a small round sweetmeat, any sweetmeat cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) (in medicine) a kind of pill cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. (3) m. a partic. mixed caste (the sons of a Kshatriya by a Śūdra mother) cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. N. of a partic. mythical club cf. R. (5) n. a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> modana [ modana ]2[ modana ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) gladdening, delighting, gratifying (mostly ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. (1) ([ I ]), f. musk cf. L. (2) n. the act of gladdening &c. cf. Dhātup (3) wax (= [ ucchiSTa-m° ]) cf. L.

===> modin [ modin ]2[ modin ] mfn. rejoicing, glad, cheerful cf. MaitrUp. (1) (ifc.) gladdening, delighting cf. MBh. (2) ([ inI ]), f. Jasminum Zambac or Auriculatum cf. L. (3) = [ aja-modA ] cf. L. (4) musk cf. L. (cf. [ modana ]) (5) an intoxicating drink cf. L.

===> mogha [ mogha ]1[ m^ogha ] (or [ mogh'a ] cf. MaitrS.), mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 1. [ muh ]) vain, fruitlets, useless, unsuccessful, unprofitable (ibc. and [ am ] ind. in vain, uselessly, without cause) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) left, abandoned cf. MBh. (2) idle cf. ib. (3) m. a fence, hedge cf. L. (4) ([ A ]), f. Bignonia Suaveolens cf. L. (5) Embelia Ribes cf. L.

===> moha [ moha ]1[ m'oha ] m. (√ 1. [ muh ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ]) loss of consciousness, bewilderment, perplexity, distraction, infatuation, delusion, error, folly cf. AV. &c. &c. ([ moham-√ brU ], to say anything that leads to error (2) [ mohaM-√ yA ], to fall into error (3) [ mohAt ] ind. through folly or ignorance) (4) fainting, stupefaction, a swoon cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) (in phil.) darkness or delusion of mind (preventing the discernment of truth and leading men to believe in the reality of worldly objects) (6) (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice cf. Dharmas. 139) (7) a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy (= [ mohana ]) cf. Cat. (8) wonder, amazement cf. L. (9) Infatuation personified (as the offspring of Brahmā) cf. VP.

===> moha-jāla [ mohajAla ]3[ m'oha-jAla ] n. net of illusion, mundane fascination cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh.

===> moha-pāśa [ mohapAza ]3[ m'oha-pAza ] m. the snare of (worldly) illusion cf. MW.

===> mohana [ mohana ]2[ mohana ] mf ([ I ]) n. depriving of consciousness, bewildering, confusing, perplexing, leading astray, infatuating cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. the thorn-apple cf. L. (2) N. of Śiva cf. R. (3) N. of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love cf. Vet (4) of various other authors and men
cf. Kathās. cf. Śukas. cf. Cat. (5) ([ A ]), f. the flower of a sort cf. jasmine cf. L. (6) Trigonella Corniculata cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. Portulaca Quadrifida cf. L. (8) a partic. illusion or delusion cf. Sarvad (9) a partic. incantation cf. Kathās (10) N. of an Apsaras cf. Pañcar. (11) of a female demon (daughter of Garbha-hantṛ) cf. MārkP. (12) of one of the nine Śaktis of Viṣṇu cf. L. (13) n. the being deluded or infatuated, delusion, infatuation, embarrassment, mistake cf. Nir. cf. Bhag. cf. Gīt. (14) stupor, being stupefied cf. Suśr. (15) sexual intercourse cf. Kāv. cf. Sāh (16) the act of perplexing, puzzling, bewildering cf. R. cf. Gīt. cf. MārkP. (17) any means employed for bewildering others cf. Daś (18) temptation, seduction cf. W. (19) a magical charm used to bewilder an enemy (20) the formula used in that process (esp. the hymns cf. AV. iii, 1, 2) cf. Kauś (21) N. of a town cf. MBh.

===> mohanīya [ mohanIya ]2[ mohanIya ] mfn. ` to be deluded ', resulting from illusion or error or infatuation cf. MBh. (1) producing delusion, bewildering, puzzling cf. ib. cf. Sarvad

===> mohin [ mohin ]2[ mohin ] mfn. deluding, confusing, perplexing, illusive cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) ([ inI ]), f. a fascinating woman cf. MW. (cf. cf. RTL. 65. n. 1) (2) the flower of a species of jasmine cf. L. (3) N. of an Apsaras cf. Pañcar. (4) of a daughter of Rukm^aṅgada cf. VP. (5) [ °ni-mantra ] m. [ -rAja-sahasra-nAm^avali ] f. N. of wks.

===> mohita [ mohita ]2[ mohita ] mfn. stupefied, bewildered, infatuated, deluded (often in comp., e. g. [ kAma-m° ], infatuated by love) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> moktavya [ moktavya ]2[ moktavya ]

===> [ moktavya ]2[ moktavya ] mfn. to be set free or liberated cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (1) to be let go or given up or delivered cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (2) to be renounced or resigned cf. Campak (3) to be flung or hurled or thrown upon or against (loc. or acc. with [ prati ]) cf. MBh. cf. MārkP.

===> mokṣa [ mokSa ]2[ mokSa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) emancipation, liberation, release from (abl., rarely gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) release from worldly existence or transmigration, final or eternal emancipation cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 39) (2) death cf. L. (3) N. of partic. sacred hymns conducive to final emancipation cf. Yājñ. (4) (in astron.) the liberation of an eclipsed or occulted planet, the last contact or separation of the eclipsed and eclipsing bodies, end of an eclipse cf. Sūryas. cf. VarBṛS. (5) falling off or down cf. Kum. cf. VarBṛS. (cf. [ garbha- ]) (6) effusion cf. VarBṛS. (7) setting free, deliverance (of a prisoner) cf. Gaut (8) loosing, untying (hair) cf. Megh (9) settling (a question) cf. Kathās (10) acquittance of an obligation, discharge of a debt (cf. [ riNa- ]) (11) shedding or causing to flow (tears, blood &c.), cf. MārkP. cf. Suśr. (12) casting, shooting, hurling cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (13) strewing, scattering cf. Kum. cf. Kathās (14) utterance (of a curse) cf. R. (15) relinquishment, abandonment cf. Kathās (16) N. of the Divine mountain Meru cf. L. (17) Schrebera Swietenioides cf. L.

===> mokṣa-bhāgīya [ mokSabhAgIya ]3[ mokSa-bhAgIya ] mfn. having to do with emancipation cf. Divyâv

===> mokṣa-dvāra [ mokSadvAra ]3[ mokSa-dvAra ] n. ` gate of emancipation ', N. of the sun cf. MBh.

===> mokṣa-mārga [ mokSamArga ]3[ mokSa-mArga ] m. N. of a Jaina wk.

===> mokṣaṇa [ mokSaNa ]2[ mokSaNa ] mfn. liberating, emancipating cf. Cat. (1) n. liberation, releasing, rescuing cf. MBh. cf. Mṛcch (2) setting at liberty (a criminal) cf. Mn. ix, 249 (3) loosing, untying cf. Pañcat (4) shedding, causing to flow
cf. Mālav. cf. Suśr. (cf. [ rakta-m° ]) (5) giving up, abandoning, deserting cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. (v. l.) (6) squandering cf. W. (7) ([ I ]), f. the magic art of releasing any one cf. HPariś

===> mokṣita [ mokSita ]2[ mokSita ] mfn. set free, liberated cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) wrested away cf. Hariv.

===> mokṣya [ mokSya ]2[ mokSya ] mfn. to be liberated, to be saved cf. Hariv.

===> mora [ mora ]1[ mora ] m. a peacock (= [ mayUra ]) cf. L. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of a family cf. Cat.

===> moṣa [ moSa ]1[ moSa ] m. (√ 2. [ muS ]) a robber, thief, plunderer cf. BhP. cf. Gīt. (1) robbery, theft, stealing, plundering cf. Mn. cf. Var. &c. (also [ A ] f. cf. L.) (2) anything robbed or stolen, stolen property cf. Mn. ix, 278

===> mrakṣa [ mrakSa ]2[ mrakSa ] mfn. rubbing, grinding down, destroying (cf. [ tuvi-mr° ]) (1) m. concealment of one's vices, hypocrisy (with Buddhists, one of the 24 minor evil qualities) cf. Dharmas. 69

===> mrakṣaṇa [ mrakSaNa ]2[ mrakSaNa ] n. rubbing in, anointing cf. Dhātup (1) ointment, oil cf. Suśr.

===> mrakṣita [ mrakSita ]2[ mrakSita ] mfn. rubbed in, smeared cf. Hariv.

===> mrakṣya [ mrakSya ]2[ mrakSya ] n. ill-feeling (?) cf. Divyâv. [ 837,3 ]

===> muci [ muci ]1[ muci ] m. N. of a Cakra-vartin cf. L.

===> mucilinda [ mucilinda ]1[ mucilinda ] m. Pterospermum Suberifolium cf. L. (1) N. of a Nāga (who sheltered the Buddha from a violent storm by coiling himself round him) cf. Lalit. cf. MWB. 39 &c. [ 821,3 ] (2) of the sacred tree protected by this Nāga (under which Buddha seated himself) cf. MWB. 232 (3) of a Cakra-vartin cf. L. (4) of a mountain cf. Kāraṇḍ. (also [ -parvata ] cf. L.) (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a serpent-maid cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> mucukunda [ mucukunda ]1[ mucukunda ] m. Pterospermum Suberifolium cf. L. (1) N. of a Daitya cf. L. (2) of an ancient king(or Muni) cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (3) of a son of Māndhātṛ (who assisted the gods in their wars with the demons and was rewarded by the boon of a long and unbroken sleep) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (4) of a son of Yadu cf. Hariv. (5) of the father of Candra-bhāga cf. Cat. (6) of a poet of Kāśmīra cf. ib.

===> muda [ muda ]2[ muda ] mfn. [ hasA-mud'a ] (1) m. N. of a teacher cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. below

===> mudga [ mudga ]2[ mudg'a ] m. (accord. to cf. Uṇ. i, 127 fr. √ [ mud ]) Phaseolus Mungo (both the plant and its beans) cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) a cover, covering, lid cf. L. (2) a kind of seabird cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ madgu ], q. v.)

===> [ mudga ]1[ mudga ] &c. col. 2

===> mudgala [ mudgala ]2[ m'udgala ] m. (prob. fr. [ mudga ]) N. of a Ṛshi with the patr. Bhārmyaśva (the supposed author of cf. RV. x, 102), V. cf. Nir. cf. MBh. &c. [ 822,3 ] (1) of a disciple of Sākalya cf. VP. (2) of a son of Viśvāmitra cf. MBh. (3) of various authors and other men (also with [ bhaTTasUri ] &c.) cf. Cat. (4) pl. the descendants of Mudgala cf. TBr. (5) N. of a people cf. MBh. (6) n. a species of grass cf. L. (7) = [ mudgal^apaniSad ]

===> mudgara [ mudgara ]2[ mudgara ] m. (prob. fr. [ mudga ]) a hammer, mallet, any hammer-like weapon or implement cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a bud cf. L. (2) a kind of jasmine (n. its blossom) cf. L. (3) a species of fish cf. L. (4) N. of a Nāga cf. MBh. (5) n. a partic. posture in sitting cf. Cat.

===> mudhā [ mudhA ]1[ mudhA ] ind. (√ [ muh ]) in vain, uselessly, to no purpose cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) falsely, wrongly, Bhaflṛ. (v. l.)

===> mudita [ mudita ]2[ mudita ] mfn. delighted, joyful, glad, rejoicing in (instr. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. a partic. sort cf. servant cf. R. (2) ([ A ]), f. joy, gladness, complacency cf. Lalit. (3) sympathy in joy cf. Divyāv (4) n. a kind of sexual embrace cf. L. (5) a partic. Siddhi, Sāṃkhyas. cf. Sch. (6) w. r. for [ nudita ] and [ sUdita ]

===> mudraṇa [ mudraNa ]2[ mudraNa ] n. the act of sealing up or closing or printing cf. Vcar. cf. Sāh

===> mudrikā [ mudrikA ]2[ mudrikA ] f. a little seal, seal, seal-ring cf. MBh. (1) stamp, impression, stamped coin cf. L. (2) a sealed or signed paper cf. W. (3) a partic. surgical instrument cf. Suśr. (4) N. of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (= [ mudrA ], q. v.) cf. Pañcar.

===> mudrita [ mudrita ]2[ mudrita ] mfn. sealed, stamped, impressed, printed, marked cf. Kāv. cf. Kām (1) contracted, closed, sealed up
cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. ([ nidrA-m° ] sunk in sleep cf. Daś.) (2) strung, bound cf. L. (3) unblown (as a flower) cf. L. (4) intertwined in partic. forms (as the fingers (5) cf. [ mudrA ]) cf. Pañcar. (6) n. impressing a seal on (loc.) cf. Hit.

===> mudrā [ mudrA ]1[ mudrA ] f. (fr. [ mudra ], above) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping, a seal-ring, signet-ring (cf. [ aGguli-m° ]), any ring cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) type for printing or instrument for lithographing cf. L. (2) the stamp or impression made by a seal &c. (3) any stamp or print or mark or impression cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) a stamped coin, piece of money, rupee, cash, medal cf. L. (5) an image, sign, badge, token (esp. a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body) cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. cf. Rājat (6) authorization, a pass, passport (as given by a seal) cf. Mudr (7) shutting, closing (as of the eyes or lips, gen. or comp.) cf. Kāv (8) a lock, stopper, bung cf. Amar. cf. Bhpr. (9) a mystery cf. Cat. (10) N. of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number, commonly practised in religious worship, and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy cf. Daś. cf. Sarvad. cf. Kāraṇḍ. cf. RTL. 204 ; 406) (11) a partic. branch of education (` reckoning by the fingers ') cf. Divyâv (12) parched or fried grain (as used in the Śākta or Tāntrik ceremonial) cf. RTL. 192 (13) (in rhet.) the natural expression of things by words, calling things by their right names cf. Kuval (14) (in music) a dance accordant with tradition cf. Saṃgīt

===> mudrā-bala [ mudrAbala ]3[ mudrA-bala ] n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mudrā-kara [ mudrAkara ]3[ mudrA-kara ] m. a maker of seals, engraver, coiner cf. MW.

===> mugdha [ mugdha ]2[ mugdh'a ] mfn. gone astray, lost cf. RV. cf. VS. (1) perplexed, bewildered cf. AV. cf. Daś (2) foolish, ignorant, silly. cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (3) inexperienced, simple, innocent, artless, attractive or charming (from youthfulness), lovely, beautiful, tender, young (esp. [ A ] f. a young and beautiful female, often in voc. (4) also in rhet. a variety of the Nāyikā) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (5) (ifc.) strikingly like cf. Vcar. cf. Bālar

===> muhur [ muhur ]2[ m'uhur ] ind. (perhaps orig. ` in a bewildering manner ') suddenly, at once, in a moment (often with a following [ 'A ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. (1) for a moment, a while cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) at every moment, constantly, incessantly ([ muhur-muhur ], now and again, at one moment and at another, again and again) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) on the other hand, on the contrary cf. Śak

===> [ muhur ]1[ muhur ] col. 1

===> muhūrta [ muhUrta ]1[ muhUrta ] above

===> muhūrtaka [ muhUrtaka ]2[ muhUrtaka ] m. or n. (?) a moment, instant cf. MBh. (1) an hour cf. Pañcar.

===> mukha [ mukha ]1[ mukha ] n. (m., g. [ ardharc7adi ] (1) ifc. [ A ], or [ I ], cf. cf. Pāṇ. iv, 1, 54, 58) the mouth, face, countenance cf. RV. &c, &c. (2) the beak of a bird, snout or muzzle of an animal cf. GṛS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a direction, quarter (esp. ifc., cf. [ diG-m° ] (4) mfn. turning or turned towards, facing, cf. [ adho-m° ] also [ am ], ind., cf. [ prAn-mukham ]) (5) the mouth or spout of a vessel cf. KātyŚr. (6) opening aperture, entrance into or egress out of (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) the mouth or embouchure (of a river) cf. Ragh (8) the fore part, front, van (of an army) cf. TBr. cf. MBh. (9) the upper part, head, top, tip or point of anything cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. (also mfn. in comp., cf. [ payo-m° ]) (10) the edge (of an axe) cf. Kāv (11) the nipple (of a breast) cf. Hariv. (12) the surface, upper side cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch. (13) the chief, principal, best (ifc. = having any one or anything as chief &c.) cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (14) introduction, commencement, beginning (ifc. = beginning with (15) also [ -mukh^adi ], cf. the use of [ Adi ]) cf. Br. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (16) source, cause, occasion of (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. (17) a means ([ ena ] ind. by means of) cf. Śaṃk (18) (in dram.) the original cause or source of the action cf. Daśar. cf. Pratāp (19) (in alg.) the first term or initial quantity of a progression cf. Col. (20) (in geom.) the side opposite to the base, the summit cf. ib. (21) the Veda cf. L. (22) rock salt cf. L. (23) copper cf. L. (24) m. Artocarpus Locuchs cf. L.

===> mukha-bandha [ mukhabandha ]3[ mukha-bandha ] m. ` head-composition ', preface cf. MW.

===> mukha-maṇḍala [ mukhamaNDala ]3[ mukha-maNDala ] n. ` face-orb ', the face, countenance cf. Kāv

===> mukha-phullaka [ mukhaphullaka ]3[ mukha-phullaka ] n. a kind of ornament cf. L.

===> mukha-puṣpaka [ mukhapuSpaka ]3[ mukha-puSpaka ] n. a kind of ornament cf. L.

===> mukha-roga [ mukharoga ]3[ mukha-roga ] m. = [ -ruj ] (q. v.) cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. MārkP.

===> mukha-tuṇḍaka [ mukhatuNDaka ]3[ mukha-tuNDaka ] m. or n. (?) the mouth cf. Divyâv

===> mukha-varṇa [ mukhavarNa ]3[ mukha-varNa ] m. colour of the face cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat

===> mukhara [ mukhara ]2[ mukhara ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ mukha ] (1) cf. Pān v 2 107 cf. Vārtt. i cf. Pat.) talkative, garrulous, loquacious (said also of birds and bees) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās

---> noisy, tinkling (as an anklet &c.) cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kālid (2) sound resonant or eloquent with, expressive of (comp.), kāv. cf. Kathās (3) scurrilous cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat (4) foul-mouthed, scurrilous speaking harshly or abusively cf. L. (5) m. a crow cf. L. (6) a conch shell cf. L. (7) a leader, principal, chief cf. Hit. (8) N. of a Nāga cf. MBh. (9) of a rogue cf. Cat. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of a serpent-maid cf. Kāraṇḍ (11) ([ I ]), f. the bit of a bridle cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch.

===> mukhatas [ mukhatas ]3[ mukha-t'as ] ind. from or at the mouth, by means of the mouth (1) at the head, in the front, from before cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. Br. &c. (2) [ -taH-kAram ] ind. cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 61 cf. Sch. -2

===> [ mukhatas ]3[ mukha-tas ] mfn. = [ mukhe tasyati ] cf. Pāṇ. cf. ib.

===> mukhya [ mukhya ]2[ m'ukhya ] mf ([ A ]) n. being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) being at the head or at the beginning, first, principal, chief, eminent (ifc. = the first or best or chief among, rarely = [ mukha ] or [ Adi ], q. v.) cf. TS. &c. &c. (2) m. a leader, guide cf. Kām (3) N. of a tutelary deity (presiding over one of the 81 or 63 divisions or Padas of an astrological house) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hcat (4) pl. a class of gods under Manu Sāvarṇi cf. Pur. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of the residence of Varuṇa cf. VP. (6) n. an essential rite cf. W. (7) reading or teaching the Vedas cf. ib. (8) the month reckoned from new moon to new moon cf. ib. (9) moustache cf. Gal.

===> mukta [ mukta ]2[ mukta ] mfn. loosened, let loose, set free, relaxed, slackened, opened, open cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) liberated, delivered, emancipated (esp. from sin or worldly existence) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (with instr. or ifc. = released from, deprived or destitute of (2) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 38) (3) fallen or dropped down (as fruit) cf. Hariv. (4) abandoned, relinquished, quitted, given up, laid aside, deposed cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) sent forth, emitted, discharged, poured out, hurled, thrown cf. ib. (6) left free (as a road) cf. Megh (7) uttered (as sound) cf. MBh. (8) shed (as tears) cf. Pañcat (9) let fly, applied (as a kick) cf. Ragh (10) gone, vanished, disappeared (esp. ibc. (11) cf. below) (12) m. N. of one of the 7 sages under Manu Bhautya cf. MBh. (13) of a cook cf. Rājat (14) ([ A ]), f. (with or scil. [ dis ]) the quarter or cardinal point just quitted by the sun cf. VarBṛS. (15) a pearl (as loosened from the pearl-oyster shell) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (16) an unchaste woman cf. L. (17) a species of plant (= [ rAsnA ]) cf. L. (18) N. of a river cf. VP. (19) n. the spirit released from corporeal existence cf. W. (20) ([ e ]), ind., beside (with instr.) cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 72 ; iii, 2, 108 &c.

===> mukta-hasta [ muktahasta ]3[ mukta-hasta ] mf ([ A ]) n. open. handed, liberal cf. Mn. cf. Hit. (1) loosed, let go cf. MW.

===> mukta-keśa [ muktakeza ]3[ mukta-keza ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. ` loose-haired ', having the hair dishevelled or hanging down cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> mukta-puṣpa [ muktapuSpa ]3[ mukta-puSpa ] n. pl. flowers scattered cf. Divyâv

===> muktaka [ muktaka ]2[ muktaka ] mfn. detached, separate, independent cf. Pur. (1) n. a missile cf. L. (2) a detached śloka (the meaning of which is complete in itself) cf. Kāvyâd (3) simple prose (without compound words) cf. Sāh

===> mukti [ mukti ]2[ mukti ] f. setting or becoming free, release, liberation, deliverance from (comp.) cf. ŚBr. &c, &c. (1) final liberation or emancipation, final beatitude (= [ mokSa ], q. v.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (2) abandonment, putting off, giving up (comp.) cf. ib. (3) throwing, casting, hurling, shooting, sending cf. Hariv. (4) discharge (of a debt (5) cf. [ RNa-m° ]) (6) N. of a divine being (the wife of Satya) cf. Cat.

===> mukti-mārga [ muktimArga ]3[ mukti-mArga ] m. the path to liberation or final emancipation, Śantiś

===> muktikā [ muktikA ]2[ muktikA ] f. a pearl cf. L.

===> muktvā [ muktvA ]2[ muktv'A ] ind. having loosed or freed or let go or given up, or discharged or sent forth or left or abandoned cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) having liberated one's self, having attained final emancipation cf. Vedântas (2) having put aside, excepting, except, save (with acc.) cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat

===> muktâvalī [ muktAvalI ]3[ muktA-valI ] ([ °t^av° ]), f. a pearls necklace cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °li ] cf. L.) (1) N. of various wks. (2) ([ °lI ]) N. of the wife of Candra-ketu cf. Kathās (3) [ -kiraNa ] m. [ TIkA ] f. [ dIpikA ] [ -dIpikA ] f. [ -paddhati ], f. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -prabhA ] f. N. of wks. (4) ([ °lI ]) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. formed of strings of pearls cf. Hcat (5) [ -vy^akhyA ] f. [ -vyApti-vAda-dipikA ] f. N. of wks.

===> muktā [ muktA ]2[ muktA ] f. of [ mukta ], in comp.

===> muktā-dāman [ muktAdAman ]3[ muktA-dAman ] n. a string of pearls cf. BhP.

===> muktā-hāra [ muktAhAra ]3[ muktA-hAra ] m. (for 1. under [ mukta ], col. 1) a string of pearls cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) [ -latA ] f. id. cf. Prab

===> muktā-jāla [ muktAjAla ]3[ muktA-jAla ] n. ornament of pearls cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kāv (1) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made or consisting of pearls cf. MBh.

===> muktā-phala [ muktAphala ]3[ muktA-phala ] n. a pearls cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a species of flower cf. Buddh. (2) the fruit of the Lavali plant cf. L. (3) camphor cf. L. (4) N. ol wk. (5) m. N. of a king of the Sabaras cf. Kathās (6) [ -ketu ] m. N. of a king of the Vidyā-dharas, Kathls (7) [ -jala ] n. = [ muktA-j° ] (q. v.) cf. Kum (8) [ -tA ] f. the being a pearl state of a pearls, Malav (9) [ -dhvaja ] m. N. of a king cf. Kathās (10) [ -par^ikSA ] f. N. of ch. of wk. (11) [ -maya ] mfn. formed of pearls cf. Hcat (12) [ -latA ] f. a string of pearls cf. MārkP. - 2

===> mukunda [ mukunda ]1[ mukunda ] m. (cf. [ muku ]) N. of Viṣṇu (sometimes transferred to Śiva) cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) of a celebrated saint cf. RTL. 318 (2) of a partic. treasure cf. MārkP. (3) a kind of precious stone cf. L. (4) a kind of grain cf. Car. (5) the resin of Boswellia Thurifera cf. Bhpr. (6) a kind of drum or kettle-drum cf. L. (7) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (8) N. of various scholars and authors (also with [ mizra ], [ paNDita ], [ dIkSita ], [ zarman ], [ kavi ], [ parivrAjaka ] (9) cf. comp.) cf. Cat. (10) of a mountain cf. VP.

