Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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大丈夫 [a great man]

大丈夫相 [the signs of a great man]

大丈夫身 [the body of a great sage]

大三末多 [Mahāsaṃmata]

大三災 [three great calamities]

大上慧 [the great, supreme wisdom]

大不可棄子部 [school of the unabandonable son]

大不善地法 [major unwholesome factors]

大中 [great center]

大乘 [great vehicle]

大乘三聚懺悔經 [Repentance Sutra for those in the Three Classes of the Great Vehicle]

大乘二十二問 [Twenty-two Dialogues on the Great Vehicle]

大乘二種成佛 [two kinds of accomplishment of Buddhahood]

大乘五蘊論 [Mahāyāna Treatise on the Five Skandhas]

大乘人 [adherents of the great vehicle]

大乘佛教 [Mahāyāna Buddhism]

大乘入楞伽經 [Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra]

大乘入道次第 [Dasheng rudao cidi]

大乘六情懺悔 [Great Vehicle Ritual of Repentance for Indulgence in the Six Faculties]

大乘出離 [deliverance of the great vehicle]

大乘出離位 [stage(s) in the deliverance of the great vehicle]

大乘十喩 [ten analogies of the Great Vehicle]

大乘句義 [Dasheng juyi]

大乘句義菩薩 [Mahāyāna-supraviṇṭa]

大乘同性經 [Mahāyānâbhisamaya-sūtra]

大乘唯識論 [Vimsatikā]

大乘善根界 [realm of great vehicle good roots]

大乘四果 [four realizations of the great vehicle]

大乘四齋日 [The Mahāyāna Four Purifying Days]

大乘因 [cause of the great vehicle]

大乘圓頓戒 [the precepts for attaining immediate enlightenment]

大乘基 [Basis of the Great [Vehicle]]

大乘大集地藏十輪經 [Dasheng daji dizang shilun jing]

大乘天 [Great Vehicle Celestial]

大乘妙法蓮華經 [Mahāyāna Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra]

大乘妙經 [Marvelous Great Vehicle Sūtra]

大乘宗 [Great Vehicle School]

大乘密嚴經 [Great Vehicle Secret Adornment Sūtra]

大乘寶要義論 [Sūtrasamuccaya]

大乘寺 [Mahāyāna temple(s)]

大乘平等法 [great vehicle's doctrine of equality]

大乘廣智 [broad great vehicle cognition]

大乘廣百論本 [Mahāyāna-Vaipulya One Hundred Treatise]

大乘廣百論釋論 [Dasheng guang bai lun shi lun]

大乘律 [Mahāyāna Vinaya]

大乘律宗 [Mahāyāna Vinaya Tradition]

大乘心 [great vehicle aspiration]

大乘悲分陀利經 [Dasheng bei fentuoli jing]

大乘意 [a desire for the Great Vehicle]

大乘成業論 [Mahāyāna Treatise Establishing Karma]

大乘戒 [great vehicle precepts]

大乘戒經 [Sutra of the Great Vehicle Precepts]

大乘所得涅槃 [nirvāṇa as attained by practitioners of the great vehicle]

大乘掌珍論 [Karatala-ratna]

大乘教 [teachings of the great vehicle]

大乘教九部 [nine divisions of the great vehicle teaching]

大乘方廣曼殊室利菩薩華嚴本教閻曼德迦忿怒王眞言大威德儀軌品 [Ritual Chapter on Yamāntaka, Ferocious King of Mantras and Great Intimidating Righteousness, from the Āryamañjuśriyamūlakalpa-bodhisattvapiṭakāvataṃsaka-mahāyāna-vaipulya-sūtra]

大乘方等經典 [Mahāyāna Vaipulya scriptures]

大乘日子王所問經 [Udayanavatsarājaparipṛcchā(sūtra)]

大乘普賢菩薩 [Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, of the great vehicle]

大乘會 [ritual of the Great Vehicle]

大乘本生心地觀經 [Great Vehicle Sutra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground in the Buddha's Life (?)]

大乘機 [capacity for the great vehicle]

大乘毘尼 [Mahāyāna Vinaya]

大乘毘沙門功德經 [The Mahāyāna Sutra of Merits of Vaiśravaṇa]

大乘法 [the dharma of the great vehicle]

大乘法師 [dharma-master of the great vehicle]

大乘法界無差別論疏 [Dasheng fajie wu chabie lun shou]

大乘法相教 [the marks of the great vehicle]

大乘法苑義林章 [Dasheng fayuan yilin zhang]

大乘涅槃經 [Mahāyāna Nirvāṇa Sūtra]

大乘無上法 [peerless great vehicle teaching]

大乘無作大戒 [unmanifest great vehicle extensive precepts]

大乘無量壽經 [Great Vehicle Sutra of Immeasurable Longevity]

大乘無量壽莊嚴經 [Sutra of Immeasurable Pure Perfect Enlightenment]

大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經 [Mahāyana Yoga of the Adamantine Ocean, Mañjusrī with a Thousand Arms and Thousand Bowls: Great King of Tantras]

大乘百法明門論 [Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas]

大乘相應 [concomitant with the great vehicle]

大乘相應作意 [contemplation appropriate to practitioners of the great vehicle]

大乘禪 [great vehicle meditation]

大乘純界 [pure realms of the great vehicle]

大乘經 [great vehicle scriptures]

大乘經典 [a scripture of the great vehicle]

大乘經律 [great vehicle scriptures and vinaya]

大乘經論 [great vehicle scriptures and treatises]

大乘義章 [Essay on the System of Mahāyāna]

大乘聖吉祥持世陀羅尼經 [Dasheng shengjixiang chishi tuoluoni jing]

大乘莊嚴寶王經 [Kāraṇḍavyūha]

大乘莊嚴經論 [Treatise on the Scripture of Adorning the Great Vehicle]

大乘莊嚴論 [Treatise on the Scripture of Adorning the Great Vehicle]

大乘菩薩戒 [great vehicle bodhisattva precepts]

大乘菩薩藏正法經 [Sutra of the True Dharma of the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva Canon]

大乘補特伽羅 [Mahayanist]

大乘觀想曼拏羅淨諸惡趣經 [Tantra of the Mahāyāna Meditation Maṇḍala which Purifies [Transgressions and Halts] the Evil Transmigrations]

大乘說 [teaching of the Great Vehicle]

大乘論 [great vehicle abhidharma]

大乘起信論 [Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith]

大乘起信論別記 [Expository Notes on the Awakening of Faith]

大乘起信論同異略探記 [Summary of Investigation into the Comparison of the Awakening of Faith and the Cheng weishi lun.]

