===> karṇa-prāvaraṇa [ karNaprAvaraNa ]3[ k'arNa-prAvaraNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. using the ears for a covering R. v, 17, 5 (1) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a fabulous people MBh. R. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2643
===> karṇaka [ karNaka ]2[ k'arNaka ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c.), a tendril ŚBr. KātyŚr. (1) a rime, ring Car. (2) a kind of fever (3) a particular defect of wood Comm. on KātyŚr. (4) N. of a man (5) ([ As ]), m. pl. the descendants of this man, g. [ upak^adi ] (6) ([ au ]), m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx, 133, 3 (7) ([ ikA ]), f. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 65) an ear-ring or ornament for the ear Kathās. Daś. &c. (8) a knot-like tubercle Suśr. (9) a round protuberance (as at the end of a reed or a tube) Suśr. (10) the pericarp of a lotus MBh. BhP. &c. (11) central point, centre Car. Bālar (12) the tip of an elephant's trunk L. (13) the middle finger L. (14) chalk L. (15) a pen, small brush L. (16) Premna spinosa or longifolia L. (17) Odina pinnata L. (18) a bawd L. (19) N. of an Apsaras MBh.
===> karṇi-kāra [ karNikAra ]2[ karNikAra ] mfn. (fr. [ karNikA ] BRD. (1) [ karNiM bhedanaM karoti ] T.), Pterospermum acerifolium MBh. Suśr. &c. (2) Cathartocarpus fistula L. (3) ([ am ]), n. the flower of Pterospermum acerifolium Ṛitus (4) the pericarp of a lotus Hcat. Rājat
===> karṇika [ karNika ]2[ karNika ] mfn. having ears, having large or long ears W. (1) having a helm W. (2) m. a steersman W. (3) a kind of fever Bhpr. (4) N. of a king in Potāla (5) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people VP. (6) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. the pericarp of a lotus MBh. (7) ([ am ]), n. a kind of arrow (the top being shaped like an ear), Śārṅg
===> karṣa [ karSa ]1[ karSa ] m. (√ [ kRS ]), the act of drawing, dragging Pāṇ. (1) (with and without [ halasya ]) ploughing, agriculture Āp. Yājñ. ii, 217
---> ` anything scratched off ', [ kSAma-karSa-mizr'a ] (2) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a weight of gold or silver (= 16 Māshas = 80 Rettis = 1/4 Pala = 1/400 of a Tulā = about 176 grains troy (3) in common use 8 Rettis are given to the Māsha, and the Karsha is then about 280 grains troy) Suśr. VarBṛS. &c. [ 260,1 ] (4) Terminalia Bellerica (also called [ akSa ], q. v.) L. (5) a boat L.
===> karṣaka [ karSaka ]2[ karSaka ] mfn. pulling to and fro, dragging, tormenting, vexing AgP. (1) ploughing, one who ploughs or lives by tillage, a husbandman Gaut. MBh. Yājñ. &c.
===> karṣaṇa [ karSaNa ]2[ karSaNa ] mfn. pulling to and fro, dragging, tormenting, vexing (v. l. [ karzana ]) MBh. R. &c. (1) extending (in time), APrāt. (2) the act of drawing or dragging near Śak. (v. l.) (3) drawing out, pulling off (4) tugging, pulling (cf. [ keza-k° ]), drawing to and fro, removing, hurting, injuring, tormenting Mn. vii, 112 MBh. Suśr. &c. (5) drawing back, bending (a bow) Ragh. xi, 46 (cf. [ dhanuS-k° ]) (6) prolonging (a sound) SaṃhUp. (7) ploughing, cultivating the ground Mn. iv, 5 MBh. BhP. (8) cultivated land MBh. iii, 10082 (9) erroneous for [ karzana ], q. v. Car. (10) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant (= [ kSIriNI ]) L.
===> karṣin [ karSin ]2[ karSin ] mfn. drawing along, pulling, dragging Ragh. Mṛcch. &c. (1) attractive, inviting Ragh. xix, 11 (2) ploughing, furrowing (3) m. a ploughman, peasant, husbandman Kathās (4) ([ iNI ]), f. the bit of a bridle L. (5) a particular plant (= [ kSIriNI ]) L.
===> karṣū [ karSU ]2[ karS'U ] [ Us ] f. (Uṇ. i, 82) a furrow, trench, incision ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c. (1) a river, canal Comm. on Uṇ (2) ([ Us ]), m. a fire of dried cow-dung ib. (3) agriculture L. (4) livelihood L.
===> kasmāt [ kasmAt ]1[ k'asmAt ] ind. (abl. fr. 2. [ k'a ] AV. &c.) where from? whence? why? wherefore? MBh. R. Śak. Pañcat. &c. (cf. [ a-kasmAt ].)
===> kastūrikā [ kastUrikA ]1[ kastUrikA ] (or [ kasturikA ] ?), f. musk-deer T.
(1) musk, the animal perfume (supposed to come out of the navel of the musk-deer, and brought from Kaśmīr, Nepāl, Western Assam or Butan, the latter being the best)
VarBṛS. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (cf. Gk. ?.) [ 266,2 ]
===> katama [ katama ]1[ katam'a ] [ as ], [ A ], [ at ] mfn. (superlative of 2. [ ka ] (1) declined as a pronom., Gram. 236), who or which of many? (e. g. [ katamena pathA yAtAs te ], by which road have they gone?) (2) it is often a mere strengthened substitute for [ ka ], the superlative affix imparting emphasis (3) hence it may occasionally be used for ` who or which of two? ' (e. g. [ tayoH katamasmai ], to which of these two?) (4) it may optionally be compounded with the word to which it refers (e. g. [ katamaH kaThaH ], or [ katama-kaThaH ], which Kaṭha out of many?) (5) when followed by [ ca ] and preceded [ yatama ] an indefinite expression is formed equivalent to ` any whosoever ', ` any whatsoever ', &c. (e. g. [ yatamad eva katamac ca vidyAt ] he may know anything whatsoever). In negative sentences [ katama ] with [ cana ] or [ katama ] with [ api ] = not even one, none at all (e. g. [ na katamaccan^ahaH ], not even on a single day, on no day at all) [ 246,3 ] (6) in addition to the above uses [ katama ] is said to mean ` best ', ` excessively good-looking ' (cf. 3. [ ka ]) RV. &c.
===> katara [ katara ]2[ katar'a ] [ as ], [ A ], [ at ] mfn. (comparative of 2. [ ka ] (1) declined as a pronom., Gram. 236), who or which of two? whether of two? Analogously to [ katama ] above [ katara ] may occasionally be used to express ` who or which of many? ' (e. g. [ katarasyAM dizi ], in which quarter?), and may optionally be compounded with the word to which it refers (e. g. [ kataraH kaThaH ] or [ katara-kaThaH ]) (2) in negative sentences [ katara ] with [ cana ] = neither of the two (e. g. [ na kataraz-cana jigye ]), neither of the two was conquered RV. &c. ; [ cf. Zd. [ katāra ] (3) Gk. ?, ? ; Goth. [ hvathar ] ; Eng. [ 246,3 ] [ whether ] ; Lat. [ uter ] ; Old Germ. [ huedar ] ; Slav. [ kotoryi ]. ]
===> katham [ katham ]1[ kath'am ] ind. (fr. 2. [ ka ]), how? in what manner? whence? (e. g. [ katham etat ], how is that? [ katham idAnIm ], how now? what is now to be done? [ katham mAr^atmake tvayi vizvAsaH ], how can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind? [ katham utsRjya tvAM gaccheyam ], how can I go away deserting you? [ katham buddhvA bhaviSyati sA ], how will she be when she awakes? [ katham mRtyuH ], [ prabhavati vedavidAm ], whence is it that death has power over those that know the Veda? [ katham avagamyate ], whence is it inferred?) (1) sometimes [ katham ] merely introduces an interrogation (e. g. [ katham AtmAnaM nivedayAmi kathaM v^atm^apahAraM karomi ], shall I declare myself or shall I withdraw?) [ katham ] is often found in connection with the particles [ iva ], [ nAma ], [ nu ], [ svid ], which appear to generalize the interrogation (how possibly? how indeed? &c.) (2) with [ nu ] it is sometimes = [ kimu ], or [ kutas ] (e. g. [ katkaM nu ], how much more! [ na kathaM nu ], how much less!) [ katham ] is often connected, like [ kim ], with the particles [ cana ], [ cid ], and [ api ], which give an indefinite sense to the interrogative (e. g. [ kathaM cana ], in any way, some how (3) scarcely, with difficulty (4) [ na kathaM cana ], in no way at all (5) [ kathaMcit ], some how or other, by some means or other, in any way, with some difficulty, scarcely, in a moderate degree, a little (6) [ na kathaMcit ], not at all, in no way whatever (7) [ na kathaMcid na ], in no way not, i. e. most decidedly (8) [ yathA kathaMcit ], in any way whatsoever (9) [ kathaMcid yadi jIvati ], it is with difficulty that he lives (10) [ katham api ], some how or other, with some difficulty, scarcely a little (11) [ katham api na ], by no means, not at all) RV. &c. (12) according to lexicographers [ katham ] is a particle implying amazement (13) surprise (14) pleasure (15) abuse
===> kathana [ kathana ]2[ kathana ] mfn. telling, talkative W. (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of telling, narration, relating, informing Suśr. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. &c.
===> kathita [ kathita ]2[ kathita ] mfn. told, related, reckoned Mn. vii, 157 (1) ([ am ]), n. conversation, discourse MBh. Śak
---> narration, tale Ragh. xi, 10
===> kathā [ kathA ]2[ kath'A ]2 (for 1. col. 1), ind. (Ved. for [ kath'am ] Pāṇ. 5-3, 26) how? whence? why? RV. AV. viii, 1, 16 TS. &c. (1) ([ yath'A kath'A ca ], in any way whatsoever ŚBr. iv) (2) sometimes merely a particle of interrogation (e. g. [ kath'A zRNoti ]. . [ 'indraH ], does Indra hear? RV. iv, 23, 3 (3) [ kath'A-kath'A ], whether-or? TS. ii, 6, 1, 7)
===> kati [ kati ]2[ k'ati ]1 (fr. 2. [ ka ] declined in pl. only, Gram. 227 [ a ] (1) all the cases except the nom. voc. and acc. taking terminations, whereas the correlative [ iti ] has become fixed as an indeclinable adverb), how many? [ quot ]? several (e. g. [ kati devAH ], how many gods? [ kati vyApAdayati kati vA tADayati ], some he kills and some he strikes). In the sense of ` several ', ` some ', [ kati ] is generally followed by [ cid ] or [ api ] (e. g. [ katicid ahAni ], for several or some days) (2) it may be used as an adverb with [ cid ] in the sense of ` oftentimes ', ` much ', in many ways ' (e. g. [ katicit stutaH ], much or often praised) RV. &c. ; [ cf. Zd. [ caiti ] (3) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ quot ] ; cf. Sk. [ tati ] and [ 246,3 ] Lat. [ tot ]. ]
===> [ kati ]1[ kati ]2 (for 1. above), m. N. of a sage (son of Viśvā-mitra and ancestor of Kātyāyana) Hariv.
===> kaukkuṭika [ kaukkuTika ]2[ kaukkuTika ] m. a poulterer, one who sells fowls L. (1) a kind of low caste Kāraṇḍ (2) (Pāṇ. 4-4, 46) a kind of mendicant who walks with his eyes fixed on the ground for fear of treading upon insects &c. L. (3) a hypocrite L. (4) a pigeon L.
===> kaukṛtya [ kaukRtya ]1[ kaukRtya ] n. (fr. [ ku-kRta ], or [ -kRtya ]), evil doing, wickedness L. (1) repentance L.
===> kaula [ kaula ]1[ kaula ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ k'ula ]), relating or belonging to a family, extending over a whole family or race R. iv, 28, 9 (1) heritable in a family BhP. xii, 3, 36 (2) sprung from a noble family L. (3) belonging or particular to the Kaulas Kulârṇ (4) m. a worshipper of Śakti accord. to the left-hand ritual ib. (5) a kind of weight ([ kola ]) Gal. (6) ([ I ]), f. noble descent, Var Yogay (7) ([ am ]), n. the doctrine and practices of the left-hand Śāktas Kulârṇ
===> kaupīna [ kaupIna ]2[ kaupIna ] n. the pudenda, privities MBh. BhP. Pañcat. Kathās (1) a small piece of cloth worn over the privities by poor persons Pañcat. Daś. Bhartṛ (2) (= [ a-kArya ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 20) a wrong or improper act, sin MBh. v, 2684 (3) (xiii, 2491.)
===> [ kaupIna ]1[ kaupIna ] [ kaupa ]
===> kaurava [ kaurava ]1[ kaurava ] mf ([ I ]) n. (= [ °vaka ] Pāṇ. 4-2, 130 (1) g. [ uts^adi ] and [ kacch^adi ]) relating or belonging to the Kurus MBh. VarBṛS. (2) ([ kSetra ] = [ kuru-kS° ]) Megh (3) m. patr. fr. Kuru, descendant of Kuru (generally used in pl.) MBh. Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] MBh. i, 7961) (4) ([ I ]), f. Trigonella foenum graecum Gal.
===> kaurma [ kaurma ]1[ kaurma ] mfn. (fr. [ kUrma ]), relating or belonging or peculiar to a tortoise Pañcat (1) m. (scil. [ avatAra ]) the Avatāra of Viṣṇu as a tortoise BhP. xi, 4, 18 (2) N. of a great period or Kalpa (the day of full moon of Brahmā) (3) ([ am ]), n. (scil. [ Asana ]) a particular manner of being seated, NārP. (4) (scil. [ purANa ]) N. of a Purāṇa (on the subject of Viṣṇu's descent as a tortoise) Sarvad
===> kaurukullaka [ kaurukullaka ]2[ kaurukullaka ] [ As ] m. pl. (fr. [ kuru-kullA ]), N. of a Buddhist school
===> kausala [ kausala ]1[ kausala ] (often spelt [ kauzala ]), mfn. belonging to the Kosalas (a country) Divyâv. vii, xii (1) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. x, 14 Romakas. SŚaṃkar (2) of a dynasty BhP. xii, 1, 33 (3) v. l. for [ kos° ], q. v. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of Kṛshṇa's wives, x, 83, 6 (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of one of Vasu-deva's wives VP.
===> kausīdya [ kausIdya ]2[ kausIdya ] n. sloth, indolence Lalit. (printed ed. [ kauS° ]) (1) the practice of usury L.
===> kautuka [ kautuka ]1[ kautuka ] n. (fr. [ kut° ] (1) g. [ yuv^adi ]), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc. or in comp.), eagerness, vehemence impatience Pañcat. Kathās. (ifc. f. [ A ]) &c. (2) anything causing curiosity or admiration or interest, any singular or surprising object, wonder Pañcat. Kathās. Vet (3) festivity, gaiety, festival, show, solemn ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread or necklace preceding a marriage) Kum. Daś. Bhartṛ. BhP. &c. (4) the marriage-thread or necklace Kathās. li, 223 (5) pleasure, happiness, prosperity BhP. i, 17, 26 (6) N. of nine particular substances Hcat. i, 110, 19 ; ii, 49, 10 (7) sport, pastime L. (8) public diversion L. (9) song, dance, show, spectacle L. (10) season of enjoyment L. (11) kind or friendly greeting, civility L. (12) ([ At ]), abl. ind. out of curiosity or interest Kathās. Hit. (13) for amusement, as a relaxation W.
===> kautuka-maṅgala [ kautukamaGgala ]3[ kautuka-maGgala ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) an auspicious ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread preceding a marriage) MBh. i, 5056 R. BhP. &c.
===> kautūhala [ kautUhala ]1[ kautUhala ] n. (fr. [ kut° ] (1) g. [ yuv^adi ]), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc., or acc. with [ prati ], or inf.) MBh. R. &c. (2) anything causing curiosity, any unusual phenomenon Megh. 48 (3) a festival MBh. i, 7918 Divyâv. i
===> kauśala [ kauzala ]1[ kauzala ] n. (fr. [ kuz° ] (1) g. [ yuv^adi ]) well-being, welfare, good fortune, prosperity MBh. iv, 486 BhP. (2) skilfulness, cleverness, experience (with loc. or ifc.) Suśr. Mṛcch. Pañcat. &c. (3) ([ I ]), f. friendly inquiry, greeting, salutation L. (4) a respectful present, Nazr L. (5) (also [ kausala ].)
===> kauśalya [ kauzalya ]2[ kauzalya ] m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv (1) ([ am ]), n. (g. [ brAhmaN^adi ]) welfare, well-being, prosperity MBh. R. (2) cleverness, skilfulness, experience (ifc.) SaddhP. Bhpr. (3) ([ A ]), f. [ kausalya ]
===> kauśika [ kauzika ]1[ kauzik'a ]3 mfn. relating to Kuśika (or to Kauśika) MBh. xiii, 2719 (1) m. (g. [ bid^adi ]) patr. of Viśvā-mitra (who was the son or grandson of Kuśika), interpolation after RV. x, 85 MBh. R. (2) of Gādhi Hariv. 1457 (3) of Bhadra-śarman VBr. (4) N. of a teacher (author of the Kauśikasūtra, brother of Paippalādi) BṛĀrUp. Kauś. Pāṇ. 4-3, 103 Hariv. 11074 (5) N. of a grammarian Hariv. 5501 (6) of one of Jarāsandha's generals MBh. ii, 885 (7) N. of Indra (as originally perhaps belonging to the Kuśikas or friendly to them) RV. i, 10, 11 ŚBr. iii, 3, 4, 19 ṢaḍvBr. TĀr. ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c. (8) of Sūrya TBr. i, 5, 10, 2 Sch. (9) of a son of Vasu-deva VP. (10) of Śiva L. (11) of an Asura Hariv. 2288 (12) Vatika robusta L. (13) (in music) N. of a Rāga (14) (for [ kaizika ]) love, passion L. (15) ([ As ]), m. pl. the descendants of Kuśika Hariv. 1770 ff (16) (of Kuśa) R. i, 35, 20 (17) ([ I ]), f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī (18) N. of Durgā Hariv. 3260 and 3270 (19) N. of a Śikṣā (20) of a river in Bahar (commonly Kosi or Koosa, created by Viśvā-mitra, or identified with Satyavatī, the sister of Viśvā-mitra) MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (21) N. of a Buddhist female beggar Mālav (22) for [ kaizikI ], q. v. Sāh
===> kauṇḍinya [ kauNDinya ]2[ ka'uNDinya ] m. patr. fr. [ kuNDina ] (or metron. fr. [ kuNDinI ] g. [ garg^adi ]) ŚBr. xiv ĀśvŚr. Pravar. MBh. ii, 111 Lalit. Divyâv. xxxii (1) N. of an old grammarian TPrāt. i, 5 and ii, 5 ff (2) ([ vyAkaraNa- ]) Buddh. (3) of Jaya-deva (cf. [ vidarbhI-k° ] and [ AjJAta-k° ]) (4) mfn. coming from Kuṇḍina Prasannar
===> kauṭilya [ kauTilya ]2[ kauTilya ] m. (fr. [ kuTila ]), N. of Cāṇakya Daś. Mudr (1) N. of a grammarian (?) Hemac. Mallin. on Kum. vi, 37 and on Ṛagh. iii f. xv and xvii f. (2) ([ am ]), n. crookedness, curvature, curliness of the hair Pāṇ. 3-1, 23 Pañcat (3) falsehood, dishonesty Pañcat. Rājat (4) a kind of horse-radish L.
===> kavaca [ kavaca ]1[ k'avaca ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ 3. [ ku ] Uṇ. iv, 2 Nir. v, 25) g. [ ardharc^adi ], armour, cuirass, a coat of mail ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 7 KātyŚr. xiii, 3, 10 MBh. R. &c. (1) any covering (2) a corset, jacket Kāṭh. xxxiv, 5 [ ifc. f. [ A ] ] Pāṇ. 3-2, 129 (3) bark, rind Śārṅg (4) m. a war-drum, a kettle-drum L. (5) ([ am ]), n. a piece of bark or birch-leaf or any substance inscribed with mystical words and carried about as an amulet, any amulet, charm W. (6) a mystical syllable (such as [ hum ], or [ hUm ]) forming part of a Mantra used as an amulet [ cf. [ bIja ] ] W. (7) m. the tree Oldenlandia herbacea Bhpr. (8) the tree Hibiscus Populneoides L.
===> kavala [ kavala ]1[ kavala ] m. (n. ?) a mouthful (as of water &c.) (1) a morsel MBh. R. Ragh. Mn. Bhartṛ (2) a wash for cleansing the mouth, gargle Suśr. (3) a kind of fish (commonly Baliya) L.
===> kavaḍa [ kavaDa ]1[ kavaDa ] m. a mouthful of water &c., water for rinsing the mouth Suśr. (1) [ cf. [ kavala ]. ]
===> kavi [ kavi ]1[ kav'i ] mfn. (√ 1. [ kU ], cf. 2. [ kava ], [ 'AkUta ], [ 'AkUti ], [ kAvya ] Naigh. iii, 15 Nir. xii, 13 Uṇ. iv, 138) gifted with insight, intelligent, knowing, enlightened, wise, sensible, prudent, skilful, cunning (1) ([ is ]), m. a thinker, intelligent man, man of understanding, leader (2) a wise man, sage, seer, prophet (3) a singer, bard, poet (but in this sense without any technical application in the Veda) RV. VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. i, 4, 2, 8 KaṭhUp. iii, 14 MBh. Bhag. BhāgP. Mn. vii, 49 R. Ragh (4) N. of several gods, (esp.) of Agni RV. ii, 23, 1 ; x, 5, 4, 3 ; iii, 5, 1 ; i, 31, 2 ; 76, 5 (5) of Varuṇa, Indra, the Aśvins, Maruts, Ādityas (6) of the Soma (7) of the Soma priest and other sacrificers (8) (probably) N. of a particular poet (9) cf. [ 'aGgiras ] (Mn. ii, 151) and [ uz'anas ] (Bhag. x, 37) (10) of the ancient sages or patriarchs (as spirits now surrounding the sun) (11) of the Ṛbhus (as skilful in contrivance) (12) of Pūshan (as leader or guider) (13) N. of a son of Brahmā MBh. xiii, 4123, 4142-4150 (14) of Brahmā W. (15) of a son of Bhṛgu and father of Śukra MBh. i, 2606 (cf. 3204 BhāgP. iv, 1, 45 and Kull. on Mn. iii, 198) (16) that of Śukra (regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the demons) Rājat. iv, 495 (17) of the planet Venus NBD. (18) of the sons of several Manus Hariv. BhāgP. VP. (19) of a son of Kauśika and pupil of Garga Hariv. (20) of a son of Ṛshabha BhāgP. (21) of Vālmīki L. (22) a keeper or herd RV. vii, 18, 8 (23) (fig.) N. of the gates of the sacrificial enclosure TS. v, 11, 1, 2 (cf. [ kav'aS ]) (24) the sun W. (25) of various men (26) the soul in the Sāṃkhya philosophy Comm. (27) a cunning fighter L. (28) an owl L. (29) ([ is ], or [ I ] W.), f. the bit of a bridle L. (30) the reins (cf. [ kavikA ]) W. (31) a ladle (cf. [ kambi ]) L.
===> kavi-rāja [ kavirAja ]3[ kav'i-rAja ] m. a king of poets Vām. iv, 1, 10 (1) N. of the author of the Rāghavapāṇḍavīya Bālar. viii, 20 (2) [ -kautuka ] m. N. of wk. (3) [ -bhikSu ] m. N. of a man (4) [ -yati ] m. N. of a man (5) [ -vasuMdhara ] m. N. of a man
===> kavitā [ kavitA ]3[ kav'i-tA ] f. poetry, ornate style (whether of verse or prose) Bhartṛ. Prasannar (1) a poem W. (2) [ °t^amRta-kUpa ] m. ` well of nectar of poetry ', N. of a modern collection of verses (3) [ -rahasya ] n. ` the secret of style ', N. of wk. on rhetoric (4) [ -vedin ] mfn. ` understanding poesy ', wise, learned (5) a poet, genius W. (6) [ -zakti ] f. poetic talent MW.
===> kavya [ kavya ]2[ kavy'a ]1 mfn. (= [ kavi ] Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 30) wise RV. x, 15, 9 (at VS. xxii, 2 read [ kavy'AH ]) (1) a sacrificer, sacrificial priest RV. ix, 91, 2 (2) N. of a class of deities associated with Aṅgiras and Ṛkvan [ Gmn. (3) a class of manes ] RV. x, 14, 3 AV. (4) N. of one of the seven sages of the fourth Manv-antara Hariv. (5) ([ am ]), n. (generally in connection with [ havya ], [ havya-kavya ]) ` what must be offered to the wise ', an oblation of food to deceased ancestors MBh. Mn.
===> [ kavya ]2[ kavya ]2 Nom. P. [ kavyati ], to be wise Pāṇ. 7-4, 39
===> kaśmala [ kazmala ]1[ kazmala ] mf ([ A ], or [ I ]) n. foul, dirty, impure Dhūrtas (1) timid, pusillanimous (2) ([ am ]), n. dirt, filth Subh (3) impurity, sin L. (4) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) consternation, stupefaction, faintheartedness, pusillanimity MBh. (5) dejection of mind, weakness, despair MBh. BhP.
===> kaśmīra [ kazmIra ]1[ kazmIra ] [ As ] m. pl. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) √ [ kaz ] ? perhaps contraction of [ kazyapa-mIra ] (2) cf. Rājat. i, 25 R. i, 70, 19), N. of a country and of the people inhabiting it (cf. [ kAzmIra ]), g. [ bharg^adi ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 178 (3) [ saGkAz^adi ], iv, 2, 80 (4) [ kacch^adi ], iv, 2, 133 (5) [ sindhv-Adi ], iv, 3, 93 Rājat
===> kaśyapa [ kazyapa ]1[ kazy'apa ] mfn. (fr. [ kazya ] + 2. [ pa ]) having black teeth Comm. on KātyŚr. x, 2, 35 (1) m. a tortoise ([ kacchapa ]) VS. xxiv, 37 AitBr. ŚBr. (2) a sort of fish W. (3) a kind of deer (cf. [ kAzyapa ]) L. (4) a class of divine beings associated with Prajāpati AV. TS. VS. (5) ([ As ]), m. pl. a class of semidivine genii connected with or regulating the course of the sun AV. xiii, 1, 23 TĀr. i, 8 PārGṛ. ii, 9, 13 (6) N. of a mythical Ṛshi AitBr. ŚBr. (7) of an ancient sage VS. AV. &c., (a descendant of Marīci and author of several hymns of the Ṛg-veda RV. AV. ŚBr. (8) he was husband of Aditi and twelve other daughters of Daksha MBh. i, 2598 Mn. ix, 129 (9) by Aditi he was father of the Ādityas [ cf. [ kAzyapeya ] ] TS. ŚBr. (10) and of Vivasvat R. (11) and of Viṣṇu in his [ vAmana avatAra ] R. BhP. VP. (12) by his other twelve wives he was father of demons, nāgas, reptiles, birds, and all kinds of living things (13) from the prominent part ascribed to him in creation he is sometimes called Prajā-pati (14) he is one of the seven great Ṛshis and priest of Paraśu-rāma and Rāma-candra (15) he is supposed by some to be a personification of races inhabiting the Caucasus, the Caspian, Kaśmīr, &c.) (16) a patronymic from Kaśyapa ŚBr. (17) the author of a Dharmaśāstra called Kaśyah^ollara-saṃhitā ; the constellation Cancer (cf. Pers. [ kashaf ]) VP. (18) ([ As ]), m. pl. the descendants of Kaśyapa AitBr. ĀśvŚr. (19) ([ A ]), f. a female Ṛshi (authoress of a verse in the White Yajur-veda)
===> kaśā [ kazA ]2[ k'azA ] f. (Naigh. i, 11 Nir. ix, 19) a whip RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. R. &c. (also written [ kaSA ] R. BhP.) (1) a rein, bridle Śiś. (2) whipping, flogging W. (3) a string, rope, thong L. (4) face, mouth L. (5) quality L.
===> [ kazA ]1[ k'azA ] &c. √ [ kaz ]
===> kaḍatra [ kaDatra ]1[ kaDatra ] n. (fr. √ [ gaD ] Uṇ. iii, 106?) = [ kalatra ] Comm. on Uṇ (1) a kind of vessel L. [ 245,1 ]
===> kaṃsa [ kaMsa ]1[ kaMs'a ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ kam ] Uṇ. iii, 62), a vessel made of metal, drinking vessel, cup, goblet AV. x, 10, 5 AitBr. ŚBr. &c. (1) (a noun ending in [ as ] followed by [ kaMsa ] in a compound does not change its final, cf. [ ayas-kaMsa ], &c. Pāṇ. 8-, 3, 46) (2) a particular measure (= two Āḍhakas Car. (3) = one Āḍhaka L.) (4) a metal, tutanag or white copper, brass, bell-metal (5) m. N. of a king of Mathurā (son of Ugra-sena and cousin of the Devakī who was mother of Kṛshṇa [ Ugra-sena being brother of Devaka, who was father of Devakī ] ; he is usually called the uncle, but was really a cousin of Kṛshṇa, and became his implacable enemy because it had been prophesied to Kaṃsa that he would be killed by a child of Devakī ; as the foe of the deity he is identified with the Asura Kālanemi ; and, as he was ultimately slain by Kṛshṇa, the latter receives epithets like [ kaMsa-jit ], conqueror of Kaṃsa, &c.) MBh. VP. BhP. &c. (6) N. of a place, g. [ takSazil^adi ] Pāṇ. 4-3, 93 (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a sister of Kaṃsa Hariv. BhP. VP.
===> kaṃsa-kāra [ kaMsakAra ]3[ kaMs'a-kAra ] m. a worker in white copper or brass, bell-founder (considered as one of the mixed castes) BrahmaP.
===> kaṅgu [ kaGgu ]1[ kaGgu ] f. a kind of Panic seed (several varieties are cultivated as food for the poor) VarBṛS. Comm. on ŚBr. &c.
===> kaṇa [ kaNa ]2[ k'aNa ] m. (Nir. vi, 30 (1) related to [ kanA ], [ kaniSTha ], [ kanIyas ], [ kanyA ], in all of which smallness is implied BRD.), a grain, grain of corn, single seed AV. x, 9, 26 (2) xi, 3, 5 KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (3) a grain or particle (of dust) Ragh. i, 85 Vikr (4) flake (of snow) Amar. (5) a drop (of water) Śak. 60 a Megh. BhP. &c. (6) a spark (of fire) Pañcat (7) the spark or facet of a gem (8) any minute particle, atom Prab. Śāntiś (9) ([ A ]), f. a minute particle, atom, drop (10) long pepper Suśr. (11) cummin seed L. (12) a kind of fly (= [ kumbhIra-makSikA ]) L. (13) ([ I ]), f. = [ kaNikA ] below L. (14) ([ am ]), n. a grain, single seed Kathās. (cf. [ kaniSTha ].)
===> kaṇapa [ kaNapa ]3[ k'aNa-pa ] ([ kaNAn ], [ lohagulikAH pibatI ]), m. a kind of weapon MBh. Daś. &c.
===> kaṇika [ kaNika ]2[ kaNika ] m. a grain, ear of corn (1) a drop, small particle VarBṛS. (2) the meal of parched wheat, the heart of wheat L. (3) an enemy L. (4) a purificatory ceremony (= [ nIrAjana ] q. v.) L. (5) N. of a minister of king Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. i (6) ([ A ]), f. an ear of corn Comm. on BhP. (7) a drop, atom, small particle Prab. Megh. &c. (8) a small spot Kād (9) the meal of parched wheat (10) Premna Spinosa or Longifolia L. (11) a kind of corn Pañcad
===> kaṇḍu [ kaNDu ]2[ kaNDu ] f. = [ kaNDU ] below Suśr. (1) ([ us ]), m. N. of a Ṛshi VP. BhP. &c.
===> kaṇḍū [ kaNDU ]2[ kaNDU ] [ Us ] f. itching, the itch Suśr. Kum. &c. (1) scratching, Śāntiś. (cf. [ sa-kaNDUka ].)
===> kaṇṭha [ kaNTha ]1[ kaNTh'a ] m. (√ [ kaN ] Uṇ. i, 105), the throat, the neck (cf. [ A-kaNTha-tRpta ] (1) [ kaNThe ] √ [ grah ], to embrace Kathās.) (2) the voice (cf. [ sanna-kaNTha ]) MBh. BhP. &c. (3) sound, especially guttural sound W. (4) the neck (of a pitcher or jar), the narrowest part (e. g. of the womb (5) of a hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited (6) of a stalk &c.) Suśr. Hcat. Kathās. &c. (7) immediate proximity Pañcat (8) Vanguiera Spinosa L. (9) N. of a Maharshi R. (10) ([ I ]), f. neck, throat L. (11) a rope or leather round the neck of a horse L. (12) a necklace, collar, ornament for the neck L.
===> kaṇṭha-maṇi [ kaNThamaNi ]3[ kaNTh'a-maNi ] m. a jewel worn on the throat L. (1) a dear or beloved object (2) thyroid cartilage L. [ NBD. Nachtrag 2 ]
===> kaṇṭhaka [ kaNThaka ]2[ kaNThaka ] m. an ornament for the neck Kathās (1) N. of the horse of Śākyamuni Lalit. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a necklace of one string or row L. (3) ornament for the neck Kathās
===> kaṇṭhâbharaṇa [ kaNThAbharaNa ]3[ kaNTh^abharaNa ] n. an ornament for the neck, necklace [ 246,1 ] (1) a shorter N. of the work called Sarasvatī-kaṇṭhābharaṇa (cf. also [ kavika° ]) (2) [ -darpaNa ], [ -mArjana ] n. N. of two commentaries on the above work
===> kaṣāya [ kaSAya ]1[ kaSAya ] mfn. astringent MBh. xiv, 1280 and 1411 R. Suśr. Pañcat. BhP. (1) fragrant Megh. 31 (2) red, dull red, yellowish red (as the garment of a Buddhist Bhikshu) MBh. Hariv. Mṛcch. Yājñ. (3) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) an astringent flavour or taste Suśr. (4) a yellowish red colour Yājñ. i, 272 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 1 (5) an astringent juice, extract of juice ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. xi, 153 (6) a decoction or infusion Suśr. (the result of boiling down a mixture consisting of one part of a drug and four or, according to some, eight or sixteen parts of water until only one quarter is left Suśr.) (7) any healing or medicinal potion Bhpr. (8) exudation from a tree, juice, gum, resin L.
---> ointment, smearing, anointing L. (9) colouring or perfuming or anointing the person with cosmetics MBh. (10) dirt, filth (11) stain or impurity or sin cleaving to the soul ChUp. BhP. (12) dulness, stupidity Vedāntas (13) defect, decay, degeneracy (of which, according to Buddhists, there are five marks, viz. [ Ayus-k° ], [ dRSTi-k° ], [ kleza-k° ], [ sattva-k° ], [ kalpa-k° ]) (14) attachment to worldly objects W. (15) m. red, redness (16) a kind of snake Suśr. ii, 265, 14 (17) emotion, passion ([ rAga ], of which the Jainas reckon four kinds HYog. iv, 6 and 77) (18) the Kali-yuga L. (19) the tree Bignonia Indica R. ii, 28, 21 (20) N. of a teacher (v. l. [ kazAya ]), g. [ zaunak^adi ] (21) ([ as ], [ A ], [ am ]), mf. n. the tree Grislea tomentosa L. (22) ([ A ]), f. a thorny shrub, a species of small Hedysarum L. (23) ([ am ]), n. a dull or yellowish red garment or robe MBh. ii, 675 (cf. [ kASAya ], [ paJca-kaSAya ] (24) [ a-niSkaSAya ], full of impure passions MBh. xii, 568.)
===> kaṣṭa [ kaSTa ]1[ kaSTa ] mfn. (perhaps p. p. of √ [ kaS ] Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 Vop. 26, 111 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 47), bad R. [ 266,1 ] (1) ill, evil, wrong Mn. MBh. R. Suśr. &c. (2) painful Suśr. (3) grievous, severe, miserable Mn. xii, 78 Yājñ. iii, 29 Bhartṛ (4) difficult, troublesome Mn. vii, 186 and 210 (5) worst Mn. vii, 50 and 51 (6) pernicious, noxious, injurious Suśr. (7) dangerous (= [ kRcchra ]) Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 Nal. xiii, 16 (8) inaccessible (= [ gahana ]) Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 (9) boding evil Comm. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 188 (10) m. ` N. of a man ', [ kASTAyana ] (11) (in rhetoric) offending the ear Vām. ii, 1, 6 (12) forced, unnatural (13) ([ am ]), n. a bad state of things, evil, wrong (14) pain, suffering, misery, wretchedness (15) trouble, difficulty (16) bodily exertion, strain, labour, toil, fatigue, weariness, hardship, uneasiness, inquietude (mental or bodily) R. Kathās. Pañcat. Śak. Hit. (17) [ kaSTAt-kaSTam ], or [ kaSTataram ], worse than the worst (18) [ kaSTena ] or [ kaSTAt ], with great difficulty Pañcat (19) ([ am ]), ind. an exclamation of grief or sorrow (20) ah! woe! aIas! MBh. R. Mṛcch
===> kaṭa [ kaTa ]2[ k'aTa ] m. (perhaps for [ karta ] fr. √ 3. [ kRt ]) a twist of straw of grass, straw mat, a screen of straw TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (1) the hip MBh. (cf. [ kaTi ]) (2) the hollow above the hip or the loins, the hip and loins (3) the temples of an elephant Ragh (4) a glance or side look BhP. x, 32, 6 (cf. [ kaT^akSa ]) (5) a throw of the dice in hazard Mṛcch (6) a corpse L. (7) a hearse or any vehicle for conveying a dead body L. (8) a burning-ground or place of sepulture L. (9) a time or season L. (10) excess, superabundance L. (11) ([ kaTa ] ifc. is considered as a suffix, cf. [ ut-kaTa ], [ pra-kaTa ], &c.) (12) an annual plant L. (13) grass L. (14) Saccharum Sara L. (15) a thin piece of wood, a plank L. (16) agreement L. (17) environs L. (18) N. of a Rakshas R. (19) ([ I ]), f. long pepper L. (20) ([ am ]), n. (ifc.) dust of flowers (considered as a suffix Kāty. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 29)
===> kaṭa-pūtana [ kaTapUtana ]3[ k'aTa-pUtana ] [ as ], [ A ] mf. a kind of Preta (q. v.) or demon (a form assumed by the deceased spirit of a Kshatriya who when alive neglected his duties) Mn. xii, 71 Mālatīm. [ 243,3 ]
===> kaṭaka [ kaTaka ]2[ kaTaka ] m. (Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 32 and v, 35) a twist of straw, a straw mat Comm. on KātyŚr. (1) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a string Kād (2) a bracelet of gold or shell &c. Śak. Mṛcch. &c. (3) a zone (4) the link of a chain (5) a ring serving for a bridle-bit Suśr. (6) a ring placed as ornament upon an elephant's tusk (7) the side or ridge of a hill or mountain (8) a valley, dale Ragh. Kathās. Hit. (9) a royal camp Kathās. Hit. &c. (10) an army L. (11) a circle, wheel W. (12) a multitude, troop, caravan Daś (13) collection, compilation Kād. 40, 11 (14) sea-salt L. (15) N. of the capital of the Orissa (Cuttack) (16) ([ ikA ]), f. a straw mat Comm. on KātyŚr.
===> kaṭhina [ kaThina ]2[ kaThina ] mfn. (Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 49) hard, firm, stiff (opposed to [ mRdu ]) (1) difficult Megh. Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (2) harsh, inflexible, cruel Kum. Amar. &c. (3) violent (as pain) Vikr (4) ([ A ]), f. crystallized sugar, a sweetmeat made with refined sugar L. (5) a species of betel L. (6) ([ I ]), f. chalk Pañcat. Hit. (7) ([ am ]), n. an earthen vessel for cooking MBh. R. (8) a strap or pole for carrying burdens Pāṇ. 4-4, 72 (cf. [ vaMza-kaThina ]) (9) a shovel, scoop L.
===> kaṭi [ kaTi ]2[ kaTi ] [ is ], [ I ] f. the hip, buttocks MBh. Mn. Suśr. &c. (1) the entrance of a temple VarBṛS. (2) an elephant's cheek L. (3) long pepper L.
===> kaṭu [ kaTu ]2[ kaTu ] mf ([ vI ] and [ us ]) n. (Uṇ. i, 9 (1) cf. √ 2. [ kRt ]) pungent, acrid, sharp (one of the six kinds of flavour, [ rasa ], q. v.) MBh. Suśr. Bhag. &c. (2) pungent, stimulating (as smell), strong-scented, ill-smelling MBh. xiv Ragh. v, 48 R. &c. (3) bitter, caustic (as words) displeasing, disagreeable (as sounds) (4) fierce, impetuous, hot, envious Ragh. vi, 85 Pañcat. &c. (5) ([ us ]), m. pungency, acerbity (as of a flavour) L. ; [ cf. Lith. [ kartus ], ` bitter ' ] (6) Trichosanthes Dioeca Suśr. (7) Michelia Campaka L. (8) N. of several other plants L. (9) a kind of camphor L. (10) ([ us ] and [ vI ]), f. N. of several plants (11) ([ u ]), n. an improper action, an act which ought not to have been done (12) blaming, reviling, scandal W.
===> kaṭuka [ kaTuka ]2[ k'aTuka ] mf ([ A ] and [ I ]) n. sharp, pungent, bitter (1) fierce, impetuous, hot, bad RV. x, 85, 34 MBh. Kathās. &c. (2) m. N. of several plants L. (3) N. of a man (4) ([ A ], [ I ]), f. N. of several plants L. (5) ([ am ]), n. pungency, acerbity MBh. ii (6) (ifc. in a bad sense, e. g. [ dadhi-kaTuka ] m. bad coagulated milk Pāṇ. 6-2, 126) (7) N. of a plant L. (8) an aggregate of three pungent substances ([ -traya ]) L.
===> kaṭâkṣa [ kaTAkSa ]3[ kaT^akSa ] m. a glance or side look, a leer MBh. BhP. Megh. &c. (1) [ -kSetra ] n. N. of a country (2) [ -mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wk. (3) [ -muSTa ] mfn. caught by a glance (4) [ -vizikha ] m. an arrow-like look of love Bhartṛ (5) [ -kS^av^eSaNa ] n. casting lewd or amorous glances, ogling
===> kedāra [ kedAra ]1[ kedAra ] m. (n. L.) a field or meadow, especially one under water Mn. ix, 38 & 44 MBh. R. &c. (1) [ kapilasya k° ], ` Kapila's field ', N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6042 ff (2) [ mataGgasya k° ], ` Mataṅga's field ', another Tīrtha, 8159 (3) a basin for water round the root of a tree L. (4) a bed in a garden or field W. (5) plain, area KātyŚr. xviii, 5, 4 Sch. (6) N. of a particular constellation VarBṛ. (7) of a Rāga (in music) (8) of a mountain country (the modern Kedār, part of the Him^alaya mountains W.) MBh. vi, 427 NandiP. (9) N. of Śiva as worshipped in the Him^alaya (10) of the author of a work entitled Abdhi (11) ([ I ]), f. N. of a Rāgiṇī (12) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Tīrtha MatsyaP. (13) of a Liṅga ib. (14) (in the Him^alaya) ŚivaP.
===> kekara [ kekara ]1[ kekara ] mfn. squint-eyed Mn. iii, 159 (v. l.) VarBṛS. lxx, 19 (cf. [ kedara ], [ Teraka ].)
===> keli [ keli ]2[ keli ] [ is ] mf. play, sport, amorous sport, pastime, amusement Mn. viii, 357 Mṛcch. &c. (1) disguise, concealment Gal. (2) ([ is ]), f. the earth L.
===> kena [ kena ]1[ k'ena ] instr. ind. (fr. 2. [ k'a ]), by what? ŚBr. iv MBh. i, ch. 3 (1) whence? MBh. xiii, 2167 R. vi, 12, 4 (2) how? why? Pañcat. Bhartṛ
===> kesara [ kesara ]1[ k'esara ] n. the hair (of the brow) VS. xix, 91 (1) (in classical literature usually [ kezara ]), m. or n. (?), the mane (of a horse or lion) R. Śak. Pañcat. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. id. KātyŚr. ([ kes° ]) (3) ([ am ]), n. the tail of the Bos grunniens (used as a fan for driving away flies) L. (4) ([ as ] L. (5) [ am ]), m. n. the filament of a lotus or of any vegetable R. Suśr. Śak. &c. (6) a fibre (as of a Mango fruit) Suśr. (7) m. the plants Rottleria tinctoria, Mimusops Elengi, and Mesua ferrea MBh. xiii, 5042 R. Lalit. Kum. Megh. [ 311,1 ] (8) ([ am ]), n. the flower of those plants L. (9) ([ as ], [ A ], [ am ]), mf. n. Asa foetida L. (10) ([ am ]), n. gold L. (11) sulphate of iron L. (12) N. of a metre (of 4 x 18 syllables) (13) m. N. of a mountain MBh. vi, 11, 23 ; [ cf. Lat. [ eoesaries ] ; Angl. Sax. [ haer ] ; Eng. [ hair ] ; Germ. [ Hār ]. ]
===> kesarin [ kesarin ]3[ kesarin ] mfn. having a mane MBh. i, iii (1) ([ I ]), m. a lion MBh. Suśr. Bhartṛ. &c. (2) a horse TBr. Sch. (3) N. of an aquatic bird Car. i, 27 (4) the plant Rottleria tinctoria L. (5) the plant Mesua ferrea L. (6) a citron tree L. (7) a variety of Moringa with red flowers (= [ rakta-zigru ]) L. (8) N. of a monkey (husband of the mother of Hanumat) MBh. iii, 11193 R. Daś (9) N. of a prince Lalit. (10) of a mountain VP. (11) ([ iNI ]), f. a lioness Kathās. lxx, 102
===> ketu [ ketu ]1[ ket'u ] m. (fr. √ 4. [ cit ]), bright appearance, clearness, brightness (often pl., ` rays of light ') RV. VS. AV. (1) lamp, flame, torch ib. (2) day-time ŚāṅkhBr. (3) (Naigh. iii, 9) apparition, form, shape RV. PārGṛ. (4) sign, mark, ensign, flag, banner RV. AV. MBh. &c. (5) a chief, leader, eminent person RV. R. iv, 28, 18 Ragh. ii, 33 BhP. (6) intellect, judgment, discernment (?) RV. v, 66, 4 AV. x, 2, 12 (7) any unusual or striking phenomenon, comet, meteor, falling star AdbhBr. Mn. i, 38 VarBṛS. BhP. &c. (8) the dragon's tail or descending node (considered in astron. as the 9th planet, and in mythol. as the body of the demon Saiṃhikeya [ son of Siṃhikā ] which was severed from the head or Rāhu by Viṣṇu at the churning of the ocean, but was rendered immortal by having tasted the Amṛta) Hariv. 4259 R. VP. (9) ` a pigmy race ', [ -gaNa ] below (10) disease L. (11) an enemy L. (12) N. of a son of Agni (author of RV. x, 156) RAnukr. (13) (with the patr. Vājya) VBr. (14) N. of a Dānava Hariv. 198 (15) of a son (of Ṛshabha BhP. v, 4, 10 (16) of the 4th Manu, viii, 1, 27) (17) [ aruN'AH ket'avaH ], ` red apparitions ', a class of spirits (a kind of sacrificial fire is called after them [ AruNaketuka ], q. v.) AV. xi, 10, 1 f. and 7 TĀr. MBh. xii, 26, 7
===> ketumat [ ketumat ]3[ ket'u-m'at ] mfn. endowed with brightness AV. (1) (interpolation after RV. viii, 56) (2) clear (as a sound) RV. vi, 47, 31 AV. iii, 19, 6 (3) ([ An ]), m. a Yaksha Gal. (4) N. of a Muni VāyuP. (5) of a Dānava MBh. Hariv. (6) of a regent of the western part of the world (son of Rajas) VP. (7) of a son of Kshema and father of Suketu Hariv. 1593 (8) of a son of Kshemya and father of Varsha-ketu, 1750
---> of a warrior MBh. ii, 122 and 127 (9) of a son of Dhanvantari BhP. ix, 17, 5 (10) of Ambarīsha, ix, 6, 1 (11) N. of a mountain Buddh. (12) of a palace of Vāsu-deva's wife Sunandā Hariv. 8989 (13) ([ tI ]), f. a metre (of 2 x 21 syllables) (14) N. of the wife of Sumālin R. vii, 5, 37 (15) N. of a locality W.
===> kevala [ kevala ]1[ k'evala ] m. (nom. pl. [ e ] RV. x, 51, 9) f. ([ I ] RV. x, 73, 6 AV. ŚBr. (1) [ A ] Mn. &c., Pāṇ. 4-1, 30)n. (in comp. Pāṇ. 2-1, 49) exclusively one's own (not common to others) RV. AV. (2) alone, only, mere, sole, one, excluding others RV. AV. TS. &c. (3) not connected with anything else, isolated, abstract, absolute [ 310,1 ] (4) simple, pure, uncompounded, unmingled ŚBr. &c. (5) entire, whole, all Mn. MBh. &c. (6) selfish, envious L. (7) ([ am ]), ind. only, merely, solely ([ na kevalam ] - [ api ], not only-but also Ragh. VP. Rājat (8) [ kevalam-na tu ], only - but not, Śṛṅgār.) Mn. MBh. &c. (9) entirely, wholly, absolutely R. ii, 87, 23 (10) but Kād. Hcar. (11) (= [ nirNItam ]) certainly, decidedly L. (12) m. (= [ kelaka ]) a dancer, tumbler Gal. (13) N. of a prince BhP. ix, 2, 30 (14) ([ A ]), f. N. of a locality MBh. iii, 254, 10 (v. l. [ °lI ]) (15) ([ I ]), f. ` the whole of a philosophical system ', [ pAzaka-k° ] (16) N. of a locality (v. l. for [ °lA ], q. v.) (17) ([ am ]), n. the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit (18) the highest possible knowledge (= [ kevala-jJAna ]) Jain. (19) N. of a country (v. l. [ kerala ]) MBh. vi, 9, 34
===> keyūra [ keyUra ]1[ keyUra ] n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm MBh. R. Ragh. &c. (1) m. id. Bhartṛ. ii, 16 (2) a kind of coitus (3) N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
===> keśa [ keza ]1[ k'eza ]1 m. (√ [ kliz ] Uṇ (1) ifc. [ A ] or [ I ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 54) the hair of the head AV. VS. ŚBr. &c. (2) the mane (of a horse or lion) MBh. i, 8008 Śak. Sch. (3) a kind of perfume ([ hrIvera ]) L. (4) N. of a mineral VarBṛS. lxxvii, 23 (5) N. of Varuṇa L. (6) of Viṣṇu L. (7) of a Daitya L. (8) of a locality Romakas (9) (pl.) the tail (of the Bos grunniens) Pāṇ. 2-3, 36 Kāś. (v. l. [ vAla ]) (10) ([ I ]), f. a lock of hair on the crown of the head L. (11) the Indigo plant L. (12) Carpopogon pruriens L. (13) another plant ([ bhUta-kezI ]) L. (14) N. of Durgā L.
===> [ keza ]1[ k^eza ]2 n. ` whose lord is Prajā-pati (3. [ k'a ]) ', the lunar mansion Rohiṇī
===> keśa-śmaśru [ kezazmazru ]3[ k'eza-zmazr'u ] n. (g. [ rAjadant^adi ]) the hair of the head and the beard AV. viii, 2, 17 ŚBr. KātyŚr. (1) ([ UNi ]), n. pl. id. ŚāṅkhŚr.
===> keśava [ kezava ]2[ kezav'a ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 109) having long or much or handsome hair AV. viii, 6, 23 ŚBr. KātyŚr. (1) m. N. of Viṣṇu or Kṛshṇa MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (2) (hence) of the month Mārgaśīrsha VarBṛS. cv, 14 (3) Rottleria tinctoria L. (4) N. of the author of a lexicon called Kalpa-dru (5) of the author of the Dvaita-pariśishṭa (6) of the father of Govinda and Rucikara (7) of the father of Brāhma and uncle of Maheśvara (8) of the son of Viśva-dhara and brother of Kari-nātha (9) of the father of Vopa-deva
===> [ kezava ]1[ kezav'a ] [ °zi ], &c. 1. [ k'eza ]
===> keśin [ kezin ]2[ kez'in ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 109) having fine or long hair (said of Rudra [ cf. [ kapardin ] ], of his female attendants, of female demons, and of men) AV. xi, 2, 18 (cf. RV. x, 136, 1 ff.) and 31 ; xii, 5, 48 ; xiv, 2, 59 (1) having a mane (as Indra's and Agni's horses) RV. (2) having tips (as rays or flames) RV. i, 140, 8 and 151, 6 (3) ([ I ]), m. ` N. of Rudra ' (before) (4) of Viṣṇu L. (5) ` a horse ' (before) (6) a lion L. (7) N. of an Asura slain by Kṛshṇa MBh. Hariv. &c. (8) of a son of Vasu-deva and Kauśalyā BhP. ix, 24, 47 (9) (Pāṇ. 6-4, 165) N. of Dārbhya or Dālbhya (10) ([ inI ]), f. N. of Durgā (11) (gana [ kurv-Adi ]) N. of an Apsaras MBh. i, 2558 ; iii, 14562 (12) of a Rākshasī Buddh. (13) of the daughter of the king of Vidarbha (wife of Sagara and mother of A-samañjas) Hariv. 797 ff. R. (14) of the wife of Ājamīḍha (Suhotra) and mother of Jahnu MBh. i, 3722 Hariv. 1416 and 1756 (15) of the wife of Viśravas and mother of Rāvaṇa and Kumbha-karṇa BhP. vii, 1, 43 (16) of a servant of Damayantī Nal. xxii, 1 (17) of the daughter of a Brāhman Buddh. (18) Chrysopogon aciculatus L. (19) Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī L. (20) ([ inI ]), f. [ kaizin'a ] (21) ([ 'inIs ]), Ved. f. pl. ` the attendants of Rudra ' (before) (22) ` N. of certain female demons ' (before)
===> keśya [ kezya ]2[ k'ezya ] mfn. being in the hair AV. xiv, 2, 68 (1) suitable to the hair Suśr. (2) m. (= [ °za-raJjana ]) Eclipta prostrata L. (3) ([ am ]), n. black Aloe wood L.