===> mukuṭa [ mukuTa ]1[ mukuTa ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a tiara, diadem, crown (said to be crescent-shaped (1) the [ kirIt ], a being pointed, and the [ mauli ] having three points) cf. Inscr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) a crest, point, head ([ trim° ]) (3) N. of an author (= [ rAya-m° ]) cf. Cat. (4) Pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (5) ([ A ]) . f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Śkanda cf. MBh. (6) ([ I ]), f. snapping the fingers cf. L. (7) n. N. of a Tirtha cf. Cat.

===> mumukṣu [ mumukSu ]2[ mumukS'u ] mfn. desirous of freeing, wishing to deliver from (abl.) cf. MBh. (1) eager to be free (from mundane existence), striving after emancipation cf. RV. cf. Up. &c. (2) wishing to let go or give up (acc.) cf. Kathās (3) wishing to discharge or shed or emit or shoot or hurl or send forth (acc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Ragh (4) m. a sage who strives after emancipation cf. W.

===> muni [ muni ]1[ m'uni ] m. (accord. to cf. Uṇ. iv, 122 fr. √ [ man ]) impulse, eagerness (?) cf. RV. vii, 56, 8 (1) (prob.) any one who is moved by inward impulse, an inspired or ecstatic person, enthusiast cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. (2) a saint, sage, seer, ascetic, monk, devotee, hermit (esp. one who has taken the vow of silence) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (with [ hRdayeSu sthitaH ], the internal monitor or conscience cf. Mn. viii, 91) (3) a Brāhman of the highest (eighth) order, Hcst (4) N. of a son of Kuru cf. MBh. (5) of a son of Dyuti-mat cf. MārkP. (6) of Vyāsa cf. Kir (7) of Bharata cf. Sāh (8) of Agastya cf. L. (9) of a Buddha or Arhat cf. Lalit. (10) of Pāṇini &c. (cf. [ -traya ]) (11) of other nien cf. VP. (12) of various authors cf. Cat. (13) of various plants (Agati Grandiflora, Buchanania Latifolia, Butea Frondosa, Terminalia Catappa, the mango-tree and Attemisia Indica) cf. L. (14) pl. ` the celestial Munis ', N. of the seven stars of Ursa Major (and there fore a symbolical N. for the number ` seven ') cf. Var. cf. Sūryas. cf. Śrutab (15) ([ i ]), f. a female Muni (also [ I ]) cf. Uṇ. iv, 122 cf. Sch. (16) N. of a daughter of Daksha (and wife of Kaśyapa), mother of a class of Gandharvas and Apsaras (cf. [ mauneya ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (17) n. N. of a Varshs (called after a royal Muni) cf. VP.

===> muni-gāthā [ munigAthA ]3[ m'uni-gAthA ] f. N. of a partic. sacred text cf. Divyâv

===> musala [ musala ]2[ m'usala ] m. n. (often spelt [ muzala ] or [ muSala ] (1) cf. cf. Uṇ. i, 108 cf. Sch.) a pestle, (esp.) a wooden pestle used for cleaning rice cf. AV. &c, &c. (2) a mace, club cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ cakra-m° ]) (3) the clapper of a bell cf. Kathās (4) a partic. surgical instrument cf. Suśr. (5) a partic. constellation cf. VarBṛS. (6) the 22nd astron. Yoga or division of the moon's path cf. MW. (7) m. N. of a son of Viśāmitra cf. MBh. (8) ([ I ]), f. Curculigo Orclnoides cf. L. (9) Salvinia Cucullata cf. L. (10) a house-lizard cf. L. (11) an alligator cf. L.

===> musalaka [ musalaka ]2[ musalaka ] m. N. of a mountain cf. Buddh. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a house-lizard cf. L.

===> musta [ musta ]2[ musta ] mn. and ([ A ]), f. a species of grass, Cyperue Rotundus cf. Kāv. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (n. prob. the root of Cyperue Rotundus)

===> mustaka [ mustaka ]2[ mustaka ] m. n. and ([ A ]), f. = [ musta ], Cyperus Rotundus cf. Var. cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. (1) m. a partic. vegetable poison cf. L.

===> musāra-galva [ musAragalva ]1[ musAragalva ] m. or n. a kind of coral cf. Car. cf. Buddh.

===> muśala [ muzala ]1[ muzala ] [ °likA ], [ °lin ], [ musala ] &c.

===> muṅga [ muGga ]1[ muGga ] and [ muGgaTa ] m. N. of two men cf. Rājat

===> muṇḍa [ muNDa ]2[ muNDa ] mf ([ A ]) n. shaved, bald, having the head shaved or the hair shorn cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) having no horns, hornless (as a cow or goat) cf. Var (2) stripped of top leaves or branches, lopped (as a tree) cf. MBh. (3) pointless, blunt cf. Kathās (4) without awns or a beard (a kind of corn) cf. L. (5) low, mean cf. W. (6) m. a man with a shaven head, bald-headed man cf. Yājñ. i, 271 (also applied to Śiva) cf. MBh. (7) the trunk of a lopped tree cf. W. (8) a barber cf. L. (9) N. of Rāhu cf. L. (10) of a Daitya cf. Hariv. (11) of a king cf. Buddh. (12) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (13) of a dynasty cf. VP. (14) ([ A ]), f. a (close-shaved) female mendicant cf. L. (15) a widow cf. Gal. (16) a species of plant cf. L. (17) Bengal madder cf. W. (18) ([ I ]), f. Sphaerantus Hirtus cf. Bhpr. (19) N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh. (20) n. (cf. L. also n.) a shaven head, any head cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat (21) iron cf. L. (22) myrrh cf. L.

===> muṇḍa-śayanâsana-vārika [ muNDazayanAsanavArika ]3[ muNDa-zayan^asana-vArika ] m. a partic. official in a monastery cf. Buddh.

===> muṇḍaka [ muNDaka ]2[ muNDaka ] mfn. shaved, shorn cf. Divyâv (1) m. the lopped trunk or stem of a tree, pollard cf. L. (2) a shaver, barber cf. L. (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a species of plant cf. L. (4) n. the head cf. L. (5) N. of the chapters into which the Muṇḍakopanishad is divided

===> muṣala [ muSala ]1[ muSala ] [ °lya ], [ musala ] &c.

===> muṣita [ muSita ]2[ muSit'a ] mfn. stolen, robbed, carried off cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) plundered, stripped, naked cf. ŚBr. cf. GṛS. (2) bereft or deprived of, free from (acc.) cf. RV. (3) removed, destroyed, annihilated cf. Ratnâv. cf. Kathās (4) blinded, obscured cf. MBh. (5) seized, ravished, captivated, enraptured cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) surpassed, excelled cf. Kāvyâd (7) deceived, cheated cf. Ratnâv. cf. BhP. (8) made fun of cf. Rājat

===> muṣita-smṛti [ muSitasmRti ]3[ muSit'a-smRti ] mfn. bereft of memory cf. ib. (1) [ -tA ] f. forget. fulness cf. L.

===> muṣṭi [ muSTi ]2[ muST'i ] mf. stealing, filching cf. W. (1) the clenched hand, fist (perhaps orig. ` the hand closed to grasp anything stolen ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a handful cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (3) a partic. measure (= 1 Pala) cf. ŚārṅgS. (4) a hilt or handle (of a sword &c.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (5) a compendium, abridgment cf. Sarvad (6) the penis (?), Mahidh. on cf. VS. xxiii, 24

===> muṣṭi-bandha [ muSTibandha ]3[ muST'i-bandha ] m. = [ -karaNa ] cf. L. (1) closing the hand (in taking hold of anything) cf. L. (2) a handful cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 36. cf. Sch. ([ °dham ] ind. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 4)

===> muṣṭi-yoga [ muSTiyoga ]3[ muST'i-yoga ] m. the offering of handfuls i. e. small quantities, Pracaṇḍ

===> muṣṭika [ muSTika ]2[ muSTika ] m. a handful ([ catur-m° ]) (1) a partic. position of the hands cf. Cat. (2) a goldsmith cf. L. (3) N. of an Asura cf. Hariv. (4) (pl.) of a despised race (= [ DombAs ]) cf. R. (5) ([ A ]), f. [ akSara-muSTikA ] (6) (prob.) n. a pugilistic encounter cf. MBh. (7) a partic. game cf. Siṉhâs

===> mâṃsa-śoṇita [ mAMsazoNita ]3[ mAMs'a-zoNita ] m. flesh and blood, g. [ gav-Adi ] (1) [ -paGkin- ] mfn. (a river) miry with flesh and blood cf. MBh.

===> [ mA ]1[ m'A ]1 ind. (casting a following [ ch ] to be changed to [ cch ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 74) not, that not, lest, would that not cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a particle of prohibition or negation = Gk. ?, most commonly joined [ 804,1 ] with the Subjunctive i. e. the augmentless form of a past tense (esp. of the aor., e. g. [ m'A no vadhIr indra ], do not slay us, O Indra cf. RV. (2) [ mA bhaiSIH ] or [ mA bhaiH ], do not be afraid cf. MBh. (3) [ tapovana-vAsinAm uparodho mA bhUt ], let there not be any disturbance of the inhabitants of the sacred grove cf. Śak (4) often also with [ sma ] e. g. [ mA sma gamaH ], do not go cf. Bhag., cf. cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 175 (5) 176 in the sense of, that not, lest ' also [ yathA mA ] e. g. [ yathA mA vo mRtyuH pari-vyatkA iti ], that death may not disturb you, PraśuUp. (6) or [ mAyathA ] e. g. [ mA bhUt kAl^atyayo yathA ], lest there be any loss of time cf. R.

---> [ mA na ] with aor. Subj. = Ind, without a negative, e. g. [ mA dviSo na vadhIr mama ], do slay my enemies cf. Bhaṭṭ. cf. cf. Vām. v, 1, 9 (7) rarely with the augmentless impf. with or without [ sma ] e. g. [ ma^inam abhibhASathAH ], do not speak to him cf. R. (8) [ mA sma karot ], let him not do it cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 74 cf. Sch. (9) exceptionally also with the Ind. of the aor., e. g., [ mA ], [ kAlas tvAm aty-agAt ], may not the season pass by thee cf. MBh. (10) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 75 cf. Sch.) (11) or with the Impv. (in cf. RV. only viii, 103, 6, [ mA no hRNItAm ] [ cf. SV. [ hRNItAs ] agn'iH ], may Agni not be angry with us (12) but very often in later language, e. g. [ mA kranda ] do not cry cf. MBh. (13) [ gaccha vA mA A ], you can go or not go cf. ib. (14) [ ripur ayam mAjAyatAm ], may not this foe arise, Śalntiś (15) also with [ sma ] e. g. [ mA sva kiM cid vaco vada ] do not speak a word cf. MBh.) (16) or with the Pot. (e. g. ma [ yamam paseyam ], may l not Yama (17) esp. [ mAbhujema ] in cf. RV.) (18) or with the Prec. (only once in [ mA bhUyAt ], may it not be cf. R. [ B. ] ii, 75, 45) (19) or sometimes with the fut. (= that not, lest, e. g. [ mAtvAM zapsye ], lest I curse thee cf. MBh., cf. cf. Vop. xxv, 27) (20) or with a participle (e. g. [ mAjIvanyo duHkhadagdho jIvati ], he ought not to live who lives consumed by pain cf. Pañcat (21) [ gataH sa mA ], he cannot have gone cf. Kathās (22) [ ma^ivampr^arthyam ], it must not be so requested cf. BhP.) (23) sometimes for the simple negative [ na ] (e. g. [ katham mA bhUt ], how may it not be cf. Kathās (24) [ mA gantum arhasi ], thou oughtest not to go, R. (25) [ mA bhUd AgataH ], can he not i. e. surely he must have arrived cf. Amar.) [ 804,2 ] (26) occasionally without a verb (e. g. [ mA zabdaH ] or [ zabdam ], do not make a noise cf. Hariv. (27) [ mA nAma rakSiNaH ], may it not be the watchmen cf. Mṛcch (28) [ mA bhavantam analaH pavano vA ], may not fire or wind harm thee cf. Vām. v, 1, 14 (29) esp. = not so, e. g. [ mA prAtRda ], not so, O Prātṛda cf. ŚBr. (30) in this meaning also [ mA mA ], [ mA m^aivam ], [ mA tAvat ]) (31) in the Veda often with [ u ] ([ m^'o ]) = and not, nor (e. g. [ m'A magh'onaH p'ari khyatam m^'oasm'Akam 'RSNAm ], do not forget the rich lords nor us the poets cf. RV. v, 65, 6 (32) and then usually followed by [ S'u ] = [ s'u ] e. g. [ m^o S'u NaH n'irRtir vadhIt ], let not N'irṛtir on any account destroy us, i, 38, 6) (33) in cf. ŚBr. [ sma mA ] - [ m'o sma ] = neither - nor (in a prohibitive sense)

===> [ mA ]1[ mA ]2 cl. 3. P. [ m'irnAti ] (accord. to cf. Dhātup. xxv, 6, Ā. [ mimIte ] cf. SV. [ mimeti ] (1) Pot. [ mimIyat ] cf. Kāṭh (2) pf., [ mimAya ] (3) aor. [ 'amImet ] Subj. [ mImayat ] (4) inf. [ m'Atava'i ]), to sound, bellow, roar, bleat (esp. said of cows, calves, goats &c.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. : Intens., only pr. p. [ m'emyat ], bleating (as a goat) cf. RV. i, 162, 2

===> [ mA ]1[ mA ] cl. 2. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxiv, 54) [ mAti ] (1) cl. 3. Ā. (xxv, 6) [ m'imIte ] (2) cl. 4. cf. A. (xxvi, 33) [ mAyate ] (Ved. and ep. also [ mimAti ] Pot. [ mimIyAt ] Impv., [ mimIhi ] (3) Pot. [ mimet ] cf. Br. (4) pf. [ mama'u ], [ mame ], [ mamir'e ] cf. RV. (5) aor. [ 'ainAsi ] Subj. [ masAtai ] cf. AV. (6) [ amAsIt ] Gr. (7) Prec. [ mAsISTa ], [ meyAt ] cf. ib. (8) fut. [ mAtA ] (9) [ mAsyati ], [ mAsyate ] cf. ib. (10) inf. [ m'e ] [ -ma'i ] cf. RV. (11) [ mAtum ] cf. Br. (12) ind. p. [ mitv'A ], [ -m'Aya ] cf. RV. &c. &c.), to measure, mete out, mark off cf. RV. &c. &c. (13) to measure across = traverse cf. RV. (14) to measure (by any standard), compare with (instr.) cf. Kum (15) ([ mAti ]) to correspond in measure (either with gen., ` to be large or long enough for ' cf. BhP. (16) or with loc., to find room or be contained in ' cf. Inscr. cf. Kāv (17) or with [ na ] and instr., ` to be beside one's self with cf. Vcar. cf. Kathās.) (18) to measure out, apportion, grant cf. RV. (19) to help any one (acc.) to anything (dat.) cf. ib., i, 120, 9 (20) to prepare, arrange, fashion, form, build, make cf. RV. (21) to show, display, exhibit ([ amimIta ], ` he displayed or developed himself ', iii, 29, 11) cf. ib. (22) (in phil.) to infer, conclude (23) to pray ([ yAcJA-karmaNi ]) cf. Naigh. iii, 59: Pass. [ mIy'ate ] (aor. [ amAyi ]) (24) to be measured &c. cf. RV. &c. &c. : Caus., [ mApayati ], [ °te ] (aor. [ amImapat ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 93 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat.), to cause to be measured or built, measure, build, erect cf. Up. cf. GṛS. cf. MBh. &c. : Desid. [ mitsati ], [ °te ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 54 ; 58 (cf. [ nir-√ mA ]) : Intens. [ memIyate ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 66. [ Cf. Zd. [ mā ] (25) Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. [ me1tior ], [ mensus ], [ 804,2 ] [ mensura ] ; Slav. [ m˘era ] ; Lith. [ me3r'a ]. ]

===> [ mA ]2[ mA ]4 f. under 4. ma, p. 751, col. 2

===> māda [ mAda ]1[ mAda ] m. (√ 2. [ mad ]) drunkenness, exhilaration, delight. passion, stupor cf. L. (1) fighting war cf. Sāy. (cf. [ gandha- ] and [ sadha-m° ])

===> mādana [ mAdana ]2[ m'Adana ] mfn. exhilarating, delighting cf. RV. (1) maddening. intoxicating cf. Suśr. (2) m. the god of love cf. L. (3) Vanguiera Spinosa cf. L. (4) the thorn-apple cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of two plants (= [ mAkandI ] and [ vijayA ]) cf. L. (6) n. intoxication, exhilaration cf. L. (7) ` stupefier ', N. of a mythicā
weapon. cf. R. (v. l. [ madana ])

===> mādhava [ mAdhava ]1[ m'Adhava ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ madhu ] (1) f. [ A ] only in [ mAdhavA ] [ = [ madhavyA ] ] [ tanUH ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 129 cf. Sch.) relating to spring, vernal cf. Hariv. cf. Vikr. cf. Kathās (2) belonging or peculiar to the descendants of Madhu i. e. the Yādavas cf. Hariv. (3) representing Kṛshna (as a picture) cf. Hcat (4) M. N. of the second month of spring (more usually called Vaiśākha, = April-May) cf. TS. &c. &c. spring cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcar. (5) Bassia Latifolia cf. L. (6) Latifolia cf. L. (7) Phaseolus Mungo cf. L. (8) a son or descendant of Madhu, a man of the race of Yadu (sg. esp. N. of Kṛshṇa-Viṣṇu or of Paraśu-rāma as an incarnation of this god (9) pl. the Yādavas or Vṛshṇis)
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (10) N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (11) of Indra cf. Pañcat. cf. Vet. (w. r. for [ vAsava ]?) (12) of a son of the third Manu cf. Hariv. (13) of one of the 7 sages under Manu Bhautya cf. MārkP. (14) of the hero of Bhava-bhūti's drama Mālatī-mādhava (15) of various other men cf. Kathās. cf. Hit. &c. (16) of various scholars and poets (also with [ paNDita ], [ bhaTTa ] [ mizra ], [ yogin ], [ vaidya ], [ sarasvatI ] &c. (17) cf. [ mAdhav^acArya ]) (18) ([ I ]), f. below (19) n. sweetness cf. L. (20) (also m.) a partic. intoxicating drink cf. L.

===> mādhuka [ mAdhuka ]1[ mAdhuk'a ] mfn. coming from or belonging to the Madhuka tree cf. TS. (1) m. pl., ` meadmakers ', N. of the Maireyakas or of a partic. mixed caste cf. MBh.

===> mādhurya [ mAdhurya ]2[ mAdhurya ] n. sweetness cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. (1) loveliness, exquisite beauty, charm cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) (with Vaishṇavas) a feeling of tender affection (for Kṛshṇa like that of a girl for her lover) cf. RTL. 141 (3) (in rhet.) grace of style (esp. consisting in the employment of separated words in a sentence, as opp. to [ zleSa ], q. v.) cf. Vām. cf. Kpr. &c. (4) mfn. sweetly speaking cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. x, 33

===> mādhya [ mAdhya ]1[ mAdhy'a ] mfn. (fr. [ madhya ], of which it is also the Vṛddhi form in comp.) middle, central, mid cf. TS.

===> mādhyamika [ mAdhyamika ]2[ mAdhyamika ] mfn. (fr. [ madhyama ]) = [ m'adhyamaka ] cf. Nir. (also applied to a kind of cloth cf. Pat.) (1) m. pl. N. of a Buddhist school cf. MWB. 157 ; 159 (2) of a people in central India cf. VarBṛS.

===> mādhyasthya [ mAdhyasthya ]3[ mAdhy'a-sthya ] n. (fr. [ madhya-stha ]) = Prec. n. cf. Dhūrtas (1) intercession, mediation cf. W.

===> māgadha [ mAgadha ]1[ mAgadh'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating to or born in or living in or customary among the Magadhas or the Magadha country cf. AV. Pariś. cf. Lalit. &c. (1) m. a king of the Magadha cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (2) N. of a mixed caste cf. AV. &c. &c. (accord. to cf. Mn. x, 11 the son of a Kshatriya mother and a Vaiśya father (3) he is the professional bard or panegyrist of a king, often associated with [ suta ] and [ bandin ] cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) accord. to others one who informs a Rāja of what occurs in bazārs (5) also an unmarried woman's son who lives by running messages or who cleans wells or dirty clothes &c. (6) also opprobrious N. of a tribe still numerous in GujarSt, and called the Bhāts cf. W.) (7) white cumin cf. L. (8) N. of one of the seven sages in the 14th Manv-antara cf. Hariv. (9) of a son of Yadu cf. ib.

---> (pl.) N. of a people (= [ magadhAH ]) cf. AV. Pariś. cf. MBh. &c. (10) of the warrior-caste in Śāka-dvī0pa cf. VP. (11) of a dynasty cf. ib. (12) ([ A ]), f. a princess of the Magadhas cf. PadmaP. (13) long pepper cf. L. (14) ([ I ]), f. a princess of the Magadhas cf. MBh. cf. R. (15) the daughter of a Kshatriya mother and a Vaiśya father cf. MBh. (16) a female bard cf. Kād (17) (with or scil. [ bhASA ]), the language of the Magadhas (one of the Prakṛt dialects) cf. Sāh. &c. (cf. [ ardha-m° ]) (18) Jasminum Auriculatum cf. L. (19) a kind of spice cf. Suśr. (long pepper (20) white cumin (21) anise (22) dill (23) a species of cardamoms grown in Gujarat. cf. L.) (24) refined sugar cf. L. (25) a kind of metre cf. VarBṛS. (26) N. of a river (= [ zoNA ]) cf. R.

===> māgadhaka [ mAgadhaka ]2[ mAgadhaka ] mfn. belonging to Magadha cf. Kāraṇḍ (1) m. pl. N. of a people (= [ magaDhAH ]) cf. Lalit. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. (sg. and pl.) long pepper cf. Suśr. cf. ŚārṅgS.

===> māgha [ mAgha ]1[ mAgh'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating to the constellation Maghā, cf. ŚārṅgS. cf. MBh. (1) m. (scil. [ mAsa ]) the month Māgha (which has its full moon in the constellation Māgha, and corresponds to our January-February) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) N. of a poet (son of Dattaka and grandson of Suprabha-deva, author of the Śiśupāla-vadha, hence called Māgha-kāvya (3) cf. cf. IW. 392, n. 2) (4) of a merchant cf. Vīrac (5) ([ I ]), f. below

===> māhātmya [ mAhAtmya ]3[ mAhA-tmya ] n. (fr. [ mah^atman ]) magnanimity, highmindedness cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) exalted state or position, majesty, dignity cf. ib. (2) the peculiar efficacy or virtue of any divinity or sacred shrine &c. cf. W. (cf. cf. RTL. 433) (3) a work giving an account of the merits of any holy place or object cf. W. (cf. [ devI-m° ] &c.)

===> mākandika [ mAkandika ]2[ mAkandika ] m. (metron. fr. [ makandikA ] cf. Pat.) N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> mākṣika [ mAkSika ]1[ mAkSika ] mfn. (fr. [ makSikA ]) coming from or belonging to a bee cf. MārkP. (1) n. (scil. [ madhu ]) honey cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (2) a kind of honey-like mineral substance or pyrites cf. MBh.

===> māla [ mAla ]1[ mAla ] m. (derivation doubtful) N. of a district (lying west and south-west of Bengal) cf. Megh (1) of one of the 7 islands, of Antara-dvilpa cf. L., of Viṣṇu cf. L. (2) of the son of a Sūdra and a Sūta cf. L. (3) pl. N. of a barbarous tribe or people cf. MBh. (4) ([ A ]), f. col. 3 (5) n. a field cf. Inscr. cf. MBh. (6) a forest or wood near a village cf. L. (7) fraud, artifice cf. L. (8) (in some comp.) = mālā, a wreath, garland

===> mālava [ mAlava ]1[ mAlava ] m. N. of a country (Malwa in central India (1) pl. its inhabitants) cf. AV. Pariś. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) m. (with or scil. [ nRpati ]) a prince of the Mālavas cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Var (3) a horse-keeper cf. L. (4) (in music) a partic. Rāga cf. Saṃgīt (5) a white-flowering Lodhra cf. L. (6) N. of a man cf. Rājat (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh. (8) ([ I ]), f. a princess of the Malwa cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 114 cf. Sch. (9) N. of the wife of Aśva-pati and progenitress of the Malwa cf. MBh. (10) (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī cf. Saṃgīt. (printed [ bhAlavI ]) (11) a kind of Prākṛt metre cf. Col. (12) Clypea Hernandifolia cf. L. (13) n. (with [ pura ]) N. of a (14) mf ([ I ]) n. relating or belonging to the Malwa cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> mālin [ mAlin ]2[ mAlin ] mfn. garlanded, crowned, encircled or surrounded by (instr. or comp.) cf. Āpast. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ I ]), m. a gardener, florist (cf. f.) (2) N. of a son of the Rākshasa Su-keŚa cf. R. (cf. [ mAli ]) (3) ([ inI ]), f. next

===> mālinī [ mAlinI ]2[ mAlinI ] f. the wife of a garland-maker or gardener, female florist cf. Pañcat (1) N. of two plants (= Alhagi Maurorum and [ agni-zikhA ]) cf. L. (2) (in music) a partic. Śruti cf. Saṃgīt (3) N. of various metres cf. Col.

