Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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不一 [not one]

不一不二 [neither the same nor different]

不一不多 [neither one nor many]

不一不異 [neither the same nor different]

不一不異義 [a meaning that is neither the same nor different]

不下 [undaunted]

不下精進 [undaunted exertion]

不串習 [not accustomed to]

不久 [not long]

不久詣道場 [not long before visiting the site of enlightenment]

不乖 [not contradictory]

不乖離 [does not diverge from]

不也 [no]

不亂 [undisturbed]

不了 [not comprehending]

不了佛智 [incomprehensible wisdom of the Buddha]

不了知 [lacking thorough knowledge]

不了義 [meaning not fully disclosed]

不了義教 [incompletely expressed teaching]

不了義經 [scriptures that do not reveal the complete teaching]

不了義說 [not a fully explained teaching]

不二 [not-two]

不二不別 [nondual and yet not distinct]

不二不異 [neither two nor different]

不二之法 [the dharma that is not two]

不二法 [principle of non-duality]

不二法門 [dharma-gate of nonduality]

不二現行 [nondual activity]

不二門 [gate of nonduality]

不仁 [unkind]

不他生 [nothing is produced from other things]

不令 [not allowing]

不令乏短 [does not make others experience lack, deficiency, etc.]

不令流散 [prevent dissipation]

不令醉 [does not make one drunk]

不任 [not tolerating]

不休息 [to apply oneself unstintingly]

不似 [does not resemble]

不但 [not only]

不但中 [middle (view) that is not one-sided]

不但空 [not merely empty]

不低 [not bending over]

不低下 [not bending over]

不住 [does not abide]

不住慧 [nonabiding wisdom]

不住涅槃 [nirvāṇa of no abiding]

不住色 [not abiding in form]

不住道 [path of no-abiding]

不作 [does not do]

不作佛 [does not become a buddha]

不作加行 [not applying effort in practice]

不作師捲 [not grasping to the role of teacher (?)]

不作惡 [does not do evil]

不作意 [not paying attention to]

不作所應作 [does not do what should be done]

不作行 [non-application]

不作饒益 [does not work to benefit (others)]

不來 [nonreturner]

不來不去 [neither coming nor going]

不來迎 [not coming to greet]

不依 [not relying]

不侵 [does not snatch]

不便 [to be sick]

不信 [no faith]

不信受 [inadmissible]

不信者 [unbelief]

不信重 [not believing in]

不修 [not practicing]

不修外道 [non-Buddhists who eschew cultivation]

不修治 [non-training]

不修習 [not cultivating; not practicing]

不倒 [undistorted]

不倶 [not together with]

不偸盜 [injunctions against stealing]

不偸盜戒 [injunctions against stealing]

不備 [not equipped]

不傾動 [unshakeable]

不僂曲 [not bent over]

不免 [does not avoid]

不入 [does not enter]

不入涅槃 [does not enter nirvāṇa]

不全 [not completely]

不兩舌 [not speaking divisively]

不共 [distinct]

不共三昧 [variant samādhi]

不共不定 [[a reason; evidence] not shared with either the positive or negative examples]

不共不定過 [[a reason] not shared with either the positive or negative examples]

不共世間 [not sharing [the same basis] with the world]

不共中共 [general among particulars]

不共他 [not shared with others]

不共佛法 [the unequalled/peerless Buddha qualities]

不共依 [basis that is not shared [by another faculty, consciousness, etc.]]

不共分別 [distinct discrmination]

不共功德 [peculiar efficacy]

不共德 [independent attributes]

不共所依 [basis that is not shared [by another consciousness]]

不共教 [distinct teachings applicable to a certain group of students]

不共果 [unshared realizations]

不共業 [individual karma]

不共法 [characteristics peculiar to each individual person]

不共法聲 [unique sounds]

不共無明 [independently functioning nescience]

不共生 [nothing is produced of itself or both other things]

不共相 [distinct characteristics]

不共義 [meaning of not in common with]

不共聲聞 [not [held] in common with direct disciples]

不共般若 [teachings of emptiness that are practiced and experienced only by bodhisattvas]

不共行 [distinct practices]

不共變 [distinctive transformations]

不共門 [aspect of distinctiveness]

不具 [impaired]

不具根 [impaired]

不具縛 [not [completely] fettered; partially fettered]

不具足 [incomplete]

不具足者 [defective]

不再 [does not repeat]

不凶暴 [considerately]

不出 [not leaving]

不出不入 [neither leaving nor entering]

不出世 [does not appear in the world]

不出離 [non-escaping]

不出離意樂 [the intention that is not for emancipation]

不出離行 [practices that do not lead to liberation]

不分 [not different]

不分別 [undiscriminated]

不分散 [not scattering]

不刊 [undiminished]

不別 [not distinguished]

不別說 [not separately mentioned]

不利 [not beneficial]

不利益 [not beneficial]

不到 [not quite]

不制 [does not regulate]

不加報 [unaffected]

不劣 [bold]

不劣心 [boldness]

不動 [unmoving]

不動佛 [Akṣobhya-buddha]

不動使者 [Acalaceṭā]

不動使者祕密法 [esoteric spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya]

不動使者陀羅尼祕密法 [esoteric dhāraṇī spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya]

不動勝道 [excellent immovable stage]

不動咒 [Akṣobhya-dhāraṇī]

不動地 [ground of immovability]

不動如來 [Akṣobhya-tathāgata]

不動如來使 [messengers of Akṣobhya]

不動尊 [Āryācalanātha]

不動慈救咒 [Akṣobhya-dhāraṇī]

