===> gha [ gha ]1[ gha ]1 the 4th consonant of the Sanskṛt alphabet (aspirate of the preceding)

===> [ gha ]1[ gha ]2 ind. (used to lay stress on a word) at least, surely, verily, indeed, especially (= Gk. ?), [ 375,1 ] cf. RV. cf. AV. v, 13, 10 & 11 ; vi, 1, 3. In the Saṃhitā the final vowel is generally lengthened ([ ghA ], cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 133) (1) as a rule it is preceded by other particles ([ ut'a ], [ ut'o ], [ ut'a vA ], [ cid ], [ n'a ], [ vA ]) or by a pronoun or a preposition (2) it is also found between [ iva ] and [ 'id ] (3) or between [ iva ] and [ 'id aha ], or between [ vA ] and [ 'id ] (4) sometimes it occurs in the clause which depends on a conditional or relative sentence (e. g. [ 'A ghA gamad y'adi zr'avat ], ` he will surely come when he hears ' cf. RV. i, 30, 8), i, 161, 8 ; viii, 46, 4

===> [ gha ]1[ gha ]3 mfn. (√ [ han ]) ifc. ` striking, killing ', cf. [ jIva- ], [ tADa- ], [ pANi- ], [ rAja- ], &c. (cf. also [ parigha ]) (1) ([ A ]), f. a stroke cf. L.

===> [ gha ]1[ gha ]4 m. a rattling or gurgling or tinkling sound cf. L. (1) a bell cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. a tinkling ornament worn by women round the waist

===> gha-kāra [ ghakAra ]3[ gha-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ gha ]

===> ghana [ ghana ]1[ ghan'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (√ [ han ]) a striker, killer, destroyer cf. RV. i, 4, 8 ; iii, 49, 1 ; iv, 38, 1 ; viii, 96, 18 (1) compact, solid, material, hard, firm, dense, i, 8, 3 ([ ghan'A ] for [ °n'am 'A ]) cf. Suśr. &c. (2) coarse, gross (3) viscid, thick, inspissated
cf. Suśr. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Kathās. xxiv, 93 (4) full of (in comp.), densely filled with (in comp.) cf. MBh. i, xiii cf. Ragh. viii, 90 cf. Ratnâv. iv, 2 (5) uninterrupted cf. Pañcat. iii, 14, 11 (6) dark (cf. [ -zyAma ]) cf. BhP. iv, 5, 3 (7) deep (as sound (8) colour) cf. MBh. i, 6680 cf. VarBṛS. xliii, 19 (9) complete, all cf. Kathās. iv, 53 (10) auspicious, fortunate cf. W. (11) m. (= ?) slaying cf. RV. vi, 26, 8 (12) an iron club, mace, weapon shaped like a hammer, i, 33, 4 ; 36, 16 ; 63, 5 ; ix, 97, 16 cf. AV. x, 4, 9 (13) any compact mass or substance (generally ifc.) cf. ŚBr. xiv &c. (said of the foetus in the 2nd month cf. Nir. xiv, 6 cf. Laghuj. iii, 4) (14) ifc. mere, nothing but (e. g. [ vijJAna-ghan'a ], ` nothing but intuition ' cf. ŚBr. xiv) cf. MāṇḍUp. 5 cf. PraśnUp. v, 5 cf. BhP. viii f. (cf. [ ambu- ], [ ayo- ]) (15) a collection, multitude, mass, quantity cf. W. (16) vulgar people cf. Subh (17) a cloud cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Hariv. 2660) (18) talc cf. L. (19) the bulbous root of Cyperus Hexastachys communis cf. Suśr. vi (20) a peculiar form of a temple cf. Hcat. ii, 1, 389 (21) a particular method of reciting the cf. RV. and Yajur-veda (cf. cf. RTL. p. 409) (22) the cube (of a number), solid body (in geom.) cf. Laghuj. cf. Sūryas (23) phlegm ([ kapha ]) cf. L. (24) the body cf. L. (25) extension, diffusion cf. W. (26) n. any brazen or metallic instrument or plate which is struck (cymbal, bell, gong, &c.) cf. Hariv. 8688 (27) iron cf. L. (28) tin cf. L. (29) a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow) cf. L. (30) darkness cf. L. (31) ([ am ]), ind. closely cf. Ratnâv. iii 9 (32) (√ [ dhvan ], to sound) deep cf. Rājat. v, 377 (33) very much cf. W. (34) ([ A ]), f. N. of a stringed instrument (35) Glycine debilis cf. L. (36) a kind of creeper cf. L.

===> ghana-rasa [ ghanarasa ]3[ ghan'a-rasa ] m. n. ` thick juice ', extract, decoction cf. L. (1) camphor cf. L. (2) ` thicksapped ', the plant Moraṭa cf. L. (3) the plant Pīlu-parṇī cf. L. (4) m. n. ` cloud-fluid ', water cf. L.

===> ghana-vyūha [ ghanavyUha ]3[ ghan'a-vyUha ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. Sūtra

===> ghanatva [ ghanatva ]3[ ghan'a-tva ] n. compactness, firmness, thickness, solidity cf. VarBṛS. lv, 25

===> ghanī-bhūta [ ghanIbhUta ]3[ ghanI-bhUta ] mfn. become thick, thickened, condensed, thick, inspissated, compact cf. Hariv. 3484 cf. R. iii, 5, 8 cf. Suśr.

===> gharaṭṭa [ gharaTTa ]1[ gharaTTa ] m. a grindstone cf. Rājat. vii, 1244 ; 1303 and 1589 cf. Subh

===> ghariṇī [ ghariNI ]2[ ghariNI ] f. (for [ gRhiNI ]?, Pāli [ °raNI ]) a woman possessing a house (?, widow?) cf. Divyâv. ii, 428

===> ghariṇī-stūpa [ ghariNIstUpa ]3[ ghariNI-stUpa ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. tope, 446

===> gharmârta [ gharmArta ]3[ gharm^arta ] mfn. suffering from heat cf. W.

===> ghasa [ ghasa ]2[ ghasa ] m. ` devourer ', N. of a demon causing diseases cf. Hariv. 9558 (1) of a Rākshasa cf. R. v, 12, 12 (2) flesh, meat cf. Gal. (cf. [ ud- ].)

===> ghasmara [ ghasmara ]2[ ghasmara ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 160) voracious cf. MBh. viii, 1856 cf. Car. i, 13, 48 cf. Bhaṭṭ. cf. Bhām. (said of fire) (1) ifc. desirous of, eager for cf. Daś. i, 32 cf. Hcar. i (2) in the habit to forget (with gen.) cf. HPariś. i, 221 (3) m. N. of (a Brāhman changed into) an antelope cf. Hariv. 1210

===> ghaṇṭa [ ghaNTa ]1[ ghaNTa ] m. (for [ hantra ]?) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. xii, 10377 and 10419 cf. Hariv. 14884 (cf. [ ghaTin ]) (1) a kind of dish (sort of sauce, vegetables made into a pulp and mixed with turmeric and mustard seeds and capsicums (2) cf. [ matsya- ]) cf. W. (3) N. of a Dānava cf. Kathās. cxxi, 229 (4) ([ A ]), f. a bell cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. MBh. xiv cf. R. vi) (5) a plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock cf. W. (cf. [ ghaTI ]) (6) Bignonia suaveolens cf. L. (7) Lida cordifolia or rhombifolia cf. L. (8) Uraria lagopodioides cf. L. (9) Achyranthes aspera cf. L. (10) ([ I ]), f. See [ kSudra- ], [ mahA- ] (11) N. of Durgā cf. MBh. iv, 188

===> ghaṇṭā [ ghaNTA ]2[ ghaNTA ] f. of [ °Ta ], q. v.

===> ghaṇṭā-mudrā [ ghaNTAmudrA ]3[ ghaNTA-mudrA ] f. a particular way of intertwining fingers (practised in the Pañc^ayatana ceremony before ringing a bell) cf. RTL. p. 414

===> ghaṇṭā-svana [ ghaNTAsvana ]3[ ghaNTA-svana ] m. = [ -rava ] cf. W.

===> ghaṇṭā-śabda [ ghaNTAzabda ]3[ ghaNTA-zabda ] m. = [ -rava ] cf. W. (1) ` sounding like a bell ', bell-metal, brass cf. L. (2) [ -pANi ] mfn. having a bell in his hand (an executioner) cf. Divyâv. xxviii, 29

===> ghaṭa [ ghaTa ]2[ ghaTa ] mfn. intently occupied or busy with (loc.) cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 35 (1) = [ ghaTA yasy^asti ] g. [ arza-Adi ] (2) m. a jar, pitcher, jug, large earthen water-jar, watering-pot cf. Mn. viii, xi cf. Yājñ. iii, 144 cf. AmṛtUp. cf. MBh. &c. (3) the sign Aquarius cf. VarBṛS. (4) a measure = 1 Droṇa (or = 20 Droṇas cf. W.) cf. Aṣṭâṅg. v, 6, 28 cf. ŚārṅgS. i, 28 (5) the head cf. MBh. i, 155, 38 cf. Sch. (6) a part of a column cf. VarBṛS. liii, 29 (7) a peculiar form of a temple, lvi, 18 and 26 (8) an elephant's frontal sinus cf. L. (9) a border cf. L. (10) (= [ kumbh'a ]) suspending the breath as a religious exercise cf. L. (11) (along with [ karpara ], cf. [ -karpara ]) N. of a thief cf. Kathās. lxiv, 43 (12) ([ A ]), f. (gaṇas [ arza-Adi ], [ sidhm^adi ] and [ picch^adi ]) effort, endeavour cf. L. (13) an assembly cf. L. (14) a number, collection, assemblage cf. BhP. iii, 17, 6 cf. Kpr. vii, 11/12 (15) a troop (of elephants) assembled for martial purposes cf. Mālatīm. v, 19 cf. VarBṛS. xliii cf. Śiś. i, 64 cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat (16) justification ([ °TAm-√ aT ], ` to have one's self justified by another ') cf. Bhadrab. iv (17) (perhaps [ °Ta ], m.) a kind of drum (18) a sweet citron cf. L. (19) ([ I ]), f. a waterjar cf. Prab. ii, 7/8 (20) (also [ °Ti ], q. v. (21) cf. [ °TI-ghaTa ]) a period of time (= 24 minutes) cf. Sch. on cf. Yājñ. ii, 100-102 and on cf. Sūryas. i, 25 (22) the Gharī or Indian clock (plate of iron or mixed metal on which the hours are struck) cf. L. (23) a particular procession cf. PSarv. (cf. [ dur- ], [ bhadra- ].)

===> ghaṭa-bhedanaka [ ghaTabhedanaka ]3[ ghaTa-bhedanaka ] an instrument used in making pots cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> ghaṭaka [ ghaTaka ]2[ ghaTaka ] mfn. accomplishing cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 66 (1) procuring, iii, 57 cf. Sch. (2) ready, skilful cf. Divyâv. xxx, 143 (3) forming a constituent part cf. Jaim. i, 1, 5 cf. Sch. (4) m. a pot, jar cf. Kathās. lvii, 45 (5) a genealogist cf. Kulad (6) a match-maker, negotiator of matrimonial alliances cf. RTL. p. 377 (cf. [ ghaTa-dAsI ]) (7) a tree that produces fruits without apparent flowers cf. L. (8) ([ ikA ]), f. a water-jar cf. Mṛcch. x, 55 (59) cf. Sāh. iii, 146/147 (9) ([ ghAT° ]) cf. Pañcat (10) a period of time (= 24 [ or 48 cf. W. ] minutes) cf. Sūryas. cf. BhP. v, 21, 4 and 10 cf. HYog. iii, 63 cf. Sch. on cf. Jyot. (YV) 25 and 40 f. cf. Tantr (11) (= [ kalA ] cf. KātyŚr. ii, 1, 1 and 17 cf. Sch.) (12) the Gharī or Indian clock (See [ °TI ]) cf. Gol. xi, 8 (13) (= [ ghuT° ]) the ancle cf. L.

===> ghaṭika [ ghaTika ]2[ ghaTika ] mfn. = [ ghaTena tarat ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 7 cf. Kāś. [ 375,3 ] (1) m. a waterman cf. W. (2) n. the hip, posteriors cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. See [ °Taka ]

===> ghaṭikā [ ghaTikA ]2[ ghaTikA ] f. of [ °Taka ], q. v.

===> ghaṭita [ ghaTita ]2[ ghaTita ] mfn. planned, devised, attempted cf. W. (1) happened, occurred cf. W. (2) connected with, involving (ifc.) cf. Jaim. i, 1, 5 cf. Sch. (3) shut cf. Hcar. v, 96 (4) produced, effected by, made, made of (in comp.) cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> ghaṭī [ ghaTI ]2[ ghaTI ] f. of [ °Ta ], q. v.

===> ghaṭī-kara [ ghaTIkara ]3[ ghaTI-kara ] m. = [ -kAra ] cf. Divyâv

===> ghaṭī-yantra [ ghaTIyantra ]3[ ghaTI-yantra ] n. the buckets of a well or any machine for raising water cf. MārkP. (once metrically °Ti-y°) cf. Vcar. viii, 33 cf. Kuval. 46 (cf. [ ara-ghaTTa ]) (1) a kind of machine to indicate the time with the help of water cf. Sarvad. xv, 314 cf. Gol. xi, 8 cf. Sch. (2) diarrhoea cf. Bhpr. vii, 16, 24

===> ghaṭṭana [ ghaTTana ]2[ ghaTTana ] n. pushing, touching, rubbing or striking together cf. Hariv. 14581 cf. Ragh. xi, 71 cf. Kathās. lxxii, 42 (1) stirring round cf. MārkP. xii, 38 (2) ([ A ]), f. (? for [ ghaTanA ]) going, moving, practice, business, means of living cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 107 cf. Vārtt. 1

===> ghaṭṭita [ ghaTTita ]2[ ghaTTita ] mfn. rubbed, touched, shaken cf. MBh. vii cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (1) pressed down, smoothed cf. MBh. xiv, 2521

---> (for [ ghaTita ]) shut cf. Divyâv. ii, 92 and 95 (2) ([ A ]), f. a particular way of beating a drum

===> ghnat [ ghnat ]2[ ghn'at ] mfn. pr. p. √ [ han ], q. v.

===> ghola [ ghola ]2[ ghola ] n. buttermilk cf. Suśr. i, 45, 4, 3 (1) ([ I ]), f. purslain cf. L. (cf. [ araNya- ], [ kSudra- ], and [ vana-gholI ].)

===> ghora [ ghora ]1[ ghor'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (cf. √ [ ghur ]) venerable, awful, sublime (gods, the Aṅgiras, the Ṛshis) cf. RV. cf. AV. ii, 34, 4 (1) terrific, frightful, terrible, dreadful, violent, vehement (as pains, diseases, &c.) cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. TS. ii cf. ŚBr. xii &c. (in comp., g. [ kASTh^adi ]) (2) ([ am ]), ind. ` dreadfully ', very much, g. [ kAST^adi ] (3) m. ` the terrible ', Śiva cf. L. (cf. [ -ghoratara ]) (4) N. of a son of Aṅgiras cf. ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 6 cf. ĀśvŚr. xii, 13, 1 cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. xiii, 4148

---> ([ A ]), f. the night cf. L. (5) N. of a cucurbitaceous plant cf. L. (6) (scil. [ gati ]) N. of one of the 7 stations of the planet Mercury cf. VarBṛS. vii, 8 and 11 (7) ([ I ]), f. N. of a female attendant of Durgā cf. W. (8) ([ 'am ]), n. venerableness cf. VS. ii, 32 (9) awfulness, horror cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. ix cf. Kauś. cf. BhP. iv, 8, 36 cf. Gobh. ii, 3 cf. Sch. (10) ` horrible action ', magic formulas or charms cf. RV. x, 34, 14 cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. R. i, 58, 8 [ 379,3 ] (11) a kind of mythical weapon cf. MBh. v, 3491 (12) poison cf. L. (13) saffron cf. L. (cf. [ dhIra ] and [ gaura ])

===> ghoratara [ ghoratara ]3[ ghor'a-tara ] mfn. more terrible, very awful cf. W. (cf. [ -ghoratara ].)

===> ghoṣa [ ghoSa ]1[ gh'oSa ] [ °Saka ], &c. See √ 1. [ ghuS ]

===> ghoṣa-mati [ ghoSamati ]3[ gh'oSa-mati ] m. N. of a man cf. SaddhP. i

===> ghoṣaka [ ghoSaka ]2[ ghoSaka ] m. ifc. a crier, proclaimer (e. g. [ paTaha- ], q. v.) (1) the creeping plant Luffa foetida or a similar plant cf. L.

===> ghoṣavat [ ghoSavat ]3[ gh'oSa-vat ] mfn. sounding, making a noise cf. Āp. i, 11, 8 cf. MBh. cf. R. v cf. BhP. ii (1) sonant, uttered with the soft articulation called Ghosha cf. RPrāt. cf. ChUp. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Gobh. cf. PārGṛ. i, 17, 2 cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch. (2) m. N. of a man cf. Buddh. (3) ([ atI ]), f. a peculiar kind of lute cf. Kathās. xi f. cxi

===> ghoṣaṇa [ ghoSaNa ]2[ ghoSaNa ] mfn. sounding cf. BhP. iv, 5, 6 (1) n. proclaiming aloud, public announcement cf. R. v, 58, 18 cf. Hit. (v. l.) (2) (ifc. cf. Ragh. xii, 72) (3) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. Mṛcch. x, 12 and 25 cf. Pañcat. cf. Daś. cf. Kathās

===> ghoṣila [ ghoSila ]2[ ghoSila ] m. a hog cf. Npr. (1) N. of one of king Udayana's 3 ministers cf. Divyâv. xxxvi (2) xxxvii, 577 f.

===> ghrāta [ ghrAta ]2[ ghrAt'a ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 56) smelled cf. VS. xx, 7 (1) having smelled cf. MBh. vii, 5228 (ifc.) (2) perceiving, witnessing, feeling cf. Rājat. ii, 22 (ifc.)

===> ghrāṇa [ ghrANa ]1[ ghrANa ] [ ghrAt'a ], &c. See √ [ ghrA ]

===> ghu [ ghu ]1[ ghu ]1 cl. 1. Ā. [ ghavate ], to utter or produce a peculiar sound, xxii, 55

===> [ ghu ]2[ ghu ]2 m. a kind of sound cf. L.

===> ghuṇa [ ghuNa ]2[ ghuNa ] m. a kind of insect found in timber (= [ vajra-kITa ]) cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat

===> ghāsa [ ghAsa ]2[ ghAs'a ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 38 ; vi, 2, 144) food, meadow or pasture grass cf. AV. ([ ghAs'Ad ghAs'am ], ` one bit after the other ', gradually, xviii, 2, 26) cf. VS. cf. TS. vi cf. TBr. i cf. MBh. &c.

===> [ ghAsa ]1[ ghAs'a ] [ °saka ], [ °s'i ], See √ [ ghas ]

===> ghāta [ ghAta ]1[ ghAta ] mfn. (√ [ han ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 32 and 54) ifc. ` killing ', See [ amitra- ], [ go- ] (1) m. a blow, bruise cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) slaying, killing cf. Mn. x, 48 cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) injuring, hurting, devastation, destruction cf. Yājñ. ii, 159 cf. MBh. &c. (4) (See [ grAma- ] & [ karma- ]) (5) (in astron.) entrance cf. Sūryapr. cf. AV. Pariś (6) the product (of a sum in multiplication) cf. Gaṇit

===> ghātaka [ ghAtaka ]2[ ghAtaka ] mf ([ I ] cf. Vet. i, 19/20 (1) [ ikA ]) n. killing, killer, murderer cf. Mn. v, 51 cf. MBh. &c. (2) destroying, ruining, iii, 1277 (3) (See [ vizvAsa- ]) (4) mf ([ I ]) n. made of the Ghātaka (= Vadhaka) wood cf. ĀśvŚr. ix, 7, 8

===> ghātana [ ghAtana ]2[ ghAtana ] mfn. killing cf. Uṇ. v, 42 (also [ ghat° ]) (1) m. N. of an inhabitant of a hell cf. L. (2) n. slaying, killing, slaughter, immolating cf. MBh. ii, 1558 cf. Kathās. xx, 214 cf. Devīm (3) ([ I ]), f. a kind of club cf. Hariv. 2655 and 12537 cf. R. vi, 37, 54 (cf. [ °tinI ]) (cf. [ kravya- ])

===> ghātin [ ghAtin ]2[ ghAtin ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 51 and 86) ifc. killing, murderous, murderer cf. Mn. viii, 89 cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) destroying, ruining, destructive, iii, 63 cf. R. iii, v (2) ([ I ]), f. = [ °tanI ] cf. Uṇ. iv, 124 cf. Sch. (cf. [ andhaka- ], [ amitra- ], [ ardhaka- ], [ Atma- ], &c.)

===> ghātya [ ghAtya ]2[ ghAtya ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 cf. Vārtt. 2) to be killed cf. Pañcat. iii, 14, 2/3 (1) to be destroyed cf. Kathās. lxxii, 273

===> ghṛta [ ghRta ]2[ ghRt'a ]1 mfn. sprinkled cf. L. (1) n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) ghee, i. e. clarified butter or butter which has been boiled gently and allowed to cool (it is used for culinary and religious purposes and is highly esteemed by the Hindūs), fat (as an emblem of fertility), fluid grease, cream cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. &c. (2) (= [ udaka ]) fertilizing rain (considered as the fat which drops from heaven), water cf. Naigh. i, 12 cf. Nir. vii, 24 (3) m. N. of a son of Dharma (grandson of Anu and father of Duduha) cf. Hariv. 1840 (4) ([ A ]), f. a kind of medicinal plant cf. L.

===> [ ghRta ]2[ ghRta ]2 mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 37 cf. Kāś.) illumined cf. L.

===> [ ghRta ]1[ ghRt'a ] See √ 1. and √ 2. [ ghR ]. [ 379,2 ]

===> ghṛta-ghaṭa [ ghRtaghaTa ]3[ ghRt'a-ghaTa ] m. = [ -kumbha ] cf. Gaut

===> ghṛṇa [ ghRNa ]2[ ghRN'a ] m. heat, ardour, sunshine cf. RV. i, 133, 6 ; vi, 15, 5 ; x, 37, 10 (1) ([ 'A ]), Ved. instr. ind. through heat or sunshine cf. RV. (2) ([ A ]), f. a warm feeling towards others, compassion, tenderness cf. MBh. iii, v cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. BhP. (3) aversion, contempt (with loc.) cf. Naish. i, 20 ; iii, 60 (4) horror, disgust cf. Kād. vii, 199 and 236 cf. Hcar. v, 186 (5) a kind of cucumber cf. Gal. (cf. [ nir- ], [ hRNIyA ].)

===> ghṛṇin [ ghRNin ]2[ ghRNin ] mfn. passionate, violent cf. Gaut (1) tenderhearted, compassionate cf. MBh. iii-v cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat. cf. Laghuj. cf. BhP. (2) censorious, abusive cf. MBh. v, 5813 cf. Car. vi, 20 (3) m. N. of a son of Devakī cf. BhP. x, 85, 51

===> ghṛṇā [ ghRNA ]2[ ghRNA ] f. of [ °N'a ], q. v.

===> ghṛṣṭa [ ghRSTa ]2[ ghRSTa ] mfn. rubbed, ground, pounded cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat (1) rubbed so as to be sore, frayed, grazed cf. MBh. i, iii cf. Hariv. 12175 cf. Mṛcch. i, 23 ; iii, 9 cf. Suśr. (2) rubbed, embrocated cf. MBh. xiii cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. lv, 30

===> gir [ gir ]1[ g'ir ]1 mfn. (√ 1. [ gRR ]) addressing, invoking, praising cf. RV. (1) ([ 'Ir ]), f. invocation, addressing with praise, praise, verse, song cf. RV. (the Maruts are called ` sons of praise ', [ sUn'avo g'iraH ], i, 37, 10) cf. AV. (2) speech, speaking, language, voice, words (e. g. [ mAnuSIM giraM ] √ 1. [ kR ], to assume a human voice cf. Nal. i, 25 (3) [ girAM prabhaviSNuH ] [ cf. VarBṛS. ] or [ pati ] [ cf. VarYogay. ] = [ gir-Iza ], q. v. (4) [ tad-girA ], on his advice cf. Kathās. lxxv), OhUp. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (5) = [ gIr-devI ], fame, celebrity cf. W. (6) a kind of mystical syllable cf. RāmatUp. ; [ cf. Hib. [ gair ], ` an outcry, shout ' (7) Gk. ?. ] - 1

===> [ gir ]1[ gir ]2 mfn. (√ 2. [ gRR ]) ifc. ` swallowing ', [ gara- ] and [ muhur-g'ir ]

===> [ gir ]1[ g'ir ]3 m. = [ gir'i ], a mountain cf. RV. V, 41, 14 and vii, 39, 5 cf. Śiś. iv, 59. [ 355,2 ]

===> gira [ gira ]2[ gira ]3 ifc. = [ °r'i ] (e. g. [ anu-giram ]) cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 112

===> giri [ giri ]2[ gir'i ]3 m. (for [ gari ], Zd. [ gairi ], cf. [ gur'u ], [ g'arIyas ] (1) ifc. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 94) a mountain, hill, rock, elevation, rising-ground (often connected with [ p'arvata ], ` a mountain having many parts ' [ cf. [ p'arvan ] ] cf. RV. cf. AV.) cf. RV. &c. (2) the number ` eight ' (there being 8 mountains which surround mount Meru), Śrut (3) a cloud cf. Naigh. i, 10 cf. Nir. cf. Sāy (4) a particular disease of the eyes cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 2 cf. Sch. ([ kiri ] cf. Kāś.) cf. Uṇ (5) = [ -guDa ] cf. L. (6) a peculiar defect in mercury cf. L. (7) = [ gairIyaka ] cf. L. (8) a honorific N. given to one of the ten orders of the Daś-nāmī Gosains (founded by ten pupils of Śaṃkar^acārya (9) the word [ giri ] is added to the name of each member (10) cf. [ gairika ]) (11) N. of a son of Śvaphalka cf. VP. (12) f. (= [ girikA ]) a mouse cf. L. cf. Sch. (13) mfn. coming from the mountains cf. RV. vi, 66, 11 (14) venerable cf. L. (cf. R. iv, 37, 2 cf. Sch.) ; [ cf. Slav. [ gora ] ; Afghan. [ ghur ]. ]

===> giri-guhā [ giriguhA ]3[ gir'i-guhA ] f. = [ -kandara ] cf. W.

===> giri-kandara [ girikandara ]3[ gir'i-kandara ] m. a mountain cave or cavern cf. W.

===> giri-nadī [ girinadI ]3[ gir'i-nadI ] f. = [ -NadI ] cf. MBh. i, 6066 cf. Nal. cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. (1) N. of a torrent, g. 2. [ kSubhn^adi ] (2) [ °dy-Adi ], a Gaṇa of cf. Kāty. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 10 cf. Vārtt.)

===> girika [ girika ]2[ girik'a ] mfn. ? (said of the hearts of the gods) cf. MaitrS. ii, 9. 9 (1) ([ kir° ] cf. VS.) (2) m. Śiva cf. MBh. xii, 10414 (3) (g. [ yAv^adi ] cf. Gaṇar. 189 cf. Sch.) = [ giri-guDa ] cf. L. (4) N. of a chief of the Nāgas cf. Buddh. (5) of an attendant of Śiva (6) ([ A ]), f. ` making hills (?) ', a mouse cf. L. (7) N. of the wife of Vasu (daughter of the mountain Kolāhala and of the river Śaktimatī) cf. MBh. i 2371 cf. Hariv. 1805 (cf. [ caNDa-g° ].)

===> glāna [ glAna ]3[ glAn'a ]

===> [ glAna ]2[ glAn'a ] mfn. feeling aversion or dislike cf. ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 8 (1) wearied, languid, exhausted, emaciated cf. MBh. cf. R. iii, 39, 30 cf. Śak. iii, 7 (v. l.) (2) torpid cf. Bādar. ii, 2, 29 cf. Sch. (3) sick cf. L. (4) n. exhaustion cf. MBh. xiii, 3519 cf. VarBṛS. lxxviii, 12 (5) sickness cf. Buddh.

===> glāna-pratyaya [ glAnapratyaya ]3[ glAn'a-pratyaya ] m. a requisite for sick persons cf. Divyâv. xii

===> glānya [ glAnya ]2[ glAnya ] n. decrease of strength cf. SaddhP. iv

===> go [ go ]1[ g'o ] [ ga'us ] (acc. [ g'Am ] instr. [ g'avA ] dat. [ g'ave ], gen. abl. [ g'os ] loc. [ g'avi ] (1) du. [ g'AvA ] [ Ved. ], [ g'Avau ] (2) pl. nom. [ g'Avas ] acc. [ g'As ] [ rarely [ g'Avas ] cf. TBr. iii cf. TUp. cf. MBh. iv, 1506 cf. R. ii ], instr. [ g'obhis ] dat. abl. [ g'obhyas ], gen. [ g'avAm ] [ once at the end of a Pāda cf. RV. iv, 1, 19 ] and [ in cf. RV. at the end of Pādas only, cf. cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 57 ] [ g'onAm ] loc. [ g'oSu ]), m. an ox, f. a cow, (pl.) cattle, kine, herd of cattle cf. RV. &c. (in comp. before vowels [ cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 122 ff. ] [ gav ], [ gava ], qq. vv (3) cf. also [ gavAm ], [ gavi ], [ gAM ] ss. vv (4) [ gavAM vrata ], N. of a Sāman (5) [ gavAM tIrtha ], [ go t° ] (6) [ g'oSu-√ gam ], to set out for a battle [ to conquer cows ] cf. RV. ii, 25, 4 ; v, 45, 9 ; viii, 71, 5) (7) ` anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow ', milk (generally pl.), flesh (only pl. cf. RV. x, 16, 7 (8) ` fat ' cf. Gmn.), skin, hide, leather, strap of leather, bow-string, sinew (cf. RV. x, 27, 22 cf. AV. i, 2, 3) cf. RV. (9) = [ g'o-SToma ] (q. v.) cf. AitBr. iv, 15 cf. ŚBr. xiii (also [ go-Ay'us ]) (10) (pl.) ` the herds of the sky ', the stars cf. RV. i, 154, 6 and vii, 36, 1 (11) (m. [ also f. cf. Uṇ. cf. Sch. ]) rays of light (regarded as the herds of the sky, for which Indra fights with Vṛtra) cf. MBh. i, iii cf. Hariv. 2943 cf. R. &c.

---> m. the sign Taurus cf. VarBṛS. xl f. cf. VarBṛ. cf. Laghuj (12) the sun (cf. [ -putra ]) cf. Nir. ii, 6 and 14 (13) the moon cf. L. (14) a kind of medicinal plant ([ RSabha ]) cf. L. (15) a singer, praiser (fr. √ [ gai ]) cf. Naigh. iii, 16 (16) ` a goer ', horse (fr. √ 1. [ gA ]) cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 121, 9 and iv, 22, 8 (17) N. of two Ṛshis of the cf. SV. (with the patr. Āṅgirasa [ cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xvi ] and Māyūka) (18) N. of a man (who with Pushkara is said to be the [ bal^adhyakSa ] of the sons and grandsons of Varuṇa) cf. MBh. ii, 381 (cf. cf. R. vii, 23, 28) (19) m. or f. (?) the sun's ray called Sushumṇa cf. Nir. ii, 6 (20) water cf. BhP. i, 10, 36 (also f. pl., xi, 7, 50) (21) an organ of sense cf. BhP. vii, 5, 30 (22) the eye cf. Kuval. 70 (23) a billion cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 14, 2 (24) mf. the sky cf. Naigh. i, 4 (perhaps cf. VS. xxiii, 48) (25) the thunderbolt cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. v, 30, 7 (26) the hairs of the body cf. L. (27) f. an offering in the shape of a cow (= [ dhenu ], q. v.) cf. W. (28) a region of the sky cf. L. (29) (cf. Naigh. i, 1) the earth (as the milk-cow of kings) cf. Mn. iv, xii cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (30) (hence) the number ` nine ' cf. Jyot. cf. Sūryas (31) = [ go-vIthI ] cf. Sch. on cf. VarBṛS. ix, 1 ff (32) a mother cf. L. (cf. cf. VarBṛS. iii, 68) (33) (cf. Naigh. i, 11) speech, Sarasvatī (goddess of speech) cf. MBh. i, iii, v cf. Ragh. ii, v cf. Cāṇ (34) voice, note (fr. √ [ gai ]) cf. Śiś. iv, 36 (35) N. of Gaurī cf. Gal. (36) of the wife [ or of a daughter-in-law cf. BhP. ix, 21, 25 ] of Śuka (a daughter of the manes called Sukālas) cf. Hariv. 986 cf. MatsyaP. (37) N. of a daughter of Kakut-stha and wife of Yayāti cf. Hariv. 1601 (38) [ cf. ? ; Lat. [ bos ] ; Old Germ. [ chuo ] ; Mod. Germ. [ Kuh ] ; Eng. [ cow ] ; Lett. [ gohw ] (39) cf. also ?, ? ; Goth. [ gavi ] and Mod. Germ. [ Gau ]. ]

===> go-carman [ gocarman ]3[ g'o-carman ] n. an ox-hide, cow's hide cf. MBh. xiii, 1228 (1) a particular measure of surface (a place large enough for the range of 100 cows, one bull, and their calves cf. Gṛhyās (2) or a place ten times as large cf. Parāś. xii (3) a place 300 feet long by 10 broad cf. W. (4) or a place 30 Daṇḍas long by 1 Daṇḍa and 7 Hastas broad, Bṛhasp. [ cf. MBh. xiii, 3121 cf. Sch. ] (5) it is also defined as an extent of land sufficient to support a man for a year cf. Viṣṇ. v, 181 ff (6) originally probably a piece of land large enough to be encompassed by straps of leather from a cow's hide, cf. cf. ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 2) cf. MBh. xiii, 3121 cf. Hcat. i, 3, 864 ff. ; ii, 1 cf. BṛNārP. xxxiv, 43

===> go-dhūma [ godhUma ]3[ g'o-dh'Uma ] m. (√ [ gudh ] cf. Uṇ.) ` earth-smoke ', wheat (generally pl.) cf. VS. cf. TBr. i cf. ŚBr. v (sg.), xii, xiv cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (1) the orange tree cf. L. (2) N. of a medicinal plant cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. = [ -lomikA ] cf. L. (4) [ -cUrNa ] n. wheat-flour cf. L. (5) [ -ja ] n. a particular concrement in wheat cf. L. (6) [ -saMcayamaya ] mfn. consisting of a heap of wheat cf. Hcat (7) [ -sambhava ] n. sour gruel made from wheat-flour, sour paste cf. L.

===> [ godhUma ]1[ go-dh'Uma ] &c. [ g'o ], p. 365, col. 1

===> go-doha [ godoha ]3[ g'o-doha ] m. (cf. [ gAM-doha-saMn'ejana ]) the milking of cows cf. VarBṛS. vli, 6 (1) ([ am ]), ind. as long as the cows are being milked cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 51 cf. Pat. on cf. Kār. 7

===> go-ghātaka [ goghAtaka ]3[ g'o-ghAtaka ] m. id. cf. L.

===> go-karṇa [ gokarNa ]3[ g'o-karNa ] mfn. cow-eared (as men or demons) cf. L. (1) m. ` cow-eared ', Śiva cf. MBh. xii, 10351 (2) a cow's ear cf. Kathās. vi, 57 (3) the deer Antilope picta cf. R. ii, 103, 41 cf. Car. i, 27 cf. Suśr. (4) a mule cf. L. (5) a serpent cf. MBh. viii, 90, 42 (perhaps a kind of arrow) (6) the span from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring finger cf. MBh. ii, 2324 cf. Hcat (7) a place of pilgrimage on the Malabar coast (sacred to Śiva) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (8) Śiva as worshipped in Gokarṇa cf. Kathās. xxii, xc (9) N. of one of Śiva's attendants cf. L. (10) of a Muni cf. VāyuP. i, 23, 161 (11) of a king of Kaśmīr (who erected a statue of Śiva called after him Gokarṇ^eśvara) cf. Rājat. i, 348 (12) ([ A ]), f. a female serpent cf. MBh. viii, 90, 42 (13) N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda, ix, 2643 (14) ([ I ]), f. Sanseviera zeylanica cf. L. (15) [ -liGga ] n. N. of a Liṅga cf. Rasik. xi, 37 (16) [ -zithila ] mfn. ` swinging like a cow-ear ', trimming, between parties (as a witness) cf. MBh. ii, 68, 75 (17) [ °rN^eza ] and [ °rN^eza-liGga ] n. N. of a Liṅga cf. SkandaP. (18) [ °rN^ezvara ] m. N. of a statue of Śiva (before) (19) N. of a holy man cf. Buddh.

===> go-kṣura [ gokSura ]3[ g'o-kSura ] m. = [ -kaNTa ], or Tribulus lanuginosus cf. Suśr. (1) a cow's hoof cf. W. (2) v. l. for [ -khura ], q. v. (3) [ -dugdhA ] f. N. of a plant cf. L.

===> go-kṣuraka [ gokSuraka ]3[ g'o-kSuraka ] m. the plant [ -kSura ] cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. lxxvi (1) a cow's hoof cf. W.

===> go-kṣīra [ gokSIra ]3[ g'o-kSIr'a ] n. cow's milk cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. xii, 174, 32 cf. Sch.

===> go-pa [ gopa ]3[ g'o-p'a ] &c., s. v.

===> [ gopa ]1[ go-p'a ] m. (= [ -p'A ] s. v. [ g'o ]) a cowherd, herdsman, milkman (considered as a man of mixed caste cf. Parāś.) cf. Mn. viii cf. MBh. (ifc. f. [ A ], i, 3213) cf. Hariv. &c. (1) a protector, guardian cf. RV. x, 61, 10 cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. (2) the superintendent of several villages, head of a district cf. L. (3) a king cf. L. (4) ` chief herdsman ', Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. ii, 1438 (5) a particular class of plants cf. BhP. xii, 8, 21 (6) = [ -rasa ] cf. L. (7) N. of a Gandharva (cf. [ go-pati ]) cf. R. ii, 91, 44 (8) of a cf. Buddh. Arhat cf. W. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the wives of Śākya-muni cf. Lalit. xii &c. (10) cf. [ gaupeya ] (11) Ichnocarpus frutescens cf. L. (12) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. L. (13) (cf. Vop. iv, 22 (14) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 48) a cowherd's wife cf. Hit. ii, 7, 0/1 (15) a cow-herdess, milkmaid (esp. the cowherdesses of Vṛndāvana, companions of Kṛshṇa's juvenile sports, considered sometimes as holy or celestial personages (16) cf. cf. RTL. pp. 113 and 136) cf. MBh. ii, 2291 cf. Hariv. 4098 cf. BhP. cf. Gīt. (17) a protectress, female guardian cf. Ragh. iv, 20 (ifc.) (18) = [ prakRti ], nature cf. Kramadīp (19) Abrus precatorius cf. L. (cf. [ ahi- ], [ indra- ], [ kula- ], [ tridaza- ], [ v'Ata- ], [ sur^endra- ].)

===> go-piṭaka [ gopiTaka ]3[ g'o-piTaka ] n. a kind of round basket cf. Divyâv. iv, 68

===> go-pāla [ gopAla ]3[ g'o-pAl'a ] m. (proparox. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 78) a cowherd cf. VS. xxx, 11 cf. ŚBr. iv cf. Mn. iv, 253 cf. Yājñ. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. R. ii, 67, 25) (1) ` earth-protector ', a king (and ` cowherd ') cf. Pañcat (2) (= [ -pati ]) Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. iii, 15530 (3) Śiva cf. L. (4) N. of a demon causing fever cf. Hariv. 9556 (5) of a Nāga cf. Buddh. (6) of a minister of king Bimbi-sāra cf. ib. (7) of a king cf. ib. (8) of a general of king Kīrti-varman cf. Prab. i, 4 (9) of a scholar, Pratāpar. cf. Sch. (10) = [ -pAlaka ], q. v. (11) ([ I ]), f. = [ °la-karkaTI ] cf. L. (12) another plant ([ go-rakSI ]) cf. L. (13) N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda cf. MBh. ix, 2622 (14) of a Cāṇḍālī cf. Buddh. (15) [ -kakSa ] m. N. of a country cf. MBh. ii, 1077 ; vi, 364 (16) m. pl. the inhabitants of that country cf. ib. (v. l. [ -kaccha ]) (17) [ -karkaTI ] f. a kind of cucumber ([ gopa-karkaTikA ], [ gopAlI ], [ kSudra-cirbhiTA ], [ kSudra-phalA ], [ kSudr^ervAru ]) cf. L. (18) [ -kalpa ] m. N. of wk. (19) [ -keli-candrikA ] f. N. of a drama (20) [ -kezava ] m. N. of a statue of Kṛshṇa (called after [ -varman ]) cf. Rājat. v, 243 (21) [ -giri ] m. N. of a mountain cf. Uttamac. 250 (22) [ -cakravartin ] m. N. of a scholiast (23) [ -campU ] f. N. of wk. (24) [ -tApanIy^opaniSad ] or [ -tApinI ] f. N. of an cf. Up. (25) [ -tIrtha ] m. N. of a man (26) [ -dAsa ] m. N. of the author of a work on elephants (27) of a copyist (1736 A. D.) (28) [ -deva ] m. N. of a poet cf. ŚārṅgP. cf. Bhojapr. 212/213 ff. (also [ °la ]) (29) [ dhAnI-pUlAsa ] n. g. [ rAjadant^adi ] (30) [ -pura ] n. N. of a town (called after [ -varman ]) cf. Rājat. v, 243 (31) [ -prasAda ] m. N. of a teacher of Rāma-candra (32) [ -bhaTTa ] m. N. of a man (33) [ -maTha ] m. N. of a college (called after [ -varman ]) cf. Rājat. v, 243 (34) [ -mizra ] m. N. of a man (35) [ -yogin ] m. N. of the author of a cf. Comm. on Kaṭhavallī-bhāshya (36) [ -rahasya ] n. N. of wk. (37) [ -varman ] m. N. of a king of Kaśmīr cf. Rājat. v (38) [ -sarasvatI ] f. N. of a pupil of Śiva-rāma and teacher of Govind^ananda (39) [ -sahasra-nAma-bhUSaNA ] f. ` decorated with the thousand names of Kṛshṇa ', N. of wk. [ 365,3 ] (40) [ -sAhi ] m. N. of a prince cf. Inscr. (41) [ °l^acArya ] m. N. of a teacher (42) [ °l^arcana-candrikA ] f. N. of wk. (in honour of Kṛshṇa) (43) [ °l^ottaratApinI ] f. N. of an cf. Up.

===> go-pālaka [ gopAlaka ]3[ g'o-pAlaka ] m. a cowherd cf. MBh. iii, 14854 cf. Kathās. xviii (1) N. of Kṛshṇa cf. Kramadīp (2) of Śiva cf. L. (3) of a son of king Caṇḍamahā-sena cf. Kathās. ([ °la ], xvi, 103) (4) ([ ikA ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 48 cf. Pat.) a cowherd's wife cf. MBh. i, 7980 (5) a kind of worm or fly found on dung-heaps cf. L.

===> go-rajas [ gorajas ]3[ g'o-rajas ] n. a particle of dust on a cow-hair (named as a very small measure) cf. Lalit. xii (1) ` sun-dust ', an atom

===> go-rakṣya [ gorakSya ]3[ g'o-rakSya ] n. = [ °kSA ] cf. Āp. cf. Mn. x, 116 cf. MBh. cf. Bhag. (1) [ °kSy^aTTa ], N. of a locality cf. Rasik

===> go-rasa [ gorasa ]3[ g'o-rasa ] m. cow-milk cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Yājñ. i cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (1) milk cf. Car. i, 27 (2) buttermilk cf. L. (3) curdled milk cf. L. (4) [ -ja ] n. buttermilk cf. L.

===> go-ratha [ goratha ]3[ g'o-ratha ] m. ` cow-cart ', N. of a mountain cf. MBh. ii, 797 (1) Śiva cf. W.

===> go-rathaka [ gorathaka ]3[ g'o-rathaka ] m. a carriage drawn by cattle cf. SaddhP. iii

===> go-rocanā [ gorocanA ]3[ g'o-rocanA ] f. a bright yellow orpiment prepared from the bile of cattle (employed in painting, dyeing, and in marking the Tilaka on the forehead [ 366,3 ] (1) in med. used as a sedative, tonic, and anthelmintic remedy) cf. MBh. xiii, 6149 cf. Vikr. v, 19 cf. Kum. cf. VarBṛS. &c.

===> go-vinda [ govinda ]3[ g'o-vinda ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 138 cf. Vārtt. 2) ` = [ -v'id ] (or fr. Prākṛt [ gov'-inda ] = [ gop^endra ] ?) ', Kṛshṇa (or Vishnu)
cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Bhag. cf. BhP. (cf. cf. RTL. p. 405) (1) Bṛhaspati (cf. [ gotra-bh'id ]) cf. L. (2) (= Viṣṇu) N. of the 4th month cf. VarBṛS. cv, 14 (3) (fr. Prākṛt [ gov'-inda ] = [ gop^endra ]) a chief herdsman cf. L. (4) N. of a prince (5) of several teachers and authors (6) of a mountain cf. MBh. vi, 460 (7) [ -kUTa ] m. id. cf. Kathās. xxv, 293 (8) cviii (9) [ -gira ], N. of a copyist (1770 A. D.) (10) [ -canda ], for [ -candra ] (11) [ -candra ] m. N. of a prince (12) [ -datta ] m. N. of a Brāhman, vii, 42 (13) [ -dIkSita ] m. N. of a man (14) [ -deva ] m. N. of the father of Sundara-deva (15) [ -dvAdazI ] f. the 12th day in the light half of month Phālguna (16) [ -nAtha ] m. N. of one of Śaṃkara's teachers (17) [ -nAyaka ] m. N. of a sage cf. Sarvad. ix, 21 (18) [ -pAla ] m. N. of a prince (19) [ -prakAza ] m. N. of wk. (20) [ -bhagavatpAd^acArya ] m. N. of a teacher, 9 ; 20 ; 35 (21) [ -bhaTTa ] m. N. of an author [ 367,1 ] (22) [ -mAnas^ollAsa ] m. N. of wk. (23) [ -rAja ] m. N. of a commentator on cf. Mn. (mentioned by cf. Kull. on ix, 125 ; 136 and 141) (24) N. of a poet cf. ŚārṅgP. (25) [ -rAma ] m. N. of a prince cf. Kṣitîś. v, 48 (26) of a scholiast (27) [ -rAya ] m. N. of a prince cf. Kṣitîś. vi, 1 (28) [ -vRndA-vana ], N. of wk. (29) [ -siMha ] m. N. of a prince cf. Inscr. (30) N. of one of the ten chief Gurus of the Sikhs cf. RTL. pp. 164 ; 166 and 167 (31) [ -sUri ] m. N. of a commentator on the cf. MBh. (father of Nīla-kaṇṭha) (32) [ -svAmin ] m. N. of a Brāhman cf. Kathās. xxv, 74 (33) [ °nd^ananda ] m. N. of a scholiast (34) [ °nd^arcana-sudhA ] f. ` nectar of Kṛshṇa's praise ', N. of a work (35) [ °nd^arNava ] m. N. of wk. (36) [ °nd^aSTaka ] n. ` the 8 verses of Govinda ', N. of wk.

===> [ govinda ]3[ go-vinda ] &c. cf. ib. [ 369,1 ]

===> go-viṣāṇa [ goviSANa ]3[ g'o-viSANa ] n. cow-horn cf. MBh. xii, 5303 cf. Suśr.

===> go-vrata [ govrata ]3[ g'o-vrata ] mfn. one who imitates a cow in frugality cf. MBh. v, 3560

===> go-yāna [ goyAna ]3[ g'o-yAna ] n. a carriage drawn by oxen or cows, cart (in general) cf. Mn. xi, 175 cf. Suśr.

===> go-śīrṣa [ gozIrSa ]3[ g'o-zIrSa ] m. ` cow-headed ', N. of a Nāga cf. Kāraṇḍ. i, 19 (1) n. a kind of arrow cf. MBh. vii, 8097 ([ °Sa ] or [ °San ]) (2) the head of a cow cf. W. (3) (also m. cf. L.) a kind of sandal-wood (brass-coloured and very fragrant) cf. R. iv, 41, 59 cf. Buddh. cf. Jain. (4) camphor cf. Gal. (5) [ -candana ] n. id. cf. Kāraṇḍ. xii cf. Kād. iv, 663

===> [ gozIrSa ]2[ go-zIrSa ] &c.,

===> go-śṛṅga [ gozRGga ]3[ g'o-zRGga ] n. a cow's horn cf. Kauś. cf. Kathās. lix (1) for [ gauzR° ], q. v. (2) m. ` cow-horned ', Acacia arabica cf. L. (3) N. of a mountain cf. MBh. ii, 1109 cf. R. iv cf. Buddh. (4) [ -vratin ] m. pl., N. of a cf. Buddh. sect cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> go-ṣṭha [ goSTha ]3[ g'o-STh'a ] m. (n. cf. L. (1) fr. [ stha ] cf. Pāṇ. 8-3, 97) an abode for cattle, cow-house, cow-pen, fold for cattle cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. &c. (2) stable or station of animals (in general cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 cf. Vārtt. 3) cf. MBh. (3) meeting-place, xii, 6547 (= 9953) (4) with [ aGgirasAm ], N. of a Sāman cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xiii (5) [ ap'AM g° ], a water-vessel cf. AV. xi, 1, 13 (6) ` refuge (of men) ', Śiva cf. MBh. xiv, 198 (7) N. of an author cf. Buddh. (8) n. = [ °SThI-zrAddha ] cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. iii, 254 (9) ([ A ]), f. a place where cows are kept cf. Gaṇar. 56 cf. Sch. (10) ([ I ]), f. an assembly, meeting, society, association, family connections (esp. the dependent or junior branches), partnership, fellowship cf. MBh. (metrically [ °SThi ], v, 1536) &c. (11) conversation, discourse, dialogue cf. Pañcat. cf. Kād (12) a kind of dramatic entertainment in one act cf. Sāh. vi, 274 (13) N. of a village, g. [ palady-Adi ] (cf. Kāś. cf. Gaṇar. 325) (14) [ -karman ] n. a rite relating to the cow-stable cf. Kauś. 19 (15) [ -kukkuTa ] m. a kind of crow cf. Npr. (16) [ -gocara ] m. id. cf. ib. (17) [ -cara ] m. a kind of hawk cf. Gal. (18) [ -ja ] m. ` born in a cow-pen ', N. of a Brāhman cf. PhiṭS. (19) [ -pati ] m. a chief herdsman cf. L. (20) [ -zva ] m. (fr. [ zv'an ]) ` a dog in a cow-pen which barks at every one ', one who stays at home and slanders his neighbours, malicious or censorious person cf. L. (21) [ °STh^agAra ] m. n. a house in a cow-pen cf. L. (22) [ °STh^adhyakSa ] m. = [ °STha-pati ] cf. L. (23) [ °STh^aSTamI ] f. N. of a festive day (cf. [ gop^aST° ]) (24) [ °SThe-kSveDin ] &c., s. v. [ -SThe ]. 2

===> [ goSTha ]3[ g'o-STha ] Nom. Ā. (fr. 1. [ -STha ]) [ °SThate ], to assemble, collect cf. Dhātup. viii, 4

===> [ goSTha ]2[ go-STh'a ] &c.,

===> go-ṣṭhika [ goSThika ]3[ g'o-SThika ] mfn. relating to an assemblage or society cf. Pañcat. i, 14

===> go-ṣṭhī [ goSThI ]3[ g'o-SThI ] f. of [ -STh'a ], q. v. (1) [ -pati ] m. the chief person or president of an assembly cf. W. (2) [ -bandha ] m. meeting for conversation cf. Kād. v, 825 (3) [ -yAna ] m. a society-carriage cf. Mṛcch. vi, 4 (4) [ -zAlA ] f. a meeting-room (5) [ -zrAddha ] n. a kind of Śrāddha ceremony cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. iii, 254 (cf. RTL. p. 305)

===> gocara [ gocara ]3[ g'o-cara ] m. pasture ground for cattle cf. ĀpŚr. i, 2, 4 (1) (cf. R. iv, 44, 80) (2) range, field for action, abode, dwelling-place, district (esp. ifc. ` abiding in, relating to ' (3) ` offering range or field or scope for action, within the range of, accessible, attainable, within the power ') cf. KaṭhUp. iii, 4 cf. Mn. x, 39 cf. MBh. &c. (4) the range of the organs of sense, object of sense, anything perceptible by the senses, esp. the range of the eye (e. g. [ locana-gocaraM-√ yA ], to come within range of the eye, become visible cf. Pañcat.) cf. MBh. vii, 5616 cf. Suśr. cf. Vikr. iv, 9 &c. [ 364,2 ] (5) the distance of the planets from the Lagna and from each other cf. VarBṛS. civ, 2 cf. Romakas (6) mf ([ A ]) n. being within the range of, attainable for (gen.) cf. BhP. iii, 25, 28 (7) perceptible (esp. to the eye) cf. MBh. xiii, 71, 33 and 91, 24 (8) having (or used in) the meaning of (loc.) cf. L. cf. Sch. (9) [ -gata ] mfn. one who has come within the range of or in connection with (gen.) cf. Bhartṛ (10) [ -tA ] f. the state of being liable to (in comp.) cf. Sarvad. iv, 253 (11) [ -tva ] n. id., 42 (12) [ -prakaraNa ], N. of wk. (13) [ -phala ], N. of cf. VarBṛS. civ (14) [ -pIDA ] f. inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic cf. VarBṛS. xli, 13 (15) [ °r^adhyAya ] m. = [ °ra-phala ] (16) [ °r^antara-gata ] mfn. being within the power of (gen.) cf. Pañcat (17) [ °rI-kRta ] mfn. within the range of observation cf. Sāh. iii, 28 a/b (18) overcome (by fatigue, [ glAnyA ]) cf. Hcar. v, 139

===> gocarika [ gocarika ]3[ g'o-carika ] mfn. ` accessible to ', a friend of (in comp.) cf. Divyâv

===> godānīya [ godAnIya ]3[ g'o-dAnIya ] m. N. of a Dvīpa cf. Lalit. xii, 186 (cf. [ apara-godAna ].)

===> [ godAnIya ]1[ godAnIya ] &c. [ g'o ], p. 365, col. 1

===> godāvarī [ godAvarI ]2[ go-dAvarI ]

===> gola [ gola ]1[ gola ] m. (= [ guDa ]) ` a ball ', [ -krIDA ] (1) globe (as the celestial globe or as the globe of the sun or of the earth) cf. Sūryas. cf. Sūryapr. cf. BhP. &c. (2) a hemisphere (of the earth) cf. Sūryas (3) = [ -yantra ] cf. Gol. xi, 2 (4) Vangueria spinosa cf. L. (5) myrrh cf. L. (6) a widow's bastard cf. Yājñ. i, 222 cf. VarP. cf. Śūdradh (7) the conjunction of all the planets in one sign cf. Laghuj. x, 11 (8) N. of a country cf. Romakas. (cf. [ golla ]) (9) of a son of Ākrīḍa cf. Hariv. ([ kola ] ed. Calc.) (10) n. and ([ A ]), f. a circle, sphere ([ maNDala ]) cf. L. (11) a large globular water-jar cf. L. (12) ([ A ]), f. a ball to play with cf. L. (13) red arsenic cf. L. (14) ink cf. L. (15) a woman's female friend cf. L. (16) N. of Durgā cf. L. (17) of a river (= [ go-dA ], or [ go-dAvarI ]) cf. L. (cf. [ gala-golin ].)

===> gomaya [ gomaya ]3[ g'o-m'aya ] mfn. consisting of cattle cf. RV. x, 62, 2 (1) defiled with cow-dung cf. R. ii, v (2) n. often pl., rarely m. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) cow-dung cf. ŚBr. xii cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Kauś. cf. Gobh. cf. Mn. &c. (3) dung cf. VarBṛS. lv, 30 (4) [ -kArSI ] f. a piece of dried cow-dung cf. Divyâv (5) [ -cchattra ] n. [ -cchattrikA ] f. a fungus cf. L. (6) [ -pAyasIya-nyAya-vat ] ind. ` in the manner of cow-dung and of milky food ', i. e. very different in nature though having the same origin cf. Sarvad. ii, 169 (7) [ -priya ] m. ` fond of cow-dung ', Andropogon Schoenanthus cf. L. (8) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of cow-dung cf. Kād (9) [ °y^ambhas ] n. water with cowdung cf. Prab. ii, 10 (10) [ °y^otthA ] f. ` originating in cowdung ', a gad-fly or a kind of beetle found in cowdung cf. L. (11) [ °y^odbhava ] m. ` originating in cow-dung ', Cathartocarpus fistula cf. L. 2

===> [ gomaya ]3[ g'o-maya ] (for the sake of euphony shortened for [ °yaya ]), Nom. P. [ °yati ], to smear with (cow-dung) cf. Dhātup. xxxv, 24

===> gopaka [ gopaka ]2[ gopaka ] m. (g. [ yAjak^adi ] cf. Gaṇar. 99 cf. Sch.) a cowherd cf. Dhūrtan (1) (fr. [ gopaya ]) guardian (ifc.), [ cIvara- ] (2) the superintendent of a district cf. L. (3) myrrh cf. L. (4) ([ ikA ]), f. (g. [ ziv^adi ]) a cowherd's wife, cowherdess cf. BhP. x, 9, 14 f. (5) a protectress cf. W.

===> gopana [ gopana ]2[ g'opana ] n. (√ [ gup ]) guarding, protection, preservation cf. AV. xii, 4, 10 cf. MBh. vi, xiii (1) hiding, concealment cf. Sāh. cf. Sarvad. cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. ix, 72 (2) reviling, abuse cf. W. (3) flurry, hurry, alarm cf. W. (4) light, lustre cf. W. (5) the leaf of Laurus Cassia cf. L. (6) ([ 'A ]), f. protection cf. ŚBr. iii, 6, 2, 12 and 15 cf. MBh. xii, 11907

===> gopika [ gopika ]2[ gopika ] m. the Mokshaka tree cf. Gal.

===> gopikā [ gopikA ]2[ gopikA ] f. of [ °paka ], q. v.

===> goptṛ [ goptR ]2[ gopt'R ] mf ([ tr'I ]
cf. ŚBr. cf. Gobh. cf. MBh. xiii)n. (g. [ yAjak^adi ] cf. Gaṇar. 99) one who preserves or protects or defends or cherishes cf. AV. cf. TS. vi cf. TBr. cf. ŚBr. (superl. [ g'opiSTha ]. ii) cf. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (n. [ °ptR ] cf. BhP. vii, 10, 28)

---> one who conceals anything (in comp.) cf. Yājñ. i, 310. [ 368,3 ]

===> gopā [ gopA ]3[ g'o-p'A ] m. (nom. [ 'As ] acc. [ 'Am ] du. [ 'A ] or [ a'u ] pl. nom. [ 'As ] instr. [ 'Abhis ]) a herdsman, guardian cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. TBr. iii cf. ChUp. cf. ŚvetUp. (1) ([ 'As ]), f. a female guardian cf. AV. xii, 1, 57 cf. TBr. iii (cf. [ gop'a ] s. v., [ 'a- ], [ dev'a- ], [ vAy'u- ], [ saha- ], [ s'oma- ], [ su-gop'A ]) (2) [ gop'A-jihva ] mfn. ` having (the tongue, i. e.) the voice of a cowherd ' cf. RV. iii, 38, 9 [ the cf. NBD. proposes to read [ gop'Ajihm'asya ] instead of [ gop'A-jihvasya ] ] (3) [ gopA-putra ] m. a bird, belonging to the Pratudas cf. Car. i, 27, 55 (4) [ gop'A-vat ] mfn. furnished with guardians cf. RV. vii, 60, 8

===> gopānasī [ gopAnasI ]3[ gop^anasI ] f. the wood or bamboo frame-work of a thatch cf. Lalit. xiv, 34 (1) xvii cf. Kāraṇḍ. cf. Car. i, 30, 3 cf. Śiś. iii, 49

===> gopāyita [ gopAyita ]2[ gopAyita ] mfn. preserved, protected cf. L.