---> of Durgā and one of her female attendants (also of a girl seven years old representing Durgā at her festival) cf. L. (4) of a celestial maiden cf. MBh. [ 814,1 ] (5) of one of the seven Mātris of Skanda cf. MBh. (6) of a Rākshasī (mother of Vibhīshaṇa) cf. MBh. (7) N. assumed by Draupadī (while resident with king Virāṭa) cf. MBh. (8) of the wife of Śvetasident with king Virāṭa.) cf. MBh. (9) of the wife of Karṇa (daughter of Su-kāru) cf. Hariv. (10) of the wife of Priya-vrata cf. Cat. (11) of the wife of Ruci and mother of Manu Raucya cf. MārkP. (12) of the wife of Prasena-jit cf. Buddh. (13) of various rivers cf. MBh. (14) of the celestial Ganges cf. L. (15) of a city (= [ campA ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (16) = next, Āryav

===> mālu [ mAlu ]1[ mAlu ] m. N. of a partic. mixed caste cf. BrahmaP. (v. l. [ mAlla ]) (1) N. of one of Śiva's attendants cf. L. (2) f. a species of creeper (= [ pattra-vallI ], or [ pattra-latA ]) cf. Uṇ. i, S cf. Sch. (3) a woman cf. L.

===> mālu-latā [ mAlulatA ]3[ mAlu-latA ] f. the creeper called [ malu ] ' cf. Lalit.

===> māluda [ mAluda ]1[ mAluda ] m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mālya [ mAlya ]1[ mAlya ] &c. col. 1

===> mālyâpaṇa [ mAlyApaNa ]3[ mAly^apaNa ] m. a garland or flower-market cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hariv.

===> mālā [ mAlA ]1[ mAlA ] [ mAlin ], p. 813, col. 3

===> mālā-dhara [ mAlAdhara ]3[ mAlA-dhara ] mfn. wearing a garland, crowned (1) m. N. of a class of divine beings cf. Buddh. (2) of a man cf. Kathās. ([ I ]), f. N. of a Rākshasī cf. Buddh. (3) n. a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> mālā-dhāra [ mAlAdhAra ]3[ mAlA-dhAra ] m. N. of a class of divine beings cf. Divyâv. (cf. prec.)

===> mālā-kāra [ mAlAkAra ]3[ mAlA-kAra ] m. a garland-maker, gardener, florist (also as a mixed caste) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ I ] f. cf. VarBṛS.) (1) N. of a son of Viśva-karman by a Sūdra woman or by Ghṛtācī cf. BrahmavP.

===> mālāvat [ mAlAvat ]3[ mAlA-vat ] mfn. having a wreath or garland, garlanded, crowned cf. R. cf. Sch. (1) m. (prob.) a gardener cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 72 cf. Sch. (2) ([ atI ]), f. N. of the wife of Upa-barhaṇa cf. Cat. (3) of the wife of Kuśa-dhvaja cf. ib.

===> mālīya [ mAlIya ]2[ mAlIya ]1 Nom. P. [ °yati ], to wish one's self a garland cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 33 cf. Sch.

===> [ mAlIya ]2[ mAlIya ]2 mfn. fit or destined for a garland cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 73, Sch.,

===> mām [ mAm ]1[ m'Am ] acc. sg. of 3. [ ma ], q. v.

===> māmaka [ mAmaka ]2[ mAmaka ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 3) my, mine cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) selfish, greedy, a miser cf. L. (2) a maternal uncle cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of one of the Buddhist Devīs cf. Dharmas. 4 (cf. MWB. 216)

===> māna [ mAna ]2[ mAna ]2 p. 809, col. 3

===> [ mAna ]1[ m'Ana ]1 m. (√ [ man ]) opinion, notion, conception, idea cf. Tattvas. (cf. [ Atma-m° ]) (1) purpose, wish, design cf. AitBr. (2) self-conceit, arrogance, pride cf. KaushUp. cf. Mn. &c. (with Buddhists one of the 6 evil feelings cf. Dharmas. 67 (3) or one of the 10 fetters to be got rid of. cf. MWB. 127) (4) (also n.) consideration, regard, respect, honour cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) a wounded sense of honour, anger or indignation excited by jealousy (esp. in women), caprice, sulking cf. Kāv. cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh (6) N. of the father of Agastya (perhaps also of Agastya himself cf. Pāṇ. the family of Māna) cf. RV. (7) (in astron.) N. of the tenth house cf. VarBṛS. (cf. W. also a blockhead [ 809,2 ] (8) an agent (9) a barbarian ')

===> [ mAna ]1[ m'Ana ]2 m. (√ 3. [ mA ]) a building, house, dwelling cf. RV. (1) an altar cf. Āpast (2) ([ mAn'a ]) a preparation, decoction(?) cf. RV. x, 144, 5 (3) ([ I ]), f. measure ([ tiryan-m° ]) (4) a partic. measure ' (= 2 Añjalis) cf. L. (5) n. measuring. meting out cf. KātyŚr. cf. Hariv. &c. (6) measure, measuring-cord, standard cf. RV. &c. &c. (7) dimension, size, height, length (in space and time), weight cf. ib. (ifc. = fold, [ zat'a-m° ]) (8) a partic. measure or weight (= [ kRSNata ] or [ raktikA ] (9) accord. to cf. Sch. on cf. TS. and KatyŚr. 100 Mānas= 5 Palas or Paṇas) (10) form, appearance cf. RV. (11) likeness, resemblance cf. Śiś. (12) (in phil.) proof. demonstration, means of proof (= [ pra-mANa ]. q. v.)

===> mānanīya [ mAnanIya ]2[ mAnanIya ] mfn. to be honoured, deserving honour from (gen.) cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. cf. Rājat (1) m. an honourable man cf. Kād

===> mānasa [ mAnasa ]1[ mAnas'a ] mf ([ I ], once [ A ]) n. (fr. [ m'anas ]) belonging to the mind or spirit, mental, spiritual (opp. to [ zArirA ], corporeal) cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) expressed only in the mind, performed in thought, i. e. silent, tacit (as a hymn or prayer) cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (2) conceived or present in the mind, conceivable, imaginable cf. R. (3) relating to or dwelling on the lake Mānasa (n. below) cf. BhP. (4) m. a form of Viṣṇu cf. VP. (5) N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. (6) of a son of Vapush-mat cf. MārkP. (7) pl. a partic. class of deceased ancestors (regarded as sons of Vasishṭha) cf. Cat. (8) a class of ascetics cf. RāmatUp. (9) N. of the Vaiśyas in Śkadvīpa cf. MBh. (10) of the worlds of the Soma-pa cf. Hariv. (11) ([ I ]), f. (with [ pUja ]) mental or spiritual devotion (opp. to [ mUrti-p° ], adoration of images) cf. RTL. 524 (12) N. of a Kiṃ-narī cf. Kāraṇḍ (13) of a Vidyā-devī cf. L. (14) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the mental powers, mind, spirit, heart, soul (= [ manas ] g. [ prajJ^adi ]) cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (15) (in law) tacit or implied consent cf. W. (16) a kind of salt cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (17) the 25th mansion from that under which one is born cf. VarYogay (18) (with or scil. ' [ saras ], or [ tIrtha ]) N. of a sacred like and place of pilgrimage on mount Kailāsa (the native place of the wild geese, which migrate to it every year at the breeding season) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (19) N. of wk. on Śilpa or art

===> mānatva [ mAnatva ]3[ m'Ana-tva ] n. haughtiness, arrogance cf. MW. 1

===> [ mAnatva ]3[ m'Ana-tva ] n. the being a measure or standard cf. L. -3

===> mānava [ mAnava ]1[ mAnav'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (fr. [ m'anu ]) descended from or belonging to man or Manu, human cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) favouring men cf. RV. ix, 98, 9 (2) m. a human being, man cf. RV., &c. &c. (3) patr. fr. [ m'anu ] (N. of Nābhā-nedishṭha, Sāryāta, Cakshus, Nahusha, Bhṛgu. Su-dyumna, Karūsha, and Deva-hūti) cf. Br. cf. Pur. &c. (4) N. of a cosmic period cf. VP. (5) pl. the children of men, mankind cf. RV. &c. &c.

---> the races of men (of which 5 or 7 are reckoned) cf. AV. cf. Br. (6) the subjects of a king cf. Mn. cf. R. (7) N. of a school of the black Yajurveda cf. Hcat (8) ([ I ]), f. a daughter of man, a woman cf. RV. &c. &c. (9) Jasminum Auriculatum cf. L. (10) N. of a Vidyā-devī cf. L. (11) of a goddess (executing the commands of the 11th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) cf. L. (12) of a river cf. MBh. (v. l. [ tAnsasI ]) (13) pl. N. of partic. verses cf. Gaut (14) n. a man's length (as a measure) cf. VarBṛS. (15) 1 partic. penance cf. Pr^ayasc (16) N. of various Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr. [ 810,1 ] (17) of Manu's law-book cf. Vas (18) of a Varsha cf. Cat.

===> mānavat [ mAnavat ]3[ m'Ana-vat ] mfn. enjoying honour, rich in honour, TUP (1) ([ atI ]), f. (a woman) angry from jealousy cf. Śiś. cf. Kathās

===> māndhātṛ [ mAndhAtR ]1[ mAndhAtR ] m. (cf. [ mandhAtR ]) N. of a king (son of Yuvan^aśva, author of cf. RV. x, 134), ĀlvŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) of another prince (son of Madana-pāla, patron of Viśv^evara) cf. Cat.

===> māndya [ mAndya ]2[ mAndya ] u. slowness, laziness, indolence cf. BhP. cf. Pañcat. cf. Sāh (1) weakness, feeble state (as of understanding, digestion &c.) cf. Daś. cf. Vedântas. cf. Hcat (2) sickness, disease cf. Kathās. ([ °dyaM-√ kR ], to make one's self ill) (3) stateliness cf. Ml.

===> mānin [ mAnin ]2[ mAnin ]1 mfn. (fr. √ [ man ] or fr. 1. [ mAna ]) thinking, being of opinion cf. KaṭhUp. (1) high-minded, haughty, proud towards ([ pratI ]) or of ([ -tas ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) highly honoured or esteemed cf. ib. (3) (ifc.) thinking (esp. one's self) to be or have, appearing as or passing for ([ darzanIya- ], [ paNDita-m° ] &c.) (4) highly esteeming or honouring (f.) (5) m. Marsilia Dentata cf. L. (6) ([ inI ]), f. a disdainful or sulky woman cf. Kāv (7) (ifc.) the wife of ([ madhu-mAninI ] lit. ` highly esteeming her husband ') (8) Aglaia Odorata cf. L. (9) a kind of metre cf. W. (prob. w. r. for [ mAlinI ]) (10) N. of an Apsaras cf. VP. (11) of a daughter of Vidūrastha and wife of Rājya-vardhana cf. MārkP.

===> [ mAnin ]2[ mAnin ]2 mfn. measuring, applying a measure, measurable cf. VP.

===> mānita [ mAnita ]2[ mAnita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) honoured, respected cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ 809,3 ] (1) n. showing honour or respect cf. Hariv.

===> mānuṣa [ mAnuSa ]1[ m'AnuSa ] or [ mAnuS'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ manus ]) belonging to mankind, human cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) favourable or propitious to men, humane cf. RV. cf. AV. (2) m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a man, human being (pl. the races of men, 5 in number) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) N. of the signs of the zodiac Gemini, Virgo, and Libra cf. VarBṛS. (4) ([ I ]), f. a woman cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) (scil. [ cikitsA ]), human medicine ', a branch of medicine, the administering of drugs (opp. to [ AsurI ] and [ daivIcik° ]) cf. W. (6) n. the condition or manner or action of men, humanity, manhood cf. RV. &c. &c. (7) N. of a place cf. Cat.

===> mānuṣaka [ mAnuSaka ]2[ mAnuSaka ] [ laiva-m° ]

===> mānuṣya [ mAnuSya ]2[ mAnuSya ] n. (fr. [ manuSya ]) human nature or condition, humanity, manhood, manliness cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) mf ([ A ]) n. human, manly cf. Gobh. cf. MBh. cf. Hcat

===> mānuṣyaka [ mAnuSyaka ]2[ m'AnuSyaka ] mfn. human cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) n. human nature or condition cf. Daś. (loc. as far as lies in man's power cf. Kād.) (2) a multitude of men cf. L.

===> mānāpya [ mAnApya ]1[ mAnApya ] n. temporary degradation of a monk cf. Buddh.

===> māra [ mAra ]1[ mAra ] mfn. (√ [ mR ]) killing, destroying (1) m. death, pestilence cf. VarBṛS. cf. AV. Pariś (2) slaying, killing cf. Rājat. (cf. [ pazu-m° ]) (3) an obstacle, hindrance cf. Vās (4) the passion of love, god of love cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (5) (with Buddhists) the Destroyer, Evil One (who tempts men to indulge their passions and is the great enemy of the Buddha and his religion (6) four Māras are enumerated in cf. Dharmas. 80, viz. [ skandha- ], [ kleza- ], [ devaputra- ], and [ mRtyu-m° ] (7) but the later Buddhist theory of races of gods led to the figment of millions of Māras ruled over by a chief Māra) cf. MWB. 208 &c. (8) the thorn-apple cf. L. (9) ([ I ]), f. killing, slaughter cf. Prasannar (10) pestilence (also personified as the goddess of death and identified with Durgā) cf. AV. Pariś. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur.

===> māra-jit [ mArajit ]3[ mAra-jit ] m. conqueror of Māra ', N. of Buddha cf. L.

===> māra-kāyika [ mArakAyika ]3[ mAra-kAyika ] mfn. belonging to the retinue or attendants of Māra cf. Lalit.

===> māra-putra [ mAraputra ]3[ mAra-putra ] m. a son of the Tempter, i. e. a tempter cf. ib.

===> māraka [ mAraka ]2[ mAraka ] mfn. (ifc., f. [ A ]), killing a killer, murderer (cf. [ tri- ] and [ daza-mArikA ]) (1) calcining (cf. [ lohamAraka ]) (2) m. any deadly disease, plague, pestilence (personified as the god of death) cf. Śaṃk (3) a falcon, hawk cf. L. (4) (also n.) death of all creatures at the dissolution of the universe cf. L. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a plague, pestilence cf. BhP.

===> māraṇa [ mAraNa ]2[ m'AraNa ] n. killing, slaying, slaughter, death, destruction cf. MaitrS. cf. Mn. cf. Hariv. &c. ([ °Nam praroot Ap ], to suffer death) (1) a magical ceremony having for its object the destruction of an enemy (also [ -karman ] and [ -kRtya ] n.) cf. RāmatUp. cf. Pañcar. (2) (scil-. [ astra ]), ` slayer ', N. of a partic. mystical weapon cf. R. (3) calcination cf. Cat. (4) a kind of poison (cf. [ maraNa ]) (5) ([ I ]), f. ` slayer ', N. of one of the 9 Samidhs cf. Gṛhyās

===> mārdava [ mArdava ]1[ mArdava ] m. (fr. [ mRdu ]) patr., g. [ bid^adi ] (1) a partic. mixed caste cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ mArgava ], q. v.) (2) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) softness (lit. and fig.), pliancy, weakness, gentleness, kindness, leniency towards (with gen., e. g. [ mŚsarva-bhUtAnAm ], leniency towards all beings) cf. Āpast. cf. Yājñ. cf. R. &c.

===> mārga [ mArga ]2[ mArga ] m. (in most meanings fr. [ mRga ], of which it is also the Vṛddhi form in comp.) seeking, search, tracing out, hunting cf. L. (1) (exceptionally also n.

---> ifc. f. [ A ]) the track of a wild animal, any track, road, path, way to (loc. or comp.) or through (comp.), course (also of the wind and the stars) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ mArgaM-√ dA ] or [ yam ], with gen. of pers., to give up the way to, allow to pass (2) [ mAgeNa ] ifc. = by way of i. e. through, across or along (3) with √ [ yA ], to go the way of i. e. suffer the same fate as (4) [ mArgais ] ifc., through

---> [ mArgAya ], with gen., in order to make way for any one (5) [ mArge ], by the wayside or on the way (6) with [ pra-√ cal ], to set out on one's way (7) [ nijamArgaM-√ gam ], to go one's way) (8) a walk, journey cf. VarBṛS. (9) reach, range cf. Kir (10) a scar, mark (left by a wound &c.) cf. Ragh (11) (in medic.) a way, passage, channel (in any part of the body, esp. the intestinal canal, anus) (12) a way, expedient, means cf. Kām. cf. Kathās. ([ mArgeNa ], by means of. cf. VarBṛS.) (13) a way, manner method, custom, usage cf. Up. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (14) the right way, proper course cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (cf. [ AmArga ] (15) (with Buddhists) the way or path pointed out by Buddha for escape from the misery of existence (one of the 4 noble. truths) cf. MWB. 44 (cf. [ Ary^aSTAGga-m° ]) (16) a title or head in law, ground for litigation cf. Mn. viii, 3, 9 &c. (17) a way of speaking or writing, diction, style cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Sāh (18) a high (opp. to ` vulgar ') style of acting or dancing or singing cf. Inscr. cf. Daśar (19) (in dram.) pointing out the way, indicating how anything is to take place cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh (20) (in astrol.) the 7th mansion cf. VarYogay (21) (in geom.) a section cf. W. (22) musk cf. L. (cf. [ mRga-mada ]) (23) the month Mārgaśīrsha (November-December) cf. Rājat (24) the constellation Mṛga-śiras cf. L. (25) N. of Viṣṇu (as ` the way ', scil. to final emancipation) cf. MBh. (26) mf ([ I ]) n. belonging to or coming from game or deer cf. R. cf. Var. cf. Suśr.

===> mārga-deśika [ mArgadezika ]3[ mArga-dezika ] m. = [ -darzaka ], q. v. cf. L.

===> mārga-pariṇāyaka [ mArgapariNAyaka ]3[ mArga-pariNAyaka ] m. a guide cf. L.

===> mārga-śīrṣa [ mArgazIrSa ]3[ mArga-zIrSa ] mf ([ I ]) n. born under the constellation Mṛga-śras cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 37 cf. Sch. (1) m. (also with [ mAsa ]) N. of the month in which the full moon enters the constellation Mṛga-śiras, the 10th or (in later times) the 1st month in the year = November-December, Kauś cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) ([ I ] or [ A ]), f. (with or without [ paurNamAsI ]) the day on which the full moon enters the constellation Mṛga-śiras, the 15th day of the first half of the month Mārgaśīrsha, GṛS cf. MBh. (3) [ -mAhditmya ], n. (4) [ °S^adi-pUjA ] f. N. of wks.

===> mārgaka [ mArgaka ]2[ mArgaka ] m. the month Mārgaśīrsha cf. L. (cf. [ prati-m° ])

===> mārgaṇa [ mArgaNa ]2[ mArgaNa ] mfn. (ifc.) desiring, requiring, asking cf. MBh. (1) seeking, investigating cf. MW. (2) m. a beggar, suppliant, mendicant cf. Rājat (3) an arrow cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (4) a symbolical expression for the number 5 (derived from the 5 arrows of the god of love) cf. Sūryas (5) n. the act of seeking or searching for, investigation, research, inquiry cf. TBr. cf. Comm. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (6) the act of begging, solicitation, affectionate solicitation or inquiry (also [ A ] f.) cf. L. (7) a bow (16384 Hastas long?) cf. L.

===> mārgaṇatā [ mArgaNatA ]3[ mArgaNa-tA ] f. the being an arrow ([ °tAM gataH ], become an arrow) cf. Vikr

===> mārgita [ mArgita ]2[ mArgita ] mfn. sought, searched, searched through, pursued, hunted after cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. SaddhP. (1) desired, required cf. Yājñ. cf. Kathās

===> mārgâkhyāyin [ mArgAkhyAyin ]3[ mArg^akhyAyin ] m. ` road-teller ', a guide cf. L.

===> māri [ mAri ]2[ mAri ] f. death, pestilence cf. L. (also = [ mAraka ] m. n.) (1) small-pox cf. L. (2) killing, slaying cf. L. (3) rain cf. L.

===> mārita [ mArita ]2[ mArita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) killed, slain, destroyed, MalrkP. cf. Pañcat

===> [ mArita ]1[ mArita ] [ mArin ], above

===> māriṣa [ mAriSa ]1[ mAriSa ] m. (perhaps fr. Pāli [ mArisa ] = [ mAdRza ], ` colleague ' (1) cf. [ mArSa ]) a worthy or respectable man (esp. in the voc. as a term of address = ` worthy friend ' or ` dear sir ' [ 812,1 ] (2) in dram. applied to the manager or one of the principal actors) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. BhP. (3) Amaranthus Oleraceus cf. Bhpr. pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of the mother of Daksha cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (5) of the wife of Śūra cf. Pur., of a river cf. MBh.

===> mārjāra [ mArjAra ]2[ mArjAra ] m. a cat (prob. so called from its habit of constantly cleaning itself) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a wild cat cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. (2) a civet-cat cf. L. (3) Plumbago Rosea cf. L. (4) Terminalia Katappa cf. L. (5) Agati Grandiflora cf. L. (6) N. of a poet cf. Cat. (7) ([ I ]), f. a female cat cf. MārkP. cf. Rājat (8) a civet-cat cf. L. (9) another animal (= [ kodrnga ]) cf. L. (10) musk cf. L.

===> mārtaṇḍa [ mArtaNDa ]1[ mArtaNDa ] m. (later form of [ martANDa ], q. v.) the sun or the god of the sun cf. MBh. cf. R., &c. (often ifc. in titles of books (1) cf. [ chandoprameya-m° ] &c.) (2) a statue of the sun-god cf. Rājat (3) N. of various authors (cf. comp) (4) pl. the Ādityas (and therefore a symbolical N. for the number ` twelve ') cf. Śrutab (5) a hog, boar cf. L.

===> māruta [ mAruta ]1[ m'Aruta ] or [ mArut'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ marut ]) relating or belonging to the Maruts, proceeding from or consisting of the Maruts cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) relating to or derived from the wind, windy, aerial cf. Mn. cf. Hariv. &c. (2) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. RV. (3) of Rudra cf. VarBṛS. (4) a son of the Maruts (applied to Vāyu, Urdhva-nabhas, Dyutāna or Nitāna) cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. (5) (= [ marut ]) wind, air, the god of wind cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (6) vital air, one of the 3 humours of the body cf. Suśr. (7) breath cf. Śikṣ (8) a chief of the Maruts, g. [ parzv-Adi ] (9) N. of a Marut cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch. (10) of Agni cf. Gṛhyās (11) pl. the Maruts (regarded as children of Diti) cf. MBh. cf. R. (12) N. of a people cf. MBh. (B. (13) C. [ maDaka ]) (14) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Vās., Introd. (15) ([ I ]), f. (scil. [ diz ] or [ vidiz ]) the north-west quarter cf. VarBṛS. (16) n. (scil. [ Rkska ] or [ nakSatra ]) the constellation Svāti cf. L. (17) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> mārâbhibhu [ mArAbhibhu ]3[ mAr^abhibhu ] m. ` overthrower of Māra ', N. of a Buddha cf. L.

===> mārṣa [ mArSa ]1[ mArSa ] m. (cf. [ mAriSa ]) an honourable man, respectable person cf. Buddh. (1) Amaranthus Oleraceus cf. Bhpr.

===> mās [ mAs ]1[ m'As ]1 n. = [ mAMs ], flesh, meat cf. RV.

===> [ mAs ]1[ m'As ]2 in, (√ 3. [ mA ] (1) pl. instr. [ mAdbh'is ] cf. RV. (2) loc. [ mAssu ] cf. PañcavBr., [ mAs'u ] cf. TS.) the moon cf. RV. (cf. [ candra ]. and [ sUrya-mAs ]) (3) a month cf. ib. &c, &c. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. [ Māna ], [ mensis ] ; Slav. [ 814,3 ] [ m˘esec˘i ] ; Lith. [ me3nu° ], [ menesis ] ; Goth., [ m^ena ] ; Germ. [ m^ano ], [ m^ane ], [ Mond ] ; Angl. Sax. [ m^ona ] ; Eng. [ moon ] 1. ]

===> māsa [ mAsa ]2[ m'Asa ] m. (or n. cf. Siddh.) the moon ([ pUrNa-m° ]) (1) a month or the 12th part of the Hindū year (there are 4 kinds of months, viz. the solar, [ saura ] (2) the natural, [ sAvana ] (3) the stellar, [ nAkSatra ], and the lunar, [ c^andra ] (4) the latter, which is the most usual and consists of 30 Tithis, being itself of two kinds as reckoned from the new or full moon, cf. cf. IW. 179 (5) for the names of the months cf. ib. 173, n. 3) cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ mAsam ], for a month (6) [ mAsam ekam ], for one month (7) [ mAsena ], in the course of a month (8) [ mAse ], in a month = after the lapse of a month) (9) a symbolical N. for the number ` twelve ' cf. Sūryas

===> māsa-cārika [ mAsacArika ]3[ m'Asa-cArika ] mfn. practising anything for a month cf. ib.

