Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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一一 [one by one]

一一各 [each [individual] one]

一一各有 [each single one has...]

一一如法 [each one according to the rules]

一一毛生 [every hair is alive]

一一犯 [transgress one by one]

一一界中 [in each realm]

一一罪 [each and every crime]

一七日 [one set of seven days]

一丈六像 [sixteen foot form of the Buddha]

一三千 [one trichiliocosm]

一三昧 [one pointed concentration]

一下 [(to) strike once]

一世 [one life]

一世界 [one realm]

一中 [one middle way]

一中一切中 [one being recognized mean then all is of the mean]

一中劫 [one medium-length kalpa]

一乘 [one vehicle]

一乘三乘 [One Vehicle and three vehicles]

一乘之珠 [pearl of the One Vehicle]

一乘人 [one-vehicle adherent]

一乘分教 [partial teaching of the One Vehicle]

一乘因 [causes of the [teaching] of the One Vehicle]

一乘圓宗 [Complete School of the One Vehicle]

一乘妙法 [subtle dharma of the One Vehicle]

一乘家 [advocates of the One Vehicle]

一乘教 [One Vehicle teaching]

一乘機 [proclivity for the One Vehicle]

一乘法 [teaching of the One Vehicle]

一乘法門 [the dharma teaching of the One Vehicle]

一乘海 [One Vehicle ocean]

一乘滿教 [complete teaching of the One Vehicle]

一乘究竟教 [final teaching of the One Vehicle]

一乘經 [scripture of the One Vehicle]

一乘菩提 [One Vehicle enlightenment]

一乘菩薩 [One Vehicle bodhisattva]

一乘論 [single-vehicle theory]

一乘道 [the one and sole Vehicle and Path]

一乘顯性教 [the One Vehicle teaching that expresses the nature]

一九 [Amitâbha]

一九之生 [rebirth in the Pure Land]

一事 [a single entity]

一事境 [a particular thing]

一二 [one or two]

一人 [a person]

一人作虛萬人傳實 [one man's untruth is propagated by myriad men as truth]

一代 [one age]

一代三段 [three periods]

一代五時佛法 [five periods of Buddha's teachings]

一代教 [teachings of the entire life of the Buddha]

一代聖教 [holy teaching of the age]

一以 [by means of one]

一休 [Ikkyū]

一休宗純 [Ikkyū Sōjun]

一似 [just like]

一位一切位 [attaining one level, one attains to all levels]

一住 [a single abode]

一佛 [one buddha]

一佛一切佛 [one Buddha is all Buddhas]

一佛世界 [a single Buddha-realm]

一佛世界海 [one buddha-world ocean]

一佛乘 [single Buddha-vehicle]

一佛兩祖 [one Buddha and two ancestors]

一佛名字 [name of a single Buddha]

一佛國土 [a buddha land]

一佛土 [one buddha land]

一佛多佛 [one Buddha or many buddhas]

一佛淨土 [one Buddha's Pure Land]

一來 [once-returner]

一來向 [one who is entering onto the stage of the once-returner]

一來果 [one who has fully consummated the stage of the once-returner]

一例 [one example]

一依 [same single basis]

一依止 [same single basis]

一個半個 [particle]

一倶胝 [one koṭī]

一偈 [a single verse]

一億 [100,000,000]

一光三尊 [three honored ones in one light or halo]

一兎毛塵 [a particle of dust on a hare's down]

一刀三禮 [at each cut thrice to pay homage]

一刀兩段 [to cut into two with one stroke of the sword]

一分 [partial]

一分受 [partial reception]

一分家 [one-part school]

一分常論 [view of partial eternality]

一分斷 [partially eliminated]

一分菩薩 [partial bodhisattva]

一切 [all]

一切一切 [all without exception]

一切一心識 [all things are nothing but consciousness]

一切三界但唯有識 [everything in the three realms is nothing but consciousness]

一切不共佛法 [all the distinctive characteristics of a buddha]

一切世 [everywhere]

一切世人 [all the people of the world]

一切世俗智 [wisdom that understands all mundane phenomena]

一切世尊最尊特身 [most honored of the world-honored]

一切世尊最特身 [most honored of the world-honored]

一切世界 [all worlds]

一切世間 [all worlds]

一切世間不可樂想 [disaffection with everything worldly]

一切世間多怨難信 [which all the worlds much resent with incredulity]

一切乘 [all vehicles]

一切事 [all circumstances]

一切事成 [all-attained]

一切人中尊 [most honored among human beings ]

一切人天 [all human beings and celestials]

一切位 [all ranks]

一切位中 [everywhere]

一切佛 [all buddhas]

一切佛刹 [all buddha-worlds]

一切佛國土 [all buddha-lands]

一切佛土 [all buddha-lands]