大乘起信論同異集 [Compilation of the Doctrinal Comparisons of the Awakening of Faith and Establishing Consciousness-only]

大乘起信論疏 [Commentary on the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith]

大乘起信論義疏 [Commentary on the Awakening of Faith]

大乘起信論義記 [Dasheng qixinlun yiji]

大乘遍照光明藏無字法門經 [Great Vehicle Sutra of the No-Letter Casket from the Store of Vairocana]

大乘道 [the mahāyāna path]

大乘阿毘達磨 [great vehicle abhidharma]

大乘阿毘達磨集論 [Treatise on the Great Vehicle Abhidharma]

大乘阿毘達磨雜集論 [Exegesis on the Collection of Mahāyāna Abhidharma]

大乘集菩薩學論 [Śikṣā-samuccaya]

大乘離文字普光明藏經 [Dasheng liwenzi puguang mingzang jing]

大乘頂王經 [Sutra of the Utmost King of the Great Vehicle]

大事 [great matter]

大事因緣 [causes and conditions of the great matter ]

大亡語 [great falsehood]

大人 [a great man]

大人三十二相 [thirty-two bodily marks of a great personage]

大人八念 [eight kinds of attentiveness of great persons]

大人相 [a mark of a great man (i.e. a buddha)]

大人相印 [sealed with the sign of adulthood]

大人覺 [awarenesses of great persons]

大仁 [a great benefactor]

大仙 [great sage]

大仙戒 [precepts of the great sage]

大仙聖 [a great sage]

大休歇底 [ended]

大休正念 [Daxiu Zhengnian]

大休派 [Daikyū ha]

大住 [Mahākauṣṭhila]

大佛 [large Buddha]

大佛寶殿 [large Buddha-treasure hall]

大佛寺 [Temple of the Great Buddha]

大佛道 [the great path of buddhas]

大佛頂 [great buddha-peak]

大佛頂大陀羅尼 [Da foding da tuoluoni]

大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 [Śūraṃgama-sūtra]

大佛頂如來放光悉憺多鉢憺陀羅尼 [Dhāraṇī of Śitātapatra, Great Corona of All Tathāgatas, Radiating Light [The Great Queen of Vidyā called Aparājitā]]

大佛頂經 [Da foding jing]

大佛頂萬行首楞嚴陀羅尼 [Heroic March Dhāraṇī]

大佛頂首楞嚴經 [Śūraṃgama-sūtra]

大例 [almost]

大信力 [the power of great faith]

大信心 [mind of great faith]

大信心海 [ocean-like mind of great faith]

大信根 [great root of faith]

大倉 [large grain storage]

大僚屬 [great subordinate officials]

大僧 [fully ordained monk or nun]

大僧威儀經 [Sutra of the Regulations for Great Bhikṣus]

大僧戒 [precepts for great monks]

大僧正 [director of monks]

大僧統 [director of monks in the capital]

大僧都 [major superintendent monk]

大元帥明王 [great commander]

大光 [great radiance]

大光明 [Raśmiprabha]

大光明殿 [Buddha hall devoted to Vairocana]

大光明王 [Mahā-prabhāsa-rājan]

大光普照 [great bright universal illumination]

大光普照觀音 [great universally shining Avalokitêśvara]

大光音天 [great luminous sound heaven]

大入滅息 [great extinction]

大具足王 [Mahāpūrṇa]

大准提 [Mahā-cundī]

大准提陀羅尼經 [Da zhunti tuoluoni jing]

大刀 [long sword]

大分 [for the most part]

大刧 [great eon]

大刧賓寧 [Kapphiṇa]

大利 [great benefit]

大力 [great power or energy]

大力王 [King of Great Power]

大力菩薩 [bodhisattvas of (great) power]

大力金剛 [vajra of great power]

大功 [great success]

大功德 [great merit]

大功德天 [Lakṣmī]

大劫 [a great eon]

大劬勞 [great exertion]

大勇 [Āryaśūra]

大勝利 [great reward]

大勝心 [mind of mastery]

大勝金剛 [great victorious vajra]

大勢 [great activity]

大勢佛 [Buddha of great power]

大勢具足 [to be replete with great vigor]

大勢力 [great strength]

大勢生 [rebirth with great influence]

大勢至 [Mahāsthāmaprāpta]

大勢至菩薩 [Mahāsthāma-prāpta-bodhisattva]

大勤勇 [greatly zealous and brave]

大化 [great transformation]

大千 [chiliocosm]

大千世界 [major chiliocosm]

大千界 [(Skt. tri-sāhasra)]

大印達羅 [(Skt. mahendra)]

大原 [Daewon]

大叫 [hell of great wailing]

大叫喚地獄 [hell of great wailing]

大叫地獄 [hell of great wailing]

大召 [great inviter]

大史 [Great Chronicle]

大吉大明菩薩 [Great Auspicious Great Luminous Bodhisattva]

大吉祥天 [auspicious celestials]

大吉祥天女十二名號經 [Twelve Names of the Great Auspicious Goddess]

大吉祥天女十二契一百八名無垢大乘經 [Sutra of the Exalted Goddess [and Her Twelve Mudras and One Hundred and Eight Names] in the Immaculate Mahāyāna]

大吉祥明菩薩 [Great Auspicious Bright Bodhisattva]

大吉祥金剛 [great auspicious indestructibility]

大吉變菩薩 [Great Auspicious Transformation Bodhisattva]

大同 [mostly the same]

大名 [Mahānāman]

大周刊定衆經目錄 [Catalogue of Scriptures, Authorized by the Great Zhou]

大周刋定衆經目錄 [Dazhou qianding zhongjing mulu]

大周錄 [Dazhou lu]

大命 [great destiny]

大和尚 [great venerable]

大和竭羅 [Dīpaṃkara]

大哀 [man of great pity]

大哀愍 [great pity]

大品 [Great Chapter]

大品大論 [Mahāprajñāpāramitā-śāstra]

大品經 [full edition scripture]

大品般若 [Mahāprajñāparamitā-sūtra]

大品般若經 [Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra]

大哉 [how great!]