===> gopī [ gopI ]2[ gopI ] f. of [ °pa ], q. v.

===> gotama [ gotama ]3[ g'o-tama ] ([ g'o- ]), m. (superl.) N. of a Ṛshi belonging to the family of Aṅgiras with the patr. Rāhū-gaṇa (author of cf. RV. i, 74-93) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. i, xi, xiv cf. ṢaḍvBr. &c. (1) (for [ gaut° ]) N. of the chief disciple of Mahā-vīra (2) of a lawyer (cf. [ gautam'a ]) (3) of the founder of the Nyāya phil. (4) ` the largest ox ' and ` N. of the founder of Nyāya phil. ' cf. Naish. xvii, 75 (5) N. of a son of Karṇika cf. Buddh. (6) ? cf. MBh. xiii, 4490 (cf. [ -dama ]) (7) m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 65) the descendants of the Ṛshi Gotama cf. RV. cf. ĀśvŚr. xii, 10 cf. Lāṭy (8) n. a kind of poison cf. Gal. (9) ([ I ]), f. v. l. for [ gaut° ] in g. [ gaur^adi ] (10) [ -gaura ] m. = [ gaura-gotama ], the white Gotama cf. Gaṇar. 89 cf. Sch. (11) [ -pRcchA ] f. ` questions of (Mahā-vīra's pupil) Gotama (put forth in a discussion with Pārśva's pupil Keśin) ', N. of a Jain work (12) [ -stoma ] m. N. of an Ek^aha sacrifice cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. cf. ŚBr. xiii, 5, 1, 1) (13) [ -svAmin ] m. Mahā-vīra's pupil Gotama (14) [ °m^anvaya ] m. N. of Śākya-muni cf. L. (15) [ °mI-putra ] m. ` son of Gotamī ', N. of a king (50 B. C. or A. D.) cf. Inscr. cf. VāyuP. cf. MatsyaP. (16) [ °m^ezvara-tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha cf. ŚivaP.

===> [ gotama ]1[ g'o-tama ] &c. [ g'o ], p. 364, col. 2

===> gotaraṇi [ gotaraNi ]3[ g'o-taraNi ] a kind of flower cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> gotra [ gotra ]3[ g'o-tr'a ] n. (√ [ trai ]) protection or shelter for cows, cow-pen, cow-shed, stable for cattle, stable (in general), hurdle, enclosure cf. RV. (once m. viii, 50, 10) (1) ` family enclosed by the hurdle ', family, race, lineage, kin cf. ChUp. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Kauś. &c. (a polysyllabic fem. in [ I ] shortens this vowel before [ gotra ] in comp. [ e. g. [ brAhmaNigotrA ], ` a Brāhman woman only by descent or name ' cf. Kāś. ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 43 ff.) (2) the family name cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. xiii, 548 cf. VarBṛS. (3) name (in general) cf. Śak. vi, 5 cf. Ragh. &c. (4) (in Gr.) the grandson and his descendants if no older offspring of the same ancestor than this grandson lives (if the son lives the grandson is called [ yuvan ]) cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 63 ; iv, 1, 89 ff. and 162 ff. ; 2, 111 and 3, 80 and 126 (5) an affix used for forming a patr. cf. L. (6) a tribe, subdivision (in the Brāhman caste 49 Gotras are reckoned and supposed to be sprung from and named after celebrated teachers, as Śāṇḍilya, Kaśyapa, Gautama, Bharad-vāja, &c.) cf. W. (7) a genus, class, species cf. W. (8) a multitude cf. L. (9) increase cf. L. (10) possession cf. L. (11) a forest cf. L. (12) a field cf. L. (13) an umbrella or parasol cf. L. (14) knowledge of probabilities cf. L. (15) ([ am ]), ind. after a verb denoting repetition and implying a blame cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 27 and 57 (16) ([ eNa ]), instr. ind. with regard to one's family name, g. [ prakRty-Adi ] (17) m. a mountain (a meaning probably derived fr. [ -bh'id ]) cf. BhP. ii, iii, vi (18) a cloud (cf. [ -bh'id ]) cf. Naigh. i, 10 (19) a road cf. L. (20) ([ A ]), f. a herd of kine cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 (21) the earth cf. L. (cf. [ gotr^eza ]) (22) [ -kartR ] m. the founder of a family cf. MBh. xiii, 248 (23) [ -kArin ] mfn. founding a family cf. Pravar (24) [ -kIlA ] f. (= [ acala-k° ]) the earth cf. L. (25) [ -kSAnti ] f. N. of a Kiṃnara virgin cf. Kāraṇḍ. i (26) [ -ja ] mfn. born in the same family, relation (in law, nearly = ` Gentile ' of Roman law, and applied to kindred of the same general family, who are connected by offerings of food and water (27) hence opposed to [ bandhu ] or cognate kindred not partaking in the offerings to common ancestors) cf. Yājñ. ii, 135 cf. BhP. iii, 7, 24 cf. Kathās. vi, xxii, iic (28) [ -devatA ] f. family deity cf. Siṉhâs. iv (29) [ -nAman ] n. the family name cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 6, 4 (30) [ -paTa ] m. a genealogical table, pedigree cf. Lāṭy. i, 2, 24 cf. Sch. (31) [ -pravara-dIpa ], [ °ra-nirNaya ] m. [ °ramaJjarI ] f. N. of wks. (32) [ -bhAj ] mfn. belonging to the family cf. Gaut. xxviii, 33 (33) [ -bh'id ] mfn. opening the cow-pens of the sky (` splitting the clouds or mountains ' cf. Sāy (34) said of Indra and Bṛhaspati's vehicle) cf. RV. ii, 23, 3 ; vi, 17, 2 and x, 103, 6 cf. VS. xx, 38 (35) m. ` splitting the mountains (with his thunderbolt, cf. [ adri-bh'id ]) ', Indra cf. Ragh. cf. Kum. ii, 52 (36) ` Indra ' and ` destroyer of families ' cf. Rājat. i, 92 (37) ` Indra ' and ` destroyer of names ' cf. Śiś. ix, 80 (38) [ -bhUmi ] f. ` family-range ', one of the periods in a Śrāvaka's life cf. Buddh. cf. L. (39) [ -maya ] mfn. forming a family (with [ kSAtra ], ` a Kshatriya family ') cf. Bālar. iii, 60 (40) [ -riktha ] n. du. the family name and the inheritance cf. Mn. ix, 142 (41) [ -rikth^aMza ], in comp. the family name and part of the inheritance, 165 (42) [ -vat ] mfn. belonging to a noble family cf. R. ii, 98, 24 (43) [ -vardhana ] m. N. of a prince cf. Kathās. lxv (44) [ -vRkSa ] m. N. of a tree cf. Bhpr. (45) [ -vrata ] n. a family rule cf. Bhartṛ. (cf. Mudr. ii, 18 cf. Subh.) (46) [ -sthiti ] f. ` id. ' and ` standing like a mountain ' (47) [ °tr^akhyA ] f. family name, patronymic cf. L. (48) [ °tr^adi ], a Gaṇa of cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 27 (49) [ °tr^anta ] m. ` destruction of families ' and ` destruction of mountains ' cf. Rājat. v, 377 (50) (scil. [ zabda ]) ` ending with a Gotra affix ', a patronymic cf. L. (51) [ °tr^abhidhAyam ] ind. so as to name one's name cf. Bhaṭṭ. iii, 50 (52) [ °tr^eza ] m. ` earth-lord ', a king (53) [ °tr^occAra ] m. ` recitation of the family pedigree ', N. of a ceremony cf. RTL. p. 407

===> [ gotra ]2[ go-tr'a ]

===> gotraka [ gotraka ]3[ g'o-traka ] n. family cf. Yājñ. ii, 85

===> goṇa [ goNa ]1[ goNa ] m. (fr. Pāli and Prākṛt) an ox cf. SaddhP. iii cf. Hemac (1) ([ A ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 42) a kind of grass cf. Gaṇar. 54 (2) ([ I ]), f. (in Prākṛt) a cow cf. Pat. Introd. 35 ; 97 (3) and on cf. Vārtt. 6 (4) a sack cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 42 cf. Suśr. cf. Daś. cf. Śiś. xii, 10 cf. ŚārṅgP. (5) a measure of 4 Droṇas cf. ŚārṅgS. i, 29 (6) (ifc. after numerals [ °Ni ]) cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 50 cf. Kāś (7) torn or ragged clothes cf. L. (cf. [ gauNika ].)

===> goṇikā [ goNikA ]2[ goNikA ] f. (in Pāli [ goNaka ]) a kind of woollen cloth cf. SaddhP. iii

===> goṇī [ goNI ]2[ goNI ] f. of [ °Na ], q. v.

===> goṣ-pada [ goSpada ]3[ goS-pada ] ([ g'oS- ]), mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 145) ` showing marks of cow's hoofs ', frequented by kine cf. Kāś (1) n. ` mark of a cow's foot in the soil ', water filling up such a mark, any small puddle cf. Suparṇ. cf. MBh. i, vii, ix cf. R. vi cf. BhP. x (2) [ -tRtIyA-vrata ] n. a kind of religious observance cf. BhavP. (3) [ -trirAtravrata ] n. id. cf. ib. (4) [ -pUram ] or [ -pram ] ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 32 and vi, 1, 145 cf. Bhaṭṭ. xiv, 20 (5) [ -mAtra ] mfn. as large as the impression of a cow's hoof cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 145 cf. Kāś. (cf. [ go-pada ].)

===> [ goSpada ]3[ g'oS-pada ] &c. cf. ib.

===> graha [ graha ]2[ gr'aha ] (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 58 (1) g. [ vRS^adi ]), mfn. ifc. (iii, 2, 9 cf. Vārtt. 1) seizing, laying hold of, holding cf. BhP. iii, 15, 35 (cf. [ aGkuza- ], [ dhanur- ], &c.) (2) obtaining, v, viii (3) perceiving, recognising, iv, 7, 31 (4) m. ` seizer (eclipser) ', Rāhu or the dragon's head cf. MBh. &c. (5) a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner (6) sometimes 5 are enumerated, viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn cf. MBh. vi, 4566 f. cf. R. i, 19, 2 cf. Ragh. iii, 13 &c. (7) also 7, i. e. the preceding with Rāhu and Ketu cf. MBh. vii, 5636 (8) also 9, i. e. the sun [ cf. cf. ŚBr. iv, 6, 5, 1 and 5 cf. MBh. xiii, 913 ; xiv, 1175 ] and moon with the 7 preceding cf. Yājñ. i, 295 cf. MBh. iv, 48 cf. VarBṛS. (9) also the polar star is called a Graha, Garg. (cf. Jyot. 5 cf. Sch.) (10) the planets are either auspicious [ zubha- ], [ sad- ], or inauspicious [ krUra- ], [ pApa- ] cf. VarBṛS. (11) with Jainas they constitute one of the 5 classes of the Jyotishkas) (12) the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac cf. W. (13) the number ` nine ' (14) N. of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity &c. (15) it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons (16) those who esp. seize children and cause convulsions &c. are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets cf. Suśr.) cf. MBh. &c. (17) any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man cf. BhP. vii, ix cf. BrahmaP. cf. Hit. ii, 1, 20 (18) a crocodile cf. MBh. xvi, 142 (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. R. iv f. cf. BhP. viii (19) any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (esp. of Soma) out of a larger vessel cf. Mn. v, 116 cf. Yājñ. i, 182 (20) N. of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with Manas, the hands and the voice) cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. NṛsUp. i, 4, 3, 22 (21) (= [ gRha ]) a house cf. R. vii, 40, 30 (cf. [ a- ], [ khara- ], [ -druma ] and [ -pati ]) (22) ` anything seized ', spoil, booty cf. MBh. iii, 11461 (cf. [ °h^aluJcana ]) (23) as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel, ladleful, spoonful (esp. of Soma) cf. RV. x, 114, 5 cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. AitBr. cf. ŚBr. &c. (24) the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used cf. MBh. iv, 1351 ([ su- ], 1326) (25) the beginning of any piece of music (26) grasp, seizing, laying hold of (often ifc.) cf. Kauś. 10 cf. MBh. &c. (27) keeping back, obstructing cf. Suśr. (28) imprisoning, imprisonment ([ °haM-√ gam ], ` to become a prisoner ' cf. Kām.) cf. R. ii, 58, 2 (29) seizure (by demons causing diseases, e. g. [ aGga- ], spasm of the limbs) cf. Suśr. (30) seizure of the sun and moon, eclipse cf. AV. xix, 9, 7 and 10 cf. VarBṛS. (31) stealing, robbing cf. Mn. ix, 277 cf. MBh. vi, 4458 (32) effort cf. Hit. (33) insisting upon, tenacity, perseverance in (loc. or in comp.) cf. BhP. vii, 14, 11 cf. Naish. ix, 12 cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. viii, 226 (34) taking, receiving, reception cf. Mn. viii, 180 cf. Śṛṅgār (35) taking up (any fluid) (36) choosing cf. MBh. xii, 83, 12 cf. Sāh. vi, 136 (37) ` favour ', [ -nigraha ] (38) mentioning, employing (a word) cf. Mn. viii, 271 cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 21, cf. Kār. 2 cf. Amar. cf. Rājat (39) apprehension, perception, understanding cf. Bhāshāp. cf. BhP. cf. Sarvad. cf. Sch. on cf. Jaim. and cf. KapS. (40) ([ Aya ]), dat. ind. = [ gRhItvA ], √ [ grah ] (cf. [ guda- ], [ ziro- ], [ hanu- ], [ hRd- ].)

===> grahaṇa [ grahaNa ]2[ gr'ahaNa ] mfn. ifc. seizing, holding cf. Hariv. 2734 (1) resounding in (?) cf. Śak. ii, 0/1, 6 (2) n. the hand cf. L. (3) an organ of sense cf. Yogas. i, 41 (4) a prisoner cf. MBh. xiii, 2051 (5) a word mentioned or employed (e. g. [ vacana- ], ` the word [ vacana ] ') cf. Pat. and cf. Kāś (6) seizing, holding, taking cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Mn. ii, 317 cf. MBh. &c. (7) taking by the hand, marrying, i, 1044 (8) catching, seizure, taking captive cf. Mn. v, 130 cf. MBh. &c. (9) seizure (as by a demon causing diseases), demoniacal possession cf. Hcat (10) seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse cf. Āp. i, 11 cf. Yājñ. i, 218 cf. VarBṛS. &c. (11) gaining, obtaining, receiving, acceptance cf. R. i, 3, 18 cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās. xci, 37 (12) choosing cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Prab. cf. Sāh. vi, 201 (13) purchasing cf. Pañcat (14) taking or drawing up (any fluid) cf. ŚBr. iv cf. KātyŚr. (15) the taking up of sound, echo cf. W. (16) attraction cf. Megh. cf. Ragh. vii, 24 cf. Pañcat. v, 13, 5/6 (17) putting on (clothes) cf. MBh. ii, 840 cf. Ragh. xvii, 21 (18) assuming (a shape) cf. Yājñ. iii, 69 cf. MBh. xiv cf. Devīm (19) undertaking, devoting one's self to (in comp.) cf. R. v, 76, 22 cf. Pañcat. [ 372,3 ] (20) service cf. BhP. iii, 1, 44 (21) including cf. Pāṇ. cf. Kāś (22) mentioning, employing (a word or expression) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Lāṭy.
cf. VPrāt. cf. Pāṇ. cf. Vārtt. cf. Pat. and cf. Kāś. cf. Sāh. vi, 205 (23) mentioning with praise, acknowledgment cf. Suśr. (24) assent, agreement cf. W. (25) perceiving, understanding, comprehension, receiving instruction, acquirement of any science cf. Mn. ii, 173 cf. MBh. iii, xiv cf. Ragh. &c. (26) acceptation, meaning cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 cf. Vārtt. 5 cf. Pat. cf. Kāś. and cf. Siddh. on cf. Pāṇ. (27) ([ I ]), f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused) cf. Suśr. (28) = [ °NI-gada ] cf. Aṣṭâṅg. iii, 8 cf. Hcat. i, 7 (cf. [ kara- ], [ keza- ], [ garbha- ], [ cakSur- ], [ nAma- ], [ pANi- ], [ punar- ].)

===> grahaṇī [ grahaNI ]2[ grahaNI ] f. of [ °Na ], q. v.

===> grahītavya [ grahItavya ]2[ grahItavy'a ] mfn. to be taken or received cf. ŚBr. iv cf. Mn. vii f. cf. Hit. (1) to be taken up or down (a fluid) cf. TS. vi (2) to be perceived cf. W. (3) to be learned cf. W. (4) n. obligation to take or receive cf. MBh. xii, 7313

===> grahītṛ [ grahItR ]2[ grahItR ] mfn. one who takes or seizes cf. ŚvetUp. iii, 19 (1) one who receives cf. Mn. viii, 166 (2) a purchaser cf. Pañcat (3) one who perceives or observes cf. Mn. i, 15 cf. Yogas. i, 41 (4) one who notices or hears cf. Bālar. ii, 48/49 (cf. [ pANi- ].)

===> [ grahItR ]3[ grahIt'R ] mfn. id. AV. &c. &c. (1) m. one who takes a wife, one who marries (nom. [ °tA ], also as 3. sg. fut.) MBh. R.

===> graiṣmika [ graiSmika ]2[ graiSmika ] mfn. = [ grISmam adh^ite veda vA ] g. [ vasant^adi ] (1) n. anything that grows in summer cf. VarBṛS. ix, 43 (2) xl, 2

===> grantha [ grantha ]2[ grantha ] m. tying, binding, stringing together cf. L. (1) = [ °th'i ], a knot cf. TS. vi, 2, 9, 4 (v. l.) (2) honeycomb cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 116 cf. Vārtt (3) an artificial arrangement of words (esp. of 32 syllables, = [ zloka ] cf. Jain.), verse, composition, treatise, literary production, book in prose or verse, text (opposed to [ artha ] ` meaning ' cf. VarBṛS. cf. Vākyap. cf. Sarvad.) cf. Nir. i, 20 cf. Pāṇ. cf. MBh. cf. Up. &c. (4) a section (of cf. Kāṭh.) (5) the book or sacred scriptures of the Sikhs containing short moral poems by Nānak Shāh and others (cf. cf. RTL. pp. 158-177) (6) wealth, property cf. Jain. cf. Sch. (cf. [ uttara- ], [ nir- ], [ SaD- ].)

===> granthana [ granthana ]2[ granthana ] n. (ifc.) stringing, tying or connecting together (as a chapter or book), arranging, composing cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 26 cf. Vārtt. 15 cf. Pat. (v. l. [ gaDu ] or [ gaDuka ]) cf. Vet. i, 9/10 (1) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. L.

===> granthi [ granthi ]2[ granth'i ]1 m. a knot, tie, knot of a cord, knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money (cf. Pañcat.), bunch or protuberance of any kind (esp. if produced by tying several things together) cf. RV. ix, 97, 18 & x, 143, 2 cf. AV. cf. TS. &c. (1) the joint of a reed or cane cf. Prab. v, i, 8 (2) joint of the body cf. Mṛcch. i, 1 cf. Dhūrtas. cf. Sāh (3) a complaint, (knotting, i. e.) swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele) cf. R. cf. Suśr. (4) ` a knot tied closely and therefore difficult to be undone ', difficulty, doubt cf. ChUp. cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MuṇḍUp. cf. MBh. &c. (5) a bell cf. Kathās. lxv, 135 f. (6) N. of several plants and bulbous roots ([ granthi-parNa ], [ hit^avalI ], [ bhadra-mustA ], [ piND^alu ]) cf. L. (cf. [ udara- ], [ kaTu- ], [ kAla- ], [ kRmi- ], [ keza- ], [ go- ], [ dAma- ], &c.)

===> [ granthi ]2[ granthi ]2 m. crookedness (lit. and fig.) cf. L.

===> granthi-mocaka [ granthimocaka ]3[ granth'i-mocaka ] m. = [ -cchedaka ] cf. W.

===> granthita [ granthita ]2[ granthita ] mfn. for [ grath° ] cf. L.

===> grasta [ grasta ]2[ grasta ] mfn. swallowed, eaten cf. Pañcat (1) taken, seized cf. W. (2) surrounded or absorbed cf. Suśr. (3) possessed (by a demon) cf. Daś. iv cf. Hit. (4) involved in cf. MBh. xiii, 7292 cf. R. iv, 50, 11 (5) tormented, affected by cf. Yājñ. iii, 245 cf. Pañcat. &c. (6) eclipsed cf. MBh. iii, 2667 cf. R. &c. (7) inarticulately pronounced, slurred cf. RPrāt. cf. Lāṭy. cf. Pāṇ. Ś. (cf. RV.) 35 cf. Pat. (8) ([ a- ] neg.) cf. ChUp. (9) n. inarticulate pronunciation of the vowels cf. Pat. Introd. on cf. Vārtt. 18

===> grathita [ grathita ]2[ grathit'a ] mfn. strung, tied, bound, connected, tied together or in order, wound, arranged, classed cf. RV. ix, 97, 18 cf. ŚBr. xi cf. MBh. &c. (1) set with, strewn with cf. MBh. &c. (2) artificially composed or put together (the plot of a play) cf. Śak. i, 1/2 cf. Mālav. i, 1/2 cf. Vikr (3) closely connected with each other, difficult to be distinguished from each other cf. MBh. i, v, xii cf. BhP. iv f. (4) having knots, knotty cf. Suśr. i f. iv (5) coagulated, thickened, hardened, vi (6) hurt, injured cf. L. (7) seized, overcome cf. L. (8) n. the being strung cf. Sch. (9) a tumor with hard lumps or knots cf. Suśr. ii, 14, 1 and 4 ; iv, 21, 3

===> grāha [ grAha ]2[ grAh'a ] (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 143), mf ([ I ]) n. ifc. seizing, holding, catching, receiving cf. Yājñ. ii, 51 cf. R. iv, 41, 38 (1) taking (a wife) cf. Yājñ. ii, 51 (cf. [ karNa- ], [ gila- ], [ dhanur- ], [ pANi- ], [ pArSNi- ], [ vandi- ], [ vyAla- ], [ hasta- ]) (2) m. a rapacious animal living in fresh or sea water, any large fish or marine animal (crocodile, shark, serpent, Gangetic alligator, water elephant, or hippopotamus) cf. Mn. vi, 78 cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ], iv, 2017 (3) xvi cf. R. ii) (4) a prisoner cf. L. (5) the handle (of a sword &c.) cf. Gal. (6) seizure, grasping, laying hold of cf. Pañcat. i, 10, 1 (v. l. for [ graha ]) (7) morbid affection, disease cf. ŚBr. iii (8) paralysis (of the thigh, [ Uru-grAh'a ] cf. AV. xi, 9, 12 [ [ ur° ] cf. MSS. ] cf. MBh. v, 2024 and vi, 5680) (9) ` mentioning ', [ nAma- ] (10) fiction, whim cf. Bhag. xvii, 19 (11) conception, notion of (in comp.) cf. Vajracch. 6 and 9 (12) ([ am ]), ind., s. v. (13) ([ I ]), f. a female marine animal or crocodile cf. R. vi, 82, 73 ff

===> [ grAha ]1[ grAh'a ] [ °haka ], &c. √ [ grah ]

===> [ grAha ]3[ grAha ] m. a spittoon L. (1) accepting gifts W.

===> grāhaka [ grAhaka ]3[ grAhaka ] mfn. one who receives or accepts ([ 'a-pratig° ])

===> grāhayitavya [ grAhayitavya ]2[ grAhayitavya ] mfn. to be urged to undertake anything (acc.) cf. Daś. viii, 218

===> grāhika [ grAhika ]2[ grAhika ] mfn. insisting upon with tenacity cf. Kathās. il, 16

===> grāhin [ grAhin ]2[ grAhin ] (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 134), mfn. ifc. seizing, taking, holding, laying hold of cf. R. cf. Śak. ii, 6/7 (v. l.) cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Kathās (1) catching, engaged in catching, xxv, 49 (2) picking, gathering cf. Sāh. ii, 5/6 (3) containing, holding cf. Daś. vii, 207 (4) gaining, obtaining, acquiring cf. R. iii, 72, 1 (5) keeping cf. Cāṇ. (cf. Subh.) (6) purchasing cf. Kathās. lvii, 20 (7) drawing, attracting, fascinating, alluring cf. MBh. xiii, 1403 cf. R. i, v (8) choosing cf. MārkP. xxvii, 28 (9) searching, scrutinizing cf. Śak. ii, 6/7 (10) ` perceiving, acknowledging ', [ guNa- ] (11) astringent, obstructing, constipating cf. Car. vi, 8 cf. Suśr. (12) m. = [ °hi-phala ] cf. L. (13) ([ iNI ]), f. a variety of the Alhagi plant cf. L. (14) a variety of Mimosa cf. Npr. (15) a great kind of lizard cf. Npr.

===> [ grAhin ]3[ grAh'in ] mfn. id. TS.

===> grāhita [ grAhita ]2[ grAhita ] mfn. made to take or seize cf. W. (1) made to accept or take (a seat &c.) cf. Vikr. iii, 0/1 cf. Daś. vii, 266 cf. Kathās. li, 71 (2) made to undertake or to be occupied with (instr.) cf. R. (G) i, 7, 14 (3) taught cf. MBh. iii, 12195

===> grāhya [ grAhya ]2[ grAhy'a ] mfn. to be seized or taken or held cf. RV. x, 109, 3 cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) to be clasped or spanned cf. Kathās. lxxiv, 217 (2) to be captured or imprisoned cf. Yājñ. ii, 267 & 283 cf. MBh. &c. (3) to be overpowered cf. Prab. ii, 8/9 (4) ([ a- ] neg.) cf. R. (B.) iii, 33, 16 (5) to be picked or gathered cf. R. iv, 43, 29 (6) to be received or accepted or gained cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (7) to be taken in marriage, xiii, 5091 (8) to be received in a friendly or hospitable manner, xii, 6282 (9) to be insisted upon cf. Kathās. xvii, 83 (10) to be chosen or taken account of cf. Rājat. iv, 612 (11) to be perceived or recognised or understood cf. Mn. i, 7 cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ a- ]) (12) (in astron.) to be observed cf. VarBṛS. (13) to be considered cf. R. v, vii cf. VarBṛS. lxi, 19 (14) to be understood in a particular sense, meant cf. Vop. vi, 15 cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sch. (15) to be accepted as a rule or law, to be acknowledged or assented to, to be attended to or obeyed, to be admitted in evidence cf. Mn. viii, 78 cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (16) to be undertaken or followed (a vow) cf. Kathās. vcii, 38 (17) to be put (as confidence) in (loc.), lviii, 36 (18) m. an eclipsed globe (sun or moon) cf. Sūryas (19) n. poison (cf. NBD. (20) ` a present ' cf. BRD.) cf. L. (21) the objects of sensual perception cf. Yogas. i, 41 (22) ([ A ]), f. archery exercise cf. Gal. (cf. [ dur- ], [ suhha- ], [ svayaM- ].)

===> [ grAhya ]3[ grAhya ] mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable MBh. R. (cf. [ a-pratig° ]) (1) one from whom anything may be received MBh. (cf. [ °gRhya ] and Pāṇ. ib.) (2) m. N. of partic. Grahas TBr. Sch.

===> grāma [ grAma ]1[ gr'Ama ] m. an inhabited place, village, hamlet cf. RV. i, x cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (1) the collective inhabitants of a place, community, race cf. RV. x, 146, 1 cf. AV. &c. (2) any number of men associated together, multitude, troop (esp. of soldiers) cf. RV. i, iii, x cf. AV. iv, 7, 5 cf. ŚBr. vi, xii (3) the old women of a family cf. PārGṛ. i, 9, 3 cf. Sch. (4) ifc. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 84) a multitude, class, collection or number (in general), cf. [ indriya- ], [ guNa- ], [ bhUta- ], &c. (5) a number of tones, scale, gamut cf. Pañcat. v, 43 cf. MārkP. xxiii, 52 (6) = [ indriya- ] cf. Jain. (7) m. pl. inhabitants, people cf. RV. ii, 12, 7 ; x, 127, 5 (8) n. a village cf. R. ii, 57, 4 cf. Hcat. i, 7, 721/722 (9) [ cf. [ ariSTa- ], [ mahA- ], [ zUra- ], [ saM- ] ; cf. Hib. [ gramaisg ], ` the mob ' ; [ gramasgar ], ` a flock. ' ]

===> grāma-dharma [ grAmadharma ]3[ gr'Ama-dharma ] m. the observances or customs of a village cf. ĀśvGṛ. i, 7, 1

===> grāma-gata [ grAmagata ]3[ gr'Ama-gata ] mfn. gone to a village cf. Pāṇ. 2-i, 24 cf. Kāś

===> grāma-ghātaka [ grAmaghAtaka ]3[ gr'Ama-ghAtaka ] m. plunderer of a village cf. Buddh.

===> grāma-pati [ grAmapati ]3[ gr'Ama-pati ] m. the chief of a village cf. Inscr. (10th century)

===> grāma-ṇī [ grAmaNI ]3[ gr'Ama-N'I ] m. (fr. [ -nI ] cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 14 cf. Siddh. ; vi, 4, 82 (1) gen. pl. [ -NyAm ], or Ved. [ -NInAm ], vii, 1, 56 ; 3, 116 cf. Sch., not in cf. Kāś (2) [ i ] n. ` leading, chief ', vii, 1, 74 cf. Kāś.) the leader or chief of a village or community, lord of the manor, squire, leader of a troop or army, chief, superintendent cf. RV. x, 62, 11 and 107, 5 cf. VS. cf. AV. &c. (3) (mfn., before [ -Ni ] n.) chief, pre-eminent cf. W. (4) a village barber (chief person of a village) cf. L. (5) a groom ([ bhogika ]) cf. L. (6) a Yaksha cf. VP. ii, 10, 2 f. cf. BhP. v, 21, 18 (7) N. of a Gandharva chief cf. R. iv, 41, 61 (8) of a demon causing diseases cf. Hariv. 9556 (9) of one of Śiva's attendants cf. L. (10) of a locality, g. [ takSazil^adi ] (11) f. a female peasant or villager cf. L. (12) a harlot cf. L. (13) (for [ °miNI ]) the Indigo plant cf. L. (14) [ -tva ] n. the condition or office of a chief or leader cf. MBh. xii, 4861 (15) [ -putra ] m. the son of a harlot cf. W. (16) [ -sava ] m. N. of an Ek^aha rite cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 22, 3

===> grāmaka [ grAmaka ]2[ grAmaka ] m. a small village cf. Hcar. viii, 3 (1) a village cf. MBh. v, 1466 (2) N. of a town cf. Buddh. (3) n. = [ °ma-caryA ] cf. BhP. iv, 25, 52

===> grāmika [ grAmika ]2[ grAmika ] m. rustic cf. W. (1) (in music) chromatic cf. W. (2) m. a villager cf. W. (3) = [ °m^eza ] cf. Mn. vii, 116 and 118 cf. MBh. xii, 3264 ff

===> grāmin [ grAmin ]2[ grAm'in ] mfn. surrounded by a village or community or race cf. TS. ii (1) pertaining to a village, rustic cf. W. (2) m. a villager, peasant ([ °miNAM rati ] = [ °ma-caryA ] cf. BhP. iv, 29, 14) (3) = [ °m^eza ] (4) ([ iNI ]), f. (cf. [ °ma-NI ]) the Indigo plant cf. L.

===> grāmya [ grAmya ]2[ grAmy'a ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 94) used or produced in a village cf. TS. v cf. AitBr. vii, 7, 1 cf. Kauś (1) relating to villages cf. Mn. vii, 120 (2) prepared in a village (as food) cf. ŚBr. ix, xii cf. Mn. vi, 3 (3) living (in villages, i. e.) among men, domesticated, tame (an animal), cultivated (a plant (4) opposed to [ vanya ] or [ araNya ], ` wild ') cf. RV. x, 90, 8 cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (5) allowed in a village, relating to the sensual pleasures of a village cf. MBh. xii, 4069 cf. R. iii f. cf. BhP. iv, vi [ 374,1 ] (6) rustic, vulgar (speech) cf. Vām. ii, 1, 4 (7) ([ -tA ] and [ -tva ]) (8) relating to a musical scale cf. W.

---> m. a villager cf. Yājñ. ii, 166 cf. MBh. xiii cf. BhP. &c. (9) a domesticated animal, [ -mAMsa ] (10) = [ °ma-kola ] cf. W. (11) n. rustic or homely speech cf. W. (12) the Prākṛt and the other dialects of India as contra-distinguished from the Sanskṛt cf. W. (13) food prepared in a village cf. MBh. i, 3637 cf. KātyŚr. xxii cf. Sch. (14) sensual pleasure, sexual intercourse cf. MBh. ii, 2270 cf. BhP. iv (15) ([ A ]), f. = [ °miNI ] cf. L. (16) = [ °ma-ja-niSpAvI ] cf. L.

===> grāmya-dharma [ grAmyadharma ]3[ grAmy'a-dharma ] m. a villager's duty cf. Pañcat. i, 3, 21/22 (1) ` a villager's right (opposed to the right of a recluse) ', sexual intercourse cf. MBh. iii cf. Hariv. 1259 cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. iii cf. BrahmaP.

===> grāmântara [ grAmAntara ]3[ grAm^antara ] n. another village cf. W.

===> grāmântika [ grAmAntika ]3[ grAm^antika ] n. the neighbourhood of a village cf. W.

===> grāmīṇa [ grAmINa ]2[ grAmINa ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 94 ; 3, 25 cf. Kāś.) produced in or peculiar to a village cf. W. (1) rustic, vulgar, rude cf. Bhpr. (2) ifc., [ eka- ] (3) = [ grAmaiH sambhRta ] cf. L. ([ °mIna ]) (4) (in music) chromatic cf. W. (5) m. a villager, peasant cf. Kauś. 11 cf. Bhartṛ. &c. (6) a dog cf. L. (7) = [ °ma-kola ] cf. L. (8) a crow cf. L. (9) ([ A ]), f. = [ °miNI ] cf. L. (10) = [ °mya-vallabhA ] cf. L.

===> grāsa [ grAsa ]1[ grAsa ] &c. √ [ gras ]

===> grīva [ grIva ]1[ grIva ] m. the neck cf. ĀrshBr. (1) a corridor (?) cf. Bālar. x, 100/101 (2) ([ 'A ]), f. the back part of the neck, nape, neck (in the earlier literature generally pl. (3) cf. also cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 57)
cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. &c. (ifc. [ cf. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 114 ] f. [ A ] cf. MBh. i, 6662) (4) the tendon of the trapezium muscle cf. L. (5) the neck part of the hide of an animal cf. ŚBr. iii (6) the neck of a bottle cf. VarBṛS. iii, 37 (7) [ cf. [ 'asita- ], [ 'RkSa- ], [ kambu- ], [ kalm'ASa- ], [ kRSN'a- ], [ tuvi- ], [ niSk'a- ], &c. ; cf. also Lith. [ galw^a ] ; Russ. [ glava ] & [ golova ]. ]

===> grīvā [ grIvA ]2[ grIv'A ] f. of [ °va ], q. v.

===> grīṣma [ grISma ]1[ grISm'a ] m. (√ [ gras ] cf. Uṇ.) the summer, hot season (the months Śuci and Śukra cf. VS. xiv, 6 cf. Suśr. (1) or Jyeshṭha and Āshāḍha, from the middle of May to the middle of July) cf. RV. x, 90, 6 cf. AV. &c. (2) summer heat, heat cf. Pañcat (3) N. of a man, g. [ azv^adi ] (4) ([ A ]), f. Symplocos racemosa cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. = [ °Sma-bhavA ] cf. L. ; [ cf. Hib. [ gris ], ` fire ' ; [ griosgaim ], ` I fry, boil ' ; [ griosach ], ` burning embers. ' ]

===> grīṣma-kāla [ grISmakAla ]3[ grISm'a-kAla ] m. the hot season cf. W.

===> grīṣma-samaya [ grISmasamaya ]3[ grISm'a-samaya ] m. = [ -kAla ] cf. Śak. i, 2/3 cf. Hit. iii

===> guggula [ guggula ]1[ guggula ] m. (= [ °lu ]) bdellium cf. Hariv. 6283 cf. VarBṛS. lvii, 3 and 5 (v. l. [ °lu ]) (1) lxxvii, 9 (15)

===> guggulu [ guggulu ]2[ g'uggulu ] n. (= [ g'ulg° ]) bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament) cf. AV. (called [ saindhav'a ] or [ samudr'iya ], ` obtained near rivers or the sea ', xix, 38, 2) cf. Kauś. cf. ĀśvŚr. xi, 6, 3 (1) m. id. cf. Yājñ. i, 278 cf. MBh. xiii cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. (2) = [ -dru ] cf. L. (3) ([ 'Us ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 71 cf. Pat.) N. of an Apsaras cf. AV. iv, 37, 3 (cf. [ kaNa- ], [ gauggulava ] and [ gaulg° ].)

===> guha [ guha ]2[ guha ] m. (g. [ azm^adi ]) ` reared in a secret place ', N. of Skanda (the god (1) cf. Kārttikeya) cf. MBh. iii, ix, xiii cf. Hariv. 10478 cf. Suśr. cf. Kum. &c. (2) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. xiii, 1263 (3) of Viṣṇu cf. W. (4) of a king of the Nishādas (friend of Rāma) cf. R. i f. vi cf. Mcar. iv, 60/7 (5) N. belonging to persons of the writer caste cf. W. (6) a horse (` a swift horse ' cf. W.) cf. L. (7) m. pl., N. of a people in the south of India cf. MBh. xii, 7559 [ 360,3 ] (8) (2. [ g'uhA ]), f. (gaṇas [ vRS^adi ] and [ bhid^adi ]) a hiding-place, cave, cavern cf. VS. xxx, 16 cf. TBr. i cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Hcat. i, 7 and 10) (9) (fig.) the heart cf. ŚvetUp. iii, 20 cf. MBh. xii cf. BhP. ii, 9, 24 (10) Hemionitis cordifolia cf. Suśr. i, 19, 27 ; v, 7, 1 (cf. [ prati-g° ]) (11) Desmodium gangeticum cf. L. (12) (3. [ g'uhA ]), Ved. instr. ind. in a hiding-place, in secret, secretly (opposed to [ Av'is ], and especially with √ [ dhA ], [ ni-√ dhA ], √ [ kR ], ` to conceal, remove ') cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. xi, xiii

===> guha-gupta [ guhagupta ]3[ guha-gupta ] m. ` protected by Guha ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Kāraṇḍ. i, 4

===> guhya [ guhya ]2[ g'uhya ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 109 cf. Kāś., g. [ daND^adi ]) to be covered or concealed or hidden or kept secret, concealable, private, secret, mysterious, mystical cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (1) m. hypocrisy cf. L. (2) a tortoise cf. L. (3) N. of Viṣṇu (cf. RTL. p. 106) cf. W. (4) ([ am ]), ind. secretly, privately cf. MBh. xii, 902 (5) ([ am ]), n. a secret, mystery cf. MBh. (ifc. f. [ A ], xiii, 5876) cf. Mn. xii, 117 cf. Bhag. &c. (6) the pudenda cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās. ii, 56 (cf. 1. [ g'Rhya ]) the anus cf. W.

===> guhya-tantra [ guhyatantra ]3[ g'uhya-tantra ] n. N. of a Tantra cf. Ānand. 31 cf. Sch.

===> guhyaka [ guhyaka ]2[ guhyaka ] m. N. of a class of demi-gods who like the Yakshas are attendants of Kubera (the god of wealth) and guardians of his treasures (they may have received their N. from living in mountain caverns) cf. Mn. xii, 47 cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (identified with Yakshas cf. MBh. v, 7480 cf. Megh. 5 &c.) (1) the number ` eleven ' cf. Sūryas (2) N. of Kubera cf. L. (3) m. ` mystery ', [ tathAgata-g° ]

===> guhyakâdhipati [ guhyakAdhipati ]3[ guhyak^adhipati ] m. ` lord of the Guhyakas ', N. of Kubera cf. MBh. ii, 1760

===> guhā [ guhA ]2[ guhA ]2 and 3 s. v. [ guha ]

===> gulgulu [ gulgulu ]1[ g'ulgulu ] n. (= [ g'ugg° ]) bdellium cf. TS. vi, 2, 8, 6 cf. ŚBr. iii cf. AitBr. i, 28 cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. KātyŚr.

===> gulikā [ gulikA ]2[ gulikA ] f. (= [ guDikA ]) a ball (as a missile) cf. Naish. iii, 127 (1) a small ball or globule cf. Kād. (ifc.) (2) a ball for playing with cf. Kathās. lxv (3) a pearl (v. l. for [ guTikA ]) (4) a pill cf. Kathās. lxxxix cf. Kālac (5) ` a kernel ', [ guDikA ] (6) a head (of cattle) cf. Āryabh

===> gulma [ gulma ]1[ g'ulma ] m. (rarely n. cf. MBh. x cf. BhP. viii, x) a cluster or clump of trees, thicket, bush, shrub cf. VS. xxv, 8 cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (1) a troop or guard of soldiers, body of troops, division of an army (consisting of 45 foot, 27 horse, 9 chariots, and 9 elephants cf. MBh. i, 290 (2) or of 135 foot, 81 horse, 27 chariots, and 27 elephants cf. L. (3) cf. cf. MBh. v, 5270) cf. Mn. vii, ix cf. MBh. &c. (4) a fort, entrenchment cf. W. (5) disciplining an army cf. W. (6) m. a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland &c.) cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛ. xxi, 8 cf. Kathās. xv (7) the spleen cf. L. (8) ` a wharf or stairs, Ghaṭ ', [ -tara-paNya ] (9) ([ I ]), f. a cluster or clump of trees cf. L. (10) the Myrobalan tree cf. L. (11) jujube cf. L. (12) small cardamoms cf. L. (13) a tent cf. L.

===> gulma-keśa [ gulmakeza ]3[ g'ulma-keza ] mfn. bushy-haired cf. L.

===> gulpha [ gulpha ]1[ gulph'a ] m. (= [ kulph'a ] (1) √ [ gal ] cf. Uṇ. v) the ancle cf. AV. x, 2, 1 f. cf. Kauś. cf. Yājñ. iii, 86 cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] [ cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 54 cf. Kāś. ] cf. MBh. iv, 253)

===> gupta [ gupta ]2[ gupt'a ] mfn. protected, guarded, preserved cf. AV. &c. (1) hidden, concealed, kept secret, secret cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās. &c. (with [ daNDa ], a secret fine, fine secretly imposed or exacted cf. Hit. (2) cf. [ gUDha-d° ]) (3) = [ saMgata ] (? joined, combined) cf. W. (4) ([ am ] (5) in comp. [ a- ] cf. Hcat.), ind. secretly, privately cf. Kathās (6) ([ su- ]) cf. Pañcat. iv (7) ([ e ]), loc. ind. in a hidden place cf. Kathās. lxxv (8) m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 205 cf. Kāś.) N. of several men belonging to the Vaiśya caste (cf. PārGṛ. i, 17 (9) cf. cf. RTL. p. 358), especially of the founder of the renowned Gupta dynasty in which the names of the sovereigns generally end in [ gupta ] (cf. [ candra- ], [ samudra- ], [ skanda- ] (10) [ gupta ] is also often found ifc. in names of the Vaiśya class) (11) ([ A ]), f. a married woman who withdraws from her lover's endearments cf. L. (12) Mucuna pruritus cf. Suśr. iv, 26, 33 ; vi, 46, 21 ([ °pta ]) (13) N. of a woman cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 121 cf. Sch. ([ gopA ] cf. Kāś.) (14) of a Śākya princess cf. Buddh.

===> gupti [ gupti ]2[ g'upti ] f. preserving, protecting, protection cf. AV. vi, 122, 3 ; xii, 3, 7 cf. TS. v f. cf. TBr. &c. (1) restraint (of body, mind, and speech) cf. HYog. cf. Sarvad. iii, 191 and 210 f. (2) concealing, hiding, keeping secret (ifc.) cf. Kām. (cf. Hit.) cf. Sāh. cf. Sarvad. xv (3) a means of protection, fortification, rampart cf. R. v f. cf. Kum. v, 38 (4) a prison cf. VarBṛ. v, 10 (5) ` place of concealment ', a hole in the ground, sink, cellar cf. L. (6) digging a hole in the ground cf. L. cf. Sch. (7) ` a leak in a ship ' or ` the well or lower deck of a boat ' cf. L.

===> guru [ guru ]1[ gur'u ] mf ([ vI ]) n. (cf. [ gir'i ] (1) comp. [ g'arIyas ], once [ °yas-tara ], [ guru-tara ], superl. [ gariSTha ], [ gurutama ], ss. vv.) heavy, weighty (opposed to [ lagh'u ]) cf. RV. i, 39, 3 and iv, 5, 6 cf. AV. &c. (g. [ zauND^adi ] cf. Gaṇar. 101) (2) heavy in the stomach (food), difficult to digest cf. MBh. i, 3334 cf. Suśr. (3) great, large, extended, long cf. Yājñ. ([ -kratu ]) cf. Bhartṛ. &c. (4) (in prosody) long by nature or position (a vowel) cf. Prāt. (a vowel long both by nature and by position is called [ garIyas ] cf. RPrāt. xviii, 20) cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 11 and 12 (5) high in degree, vehement, violent, excessive, difficult, hard cf. RV. cf. MBh. &c. (6) grievous cf. Megh. 80 (7) important, serious, momentous cf. MBh. &c (8) valuable, highly prized cf. Yājñ. ii, 30 ([ guru ] = [ garIyas ]) &c. (9) haughty, proud (speech) cf. Pañcat (10) venerable, respectable (11) m. any venerable or respectable person (father, mother, or any relative older than one's self) cf. Gobh. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. Mn. &c. (12) a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer, who instructs him in the Śāstras and conducts the necessary ceremonies up to that of investiture which is performed by the Ācārya cf. Yājñ. i, 34) cf. RPrāt. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. PārGṛ. cf. Mn. &c. (13) the chief of (gen. or in comp.) cf. Cāṇ. cf. Ragh. ii, 68 (14) (with Śāktas) author of a Mantra

---> ` preceptor of the gods ', Bṛhaspati cf. Mn. xi (15) (hence) the planet Jupiter
cf. Jyot. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Bhartṛ. &c. (16) ` Pāṇḍu-teacher ', Droṇa cf. L. (17) Prabhā-kara (celebrated teacher of the Mīmāṃsā, usually mentioned with Kumārila) cf. SŚaṃkar. vi, 50 ; xv, 157 (18) (= [ dharma ]) ` venerable ', the 9th astrological mansion cf. VarBṛS. i, 16 (19) Mucuna pruritus cf. L. (20) N. of a son of Saṃkṛti cf. BhP. ix, 21, 2 du. parents cf. MBh. (21) m. pl. parents and other venerable persons cf. Mn. iv cf. Vikr. v, 10 cf. Kathās (22) a honorific appellation of a preceptor (whose N. is also put in the pl.), Jain cf. Hit. (23) ([ vI ]), f. ` venerable woman ', a mother cf. Āp. i, 21, 9 (24) ` great (with child) ', pregnant, a pregnant woman cf. L. (25) the wife of a teacher cf. W. (26) [ cf. ? ; Lat. [ gravis ] ; Goth. [ kauriths ] ; Lith. [ gi'eras ]. ]

===> guru-bhāra [ gurubhAra ]3[ gur'u-bhAra ] m. ` of heavy weight ', N. of a son of Garuḍa cf. MBh. v, 3598

===> guru-dāra [ gurudAra ]3[ gur'u-dAra ] m. sg. the teacher's wife cf. Āp. i, 25, 10

===> guru-jana [ gurujana ]3[ gur'u-jana ] m. any venerable or elderly person (father, mother, the elders of a family &c.)

===> guru-kāra [ gurukAra ]3[ gur'u-kAra ] m. worship, adoration cf. L.

===> guru-kṛta [ gurukRta ]3[ gur'u-kRta ] mfn. highly prized or praised cf. Bhartṛ. (cf. ŚārṅgP.) (1) worshipped cf. W.

===> guru-lāghava [ gurulAghava ]3[ gur'u-lAghava ] n. great and small importance, relative importance or value cf. Mn. ix, 299 cf. MBh. iii, xiii cf. R. cf. Śak. v, 27/28 (1) length and shortness of vowels, Śrut

===> guru-pūjā [ gurupUjA ]3[ gur'u-pUjA ] f. the worship of one's spiritual teacher cf. VarYogay. iv, 40 (1) the ceremonies in propitiation of Bṛhaspati when a work is to be performed or undertaken cf. W.

===> guru-śuśrūṣā [ guruzuzrUSA ]3[ gur'u-zuzrUSA ] f. obedience to one's Guru or Gurus cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. PārGṛ. ii cf. Viṣṇ. cf. Mn. ii cf. MBh. &c.

===> guruka [ guruka ]2[ guruka ] mfn. a little heavy cf. MBh. iii, 11477 (1) (said of limbs slightly affected with sickness) cf. Suśr. i, 31, 22 ; iv, 5, 41 (2) (in prosody) long, Śrut. 12 f.

===> gurutara [ gurutara ]3[ gur'u-tara ] mfn. heavier, very heavy cf. MBh. iii, 13293 (1) heavy, xii, 6856 (2) greater, worse, very hard or bad cf. Mn. vii, ix, xi cf. MBh. &c. (3) more important, very important or valuable cf. Vikr. iv, 31 cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Pañcat (4) more venerable cf. MBh. (5) very venerable cf. R. ii, 79, 2

===> gurutva [ gurutva ]3[ gur'u-tva ] n. weight, heaviness cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. cf. Pañcat (1) (in prosody) length (of a vowel) cf. TPrāt. xxiv, 5 (2) burden, trouble cf. W. (3) severity, violence (of medical treatment) cf. Suśr. (4) dulness cf. Sarvad. xv, 158 (5) greatness, magnitude cf. W. (6) respectability, dignity, venerableness cf. Ragh. x, 65 (7) the office of a teacher cf. MBh. v, 178, 44

===> gurutā [ gurutA ]3[ gur'u-tA ] f. weight, heaviness cf. Śak. ii, 2 cf. Suśr. (1) ` heaviness ' and ` dignity ' cf. Sāh. iii, 52 a/b (2) burden, trouble cf. R. ii, 27, 22 (3) importance cf. Śiś. ix, 22 (4) the office of a teacher cf. Kathās. xix

===> gurviṇī [ gurviNI ]2[ gurviNI ] f. (for [ °rvI ] formed after [ garbhiNI ]) pregnant, a pregnant woman cf. MBh. xiv, 1843 cf. MārkP. xxvii, 20 (1) an irr. species of Āryā metre

===> gurvī [ gurvI ]2[ gurvI ] f. of [ °r'u ]

===> guḍa [ guDa ]1[ guDa ] m. (cf. [ guTikA ], [ gula ] (1) √ [ guD ] cf. Uṇ. 1) a globe or ball cf. MBh. iii, vii (2) a ball to play with (cf. [ giri- ]) cf. L. (3) a pill cf. ŚārṅgS. xiii, 1 (4) a bit, mouthful cf. L. (5) sugar which forms itself into lumps, dry sugar, treacle, molasses, first thickening of the juice of the sugar-cane by boiling cf. Kāty. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (6) an elephant's trappings or armour cf. L. (7) the cotton tree cf. L. (8) Euphorbia antiquorum cf. L. (9) (pl.) N. of a people (in Madhya-deśa) cf. VarBṛS. xiv, 3 (10) ([ A ]), f. a small ball, pill cf. L. (11) the reed [ uzIrI ] cf. L. (12) Euphorbia antiquorum cf. Car. vii, 10 (13) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. L. (cf. [ gauDa ], [ bahu-guDA ].)

===> guṇa [ guNa ]1[ guN'a ] m. (√ [ grah ] cf. Uṇ.) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e. g. [ tri-g° ], q. v.), string or thread, rope cf. TS. vii cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kum. cf. Ragh (1) a garland cf. W. (2) a bow-string cf. R. iii, 33, 16 ([ cApa- ]) cf. Ragh. ix, 54 cf. Ṛitus. cf. Hit. (3) (in geom.) a sinew (4) the string of a musical instrument, chord cf. Śiś. iv, 57: ifc. (f. [ A ]) with numerals ` fold, times ' ([ c'atur- ], [ tri- ], [ daza- ], [ dv'i- ], [ paJca- ] (5) rarely the numeral stands by itself along with [ guN'a ] [ e. g. [ viziSTo dazabhir guNaiH ], ` of ten times higher value ' cf. Mn. ii, 85 ] cf. AV. x, 8, 43 cf. MBh. iii, 15649 cf. Hariv. 509 (6) [ [ guNa ] = [ bhAga ] ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 47 cf. Kāś.) (7) a multiplier, co-efficient (in alg.) (8) subdivision, species, kind (e. g. [ gandhasya guNAH ], the different kinds of smell cf. MBh. xii, 6847) (9) the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace, war, march, halt, stratagem, and recourse to the protection of a mightier king) cf. Mn. vii, 160 cf. Yājñ. i, 346 cf. MBh. ii, 155 (10) = [ up^aya ] (q. v., denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) cf. R. v, 81, 41 (11) ` requisite ', [ °N^op^eta ] (12) a secondary element, subordinate or unessential part of any action (e. g. [ sarva-g° ] mfn. ` reaching to all subordinate parts ', hence ` valid throughout ' cf. KātyŚr.) cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. R. v, 1, 71 (13) an auxiliary act cf. ŚāṅkhBr. xxvi, 4 (14) a secondary dish (opposed to [ anna ] i. e. rice or the chief dish), side-dish cf. Mn. iii, 224 ff (15) (= [ -karman ], in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of an action cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 51 cf. Sch. (16) a quality, peculiarity, attribute or property cf. Lāṭy. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. Mn. iii, ix, &c. (17) an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense (18) thus 1. ether has [ zabda ], or sound for its Guṇa and the ear for its organ (19) 2. the air has tangibility and sound for its Guṇas and the skin for its organ (20) 3. fire or light has shape or colour, tangibility, and sound for its Guṇas, and the eye for its organs (21) 4. water has flavour, shape, tangibility, and sound for its Guṇas, and the tongue for its organ (22) 5. earth has the preceding Guṇas, with the addition of its own peculiar Guṇa of smell, and the nose for its organ) cf. Mn. i, 20 and 76-78 cf. MBh. xii, 6846 ff. cf. Śak. i, 1 cf. BhP. iii, 5, 35 (23) (in Śāṃkhya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakṛti, chief quality of all existing beings (viz. [ sattva ], [ rajas ], and [ tamas ] i. e. goodness, passion, and darkness, or virtue, foulness, and ignorance (24) cf. cf. RTL. pp. 31 ; 36 ; 163) cf. Mn. i ; iii, 40 ; xii, 24 ff. cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Bhag. xiii f. (25) (hence) the number ` three ' cf. VarBṛS. iic, 1 (26) a property or characteristic of all created things (in Nyāya phil. twenty-four Guṇas are enumerated, viz. 1. [ rUpa ], shape, colour (27) 2. [ rasa ], savour (28) 3. [ gandha ], odour (29) 4. [ sparza ], tangibility (30) 5. [ saMkhyA ], number (31) 6. [ parimANa ], dimension (32) 7. [ pRthaktva ], severalty (33) 8. [ saMyoga ], conjunction (34) 9. [ vibhAga ], disjunction (35) 10. [ paratva ], remoteness (36) 11. [ aparatva ], proximity (37) 12. [ gurutva ], weight (38) 13. [ dravatva ], fluidity (39) 14. [ sneha ], viscidity (40) 15. [ zabda ], sound (41) 16. [ buddhi ] or [ jJAna ], understanding or knowledge (42) 17. [ sukha ], pleasure (43) 18. [ duHkha ], pain (44) 19. [ icchA ], desire ; 20. [ dveSa ], aversion ; 21. [ prayatna ], effort ; 22. [ dharma ], merit or virtue ; 23. [ adharma ], demerit ; 24. [ saMskAra ], the self-reproductive quality) (45) an epithet cf. KātyŚr. (46) good quality, virtue, merit, excellence cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (47) the merit of composition (consistency, elegance of expression, &c.) cf. Kāvyâd. i, 41 f. cf. Kpr. viii cf. Sāh. viii (48) the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number, viz. the 8 [ bAhya-prayatnAs ] [ q. v. ] and the 3 accents) cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 and 50 (cf. [ -mAtra ]) (49) the first gradation of a vowel, the vowels [ a ] (with [ ar ], [ al ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 51), [ e ], [ o ] cf. Nir. x, 17 cf. RPrāt. xi, 6 cf. Pāṇ. (50) an organ of sense cf. L. (51) a cook (cf. [ -kAra ]) cf. L. (52) Bhīma-sena (cf. [ -kAra ]) cf. L. (53) ([ A ]), f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana cf. L. (54) the plant [ mAMsarohiNI ] cf. L. (55) N. of a princess cf. Rājat. iv, 695 (cf. [ nir- ], [ vi- ], [ sa- ] (56) [ gauNa ].)

===> guṇa-bhadra [ guNabhadra ]3[ guN'a-bhadra ] m. N. of the author of the Atm^anuśāsana

===> guṇa-dharma [ guNadharma ]3[ guN'a-dharma ] m. the virtue or duty incident to the possession of certain qualities (as clemency is the virtue and duty of royalty &c.) cf. W.

===> guṇa-doṣa [ guNadoSa ]3[ guN'a-doSa ] m. du. virtue and vice cf. Mn. (1) n. sg. id. cf. R. iii, 44, 8 (2) [ -par^ikSaNa ] n. test or investigation of merits and defects cf. W. (3) [ °SI-karaNa ] n. making a defect out of a merit cf. Kuval

===> guṇa-gaṇa [ guNagaNa ]3[ guN'a-gaNa ] m. a number or series of good qualities cf. BhP. v, 3, 11 (1) [ -vat ] mfn. endowed with a number of good qualities cf. Bhām. i, 19

===> guṇa-ghātin [ guNaghAtin ]3[ guN'a-ghAtin ] mfn. ` destroying merit ', detractor, envious cf. Hit.

===> guṇa-grāhin [ guNagrAhin ]3[ guN'a-grAhin ] mfn. id. cf. Ratnâv. i, 5 cf. Priy. i, 3

===> guṇa-ketu [ guNaketu ]3[ guN'a-ketu ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit. i, 68

===> guṇa-mati [ guNamati ]3[ guN'a-mati ] m., N. of a cf. Buddh. teacher cf. Lalit.

===> guṇa-nidhi [ guNanidhi ]3[ guN'a-nidhi ] m. ` treasury of good qualities ', an excellent man (1) N. of a man cf. SkandaP.

===> guṇa-prabha [ guNaprabha ]3[ guN'a-prabha ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. teacher

===> guṇa-priya [ guNapriya ]3[ guN'a-priya ] mfn. fond of merit or excellence cf. W.

===> guṇa-ratna [ guNaratna ]3[ guN'a-ratna ] n. ` pearl of good qualities ', N. of a short collection of sentences by Bhava-bhūti (1) ` pearl of qualities ', N. of wk. on Nyāya phil. (2) [ -koza-stotra ] n. N. of a hymn by Parāśara-bhaṭṭa (3) [ -maya ] mfn. possessed of pearl-like virtues cf. HPariś. ii (4) [ -mAlA ] f. N. of a medical work cf. Bhpr.

===> guṇa-rāja-prabhāsa [ guNarAjaprabhAsa ]3[ guN'a-rAjaprabhAsa ] m. N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit. xx

===> guṇa-saṃgraha [ guNasaMgraha ]3[ guN'a-saMgraha ] m. a collection of merits or properties cf. BhP. iv, 20, 26 (1) = [ -grahaNa ] cf. W.

