Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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五三八二 [five, three, eight, two]

五上分結 [five higher-level bonds]

五下 [five lower-level (bonds)]

五下分結 [five lower-level bonds]

五不可思議 [five unfathomables]

五不正食 [five improper foods]

五不男 [five kinds of incomplete men]

五不還天 [five heavens of no-return]

五不還果 [five kinds of nonreturners]

五乘 [five vehicles]

五乘居天 [celestials of the five vehicles]

五乘居衆 [five celestials]

五乘性 [natures of the five vehicles]

五乘齊入 [five vehicles equally enter]

五事 [five points]

五事妄語 [five false positions]

五事毘婆沙論 [Five Phenomena Vibhāṣa Treatise]

五五百年 [five periods of five hundred years]

五五菩薩 [twenty-five bodhisattvas]

五人說經 [five kinds of people who expound the scriptures]

五位 [five ranks]

五位七十五法 [seventy-five dharmas in five categories]

五位三昧 [five levels of samādhi]

五位無心 [five instances of no-mind]

五位百法 [five groups of the hundred dharmas]

五位胎中 [five periods in the womb]

五住 [five entrenchments of affliction]

五住地 [five entrenchments of affliction]

五住地惑 [five entrenchments of mental disturbances]

五住地煩惱 [five entrenchments of affliction]

五住煩惱 [five entrenched afflictions]

五佛 [five buddhas]

五佛五身 [five buddhas in five bodies]

五佛冠 [jeweled crown of the five buddhas]

五佛子 [five disciples]

五佛寶冠 [jeweled crown of the five buddhas]

五佛性 [five characteristics of a buddha's nature]

五佛灌頂 [consecration by five buddhas]

五佛羯磨印 [mudrās of the five buddhas]

五佛頂 [five buddha attendants]

五佛頂尊 [five buddha attendants]

五佛頂法 [forms of the five buddha attendants]

五佛頂經 [Sutra of the Five Buddha-Attendants]

五作根 [five organs of activity]

五作業根 [five organs of activity]

五使 [five afflictions]

五使者 [five messengers]

五侍者 [five acolytes]

五供養 [five kinds of offerings]

五倶 [five comrades]

五倶倫 [five comrades]

五倶意識 [thinking consciousness that arises with the five sense consciousnesses]

五倶輪 [five comrades]

五停 [five kinds of stabilization]

五停四念 [five meditations and four bases of mindfulness]

五停心 [five kinds of mental stabilization]

五停心觀 [five approaches to meditation]

五八 [five eights]

五八十具 [five, eight, ten, and complete precepts]

五八尊 [forty forms of Avalokitêśvara]

五八識 [five and eighth consciousnesses]

五具足 [full set of five implements]

五刀 [five swords]

五分 [five parts]

五分作法 [five-part syllogism]

五分律 [Five Part Vinaya]

五分戒本 [Vinaya of the Five Categories]

五分法身 [five-part dharma body]

五分香 [five kinds of fragrance]

五別境 [five mental factors that function only with specific objects]

五別境心所 [five omnipresent mental factors]

五利使 [five subtler declivities]

五利煩惱 [five subtler afflictions]

五力 [five powers]

五功德 [five kinds of virtues]

五功德門 [five meritorious gates]

五劫思惟 [five eons of deliberation]

五十 [fifty]

五十一 [fifty-one]

五十一心所 [fifty-one mental factors]

五十一心所有法 [fifty-one mental factors]

五十三佛 [fifty-three buddhas]

五十三參 [fifty-three wise teachers]

五十三善知識 [fifty-three spiritual guides]

五十三尊 [fifty-three honored ones]

五十三智識 [fifty-three wise teachers]

五十二位 [fifty-two stages]

五十二尊 [images of the fifty-two honored ones]

五十二種供物 [fifty-two kinds of offerings]

五十二衆 [fifty-two groups of beings ]

五十二身像 [images of the fifty-two attendants]

五十二類 [fifty-two kinds of beings ]

五十五善知識 [fifty-five genuine teachers]

五十五聖 [fifty-five sages]

五十八 [fifty-eight]

五十八戒 [fifty-eight precepts]