大哉解脫服 [great is the robe of liberation]

大唐 [Great Tang]

大唐三藏 [Great Tang Trepiṭaka]

大唐內典錄 [Catalogue of Buddhist Works in the Great Tang]

大唐南海寄歸内法傳 [The Great Tang Record of Buddhist Practices Sent Home from the Southern Sea]

大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 [Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master of Dacien Temple]

大唐攝論 [Great Tang Compendium of the Great Vehicle]

大唐衆經音義 [The Tang Lexicon of All the Scriptures]

大唐西域求法高僧傳 [Great Tang Chronicle of Eminent Monks who Traveled to the West Seeking the Dharma]

大唐西域記 [Record of Travels to Western Lands]

大善 [very good]

大善利 [great good improvement]

大善地法 [ten mental conditions for cultivation of goodness]

大善寂力 [the power of perfect tranquility]

大善寺 [Dashan si ]

大善根 [great wholesome roots]

大善知識 [great Buddhist friend]

大喇嘛 [Dalai Lama]

大喚 [shouts loudly]

大喜 [Upananda]

大喜樂 [greatly pleased]

大器 [great vessel]

大嚫 [dakṣiṇā]

大因陀羅壇 [Indra's altar]

大因陀羅座 [Indra's throne]

大國 [large state]

大圓 [great and round]

大圓寂入 [great extinction]

大圓禪師 [Daien zenji]

大圓覺 [great perfect enlightenment]

大圓鏡 [great perfect mirror]

大圓鏡智 [great perfect mirror cognition]

大圓鏡智觀 [meditation on the great perfect mirror cognitive faculty]

大地 [great ground]

大地主 [lord of the earth]

大地動 [earthquake]

大地法 [pervasive mental factors]

大地獄 [a great hell]

大坑 [great chasm]

大城 [a great castle]

大域龍 [Mahā-Dignāga]

大堅固婆羅門 [great reliable brāhmaṇa]

大堪能 [great perseverance]

大塔 [a large stūpa]

大壇 [great altar]

大士 [great being]

大士相 [marks of a great personage]

大士籤 [bodhisattva divination slips]

大夜 [great night]

大夢 [great dream]

大天 [Mahādeva]

大妄語 [great lie]

大妄語戒 [precept forbidding the telling of great lies]

大妙印 [great excellent seal]

大妙金剛大甘露軍拏利焰鬘熾盛佛頂經 [Sutra of the [Yiqie] Foding [zhuanlun wang], who enters the violently blazing [samādhi] of the great wonderful King of Wisdom Amṛta Kundalî]

大妙音 [a great and wonderful voice]

大姉 [laywoman]

大姊 [elder sister]

大姓 [a powerful family]

大威力 [great authority]

大威力烏樞瑟摩明王經 [Daweili wushusemo mingwang jing]

大威化 [extensive enlightenment by means of his majesty]

大威德 [great authority]

大威德藏 [mahātejogarbha]

大威德迦樓羅王 [Mahātejas garuḍêndra]

大威德陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī of the Greatly Powerful One]

大威聖 [great majestic saintliness]

大威藏 [mahātejogarbha]

大婆喝那 [100 quadrillions]

大婆沙 [*Mahāvibhāṣā]

大婆羅門 [great brāhmaṇa]

大婆羅門經 [Sutra of the Great Brāhmaṇa]

大孔雀王 [great peacock king]

大宅 [great house]

大安 [great peace]

大安慰 [great pacifier]

大安般守意經 [Great Sūtra on Mindfulness of Inhalation and Exhalation]

大安達羅 [Mahendra]

大安隱處 [a condition of great stability]

大宋僧史略 [Da Song sengshi lue]

大宗 [fundamental teaching]

大宗地玄文本論 [Dazong dixuan wenben lun]

大宗師 [great master]

大定智悲 [great concentration, wisdom, pity]

大家 [great family]

大寂光殿 [hall of silent illumination]

大寂定 [concentration of great quiescence]

大寂滅 [great extinction]

大寂王 [king of great quiescence]

大寂靜 [great quiescence]

大富樂 [great enjoyment]

大寒林 [great cold forest]

大寒林佛母 [Mahāśītavatī]

大寒林聖難拏陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī of the Holy Daṇḍa [for the Great Cold Forest]]

大寶 [great jewel]

大寶嚴 [Mahāratnapratimaṇḍita]

大寶嚴莊 [Prabhūtaratna]

大寶坊 [great precious region]

大寶山王 [great jeweled mountain king]

大寶廣博樓閣善住祕密陀羅尼經 [Most Secret, Well-Established Dhāraṇi of the Vast, Gem-Encrusted Tower]

大寶摩尼 [great precious maṇi]

大寶法王 [Tsong-kha-Pa]

大寶海 [great precious ocean]

大寶積經 [Ratnakūṭa-sūtra]

大寶積經無量壽如來會 [Tathāgata's Sermon on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Limitless Life]

大寶莊嚴 [Mahāratnapratimaṇḍita]

大寶華 [great precious flower]

大寶華王 [great jewel lotus king]

大寶華王座 [great jewel lotus king throne]

大寶藏 [great precious treasury]

大寶香 [incense made of magnificent jewels]

大寺 [Mahāvihāra]

大尊 [a great sage]

大尊佛道 [the great pre-eminent Buddha-Path]

大尊法 [the great pre-eminent Dharma]

大尊道 [the great pre-eminent path]

大尊雄 [the great pre-eminent hero]

大導師 [great guide]

大小 [large and small]

大小乘 [greater vehicle Buddhism and lesser vehicle Buddhism]

大小二乘 [two vehicles of greater and lesser]

大小二惑 [two categories of affliction of greater and lesser]

大小便 [to urinate and defecate ]

大小教門 [great and small teaching approaches]

大小相對 [comparison of major and minor]

大小相對分別 [mutual distinction between large and small]

大山 [great mountain(s)]

大差別 [a great difference]

大己 [elder monk]

大帝 [Mahendra]

大師 [Great Teacher]

大師圓滿 [perfect teacher]

大幡 [large banner]

大幻 [great illusion]

大幻師 [great magician]

大度 [great salvation]

大度師 [great savior]

大廣律 [the four comprehensive Vinaya texts.]