===> guṇa-sāgara [ guNasAgara ]3[ guN'a-sAgara ] m. = [ -samudra ] cf. MBh. iii, 16762 cf. R. ii cf. Śukas (1) Brahmā cf. L. (2) N. of a Buddha cf. L. (3) of a prince cf. Kathās. cxxiii (4) mfn. endowed with all good qualities cf. W.

===> guṇa-varman [ guNavarman ]3[ guN'a-varman ] m. N. of a man cf. Kathās. xviii, 74

===> guṇa-viśeṣa [ guNavizeSa ]3[ guN'a-vizeSa ] m. a different property cf. W.

===> guṇa-yoga [ guNayoga ]3[ guN'a-yoga ] m. ` contact with a cord ' and ` contact with any one's peculiarities ' cf. KapS. iv, 26 (1) the application of the secondary sense of a word cf. W.

===> guṇa-yukta [ guNayukta ]3[ guN'a-yukta ] mfn. ` bound with a cord ' and ` possessed with virtues. '

===> guṇa-śabda [ guNazabda ]3[ guN'a-zabda ] m. the twang of a bowstring cf. Divyâv (1) (= [ vacana ]) an adjective cf. L.

===> guṇatva [ guNatva ]3[ guN'a-tva ] n. the condition of a string cf. Hit. (1) subordination cf. KātyŚr. (2) the possession of qualities cf. Sarvad. x, 35 and 52 (3) excellence cf. Suśr. i, 45, 7, 19 (4) multiplication cf. W.

===> guṇavat [ guNavat ]3[ guN'a-vat ] mfn. ` furnished with a thread or string ' and ` endowed with good qualities '
cf. Pañcat. cf. ŚārṅgP. cf. Subh (1) endowed with the five qualities or attributes of elements cf. Sāṃkhyak. 60 (2) endowed with good qualities or virtues or merits or excellences, excellent, perfect cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) m. N. of a son of Guṇavatī cf. Hariv. 8840 (4) ([ tI ]), f. N. of a combination of three Ślokas forming all one phrase cf. Kāvyâd. i, 13 cf. Sch. (5) of a daughter (of Sunābha and wife of Sāmba cf. Hariv. 8762 ; 8779 ; 8840 (6) of the prince Guṇa-sāgara cf. Kathās. cxxiii) (7) [ -tama ] mfn. (superl.) most excellent cf. Yājñ. ii, 78 (8) [ -tara ] mfn. (compar.) more excellent cf. Mn. v, 113 cf. R. iii cf. Pañcat (9) [ -tA ] f. the state of possessing qualities cf. W. (10) possession of good qualities or virtues, excellence cf. MBh. xiv, 86 cf. R. ii cf. Ragh. viii (11) [ -tva ] n. the state of possessing qualities cf. Sāh. i, 2/3, 37 f.

===> guṇin [ guNin ]2[ guNin ] mfn. ` furnished with a string or rope (as a hunter) ' and endowed with good qualities ' cf. ŚārṅgP. cf. Subh (1) containing parts, cosisisting of parts cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 47 cf. Vārtt. 1 (2) endowed with good qualities or merits cf. ŚvetUp. vi cf. Mn. viii, 73 cf. Yājñ. &c. (3) auspicious (a day) cf. Daś. vii, 296 f. (4) endowed with the good qualities of or contained in (in comp.) cf. MārkP. xxvii, 9 (5) requiring the first gradation (a vowel) cf. Kāt. iii f. (6) ` possessing qualities ' or (m.) ` quality-possessor ', object, thing, noun, substantive cf. Yājñ. iii, 69 cf. BhP. ii, 8, 14 (7) m. ` furnished with a string ', a bow cf. L.

===> guṇita [ guNita ]2[ guNita ] mfn. multiplied (with, instr. or in comp.) cf. MBh. iii, 7030 cf. Vikr. iii, 22 cf. VarBṛS. liii cf. Pañcat (1) augmented, intensified cf. Megh. 107 (2) often practised cf. Bālar. viii, 26 (3) connected or filled with (in comp.) cf. BhP. xi, 7, 66 (cf. [ aNu- ], [ pari- ], [ pra- ].)

===> guṇya [ guNya ]2[ guNya ] mfn. endowed with good qualities or virtues cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 120 cf. Vārtt. cf. Pat. (1) to be enumerated cf. W. (2) to be described or praised cf. W. (3) to be multiplied, multiplicand cf. Āryabh. ii, 23 cf. Sch. ([ -tva ] n.)

===> [ guNya ]1[ guNya ] [ guN'a ]

===> guṇâbhilāṣin [ guNAbhilASin ]3[ guN^abhilASin ] mfn. = [ °Na-gRdhnu ] cf. Ragh. iii, 36

===> guṇâgra-dhārin [ guNAgradhArin ]3[ guN^agra-dhArin ] m. ` endowed with the best qualities ', N. of a man, Lālit. xiii, 163

===> guṇâkara [ guNAkara ]3[ guN^akara ] m. a mine or multitude of merits, one endowed with all virtues cf. MārkP. xx, 20 (1) (= [ °Na-rAzi ]) Śiva (2) N. of Śākya-muni cf. L. (3) of a poet cf. ŚārṅgP. (4) of a minister cf. Kathās. lxix (5) of a Buddhist, mf ([ A ]) n. possessing all excellences cf. Lalit. xx, 43 (6) [ -sUri ] m. N. of the author of a cf. Comm. on cf. Bhakt^am

===> guṇânvita [ guNAnvita ]3[ guN^anvita ] mfn. id., vi, 4 (1) endowed with virtues, excellent cf. Mn. ii, vii (ifc. with [ rUpa ]) cf. Vedântas (2) auspicious (a Nakshatra) cf. Mn. ii. 30

===> guṇâḍhya [ guNADhya ]3[ guN^aDhya ] mfn. rich in virtues or excellences cf. R. i, 7, 6 (1) m. N. of the famous author of the Bṛhat-kathā, Vāsav. 346 cf. Kshem. cf. Kathās. i, vi (2) = [ °Dhyaka ] cf. Gal.

===> guṭikā [ guTikA ]1[ guTikA ] f. a small globe or ball cf. Mṛcch. v, 11/12, 5 [ 356,3 ] (1) a pill cf. Suśr. (2) a pearl cf. Ragh. v, 70 (v. l. [ gulikA ])

---> a small pustule cf. W. (3) the cocoon of the silk-worm cf. W. (4) a goblet cf. Ānand. (cf. [ guDa ].)

===> gādha [ gAdha ]2[ gAdha ] mf ([ A ]) n. (ifc. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 4) offering firm standing-ground, fordable (as a river), not very deep, shallow, KaushBr. ii, 9 cf. Nir. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ 'am ]), n. ground for standing on in water, shallow place, ford cf. RV. cf. TS. iv cf. ŚBr. xii cf. TāṇḍyaBr. &c. (with [ bhAradvAjasya ], N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.) (2) m. id. cf. R. v, 94, 12 (3) = [ sthAna ] cf. L. (4) desire, cupidity cf. L. (5) m. pl., N. of a people cf. AV. Pariś. li, 22

===> gāla [ gAla ]1[ gAla ]1. and 2. √ 1. and 2. [ gal ]

===> gāmbhīrya [ gAmbhIrya ]2[ gAmbhIrya ] mfn. being in the depths cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 58 (1) n. deepness, depth (of water, sound, &c.) cf. MBh. xiii, 4637 cf. R. (2) (of the voice of a Jaina saint), V. (3) depth or profundity of character, earnestness cf. R. &c. (4) depth of meaning, deep recondite sense cf. W. (5) dignity. cf. Kathās. lxxxvi, 32 (6) generosity, cxxiv, 83 (7) calmness, composure cf. Daśar. ii, 12 cf. Sāh. iii, 50 and 53 (8) (in rhet.) a hidden allusion, Pratāpar

===> gāmin [ gAmin ]2[ gAmin ] mfn. going anywhere (local adv. [ cf. MBh. i ] or acc. [ cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 cf. Kāś. ] or [ prati ] cf. MBh. iv) (1) (in the following meanings only) ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 cf. Vārtt. 1) going or moving on or in or towards or in any peculiar manner cf. Mn. iii, 10 cf. MBh. &c. (2) having sexual intercourse with cf. Yājñ. ii, 234 (cf. [ mAtR-g° ]) (3) reaching or extending to cf. R. v cf. VarBṛS. (4) coming to one's share, due cf. Yājñ. ii cf. MBh. xiii cf. Hariv. cf. Śak. &c. (5) attaining, obtaining cf. Mālav. v, 12/13 (6) directed towards cf. Mn. xi, 56 cf. Bhag. viii, 8 (7) relating to cf. MBh. ii, 26 cf. Sāh. vi, 180 (cf. [ agra- ], [ anta- ], [ anya- ], [ Azu- ], [ Rtu- ], [ kAma- ].)

===> gāndharva [ gAndharva ]1[ gAndharv'a ] mf ([ g'AndharvI- ]) n. belonging or relating to the Gandharvas (especially [ vivAha ], or [ vidhi ], the form of marriage called after the Gandharvas which requires only mutual agreement cf. ĀśvGṛ. i, 6, 5 cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. i, &c. [ 353,3 ] (1) cf. [ gandharva-vivAha ]) cf. RV. x, 80, 6 cf. ŚBr. xiv &c. (2) relating to the Gandharvas as heavenly choristers (cf. [ -kalA ], [ -veda ], &c.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (3) m. (= [ gandh° ] g. [ prajJ^adi ] cf. Gaṇar. 175) a singer cf. R. vii, 94, 6 cf. VarBṛS. xv, xxxii (4) N. of a musical note cf. Hariv. 16291 cf. VāyuP. i, 21, 30 (5) of one of the 9 divisions of Bhārata-varsha cf. VP. ii, 3, 7 (6) n. the art of the Gandharvas, song, music, concert cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (7) N. of a Tantra (8) ([ I ]), f. speech (according to the legend that the gods gave speech to the Gandharvas and received from them the Soma in return cf. AitBr. i, 27 &c.) cf. Naigh. i, 11 (9) N. of Durgā cf. Hariv. 10243 (v. l. [ gandharvA ]) (10) N. of an Apsaras cf. VP.

===> gāndharvika [ gAndharvika ]2[ gAndharvika ] m. a singer, vc, 21 cf. Kathās. lxiii

===> gāndhika [ gAndhika ]1[ gAndhika ] m. (fr. [ gandh'a ]), a vender of perfumes, perfumer (kind of mixed caste cf. Parāś) cf. Kād. cf. Sāh. iii, 40/41 and 46/47 (1) a clerk cf. L. (2) a kind of worm having a strong fetid smell ([ gAndhipokA ], a tree-bug) cf. L. (3) n. fragrant wares, perfumes cf. Pañcat. i, 17 (4) ([ I ]), f. a female vender of perfumes cf. Parāś

===> gāndhāra [ gAndhAra ]1[ gAndhAra ] mfn. fr. [ gandh° ] g. [ kacch^adi ] and [ sindhv-Adi ] (1) ([ g'Andh° ]), m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 169) a prince of the Gāndhāris cf. ŚBr. viii, 1, 4, 10 cf. AitBr. vii, 34 cf. Hariv. 8395 ([ -kanyA ]) (2) N. of a prince (from whom the Gāndhāras derive their origin), 1839 cf. BhP. ix, 23, 14 (3) the third of the 7 primary notes of music cf. MBh. iv, xii, xiv cf. VarBṛS. lxxxvi, 40 (4) (also personified as a son of Rāga Bhairava) (5) minium or red lead cf. L. (6) m. pl., N. of a people and of their country (north-east of Peshawar and giving its N. to Kandahar (7) Pāṇini is said to have been a Gāndhāra (8) cf. [ gandh° ], [ gandhAri ], [ gAndhAri ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. iv, vii cf. VarBṛS. &c. (9) n. gum myrrh cf. L. (10) (= [ gaJjAkinI ]) the points of hemp (11) ([ I ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 14 cf. Vārtt. 4 cf. Pat.) a princess of the Gāndhāris (esp. the wife of Dhṛta-rāshṭra) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. i, ix (12) N. of a Vidyā-devī cf. MBh. iii, 14562 (13) (fulfilling the commands of the twenty-first Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. Jain.) (14) (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī (15) Alhagi Maurorum cf. L. (16) a particular vein in the left eye cf. Goraksh. 26 (17) a kind of fly cf. Gal.

===> gārhasthya [ gArhasthya ]2[ gArhasthya ] (sometimes wrongly spelt [ °stha ]), mfn. (fr. [ gRha-stha ]), fit for or incumbent on a householder cf. MBh. ix, xiii (1) n. the order or estate of a householder, of the father or mother of a family cf. Gaut. iii, 36 cf. MBh. i, iii cf. R. ii, &c. (2) household, domestic affairs cf. MBh. xiv, 162 cf. BhP. iii ; ix, 6, 47

===> gārhya [ gArhya ]2[ gArhya ] mfn. (fr. [ gRh'a ]), domestic

===> gāthā [ gAthA ]2[ gAthA ] f. of [ °th'a ], q. v.

===> [ gAthA ]3[ g'AthA ]

===> gātra [ gAtra ]2[ g'Atra ] n. ` instrument of moving ', a limb or member of the body cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (ifc. [ A ] [ cf. MBh. ix cf. Pañcat. ii, 4, 3/4 ] or [ I ] [ cf. Mṛcch. i, 21 cf. Śak. cf. Kum. &c. ], cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 54 cf. Kāś.) (1) the body cf. Mn. iv, 122 ; 169 cf. Nal. &c. (2) the forequarter of an elephant (cf. [ gAtr^avara ]) cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. L. (4) the earth cf. Naigh. i, 1 (5) m. N. of a son of Vasishṭha cf. VP. i, 10, 13 cf. VāyuP. (6) mfn. = [ -yuta ] cf. L.

===> [ gAtra ]2[ g'Atra ]

===> gāvī [ gAvI ]2[ gAvI ] f3. (in dialect) for [ g'o ], a cow cf. Pat. Introd. 35 ; 94 (1) 97, and on cf. Vārtt. 6

===> gāya [ gAya ]2[ gAya ]1 [ uru-g° ]

===> [ gAya ]2[ gAya ]2 n. ` a song ', [ uttama- ], [ sAma- ]

===> [ gAya ]1[ gAya ]1. and 2 √ 1. [ gA ] and 3. [ gA ]

===> [ gAya ]1[ gAya ]3 mfn. relating to Gaya cf. AitBr. v, 2, 12

===> gāyatrī [ gAyatrI ]3[ gAyatr'I ] &c. cf. ib.

===> gāḍha [ gADha ]2[ gADha ] mfn. dived into, bathed in cf. Ragh. ix, 72 (1) ` deeply entered ', pressed together, tightly drawn, closely fastened, close, fast (opposed to [ zithila ]) cf. MBh. iv, 152 (said of a bow) cf. R. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) thick, dense cf. L. (3) strong, vehement, firm cf. MBh. &c. (4) ([ am ], in comp. [ a- ]), ind. tightly, closely, firmly cf. Mṛcch. cf. Megh. cf. Suśr. &c. (5) strongly, much, very much, excessively, heavily cf. MBh. &c.

===> gāḍha-muṣṭi [ gADhamuSTi ]3[ gADha-muSTi ] mfn. ` close-fisted ', avaricious, niggardly cf. L. (1) m. a scymitar cf. L.

===> gāḍhatara [ gADhatara ]3[ gADha-tara- ] in comp. or ind. more tightly or closely or firmly cf. Pañcat. cf. Amar. [ 355,1 ]

===> gāṇitika [ gANitika ]2[ gANitika ] m. (fr. [ gaNita ]), an arithmetician cf. Līl

===> gīta [ gIta ]1[ gIt'a ] mfn. (√ [ gai ]) sung, chanted, praised in songs cf. Mn. ix, 42 cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. singing, song cf. VS. xxx cf. TBr. iii cf. ŚBr. iii, vi cf. Āp. &c. (2) N. of four hymns addressed to Kṛshṇa (3) ([ A ]), f. a song, sacred song or poem, religious doctrines declared in metrical form by an inspired sage (cf. Agastyagīt'a. Bhagavad-gīt'a [ often called Gītā cf. Prab. vi, 9/10 &c. ], Rāma-gīt'a, Śiva-gīt'a) (4) N. of a metre

===> gīti [ gIti ]2[ gIti ] f. song, singing cf. Nir. x cf. Lāṭy. cf. Jaim. cf. Śak (1) a metre consisting of 4 lines of 12 and 18 syllabic instants alternately

===> gīḥ [ gIH ]2[ gIH ] (in comp. for 1. [ g'ir ])

===> gūtha [ gUtha ]2[ gUtha ] m. (also n. g. [ ardharc^adi ]) ` feces, ordure ' (in the Pāyāsi-sutta in Pāli), [ karNa- ]

===> [ gUtha ]1[ gUtha ] [ °thaka ], [ gUna ], √ 1. [ gU ]

===> gūḍha [ gUDha ]1[ gUDha ] √ 1. [ guh ]

===> gṛddha [ gRddha ]2[ gRddha ] mfn. desirous of, eagerly longing for (loc.) cf. MBh.

===> gṛdhra [ gRdhra ]2[ g'Rdhra ] mfn. desiring greedily or fervently cf. RV. (1) eager for, desirous of (in comp.) cf. MBh. vii, 210 cf. Pañcat. cf. BhP. xi (2) m. a vulture cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. v cf. AdbhBr. cf. Mn. &c. (3) N. of a son of Kṛshṇa, Bhp. x, 61, 16 (4) of a Ṛshi in the 14th Manv-antara cf. VP. (5) of a Rakshas cf. GaṇP. (6) ([ I ]), f. a female vulture cf. Yājñ. iii, 256 cf. Prab. iv, 3 (7) = [ °dhrikA ] cf. Hariv. 223 ; [ cf. Old Germ. [ giir ] [ 361,3 ] ; Mod. Germ. [ geier ]. ]

===> gṛdhra-kūṭa [ gRdhrakUTa ]3[ g'Rdhra-kUTa ] m. ` vulture-peak ', N. of a mountain near Rājagṛha cf. MBh. xii, 1797 cf. Lalit. &c. cf. Hit.

===> gṛha [ gRha ]2[ gRh'a ] m. an assistant, servant cf. RV. x, 119, 13 (1) (m. sg. and pl., in later language m. pl. and n. sg.) a house, habitation, home cf. RV. ([ mRn-m'aya g° ], ` house of earth ', grave, vii, 89, 1) cf. AV. ([ adhar'Ad g° ], ` the lower world ', ii, 14, 3) &c. (2) (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. R. i, 5, 9 (3) [ I ] cf. Pañcat. i, 17, 5) (4) ifc. with names of gods ` a temple ' (cf. [ caNDikA- ], [ devatA- ]), of plants ` a bower ' (5) m. pl. a house as containing several rooms cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (6) the inhabitants of a house, family cf. ŚBr. i cf. BhP. iii, 2, 7 cf. Kathās. xx, 21 (7) a wife cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 144 cf. Kāś (8) m. a householder cf. BhP. xi, 8, 9 (9) n. a wife cf. Pañcat. iii, 7, 13 (10) a sign of the zodiac cf. VarBṛS. vci, civ (11) an astrological mansion cf. VarBṛ. i, iv f. (12) N. of the 4th astrological mansion, i, 16 (13) a square (in chess or in any similar game) cf. Kād. i, 48 cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 9, Kaiy (14) a name, appellation cf. L. (cf. [ anti- ], [ bhumi- ], [ zayyA- ], [ su ]) (cf. Zd. [ geredha ] ; Got. [ gards ] ; Lat. [ hortus ].)

===> gṛha-dvāra [ gRhadvAra ]3[ gRh'a-dvAra ] n. a house-door cf. Gobh. iv, 7, 20

===> gṛha-pati [ gRhapati ]3[ gRh'a-pati ] ([ °h'a- ]), m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 18) the master of a house, householder cf. RV. vi, 53, 2 cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. iv, viii cf. Kauś. &c. (1) N. of Agni cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. i, v cf. MBh. iii, 14211 ; xii, 8883 (gen. pl. [ °tinAm ] metrically for [ °tInAm ]) (2) for [ graha-p° ] (q. v.) (3) a householder of peculiar merit (giving alms and performing all the prescribed ceremonies), esp. one who has the precedence at a grand sacrifice ([ sattr'a ]) cf. AitBr. v, viii cf. ŚBr. viii, xi f. cf. TāṇḍyaBr. &c. (4) the head or judge of a village cf. Daś. viii, 207 cf. Mṛcch. ii, 14/15, 8 cf. Sch. (5) a Brāhman of the 2nd order who after having finished his studies marries cf. W. (6) = [ dharma ] (the maintenance of a sacred and perpetual fire, the duty of a householder, hospitality &c.) cf. L. (7) = [ -vitta ] cf. L.

===> gṛha-patnī [ gRhapatnI ]3[ gRh'a-patnI ] ([ °h'a- ]), f. the mistress of a house, a householder's wife cf. RV. x, 85, 26 cf. AV. cf. Kauś. 23 f.

===> gṛha-pāta [ gRhapAta ]3[ gRh'a-pAta ] m. the falling in (of a house) cf. Kathās. xxviii

===> gṛha-stha [ gRhastha ]3[ gRh'a-stha ] mfn. ifc. living or staying in any one's house cf. MBh. (1) m. a householder, Brāhman in the 2nd period of his religious life (performing the duties of the master of a house and father of a family after having finished his studies and after investiture with the sacred thread (2) cf. cf. RTL. pp. 138 ; 150 ; 362 & 386) cf. Gaut. cf. Āp. cf. Mn. cf. BhP. vii, &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. a housewife cf. Vet. ii, 9/10 (4) [ -tA ] f. the office of a householder cf. Mcar. iv, 33 (5) [ -dharma ] m. a householder's duty cf. Hit. (6) [ °sth^azrama ] m. the order of a householder cf. Mn. iii, 2 (7) [ °sth^opaniSad ] f. religious knowledge of a householder cf. MBh. i, 3629

===> gṛha-svāminī [ gRhasvAminI ]3[ gRh'a-svAminI ] f. a housewife cf. Pañcad. i, 10

===> gṛha-vāsa [ gRhavAsa ]3[ gRh'a-vAsa ] m. living in one's own house, office of a householder cf. MBh. xiii

===> gṛhi [ gRhi ]2[ gRhi ] only gen. pl. [ °hINAm ], [ °h'in ] (1) for [ °haye ] (Ved. inf.), √ [ grah ]

===> gṛhin [ gRhin ]2[ gRh'in ] mfn. possessing a house cf. TS. v, 5, 2, 2 (1) m. the master of a house, householder, Gṛha-stha cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. VarBṛS. cf. BhP. (gen. pl. [ °hINAm ] for [ °hiNAm ], x, 8, 4) &c. (2) ([ iNI ]), f. the mistress of a house, wife (cf. RTL. p. 397) cf. Śak. iv, 18 f. cf. Ragh. cf. Kum. cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> gṛhya [ gRhya ]2[ gRhya ]1 ind. p. Ved. ifc., ` seizing by ', [ karNa- ], [ pAda- ], and [ hasta-g'Rhya ]

---> [ haste- ]

===> [ gRhya ]2[ g'Rhya ]2 mfn. (fr. √ [ grah ]) to be grasped or taken cf. AV. v, 20, 4 cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 2, 5 (1) perceptible cf. ŚvetUp. i, 13 (2) ([ 'a- ] neg.) cf. ŚBr. xiv (3) (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 119) ` to be taken together with ' (in comp.), adhering to the party of (cf. Kāś.), being in close relation to (as the lotus to the moon) cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 179 cf. Daś. vi ; vii, 254 cf. Kir. ii, 5 cf. Bhaṭṭ. vi, 61 (4) to be acknowledged or admitted cf. W. (5) to be adopted or trusted or relied on cf. W. (6) = [ ava- ] cf. Vop. xxvi, 20 (7) n. for [ guhya ] (anus) cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 119) ifc. being outside (of a town or village, as [ senA ], an army) cf. Kāś (9) a suburb cf. L.

===> [ gRhya ]2[ g'Rhya ]3 mfn. (fr. [ gRh'a ]) belonging to a house, domestic (said of an Agni) cf. TS. v cf. MaitrS. cf. AitBr. viii, 10, 9 cf. Gobh. &c. (said of a series of ceremonies relating to family or domestic affairs, such as marriages, births &c., and treated of in the Gṛhya-sūtras, q. v.) (1) living in houses, domesticated (as animals) cf. L. (2) not free, dependent, ([ a- ] neg.) cf. Bhaṭṭ. vi, 61 (3) m. the domestic Agni cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 2, 5 (4) a domesticated animal cf. L. (5) m. pl. the inmates of a house, domestics cf. ŚBr. ii f. xii cf. KātyŚr. cf. PārGṛ. ii (6) n. a domestic rite cf. Gaut (7) a domestic rule or affair cf. BhP. x, 8, 25 cf. Hcat (8) = [ -sUtra ] (9) ([ A ]), f. domestic rites and the rules relating to them cf. Gṛhyās

===> gṛhīta [ gRhIta ]2[ gRhIt'a ] mfn. (√ [ grah ], but [ gRbhAya ]) grasped, taken, seized, caught, held, laid hold of cf. ChUp. cf. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (1) received, accepted (2) received hospitably (as a guest) cf. BhP. iii, 5, 19 (3) obtained, gained (4) ` taken on one's self ', [ -mauna ] (5) mentioned cf. Pañcat (6) perceived, understood cf. Śak. (v. l.) cf. Mudr (7) received completely into one's mind (opposed to [ adh^ita ], ` studied ', but not successfully) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 6 cf. Kāś. cf. BhP. i, 2, 12

===> gṛhītavya [ gRhItavya ]2[ gRhItavya ] mfn. (for [ grah° ]) to be seized or taken or accepted from (abl.) cf. MBh. iv, 1481 f. (1) to be understood, meant cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 20 cf. Sch.

===> gṛhītvā [ gRhItvA ]2[ gRhItv'A ] ind. p. √ [ grah ], q. v. [ 363,1 ]

===> gṛhṇat [ gRhNat ]2[ gRhN'at ]

===> ha [ ha ]1[ ha ]1 the thirty-third and last consonant of the Nāgarī alphabet (in Pāṇini's system belonging to the guttural class, and usually pronounced like the English [ h ] in [ hard ] (1) it is not an original letter, but is mostly derived from an older [ gh ], rarely from [ dh ] or [ bh ])

===> [ ha ]1[ ha ]2 (only cf. L.), m. a form of Śiva or Bhairava (cf. [ nakul^iza ]) (1) water (2) a cipher (i. e. the arithmetical figure which symbolizes o) (3) meditation, auspiciousness (4) sky, heaven, paradise (5) blood (6) dying (7) fear (8) knowledge (9) the moon (10) Viṣṇu (11) war, battle (12) horripilation (13) a horse (14) pride (15) a physician (16) cause, motive (17) = [ pApa-haraNa ] (18) = [ sakopa-vAraNa ] (19) = [ zuSka ] (20) (also [ A ] f.) laughter (21) ([ A ]), f. coition (22) a lute ([ am ]), n. the Supreme Spirit (23) pleasure, delight (24) a weapon (25) the sparkling of a gem (26) calling, calling to the sound of a lute (27) (ind.) = [ aham ] (?), IndSt (28) mfn. mad, drunk

===> [ ha ]1[ ha ]3 ind. (prob. orig. identical with 2. [ gha ], and used as a particle for emphasizing a preceding word, esp. if it begins a sentence closely connected with another (1) very frequent in the Brāhmaṇas and Sūtras, and often translatable by) indeed, assuredly, verily, of course, then &c. (often with other particles, e. g. with [ tv eva ], [ u ], [ sma ], [ vai ] &c. (2) [ na ha ], ` not indeed ' (3) also with interrogatives and relatives, e. g. [ yad dha ], ` when indeed ' (4) [ kad dha ], ` what then? ' sometimes with impf. or pf. [ cf. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 116 ] (5) in later language very commonly used as a mere expletive, esp. at the end of a verse) cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> [ ha ]1[ ha ]4 mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ [ han ]) killing, destroying, removing (only ifc. (1) See [ arAti- ], [ vRtra- ], [ zatruha ] &c.)

===> [ ha ]1[ ha ]5 mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ 3. [ hA ]) abandoning, deserting, avoiding (ifc. (1) See [ an-oka- ] and [ vApI-ha ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. abandonment, desertion cf. L.

===> [ ha ]2[ ha ] See 4. [ ha ], p. 1286, col. 1

===> [ ha ]2[ ha ] See 5. [ ha ], p. 1286, col. 1

===> ha-kāra [ hakAra ]3[ ha-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ ha ] cf. MW.

===> hahava [ hahava ]1[ hahava ] n. a partic. hell (cf. [ hAhava ]) cf. Buddh.

===> haima [ haima ]2[ haima ]1 mfn. wintry, brumal, caused or produced by snow or ice cf. Ragh (1) covered with snow cf. MBh. (2) relating to or coming from the Him^alaya (as pearls) cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. (3) m. N. of a mountain cf. MBh. (4) n. hoar-frost, dew cf. W.

===> [ haima ]2[ haima ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. 3. [ heman ], of which it is also the Vṛddhi form in comp.) golden, consisting or made of gold cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) of a golden yellow colour cf. MW. (2) m. N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (3) Gentiana Cherayta cf. L. (4) (scil. [ koza ]) the lexicon of Hema-candra cf. Cat. (5) ([ A ]), f. yellow jasmine cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. L. (7) Pandanus Odoratissimus cf. L.

===> [ haima ]1[ haima ] [ haimana ] &c. See col. 1

===> haimantika [ haimantika ]2[ ha'imantika ] mfn. = prec. cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. cf. Car. (1) = [ hematam adh^ite veda vA ] g. [ vasant^adi ]

===> haimavata [ haimavata ]2[ haimavat'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (fr. [ hima-vat ]) belonging to or situated or growing on or bred in or coming or flowing from the Him^alaya mountains cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) snowy, covered with snow cf. MW. (2) m. a kind of vegetable poison cf. L. (3) a kind of demon cf. MānGṛ. (4) pl. the inhabitants of the Him^alaya mountains cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (5) N. of a school cf. Buddh. (6) ([ atI ]), f. N. of various plants (Vacā with white flowers, Terminalia Chebula, Linum Usitatissimum &c.) cf. Car. cf. Suśr. (7) a kind of drug or perfume (= [ reNukA ]) cf. L. (8) patr. of Gaṅgā cf. MBh. cf. Bālar (9) of Pārvatī or Umā cf. JaimUp. (10) of the wife of Kauśika cf. MBh. (11) of the wife of Saṃhat^aśva cf. Hariv. (12) ([ am ]), n. a pearl cf. L. (13) N. of a Varsha cf. MBh. cf. Śatr

===> hairaṇyika [ hairaNyika ]2[ hairaNyika ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. (fr. [ hiraNya ]), g. [ kAzyAdi ] (1) m. a goldsmith cf. Divyâv

===> haituka [ haituka ]2[ haituka ] mf ([ I ]) n. having a cause or reason, founded on some motive (in [ a-h° ]) cf. Bhag. cf. BhP. (1) (ifc.) caused by, dependent on cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (2) m. a reasoner, rationalist, sceptic, heretic ([ I ] f.) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a follower of the Mīmāṃsā doctrines cf. W.

===> [ haituka ]1[ haituka ] [ °kya ], See p. 1304, col. 1

===> hala [ hala ]2[ hala ] m. n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) a plough (also as a weapon, and as a land measure) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. N. of an author cf. Cat. (2) pl. N. of a country and people in the north cf. VarBṛS. (3) ([ A ]), f. the earth cf. L. (4) water cf. L. (5) spirituous liquor, wine cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. Methonica Superba cf. L. (7) ([ am ]), n. a plough cf. L. (8) a partic. constellation (reckoned among the Ākṛti-yogas), YarBṛS. (9) ugliness, deformity (= [ vairAgya ]), hindrance, obstruction (= [ prati-Sedha ]) cf. L. (10) quarrel (= [ vivAda ])

===> hala-daṇḍa [ haladaNDa ]3[ hala-daNDa ] m. the shaft or pole of a plough cf. L.

===> hala-vaṃśa [ halavaMza ]3[ hala-vaMza ] m. = [ -daNDa ] cf. L.

===> hana [ hana ]2[ hana ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. (See [ vIra-haNa ]) (1) m. killing, slaughter (See [ su-hana ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. (See [ dur-h'aNA ])

===> hanana [ hanana ]2[ hanana ] mf ([ I ]) n. killing, a killer, slayer cf. Hariv. (1) (prob.) m. a drum-stick cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) a kind of worm cf. L. (3) n. the act of striking or hitting cf. Nir. i, 1 ; 7 (4) striking off cf. Mālatīm (5) killing, destroying, removing, dispelling cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. BhP. (6) multiplication cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch.

===> hanta [ hanta ]1[ h'anta ] ind. an exclamation or inceptive particle (expressive of an exhortation to do anything or asking attention, and often translatable by ` come on! ' ` here! ' ` look! ' ` see! ' in later language also expressive of grief, joy, pity, haste, benediction &c. and translatable by ` alas! ' ` ah! ' ` oh! ' &c. (1) often repeated or joined with other particles, e. g. [ hA hanta ], [ hanta hanta ], [ hanta tarhi ]) cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> hantavya [ hantavya ]2[ hantavya ] mfn. to be slain or killed, to be punished with death cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

---> to be violated (as justice) cf. Mn. viii, 15 (1) to be refuted cf. Hcat

===> hantu-kāma [ hantukAma ]3[ hantu-kAma ] mf ([ A ]) n. ([ hantu ] for [ °tum ]) desirous of killing cf. Kathās

===> hantṛ [ hantR ]2[ hant'R ] or mf ([ trI ]) n. (the former with gen., the latter wish acc.) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer ([ -tva ] n.) cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> [ hantR ]3[ h'antR ] mf ([ trI ]) n. (the former with gen., the latter wish acc.) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer ([ -tva ] n.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) m. a partic. measure of food cf. W. (2) ([ °trI ]), f. See next

===> [ hantR ]3[ hant'R ] mfn. striking (nr ` he will strike ') down, killing, slaying RV. MBh. [ 700,3 ]

===> hanu [ hanu ]2[ hanu ]1 f. (only cf. L.) ` anything which destroys or injures life ', a weapon (1) death (2) disease (3) various kinds of drugs (4) a wanton woman, prostitute (5) m. N. of a partic. mixed tribe cf. L.

===> [ hanu ]1[ h'anu ]2 f. (accord. to cf. L. also m. (1) not fr. √ [ han ], See cognate words below) a jaw (also [ h'anU ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) n. ` cheek ', a partic. part of a spearhead cf. ŚBr. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ gena ], [ genuiinus ] ; Goth. [ 1288,1 ] [ kinnus ] ; Germ. [ Kinn ] ; Eng. [ chin ]. ]

===> hara [ hara ]1[ hara ] mf ([ A ], rarely [ I ]) n. (only ifc. (1) fr. √ 1. [ hR ]) bearing, wearing, taking, conveying, bringing (See [ kavaca- ], [ vArttA-h° ]), taking away, carrying off, removing, destroying (See [ bala- ], [ zakti-h° ]) (2) receiving, obtaining (See [ aMza-h° ]) (3) ravishing, captivating (See [ mano-h° ]) (4) m. ` Seizer ', ` Destroyer ', N. of Śiva cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) of a Dānava cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (6) of a monkey cf. R. (7) of various authors &c. cf. Cat. (8) (in arithm.) a divisor cf. Col. (9) the denominator of a fraction, division cf. ib. (10) a stallion (?) cf. L. (11) an ass cf. L. (12) fire cf. L.

===> [ hara ]2[ hara ]

===> haraṇa [ haraNa ]3[ haraNa ] &c. See p. 1289

===> hari [ hari ]2[ hari ]1 mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) bearing, carrying ([ dRti ] and [ nAtha-h° ])

===> [ hari ]1[ h'ari ]2 mfn. (prob. fr. a lost √ [ hR ], ` to be yellow or green ' (1) for 1. [ hari ] See above, col. 2) fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow, fallow, bay (esp. applied to horses), green, greenish cf. RV. &c, &c. (2) m. yellow or reddish brown or green (the colour) cf. L. (3) a horse, steed (esp. of Indra) cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) a lion cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) the sign of the zodiac Leo cf. VarBṛS. (6) the sun cf. ib. (7) = [ hari-nakSatra ] cf. ib. (8) a monkey cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (9) (cf. L. also, a ray of light (10) the moon (11) Phaseolus Mungo (12) a jackal (13) a parrot (14) a peacock (15) the Koil or Indian cuckoo (16) a goose (17) a frog (18) a snake (19) fire) (20) the wind or N. of Vāyu (god of the wind) cf. R. (21) of Indra cf. ib. &c. (22) (esp.) N. of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa (in this sense thought by some to be derived from √ [ hR ], ` to take away or remove evil or sin ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (23) of Brahmā cf. TĀr. (24) of Yama cf. L. (25) of Śiva cf. L. (26) of Śukra cf. L. (27) of Su-parṇa cf. L. (28) of a son of Garuḍa cf. MBh. (29) of a Rākshasa cf. ib. (30) of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (31) of a son of Akampaua (or Anukampana) cf. MBh. (32) of a son of Tārak^aksha cf. ib. (33) of a son of Parājit cf. Hariv. (34) of a son of Parāvṛt cf. VP. (35) of a worshipper of Viṣṇu cf. BhP. (36) of various authors and scholars (esp. of the poet Bhartṛi-hari as the author of the Vākya-padīya

---> also with [ mizra ], [ bhaTTa ], [ dIkSita ] &c.) cf. Cat. (37) of a mountain cf. VP. (38) of a world (cf. [ hari-varSa ]) cf. L. (39) of a metre cf. Col. (40) of a partic. high number cf. Buddh. (41) pl. men, people (= [ manuSyAH ]) cf. Naigh. ii, 3 (42) a partic. class of gods under Manu Tāmasa cf. Pur. (43) ([ I ]), f. N. of the mythical mother of the monkeys cf. MBh. cf. R. [ Cf. Lat. [ holus ], [ helvus ], [ fulvus ] ; Lith. [ z3'alias ], [ z3'elti ] ; Slav. [ zelen˘u ] ; Germ. [ ge10lo ], [ gelb ] ; Eng. [ yellow ]. ]

===> [ hari ]1[ hari ]3 ind. (for 1. See p. 1289, col. 2 (1) for 2. cf. ib., col. 3) an exclamation (` alas! ') cf. MW.

===> hari-varman [ harivarman ]3[ h'ari-varman ] m. N. of various men cf. Inscr. cf. Buddh. cf. Cat. (1) [ °ma-deva ] m. N. of a king cf. Inscr.

===> hari-ścandra [ harizcandra ]3[ h'ari-zcandra ] ([ h'ari- ]), mfn. (See [ candra ]) having golden splendour cf. RV. (1) m. N. of the 28th king of the solar dynasty in the Tretā age (he was son of Tri-śaṅku, and was celebrated for his piety (2) accord. to the Mārkaṇḍeya-Purāṇa he gave up his country, his wife and his son, and finally himself, to satisfy the demands of Viśvāmitra (3) after enduring incredible sufferings, he won the pity of the gods and was raised with his subjects to heaven: accord. to cf. MBh. ii, 489 &c., his performance of the Rāja-sūya sacrifice was the cause of his elevation, and in the Aitareya-Brāhmaṇa quite another legend is told about him, See under [ zunaHzepa ], p. 1082, col. 3: in later legends Hari-ścandra is represented as insidiously induced by Nārada to relate his actions with unbecoming pride, whereupon he was degraded from Svarga, one stage at each sentence, till stopping in time and doing homage to the gods he was fixed with his capital in mid-air [ 1291,1 ] (4) his aerial city is popularly believed to be still visible in the skies at particular times (5) cf. [ saubha ]) cf. Br. cf. MaitrUp. cf. MBh. &c. (6) N. of various authors &c. cf. Inscr. cf. Cat. : m. or n. (?) N. of a place cf. Cat. (7) n. N. of a Liṅga cf. MW. (8) [ -caritra ] n. N. of wk. (9) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha cf. MW. (10) [ -pura ] n. the city of Harikandra (= [ saubha ]) cf. L. (11) a mirage cf. VarBṛS. (12) [ -purANa ] n. [ -yazaz-caudra-candrikA ] f. [ °zcandr^akhyAyikA ], f. [ °zcandr^op^akhyAna ] n. N. of wks.

===> haridrā [ haridrA ]2[ haridrA ] f. Curcunia Longa, turmeric or its root ground to powder (46 synonyms of this plant are given) cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) N. of a river cf. Col.

===> harin [ harin ]2[ harin ]1 m. (m. c. for [ hari ], only in gen. pl. [ hariNAm ]) a monkey cf. R. (B.) iv. 44, 16

===> [ harin ]2[ harin ]2 in comp. for [ harit ]

===> harita [ harita ]2[ h'arita ] mf ([ A ] or [ h'ariNI ]) n. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale (also, ` pale with fright '), greenish, green (also (1) ` verdant ' as opp. to [ zuSka ] ` dry ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) m. yellowish (the colour) cf. L. (3) Phaseolus Mungo qr Lobatus cf. L. (4) a lion cf. L.

---> N. of a son of Kaiśyapa cf. ŚBr. (5) of a son of Yadu cf. Hariv. (6) of a son of Rohita cf. BhP. (7) of a son of Rohit^aśva cf. ib. (8) of a son of Yuvanāśva cf. ib. (9) of a son of Parāvṛt cf. ib. (10) of a son of Vapushmat cf. MārkP. (11) of an ichneumon (v. l. [ hariNa ]) cf. MBh. (12) pl. the descendants of Harita (also called [ harItAH ]), Āś1vŚr. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 67 cf. Vārtt. i cf. Pat.) (13) N. of partic. verses of the cf. AV. (also [ haretA mantrAH ]) cf. Cat. (14) of a class of gods in the 12th Manvantara cf. Pur. (15) ([ A ]), f. Dūrvā grass cf. Śiś. (= [ nIla-dUrva ] cf. L.) (16) turmeric cf. L. (17) a brown-coloured grape cf. L. (18) Sesbana Aegyptiaca cf. L. (19) a kind of Svara-bhakti cf. TPrāt. cf. Sch. (20) ([ am ]), n. a yellowish or greenish substance cf. ŚBr. (21) gold cf. AV. cf. Kāṭh (22) greens, vegetables cf. Viṣṇ. (` unripe grain ' cf. Sch.) (23) a kind of fragrant plant (= [ sthauNcyaka ]) cf. L.

===> harita-tṛṇa [ haritatRNa ]3[ h'arita-tRNa ] n. green grass cf. MW.

===> haritāla [ haritAla ]2[ haritAla ] m. a kind of pigeon of a yellowish green colour, Columba Hurriyals cf. L. (1) ([ I ]) f. Panicum Dactylon cf. L. (2) the blade of a sword cf. L. (3) the fourth (or third)ḍay in the light half of the month Bhādra cf. L. (4) a streak or line in the sky cf. L. (5) the atmosphere cf. L. (6) ([ am ]), n. yellow orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic (described as the seed or seminal energy of Viṣṇu, = [ harer vIryam ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> hariva [ hariva ]1[ hariva ] m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> hariṇa [ hariNa ]2[ hariN'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (the fem. [ h'ariNI ] belongs to [ harita ]) fawn-coloured, yellowish, tawny (also said of unhealthy complexion), greenish, green cf. MaitrUp. cf. MBh. (1) m. yellowish (&c.) the colour cf. L. (2) a deer, antelope, fawn, stag (one of 5 kinds, others being called [ RSya ], [ ruru ], [ pRSata ], [ mRga ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) an ichneumon cf. MaitrS. (4) a goose cf. L. (5) the sun cf. L. (6) a minor division of the world cf. W. (7) N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva cf. L. (8) of a Gaṇa of Śiva cf. L. (9) of a serpent. demon cf. MBh. (10) of an ichneumon (v. l. [ harita ]) cf. ib. (11) ([ 'I ]), f. See below

===> harmya [ harmya ]1[ harmy'a ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) said to be fr. √ [ hR ], ` to captivate or charm the mind ' (2) but rather connected with √ 2. [ ghR ] and [ gharma ], and perhaps originally signifying ` the domestic fire-hearth '), a large house, palace, mansion, any house or large building or residence of a wealthy person cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) a stronghold, prison cf. RV. v, 32, 5 ; viii, 5, 23 (4) a fiery pit, place of torment, region of darkness, the nether world cf. MW. (5) mfn. living in houses cf. ib.

===> harmya-tala [ harmyatala ]3[ harmy'a-tala ] (cf. Suśr.),

===> hartavya [ hartavya ]2[ hartavya ] mfn. to be taken or seized or appropriated or acquired cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat

===> hartṛ [ hartR ]2[ hartR ] m. one who brings or conveys, a bearer, bringer cf. Āpast. cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (1) one who seizes or takes away, a robber, thief cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) one who severs or cuts off (only [ °tA ] as fut., ` he will cut off ') cf. BhP. (3) one who imposes taxes (a king) cf. ib. (4) a remover, dispeller, destroyer cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās (5) the sun cf. MW.

===> haruṇa [ haruNa ]1[ haruNa ] m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> harītakī [ harItakI ]2[ harItakI ] f. (rarely [ °ka ] m. n.) the yellow Myrobalan tree, Terminalia Chebula (28 synonyms and seven varieties are enumerated (1) the fruit is used for dyeing yellow and as a laxative) cf. Suśr. cf. Hariv. cf. VarBṛS.

===> harṣa [ harSa ]1[ harSa ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) fr. √ [ hRS ]) bristling, erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) joy, pleasure, happiness (also personified as a son of Dharma) cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. [ 1292,3 ] (3) erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness cf. Suśr. (4) ardent desire cf. MBh. (5) N. of an Asura cf. Kathās (6) of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. BhP. (7) of various authors &c. (also with [ dIkSita ], [ mizra ], [ sUri ] &c. (8) cf. [ zrI-harSa ]) (9) mfn. happy, delighted cf. W.

===> [ harSa ]2[ harSa ]

===> harṣaṇa [ harSaNa ]2[ harSaNa ] mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect, thrilling with joy or desire, gladdening, delightful, pleasant cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) m. ` gladdener ', N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma-deva cf. Bcar. (2) of a man cf. VP. (cf. L. also, ` a partic. disease of the eyes ' (3) ` a partic. Śrāddha ' (4) ` a deity presiding over Śrāddhas ' (5) ` the 14th of the astron. cf. Yogas.) (6) n. bristling, erection cf. Suśr. (7) erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement cf. ib. (8) the act of delighting, delight, joy, happiness cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> harṣita [ harSita ]2[ harSita ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to stand erect, bristling (as hair &c.) cf. Cat. (1) gladdened, delighted, charmed, pleased, happy cf. R. cf. Hariv. (2) n. joy, delight (See [ sa-h° ])

===> hasta [ hasta ]1[ h'asta ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ], of unknown derivation) the hand (ifc. = ` holding in or by the hand ' (1) [ haste ] √ [ kR ] [ as two words ], ` to take into the hand ', ` get possession of ' (2) haste-√ [ kR ] [ as a comp. ], ` to take by the hand, marry ' (3) [ zatru-hastaM ] √ [ gam ], ` to fall into the hand of the enemy ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (4) an elephant's trunk (ifc. = ` holding with the trunk ') cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. &c. (5) the fore-arm (a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, = 24 Aṅgulas or about 18 inches) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Rājat. &c. (6) the position of the hand (= [ hasta-vinyAsa ]) cf. VPrāt. (7) hand-writing cf. Yājñ. cf. Vikr (8) the 11th (13th) lunar asterism (represented by a hand and containing five stars, identified by some with part of the constellation Corvus) cf. AV. &c. &c. (9) a species of tree cf. L. (10) (in prosody) an anapest cf. Col. (11) quantity, abundance, mass (ifc. after words signifying ` hair ' (12) cf. [ keza-h° ]) (13) N. of a guardian of the Soma cf. Sāy (14) of a son of Vasudeva cf. BhP. (15) of another man cf. Rājat (16) ([ h'astA ]), f. the hand cf. AV. xi, 124 (17) the Nakshatra Hasta cf. Pur. (18) ([ am ]), n. a pair of leather bellows cf. L. (19) mfn. born under the Nakshatra Hasta, Psṇ. iv, 3, 34. [ Cf., accord. to some Gk. ? ]

===> hasta-gata [ hastagata ]3[ h'asta-gata ] mfn. come to hand, fallen into one's possession, procured, obtained, secured ([ para-hasta-g° ], ` being in the hand or possession of another ') cf. Hariv. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> hasta-grāha [ hastagrAha ]3[ h'asta-grAha ] mfn. taking (or able to take) any one by the hand (` being in the immediate neighbourhood ' cf. R. (1) [ hasta-grAhaM ] √ [ grah ], to take any one by the hand ' cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 39) (2) m. a husband (cf. [ -grAbh'a ]) cf. Nir. cf. BhP. [ 1295,1 ]

===> hasta-maṇi [ hastamaNi ]3[ h'asta-maNi ] m. a jewel worn on the wrist cf. MW.

===> hasta-prāpta [ hastaprApta ]3[ h'asta-pr^apta ] mfn. [ -gata ] cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> hasta-pāda [ hastapAda ]3[ h'asta-pAda ] m. du. or n. sg. hands and feet cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ.

---> [ °d^adi ], the hand and feet, the extremities, limbs of the body cf. MW.

===> hasta-pṛṣṭha [ hastapRSTha ]3[ h'asta-pRSTha ] n. the back of the hand (also called [ apa-pR° ]) cf. L.

===> hasta-saṃlagnikā [ hastasaMlagnikA ]3[ h'asta-saMlagnikA ] f. (instr.) with the hand put together, Mah1vy

===> hasta-tala [ hastatala ]3[ h'asta-tala ] n. the (palm of the) hand (comp.) (1) the tip of an elephant's trunk cf. MW. (2) [ -gata ] mfn. being (al. ready) in one's hand cf. Mudr

===> hastaka [ hastaka ]2[ hastaka ] m. the hand (ifc. with f. [ ikA ] = ` holding in the hand ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) the hand as a support cf. Gīt. (2) the hand as a measure of length cf. ŚārṅgS. (3) position of the hand cf. Cat. (4) a turn-spit (v. l. [ hastika ]) cf. Hcar. (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of stringed instrument, Saṃgst

===> hasti-danta [ hastidanta ]3[ hasti-danta ] m. the tusk of an elephants ([ hAstidanta ]) (1) a pin or peg projecting from a wall cf. MW. (2) m. or n. a radish cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a radish cf. Suśr. (4) Tiaridium Indicum cf. Car. (5) n. ivory cf. MW. (6) [ phalA ] f. Cucumis Utilissimus cf. L. (7) [ -vastra-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of ivory or cloth cf. Hcat

===> hasti-kakṣya [ hastikakSya ]3[ hasti-kakSya ] m. a lion cf. L. (1) a tiger cf. ib. (2) n. N. of wk.

===> hasti-karṇa [ hastikarNa ]3[ hasti-karNa ] m. ` elephant-eared ', N. of various plants (accord. to cf. L. ` the castor-oil tree [ also the red kind ] (1) Butea Frondosa (2) Arum Macrorrhizum ') cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (3) of one of Śiva's attendants cf. L. (4) a partic. class of semi-divine beings (forming one of the Gaṇa-devatās, q. v.) cf. MW. (5) N. of a Rākshasa cf. R. (6) of a serpent-demon cf. Buddh. (7) of a locality cf. Rājat (8) [ -dala ] m. a sort of Butea cf. L. (9) [ -palAza ]. m. Butea Frondosa cf. Suśr.

===> hasti-mada [ hastimada ]3[ hasti-mada ] m. the exudation from an elephants's temples cf. L.

===> hasti-malla [ hastimalla ]3[ hasti-malla ] m. N. of Airāvata (Indra's elephants) cf. Śiś. (1) of Gaṇ^ea cf. L. (2) of Śaṅkha (the 8th of the chief Nāgas or serpents of Patala) cf. W. (3) a heap of ashes cf. ib. (4) a shower of dust cf. ib. (5) frost, cold cf. ib. (6) [ -sena ] m. N. of an author cf. Cat.

===> hasti-mukha [ hastimukha ]3[ hasti-mukha ] m. ` elephant-faced ', N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. L. (1) of a Rākshasa cf. R.

===> hasti-nāga [ hastinAga ]3[ hasti-nAga ] m. a princely elephants cf. Divyâv

===> hasti-pada [ hastipada ]3[ hasti-pada ] n. the track of an elephants cf. MBh. (1) m. ` elephants-footed ', N. of a serpent-demon cf. ib.

===> hasti-śikṣā [ hastizikSA ]3[ hasti-zikSA ] f. the art of training elephants cf. R. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kād

===> hasti-śuṇḍa [ hastizuNDa ]3[ hasti-zuNDa ] m. an elephants's trunk cf. MW. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. ib. (2) Heliotropium Indicum cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. ib. (4) colocynth cf. Npr.

===> hasti-śālā [ hastizAlA ]3[ hasti-zAlA ] f. an elephants-stable cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (1) N. of a place cf. Rājat. (could be also [ -zAla ])

===> hastin [ hastin ]2[ hastin ] mfn. having hands, clever or dexterous with the hands cf. RV. cf. AV. (1) (with [ mRga ], ` the animal with a hands i. e. with a trunk ', an elephant (2) cf. [ dantah° ]) cf. ib. (3) having (or sitting on) an elephant cf. MārkP. (4) m. an elephant (four kinds of elephant are enumerated (5) See [ bhadra ], [ mandra ], [ mRga ], [ miztra ] (6) some give [ kiliJja-h° ] ', a straw elephant ', ` effigy of an elephant made of grass ') cf. AV. &c. &c. (7) (ifc.) the chief or best of its kind, g. [ vyAghr^adi ] (8) a kind of plant (= [ aja-modA ]) cf. L. (9) N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. MBh. (10) of a son of Suhotri, (a prince of the Lunar race, described as founder of Hastina-pura) cf. ib. cf. VP. (11) of a son of Bṛhat-kshatra cf. BhP. (12) of a son of Kuru cf. Śatr (13) ([ 'inI ]), f. a female elephant cf. AV. &c. &c. (14) a kind of drug and perfume (= [ haTTa-vilAsinI ]) cf. L. (15) a woman of a partic. class (one of the 4 classes into which women are divided, described as having thick lips, thick hips, thick fingers, large breasts, dark complexion, and strong sexual passion) cf. Siṉhâs (16) N. of Hastinā-pura cf. L.

===> hastinā-pura [ hastinApura ]2[ hastinA-pura ] n. (less correctly [ hastina-p° ] or [ hastinI ].) N. of a city founded by king Hastin, q. v. (it was situated about fifty-seven miles north-east of the modern Delhi on the banks of an old channel of the Ganges, and was the capital of the kings of the Lunar line, as Ayodhyā was of the Solar dynasty (1) hence it forms a central scene of action in the Mahābhārata [ 1296,1 ] (2) here Yudhi-shṭhira was crowned after a triumphal progress through the streets of the city (3) See cf. MBh. xii, 1386-1410: other names for this celebrated town are [ gaj^ahvaya ], [ nAga-s^ahvaya ], [ nAg^ahva ], [ hActina ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c.

===> hastâbharaṇa [ hastAbharaNa ]3[ hast^abharaNa ] n. an ornament for the hand cf. MBh. (1) a kind of snake cf. Suśr.

===> hata [ hata ]3[ hata ] mfn. struck by lightning Kāṭh. [ 113,1 ]

===> [ hata ]1[ hata ] &c. See col. 2

===> [ hata ]2[ hat'a ] mfn. struck, heaten (also said of a drum), smitten, killed, slain, destroyed, ended, gone, lost (often ibc. = ` destitute of ', ` bereft of ', ` -less ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) injured, marred, hurt, wounded (lit. and fig.) cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (2) struck off (as a head) cf. R. (3) knocked out (as an eye) cf. ib. (4) hit by (instr. or comp.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (5) whirled up, raised (as dust) cf. Śak (6) visited or afflicted or tormented by, struggling with, suffering from (instr. or comp.) cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. &c. (7) (in astron.) touched, come into contact cf. VarBṛS. (8) violated (sexually, as a woman) cf. MBh. viii, 2037 (9) ruined, undone, hopeless, miserable, wretched (of persons and things (10) cf. comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (11) worthless, useless cf. ib. (12) defective cf. Sāh (13) cheated, deceived cf. Kuval (14) deprived of, lapsed from ([ -tas ] or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. (15) (in arithm.) multiplied cf. Āryabh (16) ([ A ]), f. a violated woman (See above) (17) a despised girl unfit for marriage cf. L. (18) ([ am ]), n. striking, killing, hurting cf. W. (19) multiplication cf. ib. [ Cf. Gk. ?, [ 1287,2 ] ` slain. ' ]

===> hata-māna [ hatamAna ]3[ hat'a-mAna ] mfn. free from pride or arrogance cf. BhP.

===> havana [ havana ]2[ havana ]1 m. (for 2. See p. 1294, col. 1) fire or Agni the god of fire cf. L. (1) a fire-receptacle (= f.) cf. L. [ 1293,3 ] (2) ([ I ]), f. the sacrificial ladle cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (3) a hole made in the ground for the sacrificial fire which is to receive a burnt-oblation cf. L. (4) ([ am ]), n. the act of offering an oblation with fire, sacrifice cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (5) a sacrificial ladle cf. Vait

===> [ havana ]2[ h'avana ]2 m. N. of a Rudra cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) n. calling, invocation, summons cf. RV. cf. Pañcar. (2) challenging or challenge to battle cf. MW. [ 1294,2 ]

===> [ havana ]3[ havana ] &c. See p. 1293, col. 2

===> havya [ havya ]2[ havy'a ]1 n. (for 2. See col. 2) anything to be offered as an oblation, sacrificial gift or food (in later language often opp., to [ kaivya ], q. v.) cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> [ havya ]2[ h'avya ]2 (or [ havy'a ]), mf ([ A ]) n. to be called or invoked cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (1) m. N. of a son of Manu Svāyambhuva cf. Hariv. (2) of a son of Atri cf. VP.

===> haya [ haya ]2[ haya ]

===> haya-grīva [ hayagrIva ]3[ h'aya-grIva ] m. ` horsenecked ', N. of a form of Viṣṇu (manifested, accord. to one legend, in order to recover the Veda carried off by two Daityas called Madhu and Kaiṭabha) cf. Pañcar. (1) of a Daitya (also called [ brahma-veda-prahartR ], as having carried off the Vedas at the dissolution of the universe caused by Brahma's sleep at the end of the past Kalpa (2) in order to recover them, Viṣṇu became incarnate as a Matsya or fish, and slew Haya-grīva) cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. &c. (3) of a Rākshasa cf. R. (4) of a Tantra deity cf. Buddh. (5) of a Rājarshi cf. MBh. (6) of a wicked king of the Videhas cf. MBh. (7) of a Muni cf. Cat. (8) of the supposed author of the Chāndogya Upanishad and various other writers &c. cf. ib. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā cf. L. (10) ([ °va ]) [ -gadya ] and [ -daNDaka ] n. N. of Stotras (11) [ -paJca-rAtra ] n. [ -paJjara ] n. N. of wks. (12) [ -pr^okta ] mfn. proclaimed or taught by Haya cf. Cat. (13) [ -ripu ] m. ` enemy of Haya ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (14) [ -vadha ] m. N. of a poem by Bhartṛi-meṇṭha cf. Rājat (15) [ -saMhitA ] f. [ -sahasra-nAma-srotra ] n. [ -stotra ] n. N. of wks. (16) [ -han ] m. ` slayer of Haya ', N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (17) [ °vopaniSad ] f. N. of an Upanishad

===> haya-mukha [ hayamukha ]3[ h'aya-mukha ] n. a horse's face cf. R. (1) N. of a country cf. Buddh. (2) ([ I ]), f. N. of a Rākshasī cf. R.

===> haḍi [ haDi ]1[ haDi ] m. wooden fetters cf. Divyâv (1) = next cf. Cat.

