===> dardru [ dardru ]3[ dardru ] m. N. of a bird cf. Car. i, 27 (1) [ dadr° ]

===> daridra [ daridra ]1[ d'aridra ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ drA ], Intens. cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 114 cf. Vārtt. 2) roving, strolling cf. TS. iii, 1, 1, 2 ([ °r'idra ]) cf. VS. xvi, 47 cf. ŚBr. i, 6, 1, 18 cf. TāṇḍyaBr. (1) poor, needy, deprived of (instr. cf. Kathās. lxxiii (2) in comp., lxiv cf. Bhartṛ. iv, 11), (m.) a beggar cf. Mn. ix, 230 cf. R. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Kathās. xc, 26) (3) cf. [ mahA- ]. =

===> daridratā [ daridratA ]3[ d'aridra-tA ] f. indigence, penury, state of being deprived of (in comp.) cf. Pañcat. ii cf. Mṛcch. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Naish. &c.

===> darpa [ darpa ]1[ darpa ] m. (√ 2. [ dRp ]) pride, arrogance, haughtiness, insolence, conceit cf. Mn. viii cf. MBh. &c. (pl. cf. Sāntiś. iv, 22) (1) Pride (son of A-dharma and Śrī cf. MBh. xii, 3388 cf. MārkP. l, 25 (2) of Dharma cf. VP. i, 7, 26 cf. BhP. iv, 1, 51 (3) musk cf. Hcat. i, 7, 1311 (4) cf. [ ati- ], [ sa- ],

===> darpaṇa [ darpaNa ]2[ darpaNa ] m. (g. [ nandy-Adi ]) ` causing vanity ', a mirror cf. Hariv. 8317 cf. R. ii cf. Śak. &c. (1) ifc. ` Mirror ' (in names of works), e. g. [ AtaGka- ], [ dAna- ], [ sAhitya- ] (2) = [ dAna- ] cf. Smṛtit. iv (3) N. of a measure (in music) (4) of a mountain (seat of Kubera), KāIP. (5) of Siva cf. MBh. xiii, 1194 (6) n. the eye cf. L. (7) repetition cf. VarBṛS. iii, 11 cf. Sch. (8) kindling cf. W. (9) Nom. P. [ °Nati ], to represent a mirror

===> darpita [ darpita ]2[ darpita ] mfn. made proud cf. Mn. viii cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. (1) proud (horses, frogs) cf. MBh. iii cf. Suśr. cf. Bhartṛ

===> darva [ darva ]2[ darva ] m. = [ °vi ], a ladle (cf. [ pUrNa-darv'a ]) cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 15, 19 (1) the hood of a snake cf. Uṇ. cf. Sch. (2) a Rakshas cf. ib. (3) a mischievous man, rapacious animal cf. Uṇ. vṛ. (4) [ °vi ] (5) pl. N. of a people (cf. [ dArva ]) cf. MBh. ii, 1869 ; vi, 362 ; xiii, 2158 (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of a daughter of Uśīnara cf. Hariv. 1675ff. cf. VāyuP. ii, 37, 19

===> darvi [ darvi ]2[ d'arvi ] f. ` wooden (cf. [ dr'u ]) ', a ladle cf. RV. v, x cf. AV. (voc. [ °ve ], iii, 10, 7 (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 109 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat.) (2) the hood of a snake (cf. [ vi-darvya ]) cf. AV. x, 4, 13 (3) m. N. of a son of Uśīnara cf. VP. iv, 18, 1 (v. l. [ °va ])

===> darvika [ darvika ]2[ darvika ] m. a ladle cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. L. (2) [ darv° ]

===> darvī [ darvI ]2[ d'arvI ] f. = [ °vi ], a ladle cf. VS. ii, 49 (voc. [ °vi ] (1) cf. Pliṇ. vii, 3, 109, Yārtt. 2) cf. Kauś. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. PārGṛ. cf. Gobh. cf. MBh. &c. (2) the hood of a snake cf. L. (3) N. of a country, vi, 362

===> darī [ darI ]2[ darI ] f. of [ °ra ]

===> darśa [ darza ]1[ darz'a ] mfn. (√ [ dris ]) ifc. ` looking at, viewing ', [ avasAna- ], [ Adinava- ], and [ vadhU-darz'a ], [ tattva- ]

---> ` showing ', [ Atma- ] (1) m. ` appearance ', [ c'adir-darz'a ], [ dur- ], [ prity- ] (2) (g. [ pac^adi ]) the moon when just become visible, day of new moon, halfmonthly sacrifice performed on that day cf. AV. (3) (parox.) cf. TS. cf. TBr. & cf. ŚBr. ix cf. Kauś. cf. ĀśvGṛ. &c. (n. cf. MBh. iii, 14206) (4) (Day of) New Moon (son of Dhātṛ cf. BhP. vi, 18, 3 (5) of Kṛshṇa, x, 61, 14 (6) N. of a Sādhya cf. VāyuP. ii, 5, 6) (7) du. = [ pUrNamAs'a ] cf. TS. cf. Sch.

===> darśaka [ darzaka ]2[ darzaka ] mfn. seeing (with gen.) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 cf. Kāś (1) looking at (acc.) cf. MBh. xiii, 5097 (2) ifc. looking for, i, 5559 (3) ` examining ', [ akSa- ] (4) showing, pointing out (with gen. cf. Kum. vi, 52 cf. Hit. Introd. 10 (5) ifc. cf. Mṛcch. iv, 20 cf. BhP. i, 13, 38 cf. Rājat. i (6) with [ lohitasya ], making blood appear by striking any one) cf. Mn. viii, 284 (7) m. a door-keeper cf. L. (8) a skilful man cf. W. (9) N. of a prince cf. VāyuP. ii, 37, 312 (10) pl. N. of a people cf. MBh. vi, 361

===> darśana [ darzana ]2[ d'arzana ] mf ([ I ]) n. showing. cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 6 (1) ifc. seeing, looking at ([ tulya- ], [ deva- ], [ sama- ].) cf. Ragh. xi, 93 (2) ` knowing, [ dharma- ] (3) exhibiting, teaching cf. MBh. i, 583 cf. BhP. v, 4, 11 (4) n. seeing, observing, looking, noticing, observation, perception cf. RV. i, 116, 23 cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. v, 5 cf. MBh. &c. [ 471,1 ] (5) ocular perception cf. Suśr. iv, 27 (6) the eye-sight, vi, 17 (7) inspection, examination cf. Yājñ. 1, 328 cf. Hariv. 5460 (8) visiting cf. Yājñ. i, 84 cf. Kathās. iii, 8 (9) audience, meeting (with gen. cf. Cāṇ (10) instr. with or without [ saha ] cf. Vet (11) in comp. cf. Ragh. xii, 60 cf. Śak. v, 5/6 ; vii, 25/26 cf. Rājat. vi, 43 (12) experiencing cf. BhP. i, 8, 25 (13) foreseeing cf. Ragh. viii, 71 (14) contemplating cf. Mn. viii, 9 and 23 (15) apprehension, judgment cf. Śak. iii, 6/7 discernment, understanding, intellect cf. Mn. vi, 74 cf. Yājñ. i, 8 cf. Bhag. &c. (16) opinion cf. Mālav. v, 13/14 cf. Kām. ii, 6 (17) intention (cf. [ pApa- ]) cf. R. i, 58, 18 (18) view, doctrine, philosophical system (6 in number, viz. [ Pūrva- ] Mīmāṃsā by cf. Jaim. cf. Uttara-Mīmāṃsā by cf. Bādar (19) Nyāya by Gotama cf. Vaiśeshika by Kaṇ^ada Sāṃkhya by cf. Kap (20) Yoga by cf. Pat.) cf. MBh. xii, 11045 f. cf. BhP. &c. (21) the eye cf. Suśr. v, 8 cf. Śak. iv, 6 cf. Prab. iii, 10 (22) the becoming visible or known, presence cf. ĀśvGṛ. iii, 7 cf. Mn. ii, 101 (23) iv cf. Yājñ. i, 131 ; ii, 170 cf. MBh. &c. (24) appearance (before the judge) cf. Mn. viii, 158 cf. Yājñ. ii, 53 cf. Kām (25) the being mentioned (in any authoritative text) cf. Kāty. Śr. i, xxvi cf. Lāṭy. vi, ix cf. Bādar. i, s, 25 cf. MBh. xiv, 2700 (26) a vision, dream cf. Hariv. 1285 cf. Hit. iii, 0/1 (27) ifc. appearance, aspect, semblance cf. Mn. ii, 47 cf. MBh. (cf. Nal. ii, 3 ; xii, 18 and 44) cf. R. cf. Ragh. iii, 57 (28) colour cf. L. (29) showing (cf. [ danta- ]) cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 26 cf. Dhūrtas. i, 35/11 a mirror cf. L. (30) a sacrifice cf. L. (31) = [ dharma ] cf. L. (32) ([ I ]), f. Durgā cf. Hariv. 10238 (33) N. of an insect cf. Npr. (34) cf. [ a- ], [ su- ]

===> darśana-bhūmi [ darzanabhUmi ]3[ d'arzana-bhUmi ] f. ` range of perception ', N. of a period in a monk's life cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> darśana-patha [ darzanapatha ]3[ d'arzana-patha ] m. id. cf. Pañcat. i, 5, and ; 3/4 cf. Prab. ii, 4/5 iv, 26/27 cf. [ a- ]

===> darśanârtha [ darzanArtha ]3[ darzan^artha ] mfn. intending to see any one cf. Āp. (1) ([ am ]), ind. to visit cf. Kād

===> darśanīya [ darzanIya ]2[ darz7an'Iya ] mfn. visible cf. R. i, v (1) worthy of being seen, good-looking, beautiful cf. TS. ii, 7, 9 cf. ŚBr. xiii
cf. Sh'avBr. cf. ChUp. cf. SāṅkhGṛ. cf. MBh. &c. (superl. [ -tama ], ii cf. R. iii cf. BhP. iv) (2) to be shown cf. Kathās. lxxi, 20 (3) to be made to appear (before the judge) cf. Mn. viii, 158 cf. Kull (4) m. Asclepias gigantea cf. Npr. (5) cf. [ a- ]

===> darśanīyā [ darzanIyA ]2[ darzanIyA ] f. of [ °ya ]

===> darśayitṛ [ darzayitR ]2[ darzayitR ] mfn. showing, a shower, guide cf. MBh. vi, 129 cf. Ragh. iii, 46 (1) a door-keeper cf. L. cf. Sch.

===> darśin [ darzin ]2[ darzin ] mfn. ifc. seeing, looking at, observing, examining, finding cf. MBh. viii, 1757 cf. R. &c. (1) knowing, understanding, (G) ii, 64, 3 cf. Śak. i, 16/17 cf. Ragh. xiv, 71 cf. Kum. ii, 13 cf. Hit. i (2) receiving cf. Mṛcch. ii, 7 (3) experiencing cf. R. iii, 65, 11 (4) composer (of a hymn, [ sUta- ]) (5) looking, appearing, iv, 40, 48 (6) showing, exhibiting, teaching cf. MBh. cf. Śak. iv, 21/22 cf. Kathās. lvi, 203 (7) inflicting (cf. [ pApa- ]) cf. R. ii, 75, 2 cf. Hariv.

===> darśita [ darzita ]2[ darzita ] mfn. shown, displayed, exposed to view cf. R. i cf. Megh. &c. (1) explained cf. Hariv. 7289 &c.

===> dasyu [ dasyu ]1[ d'asyu ] m. (√ [ das ]) enemy of the gods (e. g. [ z'ambara ], [ z'uSNa ], [ c'umuri ], [ dh'uni ] (1) all conquered by Indra, Agni, &c.), impious man (called [ a-zraddh'a ], [ a-yajJ'a ], [ 'a-yajyu ], [ 'a-pRnat ], [ a-vrat'a ], [ any4-vrata ], [ a-karm'an ]), barbarian (called [ a-n'As ], or [ an-'As ] ` ugly-faced ', [ 'adhara ], inferior ', [ 'a-mAnuSa ], inhuman '), robber (called [ dhan'in ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (2) any outcast or Hindū who has become so by neglect of the essential rites cf. Mn. (3) not accepted as a witness, viii, 66 (4) cf. [ tras'o- ] ([ d'asyave v'Rka ] m. ` wolf to the Dasyu ', N. of a man cf. RV. viii, 51 ; 55 f. (5) [ d'asyavc s'ahas ] n. violence to the Dasyu (N. of Turvīti), i, 36, 18)

===> datta [ datta ]1[ datta ]1 mfn. (√ [ de ]) protected cf. L. (1) honoured cf. L.

===> [ datta ]1[ datt'a ]2 mfn. (√ 1. [ dA ]) given, granted, presented cf. RV. i f. viii, x cf. AV. &c. (1) placed, extended cf. W. (2) (with [ puttra ]) = [ °ttrima ] cf. MBh. xiii, 2616

---> m. a short form [ cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 cf. Kār. cf. Pat. ] of names so terminating ([ yajJa- ], [ deva- ], [ jaya ] &c.) which chiefly are given to Vaiśya men, vi, 2, 148 ; v, 3, 78 ff. cf. Kāś. cf. Mn. ii, 32 cf. Kull. cf. Sāh. vi, 141 [ 467,3 ] (3) (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 205 cf. Kāś.) N. of an ascetic cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 1 5, 3 (snake-priest) cf. MBh. xii, 10875 cf. BhP. iv, 19, 6 (4) = [ °tt^atreya ], 1, 15 ; vi, 15, 14 (5) N. of a son of Rāj^adhideya Sūra cf. Hariv. 2033 (6) of a sage in the 2nd Manv-antara, 417 (7) of the 7th Vāsudeva cf. Jain. cf. L. (8) of the 8th Tirtha-kara of the past Utsarpiṇi cf. ib. (9) n. a gift, donation cf. ChUp. v cf. BhP. i, 5, 22 (10) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Pat. cf. Kāś. ([ dAtteya ]) (11) (names so terminating given to [ vezyAs ] cf. Sāh. vi, 14I) (12) cf. [ 'a- ]

===> datta-vara [ dattavara ]3[ datt'a-vara ] mfn. presented with the choice of a boon cf. Hariv. cf. R. i, 1, 22 (1) granted as a boon, vi, 19, 61

===> dattaka [ dattaka ]2[ dattaka ] mfn. (with [ putra ]) = [ °ttrima ], Pravar cf. Yājñ. ii, 130 cf. Mn. ix, 141 cf. Kull (1) m. a form of names terminating in [ -datta ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 83, cf. Kār. cf. Pat. (2) N. of an author cf. Vātsyāy. Introd. and ii, 10, 44 (3) of Māgha's father cf. Śiś. (colophon)

===> dattvâdāna [ dattvAdAna ]3[ dattv'A-dAna ] ([ dattv^adAna ]) n. resumption of a gift cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> dattvā [ dattvA ]2[ dattv'A ] ind. p. √ [ da ] q. v. (1) cf. [ 'A- ]

===> dattā [ dattA ]2[ dattA ] f. of [ °tt4 ]

===> daurbalya [ daurbalya ]3[ daur-balya ] n. weakness, impotence cf. MBh. &c.

===> daurgandha [ daurgandha ]3[ daur-gandha ] (cf. Divyâv.) and m.

===> daurgandhya [ daurgandhya ]3[ daur-gandhya ] (cf. MBh.), n. bad smell, fetor

===> daurmanasya [ daurmanasya ]3[ daur-manasya ] n. dejectedness, melancholy, despair cf. Var. cf. Pañc. &c.

===> daurvacasya [ daurvacasya ]3[ daur-vacasya ] n. evil speech cf. L.

===> daurvarṇika [ daurvarNika ]3[ daur-varNika ] n. bad mark cf. Divyāv

===> dautya [ dautya ]1[ dautya ] n. (fr. [ dUta ]) the state or function of a messenger, message, mission cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. ([ °yaka ] n. cf. BhP.)

===> dauvārika [ dauvArika ]1[ dauvArika ] m. (fr. [ dvAr ], or [ dvAra ]) door-keeper, warder, porter cf. Śak. cf. Pañc. cf. Rājat. ([ °kI ] f. cf. Ragh. vi, 59) (1) a kind of demon or genius cf. Var. cf. Hcat

===> dauḥśilya [ dauHzilya ]3[ dauH-zilya ] n. bad character or disposition, wickedness cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> davīyas [ davIyas ]3[ d'avIyas ] mfn. (compar. cf. Pāṇ.) very long (way) cf. Bhartṛ. i, 68 (1) very distant cf. Rājat. iv, 369 cf. Kathās. xvi, xxv (2) [ dUr'ad d° ], ` farther than far ', very distant, lx, 172 (3) cxxiii, 14 (4) ind. farther away cf. AV. x, 8, 8 (5) farther cf. ŚBr. iii, 6, 2, 3 (6) [ dUr'Ad d'av ] farthest away cf. RV. vi, 47, 29 cf. Kathās. lxv, 21 [ 471,3 ] (7) [ d'avIyasi p'aras ], in a more remote time cf. ŚBr. x, 4, 2, 26

===> dayitā [ dayitA ]2[ dayitA ] f. of [ °ta ]

===> dayânvita [ dayAnvita ]3[ day'A-nvita ] ([ °y^an° ]), mfn. full of pity

===> dayā [ dayA ]2[ day'A ] f. sympathy, compassion, pity for (loc. cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Bhartṛ. &c. [ 470,1 ] ; gen. cf. R. cf. Hariv. 8486 ; in comp. cf. MBh. xiv cf. Hit. i, 6, 41) cf. ŚBr. xiv &c. ([ °yAM ] √ [ kR ], ` to fake pity on ' [ loc. cf. MBh. cf. Hit. i, 2, 7 ; gen. cf. Vop. ]) (1) Pity (daughter of Daksha and mother of A-bhaya cf. BhP. iv, 1, 49 f.) cf. Hariv. 14035 ; cf. [ a-day'a ] ; [ nir- ], and [ sadaya ]

===> dayāvat [ dayAvat ]3[ day'A-vat ] mfn. pitiful, taking pity on (gen. cf. MBh. xiii ; loc., ii cf. R. ii) (1) ([ ti ]), f. N. of a Sruti (in music)

===> daśa [ daza ]1[ daza ]1 ifc. for [ °zA ] ([ ajpa- ], [ udag- ] &c.)

===> [ daza ]1[ daza ]2 ifc. ([ tri- ], [ dvi- ], [ nir- ]) and in comp. for [ °zan ] ([ as ]), f. pl. ` Decads ', N. of 10 Jain texts ([ up^asaka- ]. &c.) consisting of 10 chs. each

===> daśa-bala [ dazabala ]3[ daza-bala ] m. ` possessing 10 powers, N. of a Buddha cf. L. (1) [ -kAzyapa ] m. N. of one of the first 5 pupils of Śākya-muni (2) [ -balin ] mfn. possessing the 10 powers cf. Divyâv. viii, 81 ; ix, 17

===> daśa-bhūmi [ dazabhUmi ]3[ daza-bhUmi ] N. of a cf. Buddh. Sūtra (1) [ -ga ] m. ` traversing the 10 stages ', a Buddha cf. L. (2) [ m^iza ] m. id. cf. L. (3) [ °m^itvara ] m. = [ °mi ]

===> daśa-bhūmika [ dazabhUmika ]3[ daza-bhUmika ] = [ °mi ] cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> daśa-diś [ dazadiz ]3[ daza-diz ] f. sg. the 10 regions (including that overhead and underneath) cf. Vet. i, 25/26 cf. Pañcad (1) [ °dig-yavalokana ] m. N. of a Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ. xvii, 8

===> daśa-grīva [ dazagrIva ]3[ daza-grIva ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 114 cf. Kāś.) = [ -kaNTha ] cf. MBh. iii, 15895 cf. R. i, 16, 18 (1) iii cf. BhP. (2) N. of a demon cf. MBh. ii, 367 cf. Hariv. (3) of a son of Damaghosha, 6601 (4) of an enemy of Vṛsha, GarP.

===> daśa-pura [ dazapura ]3[ daza-pura ] n. a kind of Cyperus rotundus (also [ -pUra ] cf. Sch.) cf. L. [ 472,1 ] (1) ` Decapolis ', the modern Man-dasor (in Malwa) cf. Megh. 47 cf. VarBṛS. xiv, 13 cf. HPariś. xiif (2) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. Kād

===> daśa-ratha [ dazaratha ]3[ daza-ratha ] ([ d'az° ]), mfn. having 10 chariots cf. RV. i, 126, 4 (1) m. N. of Rāma's father (descendant of Ikshvāku, sovereign of Ayodhyā) cf. R. i ; ii, 63 f. (death of Durgā) cf. Jātakam. 461 cf. Hariv. 821 f. cf. Ragh. viii, 29 ([ -pUrva-ratha ]) cf. BhP. ix, 10, 1 cf. VP. iv, 4, 40 and l 8, 3 (2) N. of an ancestor of Rāma's father, 4, 38 (3) of a son of Nava-ratha, 12, 16 cf. BhP. ix, 24, 4 cf. Hariv. 1993 (4) of Roma- or Loma-pāda, 1696 cf. VP. iv, 18, 3 (5) of a son of Su-yaśas, 24, 8 ([ dAz° ] v. l.) and cf. Inscr. (in Prākṛt [ dasalatha ]) (6) n. the body cf. Npr. (7) [ -tattva ] n. N. of wk. (8) [ -yajJ^aramha ] m. N. of cf. PadmaP. iv, 14 (9) [ -lalitA-vrata ] n. N. of an observance, Vratapr. iv (10) [ -vijaya ] m. N. of cf. PadmaP. Iv, 12

===> daśa-rātra [ dazarAtra ]3[ daza-rAtr'a ] mfn. lasting 10 days cf. ŚBr. xiii cf. KātyŚr. xxi (1) m. a 10 days' ceremony cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. KātyŚr. xxiii cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (2) N. of a 10 days' ceremony (forming the chief part of the Dvādaś^aha) cf. ŚBr. xii cf. KātyŚr. (3) 10 days, xxv
cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Kauś. cf. Gobh. cf. Mn. cf. R. (n., iii, 2, 12) cf. MārkP. (4) [ -parvan ] n. N. of a Sāman

===> daśa-varga [ dazavarga ]3[ daza-varga ] m. a collection of 10 cf. KātyŚr. xxii (1) mfn. forming a collection of 10 cf. Divyâv. i, 325

===> daśa-varṣa [ dazavarSa ]3[ daza-varSa ] mfn. 10 years old cf. Āp. cf. Mn. ii, 135

===> daśa-vidha [ dazavidha ]3[ daza-vidha ] mfn. of 10 kinds, tenfold cf. Jain. cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. BhP. iii (1) [ -snAna-mantra ] m. pl. N. of particular hymns cf. ĀśvMantraS.

===> daśa-śata [ dazazata ]3[ daza-zat'a ] mfn. numbering 10 hundred cf. AV. v, 18, 10 (1) n. 110 cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xi cf. Lāṭy. ix (2) 1000 cf. MBh. iii, xiii cf. Padyas (3) ([ I ]), f. 1000 cf. Naish. v, 19 cf. Rājat. vi, 38 (4) [ -karadhArin ] mfn. thousand-rayed (the moon) cf. Hit. i, 2, 16 (5) [ -tama ] mfn. the 110th (ch. of cf. R. [ G ] ii and vi) (6) [ -nayana ] m. ` thousand-eyed ', Indra cf. Lalit. xv, 162 and 202 (7) [ -razmi ] m. ` thousand-rayed ', the sun cf. L. cf. Sch. (8) [ °t^akska ] mfn. thousand-eyed (Indra) cf. MBh. vii, xiii cf. Daś. xi, 121 (9) [ °t^aGghri ] m. ` thousandfooted ', Asparagus racemosus cf. Npr. (10) [ °t^ara ] n. Viṣṇu's thousand-fellied disc cf. BhP. iii, 28, 27

===> daśadhā [ dazadhA ]3[ daza-dh'A ] ind. in 10 parts, -tenfold cf. TBr. cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Mn. &c.

===> daśaka [ dazaka ]2[ dazaka ] mfn. consisting of 10, having 10 parts cf. RPrāt. cf. Mn. cf. Chandas. cf. Kāś. cf. Kām (1) (with [ zata ]) 10 per cent. cf. Yājñ. ii (2) m. one in a decad of chs. (of the Sāma-tantra) (3) n. a decad cf. Sāntiś. iv, 7 cf. Kathās. cii, 108 cf. KātyŚr. xvii, 6, 3 cf. Sch.

===> daśama [ dazama ]2[ dazam'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 10th cf. RV. i (with [ yug'a ] = [ °m'I ] 158, 6) (1) x cf. AV. v (2) xiii cf. VS. &c. (3) n. with [ 'ahan ], the last day of the day of the Daśa-rātra ceremony cf. TBr. ii cf. ŚBr. xii cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. (4) (without [ ahan ]) cf. Lāṭy (5) (proparox. cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 49) a 10th part cf. Mn. viii f. (6) ([ 'am ]), ind. for the 10th time cf. RV. viii, 24, 23 cf. TBr. ii (7) ([ I ]), f. the 10th stage of human life (age from 91 to 100 years) cf. AV. iii, 4 cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. ii (8) (scil. [ tithi ]) the 10th day of the half moon, iii, 276 cf. MBh. &c. (9) the 10th day after birth cf. Pat. Introd. 73 ; [ cf. Lat. [ decimus ]. ]

===> daśana [ dazana ]1[ dazana ] (√ [ daMz ]) m. (n. cf. L. cf. Sch.) a tooth cf. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] iii, 10 cf. MBh. xii cf. Megh. &c.) (1) a bite cf. Vātsyāy. i, 1, 2 m. a peak cf. L. (2) n. (= [ daMz° ]) armour cf. L.

===> daśâha [ dazAha ]3[ daz^aha ] m. 10 days cf. ŚBr. xiii cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Mn. cf. R. (1) a ceremony lasting 10 days cf. KātyŚr. xxiii cf. Lāṭy. x, 10

===> daśârdha [ dazArdha ]3[ daz^ardha ] mfn. pl. ` half of ten ', five cf. Mn. i, 2 cf. MBh. i (1) [ -tA ] f. (= [ paJca-tva ]) dissolution of the body into the 5 elements, iii, 209, 26 (2) [ -bANa ] m. ` five-arrowed ', Kāma cf. Naish. viii, 73 [ 472,3 ] (3) [ -vayas ] mfn. 5 years old cf. BhP. v, 15, 30

===> daśā [ dazA ]1[ dazA ] f. (√ [ daMz ]?) the fringe of a garment, loose ends of any piece of cloth, skirt or hem cf. KātyŚr. iv, 1, 17 ([ UrNA ]) cf. Lāṭy. viii, 6, 22 cf. Kauś. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 12, 5 cf. Mn. &c. (1) a wick cf. Gobh. iv, 2, 32 ([ kSauma- ]) cf. Kum. iv, 30 cf. Bhartṛ. iii, i (2) state or condition of life, period of life (youth, manhood, &c.), condition, circumstances cf. R. cf. Pañcat. cf. Megh. &c. (3) the fate of men as depending on the position of the planets, aspect or position of the planets (at birth &c.) cf. VarBṛS. cf. VarBṛ. cf. Laghuj (4) the mind cf. L. (5) cf. [ vastra- ] (6) i. [ daza ]

===> daṃśa [ daMza ]2[ daMza ] mfn. ` biting ', [ mRga- ] (1) m. a bite, sting, the spot bitten (by a snake &c.) cf. Suśr. cf. Mālav. iv, 4 & 4/5, 3 cf. Gīt. x, 11 cf. Kathās. lx, 131 (2) snake-bite cf. W. (3) pungency cf. W. (4) a flaw (in a jewel) cf. L. (5) a tooth cf. L. (6) a stinging insect, gnat, gad-fly cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. xii, 62 cf. Yājñ. iii, 215 cf. MBh. &c. (7) N. of an Asura, xii, 93 (8) armour, mail cf. BhP. i, iii (9) a joint of the body cf. L. (10) ([ I ]), f. a small gad-fly cf. L. (11) cf. [ kSamA- ], [ vRSa- ]

===> daṃśa-maśaka [ daMzamazaka ]3[ daMza-mazaka ] n. sg. gad-flies and gnats cf. Mn. i, 40 and 45 (1) (in comp.) cf. Jain. and cf. Pañcat. iii, 2, 9

===> daṃṣṭra [ daMSTra ]2[ d'aMSTra ] m. a large tooth, tusk, fang cf. RV. ii, 13, 4 ; x, 87, 3 cf. AV. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ aj^adi ] & cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 182) id. cf. Śikṣ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) cf. [ 'ayo- ], [ aSTa- ], [ aSTA- ], [ c'atur- ], [ tIkSNa- ], [ bhagna- ], [ raudra- ], [ su- ]

===> daṃṣṭrā [ daMSTrA ]2[ daMSTrA ] f. of [ °ra ]

===> daṃṣṭrā-karāla [ daMSTrAkarAla ]3[ daMSTrA-karAla ] mfn. having terrible tusks, i, 5929 (1) [ -vat ] mfn. id. cf. R. (B.) iv, 22, 29

===> daṃṣṭrā-sena [ daMSTrAsena ]3[ daMSTrA-sena ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. scholar cf. Buddh. cf. L. [ 465,1 ]

===> daṇḍa [ daNDa ]1[ daND'a ] (= ? -v, hence cognate with [ da'aru ] and √ [ dRR ]) m. (n. [ cf. [ ikSu- ] ], g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club cf. RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread cf. ŚBr. &c. (1) ` penis [ with [ vaitas'a ] ] ', xi, 5, 1, 1 (2) ` trunk ', [ zuNDA- ] (3) ` arm ' or ` leg ', [ dor- ], [ bAhu- ] (4) ` tusk ', [ daMSTrA- ]) (5) = [ °Dak^asana ] cf. BṛNārP. xxxi, 115 (n.) (6) a stalk, stem (of a tree (7) cf. [ ikSu- ], [ ud- ], [ khara- ]) cf. MBh. ii, 2390 (8) the staff of a banner, 2079 ; iv, xiv (9) the handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol &c.) cf. AitBr. cf. ŚBr. &c. (10) the steam of a plough cf. L. (11) ` a mast ', [ mahAdaNDa-dhara ] (12) the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. xvii (13) the stick with which a lute is played cf. L. (14) a churning-stick (cf. [ °D^ahata ]) cf. L. (15) a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) cf. VarBṛS. xxiv, 9 cf. MārkP. il (16) N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kalās) cf. BrahmaP. ii cf. VarP. cf. BhavP. (17) N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky (` N. of a planet ' (cf. L. ; cf. [ -bhAsa ]) cf. VarBṛS. (18) N. of a constellation, xx, 2 cf. VarBṛ. cf. Laghuj (19) a form of military array (cf. [ -vyuha ]) cf. L. (20) a line (cf. [ -pAta ]) (21) a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. [ nyasta- ]), application of power, violence cf. Mn. vii f. cf. MBh. (22) power over (gen. or in comp.), control, restraint (cf. [ vAg- ], [ mano- ], [ kAya- ] [ [ karma- ] cf. MārkP. xli, 22 ] (23) [ tri-daNDin ]) cf. Subh (24) embodied power, army ([ koza- ], du. ` treasure and army ' cf. Mn. ix, 294 cf. MBh. cf. Kir. ii, 12) cf. Mn. vii cf. Ragh. xvii, 62 (25) the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal (26) chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine) cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 1 cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ gupt'a ] & [ gUDha- ]) [ 466,3 ] (27) pride cf. L. (28) m. a horse cf. L. (29) Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriyā cf. VP. i, 7, 27 cf. MārkP. l) (30) Yama cf. L. (31) Śiva cf. MBh. xii, 10361 (32) N. of an attendant of the Sun, iii, 198 (33) (g. [ ziv^adi ] and [ zaunak^adi ]) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara cf. MaitrS. iii, 8, 7 cf. TS. vi, 2, 9, 4 (34) of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of [ -dhara ], identified with the Asura Krodha-hantṛ) cf. MBh. if., viii (35) of a Rakshas cf. R. vii, 5, 39 (36) [ °oDaka ] (37) ([ A ]), f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides, Npr.

===> daṇḍa-bhāsa [ daNDabhAsa ]3[ daND'a-bhAsa ] m. N. of an appearance in the sky cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> daṇḍa-cchadana [ daNDacchadana ]3[ daND'a-cchadana ] n. a room for utensils cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> daṇḍa-karman [ daNDakarman ]3[ daND'a-karman ] n. punishment cf. Yājñ. ii, 275

===> daṇḍa-kāṣṭha [ daNDakASTha ]3[ daND'a-kASTha ] n. a wooden staff cf. MBh. i cf. R. vii cf. Hariv. cf. Mṛcch. i, 41/42 cf. Śak. ii, 0/1 vi cf. Mālav. iv, 15/16

===> daṇḍa-mukhya [ daNDamukhya ]3[ daND'a-mukhya ] m. id. cf. Kām. xvii, 49

===> daṇḍa-nāyaka [ daNDanAyaka ]3[ daND'a-nAyaka ] m. ` rod-applier ', a judge cf. Hit. ii, 9, 0/1 and 4/5 (1) = [ -mukha ] cf. Jain. cf. VaiBṛS. lxxiii, 4 cf. Rājat. vii (2) N. of an attendant of the Sun cf. L. cf. Sch. (3) [ -puruSa ] m. a policeman cf. Caurap. cf. Sch.

===> daṇḍa-parāyaṇa [ daNDaparAyaNa ]3[ daND'a-parAyaNa ] mfn. wanting a stick (for walking) cf. Kāraṇḍ. xvi, 16

===> daṇḍa-poṇa [ daNDapoNa ]3[ daND'a-poNa ] (i. e. [ pavana ]), a strainer with a handle cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> daṇḍa-pāṇi [ daNDapANi ]3[ daND'a-pANi ] ([ °D'a- ]), mfn. (g. [ Ahit^agny-Adi ]) staff-handed cf. ŚBr. xi cf. Kathās. liv (1) m. a policeman cf. Hāsy (2) Yama cf. ṢaḍvBr. v, 4 cf. BhP. i, v (3) N. of the leader of 2 of Śiva's troops, KāśiKh. xxxii (4) of the father of Buddha's wife Go-pā cf. Lalit. xii cf. Suvarṇapr. xviii (5) of a Kāśi king cf. PadmaP. (6) of a physician cf. Bhpr. vii, 8, 137 (7) of a prince (grandfather of Kshemaka) cf. BhP. ix, 22, 42 cf. VāyuP. ii, 37, 270 ff. cf. MatsyaP. l, 87 cf. BrahmâṇḍaP. (8) ([ khaND° ] cf. VP. iv, 21, 4.)

===> daṇḍa-sthāna [ daNDasthAna ]3[ daND'a-sthAna ] n. a division of an army cf. Divyâv. xxxvi

===> daṇḍa-vāsika [ daNDavAsika ]3[ daND'a-vAsika ] m. a door-keeper cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> daṇḍaka [ daNDaka ]2[ daNDaka ] (g. [ Rzy^adi ]), m. (n., g. [ ardharc^adi ]) ifc. ` a staff ', [ tri- ] (1) a handle (of a parasol) cf. L. (2) the beam (of a plough) cf. L. (3) the staff of a banner cf. MBh. vii, ix (4) (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 87 cf. Kāś.) N. of a plant cf. Suśr. v, 7, 1 (5) a row, line cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Sch. (6) a class of metres the stanzas of which may extend from 4 X 27 to 4X 999 syllables cf. Chandas. vii, 33-36 cf. HanRāmUp. 15 (7) a kind of spasm cf. Car. vi, 28 cf. Bhpr. vii, 36, 171 and 227 (8) ([ °D^akhya ]) 171/172 (9) N. of wk. relating to cf. VS. (10) m. N. of a son of Ikshvāku (whose country was laid waste by the curse of Bhārgava, whose daughter he had violated (11) his kingdom in consequence became the [ °k^araNya ]) cf. MBh. xii (allusion only) cf. Hariv. 637 cf. BhP. ix, 6, 4 cf. Kām. (v. l. [ dANDakya ]) (12) [ °NDa ] cf. R. vii. 79, 15 cf. VP. iv 2, 4 cf. VāvuP. ii, 26, 9 cf. PadmaP. i (13) N. of a silly man cf. Bharaṭ. xxv (14) of an Asura cf. Virac. xvi (15) pl. the inhabitants of [ °k^araNya ] cf. MBh. ii, xiii cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. VarBṛS. (16) n. = [ °k^araNya ] cf. MBh. xiii cf. R. cf. BhP. ix, 11, 19 cf. Prasannar. vii, 77 (pl.) (17) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. R. cf. Ragh. xiii (colophon) cf. VarBṛS. cf. Mcar. iv, 40/41 (18) ([ ikA ]), f. a stick, staff cf. Mn. v, 99 cf. Kull. (ifc.) (19) a line cf. Naish. i, 21 cf. Sch. (20) a rope cf. L. (21) a string of pearls cf. L.

===> [ daNDaka ]2[ daNDaka ] m. N. of a Bhoja (v. l. [ °kya ])

===> daṇḍakâraṇya [ daNDakAraNya ]3[ daNDak^araNya ] n. the Daṇḍaka forest in the Deccan cf. MBh. iii, 8183 cf. Hariv. 638 cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Hit. (1) [ -prasthAna ], ri. N. of Abhirāmam. iv

===> daṇḍana [ daNDana ]2[ d'aNDana ] m. a cane (?) cf. AV. xii, 2, 54 ii. beating, chastising, punishing cf. Yājñ. (also [ a- ]) cf. MBh. xii, 431 cf. Kām. cf. Kulârṇ. i, 78 (1) cf. [ a-dharma- ]

===> daṇḍika [ daNDika ]2[ daNDika ] mfn. (g. [ purohit^adi ]) carrying a stick, Psṇ. v, 2, 115 cf. Kāś. ; iii, 1, 7 cf. Kār. cf. Sch. (1) = [ dAND° ] cf. MBh. vi, 439 (2) m. a policeman cf. Gaut (3) N. of a fish cf. L.

===> daṣṭa [ daSTa ]1[ daSTa ] mfn. (√ [ daMz ]) bitten, stung cf. Mn. xi cf. MBh. &c. (said of a wrong pronunciation cf. PāṇŚ. [ cf. RV. ] 35) (1) n. a bite cf. Suśr. i, 13, 6

===> deha [ deha ]1[ deha ] m. n. (√ [ dih ], to plaster, mould, fashion) the body cf. TĀr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (1) (in a triad with [ manas ] and [ vAc ]) cf. Mn. i, 104 &c. (2) ([ °haMdhAraya ], to support the body, i. e. exist cf. Nal.) (3) form, shape, mass, bulk (as of a cloud (4) ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. Var (5) per. son, individual cf. Subh (6) appearance, manifestation, ifc. having the appearance of ([ saMdeha- ] cf. Bālar. iii, 43/44) (7) N. of a country cf. L. (8) ([ 'I ]), f. mound, bank, rampart, surrounding wall cf. RV.

===> deha-kara [ dehakara ]3[ deha-kara ] m. ` body-former, a father cf. MBh.

===> deha-kṛt [ dehakRt ]3[ deha-kRt ] m. a father cf. BhP. (1) N. of Śiva cf. MBh.

===> dehin [ dehin ]2[ dehin ] mfn. having a body, corporeal (1) m. a living creature, man cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) m. the spirit, soul (enveloped in the body) cf. Up. cf. Bhag. cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. (3) ([ inI ]), f. the earth cf. L.

===> deva [ deva ]1[ dev'a ] mf ([ i ]) n. (fr. 3. [ div ]) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. (superl. m. [ dev'a-tama ] cf. RV. iv, 22, 3 &c. (1) f. [ devi-tamA ], ii, 41, 16) (2) m. (according to cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 120 [ d'eva ]) a deity, god cf. RV. &c. &c (3) (rarely applied to) evil demons cf. AV. iii, 15, 5 cf. TS. iii, 5, 4, 1 (4) (pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones (5) [ v'izve dev'As ], all the gods cf. RV. ii, 3, 4 &c., or a partic. class of deities [ see under [ v'izva ] ], often reckoned as 33, either 11 for each of the 3 worlds cf. RV. i, 139, 11 &c. [ cf. [ tri-daza ] ], or 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 12 Ādityas [ to which the 2 Aśvins must be added ] cf. Br. (6) cf. also cf. Divyâv. 68 (7) with Jainas 4 classes, viz. [ bhavan^adh^iza ], [ vyantara ], [ jyotiSka ], and [ vaimAnika ] (8) [ dev'AnAm p'atnyas ], the wives of the gods cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Br. [ cf. [ deva-patnI ] below ]) [ 492,3 ] (9) N. of the number 33 (above) cf. Gaṇit (10) N. of Indra as the god of the sky and giver of rain cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (11) a cloud cf. L. (12) (with Jainas) the 22nd Arhat of the future Ut-sarpiṇī (13) the image of a god, an idol cf. Viṣṇ (14) a god on earth or among men, either Brāhman, priest cf. RV. cf. AV. (cf. [ bhU-d° ]), or king, prince (as a title of honour, esp. in the voc. ` your majesty ' or ` your honour ' (15) also ifc., e. g. [ zrI-harSa-d° ], [ vikram^aGka-d° ], king Śrī-hṭharsha or Vikram^aṅka, and in names as [ puruS^ottama-d° ] [ lit. having Viṣṇu as one's deity (16) cf. [ atithi-d° ], [ AcArya-d° ], [ pitR-d° ], [ mAtR-d° ] ] (17) rarely preceding the name, e. g. [ deva-caNDamahAsena ] cf. Kathās. xiii, 48) cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc. &c. (cf. [ kSiti- ], [ nara- ], &c.) (18) a husband's brother (cf. [ devR ] and [ devara ]) cf. W. (19) a fool, dolt cf. L. (20) a child cf. L. (21) a man following any partic. line or business cf. L. (22) a spearman, lancer cf. L. (23) emulation, wish to excel or overcome cf. L. (24) sport, play cf. L. (25) a sword cf. Gal. (26) N. of men cf. VP. (27) of a disciple of Nāg^arjuna cf. MWB. 192 (28) dimin. for [ devadatta ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 cf. Vārtt. 4 cf. Sch. (29) (n. cf. L.) an organ of sense cf. MuṇḍUp. iii, 1, 8 ; 2, 7 (30) ([ A ]), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilia Quadrifolia ; ([ 'I ]), f. s. v. [ Cf. Lat. [ dīvus ], [ deus ] ; Lit. [ de14vas ] ; Old Pruss. [ deiwas ]. ]

===> deva-bhavana [ devabhavana ]3[ dev'a-bhavana ] n. ` divine abode ', heaven cf. L. (1) temple cf. Kathās (2) Ficus Religiosa cf. L.

===> deva-bhūta [ devabhUta ]3[ dev'a-bhUta ] mfn. having become a god cf. Kāv

===> deva-datta [ devadatta ]3[ dev'a-datta ] mfn. god-given cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of Arjuna's conch-shell cf. MBh. (2) of one of the vital airs (which is exhaled in yawning) cf. Vedântas (3) N. of a cousin (or younger brother) and opponent of Gautama Buddha cf. MWB. 52 &c. (4) of a son of Uru-śravas and father of Agni-veśya cf. BhP. (5) of a son of the Brāhman Govinda-datta cf. Kathās (6) of a son of Hari-datta cf. ib. (7) of a son of king Jayadatta cf. ib. (8) of sev. authors cf. Cat. (9) of a Nāga cf. BhP. (10) of a Grāma of the Bāhikas cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 75 cf. Sch. (11) a common N. for men used in gr., phil. &c. (12) ([ A ]), f. N. of the mother of Deva-datta who was the cousin of Gautama Buddha (above) (13) of a courtezan cf. Kathās (14) [ °ttaka ] m. pl. the party led by Deva-datta cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 78 cf. Kāś (15) ([ ikA ]), f. dimin. for [ -datta ], vii, 3, 45 cf. Vārtt. 4 cf. Pat. [ 493,2 ] (16) [ °tta-cara ] mfn. formerly in the possession of Deva-datta, v, 3, 54 cf. Kāś (17) [ °tta-maya ]. mf ([ I ]) n. consisting of Deva-datta, iv, 2, 104 cf. Vārtt. 16 cf. Pat. (18) [ °tta-rUpya ] mfn. = [ -cara ], v, 3, 54 cf. Kāś (19) [ °tta-zatha ] m. N. of a preceptor, g. [ zaunak^adi ] in cf. Kāś (20) [ °tt^agraja ] m. ` the elder brother of Deva-datta ', N. of Gautama Buddha cf. Buddh. (cf. above) (21) [ °ttIya ] m. pl. the pupils of Deva-datta cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 cf. Vārtt. 5 cf. Pat.

===> deva-deva [ devadeva ]3[ dev'a-deva ] m. ` the god of gods ', N: of Brahmā cf. MBh. i, 1628 (1) of Rudra-Śiva, 7324 (2) of Viṣṇu-Kṛshṇa cf. Bhag. x, 15 (3) of Gaṇ^eśa cf. Kathās. xx, 55 (4) du. Brahmā and Śiva cf. MBh. viii, 4456 (5) pl. the Brāhmans cf. BhP. iii, 16, 17 (6) ([ I ]), f. N. of Durgā, Hcat: i (7) [ °v^eza ] m. ` lord of the chiefs of the gods ', N. of Śiva cf. MBh. i, 8123: of Indra, iii, 17191 (8) of Viṣṇu, xii, 12864

===> deva-dundubhi [ devadundubhi ]3[ dev'a-dundubhi ] m. ` divine drum ', holy basil with red flowers cf. L. (1) N. of Indra cf. L.

===> deva-dāru [ devadAru ]3[ dev'a-dAru ] m. n. Pinus Devadāru or Deodar (also Avaria Longifolia and Erythrosylon Sideroxyloides) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (1) [ -vana-mAhAtmya ] n. N. of wk. (2) [ -maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. made of its wood cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> deva-gaṇa [ devagaNa ]3[ dev'a-gaN'a ] m. a troop or class of gods cf. VS. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -deva ] m. N. of a poet cf. Cat. (2) [ °NikA ] f. ` divine courtezan ', Apsaras cf. L. (3) [ °n^ezvara ] m. ` lord of the troop of gods ', N. of Indra cf. MBh.

===> deva-kanyā [ devakanyA ]3[ dev'a-kanyA ] f. id. cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> deva-kula [ devakula ]3[ dev'a-kula ] n. ` deity-house ', a temple cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. Kāv. cf. Var. &c. (1) [ °l^avAsa ] m. pl. buildings belonging to a temple cf. Kathās (2) [ °lika ] m. attendant on a temple cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. a small temple, chapel cf. Pañcad

===> deva-loka [ devaloka ]3[ dev'a-lok'a ] m. the world or sphere of any divinity (1) heaven or paradise (2) any one of the 3 or 21 (cf. TS.) or 7 (cf. MatsyaP.) superior worlds cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (for the 6 divine lokas of cf. Buddh. cf. MWB. 206 &c.) (3) [ °ke gata ] mfn. gone to the gods, dead cf. MBh. xiii, 2994 (4) [ -pAla ] m. ` protector of the world of the gods ', N. of Indra cf. Kathās. cxv, 25

===> deva-manuṣya [ devamanuSya ]3[ dev'a-manuSy'a ] (cf. AV.) or (cf. ŚBr.), m. pl. gods and men

===> [ devamanuSya ]3[ dev'a-manuSy'a ] (cf. ŚBr.), m. pl. gods and men

===> deva-mātṛka [ devamAtRka ]3[ dev'a-mAtRka ] mfn. ` having the god (Indra) or clouds as foster-mother ', moistened only by rain-water (as corn, land) cf. MBh. ii, 211 cf. R. ii, 109, 23 (cf. [ nadI- ])

===> deva-nikāya [ devanikAya ]3[ dev'a-nikAya ] m. host or assembly of gods cf. Mn. i, 36 cf. MBh. i, 4804 (1) heaven, paradise cf. W.

===> deva-pratimā [ devapratimA ]3[ dev'a-pratimA ] f. (cf. VarBṛS. xxxiii, 20) image of a deity, idol

===> deva-pura [ devapura ]3[ dev'a-pura ] n. Indra's residence cf. R. v, 73, 8 (1) ([ A ]), f. divine fortress cf. AV. cf. TS.

===> deva-putra [ devaputra ]3[ dev'a-putra ] m. the son of a god cf. Hariv. (also [ °traka ] cf. Kathās.) (1) N. of Śiva cf. Kāraṇḍ (2) ([ °v'a- ]), mfn. having gods as children (said of heaven and earth) cf. RV. i, 106, 3 ; 159, 1 &c. (3) ([ °trI ] or [ °trikA ]), f. Trigonella Corniculata cf. L. (4) [ -mAra ] m. N. of one of the four Māras cf. Buddh.

===> deva-rāja [ devarAja ]3[ dev'a-rAj'a ] m. divine ruler cf. TBr. (1) king of the gods, N. of Indra cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) N. of a king cf. MBh. (3) of a Ṛshi cf. Var (4) of a Buddha cf. Buddh. (5) the father of Śārṅgadhara, and sev. authors cf. Cat. (6) [ -prabandha ] m. [ -mahiSI-stotra ], u. N. of wks. (7) [ -yajvan ] m. N. of a cf. Sch. on Naighaṇṭuka and also of his grandfather (8) [ -sama-dyuti ] mfn. equal in glory to the king of the gods cf. MW.

===> deva-rṣi [ devarSi ]3[ dev'a-rSi ] m. ([ deva ] + [ RSi ]) a Ṛshi, a saint of the celestial class, as Nārada, Atri &c. cf. MBh. (xiv, 781 [ sapta saptarSayaH ] for [ sapta devarS° ]) cf. R. cf. Pur. &c. (cf. [ brahmarSi ] and [ rAjarSi ]) (1) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. xiii, 1259 (2) [ -carita ] n. the deeds of divine sages cf. MBh. xii, 7663 (3) [ -tva ] n. state or rank of a divine sages cf. BhP. i, 3, 8 (4) [ pitR-vallabha ] m. sesamum cf. Gal. (5) [ -varya ] m. chief of sages cf. MW.

