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Barbara Meisterernst

Barbara Meisterernst earned her Ph.D. in 1998 at the Institute for Sinologie, Westfaelische Wilhelms-University, Muenster, with a thesis on “Language Changes from Classical to Han period Chinese.” She presently holds a research position at the Humboldt University, Berlin, Seminary for Sinology; teaching at the Humboldt-University and at the Technical University, Berlin. Her main research interests are: Classical, Pre-Medieval and Medieval Chinese, diachronic syntax, semantics, phonology, Buddhist Chinese, Silk Road Studies. Her current main research project is entitled: “The diachronic development of the verb phrase in Pre-Tang Chinese: Aspect and Modality from Classical to early Medieval Chinese.” She is a member of the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, CNRS, Paris and the Centre of Buddhist Studies at Ghent University. She has contributed several entries to the DDB on aspecto-temporal adverbs. [2010/7/28]