===> haḍḍika [ haDDika ]3[ haDDika ]

===> haṃsa [ haMsa ]1[ haMs'a ]1 m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) accord. to cf. Uṇ. iii, 62 fr. √ 1. [ han ], ` to go? ') a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird of passage (2) sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in cf. RV. to be able to separate Soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed, and in later literature, milk from water when these two are mixed (3) also forming in cf. RV. the vehicle of the Aśvins, and in later literature that of Brahmā (4) ifc. also = ` best or chief among ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) the soul or spirit (typified by the pure white colour of a goose or swan, and migratory like a goose (6) sometimes ` the Universal Soul or Supreme Spirit ', identified with Virāj, Nārāyaṇa, Viṣṇu, Śiva, Kāma, and the Sun (7) du. ` the universal and the individual Spirit ' (8) accord. to cf. Sāy. resolvable into [ ahaM sa ], ` I am that ') cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (9) one of the vital airs cf. L. (10) a kind of ascetic cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (11) a man of supernatural qualities born under a partic. constellation cf. VarBṛS. (12) an unambitious monarch cf. L. (13) a horse cf. Naigh. i, 14 (14) an excellent draught-ox (accord. to some, ` a buffalo ') cf. VarBṛS. (15) a mountain cf. L. (16) a temple of a partic. form cf. VarBṛS. (17) a kind of Mantra or mystical text cf. Cat. (18) silver cf. L. (19) envy, malice cf. L. (20) N. of two metres cf. Col. (21) (in music) a kind of measure cf. Saṃgīt (22) a mystical N. of the letter [ h ] cf. Cat. (23) a spiritual preceptor cf. W. (24) N. of a Deva-gandharva cf. Hariv. (25) of a Dānava cf. ib. (26) of a son of Brahmā cf. BhP. (27) of a son of Vasu-deva cf. ib. (28) of a son of A-rishṭā cf. MBh. (29) of a son of Brahma-datta and general of Jarā-saṃdha cf. ib. (30) of various authors &c. cf. Cat. (31) of one of the Moon's horses cf. VP. [ 1286,2 ] (32) of a mountain cf. Pur. (33) pl. N. of the Brāhmans in Plaksha-dvīpa cf. BhP. (34) ([ I ]), f. a female goose cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kathās (35) N. of various metres cf. Śrutab. cf. Chandom. cf. Col. (36) of a daughter of Bhagīratha and wife of Kautsa cf. MBh. (37) of a courtezan cf. Rājat. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ anser ] for [ 1286,2 ] [ hanser ] ; Lit. [ z3as'is ] ; Germ. [ Gans ] ; Angl. Sax. [ g^os ] ; Eng. [ goose ]. ]

===> [ haMsa ]2[ haMsa ]2 Nom. P. [ °sati ], to act or behave like a swan cf. Subh

===> haṃsa-rāja [ haMsarAja ]3[ haMs'a-rAja ] m. ` king of geese ', a large gander cf. Hit. (1) N. of a man cf. Rājat (2) of various authors cf. Cat.

===> haṭha [ haTha ]2[ haTha ] m. violence, force (ibc., [ ena ], and [ At ], ` by force, forcibly ') cf. R. cf. Rājat. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) obstinacy, pertinacity (ibc. and [ At ], ` obstinately, persistently ') cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās (2) absolute or inevitable necessity (as the cause of all existence and activity (3) ibc., [ At ], and [ ena ], ` necessarily, inevitably, by all means ') cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) = [ haTha-yoga ] cf. Cat. (5) oppression cf. W. (6) rapine cf. ib. (7) going in the rear of an enemy cf. L. (8) Pistia Stratiotes cf. L.

===> haṭha-yoga [ haThayoga ]3[ haTha-yoga ] m. a kind of forced Yoga or abstract meditation (forcing the mind to withdraw from external objects (1) treated of in the Haṭha-pradīpikā by Svātm^arāma and performed with much self-torture, such as standing on one leg, holding up the arms, inhaling smoke with the head inverted &c.) (2) [ -viveka ] m. [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of wks.

===> haṭṭa [ haTTa ]1[ haTTa ] m. (cf. [ aTTa ]) a market, fair cf. Pañcat. cf. Vet (1) ([ I ]), f. a petty market or fair cf. L.

===> he [ he ]1[ he ] ind. a vocative particle (` oh! ' ` ho! ' &c. (1) also said to express envy or ill-will or disapprobation) cf. ŚBr. &c. &c.

===> heluga [ heluga ]1[ heluga ] and [ heluya ], a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> hema [ hema ]2[ hema ]1 in comp. for 3. [ heman ]

===> [ hema ]2[ hema ]2 m. a partic. weight of gold (= [ mASaka ]) cf. L. (1) a horse of a dark or brownish colour cf. L. (2) N. of Buddha cf. L. (3) of a son of Ruśad-ratha cf. Pur. (4) of the father of Su-tapas cf. ib. (5) = [ hema-candra ] cf. Cat. (6) ([ A ]), f. Hoya Viridiflora cf. L. (7) the earth cf. L. (8) a handsome woman cf. L. (9) N. of an Apsaras cf. Hariv. cf. R. (10) of a river cf. MBh. (11) ([ am ]), n. gold cf. L.

===> hema-jālâlaṃkṛta [ hemajAlAlaMkRta ]3[ hema-jAl^alaMkRta ] mfn. ` adorned with a golden net ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Lalit.

===> hema-varṇa [ hemavarNa ]3[ hema-varNa ] mfn. golden-coloured cf. R. (1) m. N. of a son of Garuḍa cf. MBh. (2) of a Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> heman [ heman ]1[ heman ]4 m. the planet Mercury cf. L.

===> hemanta [ hemanta ]1[ hemanta ] [ hemavala ], See p. 1304, cols. 1 and 2

===> hemātra [ hemAtra ]1[ hemAtra ] m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> heruka [ heruka ]1[ heruka ] m. N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. KālP. (1) of an attendant on Mahā-kāla or Śiva cf. L. (2) of an inferior Buddha cf. Buddh. (3) pl. N. of a class of heretics cf. L. (4) ([ A ]), f. a species of plant cf. AV. Paddh

===> hetu [ hetu ]3[ het'u ] &c. See p. 1303, col. 3

===> [ hetu ]2[ het'u ] m. ` impulse ', motive, cause, cause of, reason for (loc., rarely dat. or gen. (1) [ hetunA ], [ hetoH ], [ hetave ], [ hetau ], ` for a cause or reason ', ` by reason of ', ` on account of ' [ with gen. or comp., e. g. [ mama hetoH ] or [ mad-dhetoH ], ` on account of me ' ] (2) [ kaM hetum ] or [ ko heTuH ], ` wherefore? ' ` why? ' cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 23 cf. Pat. (3) [ yato hetoH ], ` because ' (4) [ anena hetunA ] or [ iti hetoH ], ` for this reason ' (5) [ mRtyu-hetave ], ` in order to kill ' (6) [ hetur alaukikaH ], ` a supernatural cause ' (7) ifc. [ hetu ] also = ` having as a cause or motive ', ` caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by ', e. g. [ karma-hetu ], ` caused by the acts [ of a former existence ] ' cf. Mn. i, 49 (8) [ mAMsa-hetu ], ` attracted by [ the smell of ] flesh ' cf. MBh. x, 496 (9) [ karma-phala-hetu ], ` impelled by [ the expectation of ] the consequences of any act ' cf. BhP. ii, 47 ; 49) cf. RV. &c. &c. (10) a logical reason or dedaction or argument, the reason for an inference (esp. applied to the second member or Avayava of the five-membered syllogism, See [ nyAya ]) cf. Nyāyad. cf. IW. 61 (11) logic (in general, See [ hetuvidyA ]) (12) (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 55 &c. (13) (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to [ pratyaya ], q. v.) cf. Sarvad (14) (with Paśupatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul, i. e. the external world and the senses cf. ib. (15) a means ([ hetubhiH ] ifc. ` by means of ') cf. MBh. (16) mode, manner ([ hetubhiH ] ifc. ` according to ') cf. ib. cf. Suśr. cf. Yājñ. (17) price, cost cf. Rājat. v, 71 (18) condition cf. MBh. (19) (in rhet.) = [ kAvya-liGga ] (q. v.) cf. Bhar. cf. Kpr. cf. Sāh

===> hetu-balika [ hetubalika ]3[ het'u-balika ] mfn. strong in argument cf. Sukh. i

===> hetu-dṛṣṭi [ hetudRSTi ]3[ het'u-dRSTi ] f. examination of reasons, scepticism cf. Lalit.

===> hetu-hila [ hetuhila ]3[ het'u-hila ] n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> hetu-lakṣaṇa [ hetulakSaNa ]3[ het'u-lakSaNa ] n. the characteristics of a Hetu (1) [ -TIkA ] f. [ -prakAza ] m. [ -vivecana ], n. (2) [ °N^aloka ] m. N. of wks.

===> hetu-vacana [ hetuvacana ]3[ het'u-vacana ] n. a speech accompanied with arguments cf. R.

===> hetu-vidyā [ hetuvidyA ]3[ het'u-vidyA ] f. ` science of causes ', dialectics, logic (also [ -zAstra ]) cf. Daś. cf. Buddh.

===> hetu-vāda [ hetuvAda ]3[ het'u-vAda ] m. a statement of reasons or arguments, assigning a cause, disputation cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> hetu-vādin [ hetuvAdin ]3[ het'u-vAdin ] m. a disputant, sceptic cf. MBh.

===> hetu-śāstra [ hetuzAstra ]3[ het'u-zAstra ] n. (= [ -vidyA ]) (1) [ °tr^azraya ] m. reliance on the science of dialectics cf. Mn. ii, 12

===> hetuka [ hetuka ]2[ hetuka ] mf ([ I ]) n. (only ifc.) causing, effecting cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Hit. (1) caused or effected or conditioned by cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (2) destined for cf. MBh. cf. Sāṃkhyak (3) m. a cause, instrument, agent cf. W. (4) a logician cf. MW. (5) N. of an attendant of Śiva cf. L. (6) of a Buddha cf. L. (7) of a poet cf. Cat.

===> hetumat [ hetumat ]3[ het'u-mat ] mfn. having a reason or cause, proceeding from a cause
cf. Pāṇ. cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Sarvad. [ 1304,1 ] (1) accompanied with arguments, provided with reasons or proofs, well-founded cf. Bhag. cf. R. cf. Bhāshāp (2) having the Hetu (or second Avayava of a syllogism) cf. MW. (3) controverted by arguments cf. ib. (4) open to arguments, reasonable cf. MBh.

===> hetutva [ hetutva ]3[ het'u-tva ] n. the state of being a [ hetu ], causation, causativeness, existence of cause or motive cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. cf. Sarvad (1) ([ -tva ]) [ -khaNDana ] n. N. of wk.

===> hetutā [ hetutA ]3[ het'u-tA ] f.

===> hetv-ābhāsa [ hetvAbhAsa ]3[ hetv-AbhAsa ] m. (in logic) a mere appearance of a reason, fallacious semblance of an argument, fallacious middle term, fallacy (said to be of 5 kinds, viz. [ vyabhicAra ] or [ sa-vyobhicAra ], [ viruddha ], [ asiddha ], [ sat-pratipakSa ], [ bAdha ] or [ bAdhita ]) cf. Nyāyas. cf. Tarkas. cf. Sarvad (1) N. of various wks. (2) [ -dIdhiti-TippaNI ] f. [ -nirUpaNa ] n. [ -pariSkAra ] m. [ -rahasya ] n. [ -vyAkhyA ] f. [ -sAmAnyalakSaNa ] n. N. of wks.

===> hevajra [ hevajra ]1[ hevajra ] m. N. of a Buddhist god cf. W.

===> hevara [ hevara ]1[ hevara ] a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> heya [ heya ]2[ heya ]1 mfn. (for 2. See p. 1297, col. 1) to be gone &c. cf. MW.

===> [ heya ]2[ heya ]2 mfn. (for 1. and 3. See p. 1296 and 1304) to be left or quitted or abandoned or rejected or avoided ([ -tva ] n.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. &c. (1) to be subtracted cf. L.

===> [ heya ]2[ heya ]3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. See p. 1296 and 1297), id. cf. MW.

===> [ heya ]1[ heya ] See pp. 1296, 1297, and 1304

===> heṣas [ heSas ]2[ h'eSas ] n. quickness, vigour, fire (others ` wound ') cf. RV. x, 89, 12

===> heṭha [ heTha ]2[ heTha ] m. vexation, obstruction, hurt, injury cf. L.

===> hi [ hi ]1[ hi ]1 i (cf. √ [ hay ]), cl. 5. P. (cf. Dhātup., xxvii, 11) [ hin'oti ] (Ved. also [ hinut'e ], [ h'invati ] and [ hinv'ati ], [ °te ] (1) p. [ hinvAn'a ] [ with aet. and pass. sense ] cf. RV. (2) [ h'ayat ] cf. RV. cf. TS. ; 1: sg. [ hiSe ] cf. RV. (3) pf. [ jighAya ], [ jighyuH ] cf. Br. &c. (4) [ jighye ] [ with pass. sense ] cf. Bhaṭṭ. (5) aor. [ 'ahema ] [ 'ahema ], [ ahyan ], [ heta ] p. [ hiyAn'a ] [ with pass. sense ] cf. RV. (6) [ ahyam ] [ ? ], [ 'ahait ] cf. AV. (7) [ ahaiSIt ] cf. Br. (8) [ aheSata ] cf. RV. (9) fut. [ hetA ] Gr. (10) [ heSyati ] cf. MBh. &c. (11) inf. [ -hy'e ] cf. RV.), to send forth set in motion, impel, urge on, hasten on (Ā. also intrans.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. (12) to stimulate or incite to (dat.) cf. RV. (13) to assist or help to (dat.) cf. ib. (14) to discharge, b, hurl, cast, shoot cf. RV. (15) to convey, bring, procure cf. ib. cf. ŚBr. (16) to forsake, abandon, get rid of cf. Bhaṭṭ. (17) ([ hinvati ]), to gladden, delight cf. Dhātup. xv, 82: Pass. [ hIyate ] (aor. [ ahAyi ]), Gr. : Caus. [ hAyuyati ] (aor. [ ajIhayat ]) cf. ib. : Desid. of Caus. [ jihApayiSati ] cf. ib. : Desid. [ jighISati ] cf. ib. : Inteus. [ jeghIyate ], [ jeghayIti ], [ jegheti ] cf. ib.

===> [ hi ]1[ h'i ]2 ind. (used as a particle [ cf. [ ha ] and [ gha ] ] and usually denoting) for, because, on account of (never standing first in a sentence, but generally after the first word and used enclitically, sometimes after pronouns (1) e. g. [ s'arvo h'i p'RtanA jigISati ], ` for everybody wishes to win battles ' (2) [ bkavAn hi pramANam ], ` for your honour is the authority ' (3) [ tahA hi ], ` for example ', ` accordingly ' (4) [ n'a h'i ] or [ nah'I ] ', for not ', ` not at all ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) just, pray, do (with an Impv. or Pot. emphatically (6) sometimes with Indic., e. g. [ pasyAmo hi ], ` we will just see ') cf. ib. (7) indeed, assuredly, surely, of course, certainly ([ h'i va'i ], ` most assuredly ' (8) [ hi-tu ] or [ hi-punar ], ` indeed-but ' (9) often a mere expletive, esp. to avoid a hiatus, sometimes repeated in the same sentence (10) [ hi ] is also said to be an interjection of ` envy ', ` contempt ', ` hurry ' &c.) cf. ib.

===> hi-hi [ hihi ]1[ hihi ] ind. = [ hIhI ] (cf. next)

===> hikkā [ hikkA ]2[ hikkA ] f. hiccup (cf., [ hekkA ]), sob, a spasmodic sound in the throat cf. Suśr. cf. R. cf. Hariv. (1) an owl cf. L.

===> hima [ hima ]2[ him'a ] m. cold, frost cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) the cold season, winter cf. Kālid. cf. MārkP. (2) the sandal tree cf. L. (3) the moon (cf. [ hima-kara ] &c.) cf. L. (4) camphor cf. L. (5) ([ h'imA ]), f. (only with [ zat'a ]) the cold season, winter (also= ` a year ' (6) cf. [ varS'a ]) cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. (7) ([ him'A ]), night cf. Naigh. i, 7 (8) ([ himA ], only cf. L.), cardamoms

---> Cyperus Rotundus and another species (9) Trigonella Corniculata (10) a partic. drug (= [ reNukA ]) (11) N. of Durgā (12) ([ am ]), n. frost, hoar-frost, snow (rarely ` ice '), Shav cf. Br. &c. &c. (13) sandal-wood (of cooling properties) cf. Suśr. (14) the wood of Cerasus Puddum cf. L. (15) tin cf. L. (16) a pearl cf. L. (17) fresh butter cf. L. (18) a lotus cf. W. (19) N. of a Varsha cf. VP. ; mf ([ A ]) n. cold, cool cf. Jātakam. [ Cf. Zd. [ zima ] (20) Gk. (?-) ? (21) ? (22) ? ; Lat. [ biimus ] for [ 1298,3 ] [ bihimus ] ; [ hiems ] ; Slav. [ zima ] Lit. ? ]

===> hima-dhātu [ himadhAtu ]3[ him'a-dhAtu ] m. ` having cold minerals ' cf. L.

===> himavat [ himavat ]3[ him'a-vat ] ([ him'a- ]), mfn. having frost or snow, snowy, frosty, icy, snow-clad cf. AV. cf. R. (1) exposing one's self to coldness or enduring it cf. Baudh. (2) m. a snowy mountain cf. RV. cf. AV. (3) the Him^āya, AV, &c &c. cf. Kailāsa cf. L. (4) ([ atI ]), f. Hoya Viridiflora cf. ib. (5) ([ -vac ]) [ -chiras ] n. (for [ -ziras ]) the summit of the Hiṃlaya cf. Bcar. v, 45 (conj.) (6) ([ -vat ]) [ -kukSi ] m. a valley of the Him^āya cf. MW. (7) [ -khaNDa ] n. N. of a book of the Skanda-Pura'aṇa (8) [ -pura ] n. the town on the Him^āya cf. Kum (9) [ -prabhava ] mfn. springing from or belonging to the Him^āya cf. R. (10) [ -suta ] m. ` son of the Him^āya ', the mountain Maināka cf. L. (11) ([ -sutA ]), f. the Ganges cf. Dhanaṃj (12) Pārvati cf. A. (13) ([ °vad ]) [ -giri ] m. a snowy mountain ([ -saMzraya ] m. ` taking refuge in the Him^āya ', N. of Śiva) cf. MW. (14) ([ °van ]) . [ -mAhAzmya ] n. N. of wk. (15) ([ °van ]) [ -mekhalA ] f. the Him^āya chain of mountains cf. Uttamac

===> himâlaya [ himAlaya ]3[ him^alaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to resemble the Him^alaya cf. Dhūrtas

===> hindu [ hindu ]1[ hindu ] m. (fr. the Persian ?) a Hindu (more properly Hindo)

===> hiraṇya [ hiraNya ]2[ hiraNya ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) prob. connected with [ hari ], [ harit ], [ hiri ]) gold (orig. ` uncoined gold or other precious metal (2) ` in later language ` coined gold ' -or ` money ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) any vessel or ornament made of gold (as ` a golden spoon ' cf. Mn. ii, 29) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. Kauś (4) a gold piece or coin (generally with [ suv'arNa ] as opp. to base metal) cf. Br. (5) a cowry cf. L. (6) semen virile cf. L. (7) substance, imperishable matter cf. L. (8) a partic. measure cf. W. (9) the Datura or thorn apple cf. MW. (10) N. of a Varsha (= [ hiraN-maya ]) cf. MārkP. (11) m. a kind of bdellium cf. L. (12) N. of a, Daitya cf. MBh. cf. Pañcar. (13) of a son of Agnidhra (= [ hiraN-maya ], q. v.) cf. MārkP. (14) of a king of Kaśmīra cf. Rājat (15) ([ A ]), f. one of the seven tongues of fire cf. L. (16) mfn. golden, made of gold cf. Mn. cf. MBh.

===> hiraṇya-garbha [ hiraNyagarbha ]3[ hiraNya-garbh'a ] m. a golden fetus cf. Cat. (1) N. of Brahmā (so called as born from a golden egg formed out of the seed deposited in the waters when they were produced as the first creation of the Self-existent (2) according to cf. Mn. i, 9, this seed became a golden egg, resplendent as the sun, in which the Self-existent Brahma was born as Brahmā the Creator, who is therefore regarded as a manifestation of the Self-existent cf. RV. x, 121)
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (cf. cf. RTL. 14 &c.) (3) N. of the author of the hymn Ṛgveda x, 121 (having the patr. Prājāpatya) cf. Anukr. (4) of a Vedanta teacher cf. Tattvas (5) of various other persons cf. Cat. (6) of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (7) of a flamingo cf. Hit. (8) (in phil.) the soul invested with the Sūkshma-śarira or subtle body (= [ sUtr^atman ], [ pr^aN^atman ]) cf. Vedântas (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. Cat. (10) (prob.) n. N. of a Liṅga cf. ib. (11) mfn. relating to Hiraṇya-garbha or Brihmā, IndSt (12) [ -tantra ] n. [ -dAna ] n. [ -dAna-prayoga ] m. [ -dAna-vidhi ], m. N. of wks. (13) [ -vatI ] ([ -garbh'a- ]), f. a verse containing the word [ hiraNya-garbha ] cf. ŚBr. [ 1300,1 ] (14) [ -vidhi ] m. N. of the 12th Pariśishṭa of the Atharvaveda (15) [ -saMhitA ] (or [ °bha-parAzara-saMhitA ]), f. [ -hRdaya ] n. N. of wks.

===> hiraṇya-pāṇi [ hiraNyapANi ]3[ hiraNya-pANi ] ([ h'iraNya- ]), mfn. goldenhanded cf. RV. (1) golden-hoofed cf. RV. (2) m. N. of various men cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. Buddh.

===> hiraṇyamaya [ hiraNyamaya ]3[ hiraNya-m'aya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of golden cf. ŚBr.

===> hiri [ hiri ]1[ hiri ] mfn. (= [ hari ], ` yellow, golden ') in the following words:

===> hiru [ hiru ]1[ hiru ] or [ hruka ] m. N. of a man cf. Divyâv

===> hita [ hita ]2[ hit'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. See p. 1298, col. 2) sent, impelled, urged on, set in motion &c. (1) going, running, speeding cf. RV. cf. AV. [ 1297,3 ]

===> [ hita ]1[ hit'a ]2 mf ([ 'A ]) n. (p. p. of √ 1. [ dhA ], cf. [ dhita ] (1) for 1. [ hita ] See p. 1297, col. 2) put, placed, set, laid, laid upon, imposed, lying or situated or contained in (loc.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Up. (2) set up, established, fixed (as a prize) cf. RV. (3) planned, arranged (as a race or contest) cf. ib. (4) prepared, made ready cf. ib. (5) held, taken cf. MW. (6) assigned to, destined for (dat. or gen.) cf. ib. (7) reckoned among(loc) cf. TS. (8) constituted or appointed as (nom.) cf. RV. (9) given (as a name) cf. AV. (10) beneficial, advantageous, salutary, wholesome, suitable, agreeing with (of ten, said of diet, regimen, medicines &c.), convenient, suitable, fit, agreeable to or for (dat., gen., loc., or comp.) cf. RV. &c. &c (11) well-disposed, favourable, friendly, affectionate, kind cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (12) m. a friend, benefactor cf. ib. (13) ([ 'A ]), f. a causeway, dike (See [ hitA-bhaGga ]) (14) pl. N. of partic. veins or arteries cf. ŚBr. cf. KaushUp. cf. Yājñ. (15) ([ am ]), n. (sg. or pl.) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper, benefit, advantage, profit, service, good, welfare, good advice &c. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> hita-kara [ hitakara ]3[ hit'a-kara ] mfn. doing a service, furthering the interests of (gen.), favourable, useful, a benefactor cf. R. cf. VarBṛS.

===> hita-kāma [ hitakAma ]3[ hit'a-kAma ] mfn. wishing well to, desirous of benefiting cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit.

===> hita-kāmyā [ hitakAmyA ]3[ hit'a-kAmyA ] f. (only in instr.) desire for another's (gen.) welfare cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> hita-vacana [ hitavacana ]3[ hit'a-vacana ] n. friendly advice, good counsel cf. Hit.

===> hitaiṣin [ hitaiSin ]3[ hit^aiSin ] mfn. well-wishing, desiring another's welfare ([ °Si-tA ], f.)
cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās. cf. Jātakam

===> hitvā [ hitvA ]2[ hitvA ] ind. having left or abandoned &c. (1) letting alone, slighting, disregarding cf. R. cf. Kathās (2) excepting, with the exception of (acc.) cf. VarBṛS.

===> hitâhita [ hitAhita ]3[ hit^ahita ] mfn. good and (or) evil, beneficial and (or) disadvantageous cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. (1) ([ A ]), f. pl. N. of partic. veins cf. Yājñ. (2) n. sg. advantage and (or) disadvantage cf. Pur.

===> hitāya [ hitAya ]2[ hitAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to avail, be of use or advantage cf. Vās. Hita'avat, mfn. one who has put away or hidden his property cf. RV.

===> hiṃsaka [ hiMsaka ]2[ hiMsaka ] mfn. = prec. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) tn. (only cf. L.) a noxious animal, beast of prey (2) an enemy (3) a Brāhman skilled in the magical texts of the Atharva-veda (cf. [ hiMsA-karman ])

===> hiṃsita [ hiMsita ]2[ hiMsit'a ] mfn. hurt, injured, wounded, killed, destroyed cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) n. injury, harm cf. Pañcat

===> hiṃsra [ hiMsra ]2[ hiMsr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. injurious, mischievous, hurtful, destructive, murderous, cruel, fierce, savage (ifc. ` acting injuriously towards ') cf. RV. &c. &c. [ 1298,1 ] (1) m. a man who delights in injuring living creatures cf. Mn. iii, 164 (2) a savage animal, beast of prey cf. Ragh (3) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (4) of Bhima-sena cf. L. (5) of a certain cruel Brāhman cf. Hariv. (6) ([ A ]), f. a mischievous woman cf. Mn. ix, 80 (7) N. of various plants (accord. to cf. L., Nardottachys Jatamansi, Coix Barbata, = [ kAk^adanI ] and [ el^avali ]) cf. Suśr. (8) fat cf. L. (9) a vein cf. L. (10) ([ am ]) n. cruelty cf. Mn. i, 29

===> hiṃsrâtmatā [ hiMsrAtmatA ]3[ hiMsr^atmatA ] f. malevolence cf. Bcar.

===> hiṃsā [ hiMsA ]2[ hiMsA ] f. injury, harm (to life or property), hurt, mischief, wrong (said to be of three kinds, 1. mental as ` bearing malice ' (1) 2. verbal, as ' abusive language (2) 3. personal, as ` acts of violence ') cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) Injury or Mischief personified (as the wife of Adharnia and daughter of Lobha and Nishkṛti) cf. Pur. (4) Asteracantha Longifolia cf. L.

===> hiṅgu [ hiGgu ]1[ hiGgu ] m. Ferula Asa Foetida cf. Buddh. cf. BhP. (1) n. a fluid or resinous substance prepared from the roots of the Asa Foitida (used as a medicine or for seasoning) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> hiṅgula [ hiGgula ]2[ hiGgula ] m. n. a preparation of mercury with sulphur, vermilion cf. VarBṛS. (1) ([ A ]), f. See below (2) ([ I ]), f. Solanum Melongena or some other species cf. L.

===> hlāda [ hlAda ]2[ hlAda ] m. refreshment, pleasure, gladness, joy, delight cf. R. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (1) N. of a son of Hiraṇyakaśipu (= and v. l. for [ hrAda ]) cf. VP.

===> ho [ ho ]1[ h'o ] ind. (a vocative particle [ g. [ c^adi ] ] used in calling to a person or in challenging) ho! hallo! &c. (also expressive of surprise &c.) cf. TS. &c. &c.

===> homa [ homa ]2[ h'oma ] m. the act of making an oblation to the Devas or gods by casting clarified butter into the fire (See [ deva-yajJa ] and cf. IW. 245), oblation with fire, burnt-offering, any oblation or sacrifice ([ ayuta-h° ], ` a sacrifice of 10,000 burnt-offerings to the planets ') cf. AV. &c. &c.

===> hotavya [ hotavya ]2[ hotavy'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. to be offered or sacrificed cf. AitBr. &c. &c. (1) to be sacrificed to or worshipped with sacrifices cf. TS. &c. &c. (2) ([ am ]), n. (impers.) it is to be sacrificed cf. MaitrS.

===> hotra [ hotra ]2[ hotr'a ] n. sacrificing, the function or office of the Hotṛ cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Kāṭh (1) a burnt-offering, oblation with fire, sacrifice cf. RV. cf. PañcavBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. MBh. (2) ([ A ]), f. See below

===> hotṛ [ hotR ]2[ h'otR ] &c. See p. 1306, col. 1

===> [ hotR ]1[ h'otR ] m. (fr. √ 1. [ hu ]) an offerer of an oblation or burnt-offering (with fire), sacrificer, priest, (esp.) a priest who at a sacrifice invokes the gods or recites the Ṛg-veda, a Ṛg-veda priest (one of the 4 kinds of officiating priest, [ Rtvij ], p. 224 ; properly the Hotṛ priest has 3 assistants, sometimes called Purushas, viz. the Maitrā-varuṇa, Aochā-vāka, and Grāvastut ; to these are sometimes added three others, the Brāhmaṇācchaṃsin, Agnīdhra or Agnīdh, and Potṛ, though these last are properly assigned to the Brahman priest (1) sometimes the Neshṭṛ is substituted for the Grāva-stut) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (3) mf ([ trI ]) n. one who sacrifices (gen. or comp.), sacrificer cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> hrada [ hrada ]1[ hrad'a ]1 m. (once n. (1) ifc. f. [ A ] rather to be connected with √ [ hlAd ], but cf. √ [ hrAd ] (2) for 2. [ hrada ] See p. 1307) a large or deep piece of water, lake, pool (rarely applied to the sea

---> with [ gAGga ], ` the water of the Ganges ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. the incense tree cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. g. [ gaur^adi ]

===> [ hrada ]2[ hrada ]2 m. (ifc. f. [ A ] (1) for 1. See p. 1306, col. 3) sound, noise cf. L. (2) a ray of light (See [ zata-hr° ]) (3) a ram cf. L. (4) N. of a son of Hrāda cf. Hariv.

===> hrasva [ hrasva ]2[ hrasv'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. short, small, dwarfish, little, low (as an entrance), weak (as a voice) cf. VS. &c. &c. (1) unimportant, insignificant cf. BhP. (2) less by (abl.) cf. Car. (3) prosodically or metrically short (as opp. to [ dIrgha ] (4) cf. [ laghu ]) cf. ŚrS. cf. RPrāt. cf. Pāṇ. &c. (5) m. a dwarf. cf. W. (6) a short vowel cf. Prāt. (7) N. of Yama cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. a female dwarf cf. MW. (9) N. of various plants (Phaseolus Trilobus (10) = [ nAga-balA ] and [ bhUmi-jambU ]) cf. L. (11) of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. (12) ([ am ]), n. a kind of vegetable cf. L. (13) green or black sulphate of iron cf. L. (14) a partic. short measure cf. MW.

===> hrasvatva [ hrasvatva ]3[ hrasv'a-tva ] n. id. cf. Suśr. cf. Śarvad (1) prosodial shortness cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 56

===> hrepaṇa [ hrepaNa ]2[ hrepaNa ] n. (fr. Caus.) shame, embarrassment cf. Kathās

===> hrāsa [ hrAsa ]2[ hrAsa ] m. shortening, diminution, decrease, deterioration, detriment cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (1) paucity, scarcity cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (2) sound, noise cf. L.

===> [ hrAsa ]1[ hrAsa ] [ hrAsana ], See col. 1

===> hrī [ hrI ]1[ hrI ]1 cl. 3. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 3) [ jihreti ] ([ j'ihriyat ] cf. MaitrS. ; pf. [ jihrAya ] cf. Ragh. ; [ jihrayAM-cakAra ], [ °yAm-Asa ], Gr. ; aor. [ ahraiSIt ] cf. ib. ; Prec. [ hrIyAt ] cf. ib. ; p. [ hrayANa ], See [ a-hr° ] ; fut. [ hretA ], [ hreSyati ] Gr.), to feel shame, blush, be bashful or modest, be ashamed of any one (gen.) or anything (abl.) cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. : Caus. [ hrepayati ] (aor. [ ajihripat ]), to make ashamed, cause to blush, confound, put to shame (also fig. = ` surpass, excel ') cf. ib. : Desid. [ jihrISati ] Gr. : Intens. [ jehrIyate ] (p. [ °yamANa ] cf. SaddhP.), [ jehrayIti ], [ jehreti ], to be greatly ashamed cf. ib.

===> [ hrI ]2[ hr'I ]2 f. shame, modesty, shyness, timidity (also personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) cf. VS. &c. &c.

===> hrī-bala [ hrIbala ]3[ hr'I-bala ] mfn. strong in modesty, extremely modest cf. Jātakam

===> hrīmat [ hrImat ]3[ hr'I-mat ] mfn. bashful, modest, ashamed, embarrassed ([ -tva ] n.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. N. of a being reckoned among the Viśve Devā cf. MBh.

===> huhu [ huhu ]1[ huhu ] or [ huhU ] or [ hUhu ] or [ hUhU ] m. (nom. [ huhUs ] gen. [ huhos ]), N. of a Gandharva cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. MBh. &c.

===> hulu [ hulu ]1[ hulu ] m. a ram (cf. [ huDu ]) cf. L.

===> huta [ huta ]2[ huta ] (for [ hUta ] ?). See p. 1301, col. 1

===> huta-bhuj [ hutabhuj ]3[ hut'a-bhuj ] m. ` oblation-eater ', fire cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. &c. ([ -bhuk-priyA ] f. ` Agni's wife ' cf. L. (1) [ -bhug-diz ] f. ` Agni's quarter ', i. e. the south-east cf. VarYogay.) (2) Plumbago Ceylanica cf. Suśr. (3) N. of a partic. star (? Tauri) cf. Sūryas

===> huta-vaha [ hutavaha ]3[ hut'a-vaha ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]) ` oblation-bearer ', Agni or fire cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -jvAlA-sama ] mfn. like flames of fire cf. Ml.

===> hutâśana [ hutAzana ]3[ hut^azana ] m. ` oblation-eater ', fire cf. Gṛhyās. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yoginī cf. Hcat (2) ([ °na ]) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of fire, having the nature or property of fire cf. Cat. (3) [ -vat ] mfn. provided with fire cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (4) [ -sahAya ] m. ` friend of fire ', N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (5) [ °nAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to become fire, appear as fire cf. Kād

===> huṃ [ huM ]2[ huM ] in comp. for [ hum ]

===> huṃ-kāra [ huMkAra ]1[ huM-kAra ] [ huM-kRta ] &c. See [ hum ]

===> [ huMkAra ]3[ huM-kAra ] m. the sound [ hum ] (esp. expressive of menace or contempt &c. ; also applied to the trumpeting of an elephant, to the roaring or grunting &c. of other animals, to the twang of a bow &c.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Yoginī cf. Hcat (2) ([ I ]), f. id. or N. of a similar being cf. Pañcad (3) [ -garbha ] mfn. filled with groaning or menacing sounds cf. MW. (4) [ -tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha cf. Cat.

===> huṃ-kṛta [ huMkRta ]3[ huM-kRta ] mfn. roaring, bellowing, bleating cf. VarBṛS. (1) addressed roughly (v. l. [ hUM-kRta ]) cf. MBh. (2) uttered with a mystical sound, pronounced as an incantation cf. MW. (3) n. an exclamation of anger cf. R. cf. BhP. (4) roar (of thunder), lowing (of a cow) &c. cf. Kāv (5) an incantation cf. MW.

===> hyas [ hyas ]1[ hy'as ] ind. (g. [ svar-Adi ]) yesterday cf. RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ hesternus ], [ heri ] ; Goth. [ gistra ] [ 1306,3 ] ([ -dagis ]) ; Germ. [ ge10staron ], [ gestern ] ; Angl. Sax. [ geostra ] ; Eng. [ yester ] ([ -day ]) . ]

===> [ hA ]1[ hA ]1 ind. an exclamation expressive of pain, anger, astonishment, satisfaction &c. (= ah! alas! oh! ha! often before or after a voc. case, also repeated [ hA-hA ], cf. 1. [ hahA ] above, or followed by other particles, esp. [ dhik ], [ hanta ], [ kaSTam ] &c.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c,

===> [ hA ]1[ hA ]2 (not always separable fr. √ 3. [ hA ]), cl. 3. Ā. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 7) [ j'ihIte ] (p. [ j'ihAna ] [ q. v. ] (1) pf. [ jahir'e ] cf. AV. (2) aor. [ ahAsta ] cf. RV. &c. (3) fut. [ hAtA ] Gr. (4) [ hAsyate ] cf. Br. cf. MBh. (5) inf. [ -hAtum ] cf. ib. (6) ind. p. [ hAtvA ] Gr. (7) [ -h'Aya ] cf. RV.), to start or spring forward, bound away, give way to (dat.) cf. RV. (8) to spring or leap upon (?) cf. RV. x, 49, 5 (9) to go or depart or betake one's self to have recourse to (acc.) cf. Nalôd. [ 1296,2 ] (10) to fall or come into any state cf. Kir. : Pass. [ hAyate ] (aor. [ ahAyi ]), Gr. : Caus. [ hApayati ] (aor. [ ajIhapat ]) cf. ib. : Desid. [ jihAsate ] cf. ib. : Intens. [ jahAyate ], [ jAhAti ], [ jAheti ] cf. ib.

===> [ hA ]1[ hA ]3 cl. 3. P. (cf. Dhātup. xxv, 8) [ j'ahAti ] (rarely cl. 1. [ jahati ] 3. du. [ jahltaH ] Impv. [ jah'ihi ] For [ jahAhi ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 117 ] (1) [ jahItAt ] cf. AV.

---> Pot. [ jahyAt ] cf. AV. &c. (2) pf. [ jahau ], [ jah'uH ] cf. RV. &c. (3) [ jahe ] cf. Br. (4) aor. [ ahAt ] cf. ib. &c. (5) [ ahAsIt ] Gr.

---> 3. sg. [ ahAs ] cf. RV. (6) [ 'ahAsi ] cf. AV. (7) [ hAsiSTa ] cf. ib., (8) fut. [ hAtA ] Gr. (9) [ hAsyati ], [ °te ] cf. AV. &c, [ jahiSyati ] cf. MBh. &c. (10) inf. [ hAtum ] cf. ib. (11) ind. p. [ hitv'A ]. [ q. v. ] cf. RV. &c. (12) [ hitv'I ] [ °tv'Aya ] cf. RV. (13) [ -hItvA ] Gr. (14) [ -h'Aya ] cf. Br., [ h'Iyam ] cf. TS.), to leave, abandon, desert, quit, forsake, relinquish (with [ zarIram ], [ deham ], [ pr^aNAn ], [ asUn ], [ jvitam ] &c. - ' to die ') cf. RV. &c, &c. (15) to discharge, emit cf. ib. (16) to put away, take off, remove, lay aside, give up, renounce, resign, avoid, shun, abstain or refrain from cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (17) to disregard, neglect cf. ib. (18) to lose, be deprived of. cf. R. cf. Kām (19) to get rid of. escape from cf. Up. cf. MBh. &c. (20) to cause to emit (with [ zardham ], ` to cause to break wind ') cf. Vop. : Pass. [ hIy'ate ] or [ h'Iyate ] (ep. also [ hIyati ] (21) aor. [ ahAyi ]), to be left or abandoned or deserted &c. (22) to be left behind, fall short of (abl.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (23) to be excluded from or bereft of (abl. or instr. (24) with [ pr^aNaiH ], ` to die ')
cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (25) to be overtaken by (instr.) cf. MBh. (26) to be deficient or wanting, suffer loss or injury, fail (also in a lawsuit), decrease, wane, decline, come to an end cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (27) to weigh less (at the ordeal of the balance) cf. Yājñ. cf. Sch. (28) to be given up or avoided cf. Bhartṛ. (v. l.) (29) to be subtracted cf. VarBṛS. (30) to become detached from (with abl. or instr.), fall out (as hair) cf. BhP. : Caus. [ hApayati ] (m. c. also [ °te ] aor. [ ajIhapat ] (31) [ -jIhipaH ] cf. RV.), to cause to leave or abandon &c. (32) to omit, neglect cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (33) to fall short of. be wanting in (acc.) cf. MBh. cf. Cāṇ (34) to give up ([ asUn ], ` life ') cf. Hariv. (35) to lose ([ kAlam ], ` time ') cf. Kām (36) to abandon ([ pratijJAm ], ` a thesis ') cf. Jātakam. : Desid. [ jihAsati ], to wish to leave or abandon cf. Daś. cf. BhP. cf. HPariś (37) to wish to reject or disdain cf. Prab (38) to wish to escape cf. Sarvad. : Intens. [ jehIyate ], [ jAhAti ], [ jAheti ] Gr.

===> hā-kāra [ hAkAra ]3[ hA-kAra ] m. the exclamation [ hA ] cf. Śiś.

===> hālāhala [ hAlAhala ]2[ hAlAhala ] m. a panic. poisonous plant (the seed of which is said to resemble a cow's teat) cf. Bhpr. (1) a kind of lizard cf. L. (2) a kind of spider cf. L. (3) n. (rarely m.), a deadly poison prepared from the roots of the above plant, accord. to cf. R. and cf. BhP. produced at she churning of the ocean (cf. [ halAhala ]) cf. Kāv. cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. (4) ([ A ]), f. a kind of small mouse cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. spirituous liquor cf. L.

===> hāna [ hAna ]2[ hAna ]1 mfn. gone or departed &c. (in [ s'aMhAna ], ` risen ') cf. VS.

===> [ hAna ]2[ hAna ]2 n. the act of abandoning, relinquishing, giving up, escaping, getting rid of cf. Gaut. cf. Śaṃk. cf. Sarvad (1) want, lack cf. Kap (2) cessation cf. ib. cf. Bhartṛ. (v. l.)

===> [ hAna ]1[ hAna ] [ hAni ] &c. See p. 1296, col. 2

===> hāni [ hAni ]2[ hAni ] f. (accord. to some fr. √ [ han ]) abandonment, relinquishment cf. Kuval (1) taking off, laying aside (ornaments) cf. Subh (2) decrease, diminution cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) deprivation of (abl.) cf. Gaut (4) damage, loss, failure (also in a lawsuit), ruin cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (5) insufficiency, deficit, a minus cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. MBh. cessation, disappearance, non-existence cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās. &c.

===> hāra [ hAra ]1[ hAra ] [ hAraka ], [ hArin ] &c. See p. 1289, cols. 2 and 3

===> hāraka [ hAraka ]2[ hAraka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. taking, seizing, robbing, stealing (See [ artha- ], [ azva-h° ]) (1) removing, taking upon one's self (See [ samagra-mala-h° ]) (2) ravishing, captivating (in [ gopI-nayana-h° ], ` captivating the eyes of the Gopīs ' cf. Pañcar.) (3) m. a thief, robber cf. L. (4) a gambler, cheat, rogue cf. Rājat (5) a divisor cf. Āryabh. cf. Sch. (6) a string of pearls cf. Pañcat (7) Trophis Aspera cf. L. (8) a kind of prose composition cf. L. (9) a kind of science cf. L. (10) ([ ikA ]), f. a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> hāridra [ hAridra ]2[ hAridr'a ] mfn. (fr. [ haridrA ]) coloured with turmeric, yellow cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (1) m. a yellow colour cf. L. (2) the Kadamba tree cf. L. (3) a kind of vegetable poison cf. Bhpr. (4) a kind of fever (also of animals) cf. ib.

===> hārika [ hArika ]1[ hArika ] [ hAriNa ], [ hArita ], [ hAridra ] &c. See p. 1292, col. 1

===> hārin [ hArin ]2[ hArin ] mfn. taking, carrying, carrying away, stealing, robbing (gen. or comp.) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (1) removing, dispelling, destroying cf. Kāv. cf. Kathās (2) taking to one's self, appropriating, levying or raising (taxes) cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Rājat (3) surpassing, exceeding cf. VarBṛS. (4) ravishing, captivating, attracting, charming ([ °ri-tva ] n.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (5) (fr. 1. [ hAra ]) having or wearing a garland of pearls cf. Bhartṛ. cf. BhP.

===> hārita [ hArita ]2[ h^arita ]2 m. (fr. [ harit ] and [ harita ]) green (the colour) cf. W. (1) a moderate wind neither too gentle nor too strong cf. L. (2) the Haritāla pigeon cf. L. (3) ` descendant of Haeita ', N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (pl. his family, also called [ haritAH ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (4) ([ A ]), f. a kind of Svara-bhakti (v. l. [ haritA ]) cf. TPrāt. cf. Sch. (5) ([ I ]), f. a patr. ([ -putra ] m. a son of Hariti) cf. Lalit.

===> hārmya [ hArmya ]1[ hArmy'a ] n. v. l. for [ harmy'a ] cf. TĀr.

===> hārya [ hArya ]1[ hArya ] See p. 1289, col. 3

===> hāsa [ hAsa ]1[ hAsa ] [ hAsya ], See p. 1294, cols. 2 and 3

===> hāsaka [ hAsaka ]2[ hAsaka ] m. one who causes laughter, a buffoon, jester cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Subh (1) a laugher cf. MW. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. laughter, mirth, merry-making cf. L.

===> hāsavatī [ hAsavatI ]3[ hAsa-vatI ] f. N. of a Tantra deity cf. Buddh.

===> hāsin [ hAsin ]2[ hAsin ] mfn. laughing, smiling at (comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) dazzingly white (cf. under [ hAsa ]), brilliant or adorned with cf. ib. (2) ([ inI ]), f. N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh.

===> hāsya [ hAsya ]2[ hAsya ] mfn. to be laughed at, laughable, ridiculous, funny, comical cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) laughing, laughter, mirth (in rhet. one of the 10 Rasas or of the 8 Sthāyi-bhāvas, qq. vv.) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) jest, fun, amusement cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> hāyaka [ hAyaka ]2[ hAyaka ] mfn. giving up, abandoning cf. MBh.

===> [ hAyaka ]1[ hAyaka ] [ hAyin ], See p. 1296, col. 2

===> hāṭaka [ hATaka ]1[ hATaka ] m. (said to be fr. √ [ haT ] (1) perhaps connected with [ hiraNya ]) N. of a country and people cf. MBh. (2) a partic. magical drink cf. BhP. (3) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river in she lower world cf. BhP. (4) n. ` found in Hātaka ', gold cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) mf ([ i ]) n. = next cf. Śiś.

===> hīna [ hIna ]1[ hIna ] &c. See p. 1296, col. 2

===> hīna-dīnânukampaka [ hInadInAnukampaka ]3[ hIn'a-dIn^anukampaka ] mfn. feeling compassion for the wretched and miserable cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> hīna-kula [ hInakula ]3[ hIn'a-kula ] mfn. of low family, base-born, plebeian ([ -tva ] n.) cf. MW.

===> hīna-vīrya [ hInavIrya ]3[ hIn'a-vIrya ] mfn. = [ -bala ] ([ -tva ] n.) cf. R. cf. Bhpr.

===> hīna-yāna [ hInayAna ]3[ hIn'a-yAna ] n. ` simpler or lesser vehicle ', N. of the earliest system of Buddhist doctrine (opp. to [ mahAyAna ] (1) See [ yAna ])

===> hīnatva [ hInatva ]3[ hIn'a-tva ] n. defectivenese, deprivation, destitution, the state of being without, want or absence of (instr. or comp.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> hīnatā [ hInatA ]3[ hIn'a-tA ] f.

===> hīnâṅga [ hInAGga ]3[ hIn^aGga ] mf ([ A ] or [ I ]) n. defective in limb, crippled, lame, mutilated cf. ṢaḍvBr. cf. Mn. cf. VarBṛS. (1) incomplete in parts, imperfect cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch.

===> hīra [ hIra ]1[ hIra ] m. a diamond cf. L. (1) a thunderbolt cf. L. (2) a serpent cf. L. (3) a lion cf. L. (4) a string of pearls ' (connected with 1. [ hAra ]) cf. L. (5) N. of Śiva cf. L. (6) of the father of Harsha cf. Vās., Introd. (7) ([ A ]), f. a kind of ant or moth cf. L. (8) Gmelina Arborei cf. L. (9) N. of Lakshmī cf. L. (10) of a woman cf. Cat. (11) m. n. a diamond cf. L. (12) a kind of metre cf. Col.

===> hīyamāna [ hIyamAna ]2[ hIyamAna ] mfn. being left or deserted &c. (1) weaker, inferior cf. MBh. (2) being lost cf. MW. (3) sinking, giving in cf. ib.

===> hūṃ-kāra [ hUMkAra ]1[ hUM-kAra ] [ hUM-kRti ], See under [ hum ], col. 2

===> hṛd [ hRd ]1[ h'Rd ] n. (optionally substituted for [ hRdaya ] in the weak cases, i. e. in all except the first five inflexions (1) thought to be connected with [ zrad ] q. v.) the heart (as the seat of feelings and emotions), soul, mind (as seat of thought and intellectual operations (2) [ hRdy avedin ], ` having no capacity of knowledge in the heart or mind ', said of animals), breast, chest, stomach, interior (also in older language, ` interior of the body ') cf. RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. [ cor ] [ 1302,2 ] ([ cordis ]) ; Germ. [ Herz ] ; Eng. [ heart ]. ]

===> hṛdaya [ hRdaya ]2[ h'Rdaya ] n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) the heart (or region of the heart as the seat of feelings and sensations (1) [ hRdaye-√ kR ], ` to take to heart '), soul, mind (as the seat of mental operations (2) [ capala-hRdaya ], ` fickleminded ') cf. RV. &c. &c. (3) the heart or interior of the body cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TBr. cf. MBh. (4) the heart or centre or core or essence or best or dearest or most secret part of anything cf. AV. &c. &c. (5) true or divine knowledge cf. MW. (6) the Veda cf. ib. (7) science cf. ib. (8) (with [ prajApateH ]) N. of a Sāman cf. IndSt (9) m. a partic. Sunday cf. BhavP. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of a mare cf. Hariv. (11) mfn. going to the heart cf. BhāgP. (fr. [ hRd ] + [ aya ] cf. Sch.)

===> hṛdaya-deśa [ hRdayadeza ]3[ h'Rdaya-deza ] m. the region of the heart cf. GṛŚrS.

===> hṛdayaṃ-gama [ hRdayaMgama ]3[ h'Rdaya-M-gama ] mf ([ A ]) n. touching the heart cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) coming from the heart ([ -tA ] f.) cf. Bhaṭṭ.

===> hṛdi [ hRdi ]2[ hRdi ] (loc. of [ hRd ]), in comp.

===> hṛdi-stha [ hRdistha ]3[ hRdi-stha ] mfn. being in the heart cf. ŚvetUp. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) beloved, dear cf. R. cf. BhP.

===> hṛdya [ hRdya ]2[ h'Rdya ] mf ([ A ]) n. being in the heart, internal, inward, inmost, innermost cf. RV. (1) pleasing or dear to the heart, beloved, cherished cf. RV. cf. TBr. cf. BhP. (2) grateful, pleasant, charming, lovely cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) pleasant to the stomach savoury, dainty (as food) cf. ib. (4) proceeding from or produced in the heart. cf. L. (5) m. the wood-apple tree cf. L. (6) a Vedic Mantra employed to effect the subjection of an enemy or rival cf. L.

---> ([ A ]), f. a partic. medicinal root (= [ vRddhi ]) cf. L. (7) red arsenic cf. L. (8) a she-goat cf. L. (9) ([ am ]), n. white cumin cf. L. (10) the aromatic bark of Laurus Cassia cf. L. (11) thick sour milk cf. L. (12) intoxicating drink made from honey or the blossoms of Bassia Latifolia cf. L.

===> hṛta [ hRta ]2[ hRt'a ] mfn. taken, taken away, seized (often ibc. = ` deprived or bereft of ', ` having lost ', ` -less ') (1) ravished, charmed, fascinated cf. Ratnâv (2) n. a portion, share cf. MW.

===> hṛṣṭa [ hRSTa ]2[ hRSTa ] mfn. thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) bristling, erect, standing on end (said of the hairs of the body) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) rigid, stiff cf. Hariv. (3) blunted (cf. [ hRSita ]) cf. Pat. (4) surprised, astonished cf. ib.

===> hṛṣṭa-citta [ hRSTacitta ]3[ hRSTa-citta ] (cf. Megh.),

===> hṛṣṭa-manas [ hRSTamanas ]3[ hRSTa-manas ] (cf. Pañcat.),

===> hṛṣṭa-mānasa [ hRSTamAnasa ]3[ hRSTa-mAnasa ] (cf. MBh.), mfn. = [ -citta ]

===> hṛṣṭa-tuṣṭa [ hRSTatuSTa ]3[ hRSTa-tuSTa ] mfn. pleased and satisfied cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> i [ i ]1[ i ]1 the third vowel of the alphabet, corresponding to [ i ] short, and pronounced as that letter in [ kill ] &c.

===> [ i ]1[ i ]2 ind. an interjection of anger, calling, sorrow, distress, compassion, &c., (g. [ c^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 57, &c.)

===> [ i ]1[ i ]3 base of Nom. and Acc. sing. du. and pl. of the demonstrative pronoun [ idam ], ` this ' or ` that ' (1) [ cf. [ 'itara ], [ itas ], [ iti ] [ 'id ], [ id'A ], [ iyat ], [ iva ], [ iha ]: cf. also Lat. [ id ] ; Goth. [ ita ] ; Eng. [ it ] ; Old Germ. [ iz ] ; Mod. Germ. [ es ]. ]

===> [ i ]1[ i ]4 m. N. of Kāmadeva cf. L.

===> [ i ]1[ i ]5 cl. 2. P. [ 'eti ] (Impv. 2. sg. [ ih'i ]) and 1. P. Ā. [ 'ayati ], [ ayate ] [ cf. √ [ ay ] ], (pf. [ iyAya ] [ 2. sg. [ iy'atha ] cf. AV. viii, 1, 10, and [ iy'etha ] cf. RV. ], fut. [ eSyati ] (1) aor. [ aiSIt ] (2) inf. [ etum ], [ 'etave ] cf. RV. and cf. AV., [ 'etava'i ] cf. RV. [ 'etos ] cf. RV. [ itya'i ] cf. RV. i, 113, 6, 124, 1) to go, walk (3) to flow (4) to blow (5) to advance, spread, get about (6) to go to or towards (with acc.), come cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hit. cf. Ragh. &c. (7) to go away, escape, pass, retire cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. R. (8) to arise from, come from cf. RV. cf. ChUp. (9) to return (in this sense only fut.) cf. MBh. cf. R. (10) (with [ punar ]) to come back again, return cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. &c. (11) to succeed cf. Mn. iii, 127 (12) to arrive at, reach, obtain
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Śak. cf. Hit. &c. (13) to fall into, come to (14) to approach with prayers, gain by asking (cf. [ ita ]) (15) to undertake anything (with acc.) (16) to be employed in, go on with, continue in any condition or relation (with a part. or instr., e. g. [ asura-rakSasAni mRdyamAnAni yanti ], ` the Asuras and Rakshases are being continually crushed ' cf. ŚBr. i, 1, 4, 14 (17) [ gavAmayanen^eyuH ], ` they, were engaged in the [ festival called ] Gavāmayana ' cf. KātyŚr. xxv, 5, 2) (18) to appear, be cf. KaṭhUp. : Intens. Ā. [ 'Iyate ] (cf. RV. i, 30, 18 (19) p. [ iyAn'a ] cf. RV. (20) inf. [ iy'adhyai ] cf. RV. vi, 20, 8) to go quickly or repeatedly (21) to come, wander, run, spread, get about cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (22) to appear, make one's appearance cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. BṛĀrUp. (23) to approach any one with requests (with two acc.), ask, request cf. RV. cf. AV. : Pass. [ 'Iyate ], to be asked or requested cf. RV. : Caus. [ Ayayati ], to cause to go or escape cf. Vop (24) [ cf. Gk. ?, ? ; 163,3 ] Lat. [ e-o ], [ ii-mus ], [ i-ter ], &c. ; Lith. [ ei-m'i ], ` I go ' ; Slav. [ i-d^u ], ` I go ', [ i-ti ], ` to go ' ; Goth. [ i-ddja ], ` I went. ' ]

===> i-kāra [ ikAra ]3[ i-kAra ]

===> icchatâ [ icchatA ]2[ iccha-tA ] f. or desire, wishfulness cf. L.

===> icchu [ icchu ]2[ icchu ] mfn. wishing, desiring (with acc. or inf.) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Pañcat. cf. R. cf. Kathās

===> icchā [ icchA ]2[ icchA ] f. wish, desire, inclination, K. : cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Pañcat. cf. Ragh. &c. (1) (in math.) a question or problem (2) (in gram.) the desiderative form cf. APrāt. (3) ([ icchayA ] ind. according to wish or desire cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. cf. Megh. &c. (4) [ icchAM ni-√ grah ], to suppress one's desire.)

===> idam [ idam ]1[ id'am ]1 [ ay'am ], [ iy'am ], [ id'am ] (fr. [ id ] cf. Uṇ. iv, 156 (1) g. [ sarv^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 27 cf. Vop (2) a kind of neut. of the pronom. base 3. [ i ] with [ am ] [ cf. Lat. [ is ], [ ea ], [ id ], and [ idem ] ] (3) the regular forms are partly derived from the pronom. base [ a ] (4) See Gr. 224 (5) the Veda exhibits various irregular formations, e. g. fr. pronom. base [ a ], an inst. [ en'A ], [ ay'A ] [ used in general adverbially ], and gen. loc. du. [ ay'os ], and perhaps also [ av'os ], in cf. RV. vi, 67, 11 ; vii, 67, 4 ; x, 132, 5 [ cf. BRD. ] (6) fr. the base [ ima ], a gen. sing. [ im'asya ], only cf. RV. (7) the cf. RV. has in a few instances the irregular accentuation [ 'asmai ], v, 39, 5, &c. (8) [ 'asya ], iv, 15, 5, &c. (9) [ 'Abhis ], vi, 25, 2, &c. : the forms derived fr. [ a ] are used enclitically if they take the place of the third personal pronoun, do not stand at the beginning of a verse or period, and have no peculiar stress laid upon them), this, this here, referring to something near the speaker (10) known, present (11) (opposed to [ adas ] e. g. [ ayaM lokaH ] or [ idaM vizvam ] or [ idaM sarvam ], this earthly world, this universe (12) [ ayam agniH ], this fire which burns on the earth (13) but [ asAv agniH ], that fire in the sky, i. e. the lightning: so also [ idam ] or [ iyam ] alone sometimes signifies ` this earth ' (14) [ ime smaH ], here we are.) [ idam ] often refers to something immediately following, whereas [ etad ] points to what precedes (e. g. [ zrutv^aitad idam UcuH ], having heard that they said this). [ idam ] occurs connected with [ yad ], [ tad ], [ etad ], [ kim ], and a personal pronoun, partly to point out anything more distinctly and emphatically, partly pleonastically (e. g. [ tad idaM vAkyam ], this speech here following [ 165,3 ] (15) [ so 'yaM vidUSakaH ], this Vidūshaka here)

===> [ idam ]2[ id'am ]2 ind. [ Ved. and in a few instances in classical Sanskṛt ] here, to this place (1) now, even, just (2) there (3) with these words cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. cf. ChUp. (4) in this manner cf. R. ii, 53, 31 cf. Śak. (v. l. for [ iti ] in [ kim iti joSam Asyate ], 202, 8)

===> idāni [ idAni ]2[ i-d'Ani ] [ i ] n. a measure of time (the fifteenth part of an Etarhi) cf. ŚBr. xii, 3, 2, 5

===> idānīm [ idAnIm ]2[ i-d'AnIm ] ind. now, at this moment, in this case, just, even (with gen. of [ ahan ] e. g. [ idAnIm ahnaH ], this present day, ` now-a-days '

---> [ idAnIm eva ], just now (1) immediately (2) [ idAnIm api ], in this case too (3) [ tata idAnIm ], thereupon, then) cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Ait. cf. Ragh (4) (in rare cases it is an expletive, affecting but slightly the sense)

===> iha [ iha ]1[ ih'a ] ind. (fr. pronom. base 3. [ i ]), in this place, here (1) to this place (2) in this world (3) in this book or system (4) in this case (e. g. [ ten^eha na ], ` therefore not in this case ', i. e. the rule does not apply here) (5) now, at this time cf. RV. &c. &c. ; [ cf. Zend [ idha ], ` here ' [ 170,1 ] (6) Gk. ? or ? in ? and ? ; Goth. [ ith ] ; [ 170,1 ] perhaps Lat. [ igi-tur ]. ]

===> iha-loka [ ihaloka ]3[ ih'a-loka ] m. this world, this life (1) ([ e ]), ind. in this world cf. MBh. cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. &c.