===> deva-sumanas [ devasumanas ]3[ dev'a-sumanas ] n. ` divine flower ', a species of flower cf. L.

===> deva-yajña [ devayajJa ]3[ dev'a-yajJ'a ] m. sacrifice to the gods (esp. the Homa or burnt sacrifice, one of the 5 great oblations) cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. ? cf. Mn. (1) N. of a man (cf. [ daiva-yajJi ])

===> deva-yāna [ devayAna ]3[ dev'a-y'Ana ] mf ([ I ]) n. = [ -yA ] cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (1) leading to the gods, serving them as a way ([ adhvan ], [ pathin ] &c.) cf. ib. cf. Br. cf. Up. cf. MBh. (2) n. way leading to the gods cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (3) the vehicle of a god cf. L. (4) ([ I ]), f. N. of a daughter of Uśanas or Śukr^acārya (wife of Yayāti and mother of Yadu and Turvasu) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (5) of a wife of Skanda cf. RTL. 214

===> deva-śarman [ devazarman ]3[ dev'a-zarman ] m. ` having the gods as refuge ', N. of an old sage cf. MBh. (1) of an Arhat (author of the Vijñāna-kāya-śāstra) cf. MWB. 419 (2) of a minister of Jayāpiḍa (king of Kaśmīra) cf. Rājat. cf. Kathās. &c.

===> devara [ devara ]2[ devara ] m. = [ devR ] cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) husband, lover cf. BhP. iv, 26, 26

===> devatâyatana [ devatAyatana ]3[ dev'atA-yatana ] ([ °t^ay° ]), n. = [ -gRha ] cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> devatā [ devatA ]3[ dev'a-tA ] [ dev'atA ]

===> [ devatA ]2[ dev'atA ] f. godhead, divinity (abstr. & concr.) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. &c. (1) image of a deity, idol cf. Mn. iv, 130 cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (ifc. [ -ka ] cf. Kull. viii, 105) (2) N. of the organs of sense (cf. [ deva ]) cf. ŚBr. ii, 5, 2, 2 &c. (3) ([ A ]), ind. with divinity, i. e. with a god (gods) or among the gods cf. RV. cf. AV.

===> deveṣu [ deveSu ]3[ deveS'u ] m. divine arrow cf. MaitrS.

===> devi [ devi ]2[ devi ] in comp. for [ °vI ]

===> devya [ devya ]2[ devy'a ] n. divine power, godhead cf. RV.

===> devâtideva [ devAtideva ]3[ dev^atideva ] m. a god surpassing all other gods cf. MBh. (1) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. xiii, 1259 (2) of Viṣṇu cf. Hariv. 8814 (3) of Śākya-muni cf. Buddh.

===> devâvatāra [ devAvatAra ]3[ dev^avatAra ] m. ` id., N. of a place cf. L.

===> devâyatana [ devAyatana ]3[ dev^ayatana ] n. ` the dwelling of a god ', a temple cf. Mn. &c.

===> devī [ devI ]3[ devI- ] [ dev'I ]

===> [ devI ]2[ dev'I ] f. (cf. [ dev'a ]) a female deity, goddess cf. RV. cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. &c. (e. g. Ushas cf. RV. vii, 75, 5 (1) Sarasvatī, v, 41, 17 (2) Sāvitrī, the wife of Brahmā cf. MBh. (3) Durgā, the wife of Śiva cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. (4) the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are Rocanī, Māmaki, Pāṇḍurā and Tārā cf. Dharmas. iv) (5) N. of nymph beloved by the Sun cf. L. (6) of an Apsaras cf. MBh. i, 4818 (7) (with Jainas) the mother of 18th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī cf. L. (8) queen, princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king, but also any woman of high rank) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (9) a kind of bird (= [ zyAmA ]) cf. L. (10) a partic. supernatural power (= [ kuNDalinI ]) cf. Cat. (11) worship, reverence cf. W. (12) N. of plants (colocynth, a species of cyperus, Medicago Esculenta &c.) cf. L.

===> deya [ deya ]1[ d'eya ] mfn. (√ 1. [ dA ]) to be given or presented or granted or shown (1) fit or proper for a gift cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) to be or being given in matrimony (cf. [ brahma- ]) (3) to be delivered or handed over cf. Mn. viii, 185 (4) to be ceded (road) cf. Mn. ii, 138 (5) to be returned cf. Vikr. iv, 33 (6) to be paid (as a debt, wages, taxes &c.) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (7) to be laid or set to (as fire) cf. MBh. cf. Bhpr. (8) n. giving, gift (cf. [ a- ], [ bala- ], [ magha- ], [ rAdho- ], [ vasu- ], [ vaira- ]) (9) tax, tribute cf. MBh. xii, 3308 (10) water (?) cf. L.

===> deya-dharma [ deyadharma ]3[ d'eya-dharma ] m. ` the duty of giving ', charity cf. Buddh.

===> deśa [ deza ]1[ dez'a ] m. (√ 1. [ diz ]) point, region, spot, place, part, portion cf. VS. cf. AitBr. cf. Śr. & cf. GṛS. cf. Mn. &c. (1) province, country, kingdom
cf. R. cf. Hit. cf. Kathās. cf. Vet (2) institute, ordinance cf. W. ([ dezam ] [ A ] √ [ vas ], or [ ni-√ viz ], to settle in a place cf. Mn. (3) [ °ze ], in the proper place [ esp. with [ kAle ] ] cf. MBh. cf. Hit. Often ifc. [ f. [ A ] cf. Ragh. vii, 47 cf. Ṛt. i, 27 ] esp. after a word denoting a country or a part of the body, e. g. [ kAmboja- ], [ magadha- ] (4) [ aMsa- ], [ kaNTha- ], [ skandha- ] (5) [ AtmIya- ], one's own country or home) (6) ([ I ]), f. [ dezI ]

===> deśa-dharma [ dezadharma ]3[ dez'a-dharma ] m. law or usage of a country cf. Mn. i, 118

===> deśa-jña [ dezajJa ]3[ dez'a-jJa ] mfn. knowing a district, familiar with places cf. R.

===> deśa-kāla [ dezakAla ]3[ dez'a-kAla ] m. du. place and time cf. Mn. iii, 126 &c. (1) (sg.) place and time for (gen.) cf. Mṛcch. iii, 17/18 (2) [ -jJa ] (cf. Kād.) and [ -vid ] (cf. Car.), mfn. knowing place and time (3) [ -vibhAga ] m. apportioning of place and time cf. MW. (4) [ -virodhin ] mfn. neglecting place and time cf. Pañc (5) [ -vyat^ita ] mfn. regardless of place and time cf. MBh. (6) [ -vyavasthita ] mfn. regulated by place and time cf. W.

===> deśa-stha [ dezastha ]3[ dez'a-stha ] mfn. situated or living in a country cf. MW.

===> deśaka [ dezaka ]3[ dezaka ] mfn. (ifc.) showing, pointing out (1) m. shower, indicator ([ san-mArga- ] cf. MārkP. xix, 17 (2) [ dharma- ] cf. Pañc. iii, 104/105, v. l. [ °m^ad° ]) (3) ruler, instructor cf. L.

===> deśanā [ dezanA ]2[ dezanA ] f. direction, instruction cf. SaddhP. cf. Śatr

===> deśika [ dezika ]2[ dezika ] mfn. familiar with a place, a guide (lit. and fig.) cf. MBh. i, 3599 (v. l. [ daiz° ], cf. [ a- ] [ add. ]) (1) m. a Guru or spiritual teacher cf. MBh. cf. AgP. (2) a traveller cf. L.

===> deśita [ dezita ]2[ dezita ] mfn. shown, directed, instructed cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> deśya [ dezya ]2[ dezya ] mfn. to be pointed or picked out, excellent in its kind, standard cf. Pat. (1) being on the spot or present, witness cf. Mn. viii, 52 (?, v. l. [ deza ]) (2) = [ dezIya ], in all meanings cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. ([ -tva ], Deśīn.) cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 67 (cf. [ tad- ], [ nAnA- ], [ paTu- ], [ vanAyu- ], [ vitasti- ], [ zizu- ]) (3) born in the country, indigenous, a true native cf. R. (cf. [ deza-ja ]) (4) n. the proposition or statement (= [ pUrva-pakSa ]) cf. L. (5) the fact or charge to be proved or substantiated cf. W.

===> deśântara [ dezAntara ]3[ dez^antara ] n. another country, abroad cf. Mn. v, 78 (1) longitude, the difference from the prime meridian cf. Sūryas

---> [ -gamana ] n. going abroad, travelling cf. Mṛcch. ii, 0/1 (2) [ -phala ] n. the equation for difference of meridian cf. MW. (3) [ -bhAND^anayana ] n. importing wares from foreign countries cf. MW. (4) [ -mRta-kriyA-nirUpaNa ] n. N. of wk. (5) [ -stha ] mfn. being in a foreign country, MānSr (6) [ ntarita ] mfn. living in a foreign country cf. Gaut (7) [ °ntarin ] mfn. belonging to a foreign country, a foreigner cf. Śatr

===> dha [ dha ]1[ dha ]1 aspirate of the preceding letter,

===> [ dha ]1[ dha ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ 1. [ dhA ] (1) cf. 2. [ dhA ]) ifc. placing, putting

---> holding, possessing, having (2) bestowing, granting, causing &c. (cf. [ a-doma-dh'a ], [ garbha-dh'a ]) (3) m. N. of Brahmā or Kubera cf. L. (4) (in music) the 6th note of the gamut (5) virtue, merit cf. L. (6) n. wealth, property cf. L. (7) ([ A ]), f. in 2. [ tiro-dh'A ] (8) [ dur-dh'A ] (qq. vv.)

===> dha-kāra [ dhakAra ]3[ dha-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ dh ]

===> dhairya [ dhairya ]1[ dha'irya ]1 n. (1. [ dh'Ira ]) intelligence, forethought (opp. to [ mAlvya ]) cf. VS. cf. Kāṭh

===> [ dhairya ]1[ dhairya ]2 n. (2. [ dhIra ]) firmness, constancy, calmness, patience, gravity, fortitude, courage, ([ °ryaM-√ kR ] or [ ava-lamb ] or [ A-lamb ], to compose one's self, gather courage) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) precision of diction cf. Śikṣ

===> dhaivata [ dhaivata ]1[ dhaivata ] n. the sixth note of the gamut cf. MBh. xii, 6859

===> dhamara [ dhamara ]2[ dhamara ] or m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh. (cf. [ dhamana ])

===> dhana [ dhana ]2[ dh'ana ] n. the prize of a contest or the contest itself (lit. a running match, race, or the thing raced for (1) [ hit'aM ] [ dh^anam ], a proposed prize or contest (2) [ dhanaM-√ ji ], to win the prize or the fight) cf. RV. (3) booty, prey ([ dhanam-√ bhR ] Ā., to carry off the prize or booty) cf. RV. cf. AV. (4) any valued object, (esp.) wealth, riches, (movable) property, money, treasure, gift cf. RV. &c. &c. (5) capital (opp. to [ vRddhi ] interest) cf. Yājñ. ii, 58 (6) = [ go-dhana ] cf. Hariv. 3886 (7) (arithm.) the affirmative quantity or plus (opp. to [ RNa ], [ kSaya ], [ vyaya ], [ hAni ]) (8) N. of the 2nd mansion cf. Var (9) m. N. of a merchant cf. HPariś. cf. Siṉhâs

===> dhana-da [ dhanada ]3[ dh'ana-da ] mf ([ A ]) n. ` wealth-giving ', liberal cf. Kām (1) m. Barringtonia Acutangula cf. L. (2) N. of Kubera cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) a Guhyaka cf. L. (4) N. of a servant of Padma-pāṇi cf. W. (5) of sev. men cf. Siṉhâs (6) of a monkey cf. RāmatUp. (7) of a mountain cf. MBh. (8) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the Mātṛs attending on Skanda cf. MBh. (9) of a Tantra deity cf. Tantras (10) n. a kind of house cf. Gal. (11) [ tIrtha ] n. N. of a Tirtha cf. SivaP. (12) [ -deva ] m. N. of a poet. cf. Cat. (13) [ -stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra (14) [ °d^akSI ] f. a kind of tree (= [ kuber^akSI ]) cf. L. (15) [ °d^anuja ] m. the younger brother of Kubera, N. of Rāvaṇa cf. R. (16) [ °dA-pUjAyantra ] n. N. of a mystical diagram cf. Tantras (17) [ °dAmantra ] m. N. of a partic. prayer cf. ib. (18) [ °dAya ] Nom. P. [ °yate ], to resemble Kubera cf. Jātakam (19) [ °d^avAsa ] m. Kubera's residence, N. of the mountain Kailāsa cf. L.

---> [ °dA-stotra ] n. N. of a Stotra (20) [ °d'ezvara ] m. ` wealth giving lord ', N. of Kubera cf. Kathās (21) [ °d'ezvaratIrtha ] n. N. of a Tirtha cf. SivaP.

===> dhana-gupta [ dhanagupta ]3[ dh'ana-gupta ] mfn. (for [ gupta-dh° ]) one who guards his money carefully (1) m. N. of a merchant's son cf. Pañc. ii, 153/154 ([ -tA ] f. 154/155)

===> dhana-hīna [ dhanahIna ]3[ dh'ana-hIna ] mfn. = [ -varjita ] cf. Kāv (1) [ -tA ] f. poverty cf. ib.

===> dhana-krītā [ dhanakrItA ]3[ dh'ana-krItA ] f. a woman bought with money cf. MW.

===> dhana-pāla [ dhanapAla ]3[ dh'ana-pAl'a ] m. guardian of treasure, treasurer cf. AV. (1) king cf. Gal. (2) N. of a grammarian (3) of the author of the Pāiya-lacchi &c. cf. Cat. (4) of other men cf. HPariś. [ 508,3 ]

===> dhana-rṇa [ dhanarNa ]3[ dh'ana-rNa ] (for [ -RNa ]), n. (in, arithm.) positive and negative quantities cf. MW.

===> dhana-saṃcaya [ dhanasaMcaya ]3[ dh'ana-saMcaya ] m. (cf. Mn.),

===> dhana-śrī [ dhanazrI ]3[ dh'ana-zrI ] f. N. of a woman cf. HPariś

===> dhanavat [ dhanavat ]3[ dh'ana-vat ] mfn. wealthy, rich (1) m. a rich man cf. Mn. cf. R. &c. (2) the sea or ocean cf. Kāvyâd. iii,: 17 (3) ([ I ]), f. the constellation Dhanishṭhā cf. L. (4) N. of a Vidyā-dharī and a merchant's daughter cf. Kathās

===> dhandha [ dhandha ]1[ dhandha ] n. indisposition cf. L. (cf. [ dhAndhya ])

===> dhanika [ dhanika ]2[ dhanika ] mfn. wealthy, opulent cf. Pañc. cf. Dhūrtas. ([ -tA ] f. wealth, opulence cf. Kāv.) (1) good, virtuous cf. L. (2) m. a rich man, owner, creditor cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (3) a husband cf. L. (4) N. of cf. Sch. on cf. Daśar (5) m. n. coriander cf. L. (6) ([ A ]), f. a virtuous or excellent woman (7) any young woman or wife cf. L. (8) Panicum Italicum cf. L.

===> dhanin [ dhanin ]2[ dhan'in ] mfn. possessing wealth or treasures, wealthy, rich, well off cf. RV. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. a rich man, owner, creditor cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (2) N. of Kubera cf. L. (3) of a messenger of the Kapas cf. MBh.

===> dhanu [ dhanu ]1[ dhanu ] m. or (cf. Uṇ. i, 82) 2. [ dhanU ] f. (fr. √ 2. [ dhan ]?) a bow cf. Hit. cf. Śāntiś (1) a measure of 4 Hastas or cubits cf. L. (cf. [ dhanv-antara ] below) (2) the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius cf. Priy. i, 5 (3) Buchanania Latifolia cf. L. (4) Semecarpus Anacardium cf. L. (5) ([ dh'anu ], or [ dhan'U ]), f. a dry sandbank, a sandy shore [ cf. Eng. [ bight ], Germ. [ Bucht ] ] cf. RV. cf. AV. i, 17 (nom. [ °n'Us ])

===> dhanur-veda [ dhanurveda ]3[ dhanur-veda ] m. the science of archery, an archery treatise (regarded as an Upa-veda connected with the Yajur-veda, and derived from Viśvāmitra or Bhṛgo) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) N. of wk. by Śārṅga-datta cf. Cat. (2) [ cintA-maNi ] m. N. of wk. (3) [ -para ] or [ -par^ayaNa ] mfn. devoted to archery (4) [ -prakaraNa ], n. (5) [ -sAra ] m. N. of wks.

===> dhanus [ dhanus ]2[ dh'anus ] n. (m. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) cf. [ dhanu ]) a bow cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a measure of length = 4 Hastas or 1/2000 Gavyūti cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. &c. (3) (geom.) an ārc or past of a circle (4) (astron.) an are or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and zenith-distance (5) a fiddlestick (6) the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius cf. Sūryas. cf. Var (7) Buchanania Latifolia cf. L. (8) N. of Śiva cf. MBh. vii, 9536 (armed with a bow cf. L., or = [ dhanuHsvarUpa ] cf. Nīlak.) (9) a desert, arid land (cf. [ °nur-'aur ]. ga)

===> dhanva [ dhanva ]2[ dhanva ] n. = [ dh'anvan ] (cf. Uṇ. iv, 95 cf. Sch. (1) esp. at the beginning and at the end of comp. (2) cf. [ iSu- ], [ tisR- ], [ priya- ] (3) also [ A ] f. in [ dhanvAbhis ] cf. Hariv. 7315, v. l. [ °vIbhis ]) (4) m. N. of a man cf. Rājat. v, 51 ; 56

===> dhanvan [ dhanvan ]2[ dh'anvan ] n. a bow cf. RV. &c. (esp. ifc. (1) cf. [ asthi- ], [ ugra- ], [ kSipra- ] &c., and cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 132 &c. cf. Vām. v, 2, 67) (2) rain-bow cf. MānGṛ. i, 4 (3) the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius cf. Jyot (4) (also m.) dry soil, shore ([ samudasya ] (5) cf. [ dhanu ]) (6) a desert, a waste cf. RV. &c. &c. (7) m. Alhagi Maurorum cf. L. (8) N. of a country. cf. BhP. (Cf. [ dhanu ], [ °nus ].)

===> dhanya [ dhanya ]2[ dh'anya ] mfn. bringing or bestowing wealth, opulent, rich (ifc. full of) cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) fortunate, happy, auspicious cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) good, virtuous cf. L. (cf. [ dhanika ]) (3) wholesome, healthy cf. Car. (4) m. infidel, atheist cf. W. (5) a spell for using or restraining magical weapons cf. R. (6) Vatica Robusta cf. L. (7) N. of a man cf. Rājat. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 110, g. [ azv^adi ]) (8) of the Vaiśyas in Krauñca-dvīpa cf. VP. (9) ([ A ]), f. a nurse cf. L. (10) Emblic Myrobalan cf. L. (11) N. of Dhruva's wife cf. VP. (12) (also n.) coriander cf. L. (13) n. treasure, wealth cf. L.

===> [ dhanya ]1[ dhanya ] [ dhanyaka ] etc. See col. 1

===> dhanâdhipati [ dhanAdhipati ]3[ dhan^adhipati ] m. id. cf. Kathās. cf. Kir (1) [ °patya ] n. dominion over treasury cf. MBh.

===> dhanâpahāra [ dhanApahAra ]3[ dhan^apahAra ] m. taking away of property, fine, amercement (1) plunder cf. W.

===> dhanârthin [ dhanArthin ]3[ dhan^arthin ] mfn. wealth-seeking ', covetous, miserly cf. Mn. cf. Kāv

===> dhara [ dhara ]1[ dhara ] mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ dhR ]) bearing, supporting (scil. the world, said of Kṛshṇa and Śiva) cf. MBh. (1) ifc. holding, bearing, carrying, wearing, possessing, having, keeping (also in memory), sustaining, preserving, observing (cf. [ aMzu- ], [ akSa- ], [ kulaM- ] &c.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) m. a mountain cf. Kir. xv, 12 (cf. [ kSiti- ], [ bhU- ] &c.) (3) a flock of cotton cf. L. (4) a frivolous or dissolute man (= [ viTa ]) cf. L. (5) a sword cf. Gal. (6) N. of a Vasu cf. MBh. (7) of a follower of the Pāṇḍavas cf. ib. of the king of the tortoises cf. L. (8) of the father of Padma-prabha (6th Arhat of, pres. Ava-sarpiṇī) cf. L. (9) ([ A ]), f. ` bearer, supporter ', the earth cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (10) the uterus or womb cf. Bhpr. (11) a vein or tubular vessel of the body cf. L. (12) marrow cf. L. (13) a mass of gold or heap of valuables (representing the earth and given to Brāhmans) cf. W. (14) one of the 8 forms of Sarasvatī, id. (15) N. of one of the wives of Kaśyapa (mother of the land and water-birds, prob. = the Earth) cf. Hariv. 232 (v. l. [ irA ]) (16) n. poison cf. L. (v. l. [ dara ])

===> dharaṇa [ dharaNa ]2[ dh'araNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. bearing, supporting cf. VS. cf. TĀr. (1) m. a dike or bank cf. L. (2) the world cf. L. (3) the sun cf. L. (4) the female breast cf. L. (5) rice-corn cf. L. (6) N. of a king of the Nāgas cf. Śatr (7) m. or n. a sort of weight variously reckoned as= 10 Palas, = 16 silver Māshakas, = 1 silver Purāṇa, = 1/10 Śatamāna, = 19 Nishpāva, = 2/5 Karsha, = 1/10 Pala, = 24Raktikā cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Suśr. cf. Var. &c. (8) n. the act of bearing, holding, &c. cf. Kāv (9) bringing, procuring (cf. [ kAma- ]) (10) support, prop, stay (cf. [ pRtkivI- ], [ savana ].) (11) a partic. high number cf. Buddh. (cf. [ dhamana ], [ dhamara ]) (12) ([ I ]), f. See s. v.

===> dharaṇi [ dharaNi ]2[ dharaNi ] f. (cf. the next) the earth (personified as the wife of Dhruva) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. BhP. &c.

===> dharaṇi-dhara [ dharaNidhara ]3[ dharaNi-dhara ] m. earth-bearer ', N. of Viṣṇu or Kṛshṇa cf. VP. (cf. [ pRthu-dharaNi-dh° ]) (1) a mountain cf. MBh. (cf. °NI-dh°)

===> dharaṇi-tala [ dharaNitala ]3[ dharaNi-tala ] n. the surface of the earth (1) [ -taitila ] m. a god on earth, a Brāhman cf. Daś. [ 510,2 ]

===> dharaṇī [ dharaNI ]2[ dharaNI ] f. (cf. [ °Na ] and [ °Ni ]) the earth, the soil or ground cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) a vein or tubular vessel of the body cf. L. (2) = [ -kanda ] cf. L. (3) a beam or rafter for a roof. cf. L. (4) N. of a Dictionary (cf. [ °Ni-koza ])

===> dharaṇī-tala [ dharaNItala ]3[ dharaNI-tala ] n. the surface of the earth (1) [ -zrI ] m. N. of a prince of the Kiṃnaras cf. L.

===> dharaṇīṃ-dhara [ dharaNIMdhara ]3[ dharaNI-M-dhara ] See °NI-dh° (above)

===> dharma [ dharma ]2[ dh'arma ]1 m. (rarely n. g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) the older form of the cf. RV. is [ dh'arman ], q. v.) that which is established or firm, steadfast decree, statute, ordinance, law (2) usage, practice, customary observance or prescribed conduct, duty (3) right, justice (often as a synonym of punishment) (4) virtue, morality, religion, religious merit, good works ([ dh'armeNa ] or [ °mAt ] ind. according to right or rule, rightly, justly, according to the nature of anything (5) cf. below (6) [ mesthita ] mfn. holding to the law, doing one's duty) cf. AV. &c. &c. (7) Law or Justice personified (as Indra cf. ŚBr. &c. (8) as Yama cf. MBh. (9) as born from the right breast of Yama and father of Śama, Kāma and Harsha cf. ib. (10) as Viṣṇu cf. Hariv. (11) as Prajā-pati and son-in-law of Daksha cf. Hariv. cf. Mn. &c. (12) as one of the attendants of the Sun cf. L. (13) as a Bull cf. Mn. viii, 16 (14) as a Dove cf. Kathās. vii, 89, &c.) (15) the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the [ saJgha ] or monastic order cf. MWB. 70) (16) the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal [ dharma ] called [ sUsra ], as distinguished from the [ abhi-dharma ] or, further dharma and from the [ vinaya ] or ` discipline, these three constituting the canon of Southern Buddhism cf. MWB. 61) (17) the law of Northern Buddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures, viz. Prajñā-pāramitā, Gaṇḍa-vyūha, Daśa-bhūm^iśvara, Samadhirāja, Laṅkâvat1ra, Saddharma -puṇḍarika, Tathagata-guhyaka, Lalita-vistara, Suvarṇa-prabhāsa,ib. 69) (18) nature, character, peculiar condition or essential quality, property, mark, peculiarity (= [ sva-bhAva ] cf. L. (19) cf. [ daza-dhŚ-gata ] cf. ŚBr. &c. &c. (20) [ upamAn^opameyayor dh° ], the tertium comparationis cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 55 cf. Sch.) (21) a partic. ceremony cf. MBh. xiv, 2623 (22) sacrifice cf. L. (23) the ninth mansion cf. Var (24) an Upanishad cf. L. (25) associating with the virtuous cf. L. (26) religious abstraction, devotion cf. L. (27) = [ upamA ] cf. L. (cf. above) (28) a bow cf. Dharmaś (29) a Soma-drinker cf. L. (30) N. of the 15th Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī cf. L. (31) of a son of Anu and father of Ghṛta cf. Hariv. (32) of a son of Gāndhāra and father of Dhṛta cf. Pur. (33) of a son of Haihaya and father of Netra cf. BhP. (34) of a son of Pṛthu-śravas and of Uśanas cf. ib. (35) of a son of Su-vrata cf. VP. (cf. [ dharma-sUtra ]) (36) of a son of Dīrgha-tapas, Vāyup (37) of a king of Kaśmīra, Rāj. iv, 678 (38) of another man cf. ib. vii, 85 (39) of a lexicographer &c. (also [ -paNDita ], [ -bhaTTa ] and [ -zAstrin ]) cf. Cat. [ Cf. Lat. [ firmus ], Lith. [ derm'e ]. ]

===> [ dharma ]2[ dharma ]2 Nom. P. [ °mati ], to become, law cf. Vop

===> [ dharma ]2[ dh'arma ]3 in comp. for [ °man ], q. v. 2

===> [ dharma ]1[ dharma ] See p. 510, col. 3

===> dharma-bhrātṛ [ dharmabhrAtR ]3[ dh'arma-bhrAtR ] m. a brother in respect of religion or piety cf. Yājñ. (cf. [ -bhaginI ])

===> dharma-bhāṇaka [ dharmabhANaka ]3[ dh'arma-bhANaka ] m. law-expounder, preacher cf. Buddh. (1) lecturer, public reader of the cf. MBh. and other sacred wks. cf. W.

===> dharma-bhṛt [ dharmabhRt ]3[ dh'arma-bhRt ] m. ` law-supporter ', N. of princes and other men cf. MBh. &c. &c. (cf. [ -dhRt ])

===> dharma-buddhi [ dharmabuddhi ]3[ dh'arma-buddhi ] mfn. having a virtuous mind cf. Pañc (1) N. of a merchant cf. Kathās

===> dharma-cakra [ dharmacakra ]3[ dh'arma-cakra ] n. the wheel or range of the law cf. MBh. cf. Buddh. cf. Jain. (1) a partic. mythical weapon cf. Hariv. cf. R. (2) m. ` having or turning the wheel of the law ', a Buddha cf. L. (3) [ -bhRt ] m. holding the wheel of the law ', a Buddha or Jaina cf. L.

===> dharma-cakṣus [ dharmacakSus ]3[ dh'arma-cakSus ] n. the eye of the law cf. Vajracch. (1) mfn. having an eye for the law or for what is right cf. R.

===> dharma-candra [ dharmacandra ]3[ dh'arma-candra ] m. ` law-moon ', N. of a man cf. L.

===> dharma-caraṇa [ dharmacaraNa ]3[ dh'arma-caraNa ] n. (cf. MBh.),

===> dharma-caryā [ dharmacaryA ]3[ dh'arma-caryA ] f. (cf. Āpast.) observance of the law, performance of duty

===> dharma-cintaka [ dharmacintaka ]3[ dh'arma-cintaka ] mfn. meditating on the law, familiar with it cf. MBh.

===> dharma-cintā [ dharmacintA ]3[ dh'arma-cintA ] f. (cf. Lalit.) consideration of the law or duty, virtuous reflection

===> dharma-cārin [ dharmacArin ]3[ dh'arma-cArin ] mfn. observing the law, fulfilling one's duties, virtuous, dutiful, moral cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) m. N. of Śiva cf. MBh. (2) of a Deva-putra cf. Lalit. (3) of a deity of the Bodhi tree cf. ib. (4) ([ iNI ]), f. a female helpmate in the fulfilment of duties (5) an honest wife, a virtuous woman cf. Vikr. v, 10/20 cf. L. (cf. [ saha-dharma-c° ])

===> dharma-darśana [ dharmadarzana ]3[ dh'arma-darzana ] n. knowledge of duty or law cf. MW.

===> dharma-deśaka [ dharmadezaka ]3[ dh'arma-dezaka ] m. teacher of the law cf. Pañc. iii, 104/105(v. l. [ °m^ad° ])

===> dharma-deśanā [ dharmadezanA ]3[ dh'arma-dezanA ] f. instruction in the law cf. ib. (B. (1) v. l. [ °m^apad° ]) (2) with Buddhists= sermon cf. Kāraṇḍ. cf. Lalit.

===> dharma-dhara [ dharmadhara ]3[ dh'arma-dhara ] m., law-supporter ', N. of a partic. Samādhi (1) of a prince of the Kimnaras (2) of a Bodhi-sattva cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-dhvaja [ dharmadhvaja ]3[ dh'arma-dhvaja ] mfn. ` whose banner is law ', feigning virtue, hypocritical, an impostor cf. BhP. (also [ -vat ] and [ °jika ] cf. MBh. (1) [ °jin ] cf. Mn. iv, 195) (2) m. N. of the sun cf. MBh. iii, 149 (3) of a king of Mithilā (son of Kula-dhvaja, father of Amitadhvaja and Kṛta-dhvaja) cf. Pur. (4) of a brother of Kuśdhvaja cf. ib. (5) of a king of Kāñcana-pura cf. ib. (6) of another person cf. Lalit.

===> dharma-dhātu [ dharmadhAtu ]3[ dh'arma-dhAtu ] m. ` the element of law or of existence ', one of the 18 Dhātus of the Buddhists (1) a Buddha (whose essence is law) cf. L. (2) [ -niyata ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. L. (3) [ -parirakSiNI ] f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī cf. Kāraṇḍ (4) [ vAgIzvara ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. deity

===> dharma-dinnā [ dharmadinnA ]3[ dh'arma-dinnA ] f. (Pāli = [ dattA ]) ` given by religion ', N. of a female cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-dvāra [ dharmadvAra ]3[ dh'arma-dvAra ] n. pl. the virtues or duties as a means of acquiring the highest wisdom cf. Car.

===> dharma-dāna [ dharmadAna ]3[ dh'arma-dAna ] n. a gift made from duty cf. L. (1) [ -paddhati ] f. N. of wk.

===> dharma-gupta [ dharmagupta ]3[ dh'arma-gupta ] m. ` law-protected ', N. of men cf. Kathās. cf. SkandaP. (also [ -mizra ]), of a poet cf. Cat. (1) of a cf. Buddh. school (2) [ -carita ] n. N. of wk.

===> dharma-jña [ dharmajJa ]3[ dh'arma-jJa ] mfn. knowing the law or what is right cf. Mn. cf. Var. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -tama ] mfn. superl. cf. R. ii, 112, 31

===> dharma-jñāna [ dharmajJAna ]3[ dh'arma-jJAna ] n. knowledge of law or duty, Hit.

===> dharma-karman [ dharmakarman ]3[ dh'arma-karman ] n. work of duty, pious action cf. BrahmaP. cf. Subh

===> dharma-kathā [ dharmakathA ]3[ dh'arma-kathA ] f. discourse upon law &c. cf. MW.

===> dharma-ketu [ dharmaketu ]3[ dh'arma-ketu ] m. ` having justice for a banner ', N. of a son of Su-ketu and father of Satya-ketu cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (1) a Buddha cf. Lalit. (2) a Jaina saint cf. W.

===> dharma-kośa [ dharmakoza ]3[ dh'arma-koza ] or m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties cf. Mn. i, 99

===> dharma-koṣa [ dharmakoSa ]3[ dh'arma-koSa ] m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties cf. Mn. i, 99 (1) N. of wk. cf. Cat.

===> dharma-kāla [ dharmakAla ]3[ dh'arma-kAla ] m. ([ kAya ]?) a Jina cf. Gal.

===> dharma-kāma [ dharmakAma ]3[ dh'arma-kAma ] mfn. loving justice, observing right cf. R. (1) m. N. of a den, on (son of Pāpiyas) cf. Lalit. (2) [ °m^artha ] m. pl. virtue, pleasure, and wealth cf. Mn. vii, 151 (3) [ °m^artha-saMbaddha ] mfn. joined with or containing virtue, pleasure, and wealth cf. MW. (4) [ °m^artkasambandha ] m. alliance for virtue, pleasure, and wealth, i. e. matrimony cf. MBh. i, 3007

===> dharma-kāya [ dharmakAya ]3[ dh'arma-kAya ] m. ` law-body ', N. of one of the 3 bodies of a Buddha cf. Vajracch. cf. MWB. 246 (1) ` having the law for body ', a Buddha cf. L. (2) a Jaina saint cf. W. (3) N. of Avalokit^eśvara cf. Buddh. (4) of a god of the Bodhi tree cf. Lalit.

===> dharma-kīrti [ dharmakIrti ]3[ dh'arma-kIrti ] m. ` glory of the law ', N. of a philosopher and poet cf. Cat. (1) of a grammarian cf. ib. (2) of a king cf. Pur.

===> dharma-lakṣaṇa [ dharmalakSaNa ]3[ dh'arma-lakSaNa ] n. an essential mark of law or ethics (as place, time &c.) cf. ib.

===> dharma-mati [ dharmamati ]3[ dh'arma-mati ] m. ` piousminded ', N. of a prince and of a god of the Bodhi tree

===> dharma-megha [ dharmamegha ]3[ dh'arma-megha ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Yogas. ([ -dhyAna ] (1) n. a partic. state of mind connected with it cf. ib. cf. Sch.) (2) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the 10 Bhūmis cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-mitra [ dharmamitra ]3[ dh'arma-mitra ] m. ` friend of the law ', N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-mātra [ dharmamAtra ]3[ dh'arma-mAtra ] mfn. depending only on modality or on the method, only attributive cf. KātyŚr. ([ -tva ], u. cf. ib.) (1) n. mere modality, the manner or method cf. Jaim. cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 33

===> dharma-para [ dharmapara ]3[ dh'arma-para ] mfn. intent on virtue, pious, righteous cf. Āpast. cf. Var. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv

===> dharma-paryāya [ dharmaparyAya ]3[ dh'arma-paryAya ] m. N. of partic. Buddh ' wks. cf. Lalit. cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> dharma-paṭṭa [ dharmapaTTa ]3[ dh'arma-paTTa ] m. the band of law or duty cf. L.

===> dharma-prabhāsa [ dharmaprabhAsa ]3[ dh'arma-prabhAsa ] m. ` illuminator of the law ', N. of a Buddha

===> dharma-pradhāna [ dharmapradhAna ]3[ dh'arma-pradhAna ] mfn. eminent in piety cf. Mn. iv, 243

===> dharma-priya [ dharmapriya ]3[ dh'arma-priya ] m. ` law-friend ', N. of a Gandharva prince cf. Kāraṇḍ (1) of a cf. Buddh. scholar

===> dharma-pāla [ dharmapAla ]3[ dh'arma-pAla ] m. ', law guardian ', fig. = punishment or sword cf. MBh. xii, 4429 ; 6204 (1) N. of a minister of king Daśa-ratha cf. R. (2) of a great scholar cf. Buddh. (3) of a prince cf. Inscr. (4) of a poet cf. Cat.

===> dharma-rata [ dharmarata ]3[ dh'arma-rata ] mfn. ` delighting in virtue ', virtuous cf. Kāv

===> dharma-ratha [ dharmaratha ]3[ dh'arma-ratha ] m. ` law-chariot ', N. of a son of Sagara cf. Hariv. (1) of Divi-ratha cf. Pur. (2) [ °th^abhirUDha ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> dharma-rati [ dharmarati ]3[ dh'arma-rati ] mfn. id. cf. Ragh (1) N. of a demon cf. Lalit.

===> dharma-ratna [ dharmaratna ]3[ dh'arma-ratna ] n. [ -maJjUSA ] f. [ °tn^akara ] m. N. of wks.

===> dharma-ruci [ dharmaruci ]3[ dh'arma-ruci ] mfn. delighting in or devoted to virtue cf. Āpast (1) m. N. of a Dānava cf. Kathās (2) of a god of the Bodhi tree cf. Lalit. (3) of a man cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-rāja [ dharmarAja ]3[ dh'arma-rAja ] m. ` id. ' a just or righteous king cf. Hariv. (1) any king or prince cf. L. (2) a Buddha cf. L. (3) N. of Yama cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Dal. &c. ([ -tA ] f. cf. MBh.) (4) of Yudhishṭhira cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. ([ -purogama ] mfn. headed by Yudhishṭhira cf. MW.) (5) Law conceived as a king cf. Kāraṇḍ (6) N. of sev. authors (also [ -dIkSita [ ŚtIya ] n. his wk. ], [ -putra ], [ -bhaTTa ], [ °j^adhvari-vara ] and [ °j^adhvar'indra ] m.)

===> dharma-rājan [ dharmarAjan ]3[ dh'arma-rAjan ] m. ` id. ', N. of Yudhi-shṭhira cf. MBh.

===> dharma-rājikā [ dharmarAjikA ]3[ dh'arma-rAjikA ] f. a Stūpa cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-saṃcaya [ dharmasaMcaya ]3[ dh'arma-saMcaya ] m. store of good wks. cf. Mṛcch. viii, s

===> dharma-saṃgraha [ dharmasaMgraha ]3[ dh'arma-saMgraha ] m. N. of a collection of cf. Buddh. technical terms (1) [ -nivRtti ] f. N. of a Jaina wk.

===> dharma-saṃgīti [ dharmasaMgIti ]3[ dh'arma-saMgIti ] f. ` discussion about the law ', a Buddhist council (1) N. of wk.

===> dharma-saṅga [ dharmasaGga ]3[ dh'arma-saGga ] m. devotion to justice or virtue (1) hypocrisy cf. W.

===> dharma-sena [ dharmasena ]3[ dh'arma-sena ] m. N. of a king cf. Vet (1) of an author cf. Cat.

===> dharma-skandha [ dharmaskandha ]3[ dh'arma-skandha ] m. ` law-collection, N. of wk. (1) chief section of a wk. relating to laws cf. Saṃk

===> dharma-smṛti [ dharmasmRti ]3[ dh'arma-smRti ] f. N. of wk.

===> dharma-stha [ dharmastha ]3[ dh'arma-stha ] m. ` abiding in the law ', a judge cf. Mn. viii, 27

===> dharma-sthavira [ dharmasthavira ]3[ dh'arma-sthavira ] m. ` firm in law ', N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-sthititā [ dharmasthititA ]3[ dh'arma-sthiti-tA ] f. the constant nature of Dharma cf. ib.

===> dharma-svāmin [ dharmasvAmin ]3[ dh'arma-svAmin ] m. ` lord of law and right ', N. of a Buddha (1) of a sanctuary built by Dharma (king of Kaśmīra) cf. Rājat. iv, 696

===> dharma-sāṃkathya [ dharmasAMkathya ]3[ dh'arma-sAMkathya ] n. discussion about the law, Kārand

===> dharma-tattva [ dharmatattva ]3[ dh'arma-tattva ] n. the real essence of the law ([ -tas ] ind. in a manner entirely corresponding to the law cf. MBh. viii, 229) (1) N. of wk. by Kamalakara (2) of a modern wk. cf. RTL. 510, n. 1 (3) [ -prakAza ] m. N. of wk. (4) [ -vid ] mfn. knowing the truths of laws or religion cf. MW. (5) [ -saMgraha ], [ °tv^artha-cintAmaNi ] m. N. of wks.

===> dharma-trāta [ dharmatrAta ]3[ dh'arma-trAta ] m. ` law. protected ', N. of a cf. Buddh. author

===> dharma-tyāga [ dharmatyAga ]3[ dh'arma-tyAga ] m. abandonment of religion, apostacy cf. MW.

===> dharma-vatsala [ dharmavatsala ]3[ dh'arma-vatsala ] mfn. tenderly alive to duty, loving piety cf. MW.

===> dharma-vidhi [ dharmavidhi ]3[ dh'arma-vidhi ] m. course of law legal precept or injunction cf. Mn. x, 131

===> dharma-vivardhana [ dharmavivardhana ]3[ dh'arma-vivardhana ] m. ` promoter of law or right ', N. of a son of Aśloka (= [ kunAla ]) cf. Buddh.

===> dharma-vāda [ dharmavAda ]3[ dh'arma-vAda ] m. discussion or argument about law or duty cf. R. (1) [ °din ] mfn. discussing law or duty cf. MBh. cf. Pañc

===> dharma-yajña [ dharmayajJa ]3[ dh'arma-yajJa ] m. sacrifice of virtue, an unbloody son cf. Jātakam

===> dharma-yaśas [ dharmayazas ]3[ dh'arma-yazas ] m. ` glory of the law ', N. of a man cf. L.

===> dharma-yukta [ dharmayukta ]3[ dh'arma-yukta ] mfn. righteous cf. Āpast (1) accordant with the law cf. ib. cf. R.

===> dharma-śarīra [ dharmazarIra ]3[ dh'arma-zarIra ] n. a body or collection of virtues or sacred relics cf. Jātakam (1) a kind of small cf. Buddh. Stūpa

===> dharma-śreṣṭhin [ dharmazreSThin ]3[ dh'arma-zreSThin ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. Arhat

===> dharma-śāsana [ dharmazAsana ]3[ dh'arma-zAsana ] n. law-book, code of laws cf. MBh.

===> dharma-śāstra [ dharmazAstra ]3[ dh'arma-zAstra ] n. id. (1) [ -kArikA ] f. [ -dIpikA ] f. [ -nibandha ] m. [ -vacana ] n. [ saMgraha ] m. (and [ °ha-z'ioka ] m. pl.), [ -sarvasva ] n. [ -sudhA-nidhi ] m. [ °str^oddhRta-vacana ] n. pl. N. of wks.

===> dharmamaya [ dharmamaya ]3[ dh'arma-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting merely in law or virtue, moral, righteous cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. BhP.

===> dharman [ dharman ]2[ dharm'an ] m. bearer, supporter, arranger cf. RV. (1) N. of a son of Bṛhad-rāja and father of Kṛtaṃ-jaya cf. VP. (2) ([ dh^arman ]), n. (older than [ dh'arma ], q. v., in later language mostly ifc. (3) cf. below) support, prop, hold cf. RV. cf. VS. (4) established order of things, steadfast decree (of a god, esp. of Mitra-Varuṇa), any arrangement or disposition (5) will, pleasure (6) law, rule, duty (7) practice, custom, mode, manner ([ dh'armaNA ], [ °mabhis ] (8) [ °maNas p'ari ] in regular order, naturally (9) [ svAya dhar maNe ] at one's own pleasure (10) [ dharmaNi ] with the permission of, [ 'adhi dh° ] against the will of [ gen. ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. VS. (11) (esp. ifc.) nature, quality, characteristic mark or attribute cf. ŚBr. (cf. [ an-ucchitti- ]) cf. MBh. (cf. [ uJcha- ] [ add. ], [ kSatra- ], [ phala- ], [ phena ].) cf. Var. (cf. [ dasyu- ] [ add. ]) cf. Kap. (cf. [ cid-dh° ] [ add. ]) cf. Kāv. (cf. [ vinAza- ].)

===> dharmatas [ dharmatas ]3[ dh'arma-tas ] ind. according to law or rule, rightly, justly cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pañc (1) from a virtuous motive cf. Mn. viii, 103 (2) ifc. = [ dharmAt ], from the rules of. cf. VP. iii, 7, 20

===> dharmatva [ dharmatva ]3[ dh'arma-tva ] n. inherent nature, peculiar property, cf. Kap. cf. Sāh (1) morality, piety cf. W.

===> dharmatā [ dharmatA ]3[ dh'arma-tA ] f. essence, inherent nature cf. Buddh. (1) the being law or right cf. Jātakam (2) ([ tayA ]), ind. ifc. by way or means of. Divy'av

===> dharmika [ dharmika ]2[ dharmika ] w. r. for [ dhArmika ]

===> dharmin [ dharmin ]2[ dharmin ] mfn. knowing or obeying the law, faithful to duty, virtuous, pious, just cf. Gaut. cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) endowed with any characteristic mark or peculiar property cf. Hariv. cf. Kāvyâd. (cf. below) cf. Sāh (2) (ifc.) following the laws or duties of, having the rights or attributes or peculiarities of. having anything as a characteristic mark, subject to any state or condition cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (3) m. the bearer of any characteristic mark or attribute, object, thing cf. Kap (4) N. of the 14th Vyāsa, DevībhP. (5) of a king cf. VP. (6) (iṇī), f. a kind of perfume cf. L. (7) N. of a woman (cf. [ dhArmiNeya ])

===> dharmitva [ dharmitva ]3[ dharmi-tva ] n. virtuousness, justice, faithfulness to duty cf. Kām (1) (ifc.) the being obliged to cf. Gaut (2) the being endowed with or obnoxious to cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur.

===> dharmiṣṭha [ dharmiSTha ]2[ dharmiSTha ] mfn. (superl.) very virtuous or righteous, completely lawful or legal cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> dharmya [ dharmya ]2[ dharmya ] mfn. legal, legitimate (1) usual, customary cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) just, virtuous, righteous cf. Mṛcch. ix, 5 (3) endowed with qualities or properties, ` propertied ' cf. KaṭhUp. ii, 13 (cf. [ tad- ]) (4) suitable to (gen.) cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 47 (5) N. of a man(cf [ -dhArmyAyaNa ]) (6) n. a customary donation, vi, 2, 65

===> dharmâdharma [ dharmAdharma ]3[ dharm^adharma ] m. du. right and wrong, justice and injustice cf. MW. (1) [ -jJa ] mfn. knowing right and wrong cf. Mn. i, 26 (2) [ -par^ikSaNa ] n. [ °kSA ] f. the test of right and wrong, a kind of ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper cf. Sch. on cf. Yājñ. (3) [ -prabodhinI ] and [ -vyavasthA ] f. N. of wks. (4) [ -senA-hanana ] n. N. of ch. of the cf. GaṇP.

===> dharmâdhikaraṇa [ dharmAdhikaraNa ]3[ dharm^adhikaraNa ] n. administration or court of Justice cf. Pañc. ([ -sthAna ] n. a law. court cf. ib.) (1) m. a judge, magistrate cf. MatsyaP.

===> dharmâkara [ dharmAkara ]3[ dharm^akara ] m. ` mine of virtue or law ', N. of a poet cf. Cat. (1) of the 99th Buddha (2) of a disciple of Buddhism Lok^eśvara-rāja (3) of a cf. Buddh. translator

===> dharmâkhyāna [ dharmAkhyAna ]3[ dharm^akhyAna ] n. explanation of duties, Cāṇ

===> dharmâloka [ dharmAloka ]3[ dharm^aloka ] m. ` light of the law ', N. of wk. cf. Kāraṇḍ (1) [ -mukha ] n. introduction to the light of the law cf. Lalit.

===> dharmânusmṛti [ dharmAnusmRti ]3[ dharm^anusmRti ] f. continual meditation on the law cf. Lalit. (1) [ °ty-upastkAna ] n. N. of wk.

===> dharmânvaya [ dharmAnvaya ]3[ dharm^anvaya ] m. obedience to law cf. Divyâv

===> dharmârtha [ dharmArtha ]3[ dharm^artha ] m. du. religious merit and wealth cf. Mn. ii, 112 &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. for religious purposes, according to right or rule or duty cf. MW. [ 512,3 ] (2) [ -kAma-mokSa ] m. pl. religious merit, wealth, pleasure and final emancipation (the 4 objects of existence) cf. MW. (3) [ -darzin ] mfn. having an eye to duty and interest or to religion and wealth cf. MW. (4) [ pratibaddhatA ] f. attachment to duty and interest or to religion and wealth cf. ib. (5) [ -yukta ] mfn. conformable to duty and interest, Apast (6) [ °rthika ] mfn. striving after righteousness, just, pious cf. L. (7) [ °rthIya ] mfn. relating to law or duty cf. MBh.

===> dharmâsana [ dharmAsana ]3[ dharm^asana ] n. the throne of justice, judgment-seat cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ -gata ] mfn. seated on it cf. MW.

===> dharmâyatana [ dharmAyatana ]3[ dharm^ayatana ] n. the sphere or objects of Manas (1) [ °nika ] mfn. relating to them cf. Buddh.

===> dharmâśoka [ dharmAzoka ]3[ dharm^azoka ] m. ` the Aśoka of justice ', N. of king Aśoka (the grandson of Candra-gupta) (1) of a poet (2) [ -datta ] m. N. of a poet

===> dharṣa [ dharSa ]1[ dharSa ] m. (√ [ dhRS ]) boldness, insolence, arrogance cf. MBh. i, 7040 (cf. [ dur- ]) (1) impatience cf. W. (2) paralysing, rendering weak or impotent cf. ib. (3) violation (of a woman) cf. ib. (4) injury, wrong, insult (5) restraint cf. ib. (6) a eunuch cf. ib. (cf. below)

===> dharṣaṇa [ dharSaNa ]2[ dharSaNa ] mfn. offending, hurting, assaulting cf. MW. (1) n. and ([ A ]), f. assault, outrage, offence, violation, seduction cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pañc. &c. (2) overpowering cf. L. (3) copulation cf. L. (4) ([ ˘I ]), f. a wanton or unchaste woman, a harlot cf. Uṇ. ii, 105 cf. Sch. cf. L.