不動慈護咒 [Akṣobhya-dhāraṇī]

不動成就 [immovable achievement]

不動明王 [Acala]

不動業 [nonpropelling activity]

不動法 [dharma [level] of immovability]

不動滅無爲 [to state of being unmoved by pleasure or pain]

不動無爲 [undisturbed]

不動生死 [the unmoving is life and death]

不動義 [meaning of immovability]

不動行 [nonpropelling activity]

不動解脫 [immovable liberation]

不動講 [dharma lecture on the merits of the unmoving tathāgata]

不動轉 [unshaken]

不動金剛明王 [Unmoved Vajra Radiant King]

不動阿羅漢 [immovable arhat]

不動陀羅尼 [Akṣobhya-dhāraṇī]

不化 [does not transform]

不卽 [not the same]

不卽不離 [neither the same nor different]

不卽得至不退轉 [does not immediately attain the stage of nonretrogression]

不厭 [unwearying]

不去 [does not go away]

不及 [is not aware]

不反 [does not oppose]

不取 [does not grasp]

不取正覺 [I will not attain perfect enlightenment]

不取正覺願 [vow not to attain perfect enlightenment]

不受 [not appropriating]

不受一切法 [not sensing all phenomena]

不受三昧 [samādhi of no sensation]

不受後有 [does not undergo subsequent rebirth]

不受生 [does not undergo rebirth]

不受食 [forbidden food]

不可 [cannot]

不可修治 [cannot be purified]

不可修治種子 [seeds that are not purifiable]

不可傾動 [unshakeable]

不可具陳 [cannot be elaborated in detail]

不可分別 [indiscriminable]

不可制伏 [indomitable]

不可動 [immovable]

不可動王 [Mahātejas garuḍêndra]

不可勝 [is not adequate for]

不可取 [ungraspable]

不可壞 [indestructible]

不可定說 [indescribable]

不可宣說 [inexpressible]

不可建立 [cannot be posited]

不可引奪 [cannot be led astray (seduced)]

不可得 [unobtainable]

不可得思議 [inconceivable]

不可得正因 [correct reason of noncognition]

不可得空 [ungraspable emptiness]

不可得言 [you cannot say...]

不可得說 [inexplicable]

不可復 [absolutely impossible]

不可思 [unthinkable]

不可思議 [inconceivable]

不可思議光如來 [unfathomable Radiant Tathāgata]

不可思議如來 [inconceivable tathāgata]

不可思議尊 [Unfathomable Honored One]

不可思議神通 [inconceivable superknowledge(s)]

不可思議經 [Unfathomable Sūtra]

不可思議解脫法門 [dharma-gate of unfathomable liberation]

不可思議解脫經 [Unfathomable Liberation Sūtra]

不可思量 [inconceivable]

不可意 [unattractive]

不可愛樂 [unlikeable]

不可數 [uncountable]

不可有 [existence where you shouldn't be]

不可棄 [Āvantaka]

不可棄部 [Mahīśāsaka school]

不可比 [incomparable]

不可治 [untreatable]

不可滅 [unextinguishable]

不可療治 [untreatable]

不可盡 [inexhaustible]

不可知 [unknowable]

不可知論 [agnosticism]

不可破 [irrefutable]

不可破壞 [irrefutable]

不可示 [not showed]

不可稱 [indescribable]

不可稱境 [indescribable objects]

不可稱智 [cognition of the ineffable]

不可稱計 [incalculable]

不可稱量 [immeasurable]

不可窮 [cannot be fathomed]

不可窮盡 [cannot fathom]

不可立 [untenable]

不可與語 [ineffable]

不可見 [invisible]

不可見有對 [invisible and materially obstructive]

不可見有對色 [form [objects] that are invisible yet materially obstructive]

不可見無對色 [invisible and materially insubstantial [or unobstructive] form]

不可言 [cannot be called]

不可言說 [cannot be explained [in words]]

不可計 [cannot be calculated]

不可計倍 [incalculable times]

不可記 [cannot be predicated]

不可說 [ineffable]

不可說不可說 [inexplicable, ineffable]

不可說佛 [Ineffable Buddha]

不可說法 [indescribable dharma]

不可說相 [inexplicable]

不可說藏 [ineffable collection]

不可說言 [inexpressible]

不可議 [inconceivable]

不可越守護 [intranscendable guardians]

不可轉 [irreversible]

不可轉法 [irreversible teaching]

不可量 [immeasurable]

不可降伏 [difficult to subue — irrepressible]

不可限量 [unlimited]

不可難 [cannot object]

不可飮 [not potable]

不合 [unmatched]

不合不散 [neither merged nor scattered]

不合理 [unreasonable]

不吉祥 [inauspicious]

不同 [not the same]

不同分 [factors of dissimilarity]

不同分心 [states of mind of a different category (of beings, etc.)]

不同時 [different time]

不名 [not called]

不名爲 [not called...]

不向 [not applicable to]

不周 [not embraced]

不周之山 [uncircleable mountain]

不和 [disharmony]

不和合性 [non-harmonization]

不唐捐 [not wasteful]

不問輒取 [to snatch quickly without asking]

不善 [unwholesome]

不善名 [ill repute]

不善律儀 [evil forms of discipline]

不善心 [unwholesome [states of] mind]

不善性 [unwholesomeness]

不善有覆 [unwholesome and obstructing]

不善根 [unwholesome roots]

不善業 [unwholesome activity]

不善業道 [path of unwholesome activity]

不善法 [unwholesome dharmas]

不善法眞如 [thusness of unwholesome dharmas]

不善處 [unwholesome circumstances]

不善行 [evil karma]

不善觀 [not investigating well]

不善觀察 [not fully investigating]

不喜 [not enjoying]

不喜不憂 [neither delighted nor disappointed]

不喜樂 [abstinence]

不噉 [does not bite]

不因 [not depending (on)]

不圓 [imperfect]

不圓滿 [incomplete]

不在 [does not exist...]