===> kha [ kha ]1[ kha ]1 the second consonant cf. the alphabet (being the aspirate of the preceding consonant (1) often in cf. MSS. and cf. Inscr. confounded with [ Sa ])
===> [ kha ]1[ kha ]2 m. the sun cf. L. [ 334,2 ]
===> [ kha ]1[ kh'a ]3 n. (√ [ khan ]) a cavity, hollow, cave, cavern, aperture cf. RV. (1) an aperture of the human body (of which there are nine, viz. the mouth, the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the organs of excretion and generation) cf. AV. xiv, 2, 1 and 6 cf. Prāt. cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. &c. (2) (hence) an organ of sense cf. BhP. viii, 3, 23 (3) (in anat.) the glottis cf. W. (4) ` the hole made by an arrow ', wound cf. Mn. ix, 43 (5) the hole in the nave of a wheel through which the axis runs cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. xiv (6) vacuity, empty space, air, ether, sky cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. PraśnUp. cf. Mn. xii, 120 &c. (7) heaven cf. L. (8) Brahma (the Supreme Spirit) cf. W. (9) (in arithm.) a cypher cf. Sūryas. cf. Sāh (10) the Anusvāra represented by a circle ([ bindu ]) cf. L. (11) N. of the tenth astrological mansion cf. VarBṛ. (12) talc cf. L. (13) a city cf. L. (14) a field cf. L. (15) happiness (a meaning derived fr. [ su-kha ], [ duH-kha ]) cf. L. (16) action cf. L. (17) understanding cf. L. (18) ([ 'A ]) f. a fountain, well cf. RV. ii, 28, 5 ([ kh'Am Rt'asya ]), cf. Zend [ aSahe khAo ]) & vi, 36, 4 (19) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 334,2 ] [ halo ]. ]
===> kha-cara [ khacara ]3[ kh'a-cara ] mfn. moving in the air, flying cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. (1) m. a bird cf. R. (2) a planet cf. Sūryas. cf. Gol. (3) the sun cf. L. (4) a cloud cf. L. (5) the wind cf. L. (6) an aerial spirit, Vidyādhara cf. Kathās. cx, 139 (7) a Rakshas or demon cf. L. (8) (in music) a kind of Rūpaka or measure cf. L. (9) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a fabulous people cf. VarBṛS. (10) [ -tva ] n. the state of a Rakshas or demon cf. HYog.
===> kha-cārin [ khacArin ]3[ kh'a-cArin ] mfn. moving in the air, flying (said of Skanda) cf. MBh. iii, 14635 (1) ([ I ]), m. a planet cf. Sūryas
===> kha-dyota [ khadyota ]3[ kh'a-dyota ] m. = [ -jyotis ] cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) (applied fig. to transient happiness) cf. Sarvad. xi (2) the sun cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ dvAr ]) ` shining-insect-like door ', the left eye cf. BhP. iv (4) N. of a deity cf. Buddh.
===> [ khadyota ]2[ kha-dyota ]
===> kha-ga [ khaga ]3[ kh'a-ga ] mfn. moving in air cf. MBh. iii, 12257 (1) m. a bird cf. Mn. xii, 63 cf. MBh. &c. (2) N. of Garuḍa (cf. [ -ga-pati ]) cf. Gal. (3) any air-moving insect (as a bee) cf. R. ii, 56, 11 (4) a grasshopper cf. L. (5) the sun cf. Hcat (6) a planet cf. Gol. (7) air, wind cf. MBh. iii, 14616 (8) a deity cf. L. (9) an arrow cf. L. (10) [ -pati ] m. ` chief of birds ', Garuḍa (Viṣṇu's vehicle) (11) [ -pati-gamanA ] f. N. of a goddess cf. Kālac (12) [ -pattra ] mfn. furnished with bird's feathers (as an arrow) cf. MBh. iii, 285, 14 (13) [ -rAj ] m. = [ -pati ] cf. Gal. (14) [ -vaktra ] m. Artocarpus Lakucha cf. L. (15) [ -vatI ] f. the earth cf. L. (16) [ -zatru ] m. ` enemy of birds ', Hemionitis cordifolia cf. L. (17) [ -sthAna ] n. ` a bird's nest ', the hollow of a tree cf. L. (18) [ °g^adhipa ] m. = [ °ga-pati ] cf. R. i, 42, 16 (19) [ °g^antaka ] m. ` destroyer of birds ', a hawk, falcon cf. L. (20) [ °g^abhirAma ] m. N. of Śiva (21) [ °g^asana ] m. ` seat of the sun ', N. of the mountain Udaya (the eastern mountain on which the sun rises) cf. L. (22) ` sitting on a bird (i. e. on the Garuḍa) ', Viṣṇu cf. L. (23) [ °g^endra ] m. the chief of the birds cf. Pañcat (24) a vulture cf. L. (25) Garuḍa cf. L. (26) N. of a prince cf. Rājat. i, 89 (27) [ °g^endra-dhvaja ] m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. BhP. i, 18, 16 (28) [ °g^ezvara ] m. ` the chief of the birds ', a vulture cf. L. (29) Garuḍa cf. L.
===> [ khaga ]1[ kha-ga ] &c. See 3. [ kh'a ]
===> kha-puṣpa [ khapuSpa ]3[ kh'a-puSpa ] n. ` sky-flower ', = [ -citra ] cf. Hcar. v, 238 (1) [ -TIka ] f. N. of a cf. Comm.
===> kha-sama [ khasama ]3[ kh'a-sama ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. L. (cf. [ -zaya ].)
===> [ khasama ]1[ kha-sama ] &c. See 3. [ kh'a ], p. 334
===> khacita [ khacita ]2[ khacita ] mfn. prominent (?) cf. Dhūrtas (1) (ifc. or with instr.) inlaid, set, studded (e. g. [ maNi-kh° ], inlaid with jewels) cf. MBh. vii (2) xiii cf. Hariv. cf. Megh. &c. (= [ karambita ], ` combined with ' cf. L.)
===> khadira [ khadira ]2[ khadir'a ] m. Acacia Catechu (having very hard wood, the resin of which is used in medicine, called Catechu, Khayar, Terra japonica) cf. RV. iii, 53, 19 cf. AV. cf. TS. &c. (1) N. of Indra cf. L. (2) the moon cf. L. (3) N. of a man, g. [ azv^adi ] (4) ([ A ]), f. a sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica (5) ` a kind of vegetable ' cf. NBD.) cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. L.
===> khadiraka [ khadiraka ]2[ khadiraka ] m. (g. [ Rzy^adi ]) N. of a mountain cf. Divyâv. xvii, xxx (1) ([ A ]), f. lac ([ lAkSA ]) cf. L.
===> khaja [ khaja ]2[ kh'aja ] m. stirring, agitating, churning cf. Car. (1) contest, war (cf. [ -k'Rt ], &c.) cf. Naigh. ii, 17 (2) a churning stick cf. MBh. xii, 7784 cf. Suśr. (3) a ladle, spoon cf. L. cf. Sch. (4) ([ A ]), f. a churning stick (` a poker ' cf. Sch.) cf. MBh. iv, 231 (5) a ladle cf. L. (6) the hand with the fingers extended cf. L. (7) churning, stirring cf. W. (8) killing cf. L.
===> khakkhaṭa [ khakkhaTa ]1[ khakkhaTa ] = [ kakkh° ] (q. v.), hard, solid cf. L. cf. Sch. (1) harsh (as sound) cf. Divyâv. xxxvi
===> khala [ khala ]1[ kh'ala ] m. (n. g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a threshing-floor, granary cf. RV. x, 48, 7 cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c.
(1) earth, mould, soil cf. L.
(2) place, site cf. L.
(3) m. contest, battle cf. Naigh. cf. Nir
(4) sediment or dregs of oil cf. Pañcat. ii, 53
(5) (= [ khaDa ]) butter-milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices cf. Suśr. i, vi
(6) a mischievous man
cf. Mṛcch. cf. Cāṇ. cf. BhP. cf. Pañcat. &c.
(7) the sun cf. L.
(8) Xanthochymus pictorius ([ tamAla ]) cf. L.
(9) the thorn-apple cf. L.
(10) ([ A ]), f. a mischievous woman cf. Amar.
(11) N. of a daughter of Raudr^aśva cf. Hariv. cf. VāyuP. ii, 37, 122
(12) ([ I ]), f. sediment or deposit of oil cf. Car. cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 98
===> khallāṭaka [ khallATaka ]1[ khallATaka ] m. (for [ °lvAT ], ` bald ') N. of the first minister of king Bindu-sāra cf. Divyâv. xxvi, 456
===> khalu [ khalu ]1[ kh'alu ] ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed, verily, certainly, truly cf. R. cf. Śak. &c. (1) (as a continuative particle) now, now then, now further cf. RV. x, 34, 14 cf. TS. &c. ; (as a particle in syllogistic speech) but now, = Lat. [ atqui ] cf. TBr. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) [ [ khalu ] is only exceptionally found at the beginning of a phrase (3) it is frequently combined with other particles, thus [ 'atha kh° ], [ u kh° ], [ va'i kh° ], [ khŚ va'i ], = now then, now further cf. TS. cf. TBr. cf. ŚBr. &c. (4) in later Sanskṛt [ khalu ] frequently does little more than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, and is sometimes merely expletive (5) it is also a particle of prohibition (in which case it may be joined with the ind. p. [ [ khalu kRtvA ], ` desist from doing that ' ] cf. Nir. i, 5 [ also [ °tam ] ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 18 cf. Śiś. ii, 70) (6) or of endearment, conciliation, and inquiry cf. L. (7) [ na khalu ], by no means, not at all, indeed not cf. R. &c. ]
===> khalīna [ khalIna ]2[ khalIna ] n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]), id. cf. MBh. i, 7343 ; vi, 2293 cf. Pañcat. iv, 6, 0/1 ; v, 11, 0/1
===> [ khalIna ]1[ khalIna ] See 2. [ khalina ]
===> khana [ khana ]2[ khan'a ] mfn. digging, rooting up cf. AV. xvi, 1, 3 (cf. [ mRt-kh° ]) (1) ([ I ]), f. a mine cf. L.
===> khanana [ khanana ]2[ khanana ] n. the act of digging or excavating cf. Daś. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. PSarv. &c. (1) digging into the earth, burying cf. PSarv. cf. Ragh. viii, 25 cf. Sch.
===> khara [ khara ]1[ kh'ara ] mf ([ A ]) n. hard, harsh, rough, sharp, pungent, acid (opposed to [ mRd'u ] and [ zlakSN'a ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) solid (opposed to [ drava ], fluid) cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 69 cf. Pat. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 35 and iv, 2, 16 (2) dense (clouds) cf. R. vi, 87, 3 (3) sharp, hot (wind) cf. Suśr. i, 20, 22 (4) hurtful, injurious, cutting (as speech or word) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (5) sharp-edged cf. L. (6) cruel cf. W. (7) m. a donkey (so called from his cry) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (8) a mule cf. L. (9) an osprey cf. L. (10) a heron cf. L. (11) a crow cf. L. (12) a thorny plant (sort of prickly nightshade or perhaps Alhagi Maurorum) cf. L. (13) N. of a fragrant substance cf. Gal. (14) a quadrangular mound of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels (cf. ?) cf. ŚBr. v, 1, 2, 15 (15) xiv cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. KātyŚr. (16) a place arranged for building a house upon, N. of the 25th year of the sixty years ' Bṛhaspati cycle cf. VarBṛS. (17) a Daitya or demon cf. L. (18) N. of the Asura Dhenuka cf. Hariv. 3114 cf. BhP. ii, 7, 34 (19) N. of a Rakshas slain by Rāma (younger brother of Rāvaṇa) cf. MBh. iii, 15896 cf. R. cf. BhP. cf. Ragh (20) N. of an attendant [ of the Sun (= Dharma) cf. L. (21) of Śiva cf. L. ] (22) of a Rudra (?) cf. Hariv. (v. l.) (23) ([ am ]), ind. in a sharp way cf. R. iii, 29, 9 (24) ([ A ]), f. Andropogon serratus cf. L. (25) ([ I ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 30 cf. Siddh.) a she-ass cf. Kathās. lxiii (26) ` a she-mule ', See [ kharI-vAtsalya ] (27) N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue cf. MBh. ix, 2624
===> khara-skandha [ kharaskandha ]3[ kh'ara-skandha ] m. ` having a rough stem ', Buchanania latifolia cf. Bhpr. (1) N. of a demon cf. SaddhP. (2) ([ A ]), f. Phoenix sylvestris cf. L.
===> kharjūra [ kharjUra ]2[ kharj'Ura ] m. Phoenix sylvestris cf. TS. ii, 4, 9, 2 cf. Kāṭh. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a scorpion cf. L. (2) N. of a man, g. [ azv^adi ] (3) ([ I ]), f. Phoenix sylvestris cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās. lxi (4) the wild date tree cf. L. (5) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of Phoenix sylvestris cf. Kathās. lxi (6) (= [ kharjura ]) silver cf. L. (7) yellow orpiment cf. L. (8) = [ khala ] cf. L. (9) the interior part of a cocoa-nut cf. L.
===> kharoṣṭī [ kharoSTI ]1[ kharoSTI ] f. a kind of written character or alphabet cf. Lalit. x, 29 (1) [ °roTThi ] cf. Jain.
===> khaḍga [ khaDga ]1[ khaDg'a ] m. (fr. √ [ khaD ] for [ khaND ]?) a sword, scymitar cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Kathās.) (1) a large sacrificial knife cf. W. (2) a rhinoceros cf. MaitrS. iii, 14, 21 = cf. VS. xxiv, 40 ([ khaGg'a ]) cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a rhinoceros-horn cf. L. (4) a Pratyeka-buddha (so called because he is a solitary being like a rhinoceros (5) cf. [ eka-cara ] and [ -cArin ]) cf. L. (6) N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue cf. MBh. ix, 2569 (7) of the son of a merchant cf. Kathās. lvi, 151 (8) ([ am ]), n. iron cf. L.
===> khaḍgika [ khaDgika ]2[ khaDgika ] m. a swordsman cf. L. (1) (= [ khaTTika ]) a butcher, vender of flesh-meat cf. L. (2) (= [ khaTTika ]) the cream of buffalo's milk cf. L.
===> khaṇḍa [ khaNDa ]2[ khaNDa ] mf ([ A ]) n. broken, having chasms or gaps or breaks cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 30 cf. Kāś (1) deficient, defective, crippled (cf. [ SaNDa ]) cf. Āp. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 18, 18 cf. Sch. (2) (in comp. or ifc. cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 38 cf. Pat.) (3) not full (as the moon) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. cf. Subh (4) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) ` a break or gap ', cf. [ kedAra-kh° ] (5) a piece, part, fragment, portion cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Megh. &c. ([ indoH kh° ] or [ tAr^adhipa-kh° ] [ cf. also [ khaND^endu ] ] ` the crescent ' cf. Prasannar.) (6) treacle or molasses partially dried, candied sugar cf. Bhpr. cf. Naish. cf. Sāh (7) a section of a work, part, chapter (e. g. of cf. AitĀr. cf. KenUp. &c.) (8) a continent cf. Gaṇit (9) (in alg.) a term in an equation cf. Gaṇit (10) a party, number, multitude, assemblage cf. MBh. (sometimes not to be distinguished from [ SaNDa ]) cf. R. i, 30, 15 &c. (ifc. m. or n. cf. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 38 and 51) (11) m. a flaw in a jewel cf. L. (12) a calf with horns half grown cf. Gal. (13) (in music) a kind of measure (14) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. [ SaNDa ]) cf. VarBṛS. (15) ([ am ]), n. a variety of sugar-cane cf. W. (16) black salt ([ viD-lavaNa ]) cf. L. (cf. [ uttara- ], [ karka- ], [ kAla- ], [ kAzI- ], [ zrI- ], [ sitA- ].)
===> khaṇḍaka [ khaNDaka ]2[ khaNDaka ] mfn. ifc. breaking to pieces, destroying, removing, rendering ineffectual cf. W. (1) m. (g. [ Rzy^adi ]) a fragment, part, piece cf. Sūryas. cf. Kathās. xxiv, 121 (2) treacle or molasses, candied sugar cf. Hariv. 8445 (v. l.) (3) one who has no nails (` pared or clipped finger nails ' cf. W.) cf. L. (4) a kind of dance or tune (?) cf. Vikr (5) for [ skandhaka ] (N. of a metre), q. v. (6) ([ ikA ]), f. ? (` a piece of wood ' cf. NBD.) cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 51 cf. Kāś (7) a piece cf. Divyâv. ii (8) a section of a work (9) a kind of air or tune cf. W. (10) ([ am ]), n. (= [ khaNDa ]) a term in an equation cf. Gaṇit
===> khaṇḍana [ khaNDana ]2[ khaNDana ] mfn. ifc. breaking, dividing, reducing to pieces, destroying, annihilating, removing cf. Gīt. (1) ([ am ]), n. the act of breaking or cutting or dividing or grinding cf. Hit. (2) hurting, injuring (esp. with the teeth) cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās. ciii cf. Gīt. cf. Caurap (3) interrupting, disappointing, frustrating cf. Mālav. cf. Ragh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (4) refuting (in argument) cf. W. (5) cheating, deceiving cf. Ragh. xix, 21 cf. Hit. (6) rebellion, opposition cf. W. (7) = [ khaNDana-khaNDa-khAdya ] cf. Naish. vi, 113 (8) ([ A ]), f. discarding, dismissal cf. Sāh
===> khaṇḍaśas [ khaNDazas ]3[ khaNDa-zas ] ind. in pieces, by pieces, bit by bit, piece by piece cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. (1) [ °zaH-√ kR ], to divide or cut into pieces cf. Pañcat (2) [ °zo-√ gam ] or [ bhU ] or [ yA ], to be divided or cut into pieces, fall into pieces cf. Pañcat. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās
===> khaṇḍita [ khaNDita ]2[ khaNDita ] mfn. (g. [ tArak^adi ]) cut, torn, broken in pieces, scattered, dispersed, destroyed, removed cf. Vikr. cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās. cf. Prab. cf. Hit. (1) injured (esp. by the teeth) cf. Pañcat (2) broken as allegiance, disobeyed against, rebelled (3) refuted, controverted (4) disappointed, betrayed, abandoned (as a lover) cf. Ragh. v, 67 cf. Megh. cf. Sāntiś (5) ([ A ]), f. a woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of infidelity cf. Sāh
===> khaṭa [ khaTa ]1[ khaTa ] m. phlegm, phlegmatic or watery humor (cf. [ kapha ]) cf. L. (1) a blind well cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (2) an axe, hatchet, chisel ([ TaGka ]) cf. L. (3) a plough cf. L. (4) a kind of blow (` the closed or doubled fist, as for striking ' cf. W.) cf. L. (5) grass (used to thatch houses (6) cf. [ kaTa ], [ khaDa ]) cf. L. (7) a fragrant kind of grass cf. L. (8) ([ I ]), f. chalk cf. L.
===> khaṭaka [ khaTaka ]2[ khaTaka ] m. a go-between, negotiator of marriages (cf. [ ghaTaka ]) cf. L. (1) the half-closed hand (v. l. [ °Tika ]) cf. L. (2) the doubled fist of wrestlers cf. W. (3) ([ A ]), f. a slap cf. Divyâv. xxvi (4) ([ ikA ]), f. chalk cf. Prab. cf. Gol. cf. AgP. (5) the external opening of the ear cf. L. (6) Andropogon muricatus cf. L.
===> khaṭvâṅga [ khaTvAGga ]3[ khaTvA-Gga ] ([ °v^aG ]), m. n. ` a club shaped like the foot of a bedstead ', i. e. a club or staff with a skull at the top (considered as the weapon of Śiva and carried by ascetics and Yogins) cf. Gaut. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Mālatīm. v, 4 cf. Kathās (1) m. the back-bone cf. Gal. (2) N. of a plant cf. ib. (3) wood from a funeral pile cf. W. (4) N. of a king of the solar line cf. MBh. i, 2109 cf. VP. (v. l. [ khaTv^aGgada ]) cf. BhP. ii (5) xi (6) (= Dilīpa) cf. Hariv. 808 and cf. BhP. ix (7) N. of an attendant in the retinue of Devī (8) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant cf. Gal. (9) of a river cf. Hariv. 5329 (10) [ -dhara ] m. ` staff-bearer ', N. of Śiva cf. BhP. iv, 19, 20 (11) [ -dhAra ] m. id. cf. Hariv. 10680 (12) [ -nAmikA ] f. ` named after the [ khaTv^aGga ] ', N. of a plant (resembling Plectranthus) cf. L. (13) [ -bhRt ] mfn. one who bears the [ khaTv^aGga ] staff cf. Mn. xi, 105 cf. Sch. (14) ([ t ]), m. N. of Śiva cf. L. (15) [ -vana ] n. N. of a forest cf. Hariv. 4171 (16) [ -zUlin ] mfn. bearing the weapons called [ kh° ] and [ zUla ] cf. Hcat
===> khaṭvā [ khaTvA ]2[ khaTvA ] f. a bedstead, couch, cot cf. Kauś. cf. Mn. viii, 357 &c. ([ khatvAM samArUDha ], lying on the sick-bed cf. MBh. v, 1474 = xii, 10599) (1) a swing, hammock cf. L. (2) a kind of bandage cf. Suśr. (3) N. of a plant ([ kola-zimbI ]) cf. L.
===> khaṭṭika [ khaTTika ]1[ khaTTika ] m. a butcher, hunter, fowler, one who lives by killing and selling game cf. L. (1) the cream on buffalo-milk cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. for [ khaTvikA ], q. v. (3) ([ I ]), f. a woman who sells meat cf. Kālac
===> khe-cara [ khecara ]3[ khe-cara ] mf ([ I ]) n. moving in the air, flying cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. a bird cf. MBh. cf. Nal (2) any aerial being (as a messenger of the gods) cf. MBh. i (3) a Gandharva, iii (4) a Vidyā-dhara cf. BhP. x, 82, 8 cf. Kathās. lii, lxv (5) a Rakshas cf. R. iii, 30, 37 (6) a planet (7) (hence) the number, ` nine ' (8) quicksilver cf. L. (9) N. of Śiva cf. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. (in music) a particular Mūrchanā (11) ([ I ]), f. with [ siddhi ] or [ gati ], the magical power of flying cf. Kathās. xx, 105 cf. Sarvad. ix &c. (12) Durgā cf. MBh. iv, 186 (13) a Vidyā-dharī cf. Rudray (14) a particular Mudrā or position of the fingers (15) an earring or a cylinder of wood passed through the lobe of the ear cf. W. (16) ([ am ]), n. green vitriol (17) [ -tA ] f. the magical power of flying cf. Sarvad. ix (18) [ -tva ] n. id. cf. Kathās. iii, 49 (19) [ °r^aJjana ], green vitriol cf. Npr. (20) [ °r^anna ] n. a particular dish made of rice. 1
===> kheda [ kheda ]2[ kheda ] m. lassitude, depression cf. R. &c. (1) exhaustion, pain, affliction, distress cf. Pañcat. &c. (2) sexual passion cf. Pat. Introd. on cf. Vārtt. 1 (3) ([ kh'edA ]), f. an instrument for splitting (belonging to Indra) cf. RV. viii, 72, 8 ; 77, 3 ; x, 116, 4 (4) N. of a locality cf. Rājat. ii, 135
===> [ kheda ]1[ kheda ] [ °dana ], &c. See √ [ khid ]
===> khedana [ khedana ]2[ khedana ] mfn. piercing cf. Nir. xi, 37 (1) n. lassitude, exhaustion, HaṉsUp. (2) pain, sorrow, affliction cf. W.
===> khedita [ khedita ]2[ khedita ] mfn. disturbed, annoyed cf. MBh. xiv, 1825 (1) injured (as by arrows) cf. VarBṛS. xxiv, 32 (2) afflicted, distressed cf. R. &c.
===> [ khedita ]1[ khedita ] [ °tavya ], &c. See √ [ khid ]
===> khela [ khela ]2[ khel'a ] mfn. (in comp. or ifc., g. [ kaDAr^adi ] cf. Gaṇar. 90) moving, shaking, trembling cf. Vikr. cf. Ragh (1) m. N. of a man cf. RV. i, 116, 15 (2) ([ am ]), ind. so as to shake or tremble cf. R. ii (3) ([ A ]), f. sport, play, g. [ kaNDvAdi ]
===> kheṭa [ kheTa ]3[ khe-'Ta ] m. ` moving in the air ', a planet (1) the ascending node or Rāhu cf. W. (2) [ -karman ] n. calculation of the motion &c. of planets (3) [ -pITha-mAlA ] f. [ -bodha ] m. [ -bhUSaNa ] n. N. of astronomical works
===> [ kheTa ]1[ kheTa ] m. a village, residence of peasants and farmers, small town (half a Pura cf. Hcat.) cf. MBh. iii, 13220 cf. Jain. cf. BhP. cf. VP. : the phlegmatic or watery humor of the body, phlegm cf. Car. iv, 4 [ 340,3 ] (1) snot, glanders cf. L. (2) a horse cf. L. (3) the club of Balarāma cf. L. (4) m. n. hunting, chase (cf. [ A-kheTa ]) cf. L. (5) a shield cf. Hcat. i, 5, 529 [ cf. MārkP. ] and 532 [ cf. BṛNārP. ] ; ii, 1 (6) (ifc.) expressing defectiveness or deterioration (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 126 (7) e. g. [ nagara- ], ` a miserable town ' cf. ib. cf. Kāś (8) [ upAnat- ], ` a miserable shoe ' cf. ib. cf. Kāś (9) [ muni- ], ` a miserable sage ' cf. Bālar. ii) (10) n. grass cf. L. (11) (mfn.) low, vile cf. Bhar. xxxiv, 109 (12) armed cf. W.
===> [ kheTa ]1[ khe'Ta ] See 3. [ kh'a ], p. 334, col. 3
===> kheṭa-piṇḍa [ kheTapiNDa ]3[ kheTa-piNDa ] ` a ball of phlegm ', i. e. anything useless cf. Lalit. xvi, 67 ([ pakva- ])
===> kheṭaka [ kheTaka ]2[ kheTaka ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. a small village, residence of agricultural peasants cf. VP. cf. Hcat (1) a shield cf. MBh. iv, 181 ; vi, 799 cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hcat. &c. (2) n. the club of Bala-rāma (?) cf. L.
===> khila [ khila ]1[ khil'a ] m. (n. cf. L.) a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields, desert, bare soil cf. AV. vii, 115, 4 cf. ŚBr. viii cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. Kauś (1) ([ am ]), n. ` a space not filled up, gap ', that which serves to fill up a gap, supplement (of a book &c.), additional hymn appended to the regular collection cf. Mn. iii, 232 cf. MBh. i cf. VāyuP. cf. ŚivaP. &c. (2) a compendium, compilation (esp. of hymns and prayers) cf. L. (3) n. pl. remainder cf. BhP. vi, 4, 15 (4) sg. (in alg.) an insolvable problem cf. Gol. (5) obduracy cf. Lalit. xix, xxi (6) = [ vedhas ] (Brahmā or Viṣṇu cf. W.) cf. L. (7) mfn. defective, insufficient cf. BhP. i, vi
===> khilī-kṛta [ khilIkRta ]3[ khilI-kRta ] mfn. turned into a desert, devastated, made impassable cf. Ragh. xi, 14 and 87 (1) made powerless cf. Daś. vii cf. MārkP.
===> khinna [ khinna ]2[ khinna ] mfn. depressed, distressed, suffering pain or uneasiness cf. Mn. vii, 141 cf. MBh. &c. (1) wearied, exhausted cf. VarBṛS. xxxii, 1 &c.
===> khola [ khola ]2[ khola ] mfn. (cf. ?) limping, lame cf. L.
---> m. n. a helmet or a kind of hat cf. Kād. v, 1082 cf. Hcar. vii (1) cf. [ mUrdha-kh° ]
===> khura [ khura ]2[ khura ] m. a hoof, horse's hoof cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] [ g. [ kroD^adi ] ] cf. MBh. i cf. Hcat (1) once [ I ], i, 7, 38) (2) a particular part of the foot of a bedstead cf. VarBṛS. lxxix (3) a sort of perfume (dried shellfish shaped like a hoof) cf. L. (4) (for [ kSur'a ]) a razor cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. g. [ bahv-Adi ] (not in cf. Kāś. and g. [ zoN^adi ])
===> khuḍḍaka [ khuDDaka ]1[ khuDDaka ] mfn. (Prākṛt form of [ kSudraka ]) small, minor cf. Car. i, 9 (v. l.)
===> khyāta [ khyAta ]2[ khyAta ] mfn. named, called, denominated cf. MBh. &c. (1) known, well known, celebrated, notorious cf. ib. (2) told cf. W.
===> khyāti [ khyAti ]2[ khyAti ] f. ` declaration ', opinion, view, idea, assertion cf. BhP. xi, 16, 24 cf. Sarvad. xv, 201 (1) perception, knowledge cf. Yogas. cf. Tattvas. (= [ buddhi ]) cf. Sarvad (2) renown, fame, celebrity cf. Mn. xii, 36 cf. MBh. iii, 8273 cf. R. &c. (3) a name, denomination, title cf. MBh. i (4) xiv cf. R. iii, 4, 17 (5) Celebrity (personified as daughter of Daksha cf. VP. i, 7, 23 ; 8, 14 f. ; 9 f. (6) or of Kardama cf. BhP. iii, 24, 23) cf. Hariv. 7740 (7) N. of a river in Krauñca-dvīpa cf. VP. ii, 4, 55 (8) m. N. of a son of Ūru by Āgneyī (v. l. [ svAti ]) cf. Hariv. 73 cf. VP. i (9) of a son of the 4th Manu cf. BhP. viii, 1, 27
===> khāda [ khAda ]2[ khAd'a ] mfn. ` eating, devouring ', ifc., [ amitra- ] and [ vRtra-khAd'a ] (1) m. eating, devouring cf. AitBr. v, 12, 10 (2) food cf. AV. ix, 6, 12 cf. ŚBr. xiii, 4, 2, 17
===> khādita [ khAdita ]2[ khAdit'a ] mfn. eaten, devoured cf. ŚBr. iii cf. Suśr. cf. Bhaṭṭ. cf. Hit.
===> khādya [ khAdya ]2[ khAdya ] n. ` eatable, edible ', food, victuals cf. MBh. ii, 98 cf. Pañcat. i cf. Bhartṛ (1) m. (= [ khadira ]) Acacia Catechu cf. Gal. (cf. [ khaNDa-kh° ].)
===> khāra-nādi [ khAranAdi ]2[ khAranAdi ] m. pl. (patr. fr. [ khara-nAdin ] g. [ bAhv-Adi ]), id. cf. ib. ([ °raNAdi ] cf. MSS.)
===> khārīka [ khArIka ]2[ khArIka ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 33 cf. Vārtt. 1) sown with a Khāri of grain, v, 1, 45 cf. Kāś (1) (ifc.) v, 1, 33
===> khāta [ khAta ]2[ khAt'a ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 42) dug, dug up, excavated cf. RV. iv, 50, 3 cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. iii &c. (1) digged into the earth, buried cf. MBh. xiii, 3089 (2) torn, rent cf. W. (3) m. a ditch cf. Hcat. i, 3, 921 (4) n. (cf. Naigh. iii, 23) a ditch, fosse, moat, well, pond cf. ŚBr. ix, 4, 3, 9 cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Pañcat. cf. BhP. &c. (5) an excavation, cavern (6) digging a hole cf. W. (7) ([ A ]), f. an artificial pond cf. L. (cf. [ deva-kh° ], [ viSama-kh° ], [ sama-kh° ], [ sUcI-kh° ].)
===> [ khAta ]1[ khAt'a ] [ khAtaka ], &c. See √ [ khan ], p. 337
===> khāṇḍa [ khANDa ]1[ khANDa ] n. (fr. [ khaNDa ]), the state of having fractures or fissures or gaps, g. [ pRthv-Adi ]
===> kila [ kila ]2[ kila ]1 m. play, trifling L.
===> [ kila ]1[ k'ila ]2 ind. (a particle of asseveration or emphasis) indeed, verily, assuredly RV. AV. &c. (1) (or of explanation) namely ŚBr. &c. (2) ` so said ' ` so reported ', pretendedly VarBṛS. Kād (3) ([ kila ] is preceded by the word on which it lays stress, and occurs very rarely at the beginning of a sentence or verse [ R. iv, 14, 14 Pañcat. lxxxix, 4 ] (4) according to native lexicographers [ kila ] may be used in communicating intelligence, and may imply ` probably ', ` possibly ', ` agreement ', ` dislike ', ` falsehood ', ` inaccuracy ', and ` reason. ')
===> [ kila ]1[ kila ]3 m. N. of a man Pravar
===> kilbiṣa [ kilbiSa ]1[ k'ilbiSa ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) fault, offence, sin, guilt RV. v, 34, 4 AV. VS. &c. (once m. BhP. iii, 28, 11) (1) injustice, injury MBh. i, 882 (2) disease L.
===> kilāsa [ kilAsa ]1[ kil'Asa ] mfn. leprous VS. xxx, 21 Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr. (1) ([ 'I ]), f. a kind of spotted deer (described as the vehicle of the Maruts) RV. v, 53, 1 (2) ([ am ]), n. a white leprous spot AV. i, 23, 1 and 2 ; 24, 2 (3) (in med.) a species of leprosy (resembling the so-called white leprosy in which the skin becomes spotted without producing ulcers) KātyŚr. Suśr.
===> kilāṭa [ kilATa ]1[ kilATa ] m. inspissated milk Hariv. (v. l. [ kilAda ]) Suśr. Bhpr. (1) ([ I ]), f. id. L.
===> kim [ kim ]1[ k'im ] ind. (fr. 1. [ ki ], originally nom. and acc. sg. n. of 2. [ k'a ], q. v.), what? how? whence? wherefore? why? [ 282,3 ]
===> [ kim ]2[ kim ] is much used as a particle of interrogation like the Lat. [ num ], [ an ], sometimes translatable by ` whether? ' but oftener serving only like a note of interrogation to mark a question (e. g. [ kiM vyAdhA vane 'smin saMcaranti ], ` do hunters roam about in this wood? ' In an interrogation the verb, if uncompounded with a preposition, generally retains its accent after [ kim ] Pāṇ. 8-1, 44). To this sense may be referred the [ kim ] expressing inferiority, deficiency, &c. at the beginning of compounds (e. g. [ kiM-rAjan ], what sort of king? i. e. a bad king Pāṇ. 2-1, 64 ; v, 4, 70) (1) also the [ kim ] prefixed to verbs with a similar meaning (e. g. [ kim-adh^ite ], he reads badly Pāṇ. 8-1, 44 Kāś.) [ kim-uta ], or [ kim-uta-vA ] or [ kim-athavA-uta ], whether-or-or R. Śak. Bhartṛ. &c. (cf. [ ut'a ].)
===> [ kim ]2[ kim ] is very frequently connected with other particles, as follows: [ k'im aGg'a ], wherefore then? RV. (1) [ atha kim ], [ 'atha ] (2) [ kim api ], somewhat, to a considerable extent, rather, much more, still further Śak. Megh. &c. (3) [ kim iti ], why? Śak. Kum. Pañcat. &c. (4) [ kim-iva ], what for? Śiś. xvi, 31 (5) [ k'im-u ] or [ k'im-ut'a ] how much more? how much less? RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (6) [ kiM kila ], what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) Pāṇ. 3-3, 146 (7) [ kiM-ca ], moreover, further Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (8) what more (expressing impatience) Śak (9) [ kiM-cana ] (originally [ -ca na ], negative = ` in no way '), to a certain degree, a little Kathās (10) (with a negation) in no way, not at all MBh. i, 6132 (11) [ kiM-cid ], somewhat, a little MBh. R. &c. (12) [ kiM tarhi ], how then? but, however Pāṇ. 2-2, 4 Pat. ; iv, 1, 163, Kaś (13) [ kiM-tu ], but, however, nevertheless (bearing the same relation to [ tu ] that [ kiM-ca ] bears to [ ca ]) MBh. R. &c. (14) [ kiM-nu ], whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than [ kim ] alone) MBh. R. &c. (15) how much more? how much less? Bhag. i, 35 (16) [ kiM nu khalu ], how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) Śak (17) [ kim punar ], how much more? how much less? R. Bhag. ix, 33 &c. (18) however Bālar (19) but ib. (20) [ kiM vA ], whether? or whether? Śak. Pañcat. &c. (21) or (often a mere particle of interrogation) (22) [ k'iM svid ], why? Kathās. xxvi, 75 (23) a stronger interrogative than [ kim ] alone RV. MBh. Kathās
===> [ kim ]2[ kim ] (in comp.)
===> kim-artha [ kimartha ]3[ kim-artha ] mfn. having what aim? AitĀr. MBh. &c. (1) ([ kim-'artham ]), ind. from what motive? what for? wherefore? why? ŚBr. xiv MBh. &c.
===> kiraṇa [ kiraNa ]2[ kir'aNa ] m. dust, very minute dust RV. (1) a rein (a meaning drawn probably fr. RV. iv, 38, 6) Naigh. i, 5 (2) a ray or beam of light, a sun- or moonbeam MBh. Suśr. &c. (3) (perhaps) thread RV. x, 106, 4 AV. xx, 133, 1 and 2 (4) N. of a kind of Ketu (of which twenty-five are named) VarBṛS. (5) the sun L. (6) N. of a Śaiva work Sarvad (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river SkandaP.
===> kirāta [ kirAta ]1[ k'irAta ] [ As ] m. pl. N. of a degraded mountain-tribe (inhabiting woods and mountains and living by hunting, having become Śūdras by their neglect of all prescribed religious rites (1) also regarded as Mlecchas (2) the Kirrhadae of Arrian) VS. xxx, 16 TāṇḍyaBr. Mn. x, 44 MBh. &c. (3) m. a man of the Kirāta tribe (4) a prince of the Kirātas VarBṛS. xi, 60 (5) a dwarf. L. (cf. [ kubja-k° ]) (6) a groom, horseman L. (7) the plant Agathotes Chirayta (also called [ kirAta-tikta ]) L. (8) N. of Śiva (as a mountaineer opposed to Arjuna, described in Bhāravi's poem Kirāt^arjunīya) (9) ([ I ]), f. a woman of the Kirāta tribe (10) a low-caste woman who carries a fly-flap or anything to keep off flies Ragh. xvi, 57 (11) a bawd, procuress L. (12) N. of the goddess Durgā Hariv. 10248 (13) of the river Gaṅgā L. (14) of the celestial Gaṅgā as river of Svarga L.
===> kirīṭa [ kirITa ]1[ kirITa ] mfn. [ ati-kir° ] (1) ([ am ]), n. [ [ as ] m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] ], a diadem, crest, any ornament used as a crown, tiara MBh. R. &c. (2) N. of a metre of four lines (each containing twenty-four syllables) (3) m. (= [ kirATa ]) a merchant BhP. xii, 3, 35 (4) ([ I ]), f. Andropogon aciculatus L.
===> kirīṭin [ kirITin ]2[ kirITin ] mfn. decorated with a diadem MBh. &c. (1) ([ I ]), m. N. of Indra MBh. i, 1525 ; xiii, 765 (2) of Arjuna MBh. Bhag. Pañcat (3) of Nara [ according to the Comm. ] MBh. i (4) of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2573 (5) of an attendant of Śiva Comm. on Kum. vii, 95
===> kitava [ kitava ]1[ kitav'a ] m. (g. [ zauND^adi ] [ also [ vyAghr^adi ], but not in Kāś. and Gaṇar. ]) a gamester, gambler RV. VS. AV. &c. (1) a cheat, fraudulent man BhP. viii, 20, 3 Megh. Amar. (2) (also ifc., e. g. [ yAjJika-k° ] Pāṇ. 2-1, 53 Kāś.) (3) (= [ matta ]) a crazy person L. (4) thorn-apple (cf. [ dhUrta ] and [ unmatta ]) L. (5) a kind of perfume (commonly Rocana) Bhpr. (6) N. of a man, g. [ tik^adi ], [ utkar^adi ], [ azv^adi ] (7) ([ As ]), m. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1832 (8) ([ I ]), f. a female gambler ĀśvGṛ.
===> kiyat [ kiyat ]1[ k'iyat ] mfn. (fr. 1. [ ki ] Pāṇ. 5-2, 40 ; vi, 3, 90), how great? how large? how far? how much? of what extent? of what qualities? RV. AV. &c. (Ved. loc. [ k'iyAti ] with following [ 'A ], how long ago? since what time? RV. i, 113, 10 ; ii, 30, 1 (1) [ kiyaty adhvani ], at what distance? how far off? MBh. xiv, 766 (2) [ kiyad etad ], of what importance is this to (gen.) Kathās. iii, 49 (3) [ tena kiyAn arthah ], what profit arises from that? BhP. (4) [ kiyac ciram ] ind. how long? Kathās (5) [ kiyac cireNa ], in how long a time? how soon? Śak (6) [ kiyad dUre ], how far? Pañcat. lii, 4 (7) [ kiyad rodimi ], what is the use of my weeping? Kād (8) [ kiyad asubhis ], what is the use of living? BhP. i, 13, 22) (9) little, small, unimportant, of small value (often in comp., e. g. [ kiyad-vakra ], a little bent Comm. on Yājñ. (10) [ kiyad api ], how large or how far soever Pañcat (11) [ y'Avat k'iyac ca ], how large or how much soever, of what qualities soever AV. viii, 7, 13 ŚBr.) (12) ([ k'iyat ]), ind. how far? how much? how? RV. AV. ŚBr. (13) a little Pañcat. Hit.
===> kiśora [ kizora ]1[ kizor'a ] m. a colt AV. xii, 4, 7 Hariv. R. (1) a youth, lad BhP. (2) the sun L. (3) Benjamin or Styrax Benzoin (= [ taila-parNy-oSadhi ]) L. (4) N. of a Dānava Hariv. (5) ([ I ]) f. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 107 Pat.) a female colt R. (6) a maiden BhP.
===> kiśoraka [ kizoraka ]2[ kizoraka ] m. a colt L. (1) the young of any animal Daś. Kād. Prasannar. Kathās (2) ([ ikA ]), f. ` a female colt ' or ` a maiden ', g. [ zubhr^adi ]
===> kiṃ-śāru [ kiMzAru ]3[ kiM-zAru ] [ m. Uṇ. ], n. the beard of corn AitBr. ii, 9 (1) ([ us ]), m. an arrow L. (2) a heron L.
===> kiṃcana [ kiMcana ]3[ kiM-cana ] 2. [ k'a ] and [ k'im ] above (1) m. (= [ kiM-zuka ]) Butea frondosa L. (2) [ -tA ] f. something, somewhat
===> kiṃcid [ kiMcid ]3[ kiM-cid ] n. (2. [ k'a ]) ` something ', N. of a particular measure (= eight handfuls) Comm. on ŚāṅkhGṛ. (1) ([ kiMcic ]) [ -cIrita-pattrikA ] f. the plant Beta bengalensis (= [ cIrita-cchadA ]) Npr. (2) [ -cheSa ] (°cid-z°), mf ([ A ]) n. of which only a small remainder is left MBh. ix, 34 and 1442 Kathās (3) ([ kiMcij ]) . [ jJa ] mfn. knowing a little, a mere smatterer (4) ([ kiMcit ]) [ -ka ] mfn. (with the pron. [ ya ] preceding) whatever AitBr. ii, 9 (5) [ -kara ] mfn. significant Pāṇ. 1-2, 27 Vārtt. 6 Pat.
---> [ [ a-kiMc° ] mfn. not able to do anything, insignificant Pañcat. Veṇis. ] (6) [ -pare ] loc. ind. a little after (7) [ -pANi ] m. N. of a particular weight (= [ karSa ]) ŚārṅgS. (8) [ -pr^aNa ] mfn. having a little life left (9) ([ kiMcin ]) [ -mAtra ] n. only a little
===> kiṃkara [ kiMkara ]1[ kiM-kara ] &c. [ k'im ]
===> [ kiMkara ]3[ kiM-kara ] m. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 21) a servant, slave MBh. R. &c. (1) (probably) a particular part of a carriage AV. viii, 8, 22 (2) a kind of Rākshasa MBh. R. (3) N. of one of Śiva's attendants Kathās. cxviii, 5 (4) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people R. iv, 44, 13 (5) ([ A ]), f. a female servant Pāṇ. 3-2, 21 Vārtt (6) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a servant ib. (7) a female servant MBh. iv, 634 BhP. Kathās (8) [ -tva ] n. the condition of a servant or slave Pañcat (9) [ -pANi ] mfn. (fr. [ kiM karavANi ], ` what am l to do? '), having hands ready to attend any one MBh. iii, 303 (10) [ kiMkarI-√ bhU ], to become a slave Comm. on Naish. vi, 81 (11) [ kiMkarIya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to think (any one) to be a slave HYog.
===> kiṃnara [ kiMnara ]3[ kiM-nara ] m. ` what sort of man? ' a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man Śiś. iv, 38 (1) originally perhaps a kind of monkey, cf. [ vA-nara ] (2) in later times (like the Naras) reckoned among the Gandharvas or celestial choristers, and celebrated as musicians (3) also attached to the service of Kubera (4) (with Jains) one of the eight orders of the Vyantaras) Mn. MBh. &c. (5) N. of a prince VP. (6) of Nara (a son of Vibhīshaṇa) Rājat. i, 197 (7) of the attendant of the fifteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpinī Jain. (8) N. of a locality, g. [ takSazil^adi ] (9) ([ A ]), f. a kind of musical instrument L. (cf. ?) (10) ([ I ]), f. a female Kiṃnara R. Megh. &c. (11) a female Kimpurusha R. vii, 89, 3 (12) the lute of the Caṇḍālas L. [ 283,2 ] (13) [ -kaNTha ] mfn. singing like a Kiṃnara Viddh (14) [ -nagara ] n. a town of the Kiṃnaras Divyâv (15) [ -pati ] m. ` the lord of the Kiṃnaras ', N. of Kubera Bālar (16) [ -varSa ] m. a division of the earth (said to be north of the Himālaya mountains) (17) [ kiMnar^eza ], [ °zvara ] m. ` the lord of the Kiṃnaras ', N. of Kubera L.
===> kiṃśuka [ kiMzuka ]2[ kiM-zuka ] &c.,
===> [ kiMzuka ]3[ kiM-zuka ] m. the tree Butea frondosa (bearing beautiful blossoms, hence often alluded to by poets) MBh. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. the blossom of this tree R. Suśr. (cf. [ palAz'a ] and [ sukiMzuk'a ]) (2) [ °k^adi ], a Gaṇa of Bhoja (Gaṇar. 107) (3) [ °k^odaka ] n. a decoction made from the blossoms of the tree Butea frondosa Suśr.
===> kiṇva [ kiNva ]1[ kiNva ] [ [ as ] m. L ], n. ferment, drug or seed used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar, bassia, &c. Āp. Mn. viii, 326 Suśr. (cf. [ taNDula-k° ]) (1) ([ am ]), n. sin Uṇ. i, 150
===> kiṭibha [ kiTibha ]1[ kiTibha ] m. a bug L. (1) a louse L. (2) ([ am ]), n. a kind of exanthema Suśr.
===> kiṭṭa [ kiTTa ]1[ kiTTa ] n. secretion, excretion Suśr. (1) dirt, rust (of iron) ib. (cf. [ tila-k° ], [ taila-k° ].)
===> klama [ klama ]2[ klama ] m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor, weariness MBh. Śak. iii, 18 Suśr. BhP. (1) (ifc. Mn. &c. (2) f. [ A ] MBh. Nal.)
===> kleda [ kleda ]2[ kleda ] m. wetness, dampness, moisture Yājñ. MBh. R. Suśr. &c. (1) running, discharge (from a sore) Suśr. (2) rotting, putrefying Car. i, 20 and vi, 11
===> [ kleda ]1[ kleda ] &c. √ [ klid ]
===> kleśa-prahāṇa [ klezaprahANa ]3[ kleza-prahANa ] n. termination of distress (especially of worldly cares and passions) W.
===> klinna [ klinna ]2[ klinna ] mfn. moistened, wet MBh. R. &c. (1) running (as an eye) Pāṇ. 5-2, 33 Vārtt. 2 (2) rotted, putrefied Car. i, 11 and 27 Lalit. xii (3) soft, moved (the heart) BhP. iv, 3, 10 and ix, 11, 5 (4) m. N. of a Śākta author of Mantras (5) ([ A ]), f. the plant Solanum diffusum L.
===> [ klinna ]2[ klinna ]
===> kliṣṭa [ kliSTa ]2[ kliSTa ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 50) molested, tormented, afflicted, distressed R. Mālav. Śak. &c. (1) wearied, hurt, injured, being in bad condition, worn R. Śak. Megh. Suśr. (2) connected with pain or suffering KapS. ii, 33 Yogas. Pañcat (3) (in rhet.) forced, obscure, not easily intelligible (cf. √ [ klez ]) Sāh. Pratāpar. Vām. ii, 1, 21 ff (4) ([ am ]), ind. in distress BhP. i, 9, 12
===> kloman [ kloman ]2[ kl'oman ] [ A ] m. the right lung AV. VS. Kāṭh. ŚBr. &c. (1) ([ Anas ]) m. pl. the lungs VS. xxv, 8 ŚBr. x, 6, 4, 1 (2) ([ a ]), n. the right lung Suśr. (3) [ cf. Gk. ? and ? ; Lat. [ pulmo ]. ]
===> klānta [ klAnta ]2[ klAnta ] mfn. tired, fatigued, exhausted, languishing, wearied MBh. R. Śak. Megh. &c. (1) depressed in spirits, Var Yogay (2) dried, up, withering Śak. Ragh. x, 49 (3) thin, emaciated Śak. (compar.)
===> klība [ klIba ]2[ klIb'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 11 Vārtt. 3) impotent, emasculated, a eunuch AV. VS. TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c. (1) unmanly, timorous, weak, idle, a coward MBh. Mṛcch. BhP. &c. (2) having no water (as a cloud) Daś (3) (in lexicography) of the neuter gender (4) ([ am ]), n. (in lexicography) the neuter gender
===> kodrava [ kodrava ]1[ kodrava ] m. a species of grain eaten by the poor (Paspalum scrobiculatum) MBh. xiii, 4363 Suśr. Bhartṛ. KātyŚr. Paddh. and Sch.
===> koka [ koka ]1[ k'oka ] m. (onomat.) a wolf R. iii, 52, 45 ; v, 26, 9 (1) ` a cuckoo ', [ -yAtu ] below (2) the ruddy goose MBh. xiii, 1816 VarBṛS. xii, lxxxvi Gīt. Sāh (3) a frog L. (4) a small house-lizard L. (5) a kind of noxious parasitical animal AV. v, 23, 4 ; viii, 6, 2 (6) the wild date tree L. (7) N. of Viṣṇu L. (8) of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2562 (?) (9) of a son of Śoṇa ŚBr. xiii (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river (v. l. for [ kozA ]) VP. (11) of a locality (= [ kok^amukha ]), VārP. (12) ([ I ]), f. the female of the ruddy goose Kuval
===> kokanada [ kokanada ]3[ k'oka-nada ] [ As ] m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1026 (1) m. N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2562 f. and 2576 (2) ([ am ]), n. the flower of the red water-lily MBh. Śiś. iv, 46 Gīt. x, 5 (3) [ -cchavi ] m. the colour of the red lotus L. (4) (mfn.) of the colour of the red lotus L.
===> [ kokanada ]1[ koka-nada ] &c. [ k'oka ]
===> kokila [ kokila ]1[ kokila ] m. (onomat. (1) √ [ kuk ] Uṇ.) the Kokila or Koī0l (black or Indian cuckoo [ 312,2 ] (2) frequently alluded to in Hindū poetry, its musical cry being supposed to inspire tender emotions) MBh. R. &c. (3) a kind of mouse Suśr. Aṣṭâṅg (4) a kind of snake Gal. (5) a kind of venomous insect Suśr. (6) a kind of sugar-cane (cf. [ °l^ekSu ]) Gal. (7) a lighted coal L. (8) N. of an author Bhojapr. Śūdradh (9) of a Rāja-putra (considered as a Ṛshi), Kāṭh Anukr. (10) of a mouse MBh. v, 5444 (11) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ aj^adi ]) the female of a Kokila Kum. Ragh. Bhartṛ
===> kola [ kola ]1[ kola ] m. ([ jval^adi ]), a hog (cf. [ kroDa ]) Yājñ. iii, 273 Vop (1) a raft Divyâv. iii (2) the breast, haunch, hip or flank, lap (cf. [ kroDa ]) L. (3) an embrace, embracing L. (4) a kind of weapon L. (5) N. of a plant (= [ citra ], [ citraka ]) L. (6) the planet Saturn L. (7) N. of Śiva Gal. (8) N. of a son of Ākrīḍa Hariv. 1836 (9) N. of a degraded warrior-tribe (outcast, one degraded by Sagara from the military order) Hariv. (v. l. [ koli-sarpa ], q. v.) (10) a man of a mixed caste BrahmaP. (11) a barbarian, Kol, of a tribe inhabiting the hills in central India W. (12) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. the weight of one Tola (= 2 [ TaGka ] [ or [ zANa ] Aṣṭâṅg. ] = 1/2 [ karSa ] ŚārṅgS.) (13) ([ A ]), f. Piper longum L. (14) Piper Chaba L. (15) ([ a ], [ I ]), f. the jujube tree L. (16) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of the jujube (cf. [ kuvala ]) ChUp. vii, 3, 1 Lalit. Suśr. (17) black pepper L. (18) the grain of Piper Chaba L.
===> kolāhala [ kolAhala ]1[ kolAhala ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (onomat.) a loud and confused sound, uproar, great and indistinct noise (of men, animals, &c.) R. iii, vi Pañcat. Daś. MārkP. &c. (1) ([ as ], [ A ]), mf. (in music) a kind of Rāga (2) m. N. of a prince VP. (3) of a personified mountain MBh. i, 2367 f.
===> komala [ komala ]1[ komala ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ ko ] = [ ku ], [ mala ] fr. √ [ mlai ], ` easily fading away ' ?), tender, soft (opposed to [ karkaza ]), bland, sweet, pleasing, charming, agreeable R. Mṛcch. Suśr. Śak. &c. (said of the style, [ rIti ] Kpr.) (1) ([ A ]), f. a kind of date L. (2) ([ am ]), n. water L. (3) silk Gal. (4) nutmeg ib. (5) (for [ kosala ] Hariv. 12832 VāyuP.)
===> kopa [ kopa ]1[ kopa ] m. (√ [ kup ]) morbid irritation or disorder of the humors of the body Suśr. [ 313,2 ] (1) fury (of fire, arms, war, &c.) VarBṛS. VarBṛ. (2) passion, wrath, anger, rage (with loc., gen., [ prati ], or [ upari ], or ifc.) Mn. iii, 230 & viii, 280 MBh. &c. (rarely pl. Hit. (3) ifc. f. [ A ] Mālav (4) [ sa-kopa ], ` enraged ' Pañcat (5) [ sa-kopam ], ` angrily ' Pañcat. Hit.) (6) the state of being in contradiction with, incompatibleness with Bādar. ii, 1, 26
===> kosala [ kosala ]1[ kosala ] [ As ] m. pl. (in later texts generally, spelt [ kozala ]), N. of a country and the warrior-tribe inhabiting it (descendants of Māthavya Videgha ŚBr. i) Pāṇ. 4-1, 171 MBh. &c. ([ kozalAnAM ] [ v. l. [ kauzal° ] R. vi, 86, 43 ] [ nakSatra ], N. of a lunar mansion R. (ed. Bomb.) vi, 103, 35) (1) m. N. of the country of Kosala R. i, 5, 5 (2) N. of the capital of that country or Ayodhyā (the modern Oude) L. (3) ([ A ]), f. id. MBh. Nal. Ragh. (ed. Calc.) i, 35, &c.
===> kovida [ kovida ]1[ ko-vida ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ vid ]) experienced, skilled, learned in (loc., gen., or ifc., e. g. [ azveSu ], or [ azvAnAm ] or [ azva-kovida ], ` skilled in horses ') Mn. vii, 26 MBh. R. &c. (1) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of the Kshatriyas in Kuśa-dvīpa BhP. v, 20, 16
===> kovidāra [ kovidAra ]1[ ko-vidAra ] m. ` easily to be split ', or ` to be split with difficulty ' (? cf. [ kuddala ], [ kuddAla ]), Bauhinia variegata Gobh. MBh. R. Suśr. Ṛitus (1) one of the trees of paradise Hariv. 7169 Lalit.