===> dharṣaṇīya [ dharSaNIya ]2[ dharSaNIya ] mfn. liable to be attacked or assaulted, violable, conquerable cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R.

===> dharṣita [ dharSita ]2[ dharSita ] mfn. overpowered, violated, illtreated cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (1) n. contumely, insolence cf. W. (2) copulation cf. ib. (3) ([ A ]), f. an unchaste woman cf. L.

===> dhaureya [ dhaureya ]1[ dhaureya ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ dhur ]) fit to be harnessed or for a burden cf. L. (1) being foremost, at the head of (cf. [ puruSa- ]) (2) m. beast of burden, draught-horse cf. L. (also [ °yaka ] cf. Veṇis. iv, 9/10)

===> dhauta [ dhauta ]1[ dhauta ] mfn. (√ 2. [ dhAv ]) washed, cleansed, purified cf. TāṇḍBr. cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) washed off, removed, destroyed
cf. Kālid. cf. Śiś. cf. Bhaṭṭ. (cf. [ dhUt'a ]) [ 520,3 ] (2) polished, bright, white, shining cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) ([ I ]), f. washing cf. Siṉhâs (4) n. id. cf. Cāṇ (5) silver cf. L.

===> dhavala [ dhavala ]1[ dhavala ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. √ 2. [ dhAv ]? cf. cf. Uṇ. i, 108 cf. Sch.) white, dazzling white cf. Var. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (1) handsome, beautiful cf. L. (2) m. white (the colour) cf. L. (3) a kind of dove cf. Bhpr. (4) an old or excellent bull cf. Hcar. (5) a kind of camphor cf. L. (6) Anogeissus Latifolia cf. L. (7) (in music) N. of a Rāga (8) N. of a man cf. Kathās (9) of one of the elephants of the quarters cf. R. (10) of a dog (11) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. a white cow cf. Kād (12) ([ I ]), f. white hair (as a kind of disease) cf. L. (13) N. of a river cf. L. (14) n. white pepper cf. L. (15) a kind of metre (= [ °l^aGka ]) cf. Col. (16) N. of a town cf. Kathās

===> dhavara [ dhavara ]1[ dhavara ] n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> dhenu [ dhenu ]2[ dhen'u ] mfn. milch, yielding or giving milk (1) f. a milch cow or any cow cf. RV. &c. &c. (ifc. of names of animals also denoting the female of any species of [ khaDga- ], [ go- ], [ vaDava- ]) (2) any offering or present to Brāhmans instead or in the shape of a cow (mostly ifc. [ cf. [ ghRta- ], [ jala- ], [ tila- ] &c. ], where it also forms diminutives (3) cf. [ asi- ], [ khaDga- ]) (4) metaph. = the earth cf. MBh. xiii, 3165 (5) pl. any beverage made of milk cf. RV. iv, 22, 6 &c. (6) n. N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. (also [ marutAM dh° ] and [ dhenu-payasI ] du.)

===> dhik [ dhik ]1[ dhik ] ind., used as a prefix or as an interj. of reproach, menace or displeasure = fie! shame! out upon! what a pity! &c. (with acc., rarely gen., voc. or nom.) cf. Up. cf. Lāṭy. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (also [ dhig dhik ], [ aho dhik ], [ hA dhik ], [ hA dhik kaSTam ], [ h˘A hA dhik ] &c. (1) [ dhik tvAm ], or [ tava ] [ also with [ astu ] ] shame upon you!)

===> dhik-kṛta [ dhikkRta ]3[ dhik-kRta ] mfn. reproached &c. (1) mocked, derided cf. Daś (2) n. pl. reproach, contempt cf. ib.

===> dhiṣṇya [ dhiSNya ]2[ dh'iSNya ] mfn. mindful, attentive, benevolent, liberal (Aśvins) cf. RV. i, 3, 2 ; 89, 4 &c. (1) devout, pious (voice, hymn), x, 114, 9 (2) m. (f. [ A ] only cf. RV. iv, 3, 6 (3) n. cf. MBh. i, 7944) a sort of subordinate or side-altar (generally a heap of earth covered with sand on which the fire is placed, and of which 8 are enumerated, viz. besides the [ AgnIdhrIya ] [ in the Āgnīdhra ] those in the Sadas [ see s. v. ] belonging to the [ hotR ], the [ maitrA-varuNa ] or [ pra-zastR ], the [ brAhmaNAcchaMsin ], the [ potR ], [ neSTR ] and [ acchA-vAka ] (4) and the [ mArjAlIya ]) cf. Br. cf. ŚrS. &c. (cf. [ klRpta- ]) &c. (5) N. of Uśanas, i. e. the planet Venus cf. L. (cf. [ dhiSaNa ]) (6) ([ A ]) f. a meteor cf. Var. (n. only cf. MBh. v, 7272) (7) n. site, place, abode, region, house cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (8) the seat of a god, i. e. a quarter of the sky cf. VP. (9) star, asterism (looking like the fire on the side altars) cf. Var (10) the orb of an asterism (on which its light seems to centre) cf. MBh. cf. VP. (11) power, strength cf. L. (12) mfn. placed upon a mound of earth serving as an altar cf. AV. cf. Br. &c. (13) m. (with or scil. [ agni ]) a fire so placed cf. VS. cf. TS. &c

===> dhmāpita [ dhmApita ]3[ dhmApita ] mfn. reduced to ashes, burnt to a cinder ([ kSauma ]) cf. Suśr.

===> dhrauvya [ dhrauvya ]2[ dhrauvya ] n. fixedness, firmness, immovableness cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 76 (1) duration cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Kauś (2) certainty, necessity cf. Śaṃk (3) mfn. conferring firmness or duration cf. BhP.

===> dhru [ dhru ]1[ dhru ]1 cl. 6. P. [ dhruv'ati ] (cf. Naigh. ii, 14) to go (1) to be firm or fixed (also cl. 1. P. [ dhravati ] cf. Dhātup. xxii, 45 (2) p. [ dhruvat ], knowing cf. Bhaṭṭ. (3) perf. [ dudhrAva ], be killed cf. ib.)

===> [ dhru ]1[ dhru ]2 See [ 'asmRta-dhru ]

===> [ dhru ]1[ dhru ]3 See [ dhvR ]

===> dhruva [ dhruva ]1[ dhruv'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. (prob. fr. √ [ dhR ], but cf. √ [ dhru ] and [ dhruv ]) fixed, firm, immovable, unchangeable, constant, lasting, permanent, eternal cf. RV. &c. &c. (e. g. the earth, a mountain, a pillar, a vow &c. (1) with [ sv^aGga ] n. an inseparable member of the body cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 177 (2) with [ dhenu ] f. a cow which stands quiet when milked cf. AV. xii, 1, 45 (3) with [ diz ] f. the point of the heavens directly under the feet [ reckoned among the quarters of the sky, cf. 2. [ diz ] ] cf. AV. cf. Br. [ 521,3 ] (4) with [ smRti ] f. a strong or retentive memory cf. ChUp. vii, 26, 2 (5) cf. also under [ karaNa ] and [ nakSatra ]) (6) staying with (loc.) cf. RV. ix, 101, 12 (7) settled, certain, sure cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (8) ifc. = [ pApa ] cf. L. (9) m. the polar star (personified as son of Uttāna-pāda and grandson of Manu) cf. GṛS. cf. MBh. &c. (10) celestial pole cf. Sūryas (11) the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars, a constant arc cf. ib. (12) a knot cf. VS. v, 21 ; 30 (13) a post, stake cf. L. (14) the Indian fig-tree cf. L. (15) tip of the nose (?) cf. L. (16) a partic. water-bird cf. ib. (17) the remaining (i. e. preserved) Graha which having been drawn in the morning is not offered till evening cf. ŚBr. cf. Vait (18) (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a partic. time or measure ([ tAla-vizeSa ]) (19) any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred cf. W. (20) N. of an astrol. Yoga (21) of the syllable Om cf. RāmatUp. (22) of Brahmā cf. L. (23) of Viṣṇu cf. MBh. (24) of Śiva cf. Śivag (25) of a serpent supporting the earth cf. GṛS. cf. TĀr. (26) of a Vasu cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (27) of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohiṇī cf. BhP. (28) of an Āṅgirasa (supposed author of cf. RV. x, 173) cf. Anukr. (29) of a son of Nahusha cf. MBh. (30) of a follower of the Pāṇḍus cf. ib. (31) of a son of Ranti-nāra (or Ranti-bhāra) cf. Pur. (32) ([ A ]), f. the largest of the 3 sacrificial ladles cf. AV. xviii, 4, 5, 6 (with [ juhU ] & [ upabhRt ]) cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. &c. (33) (scil. [ vRtti ]) a partic. mode of life cf. Baudh. (34) (scil. [ strI ]) a virtuous woman cf. L. (35) Desmodium Gangeticum cf. L. (36) Sanseviera Zeylanica cf. L. (37) (in music) the introductory verse (cf. above) (38) n. the fixed point (from which a departure takes place) cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 24 (39) the enduring sound (supposed to be heard after the Abhinidhāna) cf. RPrāt. (40) air, atmosphere cf. L. (41) a kind of house cf. Gal. (42) ([ am ]), ind. firmly, constantly, certainly, surely cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ; ([ Aya ]), ind. for ever cf. Hariv. [ Cf. Zd. [ drva ]. ]

===> dhruvatva [ dhruvatva ]3[ dhruv'a-tva ] n. (in music) quick time or measure

===> dhura [ dhura ]2[ dh'ura ] m. yoke, pole, burden, peg of the axle (esp. ifc.) cf. MBh. &c. (1) mfn. having anything as chief (foremost) part or ingredient, distinguished by (ifc.) cf. Bālar. i, 11 (2) ([ A ]), f. burden, load cf. Pañc. cf. Kathās (3) pole, shaft cf. Pañc. i, 22/23

===> dhurya [ dhurya ]2[ dh'urya ] mfn. (w. r. [ dhUrya ]) fit o be harnessed, able to draw or bear (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 77) (1) being at the head of, foremost, best cf. AV. cf. MBh. &c. (2) eminently fit for or distinguished by (comp.) cf. Bālar. iii, 2/3 (3) m. beast of burden, horse, bullock &c. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (4) minister, charge d ' affaires cf. W. (with [ mantrin ] cf. Kathās. ix, 14) (5) leader, chief (cf. [ kula- ]) cf. MBh. &c. (6) a kind of medic. plant (= [ RSabha ]) cf. L. (7) n. forepart of a pole cf. R. (8) N. of all Stotras except the 3 Pavamānas cf. KātyŚr. cf. Sch.

===> dhuta [ dhuta ]2[ dhuta ] mfn. shaken, agitated (1) shaken off, removed, abandoned cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> dhuta-guṇa [ dhutaguNa ]3[ dhuta-guNa ] = [ dhUtag° ] (q. v.) cf. SaddhP. [ 517,2 ]

===> dhvaja [ dhvaja ]2[ dhvaj'a ] m. (n. only cf. Hariv. 9245 and g. [ ardharc^adi ] (1) fr. 2. [ dhvaj ]) a banner, flag, standard (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) a flag-staff cf. W. (3) mark, emblem, ensign, characteristic, sign cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (4) attribute of a deity (cf. [ makara- ], [ vRSabha- ] &c.) (5) the sign of any trade (esp. of a distillery or tavern) and the business there carried on cf. Mn. iv, 85 (6) a distiller or vendor of spirituous liquors cf. L. (7) (ifc.) the ornament of (e. g. [ kula-dhvaja ]) cf. L. (8) the organ of generation (of any animal, male or female) cf. Suśr. cf. L. (cf. [ puM- ], [ strI- ]) (9) a skull carried on a staff (as a penance for the murder of a Brāhman cf. W. (10) as a mark of ascetics and Yogīs cf. MW.) (11) N. of a tree (= [ -vRkSa ]) cf. Cat. (12) a place prepared in a peculiar way for building cf. L. (in pros.) an iambic (13) (in Gr.) a partic. kind of Krama-pāṭha: (in astrol.) N. of a Yoga (14) pride, arrogance, hypocrisy cf. L. (15) N. of a Grāma cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 109 cf. Sch.

===> dhvajâgra [ dhvajAgra ]3[ dhvaj^agra ] n. the top of a standard (See below) (1) m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ (2) a partic. Roma-vivara cf. ib. (3) [ -keyUra ] m. ` the ring on the top of a standard ', N. of a partic. Samādhi cf. Buddh. (4) [ -nizA-maNi ], m. (5) [ °gra-vatI ] f. N. of 2 modes of reckoning cf. Lalit.

===> dhvani [ dhvani ]2[ dhvan'i ] m. sound, echo, noise, voice, tone, tune, thunder cf. AV. &c. &c. (1) the sound of a drum cf. W. (2) empty sound without reality cf. MW. (3) a word cf. L. (4) allusion, hint, implied meaning, poetical style cf. Sāh (5) N. of wk. (6) N. of one of the Viśve Devās cf. VP. (7) of a son of the Vasu Āpa cf. ib.

===> dhvanita [ dhvanita ]2[ dhvanita ] mfn. caused to sound cf. Śatr (1) alluded to, implied cf. W. (2) n. sg. or pl. sound, thunder cf. Kād

===> dhvasta [ dhvasta ]2[ dhvasta ] mfn. fallen, destroyed, perished, lost cf. Br. &c. &c. (1) eclipsed, obscured cf. Var (2) scattered or covered with (instr. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> dhvaṃsana [ dhvaMsana ]2[ dhvaMsana ] mfn. = [ °saka ] cf. MBh. (cf. [ dakS^adhvara- ]) (1) spluttering cf. Nir. ii, 9 (2) n. destruction, ruin cf. R. cf. BhP.

===> dhvānta [ dhvAnta ]2[ dhvAnt'a ]1 m. N. of a wind cf. TS.

===> [ dhvAnta ]1[ dhvAnt'a ]2 mfn. (√ 1. [ dhvan ], cf. cf. Pāṇ. vii, 2, 18), covered, veiled, dark (1) n. darkness, night cf. RV. &c. &c.

===> dhyeya [ dhyeya ]2[ dhyeya ] mfn. to be meditated on, fit for meditation, to be pondered or imagined cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> dhyāmī-karaṇa [ dhyAmIkaraNa ]3[ dhyAmI-karaNa ] n. making dark-coloured, blackening cf. L. (1) burning, consuming cf. L.

===> dhyāmī-kṛta [ dhyAmIkRta ]3[ dhyAmI-kRta ] mfn. made dark-coloured, blackened cf. L.

===> dhyāna [ dhyAna ]2[ dhyAna ] n. meditation, thought, reflection, (esp.) profound and abstract religious meditation, ([ °nam Apad ], [ A-√ sthA ] or [ °naM-√ gam ], to indulge in religious meditation) cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (with Buddhists divided into 4 stages cf. MWB. 209 cf. Dharmas. lxxii

---> but also into 3 cf. ib. cix) (1) mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity cf. W. (2) insensibility, dulness cf. Bhpr. (3) ([ °n'a ]), m. N. of a partic. personification cf. MaitrS. (4) of the 11th day of the light half in Brahma's month cf. Pur.

===> dhyāna-gocara [ dhyAnagocara ]3[ dhyAna-gocara ] m. pl. a partic. class of deities cf. Lalit.

===> dhyāna-para [ dhyAnapara ]3[ dhyAna-para ] (cf. MBh.), mfn. engaged in meditation, thoughtful

===> dhyāna-phala [ dhyAnaphala ]3[ dhyAna-phala ] n. ` fruit of meditation ', N. of ch. of cf. PSarv.

===> dhyāna-pāramitā [ dhyAnapAramitA ]3[ dhyAna-pAramitA ] f. perfection of meditation cf. Kāraṇḍ. cf. MWB. 128

===> dhyāna-stha [ dhyAnastha ]3[ dhyAna-stha ] (cf. MW.),

===> dhyānavat [ dhyAnavat ]3[ dhyAna-vat ] mfn. intent on religious meditation cf. MBh.

===> dhyānin [ dhyAnin ]2[ dhyAnin ] mfn. contemplative, engaged in religious meditation cf. MBh.

===> dhyātṛ [ dhyAtR ]3[ dhyAtR ] m. one who reflects upon, a thinker cf. Hariv. cf. Kum. cf. BhP. (1) [ -dhyAta-vyatva ] n. = [ dhyAtRtva ] + [ dhyAtavyatva ] cf. Śaṃk

===> dhyāyati [ dhyAyati ]3[ dhyAḍyati ] m. N. of √ [ dhyai ] cf. Śaṃk

===> dhyāyin [ dhyAyin ]3[ dhyAḍyin ] mfn. absorbed in meditation, quite intent upon or engrossed in (comp.) cf. Hcat

===> dhānya [ dhAnya ]2[ dhAny'a ]1 mfn. consisting or made of grain cf. RV. cf. AV. (1) n. corn, grain cf. ib. &c. &c. (according to cf. Suśr. only [ zAlayaH ], [ SaSTikAH ] & [ vIhayaH ], the other grains being [ ku-dhAnya ], q. v.) (2) a measure = 4 sesamum seeds cf. L. (3) coriander (also [ A ] f.) cf. L. (4) Cyperus Rotundus cf. L. (5) a kind of house cf. Gal.

===> [ dhAnya ]1[ dhAnya ]2 n. (fr. [ dhana ]) the being rich, richness cf. Dhātup. xx, 3

===> dhāra [ dhAra ]1[ dhAra ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (√ [ dhR ]) holding, supporting, containing (ifc. (1) cf. [ karNa- ], [ chattra- ], [ tulA- ] &c.) (2) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (3) debt cf. L.

===> [ dhAra ]1[ dhAra ]2 m. or n. (√ 1. [ dhAv ]) stream, gush (cf. [ taila- ] [ add. ] and [ toya- ]) (1) mfn. coming down in a stream or as rain cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr.

===> [ dhAra ]1[ dhAra ]3 m. a sort of stone cf. L. (1) edge. boundary cf. L. (cf. 2. [ dhArA ]) (2) deep place, depth cf. W. (to 1. [ dhAra ]?)

===> dhāraka [ dhAraka ]2[ dhAraka ]2 ifc. = prec. or next (1) cf. [ tri- ]

===> dhāraya [ dhAraya ]2[ dhAraya ] mfn. holding, bearing &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 138) (1) owing a sum (gen.) to (dat.) cf. L.

===> dhārayitavya [ dhArayitavya ]2[ dhArayitavya ] mfn. to be borne or held cf. Var. cf. Prab (1) to be perceived or understood cf. Śaṃk

===> dhārayitṛ [ dhArayitR ]3[ dhArayitR ] m. holder, bearer, restrainer cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) who keeps anything in remembrance cf. TĀr. (2) ([ tRR ]), f. the earth cf. L.

===> dhāraṇa [ dhAraNa ]2[ dhAraNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. holding, bearing, keeping (in remembrance), retention, preserving, protecting, maintaining, possessing, having (ifc. or with gen.) cf. TĀr. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. : cf. BhP. (1) assuming the shape of (gen.), resembling cf. MBh. xiii, 739 (2) m. N. of Śiva cf. MBh.

---> of a son of Kaśyapa cf. ib. (3) of a prince of the Candravatsas cf. ib. (4) du. the two female breasts cf. L. (5) ([ dh'AraNa ]), n. the act of holding, bearing &c. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (6) wearing (See [ liGga- ]) (7) suffering, enduring cf. R. (8) keeping in remembrance, memory
cf. TĀr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. : immovable concentration of the mind upon (loc.) cf. Vedântas (9) restraining (cf. [ zvAsa- ]) (10) keeping back i. e. pronouncing imperfectly cf. Prāt. (11) ([ A ] and [ I ]), f. See [ dhAraNA ] and [ °NI ]

===> dhāraṇa-pātra [ dhAraNapAtra ]3[ dhAraNa-pAtra ] n. a kind of vessel or receptacle cf. Buddh. [ 515,2 ]

===> dhāraṇā [ dhAraNA ]2[ dhAraNA ] f. (cf. [ °Na ], col. 1) the act of holding, bearing, wearing, supporting, maintaining cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) retaining, keeping back (also in remembrance), a good memory cf. KaṭhUp. cf. GṛS. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (2) collection or concentration of the mind (joined with the retention of breath)
cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (3) cf. cf. MWB. 239 ([ °NAM-√ dhR ], to exercise concentration cf. Yājñ. (4) [ °NAM gataH ], having composed one's self cf. R.) (5) understanding, intellect cf. Yājñ. iii, 73 (6) firmness, steadfastness, righteousness cf. L. (7) fixed preceptor settled rule, certainty cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (8) pl. the 8th to the 11th day in the light half of month Jyaishṭha cf. Var

===> dhāraṇī [ dhAraNI ]2[ dhAraNI ] f. any tubular vessel of the body cf. L. (1) the earth cf. Gal. (2) a partic. bulbous plant cf. ib. (3) a mystical verse or charm used as a kind of prayer to assuage pain &c. cf. MWB. 154 ; 351 &c. (4 kinds of Dhāraṇī according to cf. Dharmas. lii) (4) row or line (w. r. for [ dhoraNI ]) cf. L. (5) N. of a daughter of Sva-dhā cf. VP.

===> dhāraṇī-mati [ dhAraNImati ]3[ dhAraNI-mati ] m. (?) N. of a Samādhi cf. L.

===> dhāraṇī-rāja [ dhAraNIrAja ]3[ dhAraNI-rAja ] m. N. of a cf. Buddh. wk.

===> dhāri [ dhAri ]2[ dhAri ] mfn. holding, bearing cf. Sch.

===> dhārin [ dhArin ]2[ dhArin ]1 mfn. bearing, wearing, holding, possessing, keeping in one's memory, maintaining, observing (with gen. or ifc.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) = [ poSka ] (?) cf. Hariv. 11986 (cf. Nīlak.) (2) m. Careya Arborea or Salvadora Persica cf. L. (3) ([ iNI ]), f. the earth cf. L. (cf. [ bhUta- ]) (4) N. of a daughter of Sva-dhā cf. BhP. (cf. [ °raNI ]) (5) N. of a deity cf. Jain. (6) of the wife of Agni-mitra cf. Mālav (7) nf other women cf. HPariś (8) pl. a collect. N. of the 74 wives of the gods cf. VahniP.

===> dhārita [ dhArita ]2[ dhArita ] mfn. borne (also in the womb), held, supported &c. cf. TĀr. cf. MBh. (1) n. (also [ °taka ]) a horses trot cf. W. (w. r. for [ dhorita ], [ °taka ])

===> dhārma [ dhArma ]1[ dhArm'a ]1 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ dharma ]) relating to justice or virtue cf. ŚBr. (1) belonging to Dharma (god of justice) cf. MBh.

===> [ dhArma ]2[ dhArma ]2 Vṛddhi form of [ dharma ] in comp.

===> dhārmika [ dhArmika ]2[ dhArmika ] mf ([ I ]) n. righteous, virtuous, pious, just cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) resting on right, conformable to justice (mind, words &c.) cf. R. (2) m. judge cf. L. (3) a bigot cf. Kād (4) juggler cf. Ratn (5) a Bodhi-sattva cf. L.

===> dhārmya [ dhArmya ]2[ dhArmya ] w. r. for [ dharmya ]

===> dhārta-rāṣṭra [ dhArtarASTra ]3[ dhArta-rASTra ] mf ([ I ]) n. belonging to Dhṛtarāshṭra cf. MBh. (1) m. a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra, a Kuru (cf. [ nir- ]), esp. patr. of Dur-yodhana (ifc. f. [ A ]) cf. ib. (2) a kind of snake cf. L. (3) (fr. [ dhRta-rASTrI ]) a sort of goose with black legs and bill cf. Hariv. cf. Kād (4) [ -padI ] f. N. of a plant cf. L.

===> dhārya [ dhArya ]2[ dhArya ]1 mfn. to be borne or worn or carried &c. cf. MBh. ([ -tva ], n. cf. L.) (1) ([ daNDa ]) to be inflicted or imposed on (dat.) cf. ib. v, 7526 (2) to be kept (also in the memory), to be upheld or maintained cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. &c. (3) to be observed or followed (order vow, &c.) cf. Hariv. (4) to be called to mind ([ cetasi ]) or attended to cf. Kāv (5) to be suffered or put up with (said of a servant) cf. Pañc (6) to be kept back or restrained cf. MBh. (7) n. clothes cf. BhP.

===> dhārā [ dhArA ]2[ dh'ArA ]1 f. stream or current of water (1) (cf. [ tri- ], [ dvi- ], [ zata- ], [ sahasra- ]), flood, gush, jet, drop (of any liquid), shower, rain (also fig. of arrows, flowers, &c. (2) [ v'asor dh° ], ` source of good, N. of a partic. libation to Agni cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. (3) of a sacred bathing-place cf. MBh. (4) of Agni's wife cf. BhP.) (5) a leak or hole in a pitcher &c. cf. L. (6) the pace of horse cf. Śiś. v, 60 (5 enumerated, viz. [ dhorita ], [ valgita ], [ pluta ], [ ut-tejita ], [ ut-t^erita ], or [ A-skandita ], [ recita ] for the two latter cf. L. (7) with [ paramA ], the quickest pace cf. Kathās. xxxi, 39) (8) uniformity, sameness (as of flowing water?) cf. L. (9) custom, usage cf. W. (10) continuous line or series (cf. [ vana- ]) (11) fig. line of a family cf. L. (12) N. of a sacred bathing-place (also with [ mAhezvarI ], cf. above) cf. MBh. (13) of a town (the residence of Bhoja) cf. Cat.

===> [ dhArA ]1[ dh'ArA ]2 f. (√ 2. [ dhAv ]) margin, sharp edge, rim, blade (esp. of a sword, knife, &c. (1) fig. applied to the flame of fire) cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) the edge of a mountain cf. L. (3) the rim of a wheel cf. Ragh. xiii, 15 (4) the fence or hedge of a garden cf. L. (5) the van of an army cf. L. (6) the tip of the ear cf. L. (7) highest point, summit (cf. [ °r^adhirUDha ]) glory, excellence cf. L. (8) night cf. L. (9) turmeric cf. L.

===> dhātrī [ dhAtrI ]2[ dhAtrI ] f. ` female supporter ', a nurse cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) midwife cf. Hit. iv, 61 (2) mother cf. Yājñ. iii, 82 (3) the earth cf. Var. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (4) Emblica Officinalis cf. Var. cf. Suśr. (some derive it fr. √ [ dhe ], cf. [ dhAyas ] and cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 181). [ 514,2 ]

===> dhātu [ dhAtu ]1[ dh'Atu ]2 mfn. (√ [ dhe ]) to be sucked in or drunk ([ havis ]) cf. RV. v, 44, 3, f. = [ dhenu ], milch cow cf. Lāṭy. vii, 5, 9

===> [ dhAtu ]1[ dhAtu ]3 n. (with [ rauhiNa ]) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr.

===> dhātu-kāya [ dhAtukAya ]3[ dhAtu-kAya ] m.

===> dhātu-saṃgraha [ dhAtusaMgraha ]3[ dhAtu-saMgraha ] and m. N. of wks. on verbal roots

===> dhātu-stūpa [ dhAtustUpa ]3[ dhAtu-stUpa ] m. (with cf. Buddh.) ` relic-receptacle ', a Dāgaba cf. MWB. 504 cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> dhātu-sāmya [ dhAtusAmya ]3[ dhAtu-sAmya ] n. equilibrium of the bodily humours, good health cf. MW.

===> dhātuka [ dhAtuka ]2[ dhAtuka ] (ifc.) = 1. [ dhAtu ] (1) m. or n. bitumen cf. L.

===> dhātv-artha [ dhAtvartha ]3[ dhAtv-artha ] m. ` having the sense of a root, a verb cf. MW.

===> dhātṛ [ dhAtR ]2[ dhAt'R ] m. establisher, founder, creator, bearer, supporter (cf. [ vasu- ]), orderer, arranger cf. RV. &c. &c. (1) N. of a divine being who personifies these functions (in Vedic times presiding over generation, matrimony, health, wealth, time and season, and associated or identified with Savitṛ, Prajā-pati, Tvashṭṛ, Bṛhaspati, Mitra, Aryaman, Viṣṇu &c. cf. RV. x cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) later chiefly the creator and maintainer of the world = Brahmā or Prajā-pati cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (3) in ep. one of the 12 Ādityas and brother of Vi-dhātṛ and Lakshmī, son of Brahmā cf. MBh. (4) or of Bhṛgu and Khyāti cf. Pur. (5) Fate personified cf. Kāv.) (6) one of the 49 winds cf. VahniP. (7) paramour, adulterer cf. Dal (8) the 1-th or 44th year in the cycle of Jupiter cf. Cat. (9) N. of a Ṛshi in the 4th Manv-antara cf. Hariv. (C. [ dhAman ]) (10) of an author cf. Cat. ; ([ trI ]), f. [ dhAtrI ]. [ Cf. Zd. [ dātar ] ; Gk. ?: Slav. [ d˘eteli ]. ] [ 514,1 ]

===> [ dhAtR ]1[ dhAt'R ] [ dhAtrI ], &c. See col. 1. [ 515,1 ]

===> dhāva [ dhAva ]2[ dhAva ] mfn. washing, cleansing (ifc. (1) cf. [ asi- ], [ caila- ]) (2) m. See [ danta- ]

===> dhāvana [ dhAvana ]2[ dhAvana ]2 mfn. See [ bila- ] (1) n. washing, cleansing, rubbing off or in cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. cf. R. (cf. [ manaHzilA-candana-dh° ] and [ mIna-dh-toya ]) (2) having a garment washed by a man that is not one's kin cf. Buddh.

===> dhī [ dhI ]1[ dhI ]1 cl. 3. Ā. [ dIdhIte ], &c. cf. RV. (cf. √ [ dIdhI ] (1) the forms [ dhImahi ] and [ 'adhAyi ] belong rather to √ 1. [ dhA ] (2) pf. [ dIdhaya ], [ °dhima ], [ °dhiyur ] or [ °dhyur ], [ °dhire ] cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br.) to perceive, think, reflect (3) wish, desire: Intens. [ dedhyat ] cf. TS.

===> [ dhI ]2[ dh'I ]2 f. thought, (esp.) religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified) cf. RV. (1) understanding, intelligence, wisdom (personified as the wife of Rudra-Manyu cf. BhP.), knowledge, science, art (2) mind, disposition, intention, design (ifc. intent upon cf. Kāv.) (3) notion, opinion, the taking for (comp.) cf. RV. &c. &c. ([ y'athA dhiy'A ] or [ dhiy'A n'a ], according to thy wisdom or will (4) [ itth'A dhiy'A ] or [ dh'iyaH ], willingly, lit. such is thy will cf. RV.) (5) N. of the 5th house from the Lagna cf. Var

===> [ dhI ]1[ dhI ]3 cl. 4. Ā. [ dhIyate ], to contain, bold (Pass. of √ 1. [ dhA ]?) (1) to slight, disregard (2) to propitiate (?) cf. Dhātup. xxvi, 37

===> [ dhI ]1[ dh'I ]4 f. for [ dI ], splendour cf. RV. iii, 34, 5 ; vi, 3, 3

===> dhīmat [ dhImat ]3[ dh'I-mat ] mfn. intelligent, wise, learned, sensible cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of Bṛhaspati cf. L. (2) of a son of Virāj cf. VP. (3) of a Ṛshi in the 4th Manv-antara cf. ib. (4) of a son of Pūrū-ravas cf. MBh. (5) a Bodhi-sattva cf. L.

===> dhīra [ dhIra ]2[ dh'Ira ]1 mf ([ 'I ] or [ A ]) n. intelligent, wise, skilful, clever, familiar with, versed in (loc.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (compar. [ dh'Ira-tara ] cf. AV. cf. R.) (1) m. N. of a Buddha cf. L. (2) of sev. men with the patr. Śataparṇeya cf. ŚBr. -1

===> [ dhIra ]1[ dhIra ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ dhR ] or [ dhA ]? cf. cf. Uṇ. ii, 24) steady, constant, firm, resolute, brave, energetic, courageous, self-possessed, composed, calm, grave cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) deep, low, dull (as sound) cf. Kālid. cf. Amar. &c.

---> gentle, soft cf. L. (2) well-conducted, well-bred cf. L. (3) ([ am ]), ind. steadily, firmly &c. (4) m. the ocean, sea (as an image of constancy?) (5) N. of Bali cf. L. (6) of other men cf. Rājat (7) f. N. of sev. medic. plants ([ kAkolI ], [ kSIra-kAk° ], [ mahA-jyotiSmatI ], [ medA ], [ zveta-vacA ], Rosa Glandulifera) cf. Bhpr. cf. L. (8) an intoxicating beverage cf. L. (9) a woman who keeps down all expression of resentment or jealousy cf. Sāh (10) N. of a woman cf. Cat. (11) n. saffron cf. L. (not always, esp. in comp., separable from 1. [ dhIra ])

===> dhīratā [ dhIratA ]3[ dhIra-tA ] f. 2

===> dhīta [ dhIta ]2[ dhIt'a ]1 mfn. reflected on, thought about (1) n. pl. thoughts, meditations cf. RV.

===> [ dhIta ]1[ dhIt'a ]2 (√ [ dhe ]), sucked, drunk cf. AV. cf. Br.

===> dhūli [ dhUli ]2[ dhUli ] f. (cf. W. also m. (1) √ [ dhU ]?) dust (also the dusty soil), powder, pollen cf. Var. cf. Pañc. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. &c. (also [ °lI ]. f. cf. L. & in comp., See below) (2) a partic. number cf. W.

===> dhūma [ dhUma ]2[ dhUma ] See above

===> dhūma-pāna [ dhUmapAna ]3[ dhUm'a-pAna ] n. inhalation of smoke or vapour cf. Car., tobacco-smoking cf. L. (1) [ -vidhi ] m. N. of ch. of the cf. ŚārṅgS.

===> dhūmra [ dhUmra ]2[ dhUmr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. smoke-coloured, smoky, darkcoloured, grey, dark-red, purple cf. VS. cf. Br. &c. &c. (1) dim, obscured (See below) (2) m. a camel cf. TS. (3) a mixture of red and black, purple (the colour) cf. W. (4) incense (= [ turuSka ]) cf. L. (5) (in astrol.) the 28th Yoga (6) N. of one of Skanda's attendants cf. MBh. (7) of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (8) of Śiva cf. MBh. (9) of a monkey or bear cf. R. (10) of an author and other men cf. Cat. (cf. [ dhUmrAyaNa ] and [ dhaumr° ]) (11) pl. of a family of Ṛshis cf. R. (12) ([ A ]), f. a kind of gourd (= [ zazANDulI ]) cf. L. (13) N. of the mother of the Vasu Dhara cf. MBh. (14) of Durgā cf. Devīm (15) n. wickedness, sin cf. W.

===> dhūpa [ dhUpa ]2[ dhUpa ] m. ig. pl. (fr. [ dhU ] as [ puSpa ] fr. √ [ puS ], [ stUpa ] fr. √ [ stu ]) incense, perfume, aromatic vapour or smoke proceeding from gum or resin, the gum and resin themselves cf. Kāṭh. cf. GṛS. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) one of the 16 acts of homage or offerings in the Panc^ayatara ceremony cf. RTL. 415

===> dhūpa-kaṭacchuka [ dhUpakaTacchuka ]3[ dhUpa-kaTacchuka ] n. a small spoon with frankincense cf. Kāraṇḍ

===> dhūpana [ dhUpana ]2[ dhUpana ] n. incensing, fumigation cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (1) (also m.) perfume, incense cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (2) (in astrol.) the obscuration of a conset (cf. [ °paya ])

===> dhūpita [ dhUpita ]3[ dhUpita ] mfn. incensed, perfumed cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) suffering pain or fatigue cf. L.

===> dhūrta [ dhUrta ]2[ dhUrta ] mfn. (√ [ dhUrv ] or [ dhvR ]) cunning, crafty, fraudulent, subtle, mischievous (1) m. a rogue, cheat, deceiver, swindler, sharper, gambler cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (also ifc. (2) cf. [ kaTha- ] and cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 65) (3) N. of Skanda cf. AV. Pariś (4) the thorn-apple cf. L. (5) a partic. fragrant plant cf. L. (6) ([ A ]), f. a sort of night-shade cf. L. (7) n. rust or iron-filings cf. L. (8) black salt cf. L.

===> dhūrtaka [ dhUrtaka ]2[ dhUrtaka ] mfn. cunning, crafty (1) a cheat, rogue cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (2) m. a jackal cf. L. (3) N. of a Nāga cf. MBh.

===> dhūrtatā [ dhUrtatA ]3[ dhUrta-tA ] f.

===> dhūta [ dhUta ]2[ dhUt'a ] mfn. shaken, stirred, agitated cf. RV. &c. &c. (said of the Soma= ` rinsed ' cf. SV. [ dhauta ]) (1) fanned, kindled cf. Ṛitus (2) shaken off, removed, destroyed (See below) (3) judged cf. L. (4) reproached cf. ib. (5) n. morality cf. Buddh. (6) ([ A ]), f. a wife cf. W.

===> dhūta-guṇa [ dhUtaguNa ]3[ dhUt'a-guNa ] m. ascetic practice or precept cf. Divyâv. (there are 12 according to cf. Dharmas. lxiii)

===> dhṛk [ dhRk ]2[ dhRk ] (only nom. sg.) = (and v. l. for)

===> dhṛt [ dhRt ]3[ dhRt ] mfn. holding, bearing, supporting, wearing, having possessing, &c. (only ifc.)

===> dhṛta [ dhRta ]2[ dhRt'a ] mfn. held, borne, maintained, supported kept, possessed (1) used, practised, observed cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) measured, weighed (with or scil. [ tulayA ]) cf. MBh. (3) worn (as clothes, shoes, beard, &c.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (4) kept back, detained ([ kare ], by the hand) cf. Hit. (5) drawn tight (reins) cf. Śak (6) turned towards or fixed upon, ready or prepared for, resolved on (loc. or dat.) cf. MBh. cf. R. (7) continuing, existing, being cf. ib. (8) prolonged (in pronunciation) cf. Prāt. ([ am ] ind. solemnly, slowly cf. Pañc. iii, 72/73) (9) (with [ antare ]) deposited as surety, pledged cf. ib. iv, 31/32 (10) quoted, cited by (comp.) cf. L. (11) m. N. of a son of the 13th Manu cf. Hariv. (v. l. [ bhRtha ]) (12) of a descendant of Druhyu and son of Dharma cf. Pur. (cf. [ dhArteya ]) (13) n. a partic. manner of fighting cf. Hariv.

===> dhṛta-rāṣṭra [ dhRtarASTra ]3[ dhRt'a-rASTra ] m. whose empire is firm, a powerful king cf. L. (1) N. of a Nāga also called Airāvata cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. (2) of a Deva-gandharva sometimes identified with King Dharma (below) cf. MBh. (with Buddhists, N. of a king of the Gandharvas and one of the 4 Mahārājas [ cf. Lalit. ] or Lokapālas [ cf. Dharmas. vii ] cf. MWB. 206) (3) of a son of the Daitya Bali cf. Hariv. (4) of a king of Kāśī cf. ŚBr. (with the patr. [ vaicitravIrya ] cf. Kāṭh.) (5) of the eldest son of Vyāsa by the widow of Vicitra-vīrya (brother of Pāṇḍu and Vidura and born blind, husband of Gāndhāri and father of 100 sons of whom the eldest was Dur-yodhana (6) sometimes identified with Dhṛta-rāshṭra and Haṃsa, 2 chiefs of the Gandharvas) cf. MBh. (7) of a son of Janam-ejaya cf. ib. (8) of a king of the geese (cf. Haṃsa, above) cf. Jātakam (9) partic. bird cf. L. (10) pl. the 100 sons of King Dhṛta-rāshṭra (enumerated cf. MBh. i, 4540) (11) ([ I ]), f. N. of a daughter of Tāmrā (mother of geese and other water-birds) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Pur. (12) [ °tra-ja ] m. son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra, N. of Dur-yodhana &c., Pracaṇḍ (13) [ °tr^anuja ] m. younger brother of Dhṛta-rāshṭra, N. of Pāṇḍu cf. Gal.

===> dhṛti [ dhRti ]2[ dh'Rti ] f. holding, seizing, keeping, supporting (cf. [ carSaNI- ], [ vi- ]), firmness, constancy, resolution, will, command cf. RV. &c. &c. [ 519,3 ] (1) satisfaction, content, joy cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °tiM-√ kR ], to keep ground or stand still cf. MBh. vii, 4540 (2) to find pleasure or satisfaction cf. Ratn. iv, 4/5 (3) [ °tim-√ bandh ], to show firmness cf. Amar. 67 (4) to fix the mind on cf. Mn. v, 47) (5) Resolution or Satisfaction personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma (cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur.) or as a Śakti (cf. Hcat. &c.) (6) N. of partic. evening oblations at the Aśvamedha cf. ŚBr. (7) any offering or sacrifice cf. W.

---> of sev. kinds of metre and of a class of metres consisting of 4 X 18 syllables cf. Col. (8) of the numeral 18 cf. Var. cf. Gaṇit (9) of one of the astrol. cf. Yogas. cf. L. (10) of a mythical garden cf. Gol. (11) of one of the 16 Kalās of the moon cf. Pur. (12) of a goddess (daughter of a Kalā of Prakṛti and wife of Kapila) cf. ib. (13) of the wife of Rudra-Manu cf. ib. (14) of the 13th of the 16 Mātṛkās cf. L. (15) m. wish [ kSatrasya ] = [ kSatra-dh° ] cf. Lāṭy (16) N. of one of the Viśve Devās cf. MBh. (17) of a preceptor cf. Cat. (18) of the son of Vijaya and father of Dhṛta-vrata cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (19) of a son of Vīta-havya and father of Bahul^aśva cf. Pur. (20) of a son of Babhru cf. L. (21) of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvīpa cf. VP.

===> dhṛti-paripūrṇa [ dhRtiparipUrNa ]3[ dh'Rti-paripUrNa ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva

===> dhṛtimat [ dhRtimat ]3[ dh'Rti-mat ] mfn. steadfast, calm, resolute ([ -tA ] f.) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) satisfied, content cf. MBh. cf. Ragh (2) m. N. of a form of Agni cf. MBh. (3) of a son of Manu Raivata and Savarṇa cf. Hariv. (4) of one of the Saptarshis in the 13th Manv-antara cf. ib. (5) of a son of Kīrti-mat (son of Aṅgiras) cf. VP. (6) of a son of Yavīnara cf. Hariv. (7) of a Brāhman cf. ib. (8) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river (v. l. °ta-m°) cf. VP. (9) n. N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvīpa cf. MBh.

===> dig-avasthāna [ digavasthAna ]3[ dig-avasthAna ] n. air cf. Gal.

===> dig-bheda [ digbheda ]3[ dig-bheda ] m. difference of direction cf. Sūryas

===> dig-bhāga [ digbhAga ]3[ dig-bhAga ] m. = [ dik-provibh° ] cf. R. iv, 47 cf. Pañc. ii, 12/13

===> dig-devatā [ digdevatA ]3[ dig-devatA ] f. = [ dik-pati ] cf. BhP.

===> dig-deśa [ digdeza ]3[ dig-deza ] m. a distant region or country cf. Rājat. iv, 308 ; 417 (1) in g. region, country cf. Hit. i, 1/2

===> dig-nāga [ dignAga ]3[ dig-nAga ] [ din- ]

===> digdha [ digdha ]1[ digdh'a ] mfn. (√ [ dih ]) smeared, anointed (1) soiled, defiled (2) poisoned cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) m. a poisoned arrow cf. R. ii, 30, 23 (cf. below) (4) fire cf. L. (5) oil cf. L. (6) a tale cf. L.

===> dina [ dina ]1[ din'a ]1 mfn. (√ [ do ]) cut, divided, mowed cf. RV. viii, 67, 10 (cf. [ svayaM- ])

===> [ dina ]1[ dina ]2 (√ 3. [ dA ]) . [ a-saM- ]

===> [ dina ]1[ d'ina ]3 (accented only cf. Naigh. i, 9), m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ], only occurring as n.) a day cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. cf. Pañcat. and o. (ifc. also in Vedic texts), ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Rājat. i, 347. [ Cf. Lat. [ peren-dinus ], [ nUndinus ] &c. ; Got. [ sin-teins ] ; Lit. [ de10na ] ; O. Pr. acc. sg. [ deinan ] ; Slav. [ dṛnī ]. ]

===> dina-kara [ dinakara ]3[ d'ina-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. making day or light (1) m. the sun cf. Kāv. &c. (2) N. of an Āditya cf. RāmatUp. (3) of the author of the wk. Candr^arkī (4) of a cf. Sch. on cf. Śiś. ([ mizra-d° ]) (5) of other men (6) ([ I ]), f. (scil. [ TIkA ]) N. of cf. Comm. on the Bhāshsp. and Siddh^anta-mukt^avalī (7) [ °ra-TppanI ] f. N. of a cf. Comm. (8) [ °ra-tanaya ] m. ` son of the sun ', the planet Saturn cf. Var (9) [ °ra-deva ] m. N. of a poet (10) [ °ra-bhaTTa ] m. N. of an author (11) [ °TIya ] n. his wk. (12) [ °r^atmaja ] m. ` daughter of the sun ', patr. of the Yamunā (13) [ °rIya ] n. [ °r'oddyota ] m. N. of wks.

===> dina-mukha [ dinamukha ]3[ d'ina-mukha ] n. ` day-face ', daybreak cf. Daś

===> dinna [ dinna ]1[ dinna ] prob. = [ diNNa ] (q. v.)

===> div [ div ]1[ div ]1 cl. 1. P. [ -devati ], cl. 10. P. [ -deyavati ], to cause to lament, to pain, vex (1) to ask, beg (2) to go (3) Ā. [ °te ], to suffer pain cf. Dhātup. xxxiii, 51, 32

===> [ div ]1[ div ]2 cl. 4. [ d'Ivyati ], [ °te ] cf. RV. cf. Br. &c. (perf. [ did'eva ] cf. AV. (1) fut. [ deviSyati ] (2) cond, [ adeviSyat ] cf. MBh. cf. Daś (3) aor. [ adevIt ] cf. MBh. (4) &c. (5) infin. [ devitum ] cf. MBh. &c. (6) ind. p. [ devitvA ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 18 (7) [ -dIvya ] cf. RV. x, 42, 9) to cast, throw, esp. dice, i. e. play, gamble ([ akSais ] cf. RV. x, 34, 13 cf. MBh. iii, 2260 (8) [ akSAn ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 43), with (instr. cf. MBh. ii, 2509), for (instr., ii, 2061 &c. (9) acc. cf. MaitrS. i, 6, 11 cf. ŚBr. v, 4, 4, 23 (10) dat. cf. MBh. iv, 534 ; ii, 2468 (11) gen. [ [ zatasya ] ] cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 58) (12) to lay a wager, bet with ([ s^ardham ]), upon (dat.) cf. MBh. i, 1192 (13) to play, sport, joke, trifle with (acc. cf. AV. v, 29) (14) to have free scope, spread, increase (cf. Pañc. ii, 193, B. [ vardhati ]) (15) to shine, be bright [ Zd. [ dīv ] (16) (?) Lit. [ dyvas ] ] cf. BhP. iii, 20, 22 (17) to praise, rejoice, be drunk or mad (18) to sleep (19) to wish for (20) to go cf. Dhātup. : Caus. [ devayati ], to cause to play (cf. Sch.) or to sport cf. BhP. iii, 20, 22: Desid. [ dideviSati ] and [ dudyUSati ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 49 cf. Kāś. : Caus. of Desid. [ dudyUSayati ], to incite to play cf. Bhaṭṭ. v, 49: Intens. [ dedivIti ], [ dedyeti ], [ dedeti ] &c. cf. Vop. xx, 17

===> [ div ]2[ d'iv ]3

===> diva [ diva ]2[ div'a ] n. heaven, sky cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) day, esp. in [ div'e-dive ], day by day, daily cf. RV. and ifc. (g. [ zaradAdi ]) (2) wood cf. L. [ Cf. [ 'ahar- ], [ tri- ], [ naktaM- ], [ naktaM- ] [ bRhad- ]. [ rAtrim- ], [ su- ] ; cf. also ? Fo in ? Lat. (?) [ bidūm ]

===> divasa [ divasa ]2[ divasa ] m. (or ri., g. [ ardharc^adi ] cf. L.) heaven cf. TBr. i, 7, 6, 6 (1) a day cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ Cf. ? in ?, ? for ?. ]

===> divasa-kara [ divasakara ]3[ divasa-kara ] m. ` day-maker ', the sun cf. R. cf. Hariv. &c.

===> divasa-kṣaya [ divasakSaya ]3[ divasa-kSaya ] mfn. ` day-end ', evening cf. MBh. i, 699

===> divaukas [ divaukas ]3[ div^aukas ] m. ` sky-dweller ', a deity cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kālid. &c. (1) planet cf. Gaṇit (2) the Cātaka (3) a deer (4) a bee (5) an elephant cf. L. (6) [ °kaH-pati ] m. N. of Indra cf. Prasannar

===> divaukasa [ divaukasa ]3[ div^aukasa ] m. (= [ °kas ]) a god cf. L., N. of a Yaksha cf. Divyâv

===> divya [ divya ]2[ divya ]1 Nom. P. [ °yati ], to long for heaven cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 77 cf. Sch.