一切佛平等性 [equality of all buddhas]

一切佛弟子 [all Buddha-disciples]

一切佛心 [minds of all buddhas]

一切佛心印 [sign on a Buddha's breast]

一切佛攝相應大教王經聖觀自在菩薩念誦儀軌 [Yiqie foshe xiangyingdajiaowang jingshengguan zizai pusa niansongyigui]

一切佛會 [assembly of all the buddhas]

一切佛法 [all Buddhist teachings]

一切依 [all constituents]

一切依寂靜 [tranquilization of all bases]

一切依處 [all bases]

一切偏智印 [sign of omniscience]

一切入 [(ten) universal points of concentration]

一切具足 [fully replete]

一切分 [all parts]

一切分位 [all states]

一切分位加行 [all grades of applied practices]

一切分位加行差別 [all distinctions in grades of applied practices]

一切利 [all benefits]

一切利有情 [all kinds of benefits for sentient beings ]

一切功德 [all merits]

一切功德莊嚴王經 [Yiqie gongde zhuangyanwang jing]

一切劫 [all kalpas]

一切十方 [all in the ten directions]

一切卽一 [all things are (contained in) one]

一切受 [all learning (?)]

一切口業隨智慧行 [the manifestation of wisdom power in word ]

一切品 [all sorts]

一切品類 [all types [sorts, species, categories, etc.]]

一切唯心造 [all things are created by the mind alone]

一切唯識 [everything is nothing but consciousness]

一切善根 [all wholesome roots]

一切善法 [all good phenomena]

一切因 [all causes]

一切因緣 [all causes and conditions]

一切地 [all stages]

一切境 [all objects (of cognition)]

一切境界 [all objects]

一切外道 [all non-Buddhists]

一切大乘 [all great vehicles]

一切大衆 [all great multitudes]

一切契經 [all the sūtras]

一切如來 [all tathāgatas]

一切如來定 [concentration of the tathāgatas]

一切如來寶 [talismanic pearl of all buddhas]

一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 [Yiqie rulaixin mimi quanshen sheli baoqieyin tuoluoni jing ]

一切如來必定印 [sign of the assurance of attaining Buddhahood.]

一切如來所護觀察衆生示現佛刹 [Yiqie rulai suohu guancha zhongsheng shixian focha]

一切如來普賢 [Samantabhadra as all tathāgatas]

一切如來智印 [sign of the wisdom of all buddhas]

一切如來眞實攝大乘現證三昧大教王經 [Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṁgraha(sūtra)]

一切如來眼色如明照三摩地 [Vairocana-samādhi]

一切如來稱讚雨寶陀羅尼經 [Sūtra of the Praise of All Tathāgatas for the Rain-Jewel Dhāraṇī]

一切如來行 [all tathāgata practices]

一切如來諸法本性淸淨蓮華三昧 [concentration on the lotus-like fundamental purity of existence]

一切如來諸法本性滿淨蓮華三昧 [lotus-samādhi]

一切如來金剛誓誡 [adamantine vow of all tathāgatas]

一切如來頂白傘蓋經 [Sarva-tathāgatôṣṇīṣasit]

一切妄想顚倒 [all illusions and distortions]

一切平等 [equality of all things]

一切心 [all mental states]

一切性 [all natures]

一切恐懼 [all fear-ridden [beings]]

一切悉 [all]

一切惑 [all mental disturbances]

一切惑障 [all afflictive hindrances]

一切惡 [all evil [activities, destinies]]

一切惡趣 [all negative rebirths]

一切意業隨智慧行 [the manifestation of wisdom power in thought]

一切慧 [all of wisdom]

一切憂苦 [all distress and suffering]

一切成就 [all-attained]

一切我 [all-self]

一切戒 [all precepts]

一切所 [all places]

一切所作 [all that is produced]

一切所作事 [all undertakings]

一切所有 [all]

一切所知 [all knowables]

一切所知善觀察覺 [excellent observing awareness of all knowables]

一切所知境 [all cognitive objects]

一切所知境界 [all knowables]

一切所知障 [all cognitive hindrances]

一切所緣 [all perceptual objects]

一切所餘 [all the remaining...]