===> kośa [ koza ]1[ k'oza ] m. (n. L. (1) in class. literature [ koza ], or [ koSa ] (2) fr. √ [ kuz ] or [ kuS ]?, related to [ kukS'i ] and [ koSTha ]?), a cask, vessel for holding liquids, (metaphorically) cloud RV. AV. Suśr. (3) a pail, bucket RV. (4) a drinking-vessel, cup L. (5) a box, cupboard, drawer, trunk RV. vi, 47, 23 AV. xix, 72, 1 ŚBr. (6) the interior or inner part of a carriage RV. (7) (ifc.) MBh. viii, 1733 (8) a sheath, scabbard, &c. MBh. R. VarBṛS. (9) a case, covering, cover AV. ChUp. MuṇḍUp. TUp. PārGṛ. BhP. (10) store-room, store, provisions Mn. MBh. &c. (11) a treasury, apartment where money or plate is kept, treasure, accumulated wealth (gold or silver, wrought or unwrought, as plate, jewellery, &c.) ib. (12) (in surg.) a kind of bandage Suśr. (13) a dictionary, lexicon or vocabulary (14) a poetical collection, collection of sentences &c. Kāvyâd. i, 13 Sāh (15) a bud, flower-cup, seed-vessel (cf. [ bIja- ]) R. Ragh. BhP. Dhūrtas (16) the sheath or integument of a plant, pod, nut-shell MārkP. (17) a nutmeg L. (18) the inner part of the fruit of Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits L. (19) the cocoon of a silk-worm Yājñ. iii, 147 Vedântas (20) the membrane covering an egg (in the womb) Suśr. VarBṛ. MārkP. (21) the vulva L. (22) a testicle or the scrotum Suśr. VarBṛS. (23) the penis W. (24) an egg L. (25) (in Ved^anta phil.) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are, 1. the [ Ananda-maya k° ] or ` sheath of pleasure ', forming the [ kAraNa-zarIra ] or ` causal frame ' (26) 2. the [ vijJAna-maya ] or [ buddhi-m° ] or [ mano-m° ] or [ pr^aNa-mŚ k° ], ` the sheath of intellect or will or life ', forming the [ sUkSma-zarIra ] or ` subtile frame ' (27) 3. the [ anna-mŚ k° ], ` the sheath of nourishment ', forming the [ sthUla-zarIra ] or ` gross frame ') Vedântas (28) (ifc.) a ball or globe (e. g. [ sUtra- ], a ball of thread L. (29) [ netra- ], the eye-ball R. iii, 79, 28) (30) the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it) Yājñ. ii, 95 (31) an oath Rājat. v, 325 (32) a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace ([ °zaM-√ pA ], to drink from that cup) Rājat. vii, 8 ; 75 ; 460 and 493 ; viii, 283 (33) N. of a conjunction of planets VarBṛS. (34) of the 2nd astrological mansion, Var Yogay (35) (with Buddh.) of a collection of Gāthā verses Kāraṇḍ. Hcar. (36) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 34 (37) of a courtesan HPariś. viii, 8 (38) ([ I ]), f. ` a bud ', [ arka- ] (39) a seedvessel L. (40) the beard of corn L. (41) a shoe, sandal L. (42) a kind of perfume Gal. (43) an iron ploughshare ib. (44) [ cf. [ k'okkos ]. ]
===> kośa-kāra [ kozakAra ]3[ k'oza-kAra ] m. one who makes scabbards or cases or boxes, &c. R. iv, 40, 26 ([ kauzi-k° ] Hariv. 12831) (1) (f. [ 'I ]) VS. xxx, 14 (2) a compiler of a dictionary, lexicographer RāmatUp. (3) the silkworm (or the insect while in its cocoon W.) KapS. BhP. MārkP. (4) a chrysalis or pupa W. (5) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a kind of sugar-cane Suśr. Bhpr. Bālar (6) [ -kITa ] m. a silk-worm L. (7) [ -vasana ] n. a silken garment VarBṛ. xxvii, 31
===> kośa-stha [ kozastha ]3[ k'oza-stha ] m. ` incased ', any shelled insect or animal (as a snail &c.) Suśr. (1) a chrysalis or pupa, silk-worm in its cocoon W.
===> kośâdhyakṣa [ kozAdhyakSa ]3[ koz^adhyakSa ] m. a treasurer VarBṛS. Pañcat. Kathās (1) N. of Kubera W.
===> koṇa [ koNa ]1[ koNa ] m. a corner, angle Pañcat. Daś. RāmatUp. Kathās (1) an intermediate point of the compass VarBṛS. (2) (hence) the number, ` four ' Hcat (3) the quill of a lute, fiddle-stick, drum-stick, &c. R. ii, 71, 26 & 81, 2 Kād (4) a sort of musical instrument, stringed musical instrument L. (5) the sharp edge of a sword W. (6) a staff, club Hcar. (7) the planet Saturn (fr. ?) Āryabh. VarBṛ. (8) the planet Mars L.
===> koṣa [ koSa ]1[ koSa ]1 [ koza ]
===> [ koSa ]1[ koS'a ]2 [ As ] m. pl. (g. [ pac^adi ]), N. of a family of priests ŚBr. x, 5, 5, 8 (1) ([ A ]), f. ` N. of a river ', v. l. for [ kozA ]
===> koṣṭha [ koSTha ]1[ koSTha ] m. (√ [ kuS ]? (1) probably related to [ kukS'i ] and [ k'oza ]), any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach, abdomen) MBh. Suśr. &c. [ 314,3 ] (2) ([ as ] L. (3) [ am ]), m. n. a granary, store-room MBh. BhP. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (4) a treasury W. (5) m. an inner apartment L. (6) the shell of anything W. (7) a kind of pan, pot Kauś. Pat. Car. Bhpr. (8) property (or mfn. ` own ') L. (9) night L. (10) ([ am ]), n. a surrounding wall BhP. iv, 28, 57 (11) any enclosed space or area, chess square VarBṛS. liii, 42 Hcat. Tithyād. KātyŚr. Sch.
===> koṣṭhaka [ koSThaka ]2[ koSThaka ] [ as ] or [ am ] m. or n. a receptacle for (in comp.) Car. (1) ` a granary, store-room ', [ annak° ] (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of vessel, pan Bhpr. (3) ([ am ]), n. a treasury W. (4) a surrounding wall (ifc.) BhP. iv, 28, 56 (5) a surrounded field, quarter VarBṛS. AgP. Hcat. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (6) a brick trough for watering cattle W. (7) N. of a town Buddh. (Divyâv. xxix)
===> koṣṭhâgāra [ koSThAgAra ]3[ koSTh^agAra ] n. a store-room, store Mn. ix, 280 R. &c. (1) a treasury W. (2) any enclosed space or area (3) the lunar mansion Maghā VarBṛS.
===> koṣṭhâgārika [ koSThAgArika ]3[ koSTh^agArika ] m. ` living in store-rooms ', a wasp Suśr. Bhpr. (1) a steward Divyâv. xx
===> koṭi [ koTi ]2[ koTi ] f. the curved end of a bow or of claws, &c., end or top of anything, edge or point (of a sword), horns or cusps (of the moon) MBh. &c. (1) the highest point, eminence, excellence Pañcat. Ratnâv. Sarvad (2) ` a point or side in an argument or disputation ', (if there are two) ` alternative ', [ -dvaya ] below (3) the highest number in the older system of numbers (viz. a Krore or ten millions) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (4) the complement of an arc to 90 degrees (5) the perpendicular side of a right-angled triangle Sūryas (6) Medicago esculenta L.
===> koṭika [ koTika ]2[ koTika ] m. (scil. [ maNDUka ]) a kind of frog Suśr. (1) an insect (coccinella of various kinds) L. (2) N. of the son of a prince MBh. iii, 15586 (3) ([ A ]), f. ` lowest end of anything ', the vilest of (in comp.) Pañcat (4) the plant Trigonella corniculata Bhpr.
===> koṭiśas [ koTizas ]3[ koTi-zas ] ind. by ten millions, in innumerable multitudes MBh. R. Ragh. BhP.
===> koṭṭa-pāla [ koTTapAla ]3[ koTTa-pAla ] m. (cf. [ koTa-p° ]) the commander of a stronghold Pañcat. Vet. xiii, 11 ff. (vv. ll. [ koTa- ] and [ koTi- ])
===> krakaca [ krakaca ]1[ krakaca ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. a saw MBh. &c.
---> m. a kind of musical instrument MBh. vii, 1676 ; ix, 2676 (1) Ardea virgo Npr. (2) N. of a plant (Capparis aphylla L.) Kād (3) of a hell PadmaP. (4) of a Kāpālika priest SŚaṃkar (5) ([ A ]), f. = [ -cchada ] L.
===> krakara [ krakara ]2[ krakara ] m. id. Suśr. (1) (also [ -tva ]) (2) (= [ krakaca ]) Ardea virgo L. (3) the plant Capparis aphylla L. (4) a saw L. (5) a poor man L. (6) disease L.
===> krakucchanda [ krakucchanda ]1[ krakucchanda ] m. N. of the 1st of the five Buddhas of the present Kalpa Buddh.
===> krama [ krama ]2[ kr'ama ] m. a step AV. x, 5, 25 ff. TS. iii MBh. &c. (1) going, proceeding, course (cf. [ kAla-k° ]) Mṛcch. Pañcat. Mālatīm. Hit. (2) the way R. ii, 25, 2 (3) a position taken (by an animal &c.) before making a spring or attacking Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ. ii, 9 (4) the foot MBh. iii, 14316 (5) uninterrupted or regular progress, order, series, regular arrangement, succession (e. g. [ varNa-krameNa ], ` in the order of the castes ' Mn. viii, 24 and ix, 85) AV. viii, 9, 10 RPrāt. xv, 5 KātyŚr. R. &c. (6) hereditary descent Yājñ. ii, 119 (7) method, manner (e. g. [ yena krameNa ], in which manner R. ii, 26, 20 (8) [ tad-anusaraNa-krameNa ], so as to go on following him Hit.) (9) diet Car. vi, 13 (10) custom, rule sanctioned by tradition MārkP. xxiii, 112 (11) ([ kramaM ] √ 1. [ kR ], ` to follow that rule ') Nyāyam (12) occasion, cause (with gen. or ifc.) Kathās. xviii, 380 Hit. (13) ` progressing step by step ', a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member, either word or letter, to the 2nd, then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd, the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4 h, and so on (14) this manner of reading in relation to words is called [ pada- ] [ TPrāt. ii, 12 ], in relation to conjunct consonants [ varNa- ] [ ib. ]) Prāt. (15) the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib. (16) (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others ` noticing of any one's affection ') Daśar. i, 36 f. Sāh. Pratāpar (17) (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Vām. iv, 3, 17 (18) power, strength L. (19) ([ eNa ], [ At ]), instr. abl. ind. in regular course, gradually, by degrees R. Pañcat. Ragh. &c. (20) according to order or rank or series Mn. Ragh. &c.
===> krama-yaugapadya [ kramayaugapadya ]3[ kr'ama-yaugapadya ] [ e ] n. du. successive order and simultaneousness Sarvad
===> kramaśas [ kramazas ]3[ kr'ama-zas ] ind. gradually, by degrees Mn. R. Suśr. KapS. &c. (1) regularly, seriatim Mn. R. Sāṃkhyak. &c.
===> kramaṇa [ kramaNa ]2[ kr'amaNa ] m. a step KātyŚr. iii, 8, 11 Sch. (1) the foot L. (2) a horse L. (3) N. of a son of Bhaja-māna Hariv. 2002 (4) ([ am ]), n. stepping, walking, going RV. vi, 70, 3 Yājñ. i, 188 Mṛcch. BhP. (5) stepping or treading upon (in comp.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. (6) transgressing (ifc.) MBh. xii, 16254 R. v, 1 (at end) (7) a step RV. i, 155, 5 (8) approaching or undertaking anything (dat.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 14 (9) treatment of words or letters according to the Krama arrangement (i. e. doubling letters or words &c.) RPrāt. xiv
===> krandita [ krandita ]2[ krandita ] mfn. wept, called or cried out Kathās. cxiv, 120 (1) ([ am ]), n. weeping L. (2) calling L. (3) mutual daring W.
===> kratu [ kratu ]1[ kr'atu ] m. (√ 1. [ kR ], or 2. [ kR ]), plan, design, intention, resolution, determination, purpose RV. VS. ŚBr. BṛĀrUp. (1) desire, will (instr. [ kr'atvA ], willingly, readily RV. (2) [ 'ekena kr'atunA ], through the mere will RV. ii, 13, 11) (3) power, ability RV. (4) deliberation, consultation RV. VS. (5) intelligence, understanding (e. g. [ bhadr'a kr'atu ], right judgment, good understanding (6) also in conjunction or in comp. or ifc. with [ d'akSa ], [ kr'atu-d'akSau ] and [ dakSakrat'U ]) RV. VS. TS. ŚBr. (7) inspiration, enlightenment RV. (8) a sacrificial rite or ceremony, sacrifice (as the Aśva-medha sacrifice), offering, worship (also personified R. vii, 90, 9) AitBr. ŚBr. xi ĀśvŚr. &c. (9) Kratu as intelligence personified (as a son of Brahmā and one of the Prajā-patis or the seven or ten principal Ṛshis Mn. i, 35 MBh. i, 2518 & 2568 Hariv. &c. (10) [ N. of a star ] VarBṛS. (11) married to Kriyā and father of 60,000 Vālikhilyas BhP. iv, 1, 39 (12) husband of Haya-śirā, vi, 6, 33) (13) N. of one of the Viśve-devās VP. (14) of a son of Kṛshṇa BhP. x, 61, 12 (15) of a son of Ūru and Āgneyī Hariv. 73 (16) of the author of a Dharma-śāstra Parāś. Śūdradh (17) ([ us ]), m. or f. (?), N. of a river in Plaksha-dvīpa (v. l. [ kramu ]) VP. (18) [ cf. [ a- ], [ 'adbhuta- ], [ abh'i- ], &c. (19) cf. also ?. ]
===> kraurya [ kraurya ]1[ kraurya ] n. (fr. [ krUr'a ]), cruelty, fierceness, hard-heartedness Mn. xii, 33 Śak. vii VarBṛS. Kathās. cvi, 130 (pl.) (1) terribleness W.
===> kravya [ kravya ]2[ kravy'a ] mfn. = [ krUr'a ] TS. v (1) m. perhaps = [ agni kravy^ad ] (q. v.) ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) ([ am ]), n. (Nir.) raw flesh, carrion BhP. Kathās
===> kravyâda [ kravyAda ]3[ kravy^ada ] mf ([ A ]) n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 69 Kāś.) consuming flesh or corpses (as Agni) MBh. i, 932 Gṛhyās. i, 11 Tithyād (1) m. a carnivorous animal, beast of prey MBh. i, 115, 24 (2) a lion L. (3) a hawk L. (4) a goblin, Rākshasa W. (5) the fire of the funeral pile W. (6) N. of a metallic substance Bhpr. iv, 30 (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the nine Samidhs Gṛhyās. i, 27 (8) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a class of Manes VP. (9) of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 18 (v. l. [ °vy^akhya ])
===> kraya [ kraya ]2[ kray'a ] m. buying, purchase VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (1) the purchase-price VarBṛS. lxxxii, 9
===> kraya-vikraya [ krayavikraya ]3[ kray'a-vikraya ] [ as ], [ au ] m. sg. and du. buying and selling, trade Mn. MBh. Pañcat. iii (1) [ °y^anuzaya ] m. repenting of a purchase, annulling of purchase or sale Mn. viii, 5
===> kriya [ kriya ]1[ kriya ] m. (borrowed fr. Gk. ?.) the sign [ 320,3 ] Aries VarBṛ. i, iii, x, xvii ; Gaṇit. Horāś
===> kriyā [ kriyA ]2[ kriyA ] f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 100), doing, performing, performance, occupation with (in comp.), business, act, action, undertaking, activity, work, labour. KātyŚr. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (1) bodily action, exercise of the limbs L. (2) (in Gr.) action (as the general idea expressed by any verb), verb Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 1 &c. (according to later grammarians a verb is of two kinds, [ sakarma-kriyA ], ` active ', and [ akarma-k° ], ` intransitive ') (3) a noun of action W. (4) a literary work Vikr (5) medical treatment or practice, applying a remedy, cure ([ sama-kriya-tva ] and [ viSama-k° ]) Suśr. (6) a religious rite or ceremony, sacrificial act, sacrifice Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (7) with [ caramA ], ` the last ceremony ', rites performed immediately after death, obsequies, purificatory rites (as ablution &c.) MBh. iv, 834 R. vi, 96, 10 (8) religious action, worship BhP. vii, 14, 39 RāmatUp. (9) Religious Action (personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma MBh. i, 2578 Hariv. 12452 BhP. (10) or as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Kratu BhP.) (11) judicial investigation (by human means, as by witnesses, documents, &c., or by superhuman means, as by various ordeals) Comm. on Yājñ. (12) atonement L. (13) disquisition L. (14) study L. (15) means, expedient L.
===> kriyā-kāra [ kriyAkAra ]3[ kriyA-kAra ] m. a beginner, novice L. (1) an agreement Kāraṇḍ. xvii (2) an arrangement, rule Divyâv
===> kriyā-vādin [ kriyAvAdin ]3[ kriyA-vAdin ] m. one who states the arguments in a law-suit Comm. on Yājñ. (1) a plaintiff ib.
===> kriyāvat [ kriyAvat ]3[ kriyA-vat ] mfn. one who performs an action, active, busy, understanding business, fit for it MuṇḍUp. Hit. (1) (ifc.) Dhūrtas. i, 12 (2) performing ceremonies in the right manner ŚāṅkhGṛ. MuṇḍUp. MBh. R. (3) consisting of or connected with a religious ceremony (as the rite of initiation)
===> krodha [ krodha ]2[ kr'odha ] m. anger, wrath, passion VS. xxx, 14 AV. ŚBr. &c. (1) (ifc. f. [ A ]) Amar. (2) Anger (personified as a child of Lobha and Nikṛti (3) or of Death (4) or of Brahmā) VP. (5) N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2543 Hariv. (6) of the mystic syllable [ hum ] or [ hrUM ], Rāmat Up. (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the thirteen daughters of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa MBh. i, 2520 Hariv. (8) ([ I ]), f. (in music) N. of a Śruti (9) ([ am ]), n. N. of the fifty-ninth year of the sixty years ' Bṛhaspati cycle VarBṛS.
===> [ krodha ]1[ kr'odha ] &c. √ 1. [ krudh ]
===> krodha-vaśa [ krodhavaza ]3[ kr'odha-vaza ] m. the power of anger MBh. i, 3949 (cf. Mn. ii, 214) (1) (mfn.)with [ gaNa ], or ([ as ], [ As ]), m. sg. and pl. ` passionate ', N. of several kinds of evil spirits MBh. Hariv. BhP. (2) m. N. of. a Rakshas MBh. iii, 16365 ; xiii, 4291
---> ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa MBh. i, 2624 Hariv. R. BhP. [ 322,2 ] (3) [ -ga ] mfn. subject to anger Pañcat
===> krodhana [ krodhana ]2[ krodhana ] mf ([ A ]) n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 151) inclined to wrath, passionate, angry (with loc. Yājñ. i, 333) MBh. &c. (1) m. (= [ krodha ]) the 59th year in the sixty years ' Bṛhaspati cycle Romakas (2) N. of a son of Kauśika and pupil of Garga Hariv. 1189 (3) of a son of A-yuta and father of Dev^atithi BhP. ix, 22, 11 (4) of a man Kathās. lviii, 84 (5) of a Śākta author of Mantras (6) ([ A ]), f. a passionate woman, vixen L. (7) N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2624 (8) of a Yoginī Hcat (9) ([ am ]), n. ` the being angry, anger ', only ifc. [ sa-kr° ] (q. v.)
===> krośa [ kroza ]2[ kr'oza ] m. (cf. [ kl'oza ]) a cry, yell, shriek, shout VS. xxx, 19 TS. vii (cf. [ karNa-k° ]) (1) ` the range of the voice in calling or hallooing ', a measure of distance (an Indian league, commonly called a Kos= 1000 Daṇḍas = 4000 Hastas = 1/4 Yojana (2) according to others = 2000 Daṇḍas = 8000 Hastas = 1/2 Gavyūti) KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (3) ([ 'am ]), n. (g. [ jval^adi ]), N. of different Sāmans TS. vii Lāṭy. ĀrshBr.
===> [ kroza ]1[ kr'oza ] &c. √ [ kruz ]
===> kroṣṭuka [ kroSTuka ]2[ kroSTuka ] m. a jackal MBh. (1) ` N. of a man ', [ krauSTuki ] (2) ([ I ]), f. ` a female jackal ', N. of a daughter of Krodha-vaśā and mother of the yellow apes R. iii, 20, 22 and 26
===> kruddha [ kruddha ]2[ kruddh'a ] mfn. irritated, provoked, angry with (dat., gen., loc., or [ upari ] or [ prati ]) on account of (acc. with [ anu ] Bhaṭṭ.) RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) fierce, cruel W. (2) ([ am ]), n. anger W.
===> krānti [ krAnti ]2[ krAnti ] f. going, proceeding, step L. (1) overcoming, surpassing W. (2) attacking L. (3) declination of a planet Sūryas. i, 68 ; ii, 28 and 58 ff (4) the sun's course (ifc.) HPariś. vii, 3 (5) the sun's course on the globe, ecliptic
===> krīta [ krIta ]2[ krIt'a ] mfn. bought, purchased ŚBr. Mn. &c. (1) purchased from his natural parents (as a son (2) one of the twelve kinds of sons acknowledged by the ancient Hindū law) Mn. ix, 160 (3) won by (instr.) Śak. iii (v. l.) (4) ifc. (with the purchase-price (5) f. [ I ]) Pāṇ. 4-1, 50 ; vi, 2, 151 (6) (f. also [ A ]) Siddh (7) ([ 'as ]), m. N. of a man MaitrS. iv, 2, 6 (8) ([ As ]), m. pl. a sort of despised caste W. (9) ([ am ]), n. a bargain Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 6
===> [ krIta ]1[ krIt'a ] &c. √ [ krI ]
===> krītaka [ krItaka ]2[ krItaka ] mfn. bought from his natural parents (and adopted as male issue) Mn. ix, 174 Pravar
===> krīḍa [ krIDa ]2[ krID'a ] mfn. playing, sporting (said of the winds) RV. i, 37, 1 and 5 ; 166, 2 (1) m. sport, play L. (2) ([ 'A ]), f. sport, play, pastime, amusement, amorous sport (often in comp., e. g. [ krIDA-mudaH ] f. pl. the pleasures of playing or of amorous sport Gīt. ix, 9 (3) [ kRSNa-k° ], sport with Kṛshṇa BhP. ii, 3, 15 (4) [ jala-k° ], playing about in water MBh. Pañcat. BhP. (5) [ toya-k° ] id. Megh.) VS. xviii, 5 R. Suśr. &c. (6) working miracles for one's amusement Lalit. (7) disrespect shown by jest or joke L. (8) a play-ground MBh. iii, 12318 (9) (in music) a kind of measure
===> krīḍana [ krIDana ]2[ krIDana ] m. ` playing ', N. of the wind Gal. (1) ([ am ].), n. playing, play, sporting, &c. R. BhP. Hit.
===> krīḍanaka [ krIDanaka ]2[ krIDanaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. playing, jesting L. (1) m. a plaything MBh. Śak. BhP. &c. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a nurse who entertains children with plays Divyâv
===> krīḍita [ krIDita ]2[ krIDita ] mfn. having played Pañcat (1) ([ am ]), n. sport, play MBh. iii, 11067 R. v, 13, 23 and 55
===> krūra [ krUra ]1[ krUr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (fr. [ krav'i-s ], cf. [ sthUr'a ] and [ sth'avira ]), wounded, hurt, sore ŚBr. (1) ` bloody, raw ', cruel, fierce, ferocious, pitiless, harsh, formidable AV. TS. vi Mn. &c. (2) inauspicious (as opposed to [ saumya ] and [ a-krUra ], said of the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh signs of the zodiac, which are supposed to have a malignant influence Jyot (3) said of planets VarBṛS.) (4) hard, solid Suśr. Śak. Pañcat (5) strong (as a bow, opposed to [ manda ]) Nār (6) hot, sharp, disagreeable L. (7) ([ am ]), ind. in a formidable manner MBh. iii, 15669 (8) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. boiled rice (cf. [ kUra ]) L. (9) m. a hawk L. (10) a heron L. (11) red oleander (= [ rakta-karavIra ]) L. (12) ([ A ]), f. a variety of Punarnavā with red blossoms L. (13) ([ 'am ]), n. a wound, sore AV. VS. TS. ŚBr. (14) blood-shedding, slaughter, cruelty, any horrible deed, harshness AV. AitBr. i, 26 Mn. i, 29 &c. (15) any frightful apparition AdbhBr. (16) a kind of house Gal.
===> krūra-karman [ krUrakarman ]3[ krUr'a-karm'an ] n. a bloody or terrible deed ŚBr. v Suśr. (1) any hard or difficult labour Śak. (v. l.) (2) (mfn.) performing bloody or terrible deeds, fierce, cruel, unrelenting MBh. iii, 13253 R. Pañcat. Vet (3) ([ A ]), m. N. of a plant (= [ kaTu-tumbinI ]) L. (4) ([ krUra-karma ]) [ -kRt ] mfn. perpetrating cruel actions W. (5) ([ t ]), m. a rapacious animal Mn. xii, 58
===> ku- [ ku ]1[ ku ]1 a pronom. base appearing in [ k'utas ], [ k'utra ], [ kuv'id ], [ k'uha ], [ kv'a ], and as a prefix implying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt (1) originally perhaps [ ku ] signified ` how (strange!) ' (2) as a separate word [ ku ] occurs only in the lengthened form 3. [ k'U ], q. v.
===> [ ku ]1[ ku ]2 f. the earth Āryabh. VarBṛS. VarBṛ. BhP. vi, 1, 42 (1) the ground or base of a triangle or other plane figure, Comm. on Āryabh (2) the number ` one. '
===> [ ku ]1[ ku ]3 √ 1. [ kU ]
===> kubera [ kubera ]1[ k'ubera ] or in later Sanskṛt [ kuvera ] m. (originally) N. of a chief of the evil beings or spirits or darkness having the N. Vaiśravaṇa AV. viii, 10, 28 ŚBr. &c. (1) (afterwards) the god of riches and treasure (regent of the northern quarter which is hence called [ kubera-guptA diz ] Kum. iii, 25) Mn. MBh. &c. (2) (he is regarded as the son of Viśravas by Iḍaviḍā [ BhP. ], the chief of the Yakshas, and a friend of Rudra [ Hariv. 13131 ] (3) he is represented as having three legs and only eight teeth
---> with Jainas he is the attendant of the nineteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) (4) N. of a prince of Devarāshṭra (5) of the great-grandfather of Bāṇa-bhaṭṭa (author of the Kādambarī) (6) of the author of the Datta-candrikā (7) the tree Cedrela Toona (8) (mfn.), deformed, monstrous L. (9) slow, lazy L.
===> kubja [ kubja ]1[ kubj'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. hump-backed, crooked VS. xxx, 10 ṢaḍvBr. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of a person born under certain constellations and being an attendant of the model man Haṃsa VarBṛS. (2) a curved sword L. (3) a sort of fish (Bola Cuja) W. (4) the plant Achyranthes aspera (= [ ap^amArg'a ]) L. (5) ([ A ]), f. a kind of musical instrument (6) [ cf. [ nyubja ] and [ kanya-kubja ] ; cf. also Lith. [ kupra ], [ kupotas ] (7) Gk. ?, ? ; [ 291,3 ] Lat. [ gibbus ], [ gibba ], [ gibber ]. ]
===> kucela [ kucela ]3[ ku-cela ] n. a bad garment Mn. vi, 44 (1) rag Car. (2) (mfn.), badly clothed, dressed in dirty or tattered garments MBh. v, 1132 (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a plant (= [ avi-karNI ] or [ viddha-parNI ]) . L. (4) ([ I ]), f. the plant Clypea hernandifolia (or accord. to Haughton ` Cissampelos hexandra ') L.
===> [ kucela ]1[ ku-cela ] &c. 1. [ ku ]
===> kudṛṣṭi [ kudRSTi ]3[ ku-dRSTi ] mfn. having bad eyes (1) ([ is ]) f. weak sight (2) a heterodox philosophical doctrine (as that of the Sāṃkhyas, &c.) Mn. xii, 95 Kād
===> kugati [ kugati ]3[ ku-gati ] f. ` wrong path ', deviation from the path of righteousness Buddh.
===> kuha [ kuha ]2[ kuha ]1 m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 216) N. of Kubera L. (1) a rogue, cheat R. ii, 109, 27 ([ a-k° ], ` no deceiver ')
===> [ kuha ]1[ k'uha ]2 ind. (fr. 1. [ ku ]), where? RV.
===> kujana [ kujana ]3[ ku-jana ] m. a bad or wicked man BhP. (1) vulgar people
===> [ kujana ]1[ ku-jana ] &c. 1. [ ku ]
===> kukkura [ kukkura ]1[ kukkura ] m. (Uṇ. i, 41 (1) fr. [ kurkur'a ]), a dog Mṛcch. PSarv. Hit. (2) a despicable man of a mixed caste (= [ kukkuTa ]) Kāraṇḍ (3) N. of a Muni MBh. ii, 113 (4) of a prince (son of Andhaka) VP. (5) of an author, Tantr (6) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1872 ; vi, 368 VP. VarBṛS. (7) ([ I ]), f. a bitch VarBṛS. (8) ([ am ]), n. a vegetable perfume L.
===> kukkuṭa [ kukkuTa ]2[ kukkuT'a ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 14 Kāś.) a cock VS. i, 16 Mn. MBh. &c. (1) a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) (2) (= [ kukuTa ]) the plant Marsilea quadrifolia L. (3) a whisp of lighted straw or grass L. (4) a firebrand, spark of fire L. (5) the offspring of a Nishāda by a Sūdra woman (cf. [ kukkura ]) L. (6) ([ I ]) L. (7) (Pāṇ. 4-4, 46) a hen VarBṛS. lxiii, 3 (8) a small houselizard L. (9) the plant Dolichos pruriens Suśr. (10) (= [ kukUTI ]) the plant Salmalia malabarica (or the silk-cotton tree Bombax heptaphyllum) Suśr. (11) hypocrisy (cf. [ kaukkuTika ]) L. (12) ([ am ]), n. = [ kukkuT^asana ] Tantras
===> kukkuṭa-pakṣaka [ kukkuTapakSaka ]3[ kukkuT'a-pakSaka ] m. a knife shaped like the wing of a cock L.
===> kukūla [ kukUla ]1[ kukUla ] [ as ], or [ am ] m. or n. chaff Prab (1) conflagration or fire made of chaff L. (2) ([ am ]), n. a hole filled with stakes L. (3) armour, mail L.
===> kukṣi [ kukSi ]2[ kukS'i ] m. [ f. L. ] the belly, cavity of the abdomen (in the earlier language generally used in du. RV. VS. AV.) (1) the interior of anything W. (2) the womb R. Ragh. x, 60 &c. (3) a cavity in general (e. g. [ adri-kukSi ], cavity of a mountain Ragh. ii, 38) MBh. iii, 10694 &c. (4) a valley Kathās. lxv, 214 (5) (with [ sAgara ] or [ samudra ]) an ocean-cavity, i. e. a bay, gulf MBh. Pañcat (6) the sheath of a sword L. (7) steel L. (8) N. of a son of Priya-vrata and Kāmyā Hariv. 59 (9) of Bali Hariv. 191 (10) of a king MBh. i, 2692 (11) of a son of Ikshvāku and father of Vikukshi R. (12) of a teacher BhP. (13) of a region, g. [ dhUm^adi ], ([ is ]), f. N. of a daughter of Priyavrata and Kāmyā VP. ; [ cf. Lat. [ coxa ], [ coxendix ] ; Gk. ?? Old Germ. [ b^uh ] ; Mod. Germ. [ 287,2 ] [ Bauch ]. ]
===> kukṣi-gata [ kukSigata ]3[ kukS'i-gata ] mfn. being in the belly (1) [ °tI- ] √ 1. [ kR ], to devour Naish. ii, 83
===> kula [ kula ]1[ k'ula ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a herd, troop, flock, assemblage, multitude, number, &c. (of quadrupeds, birds, insects, &c., or of inanimate objects, e. g. [ go-kula ], a herd of cows R. &c. (1) [ mahiSIk° ], a herd of female buffaloes Ṛitus (2) [ ali-k° ], a swarm of bees Śiś. Gīt. &c. (3) [ alaka-k° ], a multitude of curls BhP.) (4) a race, family, community, tribe, caste, set, company (e. g. [ brAhmaNa-k° ], the caste of the Brāhmans BhP. (5) [ padAtInAM kula ], infantry Rājat. v, 247) (6) (ifc. with a gen. sg.) a lot, gang (e. g. [ caurasya-k° ], a gang of thieves) Pāṇ. 6-3, 21 Kāś (7) the residence of a family, seat of a community, inhabited country (as much ground as can be ploughed by two ploughs each drawn by six bulls Comm. on Mn. vii, 119) [ 294,3 ] (8) a house, abode MBh. (9) a noble or eminent family or race Mn. MBh. &c. (10) high station (in comp. ` chief, principal ', cf. [ kula-giri ], &c.) (11) the body L. (12) the front, forepart W. (13) a blue stone L. (14) (with Śāktas) N. of Śakti and of the rites observed in her worship (cf. [ kaula ]) (15) = [ kula-nakSatra ], q. v. Tantras (16) m. the chief of a corporation or guild L. (17) = [ kula-vAra ], q. v. Tantras (18) N. of a man R. vii, 43, 2 (19) ([ A ]), f. ` a principal day ', N. of the 4th and 8th and 12th and 14th day in a [ pakSa ], or half-month Tantras (20) ([ I ]), f. a wife's elder sister L. (21) the plant Solanum Jacquini or Solanum longum L.
===> kula-devatā [ kuladevatA ]3[ k'ula-devatA ] f. the family deity Kum. vii, 27 VP. &c. (1) = [ -devI ] f. N. of Durgā W.
===> kula-dharma [ kuladharma ]3[ k'ula-dharma ] m. practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, peculiar duty of caste or race ĀśvGṛ. Āp. Mn. &c. (1) peculiar practice or duty of the Kaulas
===> kula-duhitṛ [ kuladuhitR ]3[ k'ula-duhitR ] (Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 9), f. the daughter of a noble family, high-born maiden Kāraṇḍ
===> kula-ja [ kulaja ]3[ k'ula-ja ] mf ([ A ]) n. born in a noble family, well-born, of good breed Mn. viii, 179 Pañcat. Sāh. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. sour gruel Gal.
===> kula-putra [ kulaputra ]3[ k'ula-putra ] m. a son of a noble family, respectable youth MBh. Mṛcch. Daś. &c. (1) the plant Artemisia indica L. (2) ([ I ]), f. the daughter of a good family, high-born or respectable girl (= [ -duhitR ]) Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 9 (3) [ kulaputra-jana ] m. a son of a noble family Mṛcch
===> kula-putraka [ kulaputraka ]3[ k'ula-putraka ] m. a son of a noble family Kathās (1) the plant Artemisia indica Bhpr.
===> kula-vardhana [ kulavardhana ]3[ k'ula-vardhana ] mfn. increasing or advancing or propagating a family R.
===> kulattha [ kulattha ]1[ kulattha ] m. (fr. [ kula ]?, cf. [ azvattha ], [ kapittha ]), a kind of pulse (Dolichos uniflorus) Pāṇ. 4-4, 4 MBh. &c. (1) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 373 VP. (2) ([ A ]), f. a kind of Dolichos (Glycine labialis) L. (3) a blue stone used in medicine and applied as a collyrium to the eyes and as an astringent to sores, &c. L. (4) a species of metre
===> kulaṃ-kula [ kulaMkula ]3[ k'ula-Mkula ] mfn. visiting houses one after the other ŚāṅkhGṛ. Gaut
===> kulika [ kulika ]2[ kulika ] mfn. of good family W. (1) m. a kinsman Yājñ. ii, 233 (2) the chief or head man of a guild L. (3) any artisan of eminent birth L. (4) a hunter BhP. x, 47, 19 (5) a thorny plant (Ruellia longifolia or Asteracantha longifolia) L. (6) (= [ kulavAra ]) Tuesday or Friday (7) one of the eight chiefs of the Nāgas or serpent-race (described as having a half-moon on the top of his head and being of a dusky-brown colour) MBh. i, 2549 BhP. RāmatUp. [ 295,3 ] (8) N. of a prince VP. (9) a kind of poison Gal.
===> [ kulika ]1[ kulika ] [ k'ula ]
===> kuliśa [ kuliza ]1[ k'uliza ] m. (fr. 1. [ ku ] and [ liza ] for [ riza ] fr. √ [ riz ]), an axe, hatchet RV. i, 32, 5 and iii, 2, 1 AV. MBh. (1) ([ am ]), n. [ [ as ] m. Naigh. Nir. and L. ] the thunderbolt of Indra MBh. Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c. (2) (= [ vajra ]) a diamond Megh. Rājat. vi, 273 (3) m. a sort of fish Suśr. (4) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. the plant Heliotropium indicum L. (5) ([ 'I ]), f. N. of a river (supposed to be in the middle region of the sky) RV. i, 104, 4
===> kulmāṣa [ kulmASa ]1[ kulmASa ] m. (also [ As ] m. pl.) sour gruel (prepared by the spontaneous fermentation of the juice of fruits or of boiled rice) Suśr. (1) an inferior kind of grain, half-ripe barley ChUp. BhP. v, 9, 12 Bhpr. (2) m. a kind of disease L. (3) ([ am ]), n. sour gruel L. (4) forced rice L. (5) a sort of Phaseolus (= [ rAja-mASa ]) L. (6) a species of Dolichos (= [ yAvaka ]) L. (7) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river Hariv. 9507
===> kulya [ kulya ]1[ kulya ]1 1. [ kuly'A ]. [ k'ula ]
===> [ kulya ]1[ k'ulya ]2 mfn. (fr. 2. [ kuly'A ]), presiding over a river (as a deity) VS. xvi, 37
===> [ kulya ]1[ kulya ]3 n. a receptacle for bones (left from a burnt corpse) MBh. i, 150, 13 Hariv. 2098 (1) a bone L. (2) flesh L. (3) a winnowing basket L. (4) a measure of eight Droṇas L.
===> kulâṅgāra [ kulAGgAra ]3[ kul^aGgAra ] m. ` a family fire-brand ', a man who foments domestic dissensions or ruins his family Pañcat. BhP. Prasannar (1) ([ I ]), f. a woman who ruins her family Hariv. 9940
===> kulāla [ kulAla ]1[ k'ulAla ] m. (fr. √ [ kul ] Uṇ. i, 117), a potter VS. xvi, 27 Pāṇ. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) L. (2) an owl L. (3) N. of a prince VP. (4) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a potter Rājat. viii, 138 (5) (= [ kulatthA ]) the plant Glycine labialis L. (6) a blue stone applied as a collyrium to the eyes L.
===> kumati [ kumati ]3[ ku-mati ] f. vile sentiment (1) weak intellect, folly Daś. BhP. (2) (mfn.), of slow intellect, foolish BhP.
===> kumbha [ kumbha ]1[ kumbh'a ] m. a jar, pitcher, waterpot, ewer, small water-jar [ often ifc. (f. [ A ]), e. g. [ chidra-k° ], a perforated pitcher R. (1) [ Ama-k° ], a jar of unbaked clay Pañcat (2) [ hema-k° ], a golden ewer Ragh. ii, 36 Amar. (3) [ jala-k° ], a water-pot Pañcat. ] RV. AV. &c. (4) an urn in which the bones of a dead person are collected ĀśvGṛ. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (5) the sign of the zodiac Aquarius Jyot. VarBṛS. &c. (6) a measure of grain (equal to twenty Droṇas, a little more than three bushels and three gallons (7) commonly called a comb (8) some make it two Droṇas or sixty-four Seers) Mn. viii, 320 Hcat (9) the frontal globe or prominence on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant (there are two of these prominences which swell in the rutting season) MBh. Bhartṛ. &c. (10) a particular part of a bed VarBṛS. (11) N. of a plant (and also of its fruit) BhP. x, 18, 14 (12) the root of a plant used in medicine (13) a religious exercise, viz. closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing L. (14) the paramour of a harlot, bully, flash or fancy man L. (15) N. of a Mantra (pronounced over a weapon) R. i (16) N. of a Dānava (a son of Prahlāda and brother of Nikumbha) MBh. i, 2527 Hariv. (17) of a Rākshasa (son of Kumbhakarṇa) R. BhP. (18) of the father of the nineteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Jain. (19) of a monkey R. iv, 33, 14 (20) one of the thirty-four Jātakas or former births of Śākya-muni L. (21) N. of wk. Sāh (22) ([ A ]), f. a harlot L. (23) the plant Tiaridium indicum L. (24) (fr. √ [ kumbh ]) covering Vop (25) ([ 'I ]), f. a small jar or pot, earthen cooking vessel VS. AV. TS. &c. (26) N. of a hell Kāraṇḍ (27) of a plant Bālar (28) a small tree (the seeds of which are used in medicine, commonly Kaṭphala) L. (29) Bignonia suaveolens L. (30) Pistia Stratiotes L. (31) another plant (commonly Romaśa) L. (32) the plant Croton polyandrum L. (33) the plant Myrica sapida L. (34) ([ am ]), n. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum L. (35) a fragrant resin ([ g'uggulu ]), or the plant which bears it L. (36) gold Gal. (37) [ cf. Gk. [ 293,1 ] ? ; Lat. [ cymba ]. ]
===> kumbha-karṇa [ kumbhakarNa ]3[ kumbh'a-karNa ] m. ` pot-eared ', N. of a Rākshasa (the brother of Rāvaṇa, described in R. vi as sleeping for six months at a time and then waking to gorge himself MBh. iii R. Ragh. xii, 80 BhP. (1) N. of a Daitva Hariv. (2) of a Muni VāyuP. (3) of a locality (4) of Śiva MBh. xii, 10350 (5) [ -vadha ] m. ` the slaughter of Kumbhakarṇa ', N. of a section of the PadmaP.
===> kumbha-kāra [ kumbhakAra ]3[ kumbh'a-kAra ] m. a potter (being according to some authorities the son of a Brāhman by a wife of the Kshatriya caste) Yājñ. iii, 146 MBh. &c. (1) a serpent L. (2) a wild fowl (Phasianus gallus) L. (3) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a potter Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Kāś (4) N. of a girl Lalit. (5) a mineral substance used as an application to strengthen the eyes and beautify the eyelashes L. (6) red arsenic L.
===> kumbhaka [ kumbhaka ]2[ kumbhaka ] m. ifc. a pot Kathās (1) a measure (of grain, &c.) Jyot (2) the prominence on the upper part of an elephant's forehead MBh. xii, 4280 (3) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing the nostrils with the fingers of the right hand (a religious exercise) BhP. Vedântas. Sarvad. &c. (4) m. the base of a column Buddh. (5) N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2577 (6) ([ ikA ]), f. a small pot or pitcher Kathās. vi, 41 (7) the plant Myrica sapida Bhpr. (8) the plant Pistia Stratiotes L. (9) Bignonia suaveolens L. (10) a small shrub (= [ droNapuSpI ]) L. (11) a disease of the eyes (= [ kumbhIkA ]) (12) N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2633
===> kumbhâṇḍa [ kumbhANDa ]3[ kumbh^aNDa ] [ As ] m. pl. (perhaps a Prākṛt form for [ kuSmANDa ], q. v., but cf. [ kumbh'a-muSka ]) ` having testicles shaped like a Kumbha ', a class of demons (at whose head stands Rudra) Buddh. (1) m. N. of a minister of the Asura Bāṇa BhP. (2) ([ I ]), f. a pumpkin gourd (v. l. for [ kuSmANDI ]) L.
===> kumbhīra [ kumbhIra ]2[ kumbhIra ] m. a crocodile of the Ganges (the long-nosed alligator) MBh. xiii, 5457 Suśr. (1) N. of a Yaksha [ 293,3 ] (2) of a plant Gal.
===> kumitra [ kumitra ]3[ ku-mitra ] n. a bad friend ib.
===> [ kumitra ]1[ ku-mitra ] [ -mukha ], &c. 1. [ ku ]
===> kumuda [ kumuda ]2[ k'u-muda ] n. [ [ as ] m. L. ], ` exciting what joy ', the esculent white water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) AV. iv, 34, 5 Suśr. Śak. &c. (1) the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra) L. (2) m. camphor Bhpr. (3) (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka (4) N. of a particular comet VarBṛS. (5) of a Nāga MBh. Ragh (6) of an attendant of Skanda [ MBh. ix, 2558 ] or of Viṣṇu [ BhP. ] (7) of the elephant of the south-west or southern quarter L. (8) of a Daitya L. (9) of a son of Gada by Bṛhatī Hariv. 9193 (10) of a confidant of king Unmatt^avanti Rājat (11) of a monkey-hero MBh. R. (12) of a poet (13) of a pupil of Pathya BhP. xii, 7, 2 (14) of a mountain BhP. VP. (15) of one of the smaller Dvīpas VP. (16) ([ A ]), f. a form of Durgā BhP. x, 2, 12 MatsyaP. (17) the plant Gmelina arborea L. (18) the plant Pistia Stratiotes L. (19) the plant Desmodium gangeticum L. (20) the plant Grislea tomentosa L. (21) another plant (commonly Kaṭphala) L. (22) ([ I ]), f. the plant Kaṭphala (Myrica sapida) (23) ([ am ]), n. camphor L. (24) silver L.
===> kumāra [ kumAra ]1[ kumAr'a ] m. (fr. 1. [ ku ] + [ mAra ], √ [ mṚ ] ? ` easily dying ' (1) fr. √ 2. [ kam ] Uṇ. iii, 138) a child, boy, youth (2) son RV. AV. &c. (3) a prince, heir-apparent associated in the kingdom with the reigning monarch (especially in theatrical language) Ragh. Mālav. &c. (4) a groom L. (5) N. of Skanda (or Kārittikeya, q. v. (6) represented as a beautiful youth (7) also as the author of certain grammatical Sūtras, cf. [ kal^apa ] (8) also as causing certain diseases Suśr.) MBh. Hariv. &c. (9) N. of a son of Agni (who is the author of some Vedic hymns) RAnukr. (10) one of the nine names of Agni ŚBr. vi (11) N. of a Prajāpati VāyuP. (12) of Mañju-śrī Buddh. (13) of a river VP. (14) of the Sindhu river L. (15) of the author of a Dharmaśāstra (16) of the attendant of the twelfth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Jain. (17) a parrot L. (18) the tree Capparis trifoliata (cf. [ kumAraka ]) (19) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1075 and 1870 (cf. [ kumAlaka ]) (20) ([ 'I ]), f. a young girl, one from ten to twelve years old, maiden, daughter AV. AitBr. &c. (21) or (in the Tantras) any virgin up to the age of sixteen or before menstruation has commenced (22) N. of certain flags (set up along with Indra's banner) VarBṛS. (23) N. of the wife of Bhīma-sena (son of Parīkshit) MBh. i, 3796 (24) of a daughter of Vasu-deva by Rohiṇī Hariv. 1952 (25) of Sītā (Rāma's wife) L. (26) of the goddess Durgā Hariv. 9425 (27) of Dākshāyaṇī (in Māyā-purī) MatsyaP. (28) of a metre (a kind of Śakvarī, consisting of four lines of sixteen syllables each) (29) the bird commonly called Śyāmā L. (30) the plant Aloe perfoliata L. (31) the plant Clitoria ternatea (= [ a-parAjitA ]) L. (32) the plant Jasminum Sambac L. (33) the plant commonly called [ bandhyA-karkoTakI ] L. (34) the blossom of the plants Taruṇī and Modinī L. (35) great cardamoms L. (36) the most southerly of the nine portions of the known continent or of Jambū-dvīpa (the southern extremity of the peninsula, whence the modern name Cape Comorin [ Kumārī ]) W. (37) the central part of the universe (according to Hindū geography, Jambū-dvīpa or India) L. (38) N. of a river flowing from the mountain Śuktimat MBh. Hariv. VP. (39) of another river Hcat (40) (when a name is given to a pupil to indicate his attachment to any particular master, [ kumArI ] may be prefixed to denote that the pupil's object is to gain the affections of the master's daughter, e. g. [ kumArI-dAkSa ], q. v. s. v. [ kumArI ]) (41) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Varsha governed by Kumāra (the son of Bhavya) VP. (42) pure gold L.
===> kumāraka [ kumAraka ]2[ kumArak'a ] m. a little boy, boy, youth RV. viii, 30, 1 ; 69, 15 ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) (also ifc., e. g. [ RSi-k° ], a young Ṛshi Śak (2) [ nAga-k° ], a young Nāga Kathās.) (3) the pupil of the eye ŚBr. iii (4) N. of a Nāga MBh. i. 2154 (5) the plant Capparis trifoliata L. (6) ([ ik'A ]), f. a girl from ten to twelve years old, virgin AV. TāṇḍyaBr. MBh. &c. (7) a female servant VarBṛS. (8) an insect (Sphex asiatica) L. (9) double jasmine (Jasminum Sambac) L. (10) large cardamoms L.
---> N. of a part of Bhārata-varsha (a division of the known continent) VP. (11) N. of a river Hcat
===> kumārī [ kumArI ]2[ kumArI ] f. of [ °r'a ], q. v. (1) (mfn.) desirous of a daughter Pāṇ. 1-4, 3 Pat.
===> kunda [ kunda ]1[ kunda ] m. (Uṇ. iv, 101) a kind of jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens) MBh. &c. (1) fragrant oleander (Nerium odorum, [ karavIra ]) L. (2) Olibanum (the resin of the plant Boswellia thurifera) L. (3) a turner's lathe L. (4) one of Kubera's nine treasures (N. of a [ guhyaka ] Gal.) L. (5) the number ` nine ' W. (6) N. of Viṣṇu MBh. xiii. 7036 (7) of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 10 (8) ([ am ]), n. the jasmine flower
===> kunduru [ kunduru ]2[ kunduru ] [ us ] mf. Boswellia thurifera VarBṛS. lvii, 5 (1) the resin of that plant (Olibanum)
===> kunduruka [ kunduruka ]2[ kunduruka ] m. Olibanum Suśr. VarBṛS. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. L. (2) ([ I ]), f. Boswellia thurifera L.
===> kunta [ kunta ]1[ kunta ] m. a spear, lance [ cf. Lat. [ contus ] (1) Gk. [ 291,1 ] ? ] R. &c.
---> a small animal, insect L. (2) a species of grain (Coix barbata) L. (3) passion L. (4) the god of love Gal.
===> kuntala [ kuntala ]2[ kuntala ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] Gīt. ii, 15) the hair of the head, lock of hair BhP. Sāh. &c. (1) a particular head-dress L. (2) a drinking cup L. (3) a plough L. (4) barley L. (5) a kind of perfume (= [ hrIvera ]) L. (6) (in music) a certain Dhruvaka (7) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP. &c. (8) m. a prince of that people MBh. ii, 1270 VarBṛS.
===> kuntī [ kuntI ]2[ kuntI ] f. N. of Pṛthā (daughter of a Yādava prince named Śūra [ or Vasu Hariv. 5255 ], who gave her to his childless cousin Kunti or Kuntibhoja, by whom she was adopted (1) she afterwards became one of the wives of Pāṇḍu (2) on one occasion before her marriage she paid such respect to the powerful sage Durvāsas that he taught her an incantation or charm, by virtue of which she was to have a child by any god she liked to invoke (3) out of curiosity she invoked the Sun, by whom she had a child, cf. [ karNa ] (4) but the Sun afterwards restored to her her maidenhood: soon after his marriage Pāṇḍu retired to the woods to indulge his passion for hunting (5) there he killed a male and female deer, who turned out to be a Ṛshi and his wife in the form of these animals (6) the sage cursed Pāṇḍu and predicted that he would die in the embrace of one of his wives [ 291,2 ] (7) hence Pāṇḍu lived apart from Kuntī, but with his approval she made use of her charm and had three sons, Yudhishṭhira, Bhīma, and Arjuna, by the three deities Dharma, Vāyu, and Indra respectively (8) cf. [ mAdrI ]) Pāṇ. MBh. &c. (9) N. of a Rākshasī Buddh. (10) of a river VP. (11) the wife of a Brāhman L. (12) the plant Boswellia thurifera L. (13) a fragrant resin (= [ guggulu ]) L.
===> kunāla [ kunAla ]1[ kunAla ] m. a kind of bird (living on the Himālaya) Buddh. (1) N. of a son of king Aśoka (named after the eyes of that bird) ib. (cf. [ kuNAla ].)
===> kuputra [ kuputra ]3[ ku-putra ] m. (g. [ manojJ^adi ]) a bad or wicked son (1) a son of an inferior degree (as an adopted son, &c.) Mn. ix, 161 Pañcat
===> kupya [ kupya ]2[ kupya ] mfn. to be excited MBh. xv, 821 ([ a-k° ] neg.) (1) ([ am ]), n. base metal, any metal but silver and gold, copper, brass, &c., zinc, lapis calaminaris, pewter, tutenag Mn. vii, 96 ; x, 113 (2) xi Yājñ. &c. (3) m. N. of a man Rājat. vi, 264
===> [ kupya ]1[ kupya ] √ 1. [ kup ]
===> kurara [ kurara ]1[ kurara ] m. (fr. √ 3. [ ku ] Uṇ. iii, 133) an osprey Yājñ. i, 174 MBh. &c. (1) also another species of eagle W. (2) the plant Capparis aphylla Gal. (3) N. of a mountain BhP. v, 16, 27 (4) ([ I ]), f. a female osprey MBh. &c. (5) an ewe L.
===> kuraṇṭa [ kuraNTa ]1[ kuraNTa ] m. yellow amaranth ([ pIt^amlAna ]) L. (1) the plant Marsilea quadrifolia L.
===> kuru [ kuru ]1[ k'uru ] [ avas ] m. pl., N. of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the Pañcālas (1) hence often connected with Pañcāla or Pañcāla [ see [ kuru-paJc° ] below ]: the [ uttara-kuravaH ], or [ uttarAH kuravaH ] are the northern Kurus, the most northerly of the four Mahā-dvīpas or principal divisions of the known world [ distinguished from the [ dakSiNAH kuravaH ] or southern Kurus MBh. i, 4346 ], by other systems regarded as one of the nine divisions or Varshas of the same (2) it was probably a country beyond the most northern range of the Him^alaya, often described as a country of everlasting happiness [ AitBr. MBh. &c. ], and considered by some to be the ancient home of the Āryan race) (3) = [ Rtvijas ] (priests) Naigh (4) = [ kartAras ] (` doers ', fr. √ 1. [ kR ]) Comm. on ChUp. (5) ([ us ]), m. N. of the ancestor of the Kurus (son of Saṃvaraṇa and Tapatī, daughter of the sun [ MBh. i, 3738 ff. Hariv. 1799 &c. ] (6) Kuru is the ancestor of both Pāṇḍu and Dhṛta-rāshṭra, though the patronymic derived from his name is usually applied only to the sons of the latter, the sons and descendants of the former being called Pāṇḍavas) (7) N. of a son of Āgnīdhra and grandson of Priya-vrata VP. BhP. (8) boiled rice L. (9) the plant Solanum Jacquini (= [ kaNTakArikA ]) L. (10) ([ Us ]), f. a princess of the Kuru race Pāṇ. 4-1, 66 & 176 (cf. [ kaurava ], &c.)