===> [ divya ]2[ divy'a ]2 ([ d'ivya ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 101), mfn. divine, heavenly, celestial (opp. to [ pArthiva ], [ AntarIkSa ] or [ mAnuSa ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (1) supernatural, wonderful, magical ([ aGgAra ] cf. RV. x, 34, 9 (2) [ auSadha ] cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 18 (3) [ vAsas ] cf. Nal. xiv, 24 (4) cf. [ -cakSus ], [ -jJAna ] &c. below) (5) charming, beautiful, agreeable cf. R. cf. Kathās. &c. (6) m. a kind of animal (= [ dhanvana ]) cf. VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 9 (7) barley cf. L. (8) bdellium cf. L. (9) N. of a prince cf. Pur. (10) of the author of cf. RV. x, 107 &c. (11) ([ A ])), f. N. of plants (= [ harItakI ], [ bandhyA ], [ karkoTahI ], [ zatAvarI ], [ mahA-medA ] &c.) cf. L. (12) a kind of perfume = [ surA ] cf. L. (13) N. of a cf. Buddh. deity cf. Kālac (14) of an Apsaras cf. Sch. (15) n. the divine world or anything divine (16) pl. the celestial regions, the sky, heaven cf. RV. (17) an ordeal (10 kinds, viz. [ tulA ], [ agni ], [ jala ], [ viSa ], [ koza ], [ taNDula ], [ tapta-mASa ], [ phAla ], [ dharm^adharma ], [ tulasI ], cf. ss. vv.) cf. Yājñ. ii, 22, 95 cf. Pañc. i, 450/451, 451, 452 &c. (18) oath, solemn promise cf. Hit. iv, 129/130 cloves cf. L.

---> a sort of sandal cf. L. (19) N. of a grammar, [ Cf. Gk. ? for ? ; Lat. [ diius ] for [ divius ] in [ 479,2 ] [ sub dIo ]. ]

===> divya-cakṣus [ divyacakSus ]3[ divy'a-cakSus ] n. a divine eye, supernatural vision cf. Daś. cf. Buddh. (1) mfn. having a divine eye cf. Ragh. iii, 45 (2) fair-eyed cf. L. (3) having (only) the divine eye, (in other respects) blind cf. L. (4) m. a monkey cf. L. (5) a kind of perfume cf. L.

===> divya-dṛś [ divyadRz ]3[ divy'a-dRz ] mfn. seeing divine things cf. Kathās (1) m. an astrologer cf. Var

===> divya-gandha [ divyagandha ]3[ divy'a-gandha ] -m. ` having a divine odour ', sulphur cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. large cardamoms cf. L. (2) a kind of vegetable (= [ mahA-caJcu ]) cf. L. (3) n. cloves cf. L.

===> divya-puṣpa [ divyapuSpa ]3[ divy'a-puSpa ] m. Nerium Odorum cf. L. (1) ([ A ]), f. a kind of plant cf. L. (2) [ °pikA ] f. a kind of Calotropis cf. L.

===> divya-ratna [ divyaratna ]3[ divy'a-ratna ] n. ` divine gem ', the fabulous gem Cintā-maṇi cf. L.

===> divya-rūpin [ divyarUpin ]3[ divy'a-rUpin ] mfn. of a divine aspect, beautiful, handsome cf. MBh. cf. Kathās

===> divya-vastra [ divyavastra ]3[ divy'a-vastra ] m. ` divinely dressed ', a kind of flower (= [ sUryazobhA ]) cf. L.

===> divya-śrotra [ divyazrotra ]3[ divy'a-zrotra ] n. ` a divine ear ' (which hears everything) cf. Buddh.

===> divā [ divA ]2[ d'ivA ] ind. (for [ div'A ], instr. of 3. [ d'iv ]), g. [ svarAdi ], by day (often opposed to [ n'aktam ]) cf. RV. (1) used also as subst., e. g. [ divA bhavati ] cf. ChUp. iii, 11, 3

---> (with [ rAtris ]) cf. MBh. ii, 154 &c. (2) esp. in beginning of comp.

===> divā-kara [ divAkara ]3[ d'ivA-kar'a ] m. ` day-maker ', the sun cf. AV. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (with [ nizA- ] among the sons of Garuḍa cf. MBh. v, 3599) (1) a crow (cf. [ div^aTana ], below) cf. L. (2) Calotropis Gigantea (cf. [ ark'a ]) cf. L. [ 479,1 ] (3) N. of an Āditya cf. RāmatUp. (4) of a Rakshas cf. VP. (5) of a prince cf. VP. (= [ div^arka ] cf. BhP.) (6) of the founder of the Sūrya-bhakta sect (7) of other men (also [ -bhaTTa ]) (8) [ -mitra ] m. N. of a man cf. Hcar. 201 (9) [ -vatsa ], m. N. of an author (10) [ -vara-locana ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ (11) [ -suta ] m. ` son of the sun ', the planet Saturn cf. VarBṛS. (12) ([ A ]), f. e daughter of the sun, N. of the river Yamunā cf. ib. (13) [ -kar^oddyota ] m. N. of wk.

===> diś [ diz ]1[ diz ]1 cl. 3. P. [ d'ideSTi ] (Imper. [ d'ideSTu ] cf. RV. (1) cl. 6. [ diz'ati ], [ °te ] [ later the only Pres. stem ] (2) pf. [ did'eza ], [ didiz'e ] (3) fut. [ dekSyati ], [ °te ] [ [ deSTA ] cf. Siddh. ] (4) aor. [ adikSat ] cf. ŚBr. &c. (5) [ adikSi ], [ 'adiSTa ] cf. RV. (6) inf. [ deSTum ] cf. MBh. etc (7) [ d'ize ] cf. RV.) to point out, show, exhibit cf. RV. viii, 82, 15 (8) to produce, bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) cf. Mn. viii (9) to promote, effect, accomplish cf. Kir., i, 18 (10) to assign, grant, bestow upon (dat. cf. RV. ii, 41, 17 cf. AV. xiv, 2, 13 (11) gen. cf. MBh. iii, 14278 ; xiii, 1843 (12) loc. cf. R. i, 2, 28)

---> to pay (tribute) cf. Hariv. 16061 (13) to order, command, bid (inf.) cf. Kir. v, 28: Pass. [ dizyate ] cf. MBh. &c. : Caus. [ dezayati ], [ °te ] (14) aor. [ adIdizat ], to show, point out, assign cf. MBh. cf. R. (15) to direct, order, command cf. ib. (16) teach, communicate, tell, inform confess cf. Buddh. : Desid. [ didikSati ], [ °te ], to wish to show &c. : Intens. [ d'ediSTe ], 3. pl. [ °zate ], (p. f. pl. [ °zatIs ]) to show, exhibit, manifest cf. RV. (17) to order, command cf. ib. : Pass. [ dedizyate ], to show or approve one's self. cf. AV. cf. VS. [ Cf. Z. [ dis ] (18) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ diico ], [ 479,3 ] [ in-dṛcare ] &c. ; Goth. [ teihan ] ; O. E. [ t'eon ] (fr. [ t'ihan ]) . ]

===> [ diz ]2[ diz ]2 f. quarter or region pointed at, direction, cardinal point cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (four in number, viz. [ prAcI ], east (1) [ dakSiNA ], south (2) [ pratici ], west (3) and [ udIcI ], north cf. AV. xv, 2, 1 cf. ĀśvGṛ. iv, 8 &c. ; Sometimes a 5th, [ dhruvA ] cf. AV. iii, 9, 15 cf. ŚBr. ix, 4, 3, 10 ; and a 6th, [ UrdhvA ] cf. AV. iii, 27, 1 cf. ŚBr. xiv, 6, 11, 5 ; and a 7th, [ vy-adhvA ] cf. AV. iv, 40, l cf. ŚBr. ix, 5, 2, 8 ; but oftener 8 are given, i. e. the 4 cardinal and the 4 intermediate quarters, S. E., S. W., N. cf. W., and N. E. cf. Mn. i, 13 [ cf. [ upa- ] ] ; and even a 9th, and 10th, [ tiryak ] or [ adhas ] and [ Urdhvam ] cf. ŚBr. vi, 2, 2, 34 cf. MBh. i, 729 (4) [ dizAm pati ] [ cf. [ dik-pati ]) below ] = Soma cf. RV. ix, 113, 2, or = Rudra cf. VS. xvi, 17) (5) quarter, region, direction, place, part (pl., rarely eg. the whole world, e. g. [ dizi ], [ dizi ], in all directions, everywhere cf. Bhartṛ. i, 86 (6) [ digbhyas ], from every quarter cf. BhP. i, 15, 8 [ 480,2 ] (7) [ dizo dizas ], hither and thither cf. Pañc. ii, 116/117 (8) [ dizo'valokya ], looking into the quarter of the sky, i. e. into the air cf. Ratn. iv, 4/5 [ d'iso 'ntAt ], from the extremities of the world cf. ib., Introd. 6) (9) country, esp. foreign country, abroad (cf. [ dig-Agata ] and [ -lAbha ], below) (10) space (beside [ kAla ]) cf. Kap. ii, 12 (11) the numeral 10 (cf. above) cf. Śrutab. cf. Sūryas (12) a hint, reference, instance, example cf. Suśr. cf. Sāh. cf. Sch. ; precept, order, manner cf. RV. [ cf. ? O. H. G. [ zeiga ] (also [ dizA ]) ] (13) mark of a bite cf. L. (14) N. of a river cf. MBh. vi, 327

===> [ diz ]1[ diz ]3 a vulgar form for [ dRz ], to see cf. Pāṇ. i, 3, 1 cf. Vārtt. 13 cf. Pat.

===> diśo-dāha [ dizodAha ]3[ dizo-dAha ] m. = [ dig- ] cf. Divyāv

===> diśā [ dizA ]2[ dizA ] f. direction, region, quarter or point of the compass cf. MBh. iv, 17l6 &c. cf. Hār. 2243 (cf. [ antara- ] and [ av^antara- ]) (1) N. of the wife of RudraBhima cf. VP.

===> doha [ doha ]1[ d'oha ] mfn. (√ 2. [ duh ]) milking, i. e. yielding, granting (ifc.) cf. BhP. (1) m. milking or milk cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) deriving advantage from (gen. or comp.), profit, gain, success, Daś ' cf. Pur. (3) a milkpail cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (4) [ manaso d° ], N. of a Sāman (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a Prākṛt metre cf. Chandom

===> dohana [ dohana ]2[ doh'ana ] mf ([ A ]) n. giving milk, a milker cf. RV. (1) giving milk, yielding profit (cf. [ kAma- ], [ bahu- ]) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (2) ([ I ]), f. milk-pail cf. Kauś. (also [ °nikA ] cf. Hcat.) (3) n. (also [ d'oh° ]) milking cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (cf. [ go- ]) (4) the result of milking cf. KātyŚr. (5) (also [ °naka ] cf. Hcat.) milk-pail cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. (cf. [ kAMsya ].)

===> dolikā [ dolikA ]2[ dolikA ] f. a litter, swing, cradle cf. L.

===> dolā [ dolA ]2[ dolA ] f. litter, hammock, palanquin, swing (fig. = fluctuation, incertitude, doubt) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (rarely [ °la ] m. or [ I ] f.) (1) the Indigo plant cf. L.

===> doṣa [ doSa ]1[ doSa ]1 m. evening, darkness (only cf. BhP., where personified as one of the, 8 Vasus and husband of Night, vi, 6, 11 ; 14) (1) ([ 'A ]), f. next

===> [ doSa ]1[ doSa ]2 m. rarely n. (√ [ duS ]) fault, vice, deficiency, want, inconvenience, disadvantage cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. [ 498,3 ] (1) badness, wickedness, sinfulness cf. Mn. cf. R. (2) offence, transgression, guilt, crime (acc. with √ [ R ] or [ labh ], to incur guilt), SrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) damage, harm, bad consequence, detrimental effect ([ nais9ha doSaH ], there is no harm (4) [ ko'tra d° ], what does it matter?) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) accusation, reproach ([ °SaMroot kR ] or [ °SeNa-√ gam ] with acc., to accuse) cf. R. (6) alteration, affection, morbid element, disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body, viz. [ pitta ], [ vAyu ], and [ zleSman ], 1 [ cf. [ tridoSa ] and [ dhAtu ] ], applied also to the humours themselves) cf. Suśr. (7) (also [ °Saka ]) a calf cf. L.

===> doṣa-bheda [ doSabheda ]3[ doSa-bheda ] m. a partic. disease of the 3 humours cf. Suśr. (1) [ °dIya ] mfn. relating to it cf. Cat.

===> doṣa-grāhin [ doSagrAhin ]3[ doSa-grAhin ] mfn. fault-finding, censorious, susceptible of evil cf. L. (cf. [ guNa- ])

===> doṣa-prasaṅga [ doSaprasaGga ]3[ doSa-prasaGga ] m. attaching blame, condemnation cf. W.

===> doṣavat [ doSavat ]3[ doSa-vat ] mfn. having faults, faulty, defective, blemished cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) guilty of an offence cf. Āp. cf. MBh. (2) connected with crime or guilt, sinful, wicked cf. Gaut. cf. Āp. cf. Mn. (3) noxious, dangerous cf. R.

===> doṣā [ doSA ]2[ doSA ]2 f. (for 1. 1. [ doSa ]) the arm cf. L.

===> drabuddha [ drabuddha ]1[ drabuddha ] m. or n. a partic. high number cf. Buddh.

===> dramiḍa [ dramiDa ]1[ dramiDa ] m. pl. N. of a school of grammarians (opposed to the Āryas). cf. Cat. (cf. next and [ draviDa ])

===> drava [ drava ]1[ drav'a ] mfn. (fr. √ 2. [ dru ]) running (as a horse) cf. RV. iv, 40, 2 (1) flowing, fluid, dropping, dripping, trickling or overflowing with (comp.) cf. Kāṭh. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (2) fused, liquefied, melted cf. W. (3) m. going, quick motion, flight cf. Hariv. (4) play, sport cf. Jātakam (5) distilling, trickling, fluidity cf. Bhāshāp (6) juice, essence, decoction (7) stream or gush of (comp.) cf. Kāv (8) (dram.) the flying out against one's superior cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh (9) N. of one of the Viśve Devās, Hcat '

===> dravatva [ dravatva ]3[ drav'a-tva ] (cf. Hit.) and n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness

===> dravatā [ dravatA ]3[ drav'a-tA ] f. (cf. Kād. cf. Śiś.),

===> dravaṇa [ dravaNa ]3[ dravaNa ] n. running cf. TBr. cf. Hariv. (1) melting, becoming fluid, SārṅP. (2) dropping, exuding cf. W. (3) heat cf. W.

===> draviḍa [ draviDa ]1[ draviDa ] m. N. of a people (regarded as degraded Kshatriyas and said to be ' descendants of Draviḍa, sons of Vṛshabha-svāmin cf. Śatr.) and of a district on the east coast of the Deccan cf. Mn. cf. Var. cf. MBh. &c. (1) collect. N. for 5 peoples, viz. the Āndhras, Karṇāṭakas, Gurjaras, Tailaṅgas, and Mahārsht3ras (cf. [ dAviDa ] below) (2) N. of a son of Krishṇa cf. BhP. (3) of an author cf. Cat. (4) pl. of a school of grammarians cf. ib. (5) ([ I ]), f. (with [ strI ]) a Dravidian female cf. Cat. (6) (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī

===> draviṇa [ draviNa ]2[ draviNa ] n. movable property (as opp. to house and field), substance, goods (m. pl. cf. BhP. v, 14, 12), wealth, money cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) essence, substantiality, strength, power cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. R. &c. (2) N. of a Sāman cf. ArshBr. (3) m. N. of a son of Vasu Dhara (or Dhava) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. VP. (4) of a son of Pṛthu cf. BhP. (5) of a mountain cf. ib. (6) pl. the inhabitants of a Varsha in Krauñca-dvīpa cf. ib.

===> dravya [ dravya ]2[ dravya ] n. a substance, thing, object cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) the ingredients or materials of anything cf. MBh. cf. R. (2) medicinal substance or drug cf. Suśr. (3) (phil.) elementary substance (9 in the Nyāya, viz ' [ pRthivI ], [ ap ], [ tejas ], [ vAyu ], [ AkAza kAla ], [ diz ], [ Atman ], [ manas ] ; 6 with Jainas, viz. [ jIva ], [ dharma ], [ adharma ], [ pudgala ], [ kAla ], [ AkAza ]) (4) (Gr.) single object or person, individual (cf. [ eka- ]) (5) fit object or person (cf. [ A- ].) (6) object of possession, wealth, goods, money cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (7) gold cf. R. vii, 18, 34 cf. Sch. (8) bellmetal, brass cf. L. (9) ointment cf. L. ' (10) spirituous liquour cf. L. (11) a stake, a wager cf. W.

===> [ dravya ]1[ dravya ]2 mfn. (fr. 4. [ dru ]) derived from or relating to a tree cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 161 (1) tree-like or corresponding to a tree cf. ŚāṅkhBr. x, 2 (2) n. lac, gum, resin cf. L.

===> dravyaka [ dravyaka ]2[ dravyaka ] m. a carrier or taker of anything cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 50

===> dravyatas [ dravyatas ]3[ dravya-tas ] ind. in substance, according to substance &c. cf. MW.

===> dravyatva [ dravyatva ]3[ dravya-tva ] n. substantiality, substance cf. Sarvad (1) [ jAti-mAnavicAra ] m. N. of wk.

===> dravyavat [ dravyavat ]3[ dravya-vat ] mfn. inherent in the substance cf. Kaṇ (1) rich, wealthy, KāṭyŚr. cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. cf. R. (2) [ -tva ] n. wealth, opulence cf. Jaim

===> dravyântara [ dravyAntara ]3[ dravy^antara ] n. another thing, g. [ mayUra-vyaMsak^adi ]

===> draṣṭavya [ draSTavya ]1[ draSTavy'a ] mfn. (fr. √ [ dRz ].) to be seen, visible, apparent cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) to be examined or investigated cf. Yājñ. (2) to be regarded or considered as (nom.) cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> draṣṭu-kāma [ draSTukAma ]3[ draSTu-kAma ] mfn. wishing to see, desirous of seeing cf. Mālatīm. ii,

===> drogdhṛ [ drogdhR ]2[ drogdhR ] m. injurer, ill-wisher cf. MBh. cf. Rājat

===> droha [ droha ]2[ droha ] m. injury, mischief. harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> [ droha ]1[ droha ] &c. above

===> drohin [ drohin ]3[ droḍhin ] mfn. hurting, harming (1) perfidious against, hostile to (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> droṇa [ droNa ]1[ dr'oNa ] n. (fr. 4. [ dru ]) a wooden vessel, bucket, trough &c. ; a Soma vessel [ cf. Zd. [ draona ] ] cf. RV. cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Hcat.) (1) m. n. a measure of capacity (= 4 Āḍhakas= 16 Pushkalas = 128 Kuñcis = 1024 Mushṭis, or = 200 Palas = 3/20 Kumbha, or = 1/16 Kharī= 4 Aḍhakas, or = 2 Aḍhakas= 1/2 Śūrpa= 64 Śeras, or = 32 Śeras) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) a measure for measuring fields (as much land as is sown with a Dr'oṇa of corn) cf. Col. (3) n. an altar shaped like a trough cf. Śulbas. iii, 216 (4) m. a lake or large piece of water of 400 poles length cf. L. (5) a kind of cloud (from which the rain streams forth as from a bucket) cf. L. (cf. [ -megha ] and [ -vRSTi ] below) [ 503,1 ] (6) a raven or crow cf. L. (cf. [ -kAka ]) (7) a scorpion (cf. [ druNa ]) (8) a kind of plant (prob. Leucas Linifolia) cf. L. (9) N. of one of the 8 Vasus (husband of Abhimati and father of Harsha, Śoka, Bhsya &c.) cf. BhP. (10) of a Brāhman said to have been generated by Bharad-vāja in a bucket (the military preceptor of both the Kuru and Paṇḍu princes (11) afterwards king of a part of Pañcāla and general of the Kurus, the husband of Kṛpī and father of Aśvatthāman) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c. (12) of one of the 4 sons of Mandapāla and Jaritā (born as birds) cf. MBh. i, 8345 ' &c. (as author of cf. RV. x, 142, 3, 4, with the patr. Sārṅga) (13) of a Brāhman cf. Pañc (14) of sev. other men cf. VP. (15) of sev. mountains cf. ib. (16) ([ A ]), f. a kind of shrub cf. L. (17) N. of a daughter of Śiṃha-hanu cf. Buddh. (18) ([ I ]), f. a wooden trough or tub cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. R. &c. (19) any vessel or implement'made of wood ' cf. L. (20) a measure of capacity (= 2 Sūrpas = 128 Śeras) cf. L. (21) a valley, Malatim. ix, 0/1 cf. Pur. (22) a kind of creeper cf. Bhpr. (23) of coloquintida (= [ indra-c'irbitI ]) cf. L. (24) of salt cf. L. (25) N. of a country, of a mountain and of a river cf. L.

===> droṇa-kāka [ droNakAka ]3[ dr'oNa-kAka ] or m. a raven cf. L. (cf. [ above ])

===> droṇa-mukha [ droNamukha ]3[ dr'oNa-mukha ] n. the chief of 400 villages cf. Divyāv. ([ °khya ] cf. ib.) (1) the end of a valley (v. l. °NI-m°)

===> droṇa-stūpa [ droNastUpa ]3[ dr'oNa-stUpa ] m. N. of a Stūpa (said to contain a Dr'oṇa holding relics of Gautama Buddha) cf. Buddh.

===> droṇi [ droNi ]2[ droNi ] f. trough, tub cf. L. (1) a valley cf. Nalac (2) N. of a country cf. L.

===> droṇodana [ droNodana ]3[ droN^odana ] m. N. of a son of Siṃha-hanu and uncle of Buddha cf. Lalit.

===> droṇâcârya [ droNAcArya ]3[ droN^acArya ] m. Dr'oṇa as teacher of the Kuru and Pāṇḍu princes cf. L.

===> droṇī [ droNI ]2[ droNI ] f. of [ droNa ], q. v.

===> drugdha [ drugdha ]1[ drugdh'a ] under √ 1. [ druh ]

===> [ drugdha ]2[ drugdh'a ] mfn. one who has tried to harm, hurtful, malicious cf. RV. v, 40, 7 (1) n. offence, misdeed, vii, 86, 5 (2) impers. harm has been done cf. Rājat. v, 298

===> druma [ druma ]2[ druma ] m. a tree cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (sometimes also any plant (1) according to some esp. a tree of Indra's paradise = [ pArijAta ]) (2) N. of a prince of the Kim-purushas cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (3) of a son of Kṛshṇa and Ruhmiṇi cf. Hariv. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of a river, VP '

===> druma-kiṃnara-prabha [ drumakiMnaraprabha ]3[ druma-kiM-nara-prabha ] m. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas

===> druma-kiṃnara-rāja [ drumakiMnararAja ]3[ druma-kiM-nara-rAja ] m. Druma, prince of the Kiṃ-naras (1) [ -paripricchA ] f. ` the questioning of Druma &c. ', N. of a cf. Buddh. work

===> druma-ratna-śākhā-prabha [ drumaratnazAkhAprabha ]3[ druma-ratna-zAkhA-prabha ] m. N. of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras cf. L.

===> druta [ druta ]2[ druta ] mfn. quick, speedy, swift cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) quickly or indistinctly spoken cf. Gīt. (2) flown, run away or asunder cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (3) dissolved, melted, fluid cf. Kāv (4) m. a scorpion cf. L. (5) a tree (cf. [ druNa ] and [ druma ]) cf. L. (6) n. a partic. faulty pronunciation of vowels cf. Pat. (7) ([ am ]), ind. quickly, rapidly, without delay. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> drāghiṣṭha [ drAghiSTha ]2[ dr'AghiSTha ] mfn. (superl. fr. [ dIrgha ], q. v.) longest cf. RV. &c. (1) m. a bear cf. L. (2) n. a kind of fragrant grass cf. L. [ °ghIyas ] mfn. (compar. fr. [ dirgha ], q. v.) longer cf. RV. &c.

===> drākṣā [ drAkSA ]1[ drAkSA ] f. vine, grape cf. Hariv. : cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) mfn. ([ as ], [ I ], [ am ]) made of grapes cf. Kull. xi, 95

===> drākṣā-rasa [ drAkSArasa ]3[ drAkSA-rasa ] m. grapejuice, wine cf. MW. =

===> drāviḍa-lipi [ drAviDalipi ]3[ drAviDa-lipi ] f. the Drāvidian writing or character cf. Lalit.

===> dugdha [ dugdha ]1[ dugdh'a ] mfn. (√ 2. [ duh ]) milked, milked out, extracted cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (1) sucked out, impoverished cf. Daś (2) milked together, accumulated, filled, full cf. BhP. cf. L. (3) n. milk cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Suśr. cf. Pañc. &c. (4) the milky juice of plants, sap (cf. [ go-rakSa- ] and [ tAmra- ]) (5) ([ I ]), f. a kind of Asclepias (= [ kSIrAvikA ]) cf. L.

===> duhitṛ [ duhitR ]2[ duhitR ] f. a daughter (the milker or drawing milk from her mother [ cf. Zd. [ dughdar ], Gk. ?, Goth. [ 489,2 ] [ dauhtar ], Lith. [ dukte ], Slav. [ dushti ] ])

===> dukūla [ dukUla ]1[ dukUla ] m. a kind of plant cf. Hariv. 12680 (1) n. very fine cloth or raiment made of the inner bark of this plant cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. &c. (different from [ kSauma ] cf. MBh. xiii, 7175, opp. to [ valkala ] cf. Bhartṛ. iii, 54)

===> dundubha [ dundubha ]1[ dundubha ] m. an unvenomous watersnake cf. Sāy. (cf. [ duNDubha ] and [ °bhi ]) (1) N. of Śiva cf. ŚivaP. (2) pl. of a Vedic school cf. Hcat. i, 7 (3) a drum (cf. [ anaka- ])

===> dundubhi [ dundubhi ]1[ dundubh'i ] mf. a sort of large kettledrum cf. RV. cf. Br. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) a sort of poison cf. L. (2) N. of the 56th year in the Jupiter cycle of 60 years cf. Var. cf. Sūryas (3) of Kiṛshṇa cf. MBh. xii, 1511 (4) of Varuṇa cf. L. (5) of Asuras, a Rakshas, a Yaksha
&c. cf. R. cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās (6) of a son of Andhaka and grandson of Anu &c. cf. Pur. (7) f. a drum cf. AV. vi, 38, 4 (also [ °bhI ] cf. MBh. iii, 786) (8) ([ i ]), f. a partic. throw of the dice in gambling cf. L. (9) N. of a Gandharvī cf. MBh.

---> n. N. of a partic. Varsha in Krauñca-dvīpa cf. VP. [ 484,2 ]

===> dundubhi-svara [ dundubhisvara ]3[ dundubh'i-svara ] m. ` having drum-like voice ', N. of a man (1) [ -rAja ] m. N. of sev. Buddhas

===> dur- [ dur ]1[ d'ur ]1 f. (only [ d'uras ] acc. nom., and [ dur'as ]. pl.) = [ dvAr ], a door (cf. 2. [ dura ])

===> [ dur ]1[ dur ]2 in comp. for [ dus ] (p. 488), denoting ` bad ' or ` difficult ' &c. (1) [ duriSTha ], (superl.) very bad or difficult or wicked (2) n. great crime or wickedness cf. L.

===> duranubodha [ duranubodha ]3[ dur-anubodha ] mfn. difficult to be recollected cf. L.

===> duratikrama [ duratikrama ]3[ dur-atikrama ] mfn. hard or difficult to be overcome, insurmountable, inevitable cf. Mn. xi, 238 cf. R. cf. Pañc. &c. (1) m. N. of a Brāhman (regarded as son of Śiva) cf. VāyuP. (2) N. of Śiva (3) [ °maNIya ] mfn. impassable, Bāl. vi, 18/19

===> duravabodha [ duravabodha ]3[ dur-avabodha ] mfn. id. cf. BhP. x, 49, 29 (1) [ -tA ] f. cf. Sāy

===> duravagāha [ duravagAha ]3[ dur-avagAha ] mfn. difficult to be fathomed or found out cf. Śak. (Pi.) i, 24/25 (1) difficult to be entered, inaccessible cf. Jātakam

===> durbala [ durbala ]3[ dur-bala ] mfn. of little strength, weak, feeble cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) thin, slender (waist) cf. R. iii, 52, 31 (2) emaciated, lean (cow) (3) sick, unwell cf. Kāty. Śr. xxv, 7, 1 cf. MBh. iv, 182 (4) scanty, small, little cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (5) m. an impotent man, weakling cf. Mn. iii, 151 (v. l. [ -vAla ]) (6) a kind of bird (w. r. for [ -bali ]) (7) N. of a prince cf. VP. (8) of an author cf. Cat. (9) ([ A ]), f. a species of plant (= [ ambu-zirISikA ]) cf. Bhpr. (10) ([ I ]), f. N. of wk. (11) [ -balatA ] f. weakness, thinness cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc (12) [ durbal^agni ] mfn. having a weak digestion ([ °ni-tA ] f. cf. Suśr.) (13) [ °l^ayAsa ] mfn. weak of effort ', ineffective cf. MW. (14) [ °l^endriya ] mfn. having feeble (i. e. unrestrained) organs of sense cf. MW. (15) [ °lita ] mfn. weakened, rendered ineffective cf. Kathās. cv, 91 (16) [ °lI-√ bhU ], to become weak or ineffective cf. ib. cvii, 52 (read [ -bhUtAs ]) (17) [ °lI-bhAva ] m. the becoming weak (of the voice) cf. Car. (18) [ °lIyas ] mfn. weaker, feeble cf. MBh. cf. Mn. iii, 79

===> durbhaga [ durbhaga ]3[ dur-bh'aga ] mfn. ` having a bad portion ', unfortunate, unlucky cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. cf. Pañc. cf. BhP. (1) disgusting. repugnant, ugly (esp. a woman) cf. AV. x, 1, 10 cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (2) ([ A ]), f. a bad or ill-tempered woman, a shrew cf. W. (3) personified = Old Age, daughter of Time cf. BhP. iv, 27, 10 (4) [ -tva ] n. ill fortune cf. BhP.

===> durbhikṣa [ durbhikSa ]3[ dur-bhikSa ] n. (rarely m.) scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine, want, distress cf. TĀr. i, 4, 3 cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. Pañc. ii, 54, 55 (2) [ -vyasanin ] mfn. suffering from the calamity of famine cf. Hit. iv, 44 (3) [ -zamana ] m. ` alleviator of famine ', a king cf. L.

===> durbhāgya [ durbhAgya ]3[ dur-bhAgya ] mfn. unfortunate, unlucky cf. Tattvas (1) n. ill luck cf. MW.

===> durbhāṣa [ durbhASa ]3[ dur-bhASa ] mfn. speaking ill cf. AgP. (1) m. injurious words cf. BhP.

===> durbhāṣita [ durbhASita ]3[ dur-bhASita ] mfn. badly spoken or uttered, with [ vAc ] f. = prec. m. cf. MBh. v, 1171. [ 486,2 ]

===> durbodhya [ durbodhya ]3[ dur-bodhya ] mfn. = [ -bodha ] cf. Sch. on cf. Mṛcch. iv, 8

===> durdama [ durdama ]3[ dur-dama ] mfn. hard to be subdued cf. MBh. xii, 3310 (1) m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva and Rohiṇī cf. Hariv. (2) of a prince, son of Bhadra-śreṇya cf. ib. cf. Pur. (3) of a Brāhman cf. VP.

===> durdamya [ durdamya ]3[ dur-damya ] mfn. indomitable, obstinate cf. MBh. xii, 2951

===> durdarśana [ durdarzana ]3[ dur-darzana ] mfn. = [ -darza ] cf. Suśr. cf. BhP.

===> durdharṣa [ durdharSa ]3[ dur-dharSa ] mfn. difficult to be assaulted or laid hold of, inviolable, inaccessible, unconquerable, dangerous, dreadful, awful cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ -tA ] f. cf. MBh. (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. BhP.) (2) haughty, distant cf. W. (3) m. N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshtra (cf. [ dhara ]) cf. MBh. i (4) of a Rākshasa cf. R. v (5) of a mountain in Kuśa-dvipa cf. MBh. vi, 451 (6) ([ A ]), f. N. of two plants (= [ nAga-damanI ] and [ kanthArI ]) cf. L. (7) [ -kumArabhUta ] m. ` one who has become an inviolable youth ', N. of a Bodhi-sattva

===> durdina [ durdina ]3[ dur-dina ] n. a rainy or cloudy day, bad weather cf. Kauś. 38 cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (1) mfn. cloudy, rainy, dark cf. MBh. viii, 4771 cf. R. cf. Hariv. (2) [ -grasta-bhAskara ] mfn. having the sun obscured by dark clouds cf. MW. (3) [ durdinAya ] Nom. Ā. [ °yate ], to become covered with clouds cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 cf. Vārtt. 1 cf. Pat.

===> durdānta [ durdAnta ]3[ dur-dAnta ] mfn. badly tamed, untamable, uncontrolled cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) m. a calf cf. L. (2) strife, quarrel cf. L. (3) N. of a lion cf. Hit.

===> durdṛśa [ durdRza ]3[ dur-dRza ] mfn. = [ -darza ] cf. MBh.

===> durdṛṣṭa [ durdRSTa ]3[ dur-dRSTa ] mfn. ill-seen (lit. and fig.), ill-examined or unjustly decided (lawsuit) cf. Yājñ. ii, 305 (1) looked at with an evil eye cf. W.

===> durga [ durga ]2[ durg'a ] mfn. (2. [ dur ] and [ √ gam ]) difficult of access or approach, impassable, unattainable cf. AV. cf. Mn cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. bdellium cf. L. (2) N. of an Asura (supposed to have been slain by the goddess Durgā, Skanda P.) and of sev. men (g. [ naD^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 99), esp. of the commentator on Yāska's Nirukta (3) also abridged for [ durga-gupta ], [ durgA-dAsa ] &c. (below) (4) ([ A ]) f. [ durgA ] (5) n. (m. only cf. Pañc. v, 76 (6) Bn.) a difficult or narrow passage, a place difficult of access, citadel stronghold (cf. [ ab- ], [ giri- ] &c.) (7) rough ground, roughness, difficulty, danger, distress cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> durga-mārga [ durgamArga ]3[ durg'a-mArga ] m. a defile, a difficult pass or way cf. W.

===> durgama [ durgama ]3[ dur-gama ] mfn. difficult to be traversed or travelled over, impassable, inaccessible, unattainable cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv (1) m. or n. a difficult situation (2) m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva and Pauravi cf. VP. (3) of Dhṛta cf. ib., &c. (4) [ -mArga-nirgama ] mfn. of difficult access and issue cf. Pañc. i, 427 (5) [ durgam^azu-bodhinI ] f. N. of a cf. Comm.

===> durgandha [ durgandha ]3[ dur-gandha ] m. bad smell, stink cf. Kauś (1) mfn. ill-smelling, stinking cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. (2) m. the mangotree (= [ Amra ]) cf. L. (3) an onion cf. Bhpr. (4) n. sochal-salt cf. L. (5) [ -kAra ] m. the anus, Cir (6) [ -tA ] f. badness of smell, Susr

===> durgandhi [ durgandhi ]3[ dur-g'andhi ] mfn. ill-smelling, stinking cf. AV. cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. &c.

===> durgata [ durgata ]3[ dur-gata ] mfn. faring ill, unfortunate, miserable cf. MBh. &c. (1) N. of a poet cf. Cat. (2) [ -tA ] f. ill luck, misery cf. Pañc. i, 297

===> durgati [ durgati ]3[ dur-gati ] mfn. = [ -gata ] cf. R. vii, 88, 3 (1) f. misfortune, distress, poverty, want of (gen.) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) hell cf. L. (3) [ -nAzinI ] f. ` removing distress ', N. of Durgā cf. BrahmaP.

===> durgrāhya [ durgrAhya ]3[ dur-grAhya ] mfn. = [ -graka ] mfn. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. Pañc. i, 317 (2) [ -hRdaya ] mfn. whose heart is difficult to be gained cf. R. ii, 39, 22,

===> durgā [ durgA ]2[ durgA ] f. (of [ °ga ], q. v.) the Indigo plant or Clitoria Ternatea cf. L. (1) a singing bird (= [ zyAmA ]) cf. L. (2) N. of two rivers cf. MBh. vi, 337 (3) ` the inaccessible or terrific goddess ', N. of the daughter of Himavat and wife of Śiva (also called Umā, Pārvatī &c., and mother of Kārttikeya and Gaṇ^eśa, cf. [ pUjA ]) cf. TĀr. x, 2, 3 ([ dŚ devI ]) cf. MBh. &c. (4) of a princess cf. Rājat. iv, 659, and of other women

===> durgādha [ durgAdha ]3[ dur-gAdha ] (cf. Suśr.), and mfn. unfathomable

===> durjana [ durjana ]3[ dur-jana ] m. a bad man, villain, scoundrel cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. pl. bad people cf. Sch. (2) mfn. malicious, wicked cf. Kathās (3) [ -tA ] f. and [ -tva ] n. wickedness, villainy cf. L. (4) [ -nindA ] f. [ -mukha-capeTikA ] f. [ -mukha-padma-pAdukA ] f. [ -mukha-mahA-capeTikA ] f. N. of wks. (5) [ -malla ], N. of a prince cf. Inscr.

===> durjaya [ durjaya ]3[ dur-jaya ] mfn. difficult to be conquered or won, invincible, irresistible cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. N. of a Dānava cf. MBh. (2) of an assemblage of Dānava cf. Śak. vi, 28/29 (3) of a Rakshas cf. R. (4) of sev. heroes cf. MBh. cf. Pur. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of a place cf. MBh. iii, 8540

===> durjñeya [ durjJeya ]3[ dur-jJeya ] mfn. difficult to be understood or found out (1) m. N. of Siva cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.

===> durjñāna [ durjJAna ]3[ dur-jJAna ] mfn. difficult to be known cf. MBh. (1) [ -tva ] cf. Kull. on cf. Mn. iv, 1

===> durlabha [ durlabha ]3[ dur-labha ] mfn. difficult to be obtained or found, hard, scarce, rare (comp. [ -tara ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) hard to be (with inf. cf. MBh. iii, 1728) (2) extraordinary, eminent cf. L. (3) dear, beloved (also [ -ka ]) cf. Kāraṇḍ (4) m. Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet cf. L. (5) N. of a man cf. Cat. (6) ([ A ]), f. Alhagi Maurorum or = [ zveta-kaNTa-kArI ] cf. L. (7) [ -tA ] f. (cf. Rājat.), [ -tva ] n. (cf. Var.) scarceness, rarity (8) [ -darzana ] mfn. out of sight, invisible cf. Mālav (9) [ -rAja ] m. N. of the father of Jagad-deva cf. Cat. (10) [ -vardhana ] m. N. of a king of Kaśmira (also called Pratāp^aditya) cf. Rājat. iv, 7 (11) [ -svAmin ], m. N. of a temple built by Dur-Vardhana cf. Rājat. iv, 6

===> durlakṣya [ durlakSya ]3[ dur-lakSya ] mfn. hardly visible cf. Daś. cf. Rājat (1) n. a bad aim cf. Ratn. iii, 2

===> durlikhita [ durlikhita ]3[ dur-likhita ] mfn. badly scarified cf. Suśr.

===> durmanas [ durmanas ]3[ dur-manas ] n. bad disposition, perversity of mind cf. R. ii, 31, 20 (1) mfn. [ cf. ? ] in bad or low spirits, sad, melancholy cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ -tA ] f. sadness cf. Sch.) (2) N. of a man (cf. [ daur-manasAyana ])

---> [ °ska ] mfn. = [ -manas ] mfn. (3) [ -tA ] f. cf. Kathās. cxiv, 35

===> durmati [ durmati ]3[ dur-mat'i ] f. bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. AV. (1) false opinion or notions cf. Cāṇ (2) mfn. weak-minded, silly, ignorant (rarely ` malicious ', ` wicked '), m. fool, blockhead (rarely ` scoundrel ', villain ') cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) N. of the 55th year of the cycle of Jupiter (lasting 60 years) cf. Var. cf. Sūryas (4) of a demon cf. Lalit. (5) of a blockhead, Bharat

===> durmedhas [ durmedhas ]3[ dur-medhas ] (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 122), mfn. dull-witted, stupid, ignorant cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) _ [ °dhas-tva ] n. foolishness, stupidity cf. Suśr. (2) [ °dhA-vin ] mfn. = [ -medha ] cf. MBh. xii, 9486

===> durmukha [ durmukha ]3[ dur-mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. ugly-faced cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous cf. Bhartṛ. ii, 59 (2) m. a horse cf. L. (3) a serpent cf. L. (4) N. of the 29th year of the cycle of Jupiter (lasting 60 years) cf. Var. cf. Sūryas (5) of a prince of the Pañcālas cf. AitBr. viii, 23 (6) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. MBh. i &c. (7) of an astronomer cf. L. (8) of a serpent-demon cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (9) of a Rakshas cf. R. cf. BhP. (10) of a Yaksha cf. BrahmaP. (11) of a monkey cf. R. (12) of a general of the Asura Mahisha cf. L. (13) [ °kh^acArya ] m. N. of an author

===> durnimitta [ durnimitta ]3[ dur-nimitta ] n. a bad omen cf. MBh. ii, 818 cf. Śak. v, 11/12

===> durnirīkṣa [ durnirIkSa ]3[ dur-nirIkSa ]

===> durukta [ durukta ]3[ dur-ukt'a ] mfn. ` badly spoken ', harsh, injurious (1) harshly addressed cf. Pañc. i, 100 (2) n. bad or harsh word cf. Br. cf. GS. cf. MBh. &c. (3) [ °kt^okta ] mfn. ill spoken of cf. AitBr. ii, 17, 6

===> durvaca [ durvaca ]3[ dur-vaca ] mfn. difficult to be spoken or explained or asserted or answered cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ -tva ] n. cf. Sarvad.) (1) speaking ill or in pain cf. W.

---> n. abuse, censure (2) evil or unlucky speech cf. W.

===> durvala [ durvala ]3[ dur-vala ] [ bala ]

===> durvarṇa [ durvarNa ]3[ dur-varNa ] m. bad colour, impurity, Bh. xii, 3, 47 (1) ([ v'arNa ]), mfn. of a bad colour or species or class, inferior cf. TBr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) n. silver (opp. to [ su-varNa ], gold) cf. L. (also [ -ka ] n.) (3) the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum cf. L.

===> durvijñeya [ durvijJeya ]3[ dur-vijJeya ] mfn. hardly conceivable, unintelligible, Āśv. cf. MBh. &c.

===> durvijñāna [ durvijJAna ]3[ dur-vijJAna ] n. understanding with difficulty (1) ([ °n'a ]), mfn. = next cf. ŚBr.

===> durvinīta [ durvinIta ]3[ dur-vinIta ] mfn. badly educated, ill-conducted, undisciplined, mean, wicked, obstinate, restive cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °taka ] id. cf. Kathās. xx, 9) (1) m. N. of a sage (associated with Durvāsas &c.) cf. VarBṛS. xlviii, 63 (2) of a prince

===> durvṛṣṭi [ durvRSTi ]3[ dur-vRSTi ] f. want of rain, drought cf. Jātakam. 1

===> duryodhana [ duryodhana ]3[ dur-yodhana ] mfn. id. ([ -tA ] f. cf. MBh. iv, 2103) (1) N. of the eldest son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra (leader of the Kauravas in their war with the Pāṇḍavas) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (cf. [ su-y° ]) (2) of a son of Su-durjaya cf. MBh. xiii, 96 (3) [ -rakSA-bandhana ] n. N. of wk. (4) [ -vIrya-jJAna-mudrA ] f. ` mark of knowledge of invincible heroism ', a partic. intertwining of the fingers cf. L. (5) [ °n^avaraja ] m. ` the younger brother of Dhṛta-rāshṭra ', N. of Du-śāsana, G

===> durādhāra [ durAdhAra ]3[ dur-AdhAra ] mfn. difficult to be conceived cf. Nīlak. on cf. MBh. xiii, 724

===> durāgata [ durAgata ]3[ dur-Agata ] m. ` badly come ', N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> durāroha [ durAroha ]3[ dur-Aroha ] mfn. difficult to be ascended cf. MBh. cf. R. ([ -tA ] f. cf. Kād.) (1) m. the palm or date tree cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. the silk-cotton tree cf. L. (3) [ °haNIya ] mfn. difficult to be ascended cf. MW.

===> durārādha [ durArAdha ]3[ dur-ArAdha ] or mfn. difficult to be propitiated or won or overcome cf. Kāv

===> durāsada [ durAsada ]3[ dur-Asada ] mfn. difficult or dangerous to be approached cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (1) difficult to be found or met with, unheard of, unparalleled cf. MBh. cf. R. (2) difficult to be accomplished (v. l. [ °saha ]) (3) m. N. of Śiva, mystical N. of a sword cf. MBh. xii, 6203

===> durātman [ durAtman ]3[ dur-Atman ] mfn. evil-natured, wicked, bad cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ °ma-tA ] f. meanness, wickedness cf. MBh. i, 2010 (2) [ °ma-vat ] mfn. = [ °man ] cf. MBh. i, 2017 &c.

===> dus- [ dus ]2[ dus ] ind. a prefix to nouns and rarely to verbs or adverbs (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 ; 2, 18 cf. Vārtt. 2 cf. Pat. ; iii, 3, 126 &c.) implying evil, bad, difficult, hard [ 488,2 ]

---> badly, hardly ; slight, inferior &c. (opp. to [ su ]), often = Engl. [ in- ] or [ un- ] [ cf. √ 2. [ duS ] ; Zd. [ dush- ] (1) Gk. ? ; Goth. [ tuz- ] ; OḤ. G. [ zur ]. ]. It becomes [ dur ] (q. v.) before vowels and soft consonants (2) [ dU ] (q. v.) before [ r ] and sometimes before [ d ], [ dh ], [ n ], which become [ D ], [ Dh ], [ N ] (3) remains unchanged before [ t ], [ th ] (in older language however [ ST ], [ STh ]) (4) becomes [ duS ] (q. v.), rarely [ duH ] before [ k ], [ kh ] (5) [ p ], [ ph ] (6) [ duz ] (q. v.) before [ c ], [ ch ] (7) [ duH ] (q. v.), rarely [ duz ], [ duS ], [ dus ], before [ z ], [ S ], [ s ]

===> duścarita [ duzcarita ]3[ duz-carita ] ([ d'uz- ]), n. misbehaviour, misdoing, ill-conduct, wickedness cf. VS. iv, 28 cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) pl. (cf. Buddh.) the 10 chief sins (viz. murder, theft, adultery, lying, calumny, lewdness, evil speech, covetousness, envy, heresy (2) cf. cf. MWB. 126) (3) mfn. misbehaving, wicked cf. Kathās. (also [ °tin ] cf. Lāṭy. iv, 3, 10)

===> duśchāya [ duzchAya ]3[ duz-chAya ] mfn. having a bad complexion, looking unwell cf. Car.

===> duścintita [ duzcintita ]3[ duz-cintita ] n. a bad or foolish thought cf. Kathās

===> duḥkha [ duHkha ]1[ duHkh'a ]1 mfn. (according to grammarians properly written [ duS-kha ] and said to be from [ dus ] and [ kha ] [ cf. [ su-kh'a ] ] ; but more probably a Prākritized form for [ duH-stha ], q. v.) uneasy, uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult cf. R. cf. Hariv. (compar. [ -tara ] cf. MBh. cf. R.) (1) n. (ifc. f. [ A ]) uneasiness, pain, sorrow, trouble, difficulty cf. ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 15
cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (personified as the son of Naraka and Vedanā cf. VP.) (2) ([ am ]), ind. with difficulty, scarcely, hardly (also [ at ] and [ ena ]) cf. MBh. cf. R. (3) impers. it is difficult to or to be (inf. with an acc. or nom. cf. R. vii, 6, 38 cf. Bhag. v, 6) (4) [ duHkham ] -√ [ as ], to be sad or uneasy cf. Ratn. iv, 19/20 (5) -√ [ kR ], to cause or feel pain cf. Yājñ. ii, 218 cf. MBh. xii, 5298

===> [ duHkha ]2[ duHkha ]2 Nom. P. [ °khati ], to pain cf. SaddhP.

===> duḥkha-duḥkha [ duHkhaduHkha ]3[ duHkh'a-duHkha ] n. (instr.) with great difficulty cf. Megh. 90 (1) [ -tA ] f. the uneasiness connected with pain cf. SaddhP.

===> duḥkha-duḥkhin [ duHkhaduHkhin ]3[ duHkh'a-duHkhin ] mfn. having sorrow upon sorrow cf. BhP. xi, 11, 19

===> duḥkha-kara [ duHkhakara ]3[ duHkh'a-kara ] mf ([ I ]) n. causing pain to (gen.), afflicting cf. MBh. i, 6131

===> duḥkha-sāgara [ duHkhasAgara ]3[ duHkh'a-sAgara ] m. ` ocean of pain ', great sorrow (1) the world cf. W.

===> duḥkhatā [ duHkhatA ]3[ duHkh'a-tA ] f. uneasiness, pain, discomfort cf. ChUp. vii, 26 cf. R.

===> duḥkhin [ duHkhin ]2[ duHkhin ] mfn. pained, afflicted, grieved cf. Kathās. cf. Hit. &c.

===> duḥkhita [ duHkhita ]2[ duHkhita ] mfn. pained, distressed (1) afflicted, unhappy cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) [ -citta ] mfn. grieved in mind cf. MW.

===> duḥkhârta [ duHkhArta ]3[ duHkh^arta ] mfn. visited by pain, distressed cf. MBh. i, 1860

===> duḥsaha [ duHsaha ]3[ duH-saha ] mfn. difficult to be borne, unbearable, irresistible ([ -tva ], n. (1) comp. [ -tara ]) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) m. N. an evil demon cf. MārkP. (3) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. MBh. i (4) of Puru-kutsa cf. Pur. (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of Śri cf. MBh. xii, 8154 (6) of a shrub (= [ nAga-damanI ]) cf. L.

===> duḥsamatikrama [ duHsamatikrama ]3[ duH-samatikrama ] mfn. difficult to be surmounted cf. L.