一切捨 [detached from everything]

一切敏 [omniscience]

一切方便 [all skillful means]

一切方所 [all locations]

一切施 [all-bestowing]

一切時 [[at] all times]

一切時分 [all divisions of time]

一切時常 [incessantly]

一切普門身 [body that encompasses all aspects]

一切智 [omniscience]

一切智人 [person of omniscience]

一切智光明仙人慈心因緣不食肉經 [Sūtra on the Omniscient Luminous Sages Who Possess the Causes and Conditions of Compassion in Not Eating Meat]

一切智句 [state or abode of all wisdom]

一切智地 [stage of omniscience]

一切智天 [Sarvajñadeva]

一切智心 [mind of omniscience]

一切智慧 [omniscience]

一切智慧者 [all-wise one]

一切智智 [omniscience]

一切智無所畏 [fearlessness resultant from having full understanding of all phenomena]

一切智相 [omniscience]

一切智經 [Yiqie zhijing]

一切智者 [omniscient one]

一切智舟 [vessel of omniscience]

一切智船 [vessel of omniscience]

一切智藏 [repository of all wisdom]

一切智障 [all afflictive hindrances]

一切最勝 [all of the most distinguished]

一切有 [all existent things]

一切有心 [all possess mind]

一切有情 [all sentient beings ]

一切有情之類 [all living beings ]

一切有情界 [worlds of all beings ]

一切有情調伏 [disciplining of all sentient beings ]

一切有根本 [Mūla-sarvâstivāda]

一切有漏 [all contaminants]

一切有漏法 [all tainted phenomena]

一切有爲 [all conditioned phenomena]

一切有爲法 [all compounded phenomena]

一切有礙 [all things obstructed]

一切有部 [Sarvâstivāda]

一切染 [all defilement]

一切業 [all activities (or karmas)]

一切業道 [all courses of activity]

一切業障 [all karmic hindrances]

一切業障海 [sea of all karmic hindrances]

一切欲 [all desires]

一切欲界 [all realms of desire]

一切法 [all dharmas]

一切法不生 [all phenomena are unarisen]

一切法中 [within all phenomena]

一切法中得自在力 [to attain sovereignty in regard to all dharmas]

一切法如 [all existences as they are]

一切法如實相 [the true characteristics of all dharmas]

一切法性 [nature of all dharmas]

一切法無性 [all dharmas are without fixed nature]

一切法無我 [all phenomena lack self]

一切法界決定智印 [seal of determined wisdom of all experiential realms]

一切法界生印 [sign of the production of all realms of reality]

一切法界自身表 [buddha's self-manifestation to all creation]

一切法皆無我 [all phenomena are without a self]

一切法皆無自性 [all phenomena lack self nature]

一切法空 [emptiness of all phenomena]

一切法第一義智 [cognition of the ultimate truth of all phenomena]

一切法義 [content of all dharmas]

一切法門 [the whole gamut of teachings]

一切流攝經 [Yiqieliu she jing]

一切流經 [Yiqieliu jing]

一切淨功德莊嚴 [sarva-guṇalaṃkāra-vyūha]

一切漏盡 [all contamination is extinguished]

一切無明 [all [kinds] of nescience]

一切無礙 [all [things] are without obstruction]

一切無障法印明 [a sign for overcoming all hindrances]

一切無障礙 [perfectly unobstructed]

一切煩惱 [all afflictions]

一切煩惱不隨縛智 [cognition that is not bound to all afflictions]

一切煩惱垢 [all afflictive defilements]

一切煩惱習氣 [all afflictive karmic impressions]

一切煩惱習氣永斷 [all habituated tendencies of affliction are permanently eliminated]

一切煩惱藏 [the store of all afflictions]

一切煩惱障 [all afflictive hindrances]

一切物 [all things]

一切生 [all births]

一切生處 [all places of birth]

一切界 [all factors]

一切皆 [all]

一切皆唯有識 [everything is only existent in consciousness]

一切皆成 [all beings become buddhas]

一切皆有 [all, without exception, possess...]

一切皆無所有 [all are utterly nonexistent]

一切皆空 [all is empty]

一切皆空宗 [schools which maintain the emptiness of all things]

一切皆苦 [all experiences are [ultimately] suffering]

一切相 [all signs]

一切相智 [omniscient mind]

一切眞言心 [heart of all true words]

一切眞言王 [all the true word rulers]

一切瞋 [all kinds of enmity]

一切祕密最上名義大教王儀軌 [Yiqie mimi zuishang mingyi dajiaowang yigui]

一切禪 [meditation on achieving the development of self and all others to the utmost]

一切種 [all kinds]

一切種利 [all kinds of benefit]

一切種妙三昧 [concentration of all mysteries]

一切種妙智 [marvelous cognition that apprehends all kinds of phenomena]

一切種子 [all seeds]

一切種子識 [consciousness containing all seeds]

一切種子阿賴耶識 [store consciousness that contains all seeds]

一切種心淸淨 [purification of all kinds of mentation]

一切種所依淸淨 [purification of all kinds of supports]

一切種所知 [all knowables]

一切種所知境界 [every kind of object of cognition]

一切種所緣淸淨 [purification of all kinds of perceptual objects]

一切種教 [all kind of teachings]

一切種智 [all-inclusive cognition]

一切種智淸淨 [purification of all kinds of cognition]

一切種極微細煩惱 [all of the most extremely subtle hindrances]

一切種淸淨 [all kinds of purity]

一切種皆 [all kinds are completely...]