大廣智三藏 [great vast wisdom tripiṭaka]

大弟子 [chief disciple]

大德 [great virtue]

大心 [great, expansive mind]

大心力 [great mental power]

大心海 [great mind ocean]

大心衆生 [(Skt. mahācittasattva)]

大忍力 [power ofgreat tolerance]

大忍法界 [reality realm of great forbearance]

大志焚身 [great intention to burn the body]

大念 [great mindfulness]

大念佛 [great mindfulness of the Buddha]

大念佛宗 [interpenetrated recitation sect]

大念大智 [great mindfulness and cognition]

大怖 [terror]

大怖畏 [terror]

大性 [greatness]

大恥 [greatly ashamed]

大恩 [great mercy]

大恩教主 [sovereign of great compassionate teaching]

大恩教主本師釋迦牟尼佛 [Our Great Benefactor and Founder of the Teachings, the Original Master Śākyamuni Buddha]

大悟 [great enlightenment]

大患 [great suffering]

大悲 [great compassion]

大悲三昧 [concentration of great compassion]

大悲代受苦 [compassionately enduring suffering for others]

大悲力 [the power of great compassion]

大悲周遍 [completely pervaded by compassion]

大悲咒 [dhāraṇī of great compassion]

大悲哀 [great compassion]

大悲四八之應 [four times eight responses of great compassion]

大悲壇 [altar of great compassion]

大悲定 [concentration of great compassion]

大悲弓 [bow of great compassion]

大悲心 [mind filled with great compassion]

大悲心陀羅尼 [dhāraṇī of the mind of great compassion]

大悲普現 [great compassionate universal manifestation]

大悲曼荼羅 [womb world maṇḍala born from great compassion]

大悲本願 [original vow arising from great compassion]

大悲爲首 [to make great compassion primary]

大悲生心三昧耶 [concentration arisen from great compassion]

大悲經 [Mahākaruṇā-puṇḍarīka-sūtra]

大悲者 [great compassionate one]

大悲胎藏 [great compassionate womb-store]

大悲胎藏三昧 [concentration of the greatly compassionate womb-store]

大悲胎藏曼荼羅 [maṇḍala of the great compassionate womb-store]

大悲胎藏生曼荼羅 [womb world maṇḍala of great compassion]

大悲菩薩 [greatly compassionate bodhisattva]

大悲觀世 [greatly compassionate Avalokitêśvara]

大悲觀世音 [Avalokitêśvara as Great Compassion]

大悲觀世音菩薩 [Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva, of great compassion]

大悲觀音 [greatly compassionate Avalokitêśvara]

大悲鎧冑門 [greatly compassionate armor]

大悲闡 [icchantika of great mercy]

大悲闡提 [greatly compassionate icchantika]

大悲陀羅尼 [great compassion dhāraṇī]

大悲願 [the great compassionate vow]

大惑 [great afflictions]

大惡 [great evil]

大意 [the drift of]

大意經 [Sutra of Great Meaning]

大意華 [a Big-Mind-flower]

大意音華 [a Big-Mind-Sound-flower]

大意香 [the scent of a Big-Mind-flower]

大愚 [great fool]

大愛道 [Mahāprajāpatī]

大愛道比丘尼經 [Daaidao biqiuni jing]

大慈 [great kindness]

大慈哀 [great compassion]

大慈大悲 [great mercy and great pity]

大慈尊 [honored one of great kindness]

大慈恩三藏 [Tripiṭaka [Master] of Da Cien [Temple]]

大慈恩寺 [Da ciensi]

大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 [Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master of Dacien Temple]

大慈悲 [great compassion]

大慈悲心 [mental state of great compassion]

大慈悲聲 [sound of great compassion]

大慈愍 [great benevolence]

大慢 [extreme arrogance]

大慧 [great wisdom]

大慧刀印 [seal of the great sword of wisdom]

大慧宗杲 [Dahui Zonggao]

大慧度 [great perfection of wisdom]

大慧度經 [Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra]

大慧度經宗要 [Doctrinal Essentials of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra]

大慧普覺禪師宗門武庫 [Chan Master Dahui Pujue's Arsenal for the Chan Lineage]

大慧普覺禪師語錄 [Teaching Record of Dahui]

大慧語錄 [Dahui yulu]

大慶 [great happiness]

大應供 [greatly worthy of offerings]

大應派 [Daiō ha]

大成 [(Skt. mahāsaṃmbhava)]

大我 [great self]

大戒 [all of the precepts]

大戒者 [great moral discipline]

大抵 [generally speaking]

大拏 [Sudāna]

大拘絺羅 [Mahākoṭṭhita (Mahā-Kauṣṭhila)]

大拘絺那 [Mahā-Kauṣṭhila]

大拙派 [Daisetsu ha]

大拙祖能 [Dazhuo Zuneng]

大捨 [great offering]

大摩尼寶 [precious gem]

大摩里支菩薩經 [Sutra of Great Mārīcī, the Bodhisattva]

大攝受 [great inclusion]

大教 [great teaching]

大教科 [great doctrinal course]

大教經 [Sutra of the Great Teaching]

大教網 [net of the great teaching]

大敬逵 [Mahāprajāpatī]

大方 [great-curative]

大方便 [great skillful means]

大方便佛報恩經 [Great Skillful Means Sūtra on the Buddha's Repayment of Kindness]

大方便力 [power of great skillful means]

大方便智 [the wisdom using great skillful means]

大方廣 [(Skt. vaipulya)]

大方廣佛 [great vast buddha]