===> duḥsparśa [ duHsparza ]3[ duH-sparza ] mfn. difficult to be touched or unpleasant to the touch cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) m. Alhagi Maurorum (also [ °zaka ], Cār.) (2) Guilandina Bonduc cf. L. (3) ([ A ]), f. Alhagi Maurorum (4) Solanum Jacquini (5) Mucuna Pruritus (6) Cassyta Filiformis cf. Suśr. cf. Bhpr. cf. L.

===> duḥsthita [ duHsthita ]3[ duH-sthita ] mfn. = [ -stha ] cf. Kathās. cf. Pur. cf. Rājat (1) n. an improper manner of standing cf. MBh. iii, 14669

===> duḥsvapna [ duHsvapna ]3[ duH-svapna ] m. a bad dream, GS. (1) [ -darzana ] n. seeing a bad dream cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. (2) [ -nAza ] m. removal of bad dream cf. BhP. (3) mfn. = next cf. Hariv. (4) [ -nAzana ] and [ °zin ] mfn. removing bad dreams cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (5) [ -pratibodhana ] mfn. difficult to be awakened from sleep cf. R. v, 81, 53 (6) [ -zAnti ] f. (lit. = the next) N. of wk. (7) [ °pn^opazAnti ] f. the cessation of a bad dream cf. BhP. viii, 4, 15

===> duḥsādhya [ duHsAdhya ]3[ duH-sAdhya ] mfn. difficult to be performed or accomplished cf. Hariv. cf. Kām. cf. Pañc. &c. (1) difficult to be managed or dealt with cf. Pañc. i, 228/259 difficult to be reconciled cf. Bhartṛ. i, 49 [ 483,2 ] (2) difficult to be cured cf. Hariv. 16132 (3) difficult to be conquered cf. MW.

===> duḥśodha [ duHzodha ]3[ duH-zodha ] mfn. difficult to be cleaned cf. Suśr.

===> duḥśruta [ duHzruta ]3[ duH-zruta ] mfn. badly or wrongly heard cf. R. iii, 41, 10 &c.

===> duḥśīla [ duHzIla ]3[ duH-zIla ] mfn. badly disposed, ill-behaved cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ -tA ], f. cf. Kull.) (1) ([ A ]), f. N. of a woman cf. Kathās (2) [ -citta ] mfn. bad-hearted, Subhāsh

===> duṣkara [ duSkara ]3[ duS-kara ] mfn. hard to be done or borne, difficult, arduous cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (often with inf. (1) [ °raM yad ] or [ yadi ], with indic. or Pot. and also with inf. = hardly, scarcely cf. MBh. cf. R.) (2) rare, extraordinary cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (3) doing wrong, behaving ill, wicked, bad cf. W. (4) n. difficult act, difficulty cf. ib. (5) austerity cf. Divyâv. 392 (6) aether, air cf. L. (7) the tree of plenty cf. W. (8) [ -karman ] (v. l. [ duSkarma-kArin ]), mfn. doing difficult things, clever cf. Daś (9) [ -kArin ] mfn. id. (10) experiencing difficulties cf. R. &c. ([ °ritA ] f. cf. MBh. xii, 5886) (11) [ -caryA ] f. hard penance, N. of a ch. of cf. Lalit. (12) [ -sAdhana ] n. means of overcoming difficulties cf. Daś

===> duṣkha [ duSkha ]3[ duS-kha ] &c., [ duHkha ]

===> duṣkuhaka [ duSkuhaka ]3[ duS-kuhaka ] mfn. incredulous cf. Divyâv. 7 ; 9 &c.

===> duṣkṛt [ duSkRt ]3[ duS-k'Rt ] mfn. acting wickedly, criminal, evil-doer cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. MBh.

===> duṣkṛta [ duSkRta ]3[ duS-kRta ] ([ d'uS- ]), mfn. wrongly or wickedly done, badly arranged or organized or applied cf. ŚBr. viii, 6, 2, 18 cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ °t'a ]), n. evil action, sin, guilt cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. (2) &c. (3) a partic. class of sins cf. Divyâv. 544 (4) [ -k'arman ] mfn. acting wickedly, criminal cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. R. (5) n. wicked deed, wickedness cf. W. (6) [ °ta-bahiSkRta ] mfn. free from sin cf. W. (7) [ °t^atman ] mfn. evilminded wicked, base cf. BhP.

===> duṣpradharṣa [ duSpradharSa ]3[ duS-pradharSa ] mfn. not to be assailed or touched, intangible cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) m. N. of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. MBh. vi (2) ([ A ]), f. Alhagi Maurorum or Phoenix Sylvestris cf. L. (3) [ °SaNa ] mf ([ i ]) n. id. cf. MBh. cf. R. (4) m. N. of a son of Dhṛtarāshṭra cf. MBh. i (5) ([ I ]), f. Melangena Incurva cf. L. [ °SiNI ] f. N. of various egg-plants cf. Bhpr. (6) v. r. for prec. cf. L. [ °dhRSya ] mfn. = [ °dharSa ] cf. MBh. cf. R.

===> duṣprajña [ duSprajJa ]3[ duS-prajJa ] mfn. weak-minded, stupid cf. MBh. (1) [ -tva ] n. stupidity cf. Prab. vi, 15/16

===> duṣprasaha [ duSprasaha ]3[ duS-prasaha ] mfn. difficult to be borne or supported or suffered, irresistible (1) terrible, frightful cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (2) m. N. of a Jaina teacher cf. Śatr

===> duṣprāpa [ duSprApa ]3[ duS-pr^apa ] or mfn. hard to attain, inaccessible, remote cf. MBh. cf. K. cf. Pur. &c.

===> duṣpūra [ duSpUra ]3[ duS-pUra ] mfn. difficult to be filled or satisfied cf. MBh. &c.

===> duṣṭa [ duSTa ]2[ duSTa ] mfn. spoilt, corrupted (1) defective, faulty (2) wrong, false (3) bad, wicked (4) malignant, offensive, inimical (5) guilty, culpable
cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Suśr. cf. MBh. &c. (6) sinning through or defiled with (cf. [ karma ] [ mano- ], [ yoni- ], [ vAg- ]) (7) m. a villain, rogue (8) a kind of noxious animal cf. Viṣṇ. xii, 2 (9) ([ A ]), f. a bad or unchaste woman cf. L. (10) u. sin, offence, crime, guilt
cf. Hariv. cf. R. (cf. [ zruti- ]) (11) Costus Speciosus or Arabicus cf. L.

===> duṣṭa-cetas [ duSTacetas ]3[ duSTa-cetas ] mfn. evil-minded, malevolent cf. Mn. cf. R.

===> duṣṭatā [ duSTatA ]3[ duSTa-tA ] f. or badness, wickedness

===> duṣṭâtman [ duSTAtman ]3[ duST^atman ] mfn. evil-minded, malevolent cf. MBh. (1) [ °T^antarAtman ] id.

===> dva [ dva ]1[ dva ] original stem of [ dvi ], q. v. (nom. acc. du. m. [ dv'a ], or [ dva'u ] fn. [ dv'e ] (1) instr. dat. abl. [ dv'AbhyAm ] gen. loc. [ dv'ayos ]) two cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) both (with [ api ] cf. Ragh. xii, 93) (3) loc. [ dvayos ] in two genders (masc. and fem.) or in two numbers (sing. and pl.), Gr. cf. L. [ Cf. [ dvA ] and [ dvi ] ; Zd. [ dva ] (4) Gk. [ 503,2 ] ?, ? and ?= ? ; Lat. [ duo18 ] and [ bi ] = [ dvi ] ; Lith. [ du ], [ dvi ] ; Slav. [ d˘uva ] ; Goth. [ tvai ], [ tva ] &c. ]

===> dvaidha [ dvaidha ]3[ dvai-dha ] [ dvaidha ]

===> [ dvaidha ]2[ dvaidha ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ dvi-dh'A ]) twofold, double cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 45 cf. Vārtt. 1 cf. Pat. (cf. [ a- ]) (1) n. a twofold form or state, duality, duplicity, division, separation into two parts, contest, dispute, doubt, uncertainty cf. Lāṭy. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. [ 507,3 ] (2) double resource, secondary array or reserve cf. Mn. vii, 161, 167 (3) ([ am ]), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 45) into two portions, in two parts or ways, doubly cf. AitBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. Hariv.

===> dvaidhī-karaṇa [ dvaidhIkaraNa ]3[ dvaidhI-karaNa ] n. making into two, separating cf. Dhātup. cf. W.

===> dvaipâyana [ dvaipAyana ]2[ dvaipAyana ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 99) ` island-born ', N. of Vyāsa (author or compiler of the Vedas and Purāṇas, the place of his nativity being a small island in the Ganges) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) mf ([ I ]) n. relating to Dvaipāyana cf. MBh.

===> dvaitīyaka [ dvaitIyaka ]2[ dvaitIyaka ] mf ([ I ]) n. recurring every second day (fever (1) cf. [ dvitIyaka ]) cf. L.

===> dvaya [ dvaya ]1[ dvay'a ] ? n. (fr. and in comp. = [ dvi ]) twofold, double, of 2 kinds or sorts cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. ([ °ye ] m. pl. Śis. iii, 57) (1) ([ I ]), f. couple, pair cf. Naish. cf. Rājat (2) n. id. ' (3) two things, both (e. g. [ tejo- ], the 2 luminaries cf. Śak. iv, 2) cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (ifc. [ A ] cf. R. i, 29, 14) (4) twofold nature, falsehood cf. RV. i, 147, 4 &c. (5) the masc. and fem. gender, Gr. ; ([ am ]), ind. between cf. Śiś. iii, 3. [ Cf. Zd. [ dvaya ] (6) Gk. ?. ]

===> dvaya-dvaya-samāpatti [ dvayadvayasamApatti ]3[ dvay'a-dvaya-samApatti ] f. [ 503,2 ] copulation cf. L.

===> dvaṃdva [ dvaMdva ]1[ dvaMdv'a ] n. (the repeated nom. of [ dva ]) pair, couple, male and female cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ 'am ], e, or [ ena ] ind. by two, face to face, secretly) (1) a pair of opposites (e. g. heat and cold, joy and sorrow &c.) cf. Up. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (2) strife, quarrel, contest, fight (esp. between two persons, a duel) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Hit. ' (3) stronghold, fortress cf. L. (4) m. (scil. [ samAsa ] (5) rarely n.) a copulative compound (or any compound in which the members if uncompounded would be in the same case and connected by the conjunction, ` and ', cf. [ devatA- ], [ nakSatra- ]), PIṇ. ii, 2, 29 ; 4, 2 (6) m. N. of sev. Ek^ahas cf. KātyŚr. (7) the sign of the zodiac Gemini cf. Gol. (8) (in music) a kind of measure (9) a species of disease, a complication of two disorders, a compound affection of two humours cf. L.

===> dvedhā [ dvedhA ]1[ dve-dh'A ] ind. (fr. [ dvaya ] (1) cf. [ tre-dhA ]) in two parts or ways, twice cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c.

===> dveṣa [ dveSa ]1[ dveSa ] &c. above

===> dveṣaṇīya [ dveSaNIya ]2[ dveSaNIya ] mfn. = [ °Sya ]

===> dveṣin [ dveSin ]2[ dveSin ] mfn. hating, disliking, hostile, malignant against (gen. or comp.) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) m. foe, enemy, Śalrṅgp

===> dveṣṭṛ [ dveSTR ]2[ dveSTR ] mfn. one who hates or dislikes (comp.), enemy, foe cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr.

===> dvi [ dvi ]1[ dvi ] du. two (nom. [ dvau ], [ dva ])

===> dvi-bhuja [ dvibhuja ]3[ dvi-bhuja ] mfn. ` 2-armed ' cf. Hcat (1) n. an angle cf. W. (2) [ -rAma-dhyAna ] n. N. of wk.

===> dvi-bhāga [ dvibhAga ]3[ dvi-bhAga ] ([ dv'i- ]), m. double portion or share cf. TS. (1) a partic. sin cf. L. (2) [ -dhan'a ] n. double the goods or property cf. AV. xii, 2, 35

===> dvi-cakra [ dvicakra ]3[ dvi-cakra ] m. N. of a Dānava cf. Hariv. (C. [ -vaktra ]) (1) a partic. phenomenon in the sky cf. MBh.

===> dvi-candra [ dvicandra ]3[ dvi-candra ] mfn. having 2 moons cf. Viddh

===> dvi-daṇḍin [ dvidaNDin ]3[ dvi-daNDin ] m. ` carrying 2 staves ', a kind of mendicant (cf. Buddh.)

===> dvi-dhātu [ dvidhAtu ]3[ dvi-dhAtu ] mfn. (musical piece) consisting of 2 parts, twofold (1) m. N. of Gaṇ^eśa (cf. [ -deha ]) cf. L.

===> dvi-guṇa [ dviguNa ]3[ dvi-guN'a ] (or [ dv'i-g° ]), mfn. double, twofold, of 2 kinds cf. ŚBr. cf. ŚrS. &c. (1) doubled, i. e. folded (garment) cf. ŚBr. (2) twice as large or as much as (abl.) cf. Yājñ. ii, 4 (3) (comp.) cf. Mn. viii. 59 (4) compar. [ -tara ] cf. Kād (5) [ -taram ] ind. cf. Ratn. i, 16 (6) [ -tA ] f. cf. Var (7) [ -tva ] n. cf. Amar. (8) [ °Naya ], NomP. [ °yati ], to double, multiply by 2 cf. Sch. (9) [ °Nita ] mfn. doubled cf. Mṛcch. cf. Ratn. cf. Kir. [ °NA ] ind., with √ [ kR ], to plough twice cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 59, Kāś ' (10) [ °NA-karNa ] mfn. having an ear divided by a slit (cattle), vi, 3, 115 cf. Kāś (11) [ °NAya ], [ °yate ], to become double cf. Kād (12) [ °NI-√ kR ], to double, make twofold, Śis. cf. Kād (13) [ °NI-√ bhU ], to become double, grow, increase cf. Kād

===> dvi-ja [ dvija ]3[ dvi-j'a ] [ dvij'a ]

===> [ dvija ]2[ dvi-j'a ] mfn. twice-born (1) m. a man of any one of the first 3 classes, any Āryan, (esp.) a Brāhman (re-born through investiture with the sacred thread cf. [ upa-nayana ]) cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) a bird or any oviparous animal (appearing first as an egg) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (3) a tooth (as growing twice)
cf. Suśr. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Var. (n. cf. BhP. ii, 1, 31) (4) coriander seed or Xantboxylum Alatum cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. Piper Aurantiacum cf. Bhpr. (6) Clerodendrum Siphonantus cf. L. (7) [ pAlaGkI ] cf. L. (cf. [ -j'A ] and [ -jati ])

===> dvi-jatva [ dvijatva ]3[ dvi-j'a-tva ] n. ` the being twice-born ' (1) the condition or rank of a Brāhman or of any one of the first 3 classes cf. Viṣṇ. cf. BhP. cf. Rājat. [ 506,2 ]

===> dvi-jāti [ dvijAti ]3[ dvi-jAti ] mfn. id. (1) m. an Āryan, esp. a Brāhman cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (2) a bird or snake &c. cf. L. (cf. [ -janman ]) (3) [ -mukhya ] m. ` first of the twice-born ', a Brāhman cf. Mn. iii, 286 (4) [ -sAt ] ind. for or to Brāhmans (5) with -√ [ kR ], to make a present of (acc.) for Brāhmans cf. Rājat. v, 120

===> dvi-kubja [ dvikubja ]3[ dvi-kubja ] mfn. 2-humped cf. L.

===> dvi-lakṣaṇa [ dvilakSaNa ]3[ dvi-lakSaNa ] mfn. twofold, of 2 kinds cf. Mn.

===> dvi-mukha [ dvimukha ]3[ dvi-mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. 2-mouthed, 2-faced cf. Hcat. m. a kind of worm cf. Suśr. (1) of snake cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. leech cf. L. (3) a water-jar with two mouths cf. L. (4) [ °kh^ahi ] or [ °kh^araga ] m. a kind of serpent cf. L.

===> dvi-mārga [ dvimArga ]3[ dvi-mArga ] m. (cf. Gal.) [ °gI ] f. (cf. Bharaṭ.) cross-way

===> dvi-navati [ dvinavati ]3[ dvi-navati ] f. 92 cf. ib. (1) [ -tama ] mfn. the 92nd cf. ib.

===> dvi-pa [ dvipa ]3[ dvi-pa ] m. elephant (lit. drinking twice, sc. with his trunk and with his mouth)
cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) N. of the number 8 cf. Gaṇit (2) Mesua Ferrea cf. L. (3) [ -dAna ] n. the rut-fluid of an elephant cf. Ragh (4) [ -pati ] m. ` prince of elephants ', a large elephants cf. Ratn (5) [ -mada ] m. = [ -dAna ] cf. L. (6) [ -p^ari ] m. ` foe of elephants ', a. lion cf. BhP. (7) [ °p^asya ] m. having an elephant's face ', N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. L. (8) [ -p^endra ] m. = [ -pa-pati ] cf. Ragh (9) [ -p^endradAna ] n. the rut-fluid of a large elephants cf. Var (10) [ °p^ezvara ] m. = [ °p'eudra ], Malatim

===> dvi-pada [ dvipada ]3[ dvi-pada ] ([ dv'i- ]), mf ([ A ]) n. 2-footed cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (1) consisting of 2 Pādas cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. &c. (2) containing 2 words cf. VPrāt. (3) binomial cf. Col. (4) m. a biped, (contemptuously) a man cf. Kathās. vi, 63 (5) a brick 2 Pādas long, cf. Śulbas (6) N. of partic. signs of the zodiac cf. L. (7) ([ A ]), f. a stanza consisting of 2 Pādas cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. RPrāt. n. a kind of metre cf. Col. (8) a combination of 2 words cf. VPrāt. (9) [ -pati ] m. ` lord of men ', a king, prince cf. BhP. (10) [ -rAzi ] m. any one of the signs Gemini, Libra Aquarius, Virgo, and half of Sagittarius (11) [ °d^antara ] or [ °d^abhyAsa ] (with [ ratkaMtara ]), N. of a Sāman

===> dvi-puṭa [ dvipuTa ]3[ dvi-puTa ] mf ([ I ]) n. folded double cf. L. (1) ([ I ]), f. a kind of jasmine cf. L.

===> dvi-pāda [ dvipAda ]3[ dvi-pAda ] ([ dv'i- ]), mfn. 2-footed cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c.

===> dvi-pādaka [ dvipAdaka ]3[ dvi-pAdaka ] mfn. twofold (1) with [ puNya-kSetra ] n. N. of Buddha cf. Divyâv

===> dvi-rada [ dvirada ]3[ dvi-rada ] mfn. 2-tusked cf. L. (1) m. an elephant cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) [ -pati ] m. a large elephant cf. BhP. (3) [ -kar^agra ] n. the tip of an elephant's trunk cf. MW. (4) [ -rata ] m. a partic. Samādhi cf. Kāraṇḍ (5) [ °d^antaka ] m. ` destroyer of the elephant ', lion cf. L. (6) [ °d^arAti ] m. foe of the elephant, faced N. of the fabulous animal Śarabha cf. L. (7) [ °d^azana ] n. ` food of the elephant ', Ficus Religiosa (8) [ °d^asya ] m. elephant faced (9) N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. Bālar

===> dvi-sāhasra [ dvisAhasra ]3[ dvi-sAhasra ] mf ([ I ]) n. = [ -sahasra ], KaltyŚr. (1) n. 2000 cf. MārkP.

===> dvi-varṣa [ dvivarSa ]3[ dvi-varSa ] mfn. 2 years old (1) ([ A ]), f. a 2 years old cow cf. L.

===> dvi-vidha [ dvividha ]3[ dvi-vidha ] mfn. two fold, of 2 kinds cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) ([ A ]), ind. in 2 parts or ways ([ vibhinna ]) cf. R. vii, 54

===> dvidha [ dvidha ]3[ dvi-dha ] mfn. divided in 2, split asunder, forked cf. Gṛhyās

===> dvidhā [ dvidhA ]3[ dvi-dhA ] ([ dv'i- ]), ind. in 2 ways or parts, twofold, divided cf. RV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -karaNa ] n. the dividing into 2, making twofold, arranging in two ways cf. L. (2) [ -kAra ] ([ -dh^ak° ]), mfn. of 2 kinds, twofold cf. Pañc (3) [ -kAram ] ind. dividing into 2 parts cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 cf. Kāś (4) -√ [ kR ], to divide cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (5) [ -gati ] m. ` going in 2 ways ', a crab or crocodile cf. L.

---> -√ [ gam ], to be divided or split, Kath1s (6) [ -tmaka ] ([ -dh^atm° ]), n. nutmeg (as being of 2 kinds?) cf. L. (7) [ -bhAvam ] ind. being divided into 2 parts cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 cf. Kāś

---> -√ [ bhU ], to be divided or separated cf. MBh. cf. Kāv (8) [ -bhUt^akRti ] mfn. of a twofold shape (leech), Sulr (9) [ -lekhya ] mfn. to be written in 2 ways cf. W. (10) m. Phoenix Paludosa ' cf. L. (11) [ -sthita ] mfn. existing double or in 2 forms cf. Śak. vi, 1/2

===> dvija-rṣabha [ dvijarSabha ]3[ dvi-j'a-rSabha ] ([ °ja ] + [ RS° ]), m. ` bull (i. e. best) among the twice-born ', a Brāhman cf. MBh.

===> dvijā [ dvijA ]3[ dvi-j'A ] mfn. twice-born cf. RV.

===> dvika [ dvika ]2[ dvika ]2 mfn. consisting of two, 2-fold, Lāṭy cf. Suśr. (1) two cf. VarBṛS. xiii, 3 (2) happening the 2nd time cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 77 cf. Kāś (3) increased by 2 (e. g. [ °kaM zatam ] 102, i. e. 2 per cent.) cf. Mn. viii, 141

===> dvis [ dvis ]2[ dv'is ] ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 18 (1) cf. viii, 3, 43) twice cf. RV. &c. [ dvir ahnaH ], [ ahnA ], or [ ahni ], twice a day cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 64 cf. Kāś. [ Cf. Zd. [ bis ] (2) Gk. ? ; Lat. [ bis ]. ]

===> dvitaya [ dvitaya ]2[ dvitaya ] mfn. consisting of two, twofold, double cf. BhP. cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 42 (1) pl. ([ e ] or [ As ], i, 1, 33 cf. Kāś.) two, both (each thought of as a plurality, e. g. mountains and trees) cf. Ragh. viii, 89 (2) n. a pair or couple cf. Yājñ. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur.

===> dvitva [ dvitva ]3[ dvi-tva ] n. = duality (phil.) (1) dual cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 46 cf. Kāś (2) reduplication, 8ch. on i, 1, 58, 59 &c. (3) [ -tva ] n. the being duality or dualism cf. Sarvad

===> dvitīya [ dvitIya ]2[ dvit'Iya ] mf ([ A ]) n. (fr. [ dvi ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 54 (1) decl ' i, 1, 36 cf. Vārtt. 3 cf. Pat., cf. vii, 3, 115) second cf. RV. &c. &c. (2) ([ am ]), ind. for the second time cf. KaṭhUp. cf. MBh. &c. (3) m. companion, fellow (friend or foe) cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (4) ifc. doubled or accompanied by, furnished with (cf. a-, [ chAyA- ], [ dhanur- ] &c.) (5) the 2nd in a family (i. e. a son cf. L. (6) cf. cf. AitBr. vii, 29) (7) the 2nd letter of a Varga, i. e. the surd aspirate cf. Prāt. cf. Pāṇ. &c. (8) ([ A ]), f. female companion or friend cf. Kāṭh. xcviii, 33 (9) wife (a second self) cf. L. (10) (sc. [ vibhakti ]) the 2nd case, the accusative or its terminations cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 24 &c. (11) (sc. [ tithi ]) the 2nd day of a half-month cf. Rātn. iv, 2/3 (12) ([ dv'itIya ]), mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 49) forming the 2nd part or half of anything, with [ bhAga ] m. half of (gen.) cf. Mn. iv, 1 &c. (13) n. the half (at the beginning or end of a comp.) cf. Pāṇ. cf. ib., ii, 2, 3 cf. Kāś

===> dvitīyā [ dvitIyA ]2[ dvitIyA ]1 f. of [ °tIya ]

===> [ dvitIyA ]2[ dvitIyA ]2 ind.

===> dviṣ [ dviS ]2[ dviS ]1 in comp. for [ dvis ] below

===> [ dviS ]1[ dviS ]2 cl. 2. P. Ā. [ dv'eSTi ], [ dviSTe ] (ep. also [ dviSati ], [ °te ] ; Subj. [ dv'eSat ] cf. AV. ; impf. [ advet ], 3. pl. [ adviSur- and ŚSan ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 112 ; pf. [ didveSa ] cf. ŚBr. ; aor. [ dvikSat ], [ °Sata ] (3. sg.) cf. AV. ; fut. [ dvekSyati ], [ dveSA ] cf. Siddh. cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 ; inf. [ dveSTum ] cf. MBh. (1) [ dv'eSTos ] cf. ŚBr.) to hate, show hatred against (acc. ; rarely dat. or gen.), be hostile or unfriendly cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (2) to be a rival or a match for cf. Kāvyâd. ii, 61: Pass. [ dviSyate ] ; aor. [ adveSi ] Gr. : Caus. [ dveSayati ] cf. Kāv. : Desid. ' [ didvikSati ], [ °te ] Gr. ; Intens. [ dedviSyate ], [ dedveSTi ] or [ dedviSIti ] Gr. [ Cf. Zd. [ bish ] ; Gk. ? ; Germ. [ Zwist ]. ] [ 506,3 ]

===> [ dviS ]2[ dv'iS ]3 (nom. [ dv'iT ]), hostility, hatred, dislike (1) (also m.) foe, enemy cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (2) mfn. hostile, hating, disliking (ifc.) cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> dviṣa [ dviSa ]2[ dviSa ] mfn. (ifc.) hostile, hating (cf. [ -tA ] and [ -tva ]) [ 507,1 ] (1) hateful or unpleasant to cf. Hariv. (2) m. foe, enemy cf. L.

===> dviṣṭa [ dviSTa ]2[ dviSTa ]1 mfn. hated, disliked, odious, hostile cf. Yājñ. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> [ dviSTa ]1[ dviSTa ]2 n. (for [ dvy-aSTa ]) copper cf. L.

===> dvy-aṅgula [ dvyaGgula ]3[ dvy-aGgul'a ] n. 2 fingers' breadth cf. ŚBr. ([ °laukarSam ], [ °len^atk° ], or [ °l^atk° ], in such intervals cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 51 cf. Kāś.) (1) mfn. 2 fingers broad (2) [ -zRGga ] mfn. having horns of 2 fingers' breadth (said to denote the age of a horned animal) cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 115 cf. Kāś

===> dvā-daśa [ dvAdaza ]3[ dvA-daza ] and below

===> [ dvAdaza ]2[ dvA-daz'a ]1 mf ([ 'I ]) n. the twelfth cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (du. the eleventh and twelfth cf. Kāṭh.) (1) ifc. (f. [ A ]) forming 12 with (cf. [ azva- ] add.) (2) consisting of 12, 12 fold cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. (3) increased by 12 cf. KātyŚr. (4) ([ 'I ]), f. (sc. [ rAtri or tithi ]) the 12th day of the half-month (5) n. a collection or aggregate of 12 cf. ŚBr.

===> [ dvAdaza ]2[ dv'A-daza ]2^ for [ -dazan ] in comp.

===> dvā-para [ dvApara ]3[ dvA-p'ara ] m. n. that die or side of a die which is marked with two spots cf. VS. cf. TS. cf. Kāṭh. cf. MBh. (1) the Die personified cf. Nal. vi, 1 (2) ` the age with the number two ', N. of the 3rd of the 4 Yugas or ages of the world (comprising 2400 years (3) the Yugas itself = 2000, and each twilight = 200 years (4) it is also personified as a god)
cf. AitBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. cf. RTL. 111 ; 433 (5) N. of a myth. being cf. MBh. i, 2713 (6) doubt, uncertainty cf. L. (7) [ -cchandas ] n. pl. a partic. class of metre cf. Nidānas

---> [ -stoma ] m. pl. of Stomas cf. ib.

===> dvā-triṃśat [ dvAtriMzat ]3[ dvA-triMzat ] ([ dv'A- ]), f. 32 (1) [ °zacchAla-bhaJjikA ]. f. pl. 32 statues cf. Siṉhâs (2) N. of wk. (3) [ °zat-karma-paddhati ] f. N. of wk. (4) [ °zat-pattra ] mfn. having 32 petals cf. NṛsUp. (5) [ °zad-akSara dv'A- ] cf. TS.) and [ °rin ] (cf. L.), mfn. consisting of 32 syllables (6) [ °zad-aparAdha-stotra ] n. N. of part of the cf. VarP. (7) [ °zad-ara ] mfn. = [ °z^ara ] (8) [ °zad-upaniSad ] f. N. of an cf. Up. (9) [ °zad-rAtra ] n. (sc. [ sattra ]) a sacrifice lasting 32 days, cf. ŚrS. (10) [ °zai-lakSaNika ] (cf. Siṉhâs.) and [ °N^op'eta ] (cf. Hit.), mfn. having 32 auspicious marks upon the body ', illustrious, great

===> dvā-triṃśati [ dvAtriMzati ]3[ dvA-triMzati ] f. collection of 32 (w. r. for [ °zat ] in [ siMh^asana-t° ])

===> dvā-viṃśati [ dvAviMzati ]3[ dvA-viMzati ] f. ([ dv'A- ]) 22 cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -tama ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 22nd cf. MBh. cf. R. (2) [ -dh'A ] ind. 22fold cf. ŚBr. ' (3) [ -rAtra ] n. (sc. [ sattra ]) a sacrifice lasting 22 days cf. ŚrS. (4) [ -zata ] n. 122 (5) [ -zatama ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 122nd cf. MBh. cf. R. (6) [ °ty-akSara ] mfn. consisting of 22 syllables, Nidinas

===> dvā-ṣaṣṭi [ dvASaSTi ]3[ dvA-SaSTi ] f. 62 cf. MBh. (1) [ -tama ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 62nd cf. R.

===> dvādaśa-śata [ dvAdazazata ]3[ dv'A-daza-zata ] ([ dv'A ]), n. 112 (1) in comp. also 1200 (= [ I ] f. cf. Rājat.) (2) [ -tama ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 112th (3) [ -dakSiNa ] mfn. (a sacrifice) at which 1200 are given as a fee cf. ĀpŚr.

===> dvādaśama [ dvAdazama ]3[ dv'A-daza-ma ] mf ([ I ]) n. the 12th cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (cf. 1. [ dvAdaza ])

===> dvādaśâkāra [ dvAdazAkAra ]3[ dvAdaz^akAra ] (cf. Divyâv.),

===> dvādaśâṅgula [ dvAdazAGgula ]3[ dvAdaz^aGgula ] mfn. having the breadth of 12 fingers cf. L. (1) [ -sAriNI ] f. N. of wk.

===> dvāra [ dvAra ]2[ dv'Ara ] n. door, gate, passage, entrance cf. ŚBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) opening, aperture (esp. of the human body, cf. [ nava- ]) cf. Up. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) a way, means, medium (instr. [ °reNa ] ifc. by means of. with regard or according to) cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc. &c. (the Māheśvaras hold that there are 6 Dvāras or means of obtaining religious ecstasy cf. Sarvad.) (3) m. N. of a Gandharva cf. R. (4) ([ I ]), f. door, SaṅkhSr

===> dvāra-darśin [ dvAradarzin ]3[ dv'Ara-darzin ] m. a door-watcher, door-keeper cf. R.

===> dvāra-kapāṭa [ dvArakapATa ]3[ dv'Ara-kapATa ] m. or n. the leaf of a door cf. L.

===> dvāra-pāla [ dvArapAla ]3[ dv'Ara-pAla ] m. id. cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. ([ I ] f. g. [ revaty-Adi ]) (1) N. of various Yakshas and of sacred places connected with them cf. MBh. (2) [ -mantra ] m. a kind of hymn

===> dvāra-pālaka [ dvArapAlaka ]3[ dv'Ara-pAlaka ] m. door-keeper

---> ([ °likA ] f. cf. Kād.)

===> dvārika [ dvArika ]2[ dvArika ] m. door-keeper, warder cf. Pañc. iii. 85 (1) N. of one of the Sun's 18 attendants cf. L. ([ ikA ] f. [ dvAraka ])

===> dvārin [ dvArin ]3[ dvArin ] m. door-keeper cf. MBh. i. 4906

===> dvīpa [ dvIpa ]3[ dvIp'a ] &c., s. v.

===> [ dvIpa ]1[ dvIp'a ] m. n. (fr. [ dvi ] + [ ap ] cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 74 ; vi, 3, 97) an island, peninsula, sandbank cf. RV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a division of the terrestrial world (either 7 [ Jambu, Plaksha or Go-medaka, Śālmalī, Kuśa, Krauñca, Śāka and Pushkara cf. MBh. vi, 604 &c. cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. &c. ] or 4 [ Bhadr^aśva, Ketu-mlla, Jambu-dvipa and Uttarā Kurava cf. MBh. vi, 208 cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. &c. cf. cf. Dharmas. cxx ] or 13 [ the latter four + 9, viz. Indra-dvipa, Kaserū-mat, Tāmra-varṇa, Gabhasti-mat, Nāga-dvipa, Saumya, Gāndharva, Varuṇa and Bhārata, which are enumerated cf. VP. ii, 3, 6 ; 7, as forming Bhārata-varsha ] or 18 [ among which the Upa-dvipas are said to be included cf. Naish. i, 5 cf. Sch. ] ; they are situated round the mountain Meru, and separated from each other by distinct concentric circumambient oceans (2) [ ayaM dvIpaH ] = [ jambu-dv° ] cf. BhP. v, 16, 5 or = [ bhArata-dv° ] cf. VP. ii, 3, 7) (3) m. place of refuge, shelter, protection or protector cf. MBh. cf. Kāraṇḍ (4) a tiger's skin cf. L. (5) cubebs cf. L. (cf. [ -sambhava ])

===> dvīpin [ dvIpin ]2[ dvIpin ] mfn. having islands or spots like islands cf. L. (1) ([ 'in ]), m. tiger, ounce or panther, leopard cf. AV. cf. Hariv. cf. MBh. &c. (2) ([ nI ]), f. the sea or a river cf. Bālar. iii, 48 (3) a kind of plant cf. L.

===> dyota [ dyota ]2[ dyota ]1 m. light, brilliance (cf. [ kha- ], [ cintya- ], [ nakha- ]) (1) sunshine, heat cf. W. (2) ([ A ]), f. a squinting or a red-eyed or a red-haired woman cf. GṛS. cf. Comm.,

===> [ dyota ]2[ dyota ]2 and [ hrid-d° ]

===> dyotaka [ dyotaka ]3[ dyotaka ] mfn. irradiating, illuminating, illustrating Cat.

===> dyotana [ dyotana ]3[ dyotana ] mfn. id. Dhūrtas (1) n. lightning Śaṃk

===> dyotita [ dyotita ]3[ dyotita ] mfn. shone upon, illustrated, bright (cf. [ dyut° ]) (1) [ -prabha ] mfn. resplendent cf. W.

===> dyuti [ dyuti ]2[ dyuti ] f. splendour (as a goddess cf. Hariv. 14035), brightness, lustre, majesty,
dignity. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Var. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) (dram.) a threatening attitude cf. Daśar. cf. Sāh (2) m. N. of a Ṛshi under Manu Merusāvarṇa cf. Hariv. (3) of a son of Manu Tāmasa cf. ib.

===> dyūta [ dyUta ]2[ dyUt'a ] n. (m. only cf. MBh. ii, 2119 (1) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 31) play, gaming, gambling (esp. with dice, but also with any inanimate
object). cf. AV. cf. ŚrS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (fig.) battle or fight, contest for (comp.) cf. MBh. iii, 3037 &c. (3) the prize or booty won in battle cf. ib. vii, 3966 ; ix, 760

===> dāha [ dAha ]1[ dAha ] m. (fr. √ [ dah ]) burning, combustion, conflagration, heat
cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) place of cremation cf. Vas. xix, 26 (2) glowing, redness (of the sky, cf. [ dig- ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (3) cauterizing, cautery (of a wound) cf. Suśr. cf. Mālav. iv, 4 (4) internal heat, fever cf. Suśr. (5) pl. N. of a people (v. l. for [ vaideha ]) cf. VāyuP. 1 (6) [ °haka ] mf ([ I ]) n. burning, setting on fire cf. Yājñ. ii, 282 cf. BhP. xi, 10, 8 (7) m. Plumbago Zeylanica

===> dāha-jvara [ dAhajvara ]3[ dAha-jvara ] m. inflammatory fever cf. Kathās. cf. Daś

===> dāhana [ dAhana ]2[ dAhana ] n. (fr. the Caus.) causing to burn or be burnt, reducing to ashes cf. MBh. i, 403 cf. BhP. xii, 12, 40 (1) cauterizing cf. W. (2) ([ I ]), f. Grislea Tomentosa cf. L.

===> dākṣiṇya [ dAkSiNya ]2[ dAkSiNya ] mfn. belonging to or worthy of a sacrificial fee cf. L. (1) n. dexterity, skill, officiousness, gallantry, kindness, consideration, piety (with loc., gen. or ifc.) cf. Hariv. cf. K. &c. (2) the ritual of the right hand Sāktas cf. L. (3) N. of a Tantra

===> dākṣiṇīya [ dAkSiNIya ]2[ dAkSiNIya ] mfn. = [ dakSiNIya ] cf. L. (v. l.)

===> dālana [ dAlana ]2[ dAlana ] n. (√ [ dal ]) decay (of the teeth) cf. Suśr.

===> dāma [ dAma ]2[ dAma ]1 in comp. for [ dAman ], p. 475

===> [ dAma ]2[ dAma ]2 n. (ifc., where also [ -ka ]) wreath, garland cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (1) ([ 'A ]), f. id. cf. RV. viii, 61, 6

===> dāman [ dAman ]2[ d'Aman ]3 n. (m. cf. L.) string, cord, rope, fetter cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) girdle (2) chaplet, wreath, garland for forehead cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv (3) large bandage cf. Suśr. (4) a partic. constellation cf. VarBṛS. (5) N. of a friend of Kṛshṇa = [ zri-d° ] (cf. below) (6) ifc. either in proper N. (cf. [ AzA-d° ]) or in adj. (where, after a numeral, the fem. must end in [ I ] e. g. [ dvi-dAmnI ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 27). [ Cf. Gk. [ 475,1 ] ? in ? ? ? in, ? ? . ]

===> dāna [ dAna ]2[ dAna ]3 n. purification cf. L.

===> dāna-pati [ dAnapati ]3[ dAn'a-pati ] m. ` liberality-lord ', munificent man cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) N. of A-krūra cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. (2) of a Daitya cf. Hariv. [ 474,2 ]

===> dāna-pāramitā [ dAnapAramitA ]3[ dAn'a-pAramitA ] f. perfection of liberality cf. Kāraṇḍ. cf. Naish

===> dānamaya [ dAnamaya ]3[ dAn'a-maya ] mf ([ I ]) n. consisting in liberality cf. L.

===> dānta [ dAnta ]1[ dAnt'a ]1 mfn. (√ [ dam ]) tamed, broken in, restrained, subdued (1) mild, patient cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (2) liberal cf. L. (3) m. a tamed ox or steer (cf. [ damya ]) cf. Rājat. v, 432 (4) a donor, giver cf. W. (5) Ficus Indica or = [ damanaka ] cf. L. (6) N. of a son of Bhīma cf. Nal. 1, 9 (7) of a bull cf. Kathās. xvi, 295 (8) pl. of a school of the cf. AV. (9) ([ A ]), f. of an Apsaras cf. MBh. xiii, 1425

===> [ dAnta ]1[ dAnta ]2 mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ danta ]) made of ivory cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr.

===> [ dAnta ]1[ d^anta ]3 mfn. ending in [ dA ], MānGr, i, 18 cf. Gobh. ii, 8, 16

===> dāra [ dAra ]1[ dAra ]1 Inf ([ I ]) n. (√ [ dRR ]) tearing up, rending (cf. [ bhU- ]) (1) m. rent, cleft, hole cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xv, 3, 7 (cf. [ udara- ], [ karbu- ], [ a-dAra-sRt ]) (2) ([ I ]), f. id. cf. Suśr.

===> [ dAra ]1[ dAra ]2 m. pl. (probably not connected with s. [ dAra ] and √ [ dRR ], but cf. cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 20 cf. Vārtt. 4) a wife (wives) cf. GṛS. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. ([ °An ] √ [ kR ] or [ pra-kR ], take to wife, marry cf. MBh. (1) cf. [ kRta- ]) (2) rarely m. sg. (Āp. i, 14, 24 cf. Gaut. xxii, 29), f. sg. (cf. BhP. vii, 14, ii) and n. pl. (cf. Pañc. i, 450)

===> dāraka [ dAraka ]2[ dAraka ]2 m. (rather connected with 2. [ dAra ] than with √ [ dR ]) a boy, son, child
cf. MBh. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Pañc. cf. Suśr. (1) young animal cf. Pur. (2) ([ ikA ]), f. a girl, daughter cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās. ([ akI ] cf. BhP. iv, 28, 21) (3) harlot cf. L. (4) ([ akau ]), m. du. a boy and girl cf. Nal

===> dāridra [ dAridra ]1[ dAridra ] n. probably w. r. for

===> dāridrya [ dAridrya ]3[ dAridrya ] n. poverty cf. Mricch. cf. VarBṛ. cf. Pañc. cf. Hit.

===> dāru [ dAru ]1[ d'Aru ]3 m. n. (g. [ ardharc^adi ]) a piece of wood, wood, timber
cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. TS. cf. Br. cf. Up. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (usually n. m. only cf. Hariv. 15522) (1) n. Pinus Devadāru cf. Suśr. (2) ore cf. L. [ connected with 4. [ dru ] and [ taru ] ; cf. also Zd. [ dauru ] (3) Gk. ?, ? ; Goth. [ triu ] ; [ 476,1 ] Germ. [ trewo ] ; Eng. [ tree ] ]

===> [ dAru ]3[ dAru ] ([ p'Itu- ]), m. a kind of tree (= [ deva-dAru ], or = [ khadira ]) ŚBr. Kāṭh. (cf. [ pIta-dAru ])

===> dāru-haridrā [ dAruharidrA ]3[ d'Aru-haridrA ] f. = [ -nizA ] cf. Suśr.

===> dāru-karṇin [ dArukarNin ]3[ d'Aru-karNin ] m. ` having wooden earrings ', N. of Bhavila cf. Buddh.

===> dāruṇa [ dAruNa ]2[ dAruN'a ] (cf. Uṇ. iii, 53)

===> [ dAruNa ]3[ d'AruNa ] mf ([ A ], once [ I ]) n. hard, harsh (opp. [ mRdu ]) cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. (1) rough, sharp, severe, cruel, pitiless (2) dreadful, frightful (3) intense, violent
cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Śak. cf. Pañc. &c. (4) (in comp. or [ °am ] before a vb. to express excellence or superiority, cf. g. [ kASTh^adi ]) (5) m. Plumbago Zeylanica cf. L. (6) n. harshness, severity, horror cf. MBh. (7) [ °Naka ] n. N. of a disease of the roots of the hair cf. Suśr. (8) [ °Nya ] n. harshness (of sound, TPrat. ii, 10)

===> dārva [ dArva ]2[ dArva ] mf ([ I ]) n. wooden cf. Pur. (1) m. pl. N. of a people (generally associated with the Abhi-sāras) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (2) ([ I ]), f. Curcuma Aromatica or Xanthorrhiza, also a kind of collyrium extracted from it cf. Suśr. (3) = [ deva-dAru ] cf. L. (4) = [ go-jihvikA ] cf. L.

===> dārṣṭāntika [ dArSTAntika ]3[ dArST^antika ] mf ([ I ]) n. id. cf. Śaṃk. on cf. Bādar. ii, 3, 24 (1) one who uses an example or simile as a proof. cf. Sch.

===> dāsa [ dAsa ]2[ dAs'a ]1 m. fiend, demon (1) N. of certain evil beings conquered by Indra (e. g. Namuci, Pipru, Śambara, Varcin &c.) cf. RV. (2) savage, barbarian, infidel (also [ d'Asa ], opp. to [ Arya ] (3) cf. [ dasyu ]) (4) slave, servant cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Mn. &c. (5) a Sūdra cf. L. cf. Sch. (6) one to whom gifts may be made cf. W. (7) a fisherman (v. l. for [ dAza ]) (8) ifc. of names, esp. of Śūdras and Kāya-sthas (but cf. also [ kAli- ]) (9) ([ I ]), f. a female servant or slave cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (10) harlot cf. L. cf. Sch. (11) N. of a plant (= [ nilA ] or [ pItA jhintI ], [ kAka-jaGghA ], [ nIl^amlANa ] &c.) cf. L. (12) an altar cf. L. (13) N. of a river cf. L. (14) ([ d'Asa ]), mf ([ I ]) n. fiendish, demoniacal, barbarous, impious cf. RV.

===> [ dAsa ]1[ dAsa ]2 m. a knowing man, esp. a knower of the universal spirit cf. L.

===> dāsa-bhāva [ dAsabhAva ]3[ dAs'a-bhAva ] m. condition of a slave, servitude cf. MBh.

===> dāsaka [ dAsaka ]2[ dAsaka ] m. N. of a man (cf. [ dAz° ]), g. [ azv^adi ] (1) ([ ikA ]), f. female slave cf. L.

===> dāsatā [ dAsatA ]3[ dAs'a-tA ] f. slavery, servitude, Veṇis. 175 cf. Kathās. lxxii, 34

===> dāsya [ dAsya ]2[ dAsy'a ] n. servitude, slavery, service cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. &c.

===> dāsī [ dAsI ]2[ dAsI ]2^ (also [ °sIka ] ifc.), f. of 1. [ dAsa ] (q. v.)

===> dāsī-dāsa [ dAsIdAsa ]3[ dAsI-dAsa ] n. sg. (g. [ gav^azv^adi ]) female and male slaves, MBh cf. R. (1) m. pl. cf. MBh. ii, 2510

===> dātavya [ dAtavya ]3[ dAtavya ] mfn. to be given cf. AitBr. cf. Mn. &c. (1) to be communicated cf. ŚvetUp. cf. Pañcat. i cf. MārkP. (2) to be given in marriage cf. Dāyabh. (Paiṭh.) cf. Kathās (3) to be paid or restored cf. Mn. viii cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 171 cf. Kāś (4) to be placed upon (loc.) cf. Mn. v, 136 cf. VarBṛS. (5) to be made cf. Bhpr. vii, 18, 74. i

===> dātra [ dAtra ]2[ d'Atra ] n. a sort of sickle or crooked knife cf. RV. cf. Āpast. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ dAtr'a ]) allotted portion, share, possession cf. RV.

===> dātṛ [ dAtR ]2[ d'AtR ] (with acc. (1) once without cf. RV. iv, 31, 7),

===> [ dAtR ]3[ d'At'R ] (with or without gen. (1) exceptionally with acc. cf. ŚBr. xi, 5, 1, 12), m. giving, a giver, donor, liberal cf. RV. &c. (2) one who gives a daughter gen.) in marriage (cf. [ kanyA- ]) cf. Kum. vi, 1 (3) a father or brother who gives a daughter or sister in marriage cf. MānGṛ. i, 8 cf. Mn. in, 172 cf. Paiṭh. cf. R. (4) one who offers (his wife, gen.) cf. L. (5) a creditor cf. Mn. viii, 161 the arranger of a meal, iii, 236 (6) granting, permitting (ifc. or with gen.), v, viii, xi cf. MBh. &c. (7) a founder (of a household, [ kutumbAnAm ]), xiii, 1663 (8) [ cf. [ a- ], [ RNa- ], [ brahma- ] ; ? ?, Lat. [ dator ], [ daturus ] ]

===> [ dAtR ]2[ dAt'R ]2 m. mowing, a mower (with acc.) cf. RV. v, 7, 7

===> dāva [ dAva ]1[ dAv'a ] m. (fr. √ 2. [ du ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 142) conflagration, esp. a forest conflagration cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) fire, heat (2) distress cf. L. (3) m. n. a forest cf. MBh. (always connected with fire) cf. Ragh. ii, 8

===> dāvâgni [ dAvAgni ]3[ dAv^agni ] m. fire in a forest cf. MBh. cf. Hariv.

===> dāya [ dAya ]2[ dAya ]1 mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 139 (1) 141) giving, presenting (cf. [ zata- ], [ go- ]) (2) m. gift, present, donation cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) nuptial fee cf. L. (cf. [ su- ]) (4) gift at the ceremony of initiation cf. W. (5) handing over, delivery cf. Mn. viii, 165 (6) n. game, play cf. Pañcad

===> [ dAya ]2[ dAy'a ]2 m. share, portion, inheritance cf. RV. cf. TS. &c. ([ dAyAd up^agata ], obtained through inheritance, Mit (1) [ dAyam up^ati pitus ], he obtains his father's inheritance cf. Br.) (2) division, part (ifc. = fold, cf. [ zat'a- ]) (3) dismembering, destruction cf. L. (4) irony cf. L. (5) place, site cf. L.

===> dāyaka [ dAyaka ]2[ dAyaka ] m. heir, kinsman cf. GṛS.

===> dāyin [ dAyin ]2[ dAyin ] mfn. (ifc.) giving, granting, communicating (1) yielding, ceding, allowing, permitting (2) causing effecting, producing, performing cf. ChUp. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Bhartṛ. &c. (3) having to pay, owing (acc.) cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 ; iii, 3, 170 cf. Kāś

===> dāyâda [ dAyAda ]3[ dAy^ad'a ] m. id. (with gen. or loc. of thing or ifc. cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 37, vi, 2, 5)
cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. (1) a son or distant descendant or kinsman cf. MBh. cf. Pañc (2) ([ A ], [ I ]), f. heiress, daughter cf. AgP. (3) [ -vat ] mfn. having an heir cf. MBh.