一切種相 [all kinds of characteristics]

一切種知 [all-inclusive cognition]

一切種識 [consciousness containing all seeds]

一切種類 [all kinds]

一切空 [all empty]

一切精進 [all kinds of zeal]

一切經 [complete Buddhist canon]

一切經典 [all sūtras]

一切經藏 [sūtra repository]

一切經音義 [The Sounds and Meanings [of all the words in] the Scriptures]

一切罪 [all sins]

一切罪報 [retribution for all one's evil acts]

一切義 [all objects]

一切義利 [all kinds of benefit]

一切義成 [Sarvârthasiddha]

一切義成就 [all-attained]

一切聖人 [all adepts]

一切聲聞 [all direct disciples]

一切聲聞獨覺 [all direct disciples and solitary realizers]

一切肉 [all meats]

一切自相 [all distinctive characteristics]

一切苦 [all suffering]

一切苦行 [all ascetic practices]

一切菩提分法 [all the factors of enlightenment]

一切菩薩 [all bodhisattvas]

一切菩薩戒 [full set of bodhisattva precepts]

一切萬 [all things]

一切萬有 [all myriad existences]

一切萬法 [all phenomena]

一切萬物 [all the myriad things]

一切處 [everywhere]

一切處無不相應眞言 [true word that responds everywhere]

一切衆 [all groups]

一切衆會 [all gatherings]

一切衆生 [all sentient beings ]

一切衆生之父 [father of all the living]

一切衆生咸敬 [Sarvasattvapriyadarśana]

一切衆生喜見 [Sarvasattvapriyadarśana]

一切衆生喜見佛 [Sarvasattva-priya-darśana]

一切衆生平等 [equality of all sentient beings [with the buddha]]

一切衆生心 [minds of all sentient beings]

一切衆生悉有佛性 [all sentient beings possess Buddha-nature]

一切衆生有佛性 [all sentient beings have the buddha-nature]

一切衆生有如來藏 [all sentient beings possess the womb of the thus-come-one]

一切衆生界 [worlds of all sentient beings ]

一切衆生皆悉成佛 [all beings accomplish Buddhahood]

一切衆生皆有佛性 [all sentient beings without exception possess the Buddha-nature]

一切衆生精氣 [Sarvasattvāujohārī]

一切衆生離諸惡趣 [(Skt. sarvasattva-pāpa-prahāṇa)]

一切行 [all (compounded) things]

一切行共相 [general attribute of all conditioned things]

一切行無常 [all conditioned phenomena are impermanent]

一切行相 [all modes]

一切行相一切智智 [all mental functions and all omniscience]

一切行禪 [meditation on all Mahāyāna practices and actions]

一切行苦 [all compounded phenomena are suffering]

一切見 [all views]

一切見住地 [entrenchment of all views]

一切見趣 [all opinions]

一切覺 [all enlightenment]

一切語言部 [Sarvâstivāda]

一切說 [all explanations]

一切說法 [all explanations of the dharma]

一切論 [all treatises]

一切諸佛 [all buddhas]

一切諸佛所護念經 [Sūtra on the Inconceivable Merits Maintained by the Buddhas]

一切諸天 [all celestials]

一切諸如來 [all tathāgatas]

一切諸法 [all dharmas]

一切諸法想 [all conceptualizations of the dharma]

一切諸法種子 [seeds of all phenomena]

一切諸菩薩 [all bodhisattvas]

一切諸菩薩住 [all bodhisattva stages]

一切諸行 [all conditioned phenomena]

一切識 [all consciousnesses]

一切識種子 [seeds of all consciousnesses]

一切資具 [all necessities]

一切趣因 [causes of all types of patterns of rebirth]

一切身 [all bodies]

一切身業隨智慧行 [the manifestation of wisdom power in deed (or body)]

一切身財 [all personal possessions]

一切遍智印 [seal of omniscience]

一切遍行眞如智 [cognition of the omnipresent operations of thusness]

一切過患 [all faults]

一切過患及與功德 [all faults and merits]

一切都 [each and every]

一切都無所有 [all is nonexistent]

一切門禪 [meditation on the entrance to all the (superior) dhyāna conditions]

一切障 [all hindrances]

一切雜染 [all defilements]

一切雜染根本 [root of all defilements]

一切靜慮 [all meditations]

一切魔 [all Māras (evil demons)]

一切魔怨 [all [the armies] of Māra]

一切魔怨大威力 [great power of all [the armies of] Māra]

一切魔軍 [all the armies of Māra]

一刹 [a world]

一刹那 [an instant]

一刹那間 [an instant]

一刹那頃 [for an instant]

一劫 [one kalpa]

一劫住 [abiding for a single eon]