不在計中 [to be no match for]

不坐高廣大牀 [not to sit on a high, broad, large bed]

不執 [does not attach]

不執著 [not attached]

不堅 [insubstantial]

不堅執 [not firmly (rigidly) attached]

不堪 [unable to endure]

不堪任 [not equal to]

不堪耐 [unable to endure]

不報 [no retribution]

不增 [does not increase]

不增不減 [neither increase nor decrease]

不增不減經 [Sutra of Neither Increase Nor Decrease]

不增不減經疏 [Commentary on the Sutra of Neither Increase nor Decrease]

不增減眞如 [thusness as neither increasing nor decreasing]

不墮 [does not fall]

不墮二邊 [does not fall into the two extremes]

不墮偏黨 [not falling into partiality]

不墮其數 [is not counted together with]

不墮惡道 [not falling into evil rebirths]

不墮數 [uncountable]

不墮文字 [not trapped by words]

不墮有 [does not fall into [the extreme view of] existence]

不壞 [indestructible]

不壞句 [indestructible syllable]

不壞四禪 [four indestructible meditations]

不壞心 [indestructible mind]

不壞意樂 [indestructible aspiration]

不壞法 [indestructible dharma]

不壞相 [indestructible in one's character]

不壞道 [indestructible Way]

不壞道性 [indestructibility of the Way]

不壞金剛 [indestructible-adamantine]

不壞金剛光明心殿 [luminous mind-temple of the indestructible vajra]

不多 [not many]

不失 [does not lose]

不失法 [the fact that is not scattered]

不好 [not good]

不如 [not like]

不如密多 [Puṇyamitra]

不如實 [incorrect]

不如實知 [one does not accurately understand that...]

不如實簡擇 [draw incorrect conclusions]

不如意 [not as one wishes]

不如慢 [pride of not being inferior]

不如是 [not as good as this]

不如此 [not like this]

不如法 [unrighteous]

不如無子 [not like having children]

不如理 [incorrect]

不如理作意 [improper/incorrect mental orientation]

不如理作意力 [influence of incorrect contemplation]

不如理加行 [incorrect application of practices]

不如理虛妄分別 [false discrimination that does not match reality]

不如眞 [incorrect]

不如蜜多 [Puryamitra]

不妄 [not false]

不妄語 [not lying]

不妄語戒 [precept forbidding false speech]

不妨 [unobstructed]

不婬 [no sexual excessiveness]

不婬慾 [not engaging in licentious sexual behavior]

不婬戒 [precept forbidding sexual misconduct]

不嫉 [not jealous]

不嬈 [without agitation]

不存 [not remaining]

不孝 [unfilial]

不學 [not studying]

不守 [does not preserve]

不守護 [does not guard]

不安 [unstable]

不安住 [unstable]

不安隱 [uneasy]

不安隱性 [unease]

不定 [indeterminate]

不定受業 [indefinite karma]

不定因 [inconclusive reason]

不定地 [states of non-meditation]

不定地法 [indeterminate mental functions]

不定心 [a mind not absorbed in meditation]

不定性 [indeterminate nature; inconclusiveness]

不定性人 [persons of indeterminate religious practitioners]

不定教 [indeterminate teaching]

不定業 [indeterminate karma]

不定止觀 [indeterminate meditation]

不定法 [indeterminate mental factors]

不定種 [indeterminate type]

不定種姓 [indeterminate nature]

不定種性 [indeterminate nature]

不定聚 [indeterminate class]

不定聚衆生 [sentient beings of the undetermined class]

不定聲聞 [śrāvakas who do not have the predetermination for enlightenment]

不定觀 [indeterminate meditation]

不定過 [fallacy of inconclusiveness]

不宜 [inappropriate]

不害 [non-harming]

不容 [does not permit]

不寂 [not stable]

不寂靜 [not calm]

不實 [unreal]

不實事 [things that are not real]

不審 [unattended]

不尊 [does not respect]

不尊敬 [does not revere]

不少 [not few]

不居 [does not abide]

不巧便所引 [not skillful in undertaking]

不差 [not different]

不常 [impermanent]

不常住 [non-eternal]

不平 [uneven]

不平等 [unequal]

不平等事 [unequal works]

不平等事業 [unequal works]

不平等因 [inconsistent (irregular, uneven, unequal) causation]

不平等因論 [belief that the law of cause and effect is inconsistent]

不平等因論者 [advocate of the theory of inconsistent causation]

不平等業 [unequal karma]

不平等行 [uneven behavior]

不度 [does not save]

不廢 [does not impede]

不廻 [nonreturner]

不強 [not harsh]

不往 [not going forth]

不往生 [not reborn [into the Pure Land]]

不待 [not expecting]

不律 [immoral]

不律儀 [distorted discipline]

不律儀輩 [those who don't follow the rules of discipline]

不得 [impossible]

不得不 [to have no choice but to]

不得作 [not doable]

不得入 [unable to enter]

不得受 [should not accept]

不得名 [cannot be called...]

