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業不相應 [not concomitant with karma]

業事 [conception]

業力 [power of karma]

業厄 [karmic troubles]

業受 [reception of karma]

業句義 [principle of karma]

業因 [karma-cause]

業因業果說 [theory of the deed as cause and the result as effect]

業垢 [karmic defilement]

業報 [karmic retribution]

業報身 [body of karmic retribution]

業塵 [karmic defilement]

業增上 [intensification of karma]

業增上力 [karmic power that creates all things]

業壽 [length of life as determined by karma]

業天 [karmic heaven]

業幻 [karmic illusion]

業影 [karmic shadow]

業性 [essence of karma]

業惱 [karmic affliction]

業感 [to experience]

業感緣起 [dependent arising arising as caused by karma]

業成 [act-born]

業所作 [created from activity]

業所成 [formed by karma]

業所生 [produced from karma]

業智 [karmic (conditioned) wisdom ]

業智力 [the power of knowing [one's own] karma]

業有 [karmic existence]

業果 [karmic fruits]

業果報 [consequences of karma]

業染 [karmic defilement]

業染汚 [defilement of activity]

業格 [nominative case]

業比量 [inference from action]

業海 [ocean of karma]

業淸淨 [purity of activity]

業火 [karmic fires]

業煩惱 [karmic afflictions]

業熏習 [perfuming by karma]

業瑜伽 [(Skt. karma-yoga)]

業生 [act-born]

業用 [function]

業用差別 [distinctions in karmic activity]

業田 [field of karma]

業異熟 [fruition of karma]

業異熟智力 [power of the knowledge of karmic maturation]

業疏 [Commentary [on the Monks Behavior According to the Four-Part Vinaya]]

業病 [karmic illness]

業盡 [karma is terminated]

業相 [expression of karma]

業相境 [(past) karma as an object (of contemplation) ]

業秤 [scales of karma]

業種 [activity-seeds]

業種子 [activity-seeds]

業簿 [tally of karma]

業結 [karmic bonds]

業綱 [net of karma]

業緣 [karmic conditions]

業縛 [karmic bonds]

業繩 [karmic bonds]

業繫 [karmic fetters]

業繫苦 [to suffer from the bondage of karma]

業繫苦相 [marks of suffering in karmic bondage]

業羂 [karmic web]

業習氣 [activity-impressions]

業聲 [accusative case]

業自在 [mastery of karmic activity]

業自在等所依眞如 [thusness as the basis of all sovereign activity and all power]

業苦 [karmic suffering]

業處 [[worldly] occupation]

業行 [karmic activity]

業論者 [an advocate of the theory of karma]

業識 [activity consciousness]

業識根本熏習 [fundamental permeation by the karmic consciousness]

業賊 [karma the thief]

業輪 [wheel of karma]

業轉現 [activity, changing, arising]

業轉現識 [activity, changing, and manifesting consciousnesses]

業通 [karmic abilities]

業道 [course of karma]

業道神 [gods of the karmic paths]

業鏡 [mirror of karma]

業鏡臺 [dais of the mirror of karma]

業鏡輪 [mirror of karma]

業障 [hindrance of karma]

業障除 [removal of karmic hindrances]

業雜染 [defiled karma]

業風 [wind of karma]

業食 [karmic nutrition]

業餘 [karmic remainder]

業體 [essence of karma]

業魔 [karmic demons]

Updated: 2012-05-06