===> dāśa [ dAza ]2[ dAza ]1 [ puro- ]

===> [ dAza ]2[ d'Aza ]2^ or (cf. Uṇ. v, 11)

===> [ dAza ]3[ dAz'a ] (written also [ dAsa ]), m. fisherman, ferryman, mariner cf. VS. xxx, 16 cf. Mṛcch. viii, 408, 9 cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (1) the son of a Nishāda by a woman of the Āyogava caste cf. Mn. x, 34 (2) servant, slave cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. fisherwoman, female slave cf. L.

===> [ dAza ]1[ dAza ]3 the Vṛddhi form of 2. [ daza ] in comp.

===> dāḍima [ dADima ]1[ dADima ] mf ([ I ]) n. the pomegranate tree cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. (n. also its fruit (1) [ °mAni danz ], to bite pomegranates, said of a hard or unwelcome task cf. Vām. iii, 2, 14) (2) small cardamoms cf. L. (3) mfn. being on the pomegranates tree cf. Suśr.

===> dīna [ dIna ]2[ dIn'a ] mfn. (fr. √ 3. [ di ]?) scarce, scanty cf. RV. (1) depressed, afflicted, timid, sad (2) miserable, wretched cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) ([ am ]), ind. sadly, miserably cf. Śikṣ. 35 (4) n. distress, wretchedness cf. Hariv. cf. Pañc (5) Tabernamontana Coronaria cf. L. (6) ([ A ]), f. the female of a mouse or shrew cf. L.

===> [ dIna ]1[ dIn'a ] mfn. under √ 3. [ dI ]

===> dīna-manas [ dInamanas ]3[ dIn'a-manas ] and mfn. = [ -citta ] cf. MBh.

===> dīna-mukha [ dInamukha ]3[ dIn'a-mukha ] mf ([ I ]) n. ` sad-faced ', looking melancholy cf. W.

===> dīna-mānasa [ dInamAnasa ]3[ dIn'a-mAnasa ] mfn. = [ -citta ] cf. MBh.

===> dīnatā [ dInatA ]3[ dIn'a-tA ] ([ °n'a- ]), f. scarcity, weakness cf. RV. vii, 89, 3

===> dīnāra [ dInAra ]1[ dInAra ] m. (fr. ?, [ denarius ]) a gold coin or a certain weight of gold (variously stated as 2 Kāshṭhas, 1 Pala of 32 Rettis or the large Pala of 108 Suvarṇas) cf. Pañc. cf. Rājat. iv (1) a gold ornament cf. L. (2) a seal cf. L.

===> dīpa [ dIpa ]2[ dIpa ] m. a light, lamp, lantern cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c.

===> dīpa-mālā [ dIpamAlA ]3[ dIpa-mAlA ] f. a row of lamp, an illumination cf. MBh. xiii, 4727 cf. Caurap. 18

===> dīpa-pūjā [ dIpapUjA ]3[ dIpa-pUjA ] f. [ -vidhAna ] n.

===> dīpa-varti [ dIpavarti ]3[ dIpa-varti ] f. the wick of a lamp cf. Daś

===> dīpaṃ-kara [ dIpaMkara ]3[ dIpa-M-kara ] m. ` light-causer ', N. of a mythical Buddha cf. MWB. 136 (1) [ -jJAna ] m. having the knowledge of a Buddha, N. of a man cf. Buddh.

===> dīpita [ dIpita ]2[ dIpita ] mfn. set on fire, inflamed, excited, illuminated, manifested cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> dīpta [ dIpta ]2[ dIpta ] mfn. blazing, flaming, hot, shining, bright, brilliant, splendid cf. MuṇḍUp. ii, 1, 1 cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) excited, agitated ([ krodha- ] cf. MBh. v, 7207) (2) (in augury) exposed to the sun (also [ Aditya- ] cf. MBh. iii, 15669) (3) being on the wrong side, inauspicious (opp. to [ zAnta ]) cf. Hariv. cf. Suśr. cf. VarBṛS. (4) clear, shrill (? applied to the inauspicious voice of an animal and opp. to [ pUrNa ]) cf. VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 11 (5) xci, 1 cf. Suśr. (6) m. a lion (from his bright colour) cf. L.

---> the citron tree cf. L. (7) inflammation of the nose cf. Suśr. (8) ([ A ]), Methonica Superba cf. L. (9) Cardiospermum Halicacabum cf. L. (10) = [ sAtalA ] cf. L. (11) red arsenic cf. L. (12) (in music) a partic. tone (13) a partic. Śakti cf. Hcat. i, 5 (14) n. Asa Foetida cf. L. (15) gold cf. L.

===> dīpta-tejas [ dIptatejas ]3[ dIpta-tejas ] mfn. radiant with glory cf. ib.

===> dīpta-vīrya [ dIptavIrya ]3[ dIpta-vIrya ] mfn. of fiery strength cf. MBh. i, 2915

===> dīpti [ dIpti ]2[ d'Ipti ] f. brightness, light, splendour, beauty cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. (cf. [ gRha- ]) &c. (1) the flash-like flight of an arrow cf. L. (2) lac cf. L. (3) brass cf. L. (4) m. N. of one of the Viśve Devās

===> dīpâloka [ dIpAloka ]3[ dIp^aloka ] m. lamp-light, a burning lamp or torch cf. ŚārṅgP.

===> dīrgha [ dIrgha ]1[ dIrgh'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (compar. [ dr'AghIyas ], superl. [ dr'AghiSTha ] [ qq. vv. ] (1) rarely [ dirghatara ] [ cf. Pañc. iv, 13/14 ] and [ °tama ] [ cf. BhP. vii, 5, 44 ]) long (in space and time), lofty, high, tall (2) deep cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. &c. (3) long (in prosody) cf. Prāt. cf. Mn. &c. (4) ([ 'am ]) ind. long, for a long time (superl. [ °atamam ] cf. BhP. iii, 1, 37) (5) m. along vowel cf. Gobh. ii, 8, 15 cf. KātyŚr. &c. (6) a camel cf. L. (7) Saccharum Sara (8) Shorea Robusta, = [ utkaTa ], [ rAma-zara ] &c. cf. L. (9) a mystical N. of the letter [ a ] cf. Up. (10) the 5th or 6th or 7th or 8th sign of the zodiac cf. Jyot (11) N. of a prince of Magadha cf. MBh. i, 4451 (12) of Śiva cf. MBh. xiii, 1158 (13) ([ A ]), f. an oblong tank (cf. [ °ghikA ]) cf. R. v, 16, 27 (14) a kind of plant= [ -pattrA ] cf. L. (15) a mystical N. of the letter [ n ] cf. Up.

---> n. a species of grass cf. L. (16) N. of a Sāman cf. ĀrshBr. [ Frṛoot [ drAgh ] (17) cf. also Gk. ? ; Sl. [ dl˘ug˘u ]. ]

===> dīrgha-kāla [ dIrghakAla ]3[ dIrgh'a-kAla ] m. a long time cf. Mn. viii, 145 cf. MBh. (1) [ -jIvin ] mfn. long-lived cf. MW.

===> dīrgha-nakha [ dIrghanakha ]3[ dIrgh'a-nakha ] mf ([ I ]) n. having long nails cf. MBh. ix, 2649 (1) m. N. of a man cf. Buddh. (2) ([ i ]), f. Diospyros Embryopteris cf. L.

===> dīrgha-rātram [ dIrgharAtram ]3[ dIrgh'a-rAtram ] ind. for a long time or period cf. Lalit. cf. Divyâv

===> dīrgha-tapas [ dIrghatapas ]3[ dIrgh'a-tapas ] mfn. performing long penances cf. R. cf. Hariv. (1) m. N. of several Ṛshis (also v. l. for [ °tamas ]) cf. Hariv. cf. Pur. (2) [ °pa-AkhyAna ], and [ °paH-svarga-gamana ] n. ` the story of a long penance ', and ` going to heaven by long penance ', N. of 2 chapters of the cf. ŚivaP.

===> dīrghatva [ dIrghatva ]3[ dIrgh'a-tva ] n. (cf. BhP.) length, longness

===> dīrghânuparivartin [ dIrghAnuparivartin ]3[ dIrgh^anuparivartin ] mfn. having a long after-effect cf. L.

===> dīrghī-bhūta [ dIrghIbhUta ]3[ dIrghI-bhUta ] lengthened (a vowel) cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 72 cf. Sch.

===> dūra [ dUra ]1[ dUr'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. (prob. fr. √ 1. [ du ], hut cf. Uṇ. ii, 21 (1) compar. [ d'avIyas ], superl. [ daviSTha ], qq. vv.) distant, far, remote, long (way) (2) n. distance, remoteness (in space and time), a long way cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) ([ 'am ]), ind. far, far from (gen. or abl. cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 34 cf. Kāś.), a long way off or a long period back cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (also [ dUr'Ad dUr'am ] cf. AV. xii, 2, 14) (4) far above ([ ut-patati ] cf. Hit. i, 101/102) or below ([ ambhasi ] cf. Kathās. x, 29) (5) far, i. e. much in a high degree ([ dUram un-mani-kRta ] cf. Prab. iii, 21/22 (6) [ dUraM-√ kR ], to surpass, exceed cf. Ragh. xvii, 18 (7) [ °M-karaNa ] mf ([ i ]) n. making far or distant, removing cf. Vop. (v. l.) (8) [ °M-gata ] mfn. = °ra-g° cf. Saṃk (9) [ °M-gam'a ] mfn. going far away cf. VS. xxxiv, 1 (10) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ bhUmi ]) one of the 10 stages in the life of a Śrāvaka cf. L. (11) ([ eNa ]), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 35) far, from afar, by far cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (12) compar. [ °ra-tareNa ] cf. VP. iii, 7, 26, 33 (13) ([ At ]), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. cf. ib.) from a distance, from afar cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. MBh. &c. (14) far from (abl.) cf. Mn. iv, 151 (15) a long way back or from a remote period, iii, 130 (16) in comp. with a p. p., e. g. [ dUrAd-Agata ], come from afar cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 ; vi, 1, 2 ; 2, 144 cf. Kāś (17) ([ e ]), ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 36 cf. Kāś.) in a distant place, far, far away cf. RV. i, 24, 9 ; iv, 4, 3 (opp. [ 'anti ]) and c cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. TśUp. 5(opp. [ antike ]) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (18) compar. [ °ra-tare ], some way from (abl.) cf. Mn. xi, 128 (19) [ dUre-√ kR ], to discard cf. Amar. 67 (20) [ dUre-√ bhU ] or √ [ gam ], to be far away or gone off cf. Kathās. cf. Vet (21) [ °re tiSThatu ], let it be far, i. e. let it be unmentioned, never mind cf. Kathās. vi, 37

===> dūra-ga [ dUraga ]3[ dUr'a-ga ] mfn. going or being far, remote cf. Hariv. cf. Rājat

===> dūra-stha [ dUrastha ]3[ dUr'a-stha ] mfn. = [ saMstha ] cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) [ -tva ] n. cf. Kathās. xiii, 80

===> dūra-vedha [ dUravedha ]3[ dUr'a-vedha ] m. the act of striking from afar cf. L. (1) [ °dhin ] mfn. piercing from afar (as a missile, weapon) cf. L.

===> dūratas [ dUratas ]3[ dUr'a-t'as ] ind. from afar, at a distance, aloof from, far off cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) [ dUrato-√ bhU ], to keep away cf. ŚārṅgP.

===> dūratā [ dUratA ]3[ dUr'a-tA ] f. (cf. W.),

===> dūre [ dUre ]2[ dUre ] loc. of [ dUra ] (q. v.) in comp.

===> dūrvā [ dUrvA ]1[ d'UrvA ] f. (√ [ durt ]?) bent grass, panic grass, Dūrb grass, Panicum Dactylon
cf. RV. cf. VS. cf. Br. cf. MBh. &c. (cf. [ ali- ], [ gaNDa- ], [ granthi- ], [ mAlA- ])

===> dūrī-karaṇa [ dUrIkaraNa ]3[ dUrI-karaNa ] n. the making distant, removing cf. W.

===> dūta [ dUta ]1[ dUt'a ] m. (prob. fr. √ 1. [ du ] (1) cf. [ dUr'a ]) a messenger, envoy, ambassador, negotiator cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. ([ °taya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to employ as messenger or ambassador, Naish) (2) ([ i ]), f. female messenger, esp. procuress, go-between cf. RV. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (3) a kind of bird (= [ sArikA ]) cf. L. (4) N. of a female attendant on Durgā cf. W.

===> dūtaka [ dUtaka ]2[ dUtaka ]2 m. a messenger, ambassador (cf. [ deva ].) (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a female messenger, confidante cf. Pañc. cf. Vet (2) a gossiping or mischief-making woman cf. Rājat

===> dūṣaka [ dUSaka ]3[ dUSaka ] mf ([ ikA ]) n. corrupting, spoiling, disgracing, seducing cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. ([ °Sika ] only cf. Divyâv.) (1) offending, transgressing (gen. or comp.) cf. Hariv. 5635 cf. Mṛcch. ix, 40 (2) sinful, wicked cf. MBh. xii, 1236 &c. (3) m. offender, seducer, disparager ([ vedAnAm ] cf. MBh. xiii, 1639 (4) [ prakRtInAm ] cf. Mn. ix, 232) (5) ([ ikA ]), f. impurity or impure secretion of the eyes cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. (6) a kind of rice cf. Suśr. (7) pencil or paint-brush cf. L.

===> dūṣaṇa [ dUSaNa ]2[ d'USaNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. corrupting, spoiling, vitiating, violating cf. AV. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. &c. (1) counteracting, sinning against (comp.) cf. R. ii, 109, 7 (cf. [ arA-ti-d° ], [ kula-d° ], [ kRtyA-d° ], [ khara-d ], [ loka-d° ], [ viSa-d° ], [ viSkandha-d° ]) (2) m. N. of a Rakshas (general of Rāvaṇa) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) of a Daitya slain by Śiva cf. ŚivaP. (4) ([ A ]), f. N. of the wife of Bhauvana and mother of Tvashṭṛ cf. BhP. v, 15, 13 (5) n. the act of corrupting &c. (above) cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (6) dishonouring, detracting, disparaging cf. MBh. cf. Mṛcch. cf. Kathās. &c. (7) objection, adverse argument, refutation cf. Sarvad. cf. Jaim. cf. Kap. cf. Sch. (8) fault, of fence, guilt, sin
cf. Mn. cf. Kāv. cf. Hit. &c. (cf. [ arthad° ], [ sukRta-d° ], [ strI-d° ])

===> dūṣaṇīya [ dUSaNIya ]3[ d'USaNIya ] mfn. = 1. [ °Sya ] cf. L.

===> dūṣin [ dUSin ]2[ dUSin ] mfn. corrupting, polluting, violating (ifc. (1) cf. [ kanyA- ]) cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ.

===> dūṣita [ dUSita ]2[ dUSita ] mfn. spoiled, corrupted, contaminated, defiled, violated, hurt, injured cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) censured, blamed cf. MBh. cf. Kathās (2) calumniated, blemished, compromised, falsely accused of (often in comp., [ manyu- ], [ zatr^upajApa ].) cf. Mn. vi, 66 (v. l. [ bhUSita ]), viii, 64 &c. cf. MBh. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Pañc. &c. (3) ([ A ]), f. a girl who has been violated or deflowered cf. W.

===> dūṣya [ dUSya ]2[ dUSya ]1 mfn. corruptible, liable to be soiled or defiled or disgraced or ruined cf. MBh. cf. Kām (1) reprehensible, culpable, vile, bad (2) m. wicked man, a villain cf. R. cf. Kām (3) n. matter, pus (4) poison cf. L.

===> [ dUSya ]1[ dUSya ]2 n. a tent cf. Śiś. v, 21 (1) clothes or a kind of cloth, cotton, calico cf. Divyâv. (cf. [ kalpa- ], [ dUrza ] and [ dUzya ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. an elephant's leathern girth (cf. [ cUSA ], [ °SyA ], [ kakSyA ])

===> dṛ [ dR ]1[ dR ] cl. 6. Ā. [ driy'ate ] (ep. also [ °ti ]), to respect, honour (cf. Dhātup. xxviii, 118) (1) occurring only with prep. [ A ], cf. [ A-√ dri ] (2) Desid. [ didariSate ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 75

===> dṛk-patha [ dRkpatha ]3[ dRk-patha ] m. range of sight (1) [ °tham-√ i ] or [ gam ], to appear, become visible cf. Kālid. cf. Rājat

===> dṛti [ dRti ]1[ d'Rti ] m. (fr. √ [ dRR ]) a skin of leather, a leather bag for holding water and other fluids (fig. = a cloud), skin, hide, a pair of bellows cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. Br. cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a fish cf. L. (2) N. of a man with the patr. Aindr^oti or Aindr^ota cf. TāṇḍyaBr. [ cf. [ dArteya ] (3) Gk. [ 491,1 ] ? ]

===> dṛś [ dRz ]1[ dRz ]1 (Pres. forms supplied by √ [ paz ] q. v. (1) pf. P. [ dad'arza ] cf. RV. &c. [ 2 sg. [ dadarzitha ] and [ dadraSTha ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-2, 65 ] (2) Ā. [ dadRz'e ] cf. AV. [ [ d'adRze ], 3pl. [ °dRzre ] cf. RV. (3) [ °zrire ] cf. TBr. ] (4) p. P. [ dadRzv'as ] cf. RV. (5) [ °sivas ] cf. Up. (6) [ darzivas ], q. v. [ 491,2 ] (7) Ā. [ d'adRzAna ] cf. RV. (8) fut. P. [ -drakSy'ati ] cf. Br. &c. (9) Ā. [ °Syate ] and fut. 2. [ draSTA ] cf. MBh. (10) aor. P. [ adarzam ], [ °zas ], [ °zat ], 3 pl. [ °zur ] cf. Br. ; 1 pl. [ adarzma ] cf. TS. (11) [ adRzma ] cf. JaimBr. (12) Subj. [ darzam ], [ °zat ], [ °zathas ] cf. RV. cf. AV. (13) Ā. 3 pl. [ 'adRzran ] cf. VS. cf. AV. cf. Br. (14) [ °zram ] cf. RV. (15) p. [ dRzAn'a ] or [ d'RzAna ] [ cf. s. v. ] cf. RV. (16) P. [ dRzan ], 3 pl. [ 'adRzan ] cf. Br. (17) Pot. [ dRz'eyam ] cf. RV. (18) [ °zema ] cf. AV. (19) P. [ adrAkSit ] and [ adrAk ] cf. Br. (20) Ā. 3 pl. [ 'adRkSata ] (21) Subj. 2 sg. [ d'RkSase ] cf. RV. (22) inf. [ dRz'e ] and [ driz'aye ] cf. RV. (23) [ dr'aSTum ] cf. AV. &c. (24) ind. p. [ dRSTv'A ] cf. AV. &c. [ cf. MBh. also [ dRzya ] ], [ °TvAya ] cf. RV. (25) [ -d'Rzya ] cf. RV. (26) [ -darzam ] cf. Daś.) to see, behold, look at, regard, consider cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (27) to see, i. e. wait on, visit cf. MBh. cf. R. (28) to see with the mind, learn, understand cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (29) to notice, care for, look into, try, examine cf. Yājñ. cf. Pañc (30) to see by divine intuition, think or find out, compose, contrive (hymns, rites, &c.) cf. Br. cf. Nir. ii, 11: Pass. [ dRzy'ate ] (ep. also [ °ti ]), aor. [ ad'arzi ] cf. RV. &c. to be seen, become visible, appear cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (31) to be shown or manifested, appear as ([ iva ]), prove cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. : Caus. P. Ā. [ darzayati ], [ °te ] cf. AV. &c. (32) aor. [ adIdRzat ] cf. Br. (33) [ adadarzat ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 7, to cause to see or be seen, to show a thing (Ā. esp. of something belonging to one's self) or person (P. and Ā. with or scil. [ AtmAnam ], also one's self), to (acc. cf. AV. iv, 20, 6 cf. ŚBr. &c. (34) gen. cf. Mn. iv, 59 cf. MBh. &c. (35) dat. cf. R. ii, 31, 33 cf. Ragh. &c. (36) instr. after Ā. refl. cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 53 cf. Kāś.) (37) to show = prove, demonstrate cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (38) to produce (money), i. e. pay cf. Mn. viii, 155 (39) (a witness), 158: Desid. Ā. [ dIdRkSate ] (ep. also [ °ti ]) to wish to see, long for (acc.) cf. RV. iii, 30, 13 cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. : Desid. of Caus. [ didarzayiSati ], to wish to show cf. Śaṃk (40) [ adidarzayiSIt ] cf. Nid. : Intens. [ darIdRzzate ], to be always visible cf. Bhojapr. (41) [ dar˘IdarSTi ] or [ dard° ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 90 ; 91. [ Cf. Gk. ?, ?, ? ; Goth. [ 491,2 ] [ tarhjan ]. ]

===> [ dRz ]2[ d'Rz ]2 m. (nom. [ k ], Ved. [ G ] cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 83) seeing, viewing, looking at (1) knowing, discerning cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (ifc., cf. [ Ayurveda-d° ], [ diSTa-d° ], [ pRthag-d° ], [ m'antra-d° ], [ sama-d° ], [ sarva-d° ], [ sUryad° ]) [ 491,3 ] (2) f. sight, view (dat. [ dRz'e ] as inf., cf. √ 1 [ dRz ]) (3) look, appearance (in [ I-d° ], [ kI-d° ], [ tA-d° ]) (4) the eye cf. R. cf. Var. &c. (also n. cf. BhP. iv, 4, 24) (5) theory, doctrine cf. Vcar. (6) (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot. [ Cf. Gk. ? for ? in ?. ] [ 491,3 ]

===> dṛśa [ dRza ]2[ dRza ] m. look, appearance (cf. [ I-d° ], [ kI-d° ], [ tA-d° ] &c.) (1) ([ am ]), ind. = 2. [ dRz ] ifc. (g. [ zarad-Adi ]) (2) ([ A ]), f. the eye cf. L.

===> dṛśi [ dRzi ]2[ dRzi ] f. seeing, the power of seeing cf. Vedântas. (dat. [ °z'aye ] as inf., cf. 1. [ dRz ]) (1) the eye cf. BhP. (also [ °zI ] cf. L.) (2) a Śāstra cf. W.

===> dṛśya [ dRzya ]2[ d'Rzya ]1 mfn. visible, conspicuous cf. RV. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) to be looked at, worth seeing, beautiful, pleasing cf. Hariv. cf. Kāv. cf. Pur. (2) m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number (3) n. any visible object cf. Mālav. i, 9 (4) the visible world cf. RTL. 119 (5) N. of a town = [ -pura ], Brahmap

===> [ dRzya ]2[ dRzya ]2 ind. (for [ dRSTvA ]) having seen cf. MBh.

===> dṛśyatā [ dRzyatA ]3[ d'Rzya-tA ] f. (cf. Daśar.),

===> dṛḍha [ dRDha ]2[ dRDha ] or ([ dRLh'a ]) mfn. fixed, firm, hard, strong, solid, massive cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) firmly fastened, shut fast, tight, close (e. g. ship, 52, 5 (2) bonds, fetters, chains cf. Hit. i, 67/68 cf. Mṛcch. vii, 6/7 (3) fist cf. MBh. iv, 1976) (4) whole, complete (opp. to [ bhinna ]) cf. MBh. xiii, 7453 (5) difficult to be bent (bow cf. ChUp. i, 3, 5) (6) steady, resolute, persevering cf. Hariv. cf. Kathās (7) confirmed, established, certain, sure cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (8) intense, violent, mighty cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (9) (in mathem.) reduced to the last term or smallest number by a common divisor (10) m. (in music) a kind of Rūpaka (11) N. of a son of the 13th Manu cf. Hariv. (12) of a son of Dhṛta-rāshṭra cf. MBh. vii (13) ([ A ]), f. N. of a cf. Buddh. goddess (14) n. anything fixed or firm or solid (15) stronghold, fortress cf. RV. &c. (16) iron cf. L. (17) ([ 'am ]), ind. firmly, fast
cf. AV. cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (comp. [ -taram ] cf. Prab. iv, 11) (18) steadily, perseveringly, thoroughly, much, very well cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. cf. BhP. &c.

===> [ dRDha ]1[ dRDha ] under √ [ dRMh ] &c.

===> dṛḍha-bala [ dRDhabala ]3[ dRDha-bala ] m. ` of firm strength ', N. of a medical author

===> dṛḍha-bandhana-baddha [ dRDhabandhanabaddha ]3[ dRDha-bandhana-baddha ] mfn. caught fast in a snare cf. MW. [ 490,3 ]

===> dṛḍha-dhanus [ dRDhadhanus ]3[ dRDha-dhanus ] m. ` having a strong bow ', N. of an ancestor of Gautama (v. l. [ -hanu ] and [ °Dh^azva ]) cf. VP.

===> dṛḍha-mati [ dRDhamati ]3[ dRDha-mati ] mfn. firm-minded, strong-willed, resolute cf. Bhag. xviii, 64

===> dṛḍha-niścaya [ dRDhanizcaya ]3[ dRDha-nizcaya ] mfn. ` having fixed certainty ', certain, undoubted cf. W.

===> dṛḍha-vajra [ dRDhavajra ]3[ dRDha-vajra ] m. ` having a strong thunderbolt ', N. of a king of the Asuras cf. L.

===> dṛḍha-vrata [ dRDhavrata ]3[ dRDha-vrata ] mfn. ` firm-vowed ', firm in austerity or resolution cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) persevering in, intent upon, devoted to (loc. or comp.) cf. R.

===> dṛḍhatara [ dRDhatara ]3[ dRDha-tara ] mfn. compar. firmer, harder (1) [ °rI-√ kR ], to strengthen, confirm cf. Daś

===> dṛḍhatva [ dRDhatva ]3[ dRDha-tva ] n. firmness, hardness, solidity, strength (1) steadiness, perseverance cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c.

===> dṛḍhatā [ dRDhatA ]3[ dRDha-tA ] f.

===> dṛḍhī-karaṇa [ dRDhIkaraNa ]3[ dRDhI-karaNa ] n.

===> dṛṣṭa [ dRSTa ]2[ dRST'a ] mfn. seen, looked at, beheld, perceived, noticed cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (1) visible, apparent cf. AV. cf. VS. (2) considered, regarded, treated, used cf. Śak. iii, 7 cf. Pañc. i, 401/402 (3) appeared, manifested, occurring, existing, found, real cf. Kāv. cf. Pañc. cf. Hit. (4) experienced, learnt, known, understood cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. (5) seen in the mind, devised, imagined cf. MBh. cf. R. (6) allotted, destined cf. ib. (7) settled, decided, fixed, acknowledged, valid cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (8) n. perception, observation cf. Sāṃkhyak. cf. Tattvas (9) (scil. [ bhaya ]) a real or obvious danger

===> [ dRSTa ]1[ dRSTa ] above

===> [ dRSTa ]3[ dRSTa ] mfn. beheld, visible, conspicuous, famous, celebrated BhP. (= [ pra-khyAta ] Sch.) (1) [ °TAnta ], See p. 662, col. 1

===> dṛṣṭa-dharma [ dRSTadharma ]3[ dRST'a-dharma ] mfn. who has seen Dharma (1) m. this world, mundane existence, the present cf. Divyâv (2) [ °mika ] mfn. belonging to it cf. Buddh.

===> dṛṣṭa-pūrva [ dRSTapUrva ]3[ dRST'a-pUrva ] mfn. seen before cf. MBh. (1) [ °vin ] mfn. having known by sight before cf. HPariś

===> dṛṣṭa-śruta [ dRSTazruta ]3[ dRST'a-zruta ] mfn. seen and heard cf. Mn. viii, 75

===> dṛṣṭavat [ dRSTavat ]3[ dRST'a-vat ] mfn. having seen or beheld cf. MBh.

===> dṛṣṭi [ dRSTi ]2[ d'RSTi ] f. seeing, viewing, beholding (also with the mental eye) cf. Br. cf. Up. &c. (1) sight, the faculty of seeing cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. cf. Suśr. &c. (2) the mind's eye, wisdom, intelligence cf. BhP. cf. L. (3) regard, consideration cf. L. (4) view, notion cf. Bhag. cf. Kap (5) (with Buddhists) a wrong view (6) theory, doctrine, system cf. Jātakam (7) eye, look, glance cf. Mn. cf. MBh. cf. Kāv. &c. ([ °TiM dA ] with loc. turn the eye to, look at, Śṛṅgār. 15) (8) the pupil of the eye cf. Suśr. (9) aspect of the stars (e. g. [ zubha- ]) cf. Var

===> dṛṣṭi-gata [ dRSTigata ]3[ d'RSTi-gata ] n. theory, doctrine cf. Divyâv. 164

===> dṛṣṭi-kṛta [ dRSTikRta ]3[ d'RSTi-kRta ] m. or n. ` suitable to the faculty of seeing ', Hibiscus Mutabilis cf. L.

===> dṛṣṭi-viṣa [ dRSTiviSa ]3[ d'RSTi-viSa ] (also [ °STI- ]), mfn. ` having poison in the eyes ', poisoning by the mere look cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) m. a snake cf. W. (cf. [ dRg- ])

===> dṛṣṭika [ dRSTika ]2[ dRSTika ] mfn. falsely believing in (comp.) cf. Vajracch.

===> dṛṣṭvā [ dRSTvA ]2[ dRSTv'A ] and 1. [ dRz ]

===> dṛṣṭânta [ dRSTAnta ]3[ dRST^anta ] m. (n. only cf. R. ii, 109, 37) ` the end or aim of what is seen ', example, paragon, standard, allegory, type cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. [ 492,1 ] (1) instance, exemplification (rhet.) (2) a Śāstra cf. L. (3) a partic. high number cf. L. (4) death cf. L. (cf. [ diST° ]) (5) [ -kalikA ] f. N. of wk. (6) [ -tas ] ind. as a standard or example or precedent cf. MBh. ii, 70 (7) [ -vat ] mfn. containing examples or comparisons cf. Jātakam (8) [ -zataka ] n. ` a hundred examples ', N. of wk. cf. MW. (9) [ dRST^antaya ] Nom. P. [ °yati ], to adduced as an example cf. Hcat (10) [ °ntita ] mfn. adduced as an example or comparison cf. Sch. on cf. Prab. vi, 12

===> dṛṣṭârtha [ dRSTArtha ]3[ dRST^artha ] mfn. having the aim or object apparent, obvious, practical (opp. to [ a-d° ], transcendental) cf. Śaṃk. serving for a pattern or standard cf. Gaut (1) knowing the matter or the real nature of anything cf. R. cf. Rājat (2) [ -tattvajJa ] mfn. knowing the true, state or circumstances of the case cf. MW.

===> e [ e ]1[ e ]1 the eleventh vowel of the alphabet (corresponding to the letter [ e ] as pronounced in [ prey ], [ grey ])

===> [ e ]1[ e ]2 ind. an interjection cf. MaitrS. (1) a particle of recollection (2) addressing (3) censure (4) contempt (5) compassion cf. L.

===> [ e ]1[ e ]3 [ es ] m. Viṣṇu cf. L.

===> [ e ]1[ ^e ]4 ([ A-√ i ]), P. [ -eti ], to come near or towards, go near, approach cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. (1) (with and without [ punar ]) to come back, come again to cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. &c. (2) to reach, attain, enter, come into (a state or position) cf. Mn. xii, 125 cf. Megh. cf. Prab. &c. (3) to submit, fall to one's share cf. ChUp. v, 14, 1 ([ Ayayanti ] ?) cf. KaṭhUp. : Intens. Ā. (3. du. [ -iyAte ] (4) 1. pl. [ -Imahe ]) to hasten near cf. RV. vii, 39, 2 (5) to request cf. VS. iv, 5

===> e-kāra [ ekAra ]3[ e-kAra ] m. the letter or sound [ e ] cf. TPrāt. &c.

===> edhita [ edhita ]2[ edhita ] mfn. grown, increased, enlarged, made big, made to spread, filled up cf. MBh. cf. Śak. &c.

===> ehi [ ehi ]1[ ^ehi ]1 (Impv. 2. sg. of [ A-√ i ]), come near!

===> [ ehi ]2[ ehi ]2 m. N. of a man, g. [ zArGgarav^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 73

===> eka [ eka ]1[ 'eka ] mfn. (√ [ i ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 43, probably fr. a base [ e ] ; cf. Zd. [ ae-va ] (1) Gk. ?, ? ; Goth. [ ai-n-s ] ; 227,3 ] also Lat. [ aeqū-s ] (2) g. [ sarv^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 27 (3) Gr. 200), one ([ eko'pi ], or [ ekaz-cana ], with [ na ] preceding or following, no one, nobody (4) the words [ ekayA na ] or [ ekAn na ] are used before decade numerals to lessen them by one, e. g. [ ekAn na tRMzat ], twentynine) cf. RV. &c. (5) (with and without [ eva ]) alone, solitary, single, happening only once, that one only (frequently ifc. (6) cf. [ dharm^aika-rakSa ], &c.) cf. RV. &c. (7) the same, one and the same, identical cf. ŚBr. v cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c.

---> one of two or many ([ eka ] - [ eka ], [ eka ] - [ dvitIya ], the one - the other (8) esp. pl. [ eke ], some, [ eke ] - [ apare ] some - others, &c.) cf. ŚBr. cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Hit. &c.

---> ([ eka ] repeated twice, either as a compound [ cf. [ ek^aika ] ] or uncompounded, may have the sense ` one and one ', ` one by one ' cf. RV. i, 20, 7 ; 123, 8 ; v, 52, 17 cf. R. cf. BhP. &c.) (9) single of its kind, unique, singular, chief, pre-eminent, excellent cf. Ragh. cf. Kathās. cf. Kum. &c. (10) sincere, truthful cf. MW. (11) little, small cf. L. (12) (sometimes used as an indefinite article), a, an cf. R. cf. Śak. cf. Vet. &c. (the fem. of [ eka ] before a Taddhita suffix and as first member of a compound is [ eka ] not [ ekA ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 62) (13) m. N. of a teacher cf. Āp. (14) of a son of Raya cf. BhP. (15) ([ A ]), f. N. of Durgā (16) ([ am ]), n. unity, a unit (ifc.) cf. Hcat

===> eka-bhakta [ ekabhakta ]3[ 'eka-bhakta ] mf ([ A ]) n. devoted or faithful to only one (husband), faithful cf. Mn. viii, 363 (1) ([ am ]), n. the eating only one meal (a day) cf. Kauś. cf. Yājñ. iii, 319 cf. MBh. &c.

===> eka-bhāva [ ekabhAva ]3[ 'eka-bhAva ] m. the being one, oneness cf. BhP. (1) simplicity, sincerity cf. Pañcat (2) (mfn.) of the same nature, agreeing cf. MBh. (3) simple, sincere cf. Pañcat

===> eka-bhūmika [ ekabhUmika ]3[ 'eka-bhUmika ] mfn. one-storied cf. Hcat

===> eka-cara [ ekacara ]3[ 'eka-car'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. wandering or living alone, not living in company, solitary, segregarious cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) (said of certain animals) cf. Mn. v, 17 cf. BhP. v, 8, 15 (2) (N. of a thief) cf. Kathās (3) moving at the same time cf. ŚBr. iii, 8, 3, 17 ; 18 (4) N. of Śiva-Rudra cf. Gaut (5) of Bala-deva cf. L. (6) m. a rhinoceros cf. L.

===> eka-citta [ ekacitta ]3[ 'eka-citta ] n. fixedness of thought on one single object cf. Prab (1) one and the same thought, unanimity cf. R. cf. Kathās (2) (mfn.) thinking of one thing only, intent upon, absorbed in, cf. Kap. cf. Hit. cf. Pañcat (3) having the same mind, agreeing, concurring [ 228,1 ] (4) [ -tA ] f. unanimity, agreement cf. Bhartṛ

===> eka-cārin [ ekacArin ]3[ 'eka-cArin ] mfn. living alone, solitary cf. MBh. (1) ([ I ]), m. a Pratyeka-buddha cf. L. (2) ([ iNI ]), f. a woman who goes after one man only, a faithful woman cf. Daś

===> eka-danta [ ekadanta ]3[ 'eka-danta ] m. ` one-toothed ', N. of Gaṇeśa cf. L.

===> eka-daṇḍin [ ekadaNDin ]3[ 'eka-daNDin ] m. ` bearing one staff ', N. of a class of monks cf. Comm. on cf. TāṇḍyaBr. cf. RāmatUp. (1) ([ inas ]), m. N. of a Vedāntic school (2) [ ekadaNDi-saMnyAsa-vidhi ] m. N. of wk.

===> eka-deśa [ ekadeza ]3[ 'eka-deza ] m. one spot or place, one passage, a certain spot or passage, some place
cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Sāh. &c. (1) a part, portion or division of the whole cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mn. &c. (2) one and the same place cf. Kap (3) (mfn.) being in the same place cf. KātyŚr. xvi, 7, 17 (4) [ -tva ] n. the state of being a part or portion of the whole cf. Jaim. [ 228,2 ] (5) [ -vikAra ] m. change of only a part (of a word) (6) [ -vikRta ] mfn. changed in only a part (7) [ -vibhAvita ] mfn. convicted of one part of a charge cf. Yājñ. ii, 20 (8) [ -vivartin ] mfn. extending or relating to one part only, partial cf. Sāh. cf. Kpr. (9) [ -stha ] mfn. situated in the same place (10) standing or occurring in a certain place or passage

===> eka-dhātu [ ekadhAtu ]3[ 'eka-dhAtu ] mfn. consisting of one part or element

===> eka-dravya [ ekadravya ]3[ 'eka-dravya ] n. a single object cf. KātyŚr. i, 10, 6 (1) one and the same object cf. KātyŚr. i, 7, 9

===> eka-hasta [ ekahasta ]3[ 'eka-hasta ] mfn. one hand long cf. AgP. cf. Hcat

===> eka-janman [ ekajanman ]3[ 'eka-janman ] m. ` once-born ', a Śūdra cf. L. (1) ` having pre-eminent birth ', a king cf. L.

===> eka-jāti [ ekajAti ]3[ 'eka-jAti ] mfn. once-born (as a Śūdra) cf. Gaut. x, 50 cf. Mn. x, 4 (1) of the same species or kind (as animals) cf. Suśr. (2) ([ is ]), m. a Śūdra cf. Mn. viii, 270

===> eka-jātīya [ ekajAtIya ]3[ 'eka-jAtIya ] mfn. of the same species cf. Suśr. (1) of the same family cf. Dāyabh

===> eka-kaṇṭha [ ekakaNTha ]3[ 'eka-kaNTha ] mfn. ` having one throat ', uttering simultaneously

===> eka-kāla [ ekakAla ]3[ 'eka-kAla ] m. happening at the same time, simultaneous cf. BhP. (1) ([ am ]), ind. at one time only, once a day cf. Mn. vi, 55

===> eka-kārya [ ekakArya ]3[ 'eka-kArya ] n. the same business or work cf. MBh. (1) mfn. executing the same work, performing the same business cf. Pañcat

===> eka-liṅga [ ekaliGga ]3[ 'eka-liGga ] n. (scil. [ kSetra ]) a field or place in which (for the distance of five Krośas) there is but one Liṅga or landmark cf. T. (1) ` having a singular Śiva-liṅga (q. v.) ', N. of a Tīrtha (2) m. N. of Kuvera cf. L.

===> eka-niścaya [ ekanizcaya ]3[ 'eka-nizcaya ] m. one and the same resolution, common resolution cf. MBh. i, 7625 (1) (mfn.) having the same intention or resolution cf. MBh. i, 7624

===> eka-pada [ ekapada ]3[ 'eka-pada ] n. one and the same place or spot (1) the same panel cf. AgP. (2) a single word cf. VPrāt. cf. Śiś. (3) a simple word, a simple nominal formation cf. Nir (4) one and the same word cf. VPrāt. i, 111 (5) ([ e ]), ind. on the spot, in one moment, at once cf. R. cf. Ragh. cf. Vikr. &c. (6) mf ([ A ] and [ I ] [ cf. ĀśvGṛ. ]) n. taking one step cf. ĀśvGṛ. i, 7, 19 (7) having only one foot cf. ŚBr. cf. BhP. (8) occupying only one panel cf. Hcat. [ 228,3 ] (9) consisting of a single word, named with a single word cf. MBh. cf. VPrāt. cf. APrāt. &c. (10) m. a kind of coitus (11) ([ A ]), f. (scil. [ Rc ]) a verse consisting of only one Pāda or quarter stanza cf. ŚBr. cf. RPrāt. (12) N. of the twenty-fifth lunar mansion (= [ pUrva-bhAdra-padA ]) cf. VarBṛS. (13) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a fabulous race cf. VarBṛS. (14) [ -vat ] ind. like one word (15) [ -stha ] mfn. being in the same word

===> eka-pakṣa [ ekapakSa ]3[ 'eka-pakSa ] m. one side or party, the one case or alternative, the one side of an argument

---> ([ e ]), ind. in one point of view (1) (mfn.) being of the same side or party, siding with, an associate cf. L. (2) partial, taking one view only cf. L.

===> eka-prakāra [ ekaprakAra ]3[ 'eka-prakAra ] mfn. of the same kind or manner

===> eka-putra [ ekaputra ]3[ 'eka-putra ] mfn. having only one son (1) m. an only son

===> eka-putraka [ ekaputraka ]3[ 'eka-putraka ] m. a species of bird cf. VarBṛS.

===> eka-pāda [ ekapAda ]3[ 'eka-pAda ] m. a single foot cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (1) one quarter cf. MBh. xii (2) the same Pāda or quarter stanza cf. RPrāt. 100 (3) (mfn.) having or using only one foot cf. AV. xiii, 1, 6 cf. MBh. (4) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a fabulous people cf. MBh. ii (5) ([ am ]), n. N. of a country (cf. [ eka-p'ad ], col. 2.)

===> eka-pādaka [ ekapAdaka ]3[ 'eka-pAdaka ] [ As ] m. pl., N. of a fabulous people cf. R. (1) ([ ikA ]), f. a single foot cf. Naish (2) N. of the second book of the Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa

===> eka-rasa [ ekarasa ]3[ 'eka-rasa ] m. the only pleasure, only object of affection cf. R. i (1) (mfn.) having only one pleasure or object of affection, relishing or finding pleasure in only one thing or person cf. R. iii cf. Ragh. &c. (2) having (always) the same object of affection, unchangeable cf. Uttarar

===> eka-rātra [ ekarAtra ]3[ 'eka-rAtra ] n. duration of one night, one night, one day and night cf. PārGṛ. cf. Mn. iii, 102, &c. (1) m. a particular observance or festival cf. AV. xi, 7, 10 cf. MBh. xiii (2) (mfn.) during one night

===> eka-rāśi [ ekarAzi ]3[ 'eka-rAzi ] f. one heap, a quantity heaped together (1) [ -gata ] or [ -bhUta ] mfn. heaped or collected together, mingled

===> eka-stha [ ekastha ]3[ 'eka-sth'a ] mfn. standing together, remaining in the same place, conjoined, combined, assembled cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Kum. _ &c. (1) standing in or occupying only one panel cf. AgP.

===> eka-tāna [ ekatAna ]3[ 'eka-tAna ] mfn. directed to one object only, having the mind fixed on one object only, closely attentive cf. Kathās. cf. Daś (1) of the same or equal extent cf. L. (2) m. attention fixed on one object only cf. BhP. (3) harmonious tone or song (cf. [ tAna ]) cf. L.

===> eka-varṇa [ ekavarNa ]3[ 'eka-varNa ] m. a single sound or letter, Rprāt. cf. VPrāt. &c. (1) (mfn.) of one colour, one-coloured, uniform cf. PārGṛ. cf. MBh. cf. BhP. &c. (2) having one caste only, being all one caste cf. MBh. iii (3) consisting of one sound only cf. RPrāt. 110 cf. Vprāt. i, 151 (4) ([ I ]), f. a kind of musical instrument cf. L. (5) [ -samIkaraNa ] n. equalization of two uniform quantities, a kind of equation (in math.)

===> eka-vidha [ ekavidha ]3[ 'eka-vidha ] mfn. of one kind, simple cf. ŚBr. cf. Sāṃkhyak (1) identical cf. Sāh

===> eka-viṃśati [ ekaviMzati ]3[ 'eka-viMzati ] f. twenty-one, a collection or combination of twenty-one cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. (1) [ -tama ] mfn. the twenty-first (2) [ -dh'A ] ind. twenty-one-fold, in twenty-one parts cf. ŚBr. (3) [ -vidha ] mfn. twenty-one times, twenty-one-fold cf. MaitrS.

===> eka-vyāvahārika [ ekavyAvahArika ]3[ 'eka-vyAvahArika ] [ As ] m. pl. ` living solitary (?) ', N. of a Buddhist school

===> eka-yoga [ ekayoga ]3[ 'eka-yoga ] m. one rule (opposed to [ yoga-vibhAga ], q. v.)

===> eka-śṛṅga [ ekazRGga ]3[ 'eka-zRGga ] mfn. having but one horn, unicorn cf. L. (1) having but one peak (as a mountain) cf. T. (2) being of singular eminence, pre-eminent (3) m. N. of Viṣṇu cf. L. (4) ([ As ]), m. pl. a class of Manes cf. MBh. ii (5) ([ A ]), f. N. of the first wife of Śuka cf. Hariv. 987

===> ekadhā [ ekadhA ]2[ ekadh'A ] ind. simply, singly (1) in one way, together, at once cf. AV. cf. TS. &c. cf. MBh. &c.

===> ekadā [ ekadA ]2[ ekadA ] ind. at the same time, at once cf. Sāh (1) sometimes, once, one time, some time ago cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. &c.

===> ekaika [ ekaika ]3[ 'ek^aika ] mfn. one by one, single, every single one cf. AV. iii, 28, 1 cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. cf. Mn. &c. (1) ([ am ]), ind. singly, one by one cf. R. &c. (2) [ -tara ] mfn. one by one (out of many) cf. BhP. (3) [ -vRtti ] mfn. existing in only one object cf. Bhāshāp (4) [ -zas ] ind. one by one, severally, seriatim cf. Suśr. cf. Mn. &c.

===> ekatama [ ekatama ]3[ 'eka-tam'a ] mfn. (n. [ -at ]) one of many, one (used sometimes as indef. article) cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 94 cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c.

===> ekatara [ ekatara ]3[ 'eka-tara ] mfn. (n. [ am ], not [ at ] by cf. Vārtt. on cf. Pāṇ. 7-1, 26) one of two, either, other cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) (rarely) one of many, Dāy. cf. Kād

===> ekatas [ ekatas ]3[ 'eka-tas ] p. 230, col. 3

===> [ ekatas ]2[ ekatas ] ind. from one, from one and the same cf. Rājat (1) from one view, from one side, on one side, on one part, on the one hand cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) (the correlative to [ ekatas ] is either [ ekatas ] repeated or [ aparatas ] or [ anyatas ] or [ vA ] e. g. [ ekatas ] - [ ekatas ] or [ ekatas ] - [ aparatas ], on the one hand - on the other) (3) in one body, all together cf. MBh. xiii, 2230 cf. Suśr.

===> ekatra [ ekatra ]2[ ekatra ] ind. in one, in one and the same cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) in one place, in the same place, in a single spot (with the force of the locative) cf. MBh. cf. Yājñ. cf. Mṛcch. &c. (2) on the one side (3) (the correlative is [ aparatra ] or sometimes [ anyasmin ], on the one side - on the other side, here - there) (4) in one and the same place, all together cf. Kathās. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> ekatva [ ekatva ]3[ 'eka-tva ] n. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. &c. (1) (in Gr.) the singular number cf. Kāś (2) singleness, soleness cf. HYog.

===> ekatā [ ekatA ]3[ 'eka-tA ] f. oneness, unity, union, coincidence, identity cf. ŚBr. cf. ChUp. cf. MBh. &c. (1) ([ ekatAm api-√ yA ], to become one with [ instr. ] cf. VP.)

===> ekaśas [ ekazas ]3[ 'eka-zas ] p. 231, col. 1

===> [ ekazas ]2[ ekazas ] ind. one by one, singly cf. KātyŚr. cf. R. &c.