大方廣佛如來不思議境界經 [Dafangguang fo rulai busiyi jingjie jing]

大方廣佛花嚴經入法界品頓證毘盧遮那法身字輪瑜伽儀軌 [Ritual Procedure for the Syllable-Wheel Yoga of Suddenly Realizing the Dharma-Body of Vairocana, from the Gaṇḍavyūha Chapter of the Buddhâvataṃsaka-nāma-mahāvaipūlyasūtra]

大方廣佛華嚴經 [Dafangguangfo huayan jing]

大方廣佛華嚴經中卷卷大意略敍 [Dafangguang fo huayan jingzhong juanjuan dayi lueshou]

大方廣佛華嚴經入法界品 [Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra]

大方廣佛華嚴經搜玄分齊通智方軌 [Dafangguang fo huayan jing suxuan fenqi tongzhi fanggui]

大方廣佛華嚴經疏 [Dafangguang fo huayan jing shou]

大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔 [Dafangguang fo huayan jing suishou yanyi chao]

大方廣十輪經 [Daśacakra-kṣitigarbha(sūtra)]

大方廣善巧方便經 [*Upāya-kauśalya-jñānôttara-bodhisattva-paripṛcchā sūtra]

大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經 [Da fangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyi jing]

大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經略疏註 [Dafangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyi jing lueshuzhu]

大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經說誼 [Daebanggwang wongak sudara youigyeong seorui]

大方廣圓覺經 [Great Corrective Vast Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment]

大方廣大集經 [Dafangguang daji jing]

大方廣如來不思議境界經 [Sūtra on the Tathāgata's Inconceivable State]

大方廣如來祕密藏經 [*Tathāgatagarbha-sūtra]

大方廣如來藏經 [Tathāgatagarbha-sūtra]

大方廣曼殊室利童眞菩薩華嚴本教讚閻曼德迦忿怒王眞言阿毘遮迦嚕儀軌品 [Ritual Chapter on Yamāntaka, Ferocious King of Mantras and Abhicāraka, from the Bodhisattvapiṭakāvisara-mañjusr'īkumārabhūta-mūlakalpa]

大方廣總持寶光明經 [Dhāraṇī of Jewel Light]

大方廣菩薩藏經中文殊室利根本一字陀羅尼經 [Mañjuśrī's Fundamental One-Syllable Dhāraṇī from the Mahāvaipulya-bodhisattvapiṭaka]

大方廣華嚴經續入法界品 [Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra]

大方等 [greatly extended]

大方等大集經 [Great Collection Scripture]

大方等如來藏經 [*Tathāgatagarbha-sūtra]

大方等檀持陀羅尼經 [Pratyutpanna-buddha-sammukhāvasthita-samādhi-sūtra]

大方等無想經 [*Mahāmegha-sūtra]

大方等經 [the great well-balanced scripture]

大方等陀羅尼經 [Da fangdeng tuoluoni jing]

大方等頂王說經 [Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa-sūtra]

大施 [great donation]

大施主 [a great donor]

大施太子 [Great Almsgiving Prince]

大施會 [great gathering for almsgiving]

大族王 [Mihirakula]

大日 [Mahāvairocana]

大日三部經 [three principal texts of the school of Mahāvairocana]

大日供 [Vairocana meeting]

大日如來 [Mahāvairocana]

大日宗 [Vairocana Sect]

大日經 [Mahāvairocana-sūtra]

大日經疏 [Commentary on the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra]

大日經義釋 [Explanation of the Meanings of the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra]

大日經義釋演密鈔 [Esoteric Extracts from the Presentations in the Abridged Commentary to the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra]

大日覺王 [Vairocana, the king of enlightenment]

大日遍照 [Mahāvairocana]

大旨 [gist]

大旱 [great drought]

大明 [great luminosity]

大明三藏聖教目錄 [Ming Catalogue of the Buddhist Canon]

大明度無極經 [Damingdu jing]

大明度經 [Damingdu jing]

大明王 [great shining kings]

大明白身菩薩 [great white-bodied bodhisattva]

大明續入藏諸集 [Ming Collection of Supplementary Canonical Texts]

大普寧寺大藏經目錄 [Catalog of the Yuan Canon Printed at Dapuning Temple]

大普寧寺版 [Dapuning Temple Edition]

大智 [great cognition]

大智度論 [Mahāprajñāpāramitā-śāstra]

大智德 [one who possesses great wisdom and virtue]

大智慧 [great wisdom]

大智慧光明義 [meaning of a bright light of great wisdom]

大智慧門 [entry of great compassion]

大智海 [great wisdom ocean]

大智灌頂地 [stage of anointing of great wisdom]

大智禪師 [Dazhi chanshi]

大智藏 [store of great wisdom]

大智覺慧 [great knowledge, awareness, and insight]

大智論 [Dazhi lun]

大曼 [great maṇḍala]

大曼荼羅 [great maṇḍala]

大會 [great assembly]

大會衆 [great assembly]

大會衆門 [entry of the great assembly]

大月支國 [Tokharestan]

大有經 [Scripture of the Great Existence]

大朋翼 [a great party]

大本 [main text]

大本山 [major head temple]

大林精舍 [Veṇuvana vihāra]

大果 [great fruit]

大果報 [great fruit-retribution]

大柄 [great authority]

大染法 [great polluted dharma]

大柔軟音華 [a big-gentle-sound-flower]

大柱 [Mahāsaṃbhavā]

大梵 [Brahma]

大梵天 [great brahma heaven]

大梵天王 [king of the Brahman-heaven]

大梵天處 [mahā-brahman]

大梵如意天 [heaven of great brahma according to intention]

大梵王 [king of the Brahman-heaven]

大梵音 [a divine voice]

大業 [great work]

大業論 [Daye Translation of the Compendium of the Great Vehicle]

大樂 [great bliss]

大樂不空 [unceasing great joy]

大樂說 [Mahāpratibhāna]

大樂金剛不空眞實三摩耶經 [Scripture that Transcends the Principle]

大樂金剛不空眞實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 [Dale jingang bukong zhenshi sanmeiye jing banruo boluomiduo liqushi]