一化 [one life's teachings]

一化五味之教 [five kinds of teaching during the Buddha's career]

一匝 [one round]

一十萬 [110,000]

一千 [a thousand]

一千七百則公案 [one thousand seven hundred gong-an cases]

一千二百 [1,200]

一千二百功德 [twelve hundred merits]

一印 [a seal]

一印會 [assembly under a single sign]

一卷 [one scroll]

一卽一切 [one is all]

一卽一切一切卽一 [one is all and all is one]

一卽三 [one is (or includes) three]

一卽六 [one is none other than six]

一卽十 [one is ten]

一卽多 [one is many]

一卽多多卽一 [one is many, the many are one]

一叉鳩王 [Ikṣvāku Virūḍhaka]

一反念 [one single thought]

一口 [one mouth[ful]]

一口吸盡西江水 [drinking all of the River Xi in one gulp]

一句 [a phrase]

一句了然超百億 [through understanding one phrase, going beyond 10,000,000,000 passages]

一句子 [a phrase]

一句投火 [for but one sentence of the Truth willingly to cast oneself into the fire]

一句法 [one phrase of the teaching]

一句道得 [to express the essence of the Way with a single phrase]

一句道盡 [with one word to make clear the whole Dharma]

一合 [a combination]

一合相 [a composite]

一同 [all together]

一名 [one name]

一向 [entirely]

一向一揆 [single-minded (sect) rebellions]

一向不空 [exclusively nonempty]

一向住 [to dwell exclusively (on one object)]

一向修 [one-pointed cultivation]

一向出生菩薩經 [Yixiang chusheng pusa jing]

一向大乘寺 [a monastery wholly Mahāyāna]

一向宗 [Fervent sect]

一向定 [devoted to one aim or object or person or theory]

一向專 [solely]

一向專念 [to focus on single-mindedly]

一向小乘寺 [a monastery wholly Hīnayāna]

一向怖畏衆苦 [uniformly afraid of suffering]

一向慈悲薄弱 [uniformly deficient in compassion]

一向有漏 [completely contaminated]

一向樂 [thorough joy]

一向求 [to seek earnestly]

一向決定 [devoted to one aim or object]

一向淨 [only pure]

一向淸淨 [wholly pure]

一向無 [totally inexistent]

一向無垢 [uniformly unsullied]

一向無失 [thorough infallibility]

一向無漏 [completely uncontaminated]

一向無罪 [completely without fault]

一向空 [exclusively empty]

一向自在 [full mastery]

一向苦 [[experiencing] only suffering]

一向記 [direct answer]

一向說 [Buddha always taught the same thing]

一向趣 [the sole path]

一向趣寂 [path aimed for extinction]

一向趣寂聲聞 [śrāvakas on the path to extinction]

一向門 [gate of one-pointedness]

一向隨轉 [to only follow]

一向離 [totally unique]

一吹 [one puff]

一周忌 [anniversary of a death]

一味 [single taste]

一味寺 [Ilmisa]

一味瀉甁 [perfect transmission of the single taste]

一味瀉缾 [pouring the bottle with one taste]

一味無爲法 [unconditioned dharma of a single taste]

一味禪 [one taste Chan]

一味蘊 [aggregate of a single taste]

一味道 [one flavor path]

一命 [one life]

一品 [a section]

一唾一吹 [a spit or a puff]

一善 [one [act of] goodness]

一喝 [a call, shout]

一囘周 [first anniversary of a death]

一囘忌 [first anniversary of a death]

一四句 [one four phrase [verse]]

一四句偈 [a four-character line of a gāthā, or verse]

一四句頌 [one four-line verse]

一四天下 [a world of four great continents surrounding Mt. Sumeru]

一因 [a cause]

一因一果 [same cause, same effect]

一圓 [one circle]

一圓實 [one complete true [teaching]]

一圓相 [sign of the circle]

一團 [one mass]

一地 [single ground]

一坐 [one seat]

一坐之頃 [in an instant of a sitting]

一坐食 [to eat in a single session]

一堂 [single seat]

一場懡儸 [great shame]

一場敗闕 [big failure]

一塵 [a particle]

一塵一妙 [part coarse, part subtle]

一塵法界 [realm of an atom]

一境 [one realm]

一境三諦 [three truths seen in one object]

一境四心 [four ways of discerning the same object]

一境念 [one-pointed recollection]

一境性 [single-realm-ness]

一增一減 [an eon of increase and decrease]

一壇構 [decoration of one altar]

一夏 [one summer retreat]

一夏九旬 [nine ten day periods in summer]

一多 [one and many]

一多相容不同門 [the profound approach of one and many influencing each other, without losing their own peculiarities]

一夜 [one night]

一大三千世界 [a great chiliocosm or universe of the three kinds of thousands of worlds]