===> ekâgra [ ekAgra ]3[ ek^agra ] mfn. one-pointed, having one point, fixing one's attention upon one point or object, closely attentive, intent, absorbed in cf. MBh. cf. Mn. i, 1 cf. BhP. cf. Bhag. &c. (1) undisturbed, unperplexed (2) known, celebrated cf. L. (3) ([ am ]), n. (in math.) the whole of the long side of a figure which is subdivided (4) ([ am ]), ind. with undivided attention cf. MBh. (5) [ -citta ] mfn. having the mind intent on one object (6) [ -tas ] ind. with undivided attention cf. Vet (7) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. intentness in the pursuit of one object, close and undisturbed attention (8) [ -dRSTi ] mfn. fixing one's eyes on one spot cf. Suśr. (9) [ -dhI ] mfn. fixing one's mind on one object, closely attentive cf. BhP. (10) [ -mati ] mfn. id. (11) ([ is ]), m. N. of a man cf. Lalit. (12) [ -manas ] mfn. fixing one's mind on one object, closely attentive cf. MBh. cf. Pañcat

===> ekâkṣa [ ekAkSa ]3[ ek^akSa ] mfn. (fr. 1. [ akSa ] with [ eka ]), having only one axle cf. BhP. iv, 26, 1. 2

===> [ ekAkSa ]3[ ek^akSa ] mfn. (fr. [ akSi ] with [ eka ]), one-eyed cf. VarYogay (1) having an excellent eye cf. L. (2) m. a crow cf. L. (3) N. of Śiva (4) of a Dānava (5) of a being attending on Skanda

===> ekânta [ ekAnta ]3[ ek^anta ] m. a lonely or retired or secret place, ([ e ] ind. in a lonely or solitary place, alone, apart, privately) cf. MBh. cf. Mn. cf. Śak. &c. (1) a single part, part, portion cf. Pat. (2) the only end or aim, exclusiveness, absoluteness, necessity cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c. (3) devotion to one object, worship of one Being, monotheistic doctrine cf. MBh. cf. BhP. (4) ([ am ], [ ena ], [ At ]), ind. solely, only, exclusively, absolutely, necessarily, by all means, in every respect, invariably cf. MBh. cf. Megh. cf. Bhartṛ. cf. Kap. &c. (5) (mfn.) directed towards or devoted to only one object or person cf. BhP. cf. R. &c. (6) [ -karuNa ] mfn. wholly and solely compassionate, wholly charitable cf. Hit. (7) [ -grahaNa ] n. partial comprehension cf. Car. (8) [ -grAhin ] mfn. comprehending partially cf. ib. (9) [ -tas ] ind. lonely, alone (10) solely, exclusively, invariably, &c. (11) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. exclusive worship cf. BhP. (12) the state of being a part or portion cf. Pat. (13) [ -duHSamA ] f. ` containing only bad years ', (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (the sixth of the Avasarpiṇī and the first of the Utsarpiṇī, qq. v.) (14) [ -bhAva ] m. devotedness to only one object cf. MBh. (15) [ -bhUta ] mfn. one who is alone or solitary cf. BhP. (16) [ -mati ] mfn. having the mind fixed on one object (17) [ -rahasya ] n. N. of wk. (18) [ -rAj ] m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva (19) [ -vihArin ] mfn. wandering alone (20) [ -zIla ] mfn. fond of loneliness cf. MBh. (21) [ -suSamA ] f. ` containing only good years ', (with Jainas) N. of two spokes in the wheel of time (the first of Avasarpiṇī and the sixth of Utsarpiṇī, qq. v.) (22) [ -sthita ] mfn. staying or remaining alone or apart

===> ekântika [ ekAntika ]3[ ekAntika ] mfn. devoted to one aim or object or person or theory

===> ekârtha [ ekArtha ]3[ ek^artha ] m. one and the same object cf. MBh. cf. Rājat (1) one and the same purpose (2) one and the same meaning (3) (mfn.) having the same purpose or aim cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. i, iii cf. R. &c. (4) having the same meaning, denoting the same thing, synonymous cf. Nir (5) (in rhet.) tautological (as a sentence) cf. Vām. ii, 2, 11 cf. Kāvyâd (6) expressing one thing, forming only one notion (as a compound) (7) m. N. of a glossary of synonymous words [ 230,3 ] (8) [ -tA ] f. [ -tva ] n. the state of having the same object or purpose cf. KātyŚr. cf. Mit (9) the act of expressing only one thing or notion cf. Pat. (10) [ -nAma-mAlA ] f. N. of a glossary of synonymous words (11) [ -samupeta ] mfn. arrived at one object

===> ekârāma [ ekArAma ]3[ ek^arAm'a ] mfn. having but one object of pleasure cf. Yājñ. iii, 58 (1) [ -tA ] f. the state of the above cf. ŚBr. xi

===> ekâsanika [ ekAsanika ]3[ ek^asanika ] mfn. having only one seat

===> ekâtapatra [ ekAtapatra ]3[ ek^atapatra ] mfn. having only one royal umbrella, ruled by one king only cf. Vikr

===> ekâyana [ ekAyana ]3[ ek^ayan'a ] n. a narrow way or path accessible for only one person cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) the only way or manner of conduct, worldly wisdom cf. ChUp. vii, 1, 2 (2) meeting-place, centre of union cf. ŚBr. (3) absorption in one, absolute devotedness to one, unity cf. MBh. cf. ChUp. (4) (mfn.) passable for only one (as a foot-path) cf. MBh. (5) fixing one's thoughts on one object, closely attentive, absorbed in cf. L. (6) [ -gata ] mfn. walking on a foot-path only wide enough for one cf. MBh. i (7) one who has fixed all his thoughts on one object cf. L.

===> ekâśraya [ ekAzraya ]3[ ek^azraya ] and mfn. resting upon or clinging to one object or person (cf. [ an-ek^azr° ]), Bhāshap

===> ekâṃśa [ ekAMza ]3[ ek^aMza ] m. a single part, one part cf. MBh. cf. Mn. ix, 150 cf. Ragh. &c. 1

===> ekâṇḍa [ ekANDa ]3[ ek^aNDa ] m. ` having only one testicle ', a kind of horse cf. T.

===> ekā-daśa [ ekAdaza ]3[ ekAdaz'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. the eleventh cf. RV. x, 85, 45 cf. ŚBr. cf. Mn. &c. (1) ([ [ v ]RSabh^aikAdazA gAvas ], ` cows that have a bull as the eleventh ', i. e. ten cows and one bull cf. Gaut. cf. Mn. &c.) (2) together with eleven, plus eleven cf. Vop (3) consisting of eleven, lasting eleven (e. g. months) cf. RV. cf. AV. v, 16, 11 cf. MBh. &c. (4) ([ I ]), f. the eleventh day of a fortnight (on which fasting is considered an indispensable observance and very efficacious) cf. MBh. cf. Kathās. &c. (5) presentation of offerings to Pitṛs or deceased ancestors on the eleventh day after their death (on which occasion Brāhmans are fed, and the period of impurity for a Brāhman terminates) (6) ([ am ]), n. the number eleven cf. ŚBr. 2

===> [ ekAdaza ]3[ 'ekAdaza ] (in comp. for [ 'ekAdazan ] below) (1) [ -kapAla ] mfn. distributed in eleven dishes cf. VS. xx, 16 (2) [ -kRtvas ] ind. eleven times cf. KātyŚr. (3) [ -cchadi ] mfn. having eleven roofs cf. TS. vi (4) [ -tva ] n. the number eleven cf. BhP. (5) [ -dvAra ] mfn. having eleven doors cf. KaṭhUp. (6) [ -mArikA ] f. ` killing eleven ', N. of a woman cf. Kathās. lxvi, 97 (7) [ -rAtra ] n. duration of eleven nights (and days

---> the period of a Kshatriya's impurity through the death of a relative) cf. Gaut. xiv, 2 (8) [ -rAzika ] n. (in math.) the rule of eleven cf. Līl (9) [ -vidha ] mfn. eleven-fold cf. BhP. (10) [ -viSNu-gaNa-zrAddha ] n. a particular Śrāddha (11) [ -skandh^arthanirUpaNa-kArikA ] f. N. of a Kārikā on the cf. BhP. (12) [ °z^akSa ] m. N. of a man cf. GopBr. (13) [ °z^akSara ] mfn. consisting of eleven syllables cf. VS. (14) [ °z^aratni ] mfn. eleven cubits long cf. ŚBr. (15) [ °z^aha ] n. duration or period of eleven days cf. R. (16) m. a sacrifice lasting eleven days (17) [ °z^ottama ] m. ` chief among (the) eleven (Rudras) ', N. of Śiva cf. L.

===> ekā-daśaka [ ekAdazaka ]3[ ekAdazaka ] mfn. the eleventh cf. Kap. cf. Sāṃkhyak (1) consisting of eleven cf. MBh. (2) ([ am ]), n. the number eleven cf. Vop

===> ekādaśama [ ekAdazama ]3[ ekAdazama ] mfn. the eleventh

===> ekākin [ ekAkin ]2[ ekAk'in ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-3, 52) alone, solitary cf. AV. xix, 56, 1 cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c.

===> ekī-bhāva [ ekIbhAva ]3[ ek'I-bhAva ] m. the becoming one, coalition cf. Vedāntas. cf. RPrāt. &c.

===> ekīya [ ekIya ]2[ ekIya ] mfn. belonging to or proceeding from or resting upon one cf. Gṛhyās (1) belonging to the same party, a partisan, associate, companion

===> ekṣya [ ekSya ]2[ ^ekSya ] ind. p. having looked at, looking at cf. MBh. ii, 2389

===> ela [ ela ]1[ ela ] and [ elada ] n. a particular number (cf. Buddh.)

===> elu [ elu ]1[ elu ] [ u ] n. a particular number cf. Buddh.

===> elā-pattra [ elApattra ]3[ elA-pattra ] m. N. of a Nāga cf. MBh.

===> eraka [ eraka ]1[ eraka ] m. N. of a Nāga cf. MBh. i, 2154 (1) ([ A ]), f. a kind of grass of emollient and diluent properties cf. MBh. cf. VP. cf. Bhpr. &c. (2) [ cf. Gk. ? ] (3) [ 232,1 ] ([ I ]), f. a species of plant (4) N. of a river (5) ([ am ]), n. a woollen carpet (cf. Buddh.)

===> eraṇḍa [ eraNDa ]1[ eraNDa ] m. the castor-oil plant, Ricinus Communis or Palma Christi cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. long pepper cf. L.

===> etad [ etad ]1[ et'ad ] mfn. (Gr. 223 (1) g. [ sarv^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 1-1, 27) this, this here, here (especially as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker, e. g. [ eSa bANaH ], this arrow here in my hand (2) [ eSa yAti panthAH ], here passes the way (3) [ eSa kAlaH ], here i. e. now, is the time (4) [ etad ], this here, i. e. this world here below) (5) sometimes used to give emphasis to the personal pronouns (e. g. [ eSo'ham ], I, this very person here) or with omission of those pronouns (e. g. [ eSa tvAM svargaM nayAmi ], I standing here will convey thee to heaven (6) [ etau praviSTau svaH ], we two here have entered) (7) as the subject of a sentence it agrees in gender and number with the predicate without reference to the noun to be supplied (e. g. [ etad eva hi me dhanam ], for this [ scil. cow ] is my only wealth cf. MBh.) (8) but sometimes the neuter sing. remains (e. g. [ etad guruSu vRttiH ], this is the custom among Gurus cf. Mn. ii, 206) (9) [ etad ] generally refers to what precedes, esp. when connected with [ idam ], the latter then referring to what follows (e. g. [ eSa vai prathamaH kalpaH ] [ anukalpas tv ayaM jJeyaH ], this before-mentioned is the principal rule, but this following may be considered a secondary rule cf. Mn. iii, 147) (10) it refers also to that which follows, esp. when connected with a relative clause (e. g. [ eSa c^aiva gurur dharmo yam pravakSyAmy ahaM tava ], this is the important law, which I will proclaim to you cf. MBh.) cf. RV. &c. &c. (11) ([ 'ad ]), ind. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now (e. g. [ n'a v'A u et'an mriyase ], thou dost not die in this manner or by that cf. RV. i, 162, 21) cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. ; [ cf. Zd. [ a^eta ] ; Old Pers. [ aita ] ; Armen. [ aid ] ; Osk. [ eiso ]. ]

===> etarhi [ etarhi ]2[ et'arhi ] ind. now, at this time, at present, now-a-days cf. TS. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (1) then (correlating to [ y'arhi ]) cf. ib. (2) ([ i ]), n. a measure of time (fifteen Idānis, or the fifteenth part of a Kshipra) cf. ŚBr. xii, 3, 2, 5

===> etya [ etya ]2[ ^'etya ] ind. p. having come near &c. cf. RV. x, 66, 14 cf. AV. cf. Mn. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> etā-dṛśa [ etAdRza ]3[ etAd'Rza ] mf ([ I ]) n. such, such like, so formed, of this kind, similar to this cf. RV. viii, 102, 19 ; x, 27, 24 cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. &c.

===> etāvat [ etAvat ]2[ et'Avat ] mfn. so great, so much, so many, of such a measure or compass, of such extent, so far, of such quality or kind cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) (often in connection with a relative clause, the latter generally following (2) [ etAvAn eva puruSo yaj jAy^atmA prajA ], a man is of such measure as [ i. e. made complete by ] his wife, himself, and his progeny cf. Mn. ix, 45) cf. R. cf. BhP. cf. Hit. &c. (3) ([ at ]), ind. so far, thus far, so much, in such a degree, thus cf. RV. vii, 57, 3 cf. ŚBr. cf. Hit. &c.

===> eva [ eva ]1[ ev'a ]1 (in the Saṃhitā also [ ev'A ]), ind. (√ [ i ] cf. Uṇ. i, 152 (1) fr. pronom. base [ e ] cf. BRD., probably connected with 2. [ 'eva ]), so, just so, exactly so (in the sense of the later [ evam ]) cf. RV. cf. AV. (2) indeed, truly, really (often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles, as [ id. ], [ hi ]) cf. RV. (3) (in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word, [ eva ] must be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just, exactly, very, same, only, even, alone, merely, immediately on, still, already, &c. (e. g. [ tvam eva yantA n^anyo 'sti pRthivyAm ], thou alone art a charioteer, no other is on earth, i. e. thou art the best charioteer cf. MBh. iii, 2825 (4) [ tAvatIm eva rAtrim ], just so long as a night (5) [ evam ] [ eva ] or [ tath^aiva ], exactly so, in this manner only (6) in the same manner as above (7) [ ten^aiva mantreNa ], with the same Mantra as above (8) [ apaH spRSTv^aiva ], by merely touching water (9) [ tAn eva ], these very persons (10) [ na cirAd eva ], in no long time at all (11) [ japyen^aiva ], by sole repetition (12) [ abhuktv^aiva ], even without having eaten (13) [ iti vadann eva ], at the very moment of saying so (14) [ sa jIvann eva ], he while still living, &c.) cf. RV. &c. cf. MBh. &c. (15) (sometimes, esp. in connection with other adverbs, [ eva ] is a mere expletive without any exact meaning and not translatable, e. g. [ tv eva ], [ c^aiva ], [ eva ca ], &c. (16) according to native authorities [ eva ] implies emphasis, affirmation, detraction, diminution, command, restrainment) ; [ cf. Zd. [ aeva ] ; Goth. [ aiv ] ; Old Germ. [ eo ], [ io ] ; Mod. Germ. [ je ]. ]

===> [ eva ]1[ 'eva ]2 mfn. (√ [ i ]), going, moving, speedy, quick cf. TBr. iii cf. Uṇ (1) m. course, way (generally instr. pl.) cf. RV. (2) the earth, world cf. VS. xv, 4 ; 5 [ cf. Mahīdh. ] (3) a horse cf. RV. i, 158, 3 [ cf. Sāy. ] (4) ([ As ]), m. pl. way or manner of acting or proceeding, conduct, habit, usage, custom cf. RV. (5) [ cf. Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. [ 232,2 ] [ aevu-m ] ; Goth. [ aivs ] ; OḤ. G [ ^ewa ] and Angl. Sax. [ ^eu ], [ ^eo ], ` custom ', ` law ' ; Germ. [ ehe ]. ]

===> evam [ evam ]1[ ev'am ] ind. (fr. pronom. base [ e ] cf. BRD. (1) probably connected with 1. [ ev'a ]), thus, in this way, in such a manner, such, (it is not found in the oldest hymns of the Veda, where its place is taken by 1. [ ev'a ], but occurs in later hymns ind. in the Brāhmaṇas, especially in connection with √ [ vid ], ` to know ', and its derivatives [ e. g. [ ya evaM veda ], he who knows so (2) cf. [ evaM-v'id ], col. 3 ] (3) in classical Sanskṛt [ evam ] occurs very frequently, especially in connection with the roots [ vac ], ` to speak ', and [ zru ], ` to hear ', and refers to what precedes as well as to what follows [ e. g. [ evam uktvA ], having so said [ 232,3 ] (4) [ evam ev^aitat ], this is so (5) [ evam astu ], or [ evam bhavatu ], be it so, I assent (6) [ asty evam ], it is so (7) [ yady evam ], if this be so (8) [ kim evam ], how so? what is the meaning of it? what does this refer to? [ m^aivam ], not so! [ evam ] - [ yathA ] or [ yathA ] - [ evam ], so - as) cf. Mn. cf. Śak. &c. (9) (it is also often used like an adjective [ e. g. [ evaM te vacane rataH ], rejoicing in such words of thine ; where [ evam ] = [ evaM-vidhe ] ]) cf. MBh. cf. Śak. &c. (10) sometimes [ evam ] is merely an expletive (11) according to lexicographers [ evam ] may imply likeness (so) (12) sameness of manner (thus) (13) assent (yes, verily) (14) affirmation (certainly, indeed, assuredly) (15) command (thus, &c.) (16) and be used as an expletive

===> evam-ādi [ evamAdi ]3[ ev'am-Adi ] and mfn. beginning with such a one, of such qualities or kind, such cf. Mn. cf. Śak. &c.

===> evam-ādya [ evamAdya ]3[ ev'am-Adya ] mfn. beginning with such a one, of such qualities or kind, such cf. Mn. cf. Śak. &c.

===> evaṃ-jātīya [ evaMjAtIya ]3[ ev'aM-jAtIya ] mfn. of such a kind or nature, such cf. Lāṭy. cf. Gobh

===> evaṃ-nāman [ evaMnAman ]3[ ev'aM-nAman ] mfn. so called cf. ŚBr. v

===> evaṃ-rūpa [ evaMrUpa ]3[ ev'aM-rUpa ] mf ([ A ]) n. of such a form or kind cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c.

===> evaṃ-vidha [ evaMvidha ]3[ ev'aM-vidha ] mfn. of such a kind, in such a form or manner, such cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Suśr. &c.

===> evaṃ-yuktam [ evaMyuktam ]3[ ev'aM-yuktam ] ([ °M-yuktam ]), ind. in such a manner cf. Pat.

===> eḍa [ eDa ]1[ eDa ] m. a kind of sheep cf. KātyŚr. (1) ([ I ]), f. a female sheep, ewe cf. MW. (2) N. of a woman in the retinue of Skanda cf. MBh. (3) (mfn.) deaf cf. L.

===> eḍa-mūka [ eDamUka ]3[ eDa-mUka ] m. deaf and dumb cf. L. (1) blind cf. L. (2) wicked, perverse cf. L.

===> eḍaka [ eDaka ]2[ eDaka ] m. a kind of sheep, ram, wild goat cf. MBh. cf. Bhpr. &c. (1) a kind of medicinal plant cf. Suśr. (2) ([ A ] g. [ aj^adi ] cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 4, and [ ikA ]), f. the female of the above sheep, a ewe cf. Bhpr. (cf. [ aiDaka ].)

===> eṇa [ eNa ]1[ eNa ] [ as ], [ 'I ] mf. a species of deer or antelope (described as being of a black colour with beautiful eyes and short legs) cf. AV. v, 14, 11 cf. VS. xxiv, 36 cf. Mn. iii, 269 cf. MBh. &c. (1) m. (in astron.) Capricorn

===> eṇa-jaṅgha [ eNajaGgha ]3[ eNa-jaGgha ] m. ` deer-legged ', N. of a running messenger cf. Daś

===> eṣa [ eSa ]2[ eS'a ]1 mfn. gliding, running, hastening cf. RV.

===> [ eSa ]1[ eS'a ]2 (nom. m. of [ et'ad ], q. v.)

===> [ eSa ]1[ 'eSa ]3 mfn. (fr. √ 3. [ iS ]), ifc. seeking cf. ŚBr. xiii (1) m. the act of seeking or going after cf. RV. x, 48, 9 (2) ([ eS'a ]), wish, option cf. RV. i, 180, 4, (cf. [ sva^iS'a ]) (3) ([ A ]), f. wish cf. L. ; [ cf. Zd. [ a^esha ] ; O. H. G. [ e1rā ]. ]

===> eṣaṇa [ eSaNa ]2[ 'eSaNa ]2 mfn. seeking for, wishing cf. Nir (1) m. an iron arrow cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. seeking with, desire, begging, solicitation, request cf. ŚBr. cf. Pāṇ. cf. Rājat. &c. (3) (with Jainas) right behaviour when begging food cf. Sarvad. 39, 9 (4) ([ I ]), f. an iron or steel probe cf. Suśr. (5) a goldsmith's scale cf. L. (6) ([ am ]), n. the act of seeking, begging, solicitation cf. MBh. (7) medical examination, probing cf. Suśr.

===> eṣaṇīya [ eSaNIya ]2[ eSaNIya ] mfn. to be sought or aimed at, desirable cf. Kum (1) ifc. belonging to the medical examination of cf. Suśr.

===> eṣin [ eSin ]2[ eSin ] mfn. (generally ifc.) going after, seeking, striving for, desiring cf. AitBr. cf. MBh. cf. Ragh. &c.

===> eṣṭavya [ eSTavya ]2[ ^eST'avya ] mfn. (above) to be striven after, desirable, wished for cf. ŚBr. cf. MBh. &c. (1) to be approved cf. Sarvad

===> ga [ ga ]1[ ga ]1 (3rd consonant of the alphabet), the soft guttural having the sound [ g ] in [ give ] (1) m. N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. L.

===> [ ga ]1[ ga ]2 mf ([ A ]) n. (√ [ gam ]) only ifc. going, moving (e. g. [ yAna- ], going in a carriage cf. Mn. iv, 120 cf. Yājñ. iii, 291 (1) [ zIghra- ], going quickly cf. R. iii, 31, 3 (2) cf. [ antarikSa- ] &c.) (3) having sexual intercourse with (cf. [ anya-strI- ]) (4) reaching to (cf. [ kaNTha- ]) (5) staying, being, abiding in cf. VarBṛ. cf. Ragh. iii, 13 cf. Kathās. &c. (e. g. [ paJcama- ], abiding in or keeping the fifth place, Śrut.) (6) relating to or standing in connection with cf. R. vi, 70, 59 cf. BhP. &c. (cf. [ a- ], [ agra- ], [ a-jihma- ], [ atyanta- ], &c. (7) [ agre-g'a ], &c.)

===> [ ga ]1[ ga ]3 mf ([ I ] cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 8)n. (√ [ gai ]) only ifc. singing (cf. [ chando- ], [ purANa- ], [ sAma- ]) (1) m. a Gandharva or celestial musician cf. L. (2) ([ A ]), f. a song cf. L. (3) ([ am ]), n. id. cf. L.

===> [ ga ]1[ ga ]4 (used in works on prosody as an abbreviation of the word [ guru ] to denote) a long syllable cf. W. (1) (in music used as an abbreviation of the word [ gAndhAra ] to denote) the third note

===> ga-kāra [ gakAra ]3[ ga-kAra ] m. the letter [ ga ]. [ 341,2 ]

===> gabhīra [ gabhIra ]2[ gabhIr'a ] mf ([ 'A ]) n. deep (opposed to [ gAdha ] and [ dIna ]) cf. RV. &c. [ 346,3 ]

---> (cf. Naigh. i, 11) deep in sound, deepsounding, hollow-toned cf. RV. v, 85, 1 cf. Ṛitus (1) profound, sagacious, grave, serious, solemn, secret, mysterious cf. RV. cf. AV. v, 11, 3 (2) ([ gambh° ] cf. MBh. &c.) cf. Prab. iv, 15 cf. Sāh (3) dense, impervious cf. BhP. viii, 3, 5 (4) ([ gambh° ] cf. R. iii) (5) not to be penetrated or investigated or explored, inscrutable (6) ` inexhaustible ', uninterrupted (time) cf. BhP. i, 5, 8 (7) ([ gambh° ], iv, 12, 38 ; v, 24, 24) (8) m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya or of Rambha cf. VP. iii, 2, 43 cf. BhP. ix, 17, 10

===> gaccha [ gaccha ]1[ gaccha ] m. (√ [ gam ]) a tree cf. L. (1) the period (number of terms) of a progression cf. Āryabh. ii, 20 and cf. Sch. on 19 (2) family, race cf. Jain. (3) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. for [ kakSa ])

===> gacchat [ gacchat ]2[ gacchat ] mfn. pr. p. P. fr. √ [ gam ], q. v.

===> gada [ gada ]2[ gada ] m. a sentence cf. MBh. i, 1787 (1) disease, sickness cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) N. of a son of Vasu-deva and younger brother of Kṛshṇa cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (3) of another son of Vasu-deva by a different mother, ix, 24, 51 (4) n. poison cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. a series of sentences cf. RāmatUp. ii, 5, 4 (6) a mace, club, bludgeon cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (7) Bignonia suaveolens cf. L. (8) N. of a musical instrument (9) of a constellation cf. VarBṛ. cf. Laghuj (10) v. l. for [ gadhA ] cf. TS. cf. Sch. (cf. [ a-gad'a ], [ 'a-vijJAta-g° ].)

===> gadgada-svara [ gadgadasvara ]3[ gadgada-svara ] mf ([ A ]) n. id. cf. Daś. vii, 167 (1) m. stammering utterance cf. Sāh. iii, 113 (2) a buffalo cf. L. (3) N. of a Bodhi-sattva cf. SaddhP. xxiii

===> gadita [ gadita ]2[ gadita ] mfn. spoken (1) said, related cf. MBh. &c. (2) spoken to cf. Kathās. lx, 63 (3) enumerated cf. MBh. iii, 13425 cf. Suśr. (4) named, called (5) ([ am ]), n. speaking, speech cf. Śak. iv, 6 (v. l.)

===> gadya [ gadya ]2[ gadya ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 100) to be spoken or uttered cf. Bhaṭṭ. vi, 47 (1) ([ am ]), n. prose, composition not metrical yet framed in accordance with harmony, elaborate prose composition cf. MBh. iii, 966 cf. Kāvyâd. cf. Sāh. &c.

===> gadā [ gadA ]2[ gadA ] f. of [ °da ], q. v.

===> gagana [ gagana ]1[ gagana ] n. the atmosphere, sky, firmament cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. Ragh. cf. NārUp. &c. (1) talc cf. Bhpr.

===> gagana-tala [ gaganatala ]3[ gagana-tala ] n. the vault of the sky, firmament cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kād

===> gagaṇa [ gagaNa ]1[ gagaNa ] for [ gagana ], q. v.

===> gaha [ gaha ]2[ gaha ] ?, [ dur-g° ]

===> gahana [ gahana ]2[ g'ahana ] mf ([ A ]) n. (g. [ kSubhn^adi ]) deep, dense, thick, impervious, impenetrable, inexplicable, hard to be understood cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (1) ([ A ]), f. ornament, cf. DevīP. (2) ([ am ]), n. an abyss, depth (` water ' cf. Naigh. cf. Nir.) cf. RV. x, 129, 1 (3) an inaccessible place, hiding-place, thicket, cave, wood, impenetrable darkness, i, 132, 6 cf. ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 17 cf. MBh. &c. (4) pain, distress cf. L. (5) a metre consisting of thirty-two syllables

===> gahvara [ gahvara ]2[ g'ahvara ] mf ([ A ], [ I ]) n. (g. [ azm^adi ]) deep, impervious, impenetrable cf. TS. v cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (1) confused (in mind) cf. Kathās. lxi, 39 and 41 (2) m. an arbour, bower cf. L. (3) a cave, cavern cf. L. (4) ([ A ]), f. the plant Embelia Ribes cf. L. (5) ([ I ]) f. a cave, cavern cf. L. (6) the earth cf. Gal. (7) ([ am ]), n. ` an abyss, depth ' (` water ' cf. Naigh. cf. Nir.), [ °re-STh'a ] (8) a hiding-place, thicket, wood cf. AV. xii, 2, 53 cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (9) an impenetrable secret, riddle cf. MBh. xiii, 1388 (10) a deep sigh cf. L. (11) hypocrisy cf. L. (12) Abrus precatorius (?) cf. L.

===> gaja [ gaja ]2[ gaja ] m. an elephant cf. ṢaḍvBr. v, 3 cf. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. R. ii, 57, 7) (1) (= [ dig-g° ]) one of the 8 elephants of the regions cf. W. (2) (hence) the number ` eight ' cf. Sūryas (3) a measure of length (commonly Gaz, equal to two cubits = 1 3/4 Or 2 Hastas) cf. L. (4) a mound of earth (sloping on both sides) on which a house may be erected cf. Jyot (5) = [ -puTa ], q. v. (6) (in music) a kind of measure (7) N. of a man cf. MBh. vi, 3997 (8) of an Asura (conquered by Śiva) cf. KāśīKh. lxviii (9) of an attendant on the sun cf. L. (10) ([ A ]), f. = [ -vIthi ] cf. VarBṛS. ix, 1 ff. cf. Sch. (11) ([ I ]), f. a female elephant cf. BhP. iv, 6, 26 ; x, 33, 23

===> gaja-mada [ gajamada ]3[ gaja-mada ] m. = [ -dAna ] cf. VarYogay. ix, 18

===> gaja-śīrṣa [ gajazIrSa ]3[ gaja-zIrSa ] m. ` elephant-headed ', N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> gala [ gala ]2[ gala ]1 m. ` oozing ', resin (especially that of the plant Shorea robusta), Ḷ (1) = [ galaka ] cf. L. (2) a kind of musical instrument cf. L. (3) a reed (large kind of Saccharum cylindricum) cf. L. (4) a rope (made of that reed) cf. L. (5) ([ A ]), f. (for [ medo-g° ]) a plant akin to the Mimosa pudica cf. L.

===> [ gala ]2[ gala ]2 m. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 21 cf. Kāś.) ` swallower ', the throat, neck cf. MBh. cf. Mṛcch. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] [ g. [ kroD^adi ] ] cf. Hcat. i, 7, 334 (1) f. [ I ] g. [ bahv-adi ]) ; [ cf. Lat. [ gula ]. ]

===> gala-gaṇḍa [ galagaNDa ]3[ gala-gaNDa ] in comp. neck and cheek cf. MBh. ii, 902 (1) m. goitre cf. Suśr. i ff. cf. Dhūrtas. ii, 11 (2) = [ gaNDa-mAlA ] cf. L.

===> gama [ gama ]2[ gama ] mf ([ A ]) n. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 58) ifc. going (e. g. [ araM- ], [ kAma- ], [ kha- ], [ tiryag- ], &c.) (1) riding on (in comp.) cf. Hcat. i, 11, 718 (2) m. going, course cf. Pāṇ. 5-2, 19 (3) march, decampment cf. VarYogay. iv, 58 (4) intercourse with a woman (in comp.) cf. Mn. xi, 55 cf. Yājñ. ii, 293 (5) going away from (abl.) cf. Caurap (6) (in math.) removal (as of fractions), Bījag (7) a road cf. L. (8) flightiness, superficiality cf. L. (9) hasty perusal cf. W. (10) a game played with dice and men (as backgammon &c.) cf. L. (11) a similar reading in two texts cf. Jain.

===> gamaka [ gamaka ]2[ gamaka ] mfn. causing to understand, making clear or intelligible, explanatory, leading to clearness or conviction (e. g. [ hetu ], ` a convincing reason ') cf. Sarvad. i, 35 (1) indicative of (gen.) cf. Mālatīm. i, 7 (2) n. (in music) a deep natural tone cf. PSarv.

===> gamakatva [ gamakatva ]3[ gamaka-tva ] n. id. cf. ib. cf. Sāh. v, 4/5, 12

===> gamana [ gamana ]2[ gamana ] n. going, moving, manner of going cf. Ragh. cf. Megh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ]) (1) going to or approaching (with acc. or gen. [ cf. R. i, 3, 22 ] or [ prati ] or a local adverb or ifc.) cf. KātyŚr. cf. MBh. &c. (2) going away, departure, decampment, setting out (for war or for an attack) (3) ifc. sexual intercourse (with a woman) cf. PārGṛ. ii cf. R. cf. Suśr. (4) (with a man) cf. Gaut (5) ifc. undergoing, attaining, iv, 22 cf. Mn. i, 117 cf. R. v, 15, 48 (6) footmarks (?), iii, 68, 50

===> gamanīya [ gamanIya ]2[ gamanIya ] mfn. accessible, approachable, that may be gone to or reached (by, gen.) cf. Mn. vii, 174 (superl. [ -tama ]) cf. MBh. iii cf. Śak. i, 24/25 (Prākṛt) (1) to be understood, intelligible cf. W. (2) to be followed or practised or observed cf. W. (3) ifc. relating to going &c. (e. g. [ guru-strI- ], ` relating to or consisting in the intercourse with the wife of a teacher ', as a sin cf. Mn. xi)

===> gambhīra [ gambhIra ]3[ gambhIr'a ]

===> gambhīra-nirghoṣa [ gambhIranirghoSa ]3[ gambhIr'a-nirghoSa ] m. ` deep-sounding ', N. of a Nāga cf. Buddh.

===> gambhīratā [ gambhIratA ]3[ gambhIr'a-tA ] f. depth (of water) cf. W. (1) depth (of a sound) cf. W. (2) profoundness, earnestness, sagacity cf. W.

===> gambhīrârtha [ gambhIrArtha ]3[ gambhIr^artha ] mfn. having a profound sense or meaning cf. Subh

===> gamita [ gamita ]2[ gamita ] mfn. caused to go, sent, brought cf. Mālav. iv, 2 &c. (1) reduced, driven to cf. W. (2) made to decease or die cf. MBh. xii, 1042

===> gamya [ gamya ]2[ gamya ] mfn. to be gone or gone to, approachable, accessible, passable, attainable (often [ a- ] neg.) cf. MBh. &c. (1) to be fixed (as to the number, [ saMkhyayA ]), countable cf. RPrāt. xiv, 28 (2) accessible to men (a woman), fit for cohabitation cf. Yājñ. ii, 290 cf. MBh. i cf. BhP. i, &c. (3) (a man) with whom a woman may have intercourse, v (4) libidinous, dissolute cf. Daś. vii, 32 (5) ` easily brought under the influence of (a drug) ', curable by (gen.) cf. Bhartṛ. i, 88 (6) approaching, impending cf. Gaṇit. cf. Gol. (7) to be perceived or understood, intelligible, perceptible cf. Mn. xii, 122 cf. Megh. &c. (8) intended, meant cf. L. (9) desirable, suitable, fit cf. Yājñ. i, 64

===> [ gamya ]1[ gamya ] &c. √ [ gam ]

===> gamyamāna [ gamyamAna ]2[ gamyamAna ] mfn. (Pass. p.) being gone or gone to cf. W. (1) being understood cf. W.

===> gamātra [ gamAtra ]1[ ga-mAtra ] a particular high number cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> gandha [ gandha ]1[ gandh'a ] m. smell, odour (nine kinds are enumerated, viz. [ iSTa ], [ aniSTa ], [ madhura ], [ kaTu ], [ nirhArin ], [ saMhata ], [ snigdha ], [ rUkSa ], [ vizada ] cf. MBh. xii, 6848 (1) a tenth kind is called [ amla ] cf. L.) cf. RV. i, 162, 10 cf. AV. cf. VS. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. MBh. cf. BhP.) (2) a fragrant substance, fragrance, scent, perfume (generally used in pl. (3) in comp. = ` fragrant ', cf. [ -jala ] &c.) cf. Gobh. cf. Lāṭy. cf. PārGṛ. &c. (4) sulphur (5) pounded sandal-wood cf. Caurap (6) a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in the south of India) cf. RTL. p. 66 (7) myrrh cf. L. (8) Hyperanthera Moringa cf. L. (9) (ifc.) the mere smell of anything, small quantity, little cf. MBh. i, 989 cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 136 cf. Pat. cf. Suśr. i, 13 (10) connection, relationship cf. L. (11) a neighbour cf. L. (12) pride, arrogance cf. Megh. 9 (for [ gardha ]?) (13) Śiva cf. MBh. xii, 10378 (14) ([ A ]), f. = [ -palAzI ] cf. L. (15) Desmodium gangeticum cf. L. (16) = [ -mohinI ] cf. L. (17) a metre of 17+18+17+18 syllables (18) ([ am ]), n. smell cf. DhyānabUp. 7 and 9 (19) black aloe-wood cf. L.

===> gandha-ghrāṇa [ gandhaghrANa ]3[ gandh'a-ghrANa ] n. the smelling of any odour cf. W.

===> gandha-hastin [ gandhahastin ]3[ gandh'a-hastin ] m. = [ -gaja ] cf. R. v f. (1) N. of an antidote (said to be very efficacious) cf. Car. (2) of the author of a cf. Comm. on Ācār^aṅga (i, 1), Śīl (3) [ °sti-mahA-tarka ] m. N. of wk.

===> gandha-jāta [ gandhajAta ]3[ gandh'a-jAta ] n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia cf. L.

===> gandha-kuṭī [ gandhakuTI ]3[ gandh'a-kuTI ] f. a kind of perfume cf. Bhpr.

===> gandha-kāṣṭha [ gandhakASTha ]3[ gandh'a-kASTha ] n. a fragrant wood (as sandal, aloe-wood, &c.) cf. L. (1) a species of sandal-wood cf. L.

===> gandha-kūṭī [ gandhakUTI ]3[ gandh'a-kUTI ] f. (for [ -kuTI ]?) the hall of fragrances cf. Buddh.

===> gandha-mādana [ gandhamAdana ]3[ gandh'a-mAdana ] m. ` intoxicating with fragrance ', = [ -modana ] cf. L. (1) ` delighting in fragrances ', a large black bee cf. L. (2) N. of a mountain (forming the division between Ilāvṛta and Bhadr^aśva, to the east of Meru, renowned for its fragrant forests) cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (once [ -mad° ] cf. Hcat. i, 6, 24) (3) N. of Rāvaṇa cf. MBh. ii, 410 (4) of a monkey (attendant of Rāma) cf. MBh. iii, 16273 cf. R. i, 16, 13 (5) iv ; v, 73, 26 (6) vi (7) ([ I ]), f. = [ °dh^ottamA ] cf. L. (8) a parasitical plant cf. L. (9) a kind of perfume cf. L. (10) ([ am ]), n. the forest on the mountain Gandha-mādana cf. L. (11) [ -varSa ] m. n. the division of Jambū-dvīpa formed by the mountain Gandha-mādana cf. VP. ii

===> gandha-mālya [ gandhamAlya ]3[ gandh'a-mAlya ] n. du. fragrances and garlands cf. ChUp. viii, 2, 6 (1) n. pl. id. cf. Mn. iii, 209 cf. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Ragh. ii, 1) (2) [ -loka ] m. the world of fragrances and garlands cf. ChUp.

===> gandha-māṃsī [ gandhamAMsI ]3[ gandh'a-mAMsI ] f. a kind of Indian spikenard (Valeriana) cf. VarBṛS. li, 15 (metrically shortened [ °si ])

===> gandha-rasa [ gandharasa ]3[ gandh'a-rasa ] (cf. [ rasa-gandha ]) in comp., odour and flavour cf. MBh. v, 777 ; vi, 5786 (1) perfumes and spices cf. Gaut. vii, 9 (2) m. myrrh cf. L. (3) Gardenia florida cf. L. (4) [ °s^aGgaka ] m. turpentine cf. L.

===> gandha-taila [ gandhataila ]3[ gandh'a-taila ] n. a kind of oil prepared with fragrant substances cf. MBh. vi, 4434 cf. R. iv cf. Suśr. iv (1) sulphur-butter cf. L.

===> gandha-yukti [ gandhayukti ]3[ gandh'a-yukti ] f. the blending of fragrant substances, preparation of perfumes (one of the 64 Kalās, s. v. [ kalA ]) (1) N. of cf. VarBṛS. lxxvii (2) [ -jJa ] mfn. skilled in the preparation of perfumes, xv, 12 (3) [ -vid ] mfn. id., xvi, 18

===> gandharva [ gandharva ]1[ gandharv'a ] m. a Gandharva [ though in later times the Gandharvas are regarded as a class, yet in cf. RV. rarely more than one is mentioned (1) he is designated as the heavenly Gandharva ([ divy'a g° ] cf. RV. ix, 86, 36 and x, 139, 5), and is also called Viśvā-vasu (cf. RV. x, 85, 21 and 22 ; 139, 4 and 5) and Vāyu-keśa (in pl. cf. RV. iii, 38, 6) (2) his habitation is the sky, or the region of the air and the heavenly waters (cf. RV. i, 22, 14 ; viii, 77, 5 ; ix, 85, 12 ; 86, 36 ; x, 10, 4 cf. AV. ii, 2, 3) (3) his especial duty is to guard the heavenly Soma (cf. RV. ix, 83, 4 and 85, 12), which the gods obtain through his intervention (cf. RV. cf. AV. vii, 73, 3 (4) cf. cf. RV. i, 22, 14) (5) it is obtained for the human race by Indra, who conquers the Gandharva and takes it by force (cf. RV. viii, 1, 11 and 77, 5) (6) the heavenly Gandharva is supposed to be a good physician, because the Soma is considered as the best medicine

---> possibly, however, the word Soma originally denoted not the beverage so called, but the moon, and the heavenly Gandharva may have been the genius or tutelary deity of the moon (7) in one passage (cf. RV. ix, 86, 36) the heavenly Gandharva and the Soma are identified (8) he is also regarded as one of the genii who regulate the course of the Sun's horses (i, 163, 2 ; x, 177, 2 (9) cf. 135, 5) (10) he knows and makes known the secrets of heaven and divine truths generally (x, 139, 5 and 6 cf. AV. ii, 1, 2 ; xx, 128, 3 cf. VS. xi, 1 (11) xxxii, 9) (12) he is the parent of the first pair of human beings, Yama and Yamī (cf. RV. x, 10, 4), and has a peculiar mystical power over women and a right to possess them (cf. RV. x, 85, 21 and 22 ; 40 and 41) (13) for this reason he is invoked in marriage ceremonies (cf. AV. xiv, 2, 35 and 36) (14) ecstatic states of mind and possession by evil spirits are supposed to be derived from the heavenly Gandharva (cf. [ -gRhIta ], [ -graha ]) (15) the Gandharvas as a class have the same characteristic features as the one Gandharva (16) they live in the sky (cf. RV. cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. xiv), guard the Soma (cf. RV. ix, 113, 3 cf. ŚBr. iii cf. AitBr. i, 27), are governed by Varuṇa (just as the Apsarasas are governed by Soma) cf. ŚBr. xiii cf. ĀśvŚr. x, 7, 3, know the best medicines (cf. AV. viii, 7, 23 cf. VS. xii, 98), regulate the course of the asterisms (cf. AV. xiii, 1, 23 cf. BhP. iv, 29, 21 (17) hence twenty-seven are mentioned cf. VS. ix, 7), follow after women and are desirous of intercourse with them (cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. iii) (18) as soon as a girl becomes marriageable, she belongs to Soma, the Gandharvas, and Agni (cf. Gṛhyās. ii, 19 f. cf. Pañcat. cf. Suśr.) (19) the wives of the Gandharvas are the Apsarasas (cf. [ gandharv^apsar'as ]), and like them the Gandharvas are invoked in gambling with dice (cf. AV. vii, 109, 5) (20) they are also feared as evil beings together with the Rākshasas, Kimīdins, Piśācas, &c., amulets being worn as a protection against them (cf. AV. cf. Suśr.) (21) they are said to have revealed the Vedas to Vāc (cf. ŚBr. iii (22) cf. cf. PārGṛ. ii, 12, 2), and are called the preceptors of the Ṛshis (cf. ŚBr. xi) (23) Purūravas is called among them (cf. ib.) (24) in epic poetry the Gandharvas are the celestial musicians or heavenly singers (cf. cf. RV. x, 177, 2) who form the orchestra at the banquets of the gods, and they belong together with the Apsarasas to Indra's heaven, sharing also in his battles (cf. Yājñ. i, 71 cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (25) cf. cf. RTL. p. 238) (26) in the more systematic mythology the Gandharvas constitute one of the classes into which the higher creation is divided (i. e. gods, manes, Gandharvas cf. AV. xi, 5, 2 (27) or gods, Asuras, Gandharvas, men cf. TS. vii, 8, 25, 2 (28) cf. cf. ŚBr. x (29) or gods, men, Gandharvas, Apsarasas, Sarpas, and manes cf. AitBr. iii, 31, 5 (30) for other enumerations cf. cf. Nir. iii, 8 cf. Mn. i, 37 [ cf. RTL. p. 237 ] & iii, 196 ; vii, 23 ; xii, 47 cf. Nal. &c.) (31) divine and human Gandharvas are distinguished (cf. TUp. ii, 8 (32) the divine or Deva-Gandharvas are enumerated cf. MBh. i, 2550 ff. and 4810 ff.) (33) another passage names 11 classes of Gandharvas (cf. TĀr. i, 9, 3) (34) the chief or leader of the Gandharvas is named Citra-ratha (cf. Bhag. x, 26) (35) they are called the creatures of Prajāpati (cf. Mn. i, 37) or of Brahmā (cf. Hariv. 11793) or of Kaśyapa (11850) or of the Munis (cf. MBh. i, 2550 cf. Hariv. 11553) or of Prādhā (cf. MBh. i, 2556) or of Arishṭā (cf. Hariv. 234 cf. VP. i, 21) or of Vāc (cf. PadmaP.) (36) with Jainas the Gandharvas constitute one of the eight classes of the Vyantaras ] (37) N. of the attendant of the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. L. (38) a singer cf. VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 33 cf. BhP. i, 11, 21 (39) the Koī0l or black cuckoo cf. L. (40) a sage, pious man cf. Mahīdh. on cf. VS. xxxii, 9 (41) a horse cf. MBh. iii, 11762 (42) cf. ii, 1043 (43) the musk deer (derived fr. [ gandha ]) cf. L. (44) the soul after death and previous to its being born again (corresponding in some respects to the western notion of a ghost) cf. L. [ 346,2 ] (45) N. of the 14th Kalpa or period of the world cf. VāyuP. i, 21, 30 (46) of the 21st Muhūrta cf. Sūryapr. (47) of a Svara or tone (for [ gAndhAra ]?) cf. Hariv. ii, 120, 4 (48) m. pl. the Gandharvas (above) (49) N. of a people (named together with the Gāndhāras) cf. R. vii, 100, 10 f. and 101, 2 ff. and 11 cf. VarBṛS. xiv, 31 (50) ([ A ]), f. Durgā cf. Hariv. ii, 120, 4 (v. l. [ gAndharvI ]) (51) ([ 'I ]), f. Gandharvī (daughter of Surabhi and mother of the race of horses cf. MBh. i, 2631 f. cf. R. iii, 20, 28 f. cf. VāyuP.) cf. RV. x, 11, 2 cf. R. (52) night cf. BhP. iv, 29, 21 (53) [ cf. Gk. ? fr. ?. ] [ 346,2 ]

===> gandharva-nagara [ gandharvanagara ]3[ gandharv'a-nagara ] n. ` Gandharva-city ', an imaginary town in the sky cf. MBh. ii, 1043 cf. Hariv. cf. R. v &c. (1) Fata Morgana cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 3 cf. Kār. cf. VarBṛS. xxx (2) xxxvi, 4 cf. BhP. v, 14, 5 cf. Kād (3) the city of the Gandharva people cf. R. vii

===> gandharva-pura [ gandharvapura ]3[ gandharv'a-pura ] n. (= [ -nagara ]) the city of the Gandharvas cf. Kathās (1) Fata Morgana cf. VarBṛS. cf. BhP. v

===> gandhin [ gandhin ]2[ gandhin ] mfn. having a smell, odoriferous cf. MBh. xiv, 1398 (1) smelling of (in comp.) cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Ragh. xv cf. BhP. (2) ifc. having (only the smell, i. e.) a very little of anything cf. Naish. vi, 38 (3) ([ mAtR-gandhinI ], ` a mother only by name ') cf. R. ii, 75, 12 (4) for [ gardhin ] cf. Kathās. xii, 48 (5) ([ I ]), m. a bug, flying bug cf. L. (6) Xanthophyllum virens cf. L. (7) ([ inI ]), f. a kind of perfume cf. L. (8) ([ i ]), n. id. cf. L.

===> gandhāra [ gandhAra ]1[ gandhAra ] [ As ] m. pl. (gaṇas [ kacch^adi ] and [ sindhv-Adi ]) N. of a people cf. ChUp. cf. AV. Pariś. cf. MBh. i, 2440 (1) m. (= [ gAndh° ]) the third note cf. L.

---> (in music) a particular Rāga cf. L. (2) red lead cf. L. (3) ([ I ]), f. for [ gAndh° ] (N. of a Vidyā-devī) cf. L.

===> gandhāri [ gandhAri ]2[ gandh'Ari ] [ ayas ] m. pl., N. of a people cf. RV. i, 126, 7 cf. AV. v, 22, 14 (cf. [ gAndh° ].)

===> gantavya [ gantavya ]2[ gantavya ] mfn. to be gone cf. Nal. cf. R. &c. (1) to be accomplished (a way) cf. PraśnUp. iv cf. Kathās. xxv (2) to be gone to or attained cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Megh. &c. (3) to be approached for sexual intercourse cf. MBh. xiii, 4973 (4) to be undergone, iii, 14825 cf. R. iii, 1, 32 (5) to be approached with an accusation or accused of (instr.) cf. MBh. xiii, 65 and 68 (6) to be understood cf. Pat. (7) approaching, imminent cf. Āryabh. ii, 11/12, 9

===> gantrī [ gantrI ]2[ gantrI ] f. of [ °tR ], q. v.

===> gantrī-ratha [ gantrIratha ]3[ gantrI-ratha ] m. = [ gantrI ] cf. L. [ 348,1 ]

===> gantu-kāma [ gantukAma ]3[ gantu-kAma ] mfn. wishing to go, on the point of departure cf. W. (1) about to die cf. W.

===> gantṛ [ gantR ]3[ g'antR ] cf. ib.

===> [ gantR ]2[ g'antR ] mfn. one who or anything that goes or moves, going, coming, approaching, arriving at (acc. or loc. or [ cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 12 cf. Siddh. ] dat.) cf. RV. &c. (f. [ trI ] cf. Yājñ. iii, 10) (1) (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 18 cf. Sch.) going to a woman (loc.) for sexual intercourse cf. BhP. xi, 18, 43 (2) ([ trI ]), f. a cart or car (drawn by horses cf. Hcar. vii cf. Hcat. i, 9, 82 (3) or by oxen cf. L.)

===> gara [ gara ]1[ gar'a ] mfn. (√ 2. [ gRR ]) ` swallowing ' (g. [ pac^adi ]) [ aja- ] (1) m. (g. [ uJch^adi ] cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 29 and 57) any drink, beverage, fluid cf. ŚBr. xi, 5, 8, 6 (2) a noxious or poisonous beverage cf. TāṇḍyaBr. xix cf. TĀr. cf. R. cf. Suśr. cf. BhP. (3) a factitious poison (` an antidote ' cf. W.) cf. L. (4) a kind of disease (perhaps one attended with difficulty of swallowing? (5) ` disease in general ' cf. L.) cf. Suśr. i, iv ; vi, 39, 208 (6) N. of a man cf. TāṇḍyaBr. ix, 2, 16 (7) ([ A ]), f. swallowing cf. L. (8) ([ A ], [ I ]), f. Andropogon serratus cf. L. (9) ([ I ]), f. N. of a district, g. [ gaur^adi ] (cf. Gaṇar. 48) (10) ([ am ]), n. a poisonous beverage (` a kind of poison ' cf. L.) cf. MBh. i, 5582 cf. BhP. viii (11) the fifth of the eleven Karaṇas (in astron.) cf. VarBṛS. (12) sprinkling, wetting (? [ karaNa ]) cf. W.