不得成 [does not bring about]

不得戒 [does not obtain the precepts]

不得故 [unintentional]

不得故殺 [killing unintentionally]

不得生 [cannot arise]

不得自在 [unable to attain independence]

不得興盛 [unable to prosper]

不得解脫 [does not attain freedom from...]

不得言 [you cannot say...]

不得過 [moderation]

不得食 [unable to feed]

不得飮酒戒 [precept forbidding the consumption of alcohol]

不得飮食 [unable to eat and drink]

不從因緣生 [not produced from causes and conditions]

不從師 [does not follow a [certain] teacher]

不復 [not again]

不復現 [does not reappear]

不復現前 [does not re-manifest]

不復現行 [never again manifest]

不復生 [does not [again] arise]

不復轉 [do(es) not reappear]

不復退 [does not retrogress]

不復退失 [without ever retrogressing]

不必 [unnecessary]

不必如義 [need not be taken as reality]

不必須通 [not necessarily applicable]

不忍 [cannot stand]

不忍見 [cannot bear to watch]

不忘 [not forgetting]

不忘失 [not forgetting]

不忘禪 [meditation of not forgettiing]

不快 [displeased]

不念 [non-remembrance]

不怖 [fearless]

不思 [not thinking]

不思善不思惡 [not thinking of good, not thinking of evil]

不思惟 [does not consider]

不思議 [inconceivable]

不思議乘 [inconceivable vehicle]

不思議光 [inconceivable illumination]

不思議光菩薩經 [Sūtra of the Bodhisattva of Inconceivable Illumination]

不思議功德諸佛所護念經 [Sūtra on the Inconceivable Merits Maintained by the Buddhas]

不思議境 [inconceivable objects]

不思議境界經 [Sūtra on the Tathāgata's Inconceivable State]

不思議心 [inconceivable mind]

不思議慧童子 [child of inconceivable wisdom]

不思議智 [cognition of the inconceivable]

不思議業 [inconceivable activity]

不思議業相 [inconceivable mark of activity]

不思議熏 [inconceivable perfuming]

不思議界 [inconceivable realm]

不思議眞言相道法 [practice of the presence of the invisible dharmakāya in the esoteric word]

不思議空 [inconceivable emptiness]

不思議空智 [wisdom of inconceivable emptiness]

不思議經 [Inconceivable Sūtra]

不思議薰 [inconceivable permeation]

不思議解脫 [inconceivable liberation]

不思議解脫經 [Sutra of Inconceivable Liberation]

不思議變 [inconceivable transformations]

不思議變易死 [death by inconceivable transformation]

不思議變易生死 [saṃsāra of inconceivable transformation]

不思量 [not thinking]

不急 [not urgent]

不怯 [undaunted]

不恁麼也不得 [not being so is not held to]

不恁麼也得 [attained without applied practices]

不恆 [not always]

不恐畏 [fearless]

不恣 [not uncaring]

不息 [not resting]

不悅 [unhappy]

不悔 [without regret]

不悕 [not expecting]

不悕望 [not expecting]

不悕求 [does not harbor desire(s)]

不悟 [does not understand]

不惜 [regardless]

不惜身命 [indifferent regarding one's life]

不惡乘 [no-evil vehicle]

不惡口 [not speaking harshly]

不惱 [not afflicting]

不惱於他 [not afflicting others]

不惱衆生 [not afflicting sentient beings]

不愚 [not fooled]

不愛 [unattached]

不愛分別 [discrimination of the unattractive]

不愛樂 [not delighting in]

不感 [unawares]

不慚 [lack of conscience]

不慳 [non-parsimony]

不慳戒 [precept against harming others by one's own stinginess (parsimony)]

不憂 [not sad]

不憍樂天 [(Skt. Nirmāṇarati) heaven]

不憶 [does not recall]

不懈 [not negligent]

不應 [not associated with]

不應作 [what should not be done]

不應修 [should not practice]

不應共住 [should not dwell together (with members of society)]

不應別說 [should not be a different explanation]

不應受 [should not receive]

不應思 [inconceivable]

不應施 [not to be given]

不應爲 [should not be done]

不應理 [ inappropriate]

不應與 [should not offer]

不應行 [not necessary to do]

不應言 [untenable]

不應說 [should not say...]

不應貪著 [not to be clung to]

不應道理 [... is inappropriate]

不應違犯 [should not transgress]

不應飮 [should not drink (alcohol)]

不懷諂曲 [does not harbor deceit]

不懺擧 [excommunication of an unrepentant monk]

不成 [incomplete]

不成佛 [does not become buddha]

不成因 [[fallacy of an] unestablished reason]

不成實 [not consummated]

不成就 [unaccomplished]

不成相違 [does not constitute a [fallacy of] contradiction]

不成立 [not complete]

不成者 [not accomplished]

不成過 [fallacy of nonproof [in the reason]]

不成難 [does not constitute an objection]

不戲論覺 [attentiveness to avoidance of conceptual proliferation]

不才淨 [neither talented nor pure]

不拔 [does not remove]

不拘 [regardless (of person, class, kind)]

不拜 [not paying homage]

不捉持生像金銀寶物 [not to possess uncoined or coined gold and silver, or jewels]

不捨 [not rejecting]

不捨衆生 [does not abandon sentient beings]

不捨誓約 [vow of non-abandonment]

不捨離 [is not indifferent to]

不捨離生死 [not abandoning birth and death]

不捨離生死方便 [skillful means of non-abandonment of birth and death]

不損 [not harming]

不損惱 [unhurt]

不損惱有情寂靜 [tranquilization of painless sentiency]

不撥 [does not prevent]

不擇 [not selecting]