===> māsaka [ mAsaka ]2[ mAsaka ] m. a month cf. Sūryas. cf. Śatr

===> mātali [ mAtali ]1[ mAtali ] m. N. of Indra's charioteer cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ 807,1 ]

===> māti [ mAti ]1[ mAti ] [ mAtu ], p. 804, col. 2

===> mātra [ mAtra ]1[ mAtra ] [ °traka ] &c. p. 804, cols. 2, 3

===> mātraka [ mAtraka ]2[ mAtraka ] (ifc.) = [ mAtra ] cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. = [ mAtrA ], a prosodial instant cf. RPrāt. (cf. [ mAtrika ])

===> mātratā [ mAtratA ]3[ mAtra-tA ] f. (ifc.) the being as much as, no more nor less than anything cf. Śaṃkar

===> mātrâśin [ mAtrAzin ]3[ m'AtrA-zin ] ([ °tr^az° ]), mfn. eating moderately cf. ib.

===> mātrā [ mAtrA ]2[ m'AtrA ] f. measure (of any kind), quantity, size, duration, number, degree &c. cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ bhUyasyA mAtrayA ], in a higher degree cf. Lalit.) (1) unit of measure, foot cf. VarBṛS. (2) unit of time, moment cf. Suśr. cf. SārṅgS. (= [ nimeSa ] cf. VP. (3) ifc. = lasting so many moments cf. Gaut.) (4) metrical unit, a mora or prosodial instant, i. e. the length of time required to pronounce a short vowel (a long vowel contains 2 Mātrās, and a prolated vowel 3) cf. Prāt. (5) musical unit of time (3 in number) cf. Pañcat (6) (only once ifc.) the full measure of anything (= [ mAtra ]) cf. Hariv. 7125 (7) right or correct measure, order cf. RV. cf. ChUp. (8) a minute portion, particle, atom, trifle cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. ([ ayA ], ind. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately cf. Daś. cf. Suśr. (9) [ AyAm ] ind. a little cf. Gaṇar (10) [ rAj^eti kiyatI mAtrA ], of what account is a king? a king is a mere trifle cf. Pañcat (11) [ kA mAtrA samudrasya ], what is the importance of the sea? the sea will easily be managed cf. ib. (12) an element (5 in number) cf. BhP. (13) matter, the material world cf. MaitrUp. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (14) materials, property, goods, household, furniture, money, wealth, substance, livelihood (alsopl.) cf. Vas. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (15) a mirror cf. Viṣṇ (16) an ear-ring, jewel, ornament cf. Kād (17) the upper or horizontal limb of the Nāgarī characters cf. W.

===> mātsarya [ mAtsarya ]3[ mAtsarya ] n. envy, jealousy, MaitriUp. cf. MBh. &c. (with Buddhists 5 kinds are named cf. Dharmas. 78 (1) [ °ryaM-√ k'R ], to show jealousy cf. MBh.) (2) displeasure, dissatisfaction cf. Kathās

===> mātsika [ mAtsika ]1[ mAtsika ] m. (fr. [ matsya ]) a fisherman cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 cf. Vārtt. 8 cf. Pat.

===> mātula [ mAtula ]1[ mAtula ] &c. col. 3

===> [ mAtula ]2[ mAtula ] m. a maternal uncle (often in respectful or familiar address, esp. in fables) cf. GṛS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of the solar year cf. L. (2) the thorn-apple tree cf. L. (3) a species of grain cf. L. (4) a kind of snake cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. the wife of a maternal uncle, maternal aunt cf. L. (6) ([ I ]) . f. id. cf. L. (7) hemp cf. L. (8) mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. belonging to or existing in a maternal uncle cf. Śukas. (v. l.)

===> mātula-putraka [ mAtulaputraka ]3[ mAtula-putraka ] m. the son of a maternal uncle cf. L. (1) a thorn-apple (the fruit) cf. L.

===> mātuluṅga [ mAtuluGga ]2[ mAtuluGga ] m. and n. = prec. m. and n. cf. Suśr. (1) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. another species of citron tree, sweet lime cf. ib.

===> mātā-maha [ mAtAmaha ]3[ mAtA-maha ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 35 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat.) a maternal grandfather cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) (du.) maternal grandparents cf. PārGṛ. (2) (pl.) a mother's father, grandfather, and ancestors cf. Yājñ. (3) ([ I ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 36 cf. Vārtt. 3 cf. Pat.) a maternal grandmother cf. Mn. ix, 193 (4) mf ([ I ]) n. related or belonging to a maternal grandfather cf. R. cf. Hariv. (also [ °hIya ] mfn. cf. Hariv. cf. Sch.)

===> mātā-pitṛ [ mAtApitR ]3[ mAtA-pitR ] m. du. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 25 cf. Sch.) mother and father, parents
cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (pl. [ mAt'a-pit'arah ] cf. TS.) (1) [ -ghAtaka ] m. one who kills mother and father, Kāraṇd (2) [ -vihIna ] mfn. bereft of mother and father cf. Mn. ix, 177 (3) [ -saMjiJin ]. considering as mother and father cf. Lalit. (4) [ -sahasra ] n. pl. thousands of mother and father cf. MBh.

===> mātṛ [ mAtR ]1[ mAt'R ]2 f. (derivation from √ 3. [ mA ] very doubtful (1) for 1. [ m'AtR ], p. 804, col. 2) a mother, any mother (applicable to animals) cf. RV. &c. &c. (sometimes ifc., e. g. [ kuntI-m° ], having Kuntī for a mother) (2) du. father and mother, parents cf. RV. iii, 3, 33 ; vii, 2, 5 (also ', [ mAt'arA-pit'arA ], iv, 6, 7, and [ pit'arA-mAt'arA ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 33 (3) cf. [ mAtarapitarau ], col. 2) (4) the earth (du. heaven and earth) cf. RV. (5) (with or scil. [ lokasya ]), a cow cf. MBh. (6) (du. and pl.) the two pieces of wood used in kindling fire cf. RV. (cf. [ dvi-m° ]) (7) (pl.) the waters cf. RV. (cf. [ saptam° ] and cf. Naigh. i, 13) (8) (pl.) the divine mothers or personified energies of the principal deities (sometimes reckoned as 7 in number, viz. Brāhmī or Brahmāṇi, Māheśvarī, Kaumārī, Vaishṇavī, Vārāhī, Indrāṇ! or Aindrī or Mihendrī, Cāmuṇḍā (9) sometimes 8, viz. Brāhmi, Māheśvarī, Kaumāri, Vaishṇavī, Vārāhī, Raudrī, Carma-muṇḍā, Kāla-saṃpkarshiṇī (10) sometimes 9, viz. Brahmāṇī, Vaishṇavī, Raudrī, Vārāhī, Nārasiṃhikā, Kaumāri, Māhendrī, Cāmuṇḍā, Caṇḍikā (11) sometimes 16, viz. Gaurī, Padmā, Śacī, Medhā, Sāvitrī, Vijayā, Jayā, Deva-senā, Sva-dhā, Svāhā, Śānti, Pushṭi, Dhṛti, Tushṭi, Ātma-devatā and Kula-devatā (12) they are closely connected with the worship of Śiva and are described as attending on his son Skanda or Kārttikeya, to whom at first only 7 Mātṛs were assigned, but later an innumerable number (13) also the 13 wives of Kaśyapa are called, [ lokAnAm mAtaraH ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur. cf. Hcat. (cf. RTL. 222 &c.) (14) (pl.) the 8 classes of female ancestors (viz. mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, paternal and maternal aunts &c. cf. Saṃskārak. (15) but the word ` mother ' is also applied to other female relatives and in familiar speech to elderly women generally) (16) N. of Lakshmī cf. Bhartṛ (17) of Durgā cf. L. (18) of Dākshāyaṇi in certain places cf. Cat. (19) accord. to cf. L. also = a colocynth (20) Salvinia Cucullata, Nardostachys Jatamansi, Sphaerantus Indicus (21) air, space

---> the lower mill-stone (22) = [ vibhUti ] (23) [ -revatI ]. [ Cf. Gk., ?, ? ; Lat. [ mater ] ; [ 807,1 ] Lith. [ mote ] ; Slav. [ mati ] ; Germ. [ muotar ], [ Mutter ] ; Eng. [ mother ]. ]

===> mātṛ-ceṭa [ mAtRceTa ]3[ mAt'R-ceTa ] m. N. of a man cf. L.

===> mātṛ-garbha [ mAtRgarbha ]3[ mAt'R-garbha ] m. a mother's womb ([ -stha ] mfn. being in it) cf. L. [ 807,2 ]

===> mātṛ-gaṇa [ mAtRgaNa ]3[ mAt'R-gaNa ] m. the assemblage of divine mother (cf. above) cf. MBh. cf. Var. &c.

===> mātṛ-ghāta [ mAtRghAta ]3[ mAt'R-ghAta ] (cf. L.)

===> mātṛ-ghātaka [ mAtRghAtaka ]3[ mAt'R-ghAtaka ] (cf. R.),

===> mātṛ-ghātin [ mAtRghAtin ]3[ mAt'R-ghAtin ] (cf. Pañcar.), m. a matricide

===> mātṛ-grāma [ mAtRgrAma ]3[ mAt'R-grAma ] m. ` the aggregate of mother ', the female sex cf. Lalit. (1) any woman cf. L. (2) N. of a village cf. Rājat (3) [ -doSa ] m. pl. the faults of woman kind cf. Lalit.

===> mātṛ-jña [ mAtRjJa ]3[ mAt'R-jJa ] mfn. knowing i. e. honouring a mother cf. Lalit.

===> mātṛ-pakṣa [ mAtRpakSa ]3[ mAt'R-pakSa ] mfn. belonging to the mother's side or maternal line cf. W.

===> mātṛ-vadha [ mAtRvadha ]3[ mAt'R-vadha ] m. the murder of a mother cf. RāmatUp. (with Buddhists one of the 5 unpardonable sins cf. Dharmas. 60)

===> mātṛ-ṣvasṛ [ mAtRSvasR ]3[ mAt'R-SvasR ] f. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 84) a mother's sister cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> mātṛkā [ mAtRkA ]2[ mAtRkA ] f. a mother (also fig. = source, origin) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. (1) a divine mother (cf. under [ mAtR ]) cf. RTL. 188 (2) a nurse cf. L. (3) a grandmother cf. Daś (4) N. of 8 veins on both sides of the neck (prob. so called after the 8 divine mother) cf. Suśr. (5) N. of partic. diagrams (written in characters to which a magical power is ascribed (6) also the alphabet so employed (7) prob. only the 14 vowels with Anusvāra and Visarga were originally so called after the 16 divine magical) cf. RāmatUp. cf. Pañcar. (8) any alphabet cf. Hcat (9) (pl.) cf. Lalit. (10) a wooden peg driven into the ground for the support of the staff of Indra's banner cf. VarBṛS. (11) N. of the wks. included in the Abhidharsna-piṭaka cf. Buddh. (12) of the wife of Aryaman cf. BhP. (13) = [ karaNa ] cf. L.

===> māyā [ mAyA ]2[ mAy'A ] f. art, wisdom, extraordinary or supernatural power (only in the earlier language) (1) illusion, unreality, deception, fraud, trick, sorcery, witchcraft magic cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) an unreal or illusory image, phantom, apparition cf. ib. (esp. ibc= false, unreal, illusory (3) cf. comp.) (4) duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil passions) cf. Dharmas. 69 (in phil.) Illusion (identified in the Sāṃkhya with Prakṛti or Pradhāna and in that system, as well as in the Ved^anta, regarded as the source of the visible universe) cf. IW. 83 ; 108 (5) (with Śaivas) one of the 4 Pāśas or snares which entangle the soul cf. Sarvad. cf. MW. (6) (with Vaishṇavas) one of the 9 Śaktis or energies of Viṣṇu cf. L.

---> Illusion personified (sometimes identified with Durgā, sometimes regarded as a daughter of Anṛta and Nirṛti or Nikṛti and mother of Mṛtyu, or as a daughter of Adharma) cf. Pur. (7) compassion, sympathy cf. L.

---> Convolvulus Turpethum cf. L. (8) N. of the mother of Gautama Buddha cf. MWB. 24 (9) of Lakshmī cf. W. (10) of a city cf. Cat. (11) of 2 metres cf. Col. (12) du. ([ mAye indrasya ]) N. of 2 Sāmans cf. ArshBr.

===> māyā-devī [ mAyAdevI ]3[ mAy'A-devI ] f. N. of the mother of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh. (1) of the wife of Pradyumna cf. VP. (2) [ -suta ] m. ` son of Māyādevī ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. L.

===> māyā-kāra [ mAyAkAra ]3[ mAy'A-kAra ] or m. ` illusion-maker ', a conjurer, juggler cf. L.

===> māyāvin [ mAyAvin ]3[ mAy'A-v'in ] mfn. possessing illusion or magical powers, employing deceit, deluding or deceiving others ([ -vi-tA ] f.) cf. RV. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) illusory, creating illusions cf. Nīlak (2) m. a magician, conjurer, juggler cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (3) a cat cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Maya cf. R. (5) n. a gall. nut cf. MW. (6) [ °vi-mAlikA ] f. N. of wk.

===> māyūra [ mAyUra ]1[ mAyUra ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ mayUra ]) belonging to or coming from a peacock cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) made of peacock ' feathers cf. VarBṛS. (2) drawn by peacock cf. Hariv. (3) dear to peacock cf. Mālav (4) ([ I ]), f. a species of plant cf. L. (5) (in music) a partic. Rāgiṇī cf. Saṃgīt (6) a partic. sternutatory cf. Car. (7) a flock of peacocks cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 44 cf. Sch.

===> māyūra-vratin [ mAyUravratin ]3[ mAyUra-vratin ] m. a member of a partic. sect cf. L.

===> māḍa [ mADa ]2[ mADa ] m. measure, weight, quantity cf. W. (1) Caryota Urens cf. L. (also [ maDA-druma ] (2) cf. [ madya-d° ])

===> māṃsa [ mAMsa ]2[ mAMs'a ] n. sg. and pl. flesh, meat cf. RV. &c. &c. (also said of the fleshy part or pulp of fruit cf. Suśr.) (1) m. N. of a mixed caste cf. MBh. (= [ mAMsa-vikretR ] cf. Nīlak.) (2) a worm cf. L. (3) time cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. Nardostachys Jatamansi cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (5) = [ kakkolI ], f. ; = [ mAMsa-cchadA ] cf. L. [ Cf. Slav. [ meso ] ; Pruss. [ mensa ] ; Lith. [ mes'a5. ] ]

===> māṃsa-bhakṣa [ mAMsabhakSa ]3[ mAMs'a-bhakSa ] mfn. flesh-eating, carnivorous cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. (also [ °kSaka ]) (1) m. N. of a Dānava cf. Hariv.

===> māṃsa-bhakṣaṇa [ mAMsabhakSaNa ]3[ mAMs'a-bhakSaNa ] n. eating flesh or animal food (1) [ -dIpikA ] f. N. of wk.

===> māṃsa-cakṣus [ mAMsacakSus ]3[ mAMs'a-cakSus ] n. ` the fleshy eye ' cf. Vajracch. (with Buddhists one of the 5 sorts of vision cf. Dharmas. 65)

===> māṃsa-kīla [ mAMsakIla ]3[ mAMs'a-kIla ] m. a tumour, polypus (also [ °laka ]) cf. L. (1) a vart cf. L.

===> māṃsa-peśī [ mAMsapezI ]3[ mAMs'a-pezI ] f. a piece of flesh cf. Gobh. N. of the fetus from the 8th till the 14th day cf. L. (1) a muscle cf. Bhpr.

===> māṃsa-piṇḍa [ mAMsapiNDa ]3[ mAMs'a-piNDa ] m. n. a lump of flesh, tumour cf. Suśr. (1) [ -gRhita-vadana ] mfn. carrying a lump of flesh in the mouth cf. MW.

===> māṃsa-rasa [ mAMsarasa ]3[ mAMs'a-rasa ] m. flesh-broth cf. Suśr. (1) blood cf. Gal.

===> māṃsa-vikraya [ mAMsavikraya ]3[ mAMs'a-vikraya ] m. the sale of flesh cf. Śukas

===> māṃsika [ mAMsika ]2[ mAMsika ] mfn. [ mAjMsAya prabhavati ] g. [ saMtAp^adi ] (1) = [ mAMsaM niyuktaM dIyate 'smai ] cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 67 (2) m. a butcher or a seller of meat cf. SaddhP.

===> māṃsâda [ mAMsAda ]3[ mAMs^ada ] mfn. id. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> māṃsâśin [ mAMsAzin ]3[ mAMs^azin ] mfn. eating flesh, living on animal food ([ °zi-tva ], n.) cf. R. cf. Pañcat

===> māṅgalya [ mAGgalya ]2[ mAGgalya ] mfn. conferring or indicating happiness, auspicious cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. Aegle Marmelos cf. L., n. any auspicious object or ceremony cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. (2) welfare, propitiousness cf. Uṇ. v, 70 cf. Sch. (3) du. N. of 2 partic. verses cf. MānGṛ.

===> māṇava [ mANava ]1[ mANava ] m. a youth, lad, youngster (esp. a young Brāhman (1) also contemptuously = little man, manikin) cf. Kāty. cf. Kār. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 161 &c. (cf. [ daNDa-m° ]) (2) a pearl ornament of 16 strings cf. L. (3) (with Jainas) N. of one of the 9 treasures

===> māṇavaka [ mANavaka ]2[ mANavaka ] m. a youth. lad, fellow (= prec.) cf. Gobh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (cf. [ mAdhavya- ] and [ mAyAm° ]) (1) a pupil, scholar, religious student cf. W. (2) a pearl ornament of 16 (accord. to cf. L. also of 20 or 48) strings cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañcad (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a young girl, damsel, wench cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 72 cf. Sch. (4) n. a kind of metre cf. Col. (also [ -krIDa ] or [ °Danaka ] n. [ °DA ], f. [ °Ditaka ] n.) mfn.

===> māṇi-bhadra [ mANibhadra ]3[ mANi-bhadra ] m. N. of a prince of the Yakshas (= [ maNi-bhadra ]) cf. SāmavBr. cf. MBh.

===> māṇḍalika [ mANDalika ]1[ mANDalika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ maNDala ]) relating to a province cf. ib. (1) ruling a province ([ -maNDalaM rakSati ]) cf. Uṇ. i, 106 cf. Sch. (2) m. the governor of a province cf. Var. cf. Kām

===> māṣa [ mASa ]1[ m'ASa ] m. (n., g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a bean cf. RV. &c. &c. (sg. the plant (1) pl. the fruit (2) in later times = Phaseolus Radiatus, a valued kind of pulse having seeds marked with black and grey spots) (3) a partic. weight of gold (= 5 Kṛshṇalas= 1/10 Suvārṇa (4) the weight in common use is said to be about 17 grains troy) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (5) a cutaneous eruption resembling beans cf. L. (6) a fool, blockhead cf. L. (7) N. of a man, g. [ bAhv-Adi ] (8) pl. (with or scil. [ akRSTAH ]) ` wild beans ', N. of a Ṛshi-gaṇs (the children of Śu-rabhi, to whom cf. RV. ix, 86, 1-10 is ascribed) cf. RAnukr. cf. R. cf. Hariv. (9) ([ I ]), f. below

===> māṣa-rāśi [ mASarAzi ]3[ m'ASa-rAzi ] m. a heap of blossoms cf. MBh.

===> māṣa-sūpa [ mASasUpa ]3[ m'ASa-sUpa ] m. bean-soup cf. Suśr.

===> māṣaka [ mASaka ]2[ mASaka ] m. a bean cf. Suśr. (1) m. n. a partic. weight of gold &c. (= 7 or 8 Guñjās, acc. to some about 4 1/2 grains)
cf. Mn. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Suśr. (cf. [ paJca-m° ])

===> māṭhara [ mAThara ]1[ mAThara ] m. (fr. [ maTha ]) the super intendent of a monastic school or college cf. L. (1) Brāhman cf. Gal. (2) (fr. [ maThara ] g. [ bid^adi ]), N. of an ancient teacher cf. Kauś. cf. Vait (3) of a disciple of Paraśurama, Bāl (4) of one of the Sun's attendants cf. MBh. (5) (with [ AcAya ]) of the author of the Sāṃkhya-kāriksvṛtti cf. Cat. [ 806,2 ] (6) of Vyāsa cf. L. (7) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (v. l. [ rAmaTha ]) (8) ([ I ]), f. N. of a woman
(cf. [ k'AzyapIbAlAkyA-maTharI-puttra ])

===> mīmāṃsaka [ mImAMsaka ]1[ mImAMsaka ] m. (fr. Desid., of √ [ man ]) as examiner, investigator, prover (cf. [ kAvya-m° ]) (1) a, follower of the Mīmāṃsā system (below) cf. TPrāt. cf. Saṃk (2) ([ ikA ]), f. the Mīmānsā system cf. Hcat

===> mīmāṃsya [ mImAMsya ]2[ mImAMsya ] mfn. to be thought over or reflected upon, to be examined or considered cf. Gobh. cf. KenUp. (cf. [ a-m° ])

===> mīmāṃsā [ mImAMsA ]2[ mIm^aMs'A ] f. profound thought or reflection or Consideration, investigation, examination, discussion cf. ŚBr. cf. TĀr. (1) theory (cf. [ kAvya-m° ]) (2) ` examination of the Vedic text ', N. of one of the 3 great divisions of orthodox Hindū philosophy (divided into 2 systems, viz. the Pūrva-mīnāṃsā or Karma-mīmāṃsā by Jamini, concerning itself chiefly with the correct incalled the Mimāṃsā (3) and the Uttara-mimāṃsā or Brahma-mimāṃsā or Śārīraka-mimāṃsā by Bādarāyaṇa, commonly styled the Ved^anta and dealing chiefly with the nature of Brahm˘a or the one universal Spirit) cf. IW. 46 ; 98 &c.

===> mīna [ mIna ]1[ mIna ] m. (derivation fr. √ 1. [ mI ] very doubtful in spite of cf. Uṇ. iii, 3,) a fish cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) the sign of the zodiac Pisces cf. R. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pur. (2) N. of a teacher of Yoga cf. Cat. (3) ([ A ]), f. a stick cf. L. (4) N. of a daughter of Ushā and wife of Kaśyapa cf. Pur.

===> mīḍha [ mIDha ]2[ mIDha ] mfn. urined, watered cf. L. (1) m. a ram cf. L. (2) ([ A ]) . f. N. of a woman cf. Subh (3) ([ mIDh'a ] or [ miLh'a ]) n. contest, strife cf. RV. (4) prize, reward cf. ib. (5) excrement, faeces cf. Lalit.

===> [ mIDha ]1[ mIDha ] [ mIDhu ], [ mIDh'uS ]. [ mIDhv'as ] &c. col. 2

===> mūka [ mUka ]2[ m'Uka ] (cf. ŚBr. [ mUk'a ]), mf ([ A ]) n. ` tied or bound ' (scil. tongue-tied), dumb, speechless, mute, silent cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) wretched, poor cf. L. (2) m. a fish cf. L. (3) the offspring of a mule and mare cf. L. (4) N. of a Dānsva cf. MBh. (5) of a serpent-demon cf. ib. (6) of a poet cf. Cat. (7) ([ A ]), f. a crucible cf. L. (= or w. r. for [ mUSA ])

===> mūla [ mUla ]2[ m'Ula ] n. (or m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) ifc. f. [ A ] or [ I ] (2) prob. for 3. [ m'Ura ], above) ' firmly fixed ', a root (of any plant or tree (3) but also fig. the foot or lowest part or bottom of anything) cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ mUlaM ] √ [ kR ] or [ bandh ], to take or strike root) (4) a radish or the root of various other plants (esp. of Arum Campanulatum, of long pepper, and of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus) cf. L. (5) the edge (of the horizon) cf. Megh (6) immediate neighbourhood ([ mama mUtam ] = to my side) cf. R. (7) basis, foundation, cause, origin, commencement, beginning ([ mUlAd Arabhya ] or [ A ] [ mUlAt ], from the beginning (8) [ mUlAt ], from the bottom, thoroughly (9) [ mUlaM ] [ kramataz ca ], right through from beginning cf. Divyâv.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (ibc. = chief principal, cf. below (10) ifc. = rooted in, based upon, derived from) (11) a chief or principal city cf. ib. (12) capital (as opp. to ` interest ') cf. SāmavBr. cf. Prab (13) an original text (as opp. to the commentary or gloss) cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. (14) a king's original or proper territory cf. Mn. vii, 184 (15) a temporary (as opp. to the rightful) owner cf. Mn. viii, 202 (16) an old or hereditary servant, a native inhabitant cf. MW. (17) the square root cf. Sūryas (18) a partic. position of the fingers (= [ mUta-bandha ]) cf. Pañcar. (19) a copse, thicket cf. L. (20) also m. and ([ A ]), f. N. of the 17th (or 19th) lunar mansion cf. AV. &c. &c. (21) m. herbs for horses, food cf. Divyâv (22) N. of Sadā-śiva cf. Cat. (23) ([ A ]), f. Asparagus Racemosus cf. L. (24) ([ I ]), f. a species of small house-lizard cf. L. (25) mfn. original, first cf. Cat. (26) = [ nija ], own, proper, peculiar cf. L.

===> mūla-bhūta [ mUlabhUta ]3[ m'Ula-bhUta ] mfn. become the root or original cf. MW.

===> mūla-ccheda [ mUlaccheda ]3[ m'Ula-ccheda ] m. cutting away the root ' cutting up by the root cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS.