===> garbha [ garbha ]1[ g'arbha ] m. (√ [ grabh ] = [ grah ], ` to conceive ' (1) √ 2. [ gRR ] cf. Uṇ. iii, 152) the womb cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (2) the inside, middle, interior of anything, calyx (as of a lotus) cf. MBh. cf. VarBṛS. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ], ` having in the interior, containing, filled with '
cf. ŚāṅkhŚr. cf. RPrāt. cf. MBh. &c.) [ 349,3 ] (3) an inner apartment, sleepingroom cf. L. (4) any interior chamber, adytum or sanctuary of a temple &c. cf. VarBṛS. cf. RTL. p. 445 (5) a foetus or embryo, child, brood or offspring (of birds) cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (6) a woman's courses cf. Viṣṇ (7) ` offspring of the sky ', i. e. the fogs and vapour drawn upwards by the rays of the sun during eight months and sent down again in the rainy season (cf. cf. Mn. ix, 305) cf. R. iv, 27, 3 cf. VarBṛS. cf. Bālar. viii, 50 (8) the bed of a river (esp. of the Ganges) when fullest, i. e. on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month Bhādra or in the height of the rains (the Garbha extends to this point, after which the Tīra or proper bank begins, and extends for 150 cubits, this space being holy ground) (9) the situation in a drama when the complication of the plot has reached its height cf. Daśar. i, 36 cf. Sāh. vi, 68 and 79 (10) the rough coat of the Jaka fruit cf. L. (11) fire cf. L. (12) joining, union cf. L. (13) N. of a Ṛshi (called Prājāpatya) cf. Kāṭh (14) [ cf. [ amRta- ], [ ardha- ], [ kRSNa- ], [ mUDha- ], [ vizva- ], [ hiraNya- ] (15) cf. also ? ; Hib. [ cilfin ], ` the belly ' ; Angl. Sax. [ hrif ] ; Germ. [ kalb ]: Engl. [ calf ]. ]

===> garbha-dharā [ garbhadharA ]3[ g'arbha-dharA ] f. bearing a foetus, pregnant cf. MBh. iii, 12864

===> garbha-gṛha [ garbhagRha ]3[ g'arbha-gRha ] n. an inner apartment, sleeping-room cf. MBh. v, 3998 cf. Suśr. cf. Daś. &c. (1) the sanctuary or adytum of a temple (where the image of a deity is placed) cf. Kād. cf. Kathās. (once [ -geha ], lv, 173) cf. RTL. p. 440 (2) ifc. a house containing anything (e. g. [ zara-g° ], a house containing arrows cf. MBh. vii, 3738)

===> garbha-pātana [ garbhapAtana ]3[ g'arbha-pAtana ] m. (= [ °taka ]) a variety of Karañja cf. Bhpr. (1) = [ -nud ] cf. L. (2) n. causing miscarriage cf. Kathās. lxxii cf. Sāh. x, 43 cf. Sch.

===> garbha-rūpa [ garbharUpa ]3[ g'arbha-rUpa ] m. ` foetus-like ', a youth, young man (pl. ` young people ') cf. Bālar. vi, 33/34 cf. Naish. xi, 78 cf. Sch. (1) n. pl. the children, young family cf. Divyâv. xviii, 195

===> garbha-stha [ garbhastha ]3[ g'arbha-stha ] mfn. situated in the womb cf. MBh. cf. Suśr. cf. Pañcat. cf. Kathās (1) being in the interior of (gen.) cf. MBh. vii, 3110

===> garbha-sthāna [ garbhasthAna ]3[ g'arbha-sthAna ] n. = [ -vasati ] cf. Gal.

===> garbha-śātana [ garbhazAtana ]3[ g'arbha-zAtana ] n. the procuring abortion cf. Āp. (1) a drug procuring abortion cf. Suśr.

===> garbhin [ garbhin ]2[ garbh'in ] mfn. pregnant, impregnated or filled with (acc. cf. ŚBr. vi, viii f. xi (1) or instr., xiv, 9, 4, 21) cf. RV. iii, 29, 2 cf. TS. (f. pl. [ garbh'iNayas ], ii, 1, 2, 6 (2) cf. cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 107 cf. Pat.) &c. (3) ([ iNI ]), a pregnant woman cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. i, 105 cf. MBh. &c. (4) pregnant (as an animal) cf. VarBṛS. lxvii, 1O (cf. cf. Uṇ. iii, 152) (5) ifc. with words denoting animals (e. g. [ go-garbhiNI ], a pregnant cow) cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 71

===> garbhiṇī [ garbhiNI ]2[ garbhiNI ] f. of [ °rbhin ], q. v.

===> garbhâvakrānti [ garbhAvakrAnti ]3[ garbh^avakrAnti ] f. ` descent of the foetus into a womb ', conception cf. Car. iv, 4, 1

===> gardabha [ gardabha ]2[ gardabh'a ]1 m. ` crier, brayer (?) ', an ass cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Kathās. lxx) (1) a kind of perfume cf. L. (2) pl. N. of a family cf. Pravar. ii, 3, 3 ; v, 4 (3) n. the white esculent water-lily cf. L. (4) Embelia Ribes cf. L. (5) ([ 'I ]), f. a she-ass cf. AV. x cf. ŚBr. xiv cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (6) a kind of beetle (generated in cow-dung) cf. Suśr. v (7) N. of several plants ([ aparAjitA ], [ kaTabhI ], [ zvetakaNTakArI ]) cf. L. (8) = [ gardabhikA ] cf. L.

===> [ gardabha ]2[ gardabha ]2 Nom. P. [ °bhati ], to represent an ass cf. Sāh. x, 21 a/b

===> gardha [ gardha ]1[ gardha ] m. (√ [ gRdh ]) desire, greediness, eagerness (ifc.) cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 34 cf. Kathās. cf. Sarvad. xv, 213 cf. Naish. vii, 71 (1) = [ gardabh^aNDaka ] cf. L.

===> garhaṇa [ garhaNa ]2[ garhaNa ] mfn. containing a blame (as a question) cf. Kathās. lxxxiii (1) n. censuring, censure, blame, reproach cf. MBh. xii, 9153 cf. R. cf. Sarvad. iv, 1 (2) (in rhet.) cf. Sāh. vi, 174 and 190 (3) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. MBh. iii, 1283 (4) [ °NAM-√ yA ], to meet with reproach cf. Mn. ii, 80

===> garhita [ garhita ]2[ garhita ] mfn. blamed, censured by (instr. [ cf. MBh. cf. R. (1) cf. cf. Mn. ix, 109 ] or gen. [ cf. Mn. x, 39 cf. R. ] or loc. [ cf. Mn. xi, 42 ] or in comp.) (2) contemned, despised, contemptible, forbidden, vile cf. ĀśvGṛ. ii, 8, 3 & 5 cf. Mn. &c. (3) worse than (abl.) cf. MBh. iii, 1040 (4) ([ am ]), ind. badly cf. Vop. xx, 5

===> garhya [ garhya ]2[ garhya ] mfn. deserving reproach, contemptible, vile cf. Mn. v, 149 cf. R. cf. BhP. &c. (1) m. N. of a tree (?) cf. Kauś. 8

===> garhā [ garhA ]2[ garhA ] f. censure, abuse cf. MBh. cf. Pāṇ. cf. Pañcat (1) disgust exhibited in speech cf. Sāh. iii, 180

===> gariṣṭha [ gariSTha ]2[ gariSTha ] mfn. (superl. fr. [ gur'u ] cf. Pāṇ. 6-4, 157) heaviest, excessively heavy cf. W. (1) most venerable cf. BhP. vii, xii cf. Sāh. iii, 4 a/b (2) thickened excessively cf. Gīt. i, 6 (3) worst cf. W. (4) m. N. of a man cf. MBh. ii, 294 (5) of an Asura cf. Hariv. 14289 (cf. [ gaviSTha ])

===> garja [ garja ]2[ garja ] m. (cf. Pāṇ. 7-3, 59 cf. Kāś.) a (roaring) elephant cf. L. (1) the roaring (of elephants), rumbling (of clouds), &c. cf. ŚārṅgP. (v. l.) (2) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. L.

===> garjana [ garjana ]2[ garjana ] n. crying, roaring, rumbling (of clouds), growl, grunt cf. R. cf. Hit. (1) passion cf. L. (2) battle ([ yudh ]) cf. L. (3) excessive indignation, reproach cf. L.

===> garjita [ garjita ]2[ garjita ] mfn. sounded, roared, bellowed (1) boasted, swaggered, vaunted cf. Ratnâv. iv, 9/10 (2) m. (g. [ tArak^adi ]) a (roaring) elephant in rut cf. L. (3) ([ am ]), n. = [ garji ] cf. Yājñ. i, 145 cf. R. cf. Kum. cf. Megh. &c. (4) crying, roaring (as of elephants or Daityas) cf. MBh. cf. R. &c.

===> garta [ garta ]1[ g'arta ]1 m. a high seat, throne (of Mitra and Varuṇa) cf. RV. (` a house ' cf. Naigh.) (1) the seat of a war-chariot, vi, 20, 9 (2) (cf. Nir. iii, 5) a chariot cf. Gaut. xvi, 7 (3) a table for playing at dice cf. Nir. iii, 5

===> [ garta ]1[ g'arta ]2 m. (= [ kart'a ], q. v.) a hollow, hole, cave, grave cf. ŚBr. xiv
cf. ŚāṅkhBr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. cf. Kauś. cf. MBh. &c. (1) a canal cf. Mn. iv, 203 (2) the hollow of the loins cf. L. (3) a kind of disease cf. L. (4) N. of a country (part of Tri-garta, in the north-west of India) cf. L. (cf. cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 137) [ 349,2 ] (5) n. a hole, cave cf. MBh. vii, 4953 (6) ([ A ]), f. a hole, cave cf. Pañcat. i ; ii, 6, 34/35 (7) N. of a river cf. ŚivaP.

===> gartā [ gartA ]2[ gartA ] f. of [ °ta ], q. v.

===> garu [ garu ]2[ garu ] for [ guru ] in [ agaru ], q. v.

===> garutmat [ garutmat ]3[ garut-mat ] ([ gar'ut- ]), mfn. (in Veda only found in connection with [ su-parN'a ], and apparently applied to a heavenly bird or to the sun) winged (?) cf. RV. i, 164, 46 ; x, 149, 3 cf. AV. iv, 6, 3 cf. VS. xii (1) xvii, 72 [ 349,1 ] (2) winged cf. Ragh. iii, 57 (3) m. the bird Garuḍa cf. Suparṇ. cf. MBh. &c. (4) a bird (in general) cf. Nal. i, 22

===> garuḍa [ garuDa ]1[ garuD'a ] m. (√ 2. [ gRR ] cf. Uṇ. iv, 155, ` devourer ', because Garuḍa was perhaps originally identified with the all-consuming fire of the sun's rays), N. of a mythical bird (chief of the feathered race, enemy of the serpent-race [ cf. cf. RTL. p. 321 ], vehicle of Viṣṇu [ cf. cf. RTL. pp. 65 ; 104 ; 288 ], son of Kaśyapa and Vinatā (1) shortly after his birth he frightened the gods by his brilliant lustre (2) they supposed him to be Agni, and requested his protection (3) when they discovered that he was Garuḍa, they praised him as the highest being, and called him fire and sun cf. MBh. i, 1239 ff (4) Aruṇa, the charioteer of the sun or the personified dawn, is said to be the elder [ or younger, cf. cf. RTL. p. 104 ] brother of Garuḍa (5) Svāhā, the wife of Agni, takes the shape of a female Garuḍī = [ suparNI ] cf. MBh. iii, 14307 and 14343) cf. Suparṇ. cf. TĀr. x, 1, 6 cf. MBh. &c. (6) a building shaped like Garuḍa cf. R. cf. VarBṛS. (7) N. of a peculiar military array cf. Mn. vii, 187 (8) N. of the attendant of the 16th Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī cf. L. (9) N. of the 14th Kalpa period (10) N. of a son of Kṛshṇa cf. Hariv. 9196 (11) ([ I ]), f. of [ °D'a ], q. v.

===> garva [ garva ]2[ garva ] m. pride, arrogance cf. R. ii, 31, 20 cf. Ragh. (C.) iii, 51 cf. VarBṛS. &c. (1) (in dram.) proud speech cf. Sāh. vi, 200

===> garvita [ garvita ]2[ garvita ] mfn. (g. [ tArak^adi ]) haughty, conceited, proud of (in comp.) cf. R. cf. Pat. (with instr.) cf. Ragh. ix, 55 cf. Śak. vi, and 22/23 ; 27/23 cf. BrahmaP. &c.

===> gata [ gata ]2[ gat'a ] mfn. gone, gone away, departed, departed from the world, deceased, dead cf. RV. i, 119, 4 cf. AV. &c. (1) past (as time), gone by cf. Mn. viii, 402 cf. MBh. &c. (2) disappeared (often in comp.) cf. Mn. vii, 225 cf. MBh. &c. (3) come, come forth from (in comp. or abl.) cf. R. iv, 56, 10 cf. Kathās. ii, 11 (4) come to, approached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained in (acc. or loc. or in comp., e. g. [ sabhAM g° ], ` come to an assembly ' cf. Mn. viii, 95 (5) [ kAnyakubje g° ], gone to Kānyakubja cf. Pañcat. v (6) [ ratha-g° ], sitting or standing in a carriage cf. R. iii (7) [ Adya-g° ], [ turya-g° ], [ antya-g° ], taking the first, fourth, last place (8) [ sarva-g° ], spread everywhere cf. Nal. ii, 14) cf. RV. i, 105, 4 cf. AV. x, 10, 32 cf. ŚBr. &c. (9) having walked (a path, acc.) (10) gone to any state or condition, fallen into (acc. or loc. or in comp., e. g. [ kSayaM ] or °ye g°, gone to destruction (11) [ Apad-g° ], fallen into misfortune cf. Mn. ix, 283) cf. TUp. cf. Mn. &c. (12) relating to, referring to, connected with (e. g. [ putra-gŚ sneha ], love directed towards the son cf. R. i (13) [ tvad-g° ], belonging to thee) (14) walked (a path), frequented, visited cf. RV. vii, 57, 3 cf. R. cf. Kum (15) spread abroad, celebrated cf. MBh. iii (16) ` known, understood ', having the meaning of (loc.) cf. L. (17) n. going, motion, manner of going cf. MBh. iv, 297 cf. R. cf. Śak. vii, 7 cf. Vikr. &c. (18) the being gone or having disappeared cf. Cāṇ (19) the place where any one has gone cf. Pāṇ. cf. Kāś (20) anything past or done, event cf. W. (21) diffusion, extension, celebration cf. ChUp. vii, 1, 5 (22) manner cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 cf. Vārtt. 5

===> gata-pratyāgata [ gatapratyAgata ]3[ gat'a-pratyAgata ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-1, 60 cf. Vārtt. 5) gone away and returned, come back again after having gone away cf. Mn. vii, 186 ; ix, 176

===> gata-spṛha [ gataspRha ]3[ gat'a-spRha ] mfn. having no desire, not finding any pleasure in (loc. or gen.) cf. R. ii cf. BhP. vii cf. Kathās. xxxiv, 181 (1) disinterested (2) pitiless cf. Kām

===> gatavat [ gatavat ]3[ gat'a-vat ] mfn. going, passing cf. W. (1) obtaining cf. W. (2) falling into, feeling, entertaining cf. W.

===> gati [ gati ]2[ g'ati ] f. going, moving, gait, deportment, motion in general cf. RV. v, 64, 3 cf. VS. cf. TS. &c. (1) manner or power of going (2) going away cf. Yājñ. iii, 170 (3) procession, march, passage, procedure, progress, movement (e. g. [ astra-g° ], the going or flying of missile weapons cf. R. v (4) [ parAM gatiM-√ gam ], ` to go the last way ', to die (5) [ daiva-g° ], the course of fate cf. R. vi cf. Megh. 93 (6) [ kAvyasya g° ], the progress or course of a poem cf. R. i, 3, 2) (7) arriving at, obtaining (with gen., loc., or ifc.) cf. ŚBr. ix cf. MBh. &c. (8) acting accordingly, obeisance towards (loc.) cf. Āp. i, 13 f. (9) path, way, course (e. g. [ anyatarAM gatiM-√ gam ], ` to go either way ', to recover or die cf. ĀśvŚr.) cf. R. cf. Bhag. &c. (10) a certain division of the moon's path and the position of the planet in it (the diurnal motion of a planet in its orbit?) cf. VarBṛS. (11) issue cf. Bhag. iv, 29 (12) running wound or sore cf. Suśr. (13) place of issue, origin, reason cf. ChUp. i, 8, 4 f. cf. Mn. i, 110 cf. R. cf. Mudr (14) possibility, expedient, means cf. Yājñ. i, 345 cf. R. i cf. Mālav. &c. (15) a means of success (16) way or art, method of acting, stratagem cf. R. iii, vi (17) refuge, resource cf. Mn. viii, 84 cf. R. cf. Kathās. cf. Vet. iv, 20 (18) cf. cf. RTL. p. 260 (19) the position (of a child at birth) cf. Suśr. (20) state, condition, situation, proportion, mode of existence cf. KaṭhUp. iii, 11 cf. Bhag. cf. Pañcat. &c. (21) a happy issue (22) happiness cf. MBh. iii, 17398 (23) the course of the soul through numerous forms of life, metempsychosis, condition of a person undergoing this migration cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. MBh. &c. (24) manner cf. ĀśvGṛ. i cf. Sch. (25) the being understood or meant cf. Pat. (26) (in gram.) a term for prepositions and some other adverbial prefixes (such as [ alam ] &c.) when immediately connected with the tenses of a verb or with verbal derivatives (cf. [ karmapravacanIya ]) cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 60 ff. ; vi, 2, 49 ff. and 139 ; viii, 1, 70 f. (27) a kind of rhetorical figure cf. Sarasv. ii, 2 (28) a particular high number cf. Buddh. (29) ` Motion ' (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Pulaha) cf. BhP. i, v, 1 (30) m. N. of a son of Anala cf. Hariv. i, 3, 43

===> gati-bheda [ gatibheda ]3[ g'ati-bheda ] m. id., vi, 26/27

===> gatika [ gatika ]2[ gatika ] n. going, motion cf. W. (1) course cf. W. (2) condition cf. W. (3) refuge, asylum cf. W.

===> gatimat [ gatimat ]3[ g'ati-mat ] mfn. possessed of motion, moving cf. MBh. xiii, &c. (1) having issues or sores cf. Suśr. (2) connected with a preposition or some other adverbial prefix cf. Pāṇ. 2-2, 18 cf. Vārtt. 4 cf. Pat.

===> gatvā [ gatvA ]2[ gatv'A ]

===> gaty-āgati [ gatyAgati ]3[ gaty-Agati ] f. (in comp.) coming and going, appearance and disappearance cf. Siṉhâs. iii, 3/4

===> gatâgata [ gatAgata ]3[ gat^agata ] mfn. (g. [ akSadyUt^adi ]) going and coming cf. BhP. xi, 28, 26 (1) n. going and coming, going to and fro, reiterated motion in general cf. Bhag. ix, 21 cf. Kathās. iii, (pl.) iic, cxviii, 119 (2) the flight of a bird backward and forward cf. MBh. vii, 1902 (3) (in astron.) irregular course of the asterisms cf. VarBṛ. (4) appearance and disappearance, growth and decline cf. R. vii, 51, 24 (5) n. pl. with √ [ kR ], to enter into a negotiation or treaty cf. Rājat. viii (6) cf. [ gam^agama ]

===> gatâsu [ gatAsu ]3[ gat^'asu ] mfn. one whose breath has gone, expired, dead cf. RV. x, 18, 8 cf. AV. cf. ŚBr. &c. [ 347,3 ]

===> gatīka [ gatIka ]2[ gatIka ] [ a-g° ]

===> gaura [ gaura ]1[ gaur'a ] mf ([ 'I ]) n. (in comp. or ifc., g. [ kaDAr^adi ]) white, yellowish, reddish, pale red cf. RV. x, 100, 2 cf. TS. v &c. (1) shining, brilliant, clean, beautiful cf. Caurap (2) m. white, yellowish (the colour) cf. W. (3) a kind of buffalo (Bos Gaurus, often classed with the Gavaya) cf. RV. cf. VS. &c. (4) white mustard (the seed of which is used as a weight, = 3 Rāja-sarshapas) cf. Yājñ. i, 362 (5) Grislea tomentosa ([ dhava ]) cf. L. (6) a species of rice cf. Gal. (7) the moon cf. L. (8) the planet Jupiter cf. L. (9) N. of the Nāga Śesha cf. Gal. (10) of Caitanya (cf. [ -candra ]) (11) of a Yoga teacher (son of Śuka and Pīvarī) cf. Hariv. 981 (12) pl. N. of a family (cf. [ °r^atreya ]) cf. Pravar. iv, 1 (13) n. white mustard cf. L. (14) N. of a potherb cf. Gal. [ 370,1 ] (15) saffron (cf. [ kanaka- ]) cf. L. (16) the filament of a lotus cf. L. (17) gold cf. L. (18) orpiment cf. Gal. (19) ([ A ]), f. = [ r'I ] cf. L. (cf. [ gaulA ]) (20) ([ 'I ]), f. the female of the Bos Gaurus cf. RV. (` Vāc or voice of the middle region of the air ', i, 164, 41 according to cf. Naigh. i, 11 and cf. Nir. xi, 40) (21) = [ gaurikA ] cf. Gṛhyās. ii, 18 cf. Pañcat (22) the earth cf. L. (23) red chalk cf. Kālac (24) a yellow pigment or dye ([ go-rocanA ], ` orpiment ' cf. Gal.) cf. L. (25) turmeric ([ rajanI ]) cf. Suśr. (26) N. of several other plants ([ priy'aMgu ], [ maJjiSThA ], [ zveta-dUrvA ], [ mallikA ], [ tulasI ], [ suvarNa-kadalI ], [ AkAza-mAMsI ]) cf. L. (27) N. of several metres (one of 4 x 12 syllables (28) another of 4 x 13 syllables (29) another of 4 x 26 long syllables) (30) (in music) a kind of measure (31) (cf. ib.) N. of a Rāgiṇī (32) ` brilliant Goddess ', Śiva's wife Pārvatī cf. AV. Pariś. cf. NṛsUp. i, 4, 3, 10 &c. (33) N. of Varuṇa's wife cf. MBh. v, xiii (34) of a Vidyā-devī, iii, 231, 48 cf. Hariv. (35) of Śākya-muni's mother cf. L. (36) of the wife of Vi-rajas and mother of Su-dhāman cf. VāyuP. i, 28, 11 (37) of several other women (38) of several rivers (one originally the wife of Prasena-jit or Yuvan^aśva, changed by his curse into the river Bāhu-dā cf. Hariv. cf. VP.) cf. MBh. vi, 333 cf. VP. ii, 4, 55 ; [ cf. Lat. [ gilvus ]? ]

===> gaura-khara [ gaurakhara ]3[ gaur'a-khara ] m. a wild donkey cf. L. (cf. [ gauDaka-mRga ].)

===> gaurakṣya [ gaurakSya ]1[ gaurakSya ] n. for [ go-r° ] cf. Bhag. xviii, 44 cf. Sch.

===> gaurava [ gaurava ]1[ gaurava ] mfn. relating or belonging to a Guru or teacher cf. BhP. i, 7, 46 (1) m. N. of a poisonous plant cf. Gal. (2) n. (g. [ pRthv-Adi ]) weight, heaviness cf. MBh. cf. R. &c. (3) difficulty cf. Car. iii, 4 (4) heaviness in argumentation, cumbrousness, needless multiplication of causes cf. Sarvad. ii, xi f. cf. KapS. i, 89 cf. Sch. (5) length (in prosody), Śrut. &c. (6) importance, high value or estimation cf. R. &c. (7) gravity, respectability, venerableness cf. Āp. cf. Mn. ii, 145 cf. MBh. &c. (8) respect shown to a person (e. g. [ mAtR-gauravAt ], ` out of respect for one's mother ' cf. Pañcat.) cf. R. cf. Śak. &c.

===> gaurava-jāta [ gauravajAta ]3[ gaurava-jAta ] mfn. filled with respect cf. Lalit. xv

===> gauravya [ gauravya ]2[ gauravya ] m. patr. cf. Pravar. vi, 1

===> gauri [ gauri ]2[ gauri ] in comp. for [ °r'I ] q. v.

===> gaurika [ gaurika ]2[ gaurika ] m. white mustard cf. Suśr. iv, 20, 18 (1) metron. of Māndhātṛ cf. VāyuP. ii, 26, 66 (2) ([ A ]), [ °raka ]

===> gaurī [ gaurI ]2[ gaur'I ] f. of [ °r'a ], q. v.

===> gautama [ gautama ]1[ gautam'a ] mf ([ I ]) n. relating to Gotama (with [ pada-stobha ] m. pl., N. of a Sāman) (1) m. patr. fr. Gotama (N. of Kuśri, Uddālaka, Aruṇa cf. ŚBr. (2) of Śaradvat cf. Hariv. cf. Mṛcch. v, 30 cf. VP. (3) of Śat^ananda cf. L. (4) of Śākya-muni (5) of Nodhas and Vāma-deva cf. RAnukr. (6) of a teacher of ritual cf. Lāṭy. cf. ĀśvŚr. cf. ĀśvGṛ. (7) of a grammarian cf. TPrāt. cf. Lāṭy. [ with the epithet [ sthavira ] ] (8) of a legislator cf. Yājñ. i, 5 (9) the father of Ekata, Dvita, and Trita cf. MBh. ix, 2073) (10) (= [ got° ]) N. of the first pupil of the last Jina (one of the three Kevalins) (11) N. of a Nāga (also [ °maka ]) cf. Divyâv. ii (12) m. pl. Gautama's family cf. Hariv. 1788 cf. Pravar (13) a kind of poison cf. L. (14) n. N. of several Sāmans cf. ĀrshBr. cf. Lāṭy. iv, 6, 16 (15) fat (cf. [ bhAradvAja ], ` bone ') cf. L. (16) ([ ga'utamI ]), f. (ganas [ gaur^adi ] and [ zArGgarav^adi ]) a female descendant of Gotama (N. of Kṛpī cf. Hariv. cf. BhP. (17) of Mahā-prajāpatī cf. Lalit. vii, xv) cf. MBh. xiii, 17 ff. cf. Śak (18) N. of Durgā cf. Hariv. 10236 (19) of a Rākshasī cf. L. (20) of a river (= [ go-dAvarI ], or [ go-matI ]) cf. MBh. xiii, 7647 cf. R. vi, 2, 27 (21) the bile-stone of cattle ([ go-rocanA ]) cf. L. (22) = [ rAjanI ] cf. L.

===> gautamaka [ gautamaka ]2[ gautamaka ] m. N. of a Nāga king cf. Divyâv. ii

===> gautami [ gautami ]2[ gautami ] m. patr. fr. [ °m'a ] cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 10, 3 cf. Parāś. Introd. 4

===> gautamī [ gautamI ]2[ ga'utamI ] f. of [ °m'a ], q. v.

===> gauḍa [ gauDa ]1[ gauDa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ guDa ]), prepared from sugar or molasses cf. MBh. viii, 2050 cf. Suśr. cf. Hcat (1) relating or belonging to the Gauḍas cf. Vātsyāy. cf. Kāvyâd. i, 35 cf. Sarvad. xv (2) (esp. f. [ I ] with [ rIti ], the Gauḍian style of poetry, viz. the bold and spirited style cf. Kāvyâd. i, 40 cf. Vām. cf. Pratāpar. &c.) (3) m. (scil. [ deza ]) or n. (scil. [ rASTra ]) ` sugar country ', N. of a country (district of Gaur, central part of Bengāl, extending from Vaṅga to the borders of Orissa (4) the ruins of its capital called by the same N. are still extensive) cf. Rājat. cf. Prab. ii, 7 cf. Hit. (5) m. pl. the inhabitants of that country cf. Vātsyāy. cf. Rājat. cf. Śūdradh (6) m. sg. a prince of the Gauḍas cf. Kathās. cxxii, 3 (7) N. of a lexicographer (8) n. sweetmeats cf. R. i, 53, 4 ; vii, 92, 12 (9) ([ I ]), f. with [ rIti ], before (10) rum or spirit distilled from molasses (cf. RTL. p. 193) cf. Mn. xi, 95 cf. MBh. viii, 2034 cf. Gṛhyās. ii, 16 (11) (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī

===> gauḍaka [ gauDaka ]2[ gauDaka ] m. pl., N. of a people living to the east of Madhya-deśa cf. VarBṛS. xiv, 7

===> gauṇa [ gauNa ]1[ gauNa ] mf ([ I ]) n. (fr. [ guN'a ]), relating to a quality cf. MBh. xii, 13138 f. (1) having qualities, attributive cf. W. (2) subordinate, secondary, unessential cf. MBh. xii, xiii cf. Pat. cf. KapS. &c. (with [ karman ], [ in Gr. ] the less immediate object of an action cf. Vop. xxiv, 13) [ 369,2 ] (3) metaphorical, figurative cf. W. (4) secondary (applied to the month reckoned from full moon to full moon) cf. W. (5) relating to multiplication or enumeration cf. W.

===> gauṣṭhika [ gauSThika ]2[ gauSThika ] mfn. relating to an assembly ([ goSThI ]) cf. Pañcat. i, 14 cf. Sch.

===> gava [ gava ]2[ gava ]1 in comp. before a word beginning with a vowel [ cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 123 f. ] and ifc. [ v, 4, 92 and vi, 2, 72 (1) f. [ I ], cf. [ guru-gav'I ], [ brahma-gavI ], [ brAhmaNa- ], [ bhilla- ], [ strI- ] ] for [ g'o ], a cow, cattle (cf. [ SaD-gav'a ], [ dvAdaza-gav'a ] &c.) (2) [ I ]) for [ g'o ], a cow, cattle (before) (3) speech cf. Śiś. ii, 68

===> gavaya [ gavaya ]2[ gavaya ]1 Nom. P. (fr. [ g'o ]) [ °yati ] (aor. [ ajUgavat ]) cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 21 cf. Siddh. 40

===> [ gavaya ]2[ gavay'a ]2 m. the Gayal (a species of ox, Bos gavaeus, erroneously classed by Hindu writers as a species of deer (1) cf. [ go-mRg'a ]) cf. RV. iv, 21, 8 cf. VS. cf. ŚBr. cf. AitBr. &c. (2) N. of a monkey-chief attached to Rāma (a son of Vaivasvata) cf. MBh. iii, 16271 cf. R. iv, 25, 33 (3) vi (4) ([ 'I ]), f. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 63 cf. Vārtt (5) g. [ gaur^adi ]) the female Gayal cf. VS. xxiv, 30

===> gaveṣa [ gaveSa ]3[ gav-eSa ] mfn. (g. [ saMkal^adi ]), [ dharma- ]

===> gaveṣaṇa [ gaveSaNa ]3[ gav-'eSaNa ] mfn. desiring ardently or fervently cf. RV. (1) desirous of combat cf. RV. cf. AV. v, 20, 11 (2) m. N. of a Vṛshṇi cf. MBh. i, 6999 cf. Hariv. (3) n. seeking after, searching for cf. R. vi, 109, 40 cf. Kathās. xxi, lxxxvi (4) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. L.

===> gaveṣin [ gaveSin ]3[ gav-eSin ] mfn. ifc. seeking, searching cf. MBh. iii cf. Lalit. xvii f. cf. Kathās

---> m. N. of a son of Citraka and brother of Pṛthu cf. Hariv.

===> gavya [ gavya ]2[ g'avya ]1 Nom. P. [ °vyati ], to desire cattle or cows cf. Vop. xxi, 2 (1) [ gavy'at ]

===> [ gavya ]2[ g'avya ]2 (or less common [ gavy'a ] cf. RV. six times cf. TS. v cf. ŚBr. xiii), mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 2 and 39 ; iv, 3, 160) consisting of cattle or cows, coming from or belonging to a cow (as milk, curds, &c. (1) cf. [ paJcag° ]) cf. RV. cf. VS. &c. (2) proper or fit for cattle cf. L. (3) sacred to the cow, worshipping the cow cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 85 cf. Vārtt. 9 cf. Pat. (4) m. pl., N. of a people (living to the north of Madhya-deśa) cf. VarBṛS. (5) l. ([ A ]), f. a cow-herd cf. Pāṇ. 4-2, 50 (6) the measure commonly called Gav-yūti (q. v.) cf. L. (7) also [ gavy'A ] (8) ([ A ], [ am ]), fn. a bow-string cf. L. (9) = [ gavya-dRDha ] cf. L. (10) ([ am ]), n. cattle, cow-herd cf. RV. i, 140, 13 ; v, 34, 8 ; vii, 18, 7 ([ gavy'a ]) ; ix, 62, 23 (11) pasture land cf. AitBr. iv, 27, 9 cf. Lāṭy. x, 17, 4 (12) cow-milk cf. Kum. vii, 72

===> [ gavya ]2[ gavya ] &c.,

===> gavya-dṛḍha [ gavyadRDha ]3[ g'avya-dRDha ] the bile-stone of cattle (used as a colouring substance (1) cf. [ go-rocanA ]) cf. L.

===> gavâkṣa [ gavAkSa ]3[ gav^akSa ] m. (cf. Kāś. on cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 76 and vi, i, 123) ` a bull's eye ', an air-hole, loop-hole, round window cf. R. cf. Ragh. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Ragh. xi, 93) cf. Kum. &c. (1) the mesh of a shirt of mail cf. Hariv. 2439 (2) N. of a warrior (brother of Śakuni) cf. MBh. vi, 3997 ; vii, 6944 (B.) (3) of a monkey-chief attached to Rāma (son of Vaivasvata and leader of the Golāṅgūlas), iii, 16272 cf. R. iv, 25, 33 and 39, 27 ; vi, 3, 36 and 22, 2 (4) m. or n. N. of a lake cf. Rājat. v, 423 (5) N. of a plant (Cucumis maderaspatanus cf. L. (6) Cucumis coloquinthida cf. L. (7) Clitoria Ternatea cf. L.) cf. Car. vi, 4, 53 cf. Suśr. i, iv ff (8) [ -jAla ] n. (cf. [ jAla-g° ]) a lattice, trellis-work cf. W.

===> gavī [ gavI ]2[ gavI ] f. of [ °va ], q. v.

===> gaya [ gaya ]1[ g'aya ] m. (g. [ vRS^adi ] (1) √ [ ji ], cf. [ zaMgay'a ]) ` what has been conquered or acquired ', a house, household, family, goods and chattels, contents of a house, property, wealth cf. RV. cf. AV. (2) a species of ox (the Gayal or Bos gavaeus) cf. L. (3) N. of a Ṛshi (son of Plati) cf. RV. x, 63, 17 and 64, 16 cf. AitBr. v, 2, 12 (4) (said to know charms) cf. AV. i, 14, 4 (5) (descendant of Atri and author of cf. RV. v, 9 and 10) cf. RAnukr. (6) N. of a Rājarshi (performer of a celebrated sacrifice cf. MBh. i, iii, iv, ix, xiii cf. R. ii (7) he was conquered by Māndhātṛ cf. MBh. vii, 2281) (8) of a son (of Amūrta-rajas, iii, vii, xii (9) of Āyus, i, 3150 (10) of a Manu cf. Hariv. 870 cf. BhP. ii (11) of Havir-dhāna by Dhishaṇā cf. Hariv. 83 cf. BhP. iv (12) of Ūru by Āgneyī cf. Hariv. 73 (13) of Vitatha, 1732 (14) of Sudyumna, 631 cf. BhP. ix, 1, 41 (15) of Nakta by Druti, v, 15, 5) (16) N. of an Asura (slain by Śiva [ cf. cf. RTL. p. 87 ], and who like the Rājarshi Gaya is connected with the town Gayā) cf. VāyuP. ii, 44 (17) of one of Rāma's monkey followers cf. MBh. iii, 16271 cf. R. iv, vi (18) (= [ -ziras ]) of a mountain near Gayā cf. MBh. iii, 8304 (19) m. pl. the vital airs (used only for the etym. of [ gAyatrI ]) cf. ŚBr. xiv, 8, 15, 7 (20) N. of a people living round Gayā and of the district inhabited by them cf. MBh. ii, ix cf. R. ii (21) ([ A ]), f. (g. [ varaN^adi ]) the city Gayā (famous place of pilgrimage in Behar and residence of the saint Gaya (22) cf. cf. RTL. p. 309 (23) sanctified by Viṣṇu as a tribute to the piety of Gaya, the Rājarshi, or (according to another legend) to Gaya, the Asura, who was overwhelmed here with rocks by the gods (24) the Śrāddha should be performed once at least in the life of every Hindū to his progenitors at Gayā) cf. Yājñ. i, 260 cf. MBh. &c. (25) cf. [ buddha-g° ] (26) N. of a river, i, 7818

===> gayā [ gayA ]2[ gayA ] f. of [ °ya ], q. v.

===> gayā-kāśyapa [ gayAkAzyapa ]3[ gayA-kAzyapa ] m. N. of a pupil of Śākya-muni cf. Buddh.

===> gayā-śīrṣa [ gayAzIrSa ]3[ gayA-zIrSa ] n. id. (1) [ -parvata ] m. id. cf. Lalit. xvii, 43 ; 75

===> gaṅgā [ gaGgA ]2[ g'aGgA ] f. (√ [ gam ] cf. Uṇ.) ` swift-goer ', the river Ganges (personified and considered as the eldest daughter of Himavat and Menā cf. R. i, 36, 15 (1) as the wife of Śāntanu and mother of Bhīshma cf. MBh. i, 3800 cf. Hariv. 2967 ff (2) or as one of the wives of Dharma cf. PadmaP. [ 341,3 ] (3) there is also a Gaṅgā in the sky [ [ AkAza- ] or [ vyoma-g° ], qq. vv (4) cf. [ kh^apagA ], [ gagan^apagA ] &c. ] and one below the earth cf. Hariv. 12782 (5) Bhagī-ratha is said to have conducted the heavenly Gaṅgā down to the earth, 810 ff. cf. R. i, ch. 44) cf. RV. x, 75, 5 cf. ŚBr. xiii cf. TĀr. &c. (6) N. of the wife of Nīla-kaṇṭha and mother of Śaṃkara (7) ifc., [ dviveda-gaGga ]

===> gaṅgā-devī [ gaGgAdevI ]3[ g'aGgA-devI ] f. N. of a woman

===> gaṇa [ gaNa ]2[ gaN'a ] m. a flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, series, class (of animate or inanimate beings), body of followers or attendants cf. RV. cf. AV. &c. (1) troops or classes of inferior deities (especially certain troops of demi-gods considered as Śiva's attendants and under the special superintendence of the god Gaṇ^eśa (2) cf. [ -devatA ]) cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Lalit. &c. (3) a single attendant of Śiva
cf. VarBṛS. cf. Kathās. cf. Rājat. iii, 270 (4) N. of Gaṇ^eśa cf. W. (5) a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims cf. Mn. cf. Yājñ. cf. Hit. (6) the 9 assemblies of Ṛshis under the Arhat Mahā-vīra cf. Jain. (7) a sect in philosophy or religion cf. W. (8) a small body of troops (= 3 Gulmas or 27 chariots and as many elephants, 81 horses, and 135 foot) cf. MBh. i, 291 (9) a series or group of asterisms or lunar mansions classed under three heads (that of the gods, that of the men, and that of the Rākshasas) cf. W. (10) (in arithm.) a number cf. L. (11) (in metre) a foot or four instants (cf. [ -cchandas ]) (12) (in Gr.) a series of roots or words following the same rule and called after the first word of the series (e. g. [ ad-Adi ], the g. [ ad ] &c. or the whole series of roots of the 2nd class (13) [ garg^adi ], the g. [ garga ] &c. or the series of words commencing with [ garga ]) (14) a particular group of Sāmans cf. Lāṭy. i, 6, 5 cf. VarYogay. viii, 7 (15) a kind of perfume cf. L. (16) = [ vAc ] (i. e. ` a series of verses ') cf. Naigh. i, 11 (17) N. of an author (18) ([ A ]), f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue cf. MBh. ix, 2645 (cf. [ ahar- ], [ mar'ud- ], [ v'RSa- ], [ s'a- ], [ sapt'a- ], [ s'arva- ] (19) [ deva- ], [ mahA- ], and [ vida-gaN'a ].)

===> gaṇa-bhojana [ gaNabhojana ]3[ gaN'a-bhojana ] n. eating in common cf. Buddh.

===> gaṇa-pati [ gaNapati ]3[ gaN'a-pati ] ([ °N'a- ]), m. (g. [ azvapaty-Adi ]) the leader of a class or troop or assemblage cf. VS. [ 343,2 ] (1) (Bṛhaspati) cf. RV. ii, 23, 1 (cf. cf. RTL. p. 413) (2) (Indra) x, 112, 9 (3) Śiva cf. L. (cf. cf. RTL. pp. 77 and 211) (4) Gaṇ^eśa (cf. also [ mahA-g° ]) cf. Pañcat (5) N. of the author of a cf. Comm. on cf. Caurap (6) of a poet cf. ŚārṅgP. (7) pl., N. of a family cf. Pravar. iii, 1 (8) [ -khaNDa ] m. n. N. of cf. BrahmaP. iii (9) [ -nAtha ] m. N. of a man (10) [ -pUjana ] n. the worship of Gaṇ^eśa cf. W. (11) [ -pUrva-tApanIy^opaniSad ] f. N. of an cf. Up. (12) [ -pUrva-tApinI ] f. id. (13) [ -bhaTTa ] m. N. of the father of Govind^ananda (14) [ -stava-rAja ] m. N. of a hymn in praise of Gaṇ^eśa (15) [ -stotra ] n. prayers addressed to Gaṇ^eśa (16) [ -hRdayA ] f. N. of a goddess cf. Buddh. (17) [ °ty-ArAdhana ] m. a hymn in honour of Gaṇ^eśa (attributed to Kaṅkola) (18) [ °ty-upaniSad ] f. N. of an cf. Up.

===> gaṇa-pramukha [ gaNapramukha ]3[ gaN'a-pramukha ] m. id. cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> gaṇa-ratna [ gaNaratna ]3[ gaN'a-ratna ] n. ` pearls of Gaṇas ' (only in comp.), [ -kAra ] m. ` author of the pearls of Gaṇas ', i. e. Vardhamāna (1) [ -mah^odadhi ] m. ` great ocean in which the Gaṇas form the pearls ', a collection of grammatical Gaṇas by Vardhamāna

===> gaṇaka [ gaNaka ]2[ g'aNaka ] mfn. bought for a large sum cf. Pāṇ. 5-1, 22 cf. Kāś (1) m. one who reckons, arithmetician cf. MBh. ii, 206 ; xv, 417 (2) a calculator of nativities, astrologer cf. VS. xxx, 20 cf. R. i, 12, 7 cf. Kathās (3) m. pl., N. of a collection of 8 stars cf. VarBṛS. xi, 25 (4) ([ I ]), f. the wife of an astrologer cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 48 cf. Kāś (5) ([ ikA ]), f. a harlot, courtezan cf. Mn. iv cf. Yājñ. i, 161 cf. MBh. xiii cf. Mṛcch. &c. (6) a female elephant cf. L. (7) Jasminum auriculatum cf. L. (8) AEschynomene Sesban cf. L. (9) = [ gaNik^arikA ], q. v. cf. L. (10) counting, enumerating cf. W. (11) apprehension cf. W.

===> gaṇana [ gaNana ]2[ gaNana ] n. reckoning, counting, calculation cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 17 cf. Pañcat. cf. Hit. (1) ([ A ]), f. id. cf. MBh. iii cf. Megh. cf. Ragh. &c. (2) the being enumerated among (in comp.) cf. Ragh. viii, 94 (3) considering, supposing cf. Daś. vii, 185 cf. Hit. (4) regarding, taking notice of (gen.), consideration cf. Prab. i, 20/21 cf. Rājat. v, 308

===> gaṇanā [ gaNanA ]2[ gaNanA ] f. of [ °na ], q. v.

===> gaṇanā-gati [ gaNanAgati ]3[ gaNanA-gati ] f. a particular high number cf. Lalit. xii, 161 f.

===> gaṇanā-pati [ gaNanApati ]3[ gaNanA-pati ] m. an arithmetician cf. Buddh. cf. L. (1) ` master of prudent calculation ', Gaṇ^eśa cf. Rājat. v, 26

===> gaṇanīya [ gaNanIya ]2[ gaNanIya ] mfn. to be counted or reckoned or classed, calculable cf. L. (cf. [ gaNeya ].)

===> gaṇeśa [ gaNeza ]2[ gaN^eza ]

===> gaṇikā [ gaNikA ]2[ gaNikA ] f. of [ °Naka ], q. v.

===> gaṇita [ gaNita ]2[ gaNita ] mfn. counted, numbered, reckoned, calculated cf. MBh. cf. BhP. cf. Vet (1) ([ am ]), n. reckoning, calculating, science of computation (comprising arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, [ pATI- ] or [ vyakta- ], [ bIja- ], & [ rekhA- ]) cf. MBh. i, 293 cf. Mṛcch. i, 4 cf. VarBṛS. &c. (2) the astronomical or astrological part of a Jyotiśāstra (with the exception of the portion treating of nativities) cf. VarBṛS. (3) the sum of a progression (4) sum (in general)

===> gaṇḍa [ gaNDa ]2[ gaNDa ] m. (cf. [ galla ]) the cheek, whole side of the face including the temple (also said of animals, e. g. of an ox cf. VarBṛS. (1) of a horse cf. ib. (2) of an elephant [ cf. [ -karaTa ] ] cf. Pañcat. cf. BhP. &c.) cf. Yājñ. &c. (ifc. f. [ A ] cf. Ṛitus (3) f. [ I ] cf. Kathās. xx) (4) the side, Rāmapūjāśar (5) a bubble, boil, pimple cf. Suśr. cf. Śak. ii (Prākṛt) cf. Mudr. cf. Vop (6) a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck cf. AitBr. i, 25 cf. Car. i cf. Suśr. (7) a joint, bone cf. L. (8) the bladder cf. L. (9) a mark, spot cf. L. (10) part of a horse's trappings, stud or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness cf. L. (11) a rhinoceros (cf. [ gaNDaka ] and [ °D^aGga ]) cf. L. (12) a hero (cf. [ gaNDIra ]) cf. L. (13) ` the chief ', best, excellent (only in comp. (14) cf. [ -grAma ], [ -mUrkha ], [ -zilA ], &c.) cf. L. (15) N. of the 10th astrological Yoga (16) an astronomical period (cf. [ gaND^anta ]) cf. W. (17) m. n. the abrupt interchange of question and answer (one of the characteristics of the dramatic composition called Vīthi) cf. Sāh. vi, 256 and 260 cf. Daśar. cf. Pratāpar (18) ([ A ]), f. N. of the female attendant of the seven sages cf. MBh. xiii, 4417 (19) the verbal √ [ gaND ], 4499 (20) for [ khaNDa ] cf. Kathās. xciv, 66 (cf. [ gaDu ].)

===> gaṇḍa-vyūha [ gaNDavyUha ]3[ gaNDa-vyUha ] m. N. of a Buddhist Sūtra work (one of the nine Dharmas)

===> gaṇḍaka [ gaNDaka ]2[ gaNDaka ] m. a rhinoceros cf. L. (1) an obstacle cf. L. (2) disjunction, separation cf. L. (3) a mode of reckoning by fours cf. W. (4) a coin of the value of four cowries cf. L. (5) a kind of science (astrological science or part of it cf. W.) cf. L. (6) (ifc.) a mark, spot (?) cf. Buddh. (7) a metre of 4 x 20 syllables (8) N. of Kāla (brother of Prasenajit) cf. Buddh. (9) ([ As ]), m. pl., N. of the Videhas living on the river Gaṇḍakī cf. MBh. ii, 1062 (10) ([ A ]), f. a lump, ball cf. W. (11) ([ I ]), f. N. of a river in the northern part of India cf. MBh. cf. Hariv. &c. (12) ([ ikA ]), f. a hill [ Sch. ] cf. MBh. vi, 230 and 282 (13) = [ SaNDa-vizeSa ], Bhagavatī, xvi, 4 cf. Sch. (14) a little knot in the wood (?) cf. Car. vi, 18, 77 (15) anything advanced beyond the first stage or commencement cf. L.

===> gaṇḍi [ gaNDi ]2[ gaNDi ] m. the trunk of a tree from the root to the beginning of the branches cf. L. (1) goitre or bronchocele cf. W. (2) ([ is ]), f. a fox cf. Gal.

===> gaṇḍikā [ gaNDikA ]2[ gaNDikA ] f. of [ °Daka ], q. v.

===> geha [ geha ]1[ geh'a ] n. (corrupted fr. [ gRh'a ]), a house, dwelling, habitation cf. VS. xxx, 9 cf. Mn. cf. MBh. &c. (1) n. du. ` the two habitations ', the house and the body cf. BhP. x, 60, 20 (2) ([ I ]), f. = [ ud-g° ], a kind of ant cf. Gal.

===> gela [ gela ]1[ gela ] [ °lu ], a particular number cf. Buddh.

===> geya [ geya ]2[ geya ] mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 97 cf. Kāś.) to be sung, being sung or praised in song cf. Lāṭy. cf. Hariv. cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 68 cf. BhP. x (1) singing, singer of (gen.) cf. Pāṇ. 3-4, 68 (2) n. a song, singing cf. MBh. cf. R. cf. Megh. &c. (said of the flies) humming cf. Pañcat. i, 15, 8/9) (3) cf. [ AzIr- ], [ prAtar- ]

===> geya-rājan [ geyarAjan ]3[ geya-rAjan ] m. ` king of songs ', N. of a Cakta-vartin cf. Buddh. cf. L.

===> geṇḍūka [ geNDUka ]2[ geNDUka ] m. a ball to play with cf. L. [ 363,2 ]