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[to flow; a current]

流來 [comes flowing down]

流來生死 [birth and death flowing down]

流俗 [mundane customs]

流傳 [to transmit]

流入 [flow into]

流出 [flow out]

流墮 [to carry (something) away and plunge (it) into]

流宕 [to wander about]

流布 [disseminate to the world]

流布因 [worldly language as cause]

流彌儞 [Lumbinī ]

流彌尼 [Lumbinī ]

流支 [Bodhiruci]

流散 [to spread]

流星 [meteor]

流毘尼 [Lumbinī]

流氏佛 [Rudita Buddha]

流水 [flowing water]

流沙 [shifting sands]

流注 [continuous flow]

流浪 [wander aimlessly]

流溢 [to overflow]

流漏 [to leak (out)]

流漿 [liquid copper]

流灌 [Revata]

流舍那 [Vairocana]

流花 [(Skt. sandānikā)]

流行 [to spread]

流襦 [to flow forth]

流轉 [continuity]

流轉三界中 [in the round of rebirth in the three realms]

流轉依 [fields of transmigration]

流轉生死 [transmigration through birth and death]

流轉相 [characteristic of setting in motion or action]

流轉眞如 [suchness in the flow of transmigration]

流轉義 [meaning of transmigration]

流轉門 [aspect of transmigration]

流通 [to flow; to circulate]

流通分 [dissemination section]

流離王 [Virūḍhaka]

流類 [member the same group]

Updated: 2012-05-06