不擇捨 [non-analytical equanimity]

不攝 [not included]

不攝受 [does not take in]

不改性 [unchanging nature]

不放逸 [no laxity]

不放逸行 [vigilant]

不故婬戒 [precept proscribing intentional debauchery]

不故犯 [unintentional offense]

不敏 [not clever]

不救 [does not save]

不敢 [dare not]

不散 [not scattered]

不敬 [does not respect]

不斷 [unceasing]

不斷不常 [neither interrupted nor constant]

不斷光 [unceasing radiance]

不斷光佛 [Incessantly Radiant Buddha]

不斷善根 [does not sever one's wholesome roots]

不斷常 [unbroken continuity]

不斷念佛 [unbroken mindfulness]

不斷相應染 [defilement that is concomitant with non-interruption]

不斷經 [unceasing recitation of the sutras]

不斷讀經 [uninterrupted chanting of the sutras]

不斷輪 [uninterrupted chanting]

不施 [not giving]

不施與 [does not bestow]

不明 [unclear]

不明了 [unclear]

不易 [not easy; not simple]

不易可數 [not easy to count]

不昧 [not obscured]

不昧因果 [not ignoring the law of cause and effect]

不是 [not, is not]

不時解脫 [liberation not contingent on time]

不暢 [does not penetrate]

不暫捨 [not releasing for a moment]

不更 [not again]

不更惡趣 [not reborn into evil destinies]

不更惡趣願 [vow to prevent rebirth in the evil destinies]

不更生 [not reborn]

不曾見 [never seen before]

不會 [does not meet]

不有 [without]

不服 [does not go along with]

不望 [indifferent]

不望其報 [without expecting reward]

不望報 [without expecting reward]

不果遂 [fruitless]

不染 [undefiled]

不染世間法 [undefiled worldly phenomena]

不染愚 [undefiled nescience]

不染汚 [undefiled]

不染汚無明 [undefiled nescience]

不染汚無知 [undefiled nescience]

不染法 [undefiled phenomena]

不染無明 [undefiled nescience]

不染無知 [undefiled nescience]

不染著諸法三昧 [concentration of no defiled attachment to any phenomena]

不柔和 [not gentle]

不棄 [not discarding]

不棄捨 [not discarding]

不極成 [unacceptable]

不樂 [not enjoying]

不次第 [out of order]

不欣世語 [dislikes worldly talk]

不欲 [does not want]

不欲行障 [hindrance of no desire to act]

不欺 [not deceptive]

不欺誑 [does not deceive]

不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽 [no taking part in, or watching, singing, dancing, or plays]

不歡喜 [not enjoying]

不止 [unceasing]

不正 [untrue]

不正作意 [incorrect mental orientation]

不正安住 [not lasting]

不正尋伺 [incorrect discursive reasoning]

不正尋思 [incorrect investigation]

不正思惟 [incorrect thought]

不正法 [not the true Dharma]

不正知 [incorrect cognition]

不正確 [imprecision]

不正色 [not primary colors]

不正覺了 [does not accurately understand]

不正食 [not food proper]

不歸 [does not return]

不死 [undying, immortal]

不死沒 [deathless]

不死甘露 [nectar of immortality]

不死矯亂 [Amarāvikkhepa]

不死矯亂宗 [Amarāvikkhepa]

不死矯亂論 [Amarāvikkhepa]

不死藥 [medicine of immortality]

不死處 [place of immortality]

不死覺 [awareness toward not dying]

不死門 [gate of immortality]

不殊 [not differing from]

不殺 [not killing]

不殺戒 [precept of not-killing]

不殺生 [abstinence from taking life]

不殺生戒 [precept forbidding the taking of life]

不毀 [does not denigrate]

不毀呰 [not disparaging]

不毀犯 [not violating]

不毀訾 [irreproachable]

不求 [not seeking]

不求勝智 [not desirous of superior cognition]

不求彼二 [those who neither seek existence nor run away from it]

不汚 [not polluted]

不決 [unresolved]

不沒 [does not disappear]

不治 [untreated]

不法 [unlawful]

不活 [inability to make a living]

不活恐怖 [fear of lacking a means of living]

不活畏 [fear of lacking a means of livelihood]

不流散 [not distracted]

不淨 [impure]

不淨位 [impure stage(s)]

不淨作意 [paying attention to the ugly (impure)]

不淨作意思惟 [mental focus on impurity]

不淨地 [stage of impurity]

不淨忿怒 [Ucchuṣma]

不淨想 [meditation on impurity]

不淨施 [impure donation]

不淨法 [impure dharmas]

不淨淨 [impure and pure]

不淨淨位 [level of purity and impurity]

不淨肉 [impure meat]

不淨處 [unclean places]

不淨行 [impure behavior]

不淨觀 [meditation on impurity]

不淨觀經 [Sutra of the Contemplation on Impurity]

不淨說法 [impure teaching]

不淨輪 [impure wheel]

不淨金剛 [Ucchuṣma]

不淫 [abstention from sexual indulgence]

不淸 [impure]

不淸淨 [impure]

不淸淨意樂 [impure intentiony]

不減 [non-decreasing]

不測 [unfathomed]

不滅 [unextinguishable]

不滅不生 [neither annihilated nor arisen]

不滿 [incomplete]

不滿足 [incomplete]

不澁 [not harsh]

不無 [not without]

不無因生 [nothing is produced without cause]

不然 [ not like that]

不煞 [not killing]

不煞戒 [precept of not killing]

不煩 [untroubled]

不熟 [unripened]

不熱 [not hot]

不燒 [not burning]

不爭有無 [not disputing about existence or nonexistence]

不爲 [unintentional]

不爲醉亂 [does not become intoxicated]

不爾 [not so; (or, at the end of a sentence:) is it not so?]