===> iha-stha [ ihastha ]3[ ih'a-stha ] mfn. standing here, Ratnāv. cf. Bālar. &c.

===> ihatra [ ihatra ]3[ ih'a-tra ] ind. here, in this world

===> ihatya [ ihatya ]2[ ihatya ] mfn. being here cf. Kathās. cf. Daś. &c.

===> ihâmutra [ ihAmutra ]3[ ih^amutra ] ind. here and there, in this world and in the next cf. Vedāntas. &c.

===> ijya [ ijya ]1[ ijya ] mfn. (irr. fut. pass. p. of √ [ yaj ]), to be revered or honoured cf. RāmatUp. cf. BhP. &c. (1) m. a teacher cf. BhP. (2) a deity, god cf. BhP. (3) N. of Bṛhaspati (the teacher or Guru of the gods) (4) of the planet Jupiter (5) ([ A ]), f. a sacrifice, making offerings to the gods or manes cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 98
cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Bhag. cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. &c. (6) a gift, donation (7) worship, reverence (8) meeting, union cf. L. (9) a cow cf. L. (10) a bawd or procuress cf. L.

===> ikṣu [ ikSu ]1[ ikS'u ] m. (√ 2. [ iS ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 157), the sugar-cane cf. AV. i, 34, 5 cf. Kauś. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Mn. &c. (1) (twelve species of it are enumerated cf. Suśr.) (2) the stem of the sugar-cane cf. Mn. (3) eyelash cf. VS. cf. TS. &c. (4) N. of a king cf. VP.

===> ikṣu-rasa [ ikSurasa ]3[ ikS'u-rasa ] m. the juice of the sugar-cane (1) molasses, unrefined sugar cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat (2) the cane Saccharum Spontaneum cf. L. (3) [ -kvAtha ] m. raw or unrefined sugar, molasses cf. L. (4) [ -kvAth^oda ] m. the sea of syrup cf. L.

===> ikṣvāku [ ikSvAku ]1[ ikSvAk'u ] [ cf. RV. ] and [ 'ikSvAku ] [ cf. AV. ]. m. N. of a man cf. RV. x, 60, 7 cf. AV. xix, 39, 9 (1) of a son of Manu Vaivasvata (father of Kukshi and first king of the solar dynasty in Ayodhyā)
cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Bhag. cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (2) a descendant of Ikshvāku cf. R. cf. Ragh (3) (some Buddhists as well as the Jainas derive their Cakravartins and many of their Arhats from Ikshvāku) (4) ([ avas ]), m. N. of a warrior-tribe descended from Ikshvāku cf. VarBṛS. (5) ([ us ]), f. a bitter gourd (6) according to some, the Coloquintida (Citrillus Colocynthis), the fruit of a wild species of Lagenaria Vulgaris cf. Suśr.

===> indhana [ indhana ]2[ indhana ] n. kindling, lighting, [ cf. [ agn^indhana ] (1) fuel (2) wood, grass &c. used for this purpose cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Yājñ. cf. Śiś. c.

===> indhanavat [ indhanavat ]3[ indhana-vat ] mfn. possessed of fuel

===> indra [ indra ]1[ 'indra ] m. (for etym. as given by native authorities cf. Nir. x, 8 cf. Sāy. on cf. RV. i, 3, 4 cf. Uṇ. ii, 28 (1) according to cf. BRD. fr. [ in ] = √ [ inv ] with suff. [ ra ] preceded by inserted [ d ], meaning ` to subdue, conquer ' [ 166,2 ] (2) according to Muir, S. cf. T. v, 119, for [ sindra ] fr. √ [ syand ], ` to drop ' (3) more probably from √ [ ind ], ` to drop ', q. v., and connected with [ indu ] above), the god of the atmosphere and sky (4) the Indian Jupiter Pluvius or lord of rain (who in Vedic mythology reigns over the deities of the intermediate region or atmosphere (5) he fights against and conquers with his thunder-bolt [ [ vajra ] ] the demons of darkness, and is in general a symbol of generous heroism (6) [ indra ] was not originally lord of the gods of the sky, but his deeds were most useful to mankind, and he was therefore addressed in prayers and hymns more than any other deity, and ultimately superseded the more lofty and spiritual Varuṇa (7) in the later mythology [ indra ] is subordinated to the triad Brahman, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, but remained the chief of all other deities in the popular mind)
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. &c. (8) (he is also regent of the east quarter, and considered one of the twelve Ādityas) cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (9) in the Vedānta he is identified with the supreme being (10) a prince (11) ifc. best, excellent, the first, the chief (of any class of objects (12) cf. [ sur^endra ], [ rAj^endra ], [ parvat^endra ], &c.) cf. Mn. cf. Hit. (13) the pupil of the right eye (that of the left being called Indrāṇī or Indra's wife) cf. ŚBr. cf. BṛĀrUp. (14) the number fourteen, Sūryas (15) N. of a grammarian (16) of a physician (17) the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica (See [ kuTaja ]) cf. L. (18) a vegetable poison cf. L. (19) the twenty-sixth Yoga or division of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic (20) the Yoga star in the twenty-sixth Nakshatra, ? Pegasi (21) the human soul, the portion of spirit residing in the body (22) night cf. L. (23) one of the nine divisions of Jambu-dvīpa or the known continent cf. L. (24) ([ A ]), f. the wife of Indra, See [ indrANI ] (25) N. of a plant cf. L. (26) ([ I ]), f. N. of an attendant of Devī

===> indra-cāpa [ indracApa ]3[ 'indra-cApa ] m. n. Indra's bow, the rainbow cf. MBh. cf. Megh. cf. VarBṛS.

===> indra-datta [ indradatta ]3[ 'indra-datta ] m. N. of a Brāhman cf. Kathās

===> indra-dhanus [ indradhanus ]3[ 'indra-dhan'us ] n. Indra's bow, the rainbow cf. AV. xv, 1, 6

===> indra-dhvaja [ indradhvaja ]3[ 'indra-dhvaja ] m. Indra's banner cf. VarBṛS. (1) N. of a Tathāgata (2) of a Nāga cf. L.

===> indra-gopa [ indragopa ]3[ 'indra-gopa ] or [ A ] mfn. Ved. having Indra as one's protector cf. RV. viii, 46, 32 (1) m. the insect cochineal of various kinds (2) a fire-fly (in this sense also [ indra-gopaka ])

===> indra-hasta [ indrahasta ]3[ 'indra-hasta ] m. a kind of medicament cf. L.

===> indra-jāla [ indrajAla ]3[ 'indra-jAl'a ] n. the net of Indra cf. AV. viii, 8, 8 (1) a weapon employed by Arjuna cf. MBh. (2) sham, illusion, delusion, magic, sorcery, juggle (3) the art of magic
&c. cf. Kathās. cf. Ratnāv. cf. Prab. cf. Vedāntas. cf. Sāh. &c. (4) [ -jJa ] m. knowing the art of magic, a juggler, sorcerer cf. VarBṛS. (5) [ -paricaya ] m. knowledge of magic art cf. Kshem (6) [ -puruSa ] m. a phantom of a man cf. Daś (7) [ -vidyA ] f. the science of magic art

===> indra-ketu [ indraketu ]3[ 'indra-ketu ] m. Indra's banner cf. Lalit. (1) N. of a man cf. BhP.

===> indra-kīla [ indrakIla ]3[ 'indra-kIla ] m. N. of a mountain cf. MBh. (1) a bolt, cross-beam cf. AV. Par. cf. Suśr.

===> indra-maha [ indramaha ]3[ 'indra-maha ] m. a festival in honour of Indra cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) [ -karman ] or [ -kamuka ] m. a dog cf. L.

===> indra-nīla [ indranIla ]3[ 'indra-nIla ] m. a sapphire cf. Ragh. cf. Megh. cf. Śiś. cf. BhP. (1) [ -ka ] m. an emerald cf. L.

===> indra-sena [ indrasena ]3[ 'indra-sena ] m. N. of several men (1) N. of a Nāga (2) of a mountain cf. BhP. (3) ([ 'A ]), f. Indra's army cf. RV. x, 102, 2 (4) N. of a goddess (5) of several women (6) [ -dvitIya ] mfn. attended by Indra-sena

===> indra-yaṣṭi [ indrayaSTi ]3[ 'indra-yaSTi ] m. N. of Nāga

===> indriya [ indriya ]2[ indriy'a ] mfn. fit for or belonging to or agreeable to Indra cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (1) m. a companion of Indra(?) cf. RV. i, 107, 2 cf. AV. xix, 27, 1 (2) ([ am ]), n. power, force, the quality which belongs especially to the mighty Indra
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. AitBr. cf. ŚBr. (3) exhibition of power, powerful act cf. RV. cf. VS. (4) bodily power, power of the senses (5) virile power cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. (6) semen virile cf. VS. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (7) faculty of sense, sense, organ of sense cf. AV. cf. Suśr. cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. cf. Kir. &c. (8) the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition to the five organs of perception, [ buddh^indriyANi ] or [ jJAn^endriyANi ], i. e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, the Hindūs enumerate five organs of action, [ karm^endriyANi ] i. e. larynx, hand, foot, anus, and parts of generation (9) between these ten organs and the soul or [ Atman ] stands [ manas ] or mind, considered as an eleventh organ (10) in the Vedānta, [ manas ], [ buddhi ], [ ahaMkAra ], and [ citta ] form the four inner or internal organs, [ antar-indriyANi ], so that according to this reckoning the organs are fourteen in number, each being presided over by its own ruler or [ niyantR ] (11) thus, the eye by the Sun, the ear by the Quarters of the world, the nose by the two Aśvins, the tongue by Pracetas, the skin by the Wind, the voice by Fire, the hand by Indra, the foot by Viṣṇu, the anus by Mitra, the parts of generation by Prajāpati, manas by the Moon, buddhi by Brahman, ahaṃkāra by Śiva, citta by Vishnu as Acyuta (12) in the Nyāya philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element, the nose with the Earth, the tongue with Water, the eye with Light or Fire, the skin with Air, the ear with Ether (13) the Jainas divide the whole creation into five sections, according to the number of organs attributed to each being.)

===> indriya-ghāta [ indriyaghAta ]3[ indriy'a-ghAta ] m. weakness of the organs of sense cf. Sāṃkhyak

===> indriya-nigraha [ indriyanigraha ]3[ indriy'a-nigraha ] m. restraint of the organs of sense

===> indriya-viṣaya [ indriyaviSaya ]3[ indriy'a-viSaya ] m. any object of the senses

===> indriyatva [ indriyatva ]3[ indriy'a-tva ] n. the state or condition of being an organ of sense cf. Kap

===> indriyârtha [ indriyArtha ]3[ indriy^artha ] m. an object of sense (as sound, smell, &c.), anything exciting the senses cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> indrâyudha [ indrAyudha ]3[ indr^ayudha ] n. ` Indra's weapon ', the rainbow cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Ragh (1) diamond cf. L. (2) m. a horse marked with black about the eyes (3) ([ A ]), f. a kind of leech (marked with rainbow tints) cf. Suśr. (4) [ -maya ] mfn. consisting of rainbow cf. Kād (5) [ -zikhin ] m. N. of a Nāga

===> indrāṇī [ indrANI ]2[ indrAN'I ] f. the wife of Indra cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of Durgā cf. Hariv., (reckoned as one of the eight mothers [ [ mAtRkA ] ] or divine energies) (2) the pupil of the left eye (cf. [ indra ]) cf. ŚBr. (3) a kind of coitus cf. L. (4) the plant Vitex Negundo cf. L. (5) a species of Colocynth cf. Nir

===> indu [ indu ]1[ 'indu ] m. (√ [ und ] cf. Uṇ. i, 13 (1) probably fr. [ ind ] = √ [ und ], ` to drop ' [ see p. 165, col. 3, and cf. [ 'indra ] ] (2) perhaps connected with [ bindu ], which last is unknown in the Ṛg-veda cf. BRD.), Ved. a drop (especially of Soma), Soma cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (3) a bright drop, a spark cf. TS. (4) the moon (5) ([ avas ]), m. pl. the moons, i. e. the periodic changes of the moon (6) time of moonlight, night
cf. RV. cf. MBh. cf. Śak. cf. Megh. &c. (7) ([ us ]), m. camphor cf. Bhpr. (8) the point on a die cf. AV. vii, 109, 6 (9) N. of Vāstoshpati cf. RV. vii, 54, 2 (10) a symbolic expression for the number ` one ' (11) designation of the Anusvāra (12) a coin cf. L. (In the Brāhmaṇas, [ indu ] is used only for the moon (13) but the connexion between the meanings ` Soma juice ' and ` moon ' in the word [ indu ] has led to the same two ideas being transferred in classical Sanskṛt to the word [ soma ], although the latter has properly only the sense ` Soma juice. ')

===> indīvara [ indIvara ]1[ indI-vara ] or [ indI-vAra ], or [ indi-vara ], [ as ], [ am ] m. n. the blossom of a blue lotus, Nymphaea Stellata and Cyanea cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Prab. &c. (1) m. a bee cf. Gīt. (2) ([ I ]), f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus (3) ([ A ]), f. another plant cf. L.

===> itara [ itara ]1[ 'i-tara ] mf ([ A ]) n. (the neuter is [ ad ] in classical Sanskṛt, but [ am ] [ [ ad ] cf. ŚBr. ] in Ved. cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 25. 26 (1) comparative form of pronom. base 3. [ i ] ; cf. Lat. [ iterum ] ; Hib. [ iter ]), the other (of two), another (2) (pl.,) the rest (3) (with abl.) different from
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. cf. Hit. &c.

---> low, vile cf. Kād (4) expelled, rejected cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. said to be a N. of the mother of Aitareya (6) ([ ad ]), ind. whereas, whilst cf. Subh (7) [ itara ], [ itara ], the one - the other, this - that. ([ itara ] connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea, e. g. [ vijayAya itarAya vA ] [ cf. MBh. ], to victory or defeat (8) so in Dvandva compounds, [ sukh^etareSu ] [ cf. ŚvetUp. ], in happiness and distress (9) it sometimes, however, forms a Tat-purusha compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word, e. g. [ dakSiN^etara ], the left hand.)

===> itarathā [ itarathA ]3[ 'i-tara-thA ] ind. in another manner, in a contrary manner (1) perversely (2) on the other hand, else cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Śiś. &c.

===> itas [ itas ]1[ i-t'as ] ind. (fr. 3. [ i ] with affix [ tas ], used like the abl. case of the pronoun [ idam ]), from hence, hence, here, (opposed to [ amu-tas ] and [ amu-tra ])
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Śak. &c. (1) from this point (2) from this world, in this world
cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. Prab. &c. (3) ([ itas ], [ itas ], here - there (4) [ itazc^etazca ], hence and thence, hither and thither, here and there, to and fro) (5) from this time, now cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. MBh. &c. (6) therefore cf. R.

===> iti [ iti ]1[ iti ]2 ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. [ i ]), in this manner, thus (in its original signification [ iti ] refers to something that has been said or thought, or lays stress on what precedes (1) in the Brāhmaṇas it is often equivalent to ` as you know ', reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs, conditions, &c. supposed to be known to him). In quotations of every kind [ iti ] means that the preceding words are the very words which some person has or might have spoken, and placed thus at the end of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas ([ ity uktvA ], having so said (2) [ iti kRtvA ], having so considered, having so decided). It may often have reference merely to what is passing in the mind, e. g. [ bAlo 'pi n^avamantavyo manuSya iti bhUmipaH ], a king, though a child, is not to be despised, saying to one's self, ` he is a mortal ', (Gr. 928.) In dram. [ iti tathA karoti ] means ` after these words he acts thus. ' Sometimes [ iti ] is used to include under one head a number of separate objects aggregated together (e. g. [ ijy^adhyayanadAnAni tapaH satyaM kSamA damaH ] [ alobha iti mArgo 'yam ], ` sacrificing, studying, liberality, penance, truth, patience, self-restraint, absence of desire ', this course of conduct, &c.) [ iti ] is sometimes followed by [ evam ], [ iva ], or a demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (e. g. [ tAm brUyAd bhavat^ity evam ], her he may call ` lady ', thus). [ iti ] may form an adverbial compound with the name of an author (e. g. [ iti-pANini ], thus according to Pāṇini). It may also express the act of calling attention (lo! behold!) It may have some other significations, e. g. something additional (as in [ ityAdi ], et caetera), order, arrangement specific or distinctive, and identity. It is used by native commentators after quoting a rule to express ` according to such a rule ' (e. g. [ anudAttaGita ity Atmanepadam bhavati ], according to the rule of Pāṇini i, 3, 12, the Ātmane-pada takes place). [ kim iti ] = [ kim ], wherefore, why? (In the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa [ ti ] occurs for [ iti ] (3) cf. Prākṛt [ ti ] and [ tti ].)

===> iti-hâsa [ itihAsa ]3[ iti-h^asa ] m. ([ iti-ha-Asa ], ` so indeed it was '), talk, legend, tradition, history, traditional accounts of former events, heroic history cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c.

===> ittham [ ittham ]1[ itth'am ] ind. (fr. [ id ], q. v. cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 24), thus, in this manner cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. R. cf. Śak. &c. ; [ cf. Lat. [ item ]. ]

===> itvara [ itvara ]2[ itvar'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. going, walking cf. RV. x, 88, 4 (1) travelling (2) a traveller (3) cruel, harsh cf. L. (4) poor, indigent cf. L. (5) low, vile, condemned cf. Pañcad (6) m. a bull or steer allowed to go at liberty (v. l. [ iTcara ], q. v.) cf. L. (7) ([ I ]), f. a disloyal or unchaste woman cf. Rājat

===> ity-ādi [ ityAdi ]3[ ity-Adi ] mfn. having such (thing or things) at the beginning, thus beginning, and so forth, et caetera cf. Hit. cf. Vet. cf. Vedāntas., &c.

===> itya [ itya ]1[ itya ] &c., [ itvan ], &c. See p. 163, col. 3

===> iva [ iva ]1[ iva ] ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. [ i ]), like, in the same manner as (in this sense = [ yathA ], and used correlatively to [ tathA ]) (1) as it were, as if (e. g. [ path^eva ], as if on a path) (2) in a certain manner, in some measure, a little, perhaps (in qualification or mitigation of a strong assertion) (3) nearly, almost, about (e. g. [ muhUrtam iva ], almost an hour) (4) so, just so, just, exactly, indeed, very (especially after words which involve some restriction, e. g. [ ISad iva ], just a little (5) [ kiMcid iva ], just a little bit: and after a negation, e. g. [ na cirAd iva ], very soon). [ iva ] is connected vaguely, and somewhat pleonastically, with an interrogative pronoun or adverb (e. g. [ kim iva ], what? [ katham iva ], how could that possibly be? [ kv^eva ], where, I should like to know?). In the Pada texts of the Ṛg, Yajur, and Atharva-veda, and by native grammarians, [ iva ] is considered to be enclitic, and therefore compounded with the word after which it stands cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. &c.

===> iyam [ iyam ]1[ iy'am ] f. nom. sg. of the demonstrative pronoun [ id'am ], q. v.

===> iyat [ iyat ]1[ 'iyat ] mfn. (fr. pronominal base 3. [ i ]), so large, only so large (1) so much, only so much (2) of such extent
cf. RV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. cf. Pañcat. cf. Ragh. &c. ; [ cf. the syllable [ iens ], or [ ies ] in such Lat. words as [ totiens ], [ toties ], [ quotiens ], [ quoties ], and in numeral adverbs as [ quinquies ]. ]

===> iyattaka [ iyattaka ]3[ 'iyat-tak'a ] ([ iyat° ]), mf ([ ikA ]) n. so small, so little cf. RV. i, 191, 11 ; 15

===> iṅgita [ iGgita ]2[ iGgita ] n. palpitation (1) change of the voice, internal motion, motion of various parts of the body as indicating the intentions (2) hint, sign, gesture (3) aim, intention, real but covert purpose cf. Mn. cf. R. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Hit. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> iṅgita-jña [ iGgitajJa ]3[ iGgita-jJa ] mfn. understanding signs, acquainted with the gesture of another, skilled in the expression or interpretation of internal sentiments by external gesture

===> iṣikā [ iSikA ]2[ iSikA ] f. (= [ iSIkA ] below) a brush cf. L. (1) the eyeball of an elephant cf. L.

===> iṣu [ iSu ]2[ 'iSu ] [ us ] mf. an arrow
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. cf. Śak. &c.

---> (in mathematics) a versed sine (1) N. of a Soma ceremony cf. KātyŚr. (2) the number five cf. Sāh (3) N. of a particular constellation cf. VarBṛ. xii, 7. [ According to Dayānanda [ iSu ] may mean ` ray of light ' (4) cf. Gk. ? ; [ 168,3 ] Zd. [ ishu ]. ]

===> [ iSu ]1[ iSu ] [ iSu-dhi ], &c. See 1. [ iS ]

===> iṣu-kṣepa [ iSukSepa ]3[ 'iSu-kSepa ] m. (the distance of) an arrow shot cf. Lalit.

===> iṣv-astra [ iSvastra ]3[ iSv-astra ] n. ` arrow-thrower ', a bow cf. Ragh. cf. R.

===> iṣīkā [ iSIkA ]3[ iSIkA° ] n. the point or upper part of a reed cf. Kauś. cf. ChUp.

===> iṣṭa [ iSTa ]2[ iST'a ]1 mfn. (for 2. See s. v.), sought cf. ŚBr. (1) wished, desired (2) liked, beloved (3) agreeable (4) cherished
cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. Pañcat. cf. Śak. &c. (5) reverenced, respected (6) regarded as good, approved cf. Mn. cf. Sāṃkhyak (7) valid (8) m. a lover, a husband cf. Śak. 83 c. (9) the plant Ricinus Communis cf. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of a plant cf. L. (11) ([ am ]), n. wish, desire
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. AitBr. cf. Mn. cf. R. (12) ([ am ]), ind. voluntarily

===> [ iSTa ]1[ iST'a ]2 mfn. (p. p. fr. √ [ yaj ] (1) for 1. [ iST'a ] See col. 2) sacrificed, worshipped with sacrifices cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. AitBr. &c. (2) m. sacrifice cf. MārkP. xiii, 15 (3) ([ am ]), n. sacrificing, sacrifice (4) sacred rite, sacrament cf. L.

===> iṣṭa-devatā [ iSTadevatA ]3[ iST'a-devatA ] f. a chosen tutelary deity, favourite god, one particularly worshipped (cf. [ abh^iSTa-devatA ])

===> iṣṭakā [ iSTakA ]2[ 'iSTakA ] f. a brick in general (1) a brick used in building the sacrificial altar cf. VS. cf. AitBr. cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mṛcch. &c.

===> iṣṭatva [ iSTatva ]3[ iST'a-tva ] n. desirableness, the state of being beloved or reverenced

===> iṣṭi [ iSTi ]2[ iST'i ]2 f. seeking, going after cf. RV. (1) endeavouring to obtain (2) wish, request, desire cf. RV. cf. VS. &c. (3) any desired object (4) a desired rule, a desideratum, a N. applied to the statement of grammarians who are considered as authoritative

===> [ iSTi ]2[ 'iSTi ]3 f. sacrificing, sacrifice (1) an oblation consisting of butter, fruits, &c., opposed to the sacrifice of an animal or Soma cf. RV. i, 166, 14 ; x, 169, 2 cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. Yājñ. cf. Mn. cf. Śak. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> ja [ ja ]1[ ja ]1 the 3rd palatal letter (having the sound of [ j ] in [ jump ])

===> [ ja ]1[ ja ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ jan ]) ifc. born or descended from, produced or caused by, born or produced in or at or upon, growing in, living at cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (after an adv. or adverbial word) born or produced (e. g. [ agra- ], [ avara- ] (2) [ eka- ], [ dvi- ], [ ni- ], [ pUrva- ], [ prathama- ], [ saha- ] and [ sAkaM-j'a ]), Mn x, 25 (3) prepared from, made of or with, v, 25 cf. Suśr. cf. Hcat (4) ` belonging to, connected with, peculiar to ', See [ anUpa ], [ anna ], [ zahra- ], [ s^artha- ]. m. a son of (in comp.) cf. Mn. &c. (5) a father cf. L. (6) birth cf. L. (7) ([ 'A ]), f. a race, tribe cf. AV. v, 11, 10 (8) ifc. a daughter cf. MBh. &c. (9) cf. [ jA ]

===> [ ja ]1[ ja ]3 mfn. speedy, swift cf. L. (1) victorious cf. L. (2) eaten cf. W. (3) m. speed cf. L. (4) enjoyment cf. L. (5) light, lustre cf. L. (6) poison cf. L. (7) a Piśāca cf. L. (8) Viṣṇu cf. L. (9) Śiva cf. L. (10) a husband's brother's wife cf. L.

===> ja-kāra [ jakAra ]3[ ja-kAra ] m. the letter [ ja ]

===> jaga [ jaga ]1[ jaga ] n. = [ gat ] cf. KaushUp. i, 3

===> jagat [ jagat ]2[ j'agat ] mfn. (√ [ gam ] redupl. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 178 cf. Vārtt. 3) moving, movable, locomotive, living cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (1) (= [ j'Agata ]) composed in the Jagatī metre cf. RV. i, 164, 23 cf. ṢaḍvBr. i, 4 cf. Lāṭy. i, 8, 9 (2) m. air, wind cf. L. (3) m. pl. people, mankind cf. Rājat. (C.) iii, 494 (4) n. that which moves or is alive, men and animals, animals as opposed to men, men (cf. Naigh. ii, 3) cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. ([ °to madhye ], ` within everybody's sight ' cf. R. vii, 97, 1 ; 5 and 10) (5) the world, esp. this world, earth cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. &c. (6) the Jagati metre cf. RV. i, 164, 25 (7) N. of a Sāman, See - [ sAman ] (8) n. du. heaven and the lower world cf. Kir. v, 20 (9) n. pl. the worlds (= [ °gat-traya ]) cf. Prab. i, 10 (10) people, mankind cf. Kpr. x, 50/51 (cf. Sāh. and cf. Kuval.) (11) ([ j'agatI ]), f. a female animal cf. RV. i, 157, 5 ; vi, 72, 4 (12) a cow cf. Naigh. 11, II (13) the plants (or flour as coming from plants) cf. VS. i, 21 cf. ŚBr. i, 2, 2, 2 (14) the earth cf. ĪśUp. cf. PraśnUp. cf. Mn. i, 100 cf. MBh. &c. (15) the site of a house cf. L. (cf. Kir. i, 7 cf. Sch.) (16) people, mankind cf. L. (17) the world, universe cf. R. ii, 69, 11 a metre of 4 x 12 syllables cf. RV. x, 130, 5 cf. AV. viii (18) xix cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (19) any metre of 4 X 12 syllables (20) the number 48 cf. Lāṭy. ix cf. Kāty. xxii (21) a sacrificial brick named after the Jagatī metre cf. ŚBr. viii cf. KātyŚr. xvii (22) a field planted with Jambū cf. L.

===> jagatī [ jagatI ]2[ j'agatI ] f. of [ °t ], q. v.

===> jaghana [ jaghana ]1[ jagh'ana ] (√ [ janh ]), m. [ cf. RV. i, 28, 2 ; v, 61, 3 ; vi, 75, 13 ], n. [ cf. AV. xiv, r, 36 cf. TS. ii cf. TBr. ii, &c. ] the hinder part, buttock, hip and loins, pudenda, mons veneris (ifc. f. [ A ] [ cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 56 cf. Kāś. ] cf. MBh. xiii, 5324 cf. R. cf. Megh.) (1) the hinder part of an altar cf. Śulbas. iii, 52 (2) rear-guard cf. MBh. iii, v f. ix (3) ([ ena ]), instr. ind. behind (with gen. [ cf. ChUp. ii, 24, 3 ] or acc. [ cf. ŚBr. i f. vii, xi ] following, once [ vii, 2, 2, 4 ] preceding) (4) so as to turn the back towards cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 1 ; iv, 12

===> jaghanya [ jaghanya ]2[ jaghany'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (g. [ dig-Adi ] (1) in comp. cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 58 (2) ifc., g. [ vargy^adi ]) hindmost, last, latest cf. AV. vii, 74, 2 cf. VS. cf. TBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (3) lowest, worst, vilest, least, least important cf. MBh. &c. (4) of low origin or rank, (m.) man of the lowest class cf. Hariv. 5817 cf. R. ii cf. Pañcat. cf. BhP. vii, 11, 17 (5) m. N. of the attendant of the model man Mālavya cf. VarBṛS. lxix, 31 ff (6) n. the penis cf. L. (7) ([ am ]), ind. behind, after, last cf. MBh. iii, 905 f. cf. R. (G) ii, 112, 31 (8) ([ e ]), loc. ind. id. cf. MBh. iii, 1303 f. ; v, 4506 (9) with √ [ kR ], to leave behind cf. Hariv. 3087

===> jahana [ jahana ]2[ jahana ] See [ sarva-sattva-pApa- ]

===> jahat [ jahat ]2[ j'ahat ] mfn. pr. p. √ 3. [ hA ], q. v.

===> jahita [ jahita ]2[ jahit'a ] mfn. (Jaina Prākṛt [ jadha ]) abandoned, poor cf. RV. i, 116, 10 ; iv, 30, 19 ; viii, 5, 22 (1) cf. [ pra- ]

===> jaigīṣavya [ jaigISavya ]1[ jaigISavya ] m. patr. fr. [ jigIS'u ] (g. [ garg^adi ]), N. of an ancient Ṛshi (named along with Asita Devala) cf. MBh. ii, ix, xii f. cf. Hariv. 952 cf. VarBṛS. iii, 62 cf. BhP. ix, 21, 26

===> jala [ jala ]1[ jal'a ]1 mfn. = [ jaDa ] (cf. √ [ jal ]), stupid (cf. [ °l^adkipa ], [ °l^azaya ]) cf. ŚārṅgP. xxi (v. l.) (1) m. (g. [ jval^adi ]) a stupid man cf. Śiś. v, 37 (2) N. of a man (with the patr. Jātūkarṇya) cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 29, 6 (3) n. (also pl.) water, any fluid cf. Naigh. i, 12 cf. Yājñ. i, 17 cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (4) a kind of Andropogon cf. Bhpr. vii, 10, 52 & 78 ; 28, 18 (5) the 4th mansion (in astrol.) cf. VarYogay. iv, 26 (6) a cow's embryo ([ go-kalaka ] or [ °lana ]) cf. L. (7) (= [ jaDa ]) frigidity (moral or mental or physical) cf. W. (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. MBh. iii, 10556

===> [ jala ]2[ jala ]2 Nom. [ °lati ], to become water cf. Śatr. xiv '

===> jala-bindu [ jalabindu ]3[ jal'a-bindu ] m. a drop of water (1) N. of a Tirtha cf. VarP. clix (2) f. N. of a Nāga virgin cf. Kāraṇḍ. i, 45 (3) [ -jA ] f. sugar prepared from Yava-nāla cf. L.

===> jala-candra [ jalacandra ]3[ jal'a-candra ] m. N. of a poet cf. Sadukt. iv, 273

===> jala-cārin [ jalacArin ]3[ jal'a-cArin ] mfn. living in or near water, m. an aquatic animal, fish cf. MBh. cf. R. iii f. cf. VarBṛS. cf. BrahmaP.

===> jala-dhara [ jaladhara ]3[ jal'a-dhara ] m. ` holding water ', a (rain-) cloud cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) the ocean cf. L. (2) Cyperus rotundus cf. L. (3) Dalbergia ujjeinensis cf. L. (4) a metre of 4x32 syllabic instants (5) [ -garjita-ghoSasusvara-nakSatra-rAja-saMkusumit^abhijJa ] m. ` having a voice musical as the sound of the thunder of the clouds and conversant with the appearance of the regents of the Nakshatras ', N. of a Buddha, Saddh. xxv (6) [ -mAlA ] f. = [ jalada-paGkti ] (7) two metres of 4 X 12 syllables each (8) [ °r^abhyudaya ] m. = [ jalad^agama ] cf. ŚārṅgP. lxvi, 3

===> jala-dhi [ jaladhi ]3[ jal'a-dhi ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 93 cf. Kāś.) ` water-receptacle ', a lake cf. W. (1) the ocean cf. Pañcat. cf. Śak. cf. VarBṛS. &c. ; 100 billions (2) [ -kanyakA ] f. = [ -jA ] cf. Bhām. iv, 8 (3) [ -gA ] f. a river flowing into the ocean cf. L. (4) [ -jA ] f. ocean-daughter ', Lakshmi cf. L. (5) [ -tA ] f. the state of the ocean cf. ŚārṅgP. xxix, 12 (6) [ -nandinI ] f. = [ -jA ] cf. Bhām. iv, 2 (7) [ -razana ] mfn. ocean-girted (the earth) cf. Rājat. i, 46 (8) [ -sambhava ] mfn. marine cf. W.

===> jala-garbha [ jalagarbha ]3[ jal'a-garbha ] m. N. of a son of [ -vAhana ] (Ananda in a former birth) cf. Suvarṇapr. xvii f.

===> jala-ja [ jalaja ]3[ jal'a-ja ] mfn. produced or born or living or growing in water, coming from or peculiar to water cf. MBh. ii, 94 cf. R. ii, 59, 11 cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. (1) m. an aquatic animal, fish cf. Gaut. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) Barringtonia acutangula cf. L. (3) sea-salt cf. L. (4) N. of several signs of the zodiac connected with water cf. Dīp. (5) (also n. cf. L.) a conch-shell (used as a trumpet cf. Hariv. 10936 cf. Ragh. cf. BhP.) cf. MBh. vi, 4996 cf. Hariv. 8056 cf. BhP. viii, 20, 31 (6) n. = [ -ja-dravya ], Vā-BṛS. xiii, xv (7) = [ -ruh ] cf. MBh. ii f. cf. Hariv. cf. R. iv cf. BhP. iii (8) a kind of ebony cf. Bhpr. (v. l. [ °la-da ]) (9) = [ °la-kuntala ] cf. L. (10) = [ -vetasa ] cf. L. (11) ([ A ]), f. a kind of Glycyrrhiza cf. L. (12) [ -kusuma ] n. ` water-flower ', lotus, in comp. [ °ma-yoni ] m. ` lotus-born ', Brahmā cf. MBh. viii, 4647 (13) [ jalaja-dravya ] n. any sea-product, pearl, shell cf. VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 17 (14) [ -sumanA ] f. Andropogon aciculatus cf. Npr. (15) [ °j^akskhI ] f. a lotus-eyed woman (16) [ °j^ajIva ] m. pl. ` living on fishes ', the inhabitants of the east coast cf. VarBṛS. xi, 55 (17) [ °j^asana ] m. ` lotus-seated ', Brahmā cf. Kum. ii, 30 (18) [ °j^ekSaNA ] f. = [ °j^ahSI ] cf. Hariv. 3626

===> jala-ruha [ jalaruha ]3[ jal'a-ruha ] m. an aquatic animal cf. VarBṛS. x, 7 (1) n. = [ -ruh ] cf. MBh. i, 5005 and 5059 (2) [ -kusuma ] n. an aquatic flower, Var Yogay. vii, 7 (3) [ °h^eskhaNa ] mfn. lotus-eyed cf. MBh. i, 129, 27

===> jala-vāhana [ jalavAhana ]3[ jal'a-vAhana ] m. ` watercarrier ', N. of a physician (Gautama Buddha in a former birth) cf. Suvarṇapr. xviif. [ 415,3 ] (1) n. flowing of water cf. W. (2) ([ I ]), f. a water-course, aqueduct cf. W.

===> jala-yāna [ jalayAna ]3[ jal'a-yAna ] n ' ` water-vehicle ', a boat, ship cf. BhP. iii, 14, 17 ; x, 68, 24

===> jalauka [ jalauka ]3[ jal'auka ] m. = [ °kasa ] cf. Suśr. i, 29, 79 (1) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. MBh. xii, 3306 cf. Suśr. i, 13 ; ii, 3 cf. SkandaP. (2) [ °k^avacAraNIya ] mfn. treating on the application of leeches cf. Suśr. i, 13, 1

===> jalpa [ jalpa ]2[ jalpa ] m. (g. [ uJch^adi ]) talk, speech, discourse (also pl.) cf. MBh. xiii, 4322 cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 97 cf. Daś. cf. BhP. (1) (pl.) chatter, gossip, x, 47, 13 (2) a kind of disputation (overbearing reply and disputed rejoinder) cf. Nyāyad. cf. Car. iii, 8 cf. Sarvad. cf. Madhus. cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Sch. (3) N. of a Rishi cf. MatsyaP. ix, 16 (4) n. for [ °lpya ] cf. MBh. i, 5066 (C.) cf. R. ii, 60, 14 (5) cf. [ citra- ], [ bahu- ]

===> jalâgama [ jalAgama ]3[ jal^agama ] m. ` water-approach ', rain cf. Ratnâv. iii, 10

===> jalâmbara [ jalAmbara ]3[ jal^ambara ] m. N. of Rāhula-bhadra in a former birth cf. Suvarṇapr. xvii f.

===> jalârṇava [ jalArNava ]3[ jal^arNava ] m. the rainy season cf. L. (1) = [ °la-samudra ] cf. W.

===> jalūkā [ jalUkA ]3[ jalUkA ] f. id. cf. L. (1) = [ tRNa- ] cf. Bādar. iii, 1, 1 cf. Sch. (cf. [ jAUka ].)

===> jambhala [ jambhala ]2[ jambhala ] m. id. cf. L. (1) N. of a spirit cf. Buddh. (2) of a man cf. ib. (3) ([ A ]), f. of a Rākshasi (by meditating on whom women become pregnant) cf. ib.

===> jambhana [ jambhana ]2[ jambhana ]2 n. sexual intercourse cf. Vop. (v. l.)

===> [ jambhana ]3[ jambhana ] See √ 1. and √ 2. [ jabh ]

===> jambu [ jambu ]1[ jambu ] [ °bu ] f. the rose apple tree (Eugenia Jambolana or another species) cf. Kauś. 8 cf. MBh. &c. (1) the shrub [ nAga-damanI ] cf. L. (2) ([ °bu ]) n. the rose apple fruit cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 165 (3) m. or f. (? (4) g. [ varaN^adi ]) = [ -dvIpa ] cf. BhP. v, 1, 32 (5) N. of a fabulous river (flowing from the mountain Meru (6) formed by the juice of the fruits of the immense Jambu tree on that mountain, cf. cf. MBh. vi, 277 f.) cf. BhP. v, 20, 2 (7) cf. [ ADhaka- ], [ kAka- ], [ go-rakSa- ], [ mahA- ]

===> jambu-dhvaja [ jambudhvaja ]3[ jambu-dhvaja ] m. having the Jambu tree as its standard ', = [ -dvIpa ], Lalit ' iii, 265 (1) N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jambuka [ jambuka ]1[ jambuka ] m. a jackal cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) a low man cf. Cāṇ (2) Eugenia Jambos cf. L. (3) a kind of Bignonia cf. L. (4) N. of Varuṇa cf. L. (5) of an attendant in Skanda's retinue cf. MBh. ix, 2576 (6) of a Śūdra, xii, 153, 67 ([ zamb° ], C) (7) ([ A ]), f. a female jackal cf. Pañcat. iv, 8, 1

===> jambū [ jambU ]2[ jambU ] f. = [ °bu ], the rose apple tree cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. = [ -svAmin ] cf. Jain.

===> jambū-dvīpa [ jambUdvIpa ]3[ jambU-dvIpa ] m. = °bu-d° (1) [ -prajJapti ] f. = °bu-d°

===> jambūka [ jambUka ]2[ jambUka ] m. a jackal cf. Hit. i, 3, 0/1 (v. l.) (1) a low man cf. L. (2) Varuṇa cf. L. (3) N. of an attendant of Skanda cf. MBh. ix, 2578 (4) ([ A ]), f. a grape without stones cf. L. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of a female attendant of Durgā cf. W.

===> jana [ jana ]2[ j'ana ] mf ([ I ]) n. ` generating ', See [ puraM- ] (1) m. (g. [ vRS^adi ]) creature ', living being, man, person, race ([ p'aJca j'anAs ] ', the five races ', = [ p kRST'ayas ] cf. RV. iii, viii ff. cf. MBh. iii, 14160), people, subjects (the sg. used collectively, e. g. [ da'ivya ] or [ divy'A j° ] ', divine race ', the gods collectively cf. RV. (2) [ mahat j° ], many people cf. R. vi, 101, 2 (3) often ifc. denoting one person or a number of persons collectively, e. g. [ preSya- ], [ bandhu- ], [ sakhI- ] &c., qq. vv. [ 410,2 ] (4) with names of peoples cf. VarBṛS. iv, 22 and v, 74 (5) [ ayaM ] [ janaH ], ` this person, these persons ', I, we cf. MBh. viii, 709 cf. Hariv. 7110 cf. R. ii, 41, 2 cf. Śak. &c. (6) [ eSa j° ], id. . cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 75) cf. RV. &c. (7) the person nearest to the speaker (also with [ ayam ] or [ asau ], this my lover ' cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 271 cf. Ratnâv. i, 24/25) cf. Nal. x, 10 cf. Śak. cf. Mālav (8) a common person, one of the people cf. Kir. ii, 42 and 47 (9) the world beyond the Mahar-loka cf. BhP. iii, 11, 29 cf. SkandaP. (10) ([ °n'a ]), m. (g. [ azv^adi ]) N. of a man (with the patr. Śārkar^akshya) cf. ŚBr. x cf. ChUp. (11) ([ A ]), f. ` birth ', [ a-jana ], the unborn ', Nārāyaṇa cf. BhP. x, 3, 1

===> jana-pada [ janapada ]3[ j'ana-pad'a ] m. sg. or pl. a community, nation, people (as opposed to the sovereign) cf. TBr. ii cf. AitBr. viii, 14 cf. ŚBr. xiii f. &c. (1) sg. an empire, inhabited country cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. R. iii, 61, 27) (2) mankind cf. W. (3) [ -ghAtaka ] m. a plunderer of a country cf. Buddh. cf. L. (4) [ -maNDala ] n. the district formed by a country cf. Car. iii, 3 (5) [ -mahattara ] m. the chief of a country cf. Daś. viii, 207 (6) [ °d^adhipa ] m. ` country-ruler ', a king cf. R. ii, 63, 48 (7) [ °d^ayuta ] mfn. crowded with people cf. W. (8) [ °d^ezvara ], a, m. = [ °d^adhipa ] cf. W. (9) [ °d^oddhvaMsanIya ] mfn. treating on the epidemics of a country cf. Car. iii, 3

===> jana-pravāda [ janapravAda ]3[ j'ana-pravAda- ] m. ` talk of men ', rumour, report cf. MBh. ii, 2507 (pl.) cf. Rājat. cf. Hit.

===> janaka [ janaka ]2[ janaka ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 35 cf. Kāś.) generative, generating, begetting, producing, causing (chiefly ifc.) cf. MBh. iv, 1456 cf. VarBṛS. cf. Bhāshāp. cf. Bhpr. (1) m. a progenitor, father cf. Hariv. 982 cf. R. vi, 3, 45 cf. Pañcat. &c. (2) (in music) a kind of measure (3) (oxyt.) N. of a king of Videha or Mithilā (son of Mithi and father of Udāvasu cf. R.) cf. ŚBr. xi, xiv cf. MBh. iii, xii, xiv cf. Hariv. 9253 (4) of another king of Mithilā (son of Hrasva-roman and father of Sītā) cf. R. (5) of another king cf. Rājat. i, 98 (6) of a disciple of Bhagavat cf. BhP. vi, 3, 20 (7) of several official men cf. Rājat. vii f. (8) pl. the descendants of Janaka cf. MBh. iii, 10637 cf. R. i cf. Uttarar. i, 16 ; iv, 9 ; vi, 42 cf. MārkP. (9) ([ ikA ]), f. (as in Pāli) a mother cf. Divyāv. xviii, 137 (10) a daughter-in-law cf. W.

===> janakatva [ janakatva ]3[ janaka-tva ] n. generativeness cf. Sarvad. ii, 63 (1) generation, i, 38 ; ii, 133

===> janana [ janana ]2[ j'anana ] mf ([ I ]) n. ifc. generating, begetting, producing, causing cf. Mn. ix, 81 cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) m. a progenitor, creator cf. RV. ii, 40, 1 (2) n. birth, coming into existence, TāṇḍyaBṛ. xxi, 9 cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (3) ` birth ', i. e. life ([ pUrvaj° ] = [ °n^antara ]) cf. Kum. i, 54 [ 411,1 ] (4) production, causation cf. R. : cf. Kum. i, 43 cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Sarvad (5) race, lineage cf. L. (6) ([ I ]), f. a mother, SāṅkhSr. xv cf. Mn. ix, 192 cf. Yājñ. cf. Nal. &c. (7) a queen-mother cf. W. (8) a bat cf. L. (9) = [ jana-karI ] cf. L. (10) Jasminum auriculatum cf. L. (11) Rubia Munjista cf. L. (12) the plant [ janI ] cf. L. (13) the plant [ kaTukA ] cf. L. (14) compassion cf. L. (15) cf. [ indra- ], [ medhA- ]

===> janatā [ janatA ]3[ j'ana-tA ] ([ °n'a- ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 43) a number of men, assemblage of people, community, subjects, mankind cf. AV. v, 18, 12 cf. TS. ii cf. TBr. i f. cf. AitBr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Siś. &c. (1) generation cf. W.

===> janayati [ janayati ]2[ j'anayati ] f. generation cf. VS. i, 22

===> janika [ janika ]2[ janika ] mfn. generating, producing cf. W.

===> janita [ janita ]2[ janita ] mfn. born cf. Hariv. 9238 (1) engendered, begotten cf. W. (2) produced, occasioned cf. MBh. iv, 1 236 cf. Pañcat. cf. Megh. &c. (3) occurring cf. W.

===> janitavya [ janitavya ]2[ janitavy'a ] mfn. to be born or produced cf. AV. iv, 23, 7

===> janman [ janman ]2[ j'anman ] n. birth, production ([ kRta- ] mfn. ` planted ' cf. Kum. v, 60), origin (ifc., born from ', e. g. [ zUdra ]., q. v.) cf. RV. iii, 26, 7 ; vii, 33, 10 cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (1) existence, life cf. Mn. cf. Bhag. iv, 5 cf. Yogas. ii, 12 ([ dRST^adRSTaj° ], present and future life '), &c. ([ janma ] acc. ind. through the whole life cf. HPariś. iv, 7) (2) nativity cf. VarBṛS. i, 10 (3) re-birth cf. Sarvad. xi (4) birthplace, home cf. RV. ii, 9, 3 ; viii, 69, 3 ; x, 5, 7 cf. AV. cf. VS. (5) a progenitor, father cf. Śak. vii, 18 (6) natal star cf. VarBṛS. iv, 28 (7) (in astrol.) N. of the 1st lunar mansion, civ (8) a creature, being cf. RV. cf. TBr. ii cf. AitBr. iv, 10 (9) people cf. RV. ii, 26, 3 ; iii, 15, 2 (10) the people of a household, kind, race cf. RV. ([ ubh'ayaj° ], sg., du. and pl., ` both races ', i. e. gods and men or [ x, 37, 11 ] men and animals) (11) nature, quality, i, 70, 2 (12) custom, manner ([ pratn'ena j'anmanA ], according to ancient custom), i, 87, 5 ; ix, 3, 9 cf. SV. (v. l. [ manm° ] cf. RV.) cf. Hariv. 15718 ([ dUta-janmanA ], ` like a messenger ') (13) water cf. Naigh. i, 12

===> janmatas [ janmatas ]3[ janma-tas ] ind. according to birth cf. Āp. i, 1, 4 (1) according to the age of life cf. Mn. ii, 155 ; ix, 125 f. cf. MBh.

===> janmântara [ janmAntara ]3[ janm^antara ] n. ` another birth or life ', a former life cf. MBh. iii, 2564 cf. Kathās. xxiii, 49 (1) a future Īfe cf. Pañcat. ii, 6, 42 cf. Caurap. cf. KapS. i, 7 cf. Sch. (2) [ -gata ] mfn. regenerated cf. Kathās. iic, 50

===> jantu [ jantu ]2[ jant'u ] m. a child, offspring cf. RV. cf. Kathās. iic, 58 (1) a creature, living being, man, person (the sg. also used collectively, e. g. [ sarva j° ], everybody ' cf. Śak. v, 5/6 (2) [ ayaM jantuH ], ` the man ' cf. KaṭhUp. ii, 20 cf. ŚvetUp. iii, 20 cf. Mn. xii, 99) cf. RV. cf. Mn. &c. (3) a kinsman, servant cf. RV. i, 81, 9 and 94, 5 ; x, 140, 4 (4) any animal of the lowest organisation, worms, insects cf. Mn. vi, 68 f. cf. MBh. xiv, 1136 cf. Suśr. (5) (n.) cf. HYog. iii, 53 and cf. Subh (6) a tree cf. Gal. (7) N. of a son of Somaka cf. MBh. iii, 10473ff. cf. Hariv. 1793 cf. BhP. ix, 22, 1 cf. Kathās. xiii, 58ff (8) cf. [ kSiti- ], [ kSudra- ], [ jala- ]

===> jantu-gṛha [ jantugRha ]3[ jant'u-gRha ] See [ jatu-g° ]

===> jantuka [ jantuka ]2[ jantuka ] m. N. of a man, pl. his descendants, g. [ upak^adi ] ([ jat° ] and [ jant° ] cf. Gaṇar. 28 and 30, [ jaturaka ], 30) (1) ([ A ]), f. = [ °ntu-rasa ] cf. L. (2) = [ jatu-kRt ] cf. L.

===> janya [ janya ]2[ janya ]1 mfn. (√ [ jan ] cf. Pāṇ. iii, 4, 68 ; iii, 1, 97 cf. Pat.) born, produced cf. Bhāshāp. 44 cf. BrahmaP. (1) ifc. born or arising or produced from, occasioned by cf. Śiś. cf. Bhāshāp. cf. Tarkas. &c. ([ tA ] f. abstr. cf. Vedântas (2) [ -tva ] n. id. cf. KapS. cf. Sch.) (3) m. a father cf. L. (4) n. the body cf. BhP. i, 9, 31 (5) a portent occurring at birth cf. L.

===> [ janya ]2[ j'anya ]2 mfn. (fr. [ j'ana ]) belonging to a race or family or to the same country, national cf. RV. ii, 37, 6 and 39, l ; x, 91, 2 cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xv, 13, 3 (1) belonging or relating to the people cf. RV. iv, 55, 5 ; ix, 49, 2 cf. TBr. i cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. ṢaḍvBr. (2) m. the friend or companion of a bridegroom cf. RV. iv, 38, 6 cf. AV. xi, 8, I f. cf. Gobh. ii, 1, 13 cf. MBh. i, iii cf. Kathās (3) a son-in-law cf. Gal. (4) a common man cf. TS. vi, 1, 6, 6 cf. TBr. i, 7, 8, 7 (5) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. xiii, 1170 (6) v. l. for [ jAnya ], q. v. (7) m. n. rumour, report cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 97 (8) n. people, community, nation cf. RV. ii ; x, 42, 6 cf. AV. xiii, 4, 43 (oxyt.) (9) pl. inimical races or men cf. AitBr. viii, 26 (10) fighting, war, Gaut cf. MBh. v, 3195 cf. Ragh. iv, 77 cf. Daś (11) a market cf. L. (12) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ utkar^adi ]) a bridesmaid cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 82 cf. Ragh. vi, 30 (13) the female friend of a mother cf. L. (14) a newly-married wife cf. Campak. 163 f. and 211 (15) pleasure cf. L. (16) affection cf. W.

===> [ janya ]2[ janya ] [ °nyIya ], [ °nyu ]. See above

===> japa [ japa ]2[ j'apa ] mfn. ` muttering, whispering ', See [ karNeku- ] (1) m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 61 (2) oxyt., g. [ uJch^adi ]) muttering prayers, repeating in a murmuring tone passages from scripture or charms or names of a deity, &c., muttered prayer or spell cf. AitBr. ii, 38 cf. ŚBr. ii cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Nir. &c.

===> japa-homa [ japahoma ]3[ j'apa-homa ] m. sg. and pl. muttering prayers as a religious offering cf. Mn. x, 111 (1) xi, 34 cf. MBh. xii, 3756 cf. VarBṛS. vli, 51 and 58 (2) ([ °maka ]) cf. Rudray. ii, 8, 1 (3) m. du. a muttered prayer and an offering cf. Śāktân. xii

===> japta [ japta ]2[ japta ] mfn. = [ °pita ] cf. MBh. v, 7047 cf. Naish. xi, 26 (1) whispered over cf. VarBṛS. iii, 72

===> [ japta ]1[ japta ] [ °ptavya ], &c. See √ [ jap ]

===> japtavya [ japtavya ]2[ japtavya ] mfn. to be muttered cf. R. vii, 23, 4, 28 cf. VarBṛS. vli, 72 cf. BhP., iv, 24, 31

===> jara [ jara ]1[ j'ara ] mfn. (√ 1. [ jRR ]), becoming old ', [ a-j'ara ], [ ahar-jaram ] (1) cf. [ go-jara ] (2) m. the act of wearing out, wasting cf. RV. i, 164, 11 ; 11, 34, 10 (3) 1. ([ 'A ] f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 104) the act of becoming old, old age cf. RV. i, 140, 8 ; v, 41, 17 cf. AV. &c. (personified as a daughter of Death cf. VP. i, 7, 31) (4) digestion cf. Car. iii, l and 3 (5) vi cf. Suśr. vi, 46, 10 (6) decrepitude cf. W. (7) a kind of date-tree cf. L. (8) N. of a Rākshasi (cf. [ °rA-saMdha ]) cf. MBh. ii, vii cf. Hariv. 1810 cf. BhP. ix, 22, 8 (9) cf. [ vi-jar'a ]

===> jarita [ jarita ]2[ jarita ] mfn. (p. p. Caus.) old, decayed cf. Hariv. 15988 cf. R. ii f. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Śārṅgikā bird (mother of 4 sons at once by the Ṛshi Manda-pāla in the form of a Śārṅgaka (2) cf. [ jarit'R ] at end) cf. MBh. i, 8346 ff. and 8379 ff

===> [ jarita ]2[ jarita ] &c.,

===> jarjara [ jarjara ]1[ jarjara ] [ °raka ], &c. See p. 413, col. 3

===> jarâtura [ jarAtura ]3[ jar'A-tura ] ([ °r^at° ]), mfn. decrepit from age cf. L.

===> jarā [ jarA ]2[ jar'A ]2 f. invocation, praise ([ stuti ] cf. Nir. x, 8) cf. RV. i, 38, 13 ; x, 32, 5

===> jarā-dharma [ jarAdharma ]3[ jar'A-dharma ] m. pl. the laws of old age or decay cf. Divyâv. xiii, 388

===> jarā-mṛtyu [ jarAmRtyu ]3[ jar'A-mRtyu ] ([ °r'A- ]), mfn. dying from age cf. AV. ii, xix (1) m. sg. old age and death cf. MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 7 (2) du. id., g. [ kArta-kaujap^adi ]

===> jarāyu [ jarAyu ]1[ jar'Ayu ] [ °yuka ], See col. ' 1

===> jarāyu-ja [ jarAyuja ]3[ jar'Ayu-j'a ] mfn. viviparous cf. AV. l, 12, 1 cf. Mn. i, 43 cf. MBh. xiv cf. Suśr. cf. BhP.

===> jatru [ jatru ]1[ jatr'u ] m. pl. the continuations of the vertebrae, collar-bones and cartilages of the breast-bone (16 are named cf. ŚBr. xii, 2, 4, 11) cf. RV. viii, 1, 12 cf. AV. xi, 3, 10 cf. VS. xxv, 8 cf. TāṇdyaBr. ix, 10, 1 (1) n. sg. the collar-bone cf. Yājñ. iii, 88 cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (pl.)

===> jatu [ jatu ]1[ jatu ] n. lac, gum cf. Kauś. 13 cf. MBh. i, xii cf. Suśr. (1) ([ 'Us ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 71 cf. Pat.) a bat cf. VS. xxiv, 25 and 36 cf. AV. ix, 2, 22 ; [ cf. Lat. [ bitumen ] ; Germ. [ Kitt ]. ]

===> java [ java ]1[ jav'a ] mfn. (√ [ ju ], or [ jU ]) swift cf. AV. xix, 7, 1 (1) m. (parox. cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 56, Vartt. 4 and 57) speed, velocity,, swiftness cf. RV. i, 112, 21 ; x, 111, 9 cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) pl. impulse (of the mind) cf. RV. x, 71, 8 (3) ([ At ]), abl. ind. speedily, at once cf. Kathās. lxiii, 188 cf. Vcar. xii, 15. -

===> javana [ javana ]2[ j'avana ] mf ([ I ]) n. (g. [ dRDh^adi ] (1) oxyt. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 150) quick, swift, fleet cf. RV. i, 51, 2 cf. ŚvetUp. iii, 19 cf. MBh. &c. (2) m. a fleet horse cf. L. (3) a kind of deer cf. L. (4) N. of one of Skanda's attendants cf. MBh. ix, 2577 (5) pl. for [ yav° ], q. v. cf. Kṣitîś (6) n. speed, velocity cf. PārGṛ. i, 17 cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. MBh. iv, 1414 (7) ([ I ]), f. a curtain, screen cf. L. (8) N. of a plant cf. L. (9) cf. [ dhI-j'av° ]

===> javanikā [ javanikA ]2[ javanikA ] f. (for [ yav° ], ? ` borrowed from the Greek ') = [ °nI ], a curtain, screen cf. Hariv. 4648 cf. Śiś. iv, 54 cf. BhP. (1) the sail of a boat cf. W. (2) = [ °k^antara ] cf. Sāh. vi, 277

===> javita [ javita ]2[ javita ] n. running cf. Lalit. xii, 279

===> [ javita ]1[ javita ] [ °vin ], [ °vina ], &c. See [ jav'a ]

===> jaya [ jaya ]1[ jay'a ] mfn. (√ [ ji ]) ifc. conquering, winning, [ RtaM- ], [ kRtaM- ], [ dhanaM-jay'a ], [ puraM- ], [ zalruM- ] (1) m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 56 cf. Kāś.) conquest, victory, triumph, winning, being victorious (in battle or in playing with dice or in a lawsuit) cf. AV. vii, 50, 8 cf. ŚBr. vi cf. Mn. vii ([ indriyANAMj° ] victory over or restraint of the senses) and x cf. MBh. &c. (2) cf. [ Atma- ], [ pr^aNa- ], [ rug- ] (3) m. pl. (parox.) N. of particular verses causing victory (personified as deities cf. VāyuP. ii, 6, 4 ff.) cf. MaitrS. i, 4, 14 cf. TS. iii cf. PārGṛ. i, 5 cf. Nyāyam. iii, 4, 24 (4) m. sg. Premna spinosa or longifolia cf. L. (5) a yellow variety of Phaseolus Mungo cf. L. (6) N. of the 3rd year of the 6th lustrum of the Bṛhaspati cycle cf. VarBṛS. viii, 38 (7) a kind of flute (8) (in music) a kind of measure (9) the sun cf. MBh. iii, 154 (10) Arjuna (son of Pāṇḍu), 266, 7 and iv, 5, 35 (11) Indra cf. L. (12) N. of a Ṛshi (author of cf. RV. x, 180 (13) son of Aṅgiras [ cf. RAnukr. ] or of Indra (14) living under the 10th Manu cf. BhP. viii, 13, 22) (15) of a spirit cf. VarBṛS. liii, 48 cf. Hcat. i, 9, 149 and 172 (16) of an attendant of Viṣṇu cf. BhP. iii, 16, 2 (17) of a Nāga cf. MBh. v, 3632 ; ix, 2554 (18) of a Dānava cf. Hariv. 13093 (19) of a son (of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. MBh. i, vii (20) of Sṛnjaya cf. Hariv. 1514 (21) of Suśruta cf. VP. iv, 5, 12 (22) of Sruta cf. BhP. ix, 13, 25 (23) of Saṃjaya, 17, 16 (24) of Saṃkṛti, 18 (25) of Mañju, 21, 1 (26) of Yuyudhāna, 24, 13 (27) of Kaṅka, 43 (28) of Kṛshṇa, x, 61, 17 (29) of Vatsara by Svar-vithi, iv, 13, 12 (30) of Viśvāmitra cf. Hariv. 1462 cf. BhP. ix, 16, 36 (31) of Purūravas by Urvaśī, 15, 1 f.) (32) of an ancient king (11th Cakravartin in Bhārata cf. L.) cf. MBh. ii, 326 (33) of a Pāṇḍava hero, vii, 6911 (34) of Yudhishṭhira at Virāṭa's court, iv, 176 (35) of Aśoka in a former birth cf. Divyâv. xxvi, 336 f. (36) of a carpenter cf. Rājat. iii, 351 (37) ([ A ]), f. Sesbania aegyptiaca cf. L. (38) Premna spinosa or longifolia cf. L. (39) Terminalia Chebula cf. L. (40) [ nIla-dUrvA ] cf. L. (41) for [ japA ] cf. Kathās. lxvii, 32 (42) N. of a narcotic substance cf. W. (43) the 3rd or 8th or 13th day of either half-month cf. Sūryapr. (44) cf. cf. Hcat. i, 3, 360 and cf. Nirṇayas. i, 391/392 (45) one of the 7 flag-sticks: of Indra's banner cf. VarBṛS. xliii, 40 (46) N. of the [ saurA dharmAH ] cf. BhavP. i (47) of Durgā cf. MBh. iv, vi cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. liii, 170 (48) of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Śiva cf. MatsyaP. xiii, 32 [ 413,1 ] (49) tutelary deity of the Ārtabhāgas cf. BrahmaP. ii, 18, 19) cf. R. i, 23, 14 (50) of a Yoginī cf. Hcat. ii, 1, 694 (v. l. [ layA ]) (51) of a Śakti, i, 5, 200 (52) of a handmaid of Durgā (wife of Pushpa-danta cf. Kathās. i, 52 ; vii, 107 (53) of Hariś-candra cf. ŚivaP.) (54) (= [ tAr'a ]) N. of a cf. Buddh. deity cf. L. (55) of the mother of the 12th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi cf. L.