大樂金剛不空眞實三麼耶經 [Scripture that Transcends the Principle]

大樂金剛薩埵修行成就儀軌 [Ritual Procedure for the Successful Cultivation of the Vajrasattva of Great Bliss]

大樓炭經 [Sutra of the Great Conflagration]

大樹 [large tree]

大樹仙人 [Mahāvṛkṣa ṛṣi]

大樹緊那羅 [great tree kiṃnara]

大樹緊那羅王所問經 [Sutra of the Questions of The King of the Mahādruma Kinnaras]

大機 [great capacity]

大機大用 [great capacity and great functioning]

大櫬 [(Skt. dakṣiṇā)]

大權 [great potentiality]

大權修利菩薩 [Great Authority of the Benefits of Practice Bodhisattva]

大權修理菩薩 [Bodhisattva Correcting with Great Authority]

大權善經 [Daquanshan jing]

大權菩薩 [Bodhisattva Correcting with Great Authority]

大歡喜 [great joy (delight, rapture)]

大正新脩大藏經 [Taishō shinshū daizō kyō]

大死底人 [person who has fathomed the great death]

大殊 [major difference]

大殖稼 [Saṃbhavā]

大段 [major section(s)]

大殿 [great shrine hall]

大比丘 [great bhikṣu]

大比丘三千威儀 [Three Thousand Regulations for Great Bhikṣus]

大比丘衆 [a multitude of great monks]

大毘婆娑論 [Treatise of the Great Commentary on the Abhidharma]

大毘婆沙 [a copious commentary]

大毘婆沙論 [Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā-śāstra]

大毘盧遮那 [Mahāvairocana]

大毘盧遮那佛說要略念誦經 [Sūtra Abridged for Recitation Explained by the Buddha Mahāvairocana]

大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經 [Manifest Enlightenment of the Grand Resplendent One, His Transformations and Empowering Presence: Lord Indra of the Broader Sūtras]

大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏菩提幢標幟普通眞言藏廣大成就瑜伽 [Yoga of Enormous Success: the Lotus-Matrix Bodhi, Symbols, Banners, and Store of Common Mantras in the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra]

大毘盧遮那成佛經疏 [Commentary on the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra]

大水 [great waters]

大水火 [great conflagration]

大水災 [great conflagration]

大江 [large river]

大池 [a large lake]

大沙門 [great monk]

大沙門統 [director of the order]

大河 [great river]

大法 [the great dharma]

大法典 [the scripture of the great Dharma]

大法利 [great advantage gained from the Dharma]

大法師 [a great Dharma-master]

大法幢 [great dharma-banner]

大法座 [the great Dharma-seat]

大法慢 [great pride in the dharma]

大法會 [great dharma assembly]

大法樂 [the great bliss of the Dharma]

大法灌頂 [the consecration of the great dharma]

大法炬陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī of the Lamp of Dharma]

大法王 [Sudharmarāja]

大法眞陀羅王 [Mahādharma]

大法緊那羅王 [Mahādharma]

大法螺 [conch of the great teaching]

大法螺相 [mark of the great conch of the teachings]

大法輪 [great wheel of the dharma]

大法雨 [great dharma-rain]

大法音聲 [to sound of the great Dharma]

大法鼓 [drum of the great teaching]

大波羅密 [great perfections]

大泰 [Syria]

大洲 [a great continent]

大流 [great flow]

大海 [ocean]

大海八不思議 [eight amazing characteristics of the ocean]

大海十相 [ten aspects of the ocean]

大海印 [great ocean seal]

大海水 [vast ocean]

大海衆 [great ocean congregation]

大涅槃 [great nirvāṇa]

大涅槃經 [Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra]

大涅槃經後譯荼毘分 [Latter Portion of the Sūtra on the Great Decease]

大涅槃經集解 [Da banniepan jing jijie]

大淨志 [Rāstrapāla]

大深坑 [a great pit]

大淸 [great clarity]

大滅 [great extinction]

大滅度 [great extinction-salvation]

大滅諦金剛智 [great adamantine wisdom of the truth of cessation]

大滿 [great completion]

大滿願義 [great completion of wish-meaning]

大灌頂 [greater baptism]

大灑 [great anointment]

大火 [great fire]

大火坑 [great fiery pit]

大災風 [great destructive wind]

大炎熱 [hell of great heat]

大無明 [great nescience]

大無罪 [(Skt. mahānāga)]

大無量壽經 [Great Sutra of Limitless Life]

大無量壽經疏 [Commentary on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life]

大然 [great suchness]

大煩惱地法 [major basic factors of affliction]

大熱地獄 [extremely scorching hot hell]

大熾盛光 [Tejaprabhā]

大燒炙獄 [great burning hell]

大牛 [large bull]

大牛車 [great ox cart]

大牛音 [lowing of a great ox]

大牟尼 [great sage]

大獻福寺 [Daxianfusi]

大王 [great king(s)]

大珍寶聚 [great heap of [rare] jewels]

大生 [great birth]

大生主 [Mahāprajāpatī]

大用 [great function]

大用必才 [Dayong Bicai]

大界 [greater zone]

大界外相 [four characters marking the boundary]

大略 [roughly]

大疏 [a large commentary]

大白傘蓋佛母 [mother of buddhas with the great radiant umbrella]

大白光神 [Uttaraka]

大白團華 [great white flower]

大白牛車 [great white ox cart]

大白華 [great white flower]

大白蓮華 [large white lotus]

大白衣 [great white-robed one]

大目乾連 [Mahā-Maudgalyāyana]

大目揵連 [Mahāmaudgalyāyana]

大目犍連 [Mahā-Maudgalyāyana]

大目鄰 [Mahāmucilinda]

大相 [great marks]

大相國寺 [Da xiangguo si]

大相看 [great reception]

大瞋 [intense anger]

大磬 [large bronze bowl]

大神力 [supernormal powers]

大神咒 [great dhāraṇīs]

大神妙天 [Mahêśvara]

大神王 [great deva king]

大神足 [great supernormal powers]

大神通 [the great supernormal powers of the Buddha]

大神通力 [great supernormal powers]