===> kuru-kṣetra [ kurukSetra ]3[ k'uru-kSetr'a ] n. ` the field of the Kurus ', N. of an extensive plain near Delhi (the scene of the great battles between the Kurus and Pāṇḍus) AitBr. ŚBr. &c. (1) ([ As ]), m. pl. the inhabitants of that country (renowned for their bravery) Mn. vii, 193
===> kurukullā [ kurukullA ]1[ kurukullA ] f. (fr. [ °ru-kulyA ], ` belonging to the Kuru race ' ?), N. of a Buddh. deity
===> kuruvinda [ kuruvinda ]1[ kuruvinda ] m. a kind of barley Suśr. Comm. on Śiś. ix, 8 (1) a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus) L. (2) the plant Terminalia Catappa L. (3) the bud of a flower L. (4) = [ kulmASa ] (cf. [ kuru-bilvaka ]) L. (5) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a ruby Suśr. Daś. Śiś. ix, 8 (6) ([ am ]), n. black salt L. (7) cinnabar L.
===> kuruṇṭa [ kuruNTa ]1[ kuruNTa ] m. yellow amaranth L. (1) yellow Barleria L. (2) ([ I ]), f. a doll, puppet made of wood L. (3) the wife of a Brāhman L.
===> kurvat [ kurvat ]1[ kurvat ] mfn. (pr. p. P., √ 1. [ kR ]) doing, acting, &c. (1) acting as a servant, agent, servant L. (2) present, actual AitBr. iv, 31, 3
===> kurūpa [ kurUpa ]3[ ku-rUpa ] mfn. ill-shaped, deformed, ugly Pañcat. Kathās (1) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. ugliness
===> [ kurUpa ]1[ ku-rUpa ] &c. 1. [ ku ]
===> kusuma [ kusuma ]1[ kusuma ] n. (fr. √ [ kus ] Uṇ (1) g. [ ardharc^adi ]), a flower, blossom Mn. xi, 70 R. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) Mālav. & Ratnāv. [ 298,2 ] (2) N. of the shorter sections of Deveśvara's Kavi-kalpa-latā (the longer chapters being called [ stabaka ]) (3) fruit L. (4) the menstrual discharge L. (5) a particular disease of the eyes L. (6) m. a form of fire Hariv. 10465 (7) N. of an attendant of the sixth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L. (8) N. of a prince Buddh.
===> kusumbha [ kusumbha ]2[ kusumbha ] m. [ [ am ] n. L. ] safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) Suśr. VarBṛS. Śiś. &c. (1) saffron (Crocus sativus) L. (2) ` the water-pot of the student and Saṃnyāsin ', [ -vat ] (3) m. outward affection (compared with the colour of safflower) Sāh. [ 298,3 ]
---> N. of a mountain BhP. v, 16, 27 (4) ([ I ]), f. = [ manthara ] L. (5) ([ am ]), n. gold L.
===> kusumita [ kusumita ]2[ kusumita ] mfn. (g. [ tArak^adi ]) furnished with flowers, in flower MBh. Mṛcch. &c.
===> kusumâyudha [ kusumAyudha ]3[ kusum^ayudha ] m. ` flower-armed ', N. of Kāma (the god of love, his arrows being tipped with flowers) Śak. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) N. of a Brāhman Kathās
===> kusīda [ kusIda ]1[ k'usIda ] mfn. (fr. 1. [ ku ] and √ [ sad ]? (1) cf. [ kuSIda ]), lazy, inert (?) TS. vii (2) ([ am ]), n. any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest, lending money upon interest, usury TS. iii Gobh. Gaut. Pāṇ. &c. (3) red sandal wood L. (4) ([ as ], [ A ]), mf. a money-lender, usurer L.
===> kusūla [ kusUla ]1[ kus'Ula ] m. (also written [ kuzUla ]) a granary, store-room (in which rice or other grain is kept) BhP. (1) a frying-pan L. (2) pulse L. (3) a kind of goblin AV. viii, 6, 10
===> kutapa [ kutapa ]3[ ku-tapa ] mfn. slightly hot W. (1) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a sort of blanket (made of the hair of the mountain goat) Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. VarBṛS. (2) m. the Kuśa grass (Poa cynosuroides) Hcat (3) the eighth Muhūrta or portion of the day from the last Daṇḍa of the second watch to the first of the third or about noon (an eligible time for the performance of sacrifices to the Manes) MBh. xiii, 6040 MatsyaP. (4) grain L. (5) a daughter's son L. (6) a sister's son L. (7) a twice-born man (one of the first three classes) L. (8) a Brāhman L. (9) a guest L. (10) the sun L. (11) fire L. (12) an ox L. (13) a kind of musical instrument L. (14) [ -saptaka ] n. a Śrāddha in which seven constituents occur (viz. noon, a horn platter, a Nepāl blanket, silver, sacrificial grass, Sesamum, and kine) W. (15) [ -sauzruta ] m. N. of a man, g. [ pArthiv^adi ]
===> [ kutapa ]3[ ku-tapa ] &c. ib.
===> kutarka [ kutarka ]3[ ku-tarka ] m. fallacious argument, sophistry BhP. MārkP. (1) a bad logician KapS. vi, 34
===> kutas [ kutas ]1[ k'utas ] ind. (fr. 1. [ ku ]), from whom? (for the abl. case of 2. [ k'a ]) RV. i, 164, 18 AV. viii, 9, 4 (1) ([ kutaH kAlAt ], since what time? VP.) (2) from where? whence? RV. &c. (3) whereto? in which direction? BhP. viii, 19, 34 (4) ([ A kutas ], up to where? Pat.) (5) where? R. vii, 23, 3 (6) wherefore? why? from what cause or motive? because Lāṭy. &c. (often in dramas before verses giving the reason of what precedes) (7) how? in what manner? ChUp. &c. (8) how much less? much less ChUp. MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c. In [ a-kutas ], which occurs in comp., [ kutas ] has an indefinite sense (e. g. [ a-kuto-mRtyu ], not fearing death from any quarter BhP. iii, 17, 19 (9) cf. [ a-kutobhaya ]) (10) [ kutas ] is also indefinite when connected with the particles [ api ], [ cid ], [ cana ] (e. g. [ kuto 'pi ], from any quarter, from any cause Pañcat (11) [ kuto 'pi kAraNAt ], from any cause Prab (12) [ kutaz-cid ], from any one, from anywhere RV. KaṭhUp. &c. (cf. [ akutazcid-bhaya ]) (13) [ kutaz cana ], (with a negation preceding) from no side RV. TUp. &c. (14) to no side R. v, 74, 21 (15) [ yataH kutaz-cid ] from any person soever Comm. on KātyŚr.)
===> kutastya [ kutastya ]3[ k'utas-tya ] mfn. coming from where? Uttarar. Prasannar (1) (with [ api ]) of unknown origin Uttarar
===> kutra [ kutra ]1[ k'utra ] ind. (fr. 1. [ ku ]), where? whereto? in which case? when? RV. &c. (1) wherefore? Pañcat. Hit. (2) [ kutra-kva ], where (this) -where (that), i. e. how distant or how different is this from that, how little is this consistent with that? BhP. vii, 9, 25. [ kutra ] becomes indefinite when connected with the particles [ api ], [ cid ] e. g. [ kutr^api ], anywhere, somewhere, wherever, to any place, wheresoever Pañcat. MārkP. (3) [ k'utrA cid ] [ RV. ] or [ kutra cid ] [ R. &c. ], anywhere, somewhere, wheresoever (4) [ na kutra cid ], nowhere, to no place whatsoever MBh. Pañcat (5) = [ kasmiMz-cid ] e. g. [ kutra cid araNye ], in a certain wood Pañcat (6) [ kutra cid-kutra cid ], in one case-in the other case, sometimes-sometimes Mn. ix, 34 (7) [ yatra kutra cid ], wherever it be, here or there Comm. on KapS. i, 69
===> kutsana [ kutsana ]2[ kutsana ] n. abuse, reviling, reproach Pāṇ. Mn. iv, 163 (1) reproachful or abusive expression Pāṇ. 2-1, 53 (2) ([ A ]), f. an expression of contempt Nir. ii, 3
===> kutsita [ kutsita ]2[ kutsita ] mfn. despised, reviled, contemptible, vile Nir. Pāṇ. MBh. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. the grass Cyperus L.
===> kutupa [ kutupa ]1[ kutupa ] m. a small [ kutU ], or leathern oil-bottle Pāṇ. 5-3, 89 (1) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. the eighth Muhūrta of the day (= [ ku-tapa ], q. v.) L.
===> kutūhala [ kutUhala ]1[ kutUhala ] n. (fr. [ kutas ] and [ hala ], ` calling out ' ?), curiosity, interest in any extra-ordinary matter Sāh. &c. (1) inclination, desire for ([ prati ] loc. or in comp.) Śak. &c. (2) eagerness, impetuosity (3) what excites curiosity, anything interesting, fun Pañcat (4) (mfn.) surprising, wonderful W. (5) excellent, celebrated W. (cf. [ kautUhala ].)
===> kuśa [ kuza ]1[ kuz'a ] m. grass ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. (1) (the Brāhmaṇas commonly call it [ darbh'a ]) (2) the sacred grass used at certain religious ceremonies (Poa cynosuroides, a grass with long pointed stalks) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c. (3) a rope (made of Kuśa grass) used for connecting the yoke of a plough with the pole L. (4) N. of a son of Vasu Uparicara Hariv. 1806 (5) of the founder of Kuśathalī SkandaP. (6) of a son of Balāk^aśva (grandson of Balāka, father of Kuśāmba or Kuśa-nābha) R. BhP. ix, 19, 4 (7) of a son of Suhotra (cf. [ kAza ]) BhP. (8) of a son of Vidarbha ib. (9) of a son of Rāma (cf. [ kuzIlava ]) Hariv. 822 BhP. Ragh. xvi, 72 (10) of and son of Lava (king of Kaśmira) Rājat. i, 88 (11) one of the great Dvīpas or divisions of the universe (surrounded by the sea of liquified butter) BhP. v, 1, 32 VP. [ 297,1 ] (12) ([ A ]), f. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 46) a small pin or piece of wood (used as a mark in recitation) Lāṭy. ii, 6, 1 and 4 (13) a cord (cf. [ k'azA ]) L. (14) a horse's bridle (cf. [ k'azA ]) L. (15) N. of a plant (commonly Madhu-karkaṭikā) L. (16) ([ 'I ]), f. (= [ kuzA ]) a small pin (used as a mark in recitation and consisting of wood [ MaitrS. iv ] or of metal [ TBr. i ŚBr. iii ] (17) a ploughshare L. (18) a pod of cotton L. (19) ([ am ]), n. water (20) (mfn.) wicked, depraved L. (21) mad, inebriate L.
===> kuśa-cīra [ kuzacIra ]3[ kuz'a-cIra ] n. a garment made of Kuśa grass R. ii, 37, 10 (1) ([ A ]), f. ` covered with a garment of Kuśa grass ', N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 23
===> kuśala [ kuzala ]1[ k'uzala ] mf ([ A ]) n. (gaṇas [ sidhm^adi ], [ zreNy-Adi ], and [ zramaN^adi ]) right, proper, suitable, good (e. g. [ kuzalaM ] √ [ man ], to consider good, approve AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.) (1) well, healthy, in good condition, prosperous R. &c. (2) fit for, competent, able, skilful, clever, conversant with (loc. [ Pāṇ. 2-3, 40 ChUp. Mn. &c. ], gen. [ Pāṇ. 2-3, 40 Yājñ. ii, 181 ], inf. [ MBh. ], or in comp. [ gaṇa [ zauND^adi ] (3) Gaut Mn. &c. ]) (4) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 359 (5) N. of the Brāhmans in Kuśadvīpa BhP. v, 20, 16 (6) m. N. of Śiva (7) of a prince VP. (8) of a grammarian (author of the Pañjikā-pradīpa) (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman, g. [ bAhv-Adi ] (10) ([ I ]), f. the plant Oxalis Corniculata (= [ azmantaka ]) L. (11) the plant [ kSudr^amlikA ] L. (12) ([ am ]), n. welfare, well-being, prosperous condition, happiness TUp. Gaut. Āp. MBh. &c. [ [ kuzalam-√ pracch ], to ask after another's welfare, to say ` how do you do? ' Mn. MBh. &c. (13) [ kuzalaM te ] (optionally with dat. Pāṇ. 2-3, 73), ` hail to thee! ' (used as a salutation, especially in greeting a Brāhman) MBh. &c. ] (14) benevolence R. ii, 34, 22 (15) virtue L. (16) cleverness, competence, ability Pañcat (17) N. of a Varsha governed by Kuśala VP. (18) ([ am ]), ind. well, in a proper manner, properly ChUp. (19) (in comp.) g. [ vispaST^adi ] (20) happily, cheerfully, (with √ [ As ], ` to be well ') BhP. (21) ([ ena ]), ind. in due order Gobh. (also in comp. [ kuzala- ])
===> kuśalin [ kuzalin ]2[ kuzalin ] mfn. healthy, well, prosperous MBh. &c. (1) auspicious, favourable Sāh (2) clever (3) virtuous W.
===> kuśi-nagara [ kuzinagara ]3[ kuzi-nagara ] n. N. of the capital of the Mallas Buddh. (1) ([ I ]), f. id. ib.
===> kuśika [ kuzika ]1[ kuzik'a ] mfn. squint-eyed L. (1) ([ 'as ]), m. N. of the father [ or grandfather MBh. Hariv. ] of Viśvā-mitra RV. iii, 33, 5 MBh. &c. (2) of the father of Gāthin or Gādhin or Gādhi (the latter being sometimes identified with Indra, who is called Kauśika or Kuśik^ottama MBh. xiii, 800 (3) Gādhi is also regarded as the father of Viśvā-mitra MBh. R.) (4) ([ 'As ]), m. pl. the descendants of Kuśika RV. AitBr. &c. (5) N. of a people VarBṛS. (6) m. N. of the thirteenth Kalpa VāyuP. (7) the sediment of oil L. (8) the plant Shorea Robusta L. (9) the plant Terminalia Bellerica L. (10) the plant Vatika Robusta L. (11) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a ploughshare L. (12) ([ A ]), f. the top of the col.
===> kuśâgra [ kuzAgra ]3[ kuz^agra ] n. the sharp point of a blade of the Kuśa grass MBh. iii, 11023 (1) N. of a prince (the son of Bṛhad-ratha) Hariv. 1807 BhP. (2) (mfn.) sharp, shrewd W. (3) [ -buddhi ] mfn. one whose intelligence is as sharp as the point of Kuśa grass, shrewd, intelligent Ragh. v, 4 (4) ([ is ]), f. shrewdness W.
===> kuḍava [ kuDava ]2[ kuDava ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. a measure of grain or of wood or of iron &c. (4th part of a Prastha, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep and containing 12 Prakṛtis or handfuls (1) also said to contain 13 1/2 cubic Aṅgulas, or to contain 64 cubic Aṅgulas [ ŚārṅgS. ], or to be a finger and a half deep and three fingers each in length and breadth (2) it med. it is equal to two Prakṛtis or thirty-two Tolakas) MBh. Jyot. VarBṛS. &c.
===> kuḍmala [ kuDmala ]1[ kuDmala ] mfn. filled with buds MBh. iv, 393 R. Ragh. xviii, 36 (1) ([ as ], or [ am ]) m. or n. a bud (sometimes written [ kuTmala ]) Mṛcch. Ragh. BhP. &c. (cf. [ stana-k° ]) (2) ([ am ]), n. a particular hell Mn. iv, 89 Yājñ. iii, 222
===> kuḍya [ kuDya ]1[ kuDya ] n. a wall Yājñ. MBh. &c. (1) plastering (a wall) L. (2) curiosity L. (3) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ kattry-Adi ]) a wall BhP. vii, 1, 27
===> kuṇapa [ kuNapa ]1[ k'uNapa ] n. [ [ as ] m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] ] a dead body, corpse AV. TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c. (1) (said contemptuously of) the living body BhP. (2) dung (3) m. a spear MBh. R. (4) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (5) ([ I ]), f. a small bird (Maina or Salik, cf. [ viT-sArikA ]) (6) ([ kuN'apa ]), mfn. mouldering, smelling like a carcase ŚBr. Suśr.
===> kuṇi [ kuNi ]1[ kuNi ] mfn. having a crooked or withered arm or an arm without a hand or finger MBh. iii, 1270 Suśr. (1) ([ is ]), m. a whitlow W. (2) the tree Cedrela Toona (= [ tunna ]) L. (3) N. of a prince (son of Jaya) BhP. ix, 24, 13 (4) of the author of a Comm. on Pāṇ. Bhartṛ. Comm. on Pat. of a man, Tāṇḍya. Br. xiii, 4, 11 Sch. (5) of a Ṛshi, Vāyup (6) of Garga MBh. ix, 2981 f. (7) of the author of a Dharma-śāstra Parāś
===> kuṇāla [ kuNAla ]1[ kuNAla ] m. a kind of bird Lalit. (1) N. of a son of Aśoka (whose eyes were put out in consequence of a rivalry between Aśoka's wives) (2) N. of a place Uṇ. iii, 75
===> kuṇḍa [ kuNDa ]1[ kuNDa ] n. [ [ as ] m. L. ], a bowlshaped vessel, basin, bowl, pitcher, pot, water-pot KātyŚr. MBh. &c. (1) a vessel for coals R. v, 10, 16 &c. (2) a round hole in the ground (for receiving and preserving water or fire, cf. [ agni-kuNDa ]), pit, well, spring or basin of water (especially consecrated to some holy purpose or person) MBh. R. &c. (3) m. an adulterine, son of a woman by another man than her husband while the husband is alive Mn. iii, 174 (4) (see. [ gola ] and [ -golaka ] below) (5) N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10358 (6) of a Nāga MBh. i, 4828 (7) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4550 (8) ([ A ]), f. (√ [ kuND ]) mutilation Pāṇ. 3-3, 103, Kāś (9) N. of Durgā L. (10) ([ I ]) f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 42) a bowl, pitcher, pot Hcat. Prasannar (11) ([ ami ]), n. ifc. a clump (e. g. [ darbha-k° ], a clump of Darbha grass) Pāṇ. 6-2, 136 (12) a particular measure L. (13) N. of certain mystical figures (14) a particular appearance of the moon (surrounded by a circle) VarBṛS. iv, 15
===> kuṇḍala [ kuNDala ]1[ kuNDala ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) g. [ sidhm^adi ] and [ ardharc^adi ]) a ring, ear-ring ĀśvGṛ. Lāṭy. Mn. &c. (2) a bracelet Śiś. vi, 27 (3) a fetter, tie L. (4) the coil of a rope L. (5) a particular disease of the bladder Car. (6) m. (in music) a kind of measure (7) N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2154 (8) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. [ kuNThaka ]) MBh. vi (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman MārkP. (10) ([ I ]), f. a kind of drum (perhaps [ kuNDalI ] nom. sg. fr. [ °lin ], m.) (11) a particular, dish (curds boiled with ghee and rice) (12) N. of a Śakti (13) mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L. (14) Cocculus cordifolius Bhpr. (15) Mucuna pruritus (= [ kapi-kacchu ]) L. (16) N. of two other plants (Sarpiṇī-vṛksha and Kuṇḍalī-cālana) L. (17) N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 21
===> kuṇḍalin [ kuNDalin ]2[ kuNDalin ] mfn. decorated with ear-rings MBh. R. &c. (1) circular, annulate, Harriv. 4664 (2) ([ I ]), m. a snake Rājat. i, 2 (3) the spotted or painted deer L. (4) a peacock L. (5) the tree Bauhinia variegata Bhpr. (6) N. of Śiva (7) of Varuṇa L. (8) ([ inI ]), f. the plant Coccus cordifolius L. (9) a particular dish (curds boiled with ghee and rice) Bhpr. (10) a Śakti or form of Durgā
===> kuṇṭhaka [ kuNThaka ]2[ kuNThaka ] mfn. stupid L. (1) ([ As ]), m. N. of a pupil of Luṇṭaka (2) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. [ kuNDala ]) MBh. vi, 370 VP.
===> kuṣṭha [ kuSTha ]1[ k'uSTha ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (fr. 1. [ ku ] + [ stha ] Pāṇ. 8-3, 97) the plant Costus speciosus or arabicus (used as a remedy for the disease called [ takm'an ]) AV. Kauś. 35 R. ii, 94, 23 Suśr. (1) the plant Saussurea auriculata (2) m. (= [ kakundara ]) cavity of the loin [ Comm. (3) but perhaps = [ k'uSThikA ] ] VS. xxv, 6 (4) ([ A ]), f. the prominent part of anything, mouth or opening (of a basket) TāṇḍyaBr. xxi PārGṛ. Comm. on KātyŚr. (5) = [ k'uSThikA ] (taken as measure equal to ` one-twelfth ') MaitrS. iii, 7, 7 (6) ([ am ]), n. leprosy (of which eighteen varieties are enumerated, i. e. seven severe and eleven less so) Suśr. Bhartṛ. i, 89 Kathās (7) a sort of poison L.
===> kuṭaka [ kuTaka ]2[ kuTaka ] m. a kind of tree Kauś. 8 (v. l. [ kuTuka ]) (1) = [ kuThara ], q. v. L. (2) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people BhP. v, 6, 8 and 10 (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a hut Divyâv (4) N. of a river R. ii, 71, 15 (v. l. [ kuTilA ]) (5) ([ am ]), n. a plough without a pole L.
===> kuṭhāra [ kuThAra ]2[ kuThAra ] m. an axe R. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) a sort of hoe or spade W. (2) a tree (= [ kuTha ]) L. (3) N. of a man, g. [ ziv^adi ] (4) of a Nāga MBh. i, 2156 (5) (ii), f. an axe L.
===> kuṭi [ kuTi ]2[ kuTi ] f. ` a curvature, curve ', [ bhRk° ], [ bhruk° ] (1) a hut, cottage, hall, shop (= [ kuTI ], q. v.) Uṇ. iv, 144 (2) ([ is ]), m. a tree L. (3) the body L.
===> [ kuTi ]2[ kuTi ]
===> kuṭumba [ kuTumba ]1[ kuTumba ] n. a household, members of a household, family ChUp. Āp. Mn. &c. (1) the care of a family, house-keeping (hence metaphorically care or anxiety about anything (2) ifc. BhP. i, 9, 39) (3) N. of the second astrological mansion (= [ artha ]) VarBṛ. (4) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. name L. (5) race L. (6) a relation (by descent, or by marriage from the mother's side) L. (7) offspring, progeny L.
===> kuṭumbika [ kuTumbika ]2[ kuTumbika ] mfn. taking care of a household MBh. xiii, 4401 (1) m. a home-slave L.
===> kuṭumbin [ kuTumbin ]2[ kuTumbin ] [ I ] m. a householder Āp. Mn. iii, 80 Yājñ. &c. (1) ifc. (metaphorically) one who takes care of anything R. vi, 89, 19 (2) a member of a family, any one (also a servant) belonging to a family Pañcat. Kathās. Śāntiś (3) a peasant Inscr. (4) ([ inI ]), f. the wife of a householder, mother of a family MBh. Ragh. &c. (5) a female servant of a house Comm. on Yājñ. (6) a large household, g. [ khal^adi ] (7) a small shrub used in med. ([ kSIriNI ], a kind of moon-plant) L. (8) ([ inau ]), m. pl. the householder and his wife Āp.
===> kuṭī [ kuTI ]2[ kuTI ] f. ` a curvature, curve ', [ bhRk° ], [ bhruk° ] (1) a hut, cottage, house, hall, shop MBh. R. &c. (2) a room with openings used for fumigations Car. Suśr. (3) a bawd L. (4) a nosegay, bundle or tuft of flowers or vegetables L. (5) a kind of perfume (commonly Murā), or = [ surA ] (spirituous liquor) L.
===> [ kuTI ]2[ kuTI ] &c.,
===> kuṭṭa [ kuTTa ]2[ kuTTa ] mfn. ifc. breaking or bruising, grinding, &c., cf. [ azma-k° ], [ zilA-k° ] (1) m. a multiplier such that a given dividend being multiplied by it and a given quantity added to (or subtracted from) the product, the sum (or difference) may be measured by a given divisor
===> kuṭṭita [ kuTTita ]2[ kuTTita ] mfn. bruised Bhpr. (1) pounded, flattened (2) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ sirA ]) unskilful opening of a vein (the latter being cut to pieces by repeated application of the knife) Suśr.
===> kva [ kva ]1[ kv'a ] ind. (fr. 1. [ ku ] Pāṇ. 5-3, 12 (1) Vii, 2, 105), loc. of 2. [ k'a ] = [ kasmin ], or [ katarasmin ] Mn. x, 66 ([ kva zreyas-tvam ], in whom is the preference?) Kathās. lxxxiii, 36 (2) where? in what place? whither? RV. (sometimes connected with particles [ 'aha ], [ 'id ], [ iva ], [ sv'id ]) &c. (3) (connected with [ nu ]) Nal. Mālav (4) (with [ nu khalu ]) Śak (5) (with √ [ bhU ], [ √ as ]) how is it with? what has become of? i. e. it is done with RV. i, 161, 4 ; vii, 88, 5 AV. x, 8, 7 ŚBr. Pāṇ. 3-1, 12 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (6) (with [ gata ]) how is it with? Nal. Daś. ([ kva gatas tava mayy anurAgaH ], what has become of your affection for me ?) (7) or [ kva ] alone may have the same meaning (e. g. [ kva sukham ], where is happiness? i. e. there is no such thing as happiness, Sāntis.) Pañcat. Naish. i, 20 (8) (after a negative phrase) how much less? R. i, 67, 10 (9) [ kva ] - [ kva ] or [ kutra-kva ] (implying excessive incongruity) where is this? where is that? how distant is this from that? how little does this agree with that? (e. g. [ kva sUrya-prabhavo vaMzaH kva c^alpa-viSayA matiH ], how can my limited intellect describe the solar race? Ragh. i, 2) MBh. R. &c. (10) [ kv^api ], anywhere, somewhere, to some place, in a certain place Nal. Pañcat. Kathās (11) sometimes Sāh. Hit. (12) [ na kva ca ], nowhere, never BhP. iv, 29, 64 (13) [ na kva cana ], nowhere MBh. xiv, 560 (14) [ kva cid ] = [ kasminiz-cid ] Pañcat (15) anywhere, somewhere, to any place, in a certain place Mn. R. Śak. &c. (16) in a certain case, at some time, once upon a time Nal. Pañcat. &c. (17) sometimes Comm. (18) [ kvacid-kvacid ], here - there, here and there, in various places MBh. i (19) now - then, now and then R. iii, 50, 7 Bhartṛ. i, 4 (20) [ na kvacid ], nowhere, never, by no means Mn. Yājñ. Nal. &c. (21) [ kvacid api na ] id. Megh (22) [ yatra kv^api ], wherever, in whatsoever place Bhartṛ. iii, 91 (23) [ y'atra kv'a-ca ] id. ŚBr. ChUp. Lāṭy. BhP. (24) [ yatra kva-cana ], in or to whatsoever place (25) in any case or matter whatever Mn. ix, 233 (26) whenever BhP. v, 21, 9 (27) [ yatra kva v^atha ] - [ tatra tatr^api ], wherever-there BhP. i, 17, 36
===> kvathita [ kvathita ]2[ kvathita ] mfn. boiled, decocted, stewed Mn. vi ; 20 Suśr. BhP. &c. (1) being hot Kathās. xc, 61 (2) digested W. (3) ([ A ]), f. a decoction prepared with Curcuma, Asa foetida, and milk Bhpr. (4) ([ am ]), n. a spirituous liquor, (prepared with honey) Npr.
===> kāca [ kAca ]1[ kAc'a ] m. (√ [ kac ]) glass Suśr. Pañcat. Kathās (1) (pl. glass pearls) ŚBr. xiii, 2, 6, 8 (2) crystal or quartz (used as an ornament) W. (3) alkaline ashes, any salt of potash or soda in a crystalline state W. (4) a class of diseases of the eye (especially an affection of the optic nerve or gutta serena) Suśr. (5) a loop, a string fastened to each end of a pole with a net in which burdens &c. are held or suspended, a yoke to support burdens &c. (= [ zikya ]) L. (6) the string of the scale of a balance L. (7) a Dviśālaka having one room on the north side and another on the south (8) ([ am ]), n. alkaline salt, block salt L. (9) wax L. (10) (mfn.) having the colour of glass
===> kādācitka [ kAdAcitka ]1[ kAdAcitka ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ kadA-cid ] Vop. vii, 15), appearing now and then, produced sometimes, occasional, incidental Comm. on Bādar. ii, 3, 18 and iii, 2, 10
===> kāka [ kAka ]1[ kAka ] m. (onomat. imitation of the cawing of the crow, cf. √ [ kai ] Nir. iii, 18 Uṇ.), a crow AdbhBr. Mn. MBh. R. Suśr. Hit. (1) (metaphorically, as an expression of contempt, e. g. [ na tvAM kAkaM manye ], I rate thee less than a crow Pāṇ. 2-3, 17 Pat. (2) cf. [ tIrtha-kAka ] Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 42) (3) an impudent or insolent fellow L. (4) a lame man, a cripple W. (5) washing the head, bathing by dipping the head only in water (after the manner of crows) L. (6) a sectarial mark ([ tilaka ]) L. (7) a particular measure L. (8) the plant Ardisia Humilis L. (9) N. of a Dvīpa or division of the world L. (10) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people VP. Nal (11) ([ I ]), f. a female crow Pāṇ. 6-3, 42 Pat. on Vārtt. 2 Pañcat. Kathās (12) personified as a daughter of Kaśyapa by Tāmrā and mother of crows (Hariv. 222) and owls (MBh. i, 2620) (13) the plant Kākolī L. (14) N. of one of the seven mothers of Śiśu (15) ([ A ]), f. the plant Abrus precatorius L. (16) Leea Hirta L. (17) Solanum indicum L. (18) Ficus oppositifolia L. (19) the plant Kākolī L. (20) the plant Raktikā L. (21) ([ am ]), n. a multitude or assembly of crows Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 37 (22) a modus coeundi L.
===> kāka-varṇin [ kAkavarNin ]3[ kAka-varNin ] m. N. of a prince (or descendant of Bimbisāra) Buddh.
===> kākiṇī [ kAkiNI ]2[ kAkiNI ] f. a small coin or a small sum of money equal to twenty Kapardas or cowries, or to a quarter of a Paṇa Pañcat. Daś (1) a seed of the Abrus precatorius used as a weight L. (2) the shell Cypraea moneta or a cowrie used as a coin L. (3) a cubit, the fourth part of a Daṇḍa or short pole L. (4) a Daṇḍa L. (5) a part of a measure ([ unmAnasy^aMzaka ]) L.
===> kāla [ kAla ]1[ kAla ]1 mf ([ I ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 42)n. (fr. √ 3. [ kal ]?), black, of a dark colour, dark-blue MBh. R. &c. (1) m. a black or dark-blue colour L. (2) the black part of the eye Suśr. (3) the Indian cuckoo L. (4) the poisonous serpent Coluber Nāga (= [ kAlasarpa ]) Vet
---> the plant Cassia Sophora L. (5) a red kind of Plumbago L. (6) the resin of the plant Shorea robusta L. (7) the planet Saturn (8) N. of Śiva (9) of Rudra BhP. iii, 12, 12 (10) of a son of Hrada Hariv. 189 (11) of the prince Kāla-yavana BhP. iii, 3, 10 (12) of a brother of king Prasena-jit Buddh. (13) of a future Buddha (14) of an author of Mantras (= Aśva-ghosha) Buddh. (15) of a Nāga-rāja Buddh. (16) of a Rakshas R. vi, 69, 12 (17) of an enemy of Śiva L. (18) of a mountain R. iv, 44, 21 Kāraṇḍ (19) of one of the nine treasures Jain. (20) a mystical N. of the letter [ m ] (21) ([ A ]), f. N. of several plants (Indigofera tinctoria L. (22) Piper longum L. (23) (perhaps) Ipomoea atropurpurea Suśr. (24) Nigella indica L. (25) Rubia Munjista L. (26) Ruellia longifolia L. (27) Physalis flexuosa L. (28) Bignonia suaveolens Bhpr.) (29) the fruit of the Kālā, g. [ harItaky-Adi ] (30) N. of a [ zakti ] Hcat (31) of a daughter of Daksha (the mother of the Kāleyas or Kālakeyas, a family of Asuras) MBh. i, 2520 Hariv. (32) N. of Durgā L. (33) ([ I ]), f. black colour, ink or blacking L. (34) abuse, censure, defamation L. (35) a row or succession of black clouds L. (36) night L. (37) a worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermentation of milk (= [ kSIra-kITa ] or [ kSAra-kITa ]) L. (38) the plant Kāl^añjanī L. (39) Ipomoea Turpethum L. (40) a kind of clay L. (41) Bignonia suaveolens L. (42) one of the seven tongues or flames of fire MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 4 (43) a form of Durgā MBh. iv, 195 Hariv. Kum (44) one of the Mātṛs or divine mothers L. (45) N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the Kālakeyas) Hariv. 11552 (46) one of the sixteen Vidyā-devīs L. (47) N. of Satyavatī, wife of king Śāntanu and mother of Vyāsa or Kṛshṇa-dvaipāyana (after her marriage she had a son Vicitra-vīrya, whose widows were married by Kṛshṇa-dvaipāyana, and bore to him Dhṛta-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu MBh. Hariv. (48) according to other legends Kālī is the wife of Bhīmasena and mother of Sarvagata BhP.) (49) (with or without [ gaGgA ]) N. of a river (50) ([ am ]), n. a black kind of Agallochum L. (51) a kind of perfume ([ kakkolaka ]) L. (52) iron L.
===> [ kAla ]1[ kAl'a ]2 m. (√ 3. [ kal ], ` to calculate or enumerate '), [ ifc. f. [ A ] RPrāt. ], a fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general) AV. xix, 53 & 54 ŚBr. &c. (1) the proper time or season for (gen., dat., loc., in comp., inf., or Pot. with [ yad ] e. g. [ kAlaH prasthAnasya ] or [ °nAya ] or [ °ne ], time for departure (2) [ kriyA-kAla ], time for action Suśr. (3) [ n^ayaM kAlo vilambitum ], this is not the time to delay Nal (4) [ kAlo yad bhuJjIta bhavAn ], it is time for you to eat Pāṇ. 3-3, 168 Kāś.) ŚBr. MBh. &c. (5) occasion, circumstance MBh. xii, 2950 Mṛcch (6) season R. &c. (7) meal-time (twice a day, hence [ ubhau kAlau ], ` in the morning and in the evening ' MBh. i, 4623 (8) [ SaSThe kAle ], ` in the evening of the third day ' MBh. (9) [ SaSTh^anna-kAla ], ` one who eats only at the sixth meal-time, i. e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day ' Mn. xi, 200 (10) or without [ anna ] e. g. [ caturtha-kAlam ], ` at the fourth meal-time, i. e. at the evening of the second day ' Mn. xi, 109) (11) hour (hence [ SaSThe kAle 'hnaH ], ` at the sixth hour of the day, i. e. at noon ' Vikr.) (12) a period of time, time of the world (= [ yuga ]) Rājat (13) measure of time, prosody Prāt. Pāṇ. (14) a section, part VPrāt. (15) the end ChUp. (16) death by age Suśr. (17) time (as leading to events, the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man), destiny, fate MBh. R. &c. (18) time (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama, regent of the dead, or even identified with him: hence [ kAlam-√ i ] or [ kAlaM-√ kR ], ` to die ' MBh. &c. (19) [ kAla ] in this sense is frequently connected with [ antaka ], [ mRtyu ] e. g. [ abhy-adhAvata prajAH kAla iv^antakaH ], ` he attacked the people like Time the destroyer ' R. iii, 7, 9 (20) cf. [ kAl^antaka ] (21) [ kAla ] personified is also a Devarshi in Indra's court, and a son of Dhruva MBh. i, 2585 Hariv. VP.)
---> ([ am ]), acc. ind. for a certain time (e. g. [ mahAntaM kAlam ], for a long time Pañcat.) [ 278,2 ] (22) [ nitya-k° ], constantly, always Mn. ii, 58 and 73 (23) [ dIrgha-k° ], during a long time Mn. viii, 145 (24) ([ ena ]), instr. ind. in the course of time Mn. ix, 246 MBh. &c. (25) with [ gacchatA ] id. VP. (26) [ dIrgheNa kAlena ], during a long time MBh. (27) after a long time R. i, 45, 40 (28) [ kAlena mahatA ] or [ bahunA ] id. (29) ([ At ]), abl. ind. in the course of time Mn. viii, 251 (30) [ kAlasya dIrghasya ] or [ mahataH ] id. Mn. MBh. &c.
---> [ kasya-cit kAlasya ], after some time MBh. i, 5299 Hariv. (31) ([ 'e ]), loc. ind. in time, seasonably RV. x, 42, 9 ŚBr. (cf. [ a-kAle ]) (32) [ kAle gacchati ], in the course of time (33) [ kAle yAte ], after some time (34) [ kAle kAle ], always in time MBh. i, 1680 Ragh. iv, 6 (35) [ cf. ? ; Lat. [ calen-doe ]: Hib. [ ceal ], ` death and everything terrible. ' ]
===> kāla-cakra [ kAlacakra ]3[ kAl'a-cakra ] n. the wheel of time (time represented as a wheel which always turns round) MBh. Hariv. &c. (1) a given revolution of time, cycle [ according to the Jainas, the wheel of time has twelve Aras or spokes and turns round once in 2000, 000, 000, 000, 000 Sāgaras of years
---> cf. [ ava-sarpiNI ] and [ ut-s° ] (2) the wheel of fortune (sometimes regarded as a weapon) R. (3) N. of a Tantra Buddh. (4) m. N. of the sun MBh. iii, 151 (5) [ -jAtaka ] n. [ -prakAza ] m. N. of wks.
===> kāla-jña [ kAlajJa ]3[ kAl'a-jJa ] mfn. knowing the fixed times or seasons Mn. vii, 217 Ragh. xii, 33 (1) m. an astrologer W. (2) a cook L.
===> kāla-karṇī [ kAlakarNI ]3[ kAla-karNI ] f. id. L. (1) N. of Lakshmī NṛsUp. (2) of a Yoginī Hcat
===> kāla-kriyā [ kAlakriyA ]3[ kAl'a-kriyA ] f. ` fixing the times ', N. of a chapter of the Sūrya-siddh^anta (1) death Buddh.
===> kāla-kṛta [ kAlakRta ]3[ kAl'a-kRta ] mfn. produced by time Suśr. (1) appointed (as to time), lent or deposited (by a giver) for a certain time Yājñ. ii, 58 (2) ([ kAla-kArita ]) Mn. viii, 348 (3) m. (= [ -kRt ]) the sun L. (4) time L.
===> kāla-pātrika [ kAlapAtrika ]3[ kAla-pAtrika ] m. a kind of mendicant whose alms-dish is painted black Buddh.
===> kāla-sarpa [ kAlasarpa ]3[ kAla-sarpa ] m. the black and most venomous variety of the Cobra, Coluber Nāga Gīt. x, 12 Vet
===> kāla-sūtra [ kAlasUtra ]3[ kAl'a-sUtra ] n. the thread of time or death MBh. iii, 11495 (1) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. one of the twenty-one hells Mn. iii, 249 ; iv, 88 VP. &c.
===> kālika [ kAlika ]2[ kAlika ]2 mf ([ I ] Pāṇ. 5-1, 108)n. relating to or connected with or depending on time Bhāshāp (1) fit for any particular season, seasonable MBh. iii, 868 (2) lasting a long time Pāṇ. 5-1, 108 (3) (often ifc., e. g. [ Asanna-k° ], relating to a time near at hand, impending Pāṇ. 5-4, 20 Sch. (4) [ mAsa-k° ], monthly MBh. ii, 2080)
===> [ kAlika ]1[ kAlika ]1. and 2 col. 1 and p. 277, col. 3
===> kāluṣya [ kAluSya ]1[ kAluSya ] n. (fr. [ kaluSa ]), foulness, dirtiness, turbidness, opacity Kathās. xix, 95 Kām (1) disturbance or interruption of harmony Rājat. v, 63 Sarvad
===> kālâguru [ kAlAguru ]3[ kAl^aguru ] m. (n. L.) a kind of black aloe wood or Agallochum MBh. R. &c.
===> kālântara [ kAlAntara ]3[ kAl^antara ] n. ` interval, intermediate time ', ([ eNa ], [ At ]), ind. after some time MBh. Pañcat (1) ` another time ', opportunity Pañcat. : [ -kSama ] mfn. able to bear an interval of delay Mālav (2) [ -viSa ] m. ` venomous at certain times ', an animal venomous only when enraged or alarmed (as a rat, &c.) L. (3) [ kAl^antar^avRta ] mfn. hidden or concealed by time (4) [ °r^avRtti-zubh^azubha ], [ Ani ] n. pl. good and evil things occurring within the revolutions of time
===> kālânusārin [ kAlAnusArin ]3[ kAl^anusArin ] m. benzoin or benjamin Suśr. (1) ([ iNI ]), f. id. Car.
===> kāma [ kAma ]2[ kAma ] &c. s. v.
===> [ kAma ]1[ k'Ama ] m. (fr. √ 2. [ kam ] (1) once [ kAm'a ] VS. xx, 60), wish, desire, longing ([ kAmo me bhuJjIta bhavAn ], my wish is that you should eat Pāṇ. 3-3, 153), desire for, longing after (gen., dat., or loc.), love, affection, object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. MBh. R. &c. (2) pleasure, enjoyment (3) love, especially sexual love or sensuality (4) Love or Desire personified AV. ix (5) xii (6) xix (cf. RV. x, 129, 4) VS. PārGṛ. (7) N. of the god of love AV. iii. 25, 1 MBh. Lalit. (8) (represented as son of Dharma and husband of Rati [ MBh. i, 2596 ff. Hariv. VP. ] (9) or as a son of Brahmā VP. (10) or sometimes of Saṃkalpa BhP. vi, 6, 10 (11) cf. [ kAma-deva ]) (12) N. of Agni SV. ii, 8, 2, 19, 3 AV. TS. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (13) of Viṣṇu Gal. (14) of Baladeva (cf. [ kAma-pAla ]) L. (15) a stake in gambling Nār. xvi, 9 (16) a species of mango tree (= [ mahA-rAja-cUta ]) L. (17) N. of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each (18) a kind of bean L. (19) a particular form of temple Hcat (20) N. of several men (21) ([ A ]), f. ` wish, desire ' (only instr. [ kAmayA ], q. v.) (22) N. of a daughter of Pṛthuśravas and wife of Ayuta-nāyin MBh. i, 3774 (23) ([ am ]), n. object of desire L. (24) semen virile L. (25) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 5047 (26) ([ am ]), ind., s. v. (27) ([ ena ]), ind. out of affection or love for (28) ([ Aya ], or [ e ]), ind. according to desire, agreeably to the wishes of, out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. ChUp. (29) ([ At ]), ind. for one's own pleasure, of one's own free will, of one's own accord, willingly, intentionally Mn. R. (30) ([ kAm'a ]), mfn. wishing, desiring RV. ix, 113, 11 (31) (ifc.) desirous of, desiring, having a desire or intention (cf. [ go-k° ], [ dharma-k° ] (32) frequently with inf. in [ tu ], cf. [ tyaktu-k° ].)
===> kāma-bhoga [ kAmabhoga ]3[ k'Ama-bhoga ] [ As ] m. pl. gratification of desires, sensual gratification Nal. R. BhP.
===> kāma-cāra [ kAmacAra ]3[ k'Ama-cAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. moving freely, following one's own pleasure, unrestrained MBh. (1) ([ 'as ]), m. free unrestrained motion, independent or spontaneous action (2) the following one's own desires, sensuality, selfishness ŚBr. ChUp. Yājñ. ii, 162 Kathās. Comm. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 96 Ragh (3) [ -tas ] ind. according to one's inclination, voluntarily Mn. ii, 220 (4) ([ eNa ]), ind. at pleasure, at will Comm. on TPrāt. (5) [ -vAda-bhakSa ] mfn. following one's inclinations in behaviour and speech and eating Gaut. ii, 1
===> kāma-cārin [ kAmacArin ]3[ k'Ama-cArin ] mfn. moving or acting at pleasure, acting unrestrainedly MBh. R. Megh (1) indulging the desires, behaving libidinously ([ para-strI-kAma-cArin ], lusting after the wife of another) MBh. xiii, 2265 (2) m. N. of a Yaksha Kathās (3) a sparrow ([ caTaka ]) L. (4) N. of Garuḍa L. (5) ([ iNI ]), f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī in mount Mandara MatsyaP. (6) an Artemisia Npr. (7) [ °ri-tva ] n. moving or acting at pleasure Kād. ii, 130, 18 (8) lewdness KapS.
===> kāma-deva [ kAmadeva ]3[ k'Ama-deva ] m. the god of love ([ kAma ] above (1) according to some, son of Sahishṇu and Yaśo-dharā VP.) (2) N. of Viṣṇu (as the god who creates, preserves, or destroys at will) Viṣṇ. xcviii, 10 (cf. BhP. v, 18, 15) (3) of Śiva L. (4) of a poet (5) of a king of Jayantī-purī (6) N. of the author of the Prāyaścitta-paddhati (7) [ -tva ] n. the being the god of love Kathās (8) [ -maya ] mfn. representing the god of love AgP.
===> kāma-dhātu [ kAmadhAtu ]3[ k'Ama-dhAtu ] m. the region of the wishes, seat of the Kām^avacara Buddh.
===> kāma-dugha [ kAmadugha ]3[ k'Ama-d'ugha ] mf ([ A ]) n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 70 Kāś.) ` milking desires ', yielding objects of desire like milk, yielding what one wishes VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. Bālar (1) ([ A ]), f. = [ -dhenu ]
===> kāma-ga [ kAmaga ]3[ k'Ama-ga ] mfn. going or coming of one's own accord (1) moving or acting as one pleases MBh. R. (2) following one's impulses, indulging one's passions, running after men or women Yājñ. iii, 6 (of a woman = [ kulaTA ] Comm.) (3) m. one who comes accidentally or unexpectedly, casual visitor, one who travels about without any specific purpose Nal. xviii, 23 (4) ([ A ]), f. a female Kokila L.
===> kāma-guṇa [ kAmaguNa ]3[ k'Ama-guNa ] m. ` quality of desire ', affection, passion (1) satiety, perfect enjoyment (2) an object of sense (3) ([ As ]), m. pl. the objects of the five senses, sensual enjoyments Lalit. 225, 4
===> kāma-ja [ kAmaja ]3[ k'Ama-ja ] mfn. produced or caused by passion or desire, arising from lust Mn. vii, 46. 47. 50 (1) begotten or born of desire or lust Mn. ix, 107. 143. 147 (2) m. ` born of Kāma ', N. of Aniruddha W. (3) ([ As ]), m. pl. = [ kAmagamAs ] VP.
===> kāma-kāra [ kAmakAra ]3[ k'Ama-kAra ] mfn. fulfilling the desires of any one (gen.) R. vii, 63, 8 (1) m. the act of following one's own inclinations, spontaneous deed, voluntary action, acting of one's own free will, free will Mn. MBh. R. Bhag. (2) [ °raM-√ kR ], to act as one likes (3) [ °reNa ] and [ °rAt ] and [ °ra-tas ] ind. according to one's desires or inclinations, willingly, spontaneously Mn. MBh. &c.
===> kāma-rūpa [ kAmarUpa ]3[ k'Ama-rUpa ] n. a shape assumed at will (1) (mfn.) assuming any shape at will, protean MBh. R. Megh (2) m. a god L. (3) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people and of their country (east of Bengal and in the west part of Assam) Ragh. Kathās. &c. (4) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha (5) [ -dhara ] mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean MBh. R. (6) [ -dhara-tva ] n. the state of assuming any form at will R. (7) [ -nibandha ] m. N. of wk. (8) [ -pati ] m. N. of an author (9) [ -yAtrA-paddhati ] f. N. of wk. (10) [ °p^odbhavA ] f. a kind of musk Npr.
===> kāma-rūpin [ kAmarUpin ]3[ k'Ama-rUp'in ] mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean ŚBr. TUp. MBh. R. Suśr. (1) m. a pole-cat L. (2) a boar L. (3) a Vidyā-dhara (a kind of subordinate deity) L. (4) ([ iNI ]), f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa L.
===> kāma-yāna [ kAmayAna ]2[ kAmayAna ] mfn. (irreg. pr. p., Caus. √ [ kam ]) desiring, lusting after MBh. BhP. x, 47, 17
===> kāmam [ kAmam ]2[ k'Amam ] ind. (acc. of [ k'Ama ] g. [ svar^adi ], not in Kāś.) according to wish or desire, according to inclination, agreeably to desire, at will, freely, willingly RV. TS. AitBr. ŚBr. ChUp. MBh. R. &c. (1) with pleasure, readily, gladly MBh. iii, 298 Ragh (2) (as a particle of assent) well, very well, granted, admitted that, indeed, really, surely MBh. iii, 17195 R. v, 24, 4 Śak. Bhartṛ (3) well and good, in any case, at any rate MBh. iii, 310, 19 R. iv, 9, 105 ; v, 53, 11 Śak. Dhūrtas (4) (with [ na ], ` in no case ' R. iii, 56, 17) (5) granted that, in spite of that, notwithstanding R. iv, 16, 50 Pañcat. &c. (6) though, although, supposing that (usually with Impv.) R. vi, 95, 49 and 56 Ragh. ii, 43 Śāntiś. ([ kAmaM-na ] or [ na tu ] or [ na ca ], rather than, e. g. [ kAmam A maraNAt tiSThed gRhe kanyA ] - [ na enAm prayacchet tu guNa-hInAya ], ` rather should a girl stay at home till her death, than that he should give her to one void of excellent qualities ' Mn. ix, 89 (7) the negative sentence with [ na ] or [ natu ] or [ na ca ] may also precede, or its place may be taken by an interrogative sentence, e. g. [ kAmaM nayatu mAM devaH kim ardhen^atmano hi me ], ` rather let the god take me, what is the use to me of half my existence? ' BhP. vii, 2, 54 [ 273,2 ] (8) [ kAmaM ] - [ tu ] or [ kiM tu ] or [ ca ] or [ punar ] or [ ath^api ] or [ tath^api ], well, indeed, surely, truly, granted, though - however, notwithstanding, nevertheless, e. g. [ kAmaM tvayA parityaktA gamiSyAmi ] - [ imaM tu bAlaM saMtyaktuM ], [ n^arhasi ], ` granted that forsaken by thee I shall go - this child however thou must not forsake ' MBh. i, 3059 (9) or the disjunctive particles may be left out R. Ragh. ii, 43 Śāntiś (10) [ yady-api-kAmaM tath^api ], though - nevertheless Prab.)
===> kāmatas [ kAmatas ]3[ k'Ama-tas ] ind. according to wish or affection, passionately, from passion or feeling (opposed to [ dharma-tas ]) (1) of one's own accord, of one's own free will, willingly, intentionally, by consent Mn. Yājñ. MBh. R. (cf. [ a-kAma-tas ].)
===> kāmeśvara [ kAmezvara ]3[ kAm^ezvar'a ] m. N. of Kubera TĀr. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of a goddess (2) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP. (3) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha (4) [ -modaka ] m. or n. a kind of plant with aphrodisiac properties
===> kāmin [ kAmin ]2[ kAm'in ] mfn. desirous, longing after (acc. or in comp.) (1) loving, fond, impassioned, wanton (2) amorous, enamoured, in love with (acc. or with [ saha ] or [ s^ardham ]) RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. R. Śak. &c. (3) ([ I ]), m. a lover, gallant, anxious husband (4) the ruddy goose ([ cakra-vAka ]) L. (5) a pigeon L. (6) Ardea Sibirica L. (7) a sparrow L. (8) N. of Śiva L. (9) ([ inI ]), f. a loving or affectionate woman Mn. viii, 112 R. Megh. Hariv. Ragh. &c. (10) a timid woman L. (11) a woman in general L. (12) a form of Devī Hcat (13) the plant Vanda Roxburghii L. (14) the plant Curcuma aromatica L. (15) a spirituous liquor L.
===> kāmyā [ kAmyA ]2[ kAmyA ] f. wish, desire, longing for or striving after (gen. or in comp., e. g. [ putra-kAmyayA ], through desire for a son R. i, 13, 36 Ragh. i, 35) (1) will, purpose, intention (e. g. [ yat-kAmy'A ], irreg. instr. ` with which intention ' ŚBr. iii, 9, 3, 4) Mn. MBh. R. Ragh. &c. ; [ cf. Zd. [ khshathro1-kāmya ], ` wish for dominion. ' ]
===> kāmâvacara [ kAmAvacara ]3[ kAm^avacara ] [ As ] m. pl. the spheres or worlds of desire (six in number, also called [ devaloka ], q. v.) Buddh. (1) the gods or inhabitants of the worlds of desire (1. [ cAturmahArAja-kAyikAs ] (2) 2. [ trAyastriMzAs ] (3) 3. [ tuSitAs ] (4) 4. [ yAmAs ] (5) 5. [ nirmANa-ratayas ] (6) 6. [ paranirmitavaza-vartinas ]) ib.
===> kānana [ kAnana ]1[ kAnana ]1 n. (said to be fr. √ [ kan ]) a forest, grove (sometimes in connection with [ vana ]) R. Nal. Ragh. Pañcat. Suśr. (1) (ifc. f. [ A ] R. Ragh.) (2) a house L.
===> [ kAnana ]1[ k^anana ]2 n. (fr. 3. [ ka ] + [ Anana ]), the face of Brahmā L.
===> kānta [ kAnta ]1[ kAnta ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ 2. [ kam ]), desired, loved, dear, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, beautiful (1) m. any one beloved, a lover, husband (2) the moon L. (3) the spring L. (4) the plant Barringtonia Acutangula L. (5) iron L. (6) a stone (cf. [ sUrya-k° ], &c.) L. (7) N. of Kṛshṇa L. (8) of Skanda MBh. iii, 14631 (9) of a son of Dharma-netra Hariv. i, 33, 3 (10) ([ A ]), f. a beloved or lovely woman, wife, mistress Kathās (11) a charming wife L. (12) the earth L. (13) N. of certain plants L. (14) large cardamoms L. (15) a kind of perfume ([ reNukA ], Piper aurantiacum) L. (16) N. of a metre of four lines of seventeen syllables each (17) a kind of Śruti (18) ([ am ]), n. saffron L. (19) a kind of iron L. (20) a magnet Buddh. (21) a kind of house L.
===> kānti [ kAnti ]2[ kAnti ] f. desire, wish L. (1) loveliness, beauty, splendour, female beauty, personal decoration or embellishment Nal. Śak. Megh. Pañcat. Suśr. Kathās (2) a lovely colour, brightness (especially of the moon) Kathās (3) (ifc. f. [ I ]) Caurap (4) (in rhetoric) beauty enhanced by love Vām. iii, 1, 22 ; xxii, 14 Sāh (5) a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the moon Hariv. 5419 (6) N. of Lakshmī BhP. x, 65, 29 (7) of Durgā, DevīP.