===> jaya-datta [ jayadatta ]3[ jay'a-datta ] m. N. of a king cf. Kathās. xxi, 54 (1) of a minister of king Jay^apiḍa cf. Rājat. iv, 511 (2) of the author of Aśva-vaidyaka cf. ŚārṅgP. lxxix, &c. (3) of a Bodhisattva, Buddh ' cf. L. (4) of a son of Indra cf. L.

===> jaya-mati [ jayamati ]3[ jay'a-mati ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva, Buddh ' cf. L.

===> jayanta [ jayanta ]2[ jayanta ] mf ([ I ]) n. victorious cf. Śiś. vi, 69 (1) m. the moon cf. L. (2) N. of a Dhruvaka (3) Śiva cf. L. cf. SkandaP. cf. Gal. (4) N. of a son of Indra
cf. Hariv. cf. Śak. cf. Ragh. cf. VarBṛS. cf. BhP. vi, 18, 6 cf. VāyuP. ii, 7, 24 [ 413,3 ] (5) of a Rudra cf. MBh. xii, 7586 (6) of a son of Dharma (= [ up^endra ]) cf. BhP. vi, 6, 8 (7) of A-krūra's father cf. MatsyaP. vl, 26 (8) of a Gandharva (Vikram^aditya's father) cf. W. (9) of Bhima-sena at Virāṭa's court cf. MBh. iv, 176 (10) of a minister of Daśaratha cf. R. i, 7, 3 ; ii, 68, 5 (11) of a Gauḍa king cf. Rājat. iv, 420 and 455 ff (12) of a Kaśmīr Brāhman, iii, 366 ff (13) of a writer on grammar (14) of a mountain cf. Hariv. 9736 (15) pl. a subdivision of the Anuttara deities cf. Jain. (16) n. N. of a town cf. VāyuP. ii, 27, 2 (17) ([ i ]), f. a flag cf. L. (18) Sesbania aegyptiaca cf. L. (19) barley planted at the commencement of the Daśa-harā and gathered at its close cf. W. (20) Kṛshṇa's birthnight (the 8th of the dark half of Śrāvaṇa, the asterism Rohiṇī rising at midnight cf. Tithyād.) cf. Hariv. 3320 (21) the 9th night of the Karma-māsa cf. Sūryapr. (22) the 12th night of month Punar-vasu cf. Nirṇayas. i, 391/392 (23) Durgā, Dākshāyaṇī (in Hastinā-pura cf. MatsyaP. xiii, 28 (24) tutelary deity of the Vas^udrekas cf. BrahmaP. ii, 18, 21) (25) N. of a daughter of Indra cf. L. (26) of Ṛshabha's wife (received from Indra) cf. BhP. v, 4, 8 cf. MatsyaP. vl, 26 (27) of a Yoginī cf. Hcat. ii, 1, 741 (28) of a Sur^aṅganā cf. Siṉhâs. Concl (29) of a river cf. MBh. iii, 5089 (30) of a country cf. Rājat. viii, 655 (31) of a town cf. Virac. ix

===> jayâvaha [ jayAvaha ]3[ jay^avaha ] mfn. = °ya-v° cf. R. i, 23, 13 (1) m. a kind of pavilion cf. Vāstuv (2) ([ A ]), f. a kind of Croton cf. L.

===> jaḍa [ jaDa ]1[ jaDa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. [ j'alhu ]) cold, frigid cf. Pañcat. i, 12, 4 cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 34 cf. Rājat. iv, 41 (1) stiff, torpid, motionless, apathetic, senseless, stunned, paralysed cf. Ragh. iii, 68 cf. Śak. &c. (2) stupid, dull cf. Mn. viii, 394 (also [ a- ] neg., 148) cf. Yājñ. ii cf. MBh. (ifc. ` too stupid for ', iii, 437) &c. (3) void of life, inanimate, unintelligent cf. KapS. i, 146 ; vi, 5o cf. NṛsUp. cf. Vedântas. cf. Sarvad (4) dumb ' cf. Mn. ii, 110 cf. Suśr. (5) ifc. stunning, stupefying cf. Śak. iv, 6 (6) m. (g. [ azv^adi ]) N. of Sumati (who simulated stupidity), cf. cf. MārkP. x, 9 (7) cold, frost cf. W. (8) idiocy cf. W. (9) dulness, apathy cf. W. (10) inanimate ', lifeless, matter (opposed to [ cetana ]) (11) n. water (= [ jala ]) cf. ŚārṅgP. (cf. Subh.) (12) lead cf. L. (13) ([ A ]), f. N. of a plant (= [ jaTA ], Mucuna pruritus, Flacourtia cataphracta cf. L.) cf. Car. vi, 2 (ifc. f. [ A ])

===> jaḍatva [ jaDatva ]3[ jaDa-tva ] n. stiffness, senselessness cf. Tattvas. 35 cf. Rājat. vi, 26 (1) idiocy cf. Tattvas. 37 cf. Ratnâv. iii, 12/13

===> jaṅgala [ jaGgala ]1[ jaGgala ] mfn. arid, sterile, desert cf. L. [ 409,1 ] (1) m. = [ -patha ] cf. L. (2) meat cf. L. (3) n. id. (4) = [ °gula ] cf. L. (5) cf. [ dIrgha- ], [ jAGg° ]

===> jaṅgama [ jaGgama ]2[ jaGgama ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. Nir. v, 3 ; ix, 13 (1) √ [ gam ], Intens.) moving, locomotive (opposed to stationary, [ sthAvara ] or [ sthira ]), living cf. AitUp. v, 3 cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. [ 408,3 ] (2) (ifc. f. [ A ]) a living being cf. MBh. cf. BhP. i, 17, 34 (3) (with [ viSa ], venom) coming from living beings (opposed to poison) cf. MBh. i, 5019 cf. Suśr. (4) m. pl. N. of a Saiva sect cf. Saṃkar. ' iv, 28

===> [ jaGgama ]1[ jaGgama ] [ °mana ], See [ jaga ]

===> jaṅgha [ jaGgha ]1[ jaGgha ] m. N. of a Rakshas cf. R. vi, 69, 12 (1) ([ j'aGghA ]), f. (√ [ jaMh ]) the shank (from the ankle to the knee) cf. RV. i, 116, 15 and 118, 8
cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (ifc. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 144 (2) f. [ A ], Śrut (3) also [ I ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 55) (4) a part of a bedstead cf. VarBṛS. lxxix, 30 (5) of a carriage, See [ ratha- ]

===> jaṅghā [ jaGghA ]2[ j'aGghA ] f. See s. v. [ °gha ]

===> jaṭa [ jaTa ]1[ jaTa ] mfn. wearing twisted locks of hair, g. [ arza-Adi ] (1) m. metrically for [ °TA ] cf. Hariv. 9551 (2) ([ A ]), f. the hair twisted together (as worn by ascetics, by Siva, and persons in mourning) cf. PārGṛ. ii, 6 cf. Mn. vi, 6 cf. MBh. (ifc. f. [ A ], iii, 16l37) &c. (3) a fibrous root, root (in general) cf. Bhpr. v, 111 cf. ŚāṅgS. i, 46 and 58 (4) N. of several plants (= [ TA-vatI ] cf. L. (5) Mucuna pruritus cf. L. (6) Flacourtia cataphracta cf. L. (7) = [ °TA-mUlA ] cf. L. (8) = [ rudra-jaTA ] cf. L.) cf. Suśr. v f. (9) N. of a Pāṭha or arrangement of the Vedic text (still more artificial than the Krama, each pair of words being repeated thrice and one repetition being in inverted order), cf. Caraṇ (10) ([ I ]), f. Nardostachys Jaṭāmāṃsī cf. L. (11) (= [ °Ti ]) the waved-leaf fig-tree cf. L. (12) cf. [ tri- ], [ mahA- ], [ vi- ] (13) [ kRSNa-jaTA ] '

===> jaṭhara [ jaThara ]1[ jaThara ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (v. l. for [ baTh° ], q. v.) hard, firm, Śāntiś. iv, 13 and cf. Sāh. (v. l. [ jaraTka ]) (1) for [ jaraTha ], old cf. Bhartṛ. iii, 92 (2) = [ baddha ] cf. L. (3) for [ javana ] cf. R. ii, 98, 24 (4) [ ati- ], ` very hard ' and very old ' cf. Śiś. iv, 29 (5) m. N. of a man cf. Pravar. iv (Mādh.) (6) of a mountain cf. BhP. v, 16, 28 (7) pl. N. of a people (in the south-east of Madhya-deśa cf. VarBṛS. xiv, 8) cf. MBh. vi, 350

===> [ jaThara ]1[ jaTh'ara ]2 n. [ m. ] the stomach, belly, abdomen, bowels, womb, interior of anything, cavity cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. [ 409,3 ] (1) certain morbid affections of the bowels cf. Car. vi, 1 cf. Suśr. i, vi (2) ([ eNa ]), instr. ind. (opposed to [ pRSTha-tas ]) so as to turn the face towards cf. Hit. ii, 3, 3 (3) [ cf. ? ; Goth. [ kilthei ] or [ qvithrs ] ]

===> [ jaThara ]2[ jaThara ] (= 2. [ j° ] cf. Sāy.) cf. RV. i, 112, 17

===> jaṭila [ jaTila ]2[ jaTila ] mf ([ A ]) n. (g. [ picch^adi ]) = [ °TA-dhArin ] cf. Mn. ii f. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) hairy (the face) cf. MBh. vii, 93, 47 (2) twisted together (the hair) cf. BhP. iii, 33, 14 (3) ifc. crested by cf. VarBṛS. viii, 53 cf. Pañcat. cf. Śāntiś. i, 8 cf. Kathās. cf. Vcar. (4) m. an ascetic cf. Kām. vii, 46 (5) Śiva cf. MBh. xii f. (6) a goat with certain, marks cf. VarBṛS. lxiv, 9 (7) a lion cf. L. (8) N. of a man cf. Śatr. x, 137 (9) ([ A ]), f. = [ tA-vatI ] cf. Suśr. i, vi (10) long pepper cf. L. (11) a kind of Artemisia cf. L. (12) Acorus Calamus cf. L. (13) = [ uccaTA ] cf. L. (14) N. of a woman (with the patr. Gautamī (15) mother-in-law of Rādhikā cf. Gauragaṇ (16) said to have had 7 husbands) cf. MBh. i, 7265

===> jaṭilaka [ jaTilaka ]2[ jaTilaka ] m. N. of a man, pl. his descendants, g. [ upak^adi ] (1) ([ ikA ]), f. (g. [ ziv^adi ]) N. of a woman cf. Lalit.

===> jaṭā [ jaTA ]2[ jaTA ] f. See s. v. [ °Ta ]

===> jentāka [ jentAka ]1[ jentAka ] m. a dry hot bath cf. Car.

===> jeta [ jeta ]1[ jeta ] in comp. irr. for [ °tR ]

===> jeta-vana [ jetavana ]3[ jeta-vana ] n. ` Jetri's wood ', N. of a grove near Srāvastī (where Buddha promulgated his doctrines) cf. Buddh.

===> jeta-vanīya [ jetavanIya ]3[ jeta-vanIya ] m. pl. N. of a cf. Buddh. school

===> jha [ jha ]1[ jha ]1 the 9th consonant (aspirate of the preceding). =

===> [ jha ]1[ jha ]2 mfn. asleep cf. L. (1) m. playing a tune, beating time cf. L. (2) a sound like the splashing of water or clashing of symbols, jingling, clanking cf. L. (3) wind accompanied by rain cf. L. (4) anything lost or mislaid cf. L. (5) Bṛhaspati cf. L. (6) N. of a chief of the Daityas cf. L. (7) = [ jhaNT^iza ] cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. a water-fall cf. L.

===> jha-kāra [ jhakAra ]3[ jha-kAra ] m. the sound [ jha ] cf. W.

===> jhalla [ jhalla ]1[ jhalla ] m. a prize-fighter, cudgelplayer (offspring of an outcast Kshatriya) cf. Mn. x, 22 ; xii, 45 cf. MBh. ii, 102 [ 429,1 ] (1) ([ I ]), f. = [ °llakI ] cf. L.

===> jhallaka [ jhallaka ]3[ jhallaka ] n. cymbals cf. Tithyād (1) ([ I ]), f. a kind of drum cf. L.

===> jhallarī [ jhallarI ]1[ jhallarI ] f. a kind of musical instrument, sort of drum or cymbal (cf. [ jhalarI ], [ jharjharI ]) cf. Hariv. iii, 52, 2 cf. Jain. cf. Kād (1) (ifc. [ °rIka ]) cf. Hcar. (2) acurl cf. L. (3) moisture cf. L. (4) a ball &c. of perfumed substances used for cleaning the hair cf. L. cf. Sch. (5) = [ zuddha ] cf. L.

===> jhaṣa-dhvaja [ jhaSadhvaja ]3[ jhaS'a-dhvaja ] m. ` fish-symboled ', the god of love, love, Bhaṭṭ. viii, 48

===> jighatsā [ jighatsA ]1[ jighatsA ] f. (√ [ ghas ] Desid.) desire of eating or consuming cf. Kathās. lxi (1) cf. [ vi-jighats'a ]

===> jihma [ jihma ]1[ jihm'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. Nir. -viii, 15) oblique, transverse. athwart cf. RV. if. cf. TS. ii cf. ŚBr. v (1) squinting (as the eye), i, 5 cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (2) with √ [ i ] [ cf. ŚBr. iii, v cf. AitBr. v, 9 ], [ gam ], [ nir-Rch ] [ cf. AV. xii, 4, 53 ], 1. [ as ] [ cf. ŚBr. xi ], to go irregularly, turn off from the right way, miss the aim (abl.) (3) crooked, tortuous, curved cf. W. (4) morally crooked, deceitful, false, dishonest cf. Yājñ. ii, 165 cf. MBh. &c. (5) slow, lazy cf. Naish. ii, 102 (6) dim, dulled cf. Kir (7) n. falsehood, dishonesty cf. PraśnUp. i, 16 cf. MBh. cf. BhP. i, 14, 4 Tabernaemontana coronaria cf. L. (8) ([ am ]), ind. with √ [ car ], to miss one's aim cf. MBh. v, 7361 (9) cf. [ A ], [ vi- ]

===> jihmatā [ jihmatA ]3[ jihm'a-tA ] f. = [ -tva ] cf. W. (1) falsehood, dishonesty cf. Hariv. 7335 cf. R. ii, 43, 2

===> jihmī-kara [ jihmIkara ]3[ jihmI-kara ] mfn. making crooked or oblique cf. W. (1) obscuring cf. W.

===> jihmī-karaṇa [ jihmIkaraNa ]3[ jihmI-karaNa ] mfn. ` obscuring ', [ candra-sUrya-jihmIkaraNaprabha ]

===> jihmī-kṛta [ jihmIkRta ]3[ jihmI-kRta ] mfn. made crooked, bent, bowed down (with fear &c.) cf. W. (1) obscured cf. Lalit. ix, 17 ; xxi, 12

===> jihva [ jihva ]1[ jihv'a ] mfn. (said of Agni) cf. MaitrS. i, 3, 35 (for [ yahv'a ] of cf. Padap. and cf. RV. iii, 2, 9) (1) m. the tongue cf. Hariv. 6325 f. (2) ([ 'A ]) f. (= [ juh'U ]) id. cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. MBh. iii, 16137 cf. Hcat.) (3) the tongue or tongues of Agni, i. e. various forms of flame (3 are named cf. RV. iii, 20, 2 (4) generally 7 cf. VS. xvii, 79 cf. MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 4 [ [ kAlI ], [ karAlI ], [ mano-javA ], [ su-lohitA ], [ su-dhUmra-varNA ], [ sphuliGginI ], [ vizvarUpI ] ] cf. Hemac (5) cf. [ sapt'a-jihva ] (6) also identified with the 7 winds [ pra- ], [ A- ], [ ud- ], [ saM- ], [ vi- ], [ pari- ], and [ ni-vaha ]) (7) the tongue of a balance cf. Hcat. i, 5, 163 (8) speech (cf. Naigh. i, 11) cf. RV. iii, 57, 5 (9) the root of Tabernaemontana coronaria cf. L. (10) cf. [ dv'i- ], [ m'adhu- ], [ su- ] (11) [ agni-jihv'a ] &c. ; [ cf. Lat. [ lingua ] ; Goth. [ tuggo1 ]. ]

===> jihvâgra [ jihvAgra ]3[ jihv'A-gra ] ([ °v^ag° ]), n. the tip of the tongue cf. VPrāt. cf. Suśr. cf. Hit.

===> jihvā [ jihvA ]2[ jihv'A ] f. See [ °hv'a ]

===> jijñāsana [ jijJAsana ]2[ jijJAsana ] n. desire of knowing, investigation cf. Kathās. v, 136

===> jijñāsya [ jijJAsya ]2[ jijJAsya ] mfn. = [ °sitavya ] cf. BhP. ii, 9 cf. Sarvad

===> jijñāsā [ jijJAsA ]2[ jijJAsA ] f. = [ °sana ] cf. MBh. ii f. xiii cf. Hariv. cf. R. cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 cf. Vārtt. 3, &c. ([ kRta-jijJAsa ] mfn. having put to the proof any one [ gen. ] cf. Kathās. cxiii, 78)

===> jina [ jina ]1[ jina ]1 mfn. (√ [ ji ]) victorious cf. L. (1) m. ` Victor ', a Buddha cf. Buddh. cf. Kathās. lxxii, 99 (2) an Arhat (or chief saint of the Jainas ; 24 Jinas are supposed to flourish in each of the 3 Avasarpiṇīs, being born in Āry^avarta) cf. Jain. cf. Pañcat. v, 1, 10/11 ff. cf. VarBṛS. lx cf. Sarvad (3) (hence) the number ` 24 ' cf. Hcat. i, 3, 919 (4) metrically for [ jaina ] (5) Viṣṇu cf. Śiś. xix, 112 (6) N. of cf. Hemac. (?) (7) of a Bodhi-sattva (8) of a son of Yadu, KūrmaP. i, 22, 12

===> [ jina ]1[ jina ]2 mfn. (for [ jIna ] or [ jIrNa ]) very old cf. Uṇ. iii, 2/3

===> jina-putra [ jinaputra ]3[ jina-putra ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jina-śāsana [ jinazAsana ]3[ jina-zAsana ] n. the doctrine of Buddha cf. Rājat. i, 102

===> jinâdhāra [ jinAdhAra ]3[ jin^adhAra ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jita [ jita ]2[ jit'a ] mfn. won, acquired, conquered, subdued cf. RV. viii, 76, 4 cf. AV. &c. (1) overcome or enslaved by (in comp., e. g. [ kAma- ], ` under the dominion of lust ') cf. Mn. &c. (2) given up, discontinued cf. Mn. iv, 181

===> jita-śatru [ jitazatru ]3[ jit'a-zatru ] m. ` = [ °t^amitra ] ', N. of a Buddha cf. Lalit. i, 77 (1) of a king cf. Jain. (e. g. cf. HPariś. iii, 45 ; xiii, 181) (2) of the father of the Arhat A-jita cf. L.

===> jitâtman [ jitAtman ]3[ jit^atman ] mfn. self-subdued cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. ii, 4, 9/10 (1) ([ a- ] neg.) cf. Mn. vii, 34 (2) m. N. of one of the Viśve-devās cf. MBh. xiii, 4356

===> jiṣṇu [ jiSNu ]1[ jiSN'u ] mfn. (√ [ ji ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 139) victorious, triumphant, winning cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (1) (with acc.) vanquishing, conquering, excelling cf. Bhartṛ. i, 5 cf. Vop. v, 26 (2) (ifc.) winning, conquering cf. MBh. vi, xiii (3) m. the sun cf. L. (4) Viṣṇu cf. L. (5) Indra cf. L. (6) Arjuna (son of Pāṇḍu) cf. MBh. cf. BhP. i (7) N. of a man cf. Rājat. vi, 155 (8) of a son of Manu Bhautya cf. Hariv. 495 (9) ` of Brahma-gupta's father ', See [ -ja ] (10) of a Vasu cf. W. (11) cf. [ parA- ]

===> jomā [ jomA ]1[ jomA ] f. a kind of broth cf. Divyâv

===> joḍa [ joDa ]1[ joDa ] ifc. the chin (e. g. [ a- ], [ azva- ], [ eka- ], [ khara- ], [ go- ], [ markaTa- ], [ sUkara- ], [ hasti- ] (1) [ jahi- ]) cf. L.

===> jugupsana [ jugupsana ]2[ jugupsana ] mfn. [ -psu ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 149 cf. Kāś (1) n. dislike cf. L. (2) censure cf. W.

===> jugupsanīya [ jugupsanIya ]2[ jugupsanIya ] mfn. disgusting cf. HPariś. i, 378

===> jugupsita [ jugupsita ]2[ jugupsita ] mfn. abhorring anything (abl.) cf. Vop. v, 21 (1) disliked, detested, disgusting cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) censured cf. W. (3) n. a disgusting or horrible deed cf. BhP. i, 5, 15 (4) (also [ karma- ] id., i, 7, 42) (5) = [ °psA ] cf. Sarvad. iii, 270

===> jugupsā [ jugupsA ]2[ jugupsA ] f. dislike, abhorrence, disgust cf. MBh. cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 24 cf. Vārtt. 1 cf. Mṛcch. i, 14 cf. Yogas. &c.

===> juṣṭa [ juSTa ]2[ j'uSTa ] mfn. ([ °ST'a ] cf. RV. ix, 42, 2 cf. AV. and in later language cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 209f.) pleased, propitious cf. RV. ix, 42, 2 (1) liked, wished, loved, welcome, agreeable, usual (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 188 cf. Kār (2) with dat. or gen., rarely instr.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (3) frequented, visited, inhabited cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. (4) swept over (by the wind) cf. Hariv. 6984 (5) afflicted by (instr. or in comp.) cf. Suśr. (6) served, obliged, worshipped cf. W. (7) practised cf. W. (8) furnished with, possessed of (instr. or in comp.) cf. R. iii cf. BhP. (9) n. the remnants of a meal cf. L. (10) cf. [ 'a- ]

===> jvala [ jvala ]2[ jvala ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 140) flame cf. W.

===> jvalana [ jvalana ]2[ jvalan'a ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 150) inflammable, combustible, flaming cf. ŚBr. xiii, 4, 4, 7 cf. MBh. iii, 12239 (1) shining, 769 (2) m. fire cf. MaitrS. ii, 9, 1 ([ jv'al° ] or [ cf. Padap. ] [ °l'ana ]) cf. Mn. x, 103 cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (3) the number 3 cf. Sūryas. ii, 20 f. (4) corrosive alkali cf. Suśr. (5) Plumbago zeylanica (or its root cf. Npr.) cf. L. (6) n. blazing cf. VarBṛS. (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Takshaka (wife of Ṛceyu or Ṛksha) cf. Hariv. ([ jvAlA ] cf. MBh. i, 3778)

===> jvalita [ jvalita ]2[ jvalita ] mfn. lighted, blazing, flaming, shining cf. MBh. ([ tRNeSu jvalitaM tvayA ], ` you have lighted flames in the grass ', i. e. you have had an easy work, v, 7089) &c. (1) (fr. Caus.) set on fire cf. Mn. vii, 90 (2) n. radiance cf. Ragh. viii, 53 (3) blazing cf. MBh. v, 133, 15

===> jvara [ jvara ]2[ jvara ] m. (g. [ vRS^adi ]) fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it (1) ` leader and king of all diseases ' cf. Suśr.) cf. MBh. &c. (2) fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, grief cf. ib.

===> jvarita [ jvarita ]2[ jvarita ] mfn. (g. [ tArak^adi ]) feverish, affected with fever cf. Car. vi, 3 cf. Suśr. i, 11 and 29 ; vi, 39 cf. Caurap

===> jvāla [ jvAla ]2[ jvAla ] (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 140) mfn. burning, blazing cf. W. (1) m. light, torch cf. Kauś (2) flame cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. ib. (4) illumination cf. KātyŚr. iv, Paddh (5) causing a flame to blaze cf. Nyāyam. x, 1, 22 (6) burnt rice cf. L. (7) = [ jvalanA ], q. v.

===> jvālā [ jvAlA ]2[ jvAlA ] f. of [ °la ], q. v.

===> jvālā-mālin [ jvAlAmAlin ]3[ jvAlA-mAlin ] mfn. flame-garlanded cf. R. vii

===> jyaiṣṭha [ jyaiSTha ]2[ jyaiSTha ] m. N. of a month (May-June, the full moon standing in the constellation Jyeshṭhā) cf. Lāṭy. x, 5, 18 cf. Mn. viii, 245 cf. Hariv. 7828 cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (1) ([ I ]), f. the full moon in month Jyaishṭha cf. VarBṛS. xxiii, 1 (cf. [ mahA-jyaiSThI ]) (2) See [ jyeSThI ]

===> jyeṣṭha [ jyeSTha ]2[ jy'eSTha ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 61) most excellent, pre-eminent, first, chief. best, greatest, (m.) the chief. cf. RV. &c. (ifc. [ e. g. [ vacana- ], ` best in speech ' cf. Kāś. ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 25) (1) more excellent than (abl.) cf. MBh. xiii, 7205 (2) (in math. with [ pada ] or [ mUla ]) greatest (√ [ square root ] extracted from the quantity operated upon) (3) (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 62 (4) [ °STh'a ]) eldest, (m.) the eldest brother cf. RV. iv, 33, 5 ; x, 11, 2 cf. AV. &c.

---> m. (scil. [ ghaTa ]) the ascending bucket (in a machine for raising water) cf. Kuval. 46 (5) for [ jyaiSTha ] cf. VarBṛS. cf. Rājat (6) N. of a man cf. MBh. xii, 13593 (7) n. what is most excellent cf. RV. x, 120, 1 cf. AV. (also oxyt.) (8) tin cf. L. (9) N. of a Liṅga cf. LiṅgaP. i, 1, 3 (10) with [ puSkara ], See °STha-p° (11) ([ 'A ]), f. (g. [ aj^adi ]) the 16th (or accord. to modern reckoning 18th) lunar mansion (sacred to Indra) cf. AV. xix, 7, 3 (parox.) cf. TBr. iii, 1, 2 cf. PārGṛ. cf. MBh. &c. (also pl.) (12) the eldest wife cf. Mn. ix, 122 & 124 (13) a preferred wife cf. L. (14) the 8th year in the Jupiter cycle of 12 years cf. VarBṛS. viii, 10 (15) the middle finger cf. L. (16) a kind of stringed instrument (17) misfortune (personified as the elder sister of Lakshmī, Padma, P. v (18) cf. [ °STha-lakSm'I ]) cf. BhP. i, 17, 32 (19) N. of a Śakti cf. Hcat. i, 8, 404 (20) Gaṅgā cf. L. (21) ([ A ] cf. L., [ I ]), f. a small house-lizard (also [ jyaiSthI ] cf. W.) cf. Tithyād (22) ([ am ]), ind. most, extremely cf. ŚBr. i, 8, 1, 4

===> jyeṣṭha-bhavikā [ jyeSThabhavikA ]3[ jy'eSTha-bhavikA ] f. an elder brother's wife cf. Divyâv. ii, 83 and 113

===> jyeṣṭhatara [ jyeSThatara ]3[ jy'eSTha-tara ] mfn. an elder one cf. Pañcat. v, 4, 0/1 (1) ([ A ]), f. a woman guarding a young girl cf. Kathās. lxxv,

===> jyeṣṭhā [ jyeSThA ]2[ jyeSTh'A ] f. of [ °STha ], q. v.

===> jyotir-gaṇa [ jyotirgaNa ]3[ jyotir-gaNa ] m. the heavenly bodies collectively cf. W.

===> jyotir-jvalanârci-śrī-garbha [ jyotirjvalanArcizrIgarbha ]3[ jyotir-jvalan^arci-zrI-garbha ] m. N. of a Bodhisattva cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jyotir-vidyā [ jyotirvidyA ]3[ jyotir-vidyA ] f. astronomy cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jyotirmaya [ jyotirmaya ]3[ jyotir-maya ] mfn. consisting of light, brilliant cf. MuṇḍUp. cf. Ragh. x, 24 (Viṣṇu) &c. (1) (also said of Śiva) (2) abounding with stars, starry, xv, 59

===> jyotis [ jyotis ]2[ jy'otis ] n. light (of the sun, dawn, fire, lightning, &c. (1) also pl.), brightness (of the sky) cf. RV. &c. ([ tr'INi jy'otIMSi ], light appearing in the 3 worlds, viz. on earth, in the intermediate region, and in the sky or heaven [ the last being called [ uttam'a ] cf. VS. xx cf. AV. xviii (2) or [ 'uttara ], i, 9, l (3) or [ tRt'Iya ] cf. RV. x, 56, 1 ] cf. VS. viii, 36 cf. AV. ix, 5, 8 cf. MBh. iii (4) also personifled as ` fire ' on earth, ` ether or air ' in the intermediate region, and ` sun ' in the sky cf. ŚBr. xi, 5, 8, 2 cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 21, 2, &c. (5) ` fire, sun and moon ' cf. Bhag. xv, 12) (6) fire, flash of lightning cf. Megh. cf. Śak (7) moonlight cf. RV. iii, 34, 4 cf. AV. iv, 18, 1 (8) (pl.) cf. ŚBr. x and cf. R. i, 35, 16 (9) eye-light cf. RV. i, 117, 17 (10) the eye cf. MBh. i, 6853 cf. Ragh. cf. BhP. ix (11) du. sun and moon cf. Gobh. iii, 3, 18 cf. Śatr. i, 28 (12) pl. the heavenly bodies, planets and stars cf. Mn. cf. Bhag. &c. [ °tiSAm ayana ] n. course or movements of the heavenly bodies, science of those movements [ = [ °tiSa ] ] cf. Lāṭy. iv, 8, 1 cf. Śikṣ (13) sg. the light of heaven, celestial world cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2 (14) light as the divine principle of life or source of intelligence, intelligence cf. RV. vi, 9, 6 cf. VS. xxiv, 3 cf. AV. xvi cf. Bhag. (15) ([ pauruSaj° ] ` human intelligence ') cf. Sarvad (16) (paraj'ṭpaurushaj ', highest light or truth ') cf. RāmatUp. and cf. Sarvad (17) light as the type of freedom or bliss or victory (cf. ?, ? and Lat. [ lux ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Suśr. (18) N. of several Ek^ahas cf. TS. vii cf. ŚBr. xii. f. &c. (19) of certain formularies containing the word [ jy^otis ] cf. Lāṭy. i, 8, 13 (20) a metre of 32 short and 16 long syllables (21) = [ °tiSa ], science of the movements of the heavenly bodies cf. L. (22) a mystical N. for the letter [ r ] cf. RāmatUp. (23) m. fire cf. L. (24) the sun cf. L. (25) Trigonella foenum graecum cf. L. (26) N. of a Marut cf. Hariv. 11545 (27) of a son of Manu Svārocisha, 429 (28) of a Prajā-pati cf. VP. (29) cf. [ d'akSiNA- ], [ zukr'a- ], [ sa- ], [ h'iraNya- ], &c.

===> jyotiṣ-kara [ jyotiSkara ]3[ jyotiS-kara ] m. ` light-causer ', a kind of flower cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jyotiṣ-prabha [ jyotiSprabha ]3[ jyotiS-prabha ] m. ` brilliant with light ', N. of a flower cf. Buddh. cf. L. (1) N. of a Buddha cf. Buddh. (2) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. ib. (3) of a prince cf. Kathās. lix, 59

===> jyotiṣa [ jyotiSa ]2[ jyotiSa ] m. an astronomer cf. Buddh. cf. L. (1) the sun cf. Gal. (2) a particular magical formula for exorcising the evil spirits supposed to possess weapons cf. R. i, 30, 6 (3) n. (g. [ ukth^adi ]) the science of the movements of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time dependant thereon, short tract for fixing the days and hours of the Vedic sacrifices (one of the 6 kinds of Ved^aṅga texts) cf. Āp. cf. MuṇḍUp. i, 1, 5 cf. MBh. xiif. &c. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river cf. Viṣṇ. lxxxv, 33

===> jyotiṣka [ jyotiSka ]2[ jyotiSka ] m. Premna spinosa cf. Suśr. iv (1) Plumbago zeylanica cf. L. (2) the seed of Trigonella foenum graecum cf. L. (3) N. of a Nāga (cf. [ °tika ]) cf. MBh. v, 3631 (4) of a man cf. Buddh. (cf. Divyâv. xix) (5) pl. ` the luminaries ' regarded as a class of deities (arranged under 5 heads, viz. sun, moon, the planets, fixed stars, and lunar mansions) cf. Jain. (6) n. N. of a luminous weapon (with which Arjuna destroyed Tamas) cf. MBh. vii, 1325 ([ jyautiSa ], B) (7) N. of a bright peak of Meru, xii, 10212 (8) ([ A ]), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum cf. L.

===> jyotiṣmat [ jyotiSmat ]3[ jyotiS-mat ] ([ jy'ot° ]), mfn. luminous, brilliant, shining, belonging to the world of light, celestial cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. ([ °tItriSTubh ] ', the heavenly Trishṭubh ' of 3 x 12 and l x 8 syllables cf. RPrāt.) [ 427,3 ] (1) spiritual, pure cf. Yogas. i, 36 (2) m. the sun cf. Daś. viii, 114 (3) = [ °SI-mat ], q. v. (4) the 3rd foot of Brahmā cf. ChUp. iv, 7, 3 f. (5) N. of a son (of Manu Svāyambhuva cf. Hariv. 415 (6) of Manu Sāvarṇa, 467 (7) of Priya-vrata [ king of Kuśa-dvīpa ] cf. VP.) (8) of a mountain cf. BhP. v, 20, 4 (9) ([ tI ]), f. ` starillumined ', night cf. L. (10) a kind of sacrificial brick cf. VS. cf. TS. i (11) a kind of Trishṭubh (12) = [ °SkA ] cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS.

===> jyotsnā [ jyotsnA ]2[ jy'otsnA ] f. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 114) a moonlight night cf. TBr. ii, 2, 9, 7 (1) moonlight cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (ifc. f. ā cf. Kathās. cvii) (2) pl. light, splendour cf. BhP. iii, 28, 21 (3) one of Brahmā's bodies, 20, 39 (4) one of the moon's 16 Kalās cf. BrahmaP. ii, 15 [ 428,1 ] (5) Durgā, cf. DevīP. cf. Devīm (6) the plant [ jyotsnI ] cf. L. cf. Sch. (7) the plant [ ghoSAtakI ] cf. L.

===> jyotī-rasa [ jyotIrasa ]3[ jyotI-rasa ] m. a kind of gem cf. R. ii, 94, 6 cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās (1) mfn. made of that gem cf. MBh. iv, 24

===> jyāni [ jyAni ]2[ jyAn'i ] f. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 95 cf. Vārtt. 4) id. cf. MaitrS. ii, 2, 10 (cf. [ 'a- ]) (1) ` loss ', See [ sarva-jyAn'I ] (2) disappearance, Mālatīm. ix, 33 (3) infirmity, old age cf. Vop. xi, 2 (4) a river cf. L.

===> jyāyas [ jyAyas ]2[ jy'Ayas ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 61 f. ; vi, 4, 160) superior, more excellent, greater, larger, stronger cf. RV. &c. (ifc. [ e. g. [ vaccana- ], ` superior in speech ' cf. Kāś. ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 25) (1) elder cf. RV. &c. (2) most excellent cf. Ragh. xviii, 33 (3) (in law) being of age and answerable for one's conduct cf. W.

===> jâti [ jAti ]2[ jAti ] f. birth, production cf. AitBr. ii, 39 cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (also [ °tI ], xiii f.) &c. (1) re-birth cf. R. i, 62, 17 cf. Kāraṇḍ. xxiii, 193 (2) the form of existence (as man, animal, &c.) fixed by birth cf. Mn. iv, 148 f. cf. Yogas. ii, 13 (3) (ifc.) cf. Kathās. xviii, 98 (4) position assigned by birth, rank, caste, family, race, lineage cf. KātyŚr. xv cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. ([ °tI ] cf. MBh. xiv, 2549) (5) kind, genus (opposed to species), species (opposed to individual), class cf. Lāṭy. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Pāṇ. &c., (once [ °tI ] ifc. cf. MBh. vi, 456) (6) the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones) cf. Sarvad (7) natural disposition to cf. Car. ii, 1 (8) the character of a species, genuine or true state of anything cf. Yājñ. ii, 246 cf. MBh. xii, 5334 (9) reduction of fractions to a common denominator (10) a self-confuting reply (founded merely on similarity or dissimilarity) cf. Nyāyad. v, 1 ff. cf. Sarvad. xi, 10 and 34 cf. Prab. cf. Sch. (11) (in rhet.) a particular figure of speech cf. Sarasv. ii, 1 (12) a class of metres cf. R. i, 4, 6 cf. Kāvyâd. i, 11 (13) a manner of singing cf. Hariv. (14) a fire-place cf. L. (15) (= [ °tI ]) mace, nutmeg cf. Suśr. (16) Jasminum grandiflorum cf. L. (17) = [ °tI-phalA ] cf. L. (18) = [ kampilla ] cf. L. cf. [ antya- ], [ eka- ], [ dvi- ] - [ cf. Lat. [ gens ] ; Lith. [ pri-gentis ] ]

===> jña [ jJa ]1[ jJa ]1 for 1. [ jJu ]. See [ Urdhva- ]

===> [ jJa ]1[ jJ'a ]2 [ jJaka ], [ jnapita ], &c. See below

===> [ jJa ]2[ jJ'a ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (iii, 1, 135) knowing, familiar with (chiefly in comp. (1) rarely gen. or loc. cf. MBh. xii, 12028 cf. R. vii, 91, 25) cf. ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 3 cf. Mn. &c. (2) intelligent, having a soul, wise, (m.) a wise and learned man cf. ŚvetUp. cf. PraśnUp. cf. Bādar. cf. VarBṛ. cf. BhP. vii (3) having Jñā as deity cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 163 cf. Pat. (4) m. the thinking soul (= [ puruSa ]) cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Nyāyad. iii, 2, 20 cf. Sch. (5) the planet Mercury
cf. VarBṛS. cf. VarBṛ. cf. Laghuj. cf. Sūryas (6) the planet Mars cf. L. (7) Brahmā cf. L. (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 163 cf. Pat. ; [ cf. Lat. [ mali- ] and [ beni-gnu-s ]. ]

===> jñapti [ jJapti ]2[ jJapti ] f. understanding, apprehension, ascertainment of (in comp.) cf. VarBṛ. i, 2 cf. Kathās. cf. BhP. x, 89, 2 cf. Sarvad. xif. (ilc. [ °tika ]) (1) the exercise of the intellectual faculty, intelligence cf. BhP. x cf. Jaim. i, 1, 5 cf. Sch.

===> jñapti-caturtha [ jJapticaturtha ]3[ jJapti-caturtha ] mfn. scil. [ karman ] cf. Divyâv. xxvi

===> jñatā [ jJatA ]3[ jJ'a-tA ] f. intelligence cf. Yājñ. iii, 142 cf. Nyāyad. cf. Sch. (1) ifc. knowledge of cf. Nal. xix, 24

===> jñeya [ jJeya ]2[ jJeya ] mfn. to be known (e. g. [ jJeyo mah^arNavo'tra ], it should be known that there is here a great sea cf. VarBṛS. xiv, 19 (1) [ kathaM na jJeyam asmAbhir nivartitum ], how should we not know how to leave off cf. Bhag. i, 39) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. R. &c. (2) to be learnt or understood or ascertained or investigated or perceived or inquired about cf. ŚvetUp. i, 12 cf. MBh. iii, 2737 cf. Nal. &c. [ 426,3 ]

===> jñāna [ jJAna ]3[ jJ'Ana ] mf ([ I ]) n. prudent, wise L. [ 659,2 ] (1) easily known AV. (2) n. knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, discrimination AV. &c. &c. (3) a distinctive mark, token of recognition, any mark or sign or characteristic AV. MBh. R. &c. (4) a monument, memorial ŚBr. (5) [ -kumuda-candrikA ] f. N. of wk. (6) [ -ghan'a ] m. nothing but knowledge ŚBr. (cf. under [ ghan'a ]) (7) [ -tRpta ] mfn. satiated with, i. e. full of knowledge MBh. (8) [ -saMtati ] f. a train of thought Tattvas (9) [ °n^ananda ], [ °n^azrama ], and [ °n^endra ] m. N. of authors Cat.

===> jñāna-candra [ jJAnacandra ]3[ jJAna-candra ] m. N. of a man

===> jñāna-darśana [ jJAnadarzana ]3[ jJAna-darzana ] n. supreme knowledge cf. Buddh. cf. Jain. (1) m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Kāraṇḍ. i, 3

===> jñāna-datta [ jJAnadatta ]3[ jJAna-datta ] m. ` given by knowledge ', N. of scholar cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jñāna-garbha [ jJAnagarbha ]3[ jJAna-garbha ] m. ` filled with knowledge ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. cf. L. (1) of a scholar cf. ib.

===> jñāna-ketu [ jJAnaketu ]3[ jJAna-ketu ] m. ` having marks of intelligence ', N. of a man cf. Lalit. xiii, 156 (1) [ -dhvaja ] m. N. of a Devaputra, iii, 160

===> jñāna-meru [ jJAnameru ]3[ jJAna-meru ] m. knowledge-Meru ', N. of a man cf. Lalit. xiii, 159

===> jñāna-prabha [ jJAnaprabha ]3[ jJAna-prabha ] m. ` brilliant with knowledge ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. cf. L. (1) of a man cf. Buddh.

===> jñāna-pradīpa [ jJAnapradIpa ]3[ jJAna-pradIpa ] m. N. of Yoga-sāra-samgraha ii

===> jñāna-prasthāna [ jJAnaprasthAna ]3[ jJAna-prasthAna ] n. ` method of knowledge ', N. of a cf. Buddh. work

===> jñāna-rāja [ jJAnarAja ]3[ jJAna-r^aja ] m. ` king of knowledge ', N. of the author of Siddh^antasundara

===> jñāna-sāgara [ jJAnasAgara ]3[ jJAna-sAgara ] m. ` knowledge-ocean ', N. of a Jain Sūri (author of a cf. Comm. on Ogha-niryukti, A. D. 1383)

===> jñāna-vajra [ jJAnavajra ]3[ jJAna-vajra ] m. ` knowledge-thunderbolt ', N. of a cf. Buddh. author

===> jñāna-vibhūti-garbha [ jJAnavibhUtigarbha ]3[ jJAna-vibhUtigarbha ] m. ` filled with superhuman knowledge ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jñāna-yoga [ jJAnayoga ]3[ jJAna-yoga ] m. the Yoga as based on the acquisition of true knowledge (opposed to [ karma-y° ] or the Yoga as based on performance of ceremonial rites) cf. Bhag. iii, 3 cf. VP. vi, 4, 42 cf. NārP cf. MatsyaP.

===> jñāna-śakti [ jJAnazakti ]3[ jJAna-zakti ] f. ` intellectual faculty ', [ -mat ] mfn. possessing intellectual faculty cf. Vedântas

===> jñāna-śrī [ jJAnazrI ]3[ jJAna-zrI ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. author cf. Sarvad. ii, 84

===> jñānamaya [ jJAnamaya ]3[ jJAna-maya ] mfn. consisting of knowledge cf. MuṇḍUp. &c. ([ sarva- ] cf. Mn. ii, 7) (1) ([ I ]), f. with [ mudrA ] = [ °na-mudrA ] cf. RāmatUp. i, 49

===> jñānavat [ jJAnavat ]3[ jJAna-vat ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 9 cf. Sch.) knowing (that, [ iti ]) cf. Vedāntas. cf. Tattvas (1) endowed with knowledge or science, intelligent, wise, having spiritual knowledge cf. MBh. cf. R. vi, 102, 7 cf. Laghuj. &c. (2) possessing knowledge ([ loka ]) cf. ChUp. vii, 7, 2 (3) m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jñānin [ jJAnin ]2[ jJAnin ] mfn. knowing, endowed with knowledge or intelligence, wise, (opposed to [ vi- ]) knowing the higher knowledge or knowledge of spirit (cf. Kathās. lxxix) cf. Mn. xii, 103 cf. Hariv. &c. (1) m. a fortuneteller, astrologer cf. R. vi, 23, 4 cf. Kathās. xviii, 60 ; xix, 77 cf. Vet (2) ` possessing religious wisdom ', a sage cf. W.

===> jñānâkara [ jJAnAkara ]3[ jJAn^akara ] m. ` knowledge-mine ', N. of a son of a Buddha (1) of a Buddha

===> jñānânutpāda [ jJAnAnutpAda ]3[ jJ^an^anutpAda ] m. non-production of knowledge, ignorance cf. W.

===> jñāpaka [ jJApaka ]2[ jJApaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. causing to know, teaching, designing, informing, suggesting cf. Hariv. 6518 cf. Kāty. and cf. Kāś. cf. BhP. ix, 6, 10 cf. Sāh. &c. (1) m. a master of requests (particular officer at a Hindū court) cf. Pañcat. iii, 67/68 n. an expression or rule giving particular information (as a rule of cf. Pāṇ. Implying some other grammatical law than that resulting from the mere words of the rule itself), precept cf. MBh. i, 5846 cf. Pat. cf. Kāś. and cf. Siddh

===> jñāpana [ jJApana ]2[ jJApana ] n. making known, suggesting cf. Pat. and cf. Kāś. cf. Rājat. iv, 180

===> [ jJApana ]3[ jJApana ] n. (fr. Caus.) statement, assertion Nyāyas. Sch. (1) [ -pradeza-vyAkhyA ], f. (2) [ °n^op^aGga ] n. N. of wks.

===> jñāpita [ jJApita ]3[ jJApita ] mfn. betrayed, disclosed Śak. i, 23/24 (v. l.)

===> jñāta [ jJAta ]2[ jJAt'a ] mfn. known, ascertained, comprehended, perceived, understood cf. AV. xix, 15, 6 cf. ŚBr. &c. ([ AMjJAtam ] ` Ah! I know ' cf. Mṛcch. i, 6/7 cf. Śak. &c.) (1) meant ([ mayA jJAtam ] ', I meant ') cf. Kād. vi, 995 (2) taken for (nom.) cf. Pañcat. i, 2, 2 (3) known as (nom.) to (gen.) cf. Vop. v, 27 (4) m. pl. N. of Mahā-vira's family cf. Jain.

===> jñātavya [ jJAtavya ]2[ jJAtavya ] mfn. to be known or understood or investigated or inquired after cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) perceptible, 11143 (2) to be considered as cf. Cāṇ. cf. Mn. cf. Sch.

===> jñāti [ jJAti ]2[ jJAt'i ] m. ` intimately acquainted ' (cf. Goth. [ kno1di ]), a near relation (` paternal relation ' cf. L. and cf. Sch. (1) cf. [ sam-bandhin ]), kinsman cf. RV. cf. AV. xii, 5, 44 cf. TBr. i &c.

===> jñāti-putra [ jJAtiputra ]3[ jJAt'i-putra ] m. the son of a relative cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 133 (1) for °ta-p° cf. Buddh.

===> jñātra [ jJAtra ]2[ jJ'Atra ] n. the intellectual faculty cf. VS. xviii, 7 cf. TS. vii, 2, 4, 2 cf. MaitrS. iv, 2, 8 cf. TāṇḍyaBr. v, 7

===> [ jJAtra ]3[ jJAtra ] See [ a-prajJAtr'a ]

===> jñātṛ [ jJAtR ]2[ jJAt'R ] mfn. one who knows or understands, a knower cf. ChUp. viii, 5, 1 cf. KaṭhUp. &c. (1) an acquaintance, (hence) a surety (cf. ?) cf. AV. vi, 32, 3 ; viii, 8, 21 (2) a witness cf. Mn. viii, 57 (v. l. [ s'akskin ])

===> [ jJAtR ]3[ jJAt'R ] m. one who knows the way, guide, conductor RV.

===> jāgara [ jAgara ]2[ jAgara ] mfn. awake cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 85 cf. Kāś (1) m. waking, wakefulness cf. MBh. viii, 5026 cf. KapS. iii, 26 cf. Ragh. &c. (2) a, vision in a waking state cf. Yājñ. iii, 172 (3) [ -jag° ] cf. L. (4) ([ A ]), f. waking cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 101 cf. Pat. (5) cf. [ ko- ]

===> jāgarita [ jAgarita ]2[ jAgarit'a ] mfn. (2, 11 and 3, 85) = [ °ta-vat ] cf. Suśr. iii, 8, 1 (1) n. waking cf. ŚBr. xii, xiv cf. Suśr. iii, 4, 37

===> jāla [ jAla ]1[ jAla ]1 mfn. watery cf. MBh. iii, 11967

===> [ jAla ]1[ jAla ]2 n. a net (for catching birds, fish &c.) cf. AV. viii, x cf. KātyŚr. cf. PārGṛ. &c. (1) a hairnet cf. Āp. (2) a net (fig.), snare cf. Yājñ. iii, 119 cf. MBh. iii, 25 cf. R. v cf. Bhartṛ. &c. (3) (in anat.) the omentum cf. Bhpr. ii, 310 (4) a cob-web cf. W. (5) any reticulated or woven texture, wire-net, mail-coat, wire-helmet cf. MBh. vff. cf. Hariv. cf. Kum. vii, 59 (6) a lattice, eyelet. cf. R. iii, 61, 13 cf. VarBṛS. lvi, 22 (7) a lattice-window cf. Mn. viii, 132 cf. Yājñ. i, 361 cf. Vikr. &c. (8) ` the web or membrane on the feet of water-birds ', See [ -pAda ] the finger- and toe-membrane of divine beings and godlike personages cf. Śak. vii, 16 (9) lion's mane cf. Kathās. lxxv (10) a bundle of buds cf. W. (11) (chiefly ifc.) collection multitude cf. MBh. &c. (12) deception, illusion magic cf. Daś. viii, 42 cf. Kathās. xxiv, 199 (13) pride cf. W. (14) for [ jAta ], kind, species cf. ŚvetUp. v, 3 cf. R. ii (15) m. (g. [ jval^adi ]) Nauclea Cadamba cf. L. (16) a small cucumber. cf. L. cf. Sch. (17) ([ i ]), f. a kind of cucumber cf. L. (18) cf. [ 'ayo- [ indra- ], [ giri- ], [ bRhaj- ]

===> jālaṃ-dhara [ jAlaMdhara ]1[ jAlaMdhara ] m. = [ jal ], N. of an Asura cf. PadmaP. v, 141 f. (1) = [ °ri ], Toḍ (2) a kind of Mudrā, Haṭhapr. iii, 6 (3) pl. N. of the 12 Ādityas when born as men cf. Vīrac. xxviii (4) N. of a people = [ tri-garta ] cf. L.) cf. Romakas. cf. Rājat. iv, 177: viii, 1653 cf. Ratnak (5) n. N. of a Tirtha cf. MatsyaP. xiii, 46

===> jālika [ jAlika ]2[ jAlika ] mf ([ I ]) n. deceptive, m. a cheat, g. [ parp^adi ] (1) m. (g. [ vetan^adi ]) ` living on his net ', a birdcatcher cf. Caṇḍ. ii, 2 (2) a spider cf. L. (3) = [ grAma-jAlin ] cf. L.

===> jālikā [ jAlikA ]1[ jAlikA ]2 f. = [ jal° ] cf. W.

===> jālin [ jAlin ]2[ jAlin ] mfn. having a net cf. W. (1) retiform cf. W. (2) having a window cf. W. (3) deceptive cf. W. (4) ([ inI ]), f. (scil. [ piDakA ]) N. of certain boils appearing in the Prameha disease cf. Car. i, 17, 80 and 83 cf. Suśr. ii, 6, 8 and 10 (5) a species of melon (having a reticulated rind) cf. ib. (6) a painted room or one ornamented with pictures cf. L.

===> jālâvanaddha [ jAlAvanaddha ]3[ jAl^avanaddha ] mfn. = [ °l^aGgulika ] cf. Divyâv. iii, 18

===> jāmbū-nada [ jAmbUnada ]1[ jAmbUnada ] mfn. coming from the river ([ nadI ]) Jambū (kind of gold), n. gold from the Jāmbū river, any gold cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. 13099 cf. R. cf. BhP. v, 16, 21 (1) mf ([ I ]) n. = [ -maya ] cf. MBh. i, xii f. cf. Hariv. 8419 cf. R. v, 7, 19 (2) m. N. of a son of Janam-ejaya cf. MBh. i, 3745 (3) = [ -parvata ] cf. Hariv. 12829 (4) n. a golden ornament cf. Śiś. iv, 66 (5) thornapple cf. L. (6) N. of a lake cf. MBh. v, 3843 (7) (i), f. N. of a river, vi, 338

===> jāmātṛ [ jAmAtR ]2[ j'AmAtR ] m. ([ j'A-m° ] ` maker of [ new ] offspring ' cf. Nir. vi, 9 (1) cf. [ yAm° ] and [ v'i-jAm° ]) a son-in-law cf. RV. viii, 2, 20 and (Tvashṭṛ's son-in-law = Vāyu) 26, 21 f. cf. Yājñ. i, 220 cf. MBh. &c. (acc. sg. [ °tAram ] cf. R. (2) pl. [ °taras ] cf. Kathās.) (3) a brother-in-law cf. R. vii, 24, 30 and 34 (4) a husband cf. L. (5) Scindapsus officinalis cf. L.

===> jāna-pada [ jAnapada ]2[ j'Anapada ] mfn. (g. [ uts^adi ]) living in the country ([ jana-pad'a ]), m. inhabitant of the country cf. MBh. (cf. Nal. xxvi, 30) cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. BhP. (1) belonging to or suited for the inhabitants of the country cf. Mn. viii, 41 cf. R. i, 12, 13 (2) m. one who belongs to a country, subject cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Yājñ. ii, 36 cf. MBh. xii cf. R. (3) ([ I ]), f. (= [ vRtti ], oxyt. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 42) a popular expression (scil. [ A-khyA ]) cf. Lāṭy. viii, 3, 9 (4) N. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. i. 5076

===> jānaka [ jAnaka ]2[ jAnaka ]1 m. (fr. [ janak'a ]) patr. of Kratu-vid cf. AitBr. vii, 34 (1) of Āyasthūṇa cf. BṛĀrUp. (also [ °ki ]) (2) ([ I ]), f. patr. of Sitā cf. MBh. iii, 15872 cf. R. iii, 51, 6 cf. Ragh. xii, 61 ; xv, 74 (3) a metre of 4 X 24 syllables

===> [ jAnaka ]1[ jAnaka ]2 m. (√ [ jJA ]) knower (a Buddha) cf. Divyāv. xiii, 348 ; xxi, 13 (1) pl. the Buddhists cf. Sūtrakṛt. i, 1, 18 (Prākṛt)

===> jānat [ jAnat ]2[ jAn'at ] mfn. pr. p. P., √ [ jnA ], q. v.

===> jānu [ jAnu ]1[ j'Anu ] n. (rarely m. cf. MBh. iv, 1115 cf. Rājat. iii, 345) the knee cf. RV. x, 15, 6 cf. AV. ixf. cf. VS. &c. ([ °nubhyAm avaniM-√ gam ] ` to fall to the ground on one's knees ' cf. MBh., xiii, 935) (1) (as a measure of length) = 32 Aṅgulas cf. Śulbas (2) [ cf. ? Lat. genu ; Goth. [ kniu ] ; Germ. [ Knie ]. ]

===> jānu-maṇḍala [ jAnumaNDala ]3[ j'Anu-maNDala ] n. id. cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jānu-mātra [ jAnumAtra ]3[ j'Anu-mAtr'a ] mfn. reaching up to the knee cf. ĀśvGṛ. ii, 8 ; iv, 4 (1) n. the height of the knee cf. ŚBr. xii, 8, 3, 20

===> jānuka [ jAnuka ]2[ jAnuka ] n. (g. [ yAv^adi ]) the knee cf. VarBṛS. lviii (in comp.) (1) ifc. (f. [ A ]) cf. Hcat. i, 7, 354 (cf. [ Urdhva- ], [ virala- ]) (2) m. N. of a man cf. Śak. vi, 1/2

===> jānv-asthi [ jAnvasthi ]3[ jAnv-asthi ] n. the shin-bone, i, 3, 17

===> jānāna [ jAnAna ]3[ jAnAn'a ] mfn. pr. p. Ā. √ [ jJA ], q. v.

===> jāpa [ jApa ]1[ jApa ] m. (√ [ jap ]) ` whispering ', See [ karNa- ] (1) muttering prayers cf. L. a muttered prayer cf. L. (cf. R. i, 51, 27 for [ japa ] (2) See also [ jApya ])

===> jāpana [ jApana ]1[ jApana ] n. for [ yAp° ], rejection cf. L. (1) dismissing cf. L. (2) completing cf. L.