不爾者 [otherwise]

不犯 [non-violation [of precepts]]

不犯戒 [does not violate the precept(s)]

不獲 [non-acquirement]

不現 [invisible]

不現事 [concealed things]

不現前 [indirect]

不現行 [unmanifest]

不現行斷 [unmanifest elimination]

不現見 [invisible]

不現見境 [concealed object]

不生 [unproduced]

不生不死 [unborn and undying]

不生不滅 [neither arising nor ceasing]

不生信心 [does not give rise to faith]

不生喜 [discontent]

不生喜足 [to not yet be satisfied with]

不生平等性 [equality [of phenomena] in terms of their nonarising]

不生恭敬 [disrespectful]

不生憤 [not getting irritated]

不生憤發 [not getting irritated]

不生斷 [cessation through nonarising]

不生法 [unarisen dharmas]

不生滅 [does not arise or cease]

不生煩惱 [not giving rise to afflictions]

不生疑惑 [does not [give rise to] doubt]

不生誹謗 [does not revile (abuse)]

不生起 [unarisen]

不生轉所依 [basis of transformation without birth]

不生雜染 [nonproduction of afflictions]

不生驚畏 [is never afraid]

不用 [not using]

不用刀杖 [not using swords and staves]

不用處 [nothingness]

不由 [does not use]

不由他 [not based on other(s)]

不由他悟 [enlightened without relying on others]

不由功用 [without exertion]

不由思擇 [without using critical analysis]

不由方便 [not relying on skillful means]

不男 [eunuch]

不畏 [unafraid]

不畏生死 [unafraid of birth-and-death]

不畜 [not storing]

不畢竟 [not completely]

不異 [not different]

不異空 [not different from emptiness]

不異義 [a non-different meaning]

不異違越 [not deviating]

不當 [inappropriate]

不疑 [without doubting]

不疑殺 [no doubt about killing]

不疲倦 [not exhausted]

不癡 [not perplexed]

不癡止諍律 [stopping a litigation through (a verdict) of restored sanity]

不癡毘尼 [irresponsibility]

不發 [does not generate]

不發心 [does not arouse the aspiration (for enlightenment)]

不盜 [not stealing]

不盜戒 [injunctions against stealing]

不盡 [unperishing]

不相 [dissimilar]

不相似 [dissimilar]

不相應 [not concomitant with]

不相應心 [mind not associated with affliction]

不相應法 [[mental] factors not directly associated [with the mind]]

不相應義 [connotation of nonconcomitance]

不相應行 [(dharmas) not associated with mind (or matter)]

不相應行法 [factors not directly associated with a specific mental function]

不相應行爲性 [(taking) unassociated mental factors as an essence]

不相應行蘊所攝 [subsumed in the group of dharmas not associated with mind]

不相捨離 [not separate from (each other)]

不相攝 [not mutually inclusive]

不相續 [without linkage]

不相謀略 [without plotting against each other]

不相違 [devoid of contradiction]

不相違因 [noncontradictory causes]

不相間雜 [unadulterated]

不相障礙 [does not mutually obstruct]

不相雜 [unadulterated]

不相離 [mutually inclusive]

不眞宗 [the teaching of non-reality]

不瞋 [free from anger]

不瞋恚 [abstention from malice]

不瞬 [not blinking]

不知 [does not know]

不知恩 [does not know kindness]

不知故 [unawares]

不知脚跟下放大光明 [does not know the great light radiating from below one's feet]

不知足者 [unsatisfied]

不破 [not refuted]

不礙 [unobstructed]

不示 [not shown]

不禁 [cannot stop]

不移動 [imperturbability]

不稱 [devoid of fame]

不稱歎 [does not praise]

不稱量 [does not evaluate]

不究竟 [not terminated]

不空 [not empty]

不空三藏 [Amoghavajra]

不空三藏表制集 [Collected Documents]

不空之性 [nature of non-emptiness]

不空供養菩薩 [Āryāmogha-pūrṇamaṇi]

不空如來藏 [nonempty tathāgatagarbha]

不空成就 [Amoghasiddhi]

不空成就佛 [Amoghasiddhi]

不空成就如來 [Amogasiddhi]

不空法 [nonempty dharmas]

不空眞如 [nonempty thusness]

不空眼菩薩 [Amogha-darśana]

不空羂索 [unerring lasso]

不空羂索呪心經 [Infallible Lasso Dhāraṇī]

不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言 [Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana]

不空羂索王 [Amoghapāśa]

不空羂索神咒心經 [Xuanzang's translation (in 659) of the Amoghapāśakalpa-hṛdayadhāraṇī 不空羂索呪心經]

不空羂索神變眞言經 [Infallible Lasso's Mantra and Supernatural Transformations: King of Ritual Manuals]

不空羂索經 [Bukong juansuo jing]

不空羂索菩薩 [Amoghapāśa]

不空羂索觀音 [Amoghapāśa]

不空見菩薩 [Amogha-darśana]

不空過 [not in vain]

不空金剛 [Amoghavajra]

不空金剛菩薩 [Amoghavajra Bodhisattva.]

