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[a drum]

鼓伎 [music of a drum]

鼓動 [the booming of a large drum]

鼓天 [drum-god]

鼓山音 [drum mountain music]

鼓樂絃歌 [drum-music and singing with stringed instruments]

鼓聲 [sound of a drum]

鼓角 [drum and horn]

鼓音 [sound of drumming]

鼓音佛 [Divyadundubhimega-nirghoṣa]

鼓音如來 [Divyadundubhi meghanirghoṣa]

鼓音王 [Divyadundubhimeganirghoṣa]

鼓音王陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī Sutra of the King of the Sound of the Drum]

鼓音聲王經 [Dhāraṇī Sūtra the King of Sound of the Drum]

鼓音聲經 [Dhāraṇī Sutra of the Sound of the Drum]

鼓音聲陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī Sutra of the King of the Sound of Amitâbha's Drum]

鼓頭 [drum striker]

Updated: 2012-05-06