===> jāpin [ jApin ]2[ jApin ] mfn. ifc. muttering cf. Yājñ. iii cf. Kathās

===> jāpya [ jApya ]2[ jApya ] mfn. to be muttered cf. BhP. i, 19, 38 (1) (fr. [ jApa ]) relating to a muttered prayer cf. MBh. xii, 7260 (2) n. a prayer to be muttered, muttering of prayers cf. MBh. xiii, 6232 cf. R. i, 29, 32 (v. l. [ jApa ]) cf. BhP. viii, 3, 1

===> jāta [ jAta ]1[ jAt'a ] mfn. (√ [ jan ] (1) ifc. cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 171) born, brought into existence by (loc.), engendered by (instr. or abl.) cf. RV. &c. (2) grown, produced, arisen, caused, appeared cf. ib. (3) ifc. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 5 cf. Kāś. ; 36 cf. Vārtt. 1 ; vi, 2, 170) See [ mAsa- ], [ sapt^aha- ], &c. (4) appearing on or in cf. VarBṛS. lii, 5 ff (5) destined for (dat.) cf. RV. iv, 20, 6 ; ix, 94, 4 (6) turning to (dat.) cf. Sāh. iii, 58/59 (7) happened, become, present, apparent, manifest cf. TS. cf. VS. &c. (8) belonging to (gen.) cf. RV. i, 83, 5 ; viii, 62, 10 (9) ready at hand cf. Pañcat. ii, 16 (10) possessed of (instr.) cf. MBh. iv, 379 (11) often ifc. instead of in comp. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 36 cf. Vārtt. 1 ; vi, 2, 170 f. (12) g. [ Ahit^agny-Adi ]), e. g. [ kiNa- ], [ danta- ], &c., qq. vv (13) m. a son cf. RV. ii, 25, 1 cf. AV. xi, 9, 6 cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Pañcat (14) a living being (said of men, rarely of gods) cf. RV. iv, 2, 2 ; v, 15, 2 ; x, 12, 3 cf. AV. xviii cf. VS. viii, 36 (15) N. of a son of Brahmā cf. PadmaP. v (16) n. a living being, creature cf. RV. (17) birth, origin, i, 156, 2 and 163, 1 ; iii, 31, 3 (18) race, kind, sort, class, species, viii, 39, 6 cf. AV. &c. (19) a multitude or collection of things forming a class (chiefly ifc., e. g. [ karma- ] ', the whole aggregate of actions ' cf. Mn. vii, 61/62 [ sukha- ], ` anything or everything included under the name pleasure ' cf. Gīt. x, 3) cf. Mn. ix cf. MBh. &c. (20) individuality, specific condition ([ vyakta ]) cf. L. (21) = [ -karman ] cf. NārS. (22) (impers. with double instr.) it turned out or happened that cf. Rājat. v, 364 [ 417,3 ] (23) ([ A ]), f. a daughter cf. W. (24) [ cf. -? ; Germ. [ Kind ] ; Lith. [ gentis ]. ]

===> jāta-harṣa [ jAtaharSa ]3[ jAt'a-harSa ] mfn. rejoiced

===> jāta-hāriṇī [ jAtahAriNI ]3[ jAt'a-hAriNI ] f. N. of a female demon who carries off new-born children cf. MārkP. li

===> jāta-karman [ jAtakarman ]3[ jAt'a-karman ] n. a birth-ceremony (consisting in touching a newly-born child's tongue thrice with ghee after appropriate prayers) cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. Gṛhyās. cf. Mn. ii, 27 and 29 cf. Yājñ. i, 11 cf. MBh. &c. (1) (cf. cf. RTL. pp. 353 & 357.)

===> jāta-mātra [ jAtamAtra ]3[ jAt'a-mAtra ] mf ([ A ]) n. just or merely born cf. Mn. ix, 106 cf. MBh. i (1) just or merely arisen or appeared cf. Pañcat. cf. Daś. cf. VāyuP.

===> jāta-rūpa [ jAtarUpa ]3[ jAt'a-rUpa ] mfn. beautiful, brilliant cf. MBh. xiii, 4088 (1) golden cf. Hcat. i, 11, 494 (2) n. gold cf. ŚBr. xiv (oxyt.) cf. Naigh. i, 2 (propar.) cf. Kauś. cf. Lāṭy. &c. (3) the thorn-apple cf. W. (4) [ -tA ] f. the state of gold (5) [ -pariSkRta ] mfn. adorned with gold (6) [ -prabha ] mfn. ` shining like gold ', orpiment cf. Npr. (7) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. golden cf. AitBr. viii, 13 cf. MBh. &c. (8) [ -zila ] m. N. of a, golden mountain cf. R. iv, 40, 52

===> jātaka [ jAtaka ]2[ jAtaka ] mfn. ifc. engendered by, born under (an asterism) cf. Mn. ix, 143 cf. Cāṇ (1) m. a new-born child cf. Kauś (2) a mendicant cf. L. (3) n. = [ °ta-karman ] cf. MBh. i, 949 cf. BhP. v, 14, 33 (4) nativity, astrological calculation of a nativity cf. VarBṛ. xxvi, 3 cf. BhP. i cf. Kathās. lxxii, 192 cf. Rājat. vii, 1730 (5) the story of a former birth of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh. cf. Kathās. lxxii, 120 (6) (ifc. after numerals) ` an aggregate of similar things ', [ catur ]

===> jāti-brāhmaṇa [ jAtibrAhmaNa ]3[ jAti-brAhmaNa ] m. a Brāhman by birth (not by knowledge) cf. TāṇḍyaBr. vi, 5, 8 cf. Sch.

===> jāti-dharma [ jAtidharma ]3[ jAti-dharma ] m. caste, duty cf. W. (1) generic or specific property cf. W.

===> jāti-lakṣaṇa [ jAtilakSaNa ]3[ jAti-lakSaNa ] n. generic or specific distinction, characteristic cf. W. (1) mark of tribe or caste cf. W.

===> jāti-maha [ jAtimaha ]3[ jAti-maha ] m. birthday festival cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> jāti-phala [ jAtiphala ]3[ jAti-phala ] n. = [ -koza ] cf. L.

===> jāti-smara [ jAtismara ]3[ jAti-smara ] mf ([ A ]) n. recollecting a former existence cf. MBh. iii, 8180 cf. Hariv. 1209 cf. BhP. cf. VP. cf. Kathās (1) n. N. of a Tirtha cf. MBh. iii, 8106 (2) [ -tA ] f. recollection of a former existence, iii, 160 cf. Hcat. i, 7, 692 (3) [ -tva ] n. id. cf. MBh. iii, 8107 ; xiii, 4836 cf. Kathās (4) [ -hrada ] m. N. of a pond cf. MBh. iii, 8180

===> jāti-vācaka [ jAtivAcaka ]3[ jAti-vAcaka ] mfn. expressing genus, generic (a name) cf. W.

===> jātimat [ jAtimat ]3[ jAti-mat ] mfn. of high birth or rank cf. R. (G) ii, 75, 21 (1) belonging to a genus, what may be subordinated to a generic idea cf. Sarvad. x, 9 cf. Kaṇ. i, 1, 18 cf. Sch. ([ -tva ] n. abstr.)

===> jātu [ jAtu ]1[ j'Atu ] ind. (√ [ jan ]?, cf. [ jan'uSA ], s. v. [ °n'us ]) at all, ever cf. RV. x, 27, 11 cf. ŚBr. ii, 2, 2, 20 ([ t'u ]) cf. MBh. v, 7071 cf. Pañcat. i, 1, 6 ([ kiM tenajAtena ], what is the use at all of him born?) (1) [ when [ j'Atu ] stands at the beginning of a sentence the verb which follows retains its accent cf. Pāṇ. 8-1, 47 (2) in connection with the Pot. and [ n^avakalpayAmi ] &c. (iii, 3, 147) or with the pr. (iii, 3, 142) [ jAtu ] expresses censure, e. g. [ jAtu vRSalaM yAjayen na marSayAmi ] ` I suffer not that he should cause an outcast to sacrifice ' cf. Kāś (3) [ jAtu yAjayati vRSalam ] ` ought he to cause an outcast to sacrifice? ' cf. ib. ] (4) possibly, perhaps cf. MBh. xii, 6739 (with [ api ] preceding) cf. Kathās. (also with [ cid ] following) (5) some day, once, once upon a time cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. (also with [ cid ] following). [ naj'Atu ], not at all, by no means, never cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (also with [ cid ] following)

===> jāty-andha [ jAtyandha ]3[ jAty-andha ] mfn. blind from birth cf. MBh. i, xiii cf. Cāṇ. cf. Bhartṛ (1) [ -badhira ] mfn. blind or deaf from birth cf. Mn. ix, 201

===> jātya [ jAtya ]2[ j'Atya ] mfn. ifc. = [ °tIya ], belonging to the family or caste of cf. MBh. xiii cf. R. ii, 50, 18 cf. Pañcat (1) of the same family, related cf. ŚBr. i, 8, 3, 6 (2) of a noble family, noble cf. Ragh. xvii, 4 (3) of good breed cf. R. ii, 45, 14 (4) legitimate, genuine, ? cf. Mn. x, 5 cf. MBh. v cf. R. ii, 9, 40 (said of gold) cf. Suśr. (5) (in Gr.) = [ nitya ], N. of the Svarita accent resulting in a fixed word (not by Sandhi, See [ kSaipra ]) from an Udātta originally belonging to a preceding [ i ] or [ u ], (e. g. [ kva ] fr. [ k'ua ] (6) [ kany'A ] fr. [ kan'iA ]) cf. Prāt. cf. MāṇḍŚ. vii, 5 (7) pleasing, beautiful cf. L. (8) best, excellent cf. W. (9) (in math.) rectangular

===> jātī [ jAtI ]2[ jAtI ] f. = [ °ti ], q. v. (1) Jasminum grandiflorum cf. Hariv. 7891 cf. Bhartṛ. cf. BhP. x cf. Amar. [ 418,2 ] (2) mace, nutmeg cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS.

===> jātīya [ jAtIya ]2[ jAtIya ] mfn. ifc. (Acf. Prāt. iv, 28 cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 69 and 4, 9 ; vi, 3, 35 ; 42 and 46) belonging to any species or genus or tribe or order or race of cf. KātyŚr. ([ anucara- ]) &c. ([ evaM-guNa- ], [ evaM- ], &c., [ paTu- ], [ samAna- ], [ sva- ], &c.) (1) ifc. aged ([ aSTa-varSa- ], 8 years), Divy'av. xxxii, 135 f. (cf. 113 and 137) (2) cf. [ vi ]

===> jātīyaka [ jAtIyaka ]2[ jAtIyaka ] mf ([ A ]) n. ifc. [ evaM- ], of such a kind cf. Bādar. iv, 2, 13 cf. Sch.

===> jāyamāna [ jAyamAna ]1[ j'AyamAna ] mfn. pr. p. √ [ jan ], q. v.

===> jāyātva [ jAyAtva ]3[ jAy'A-tva ] n. the character or attributes of a wife, ix, 8 cf. MBh. i, 3024

===> jāṅgala [ jAGgala ]1[ jAGgala ] mfn. (fr. [ jaGg° ]) arid, sparingly grown with trees and plants (though not unfertile (1) covered with jungle cf. W.) cf. Mn. vii, 69 cf. Yājñ. i, 320 cf. Suśr. &c. (2) found or existing in a jungly district (water, wood, deer) cf. Suśr. (3) made of arid wood, coming from wild deer, i, iii cf. Hcat. i, 5, 375 (4) wild, not tame cf. W. (5) savage cf. W. (6) m. the francoline partridge cf. Siṉhâs. xxvi, 2 (7) N. of a man cf. Śatr. x, I38 ff (8) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. v, 2127 ; vi, 346 and 364 (cf. [ kuru- ]) (9) n. venison cf. Suśr. (10) meat cf. Bālar. iii, 3 (11) for [ °gula ], q. v. (12) ([ I ]), f. Mucuna pruritus cf. L. (13) for [ °gulI ], q. v. (14) cf. [ RSi-jAGgalikI ]

===> jīmūta [ jImUta ]1[ jIm'Uta ] m. (g. [ pRS^oaradi ]) a cloud cf. RV. vi, 75, 1 cf. AV. xi, 5, 14 cf. VS. cf. Kāṭh. &c. (1) a mountain cf. L. (2) the sun cf. MBh. iii, 152 (3) Indra cf. L. (4) a nourisher, sustainer cf. L., = [ °taka ] cf. Suśr. iv, 37, 25 (5) Luffa faetida or a similar plant cf. L. (6) Cyperus rotundus cf. L. (7) N. of a metre (8) of an ancient sage cf. MBh. v, 3843 (9) of a wrestler, iv, 347 (10) of a son of Vyoman or Vyoma cf. Hariv. 1991 f. cf. BhP. ix, 24, 4

===> jīraka [ jIraka ]3[ jIraka ] m. n. = [ °raNa ] cf. Suśr. i ; iv, 5, 35 (1) vi cf. VarBṛS. li, 15 (2) ([ ikA ]), f. = [ jIrNapattrikA ] cf. L.

===> jīrṇa [ jIrNa ]2[ jIrN'a ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 104) old, worn out, withered, wasted, decayed cf. AV. x, 8, 27 cf. TS. i cf. ŚBr. &c. (1) ancient (tradition) cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch. (2) digested cf. MBh. iii, 8623 cf. R. cf. Hariv. &c. (3) m. an old man cf. W. (4) (= [ jarNa ]), a tree cf. L. (5) = [ °raNa ] cf. L. (6) n. old, age,, decrepitude cf. Rājat. iii, 316 (7) ` digestion ', See [ -zakti ] (8) benjamin cf. L. (9) ([ A ]), f. large cumin-seed cf. L.

===> jīrṇatā [ jIrNatA ]3[ jIrN'a-tA ] f. old age cf. R. vii, 40, 24

===> jīva [ jIva ]2[ jIv'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. living, existing, alive cf. RV. &c. (1) healthy (blood) cf. Car. viii, 6, 74 (2) ifc. living by (See [ jala-cara- ], [ rUpa- ]) (3) causing to live, vivifying (see, [ putra- ], [ -jala ]) (4) m. n. any living being, anything living cf. RV. &c. (5) life, existence cf. MBh. iv, vi cf. Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Kathās.) (6) m. the principle of life, vital breath, the living or personal soul (as distinguished from the universal soul, See [ jIv^atman ]) cf. RV. i, 164, 30 cf. ChUp. cf. ŚvetUp. cf. PraśnUp. cf. Mn. &c. (7) N. of a plant cf. L. (8) Bṛhaspati (regent of Jupiter)
cf. VarBṛS. cf. Laghuj. cf. Sūryas. cf. KāśīKh. (9) the 3rd lustrum in the 60 years ' Bṛhaspati cycle cf. VarBṛS. viii, 26 (10) N. of one of the 8 Maruts cf. Yājñ. ii, 102/103 39 (11) Karṇa cf. L. (12) n. N. of a metre cf. RPrāt. xvii, 4 [ 422,3 ] (13) ([ A ]), f. life cf. L. (14) the earth cf. L. (15) a bow-string cf. L. (16) (in geom. = [ jyA ]) the chord of an arc (17) the sine of an arc cf. Sūryas. ii, 57 (cf. [ tri- ], [ tri-bha ] ', [ dRg-gati- ], [ lamba- ] and [ zaGku-jIvA ]) (18) N. of a plant ([ jIvantI ] or [ vacA ] cf. L.) cf. VarBṛS. iii, 39 (19) the tinkling of ornaments cf. L. (20) pl. N. of a particular formula cf. Kauś. cf. Vait (21) cf. [ ati- ], [ upa- ] and [ saM-jIv'a ] (22) [ a- ], [ kumAra- ], [ ciraM- ], [ jagaj- ], [ dur- ], [ nir- ], [ pApa- ], [ bandhu- ], [ sa- ], [ su- ] (23) [ khSudra-jivA ], [ yAvaj-jIvam ] (24) [ cf. [ b'ios ] ; Lat. [ vivus ] (25) Lith. [ gIvas ] ; Goth. [ qvius ] ; Eng. [ quick ] ; Hib. [ beo ]. ]

===> jīva-loka [ jIvaloka ]3[ jIv'a-lok'a ] m. the world of living beings (opposed to that of the deceased), living beings, mankind cf. RV. x, 18, 8 cf. AV. xviii, 3, 34 cf. ŚBr. xiii, 8, 4 cf. MBh. &c.

===> jīva-saṃjña [ jIvasaMjJa ]3[ jIv'a-saMjJa ] m. Kāma-vṛddhi cf. L.

===> jīvaka [ jIvaka ]2[ jIvaka ] mfn. living, alive cf. Hcar. vii (1) ifc. (f. [ ikA ]) ` living ', See [ cira- ]: making a livelihood by (in comp.) cf. MBh. xii f. cf. Hariv. 4484 cf. Śatr. (cf. [ akSara- ]) (2) ` generating ', See [ putraM- ] (3) ifc. (f. [ A ]) long living, for whom long life is desired cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 150 cf. Kāś (4) m. a living being cf. L. (5) ` living on others ', a servant cf. L. (6) an usurer cf. L. (7) a beggar cf. L. (8) a snake-catcher cf. L. (9) a tree cf. L. (10) one of the 8 principal drugs called Ashṭavarga (Terminalia tomentosa cf. L. (11) Coccinia grandis cf. L.) cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (12) N. of Kumāra-bhūta cf. Divyâv. xix, xxxv (13) ([ ikA ]), f. living, manner of living cf. KaṭhUp. cf. Mn. (iv, 11 ; x, 82) &c. (14) livelihood, x, 76 cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Rājat. vi, 22) (15) the plant Jīvanti cf. L. (16) pl. ` life-giving element ', water, ĀSvSr. vi, 9

===> jīvana [ jIvana ]2[ j'Ivana ] mf ([ i ]) n. vivifying, giving life, enlivening cf. ŚBr. ii, 3, i, 10 cf. MBh. (said of wind, the sun, &c. (1) of Śiva, xiii, 1236) cf. BhP. x cf. Kathās (2) m. a living being cf. W. (3) wind cf. L. (4) a son cf. L. (5) the plant [ kSudraphalaka ] cf. L. (6) the plant [ jIvaka ] cf. L. (7) N. of the author of Mānasa-nayana (8) n. life cf. RV. i, 48, 10 ; x, 161, 1 cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. ix &c. (9) manner of living cf. TS. vi, 1, 9, 4 (10) living by (instr. or in comp.), livelihood, means of living cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. iii cf. MBh. &c. (11) enlivening, making alive cf. R. vi, 105 cf. Kathās. lxxvi, 25 cf. Ashṭāṅg (12) enlivening a magical formula cf. Sarvad. xv, 254 and 256 (13) ` life-giving element ', water cf. BhP. x, 20, 6 cf. Rājat. v, 416 (14) fresh butter cf. L. (15) milk cf. Gal. (16) marrow cf. L. (17) ([ A ]), f. N. of a medicinal plant cf. L. (18) ([ I ]), f. N. of several plants ([ jIvant'I ], [ kAkoli ], [ doDI ], [ medA ], [ mahA-medA ], [ yUthI ]) cf. L. (cf. [ 'a- ] (19) [ puruSa-j'Iv° ].)

===> jīvantika [ jIvantika ]2[ jIvantika ] m. [ -v^antaka ] cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. See [ °taka ]

===> jīvat [ jIvat ]2[ j'Ivat ] mfn. pr. p. √ [ jIv ], q. v.

===> jīvaṃ-jīva [ jIvaMjIva ]3[ jIv'a-M-jIva ] m. = [ -j° ] cf. L. (1) the Greek partridge cf. L. (2) a mythical bird with two heads cf. Buddh. (3) N. of a tree cf. L.

===> jīvaṃ-jīvaka [ jIvaMjIvaka ]3[ jIv'a-M-jIvaka ] m. = [ -jIva ] cf. MBh. iii cf. Hariv. 6957 cf. Lalit. cf. Suśr. cf. Kād. cf. MārkP.

===> jīvikā [ jIvikA ]2[ jIvikA ] f. See [ °vaka ]

===> jīvin [ jIvin ]2[ jIvin ] mfn. ifc. living (a particular period or at a certain time or in a certain way) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) living on or by (loc. [ cf. Hariv. 4555 cf. R. i, 9, 61 ] or in comp.) cf. ĀśvGṛ. iii cf. Mn. &c. (2) m. a living being cf. Pañcat. i, 11, 0/1 cf. BrahmavP.

===> jīvita [ jIvita ]2[ jIvit'a ] mfn. living cf. Ragh. xii, 75 (1) lived through (a period of time) cf. W. (2) (with or without [ punar ]) returned to life cf. MBh. xii, 5686 cf. Pañcat. cf. Vet (3) enlivened, animated cf. R. v, 66, 24 cf. BhP. viii, 15, 3 (4) n. a living being cf. RV. i, 1 i 3, 6 (5) life, iv, 54, 2 cf. AV. vi, 134, 1 cf. ŚBr. xiv &c. (6) (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Kathās.) (7) duration of life cf. L. (8) livelihood cf. Hit. i, 4, 36 (v. l.) (9) cf. [ a- ]

===> jūta [ jUta ]2[ jUt'a ] mfn. impelled, driven, iv, 17, 12, ix (1) cf. [ 'adri- ] [ 'indra- ], [ d'asyu- ], [ dev'a- ], [ br'ahma- ], [ v'Ata- ], [ v'ipra- ]

===> ka [ ka ]1[ ka ]1 the first consonant of the alphabet, and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to [ k ] in [ keep ] or [ king ])

===> [ ka ]1[ k'a ]2 [ kas ], [ kA ], [ kim ], interrog. pron. ([ kim ] and 2. [ kad ], and cf. the following words in which the interrogative base [ ka ] appears, [ katama ], [ katara ], [ kati ], [ katham ], [ kadA ], [ karhi ], [ kA ], &c.), who? which? what? In its declension [ ka ] follows the pronoun [ tad ] except in nom. acc. sing. neut., where [ kim ] has taken the place of [ kad ] or [ kat ] in classical Sanskṛt (1) but the old form [ kad ] is found in the Veda (Gram. 227) ; [ cf. Zd. [ ka ], [ k^o ], [ k^a ], [ kat ] (2) Gk. ?, ?, (Ion. ?, ?,) ?, ? ; Lat. [ quis ], [ 240,2 ] [ quid ] ; Lith. [ kas ] [ k'a ] ; Goth. [ hvas ], [ hv^o ], [ hva ], Angl. Sax. [ hwā ], [ hwaet ] ; Eng. [ who ], [ what ]. ] The interrogative sentence introduced by [ ka ] is often terminated by [ iti ] (e. g. [ kasya sa putra iti kathyatAm ], let it be said, ` whose son is he? '), but [ iti ] may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e. g. [ kasya sa putro na jJAyate ], it is not known whose son he is). [ ka ] with or without √ 1. [ as ] may express ` how is it possible that? ' ` what power have I, you, they, &c. ? ' (e. g. [ ke mama dhanvino'nye ], what can the other archers do against me? [ ke AvAm paritrAtum ], what power have we to rescue you?) [ ka ] is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e. g. [ ko 'yam AyAti ], who comes here?) or with the potential (e. g. [ ko hariM nindet ], who will blame Hari?) [ ka ] is sometimes repeated (e. g. [ kaH ko 'tra ], who is there? [ kAn kAn ], whom? whom? i. e. which of them? cf. Gram. 54), and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e. g. [ keSAM kiM zAstram adhyayanIyam ], which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. [ a ]) . When [ kim ] is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express ` what is gained by doing so, &c. ? ' (= [ ko'rthas ]) [ 240,3 ] (3) (e. g. [ kiM vilambena ], what is gained by delay? [ kim bahunA ], what is the use of more words? [ dhanena kiM yo na dadAti ], what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen., [ nIrujaH kim auSadhaiH ], what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) [ ka ] is often followed by the particles [ iva ], [ u ], [ nAma ], [ nu ], [ vA ], [ svid ], some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e. g. [ kim iva etad ], what can this be? [ ka u zravat ], who can possibly hear? [ ko nAma jAnAti ], who indeed knows? [ ko nv ayam ], who, pray, is this? [ kiM nu kAryam ], what is to be done? [ ko vA devAd anyaH ], who possibly other than a god? [ kasya svid hRdayaM n^asti ], of what person is there no heart?) [ ka ] is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun, especially in negative sentences (e. g. [ na kasya ko vallabhaH ], no one is a favourite of any one (4) [ n^anyo jAnAti kaH ], no one else knows (5) [ kathaM sa ghAtayati kam ], how does he kill any one?) Generally, however, [ ka ] is only made indefinite when connected with the particles [ ca ], [ can'a ], [ cid ], [ vA ], and [ 'api ], in which case [ ka ] may sometimes be preceded by the relative [ ya ] (e. g. [ ye ke ca ], any persons whatsoever (6) [ yasyai kasyai ca devatAyai ], to any deity whatsoever (7) [ yAni kAni ca mitrANi ], any friends whatsoever (8) [ yat kiMca ], whatever). The particle [ cana ], being composed of [ ca ] and [ na ], properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e. g. [ yasmAd indrAd Rte kiMcana ], without which Indra there is nothing), but the negative sense is generally dropped (e. g. [ kazcana ], any one (9) [ na kazcana ], no one), and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e. g. [ yat kiMcana ], anything whatsoever). Examples of [ cid ] with the interrogative are common (10) [ vA ] and [ api ] are not so common, but the latter is often found in classical Sanskṛt (e. g. [ kazcid ], any one (11) [ kecid ], some (12) [ na kazcid ], no one (13) [ na kiMcid api ], nothing whatsoever (14) [ yaH kazcid ], any one whatsoever (15) [ kecit ] - [ kecit ], some - others (16) [ yasmin kasmin vA deze ], in any country whatsoever (17) [ na ko 'pi ], no one (18) [ na kimapi ], nothing whatever). [ ka ] may sometimes be used, like 2. [ kad ], at the beginning of a compound. [ ka-pUya ], &c.

===> [ ka ]1[ k'a ]3 m. (according to native authorities) N. of Prajāpati or of a Prajāpati VS. xx, 4 ; xxii, 20 TS. i ŚBr. &c. (1) of Brahman MBh. i, 32 BhP. iii, 12, 51 ; xii, 13, 19 ; 20 (2) of Daksha BhP. ix, 10, 10 (3) of Viṣṇu L. (4) of Yama L. (5) of Garuḍa (6) the soul Tattvas (7) a particular comet VarBṛS. (8) the sun L. (9) fire L. (10) splendour, light L. (11) air L. (12) a peacock L. (13) the body L. (14) time L. (15) wealth L. (16) sound L. (17) a king L. (18) = [ kAma-granthi ] (?) (19) ([ am ]), n. happiness, joy, pleasure ChUp. iv, 10, 5 Nir. &c. (20) water MaitrS. i, 10, 10 ŚBr. x Yājñ. &c. (21) the head (22) hair, a head of hair L. (23) (also regarded as ind. (24) cf. 1. [ kam ].)

===> [ ka ]1[ ka ]4 a Taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives (1) it may also be added to nouns to express diminution, deterioration, or similarity, e. g. [ putraka ], a little son (2) [ azvaka ], a bad horse or like a horse)

===> ka-bandha [ kabandha ]1[ k'abandha ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (sometimes written [ k'avandha ]) a big barrel or cask, a largebellied vessel (metaphorically applied to a cloud) RV. AV. ix, 4, 3 ; x, 2, 3 (1) (ep.) the clouds which obscure the sun at sunset and sunrise (sometimes personified) MBh. (2) the belly Nir (3) a headless trunk (shaped like a barrel (4) esp. one retaining vitality W.) R. Pañcat. Ragh. &c. (5) m. N. of the Rākshasa Danu (son of Śrī (6) punished by Indra for insolently challenging him to combat (7) his head and thighs were forced into his body by a blow from the god's thunderbolt, leaving him with long arms and a huge mouth in his belly (8) it was predicted that he would not recover his original shape until his arms were cut off by Rāma and Lakshmaṇa). R. iii, 69, 27ff. Hariv. Ragh. &c. (9) N. of Rāhu L. (10) N. of certain Ketus (96 in number) VarBṛS. (11) N. of an Ātharvaṇa and Gandharva ŚBr. xiv ([ kab'andha ]) VP. &c. (12) ([ am ]), n. water Sāy. & L.

===> ka-kāra [ kakAra ]3[ ka-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ ka ] TPrāt.

===> kaca [ kaca ]2[ kaca ] m. the hair (esp. of the head) Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) a cicatrix, a dry sore, scar L. (2) a band, the hem of a garment L. (3) a cloud L. (4) N. of a son of Bṛhaspati MBh. BhP. Rājat (5) N. of a place (6) ([ A ]), f. a female elephant L. (7) beauty, brilliancy L. (cf. [ a-kaca ], [ ut-kaca ], &c.)

===> kaccha [ kaccha ]1[ kaccha ] m. ([ A ], [ am ] fn. L.) a bank or any ground bordering on water, shore ; [ cf. Zd. [ kasha ], [ voura-kaSa ], the ` wide-shored ', the Caspian Sea (1) cf. [ kakSa ] ] (2) a mound or causeway (3) watery soil, marshy ground, marsh, morass MBh. Megh. Pañcat (4) N. of several places, e. g. Cutch Pāṇ. VarBṛS. (5) Cedrela Toona (the timber of which is used for making furniture &c.) L. (6) Hibiscus Populneoides L. (7) a particular part of a tortoise L. (8) a particular part of a boat L. (9) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. for [ kakSa ]) VP. (10) ([ as ], [ A ]), mf. the hem or end of a lower garment (tucked into the girdle or waistband) L., (probably a Prākṛt form for [ kakSa ]) (11) ([ A ]), f. a cricket L. (12) N. of a plant L. (13) girdle, girth (v. l. for [ kakSA ]) Nīlak. on MBh. (ed. Bomb.) iv, 13, 22

===> kaccha-puṭa [ kacchapuTa ]3[ kaccha-puTa ] m. a box with compartments VarBṛS.

===> kacchapa [ kacchapa ]3[ kaccha-pa ] m. ` keeping or inhabiting a marsh ', a turtle, tortoise MBh. Gaut. Mn. &c. (1) a tumour on the palate Suśr. i, 306, 8 [ 243,1 ] (2) an apparatus used in the distillation of spirituous liquor, a flat kind of still L. (3) an attitude in wrestling L. (4) Cedrela Toona L. (5) one of the nine treasures of Kuvera L. (6) N. of a Nāga MBh. (7) of a son of Viśvā-mitra Hariv. (8) of a country Kathās (9) ([ I ]), f. a female tortoise or a kind of small tortoise L. (10) a cutaneous disease, wart, blotch Suśr. (11) a kind of lute (so named from being similar in shape to the tortoise (12) cf. [ testudo ]) (13) [ -deza ] m. N. of a country

===> kacchu [ kacchu ]1[ kacchu ] = [ kacchU ] below L. (1) a species of plant L.

===> kacchāṭikā [ kacchATikA ]2[ kacchATikA ]

===> kacchū [ kacchU ]2[ kacchU ] f. (√ [ kaS ] Uṇ. i, 86), itch, scab, any cutaneous disease Suśr.

===> kad-artha [ kadartha ]3[ k'ad-artha ] m. a useless thing (1) (mfn.) having what purpose or aim? RV. x, 22, 6 (2) useless, unmeaning W.

===> kad-arya [ kadarya ]3[ k'ad-arya ] mfn. avaricious, miserly, stingy, niggardly Gaut. ChUp. Mn. iv, 210, 224 Yājñ. &c. (1) little, insignificant, mean W. (2) bad, disagreeable W. (3) m. a miser (4) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. the state or condition of the above MBh. (5) [ -bhAva ] m. id. ib.

===> kadalī [ kadalI ]2[ kadalI ] f. (above)

===> kadalī-garbha [ kadalIgarbha ]3[ kadalI-garbha ] m. the pith of the plantain tree MaitrUp. Kathās. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Maṅkaṇaka Kathās. xxxii, 104

===> kadalī-skandha [ kadalIskandha ]3[ kadalI-skandha ] m. a particular form of illusion (Buddh.) L.

===> kadamba [ kadamba ]2[ kadamba ] m. (Uṇ. iv, 82) Nauclea Cadamba (a tree with orange-coloured fragrant blossoms) MBh. Suśr. Megh. &c. (1) white mustard L. (2) Andropogon Serratus L. (3) turmeric L. (4) a particular mineral substance L. (5) a particular position of the hand (6) (in astron.) the pole of the ecliptic Comm. on Sūryas (7) an arrow (cf. [ kAdamba ]) L. (8) N. of a dynasty (9) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant L. (10) ([ am ]), n. a multitude, assemblage, collection, troop, herd Gīt. Sāh. &c.

===> [ kadamba ]1[ kadamba ] under 1. [ kad ]

===> kadambaka [ kadambaka ]2[ kadambaka ] m. Nauclea Cadamba VarBṛS. (1) Sinapis Dichotoma L. (2) Curcuma Aromatica (3) ([ ikA ]), f. a particular muscle in the nape of the neck (cf. [ kalambikA ]) L. (4) ([ am ]), n. multitude, troop, herd Śak. Kir. Śiś.

===> kadanna [ kadanna ]3[ k'ad-anna ] n. bad food or little food, Bhp. Śārṅg (1) (mfn.) eating bad food VarBṛS. (2) [ -tA ] f. the state of bad food VCāṇ

===> kadā [ kadA ]1[ kad'A ] ind. (fr. 2. [ ka ]), when? at what time? (with following fut. or pres. tense Pāṇ. 3-3, 5) RV. MBh. Pañcat. &c. (1) at some time, one day RV. viii, 5, 22 (2) how? RV. vii, 29, 3 (3) with a following [ nu khalu ], when about? MBh. iii (4) with a following [ ca ] and preceding [ yadA ], whenever, as often as possible (e. g. [ yad'A kad'A ca sun'avAma s'omam ], let us press out the Soma as often as may be or at all times RV. iii, 53, 4) (5) with a following [ can'a ], never at any time RV. AV. TUp. Hit. &c. (6) (irr. also) at some time, one day, once MBh. xiii Kathās. &c. (7) [ na kad'A ], never RV. vi, 21, 3 Subh (8) [ na kadA cana ], never at any time RV. AV. &c. (9) [ kadA cit ], at some time or other, sometimes, once (10) [ na kadA cit ], never (11) [ kad^api ], sometimes, now and then (12) [ na kad^api ], never ; [ cf. Zd. [ kadha ] (13) Gk. ? and ? ; Lat. [ quando ] ; Lith. [ kad'a ] ; [ 248,1 ] Slav. [ k˘uda ]. ]

===> kailāsa [ kailAsa ]1[ kailAsa ] m. N. of a mountain (fabulous residence of Kubera and paradise of Śiva (1) placed in the Him^alaya range and regarded as one of the loftiest peaks to the north of the Mānasa lake) MBh. iii, 503 & 1697 Hariv. R. iii, iv, 44, 27 VarBṛS. &c. (2) a particular form of temple VarBṛS.

===> kaitava [ kaitava ]1[ kaitava ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ kit° ]), deceitful Hariv. 7095 (1) m. patr. of Ulūka MBh. i, 7002 (2) ([ I ]), f. fraud, deceit Bālar (3) ([ am ]), n. the stake in a game MBh. ii, 2163 Nal. xxvi, 10 (4) gambling L. (5) deceit, fraud, cheating, roguery R. v, 86, 19 Kum. Bhartṛ. &c. (6) beryl L.

===> kaivalya [ kaivalya ]1[ kaivalya ] n. (fr. [ k'evala ]), isolation Vām (1) absolute unity Vedântas. BhP. (2) perfect isolation, abstraction, detachment from all other connections, detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations, beatitude MBh. KapS. Sāṃkhyak. &c. (3) for [ vaikalya ] Rājat. vii, 1149 (4) (mf ([ A ]) n.) leading to eternal happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii, 1101

===> kaivarta [ kaivarta ]1[ kaivarta ] m. (cf. [ kev° ]) a fisherman (born of a prostitute by a Kshatriya or of an Āyogava female by a Nishāda father) Mn. viii, 260 ; x, 34 MBh. R. &c. (1) ([ I ]), f. the wife of a fisherman L. (2) the grass Cyperus rotundus L.

===> kaivartaka [ kaivartaka ]2[ kaivartaka ] m. a fisherman R. ii, 83, 15 Kathās. cxii, 113 (1) ([ ikA ]), f. N. of a plant L.

===> kaiṭabha [ kaiTabha ]1[ kaiTabha ] m. N. of an Asura (slain by Viṣṇu) MBh. iii Hariv. Suśr. BhP. BrahmaP. &c. (1) ([ A ], or [ I ]), f. N. of Durgā L. (2) ([ am ]), n. N. of a class of writings Divyâv. xxxiii (Pāli [ keTubha ]) VarYogay

===> kakkhaṭa [ kakkhaTa ]1[ kakkhaTa ] mfn. hard, solid L. (1) ([ I ]), f. chalk L.

===> kakkola [ kakkola ]1[ kakkola ] m. a species of plant (bearing a berry, the inner part of which is waxy and aromatic) Suśr. R. &c. (1) ([ I ]), f. id. Pañcad (2) ([ am ]), n. a perfume prepared from the berries of this plant Suśr.

===> kakkolaka [ kakkolaka ]2[ kakkolaka ] n. the above perfume Suśr.

===> kakuda [ kakuda ]2[ k'akuda ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. a peak, summit (of a mountain &c.) (1) chief, head, pre-eminent AV. x, 10, 19 ŚBr. Ragh. &c. (2) the hump on the shoulders of the Indian bullock MBh. (3) a species of serpent Suśr. (4) an ensign or symbol of royalty (as the white parasol &c.) Ragh (5) m. N. of a king VP.

===> kakṣa [ kakSa ]1[ k'akSa ] m. (√ [ kaS ] Uṇ. iii, 62 (1) cf. √ [ kac ]), lurking-place, hiding-place RV. x, 28, 4 VS. xi, 79 (2) a wood, large wood (?) RV. vi, 45, 31 (3) a forest of dead trees, a dry wood, underwood (often the lair of wild beasts) VS. TS. TāṇḍyaBr. Mn. &c. (4) an inner recess, the interior of a forest (5) grass, dry grass (6) a spreading creeper, climbing plant L. (7) side or flank L. (8) sin L. (9) a gate W. (10) a buffalo L. (11) Terminalia Bellerica W. (12) ([ as ], [ A ]), mf. the armpit (as the most concealed part of the human body), region of the girth AV. vi, 127, 2 Suśr. Mṛcch. &c. ; [ cf. Lat. [ coxa ], ` hip ' ; O. H. G. [ hahsa ] ; Zd. [ kasha ] ; cf. Sk. [ kaccha ] ] (13) a girdle, zone, belt, girth MBh. BhP. &c. (14) the end of the lower garment (which, after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband) (15) hem, border, lace BhP. ix, 10, 37 (16) the scale of a balance Kāvyâd. Vcar. (17) ([ A ]), f. painful boils in the armpit Suśr. (18) a surrounding wall, a wall, any place surrounded by walls (as a court-yard, a secluded portion of a building, a private chamber or room in general) MBh. BhP. Mn. &c. (19) the orbit of a planet VarBṛS. Sūryas. &c. (20) the periphery, circumference Sūryas. xii, 65 (21) balance, equality, similarity, resemblance MBh. xii, 7269 VarBṛS. 26, 6 (22) emulation, rivalry, object of emulation Naish (23) the jeweller's weight called Retti L. (24) objection or reply in argument L. (25) a particular part of a carriage L. (26) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP.

===> kakṣya [ kakSya ]2[ k'akSya ] mfn. being or abiding in shrubs or dry grass VS. xvi, 34 (1) ([ kakSy'a ], fr. [ kakSy'A ]), filling out the girth, well fed [ Sāy. ] RV. v, 44, 11 (2) ([ kakSy'A ]), f. girth (of an animal), girdle, zone RV. AV. viii, 4, 6 ; xviii, 1, 15 MBh. &c. (cf. [ baddha-kakSya ]) (3) the enclosure of an edifice (either the wall &c. so enclosing it, or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure, the inner apartment of a palace) MBh. R. &c. (4) the orbit of a planet Āryabh (5) the scale of a balance Pat. (6) an upper garment L. (7) similarity, equality L. (8) effort, exertion L. (9) a shrub yielding the black and red berry (that serves as a jeweller's weight), the Retti or Guñja, Abrus Precatorius L. (10) ([ As ]), f. pl. the fingers Nigh (11) ([ am ]), n. the scale of a balance Comm. on Yājñ. (12) a part of a carriage R. (13) a girdle, girth

===> kakṣīvat [ kakSIvat ]2[ kakS'Ivat ] [ An ] m. (for [ kakSyA-vat ] Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 12), N. of a renowned Ṛshi (sometimes called Pajriya (1) he is the author of several hymns of the Ṛg-veda, and is fabled as a son of Uśij and Dīrgha-tamas) RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c. (2) ([ antas ]), m. pl. the descendants of Kakshīvat RV. i, 126, 4

===> kala-kala [ kalakala ]3[ kala-kala ] m. any confused noise (as a tinkling or rattling sound, the murmuring of a crowd &c.) Mṛcch. Śiś. Ratnāv. &c. (1) the resinous exudation of Shorea robusta L. (2) a N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10378 (3) [ -rava ] m. a confused noise Bhartṛ (4) [ -vat ] mfn. tinkling, rattling Amar. (5) [ °l^arava ] m. a confused noise Pañcat (6) [ °l^ezvaratIrtha ] n. N. of a Tīrtha, ŚivP.

===> kalabha [ kalabha ]1[ kalabha ] m. (√ 3. [ kal ] Uṇ. iii, 122), a young elephant (one thirty years old) Ragh. Mṛcch. Pañcat. &c. (1) a young camel Pañcat. iv (2) Datura Fastuosa (= [ dhustUra ]) L. (3) ([ I ]), f. a sort of vegetable L.

===> kalaha [ kalaha ]1[ kalaha ]1 m. (n. L.) strife, contention, quarrel, fight MBh. Mn. &c. (1) the sheath of a sword L. (2) a road, way W. (3) deceit, falsehood W. (4) violence without murderous weapons, abuse, beating, kicking W. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman

===> [ kalaha ]2[ kalaha ]2 Nom. P. [ kalahati ], to quarrel MBh. xii, 5349

===> kalaha-kāra [ kalahakAra ]3[ kalaha-kAra ] mf ([ I ]) n. quarrelsome, turbulent, contentious, pugnacious Pāṇ. Hit. (1) N. of the wife of Vikrama-caṇḍa Kathās

===> kalala [ kalala ]1[ kalala ] n. ([ as ] m. L.) the embryo a short time after conception Suśr. BhP. (cf. [ kalana ].)

===> kalama [ kalama ]1[ kalama ] m. (√ 1. [ kal ] Uṇ. iv, 84), a sort of rice (sown in May and June and ripening in December or January) Suśr. Ragh. &c. (1) a reed for writing with ; [ cf. Lat. [ calamus ] (2) Gk. ? (3) and Arab. ? ] (4) a [ 260,3 ] thief L.

===> kalandaka [ kalandaka ]1[ kalandaka ] m. a squirrel (or a kind of bird ?) Buddh. (1) a particular vessel used by Śramaṇas Buddh. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. = [ kalindikA ], q. v.

===> kalatra [ kalatra ]1[ kalatra ] n. a wife, consort MBh. Bhartṛ. Hit. &c. (1) the female of an animal Vikr (2) the hip and loins L. (3) pudendum muliebre L. (4) a royal citadel, a stronghold or fastness W. (5) (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBṛ.

===> kalaśa [ kalaza ]1[ kal'aza ] m. (n. L.) a waterpot, pitcher, jar, dish RV. &c. Śak. Hit. &c. (the breasts of a woman are frequently compared to jars, cf. [ stana-k° ] and [ kumbha ]) (1) m. a butter-tub, churn MBh. (2) a particular measure (= [ droNa ]) ŚārṅgS. (3) a round pinnacle on the top of a temple (esp. the pinnacle crowning a Buddhist Caitya or Stūpa) Kād

---> N. of a man RV. x, 32, 9 (4) of a poet (5) of a Nāga MBh. v (6) ([ I ]), f. a pitcher &c. Bālar (7) a churn L. (8) Hemionitis cordifolia Suśr. (9) N. of a Tīrtha MBh. (10) [ cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [ calix ]. ]

===> kalaśī [ kalazI ]2[ kalazI ] f. of [ kalaza ]

===> kalevara [ kalevara ]1[ kalevara ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. the body MBh. R. &c. ; [ cf. Lat. [ cadāver ] ] (1) m. Olibanum L.

===> kali [ kali ]1[ k'ali ] m. (√ 1. [ kal ] Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 117), N. of the die or side of a die marked with one dot, the losing die AV. vii, 109, 1 ŚBr. &c. (personified as an evil genius in the episode of Nala) (1) symbolical expression for the number 1 (2) Terminalia Bellerica (the nuts of which in older times were used as dice) L. (3) N. of the last and worst of the four Yugas or ages, the present age, age of vice AitBr. Mn. i, 86 ; ix, 301 f. MBh. &c. (the Kali age contains, inclusive of the two dawns, 1200 years of the gods or 432,000 years of men, and begins the eighteenth of February, 3102 B. C. (4) at the end of this Yuga the world is to be destroyed (5) [ yuga ]) (6) strife, discord, quarrel, contention (personified as the son of [ krodha ], ` Anger ', and [ hiMsA ], ` Injury ', and as generating with his sister [ durukti ], ` Calumny. ' two children, viz. [ bhaya ], ` Fear ', and [ mRtyu ], ` Death ' BhP. iv, 8, 3 ; 4) MBh. Hit. &c. [ 262,1 ] (7) the worst of a class or number of objects MBh. xii, 361 ; 363 (8) a hero (or an arrow, [ zUra ], or [ zara ]) L. (9) N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1192 (10) N. of an Upanishad (= [ kalisaMtaraNa ]) (11) ([ 'is ]), m. N. of a class of mythic beings (related to the Gandharvas, and supposed by some to be fond of gambling (12) in epic poetry Kali is held to be the fifteenth of the Deva-gandharvas or children of the Munis) AV. x, 10, 13 MBh. Hariv. (13) N. of a man RV. (14) ([ is ], [ I ]), f. an unblown flower, bud L.

===> kali-yuga [ kaliyuga ]3[ k'ali-yuga ] n. the Kali age (above) Mn. i, 85 MBh. &c.

===> kalikā [ kalikA ]1[ kalikA ] p. 261, col. 3

===> kalila [ kalila ]1[ kalila ] mfn. (√ 1. [ kal ] Uṇ. i, 55), mixed with Śiś. xix, 98 (1) full of, covered with MBh. BhP. &c. [ 262,2 ] (2) impenetrable, impervious (3) ([ am ]), n. a large heap, thicket, confusion ŚvetUp. Bhag. &c.

===> kaliṅga [ kaliGga ]1[ kaliGga ] [ As ] m. pl., N. of a people and their country (the N. is applied in the Purāṇas to several places, but especially signifies a district on the Coromandel coast, extending from below Cuttack [ Kaṭaka ] to the vicinity of Madras) MBh. Hariv. VP. &c. (1) m. an inhabitant of Kaliṅga Sāh (2) N. of a king of Kaliṅga (from whom the Kaliṅga people are said to have originated (3) he is sometimes mentioned as a son of Dīrghatamas and Sudeshṇā, sometimes identified with Bali) MBh. Hariv. &c. (4) N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh. (ed. Bomb.) ix, 45, 64 (v. l. [ kalinda ] ed. Calc.) (5) N. of several authors (6) the fork-tailed shrike L. (7) Caesalpina Bonducella L. (8) Wrightia antidysenteria L. (9) Acacia Sirissa L. (10) Ficus infectoria L. (11) ([ A ]), f. a beautiful woman L. (12) Opomea Turpethum (13) ([ am ]), n. the seed of Wrightia antidysenteria Suśr. (14) (mfn.) clever, cunning L.

===> kalla [ kalla ]2[ kalla ] mfn. deaf L. (1) also v. l. for [ kanna ], q. v.

===> kalmaṣa [ kalmaSa ]1[ kalmaSa ] n. ([ as ] m. BhP. viii, 7, 43 = [ karmaSa ] fr. [ karma ] + √ [ so ], ` destroying virtuous action ' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 18) stain, dirt (1) dregs, settlings (cf. [ jala-k° ]) (2) darkness (3) moral stain, sin MBh. R. BhP. Mn. iv, 260 ; xii, 18, 22 (4) ifc. f. [ A ] Bhag. iv, 30 &c. (5) mf ([ A ]) n. dirty, stained L. (6) impure, sinful L. (7) ([ am ]), n. the hand below the wrist L. (8) m. or ([ am ]), n. a particular hell L.

===> kalmāṣa [ kalmASa ]1[ kalm'ASa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 40, g. [ gaur^adi ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 41) variegated, spotted, speckled with black VS. TS. ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. (1) black L. (2) m. a variegated colour (partly black, partly white) L. (3) a Rakshas L. (4) a species of fragrant rice L. (5) N. of a Nāga MBh. (6) a form of Agni Hariv. (7) N. of an attendant on the Sun (identified with Yama) L. (8) a kind of deer T. (9) N. of Śākya-muni in a former birth (10) ([ I ]), f. the speckled cow (of Jamad-agni, granting all desires) MBh. R. (11) N. of a river (the Yamunā) MBh. i, 6360 (12) ([ am ]), n. a stain ŚBr. vi, 3, 1, 31 [ 263,2 ] (13) N. of a Sāman

===> kalmāṣa-pāda [ kalmASapAda ]3[ kalm'ASa-pAda ] mfn. having speckled feet R. (1) m. N. of a king of Saudāsa (descendant of Ikshvāku transformed to a Rākshasa by Vasishṭha) MBh. R. Hariv. VP. (2) [ -carita ] n. N. of wk.

===> kalpa [ kalpa ]1[ k'alpa ]1 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ klRp ]), practicable, feasible, possible ŚBr. ii, 4, 3, 3 (1) proper, fit, able, competent, equal to (with gen., loc., inf., or ifc. (2) e. g. [ dharmasya kalpaH ], competent for duty (3) [ svakarmaNi na kalpaH ], not competent for his own work (4) [ yadA na zAsituM kalpaH ], if he is not able to rule) BhP. (5) m. a sacred precept, law, rule, ordinance (= [ vidhi ], [ nyAya ]), manner of acting, proceeding, practice (esp. that prescribed by the Vedas) RV. ix, 9, 7 AV. viii, 9, 10 ; xx, 128, 6-11 MBh. (6) ([ prathamaH kalpaH ], a rule to be observed before any other rule, first duty Mn. iii, 147 MBh. &c. (7) [ etena kalpena ], in this way (8) cf. [ pazu-k° ], &c.) (9) the most complete of the six Vedāṅgas (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts) MuṇḍUp. Pāṇ. &c. (10) one of two cases, one side of an argument, an alternative (= [ pakSa ] (11) cf. [ vikalpa ]) Sarvad (12) investigation, research Comm. on Sāṃkhyak (13) resolve, determination MW. (14) (in medic.) treatment of the sick, manner of curing Suśr. ii (15) the art of preparing medicine, pharmacy Car. (16) the doctrine of poisons and antidotes Suśr. i (17) (ifc.) having the manner or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but with a degree of inferiority, almost (e. g. [ abhedya-kalpa ], almost impenetrable (18) cf. [ prabhAta-k° ], [ mRta-k° ], &c. (19) according to native grammarians, [ kalpa ] so used is an accentless affix [ Pāṇ. 5-3, 67 ], before which a final [ s ] is left unchanged, and final [ I ] and [ U ] shortened Pāṇ. Vop (20) [ kalpam ] ind., may be also connected with a verb, e. g. [ pacati-kalpam ], he cooks pretty well Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-1, 57) [ 262,3 ] (21) a fabulous period of time (a day of Brahmā or one thousand Yugas, a period of four thousand, three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world (22) a month of Brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such Kalpas (23) according to the MBh., twelve months of Brahmā constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime (24) fifty years of Brahmā's are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the [ zvetavArAha-kalpa ] of the fifty-first (25) at the end of a Kalpa the world is annihilated (26) hence [ kalpa ] is said to be equal to [ kalp^anta ] below L. (27) with Buddhists the Kalpas are not of equal duration) VP. BhP. Rājat. &c. (28) N. of Mantras which contain a form of √ [ klRp ] TS. v ŚBr. ix (29) a kind of dance (30) N. of the first astrological mansion VarBṛS. (31) N. of a son of Dhruva and Bhrami BhP. iv, 10, 1 (32) of Śiva MBh. xii, 10368 (33) the tree of paradise (34) = [ -taru ] below L. (35) (with Jainas) a particular abode of deities (cf. [ -bhava ] and [ kalp^atIta ] below) (36) ([ am ]), n. a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for [ kalya ]) L.

===> [ kalpa ]2[ kalpa ]2 Nom. Ā. [ °pAyate ], to become a Kalpa, to appear as long as a Kalpa Hcar.

===> kalpa-druma [ kalpadruma ]3[ k'alpa-druma ] m. = [ -taru ] above Rājat. Daś. Kum. ii, 39 Pañcat. iii, 10 (1) N. of various works [ cf. [ kavi-k° ] and [ zabdak° ] ] (2) [ -tantra ] n. N. of wk. (3) [ -kalikA ] f. = [ -drukalikA ] above (4) [ -tA ] f. state of possessing the qualities of a Kalpa-druma Ragh. xiv, 48 (5) [ kalpadrum^avadAna ] n. N. of a Buddhist work

===> kalpa-dūṣya [ kalpadUSya ]3[ k'alpa-dUSya ] n. cloth produced by the Kalpa-taru Buddh.

===> kalpa-kṣaya [ kalpakSaya ]3[ k'alpa-kSaya ] m. the end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world Kathās

===> kalpa-mātra [ kalpamAtra ]3[ k'alpa-mAtra ] m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10368

===> kalpa-taru [ kalpataru ]3[ k'alpa-taru ] m. one of the five trees (cf. [ paJca-vRkSa ]) of Svarga or Indra's paradise fabled to fulfil all desires (cf. [ saMkalpa-viSaya ]), the wishing tree, tree of plenty Hit. Pañcat. Ragh. i, 75, xvii, 26 (1) any productive or bountiful source BhP. i, 1, 3 (2) (fig.) a generous person MW. (3) N. of various works (4) [ -parimala ] m. N. of wk. (5) [ -rasa ] m. a particular kind of mixture Bhpr.

===> kalpa-vṛkṣa [ kalpavRkSa ]3[ k'alpa-vRkSa ] m. = [ -taru ] MBh. Śak. Kum. vi, 6 Megh. Mṛcch (1) [ -latA ] f. N. of wk. by Lollaṭa

===> kalpa-śata [ kalpazata ]3[ k'alpa-zata ] Nom. Ā. [ °tAyate ], to appear as long as a hundred Kalpas

===> kalpaka [ kalpaka ]2[ k'alpaka ] mfn. conforming to a settled rule or standard BhP. i, 8, 6 ; ix, 11, 1 (1) adopting Hariv. (2) m. a rite, ceremony MBh. [ TBr. ii, 7, 18, 4 of doubtful meaning Comm. [ kaplaka ] ] (3) a barber (cf. [ kalpanI ] ; Lith. [ kerpikas ]) L. (4) a kind of Curcuma (commonly [ karcUra ]) L.

===> kalpana [ kalpana ]2[ kalpana ] n. forming, fashioning, making, performing L. (1) ` forming in the imagination, inventing ', composition of a poem Prab (2) cutting, clipping, working with edge-tools VarBṛS. (3) N. of a religious ceremony (4) anything put on for ornament MBh. xiii, 2784 (5) ([ A ]), f. making, manufacturing, preparing Suśr. BhP. (6) practice Car. (7) fixing, settling, arranging Mn. ix, 116 Yājñ. (8) creating in the mind, feigning, assuming anything to be real, fiction KapS. &c. (9) hypothesis Nyāyam (10) caparisoning an elephant Daś (11) form, shape, image (12) a deed, work, act Mṛcch (13) ([ I ]), f. a pair of scissors or shears L.

===> kalpayitavya [ kalpayitavya ]2[ kalpayitavya ] mfn. to be assumed, to be supposed, to be conceived Comm. on Bādar. ii, 2, 13

===> kalpika [ kalpika ]2[ kalpika ] mfn. fit, proper Buddh.

===> kalpita [ kalpita ]2[ kalpita ] mfn. made, fabricated, artificial (1) composed, invented (2) performed, prepared (3) assumed, supposed (4) inferred (5) regulated, well arranged Yājñ. (6) having a particular rank or order MBh. Mn. ix, 166 (7) caparisoned (as an elephant) L. (8) m. an elephant armed or caparisoned for war W. (9) ([ A ]), f. a kind of allegory Vām. iv, 2, 2

===> kalpitatva [ kalpitatva ]3[ kalpita-tva ] n. the existing merely as an assumption or in the imagination Comm. on Vām. iv, 2, 2

===> kalpya [ kalpya ]2[ kalpya ] mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 110 Vop. xxvi, 17, 18) to be formed from (inst.) Naish. viii, 21 (1) to be performed, to be prescribed (2) to be settled or arranged VarBṛS. (3) to be conceived or imagined VarBṛS. (4) to be substituted W. (5) relating to ritual W.

===> kalpâgni [ kalpAgni ]3[ kalp^agni ] m. the destroying fire at the end of a Kalpa Veṇis. 153

===> kalpânta [ kalpAnta ]3[ kalp^anta ] m. the end of a Kalpa, dissolution of all things L. (cf. [ pralaya ]) (1) [ -vAsin ] mfn. living at the end of a Kalpa R. iii, 10, 4 [ 263,1 ] (2) [ -sthAyin ] mfn. lasting to the end of time Hit. i, 50 BhP.

===> kaluṣa [ kaluSa ]1[ kaluSa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 3. [ kal ] Uṇ. iv, 75), turbid, foul, muddy, impure, dirty (lit. and fig.) Mn. Suśr. Kathās. &c. (1) hoarse (as the voice) Śak (2) (ifc.) unable, not equal to Ragh. v, 64 (3) m. a buffalo L. (4) a sort of snake Suśr. (5) ([ A ]), f. the female of a buffalo L. (6) ([ am ]), n. foulness, turbidness, dirt, impurity (lit. and fig.) MBh. R. &c. (7) sin, wrath L.

===> kalya [ kalya ]1[ kalya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 3. [ kal ] T.) well, healthy, free from sickness (cf. [ a-k° ] Gaut. ix, 28) (1) hale, vigorous MBh. ii, 347 Naish. Yājñ. i, 28 (2) sound, perfect, strong MBh. (3) clever, dexterous L. (4) ready or prepared for (loc. or inf.) MBh. (5) agreeable, auspicious (as speech) L. (6) instructive, admonitory L. (7) deaf and dumb (cf. [ kala ] and [ kalla ]) L. (8) ([ am ]), n. health L. (9) dawn, morning L. (10) yesterday L. (11) ([ am ], [ e ]), ind. at day-break, in the morning, tomorrow MBh. Nal. xxiv, 14 R. BhP. (12) ([ am ], [ A ]), n. f. spirituous liquor L. (cf. [ kadambarI ]) (13) ([ A ]), f. praise, eulogy T. (14) good wishes, good tidings L. (15) Emblic Myrobalan ([ harItakI ], q. v.), [ cf. Gk. ?. ] [ 263,2 ]

===> kalya-pāla [ kalyapAla ]3[ kalya-pAla ] mf ([ I ]) . or a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors Rājat. v, 202

===> kalyatā [ kalyatA ]3[ kalya-tA ] f.

