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火一切處 [universal conflagration]

火三昧 [fire samādhi]

火伴 [fire tender]

火佃 [fire-caretaker]

火供 [homa]

火供養法 [homa]

火光 [firelight]

火光三昧 [flame concentration]

火光定 [flame concentration]

火光尊 [fire deities]

火勢 [energy of fire]

火化 [cremation]

火印 [fire mudrā]

火坑 [fiery pit]

火塗 [fiery destiny]

火壇 [fire altar]

火夜 [hāva]

火大 [fire element]

火天 [fire deity]

火宅 [burning house]

火宅僧 [monk in a burning house]

火宅喩 [the parable of the burning house]

火定 [fire concentration]

火客 [fire-caretaker]

火尊 [fire deities]

火帳 [kitchen account]

火德星君 [ruler of Mars]

火心 [burning mind]

火性 [nature of fire]

火所燒 [consumed by fire]

火教 [Zoroastrianism]

火星 [Mars]

火星曜 [Aṅgāraka]

火曜 [Mars]

火曜日 [Mars]

火毒 [fire and poison]

火法 [homa]

火浣布袈裟 [non-inflammable robe]

火淨 [purified by fire]

火湯 [hell of liquid fire]

火湯地獄 [hell of boiling water]

火災 [destruction caused by fire]

火焚 [blazing]

火焚地獄 [scorching hell]

火焰中 [in the fire]

火燄三昧 [burning concentration]

火燒 [burnt]

火燧 [fire-starter]

火爐 [fire altar]

火版 [fire board]

火狗 [fiery dogs]

火王 [fire-king]

火珠 [ruby]

火生 [fire-generating [concentration]]

火生三昧 [fire-generating concentration]

火界 [fire as element]

火界咒 [fire dhāraṇī]

火界定 [meditation on the final conflagration]

火祆教 [Zoroastrianism]

火神 [fire deities]

火祠法 [vedic fire sacrifices]

火祭 [homa]

火種居士 [Aggivessana]

火等 [fire and so forth]

火羅 [Hora]

火聚 [accumulated fires]

火聚仙 [fire-gathering recluse (?)]

火聚佛頂 [Tejorāśi-cakravarttī]

火舍 [censer]

火葬 [cremation]

火蛇 [fire serpents]

火血刀 [fire, blood, and knife]

火變 [a disaster of a fire]

火車 [fiery chariot]

火輪 [fire-wheel]

火輪印 [fire wheel mudrā]

火辨 [Citrabhāna]

火道 [fiery destiny]

火鈴 [fire-bell]

火鑊 [fiery cauldron]

火鑪 [fire altar]

火阬 [fire pit]

火院 [fire court]

火頂山 [fire peak]

火頭 [lamp handler]

火頭金剛 [fiery headed vajra]

火食 [burnt offerings]

火點 [a clapper]

Updated: 2012-05-06