五十六億七千萬歳 [56,070,000 years]

五十功德 [fifty meritorious virtues]

五十四 [fifty-four]

五十天供 [fifty heavenly offerings]

五十字母 [Sanskrit alphabet in fifty letters]

五十字門 [Siddhaṃ alphabet in fifty letters]

五十小劫 [fifty minor eons]

五十展轉 [fiftieth time around]

五十心菩薩 [bodhisattvas of the fifty (stages of) mind]

五十惡 [fifty evils]

五十歲 [fifty years (old)]

五十法 [fifty methods]

五千 [five thousand]

五千上慢 [five thousand most arrogant]

五千大鬼 [five thousand great ghosts]

五千起去 [five thousand (arhats) who got up and left]

五升 [five sheng]

五印 [five Indias]

五印度 [five Indias]

五參上堂 [lecture on every fifth day]

五參日 [worship on the fifth day]

五叉地獄 [hell of the five-pronged forks]

五取蘊 [appropriated five aggregates]

五受 [five sensations]

五受陰 [appropriated five aggregates]

五古 [five-pronged vajra]

五台山 [Wutai shan]

五同緣意識 [consciousness of the same five objects]

五周因果 [five circuits of cause and effect]

五味 [five flavors]

五味禪 [five kinds of meditation]

五味粥 [five-flavored congee]

五品 [five classes]

五品位 [five preliminary grades of the disciple]

五品弟子位 [five preliminary grades of the disciple]

五唯 [five rudimentary elements]

五唯種 [five rudimentary elements]

五唯量 [five rudimentary elements]

五善 [five good (practices)]

五善根 [five wholesome roots]

五因 [five causes]

五地 [five stages]

五執 [five planets]

五堅固 [five kinds of hardness]

五塵 [objects of the five sense organs]

五境 [five external objects]

五增上緣 [five excellent causes]

五壇法 [five ceremonies on the altar]

五夢 [five dreams]

五大 [five elements]

五大使者 [five great afflictions]

五大力尊 [five bodhisattvas of great power]

五大力菩薩 [five bodhisattvas of great power]

五大尊 [five great honored ones]

五大形 [shapes of the five great elements]

五大施 [five great gifts]

五大明王 [five great guardian kings]

五大月輪 [five great moon wheels]

五大色 [five great colors]

五大觀 [meditation on the five elements]

五大院 [fifth great court]

五大院大德 [Godaiin Daitoku]

五大院阿闍梨 [Godaiin Ajari]

五大龍王 [five great dragon kings]

五天 [five celestials]

五天使者 [five heavenly messengers]

五天子 [five celestials]

五天竺 [five regions of India]

五失 [five faults]

五如來 [five tathāgatas]

五如來幡 [five tathāgatas banners]

五妙 [five marvels]

五妙境界樂 [bliss in the Pure Land]

五妙欲 [five subtle desires]

五妙色 [five subtle forms]

五姓 [five natures]

五姓各別 [distinction in five natures]

五字呪 [five-syllable mantra]

五字咒法 [Wuzi zhoufa]

五字明 [five-syllable mantra]

五字眞言 [five syllable mantra]

五學處 [five points of learning]

五宗 [five schools]

五官 [five organs]

五官王 [ruler of the five officials]

五家 [five houses]

五家七宗 [five houses and seven schools]

五家所共 [offerings of the five families]

五家解 [Ogahae]

五家解說誼 [Ogahae seorui]

五寶 [five treasures]

五寶天冠 [jeweled crown of the five celestials]

五寶甁 [five jeweled vases]

五專 [five kinds of devotion]

五尊佛 [five honored buddhas]

五居 [five abodes]

五層塔 [five-storied pagoda]

五層浮圖 [five-storied pagoda]

五山 [five mountain [monasteries]]

五峯光明 [five pronged vajra]

五峯金剛杵 [five pronged vajra]

五峰光明 [five pronged vajra]

五峰金剛杵 [five pronged vajra]

五嶽 [five peaks]

五帖袈裟 [five patches monks robe]

五帝 [five emperors]

五師 [five masters]

五師子 [five lions]

五常 [five constant [virtues]]