===> kāntāra [ kAntAra ]1[ kAntAra ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. a large wood, forest, wilderness, waste MBh. R. Yājñ. ii, 38 Kathās. Pañcat
---> a difficult road through a forest, forest-path L. (1) a hole, cavity L. (2) m. a red variety of the sugar-cane Suśr. (3) a bamboo L. (4) the mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L. (5) (in music) a kind of measure, ([ I ]), f. a kind of sugar-cane L. (6) ([ am ]), n. a national calamity, calamity Kāraṇḍ. xlvii, 15 and 20 (7) the blossom of a kind of lotus, lotus L. (8) a symptom or symptomatic disease W.
===> kāpuruṣa [ kApuruSa ]1[ kA-puruSa ] m. (fr. 2. [ kA ] Pāṇ. 6-3, 106 Vop. vi, 94), a contemptible man, coward, wretch R. Pañcat. Hit. (1) (mf ([ A ]) n.) unmanly, cowardly, miserable Hariv. R. vi, 88, 13
===> kāpālin [ kApAlin ]2[ kApAlin ] [ I ] m. ` adorned with skulls ', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1217 (cf. [ kapAlin ]) (1) N. of a mixed caste BrahmaP. (2) N. of a son of Kṛshṇa and Yaudhishṭhirī Hariv. 9196
===> kāra [ kAra ]1[ kAra ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (√ 1. [ kR ] Pāṇ. 3-2, 23), making, doing, working, a maker, doer (ifc., [ kumbha-k° ], [ yajJa k° ], [ suvarNa-k° ]) (1) an author (e. g. [ vArttika-k° ]) (2) m. (ifc.) an act, action ([ kAma-k° ], [ puruSa-k° ]) (3) the term used in designating a letter or sound or indeclinable word (e. g. [ a-k° ], [ ka-k° ], qq. vv (4) [ eva-k° ], the word [ eva ] (5) [ phUt-k° ], q. v.) Prāt. Mn. &c. (6) effort, exertion L. (7) determination L. (8) religious austerity L. (9) a husband, master, lord L. (10) ([ as ] or [ A ]), m. or f. act of worship, song of praise Divyāv (11) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant (= [ kArikA ], [ kAryA ] &c.) L.
===> [ kAra ]1[ kAra ]2 m. (= 2. [ kara ]) tax, toll, royal revenue Pāṇ. 6-3, 10 (1) a heap of snow or a mountain covered with it L. (2) (mfn.) produced by hail Suśr.
===> [ kAra ]1[ kAr'a ]3 m. (√ 2. [ kR ]), a song or hymn of praise RV. (1) a battle song RV.
===> [ kAra ]1[ kAra ]4 m. (√ 2. [ kRR ]), killing, slaughter L.
===> [ kAra ]3[ kAra ] m. bringing down, humiliation, wrong, offence, injury cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) wickedness, malice cf. W. (2) opposition, contradiction cf. W. (3) = next cf. Gal.
===> kārayitavya [ kArayitavya ]2[ kArayitavya ] mfn. to be caused or effected or made to do R. Pañcat. xxiv
===> kāraṇa [ kAraNa ]2[ kAraNa ]2 n. killing, injury L.
===> [ kAraNa ]3[ kAraNa ] n. killing, slaughter cf. L.
===> kāraṇa-guṇa [ kAraNaguNa ]3[ kAraNa-guNa ] m. ` a quality of cause ', an elementary or causal property Sāṃkhyak. 14 (1) [ °N^odbhava-guNa ] m. a secondary or derivative property (as form, taste, smell, &c. produced by combinations of elementary or causal particles) Bhāshāp. 95
===> kāraṇatas [ kAraNatas ]3[ kAraNa-tas ] ind. fr. a certain reason (cf. [ kArya-k° ]) Ragh. x, 19
===> kārikā [ kArikA ]2[ kArikA ] (f. of [ kAraka ]), a female dancer L. (1) a business L. (2) trade L. (3) concise statement in verse of (esp. philos. and gramm.) doctrines MBh. ii, 453 &c. (4) torment, torture L. (5) interest L. (6) N. of a plant L. (7) ([ As ]), f. pl. or more commonly [ hari-kArikAs ], the Kārikās of Bhartṛi-hari, i. e. the verses contained in his gramm. work Vākya-padīya (q. v.)
===> kārin [ kArin ]2[ kArin ]1 mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 72) doing, making, effecting, producing, acting, an actor Yājñ. MBh. &c. (mostly ifc. ŚBr. Mn. &c.) (1) ([ I ]), m. a mechanic, tradesman L.
===> [ kArin ]2[ kAr'in ]2 mfn. rejoicing, praising RV.
===> [ kArin ]3[ kAr'in ] m. injurer, oppressor cf. VS.
===> kārita [ kArita ]2[ kArita ] mfn. ifc. caused to be made or done, brought about, effected Mn. MBh. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ vRddhi ]) forced to be paid, interest exceeding the legal rate of interest Gaut. Comm. on Mn. viii, 153 (2) ([ am ]), n. the Caus. form of a verb Nir. i, 13
===> kārmuka [ kArmuka ]2[ kArmuka ]1 mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-1, 103) efficacious (as a medicine) Car. (1) m. a bamboo L. (2) the plant Melia sempervirens Bhpr. (3) the white Khadira tree L. (4) Smilax China Npr. (5) a kind of honey (v. l. [ gArmuta ], q. v.) L.
===> [ kArmuka ]1[ kArmuka ]2 mf ([ 'I ]) n. consisting of the wood [ kRm'uka ] ŚBr. KātyŚr. (1) ([ am ]), n. (ifc. f. [ A ] MBh.) a bow ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c. (2) a bowshaped instrument L. (3) a geometrical arc Sūryas (4) the rainbow VarYogay (5) Sagittarius VarBṛS. (6) a particular constellation VarBṛ.
===> kārpaṇya [ kArpaNya ]1[ kArpaNya ] n. (fr. [ kRpaNa ]), poverty, pitiful circumstances MBh. &c. R. (1) poorness of spirit, weakness ib. (2) parsimony, niggardliness Hit. &c. : compassion, pity BhP. v, 8, 10
===> kārpāsa [ kArpAsa ]1[ kArpAsa ] mf ([ I ] L.)n. (fr. [ karpAsa ] (1) g. [ bilv^adi ]), made of cotton, cottony ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. &c. [ 276,1 ] (2) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. cotton, cotton cloth, &c. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) paper W. (4) ([ I ]), f. the cotton plant Suśr.
===> kārttika [ kArttika ]1[ kArttika ] m. (fr. [ kRttikA ], q. v. (1) with or without [ mAsa ]), N. of a month corresponding to part of October and November (the twelfth month of the year, when the full moon is near the Pleiades) Pāṇ. Lāṭy. MBh. &c. (2) N. of Skanda ([ kArttikeya ]) BrahmaP. (3) of a Varsha (4) of a medical author (5) ([ as ], or [ am ]), m. n. N. of the first year in Jupiter's period of revolution VarBṛS. Sūryas (6) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Tīrtha MatsyaP.
===> kārttikeya [ kArttikeya ]2[ kArttikeya ] m. N. of a son of Śiva and Pārvatī (popularly regarded as god of war, because he leads the Gaṇas or hosts of Śiva against the demon hosts, RTL. p. 213 (1) accord. to one legend he was son of Śiva without the intervention of Pārvatī, the generative energy of Śiva being cast into the fire and then received by the Ganges, whence he is sometimes described as son of Agni and Gaṅgā (2) when born he was fostered by the six Kṛttikās, q. v., and these offering their six breasts to the child he became six-headed (3) he is also called Kumāra, Skanda, and Subrahmaṇya (4) his N. Kārttikeya may be derived from his foster mothers or from the month Kārttika as the best for warfare: in the Mṛcch. and elsewhere he is regarded as presiding over thieves) MBh. &c.
===> kārttikī [ kArttikI ]2[ kArttikI ] f. of [ kArttika ] above, (with or without [ rAtri ]) the night of full moon in the month Kārttika, the day on which the moon stands in the constellation Kṛttikā KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c. (1) the night of new moon in the month Kārttika Jain. (2) the [ zakti ] of Kārttikeya BrahmaP.
===> kārya [ kArya ]1[ kAry'a ] mfn. (fut. p. p. √ 1. [ kR ]), to be made or done or practised or performed, practicable feasible AV. iii, 24, 5 TS. Mn. &c. (1) to be imposed (as a punishment) Mn. viii, 276 & 285 (2) to be offered (as a libation) Mn. &c. (3) proper to be done, fit, right (4) ([ am ]), n. work or business to be done, duty, affair Mn. MBh. &c. (5) a religious action or performance Mn. &c. (6) occupation, matter, thing, enterprise, emergency, occurrence, crisis (7) conduct, deportment (8) occasion, need (with inst., e. g. [ tRNena kAryam ], there is need of a straw (9) [ na bhUmyA kAryam asmAkam ], we have no business with the earth R. i, 13, 50) (10) lawsuit, dispute (11) an operation in grammar (e. g. [ sthAny-AzrayaM kAryam ], an operation resting on the primitive form as opposed to the [ Adeza ], or substitute) Kāś. on Pāṇ. (12) an effect, result MBh. Sāṃkhyak. Vedântas (13) motive, object, aim, purpose (e. g. [ kiM kAryam ], for what purpose? wherefore?) Mn. R. &c. (14) cause, origin L. (15) the denouement of a drama Sāh (16) ([ A ]), f. (= [ kArI ], [ °rikA ]), N. of a plant L.
===> kārya-kāraṇa [ kAryakAraNa ]3[ kAry'a-kAraNa ] n. a particular or special cause ([ tat-kArya-kAraNAt ], in consequence of that) Pañcat. Kathās (1) [ -tas ] ind. from some special cause, with a particular design or motive Hit. i, 33 (2) [ -tva ] n. the state of both cause and effect Sarvad (3) [ -bhAva ] m. state or relation of cause and effect
===> kāryâkārya [ kAryAkArya ]3[ kAry^akArya ] n. what is to be done and not to be done (1) [ -vicAra ] m. deliberation on what is to be done or not
===> kāryârtha [ kAryArtha ]3[ kAry^artha ] m. the object of a business or enterprise (1) any object or purpose (2) application for employment (3) ([ am ]), ind. for the sake of any business or for any particular object Mn. (4) [ -siddhi ] f. the accomplishment of any object or purpose Mn. vii, 167
===> kārā [ kArA ]1[ kArA ] f. (√ 1. [ kR ]?), a prison Vikr. Daś (1) binding, confinement, g. [ bhid^adi ] (2) the part of a lute below the neck (for deadening the sound) L. (3) pain, affliction L. (4) a female messenger L. (5) a female worker in gold L. (6) a kind of bird L.
===> kārśya [ kArzya ]1[ kArzya ]1 m. N. of a plant (= [ kArSya ], [ kArSmary'a ]) L. (1) another plant (= [ karcUra ]) L. (2) the plant Artocarpus Lacucha L.
===> [ kArzya ]1[ kArzya ]2 n. (fr. [ kRz'a ] g. [ dRDh^adi ]), emaciation, thinness Suśr. BhP. Kathās. &c. (1) ` smallness (of property) ', [ artha-k° ]
===> kārṣa [ kArSa ]1[ kArSa ] m. (√ [ kRS ] (1) g. [ chattr^adi ]), ` one who ploughs ', a peasant, husbandman Divyâv (2) ([ I ]), f. [ gomaya-k° ]
===> kārṣika [ kArSika ]2[ kArSika ] mfn. (g. [ ched^adi ]) weighing a Karsha Mn. viii, 136 Yājñ. i, 364 Suśr. (1) m. a coin (= [ kArS^apaNa ]) L. (2) = [ kArSaka ], cf. [ tila-k° ]
===> kārṣâpaṇa [ kArSApaNa ]2[ kArS^apaNa ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) cf. [ karS ]) ` weighing a Karsha ', a coin or weight of different values (if of gold, = 16 Māshas, [ karSa ] (2) if of silver, = 16 Paṇas or 1280 Kowries, commonly termed a Kahān (3) if of copper, = 80 Raktikās or about 176 grains (4) but accord. to some = only 1 Paṇa of Kowries or 80 Kowries) Mn. viii, 136 ; 336 ; ix, 282 (5) (ifc.) worth so many Kārshāpaṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 29 (6) ([ am ]), n. money, gold and silver L. (7) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe, g. [ parzv-Adi ] (8) m. the chief of this tribe ib. and iv, 1, 177 Vārtt. 2
===> kāsa [ kAsa ]2[ kAsa ]1 m. id. Suśr. BhP. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. AV. vi, 105, 1-3
===> [ kAsa ]1[ kAsa ]2 [ as ], [ am ] m. n. for [ kAza ] (the grass Saccharum spontaneum) L. (1) m. the plant Moringa pterygosperma L.
===> [ kAsa ]1[ kAsa ]3 mfn. fr. √ [ kas ] Pāṇ. 3-1, 140
===> kātyāyana [ kAtyAyana ]2[ kAtyAyana ] m. ` descendant of Kati ' (2. [ kati ]), N. of the author of several treatises on ritual, grammar, &c. Hariv. 1461 & 1768 R. ii, 67, 2 VPrāt. Yājñ. i, 4 (he is also author of the Vārttikas or critical annotations on the aphorisms of Pāṇini, of the Yajur-veda Prātiśākhya, and of the Śrauta-sūtras, and is identified with Vara-ruci, the author of the Prākṛta-prakāśa) (1) ([ 'I ]), f. N. of one of the two wives of Yājñavalkya ŚBr. (2) of a Pravrājikā Kathās (3) of Durgā Hariv. Lalit. Prab (4) a middle-aged widow dressed in red clothes L. (5) mf ([ I ]) n. composed by Kātyāyana
===> kātyāyana-sūtra [ kAtyAyanasUtra ]3[ kAtyAyana-sUtra ] n. the Śrauta-sūtras of Kātyāyana (1) [ -paddhati ] f. a commentary on the same by Yājñika-deva (2) [ -bhASya ] n. a commentary on the same by Karka
===> kāvya [ kAvya ]1[ kAvy'a ] mfn. (fr. [ kav'i ]), endowed with the qualities of a sage or poet, descended or coming from a sage, prophetic, inspired, poetical RV. i, 117, 12 ; viii, 8, 11 VS. AV. (1) [ [ k'Avya ] mfn. id. RV. v, 39, 5 ; x, 144, 2 VS. ] (2) mf ([ A ]) n. coming from or uttered by the sage Uśanas Parāś. MBh. ii, 2097 (3) ([ 'as ]), m. (gaṇi [ kuru-Adi ]) a patr. of Uśanas RV. TS. &c. (4) of the planet Śukra VarBṛS. Sarvad (5) ([ As ]), m. pl. poems MBh. ii, 453 (6) a class of Manes ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. iii, 199 (7) the descendants of Kavi VP. (8) ([ A ]), f. intelligence L. (9) N. of a female fiend (= [ pUtanA ]) L. (10) ([ k'Avyam ]), n. wisdom, intelligence, prophetic inspiration, high power and art (often in pl.) RV. AV. ŚBr. xi (11) a poem, poetical composition with a coherent plot by a single author (opposed to an Itihāsa) R. Sāh. &c. (12) term for the first tetrastich in the metre Shaṭ-pada (13) a kind of drama of one act Sāh. 546 (14) a kind of poem (composed in Sanskṛt interspersed with Prākṛt) Sāh. 563 (15) happiness, welfare L.
===> kāya [ kAya ]1[ kAy'a ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. 3. [ ka ] Pāṇ. 4-2, 25), relating or devoted to the god Ka (Prajā-pati RV. x, 121) VS. TS. ŚBr. (1) &c. (2) m. one of the eight modes of marriage (= Prājāpatya, [ vivAha ]) Mn. iii, 38 Yājñ. i, 60 (3) ([ am ]), n. part of the hand sacred to Prajā-pati, the root of the little finger Mn. ii, 58 and 59
===> [ kAya ]1[ kAya ]2 m. (√ [ ci ] Pāṇ. 3-3, 41), the body KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (1) the trunk of a tree R. (2) the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L. (3) assemblage, collection, multitude SaddhP. (4) principal, capital Nār. Bṛh (5) a house, habitation L. (6) a butt, mark L. (7) any object to be attained L. (8) natural temperament L.
===> kāya-stha [ kAyastha ]3[ kAya-stha ] m. ` dwelling in the body ', the Supreme Spirit L. (1) a particular caste or man of that caste, the Kāyath or writer caste (born from a Kshatriya father and Śūdra mother) Yājñ. Mṛcch. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. a woman of that caste L. (3) Myrobalanus Chebula L. (4) Emblica officinalis Bhpr. (5) Ocimum sanctum L. (6) a drug (commonly Kākolī) L. (7) cardamoms L. (8) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a Kāyath or writer L.
===> kāyamāna [ kAyamAna ]1[ kAyamAna ]1 n. a hut made of grass or thatch Kād. Vāsav
===> [ kAyamAna ]1[ k'AyamAna ]2 mfn. (pr. p. Ā. √ 3. [ kA ]?) shunning, avoiding RV. iii, 9, 2, [ 274,2 ]
===> kāyika [ kAyika ]2[ kAyika ] mf ([ I ]) n. performed with the body Mn. xii, 8 MBh. xviii, 303 (1) corporeal Suśr. &c. (2) (ifc.) belonging to an assemblage or multitude Buddh.
===> kāśi [ kAzi ]2[ kAz'i ] m. ` shining ', the sun L. (1) the clenched hand, fist, handful RV. iii, 30, 5 ; vii, 104, 8 ; viii, 78, 10 Kauś (2) N. of a prince (the ancestor of the kings of Kāśi, of the family of Bharata, son of Suhotra and grandfather of Dhanvantari Hariv. 1734 (3) the son of Kāśya and grandson of Suhotra BhP. ix, 17, 4) (4) ([ 'ayas ]), m. pl. the descendants of this prince BhP. ix, 17, 10 (5) N. of the people of Kāśi ŚBr. xiii MBh. &c. (6) ([ is ]), f. ` the splendid ', N. of a celebrated city and place of pilgrimage (the modern Benares, usually written Kāśī, q. v.) Uṇ. iv, 119 (7) fine cotton or silk (from Kāśi) Divyâv
===> [ kAzi ]1[ kAz'i ] [ kAzika ], col. 2
===> kāśi-rāja [ kAzirAja ]3[ kAz'i-rAja ] m. = [ -pa ] MBh. Hariv. BhP. (1) N. of the Dānava Dīrgha-jihva MBh. i, 2676 (2) of Divo-dāsa Dhanvantari Suśr. (3) of Pratardana Daivodāsi RAnukr. (4) of a grandfather of Dhanvantari VP. (5) of a prince who has been killed by his wife VarBṛS.
===> kāśika [ kAzika ]2[ kAzika ] mf ([ A ], [ I ] Pāṇ. 4-2, 116)n. coming from Kāśi Pat. : Lalit. (1) silken Divyâv (2) m. N. of a prince ([ kAzaka ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ purI ]) ` the city of the Kāśis ', Benares (4) (with or without [ vRtti ]) ` the Comm. composed or used in Kāśi ', N. of a Comm. on Pāṇ. by Vāmana and Jay^aditya. [ 280,3 ]
===> kāśmīra [ kAzmIra ]1[ kAzmIra ] mf ([ I ]) n. (gaṇas [ kacch^adi ] and [ sindhv-Adi ]) born in or coming from Kaśmīra MBh. iv, 254 (1) m. a king of Kaśmīra Mudr. Kathās (2) the country Kaśmīra MBh. &c. (3) ([ As ]), m. pl. the inhabitants of Kaśmīra ib. (4) the country Kaśmīra ib. (5) ([ A ]), f. a sort of grape L. (6) ([ I ]), f. = [ kAzmarI ] Bhpr. (7) the tree Ficus elastica L. (8) ([ am ]), n. the tuberous root of the plant Costus speciosus L. (9) saffron Bhartṛ. Gīt. L. (10) = [ TaGka ] L.
===> kāśmīraka [ kAzmIraka ]2[ kAzmIraka ] mfn. (g. [ kacch^adi ]) born or produced in Kaśmīra, relating to Kaśmīra MBh. Rājat. : m. a prince of Kaśmīra VarBṛS. (1) m. pl. the inhabitants of Kaśmīra MBh. iii, 1991 (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a princess of Kaśmīra Rājat. vi, 254
===> kāśyapa [ kAzyapa ]1[ k'Azyapa ] mf ([ I ]) n. belonging to Kaśyapa, relating to or connected with him (e. g. [ kAzyapI devI ], the earth Hariv. 10645 (1) [ kAzyapI ] below) MBh. &c. (2) (g. [ bid^adi ]) a patr. fr. Kaśyapa (designating an old grammarian [ VPrāt. Pāṇ. 8-4, 67 ] and many other persons, including some, whose family-name was unknown [ Comm. on KātyŚr. ] (3) many subdivisions of Kāśyapa families are known, e. g. [ urubilvA-k° ], [ gayA-k° ], [ dazabala-k° ], [ nadI-k° ], [ mahA-k° ] [ hasti-k° ]) (4) N. of Aruṇa (the sun) VP. iii, 12, 41 (5) of Viṣṇu L. (6) a sort of deer L. (7) a fish L. (8) ([ I ]), f. a female descendant of Kaśyapa VarBṛS. (9) the earth (according to a legend of the Purāṇas, Paraśu-rāma, after the destruction of the Kshatriya race and the performance of an Aśvamedha sacrifice, presented the sovereignty of the earth to Kaśyapa) MBh. viii, 3164 Hcar. (10) ([ am ]), n. N. of different Sāmans ĀrshBr.
===> kāśyapa-parivarta [ kAzyapaparivarta ]3[ k'Azyapa-parivarta ] m. N. of a section of the Ratnakūṭa-text Buddh.
===> kāśī [ kAzI ]2[ kAzI ] f. = [ kAzi ], Benares, q. v. (1) N. of the wife of Sudeva and mother of Supārśva Hariv. 9204 VP.
===> [ kAzI ]3[ kAzI ] above
===> kāṇa [ kANa ]1[ kAN'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (etym. doubtful (1) g. [ kaDAr^adi ]) one-eyed, monoculous ([ akSNA kANaH ], blind of one eye Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 30 and 3, 20) RV. x, 155, 1 AV. xii, 4, 3 TS. ii, 5, 1, 7 Mn. MBh. (2) pierced, perforated (as a cowrie perforated or broken by insects) Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 20 Hit. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. iii, 5 (3) ` having only one loop or ring ' and ` one-eyed ' Pañcat (4) m. a crow L.
===> kāṇḍa [ kANDa ]1[ k'ANDa ] [ or [ kAND'a ] TS. vii ], [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ], or [ I ]) [ cf. [ khaNDa ], with which in some of its senses [ kANDa ] is confounded ] a single joint of the stalk or stem of a plant, such as a bamboo or reed or cane (i. e. the portion from one knot to another, cf. [ tri-k° ]), any part or portion, section, chapter, division of a work or book (cf. [ tri-k° ]), any distinct portion or division of an action or of a sacrificial rite (as that belonging to the gods or to the manes) AV. TS. VS. (1) a separate department or subject (e. g. [ karma-kANDa ], the department of the Veda treating of sacrificial rites Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 51) AV. TS. ŚBr. R. (2) a stalk, stem, branch, switch MBh. R. Mn. i, 46, 48 Kauś. Suśr. (3) the part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed W. (4) a cluster, bundle W. (5) a multitude, heap, quantity (ifc.) Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś (6) an arrow MBh. xiii, 265 Hit. (7) a bone of the arms or legs, long bone (cf. [ kANDa-bhagna ] and [ pucchakAND'a ]) Suśr. (8) a rudder (?) R. ii, 89, 19 (9) a kind of square measure Pāṇ. 4-1, 23 Vop. vii, 55 (10) a cane, reed, Saccharum Sara ([ zara ]) L. (11) water L. (12) opportunity, occasion (cf. [ a-kANDa ]) L. (13) a private place, privacy L. (14) praise, flattery L. (15) (ifc. implying depreciation) vile, low Pāṇ. 6-2, 126 (16) = [ kANDasy^avayavo vikAro v^a ] g. [ bilv^adi ] (17) ([ I ]), f. a little stalk or stem Rājat. vii, 117
===> kāṣāya [ kASAya ]1[ kASAya ] mfn. (fr. [ kaS° ]), brownred, dyed of a reddish colour ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. MBh. &c. (1) ([ I ]), f. (with [ makSikA ]) a sort of fly or wasp Suśr. (2) ([ am ]), n. a brown-red cloth or garment MBh. R. Yājñ. iii, 157
===> kāṣāya-vasana [ kASAyavasana ]3[ kASAya-vasana ] mf ([ A ]) n. = [ -vAsas ] Nal. xxiv, 9 (1) ([ A ]), f. a widow L.
===> kāṣṭha [ kASTha ]1[ kASTha ] m. N. of one of Kubera's attendants MBh. ii, 415 (1) ([ 'am ]), n. a piece of wood or timber, stick ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (2) wood or timber in general (3) an instrument for measuring lengths (4) a kind of measure SaddhP. (5) [ [ kASTha- ], in comp., or [ kASTham ] ind. with a verb expresses excellence or superiority Pāṇ. 8-1, 67 and 68. ]
===> kāṣṭha-bhūta [ kASThabhUta ]3[ kASTha-bhUta ] mfn. one who has become wood or stands stock still (as an ascetic) R. i, 65, 3 (1) m. N. of a demon who causes diseases Hariv. 9559
===> kāṣṭha-khaṇḍa [ kASThakhaNDa ]3[ kASTha-khaNDa ] n. a stick, spar, piece of wood Megh. Śiś. Hit.
===> kāṣṭhā [ kASThA ]1[ k'ASThA ] f. a place for running, raceground, course (also the course, path or track of the wind and clouds in the atmosphere) RV. (1) the mark, goal, limit VS. TS. ŚBr. &c. (2) the highest limit, top, summit, pitch Kum. Daś. &c. (3) a quarter or region of the world, cardinal point Naigh. Nir. MBh. &c. (4) the sixteenth part of the disk of the moon BhP. i, 12, 31 (5) a measure of time (= 1/30 Kalā Mn. i, 64 Suśr. (6) = 1/12 Kalā Jyot (7) = 1/15 Laghu, = 1/225 Nāḍikā, = 1/450 Muhūrta BhP. iii, 11, 7) MBh. i, 1292 &c. (8) form, form of appearance BhP. iii, 28, 12 ; vii, 4, 22 (9) the sun Nir. ii, 15 (10) water ib. (11) the plant Curcuma xanthorrhiza L. (12) N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa (mother of the solidungulous quadrupeds). BhP. vi, 6, 25 ff (13) N. of a town
===> kāṭhinya [ kAThinya ]2[ kAThinya ] n. hardness, rigidity, stiffness, sternness, severity (N. of a disease) ŚārṅgS. (1) firmness of character, difficulty, obscurity (of style) Comm. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 24 Vop. xiii, 1 Śak. 63 Kum. BhP. (2) error for [ kaThilla ] Lalit. xliv, 7
===> kīdṛś [ kIdRz ]2[ kId'Rz ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 90) of what kind? who or what like? RV. x, 108, 3 MBh. Pañcat. &c. (1) [ yAdRk-kIdrik-ca ], of whatsoever kind Comm. on KātyŚr.
===> kīdṛśa [ kIdRza ]2[ kIdRza ] mf ([ I ] Gr.)n. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 90) of what kind? what like? MBh. Pañcat. &c. (1) of what use? i. e. useless Bhartṛ
===> kīla [ kIla ]2[ kIla ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]), a sharp piece of wood, stake, pin, peg, bolt, wedge, &c. MBh. &c. (1) a post, post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened, pillar L. (2) a gnomon L. (3) handle, brace Suśr. (4) the elbow VP. (5) a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake) Suśr. (6) a position of the foetus impeding delivery Suśr. (7) N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra RāmatUp. (8) N. of V^ita-rāga Mah^eśa (= [ kIl^ezvara ]) (9) = [ bandha ] Comm. on VS. ii, 34 (10) a weapon L. (11) flame, lambent flame L. (12) a minute particle L. (13) a blow with the elbow (= [ kilA ]) L. (14) ([ A ]), f. a stake, pin L. (15) the elbow L. (16) a weapon L. (17) flame L. (18) a minute particle L. (19) a blow with the elbow (or ` a blow in copulation ') Vātsyāy (20) ([ am ]), n. (= [ kIna ]), flesh Gal.
===> kīlaka [ kIlaka ]2[ kIlaka ] m. a pin, bolt, wedge Pañcat. Hit. (1) a splint (for confining a broken bone) Suśr. (2) a kind of tumour (having the form of a pin) L. (3) (= [ zivaka ]) a kind of pillar for cows &c. to rub themselves against, or one to which they are tied L. (4) N. of the forty-second year of the sixty years ' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS. (5) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of certain Ketus ib. (6) ([ ikA ]), f. a pin, bolt Pañcat. Hcat (7) ([ am ]), n. N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra
===> kīrtana [ kIrtana ]2[ kIrtana ] n. mentioning, repeating, saying, telling MBh. Pañcat. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. Suśr. (2) fame L.
===> kīrti [ kIrti ]2[ kIrt'i ] f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 97 (1) fr. √ 2. [ kR ]) mention, making mention of, speech, report RV. x, 54, 1 AV. ŚBr. &c. (2) good report, fame, renown, glory AV. ŚBr. TUp. Mn. &c. [ 285,2 ] (3) Fame (personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) MBh. Hariv. VP. (4) (in music) a particular measure or time (5) extension, expansion L. (6) lustre L. (7) = [ prasAda ] (favour) or [ prAsAda ] (a palace) L. (8) (fr. √ 1. [ kRR ]), dirt L. (9) N. of one of the Mātṛkās (or personified divine energies of Kṛshṇa) L. (10) ([ is ]), m. N. of a son of Dharma-netra VP.
===> kīrṇa [ kIrNa ]1[ kIrNa ]1 mfn. (√ 1. [ kRR ]) scattered, thrown, cast R. &c. (1) filled with, full of (instr.) ib. (2) covered, hidden Śak. Pañcat. &c. (3) stopped up (as the ears) Rājat. iv, 34 (4) given (= [ datta ]) L.
===> [ kIrNa ]1[ kIrNa ]2 mfn. (√ 2. [ kRR ]) injured, hurt L.
===> kīṭa [ kITa ]1[ kITa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] Hcat.) a worm, insect ŚBr. xiv ĀśvŚr. &c. (1) the scorpion in the zodiac VarBṛS. (2) (ifc.) an expression of contempt (cf. [ zUra-k° ]) Mcar. (3) ([ I ]), f. a worm, insect L. (4) ([ am ]), n. id. L. (5) (= [ kiTTa ]) feces L.
===> kīṭa-ja [ kITaja ]3[ kITa-ja ] n. ` coming from insects ', silk Mn. xi, 168 MBh. ii, 1847 (1) ([ A ]), f. an animal dye of red colour, lac L.
===> kūjana [ kUjana ]2[ kUjana ] n. the uttering of any inarticulate sound, cooing, moaning (1) the rattling of wheels Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 Vārtt (2) rumbling of the bowels Suśr.
===> kūla [ kUla ]1[ k'Ula ] n. a declivity, slope RV. viii, 47, 11 (1) a shore, bank ŚBr. xiv Nir. Mn. &c. (ifc. Pāṇ. 6-2, 121 ; 129 & 135 (2) f. [ A ] MBh. xiv, 1163) (3) a heap, mound, tope Car. (4) a pond or pool L. (5) the rear of an army L. (6) N. of a locality, g. [ dhUm^adi ] (7) [ cf. [ aja-kUlA ], [ anu-kUla ], [ ut-k° ] &c. ; cf. also Hib. [ cul ], ` custody, guard, defence, back part of anything ' ; [ col. ], ` an impediment ' ; Lat. [ collis ]? ]
===> kūpa [ kUpa ]1[ k'Upa ] m. (fr. 1. [ ku ] and [ 'ap ]? (1) cf. [ anUp'a ], [ dvIp'a ]), a hole, hollow, cave RV. i, 105, 17 AV. ŚBr. &c. (2) a pit well ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. Mṛcch. &c.
---> a post to which a boat or ship is moored L. (3) a mast L. (4) a tree or rock in the midst of a river L. (5) a leather oil vessel L. (6) = [ mRn-mAna ] L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a small well W. (8) the navel W. (9) a flask, bottle W. (10) [ cf. Gk. ?. ]
===> kūrma [ kUrma ]1[ kUrm'a ] m. a tortoise, turtle VS. TS. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] MBh. iv, 2016) (1) the earth considered as a tortoise swimming on the waters ([ -vibhAga ]) (2) (hence) N. of the fourteenth Adhyāya of VarBṛS. VarYogay. ix, 4 (3) a particular figure or intertwining of the fingers ([ mudrA ]) Tantras (4) one of the outer winds of the body (causing the closing of the eyes) Vedântas (5) N. of a deity Rasik (6) of a serpent or Kādraveya king MBh. i, 2549 (7) of a Ṛshi (son of Gṛtsa-mada, author of RV. ii, 27-29) RAnukr. (8) Viṣṇu's second incarnation (descent in the form of a tortoise to support the mountain Mandara at the churning of the ocean) NarasP. &c. (9) ([ I ]), f. a female tortoise (10) [ cf. ?, ?, ?. ]
===> kūrma-pṛṣṭha [ kUrmapRSTha ]3[ kUrm'a-pRSTha ] n. the back or shell of a tortoise (1) m. globe-amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) L.
---> N. of a Yaksha BrahmaP. (2) [ °STh^asthi ] n. tortoise-shell (3) [ °STh^onnata ] mfn. raised or elevated like the back of a tortoise MBh. [ 300,3 ]
===> kūrpara [ kUrpara ]1[ kUrpara ] m. the elbow Suśr. Daś. Bālar. Comm. on KātyŚr: the knee L. (1) N. of a village (2) ([ A ]), f. the elbow L.
===> kūṭa [ kUTa ]1[ k'UTa ] n. the bone of the forehead with its projections or prominences, horn RV. x, 102, 4 AV. ŚBr. AitBr. (1) a kind of vessel or implement Kauś. 16 (2) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. any prominence or projection (e. g. [ aMsa-k° ], [ akSi-k° ], qq. vv.) (3) summit, peak or summit of a mountain MBh. &c. (4) summit, head, i. e. the highest, most excellent, first BhP. ii, 9, 19 (5) a heap, multitude (e. g. [ abhra-k° ], a multitude of clouds) MBh. R. BhP. (6) part of a plough, ploughshare, body of a plough L. (7) an iron mallet MBh. xvi, 4, 6 (8) a trap for catching deer, concealed weapon (as a dagger in a wooden case, sword-stick, &c.) R. Pañcat (9) ([ as ] L. (10) [ am ]), m. n. illusion, fraud, trick, untruth, falsehood L. (11) a puzzling question, enigma BhP. vi, 5, 10 and 29 (12) m. a kind of hall (= [ maNDapa ]) Hcat (13) N. of a particular constellation VarBṛ. xii, 8 and 16 (14) a subdivision of Graha-yuddha Sūryas (15) a mystical N. of the letter [ kSa ] RāmatUp. (16) N. of Agastya (cf. [ kuTaja ]) L. (17) of an enemy of Viṣṇu R. BhP. x (18) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. uniform substance (as the etherial element, &c.) L. (19) a water-jar Hcar. (20) a kind of plant L. (21) ([ as ], [ I ]), mf. a house, dwelling (cf. [ kuTa ] and [ kuTI ]) L. (22) ([ kUt'a ]), mf ([ 'A ]) n. not horned or cornuted (as an animal with incomplete continuations of the bone of the forehead) AV. xii, 4, 3 TS. i Kāṭh. &c. (23) false, untrue, deceitful Mn. Yājñ. Kathās. &c. (24) base (as coins) Yājñ. ii, 241 (25) m. an ox whose horns are broken L. (26) ([ am ]), n. counterfeited objects (of a merchant) VarBṛ. xiv, 3
===> kūṭa-stha [ kUTastha ]3[ k'UTa-stha ] mfn. standing at the top, keeping the highest position Comm. on ŚBr. i, 4, 2, 4 (1) standing in a multitude of or in the midst of (in comp.) BhP. i, 11, 36 (2) (in phil.) immovable, uniform, unchangeable (as the soul, spirit, space, ether, sound, &c.) Up. Pat. Bhag. vi, xii BhP. iii, &c. (Pāli [ kUTaTTha ], Sāmaññaphala-sutta) (3) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a kind of perfume (a species of dried shell-fish, commonly Nathi) L. (4) ([ am ]), n. the soul W. (5) [ -tA ] f. unchangeableness, uniformity (6) [ -tva ] n. id. Comm. on KapS. (7) [ -dIpa ] m. N. of a treatise forming part of the Pañcadaśī
===> kūṭâgāra [ kUTAgAra ]3[ kUT^agAra ] m. n. an upper room, apartment on the top of a house R. Mṛcch. Car. &c. (1) [ -zAlA ] f. id. Buddh. Jain.
===> kṛ [ kR ]1[ kR ]1 Ved. I. cl. 2. P. 2. sg. [ k'arSi ] du. [ kRth'as ] pl. [ kRth'a ] (1) Ā. 2. sg. [ kRS'e ] (2) impf. 2. and 3. sg. [ 'akar ], 3. sg. rarely [ 'akat ] (ŚBr. iii, xi) [ 301,1 ] (3) 3. du. [ 'akartAm ] (4) pl. [ 'akarma ], [ 'akarta ] (also BhP. ix), [ 'akran ] (aor., according to Pāṇ. 4-2, 80 Kāś.) (5) Ā. [ 'akri ] (RV. x, 159, 4 and 174, 4), [ 'akRthAs ] (RV. v, 30, 8), [ 'akRta ] (RV.) (6) [ akrAtAm ] (ŚāṅkhŚr.), [ 'akrata ] (RV. AV.): Impv. [ kRdh'i ] (also MBh. i, 5141 and BhP. viii), [ kRt'am ], [ kRt'a ] (7) Ā. [ kRSv'a ], [ kRdhv'am ] (8) Subj. 2. and 3. sg. [ kar ] pl. [ k'arma ], [ k'arta ] and [ kartana ], [ kran ] (9) Ā. 3. sg. [ kRta ] (RV. ix, 69, 5), 3. pl. [ kr'anta ] (RV. i, 141, 3): Pot. [ kriyAma ] (RV. x, 32, 9) (10) pr. p. P. (nom. pl.) [ kr'antas ] Ā. [ krAN'a ]. II. cl. 1. P. [ k'arasi ], [ k'arati ], [ k'arathas ], [ k'aratas ], [ k'aranti ] (11) Ā. [ k'arase ], [ k'arate ], [ k'arAmahe ]: impf. [ 'akaram ], [ 'akaras ], [ 'akarat ] (aor., according to Pāṇ. 3-1, 59): Impv. [ k'ara ], [ k'aratam ], [ k'aratAm ]: Subj. [ k'aram ], [ k'arANi ], [ k'aras ], [ k'arat ], [ k'arAma ], [ k'aran ] (12) Ā. [ karAmahai ] (13) pr. p. (f.) [ k'arantI ] (Naigh.) III. cl. 5. P. [ kRN'omi ], [ °N'oSi ], [ °N'oti ], [ kRNuth'as ], [ kRNm'as ] and [ kRNmasi ], [ kRNuth'a ], [ kRNv'anti ] (14) Ā. [ kRNv'e ], [ kRNuS'e ], [ kRNut'e ], 3. du. [ kRNva'ite ] (RV. vi, 25, 4) (15) pl. [ kRNm'ahe ], [ kRNv'ate ]: impf. [ 'akRNos ], [ 'akRNot ], [ 'akRNutam ], [ 'akRNuta ] and [ °Notana ] (RV. i, 110, 8), [ 'akRNvan ] (16) Ā. 3. sg. [ 'akRNuta ] pl. [ 'akRNudhvam ], [ 'akRNvata ]: Impv. [ kRN'u ] or [ kRNuh'i ] or [ kRNut'At ], [ kRN'otu ], [ kRNut'am ], [ kRNut'Am ], 2. pl. [ kRNut'a ] or [ kRN'ota ] or [ kRN'otana ], 3. pl. [ kRNv'antu ] (17) Ā. [ kRNuSv'a ], [ kRNut'Am ], [ kRNv'AthAm ], [ kRNudhv'am ]: Subj. [ kRN'avas ], [ °N'avat ] or [ °N'avAt ], [ kRN'avAva ], [ °N'avAma ], [ °N'avAtha ], [ °N'avatha ], [ °N'avan ] (18) Ā. [ kRN'avai ] (once [ °NavA ] RV. x, 95, 2), [ kRNavase ] (also ŚvetUp. ii, 7, v. l. [ °Nvase ]), [ kRNavate ], [ kRN'avAvahai ], [ kRN'avAmahai ], 3. pl. [ kRN'avanta ] (RV.) or [ kRNavante ] or [ kRNvata ] (RV.): Pot. Ā. [ kRNvIt'a ] (19) pr. p. P. [ kRNv'at ] (f. [ °vat'I ]), Ā. [ kRNvAN'a ]. IV) cl. 8 (this is the usual formation in the Brāhmaṇas (20) Sūtras, and in classical Sanskṛt), P. [ kar'omi ] (ep. [ kurmi ] MBh. iii, 10943 R. ii, 12, 33) (21) [ kurv'as ], [ kuruth'as ], [ kurut'as ], [ kurm'as ] [ [ kulmas ] in an interpolation after RV. x, 128 ], [ kuruth'a ], [ kurv'anti ] (22) Ā. [ kurv'e ], &c., 3. pl. [ kurv'ate ] (Pāṇ. 6-4, 108-110): impf. [ akaravam ], [ akaros ], [ akarot ], [ akurva ], &c. (23) Ā. 3. sg. [ akuruta ] pl. [ akurvata ]: Impv. [ kuru ], [ karotu ] (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. [ kurutAt ], 3. sg. also BhP. vi, 4, 34), [ kuruta ] or [ kurutana ] (Nir. iv, 7) (24) Ā. [ kuruSva ], [ kurudhvam ], [ kurv'atAm ]: Subj. [ karavANi ], [ karavas ], [ °vAt ], [ °vAva ] or [ °vAvas ] (Pāṇ. 3-4, 98 Kāś.), [ °vAma ] or [ °vAmas ] (ib.), [ °vAtha ], [ °van ]
---> Ā. [ karavai ], [ kuruthAs ], [ karavAvahai ] (TUp. (25) [ °he ] MBh. iii, 10762), [ karavaithe ], [ °vaite ] (Pāṇ. 3-4, 95, Kāś), [ °vAmahai ] ([ °he ] MBh. R. i, 18, 12): Pot. P. [ kuryAm ], Ā. [ kurvIya ] (Pāṇ. 6-4, 109 and 110) (26) pr. p. P. [ kurv'at ] (f. [ °vat'I ]) (27) Ā. [ kurvAN'a ]: perf. P. [ cak'Ara ], [ cak'artha ], [ cakRv'a ], [ cakRm'a ], [ cakr'a ] (Pāṇ. 7-2, 13) (28) Ā. [ cakr'e ], [ cakrir'e ] (29) p. [ cakRvas ] (acc. [ cakr'uSam ] RV. x, 137, 1) (30) Ā. [ cakrANa ] (Vop.): 2nd fut. [ kariSy'ati ] (31) Subj. 2. sg. [ kariSy'As ] (RV. iv, 30, 23) (32) 1st fut. [ k'artA ]: Prec. [ kriyAsam ]: aor. P. Ved. [ cakaram ] (RV. iv, 42, 6), [ acakrat ] (RV. iv, 18, 12), [ 'acakriran ] (RV. viii, 6, 20) (33) Ā. 1. sg. [ kRske ] (RV. x, 49, 7) (34) Class. [ akArSIt ] (Pāṇ. 7-2, 1 Kāś (35) once [ akAraSIt ] BhP. i, 10, 1) (36) Pass. aor. reflex. [ akAri ] and [ akRta ] (Pāṇ. 3-1, 62 Kāś.): Inf. [ k'artum ], Ved. [ k'artave ], [ k'artava'i ], [ k'artos ] (ss. vv.) (37) ind. p. [ kRtv'A ], Ved. [ kRtv'I ] [ RV. ] and [ kRtv'Aya ] [ TS. iv, v ] (38) to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake RV. &c. (39) to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (gen. or loc.) MBh. R. &c. (40) to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ib. (41) to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ib. (42) to form or construct one thing out of another (abl. or instr.) R. i, 2, 44 Hit. &c. (43) to employ, use, make use of (instr.) ŚvetUp. Mn. x, 91 MBh. &c. (44) to compose, describe R. i (45) to cultivate Yājñ. ii, 158 (cf. Mn. x, 114) (46) to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (e. g. [ varSANi daza cakruH ], ` they spent ten years ' MBh. xv, 6 (47) [ kSaNaM kuru ], ` wait a moment ' MBh. (48) cf. [ kritakSaNa ]) (49) to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (acc. or loc. or instr., e. g. [ ardh'aM-√ kR ], to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in (gen. (50) 2. [ ardh'a ]) (51) [ haste ] or [ pANau-√ kR ], to take by the hand, marry Pāṇ. 1-4, 77 (52) [ hRdayena-√ kR ], to place in one's heart, love Mṛcch (53) [ hRdi-√ kR ], to take to heart, mind, think over, consider Rājat. v, 313 (54) [ manasi-√ kR ] id. R. ii, 64, 8 Hcar. (55) to determine, purpose [ ind. p. [ °si kRtvA ] or [ °si-kRtya ] ] Pāṇ. 1-4, 75 (56) [ vaze-√ kR ], to place in subjection, become master of Mn. ii, 100) (57) to direct the thoughts, mind, &c. ([ m'anas ] [ RV. Mn. MBh. &c. ] or [ buddhim ] [ Nal. xxvi, 10 ] or [ matim ] [ MBh. R. ] or [ bhAvam ] [ ib. ], &c.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (loc., dat., inf., or a sentence with [ iti ] e. g. [ mA zoke manaH kRthAH ], do not turn your mind to grief Nal. xiv, 22 [ 301,2 ] (58) [ gamanAya matiM cakre ], he resolved upon going R. i, 9, 55 (59) [ alAbuM samutsraSTuM manaz cakre ], he resolved to create a gourd MBh. iii, 8844 (60) [ draSTA tav^asm^iti matiM cakAra ], he determined to see him MBh. iii, 12335) (61) to think of (acc.) R. i, 21, 14 (62) to make, render (with two acc., e. g. [ AdityaM kASThAm akurvata ], they made the sun their goal AitBr. iv, 7) RV. ŚBr. &c. (63) to procure for another, bestow, grant (with gen. or loc.) RV. VS. ŚBr. &c. (64) Ā. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ŚBr. BṛĀrUp. Mn. vii, 10 &c. (65) to give aid, help any one to get anything (dat.) RV. VS. (66) to make liable to (dat.) RV. iii, 41, 6 ŚBr. iv (67) to injure, violate (e. g. [ kanyAM-√ kR ], to violate a maiden) Mn. viii, 367 and 369 (68) to appoint, institute ChUp. Mn. (69) to give an order, commission Mn. R. ii, 2, 8 (70) to cause to get rid of, free from (abl. or [ -tas ]) Pāṇ. 5-4, 49 Kāś (71) to begin (e. g. [ cakre zobhayitum purIm ], they began to adorn the city) R. ii, 6, 10 (72) to proceed, act, put in practice VS. ŚBr. AitBr. &c. (73) to worship, sacrifice RV. ŚBr. Mn. iii, 210 (74) to make a sound ([ svaram ] or [ zabdam ]) MBh. iii, 11718 Pāṇ. 4-4, 34 Hit.), utter, pronounce (often ifc. with the sounds [ phaT ], [ phut ], [ bhAN ], [ v'aSaT ], [ svadh'A ], [ sv'AhA ], [ hiM ]), pronounce any formula (Mn. ii, 74 and xi, 33) (75) (with numeral adverbs ending in [ dhA ]) to divide, separate or break up into parts (e. g. [ dvidhA-√ kR ], to divide into two parts, ind. p. [ dvidhA kRtvA ] or [ dvidhA-kRtya ] or [ -kAram ] Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 (76) [ sahasradhA-√ kR ], to break into a thousand pieces) (77) (with adverbs ending in [ vat ]) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (e. g. [ rAjyaM tRNa-vat kRtvA ], valuing the kingdom like a straw Vet.) (78) (with adverbs ending in [ sAt ]) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject ([ Atma-sAt ], [ bhasma-sAt ]) Pāṇ. 5-4, 52ff. The above senses of √ [ kR ] may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: [ sakhyaM-√ kR ], to contract friendship with (79) [ pUjAM-√ kR ], to honour (80) [ rAjyaM-√ kR ], to reign (81) [ snehaM-√ kR ], to show affection (82) [ AjJAM ] or [ nidezaM ] or [ zAsanaM ] or [ kAmaM ] or [ yAcanAM ] or [ vacaH ] or [ vacanaM ] or [ vAkyaM-√ kR ], to perform any one's command or wish or request &c. (83) [ dharmaM-√ kR ], to do one's duty Mn. vii, 136 (84) [ nakhAni-√ kR ], ` to clean one's nails ', [ kRta-nakha ] (85) [ udakaM ] [ Mn. Yājñ. R. Daś. ] or [ salilaM ] [ R. i, 44, 49 ] √ [ kR ], to offer a libation of Water to the dead (86) to perform ablutions (87) [ astrANi-√ kR ], to practise the use of weapons MBh. iii, 11824 (88) [ darduraM-√ kR ], to breathe the flute Pāṇ. 4-4, 34 (89) [ daNDaM-√ kR ], to inflict punishment &c. Vet (90) [ kAlaM-√ kR ], to bring one's time to an end, i. e. to die (91) [ ciraM-√ kR ], to be long in doing anything, delay (92) [ manasA ] (for [ °si ], above) √ [ kR ], to place in one's mind, think of, meditate MBh. (93) [ zirasA-√ kR ], to place on one's the head (94) [ mUrdhnA-√ kR ], to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in Veda (AV. xviii, 2, 27), but commonly in the Brāhmaṇas, Sūtras, and especially in classical Sanskṛt the perf. forms [ cakAra ] and [ cakre ] auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives, e. g. [ AsAM cakre ], ` he sat down ' (95) [ gamay'AM cakAra ], ` he caused to go ' [ see Pāṇ. 3-1, 40 (96) in Veda some other forms of √ [ kR ] are used in a similar way, viz. pr. [ karoti ] ŚāṅkhŚr. (97) impf. [ akar ] MaitrS. and Kāṭh (98) 3. pl. [ akran ] MaitrS. and TBr. (99) Prec. [ kriyAt ] MaitrS. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 42) (100) according to Pāṇ. 3-1, 41, also [ karotu ] with √ [ vid ] ]. Caus. [ kArayati ], [ °te ], to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double acc., instr. and acc. [ see Pāṇ. 1-4, 53 ], e. g. [ sabhAM kAritavAn ], he caused an assembly to be made Hit. (101) [ rAja-darzanaM mAM kAraya ], cause me to have an audience of the king (102) [ vANijyaM kArayed vaizyam ], he ought to cause the Vaiśya to engage in trade Mn. viii, 410 (103) [ na zakSyAmi kiMcit kArayituM tvayA ], I shall not be able to have anything done by thee MBh. ii, 6) (104) to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate Lāṭy. Yājñ. ii, 158 MBh. &c. (105) to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, &c. (e. g. [ taM citrapaTaM vAsa-gRhe bhittAv akArayat ], he had the picture placed on the wall in his house Kathās. v, 30) Mn. viii, 251. Sometimes the Caus. of √ [ kR ] is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (e. g. [ padaM kArayati ], he pronounces a word Pāṇ. 1-3, 71 Kāś. [ 301,3 ] (106) [ mithyA k° ], he pronounces wrongly ib. (107) [ kaikeyIm anu rAjAnaM kAraya ], treat or deal with Kaikeyī as the king does R. ii, 58, 16): Desid. [ c'ikIrSati ] (aor. 2. sg. [ acikIrSIs ] ŚBr. iii), ep. also [ °te ], to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after AV. xii, 4, 19 ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (108) to wish to sacrifice or worship AV. v, 8, 3: Intens. 3. pl. [ karikrati ] (pr. p. [ k'arikrat ], Naigh. ii, 1 and Pāṇ. 7-4, 65), to do repeatedly RV. AV. TS. (109) Class. [ carkarti ] or [ carikarti ] or [ carIkarti ] [ Pāṇ. 7-4, 92 Kāś. ], also [ carkarIti ] or [ carikarIti ] or [ carIkarIti ] or [ cekrIyate ] [ ib. Sch. Vop. ] ; [ cf. Hib. [ caraim ], ` I perform, execute ' ; [ ceard ], ` an art, trade, business, function ' ; [ sucridh ], ` easy ' ; Old Germ. [ karawan ], ` to prepare ' ; Mod. Germ. [ gar ], ` prepared (as food) ' ; Lat. [ creo ], [ ceremonia ] (110) ?. ]
===> [ kR ]1[ kR ]2 cl. 3. P. p. [ cakr'at ] (Pot. 2. sg. [ cakriyAs ] (1) aor. 1. sg. [ akArSam ] [ AV. vii, 7, 1 ] or [ akAriSam ] [ RV. iv, 39, 6 ]), to make mention of, praise, speak highly of (gen.) RV. AV. : Intens. (1. sg. [ carkarmi ], 1. pl. [ carkirAma ], 3. pl. [ carkiran ] (2) Impv. 2. sg. [ carkRt'At ] and [ carkRdhi ] (3) aor. 3. sg. Ā. [ c'arkRSe ]), id. RV. AV. (cf. [ kAr'u ], [ kIr'i ], [ kIrt'i ].)
===> [ kR ]1[ kR ]3 to injure, &c. √ 2. [ kRR ]
===> [ kR ]3[ kR ] to make the sound [ kharaTa ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 57 cf. Kāś
===> [ kR ]3[ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to make straight ib.
===> [ kR ]3[ kR ] to make high, set up in a high place Kir. ii, 46
===> kṛcchra [ kRcchra ]1[ kRcchr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (perhaps fr. √ [ kRz ], and connected with [ kaSTa ]), causing trouble or pain, painful, attended with pain or labour MBh. R. Pañcat. Suśr. (1) being in a difficult or painful situation R. ii, 78, 14 (2) bad, evil, wicked W. (3) ([ am ]), ind. miserably, painfully, with difficulty R. iv, 22, 7 (4) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. difficulty, trouble, labour, hardship, calamity, pain, danger (often ifc., e. g. [ vana-vAsak° ], the difficulties of living in a forest (5) [ mUtra-k° ], q. v. (6) [ artha-kRcchreSu ], in difficulties, in a miserable situation MBh. iii, 65 Nal. xv, 3 (7) [ pr^aNakRcchra ], danger of life MBh. ii, 6 BhP.) RV. x, 52, 4 Nir. AitBr. &c. (8) ischury (= [ mUtra-k° ]) L. (9) bodily mortification, austerity, penance Gaut. Mn. &c. (10) a particular kind of religious penance Mn. Yājñ. (11) m. N. of Viṣṇu MBh. xii, 12864 (12) ([ eNa ], or [ a- ] in comp.), instr. ind. with difficulty, with great exertion, painfully, hardly, scarcely Pāṇ. 2-3, 33 R. Suśr. &c. ([ alpa-kRcchreNa ], ` easily ' SaddhP.) (13) ([ At ]), abl. ind. id. MBh. R. &c. (14) (in comp. with a perf. Pass. p. Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 (15) vi ; 3, 2.)