===> mūla-dvāra [ mUladvAra ]3[ m'Ula-dvAra ] n. a principal door cf. VarBṛS. (1) [ -vatI ] f. the original or ancient Dvāravatī, the older part of that city cf. Cat. (cf. [ laghu-dv° ], [ mUlanagara ])

===> mūla-grantha [ mUlagrantha ]3[ m'Ula-grantha ] m. ` original text ', N. of the very words uttered by Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh.

===> mūla-parivāsa [ mUlaparivAsa ]3[ m'Ula-parivAsa ] m. the original period for the continuance of the punishment called Parṭroot, Mahāvy (1) [ mUl^apakarSa-p° ]

===> mūla-prakṛti [ mUlaprakRti ]3[ m'Ula-prakRti ] f. (in phil.) the original root or germ out of which matter or all apparent forms are evolved, the primary cause or ` originant '
cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Pañcar. &c. (cf. IW. 82) (1) pl. the 4 principal kings to be considered in time of war (viz. the Vijigishu, Ari, Madhyama and Udāsāna (2) cf. [ prakRti ] and [ zAkhA-p° ]) cf. Mn. vii, 157 cf. Kull. cf. Kām

===> mūla-sarvâsti-vāda [ mUlasarvAstivAda ]3[ m'Ula-sarv^asti-vAda ] or m. pl. N. of a Buddhist school cf. Buddh.

===> mūla-sthāna [ mUlasthAna ]3[ m'Ula-sthAna ] n. foundation, base cf. Cat. (1) principal place cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (2) the air, atmosphere cf. L. (3) a god cf. L. (4) Mooltan cf. Cat. &c. [ 827,1 ] (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of Gaurī cf. L. (6) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tirtha cf. Cat.

===> mūlaka [ mUlaka ]2[ mUlaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. (ifc.) rooted in, springing from ([ -tva ], n.) cf. MBh. cf. Jaim. cf. Sch. &c. (1) born under the constellation MūIa, PĀṇ. iv, 3, 28 (2) m. n. a radish cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (3) a sort of yam cf. W. (4) m. a kind of vegetable poison cf. L. (5) N. of a prince (a son of Aśmaka) cf. Pur. (6) ([ ikA ]), f. a root used in magic cf. Pañcat. cf. Siṉhâs (7) n. a root cf. MBh. cf. Pañcar.

===> mūlatva [ mUlatva ]3[ m'Ula-tva ] n. the state of being a root or foundation or source, the having a foundation ([ tan-mUlatvAt ] [ prajAnAM rAjA skandhaH ], ` the king is the stem of his subjects through their being his root ' (1) [ veda-mUlatva ], ` the fact that the Veda is the original source of all knowledge ' (2) [ zAstra-m° ], ` the being founded upon the Śāstras ') cf. Kām. (cf. [ tan-m° ]) . [ 826,3 ]

===> mūlika [ mUlika ]2[ mUlika ] mfn. original cf. Tattvas (1) primary, principal cf. W. (2) living on root cf. L. (3) m. an ascetic cf. L. (4) a seller of roots cf. Nār. (accord. to others = [ mUlam vipralambhas tat-kArI ]) (5) ([ A ]), f. a multitude or collection of roots cf. MW.

===> mūlya [ mUlya ]2[ mUlya ] mfn. being at the root cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (1) to be torn up by the root cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 88 (2) = [ mUlen^anAmyam ] and = [ mUlena samaH ] cf. ib., 91 (3) to be bought for a sum of money, purchasable cf. W. (4) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) original value, value, price, worth, a sum of money given as payment (e. g. [ d^atum mUlyena ], to part with for a certain price, sell (5) [ dattvA kiMcin mUlyena ], having given something in payment (6) [ mUlyena ] √ [ grah ], to buy for a price, buy (7) [ mUlyena ] √ [ mArg ], to seek to buy) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (8) wages, salary, payment for service rendered cf. Rājat. cf. Kathās (9) earnings, gain cf. Pañcat (10) capital, stock cf. Kathās (11) an article purchased cf. W.

===> mūlâpakarṣa-parivāsa [ mUlApakarSaparivAsa ]3[ mUl^apakarSaparivAsa ] m. the shortened period of the punishment called Parivāsa, [ mUla-p° ]

===> mūrchana [ mUrchana ]2[ mUrchana ] mfn. stupefying, causing insensibility (applied to one of the 5 arrows of Kāma-deva) cf. R. (1) (ifc.) strengthening, augmenting, confirming cf. Pañcar. (2) n. (m. c.) and ([ A ]), f. fainting, swooning. syncope cf. Suśr. cf. Kir. cf. Sch. (3) (in music) modulation, melody, a regulated rise or fall of sounds through the Grāma or musical scale (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. cf. Saṃgīt (4) n. vehemence, violence, prevalence, growth, increase (of diseases, fire &c.) cf. MBh. (5) (also [ A ] f.) a partic. process in metallic preparations, calcining quicksilver with sulphur cf. Bhpr. cf. Rasar

===> [ mUrchana ]1[ mUrchana ] p. 823, col. 3

===> mūrchita [ mUrchita ]2[ mUrchita ] mfn. fainted, stupefied, insensible (n. impers.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. calcined, solidified (said of quicksilver) cf. Sarvad (1) intensified, augmented increased, grown, swollen (ifc. = filled or pervaded or mixed with) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. (2) tall, lofty cf. W. (3) reflected (as rays) cf. Var (4) agitated, excited cf. MBh. (5) n. a kind of song or air cf. BhP.

===> mūrchā [ mUrchA ]2[ mUrchA ] f. fainting, a swoon, stupor cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) mental stupefaction, infatuation, delusion, hallucination cf. Kāv. cf. Sarvad (2) congealment, solidification (of quicksilver) cf. Kāv (3) modulation, melody (= [ mUrchanA ]) cf. Śiś. cf. Sch.

===> mūrdha [ mUrdha ]2[ mUrdha ]1 in comp. for [ mUrdhan ]

===> [ mUrdha ]2[ mUrdha ]2 (ifc.) = [ mUrdhan ] the head (cf. [ dvi ] and [ tri-mUrdha ])

===> mūrdha-gata [ mUrdhagata ]3[ mUrdha-gata ] m. N. of a Cakra-vartin cf. Divyāv

===> mūrdha-ja [ mUrdhaja ]3[ mUrdha-ja ] m. pl. ` head-born ', the hair of the head cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the mane cf. Kathās (2) N. of a Cakravartin cf. Buddh.

===> mūrdhan [ mUrdhan ]1[ mUrdh'an ] m. (cf. Uṇ. i, 158) the forehead, head in general, skull, (fig.) the highest or first part of anything, top, point, summit, front (of battle), commencement, beginning, first, chief (applied to persons) cf. RV. &c, &c, ([ mUrdhni ] with √ [ vRt ] &c., to be above everything, prevail (1) with √ [ dhR ], or [ A-√ dA ] = [ mUrdhnA ] √ 1. [ kR ], to place on the head, hold in high honour) (2) the base (in geom. (3) opp. to [ agra ] (4) perhaps w. r. for [ budhna ]) cf. Col. (5) (in gram.) the roof or top of the palate (as one of the 8 Sthanas or places of utterance) cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 cf. Sch. (6) (with Buddhists) ` the summit ', N. of a state of spiritual exaltation cf. Divyâv

===> mūrdhâbhiṣikta [ mUrdhAbhiSikta ]3[ mUrdh^abhiSikta ] mfn. having the head sprinkled, anointed, consecrated cf. MBh. (1) universally, acknowledged (as a rule or example) cf. Pat. (2) m. a consecrated king cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (3) a man of the Kshatriya or warrior caste cf. L. (4) a royal counsellor, minister cf. L. (5) a partic. mixed caste (= [ mUrdh^avasikta ]) cf. Yājñ. (v. l.)

===> mūrkha [ mUrkha ]2[ mUrkh'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. stupid, foolish, silly, dull cf. TS. cf. Mn. &c. (1) inexperienced in (loc.) cf. Kathās (2) = [ gayatrI-rahita ] or [ s^artha-gAyatrI-rahita ] cf. L. (3) m. a fool, blockhead cf. Bhartṛ (4) Phaseolus Radiatus cf. L. (5) N. of a poet cf. Cat.

===> [ mUrkha ]1[ mUrkha ] &c. p. 823, col. 3

===> mūrkhalikā [ mUrkhalikA ]1[ mUrkhalikA ] f. an arrow in the form of a bird's heart cf. L.

===> mūrkhatva [ mUrkhatva ]3[ mUrkh'a-tva ] n. stupidity, foolishness, dulness cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat

===> mūrta [ mUrta ]2[ mUrt'a ] mfn. coagulated cf. TS. (1) settled into any fixed shape, formed, substantial, material, embodied, incarnate cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (2) real (said of the division of time in practical use, as opp. to [ a-mUrta ]) cf. Sūryas. (cf. IW. 177) (3) stupefied, unconscious, insensible cf. Ragh

===> [ mUrta ]1[ mUrta ] [ mUrti ], p. 824, col. 1

===> mūrtatva [ mUrtatva ]3[ mUrt'a-tva ] n. material form, incarnate existence cf. Bhāshāp. cf. MārkP. (1) [ jAti-nirAkaraNa ] n. N. of wk.

===> mūrti [ mUrti ]2[ m'Urti ] f. any solid body or material form, (pl. material elements, solid particles (1) ifc. = consisting or formed of) cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) embodiment, manifestation, incarnation, personification cf. TBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (esp. of Śiva cf. Hcat.) (3) anything which has definite shape or limits (in phil. as mind and the 4 elements earth, air, fire, water, but not [ AkAza ], ether cf. IW. 52, n. 1), a person, form, figure, appearance cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) an image, idol, statue cf. Kāv (5) beauty cf. Pañcat (6) N. of the first astrological house cf. VarBṛS. (7) of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma cf. BhP. (8) m. N. of a Ṛshi under the 10th Manu cf. ib. (9) of a son of Vasishṭha cf. VP.

===> mūrtimat [ mUrtimat ]3[ m'Urti-mat ] mfn. having a material form (ifc. = formed of), corporeal, incarnate, personified cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> mūtra [ mUtra ]1[ m'Utra ] n. (prob. fr. √ [ mU ] = [ mIv ] (1) but cf. cf. Uṇ. iv, 162) the fluid secreted by the kidneys, urine ([ mUtraM ] √ 1. [ kR ], to make water) cf. AV. &c. &c.

===> mūtra-kṛcchra [ mUtrakRcchra ]3[ m'Utra-kRcchra ] m. n. painful discharge of urine, strangury ([ °rin ] mfn. suffering from it) cf. Suśr. (1) a class of urinary affections (of which 8 kinds are enumerated), ŚāṅgS.

===> mūtra-purīṣa [ mUtrapurISa ]3[ m'Utra-purISa ] n. sg. du. pl. urine and excrement cf. Mn. vi, 76 (1) xi, 154 (cf. g. [ gav^azv^adi ]) (2) [ °S7occAra ] and [ °S^osarga ] m. voiding urine and excrement cf. Cat.

===> mūtra-rodha [ mUtrarodha ]3[ m'Utra-rodha ] m. [ -nirodha ] cf. Bhpr.

===> mūḍha [ mUDha ]2[ mUDh'a ] mfn. stupefied, bewildered, perplexed, confused, uncertain or at a loss about (loc. or comp.) cf. AV. &c. &c (1) stupid, foolish, dull, silly, simple cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) swooned, indolent cf. L. (3) gone astray or adrift cf. AśvGṛ. (4) driven out of its course (as a ship) cf. R. (5) wrong, out of the right place (as the fetus in delivery) cf. Suśr. (6) not to be ascertained, not clear, indistinct cf. Āpast. cf. R. (7) perplexing, confounding cf. VP. (8) m. a fool, dolt cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (9) pl. (in Sāṃkhya) N. of the elements cf. Tattvas (10) n. confusion of mind cf. Sarvad

===> [ mUDha ]1[ mUDha ] [ mUDha-garbha ] &c. col. 2

===> mūḍha-mati [ mUDhamati ]3[ mUDh'a-mati ] (cf. Kathās.) and mfn. =

===> mūṣa [ mUSa ]2[ mUSa ] m. ([ A ] and [ I ]) f. a rat, mouse cf. Pañcat. cf. L. [ 827,2 ] (1) a crucible cf. MārkP. cf. Kull. cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. below

===> mūṣaka [ mUSaka ]2[ mUSaka ] m. a thief, plunderer cf. BhP. (1) a rat, mouse cf. Yājñ. cf. R. cf. Var. &c. (2) a partic. part of the face (= [ kara-viraka ]) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (3) a kind of metre cf. L. (4) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. below

===> mūṣika [ mUSika ]2[ mUSika ] m. a rat, mouse cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. &c. (1) Acacia Sirissa cf. L. (2) pl. N. of a people inhabiting the Malabar coast between Quilon and Cape Comorin cf. MBh. (B. [ bhUSika ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. below

===> mṛd [ mRd ]1[ mRd ]1 (cf. √ [ mrad ] and [ mRD ]), cl. 9. P. [ mRdnAti ] (cl. s. P. Ā. [ m'ardati ], [ °te ] cf. MBh. (1) ef. cf. Naigh. ii, 14 (2) pt P. [ mamarda ], 3. pl. [ mamRduh ]. or [ mamarduH ] Ā. [ mamRde ] cf. MBh. (3) aor., [ amaradIt ] Gr. (4) fut., [ mardiSyati ], [ °te ] cf. ib. (5) inf. [ marditum ] cf. MBh. (6) [ °tos ] cf. Br. (7) [ -mrad'e ] cf. ib. (8) ind., p., [ mriditvA ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 7 (9) [ m'Rdya ] cf. Br. &c. (10) [ -mardam ] cf. Kāv.), to press, squeeze, crush, pound, smash, trample down, tread upon, destroy, waste, ravage, kill, slay cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (11) to rub, stroke, wipe (e. g. the forehead) cf. ib. (12) to rub into, mingle with (instr.) cf. Suśr. (13) to rub against, touch, pass through (a constellation) cf. VarBṛS.

---> to overcome, surpass cf. Bhaṭṭ. : Caus. [ mardayati ] (m. c. also [ °te ] (14) aor. [ amImridat ] or [ amamardat ]), to press or squeeze hard, crush, break, trample down, oppress, torment, plague, destroy, kill cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (15) to rub cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (16) to cause to be trampled down cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. : Desid. [ mimardiSati ], to desire to crush or pound cf. MBh. Intens. [ marmartti ] (only Impv. [ °ttu ] cf. RV. ii, 23, 6), to crush, grind down, destroy (17) [ marImartti ] and [ marimRdyate ] Gr. [ Cf. Gk. ? and under [ mRdu ]. ] [ 830,1 ]

===> [ mRd ]2[ m'Rd ]2 f. earth, soil, clay, loam cf. VS. &c, &c. (1) a piece of earth, lump of clay cf. Mn. v, 136 (2) a kind of fragrant earth cf. L. (3) aluminous slate cf. L.

===> mṛd-bhāṇḍa [ mRdbhANDa ]3[ m'Rd-bhANDa ] n. a vessel of clay, earthenware (1) [ °d^avazeSam ] ind. (to steal) so that only an earthen vessel is left cf. Daś

===> mṛd-ghaṭa [ mRdghaTa ]3[ m'Rd-ghaTa ] m. an earthen pot or pitcher cf. Pañcat

===> mṛdaṅga [ mRdaGga ]1[ mRdaGga ] &c. [ mRdaMga ], col. 2

===> mṛdita-kukṣika [ mRditakukSika ]3[ mRdit'a-kukSika ] mfn. (with [ dAva ]) N. of a forest cf. Divyāv

===> mṛdu [ mRdu ]1[ mRdu ] &c. col. 2

===> mṛdu-bhāṣin [ mRdubhASin ]3[ mRd'u-bhASin ] mfn. speaking sweetly ([ °Si-tA ] f.) cf. Vikr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Daś

===> mṛdu-gandhika [ mRdugandhika ]3[ mRd'u-gandhika ] m. a species of plant cf. Buddh.

===> mṛdu-madhyâdhimātra [ mRdumadhyAdhimAtra ]3[ mRd'u-madhy^adhimAtra ] mfn. moderate, middling and (or?) excessive ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Yogas

===> mṛduka [ mRduka ]2[ mRduka ] mfn. soft, tender cf. SaddhP. (1) ([ a ]), f. N. of an Apsaras, Ksraṇḍ (2) ([ am ]), ind. softly, gently, tenderly cf. Lāṭy

===> mṛdutva [ mRdutva ]3[ mRd'u-tva ] n. softness, tenderness, mildness cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> mṛdutā [ mRdutA ]3[ mRd'u-tA ] f. softness, tenderness, mildness, weakness ([ tAM ] √ [ gam ] or √ [ vraj ], to become mild or weak) cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> mṛdvīkā [ mRdvIkA ]2[ mRdvIkA ] f. a vine, a bunch of grapes (esp. a reddish one) cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. &c.

===> mṛdā [ mRdA ]2[ mRdA ] f. clay, loam, earth cf. ŚvetUp.

===> mṛga [ mRga ]2[ mRg'a ] m. (prob. ` ranger ', ` rover ') a forest animal or wild beast, game of any kind, (esp.) a deer, fawn, gazelle, antelope, stag, musk-deer cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) the deer or antelope in the moon (i. e. the spots on the disk supposed to resemble those of an antelope as well as a hare) (2) the disk or antelope in the sky (either the Nakshatra Mṛga-śiras or the sign of the zodiac Capricorn (3) also in general the 10th arc of 30 degrees in a circle) cf. Sūryas. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (4) an elephant with partic. marks (accord. to cf. L. ` one the secondary marks of whose body are small ') cf. R. cf. Var (5) a large soaring bird cf. RV. i, 182, 7 &c. (6) N. of a demon or Vṛtra in the form of a deer slain by Indra cf. ib. i, 80, 7 &c. (7) of a celestial being (occupying a partic. place in an astrol. house divided into 81 compartments) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hcat (8) of a partic. class of men whose conduct in coitus resembles that of the roebuck cf. L. (9) of the district in Śaka-dvīpa inhabited principally by Brāhdvipa themselves cf. VP. (v. l. [ maga ]) (10) of a horse of the Moou cf. VP. (11) musk (= [ mRga-nAbhi ] or [ -mada ]) cf. VarBṛS. (12) a partic. Aja-pāia sacrifice cf. L. (13) search, seeking, asking, requesting cf. L. (14) ([ A ]), f. = [ mRga-vIthI ] cf. L. (15) ([ I ]), f. a female deer or antelope, doe cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (16) N. of the mythical progenitress of antelopes cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur. (17) a partic. class of women cf. L. (18) a kind of metre cf. Col. (19) a partic. gait of a dancing girl cf. Saṃgīt (20) demoniacal possession, epilepsy cf. L.

===> mṛga-caryā [ mRgacaryA ]3[ mRg'a-caryA ] f. the acting like a deer (a kind of penance) cf. MBh.

===> mṛga-dāva [ mRgadAva ]3[ mRg'a-dAva ] m. ` deer-park ', N. of the place where Gautama Buddha first preached cf. MWB. 402

===> mṛga-mada [ mRgamada ]3[ mRg'a-mada ] m. (also pl.) musk cf. Gīt. cf. Śrutab. &c. (1) [ -vAsA ] f. a musk-bag cf. L.

===> mṛga-māṃsa [ mRgamAMsa ]3[ mRg'a-mAMsa ] n. deer's flesh, venison cf. MW.

===> mṛga-pakṣin [ mRgapakSin ]3[ mRg'a-pakSin ] m. pl. beasts and birds cf. Mn. cf. Suśr.

===> mṛga-pati [ mRgapati ]3[ mRg'a-pati ] m. ` lord of the beasts ', a lion cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. &c. (1) a tiger cf. MBh. (2) ` antelope's lord ', a roebuck cf. Hariv. (3) [ -gamanA ] f. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess cf. Kālac

===> mṛga-rāja [ mRgarAja ]3[ mRg'a-rAja ] m. ` king of beasts ', a lion cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) the zodiacal sign Leo cf. VarBṛS. (2) a tiger cf. MBh. (3) the moon ([ ja-lakSman ]) (4) N. of a poet cf. Cat. (5) [ -tA ] f. dominion over the beasts cf. Vcar. (6) [ -dhArin ] m. N. of Śiva cf. Vikr (7) [ -lakSman ] mfn. having the mark or name of lion or the moon cf. Veṇis

===> mṛga-tṛṣṇikā [ mRgatRSNikA ]3[ mRg'a-tRSNikA ] (cf. R. cf. Śak. &c.), f. ` deer-thirst ', mirage, vapour floating over sands or deserts, fancied appearance of water in deserts

===> mṛga-tṛṣṇā [ mRgatRSNA ]3[ mRg'a-tRSNA ] (cf. Hit. cf. Dhūrtas.),

===> mṛga-yūtha [ mRgayUtha ]3[ mRg'a-yUtha ] n. a herd of deer cf. R. (1) [ -pa ] m. lord or the herd of deer cf. MBh.

===> mṛga-śiras [ mRgaziras ]3[ mRg'a-ziras ] ([ mRg'a- ]), n. N. of the 3rd (or 5th) Nakshatra (q. v.) containing 3 stars (one of which is ? Orionis (1) it is figured by an antelope's head) cf. AV. cf. GṛŚrS. cf. VarBṛS. (2) mfn. born under that Nakshatra cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 37 cf. Sch. (3) m. a partic. position of the hands cf. Cat.

===> mṛga-śāvaka [ mRgazAvaka ]3[ mRg'a-zAvaka ] (cf. VarBṛS.), m. a young deer, fawn

===> mṛga-śīrṣa [ mRgazIrSa ]3[ mRg'a-zIrS'a ] n. the Nakshatra Mṛga-śiras cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. BhP. (1) mfn. born under that Nakshatra cf. VarBṛS. (v. l. [ mArgaz° ], [ mArgazira ]) [ 829,1 ] (2) m. the month Mārgaśīrsha cf. ib. (3) a partic. position of the hands (also [ °Saka ]) cf. Cat. (4) N. of a serpent-king cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> mṛgava [ mRgava ]2[ mRgava ] m. or n. (?) a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> mṛgayā [ mRgayA ]2[ mRgayA ] f. hunting, the chase (acc. with √ [ at ], [ gam ], [ car ] &c., dat. with √ [ yA ], [ nir-√ yA ] and [ viroot har ], to go hunting) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) Chase personified (as one of the attendants of Revanta) cf. VarBṛS.

===> mṛgya [ mRgya ]2[ mRgya ] mfn. to be hunted after or sought for or found out cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) to be striven after or aimed at ([ a-m° ]) . cf. Kum (2) to be investigated, questionable, uncertain cf. Vām

===> mṛgī [ mRgI ]2[ mRgI ] f. (of [ mRga ] above) a female deer, doe

===> mṛnmaya [ mRnmaya ]3[ mRn-m'aya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of earth or clay, earthen cf. RV. &c, &c. (with [ gRh'a ] n. the grave (1) with or scil. [ pAtra ], an earthenware vessel)

===> [ mRnmaya ]1[ mRn-maya ] [ mRl-loSTa ], p. 830, col. 3

===> mṛt-piṇḍa [ mRtpiNDa ]3[ mRt-piND'a ] m. a clod of earth, lump of clay cf. ŚBr. &c. (1) [ -tas ] ind. from a lump of clay cf. MBh. (2) [ -buddhi ] m. ` clod-pated ', a fool, blockhead cf. Śak

===> mṛt-pātra [ mRtpAtra ]3[ mRt-pAtr'a ] n. an earthen vessel cf. MaitrS.

===> mṛta [ mRta ]2[ mRt'a ] mfn. dead, deceased, deathlike, torpid, rigid cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) departed, vanished (as consciousness) cf. MBh. (2) vain, useless cf. Kāv (3) calcined, reduced (said of metals) cf. ib. (4) n. death cf. MBh. cf. R. (5) = [ caitya ], a grave cf. L. (6) begging, food or alms obtained by begging cf. L.

===> [ mRta ]1[ mRta ] &c. p. 827, col. 2

===> mṛta-gṛha [ mRtagRha ]3[ mRt'a-gRha ] n. ` house of the dead ', a tomb cf. Buddh.

===> mṛta-kalpa [ mRtakalpa ]3[ mRt'a-kalpa ] mfn. almost dead, apparently dead cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Daś

===> mṛtaka [ mRtaka ]2[ mRtaka ] m. n. a dead man, a corpse cf. MBh. cf. BhP. cf. Vet (1) n. death, decease cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (2) impurity contracted through the death of a relation cf. A.

===> mṛttikā [ mRttikA ]2[ m'RttikA ] f. earth, clay, loam cf. VS. &c. &c. (ibc. also [ a ]) [ 830,2 ] (1) a kind of fragrant earth cf. L. (2) aluminous slate cf. L.