一大事 [single great matter]

一大事因緣 [the sole great purpose for the Buddha's appearance in this world]

一大劫 [one great kalpa]

一大千 [great chiliocosm]

一大宅 [one great house]

一大藏教 [one great tripiṭaka]

一大車 [one great vehicle]

一天 [whole sky]

一如 [oneness]

一如觀音 [Avalokitêśvara as thusness]

一如頓證 [sudden realization of thusness]

一妙淸淨道 [single marvelous pure path]

一子 [an only child]

一子地 [ground of the only child]

一字 [one word]

一字三禮 [three bows for each word]

一字不說 [not saying a single word]

一字奇特佛頂經 [Tantra of the Benevolent One-Syllable Buddha-Corona]

一字心呪經 [Yizi xinzhou jing]

一字文殊 [Single-word Mañjuśrī]

一字禪 [one-word Chan]

一字經 [Yizi jing]

一字金輪 [one-letter golden wheel]

一字金輪法 [ritual of the one word golden wheel]

一字關 [one-word barrier]

一字頂輪王經 [Yiziding lunwang jing]

一宗 [one school]

一定 [certain]

一定性 [identity]

一家 [one school]

一家宴 [a monastic family party]

一宿 [one night (stopover, lodging)]

一宿庵 [Ilsug-am]

一宿覺 [Yisu Jue]

一實 [single reality]

一實乘 [vehicle of the single reality]

一實圓乘 [perfect vehicle of the single reality]

一實圓宗 [school of the single, real perfection]

一實境界 [one true realm]

一實無相 [single reality without marks]

一實相 [one true mark]

一實相印 [seal of one true mark]

一實諦 [one real truth]

一寧 [Yining]

一寶 [singular treasure]

一尋 [a fathom]

一小劫 [minor eon]

一山 [a hill]

一山一寧 [Yishan Yining]

一山國師 [Yishan Yining]

一山派 [Issan ha]

一幕寺 [Ilmaksa]

一年 [one year]

一座 [single seat]

一座上 [on the spot (?)]

一張手 [span of one hand]

一彈指 [snap of the fingers]

一形 [an appearance]

一往 [simply]

一微塵 [a particle of dust]

一微塵法 [a tiny particle of the dharma]

一心 [one mind]

一心三惑 [three disturbances in one thought]

一心三智 [one mind and three aspects of knowledge]

一心三觀 [three insights in one thought]

一心不亂 [one-pointed concentration without scattering]

一心中 [within one mind]

一心二門 [one mind, two aspects]

一心制意 [to focus the mind and control thoughts]

一心刹那 [one thought-moment]

一心合掌 [single-mindedly joins palms]

一心專念 [concentrate fully [on Amitâbha] for one thought]

一心念佛 [single-mindedly chanting the Buddha name]

一心正念 [to single-mindedly rectify wrong thinking thoughts and be mindful of the Buddha-way]

一心稱名 [with undivided mind to call on the name (of Avalokitêśvara)]

一心金剛寶戒 [adamantine jeweled precepts of the one mind]

一心金剛戒 [adamantine precepts of one mind]

一心頂禮 [to bow with wholehearted reverence]

一念 [thought-moment]

一念三千 [a chiliocosm in a single thought]

一念不生 [one thought not arising]

一念之頃 [instant of a single thought-moment]

一念多通 [a single thought penetrating everywhere]

一念心 [single thought moment]

一念心中具足三諦 [threefold truth is fully included in a single moment of thought]

一念智 [one moment of cognition]

一念業成 [karma complete in one thought]

一念法界 [integrate thoughts with reality (the dharmadhātu) ]

一念相應 [united with in an instant of thought]

一念相應慧 [wisdom united with in an instant of thought]

一念稱名 [one recollection (or recitation) of the [Buddha's] name]

一念萬年 [an eternity in a single thought-moment]

一念頃 [instant of thought]

一性 [single nature]

一性宗 [one-nature schools]

一恆 [as one Ganges]

一恆河沙 [as one Ganges]

一息 [a breath]

一息半步 [one breath at half a step]

一惑 [a single mental disturbance]

一慶 [one instance of good fortune]

一成一切成 [when one is consummated, all are consummated]

一我 [a unitary self]

一戒 [a single rule]

一手 [one hand]

一手擡一手搦 [to raise up with one hand and press down with the other]

一拶 [one question to check]

一持 [sticking to one thing]

一指禪 [one-finger Chan]

一指頭禪 [one-finger Chan]

一掬 [a single scoop]

一揆 [the same method]

一揣食 [a handful of food]

一搏之食 [one-morsel food]

一搏食 [one-morsel food]

一搩手 [hand-span]

一搭手 [hand-span]

一摶食 [a handful of food]

一教 [one teaching]

一數 [a unit]

一斷一切斷 [when one [illusion] is severed, all are severed]

一方 [one side]

一日 [a day]

一日一夜 [a day and a night]

一日三時 [three divisions of a day]

一日不作一日不食 [a day without work is a day without food]

一日佛 [a one-day Buddha]

一日經 [one day [transcribing of] a sūtra]

一日齋 [one day of observance]

一旦 [once (something should happen...)]