大祥忌 [great auspicious anniversary]

大福 [greatly meritorious]

大禪師 [great meditation teacher]

大禪思 [great dhyāna-thought]

大秦寺 [Daqinsi]

大種 [great seeds]

大種和合 [combination of the elements]

大種差別 [distinguished according to the elements of form]

大種性 [nature of the elements]

大種所成 [formed from the material elements]

大種種子 [seeds of the [great] elements]

大種色 [material elements]

大種造 [(material objects) derived from elements]

大空 [great emptiness]

大笑明王 [great laughing radiant king]

大笑金剛 [Vajrāṭṭahāsa]

大節 [key point]

大粗黑 [Kālodāyin]

大精進 [great zeal]

大精進菩薩 [Śūra]

大紅蓮 [great red lotuses]

大紅蓮地獄 [great red lotus hell]

大紅蓮華 [great red lotus]

大統 [head of the order]

大經 [Great Sūtra]

大經典 [the great scripture]

大經卷 [great scripture roll]

大經法 [the great scriptural Dharma]

大經義疏 [Commentary on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life]

大綱 [great doctrine]

大網 [main principles]

大綺言 [much idle chatter]

大總法門 [great comprehensive dharma-gate]

大總相法門體 [the bhūtatatathatā as the totality of things and mind]

大罪 [serious crime]

大罪業藏 [store of great vice]

大羅漢 [great arhat]

大義 [great import]

大義城 [great city of meanings]

大義王 [great king of meanings]

大羯臘婆 [mahā-karabha]

大聖 [a great sage]

大聖主 [the great sage lord]

大聖人 [a great sage]

大聖典 [a scripture of great sages]

大聖力 [power of great sages]

大聖天 [joyful gods]

大聖妙吉祥 [great sage, excellently auspicious]

大聖尊 [a great sage]

大聖導 [a great sage guide]

大聖帝 [a great sagacious emperor]

大聖教 [teachings of great sages]

大聖文殊師利菩薩 [Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, of great sagacity]

大聖曼殊室利 [Great Sage Mañjuśrī]

大聖歡喜天 [great holy joyful gods]

大聖薄伽梵 [Most Holy Blessed One]

大聖通 [one who has transcendental ability of great sages]

大聖道 [enlightenment of great sages]

大聖金剛夜叉 [great sage Vajra-yakṣa]

大聖雄 [a great sage hero]

大聲 [Varanāda]

大聲聞 [a great disciple]

大胸腹行 [(Skt. mahoraga)]

大腹 [(Skt. mahoraga)]

大膝 [large knees]

大臣 [a high minister]

大自在 [great freedom]

大自在天 [Mahêśvara]

大自在宮 [palace of Mahêśvara]

大興善寺 [Da xingshan si]

大興寺 [Daeheung sa]

大舌相 [mark of a broad and flat tongue]

大般泥洹經 [Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra]

大般涅槃 [great extinction]

大般涅槃經 [Sutra of the Great Decease]

大般涅槃經後分 [The Latter Portion of the Sūtra on the Great Decease]

大般涅槃經荼毘分 [The Latter Portion of the Sūtra on the Great Decease]

大般若 [great enlightenment]

大般若供養 [offerings to the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra]

大般若偈 [verse from Great Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra]

大般若波羅蜜多經 [Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra]

大般若波羅蜜經 [Mahāprajñāparamitā-sūtra]

大般若經 [Sutra of Great Wisdom]

大船 [great vessel]

大船師 [captain of the great ship]

大色 [gross form]

大苦 [great suffering]

大苦惱 [immense suffering]

大苦海 [great bitter sea]

大苦蘊 [great mass of suffering]

大苦行 [great austerities]

大莊嚴 [great adornment]

大莊嚴世界 [greatly adorned realm]

大莊嚴經 [Da zhuangyan jing]

大莊嚴經論 [Sūtrâlaṃkāra-śāstra]

大莊嚴論 [Sūtrâlaṃkāra-śāstra]

大莊嚴論經 [*Sūtrâlaṃkāra-śāstra]

大菩提 [great enlightenment]

大菩提幢 [banner of great bodhi]

大菩提心 [great mind of enlightenment]

大菩提果 [the fruit of great enlightenment]

大菩薩 [great bodhisattva]

大菩薩僧 [great bodhisattva monks]

大菩薩藏經 [Sutra of the Scriptural Basket of the Great Bodhisattva]

大華嚴經略策 [Da huayan jing luece]

大蒜 [garlic]

大蓮華 [great lotus]

大蓮華智慧三摩地智 [wisdom of the great lotus samādhi]

大蓮華法藏界 [world of the dharma treasure of the great lotus]

大薦福寺 [Dajianfusi]

大薩遮尼乾子 [Mahāsatyanirgrantha]

大薩遮尼乾子所說經 [Mahāsatya-nirgrantha-sūtra]

大薩遮尼犍子 [Mahāsatya-nirgrantha]

大藏 [great [scriptural] store]

大藏一覽 [the Tripiṭaka at a Glance]

大藏目錄 [Catalogue of the Buddhist Canon]

大藏經 [tripiṭaka]

大藏經樓 [sūtra repository]

大虛 [vast space]

大號 [Mahā-nāman]

大號叫 [hell of great wailing]

大號呌 [hell of great wailing]

大蟲 [tiger]

大衆 [great crowd]

大衆中 [surrounded by a great crowd]

大衆中正師子吼 [roar of the true lion from within the great assembly]

大衆供養 [public meal]

大衆前 [in front of a crowd]

大衆印 [seal of a monastery]

大衆圍遶 [surrounded by a great multitude]

大衆威德畏 [fear of speaking to a large audience]

大衆律 [Mahāsāṃghika-vinaya]

大衆會 [a great assembly]

大衆部 [Mahāsāṃghika]

大行 [great practices]

大術 [great deception]

大衞斯 [Davids, Thomas William Rhys]

大衣 [great robe]

大衰損 [great misfortune]

大袈裟 [full monk's robe]

大袍 [full-sleeved gown]

大覺 [great enlightenment]

大覺世尊 [greatly enlightened world-honored one]