===> mṛtyu [ mRtyu ]2[ mRty'u ] m. (very rarely f.) death, dying cf. RV. &c, &c. (1) (deaths of different kinds are enumerated, 100 from disease or accident and one natural from old age (2) ifc. = ` disease caused by or through ') (3) Death personified, the god of disease (sometimes identified with Yama or with Viṣṇu (4) or said to be a son of Adharma by Nirṛti or of Brahmā or of Kali or of Māyā (5) he has also the patronymics Prādhvaṃsana and Sāmparāyaṇa, and is sometimes reckoned among the 11 Rudras, and sometimes regarded as Vyāsa in the 6th Dvāpara or as a teacher &c.) cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Pur. &c. (6) N. of the god of love cf. L. [ 828,1 ] (7) of a partic. Ek^aha cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (8) of the 8th astrol. house cf. VarBṛS. (9) of the 17th astrol. Yoga cf. Col. ([ mRtyor harah ] and [ mrityor vikarNa-bhAse ], N. of Sāmans)

===> [ mRtyu ]1[ mRtyu ] &c. p. 827, col. 3

===> mṛtyu-māra [ mRtyumAra ]3[ mRty'u-mAra ] m. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 4 Miras cf. L.

===> mṛṇāla [ mRNAla ]2[ mRNAla ] n. (also m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) and [ I ] f. cf. MBh. cf. R. (2) cf. cf. Uṇ. i, 117 cf. Sch.) ` liable to be crushed ', the edible fibrous root of some kinds of lotus (f. according to some ` a smaller root '), a lotus-fibre, fibre attached to the stalk of a water-lily cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ 830,1 ] (3) n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L.

===> mṛṣā [ mRSA ]2[ m'RSA ] ind. in vain, uselessly, to no purpose cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) wrongly, fabely, feignedly, lyingly cf. AV. &c. &c. (with √ [ kR ], to feign (2) with √ [ jJA ] or [ man ], to consider false or untrue (3) [ mRS^aiva ] [ tat ], that is wrong (4) [ varanIyam mRSA budhaiH ], untruthfulness is to be avoided by the wise) (5) ` Untruth ' personified as the wife of A-dharma cf. BhP.

===> mṛṣā-vāc [ mRSAvAc ]3[ m'RSA-vAc ] f. untrue speech, sarcasm, irony cf. Kāv

===> mṛṣā-vāda [ mRSAvAda ]3[ m'RSA-vAda ] m. id. cf. MBh. (1) lying (with Buddhists one of the 10 sins) cf. Dharmas. 56 mfn. = next cf. R.

===> mṛṣā-vādin [ mRSAvAdin ]3[ m'RSA-vAdin ] mfn. speaking falsely, a liar cf. R. (1) m. a false accuser cf. W.

===> mṛṣṭa [ mRSTa ]2[ mRSTa ]3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. under √ [ mRj ] and [ mRz ]) sprinkled cf. W.

===> [ mRSTa ]1[ mRSTa ] [ mRSTi ], under √ [ mRj ], [ mRz ] and 3. [ mRS ]

===> na [ na ]1[ na ]1 the dental nasal (found at the beginning of words and before or after dental consonants as well as between vowels (1) subject to conversion into ? cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 1-39). = 1

===> [ na ]1[ n'a ]2 ind. not, no, nor, neither cf. RV. ([ nA ], x, 34, 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor. [ cf. a. [ mA ] ] (1) in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated, e. g. cf. Mn. iv, 34 (2) or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence, e. g. by [ u ] [ cf. [ n^o ] ], [ ut'a ], [ api ], [ c^api ], [ vA ], [ v^api ] or [ atha vA ] cf. RV. i, 170, 1 ; 151, 9 cf. Nal. iii, 24, &c. (3) it may even be replaced by [ ca ], [ vA ], [ api ca ], [ api vA ], &c. alone, as cf. Mn. ii, 98 cf. Nal. i, 14, &c. (4) often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following [ tu ], [ tv eva ], [ tv eva tu ], [ c^ed ], q. v., [ khalu ], q. v., [ ha ] [ cf. g. [ c^adi ] and cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 31 ] &c. (5) before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency, e. g. [ ekayA na viMzati ], not 20 by 1, i. e. 19 cf. ŚBr. (6) [ paJcabhir na catvAri zatAni ], 395 cf. ib. (7) with another [ na ] or an [ a ] priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation [ cf. cf. Vām. v, 1, 9 ], e. g. [ n^eyaM na vakSyati ], she will most certainly declare cf. Śak. iii, 9 (8) [ n^adaNDyo 'sti ], he must certainly be punished cf. Mn. viii, 335 (9) it may also, like [ a ], form compounds cf. Vām. v, 2, 13 [ cf. below ]) (10) that not, lest, for fear lest (with Pot.) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Daś. &c. (11) like, as, as it were (only in Veda and later artificial language, e. g. [ gauro na tRSitaH piba ], drink like [ lit. ` not ', i. e. ` although not being ' ] a thirsty deer (12) in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 523,1 ] [ n˘e- ] ; Angl. Sax. [ ne ], ` not ' ; Eng. [ no ], &c. ] -2

===> [ na ]1[ na ]3 (cf. L.), mfn. thin, spare (1) vacant, empty (2) identical (3) unvexed, unbroken (4) m. band, fetter (5) jewel, pearl (6) war (7) gift (8) welfare (9) N. of Buddha (10) N. of Gaṇ^eśa (11) = [ prastuta ] (12) = [ dviraNDa ] (?) (13) ([ A ]), f. the navel (14) a musical instrument (15) knowledge

===> [ na ]3[ na ] n. a royal court cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Kpr. (1) ([ °nA ]), f. a princess, queen cf. Daś

===> [ na ]3[ na ] or not-but

===> na-kāra [ nakAra ]3[ na-kAra ] m. the sound or letter [ n ] Gr. (1) (in prosody) a tribrach (2) [ -vipulA ] f. a kind of metre

===> [ nakAra ]3[ n'a-kAra ] m. the negation [ na ], the word No cf. Naish

===> na-puṃsaka [ napuMsaka ]3[ n'a-puMsaka ] ([ n'a- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. neither male nor female (1) a hermaphrodite (2) a eunuch (3) a weakling, coward cf. MaitrS. cf. Br. cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (4) neuter, n. a word in the neuter gender or the neuter gender itself cf. ŚBr. cf. Prāt. cf. Pāṇ. &c. (5) [ -pAda ] m. N. of ch. of the Su-bodhā (6) [ -liGga ] mfn. of the neuter gender cf. Cat. (7) [ -liGga-saMgraha ] m. N. of ch. of the Nāmaliṅg^anuśāsana

===> nabha [ nabha ]3[ nabha ] m. (rather fr. √ [ nabh ] denoting ` bursting forth ' or ` expanding ' than fr. √ [ nah ] ` connecting ', scil. heaven and earth) the sky, atmosphere (= [ nabhas ]) cf. L. (1) the month Śrāvaṇa cf. Car. (2) N. of a son of Manu Svārocisha or of the 3rd Manu (together with Nabhasya) cf. Hariv. (3) of one of 7 sages of the 6th Manv-antara cf. ib. (4) of a demon (son of Vipra-citti by Siṃhikā) cf. ib. cf. VP. (5) of a son of Nala (Nishadha) and father of Puṇḍarīka (cf. [ nabhas ]) cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (6) ([ A ]), f. a spitting-pot (?) cf. L. (7) N. of the city of the sun cf. W.

===> nabhas [ nabhas ]2[ n'abhas ] n. (cf. [ nabha ]) mist, clouds, vapour (esp. of the Soma) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. (1) the sky or atmosphere (du. heaven and earth cf. AV.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) ether (as an element) cf. BhP. (3) (m. cf. L.) N. of a month in the rainy season (= [ zrAvaNa ], July-August) cf. ŚBr. cf. Ragh. cf. Suśr. (4) the sun cf. Naigh. i, 4 (5) period of life, age cf. L. (6) m. clouds, rainy season cf. L. (7) the nose or smell (= [ ghrANa ]) cf. L. (8) a rope made of lotus fibres cf. L. (9) a spitting-pot cf. L. (10) N. of a prince (son of Nala and father of Puṇḍarīka) cf. Ragh. cf. VP. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 527,3 ] [ n˘ebula ] ; Slav. [ nebo ] ; Germ. [ ne10bul ], [ ne10bel ], [ Nebel ] ; Angl. Sax. [ nifol ], ` dark. ' ]

===> nabhas-tala [ nabhastala ]3[ n'abhas-tala ] n. ` sky-surface ', firmament cf. Var. cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of the 10th solar mansion cf. Var

===> na ced [ na ced ]3[ na ced ] (g. [ c^adi ], also separated by the verb [ cf. MBh. ] or the verb preceded by [ na ] placed at the end of the sentence [ cf. ŚBr. xiv, 6, 8, 1 cf. Bhag. ii, 33 ; xviii, 58 cf. Hit. ], rarely [ cen na ] in reversed order beginning the apodosis cf. Sāṃkhyak. 1 cf. Sāh. cf. Śrut. cf. Hit.) ` if not ' (= [ no ced ] forming a sentence by itself. cf. ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 15) cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. i, 17, 1 cf. Mn. &c.

===> [ na ced ]3[ na ced ] or (with Pot.) ` would that not! ' (e. g. [ no cet pradahet ], ` would that he did not burn down! '), v, 676 ff. and 966

===> nada [ nada ]2[ nad'a ] m. a roarer, bellower, thunderer, crier, neigher &c. (as a cloud, horse, bull, met. a man, i, 179, 4) cf. RV. (1) N. of cf. RV. viii, 58, 2 (beginning with [ nadam ]) cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) a river (if thought of as male, ifc. ind. [ -nadam ] (3) cf. [ nadI ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) = [ naDa ], reed cf. RV. i, 32, 8 (5) ([ I ]), f. [ nad'I ]

===> nadi [ nadi ]2[ nad'i ] m. a crier, caller cf. RV. v, 74, 2 (= [ stuti ] cf. Sāy.) (1) ifc., [ nadI ]

===> nadya [ nadya ]2[ n'ady'a ] mfn. = prec. mfn. cf. RV. ii, 35, 1 (?) cf. TS.

===> nadī [ nadI ]2[ nad'I ] f. flowing water, a river (commonly personified as a female (1) but [ nad'a ] above) cf. RV. &c. &c. (ifc. [ nadikA ] (2) cf. [ ku-nadikA ] and [ giri- ] (3) ind. [ -nadi ] (4) cf. [ upa-nadi ] [ beside [ -nadam ], fr. [ nad'a ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 110 ]) (5) N. of 2 kinds of metre cf. Col. (6) of partic. fem. stems ending in [ I ] or [ U ] (as [ nadI ] itself) cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 3, &c.

===> nadī-datta [ nadIdatta ]3[ nad'I-datta ] m. ` river-given ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva

===> nadī-kāśyapa [ nadIkAzyapa ]3[ nad'I-kAzyapa ] m. N. of a contemporary of Śākya-muni cf. Buddh.

===> nadī-pūra [ nadIpUra ]3[ nad'I-pUra ] m. ` river-flood ', a swollen river cf. Amar.

===> nadī-taṭa [ nadItaTa ]3[ nad'I-taTa ] m. = [ -kUla ] cf. Var

===> nadī-tīra [ nadItIra ]3[ nad'I-tIra ] n. = [ -kUla ] cf. Kāv

===> nagara [ nagara ]1[ n'agara ] n. (m. only cf. MBh. iii, 3014 (1) ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Hariv. 2951 (2) prob. not fr. [ naga ] + [ ra ], but cf. g. [ azam^adi ] (3) the [ n ] cannot be cerebralized, g. [ kSubhn^adi ]) a town, city, N. of sev. cities cf. TĀr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) ([ I ]), f. below

===> nagara-dvāra [ nagaradvAra ]3[ n'agara-dvAra ] n. town-gate cf. Hit. (1) [ -kUTaka ] n. a kind of fence on a town-gate cf. L.

===> nagara-pati [ nagarapati ]3[ n'agara-pati ] m. town-chief. cf. L.

===> nagarī [ nagarI ]2[ nagarI ] f. = [ °ra ] cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> nagna [ nagna ]1[ nagna ] under √ [ naj ] below

===> [ nagna ]2[ nagn'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. naked, new, bare, desolate, desert cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) m. a naked mendicant (esp. a Bauddha, but also a mere hypocrite) cf. Var. cf. VP. (2) a bard accompanying an army cf. L. (3) N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (4) of a poet cf. Cat. (5) ([ 'A ]), f. a naked (wanton) woman cf. AV. v, 7, 8 (6) a girl before menstruation (allowed to go naked) cf. Pañc. iii, 217 (7) Cardiospermum Halicacabum cf. L. (cf. [ nagaNA ]) ; = [ vAc ] (v. l. for [ nan'A ]) cf. Naigh. i, 11 cf. Sch. [ Cf. Zd. [ maghna ] for [ naghna ] ; Lith. [ nugas ] ; Slav. [ nag˘u ] ; Goth. [ nagaths ] ; Angl. Sax. [ nacod ] ; Eng. [ naked ] ; Germ. [ nackt ]. ]

===> nagna-caryā [ nagnacaryA ]3[ nagn'a-caryA ] f. vow to go naked cf. Divyâv

===> nagnaka [ nagnaka ]2[ n'agnaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. naked, wanton cf. AV. cf. HPariś (1) m. a naked mendicant cf. Pañc (2) a bard cf. L. (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a naked or wanton woman cf. L. (4) a girl before menstruation cf. MBh. cf. Pañc

===> nagnatā [ nagnatA ]3[ nagn'a-tA ] ([ °gn'a- ]), f. (cf. RV. cf. ŚBr.),

===> nahuṣa [ nahuSa ]2[ n'ahuSa ] m. = [ n'ahus ] cf. RV. i, 31, 11 ; v, 12, 6 (1) (prob.) N. of a man, viii, 46, 27 (2) of a son of Manu and author of cf. RV. ix, 101 cf. Anukr. (3) of an ancient king (son of Āyu or Āyus [ cf. cf. RV. i. 31, 11 ] and father of Yayāti (4) he took possession of Indra's throne but was afterwards deposed and changed into a serpent cf. Mn. vii, 41 cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (cf. cf. RTL. 240) (5) according to cf. R. i, 72, 30 and ii, 119, 30 he is a son of Ambarisha and father of Nabhāga) (6) of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (7) of a Marut cf. Hariv. (8) of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. [ 532,3 ]

===> nai [ nai ]1[ nai ] Vṛddhi form of [ ni ] in comp.

===> naigama [ naigama ]3[ nai-gama ] mf ([ i ]) n. relating to the Veda or Vedic words or quotations (a N. given to the collection of 278 separate words occurring in the Nigama or Veda and commented on by Yāska (1) they are arranged in one chapter of three sections), Vedic cf. Nir. cf. BhP. (2) m. an interpreter of the sacred writings cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 118 cf. Pat. (3) an Upanishad cf. L. (4) = [ dRti ] cf. L. (5) a way, means, expedient cf. MBh. xii, 3685 (6) prudent conduct cf. L. (7) a citizen, townsman cf. SaddhP. (8) a trader, merchant cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (9) N. of an ancient teacher cf. Cat. (10) [ -kANDa ] m. or n. N. of the three chapters of the Nirukta where the Nigamas or Vedic words are explained by Yāska (11) [ °m^abhidhAna ] n. N. of wk. (12) [ -gamika ] mfn. relating to the Veda, Vedic cf. Kār. on cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 1 (13) [ -gameya ] m. s. v.

===> naika [ naika ]1[ n^aika ] &c. p. 523, col. 3

===> naimittika [ naimittika ]2[ naimittika ] mf ([ I ]) n. produced by any or by some partic. cause, occasional, special, accidental (opp. to [ nitya ]) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ -tva ] n. cf. Kap. cf. Sch.) (1) m. = prec. m. g. [ ukth^adi ] cf. Divyâv (2) n. an effect ([ nimitta-n° ]) (3) = next cf. W.

===> naipuṇya [ naipuNya ]3[ nai-puNya ] (cf. g. [ brAhmaN^adi ]), n. dexterity, experience in (gen. or comp.), skill or anything which requires skill (1) completeness, totality ([ ena ] ind. totally, exactly) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> nairantarya [ nairantarya ]3[ nair-antarya ] n. uninterruptedness, close succession, continuousness, compactness cf. Daś. cf. Yogas. ([ °yeNa ] ind. uninterruptedly, continually cf. Śaṃk. cf. Pañc.) [ 570,2 ] (1) immediate consequence cf. Sarvad

===> nairayika [ nairayika ]3[ nair-ayika ] mfn. hellish, an inhabitant of hell cf. L.

===> nairghṛṇya [ nairghRNya ]3[ nair-ghRNya ] n. pitilessness, cruelty cf. Mālav. cf. Kathās

===> nairlajjya [ nairlajjya ]3[ nair-lajjya ] n. shamelessness, impudence cf. Suśr.

===> nairmalya [ nairmalya ]3[ nair-malya ] n. stainlessness (lit. and fig.), purity cf. MBh. cf. Śatr

===> nairmāṇika [ nairmANika ]3[ nair-mANika ] mfn. miraculous cf. Divyâv

===> nairvedhika [ nairvedhika ]3[ nair-vedhika ] mfn. piercing, penetrating (1) [ -prajJa ] mfn. having a penetrating mind, sagacious cf. L.

===> nairyāṇika [ nairyANika ]3[ nair-yANika ] mf ([ I ]) n. treating of the manner of dying (N. of ch. of cf. VarBṛS.) (1) conducive to emancipation cf. Lalit. (cf. cf. Dharmas. 100) (2) [ -tA ] f. cf. L.

===> nairātmya [ nairAtmya ]3[ nair-Atmya ] n. (fr. [ nir-Atman ]) cf. Lalit. (cf. cf. Dharmas. cxvi)

===> nairṛti [ nairRti ]3[ nair-Rti ] m. N. of a demon cf. MBh. (1) a Rākshasa cf. L.

===> nairṛtya [ nairRtya ]3[ nair-Rtya ] mfn. belonging or consecrated to Nirṛti cf. Kauś. cf. Yājñ. (1) south-western cf. Cat.

===> naisargika [ naisargika ]3[ nai-sargika ] mfn. id. cf. Mālatīm (1) w. r. for [ naiH-s° ], q. v. (2) [ -dazaka ] n. N. of wk.

===> naityaka [ naityaka ]2[ naityaka ] mfn. to be always or regularly done (not occasionally (1) cf. [ naimittika ]), constantly repeated, invariable, obligatory cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) n. the food regularly offered to an idol cf. MBh.

===> naiva [ naiva ]1[ n^aiva ] ind. (= 2. [ n'a+eva ]) in comp.

===> naivedya [ naivedya ]3[ nai-vedya ] n. an offering of eatables presented to a deity or idol cf. BhP. (cf. cf. RTL. 144, 415) (1) [ -prakaraNa ] n. [ -prasAda-mAhAtmya ] n. [ -vidhi ] m. N. of wks.

===> naivāsika [ naivAsika ]3[ nai-vAsika ] mfn. dwelling cf. L. (1) (suffix) indicating a dwelling-place or abode cf. Pat. (cf. g. [ guD^adi ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. deity dwelling (in a tree) cf. Divyâv

===> naiyamika [ naiyamika ]3[ nai-yamika ] mfn. settled, enjoined, prescribed cf. Āpast. (w. r. [ naiyy° ])

===> naiyāyika [ naiyAyika ]2[ naiyAyika ] mfn. knowing the Nyāya philosophy (1) m. a follower of the Nyāya system of investigation cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> naiḥsargika [ naiHsargika ]3[ naiH-sargika ] mfn. cast off, put off cf. Divyâv (1) N. of partic. transgressions punished with the confiscation of something belonging to the transgressor cf. Buddh.

===> naiḥśreyasa [ naiHzreyasa ]3[ naiH-zreyasa ] mf ([ i ]) n. leading to happiness or future beatitude cf. Mn. ([ °sika ], xii, 88) cf. MBh. (1) n. N. of a wood in the world of Viṣṇu cf. BhP.

===> naiṣadyika [ naiSadyika ]3[ nai-Sadyika ] m. (with cf. Buddh.) N. of one of the 12 Dhūta-guṇas or ascetic practices cf. Dharmas. 63

===> naiṣkramya [ naiSkramya ]3[ naiS-kramya ] n. indifference (esp. to worldly pleasures), resignation cf. Jātakam. (w. r. for [ naiS-karmya ] or [ -kAmya ]?) cf. MWB.

===> naiṣṭhika [ naiSThika ]3[ nai-SThika ] (or [ naiH- ] (1) 2. [ ni-SThA ]), mf ([ i ]) n. forming the end, final, last cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Ragh (2) definitive, fixed, firm cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Yājñ. (3) highest, perfect, complete
cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. ([ -sundara ] mfn. perfectly beautiful cf. Kum. v, 62) (4) completely versed in or familiar with (comp.) cf. Var (5) belonging to the character or office of a perpetual student cf. W. (6) m. a perpetual religious student or Brāhman who observes the vow of chastity cf. Rājat. cf. BhP.

===> nakha [ nakha ]1[ nakh'a ] m. n. (fr. √ [ nagh ] [ ? ], cf. [ naghamAra ] (1) prob. not fr. [ na ] + [ kha ] in spite of cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 (2) ifc. f. [ I ]) a finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, talon, the spur of a cock cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ °khAni-√ kR ], or √ [ klRp ], to cut the nails cf. Kauś. cf. Mn.) (3) = 20 cf. Sūryas (4) n. and ([ I ]), f. Unguis Odoratus cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hcat (5) m. part, portion. [ Cf. Gk. ?, stem ? ; Lat. [ 524,3 ] [ unguis ] ; Lit. [ n'agas ] ; Slav. [ nog˘ut˘i ] ; Angl. Sax. [ naegel ] ; Eng. [ nail ] ; Germ. [ Nagel ]. ]

===> nakhâgra [ nakhAgra ]3[ nakh^agr'a ] n. nail-point cf. ŚBr.

===> nakra [ nakra ]1[ nakra ] m. (according to cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 fr. [ na ] + [ kra ]) crocodile, alligator cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) the sign of the zodiac Scorpio cf. Gol. (2) ([ A ]), f. a swarm of bees or wasps cf. L. (3) n. the nose (also [ A ] f.) cf. L. (4) a partic. disease of the nose cf. L. (5) the upper timber of a door-frame cf. L. (cf. [ n'Akra ] and cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75)

===> nakula [ nakula ]1[ nakul'a ] mfn. (in spite of cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 prob. not fr. [ na ] + [ kula ]) of a partic. colour (perhaps that of the ichneumon) cf. TS. cf. RPrāt. (1) m. the Bengal mungoose or Viverra Ichneumon (enemy of mice and of serpents from whose venom it protects itself by a medic. plant (2) cf. [ nAkulI ]) cf. AV. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a son cf. L. (4) a partic. musical instrument cf. Lalit. (5) N. of Śiva cf. L. (6) of a son of the Aśvins and Mādrī (twin-brother of Saha-deva and fourth of the Pāṇḍu princes) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (7) of a Vedic poet with the patr. Vāma-deva ([ °vya ]) or Vaiśvāmitra ([ °lasya ] [ vAmadevasya pr^eGkha ] m. N. of a Sāman) cf. ĀrshBr. [ 524,1 ] (8) of a physician (author of a wk. on horses) cf. Cat. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of Śiva's wife cf. L. (10) ([ I ]), f. below (11) n. a myst. N. of the sound [ h ] cf. L.

===> nakulaka [ nakulaka ]2[ nakulaka ] m. or n. an ornament shaped like an ichneumon cf. L. (1) m. a kind of purse (?) cf. Divyâv (2) ([ °likA ]), f. a female ichneumon cf. Kād

===> nakṣatra [ nakSatra ]2[ n'akSatra ] n. (m. only cf. RV. vi, 67, 6 (1) prob. fr. √ [ nakS ], cf. [ nakS dyAm ], i, 33, 14 &c.) a star or any heavenly body (2) also applied to the sun (3) n. sg. sometimes collectively ` the stars ', e. g. vii. 86, 1 cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) an asterism or constellation through which the moon passes, a lunar mansion cf. AV. &c. &c. (27, later 28, viz. Śravishṭhā or Dhanishṭhā, Śata-bhishaj, Pūrva-bhādrapāda, Uttara-bhādrapāda, Revatī, Aśvinī, Bharaṇī, Kṛttikā, Rohiṇī or Brāhmī, Mṛga-śiras or Āgrahāyaṇī, Ārdrā, Punarvasū or Yāmakau, Pushya or Sidhya, Āśleshā, Maghā, Pūrva-phalgunī, Uttara-phalgunī, Hasta, Citrā, Svātī, Viśākhā or Rādhā, Anurādhā, Jyeshṭha, Mūla, Pūrv^ashāḍhā, Uttar^ashṭāḍhā, Abhijit, Śravaṇa (5) according to cf. VarBṛS. Revatī, Uttara-phalgunī, Uttara-bhādrapāda and Uttar^ashāḍha are called [ dhruvANi ], fixed (6) in the Vedas the Nakshatras are considered as abodes of the gods or of pious persons after death cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 50, 2 (7) later as wives of the moon and daughters of Daksha cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (8) according to Jainas the sun, moon, Grahas, Nakshatras and Tārās form the Jyotishkas) (9) a pearl cf. L.

===> nakṣatra-rāja [ nakSatrarAja ]3[ n'akSatra-rAja ] m. ` king of the stars ' cf. AV. (1) the moon cf. MBh. cf. R. (2) N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. (3) [ -prabhAva-bhAsa-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib. (4) [ -vikrIDita ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. ib. (5) [ -saMkusumit^abhijJa ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib.