一明 [one dhāraṇī]

一時 [one time; at the same time]

一時倶 [simultaneous]

一時倶轉 [function concurrently]

一時滅 [to perish instantaneously]

一時間 [occasionally]

一普 [a company]

一智 [a single type of cognition]

一曰多伽 [stories of the lives of saints]

一會 [one meeting]

一月 [one month]

一月三舟 [one moon and three boats]

一月三身 [one moon, three bodies]

一月日 [all the days of one month]

一有 [one existence]

一有情 [one sentient being]

一朝 [overnight]

一期 [one period]

一期身 [momentarily existent self]

一果 [same effect]

一枝庵 [Iljiam]

一柱門 [one pillar gate]

一根 [one faculty]

一棒打殺 [to strike dead with one blow]

一業 [a karma]

一極 [one ultimate]

一極微 [an atom]

一機一境 [subject and object]

一檀構 [setting up a single altar]

一次 [once]

一段 [one stage]

一段事 [fundamental matter]

一殺多生 [to kill one that many may live]

一毛 [a single hair]

一毛孔 [a single pore]

一毛端 [tip of a hair]

一毫 [one fine hair]

一水 [one (body of) water]

一水四見 [single substance of water is perceived in four different ways]

一法 [one dharma]

一法中道 [single dharma of the middle way]

一法印 [a seal of Buddha truth]

一法句 [abode of one truth]

一法界 [single reality realm]

一法界心 [mind of the single reality realm]

一流 [same class]

一浮漚 [a floating bubble]

一渧 [one drop]

一滅度 [a single extinction]

一炷 [one burning of incense]

一無礙道 [one unobstructed path]

一然 [Iryeon]

一燈 [a single lamp]

一片 [a piece of]

一牛吼 [one mooing of cattle]

一物 [one thing]

一物不將來 [to come carrying nothing]

一理 [one principle]

一生 [a life]

一生不犯 [a lifetime without fault]

一生入妙覺 [entering marvelous enlightenment in a single lifetime]

一生大士 [One Life Bodhisattva]

一生所繫 [bound to one birth]

一生所繫菩薩 [bodhisattva bound to a single life (Maitreya)]

一生果遂 [completing the result in one life]

一生菩薩 [bodhisattvas in their last lifetime before attaining Buddhahood]

一生補處 [limited to (only) one (more) birth]

一生補處菩薩 [bodhisattva in the position of aiding for one life]

一生補處菩薩像 [image of the bodhisattva who will help]

一由旬 [one yojana]

一界 [one realm]

一番 [first]

一異 [sameness and difference]

一發 [a single appearance]

一發意頃 [in an instant (as short as) raising but one single thought]

一白三羯磨 [an announcement or reading, and three responses, or promises of performance (karman)]

一百 [a hundred]

一百八 [108]

一盞 [a single wine-cup]

一目 [a single title]

一目多伽 [stories of the lives of saints]

一直 [to focus exclusively on]

一相 [one aspect]

一相一味 [one character and one taste]

一相三昧 [meditative absorption of one characteristic]

一相智 [wisdom that discerns the character of unity of existence]

一相法門 [dharma gate of unity of character]

一相無相 [one mark implies no marks]

一相莊嚴三昧 [sublime meditative absorption of one characteristic]

一眞 [one reality]

一眞地 [stage of realization of the absolute]

一眞如 [single thusness]

一眞法界 [one true realm of reality]

一眞無爲 [one true unconditioned]

一眼之龜 [one-eyed tortoise]

一瞬 [a single moment]

一磔手 [hand-span]

一禪 [Ilseon]

一禿乘 [a bald-pated vehicle]

一種 [one type]

一稱 [say once]

一積 [one heap]

一究竟淸淨 [single absolute purity]

一空 [singular emptiness]

一端 [one part]

一筆三禮 [three salutations at each (use of the) pen]

一筆勾 [crossed out with a stroke of the pen]

一筆勾銷 [crossed out with a stroke of the pen]

一筆句下 [to cross out a word with a stroke of the pen]

一等 [equal]

一箇半箇 [one or one half]

一箭道 [an arrow's flight]

一篋四蛇 [four snakes in one basket]

一納 [patchwork garment]

一紙小消息 [One-sheet Response]

一統 [to be joined into one.]

