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菩提 [enlightenment]

菩提之心 [enlightened mind]

菩提仙那 [Bodhisena]

菩提僊那 [Bodhisena]

菩提分 [factors of enlightenment]

菩提分法 [factors of enlightenment]

菩提向 [destined for enlightenment]

菩提場 [site of enlightenment]

菩提場所經 [Putichangsuo jing]

菩提場所說一字頂輪王經 [Sutra of the One-Syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler Spoken at the Seat of Enlightenment]

菩提場莊嚴陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī of the Adorned Place of Bodhi]

菩提子 [bodhi seeds]

菩提寺 [family mortuary temple]

菩提座 [seat of enlightenment]

菩提庵 [Bori am]

菩提廣大屈 [wavering due to awareness of the vastness of the enlightenment]

菩提心 [enlightened mind]

菩提心戒 [precepts of the enlightened mind]

菩提心經 [Puti xin jing]

菩提心論 [Putixin lun]

菩提所 [family temple]

菩提方 [methods of enlightenment]

菩提方便 [skillful means of enlightenment]

菩提智 [bodhi-cognition]

菩提果 [enlightenment as result]

菩提樹 [bodhi-tree]

菩提樹下 [beneath the bodhi tree]

菩提樹神 [Bodhidruma]

菩提流志 [Bodhiruci]

菩提流支 [Bodhiruci]

菩提涅槃 [enlightenment and cessation]

菩提燈 [*Bodhidīpa?]

菩提留支 [Bodhiruci]

菩提神呪經 [Puti shenzhou jing]

菩提耶舍 [Bodhiyaśas]

菩提自性 [own-nature of enlightenment]

菩提華 [Bodhi Flower]

菩提薩埵 [bodhisattva]

菩提行 [enlightening acts]

菩提行經 [Sūtra on the Course to Enlightenment]

菩提資糧 [the necessary preparations for attaining enlightenment]

菩提資糧論 [Bodhisambhāra-śāstra]

菩提資量論 [Bodhisambhāra-śāstra]

菩提道 [enlightenment]

菩提道場 [site of enlightenment]

菩提達摩 [Bodhidharma]

菩提達摩南宗定是非論 [Putidamo nanzong ding shifei lun]

菩提達磨 [Bodhidharma]

菩提金剛 [eponym of Vajrabodhi]

菩提門 [one of the four gates to a cemetery]

菩提陀羅尼經 [Puti tuoluoni jing]

菩提障 [obstruction to bodhi]

菩提願 [the wish for enlightenment]

菩薩 [bodhisattva]

菩薩一闡提 [bodhisattvêcchantika]

菩薩三聚 [three categories of bodhisattva precepts]

菩薩三聚戒 [three groups of Mahayana precepts]

菩薩之言 [the words of the bodhisattvas]

菩薩乘 [bodhisattva vehicle]

菩薩五智 [fivefold wisdom of the bodhisattvas]

菩薩位 [bodhisattva stage]

菩薩住 [bodhisattva's abodes]

菩薩住持 [station for bodhisattvas]

菩薩修行 [bodhisattvas' practice]

菩薩像 [bodhisattva image]

菩薩僧 [bodhisattva saṃgha]

菩薩儀 [bodhisattva's conduct ]

菩薩光明 [bodhisattva's radiance]

菩薩別解脫 [code of moral discipline for bodhisattvas]

菩薩到究竟地 [bodhisattva's stage of final arrival]

菩薩勝解行住 [bodhisattvas' stage of resolute practice]

菩薩十二住 [bodhisattvas' twelve abodes]

菩薩十二種住 [twelve kinds of bodhisattva abodes]

菩薩十住 [ten bodhisattva stages]

菩薩十住經 [Sūtra on the Ten Stages]

菩薩十力 [ten powers of a bodhisattva]

菩薩十地 [ten bodhisattva stages]

菩薩十戒 [ten bodhisattva precepts]

菩薩受 [bodhisattvas reception [of the precepts]]

菩薩善戒經 [Wholesome Morality of the Bodhisattvas]

菩薩善根 [bodhisattvas' wholesome roots]

菩薩地 [bodhisattva ground]

菩薩地持經 [Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra]

菩薩地持論 [Pusa di chi lun]

菩薩地經 [Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra]

菩薩境 [bodhisattvahood as an object (of contemplation) ]

菩薩大士 [bodhisattva-mahāsattva]

菩薩大悲 [the bodhisattvas's great compassion]

菩薩大願 [great vow of the bodhisattvas]