===> nala [ nala ]1[ nala ] m. (cf. [ naD'a ], [ naL'a ]) a species of reed, Amphidonax Karka (8-12 feet high) cf. Gobh. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a measure of length cf. MBh. (v. l. [ tala ]) (2) a partic. form of constellation in which all the planets or stars are grouped in double mansions cf. Var (3) the 50th year of the cycle of Jupiter which lasts 60 years cf. Cat. (4) N. of a divine being mentioned with Yama cf. Karmapr. (= [ pitR-deva ], or [ -daiva ] cf. L. (5) a deified progenitor cf. W.) (6) of a Daitya cf. BrahmaP. (7) of a king of the Nishadhas (son of Vīra-sena and husband of Damayantī) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (8) of a son of Nishadha and father of Nabha or Nabhas cf. Hariv. cf. Ragh. cf. VP. (9) of a descendant of the latter Nala (son of Su-dhanvan and father of Uktha) cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (10) of a son of Yadu cf. Pur. (11) of a monkey-chief (son of Tvashṭṛ or Viśva-karman (12) cf. [ -setu ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. (13) of a medic. author cf. Cat. (14) ([ I ]), f. a kind of perfume or red arsenic cf. L. (cf. [ naTI ]) (15) n. the blossom of Nelumbium Speciosum cf. L. (cf. [ nalina ], [ °nI ]) (16) smell, odour cf. L. (cf. √ [ nal ])

===> nalina [ nalina ]2[ nalina ] n. (fr. [ nala ] because of its hollow stalk?) a lotus flower or water-lily, Nelumbium Speciosum (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the indigo plant cf. L. (2) water cf. L.

===> nalinī [ nalinI ]2[ nalinI ]1 f. (fr. [ nalina ] above or fr. [ nala ] ` lotus ' as [ ab-jinI ] fr. [ ab-ja ], [ padminI ] fr. [ padma ] &c.) a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum (the plant or its stalk), an assemblage of lotus flowers or a lotus pond cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (1) the Ganges of heaven or rather an arm of it cf. ib. (2) a myst. N. of one of the nostrils cf. BhP. (3) a partic. class of women (= [ padminI ]) cf. Cat. (4) a kind of fragrant substance (= [ nalikA ]) cf. L. (5) the fermented and intoxicating juice of the cocoa-nut cf. L. (6) N. of the wife of Aja-mīḍha and mother of Nīla cf. BhP. [ 530,3 ] (7) of 2 rivers cf. VP.

===> [ nalinI ]2[ nalinI ]2 f. having king Nala cf. Naish

===> nama [ nama ]2[ n'ama ]1 m. pasture-ground cf. RV. iii, 39, 6

===> [ nama ]2[ nama ]2 = [ °mas ] in

===> namana [ namana ]2[ namana ] mfn. bending, bowing (ifc.) cf. Śiś. vi, 30 (cf. [ nR- ])

---> n. bowing down, sinking cf. MārkP. (1) bending (a bow) cf. Sāh

===> namas [ namas ]2[ n'amas ] n. bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration (by gesture or word (1) often with dat., e. g. [ rAmAya namaH ], salutation or glory to Rāma, often ind. [ g. [ svar-Adi ] ] (2) [ namas-√ kR ], to utter a salutation, do homage (3) ind. p. [ °mas-k'Rtya ] [ cf. AV. cf. TS. &c. ] or [ °mas-kRtvA ] [ cf. MBh. cf. BhP. ] (4) [ n'amas-kRta ], worshipped, adored) cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) food cf. Naigh. ii, 7 (6) a thunderbolt, ii, 20 (7) gift, donation cf. L. (8) m. (?) an inarticulate cry cf. L.

===> namas-kriyā [ namaskriyA ]3[ n'amas-kriyA ] (cf. MBh.), f. adoration, homage

===> namas-kāra [ namaskAra ]3[ n'amas-kAr'a ] m. the exclamation ` namas ', adoration, homage cf. AV. cf. Br. (1) &c. (2) a sort of poison cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a kind of plant (4) [ °ra-vat ] mfn. containing the word ` namas-kāra ' cf. AitBr. (5) [ °ra-vidhi ] and [ °ra-stava ] m. N. of wks.

===> namata [ namata ]1[ namata ]2 n. felt, woollen stuff cf. L. (cf. 2. [ navata ])

===> namo [ namo ]2[ namo ] in comp. for [ °mas ]

===> namra [ namra ]2[ namr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. bowing, inclining (1) bowed, bent, curved (2) hanging down, sunk (3) bowing to (comp.) (4) submissive, reverential, humble cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of 2 verses addressed to Agni cf. ŚrS.

===> namuci [ namuci ]2[ namuci ] m. (according to cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 75 = [ na ] + [ m° ], ` not loosing ', scil. the heavenly waters, i. e. ` preventing rain ') N. of a demon slain by Indra and the Aśvins cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. (1) of the god of love cf. L.

===> namātra [ namAtra ]3[ n'a-mAtra ] m. or n. N. of a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> [ namAtra ]1[ na-mAtra ] [ na-mura ] &c. 2. [ n'a ]

===> nanda [ nanda ]3[ nanda ] m. N. of sev. authors cf. Cat.

===> [ nanda ]2[ n'anda ] m. joy, delight, happiness (also pl.) cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (1) (in mus.) a flute 7 inches long (2) N. of one of Yudhi-shṭhira's 2 drums cf. MBh. (3) of one of Kubera's 9 gems cf. L. (4) a son (in [ gopa- ] add. (5) cf. [ nandana ]) (6) N. of Vishnu cf. MBh. (7) of one of Skanda's attendants cf. ib. (8) of a Nāga cf. ib. (9) (also [ -ka ]) (10) of a cf. Buddh. deity cf. Lalit. (11) of an attendant on Daksha cf. BhP. (12) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra (also [ -ka ]) cf. MBh. (13) of a step-brother and disciple of Gautama Buddha cf. MWB. 441 (14) of a son of Vasu-deva cf. Pur. (15) of the foster-father of Kṛshṇa and ancestor of Durgā cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c. (also [ -ka ] cf. L.) (16) of a leader of the Sātvatas cf. BhP. (17) of a king of Pāṭali-putra and founder of a dynasty consisting of 9 successive princes
cf. HPariś. cf. Pur. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañc. &c. (18) of the number 9 (because of the 9 Nandas) cf. Jyot (19) of sev. scholars and authors cf. Cat. (20) of a mountain cf. BhP. (cf. [ -parvata ] and [ nandi-giri ]) (21) ([ A ]), f. Delight, Felicity (personified as wife of Harsha (22) cf. [ nandi ]) cf. MBh. i, 2597 (23) prosperity, happiness cf. L. (24) a small earthen water-jar (also [ °dikA ]) cf. L. (25) a husband's sister (cf. [ nanAndR ]) cf. L. (26) N. of the 3 auspicious Tithis (1st, 6th, and 11th day of the fortnight) cf. VarBṛS. ic, 2 (also [ °dikA ] cf. L.) (27) of the 7th day in Mārgaśīrsha cf. Hcat (28) (in music) of a Mūrchanā (29) of Gaurī cf. Hcat (30) of an Apsaras cf. Hariv. (31) of a daughter of Vibhīshaṇa cf. L. (32) of a girl connected with Sākya-muni cf. Buddh. (33) of the mother of 10th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī cf. L. (34) of the wife of Gopāla-varman cf. Rājat (35) of a river flowing near Kubera's city Alakā cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (36) ([ I ]), f. Cedrela Toona cf. Suśr. (37) a kind of song or musical instrument cf. MānGṛ. (38) N. of the 6th day in a month's light half cf. ib. (39) of Durgā, cf. DevīP. (40) of Indra's city cf. W. (41) n. a kind of house cf. Gal.

===> nanda-balā [ nandabalA ]3[ n'anda-balA ] f. N. of a girl connected with Gautama Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> nandaka [ nandaka ]2[ nandaka ] mfn. delighting in (comp.) cf. MBh. (1) rejoicing, gladdening, making happy (esp. a family) cf. L. (2) m. joy, delight cf. L. (3) a frog cf. L. (4) N. of Kṛshṇa's sword cf. MBh. (5) ([ °kin ] m. its possessor, i. e. Kṛshṇa cf. ib.) (6) of a bull cf. Pañc (7) of a village cf. Rājat. (cf. also under [ nanda ], m.) (8) ([ ikA ]), f. N. of Ind-a's pleasure-ground cf. L. (cf. cf. ib., f. [ A ])

===> nandana [ nandana ]2[ nandana ] mf ([ A ]) n. (the initial [ n ] is not changeable to [ N ] g. [ kSubhn^adi ]) rejoicing, gladdening (cf. [ °daka ]) cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Pañc (1) m. a son cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (ifc. also [ °naka ] cf. MBh.) (2) a frog (cf. [ °daka ]) cf. L. (3) a kind of poisonous plant, Śuśr. (also f. cf. Sch.) (4) a partic. form of temple cf. Var (5) (in music) a kind of measure (6) N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva cf. MBh. (7) of an attendant of Skanda cf. ib. (8) of a Siddha cf. BhP. (9) of a cf. Buddh. deity cf. Lalit. (v. l. [ nanda ]) (10) (with Jainas) of the 7th of the 9 white Balas (11) of a mountain cf. Pur. (12) of sev. authors (also [ -bhaTT^acArya ] and [ -mizra ]) cf. Cat. (13) of the 26th year in a Jupiter cycle of 60 years cf. Var (14) ([ A ]), f. daughter (cf. [ kula- ]) (15) n. gladdening or gladness cf. MBh. a divine garden, (esp.) Indra's paradise cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ 527,1 ] (16) N. of a sword cf. R. (cf. [ °daka ]) (17) N. of a metre cf. Col.

===> nandana-vana [ nandanavana ]3[ nandana-vana ] n. divine grove cf. R.

===> nandi [ nandi ]2[ nandi ] m. ` the happy one ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (1) of Śiva cf. ib. (2) of an attendant of Śiva cf. TĀr. cf. MBh. &c. (3) of a Gandharva cf. MBh. (4) of a man cf. Pravar (5) the speaker of a prologue cf. W. (w. r. for [ nAndin ]) (6) f. joy, happiness, welfare cf. MBh. &c. (also m. n. cf. L.) (7) Joy personified as daughter of Heaven or as wife of Kāma and mother of Harsha cf. Pur. (8) n. = [ dyUta ] and [ dyUt^aGga ] cf. L. (9) (with Jainas) a class of sacred writings (m. or f. ?) cf. MWB. 533

===> nandika [ nandika ]2[ nandika ] mfn. Cedrela Toona cf. L. (1) N. of one of Śiva's attendants cf. Cat. [ 527,2 ] (2) of a pupil of Gautama Buddha (chief of the village Uru-vilvā) cf. Lalit.

===> nandin [ nandin ]2[ nandin ] mfn. (initial [ n ] cannot be cerebralized, g. [ kSubhn^adi ]) rejoicing, gladdening (ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (1) delighting in, liking cf. ib. (2) m. son (ifc. (3) cf. [ bh^askara-n° ]) (4) the speaker of a prologue (cf. [ nAndin ] cf. L.) (5) N. of sev. plants (the Indian fig-tree, Thespesia Opulneoides &c.) cf. L.

---> a partic. form of temple cf. Var. (cf. [ °ndi-vardhana ]) (6) N. of an attendant of Śiva cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (cf. [ nandi ], [ °nd^iza ], [ °ndikezvara ]) (7) of Śiva's bull cf. W. (8) of sev. authors cf. Cat.

===> nandy-āvarta [ nandyAvarta ]3[ nandy-Avarta ] m. a kind of diagram cf. MBh. cf. Var. (cf. [ °ndik^av° ]) (1) anything so formed (e. g. a dish or vessel) cf. MBh. vii, 2930 (cf. Nīlak.), a palace or temple cf. VarBṛS. lii, 32 (also n. cf. L.) (2) a cake, MnGṛh (3) a species of large fish cf. L. (4) Tabemaemontana Coronaria cf. L. (5) the holy fig-tree cf. L. (6) any tree cf. L. (7) a kind of shell cf. L. (8) cf. cf. MWB. 523 (9) (in music) a partic. attitude in dancing

===> nandā [ nandA ]2[ nandA ] f. of [ nanda ], q. v.

===> nandī [ nandI ]2[ nandI ] f. of [ nanda ], q. v.

===> nanu [ nanu ]1[ na-n'u ] ind. (2. [ n'a ] + [ nu ]) not, not at all, never cf. RV. cf. AV. ; (interr.) not? is it not? = nonne cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (hence often =) certainly, surely, indeed, no doubt (esp. in questions amounting to an affirmation, e. g. [ nanv ahaM te priyaH ], am I not your friend, i. e. certainly I am your friend cf. Daś. [ so also [ na ca ], there can be no doubt cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 11 ; 29 cf. Kāś. ], or to a request, e. g. [ nanu gacchAmi ] [ bhoH ], surely I may go cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 43 cf. Kāś., and even as a responsive particle, e. g. [ akArSIH kaTamnanu karomi bhoH ], indeed I have made it cf. ib. (1) with another interr. or an Impv. = pray, please, e. g. [ nanu ko bhavAn ], pray who are you? cf. Mṛcch. x, 48/49 (2) [ nan^ucyatAm ], please tell cf. ib. 52/53 (3) in argument often as an inceptive particle implying doubt or objection, ` now it may be said, well, but then ' &c., esp. in [ nanv astu ], or [ nanu mA bhUt-tath^api ], well, be it so or not so-nevertheless) (4) a vocat. particle implying kindness or reproach or perplexity &c. cf. L.

===> nara [ nara ]1[ n'ara ] m. (cf. [ nR ]) a man, a male, a person (pl. men, people) cf. TS. &c. &c. (1) husband cf. Mn. ix, 76 (2) hero cf. VarBṛS. iv, 31 cf. Bālar. viii, 56 (3) a man or piece at chess or draughts &c. cf. L. (4) the pin or gnomon of a sun-dial cf. Sūryas. (cf. [ -yantra ]) (5) person, personal termination cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 85 (cf. [ puruSa ]) (6) the primeval Man or eternal Spirit pervading the universe (always associated with Nārāyaṇa, ` son of the primeval man ' [ 529,1 ] (7) both are considered either as gods or sages and accordingly called [ devau ], [ RSI ], [ tApasau ] &c. (8) in ep. poetry they are the son, of Dharma by Mūrti or A-hiṃsā and emanations of Viṣṇu, Arjuna being identified with Nara, and Kṛshṇa with Nārāyaṇa) cf. Mn. (cf. [ -sUnu ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (9) (pl.) a class of myth. beings allied to the Gandharvas and Kiṃ-naras cf. MBh. . cf. Pur. (10) N. of a son of Manu Tāmasa cf. BhP. (11) of a son of Viśvāmitra cf. Hariv. (12) of a son of Gaya and father of Virāj cf. VP. (13) of a son of Su-dhṛti and father of Kevala cf. Pur. (14) of a son of Bhavan-manyu (Manyu) and father of Saṃkṛti cf. ib. (15) of Bhāradvāja (author of cf. RV. vi, 35 and 36) cf. Anukr. (16) of 2 kings of Kaśmīra cf. Rājat (17) of one of the 10 horses of the Moon cf. L. (18) ([ I ]), f. a woman (= [ nArI ]) cf. L. (19) n. a kind of fragrant grass

===> nara-candra [ naracandra ]3[ n'ara-candra ] m. N. of a Jaina writer cf. Cat.

===> nara-datta [ naradatta ]3[ n'ara-datta ] m. N. of a Brāhman (nephew of the Ṛshi Asita) cf. Lalit. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a goddess executing the commands of the 20th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī cf. L. (2) of one of the 16 Vidyā-devīs cf. L.

===> nara-deva [ naradeva ]3[ n'ara-deva ] m. ` man-god ', a king cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ -tva ] n. cf. BhP.) (1) N. of an author cf. Cat. (2) [ -deva ] m. god among kings, supreme sovereign cf. BhP. (3) [ -putra ] m. the son of a man and a god cf. MW.

===> nara-loka [ naraloka ]3[ n'ara-loka ] m. ` men's world ', the earth (1) mortals, men cf. BhP. (2) [ -pAla ] m. = [ nara-pa ] cf. Ragh (3) [ -vIra ] m. a human hero cf. Bhag.

===> nara-nāyaka [ naranAyaka ]3[ n'ara-nAyaka ] m. ` man-leader ', king cf. Inscr.

===> nara-pati [ narapati ]3[ n'ara-pati ] m. ` man-lord ', a king cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) N. of one of the 4 myth. kings of Jambu-dvīpa cf. L. (2) of an author cf. Cat. (3) [ -jaya-caryA ] f. [ °ryA-sAra ] m. N. of wks. (4) [ -patha ] m. = [ -nAtha-mArga ] cf. Megh (5) [ -vijaya ] m. N. of wk.

===> nara-siṃha [ narasiMha ]3[ n'ara-siMha ] m. ` man-lion ', great warrior cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) N. of Viṣṇu in his 4th Ava-tāra (when he was half man half lion) cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (2) N. of the father of king Bhairava cf. Cat. (3) of sev. princes and authors (also [ -kavi ], [ -kavi-rAja ], [ -Thakkura ], [ -dIkSita ], [ -deva ], [ -paNDita ], [ -bhaTTa ], [ -mizra ], [ -muni ], [ -yati ], [ -yat^indra ], [ -rAja ], [ -vAjapeyin ] (or [ °h^agnicid-vAj° ]), [ -zAstrin ], [ -sarasvatI ], [ -sUri ], [ -sena ], [ -h^acArya ]) cf. Cat. (4) [ -kalpa ] m. N. of wk. (5) [ -cUrNa ] n. N. of a partic. aphrodisiac cf. L. (6) [ -dvAdazI ] f. N. of the 12th day in the light half of the month Phālguna ([ °zI-vrata ] n. a ceremony then performed, N. of wk.) cf. Cat. (7) [ -nakhastotra ] and [ -paJca-ratna ] n. N. of Stotras (8) [ -pArijAta ] m. [ -purANa ] n. [ -bhaTTIya ] n. [ -bhAratI-vilAsa ] m. [ -bhujaMga ] m. [ -bhUpAla-caritra ] n. N. of wks. (9) [ -yantra ] n. N. of a mystic. diagram cf. Tantras (10) [ -rAjIya ] n. [ °harSabha-kSetra-mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wks. (11) [ -varman ] m. N. of a man cf. L. (12) [ -zAstri-prakAzikA ], f. (13) [ -sahasra-nAman ] n. pl. (14) [ -stuti ] f. N. of wks.

===> nara-vara [ naravara ]3[ n'ara-vara ] m. an excellent man (1) [ -vRSabha ] m. an excellent hero (like a bull) (2) [ °r^ottama ] m. the best of excellent men, id.

===> nara-vīra [ naravIra ]3[ n'ara-vIra ] m. an heroic or excellent man cf. MBh. (1) [ -loka ] m. the bravest of men or mankind cf. Kāv

===> narada [ narada ]3[ n'ara-da ] [ narada ]

===> [ narada ]1[ narada ] m. N. of a Brāhman cf. Lalit. (1) m. or n. (prob.) = [ n'alada ] g. [ kizar^adi ]

===> naraka [ naraka ]1[ n'araka ] (cf. Nir (1) [ nar'aka ] cf. TĀr.), m. or n. hell, place of torment cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (distinguished from [ pAtAla ], q. v. (3) personified as a son of Anṛta and Nirṛti or Nirkṛti cf. MārkP. (4) there are many different hells, generally 21 cf. Mn. iv, 88-90 cf. Yājñ. cf. Pur. &c.) (5) m. N. of a demon (son of Viṣṇu and Bhūmi or the Earth, and therefore called Bhauma, haunting Prāg-jyotisha and slain by Kṛshṇa) cf. MBh. cf. Pur. cf. Rājat. &c. (6) of a son of Vipra-citti cf. VP. (7) = [ deva-rAtriprabheda ] (?) cf. L. (8) m. or n. N. of a place of pilgrimage cf. MBh. (v. l. [ anaraka ]) (9) ([ ikA ]), f. cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 44 cf. Vārtt. 4 cf. Pat.

===> naraka-pāla [ narakapAla ]3[ n'ara-kapAla ] n. a man's skull cf. Pañc

===> naraka-vāsa [ narakavAsa ]3[ n'araka-vAsa ] m. abode in hell cf. Hcar.

===> nardana [ nardana ]3[ nardana ] m. ` roarer ', N. of a Nāga-rāja cf. L. (1) n. sounding, roaring cf. Var (2) celebrating, praising aloud cf. W.

===> nardita [ nardita ]3[ nardita ] mfn. roared, bellowed &c. (1) n. bellowing, roaring, sounding cf. R. cf. Hit. (2) m. a kind of die or a throw at dice cf. Mṛcch. ii, 7 (= [ nAdI ] or [ nAndI ]. cf. Sch. (3) prob. the chief die (4) cf. [ vRSa ] cf. Nal. vii, 6)

===> narma-yukta [ narmayukta ]3[ narma-yukta ] mfn. sportive, jocose (word) cf. MBh.

===> nartaka [ nartaka ]3[ nartaka ] &c. s. v.

===> nasa [ nasa ]2[ nasa ] (ifc.) the nose (cf. [ apI-n° ], [ urU-N° ], [ kumbhIn° ] &c.) (1) ([ A ]) f. id. cf. L.

===> nasta-karaṇa [ nastakaraNa ]3[ nasta-karaNa ] n. instrument used by Bhikshus for injecting the nose cf. L. ([ °taH-k ]? cf. above)

===> nata [ nata ]2[ nat'a ] mfn. bent, bowed, curved, inclined, inclining cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) bowing to, saluting (acc. or gen.) cf. BhP. vi, 9, 40 ; v, 18, 4 (2) depressed, sunk, flat (3) deep, hanging down cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) ifc. bent down by or turned towards (cf. [ vAma- ] add.) (5) cerebralized (as the letter [ n ], cf. [ nati ]) cf. RPrāt. (6) m. n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria cf. L. (7) n. zenith-distance at meridian transit cf. Sūryas (8) hour-angle or distance in time from meridian cf. ib. (9) inclination cf. ib.

===> nati [ nati ]2[ nati ] f. bending, bowing, stooping, modesty, humility cf. Kāv. cf. Śatr. &c. (1) inclination or parallax in latitude cf. Sūryas (2) curvature, crookedness cf. W. (3) the change of a dental letter to a cerebral cf. Prāt.

===> nau [ nau ]1[ nau ]1 encl. acc. dat. gen. du. of 1st pers. pron. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 20) cf. RV. &c. &c. (cf. VS. also [ Nau ] (1) cf. cf. VPrāt. iii, 85)

===> [ nau ]1[ na'u ]2 f. a ship, boat, vessel cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) (in astrol.) N. of a partic. appearance of the moon or of a constellation cf. Var (2) = [ vAc ] cf. Nir. i, 11 (either because prayer is a vessel leading to heaven or ft. √ 4. [ nu ], ` to praise '). [ Cf. 2. [ nAva ] and 7. [ nu ] (3) Gk. ?, [ 571,2 ] ?, &c. ; Lat. [ nāvis ], [ nau-ta ], [ nau-fragus ] &c. ; Icel. [ n'or ] ; (?) Germ. [ Nachen ]. ]

===> nau-krama [ naukrama ]3[ na'u-krama ] m. a bridge of boats cf. Divyâv

===> naya [ naya ]1[ naya ] m. (√ 1. [ nI ]) leading (of an army) cf. R. (1) conduct, behaviour, (esp.) prudent conduct or behaviour, good management, polity, civil and military government cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) wisdom, prudence, reason ([ naya ] ibc. or [ nayeSu ], in a prudent manner cf. MBh.) cf. R. cf. BhP. (3) plan, design cf. MBh. cf. Pañc. cf. Kathās (4) leading thought, maxim, principle, system, method, doctrine cf. R. cf. Sāh. cf. Bhāshāp. cf. Sarvad (5) a kind of game and a sort of dice or men for playing it cf. L. (6) N. of a son of Dharma and Kriyā cf. Pur. (7) of a son of 13th Manu cf. Hariv. (8) guide, conductor cf. L. (9) mfn. fit, right, proper cf. L.

===> nayana [ nayana ]2[ nayana ] m. N. of a man cf. Rājat (1) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. the pupil of the eye cf. L. (2) n. leading, directing, managing, conducting (3) carrying, bringing cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc. &c. (4) ([ kAlasya ]) fixing cf. MBh. i, 2580 cf. Nīlak (5) drawing, moving (a man or piece in a game, cf. [ naya ] and [ naya-pIThI ]) cf. L. ; (pl.) prudent, conduct, polity cf. BhP. x, 50, 34 (6) ` the leading organ, the eye (ifc. f. [ A ] or [ I ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> nayana-patha [ nayanapatha ]3[ nayana-patha ] m. (cf. Vedântas.),

===> nayuta [ nayuta ]3[ n'a-yuta ] m. pl. a myriad cf. Lalit. (cf. [ a-y° ])

===> naḍa [ naDa ]2[ naD'a ] or m. (cf. L. also n.) a species of reed, Arundo Tibialis or Karka cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr.

===> naḍa-vana [ naDavana ]3[ naD'a-vana ] n. ` reeds-thicket ' cf. L. (1) N. of a place cf. Rājat

===> naḍinī [ naDinI ]2[ naDinI ] f. a reed bed, g. [ puSkar^adi ]

===> naḍâgāra [ naDAgAra ]3[ naD^agAra ] n. reeds-hut cf. MW.