不空鉤觀音 [Amoghāṅkuśa]

不窮 [does not exhaust]

不立 [not posited]

不立文字 [no establishment of words and letters]

不立文字教 [teaching that does not establish words and letters]

不立自成 [to be self-evident]

不等 [unequal]

不答 [does not answer]

不絕 [not cut off]

不綺語 [not engaging in trivial chit-chat]

不緣 [not contingent]

不緩 [not slack]

不縛 [unbound]

不縱不橫 [neither vertical nor horizontal ]

不繫 [unfettered]

不繫屬 [not tethered]

不繫身 [unfettered body]

不續 [not connected]

不缺 [not failing]

不置遠 [Anikṣiptadhura]

不羈 [unbridled]

不群 [ox-head torturers (?)]

不義 [unjust]

不羸劣 [not debilitated]

不習 [not practicing]

不耐 [does not endure]

不耐想 [perception of repulsiveness]

不耶 [is it not so?]

不聞 [does not hear [of]]

不聞惡名願 [vow to not hear of evil repute]

不聽 [does not listen]

不肖 [does not reject]

不肯 [does not assent]

不能 [incapable]

不能了 [ignorant of]

不能作 [unable to do (become, make)]

不能侵 [cannot overcome]

不能信解 [unable to have devoted interest]

不能傾動 [unperturbed]

不能動 [immovable]

不能及 [cannot reach]

不能安住 [cannot stabilize]

不能引 [cannot lead (draw, pull)]

不能引奪 [cannot be seduced]

不能引轉 [cannot be swayed [from the truth]]

不能往 [unable to proceed]

不能得 [cannot attain]

不能思惟 [inconceivable]

不能思擇 [unable to think critically]

不能悟解 [unable to understand]

不能拘礙 [unable to restrain]

不能捨 [unable to relinquish]

不能斷 [unbreakable]

不能斷壞 [unassailable]

不能斷滅 [unbreakable]

不能映奪 [unsurpassed [by]; insuperable]

不能正解 [by one untrained]

不能測 [unfathomable]

不能現起 [unable to produce]

不能生 [cannot arise]

不能發 [unable to come forth]

不能發起 [unable to give rise to]

不能盡 [inexhaustible]

不能知 [not able to understand]

不能礙 [cannot be obstructed]

不能究竟 [not able to fully...]

不能聞 [cannot hear]

不能行 [unable to do]

不能見 [cannot see]

不能解 [incomprehensible]

不能解脫 [unable to liberate]

不能說 [cannot explain]

不能超過 [nothing beyond]

不能退轉 [cannot retreat]

不能通 [incommensurate]

不能障道 [unable to obstruct the path]

不能離 [cannot get rid of]

不臈次 [not in order of age]

不臘次 [not in order of age]

不自在 [insovereign]

不自指 [(the finger) does not point at itself]

不自生 [nothing is produced by itself]

不自覺 [not aware on one's own]

不自輕蔑 [does not despise oneself]

不至 [does not reach]

不至解脫 [does not reach liberation]

不與 [not given]

不與取 [taking that which has not been given]

不與取戒 [precept against the taking of what is not given. ]

不與煩惱 [not [along] with afflictions]

不般涅槃 [not perfect nirvāṇa]

不般涅槃法 [non-nirvāṇic dharmas]

不若多羅 [Puṇyatāra]

不苦 [non-suffering]

不苦不樂 [neither suffering nor pleasure]

不苦不樂倶行 [accompanied by neither pleasure nor pain]

不苦不樂受 [sensation of neither pleasure nor pain]

不苦不樂受業 [actions experienced as neither happiness nor suffering]

不落不昧 [freedom from causality or subjection to causality]

不落因果 [not falling under the law of cause and effect]

不著 [to does not stick]

不著香華鬘不香塗身 [abstention from self-adornment with scents or cosmetics]

不蘭迦葉 [Pūraṇa-kāśyapa]

不虛 [non-falsity]

不虛妄性 [nature that is not false]

不融 [not subsumed]

不行 [not practicing]

不行欺誑 [does not practice deception]

不行而行 [doing without doing]

不行虛誑 [not deceiving]

不行黜罰 [not carrying out punishments]

不要 [not essential]

不覆 [does not cover]

不覆藏 [not covered up again]

不見 [not seen]

不覓正因 [correct reason of noncognition]

不覺 [nonenlightenment]

不覺心 [unenlightened mind]

不覺心起 [unenlightened mind arises]

不覺念起 [an unenlightened thought arises]

不覺現行位 [stage of activity of nonenlightenment]

不覺相 [aspects of nonenlightenment]

不覺義 [aspect of nonenlightenment]

不觀 [does not contemplate]

不觀察 [does not contemplate]

不解 [not understanding]

不解脫 [not liberated]

不言 [does not say]

不計 [does not construe]

不託 [does not rely upon]

不記 [unexplained]

不許 [not assented to]

不該 [does not embrace]

不誑 [non-deception]

不誓受 [not agreeing to]

不誓奉行 [does not vow to receive and practice]

不誓承事 [does not swear to serve]

不語 [does not talk]

不誦 [not chanting]

不誦戒 [non-recitation of the precepts]

不說 [does not explain]

不說一字 [does not speak a single word]

不說四衆過罪戒 [abstention from speaking of the faults of members of the saṃgha]

不說言語 [without saying anything]

不誹謗 [does not denigrate]

不調 [out of harmony]

不調柔 [inflexible]

不請 [not requested]

不請之友 [uninvited friend]

不請友 [uninvited friend]

不請求 [not requesting]

不請法 [unrequested teaching]

不請說 [unprompted teaching]

不論 [not discussed]

不謗 [not denigrating]

不謗三寶戒 [precept of not denigrating the three treasures]

不證 [does not actualize]