五常五戒 [five constant virtues and five precepts]

五年大會 [quinennial assembly]

五年會 [quinennial assembly]

五度 [five perfections]

五度無極 [the five pāramitās, the five supreme virtues leading to Buddhahood]

五律 [Vinaya of the five schools]

五微塵 [five subtle elements]

五德 [five virtues]

五心 [five states of mind]

五忍 [five kinds of patient endurance]

五忍法 [five kinds of patient endurance]

五念門 [five gates of mindfulness]

五忿怒 [five angry ones]

五怖 [five fears]

五怖畏 [five fears [affecting bodhisattvas]]

五性 [five natures]

五性各別 [distinction in five natures]

五性宗 [five natures school]

五性差別 [distinction in five natures]

五悔 [five kinds of repentance]

五情 [five desires]

五惑 [five mental disturbances]

五惡 [five evil activities]

五惡見 [five wrong views]

五惡趣 [five evil destinies]

五慳 [five kinds of stinginess]

五戒 [five precepts]

五戒淸信女 [women of pure faith who adhere to the five precepts]

五戒賢 [worthies adhering to the five precepts]

五所依土 [five grounds of reliance]

五所欲 [the five desires ]

五扇提羅 [five neutered beings ]

五拔刀賊 [five bandits with drawn swords]

五拘鄰 [five comrades]

五攝論 [Five Versions of the Compendium of the Great Vehicle]

五支 [five [preliminary] constituents of meditation]

五支作法 [five-part syllogism]

五支戒 [five moral principles]

五教 [five teachings]

五教九山 [five doctrinal schools and nine mountain schools]

五教兩宗 [five doctrinal schools and two (meditative) schools]

五教十宗 [five teachings and ten doctrines]

五教章 [Wujiao zhang]

五散亂 [five kinds of distraction]

五數 [five objects]

五方五智 [five buddhas of the five directions]

五方便 [five kinds of skillful means]

五族如來 [five families of tathāgatas]

五旬 [five supernormal powers]

五明 [five sciences]

五明處 [the five topics of learning]

五明論 [five fields of knowledge]

五星 [five planets]

五時 [five teaching periods]

五時八教 [five periods and eight teachings]

五時教 [five teaching periods]

五智 [five kinds of cognition]

五智佛 [five wisdom buddhas]

五智冠 [jeweled crown of the five kinds of wisdom]

五智如來 [five buddhas as incarnations of distinct types of cognition]

五智寶冠 [jeweled crown of the five kinds of wisdom]

五智所生三身 [three bodies produced by each of the five kinds of wisdom]

五智月輪 [five wisdom-moon wheels]

五智輪 [meditation on the five elements]

五智金剛杵 [five pronged vajra]

五更 [five night watches]

五會念佛 [five ways of chanting the Buddha's name]

五月 [the fifth month]

五月輪 [five moon wheels]

五杉練若新學備用 [Wushan lianruo xinxue beiyong]

五杉集 [Wushan ji]

五果 [fivefold aspects of cause and effect]

五根 [five faculties]

五根五力 [five faculties and five powers]

五根所行境界 [the sphere of operation of the five sense faculties]

五根本 [five basic afflictions]

五根生 [the five faculties arise]

五根色 [five colors of the faculties]

五條 [five-panel monks' robe]

五條衣 [five patches monks robe]

五條袈裟 [five-panel monks' robe]

五業 [five kinds of karma]

五樂 [five pleasures]

五欲 [five desires]

五欲樂 [the five desires and pleasures (arising from the objects of the five senses)]

五正色 [five normative colors]

五正行 [five correct practices]

五正食 [five proper foods]

五段相對 [five pairs of teachings]

五比丘 [five bhikṣus]

五法 [five kinds of dharmas]

五法人 [adherents of the five rules]

五法成身 [achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold meditation]

五法藏 [five categories of dharmas]

五法行 [five categories of mental factors]

五法身 [five (part) dharma-body]

五波羅密 [five perfections]

五波羅蜜 [five perfections]

五派 [five lineages]

五海 [five seas]

五淨 [five pure products]

五淨天 [Śuddhāvāsa]