===> naṣṭa [ naSTa ]2[ naST'a ] mfn. lost, disappeared, perished, destroyed, lost sight of invisible (1) escaped (also [ -vat ] mfn. cf. MBh.), run away from (abl.), fled (impers. with instr. of subj. cf. Ratn. ii. 3) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) spoiled, damaged, corrupted, wasted, unsuccessful, fruitless, in vain cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) deprived of(instr.) cf. R. i, 14, 18 (in comp. =, without ', ` -less ', ` un- ' (4) below) (5) one who has lost a lawsuit cf. Mṛcch. ix, 4

===> [ naSTa ]1[ naSTa ] above

===> naṭa [ naTa ]2[ naTa ] m. (fr. prec. (1) but cf. cf. Uṇ. iv, 104) actor, dancer, mime cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) N. of a partic. caste (sons of degraded Kshatriyas cf. Mn. x, 22) (3) Colosanthes Indics cf. L. (4) Jonesia Asoka cf. L. (5) a sort of reed (= [ kiSku-parvan ]) cf. L. (6) (in music) N. of a Rāga (7) N. of a man who with his brother Bhaṭa built a Vihāra) cf. Buddh. (8) ([ A ]), f. Caesalpina Banducella cf. L. (9) ([ I ]), f. an actress (g. [ gaur^adi ]) cf. Śak. cf. Sāh. &c. (10) a dancer, Nauch girl, courtezan cf. L. (11) a partic. fragrant plant cf. Bhpr. (12) red arsenic cf. L. (13) (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī

===> naṭa-bhaṭikā [ naTabhaTikA ]3[ naTa-bhaTikA ] f. ` temple of Naṭa and Bhaṭa ', N. of a temple cf. Buddh.

===> naṭa-raṅga [ naTaraGga ]3[ naTa-raGga ] m. ` actor's arena ', anything illusory cf. Buddh.

===> naṭī [ naTI ]2[ naTI ] f. [ naTa ], above

===> nela [ nela ]1[ nela ] [ nelu ], and [ nevalla ] m. a partic. number cf. Buddh.

===> nemi [ nemi ]1[ nem'i ] f. (√ [ nam ]) the felly of a wheel (also [ °mI ] cf. L.), any circumference or edge or rim (ifc. ` encircled ' or ` surrounded by ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) a windlass or framework for the rope of a well (also [ °mI ]) cf. L. (2) a thunderbolt cf. L. (3) the foundation of a wall cf. Gal. (cf. [ n^ema ]) (4) m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis cf. L. (5) N. of a Daitya cf. BhP. (6) of a Cakra-vartin cf. Buddh. (cf. [ nimi ]) (7) of 22nd Arhat of present Ut-sarpiṇi cf. L.

===> nemin [ nemin ]2[ nemin ] m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis cf. L. (1) N. of the 22nd Arhat of present Ut-sarpiṇi cf. L. (cf. [ nem'i ], m.)

===> nepathya [ nepathya ]1[ nepathya ] n. (and m. cf. L.) an ornament, decoration, costume (esp. of an actor), attire (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °thyaM-√ kR ], or [ grah ] or [ rac ] or [ vi-dhA ], ` to make the toilet ') [ 569,2 ] (1) n. (in dram.) the place behind the stage (separated by the curtain from the [ raGga ]), the postscenium, the tiring-room (2) ([ e ]), ind. behind the scenes (esp. cf. MW. cf. Śak. p. 3, n. 2)

===> netavya [ netavya ]2[ netavya ]

===> [ netavya ]1[ netavya ] mfn. (√ [ nI ]) to be led or guided &c. (1) to be led away (2) to be led towards or to or into (acc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) to be applied cf. Śaṃk (4) to be examined cf. ib.

===> netra [ netra ]2[ netra ] m. a leader, guide (with gen. cf. R. [ B. ] iii, 66, 10 (1) mostly ifc., e. g. [ tvaM-netra ], ` having you for guide ' cf. MBh. ii, 2486 [ f. [ A ] cf. ib. ix, 222 ] (2) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 116 cf. Vārtt. 2, 3 cf. Pat.) cf. AitUp. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (3) N. of a son of Dharma and father of Kuntī cf. BhP. (4) of a son of Su-mati cf. MatsyaP. (5) ([ °tr'a ]), n. (and m. cf. Siddh.) leading, guiding, conducting cf. AV. x, 10, 22 (6) (itc f. [ A ]), the eye (as the guiding organ, also [ -ka ], HCat (7) cf. [ nayana ]) (8) the numeral 2 cf. Sūryas. (cf. [ netR ]) (9) the string by which a churning-stick is whirled round cf. MBh. (10) a pipe-tube cf. Car. (11) an injection pipe cf. Suśr. (12) the root of a tree cf. Kād (13) a kind of cloth cf. Hcar. (14) a veil cf. R. cf. Ragh (15) a carriage cf. L. (16) a river cf. L.

===> netrika [ netrika ]2[ netrika ] n. a clyster-pipe (1) a ladle cf. L.

===> netṛ [ netR ]3[ netR ] &c. p. 568, col. 3

===> [ netR ]2[ n'etR ] mfn. leading, guiding, one who leads or will lead cf. RV. x, 26, 5 (1) m. bringer, offerer (with acc. (2) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69) cf. MBh. (3) ([ net'R ]), m. leader, guide, conductor (with gen. or ifc.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) (with [ daNDasya ]) ` rod-applier ', inflicter of punishment cf. Mn. vii, 25 (cf. [ daNDa-n° ]) (5) the leader or chief of an army cf. Var (6) N. of Viṣṇu cf. RTL. 106, n. (7) the hero of a drama (= [ nAyaka ]) cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh (8) a master, owner cf. W. (9) the numeral 2 cf. MW. (cf. [ netra ]) (10) Azadirachta Indica cf. L. (11) ([ netr'I ]), f. a female leader (with gen. or ifc.) cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. MBh. &c. (12) a river cf. L. (13) a vein cf. L. (14) N. of Lakshmi cf. L.

===> neya [ neya ]1[ neya ] mfn. (√ [ nI ]) to be led or guided or managed or governed (1) to be led away or to be led to (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) to be brought into any state or condition (e. g. [ zAntim ], [ kSIba-tAm ]) cf. Megh. cf. Kathās (3) to be moved ([ zAra ]) cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 9 (4) to be applied or inflicted ([ daNDa ]) cf. Kām (5) to be spent or passed ([ kAla ]) cf. Rājat. cf. Pañc (6) to be guessed ([ ncy^artha ] below)

===> nibaddha [ nibaddha ]3[ ni-baddha ] mfn. bound, fettered, chained, tied or fastened to, fixed on (loc.) (1) covered with, veiled in (instr.) cf. MBh. (2) dependent on (instr.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) relating to, contained in (loc.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (4) composed or consisting of accompanied by, furnished with, adorned or inlaid with (comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) shut up, closed, obstructed cf. Kathās (6) constructed, built cf. ib. (7) composed, written down cf. R. cf. Kālid. &c. (8) used, employed as a word cf. Sāh (9) called as a witness ([ a-n° ] cf. Mn. viii, 76) (10) confined costive cf. W. (11) committed, intrusted cf. MW. (12) m. (in music) a partic. instrument

===> nibandha [ nibandha ]3[ ni-bandha ] m. binding on, tying, fastening cf. R. (1) chain, fetter, bondage cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (2) attachment to, intentness on cf. L. (3) basis, root, origin cf. MBh. ii. 2532 (4) a grant of property, an assignment of cattle or money cf. Yājñ. i. 317 (5) fixed property cf. ib. ii. 121 (6) restraint, obstruction cf. L. (7) constipation or suppression of urine cf. Suśr. (v. l. for [ vi-b° ]) (8) any literary composition or work cf. Cat. (9) N. of a partic. wk. cf. ib. (10) Azadirachta Indica cf. L. (11) n. song, singing cf. L. (12) [ -candr^odaya ] and [ -tattvadIpa ] m. N. of wks. (13) [ -dAna ] n. grant of property, assignment or gift of a corrody cf. MW. (14) [ -nava-nIta ] m. or n. N. of wk. [ 550,2 ] (15) [ -rAja ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (16) [ -vivRti-yojanA ] f. [ -ziromaNy-ukta-nirNaya ] m. pl., [ -saMgraha ] m. [ -sarvasva ] n. [ -sAra ] m. N. of wks.

===> nibandhana [ nibandhana ]3[ ni-bandhana ] mf ([ I ]) n. binding, fastening, fettering cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) m. N. of a son of Aruṇa cf. BhP. (v. l. [ tri-b° ]) (2) ([ I ]), f. band, bond, fetter cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (3) n. tying, fastening, binding together, ligation cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. (4) holding fast, restraining cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) constructing, building (as a bridge) cf. MBh. (6) band, fetter (lit. and fig.), support, stay cf. ib. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (7) cause, origin, basis, foundation cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (often ifc. = supported by, fastened to, based or dependent on, connected with, relating to) (8) seat, receptacle (cf. [ iSu-n° ]) (9) the peg of a lute cf. L. (10) a grant, an assignment or royal gift cf. Śiś. ii, 112 (11) composition, arrangement cf. Kum (12) a literary composition or treatise cf. Śiś. ii, 112 (13) (in gram.) syntax (14) a commentary (15) [ -grantha ] m. N. of a class of wks.

===> nibandhita [ nibandhita ]3[ ni-bandhita ] mfn. bound, fastened, confined, tied cf. W.

===> nibarhaṇa [ nibarhaNa ]1[ ni-barhaNa ] [ ni-bRh ] below

===> [ nibarhaNa ]3[ ni-barhaNa ] mfn. crushing, destroying, removing cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) n. destruction, annihilation cf. ib.

===> nibha [ nibha ]1[ ni-bha ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ bhA ]) resembling, like, similar (ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (sometimes pleonast. after adj., e. g. [ cAru-nibh^anana ], ` handsome-faced ' cf. Hariv., or comp. with a synonym, e. g. [ naga-nibh^opama ], ` mountain-like ' cf. MBh. (1) [ padma-pattr^abha-nibha ], ` like a lotus-leaf ' cf. ib.) (2) in. or n. appearance, pretext (only ifc. instr. cf. Daś (3) abl. cf. Kathās.)

===> nicaya [ nicaya ]1[ ni-caya ] &c. under 1. [ ni-ci ] below

===> [ nicaya ]3[ ni-caya ] m. piling up, heaping up, heap, mass, quantity, store, provisions (cf. [ alpa-n° ], [ SaN-mAsa-n° ]) (1) collection, multitude, assemblage (rarely of living beings, cf., [ vadhU-n° ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -gulma ] m. a swelling of the abdomen caused by an excess of the 3 humours cf. Car. (3) [ °y^odarin ] mfn. suffering from it (lit. having such an abdomen) cf. ib.

===> nicita [ nicita ]3[ ni-cita ] mfn. piled up, heaped up, erected (1) covered, overspread with, full of (with instr. or ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) constipated (as the bowels) cf. Suśr. (3) m. pl. N. of a warrior-tribe (cf. [ naicitya ]) (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh.

===> [ nicita ]3[ ni-cit'a ] mfn. observed, beheld, appearing cf. RV. ii, 12, 13

===> nidarśaka [ nidarzaka ]1[ ni-darzaka ] [ °zana ], &c. [ ni-√ dRz ]

===> [ nidarzaka ]3[ ni-darzaka ] mfn. seeing into, perceiving cf. MBh. (1) proclaiming, announcing cf. ib. cf. Daś

===> nidarśana [ nidarzana ]3[ ni-darzana ] mf ([ I ]) n. pointing to, showing, indicating, announcing, proclaiming, teaching cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (1) suiting, pleasing ([ sarva-loka-nid° ] (2) v. l. [ °ka-nidarzin ] and [ -vidarzin ]) cf. R. ii, 108, 18 (3) ([ A ]), f. a partic. form of a simile or comparison (e. g. cf. Ragh. i, 2) cf. Kpr. cf. Sāh. &c. (4) n. seeing, view, appearance, sight, vision (cf. [ svapna-nid° ]) cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (5) pointing to, showing, indicating cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (6) proof, evidence cf. Pañc (7) instance, example, illustration cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ -tva ] n. cf. Naish (8) [ °n^artham ] ind. for instance cf. MBh.) (9) refutation of a stated argument cf. Sāh (10) N. of the third member of a complete syllogism (= [ udAharaNa ]) cf. MW. (11) a prognostic, sign, mark, omen cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. (ifc. f. [ A ], showing, betraying cf. R.) (12) a scheme, system cf. Suśr. (13) injunction, precept, ordinance, authority, text cf. W.

===> nidarśita [ nidarzita ]3[ ni-darzita ] mfn. shown, presented, offered (as a seat) cf. Rājat (1) illustrated, exemplified cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> nidhana [ nidhana ]1[ ni-dhana ]1 mfn. (for 2. col. 3) having no property, poor cf. L.

===> [ nidhana ]3[ ni-dh'ana ] (for 1. col. 2), n. (m. only cf. Hariv. 4846 (1) g. [ ardharc^adi ]) settling down, residence or place of residence, domicile, receptacle cf. AV. cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. (2) conclusion, end, death, destruction, loss, annihilation cf. Mn. cf. Var. cf. MBh. &c. (3) (in music) the concluding passage of a Sāman which is sung in chorus (4) any finile cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. Br. &c. (5) N. of the 8th mansion cf. Var (6) race, family cf. L. (7) m. the head of a family cf. W. (8) ([ A ]), f. pl. N. of partic. verses or formulas cf. Kauś (9) [ -kAma ] n. N. of sev. Sāmans cf. TāṇḍBr. cf. Lāṭy (10) [ -kArin ] mfn. causing death, destroying cf. W. (11) [ -kriyA ] f. a funeral ceremony cf. Hariv. (12) [ -pati ] m. lord of the end or of destruction cf. TĀr. (13) [ -bhUta ] mfn. (in music) forming a finale cf. Lāṭy (14) [ -vat ] ([ °dh'ana- ]), mfn. having a finale cf. VS. cf. TāṇḍBr. &c. (15) [ -sUtra ] n. [ -sUtra-vRtti ] f. N. of wks. (16) [ °n^ottama ] m. N. of Śiva cf. R. 2

===> nidhi [ nidhi ]3[ ni-dh'i ] iu. setting down or serving up (food, &c.) cf. RV. i. 183, 4 &c. (1) the bottom of the Ukhā cf. ŚBr. (2) a place for deposits or storing up, a receptacle (esp. [ apAM nidhi ], [ r° ] of waters, the ocean, sea, also N. of a Sāman (3) [ kalAnAM n° ], the full moon) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) a store, hoard, treasure cf. RV. &c. &c. (in later language esp. the divine treasures belonging to Kubera, nine of which are enumerated, viz. Padma, Mahāpadma, Śaṅkha, Makara, Kacchapa, Mukunda, Nanda, Nīla and Kharva, they are also personified as attendants either of Kubera or of Lakshmī (5) cf. [ nidhi-datta ] and [ -pAlita ] below) (6) the sea cf. L. (7) (with [ daiva ]) the science of chronology cf. ChUp. vii, 1, 2 (Saṃk.) (8) N. of a partic. medic. plant (= [ jIvikA ]) cf. L. (9) a kind of perfume (= [ nalikA ]) cf. L. (10) [ -guhyak^adhipa ] m. ` lord of the treasures and Guhyakas ', Kubera cf. Kir. v, 20 (11) [ -gop'a ] m. guardian of treasure cf. ŚBr. (12) [ -datta ] m. N. of a merchant cf. Kathās (13) [ -dIpikA ] f. N. of wk. (14) [ -nAtha ] m. ` lord of treasure ', N. of Kubera cf. L. (15) of an author cf. Cat. (16) [ -pa ] m. = [ -gopa ] cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (17) any guardian or protector (as [ yajJasya ], [ vedasya ]) cf. ĀśvGṛ. i, 22, 21 (18) [ -pati ] ([ °dh'i- ]), m. lord of treasure cf. AV. cf. VS. (19) N. of Kubera cf. Hariv. (20) of a rich merchant cf. Vet (21) [ -pati-datta ] m. N. of a merchant cf. Daś (22) [ -p'A ] (cf. AV. cf. TBr.), [ -pAla ] (cf. MBh.), m. guardian of treasure (23) [ -pAlita ] m. N. of a merchant cf. Daś (24) [ -prabhu ] m. lord of treasures, N. of Kubera cf. MW. (25) [ -bhRt ] m. bearer of treasure, id. cf. Dharmaśarm (26) [ -m'at ] mfn. containing treasure or forming a store, abundant cf. RV. (27) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of treasure cf. Hcar. (28) [ -rAma ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (29) [ -vAda ] m. the art of finding treasure cf. Kād (30) [ -vAsa ] m. ` place of treasure ', N. of a town cf. L.

---> [ °dh^iza ] ([ -tva ] n. cf. R.), [ °dh^izvara ] (cf. Dharmaśarm.), m. ` lord of treasure ', N. of Kubera (31) [ °dhy-arthin ] mfn. seeking treasure cf. MW.

===> [ nidhi ]1[ ni-dh'i ] under [ ni-dhA ]

===> nidhyapti [ nidhyapti ]2[ ni-dhyapti ] f. reflection, philosophical meditation cf. L.

===> nidhyāna [ nidhyAna ]3[ ni-dhyAna ] n. intuition, seeing, sight cf. L.

===> nidhāna [ nidhAna ]3[ ni-dh'Ana ] n. putting or laying down, depositing, keeping, preserving cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) laying aside (cf. [ daNDa-n° ]) (2) placing (the sacrificial fire) cf. KātyŚr. (3) place for depositing anything, receptacle (rarely m. (4) ifc. f. [ I ] (5) cf. [ garbha-n° ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (6) a place of cessation or rest cf. W. (7) anything laid up, a store, hoard, treasure (esp. the treasure or Kubera) cf. Mn. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Ragh. &c. ([ -tA ] f. cf. Jātakam.) (8) ([ I ]), f. N. of a formula cf. TBr. cf. ĀpŚr.

---> mfn. containing anything (gen.) in itself cf. TĀr. (9) [ -kumbha ] m. a pot or jar containing a treasure cf. Sāh (10) [ °nI-√ kR ], to pile up cf. Hcar. (11) [ °n^eza ] m. ` lord of treasure ', a Yaksha cf. Śatr

===> nidrā [ nidrA ]1[ ni-drA ] √ 1. (or √ [ drai ]), P. Ā. [ -drAyati ], [ °te ] ([ -drAti ] cf. Sāntiś (1) pf. [ -dadrau ] cf. Naish.), to fall asleep, sleep, slumber cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> [ nidrA ]3[ ni-dr'A ] f. sleep, slumber, sleepiness, sloth cf. RV. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the budding state of a flower (hence [ °drAM-√ tyaj ], to bloom) cf. ŚārṅgP. (2) a mystic. N. of the letter [ bh ] cf. Up. (3) [ -kara ] mfn. making sleepy cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. (4) [ -kSaNa ] m. or n. a moment of sleep cf. BhP. (5) [ -gama ] ([ °dr^ag° ]), approach or time of sleep, Śāntiś (6) [ -caura ] m. stealer of sleep cf. Mṛcch (7) [ -tura ] ([ °dr^at° ]), mfn. sleepy, languid cf. Cat. (8) [ -daridra ] mfn. suffering from want of sleep cf. Vcar. (9) m. N. of a poet cf. Cat. (10) [ -daridrI-√ kR ], to deprive of sleep cf. Kpr. (11) [ -druh ] (mfn. nom. [ dhruk ] cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 37 (12) cf. cf. Vām. v, 2, 88), disturbing sleep (13) [ -ntarita ] ([ °dr^ant° ]) . mfn. asleep cf. Pañc (14) [ -ndha ] ([ °dr^an° ]), mfn. blind with sleep, dead asleep, fast asleep cf. MBh. (15) [ -bhaGga ] m. rousing from sleep, awaking cf. W. (16) [ -bhibhUta ] ([ °dr^abh° ]), mfn. subdued by sleep, sleeping cf. Suśr. (17) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting in sleep cf. Hariv. (18) [ -yoga ] m. a state of such deep meditation as to resemble sleep cf. ib. (cf. [ yoganidrA ]) (19) m. light sleep, doze cf. L. (20) [ -lasa ] ([ °dr^al° ]), mf ([ A ]) n. slothful from drowsiness, fast asleep cf. Hit. (21) [ -lasya ] ([ °dr^al° ]), n. sleepiness, long sleeping cf. MBh. cf. Var (22) [ -vaza ] mfn. overpowered by sleep cf. Vet (23) [ -vRkSa ] m. ` sleep-plant ', darkness cf. L. (24) [ -saMjanana ] n. ` producing sleep ', phlegm, the phlegmatic humour cf. L.

===> nidāgha [ nidAgha ]3[ ni-dAgh'a ] m. (g. [ nyaGkv-Adi ]) heat, warmth, the hot season (May and June), summer cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) internal heat, Ṛt. i, 4 (2) sweat, perspiration cf. L. (3) N. of a man (pl. of his descendants, g. [ upak^adi ]) (4) of a son of Pulastya cf. VP. (5) [ -kara ] m. ` heat-causer ' or ` hot-rayed ', the sun cf. L. (6) [ -kAla ] m. the ` time of heat ', summer cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (7) [ -dhAman ] m. ` having hot radiance ' or ` abode of heat ', the sun cf. Śiś. i, 24 (8) [ -ruci ] m. ` hot-rayed ', id. cf. Kāv (9) [ -vArSika ] mfn. (months) belonging to the hot and the rainy season cf. MBh. vii, 1311 (10) [ -sindhu ] m. a river in hot weather, one nearly dry cf. W. (11) [ °gh^avadhi ] m. the hot season cf. Ragh. xvi, 52

===> [ nidAgha ]1[ ni-dAgha ] [ ni-dah ]

===> nidāna [ nidAna ]3[ nidAn'a ] mfn. reproached, ridiculed cf. ib.

===> [ nidAna ]3[ ni-d'Ana ] n. a band, rope, halter cf. RV. vi, 32, 6 cf. MBh. (1) a first or primary cause (cf. [ ni-bandhana ]) cf. RV. x, 114, 2 cf. Br. cf. Kāṭh (2) original form or essence ([ ena ] ind. originally, essentially, properly) cf. Br. (3) (with cf. Buddh.) a cause of existence (12 in number) cf. MWB. 56 ; 103 (4) any cause or motive cf. Divyâv (5) the cause of a disease and enquiry into it, pathology (= [ nidAna-sthAna ], q. v.) cf. L. (6) = [ nidAna-sUtra ] cf. Cat. (7) cessation, end cf. L. (8) purification, correctness cf. L. (9) claiming the reward of penitential acts cf. L. (10) [ -tattva ] n. [ -pradIpa ] m. N. of wks. (11) [ -vat ] ([ nid'Ana- ]), mfn. funded on a cause, essential cf. TBr. cf. Kāṭh (12) [ -vid ] mfn. knowing the causes or symptoms of a disease cf. BhP. (13) [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of a medic. wk. (14) [ -sUtra ] n. N. of wk. on metres and Vedic Stomas (15) [ -sthAna ], ii. the subject of the causes of diseases, pathology (one of the 5 departments of medic. science) cf. Suśr. (16) [ -dAn^arthakara ] mfn. operating as a cause cf. Bhpr.

===> nigadita [ nigadita ]3[ ni-gadita ] mfn. recited, told, spoken cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. speech cf. BhP. (2) [ -vat ] mfn. having said or spoken cf. Bhaṭṭ. (3) [ °ditin ] mfn. one who has spoken, g. [ iST^adi ]

===> nigama [ nigama ]3[ ni-gama ] m. insertion (esp. of the name of a deity into a liturgical formula) cf. ŚrS. (1) the place or passage (esp. of the Vedas) where a word occurs or the actual word quoted from such a passage cf. Nir (2) the root (as the source from which a word comes (3) hence ifc. ` derived from ') cf. ib. (4) the Veda or the Vedic text cf. Hariv. cf. Pāṇ. cf. Pur. &c. (5) any work auxiliary to and explanatory of the Vedas cf. Mn. iv, 19 (cf. Kull.) (6) a sacred precept, the words of a god or holy man cf. MBh. cf. Pur. &c. (7) doctrine, instruction in, art of (comp.) cf. Bālar (8) certainty, assurance cf. L. (9) trade, traffic cf. W. (10) a town, city, market-place cf. Āpast. cf. Car. cf. Lalit. (11) a road cf. L. (12) a caravan or company of merchants (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. R. cf. Daś (13) = [ pariziSTa ] cf. Cat. (14) n. a partic. number cf. Buddh. (15) [ -kalpa-druma ] m. [ -kalpa-latA ] f. [ -kalpa-sAra ] m. N. of wks. (16) [ -jJa ] mfn. familiar with the holy texts cf. Var (17) [ -tattvasAra ] m. [ -pariziSTa ] n. [ -latA ] f. [ -sAra ] m. N. of wks. (18) [ -sthAna ] n. place of insertion (cf. above) cf. ŚrS. (19) [ °m^akhya-koza ] and [ °m^ant^artha-ratn^akara ] m.

===> nigamana [ nigamana ]3[ ni-gamana ] n. insertion, quotation of words (from the Veda) and the word quoted cf. Nir (1) the summing up of an argument or conclusion in a syllogism, deduction cf. Tarkas (2) going in or into cf. W.