菩薩妙慧 [marvelous wisdom of the bodhisattvas]

菩薩子 [child of the bodhisattva]

菩薩學 [bodhisattva's training]

菩薩學道 [path of bodhisattva training]

菩薩弘願 [the vast vow of the bodhisattva]

菩薩形 [bodhisattva image]

菩薩律藏 [Bodhisattva Vinaya]

菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經 [Pusa cong Doushoutian jiang shenmutai shuo guangpu jing]

菩薩心 [mind of a bodhisattva]

菩薩心地品 [Chapter of the Bodhisattvas' Mental States]

菩薩忍 [forbearance of the bodhisattvas]

菩薩性 [bodhisattva nature]

菩薩性人 [persons with the proclivity for bodhisattvahood]

菩薩意 [bodhisattva-thoughts]

菩薩意樂 [bodhisattva aspirations]

菩薩愛語 [the kind words of bodhisattvas]

菩薩慧 [bodhisattva's wisdom]

菩薩慧光 [bodhisattva's intelligence]

菩薩戒 [bodhisattva precepts]

菩薩戒弟子 [disciples of the bodhisattva precepts]

菩薩戒本 [On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya]

菩薩戒本宗要 [Doctrinal Essentials of the Bodhisattva's Code of Morality]

菩薩戒本持犯要記 [Essentials of Observing and Violating the Fundamentals of Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒疏 [Commentary on the Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒經 [Sutra of the Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒經疏 [Commentary on the Sutra of Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒經義疏 [Commentary on the Sutra of the Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒經義記 [Notes on the Sūtra on Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒義疏 [Commentary on the Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒義記 [Notes on the Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts]

菩薩戒羯磨文 [Elaboration of On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya]

菩薩所作 [[works] undertaken by the bodhisattvas]

菩薩所行 [...which is practiced by bodhisattvas]

菩薩摩訶薩 [bodhisattva-mahāsattva]

菩薩智 [bodhisattva's wisdom]

菩薩本業瓔珞經 [Pusa benye yingluojing]

菩薩本業經 [Pusa benye jing]

菩薩本生鬘論 [Pusa ben shengman lun]

菩薩根 [bodhisattva faculties]

菩薩業 [course of conduct of a bodhisattva]

菩薩正性離生 [bodhisattva's correct nature of freedom from affliction]

菩薩比丘 [bodhisattva-monk]

菩薩毘奈耶法 [bodhisattva-vinaya]

菩薩毘尼 [Bodhisattva Vinaya]

菩薩法 [bodhisattva-dharmas]

菩薩法式 [rules of conduct for bodhisattvas]

菩薩法藏 [to store of the Dharma of bodhisattvas]

菩薩法身 [bodhisattva's dharma body]

菩薩淨 [vimala]

菩薩淨戒 [pure bodhisattva precepts]

菩薩瓔珞本業經 [Bodhisattvas' Diadem Primary Activities Sutra]

菩薩瓔珞本業經疏 [Commentary to Sutra of the Diadem of Past Activities]

菩薩瓔珞經 [Pusa yingluo jing]

菩薩發心 [bodhisattvas' arousal of intention [for enlightenment]]

菩薩盡地 [stage of the completion of the bodhisattva path]

菩薩禪 [bodhisattva meditation]

菩薩種 [bodhisattva seed]

菩薩種姓 [family of the bodhisattvas]

菩薩種性 [bodhisattva nature]

菩薩種性住 [the abode [stage] of the bodhisattva's innate potentiality]

菩薩究竟地 [bodhisattva's final ground]

菩薩聖衆 [saintly bodhisattvas]

菩薩藏 [bodhisattva canon]

菩薩藏摩怛理迦 [bodhisattva collection discourse]

菩薩藏教 [canon of the bodhisattva teachings]

菩薩藏正法經 [Sutra of the True Dharma of the Bodhisattva Canon]

菩薩藏法 [bodhisattvas' excellent dharma (?)]

菩薩藏經 [Sutra of the Bodhisattva Canon]

菩薩衆 [groups of bodhisattvas]

菩薩行 [the practice of the bodhisattva]

菩薩行中 [among the bodhisattva practices]

菩薩行法 [course of conduct of a bodhisattva]

菩薩行願 [vows of the bodhisattva]

菩薩說 [as taught by a (the) bodhisattva]

菩薩誼 [meaning of a bodhisattva]

菩薩調伏藏 [Bodhisattva Vinaya]

菩薩身 [bodhisattva's body]

菩薩道 [bodhisattva path]

菩薩階位 [bodhisattva stages]

Updated: 2012-05-06