五淨居 [five pure abodes]

五淨居天 [five pure heavenly abodes]

五淨食 [five pure foods]

五濁 [five turbidities]

五濁世 [a world stained with the five defilements]

五濁增時 [period of the increase of the five corruptions]

五濁惡世 [an evil world, stained with the five turbidities]

五無學蘊 [five psycho-physical constituents no longer needing training]

五無量 [five immeasurables]

五無間 [(hell of the) five kinds of non-remission]

五無間業 [five kinds of evil acts leading to rebirth in the unremitting hell]

五無間極重罪業 [the five heinous crimes]

五無間罪 [five kinds of evil acts leading to rebirth in the unremitting hell]

五燈錄 [five records of the transmission of the lamp]

五燒 [five kinds of burning]

五甁 [five vases]

五甁智水 [five vases and the water of wisdom]

五甁灌頂 [consecration with the water of the five vases]

五生 [five rebirths]

五界 [five factors [of sensory perception]]

五畏 [five fears]

五痛 [five kinds of pain]

五痛五燒 [five kinds of pain and burning]

五百 [five hundred]

五百世 [five hundred generations]

五百世無手 [five hundred generations without hands]

五百問 [five hundred questions]

五百問事 [five hundred questions]

五百問論 [Five Hundred Questions]

五百塵點劫 [eon of the five hundred dust motes]

五百大羅漢 [five hundred great arhats]

五百小乘 [five hundred lesser vehicle (schools)]

五百戒 [five hundred precepts]

五百生 [five hundred generations]

五百生野狐 [five hundred lives as a fox]

五百由旬 [five hundred yojanas]

五百異部 [five hundred schools]

五百結集 [council of the Five Hundred (Arhats)]

五百羅漢 [five hundred arhats]

五百羅漢聚集 [council of the five hundred arhats]

五百部 [five hundred schools]

五百雁 [five hundred geese]

五百集法 [council of the Five Hundred (Arhats)]

五盛陰苦 [suffering from the flourishing of the five skandhas]

五相 [five characteristics]

五相成身 [achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold meditation]

五相成身觀 [achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold meditation]

五眼 [five eyes]

五知根 [five faculties of cognition]

五礙 [five obstructions]

五祕 [five esoteric ones]

五祕密 [five esoteric ones]

五祕密曼荼羅 [maṇḍala of the five vajrasattvas]

五祖 [five patriarchs]

五神通 [five supernormal cognitive abilities]

五禁 [five prohibitions]

五福 [five blessings]

五禪定佛 [five buddhas of meditation]

五種 [five kinds]

五種三昧 [five kinds of samādhi]

五種三歸 [five modes of the three refuges]

五種不女 [five kinds of non-females]

五種不淨 [five types of [bodily] impurity]

五種不生 [five conditions of not being born]

五種不男 [five kinds of impotent men]

五種不翻 [five kinds of untranslated terms]

五種不還 [five kinds of nonreturners]

五種住地 [five kinds of entrenchments]

五種供養 [five kinds of offerings]

五種修法 [five kinds of esoteric ceremony]

五種修習 [five kinds of cultivation]

五種功德 [five kinds of virtues]

五種印 [five kinds of signs]

五種唯識 [five kinds of consciousness-only]

五種增上緣 [five excellent causes]

五種壇法 [five kinds of altar ceremonies]

五種天 [five kinds of celestials]

五種失 [five kinds of faults]

五種姓 [five lineages]

五種學 [five grave disciplines]

五種學處 [five grave bases of training]

五種布施 [five kinds of almsgiving]

五種怖畏 [five kinds of fears]

五種性 [five kinds of proclivities (for attaining enlightenment)]

五種惡 [five evil activities]

五種惡病 [five kinds of epSeeics]

五種所緣 [five kinds of objectifications]

五種散亂 [five kinds of distraction]

五種正行 [five correct practices]

五種比量 [five kinds of inference]

五種法師 [five kinds of authorities of the doctrine]

五種法界 [five kinds of reality realm]

五種法身 [five kinds of dharma-body]

五種法門 [five kinds of dharma-gates]

五種淨食 [five pure foods]