===> kṛcchra-sādhya [ kRcchrasAdhya ]3[ kRcchr'a-sAdhya ] mfn. to be done with difficulty Mcar. (1) curable with difficulty Suśr.
===> kṛkāṭaka [ kRkATaka ]2[ kRkATaka ] n. the neck L. (1) a part of a column R. VarBṛS. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. the joint of the neck Suśr.
===> kṛmi [ kRmi ]1[ k'Rmi ] or [ kr'imi ] m. (fr. √ [ kram ] Uṇ.), a worm, insect VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. Mn. &c. (1) ` a spider ' ([ -tantu-jAla ]) (2) a silk-worm L. (3) a shieldlouse L. (4) an ant L. (5) lac (red dye caused by insects) L. (6) N. of a son (of Uśīnara Hariv. 1676 ff (7) of Bhajamāna Hariv. 2002) (8) of an Asura (brother of Rāvaṇa) L. (9) of a Nāga-rāja Buddh. L. (10) ([ is ]), f. N. of the wife of Uśīnara and mother of Kṛmi Hariv. 1675 and VP. (v. l. [ kRmI ]) (11) N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 17 ; [ cf. Lith. [ kirminis ], [ kirmele ] ; Russ. [ c8ervj ] ; Hib. [ cruimh ] ; Cambro-Brit. [ pryv ] ; Goth. [ vaurms ] ; Lat. [ vermi-s ] for [ quermi-s ]. ]
===> kṛpa [ kRpa ]2[ k'Rpa ] m. N. of a man (described as a friend of Indra) RV. viii, 3, 12 and 4, 2 (1) m. and ([ I ]), f. N. of the son and daughter of the sage Śaradvat (who performed severe penance (2) the jealous Indra therefore sent a nymph to tempt him, but without success (3) however, twin sons were born to the sage in a clump of grass [ [ zara-stambe ] ], who were found by king Śāntanu and out of pity [ [ kRpA ] ] taken home and reared (4) the daughter, Kṛpī, married Droṇa, and had by him a son called Aśvatthāman (5) the son, Kṛpa, became one of the council at Hastināpura, and is sometimes called Gautama, sometimes Śāradvata (6) according to Hariv. and VP., Kṛpa and Kṛpī were only distant descendants of Śaradvat (7) according to others, Kṛpa = Vyāsa or = a son of Kṛshṇa) MBh. &c. (8) ([ A ]), f. s. v. below
===> kṛpaṇa [ kRpaNa ]2[ kRpaN'a ]1 mf ([ 'A ] (1) [ I ] g. [ bahv-Adi ]) n. (gaṇas [ zreNyAdi ] and [ sukh^adi ] Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 Pat.) inclined to grieve, pitiable, miserable, poor, wretched, feeble ŚBr. xi, xiv MBh. &c. (2) resulting from tears AV. xi, 8, 28 (3) low, vile W. (4) miserly, stingy Pañcat. Hit. (5) m. a poor man VarBṛS. (6) a scraper, niggard Pañcat. ŚārṅgP. (7) a worm L. (8) N. of a man VP. (9) ([ am ]), ind. miserably, pitiably MBh. Pañcat. Daś (10) ([ kRp'aNam ]), n. wretchedness, misery RV. x, 99, 9 AitBr. vii, 13 ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. iv, 185 &c. (11) ([ sa-kRpaNam ], ` miserably, pitiably '), Śāntiś. (cf. [ kArpaNya ].)
===> [ kRpaNa ]2[ kRpaNa ]2 Nom. Ā. (3. pl. [ kRp'aNanta ]) to long for, desire RV. x, 74, 3
===> kṛpā [ kRpA ]2[ kRpA ] f. (g. [ bhid^adi ]) pity, tenderness, compassion (with gen. or loc. (1) [ kRpAM-√ kR ], to pity [ with loc. ] Nal. xvii R.) MBh. &c. (2) N. of a river (v. l. [ rUpA ]) VP.
===> kṛsara [ kRsara ]1[ kRsara ] m. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 59 Vārtt. 1 (1) often spelt [ kRzara ]) a dish consisting of sesamum and grain (mixture of rice and peas with a few spices) ṢaḍvBr. v, 2 Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. Mn. &c. (2) ([ As ]), m. pl. id. Suśr. Kathās (3) ([ A ]), f. id. Suśr. Bhpr. (4) ([ am ]), n. id. MBh. MārkP.
===> kṛt [ kRt ]2[ kRt ]1 mfn. only ifc. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 182) making, doing, performing, accomplishing, effecting, manufacturing, acting, one who accomplishes or performs anything, author ([ su-k° ], [ karma-k° ], [ pApa-k° ], &c.) (1) ([ t ]), m. an affix used to form nouns from roots VPrāt. Pāṇ. 3-1, 93 ; 4, 67 ; vi, 1, 71 ; vii, 2, 8 and 11 ; 3, 33 ; viii, 4, 29 (2) a noun formed with that affix Nir. PārGṛ. Gobh. Pāṇ.
===> [ kRt ]1[ kRt ]2 cl. 6. P. [ kRnt'ati ], ep. also Ā. [ °te ] and cl. 1. P. [ kartati ] (perf. [ cakarta ], 2nd fut. [ kartsyati ] or [ kartiSyati ], 1st fut. [ kartitA ] Pāṇ. 7-2, 57 [ 304,3 ] (1) Subj. [ kRnt'at ] (2) aor. [ akartIt ], Ved. 2. sg. [ akRtas ]), to cut, cut in pieces, cut off, divide, tear asunder, destroy RV. AV. AitBr. MBh. &c. : Caus. [ kartayati ] id. Pañcat. : Desid. [ cikartiSati ] or [ cikRtsati ] Pāṇ. 7-2, 57 (3) [ cf. ?, ? ; Lith. [ kertu ] inf. [ kirsti ], ` to cut ' ; Slav. [ korjū ], ` to split ' ; Lat. [ curtus ], [ culter ] ; Hib. [ ceartaighim ], ` I prune, trim, cut ' ; [ cuirc ], ` a knife. ' ]
===> [ kRt ]1[ kRt ]3 cl. 7. P. [ kRN'atti ] (impf. 3. pl. [ 'akRntan ]), to twist threads, spin AV. TS. ii ŚBr. iii MaitrS. = TāṇḍyaBr. (Nir. iii, 21) (1) to wind (as a snake) AV. i, 27, 2 (pr. p. f. [ kRntat'I ]) (2) to surround, encompass, attire Dhātup. xxix, 10
===> kṛta [ kRta ]3[ kRta ] mfn. brought down, humiliated, offended, injured, tricked, deceived cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) low, base, wicked cf. ib. (2) removed, set aside, dismissed cf. W. (3) n. lowering, humbling, humiliation cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 30 (v. l. [ °ti ]) (4) [ -prajJa ] (cf. MBh.), [ -mati ] (cf. BhP.), mfn. depraved in mind
===> kṛta-buddhi [ kRtabuddhi ]3[ kRt'a-buddhi ] mfn. of formed mind, learned, wise VarBṛS. KapS. v, 50 (1) ([ a-k° ]) Bhag. xviii, 16 (2) one who has made a resolution, resolved (with dat. [ Vikr. ] or inf. [ Hariv. ]) Mn. i, 97 (cf. MBh. v, 110) and vii, 30 Yājñ. i, 354 MBh. &c. (3) informed of one's duty, one who knows how religious rites ought to be conducted W.
===> kṛta-ghna [ kRtaghna ]3[ kRt'a-ghna ] mf ([ A ]) n. ` destroying past services or benefits, unmindful of (services) rendered, ungrateful Mn. R. &c. BrahmaP. (sixteen kinds of ungrateful men are enumerated) (1) defeating or rendering vain all previous measures W.
---> [ -tA ] f. ingratitude Pañcat. Sāh (2) [ -tva ] n. id. MārkP. (3) [ kRtaghnI-kRti ] f. representing as ungrateful Naish. vi, 85
===> kṛta-jña [ kRtajJa ]3[ kRt'a-jJa ] mf ([ A ]) n. knowing what is right, correct in conduct MBh. xii, 104, 6 (1) acknowledging past services or benefits, mindful of former aid or favours, grateful Mn. Yājñ. &c. (2) m. a dog L. (3) N. of Śiva L. (4) [ -tA ] f. gratitude R. Pañcat (5) [ -tva ] n. id. (6) [ -zIla ] m. N. of a Prākṛt poet
===> kṛta-karman [ kRtakarman ]3[ kRt'a-karman ] n. an act that has been accomplished Subh (1) ([ kRt'a-k° ]), mfn. one who has done his work or duty ŚBr. MBh. R. Ragh. ix, 3 (2) clever, able L.
===> kṛta-kṛtya [ kRtakRtya ]3[ kRt'a-kRtya ] n. what has been done and what is to be done Up. (1) (mfn.) one who has done his duty or accomplished a business R. (2) one who has attained any object or purpose, contented, satisfied with (loc. R. vii, 59, 3) AitUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (3) [ -tA ] f. the full discharge of any duty or realisation of any object, accomplishment, success Mn. MBh. KapS. &c. (4) [ -bhAva ] m. id. Naish. vi, 106
===> kṛta-puṇya [ kRtapuNya ]3[ kRt'a-puNya ] mf ([ A ]) n. one who has accomplished meritorious acts in a former life, happy R. MārkP.
===> kṛta-pūrva [ kRtapUrva ]3[ kRt'a-pUrva ] mfn. done formerly Daś (1) [ -nAzana ] n. the forgetting of past services, ingratitude Hit.
===> kṛta-vedin [ kRtavedin ]3[ kRt'a-vedin ] mfn. (= [ -jJa ]) one who acknowledges past benefits or services, grateful Mudr. Lalit. (1) observant of propriety W.
===> kṛta-vidya [ kRtavidya ]3[ kRt'a-vidya ] mfn. one who has acquired knowledge, well informed, learned MBh. R. Pañcat
===> kṛta-yuga [ kRtayuga ]3[ kRt'a-yuga ] n. the first of the four ages of the world, golden age Mn. MBh. Hariv. Sūryas. ([ kRta ] above) (1) [ kRtayugAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to resemble the golden age, Pratāpar
===> kṛtaka [ kRtaka ]2[ kRtaka ] mfn. artificial, factitious, done artificially, made, prepared, not produced spontaneously Nir. MBh. &c. (1) not natural, adopted (as a son) MBh. xiii, 2630 Megh (2) assumed, simulated, false MBh. Pañcat. Ragh. xviii, 51 &c. (3) ([ am ] or [ a- ] in comp.), ind. in a simulated manner Śiś. ix, 83 Kathās (4) m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. ix, 24, 47 (5) of a son of Cyavana VP. (6) ([ am ]), n. a kind of salt (= [ viD-lavaNa ]) L. (7) sulphate of copper L.
===> kṛtavat [ kRtavat ]3[ kRt'a-vat ] mfn. perf. p. P. √ [ kR ], one who has done or made anything (1) one who holds the stake at a game (?) Nir. v, 22 ([ tI ]), f. N. of a river VP.
===> kṛti [ kRti ]2[ k'Rti ]1 f. the act of doing, making, performing, manufacturing, composing ŚBr. x ChUp. Pañcat. Kāś. &c. (1) action, activity MBh. iii, 12480 Bhāshāp. Tarkas (2) creation, work Vop (3) literary work Mālav. Ragh. Pāṇ. 6-2, 151 Kāś (4) a house of relics Divyâv (5) ` magic ', [ -kara ] (6) a witch (cf. [ kRtyA ]) Devīm (7) a kind of Anushṭubh metre (consisting of two Pādas of twelve syllables each and a third Pāda of eight syllables) RPrāt. (8) another metre (a stanza of four lines with twenty syllables in each) RPrāt. (9) (hence) the number twenty VarBṛ. (10) a collective N. of the metres [ kRti ], [ prak° ], [ Ak° ], [ vik° ], [ saMk° ], [ abhik° ], and [ utkRti ] (11) a square number VarBṛ. (12) (in dram.) confirmation of any obtainment Sāh. Daśar. Pratāpar (13) N. of the wife of Saṃhrāda and mother of Pañca-jana BhP. vi, 18, 13 (14) ([ is ]), m. N. of several persons MBh. ii, 320 and 1882 Hariv. BhP. MārkP. (15) of a pupil of Hiraṇya-nābha VāyuP.
===> [ kRti ]2[ kRti ]2 f. hurt, hurting, injuring L. (1) ([ 'is ]), m. or f. a kind of weapon, sort of knife or dagger RV. i, 168, 3
===> [ kRti ]3[ k'Rti ]
===> [ kRti ]3[ kRti ] mfn. deceitful, dishonest cf. MBh. xii, 6269 ; iii, 11810 (cf. Nīlak.) (1) m. N. of one of the 8 Vasus cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ nir-Rti ]) (2) f. low conduct, baseness, dishonesty, fraud, wickedness cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (personified as a daughter of A-dharma and mother of Lobha [ cf. MBh. ], or as a sister of Lobha and daughter of Dambha [ cf. BhP. ]) (3) abuse, reproach (4) rejection, removal (5) poverty, indigence cf. W. (6) [ -jIvana ] mfn. subsisting by fraud or dishonesty, acting deceitfully cf. MBh. (7) [ -prajJa ] mfn. versed in dishonesty, well acquainted with vice cf. MBh. (cf. °ta-pr°) (8) [ °tiM-juS ] mfn. delighting in dishonesty or vice cf. BhP.
===> kṛtrima [ kRtrima ]2[ kRtr'ima ] mf ([ A ]) n. made artificially, factitious, artificial, not naturally or spontaneously produced RV. AV. &c. (1) falsified Yājñ. ii, 247 Kathās (2) not natural, adopted (as a son) Mn. Yājñ. ii, 131 MBh. Kathās (3) assumed, simulated (4) not necessarily connected with the nature of anything, adventitious Pañcat (5) m. incense, olibanum L. (6) an adopted son L. (7) ([ am ]), n. a kind of salt (the common Bit Noben, or Bit Lavan [ [ viD-lavaNa ] ], obtained by cooking) L. (8) a kind of perfume (= [ javadi ]) L. (9) sulphate of copper (used as a collyrium) L. (10) ([ A ]), f. a channel Gal.
===> [ kRtrima ]2[ kRtr'ima ]
===> kṛtsna [ kRtsna ]2[ kRtsn'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (rarely used in pl. R. iv, 43, 64) all, whole, entire ŚBr. Mn. &c. (1) m. N. of a man (2) ([ am ]), n. water L. (3) the flank or hip W. (4) the belly L.
===> kṛttikā [ kRttikA ]2[ k'RttikA ] [ As ] f. pl. (rarely sg. MBh. iii, 14464 BhP. vi, 14, 30), N. of a constellation (the Pleiads, originally the first, but in later times the third lunar mansion, having Agni as its regent (1) this constellation, containing six stars, is sometimes represented as a flame or as a kind of razor or knife (2) for their oldest names TS. iv, 4, 5, 1 (3) in mythol. the six Kṛttikās are nymphs who became the nurses of the god of war, Kārttikeya) AV. TS. ŚBr. &c. (4) white spots VarBṛS. lxv, 5 Sch. (5) a vehicle, cart ŚBr. xiii Sch.
===> kṛtya [ kRtya ]2[ kRtya ] mfn. ` to be done or performed ', ([ am ]), n. ind. anybody (gen.) is concerned about (instr.) Mṛcch (1) practicable, feasible W. (2) right, proper to be done MBh. R. &c. (3) one who may be seduced from allegiance or alliance, who may be bribed or hired (as an assassin) Rājat. v, 247 (4) (in med.) to be treated or attended with (in comp.) Suśr. (5) m. (scil. [ pratyaya ]) the class of affixes forming the fut. p. Pass. (as [ tavya ], [ anIya ], [ ya ], [ elima ], &c.) Pāṇ. (6) a kind of evil spirit (named either with or without the addition of [ yakSa ], [ mAnuSa ], [ asura ], &c.) Buddh. (perhaps v. l. for [ °tyA ] below) (7) ([ 'A ]) f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 100) action, act, deed, performance, achievement AV. v, 9, 8 Mn. xi, 125 MBh. xii, 3837 (8) (with gen. [ rujas ]) ill usage or treatment Mn. xi, 67 (9) magic, enchantment AV. &c. (10) (especially personified) a kind of female evil spirit or sorceress RV. x, 85, 28 & 29 VS. &c. (11) a female deity to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and magical purposes L. (12) N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 18 (13) ([ am ]), n. what ought to be done, what is proper or fit, duty, office Mn. R. &c. (14) action, business, performance, service Śak. Sarvad. &c. (15) purpose, end, object, motive, cause MBh. &c.
===> kṛtyâkṛtya [ kRtyAkRtya ]3[ kRty^akRtya ] n. what is to be done and what is not to be done, right and wrong Suśr. Pañcat. Sāh
===> kṛtyā [ kRtyA ]2[ kRty'A ] f. of [ kRtya ], q. v.
===> [ kRtyA ]3[ kRtyA ] f. wickedness, dishonesty cf. MBh. cf. MārkP.
===> kṛtâkṛta [ kRtAkRta ]3[ kRt^akRta ] mfn. done and not done, done in part but not completed MBh. xii, 6542 (= 9946) (1) prepared and not prepared, manufactured and not manufactured MBh. xiii, 2794 Yājñ. i, 286 (2) optional ĀśvŚr. ĀśvGṛ. (3) indifferent MBh. xiii, 7612 (4) ([ 'am ], [ 'e ]), n. sg. and du. what has been done and what has not been done AV. xix, 9, 2 ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 27 KaṭhUp. ii, 14 (5) [ -prasaGgin ] mfn. in Gr. = [ nitya ]
===> kṛtânta [ kRtAnta ]3[ kRt^anta ] mfn. causing an end, bringing to an end, leading to a decisive termination BhP. ix, 6, 13 (1) whose end is action, W. (2) m. ` the inevitable result of actions done in a past existence ', destiny, fate R. Pañcat. Megh. Vet (3) death personified, N. of Yama (god of death) MārkP. Hit. (4) a demonstrated conclusion, dogma Bhag. xviii, 13 (5) a conclusion MBh. xii, 218, 27 (6) (in Gr.) a fixed form or name (?) Pat. Introd. (on Vārtt. 1) and on Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 4 (7) a sinful or inauspicious action L. (8) ` closing the week ', Saturday L. (9) ([ A ]), f. a kind of medicinal drug or perfume (= [ reNukA ]) L. (10) [ -kAl^asura ] m. N. of an Asura GaṇP. (11) [ -janaka ], ` father of Yama ', N. of the sun L. (12) [ -saMtrAsa ] m. N. of a Rākshasa Kathās. lxxxvi, 137
===> [ kRtAnta ]2[ kRt^anta ]
===> [ kRtAnta ]1[ kRt^anta ] [ kRt^artha ], p. 303, col. 2
===> kṛtârgha [ kRtArgha ]3[ kRt^argha ] mfn. received or welcomed by the Argha offering PārGṛ. (1) m. N. of the nineteenth Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. (v. l. [ kRt^artha ])
===> kṛtârtha [ kRtArtha ]3[ kRt^artha ] mf ([ A ]) n. one who has attained an end or object or has accomplished a purpose or desire, successful, satisfied, contented MuṇḍUp. ŚvetUp. MBh. &c. (1) clever Comm. on L. (2) m. v. l. for [ kRt^argha ], q. v. (3) [ -ta ] f. accomplishment of an object, success Ragh. viii, 3 Gīt. v, 19 Kathās (4) [ -tva ] n. id. Sāh (5) [ kRt^arthI-√ kR ], to render successful, content, satisfy Kathās. lxxiv, 125 (6) [ °rthIkaraNa ] mfn. rendering successful Kathās (7) [ °rthIkRta ] mfn. rendered successful, Dhū0rtas. Amar. (8) [ °rthI-√ bhU ], to become successful, be contented Mālatīm (9) [ °rthI-bhUta ] mfn. become successful
===> [ kRtArtha ]3[ kRt^artha ] &c. [ kRt'a ]
===> kṛtâvadhi [ kRtAvadhi ]3[ kRt^avadhi ] mfn. having a fixed limit, fixed, appointed, agreed upon (1) bounded, limited
===> kṛśa [ kRza ]2[ kRz'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 55) lean, emaciated, thin, spare, weak, feeble RV. AV. &c. (1) small, little, minute, insignificant Mn. MBh. R. Mṛcch. &c. (2) ` poor ', [ kRzI-kRta ] (3) m. a kind of fish Gal. (4) a kind of bird Inscr. (5) N. of a Ṛshi (author of RV. viii, 55), viii, 54, 2 and 59, 3 ; x, 40, 8 MBh. i, xiii (6) N. of Sāṃkṛtyāyana Car. i, 12 (7) of Nāga MBh. i, 2152 (8) (pl.) the descendants of Kṛśa, g. [ yask^adi ] (Gaṇar. 27) (9) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ] (ib. 45) (10) [ cf. ?. fr. ? ]
===> kṛṣaka [ kRSaka ]2[ kRSaka ] m. a ploughman, husbandman, farmer Cāṇ (1) a ploughshare L. (2) an ox L. (3) ([ ikA ]), f. cultivation of the soil Cāṇ
===> kṛṣi [ kRSi ]2[ kRS'i ] f. (exceptionally pl. VS. iv, 10 Subh.) ploughing, cultivation of the soil, agriculture (one of the Vṛttis of a Vaiśya Viṣṇ.) RV. VS. &c. (1) the cultivation of the soil personified ŚBr. xi (2) the harvest Yājñ. i, 275 Dhūrtas (3) the earth (= [ bhU ]) MBh. v, 2563
===> kṛṣī-vala [ kRSIvala ]2[ kRSIvala ] m. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 112 ; vi, 3, 118) a cultivator of the soil, husbandman Mn. ix, 38 & x, 90 Yājñ. MBh. ii, 210 &c. [ 306,2 ]
===> kṛṣṇa [ kRSNa ]1[ kRSN'a ]1 mf ([ 'A ]) n. black, dark, dark-blue (opposed to [ zvet'a ], [ zukl'a ], [ r'ohita ], and [ aruN'a ]) RV. AV. &c. (1) wicked, evil Vop. vii, 82 (2) m. (with or without [ pakSa ]) the dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon Mn. Yājñ. Bhag. Suśr. (3) the fourth or Kali-yuga L. (4) ([ k'RSNas ]), m. black (the colour) or dark-blue (which is often confounded with black by the Hindūs) L. (5) the antelope RV. x, 94, 5 VS. TS. ŚBr. BhP. (6) a kind of animal feeding on carrion AV. xi, 2, 2 ([ kRSN'a ]) (7) the Indian cuckoo or Kokila (cf. R. ii, 52, 2) L. (8) a crow L. (9) Carissa Carandas L. (10) N. of one of the poets of the RV. (descended from Aṅgiras) RV. viii, 85, 3 and 4 ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 9 (11) (a son of Devakī and pupil of Ghora Āṅgirasa) ChUp. iii, 17, 6 (12) N. of a celebrated Avatār of the god Viṣṇu, or sometimes identified with Viṣṇu himself [ MBh. v, 2563 ; xiv, 1589 ff. Hariv. 2359 &c. ] as distinct from his ten Avatārs or incarnations (in the earlier legends he appears as a great hero and teacher [ MBh. Bhag. ] (13) in the more recent he is deified, and is often represented as a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair and a flute in his hand (14) the following are a few particulars of his birth and history as related in Hariv. 3304 ff. and in the Purāṇas &c. : Vasu-deva, who was a descendant of Yadu and Yayāti, had two wives, Rohiṇī and Devakī (15) the latter had eight sons of whom the eighth was Kṛshṇa (16) Kaṃsa, king of Mathurā and cousin of Devakī, was informed by a prediction that one of these sons would kill him (17) he therefore kept Vasu-deva and his wife in confinement, and slew their first six children (18) the seventh was Balarāma who was saved by being abstracted from the womb of Devakī and transferred to that of Rohiṇī (19) the eighth was Kṛshṇa who was born with black skin and a peculiar mark on his breast (20) his father Vasu-deva managed to escape from Mathurā with the child, and favoured by the gods found a herdsman named Nanda whose wife Yaśo-dā had just been delivered of a son which Vasu-deva conveyed to Devakī after substituting his own in its place. Nanda with his wife Yaśo-dā took the infant Kṛshṇa and settled first in Gokula or Vraja, and afterwards in Vṛndāvana, where Kṛshṇa and Bala-rāma grew up together, roaming in the woods and joining in the sports of the herdsmen's sons [ 306,3 ] (21) Kṛshṇa as a youth contested the sovereignty of Indra, and was victorious over that god, who descended from heaven to praise Kṛshṇa, and made him lord over the cattle [ Hariv. 3787 ff. ; 7456 ff. VP. ] (22) Kṛshṇa is described as sporting constantly with the Gopīs or shepherdesses [ Hariv. 4078 ff. ; 8301 ff. VP. Gīt. ] of whom a thousand became his wives, though only eight are specified, Rādhā being the favourite [ Hariv. 6694 ff. ; 9177 ff. VP. ] (23) Kṛshṇa built and fortified a city called Dvārakā in Gujarāt, and thither transported the inhabitants of Mathurā after killing Kaṃsa (24) Kṛshṇa had various wives besides the Gopīs, and by Rukmiṇī had a son Pradyumna who is usually identified with Kāma-deva (25) with Jains, Kṛshṇa is one of the nine black Vasu-devas (26) with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons, who are the enemies of Buddha and the white demons) (27) N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2559 (28) of an Asura Hariv. 12936 Sāy. on RV. i, 101, 1 (29) of a king of the Nāgas MBh. ii, 360 Divyâv. ii (30) of Arjuna (the most renowned of the Pāṇḍu princes, so named apparently from his colour as a child) MBh. iv, 1389 (31) of Vyāsa MBh. Hariv. 11089 (32) of Hārita, [ -hArita ] (33) of a son of Śuka by Pīvarī (teacher of the Yoga) Hariv. 980 ff (34) of a pupil of Bharad-vāja Kathās. vii, 15 (35) of Havir-dhāna Hariv. 83 VP. BhP. iv, 24, 8 (36) of a son of Arjuna Hariv. 1892 (37) of an adopted son of A-samañjas, 2039 (38) of a chief of the Andhras VP. (39) of the author of a Comm. on the MBh. (40) of a poet (41) of the author of a Comm. on the Dayā-bhāga (42) of the son of Keśav^arka and grandson of Jay^aditya (43) of the father of Tāna-bhaṭṭa and uncle of Raṅga-nātha (44) of the father of Dām^odara and uncle of Malhaṇa (45) of the father of Prabhūjika and uncle of Vidyā-dhara (46) of the father of Madana (47) of the grammarian Rāma-candra (48) of the son of Vāruṇ^endra and father of Lakshmaṇa (49) of the father of Hīra-bhaṭṭa (author of the Comm. called Carakabhāshya, and of the work Sāhitya-sudhā-samudra) (50) N. of a hell VP. (51) ([ au ]), m. du. Kṛshṇa and Arjuna MBh. i, 8287 ; iii, 8279 (52) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of the Śūdras in Śālmala-dvīpa VP. (53) ([ A ]), f. a kind of leech Suśr. (54) a kind of venomous insect ib. (55) N. of several plants (Piper longum L. (56) the Indigo plant L. (57) a grape L. (58) a Punar-navā with dark blossoms L. (59) Gmelina arborea L. (60) Nigella indica L. (61) Sinapis ramosa L. (62) Vernonia anthelminthica L. (63) = [ kAkolI ] L. (64) a sort of Sārivā L.) Suśr. (65) a kind of perfume (= [ parpaTI ]) Bhpr. (66) N. of Draupadī MBh. (67) of Durgā MBh. iv, 184 (68) of one of the seven tongues of fire L. Sch. (69) of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2640 (70) of a Yoginī Hcat (71) (with or without [ gaGgA ]) N. of the river Kistna MBh. xiii, 4888 PadmaP. NārP. (72) ([ 'I ]), f. night RV. vii, 71, 1 (73) ([ 'am ]), n. blackness, darkness, i, 123, 1 and 9 (74) the black part of the eye ŚBr. x, xii, xiii, xiv Suśr. (75) the black spots in the moon TBr. i, 2, 1, 2 (76) a kind of demon or spirit of darkness RV. iv, 16, 13 (77) black pepper L. (78) black Agallochum L. (79) iron L. (80) lead L. (81) antimony L. (82) blue vitriol L. (83) [ cf. [ k'ArSNa ], &c. ; cf. also Russ. [ c8ernyi ], ` black. ' ]
===> [ kRSNa ]2[ kRSNa ]2 Nom. P. [ °SNati ], to behave or act like Kṛshṇa Vop. xxi, 7
===> kṛṣṇa-keśa [ kRSNakeza ]3[ kRSN'a-keza ] m. black-haired ĀpŚr. v, 1, 1 Sch. (1) N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2563
===> kṛṣṇa-mukha [ kRSNamukha ]3[ kRSN'a-mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. having a black mouth Suśr. (1) having black nipples ib. (2) m. N. of an Asura Hariv. 12936 (3) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a sect, Buddh. (4) [ -taNDula ] m. a kind of rice Gal.
===> kṛṣṇa-pakṣa [ kRSNapakSa ]3[ kRSN'a-pakSa ] m. the dark half of a month (fifteen days during which the moon is on the wane, time from full to new moon) KātyŚr. xv ĀśvGṛ. iv, 5 Mn. Yājñ. &c. (1) ` standing on the side of Kṛshṇa ', N. of Arjuna L. [ 307,2 ]
===> kṛṣṇa-sāra [ kRSNasAra ]3[ kRSN'a-sAra ] mf ([ I ]) n. chiefly black, black and white (as the eye), spotted black Nal. R. Vikr. Hcat. &c. (1) m. (with or without [ mRga ]) the spotted antelope Mn. ii, 23 Śak. Megh. &c. (2) Dalbergia Sissoo L. (3) Euphorbia antiquorum L. (4) Acacia Catechu L. (5) ([ A ]), f. Dalbergia Sissoo L. (6) Euphorbia antiquorum L. (7) the eyeball Nyāyad (8) [ -mukha ] n. N. of a particular position of the hand PSarv.
===> kṛṣṇa-varṇa [ kRSNavarNa ]3[ kRSN'a-varNa ] mfn. of a black colour, dark-blue L. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2642
===> kṛṣṭa [ kRSTa ]2[ kRSTa ] mfn. drawn &c. (ifc.) Ragh. Śak. &c. (1) ploughed or tilled (ifc.) Pañcat. &c. (2) ([ 'as ] or [ 'am ]) m. or n. cultivated ground ŚBr. v (3) m. ` lengthened ', N. of a particular note (in music) TPrāt.
===> kṣa [ kSa ]1[ kSa ]1 (fr. √ 1. or 2. [ kSi ]), [ dyukS'a ] (1) m. a field L. (2) the protector or cultivator of a field, peasant L.
===> [ kSa ]1[ kSa ]2 mfn. (fr. √ 4. [ kSi ]), [ tuvikS'a ] (1) m. destruction, loss L. (2) destruction of the world L. (3) lightning L. (4) a demon or Rakshas L. (5) the fourth incarnation of Viṣṇu (as the manlion or nara-siṃha) L.
===> kṣama [ kSama ]2[ kSam'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (g. [ pac^adi ]) patient (said of the earth, perhaps with reference to 2. [ kS'am ]) AV. xii, 1, 29 (1) ifc. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 1 Vārtt. 8) enduring, suffering, bearing, submissive, resisting MBh. Śak. Kum. v, 40 (2) adequate, competent, able, fit for (loc. or inf. or in comp., e. g. [ vayaM tyaktuM kSamAH ], ` we are able to quit ', Śāntiś.) Nal. R. Ragh. &c. (3) favourable to (gen.) R. ii, 35, 31 (4) bearable, tolerable Śak. Pañcat. (= Subh.) (5) fit, appropriate, becoming.), suitable proper for (gen., dat., loc., inf. or in comp.) MBh. (e. g. [ kSamaM kauravANAm ], proper for the Kauravas, iii, 252) R. (e. g. [ na sa kSamaH kopayitum ], ` he is not a fit object ', for anger ', iv, 32, 20) &c. (6) m. ` the patient ', N. of Śiva (7) a kind of sparrow L. (8) ([ A ]), f. patience, forbearance, indulgence (one of the [ sAmAnya-dharmAs ] i. e. an obligation to all castes Viṣṇ.) Mn. MBh. &c. (9) [ kSamAM ] √ [ kR ], to be indulgent to, have patience or bear with ([ prati ] MBh. iii, 1027 (10) or gen., Śāntiś.) (11) ` Patience ' (personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Pulaha VP.) Hariv. 14035 Prab. [ 326,3 ] (12) tameness (as of an antelope) R. iii, 49, 25 (13) resistance Pāṇ. 1-3, 33 Sch. (14) (= 2. [ kS'am ]) the earth VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c. (15) (hence) the number ` one ' (16) N. of Durgā, DevīP. (17) the Khadira tree (Acacia Catechu) L. (18) N. of a species of the Atijagati metre (19) N. of a female shepherd BrahmaP. (20) of a Śākta authoress of Mantras (21) of a river (= [ vetravatI ]) Gal. (22) for [ kSap'A ] (night) L. ; ([ am ]), n. propriety fitness W. [ cf. Hib. [ cam ], ` strong, mighty (23) power ' ; [ cama ], ` brave. ' ]
===> kṣamatva [ kSamatva ]3[ kSam'a-tva ] n. id. (with loc. or ifc.) Sāh. Sarvad. Comm. on KapS. and on Mn. ix, 161
===> kṣamavat [ kSamavat ]3[ kSam'a-vat ] mfn. knowing what is proper or right R. v, 89, 68 (1) for [ kSAm° ], q. v.
===> kṣamaṇīya [ kSamaNIya ]2[ kSamaNIya ] mfn. to be suffered or patiently borne R. v, 79, 9 ; vii, 13, 36
===> kṣamin [ kSamin ]2[ kSamin ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 141) id. (with loc.) Yājñ. i, 133 ; ii, 200 MBh. BhP. Bhartṛ. Vet
===> kṣamitavya [ kSamitavya ]2[ kSamitavya ] mfn. to be endured or patiently borne or pardoned R. v, 24, 7
===> kṣamuda [ kSamuda ]1[ kSamuda ] [ as ], or [ am ] m. or n. (?) a particular high number Buddh. L.
===> kṣamā [ kSamA ]2[ kSam'A ]1 (instr. of 2. [ kS'am ] q. v.), ind. on the earth, on the floor, g. [ svar-Adi ] (1) [ cf. Gk. ?, [ 326,3 ] ?. ]
===> [ kSamA ]2[ kSam'A ]2 (f. of [ °m'a ] q. v.)
===> [ kSamA ]1[ kSam'A ] &c. √ 1. [ kSam ]
===> kṣamāvat [ kSamAvat ]3[ kSamA-vat ] mfn. patient, enduring, forbearing MBh. R. &c. (1) tame (as elephants) MBh. ii, 1878 (2) ([ tI ]), f. N. of the wife of Nidhi-pati
===> kṣapaṇa [ kSapaNa ]2[ kSapaNa ]1 m. ` fasting ', a religious mendicant, Jaina (or Buddhist) mendicant L. (1) N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ (2) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a Buddhist school L. (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat (4) ([ am ]), n. abstinence, chastisement of the body [ ` pause, interuption (of study), defilement, impurity ' Comm. (5) cf. 2. [ kSapaNa ] ] PārGṛ. Gaut. Mn. iv, 222 ; v, 71 MBh. xiii, 5145
===> [ kSapaNa ]2[ kSapaNa ]2 mfn. ifc. (cf. [ akSa-kS° ]) one who destroys, destructive BhP. (1) m. N. of Śiva (2) ([ am ]), n. destroying, diminishing, suppressing, expelling MBh. Suśr. BhP. (3) ` passing (as time), waiting, pause ', = 1. [ kSapaNa ], q. v.
===> [ kSapaNa ]1[ kSapaNa ] √ 1. and √ 3. [ kSap ] (1) ([ I ]), ind., 1. [ kSapaNa ] (2) f. √ 2. [ kSap ]
===> kṣapita [ kSapita ]2[ kSapita ] mfn. destroyed, ruined, diminished, suppressed Ragh. viii, 46 BhP. iv, 31, 6
===> kṣara [ kSara ]2[ kSara ] mf ([ A ]) n. (g. [ jval^adi ]) melting away, perishable ŚvetUp. MBh. Bhag. (1) m. a cloud L. (2) ([ am ]), n. water L. (3) the body MBh. xiv, 470
===> kṣata [ kSata ]3[ kSata ]
===> [ kSata ]2[ kSat'a ] mfn. wounded, hurt, injured ŚBr. vi Yājñ. &c. (1) broken, torn, rent, destroyed, impaired MBh. &c. (2) diminished, trodden or broken down (3) ([ A ]), f. a violated girl Yājñ. (4) ([ am ]), n. a hurt, wound, sore, contusion MBh. Suśr. &c. (5) rupture or ulcer of the respiratory organs (6) N. of the sixth astrological mansion VarBṛ. i, 16
===> kṣati [ kSati ]2[ kSati ] f. injury, hurt, wound MBh. &c. (1) loss, want (of the means of living. cf. [ kSata-vRtti ]) Hit. (2) damage, disadvantage MBh. &c. (3) defect, fault, mistake Sāh (4) destruction, removal of (in comp.) Kum. ii, 24 Rājat. v, 234 Śāntiś
===> kṣatra [ kSatra ]1[ kSatr'a ] n. (√ 1. [ kSi ]? (1) g. [ ardharc^adi ]) sg. and pl. dominion, supremacy, power, might (whether human or supernatural, especially applied to the power of Varuṇa-Mitra and Indra) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. ii (2) xi (3) sg. and pl. government, governing body RV. AV. VS. x, 17 TBr. ii (4) the military or reigning order (the members of which in the earliest times, as represented by the Vedic hymns, were generally called Rājanya, not Kshatriya (5) afterwards, when the difference between Brahman and Kshatra or the priestly and civil authorities became more distinct, applied to the second or reigning or military caste) VS. AV. TS. &c. [ 325,2 ] (6) a member of the military or second order or caste, warrior Mn. MBh. &c. (fancifully derived fr. [ kSatAt tra ] fr. √ [ trai ] i. e. ` a preserver from injury ' Ragh. ii, 53) (7) the rank of a member of the reigning or military order, authority of the second caste AitBr. viii, 5 ŚBr. xiii, 1, 5, 2 BhP. iii, ix (8) wealth Naigh. ii, 10 (9) water, i, 12 (10) the body L. (11) Tabernaemontana coronaria (v. l. [ chattra ]) L. (12) ([ I ]), f. a woman of the second caste L.
===> kṣatra-dharma [ kSatradharma ]3[ kSatr'a-dharma ] m. the duty of the second caste or of a Kshatriya, bravery, military conduct Mn. v, 98 MBh. R. (1) N. of a prince (= [ °rman ]) VP. (2) [ °rm^anuga ] mfn. following or observing the duty of a soldier
===> kṣatriya [ kSatriya ]2[ kSatr'iya ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 38 (1) g. [ zreNyAdi ]) governing, endowed with sovereignty RV. AV. iv, 22, 1 VS. TBr. ii (2) m. a member of the military or reigning order (which in later times constituted the second caste) AV. ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c. (3) (ifc. f. [ A ]) MBh. (4) N. of a Daśa-pūrvin Jain. (5) a red horse Gal. (6) ([ As ]), m. N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 28 (7) ([ A ]), f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Vārtt. 7) a woman of the military or second caste Mn. Yājñ. MBh. (e. g. [ kSŚ te ], your wife that belongs to the second caste) (8) N. of Durgā Hariv. 3290 (9) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a man of the second caste Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Siddh (10) ([ am ]), n. the power or rank of the sovereign RV. iv, 12, 3 ; v, 69, 1 ; vii, 104, 13 AV. vi, 76, 3
===> kṣaudra [ kSaudra ]1[ kSaudra ] m. (fr. [ kSudra ] and [ °drA ]), Michelia Campaka MBh. iii, 11569 (1) N. of a mixed caste (son of a Vaideha and a Māgadhī) MBh. xiii, 2584 (2) ([ am ]), n. smallness, minuteness, g. [ pRthvAdi ] (3) honey, species of honey L. (4) water L. (5) N. of a Sūtra of the SV.
===> kṣauma [ kSauma ]1[ kSauma ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ kSumA ] (1) = [ kSoma ] Uṇ. i, 138), made of linen, linen Lāṭy. Gobh. PārGṛ. &c. (2) covered with linen W. (3) prepared from linseed (as oil) Suśr. (4) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. = [ aTTa ] (an airy room on the top of a house, apartment on the roof, back of an edifice, fortified place in front of a building, building of a particular form W. (5) cf. [ kSoma ]) L. (6) ([ I ]), f. flax (Linum usitatissimum) L. (7) ([ am ]), n. linen cloth or garment KātyŚr. Gaut. Mn. &c. (also = [ dukUla ] L.) (8) linseed Suśr. (9) the flower of flax L.
===> kṣaya [ kSaya ]1[ kS'aya ] √ 1. 2. and 4. [ kSi ]
===> [ kSaya ]2[ kSaya ]1 m. ` dominion ' Sāy. (on RV. vii, 46, 2)
===> [ kSaya ]2[ kS'aya ]2 mfn. dwelling, residing RV. iii, 2, 13 ; viii, 64, 4 (1) m. an abode, dwelling-place, seat, house (cf. [ uru- ] and [ su-kS'aya ], [ rAtha- ], [ divikSay'a ]) RV. VS. v, 38 TS. Pāṇ. MBh. R. BhP. (2) the house of Yama (cf. [ yama-kS° ], [ vaivasvata-kS° ]) (3) abode in Yama's dominion Comm. on R. (ed. Bomb.) ii, 109, 11 (4) (= [ kSit'i ]) family, race RV. i, 123, 1
===> [ kSaya ]2[ kSaya ]3 m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 201) loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay, wasting or wearing away (often ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (1) fall (as of prices, opposed to [ vRddhi ] e. g. [ kSayo vRddhiz ca paNyAnAm ], ` the fall and rise in the price of commodities ') Yājñ. ii, 258 (2) removal W. (3) end, termination (e. g. [ nidrA-kS° ], the end of sleep R. vi, 105, 14 (4) [ dina-kSaye ], at the end of day MBh. i, 699 R. iv, 3, 10 (5) [ jIvita-kSaye ], at the end of life Daś (6) [ AyuSaH kS° ] id. Ragh (7) [ kSayaM ] √ [ gam ], √ [ yA ], √ [ i ], or [ uparoot i ], to become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come to an end, perish Nal. R. Suśr. VarBṛS. Daś. Amar. Hit. (8) [ kSayaMroot nI ], to destroy R. v, 36, 51) (9) consumption, phthisis pulmonalis Suśr. Hcat (10) sickness in general L. (11) the destruction of the universe Pañcat
---> (in alg.) a negative quantity, minus Āryabh (12) = [ -mAsa ] Jyot (13) = [ kSay^aha ] Gaṇit (14) N. of a prince VP. (15) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yogini Hcat (16) ([ am ]), n. N. of the last year in the sixty years ' Bṛhaspati cycle VarBṛS. [ 328,2 ]
===> kṣaya-kara [ kSayakara ]3[ kSaya-kara ] mfn. ifc. causing destruction or ruin, destructive, terminating MBh. ii, 2494 Suśr. (1) liberating from existence W. (2) perhaps for [ kSayi-kala ] (said of the moon ` the portions of which are waning ') Cāṇ (3) ([ as ]), N. of the 49th year of the sixty years ' Bṛhaspati cycle VarBṛS.
===> kṣayaṃ-kara [ kSayaMkara ]3[ kSaya-M-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing destruction or ruin (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. Hcat
===> kṣayin [ kSayin ]2[ kSayin ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 157) wasting, decaying, waning Mn. ix, 314 Ragh. Daś. Bhartṛ (1) perishable Śak. Megh. &c. (2) consumptive Mn. iii, 7 MBh. xiii, 5089 VarBṛ. xxiii, 17
===> kṣaṇa [ kSaNa ]1[ kSaNa ]1 m. any instantaneous point of time, instant, twinkling of an eye, moment Nal. Śak. Ragh. &c. (1) a moment regarded as a measure of time (equal to thirty Kalās or four minutes L. (2) or (in astron.) to 48 minutes VarBṛS. &c. (3) or 4/5 or 24/35 seconds BhP. iii, 11, 7 and 8) (4) a leisure moment, vacant time, leisure (e. g. [ kSaNaM-√ kR ], to have leisure for, wait patiently for MBh. (5) cf. [ kRta-kSaNa ]) (6) a fit or suitable moment, opportunity ([ kSaNaM-√ kR ], to give an opportunity. MBh. iv, 666 (7) cf. [ datta-kSaNa ] and [ labdha-kS° ]) (8) a festival Megh. Daś. BhP. iii, 3, 21 (9) a certain day of the fortnight (as the full moon, change of the moon, &c.) Sarvad (10) dependence L. (11) the centre, middle L. (12) ([ am ]), n. an instant, moment Bhartṛ. (= Subh.)
---> ([ am ].), acc. ind. for an instant R. vi, 92, 35 BrahmaP. Vet. &c. [ 325,1 ] (13) in a moment Ragh. xii, 36 Śāntiś. (cf. [ tat-kSaNam ]) (14) ([ eNa ]), instr. ind. in a moment Nal. R. &c. (15) ([ At ]), abl. ind. after an instant, immediately, at once Mn. R. Śak. &c. (16) [ tataH kSaNAt ] (= [ tat-kSaNAt ], q. v.), immediately upon that Kathās (17) [ kSaNAt-kSaNAt ], in this moment - in that moment Rājat. viii, 898 (18) ([ eSu ]), loc. ind. immediately, at once R. vi, 55, 19 (19) [ kSaNe kSaNe ], every instant, every moment Rājat. v, 165 and 337
===> [ kSaNa ]1[ kSaNa ]2 [ °Natu ], [ °Nana ], &c. √ [ kSan ]
===> [ kSaNa ]2[ kSaNa ]2 m. killing (= māraṇa) Gal.
===> kṣaṇa-bhaṅga [ kSaNabhaGga ]3[ kSaNa-bhaGga ] m. (with Buddh.) continual, decay of things (denial of the continued identity of any part of nature, maintainment that the universe perishes and undergoes a new creation every instant) Sarvad (1) [ -vAda ] m. the doctrine of the continual decay of things Bādar. ii, 1, 18 Sch. (2) [ -vAdin ] mfn. one who asserts that doctrine Sarvad
===> kṣaṇa-bhaṅgura [ kSaNabhaGgura ]3[ kSaNa-bhaGgura ] mf ([ A ]) n. id. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. BhP. Kām. Hit.
===> kṣaṇika [ kSaNika ]2[ kSaNika ] mf ([ I ]) n. momentary, transient Ragh. Prab. Bhāshāp. &c. (1) having leisure, profiting of an opportunity BhP. xi, 27, 44 Hit. (2) ([ A ]), f. lightning L.
===> kṣaṇika-vāda [ kSaNikavAda ]3[ kSaNika-vAda ] m. = [ kSaNa-bhaGga-v° ] (q. v.) Bādar. ii, 1, 18 Sch. (v. l.)
===> kṣaṇântara [ kSaNAntara ]3[ kSaN^antara ] n. ` the interval of a moment ', ([ e ]), loc. ind. after a little while, the next moment, thereupon Pañcat. Kathās (1) [ kiMcit kSaN^antaram ] acc. ind. for a moment R. ii, 114, 12
===> kṣema [ kSema ]1[ kS'ema ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 2. [ kSi ]) habitable (1) giving rest or ease or security MBh. R. (2) at ease, prosperous, safe W. (3) m. basis, foundation VS. xviii, 7 AV. iii, 12, 1 and iv, 1, 4 ŚBr. xiii KapS. i, 46 (4) residing, resting, abiding at ease RV. x AV. xiii, 1, 27 (5) iii (6) viii (7) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. (Ved. only m. (8) g. [ ardharc^adi ]), safety, tranquillity, peace, rest, security, any secure or easy or comfortable state, weal, happiness RV. AV. VS. Mn. MBh. &c. ([ kS'ema ] & [ y'oga ] [ or [ pra-y'uj ] ], rest and exertion, enjoying and acquiring RV. VS. xxx, 14 PārGṛ. MBh. xiii, 3081 (9) cf. [ kSema-yoga ] and [ yoga-kS° ] (10) [ kSemaM te ], ` peace or security may be to thee ' [ this is also the polite address to a Vaiśya, asking him whether his property is secure Mn. ii, 127 ], Śāntiś. ii, 18) (11) final emancipation L. (12) m. a kind of perfume (= [ caNDA ]) L.
---> Ease or Prosperity (personified as a son of Dharma and Śānti VP. (13) as a son of Titikshā BhP. iv, 1, 51) (14) N. of a prince MBh. i, 2701 Divyâv. xviii (15) of a son of Śuci and father of Su-vrata BhP. ix, 22, 46 (16) N. of a kind of college ([ maTha ]) Rājat. vi, 186 (17) ([ eNa ]), instr. ind. at ease (18) in security, safely R. Mṛcch. Pañcat. BhP. (19) (ifc. with [ yathA ] R. ii, 54, 4) (20) ([ ais ]), instr. pl. ind. id. MBh. xiii, 1519 (21) ([ A ]), f. a kind of perfume (= [ kASTha-guggula ], or [ coraka ] Comm.) VarBṛS. iii (22) N. of Durgā L. (23) of another deity (= [ kSemaM-karI ]), DevīP. (24) of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4818 (25) ([ am ]), n. N. of one of the seven Varshas in Jambū-dvīpa BhP. v, 20, 3
===> kṣemaka [ kSemaka ]2[ kSemaka ] m. a kind of perfume (= [ caura ]) L. (1) N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1556 (2) of a Rakshas Hariv. (3) of an attendant of Śiva L. (4) of an old king MBh. ii, 117 (5) of a son of Alarka (also called Sunītha) Hariv. 1749 (6) of a son of Nirāmitra MatsyaP. (7) of the last descendant of Parīkshit in the Kali-yuga VP. BhP. ix, 22, 42 f. (8) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa ruled by Kshemaka VP. ii, 4, 5
===> kṣemaṃ-kara [ kSemaMkara ]3[ kS'ema-M-kara ] mfn. (= [ -kAra ] Pāṇ. 3-2, 44) = [ -kara ] Cāṇ. (=ŚārṅgP.) Bhaṭṭ. vi, 105 (1) m. N. of a king of the Trigartas MBh. iii, 15731 (2) of a son of Brahma-datta (Udayana) Buddh. (3) of the author of a recension of Siṉhâs (4) of a mythical Buddha Divyâv. xviii (5) ([ I ]), f. Durgā VP. v, 1, 83 (6) N. of another goddess, DevīP. (7) of the sister of Brahma-datta's son Kshemaṃ-kara Buddh.
===> kṣepa [ kSepa ]2[ kSepa ] m. a throw, cast W. (1) throwing, casting, tossing W. [ 329,2 ] (2) stretching (as of the legs) Suśr. (3) a clap (of wings) R. iv, 62, 12 (4) a stroke (of an oar &c.) L. (cf. [ apaTI-kS° ], [ dRSTi-kS° ], [ bhrUkS° ], [ saTA-kS° ]) (5) moving to and fro Megh. 47 (6) sending, dismissing W. (7) laying on (as pain &c.) besmearing L. (8) transgressing ([ laGghana ]) L. (9) delay, procrastination, dilatoriness Sarvad (10) ` loss ', [ manaH-kS° ] (11) accusation Yājñ. ii, 210 (12) (Pāṇ. 2-1, 26 and v, 4, 46) insult, invective, abuse, reviling MBh. i, 555 ; iii, 631 Yājñ. ii, 204 and 211 (13) disrespect, contempt L. (14) pride, haughtiness L. (15) application of a term to something else Bādar. iv, 1, 6 Sch. (16) a nosegay L. (17) (in arithm.) an additive quantity, addendum (18) the astronomical latitude Sūryas. Gol.
===> [ kSepa ]1[ kSepa ] [ °paka ], [ °pana ], &c. √ [ kSip ]
===> kṣepaṇa [ kSepaNa ]2[ kSepaNa ] n. the act of throwing, casting, letting fly or go (a bow-string) Nir. ii, 28 MBh. iv, 352 and 1400 (1) throwing away (in boxing) VP. v, 20, 54 (2) sending, directing W. (3) sending away MBh. iii, 13272 (4) passing away or spending time (v. l. [ kSapaNa ]) (5) ` omitting ', for 1. [ kSapaNa ] Mn. iv, 119 (6) sling BhP. iii, 19, 18 ; x, 11, 38 (7) ([ I ]), f. id. R. vi, 7, 24 (8) an oar L. (9) a kind of net L.