===> kalyāṇa [ kalyANa ]2[ kaly'ANa ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (g. [ bahv-Adi ]) beautiful, agreeable RV. ŚBr. &c. (1) illustrious, noble, generous (2) excellent, virtuous, good ([ kalyANa ] voc. ` good sir ' (3) [ kalyANi ], ` good lady ') (4) beneficial, salutary, auspicious (5) happy, prosperous, fortunate, lucky, well, right RV. i, 31, 9 ; iii, 53, 6 TS. AV. ŚBr. Nir. ii, 3 MBh. R. (6) m. a particular Rāga (sung at night) (7) N. of a Gandharva (8) of a prince (also called Bhaṭṭa-śrī-kalyāṇa) (9) of the author of the poem Gītā-gaṅgā-dhara (10) ([ I ]), f. a cow L. (11) the plant Glycine Debilis L. (12) red arsenic L. (13) a particular Rāgiṇī (14) N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Malaya (15) N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2625 (16) N. of a city in the Dekhan and of one in Ceylon (17) a river in Ceylon (18) ([ am ]), n. good fortune, happiness, prosperity (19) good conduct, virtue (opposed to [ pApa ]) ŚBr. Bhag. R. Ragh. Pañcat. Mn. iii, 60, 65 Suśr. (20) a festival Mn. viii, 292 (21) gold L. (22) heaven L. (23) N. of the eleventh of the fourteen Pūrvas or most ancient writings of the Jainas L. (24) a form of salutation (` Hail! ' ` May luck attend you! '), Śāntiś

===> kalyāṇa-dharman [ kalyANadharman ]3[ kaly'ANa-dharman ] mfn. of virtuous character or conduct

===> kalyāṇa-mitra [ kalyANamitra ]3[ kaly'ANa-mitra ] n. a friend of virtue (1) a well-wishing friend Kāraṇḍ. lxvii, 1 (2) a good counsellor (opposed to [ pApa-mitra ]) Buddh. (3) N. of Buddha (4) [ °tra-tA ] f. the perfect life of Buddhism (5) [ °tra-sevana ] n. the becoming a disciple of Buddha

===> kalyāṇaka [ kalyANaka ]2[ kalyANaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. auspicious, prosperous, happy (1) efficacious (2) ([ ikA ]), f. red arsenic L.

===> kalâpa [ kalApa ]3[ kal'A-pa ] ([ kal^apa ], fr. √ [ Ap ]), m. ` that which holds single parts together ', a bundle, band (cf. [ jaTA-k° ], [ muktA-k° ], [ razanA-k° ]) MBh. Kum. &c. (1) a bundle of arrows, a quiver with arrows, quiver MBh. R. &c. (2) (once n. MBh. iii, 11454) (3) a peacock's tail MBh. Pañcat. &c. (4) an ornament in general Mālav (5) a zone, a string of bells (worn by women round the waist) L. (6) the rope round an elephant's neck L. (7) totality, whole body or collection of a number of separate things (esp. ifc. (8) cf. [ kriyA-k° ], &c.) (9) the moon L. (10) a clever and intelligent man L. (11) N. of a grammar also called Kātantra (supposed to be revealed by Kārttikeya to Śarvavarman) (12) N. of a village (cf. [ kalApa-grAma ]) VP. (13) a poem written in one metre W. (14) ([ I ]), f. a bundle of grass KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. (15) [ -khaJja ] m. a particular disease (said to be St. Vitus's dance (16) v. l. [ kalAyakhaJja ]) Bhpr. (17) [ -grAma ] m. N. of a village Hariv. BhP. VP. (18) [ -cchanda ] m. an ornament of pearls consisting of twenty-four strings L. (19) [ -tattv^arNava ] m. N. of a commentary on the grammar called Kalāpa (20) [ -dvIpa ] m. v. l. for [ kalApa-grAma ] above (21) [ -varman ] m. N. of a man Kād (22) [ -zas ] ind. in bundles, bundle by bundle MBh. xiii (23) [ -ziras ] m. N. of a man (v. l. [ kapAla-ziras ]) R.

===> [ kalApa ]1[ kal^apa ] &c. [ kalA ]

===> kalâpaka [ kalApaka ]3[ kal'A-paka ] ([ kalApaka ]), m. a band, bundle Śiś. (1) a kind of ornament MBh. (2) a string of pearls L. (3) the rope round an elephant's neck L. (4) a sectarian mark on the forehead L. (5) ([ am ]), n. a series of four stanzas in grammatical connection (i. e. in which the government of noun and verb is carried throughout, contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each stanza, e. g. Kir. xvi, 21-24) Sāh. 558 (6) = [ candraka ] L. (7) a debt to be paid when the peacocks spread their tails ([ kalApini ] [ see [ kalApin ] below ] [ kAle deyam RNam ] Kāś.) Pāṇ. 4-3, 48

===> kalā [ kalA ]1[ kal'A ] f. (etym. doubtful) a small part of anything, any single part or portion of a whole, esp. a sixteenth part RV. viii, 47, 17 TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c. (1) a digit or one-sixteenth of the moon's diameter Hit. Kathās (2) (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Marīci BhP.) (3) a symbolical expression for the number sixteen Hcat (4) interest on a capital (considered as a certain part of it) Śiś. ix, 32 (5) a division of time (said to be 1/900 of a day or 1-6 minutes Mn. i, 64 Hariv. (6) or 1/1800 of a day or 0-8 minutes Comm. on VP. (7) or 2 minutes and 26 54/201 seconds Suśr. (8) or 1 minute and 35 205/301, seconds, or 8 seconds BhavP.) (9) the sixtieth part of one-thirtieth of a zodiacal sign, a minute of a degree Sūryas (10) (in prosody) a syllabic instant (11) a term for the seven substrata of the elements or Dhātus of the human body (viz. flesh, blood, fat, phlegm, urine, bile, and semen (12) but according to Hemacandra, [ rasa ], ` chyle ', [ asthi ], ` bone ', and [ majjan ], ` marrow ', take the place of phlegm, urine, and bile) Suśr. (13) an atom (there are 3015 Kalās or atoms in every one of the six Dhātus, not counting the [ rasa ], therefore in all 18090) (14) (with Pāśupatas) the elements of the gross or material world Sarvad (15) an embryo shortly after conception (cf. [ kalana ]) (16) a designation of the three constituent parts of a sacrifice (viz. [ mantra ], [ dravya ], and [ zraddhA ] Nīlak. on MBh. [ ed. Bomb. ] xiv, 89, 3) (17) the menstrual discharge L. (18) any practical art, any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the Śaivatantra [ T. ] (19) the following is a list of them: [ gItam ], [ vAdyam ], [ nRtyam ], [ nAtyam ], [ Alekhyam ], [ vizeSaka-cchedyam ], [ taNDula-kusuma-balivikArAH ], [ puSp^astaranam ], [ dazana-vasan^aGgarAgAH ], [ maNi-bhUmikA-karma ], [ zayana-racanam ], [ udaka-vAdyam ], [ udaka-ghAtaH ], [ citrA yogAH ], [ mAlya-granthana-vikalpAH ], [ keza-zekhar^apIDayojanam ], [ nepathya-yogAH ], [ karNa-pattra-bhaGgAH ], [ gandha-yuktiH ], [ bhUSaNa-yojanam ], [ indrajAlam ], [ kaucumAra-yogAH ], [ hasta-lAghavam ], [ citrazAk^apUpa-bhakSya-vikAra-kriyA ], [ pAnaka-rasarAg^asava-yojanam ], [ sUcIvApa-karma ], [ vINA-Dama-ruka-sUtra-krIDA ], [ prahelikA ], [ pratimA ], [ durvacakayogAH ], [ pustaka-vAcanam ], [ nATak^akhyAyikA-darzanam ], [ kAvya-samasyA-pUraNam ], [ paTTikA-vetrabANa-vikalpAH ], [ tarkU-karmANi ], [ takSaNam ], [ vAstu-vidyA ], [ rUpya-ratna-parIkSA ], [ dhAtu-vAdaH ], [ maNi-rAga-jJAnam ], [ Akara-jJAnam ], [ vRkS^ayur-veda-yogAH ], [ meSa-kukkuTa-lAvaka-yuddha-vidhiH ], [ zuka-sArikA-pralApanam ], [ utsAdanam ], [ keza-mArjana-kauzalam ], [ akSara-muSTikA-kathanam ], [ mlechitaka-vikalpAH ], [ deza-bhASA-jJAnam ], [ puSpa-zakaTikA-nimitta-jJAnam ], [ yantra-mAtRkA ], [ dhAraNa-mAtRkA ], [ saMpATyam ], [ mAnasI kAvya-kriyA ], [ kriyA-vikalpAH ], [ chalitakayogAH ], [ abhidhAna-koSa-cchando-jJAnam ], [ vastra-gopanAni ], [ dyUta-vizeSaH ], [ AkarSaNa-krIDA ], [ bAlaka-krIDanakAni ], [ vainAyikInAM vidyANAM jJAnam ], [ vaijayikInAM vidyAnAM jJAnam ] [ 261,2 ] (20) also Vātsy. i, 3, 17) R. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. &c. (21) skill, ingenuity (22) ignorance (23) a low and sweet tone Bālar (24) a boat L. (25) a N. given to Dākshāyaṇī in the region near the river Candrabhāgā MatsyaP. (26) N. of a grammatical commentary

===> kalācika [ kalAcika ]1[ kalAcika ] m. (?) a ladle, spoon L. (1) ([ A ]), f. the fore-arm L.

===> kalācī [ kalAcI ]2[ kalAcI ] f. the fore-arm L.

===> kalāya [ kalAya ]1[ kalAya ] m. a sort of pea or pulse MBh. Suśr. &c. (1) a kind of plant with darkcoloured flowers Śiś. xiii, 21 (2) ([ A ]), f. a species of Dūrvā-grass L.

===> kamala [ kamala ]2[ k'amala ] mfn. (Comm. on Uṇ. i, 106) pale-red, rose-coloured TS. vii, 3, 18, 1 (1) ([ kam'ala ]) AV. viii, 6, 9 (desirous, lustful BRD.) (2) m. a species of deer L. (3) the Indian crane (Ardea Sibirica) L. (4) N. of Brahmā L. (5) of a pupil of Vaiśampāyana Kāś (6) of an Asura GaṇP. (7) (in mus.) a particular Dhruvaka (q. v.) (8) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a lotus, lotusflower, Nelumbium Suśr. Śak. Bhartṛ. &c. (9) ([ A ]), f. N. of Lakshmi BhP. Sāh. Kathās (10) wealth, prosperity Subh (11) N. of Dākshyāyaṇī MatsyaP. (12) of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda MBh. (13) of the wife of Jayāpiḍa Rājat (14) an excellent woman L. (15) an orange Tantras (16) ([ I ], [ am ]), fn., N. of a metre (four times three short syllables) (17) ([ am ]), n. a particular constellation VarBṛ. (18) water Kir. v, 25 (19) copper L. (20) the bladder L. (21) a medicament, drug L. (22) N. of a town built by Kamalā Rājat (23) a particular number Buddh.

===> [ kamala ]1[ kamala ] col. 1

===> kamalâkara [ kamalAkara ]3[ kamal^akara ] m. a mass of lotuses (1) a lake or pool where lotuses abound R. Ratnāv. &c. (2) N. of the author of a commentary on the Mitāksharā, and of several other authors and men (3) [ tIrtha-yAtrA ] f. N. of wk.

===> kamalâyatâkṣa [ kamalAyatAkSa ]3[ kamal^ayat^akSa ] mfn. having large lotus eyes,

===> kamanīya [ kamanIya ]2[ kamanIya ] mfn. to be desired or wished for, desirable Kum. i, 37 (1) lovely, pleasing, beautiful Śak. 62 b Bhartṛ. &c.

===> kamaṇḍalu [ kamaNDalu ]1[ kamaNDalu ] [ us ], [ u ] m. n. (in the Veda [ Us ] f. according to Pāṇ. 4-1, 71) a gourd or vessel made of wood or earth used for water (by ascetics and religious students), a water-jar MBh. BhP. Yājñ. &c. (1) a kind of animal ĀśvŚr. (2) ([ us ]), m. Ficus Infectoria L. (3) ([ Us ]), f. a kind of animal Pāṇ. 4-1, 72

===> kambala [ kambala ]1[ kambal'a ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ kam ] Comm. on Uṇ. i, 108), a woollen blanket or cloth or upper garment AV. xiv, 2, 66 ; 67 MBh. Hit. &c. (1) m. a dew-lap VarBṛS. Hcat (2) a small worm or insect L. (3) a sort of deer with a shaggy hairy coat L. (4) N. of a teacher (5) of a man (6) of a Nāga MBh. MārkP. &c. (7) ([ am ]), n. water (cf. [ kamala ]) (8) N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvipa MBh. vi, 454

===> kamboja [ kamboja ]2[ kamboja ] [ As ] m. pl., N. of a people and its country (1) m. the king of this people Pāṇ. 4-1, 175 (2) a shell L. (3) a species of elephant L. (cf. [ kAmboja ].)

===> kampa [ kampa ]2[ kampa ] m. trembling, tremor, trembling motion, shaking MBh. Suśr. &c. (1) earthquake (cf. [ bhUmi-kampa ], [ mahI-k° ], &c.) (2) tremulous or thrilling pronunciation (a modification of the Svarita accent which may take place if the Svarita syllable is followed by an Udātta syllable) Nir. &c. (3) a kind of time (in mus.) (4) N. of a man

===> kampana [ kampana ]2[ kampana ] mf ([ A ]) n. trembling, shaken, unsteady (1) causing to tremble, shaking MBh. (2) m. a kind of weapon MBh. i, 2836 R. (3) a kind of fever Bhpr. (4) the cool or dewy season (from about the middle of January to that of March) L. (5) N. of a king MBh. ii, 117 (6) of a country near Kāśmira Rājat (7) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river MBh. VP. (8) ([ am ]), n. trembling, quivering Suśr. (9) an earthquake MBh. v, 7239 (10) quivering or thrilling pronunciation ([ kampa ]) Comm. on RPrāt. (11) the act of shaking, swinging KātyŚr. Suśr. i, 85, 9 Tarkas. &c.

===> kampanīya [ kampanIya ]2[ kampanIya ] mfn. to be shaken, movable, vibratory

===> kampita [ kampita ]2[ kampita ] mfn. trembling, shaking MBh. Ṛitus (1) caused to tremble, shaken, swung MBh. iv, 1290 Tattvas (2) ([ am ]), n. trembling, a tremor

===> kampya [ kampya ]2[ kampya ] mfn. to be shaken or made to tremble (cf. [ a-kampya ]) (1) to be moved away from one's place (2) to be pronounced in a quivering or trilling manner

===> kanaka [ kanaka ]2[ k'anaka ] n. (Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 32) gold MBh. Suśr. Śak. &c. (1) m. thorn-apple Suśr. (2) Mesua Ferrea Bhartṛ (3) several other plants (Michelia Campaka, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinea Variegata, Cassia Sophora, a kind of bdellium, a kind of sandal-wood) L. (4) a kind of decoction Car. (5) N. of particular Grahas or Ketus AV. Par (6) N. of several men (7) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (8) ([ A ]), f. one of the seven tongues of fire L. (9) (mfn.) of gold, golden SaṃhUp. 44, 1

===> [ kanaka ]1[ kanaka ] under √ [ kan ]

===> kanaka-giri [ kanakagiri ]3[ k'anaka-giri ] m. N. of the founder of a sect (1) = [ kAJcana-giri ] L.

===> kanaka-muni [ kanakamuni ]3[ k'anaka-muni ] m. N. of a Buddha Lalit.

===> kanaka-varṇa [ kanakavarNa ]3[ k'anaka-varNa ] m. N. of a king (supposed to be a former manifestation of Śākyamuni)

===> kanakâbha [ kanakAbha ]3[ kanak^abh'a ] mfn. similar to gold, like gold TĀr. i, 4, 1

===> kanakāvatī [ kanakAvatI ]2[ kanakA-vatI ] f. N. of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda MBh. (1) [ -mAdhava ] m. N. of wk. Sāh

===> kanda [ kanda ]1[ kanda ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ kan ] Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 98), a bulbous or tuberous root, a bulb MBh. BhP. Suśr. &c. (1) the bulbous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus L. (2) garlic L. (3) a lump, swelling, knot Suśr. i, 258, 9 [ 249,3 ] (4) [ cf. Gk. ?, ? ; O. H. G. [ 249,3 ] [ hnUtr ], [ hnUta ] ] (5) an affection of the female organ (considered as a fleshy excrescence, but apparently prolapsus uteri W.) (6) N. of a metre (of four lines of thirteen syllables each) (7) (in mus.) a kind of time (8) ([ I ]), f. [ mAMsa-k° ]

===> kandara [ kandara ]1[ kandara ] [ A ], [ am ] fn. ([ as ] m. L.), (√ [ kand ] Comm. on Uṇ. iii, 131 (1) [ kaM ], [ jalena dIryate ] T.), ` great cliff ', an artificial or natural cave, glen, defile, valley R. Pañcat. Megh. &c. (2) m. a hook for driving an elephant L. (3) ([ A ]), f. the lute of the Caṇḍālas L. (4) N. of a mother in the retinue of Skanda MBh. BhP. (5) ([ am ]), n. ginger L.

===> kandu [ kandu ]1[ kandu ] [ us ] mf. (√ [ skand ] Uṇ. i, 15), a boiler, saucepan, or other cooking utensil of iron Suśr. Mālav. Comm. on KātyŚr. (1) an oven, or vessel serving for one W. (2) a kind of fragrant substance L. (3) ([ us ]), m. N. of a man

===> kaniṣka [ kaniSka ]1[ kaniSka ] m. N. of a celebrated king of Northern India (whose reign began in the first century of our era and who, next to Aśoka, was the greatest supporter of Buddhism (1) his empire seems to have comprised Afghānistān, the Panjāb, Yarkand, Kashmīr, Ladak, Agra, Rājputāna, Gujarāt, and Sindh) Rājat

===> kaniṣṭha [ kaniSTha ]1[ kaniSTha ] &c. p. 248, col. 3

===> kanthaka [ kanthaka ]1[ kanthaka ] m. N. of a man, g. [ garg^adi ] Pāṇ. 4-1, 105 (1) ([ A ]), f. a species of Opuntia L.

===> kanthā [ kanthA ]1[ kanthA ] f. a rag, patched garment (especially one worn by certain ascetics) Bhartṛ. Pañcat (1) [ cf. Gk. [ 249,2 ] ? ; Lat. [ centon ] ; O. H. G. [ hadara ] ; Germ. [ hader ] ] (2) a wall L. (3) a species of tree L. (4) a town L. (5) (a Tatpurusha compound ending in [ kanthA ] is neuter if it imply a town of the Uśīnaras Pāṇ. 2-4, 20.)

===> kanya-kubja [ kanyakubja ]3[ kanya-kubja ] n. ([ A ] f. L.), N. of an ancient city of great note (in the north-western provinces of India, situated on the [ kAlI nadI ], a branch of the Gaṅgā, in the modern district of Farrukhabad (1) the popular spelling of the name presents, perhaps, greater variations than that of any place in India [ e. g. [ Kanauj ], [ Kunnoj ], [ Kunnouj ], [ Kinoge ], [ Kinnoge ], [ Kinnauj ], [ Kanoj ], [ Kannauj ], [ Kunowj ], [ Canowj ] [ Canoje ], [ Canauj ], &c. ] (2) in antiquity this city ranks next to Ayodhyā in Oude (3) it is known in classical geography as Canogyza (4) but the name applies also to its dependencies and the surrounding district (5) the current etymology [ [ kanyA ], ` a girl ', shortened to [ kanya ], and [ kubja ], ` round-shouldered or crooked ' ] refers to a legend in R. i, 32, 11 ff., relating to the hundred daughters of Kuśanābha, the king of this city, who were all rendered crooked by Vāyu for non-compliance with his licentious desires (6) the ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site larger than that of London) MBh. Kathās. &c. (7) [ -deza ] m. the country round Kanyakubja

===> kanyasa [ kanyasa ]2[ kanyasa ] mf ([ A ] and [ I ]) n. younger MBh. R. (1) smaller, the smallest Hcat (2) ([ A ]), f. the little finger L.

===> kanyā [ kanyA ]2[ kany'A ] f. (√ [ kan ] Uṇ. iv, 111), a girl, virgin, daughter RV. AV. &c. MBh. &c. ([ kanyAM ] √ [ dA ] or [ pra-√ dA ] or [ pra-√ yam ] or [ upa-√ pad ], Caus. to give one's daughter in marriage Mn. viii, ix (1) [ kanyAM prati-√ grah ] or √ [ hR ] or √ [ vah ], to receive a girl in marriage, marry Mn. ix) (2) the sign of the zodiac Virgo VarBṛ. and BṛS. &c. (3) the female of any animal Mṛcch (4) N. of Durgā MBh. iii, 8115 (5) N. of a tuberous plant growing in Kaśmīra Suśr. (6) Aloe Perfoliata L. (7) several other plants L. (8) N. of a metre (of four lines, each of them containing four long syllables)

===> kanyā-kubja [ kanyAkubja ]3[ kany'A-kubja ] [ am ], [ A ] n. f. = [ kanya-kubja ] above L.

===> kanīyas [ kanIyas ]2[ k'anIyas ] mfn. younger, a younger brother or sister, younger son or daughter (opposed to [ jyAyas ]) RV. iv, 33, 5 AitBr. MBh. &c. [ 249,1 ] (1) smaller, less, inferior, very small or insignificant (opposed to [ bhUyas ] and [ uttama ]) RV. AV. iii, 15, 5 ; xii, 4, 6 TS. ŚBr. &c. (2) ([ yasI ]), f. the younger sister of a wife L.

===> kaparda [ kaparda ]1[ kaparda ] m. a small shell or cowrie (of which eighty = one paṇa, used as a coin or as a die in gambling, Cypraea Moneta) Comm. on VS. Comm. on Pāṇ. (1) braided and knotted hair (esp. that of Śiva, knotted so as to resemble the cowrie shell) L. (2) (cf: [ c'atuS-kaparda ].)

===> kapardaka [ kapardaka ]2[ kapardaka ] m. the cowrie shell (= [ kaparda ]) Comm. on ŚBr. Hit. &c. (1) braided and knotted hair L. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. Cypraea Moneta Comm. on VS. Pañcat

===> kapaṭa [ kapaTa ]1[ kapaTa ] [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ kamp ] Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 81), fraud, deceit, cheating, circumvention MBh. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. &c. (1) m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2534 (2) ([ I ]), f. a measure equal to the capacity of the hollows of the two hands joined L. (3) N. of a tree Nigh

===> kapha [ kapha ]1[ kapha ] m. phlegm (as one of the three humors of the body, also [ vAyu ] and [ pitta ]) Suśr. (1) watery froth or foam in general (cf. [ abdhik° ], [ megha-k° ], &c.)

===> kapi [ kapi ]1[ kap'i ] m. (√ [ kamp ] Uṇ. iv, 143), an ape, monkey RV. x, 86, 5 AV. Mn. Suśr. &c. (1) an elephant L. (2) Emblica Officinalis L. (3) a species of Karañja L. (4) Olibanum L. (5) the sun L. (6) N. of Viṣṇu or Kṛshṇa MBh. xiii, 7045 (7) N. of several men (8) ([ ayas ]), m. pl., N. of a school (9) ([ i ], [ I ]), f. a female ape L. (10) (mfn.) brown Comm. on Uṇ. ; [ cf. Gk. ? [ 250,3 ] ? ? ? Old Germ. [ affo ] ; Angl. Sax. [ apa ] ; Eng. [ ape ]. ]

===> kapi-ttha [ kapittha ]2[ kapittha ] m. ([ ttha ] = [ stha ]) ` on which monkeys dwell ', Feronia Elephantum MBh. Suśr. &c. (1) a particular position of the hands and fingers (2) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of Feronia Elephantum Suśr. VarBṛS. &c.

===> kapila [ kapila ]2[ kapil'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ kam ] Uṇ. i, 56 (1) more probably connected with [ kapi ] BRD.), monkeycoloured ', brown, tawny, reddish RV. x, 27, 16 ŚBr. R. &c. (2) red-haired Mn. iii, 8 (3) m. the brown or tawny or reddish colour Suśr. (4) a kind of mouse (5) a kind of ape Kathās (6) a (brown) dog L. (7) incense L. (8) N. of an ancient sage (identified by some with Viṣṇu and considered as the founder of the Sāṃkhya system of philosophy) MBh. Bhag. &c. [ 251,1 ] (9) N. of several other men (10) of a Dānava Hariv. 197 BhP. (11) of a Nāga MBh. iii, 8010 Hariv. &c. (12) of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvipa VP. ii, 4, 37 (13) of several mountains (14) a form of fire MBh. iii, 14197 (15) N. of the sun MBh. iii, 154 (16) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (17) of the Brāhmans in Śālmala-dvīpa VP. ii, 4, 31 (18) ([ A ]), f. a brown cow Yājñ. i, 205 MBh. &c. (19) a fabulous cow celebrated in the Purāṇas W. (20) a kind of leech Suśr. i, 40, 20 (21) a kind of ant Suśr. ii, 296, 12 (22) Dalbergia Sissoo L. (23) Aloe Perfoliata L. (24) a sort of perfume L. (25) a kind of medicinal substance L. (26) a kind of brass L. (27) N. of a daughter of Daksha MBh. (28) of a Kiṃnara woman Kāraṇḍ (29) of a river MBh. iii, 14233 VP. (30) N. of the female of the elephant Puṇḍarika (q. v.) L.

===> kapila-vastu [ kapilavastu ]3[ kapil'a-vastu ] n. N. of the town in which Śākyamuni or Buddha was born

===> kapitthaka [ kapitthaka ]2[ kapitthaka ] m. Feronia Elephantum (1) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of it R.

===> kapola [ kapola ]1[ kapola ] m. (ifc. f. [ A ]), (√ [ kap ] Uṇ. i, 67) the cheek (of men or elephants &c.) Suśr. Yājñ. Ragh. &c. (1) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a school belonging to the white Yajur-veda (2) ([ I ]), f. the fore-part of the knee, knee-cap or pan L.

===> kapota [ kapota ]1[ kap'ota ] m. (√ [ kav ] Uṇ. i, 63 (1) fr. 2. [ ka ] + [ pota ]?), a dove, pigeon, (esp.) the spottynecked pigeon (in the Vedas often a bird of evil omen) RV. AV. VS. MBh. &c. (2) a bird in general L. (3) a frieze, cornice (4) a particular position of the hands Comm. on Śak. PSarv. &c. (5) the grey colour of a pigeon Suśr. ii, 280, 1 (6) the grey ore of antimony Suśr. ii, 84, 10 (7) ([ I ]), f. the female of a pigeon Pañcat

===> kapota-varṇa [ kapotavarNa ]3[ kap'ota-varNa ] mfn. pigeoncoloured, lead-grey Suśr. (1) ([ I ]), f. small cardamoms L.

===> kapotaka [ kapotaka ]2[ kapotak'a ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. pigeon-coloured, lead-grey Pat. (1) m. a small pigeon or dove MBh. VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c. (2) a particular position of the hands (3) ([ ikA ]), f. the female of a pigeon Pañcat (4) ([ I ]), f. a kind of bird (= [ zyAmA ]) VarBṛS. (5) ([ am ]), n. ore of antimony Car.

===> kapphiṇa [ kapphiNa ]1[ kapphiNa ] m. N. of a man (Buddh.)

===> kapāla [ kapAla ]1[ kap'Ala ] ([ as ] m. L.), n. (√ [ kamp ] Uṇ. i, 117), a cup, jar, dish (used especially for the Puroḍāśa offering) TS. ŚBr. Suśr. &c. (cf. [ trikapAla ], [ paJca-kapAla ], &c.)

---> the alms-bowl of a beggar Mn. vi, 44 ; viii, 93 R. &c. (1) a fragment of brick (on which the oblation is placed) ŚBr. vi, xii KātyŚr. Suśr. &c. (2) a cover, lid ĀśvGṛ. iv, 5, 8 Bhāshāp. &c. (3) the skull, cranium, skull-bone AV. ix, 8, 22 ; x, 2, 8 ŚBr. i Yājñ. &c. (4) the shell of an egg ŚBr. vi, 1, 3 Kathās. &c. (5) the shell of a tortoise ŚBr. vii, 5, 1, 2 (6) the cotyla of the leg of an animal, any flat bone AitBr. Suśr. (7) a kind of leprosy Suśr. i, 268, 1 ; 13 (8) multitude, assemblage, collection L. (9) m. a treaty of peace on equal terms Kām. ix, 2 (cf. [ kapAla-saMdhi ] below) (10) N. of an intermediate caste (11) N. of several men (12) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a school (13) ([ I ]), f. a beggar's bowl Bhartṛ (14) ([ am ]), n. N. of a Tantra (15) [ Gk., ? ` handle ' ; [ 250,2 ] Lat. [ capere ] (16) Hib. [ gabhaim ] ; Goth. [ hafyan ] ; Angl. Sax. [ haban ], [ haefene ], [ hafoc ] ; Eng. [ haven ], [ hawk ] ; cf. Gk. ? Lat. [ caput ] ; Goth. [ haubith ] ; Angl. Sax. [ 250,2 ] [ heafud ]. ]

===> kapāla-mālin [ kapAlamAlin ]3[ kap'Ala-mAlin ] mfn. bearing a garland of skulls MBh. Kathās. Hcat

===> kapālin [ kapAlin ]2[ kapAlin ] mfn. bearing a pot (to receive food, as a beggar) Nār (1) furnished with or bearing skulls Yājñ. iii, 243 BhP. Kum (2) ([ I ], [ inI ]), mf. a man or woman of low caste (son or daughter of a Brāhman mother and a fisherman father) (3) the follower of a particular Śaiva sect (carrying skulls of men as ornament and eating and drinking from them (4) cf. [ kApAlika ]) Prab. Kathās. &c. (5) ([ I ]), m. N. of Śiva MBh. i Bālar. &c. (6) of one of the eleven Rudras MBh. ii Hariv. &c. (7) of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9557 (8) of a teacher (9) ([ inI ]), f. a form of Durgā (as the wife of Śiva-kapālin) Hariv. Kathās (10) of a being attending on Devi. [ 250,3 ]

===> kapāṭa [ kapATa ]1[ kapATa ] [ as ], ([ I ] L.) [ am ] m. (f.) n. a door, the leaf or panel of a door MBh. BhP. Pañcat. Mṛcch. &c.

===> kara [ kara ]1[ kar'a ]1 (for 2. p. 254, col. 3), mf ([ I ], rarely [ A ]) n. (√ 1. [ kR ]), a doer, maker, causer, doing, making, causing, producing (esp. ifc. (1) cf. [ duHkhakara ], [ bhayaM-k° ], [ sampat-k° ], &c. (2) cf. Lat. [ cerus ], ` creator ') AV. xii, 2, 2 Mn. Pañcat. &c. (3) helping, promoting RV. i, 116, 13 (4) m. the act of doing, making &c. (ifc. (5) cf. [ ISatkara ], [ su-k° ], [ duS-k° ], &c.) (6) ` the doer ', the hand RV. x, 67, 6 MBh. Mn. &c. (7) a measure (the breadth of twenty-four thumbs) (8) an elephant's trunk MBh. Pañcat. &c. (9) the claws of a crab Hit. (10) symbolical expression for the number two (11) the lunar mansion Hasta VarBṛS.

===> [ kara ]1[ kara ]2 (for 1. p. 253, col. 1), m. (√ [ kRR ]), a ray of light, sunbeam, moonbeam R. Megh. Pañcat. &c. (1) hail L. (2) royal revenue, toll, tax, tribute, duty Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c.

===> kara-pattra [ karapattra ]3[ kar'a-pattra ] n. a saw Suśr. Hit. (1) splashing water about while bathing, playing or gamboling in water L. (2) ([ A ]), f. a species of fig-tree L. (3) [ -vat ] m. Borassus Flabelliformis (the leaves being compared to a saw) L.

===> kara-puṭa [ karapuTa ]3[ kar'a-puTa ] m. joining the palms of the hands in token of respect W. (1) the hands joined and hollowed to receive anything W. (2) a box, chest with a lid MBh. xiv, 1928 (3) [ -T^aJjali ] m. cavity made in joining the palms of the hands R.

===> kara-sphoṭa [ karasphoTa ]3[ kar'a-sphoTa ] m. extending the hands Pañcat

===> [ karasphoTa ]3[ kara-sphoTa ] (2. [ kara-sphoTa ] (1) for 1. p. 253, col. 3), m. extending the rays

===> kara-tala [ karatala ]3[ kar'a-tala ] m. the palm of the hand R. Suśr. BhP. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. a knife Kathās (2) [ -gata ] mfn. being in the hand or in one's possession Pañcat. Śak (3) [ -tAla ] m. clapping the hands Gīt. (4) [ -dhRta ] mfn. held in the hand W. (5) [ -stha ] mfn. resting in the palm of the hand W. (6) [ -lamalaka ] n. ` a myrobalan lying in the hand ', anything quite clear to all eyes

===> kara-vāla [ karavAla ]3[ kar'a-vAla ] m. a sword, scymitar MBh. BhP. &c. (cf. [ -pAla ] above) (1) a finger-nail L. (2) [ -putrI ] f. a knife Virac

===> karabha [ karabha ]2[ karabha ]2 (for 1. col. 2), [ am ] n. the lunar mansion called Hasta Hcat

===> [ karabha ]1[ karabha ] &c., for 1. p. 254, col. 2 (1) for 2., p. 254, col. 3

===> karaka [ karaka ]2[ karaka ]1 (for 2. col. 3), [ as ] m. a watervessel (esp. one used by students or ascetics) MBh. R. (1) a species of bird L. (2) hand (?) L. (3) N. of several plants (the pomegranate tree, Pongamia Glabra, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinia Variegata, Mimusops Elengi, Capparis Aphylla) L. (4) a cocoa-nut shell L. (5) ([ as ], [ am ]), m. n. a cocoa-nut shell hollowed to form a vessel (6) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP. (7) ([ am ]), n. fungus, mushroom L. (8) ([ ikA ]), f. a wound caused by a finger-nail Śiś. iv, 29

===> [ karaka ]2[ karaka ] (for 1. col. 1), m. hail (1) toll, tax, tribute

===> karaphu [ karaphu ]1[ karaphu ] a particular high number L. (Buddh.)

===> karaṇa [ karaNa ]2[ k'araNa ] (once [ karaN'a ] RV. i, 119, 7) mf ([ I ]) n doing, making, effecting, causing (esp. ifc. (1) cf. [ antakaraNa ], [ uSNaM-k° ], &c.) R. &c. (2) clever, skilful RV. i, 119, 7 (3) m. a helper, companion AV. vi, 46, 2 ; xv, 5, 1-6 ; xix, 57, 3 (4) a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast Kshatriya Mn. x, 22 (5) or the son of a Śūdra woman by a Vaiśya Yājñ. i, 92 (6) or the son of a Vaiśya woman by a Kshatriya MBh. i, 2446 ; 4521 (7) the occupation of this class is writing, accounts &c.) a writer, scribe W. (8) (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context (9) in this sense usually n.) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 41 Pat. Comm. on RPrāt. (10) (in mus.) a kind of time Kum. vi, 40 (11) ([ I ]), f. a woman of the above mixed tribe Yājñ. i, 95 (12) (with [ sutA ]) an adopted daughter R. (ed. Gorr.) i, 19, 9 (13) (in arithm.) a surd or irrational number, surd root (14) the side of a square, Śulbas. Comm. on VS. (15) a particular measure Comm. on KātyŚr. (16) a particular position of the fingers (17) ([ am ]), n. the act of making, doing, producing, effecting ŚBr. MBh. &c. (very often ifc., e. g. [ muSTi-k° ], [ virUpa-k° ]) (18) an act, deed RV.

---> an action (esp. a religious one) Yājñ. i, 250 R. (19) the special business of any tribe or caste L. (20) a calculation (esp. an astronomical one) VarBṛS. (21) an astrological division of the day (these Karaṇas are eleven, viz. [ vava ], [ valava ], [ kaulava ], [ taitila ], [ gara ], [ vaNija ], [ viSTi ], [ zakuni ], [ catuSpada ], [ kintughna ], and [ nAga ], two being equal to a lunar day (22) the first seven are called [ a-dhruvANi ] or movable, and fill, eight times repeated, the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane (23) the four others are [ dhruvANi ] or fixed, and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) VarBṛS. Suśr. &c. (24) pronunciation, articulation, APrāt. (25) (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech, separated from its context Pāṇ. Kāś. &c., ([ karaNa ] may be used in this way like [ kAra ] e. g. [ iti-karaNa ] ŚāṅkhŚr.) (26) the posture of an ascetic (27) a posture in sexual intercourse (28) instrument, means of action ŚvetUp. Yājñ. Megh (29) an organ of sense or of speech VPrāt. PārGṛ. (30) (in law) an instrument, document, bond Mn. viii, 51 ; 52 ; 154 (31) (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected, the idea expressed by the instrumental case, instrumentality Pāṇ. 1-4, 42 ; ii, 3, 18 ; iii, 2, 45 (32) cause (= [ kAraNa ]) (33) a spell, charm Kathās. (cf. [ karaNa-prayoga ]) (34) rhythm, time Kum (35) body Megh. Kum. Kād (36) N. of a treatise of Varāha-mihira on the motion of the planets (37) of a work belonging to the Śiva-darśana (38) a field L. (39) the mind, heart W. (cf. [ antaH-karaNa ]) (40) grain W.

===> [ karaNa ]1[ karaNa ] &c. p. 254, col. 1

===> karaṇatā [ karaNatA ]3[ k'araNa-tA ] f. instrumentality, the state of being an instrument Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 33

===> karaṇīya [ karaNIya ]2[ karaNIya ] mfn. to be done or made or effected &c. MBh. R. &c.

===> karaṇḍa [ karaNDa ]2[ karaNDa ] [ as ], ([ I ] L.), [ am ] mfn. (Uṇ. i, 128) a basket or covered box of bamboo wicker-work BhP. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) a bee-hive, honey-comb L. (2) m. a sword L. (3) a sort of duck L. (4) a species of plant (= [ dalADhaka ]) L. (5) ([ am ]), n. a piece of wood, block Bhpr.

===> [ karaNDa ]1[ karaNDa ] p. 254, col. 2

===> karaṇḍaka [ karaNDaka ]2[ karaNDaka ] [ as ], [ ikA ] mf. a basket Kathās

===> karaṇḍaka-nivāpa [ karaNDakanivApa ]3[ karaNDaka-nivApa ] m. N. of a place near Rājagṛha

===> kardama [ kardama ]2[ kardama ] m. (Uṇ. iv, 84) mud, slime, mire, clay, dirt, filth MBh. Yājñ. Ragh. &c. (1) sin Comm. on Uṇ (2) shade, shadow (in Veda according to BrahmaP.) (3) N. of a Prajāpati (born from the shadow of Brahmā, husband of Devahūti and father of Kapila) MBh. (4) a kind of rice Suśr. (5) a kind of poisonous bulb (6) N. of Pulaka (a son of Prajāpati) VP. (7) of a Nāga MBh. i, 1561 (8) ([ I ]), f. a species of jasmine (9) ([ am ]), n. flesh L. (10) Civet L. (11) (mfn.) covered with mud or mire or dirt, dirty, filthy Suśr.

===> kareṇu [ kareNu ]2[ kareNu ] m. (Uṇ. ii, 1) an elephant MBh. Pañcat. &c. (1) Pterospermum Acerifolium L. (2) ([ us ] [ and [ Us ] L. ]), f. a female elephant MBh. Suśr. Ragh. &c. (3) a sort of plant Suśr. ii, 171, 16 ; 173 ; 7 (4) the Svarabhakti (q. v.) between [ r ] and [ h ] Comm. on TPrāt.

===> [ kareNu ]1[ kareNu ] &c. p. 254, col. 3

===> karin [ karin ]2[ karin ] mfn. doing, effecting &c. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 (1) ([ I ]), m. ` having a trunk ', an elephant MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c. (2) ([ iNI ]), f. above

===> karkandhu [ karkandhu ]1[ kark'andhu ] [ us ], [ Us ] mf. (fr. [ karka ] and √ [ dhA ] Comm. on Uṇ. i, 95 (1) according to others fr. [ karka ] and [ andhu ], ` a well '), Zizyphus Jujuba (2) ([ u ]), n. the fruit of this tree, the jujube berry VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Suśr. &c. (3) ([ us ]), m. a well without water, one dried up Comm. on Uṇ. i, 28 (4) N. of a man RV. i, 112, 6 (5) ([ Us ]), f. a term or name applied to a fetus which is ten days old BhP. iii, 31, 2

===> karkaśa [ karkaza ]1[ karkaza ] mf ([ A ]) n. (perhaps connected with [ karka ] and [ karkara ]) hard, firm, rough, harsh (lit. and metaph.) Suśr. Mṛcch. Bhartṛ. &c. (1) m. a sword, scymitar L. (2) Cassia or Sennia Esculenta (3) a species of sugar-cane (4) = [ guNDorocanI ] L. (5) ([ A ]), f. Tragia Involucrata L. (6) N. of an Apsaras MārkP. (7) ([ I ]), f. the wild jujube L.

===> karkaśatva [ karkazatva ]3[ karkaza-tva ] n. hardness (1) harshness, rough manners MBh. Kum

===> karkaṭa [ karkaTa ]2[ karkaTa ] m. a crab Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (1) the sign Cancer VarBṛS. VarBṛ. &c. (2) a particular bird L. (3) N. of several plants (4) the fibrous root of a plant L. (5) the curved end of the beam of a balance (to which the strings supporting the scale are attached), Mit (6) a pair of compasses in a particular position (7) a particular position of the hands (8) a kind of fever Bhpr. (9) a kind of coitus L. (10) ([ A ]), f. Momordica Mixta L. (11) ([ I ]), f. a female crab MBh. (12) Cucumis Utilissimus, a kind of cucumber Comm. on TāṇḍyaBr. (13) a small water-jar Pañcat (14) the fruit of Bombax Heptaphyllum L. (15) N. of a Rākshasī (16) [ cf. Gk. ? (17) Lat. [ 256,1 ] [ cancer ]. ]

===> karkaṭaka [ karkaTaka ]2[ karkaTaka ] m. a crab Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (1) the sign Cancer VarBṛS. (2) a pair of tongs Daś (3) a pair of compasses (cf. [ karkaTa ]) (4) a kind of plant Suśr. (5) a particular position of the hands (6) N. of a Nāga R. (7) ([ ikA ]), f. a sort of plant Suśr. ii, 276, 3 Pañcat (8) a kernel L. (9) ([ am ]), n. a kind of poisonous root Suśr. (10) a particular fracture of the bones Suśr. i, 301, 5

===> karketana [ karketana ]2[ karketana ]

===> karkoṭaka [ karkoTaka ]2[ karkoTaka ] m. Momordica Mixta Suśr. (1) AEgle Marmelos L. (2) the sugar-cane L.

---> N. of a Nāga MBh. Hariv. &c. (3) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. viii, 2066 (4) ([ ikA ]), f. Momordica Mixta L. (5) ([ I ]), f. N. of a plant with yellow flowers Bhpr. Car. (6) Momordica Mixta L. (7) ([ am ]), n. the fruit of Momordica Mixta Suśr. i, 222, 1

===> karma [ karma ]2[ karma ] (in comp. for [ k'arman ] above)

===> karma-dhāraya [ karmadhAraya ]3[ karma-dhAraya ] m. N. of a class of Tatpurusha (q. v.) compounds (in which the members would stand in the same case [ [ samAn^adhikaraNa ] ] if the compound were dissolved) Pāṇ. 1-2, 42 (Gr. 735, iii ; 755 ff.)

===> karma-doṣa [ karmadoSa ]3[ karma-doSa ] m. a sinful work, sin, vice Mn. (1) error, blunder W. (2) the evil consequence of human acts, discreditable conduct or business W. [ 259,1 ]

===> karma-gati [ karmagati ]3[ karma-gati ] f. the course of Fate Kathās. lix, 159

===> karma-hetu [ karmahetu ]3[ karma-hetu ] mfn. caused by acts, arising from acts

===> karma-ja [ karmaja ]3[ karma-ja ] mfn. ` act-born ', resulting or produced from any act (good or bad) Mn. xii, 3 and 101 Daś. &c. (1) m. Ficus religiosa (2) the Kaliyuga (q. v.) (3) a god L.

===> karma-kara [ karmakara ]3[ karma-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. doing work, a workman, a hired labourer, servant of any kind (who is not a slave W.), mechanic, artisan MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c. (1) m. N. of Yama L. (2) ([ I ]), f. Sanseviera zeylanica L. (3) Momordica monadelpha L.

===> karma-kāra [ karmakAra ]3[ karma-kAra ] mfn. = doing work (but without receiving wages, according to native authorities) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 22 Pañcat. &c. (1) m. a blacksmith (forming a mixed caste, regarded as the progeny of the divine artist Viśva-karman and a Śūdrā woman) BrahmaP. (2) a bull L. (3) ([ I ]), f. = [ -karI ] above L.

===> karma-kāraka [ karmakAraka ]3[ karma-kAraka ] mfn. one who does any act or work

===> karma-kṛt [ karmakRt ]3[ karma-k'Rt ] mfn. performing any work, skilful in work AV. ii, 27, 6 VS. iii, 47 TBr. &c. (cf. [ tIkSNa-k° ]) (1) one who has done any work Pāṇ. 3-2, 89 (2) ([ t ]), m. a servant, workman, labourer Rājat. Kām. &c.

===> karma-kṣaya [ karmakSaya ]3[ karma-kSaya ] m. annihilation or termination of all work or activity ŚvetUp.

===> karma-patha [ karmapatha ]3[ karma-patha ] m. the way or direction or character of an action MBh. Kāraṇḍ

===> karma-phala [ karmaphala ]3[ karma-phala ] n. the fruit or recompense of actions (as pain, pleasure &c., resulting from previous acts or acts in a former life) Āp. (1) the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola L. (2) [ °l^odaya ] m. the appearance of consequences of actions Mn. xi, 231

===> karma-sthāna [ karmasthAna ]3[ karma-sthAna ] n. public office or place of business Rājat (1) a stage or period in the life of an Ājīvika (q. v.) T.

===> karma-vajra [ karmavajra ]3[ karma-vajra ] mfn. ` whose power (thunderbolt) is work ' (said of Śūdras) MBh. i, 6487

===> karma-vaśa [ karmavaza ]3[ karma-vaza ] m. the necessary influence of acts, fate (considered as the inevitable consequence of actions done in a former life) (1) (mfn.) being in the power of or subject to former actions MBh. xiii

===> karma-vaśitā [ karmavazitA ]3[ karma-vazi-tA ] mfn. the condition of having power over one's works (as a quality of a Bodhi-sattva) Buddh.

===> karma-vipāka [ karmavipAka ]3[ karma-vipAka ] m. ` the ripening of actions ', i. e. the good or evil consequences in this life of human acts performed in previous births (eighty-six consequences are spoken of in the Śātātapa-smṛti) MBh. Yājñ. &c. [ 259,2 ] (1) N. of several works (2) [ -saMgraha ] m. N. of wk. (3) [ -sAra ] m. id.

===> karma-viśeṣa [ karmavizeSa ]3[ karma-vizeSa ] m. variety of acts or actions W.

===> karma-yoga [ karmayoga ]3[ karma-yoga ] m. performance of a work or business (esp. of religious duties) Bhag. Mn. &c. (1) active exertion, industry (2) agriculture and commerce [ Kull. ] Mn. x, 115 (3) practical application Sarvad (4) connection with a sacrifice KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Āp.

===> karma-yoni [ karmayoni ]3[ karma-yoni ] f. source of an action Tattvas

===> karmaka [ karmaka ]2[ karmaka ] ifc. = [ karman ], work, action &c. (cf. [ a-k° ], [ sa-k° ], &c.)

===> karman [ karman ]1[ k'arman ] [ a ] n. ([ A ] m. L.), (√ [ kR ] Uṇ. iv, 144), act, action, performance, business RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. (1) office, special duty, occupation, obligation (frequently ifc., the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [ e. g. [ vaNik-k° ] ] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [ e. g. [ rAja-k° ], [ pazu-k° ] ] or a specification of the action [ e. g. [ zaurya-k° ], [ prIti-k° ] ]) ŚBr. Mn. Bhartṛ. &c. (2) any religious act or rite (as sacrifice, oblation &c., esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) RV. AV. VS. Ragh. &c. (3) work, labour, activity (as opposed to rest, [ prazAnti ]) Hit. RPrāt. &c. (4) physicking, medical attendance Car. (5) action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyāya philosophy (6) of these motions there are five, viz. [ ut-kSepaNa ], [ ava-kSepaNa ], [ A-kuJcana ], [ prasAraNa ], and [ gamana ], qq. vv.) Bhāshāp. Tarkas (7) calculation Sūryas (8) product, result, effect Mn. xii, 98 Suśr. (9) organ of sense ŚBr. xiv (or of action, [ karm^endriya ]) (10) (in Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. [ in active construction ], or in the nom. [ in passive construction ], or in the gen. [ in connection with a noun of action ] (11) opposed to [ kartR ] the subject) Pāṇ. 1-4, 49 ff. (it is of four kinds, viz. a. [ nirvartya ], when anything new is produced, e. g. [ kaTaM karoti ], ` he makes a mat ' [ 258,3 ] (12) [ putraM prasUte ], ` she bears a son ' (13) b. [ vikArya ], when change is implied either of the substance and form, e. g. [ kASThaM bhasma karoti ], ` he reduces fuel to ashes ' (14) or of the form only, e. g. [ suvarNaM kuNDalaM karoti ], ` he fashions gold into an ear-ring ' (15) c. [ prApya ], when any desired object is attained, e. g. [ grAmaM gacchati ], ` he goes to the village ' (16) [ candraM pazyati ], ` he sees the moon ' (17) d. [ anIpsita ], when an undesired object is abandoned, e. g. [ pApaM tyajati ], ` he leaves the wicked ') (18) former act as leading to inevitable results, fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) Pañcat. Hit. Buddh., (cf. [ karma-pAka ] and [ -vipAka ]) (19) the tenth lunar mansion VarBṛS. &c.

===> karmatva [ karmatva ]3[ karma-tva ] n. the state or effect of action &c. Car. Sarvad. &c. (1) activity (2) the state of being an object Comm. on TPrāt.

===> karmatā [ karmatA ]3[ karma-tA ] f.

===> karmaṇya [ karmaNya ]2[ karmaNy'a ] mfn. skilful in work, clever, diligent RV. i, 91, 20 ; iii, 4, 9 AV. vi, 23, 2 TS. &c. (1) proper or fit for any act, suitable for a religious action Gaut. &c. (2) (ifc.) relating to any business or to the accomplishment of anything Suśr. (3) ([ A ]), f. wages, hire L. (4) ([ am ]), n. energy, activity W.

===> karmaṇyatā [ karmaNyatA ]3[ karmaNy'a-tA ] f. cleverness (1) activity VarYogay

===> karmika [ karmika ]2[ karmika ] mfn. active, acting, g. [ vrIhy-Adi ] and [ purohit^adi ]

===> karmin [ karmin ]2[ karmin ] mfn. acting, active, busy (1) performing a religious action, engaged in any work or business ĀśvŚr. MBh. BhP. &c. (2) belonging or relating to any act W. (3) ([ I ]), m. performer of an action Sarvad (4) labourer, workman VarBṛS. (5) Butea frondosa Nigh

===> karmânta [ karmAnta ]3[ karm^anta ] m. end or accomplishment of a work Mṛcch. Subh (1) end or conclusion of a sacred action SāmavBr. Karmapr. (2) work, business, action, management, administration (of an office) MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c. (3) tilled or cultivated ground L.

===> karmântara [ karmAntara ]3[ karm^antara ] n. interval between religious actions, suspense of such an action MBh. R. (1) another work or action BhP. x, 9, 1 Nyāyam. &c.

===> karmântika [ karmAntika ]3[ karm^antika ] mfn. completing an act W. (1) m. a labourer, artisan R. (2) [ -loka ] m. labourers Kād

===> karmârambha [ karmArambha ]3[ karm^arambha ] m. commencement of any act W.

===> karmāra [ karmAra ]2[ karm'Ara ] m. an artisan, mechanic, artificer (1) a blacksmith &c. RV. x, 72, 2 AV. iii, 5, 6 VS. Mn. iv, 215 &c. (2) a bamboo L. (3) Averrhoa Carambola L.

===> karoṭa [ karoTa ]1[ karoTa ] m. a basin, cup L. (1) the bones of the head, the skull L.

===> karpara [ karpara ]1[ karpara ] m. a cup, pot, bowl Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (1) the skull, cranium L. (2) the shell of a tortoise (3) a kind of weapon L. (4) Ficus glomerata L. (5) N. of a thief Kathās. lxiv, 43 ff (6) ([ I ]), f. a kind of collyrium L. (7) ([ am ]), n. a pot, potsherd Pañcat

===> karpaṭa [ karpaTa ]1[ karpaTa ] n. ([ as ] m. L.) old or patched or ragged garments, a patch, rag Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (1) N. of a mountain KālP.

===> karpāsa [ karpAsa ]1[ karpAsa ] [ as ], [ I ], [ am ] mf. n. the cotton tree, cotton, Gossypium Herbaceum Suśr. (1) [ cf. Gk. ? ; [ 258,1 ] Lat. [ carbasus ]. ]

===> karpūra [ karpUra ]1[ karpUra ]1 [ as ], [ am ] m. n. (√ [ kRp ] Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 90), camphor (either the plant or resinous exudation or fruit) Suśr. Pañcat. &c. (1) m. N. of several men (2) of a Dvīpa Kathās. lvi, 61 f. (3) ([ A ]), f. a kind of yellowish pigment Bhpr. (4) mf ([ A ]) n. made of camphor Hcat

===> [ karpUra ]2[ karpUra ]2 Nom. P. [ karpUrati ], to be like camphor Dhūrtas. Kuval

===> kartari [ kartari ]2[ kartari ] f. scissors, a knife, or any instrument for cutting Suśr. Hcat

===> kartavya [ kartavya ]2[ k'artavya ] and mfn. (fut. pass. p. of √ 1. [ kR ], q. v.) to be done or made or accomplished &c. TS. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. &c.

===> [ kartavya ]3[ kartavy'a ] mfn. (fut. pass. p. of √ 1. [ kR ], q. v.) to be done or made or accomplished &c. TS. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. &c. (1) ([ am ]), n. that which ought to be done, obligation, duty, task MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. &c.

===> kartu-kāma [ kartukAma ]3[ kartu-kAma ] mfn. desirous or intending to do

===> kartṛ [ kartR ]2[ kart'R ] mfn. one who makes or does or acts or effects, a doer, maker, agent, author (with gen. or acc. or ifc., cf. [ bhaya-kartR ], &c.) RV. AV. &c. MBh. Mn. &c. (1) doing any particular action or business, applying one's self to any occupation (the business or occupation preceding in the compound, cf. [ suvarNa-kartR ], [ rAjya-k° ], &c.) (2) one who acts in a religious ceremony, a priest ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (3) ([ tA ]), m. the creator of the world ŚBr. xiv Yājñ. iii, 69 (4) N. of Viṣṇu Pañcat (5) of Brahman L. (6) of Śiva L. (7) (in Gr.) the agent of an action (who acts of his own accord [ [ sva-tantra ] ]), the active noun, the subject of a sentence (it stands either in the nom. [ in active construction ], or in the instr. [ in passive construction ], or in the gen. [ in connection with a noun of action ] (8) it is opposed to [ karman ], the object) Pāṇ. &c. (9) one who is about to do, one who will do (used as periphr. fut.) MBh.

===> [ kartR ]3[ kartR ] m. one who acts badly or basely cf. MBh. (v. l. [ vi-k° ])

===> kartṛ-bhūta [ kartRbhUta ]3[ kart'R-bhUta ] mfn. that which has become or is the agent of an action Kāś

===> kartṛka [ kartRka ]2[ kartRka ] mfn. ifc. = [ kart'R ]

===> kartṛtva [ kartRtva ]3[ kart'R-tva ] n. id. Kāś (1) the state of being the performer or author of anything MBh. BhP. &c.

===> karuṇa [ karuNa ]1[ kar'uNa ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 1. [ kRR ] Uṇ. iii, 53 (1) but in some of its meanings fr. √ 1. [ kR ]), mournful, miserable, lamenting MBh. Daś. &c. (2) compassionate BhP. [ 255,3 ] (3) ([ am ]), ind. mournfully, wofully, pitifully, in distress MBh. Pañcat. Vet. &c. (4) m. ` causing pity or compassion ', one of the Rasas or sentiments of a poem, the pathetic sentiment Sāh. &c. (5) Citrus Decumana L. (6) a Buddha L. (7) N. of an Asura Hariv. (8) ([ A ]), f. pity, compassion BhP. Ragh. Pañcat. &c. (9) one of the four Brahma-vihāras (Buddh.) (10) the sentiment of compassion (cf. above) L. (11) a particular tone (in mus.) (12) ([ I ]), f. a particular plant L. (13) ([ am ]), n. an action, holy work RV. i, 100, 7 AV. xii, 3, 47 TS. i

===> karuṇâtman [ karuNAtman ]3[ karuN^atman ] mfn. miserable, mournful Bālar

===> karvaṭa [ karvaTa ]1[ karvaTa ] ([ as ] m. L.), n. declivity of a mountain L. (1) a village, market-town, the capital of a district (of two or four hundred villages W. (2) cf. [ kAvaTa ]) Yājñ. ii, 167 Hcat. &c. (3) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1098 VarBṛS. (4) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river R.

===> karvaṭaka [ karvaTaka ]2[ karvaTaka ] n. (?) declivity of a mountain L.

===> karāla [ karAla ]1[ karAla ] mfn. opening wide, cleaving asunder, gaping (as a wound) Mṛcch. Pañcat. R. &c. (1) having a gaping mouth and projecting teeth BhP. R. Prab (2) formidable, dreadful, terrible MBh. R. Suśr. (3) m. a species of animal, musk-deer Suśr. Nigh (4) a mixture of oil and the resin of Shorea Robusta L. (5) N. of a region Rājat (6) of an Asura (7) of a Rakshas (8) of a Deva-gandharva (9) ([ A ]), f. Hemidesmus Indicus L. (10) N. of Durgā Mālatīm (11) of a procuress Hit. (12) ([ I ]), f. one of the seven tongues and nine Samidhs of Agni MuṇḍUp. Gṛhyās (13) a sword (14) ([ am ]), n. a sort of basil Car. (15) a kind of Ocimum L.

===> karāla-mukha [ karAlamukha ]3[ karAla-mukha ] mfn. having a terrible mouth Pañcat

===> karṇa [ karNa ]1[ k'arNa ] m. (√ [ kRt ] Nir (1) √ 1. [ kRR ] Uṇ. iii, 10), the ear RV. AV. TS. Suśr. ([ 'api k'arNe ], behind the ear or back, from behind RV. [ cf. [ apikarN'a ] ] (2) [ karNe ], [ in dram. ] into the ear, in a low voice, aside Mṛcch. Mālav (3) [ karNaM ] √ [ dA ], to give ear to, listen to Śak. Mṛcch (4) [ karNam A-√ gam ], to come to one's ear, become known to Ragh. i, 9) (5) the handle or ear of a vessel RV. viii, 72, 12 ŚBr. ix KātyŚr. &c. (6) the helm or rudder of a ship R. (7) (in geom.) the hypothenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon Hcat. &c. (8) the diameter of a circle, Sūryas (9) (in prosody) a spondee (10) Cassia Fistula L. (11) Calotropis Gigantea L. (12) N. of a king of Aṅga (and elder brother by the mother's side of the Pāṇḍu princes, being the son of the god Sūrya by Pṛthā or Kuntī, before her marriage with Pāṇḍu (13) afraid of the censure of her relatives, Kuntī deserted the child and exposed it in the river, where it was found by a charioteer named Adhi-ratha and nurtured by his wife Rādhā [ 256,3 ] (14) hence Karṇa is sometimes called Sūta-putra or Sūta-ja, sometimes Rādheya, though named by his foster-parents Vasu-sheṇa) MBh. BhP. &c. (15) N. of several other men (16) (mfn. [ karN'a ]), eared, furnished with ears or long ears AV. v, 13, 9 VS. TS. (17) furnished with chaff (as grain) TS. i, 8, 9, 3

===> karṇa-dhāra [ karNadhAra ]3[ k'arNa-dhAra ] m. a helmsman, pilot Suśr. BhP. &c. (1) a sailor, seaman Kathās. xviii, 300 (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ (3) [ -tA ] f. the office of a helmsman Kathās. xxvi, 8

===> karṇa-mala [ karNamala ]3[ k'arNa-mala ] n. the excretion or wax of the ear L.