五種灌頂 [five kinds of consecration]

五種相 [five aspects]

五種神通 [five kinds of supernormal cognition]

五種禪 [five kinds of meditation]

五種種性 [five various natures]

五種精進 [five kinds of exertion]

五種聲聞 [five kinds of śrāvakas]

五種般 [five kinds of nirvāṇa]

五種般若 [five kinds of wisdom]

五種菩提 [five kinds of enlightenment]

五種蓋 [five kinds of obscuration]

五種藏 [five kinds of stores]

五種行 [five kinds of acts]

五種說人 [five kinds of people who testify for Buddhism]

五種通 [five kinds of supernormal power]

五種那含 [five kinds of nonreturners]

五種金剛使 [five kinds of adamantine messengers]

五種鈴 [five kinds of bells]

五種門 [five kinds of entries]

五種阿那含 [five kinds of nonreturners]

五種阿闍梨 [five kinds of preceptors]

五種雜行 [five kinds of practices]

五種音 [five sounds]

五種魔 [devils of the five aggregates]

五種麤重 [five connotations of the debilitating aspects of affliction]

五穀 [five grains]

五空 [five kinds of emptiness]

五箭 [five arrows]

五篇 [five categories of precepts]

五篇七聚 [five and seven categories of precepts]

五納衣 [five patch garment]

五級塔 [five-storied pagoda]

五結 [five bonds]

五結樂子 [Musician of the Five Bonds]

五經 [five [Chinese] classics]

五緣 [five conditions]

五繫 [five suspensions]

五義 [five meanings]

五翳 [five cataracts]

五聲 [five sounds]

五股 [five-pronged vajra]

五股杵 [five-pronged vajra]

五股金剛 [five-pronged vajra]

五股金剛杵 [five pronged vajra]

五臟 [five viscera]

五臺山 [Wutai shan]

五色 [five colors]

五色光 [five color beam]

五色雲 [five-colored cloud]

五苦 [five kinds of suffering]

五菩提 [five kinds of enlightenment]

五葉 [five petals]

五葷 [five pungent roots]

五蓋 [five obstructions]

五藏 [five collections]

五蘊 [five aggregates]

五蘊世間 [world of the five aggregates]

五蘊假和合 [provisional coalescing of the five aggregates]

五蘊宅 [house of the five aggregates]

五蘊無我 [five aggregates are without self]

五蘊熾盛苦 [the five aggregates of attachment involve suffering]

五蘊皆空 [the five aggregates are empty of own-nature]

五蘊皆空經 [Sūtra on the Emptiness of the Five Aggregates]

五蘊論 [Treatise on the Five Aggregates]

五蘊譬喩經 [Sūtra on the Metaphor of the Five Aggregates]

五蘊魔 [devils of the five aggregates]

五處供養 [five objects of offerings]

五處加持 [touching of the five points of the body]

五處眞言 [touching of five parts of the body in esoteric ritual]

五衆 [five skandhas]

五衆世間 [world of the five aggregates]

五衆魔 [devils of the five aggregates]

五行 [five practices]

五衍 [five vehicles]

五衰 [five signs of decay]

五衰相 [five signs of decay]

五見 [five views]

五覺 [five kinds of enlightenment]

五觀 [five contemplations]

五觀偈 [Verse of Five Contemplations]

五解脫輪 [five wheels of liberation]

五說 [five teachings]

五調子 [five kinds of harmonization]

五論 [five treatises]

五諦 [five truths]

五識 [five consciousnesses]

五識身 [set of five cognitive awarenesses]

五識身地 [stage of the five bodily consciousnesses]

五識身相應地 [stage of [investigation of] the five bodily consciousnesses]

五趣 [five destinies]

五趣生死 [five destinies of birth and death]

五趣生死輪 [wheel of the five destinies of birth and death]

五身 [five bodies]

五輪 [five wheels]

五輪三摩地 [meditation on the five elements]

五輪九字明祕密釋 [Commentary on the Secrets of the Five Cakras and Nine Syllables]

五輪倶屈 [elbows and knees on the ground]

五輪六大 [five elements and six elements]

五輪塔 [five wheeled stūpa]