大覺乘 [the vehicle of the greatly enlightened one]

大覺位 [the state (stage) of great enlightenment]

大覺國師 [Daegak Guksa]

大覺國師墓詰銘 [Daegak guksa myohilmyeong]

大覺國師文集 [Collected Writings of the National Teacher Daegak]

大覺寺 [Great Enlightenment Temple]

大覺尊 [Most honored Enlightened One]

大覺母 [mother of great enlightenment]

大覺派 [Daikaku ha]

大覺禪師 [Daikaku zenji]

大覺金仙 [greatly enlightened golden sage]

大誓 [great vow]

大誓願 [great vow]

大論 [Great Treatise]

大論師 [great treatise master]

大講堂 [large lecture hall]

大護印 [great protective sign]

大護明大陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī of the Great Mantra Protector]

大護明經 [Dahuming jing]

大谷派 [Ōtani Branch]

大象 [large elephant]

大象藏 [great elephant treasure]

大財 [great wealth]

大財位 [great wealth and rank]

大財富 [great wealth and possessions]

大賢 [great worthy]

大赤華 [red flower (used for dye)]

大路邊生 [born by the side of the road]

大身 [great body of the buddha]

大身王 [Mahākāya]

大車 [great cart]

大輪 [Daeryun]

大輪山 [a great circular mountain range]

大輪金剛 [Great Wheel Vajra]

大轉輪佛頂 [peak of the great wheel-turning buddhas]

大轉輪王 [great wheel-turning king]

大辯 [Mahāpratibhāna]

大辯功德天 [Sarasvatī]

大辯天 [Sarasvatī]

大辯才 [great eloquence]

大辯才功德天 [Sarasvatī]

大辯才天 [Sarasvatī]

大辯才女 [Sarasvatī]

大辯正三藏表集 [Collected Documents]

大迦多衍那 [Mahākātyāyana]

大迦葉 [Mahākāśyapa]

大迷 [greatly confused]

大通 [great penetration]

大通和尚 [Datong heshang]

大通方廣懺悔滅罪莊嚴成佛經 [Datong fangguang chanhui miezuizhuangyanchengfo jing]

大通智 [Mahâbhijñā Jñānâbhibhū]

大通智勝 [Mahâbhijñā Jñānâbhibhū]

大通智勝佛 [Mahâbhijñā-jñānâbhibhū-buddha]

大通禪師 [Daitsū zenji]

大通結緣 [great thorough formation of connections]

大通衆慧 [Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū]

大運 [general trend]

大過 [great error]

大過失 [great error]

大道 [great way]

大道心 [mind of great enlightenment]

大道心衆生 [sentient beings with greatly enlightened minds]

大道意 [an intention for great enlightenment]

大道無門 [the great way has no entrance]

大遠 [Great Yuan]

大選 [Monk Designate]

大那落迦 [great hell]

大邪 [grave error]

大醫 [the great physician]

大醫王 [great king of doctors]

大醫王佛 [Great Healing King Buddha]

大醫禪師 [Dayi chanshi]

大釋師子 [the great lion of the śākyas]

大重戒 [great grave precepts]

大金剛妙高山樓閣陀羅尼 [Dhārani of the Pavilion Crowning Meru, the Great Adamantine Mountain]

大鉢羅由他 [100 billions]

大錯 [great error]

大鏧 [large bowl-bell]

大鐘 [great bell]

大鐵圍 [great ring of iron]

大鐵圍山 [great ring of iron mountains]

大鑑 [great mirror]

大鑑派 [Daikan ha]

大鑑禪師 [Dajian chanshi]

大阿彌陀經 [Amitâbha Sutra]

大阿羅漢 [great arhat]

大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所說法住記 [Nandimitrāvadāna]

大阿育王經 [Sutra of Great King Aśoka]

大陀羅尼末法中一字心呪經 [Great Dhāraṇī Incantation of One Syllable for the Age of Terminal Dharma]

大陰界入 [elements, aggregates, factors, and fields]

大陰雨 [vast darkness and heavy rain]

大障善道 [great impediment to the virtuous way]

大隨求陀羅尼經 [Da suiqiu tuoluoni jing]

大隨煩惱 [major basic factors of affliction]

大雄 [great hero]

大雄寶殿 [great shrine hall]

大雄殿 [great shrine hall]

大雄猛 [the very vigorous one]

大集 [great collection]

大集會 [great assembly]

大集月藏經 [Candragarbha-sūtra]

大集法門經 [Daji famen jing]

大集經 [Great Collection Sūtra]

大集部 [(Skt. Mahāsaṃnipāta)]

大雲 [vast cloud]

大雲光明寺 [Dayun guangming si]

大雲密藏經 [*Mahāmegha-sūtra]

大雲無相經 [*Mahāmegha-sūtra]

大雲經 [*Mahāmegha-sūtra]

大露身 [great naked bodies]

大靑珠 [sapphire]

大音 [loud noise]

大音聲 [great voice]

大頌 [the Great Hymn of Praise]

大願 [great vow]

大願力 [the power of a great vow]

大願平等方便 [means of the great vow of universal salvation]

大願業力 [karmic power of the great vows]

大願淸淨報土 [reward of the pure land as a result of the vows of Amitâbha]

大願船 [vessel of the great vow]

大顚 [Dadian.]

大風災 [catastrophe of great winds]

大風輪 [tempestuous wind]

大飮光 [Mahākāśyapa]

大體 [great essence]

大高王 [Abhyudgata-rāja]

大魚 [monster fish]

大麤黑 [Kālodāyin]

大麥 [barley]

大黃 [full yellow color]

大黃湯 [great yellow potion]

大黑 [completely black]

大黑天 [Mahākāla]

大黑天神法 [Ritual of the Deity Mahākāla, The Great Black One]

大黑神 [Mahākāla]

大黑飛礫法 [flying shard magic of the black celestial]

大鼓 [large drum]

大齋 [feast for monks]

大齋會 [feast for monks]

大龍權現 [Provisionally Manifesting as a Great Dragon]

大龍象 [(Skt. mahānāga)]

大龜 [large turtle]

Updated: 2012-05-06