===> kṣetra [ kSetra ]1[ kS'etra ] n. (√ 2. [ kSi ]) landed property, land, soil ([ kS'etrasya p'ati ], ` lord of the soil ', N. of a kind of tutelary deity RV. AV. ii, 8, 5 (1) also [ kS'etrasya p'atnI ], ` mistress of the soil ', and [ kS'etrANAm p'ati ], ` the lord of the soil ', N. of tutelary deities AV. ii, 12, 1 VS. xvi, 18) (2) ` soil of merit ', a Buddha or any holy person Divyâv (3) a field (e. g. [ °traM-√ kR ], ` to cultivate a field ' Mn. Yājñ. ii, 158 (4) cf. [ sasya-kS° ]) RV. &c. (5) place, region, country RV. AV. iii, 28, 3 TS. vii Suśr. Megh. Vet (6) a house L. (7) a town L. (8) department, sphere of action MBh. xiv, 126 R. &c. (9) place of origin, place where anything is found Yogas. ii, 4 Suśr. BhP. viii, 12, 33 (10) a sacred spot or district, place of pilgrimage (as Benares &c. (11) often ifc.) BrahmaP. (12) an enclosed plot of ground, portion of space, superficies (e. g. [ sv-alpa-kS° ], of a small circuit Yājñ. ii, 156) (13) (in geom.) a plane figure (as a triangle, circle, &c.) enclosed by lines, any figure considered as having geometrical dimensions Gol. (14) a diagram W. (15) a planetary orbit Gaṇit (16) a zodiacal sign Sūryas (17) an astrological mansion VarBṛS. VarBṛ. i, xi (18) (in chiromancy) certain portions marked out on the palm VarBṛS. lxviii, 1 (19) ` fertile soil ', the fertile womb, wife Mn. Yājñ. ii, 127 MBh. R. Śak. BhP. (20) the body (considered as the field of the indwelling soul) Yājñ. iii, 178 Bhag. xiii, 1 and 2 Kum. vi, 77 (21) (in Sāṃkhya phil.) = [ a-vyakta ] (q. v.) Tattvas (22) ([ 'I ]) f. only dat. [ °triya'i ] for [ °triy'At ] (AV. ii, 10, 1) TBr. ii, 5, 6, 1 (23) [ cf. [ 'a-kS° ], [ anya- ] and [ kuru-kSetr'a ], [ karma-kS° ], [ deva-kS° ], [ dharma-kS° ], [ raNa-kS° ], [ siddha-kS° ], [ su-kS° ], [ sur^ezvarI-kS° ] ; cf. also Goth. [ haithi ], Them. [ haithjo ] ; Germ. [ Heide ]. ]
===> kṣetra-gata [ kSetragata ]3[ kS'etra-gata ] mfn. ` relating to plane figures ', geometrical (1) [ °t^opapatti ] f. a geometrical proof
===> kṣetra-jña [ kSetrajJa ]3[ kS'etra-jJ'a ] mfn. knowing localities TBr. iii AitBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ŚBr. xiii ChUp. (1) familiar with the cultivation of the soil (as a husbandman) L. (2) clever, dexterous, skilful (with gen.) MBh. i, 3653 (3) cunning L. (4) m. ` knowing the body ', i. e. the soul, the conscious principle in the corporeal frame ŚvetUp. Mn. viii, 96 ; xii, 12 and 14 Yājñ. MBh. Hariv. 11297, &c. (5) a form of Bhairava (or Śiva) (6) N. of a prince BhP. xii, 1, 4 (vv. ll. [ kSatr^aujas ] and [ kSem^arcis ]) (7) ([ A ]), f. a girl fifteen years old who personates the goddess Durgā at a festival of this deity
===> kṣetra-karṣaka [ kSetrakarSaka ]3[ kS'etra-karSaka ] m. soil-plougher, husbandman Gaut. xvii, 6. [ 332,2 ]
===> kṣetrika [ kSetrika ]2[ kSetrika ] mfn. relating to a field, having a field, agrarian W. (1) m. the owner of a field Gaut. Mn. viii, 241 ff. ; ix, 53 f. [ 332,3 ] (2) a farmer, cultivator W. (3) a husband Nār. Mn. ix, 145
===> kṣipra [ kSipra ]2[ kSipr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (compar. [ kS'epIyas ], superl. [ kS'epiSTha ], qq. vv.) springing, flying back with a spring, elastic (as a bow) RV. ii, 24, 8 (1) quick, speedy, swift ŚBr. vi (2) ix (3) (said of certain lunar mansions) VarBṛS. (4) m. N. of a son of Kṛshṇa Hariv. 9195 (5) ([ 'am ]), ind. (Naigh ii, 15) quickly, immediately, directly AV. ŚBr. iv (6) v (7) xiii Mn. MBh. &c. (8) ([ am ]), n. a measure of time (= 1/15 Muhūrta or 15 Etarhis) ŚBr. xii, 3, 2, 5 (9) the part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger and the corresponding part of the foot Suśr. (10) ([ 'A ]), ind. (Ved. acc. pl. n.) with a shot RV. iv, 8, 8 (11) ([ At ]), abl. ind. directly, immediately Kathās (12) ([ 'e ]), loc. ind. id. ŚBr. i (13) iv (14) v (15) x (16) [ cf. Gk. ? ]
===> kṣipta [ kSipta ]2[ kSipt'a ] mfn. thrown, cast, sent, despatched, dismissed RV. i, 129, 8 MBh. &c. (1) reviled, despicable (on account of, instr. or [ -tas ]) Pāṇ. 5-4, 46 Kāś (2) ([ A ]), f. (for [ kSap'A ]) night L. (3) ([ 'am ]), n. a wound caused by shooting or throwing AV. vi, 109, 3 (4) ` scattered ', distraction or absence of mind Sarvad
===> kṣit [ kSit ]2[ kSit ]1 mfn. ifc. ` ruling ', [ adhi-kSit ], [ kSiti- ], [ pRthivI- ], [ bhU- ], [ mahI- ]
===> [ kSit ]2[ kSit ]2 mfn. ifc. ` dwelling, inhabitant of (in comp.) ',
[ acyuta- ], [ apsu- ], [ A- ], [ upa- ], [ giri- ], [ divi- ], [ dhruva- ], [ pari- ], [ bandhu- ], [ vraja- ] and [ sa-kS'it ]
(1) [ antarikSa- ], [ pRthivI- ], [ loka- ], [ sindhu- ]
===> [ kSit ]1[ kSit ] √ 1. and √ 2. [ kSi ]
===> kṣiti [ kSiti ]3[ kSit'i ] 3
===> [ kSiti ]3[ kS'iti ] √ 1. 2. and 4. [ kSi ]
===> [ kSiti ]1[ kSiti ]4 m. N. of a man Pravar (1) ([ is ]), f. a sort of yellow pigment L. (2) a sort of base metal (3) = [ kSiti-kSama ] (s. v. 2. [ kSit'i ]) Gal.
===> kṣiti-tala [ kSititala ]3[ kSit'i-tala ] n. the surface of the earth, ground Pañcat. Bhartṛ. iii, 5 (1) [ °l^apsaras ] f. an Apsaras who walks or lives on the earth Kathās. xvii, 34
===> kṣobha [ kSobha ]2[ kSobha ] m. shaking, agitation, disturbance, tossing, trembling, emotion MBh. R. Ragh. Vikr. Megh. &c. (1) (in dram.) an emotion that is the cause of any harsh speeches or reproaches Sāh. 471 and 480 (cf. [ bala-kS° ].)
===> [ kSobha ]1[ kSobha ] [ °bhaka ], &c. √ [ kSubh ]
===> kṣubdha [ kSubdha ]2[ kSubdha ] mfn. agitated, shaken MBh. iii, 12544 (1) expelled (as a king) Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 Siddh (2) agitated (mentally), excited, disturbed (in comp. with [ citta ] or [ manas ]) Suśr. (3) m. the churning-stick Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 (4) a kind of coitus
===> kṣubhita [ kSubhita ]2[ kSubhita ] mfn. agitated, shaken, tossed, set in motion MBh. R. Suśr. Vikr. Kathās (1) agitated (mentally), disturbed, frightened, alarmed, afraid (mostly in comp.) R. Pañcat. Kathās (2) angry, enraged W.
===> kṣudh [ kSudh ]1[ kSudh ]1 cl. 4. P. [ kS'udhyati ] (p. [ kS'udhyat ] (1) impf. [ 'akSudhyat ] (2) aor. Subj. [ kSudhat ] (3) fut. 1st [ kSoddhA ] Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh (4) ind. p. [ kSudhitvA ] Pāṇ. 7-2, 52 Bhaṭṭ. ix, 39), to feel hungry, be hungry RV. i, 104, 7 AV. ii, 29, 4 TS. v, 5, 10, 6 ; vii, 4, 3, 1 Bhaṭṭ.
===> [ kSudh ]2[ kSudh ]2 [ t ] f. hunger RV. AV. &c.
===> kṣudhā [ kSudhA ]2[ kSudhA ] f. (g. [ aj^adi ] Gaṇar. 40) id. Nal. Pañcat (1) a mystical N. of the letter [ y ] RāmatUp.
===> kṣudra [ kSudra ]2[ kSudr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (compar. [ kSodIyas ], superl. [ °diSTha ], qq. vv.) minute, diminutive, tiny, very small, little, trifling AV. VS. xiv, 30 TBr. iii ŚBr. ChUp. AitUp. Yājñ. &c. (1) mean, low, vile Mn. vii, 27 Yājñ. i, 309 MBh. &c. (2) wicked (said in joke) Mālav (3) niggardly, avaricious L. (4) cruel L. (5) poor, indigent L. (6) m. a small particle of rice L. [ 330,3 ] (7) = [ -roga ] (q. v.) Suśr. (8) = [ -panasa ] (q. v.) L. (9) ([ A ]), f. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 119) a kind of bee Bhpr. (10) a fly, gnat L. (11) a base or despicable woman Pāṇ. 4-1, 131 (12) a maimed or crippled woman ib. Pat. (13) a whore, harlot L. (14) a dancing girl L. (15) a quarrelsome woman L. (16) N. of several plants (Solanum Jacquini, also another variety of Solanum, Oxalis pusilla, Coix barbata, Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī) L. (17) ([ 'am ]), n. a particle of dust, flour, meal RV. i, 129, 6 and viii, 49, 4 ; [ cf. Lith. [ kUdikis ], ` an infant ' ; Pers. ? [ kUdak ], ` small a boy. ' ]
===> kṣudraka [ kSudraka ]2[ kSudraka ] mfn. small, minute Mn. viii, 297 (1) short (as the breath) Suśr. (2) m. N. of a prince (son of Prasenajit) BhP. ix, 12, 14 VP. (v. l. [ kSudra-baka ]) (3) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people living by warfare (the ?) MBh. ii, 1871 ; vi, 2106 Pāṇ. 5-3, 114 Kāś (4) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of gad-fly L. (5) small bells employed for ornament (cf. [ kSudra-ghaNTikA ]) L. (6) ([ am ]), n. N. of a collection of Buddhist works
===> kṣura [ kSura ]2[ kSur'a ] m. (fr. √ [ kSNu ]? (1) cf. Gk. ?) a [ 331,3 ] razor RV. i, 166, 10 ; viii, 4, 16 ; x, 28, 9 AV. ŚBr. &c. (2) a razor-like barb or sharp blade attached to an arrow R. iii, 72, 14 (cf. [ -pra ]) (3) Asteracantha longifolia L. (4) = [ -pattra ] L. (5) a thorny variety of Gardenia or Randia L. (6) Trilobus lanuginosus L. (7) (for [ khura ]) the hoof of a cow W. (8) (for [ khura ]) a horse's hoof W. (9) (for [ khura ]) the foot of a bedstead L. (10) ([ I ]), f. a knife, dagger (cf. [ churI ]) L. (11) (mfn.) = [ kSura-vat ], ` having claws or hoofs ' Sāy. on RV. x, 28, 9
===> kṣura-dhāra [ kSuradhAra ]3[ kSur'a-dhAra ] mfn. razor-edged, sharp as a razor MBh. iv, 168 ; xiii, 3259 (1) m. a sharp-edged arrow ib. iv, 2063
===> kṣura-dhārā [ kSuradhArA ]3[ kSur'a-dhArA ] f. the edge of a razor MBh. xiii, 2230 (1) (pl.) R. vii, 21, 15 (2) N. of a hell Buddh. L.
===> kṣura-pra [ kSurapra ]3[ kSur'a-pra ] mfn. sharp-edged like a razor BhP. iii, 13, 30 (1) m. a sharp-edged arrow MBh. iii, 14892 ; iv, 1732 Ragh. ix, 62 (2) xi, 29 BhP. Śāntiś. Devīm (3) a sharp-edged knife ([ tIkSNa-zastra ] ed. Bomb.) Pañcat. i (4) a sharp-edged arrow-head ŚārṅgP. (5) a sort of hoe or weeding spade W. (6) [ -ga ] n. a sharp-edged arrow L.
===> kṣuraka [ kSuraka ]2[ kSuraka ] m. = [ °r^aGga ] Suśr. Bhpr. (1) several other plants (Asteracantha longifolia (2) the tree Tilaka (3) = [ bhUt^aGkuza ]) L. (4) the hoof of a cow L. (5) N. of particular clouds VarBṛS. (6) ([ ikA ]), f. (cf. [ churikA ]) a knife, dagger Rājat. v, 437 Kathās. liv, 40 (7) a small razor W. (8) a sort of earthen vessel L. (9) = [ kSura-pattrikA ] L.
===> kṣut [ kSut ]2[ kSut ]1 [ t ] f. a sneeze, sneezing MārkP. xxxv, 24
===> [ kSut ]1[ kSut ]1 [ kSuta ], &c. √ 1. [ kSu ]
===> [ kSut ]1[ kSut ]2 for 2, [ kS'udh ], q. v.
===> [ kSut ]2[ kSut ]2 (in comp. for 2. [ kS'udh ])
===> kṣut-kṣāma [ kSutkSAma ]3[ kSut-kSAma ] mfn. emaciated by hunger MBh. i, 50, 1 Pañcat. Bhartṛ. Rājat (1) [ -kaNTha ] mfn. id. Pañcat
===> kṣuta [ kSuta ]2[ kSuta ] mfn. one who has sneezed MBh. xiii, 7584 (1) (= [ ava-kS° ]) sneezed upon ib. 1577 (2) for [ kSNuta ] (sharp) L. (3) m. black mustard Gal. (4) ([ am ]), n. (also [ as ], [ A ] mf. L.) sneezing Yājñ. i, 196 Suśr.
===> kṣuṇṇa [ kSuNNa ]1[ kSuNNa ] [ °NNaka ], √ [ kSud ]
===> [ kSuNNa ]2[ kSuNNa ] mfn. stamped or trampled upon MBh. viii, 4845 VarBṛS. liv Ragh. i, 17 Pañcat. &c. (1) pounded, bruised, crushed, pulverised Suśr. Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Kāś (2) broken to pieces, shattered, pierced MBh. iii, 678 Mṛcch. BhP. MārkP. (3) violated (as a vow) R. i, 8, 9 ([ a-kS° ]) (4) practised, exercised (as the body) Suśr. (5) thought over repeatedly, reflected on again and again W. (6) one versed in sacred science but unable to explain or teach it W. (7) defeated, overcome W. (8) multiplied Sūryas. (cf. [ akS° ].)
===> kṣānta [ kSAnta ]2[ kSAnta ]1 mfn. (g. [ priy^adi ]) borne, endured ([ soDha ]) L. (1) pardoned MBh. Pañcat (2) (Pāṇ. 3-2, 188 Kār.) enduring, patient Mn. v, 158 Yājñ. R. Ragh. (compar. [ -tara ]) (3) m. (g. [ utkar^adi ]) N. of a man, g. [ azv^adi ] (4) of a hunter Hariv. 1206 (5) of Śiva (cf. [ kSama ]) (6) ([ A ]), f. ` the patient one ', the earth L. (7) ([ am ]), n. patience, indulgence R. i, 34, 32 and 33
===> [ kSAnta ]1[ kS'Anta ]1 mfn. ending with the letter [ kSa ] RāmatUp.
===> [ kSAnta ]1[ kSAnta ]2 √ 1. [ kSam ]
===> kṣānti [ kSAnti ]2[ kSAnti ] f. patient waiting for anything Vop. xxiii, 3 (1) patience, forbearance, endurance, indulgence Mn. v, 107 MBh. R. &c. (2) the state of saintly abstraction Divyâv. vi, xii, xviii (3) (in music) N. of a Śruti
---> N. of a river VP.
===> kṣānti-pāramitā [ kSAntipAramitA ]3[ kSAnti-pAramitA ] f. the Pāramitā or accomplishment of indulgence Kāraṇḍ
===> kṣāra [ kSAra ]2[ kSAra ] mf ([ A ]) n. (g. [ jval^adi ]) caustic, biting, corrosive, acrid, pungent, saline, converted to alkali or ashes by distillation (fr. √ [ kSai ]?) R. Pañcat. BhP. &c. (1) sharp, keen (as the wind) Kāvyâd. ii, 104 (2) m. any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash), caustic alkali (one species of cautery) Kāty. Yājñ. iii, 36 MBh. &c. (3) juice, essence W. (4) treacle, molasses L. (5) glass L. (6) ([ am ]), n. any corrosive or acrid substance Kathās. xciii, 14 (7) a factitious or medicinal salt (commonly black salt, [ viD-lavaNa ] and [ kRSNa-l° ]) W. (8) water W.
===> [ kSAra ]1[ kSAra ] [ °raka ], [ °raNa ], &c. √ [ kSar ]. [ 327,3 ]
===> kṣāra-nadī [ kSAranadI ]3[ kSAra-nadI ] f. ` alkaline river ', N. of a river in one of the hells R. vii, 21, 15 Divyâv. viii MārkP. xiv, 68
===> kṣīra [ kSIra ]1[ kSIr'a ] n. (fr. √ [ zyai ]? (1) fr. √ [ kSar ], or √ [ ghas ] Nir. ii, 5 (2) fr. √ [ ghas ] Uṇ. iv, 34 (3) g. [ ardharc^adi ]), milk, thickened milk RV. AV. VS. TS. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] MBh. xiii, 3700)
---> the milky juice or sap of plants R. Suśr. Megh. 106 Śak. (v. l.) (4) = [ -zIrSa ] (q. v.) L. (5) water L. (6) m. N. of a grammarian (cf. [ -svAmin ]) Rājat. iv, 488 (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a plant (= [ kakolI ]) ' L. (8) ([ I ]), f. a dish prepared with milk Bhpr. (9) N. of several plants containing a milky sap (Asclepia rosea, Mimosa Kauki, gigantic swallow-wort, Euphorbia, &c.) L.
===> kṣīra-vṛkṣa [ kSIravRkSa ]3[ kSIr'a-vRkSa ] m. = [ -taru ] VarBṛS. (1) a common N. for the 4 trees [ nyagrodha ], [ udumbara ] (the glomerous fig-tree Śak. iv Suśr.) [ azvattha ], and [ madhUka ] Suśr. (2) = [ -gucchaphala ] L.
===> kṣīṇa [ kSINa ]2[ kSIN'a ] mfn. diminished, wasted, expended, lost, destroyed, worn away, waning (as the moon) ŚBr. MuṇḍUp. ŚvetUp. Mn. &c. (1) weakened, injured, broken, torn, emaciated, feeble Mn. vii, 166 Suśr. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 61 & viii, 2, 46 &c. (2) delicate, slender Śak. Gīt. iv, 21 Naish. vii, 81 (3) poor, miserable Pañcat. iv, 16 and 32 (4) ([ am ]), n. N. of a disease of the pudenda muliebria Gal.
===> [ kSINa ]1[ kSIN'a ] √ 4. [ kSi ]
===> la [ la ]1[ la ]1 the 3rd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels [ lR ], [ lRR ], and having the sound of the English [ l ]) [ 891,3 ] (1) a technical term for all the tenses and moods of a finite verb or for the terminations of those tenses and moods (also applied to some forms with [ kRt ] affixes construed like a finite verb cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 (2) cf. iii, 2, 124, and when accompanied by certain indicatory letters denoting each tense separately, [ laT ] (3) [ laG ] (4) [ liG ] (5) [ loT ] (6) [ liT ] (7) [ luT ] (8) [ lRT ] (9) [ luG ] (10) [ lRG ] (11) [ leT ]) cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 69 ; 77 cf. Sch.
===> [ la ]1[ la ]2 m. N. of Indra cf. L. (1) cutting (?cf. [ lava ]) cf. W. (2) ([ lA ]), f. s. v.
===> [ la ]1[ la ]3 (in prosody) = [ laghu ], a short syllable
===> la-kāra [ lakAra ]3[ la-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ la ] cf. APrāt. (applied in naming the 10 tenses and moods as above cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 77 cf. Sch.) (1) [ -vAda ] m. [ -vizeS^artha-nirUpaNa ], n. (2) [ °r^arthaprakriyA ] f. [ °r^artha-vAda ] m. N. of wks.
===> labdha [ labdha ]2[ labdha ] mfn. taken, seized, caught, met with, found &c. (1) got at, arrived (as a moment) cf. Kathās (2) obtained (as a quotient in division) cf. Col. (cf. [ labdhi ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. N. of a partic. heroine cf. L. (4) a woman whose husband or lover is faithless cf. W.
===> labdha-vara [ labdhavara ]3[ labdha-vara ] mfn. one who has obtained a boon or favour cf. MBh. (1) m. N. of a dancing master cf. Kathās
===> labdhavat [ labdhavat ]3[ labdha-vat ] mfn. one who has obtained or gained or received cf. MBh.
===> labhya [ labhya ]2[ labhya ] mfn. to be found or met with cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Pat. cf. Kum (1) capable of being reached or attained, obtainable, acquirable, procurable cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) to be understood or known, intelligible cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (3) suitable, proper, fit cf. Kālid. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (4) to be allowed to (inf. with pass. sense) cf. MBh. ii, 921 (5) to be furnished or provided with (instr.) cf. MBh. xiii, 5081
===> laghiman [ laghiman ]2[ laghiman ] m. lightness, levity, absence of weight cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) a kind of [ siddhi ] or supernatural faculty of assuming excessive lightness at will cf. Vet. cf. MārkP. cf. Pañcar. (cf. cf. RTL. 427) (2) lowness, meanness (of spirit) cf. Kād (3) thoughtlessness, frivolity cf. Bhaṭṭ. (4) slight, disrespect cf. ŚārṅgP.
===> laghu [ laghu ]1[ lagh'u ] mf ([ vI ], or [ u ]) n. (a later form of [ raghu ], q. v.) light, quick, swift, active, prompt, nimble cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (also said of a partic. mode of flying peculiar to birds cf. Pañcat (1) applied to the Nakshatras Hasta, Aśvinī, and Pushya cf. VarBṛS.) (2) light, easy, not heavy or difficult cf. AV. &c. &c. (3) light in the stomach, easily digested cf. Suśr. (4) easy in mind, light-hearted cf. Hariv. cf. Kālid (5) causing easiness or relief cf. Sāṃkhyak (6) well, in good health cf. L. (7) unimpeded, without attendance or a retinue cf. MBh. iii, 8449 (8) short (in time, as a suppression of the breath) cf. MārkP. (9) (in prosody) short or light (as a vowel or syllable, opp. to [ guru ]) (10) (in gram.) easily pronounced or articulated (said of the pronunciation of [ va ], as opp. to [ madhyama ] and [ guru ]) (11) small, minute, slight, little, insignificant cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (12) weak, feeble, wretched, humble, mean, low (said of persons) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (13) young, younger ([ -bhrAtR ]) (14) clean, pure ([ -vAsas ]) (15) soft, gentle (as sound) cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. (16) pleasing, agreeable, handsome, beautiful cf. MBh. cf. Kālid (17) m. bdellium cf. L. (18) ([ u ]), f. Trigonella Corniculata cf. L. (19) ([ vI ]), f. id. cf. L. (20) a light carriage cf. L. (21) a slender or delicate woman cf. W. (22) n. a partic. measure of time (= 15 Kāshṭhās= 1/15 Nāḍikā) cf. L. (23) a partic. species of agallochum cf. L. [ 894,1 ] (24) the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L. (25) ([ u ]), ind. lightly, quickly, easily &c. cf. Śak. ([ laghu-√ man ], to think lightly of. cf. Śak.) [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ 894,1 ] [ l˘evis ] for [ le1vis ], [ lenhuis ] ; Lith. [ lengv˘us ], [ l˘engvas ] ; Angl. Sax. [ lungre ], ` quickly ' ; Eng. [ lungs ], ` lights. ' ]
===> laghutva [ laghutva ]3[ lagh'u-tva ] n. quickness, agility, dexterity cf. MBh. (1) lightness, ease, facility cf. ŚvetUp. cf. Suśr. (2) feeling of ease cf. Mṛcch (3) prosodial shortness cf. Piṅg. cf. Sch. (4) levity, thoughtlessness, wantonness cf. MBh. (5) want of dignity, humbleness, disregard, disrespect cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat. &c.
===> lagna [ lagna ]2[ lagna ]2 mfn. (also referable to 1. [ laj ] (1) for 1. [ lagna ] p. 893, col. 2) ashamed cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 14 cf. Sch.
===> laguḍa [ laguDa ]1[ laguDa ] m. (cf. [ lakuTa ]) a stick, staff, club cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) n. Nerium Odorum cf. L.
===> laiśika [ laizika ]1[ laizika ] n. the offence of a monk who taking advantage of an apparent transgression committed by a fellow monk wrongfully accuses him of it cf. Buddh.
===> laiṅgika [ laiGgika ]2[ laiGgika ] mfn. based upon a characteristic mark or evidence or proof. cf. Sāy (1) m. a sculptor cf. Kap. cf. Sch.
===> lajjā [ lajjA ]2[ lajjA ] f. shame, modesty, bashfulness, embarrassment (also Shame personified as the wife of Dharma and mother of Vinaya) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica cf. L.
===> lajjāvat [ lajjAvat ]3[ lajjA-vat ] mfn. ashamed, embarrassed, bashful, perplexed cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. bashfulness, modesty cf. Sāh
===> lakṣa [ lakSa ]2[ lakS'a ] m. or n. (prob. fr. √ [ lag ] as ` that which is attached or fixed ') a mark, sign, token, (esp.) a mark to aim at, target, butt, aim, object, prey, prize cf. RV. ii, 12, 4 &c. &c. (cf. [ labdha-l° ] (1) [ AkAze lakSam-√ bandh ], to fix the gaze vaguely on space, look into space as if at some object barely visible in the distance cf. Śak (2) cf. also [ AkAza-baddha-lakSa ]) (3) appearance, show, pretence (cf. [ -supta ]) (4) a kind of citron cf. L. (5) a pearl cf. L. (6) (also n. or [ A ] f.) a lac, one hundred thousand cf. Yājñ. cf. Hariv. &c.
===> lakṣaṇa [ lakSaNa ]2[ lakSaNa ] mfn. indicating, expressing indirectly cf. Vedântas (1) m. Ardea Sibirica cf. L. (2) N. of a man cf. Rājat. (often confounded with, [ lakSmaNa ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. s. v. (4) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a mark, sign, symbol, token, characteristic, attribute, quality (ifc. = ` marked or characterized by ', ` possessed of ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) a stroke, line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) cf. ŚBr. cf. GṛŚrS. (6) a lucky mark, favourable sign cf. GṛŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (7) a symptom or indication of disease, Cat. (8) a sexual organ cf. MBh. xiii, 2303 (9) a spoon (?) cf. Divyâv (10) accurate description, definition, illustration cf. Mn. cf. Sarvad. cf. Suśr. (11) settled rate, fixed tariff cf. Mn. viii, 406 (12) a designation, appellation, name (ifc. = ` named ', ` called ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (13) a form, species, kind, sort (ifc. = ` taking the form of ', ` appearing as ') cf. Mn. cf. Śaṃk. cf. BhP. (14) the act of aiming at, aim, goal, scope, object (ifc. = ` concerning ', ` relating to ', ` coming within the scope of ') cf. APrāt. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (15) reference, quotation cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 84 (16) effect, operation, influence cf. ib. i, 1, 62 &c. (17) cause, occasion, opportunity cf. R. cf. Daś (18) observation, sight, seeing cf. W.
===> lakṣaṇa-jña [ lakSaNajJa ]3[ lakSaNa-jJa ] mfn. sign-knowing, understanding marks (esp. those on the body), able to interpret or explain them cf. R. cf. VarBṛS. (1) (ifc.) understanding a person's lucky marks or signs cf. BhP.
===> lakṣaṇa-karman [ lakSaNakarman ]3[ lakSaNa-karman ] n. statement of marks or qualities accurate description, definition cf. Āpast
===> lakṣaṇavat [ lakSaNavat ]3[ lakSaNa-vat ] mfn. possessing marks or signs, marked or characterized by (instr.) cf. MBh. (1) endowed with auspicious marks cf. MānGṛ. cf. R. (2) giving correct definitions cf. Car. (3) (ifc. after a numeral) having a partic. number of marks or characteristics cf. BhP.
===> lakṣaṇā [ lakSaNA ]2[ lakSaNA ] f. aiming at, aim, object, view cf. Hariv. (1) indication, elliptical expression, use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning (as of ` head ' for ` intellect '), indirect or figurative sense of a word (one of its three Arthas (2) the other two being [ abhidhA ] or proper sense, and [ vyaJjanA ] or suggestive sense (3) with [ s^aropA ], the placing of a word in its figurative sense in apposition to another in its proper sense) cf. Sāh. cf. Kpr. cf. Bhāshāp. &c. [ 892,2 ] (4) the female of the Ardea Sibirica (= [ lakSmaNA ]) cf. Suśr. (5) a goose cf. Uṇ. iii, 7 cf. Sch. (6) N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.
===> lakṣaṇīya [ lakSaNIya ]2[ lakSaNIya ] mfn. to be perceived, visible cf. Ragh (1) to be expressed figuratively or elliptically, anything so expressed cf. L.
===> lakṣita [ lakSita ]2[ lakSita ] mfn. marked, indicated, distinguished or characterized by (instr. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) vaguely indicated or expressed, equivocal, ambiguous (as a word which is indecent only in its figurative sense, e. g. [ janma-bhUmi ], ` place of birth ' and ` the female organ ') cf. Vām. ii, 1, 18 (2) (ifc.) aimed at (as a target or object aimed at by an arrow) cf. R. (3) called, named cf. Śrutab (4) considered or regarded as, taken for (nom.) cf. BhP. (5) enquired into, examined cf. Mn. cf. Sāh (6) recognised cf. MBh. (7) perceived, observed, beheld, seen, evident cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (8) known, understood cf. Ratnâv (9) proved cf. Jātakam (10) excellent cf. ib.
===> lakṣmī [ lakSmI ]2[ lakSm'I ] f. (nom. [ 'Is ], rarely [ 'I ] (1) also ifc. as mf., but n. [ i ] (2) cf. [ lakSmIka ]) a mark, sign, token cf. RV. x, 71, 2 cf. Nir. iv, 10 (3) (with or without [ pAp'I ]) a bad sign, impending misfortune cf. AV. cf. ĀpŚr. (4) (but in the older language more usually with [ p'uNyA ]) a good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness (also pl.) cf. AV. &c. &c. (5) wealth, riches cf. Kāv. cf. Rājat (6) beauty, loveliness, grace, charm, splendour, lustre cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) N. of the goddess of fortune and beauty (frequently in the later mythology identified with Śrī and regarded as the wife of Viṣṇu or Nārāyaṇa (8) accord. to cf. R. i, 45, 40-43 she sprang with other precious things from the foam of the ocean when churned by the gods and demons for the recovery of the Amṛta, q. v. (9) she appeared with a lotus in her hand, whence she is also called Padmā (10) accord. to another legend she appeared at the creation floating over the water on the expanded petals of a lotusflower, she is also variously regarded as a wife of Sūrya, as a wife of Prajā-pati, as a wife of Dharma and mother of Kāma, as sister or mother of Dhātṛ and Vidhātṛ, as wife of Datt^atreya, as one of the 9 Śaktis of Viṣṇu, as a manifestation of Prakṛti &c., as identified with Dākshāyaṇī in Bharat^aśrama, and with Sītā, wife of Rāma, and with other women) cf. ib. (cf. cf. RTL. 103 ; 108 &c.) (11) the Good Genius or Fortune of a king personified (and often regarded as a rival of his queen), royal power, dominion, majesty cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (12) a partic. verse or formula cf. NṛsUp. (13) N. of various plants (Hibiscus Mutabilis
---> Mimosa Suma (14) turmeric (15) a white Tulasī (16) = [ Rddhi ], [ vRddhi ], [ priyaGgu ], and [ phalinI ]) cf. L. (17) of the eleventh Kalā of the moon cf. Cat. (18) of two kinds of metre cf. Col. (19) the wife of a hero cf. L. (20) = [ dravya ] cf. L. (21) a pearl cf. L. (22) N. of the wife of king Candra-siṃha of Mithilā and patroness of various authors (also called [ lakhamA ], [ laSamA ], [ lakhimA ] or [ lachimA ]) cf. Cat. (23) of a poetess cf. ib. (24) of another woman cf. Śukas
===> lakṣmīka [ lakSmIka ]2[ lakSmIka ] (ifc.) = [ lakSmI ] g. [ uraH-prabhRti ] (cf. [ gata- ], [ pUrna-l° ] &c.)
===> lakṣmīvat [ lakSmIvat ]3[ lakSm'I-vat ] mfn. possessed of fortune or good luck, lucky prosperous, wealthy cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) handsome, beautiful cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (2) m. Artocarpus Integrifolia cf. L. (3) Andersonia Rohitaka cf. L. (4) ([ atI ]), f. N. of a woman cf. HPariś
===> lakṣya [ lakSya ]2[ lakSya ] mfn. to be marked or characterized or defined, cf. Kap. cf. Sch. (1) to be indicated, indirectly denoted or expressed cf. Sāh. cf. Vedântas (2) (to be) kept in view or observed cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās (3) to be regarded as or taken for (nom.) cf. Śiś. cf. Hit. (4) to be recognised or known, recognisable by (instr. or comp.) cf. Hariv. cf. Kālid. cf. Dhūrtas (5) observable, perceptible, visible cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) m. N. of a magical formula or spell recited over weapons cf. R. (7) n. an object aimed at, prize cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Kām (8) (exceptionally also n. with m. as v. l.) an aim, butt, mark, goal cf. Up. cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. &c. ([ lakSyaM-√ labh ], to attain an object, have success (9) [ lakSyam-√ bandh ] with loc., ` to fix or direct the aim at ', with [ AkAze ] = [ AkAze lakSam-√ bandh ], under [ lakSa ]) [ 893,2 ] (10) the thing defined (opp. to [ lakSaNa ]) cf. A. (11) an indirect or secondary meaning (that derived from [ lakSaNA ], q. v.) cf. Kpr. (12) a pretence, sham, disguise cf. Ragh. cf. Kām. (cf. [ -supta ]) (13) a lac or one hundred thousand cf. Rājat (14) an example, illustration (?) cf. Sāh (15) often v. l. or w. r. for [ lakSa ] and [ lakSman ]
===> lala [ lala ]2[ lala ] mfn. sporting, playful cf. W. (1) lolling, wagging cf. ib. (2) wishing, desirous cf. ib. (3) m. a partic. fragrant substance cf. Gal. (4) n. a shoot, sprout cf. L. (5) a garden cf. L.
===> lalanā [ lalanA ]2[ lalanA ] f. a wanton woman, any woman, wife cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the tongue cf. L. (2) N. of various metres cf. Col. (3) of a mythical being. cf. R. (v. l. [ analA ])
===> lalita [ lalita ]2[ lalita ] mfn. sported, played, playing, wanton, amorous, voluptuous cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (1) artless, innocent, soft, gentle, charming, lovely ([ am ] ind.) cf. ib. &c. (2) wished for, desired cf. MBh. cf. Mṛcch. cf. BhP. (3) quivering, tremulous cf. Bālar (4) m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing cf. Cat. (5) (in music) a partic. Rāga cf. Sāh (6) ([ A ]), f. a wanton woman, any woman cf. W. (7) musk cf. L. (8) N. of various metres cf. Col. (9) (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā cf. Saṃgīt (10) a partic. Rāga cf. ib. (11) N. of a gram. wk.
---> N. of a Durgā or a partic. form of her cf. Hcat. cf. Cat. (12) of a Gopī (identified with Durgā and Rādhikā) cf. PadmaP. (13) of the wife of a Śat^ayudha cf. Hpariś (14) of a river cf. KālP. (15) n. sport, dalliance, artlessness, grace, charm cf. R. cf. Kpr. (16) languid gestures in a woman (expressive of amorous feelings, ` lolling, languishing ' &c.) cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh (17) N. of 2 metres cf. Piṅg. cf. Sch. (18) of a town cf. Rājat. (cf. [ -pura ]) (19) a kind of necklace (?) cf. L.
===> [ lalita ]1[ lalita ] &c. p. 897, col. 3
===> lalita-vistara [ lalitavistara ]3[ lalita-vistara ] m. or N. of a Sūtra wk. giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the Buddha
===> lalita-vyūha [ lalitavyUha ]3[ lalita-vyUha ] m. (with cf. Buddh.) a partic. kind of Samādhi or meditation cf. Lalit. (1) N. of a Deva-putra cf. ib. (2) of a Bodhisattva cf. ib.
===> lalāma [ lalAma ]1[ lal'Ama ] mf ([ I ]) n. having a mark or spot on the forehead, marked with paint &c. (as cattle) cf. AV. cf. TS. (1) having any mark or sign cf. MBh. (2) beautiful, charming cf. L. (3) eminent, best of its kind (f. [ A ]) cf. L. (4) m. n. ornament, decoration, embellishment cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of a female demon cf. AV. (6) a kind of ornament for the ears cf. L. (7) n. (only cf. L.) a coloured mark on the forehead of a horse or bull (8) a sectarial mark (9) any mark or sign or token (10) a line, row (11) a flag, banner
---> a tail (12) a horse (13) = [ prabhAva ]
===> lalāṭa [ lalATa ]1[ lalATa ] n. (later form of [ rArAta ], q. v.) the forehead, brow cf. AV. &c. &c. ([ e ] ind. on the forehead, in front (1) the destiny of every individual is believed by the Hindūs to be written by Brahmā on his forehead on the 6th day after birth, cf. RTL. 370)
===> lamba [ lamba ]2[ lamba ] mf ([ A ]) n. hanging down, pendent, dangling, hanging by or down to (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) long, large, spacious (comp.) (2) m. (in geom.) a perpendicular cf. Col. (3) (in astron.) complement of latitude, co-latitude, the arc between the pole of any place and the zenith cf. Sūryas (4) N. of a partic. throw or move (at a kind of chess or backgammon or draughts) cf. L. [ 897,2 ] (5) a present, bribe cf. L. (prob. w. r. for [ laJcA ]) (6) = [ nartaka ], [ aGga ], or [ kAnta ] cf. L. (7) N. of a Muni cf. Cat. (8) of a Daitya cf. Hariv. (9) ([ A ]), f. s. v. (10) ([ I ]), f. a kind of food prepared from grain cf. Madanav (11) a flowering branch cf. Harav
===> lambana [ lambana ]2[ lambana ] mfn. hanging down or causing to hang down (said of Śiva) cf. MBh. (1) m. a camp-follower, soldier's boy cf. Hcar. (2) phlegm, the phlegmatic humour cf. L. (3) N. of a son of Jyotish-mat cf. VP. (4) n. hanging down, depending, falling cf. W. (5) a partic. mode of fighting cf. Hariv. (6) the moon's parallax in longitude, the interval of the lines between the earth's centre and surface cf. Sūryas. cf. Gol. (7) a fringe cf. L. (8) a long necklace (depending from the neck to the navel) cf. L. (9) N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvīpa cf. MārkP.
===> lambuka [ lambuka ]2[ lambuka ] m. N. of the 15th astrological Yoga cf. Col. (cf. [ lambaka ]) (1) N. of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh.
===> lambā [ lambA ]2[ lambA ] f. of [ lamba ], q. v. (1) a kind of bitter gourd or cucumber cf. Suśr. (2) a present, bribe cf. L. (perhaps w. r. for [ laJcA ]) (3) N. of Durgā and Gaurī cf. Hariv. (4) of Lakshmī cf. L. (5) of one of the Mātṛs attending upon Skanda cf. MBh. (6) of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma (or Manu) cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (7) of a Rākshasī cf. Buddh.
===> lampaṭa [ lampaTa ]1[ lampaTa ] mf ([ A ]) n. covetous, greedy, lustful, desirous of or addicted to (loc. or comp.) cf. Inscr. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) m. a libertine, lecher, dissolute person, w (2) ([ A ]), f. a partic. personification cf. L.
===> lampāka [ lampAka ]2[ lampAka ] mfn. = [ lampaTa ] cf. Nalac (1) pl. N. of a people and country (= [ muraNDa ] (2) accord. to some the district of Lamghan in Cabul) cf. MBh. cf. MārkP. (3) ([ I ]), f. a woman from the country of the Lampākas cf. Bālar (4) (prob. n.) N. of wk. on accents ([ svara-zAstra ]) by Padma-nābha
===> lapita [ lapita ]2[ lapita ] mfn. chattered, spoken, said cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Śārṅgikā (a kind of bird) with which Mandapāla is said to have allied himself cf. MBh. (2) ([ °t'a ]), n. chatter, hum cf. AV.
===> lasīkā [ lasIkA ]2[ lasIkA ] f. watery humour in the body, lymph, serrum &c. cf. Car. cf. Bhpr. (1) the juice of the sugar-cane cf. L. (2) a tendon, muscle cf. L.
===> latikā [ latikA ]2[ latikA ] f. a delicate or slender creeper or small winding tendril (to which the graceful curve of a slim figure is compared) cf. Kāv. cf. Kām (1) a string of pearls cf. Sāh
===> latā [ latA ]1[ latA ] f. a creeper, any creeping or winding plant or twining tendril cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (the brows, arms, curls, a slender body, a swordblade, lightning &c. are often compared to the form of a creeper, to express their graceful curves and slimness of outline (1) cf. [ bhrU-l° ], [ bAhu-l° ], [ taDil-l° ] &c.) (2) the Mādhavī-creeper, Gaertnera Racemosa cf. Bhpr. (3) Trigonella Corniculata cf. ib. (4) Panicum Italicum cf. L. (5) Cardiospermum Halicacabum cf. L. (6) Panicum Dactylon cf. L. (7) = [ kaivartikA ] cf. L. (8) = the plant [ sArivA ] cf. L. (9) musk-creeper cf. L. (10) a slender woman, any woman cf. Naish. cf. Tantras (11) the thong or lash of a whip, whip cf. Pañcat. cf. Suśr. (12) a string of pearls cf. VarBṛS. (13) a streak, line ([ vArAM latAH ], thin jets of water) cf. Bālar (14) a kind of metre cf. Col. (15) N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. (16) of a daughter of Meru and wife of Il^avṛta cf. BhP.
===> laukika [ laukika ]1[ laukika ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ loka ]) worldly, terrestrial, belonging to or occurring in ordinary life, common, usual, customary, temporal, not sacred (as opp. to [ vaidika ], [ ArSa ], [ zAstrIya ] [ 909,3 ] (1) [ laukiheSu ] ind. = [ loke ] ` in ordinary or popular speech ', opp. to [ vaidikeSu ] cf. Nir.) cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (ifc.) belonging to the world of(ct. [ brahma-l° ]) (3) m. common or ordinary men (as opp. to ` the learned, initiated ' &c.) cf. Śaṃk. cf. Sarvad (4) men familiar with the ways of the world, men of the world cf. Uttarar (5) men in general, people, mankind cf. MBh. (6) n. anything occurring in the world, general custom, usage cf. Śak. cf. MārkP. (7) a person's ordinary occupation cf. BhP.
===> laulya [ laulya ]1[ laulya ] n. (fr. [ lola ]) restlessness, Suar (1) unsteadiness, inconstancy, fickleness cf. Hariv. (2) lustfulness, eagerness, greediness, passion, ardent longing for (loc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> lava [ lava ]1[ l'ava ] m. (√ 1. [ lU ]) the act of cutting, reaping (of corn), mowing, plucking or gathering (of flowers &c.), Das. cf. Nalôd
(1) that which is cut or shorn off, a shorn fleece, wool, hair cf. Mn. cf. Ragh
(2) anything cut off, a section, fragment, piece, particle, bit, little piece ([ am ] ind. a little
(3) [ lavam api ], even a little)
cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (cf. [ padAti-l° ])
(4) a minute division of time, the 60th of a twinkling, half a second, a moment (accord. to others 1/4000 or 1/5400 or 1/20250 of a Muhūrta) cf. ib.
(5) (in astron.) a degree cf. Gol.
(6) (in alg.) the numerator of a fraction cf. Col.
(7) the space of 2 Kāshṭhās cf. L.
(8) loss, destruction cf. L.
(9) sport cf. L. (cf. [ lala ])
(10) Perdix Chinensis cf. W.
(11) N. of a son of Rāmacandra and Sītā (he and his twin-brother Kuśa were brought up by the sage Vālmīki and taught by him to repeat his Rāmāyaṇa at assemblies
(12) cf. [ kuzI-lava ]) cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Uttarar. cf. Pur.
(13) of a king of Kaśmīra (father of Kuśa) cf. Rājat
(14) n. (only cf. L.) nutmeg
(15) cloves
(16) the root of Andropogon Muricatus
(17) a little (cf. m.)
===> [ lava ]2[ lava ]
===> lavaśas [ lavazas ]3[ l'ava-zas ] ind. in small pieces, bit by bit cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (1) in minute divisions or instants, after some moments cf. MBh.
===> lavaṇa [ lavaNa ]1[ lavaN'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (derivation doubtful) saline, salt, briny, brinish cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. ([ °NaM kRtvA ], or [ kRtya ] g. [ sAkS^adi ]) (1) tasteful, graceful, handsome, beautiful cf. W. (2) m. saltness, saline taste cf. W. (3) the sea of salt water (in cf. MBh. vi, 236 &c. one of the seven oceans which surround the Dvīpas in concentric belts) cf. IW. 420 (4) N. of a hell cf. VP. (v. l. [ savana ]) (5) of a Rākshasa or Daitya cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (6) of a king belonging to the family of Hariścandra cf. Cat. (7) of a son of Rāma (= [ lava ], q. v.) cf. Śatr (8) of a river cf. L. (9) = [ bala ] and [ asthi-deva ] cf. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. lustre, grace, beauty cf. L. (cf. [ lAvaNya ]) (11) Cardiospermum Halicacabum cf. L. (12) N. of a river cf. Mālatīm (13) ([ I ]), f. (g. [ gaur^adi ]) N. of various rivers cf. L. (14) n. (according to some also m. and [ A ] f.) salt (esp. seasalt, rock or fossil salt (15) but also factitious salt or salt obtained from saline earth) cf. AV. &c. &c. (16) oversalted food cf. L. (17) lustre, beauty, charm, grace (ifc.,, [ nir-l° ] and [ lava-N^akara ]) (18) a partic. mode of fighting (prob. w. r. for [ lambana ]) cf. Hariv.
===> lavaṇa-jala [ lavaNajala ]3[ lavaN'a-jala ] mfn. having salt water cf. MBh. (1) m. the sea, ocean cf. ib. (2) [ -dhi ] (cf. BhP.) or [ -nidhi ] (cf. R.), m. ` receptacle of sea water ', sea, ocean (3) [ °l^odbhava ] m. ` sea-born ', a muscle, shell cf. MBh.
===> laya [ laya ]2[ laya ] m. the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.), Śis. ([ layaM ] √ [ gA ] with loc., to become attached to any one ' cf. Kuval.) (1) lying down, cowering cf. MBh. (2) melting, dissolution, disappearance or absorption in (loc. or comp.) cf. Up. cf. Kap. &c. ([ layaM ] √ [ gam ] or [ yA ] to disappear, be dissolved or absorbed ' (3) [ layaM ] [ saM-√ gam ], to hide or conceal one's self ') (4) extinction, destruction, death cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ layaM ] √ [ yA ], to be destroyed, perish ') (5) rest, repose cf. Śiś. cf. BhP. (cf. [ a-laya ]) (6) place of rest, residence, house, dwelling cf. W. (7) mental inactivity, spiritual indifference cf. Kap. cf. Vedântas (8) sport, diversion, merriness cf. Vās (9) delight in anything cf. Harav (10) an embrace cf. L. (11) (in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds, viz. [ druta ], ` quick ', [ madhya ], ` mean or moderate ', and [ vilambita ], ` slow '), Kalid. cf. Daśar. cf. Pañcat. &c. (12) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (13) the union of song, dance and instrumental music cf. L. (14) a pause cf. MW. (15) a partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) cf. VS. (16) a swoon cf. L. (17) the quick (downward) movement of an arrow cf. L. (18) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yoginī cf. Hcat. (v. l. [ jayA ]) (19) n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. Bhpr. (20) mfn. making the mind inactive or indifferent cf. BhP.
===> layana [ layana ]2[ layana ] n. the act of clinging, adhering, lying &c., rest, repose cf. Śiś. cf. Sch.
(1) a place of rest, house, cell
&c. cf. Śiś. cf. Prab. cf. Kāraṇḍ
===> laśuna [ lazuna ]1[ lazuna ] n. or (rare1y) m. (cf. Uṇ. iii, 57 (1) sometimes written [ lasuna ], cf. [ rasuna ]) garlic cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) one of the 10 kinds of onion cf. L.
===> laṅga [ laGga ]2[ laGga ]1 mfn. lame, limping cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (1) m. limping, lameness cf. W.
===> [ laGga ]1[ laGga ]2 m. (prob. fr. √ [ lag ]) union, association cf. L. (1) a lover, paramour (also [ °gaka ]) cf. L. (2) = [ TAra ] cf. L.
===> laṅghana [ laGghana ]2[ laGghana ] n. the act of leaping or jumping, leaping over, stepping across, crossing, traversing (gen. or comp.). cf. PārGṛ. cf. R. &c. (1) one of a horse's paces, curvetting, bounding cf. L. (2) (ifc.) rising to or towards, ascending, mounting, attaining cf. Kālid (3) sexual union, impregnating cf. Daś (4) attack, conquest, capture cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (5) transgression, violation, disdain, neglect cf. R. cf. Rājat (6) (also [ A ] f.) insult, offence, injury, wrong cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (7) fasting, hunger, starving system cf. Suśr.
===> laṅghita [ laGghita ]2[ laGghita ] mfn. lept over, overstepped, traversed, transgressed, violated, disregarded, insulted cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) made to fast cf. Car.
===> [ laGghita ]3[ laGghita ] mfn. passed away, gone by Lāṭy. [ 1113,3 ]
===> lehya [ lehya ]2[ lehya ] mfn. to be licked, lickable, to be lapped or licked up or eaten by licking cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) n. nectar, sipped food, any food cf. L. (2) a syrup, electuary cf. W.
===> lekha-pattra [ lekhapattra ]3[ lekha-pattra ] n. (cf. Mālatīm.), and f. (cf. Kathās.) a written document, letter, writ, deed
===> lekha-pratilekha-lipi [ lekhapratilekhalipi ]3[ lekha-pratilekha-lipi ] f. a partic. kind of writing cf. Lalit.
===> lekhaka [ lekhaka ]2[ lekhaka ] m. a writer, scribe, clerk, secretary cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) one who delineates or paints cf. MW. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a little stroke cf. Kād (3) n. a writing, written message cf. Subh (4) a calculation ([ °kaM ] √ [ kR ], to make a calculation, reckon) cf. Mṛcch
===> lekhana [ lekhana ]2[ lekhana ] mf ([ I ]) n. scratching, scraping, scarifying, lancing cf. Suśr.
(1) exciting, stimulating, attenuating cf. ib. cf. ŚāeṅgS. cf. Bhpr.
(2) m. Saccharum Spontaneum (a sort of reed of which pens are made) cf. W.
(3) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. L.
(4) an instrument for writing or painting, reed-pen, painting-brush, pen, pencil
cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Hcat. (m. c. also [ °ni ])
(5) a spoon, ladle (cf. [ ghRta-I° ])
(6) n. the act of scratching or scraping, lancing, scarifying cf. Car. cf. Suśr.
(7) touching, coming in contact (said of heavenly bodies) cf. AV. Pariś
(8) writing down, transcribing cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat
(9) an instrument for scraping or furrowing cf. Kauś
(10) Betula Bhojpatra (the bark of which is used for writing) cf. L.
(11) the leaf of the palm tree (used for the same purpose) cf. W.
(12) making thin, attenuating, reducing corpulency (next)
===> lekhya [ lekhya ]2[ lekhya ]1 Nom. P. [ °yati ] = [ lekhAya ] g. [ kaNDvAdi ]
===> [ lekhya ]2[ lekhya ]2 mfn. to be scratched or scraped or scarified cf. Suśr. (1) to be written or transcribed cf. Yājñ. cf. MārkP. (2) to be drawn or painted cf. Yājñ. (3) to be portrayed, painted cf. BhP. (4) to be written down or numbered among (loc.) cf. Kāvyâd (5) favourable to the gods (said of Viṣṇu) cf. Viṣṇ. (cf. Sch.) (6) n. the act or the art of writing, Mbh. cf. R. (7) copying, transcribing cf. VarBṛS. (8) delineation, drawing, painting cf. ib. (9) a writing, letter, manuscript cf. Kām. cf. Kathās. cf. Sāh (10) (in law) any written document (esp. a written accusation or defence) cf. Viṣṇ. cf. Yājñ. (cf. cf. IW. 293) (11) an inscription cf. MBh. xiii, 6330 (12) ([ gaNanA- ]) a catalogue, list of cf. Ragh (13) a painted figure cf. BhP.
===> lepa [ lepa ]2[ lepa ] m. the act of smearing, daubing, anointing, plastering cf. Yājñ. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) anything smeared on, ointment, unguent, plaster cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) a coating of paint &c. (3) spot, stain, impurity (lit. and fig.), any grease or dirt sticking to vessels, (esp.) particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors (these remnants being considered as an oblation to paternal ancestors in the 4th, 5th and 6th degrees) cf. ŚrS. cf. Gaut. &c. (4) food, victuals cf. Bhadrab (5) a kind of disease cf. Car.
===> [ lepa ]1[ lepa ] [ lepana ], [ lepin ] &c. p. 902, eol. 3. [ 906,1 ]
===> lepana [ lepana ]2[ lepana ] n. the act of smearing, anointing, plastering, spreading on cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ointment, plaster, mortar (ifc. = smeared or plastered with) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) flesh, meat cf. L. (3) m. olibanum, incense cf. L.
===> leśa [ leza ]2[ leza ] m. a small part or portion, particle, atom, little bit or slight trace of (gen. or comp.
(1) [ -tas ] and [ ena ], Ind. = very slightly or briefly ; [ leśa-śas ], in small pieces cf. R.)
cf. Prāt. cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. &c.
(2) smallness, littleness cf. W.
(3) a partic. division or short space of time (= 2 or 12 Kalās) cf. L.
(4) a kind of song cf. L.
(5) (in rhet.) a figure of speech in which a statement is made indirectly (e. g. cf. Veṇis. ii, 4) cf. Sāh
(6) a figure of speech in which what is usually considered as an advantage is represented as a disadvantage and vice versa) cf. Kuval
(7) N. of a prince (a son of Su-hotra) cf. VP.
===> [ leza ]1[ leza ] [ lezya ], [ leSTavya ] &c. p. 903, col. 1
===> licchavi [ licchavi ]1[ licchavi ] or [ licchivi ] m. N. of a regal race (accord. to cf. L., the son of a Kshatriya Vrātya and a Kshatriyā ') cf. MWB. 409 ; 410
===> likhana [ likhana ]2[ likhana ] n. the act of scratching, furrowing &c. cf. Kāv. cf. Sāh (1) writing, inscribing cf. MārkP. cf. Pañcar. (2) scarifying cf. W. (3) a written document cf. ib.
===> likhita [ likhita ]2[ likhit'a ] mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) written, Peñcat. cf. Kathās. (= mentioned cf. Inscr.) (2) drawn, delineated, sketched, painted cf. Kāv. cf. VarBṛS. (3) m. N. of a Ṛshi and author of a work on law (frequently mentioned together with Śaṅkha, q. v.). cf. MBh. (cf. IW. 302) (4) N. of Saṅkha's brother (whose hands were cut off by king Su-dyumna as a punishment for having eaten some fruit in Śaṅkha's hermitage without leave, described in cf. MBh. xii, 668 &c.) (5) n. a writing, written document, scripture, Yāj5. cf. Sch. (cf. IW. 297)
===> likṣā [ likSA ]1[ likSA ] f. (also written [ likkA ]) a nit, young louse, the egg of a louse (as a measure of weight = 8 Trasa-reṇus) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (m. c. also [ likSa ] cf. VarBṛS.)
===> lipi [ lipi ]2[ lipi ] f. (accord. to cf. L. also [ lipI ]) smearing, anointing &c. ([ -kara ]) (1) painting, drawing cf. L. (2) writing, letters, alphabet, art or manner of writing cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. [ 902,3 ] (3) anything written, manuscript, inscription, letter, document cf. Naish. cf. Lalit. (4) outward appearance ([ lipim-√ Ap ], with gen., ` to assume the appearance of ' (5) [ citrAM lipiM ] √ [ nI ], ` to decorate beautifully ') cf. Vcar.
===> lipi-phalaka [ lipiphalaka ]3[ lipi-phalaka ] n. a writing-tablet, leaf for writing on cf. Lalit.
===> lipika [ lipika ]2[ lipika ] m. a scribe, clerk cf. Divyâv (1) ([ A ]), f. [ lipi ], a writing, written paper &c. cf. L.