五輪塔婆 [five wheeled stūpa]

五輪成身觀 [meditation on the five elements]

五輪率塔婆 [five-wheeled stūpa]

五輪率都婆 [five wheeled stūpa]

五輪觀 [meditation on the five elements]

五輪際 [limits of the fifth wheel]

五轉 [five types of meritorious activity]

五轉成身 [achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold meditation]

五轉色 [five evolutions of the colors]

五辛 [five pungent roots]

五辛菜 [five pungent vegetables]

五逆 [five heinous crimes]

五逆十惡 [five heinous crimes and ten unwholesome kinds of behavior]

五逆惡 [the five heinous crimes]

五逆罪 [five heinous sins]

五通 [five supernormal powers]

五通仙 [magician of the five powers]

五通曼荼羅 [maṇḍala of the five supernormal powers]

五通神 [five magical spirits]

五遍行 [five omnipresent mental factors]

五遍行心所 [five omnipresent mental factors]

五過 [five faults]

五道 [five paths]

五道六道 [five destinies and six destinies]

五道冥官 [officer of the hells of the five destinies]

五道將軍 [general of the five destinies]

五道輪 [wheel of the five destinies]

五邉 [five extremes]

五那含天 [five heavens of the nonreturners]

五那含天子 [five celestials]

五邪 [five kinds of evil livelihood]

五邪命 [five kinds of evil livelihood]

五部 [five groups]

五部合斷 [to eliminate five classes together]

五部大乘經 [five great Mahāyāna sūtras]

五部大論 [five major Yogâcāra treatises]

五部尊法 [five-part esoteric ceremonies]

五部座 [five wisdom tathāgatas]

五部律 [five versions of the Vinaya]

五部心觀 [Essential Meditations on the Five Families]

五部忿怒 [five great guardian kings]

五部悉地 [five-part esoteric ceremonies]

五部教主 [five authorities of the teaching]

五部法 [five part secret store]

五部法身香 [five kinds of fragrance]

五部淨 [five part purity (?)]

五部秘藏 [five part secret store]

五部護摩 [five-part esoteric ceremonies]

五部雜斷 [eliminate five classes together]

五重世界 [five graduated series of universes]

五重唯識 [five-fold consciousness-only]

五重塔 [five-storied pagoda]

五重滯 [five heavy bondages]

五重玄義 [five categories of profound meaning]

五重相對 [five pairs of teachings]

五重雲 [five layers of clouds]

五量 [five authorities]

五鈍使 [five duller declivities]

五鈷 [five-pronged vajra]

五鈷金剛 [five pronged vajra]

五鈷金剛杵 [five pronged vajra]

五門 [five aspects]

五門禪 [five approaches to meditation]

五間色 [five compound colors]

五闡提羅 [five neutered beings ]

五阿含 [five Āgamas]

五阿含經 [five Āgamas]

五陰 [five aggregates]

五陰世間 [world of the five aggregates]

五陰法 [five aggregates]

五陰盛 [suffering from the flourishing of the five skandhas]

五陰盛苦 [suffering due to the five aggregates]

五陰苦 [suffering of the five aggregates]

五陰蓋 [five coverings]

五陰譬喩經 [Sūtra on the Metaphor of the Five Aggregates]

五陰魔 [devils of the five aggregates]

五障 [five hindrances]

五障三從 [five hindrances and three subordinates]

五隱 [five aggregates]

五音 [five tones]

五音聲 [notes of the pentatonic scale]

五頂 [five locks of hair]

五頂山 [five peaks]

五頂輪王 [five buddha attendants]

五順上分結 [five higher bonds of desire still existing in the upper realms]

五類天 [five kinds of celestials]

五類聲 [five kinds of sounds]

五類說法 [five kinds of preaching]

五類龍王 [five great dragon kings]

五風 [five pathogenic winds]

五食 [five kinds of nourishment]

五香 [five aromas]

五體 [five parts of the body]

五體投地 [throwing five parts of the body to the ground]

五髻 [five topknots]

五髻冠 [five pointed crown]

五髻文殊 [Mañjuśrī of the Five Locks]

Updated: 2012-05-06