Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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[to establish]

定不定 [determined and undetermined]

定中 [in meditation]

定事 [object of a concentration-attainment]

定位 [determined position]

定侶 [fellow meditators]

定修 [cultivation of concentration]

定光 [Dīpaṃkara]

定光佛 [Dīpaṃkara Buddha]

定共戒 [precepts that accompany dhyāna concentration]

定判 [determine]

定別因 [clearly distinguished causation]

定力 [power of meditation]

定印 [meditation-mudrā]

定受業 [actions that will definitely be experienced]

定向 [fixed destiny]

定命 [one's fate (karma) in this lifetime as determined by the effects of the activities in previous lifetimes]

定品 [chapter on meditation]

定善 [the good character that arises from meditation or contemplation]

定地 [states of meditative concentration]

定執 [firmly attach to]

定境界 [object(s) of meditation]

定妃 [meditation-as-woman]

定學 [training through meditation]

定實 [definitely existent]

定心 [mind of meditative concentration]

定心三昧 [meditation-absorption]

定心智 [cognition of the concentrated mind]

定忍 [forbearance of concentration]

定性 [fixed nature]

定性二乘 [the two vehicles of fixed nature]

定性喜樂地 [stage of stabilized joyful mind]

定性緣覺 [nature determined for solitary realizer's attainment]

定性聚 [those whose nature is determined for enlightenment]

定性聲聞 [nature determined for śrāvaka attainment]

定性菩薩 [predisposed for bodhisattvahood]

定意 [concentration]

定愛 [attachment to concentration]

定慧 [meditation and wisdom]

定慧力 [meditation]

定慧均等 [the balance of concentration and wisdom]

定慧社 [samādhi and prajñā society]

定所作 [ascertainment]

定所引色 [form induced by meditative power]

定攝 [to settle]

定攝心 [collects one's mind]

定教 [set teaching]

定散 [settled mind and distracted mind]

定散二善 [wholesomeness in states of meditation as well as distraction]

定智 [meditation and wisdom]

定有 [definitely existent]

定林寺 [Dinglin Temple]

定果 [fruits of meditation]

定果色 [form induced by meditative power]

定根 [faculty of meditation]

定業 [particular forms of karma]

定業亦能轉 [determined karma is also changable]

定死 [will certainly die]

定水 [still waters]

定法 [a set teaching]

定法華三昧 [to set dharma-flower samādhi]

定波羅蜜 [perfection of meditative concentration]

定無 [definitely nonexistent]

定無極 [infinitude of concentration]

定照 [Jōshō]

定爾 [to be limited]

定理 [set principle]

定生喜樂 [dwelling solely in the joy and pleasure produced by meditation]

定生喜樂地 [paradise of cessation of rebirth]

定異 [distinction of good and evil (causes)]

定異因 [clearly distinguished causation]

定當 [definitely on the mark]

定盤子 [a scale's zero point]

定盤星 [a scale's zero point]

定相 [determined]

定相應 [definitely associated]

定眼 [enter concentration]

定知 [known with certainty]

定種姓 [determined nature]

定者 [a meditator]

定聚 [the determined class of beings]

定自在 [meditative power]

定自在力 [power of unimpeded concentration]

定自在所生色 [to (material) form produced effortless in samādhi]

定蘊 [aggregate of concentration]

定行地 [stage of determined practice]

定覺支 [branch of enlightenment of meditative concentration]

定說 [to say definitely]

定論 [a settled argument]

定賓 [Dingbin]

定起 [destined to arise]

定身 [body of meditation]

定量 [set inference]

定門 [approach of meditation]

定障 [hindrances to deep concentration]

定障相 [discerning the characteristics of the hindrances]

定障解脫 [liberation from hindrances to samādhi]

定隱 [calm]

定額 [a fixed amount]

定額寺 [set-amount temple]

Updated: 2012-05-06