一緣住 [abiding in one-pointedness]

一縷一觸 [a thread]

一義 [one thing]

一翳 [a film on the eye]

一聚 [one heap (mass, group, pile, etc.)]

一聞 [a single hearing]

一肘 [one elbow]

一臈 [monastic year]

一臘 [monastic year]

一般 [same]

一色 [single color]

一色一香無非中道 [even a simple color or smell does not lack the middle way]

一色邊 [extent of a single color]

一色那邊 [extent of a single color]

一花五葉 [five petals of one flower]

一草 [a blade of grass]

一莊嚴 [one adornment]

一莊嚴三昧 [sublime meditative absorption of one characteristic]

一莖草 [a blade of grass]

一菩提寺 [ Ilborisa]

一華 [one flower]

一華五葉 [one blossom with five petals]

一華開五葉 [one flower blossoms with five petals]

一葉 [a leaf]

一葉觀音 [one leaf Avalokitêśvara]

一著 [one move]

一葦於長江 [crossing the Yangzi River on a single reed]

一蓮 [one lotus]

一蓮之實 [reality of the single lotus]

一蓮托生 [one lotus bearing all the living]

一蓮託生 [one lotus bearing all the living]

一蘊 [one cluster]

一處 [simultaneously]

一蟣 [likṣā]

一衆 [a group]

一衆駭然 [the whole assembly was shocked and speechless]

一行 [single practice]

一行一切行 [one practice includes all practices]

一行三昧 [one-practice absorption]

一行相 [single defining activity]

一行禪師 [Yixing chanshi]

一衲 [patchwork garment]

一覺 [one enlightenment]

一觀 [one contemplation]

一角仙 [Ekaśṛṅga]

一角仙人 [Ekaśṛṅga]

一解 [one (kind of) liberation]

一解脫 [one liberation]

一觸 [one butt]

一言 [one word]

一言聲 [singular number]

一訶子 [haritaki]

一語 [one word]

一說部 [Ekavyāvahārika]

一論 [Yilun]

一諦 [single truth]

一識 [one consciousness]

一識外道 [heretics who believe in a single consciousness]

一貌 [of one appearance]

一質不成 [one essence unproved]

一超直入 [to directly enter through a moment of transcendence]

一趣 [singular goal]

一足 [one leg]

一路涅槃 [the straight path to nirvāṇa]

一路涅槃門 [the straight path to nirvāṇa]

一身 [a single person]

一軌 [a single standard]

一輩 [belonging to one and the same group]

一轉 [one manifestation]

一轉語 [a turning word]

一途 [one path]

一遍 [all thoughts]

一道 [one way]

一道法門 [dharma entry of the single path]

一道無爲心 [unconditioned mind of the single path]

一道神光 [spiritual luminosity of the single path]

一道義 [Doctrine of the Single Path]

一邊 [one extreme]

一部 [one part]

一重 [one layer]

一錢 [one penny]

一鏃破三關 [one arrow pierces three gates]

一鏡 [a single mirror]

一門 [single gate]

一門普門 [one approach includes all approaches]

一門次第 [one aspect of the sequence]

一間 [one interruption]

一間聖者 [sages with one interval remaining]

一闡底柯 [icchantika]

一闡底迦 [icchantika]

一闡提 [icchantika]

一闡提伽 [icchantika]

一闡提迦 [incorrigible]

一隅 [one corner]

一際 [the same realm]

一障 [one hindrance]

一隻眼 [singular eye]

一雙 [one set]

一雨 [a rain]

一面 [one aspect]

一音 [one sound]

一音教 [one-voice teaching]

一音說法 [expounding the Dharma in a single voice]

一頓 [once]

一頓棒 [one strike with the staff]

一領布衫 [one piece of hemp cloth]

一領布衫重七斤 [ a hemp garment weighing seven catties]

一顆明珠 [One Bright Pearl]

一願建立 [single vow upon which [Pure Land] is established]

一顚迦 [incorrigible]

一類 [one type]

一類相續 [continuity of [sameness in] type]

一類緣境 [one type of perceptual object]

一食 [one meal a day]

一食之頃 [during the time of a single meal]

一食頃 [time it takes for a meal]

一體 [single body]

一體三分 [three manifestations of a single essence]

一體三寶 [one essence for Three Treasures]

一體三身自性佛 [three bodies, the own-nature of the buddha, in one body (?)]

一體速疾力三昧 [a samādhi in which instantaneous powers are acquired]

一髻 [a topknot]

一髻文殊 [one topknot Mañjuśrī]

一髻羅刹女 [Single top-knot]

一髻羅刹王菩薩 [one topknot rakṣa-king bodhisattva]

一魔萬箭 [one demon myriad arrows]

一麨團 [a speck of flour]

一麻一米 [a hempseed and a grain of rice a day]

一點 [a single speck]

Updated: 2012-05-06