不識 [unaware]

不護 [not guarding]

不變 [immutable]

不變易 [unchanging]

不變易性 [unchanging nature]

不變異性 [immutability (of thusness)]

不變眞如 [unchanging thusness]

不變隨緣 [the unchanging, and according with conditions]

不貪 [not craving]

不貪欲 [abstention from covetousness]

不貴 [indifferent]

不起 [does not manifest; does not give rise to]

不起分別 [refrains from discriminating]

不起正思惟 [not thinking correctly]

不起法忍 [patience based on the realization of the nonarising of phenomena]

不起滅聲 [sound that neither arises nor ceases]

不趣入 [does not engage in]

不足 [dissatisfied]

不輕 [not despising]

不輕菩薩 [the bodhisattva Never Despising]

不輕菩薩品 [Chapter of the Bodhisattva Never Despising (Lotus Sūtra)]

不輕行 [practice of not despising others]

不輕陵 [not treated with disrespect]

不轉 [inactive]

不辨 [does not distinguish]

不辭 [unhindered]

不近 [does not approach]

不返 [not returning]

不迴 [not turning back]

不迷 [not confused]

不迷亂 [nonconfusion]

不退 [nonretrogression]

不退位 [stage of nonretrogression]

不退住 [abode of no retrogression]

不退信 [unretrogressive faith]

不退信心 [unretrogressive faith]

不退土 [land of no-retrogression]

不退地 [ground of nonretrogression]

不退墮 [does not retrogress]

不退失 [no retrogression]

不退弱 [does not falter]

不退心 [mind of nonretrogression]

不退智 [the cognition (which proceeds to enlightenment) without regression]

不退法 [not subject to retrogression]

不退法輪 [the nonretrogressing Wheel of the Dharma]

不退相 [characteristic of nonretrogression]

不退菩薩 [nonretrogressing bodhisattva]

不退輪 [never turning-back wheel]

不退轉 [nonretrogression]

不退轉位 [stage of non-regression]

不退轉地 [ground of nonretrogression]

不退轉子 [a son (of the Buddha]

不退轉法輪 [never turning-back wheel of the dharma]

不退轉法輪經 [Bu tuizhuan falun jing]

不退轉輪 [the nonretrogressing Wheel (of the Dharma)]

不退還 [not retrogressing]

不逆 [not opposing]

不逆違 [does not reject]

不通 [does not extend to]

不通達 [does not penetrate]

不速 [not fast]

不造 [does not do]

不逮 [subnormal]

不進 [not advancing]

不逼切 [does not oppress (harass, etc.)]

不逼惱 [does not bully]

不遂 [not done]

不遇 [does not meet]

不運 [does not carry]

不遍 [not pervading]

不遍一切 [does not fully pervade]

不過 [does not go beyond]

不道 [immoral]

不達 [does not attain]

不違 [not differing]

不違法相 [not at odds with the characteristics of the teachings]

不違越 [not transgressing]

不違逆 [not discordant]

不遠離 [does not separate from]

不遠離道 [does not leave the path]

不遣 [not excluded]

不遮 [not obstructing]

不遮止 [not restraining]

不遲 [not delaying]

不避 [not avoided]

不還 [nonreturner]

不還向 [entry into the stage of the nonreturner]

不還果 [consummation of the stage of the nonreturner]

不還者 [nonreturner]

不那利華 [a flower of the puṇḍarīka]

不邪 [non-debauchery]

不邪婬 [prohibition of debauchery]

不邪淫 [prohibition against sexual misconduct]

不邪見 [abstention from erroneous views]

不酤酒 [not selling alcohol]

不酤酒戒 [precept forbidding dealing in alcohol]

不重 [does not repeat]

不重舌 [not to slander]

不釐務侍者 [an attendant who has no special responsibilities]

不關 [irrelevant]

不障 [unobstructed]

不隨 [does not follow]

不隨煩惱自在而行 [does not act unrestrainedly according to one's afflictions]

不隨身 [not through the body]

不隨轉 [does not develop in accordance with]

不集 [does not gather]

不雜 [not mixed]

不雜亂 [not mixed up]

不離 [unseparated]

不離心 [not separate from mind]

不離性 [inseparability]

不離欲 [not indifferent to]

不離見佛 [never departing from the vision of the buddhas]

不離身 [not separate from the body]

不離過 [not free from error]

不難 [not difficult]

不靜 [not still]

不靜地 [states which lack mental stability]

不非時食 [abstention from eating at inappropriate times]

不順 [opposing]

不順意 [disagreeable]

不順法 [resisting the dharma]

不順法度 [opposing the rules and methods]

不須 [not necessary]

不須現 [non-necessary manifesation]

不頓 [not immediately]

不願 [does not wish]

不顚倒 [without cognitive distortion]

不類 [not of the same type]

不顧 [regardless of]

不顧論宗 [arbitrary proposition]

不顧身 [without regard for oneself]

不顧身命 [without concern for body and life]

不顯 [unmanifest]

不顯了 [unclear]

不顯名 [words which are unclear]

不顯現 [not visible]

不食 [does not eat]

不食肉 [abstention from eating meat]

不飮 [not drinking]

不飮酒 [abstention from the consumption of alcohol]

不飮酒戒 [precept forbidding the consumption of alcohol]

不飮酒者 [does not drink alcohol]

不饒益 [wrong]

不饒益事 [disadvantageous circumstances]

不驕樂天 [(Skt. Nirmāṇarati) heaven]

不驚 [not alarmed]

不齊 [unequal]

Updated: 2012-05-06