===> lipta [ lipta ]2[ lipt'a ] mfn. smeared, anointed, soiled, defiled cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) sticking or adhering to (loc.) cf. ŚBr. (2) joined, connected cf. Uṇ. v, 55 cf. Sch. (3) envenomed cf. L. (4) eaten cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. [ liptA ] below
===> liṅga [ liGga ]2[ liGga ] n. (once m. in cf. NṛsUp. (1) ifc. f. [ A ], [ I ] only in [ viSNu-liGgI ] (2) prob. fr. √ [ lag ] (3) cf. [ lakSa ], [ lakSaNa ]) a mark, spot, sign, token, badge, emblem, characteristic (ifc. = [ tal-liGga ], ` having anything for a mark or sign ') cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (4) any assumed or false badge or mark, guise, disguise cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) a proof, evidence cf. Kaṇ. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sarvad (6) a sign of guilt, corpus delicti cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch. (7) the sign of gender or sex, organ of generation cf. Mn. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c. (8) the male organ or Phallus (esp. that of Śiva worshipped in the form of a stone or marble column which generally rises out of a [ yoni ], q. v., and is set up in temples dedicated to Śiva (9) formerly 12 principal Śiva-liṅgas existed, of which the best known are Soma-nātha in Gnjarāt, Mahā-kāla at Ujjayinī, Viśv^eśvara at Benares &c. (10) but the number of Liṅgas in India is estimated at 30 millions cf. IW. 322, n. cf. RTL. 78, 1 ; 90) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (11) gender (in gram (12) cf. [ puM-l° ]), Prst. cf. Pāṇ. (13) the image of a god, an idol cf. VarBṛS. (14) (in logic) = [ vyApya ], the invariable mark which proves the existence of anything in an object (as in the proposition ` there is fire because there is smoke ', smoke is the [ liGga ] (15) cf. cf. IW. 62) (16) inference, conclusion, reason (cf. [ kAvya-l° ]) (17) = [ lingazarIra ] (in Vedanta) (18) anything having an origin and therefore liable to be destroyed again cf. Kap (19) = [ AkAza ], Kāraṇḍ (20) (in Sāṃkhya) = [ prakRti ] or [ pradhAna ], ` the eternal procreative germ ' cf. L. [ 902,1 ] (21) = [ vyakta ] cf. L. (22) cf. cf. RTL. 30 (23) = [ prAtipadika ], the crude base or uninflected stem of a noun (shortened into [ li ]) cf. Vop. cf. Sch. (24) (in rhet.) an indication (word that serves to fix the meaning of another word (25) e. g. in the passage [ kupito makara-dhvajaH ] the word [ kupita ] restricts the meaning of [ makara-dhvaja ] to ` Kāma ') = [ linga-purANa ] cf. BhP. (26) the order of the religious student cf. W. (27) a symptom, mark of disease cf. W.
===> liṅgin [ liGgin ]2[ liGgin ] mfn. having a mark or sign, wearing a distinguishing mark (1) (ifc.) having the marks or appearance of, characterized by cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) bearing false marks or signs, a hypocrite, (ifc.) only having the appearance or acting the part of cf. ib. (cf. [ dvija-l° ]) (3) having a right to wear signs or badges, one whose external appearance corresponds, with his inner character cf. ib. (4) having a subtle body cf. BhP. (5) m. a Brāhman of a partic. order, religious student, ascetic cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (6) pl. ` possessing or furnished with a Liṅga ', N. of a Śaiva sect ([ liGga-vat ]) cf. Col. (7) ` sustaining the Liṅga or Pradhāna ', N. of Param^eśvara cf. LiṅgaP. (8) (in logic) [ -vyApaka ], that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition ` there is fire because there is smoke ', fire is the [ liGgin ] (9) cf. cf. IW. 62) (10) original source or germ cf. Kap. cf. Sch. (11) an elephant cf. L. (12) ([ inI ]), f. a female ascetic cf. Daśar (13) a species of plant cf. L.
===> lobha [ lobha ]2[ lobha ] m. perplexity, confusion ([ a-l° ]) (1) impatience, eager desire for or longing after (gen., loc. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) covetousness, cupidity, avarice (personified as a son of Pushṭi or of Dambha and Māyā) cf. ib.
===> [ lobha ]1[ lobha ] [ lobhana ] &c. p. 905, col. 1
===> locana [ locana ]2[ locana ] mfn. illuminating, brightening cf. BhP. (1) m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (2) ([ A ] or [ I ]), f. N. of a Buddhist goddess cf. Dharmas. 4 (3) ([ I ]), f. a species of plant cf. L. (4) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]), organ of sight ', the eye cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) N. of wk.
===> loha [ loha ]1[ loh'a ] mfn. (prob. fr. a √ [ ruh ] for a lost √ [ rudh ], to be red ' (1) cf. [ rohi ], [ rohiNa ] &c.) red, reddish, copper-coloured cf. ŚrS. cf. MBh. (2) made of copper cf. ŚBr. (cf. Sch.) (3) made of iron cf. Kauś (4) m. n. red metal, copper cf. VS. &c. &c. (5) (in later language) iron (either crude or wrought) or steel or gold or any metal (6) a weapon cf. L. (7) a fish-hook cf. L. (8) blood cf. L. (9) m. the red goat (cf. [ loh^aja ]) cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (10) (prob.) a kind of bird cf. MārkP. (11) N. of a man, g. [ naD^adi ] (12) (pl.) N. of a people cf. MBh. (13) ([ I ]), f. a pot cf. Divyâv (14) n. any object or vessel made of iron cf. Kāv (15) aloe wood, Agallochum cf. L.
===> loha-kāra [ lohakAra ]3[ loh'a-kAra ] m. a worker in iron, smith, blacksmith cf. R. cf. Hit. (1) ([ I ]), f. N. of the Tantra goddess Atibalā cf. Kālac (2) [ °ra-bhastrA ] f. a blacksmith's bellows cf. Pañcat
===> lohita [ lohita ]2[ l'ohita ]1 mf ([ A ] or [ l'ohinI ]) n. (cf. [ rohita ]) red, red-coloured, reddish cf. AV. &c. &c.
(1) made of copper, copper, metal cf. AV. cf. Kauś
(2) m. red (the colour), redness cf. L.
(3) a partic. disease of the eyelids, SarṅgS.
(4) a kind of precious stone cf. Pañcat
(5) a species of rice cf. Bhpr.
(6) a sort of bean or lentil cf. L.
(7) Dioscorea Purpurea cf. L.
(8) Cyprinus Rohita cf. L.
(9) a sort of deer cf. L.
(10) a snake, serpent cf. L.
(11) the planet Mars cf. VarBṛS.
(12) N. of a serpent-demon cf. MBh.
(13) of a man (pl. his descendants)
cf. Pravar. cf. Hariv. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 18)
(14) of a country cf. MBh.
(15) of a river (the Brahma-putra) cf. ib.
(16) of a sea cf. ib. cf. R.
(17) of a lake cf. Hariv.
(18) (pl.) of a class of gods under the 12th Manu cf. VP.
(19) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the 7 tongues of Agni cf. Gṛhyās
(20) Mimosa Pudica cf. L.
(21) a Punar-navā with red flowers cf. L.
(22) ([ lohinI ]), f. a woman with a red-coloured skin or red with anger cf. L.
(23) n. any red substance cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp.
(24) (also m. g. [ ardharc^adi ]
(25) ifc. f. [ A ]), blood cf. VS. &c. &c. ([ °taM ] √ [ kR ], to shed blood)
(26) ruby cf. L.
(27) red sanders cf. L.
(28) a kind of sandal-wood cf. L.
(29) a kind of Agallochum cf. L.
(30) an imperfect form of rainbow cf. L.
(31) a battle, fight cf. L.
===> [ lohita ]2[ lohita ]2 Nom. P. [ °tati ], to be or become red cf. Vop
===> lohita-kṛtsna [ lohitakRtsna ]3[ l'ohita-kRtsna ] n. N. of one of the 10 mystic exercises called Kṛtsna cf. Buddh.
===> loka [ loka ]2[ lok'a ] m. (connected with [ roka ] (1) in the oldest texts [ loka ] is generally preceded by [ u ], which accord. to the cf. Padap. = the particle 3. [ u ] (2) but [ u ] may be a prefixed vowel and [ ulok'a ], a collateral dialectic form of [ loka ] (3) accord. to others [ u-loka ] is abridged from [ uru- ] or [ ava-loka ]), free or open space, room, place, scope, free motion cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. ĀŚvŚr. (acc. with √ [ kR ] or √ [ dA ] or [ anu- ] √ [ nI ], to make room grant freedom ' (4) [ loke ] with gen. ` instead of ') (5) intermediate space cf. Kauś (6) a tract, region, district, country, province cf. ŚBr. (7) the wide space or world (either ` the universe ' or, any division of it ', esp. ` the sky or heaven ' ; 3 Lokas are commonly enumerated, viz. heaven, earth, and the atmosphere or lower regions ; sometimes only the first two ; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds, viz. Bhū-loka, the earth ; Bhuvar-loka ' the space between the earth and sun inhabited by Munis, Siddhas &c. ; Svar-loka, Indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star ; Mahar-loka, a region above the polar star and inhabited by Bhṛgo and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds ; Janar-loka, inhabited by Brahmā's son Sanat-kumāra &c. ; Tapar-loka, inhabited by deified Vairāgins ; Satya-loka or Brahma-loka, abode of Brahmā, translation to which exempts from rebirth [ 906,2 ] ; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of re-births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth ; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned, viz. the 7 above, and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earthA -tala, Vi-tala, Su-tala, Rasātala, Talātala, Mahā-tala, and Pātāla ; cf. cf. RTL. 102, n. 1 cf. IW. 420, 1 ; 435, 1) cf. AV. &c. &c. (8) N. of the number ` seven ' (cf. above) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (9) the earth or world of human beings &c. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ ay'aM lok'aH ], this world ' (10) [ asa'u ] or [ p'aro lok'aH ], that or the other world ' (11) loke or [ iha ] [ loke ], ` here on earth ', opp. to [ para-tra ], [ para-loke ] &c. (12) [ kRtsne ] [ loke ], ` on the whole earth ') (13) (also pl.) the inhabitants of the world, mankind, folk, people (sometimes opp. to ` king ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (14) (pl.) men (as opp. to ` women ') cf. Vet. cf. Hit. (15) a company, community (of ten ifc. to form collectives) cf. Kāv. cf. Vas. cf. Kathās. &c. (16) ordinary life, worldly affairs, common practice or usage cf. GṛS. cf. Nir. cf. Mn. &c. ([ loke ] either ` in ordinary life ', ` in worldly matters ' (17) or, in common language, in popular speech ', as opp. to [ vede ], [ chandasi ]) (18) the faculty of seeing, sight (only in [ c'akSur-l° ], q. v.) (19) [ lokAnAM sAmanI ] du. and [ lokAnAM vratAni ] plṆ. of Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr. [ Cf. Lat. [ lūsus ], originally, a clearing of a forest ' ; Lith. [ la'ukas ], a field. ]
===> loka-bandhu [ lokabandhu ]3[ lok'a-bandhu ] m. ` universal friend, friend of all ', N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (1) of the sun cf. L.
===> loka-dharma [ lokadharma ]3[ lok'a-dharma ] m. a worldly matter cf. Lalit. (1) worldly condition (eight with Buddhists) cf. Dharmas. 6i
===> loka-dhātu [ lokadhAtu ]3[ lok'a-dhAtu ] mf. a region or part of the world cf. Buddh. (1) N. of a partic. division of the world cf. ib. (2) [ °tv-IzvarI ] f. N. of Māricī, wife of Vairocana, Tantr
===> loka-gati [ lokagati ]3[ lok'a-gati ] f. ` way of the world ', actions of men cf. Hariv. cf. R.
===> loka-guru [ lokaguru ]3[ lok'a-guru ] m. a teacher of the world, instructor of the people cf. R. cf. BhP.
===> loka-hita [ lokahita ]3[ lok'a-hita ] mfn. beneficial to the world or to mankind, cf. A. (1) n. the welfare of the world cf. Śak. cf. BhP.
===> loka-jyeṣṭha [ lokajyeSTha ]3[ lok'a-jyeSTha ] m. ` the most distinguished or excellent among men ', N. of Buddha, Buddha (1) a monk of a partic. order cf. ib.
===> loka-jña [ lokajJa ]3[ lok'a-jJa ] mfn. knowing the world, understanding men (1) [ -tA ] f. knowledge of the world, knowledge of mankind cf. Prasaṅg
===> loka-nātha [ lokanAtha ]3[ lok'a-nAtha ] m. ` lord of worlds ', N. of Brahmā cf. Cat. [ 906,3 ] (1) of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (2) of Śiva cf. Kum (3) of the gods in general cf. BhP. (4) of the sun cf. Cat. (5) a protector or guardian of the people, king, sovereign cf. R. cf. BhP. &c. (6) a Buddha cf. L. (7) N. of a Buddha cf. Rājat (8) of Avalokit^evara cf. ib. cf. Inscr. (9) of various authors cf. Cat. (10) a panic. mixture cf. Rasêndrac (11) mfn. being under the guardianship of mankind cf. Kāv (12) [ -cakra-vartin ] m. N. of a Scholiast cf. Cat. (13) [ -bhaTTa ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (14) [ -rasa ] m. a partic. medicinal preparation cf. Cat. (15) [ -zarman ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.
===> loka-pradīpa [ lokapradIpa ]3[ lok'a-pradIpa ] m. ` light of the world ', N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh. (1) [ °p^anvaya-candrikA-nidAna ] n. N. of wk.
===> loka-prasiddha [ lokaprasiddha ]3[ lok'a-prasiddha ] mfn. celebrated in the world, generally established, universally known cf. Kām
===> loka-prasiddhi [ lokaprasiddhi ]3[ lok'a-prasiddhi ] f. universal establishment or reception (of any custom &c.), general prevalence ([ °dhyA ] ind. according to prevalent usage) cf. VarBṛS.
===> loka-pāla [ lokapAla ]3[ lok'a-pAl'a ] m. a world-protector, guardian of the world, regent of a quarter of the world (the Loka-pālas are sometimes regarded as the guardian deities of different orders of beings, but more commonly of the four cardinal and four intermediate points of the world, viz. accord. to cf. Mn. v, 96, 1. Indra, of the East (1) 2. Agni, of South-east (2) 3. Yama, of South (3) 4. Sūrya, of South-west (4) 5. Varuṇa, of West (5) 6. Pavana or Vāyu, of North-west (6) 7. Kubera, of North (7) 8. Soma or Candra of North-east (8) others substitute Nir-ṛti for 4 and Iśāni or Pṛthivī for 8 (9) according to cf. Dharmas. the Buddhists enumerate 4 or 8 or 10 or 14 Loka-pālas) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (10) a protector or ruler of the people, king, prince cf. Ragh. cf. Rājat (11) N. of various kings cf. Bhadrab. cf. Col. (12) of Avalokitśvara cf. MWB. 198 (13) protection of the people (?) cf. R. (14) [ -tA ] f. (cf. MārkP.) or [ -tva ] n. (cf. Hariv. cf. R.) the being a guardian of the world (15) [ °l^aSTaka-dAna ] n. N. of wk.
===> loka-pūjita [ lokapUjita ]3[ lok'a-pUjita ] mfn. honoured by the world, universally worshipped cf. L. (1) m. N. of a man cf. Lalit.
===> loka-saṃvyavahāra [ lokasaMvyavahAra ]3[ lok'a-saMvyavahAra ] m. commerce or intercourse with the world, worldly business cf. Mn. cf. MārkP. (1) [ -nAmak^aGka ] m. N. of wk.
===> loka-sundara [ lokasundara ]3[ lok'a-sundara ] mf ([ I ]) n. thought beautiful by all, generally admired cf. R. (1) m. N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit.
===> loka-traya [ lokatraya ]3[ lok'a-traya ] n. (cf. MBh. cf. Ragh.) or ([ I ]), f. (cf. Kuval.) ` world-triad ', the three world (heaven, earth and atmosphere, or heaven, earth and lower regions)
===> loka-vid [ lokavid ]3[ lok'a-vid ] mfn. possessing or affording space or freedom cf. MaitrS. (1) knowing the world cf. MBh. (2) knowledge or understanding the world (N. of a Buddha) cf. Buddh.
===> loka-viruddha [ lokaviruddha ]3[ lok'a-viruddha ] mfn. opposed to public opinion, notoriously at variance cf. Vām
===> loka-vyavahāra [ lokavyavahAra ]3[ lok'a-vyavahAra ] m. id. cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. ix, 27 (1) usual or commonly current designation cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 53 cf. Sch.
===> loka-yātrā [ lokayAtrA ]3[ lok'a-yAtrA ] f. the business and traffic of men, worldly affairs, conduct of men, ordinary actions cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) worldly existence, career in life cf. Mālav (2) support of life cf. Hit.
===> lokya [ lokya ]2[ loky'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. granting a free sphere of action, bestowing freedom cf. ĀśvGṛ. (1) diffused over the world, world-wide cf. MBh. (C. [ loukya ]) (2) conducive to the attainment of a better world, heavenly cf. BhP. (3) customary, ordinary. correct, right, real, actual cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. (4) usual, every-day cf. MBh. (5) n. free space or sphere cf. ŚBr.
===> lokâbhilāṣita [ lokAbhilASita ]3[ lok^abhilASita ] (w. r. for prec.) or m. N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh.
===> lokâcārya [ lokAcArya ]3[ lok^acArya ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (1) [ -siddh^anta ] m. N. of wk.
===> lokâloka [ lokAloka ]3[ lok^aloka ] n. sg. or m. du. (also m. sg. ?) the world and that which is not the world, i. e. world and nonworld cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (1) m. N. of a mythical belt or circle of mountains surrounding the outermost of the seven seas and dividing the visible world from the region of darkness (as the sun is within this wall of mountains they are light on one side and dark on the other (2) cf. IW. 420 (3) cf. [ cakra-vAla ]) cf. Sūryas. cf. Ragh. cf. Pur. &c.
===> lokântara [ lokAntara ]3[ lok^antara ] n. another world, the next world, a future life ([ °raM ] √ [ gam ] or √ [ yA ], to go into the next world, die) cf. Kāv. cf. BhP., &c. (1) [ -gata ] (cf. Rājat.), [ -pr^apta ] (cf. W.), or [ -stha ] (cf. Mṛcch.), mfn. gone to another world, deceased, dead
===> lokântarika [ lokAntarika ]3[ lok^antarika ] mf ([ A ]) n. dwelling or situated between the worlds cf. Buddh.
===> lokânuvṛtti [ lokAnuvRtti ]3[ lok^anuvRtti ] f. accommodating one's self to other, dependence on others cf. Siś
===> lokâyata [ lokAyata ]3[ lok^ayata ] mfn. ` world-extended (?) ', materialistic (1) m. a materialist cf. Buddh. cf. Nīlak. cf. Āryav. ([ °tI-√ kR ] P. [ -karoti ], to consider as materialistic) (2) n. (scil. [ zAstra ] or [ mata ] or [ tantra ]), materialism, the system of atheistical philosophy (taught by Cārvāka) cf. Prab. cf. Sarvad. &c.
===> lokâyatika [ lokAyatika ]3[ lok^ayatika ] m. id. cf. Saṃk. on cf. BṛĀrUp. and cf. PraśnUp. &c. (1) (perhaps) a man experienced in the ways of the world cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (2) [ -pakSa-nirAsa ] m. N. of wk.
===> lolupa [ lolupa ]1[ lolupa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. Intens. of √ 1. [ lup ]) very destructive, destroying cf. MW. (1) (prob. corrupted fr. [ lolubha ]) very desirous or eager or covetous, ardently longing for (loc. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. eager desire, appetite, longing for (loc.) cf. MBh. (3) N. of a Yoginī cf. Hcat
===> loma-harṣa [ lomaharSa ]3[ loma-harSa ] m. the bristling or erection of the hair of the body, thrill or shudder (caused by excessive joy, fear &c.) cf. MBh. (cf. [ romah° ]) (1) N. of a Rākshasa cf. R.
===> loma-kūpa [ lomakUpa ]3[ loma-kUpa ] (cf. Pañcar.) or (cf. ŚBr.), m. ` hair-hole ', a pore of the skin
===> loman [ loman ]1[ loman ] n. (later form of [ roman ], q. v.) the hair on the body of men and animals (esp. short hair, wool &c. (1) not so properly applicable to the long hair of the head or beard, nor to the mane and tail of animals) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a tail cf. L. (3) du. (with [ bharad-vAjasya ]), N. of Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.
===> lopa [ lopa ]2[ lopa ] m. breaking, hurting, injury, destruction, interruption cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) neglect, violation, transgression (of a vow or duty) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (2) robbing, plundering cf. MBh. (3) want, deficiency, absence, disappearance cf. ŚrS. cf. Ragh (4) (in gram.) dropping, elision (generally as distinguished from the terms [ lup ], [ zlu ], [ luk ], which are only applicable to affixes (5) when [ lopa ] of an affix takes place, a blank is substituted, which exerts the same influence on the base as the affix itself, but when either [ luk ] or [ lup ] or [ zlu ] of an affix is enjoined, then the affix is not only dropped but it is also inoperative on the base (6) thus in the Ist pl. of [ kati ], where [ jas ] is said to be elided by [ luk ], the change of the final of the base to Guṇa does not take place, i. e. both the affix and its effect on the base are abolished (7) moreover, [ lopa ] refers only to the last letter of an affix, whereas by [ luk ] &c. the dropping of the whole affix is implied) cf. Nir. cf. Prāt. cf. Pāṇ. &c. (8) ([ l'opA ]), f. a partic. bird cf. TS. (9) a kind of bird cf. L. (10) = [ lopA-mudrA ] below
===> [ lopa ]1[ lopa ] [ lopaka ] &c. p. 904, col. 3
===> loṣṭa [ loSTa ]2[ loST'a ] m. n. (prob. connected with √ 1. [ ruj ] (1) said to be fr. √ 1. [ lU ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 92) a lump of earth or clay, clod cf. TS. &c. &c. (2) a partic. object serving as a mark cf. VarBṛS. cf. Sch. (3) n. rust of iron cf. L. (4) m. N. of a man cf. Rājat
===> lubdha [ lubdha ]2[ lubdha ] mfn. bewildered, confused cf. AitBr. ([ am ] ind.) (1) greedy, covetous, avaricious, desirous of or longing for (loc. or comp.) cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. &c. [ 905,1 ] (2) n. a hunter cf. MBh. cf. R. (3) a lustful man, libertine cf. W.
===> lubdhaka [ lubdhaka ]2[ lubdhaka ] m. a hunter cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a covetous or greedy man cf. L. (2) the star Sirius (so called because Śiva in the form of a hunter shot an arrow [ represented by the three stars in the belt of Orion ] at Brahmā transformed into a deer and pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe (3) cf. [ mRga-vyAdha ]) cf. Gaṇit. cf. Kathās (4) N. of the hinder parts, Bhp
===> lumbini [ lumbini ]1[ lumbini ] (m. c.) or [ °nI ] f. N. of a princess and a grove named after her cf. Buddh. (cf. cf. MWB. 389)
===> lupta [ lupta ]2[ lupta ] mfn. broken, violated, hurt, injured cf. VarBṛS. (1) robbed, plundered, (ifc.) deprived of. cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (2) suppressed, lost, destroyed, annihilated, disappeared cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (3) (in gram.) dropped, elided cf. Prāt. cf. Pāṇ. &c. (4) (in rhet.) elliptical (as opp. to [ pUrNa ], complete ') cf. Vām. cf. Kpr. (5) n. stolen property, plunder, booty cf. L. (6) (prob.) disappearance (cf. [ zaza-l° ])
===> lābha [ lAbha ]2[ lAbha ] m. meeting with, finding cf. Mn. cf. Kathās (1) obtaining, getting, attaining, acquisition, gain, profit cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) capture, conquest cf. Hariv. cf. VarBṛS. (3) apprehension, perception, knowledge cf. Śaṃk. cf. Sāh. cf. BhP. (4) enjoying cf. MW. (5) N. of the 11th astrological house or lunar mansion cf. VarBṛS. (also [ -sthAna ], Cat)
===> [ lAbha ]1[ lAbha ] &c. p. 897, col., 1
===> lābhin [ lAbhin ]2[ lAbhin ] mfn. (ifc.) obtaining, meeting with, finding cf. Rājat (1) Pracaṇḍ. cf. Kāraṇḍ
===> lāghava [ lAghava ]1[ lAghava ] n. (fr. [ laghu ]) swiftness, rapidity, speed cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) alacrity, versatility, dexterity, skill cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) lightness (also of heart), ease, relief cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Suśr. (3) levity, thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness, rashness cf. R. cf. Kathās (4) insignificance, unimportance, smallness cf. R. cf. Mālav. cf. MārkP. (5) (in prosody) shortness of a vowel or syllable (opp. to [ gaurava ]), cf. Piṅg (6) shortness of expression, brevity, conciseness cf. Sarvad. cf. Kāty. cf. Sch. (7) lack of weight or consequence, derogation of dignity, slight, disrespect cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> lāja [ lAja ]2[ lAj'a ] m. (or [ A ] f.) pl. fried or parched grain (esp. rice grain) cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus cf. L.
===> lākṣaṇika [ lAkSaNika ]2[ lAkSaNika ] mf ([ I ]) n. knowing marks, acquainted with signs, an interpreter of marks or signs cf. R. (1) indicatory, expressing indirectly or figuratively. metaphorical, secondary, technical ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Śaṃk. cf. Kpr. cf. Sarvad
===> lākṣā [ lAkSA ]1[ lAkSA ] f. (cf. [ rAkSA ] and cf. Uṇ. iii, 62 cf. Sch.) a species of plant cf. AV. (1) a kind of red dye, lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a partic. tree) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) the insect or animal which produces the red dye cf. MW.
===> lālita [ lAlita ]2[ lAlita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) caressed, fondled, coaxed, indulged, cherished cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) n. pleasure, joy, love cf. MW.
===> lālā [ lAlA ]2[ lAlA ] f. saliva, spittle, slobber cf. Kāv. cf. Var. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) a species of myrobolan cf. L.
===> lāsaka [ lAsaka ]2[ lAsaka ] mfn. moving hither and thither, playing, gamboling cf. L. (1) m. a dancer, actor (with [ nartaka ], among the names of Śiva) cf. R. (2) a peacock cf. L. (3) N. of a dancer cf. Kathās (4) embracing, surrounding ([ veSTa ]) cf. L. (5) m. or n. a kind of weapon cf. Kād (6) ([ ikA ]), f. a female dancer cf. Kathās. cf. Vcar. (7) a harlot, wanton cf. L. (8) a kind of dramatic performance (= [ vilAsikA ]) cf. Sāh (9) ([ akI ]), f. a dancing girl. cf. L. (10) n. a turret, tower, room on the top of a building (= [ aTTa ]) cf. L.
===> lāsya [ lAsya ]2[ lAsya ] n. dancing, a dauce (esp. accompanied with instrumental music and singing), a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama, and as such accord. to Bharata and the Daśa-rūpa consisted of 10 divisions or Aṅgas, viz. [ geya-pada ], [ sthita-pAThya ], [ AsIna ], [ puSpa-gaNDikA ], [ pracchedaka ], [ tri-gUDha ] or [ tri-mUDhaka ], [ saindhava ], [ dvigUDhaka ] or [ vimUDhaka ], [ uttam'ottamaka ], and [ ukta-pratyukta ] (1) including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskṛt to Prākṛt and from Prākṛt to Sanskṛt (2) the term [ lAsya ] is also applied to the Nāch [ Nautch ] dance of the Indian dancing girls, consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards, as invented by Pārvati and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called Tāṇḍava practised by Siva and his followers (3) cf. cf. IW. 467) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) m. a dancer cf. MārkP. (5) N. of a king cf. VP. (6) ([ A ]), f. a dancing girl cf. L.
===> lāvaṇya [ lAvaNya ]2[ lAvaNya ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) saltness, the taste cr property of salt cf. Amar.
(1) beauty, loveliness, charm
cf. Inscr. cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. &c.
===> lāṅgala [ lAGgala ]1[ l'AGgala ] n. (cf. √ [ lag ] and [ laGg ]) a plough cf. RV. &c. &c.
(1) a kind of pole used in gathering fruit from a tree cf. R. cf. Sch.
(2) a plough-shaped beam or timber (used in the construction of a house) cf. L.
(3) a partic. appearance presented by the moon cf. VarBṛS.
(4) the palm tree cf. L.
(5) a kind of flower cf. L.
(6) membrum virile cf. L. (cf. [ lAGgUla ])
(7) ([ I ]), f. N. of various plants
cf. Pañcar. cf. Suśr. (accord. to cf. L. Jussiaea Repens
(8) Hemionitis Cordifolia
(9) Rubia Munjista
(10) Hedysarum Lagopodioides
(11) the cocoa-nut tree
(12) = [ rAsnA ])
(13) of a rive cf. MBh.
(14) m. a kind of rice cf. Car.
(15) N. of a son of Śuddhoda and grandson of Śākya cf. BhP.
---> pl. N. of a school cf. SaṃhUp. (16) of a people cf. VP. (v. l. for [ jAGgala ])
===> lāṅgula [ lAGgula ]1[ lAGgula ] n. = [ lAGgUla ] cf. Pañcat. cf. BhP. (1) membrum virile cf. L.
===> lāṅgūla [ lAGgUla ]2[ lAGgUla ] n. (cf. Uṇ. iv, 90 cf. Sch.) a tail, hairy tail cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) membrum virile cf. L. (2) ([ I ]), f. Uraria Lagopodioides cf. L.
===> līlā [ lIlA ]1[ lIlA ] f. (derivation doubtful) play, sport, diversion, amusement, pastime cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) mere sport or play, child's play, ease or facility in doing anything cf. ib. (2) mere appearance, semblance, pretence, disguise, sham cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. (ibc. sportively, easily, in sport, as a mere joke [ 903,3 ] (3) also = [ lIlayA ] ind. for mere diversion, feignedly) (4) grace, charm, beauty, elegance, lovelniess cf. Kālid. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (5) (in rhet.) a maiden's playful imitation of her lover, Dalar. cf. Sāh. cf. Pratāp (6) a kind of metre (4 times ?) cf. Col. (7) N. of a Yogini cf. HPariś
===> līna [ lIna ]2[ lIna ] mfn. clung or pressed closely together, attached or devoted to, merged in (loc. or comp.) cf. R. cf. Sarvad (1) sticking cf. Mahīdh (2) lying or resting on, staying in, lurking, hiding cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) dissolved, absorbed in (loc. or comp.), disappeared, vanished cf. ŚvetUp. cf. MBh. &c. (4) n. the clinging to, being dissolved or absorbed in, disappearance cf. Pañcar.
===> lūna [ lUna ]2[ lUna ] mfn. cut, cut off, severed, lopped, clipped, reaped, plucked cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) nibbled off cf. Hit. (2) knocked out cf. Kathās (3) stung cf. Rājat
---> pierced, wounded cf. Ragh (4) destroyed, annihilated cf. Rājat (5) n. a tail cf. L. (cf. [ lUma ])
===> ma [ ma ]1[ ma ]1 the labial nasal. -1
===> [ ma ]1[ ma ]2 m. (in prosody) a molossus. -2
===> [ ma ]1[ ma ]3 base of the 1st pers. pron. in acc. sg. [ m'Am ] or [ mA ] (1) instr. [ m'ayA ] (2) dat. [ m'ahyam ] or [ me ] (3) abl. [ m'at ] or [ m'ad ] (4) gen. [ m'ama ] or me (for the enclitic forms, cf. cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 22 &c.) [ Cf. s. [ m'ad ] ; Zd. [ ma ] ; Gk. ?, ?, Lat. [ me ], [ mihi ] &c. ] [ 771,1 ]
===> ma-kāra [ makAra ]3[ ma-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ ma ] cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. AV. Pariś &c. (1) [ -paJcaka ] n. = [ paJca-makAra ] cf. W. (2) [ °r^adi-sahasranAman ] n. N. of ch. of the Rudra-yāmala (containing 1000 names of Rāma beginning with [ m ])
===> [ makAra ]3[ ma-kAra ] m. the foot called molossus (1) [ -vipulA ] f. N. of a metre cf. Piṅg. cf. Sch.
===> mad [ mad ]1[ mad ]1 base of the first pers. pron. in the sg. number (esp. in comp.)
===> [ mad ]1[ mad ]2 (cf. √ [ mand ]), cl. 4. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 99) [ m'Adyati ] (ep. also [ °te ] (1) Ved. also I. P. Ā. [ m'Adyati ] [ °te ] (2) 3. P. [ mam'atti ], [ °ttu ], [ mam'adat ], [ 'amamaduH ] (3) Ved. Impv. [ m'atsi ], [ °sva ] (4) pf. [ mam'Ada ] (5) aor. [ amAdiSuH ], [ amatsuH ], [ amatta ] (6) Subj. [ m'atsati ], [ °sat ] (7) fut. [ maditA ], [ madiSyati ] Gr. (8) Ved. inf. [ maditos ]), to rejoice, be glad, exult, delight or revel in (instr., gen., loc., rarely acc.), be drunk (also fig.) with (instr.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (9) to enjoy heavenly bliss (said of gods and deceased ancestors) cf. RV. cf. TBr. (10) to boil bubble (as water) cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Hariv. (11) to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate, animate, inspire cf. RV. : Caus. [ m˘Ad'ayati ], [ °te ] (cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 31, xix, 54 (12) aor. [ 'amImadat ] or [ amamadat ] (13) Ved. inf. [ maday'adhyai ]), to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire cf. RV. &c. &c. (14) (Ā.) to be glad, rejoice, be pleased or happy or at ease cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Kauś (15) (Ā.) to enjoy heavenly bliss cf. RV. cf. TBr. cf. BhP. : Desid. [ mimadiSati ] Gr. : Intens. [ mAmadyate ], [ mAmatti ] cf. ib. [ Perhaps orig. ` to be moist ' (16) cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ madere ]. ] [ 777,3 ]
===> mada [ mada ]2[ m'ada ] m. hilarity, rapture, excitement, inspiration, intoxication cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) (du. wite [ madasya ], N. of 2 Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr.) (2) ardent passion for (comp.) cf. MBh. (3) (ifc. f. [ A ]) sexual desire or enjoyment, wantonness, lust, ruttishness, rut (esp. of an elephant) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) (ifc. f. [ A ]), pride, arrogance, presumption, conceit of or about (gen. or comp.) cf. ib. (5) any exhilarating or intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor, wine, Soma cf. RV. &c. &c, (6) honey cf. Ragh (7) the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (8) semen virile cf. L. (9) musk cf. L. (10) any beautiful object cf. L. (11) a river cf. L. (12) N. of the 7th astrol. mansion cf. Var (13) Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by Cyavana) cf. MBh. (14) N. of a son of Brahmā cf. VP. (15) of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (16) of a servant of Śiva cf. BhP. (17) ([ I ]), f. any agricultural implement (as a plough &c.) cf. L. (18) n. N. of 2 Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr.
===> madana [ madana ]2[ m'adana ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) passion, love or the god of love cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a kind of embrace cf. L. (2) the season of spring cf. L. (3) a bee cf. L. (4) (?) bees-wax ([ paTTikA ]) (5) Vanguiera Spinosa cf. Suśr. (6) a thorn-apple and various other plants (e. g. Phaseolus Radiatus, Acacia Catechu &c.) cf. L. (7) a bird cf. L. (8) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (9) (in astrol.) N. of the 7th mansion cf. Var (10) N. of various men and authors (also with [ AcArya ], [ bhaTTa ], [ sarasvatI ] &c. (11) cf. below) cf. Rājat. cf. Inscr. cf. Cat. (12) ([ A ]), f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor cf. L. (13) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. L. (14) musk cf. L. (15) N. of a plant (= [ atimukta ]) cf. L. (16) the civet-cat cf. L. (17) n. the act of intoxicating or exhilarating cf. MW. (18) (scil. [ astra ]), N. of a mythical weapon cf. R. (v. l. [ mAdana ]) (19) bees-wax cf. L. (20) mfn. = [ mandr'a ] cf. Nir
===> madanīya [ madanIya ]2[ madanIya ] mfn. intoxicating cf. Nir (1) exciting passion or love cf. Ṛitus
===> madhu [ madhu ]1[ m'adhu ] mf ([ ˘U ] or [ vI ]) n. (gen. n. Ved. [ m'adhvas ], [ m'adhos ], or [ m'adhunas ] (1) instr. [ m'adhvA ] (2) dat. [ m'adhune ] (3) loc. [ m'adhau ]) sweet, delicious, pleasant, charming, delightful cf. RV. cf. TS. (4) bitter or pungent cf. L. (5) m. N. of the first month of the year (= Caitra, March-April) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (6) the season of spring cf. Var. cf. Kālid (7) Bassia Latifolia cf. L. (8) Jonesia Asoka cf. L. (9) liquorice cf. L. (10) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (11) of two Asuras (the one killed by Viṣṇu, the other by Śatru-ghna) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (12) of one of the 7 sages under Manu Cākshusha cf. MārkP. (13) of a son of the third Manu cf. Hariv. (14) of various princes (of a son of Vṛsha, of Deva-kshatra, of Bindu-mat, of Arjuna Kārtavirya) cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (15) of a son of Bhaṭṭa-nārāyaṇa, Kshitt^is of a teacher (= [ madhva ] or [ ananda-tIrtha ]) cf. Col. (16) of a mountain cf. MārkP. (17) (pl.) the race of Madhu (= the Yādavas or Māthuras) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (18) ([ u ]), f. a partic. plant (= [ jIvA ] or [ jIvantI ]) cf. L. (19) n. anything sweet (esp. if liquid), mead &c. cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TBr. (20) Soma (also [ somyam madhu ]) cf. RV. (21) honey (said to possess intoxicating qualities and to be of 8 kinds (22) [ madhuno leha ] m. licker of honey a bee cf. W.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (23) milk or anything produced from milk (as butter, ghee &c.) cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. GṛŚrS. (24) the juice or nectar of flowers, any sweet intoxicating drink, wine or spirituous liquor cf. Kāv. cf. Var. cf. Sāh. [ 779,3 ] (25) sugar cf. L. (26) water cf. L. (27) pyrites cf. Bhpr. (28) N. of a Brāhmaṇa cf. ŚBr. ; a kind of metre cf. Col. [ Cf. Gk., ?, ?, Slav. [ med˘u ] ; Lith. [ 779,3 ] [ mid'us ], [ med'us ] ; Germ., [ meth ] ; Eng. [ mead ]. ]
===> madhu-kara [ madhukara ]3[ m'adhu-kara ] m. ` honey-maker ', a bee cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a lover, libertine cf. L. (2) Eclipta Prostrata or Asparagus Racemosus cf. L. (3) Achyranthes Aspera cf. W. (4) the round sweet lime cf. W. (5) ([ I ]), f. a female bee cf. Kāv. cf. Pañcat. (v. l.) &c. (6) N. of a girl cf. Hcar. (7) [ -gaNa ] m. a swarm of bees cf. ŚārṅgP. (8) [ -maya ] mfn. consisting of bees cf. Kād (9) [ -rAjan ] m. the king of bees i. e. the queen bees cf. PraśnUp. (10) [ -zreNi ] f. a line of bees cf. Megh (11) [ -sAha ] (cf. Cat.) and [ -sAhi ] (cf. Inscr.), m. N. of two kings
===> madhu-maireya [ madhumaireya ]3[ m'adhu-maireya ] m. an intoxicating drink made of honey cf. BhP. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 70 cf. Sch.
===> madhu-matta [ madhumatta ]3[ m'adhu-matta ] mfn. drunk with wine cf. L. (1) intoxicated or excited by the spring cf. Hariv. (2) m. N. of a man cf. R. (3) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. (v. l. [ -mat ]) (4) ([ A ]), f. a species of Karañja cf. L.
===> madhu-mādhava [ madhumAdhava ]3[ m'adhu-mAdhava ] m. du. or n. s. the two spring months ([ kAle Śve ], ` in the spring ') cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. &c.
---> [ -mAsa ] m. sg. one of the 2 sparka months, Pañicar. (1) [ -sahAya ] m. N. of author cf. Cat.
===> madhu-yaṣṭi [ madhuyaSTi ]3[ m'adhu-yaSTi ] f. sugar-cane cf. L. (1) liquorice cf. L. (2) = [ tiktaparvan ] cf. L.
===> madhuka [ madhuka ]2[ madhuka ] (ifc.) = [ madhu ] g. [ ura-Adi ] (1) mfn. honey-coloured (only in [ -locana ], ` having honey-coloured eyes ', N. of Siva) cf. MBh. (2) sweet (in taste) cf. W. (3) mellifluous, melodious cf. ib. (4) m. a species of tree cf. R. cf. Var. (Bassia Latifolia or Jonesia Asoka cf. L.) (5) Parra jacana or Goensis cf. L. (6) liquorice cf. L. (cf. n.) (7) a kind of bard or panegyrist cf. L. (8) the son of a Maitreya and a married Āyogavī cf. L. (9) ([ m'adh° ]) N. of a man cf. ŚBr. (10) ([ A ]), f. Menispermum Glabrum cf. L. (11) Glycyrrhiza Glabra cf. L. (12) black Panic cf. L. (13) N. of a river cf. VP. (14) n. liquorice cf. Suśr. (cf. m.) (15) old honey cf. L. (16) tin cf. L.
===> madhura [ madhura ]2[ madhura ] mf ([ A ]) n. sweet, pleasant, charming, delightful cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) sounding sweetly or uttering sweet cries, melodious, mellifluous cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ am ] ind.) (2) m. sweetness cf. L. (3) a kind of leguminous plant cf. Car. (4) the red sugar-cane cf. L. (5) a species of mango cf. L. (6) a Moringa with red flowers cf. L. (7) rice cf. L. (8) a partic. drug (= [ jIvaka ]) cf. L. (9) molasses cf. L. (10) sour gruel (also f. [ A ]) cf. L. (11) N. of one of the attendants of Skanda cf. MBh. (12) of a Gandharva, Saddhp (13) (with [ AcArya ]), of a teacher cf. Cat. (cf., [ mAdhura ]) (14) ([ A ]), f. Anethum Sowa or Panmorium cf. L. (15) Beta Bengalensis cf. L. (16) Asparagus Racemosus and other plants cf. L. (17) liquorice cf. L. (18) a kind of root similar to ginger cf. L. (19) sour rice-water cf. L. (20) N. of a town (= [ mathurA ]) cf. Pat. on cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 51 cf. Vārtt. 5 (21) of the tutelary deity of the race of Vandhula cf. Cat. (22) ([ I ]), f. ii kind of musical instrument cf. L. (23) n. kind or friendly manner (only [ eNa ] ind.) cf. Hariv. (24) the quality of the throat which makes the voice sweet cf. L. (25) sweetness, syrup, treacle cf. L. (26) poison cf. L. tin cf. L.
===> madhura-nirghoṣa [ madhuranirghoSa ]3[ madhura-nirghoSa ] m. N. of an evil spirit or demon cf. Lalit.
===> madhura-svara [ madhurasvara ]3[ madhura-svara ] mfn. sweetly-sounding, sweet-voiced ([ am ] ind.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of a Gandharva cf. SaddhP.
===> madhuratā [ madhuratA ]3[ madhura-tA ] f. sweetness, suavity, pleasantness, amiability, softness cf. Kāv. cf. Sāh
===> madhurâmla [ madhurAmla ]3[ madhur^amla ] mfn. sweet and sour, subacid cf. Suśr. (1) [ -kaTuka ] mfn. sweet and subacid and pungent cf. ib. (2) [ -kaSAya ] mfn. sweet and subacid and astringent cf. ib. (3) [ -kAvya ] n. N. of a poem cf. Cat. (4) [ -tikta ] mfn. sweet and subacid and bitter cf. Suśr. (5) [ -phala ] m. a species of fruit-tree cf. L. (6) [ -lavaNa ] mfn. sweet and subacid and salty cf. Suśr.
===> madhya [ madhya ]1[ m'adhya ] mf ([ A ]) n. middle (used like [ medius ] e. g. [ m'adhye ] [ samudr'e ], ` in the midst of the sea ') cf. RV. cf. VPrāt. cf. KaṭhUp. (1) middlemost, intermediate, central cf. Var. cf. Megh (2) standing between two, impartial, neutral cf. Kām (3) middle i. e. being of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate (with [ vRtti ] f. ` a middle course ') cf. Lāṭy. cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. &c. (4) (in astron.) mean i. e. theoretical (opp. to [ spaSTa ], or [ sphuTa ]) cf. Sūryas. ([ -tva ] n.) (5) lowest, worst cf. L. (6) m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the middle of the body, (esp.) a woman's waist cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (7) (in alg.) the middle term or the mean of progression cf. Col. (8) ([ A ]), f. a young woman, a girl arrived at puberty cf. Sāh (9) the middle finger cf. L. (10) (in music) a partic. tone cf. Saṃgīt (11) (also n.) a kind of metre cf. Col. (12) n. (m., g. [ ardharc^adi ]) the middle, midst, centre, inside, interior cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ am ] ind. into the midst of, into, among, with gen. or ifc. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (13) [ ena ] ind. in or through the midst of, on the inside, through, between, with gen., acc. or ifc. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (14) [ At ] ind. from the midst of. out of. from among cf. R. cf. Hariv. &c. (15) [ e ] ind., s. v.) (16) the middle of the sky (with or scil. [ nabhasas ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (17) space between (e. g. [ bhruvos ], the eye brows) cf. MBh. (18) midday (with [ ahnaH ]), Māav (19) the meridian cf. Mālatīm (20) intermediate condition between (gen.) cf. R. (21) the belly, abdomen cf. Kum (22) the flank of a horse cf. L. (23) (in music) mean time cf. Saṃgīt (24) ten thousand billions cf. MBh. (25) cessation, pause, interval cf. L. (26) N. of a country between Sindh and Hindūstan proper cf. Cat. [ Cf. Zd. [ maidhya ] (27) Gk. ?, ? for ? ; Lat. [ 781,3 ] [ medius ] ; Goth. [ midjiś ] ; Eng. [ mid ] in [ midland ], [ midnight ] &c. ]
===> madhya-deśa [ madhyadeza ]3[ m'adhya-deza ] m. middle region, middle space, the central or middle part of anything cf. ŚrS. (1) (= [ madhyaM nabhasaH ]), the meridian cf. MBh. (2) the middle of the body, waist cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) the trunk of the body, belly, abdomen cf. ib. (4) the midland country (lying between the Him^alayas on the north, the Vindhya mountains on the south, Vinaśana on the west, Prayāga on the east, and comprising the modern provinces of Allahabad, Agra, Delhi, Oude &c.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (cf. cf. IW. 226, n. 1) (5) mfn. belonging to or living in the midland country, of midland origin cf. MBh. (6) m. pl. the inhabitants of the midland country cf. Cat.
===> madhya-ga [ madhyaga ]3[ m'adhya-ga ] mf ([ A ]) n. going or being in the middle or among (with gen. or ifc.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> madhya-gata [ madhyagata ]3[ m'adhya-gata ] mfn. id. cf. ib. (1) n. the middle syllable cf. Śrutab
===> madhya-rātri [ madhyarAtri ]3[ m'adhya-rAtri ] f. midnight ([ au ] ind. at midnight) cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c.
===> madhya-stha [ madhyastha ]3[ m'adhya-stha ] mf ([ A ]) n. being in the middle, being between or among (gen. or comp.) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) being in the middle space i. e. in the air cf. ŚāṅkhBr. (2) standing between two persons or parties mediating, a mediator cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 179 cf. Sch. (3) belonging to neither or both parties, (only) a witness, impartial, neutral, indifferent cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) being of a middle condition or kind, middling cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (5) m. ` arbitrator, umpire ', N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (6) [ -tA ] f. intermediate situation, indifference, impartiality cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.
===> madhya-sthāna [ madhyasthAna ]3[ m'adhya-sthAna ] n. the middle space i. e. the air ([ -devatA ] f. a deity of the air cf. Nir.) (1) a neutral soil cf. MW.
===> madhyama [ madhyama ]2[ madhyam'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (superl. of [ m'adhya ]) middle (used like Lat. [ medius ] e. g. [ madhyaime gulme ], ` in the midst of the troop ') cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) being or placed in the middle, middlemost, intermediate, central cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) middle-born (neither youngest nor oldest), Veṇis (3) of a middle kind or size or quality, middling, moderate cf. TS. &c. &c. (4) standing between two persons or parties, impartial, neutral cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) (in astron.) mean (cf. [ madhya ]) cf. Sūryas (6) relating to the meridian cf. ib. (7) m. the middlemost prince (whose territory lies between that of a king seeking conquest and that of his foe) cf. Mn. vii, 155 (8) the middle character in plays cf. IW. 473 (9) the midland country (= [ madhya-deza ]) cf. L. (10) (in music) the 4th or 5th note cf. Saṃgīt (11) the middlemost of the 3 scales cf. ib. (12) a partic. Rāga cf. ib. (13) (in gram.) the 2nd person (= [ -puruSa ]) cf. Pāṇ. (14) the governor of a province cf. L. (15) a kind of antelope cf. L. (16) N. of the 18th Kalpa (s. v.) cf. Cat. (17) pl. a class of gods cf. ŚāṅkhSr (18) (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. cf. Buddh. sect cf. Sarvad (19) m. n. the middle of the body, waist cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (20) ([ A ]), f. the womb cf. TBr. (21) the middle finger cf. Kauś. cf. Suśr. (22) midnight cf. L. (23) a girl arrived at puberty cf. L. (24) the pericarp of a lotus cf. L. (25) a central blossom cf. W. (26) a kind of metre cf. L. (27) (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā cf. Saṃgīt (28) n. the middle cf. APrāt. (29) mediocrity, defectiveness, Śṛṅgār (30) N. of the 12th (14th) Kāṇḍa of the cf. ŚBr. (31) (in astron.) the meridian ecliptic point cf. Sūryas
===> madhyama-puruṣa [ madhyamapuruSa ]3[ madhyam'a-puruSa ] m. a partic. personification cf. Gaut (1) (in gram.) the second person in verbal conjugation, a termination of the second person (cf. [ prathama-puruSa ], [ uttama-puruSa ])
===> madhyamaka [ madhyamaka ]2[ madhyamaka ] mt ([ ikA ]) n. middlemost cf. Mṛcch (1) common (as property) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a marriageable woman cf. L. (3) N. of the 2nd or middle Grantha of the Kāṭhaka (cf. [ mAdhyamika ]) (4) n. the interior of anything ([ °kam pra-√ viz ], to enter) cf. Mṛcch
===> madhye [ madhye ]2[ madhye ] ind. in the middle, in the midst, within, between, among, in the presence of (with gen. or ifc. (1) sometimes also ibc. (2) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 18 and comp. below) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (with √ [ kR ] [ ind. p. [ -kRtya ] or [ -kRtvA ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 76 ], to place in the middle, make an intermediary of. cf. Kull. on Mii. iv, 80 (3) to count among cf. Kād.)
===> madhyâhna [ madhyAhna ]3[ madhy^ahna ] m. midday, noon cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of a pupil of Saṃkar^acārya cf. Śaṃkar (2) [ -kAla ] m. midday time, noon cf. Kathās (3) [ -kRtya ] n. midday duty or business or observance cf. Cat. (4) [ -kriyA ] f. id. cf. MW. (5) [ -velA ] f. = [ -kAla ] cf. Pañcat (6) [ -saMdhyA ] f. the midland Saṃdhyā cf. RTL. 407 (7) [ -samaya ], m. = [ -kAla ] cf. Pañcat (8) [ -savana ] n. midland sacrifice cf. Kathās (9) [ -snAnavidhi ] m. midland ablution cf. Cat. (10) [ °hn^endu-prabhAkarNa ] m. or n. the hypotenuse of the moon's midland shadow cf. MW.
===> madhyâhāriṇī-lipi [ madhyAhAriNIlipi ]3[ madhy^ahAriNI-lipi ] f. N. of a partic. kind of written character cf. Lalit. (C. [ adhyAh° ]) . [ 782,2 ]
===> madhyânta [ madhyAnta ]3[ madhy^anta ] (ibc.) middle and end (1) [ -yamaka ] n. a Yamaka (s. v.) in the midland and end of averse (e. g. cf. Bhaṭṭ. x, 17) (2) [ -vibhaGga-zAstra ] or [ -vibhAga-z° ] n. N. of wk.
===> madya [ madya ]2[ madya ]1 (for 2. p. 779, col. 1), Nom. P. [ °yati ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 98 cf. Sch.
===> [ madya ]2[ m'adya ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (for 1. p. 777, col. 2) intoxicating. exhilarating, gladdening, lovely cf. RV. (1) n. any intoxicating drink, vinous or spiritous liquor, wine cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.
===> [ madya ]1[ madya ] 1. 2. pp. 777 and 779
===> madya-pa [ madyapa ]3[ m'adya-pa ] mf ([ A ]) n. drinking intoxicating liquor, a drunkard cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. &c. (1) m. N. of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (2) [ -p^azana ] n. a drankard's meal cf. L.
===> madya-pāna [ madyapAna ]3[ m'adya-pAna ] n. the drinking of intoxicating liquors cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Suśr. (1) any intoxicating drink cf. MārkP.
===> madya-vikraya [ madyavikraya ]3[ m'adya-vikraya ] m. the sale of intoxicating liquors cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch.
===> madīya [ madIya ]2[ madIya ] mfn. my, my own, belonging to me cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.
===> [ madIya ]1[ madIya ] p. 777, col. 2
===> magadha [ magadha ]1[ mag'adha ] m. the country of the Magadhas, South Behār (pl. the people of that country) cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) a minstrel who sings the praises of a chief's ancestry cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. the town of the Magadhas cf. L. (3) long pepper cf. Suśr.
===> magna [ magna ]2[ magna ] mfn. sunk, plunged, immersed in (loc. or comp.) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) set (as the moon) cf. R. (2) sunk into misfortune cf. ib. (3) (ifc.) slipped into, lurking in cf. Ragh (4) sunken, flat (as breasts or a nose) cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Suśr. (5) m. N. of a mountain cf. Buddh.
===> maha [ maha ]2[ mah'a ]1 mfn. great, mighty, strong, abundant cf. RV. (1) m. (cf. [ makha ], [ magha ]) a feast, festival cf. MBh. (2) the festival of spring cf. Śiś. cf. Hariv. cf. Var. [ 794,2 ] (3) a partic. Ek^aha cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (4) a sacrifice cf. L. (5) a buffalo cf. L. (6) light, lustre, brilliance cf. L. (7) ([ A ]), f. a cow cf. L. (8) Ichnocarpus Frutescens cf. L. (9) n. pl. great deeds cf. RV.
===> [ maha ]2[ maha ]2 in comp. for [ mahA ] before [ R ] and before [ r ] for [ R ]
===> maha-rddhi [ maharddhi ]3[ maha-rddhi ] f. great prosperity or power or perfection (in [ -pr^apta ] m. N. of a prince of the Garuḍas cf. Buddh. (1) [ -mat ] mfn. possessing or conferring great possessing &c. cf. Cat. (2) m. a great sage cf. L.) (3) mfn. very prosperous or powerful cf. R. cf. Kathās. (also [ °dhika ] cf. L., and [ °dhin ] cf. MBh.) (4) very sage cf. Rājat
===> [ maharddhi ]3[ maharddhi ] &c. col. 2
===> maha-rṣi [ maharSi ]3[ maha-rSi ] m. a great Ṛshi, any great sage or saint (accord. to cf. Mn. i, 34 ten Maharshis were created by Manu Svāyambhuva, viz. Marīci, Atri, Aṅgiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Pracetas, Vasishṭha, Bhṛgu, Nārada, also called the 10 Prajāpatis, q. v. (1) some restrict the number to 7, and some add Daksha, Dharma, Gautama, Kaṇva, Vālmīki, Vyāsa, Manu, Vibhāṇḍaka &c.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 206, n. 1) (2) N. of Śiva cf. Śivag (3) of Buddha cf. L. (4) of a poet cf. Cat.